JJiV < t v r Y U S1E ITI J1 THE WEATHER PREDICTION II I ID Cb For N w York n Its VIcnltll I tUbe uu I I Fair norlhwesterly wlndJ I L = = ITS SO J I = VOL f 1110 14 N w YORK SATURDAY SEPTIMBER 14 1895COlYHGlT 1S5iIY TIE SUN PIiFJG AND ULSHNG ASSOOfTJX IHC TWO CENTS t COMPELLED I TO SHIP GOLD WCRStt TRADE HALAXOIS CA VSfl 1IXATY EXPORTS Of HlKCtK TTIH COB fond Syndicate The floTermment Iyndl Wil Dune to Collect for the Trrnury < h lold Iteoutred to liko Settlement AbroadA Statement from Mr Mnritan Wall tnt was disturbed ycsterd y by t the withdrawal from the SubTreasnry of 4aoo 000 gold for export to Europe today In Ill lold eprt lion to that amount a 1 firm of bullion broker lon uhlp faSOOOO uinklnc lh total J4650000 It hiul generally been expected that about tUOOOOO would be sent out by todays steam ers consequently tho withdrawal from the HubTreasury promptly at the beginning of business of 51000000 by I mercantile home that lias been a conitnnt shipper of cold and of f BOOOOO by t A banking house that ha been re mitting Klnst Government bonds of the mlttnl It baa been purchasing last ant which hI ben nrchl ing In London did not create any sur I prise nor attraot much attention The rent of the day was the withdrawal of 2500 000 sold by Lazard Frcres who were the heav iest sltlppcn of gold prior t tho formation of the Government bond syndicate last February I H I currently reported that thin firm hail an interest of 1000000 In the Government bond and the Itnpresaton has prevailed syndicate as Imfrelslon ha proYAlrt all atone that members of the syndicate had committed thomsee not t ship gold yestcr dajrs transaction by Lazard Frtrcs provoked a toed deal of comment An authoritative statement was printed In TUB MN a few k ego that the members of tho syndicate are not bound by agreement not to hp cold abroad during the life of the con tract That statement was reiterated by Mr J P Morgan yesterday who tald that there a DO basis for current reports that Lazard Frores had lolated their syndicate obligations In sblo old The only obligation that member Jlnl gold T obliaton membn ef > f the syndicate an under not to ship gold Is 1 a moral one and In the cast of Lazard Freres It appears that the exigencies of their business and of the situation hare compelled them to cover coma of the exchange they have drawn by a remittance In cash Members of the firm lUte that they hare been drawing freely for tome time past and of late only to lupply remitters who are their regular customers In common with other members of the Government bond syndicate they bad hoped by this time to t able to cover their drawing with train cotton and other commercial bills bet for reasons patent to every one they hare Wen unable to do 6 Comparatively little grain It going ont of the country and owing t low prices the amount of exchange male against It b small As I well known the cotton crop which furnishes a larger amount of exchange than any other one product of this country has cot yet begun to come upon the market and Ihe climax of unfavorable developments In tho forelkn exchange market Is that Europe Is sellIng tag more securities In this market than It Is buying I I i understood that Lazard Freres Informed the managers of the Government bond syndi cate several days ago that they would be com pelled to make a large shipment of gold today It tler could not obtain some other form of remittance mittance A suggestion that the managers of the vindicate mlgnt b willing t cell a cable transfer covering the amount Involved was not accepted and In consequence the firm was com 1rd to forward the gold shipped today Con sidering the axtent of the actual commercial utm nd for zemlttaijrfiJpS roperrtjnHipz chiefly from extraordinary Imports under the present low tariff and toe unusually small volume of exports of staple product at loW prices It would seem t make very little differ ence through what banking houses the Im perative settlements of an adverse foreign trade UJnce are made I la plain that the situation dOM not favor the plan nor fulfil the expecta lons of the Government bond syndicate Its members when they undertook their task srrnrd reasonably enough from precedent that the currents of foreign trade would turn In favor ri 1 the United States during the present month 1iifortunatelr there are a yet no trustworthy Indications of such a change still It Is gener Lily conceded that the change must come some time letore l the end of the year V Pending that change and In view of the great lapurtance that ha been attached t the opera tions and policy of the Government bond syndl nte It Is I Interesting t know the Intentions of the managers of the syndicate Upon this point Mr J Plerpont Morgan made the follow ing statement yesterday The Govern ment bond syndicate fulfilled Its contract with the Government In June when It received the last of the bonds due I In pay ment for the gold It contracted t sell to the Government In February but It ha been the aim and I i still the Intention of the syndicate to continue to aulst the Treasury In maintaining its told balance The syndicate Is I constantly accumulating lold and a fast as any quantity I 1 collected It will b turned over t the Treas ury 1 will continue to do a after Oct 1 In Tact no date has been fixed when that policy will be dlnontlnued 1 b dbeonUnoo 0 Mr Morgan added that he looked for a more liberal supply of cotton and grain hills In the tear future lie appeared t be In no degree disturbed by yesterdays developments and said that he believed the banks would assist In reinforcing the Treasury gold balance from tluiu to time as they had heretofore As the Rational banks alone according t their last reports to the Comptroller of the Currency hld 177000000 of gold I would appear that some assistance might reasonably b expected from that quarter Three of the city banks fiK4 fuoo ° ° 0 gold In the SubTreasury LitiSty In exchange for legal tenders The tltntlons and the amounts contributed by tah were Hanover National 500000 Anprican Eichange 1200000 and Natfonaf Rink of Commerce 200000 it was reported 10haHha atonal Park Hank deposited rpre Ott V nlord As a matter of fact It con 1Ule > that amount to the syndicate I week SSi twther > witii the Chase National and S W Ibe Dames of wnlch hve not beta made VMUIC mae thlu trftt II l regarding with especial Interest WrtleSllT111 of gold held by the City lank MM CUlirly In 11 wo a statemsntfrom tOe Pres dnt tatmntrm tnlre lattnitt that bank Published lat week of his iflteOtioii l I kit trDUon to CoOpert wit I other Institutions lt Me members of the syndicate Inlttutol Iti tnS mrmbrl lynLlcalo assisting I n maolirn to carry out their plo > toward TrIury Wllh the view of attracting fOld 10 Ih Treasury the department announce tI that for re jIttiln told coin In amounts or mul 1 I es lf SIOO amounl will > ° smell denomination 01 currency 1 I uublptel i 1 b > the Treasury of the United fcUlnwlB at fc1imenf contract rale on the day IreuurT flilloelne the V011 of the Mold at the HiI rrury lntea > of at bankers rates Joy rnIflentcontract rate > are 11 rent Per 81000 r s mtt en rat vary from B0 celt a t 105 taller forln uchanle market was somewhat 5 ictt tlrly ant at the close of bulnen at 14 H 411 for delivery next week were offered ateuVt egaiuat a ruling rate during the sy of rullK day YO Mbotit about VJOA Of the gold < going out III fLllt Ln00000 u shipped against cable l ere 111 during the lat day or two the lay tO Ieii Ithe offering of those Insofar hal tile 10 lo the market a little rolls Ith rU1 a Iruhorhy source It II learned that 1flntllon lre pending wills every prospect ilecps evry ou JroJct Ir the sate abroad of blocks ot 5lCltIe3ofan Juu Ollrete value of nearly 10 Thb hrlV Cflyagemeflt ot specie t tnyamnt 1lunl hail a depresaing effect the 11 dCpreUll1 upon W e rilartet which is I IIcrlb eltt detail II I deal iitiiclt 1 Column ot 111 tll seaped from the IUH Ayluiu in Louts htrnoklyn r telile SS years old whose home I IllronUln ecalC from a private Insane asy a 1 Whllrllono 1 L I early on Thursday rvrnlu Iast night lie walked Into a restau ran us i I u II i ion Street kept bv his son Wll I lit M Ir lti1uBvLCOrnv > nI > to U llvue Hoplt1 icy 1 lwa fun over by a HriHikln triil I a Irli dl W 11 r Oil mnnth ego anl file mul lies wan visrr HllllV 1 I lie fatuity tiiuaeylIiIn that J faluly hd 11111 1 him In he iiiijtit se Ilhlhl lot Injure himself lie hlmllfll niu cllultll wh 1 fould IiCytliJ weiked I Illr than 0iIce mites ha111 fa Hinitisox cosrixo TOHAT Mr Plntt on III WAy in lie Ptor Convention Will Pace Him The Ion Benjamin Harrison Is I expected t nrrlvont tho Fifth Avenue Hotel nrrlo Firh Iote tonight from Old Forge The oxPresidents friends In New York said last night thnt he would remain here n few days nlli then return to Indianapolis by way of Pennsylvania Altogether Gen Harri son hvi spent nearly six months In the State or New York this year Many Republican pol iticians bare attached significance to this fact and many of Ocn Harrisons friends have said that no mutter whether he U n candidate next year or not ho cannot hope to b nominated without the delegates from New York and Pennsylvania Commissioner William liam nrookflcld has had several talks with the exPresident and tho Commissioner Is of the opinion that Mr Harrison would not lift his hand to secure the nomination A number of National Republican CommItteemen do not co incide with Commissioner Ilrnokllolds Ideas on this subject They have declared that Gen Harrison would not ron ten rods to get away from tho nomination White Gen Harrison Is coming down the I Hudson hirer today Thomas C tlntt will pass him on the up trip Mr Plait will bo on his way to the Saratoga Convention and according to those who know antI who tnlk about such matters the majority of the delegate have no Harrison nentluiont In their breasts I There WOK 1 report last nlttht that Mr Plait would stop Morton over at Rhluecllff and Inn a talk with Our Comptroller Roberts AttorneyGeneral Han cock and State Engineer Adams were In town yesterday They wen here on business con nected with the State departments A Albany Nevertheless the friends of the three gentle men seemed tn be In a quandary as lo whether 11 Roberts and Mr Hancock are to be ronnmi naiad at Saratoga Many old reports were re vived but If the Republicans close to Mr PlaIt and his friends are to be rolled upon them Is not the slightest doubt that the present Republican HIt officers are to bo rcnauilnaled Tho Informal committee advocating the en forcement of the Republican Stato Committee will be represented at the Saratoga Convention anti ha secured headquarter In Congress Hall Wilbur F Wakeman Secretary of the commit tee Isiiuvd a card last night In which he says We slitll 1w glad to hare the pleasure of meeting jnti at Saratov We with to aval ourselves or Ihop RmunUr at prnomUy mauling e itrj one who favors the t enlargement plan Without doubt a nnmbcrof contesting dele gations concerning delegates to the State Con vention M 111 lx i heard aq ratola Altogether about a dozen cone will D presented t rota all that could be learned the Plutt Republicans will have a rockribbed Committee on Cre dentials By tonight the advance guard of the Repub licans will b In Saratoga Tomorrow Mr Platt und the Republican county leaders l In the State will illcrM the plank on the excise question to bo Introduced In the Convention I Is the knot tiest frIends problem now confronting 1lattand hIs Tim Republican State Committee Is to meet In Saratoga on Monday night for the purpose of naming the ameers of the Convention bcnator Icxow It was said last night will b temporary Chairman It expected that there will be a number of chancres In the Republican State Committee and It was not believed that Commis sioner hrook field will be again appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the btnte Committee Commlte From the present outlook Deacon Uackettof Utica will remain a Chairman and Congressman wi man Benjamin B OdelU Jr of Newburgh will continue to hold hl place a < Chairman of tho Ex ecutive Committee Mr Odell discussed mal ten with Mr Plat yesterday EI1f W4XTS A DECISION The Cotetnt In tbe DdanrDalton Elec tion FlKht Makes A Bampu The Tammany Hall General Committee held a meeting lat night and adopted the call for th primaries and Convention which was pre pare by the Committee on Organization Sen ator Fluukett called tG tao naming of election I Inspectors and tho district leaders each handed I In three names A recess was taken to enable tho I leaders to agree on the places t hold the Sen I ate Conventions A place a also fixed for the CongreM Convention In the Tenth Congress district but nono was fixed for the Convention In the Fourteenth district which was repre sented until a few days ago by Congressman Qulg This was bocauio the organization had received no official notice that Mr Julgtf had rtflgned I The meeting was just about t adjourn when Jamo4 Dnjany the contestant In the Dolany Dalton tight for the leadership in the Fifteenth Asumbly District got no und asked If the auti > committee on organization wan ready to report on the contest The moment he arose there was cheering In the rear of the rom A hundred or more of his followers had gathered there In a bunch Delany said the committee had had the case before It lone enough and the best Interests of the party de manded a decision There was a lot more cheer ing William B Mitchell the Chairman of the committee said In answer that the committee had Its bands full with other matters and hadnt had time t gIve it the attention I de served He only wanted to report progress Tbe Delany crowd bowled and Delany himself made a speech demanding an Immediate report mae 10 fifteen minutes and the crowd cheered him Kx1ollce Justice Grady said ho didnt think It would b Droprr to hurry the committee and be moved that the meeting adjourn iielaay I and his men went away very angry 3IJtH ULACUWa SUICIDE Drowned Iferxir Den Hhe Con Ida FOr Her First husband Loxo ISLAND CITY Sept 13Mn Amelia Blacbe of 1780 First avenue New York city drowned herself In the East River yesterday Although the lighthouse keeper saw her plunge Into the water be was powerless to stop her and when the alarm was finally sent out the woman was beyond restoration Ir Blacbe came t for the announced Intention Long Island City Innouncd Inlnton of visiting friends This excited no suspicion on the part of her family as she at ono time resided prt sided here on Lincoln street and had an eaten I slve acquaintance among the women of that neighborhood nelahborho Ir was twice marie Her Ort bus band Jacle Mr La Compte Although she Installed another In Lie Coraptes place she did not forget him and she frequently threatened suicide on account of his death Under the elr cnmstances It was but natural that she and her second husband should part wblch they did tome time since Iml Blacho visited the East Itlver yesterday Mrlacho at the foot of Mnnson street Astoria tour hours before she entered tho water She looked about though on a tourof Investigation Upon her return she waded directly Into the river b ond her dvpth and sank MARIUEI AT TIlE CITY HALT The Tlrldricroom n Hoarder at the llotrmnm HonceTo Hall for Europe Today Alderman Hcbllllni was on duty In the mar riage bureau In the City Hall yesterday when n couple called and demanded his services It wasnt an ordinary marriagebureau couple and the men who were lounging about the room spruced up wonderfully The woman was about UU years old and Wa tail a1 stately The man who was II little older wad fashionably dressed They were accompanied IYI man and woman who wero to act as witnesses The prospective bridegroom was John Clarke lie lies hen a boarder itt the llolTman House le some time and Is I ltd to I be liitviuilinl In a Canadian whiskey company The bride was Miss Ada lanthony an KuKllflh woman nn elo cutionist by profession him tilled an engage tiient hero early In the year and the went West hue mt Mr Clarke on tier return Al derman HclillUiiL made tho couple limn and wife Mr Clarke said Hint he nnd his brldo would sail for Europe today on the Teutonic JfflV ORILVl liJUXO III JWIttiH Hbe Win IllcjellnR laud Was Attacked pots the Hoed OurrNfoiiT Hcpt 23Mrs Charles Oreup n guest at tbo Greenport House was attacked by hornets while riding on her bicycle near Bust Marion yesterday and severely stuns She lied halted to rest near the lane leading to the e < tatu of Thomas A Unwell and was propped luamsta lOSt still sitting In the saddle when A tie swuriii attacked her bIte abandoned her ithrtlaiid ran for safety She wore bloomers and her legs as well as her imndn urine end race were badly stunt Kpburt Griniu who lives near the scene of the attack finally suc ceeded regaining blcjclo nnd tin suffering owner remounted and resumed her journey Vise airman Iuunilrr Sleep Its II be It t I Th gcuuu baa adored ww 01 wrsper4da Mis I f > A STRAUSS MILK WATERED SAKtlIrS 111 tiM TUB PIKE STREET 0 DEPOT rlITBD Tbe nUb Department ChcmUt Fonsid Eleven Ir Centi or Wnler Added to One Caa Another COB Itelotr the Hlnndnrd In connection with the crusade against the re tailers of adulterated milk the Health Depart ment has been quietly Investigating the quality of the milk sold at tho various milk depots es tablished by Nathan Straus The Health De partment ohornlst ha completed the analysts of the samples of milk taken from one of these dept and reports the milk t 0 below the standard tect and In such a condition ns to war rant the prosecution tho dispensers under tho law lawThere There are seven depot In different parts of the city where milk Is sold below the regular retail vrlce for the ostensible benefit the poor I was announced by Mr Straus the promotei of tho scheme when It was started that the mil although sold at 0 cheaper rate than the usual retail market price would b of a much better quality Especial stress was laid on the fact third the sterilized milk sold In the depot was particularly beneficial to Infants and Invalid Benlden the milk depots Mr Straus caused tube erected In several of the parks booths where milk was retailed at the low price of 1 COlt a tlas The depots where milk Is 1 now retailed are located at Third street and East River UI Avenue C 117 Eldrldge street 47 Plko street 201 West Slxtytnlrd street U2U East Fifty blnth street and 415 Weet Thirtyeighth street It Is said tht the investigation of the Straus milk depot originated while Chemist Martin of tho Health Department was spending his vaca tion In Goshen N Y He heard that the qual ity of the milk sold would not bear the tent re quired by the sanitary laws so President Wil son ordered the Investigation Inspectors were sent to each of the milk depots and they got samples of the milk which are now undergoing analycK At 47 Pike street three samples were JOt A bottle containing et < rllltcd milk wa found to meet the required tcst but It Is said that sterilized milk cannot be satisfac torily tested The second sample YN taken from an open can of allcced fresh milk from which milk had been polL There were twenty quarts remaining In the can The test showed that t I per cent of cream had been drawn from the milk and 11 per cent of water added The doctoring of tho milk was done It Is believed to deceive the lactometer test usually made by the Health Department Inspectors The third teat was that of a full can containing forty quarts of fresh milk which had to all appearances not been opened In the depot I was a noticeable fact that the opened can con tained n much poorer quality of milk that the unopened can The latter was just on the edge of the standard required by tho State law which I not regarded as a proper one by the health authorities of this city The State standard requires U per cent of fat and 12 per cent of solids to each sample of milk tested The Health Board requires nh per cent of fat to each sample The unopened can contained tho required percentage of fal but the percent age of solids vai below the standard required by law I Is expected that the analysis of the samples taken from the other depots will b today completed toda The milk depots are supplied by P E San ford < b Co Mr Sanford says that the milk tested by the Health Board was not from his ow dairy but wa bought by him from an other dealer Mr Klncald who nitrairo tbo1 Straus depots ndmlttnl to the Health Depart ment officials that the milk was not tested In the depots President Wilson had a talk with Messrs Sanford and Klncald on Thursday He I said yesterday that the Health Department in tended t make a thorough Investigation of the matter and that the persons who were respon sible for the adulterated milk would b prose cuted While I believe that Mr Straus had solely the benefit of tho poor In view when he estab lished these depots It certainly seems as If the management has been very lax raid Mr Wilson Mr Straus Is In Canada and his representa tive declined t talk about the matter yesterday XRS HANNAh JERRY DEAD flhe Was Daughter Peter D GeneS And Commodore Merry Mother r Hannah Gerry mother of Commodore Gerry died late last evening of pneumonia Her condition was so much Improved on Monday that her physician Dr Ileetman pronounced her ont of danger When the hot weather sot In she had a re lapse and yesterday morning she became un conscious She died without regaining con sciousness Commodore Gerry and her daugh ter Mrs Frederick Gallatln 11 Gallatln and her old servant were at her bedside Mrs Hannah O Gerry was th daughter of Peter D Goelet and was born In 1800 When twentyfive years old she was married to Thomas n Gerry son of Elbridge Gerry who was a Vicepresident of tho United States Her husband died In 1H48 and soon after his death r Gerry who then lived at No 4H Rrnadway moved to the house of her brother IVter Goelrt at Nineteenth street and Ilroadwuy Sho resided there ever since Peter Go lct lived In the bourn with her until his death fifteen yearn ago Tim place Is known as the Goelet homestead and stands on the northeast corner of llroadwaynnd Nineteenth Ogden street Gould Mm Gerry was the aunt of Robert all II CASSIDf JUICY IHHAORKKS I Htood 7 to 1 for Arnnlttal11 WA Out Four lour The Jury In the trial of Patrick Sarsfield Cas ildy before Judgn Allison In the General Ses sions for criminally libelling John Jeroloman President of the Board of Aldermen was un able to agree at 1110 oclock last night and a discharged I stood 7 to I for acquittal Cassidy was accused of sending tt libellous letter to Senator Lexow declaring that Jeroloman while I Civil District Court Justice In 1RU3 had appointed Robert Cook n clerk In the court for a consideration of 1010 a year Former Police Commissioner John C She lien testified yesterday that he had heard rumors to that effect John 1 McOoldrlck Clerk nf the City Court and School Commls sinner Livingston also tentlllcd as t the rumors The jury was out four hours LIOllTXIXQ STRUCK 174 VItA NhJ Knocked Him Hensele sad KtlUd HI Iloic Reside Him WniTB PiaiMB Kept ID During the severe thunder storm yesterday afternoon hobart llnvllund son of Supervisor Havlland of Har rison was standing on the porch of liii resi dence Besldo him was his valuable flog Pluto for whcb he had refUsed SxUU Whllo watch ing the storm a stroke of lightning truck Mr llavlland killed his dog und mattered the Hoop on which he won ititudlnir Havlland was mocked senseless lie was discovered shortly after and tarried Into tho house J Is I said that lie will retover Nur II Did Not Nurrrnder Iluitauiente HAN FIIANTIKCO Hept 13 The statement that Gen Bustamente was surrendered by Capt Johnston of the steamer City of Sydney on the demand of Consular Agent Cooper at La I Liber tail Is I dented by the Captain himself He say hat Agent Cooper telegraphed the ConsulGen Int Colr eral un the subject and received Instructions not to Interfere The Captain asserts lat lie bad no communication whatever with Cooper on the subject an he ilenlis the story that lluitaiueote was burned lu death Lambs la Wall Hlnct Shearers who le la wall for tht lamb on Wall I street outskirts Tomorrows 8uaitsy lrnijSv I b tflr1 MIITlal YZOItHrr He Control the Herklmer Cnnntr Conven tion And Head the Htate Delegation HKIIKIMKII kept 111 Warner Miller disposed of his old friend Titus Slicard In good hop at the Republican County Conventionsheld here today Mr Bhrard ban been fixhtliiR for week ti net control of the Convention His ambition wa to coMe the State delegates and force tlio nomination of N I Ransom for Senator His failure was oxurosMvo and complete Senator Miller presided M Chairman of ibm Convention A resolution that Mr Miller b Chairman 01 the delegation to flue State Convention o adopted unanimously I Mr Shcard then molcslly propnrc1 that himself and five other whon ho named be tlio avsoclato delegates This motion was defeated by n vote of III to 24 Mr Miller was thou Invited to select his associates and ho namid iso Hon E LanKramto Smith Alfred Dolge L I f Russell Milton Ford Georga I Thomas and Abram Tllyou The lon W C Prescott of Herklmer Mr Millers choice for Senator was successful over Mr bhcards candidate N E Ransom and was allowed to select his delegates Regarding Senatorial representation between Herklmer anti Otscco counties tho conference committee va1 Instructed to demand equal representation Resolutions In behalf Judge Williams for the Court of Appeals and favoring an enlarged State Committee were adopted 434 ALLOTS TAKEX rht 27lh ninlrlct Krpuhllrnn Henule Con ventlOH Adjourn Vntll Wednrpdiiy Next AMNTEIIIIAM Sept 1 At noon today the deadlocked Republican Senate Convention of denlnckrd Ipublcal nne Conventon tho Twentyseventh district adjourned over until after the State Convention The next session of the Convention will be on Wednesday next al iao PM I At the time of adjournment today 414 ballots had been taken The motion for adjournment was made by the Chairman of tho Schaharle delegation I was Ilult agree able to the Fulton and Hamilton delegation who had been wanting nil adjournment from the start until after tb State Convention Tho friends of Candidate Keck say that things are now coining their way and that Mr Keck will surely receive the nomination Thus Schoharie delegation do not look n tho matter In that light as the Montgomery delegation assure them that they will stand by Mr Masher Mr IIIm Ily vl Krum says that hn has had a personal conversa tion with the Montgomery and Fulton and Hamilton delegates and they Informed him that they would cling to their choice The Fulton and Hamilton delegation returned home this afternoon very much encouraged over the prospects of Mr Keck being nominated They believe that when the delegates reach the State Convention the air politically will ha l i much different from what It Is In this city Some of the rhohol delegates are not ai confident of Mr Krums nomination ns they wero nt the time cf adjournment yesterday They ay how ever that owing to time State Convention nn ad journment was Inevitable Both Mr Keck and Mr Krum are delegates to the Male Convention as Convention are also some of the delegates to the Senate FIGITISO FIRE AT nan itAitnon A Fort new Threaten th Tows And Destroy the City Park Eoo HAIIIOH CITY Sept 13 Another great In the dense about forest fire originated nee forest abut three miles cast of this city last night and has been fought by hundreds of persons all last night and early this morning Tie flames en tered the City Park n beautiful patch of grow ing timber over four miles square coverid mostly with majestic oaks and lofty pines and noted as the finest picnic ground In Atlantic cornty It passed throUcb the pa k and left It almost a total rein 1 < The mail loach which travel between this city t and New Gretna tally wan held over two hours KS the fames wcru passIng over the pub I lic road and lit tills afternoon a portion of lioebblens I tnwinllla was reported ilrntniyefl I UI Toward evening thahlkh wlwUdrovt I Itt I In I southerly direction aril this bullilirit of I James Sheriff and Frank Lochird w eir In their direct entire und the great champagne I build I i ings and lu cellars i of hL N i Renanln V Co were on Mivernl occasion attacked bv the lame but they were naveil by h our volunteer tlr alarms were snundetl almost steadily up to uitdnlubt oral numerous factories were rinsed a thu firn was raging within the city limit and at least > vvcn hundred uwjple Irom far and near were tmttllnx tin lames tonlcht At midnight the lan were hlctier than ever and theru Is I no chlnro In Rot them under con trol as over two hundred acres lire ablaze A HOT FIRE JV JEltSKT CUT Two Men Imprlvnnrd unbind Antnmntle Fire oor Fire was discovered 1 n trill yesterday In HunyonArStrykcrs mattress factory at and 102 First street Jersey City The forty em ployees the majority of them ynunc women had been at work only 1 short time after the dinner hour when the alarm was given Owing to Inflammable nature of the material with which the bulldlne wan stocked tIme flames I thnt the employees became spread so rapidly tlo es b ao panic stricken anti some of them bad narrow escape Some of the young women lost their wrapsand hat Carl Doll and Mmcon Robinson wero Im none In a room whIch had floors that wrrn closed by an automatic arrangement that worked when the heat became fulllclently In tense Doll jumped from u Indow and Mciimil with a fv aught bruise Robln > on Hucneded In I pushing his way out through the smoke and llame Ht has scorched hair ali eyebrows to remind him nf his narrow < wuit > c The two buildings were gutted In about an hour the Fire Department being crippled by 1 scarcity of water and the bursting of rotten hone The I loss IseMlmutol at about SAnoo This I Is the third time In four sears that tills firm bus I been burned out A COLLISION IX TIlE EAST JiltER The Tncboat Nurrnirunett Hunk the Mer cury Damaged The Philadelphia and Reading tug Narrngan sell bound from Harlem t Pier 0 North River got Involved In 0 tangle of canal boats tugs and ferryboats off Pier 4 East River nt 7 oclock last evening Tho companys big oceangulng tug Mercury on her way from Perth Am boy tu Pier 1H East River was running under almost a lull bend nf steam when she headed Into tim < tangle The Narra ansett ya attempting to cross time Mercurys bows diagonally when the tugs came Into collision Thin Mercury hit th Narralanett on tlo port side usbotit IWlt feet ablt tie Item husking a greet gash II her 1ho 1 Sorrllanu pilot headed her for Pier 4 the sank inside the pier head Her pilot and crew jumped Into the water and wero picked up by the tug Beatrice The crew of the Mercury were knocked down by hue shock of the Impact The Mercurys bow was badly damaged Hue tied up ut Pier ID JtROOKLTX TltOLLKY ACCIHEXTS An ISsUes Hoy Ioe Moth Feet by Ilelnz Rue Deer Tony Craveno I fiveearold Italian boy while crossing the street lat l e eulni In front of his hOI at UO Main street Brooklyn was knocked down and run over by trolley car KM of the Hoventli avenue line One wheel paused 1 over the boys feet and on his removal to the Brooklyn Hospital It wus found iicce nry to amputate both feet It Is 1 not thought thv boy can recover Motorman Benjamin Illoougood who had charxu of the > car wits arrested A West End trolley car collided with < n wagon In New Utrecht avenue and Seventyninth street last nlttht and Pater Martin aged lfi years tin driver who lives In Heyeiityfirsl street was thrown off und severely Injured I Th City Appeal the Insane Act face Mayor Strong Corporation Counsel Scott and Comptroller Fitch had a talk yesterday about tIme decision against the city In the suit brought by the Slate to recover 1400000 under the State Care of Insane act Tne city never took advantage of the act and always supported Its own Insane though the Slate de munded that It pay the tax just the same The General T rm diclslnn vitutnsl the city Wq rendrred In Saratoga early lu tin week aralola tll After the talk yesterday the Ma > nr raid the city olUolaUagned In time belief that the city had ololal e and that they had deter mined to carry thou cine to the Court uf Error and Appeals Mr bcult will take he accessary steps at once J L TO PROTECT NEW TOUK aUTJWNOIlB ISLAND xo liE 7S11ND INTO AN rxFASTiir roar TTar Department OMelMl 1 tHvor the Prop oslllon to Make the hlnd l the Ileitd quarter of A Keiclraent uf lafautrj WASIIISOTON Sept 13Tho proposition to I convcrtlovcrnora Island Into an Infantry reg imental post so that n large number of Untied Ktntcs regulars would bell easy access of New York and Brooklyn In cato of great riots or other troubles requiring troops will receive tho serious consideration of the Wnr Department authorities before Congress assembles and It Is o tbl that after Gun Miles comes to the head of the army this month on Gen Schoflelds re tirement the schema may b carried out Tho plan at present has the full approval of Kccrc tory lntnotit and a number of high officers of tho army but Is opposed by Gen Schollold and Gen Flnulcr Chief uf Ordnance time lat ter basing his objection on tho ground that the arsenal Is now located on tho Island and that It would havo to be transferred I cloowhcro should an Infantry regiment be I quartered there Gen Schoflold has no other qbjvction than that the conversion of the post Into a regimental headquarters might necessitate thus transfer cif the headquarters of the De I partment of Ibo East to tho Army building In Now York city all the commanding ofilccrs bo put to treat Inconvenience In locating else where ion Schoflcld however sees no other objection to thu suggestion and If It Is possible to rIln the headquarters of the department on the Island with that of an Infantry regiment ho will approve tho plan Gen Flaglers objec tion to I not will taken It Is said nail would not bo Impracticable t remove the present arsenal to Imo other point where It would not b so close to time quarters of the officers and men 1 ho policy of the War Department has of re cent yearn been toward the mobllUalton of Urge bodies of United States troops near tic great centres of business but In the movement that has been going on New York city and Its Immediate vicinity has not been Included Its military defence and the regulars available for action In the event of a serious outbreak con sist now of tho artillery stationed on Gov ernors Island and at Forts Wudsworth and Hamilton nnd small garrisons a Wllletts Point and Fort Schuyler There Is no Infantry regiment within five hundred miles of tho city and two or three companies only at Davids Island The city Is also without the protection of a cavalry regiment as In the early years of array distribution this branch of the service was assigned t duty In the far West where In dian wars were In progress Later however Fort Mer opposite Washington was mad a cavalry pst and Is now the only ono In the East I Is I contended by army authorities that Gov ernors Inland having been recognized for jean as of no value as a means of defence through Its fortifications should b turned Into a large Infantry post and some of the Western regiments brought there for service The artillery now stationed on time island It Is said should be distributed at tho posts In and around I the city nid hands Island made a big cavalry I station where troops could ba quickly moved to New York city lieu Milens opinion of the sug gestion will bo asked when he reaches Wash ington and upon Ills recommendations much will depend I ho snys that Ibo headquarters of the Department of the Last on the Island would not 0 seriously Interfered with by the proracb of at Inintri rclment then It b quite certain that Now York Utr will hate near by a crack regiment tiOO strong which I could b eusil moved to Broadway within half an hour The objections to making the Army building the headquarters of the Department of time East nro based mnlnly ou time ground that the Maorlenerul commanding his staff and the other ofllccrs attached to time headquarters tumid b unprovided with quarters and the Government put to tho additional expense of al lowing thum commutation for house rent Secre tary Lamuut believes that there I ample room on Governors island for both the department headquarters and the headquarters of an In fantry riKlment The conversion of the blund Into a regimental post would necessitate hit erection of larso barracks for the soldiers but these could bo constructed for a moderate sum tumTilS THIS ACTOR ItlliELY IXSAXE Imagine lie In Roovrvelt And Promise Wet hiundnr Peter Leonard 11 jean old of 140 East Nine teenth street an Irish comedian who ha been appearing this week at Tony Pastors was ar ri > trd a Twsntj second street and Third ave nue last night He was surrounded by a num ber of persons to whom he was explaining that lo was Commissioner Roosevelt No more turitnnlcnl Sunday laws tar us I 0 Kooso It and after this week Ill see that the boys will Kit all the rum they walt Pnluenian Kelly marched Leonard In the East TwiMityHconil street datum where lie In troduced himself to the ierteant us his Com missioner liuusluhliml An ambulance took him to liellcvuo Jnollll L < imarda wife Ionic lllmoro an actress pluyliiir this week lu the Harlem 1 Opera Huu e calful to see her husband at the hospital Shin days raid Leonard ha < l been on I spree for several rIln IT A rKSSEL AlIltKT NoutlmDiplon Folk Watch a Fire at His oa TUuridny Nights BouTilAuinos LI ISept I 111 There Is reason t believe thatsome venue 1 was burned at sea off this Illago last night Nothlni definite can bo learned yet as no wreckage has cOle nshoro to Indicate whether I was a I steamer or a sailing vessel Just about dark the flames nero discovered by cottagers living on the Iune nuil In a short time a large crowd waS assembled the beach walchtni the umixual II ht About I oclock time Uamos died out I ii I x thought that tho ves eel was about live mills from slier AH no crew Jvo ban landed I Is I supposid It wa either picked up by a 111111 vessel or lost The fact that n thumlnrstonn prevailed at the time has led to a bvllnf that tho visacl 1 was struck bv lightning and so tllt shire A sharp lookout has brim kept by roast patrolmen Kline the hiumning of time vessel 1 for antthlni which would Indicate what fort of vessel It was but as yet uothlni has been found XII ruYAOE Of THE SLOOP lUnr tupf Hlocura to Jtrturn from Gibraltar by Wiiy of Cup oftlood Hope Md ilupun WAMIISOTON Sept 11Mr hieratic J FpriiRiif lie veteran United States Consul at Gllrallnr who ha been lit the service forty Jeers or more Im made a long report to the Kin to Department about the adventurous von nee of the tiny sloop Spray hailing from his native State of Massachusetts which eafely reached Gibraltar early lest month her sole crew ronslitluv of her owner and navigator pt Joshua tilociiui Thu Consul says that lImo little vessel resumed her journey with a fair wind westward on Aug 20 Intending to return to the United Mates via the Cape of Good Hope Australia and Japan Consul I bprnirue nol a letter from Cupt Blocuin acknowledging courtesies received from thnGovrrmirof Glbral tar and the British naval officers lu port Fatt Victory In bewr Coy ELIIIIU Sept 13 All of thu delegates have been chosen In Chemung county to attend the County Convention Mel Is t be held at Horsebeads tomorrow afternoon to select del egates to the Republican Mate Convention Of the dJ7 delegates elected J bloat Favsutt has secured 177 uud the friends of Mr Plutt UU la There are contents over time other eleven dele gates who urn credited t two district In the boveiilli ward of Elmira The Plat furce car ried only one of the seventeen country district and six of the Klmlru tlt > districts The Platt leader contest acknowledge defeat li a open lal r > o ALIIlJJ HILT aArrn THE ln The Mloop Queen Cntintr Overturned In HOB Island Intel RocKVlttr CEMTIIK Sept HITlio story of a narrow escape from drowulni In hog Island Inlet last night In which thirteen persons re turning from tho jnclit race vuro conrcrncd was inudo public this mornlni Alfred Hill of Ocean Side with 0 dozen others chartered Capt Mutts oyster sloop Queens County On the way homo time sloop became becalmed In the mouth of the Inlet nnd was seoul rocking dan gerously In tho trough of tie tea Capt Mutt looked serious One of the excursionists remarked jocosely Theres thirteen of us thats nil unlucky number Now dont jet rattled said Hill who fore i saw the probability of tho boat going over i Oh weroall right said one of th boys of whom there were eight along with the five men Scarcely hud tho words been spoken when tho boat went over Several mol brcnmo fastened In times cabin Alfred Hill cllvcd under tho cap sized sloop and released them and then helped tlien to secure a firm hold nf the mast The boat twisted around In the churning Inlet One of the boys a son of Prof Biouks lost his bold mind the current was currying hum out to sea when Hill again plunged In and brought him back and handed him over to an older boy who wee something of u swimmer Iime sea bo came more turbulent Capt Mutt was torn from the rigging He also was saved by Hills strong arm Signals were made and seen anti n catamaran was sent out from the beach at Far Rockaway to rescue the party When all had been brought ashore the cloop was righted and brought in side Capt Mott was seen today and said Wo had the narrowest kind of nn escape and I felt at one time that every one on board was last I have no hesitation In snylng that If It had not been for Al Hills bard work and bravery wo would have all been sleeping In the bottom of the bay last night ITRKCKAUi CA3IK ASHORE Log Book end Cable Marked A Heaton rleeured Near Chatham CHATHAM Mass Sept 13Lots of wreckage came ashore today on time beach between Or leans and Chatham A quarterboard marked A Hcaton th log book of lime came vessel and the vessels stern bearing the name A Icnton came ashore at North Chatham Later the vessels cabin drifted down near Chatham bars and was boarded by some fisher men who anchored It They partly explored It finding some clothing a watch clock quadrant and othertblngs Some think the Ileaton was sunk by a collision with a vessel from the east ward whlcn wos loaded with smoked herring as large quantities of boxed herring have been nicked up off here during the last two days and they are still drifting arhore with wreckage from time Ileaton Others think that both vessels were caught unprepared and were overwhelmed by tim gale which swept across this const about midnight on Wednes day The Heatons yawlboat also drifted ashore at Orleans There are two American vessels named A Heaton One Is the threomasttil rchooner of Bistuii oared bv E P Iog i and commanded by Capt Snow I ho other Is iv twomaster owned by A C Guy of Uockland Me Her shipper Is also named Snow THK EAllTlIQVAKr JV HONDURAS No More SboekBIturilne thi DetG Weiind In One Hospital HAN FnANCiHco Sept 1JA despatch from TeEuclcalpa Honduras says Earthquakes nt Yctnpiu and vicinity have entirely ceased Time greatest distress prevails Many people are homeless Smoke from the mountains during tins day and lava lames during the night continue though they are greatly decreased Considerable ground Is yet covered by lava which Is still hot Tin stench Is unbearable and It Is I feared that the dead bodies pntrefjinn will breed disease The troops are helping to bury the dead More than ono hundred bodies are placed In one trench A temporary field hospital near San Miguel contains over 2iiO wounded Physicians who were sent for arc arriving but there Is a scarcity of provisions It Is reported that the shocks brought a lot of mineral to limo surface A freshet Is feared The rivers have been running full since the disaster MRS i KNIG hrs JRIStOlfER With Two Other Women Site Arrests m Huvplclnu I hnrncter LoNG IlliANCii Sept 13 For several week n suspiciouslooking man has been shadowing the cottage of Mrs Margaret McKnlght of New York city at Fourth and Chelsea avenues Twice he asked uf the servant the time Mr McKntght arrived from the city antI how much money they generally hiul on hand Between 11 and IS oclock last night ho was again seen thert Mrs McKnluht with her sisterinlaw and another woman surrounded him while Mrs McKnlght covered him with a revolver The man accompanied the throe women with Mrs McKnlght holdlui a revolver to his bead to Broadway w here he wa turned over to tbo police JfJSS HAMIITOXS PERIL Dragged by FlKlitlnc Don Vntll Itelenied by laHrrtt by OitANnrSept 13Miss Gladys DHamilton of East Orange has a valiiublu M Bernard dog It was stolen last May and yesterday afternoon It came back tn her Last nlKhtMiu went out for a walk taking the don with her She had a chain attached to the dog one end belni about her wrist Two Ltray dogs attacked the St Bernard and In tho light that followed Miss llniutlnii was thrown tn time ground and dracKed aboit Her wrist was sprained arid bur flesh was torn Tlio dogs were llnalty separated by tome per sons who wero passing Tore Ip It Hull at Itnimd Top OrTTVHiiiiui Pa I Sept 11 The Hemline Railroad early this mornlni tore up two hun dred fitt of the track of Its Hound Top branch which hail bcim loused tn hit electric railway anti tmantl by It for two years as a part of lu cir cuit on the battlelleld The work wa done be fore davllcht No explanation was clvrn loud or lIed lliiltcrdlr OcaAzl CiTY Mil Sept HI This Island was visited by thousands of Isrzo red bntterllci this afternoon 1 lime wind was blow liiRBtrmiKlj from this northeast hut lirnvrns became almost dark with them They moved lu n southerly direction H took more than an hour for them tn naaa over llroadnuy chic lu is Tisnate A strand of the live cable uf thv Broadway line became tunglud with the dead or Hill cable In tho Houston street pmvcr houno nt 6110 oclock yesterday afternoon limo cars from Houston street down were smiled for an hour to time Inconvenience uf irrsons going home Jiragged It Murdered Slater Intu Tovtu IUVKMICK Ncl Mt ll Lust nitlit the horse of A Donelan t rlih bu litcss man walked Into town tiragglumg Us masters dead body Donelan bud been stabbed Detectives are InveeUganni time case Oee llur to Try I Always try to buy AdiuiraUHsarvlta ee at rSHALL CLUB BARS CLOSE f jvnr Tonic ctvniioxt xow inn TVJtnin jir 2 IlLs Q V1 nON The Hale of Minor on Week Hum usa Well a Hiinilitr Heemlngly Involved In Ilia Police Hoard Tbrrnt to Jin for re tli Letter of the Inxv The Antliorltle iind Cluli OOlcer nt Hea isa lo the Trim Lean HIatus of the ne llonSomr of the flub Hnve Already Imnrd Driter Kxeladlnn Tlittnr Tomorrow end th JPequod Club Suspends than MusIc nf Liquor on Himdny Allocether Club Man fleer > to Urtray III Club la Or der to riirnUli Evidence for a Test Caae Thcro ban been considerable agitation amonst timo officer anti members of lImo various clubs In thli city since Monday when the Board of Po r llen Commissioners Issued Its idlet reifardlnir the Sunday sale of liquors In the club houses and today or tonight fully a hundred house committees will meet to discuss the matter Some determination will have to be reached by time clubs and orders issued to the stewards by tonight otherwise thus regular Sunday busi ness vlll be done and unfortunate computa tions may result In the opinion of many tin arrest In a club house for an alleged violation of the Excise law would bo the best thins that could happen as It would provide a test casr y and a test case Is the thing most needed now f No one seems to know just what tho law Ye i Harding the sale of liquor In clubs 1 and the scanty paragraphs on the statute books relating to the subject hava been Interpreted In so many different ways by no many different lawyers that both police and club men are at sea The Police Commissioners have come ont boldly and stated that It Is In their opinion a violation of the law for a club to sell liquor on Sunday and that they have announced their In tention of making arrests In such cusses when I5 ever they could by fair means obtain enough evidence lo warrant it The club men dont presume to say whether they are right or wrong In selling liquor on Sunday They confess that they dont know anything about time law ou the subject still they are far from ready to ac 1 < quiesce In any interpretation of the law which Mr Roosevelt and his colleagues may make for them A test case would settle the question but the result may be unpleasant for the clubs for according to a prominent New York law ej who has given the Excise law careful considera tion the clubs really have no rlcht to sell liquor at all either on week days or Sun days At any lime ho says it U a viola tion ottho Excise law for a club to sell liquor In Us house because clubs are not licensed by the local Excise Board that body having no jurisdiction In time matter whatever The clubs all pay the regular Internal revenue tax to the United States Government but the t question arises uhcther or not this will protect them from prosecution by tIme local police an thorltife The almost universal opinion Is that It will not Time more prominent clubs la the city are li no way blame for being unlicensed for It is 1 u matter of record that for many ye M moat of them have annually applied to the Ex cise Board for licenses They have clue > been told that the Board had no jurisdiction In the matter nnd that they might tro on selling with out Interference The consequence has been that the clubs have been selllnc liquor for yean without license from the local authorities The chief matter of Interest now Is how th police are grlng to get oridcarc asiliilt time clubs 1roldent Roo eeit said several days f4 ago that only fair means would bo emplnjcd i 1 crud although the club men hae been walling ever since for Mr Roosevelts dullnltlon of fair ness In the matter or evidence Catherine they have beard nothing from him One of the Police Commissioners when < uev tioned on this point yesterday tald that the u Board expected to secure evidence for n test case from a munbtr of a prominent club This man he slid would purchase a drink titmor row In his ouu club and then furnish it unmple of his purchase to toe police Time particular club on which time Board has designs and tht llama of lime member who will cot the evidence time Commissioner would not tell As ft mutter of fact It Is nut billeted that the police intend it t do much In the way of prosecuting the clubs until after they ha e secured a victory In a left cine but It Is time uncertainty of the pollc plans that worries tbo club men A careful canvas of all tho prominent cl lbs In the city was made by rLx reporter > ester day with a view to finding out just ss hat they Intended to do about the matter Time result i showed that while some of the club nire In clined to take President Itooseclts int < rpreti tlauof tbe law and close up their bars on sun day others were llrmlr convinced that the pollcohad no light to Interfere with them and Intend to go on kclllni asuiual Tinmajority 4 cf time clubs how ever hive not ai yet COMU in any conclusion nt all The member and oHlcer havo thrown the nuionnlbllity onto time shumI tiers of time house committee mid It is l oxpected that they ulll decide one way or time other to nleht The German Uub which were believed to In 1tit ready to obey time law as laid dow by President Itoowilt have drcliled not ti > do any nudj thing and will sell liquor tn members tomor row uud on all Sunilays In the future at they immune In the pust IIke the > New York and Man fj hattan Athletic clubs honcxir they Irue de cided to prohibit all members biln tliii vitltor to the club house on Mmdny TliU wilt be a hard blow to tho wealthy livriiiani of time city Time inncnlflceut houses oi tim > rlou uiul Iliw dvrkranz suck tics hay always born open to th wives nnd fumlllei of mcnibor nnd on riundny evenlnui It has always been like a hip family Catherine with them All of this will be stopped until the law hna been tested When time Pollco Ilourd announced Its Inten tions reuurdlne the club people began to won tier what the Vnlon League Club ould do Both President Rnosevclt und Commissioner Grant are members nf thnt organization nnl peuplo bfumo curious to know w hut their fel low clubmen thought of time twiiCoinnilsslnnrrs Onirero of time club who uvere seen by n reporter yesterday stated emphatically that no action bad been taken us yet und Tlinman II Clnrke Chairman of the Union Lengun llnusu Com lulltue summed the situation upas follows Wo hao donu nothlnc whatever In time mat ter and 1 do not know lust WH liUl do city thing t Nnmiif our niciiiLersnro lalkluc about closing the bar on undnys but I dont knuw what time lent ml opinion regarding timli M I nm nit pre parexl toeay that nothing will come of thin I think lie I men mhooUIni this mire aiming at ends nut ijultr those nf members to H hum time W club l a ifsldcncc Wv who luok upon time club nan house iii not want any of the prlvllvzu > ut rrtidtiicerurlalled In rrnponso to a vitKie amid Indellnltu temporary duinniid Next hunday at tJ t least uonu of our practices will bocliincol la any rcniwot From other murcoa It ssas Uuriird that 1real dent llomin Porior and uthern tire uriiuu that thin club bhiill take annie ictlon They want this sale of drink stonptd except at nicole and oa CIHK authority It was salU that they will prob ably carry their i > ulnl Notluiu will bodimu at present > howvvvr multi it action Islnken nt all by the club U iatm scarcely lu before the Oetiilirr I mittlnc There should have been a mm ling nf tlie club on Thursday night but President Tor trr was absent and there wus nmiuoriiiii If b llijuor Is told tomorrow ut the Inlou liuigue Club both tommUsloncr ltoo > uilt msmel > l Mr Grant vtlll lu vo amplo opportunity tu suture cvldvnco for a lent i se A number of time club told aSLN reporter s vs l tcrduy that ho didut uuderstuud Mr Rouse vells attitude In the matter of time clues nt all There U a great Utul ot Interest la wbal the