Newspaper Page Text
I ll nru'Sfa'U" II tT(lt JStffcM 53cV THE WEATHER PREDICT." J IT'S SO." J I ISkPSI r WW W W'Q Fair, light, variable winds. VOL LXIH.-S0. 287. NEW YORK. SATURDAY. JUNE 13, lSOG-COl'YHIGHT, 1896, BY THE SUN I'lHSTIXG AND rUBMSllINGASS0ClAT10X. I'KICK TIV0 CENTS. . FOR HEED TO A FINISH. 31. USE'S DETEI131IXED DET.EQA 8 HON LEAVES Foil ST. LOUIS. I! Manle)' Action llnve Mnda Them Flcht. Inn Uari "HlleU, Htlek, Htlek to the Yna," tV tha Farewell Hend-ofT frem Thnnennda at l'ortlnnd-SInnley Mar He Dropped from the Natloaat Committee. l'oiiTt.AM. Mo . Juno 12. "For Tom Heed to a finish " was Iho slogan of tlio occupants of the "Hied train" which Blurted from Portland to-dny on Its Journey to St. Louis, nnd be the muslo of the Hnnnalzed bandwagon ever so seductive. It cannot mar tho harmony of tho Hoed muslo which will go nut from at least a hundred lusty loyal Hied throats In the Con Tontlon hall at St. Louis. Unterrlflcd by recent events, and with a do or die. but never surrender determination, the band of Reed men loft Port land this afternoon for tho scene of brittle. There was not that amount of confident en. Ithustasm that had been hoped for and looked for all these months, but thoro was In every breast n genuine feeling that tho flight Is not jet lost and a firm determination to strain every nerve and face the flrlnit till the last moment. There was no "tired feeling" nppnront, no dis position to a premnturo display of the white flag. On the contror), there seemed to be a re newal of courage. It Is needless to my that Mr. Manley's an happy statement at St. Louis as to Kced's can didacy bis had Its effects. It was at first dis couraging, but the more it li talked about, the more It Is discussed by the Matno delegates and alternates, the moro their hearts are 11 red with the doslro to turn ever) stona In behalf of the man whose name Is born aloft on tho plno tree banner. Things have happened. Things can happen again. The train left at 1 o'clock on the Mountain Division of the Maine Central, and will run as a special all the way to tho Com entlon city. A I crowd began to gather nt 12 30 o'clock, and by 1 o'clock a very large number of people nere cheering on the delegation. (Each car had a big banner on the side, just under the windows and running from end to end, on which was tho inscription : " Iteed Club of Maine." As soon as each member of tho party arrived he was assigned to his place In tbo car. Then he decorated himself with a gor geous Reed badge. Then followed the hand shaking and tho llstcnlngto final Instructions. "Throe cheers for Tom Heed and the Maine lelegation," was screamed by the crowd a I score of times, and they were given with a will, .' the crowd on the platform shouting and throw- tlng their hats, the crowd on tho train waving vigorously in reply. There was more enthusi asm than has been seen In Portland for a long time. It was genuine and whole-hearted. It was tho result first of allot a cordial desire to tee Maine's son honored at St. Louis ,. Tho Hon. Charles E. Uttlefleld of Rockland C was a much sought after man. He was ex- tremely popular, for it had gone abroad through the crowd that bo was loaded for Keed, and more than ever imbued with the spirit of tight. I "What havel to say?" paid he. "This. Wo areeotng to St. LooK every man of u. to fight for Tom Heed and sound money to a finish. " Gov. Cleaves had this to tar to a Sl'N reporter: ' We are going to &t. Louis to work for Mr. Reed to the very end." Sen. T. W. Hyde said : "I think Mr. Mnnlej's statements have been exaggerated. I think he Is too bright a man for that. ' The Hon A. M. Ppenr of Gardiner I always fight until I'm licked. It Is the same with the Maine men cm this train. hx-Gov. Hurlclgh I havenotblngto soy about the prospects or Mr. Manley's statements. We are truing to do our level best. The lion. Herbert M. Heath We are In It yet despite the indiscretions under which we labor. Th Hon Harold M. Fcwoll I have nothing j to t ny exci pt that we will do our part under the I circumstances I H. W. Kicker-We are not discouraged, and we will do our level best to obtain recognition for Maine s foreman citizen. Similar expre-slons to these were made by all the delegates nnd alternates Mr Manic) 'a performance ma) bear him bit ter fruit sooner than nn)bod anticipates. It may mean that when It con es lo the choice of the Maine member of the National Comuillteu the Hon. Joseph may find that tho hard) sons of Maine have aecldrel that he has hardl) enough of the traditional Mulr.o sand to be in so reson sible an office. This matter wus freely men tloned'at the station to-dn). and if the si ntlment of the iron d Is evidence he may go down with a thud. One thing is certain. It ll I shown that Manley's action means trencher), his dajs of usefulness and Influence in the Stale uf Maine are unmbend Iteed hashuttnty tho word and Msnley Is done. The delegates tin niselves would nut talk of tho National Committee matter, but whe i asked almut it their fuces liore an expression which pluinl) said. "If wo find there hits been any monkeying. enganre is ours nnd we will repaj," Mr. LIttlcfleld, who Is to "econd Heed's nom ' probabl) about thi maddest man that ever started for a National Convention. He is on orator und lias innMelerable of Reed's on n blunt and withering vvo of putting things. When ho meets tho Hon Jo eph there will be fireworks Mnnley is paid to have teii graulied I.lttletlcld that when I.iltlelleld came t see the facts he would o tho juxtlflcnllou nf Mimic) 's action. I.tttlifleld is suln to have replied I "There aro no facts which could Jusllfj such folly " I If Mnnley Is dropped It Is more than likely that Lltllefleld will enter the National Commit tee. "Stick, stick, stick to the end!" was the con 1 certed jell which went up from the crowd as the train started, nnd one hnd but to look nt tho faces of the delegates to see the "stick." It was wrltton all ovir them, and the performance of this loyal band of supporters of Mr. Heed will be Inspiring. They may be licked; they will never surrender. JIBED IIEAllS EllOlt THE COVNTIIT. Slaay Telegram Denouncing the Actio T Stanley at 1st. I.oula. Washington, Juno 12. Speaker Reed ex pects to leave Washington to-morrow. Ho will probably go to Long, Branch, accompanied by his wife and daughter, to remain there fur sev eral weeks He may chancre his mind, however, , and go direct to hU home In Maine. Ills desti nation rests with Mrs. Heed, who Is notlnvory I robust health. Ills apartment at the Shore- ham wore being dismantled when The Sl'N correspondent called upon him to-day, and he seemed to be moro Interested In the preserva tion of somo of tho humorous cartoons of the present campaign than In the proceedings at St. fa Louis, Mr. Reed has received numerous despatches from his friends all over the country, some de nouncing und others deprecating the action of Mr, Mauley In giving up the fight nt St. Louis. In spito of thu charges of treachery and double dealing suggested hj man) persons against Mr. Mnnley. Speukor Heed refutes to countenance any impeachment of Maiiloj's Intcgrltj. His friend. In St. Louis have notified him that thu lines of bnttlo have been reformed, notwith standing Manley's bUluncnt", and that the fight will bo waged with additional strength nnd vigor, 'llioso who nre familiar with .Mr, Reed's nicthodb In politics are nvv arc Unit hois not in tho thus with those who light and run awn). His friends nppricliite thu fact that his cause mnv have been tiiii'mrnrlly iinbiirrussid In the preninturennd unauthorized at nounce. nirfilof.Mr Manle) but It is Rine'rnllj billeved that niuiiy deli gutts counted for others will ho found In the Hud column before the Conven tion nt ht. Louis iidjourus Trtuihui) oi gros stupidity are tho terms the friends of (speaker Hted hero are applying to Joe Manic) tn da) in consequence of his un warranted and Inexcusable abandonment of tho Roed rumpulgn, '1 lie Munlu) -Reed episode was the chief topic of comment here nmung Demo crats as well as Republicans. Ills the geuural Impression here thutJue Manle) 's occupation us a political manager In future campuigna Is gono forever. At the tapltol there were a fewttrag- , gllng Congressmen who were pn king up their personal effects preparatory to leaving the city. Without regard to their political aftlllatlnut they all united In the sentiment that Manley's conduct cannot be excused upon any reasonable ground. One of the most outspoken commsn- tators on the Mnnley Incldont was Representa tive David Morcor of Nebraska, who Is Secre tary of tha Republican Congressional Commit tee. Ho said: "I do not Ilka to believe that Joo Manloy would be guilt) of treachery to a personal or a political friend. There surely must bo some extenuating circumstances of w lilch we are not nvvarc. There was no occasion tor Manle) to make such an admission nt this time. It Is tint new s to stato Hint tho MrKlhloy peoplo aro In control of the Committee on Credentials, nor tall news to aumuimu Hint McKlnlev has tho most delegates, for that it n fact well known to almost every man who linn followed the course of events rciontll. I cannot, for the Ufa uf me, tell what Induced Manle) In go In tho trouble nf preparing a statement on Ihusubjiit. 'I lie inn fldonlial position ho occupied toward Mr. Iteed should huvo suggested discretion nnd stlinte, notwithstanding thu excitement of the sur roundings." " What effect will tho Mnnley surrender hnvo upon the ultimate result V" "'Ihuru is no telling what effect it may hnvo on tho result. The iuirlenn people like fair piny, and the) tnki funny notions In tliulr heads sometimes, when they fani) that u wrong has Wen donu a bravo nnd courageous mini like Tom iteed. It looks to me ns though our peo ple out In M. Louis were getting Into n i hnotle. stnto, anil theie Is danger that the Mclvlnley men may overplnv tin Ir hand nnd bring about a revolution within thu party lines. I do not say that any such result is apt to follow, but there Is such a thing ns overdoing the Mt Klult ) business. It must be remembered that up die. Hon has to follow the no ulnating (munition, and It will not do to Inlitct too man) wounds within tho part) lines" blmllar sentiment were freely expressed on ever) hand where the subject of politics was mentioned. A Republican Senator who is not favorahlo to Mr. Reed's Presidential aspira tions said that while he was not a Heed man, lie could not but admire Heed's cnurngu mid nbll It), and therefore herould not uuderstiuid how Mr. Manic) could find an excuse to throw donu a man liku Heed. " If," said the Senator, w ith considerable ani mation. "Heed wns h weak, pliable mull, with out lletvo ur determination, It might lu sM that Manley was acting under instructions from heuduuurturs. Hut tnn-e uf us who know lorn Heed are nnaru that hu was never known to surrender In thu face of an eniiiii, and his courage is famous thu world over Ihiil a man of his reputation nnd ehtirtcter should be dumped b Mannkcr Munl v w lien tlieiilgen lies of the occasion demanded tlriuucss and tact is be) oud tn) comprehension " A member of the benalo Poker Club, who wa ato present during the i onv cri-utlon. re marked that he knew- Joe Manle) about us well as any man in polities, nnd he hud nlwnvs give n him credit for being n ncrv nnd luctful man " Hut," said he, ' after hts treatment nf loin Reed, I must confess that my faith In his our uge and shreudness tins sustulued a complete change. It require but tittle nervo million fldemu to sit bi hind four nces und look U - nnt when ttie stakes are hlgti nnd the pltijing nruund the tablo Is liberal, but It reiiuues the determination and dearly purchased experieneu or a vete ran to sit behind four npieiles and a dia mond and force n smile of contentment undir such Irving clrcumstiitices. I fenr Jou is not made or tho heroic stuff.' Underneath ult uf the comment heard here is a BU'.p'cion nf treacherj on the part of Mr. Manle) It mi) bede-erred. and lr. Matili) mn) be brought to a rrullriuion uf that fui t be fore he hears the last of his unfortunate und ill limed abandonment of the Heed bonm If n the future he should be the recipient of personal or political consideration at tlio hands nf Mr. McKlnlev nr Murk llanna, there nro peop'e In the world mean cnuiigh to insinuate that such favors as he mav receive nro part and parcel of the deal of 'lui at St. Louis. X AX LET DEyoVtCED AT ST. I.OCIS. llaaaa'a Frlendn -Say 11 Mil Ilecome An- icnatn's I'oilmntiler cnln. ST. LoiTIS, June l', 1 tie raot hated man In all of Maine, when he gets home will bo Joseph II. Mnnley. Huwlll go down it. hisiurj as the onl Mnlno Republican who ever be tra) cd another, especiall) when he was acting a the friend and political manager of that other Republican. Iho friends of tho Hon. Thomas Hrackctt Heed who are 1 ere spoke of Manle) 'a act in declaring against Heed wtth the utmost contempt. One uf tho St. I ouls tuvpers pit tures the Hon. bam Kesienden speaking to Manley. He Is shaking his fist and sa)lng: "Manle), dod hates aqulttir." Tho same paper, which, b) tho way. Is not a Heed paper, prints a three column denunciation of Manle). and talks of tits act as "stabbing Heed in Ilia bnck " Tho article is headed. ' Hit, Tom Heed wns Knifcl bj Maine Mm A Story of I'olltlcil Treacher) I neqmlled in the He- fiubllcan ParD's Long Hitlor) of HroKen Prom scs " "Reed," says tho iitrodnctory raragraph, "has been marooned betrnvtsl, mortifed de- ? Tailed Uiu greatest Republican uf tho time las been treacherously stabbed by his alleged friends." A lot nf people who wore nstoundid nt tho statement of Joseph II Mauley have bet n nss iny what he oxpicted tn vet out of it, as there was absolute!) no excuse for him to make an) statement Even If lit believed what herald lie did, thej argue thut tlieic must havu bet n sumo motive. Onoof Halloa's friends said ve-terdnj that Manle) was going to get back Ills old job ns Postmaster of Augusta in cose McKlnlej should bo elected. Senator Piatt was asked whether he hid anv thltig to say about thu statement of Joseph II. Manlej knifing Mr Iteed. "," he said, shaking his head. "It Is none of mi alTulr." Not the least Important bit of Information of the duj larno nut to-night, when it was asserted cm very excellent authority that Joe Mauley submitted his untune lit, which practical!) kill ed Itred, to Mr. Hiinna before he hnnclud It nut for publication Mr. Manlev has since said that lie was flustered b Urn lareru majorll) uf the McKlnlev men In the National Committee, nnd ho explained his action hv sa)lng that he be Sieved his statement was opportune Ihire la not a HetiUbllcnn hero with the slightest regard for Mr. Iteed who does not declare that Mr. Mnnhy Is a rank trnltnr and that his name should go down In tho annals of the Stale of Maine ns such. KIEL EI) HT A CAUI.E 31 A IE OAK. The ttctlm Run lloirn While Pnsslne De. tween a Car und !( Trailer. John GreeuhU7en of .101 Hast Fortj. fourth street was run over by a mnll car at the lRtltli street terminus of tho IL'ith stnet cross-town cable rond at 0:lfl o'clock yesterday morning, and so badly Injured that he died in tho after noon In the Manhnttan Hospital. The mall car was attached to the car on which (ireenhuzen was going to his work. At 180th strcot, whero there Is a "flying switch," the trailer was disconnected from the grip car, which went ahead far enough to clear the switch. The switch bolng then turnod, the trailer, moving by Its own Impetus, ran over tn the down track Tho grip car now ran donu to the switch und backed up to it, (5reenhu7cn dropped off ihe grip car Just nf tor the trailer had but u detaihcd. and sturtt d acro-s the switch. He was knocked down by the mall cur, and it ran over his right leg above thu knee, severing all but u few shreds of flesh Frank Illrmlnghivui, brake man nf the mall car, (Irlpmuu Ihrlstouher Wilclon unci Con ductor Jnrai" Roberts nf tho reticular ruble ear were arresti d by Policeman rr)e nf 1 ho West lfitM etreetslntloii. Mnglstiuti! Cornell, In the Harlem Court, wns sulllc ently sure nf their freedom from bhwiie tn f 1 1 i minted in parol Ing lllimlnirham and dlsthnrgiiig Roberta and Wehlon, This was before the victim's death wn known. Phillip Ske He) , the six.) eur-nld i hlld of John Hkilluj.H pa'nter, living ut .'I. "J I at I went) -sixth street, while plaltigut Third avenue and 'lhlrt- '"nth stnet jisti rdu) nflcrnnon, wns struck li) a 1 hlrd avenue lablec iraiul kiiurkt-d down 'I I ei ar was Mopped iininodl ml) ' ho elilld s Injuriin liiiisisi uf iv hid .oalp wnuud nnd perhaps n frncluro of the skull He was removed toltollevuu Hospital for treatment. Et.iH rn i lost urn Sir, tticro'H 1'nclit Tawed Into Tort lij the New Hlrumtiuiit rshtuueeock, HbridgeT Oerr)'s slentu ) u lit Klortra hud n hard time of it on 'lhurdn) coming up from tho Deluwnio llieakwatir. Miei enllcd thencu leforu d) light. Mie had bull underi,cilng ultcratlous and n pairs, at W llt..liigton. Miu lust her prnpellir and n partuflur tall si aft uff (alio May mid iet her i nsigii union down, as a signal of distress. Ihe lien steamboat Milum cm k of the Montnuk line, w hie h was cm hi r iiialeli u trip from the wirdsnf her builders, ran ucrnss the Kleelru anil hmughl her here lu tu Tlio liawstrs parti d three lime on tho vo)age, but the )acht was nt no timu In danger, hhe will ue repaired nt 'lobo sdock in bouth Ilrooklyn, I.ouir Island Itullroud, On June It! I J, IU n I i the Hhrltrr Islsnland Ilsinptons' r spnss will lie run tudrueutort bnu Uur bor.snt Alua.sliM'll, liavluu 1 1 ug UUnJ iliVMia su.t lirnnkljnatw 811' 11 siu plu at Maunr lllver head Mmiiiuik. and e uuhugue. Weil lliiiuuiou. sad all stsllna. es.i toHig liar bur an t Anvaitsnselt. Kriurulng (Frl anil Mat only) Iraw Ain.icsnwtt 7.Jja,tU limber 7.4,eud Urseuport 7.tU 1'. iL-uj. i JLirt-L,. ... i HOT FIGHT OVER ADDICKS. EXClTiyo at' USE IX THE XtEPVB J.1CAX ftAllOSAL COMMITTEE. Peraonnllttta KxchnniccU Iletween Addlclea nnil niacins-Hrnntor Thurston Declares thitl Iln Atunlil Not Vote lor Adtlleka IT the l'reslcltney Depended Upon It. St. Lot'is, Juno is. -"I would not tuto for J. Edward Addlckslf his votoworeueededtnmako the noxt President of tho United States." This declarntlon wns uttered by Senator Thurston of Nebraska nt half past 10 o'clock to night ns ho stood In the centre of his fellow Na tional Committeemen with uplifted arm and closed (1st. For two hours previous to that tho commltteo had been listening to the presentation of thn case sof the rival delegations from Delaware. 1 hat headed by ex-Senntor lllcglns claimed to he Iho regular delegation and waslnsliuctcd for McKlnlej, while tho six entered upon Mere ter) Muiilc)'s records a contestants vviro headed b) J. Kelvvarel Addlcks. Personalities were freely exchanged In tho presentation of the repecttve cases between ex !si natiir Hlggtns. Mate Chairman Caleb R. Lav tun, md Mr. Addlcks hlm-elf, but It was not until tbo pnrllcs in Interest had retired that the storm broke forth. '1 hen Scnutur Thurston, first gaining the floor, commenced nn Impassioned speech. Ho re viewed the evidence elicited In tho Dupont con trnvirs) before the L'nlteel States Senate, and declared that It exposed a stnto of affairs unprecedented in tbo history of any State Republican part) In the conntrj. Ad dlcks, he suid, had been proved a trnltur to tho cause uf Republicanism. When that part) had fort) -four Senntcrs In tho Capitol nt Washington nrd but one more wan needed to give It tbo mnjorlt) uf vntes uver the Popullt-l)cmociallc ele ment, ll was Addlcks. who by the aid nf iv Democratic Uovernor brought about a dead lock, and prevented Delaware from receiving Its proper represcnlluu In the Senate uf thu Unite il statin. " 1 nlk to me about honor nnd dec ency In poll tics," mid the Senator. "I tell you hero nnd uoiv that I vvould not vote for J. Ldvvnrel Ad dlcks If his votu weru needed to mato the next PrL-idetit of tin United "-lutes, uuel If tho ueces. sit) ileiiiiiinls 1 will repent that stati ment upon tiie lli iui or the .National Convention. ' Two rounds of ipiilau-e the first demonstra tion nf the kind that linil markeel the proceed ings nf the committee, fullunid the Nebraska Se timer's declaration. When tie rival delegations, heided re spccttvul) b) Higgliis and Addliks were ushered Into tho committee room, the incite ment on the part of tho coiumllteemen wns in-len-i. and the) moved their chairs forward until the) formedttse.ini clriloubuui thecontes tauts and the pn siding ollleir Without pre-llmlnari.rx-Sountur Hlgglns plunged Into iho eu-u in behalf nf himself und his nibix tales Mr. sileltckKMt close beside him. and nt llmis it looked ns though tlio two men might come lutcj icnnnnl inllt-iun, e.peclall) as Mr Hlgglna diUDiinceel Addlcks as tin principal of u con splruc) uirniiist law und honor and as a man who regarded neither. Mr Hiirglns was followed b) W'usliington Hasting", who was eijuall) emphatic, lurning in Addlckn, who sat with a sarcastic suiilo on bis fnee. lie shook his finger under his nosu nnd ejaculated ' 1 his man Is governed b) abase nnd selfish ambition I sa) It to tils fnee, ns 1 havu said it before His nume is Addlcks I title as hu understands iho language uf gentlemen he doubtless understands v. hat I sa) " Addlcks made nu re-pjnu 'Iho trlncipal address nf the other side was mnelo b ( aleb It Taylor. Clm'i man of the Convention which nominated thu Addlcks delegation who entered a protest against the washing nf tho dirty linen nf ttie Delavvaru Republicans Iwforo the committee. He ui-o inado a bitter attack upon the motives nf ex-senator Hlgkius, whoso political fortune, be said, had been made by Addlcks Then Mr Addlcks made a brief address nn his own behalf He snid that he hnd been endorsed bv tin jmplo nf He taw are. and de-trojed tho worst ring that the Itepubllcan part) had iv er known Mr. HlLglns replied He referred to cldlcks as "that creature." and said that his speech showesl him to bo the "moral idiot " lhat ivery one In Delaware knew he w as It. I" Kerens moved that all of the Addlcks delegation with Ihe exception nf Addtcks him self, bo put upon the temporur) roll "tnntur 1 hurstnu declared that nn the floor of tho Convirtlo- hu w uld rpcuk slid vo e to uu se it the i utire delegation Numerous speeches and motions were made, all taking the grounds that ddlcks was nut a Heoubllcau ana wuuld not be ncngutid us bUl ll Finally Senator Carej nf W'ynmlng moved that the Hlgglns delegation be placed nn the te mporarj roil Ihe vote was 10 ayes tn I'l nn, s Then the committee, on motion of Mr. "-uther-land, voted, 41 tn U that It was not wllllii tn place either delegation on ti c temporur) roll, and rcferrccl the entire mntter to the I ouve n tlon llefnro the Delaware case was taken up there was a lung dinculnn una motion h) Delegate ( ntrnn of New M xtcn to the edert tl at six deli gates each te placed nn tl e mil forthe Ter ritories nf Ni w Mrxlcn, Artrona. Oklihomn and tliolndlnii lerrltnr). Ilwastlnall) iidotitiel T ho next co ite st heard b) tlio commltlLi w is that from Arizona, one set nfilili gules being that neailed by limn .1 ( Icvcland and thu other bj William M Christy Ihe decision nf the committee wa that both delegations be ndmlttid with half votes At II III thn rti lu)id contest from the Fifth Alabama district was taken up Jieujnmin W Walker, the solitary contestant, has u preference for f penke r Heed, while the regular delegate, Douglass Smith, Is a McKln lev Ite The latle- was seated b) llltolK At raid nlghl n tnntlnn tn adjourn was carried (Iho action nf the rnmmlttee nn thn enrlier contests is reported clsowheru In 'I ill. 'rt'V. . HELD ton SOI.ICITJXO. niislnind Interrrred nt Her Arreet nnd Vu A Treated, Too. Mrs roster, tho w Ifo nf Ardonnls I ostcr. who sas he Is a reprise ntntlvouf tho Mimical ( mnirr of London, wusarrusled nt 11 o'clock last night, at Sixth avenue and lhirt) -third streit, by Po lice man Mulcahcy. nn n chargo nf soliciting. Mulcuhe), who was In plain clothes, suvs the wnman arcosted him nt Ilrondwny and Thlrt). seventh street and Invited him tn go to her apartments ut 100 West 'lhirt). third street. Ho walked with her to tho corner of Thirty third street and Sixth avenue, where he In forinod her thut hu was nnntllier. Thu woman mnde an outer) and n crowd gathered, A well-dressed man elhowid his wn) to tho noliceman'H sldo and demanded that ho release the wnman "She is my wife, nnd you hovo no right to ar rest her!" he shouted Two other policemen mine up and husband and wlfu wero marched tn thu West Thirtieth stroit aUtlun, follow eel b) several liiindritl per sons. Mrs. Foster eleclnred Hint the policrmnu, who had been following hi r. stepped iii in her nt tliurorne r, took her li) the arm, and mudu an In sulting remark. "do away, )ou loafer lit go myorm!"shu cried. Then, sho sa)s, Mulrahey told herlm wns an nfilcor nnd tmt her under arrest. Fnslei mid: "I heard the wnman scream and saw tlio crowd gather, and I ran across tho street frnm m) house In mo whnt was going on. I did nnt know thul the woman was my wlfu until I got rinse, whin I ree ngnlred lier. I tnlcl thenlllccr to li t gn nf hr. and he put mo uncle r nrre st " Mrs. Foster struggle e! nil tliewu) tn thu sta tion bouse, nnd I hem she said "Such nn nillrnue c mild nnt be rnininltteil In nn) e.1 1) 111 tho civ Illid wnrld cxciptNov York, where tun poliiiinn nil IrMi " h the doorman wan lending her to tho cells Mulrnlu ) wa-senrc hlng her IiusIiiihI IiiM ns sho was nsslm, the police man lur right hand shot nut mid caimht him cm the ear "Take th it, vnu Irish I mfi r' ' flu sild Fo-lc r -nlil that he ,i- '17 jenrsilel nnd Hint his wife was .1.' Ho snid tin) (auiu tn this country frnm London nulv two wicks ago. nnd hnd been living nt Kill West Thlrt) -lliiril et-tit Ilepnrter .ineksna to lie Het Free, New Hitt'NNvvie'K, Juno l'J, Charles II .lack son, tho nlleged murderer of his wife, a school teacher at Nuw Market, Is to bo set free. Prie utnr John S. Voorhees tn-dav received a report from tho New nrk expert In w hlch It is state d 'thut Ilia two letters signed by "Mae" and " Jlary Jaokson" were undoubtedly written by one and the same person. Jackson's fate de ponded largely on the genuineness nf Mrs Jack son's farewell to her husband, aud thn writing agreed with that of the letter to her mother-in-law In England. These two letters served to establish the husband's Innocence. Jackson will have a hearing on Monday, when Lawyer lierdlno will more for his discharge. HOY KILLED II T A TllOLLI V C.I if. The Firth Fntnl Accident nr Thin Kind In llruoUlyn Thin Week. (Icorge Thompson, tho 7-)cur-'!d son of Georgu Thompson of IDS Nbstrnud avenue, llrookljn, was run over nnu Instantly killed jottcrdny uftcrnnnn hytrtlloy tor No. 180 of the Da Kalb nvi nuu line, in Do Knlh nvemto lw tvvecu Sandfnrel nnd Walworth ttricts, about liulf ninlle from his home. Ho wns returning from Public School 1!3, In Wnlwoith street nenr Mjrllo avenue. On reoohlng Dn Kalb nvtnuo ho Jumped en tho buck stop of nn lie wagon be longing to II. J. Held of Oil Du Kul'i nvinue, which was tin Its way up town. When tho vvngon had gono a fcvvjnrels bo jond Satidfotd street tho boy Jumped off to. ward Uiu rlkiil. Ho nllghtcd dlicvtly on tho uii-town Irollc) trnck Just as u cur win np prfaching nt iv lnptd rate. Ho stumbled und before he could lecovcr himself tho cm, which was going in tho sumo dim Hum ns tha lio wi'goii, nnet to which no fclielot oi other life saving device wns nttachod, hire down uimii htm, und, tn tbo honor uf the pain nge r and spectators nn tho sidewalk, he ellsntipenncl tinder thu wheels. When tie car was stopped, which was befrru It hail gn&e it; emu length, thu bud) wns still Invisible nnd St wus found tn buwcdkid In the inachiaorj, A irnwel nf people rushed forward, hut be fnro thu bod) could bo e xttl-utid thu car hid tn lio moved buck iv nliuit dlsfntiio nnd nlsit raised When It was one end nf It wns hold up b) ri sting It im bier kegs. Thu hid 's bus vvi re itit ulf mid Ills hind utmost split tn tun lie remains werolnkon In u patiol vvniro'i tn the dates ivi nun in lieu stnllnu Mntnimuu inhii ilrlnds of l.'.'llll Do Knlh nveniiu and Cimducttr I divnni llerrcti wim arrested und held Innwnlt tho nctlnii nf Hie Cnrntier lluth nre old riillrnnd uu u nnd this Is tlie first Irolluv uccldc lit either of tluni lins been eunnectesi with. It "lis the en ill in n nf the epcetntu-s tlint llni accident cuuld nnt le uvniihd Tliero urn twn joungei tlil'.clrin lu the Thompson fatnil). 'lids makes the tlftli fntnl trollev niclelcnt in llrooklvu since Suiulii) mid the l.j-Hh slnio the trnlli) wiui lutuuterntion. IIOX II 1TII 1 11 I 1.1. It AT. leter VU 1111 ps's I'l re. t tinmeln enrs l'rovrn Fntnl tn a Ynung PI)Riute. Ton-) ear-old John Ulovson, who lived nt .TOII Delnncc) strut, was necldcntallj killed with a halibut jestcrda) nflernoon b) Petir Phillip Infroutof tlie Inttir's homo it uti Delaine) stnet. (elnssnu and souiu cumpanions wi-o pln)lngbnll in the street, when Phllll'is luuia uut from his bouse, lie stind watching thu bo)s foi a few moment'', and then sa'd " Sa), bu)s, let uiu huvu a crock nt tho bull. It's many a da) -I lice I pin) oil thu game, but 1 think 1 lould beat ou fellows'" The b)s handed Phillips the, but nnd ball. Tossing tlie hall up Phillips struck nt It, but. tn , the ureal delight nf tho bnjs. thu hai struck tlio tall a gluuelug bluw and sent ll nnl) it stiorl di.tauce. Plillllps laughed with them unit when the bill was returned tn him lii-tei it up for unnthi r eirort 1 his time. Instead of hitting the hall, the bat struck veiling (hissciu full aensttie ehc st. Tha I lad for "ome unknown rennn had triidtnriiu . in front uf Phillips Jut us the 1 ittcr tiud thu ! 1 at Tin blow knocked ihe isiy flat on hi link I He wns pic ke d up uucuusc Inns Hipl bur led tn dllberls drug shop at .104 Del un e sire it. T In ru un nuibtilancu wss fuuiiiiniiid nt d Ihe ' bn) cvns rcuicived tn (tn iverueur Hu-pltnl 1'hllllps, who ! Ad )ears o'd was greatl) grievednver the accident. As nnn as liucuuhl enmp -e himielf lie went lu the hospital tn fu eiuu e iIfiui tlie buy's injuries I liere tie lenriie-d tlint itlns-on hud dieel MMin after ills uirivni ' Pliflltp-ll e n went In the lndii n -tree! polho station and kivu niluself up ft rwnrd he was irar.sfirrrecl tn tlio Deluiec) trel stullun, in which precinct the at cldent nccurred. y.lIMED MllEX 111E TIKE Et'llST. The Nbnek. I'rovrd I'ninl tn I.lttle Helen l.uthiim. Nrw London. Conn. Juno 1." A little girl named Helen Lvtham. Iljrnrs o'd, dle-1 from fright last night In Mjslh "-hewn, i njlng with her mates nbuut thu streets when she stoppe d tn wutch some bo) sat work on able jele. All at one on tuud report was heard. Tho pneu matic tiro hud explodid from pressure nf air. This frightened the girl -n shu fainted An sho did not leflve Dis. Pi,rd) uml Haiberwere called and endeavored In revive tier. In this they had purtiatl) suecceilel when the girl atitn became couiulosc ami died .N II III V Ell 1HII I Alt fAVLT. Nuh.'l rriisury Una .'O Clllll OCH1 llnllnr Nlored, nnil .Nrrd- Ituom Inr U.UOO.OOO. Additiouat storage e ipn it) fur about 0,000 -0(i0 sliver d illare will lu rnvldul In the vaults of tin sub I re U4UT) uf thi- i It) b) the Immense steel chest which will 1 c llnlsln d and rend) for Use ti) tlio 1 1st nf licxlwcck 1 li i wnlls of tho chest are two Indies thn K and it is twulvo fe rt sitiare with a In lent f ten ftet frnm floor to ceilitig llsinn-er'i tlon ecus uutliorled pv thu is retur) of thu 1 r n-ur) twin r three months ago to meet thu elc m mils for M ragornim for sliver whli li hi s Imi unci uni'ilating it this Irtaurj lu sp le nf shipment tn ntner de nos. Itorps Ihero are miw In Iho .--uh.lrea ur) vaul's here atmul .in mi i no I ilvor dollars and $",000,000 of hUbsldinrj c nln HeTenty .IncU Tnr Killed by rsiinalrnke. Lonhon, Juno l'J Ihn IFoliiiliuifrr (n:nfe has u destatch fiom llombn) sujlug il is rc pnrtcd there thut the llritish war ship ilona venturu, whllo making a tmssago from Co lombn, Ci'jlon, to Peindlc herr), capital nf the French settlements In India, lust seventy men by sunstroke. The tunderbllt-tVllaon IVrddtna. Niwi'niir, Junu 1-' Iho sudileii und unex pected occupanc) of tlie II. 1 Wllsun plnoe on Narrngunsett nvetiuo this afternoon li) a large iiuiiiIkt of woikmi n gave risu tu tlie report that Mr anet Mr, form Una Vnnderhllt, Jr . are tn pass ihelr hnnl moon there It was learned that nrnera rame here tn clay frnm Mr W llson tu get the placo ready ami to muku nil hnsto with thu work. nicicllat Full Into the Illser und Drowna. Al iianv, June 1','. Fred Hunter, 1,1 jears old, son of llurd Hunter, foreman of htenmer Ti of thu Alban) Flru Department, was dtowmd here tn-ilnj He was riding along the rlv er front nn Ills hlc ve leaud tonka hi adeir Into tlie ntrenui, his machine rollnviing nnd striking him ns hu went down Into the vvatera of tho Hudson. Tho body was recov ered. nother lllcicle niupnny Aaalicae, Mil vv vt ki r, Juno 1-'. I hn MonroCjcleCom pan) of south Mllwaukie, manufncinrcrs of blc)rles, nsslunnd Inst night to Max Aschcr. Assets 8 '00,000, llabilltlis considerable loss T hu assignment wns pieclpltntid b) thufalluro nf the Monro Manufacturing und I ouimr) Com. pany n fun da)s ago. Hun's lleul I'll eel Celluloid. Flro suddenl) started jesterda) afternoon In a shuwease In front of ),.' Hrnadvvn) belong. Ing to A. Stolnhart it Urns, muniifactun rsnf cellnlolcl gnnin. -nine nf thn celluloid nrtlcli In thin nsu touk flru frmu tlie heal uf tlie sun, The fire was ill nut lij snmuuf tho eiiiplnjies. Thoclamu.e wn trifling oinpliilna (lint the t'roton la Polluted. Prof. ( hnrlcs V Don inns of tho Cnllego of the( lly nf New nrk hnswrlttenu lung letter tn Cuiniiilssioncr uf Publle W urk ( ollls saying tint' the Crninn wall r In soini' pirls of the i lij isiiullj tern lliihj Inr ve n luvnlurj purposes. Uesii)H thai the trouble 111 his opinion, lies in tho mains where) tho sediment collects fJoldnlu Nraltli llrallnra the Uegree. TnitONTO, Juno l'J, In consequence of the largu number uf protests sent ta tin Senato of theTorHitn i'niiirit ngilnsttho conferring nf Iho degree of Ll. D nil Pro! Iinldwin Smith thntgciitlcman has dicliued the honor. lteml Ti.miirrii' llrooklya IaBle, Oreatuutlng numlier. Where to go this sum mer. The largest list of hotels and boarding houses ever published In a newspaper. Forty pages. Handsome Illuminated cover. A fine art supplement with colored picture of Major and Mrs. McKluley, All for 3 cent. Adv. BAIT TO MORTON MEN. Mr. Piatt Anproaohcd by Anxious McKinloyitos. MORTON FOR SECOND PLACE, Suggestion Which Involves the Seating of the Contestants. Sir. IMntl HtmrnM the Offer n nn Insult to the Itruiilillf ana or the I.tnptre Htitte lleKlnlry Flnulli Hn)s Mometlilnic lie Teleitriitihi. Ilanan to I'lvuse Nut Nnni. Inute Htm m Fllelai, fia thnt llua lleen un Unltick Day lor Repuhllenn t undl dittea The Thirteen Iloodnu la on t on. ventlon llull-Thiiraton FslMted rnr I'er manrnt llialrmmi Hemnd.nioney Senti ment tireiwlna, Althouah lltinnu I'nvors a Sstrttcldle Action on the New 1 orb. t tmteata Poatponed L'utll Frlduy 'I lie Morton I luic la Nulled tn the Mitel, St. Liu is. June 1- Thu linn. William Mc Kitile) hu been heard from at last. Hu has opened his mouth. Mr. Iliiniin In nwny frnm ( uiituu, nnd Mr. Milvinte) has said cumclhlng. ll happened in this nil) Mr. Hnntin directed the telegraph people to put In a direct wlro be tween his headquarters In the Southern Hotel and Mr. Milvlnle)'s home In ( mitun Thu wlro was ready fur wnrk just after break fast timu this morning Mr. llanna had gnnu down stairs to the barroom to git ids usuut morning cjihssor spring water, when a messenger ran down nnd said that the telegraph operutur lu Mr. Hauna's headquarters hud received the signal trum lan tern thnt Mr. McKlule) wanted tu sa) some thing Wlthapure lienslon in his heart Mr llanna climbed aboard tlio uvircruwded elevator and . was lifted to his up irtments He hud not limu I tn direct tho tut graph (iptritor to wire back tn Clinton thai Mr Mclvlnk) under no clrcum ' stauees was tn send mi) kind of u tue-snge, fur the reu-ou thut the oj cratur In Mr. McKlnlo's homo at (. alitoli had alread) sent Mr. Mc lvinle)'s first uiterancenf Ills uomtiiatlnu eum palgn over thu wire Tlieru it was in plain Ink as transcribed b) tlie upcrulur in Ha inu's hind iU.trters The gnntest l.epubllciu bos thut that party has cvir had p eked up tho miago I us If il wiru a rattlesnake, ubntil tn sink its dendl) fmikS into mouths nf llannu's I nrd I work. Mr. llanna udjusted his e)eglimca I iremulousl). T lieu lie read thu mess ige, which in substance -uld "1 'lease du not hnvo mo nominated on Frl duv. Remember this 1 rlela) Is n turrlbl) un lucky da). Illaluu was nomlnnted un Irlday. Hurrlsoti wns riumlnaled the ln-l llmeon Irl day. Please du not have mu nominated on a. 1 r da)." This was the flrt utteranco of Mr McKlnlej t-lmu last winter. It wnsilirtllng 1' its na ture. llcnnve)ed a real ultui unco on 11. o part of Mr. McKlnlc), and Mr llanna was aghast. Tlie Republican who heard of Mr. Mclvinlej's rwiuetl said mat ll was really a stnlesmauilke utterance. Iliurtrajcd the depth uf political learning which Mr. McKinloy ha acguired in the twentj j ears of Ills publio life Ilconveycd in no uncertain sound thai Mr Mckinley has a backbone nf lis uvvr h dees uut wish to be nominated on n rridnj, u d ho has the courage to wire his wishes lu Mr Haunu. Hut tin u Hunus. was fuur hunelre d miles uwav. Mr. Haucntuld uls friends that hu wuuld do his utmusl to rtgard Mr VcKlnle) swislies Initio mailer. Hu has certain!) acted as If lie hud ilresd) understood Mr. Mclvinlej's wihe, be-cnu-e lit lias hustled ulunif the work nf the Na tiunul Committee, which lias llred nut antl-Mc-Klnle) delegttes with lio more compunction than If the) were a lot of angle w orm UAITIMl MCIIITON MTN WITH TUT V ICt-l'HKSI- III Ml, It m i) bestutel a" a jsisltivo fnct that lr. P.nllricelveileallerstodaj frnmMcKl.ilej men, who told film th il llic had had one soft -p it In tin Ir hi ..rt for men) ) ears and th el was to have Mr Mchinlc) mnde Prrsidt nt lhinthcso Mclvlnlij mm went on to tell of ihe bltternos nndlhemilugoulsmswliiLli Mr Haniia'smetliods had arousid, mid tlie) wi re fearful of tlie result. I his wus verv strai ge talk fur true bluu McKlnlc) men to have with thu arcli uutl-Mcivlnli jlte ilieu these McKlnlc) men wnntel tu know if lloi. Morten euuld nut lo Induced tu tnku sicnnd piste. It has been known for lie irl) twu months thai hoiuoot thu leal friend uf Mr. McKlnlc) havu believed that till wus n mu nut nf tlie ditll cult) Mr. I'lalt iiooli-liiiuid un) such Idea. He sail that tlie New ork dcie'Katlon Is for Morton for first placo aud thu gnld standard, mid thul tlio 'ow Yorkers wuuld tight to the last ditch on these llms Ne vertheless, this old bturj nbuut Mnrtuu being asked tn tnke see ond plucu has cropped up again, und wlillu II is dUtusleful tn Mr. llanna, who re all) wants lu nominate Cornelius X. Illlss, theio nro other friends uf McKlnlej who want an end put to the savage feeling thut anlmutes mnti) of the nnll-McKlnlc) men lluv, Mnrlnli Ins said all nlong that thu Vice. Pre slcleiic) Ind nn new charms for him. Hut then there iirt other members of Oov. Morton's fiimil) who nro partial to Washington life and who would not bn nil verso tu his spending an other fuw )oaiH In Hint city. Hut It has all along bun underste od that Mr. Morton would like to bn the ."-cnutnr frnm New ork to sue ceod Senator Hill cr) llttlo attention, how ever, is paid to the gossip about Mr. Morton fur Vice-President. It has been heard especially fur a number nf dn), but (huso thorough!) familiar vvilh the situation In Now York State have pnld little heod to ll. If Mr. llanna should climb down from the icdrttnl upon which ho standsho might be lnducid tu throw tho bun to Gov. Morton Hut ll Is iv fact that ha Is nnt rind) toc'o so Jusi ut present, and It will bo next wtek before he decides to name the mnti he ho wnnts as tho running niato for Mr, McKlnle). There urn n dozen Vlco-Pretldenllal candidates wandering through Mr, Hannit's rooms every hour lu tlie day, H.Clay Kvansbelloves that ho should huvo it Hut It all rests with Mr. llanna. (iarnlt A Hnbarthus been a strong rnndlclnte for this plnco for nenrlv Ihroo months Hut Iherce Is no uso in going through tlio list, for thn iiascin that when Mr. Hann i make up his mind whom tunic opt lio will make thunnnouiueniont nf his choke, and until tin nail will ho specula lion, ,W INSUIT TO NEW KllUC HLPUIKlCAtlS. -eni'tnr Qua) had a lonz talk with sir, llanna this evening, and sliortly aftuwnrd u report was circulated ill the McKlnle y camp that Mr, llanna was Inclined tn mnder.ito his views somewhat and tolernto those wicked New orkers The report took theshapo that Mr. llanna had been Induced toreimmbi rthst New Yurk 'late will be nccessarj If MclCliili) Is to be dieted tills fall. Hn was told that If ho ha 1 any other idea he was sadly mlsln funned as ta the political situation, Curl ousl) enough the report wns revived that Mr Hnnna would like to nominate (Tor. .Morton for Vice-President if tho Piatt men could be Induced to withdraw their objections tn tlie seating of Cornelius N, Illlss and Col, Cruger In the Twelfth New York Congress dis trict. The Piatt Republicans wtie also to ac quiesce In the tenting of all tho other antl-Platt contestants tu New York county. When this iHMHMMHHiHHaHtaHNHHHHHa report wns repeated to Sir. Piatt he said con timptuciush . "Suchn proposition, If It has been made, lan Insult to over) Republican In the Stalo of Now York." TnillTBIN 11001100 OVEIt CORVBNT10N IIAtT. Mr. Hnnnn's methods nre brisk and In the point, Tho antl-McKlnlejItcs In contested dis tricts aro tn receive no quarter whatever, nnd tha National Commltteo nro obcjlig Mr, Hnnnn's orders. Perhaps Mr. Hnnna was spurred on to his ilTorts b) tho knowledge Hint tho Convention building hnd on It tlie hoodoo of thirteen. It stands when Thirteenth streit would be If thnt street ran through. It has thirteen windows on cm h of two sides. It ha thirteen exits on thco snmo sides. Tlie chnlr' for tho delegate who nre to nominate Mr. McKlnle) aro arranged Inrnwsof thirteen. In fact, tlio thirteen hoodoo I over all. Per hap. too, tho fact that tho first McKln ley train that sln-tid from Kansas for this illy was struck by lightning and thliticn picture of William McKlnlej wero stiuked off tlio cars nnd spri til In thirteen different direc tions nrnuinl tho comity, hns helptd tciMitir tho Hon Mr, llninm on T lien, too, Mr. Piatt hu contributed somewhat to the dotrrmltintlon of Mr. Hnnna to push things along still moro rap. Idlj. T he crunching und grinding of thu Na tional Cummitteu has nono on all du) and tlio nntl-McKlnley enntctants hnvo been tumbled nut. All this tlmuMi.Plutt has looked on griml). Hu hns protested with vigor against the usurpa tion uf power b) the committee, mid mil) this afternoon ho said Hint such methods would eventually cumo homo to those who practiced them. AiriON ON Nt W JllltK CONTrST I'OHTI'ONI'I). Mr. Ilnnnt nga'n postponed nctlun nn the con tests In Now or couutj. He did this nt tho personal request of Cornelius N. Wis, who ar rived here to-night, nnd who wants to umeut Thurlow Weed Harnes nnd lien Howard Car roll In tlie Twelfth New York Congress district, tnko one teat himself, and glvo thu other tn Col. S V. It. Cruger. Mr. Ilnuniv directed that thiso New York contests should not be tnktuuutiy the National Commlttio until to-morrow. Tho Plntl men are readj for the light The Pi itt Interviuw. which wus telegraphed to Iiii.'-in last nlghl, bus been telegraphed back from New ork to Mr Huuua He got blue under the gills when hi re id It At last liu was confronted by n man who would uplift his voice against thu usurpation of pnvcr by Hnnnn's National Com mittee Mr llanna told his friends that from this time nn he would tdopt offensive measures aguluslMr Plait's friends lu New Yurk Stnle. He was scrj wrath), Hu questioned the r.ght of mi) Republican to mil him to account, and most uf tlie da) he was blue with nner. A slur) was started that he. like the couti, was to cumo donu. and thnt he had arranged for a private iutirvluw with Mr. Piatt. Mr Plait said that he had nothing whatever lo see Mr. llanna abuJt lie dcclaicd that ho would con tinue to tight forthe rightfullj elected delegates In New York count). -enalor Wuay, wlio came to St. Louis this nfternnun called un Mr Piatt, and tuld him that he was lerfectl) Justified lu calling Ihe alter. Hon of Republicans all over the country to Mr. Hanmv's ccuiduct here Mr. CJuay then madu the announcement thut bis nume ivnuld bo presented to tlio Convention The friend of Allison, lteeit. and llrudle). and u few friends of Senator Teller, have nl-o told Mr. Piatt that the) would stand b) htm In bis fight ngninst unjust decisions on thu part of the Na tional Committee. thi. MoitroN ri ao naii nu to the vast. As for the money plank It maybe Interpolated here that Mr I'lntt said: "No Iron man of Cleveland cau construct an amalgamated money pltnk for tlio New York State delega tion " Jut afler Mr. I'lutt lisd mnde this ut tiranco be Usued thu following "tov Morton will ho placed In nomination and rordlull) supported b) his friends 'js aker Reed and Senatur All'-on will ulu receive the votes nf their supporters, all rctHirts to the cuu trar) notwithstanding lam hu)eful Ileal the Convention will recognize tl e wi-dum uf mak ing Oov. Morton our Presidential candidate, und declaring uuequtvocall) for a single guld standard. Hu is csscillali) the gulj slundard bcarir. as his re curd demunstrates. From a cursor) observation during tin brief sin) here, I am sauguino that a majorit) uf the delegates favor the continuance of tho existing ilnanclal s) stem, a Inlerpri led h) Republican tdmluls Irullons The New Vurk deleg etfun vviil cer talnl) do nil In Its power to put u gold pi. ink In thu platform, for New York is for gul 1 ' 11VNNV IHILSN'T I AltJ mil MM lOIIK. Mr. Htnnt tn bit tie rsonal friends, said that thu Republican part) d.d not nnd New York tills time, nnd that he would not accede to an) of the wishes of the New Yorkers It wns In fei nil from tills that he will direct tomorrow the National Commltteo to do his bidding and unseat all nf the regularl) elected Republicans in New York count). No one hero ha avid nn unkind word personal! j of Cornelius N. Hlls or of Col Cruger, but a dozen sound frlouds nf Mr Mckinley hare been heard tn suj to daj that they had looked Into the coutest in tho Twelfth New York district and that Mr Illlss and Col Cruger had no moro right to bn thu delegates from that district than If they were Laplanders. The) weru beaten in that tight bv nlnct) votes, and tho McKluley men of New ork count) havu declared that Mr. Illlss und Col. Crugi r have no right to the seat. Hut Mr. Haunt ha u purpose In ull tills Hu wants, If possible, to nominate Mr Illlss for Vice-President. Ho Is full) uwuru that Mr Illlss is a rich man, uud that in this campaign the part) w ill ne id funds. Mr. Hills' reputation as a good producer In previous) ears nas endeared him to the heart of Mr. Haunn. Mr. liuina recognize that the Republican voters In the waj back districts cannot Hv u 0) bread alone, nnd that tho forth coming fight Is to be bitter lu the extreme. Thero are odd muments when Mr. Hanna Is fear ful that perhaps ho Is pushing things too fast. Those who daru to speak to him on the subject have told him that ho hns created antagonisms moro keen and deep than auj Republican mas ter within tho Inst twoutj )iars. Hut Mr. llanna Is n successful business man. His train ing has been to go right In and fight rough shod, without fear of consequences Ono of Mr. Raima's friends, speaking of him to-day, said that In his fights lu business llfu he had been aw aro In roust coses of the strength of the opposition to him. Hn had menus bj which he cuuld ascertain tbo strength of a business ndversarj, and It was then n comparatively easy matter to pull doun a weaker rival, Hut In polliht, it is dif ferent. Mr. Hanua, It was said, bus nut had tlie experience In politics with which to gauge tho strength of an opposition. Fnr this reason hu is going ahead ticket) split, with no fear of what mm hapien during the campaign, nnd he has nut thu least Idea of the nuger nnd tlie resent ment that his methods hnvo arousid, even in tho breasts of McKluley men, hi) il friends of Mr McKinlej-'s outside of Ohio, who waul to seo him nominated, nnd, ubovo all, who want to sie him elided. ANTAticixihus Aiinusni hj mania's urrnoiiH. Something lis been said about tha nntugei. nlsms which hnvo he on aroused bj Mr. llannu's methods Hy his action in the National Com mltteo he bus developed Itrlollo sentiments In the breasts of the Cillfurnluns, He hns most of the delegates In Illinois by their ears. His decla ration In favor nf Fairbanks of Indiana for It in porary Chairman has put the delrgutea of that Stnte nn edge He has thrashed around in other States nnd awakened a spirit of hostility thnt will eventually break out when tho con tests come before the e'nmmlttre on Credentials to be named after the temporary organization of the Convention Is rood. Speaker Reed and benator Aldrleh telegraphed her to-day to supposed friends oa th National Com- r ; rolltee, begging them to stand tip anil j fJ fight against Mr. Hnnnn's dlitorlal ways, n Hut thee peoplo aro In Hunnn's clutches, and so i j without n murmur from them the National Com- i , uilttco continued to crunch and grind until tha hopes thnt vviro crushed could nlmoit bo hoard. ' ', Ji Illscuneluct toward Chnunccy I. Fllley of Mis. , $ sourl ha opened another deep wound, and Mis- i , jfi sourlans to dn) said thnt whllo they regarded U McMtili) hlglil) tha) bcllevid very much mora I In tholr own honor. , !f? It Is curious to observe Hint nftcr n hunt nil M dn) among the clelegites now on tho ground It J may bo announced that there is very much mora S. of a good feeling tuw nrd tho lenders of the sntl- J MiKlnlc) combine thnn there Is for Mr. Hnnna ' and the Ohio coterie of inltinr McKtnley bosses I .'' vvlin surround him T liedolegatH-clnnotnbscrve I i all) thlngln Mr. Hanna toailmlre Ills character- I jP Istlcs are nnt thoo lo beget ndmlrntlon. Th 1" Republicans who havu attended us delegates tho ) Natlonul Conventions of their party for the lost ? tcti ) eats dcelaro that the) nro not accustomed & to m lug herded llko sheep In tho shambles ny Ir Mr. Haunn, who tolerates from them noth. $j lug but thu strlitest obedience. In fact, ."; tin) cliariterle Mr. Hnnna as ft knock it. clown-anil. drag-out buss, ono who treats ' thnn a If they wero mcro emplo)ccs In a U hnrd nnd grinding business establishment. i. There Is none of the enthusiasm of the old days i lu their hearts. There has not been a cheer 't heard for McKinley nnwlicre. This docs not t; reflect on Mr. McKlnle). Itslmply portrays the sentiment that actuates many of the dclegnte. ?( thnt theynru tn vnlo for Mr. McKinley bee nnse & they nre compelled lo by a publio sentiment f, roused b) Mr. Hnnna and not b) lovo and lor- ' alt) lo the Canton mun. Till ItSTON roil PlJtMANFNT CIIAI UMAX. ; Thurston of Nebraska will be permanent fy Chnlrmun of tliu Convention. There Is no et- , enpu for it. In splto of nil his handicaps be Is nnonf the luckiest Republicans In public life. f Hi wn temporur) Chairman of the Convention J which nomlnited Henjumln Harrison In 1HS8, 1 and now he is to be permnrcnt ( hnirman of a Convention which mn) nominate tho man who has bee i his candidate all tl e time. Thurston J is luckier than his relatives are When ho h mtdu his maiden speech in tho Senate last winter In behalf nf pensions for f evtrybnd) who lulkht appl) and In f favor of an Immediate war with Ens- V land over tlie Vituzuila biutidar) question i thiro wire tears in ids big voice us lie pictured how he lost u parent In tho civ II war. and how ) he stood re id) lo suirltlcc ether relulives In a war against F.ngllsh nggnetlon After reading his speech In the newsptpcrs Mr. Thurston's 1 father-in. law in Nebraska telegraphed him thnt be bod taken to the w oojs. One of Poss Hanna' J right-hand men was asked tu.daj wh) It had , been decided to 'elect Mr 1 hurton. who hnd o often been brnored with spaclul dlstiuctlon nt political Conventions Hu replied. ' Whom i Io could wc taker It is not so easy , toselect a ( ouvintlon Chairman as ) on might think, lake the list of dclegttis and point out if ) ou can a man w ho has a good presence, a re sounding voice, and a know ledge of parlla- mcutarj procedure, who Is n strong .McKinley mm, who come from the rinhl section of the country, and vv ho docs not belong to a faction of his pirt). tlie other faction of which would pro- i te st acaln-t his selection " ' A pen sal of the list demonstrated that thero ; nre ver) few men of this kind on it, and that was the chief reason wh) Senator Redfield i Proctor, who climbed Into tho McKlnle) band ' wagon when it rtrst storied on its trip through ' New Kngland, failed to receive the reward of bis -J acrobatic feat. -t 1 niNYA STICKS TO rAIRBANES. ', C. W Fairbanks of Indiana telegraphed to Mr Hnnna this afternoon that be was with i Mr. Mchlule) al Canton. Tho lndianlans who nre favorable to Harrison, and who believe that lanner dowd) put up a Job on them and got ! them Into the McKlnlej enmp, do not like tha - idea of m tkinc I nirbanks temporar) Chairman. t T liere is n tptg in this business, but Mr. Hanna snjs that hu can straighten it out so that Fairbanks will have the ulstinctlon of be- ' ing tlie umpornrr Chairman An errone ous report was circulated here this after- -j noon to the effect that McKinley I to " txl it Fairbanks'! speech. This It not true. Mr. Hanna Is to edit the speech. Just as he Is to idlt Thurston's. McKinley Is to have nothing to say whttevtr. He is to rest quletl) at home, keep tho padlock on his mouth, nnd shiver until bo Is certain that he is nominated. j After thai lie Is to do some shivering as to whether bo can bo elected. Notwltb s'ardlnir tlio ftet that Hanna has settled upon the temporar) und permanent Chairmen tliurp i -till a good list of aspirants who would ' like tlu ' p'actte The scene may thtfl so that some of tntse aspirants mn) bo recognized In other capacities miss anii eniorn taik with hanna. ' Mr Illlss, Col Cruger. and their friends had lung talk with Mr. Haunt tu night. They ' wanted Mr Hatinii to keep n slilT mpirllpand to direct Ihe National committee to-morrow to suit Hit's tin! Cruger. This contest nline prom ises to le one of the star events before thu Nn- ' tlo.ial Commute e. Ot course thu National Cam mlttcK pmpusis to seat llls and Cruger. At least that Is Ihelr present Intention. ," (en Howard Carroll arrived in town to-night and he proposes tu make tho best light of his ' life. He has the credentials from thu Repub lican Count) ( ummlttee of New York and tha He public an Mate Committee, anil without que- tlon holds the le) tu the situation us far as le- gait) Is com trm tl. vo does Thurlow Weed 11 trues, bis colle igue In tho district. F.vcn such n McKinley Republican ns thu Hon. Chris Medio nt Pittsburgh said to-night that he could not understand why It bad been determined instill Rlfss und Cruger. Iu h'simu pruetle il ) ho said thut If McKln le) luulod tlie votes of Illlss nndCrugtr It might bo another matter Hut Mr. Magro said that McKlnle) doe not need their votes, and for that reason he believed that Mr Hannn's de termination In this matter was entirely un necessary. Senator Thurston, who It named as the psr muuent Chalrmnn of the Convention, salj to ' ono of hi friends to-night "Wu nro getting nlong ver) well nn these contested cases In the National Committee, but 1 apprehend thul there is tu bn a storm when thej aro reviewed by the Committee nn Crcdint.als in tho ( onveiitlon. As for tho dellberntlciUH ou the money plank mid other subjects before the Committee oa Resolutions, 1 am Inclined tu bollove that tha tie s. ions uf the Cummitteu will bu a concen trated bell " miss HAts nr ami inmjiit win. m skated. Mr. Illlss, alter his talk i night with Mr. ' Hanna, told hl friends mat hu and Col Cruger ' would certain!) be seated in the Convention. Mr. Illlss uli-o said that all uf thu mill. Piatt contestant III Ni w nrk clt) wteild also bo seated, Mr. Illlss clevclurt 1 that hn would not hnvo uielirlukeu tie couti-t lu th Twelfth dlstrlc' agiillislC lire 11 and Harms unless ha '; was convinced that hu and Col, Cruger would be falrlj ilnttd den How nnl Parker, Wil liam llrool.llild, dm (ollls. and el hers will bnck up Mr Illlss and Co Cruger before tho National ( ninmlttio , Tlie commltteo took up tlio Delaware case I to-night, I x-'-enntor Hlgglns nrguel hi ovvo , case ami J I dnurd Addlcks replied to Mm. "Why, gentlemen," snld Mr. Hlgglns to the i Committee, pointing to Addlcks, "I notcr heard of this mun until a fuw months ago, I never m knew 1I tn ' !H Mr. Addlcks Well, you kno mo now, don't you? I Senator Hlgglns This man Is a mural Idiot. K Mr. Addlcks You mean a moral leper, dont you? II Mr. Hlgglns No, I mean a moral Idiot. H There was a frightful wrangle, and U rat I