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4 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 18-. ' THREE HITS OFF FOREMAN. 1 A'JIir TonitS COtVI.E1Bt.T E nr Tin: i.ith.i: i.iiri-UAxiiKit. L Urookljn Oner Stnra Cot the Femlirr W nr the ClrTrlnnilsi 1 Inrliinnll llntlli Thrashed lit lloatnn- llnlllrunrm Ilmtimo ' Ilia l.tisil by OutiliilnK the riilcagoa. Tim New York" vrero btntin nenln by tlio t I'lltEburclis resterdo) beonuio tlicy cimliln't lilt tlio bull s.ifcly. Tlio Ictory cme hovcMIi tilnco to tlie l'ltlsbiirftlis. with n margin of one point , over tlio Ilrnoklyiif, opn tliouuh tlio lnttcr ntl mlnlstcrcil nnnlliir (ictbiuk to tlio Clt tilntitls. Tobtnu's mm lost first tilnce to the Hultltnnri. who cnslly outp'.ai id tho ClilcnKti. 1 ho l'lilla ; dolphin secured ft hold on tlilnl jitnco by trnnnc- Inc the I.nuls Me, nil 1 tlio HoMon ht bnrj liiir ' tho Cincinnati, lonk fourth position. Aiisli- Inirttm won from St. I.otils ntfnlii In cisj fashion. Tho results t I Utsl'tirdi II r.ews.orl.. 0. ltrnoklin 4 ( l Mian.) I ' Uusinn IS ( IMltmoll .1. naltlwnri' li, I lik un, I. iVtuMiutim ii) m '.nuts n FIHIwtilliila.W. louHtllli a. . T1IK IIElOlttl. 7Vr I 71 r CluU Hi n nl. C r nf Clul ' II. n 7mf t"'f. Haitlmorr . s HI n in I Ittahnritli '.'.' a I 81.! C Icvrlnnl . VH It I 'it llrnuklt n VI i!J Ml I'liilmltli.lila m IV .owl lliliatfo VI V4 .M Utistnn.. vt IS .51 Nut York, vii jii 4i'i Itnilmiatl V!J So .6T4 it. 1 niila II .it -u Washington i-i '.0 .fii uulavtile. u to .-ii 5 I'lTTstiriinii o: Nrw yoith. n. I Thrpo snfo hlta. two of tthlili Mji'itiniloln tho second Imiltii;, wits tho utint of tlioNi'tt Yorks' tick work yi'stcnliij. I.lltlo .lohnnj Koriniuii, tl boy vioiitlcr, pitched itierli us.ll nil tho wnv tlirouch mid almost brnko tho bucks of nunc of the Incnlsn Imrr u hid for lilt IrfMinntli (1 1 urt 1 In vnln. Ho Rntuslx bnsesim balls niul liltnno batsman, but hi wlltlnc Minnotxorj fntnl,i'- rcpt that It rut iiulto i (Inure In tliponl) rum t tnlllul by Irttln' platirs lho l'llUtburitlii placed stttft ball lit hind htm, four duzlluu dnubls tlns brine put down to thHr credit. ,' tly. lllerbiucr. lluckle). Jud bmtth.iuutbtciirl ileurcd In them and niado other stai plus she- f. stiles. Meekln was hit much harder than tho scoro hows lint ho had lino Mipport. cspeclfillj from i Uletuon, Clark, mill rnrrcll, nnd thounh four- teen hravj drives wero picked ott hN lant curves only six runs were chalktd up, tloof which wero earned. On six different occnalona tlio tint New York idaer up reached Ills bnio In safety, but his comrade were utterly unable to Bet him around to the rubber It wnn't weak batting, but Foreman' splendid twirling that was responsible for xii' h dtslicartcnlut; clr- j, cumstancea. I'mplro Campbell's dotlslona cio general atlfactlon. althouuh the lltors lu- ? dulged In lonsldernble ntcilles kicking. ' Hnth ttams were In tho llrst Inning, i Hlthuugh iach sots, man to first. Irwin's men , broko tho lio In the second with three rum. 1 Connaughton and Clark wilted for called bulla ? Biiccesfully. nnd Hnrr Dmls lined a bir lilt to right, on which "Conn j " scored, rurreli's first-class sacrifice moved the runners along, and both tallied on Moeklu'a two-bagger to lert i centre. The visitors fathomed Mcckln's fast ilUUery for four runs In the fourth, and took tho Und. "" Donovau, Ulerbauer. and lieckle) made clean i base hits, the flrst-nnmed ptajtr coiuitliig, .1. Smith sacrificed, and bugden sent In I ouls nnd Jacob with a single to lift. Foreman reeel c I a , base on balls, Kliner Mnlth fouled to Farrll, and KIl drove a safe one to right on which ' "llrownlo" camo In. Then btenzel torced hlj, J and the score was 4 to. I. f Although Meekln truck out both ''tcnrel and Donovan In tho -eienth, the Pittsburgh bung ' up two earned runs, Jilerbiuer nnd Hcckley making singles nnd scoring on Jud fmlth's two- r bagger to left. Tho score. i ew tork. rrrTSBfanu LiirAiR. u lurau. Vrt'lfn, e f it o I OOF s.nilt'i Lf u t 1 0 1 t ODii,aJbo I ii : ii;i ii 02141 Tdtrnaii. r f 0 u & n 0 Mriuw if 0 n S 1 o ulcison.2db 0 0 0 s 1 Ilonmnn rf 1 1 .' 0 0 Ci niblona.s.1 U I J I 11 rt u r. J.l Ii J i 4 1! 0 i Clark, til b 10 7 1 0 Uoikl-v, im h J J HI 0 n II Put,, 1 r. 1 1 1 0 0 J Mnlth. Idb 0 1 1 It : arrell, c .. 0 0 7 1 0 Su,dro e I J 1 I 0 r Mifkln p ....0 181 Otorraun, p 0 0 u a 0 Wilson 0000 0 , Totali. . . .B 14 87 11 8 TotaU 1 3 27 10 2' . I!atted for Meekln In the ninth tnnlnx l ork 0J000000 0-) rittiburgb.. ... O004U020 o-o Earned run-Iltlburi?h, 5 New York. 1 Two- haaehlt J mlth. Heekliu Sierllto hlta r "Sinti i, 'k taa llaltreo (.uunauffhtoo. larrell sio en bir r, ponovan. Flrtl base on erruns PUtatJrli J Nih York H. Flrt bSRe on ball ' n I-oremin ll off Meekln, K. Struct out Uy foreman 1 tMel.ln. 4 i Hlc by pttihetl ball Ur Foreman, I. Doub e plaa - l Blenrel and Suilen Ely. Hier'noer an 1 IlcUj !f ily and Beiklej J smltli ami lllerbauer, Meekln and :a Clark. Ttrue 2 JO. L'uiplre-Lanipb-IL Atli-ni:am.e 1 H.800 ff" DnOOKI.TV, 4; CIFVEI AMI. .). S, Occasionally It happera that a luckless play- l r Is fined by his ma-iittr for making a wild L throw, but such n thing ni hntlrg the nino- gement of anotherclub "doc " a man never f occurred until jesierdn. when President Ujrno of the Ilrooklyn Club mulited I.itt Heller Burkrtt. and a Jese is not Ilkel to be f f tho same mi.'il as Mr. Byrne and might refuse to oa, the fine was dedui ted from the share of tin-re- I celpta due to the Cleveland ( lub Jt se threw f the ball Just where he Intended to Ithaptmid I- this wn Willi the cnre a tie tho linnklsnt i went to the bat In the ninth inning determined I to scorn the winning run l-liindlo uemd with n pietty "Ingle to centre. After 6 McCarthy iiad struck out, shoch nu prcsenteii with a base by yuuug allace. Tlio bbouting f of tl e oicupants In the bleacher ei un.iervtd f Cleveland's twlrler to suih nn extent that ho pitched a wild bull, which allowed the men 'o movuUDone bne. tirim w is iuiplored in hit the bail out of the lot A w.tli-hlh ball thiit looked as big as a house came klllng tovMtrd the plati. 1 here was a sharp craik as Grlm'-i bat met the ball, winch nl.ot past -Mu(ir,rr urkett came running In. expecting to ut off therun at the plate, hut .vl en he picked up the ball he saw that the game was already Inst, snd turning linen 'he ball oerlhrt left-held fence. Tor thlhact liurkett waa fined the 1 rice of the ball, namily, t.2. Tho score: CUVIUXP. BltOOKLV. Klaroar- H.lKroa.c nurkett, L f u 1 2 0 0 Jone r. f . 1 I I u 1 criuii ib t o o u ur niu ci i j o o (i ItcKtan a a 0 I 14 Otitrrorill s a.0 1 4 4 0 OConnor.lbO .111 1 u Lei e.tatb 0 n li 1 n Immir. f 0 0 4 0 n srmule 1 1 ti t i I .' 1 McAleT c f J H 1 II II II i irlrn I f o 0 I o u II ne r. f 0 110 0 -niv . .Ml) 0 1 J 4 o MiOarr Sb 0 n 1 J u ,rini,i o 1 I u 0 W a luce, p 0 0 0 1 0 Pa) ne, u 1 0 1 ! 0 Totat. 3 ll'.'ill 0 Tolas.. .."i b 27 11 i One out when nlnnlni; run was (wored Clerelan 1 0 0 t 1 0 1 0 0 0-3 Grnottn . . 0 0 .1 0 0 11 u 0 14 Earned runa-CIeveland 1 , 1 rooitljn. 2 ThrcvbaKQ Ml Orilt.n THu-hise hlta lirirfn. Hhlndle, Ol un nor tii, McAUir i. SacrlHie hit Uuninni Struik out-Ily Wallaco i Uri-t I ftue on tulla-orr W alt ace, II off I'M nf, 7 I eft un bnica 1 li vu'and. 11 Urook Ijn.ri Wilt pltcl-W aline? Ltnp're-r mule Tlmo -2 03 Attendance-i Jud poi-toi. 15 ctsristATl, ft. nnaTos-.June 12-Fhretnnd Usher were both shin tog marks tur tho Poaton in tla and were batted ternnially. Attindanci. yio Tie at ore BOBTOS C1VCISSATI. h-Ib ilIm ro a k. Iing s a I t J 0 1 Ilurke I f, .. I 1 i i 1 llamlllon.c f 4 4 8 0 0 lloj, e f i 2 ft i 0 nr-ilU 1 .1 J J 0 Stiller, r. f...,0 1 1 0 0 Duffy. I I i "I 4 0 0 Mel'hee 210 0 1 7 0 0 Oaii-l,Q 0 .1 4 0 0 rwlntr latb 0 i 4 1 1 ' Collins ,1.1 Ii 0 I o 11 11 Miillh.n 1. .. 0 1 J 4 0 Paunon r f 1 lio 0 IrtMn Id li 0 0 1 1 i Tucker, latb 2 i 10 n 1 111111i1n, c 0 0 2 2 0 btlvetta p , 4 4 11 1 0 Dray 1 b 11 0 1 u Hint 11 11 0 0 2 0 Totali. 10iti71.i Halier l 11 11 11 1 0 li'iilldai. u 11 11 0 0 I Totals a iu2 Id "4 Ialtinlfor Hher In tho ninth Innlini Cnslun . 16 12 10 2 1 n Cincinnati 1 U i 0 0 0 0 U 0- .1 .I lamed runs Ilonlou. Cincinnati 1 Home ninl '"I Hamilton, Iiurrj.stlxtll ii), lln). Tnrt nun hlta I Ini, Ilaiiilltuu tiunrel Itaniion, Tinker, Iwinif, f 1 urke 110I111 laaia llainlllun li) Miller Jit Pan l Urat hn-uun balls-tiff htmtta, i, uff Hint 1 olt 1 lianir I. Hlrai ba on errors 1 0,1011 ,1 Clin 111 w nnti. 2 Hit ii) rliein 1 mil iiv Mm, 1, wiii I lllill-HHier Mrmk out lly Mlvitta, i. Unulile I l1''5. 'llln, J ong nrd lucUr li). Umplre- I 1)111.11. Tlun-THohtiiir. P I1 TIMJItf, V CIlirAOO 1 ntLTIitoitr- Junn 12 -lllltlillnrn'sriiily error let Thl eagoa ore Its null rim MiUahi 11 iluliid lit uriut forui hlls irlni.I naahlt HllhiTiet in m rj hiniiij but two hi ley a I. in inn nl 1 h k 11110 I ee 111 iif an aruiiKiil ith hiierl 1 in iiiit Hint com ball pitched Ait ndanio, i.vui. The scire UAITIMoiif (IIKAUO , . ' 1" 1 " r- . it.111 1 0 s r. Hemming I f,0 J 2 11 I hintl Hi .11 1 ', 2 I l,e-ier r f i I J 11 una in 11 0 1 1 1 11 J litiliua a. a i i a u iilmiii if 11 u 1 m I Iioylii, lull 1 1 In 1 11 in 11 1 utli u 1 7 i 11 ltHi.illi I 1 J I 11 roan r 1 11 11 1 11 1 Urol ni f ,1 1 i 1 u linkir 1 f 1 i i u 11 Kell r. Idb 11 II I 1 11 I ffff r id h II i 1 11 Itn main, c 1 .' I 0 ulrhnd 11 11 11 11 4 0 McM Itioj, p 1 11 0 i 0 Hulk')', u , 0 0 I I 0 Totally . 11 14 i7 15 l! Totals . 1 7illll I HVtlnioro 0 0 2 1 I 2 1 j -u CtlltStto 0 0 0 0 0 0 I U n t Eurutd runs-Ilaltlinore. ft, I irat Iiumi Ii) irrora- riiitlinore, i Lert on iiasea II utlmore, v. 1 NkM, 1 irat baao on bulla ott McMalou, i orirlenu J. Htruik oul-Ur IrP-ul 1, Tlir e liuan lit I'uiit.r lTo-la(o hlta-Ileiiiinliu 1'feffer, lenulngt ii, 1 heeler, lleltl. Unvle, hmrinio hlla-iMiiUn, Haiti ritolen haaea Hellz, Jennings Ilouble play -Anton : Ilellc, Jeliuiiiia ami lioyle iSiiliuyiu ami hi later. 1 aated balla-Jlnlley, 2 empire Shi rl , ; dan. Jliue-2 01. WASIIIMITOf, III, ST, lilt IS, II I Waiiiotiis. June U.-The hnnm Mini had an rnav llmeoflt to-day wltn St, l.nula, ami uttel II in iu( of thi boi In the I! till I1111I111. tlruiliiitie, 7 iju iiesLOie (l HAtlllNOTOS, I- i 1 . . 11.11.1" 1 I 11 In. I. o. l l f lirown c f i i t 11 0 Powi r f i 1 I) 11 11 l Jnjii J I li i I 1 2 11 I'nr II 1 fit 1 t 2 2 11 u ,, 'lib fit 1111 11 I) "IK u, 1 . I 2 J 11 1 (i lelliii, ll, I f 4 4 .1 II i t nlilllir, Utli IJ .'II o II S inrtttill lb,.' 1 III 11 1 itlnn do 11 11 1 -, (i 8 lc ii in c I 11 J 11 0 lle)ir 110 I 1241 Q Cruos idb 1 ,1 J ,1 till'rosa si I 2 i I II E 111 title, a s.J 1204 M, rurlau I, e 1 u 1 1 1 H King. P 1 :i u 1 1 ilart, p.ArfO 1 1 0 u S JKCauley, cOOUUO 5 TotlU ...,0 14 27 U i I Totals 10 la 27 la I i Waihlngton . , .2004H123 0-1 11 6 Bt. Louis. , lOoui! 2001-1) I Famed rum-AVnahlniion, lit St loali. 2 Klrit I Laaebycrrors Ytaalilusaun, l bt. J oulf, . Left 011 , Wi at , .-- - - i ii..i'iit,,ia. '.. S- tU. , , afeiaiW , a.ji,. a. t-a-.l. r -w- - basai-Waahlnirton. 0! Rt. Ionia, ". First baas on balls -Off King, 2, oil Mart, Hi off I'arrott. 4. Btrtick out liy hlng, li b) Ilart I, Home runa-Belt ach, Iie montrevllle "Ihrie-M e hlta -Joyce, DemontreTllie, Two-baio hlts-I!rnn crioka, Meyers, Saorlllen hit Mcunlri SUilen bsaea Orooka, )onglim.l toss, Ililariami. Dnnblo plays-t'tooks and t irtrlgtiti 1 rnis nnd Connor lilt lis tltehir-li) Hart. I by l'arrnlt, I. l'asn. I ball-StcUulre. Umplrej-Kccto niidUlidnian llmo J 10. rmi.Aurirnii,0! loittvitLCH. IMunnnniii, June 12 -Inilsvllle'a colors were Inwerct at. 1111 toil.ij by I hlladelphla nitliiiiiiih thn fnrimr iiindu a gnat Id I for tlctorv In the last few Innlnii.. Attendaiiee, 3,ut4. Thencorri IIIU-tlOtJ'IIIA 1 lollsviut. 11. a k n A x Hulen c. r 11 I 2 u u risrk, I f. J 2 .1 0 11 Milllviui I f J 1 11 0 OMtCrenry.rf I 1 11 u ll Tlitimtsni rf 1 i 2 11 0 t liiwmiiu, .10.0 lull llrinitm I '-' 1 1 11 nMlllir.e I0n2 1) llallinnii id t 1 a 4 0 ii'i'rlin, 2li 0 i I 6 1 troaa. s s 11 1 I h 1 Hi xtir. c r 2 2 1 ti 11 1 1 2 II It 1 nssldy, lb I I ll 1 I Nash Hi II U Ml I Hulls, t 1 3 U 0 .MliIIII p II II II t 0 lllll P o n I " Drill,!) II U tl 5 0 linHl!, i II 0 II II 0 - Mna on 0 11 0 II 11 Tola's u PUT ! 2 -7..7T I Toln's M21 13 5 Pitted for inil III tho clxlitlt lulling lMilndilphla. 2 0 ft 11 tl 1 10 -II I ouKMIIe .. l I u U 'I II U 4 U H I arm d rmia-PM'nilelphl, 1 I outstille 4 Urst bsa lit 1 rrori- I'liila liiptila I lotllatllli ' lilt on liasi a I'llllanf Ipltln tl tmnsl!l " t Irat Inan 011 1 alla-oir a lllll, 1 off llrth I off lllll 7. off S1111II1 2 MrucLoilt 11) O-lli i 1)11111 I iincbnau lilt-Cilik Twailiri-lilta-Sulllnn riioiiipaoll ll-oiilh-11, I lllii'innli sinrlllii lilts ilnlltnati. ( roaa v.i. 1 unniian lllll stol n Imsis Pioitttura. t.rnl) iirth, lHxter. Iiniibin t1n 1 ro-a ItatlniAti mil I roiitbera 1111 by 1 Iti hi r lly Ortn I Mltl lllihes lllll, l.orllt. I. I niplrt-llurs,, lino 2 2a. I'tiNtern Ijenite, at wi!j.r-si titrr Wllkesb-.rre , ...0 1 0 0 ft t t 0 1- 0 Toronto u u u I 1 11 4 A 11 Hlla-Ullkoil arre, II, Toronto 12. 1 rrors-U llke barre 2, lomnlo 11 Ilittiatil-I Ut key mid lllKgllis, 21cl artlln ami Case) AT H r ANTON. tcrantnii iinonnnnn-B II llTnlo 4 .1 ll II .1 1 0 4 0 IS II ta siriMtou, 7 P-nffrtto 111 Irrors Sirnnton.ll Tilt, alt' V Miturlia Juttn-iou nu 1 AMdtir ulidlir geruiul Iititcult, llatiuiiu au I Miilth. T MltlSllHMli Hilar OAMt. PprlngHeld 1 11 I 0 2 j 0 0 P-10 braiti . . . u 11 0 2 u '2 2 u tl- 11 lilts-si rlngflelit. I ii St rieu. 1 1 1 ura-'-prli g felil. 11, V)rntiae, 4 Uilttrte llrubtr mil l.t.ah), hltehlll and Uyan. hKCOMl fllMC Bprlngflell I tl I 2 0 0 0 9 2-1 Hirouise u ll ti a 11 tl u 0 21 lilts-Sprlnglleld, ii M rouse, I I rrora iprltnt field 1. S)ru use, 2. Palttrlts -1 aatoti und lah) , Ueiuticy and Ileas at rnoutu sen. I'rorlttenee .... u 2 11 n 1 0 0 n 0-1 ItiHhiater .. 4 u 0 0 1 II I) 1 -il Hits Prorlden e llof u att r, s I rrora Pniyl tleiiLe 1 llocliester. t llitttrloi Utuldtrhutii and luxou, Mclartaud and Until SEl ONli OIMI- TroTtieneo . nnnoiooo 01 lti.hnur . . 0 I u 1 0 o 0 2 -tl Hlte-l'rotldetite, 0 llu 'luster. 7 Irrors Provl dence. I. Itixtieater. 1. llattt rha-hnerr and luxou, llermau and lloyd Atlantic l.eiitcue, AT WtlJllsilTilN'. Wllmlnirton . . 2 0 11 0 3 2 0 5 1-12 iletropo Itait 11 u 1 J u 3 0 1 l-lll lilts Wilmington ll sltrnpolltan 14 rrrors Wllnilni,ton v Mitrt'i o.ltun 7 Hattirles-Aiuuto, burton and W lae. aiitm.lah and Fosur. at rATrn-. 'n I'Hterson . tnoinonio-3 Nettam 2 0 I 0 J I) 0 0 -3 Hits Faterion 7 Newark, 0 Irrors Pii.rson2 Newark t lUtterlea-Coa.i an 1 llton, loyd and A, Hotufuss. AT HARTFOnb. Hartforl .. 0010242. -14 .Nl Haven UIU02012 1-7 Illta-Hartford 12 Niw listen II I rrnr-. Hart fcrl Niwilateu,7 liuturus Mckery andStntth, ttartln aud llode Nesr Fngland Lragar, At Pawtucket Pittttiekt t 10 Portland 4. At New Hedford-Niw lledford. u ut,usta. 7. At lall HIvit tnlllimr i Psncir 1 l I ewlaton-Levtlston, 9 1 roiktoti, 0. Other tinntea. AT COKNINO. Oen line Cuban Giants 10004000 n- 3 Corning ... 12103011 0-11 Illti cubans 10 Cornln 17 Frro-a-Cul ans I Corning 2 batteries Kobinsoa, llottard, and Jur dan, It) an aud llarcla) AT KSSTON raston 0 0 (i 0 n 0 1 0 0- 1 tbletlc . . 1 I 0 1 1 1 1 0 -12 !lltn-raaton, 0 Wilettrs 11. I rrora-Caaton. 7, Atilell a. 1 Al Amherst. -Dartmouth 2. tmfceral, J llaftebnll Gunieat To-day, KAHOXAt. LE.SII Y SN1 A IMtli CH ASSOCIATION. N'ewYork ts I'lltab'irAli at the Polo grounds. llroklyu va CIotelti.1 at 1-aan rn Park t aahliiglon va M J.oula, at W aihlnt,ton Laltlriori- ts Chlei,? 1, at llalllmnre 1 h.lal. lpl'.la va 1 nttlstlllo, at Philadelphia lluaton ss Cincinnati, at boston HAhTFUN- LkADlX. Ppringfleld ra Toronto, at Springfield Provl Jpnte vs Puffalo, ut Imtldence leranton ts hii hi ater, at h rinton ttllkeabarre ts ,3)raeuae, at Wllkesbarre ATtJtNTl 11-tatk-Wllmlngton ts Metrnro.ltin, at Wilmington, I'aterson vs Nittark at Pili ron Hartfird ts Nevt llatn, al Ilarirorl. BDOOKI-TN AlttTKin ASOCtATlOS Hijaotuta v long lalaud, at Prospect Park 1 GUff Islan 1 vs M M holai, at 1 ropei.i Park. oTilfn onC-s Trln-eton vs Y'al-, at Ma'ihattan Field. Sagsu ori s vi, Kneral 1 V C, at ureenpolnt, Corinthian A C. vs Madison A C , at Staten l3.und Hoi) Cross ts Postnn Collete, at Worcester. Va-batta' College T Cubta X Giants, at Jasper Hill V illlams vs. Dartmouth, at t Illlaiustown Vcntelnlr A. C va. Fntlowool A. r , at Mont clalr h ibcrbans vs. Sfauldlngs. at Crotona Park. s tula wrango 1-. 1. va. summit V, C , at South Oral ?o Orange A. C. vi. Newport, at Orange Oval Onronta A. C. vs Howard A. O , at Urooklyn. I'a'Ttr I vs Cornell, al Cat ibrl Ige. I ennayivanla resunen vs. Yale lotw School, at I I.ll.Jjlp'ili , I it u!ur!i A C. vs Weslmlniter College, at ' Plltsburirl , I Cranfr 1 1 A, C, va flrooklyn High School, at ' Crsufor I Arnol I, Constable Co. va. St. James Church, at Yuratllle f ureka as. Y. II. C. A of Urooklyn, at East New York. Orltaul Held Club vs. Genuine Cuban Giants, at Ehi ewooJ Cllaiill ts. Eaiex of Vewark. at Caldwell. lltit UrmiKe va l-aat I nd A C , at Newark. Millet's l'o. nt vs Hltenialo I. c, at New York. Alt as vs. Overlanda, at Uitonne t'rslnui College ts Y. il. C. A. of Philadelphia, at Colleg'villo Orange Y. M, C A. ra Verona A. C of Hrook. l)u, at OrankO Huti,er va Johns Hopkins, at Vew ftrunswlck. Prlgiitons of llroitljn vs Jefferson A. C, at Nettaik IliisetUlo y C. vs Area lot, at llosevilie, Jlorrlstoitu I". C. v Matin Island C icket Club, at Slorrututtn Appletons ts. Putnam's Sons, at Macomb's Dam gruuit la i.kion A. ( vs V, liliokas, nt Ilrooklrn Washington va flu Isia College, ut Uuahtngtnn Tair)tiiwli Y MCA 1. ivler Dtaf Mules, al Tarr)tiittn NJuikt A C vs I'naile, nt N'lltle) Clan moots ta St Thomas I)ccum, at Claremont Purl Morris Plains vs Now Jersey A. C , at Morris I luln Dotois is Murrt) llllla, at Dover, N J, I'lil. Hi I I ts Manhattan It it Co , at Van Couilliii'lt Park Aim r' nn Snta Co ta Totter Manjfarturlng Co , at llarltm Monitor c ta Iftiklmir A, C, at Harlem, hut kirliorrer It ts ternons, at Ml Vt rnon, hi solutes ra Orange l,c al I aat urnuite llnsebull .Note. Tho New Y'ork Pittsburgh gamo this arterioon ttlil begin at 1 IS Doheny tt HI lieat la to pitch In Iloston Monday, so Maiuirfer Irttlu su)s Ha 1 Clarke and Pink Hawley will be the pltrhers at the Puiu iirutiuda to day. I W linor llur'.i it of the Cleveland ttas a pltrher on the Nu t un team In IM10 liekln stillt a flnzrr In )eiterilny sgim , may not I I ah 11 to 1 ttcli ncaln fur a ttotk or ten iliy. Mr. Ireedinan declares that liotttiiihl nut think or signing lluaiti uiiliss Hint pla)iractipted Ho original tel ins 01 1 110 New York Club fi orge M ihouey the note 1 Georgetown nltchi r and l'rh si. ttl 11 pili Jud tttua nanus fur tuo Orange A C, hatn joint 0 tl e lorulnj Uat 1. I It 1, Iht lints nan Is nut t ten If ho tlot's not run ru tut tllrl sirikt 2 lie men nu tuaia nro nil t irii'l vti nt thn baun an lilla llu I all, he rut a to Ural or 1 ot. 1 rlntetou an I Yal will play their fourth game of thoiolleguM'iti s at Manhattan rliud this arternuou, plA) tube call' tl at ao sttarii riiu i'rliicctoti play ers wire practising uu Ihe Held yialertla), tlauaiirlrwln haa decide 1 10 la) tiff llarr) Davis, and lummy llannon will play left Held, iieclnnlngio di). llannon has been layllw great ball with the Metropolitans this srason, and leatls Ihe Atlautlo Liague In batllug t'lNi istATi, June 12 Cincinnati s members of the ro Hi rs' 1 it,uii have cnthua,i titer thetturk of the irlppltd HcUs In tlio 1 ait, anil the tram it 111 recelvi a ren urkaiilo tt elt rune home 011 Monday inorutug the llrst Ki'gliuiiit bant a tally hu lunch ami carriages bite In en 1 niaitd fur a 1 arade arotiud lotvu Chief Delist h hits not unit siibscrlbril to the fund but tins di t iIIh I a ium I of p 1 lie to ait nsumorti'. Tin sute h r 1 tl 111 iaira it hit h ari prtfitceii b) theworla, V irunka miiIu rli e Ac ' 1 iiiilrtlu tl'in In ils of au tiiirilblta. lie mill g iliusa of la)ir till Ittoll, Judge l.rrl. aitl Jud )f Nib 1 Til 1 1 11 11 Til' .it ie In tistirlt)'s e 1 i' ' 1 if lui rn n It 1 1 in I 1 1 1 the lieina toi P t tt I tiL'tt 'In I'uiun tita its nt 1 1 1 n I irk 11 s in 1 1) IMritil tin to nn rut II...' ikt arm in, is it la not tin il. iieitlou i i I I ut In "1 nn) t t'. nam, thai ttili j la), ink let ti"il nu iiimigir nt tin lattir nine, liming al 1 n 1 r tel Hi" luii.e of I.tcruallnn H 11 1 fur un mi S 111.I it din an a ium ttltl-n Int auul nte to b lug It gal pro nilliigs aifnlnsr lilui. Tin re Is only nuu genuine Hit nation li II t , a regu lurl) ihQiterid urgaulsutloii, il tly Incorporated iiitrtir tne laws of tn-;tule of Nett York, mid of ttnitu Ihu unihralgtied has the honor to aubscrlbo himself inanaxtr CitARLts J lUuvLr, i23 Fi.r Tmurv-szcoto stki-et, June in. . - 4 ,.n.Hi- . 4aVi'.'H' ' l" "'la .tl-ft .AMfc-a.i.., tm . M v.aaaaataliei t .. bSlaAstw,.ai WINGED FOOT A FLYEK. M'CAFI'KllTY'S ril.l.Y WISH Till: ui.ori.n sTJicts itAxim.r. The 'I'livnrlte, I.nilr I.onlae, Wns Never UnilKeroiia-lhnlaeapi-nre II, Inn An. olliir llonil Itnie-IIIilolon, Olenmoyne. nnd Ziinone IVero Ihe Other t Inner. John J, McC'nllerls'a licnutlfiil 1111), Winced. Toot, won Hi u Cltucr Stnkt. with tho creatist ensu nt (IrnM'send j cit iilnj , itefinllng (loltlin tlrentn, ( oikernoiiy, l)llth', 1 uphimli Im l.mli l.oulsc. nnd I'nlr Uoclur, nnd riiimlnit lho four nnd 11 linlf furlongs In the fnt tlmu of filial scctmil. Mho Imlmro of thu r it lug wns t'Strimil) lnlereatlng, thu fourth rnco, In which Miakeajn 110 II, belt I'ntrirln'i, b. In : 0110 of tho lust 1 niitilsof tlio wtok 'lho tr 11k wns fiat nnd the winther perfet tlori, 'lho riolarliiiiiitin I'atidldttto, I.ndy lioulso w i. fnvoiilo fur tho Clotor Stuki. with Winged Knot fccoiul choice, nnd lloldon Drcnm, who I inrrleiVn iHe-potinil peimll), mxt In fnuir, tlio outsider being l'ulr Hot l'if nt odd of "Jtl to ZL 'lhoso whotntt Wtngtd Ku it into for tho Am nion Mnki. when, nf tor K'ttlng nwny poorly, showns In n pocket nil through tho lusteU tcuitli of a 111II0, iut their knonlidgo to gootl profit jitenlni, for 011 tint rnco (ioldiu Drcnm tould not glo her IHo tounds nor et en thrcn tound nnd n beating, mid n a ron'iriiciue u much money went on Mc ( nlTcitt't huudsimo ilnughtir of lluchniinn n. on any other horo III tho rniu. Mr. ll)iin thtctt his Hug with tho field well hunched. Hidden Drcnm wn tho lint toshotr, but Winced l'oot ehot pist hcrwllh a ihi7zllni; buiat of spud, ntnl wns two lengths to tho good nt tho tun. Dhidc, I .ui! Louise, nnd I nlr Iti'clue npptnrid to bo slow kcttlui; Into their stride, nnd wiro prnclhnlly out of tho rice nt lho mil nf tho Hut furlong. 'lho rnto wns nn ensj olio for Winged Foot, JtcCnITcrl) nottr mot Ini; his hnnd. mid he was loo'ttng ottr his Bhou'idtr nt tho other whin tho tllh pnsed the Wire, thrio liugths in front of Golden Drmm, who lunt Cockimon) as far for second intme), Dlxldi'ttn fourth, Kupho llilt I, llfth, nnd I,nd l.oulso sixth, Doggett pulling the fat 01 Ito up who 1 ho ntt that ho was beaten. Tho raco tins worth Sl.uUO to tho winner. I.ldolon was fntorlto for tho opening rnce. a dash nt lit e furlongs, for ttto-)tar-old. 'ihoro wero ten starters nntl. outsltlo of the fnlorlte, Nina I.titilso itutl l'till iit'iil inrrled tho bulk of the mnnt) 1 ho start tnado bv machtiio was n ur) pretlt om. Kull Mieetl wiut to tho Iront with too other In n compact hunch nt hi heels. Kldolon and Nina l.oulso left the ruck nt tho In. 'nl of thu sin till nnd ijulcklr settltd roll Muni Nina Loiil-n follotvid, a uundred tnrds frtini the tt Ire, and Kldolon won rather cleverly. Ku!lpeed was beaten two length for second inline). s.cciud C bunco, (irey Illid, aud Hir Own follotMtl,noes apart, itiralsnid after tho raco tint Full '-piul suiuitl to be running ens'!) ut tho he vd tit thoslritih, li'illmtn and l,liiimu)nii wiro almost equal fatorltts for tho hlgh-ne ght handicap ut a tulle, 'totluim was full of running until ho wns itillarid 111 tho stretch li) lilimmo) no. He tin n promptl) gate It up. and tho gilding romped home, ire handlist of winner. In the fast tlmo of 1 42H Iiniulriendu came throtign In tho htretch ntnl eicurtd stiunti mono) tcry oiiall) titithani was third aud Lancer fourth, tcllpae, thu ottlt othir starter, tt ulklng on tho lower turn nnd being beaten n sixteenth of n mile Itujulrlcniln ihangitl haiuN 1 1 fore the rnce, anil I now itttunl b) tilbbun ,V l'o ilo was Ilium both lie fure and uftir thu race. 1 1 uould bo n fair nn u horse but fur nn inormnn kme which Is thu stat of Ins laments lilonmot ne'a rat e was it good 11111. as he larrntl 1 ii pounds and won ban 1 tlottn 'Ihe htnaarils deeuinl not in ac cept the entry of the h ir-t Itlmseun) longer 1 he fourth r in ttn th" tiri meat of tlio tin). 'I he threo )tar-ulil -haktspiaic, II tt is uinct d Ing a lot of ttilght to I nrr.cluii, i mm 1 l and Dctch "-kater. hut the ttlent hate the In t kind ofniiutdnl n of thu -on of riiuio. ntnl tin) made him fatorite nt n to .1 It was -.1., tu 1 LinmiiC, 1 to 1 I'ntrlrian, and 4H 10 1 Dutth skater. Dutch "skitter made tho running nt a ier) slow ati until after tho h ilt mllo polo Intil linn ta-sitl 1 btu 1 111 1 ma C Jolnul Duti h 'knur "nd Doggitt t ho hi I hu 11 trai 1 g with I'atrtitan mtitid up to "-h tk, sjnau 1 inks I) teit huptd ti ut the I ltd would t-pri til tmitikh to lit him through, but as lar il i I alln gul on tin outsldu tilth -linki-peari II . Hutch -k tier and r iiima C closillUP llllli i'ltvrlcltlll tt tta 111 a poiklt. It was n inse of pull 1111 and come aruunti and I a trlclan good as hi Is. cut d hot d t It. for the in Blitnt iural callctl on hakisji iro II the colt he'd l.U own and In a suerb finish won b) neirh a. Imgih 1'atricinii was the same ill tain e 1 1 fore Duti h k t'i r. tt ho hint Kinina l a head fur th id muni) llu race v. is run 1 v nctl) a3 the bm ktrs ot si tki t tare II aid i'atriciau ttutiltl lutte had It and It ttas s lrprl lug that LaMtuutl did not I ui Iiuinit itirrt her Hi ltl ititing from tin M trt It is 1 put that 'sbakespiaio 11 his 110 stake 1 ng lectin ute. a hi is untlotibti dl) um of thu I cat lhrce-)t ir olds In training. -. I eii's gelding, Xannne, was favorite for lho fifth ruci. a dash at lx furlonge fur thru-)iar-ul is, and b irr ng tin Ilr-t tlirit-iigli.ths uf mile, when liulo of I'-utiicttiu tt 1 In front, tho son u lllm k 1 un had the raco stcure Hi He uf ishl gitiu stopped to a walk In the stretch .ml t-tc ml plam went to J 1 Hi -on. ttltb 1, motional tnlrd Hello of ushlnpton la an untiMiuH) bad nrtor, nnd ttitliuut the tu.ti hino alie hail bi in kiionn In th la) Hie st trts for an hour nr mor-. she l.ns spetd fur it eru rt tlistunci . hut appears to be ulteri) tiorthl'- a n rat e mure Among the bi art' r wns sttift root, the three Sear old britlur to Dfimliiu II itnllum git ntta tir) hadlt wlthhlm and tin re tins no 1 i portunltt to tut whether he is a tiurth) rtlatlun of the tlaik uhlrlttlnl. or tthttlnr he is 10 Domino what King 'I humus ttas to linn hox and King Fox lho hurdlo race, nt a mllo and n half, which brutiglit the da) s spurt to a cloan wns nut a entistiit ttir ctiiitest b an) meatis t lushing, the gelding which ttoti feo tasllv; tl e ln-t time he starii d, ttas fatorllo yi slertln), and benten cr) ensll) b) Hid ( loud at the lii-cinus otitis of 4 to 1 'I hcreuroinufi) win wnntid to know tth) thu ( alllornia horsi-ran hi badl) tho last time out, wliui he tt us third to riiishing and Y atchman. ' ki pi him within striking tlistuiii oof the It nip rs itsta nlay, ami whi n h" movi a with him It waa ti.l f.tir. 11n10 lllshop rin a enn spit utiiisl) bid rati fceiuluz to huso no speed an 1 gulng h mo fui ttaitl .'. Doiinclly, the rider of the two-yinr-old CoiiMiition, ttia Hi ul $1 for dismounting with out pi riiiiasioii In tho llrst race Hilt) drnnii in I credited with wlnnlns very henvll) liter fill iimoyitu's rnie. biimuinr) foliuttn miht it V( 1. For tttu)earulli purse lll of tthlch JIOO t) nrat $73 tusiutil mil $23 tu tlilnl llv.. furlnnss c IL Smiths or 1 Lll Ion b) Iro inula Hilda lun tl'nggelti I H I iiteue Itlghs ih f Nina inula,, KU iGnril ni-ri J Ki tisl' 11 stnl li si r i. I nil lap i I Hit rural) I h, n ut ham e llrf) Pirn lliri'ttu iuru chtor Up, luniu lluu ml rihur K nlaurnii linn 1 11 1't. Helling Six tu ri ttifiliist I 1 lolon 7 to 2 Nina I mils' 6 to I I till Speed M 10 I lln ) II rd 10 to I Hi r Ott n o to I l urn i 1 iti I I hi 1 r I p 2 tu I m cult 1 Chnfiie, J ) tu I lath Cnttti nth in mid trtlnir It ell HNIl It Vt I . lll,.h tveluht htilt Hi a lor nil j unit (n '0 nf wlili li 13o 1 1 first. iui 10 hi 011 1 au I tM tmhlrJ, Oil" I'ltli J W p'viras e4! g lib ninoyni, n b) fllenrtj Mnyue, I J J 1 1 iruli , 1 I lliniiri.ti 1. In iiilreu In 1 113 Hir lllm J J, llllplerl Irsih II liiithlllll, I 1JD lllalullloll) J 1 amir aud l-t lit m nlsulail lllm I 42s, HettliMf-iivi 11 lo5 ati aliioi liulham, 2 to 1 Glen mnt 11 1 in 2 In j 11 trt n lu, l"i to I Ji.illpse, 23 to 1 II r TIIIHH IIAI ". Th ilittr fitukis fur tttii)ear o'iI fllllts, value triun uf Hid h A 'no in Irst um to aocund, uud i,uo In tlilr I full! mid u I ilftuiluugs J, I Mil arurl) nli I iiliunl luuc by Iluihanau I nuga ire lli Milnffirl)) ..1 Hieiiiii n sinlilfsb 1 mil I111 I riain li I idrlPliO. 2 M n la Hal) sih. 1 ( oi'i nioiiv. Ill (Ural). ... J I 111 in lulu 1 lu lb I a I) I iitilsu, un 1 1 air Itecltue a so ran Time 0 IVvj lilting lleti-li to "1 Ul) I "Ulan. 3 10 1 Wlngfd I 1 nt, I in I liul I 11 lira um II In I lllvl le, 8 to 1 Cu 2. eruu ly. 10 to 1 I ipln nun 1., 10 loll tlr Iteiluae. Illl liril UK I. Ilnmllrap for l)enroll and upward, purse 760, or ttn ih !i!nii in trt tliiiii sicuiil, uud (3ij to sin r I mi uiiilu nu 1 u fiirlung C 1 I laClilil 11 11 -on a ' 11 1 Hi tkesp are 11,1, by l'luillm-Auui lah 111 Hill. Ul , , I )' I ia)irslih I'uriiiiii i III iDoigelli ,.,,2 Win lintilu, a sli it Htiiili w nn i, luftiirlfllii) J J niiuac altw ran Tlini I 'ill' 1 I I tt'ng Seti u to 3 ui, dust shikispi are II . a to t 1 utriciau, 7 tu 2 I intuit t 1 lu 1 iiuiiii bkittir, I'll"! II IUI i lor time )ear ol Is purs $'i)0 of which 5100 to Ilrt (13 to set und, mil 4.0 1 1 third telling, li fur I mis b lit)'sbr g nnoue, b) lllack Dean Arrowgrass, Hi ilirlner) 1 I Tie -I ll U'sb g Jtlfilsll 111 K'ntllel . 2 W.I I'nlr sih f. Imullolial, U7 thclfel . J llu) Dratfuil, 1 lilt) Wustilmttnti lln)ul 1U M iplu Prime, Um Ami I ambent, lto)ol Hour, Tiltkra 11, uuil s.iviri uut also riti lime. I HUs; Iltltlu lltetothrei uu aiiune, 4 to 1 against The UruKiui 10 1 1 in. II. mnl ui 1.1 1 hwlfiliiiii. Hi 10 I Jt ft 1 1011 lo to I Mui It I'rin t , 12 tu 1 I aiubout, I ito 1 lull.. Wssitin.iii 1 2i in 1 11 mil II ,20 10 1 j ui Ami, 21) 10 it v ti 1 on r an 10 1 Ti ligram nIX II IIAIP Hurdle H mill p for f ntr ttar nlds and upward. . pur e f s in n iv 1 initio 1 first J,i to ei uiiJ an I j & ' t t Irtl 11 11 mite an t a h iif nvir six lllghta ut 1 JniM i bb i b 11 Hid Cloud, agid, b) Ited Ir 111 Muggi I itu 1 rallmnni 1 sun C'irlii ll s rn g miming 6, 131 (Marai 2 ll Jeliuiuvsal). i" TuiiMimre 4 unit' llowanl a Marcus Whiehr. Annie lllsnnp, Wati lima u.Thack. rray, and Hose Howard also ran rime, 2 3iU nettlng-beien to 3 against rtuthlng. 4 to 1 lied Cloud 0 to I Auulu lllshop, 3 In 1 Watchman, 0 to 1 anus, H :n 1 Tom sloore. 10 lo 1 Wticeltr, IS to 1 Ilujj Howard, 13 to 1 fkackcray, .. ii 'fn.l.ia: rr ... ,,l. ...,,.t 1 ,-1 1 iiiiiamiaaMe ..a Va. laa-a.- a-. ait. .i..J T ii aaw aitArr.SESii's ooon CAitn. Crock Tu o-yenr-olda to Itun In the Orent Atnerlcnn, Ihcro should be n largo crowd nt IheOrntev end Irnck to-dny to nee tlio best two-year-olds In trnlnlng contest for tlio Sl'-ViOO Great Amer ican btukt", nt flvo furlonus. !t ts tlio most Nnliuiblo slnko for two-year-olds Hint has been raced for so far this j ear. and tho (lower of the joungstcrs In tralnltiB will goto tho post. Tho lloulotnrd .Stake, nt nno mllo. for three-) enr old, for which It lind Icon hoped lten,ultnl would Imvo bocn n. utnrtor. Is nlsnon tho pro gninime. with Maurase, llnmllton, Vnllt), und lymlrnsMnrtersi. , ,, , lho balnnrn of the programme lint filled re woll, and bt. .Maxim will hnnlly luiiu 11 big 11 wiilk-ovcr In tholnt 1. it ens ho find In tho I'lirkwu) llmiillcnp on 'I liiirndn) . I'riigrimmo in full follows. Urst Hnee Purse foo fir twnjcir o'tls whhh hnit not nuu nt this minting ttlnmr nf Jtloti to tarrt tire p limits eitrai nthrr horais allnwel flvo lounda, beaten mill litis allowisl tttilto puiiuds, lit 0 furlong. Petri I . . MliTratedlan 111 I I rtat nus .. li rPleiinuao . HU .... . nil in r.lle .. 110 .tOTffvQ'r . lim.Mlairal 11 lo Irigalnie ,,, 10 1 n erlili 1 . ,. 1ll Tiliurlliurt ,, lutlNuliuah 1UJ Ho'urtllnnnir 10 1 siuinl llnit-l'irao fon fur tnree )eir o ils en I uptt trd, st U1112 a hot imea, whim rsut ll ta mutiny not to he sold tur liss than Si'.cuu, one mile and it tiuiriir. lonslnle . tnr Coldtn flale 07 I d Kearney .. ,, loildt Of MrtUxon, Ir luO tlill Crc-t tt Augusta In He lu Tlilnl ltaee-Tlieilnat Ainrrlein stakes or SIB 100 for two star o da $2Yuin li halt forfeit trt 111 If ile 1 lure 1 li) Jan I, I still gimntiilei I to tin w inui r ilo lino to the si 1 unit huisj 01,I3n 1111 1 to thu tl Ird hone 9,301 lltt furluhk. Iieorge Ktailtr ,,,,1 IB Arlittel le 1 IH Don lie Dro un Haiiiiitritr t Ils All un au 1 Ih lin I rl ir . .llu bun Mateo IIS llhodisln 113 tun Panel . 113 lolirtll llliee-The Ilou'innl Spike of $S,VI0 for thru tear oil 'itl 1 acti, o- $t th tlarul lit Airl li f IHO 11 1 llll nal for stirti r. to the w Ium r 32 mil'. In the feeon I hors.' SJtio. an 1 to the third linr-o 0i'iu, lion ttlnin rs of pi Mill all ntnl '1 pounds, of $t (ju I, lu pouu ts, ot ar'iclt), 1 Y puun la, tutu mill. Mnrgrave .... MTYidley Ifu llnmlilou II til; Irmlr . in? 1 Iflh llu 1 -Purse t 11 fur lime tinr iltla 1111I np tvttrd selling allow um is tvltimra at this 1111 illu,' tntarr) sin o wiIkIiI, blvfirluligs llng . UT lluekrino IUI 1 lialre . ... lll Mtieer . . I to lliillntl ... . luu Natnllii' . . . I'lO 1 rendi'O . UIO lllirgllll li H') liuiktsn I'D laid) ilruuiiu) . nl ltea.aie ltruttnltig 1st I Sixth Ham Purse loll), for three tr-ir olds nn I up ward hnnlhip, tine mile nn I a furlong st Jlavlin . 121 Hnnnell . ... In I alti s litre . lull Churadi u? liugliiuin t3 ltemiltsi lit Ht. Ioill. St lrria June 12 Amentluu ttl the third rare, wua tint milt fatnrlle to tvln to tin) Thi' nthi r evvlits tvt tit tu ai c 111 1 1 hu us au 1 nuts dir Siituuinrlea llrst Hai" siten ftirloinra C C lltimrill lit ( slnuahtir li in 1, ttuti, Ired Inafr til 1 June.) T tu I s cun I, Hush, too l ail Dust m, 3 tu 2. third Time. I H-, Sniinl I-ite lite furlongs Gmgnuette Illl iP (ochruu) 10 tu 1 won g nt 101 tl Ji ueai lutu 1 hi'ion 1 llmtiergis 1 111 lirrlsuui, 3 tu 2, thirl Time I 0 1H Third lime Six rurlo-ua Argentina 107 fT Slnnni, 4 11)1 turn, llnin inn llii 1 1 1 1111 . 7 to 1. si 1 un 1 luu Carlllo 112 ti siiiulitrri 7m3 third linn. I m. rntirlh Itue Mile nnd siti-nt) tarts Sunttir.t. lutl iliiirkliii, 1 tn I ttou Plug Ulngtr IO iVurrli. ui Ttu'.sr.'Ul, Whlapu, 01 itiartiiri, 7 to .1 tllrl Tlmo I 1714 llfth Hi e sotin furlnngs Pnt nln ton (Mar tin .4 to I. taon Mihons ti I tMorrls 1111 2 in I mis out Ilrldget. lui inn Iiuartn, 3tul,thlrJ rime. 1 2U Sixth Hire Sit furlonjs. sllgo lOl(Silorr) t to 1 ttou i.eotgt t Sliilth UU ianlltl-ini 7to3 ari 011 1 I tiiti ,ui il' batiglttcri. 0 tu 1. third. Unit, 1 nil It tetnc ut Fnrsirtli. Cuictr.o lime 12 Orlltli. nt s tot rirnls.ed the sur rlai. it 1 irat th tndiit by tt lithium Hit fo irth ru Hilen W rentt an 1 1, ) 1 lghtlt wtru tuo ttli.ulng fatur It btlinmarlv. llrst llae s s furl imrs Helen 'I n nn 102 (Ilurnsl, 2 le t won Mr I'mlip 10, ( A urreui stnl .1 e ml Domliieo to'i lieretn 7 to 2 mini Time 1 lu Sftond Hate Half 11 mlii tin lUhtlt.til Uitnai, H to 3 won )lra Murra) Ul 1 I flitt) , t to I i. mil t'Olleu HU Ul iMlihUUsaen , 0 to I, thirl Time 11 Nils, Third 11 tie Stvtn furloigs. Iri-ne Woo 'a 1(1 Ui) II tu 3 won lnilK.102 U nrr-u', 7 tu 2 Hsi.iit lllg slrlte, till tluvla), 710 I. third Ttnu 1 11 lourth Ha'e fm Mil- Orlnls. 107 Irtemati' H tot ttou. lat 1 rt-oh Hitllorai)) Y In 2 ntn.l Li tig 111" Illl iDatls tl to 2 tlilnl Hint 1 4V Hilillu' lit turlunsa 1 II tlr-tttuu 112'Mur t lit ) 7 in 2 voi lui) talrlnnl 1 lu 1 W nrrini 2 in I irtnn I (nrr.elc twlft, 112 iMurgin ti tu 1, tlilr I Ittne 1 u Cu. stth line. Flvt. rurlenga May shlet, 1 10 iMorstO, h to 1 noli -.nlltt I rtlr 121 Mllrpll) iu tu I, ,i-i un 1 1 xcuae, 113 Olorgin 3tul,ihlrl TIiiih, i Oj On the Oikley Tratk. Oskirt. June 12 T Ja) s races nsultel aa fol low 1 irst Usee lour and i half furlongs Solo t to 1 an 1 out t.oi Inifi liars 4 to 3 pla i sieutid Uu tu third lllll' u 37 i siiniil Jlaii s, leu , irft-tha of a ml'e Itanesi 4 to a lltil won Ann l lutrtll 3 to 1 act sn t tu Illu k sip, third Hun . 2 i lulr I Ha i Ut, ilkhlli. fiuiil' lugenlaWlcka st i mi it i o won Imp I to'i i'ii sis mid lit mti lulr I Ium I "2s 1 trlli llin s, t, ii t mi ilia u' a mile Putins in 4 t I lit 1 s t i r ttnu J in It at Hit s tn , i i i (,, I nn I SnlinU H thli I lime I -s I Itfthltie tilli in' - t litt )arla sir Dllse tin 3 mi "it won ink I in) 1 to 2 jilin sic nl I Auiunl, tl Ir I lluu 1 liti "Ixtn iUii' lour an 1 a ) alf furlongs Maev H to 3 nl d Iti wilt Join Mt I Inn etuu place Second, I'Lud tlr l.r third fin tri I Iteaullia lit II trl.ndiile, Iltltk-t au.. June 12 -Tlio races today resulted as f ll its Urat lla-e In iron 1 a half furlnngs Cnrn Cob 4 tu mil I lui wiiu -Ilk In 3 plai t, .nun I Path wa) third Tun i i ni si un I Use rutir mil a half furlongs Jack Inttll v to iull 1 7 tn 1 i won 1 Irustoiii. 4 to 5 pllu, sft u I lltlvfini thlr 1 fitne n "sii Third Km six an t a hn f furlongs Mhlros rt lo 1 nil I In 2 ttnu I ul lo I nron Hi J to ri lne se. ill I rank p llarf tlnrl lime I .4 tnirlliKaei s. ti it pt.hlha nf a mlii . Tribute 7 to 3andilo1 won lojinurse, i viu puue, su mid siiu third Time I 11. llfth Hate Threi rpisrlirs nf a mile som Vor 4 tu I mid s to 'i won Watetinjlace si , und, Urst 1 Ikht t lil r l Tlmi I in 'I roldlie nnd I'nelnie nt IXeiirord, itnsTOX, June 12 Trero was an lucre iae 1 nltenP anceat loniblliHtlo i Parlt sipifnrl to-di), nu 1 fi ur raeis wire reele 1 off two uf thun lu slrnlclit heats. The two fo ir Ifiit nu f a w r" Hi- most luteri allng tl llrst li-sta lu t te i lu ut iltili 13 trut tiling ta p i lull) 1 1 .' stiiuti urn a . Inns trutlliig I tir- s'OO Ih nt in tt , i ii . i j t.iit II itlnn fllough tun a 1 I 1 Mas i lilli rl. in. b lit , li) iiiilu4 lullerlnu illalihl 12 2 1 Druuliil I, gr lu tliiinirist) u u 4 2 Inal iett Ir g nub J a 1 tl hi riintou belli le m Itlinie) ) .... 3 4 '1 4 Arcuu, b m It in-) ,4333 Hun 2 21 2 J 2 Jl'-D 2 25U 2 I'i elaas, pxeln. pttra 9"i0tl hliiuumiH b I, bt ll I ail I una (Turner),.. I 1 1 HllK'tt) b g klunet I .12 2 Wllilleld br k (Wlmlini .... 2 4 1 Jimmy II In illmli.r J 3 I Iti r. tt) It) Star b k llowar I' 3 I 3 Attlnt i, u in tlnissi ) ills Tlllll -2 llt'i 2 Hl-t, 2 in-ii 2 IS I lata troltllli tlllra' lllll tirm lui i r g , by i ui w likis thlnney) 1 1 1 Hi it Wlikik b g illrn llniry i i 2 2 MksKlaiir b in mill ra, ui . ill ii u Till b.g iJamia 4 4 I I line-J ii '4 2 2VS, J 21' i 10 elttsa, i ai lug pttr.i 3'nu Ahmt Iniaa, inn , by vlnin lir tl n kanl) 2 111 Hills Mui i Ii k by I I llu) Siring' I J 2 I III lino ur III iHnwiu .all 2 Aorniis gr k lllm iksi ... il I I 4 Hn vel It k t Sn) ) ,. I 4 I i Llu. mark Ir.l k Hah) "' " 'lis llii) l til hi t n)l e I ills 11)1 o rl) b in ilttiahl 7 ills llmi-2 21, 2 21,2 t 2 '20. Ilghlllli: lloaslp, t 111 Jimmy llarr) , the bntitim bnxer, kindly send lilsplestiit ml Ins In this iillleef In nig" Mela I len, the light tu Ighl, wauls to have a i liium agiiiist any 1 II putum mail Jim Prowne of Ilrookl)ii,who has been llintlfled wlih tin' ring for many )ears, bus Imoii ut'poliiiod lit tti litiuikir of tho I nl tne A C of HrooiiDn Jaik rtirhardt mil lltich Hi Ium, ri reaoitlng "lining (Irino, yisUrdn) alkli'd nrilil.snl tliuiifne tiun'iti' mum Iuru ttvinl) ruuiid tonlist to bu tie lid d In lluffalu N, "i Ml" 1-itUno an I his nianigi r are lo return to Viiurlca from I ngl in I on lui) I It Is riipnsni in Klt'o him a ritiptlmi III" linprt sInn pri'tulls lint hu w III llivu to di fi it Jui k M MllllTe lu fnre lui inn bu a I untile Igid .H tuo llitht tttlght i It un j luu uf the ttuild If J ttk M 1 1 leu, Cnsi r loon, o' nnvothir IUI nr 112 pouu I Imxir l ut prusunt nut nr nn i nr vt Ill Jollliu) liljlill, tthu iltlmii hlmsilf as I lui liiitiuu i luimplou or Dilutture, will iiu'oiiimu linn tti in Oh uu writia io fiif six from wiliulio, tnu that hn li tu go. ' I khnpe and will light biforo un) nf the In al clubs Jnik Ilanley, who fought so tleter'y ngnlnat "tilling Orlifu," writ's in Hit. bis rrniti Vlnliuli 1 niila that ns ho baa nothing to do Just now ho w nul 1 llku to light C'liarlt) Mehievir Ile adds that hn kiincki I Milliliter nut In thlrt) seeomla, un 1 upnu t i Ir in on I hireling win knotked utit hliiihilt. Ho wains unolher battle to decide who Is th abler boxt r wi 11 known San Iranelscn sporting man who Is slut j In ut the HtilTinau Ilntisu Hal litis lo sit In lui st reporter rigor Hug Torn Shttrki), tie hinty tttlght who Is nun lie I to light Um C'orlu in shirltoj Is a big, st-upi lug follow wlui pleMiy of si I ineo and hltilug tiottris Hi his ru nit iniiitiat wlih loo IhojLKkl he auriiisol itei) one I.) his lluu show lug If Corl" tt w mis to slop him lu four 'munis he will tunc tn work ttrt haid, fur Hharke), who his hem In tne itavt, Is i game ft Unit Jliiaetmll, loln tlroitnd-, 1 1 1 " . ', " New tork is i lli.buigh, amission 0c A4t, Ilneebull, Kiialern l'.liU, III It) Tn.Duv, Hrootlyu ts Cleveland, Atltii .'o. and 23o.-lde, lluaebnll, Juaptr Field, To.dujr, tt I, n, Manhattan College tr, Cuban Ulanta. Adtnlitlon, 86c.-4ut. Yale va Princeton champlnnalilp baseball (ime, Manhattan Field, to day at i il -.Hn NEWS OF TIIK WIIEELMFjN. AyoTitr.n riwTKHT nr a nmnn ix tiiv am.nvux hack, Moeltrtilce nr tho Oreenvsleli Wheelmen t Inlma thtit lie Flnlntieil Itetter than Ttrrnlj.alxth llroofclvn'a lnr' 'e Over tho New Path on the Itotileriwd, Ii. V, Mockrlilfjo of thn Orccnwlch Wheeltnon of tills clt v claims that ho wns not properly ihetkeil In tho recent Mltlburn road raco. In stead of finishing twonty-slxtli, as placed by tho officials, ho crossed tho lino with the second bunch of riders. Mock rid go's protest lias been recoiled b) the Itnto Commlttco of tho Metro politan Association of fjcllng Clubs, and tho comtnlttcoliii tin Id it tn withhold tho award of tho prl'e won In tho nro until this rider Is plncc I In his proper position. An Investigation ot the ucore nhcit of tho officials will show what position ehmiltl bo chen to tho Gricnwlcli Club tnnii. AccordliiR ion Ilrooklju barber, cycllnt; has uttirh chiuigitl the niniiiier uud coin ersutlous of men whllonwiltlnK I lulr tutu In lho shops of thai clt) und Xowork. "Not long ago," mild thobirber, "tho nun who wero waiting for a bhat o or a linlr mt used to got Into heated arcu mint over racing, baseball, or politics. Now nil lho talk is nlnut i)ellng, nnd they get to Inltrcsled that m men m id lint burn tinntiy nun e. M) Irlends In the ttutlo toll mo It is the muni" nil till r the two elite ' Duo of in) ui mg men heard so muih of this talk thill, nllir a tieilnsnf le.t-ons, hu btcnino a Itonil rltlu. All of luy eiiHtnmtr kttetv about the h iim mid his prof, rib, nnd this made talk for a month 'lb.ui tin joung man bought n Si Oil whul, und unit he Is n full llutgcd cj t list. 'I hern I lu iro I lilt thin itu hire now about whiiling, tititur) niiiH, t )t lumt-lt r. mid that uiitiif thing It hn hilt ul my biialnes. too M) man ttoiks as fust ns hoMieafi", bo I am well nitlstiui. "tin siindij nv man witit down to Coney Island niul nn luck in time (or dinner. In the nflcriiuou, nfti r ri sting, he tnndo the round trlli ngnln 1 Hi tho llr-t trip ho told mi hu ejulit ,10 tun, and only ' ll tuiiH on tho not nnd Jourae). Last nutnim r, tt hen hu vt out to Coney Jelntid by rail, he iimiI in spiiul n iiuiplu of dollar for ro frishinuilh nl un tu tint wn) he aft)s lho wheil will nn tin) for Iteilf, not ctnintlnc the fun hu m I out nt It 1 lnttti hicii thinking of biDlig itthicl ui)sflr. .My vtlfe , too, la lakluj lcssoii " 'Ihelinoil Itnnd Assnelitlon of Urooklyn will hato t'ltliui hurgu of thu blcjilo parndo to bo hi Id nn 'aliirdat. .Iiihu '7, .nirllio iiewc)Cl tilth lilting tho llniilotnrd Int llntloii hnvo bun ixteiitlcl to etir) h!c)c!u orpntilrnlion tt Itliin Hit) milt s i f Neva i tirk tn participate lu the pirndt. nnd It Is i -specie I Hint about 10.000 rltlir will turn t tit I'nrh Cominlssltinir iliuoth) WoodrulT of Hrookl) n will be grand mill "lull. 'llu llrnoklin Hit) ile Club will be the first org inbnttoii lu tho lino of manh. I'ATilliiiiI'K, June IS Tho 1'ourth of Jul) Is to be mmle it win ollli' ll's da) hen. Ihe I'at ihtigui W liet limn will hold it eerltn of rues, und in thu i ttuing thiro itlit hi a bt)clncar itttal coii-iKtiug of a pnrtnle througli theiil 1 igu utruts triumph tl art It will ho ercctod nirnss M tin strut at Oicnn nientte, nutter t huh the prrci-slou wl'l tuib Ihiro wllibe in ii's fur ine ilub Inning the grcntisl number nf men In line, lor the best appearing club, for tin litstftttic) eti-tiitne worn hi both men and w nmi ii, and one for the I est decorated wheel, -iiprt me Court Itisltiu mlth nnd ntht r prnml ltiitt mui will net isjnlgf" Ills ixptctul that tin rowltl In 'J.OUil pirsons In line ll ispropimd to pi nd iJ 5UD In making the affair a succese 1 he pirii'i olllclul will tie. (iriintl Ma-shal, i nt. s, i, Mii-utre of the Flr-t Life 'suiltig Uiatiict, Alds,:i apt ILK Hoi Lieut Nat line, und .1. 1 I I li k. r ti I li 'Ihe pn?n for thn rating i tint wilt bo most) diuirniitls lhorinanttt toiiitnlllie Has thu lion Kdnln l'nlle) 'or t l ilrmiin nnd '-UJ residents uf this tillage to ubsiat him. Tho fiml hentsof tho one nnd two mile iap rate w i re heul list evening at lho bictcht cariiltalnt tho .Mndlsuu s, i-are tnirden. lho summarii run lllie Hin llexp-Wnn by s. s. lungklnl 11 tV , -II yards J I' Willi mis It W H0)er,l ri und 1. 1 i. intuitu H W Mrulch, third Time 2 mlniitta 23 4 3 a' "ill la. rttoMtlra Hnndli no-Won lit K s Hnllihan It W . Ill l) aria I 1 Wllilxma It IV IMl jar Is sisonl u HalHiHk il W ,120 yards third, lime, 4 m u lll"S I 4 l - Ul 'S, i he pri7i ttn i In the bicycle parndo lit '-at-nnlnt were jre-entiil to tho winners nt tho fiiirdeu la-l nihhl b) seiintor liriul). M1TFS The rrombTS oflhe()iIellulnit Hrook It n will klvt atliyelet nun tl la ifternoon ut tee 111 lituol club, lu Klatbtah Tllel.teil f tun V, In eltnen liavit rleetf 1 Diefollow. Ingnniier Irill tl H N l, it llu President I H tiklua seennr) Trcaatinr It K lloitne enptiln I hnrl a Jiihn itc lttthi nil i rik" inntrst if th" Htutii not W heeltni'n fir Uu montieof At nl mil tlat Hie n urlunai fill. iv J I l lltlh lull I.I. irtl a IUI II 11 1 fir I -12 ' i Until s4d I. I'tnn 772 I t ark, ."74 CI nil r "70 llelllls lllm Uhirtuin hate ltein form d In i w tli th-- f '11 .'.lug oil i ra I real i nl i I. W.lln r i e I n-l lull W llrii) IrinaUriT Ji a' p 1 Mil r stlrittt) 1 a ik Idler i ai tiin tl l w Iiht i tin runs la.e linui t r t ila inonih na foil nt a II lur Ho llsnj 21, i,nal Nc.k .a I miry Islin 1 l.i-ork' Pinker ll " Am rlesn profeaalonil wl o wrnt o' i r to 1 uro In Mir li I 1 1 ri pare for th" hlc 1 ri elt ra-eaund was I tl I up i. 1th upt ot I fi'ti-r Is i xi eilel holt' li xt ttiik Ilnukir li ii -a If lis In altli In prnti-a tn take I irt In tl o full rw a In thla i unlrt. i il Murp ) lurl 1. - r mil II irr) Uh Ht w i ii ro lint. Inlninee i t to eomi rt, In the Intert a llonnl i Itnmiilonahlpa at l i in nhnt n In Autruat John H J thus m tvi n hi l r-t nu" In I nrl on Tt i a ilit Ile il. fi it" I Itiilnnrt a Inni'i rlhr. nn. W i inle nn t in rli an Iht'liat urittre t yc era will holla tt n mile r )1 1 ri nn Inn 27 The in ri-iai'l n "nih-rahlp of tie Centurv w t ""l nu n of thli , It) wile illao them lo but a new i lub h US' this frill In lsu th . s otllsh ( ti tins t'nlon hn I ttvintv rve iluba ut It, roll will I tat ti-nr tin lilimlK r ttaa 1 i i r ns I to 1st nn I thla u-ar ti JUI (lirg)tu n nf nirj dm i lltnit nn mat I" sn tl riding i on. ii e Hit laon mtt ttul tirl julii fr. run ullt rivu if tteli .1 rl ti rs mm inr tin Ir nunili r me the Hit InthT Sinhsn nf st Patrick s It ( i i ur h nl I th" It' t I r lottrl' nf I mort SI 1 I hitreli I nth of li r-. till) II. U'lils. Tin llilullloli W h. elnn'li or fill 'li Hill lute se cun 1 i i lub hotis ' nn Ihe Hudson Ciiuiit) Iloilli t ir I A doren rl lers nre In tr tilling f tr the annual ra"os of the II irn m W In i linen t i I o In I I ll June 20 The f Uiiinlili Cluti if I'roo Itu lua on. inlze I a et line illilaloll A lub lll'i lo Nut SiirfnlX will tnki I In ' li"it sun In) I w s hooks mil J "II hiel the firilgn pro f. siontil rl It ra i re mnt li I In rl le a series of rnus fir (2 Im) tu u in mill III I'll' itiiunf Illl S ottlati Pyellata I lllon SCIld' It.k a tnm tiiotni't In Hi tuirl I i 'iant I inhlps nt npi nln. ii II Is III'l) Hint tli liaa II riders will i iki nrt I" Ih r f iai 'itlitints Th" Mortillg.ll' Win Hn li Inti nriMlllrf 1 In Hirli it with Hit f .11 '"Itu . IPu r. I n al I lit. 1 .1 nrl Ulliki f" 1 ri -I t nl, s M Ificr Surilir), 1 II 1 1 ti In en r, I' S 1 lllilur) ( i t .In, 1 II Ih i.-Ii The s. 1 I,w W lu i'ltli! n nf Vett irk will hull a i entlirt ru l "li luu 27 The Illl I' n liinntt Wh elnnnire iiultliig nr riiikiui' uta f ir a um t ' n vilk 11 nnthiSiwJir si t f a grmllda it H ri-i II 1 oltit The wilt "I inui will hill 1 run tn Miirrlslnnn on Illl) 4 t it mil" mil nn "I ' n lo riaitinls of the I Ikltlh ml Ihlrllith trla, Hrookl) n, win be liel 1 to ilit s imn nf the niemt ' rs of the I ll erlv Whielmen will rn " nt Mm Hal tin U i"li mi lunu 27, nt the uu t nf tliii Lings t i i nt Wtiiiliinu lho ilnrris Wltn luu u of this i it) hill i ni"et lltk oil W i Im s I t) nlil l tt ht tl It wis ih ili to loll t i onatiju t n it ,t it M ttniroiu i k nn lime 27 Alloil Hints ro in lllll e iiiiislHIlig nf II II situ Hi r, Hi ln f hiilia I Simula ir r Ii I sin I li, ii I llll i 'nn lrl"k W I. Imt). ml It W lit mi tt ia H'lilntl I ill pin" nf Mnue brl t-i rratcne I, nil i II ir I or I iteriiora Tnlin ' it i li 11 It is i lei I" I I' I H Ih" l I IU "1 The f llottttt till rttita I no li en i-rmgi'l June in, 1 i rci li I "HU '27 Ma u ir ill' a k Tin 1 X" mti i I'lituiiihii ! if tin Illurtv Wheel uuil lutu un Ier al I. ruliou Hi reaiMintlon nf aim tnr) I Diiiif in nnti ii i who wishes to n llro mi ii omit of press nf luntniss Tho aiiiiuil fix c mil' riiiul no nf the I nlenn Win i Imt ii nf 1 tr. .. 1 l)it tt ll le lull to tin) nt Itatslle Twint) luu nun hnte interel Ttn ut) tlDtisanl HI )iha ore ru-Utirel at I loch ester 1 ntrles for the first imn ml raee meet of the Ata lalilil Whei luu u of Si tturk, to I e hi Id al tin. Wilt irle) rut" ti ii k mi .Him so will eos lo dn) with rJeirettr) (' II Hmlil, I' i' luix 03, Vettarl., hi ( hi. f nf Poll o Sluri It) nf Ii rtc) Clt) Is ngllnt bu Ih" luuiimtiit In ii.-gunli i 'oris nf blttelo Hi Iii III ti iliil ir nfll i rs Willi hh') ihs ttnu still uu I 'nln ul th" ptilille parks mil along Hi" lliniltt tr I Hun wn ill In nn more si on h lu or lltaiitis in tti men rl li ra lliu rollee Cnui lul-al iii ri ' I ill i Hi it II it hate not Ihe inotie) It) stun lor I h ten s jtiai now llu A'si inn I 0)tllng t lulis of Newark will hull au annul' i ntury run mi nutria) Jtitu .'u The r mti mull ua lui ota sturt Irom siitark pnsalng Hn uih Piiiron Motit lutr st ring'itlil Phtlnilt Id. s, it ititiiiaw t Maiiaw tu itid Pnuit I. uu: Iirani h. I lb r it nn I I e illl t h to laluir) lark wltele the run will i li I iti r 1 in iititr ua hive b'i ll n tt In d I he 1 1 ) i i lulu nf Phliii li ipuia w ill hnl I mi Inter ilub 1 1 liuio tun from Seitnrk to Philadelphia to il t) It 1st l i ted tint at out 20(1 rulers will take inrt Ih n um will he by way of hew llruuswhk, 1 rlu ii"u uu I Tri ntnu e'arl von Uiuerke of New. nrl. null I '' Martin of Pialntiel I win act as pace luiki ra during il eiurlv parlor Hie run In ihe um mile luiniHi up rate iipm enlt to tiona lib n sld niauf I oug Isl nul inlie riinon the Queens I iunt) Arliutlural h i h ty s latr flrotin Is nt Mino lta mi luiiu Is, thu followiiig rldera have entered t I I ari It I W Adi'll'li J 1." k. Hnl.ert Uarri-H lluir) I'liriniin and lilt olbel, W W.M W. I unit ) I I' 1 nl in ISsuiiiel llr i k, nil of llrooslt til HI iionl final Wllllim beiliel nnd V N Vaiki 1aiuiiii.ui tth i linen ut Jamaica! 1-rank I). White. Itnbruikc llirri H Hurrill P W Toivnsend llnr liirM W I rn n n II II" r I i niiiiten 1 1 o i Vtllllunl J I it ui )-l,r 111 'liarlev Write Past II iknttn) I hn H la an Ir 1 ll c' . I W' Itu Inn I Ir Vnl III mid H h line I'aP lingue Oeoree I. uitiiMiilth Ii put m I l liiiitill Hnrr.ti. ,s Y. ( thla Hat Im hnl s iniinv of Ihe ilinmp una nnd r or I I uuliraiir luiiif Hliti'l Ihi'iiiirlisfiirH'iiiiiiiiual i i e niet "f the kings tnillitt W i i Iiiii n I 1 1 Held M Maul lllunll wlnm eilurlii) liiin 27, mil 1 1 '",",u Inn" -'" ",""i. ,l" Utnliier lit IHrl avuiui utulDeu i strut Urooklyn Vim uu niul r iad rain or Hie I n an W hieiiiieii of llr iokl)ii ttld take plan next Saturday on tnu ulley 'liie'chatham Wheelmen will ho'd a series of road "ti'io club runs arrnnaed by tho South Brooklyn Wheelmen for this u unth are as follows Uih.Olf ford's, 2lat, Atlautlo lllghlaudi, 27tli, MauUattan lkiach, iblh, Uergeu beach. .nr. . a .,, ; ,iat .-i-,V73TSrlatLaJaaiaaa oolf ix anitAT Britain. The Profeaatnnnta In it Toarnaiment nt North Uerwlek. Fptvlal Cable Dttpatoh to Tbb Bos. 1,011)0:, Jane 12. A professional boU tour nament opened to-day at North Berwick. The best sooro In tho morning xts 80, mado by J. Heard, who failed In the afternoon to ecoro equally ns welt. J. II. Taylor showed capllnl golf. W. IVrnlo and Hen Hayors also plajed slendlly, and tho threo ultimately tlod at eOS. dltlilinc tho ni nrd. Tho chief scores woret Itrll rifiunJ. Stcond (found. Ti'nl J. II Tajlor HI 2 !S W. ferule Rl) 5J 1 Hen Savers M 5 J2J J Ural.l U J0 70 Jack White ... H bj J' Audrew Herd .. So H3 JTI Tomardoti tit J. Howe "7 Hit 1.1 J. Hunter .... KM 8' 'if Harry Vanlon .. ., US HO 1G Il.iliillane . 7 lu 177 A.Xtrkaldy Ns 8 J 17, , Like Mnlrflcld. where the open champlonshln ' xvospiayed, tho North Hi rw lek links nru on the Klrth of Forth, near to IMInburgh, Illaoourso notorious for bail lies, nnd, ns tho golfer. ra. Is all hazards but the putting green, llenlitytrs i Is the greens keeper. When ho nntl Wlllln Hark plnyed their match at North llerti lck. In March, hnjer. ltl aplto of ft high wind, morid the rounds In TU nnd 7T. Judging, from hi per fnrninnce icsterday and comtiaratlio scores, tho weather must hnvo btcn unTainr able for good golfinu. J. Hrnld, who made the belt scoro In the morning, li tho player who defeated llornio Hawllns, tho Aiuorlcan open champion In a nmtih last April In England, '1 ho championship has lint nfTittul J. 11. 'Jailor's form, for ho iiiado a tlo with thn two players raised on tho groen, Firnlo and hayrra. Harry Vnrdon was decldedit off hi giunc. Taylor Is matched to pla) llllo I'nrk for iSO a side nt Slussilhtirsh next w eeg. '1 ho play tilt of thu tie In tho open championship between 'In) lor nntl II, Vnrdua I still Pending, Fixtures lor To-day nt the Golf Hubs) Near fireuler New a orU, At the Kssex County Country Club, Ornnge, X. J., an elghleon hole mednl pin) competition, for the men. will lo pin) i d this nfternoon. 'I ho plnurs will ho dhldid into (.lasses, with a priru for each dlil!on. A tinm match between the Tuxedo Club nnd tlio Motrin Count Holf flub will bo decided on tho MorrUIown links, beginning ut 2 o'clock thi nfli rnoon. T he full Ichteen hole course. Including tho 'k new holes on tun circular put ting greens, will he used for the first time. As now understood, tho pla)ers will bo silected ns follows, Tmedo-lr I.C Itushmore K. r. Kent, OlatT Van Cortlatiilt. Philip Alltn Hrl.oi oilier X Morris County-James A T)tig William Shlfpen, CD Chapman, llenr) I Pnlppa tieorije J. Utile A team frnm tho ountrv Club ot Philadel phia will il-lt '-iiiithMnpton today and play tlie reiresentntlic of the bhlniircnck Hills UnlfClnb It will bo the first Inter-club con test of the spaaon on tho links, and In view' of the July championship, the form of tho pla) ira will be ootid with Interest. Trap Mbontlnc. Setentcn members of the Ilhlgnwood Gun Club participated la the resu ar n outhly lite-bird shoot of the organlratlon yrs'ertloy aftnruoon at W Is.ell s lillkewnud I'ara Jnsp t llTtncI wun the club btulgo wlih the milt strnlffln score Alter this event two aweepatnkis tti-re shut lnwhleii bauds was an taay wliinrr. cr'uklugdottu Its 1 lrds In tine s yle Ihe scores Urst ltent Pfgulnr monthly llvpblnl shoot at sewn I Inls tnrli f ir ilub I adire handicap rls"s lo seiih Peru el 10 vatda 7 Juliii .Seiderstt-lti .l)arda, ll Martin schotller VI yards (l I'rter Kunrnrl ir 2 1 ynris ti Igna'r Martin so yard, ft Jnhn i eekel. main SI surds a tlus Helm 21 yards i John U.-lr 30anla 1 h-rlei W Itlcll Sstf.rls 1 Wll Ham sauils Jsyarts 3, J Seuburffer 26)arda.ri J. .1 lilt g 21 tar is 4 It A llunii t r 2.vard- Jo le.hrpplg Ir 25 tarda rt f I arlis Ka lei. 25 t ar la, 'i ihaa7-rithk 2lyirls J.O W I lmiu 2I)nrlsn. S ond 1 rent Swr"pst-ikea at three live btr Is each, tli-ie luat.u topiylor birds Jo-rinel t Martin, 1, Nelerst. In I l-ppl? I Jntn-s I -tin Is 3 TiiirJlvent Snmt o T of tits lu nrst swei pstnkes. Peru el I Mr lictt-lii. il 1 ; pig I Jones 0 sandt 1. Mie membt rs Hid for first honors nt the tnnnthly llte-blrd shout of Hie t?nknunn Hun Club, at Hester 1'srk on Thttrnlay afternoon Tie contest waantiun I'lcap ant to make tt more Interesting each slinoter luntrtt uttsl dl in n purse hlcn was illvutud Into Hire moneta tlO a mil $2 Moa Hroan A c. ltunkln John khurst. E. roonn nn I eaJulge James It iKirhps made atrntahl aeoro. an 1 dlvi li-d llrst in iret 'oho Uynn John Polling lllcha d "sail la tnorge 1'itter, anl Hot ri Ualilifu It dlthlnl si-t ml riuney mid Join Va.ts Hubert smith, and Hrtnrt Van stuitu il vile I linrl money Tin score.! 1 rst 1 tent llegt ur tnonthl) emu stnuit at sevi-n live I lrds each fur. lib La la"e, ttrue toon ya. hand! tapr's s ynees Prottn 2t vanla 7, Y A rooine. 2s tir Is 7 J 11 oorh"ts 27vnnls,7 A C Hanklu 2 I ) .r la 7 J"itn Al h irst 2 1 tarda 7 John Utnn syarls it John llnnllng vuvarls il t.. urgi 1 otti-r, .f))srls n I I'larlbinls 2iyards ft Ilen-t 11 ill steidt, 23 yards I) John aats, 3 a arts 6, KoberC suiltlt J.)irl,S Henr) an sta len 21 yard, n, w J shidniore 2.yarls 4 llenrt Knit el sr 2 tarda John Tlinfee, 2J yards J, Jonn Kneliel, 23 y ar Is 2 s feu t r tent Sweep'akes at throe birds 52 en trnlue out mot v I I) oortiels. 27 i irds 11, Ilob ert biiutli. -u irda .', Htnry Mahl.teadt, .5yarda 2. I. use n Tennis Tho iro npe Tennis c iilii courts at Mountain sta Hon were aiilu w "II surriun le-l by spectator while th" middle states championship lennli tournament kamiswtre go n j on vesterli). Ott chatnplons'ilp tin mens douses, wis tier da llu a rattling match t-etitein lla-uuie Hobirt and ex champion Wrtun on una s tie, iigaluu s, i. yitlttt uid J. I Talmip, Ir, tn fie other llol irt aid W renii won In stralt;tit sets In splti or tho iletir 1 lay of the younger tiain The gain" was a larplv plavod the tlri-snnie lobbing taetles lielng rar ,y rat rted in Iiv elltur side. Hubart s, etna t bate ionii l, tel) rn utrrt'l els fi rm mil hlailrltltig was superp Ihroiiglioul Pant nn 1 Mis ylueiri ttat I r 1 rater un I )lls. Vlklna ui In ttn lulxttl i ouules fi r the seeon I linn I he Italiire of the inlleapwas the spltnUd plat of ( ran-tun Hie l-iigllsh visitor, who scuta to hati sirttik Ins kiitt nt la.t Thfscnrtai Men a Iiotibli s Unal r um 1 ( Holittrl and It. I) W rvnti beut Mep tuc Mlllittaul J F Talmagi, Jr , II 2 t 1 tt2 Mia" t limit les I rellmlaarv rotindt J ParmlyParet nnl Miss Fllralalli 11 Monro Uat Hr Wllllnm N. I rarernn I Mlsa Jull"lto 1 etkln.on.12 10 ll . Sir i ltd Mrs. Claret ce Houart belt Oticdn M Ilostwlig anil Miss lloolS n H l-'l fl-4 Se ul dual Hound J Pannl) Pan f and Mlsa Fllza Is tn II Mu ire bent A. P. simtiionls anl Miss ltuthlein Atklnsou 7 S i -I Han Ih ip singles second rounl rieorge It. Wrenn,Jr tseralihi. beat sttphin i . Mlllett mse.'il iifl.'j.U 1 n I Hr William S I f tu r illl of I.".) bent IMednM 11 latwlck i4-ll of 1.1), e 0 fi 2 I h Ir.l Ituilnd-W M Cranston (2 o uf 1") beat Oeur.e I Wnnn Jr Ivrnlth) 1 -o il I u .1 1 dinili 30) lient Kntlnonl H Thurber (s. rnlch), 0 1. 11 -4 Hr Wllliain S irarer 4 tl of IS I eat A 1 blmmotids (J tint Hi tl -I, u 4. beml llnal Itnund U M i ranston (8-fl of 151 biat I IIIITlu l III), 0-2, ft 7, n I nfeetlna; or the I.onz Inland lleRnttn Arid. cltitlon, A me' ting of tho Higntta rommlttee or the long Islnn 1 lltittttig a,Ksoi lallon tvos hi Id on Tin di) etui lug In the mums of lho Statvaiihaka ltowlng flub, Urooklyn It waa tltcldel that the rektutu tlxliins shoull be four Juul irand time senior i tuns In ihls ordt r Juultir single sculls Junior four o lred sin Hal for I oug Islnnd e tlbs only Junior double gigs Junior four nared gigs si nlor fouronrel glta, s'Mitur four i ared shells, si lilt r tluuble ships it was votnl to hold ti i risaltaon Jtllt In hut the courae waa tint lift ul d uiimi nut tin tin he an ma tti lie letwu n Norlh H ne'i and the old murs on Iniah lug Hey llcgolla unit lals tt ere siltcnd ns inlimta Henrie, I I. llillunl)iio Arlhur Kill Hoal Cub Marier. Jumes PHker un H rum Hnwiit i lub Jlllgis W llllain llruli tin Uiiitnke Hoal Huh louu luinpht Maluuia II it ( luu, A Iriukmup Atmntic. p.. nl i lull nf HulnUen mil Wnllir iliulklnl laiui l.U r Hoal t'ub Hours Hois'rl Mull Net. 1 ork Mu lt lit. club, and Ja k Vl'iil .sassiu llual U ub. lie Orn'si llrlllliint l'nol I'lnv. llettlng wns Hull on C hniiiplun Do tiro Hht night, when ho tipiued htsrutuid iilgln's plat nt llnidinan Hull with isrnnt Lb) for tlio Ann rl rm championship nl tontlniioini ponl. A Hum Inrof club imn watched tho biitilu tilth priitt Interest. A ilaiid) "split" shot that pocktttd two balls, brilliant!) executed b) Do Urn, drew the tlrat lieart) npphiuso of tho night I Hon cniid ittil bursl was for Lh) wl en he passed l)n Oiinin tho two nights' More, t-'74 in UT.I 1 Inn lho ilium plon siiei'tuhend. 'lho si ore hsOm-ll 4 ta 3 t r, I) 2 IJ 1.1,1ft 11,19, 12 ft.4 '2 2 li I I, M- III 14 ,'t IUI Un I J 1, li 11 2 12 12 I'. 'Ml 1. T, 0, 0 2, 0 2, 0, 11, 12 IJ II, 2 0 147 Ht.7 - l'l biritih"s Ho lro 2, H), I Hefcreo Jt le W irniurg. frlit.el. Tho vett r ins of the Manh ill in (rli let Club kalntd a tery erelllable il tnry utit the oll. vibe Cricket Clubnn Thure lui afli rt mm al Prospi ct lark. Thu Ynrktllle team Imttid first nul turn piled a total uf HU, W II Itu.f ail I I) A Hliinns tiltttitg out In hue st)le The vitintis, howtver, put up a anlld defeiiff nifuluat llu Ir Junlnra uud came out the w Itinera by 2 1 runs itiiise gra) headed old eriekciirs, T J n Iti lilt f) bruit, an I tl Hose showel cnuelusltt'lt that they still mill 1 ttanlle the wllluve wlltt i tinning Hull purrlei the bnwters The at ore urkvtllu t c , tiO, Manhat Inn Veterans, HU Fust Work br it Unlet. Hi Usui Juue 12 -tan Herrlik, Itinyon, Miller, t'lbrliht Iltrgirild an I tnlajlit nn a si alit, "'lulen trial against their best ncurl ytstinliiy ofternonn, on the trnlriitaitavnaphnlt I ouletatd Just north nf this tilt flny suiu! lid in luttirliig ttifirrnmd ten seconda otu 113 tie mlli In I 1' 4 t lint I nugin-atl who in loitid Die foxtet oil u 1) i)cle, tut ered thi distal cu lu I J7 Odds anil Hilda or Hpnrle, At the inciting nf lho C oliuubl 1 I ulteralty track tiuni, W II uirlig, On was ileen I aptaln of the blcy pie main and s II Injur, 'U7 captamof tho track ana nrl I loam for the eoinluu year YOUCAN'timHkSiiA ll VtOuiiIlbllY. 27 W.42.1 St.. N V., makrsli. B tt uostd insu look like prohlbltionUts. kr -1 . VISit -.aa'i ) ' . -. . porlisram.'jJ GJcarts. ,f f)ts4tsattyaaaasSsS4tat li BlCtL'Lt SLAUGHTtH SaU sllllon five extra Salesmen this week. Thre ' a carloads moro of Chicago s bargains Just arrived 1 500 Our Specla's, $60 List, $29,5C. , Small rroflt Quick Sales. Onr Mottrs. Collnn's $02 TO, Implres $17B0 Pennsnll X ' 0 t IUi Johnson, (111, Ames. $10j Tmetlos 1 F Y W hi b'lv nf drv goods stores or mnshroo-n bl- 2 yclo dialers I W'u liate bei'nrala'jIlihiKi 4 years. Y I PARK ROW BICYCLE CO., fivwl i"iriee 23 PARK ROWi nasSment. ' 44aa(traSrtatVtatVaS40r raVaVsVaVlsjL '4VaV sVsVaV S sv JAPANESE BICYCLES, $19.50. ? .-on AMI.ltlr AN MOllfllHH. Htllfifl A r0O 11KKAI II HPIUALS . (MUIIU t fiOO Hreond llnnil. & Sioo sto mi. Jlftoo iu no ft (ur.on ( (9 Come Prepirid to liny ur leatn lieiodt. V I $ in:EeAaj cyIsB. -o. J d Penman 114 Na3SaU St. niaemenl a1JVaye,a,Jyetaaatr3 J 1,100 NEW BICYCLES, $35. lll'AHAJCII "ll IIOOUs I BOO New Il,n' tVhi-ef, 10 Up. I TVI 1U "M IIAMl MAtlllMH 7 bl' I linnm asaai iahov tttri, hifufm iKti l l(Tt)U raiot fill I M1IIA sslO HAI Ullll fttStl 1 Ttll HIST sal I) I HIPHHAI USUI (UtMliMil, slli 1 tltlttllt I Illl Vr IV ssllll HOT l'l MPS SsSO. , .Miit iit)ii iti:i.i.i. i, rllulKliiNs, UIIKS, , (41 Nllltll.Ni, Krl,l.tM'a , at iti:iiitin it A'l . I I Wl I Nt'ii W'H Illl ll Ol I) lilt Vi I 1". , ifll NONPAREIL CO., 10 Barclay St., j ' Nenr Itriindtsn) . In Ilisiement, B " "MAHSI'intS HAS 1VOUJIS. M Rnnd wnrms 12" iln H Illnntl or white tvorfns 21c dot. ! Sea bass hooka I ply mt 16" dot l.'O feet brstdefl Pank line I5e sli im li WoihI's reels '22c Ashnnt H lumotiiioil Hank ro la with i lira tip ISc. Uuk JJ It oka ittrnlnwsl ink lot U di z tiflar fcttld stamp for Illu. iraled nshlng tackle eatalogusk Wi J 1. MA K.sT 1 lit oil nun at , Urooklyn HI CRAWFOROS, LYNDHURSTS. 1 llnny Iavmenlsi, .No I'atlrA t liitrce. H Jlleitle hundrlen at I.otreat Prleea. H DURANT McLEAN & CO., H HUO llronilMiiy. H gigTantic bicycle auction; I Fn'urn IUM an J Monday 1'tli 11 A M, H la.00 lllrrlii( nil tini1iircl raukru. ! M 31Hl. Uirtlotirtr Order I HIlOWNJk CO ! IICCI ir-. Mntinrrh ami hlri U I) Kra-'1 ill prlctc, suiHlrlfr,, repairs. 4J1 Iexinj H 1 n av , nonr 4itl. tt a , Hi JOU sAtf (IIF VI A Rrntloman s 24 Inrh hlrt ffil vrailt U tl (.le nltli 1nll nul lainji ha I a H uvel twice unl) Atitri-(,s liICLLF, box W3, B m onicf . ht FOVIt ItIC ' r4 Tor naif clinn makn 11 ! Atidrits, uKl,i .-lW.. Suu up lown omco. l.rt H liroadwar. B j .J3 K iThc Surf H Brooklyn Jockey Club 1 Hi'itiNi; MEt:nsti. M Jun 4 0 ft . M II U l lfi ' I I" lO.Ju W rl K V i: 'lO.UAY ut SiJO O'rluck If: Snts is.1 tnu. tlaul li. 1. ulr tto'lrnrut Stnnd 'I Jpuiii :Utli M., r- H. aN 1 iv nt W I l J; (PirlorLir. 1 ' 1 M Irnm f't hltnhnll Ht,, L , nir hiuirlo rront U lu M io 1 10 I ill It I-ron. Itrookljn Hrlder. Ma Mh Ar Eler.liMi. li ioilthoutiHtti:t imfh'iirh tion 11 W V M IK rmm Utli my. nnd tt , I rikhti h'tir hour f from I. Ut) K U) 1 M .ll i. ""-J 30th mm ! UrDoKljn, lnlfliourl (mm i lu to i 15 1' il H r ttiTi.a. & The Snlnt rirt nnd the Mianm fj-t. (ff niTHAMi'Tos, .lurp 11!. In tlio RoM ouih I crn "nchtnuli reeiiti to ilny tli L'O.riitcr B T!io umt T Jurenltcnt. Auilrt nnd N'liiiraru m Martial al 10 HI o cim k 1 Uv tac? wu- won hjr A Th alnt I lie l'ei tlent uai dcc:.i1. Tli w finis. .til as fellows Thcant V m The Pentfut, 4 2J 31 uilrrt M 4 Hit JU M&giri t 32 41. A Todai Yacht It net. M An) nuiulpr of jaeht ricos rrlll lo pallet on th M Bmnd, I'-iv u il rier todir At Doug! lit on. L. fK I . I he I)uu?.imou zchl Cluh will itl It Ktl IB on nuil reg- ta oti Ionfr. Inland So in J, off Lttl IB .rclt liar, ft trtltijvt at ii'son. BBm, jximi nt Hit llllKf the Atlantic Virht Hnl) will P ItoM th null racp of Its serlrs for thi puis pi-,. Sr ncntsM hj M p Cnmmlirt Ailimi anl 111 al-o gl hoi 1 a pi.l-l riLP fot the no 3J fo mots t r HI thi if-iOu U.ihlustun Cup rreneUiwl to Allan C IV A is'iii Kton afff X p tli Iluitfion at Omul VIpw, tl-e Tappin 7 9 ''. a ht Lluh "ill lull tlie ihtrl n o' itti-writ 1 for Half ritrr- mMJp on the other m1p of tna Hi rlur it onipr-. tho Yonker Cirlnthtan v HI ilub wl'l hull im o prhth annual op. n rfg.t . B.' irhen fwimc of iht fihUnt boit on the HuUhou 11 . ri p tte ThP Jainal'"! Tir acht Club aim tntput"! ' M holil Itu fitinuil rcsatti ttxlar. but a nnuj of ( thf boats are not lu nimmiM n It hi l-s-riil '1- fH ol in i.t mt tli r-ii until Hntrilw . Jum .'7 H Tho I! 1 1- KI tr .Mitit ( lub it.;il- 1 M niiuuii iPtfJtt i otT thp ft ot of Nin . tMrl lrt , B on th Mu J fc tt V'mt in stitch iij. 1 ttiiro of WM tho i lub Ik it. hw ' i tcrt 1 H Tunlor 1 In the nnnlnc Ihomplonnhlp of fH Kutfr. M hfvs Hi i tuit k, .Tune 12 The ribbon An.1 lacrx nf B n Uglun or tov, n nirl (lutti rtM In tl frli brtP'f itt flf t jaaihenilo l the V mu brt Irft this nn r i S Ins to i)ti)o.s thP roi.lnz contrst nu t e Hir taa H Ither l-elw en the Junlirs oul i.pioiiior s ot U t- fB porn ColhRe T'l.y watcV'd tth pla-.ur5 t 'NtKfc.eB t rit n) backi of fit twtlve s'ralulng oarmen t T?B tt'c folh'Wul the tllrettlom of the loucbnlrel po At puafus Tbecourf htvan nt v.!! 'Ulcr't boit houno, B north t-f t io rallr 1 brl Igt nnl ixttncltl tiMheAl Bt bin) ritrtH t 1 rhUe, ulure all iouMmh' the flulsh. T a w! d st inpe one mile. The lnJ ami tl li v re ta W J favor of loth rrr" Tlie r.ophumor-n tnt a iv will H tn 1 h hi tin. leatl aM'y until tin piu of ih r iflroivl D 5 I riiir.1- w in n ai.hetl II thirpr trlf I to p. Hiroit. i W, th time nrc i ami nu aitibut n fuel t if t if H' iiMiiUuble. but tht t miile tin. pttu.e s iftlr. at V thoictithi n p'louitire hi t a n 1 runruicl H that i ft w i ra ' um li thi Ir Atipi nratu e A Thn th' Jun or fchot atieail nul kept an e a htrort to ituu-r thP Muiti Tne i r M irtl i ii t ittl the wi, limrtiT Uht n th- final m urt t illt 1 h tho 'iin)ii Hir junitr rvionlel will at.lshol 4nv from tht ir cttnpi tlirr isll; lnm i two It-mjihK ltthre4 tin niicil In exit 11 it dm in ion Tin t J tti t . f ih rasp, owing 1 1 the bwn I a thf rlu nind nn i I li i t to i tlm r iumi n un U 1 h Minuiuti in' tu Inwit siroki t P ( at 1 li. i s' 4 I l'ntki .1 .1 w.tlur- .' It u 1 thik ton F. II l)nl m intwntu I HftiiisUifta. n i fnrt Ih t Int: mtile to oMiln a new Imal l)OU. Ni xt jtnr i in'lty hum iUI be lei lui ScliHfcliT nnd Knlpe Mny Meet tn tht Eloxlne 4'hnrnpWinMMpN, In one r -pi t lho amateur I tIuh rhin'p onihiti to bo hnl I nt nJIon h)iiaro (lardeu on in t -lund f an 1 Wnli.pttlay ntht w li le nnuum l Jnti reil ; deorfaP hihwcxler, tie mhhilo n lnht tlainpou uf the New :rlv A C will In all prohal I11t tn Hit d i.tnilurl Jit ph 1' KnJpt, of U o fiw M uhattin K ? in mum ears tia , I f in r ur th At i luh b n r risiiiitttl in i i ti iiniMiTiRhlp iiMijttPI ii, ( hwokcii r I ah n rt put c io i f beimr n m r unrd h t tt n t a i Ihm r ill hi unl nutn In tin tum: Kn i "li'ilii i t Ht lie New Mitliiltnil A C PftO I nil IU um n 111 thi brum N of purt,nnt Iftheinea toiiu tir t t r ii in iiuti-' .Moult I lho r miii ihei ntrhH inr I tit ui IkIH auil ml jtila m ijht i laiit ar uiiumii i ku i t Ana Keni nl rula 1 nj imnlnv. Imn , ii, ,tit m nutllomlay night (litre promt ei lo b mitim r r ti.iort rsTAlUIMIKD ISl Wk HTiini'i flH M'l 0,t!C SlOIti:, lllll) ifvl N RTllRFS. 1 llltuMiW s., Ilroalitu) tiii.Ul.tlforil av. 1 Lcm. .I1SI bT. Iklliw st. ami Klalliuiti ai. 'J Vt'o tlon't opet't you to Joavo fl vour regular Clotluor for us, uuIobs j ou cun do liottei horo. . Wo think you can. Tho guuntlot wo throw boforo jJ you is moio (iootliiD'38 in clotJi ami ,H moro (iig'.u .mil cliaracter in tho ' i iiialtii! th in you'vo beon accua- ) tomotl to t-oo in ,oa(ly-for-uso rlntliiiiKi nt pricos but little if any hi'hor than tho on.iuary soit ' bells Io . J ft Sirce'. i I' til mt 11 f ltinsi in t r is i Mill, e 0 (if liita.iintr s .nil tnm .. $1 1 i -I HIU iirMatlrns His V fur It'n j I lui Miiriaittlti nr mIiiuiui uliar), tl nn. I un, 4j hiiiiin r Ituiis ai mini i il prliea. ltii) I litt-ii hulls 9. nint un 1 i Itussm.i i (limine llr. a iin a VT Try a pair nf iiur ll ran Mint a, SI Our ft I Hiratv lint Is -t prion tvonflfr, K bptclal aliuittuu tuoit of townortlsrs V Open Saturday evenings. 11