OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 14, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-09-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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fOr r wnr
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1 It t > + I r
i 2 I
MnnliMtun Club proposes to do about the mat
ter The Manhattan Club does n i larger cat
oilier club In the clt and
buslnc < than any lther el nnt
any restriction against liquor selling would b
a ecrlou blow tn It From officers ot the club
It was learned yesterday that no action had al
It yet been token but It xx an lad that tlisllotlt
Commltteo wuuM meet tonight to talk th
matter over Tbe opinion of mot nf the mem
ITU watt that the committee wontil decline to
order the bar closed though It was though
1 highly prnliahlu that Imo restriction reganl
Ing the admission of visitors t the club woulx
be Adopted
i Mi label suf tIm Calumet Club who were een
yonterday said that that organization would
V i obty the Inw as laid down by the Police Com
MilManors I the Hoard Informed them odl
I rlally that tiny were violating lliu law action
ould undoubtedly be I taken to coo the bar on
1IflIlLIyI lenrge Alexander Ilrnwn ono of the
Clox cruors uf this club said to a rciwrtcr yester
II E I i tny The Calumet Club will obey the lawn mat
ter w bat It Is and when I say that I mean the
I law as Interpreted by till police Wo have taken
no action m el In fact have given the mater
I little consideration hut I think I can pay that
1 something xxlll done tomorrow Aroint has
been touched I thluk where acton of some sort
I must be I taken
A member of tho Knickerbocker Club Mid
that he didnt think any action had been taken
yet by the House Cumuilttio but that he felt
i confident that tho club would accept tho law as
Interpreted by tho police Iho officers of the
club declined to talk about tho matter nt I
What the Metropolitan and Union clubs pro
pose to do about the matter lsumMnr Most
ot the millibars of ole are member nf thu
other and vxhat nnn doc the other will prob
I ablY do but It was luilKwslblo to get an expires
I slon of opinion from the ullkors of either cub
ycslcrda Ihey would not talk atom
tho matter 1 xviu learned however that
the members nt both dub aru heartily np
> tinstd to knuikllni down to President
I RoOsevelt lliev I aro bitterly against any
project to cloto tho bur and urn uf the belief that
any Interference xx Ith them can be pioxed Ille
gal I would not b surprising If I theo two
i clubs led thu tight agulnst the Killco The 5ttt
I t tlmentuf tIle iiiembvrs Is I all aiulnnt Sunday re
J strlctlons 10 I Is l not thought that tie iiflvera of
I either club will take any action regaidlng sun
f day liquor stlllng This xxlll lenxu tile matter
uprn and will rave the officers Incurring the
i dlsplcasuronf ot the members
Up I at the Democratic Club at fifth avenue
and Fiftieth street the mcmbeisuro atDtlilni
but pleased over the nrospeet nf dry hunduy s In
the club house Thero is a strong Inclination
Uitnkn somo action rogardlmr tho matter and
while few believe In cloKlnt the liar nllreh
many lire of the opinion hut members nhould
nol In iwrmltted to bring friends 10 tho club on
> budi This 1 xxlll probably be the action taken
by the Ious Committee when It meet to
i night A member of the Democratic Club said
9 yesterday
We able all others arc desirous of show
I Ing an Inclination tn otey and help In the en
I forcementof the laws III la unfortunate per
haps that xxe cannot see through 0mL or Mr
I Ituonexeltii arguments on the excisu question
but the fact remains that xxe cnnnnt und par
tlcnl rly do wr fail to see what right he has to
interfere with tnc sale ot llquur In clUb IIOUMIS
un sunday 1 do not think that the Democratic
Club wIll close Its bar nn bnndnjK Such action
trould b very unpopular even In a club like
turn made up of the best cltlrenof the mo
o but 1 think them is a strong tendency
to humor Mr Iluosexclt In the fee uf v 11 I
tn and I should lint he surprised if a notice Is
put on the bulletin tnraorrnw requesting mem
bers not to bring their friend tn the club hoiife
with them sundays suih action I feel con
fident would not bring a protest from a mem
ber of the Democratic Club
At the City Club It was said yesterday that
the cxciso matter hud not been discussed offi
j I cially at all The members have been talking
I n great deal among themselves but the
officers have not taken any action nnd it is 1 nut
expected that they will Tier uii a rumor
around the club houso yesterday that n meeting
had been held lu President Prior office on
lIne street during the afternoon and that It had
been decided to order tho steward not to serve
I any liquor tomorrow This xvoo denied by
1restdent Poor and when the news that the
report was without foundation reached the club
houe there aro e a Trent lali of nllef
At the Century Club it was raid that the
Hou e Committee had the excise matter under
consideration and would probably report on It
At the Seventh RegIment Veterans Club It
was said by Stoxxard Hageman that the Hoard
of Directors had called a special meeting to dis
i cuss the eicl < e matter last Wednesday but the
Hi rector were unable to come to any decision
to they adjourned tho meeting until Innight
The general spirit among the members li I that
the law should b obeyed and 11 thought ex
tremely probable that the Directors will order
the bar closed tomorrow
fhe German organization which will oblige
theIr members to display membership card
before they can purchase a drink and which
will close the doors on all visitors are the
Arlon and Ikdrkranz societies and the Cen
tral Turn Vcreln
The Hoard of Directors of the Colonial Club
held n meeting on Wednesday nlcht nt which
they decided to obey Pieildtnt lloosexelt and
close up their bur on Sundays its a small
matter with tlili club any xxn 1 aid Steward
Klein yesterday The unday trade here lias
never amounted to nnthlng and tie nlence
of liquor xvlll hardly be sniueit ul
The Harlem Republican Iluli decided to close
I bar on Sundays txxo years ago but the Har
lem Democratic Club hui I < always kept open and
xxlll sell liquor to morrow but to members only
Thu Catholic Club dtuctor xlll decide what
to do about the matter i la nuetlna today
lunG the cnllt te frucntliy club und the
furl ot Mimler chili In the city the sentiment
reinu to I e upuitiM closing the ban on Miilulu
and xery few nf them xvlll insider the matter
ollu illy lit all
The PequiMl Club at 207 West TnentyOfth
street lm dona morn toward recognizing the
edict of the Police Hoard than any nf Ito social
organizations tbnt favor the HO called reform
Diiivrment On Thursday evclilnp exPolice
CoummmiIoner heiilian the President of the
club gave an older tu tim stexxard not to erve
a Irvl Iae Jluor it any kind nn btindny Yes
tcrdn the ctixxatd said The spluots xxlll all
uc lurkI and not a inrk xxlll b drawl at time
PrmjodClnlinn Sunday
Tin Lird I of Governors of tho Sew York Ath
letic au1 1 New Manhattan Athletic clubs have
Mpendrd the stranuTs list In their re
rticc lixecluhHnxer I Sunday Tho members I of
the New York Athletic i I Club have received
notices that read us follow
Ins v IT KIITV nrrii Sri ICT t
I SprclalNntlie n > onler of tilt Ikarii of luvplnori
tin vigltra flat is I herfliv Auspnded ut the city club
IKI m on ftiila H until further notice
l SUM hut nicuiler will ua ailmlltcii to the house on
r that ilny
< A similar notice lifts been posted In the New
I Manhattan Athletic Club C H UeiiHlliiKer
I tin secretary anil mannuernt the hitter club
r raid 1 hate teen udvlicd by Imy lawyer thlt
c flu nlcrt the law lim uni right to enter this
I club In nrarcli of oxldcncv but WL do lot Ir
I nose to Irk nny law
I A member of Ihu Inlon League Club all
I f A police ullUer In iinlfornt or In iltUui I
ci lit lieu cnlhl no more get Into I this club than
n Iltl I our hoinu Ii riles he forced his way In
The face nf extr numbernf thin climb Is knnxxn
I to nnn nf time pcverul door IHI und 1 tho name nf
tin uuemmmt er h 1 rteordeil tho moment hvehterx
tl 1
t J he U not u ineniljei Ins huHtncin is I nsLeid uf
lilm Hi I I li I thin ushered Into the reception
I I loom tnlisb under spec in order persons nut
member never get tieotiul th reciptlnn room
I Ihe I inetnberHiif limo lub have nn right to brim
111 lursi n nut u sninibur 1111111 I I town r > n thn
only pernonh who L1 t ry 10 CCI evIdence uugimiist
l I litliiro I Iollco I oinmiMlon
the nlon leauu 1111 mru Polce Ilul
ers lton nxelt ul it II I I I mint they lire hnlh Inem
I hers oust I hardly think that tlmiy art uMlnir tn
sit around In thn al unit fur a member to
drink a glues nf liquor and then liax u the nulls
bar arrested or tho iluh fined Coinmlhslonera
Ul nnt and ItuuFoxelt take an occaMomxl coi k
1111111 I fie I iiultosuru that I haxo men them
both take llijiior Ht tliu club on MindHX 110 1
lot think they xxould sin en If thisy thought they
hihtlflt xxoru breaking a law they aro both to con
Ihe Hoard nf lioxcrnors nf the New York
j Club at Ninth avtlino and Tlilitllflli strict
held n meeting ul tIme club bniiKcyeatrrdu after
1 noon After 1 churl dlscu lon nf time isclvo
Si heat tutu I olntlun tests ailupted pletiulni Lisa
I i lub In titaty I Ito law In every retard On
I Monday Ihn I I hoard of Imxornnrsnf I i time 1nltid
te nil Cluh at Ul Wtsl Thirtyllmt sired
tried tnhohl inneiilni i hut fallal for xx all of iv
iiunruin Ihu 1oiud limy haxo I meetlnii to
lay for the iiurpotu nf taking OIIIH ac
thin In reunl luIu thu exi Uo lawn The
Hvfretar of Limo ciutiulil Wo will nliey the
I law xvlmlntr It U I You ffv xve huvo romo
J Biod local mixture uniung nnr meriiners One
ilud JiihtUo JudiiiIlolhruok humcm
of time nw JIleo JUdh 1iLruok I mel
4 liar of our ilnb and Iso us Ill keep us pultd nn I
l I hu legul sldo ut tliuiUr tuii I I vlohito this
I Inxv it xxniit gu imeil with us Justice llolbrntk I
Ilw11 Impartial judge ami knowing use eixl >
r clem them would be nu upiieal fur us to you
pen we will tie > very circumspect
i Nn action was taken iU > rday by tho rnl
S verity Atliletlr Plajro f llaciiuei or St Mch
I nlas club but thii becretarlrs n ill try and mil
I meetIng ot thilovcrnlni Ifoanl todax Iho
tirulier Club blll II no lay asocIal Olalla
1 l lion has niiihlng tu fear fnun thu Inllcu Iom I
uileslonerit A bottle uf willkey ha > been aulll
Iii lent tl quench the thirst of that club for six
1 Il0nth
II t Nn action has been taken In the I nlyeralty
I Club as nil 1 time mtmbcni of f the Huu I 4 tomnili I
III al t
i tic mire nut nf town Iheru is 111 probably bo a
I nmtlnirof HUM mini II nf time club todo
I rime clerk of the Sow York Vucht lob salt
We xxlll go i right on tho name as ever on bun
l I day lime I nucuUed edict xvlll make no itlflirince
to us
I II lhe visiting lot of the Iteforin Club will not
I tie uspend d over btinda Du you ullo > e
Hint u iiisn is going to kit about Isle club nil day
Sunday all drink ices water Well 1 guess
nut said u member of hu i luh yeitcrd
IUI fie 1 lair relative tu llu sat uf f liquor IIa fol
i 0I xrs uiitioXTBCtb r having a liceimor not
hull I or offer nr expoo for al I or gleS w7 07
stroiii nr oplritoui liquors n ins ale or Lr
tOn Huutlsyor
Jin an other hay iatwe n 1 oclock foil Bocloel
In HID morning I unleu I hs ha a special license timer
forsm or
f0ao7irih daT nf a Kinmlur pcisI l l < llonr
town nUb within II quarter of a nails from the
ptacp where l such uniersl or siwt lal election 1 I or tile g
nirctlni nhsll lie hehl while the pnlli I for either such
ipctiun 1 or tostl meeting ihslt be open I glltoooo
4Onteld aellyhii limpuptil I flon of ItnOOno
more Inhabitant xxlihlii Kiiiunl from time Krouuil
or premlie utini milled ally Male ounty town I or
tl r
olhfraitrlculnirilorliortlciilluratfslrli I I I 5 heiat or
tr To chill actually ur awrmlr under th
Toeny e IIa ru 11 f r u1
Sal nf T xeirs or n > any lotmlcsled lotion
habitual utrmsflksrd ur Indian or
psutr M 5 10 j hanllal I onlowhumiiuchll < P1555 may be for
lilililen to sell Iy I notlco or writing from parent
Kiur < lla > i huibanil wife or chllil over 111 years of aitn
If such prsniiorlf sui person IKJ a i1uir l Iron a
Mxlvrste t i nr OTtrtr ofllie 1oor ijll luJ guilty of
a midune nnor
LOut Ui tS itumndiflsC t any prosiion l of this ecllon
time holder of a drugglti license niiy lawfully l
sirnnifur ipirltunu iF > uom xxliin al li f heir lint to
tw drunk uu lhi < llciueil prem sue UIHIU tie nre crlp
tlonofa iihslclsn I to l i but mice urea Stilt the
blIJelcel lrl
hoilr fl an Inn keepers license inn ell to time
guests of ouch hotel I cicviit ai prcrlt In sul >
dl Mionilor this samtIuun hit hot In lime barroom or
other ilmll r room of the Inn tavern or hole
llinx ttruD nr iutrlliKvu I IHiunri wltu air or
lirr 1 to ix > drank tiv tIle purchaser In the Inn tavern
or hotl thereby llcrnxd with his niaU or In hli
ruuin or oraiariiaiit thereIn but not In the barroom
or other similar 1 ruuui of the Inu tavern ur hotel
lend I
S It will bn Keen from the above that club are
1 only hot exempt but that there Is nothing
tolndlcntu that thu framers of the law gave a
thought to clubs xxhen they wero drawing up
the law With reference tu the perun or per
nuns to xvhotn a llcensi may bo granted tho luv
Isrpeclllo I A Hiento may L bv Kiantid u C 1 to a
keeper or keeper u an inn tavern nr howl
having If In a cIty at least ten bedrnom Cur
hnVnl cll
guests and If In n town at least three etmeli bed
loa rB I tIp K keeper or keepers ofn saloon
iui to tho keeper or keepers nf A Niloon Ir i
mlttlnit tho pale IC u ale antI Lao only 141 to the
keeper or keepiirsof a store l to tho keeper
or keepers nf it drug store
a keeltrs does not prox Ido that any other per
son or persons ur corporixtlun except common
carriers such as railroad und stiainuoia com
panies may huvollccnvm lsuuitid to them there
fore time Inquiry I niicgeMed stacy cumin legally
nell liquor nn flY day nf the week 7 Comuil I
Bloner Andrews xxho Is a lawyer xxus slaked
about this xistenlay The Iommlmloncr said
I want It under lood that I do not sptnlc for
the Hoard Indlvldunll I tjollexe Iheru U I room
for a wide difference ot opinion an to the Inter
pretation of time laxx Certainly If a club his
no legal right toll liquor nu weeK lal it has
no right tn tell on Sutsdays Although nothing
Is I said In tho law about It I know ot a numlwr
ot good lawyers who bellexo the club have
legal right tn sell liquor at any time
In view of such opinions It seems to me that
the heat t stY to get at tho matter Is to have a
tit case made home club appearing In the case
as the defendant charged with violating the
law I may say that a wellknown club man
hal Intimated to tho Hoard thut such a case
muy be provided In tact I think tho dctulU
have all been Arranged but of that I am nut
In President Uuoso
lulte certain The mutter I 1 Ol
xelts hands
ibo Hoard would like to see a test case
iiade If the court uphold tho club then the
Board in future xvlll make no attempt tn stop
the sale ut liquor ut any club If the decision Is I
ngainu the club then we shall endeavor to en
urce time laxv I rIgidly Hut tile difficulty In doing
his Is tu got evidence 1 do not believe that any
individual of this Hoard ur time Uotrd us a
whole would sanction for a moment the attempt
lo pend spites Into ix club to get evidence of thu
violation uf the Inn I know that I would not
introduce n Inn into any cub of which I wax
a member It I knew that he xxas to b
tho clubs guest simply t detect violatIons of
the Excise 1t According to tho letter of tine
law It is Illegal for any citizen to scrxo wine vr
other liquor on his dinner table un Sunday but
no ono I hnpu suspects that we are goin let spy
nto a mans dining room for the sake of finding
out hether ur not tin I Is I obe luc the Excite law
A club li I little different from mans own borne
and unless some nne w ho has hud I drink In 1
club makesu complaint I dont Just see how the
ollce Commissioners sIre colug t close the bars
of time clubs un Sunday
Many of the prominent clubs have decided
to cloeo their burs nn Sunday any way For In
stance the Century Club sent a communlca
too to the Board asking If the sale uf lluuor In
In the club house on Sunday xa violation of
the law The club wa Informed that It was the
opinion of the Hoard that such wile xxuuld 0 n
violation of tho law The climb then decided
to sell no liquor at nil on Sunday You see that
so long at there is u doubt about time Sunday
ale of lIquor at a club we must not permit nuch
nlo if we can help It If xxe could huxe a test
case we should know exactly how to act
Commissioner Hoosevilt or Commissioner
ParKer could not b found yeteaday but Com
ntMoner Grant hod Fomettilng to nay He
said tnn fought shy of speaking for the hoard He
saidFor the Boar all I have to nay Is that all
law will b enforced There xxas a broad
smile on the CommlsMnncrn face n he all
his Then tie added here Is I little dtller
once between tho rights uf I man la his Lame
and In his cub I pay house rent and the ant
of my family aro supplied by my butcher
grocer baker and If you please IY xvlne mer
chant I hate a right to b serxcnl in any house
with what I wish to eat and drluk I
jeloiiK to the Union League Club I pay
my dues there which ale to the dues
nf other membi pays In part for
he edibles anti drinkable served nt the club I
have a contingent oxxncrtlilp In the contents of
the clubs cellar and may order from It what I
wish I I Invite you Iodine with me on Sunday
and give you a glass of wine I nave violated the
law I have also violated tlio law If I Invite
yu to take a drink with me at mj club on bun
lay I you lodge a complaint against mo a u
evident fur Riving you 1 iilas of wine at my
dinner table or against the dub for si rvlnt you
wIth xvlne It xxlll bv th duty of the txillce to
arrest me or tn arrest some ono at the club
It is easy tu determine who shall ho arrested
and prosecuted In caseof Limo restrlont but who
hall be taken into custody at the club Per
haps the barkeitier but he has only filled I an
art bnl
order given tn him by a waiter who In turn ban
received the order front me u member of the
club If the club were a saloon I would figure
In the capacity of the proprietor and time walter
and barkeeper on my employees In the case nf
the Ion 1 llirie men would probably bu ar
reteet Who xxould you arrest at thu club
I do not b lleu this Board will try to stop
the palm of Sunday liquor at Kcnulnn reputable
lubi Clubs orgnnlud for the purposn nf evad
log the law are not genuine clubs and should b
dealt whim accordingly
Corporation Counsel Scott was seen and asked
fit I legal for clubs to sell liquor on Sunday or
an day nf the week and if so under what Pro
vllon ot Lisa law may licenses b granted to
clubs In reply to thin questions Mr Scott said
I am not prepared to answer the questions
because have not looked up the law und If I
lad I would be unwilling to answer them as I
nay be called upon In answer tlsa lam qUI
Commissioners Ions or similar ones for the Police or Excise
Ancel Dennett and Mr ICoocevels IVer
After yilmermejrr
The Police Commissioners yesterday dismissed
from the force Patrolmen Jacob blmermeyerof
West Slxtyelgimtim street John Fltiglbbons of
Old slip and Edward llothschlld of Eat Fifth
Simerraeyer was recently tried on charge
made by Angel Dennett of the Par htirst
society for falling to properly enforce the Ex
cite law Ill dismissal wax recommended by
Commissioner Itoosevelt Patrolman Fltzglb
bon tax accusod of rcfttsltiR to oboy order and
ut threatening to shoot Rnundaman humId The
charges against Patrolman Hnthschlld were for
hlnl betrayed a youns woman named Lena
Treasurer Andrews reported that the sum nf
S ii415 HO from sick time absence and fines
was paid Into the pension fund during August
aud utiso thn sum nf 3HIH177 inn per nt
eduction from ialarlcs Ihu linen for Auuu
mounted to tr0il the larKiet ever known lu
the hbtory of the department
rue linker Ifnlnn Ak Ilno velttn Htop
hubhutll llakluar
A delegation from thollnkerit Colon called on
resident Housexelt at Pollco Headquarters lts
rrday unil requested him tn have Ihe police
close bake thopi after 10 oclock on bunday
uuriiluie ali to still bunday baking The com
nlttt o believe It Is I vIolatIon of time Sunday law
t keep bakeries open aCer ID oclock and to al
low bread baking nu that day
Commissioner Itooucxclt tnld he could not de
Mo without further Inxeillgatlon whether or
not tbu biking and selling of bread or take on
uimthty was a necessity
tiranil JUnrebnl ror time Liberal Huaday
I ua iarade
The coumlttco appointed to select a grand
marshal for the liberal buuda laxxs parade ou
Sept yn has holeiled lien lieorge von Schack
vtio Las accepted the Ioot lon I Von belmclt
was born In lermany and educated at the
Itrlln Mllltar Academy He came here In
Dill Hu served in the Union army during tho
r and xxas made Hrlgadlerrioneral by brevet
In IbcU for zullunt conduu before Itlchiuoiid
hint Ifttltt bo has bcun in time cuUotns service
at this port as inspector
fire Over H lout Office Hlullon
Fire In tho Ilstury l building 1 at Prince street
timid West Ilroadtxuy last night damaged the
mlldlnc to list extent of 000 Occupants of
the bulldlnf reported a loss by Ore and water uf
about S 500 fully insured Tee ground floor
coupled by Post Office Station A was thor
tighl > drrucbfd Vise clerk gathrrnl the
stamups Iud dir and ssut lUstu to U titnctal
luet UfUc
oet UIC
xv AcniMomov JiKAnrxo nE
VIlE MA ion nA Minn
rthnnded Inilnnntlon that the Mnyar
end Other UMelaU Are futerenled In the
Jee City Water e romiinnyDlreet One
that the Water I Jlelnc Tnmperetl With
When Mayor Wanser of Jersey City an
nounced on Wedneidny that ho would give a
fourday hearing on tlio question of mal Ihl
a contract with the Jersey City Water Company
he sorely disap I
for a new water supply was 1up
isle omoon
pointed because nobody appeared at Is
Thursday to either advocate or oppose the con
tract Yesterday howcxcr he concluded that
tlio seeming Indifference ot Jersey City citizens
must haxo been due either to the extremely hot
weather or to the fort that everybody Interested
in water must have gone to see the race for the
Americas Cup
The Mayor once was code for several
hour yesterday with people who went there to
either oppose or advocate the contract and the
Mayor found himself in pretty hot water at
times Everybody who wont there with one or
two exceptions agreed that better water Is an
absolute necessity but those who opposed the
award of a contract to the Jersey City Company
were In the majority and were far more agres
sloe than those who favored It
Tie xxater has been particularly bad for
several dim > s It emits 1 atTend 0 odor and
the supply has ben so meagre that It dues nut
riii to tho upper floors of the houtei
The first pltlzen who addressed the Mayor on
the subject yesterday was John I Hop en
Ho said bo had ben told that the city officials
xxero purposely tampering with the present
water supply In order to Influence public
opinion In favor of tho pending contracts I
asked the Mayor t put a stop to that kind nf
IurkAre you willing to make a charge of that
kind 1 asked Mayor Wanfcr
No answered Mr Hopken hesitatingly
I do not know It of my own knowledge but I
have been told so
Told so wont do said the Mayor with just
a slight trace of Irritation In his tone If you
want me to pay any attention to your statement
you will halo to tell me who made tho charge
Mr Hopken Imitated for a few moments and
then gave Principal Ilufkcll of Public School 14
01 authority for his statement Mayor Wansor I
summoned his stenographer and had Mr Hop
kea Btaumvnt taken don verbatim Mr
Hopken sold that Mr llaskcll told him that
pending tho decision upon thu award of the
water contract the water would be made more
foul In order to Influence public opinion The
quality of the water Mr llaskcll told him
could be made worse by pumping when tbo tide
wan low at the Helluvllle Intake Time Mayor
earned from Mr I Hunkcn before he got through
with him that lin had been Interested tn an op
toltlon water scheme Mr I Hopken said l that
le was not interested in it now however and he
only appeared before tho Mayor as u cltlen
henry V Condlct the lawyer who U to apply
tl the supremo Court for is writ of certiorarI If
the Mayor approves of time contract raid that
he had consulted every gentleman he met and
they ununlmouidy condemned the award of the
contract to the Jersey City Compaii He had
invited all nf them he said to coma to time
Mayors offIce but only a few ot them had ac
cepted the invitation
ceple slim meotIng said Mr Condlct doe
not Indicate a meelnl Inn rest The people ray
tho Mayor has already made up hit mind I do
not believe I U e want water and tate question
is I how to get It Many persons know but little
about water and they dont waist to display
heir Ignorance coming here Everyone but
William A Lewis approves of the contract for a
fiiiKirar > supply
Major Wan r Interrupted Mr Condlct to In
form him that the Kant Jersey Company which
Is to furnish the temporary supplx If I thn Mxnr
approve of the contract will be unable to
uriilih a full supply end Its I u star xxlll have to
m mixed with I the 1assalc water The I lint
Jrrtc > Companys price K I 31J per 1000000
gallons delivered only ut Hellcxille pr The Jersey
City Company It it gets the contract for a per
manent supply will deliver eater at the high
service reservoir for 3071 Ir 1000000 gal
Ions Under the proposed contract with the
Eat lnder Com plny pMuo pumping station at
itIlex Uld will have to b continued and that
will make the cost of the water S101 per
000000 gallons Besides the water xxlll b
tainted with the Impurities from the Passaic
Mr CoDdlct made somo teinents nlch
were contradicted by the Mayor and Corporation
Counsel Blair
Counelllr to b interrupted Ill Mr
Condlct I I um interrupted In thin way I
cannot els properly present the case for the clll
elsNo shouted exMayor Oarret D Van
Relpen we dont wont any interruptions W e
have come here a citizens and xxe waut to b
he ird ithul xx e arc going to be heard Vs e wont
tolerate Interruption from the Mayor or any
nm else and we want tho Mayor to keep quiet
until xve aro through
You an doing quite some Interfering Iour
self remarked the Major iiulellx but go
ahead > nu wtit not be Interfered with
Mr Cundlct continued his remarks and in a
manner Intended n be humorous a well as ear
calc addressed tho Mayor aMr Expert
You xxlll please remember Mr Condlct
said the Mayor significantly that you are in
nmy ntllce and I expect you to behave n a gentleman
Mr Condlct apologized nnd closed his argu
ment against the ajiprxoal nf the contract
KxAwcmbl > man Frank O Cole followed Mr
Cnndlct Our Corporation Counsel he said
hail all orlorton of paid
displayed venom a attorney
Now Mr Manr I Tail that no matter what
a public I official does there are lIkely to bo people
who are dissatisfied I I I but a lonro Dortlnn of the
crltcltju exists because luo ruullc believes that
thor U I a deliberate conspiracy to fore this per
manent contract with the Jersey City Com
pany on the community I deprecate tho
barges that money baa been used In this
water matter but yet the popular Impres
sion i that somebody Is going to make
SUOOOOOO If the Jersey City Water Com
pany gets the contract The trouble partly
is > that we dont know who Is I In the Jersey City
Water Company Who lire tho members of It t
I have heard It said and I have vehemently
denounced It a untrue that you yourself are a
stockholder In that company Nnxv I would
not believe that for n mOl nl I have heard It
said that your Corporation Counsel U Interested
In the company and that your Corporation Al
tome In I the legal adviser fur the company all
of which I believe Is untrue
Onu moment I exclaimed Corporation At
torney Weart boiling over with Indignation
I wont bo Interrupted said Mr Cole
One mom wit repeated Mr W east
I re mat that I xxont b Interrupted laid
Mr Cole
Do xou think asked Mayor Wanser ad
dressing Mr Cole that the voter uue tlim
cuuld ho settled without somebody charging lui
prop r IOU vet
Irnlr I du replied MrColequlcklr I Mr
Itudnlph Herring hud be on appoint expert by
thu Hoard < It Hnancu nnd had examined the
specification and bid and recommended thut
tliu purnianont contract b given to the Jersey
City Water Company I dont bellow that a cur
porals guard could havf been mustered to op
IM e tlili contract lodax
I xxnit In nay nIle thing laid Mayor Wan
ser n that Is I that I haxo never nuked any
member of tine Hoard nf Klnancc to vote vn the
xx tr question
You liao I only yimtmr Finance Commissioners
tn bhemci fur rcattng llmt ImpresMon aid
Mr Colo Cnmtnliialuners DelXTltlerund Simp
con have fitat d that owing to the rslntenoy
nf Limo Mayoilhe > voted for the Jersey City
Water Companx nlthouch they still favored
tho appnlntment nf an eipnrt
Art 11111 xvllllng Mr Cole asked Corpora
tion tontine Hlalr to b responsible forgiving
currency to the rumor that 1 am Interested In
tuoJerbcy 1 City Water Company f
I heard thn rumor armswerest Mr Cole
evasively but I denied It I believe you are an
honest man Mr Hlalr but I must say that > 01
am Infernally lary
Mr t ole also assured Mr Weart In answer to
amienllon that he did not believe the rumors
of ills connection with tie water company
Hpeccln were made by several oilier cltlrens
some nf them nppmlng the contract anti either
favoring It Tho Major 1 will hold otlen
ceptlon today and a final one on Monday
The Flitt Nnllonal Hank of Amsterdam
A 1iie is Hull Involvlnc 8SOOOO
AusTniDAM N Ycpt 13 Justice Landon
of the Supreme Court lion just decided the suit
of Ihaiili Mills of Uockton against the First
Jatlunal Hank of this city Time decision Is In
favor of the bank The suit I one ot the most
uiuous In time legal history of Montgomery
county and has been long contested Tbo prop
srty Involved consists a good part of prop
ugo of ttncklnn and Is I valued at f 80000 11
ot the counnel fur the Ilicuulx Mills was Joseph
I I Choateof New York
hurKi Acalnit Commissioner Wh iUr
PICHKE B n Uspt 13 kmuiett Cole today
tied In time Governors olHco
1e Uovror otc sworn charge
against A Wheeler Commissioner of Labor
Statistics clmrulng malteusance In office ncg
ect uf official dUI Iud attempt to extort
uoney Tho Governor is a absent and U I la t not
kuuw u what steps will be taken
For boat of Veterans 1tln1 Encampment at
nticvllle Ttnn Y uuivvanla Killrua4 will sell I un
lii slid luiluilluv KbL 1110 I return until and in
luatuiuci0 lhv rouQ I irluUiu roui New Vtrk
for lit01 let dnlliatloD Lklcksiiiauiia amm4Csmxi
J auoois Ntloul Mlilirr fark tickets will b said
roui Siw ork oCLattmnoorfxbt > t W to 14 luctik
fl l l39 good > av tu rclura uutll ana Imluiuur Vet O for
Stores ckwed at six clock
Study your stylo and woBr whats
Hard to do at tho fnsliionnblo
hatters who has hut ono Dorby
block anti makes you pay 5
Suppose you RO to I plnco
whoro thoyvo nil tho blocks worth
having whoro thoy soil em nt 3
Irlnre and tlrosdway
Warren and Hrosiltxay
Sal and lirosilnny
A Young Ormnu Noblemnn Has Joined
Tlielr Forcen Hevolt Hnreadlngc
The following Is an extract from a letter re
cIted yceterday byttim Libre n weekly paper
published In English In this city In tho Interest
of Cuban freedom
Jose Flores a Lieutenant under Col Hodrl
goes of Gen Macaos division made a foray
yesterday Sept 7 against n force uf panlar < s
In the village of Calnumcra bout ten leagues
from the city of Uuantnnamo After a short
but brilliant enimirement the Insurgents were
victorious capturing twenty prisoners > 00
stands of arms COOOO rounds of ammunition
stores and provisions In large quantities and
medicines and clothing On the sldn of the In
surgents one sergeant and fifteen men were
Killed and thlrt > ono men and nlicera woulded
I Is not known exactly what the bpanlth
losses were but a the flfht was desperate It Is
thought their losses were large The Spanish
force was of the flower of the recently arrived
Valencia contingent who acquitted themselves
with credit In the Morocco campaign They
ought with the utmost desperation and bravery
but they were no match fur the Cuban with
their murderous machetes
Lieut Itodrlguez whose mother own oncof
the largest estanclas in eastern Cuba and whose
elder brothers died In tho
er dIe Spanish penal colony
of Ceuta In Africa having been committed t
hat prison for participation In the last ten
years rosoit In Cuba acquitted himself with
distinguished bravery ami when the tiehl was
over and Calnemera with its valuable muni I
tions In hi huuds he showed his
tons was huls bvwe magna I
nimity by paroling the captured Spaniard and
ending thm under guard to the bpaiisli lines
It Is I understood iulr that the Insurgents
lave arranged for the purchaiwi of a ruvinn
manofxxar fully armed and it I i said that the
command has been offered to a retired Ameri
can naval lieutenant I Is I positively announced
that several French und Belgian syndicates
have oIerl to furnish mone > to the in
surgents with a proviso tnt In the event uf
thme success nf the Cuban cue they are to re
ceive certain concei > lan on the Island
Count Ernest von 1flafttjurc who Is said to
be > a kinsman of the Duke of HesseDnrmttadt
arrived In Puerto Principe about two weeks
ago and aft r souse delay and difficulty man
aged tn join en Maximo Gomez He is I a
young man of distinguished presence and mill
mary training and xxlll Le put In command of a
regiment of caxnlr
Thin whole Inland I aflame with m
aD < 1 I is I it question uf but a few weeks when
the western province will break out Into open
revolt and cnalesco with the eastern provinces
In this war for freoelom
A distinguished American HrlgadleriSen
eiai whose namo was s > non niotis with Ictory I
In the cause nf the Lnluii in the late civil war
n the United Plates In the Army of the Cmn I
Mjrland has been approached by the rexolu
Innary Junta and It I said here that he will
accept an Invitation to inks > command of the
proposed western contingent
IroJe wtlern cnntlieul
afore Top lnnded at Havana
HAVANA Sept 13Tho Spanish transport
learner Leon XIII arrived here from bpaln
astevenlng wIth troop to rentoru time Got
rnmenl army
KINGSTON Jamaica Sept 13The Cuban
Junta here Is I divided by n dispute over Preal
dnt Houdons financial administration Hon
don i accused of having squandered the funds
Friend or Hnndar rhawder Iarllea Cup
tare I unit l > rfrnl Action
ConuCA Sept 13Tho mace meeting called
by the Citizens Club of this place so far BS ac
ompllshlng the object of the rail was con
corned was a failure Tho speakers uf the
evening who attempted t make themselves
heard above the din of those xvho objected t
ver thine said wore constantly Insulted
The meeting was held In Firemens Hall and
the limited quarters were packed to their ut
most capacity Tho disturbing element acted
at though it was there fur a xxclldefltied pur
pose and that iii members were assembled In
deference t the wishes of the persons who fa
vor the chowder parties that liaxo visited the
Hinge on Sundays who have awakened indig
nation In the breasts of the Citizens Club menu
The row at William Schaeffers last Sunday
whenever was thrown 111 the ftca cf the lUr
w Jay Peck wa tho cause of the meeting the
Citizens Club desiring to discuss means to pr
vent a recurrence of such scenes I a the
purpose of tho projector of the mass meeting
to calmly deliberate and consider wisely but In
this they were foiled aa they were hopelessly
outnumbered Then again the Cltlrens Club
epresentatlve were not capable of battling
with the opposition when it came to personal
remarks aud most of the utterances were In
his line
Every member of the Citizens Club and every
pcaker known t be In sympathy with the or
imitation WOK hooted at and his voice wax
ruxxnwl whenever I ho la eal tu address either
the Chair or the gallurltic
No snouer was tho muetlng called to order and
vllllain C Hurxe Installed at Chairman than
John Carroll moved to adjourn A bundled
voices seconded the motion The ehalrmnn
mxxever declared the motion Ivt Then the
enl fun began
IZxClerg l man Flichrr who used to preach In
he Methodlrt Church nt Miispeth I was the roc
Knltcd leader nf the opposition He nrizurd
haulm troublo with the Michael J bulllxan
Associullun at Schaeffers grnvewas the result
vt Interference with Corona people and nut nf a
desire l tildescrate tin babhath nn the purl of
time xmlnUter visitors Applause greeted the eilortnof the
rime same conslderatlnti did not greet the talk
fMr Mnndyone of the Citizens Club la
It e was told tn sit down and John Carroll ad
reed Meody with an ahundance of profanity
Then Carroll < added n throat t take car of
ilnody outside and the exmlnlsterlal leader
tried to quiet the fexernf riot that was rapidly
spreading Most of time speakers ion lder d
ial the nalooii interests I of the vlllnpo er
being asalled and repeated reading of the call
did not n 1 Ih tel them on thin point
1 he meeting adjourned without accomplishing
Ing anything other than estrange many who
want Into the hal as friends
MORA tiErTixa ins tfovur
The SlaoOOOO tu He Iald hy the HpnmUh
MinIster at WaebIutua Today
WAiiiiiiuiON fIt 11 Secretary Olney
eflor Dupuy de Lome the Sunnlsn Minister
and Antonio Maxima Mora will be In Washing
too tomorrow t linen the closing act In the
famous mont to the United
amoua Mora claim the pa I Uuled
States ot the Indemnity demanded from Spain
for the confiscation of Moras august plantation
In Cuba All time details fir the payment 10
ben made and the formal payeuont of the In
emnlty will be completed tomorrow or Mon
day A draft for J144U000 which II I the
equivalent of 11600000 In SpanIsh dollars
lade Olney the
payable to Secretary through
punish Minister will b glooms Mr Ohioby
Seilor Dupuv its Lome The draft Is draw on
the financial agent of Spain In London
It Is said tonight that this draft will pal
thly be turned over to the State Department
morrow morning It 1 will be cashed In lon
don with IlrltUh Hold and Immedlatsly there
fterdlstrlbutlou will lie made by the State Do
arlnient t till parties Interested Mora will
receive about partee net time remainder of
the total sum UO per net having been aoL
Part y r ago for pr pa > incut of all expenses
Incurred In the prosecution uf the claim attor
leI rees Included
Sailor de Imo It In this city tonight but will
return tn bit summer residence on tbu Males
huKtt coast tomurruw as roou as he receives
his receipt for the draft In dual payment of the
ilora claim Mora Mill not be present at to
morrow proceedings He reached Washing
Suture ton tonight home and Inteudt to made thIs city lilt
14 1805
jr I BALI avKt mus lUrLtJ
The Action Which Warn Ilronnht by Mr
Fnllnmn 1liynlclnn Wn Nettled Out I
CourtUnit Hid Not Kven
ou lnn Uet npr
meat of the Fee lie Hail Advanced
Dr llobert f llrodnm brought suit last
March In tlio Tenth Dlttrlct Court In Harlem to
recover 175 from Sirs Margaret D Kullam for
professional services the amount bclnit thn bal
ancc of a bill for 975 The actIon wits brought
through Lawyer Krnest I Hall xvho advanced
the fees counting It Is presumed on getting
them from the defendant or tilt client Ilve
day before tho case came on fur trial Mrs
Kullam settled It out nf court with Dr Ilrndnnz
on payment of 860 and took n receipt In full on
March 30 for the full amount of his services
1 Jllli Wli
Lawyer Ball had not been consulted about
he matter of Kiittlement and Mrs Fullam had
no lawyer so Lawyer Hill was left to wijistlt
for his services und his disbursements Ho
entered uu judgment nn the default of Mrs
Pullum for costs taxed ut 950 of which Mr
Ball bad advanced S SO
He mado a motion before Chief Justice Daly
of the Court of Common 1leas yesterday for an
order compelling Mrs Kullam tu pay COt
He encountered unexpected opposition In Mrs 1
Kullnm who appeared at her own counsel In
the case When Lawyer Hall had set forth the
nature of the motion Judge Daly said
Why do you nut collect the cot from your
own client 1
M I have tried t and cannot he replied
My client t In Europe and is financially
I do not think this woman should be com
pelled to pay the costs sula Judge Daly
Nor do I said Mrs Kullam a tall woman
of about 35 years who was txldently much em
barrnaied at her position In addressing time
Court 1 Laxo paid Limo Doctor and here U imia
receipt in full
Judge Daly examined the receipt and called
the attention of Ianer Hall to the fact that
the receipt xxiiadattd Hxe daH before the judg
merit xva entered UK told the lawyer that he
xxas xxrong In the impression that cots bcloni
to the rxttorno In a case and not tn the ear
ties to the action Iawjer Hull said that whelm
a case Ia settled without cohient uf the ixttor
IICJB the attorneys has e a right to hmate it doter
mlnatton and ton bill nf costs whim time right
under certain authorltle tu enforce It
Nut 111 tnorixlltxll Juio Daly
Morality does not enter In the luu the law
yer replied
Ye It doe said the Judge
Judge Dimly said that any way he could not
see xx hat purDut the order bo asked for would
serve It could not tn enforced by execution
and he could not see how it could be enforced In
the nature of contempt
Am 1 to looo m CostS then T asked the
You must look to your own client lisle
more in fault than this woman
Mrs IuUnm evidently urful that the matter
tans going agalnut her hero saId
I paid the Doctor all lie was entitled to and
I cannntpax nnx more My husband Uverv Ill
Mio faltered and seemed on tho iMjlnt of brtak
Int down
Lawer Hall suggested tnat Situ Honor receive
his papers In the cato and a brief and consider
the authorllits he would precuu
ou ch ould not take capes wIthout retainer
or be assured iif your fees said the Judge
Neither should lawyers lost their fee when
defendants ettlo out of court w ItO knowledge
of the suit said time laxvver
Have you a lawyer I1 H kcd the Judge of
Mr Fullam
No jpur Honor she replied I have no
mona to pay a lawyer It takes all mr money
and time to attend to my husband
Sims seemed overcome with emotion
You should have a lawyer said the Judge
I Hut your Honor I xxas told by Mr Kelsey
who has read Iniv that lour Honor wait a good
Judge and you would belt me
I cannot act as Judga and advocate said
the Judge
He ascertained from Mr Ball that the cost
were only Zilt0 l > and Informed the lawyer that
If time motion wax hecidOt against him he would
haxetn pay 10 motion ro tn
Mr ball said that he did lint want the money
but wanted the legal points Inxolxed tattled
Yes at my expense said Mrs 1ullam inn
tearful say
Jtidite Duly said that ho xvould receive the pa
pers xrhlcli lawyer Ball said ho desired to pre
sent on Oct 1
Will I hove to come here then 1 asked Mrs
You had better come on that date said the
Judge It may be to your adx milage
To Drain the Itronx Volley
There xxas a meeting nf the Hronx River
Sewer Commission tnterduy afternoon in the
Mayor ofUce Engineer Fairchild reported in
detail the progress of thn work on the plans
Thin sewer xvheu built xxlll carry oil all the
drainage of the Hronx Valley It all empties
Into the Bronx River now and pollutes the water
supply uf the city Mayor Strong complimented
Iorilbam Morris the 1retlilont or the Coumiln
slon un tho irotreiui Thu Commission ap
pointed an auditing committee
The Naatnsiket Experiment Paid and Kit en
tout Will Mo Unde
HOSTON Sept 13in an luvervlew this morn
Inc J K Kendrlok the Third Vlcu1resldont of
the Now llaxen Itnllrond nnMof the proposed
eitonsioii of electrical equipment on the hid
Colon > division
I o arc entirely sntlsfled with our aspen
meut on the NunUskct Heat hudness the sea
son having demonatratfil time fact that the
cheap and frequent train create tralllc The
passenger statistics for the summer Just chutxl
show an increase of three hundred per cent
over those for the season of 1N04 stud next
year wo expect thite llgures xvtll be
beaten The tests made the other day
in the matter of demonstrating the prnctlcabll
Ity of electricity In Itn relation to tho frrluhtlnir
business acre also emluvntly satisfactory un3
nirun n great dual In the application of times cur
rent to all branches nf mil trniisportntldn
In regard tn the report that our ci luptii wins
taking stnp looking to the equipment of the
link between > ianln ket Imtmttion and Hniiiitruo
with electricity I am at liberty to > n > that It Ix
In ever xxuy correct Ihu plan thut xrlll
110 curried nut nruvldcs for four tracks
the two outer for trolley car and this
Inner for steam Thu ctntro tracks
will be fenced In so that there will bo no postl
blllty of Injury to passengers when taking the
electrics Woexmnt tu have the line In full
working order und running In connection with
the Nantuaket heads branch by time llrst uf
liext season
Are Limo other ro ids In this neighborhood In
terested in time experiments of the Nsw JUxen
comnaii 7
I cj they lire keeping a close watch on xrhat
ever we do It has been practically decided to
use the current tn conjunction with steam ua
far out as Itcad Ills and Dedham umtr time Provi
dence division There will be four tracks on
thelattou the outer ones being for trolley
Ludwig Krlc To k Iolioi
Ludwig Krleg aged 43 a Newark toolmaker
out of work committed sulclJ last night by
drinking muriatic acid He took list poison In
the street and then went to his home t ut 151
South hlnnnth street Newark uml told his
wife what he haul dona Hho tumiuuned a phy
slolaa but her husband died teforo be arrived
326 7th Av
CLEANING 4f h1lf
L II Telephone lI ssttm it
uascii a blU tOI CUIrUI I t
for all
afflicted with
in a Single
Application of
CcTicriu WORK VTovntB and Its cure of
torturing humour ant sinhliy Juan dlo
P111 I hr n hftnt th world let t peUHr b1 PnUH sal <
Arnir rhmiu In sit Its fr nlml i tin llnnm il ileil
f Mff kitr 5 Le t I gist M ftlr I Ir I m 1urtia
Dun Act Less Lusr sconce u L s A
TllK ttlll 11 1IIImJtf tlhIK
lraptn > er ICefuve to Mien n Nixv Agree
mrnt jmpiittielte HlrtkeM IXpritl
A general strlk of tile layers helpem lie
longing tn the Ihxaeon Lalior Club xxu de
cldtd upon ut n meeting of thu organization
held last night at lrdwth Hull ut 710 Third
iveuuf This xrlll bring VOO men out and xxlll
affect JOO tile Inters lMsldcus the demands have
been eliilor ed by tho Hoard nf Walking Dele
K > iten and the Ctntrul lnl < r Union Other
trndu are likely to to Inxolvol through sympu
timitic strikes
limo tlmta It for tin signing of a new ngnco
mnt I All tliiilFinaiidt HIP impliycri uruxxlll
Iris Its conceit but the > urn not Illlinr to lcn
I hit agreement Hcfnru the iii < etlngit smiriki mass
iirdired of the I men uoiklni for Trctell ut
I orDsoiend street and Uf h axinue Tin de
mands In Die lieu agreement nrnui follnwn
First Ibat 1 the xxnrKlng itnur shall be frtJlli
7 nu A M until li clock noun anti from 1 p
it until f P i M
Srcrnd That helpers stall take such trains
ax may be netisturx tn onnblu them tn turt
work at the tlptlliitvl tine provided uch
trains ilo not leave Ixore 7 A M and return
n > tr ilns gittlU luto New York niaut 0 P I M
Ihlrd I Adaspn fur hdpers shall tie 2ahi
and car fir f > and trum t nil I Jobs
Fourth llmt all iterlmnle Sundays anti
legal hollaajMliull be peW ut time ratouf double
time I he above to co Into effect on Oct 1 lfit3
The Hnt on IatxirClub is n Knlzhtof Unlwr
a cmbly nil Include a majority of tile layers
lifper It Ill l reprefenteil In the Hoard of
Walk Ing Delerte and In the building trade
ftectlon of the Centril Labor Union The walk
ing delegate of the oranlrallon Is Jamas C
hdtvnrda the present hirReantatArms of the
Central labor I Union
Several Sundays ago he made a report that
the demands were tn te I made on the employers
After reading n list of the demands tie sited
for the endorsement the Central Labor Union
At the same time ho announced that a strike
xriiuld likely follow If the demands were re
fused The iVntral Lajor Irlon then endorsed
tile ooltlon taken > his organization
Hlztyflve Knee MPitntM Contraetore flay
Yielded to the Striker
TIme Executive Committee of the Knee
Pants Makers Union reported yesterday
that slxtyflxe contractors have now signed the
agreement with the strikers and that only MO
ore out In this city In I a good many caees the
manufacturer furnished the security for the
contractors The Wllllamibursh strikers have
all gained their demands
The Garment Workers Trade Council of the
Knights of Labor wan appealed to yesterday to
take some action In the case of Contractor
Tltelbanm at 25 Howery and Horn at 131
Cbrystlo ptreet who employ nonunion hands
An attempt by a committee of the union to get
them to employ union hands was a failure and
In the owe of iitaibasinm I resulted In a nzht
Time council decided to deal with the mann
facturm who supply the two contractors with
work These manufacturers also supply work
contractors making children jacket and
vents and the council will order strikes in all
such shops if the manufacturers do not refuse
work to every one who will not employ union
The demand of the Sulrtmakers Union for a
ten per cent advance ot wages has been ignored
by the contractors and Secretary Herman of
the union m > s a strike Is Inevitable The meet
ing to vote on a general strike will cot be held
until after lime Jewish holidays which begin
next Tuesday as a strike then would hoof no
effect for the Hebrews do no work during th
holidays in any event Herman said yesterday
There will be a strike I am sure because the
contractors have shoxxn that they will grant
nothing without a strike It will be a general
strike of the 3000 members uf the union
Capmaker Ftltmnn Hat Thesn or Daiaes
for Aliened AauKie
Jacob Feltman the cnpmaker who was ar
rested on Monday at the instance of Mark and
Carence Davis cap manufacturers at 43 West
Fourth street for alleged assault and was af
terward discharged tn Jefferson Market Court
had the Davlses arrested yesterday Through
Lawyers Grossman and Vorhouse he brought
suit against them In the City Court for 8000
damages for assault each They were armted
on a bench warrant yesterday afternoon and
bill wa fixed by Judge Hotty of the City Court
at 1 000 each It wa at once furnished
Mark and Clarence Davis who are brothers
had been annoyed a good deal by former em
ploye who were on strike and had obtained an
injunction in the Supreme Court restraining any
of the old hands from Interfering with their
business Feltman who Is employed by Horn
fold < Cohen cap makers at 7 1 South Wash
ington square pawed the Da > Is factory which
is near where he work early on Monday morn
Ing and Mark Davis who was at the door tried
to serve him with an Injunction ax he said ho
knew he was a striker
Feltman refused the document and a fight
followed Clarence came to the aslstance of
his brother and between them Feltman It li
said was badly bandit They then called a
policeman who arrested Feltman on the charge
of rmpaatmlL
In Jefferson Market Court several wltnwsss
testified that the Davis brothers were the ag
gressoni amid Feltman was discharged
ClolhtnK llaanrnelnrcre Dlwlalm flaviag
Any Connection with the Contractor
liocunsTiiit Sept I3At the meeting of the
clothing manufacturers of this city held this
mornlnc It was unanimously resolved that th
following be published ax the expression of time
position nf the Clothiers Exchange In relation
to tin strike nw on between the contractors
and tbelr tailors
Xe the clothing manufacturer hereby rmphttl
eally ileny having tmtt at any line any ronmtUon
wtifi ill innirafinrt or ICC aid strike ID HO shape
or mmior whMrver Ue further stat thai wo e iii
unconditionally furnish ss bertiforn work loauy
relpommeitle suit luinpetontioiitractor or ptr an Who
may npply for time Mini
MiniM A STIRS Vlerresld nt
U I K HTIIV Aculmg Secretary
Mr Helchera says This U one oh the tricks
of the manufactures tn xxliltetxaiib themselves
before their customers
Painter SInks 5 ONllln Dry Good
The Executive Committee of the New York
Painters Unlun ordered a strike ot twentylive
painters at mark on ONeills dry goods store In
tMxthaxenue jetinlay They were employed
by Contractor Luney and lisa strike xx a or
dirtd betuute he hud employed several non
union men
Hebrew Maitre Maker AVla a Htrlke
One hundred mattress inakeri belonging to
the lUbrext Mattress Makers Union who had
truck In twelve shops for uu mUancoof it ages
won their strike alt went tack to work ester
da > I heir demalsuis were fur an increase of
from 16 to iO per cent In xtagcs
Two Women Nearly Hurncil In Heath by
the Llittlluu ufun Oil niovr
ALBAMHupt in fly time nverturnlngof an
oil stove two women xxoro nearly burntd to
death In tills city toila Mla Nettle Aiuler
bolt and Miss Alblna Yaucleet are the victims
and List furniir will die she having It Is thought
lulmld the lluiiiei The Aiulerxm girl tried to
light the stoVe and the flames flurrd up and Ig
nlghted her dross Sims rolled over and over un
the floor setting tire tn i the houte
bhe theu run Intu time ball ami fell headlong
down a plight of stairs hIss pit krd herself up
and screaming with palms ilme throw hrrilf Into
the arms of her employer Miss Yanclset set
thug lire to her dress An iilarm of nre wu seal
la together with an ambulance call Ta
women were sent to th hospital Miss Ander
son vxss horribly burned There wa not an
Inch of flesh on hr body that bad nor been
touched by she blames
TUB iirATTti ni > Ann PRAK t rio
nON rjtoit noir WAI Kit
ntntinp Wllll lroteuIsiuoterlna < on tha
Ilennlntun Stan lYnncUco Order
OuiirJiitlnr Tin tat H or ItrlfUli I in
rena Arrriteil Inilrr Mm dill I Hv Ii
< Jov rmiiciit to Iurole Mrs Domini
SAN KiUMtMii Sept in The cort < iiu lu t
at tine Inltnl Ircw In Honolulu SIMM
Ovlnlo fit cholera epidemic the ciiihltt
nticl Suilt uf fhli nn tlili part of the uuiss i i is
been prohibited Flits I Inn BMPVII I he natii i
gremitly lliu old mish msui kit Imnu been iiuim I
lnliiil for Mnltnry I 1 tt ill oh a All I 1 tho u I u ii I ii 1
trnifiiFiUiicruncilnMm the itrentn arc to e
dcmolM ul
All the htircliri were ordered In r n r n
Kept 1 UIG Aniillcnn HIMiop Vi II ir
tiiiiiiirril the order in time innt lnlulton nnil
nulratreuu ubusuof puss ci Mlico 1apaiintT
diets lime next tiny tic Irrnlciit of tin I ml
of 11mltli tnudn this statement of time MVIM i
fur Hi aUlon
It wits for the protoellon of the mthcl ia
xxiillan At tine HomnnCuthollcl hutch a 11 I p
their lnircTi In I tho mma container uf h f
wntiir Some tnlelit do tills who were I mm fmt 1
ur Imit tonic nltli I rneleiti hands ruin H
fectcil luitte Vathcs xxhn < o friends tint >
ccntly dlcii upon meeting aiquulntanrc
ItiiMitly embrace line wall ofi thor kming 1
touching noi1 Thtils often doje e loin Irp i
are Nine ent nnn > Among time tl aliases t
chnlcTa Xxhicn appeared imru was that of a Hi
the unman wlin was attached In the Itumnt
Catholic Churtli un bunduj Aurf 17 1 1 era
win much ieii allots Inxotlnk I to proUlblt t i s
church Mrxlees ImlllM emed that It Hmaid tie
done for time nale of time IIuAatintis xxuu are
nmot ripened to contagion and that It xxou I
not be wise tim discriminate
An Important letter uypiir thU muninj mu
Limo tIuyrier f raIn Mrs Xaktilna a hulfxxl hue
xxnmnti and an nuthorlt on Hunahan cuiloru
She ascerts that crab eat dead bodies an lire
unquestionably thu mtdiuu of ri iarulli It
fectlon to InUcl bite also warm tij pcjp
against dancers from Kahuna pruclics whirl
cati e Infection and from the fouling if na r
source by nallxet hiding at them headset tmi
1 he gunboat Hennington moved from the bar
hot In tImo roads rn th ilsl an account nf tie
Infection of the harbor wMer Some casrs f
cholerln irern ri orttd but all halide are no r
well The lulu receIve dally supplies from
The cruiser Olympia arrived on the 2SJ alsj
anchoring outline lor fear of cholera
An application ha been made to the FureiiTi
Offlce lug Illllsh CnmmUuloctr iiuire for a
statement of the rea ons for tbearrvt and tic
nrHo mipnt of Tamei Brown I 5 Lee M f c
Italic F II RcdwHn Thomas M Iam r
Arthur McDowell t 1 llarrlon U V Aiftrl
O C Ken > on iiiiU K B Thomas nrjer ii al
law last Jannnr The e Hntl h nbi t iii
pealed to their O < i eminent lor reJrer aol tlt
lejal adt IferHof time Crown hire ref it u i rt a
a rteciilve opinion wIthout reviewing ei ii
mony that may be submitted bi t rri
ment The Internment Pofeue t im K to
show pood laus In each case with evmd t IP t
the urltrItODa coravillclt > in time inuru c nIt n
It was not recurrteU as neceM ar > to poe ume tj
conviction ever person Implintcu j it > f
the uluerani persons poesoos rutsrs 1
tome social standing
The Governmeimt notices a inarmed dlTerr na
bate eon this action and that or the Admlinsra
tlon in ttmuciif Dnrerll In wm h reurit a
was asked without a snssetioi of further m
Cranton and Mueller who are po ni i 9
Warritnoo Ht Vancouxer for < letctu tl nu
ask to come to Honoln u tontte d I lie eimrm n
lion of witnesses atraintt then lhe > xxill bo
permitted to do so
The Government hasdecided tn pardon nil tms
political prisoner except the loader la time lot
rebellion and to i > aroe elVueen iii I
The Goxerrrncnt rise de < ld > d tn pirdm all
the political prisoners excect the leaden mm ne
last rebellion and to parole exQuren 111
The tan Francisco Hoard of Health this rona
Inc declarcdilouolulu an Infected port and or
dered that a rigId quarantine be observed
Reports which bare reached Honolulu con
oerntne filibustering expeditions alleged to D4
tilting ont acalnst the hawaiian republic arc
discredited there The only objective point on
the Island against which an expedition could
move with succcu U Honolulu The presenc
of an American manofwar In the harbor bow
ever would discount inch an attempt Even
If a ucce afnj landing should be made at
Diamond Head where ths arms of the royalist
insurgents were landed It would be Impossible
to take the city by surprise Before time four
miles between Diamond Head and the city could
t > e traversed by ao armed force the alarm
would be given and the city would be pat on a
war footing Th city has a vigilant polio
tones besides an armed force of some 800 men
well equipped In addition to this regular
force there Is a minute guard of 1000 men
armed and ready at a moment notice Th
signal of three stroke of a bell would bring all
the men ont with rifle
This force 1s thoroughly organized and each
man knows exactly to what corner of th city to
run so there would be no misunderstandings
Five minute after an alarm squads of flfty la
100 men would be posted on about every Im
portant street corner
A report has been circulated recently that be
fore his withdrawal from the Washington mis
aba Mr Thnnton had frequent Interviews with
Secretary Ores ham on the subject of annexa
tlon and that at the Interview Mr Thnntoa
refused to entertain the Idea of disturbing th
relations of the alien element and of adopting
the Contract Labor law In Hawaii Mr Tours
ton denies the truth of the report and sari
that Secretary Oresham always refused to dis
cuss the question of annexalli with him Mr
Thnrston has alwar been outspoken In desiring
to end by annexation the Aalatto Immigration
and contract labor Mr Tbnrston In this mat
ter baa th approval of the President and many
of the wealthiest planter
Cols Ia UBOlnta ad Japa
TABinjfOTOS Sept 13The Marine Hoeplta
Service ha official Information of the progrv4
of the cboUra ID Japan 1070 cases and 717
deaths at Osaka and 246 case and 103 deaths
at Hlogo being recorded Th deaths from
cholera at Honolulu un to the time ot tin sailing
of the Australia were 39 out of 30 cases The
officials ray that the quarantine service on time
Pacific coast Mn good condition Every port of
entry has been Inspected this season by a rcxu
Ian marine hospital officer and compliance wTUi
th Treasury regulation Insisted on
oflXXvA fly
Henry Uart au died on Thursday at his
home 554 Washington avenue Brooklyn aged
70 years He had been President of the Metro
politan Plate Ulais Insurance Company sine
Its organization twcntj one years ago He was
also one nf the organizers and Stat President nf
the Mcchanlee and Traders Exchange In
Brooklyn He was an active Democrat and
served one term in th lio rd of Aldermei m
caily life He was also a member of the Honl
of Education for a few years lie was a main
her of the Society of Old HrwUmllM nnluf
the rsw Fnglaud and lonp Itand lll iori 1
societies He leave a widow but no children
Mrs VTIlhelmlna Slebert n Iff of Police i nv >
tain Jacob Slobort of time Itilon MurketMAt > n
died yesterday at her home u3 I oiox ivtias
from apoplexy She WAS 51 l xvHrxild 4
The HeySamuel Wakefiell I D I a Moths
diet Episcopal minister of cIt Newton I
died there xrtenUy used ml Hi had bren a
Methodist minister fur 7tl years itnil a Kie I
Mason for 7ft yearn
uia I 111 l
g E f
I kl I 1
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1 j l I
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L Liii A aTnA t san I t
1I I 44f2Hr1
1 C 1 J r I
ll I t JUil Jl tintrrtwut J tsxx
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Do not bo deceived IIY l > lnldngc
menu of imme package or cIur
Hoar the fo wliiillo vlLjuutat o vf
oa tha packiMc uml 1 CD null cigarette

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