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I wi '"JSiL'a "it'll I m rr'r-i SC'V WEATHEB PREDICTI0N I IT'S SO " ""laB Sfr' '-sSt K'lSSP2K5Kgg3JSr3r W F Vv ral1 ntrthestrly winds. 0 VOL LXUI.-X0.' 'M. "" NEW YORK. FRIDAY. (UNI 12, 100COlyiUGin 189Bt BYlTli: SUN 1'liIXTlXG AXI) ITBLISHIXU ASSOClATlb.V. I'lTlCE T .V0Ci:X ?S. . HEED'S FRIENDS IS ARMS. 3tAXLi:rj)z:s o vxcrn ox a i.t. stuns ton it tm srniti.sinci:. rttronc Protcat from 1'nrllnnd llnnkera Sent to Manley III" Action t sited Treachery by Ite rtt'a I'rlrmla - The fsptaker'e Annuyunti nntl Niiriirlse Manley Henil, on l.aplnnntton to Rent II ha (speaker Hnya Ha la Still la tha Ilaee I'outi.amj, Me., Juno 11. 1 ho Announcement of the MAitley manifesto formally giving up thu light At St. I.ouls for Hceel camo like a thunder clap to thu Statu of Malta. To sa) thut tho Heed Hi publicans are iiiaiI way through I but j'Utliiu It mildly. 'I hey nro tin In Arm, too. Thur Is hut onu volco to-iilgl.t. anil that It de mihclntlou of what la fnely called Manic)' treachery 'Iho namo of Judas tins been f re. quontl) nppllril. 1 huse iv hu know Mr. Heed best are the loaders among tlui-u who cundoinn the Mauley per forniu'icc Mr. Heed Is u tighter nuil. the) on), lie knows no tear, tic, like tho Old Guard, iun be beaten," but necr surrenders." They re. fuso to believe for an Instnnt that .teed rould linvo countenanced huj such performance. Ills recent remnrl. In Washington, "How politics makes cowards of men," la freely ()Uoted. Mr. Manic) neid not frtl at nil lint ti red by tha comments of Mulnv Republicans which are to-night bclnr: maclo upon his action. A vigor ous feature to thu campaign was contributed to day in a telesrntu of p-otet which was Bent from this city this afternoon to Manle) at M. I oult. It Is signed b) the l'icahlcnt or cashier of every bank and trust inthlaclt), and no doubt rellccta the scutimcnt of every man In tho State who baa ilnancl tt luttreata It la needle; to say that this mess igo was prompted by the atatemcut in thu murnlnc pa pers tlmt Mr Manley had pructicnlly given up the debt for Mr. Reed and conceded McKlnley'a nomination on thu first ballot. Ibere are no politic In thU telegram, aa It U signed by every bank President In I'urtland, without regnrd to larty interests. 1'ollowing la the mei'iiso, ana It speaks for Itself In no uncertain sound Pokilud. Me , Juno 11, lso 7 As lion. JotlpK II XanUit .sf. IjouU, Vet. The ucdert cned, believing that Mr Heed voices n cut clearly tte convictions of the great business la lertslsot this country upon the question of sound money that bis rubllc retorU on this Issue is ungues Honed, and that there ta la this country a crowing sediment In Ms favrr on this ao ount, earnestly request ttat DoefTurts may be spared to support his candidacy at the NaMucial ConTentlon XV XV Thomas. President Canal National Flank. Jiio r. lUirxK, President Meuhanta' .National he v l HirPERiiKK-llicii4Rn.PresMent Portland Nations riark. J K. Wsioso. cashier Mrat National rank. Tort- IUnl ALTtats O. Itoouu, Treasurer Mains Savings Bank, Portia i L N U. .-.. LI. President Civo yatlonal Bank Wiujah o. Dtvta, President -Nlloul Traders' Pank II Ht.Tl.lK. Treasurer Portland Trust Compiny. I. XI Coieh, trustee Inlou bale Deposit and Trust Company InwAiuii otca Treasurer Portland Saviries Bank. t II faottx. cashier Cumberland atloual U ink. Tho Prtf. the peraonal organ of Heed, will ay to-morrow. " Mr. Manley'a jmbllc etatement that he pe lleted Mr. Mckinley would be nominated on the flrat ballot waa entlrel) un called for. It 9 not needed to cor rect any mlenpprehenalon from which thu public was Buffering or was likel) to suffer. Ker intelllsenl man hna Itnowu for months that the chaticea weru greatly In favor of Mr. Mi Klnley. andetery Intelligent man mm Justus cnpnble as Mr. Manle of e-tlmntlni. correctlj the effect of the declion of the National Com mittee In the matter of the ronte'llngtlelecMea toenhanceMr McKlnle'a propecta. Allot Mr. Reed's sunportirs knew that tbo outlook was not brilliant, but the) wire nil go ing to .-t. Louis determined to stain! bj bim luvnllyand make the beat fight possln c. Hut now. Just on the eve of thu departure, the man whom they had a right to regard aa their leader, and from whom they had n right to -some that no discnurngement would come. cen if encouragement were out nf the .motion, makes proclamation that he conIdem the nom lnntlon all "ettled, tnd In the fame bnath an pounces that nevertheless hoexpecu the Heed delegates to make a tight. "A commander who rinding his force greatly outnumbered, surrender". l- entitled to some credit, for he saves thellvesof his men, but a commander who dispirits his forixs b telnng them thit the) are sure to be Lenten and tln-n insists upon their going Into thu fight can hard!) lay claim to humanity or generalship or any. tiling else. This lat seems to be what Mr. Manley has done. Uu has predicted the overwhelming defeat of the Itec-d men and right on top of It has nnnonncel thit tbey will stand by their candidate. 1 his la ccrtnlnl) aver) curious way to gel the delegates to stand by Mr. Heed. It Ian very funny generalship, and that the troops show signs of not admiring It is not to be nondered nt. "Ithua been auggested thit Mr Manley made hl statement of belief that Mr McKiuley would be nominated on the flrat ballot as a wuj of In troducing bis BUb"equeniatatement that Mr Heed would under no circumstance., accept the Vlce-I'residenc) Itut Mr Manley hna been able to make the last aa.ertloli "everil times during the past montli without finding It neces sary tooonplo with It thn flrat one' hi that ex planatlon does not explain It seems more nrub ablu that Mr Manley was thrown off his balance by the muafo on the band wagon " The .4tf"rf(er la a littln more mild, and an) a: "it Is of no use to klci against fate, but tho question arises whv the surrender la announced eo long butoru the Convention. It looks as though the purposu might have been to innku an opening for pulling a stoo to the Heed Vlcv I're.ldenlial movement, Mr. Heeil has Inlrendy made thnt i lain and unmistak able. There It no getting around it. It is no nuws to Mr. Heed'b friends, of course '1 hey have understood this to bo liU posltton all along, hut there has been before no opportunity to make the announcement au thoritatively to the countr) .Mr Henl's de "talon la not to bo regretted. If he remains In pub lic life, a his constituents earneitlt dcslruand expect, his place U manifest!) In thu Speaker'a chair, the post second to the I'resldenc y In power and responsibility, instead of tecomtug a figurehead in tho chair of tho henate Mr Heed must accept a renomlnation. or the heart will U) entirely taken oat of the campaign here abouts. It will be necessary to go through tho ' usual forms, but Mr. Manley'a statement Is an other wtt blanket on Hepulllcau enthusiasm in tills part of tho country." Thu Hon. ( harlea K. I.ittleOeld, who la slated to second Heed's nomination at hu I.oul), saw the despatch In this morning's papers in unlrh Manle) said that he gave up thu tight, llo im mediately telegraphed thu Maine lommittee man and Heed manager for n vi rlllcatlor. "The answer Is In the affirmative." raid Mr, Llttletleld. " 1 shall telegraph nim that I think Ills lack of aensorxceeda that of htanle) I'lum mer, the Muluti delegate who wired tho bevv York I'rtu thnt Mc Iv'iulu) was cerlulu to get tho nomination on thu first ballot. "None of us thought," said Mr. I.lttlcfleM, "that Heed's chuueewaa ahrlghtnnd shining he, but we are going to hu Iiuls prepaud to fight It to u llnlsb. I believe thero la moru opposition to Mi Klnlc) than real!) tppoars on tho surface, uud that his nomination b) onu ballot inulil bo prut ot.tid. Ill whlili cnsultud Mauds more than a goinl shnvi, Manli) V nork as a Hied mai.uper bus been ail) thing hill s.itis fnctoiv lo the spenki I's fnei ds In this Mule, and If hu made the talk am nhed to him by thu rci orts, he lian i apped the climax, ' I huouly tiling In which 1 loncur with him la tiiut mult r no consideration will wu allotv lieed's liumu to goon the III ket's sn ond platu l(ei himself woulil hot llsti ii to stii h a thing fin oil inluule. As for Mnutnr I'ruitnr ol Vermont, vtu -liull opposu I mi us .i Vice Irsi dentiitl candidate to the er) lust. '! ho Maims ditlei.atisioii.lder th tt ho has been item g thu traitor to Id i d'n interest all along, and that in sleud of his bilng surprised ut the attlmof Vermont's s,tAie Convention be will Liutv in udvrtncu vthnt was going In hnppi n." 'Ine action of Miiiilev mn) be said to have had the effect of making 111" Maine delejitluli and Heid ( lull, v. hu Ii starts lor M. Louis to-mor-ro v. plug nil) " 'Ihc will go ?nore detir mined than evei to hnlil aloft with pr de in 1 love Uiu bantu r of Hied und no "tirnddlc," a id thu 1'inu iree ihorus will havu no um rrta.u sound in Missouri J. II. Mauley Is a prophet w Ithotit honor In h s own ount r to n gn , itni! Mitlnosilll leausupoii " A !!el I 'ishnki n hi the Ind " VaiiimiIun. .Iuiih .1 Heed has ' been keeling lliu wins luiwetu WHshingmn and ht Louis hot to day. In touseijuence ol thu iudlicicet action of Joe-Manle) In M Louis giv ini, up thu light Wiiuii tin p!uir lii.tid t it Manic) hail abandoned tho Hit t ship and h 1 1 illtecl overboard In the diret ilnu of the M Klulev craft hu rt fused to beliuv the . rei-orl and denounce I It as a canard si it out h) li's tnemlis As soon us loo .speaker reached the t tpltol this morning he I sent a leli gram to -Mr ln'y usitlng for an ex plnualloii of the retort rending an answer from Mr Manley the r-penker did not histutlo to II ress his surprise and disappointment at tbo uilewcd action of Mr. Manle) Hi tho most emphatic terms Ic his eitcnilto and character istic vocabulary. In duo time t reply from Mr. Manley arrived, nnd It brought it continuation of tho report, but In such lunguago lis uiuP'rtally to soften the wrath of t-pmker Heed and his friends In this city, who wcro not spiring In tin lr condemna tion of tho hick of political tact nnd Judgtuunt of thu heretofore trusted manager of tho Heed Ihioiii. Me, Manle)'. despatch snld thnt after reaching St. Louis hodlaiovered that tho Nnlloiiiil Committee was controlled be tha McKlnliy forces by an overwhelming majority, nnd it wAsapp-vrcnt that thet propostsl to srat nil of the Mi Mule) delcgnles without regard to the mirltsor thn justice nf tho claims nf tho op position. I to added that In view' of that fai tltvva" evident that the ulriady formidable, columns of tho MoKlnlcy men would be Incpnsed to tho exteutof about 1,10 delegatis. I'nder tho cir cumstances It seemed like hoping against hopo to continue the light for Ml Heed any longer, nnd he ndmlted that ho Hindu a statement to that effect to some of bis newspaper frit nda in ht. Louis. Mauley ulao rubied that he Is still n friend of Hied, and Is ptupnrtd lo do iti) thing In Ills power to promote Ida political or personal In terests. 'Hits Information somewhnt changed the situation fium r-penkei Heed's standpoint, who, although rcgnttlng that Mr Manle) should have made audi au Impolitic admission or statemtnt under tno excitement of the surrounding olrcumstatice", rofuses to father many of tho wild statements that have been tiedlted to him In denunciation of Mr. McKlnle). hen ) our correspondent discussed the subject with rtuakir Hetd to-day and late to-night he did nut attempt to conceal his nu noyniue at tho serious mistake made In Man ager Mnnle). lie said, how over, that It Is po. bio that Mr. Manli ) was carried off his feet by tho overflow of the Mi'Klnlc sentiment, nnd made statements which ho might have l.nowu would he damaging to his friends. 1 hit Sprakei sa) s the light has not been aban doned nur will it bo until the end la reached Yiterda), he saya. tho Mt Klnley forces were In absolute control of the Conven tion clu, but to-dav the friends of other cnndldntu havo arrived and the develop ments may bo different within the next tMentv-four hours The political friends of Speaker Heed nro denouncing Mr. Mnnle) for his abandonment nf his leader In the fact of the first tlrt by the enem), and some go .n far as to charge him with trencher) He has hentofiiMi net n regarded ns a shrewd and coiiraceous political get eral but in thu present InstnniB lie has shown a 1st k of nerve that is til. utpolt ting to tho-o who pinned thtlr pnlltlial faith o him. ll of thu New ork and New rngland men who arc here declare that Manlev must have had a se vere attifA of Mi Klnlf) fright In have dropped his gun a. the tirst skirmih. He must havo known that tt would have a disastrous elfect upon those dtlegatts who wtre i n tht ir wa lo M l.outs lo join the nntl-McKinle) lorec 1 together the Manlev Incident occasioned far more gi -sip nntl comment than nil) thing thit bus nicurrid here lme yuu)'s mjsteilous vlst to ( anton Ilvthi I'nlM rrw. AVAsiilNe'TiN, Jnno 11. "'Ihere lsnochsnge In the situation at Pt Ioul. u far n It allecls me." speaker Heed to the I nlted l'rfo to night. "My name will be presented to the Convention " Further sneaker Heed would not tali:. Among his friends, however, thu opinion Is freel) ei nrcssed that Mr. Manlev was p.tnli-.trkken by theattton of the Natlonn1 Committee In the Alabama contests case. Mr. Hed Is indirett communication with his frit nils in M. Louis, and is watching events nlth gritt Interest. Hni ton, Mn.s, Juro II E-(. ongresaman WillKm hiting. delegtte to tho Republican Convention from thu I Irst Congress district, was nninred at the announcement from Joe Manlev He had nlwsvs been In favor of Heed, nntl bt lleved that the mnioritv of New Knglnud delegates would vote for him on tho tlrst billot at least. For the second place on the tliket Mr Whiting vvaa In favor of Gen H.F.Tracy of New York. WrAIi-KSEEl) JOV MAXI.VT. Tteed's Friend In st. I. outs t'rltlelae Htm, and Intimate Treachery. St. '.on1.. June 11.-The big oil painting of Thomas H. Rcetl, scv un feet long bv five feet wide, that came to town jestirday via Tom Piatt's F.xpress Compan), addressed to "Tho Hon, Joseph II, Manlev." still Ilea unopened In the hotel corridor. Up atntra, on the floor abov e, the beautiful big parlor for w hlch Mr. Heed has agreed to pay $ 00 a tlay for one week 1. sul lel temporarll) for the sessions of the National f oininlttcc, and nowhere In all this rickety rackety Convention town is there one sign of tho I'.eetl Convention boom. It has vanished like thebeautiful Lafayette I'ark vanished before the fury of the C) clone, and the last little puff of wind was n-l free by the Hon Joseph II Manley himself. Mr Heed la rejsorted fi-om ashing ton as declaring thai the statement that Mauley had given up the tlgnt is a dunned He, and no wonder he said It. for there is not a nllticlan in M. Louis to-dn) who is rot wondering what tho Hon Joseph 11. Manle) meant, nnd why he so sudden!) deserted his candidate. Of course, the candidate is beaten, lie hu not been In the race for a month, but be is pa) In,; $.'00 adav for the room wl ere his picture will be hung to-morrow or the da) after, or some time before the Conventl in closes, and heuator Lotlge will m tku his great nominating speech und Sew England will rtcord a vole lor him, according to the programme laid nut months ago, before the shadow of McKI nley had Come across the form of the -ci ond greit man from Maine Heed bt longs lo the tlie-ln-the-dllcti class ut n'atesmen, and his friends thought that Joe Miinli) was that kind of a politician but ll seems not, and row,bccauao Manic) has dt serted it, tho Heeil boom In s, as senator ,t, Ins so often p'tturcd Libert), "bleeding in the Btrect " A number of eminent Republican statesman said to-da) that the) hail oul) one fault to Itnd with Till. vl s, und ihal waa that I III. s. bad made Joe Manic). J his ls.loe Manlev of Maine, the man w ho sa) s he started ttie Heed boom last winter, and who kicked thn last hole in it lat night. One of thu Republican rritits of Mr. Manley was probably n little bit more severe than his fellows when he said. "I have summered and wintered with Joo Manle) for twenty )ears, ever since he first began to curr) Jim lllalne's gripsack. In Justice to Mr Manley I must say that benlwa) per formed thai service with dsxterllv and loyalt). HutJooMunlo) never had any moru backbone than an nngluworm. Ills announcement that McKlule) Is sine to ho nominated was scarcely news, hut it waa thu mi) Manley loot, to makt the announcement in which Mr Hetd s friends object. I Imvo seen despatches from Washington to-da) saving that Mr. Heed dots not billevo that Manlev has made any such statement Inflict, Mi Heed Is quoted as say ing that tho stutenienl about him Is a He. '1 hat is, Mr, Heed does not bellevu that Mr. Manley made an) such statement. All of tlie newspaper correspondents here know very will thai Mr. Manlev handed bis statement last night to tho ri porter of the 1'nltcd l'ress Immtxllately after the National Committee adjourned for the afternoon Mr Manle) 'r. signature was not dry before hu handtd It to thu L nlted Press reorttr Mr. Manle), however, has been In communication with Mr llannn for over iv month. Ttvowieks ago! ill. hi'N printed the fact that Mr. Manley hail written U Mr Mi Klnley throwing up the spuiige twowiika lieforo hcliator Quaj's visit lo Canton." Mr Manley was exceedingly grump) to-da) w hull he was told that Mr. Ilt-ed did not billet o thitl hu hud made uu) statement which piacti tally killed the Hied boom In vli w of the fai t thai Mr. Manle) had Pteii In lommiinlcailou with the McKiule) piniiln for over a month, it was suggested that Mr Manna has been a lllllu bit hard on Mr Manley in exacting fiom Mm this mucin ni. who n I. nothing mine nor less tunn ii Intra) m of Mr, Heed Mr llannn, it win, uiiiady had Manlev In his clulchex, and It was iinuectssar) loi him to foico Man It) toeoiuuout in III" open and show to thu po no mils of the two exactl) wh'tlsurl of a i uiuii hu is, " U lint Mr.Manliy is to get out of Itdois not )i t appim,' i-ald number, " l'osblhl) hu Is to liavea job of (arr)ing either thu grlpsut k of Mr ilanuii'ir Mr Milvlnlit" Hut Mi Mnulr) hits never been nt In art a Hi nl man. Ills liiiiiihlu seivliesti Mr, lllalnti would makii tills iilu.o.t impossl ile, especially win n he n inenili.'li'l that it was Mr, lllaluu, in l'rt'sldt nt Uai intiii'is ( .in ntt, vtlin wnlktil Into l'oi union! Ii, .Mr, Id til's own town, and "ile ted a oliti'tur of tho 1'oit who was Heed's lifetlmo em in) Ncvt rthelisa, tho conduct of Mr Manley was not allogtlhoi uiuxpntvil sum It has h-tii I known for a month that Mr Manna huj cap tured i tm I Mr. J 11. Manle w v deluged all d.iv with I tile. nuns rmiit sling him to ex plain or qualify lus statement given o il iiMi ula), Inwhiihho tout i detl that Major Mi Klnlu) would be Horn I malt d on I ni tirst ballot Lute this afternoon hu fnrubl.lil this signed btutemeni to tliu I nltid 1'ie'ss st I ii. Juno It. Iter) Tin at II m of the Nntlonalt itte at their nut t Ink- o' yeitrdi owing , in ihiir intention of p ai Inc on Ha itiutorsry run u, n-gau-. favora itu to 1 not, )ti Uiliii y wine 'i In Ihe tnd would lileun lilu ail I dm !! il votes, caused luu lo make tht t Hi lilt-lit Ihut I Id 0 1 aulas taiusstly for Mr Iteed asesei ant i with hi. ir in sdonx e'-trtttilng jiossilili to br iu ats.ut Ids ho iusl! u, and I ura upon his sui p rt rs tnroiLrfhoui the couutry to makii still r , ,r i n iris u his behalf. i tvijci. When pressed this avenlngto maksi,. tho nppaiout discrepancy between his last bulletin unit that of last evaolng, Mr. Manley woulu only reply that tha stateine nt was sumrlsnlly self-explanatory fur tbo prtsiut, and bcodi-d no elaboration, s. S MAKT AM) HOI'SES BURN. amp.i'ic t.v jioitsi: iwrii iMii: in:. Mn i) ii v nut'. lOO Horses with It Nome of W, lul:iUlnas l'rlse.vslnnlnu t o . h llurses. ilust Nulil to tMlllum t, ililtiir), Itelleveil In He Amona Them The Loss Hl.lO.lltlU. The American Itorso Uxchnngo blrek, be tween Fiftieth nnd Hfi.lrst atiocts nnd beveuth avenue and Uroadwny. vtna nlniost eutlroly dcatro)cd b) llru last nlplit. itut 100 liorscs. Ills believed, were killed, Among them, II la surmised, arosome nlunblo animals pur chased h) William C. Whllne) )estcrdiy nt tho Mlklns sale 'I lie renttal location of the flrontlrncted lliou sands of spectators, of whom It stumetl its It iv quarter of them wort blocllsts. It was a spec tacular lire, and tho early part of It was excit ing. Thero weru "tit horses in the b.illdiui: In stalls on thu tlrst, second, and third llnois, and iv hundred stablemen, neighbors, pollcemin, nntl firemen dashed in and did what the) could to releaso the animals ami drive thorn out, Tho sfeets were full of frightened burn's nnd of vehicles of nil description! which had been drnggetl out of the building. Tho rtiiintigi- covered all the hiock, except onu illy lot ontho northwest comer. T hu blmk, is -Ol) feet on -cvcnth avenue und a little moru on llrondwny, nvcrnglng lot) feet In depth, 1 lie exchange was built cxprtssly for the salo of horses. lTiero was au nreun in the centre, and tho rtsl of thu building was tnken up with slolls and storage looms for vehicles. Tho flro begin under the eaves of tho third floor on the "seventh avenue and Fiftieth strict cur icr the southeast corner. It la laid to nn elei trie light wire Jnniea Clrcc'tic. the wntthmnn, and Arthur eavrnneh, one of tho emplo)tes, were sitting outon the sidewalk near the corner when a citi zen ran up and told them of thn fire. There were twcht)-flve stable hands In tho bulldl g and Orteiif alarmed them, while Cav nnngh rang 1 lire alarm The stable hands and citizens who rushed In trlid to releae the animals on tin- sicond tloor nnd drive them down thu run wavs but the horst s were panic stricken and wouldn't go, Onu of them mudo a living le in over thu lit ads of A group of men nnd landed linlf way down the runway to the first floor. Il picked Itself up, apparently unhurt, and dashed out of tho building. T he tlinu-s spread too quickie for the rescuers to accomplish muih on the second tloor and thev were obliged to relinquish thbir eiTorts and nv e tht lr ow n live. T hree boys. William and I'aul dudd) and Charles Lovan, bad to Jump from Ihe second stor) windows on thu Fiftieth street side Hook at.d Ladder C ompnn) 1'-. in command of Lieut, -smith and Lng r e c ompanv 'U weru the first flro companies to get to the tire The) got up their ladders on thu southeast corner of the building where the fire .ernied to burn more flercel) than In an) other place. T he corner was surmounted b) a tower which turned Into a chlmnet 1 he men h id not ht t n wo-klng moro tiinn fif teen minutes when there was act inung shout and the nuth wall began leaning ner The men fit il mil Hitman - erldnn Jti"t saved himself b) sliding down a bos,, 11m, 8trung"r"'3,',yvladdcr. T bin the eusiern end of the wall fe - "ssrect There were mao rumors of missing bo)s and emnlo)ees. and I iru i'atrolman 1 ew i thought he .ate a man in his sh n sleeves sink In with the first floor In tin southwest tor ner Foreman Mevrns. howcvi r. nt that all his men had been accounted fo and no missing persons were rep rtetl to the lol t The police could not find nnv ldv Injured either altliough the confii"lon was gnat whuii tho linrses were Icmis. in the cr iwdtti stret t It took the llremin lust one I our to gi t the best of the flames Heput) ( lilt f lltlll) wits in charge of the e'ghteen i-: glne companies, five trucks, and one water towtr A four-story building .'"-xti'ii. f'i the north west corner of the block, wa-av ,1 bv tin wait r tower. Tli's build ng .ik, uph d h) the I prik-ht Cycle Compan) and thn .latobsou Manufactur ing I omp-my makers of mouldin.-s. it is owned h) Ilanlul Dull W. I), l-rahd has bei n londucting regular uuc tion s tit s of hackue) a nnd otlo r high .rradt liarness at the liucihau llorso I.xchange for some jotr lie slid last night that there wen .'c!t horses in the stalls wlon 'the tin broke out. and lo thought Hni had In en dtstrtttil Judging bv the number of h irses uathc-cd up In the at t ets and brought int i si ibh s in ttie Mcinit). Mr. itntiid s estimate .)trnlcl he a clnst one In Inttersails, n -tutnTj, us, e-niiss and lift) fifth street, about tlftyhind were taken in ami O. - Mallei W ililnni Ilurlanl, ilief entrnl I'arg Hldin.' tudmv mil I rum b'e s stable had e it 't twi nt) lie.ul or ll ore I he private snlu ilenlers iuarttrtd Hi the buiiiling at thu co "e of busint a )t .tenia) were M)nck ,v lluilsnii, luck -pralle) of Vir ginia John 'priitle) of Ivt ntui ky laan -tritua, J, C. iJevo. t liarles l'rootnr. Mux Hoffman, I , lhirgtr, nun Louis l'aristtti. Tlie) made a sierlint) ofibrlnglng vnluahio liorsrs from Vlrg nut Kenliw kv. and lemiisstti for tin in ustonur" Most of their suit k was In the stalls on the ground floor and w as nvt d mong the ri guht-tohsignors are - s How laud, v, -s, ward Webb John Jucob Asior, Henry Fairfax, c J anil Mar ri Hamlin. Just ph K. luener. and other Luiitltiueii wlio have breeding farms "i cnterda) Mr. Ctrand sold for various turtles ninet) four load for about tt.'U mil) and deltv -ered slxt) of them Twelvi weru coin ignul h) W I, Flklns of I'lillioh Inliia Hits lot in cluded winners In four In-hands and tandems at thu last National Horse Mom In this i It). the I-ong Hrani h Horse show Inst August, and the l'hiladelphia lloisti -ln.w t fortnight ago. There wns a large attendance of will known driving uud riding mi u to bid on thu l.Iklus lot. Including W t Whitui) T he twelve head avt raged SlflT each 1 homas M. Maitland nf H)e paid Si7"i for a pair of hi) geldings and Mr Whltin) $,'. Itnl fi ru m itched Hum of four hu) i,ldtngs anil Jl, ",:.", for Ihe other horses. 'I here horses, or most of tht in, went still In the bulidliig, and on an npptr four, togi ther with 1 nbout one humlnd head ow mil b) I . hi i.m ,v. I o of t liiino. iiml i ruins A lit xti r f lhli!t), that Mr t-rund was to h it ve sold to-da) 1 tin loss will he hi ivnnl among I lies, , horses, as tin ir stalls could imt be mi tasiiv rt ii in d h) the rt si uers as thte-e on tho llrst tloor Dr Joseph I llurtls. a vt It rliiarlan. ten'i limit il to Mr Whltnct). who wis ut his eoiinti) scat at U lienilei lid1., l,onw Isliind, to lenrn If his pure hsi s 1 ml h en taken awa), Mr. Whittle) said Ihe) wire still at thu 1.x- I'liaii.e. and requtstid the vt ti rliiarlan In tr ami gut Ilium out of tho I mldins, In-tn ctlng blm to put ilirm In 1'iiHi i's ftalile Ala lute . iiour Dr llurtls hud true-id I vu of thn horses I onlv, I The Xnieileati llors" I x, ' autre was opened I about lss II was luteiidiu t i be a inproduo tluti or au l.iikllsh I nr-u mart. I ho of. I lie i rs are William K iuh'i rhlll I'resuleiit; I Igtrtntil Wiulliiop, Ji , si ritar) I rnucls ,M, Ware, treasurer I reuerli I'.mnsin. W'll. I Hani Jul. Fn deili k W V.mdi ibill iitorge I' Wetmnri'. uud I gi rlou L. W filhro.i. with thn cilbcers. are tin- illrrcUiis, lit ur ! "-tettiis I wns the manager i I he building has nlwn)senrntd agood annual dividend for the sli t k holders ile capital Is SMii.Oin' The Pfiinrany nwind Iho burneil hulldlng and bad ofilcisoi, the tlrst tloor of tl e -., venth u ,u line s'de F. ."s Hedges heerttar) of th Riding uud Driving ( lull had an otll n on tin s, mad fit or, and W It 1 nsig A (o munugeis if Hotting liorso sales at the l.xch enge and at ti " Mndisou t-iquarii II irilen had mint s ll in Dr Hvdir a veieriiiarv s iignui. I ad an olllcn . on thu second floor .lames Sellis Ii til a .mltliv 1 In the torim ut .-etc nth avi'iiuu ind I Iftleth stret t On the Ilroidwnv s!d of lliu biilldui.' were tlieiillkesof thu .New ork lliibhi r I In I inn pan) .1 liiiah e oiuii nilwnli tint e xi I aiit-i V gi od many were luktn out ihru.h tlititife wh h wascmiipli telt wre- kid T lie hulldlnp Is a total 1 ss nntl Is e.tliiiHU'd In liave bfin north $lnti,i C" I liu 100 hores il at we re burned weio worth an average of $ lufi tail,. 1 hu damage to tier ami htriiess an I edll tslspul at S.'o.iion, musing n total of H iii nun Thn car natile of th Hroadwa) cablet re ul la across ,seveiiih avenue fi un tho humid budd ing and tho tire inns iionsldcrablHilela) in Iho traffic on the road. Th 'biillillnt, and te k who Insuresl Itwas re porleel that a t ' In fir ealleil llsiull, was 1 ml, but thu vtlucn.. I the lem. uro both uu-vended. Luetic Islam! ICitllroHtl. OaJuns 18 1.1, in nial .' c Mi ter I. land and "lampions' rxprtsswlll I emu to tin upon Kid liar bor and .voia.'aiifll leaving lAiut l.laud l It) ul .1 aod Urookl)natv fi P M st itpliu al JIanor llisrr haail. ttattleuck, aud Cute huetut and all slallous east of West Hampton to Hag Harbor and vuia'slurtt ICeturnlng ll-rl aud bt. ouly) leave Alnauansett 7,tt,bagUartHir7 JU.aniUrssuporH Jdi. BslBslHaslBslBslBsiBslBslBsBlnl MIXXESOTA JIllitOVItATS FO It tlOl.l). They Adopt is Hounil-money l'lnnU by a Vote of to to mm. fr. I'.vt u Minn., Juno 11. Tlio Democrats of Minnesota did a most unexpected thing to-da) by dee luring emphatically for gold when n count of noses Inst night seemed to IndlcAlu tliAt the declaration would bo for free slhct. Thu Committee on Resolutions made two re ports, one declaring foi gold nnd the oilier for thu freo coinage of silver nt HI to 1, tho latter being tl o minority report. Tbu lit! delegates from Minneapolis nnd tbo Til from lltiliilli vole d solidly tor silver, but 111 spite of this tho gold men won b) u vedo of 440 to !JL"I The victory was a slgnAl (itio for National Committeeman Michael Derail, who his given bla attention to theilclogatcs week". The platform warinlv endorsea tho Adminis tration of I'rcaldeiit ('lowland, reiterates tho pirt)'i position on tbo IsrllT. nnd thus declares on tho mono question: Wo uro uuiiuallHotlly In favur of the pres ent gold standaid of value. Wo favor thu u so uf both gold and silver as mone), nnd bellevo our fiovernmeit should coin and keep In circulation as ii part of tho circulating medium ns large ,tn amount of silver ns cm bo emplnvrd without tle.lrojlng or threatening to dcslro) tho existing purity of Mtlue hctw ecu tho unit in gold und lliu unit In silver. " Wu oppose thu frco colnspo of silver b) our Itov eminent at tho ritlo of 10 to 1 without co operation on tbo part uf the other i uuiiiicrcUl nations of thu world. Tho delegates nt largo are as fullows I' It. Winston, Minneapolis: Daniel W. Law Icr. M. I'aul. Logan Hrackeiiildge. Rochester: ( liaun ce) R. Hiixter. Fergus Falls. Among the delegates elected to St, Louis aro several silver men. and while the) arc uulii structcd the) are In honor bound to support tho gold platform adopted by tbu ( onvoiitloli W hen It comes to candidates, they sa) thnt the) inn support whom thuy please. Thu silver men mnda a warm light over tho teiuporary orgsnlratlon, ami again over tho Adoption of resolutions, but were Inrgel) out liumbcred. uother fight was madu ngalnst .Michael Doran, tho leader of the Mignesotu De mocracy Doraie won out handily and w is elected a delegate to St. Louis, but declined to serve. A 1UI1.T AOAISST '; .Sll.rKtt. low llrmnrrsls tthn "il'ltl .Not tote Torn. IVlilte-money C'nudldHte. Ilt'lii iNfiTov. la, June 11 A bolt against Holes nnd freo silver, vvhloh tins been maturing hero among thu leaders of the sound money Democ rats for somu time, wns sprung ) eterdi) , such jiromlnent men and old-llmo Democrats ns President Baldwin of thu M. Louis. Keokuk .ind Northwestern Hallway, "senator T. Ce Harper. Cashier J. J. Fleming of the National "state Hnnk. and a dozen others of the very Inner circle of Democracy In tout ht astern Iowa, are tue orlg.nalors. The pledgu re ids. I he uuuirMgnid Democrats hereh) form an Association to to known us the Democrttlc tonii I Mono) Club. We pledge ourselves thnt In tin i tiling g' nernl elecllo'i we will not vote , for an) luudtilutc for I'residont eir member eif t oiiiress w ho Is not known to be opposed to the free and unlimited eninaguof silver it the rnllu of 1 to 1 undt r the present conditions aioi re. gaidless of the commercial value uf silvtr. such a .liver imllcv If adopted would reilue e our current i at once to the slnglo silver stnndard and involve the business of thu countr) in gen t ral disaster. Nn party considerations what ever i an Induce us tnaupport it " T he pledgu w ill bo circulated not only In Iowa, but in other Western Mates. II 4M.VOM AMI 1111 rUIUXDI FRRK. I'lned 3135.000 i:..rh. the Alterant! ve Ilnn lalentrat for itrirrn lltsrB, I'lirTeiHi v. June 11 The terms Imposed upon th" four leaders of the lohaunesbtirg Reform ( immitlte. John Ha)s Hiuimond. limit 1 l'hdlips. col Frincls HtiiHles.und Cienrgo lar rir w hose rt lease has been dei ulid up m b) tlu T runsv val Fiecutfve t ount I. require tliat In default of thu p.i)iuent of u fine of i'-"i,IIOH each the) shall stiller baiiishiui lit from the terrltor) of the -outh African He public for llfteen ) ears I he e onditions of their rtletsi upon pi)ment of their lines an the same us thoJe i equlrd to be eibservtsl b) thu olhtr members of the Reform ( ommittee w ho went recent!) set at llbert), nnmcl), that they shall nhstmii from Interference In tho politics of the sillh Afrienn Repuhlh I civisiv, June. 11. lu the House of ( ommons ti-liv) Mr Joseph t hnmberlaln conllrineil thu rt ort from Pretoria that the leaders of tho Jo hannesburg He form ( ommittco Intel been set at llbert) b) the Irausvnal Mitciltlve Count 11 niMin the ir tia)ineui of u flue of i. ,r, 000 ea. !i in do taull of width the) would he subjected lo ban isbmotit from the Trill. st nal for a erhxl of llf tetn )eurs The Transvaal tfOVerniueiit also stipulate tl, he added, tint the men thus released should conform to thu tonditlona ri quired of the other mi inters of thu Reform Comnilttte, who we ru Intel) reluasud. that they should not in future Interfere In uu) ixilltlcul movement In the ."south African Republic. inr. rrtyviiAS qfkstios. f'nulnnil einel the Lulled Hlntea Will I'm. eeael vvltli the .N eKollutleieiH. LeiMiiiN, June 11. In tbo House of ( ominous to-da) Mr. (ieorge N. Curon said negotiations hi tween Oreat Hrltuln nnd the I'liltid Mates upon the Veneuehin iiiestion vvoulit moceed, T hetleove rnme nt could not mako an) further state ment nt present. W tMUMiTiii. Juno 11, -fct'Virnl toiiimlliil rations whlili have pissed In t wi i n tin Hiih Core Ign Ofllc ei ami N e re tary (line ) eif I He hievo mused re lie we el interi st in the Vine lie Ian quistion. uud it nnuihi r of repnris have- hi i u i irtiilaleil this week that the alt air Is ! iug grnduall) settle!, r-tintart Olne ) ditlims to jt till lit oi eloii) Ihelll. end Hone of the ci In r n'Uinils of the ilepartinent Imvo kneiwledgu of ail) lili i'i' tho proceedings ma) hnvu leaehed In u week or so tbo Commission will remove Its hcadiiuirtris to somu other pliieu, hut fiom tin piogress made. It Is not bu lb veil a iiport will le submitted until the e.irl) autumn, nnd le-hups oven later, Ona nlllclul of the Statu Department slid this even ing thut until this report was pre sunttd, there would hu Utile iliAliko ill the existing situation. n, ffwi.'' y,f,A;.ssj. It la Herlons, lent Ills ICeeoverv la I.ieeiUed i for le, Ilia I'ltaatrluiia, I Andrew II, tireen, "thu father uf Oreuter Neivork," Is dniigeruusly 111 with Inlesllnal I troublo al bla home, ill I'.erk nvint.e. Mi lirt'uii Is ono of thu t ommlsslonera Justai polnledb) leov. Morion to draw up ui Imrlei lor the new ell) Hu has hero on iiilliusi.istii worker, with J. s.T Mriiuuliuii of llrookljii. In I the euuseof consolidation lor thlit) Jeals. Mr ineeii is now 7.1 )ears of age, and hit. hie n ailing for some time. On Kiulii) last ,o was titl.tu ll! at lilaotlh u and had to gn home In n i irr.iii.ti. lie bus been contlncd to his bed over 1 sine e, and his pli)slciun, Dr W alttr L. I air i f it l.usl Hftl-ilghth street, said ji.tirila) tlmt hleeoudliion was v ei) serious. Thero is no m- mi'illitii danger, turnover, and there is llulu doubt Hint Mr tireen will live to sen tho Inciter New eirl. tie has planned fur soiuuny I ) ears ll rculit). , Heel. Mm. Not nerve nn the (J. N, T. Com. j mlswlon, Coiiiplroller 1 Itch wrote to (Jov. Morton yes- ! tenia) staling that ho is lint quite sure If pe has I a right to accept appointment to tho Oreuter , New "enrk ( ominlssion vvlulo he liohls the oltleo of I implrolli'i liu lias nut refu.ed to accept tl e place and lias tno matter under ndvlsemrnt. Ilia Police et the Defc-seler'a Topmaat. The topmast of the )nctit Defender, which was competed for recently at the fair of Ht, Mary's Hospital, in llrooklyn, has Usn awardttd to the l'ollce Department, and will be used as u flagstaff for ouo uf the stations. HAl'II) TRANSIT HELD Ul MAiOlt ST1IOSU Ol'l'OSES MAS. H.tTlA.'S VI.A.S, Allien the Formal Appllreitlnn to ltiilld the l'lonosrd ev I. lues Was Mesele to the Commission IcHterdii) the Meior ICe. leesed to (live Ilia A ovill to tier I'litu". TlioHnpId Transit Hnilroiid Commission met jesterday al 11 o'clock nt Its rooms In thu Homo lilfn liulldlng torecelvei ttie formal nppllcithm which the Metropolitan l.levMed Hallremil peo. pie had promUed last week In forward, asking for pcrnlssleiti to hulld new lliu s 111 conntctlon vvllh tho present s) stem, mid toitdd third mid fourth traclts tixntiio purls of the present lliie", I,nvv)er Julh'ii 1' Dav les appeared to present the application, and tbo rooms weru crowded with tepri tentative! men from the north side. Including delcgnlliuisof thn North ldu Associa tion nnd tho I'uipnvt s' Alliance, u lin. It (level oped, had conio to oppose tho rtrnntlni; of thu application uion tlic ground Hint ndrutintp pio vision wna not minlc In It for tho Tvvtiit).!iltd and T wintv-fotirtli wards Mayor Strong, who nrrlv id In the middle of tho proceedings, backed up tie objei tors and i lid bo had bcin ussurid b) Oeorgc (tould and ltusell Slice Hint the piojieed mirth side e x lelislons would nil run tothe e II) Inn Hu mil be would not vutu for thu proposition ns pre se mid " I'li'e.s the plnns IncltiilctlieeMensInn of tint mid be) ond the lire fix H.vor In Wist I'm I .and Ii uu I'miHium to tin ci v lint. In pursuance of tbu tnlks 1 have bid v I'll Ml ""age anil .Mr (louhl in uiv n i ce I will not s istniii this move ment.' snlel the Mavnr. ami thu north sldcrs np phtudid htm to Ihe i ho t ommls. loner Itim tu idvied.Mr Dav les that I without tho Mnjur'n sanction thu Commission e rs would lutve no powei to grant the upplleu Hon I Ihe impmtcmcnts propoeil formally vnrv i fiom tin tentntlvo propositions lu thnt the j M tnh iltuti l ompaii) asks now for it rmissloii n make nil of the new lines three tracked. ' 1 lie new mutes are as described last week, cx j teptthat the i xtenslon on the eut side te r I initiates at tho llronx River In-teol o al thu tit) line Mr Dav lis i-xplaintd al length the advantages w hlch would nccriiu to the public from the e ontiecllnns tiiopnseel w Ith le rrlus and east and west lines and of express tralllc titer tin atltletl tiacks I lit eipi o-ltloli njipeired wlien Mr. Orr calletl for public tominent upon Die proposals I hu speaker, were .lectins S Wills, "school Com iuisslour I'liultli!. the Rev. Montrose ( lendtnnln. t . ludgn Angel. John Dellart. and W 1). l'eck 1 lie ) all said In elfect that the proposed we're not adequate for the di veloi mint of the north side, and Hint nothing definite was propo-ed as to the time when evt u these routes should ho built The') declared thet unit ss something bettir were offered thev didn't vvunt the II epld Transit Commission to giant the apulleatinn made, Mr Dnvitssabl in answer to questions, thnt be was met iiuthorired to mike iu stnle meuta or promises riHtillng anv of these points No action was taken upon lh application Another public mtetlng will ho held ntxt Thursdu) nt 1 1'. M iiagbi.'s "i:or.i itomx " It Areeised OfTteer. eif the Kutnlidln ssd ltroeicbt tleet n ( tieirt orlnietlr. The officers of tho North Atlantic "squadron, anchored ofT Tompkiusv ille, "-tnten Island, were agog e steidav over a rumor that Commander Richard I'. Lear) of Hie ram Katihdln and threeofhls officers were subject of a court of liicjulr) Instituted b) the Lluijaiket" of tho ram. It was .aid th it tliu accusation was that tho Commander. Lit utennnts Maxwell Wood need J C Colwell nnel ( lift f I'tiglnter Reeves had been guilt) of conduct iiiiIk coming officers and gentlemen, or. to be plain, th.-) had been Intoxicated while on duly and had applied v Ho epithets to the nun. The rumor was thnt the accusations ngalnst the i fllce In the form of a" round robin." which is n ver) unusiiil thing In tho navy or 1 nclo "-am. as the great m.t'orltl of thu blue. J ce ke ts havo Implicit faith In their slop und her o lb ers T litre wns no ' round robin," unless tho en ilorsemt'iu of six Congressmen, clnctl) from the West, to the cumplalnl etf a bluejscket mil) he so culled Tin bluttjucket was econd ( lass Mnchini-t llagel According to tho olllct rs of the Katabdln. Hngel recentl) left tie h!p, which lias no marlnss aboard, on it small boat that Had come nlotigslilo In tho night. If he had In en ibsent tt i da)s he would have ht en rt g trdeil as n tleserti r. nnd In the event of t apt lire might have suffered severed) He surprised c ommander Lear) h) appenrlug itboinl ship several da)s after he had taken Irenth leave, with a requtst. sIl-ih.1 by six e oiigre-smen that bis lapse from dot) might he ovirlooked. Hu was punislml jut,, itke an orelmar) satl,,r tthet hailn'1 six f ongress. men bin of him, aud he didii t like tt. It Is sail! that hn boasted lo his shipmate, that 1 on grpssloie tl llitlneni ( would pull hltn through, no in ttte r what ht might do ll was he w flu drew up the "round robin." He foiwardnl il to his i hie f I eingre ssiutial I'ickei, who it Is snld, sent il tollmsee n turv eif thoNecvv It tlnill) camit to Admiral Hum u, and on W edues lav ilm b nim nf a e aunnti from Ihe New , ork indie ated that a court of inqiiir) lis 1 bt en i onvene d 1 he i ourt e o islsfs of e'npt, W s Sclilc) of tho cruierNiw ork, I apt. .lames H s,rtn,jH 0f lH cruiser ( nliiintiln c hn f 1'liglnter t Iprlano Andritile of tin t tdunibta and l-irst Lieut Lano of ihe Marino I or s, w ho is lodge dvocatt T he e ourt wns In session uenrl) nil da) )ester- dii), and inniiv of the sailors and tnms ul thn otllirrs of the Katahdln were exHinlued, T iio optn'i n of the otlh , rs of Hie squadron wat lint the roui,d robin of e mgressini n would bit 1 iinsiiiee ksfni in the pro-ei utioti of their case I Inclili ntal to the i barge s preferred h) llacel was tlieili duration Hint llfi itboanl Ihe Ivutuh- slits among the lift) -seven mei. of the engineer's elei iirtini ill and the rest of tliecrewof thlrt)- t In s t on ii was ver) iiniomfortahle. Tins is i dmihtliss true, ns nearl) all of the Katahdln is submerged, ami perfect ventilation in her I tiiklne ite partmcht Is praetli.ill) Impns- i Mlile Tlo men havo toiiiplainul Hint thn thermoiio tt r on warm tbt)s in tho cavernous I ilipthsof the ship koine Units kits until hi)', I unit that eti n in wintir it is hotter than thu . usual uuiiiit r da) lu lliu North Nattirull) tho mi n dim t like it, but the) haveiie vermniluany i form tl prite.t against It, and tin Ir oniuinndrr give . them ui iru liberl) on deck than Is usually uccureleel on men-of-war. ' ri i ri . titi'iu nun ituirr. i A llrlllleeeit r.lerlrlrul Dlspliu lee, the Hhlpa I of the Is hlte Istietnelroei. "-ix of the seven warships of the resplendent whltu squadron, anchored tiff Tompkiusv ide. I liielulged In hi an hllghl drill last eventing, to tho 1 euJo)ineiit of a multitude of Stnlen Menders along the beaches 'and In thu hotels on thu heights The I lliciiinntl, whl.h hnd hi en up nt llrhlge;orl, returned jesterday alii rnoon to thu Tompklnsvlllu uuchoriigi. and so the ru wtrci six vessels equipped with search lights to exp.orc tho lie nveus, the waters, and thu shorts In Hit neighborhood of thu hn), 'lliu vessela t.iie tho Sew York illnc-ship of tho squndioiii. thu low-lying bittle ship hull ma mid Ihe' cruisers l nlliinUa. ( Inclili all, Niwark and Montgninur), The ' bottle glee n ram Iml.ihdih, I) lug inslioie, un i It dlspliDnl her nautili lid elei trie light -Igiue's lor Hie'ilrill apt enrid on thu New-York Jus illet N ii'iloeK I hey wote lla.hed , b) the Wti.M s).tciii lliu lights of tho squadron weie eiruertd nt times to plerru the air ale uni of thu brilliant elei trio imli v of tin New Yoik, uteithertliuisthev wurn drecteil to Hie eastward en westward In a ht iietiih of lirilliuiej. unci nt other times Col werrt eon eiitritelut i point lu thu sky, i uisnig nn cileit nun Ii llku thn ribbons of a i giant Mat lolc i i.e. I'imra a or iMrisori:i. Illel Not ICrecalu 1'ntlre t onsrlonanesa Yea. terdeey aa Ilia l'rlcnda Hoped Ile tlould, i I llie roiiillllein of L C I'ottor, who wns In. J .ire il during u rue tlco gimu uf polo on Mop. el n) on thu grounds uf the country Dub at Wist t hosier, was no butler but night. Con trary to the expectations nf the attending phj. si. lens hudlel not regain entlru rnnscinusness ve - tutu), uud this s take n t indicate thit tho ii id t i his hind was rather inoiu serious than was supposed at tlrst Mr. Cotter's friends. In wi'i. r, aro not alarmed nml are confident thut liu will recover lu a short tune. " Turn leu ml" ttss All HU. Said As she smacked her lips dreamily orsr lbs dsllclmia redt ( rush Ice ream fSoda barved ooly at Hiker's. em as., comer .tel st, Adv. Aor .so rmiTAix i on ifKisi.rr, At Any Hute, He Will Not lie NoenlaateU IMlhoilt n Merer Hlreeetule. flvlfie I nifel he. hi. I.eitis, Juno 11 McKlnley is not to bo nominated without n struggle Tvvont).fotir hours havu so rliatigtvl the cbessbotrd that there is still n lighting c'liaticii for the Held ngninst KcKlu'.cv. Tbo still ilillng block In thn road of Mr'.' I tie) Is tho divergent views of the ilelegatia on tho llmiticlnl plunk of the platfi I lu. These elllTcrenics nre is wide as the continent nnd at present i'ein Inee oncllable. Tbo Western dilcgutis mnlul.tln their nd borrnc e to sllvir with a fi unknots Hint lu formei gnllicrlngsof thee pvrty would havo hein putilshiil ns polltirnl heres.. . Iho otln r luilf of tho c limit rt Is rrpiesenteil b) sotinil-m tin ) nlvotutes, who will listen to Potu.c.'gcatloii of ail) other platform dci lirn tloli. so mail) tih'es bit o ten eontp'leel showing Hint Mc hlulc) will ter will not he iioiulnalcd on the Hist hulli '. that tin) aru valueless. ThcmoiiMur) p'utikuf thu pint foitii will, un less n mira lu sum rve, dt termini: the- Humi liation furor uL.t nsl tho lender. The arrival of T homes t I'lntt gnve encour agement nnd impetus to Hi" uppoaltioti. W lilu lie la not lu s) iiii villi wlthtlic-s Iter wing of thu part). It Is tl e light Hi i' hu w .1 lu thu mil) in g point fm a combined opposition. There Ir no hint tint o' In .-in in an honoruld-light will ho inado ngiliist M klule i. hut polilieal exlgtn cles ns u i inteil hen demand tin alliance uf all opposition foi n sue e ussf ul struggle! ngnlust thu Mclviuli v ava'nnche. a iii. .vhiM.ri-iri.i a i .i nil i nt lurielere- tu Heerra tee .!. I.niels Out, llrnd. le Alset to do. LiMtwAri, Junu 11 finv. Itradle) will go to . I mils, leiving Frankfort "-mi-da) night in a special ear, I his visit hns mui h politic il significance Ru hid no Idea of going to the Contention lit) until hu received iievve to el iv from M Ionia tint Mc-Mnlt t 's nonii intiem wns Impos'lblu cm tliu first billot Hradlev's le ttiT)csterdi) tolho countrv that bo Isstlll a caiiiliduti and that lm will not permit his name lo be wlthdrivvn wna bis tit "t aggies.ivu step. T lie mvv from St. Louis to nlgl t is nl inning to the McKlutc) men lu ( liuiiu eti liov loriihtr suddinl) made un hi. mind to litvefor"-! lotus ui,e he- Is te tike a pecl il train earl) to-morrow me rnlng Al! of thu Me Kltilev leselers here havu lie en In conference nee earl) e veiling and the long, distance telephone lutwecn this p U(, imd ( an. Ion has been te adil) in use sin, u mi clock. The news Is from "-t Louis i hat the ih er men linve got together and h ivu declared that the) would violate their Instructions If somo ono of the spokesmen for should not come out nnel deflnittlv st ite hi exact position on themone) question be fine We lnesdny nnd that tho sound-moiR') men from the Hast having nrrlved nt ! Louts tills morning were confident sinte llanni' interview of )csicrda) that McKlnle) wns out of it, unless he should jvosltlvel) 'leclnro at once thnt he was In favor of the gold standard Among politicians here to-nlghl It is believed that I ornker'' appeannrc in M. Louis will hu to tho detriment of McKlrlo, whom lie Is tu nominate. pnoaiiAWK or i in: vi.. Nntlonul Cnmmlttcrennn Trtimbn sSm-a Tle Will Holt the .Nomlnntlou. "st. Lot is, June 11 Col. Iaic Trumbo, Na tional ( ummlttrimin and de legato at large from I'tnh, lautliorit for thu stalemint that tlie allv cr mi n now on the ground liav e mapped out n programme It the) nre defeated In tho Convention the) will not walk out. but after the clove of tho Convention the) will bolt tho nomination "Our plin." 5a.d Ceil. T rumlw. ' Is simple. We will remain in the Convention, and tiko lart in the protci dings to tin end Then. If wo aria beaten, we will loin with the silwi- men of tho West, and nominate Henri M, Teller of Colorado for I'rel le nt " jfyss ii jr.vov i ri.i, ix the Althcieitxli llertlnwn Weia Hpnlled she Kept on llr y to Hfst I'olnt. Ml Watson of "stuten Islnntl. a niece nf Col t . C torbln, I' . . met with disaster jester da) as alio was starting for West I'olnt to take part in thn commencement festivities at tlie Mllltar) Acadeni) number of the officers on leovernor's Island, i ol. ( orbln among them, had been invited h) Mr 1 Harlmur to sail up tho Hudson on Hie "sapphire uud lo bring their fam ilies along I he "sapphire with another steam vacht. ar rived nil lorl William at 10 o'clock anil tlrtsl salutes lenders were sent ashore for thu guests One was lllleul without mishap Thu tt ave w ere running high and the stone steps of the dock vvera vvel aud slipper) with green slime. Miss Watson wns timid nbout going down to the Ivoal. tec.iuse sho wns nfrnlet of gettltigenll water uieon thu elaborate dross shu had prei vided agaliiBl the occasion I'etween hesitunci nnel the green slime she "llpr el Into tho vvnter between tlie clock and tho tender Miss Watson came to thu surface within arm's li nglh of tliu lioat iimltta. grulihtil uud lifted in b) one of tliu sailors. Tho )oung woman's garment we re elrle I on thu yurht vvlillu It waa on its vvuy lo West I'olnt. Tiiur.r. st.oitors 1 iwrunn. Tnkea front ev .lull In Trias und llelnftrd Their OrTrDrra, HiipsruN, Tex, June 11. Louis Whitehead, (ieorge Johnson, and Jim Heddlrk, three negroes, were taken from the Jail nl Ur cm, 1 lie) miles north of here, last night, and hanged. Whitehead nnd Johnson wire charged with at tempting to nssaull tho lS-yenr-old daughter of Dr. It, II. V) llson no Suniia) night. Rcddlck bad been itmvlcltd of thu i -lino of assault on nn Italian girl and had been sentenced to be hanged, but the decision was nvursctl b) thee hljlioi court uud he was held awaiting a new trial lliu mob was .100 strong and came from Kur tc ii, iilnii miles west of Hrv in when Dr. Wilson lives, T lie "-lie HIT was uhrotlt, and Jailor lieu was unpreparid tee resist thu attack. Hn refused tu de liver thu kejs. but thoilnois were battered down Tin mob built a big tin m fill nlh light I to work b), which give nsu to the 1 thee negroes vvero being hurt ed 1 hu mob was composed of the besl know n c Uicus of Ivurtuli, none of whom was masked. si ri:x shots niii .sum: uiii.ed llnlrbrendtll l.'seapea Ireeen lleutb In m Hot right III il "suloou. Lvi.c iimiint, .Itinii 11. Ocorgo Waslilnginn I'nlmrr, '.Tl )rars old. and Willi tin t ollins, mid-dlou-jed. both of Mam iioiiee k e uteri il I, 11. i Touipklna's barroom mar thu I irchmotit Station last night and lee gun quarrelling with the pro prietor, l'ulmet struck Tompkins cm tbo head, T i muklns run around tho end of the bar, and l'nlmcr dropped on one knee and find flvo shots from a revolver at bun Ope shot siuuhtil lilt gold wulcli, .iiioiher lodguel In a pockcibook clliuktl) over his hcut and niiolliir graced lus ribs W liilo I'Almer was shnotlng, lompklns drew bis revolver und And four shots. One strut k l'aliiierou tliu i hill, another on tho tlil.'h, mid twnon tliu loft arm Collins and Calmer were arraigned before Justice Ho)il this morning on a c luirgu of shout iiigwllb intent in kill, uud wen committed to Wlilto i'lnliis Jail tn uvrull tho action of thu (fraud .Inrj IlsteloMloei of a Iluinli In I'eirls, I'Altls. June 1 1 clumsil) made bomb that was luselal with kUn.Hiwder was txlnded this morning on thu wiiulun sill of a huusu on tha Hoiilevunl lluussiiiann T hu dmiiagu ilonu was small. The purnose of tho explosion Is unknown, Unraett'a Ks tract or Vanilla Prepared from selsctud Vanilla Ikant. warraatad, Uslls PLATT JHE..Nil FIGHT. . j Now York Will Stand No Nonsonso at St. Louis. i IN FOR A RED-HOT TIME. ' i A Threat to Bolt if Certain Dele- 1 Rates Are Seated. 1 I "Lt-reutlor ( eei-sy ol 1 yuettlnu ( tills it II vlt J lee the .Nntlonul t nenmlttse, elei I llr. Hietlieilnnd of .Neva Te orU Tlirreilrna to Tiller .No I'lerlhse- Pari In Ita i lie llleereetlnna If II t onllneir. to to- ?. Iteslli Sent .Vlelvtule) llrlegellpa-lliinna It leti nil v -lie -fine lee the .Niv. . Itlittiil t temilillle, einel I uless Hlg:iia 1 I'ecll Ile t in Illrttite tlie Te ennor.irr eeeed l't nleiueeil Oi Rnnlrntleinaiil the t nn ' vratlon, lla I'lntleirin, eiitel It Nnmlnii 4 linn I'leillttrnt "linker lleeeetel 11 ho tetn 11. lie ei Mien-. l,einl. 11 hleh ( na Ile t onslrueil tu Me lie llolli (Inlet nnel Nltier llllleoeet Isnv Iiik ! llorlon'a lloom la Still Alive, need tier tlelear nntl Allison lluniii Yrr nt Quite Ileud. si I nt is, June 11 Thu Ron Ihoinaa 0. I'lntt arrived In his special cir to-night, ac companied b) ( has. W Ilucketl, l linllln in of thu Republican "state t ommittco of New York: ' Congres-mnn I! II t) lull, Ji . Chairman of the x Kxei utlvi'Commltiee. and Louis 1' I'a)S, one of the delegates from tho NTiictcentb Congress district. Mr. I'lntt's entrinee to tho corridors nf tho southern Hotel wns ihe llrst picturesque feature since tho delegates he gau lo arrive In ' the Convention c it) Two or tiiren minutes be fore his arrival there vvete etiipt) cnrrleleirs. but thev qulckl) filled up us soon us It waa known thnt Mr. I'latt had urrived. The Tioga chieftain stood nt the clerk s desk for a moment or two until bla rooms wei e ready and this gave the great ciovvel an npportuuil) to look nl lliconl) Ite publican leader In the I tilted States who hits uplifted his voice against the e andidute of the ( lev eland s)ndtcntnrs Mr. I'lntt looketl t urlousl) at the throng and smiled. In that gall. t'llng were tho personal friends of Mr. Ilifiuit and of nil the minor Mc Klnley bosses Mr I'latt was escorted lo Ida rooms, nnd as he entered the dining room another great crowd was on hand to look ut lilm Tue) remained In the corridor leading to the dining room until Mr. I'latt had finished bla dinner, nnd when ha left the dining room tho great crowd parted and made u lane for him They all wanted lo look at the man, they said, who hail fought McKlnle). Others wanted lo look nl the man who wasn't afraid to meet the lion Marcus A, llannn or fort) llatina-. I'ticlc Hob "-malls of "south ( aroliua rushed at Mr. I'latt and shook his hand in a word or two Mr. Pmnlls told Mr I'latt Just how he and Ills friends had been treated by the McKlnlcvltes on the Republican National Committee, Mnc reconstruction days Mr. ' i Smnlls's district has alwa)s rcturntd n Republi can I ongressmnn. In rtturn for this lo)alty lo the Republican pirt) Mr Hanna'a National ( ommittee has alrevl) taken steps to uneit Mr. "-mulls orel his friends for no other reason than that the ) are opposed to McKlnle) 'a iioralnatlo i Mr I'latt and his friends w 11) fight for "-mnlls. as the) believes th it "-malls truly repre enta the Hepabllcans of "south Carolina. Mr I'latt was soon Joined In bla apartments b) John 11. Tanner, tin Republican candidate for leovcrnor of Illinois. Mr Tanner lias always hem n antl-McKlnle) man. but be bowed to tho apparent scutimiiit of the Illinois Convention, and made no objection to the McKlnley Instructions. He has been heart and "oul a lo)al McKlnley mnn ever since. In return for this Mr. Tanner'sfriendsdeclnretliat the McKlnley managers, from Mr Hannndoa-n. have established in Illinois Mtgeld and Mc Kln ley clubs, nnd tliut ll Is their ptiri-e tei defeat Tinner for liovernor In return for Democratic support for McKinlc) Thero were oilier Republican le odtrs closets ed with Mr I'lntt. but lie did not enre to have their names mentioned Just at this time.' Mr I'latt said to Tltr "s n reporter " I havo come here to fight for t,ov. Morton. Tlie vast majority of thu New York dt legates will fight fnrllov Morton Wo will fight for tliu gold standard unci for n standard bearer who can carry tlmt flag to victory. Wu aro to bat a a red-hot fls-hl here. I propose to start right lu no v. Other people, ma) be ulrnld of powder and n few bullets, hut thu Repub licans of New York Statu are not made of that stuff, there will lie no running to cover on our pan Vv u niu hero to light for (eov. Morton uud tlie gold standard, nnd vtu will light tu the last ditch. Wo will not only tight for tho gold standard, hut wo will fight iho National Committee In any effort on their part to seat delegate, from New Y'ork Mate who weru not rlghtfull) elected I can say now without the slightest fearof contradic tion, that the friends of Republican candidates other tl an Mr. McKlnle) will right to prevent any high-handed outrage I can sa) to Jim now Hilt If lieu dt le gates not rlghtfull) elected in New York "slate are seated in tills Contention, the delegates ' friendly to Gov Morton In the Kinplru stuta will bolt this Convention. I can sat to ou now I thatOov. Hear nud all of Allison s friends, in- eluding (icn, J. II. Ilinderson nnd (nn i (.1 litis lilts Dodge, will not permit tho N'a I tiotial (ommittee to unsnnl Allium delegates ' w ho have been rightfully electesl I inn say lo you now Hint Senator Lodge and tliu friends of Thomas It Heed will not permit this Nation il Committee to unseat their rightfully .-liclcd delegates. There baa been nltogollitr loo much nonsense going on here on thu part of Mr, McKlnle)'" friends, slid it Is time thut a hall was called, You ma) rial assured thalth hall will be culled, and that thero will hu a rod hot light m nil u from this time on " Tho sentiments nf Mr I'lntt were ei hoed by Mr. Odell and Mr. llackett and n-Marshal It) an, who tald " Wo will light for Morton's nomination If w fight alone and tn tho lust man. We will light fur tho gold standard, nud wu will light against unjust ac linn of Hie oiumltt '. Wa propose to goon rec orel iipnui.t thu frightful I usurpation of power b) this National Cum I rolttue. I we have no fears that in tho end the decision of j tliu Nallcinul Cmimltti eon our contests In New York Statu will bo unfavorable to us, for tha I reason that thero is not au houvst man in the State of Now "i ork who does not know that tho claimants havo not a leg to stand on. If the National Committee is Mo- hlliley's, its uicinbi r will tiesltato pofore they teat men who have no title to represent the i.m plro -uto, Tho Republican organization of tho , Male of Now York will tnlorato no such action , on tbo part of tliu National Committee " President Edward Lauterbach of the llepubll- ) can County Committee will make tliu light in the C'ommitleu on Resolution for thn gold standard 1 has been s .-' steel that Frank M H. lllaik Mr Payne's colleugun f r un tha W Nineteenth district, shall make tlie tight for the hew York delegation Ix-furo the ( nuitmtlea on Credential!.. It It believed, howcvi..', tut ,,, A