OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 06, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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jamais r vii isti fa inn ask in
j IJfln.eo Maya Therr'a Nothing Ilenr About
' 111 Little lllll ol" B03.000 AKixtnfH ha
Mllttonnlrti for Mnklnic nn Aetrese of
IIr Taught Her Evan on Tralna.
Several times setterday It looked aa though a
ttattlte of David Ilelasco'. suit against N K.
Falrbank for services In making Mrs. Leslie
Carter an tictresa at Mr. Falrbank's Instance,
which has hot yet appeared on tho surface of
the trlnl, vforo going to show Itself, ana the
spectators In Judge Cilegorlcli's court listened
with fresh Interest vv hon this phase of the dls.
puto teemed Imminent. Most of tho day was
taken up with details of tho hustnoss features of
tho case, and there were so many of these that
a welcome chance revived the spectators when
Mr. Horace E. Demlng, counsel for Mr. l'nlr
hank, asked Mr. Ilelasco what wero tho reasons
that led Mrs. Carter to object to tho employ
ment of E. O. Gllmoio as her manager. Mr. Ho.
lasco answered that It was becausosho was In
"What kind of troubles?" asked Mr. Doming.
"Domestic," said Mr. Belascoj "she was get
ting a divorce from her husband."
The Jury nnd the spectators begun to look In
t crested. But Mr. Domini: asked no moro ques
tions on that subject. The only suggestion of
Itramencaln when Sir. Doming said that ho
had glvon tho counsel for tho complainant
notice to produoo certain letters written by Mr.
i Falrbank to Mrs. Carter, vv hlch sho In turn had
banded over to Mr. Ilelasco.
"Here they are," said Mr. Dlttcnhoefer, pro
ducing a bundle of them.
Mr. Dcmlnc started to put them on the coun
sel table.
"No, you don't," said Mr. Dlttcnhoefer. "You
wcreonlj blurting about those letters, and o'o
called your blutT. You must rend them here."
I Mr. Demlng read a numberof cards nnd notes
but In nono of these was there anything to ro-
I awaken the Interest of the spectators In tho fea
ture of the trial about which thev were most
anxious to learn. Ono of them from Mr. Fair
bank read :
1 am going out to dine this ev coins, but wilt call at
about S o'clixk. jj. K. K.
It was written on a card. Mr. Ilelasco, during
the greater part of tho morning session, had
nothing moro exacting to do than sit quietly in
tho witness chair while Mr. Demlng devoted
I tho cross-examination to tho rending of a num.
I ber of notes and telegrams that passed between
4 Mrs. Leslie Carter, E. K. Wlllard. Mr. Falr-
I bank's roDrcsentative, and a number uf other
I persons concerned In Mr. Falrbank's unrroflt-
able venture. These communications were brlof,
I generally referring to appointments and some
times descending to details as unimportant as
tho request for two scats to see "The Ugly
The form of these letters varied littlo and for
two hours nearly the openlne phrase "Dear
Mrs. Carter" reechoed through tho court room
as Mr. Demlng read thee notes. Their contents
never aroused the spectators from the apathy
which familiarity with the preceding examples
hail created. None of them seemed to have anv
J. other effect than to corroborate what the
g plaintiff had tetltled to In regard to his business
H relations with Mr. Falrbank and his representa-
tlves. Here are two samples:
i . Nw Trout Fen.0, IRBt)
f Dxib Mks. CiRTrn: I garo j nur inaid a check book.
Bho supposed that tt was all she was to net anil
1 skipped out while my bacc was turned. When you
SI she out our cheeks to Mr. Price ou had better let
n him know of their bring csibrd. The Second Na
il tlonal Dank telcraphrd to me the account had not
f4 tcen made (rood, as money was not credited at -econd
ft National. I give you check on Manhattan Company.
r Tours truly, E. K. WiixiaD
I . SvRVTOOi.July 16, IM0
I MtDkak Mrs. Cartes: lours Is received. I than 1x5
! at the U. S. Hotel, frarittoiin. for some time, making
oceaslooat short trips to ew York I hop you will
not take tt iuiIm lr I request that you will not call
V upon me either at my orflco or the club, tt exiltes ru
VI n.srk. and certainly a club Is no nlace to receive a
IB lad). You can always reach me by letter. Then- Is
n do hurry about tho business we have tocethcr. It It
yi perfectly plain sailing:. The only thing I hae to do It
V to pay drafts when 1 know they are pruixrlr made.
;C. I do not Uke paying draris to the order of Mr. Beiasio,
Uj but I bare done It so as not to embarrass on. I wlsri
Jj you would Immediately send to my office, addressed
QA to E. K. W. & Co., the Touchers and a statement show.
Mf lag for what the drafts ror I10U. 3S0. and S'.'OO wra
ft. made- It Is necessary I should bare adTlce or drafts.
n Ac. I am likely to be away, and hare to Instruct my
at bookkeeper about pay tag them. ery truly yours.
Cm The instruction of Mrs. Carter continued ac-
m. cording to Mr. Belasco'a testimony after "Tho
Ugly Duckling " company started on its trav
Wl als and was never neglected.
i i "I taught her on th trains." Mr. Belasco
aid. " going from one town to another and
. talked to her about her parts In the plays."
4 " You mean to say that you taught Mrs. Car-
1 ter thirty of the greatest roles in the range of
1 tho drama within fifteen months at the rate of
A two a month and that she could act them uowi"
A asked Mr. Demfng.
m "I do," the witness answered, " and after a
week's trial sho could go on tho stage and act
j any one ot them now."
m " Do you mean to say that yonr services for
training the actress and selecting a play anil su
m perlntendlng a tonr tbut was a disastrous llnan
! cial failure were worth $115, Quo V" Mr. Demlng
asked tho witness, who modestly, and with eyes
M cast down, replied that they were worth tnat
m i sum. A number of judgments against Mr.
' Delasco were produced, and tho witness ex-
i plained the circumstances under which they
I had been obtained, and added thnt he had been
H t for fourteen years in New York and did not owe
9 a dollar now.
3 I Paul Potter, the dramatist, who had been
H viewing ths proceeding1) blandly for tho past
B two da) a, was called nf ter recess In order to al
I I low him the opportunity of leaving low n In tho
9 I afternoon. Mr. Potter was on the stand to tes-
I tlfy as to the value of Mr. Ilelasco's services In
f I revising, to suit Mrs. Porter's cupocity. the ploy.
. "Tho Ugly Duckling." Mr. Potter was allow ed
I to say that ho knew of Tlelasco's reputation, but
i after an experiment with a Inug hypothetical
I question at getting Into evidence nt whnt lie
'1 valued Mr. Belasco's services, the hypothetical
r question was ruled out.
Mr. Ilelasco was recalled to the stand. A let-
1 ter was read to him which he said referred to a
( communication he hod received from Mr. Fair-
i bank.
J "Mr. FMrbank," the witness Bald, "told me
I that he would deposit first a sum of S10.0UO
I with Mr. Allen for mo to draw on tor Mrs. C'nr-
' ter's use in the enterprise. Ho raid he wanted
Mm. Carter to sign a papor prorult-lng to return
the $10,000. and ho wanted me to ask Mrs. Car
ter to do It and then return tho paper. I asked
her and she eaid sho would. 'I hat was the last
heard uf tho matter. Hue never did it, but no
?uestlons were ever asked and that was the last
heard of the matter.
Mr. Uelasco sold that he hod never employed
Allen. Morrison. Herrlck. C. K. Willnrd, or any
of the large number of Mr. Falrbank's repre
sentatives; that he never hail paid an; one of
them a cent, and had never Ixeu nsked fur any
money by them. After this h reDeated on the
cross-examination that he bud never promised
anybody to pay back a ceul of tho losres of the
company, lie was then excused and left the
! court room in double quick tlmo.
The story of tho Interview In Mrs. Carter's
apartment at the Madlron onthe Hur.day after
noon before the company left Now York was
retold with great solemnity by K. D. Price, the
manager of the company, who Is at present In
chart,'" of n variety theatre on the upper east
sldo. He told of the manner in which be bad
insisted on receiving bis falary before be left
town and a guarantee for the remaining sum.
"We bad got to that stago In the proceed
ings." Mr. Price said. "In which Mr. Falrbank's
name was very freely used. Previously it had
. been kept In rather a haze. Mr. Allen and Mr.
I W'lllard the witness pronounced this name
V with both feet nn the last syllablel said they did
1 not go around with so rvuch money In tnelr
CJ pockets. It was Sunday, and 1 acceded to their
H request to give them time to communicate with
m Mr, Falrbank. I went to Toronto and a deposit
M was made of tho sum then duo mo In my bank."
r 1 he deposition thnt hart been signed by Price.
I stating that snld'Ilelasco was the manager or the
I company, was show n to the witness, but before
I ho could answer tbe objection of the defence
was sustained, nnd nothing was learned as to
the grounds on which he swore that Mr. Ile
lasco owned tho company. The case was ad
jourued until Monday,
ITm Got Court House and Two Clerka
and Will Jury-rig Ilia Conrt Hoops.
Civil Justice James P.Davenport of the new
Thirteenth District Court announced yesterday
the appointment of Adolpho N. Du Mahout of
231 West 1115th strcot as Qlerk and Hubert An
drews of 1,377 MadlBon aenuo as Assistant
Clerk af tbe Court, tach at a salary of $:),000.
Da Mabaut is a brother-in-law of Moses M. Mc-
)Keo, one of the Piatt leaders lu tho Twenty
third Assembly district, and Andrews is a
brother of Assemblyman Harvey T. Andrews.
Tbe other attaches of the Court, a stenographer,
an interpreter, two attendants, nnd a Janitor
t have been put In the competitive chll service
! tlass by tb btato Civil bervlco Hoard, and as
Justice Do uport hastoopou court next Mon
day he sash will have tu appoint temporary
officials for the Places.
. 'I ho feinklug Fund Cornmlj loners provided a
I Court Hntifo for Jnstke Davenport yesterday.
, It Is Ihe building at the corner of lulumhu.
1 avenue and K'tltb street, now o uipliu by the
I Miiinuu Club.the 1 atninuny. Hall iliib of the
I 'l weiiiy-iiiird Assembly district. The club id
I be evicted to make room for thy new court.
I Justice Davenport announces that he will hold
I tourt'oh Mondays and Tuursdus.
I s
n ,,U a g j MmiiiiArJMnminiSBBsaMaaaasssaTjssssssssssI
Tho single tax outdoor spellbinders, who
linve boon holding lneVttnfrs In New York's
strrots erymuch after the fashion of tho
Bah at Ion Army, are agitated unpleasantly by
tho nrrcAt of two of tholr missionaries in Dela
ware, and thoy propose to test their right
to preach the single tax doctrine, wherevor nnd
whenoor they cIidso, In a court of law. Thoir
meetings hero have thus far nronsed only a
mild curiosity on tbo part of passors-by, who
stop to llston for a few minutes and then
pass on. asking themselves whnt It was all
about any way. Half a dozen of these follow
ers'of Henry fleorge, with the aid of a truck
and two torches, set up n meeting ono night
last week outside of tbo Madison Square Gar
den, where tho Cuban Fair was in progress.
Tho man who ran It nddressed half a doron
people who had stopped to look at his truck
as "My friends," nnd then talked for live mln
utos. Tho atidlcnco Increased to about twen
ty, not counting two professional beggars who
worked on tho outsldo. Tho speakers worn
joting men, and each had a set oration which
hodelhcred in luncirtnln tones through tho
torcli smoke, to tho delight of tho listeners
who were coming nnd going. No one off tho
truck could find out why thoy were talking
o- what they were talking' about, but it was
pood practice for tho young men, and the spell
bound didn't block tho street to anr extent,
Tho question of tipping n barber becomes very
much more Important In tho high-class shops
where t!0 nnd 23 centH are charged than It does
In those establishments whloh are satisfied with
tho usual compensation of 10 cents. One of
the barbers Intervlowod In Tim 8UN yostcrday
admitted that ho did not consider 30 conts a
high price for a shavo, nnd In tho cxponslvo
shops this sura is likely to bo almost doubled.
Probably tho owners of those shops, like
tomo of tbo Fifth nvenuo tailors, wish it under
stood that they do not exist for any but peoplo
who nro willing to pav high prlojs for what
they get. Tho growth of tbo practlco of tip
ping jnrbers has not had tho effoct of reducing
the prices in tho shops, for thor are higher to
ilay than oer before, and it Is noor sur
prising to stop into a shop nonadnys and Iinu
that live cents has Iwon added to the price list
throughout tho whnlo schedule. Dcsplto tho
protests of ono of tho barbers who discussed
the subject tho thcr day. It Is tbo brush boy
who suffers by the tip that go to tho barbers.
Ho Is rarely tipped, and men who formerly
f;ao bun flo cunts nnd allowed thoineelvcs to
ie thoroughly brushed now walk out of tho
shop with tho disconsolate boy follow
ing them nnd tnlng hard to brush them
from behind. Tho customers aro apparently
jirfcctly willing to pay for tho extra scrWco
thev Ret. and not only do that, but wait for
tho barber w hom thev aro accustomed to em
ploy. In one or the shop) near tho City Hall
there Is one man w ho docs a remarkable lot
of stunts In connection with an operation that
is ofilclaliy recngnlred as nothing moro than
n Bhne. After tills feature of tho operation is
finished, there follows the application of a num
ber of hot wettiwels, tnctnl massage, and tbe
use of emollients that soften the skin. This
man receives from bis uugrudglng patrons his
rcgulnr tip. and there Is always a lino wnlt
Ing to get into his chair. olmdy Is ever hur
ried for the sake of those that are waiting, nnd
there Is in every caso the understanding that
the customer receives o special attendant o for
which ho Is willing to pay. 'Whether or not
this nartlcnlor lirber and others like bim would
js equally conscientious If no tip were forthcom
ing tt Is not possible to say. but often hon every
other chair In tho shop Is empty four or ll e men
anxiously await tho attention of tbe popular
operator, willing to pay him the tip if they are
able to get under his ministrations.
Tho children's classic of our grandparents
and great-gTandparenis. "Sandford nnd Mcr
ton," Is now being sold by down-town street
endcrc nt two cents a copy. One vender has
sold between thirty and forty copies a day for
the' last week. When contrasted with tho
Juvenile literature of tho irescnt period,
"Sandford nnd Merlon" makes one think that
his grandparents when children wero easily
nmused. Tho book had a popularity even in
this country, where much of Its matter must
have been fcxi English to lw entirely under
stood. Tho imoks now selling for two cents
each were originally published at 'JO cent", to
gether with "ltoblnon Crusoe," "The Swiss
Family Itoblnson." and other oil tlmo boys'
Mmo. Nordlca's marriage surprised every
body who knew her. because only a few weeks
before it took plnco there was a well-defined
rumor travelling about that tho prima donna's
engagement to tho Hungarian tenor was off,
and nn authoritative statement from the Blngcr
herself was believed to bo tho source of tho
rumor. Herr Dochme" appeared suddenly and
unannounoed In this country, and nobody
knew ho was here until tho news of his mar
riage was telegruphed from Indianapolis. Now
some of the facts about tho wedding are grad
ually becoming known, nnd tho devotion and
.nterferen.'enf nn Intimate friend of Mine. NoT
dica's aresaidlto be responsible for tho tenor's
unexpected nppearauco In this country. It
teems that this friend, who was, lu a pro
fessional way, a more or less constant com
panion of tho Atnericnn singer, kept Herr
Dovhmo informed of tho situation here, nnd
communlcnted to hlra immediately the. news
that 111' engagement to Mme. Nordlcn had
been called off, according to gossip here.
Tho Ik trothed, on tho stri ngth of this, promptly
set sail for the United State to claim his bride,
nnd succeeded so well In his mission that be
fore nnybody knew of his presence hero tbo
news of Uio marrlagn was mado public.
New York is Just now entertaining a man
of tho not uncommon namo of Fitzgerald,
who claims that he is tho pioneer In his lino
of work, nnd ho doosn't fear rivalry. Several
of the recently published medical text books
contain many photographs of Fitzgorald, and
ono glance at them will convinco any ono that
ths original Isn't likely to suffer by compe
tition. Fitzgorald is an undcrslzod, wiry
looking man with musoles of iron. Ho
doesn't look llko a freak, and ho is ono only
wln"n ho chooses. For nearly twenty jears
no, bo has made a living us an anatomical
hubject for various medical colleges. Ills
valuo as nn illustration for a teacher or onat
oiny is duo to the fact that he can. at w ill, dis
locate almost anv bono In Ills liody. Ho can
ulso stop his pulse or control tho largo ar
teries in his thigh so that varicose veins will
"1 have been doing this sort of thing for
nearly twenty years," ho said u day or two
ago, and I haven't suffered any serious re
nulls. Onco in a wlillo my muscles knot up
nnd I suffer sovoro puln iorufew minutes, but
otherwise I nin perfectly well. How did I
find that I bnd tho power to dislocate ray
bones? Well, I found It out accidentally,
and then I begun to exneriment and develop
this power, 1 havu appcurcd before almost
every medical college In this country, and 1
nm frequently culled upon to give prlvato ex
hibitions before littlo groups of doctors."
Within a period of ton minutes (wo uptown
flat houBes wero found to bo on Ore several
mornings ago, and In each case the blazo was
started in tho lottor boxos, Sovcrul weeks
ago there wero threw such fires in quick suc
cession in the saino neighborhood, Tho
police bollevo that thtso fires aro of incen
diary origin Tho opportunities for them aro
multiplied by tho annoying wuy in which up
town Hut house letter boxes at e kept filled with
advertising circulars. As soon ns a new
upartmont house is filled with tonants
every butcher, baker, and candlestick
maker, or whoever corresponds to them, sends
his boys around tei drop circulars into the
letter boxes. No sooner nro these fished out
than the dross mukors, bootmakers, utid other
tradesmen 1111 tho boxes with their cards, lu
one up-town neighborhood thore is a doctor
who tills tho loiter boxes within a radius of a
dozon blocks with his cards every mouth,
borne ono has propose-d tei make it a mlsdo
racunor to put advertising circulars Into letter
boxes, and If that were done and tho law en
forced every man who has over lived lu an
npartmont nouso would appreciate it.
Tho anuouueement tnat Evander Derry
Wall, once known a tho King of tho Dudes, Is
contemplating uplungo into active politics in
the hope thot he may represent his d'strlct
in tho Legislature, Is of Interest to his old
fi lends, who haven't seeu much of him lutoly,
Thcro wni a time whun onn could pot help
seeing und hearing a good deal about E. Derry
Wull. He spent his money royally, and his
utrlvul at Saratoga with hit suing of huit-os
mud liir four-in-hands and tandems wan vvurth
tiuvelling miles tuseo. When he was in New
York hudaiod his friends with his frequent
rhanges of clothes and the material thereof,
Thoro was a time when his appearance on
liroodway caused u tensation. People rusbeel
to tho windows to seo hlra puss by and scruti
nize his apparel. Bulletins as to his appear
unco were as eagerly read as those of an Inter
national yacht iuco. Mr. Wall's friends nay
that lie is by no means lucking la a sense of
humor ami didn't II ud ids notoriety tint omfoi t
able. One lliieheiilember morning u Sheriff
tin In Saratoga pounced on lieu) Wall's
hoists, and thou be gun the passing of the King
of the Duties. .Mr. Wall took his rev eres
pluekilr, und in one uuy and another ho has
sought to retrieve Hum. Ilohas among ntht r
things lieen an nguil for a brand of champagne,
und if ho noes to Albany he can nt least tiueh
tomiiot tho up-ouutry stutisiceu some new
wrinkles in wines ami clothes.
Drier Review or Important aa.4 Interest,
late New rnbllenttoae.
In "A Social Highwayman," by Elizabeth
Phlpps Train (J. U. Llpplncott Company. Phlla
delphla), we have tho history of a man whose
heart, like that of Dartre, according to Macau
lay, was blaok with wickedness. It Is remark
able, even taking Into allowonce the well-known
stupidity of police detectives since Oaborlau
died, that Courtlce Jnffrey, colebrated In this
history, should have run with Impunity so long
a career. It la to be said, how over, that his end
was singularly appropriate, though exaspernt
ingly delayed. The heart ot the reader will
jump witu an agreeauio sense ot jusuco un
filled when he comas to that possago where It is
recorded that a bust of ex-Inipector llyrnes falls
upon JaiTrey and makes a dead highwayman of
him. Seldom In fiction do wo meet with tho al
lotment of a punishment that is so thoroughly
satisfactory. For a social highwayman to bo
killed by the falling upon him ot any article of
household furniture would bo n matter for
thankfulness, but to liavo htm killed by a mar
ble bust of ex-Inspocior Ilyrnos Is to fill tbe
measure full Indeed. We must In candor say
that wo are not qulto sute that tho bust that
killed Courtlco Jnffrey was a bust of tho ex
Inspector. It is not so stated In tho text; but It
seems to us ns though tho accompanying Illus
tration supplied a likeness affording a sufficient
warrant for tho assumption. If it Is not Mr.
HyrneVs bust wo should like to know whoso bust
It Is. The Illustration shows upon tho face of
the bust an expression of triumph nnd Justice,
not to say excusable professional gleo. A bust
of Julius Ceosar or Aloxander Hamilton
would hnrdly liavo been at the pains to look
thnt way, wo should think, but certainly thore
Is no question that tho Incident marked
tho finish of tho social hlghwavman. "Tne
weight had fallen upon his head, striking him
full in the temples," tho author says, and no
body can doubt that a bust which was at the
pains to strike Its victim in both temples was
lltttd to do perfect business. We Bhould not
supposo that many renders would bo so senti
mental as to shed tears for tho fate of tho social
hlghvvaymnn. Ho had robbed tho Duchess of
Clayhorough and Soflora Caprices, both of
whom bad an unquestionable right to their
own diamonds, and by his onn confession,
tho moment before the bust fell upon him, he
had "stolon right and left, availing himself of
n marvellous gift ot elelght-of-hand to possess
himself of a competency by dispossessing
others." Ho deserved his tnte. In tho Illustra
tion, by tne way, tho bust Is represented as
striking him on tho back of tho head. Wo sup
poso it struck him full lu the temples nf tern ard.
It would havo boon Interesting If tbo stroko in
the temples could havo been pictortally rcpre
sentqkl. ,
A curious book certainly Is "'Twlxt Cupid
and Crcesus; or, the Exhibits In nn Attach
ment Suit," written and Illustrated by Charles
P. Didler. published bj tho John It. Williams
Company of llaltlmoro and bearing tho stamp
also of tho American Nows Company. This Is a
second edition, nt which wo can hardly wonder,
for so unusual a book Is calculated to Interest
IK'irtde, and It is not likely, moreover, that a
book which is evidently difficult and expensive
to prepare was put forth in a very extcnslvo
edition in tho first placo. Here nre letters ami
telegrams produced In fao slmllo upon real
noto paper nnd real telegraph blanks,
pasted neatly upon tho different pages
Here also aro slips of printed matter,
looking exactly llko clippings from well
known newspapers, pasted in In the snmo
manner. The letter sheets are or different col
ors, and engraved with various monograms anil
other insignia. The writing Is on both side,
and runs np and down and crosswise. In the
fashion that Is at once so Inexpllcnblo and so
familiar, and the newspaper clippings include
bits of the neighboring and irrelevant columns,
and In form, t) pe, and color of paper nro per
fect reproductions. AH together they tell n
Btoryof love, Jealousy, and misunderstanding;
nnd to assist them there Is an excellent series of
illustrations. Including portraits and designs of
symbolical Import. One reads, then. In Jack
Garnet's handwriting wbnt Jack Garnet lias to
Bay to his sweetheart, Edith Ralston; In Edith
Garnet's handwriting what she has to say to Jack
Qarnct and to another man, nnd In the other
man's handwriting what the other man has to
ray to Edith Italston. One handles whnt seems
to be the actualorlglnalcorrespondcnceof these
several ncrsons. and one sees, moreover. Just
how Edith Italston looked as she sat in a box at
tho opera, or nt her writing desk, or In the act
of kissing Jack Garnet, nnd how Jack Garnet
and the other man In the case look underdllTer
ent circumstances and provocations. Wn feel a
passing pang In reading In one of Miss Hal-ion's
letters to Jack Garnet a passage In which she
speaks or the other man ns " a member ot one or
our own clubs, and whom, I nm told. Is
a young C rn sus." This is not exactly all that
the sensitive could wish, but it adds, perhaps,
the last touch ot realism to the story. Wo can
well bc-llevoor Edith ilalston that, binutlful as
she Is In person, distinguished as gliomas In her
noto paper and lit r calligraphy, she was still
capable ot Ignoring occasionally the proper dis
tinction between who nnd whom. We are sorry
that It bhould havo been so, but It Is not difficult
to credit this testlmonv that It was so.
It Is grotir.vlng to see a new edition ot that
learned work, "Fancy Drinks ami Popular
lieveruges," by "'Ihe Only William" (Dick A.
Fit7geraldl. This Is an Indication that the per
fected skill of "Tho Only William" Is making
Its way In the world, and that a rood thing is
pretty suro to bo pushed along. Five hundred
and ninetoen receipts nro contained In this
compact and handy volume. As the author
soys, "a drink well tc-ved Is worth two that
lack In presentation," nnd It follows thnt If the
drinks here explained aro served as "Tho Only
William" serves tnem they will bo round to
number a round thousand.
Voktr Chips rnr June Includes stories by Amos
J. Cummlngs, Ed Mott, Edward W. Townsond,
Ernest Jnrrold, and Monroe It, ItosonfcUl, and
to say that Is tho same as to say that it is on
Issue ot great interest and that It will bo likely
to disappoint no reader. Mr. Mott's story Is nut
Into the mouth of tho Old Sottler. Mr. Town
send's is uttered by Cblmuile Fadden, and Mr,
Jarrold's by Mickey Finn. Surely nothing could
be more satisfactory than this.
"Lincoln and Ills Cabinet," a lecture delivered
by Mr. Charles A. Dana before the Now Haven
Colony Historical Socloty In March lost. Is pub
llsned, with illustrations, by the De Vlnne
From the Scrlbnera we have received "Eliza
Plnckney," by Harriott Harry Itavenol, In )ho
"Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times"
series: "The North Shore of Massachusetts,"
by Robert Grant, lllustratod by W, T, Smedley,
and two beautifully produced volumosor Steven
son, containing respectively the poems nnd bal
lads and Stevenson's last and unfinished ro
mance, "Weir of Hermlston,"
We have received from Hnrnor & Hrothers
"On Snow Shoes to the Harron Grounds," by
Caspar Whitney, and "Track Athletics In Do.
tall," compiled by the editor of "Interscholas
tio Sport " III 7fnrir' Round TalAt.
"With the Fathers: Studies in the History of
tho United States," by John Iiach MoMaster, Is
publlshel by tho Applotons.
The Putnams publish "Jeanne D'Aro: Iter
Life and Death," by Mrs. Ollphant.
From Macmlllan & Co. we have received
"Julius Ctusnr" and "Tlraon of Athens," two
volumes In the charming little "Temple Shako
spenrei" bainuel Lover's "Handy Audy," lllus.
t rated by II. M. Iirock; "The Art of Contro,
V orBy," and other posthumous popors, by Scho
penhauer, translated by T, Italloy Saunders;
"The Interpretation of Literature," by Prof.
W. 11. Crawshow of Colgate University, and
"Documents Illustrative, of English Church
History," complied by Henry Geo and William
John Hardy,
Of fiction newly published wo have received
"IirUels," by William Illack (Harper & Ilroth
ersj "Tho Heleasc," by Charlotte M, Yonge;
"Tho Daughter of a Stole," by Cornelia At
vvood Pratt, and ".Summer in Arcndy," by
James I.ane Allen (Macmlllan A Co );" George's
Mother," by Stephen Crano tKdward Arnold);
"Tho liroken Ring," by Elizabeth Knight
Tompkins (O, P, Putnam's Bonslj "The Dream
- Charlotte." by M llenthnm-Edwnrds I Mac
mlllan ii Co.); "A Woman with a Future," by
Mrs. Andrew Dean, and "Dartmoor," by Man
rice II. Ilervey (Frederlok A. Stokes Company);
"In Homespun." by Edith Nesblt, and "Nets
for tho Wind," by Una Taj lor (Roberts Hroth
ers, Doston); "The Victory ot Ez.ry Gardner,"
by Imogen Clark (Thomas Y. QrowclKfe Co.).
and " Camp Fl re Stories : Sketches of tho Union
Army In the Southwest," by Edward Ander
son (Star Publishing Company, Chicago).
"Mrs. Albert Grundy: Observations In Phil
Istla," by Harold Frederic, Is published by the
Merrlam Company.
"Gobscck " Is published by Roberts Hrothers,
Boston, In Kntharlno Prescott Wormeley's
translations ot tho Italzao novels.
"Tho Lampot Gold." poems, by Florence I.
Snow, is published by Way & Williams. Chi
cago, "Iloneath Old Roof Trees," sketches of Revo
lntlonory times, by Abram English Drown, Is
published by Loo & Shepnrd, Doston.
" llicycllng for Ladles," by Maria E. Ward, Is
published by Urentauo.
"Tho Mugwumpiad," anonymous. Is pub
lished by Carey & Co.. Albany,
JlOir BAMSEN'8 finA.IT. 13 Jlff.V.
A Woman Prisoner Insulted by Oae or tba
Sheriff's UnderllBlEB.
Tho room In which tho hearing of tho charges
against Sheriff Tnmson regarding the manage
ment of Ludlow etrect Jail was held for two
das was ro small that )estcrday another and
much larger room In tho old Court Houso was
appropriated by Commissioner William H.
Robertson. Robert Stlner was put upon tho
witness stand to continuo his testimony of
Thursday. Ho Bald that lie signed a statement
regarding affairs in Ludlow street Jail, but did
not remember telling tho Sheriff that a Mr.
Gonzales had paid keepers for whiskey.
Mrs. Jennlo Williams tcstifiod that sho was a
prisoner in Ludlow street Jail for sending Il
legal -matter through tho mails. Keeper
Rttmpf, sho sold, came, into her cell early in tho
morning. Shu was very 111, and thu doctor or
dered Iior to take mtulcino. itumpt uausomo
whiskey. Sho told him to go out; thnt sho
was not up Jet and that ho had better wait a
while before disturbing her. Humnf enmo to
her cull twice In oi.u night. Ho did not at
tempt any liberties with hor. but his conversa
tion, sho Bald, was Insulting, brutal, nnd dis
gusting. Isaac Cow en testified thnt while ho wni a
prisoner In the Jail ho saw the assault by u
keeper upon lsudor Isaacs, a prlsont r. Isaacs
was cop) lug an order tli.it had been
posted tin the wall, Tho keeiier pulled Isaacs
away und led him to a cell. Witness was
present at the celebration In tho Jail on New
Year's eve. Kteper Dennett unlocked tho
colls and prisoners went to thu room where tho
banquet took place. WittHns nddid:
"1 iniidu thu flisl "ptech at tho banquet. I
said that the btglnulug of a new' tnr was n
gtiod time to let bvgonos be forgotten- there
was promise of n form in tho prison -and I
hoped for better management in the new venr.
I Imped all charges against kttpers would ho
dropped. Tim nrileti said ho appreciate tl
in) sentiments, tint tl.u matti r of chargt s had
gone too far mid ho could not stop an Investi
gation. Wo hud a Jolly good Item. Somo
or the company were prettv full."
Willies" km vv of liquor being brought Into
the Jail for the use of prisoners. On one oc
casion 7" cents was tin ch trge for n pint
lioltlt. 'I lie bottle w.ts hidden lu a closet,
win re It was easily found.
He once beard talk about nn nllt ged pro
posed purchase or Bale of tho tionz.tles It Iter.
The Inuring will go on to-dny.
H.SOO.OOO HlinU Fry 1'lnoted In the lludaon.
Al HAM', June ."i. Tho State Fisheries, Gome,
nnd Forest Commission at Its monthly meeting
hero to-do) appointed abouta hundred fire war
dens t serve in tne counties comprised In tho
forest preserve. Reports wero received by tho
Commission t-howlng great success lu the opera
tions of tne shad hatchery established on the
Hudson River mar l athklll. Itwns nnnnunced
that (100 fry had been taken In the pABt tw o nights
nnd that over 3.."iO.0l)M had been hatched nnd
planted w far, which, with the .I.Oon.Oon plant
ed bj tho I'liilcd states Government, tunkes
B..-i0u,000 tilting shad put into the river this
j ear. T lie highest number ever planted from a
State hatcherv In any single vear previous to
this time was i;,uao,OOD, and this record will be
exceeded this season.
31 A K1XV I TJ'.l.h Id f C U.
sunrtsei. . 4 211 1 sun st t .. 7 2 i Moou rites. 123
Sandrllrok. J S3 , Cor Island. 4 0.' , Hell data . SSI
Arrlved-FluniY Juno 3.
Sistl'aul Jnml-on s luthamptnn-
ss Nuriiiaiuils. Karon 1a, 11,-imtMr,;
bi Stan lln Muglli llninuurff
bs i.reetlm'l. Cntilllird l'roK-reo.
Ssl'tnllee ItobltiMm VV'lllnliuton.
hs Holtleiu, lltijipe lilljsrn.
f-s nnndsiti, t'oljrr, Vmsterdam
SaCltj of Augusts Patcett. saTiinnatv.
Ktf Jstne-tow n, lllllpliers Norfolk
hs III npfa lor. Tow ns. nI I lillsJ" Iphla.
b- I.laud iff City, Hunter llrlstol
I-or Ian r arrhalssed Klr 1'tfo.l
ai piirn iMT
8 Imcl nlim from New V nrk nt I.ottentam.
SsPr.-sleii from New V orK nt llr-uo rh nen.
hs I.iuilaiis. from .Vi's V nrk, nt New Orl. an.
Si. huer.t It 'man k. from N iviork it llnrutiurir
bsNscoo her frnui .Nis tirft nt snvannsli
h-Illui'lli Id, from New Vers nl Ilslllniore,
! KIliHbur). from New York, nl 1 rl'i.te.
8 Mouawk. from -Ves Vork at 1 onduiu
Ss N'or from Palermo for Netv Vork, passed Gibral
tar. nlim from oi rnv coiita.
Fa Vurnesda, from filacot for .New York.
M vpmUelppl. from I oil. loll lor Ni w V ork.
bit Mluourl, frum I otiitoii for Now i ork,
SAMKii rmri i.oMrjric mitr.
Si Richmond, from lllelinion I for .Now York.
-'Mid To-it'l!.
Jiil.tVoiA. IVfirl Stiffs.
I a IiniirirnBnc, Havre . 4 uu . )!. 7MI.JI.
Lucaula I Ivi rpmil V On t VI Wuovi.
. I.. ... II. .1 ,1, ,.., . f ,1. III!
111, ill I.i.lll.- iil'IHKil'i -1' '" " I'1'.'.
Perlln.'iouihumiiiou .. 7 on A. vt loouv. M.
Im. itenoii . Kii'iA M. luou.v Vi
lib lam liuiienluii 7 no v vi u on A vi.
Hi kin, t lirlMHn-nnd IIUUA.M, 1 no c Vl
MftriAuchllHUts I on loll 1 no I M.
I 'i rnli llnuiliuru "J no ! vi.
lirlrslm.llatiinn .. Hi .in A.M. I Oil 1'. M
liHiUtiiMli liirl.n.loes en A vi 12 no vi.
Adlroiilnck.Juniakn ..luuOA.M. IlliHl,
I'orlln, .Ni wfounillnml 11 00 A. M. 1 oof M.
Kuli kerb kor Si n Orleans tl no 1'. vt.
Nueces ilnlveslnn U 00 1. M
l:i Dorado, .New Orleans . . u 00 1". M.
Nnf I'ufiiltlu. Junt 0.
Altratila I Ivernool ... 2 no P. M,
l-alin. llreincn . 7 Oil A M III on A St.
Iroijuou, tliarlisloli SuOI'M.
sod WednrnUiv, Junr 10.
Rt. Paul. ".0111111111111011 7 00 A VI 10 no A M.
Oennulile. Liverpool . . l Ud A M 12 01)31.
ftouthnark, Antwerp . w no A. M
Finance, t'nlnu . .10 no A. 5L lVOOVl.
Panama, lliivsim . liiioil t on 1'. SI.
Saraltma, llnviiuii . ,, ldul'.M. H uu P. VI,
1,1 Mar, New Orleans. tl UU P. U.
IHtr 7oft.ii
froma Hamburg Mn 2u
Olsnion blili id Mil) -il
fjilotirnlne. ..... . HairH , viftj uu
Etrurls Liverpool May in)
Veiiennla latlunvrn ,, viaj Ul
Iroquois ,..,.... Jacksonville Juuu 11
J)uu .Sumloi, June 7.
Aletla Ollimltar liny 24
MtirIM ... ... licrmuda.. June 4
Asiatic l'rlnio SI. I u la liny 111
Oil) of Ulrmliiglinni ISavauiiali June 4
Autllla. . .... .Nussau . . Juno lit
lrut Xfonifui, June H.
Basle Hremi'ii May fO
OeorKte . . 1 Ivurpool May VI)
titntuof California . (HnsKow Mui '.'u
Kivilrsuca llnvalin June t
tJIrnartni'r (Iibrnitar Marts
AIs-tii (ilbraltnr Mar 23
hi None f,cw Orleans Juno 3
irur Tvrntay, .imet)
Manitoba , ....London May 211
Soorilliind Aniwirp May .10
Mausilam Holtenliilil Mny K7
Hudson , ....NewOrlenns June .,
ltue HVdiipsWily, Juno 10.
Teutonic Liverpool Juno 8
lluvel Ilrelliell Tuao VI
II II Moltr Ureuitli Msy 2n
He. Luoi.li , IajiiiIoii Via) 20
IlnliilnitHiincu , llrtmil May SK
City or VVaihlniitoii, . ,, Havana June (1
Allium ,...- tlalvestcn June J
Haxmnu - fest. 1. in In . ... . ,. Juno tt
Huvellus ht I. ih In Juuu a
lHie 7iuisiiiii, Jun II,
vYorkiiidam .,.,,.. Itotterdam Mny so
7liliis:vulla riirlsilansniiil Muyvu
t.li i.I.k hy lllbraltar Mny 27
Alllalicu Colon ,, Mai 4
CVIIKA.N.-On Wednesday, June .1, Julia A., wlf.
of 1 liouias F Currau. a vil 3 1 ) cars,
leinvral from her late res dence, 1,214 Jefferson av
llrooklyn, on Saturday, iiiik fl, at a P, M.
UU.SN.-On Wednesday, M lost ,at Newfoundland,
.N. J Samuel I', Dunn, sued SO years.
Hclatlres and friends are Invited to attend tbe
funeral unices at tho Klrst llaptlit Church.
I'lalnfleld, N, J.. Koltirilay, lllll lust., at 2:13 p. u,
onurrlvuluf Iralu leuvlnutiy C IS. It. of NtwJsr
wj from fool of Liberty t. at 1 10 P M.
A l.i:. Uu rrldai, June .'. John dale,
l'limrrul nirvkes at his lato residence, Jtta Prnnst.,
XrookljrD, ktondar, June 8, B 1'. M. luterment
l-OWHEY.-On Thursday, June 4, ISvfl, Dtboraa
P., widow of Joneph H. Lowrey and dauthterof
the late Olrardus Wood of Orneva, N. Y.
Funeral services at her late residence, 83 Wet 88th
St., on Monday, June ft, nt wao o'clock A. )t.
NIVKN.-At Paris, on Thursday morning, Juno 4,
Maria Louisa Mi en, w Mow ot ltobert J. Mrcn and
dnuRhtcr of Conimtxlorj Vanderlillt.
WnsTEItVKI.T.-Suddenly. at his summer resi
dence, Ulendoln, on Juno 4, 1880, Daniel L). Wes
tervelt. aged OS years
Notlco ol funeral Lereaf ter.
rI Mtn KF.NSICO CKVIETKItY. located onttiertartme
1 ltsllroad, fortv-oiiht mlnutes'rlde from ths tlrand
Central Depot, ofilee. in r.ast 4v)d it
artcUglous; otircjj.
ALL AUK ACC01lDi:u an earliest Invitation to ser
vices at Central Mctropollt in Temple, 7tli nr, and
14th st.i lu A. M ,holv eoiiiimiuloa, administered by
tho pastors, 11 A. M , s I cntimnu. preacher, "hihles
of Agnosticism." child choir: ! 'lu, pleasant hour.
Itlble studyi 7 MU. orchestral couiirt. 81' M .pnseh.
Iiik. Mr. Cadnitiu. Church omi to the people every
woek nlKhti attractive srrv lets, oritnn recitals urUht
talks, sonts rree. art losn exhibit paintlucs from
prlvato collections and studio ur Pror. e. J, ltcadt
open svory night lu tho chapel
AT CIIItlST'S MISSION, 142 West 21st St. nvrn.
Inz. 7:45. Father Antonio Mllanest gives his rea
sons lor becoming a Protestant. Pastor uConuur
welcomes all prlesls
ACADEMY OK MUSIC People's Church -The Itev.
Thomas Dixon, Jr. preaches at II. "Is There a
Hell? or, Old Faiths Ih New Light" Questions an
swered. Illl'ltUII OF THK PEOI'I.lt.-Ffve Points Mission.
V Dr. sanford, pastor. lO'tlu, 7.U0. Sunday school,
S'HOi Illustrated lantern talk at nuht- All welcome.
'UMMHK'DU SAINT lSPitlf. DO. 22e rue (lueit.-Ser.
Xj vIoca rellKleUY le dltunncne adlx hellresetdemlo
elumslln. llev.A. V. Wittmejer, Ilecteur.
l.lFTfl aVI Nl'K Pltl.RIlN TERIAK CltUltCII, corner
A Cull st , Itev, John Hall, 1) l , pittor.-Hcrvlees
Kundav, Juno 7. at II A. M. und 4 P. M.
MAIMHONAV Il.vrTIST clIL'ltt'll, cnrner:lltSL
Iter. Henry M. Hntiders, I) P., pastor Ftervtceson
huuda) at 11 A. M. 1 he pnsxir will preach. Sunday
tcliool 1) A, M. Mid week si rvlco Weu , tl P. II,
Ilnv. A J. Palmer, 1). D.. pastor. services and
eoiumunlon it 11 A, M. In thechnpelof Methodist
bulldlugijvtli av., cor. 2Uth st. Sermon by the, pastor.
ST. nAIlTHOLO.ViKW'3 l'Altlhll HOURC 203 2n3
- Last AU si. hunday services' I'rnyer and n-rnion
at 11 A M, audatsl'. M. Dr McOrew will oniolato.
Seals free.
31tw SiiliUcntionjj.
HyAV. Cr.AHK RUSSIJM, New nlltinn,
llliistrutctl by 1IAKHV h. V. 1'AKK
JILllrST. Cloth, superbly bottiitl, $1.25;
l'npcr, 50 cents.
Thts easslc of Aea tales has long been out of print,
and Is now published at the request of memlHTS
of the tiook trade, who have found a steadily Int Teas
ing demand fur It. Mr Pnrkhursl, tu his Illustrations,
has happily carried out the spirit of the text.
A HOOK roil 1VO.MJ..V.
A Komniice of Queeiislnntl. Hy I'KRCY
Rl'SSHMi, n iuIi or of "A Cunibcrliiiitl
Trnite'tly." etc. Illustrated by A. HUHN
IIAMMIUTK. lJimo, cloth, 81.23; paper,
CO Cl'tltH.
Orlitlnrfllty of Idea marks "A Hustmnd's Ordeal"
The utTi once Unun Is tertnlu to be rtad, and the
exeltemenl I- sustained from start to Iltilsh Illack
and White, London.
iii:l'k.t ihsri:s.
(Tenth Thousand ) Hy W. C'LAHK HL'S
SsIHjIj, nutlior of "An (iteiin rri-c l.nnce,"
"Thu Wreck of the Urosvenor," A:c.
Ilniitlsoiiiely lllustrntvtl. Cloth, 51.2,";
lkipvr, fiO cents.
Hy CI.IVK HOLLAND, mitlior of "My
Jiipiiupsu Wife'" With illtistiiition nml
ilioorntlveilrnvvlni; liv UIIOHCiK WHAK
TO.V KI)WA11). Humid in cloth, blue
mid ctold, $1 (It)
Its tltb- villi t,ut,'it sotnethlm; of the threid of the
stor but one Is not pn pird lor so ten ler an 1 sym
1 attii tic a i leture as those pari s rer.al or so ilose an
ntisl1s of human fiends ant ixwrenees
CHAItLKS DKXTLIt AM t .N In tho Hartford Post.
iwtlpr worrli rpMUnir thnn ft mIM cont of thcordl
nar nuei on nrnU uiouibo counlers of Hie book
Btortrt - Hoston 1 rau6trlit.
Their History and Influence.
hy J. HAKHtri lAlvr()X, author of " Tour
Jlumlreil Yeirs of American History'
"Natural Kemircosof tho rnitodbtates,"
&c lanio, (.loth, $1 ar.
rrj nron who wjshon to lp able to conore In
trlllrfitnlj on the otiltnileof ihe (treat iul.l!cat rvr
tin toMard nnauclal li'i;flKtIou In tliu last t-hould
ruuil thl excellent pubtlcntloiu
The I oofei mMitloi)il oImitc ennt ol talned to or
1i r of au) b(MHtP(Ur, or will l-sent ponlimM bj tbo
publisher! on receipt of Ihe prke.
new amsterdanTboqk company
irtl I'll ill Avtiiui, i'vv nrk.
Vl'ilhlSU 70-7M Tt
The Life of James McCosh.
A HecorJ Chl.'fljr Autotilngraphlcal. E.llIcJ by Trof.
WII.MAM M1LUOAN SlUiNE. lllutrfttt-J with
portraits, bvo. J.SOnct.
Thli olumihnt tirn In lh main compltel from
paptTB left u l)r Met oali, I r portion nro hU
Pirrvonal retiiii.ittwni.ti. In hi uwn word wtute tliu
clniittr Hliltti, lor tit-' anko of iomplrtti)ttfH, him
I n en rtibloil b) tho idllor, follun clonal) the nnip u
mnt. rl il nffon!iil b) ltttrr rlnteJ upcethei, and
puhllsliitl uriMes.
The Threshold Covenant.
Ortheltaft-Inntnirof UclUtoun HltM. Ily ner II CI.AY
IKUMHri.U D.I) rauthur of "Tho Mood CovriianU'
ICino fC.00 UvU
Aihaiuo fhcefsof thin uork worftont out to a num
br of mlmnt w hiUr nnt reMlvpt from tlum tho
inuM I'onllnl ii1irriHciit. rrorcvtmr 1, K ( MK.Nh
of nxfinl Lnlw rally Aroin I ant tlfilithti il to
lmnlriii iibb tti mAki' farl) nciunlntniue lth a
book mi full nt fin tt which n:tllj iflumlrmto the ilnrk
plhci nf prini liv time That tuopxplnnnllon ot tho
Jtfnrr .Scrlj tnre pruflt imn.h lr It i leir ' l'nv
f.n-nrA II hAt r, iiUn nf Oxfunl. rott '1 llti nil
our work. It Is brimful uf accuralo Lnonlodo anit
new points t if ttvw "
American Summer Resorts.
Anertea of brllUnnt tbi fi-ln't iliwrlptlro of four of
the nioHt fiislilomble Ami rlcati euinmer resortu, Tl
North MioriN .Newport, Il ir lUrbor, and I-nox, tu bo
Im.oi1 In uniform iiylo, atlrai'tlU'ly Illustrated ami
.voir itr.AHY.
.Nrwiinrt. Ily W. C. llinNKI.U With llluitra
lloniby Vt S, Vamltrbltt AtU'ii. Hi ma 73 cents.
ALitr.ADY xssvr.n,
TU n .North Slinrn of IiiMMnrlninrttn. )ly
JlOHKUr (1HAN1. Ulth lllunratlom by W. '1.
8mftIU. lOmo. 7o ct nli.
The Works of Max Beerbohm.
By MAX UKr,ltHOIIM. 12nio. J1.V5.
The ojsim compoKliiR thla volume oro of unliun
Suu'lt. 1 1') triflt of liriimiuoll Count Iciai.
it rrftiilin i.urili CnitiiHMlif nn1 other topldt allleil
by iiih eoiumon i luncnt of liu IjImh nml aro rtttori
In a rill. if exit illintly reflni'il nml (MAbnrain lit, rio
illltliiuteUin Mr ileirbohm Uflrot of all a lllcr.-rv
ortlxt but rlMintUal pouern nr propnrtlonall keen,
uin! hi eM..)- MU bu uilm'l fur their ubuuuu as
Will an aurn1 fur their tlu.
buM by all bookseller, or sent, pott paid, by
l.-,:l.l.-.T ririli ATrnup, Nsh VorU,
"Motion Carried" that
Ittliemolt complete toil hindifit li.
lie book on "RULES OP ORULiR" '
evcrlivucd 100 inert with quick icfereneu 11A
del, lzo jvii'( Inches., for veil pocket. A
practical nd utetul companion an authority on
parlnnientary rulei, bated on the hifhcit author
itiet CuiUinK, Roberti, Reed and Payne bound
in leather price as. cts , teal 40 cis
Var ! r H llonkarllrra or KXC KI
HlUlt IMIU.IMIII.NCJ UUl'bK, X'4 isud HO
Cllf UkII I'luse.M. . j
STtcur gubUcntioiw. ?Xtw uWitnltonu.
11, i,i 1 - f
r i
SUMMER reading I
. j
Pcrsonnl llocotlectlom ot Jonn of Are. Hy tho Slcur Louis de Coktb, her
I'ngo nml Secretary. Freely TraiiHlntotl out of the Ancient French Into Y
Moilcru KiikIIbIi from tho Original Unptlbllshetl Mnmucririt In tho Xu-
tlonnl Archives of Frnnco, by .Team Fiian;ois Aldkv. Illustrntecl from
OrlKlnnl DrnwIiiKi hy F, V, l)u MONI), nnd from Hcprotluctious of Old .
I'ftlntliiKs nndStntucs. Crown 8vo, Cloth, Orimtnciitnl, J Si. 50.
DRfSWB. A Novel. Ultistr.iteil. 12mo, Cloth, Ornrtmentnl, $1,7S. (Uniform . h
In aim with Ilnrper & Hrothers' Llbrnry Kdltion of Mr. Illnck's Novels.) "it
jrADKIiON. A Novel. nyMAlir K. Wh.kiss, Author of "Pembroke," "Jnno "'
Field," etc. lOmo, Cloth, Onmmentnl, $1.85. .
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