i 8 THE SUN, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 189G 1
, Naw Tark BIHk KliMK-0tLa Jo 10.
tjrrrrarj btatxs and statu bond, (in tl.OOOi).
' SUB 4 ,0,1007 109H
i clobino vnicxs or otiitbd btatcs BONOS.
., rjftf. Atktd. Jlti. .tired.
I CJJI.t. OIK - CnB,r.100.llS 1ISM
p84tV?;iMfcllBW 11(1 UBOt, J8P9...I0J
VB&a. UBS IBM U. 18SH...IU0
IUI1.HO AD AND OTWtlt BOND". ItN J1.000S).
19 Attn ml 44 7oW 8 gort'M.c.'ni.M. 71
IH 7HM TH 87
4AUhAdj4a 40), 10NhCnaten ..100
IB. ........... ttfi 'ONOrRIlofCalDa. VIM
IB... 40) 1 NV.UIl4tStL4t.l08a
I 0. ... . ... ...... .... l IN Ws t deb 6.
I """."..""..... IM 033 It
; e 4i l.. 109M
if v Ann Arbor 4s ....70U 8 H Y, o W r. 4a. H7t4
L, 6ii-r7thAvcn6s.lloV lorKstKlsi .....tlSK
t I fluff. NYftKllt.lSg BOH4tNeonGt.TR 93
? BlieehCrk III, r.. 10014 -j.
', e Brook 11 T Bs .... 7hH 1 (HNCTo..Tll OIH
4 Hrook.W AWis. UC4 C Oregon Imp lit.. 4
i 0 Brooklyn Kl lit., to 1 Ore Imp Oi. TH . In
t 8 HON ( IS
Bllrook tJnOi&s.lU0M Spaoof Mo lit,. .103
10 CM ft O en 61 . lOnU 1 PeOEA4t lit... 76M
4 iobH i rim t w in. 7aU
I J0ChsiOgnl44s... 'l Hillock Isi ex Bs....l04tf
iciisito.it Xvd fl iolt
eon 4i 84 0 Hock Isi deb 81.. 4.
1 C.n Udfb.li... V A MM
, i 1 Condor Ch 81 .. HO 13 Read cnl 4s. Tit. 7W
.' f 1 Canada RoSd.... 10414 H 765
llCh NPHt.TK 43 SOIUld lltpfln.llt
y 43M If BM
J 1 4tj3 8 m
r e ...... 4t 15 H
8 Cm Pnot, !... 1031J 8 M
1 108 I B4
, schiii.4CColit.gJw londdj.f la, lit
8 Den & it a lit. Ill,, . IP J
10 M,4 0. 14M
1 "".... .....r...ll(J lOlleadJdpfln.IH
,, aDenas H O en... vl IP I'M.
' jl) M ft MD4I ... I-8M llllollWllt 70
JErlo prior bd ..03 3 fel Yal ft N K 4s . t4M
JKMCk-nl llin.H-4s 04W 7i-oreof KM It.l06tj
EuTenn Bl ....lOtltj KdtPftMtMrx4i ;
10U.I1 ft A 2d., VO lOStT SUcOnOI IK41J
IIIockVAlSa nil I MP MAlld. JIH,
,' 1 8(1U 1 frtf.SFd,el A.llSUj
eoiioCkHrIO.. .. 84 ' 4 Ml ftSFUdcllUlBjJ
10 84 10 113W
1 1 85 I 1MHJ Mil .ll!
0 ... . .. !'i f. BtPllt.CftP.Wd.ll'i
U Iron 111 S Tf- I .IHIiNlBljl .. ;
loind lift W It 100 lISlLSoWSd !W
1 I Iowa Cent lit.... Ul'4 4boltwj5. VJ
' lk.nl'ULCin 7014 4 Vii
' HBmnl'accoii TH '.0 t , . ., .. vtU
, 1 '.014.1 111 S.H ft p i, T K. '4
' n V7 I Tex I'nclitCs .. f'l
I as 8.1 , 5 lex pjiiiil III 0'g
0 ... "" 8t 1 .Ill,
t 13 8 ITlllnlAvBt ....121
8 KU ft Tex lilt , 1 1 TUllll.I ft H Bl,
IB, . .. . It I lllrdlv . . SOU
l aUxAVPPllt.ll4 ITotMl, KC
t Sl.K4.WUI.. 1KM llt.TI! 70
, llorclllt HUH 4 t ul.-n P. liO.. HMl
1U N A J Ch irnl.. OH I)n P. D ft O lit.. )
3 nvli susCordlit.TR. '
8.... B''i INuMllKIl w'i
1 1o K 4 E lit.... I 24 I", IfO,
ntliunftBtI.cnov.loo IB Uai.aih lit XOSH
7lctH l 1V0 7Wilihl . 71
iiism:. miu uiw 8wiiiiebtn . n
1 Nor Pa Ul e . .HiAj O Wttrior4i . 10ii4
., II NorPai.cn5i.TK. W HUM lit.TH 1 J
I 41 . . 4f1( I 83V
. 4 4HTt 4 ai
ttoul aalw of rnllwa bond (par ratue), tdtO.uOo.
CJn. .iff 1 0c- Clottng.
Sotrr. 10. ' " IH4. Alked.
41 AdatnlEx ..cl.fi H4 14-H 147 1)11
0483 AlliK(..K.J tii lh l't Hi
i SI Amtulurp 101', 10Jt 10M lnt't 10B
' gUOAniCabli- . .' WJ t. tK, HI 14 V3
. BitM Atner rob ... 04N B5V6 8.U n4l OJ
llj Ainfr fotiot. tn bv vU H7 nil
lUAinerEx .USu U'U lll 111 114
' 800 Amtrcotull. I in 1 ! n l't
805 AliiirrCOnt. 54 55 5J Hi 'wlj
4IC5 A.TftSFa .. Uj, I4l 14f I4S 14t
i, 1315 A.TftS Kept aiU a,H li 14 v
,5 100 AtlautieftP.. l -j ?j H
, lUOHua.KftP. IU IV IS 10 54
ll.u HulT lit Put 60 CV 5H B7 6J
tOU Bait ft Ohio... 17 li 'H 17H IW
Hu01litAlUu JJ . iiit, ysu ;
131 Uxirn Kapi .'JH xit J34 Sit, vt
700 Bnnk U ji v I ui u 1, vl WM
810 Cansontb.... 44( 4l' 4194 4VM 60U
Wiitliiuh , . ;s m ii " H
, COS ChMftOhlo.. 15)4 15H 15M 15 IM4
I" 73ilChlcrOA . 7J 87y OTi B7H 7t
850 C.C.C 8tL. ai)i Si o4 33 3Jl
.v e-othlcS W..lu.i 10H 10 luv 0tu
f 0SUC.UU. 17l T.I, 7nT, 77Vt TTiJ
JiOC UStPD.l.'7. WH 127 17 17
'1 D54U C. R I ft Pae.. OViti 70t4 OJ ;u 701.
'1 sooColFuet J jm vnu 2n t '
ioflcol.a vc 1 . 15tJ la i$H ia ibu
ii.u coi ft 11 c . . il, m 14 IU 1
1 4S6ConOaa .....133 133' 163 1B6W I6
K 1375 Pel Bud ...mm hum um mu 13
BOi Del. 1. ft W...I81 1UIK mi ltlll,
000Leadwood I B3 1 03 1 05
400PenftROpf. 47H 41 47 47W 44U
780 Bllt UnuftCV IT) T 1814 1B4 162 10
oo Edifontl.... t04 vai( feu
100 Eh K .... H1. 14)4 q 14 14
liat-HRlltcf . 33 35 3 i 35 30
; 1010 General Eleo. Si( HSU 3114 3U4 BHi
i to 111 Cent .. . vH itH vjh vi V4
1 100 1.EftVMt... lt 18H 18 174 18
476i.XWeitpf. 70H 71 7u 70 70
204 Uike Shore... 132 1SH 132 132 133
- so Laclede oai.. - tin 24 ti4 33
13550 Loun ft Na,h. H tlHi 4914. 511 nOH
J 00UNAftCpr 90 21 20 20 22
r 6005 tanhtCon..lOIU 104 10 'H 101U lulU
100 Minn ft St 1. . 17H I'H 11i 17W Is
4 100MC3It.2dpr.4ni4 48V, 404 4BM 47
I. 802Hlaaoarl Pao. 2IW 29U SlU 22 9V(
1 eeuUoh-ftTot. 231, 24) t!SH 1H 24M
B 100. sat L oil. ... 17 17 1; in 17Q
i 1 60 N J Central... 1U4S 04U ios 1114 10m
(85 NY Central.. 9SH 93 95 W3' 1U
a.' 800 fiat Lead .... 1 23 24U 244 4
S KatLeadpt.. B7H bT e.H b'.u i-8
Lt 10OS NorttiAraer.. SH 6V4 6 SV, 5
P 100 N YCAhtl.lD SlU Sit, 3i; Sol, 3J
100 S Y. B ft W.. nil U, h BI4
, 100 N Y. B ft Wp. 2314 t3( 23V 23 2Jsj
t 6300 Nor P lit. If 4li 3 4L, 4I 3
750 N PpUat,IP UH 14 KVi 144 14H
0 Ontario ft M.. 1M4 13H 13U It u
110 Ontario ft w. ltn, 14 iji 14 n'
1.' IOOOrtn.no 1. T U !4 U M H 4
1100 PMISo Ksll.. St 23 24 9U 88
1 issii Pnlia ft Reail. Ml t n wH
I 800 bt L8 U of.. 10 10 lb 10 H"H
! SriOEtPftDuI. . 2 82 20 25
t' 100 BtP ft Omaha 44H 44 4-'i4 41t iu
BStLftbrKa '4 H W - -
873 SouUi Paeina 1 BVJ , iij 1144 ibu
106 sonth Rwt... v v v j i.v
VIO South Hwr p. 2B'4 2t4 28M t 2814
KV 4113 JtnnCftL... IJ 3U 2M 2d 2314
1 200 Tex 1 c Ind 5 ii, 8 -
200 f exaa Pac ... 7H 7M 714 7M 7(
030 Union Pae . 74 74 7 H4 74
225L,PUftO. . 214 2V4 24 H :i
kb,, sol US Rubber.. 194 l- IVH IV 20
i, lOOUbUubpt.. 6u4 tr0'4 l-OU hi) fl
!' 2nO US Cordate.. 5"4 54 5J Hi 3V
i 100 UK Cord pt . I11I4 Hit, 1H 10)4 II
I 100 U 8 Cord 1 II . 2(W 20tt 20tk 20W 21
2.4V U B Leather . 814 8I4 r fl, hu
. HON USLeattipt. fj 0l4 08 03 01U
5 SBOWanaah. ... H 014 M T4 7tJ
1 lBtil Wabanhpr... 1C14 114 "' 1?H 17W
; 8U6 WeitUnTel. 854, t8 Hl 8514 B3U
1 1605 tVbeel ft I. E. 1J 10 UH Wi III
5 Total nle of alocka were 1 18,409 ibarot.
IS Bid. Alked. Mil. A'ird.
4 BoaatAlban7.209H 810 Amer Bell T. von tiify.
S not ft Maine - 102 Frle Tel . .. So mi
6 CblJnnocom 100 , Weit h'ie K... sj
S ChlJuucpf 100 IC2 lien Elfc pf . 72
2 ritohburg pi . 9 iBoi ft Slou . 8714 8x
S Bex Cent 4 . 8H 081411 alumet ft U. 3u5 810
Old Colony.. 174 177i4 Oaceola 74 u
WeltEndRCo 0814 09 lonlnry Mln Illl ll
llllnola Bteel no BiW Tamarark M. 88 m-U
Dominion CI.. 11M IIJtlDir btateoaa 1UH 1314
BW. AlM. Bid. Alird.
LehlthVal.... 82l rnwICOaalmpCo 70 71
UhCftNCo 40)4 41(4 W'lllVhOLCo 47 48U
PennRR. .. 62W 644 EleeS llcom . ivti HO
Pblla Trao.... 70t :oj Eleo H 11 pf ... 31B 82
Union Trao... 18 lhli! PH.Lft Pcom 10 ISW
KftPeoTter'l 7414 I'll, Lft Ppf. I6U IBJ4
Met Trao. . 10544 - Weiib c com 31 -
CTrofNJSt'k 22 24 HelibCompf 04
CTorHJBBl 83)4 83t(l
cmcAQo ctoaivo quotatiokb.
i Hlt Atttti. Did. AlirO.
I! Any"I....... nj 7 Mimrewln , 14 16
', Am Btrawb'd. 87 39 till Pre pf... 40U 41U
Canal A Dock. 05 08 N Y IllK-uft ... no uoij
Cblcain Brew. UI4 IBM N'h ChHt ltr..24t)T4 847(2
Chi Brew pf.. 41 42 alreet'abt Car 1414 16
DUm'd Hch..,224 tJH W'tC Bl IIJ..104U 100
S' Laka St "L- 84 24)4,
AtcHlionAAp 16 rtorfotkftWpt 10
Canadian Paoino B844 Northern Pao pf 14U
Cbeaapeake ft Ohio... 16W Ontario. Wit.", llU
enecom AA p 141Z Pennirlranla taw
Erl lat pr B5V fteadlur HtAP til
Illlnoli Central B5 ft Paul ,'! TbtJ
CamaaftTcxai 11 pouthn'r.... uv!
Lake Shore 186M itouth It'y pf. 2V
LouANkin 61 Union Paemo.. ....... 7
N Y central V7M Wabaih pf njj
r ' FRIDAY, Juno IS.
Tlio feature of to-dar'a atock market waa
moderate bnrlnu for account of London. Tlio
heuvleit purrhoaea by foreign arbitrage houses
were of Bt, Pul and Loulavlllo and Nftahvllle.
; Both itocko responded promptly to the demand
referred to, a circumstance uhloh was not
without efleot upon the icreater part of tbe list.
The Industrial etocki were nn exception
' to the rule, nearly all of them clotlnc
. ' allahtly lower than yesterday, under the
I lead of Sugar Refining. The strength
iof the market was the mora surprising
In Tlew of the unexpectedly large exports of
specto to-morrow. Gold coin to the amount
of J2.000.000 waa withdrawn from the Bub.
Tro&sury tcday, and $200,000 waa supplied by
a national bank for shipment to Ilerlln and
Paris on to-morrow's steamers. 1 hese transac.
tlone, together with the purchases of securities
by London, cnused an easier foreign exchange
market later In the day. The situation at St.
Louts appears to bare become eo mixed that the
Btreet, while taking an Intense Interest In the
outcome, has temporarily ceased to epecu.
,. lato to any great extent upon the result.
)i' It is known that extraordinary pressure Is be.
,'i Ing exerted to bring about the adoption of tin
S out-and-out cold platform, and some of the con.
flaentlal advices received to-day by bankers
3 mid others In Wall street give encouragement
t; that this may be done. It Is a fair Inference
fi from tbo attitude of London to-day that hope.
t: ful view regarding tbe outcome or the ttmpiilo
Ij for touoil currency In tbe United Kates are lw-
B Ing entertained there. The closing was dull and
9 Irregular.
s Final sales compare with those of yesterday
M as follows)
gg June ft June 'ff.l June " June IK
m A.TftS Fe.... 14i UMNalLtld .8414 2414
1 ATAtsrepi. 21 8U North Am..... bQ 6V2
J nuMlxilUH W8Ml(erMiwoo4a.. 108)2 102M
June i. June n. .fune it. June 1'.
AmSuiRefp.104 1 0B Nor Tae com 4M 0
Am Tobacco.. US 4M NorPae pf.... 144 144
Halt ft Ohio .. 18 17k N I Cent, ...IqiU loifj
cansnuthern 4UM 4n4 Omaha com.. 42 424
cccftstl. iwZ :n ont we,t. . h 14
C.IIftv 77M 77M Pae Mall 24 81
lrti- Ohio . Ifttt 104 Hock HHnd . r'?4 "0
thlcaeooai... n74 ntk Heartlnit . ... 8 .1'
I), I. AW loo 10IU M PauI com. 7U 7i
Del Alludion 1844 124H ft Paul pr .. .18U 1!"
Den ft It il pf 4"tJ 4N Konth RV... . Vl, ti
DIlftOFCo., I6I I6TJ Kouth Ifypf.. 28) 24
trie, 144 I4U lexaPefllc. H 74
oen Elec. . .. 82H u tenn C.I ftll. 24 2J4
llnok Valley.. Inw 18 Union Pac .. 7U 7U
Kan ft Tex pf. tail 244 II H Cnrdatto . 54 5H
lxuli A N'aih, 4B( CO US Cord pf .. to 10v
Lake Khore 152 IBK U"4 Leather... 8i4 4
IKfttteatpr. 704 70 USIathpt.. r 04
ManCnn ....lWH 10l4 W ft Pae cum M T
IlnnftBtL. . 17 17I4 ttabft Ppf .. 17 X'.H
MftStI.8dpf 49 4ll!JWeit ITliTcl . 8V4 85J4
UiiiourtPao SIT 2VhI. h ... OH ui
tx dividend.
Oorernment bonds firm. The 48 nf inu
closed H V cent, higher bid. ltnllwar bonds
stroni;. The features wore: Chlrngo and North
l'AClllc lets, l.lt, Southern llallwny .' is
oonsln Central lets.T.H.. Atchison, Chesapeake
and Ohio. Kansas nnd Texas, and Hemline Usui 8.
The more Important net advances wore In Ate bi
son Adj. 4s. 1 V cunt,, to 41 i Chesapeake nnd
Ohio consul 6s, , to 11W4, and irencral 4Mb, 14.
to 72U: Chicago and North l'aclflo IstB, T. H.
K, to 4.)4i Knnsas and Texas 4s. U. to H-?4.
and 2ds, It4, tn 58i Heading 2d preference In
lncomes, 1st I. P., U, to 14U, and nd preforence
Incomes, 1st I. P., ?i, to U'H: Southern Hull
way Cs. H. to H24, and Wisconsin Central lsts,
T. II . 1 V cent,, to 114.
In bank stocks ID shares of American Ex
change sold at 100170.
Sales of silver bullion curtlftcatos for 10,000
ounces were made on the Stock Exchange nt
OflKc. Cummerclal prlco of bar sller In New
Vork, 08Wc. liar Bllver In London closed
ai S-lOd. Exports to Kuropo tomorrow 000,000
Money on call, 2Q3 ) cent. Time mnnev
Is quoted nt 3 II oent. for sixty and ninety
darB, 34j l cent, for lour months, nnd 'Mi't
4 t cent, for six months. 011 good nuxid
Stock Exchange collateral. In tho commert lal
paper market prime endorsed bills ri'ceivublo
nro quoted at 4dT4. P cent., four months' nc
ceotances and cliolto single name nt -I'fUH
V ccnu, nnd good single names nt ak&0 V reuu
and upward.
Thcro was an Improved demand for sterlliiK
exchange during the morning, nnd posted rutes
wero adtanced, which mndu a strong market
fnrnclual Btislties. I.atel, hoMi'ter, Inure as
a liotter snpol of bills ncalu't gold shipments
and fmrthnscs of securities by Loudon, and nt
the 1 Iou an easier feeling prevailed Continen
tal exchange turned In hMiinnth) with Mcrllni;.
Pnste4lnsklng rntes for sterling. S4 8814 for long
bills ami $4.8114 for deniiinil. Actual rntesaro:
Long bills, $-4.87W'S4 87j;lgitdrntt. J I b'-k.
and cable transfer, S4 SS44. rrnncvnre qtiottd
..1(1JA for lon nntl 3t,) fur Minrt: rticlis
mark". HI ft.mcrtils4, for long nnd 1)5 ll-liksn
U54 for short; guilders, 40lif40 .1-10 for long
and 40 ."V-1 tK3 10 for short.
Domestic exchange on New York: lloston, 10
to lC'u cents discount. Charleston llu Ing, par:
si-lllng. H premium. rninnmih -liming l-lil
oft: si lllne. par New Orleans Hank, l.iO pre
mium: tonierclal.iticentiirenilutn. .ur Krnn
cleco -Slelit. r.'ttcents; ttlrgraph. l."n.ent pre
mium it. Louis, 50 cent premium: offered at
JO cents premium. Chicago, 70 cents prtmluni.
Tho Imports of dr poodn for thn week ending
to day Mere SI. '1-1. ISO. aanlnst $1,2411.014 last
neok and Si, 80.I.U7 I for the correspond Ing wiek
nf lnt year. The amount markrtid "as
$1.12U,A54, ncalnst SI, 210.14 1 lust mrk and
SI.02J.74 1 for the corresponding week of last
Tho Illinois Central Hallroad reports gross
earnings for April of Jl.ftJM.OlT. an lnereae nf
$o7,oJ 1 as mnmnred vitli tliu 8aiu tnotith nf
la-t )ar, and net $ 18'1,'lN.l. a deennso of f4 1,
350. For tlio ten month ending April 10 tho
gross earnings w re il7.S72.o24. a 1 inrrm-e of
Sl.'ltil 2H0 is compared ulth the corrtpondl!lg
P0iicilofHt tear, and net S0.004. 17'-'. in in
ireso nf Si, 224, 778. The enmpant reports
gross earnings for Jla nf Sl."N7,Uil. it deennso
of Jil4,70o as compartd ith the enme month
last year.
The Philadelphia and Erie Railroad reports
gro&s earnings for April of S145.72U. an l'icrruo
of SJ2.00J as compared with the same month of
last ear, and net $130.02.1, an incnaia of
The Ohio Hlver Railroad reports gross earn
ings for April of (41,01111, an increase of SJ0.1 III
As compared with the enme mouth of la-t enr,
nd not tiS.880 an Increase of S".!o,'. For the
four months ending April .10 th gross turn'tigs
were 3 101,080. an Inircnie of SIM, ill n as c in
pared with the corresponding period of list
ear. and net 491.714, an Increase of SJ2.711.
The Patterson Railroad reports gross earnings
for May of 4.12.880, an im.reie of $5.8,'il as
compared with the same month of last ) ear,
and net $14,078. an iiicreao of $2,071. lor the
five months ending May .11 the gross earnings
were $127,780, on Increase of $,'."1 ','02 .is com
pared with the corresponding period of just
tear, and net $5J,22d, an increase of $15,500.
DriKfrtr'el's reports the number of bulness
failures in the I. nlted Mates during thettrek
ending to-nlcht at 234. as against 2.1.1 Ift't week
and 2J2 In (he corresponding week of last enr
R. I! Dun A- ( o compute the liabilities of com
mercial failures during tbe first week In Juno
at $2,218,717. against $10,810,848 last enr.
Including $1,160,000 of the Cordage tompanj.
The receipts of the Government today were
Customs, S Isl.dB": Internal revenue. S480,7t)8,
and ml-.cellaneou-. 314,0 ),'. u total o' $s7tl,
404. The dl,buriments. Including S400.000 for .
penilnns. wereSl'1)!! 000. belne nn excessnf ex- I
perdlturesoter receipts of $100.5.10. For the I
month to date the ixce3 of expenditures over
receipts has been $280,801. and for tLe fiscal '
year to date the excess of expenditures over re- 1
cetpts has been $U7.'J71. 400.
The net assets at the Treasury at the close of
business to da , as officially computed, compare
with those of yesterday as follows.
.fun? ti. June it
Gold coin and bullion . ..(108 398 808 (108 417,720
Muer doilari and uullloo 31M18 8V3 B1.V34 ony
X. nlted Stxtei note, . 88V1.3 51U e8,;83,v9vi
otr er alters in excusof
demand liabilities 88 0.11,203 8".(185 390
Available cash bslance, tn
eluding gold ba'ance (260 193 504 (200 143,114
Money In London. i V cent. Halo of discount
tn open market, lor both short and tlirio
months' bills, ll-lulli fi cent. Amount of
bullion gone into the Hank of Knglar.d as bal
ance to da), AO.OOo. Paris advices quote .1 V)
cents, at 101 francs 05 centimes. L'xibango on
London. 25 francs 10M centimes.
Tnesalesof mining stocks at the Consolidated
Stock and Petroleum Exchange to-day were as
opt- Illoh- low- C7ei
SaUf. Name. In; (if, ett. Itur
40ol)uier si 33 114 tr,
lOo lulle us s n fi
IWtimCtltVi,. 2 03 2 03 2 05 J
1 000 ( onistoc k .... 8 8 m 8
rtbo Droilwoo.1 1 73 I 75 1 73 I 75
lion InahHIa 02 02 84 ni
200 Mexican 1 iO 1 20 1 20 1 20
looophir . 1 00 2 no 2 ou 2 no
800 Sierra Nevada. I 03 1 03 1 08 I 03
800 111 ow Jacket 75 76 73 73
Total lalei, 3 450 lliarca.
rieclrle Hloek Cluotntlon.
DosTOK.June 12 The clotlog quouttioni of electrlo
locks today weroi
FdtaonKlectrlelllamlnatlng 130 140
General Flettr c 1w
t.eneral 1 lectricpf 72
Lanion Coniollditted btore Hervlce ., 1VV4 20
Weltlnglioute I teclrlc 10
Ueltlmrbouie tlectril. pf tV4 CI
l-ori Vuyne electric , 1 2
Thomson liouiton Trun lurlesllj 3)4 414
Colton Higher Tbe August Ilnom Not
Head Yel-Mlronc KtHllatlenl Poalllon
Whcnt Lower for n 'II mo anil then Itul.
Ilea-Unfavorable Crop Iteporls frftm In.
dlana and Kentucky Coverlne nrrihorln.
FnloiT, June 12. CoTros-Adtanced Stoflpolntaon
this crop and il to 4 on the next loit tlioluiprnvemtut
and declined 4 ton points, recourid the loss am! id
vanced 2 to 4 points, cloillig iteady h ulen of Is,.
900 bales. Now Orleans udtancrd 1 to 4 point, re
acted and dcllned 4, reentered the lotion October
and December, while Auxuit ailtanced 4 oiutii. I iv
erpool advanced 1 IHd on tho ipot nub mleiur 14
000 bales; futures thira advanced 1 to 5tf points lost
part of the Improvement nndcloae I Parti) itea.i) uta
net advance of lj toBpoluts The signal aeitli o
preillcted for the next 3d houn fair w either for North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Alabama, Indian Terrllorj, ii.t.
ern and western Texas, fair cxtept ..bowers near tho
coait for 6outh Carolina, GrorKln 511 slsnippi, nud
Loultlann partly clojd) In northern portion of hn
nenee. Tbe rainfall at tliu South fur 21 hours 1 nd
Ing 8 A. 11. to daj Included 2 80 liiclu nt
Oalnestlllo H. and 102 at Cjultumi, da, thu
Texas rainfall luciulut I uo at Corpui 1 hrlttl.
104 at lieetille, 112 at hi rrvlllo On ji litibiin 110
at Abilene, .40 at Unco, .2.1 at Ureuliaui in ,t
Weutherlord, 04 at leiople, 04 at JlooHton,.ll at
Dallab arid a trato at I ninpasi,is and 1 iiur Ihe
LlTerpool sael fur tin week m re 80 I 00 hales In
tinting Ti 000 Amrrlian aralntt 0 1 0011 latt vihk.
Including 51 OOo Ann rn nn, and 42 n 0 la.t )rnr of
wlil.li 4I.OH0 were Aloril. 111 tolul kliu k Hill Oil,
InclutliiR 821 Ojo Am. riirtii, ag4 nit 1 oo onti la.t
week, or wbltn 870 uod were Ani.rlcull nul 1 'W7
Ooblast ) ear. Iiulu.nug 1,3011 oou Cmiritau. In Mini
eheiier yarn, iw re Ilrni tloum it ud) Inopirtre
celpts today were 2 807 bibs intoidlnir turloi, '
agAtnit .1.4311 Inn wu k and I 08S lutt )rr total ri r
trie teck l'l 310 usalmi IBBtis I ut w.ik 110 1
14 008 lait iar Ine loial Int.rlor reeilpts tor
IIih w.tk were 7.7UI in el urnlnlt V VJH la. 1
wtek and U 021 Istt ).ari thliuntlili 20 18, again. t
22 04 1 last weo4 and 15 uTB Ui year, m..i k 1 18,,8 I
asslnil H2 05Hlait nuk ami 74.734 luit)iar 8pot
toitnuhere wui uu-lianifiii. with ailet. 01 211 luleit
for iplunlng 31liilliiu upl md. 7 7 oe 1 aiiuali
and VilindugtondfClluid Is' and Ni r win ami Hull
moral IU'. N. w ornuiii told 1,000, tlonilu ,800, u
giutaJJI ami Ht I noli 11,1 bule' I no int 1 1 purls
apnroxiiiiAtid 12 00 line, tall Itliir, luno 12 -'
Print cloths .low 1 to 2 7 Inc the Inniat prlvt In the
hl.tory of ihe trade hiixwitn tin ixvepti u ornate,
In March. I8V5 lucre in iy be a 1 urrul hunt dow 11 111
Jills . it senna ver) prohibit, nwlui 10 tin fill 111 miu
tatlom " Thl futuru trtdl. wuini follottH
to.lno. Jliyliet, latitat nn
July 7Jur); i 7J3 7 211 1400
AllKUIt. 7 2N4I12U 7 3. 7 ,'ll 4 I 7oi
beptembir , o ti8ijn oil bus it's 1 . 8bu
Otiohrr 0164 into o iS n,i it
November... . il 02i .... 0 04 0,7 o Hub
Dtcember .biu$iiui 0 80 n ,j 28 8 u
Januar) tltf8onu mm bill I i -0J
February ... H.7J4U 74 B7J .7 211011
March. 0.70(10 7ii 0.7V 0 75 3 200
Touit'i Features Rains fell In aouthweiteru
Tsxas, and tor a tuns they bad a lomeivhtt dcprualug
effect. Sti aluo, no doubt, did nextfcted1y Urjre
poM cxpnrtMtinOtprolon In thu upot nmript at
Uip Smuh. and thp iMKnaiinn in thpilrjr bocmJs trail?.
Hi pnrtu Irom Dunnr trci t and ottir r ftcctlnnsof the
tir iroi la iiutrici liUhl iiy are imythliid hut cliei-r
ful. Mmthtru atd Uetrrn mrrtliantfi nro Rfiultnc
b.'ul. uooilHt tlu-fXl"'!'"" cf tt tunftUntiM, Matlinc
II at Uifrvit immarKitfar anlitlriff at Hip mfiit
tlmft. Manwli1lti rTcrjlKHlr kiiftw how a tho
Kvckof print cloth 14 at Fall Illwr nnrt I'mviurncr.
J-vcrybolT ktintvf) how H tlrf anv ntoclc et'ii In
f bin onurv forji'ftM pat Wtilln furntm U biuklntf
In the rMintneof proiptrll) ihli tnuntr) In thn
"KlnuRli of jKopmut Dr Kot1fl am low and
mnnurncturrra think raw cotton W vtr, high. Mill
thn now nn the who.o . un II t"at tho tiiU
toi.k crurftK' and priipn ultlnntily nd.nm d V
t hi MRU look htack n Hill nldn or tho atT, tln-T
lonk hrtaht, a alroaili Inttinntrd. in t-urnpf.
1 tfprpooll net hi an 1 rhtne .Manuhetr luloinc an
excellent tMHlnci nt troii(; prUvn nnd oiittu1 t'ti
tlncnt tin' tuislni's a tuition l btlt(eil lob(ry
lainrittiic. lit.fi too " "omt i Ion I haiiMUer
llnln." n the situation In the Unttrd Static I not
unrellMpd hj Homplirlfihter feilurn tor Intamr.
the PtMtUth al portion of cotton 1 uudoubtedlv very
.Iron, nn I thfiiiRh peoplo prei)l"t nn Immtnuecrop
tho Immrnnocrnp In it to Iih inn le, nnd It I a farm
from now to txklntf tlm nt tho South, rhon Wall
direct l more finpefiil, and, right H or wrongly, pec
rm in coinmerclai circle nro Incline t to bllovc that
hnht 1 nuta platform will con tutu n plnnk a lol
ItiJI Fouitil mono Klnilh, cotton haa Its rrieiid
here frh'nda nt onco experienced and power
tul Thotnn from time to thno maki themeha felt,
tttxctnll) in a market like thK where there Is a
mnnifrat tomJi nc to overfill the new crop month.
This crop however, was notahi strong on trio buliliti
UtltUai poaltim, and ludllah suvpurt as nell ai
covering nf ahoitt. Corpus ttirlatl and Abilene, lex.,
iiiaj nport hla rainfalls, but theso are not section-
whero tho biggest cropi of Teiaa cotton nro pro
ritifoil. Theweit south went, and north weit sections
of Texas Bt til net d a pood d al of rain. Atone time
there was considerable soiling here to-day by hcl
an 1 Wtstirn op-rntors but August recovered .ery
rapldl, owliiR to te brllef that leading notion
tmrchanta here nre "till Intcrc-tnl in August and
will (nit prices up with a rush If circumstances nro
Con-up t tm M CtoiM unchanged to 0 potnts
lower, uctobi r advanced fi points. Thondlngwas
quiet. aftr aalcs of 7 OJO b-. Havre clttied ;f. to
Hf, lowi r, Hamiiurg advanced 't prg. on June other
months wiro unehaiiffed to pig lower. Amerhau
wnnhoimo deliver. ei jritenluy, 14 0i0 making 4S 010
In rourdos Itlo wns dull at loo relt tteclltie, ro
crlits.t.ono, stuck lint n no Klo txchango UHtnl.
Santo) vtik quint at .fOO rels decline, ret ctpts 1 out),
sto k W4 uoo. ltloon ihe ipot was dull nnd rteaty.
No 7 iMc Salt i 1 ooo btntto arrive at l.lUc. and
I.Hi'o bmraMaractibuon p t. Tho future trading was
rs fo'lows
Wife. lHnhett. Irttnft. Cnifnff
Jill. . .. l.UUJ II M.I ) IO ll(MVillil3
Auguit . iooo ina ii o uu'.iin.io
(eptembcr. jnou Itttn luts lOtiSrfloTo
Cktoier . Mjo lo ao in. to iu no slu .n
Detember . l.'OO lu It) HU3 1UU5uI(iU
TotuT Fr-tTiiif A brisk spot demnnd wa ro
ported nn I this fact, tncther with Inrgi wareheiiie
di'llvirlti making a total for four tla.sor tl Is we-Ic
of 41 Ouo ba;s tnd a m rt or les. tttitnln n? fleet on
ti mnrket, thoiiBT, ther whi nothlnt tlmulnt tiff lu
tho tables thi rurojeiii mnrkru in fact b lnge.i-.hr
an I th ifittju-j u nntot Mrgt r while both H o and
bant" 'iftpnutKS rip rttd low.rpncia TI e strorg
tut ! il o4tlni tendi to boltt.r up the near
menus Lc-i.tmt propei ts of bhc crop Just a ter
tain ha 1 1 a tt iidom) to deprifi- the distant n outlit
In tl r i -in ttm howeier, the speculation iou
t'r'Hi" fii'r'ijieh dull Cotton nnl grain aitrnt a
lootditii i f (attention tho speuilnthe trntmrfon)
or ths e xntmvilltie. ntmst ieryilA nre large, but
the i fT si tn Mlntlou I n nn n lirop in the bin kct of
N w nrii cpoi ttlatlvo butnmi Out hitlers hau
ttn so si rnrci) bltttn lu the lotlee i-p culatfon in
tl e t it lb at tlm j are not fifthluKftran) morobltta
J 11 t I.OW
H ' t Was stcvl) nnl oul fn'rly actbo SVei
10 0 o lib s. fxports tUtK bbls and " Oun juks
lUi.ipts ASId t.oKnud 7.1U4 satka. Winter wheat
Irnndiln hbl were nuouM as follows buotrfltie,
81 J iSif 33, Mi v extra 42 UhlW AA, So ) extra,
?.Miia5t i. cltnr fek' mU) I ' t might SJ 40&
4100 patent Sk4P!4 cii mills for Ueit Indies 4
t.KlW hi at dt lined He to 4je., but reeovcrid
tiil atir. i hii ac nv.elvtd ..VuO bush, against
P V"h last year. loUdn i 1.4, ngulnst 70 C 14 M
I itul 7 OOu airiltMt A 000 letroit 1 POO ngalatt
1 o Duluth IV'i) On" ncalnst 67T15 Mlnneapoili
14h M0. ftgilnit 01 U40 MllnuWt-e m noo again. t
nt Tuti C tih ago to cars aiaint SO Duluth. 2"'t
H:nli.'st4l and Mlnm npotls HI against h? lat ye ir,
t ot sile loooobusn No i Mtlttaukco on p t for
,ort So J re 1 ii ovprJuivf n. It nfloat. No.
1 hnrd pnng AWc oer July fob, afloat Na X
Nortiiern spring Siw ork, vc. oir July f. o b.
nttott, no Duiuth. ,10. ovtr oa 1-uture ialt.i o,
60 'joo buili , a follows
Ojvntno IHohrgt. Jovttt. Cl'iny, .tyf
June . ttt o4s, 04H . f34H 04W
July tuu 4 13 16 rt-j is 18 044 ni
Sepumter. m iUH 03 4 u
liLLinUr H H0H ti'i- HSU "5U
Corn odancrd ic Sp firmer Spot sales 33 000
bus i So ie for export. No u mixed :uv. store.
So 2 nhltp Mtf-v? dull vert d to arrive ungradtd,
J.4;t dvliirel, iovtihItM 3 to. tn elevator, future
salr JO.uut) buth , as fo lows.
naming Wjtst IxiuyjI" Clwlng toht
Jun B(S as)4
Juiy MM, M- 34Vt 4la J
scptemter I't f'4 J5 3Vi J5
i ats w ere n tmi t sta Iv Sjot Ilrtn Spot sa'es 2-'l
luK buh , tn.luliiir 1 A oou for exiort. f f No. J
whlV illlp'it 1I0II0U on p t niiil W.OW So J
mixed at 3C fob. alluat. So. 0 mtxt 1 :8 i
V.' c Ineleiat r So lh U No 8 white 2i i
4141 o J do mijc In evitor and iMr. um
llvfrel; unkrdril whtt tili'c unpralel mixed,
i 4,-IvC. i-uture salts lu uuu bus.i , a follows 1
Olfntng, Highest )trt. CiWOiLj, .NiLTf,
Junn 11 J
ju') .."t dm
Ti. 1 Fi-Tt mj-W at Iliitluatlons qulefd
duMti The moiviiitiit wa nlttiln n muvh tmall r
or' I 1 he 1 1 rt Inier st tits brn t,riMti ndticel
and a wlUe Mu, of i,uolMion riakci & giHl many
jviiple rirrtotn atout taKiug hold m tn ong stJn
nv m rt th in tlm Hhort tdt. rtie cables wire dl it
iMrfiiUtik the NoritAwistrr 1 retelpts w eri liberal.
tferewtr notlearuiKvA-from .Sew urk ttiewiHtner
In trance was better and rlour at Mtuneai oil was
ruiuitil l.V a bbi fhe northwestern rtvclpta were
471 car against 475 it wek Mko and ltrt last er
I in riiKl dfciliif l W t Ilerlln wi on! stea ly Ant
werp wjs dull an I i rl fell on wheat nn 1 ao to
40tentinits on flour The srnboard clearanies wero
otil) s'4 11 mi. though thU ti not m III an exhibit
lOihlinug tlte la t tl at Sew or ma te uo toutrlbu
1 on tu 11 ihe trouble .ns. as stat. d b " tiarti nu
I i vto. J rt on 1 ha t In mln 1 the 1 xperlenctw of
Ihursiluv unl n iuk . o ne 1 in Und to risk that
-ort of 11 u tuutlon '-1-orelgurrs toil in Sew nrk
Tiie result w at a decline thuuii the oe4.11ue wa oniv
r ruction it Krt 1 riiiore, it n after ward recoren tf,
for s 1 1 v of tho cfvv mi t ul ltt The shoru like tho
bun. ha. 1 rutlved f.vtre punishment or latrtAnd
11 t ( over on tho Fllgniev a urm The Kectut.k ton
I tioi hn full n 1 i po nti wjilitn a month. I rlvattt
ltt liana repfrts are la I so bau that a rtport was clr
culated tie-dav that Mr Ll'in and Mr Cudahv mre
btiviDga.aln ou the ttr mrthof them Tn lllnne
ap dls -unit. It I state l l 1 sdow a rnllln? off lor tnn
w en of iTt'j nOo btiit 1 Snrth extern elevator teoplo
aAtrt that tneerup n that tltm nas deteriorate 1.1
V irrit wltt in tin ila)a It U am claimed bv the
Northwtst that tin Mlnueallt tlour salei this w-ek
have rth heil eoo Ooo 10 1 oO 1 ti mj I bli., thoiif-h tt
sounds rnCier stranrff for te s rth" ( st to announce
In the nhif tireath In At hour prh 1 1 have been retimed
IV a t hi tjjerators ii-ar n nult ulalln nf Jul) at
t hi ago ui 1 in ar driptltig that mouth aim ket
t ng into vepttuitr .it.ago ha unl) 4 u into
busn lu r- dar wjn housi 4 nit of n total stu. k of
I 1 000 1 00 In sn of t-untrnet rale letjrt Amour,
Nit trns f 11 1 Weireconrr tiling me rst Tn early
d i!n h' re va r 1 overed bM n tbe Cios" and tt e
la-t prices of the la) tin a ont the stme ant tn
il nt )Mtit rduv 1.1 rn wnaMtg itty higher Aver o 1
waisteat. I h ri e'pts nt t tiUugo m ere firjtirs
the entiuiiite f r to riioirntv is tl, iatH wtr raitu r
stinllrr with Urgtr 1 xiort d 1 lan 1 Th Chtrngo
rtcelpt. win .fViiars to it orrow iuu are expected
AnorJIng lo iinhfNfi t, exports of wheat 1 flour
lnrluWi a wrtiti Trim Wtt 1 coim of tho t nlltd
-titt this wet k ainmint to v w2f 00n bush against
3 , fj oun 1 Uh Irtst vt . k I Tejl 00 1 uh In the wevk
oii)rarn o j.iini) bt s 1 lu the wektwuears
ogo and M 'it tj 10 buli t!irt )enrHOrro
Nai rT e Jiuiiuud ma tv
1tk Lrt m l ru le 1 ertlflcate'iuuoted at It 1 hero
Intrtl (ttv (WD and el.l (i"lnl 1h. luilnel
nuuitd at d Hoc hern an t ti i' In I hlUdi If hla nupn
tni 7 iii.
J'ki vimisi-I nrd dull and firm July 4 M) l'ork
sti u y nud tu fair d'liiuud Iio 17 7" tSi 76
liresntd hius 1 nehanrtd Tallow .li Cinngo,
J I lie .J stronger ho; market orjcnid J rot Winn)
at a filr advaii'e with mum bujlng for nulldi rn.
cc inland b-cai ahorts I'acker o 0 (retlv at thu I111
provenittit ami a Urge lo M tra ler was nlsu wiling.
nil 1 thliaue Ipf't'dto llle UiK to a II I tie below
yi 4tcrdiy s t losing tin niatKut n sting rjulet All'
tral run of hos ltij.uuo is 1 xi ttied next vei k an 1
this had a b nrUh fff rt. lie raih dtmnnd (or
meats was Jim atimit nt It ha lie n of
lut I iitler Hifeipts toin, 4 ftwl pkts ,
lust six diivs IU) oil pretlou six ilun 55ll.
fnntiun. Sistnn thlr ! to extras ll(lcVl&e,
Htute and 1' uut)lv3nla do II lc ht it ilalr,
half flrkln tubs seenn Is to extras II H" Chuie
Itmll ts toilft). alio pkks la-t six ilnya J't hvM,
rivlous nix dn$ 477 tate fulltriam lare,
l ored, falrto tutif ) "tii'He do. whlti Mptfts4i ,
i-mali, iiiornl fain 1 iniill white tommou to
faio,.V,7i 1 IT Kenlj ts Kula), D i7tl 1 isi n Intt
sU iiajn MM 7 ii t revio is Mx il its VI 4 !. filnti,
I'rnnot Ivinla and Man land outitr) marks fainy,
lVlsV northtrnti lo indlnn'1 HunoU and M iht
gati fine), U'c otht r N cst4 rn, fair to faru),!!
t c -
si (.tit Haw dull nnd uwhangel. Ileflmd 1 inc.
Joiv r nud iiub t
CntCAf.o, lune These wire todaj aprlcn
Wheat Opening Wohet Iiuet C luting lght,
July 07'1 fitly T7 fiTU, J;Sh
ejit f tj.11 'viTs fjn ONVj
Inly'" . 2T H 21H 27W 74
h It ... n '-i'H ."'. k"H iiJa
J lib ' "H .7ii I77tj I7'4 17J6
s.i.t . l)l lf 17-i I7'i, 172
Ju i .... 4 J7 4 27 4,17 4 17 4 2i
tM.lt . 4 40 4 4 J 4 J !-' 4 .iJ
Jul I . Mil, JU7 3 BS-i 3S7
StpT I 07 4 IU 4 0U 4 IU 4 0'sJ
,iuiy' : J7 v ij e? 11 67 n 7 a
foepi ,. , 7 15 7 30 7. Hi 7 J4 7.17
11 ve IStoeU lurltet. "
Nrw Vm k Irlda), Juno lUniptu of beeves
wi rt I '.tin I" ad o Lars tiiln t x ort it l.arbdlrnt
lo loiul nluUhhb m rs, ami .11 tar for the murki t, 40
taisun palo all tuM. Murki t low ul stead) prlieti
fir etiers nud nt a iletllm of luc V H'M.n on
j fit'tili bull hi r h nut It Ii rt ' t urn tv t re umold at tho
1 om I'm r st o 1 1 it nntite un em sohi at $ 1 :$
(I. to 1'miIIm in luiMih Mihr m it SO (91 4,0,
oxen and s .). al ;S ui) vol l. bults at Zi m0 , 1 Ij,
liiv'iu I lit or lihiilu rt ( l 110 nt 1 ti ift I J't di) lottM
st J 1 10 t.it j (trittMid ui1 fsuivmri in t,
lor poor to j riiin iiMlte shbs ( abb - from trrat
luiiaui quoi 1 uuri an htitis ut hli iliK r is
Jnw 1 ttiiidil ami ri an leir geraltd 1 i I at 7iai-t
t 11 Afntrinil iH et p ut IO'-vulH( f It drtrtsnl
weight rxptiri in da) .looiio.t. to morrow. l,J4
In 11 J 1 7 ellti p nil 1 -M1m (Uarttri ot l e t,
Ktitlpts of luitt 11II for the market wero 405
1 fn I irudlmt ai tit v at a sharp adtni to of 'vt V K,
llu pi iu hi ri il aied enrl) lo r to prliun t al
hi hi at $'i,-iri-4, p 1011 rs liutb rinllK talvts jit
hJ tio iMt hhi inlvc hUhtr, t II) drtrsed vt iU 'm
i I' v
iiniipl. of shetp nnd tamos, u for tho market.
wtre'Uihint hlK inrs on alu nil told Muiktt
tr ilul hi n p Vp v ii lotttr kio I to t ion o
la.ii v. ire n sin til 1 rait Ion lowir while tin nmUr
Kiu ten tvi ro ulincmt ImposolUh to sell evil) ut fnibtr
urn isnioioi trout jt t nlii) m tluri s Itntai tteru
tariud nir J'oor t prime aluip fohi ut 9' b it
tn 4't t U'U P N. i-o t m ) 1 lothoito lumhi ut (J.UVV4
tS ',4U liistd mutton, Atiu V tt,ilitsstd lomua,
in 1 f
Jliei tptsof liofjwi th iiH held, lurludlrff .1 hend
tUMle Weik at $1 Vib4 t' ion n w lor lull nor to
Ki oil Siat los.
If. en I Katnte Trunarcri.
WUIist.n , 17jw tllflonav, SJxlOO, Win
atu tut. 1 as Wnhilg and utio $1
Intervale av.c , i;o 7s helly st Lot ng lots.),
4,& an 10, block I7J, map 1-ox estate, brld
get Walsh lo Win H Wilson 1
Jjeii kt s, ISO w Home at tclosei). I0ux
lUOt AUiahaiu Uodo aud Isaac .Undo and
-V - tj J--?., n. rfii -1 11111
wife tolfarr MoVally t
Its I&3 ami 104, map section A. Vyse cs
late Wtd Ward Land Improvement Co to
otven KHnnrettj . , . 100
Columbia av, n w cor Jackson ar, Kftx80, n w
t olumblne and Jefferson a vs. box 1 0J, and n
sOauibst, Vol vt Washington av. oUxm.Uj
I Hen Donohue and htisod to Joseph A Bean .
Ion ,, . ...
Morris av.w Ifto n IH Id st.&ftzlUbdi Philip
Trennor to I ouls Welsso, jr l.wO
Wavcnev place.n e s. lot 110, mP or i-alr
mount upper Mnrrlsanlat James K Callnu
nnd wife, to Win F. llrnnkrr , .. 1
Crotona ar, ws 00 n Lebanon nt, VOxluO;
Jo in J Hyau nnd wife to Jeremiah Ityan 1
14th st a s(U04 o Av K. tffixtOO, Unlonporl;
John A Urlscoll and wife to Jlnrgarot V,
efTro). ...... ., , , ,. . . 1
lath st nnd At a, n wcor. tfoaxiut. Union
tHjrt; Anna Kl.yon to John T lairkln ... . 1.000
l.tti st s a, lot m map of Unlonport.
Amanda M Weaver ct al to Mary M llick . ,
ford . . .. . .... 1
Attornoy st. 17; Esther Many to Worrli
Weiss . , , 1
OoerLk st, 112; Solomon Oluck toHlgiuund ....
rrommer 1,000
Uthnt.os. 74.1 n flTth st, 124 Mx 1 00; Chris
HtlnatvchwcltBertoUiulsHtets .... 1
Bouievar 1, w a. n4 u n 07th st, VrUxlOft nx3
xllh Martha F.Magle to Thomas F Ward.. 117,300
wistrnlav, n 0 cor hist st, 102.2XH7&;
John K Weid to Walworth Ward 1
kW 3U Writ' KIU l,IKrliln to A U
Hit ersldc Drive, Vl V A. IJ Knight and wife to
, Kllta 311'olgram 1
Madison av, e s. V2.H s 74th U 80xB0; Krlo
m I" aevennontoFllTItithman
64th st, n a loo e 8d av. ooxlOOS, Marcus
. OppenhelmeretaltoUraiaielnbrg 1
B5th at. ns U0 e 4th av, lh.UxI0(ifi: Kmmy
vonkittliiKcllKcnetoUustav Heoi 1
AOth st. n a. 70 w IcxlDgum av, KOxlOOO;
samotosaniQ 1
lstav, seoor 03d st. 26 AxHl.a: Thomas K
Drown, Jr, to Urtdgeport HteamboatCo 7,600
87th st. 101 I asti Deruhard Freund and wife
tol-dwa T Itutau andano , ... 1
3d st w a, lots 774 and 776, map villas of
Wakeflcldi Uagdalena Odell toWmtJMo-
Fhecters 600
lad st. m, HO w I'leatunt av, 83x60 61 Wins
low V, liurby ana wife. 10 Valentyne a-
worska , ,. I
Av A and 4th it, o cor bolng Iota 1 JO to 142.
tnnpof Vrospect Hill estate. Ford ham Wm
H sxme and ano oxers, Ac. of S M .Curdy, to
COttborne Smith B8
Same proiterty. Win II b parks, adrar. Ac.
of Mary Parish, dtxeaied, toaamo . ... 100
Intcrvalo av. o s, I vn a s luMhet, 26x100;
Uenla Murray to Julia Murrav 760
Bet on av, e s, 100 n Jefferiouav, 26x100;
I and (.0 or rdeuwuld to Mary IlutT 400
Fox at. w s .104 a 107th fit, exioo. Intervals
av.es. IH Ss lmehst, litxlUO, Intervale
av,t hn,6s IhAthst. S6xl00l Tiffany st.
en 160 n leOth st, 60x100, tor st, w s. 3(r
n IriMhtT, L'6xl00i Jaraea Murray to Julia
Murriv . . 6000
Pine f.t, kw a, 74 7 a e rrnntst, 18x41 4x17 tl
X41 6, 1-rederlek titurgis as ex or to Freder
I k bturijea et al 10,100
Cliff st 07, Mary E Ilrlnckorhoff to W U
llo.plo , .... 100
Catharine t 11 and 55 Henry do F Baldwin,
referee, to Emily Oluff .... ... 80,030
Madison ut, s wcor tOiMst, 100 11x70, Holt in
M Morgan, rtferee, to Abraham Cohen et al 40,(100
Irtlngtou nv, o s, H4 3 n lOnthst, UkrJxG5:
DinielHnvden to Kdwd C Prencott , 12,000
lMUd vt ni lUAeSth av, 26xViv)ll, Louis C
Luhra to Moses Straus I
4th av, a o ror UHtU st, lOuxoti. J Carlylo Hay
mondand wifeto(4arrtt Droler 60 000
iVid-t ss. 27 e 21 ar 86x114.3. Augusta
ibrkeu to John derken , . .... I
117th st n .. 310 e Lenoxav, 75xl0u 11;
rrank TDalatoThos J Heir 1
1 tilth sf, 11 s JOd tt d 7 tii av, io,f.xuu 1 1 . John
II Lelth et al to Henru tta L Aherlon 10
lOMIi st ua 74 11 w Amsterdam av. 8Sx
7,'j it I-dwd J U Tamsen. sheriff, to Susan
lu tin , 1 SbO
Sonw prop Maria L Wlnterson to aame 10 000
St Mi Indus nv ws (Q 1 1 11 laM st. 40x7! 4x
Irreg, lb nison PChesobroot al to Edward
Wllikens .. 1
13th st ss lot Hi map Unlonport Theo
W 1 aver and wire tu Mury M Hlckford 1
Same prop, Wm P lowie to same . .. 1
Fulton t wa, duo n Elliabetn st. 50x100.
Patrlt k KlUy and ano to A 1 ns J Prltchard. 1,328
2dav.n ws K4J s 5th st Ux.00, and d av,
s w cor 3th st 24 ix Irreg, Michael J Cohal
lan to I-tlzabeth Ilcllman . 1
Fulton st. w a, iMn 1 mabeth it. flOx 1 00, Ful
ton it, ws, luon Hlzabethst. 50x100, Ma
tildas: es, 150 n tllratieth at, AOxlOO Ma
tilda st. e s 250 n riirabeth st, 50x100;
t alharlnest. w a. 150 ni llrabetbst 50X100.
Marlon st, e s, 100 n Flltabeth st. .10x100;
I at rick Kite) ami ano to James V Lawrence 1
Astlcy. Edwin, to American Cop Savings
an 1 Loau ssu. a s Poplar st, B37 0 e forest
st lustalls .. 91,300
Hartlett Fmma U an 1 Homer N to Kath
arine M I et , 2J0 W U2d st I yr . .. 1000
Illncha n WmHcJaniei and wives to Jud
son s Todd 3 w cor St Nicholas av and luVd
st, demand . 3,000
Dlauvelt John M. aud utfe to U M Miller,
trus l-lli M crelghton w 9 Crotona av, .'5
II lehanou st. ayrs 2 300
dimming. Win Jr and Hob rt rerrtuson and
wivt.i 10 Morris I ittman. t s Amsterdam av,
73n 10dthst.5 )rs 2 mtgs 40000
Bime to amc same prop mtgs 1 yr . 2,000
Loiter, John an 1 wtft to Ferdinand Forscb,
ti w or Union av and ISd st, dtmand .. 6 000
Ionohue. Thoma andwifato thermlgraot
Indus savliank 11 West loth st 1 yr . 2,000
Preln r tiarret to J Carlyle Haymond.se
tor 4th avan I UMh st 1 yr 7 500
1-etuterg Israels to Mircus and Ilabetta Op
fciih Tmcr u s 5th it 100 i Sd av h nios 13 500
uf tinliy, tothe l Sllfe Ins Co 5J and 63
Catharine st t yrs .. 20 000
Gallagher. Wm W, to Lewis I)ach. ss70lh
st ?tH e 1st av. demand .. . 4,000
Hooi te WmO and wife tn Mary L Urincaer-
tioff . vv cor Ferrr an t Cliff st 3 yr . . 20 000
Uanntty, uwen F to Orlando V IluiUr tros.
lot l."4 map tvecUon A. yso estate. J yrs 3 000
s&mo to saint . lot 138, sam map, 3 yrs. 3 QtO
Sanu to 1 wenty third Ward lruprovrruent
Co, lots 13 1 154, same map, I yr, mWi 1 250
Hunt Michael. 10 Harry fc. Stamm. a s Hank
sc 1 ) w Orrenwlcn t, aud s s 44ih st. loo
e Slav, 1 yr .. . 350
Lask lou's to Istdor Kaufman A Co, slrt
ha-t ftfth st 1 yr . 1,000
Meyer John to Tltl- Guarantee and Trust
to. K Sullivan st 1 yr 6 000
MiOovcrn, Janus H l Amy May. 1,124 3d
av, bane 3 years . 2,000
il. Sally Mar) to Abraham and Isaac LIndo.
t 1 tJMii it, 130 w Flnme av, Invtills 7000
Oinsied Ole. to American Co op savings and
loan Asa n. ss Poplar st, 102 4 e Forest it,
Insulls . ... 1 600
Porter Frances E bt harah A Floy s e ct r
Urand av and Fvrlyn t yrs 4 300
Hula 11. Llward T, and Jihn II Corrbzan to
Hrruhardand Max treuno l,H ana 1 3ut
Lexington av and 151 i nlth st. 1 yr .. . SO 000
Pt.rrlh Heuy to Wife muiUwrx n a Ul
vision sr ht tl wCbrystle st tostalli . 1200
Hutan hdvrar 1 1". und Juoll t orncttu to Hern
hard an 1 Max rreuul n e our Islington
av and r-i7th st 1 yr 84 000
heutftii ( hanesfi to Judson b Todd, n s OUt
st 171o West Vndav I yr 27,500
Stevane lterl and wife to John hiemme,
114 MadlAonst. 3 yrs 0,000
hchma iiti uberger rrann. to John L Jordan
n e iMth st lot 501 ruitpt Hay lease 2)ra 6 000
Suwart Miry J anllhio I. to took. Kohler
A 1 o 4 it L 5tn st 4 month 700
blnshlmt r, I eo;o d, anl wile to tho Manhat
tan 1viiik Hank, u 0tci st, 175 e filfi av,
5 yrs . 80 000
htruis Moses and wife to Mortimer Smith.
liiliJ.t. l.f"ittiiv 5)rs . 11,000
The h Catholic Prote tort to the Fmlgraut
In In Sav ten Hunk 10a 1 past the j arson ge
tn W ei 1 histcr vilWgo ni Intersection with
road ba ltng from West l-unns to same and
nthirirnp. 1 r 100,000
We ism, Louis Jr, toTeaehem toop Mdg
I oau isn, w a iiorrl av 150 n l1 I1 st lu
Stalin 2,040
Winigmann, 1 rnest, and vtif to TItnduru
P.oelirs Webterav seiorlTlthKt i v r fl 000
Stme toaiint, w s Webter av 400 4 Ii 1 TWttl
st lyrs 4 000
Kra 1 aulusi to (.. his Kraft 4i 7th st. I r 50J
Warren Kila I. to J Carl)!' Huymoud, 137
HeKt iHdst, I vr 4 000
Rukirlniteu, Didrlk, aud Andrew learn n to
lrt w A Hoofer, it sWest hud av TM-sn
v ith st demand 1 200
outiKs tifurge h and wife 10 Louisa J Mor
hun n s lr-2 1 at, .fuO e 1 Ith iv 2 nuis 1,200
awornka alriit)na to 1 Hutldlnir Iui
1'aukliisfCo sa 1221 st, 50 w Pleasant nv,
InitalU 5,780
Ward, Walworth, and wire tu the Mi tropoll
l mi Ife Ins Co, n et or West Fml av auuplst
st 2 ri 3n3 000
Same to Jai 1) Puti,antv same prop 1 moi H5 000
Wi Inter, barib W toJoiptitt Webster, 12U
I Hst.'.nihst r 1,000
ouug KateH to Jcscpli 1 rut , Jr.se cor
li)tkmau st uud V st l yr BOO
rFoonnrn 1 i'fM
bel Margaret, to Iur Do Killppo 2,211 lit
i.v, ", yri 91 030
Us utr Anthony to Mnry Stawurtz, 430
WestiVjthst dyrs . . 1,020
MUhaels. rtauiiiel, to A J Cohin, v6 Clinton
st J yrs . 500
Mb hails Henry to MUha-d Ctirley an 1 ano,
14i .4St H'lh at, 4 10 U yra H40
Jovts'iof, Ilirmaii, to Full Wagner, 431 7th
uv.Jjrs ... . 1.800
onrt Culrndur Xhla Utay,
Supremo Court SpetlU Term Part II Ex parte
matters Part , Ifayen agt.Krrr, at 10 ,ju a M.
Surrogate' Court Chambers No day calendar,
For initiate Will of Phlllpp 1 lacbi r at ID. 10
Jlij Court Special Term -M0..0118
Appellate Dlrlalon DeolMon.
Aiirinie Cijurf, Hrtt PetMirfirent,
Frank A. Hn I oup 1 1 al ait De I ong Hook and Fyo
Com, an) -In the mutt r nr tho uni ceding lopuuUtt
tMiar Vv Long for toiiteinit of 1 ourL urder re
verstd with 310 costs and dUhuri iru'iils, and too
motion denlett with tt tosta. tio iitous by ullrltu
and Patterson JJ (Patterson, J , dlssi utiugi
Maurice ernlerand Paul (upout. ruspondents aL
Pt rtltal Kniutnet al, appttUnta- Judgment entered
upon tit' n port n refine afllrnnd with tosta to
plaintiff., and order denyltir, moilon for new trial
revt rsul.aud thn motion sent bai k to the Speqlul
T rm for ht nrlng with tints to dnfen lants to al Ide
thu risult of the unalluarlngnf theinotinn
In the inaltoi nfihewnl of Janus M Conner De
tree anirmod wlih sep irate bills nf cnst- to the re
upon bins to be pah by thenpi emuts perionuliv,
rimothy loorli,uppeliaut agt. Mary tit.orman re
slum but- Jndifiiu u l ind or ler a ft in nod with coots
JnnnU Urnw n et al npieilants, agt, Cintml Sa
tionul Hank tt ul, nspoii J-iit- JtidKiuutt affirmed
with i osts
William H Hamilton at assignee, respondent, net.
Joshua b Pua, npptdiaiit Jiiilgtneiit ulllrmei with
Nulhaultl L MeCn a I), respondent diU Vetropo)
Itau 1 h tuttd hallway (oininny et al, nppi liania -lu
Igmentmo fitted b) ndutlm; io'Mamar't 1 t uno,
rental d image to 3700 nn 1 1 xtra ulluvwuiin to rHJ1,
endasiuoilJiiiu alllrmi d wllhout its
t I .mite 51 Wtskoit t nl, atipelltut. not Nathallo
y Htynaltl al r spondt iibi-t mer aflirmtd with
aio t osunud dlsiiurst mints
In the matter of tho a-signmt nt of Morris Ginsberg
-order 11 odllled by strWIng mil the wtirla sm ii
rart or Die ttuti or Its proct ids 01 may b necessai
tosallt y the protlttlom. of tbe judguuntof (hiu
prime Court lathe iiimi aiove nn nlloned,' nud b)
insfrlliig in l mi then or tne worls 'so much t.s 10
shall u 1 unity hate paid at ihoilm 1 if the oicoiuitln,
lo satisfy tue judgmmi or the suptrmr court lu tho
casts nl ove iiientbnid ' and au uiotiiiirU aftlnuud
without tnit. No opinion
In the matter or trillion of Thou as J, I Mich-Order
nrurmtd with tfiOioits aud dlsburKuiunt,
JntobHlmtiMd, wulug no his ow it U'lialf, lc np
puiaiit agu lawreuco J Flfigeiald etui, ropoml
enth order afllrmed with tlU iit d disburse
in uts
T e same agt p.onald T. McDonald et al-Order
aflirmod with 110 mats wndalsiturktiuenta.
r Augustus b. Van W idle et al. apptllauis, sgt. Clara
H. lhwou, respon lent Order ruvereil with 910 costs
and dlsbursemeuts und motion for loav to servo
Miulul ftouoliUiit sTsTftntsSil iu u naxinanl iur tba
flnlnllfra nf tio coit of motion and all costs of ths
acilim sttir notice nf trial.
Davhi iiMr,,!, nihil ant, ant Philip J. Dwyer. re-
potilint Urder urnrmisi vtiti (lu colts and ills
biiroint ins
III tiiemnttirnf Katn Iucly. ileeeased-Appllcatlnn
(tlsiiiltseil IlieoiP lestlon snoiililtMmsdeal Special
l-ilnar.IV liw. ndm nlstrator, c, ail. Bebaitlnn
Clirist J-otlnii iKnleil . . , .
Hatrlit u-ninil, r-sioidjnt. act TnrSoii Trlntlnir.
Coniiaiit Ac, MntlMti ilehiiil
In tli mutter nt Annilne Iliitipaner Motion ilenleit
Hie Itite Iru tCoinptnv agt. tho Caalnn Company
ami the tnirlein Mtihini;.. National Hank su no
.AtlnnCiiMitmil)Appllcnt on ttelll. il.
llinmnsN Hitter nt J lines ItorKelIotlon ilenleil
M r ran turner I'mnpant not Itoliert II ivennr at
at- Mot.iiii 1I1 11I1 it ttpnii pn)tneni ni SHI anil costs.
In the tnntlnr of lioiiert .1 Dillon, deeoas d Motion
craith il ttit't ftlutntts
In the ninth r of toe e tut t of 1 nsene I'elcrson, le
ctnul Moilon t.rmt.'il with 9t0i'iits
Tin poop e, Ac nil. Dar.tis rohblm -Motion grant
ol "1in ll)in,t.
i'euplu ox rel I atvvera' fluret Company aat. I
Idear Antlnnv Motion crinti il with llucoits.
lvter llrter set Catherine 1'oerstrr, odmlnlttratrlv
Mot on ilenleil
Uiuls Han ngt. Tho-nns Wa'soti -Motion granted
with f 10 costs.
Health Vroteetlve Wamfn on Kl.b ClonnlnB.
The Women's Health I'rolertlto Association
of Rrnoklyn, which has ilono sn much to reform
the. habitant that city, jcstonlay wound up ltn
buslnoss for the sotsor. Thoro wasn lit oly dis
cussion over thu pructlco nf cleaning fish In tho
street, nnd a committee ttns appointed to wait
on the Health Commissioner and nee If tho
nuisance could not bo abated Those havo been
elected officers of tlio nssoclntlou for tho ensuing-year:
Mr.i. .Imnos Hcrlmitcour, President;
Mrs. A. .1. Perry, Vice-President: Mrs. Oitdvn
E. Parker, Hetnnllng eetretnry: Mrs Jcro
Johnson. Jr.. Corresponding Secrctarj ; Mrs. A.
II. Wacncr, Trcasurur.
Central Pacific Railroad Co.
Office of the Central Pacific Railroad Co,.
M-W VOItlC. JuneZ, 1800,
This Company has made arranementa to extend lta
f.)3H3noo First Mortgage Ponds, maturing July 1,
lSUil, so that the Principal thereof shall become paya.
bio In ltjrarsfrnm that date, viz.: On January 1,
I0, with Interest meanwhile payab'e scrl uuu-lly
Januiry land Jul) 1, at the rate of n per cent, per
annum, Prlmlpal and InUrest pa) able In Unlttd
States Oold Coin.
Tho right Is reserved tn rederm the llondssoex
tended at an) time on ptylwj to the landholders tho
par or face v due of the Uonds nnd Interest thereon at
the rnte of 0 per cent ptr at num from July 1st, IhOri,
In Unite 1 States gol l en n, less such Interest a trued
subsiuent to that date ns ma have been paid there
on tefore such redt mpllon thereof
Tho right or the liondho'ders to avail themselves of
such extension hits ix u n served to such holders as
ritlOK TO .II Ni: JIOTII, inoO. shall depislt
tholr Tonda Tor that purpose with MESS II M.
KlKYi:iC A 4, Nesv InrU, or with
don, or MIX. I.A. hPEVKIl ELMSSr.N,
Frankfort ou Mittn, or MIMKS. Ti.lXIll.
The extended Ponds will bo etamped to show the
extension anl new Coupon Shtetswlll bo annexed,
rtprtsentlng tuture Interest
Copies of the Fxtenslon Agreement can bo obtained
at the Compan) 's Oflke and at the office of tho Hank
ers ftbove mi u tinned
Tho present extens on W male to the date of ma
turity of the latest miturltif Central Pacific First
Mortgage Hon Is on or b. fore which dale tho Com
pany expects to arrange along exteuslon of the entire
1 lrst Mortgage Issue.
C. P. llUATINOTON, Icc-PreHdenL
Bondholders dcs'rini: to avail
thonusehes of tho privilege of ex
tension referred to in tho lorejjoin
notice., aicadvisod that, upon pres
entation at our ollice on or before
Juno 20th, lvS.W. thoir Bonds will
bo stamped aud nen Coup m Sheets
nflixod, ireo of cha:e.
speyer & CO.,
NFW yiiHK. March 21. 1808
Tne undrr-tjtn 1 th Trinte.. nrulir the ninrlcaite
executed to tli.. lot INVII.I.I: M toll.
itateMarcbl.l-TT uprnthel II II.IAltltVM !I.
lirlns the hratKh lallrnad o the l.lt'l--ll I.r.
I'tni'i t ii ami xii r rn w r.si 1:11 n it hi..
ll All I OM1-A.N 1 ,el.n llni: from I i: II.IA
KTtTION to I.Ot'lxVII.I.r. In the stun. ..f
Kentm ky. nerrli) Kite, n.itke 1'iat th" ali1 I.ttriS.
vn.i.r. nni smii n.i.t: it m.ito n
( IIMP.t. Y, puraiiant loSeeitnnelRhf In th. .aid
mortgage prorl llns fur a Kinking funl ha t il 1 to
till, cnmp-int Hie ntullmnt of FIIIITT T1IOV.
h.M IXlLI. '.n-s $41iii-n duu on sinre'i I.
lxtifl. Hn 1 thut tli. iiiuIrrHUno 1 cot Lett! ihte
after effort to pun hate t.tnit for re.li mi tlon
at or N lot par tli. it 1 I oulsvlll. anl atlitlli
l'tllroa I Cornt an) on tin-he an 1 rrt i.t livthoun
OerilKDe.1 .-.Id on Ihe .' 1 1 itst of Mirv.i IxOit nt III
office In the City of New ork pro eod tu dr-.Vnnt
by lot o omit of the mi) 1 bon. s e (nil nt nr to tin
ainnnnt of mid payment i4?fortt thoii.auil doltsr. ti
drawing the .atne and that thir'hy tin follottlnif
lion Is were so leMunte 1 for pat meat t Ie
18 116 197 412 611 691 802 926
26 124 25S 462 636 712 851 9.54
69 150 289 527 652 756 884 971
101 163 401 541 67.) 759 900 978
106 165 40J 571 6.'0 780 919 983
Notlie ts herehr rTlvn that the prlnelpit of the
said abort im ntlonrd an t iiiiinl n d bonds, nnd ench
of them will bo relctmrd an l t ntd b tho under
s I C n ft ntltsofTico In tin ('lt of V ork, on the
first d tj of Sfpti ntM r, IH id and ttmt nil Interest on
the same will i ease from an I aftt r such dite.
ritUMi i:n.
for $1,283,009.84 of Three and One
half Per Cent. Gold Bond'; and Stock
ol the City of New York.
ANIl 1)1 III-Its IIOIHIM. Tltlsr II MIS tllK.
Al 1 IIllHI7r, Il SN M'T II fill I K1IS S
Tl'Hr l'XNsril MAIttll It, 1 USD. Tli INM'tr IV
riiisi noMix
sFAi.tn I'noroxM.s win in iihmvfi nv
the Ciinilitroller of thrCltJ of Sett .rk utlilHonleo,
No J-.D lima Iwit In the l Itv uf N. 't ork. until
TllrltSllAS. Tllh llll UA1 l I .H'Sh. 1HHH
at 2 III lock P M, Hill II thn will lie publlil) opened
for tlinttiioln or u part of tl i foiioitiin; tlpitrilid
onpon or lletfliti r.d llondH.inl xtnet or the t Ity of
New vrk htHrliiK ln r. it nt thri e tit.l one half icr
eint jeraniiuin pliable .1 ml filiniiallv low It
$5:4 61)9 Ul Lonto iilnlo 1 Mm k or Ihe l lit of .N'etV
orn ror n i nrlUK tho laud, known
a talut John n l euielMr) . Ill the Ninth
torl ror ute ss n inililln park Ihe
prlii Ipnl pntslili. nt I IUIIL
230 000 0U Con. (i hi ite I Sloi k or thu I II) of Nptt
ork for roimtruellnir a budne nter
ill.. Ilnilem Klti ret Third atentie. tho
rrlneiiulpavnlili'Not I, I l'l it.
2M3C9I80 Contolhhleil Mim k of the Clt) of New
ork. known ts s hooihouse Hon.li,"
th. prim Ii ul pniuliln Sot 1 111)4
H13BS0 0O Comollil ilul M11 ic or the Cltt of New
ork mi 111 tt itrouniU nnd uiiIIiIIiiith
lor the (Dili (te of the Cltt of Sett
ork, thu principal pa)iible Not. I,
The principal of and mo Inti reit on th laid II null
and Slot k are 11 Itlllilolll ffolill olll ot tilt I'llltnil xtliten
of Ami ricn, nf tho roteut stin lard of tteUnt nud
Ihn proroints il mil I bo rnelosid 111 ftsenlid en
telopi, en lor.o 1 ' riopmoln for llomli nf tin ( orpu
latl in of Ho ( IU of No t ttr 'nud tlimi 1 lielO'.i it In
asii'onil ilit.nop. nihlriHs.il lo Hi.. I oniptrn'le nf
llutCltv of Ni tt orlt 1 or full lurnruuitlon a. .. l-l
Itirord Ahlllll I 1' I IK II
tuiiipirollt r
CltjofN'ew nrk Viinueelii turtniint.Uoiiiiitrolli r s
untie Mim ix "1
IMi-irirmlt ami ilntriTot.
n.nii.iMh nll. .t hiikiii.ijvu
M v in is n
dlt Hen I n 1' H I NT I n, tlil ila) M . Il
dill 11. d III" ' II I1' ' " d -I ' . of the Cl.itil mil
l,nr..ln 1111 I t I'm Hi "" mii'iinj u 1 utile in
tin ollldi nfMmrrs IH Ir t ( 1. 11 Wall st .Set
ork on ! Hi li Ixlit In .iik'I, tol I H of re. or I nf
,11 ni- 1 W"I lll'1-.r 1 lit'-' )H I'lote nil Juno 4
.l re nan, tl. w . iiiiU. ,-,, !-,';,, ,.,.,,
tDlcrtiouo nml 31lrrtluj4.
NtnTIll lr III III Hi (IMS II111I a im 1 thu "f the
1 atix kl bli mull 1 1 "ri 11 Hormf tin Mtiiknui Hto
trh lowir i.onrui) nil. I In d ul 1 11 t iiiiii iim
onue. Nu Vt Hull 11 Ni tt rl.ilj imllie niudij
tirjuui IMil at 10 si for mi iurp aoof nrkiiina
turn and the artopib 11 nflirlnta and lor Ihe elt-t lion
of iilrt etorii an I for inn li ntln r hul irm a. niu 1 01110
before the .aid idi rUlio'd ra nnd corporators.
ELUb.lt IAUla bl. JOUN, WAlTU.N U.U11UU1.,
, C ruorattjra.
I mm (irnnd Centnt stntnin. 41 V'?t-...
8t!0 A. . -l.ui pt Sun lay. Fmplro JtMeExjire-aa
I itett train In tne world. J5to s nt Albany. IJllev
-jrttiite nnd llothestor rni- Itiirfalo r1 il- 51.
Nlari mul Ml" H Thl. train Ii limited to It.
.eailuK cnnnelty. Ma(1 fo ,,oll hKp,C.
"tio'tuV ttiea.b"racuio. Itochi iter, tlurfaro. Niagara
lillOA.'a'i'-KiteeptR.in.lay. Pay Eipro.t. Foralt
liunortitnt .New York Mate point, ....,, -A
I itiii. lll.-Iiall). Soulnweitern I Imlttsl for Co-
iiiitui tinclnnatl. Inillanapolli. nnd Rt. I.otil.
slop, nt I'otiShEeApsle, Albany, Ltlia. Syratuso.
l!JhI!1 m1-0h"I0OIiIW Special for I.elrolt.
"t.lnild.Toleilo; and flilcauo Stop, at l-ouiih
iirns'e. Albant. Schenectady, Utlta, byracuie,
a!aoV.lM.aVrSrT,8;inday We.t Point, Pongh-
ri5i',i'Cif-i,.a!.a,!?.;oret.lmlted. DueDe,
!r"t hliu A. . ChlcaBo 4 30 P.M. atop! at Al
bant titles and IjrneuHe. ,,., ,j,
OiOO I". RI. -Dalit. For Albany, Tror. Utlca Adl
rondsck Mountains Montreal. Syracuse.. Iiuffalo
Nutssra Kalla, Cle.elann. Toledo. Detroit, Olilcmro,
o', l"!' M,:-RI-)I"yl""ror Troy Haratof a. Durllngton.
1 latttbtirvn. Ht. Albana and Montreal.
1-0JO 1 p. I.-lally tor Iiuffalo. N aitara Falla.
tiereland. indlannooll.. St. I ouls. Oliioago. Btop,
ot I'.niithkeepsle. Allianr. and l Ilea
OtOO P.M. Dally. arrles a m piny car paenEor
oniv. for polnti on Fall llrook i!alln ny, la Lyons,
B prln?-l"Tly For Kraeu-. Oiweso. Water
iSwn. OKdensburit. Uuffalo. Maitara Fall; Clete
land Toledo. ClileaRO.eciptSatiirdas lor Cape vin
centum! tho Auburn road. Suudaji only (Hotel
1B11O NlBhl. Theatre train forClilcaitoand prin
cipal point, on New tork Central. eteryntht ox
cent Sunday night Sundaj idtht. (lloveriville and
1 hleaeiialti-peraleasot'n la V M. train
OiOfl A.M. tin da ia P. I.-Uallycxoept Sunday
to I'lllitleld. ialln.lnni Illusion
Oitr. A. M.-Sunday only to I'ltutlleld and the Dark
kiilrt lllln. it Harlem DMiInn
"All night" trtliil run hetwteu IBSth st.nnd points
on the 1-utnalu Dlt lian us far its oukert In connec
tion with theelovntd road The only lluo rt.nnlng
"allnlitlit trilnantit of 1 ink.
acner Palaet! (.an on all through trslna
Trains illuminated with Plntaeli light
TltkilH and Ungncr nftltei al (Irsnd Central Ma
tlon II I Ilroadway. 14 Park place mil, 4H llmad
way. 1 Kitt 14th t U4 lima In y. I". Collllnhm
n 'ill WiitlMtbit.and l.lfillut atitlon Jte .nrk:
Il'M and 7li0 1-ulton nt., and lull Ilroadnuy, 1. IU
l'iu8.-ai,e checked from hotel or resldcuco by th.
WtHtentt trek, I'ompiny. ,....,,.,.
Urneral Jlauagor. (lenoral Pasteligcr Agont.
STVTIOVS foot of Ii-ttirostp. an 1 Cortl indt streets
In err-cl Mat KI Ixlli
OHIO A. M. I XT LINK Pirlf rL'nr to Plttsnurah.
(.omiur.inent. S'rei Iuk IHnliii Smoking and 1 Hi
u r'utlon tart srrite Chltuio A tl Cleveland
1 in M . ( Hitlnnatl (1 10 A M lniilaiiato Is s uo
A M Louisville 11 50 . M.St Loull .1 1' 31.. and
Tnlilo h Illl . M.
SiOO P. M. t UH AI,OASIIhT I OflS l XPKL.SS -xli.plm.
nn I IllnlnitCurt to xr oilld I oulktrllle. nnd
l-ll-ag. Arrlee.t Imlnnatl 11) 43 A M.St. 1)UI 7
P M 1 hi. moo 11 I" SI
OlOO . M. WlxrntN E PHI SS -Sleeping and
l linn Cars to Oliieiiito nnd 1 leveian I Arrives
ll-linlll nt SI t ill. am ti p si iiextdat.
T!1.1 P. M. Sdl IH-Atxll UN rNPlttxH -SIccd-liuiiiol
Inn TcCnrktoLliicliiiiatiTiid St lnuls. Ar
rises ( III hm-itlnl' M. Indlauap il 1 10 13 P M.
M I.ill. T V SI. sunn I nmriilllk
e)tM P. SI. Pt -IFII lAPItn S Pullmin Sleeping
t ar to I'ltttnir -I Conn. c i fori hit itgo t'ally. nnd
l . ti lall I e I f.i .t . ose.pl Bst ir I 1) ....
x, h .in I in lu In inning tart II A l . I 18 10
is 11 t otur. f.ioiisl I tin . nl Pirlor and inning
tar.) t in inning ( ur) . H 1 thing Car) I M .
I J l"i nlg-lt Mill 1st. x to u in 11 A M S to
lonjrcss'onal I Im - all Parlor and Iilnlng Cars).
I to H nli.it tar '.HI ililnlnir tnr) UPSI.lSlii
hot rilMlN HUIWY.-4 'I0P SI dally Sleept-M to
Nt t orlt-up-i siinipliis Ttmpa Ah"vllli- and Pot
Hiring I. If. night dalll xncjurs to New llrleam)
uu I latk-o .tl .
All sNTH uusrilNF Hint M dallr Sleepen
lo Port Tainl a an I Jlmon 1 0U P M dally. Sleeper
to la I.iiusil,t
ClitxtPrAKr AND OHM ItVII.WW. Fipress 5 50
P M dalit. TI rough s tep n and Iilnlng Cars.
KJIt nl H P INT 1 list! uKT an I Nolll-OLK tlaCnpe
Clnrl'k Hunt V M tteekdnt sn I with ThroUkU
hep r -V M d.llt
All sNIIl 1 n 1 ;o P M week data. Through
lltifff t Parlor 1 ir an I Dst 1 oa h
fi III H'l 5tA 1 OOP M w.tkilnii
For I nn Irinili. tl ur Park, tu can C.rot-e, and
In'nt P.i ttait . 1UA M U' II) .' ID S 40 S 10.
anlllf.0 1' M ep kilutk sumlajn ktopatluter-
lakcn lor t.i ury Ptrk 11 4S l l . in P 31
Kilt PIIII. llli:i, PIIIA.
II in : in - to u. n to 10 1 enu a 1 united) lo 10
tinning ( ar 11 A M IJ I 1 in o. i 4 10 4 30
I lii'ngCtri .'Oililiilng (. ir 11 DlnligCur 7 -1)
h VP M u n night tuiilsya 11 15 to l II 30
in Ilmlti.l 10. 11 A -I i Dining Carl. 4 4 10
iHlnl! gear t 211 Dlnln Carl, U (Diulugl ar). 7 43.
h n P M I.' l"nlhl
Tlcketitll.es No.. Isi nil, l.lufl. 1 H13 Ill.anlxal
Proilwat I Asior House nnl foot of Desbrosse.
mil ortlauill Htrteti 4 Court street, K.IO lutton
street 11- I roi Itvnt and Itronklsn AuneE station,
fo u of l-ulton.ir.et Mro-'kltn. station Jtrttltv.
7h. Nt-w orfc Trsni'f r Compant will call for and
ctu k I nt.-i.ti from I ottli and resltlenit-s Itirouh
lo.iii.1 nitlon
N S) PI ri NT .' 11. WOOD,
t.tntri Mamger General P us r Agent.
Tat n-to tfi4ri indt and lsbros-n s ti
t"iis II dull. miv 7 Oil A M 1 for MAUCU
H i nnd Intetimdlitf itations
til A IV y tor 1T1IVCA l.ESKV. llOCHKS.
I bHlP'il" nnl ticWp't anl prlnrlpal local jolnts,
I n nc rnr t mi p niton Itrl Ue. Pullman ist'bule
lltOO M dal' except Mindnj. for M-kfCII
tl K irul lnttrine llati inlnt. conntcMons for
H t tl nn I Ilirrlfrhnrc
12 1 ( noon ilail 1 xi 01 1 Sunday
nrrlvi Pnffiin 10 00 P M Through ear to I oehes
nr Pullmin istlttubM- Hn t ov lies and Par or
t f Dining car lerle Mi aU a In t rtc
1 1 on I M dttl etept MnJn, for heston nnd
liii r edl ire point
I I to P M dailv ixippi Sundav for I, and n.
.11 litis an 1 nil Intirniedla.o stations, chair cars
to U t'Ut brre ..
Hill's 1 M sun lat nnl for Mnun Chunk and
Hh l ' n an 1 ill inb rm bate -tntl mi
4ilO p M tlnllv 111 it M 'Mil for I nnd II.
JI m fins nml i rticlril Inbrmot litest itlons. Pull
man liufM Parlor 'trio llkihtjarr-- tonnixtions
fur I rtttvlie
.il.1I M dillj fori STOS mil tntcnuMtalc station-
Chair o r to I- ist m
an nil point. ot Pulln nn Hipicr esttnbrt
Trnln N Y to ("hit aft" sleeptr to ihiffatonn 1 To
ronto ( innfctlons or lt'ndln, nnd llnrrlsbur
UiOOP M flail) for ITHVC ulMW UO'HI-v
Tl K 111 KI MO M.llHV lAMs ind a t pilltts
et Pullman s!e per to Ch'e i mud lUiffalo Chilr
Ctr to flkfsi arrt ,.
11S.10P M iIhIU, i xcept SnnU, for PANTOS and
lnti rim dWtt iniintt
.ililllonnl di(.l trains dn I, except Suntn). for
IKd SI HllOtik nn I lnti rnndlti po'nM It ne rt- fol
low, h oil 'I ft ou A M , l'J lu P M 4 -'f P M .
nnd d .10 P M
Ihketsanl Pullman nu ommo Intious at "n J.t,
Pit nnill t-t I m.lun. It 1- it 14th u, lAd r )4th
nt i '7 itim, r sw nr- -t'ti t niton t -I l ourl t ,
V broalHti) nnd Ilroitkljrn Anni x HrooUwi
N. Trmrert will ell for anl chi-Lkhwtxa.se
f i oni hob or n driti e throunh to ibMtln it Ion
wi i:it. u. it.
istiitlon In .N'W VnrU 1'not nl Ilnrrlay nnd
t'bri-initlifr .
vi htiih i.i: i k.ins pri.Mi vn nrr.
i:i ic. imn tst ii i. Kill r.
IHrei i ro Hh in .Sew ark lloomii bl ih tit 1 Ur the
OniKM siiMiimt ii runr iMlh ItfiSriitu Kb'-n Mall
oti Vorritoun Pus! i Pit r in Itoiinten lotr,
Man'iopi Sfwton Ilu 1 Ts I nke ltke lb pi bone.
Iim ki ttto n scim tif Mount lln W an tu ton
Pnllllpihurc I iton WntirHnp -tro l 's'lurK Pokono
Moiinmln s runt on lMttton WlisehltHrri' antl
to i Pimm Sorthumb rlnnd Moutron, Itimrti un
ton tiKiorl. Sorwtrh Wabr.llb, ItUa lllihlbld
prlms Con nml, mticum, Ohmho iihaci, nwigo,
1 .mim nnln. 11 ith I'nnsililn, HuiT.ilo anl till
inlniHUist Northist nml s mth'.cht
HiOO , M. ltliiKhMiitonilalt Siojs at principal
in t n
10UO V. . Knfnciri IlufTalo Scriiifnn Iiimr
tuinini I Hi n lthlilbll sprltiffn sraiiie. nnd
iKwiKil xprest Pullman buflet pnrlori. irs. Con
in i tsut lturT.ihi with tmlnsforCIiItaRo nnd points
I lOO 1. II (Cafe nr ) N rnnbin Ulnthnmton
nn 1 1 intra r xpn s- piillmttn buffi t pirlor cars
4tOO!'. M -iuntou UHkihbiirn nnl 1 Jvmouth
r nn Kt. ruilmun I utTi t pnrbr nr-
7i!lo P. I. 'Iu)i IlufTalo pstll ule 1 linlted Vx
iitttts ror s r vi ton Ihuctinmtou, tlmtra buffalo
Puliuutii butfi t s tepliitf iur coin cts m Iiuffalo
tilth trnbi for IiUnKo uu I points Wi t
DiIIO I. U. I)illl linlfnlo, M'uirtini. llliiKliuin
ion Iti.uii lltLlitli hi S rlius m rm. UM and Ushivo
I xprHst Pullmin bum t lt pi r
Thkels and 1 ullmau an onmioil itlons nt It Park
ploc. nnl KM liruadwa Th ki ts tit n rr stations
itJ Ironluin 111 -ithnt ,iiirm r Uthst 5Mbit
Witltft. J c Columbus a sew nrk Uund7fn
r niton ttt ,nn 1 lt)il I nmdn, Prookl)n lime tabh s
Kl'lnrf full Hit ormal Ion at all stntl uii
t su oil's 1 x pr si ( nmi any w 111 c ill for ind Lhetk
biuige from bon I or n slit mo loilt din illon.
New York and Boston All Rail.
N I V II. .v II It I. nn H niinieilons,
I roi i (Iraiid ( i ntral sii 1 n
lint Ilv wat of Due
li On A M Sprlnid i hi ami Wnneklir 1 MP V
in nil V ttNnit 1 1 I. li ii tn I I l" Mi ni e liol M
in IMA si N t I on I in nml Pr ttl.l me, 4 In P M
1110.31 Nrliwnil lull I Mm -ester '.IP tl
J ii V nii n tile tl a imwi i r 5 l'l P "
till ll M. A i I liii- an I N I l it, il '" I" M
liiJP I f Uilidonall I Pritlde e " till' H
in IP Si -Ni tv I iiliilon anil Pr o lib i f li ll IP M
lull M -s rln. initial I iuit in ml' I
-. il'H Nt 1 on I hi and I mi hn c ll in P -I
II ii i p s tiiiiiktn 1 1 nn I vAir esnr it u.i A si
Win) V -Nt n I tin Ion mil I'r itlltin.". J M
'tin .1 ills lii III I hum nd i ...
Hiin Inli Halted ull parwrtsis firtSt Ini-liiil
Hu p trl ir . sr Friit.
llr Hi e iiiulleii rlopi hu nult nt Mld.llit mil nr
rltn at und di pirn rrmii Pirl siiiinre stailon Hun
Ion It thru nt r lo k.uiin hour Mid hi tntiiii r iiite,
Thn 'u li I irlornralit iilin, i art b uith trslu.
ll IIIMPsll AH, Hill Ps AU.'llt
leati -OA t . rk, fo it of I In rt) it , iljlij
t-llll i in un P M nml ti I'iiiUi t
I'll IslH III. II llltt hllll .'iomiii 13 1finlRhl,
( IM INN II tsT I ul' IS 10 t 31 t OOP 31
AH'IINi.ri N IMTIMO.il "'1 10 lining fir),
11 IC A t Hiiilin. ler J On i in lilnini: I iirl.
' no I'lnlmtiar o n P M nil iiisht. suiuluy,
loot Inn tu i sr II 0 a si li'iuns t an 4(10
(Ulnlniti nr. - uu Hliniut ir ll I'O I- M IJ lOnl.iht.
siniiui K II 'in M Isli) ,
t- ," mil I- sr Hoannkf o nu 1 31 dnllj
All Iralpmri II uuiliiatiil tilth Plulkcli I Uht
Ofll olll Xli .'01 41.'), I 140 I roailtv.it, 31 Fait
Mthei U Unit i ry. .New- York .uu. .Ill r ii Inn hi.,
Hrookiin bunion foot o( I Un ru. !.' C It ll ot N J
Itefkaiie checked frum Uotel or re.ldtuca todeitlna
21nltronatf. H
ThroiKii trnlm lease lts or,foot ol cnainjteij H
st.ai follows, nml flro minutes earlier froro tisl tSM
J Id t. . mB
O.fUt A. M.-Veatilnila Fprerd.siy. for tVarer- )Mk
'JUJVJ ly. Mnithaniton Umlra. Pnffaln lira Ifnrd.
.loinesiowii, ill ailt llle. and iho tVeat. Parlor tar to BU
Itiffslo . ..
).IWl-. Vciilbt la limited. )-at Mall dally. , M
h.UU holl 1 train for Chicago sla Cliaiitnuqua
lake, arrives Cletelatul 7:.lil A 3I.ch.cmo 1 - M. fB
sleepers lo Chicago, Cleveland, nnd CliHliinall Din )M
IliVLnr. Hj
7.'J( V. HI -I uiTaln Veitlbule r.xpreit. dally, ar H
!OU rlrnt lturraln 7i3U A. M , making dlreit ion jM
necllons for HetK.ii f.i'eapo ami the West fM
8, I ,; P. M, Dally Ma O.iaulnunua lake nnd Nt H
.It nit.sri I am so Id train In Chicago Swrperi If
to Hufrsln ciileaeo und Cltuinnnti. Dlninecar . Mb
'IMCKKTS llHAI IIM1 Ctlll'S. AM l'l I l.MA-f H
I Al COJIMODATIONS at 1 1 1, KOI, 4Ul. and 07 WW
Hroadwnt, Iflol ant 1111th ai.,nnl ul lint USIh it, E
( hatnbi rsan I ct Hd st terrlia New Ynrki itsi V
and 7i!dJn ton t , inilll-oadtsny, lirnoxltu '.Oillud. '
snu st Hntioken. nml Jersty Clt station. Westeotta Jt
F.xpress calls rnr oud thicks brntgace from hotels and MM
rtaidenct s tndostlnstlon. ITJ
tcamliontfj. W
A is Illl It IMItK.VMl IUI K.IO', Ml
V, nnd l.nntc Ilrnneli -steiiinboisl Co. ni
In conn. 1 1 tin tt Ith II
Atlnntlc Coitnt Klevtrlc lliilltsit). tfj I
Menmers " llnry Pulleit.- - l:lheron,, Hi
' I'lenttttre Hit. Li nv. pit r root .Tn t-st., N. It, M
sseekdaysti Do A. it 1 and 2 40 p -T , Intti ry tn-ar ffl,
liarno (inii o ti 10. A 31 . I K't nnd a 03 p M Sunday., LVH
li-nsc-Tnnoit R Udan ItiA.ll Hutu rj.n 6 mid li 10. Mr
For llltchlnnd lleitcll, rleultrlSElit. lleurt H
llitr. and l.onir llrttnch, Contii ctlon at Pleasnr. Ht
Hsy Willi tltctrlc Malltsai for tVeet Kn.l, El. nf
lierntt, Inhiiry Pnr4, and Oeeiin Urosre, llig. Hn
Rnate clitcmd fr e or charce, HH
It SOUND I.I.NF.-t. Ill
NORSiVIL'II I.I.NR.sia New London, from Pl-r VA
4ii n. ic, ne-tt Dcibrosscs st. weekdays only, al lift
aiiiop m. in
FAI.I. mrr.ll LINT, rla Newport and Fall III
ltltir rrom Pl-r IS, .n H. mot ot Murray it., tveoa IBj
tins, nn I Stllidasa at fttflO P. M. IflfJ
HTtlNIMUON l.l.NK. Tin Ktonlngton, lear. JB
Plcriiti N It.iinu b.oo4 aoos o Canal st , week day. !
only nt It P. 31. ... JM
Hudson River hy Daylight. (
Dalls except Sunday. If
T eave llrooltlyn riilton St. itiy Annex) 8 A. Vm
" Nesv YorK, DeiliroH.i-9 St. Pier ... 8 40 '
tVent'J.'d'-t Pier 0 "
Tor A I, II A.N Y, landlns at 'Ynnkers WestPoIni,
Netvimr li I oiiHlikei pile, Klneston Point, Catsklll,
and llildtnn.
Steamer I.ITTIPSH VI 11 leates dally and Sunday,
fool nr IV. I Illl st h 4i A. M. Also Halters- Pltr 10
A 'I . forlllzlilsnd Highland Heath, Seihrlghl I'leav
tire Hat ItuITNIl TItIP, 1,0 "I NTS. Connecting wltn .
trolict for Ashiiry ParK. Itcfres.imentt. inmlc.
Pl:tll.K'H LINE.
srlll base Old l'l. r 41. .N p. , rootf nual St., at 8 P. K,
dallt Nundss excepteil) ni iking direct connection,
svitli trains .North East, aud Wist.
The MontsuH Steamboat Company, .in-.i
for Orient chcltr Is nn 1 Oreenport Southold. and
hi Harbor leae Npw ori Tu-vrHlnyn Thursdays,
nnd s itur a at ,'t P M . rrum I b r xt. E IL, foot of
Peek Si p tonnretlnj at ureHnport with steamer
Trd lb for New Suffolk Jamesoort. and UlrrrheaA.
FOH HuSTliV t( HCrMHl the NOltril and FAST.
NI U 1'iHl Id N It. one Mock abore Canal IU. at
A tOP SI ihl t, extent undav r ult nights rest!
shorn 61 rallrltli'. FINU one IIKSfHS oneach steamer.
Etrnmtrs S .UATOilA und CITY OK THOY lear.
Pier Id. foot Utst Kith tt.. dally etcspt Saturday. 9
P 31. Mindns steamer touches at Albani
nl DSON llIM-lt STFA3int 3IAIIY PritVFU.
Dally icxctl t Sundays). 1 carts Dcihrossesstreel;
N It. .t IS P M isiturdass 1.41 P. Ml Leat-e.
tt ett i2 I tre..t N It a 30 p. M tSaturdars. s! P. SI I
KH.PsIf. ltONlilll.T an.l KINOSTON- fti
riATSKiii, nrpsov. and coickif hoats .''.
I iv,. PI. r 4'1 N It., foot Christopher st . e. ry O'
. tvei k dsj at 0 P 31 connecting at Hudson ttlth Ia -j
ton and Albany Hallroad IS
KINI.NTOV1 INF., root or West lOtNst -Dally4P 31 t !'
--nturdi.siai 1. st ri IIM DWIN-and nojlFIt. for hi
( orntvill Ness burgh New IlamburK Jlarlboro 3tllton. nl
Hjde Prk. Pougliet-l ll" Kingston t nnnt ctlng with
V una D P H for all ptslnls In Catsklll 3Iountalni fl
KF.IV ll.Vt EN.-Fnre $1; I SCfKH10r"tl .In. I
lu-l st.ani.M bare Plt-r k5, E. ft , weel. flats tp ST. B
and i mldnlg-it Suudass, V to A. 31 and U mil- D
nlht irrltlug In Hliu for trains lo 3Ierlden Hart- U
tor 1 Mrliis'bll and north n
U-" O-MirlTTlNFTstt uners lelte Pier at N H.. M
root Iratiklln ft for Cranttnn s. V ett rolnl.Col i
Spring ( ornwil rl-tikill Landing, nnlNt-whur h: H
tsek data P SI, Sunday. V . 31 . 133d sc. v. il. M
".) t. M H
Iave Pier 4 fool Fr inslln at . nt u A St. and 3 P.
Jl for Highlands Inch an 1 Ileach. (seanlc.ltcd Bank. Fa
and Intenuedlule landings. LcaTo Re.1 Bank at 7 A. 'f1
M. and a 80 P. 3L ,t
Steamer BKM.n IIOItrdN leates foot HIihioi- B
fleltl st North Hit, r tssorlTs to ilh West I4th St I
1-rn lo A. M. nnl 7 p. II. Leaves Keyport S .ft
P. V. IJtt l7IIHHIN,.tOc. fl
I fm
fflrrnu pxt&mtxa. kj
NE lulils -.OLTIISJIPTON' iLondoo Parli). 7M
bailing at lu a kt ISI
PA It's , June li OHIO June ST H
M M")1'.K June 17 bT 1't.UI. July 1 Hf
NT I HL'I June .'4 PAHIn . . July 4
s tiling et rt e.ltiesdtsy. H
No nllnul. J inn 17 not n kenslnjton. July 1. a P it. W
irlrsland Jim, s!4 noon Westernland. Ju j a noon. K'
Phra Hand 11 Nortnltlscr onlce, d Howling Qrfo. I.
Nutt ork mtilssgow and sioville Londonderry) 1
Tlirou;li llck-ts to 1 Iserpool Dilblln 4c. fl
From pur fo it ttst jut st . North Hlur all
STATI Ol.NFHltts.A trldny. June US. 11 A. L ll.
Noriteglsu tune IU Hibernian .... Ju y H'i'
Cabin ilotnsns s-h nnd cabin lo steerage $24 50. MR
sttamrs ninrke 1 tlo not tarry pasteligers afi.ll
Al'StIN Hsi IAVIN tiii.Amint stllroadway. 'Mri
Ir un Pur at .N IL. loot rl .'4liiat f V
t-lrcssdla lino In noon Miruessla June 120. noon. w'
. H. ( IT x lir llOJIi:. ,lul 4 nnd Hept. S.
torratrsor pttisge ami imrtlculars applt to
I.I NDHtsnS llHOTHUl'5. Agents T lloitltng Oroen.
1 s OxsciHlNl: llbiidelun Sst June tO 7 A M. H
! A HUH si.Sr lupe . at.. June 2". noon H
I A MUtMlMHr Delonce Sat . lull 4. rt A. si. H
Parlor st-nt ai d bttttci ktnokluff cars nttacne-l to spe Bj
clat train Havre Paris lor sice versa) seats $1 extra. H
The Fjords and Glaciers of Norway, I
and the North Cape. I
With side frit s to the Intt r.or an t adjacent (si finds. H
b. the lmiRii ttcnt Mtumer tlrSFKAL CI1ASZY' H
of tho IV mpniK bent rule Trinsatlantlque sailing H
from II-VMI" hi!) ."11 ftnpp n at l0hK, l-Vi H
I SP for pifeufters und returnlnt; bj war of IX H
Hl M'OII M wltn side trips throuah Iha IB
CnhdonlHii Canal. lsltliit( the lakes, stopping nl n
ii wjow ami libuhtrKh and lonnectlnfr again with n
tin hb nnn r ii I.flth nnd thence to Havre trance. H
Pouu I trip lttnrnr from Nuw ork has bfen ar H
rniirTtd ml for full particulars lncludliiK prlco of H
iHiDMi,! , Ae K FOUUH, (rnersl Ageut
(eneral o dices, .t Bow Iiiir lire n. If, T. B
Intt n I d tfiin!iipisatim from VKMcmiver l
to JAPAN " CHINA. .-. I
IMI'HUsS ol JaPS.N .. Juno n, tug Ji Nor. i H
FMPHFHS O'l-IIISA July 1.1 repL 14, Dec. f V H
rMPltl is OF INDIA Aur I drl It JIU.1
SHOW I HI Jult 8 1 WAUH1MOO .. .AUg.0 fl
Si-totnl tnbln actoiiimoiiatlons at t rs lowratta. H
For tickets and freight rates npp!) JAJ llroadway. H
I'or fnl,-ht rates onlt.n.'i W nil si , New York.
1 trur'a ..June 13. l A. M. Umbrla....June27,0 A, K. H
C'aini aula June u nnou 1 ucnnln July 4, 10 A, M. BH
Atiraula Tuisdas, July 7. P, H. In
n.ini l'lir ll) North Hlver, foot of Clarksou sL I'A
KHMI.N II Hltolt ,N,tco .llen'l Agts . 4 Host HngClreea. t
TWIN SCIirw I PHFSS from New York to JI
Plsinoiith ll nuilnii) Chertmurg, Paris nnd Hamburg, TBl
A l. lorll Innelri 7 A. M Columbia Julyi.fJA.it
r.l t.iiinics limeys ii v M Niirmnnu'a lulili 10 A. U
lliiiiiliiirk;. Vinrrltmt l.lne. Ill Ilroiidviny,
iHrn't to Cnttneo i Ii). Mats and Pnrtlaud Mains,
DetU'itful s'lit oait route to nl) pb nsure resorts Nortla
and lust ulegsnt wener) on excursion rateo.
sieiim rs sail rrom Pltr i. 1 asi Hlver, evory Tuea,
bit lliuruln), andbiiurdiy at n P 31
liOHATH) HALL, Agent.
N'OITH OI-ltMAN- I l.oiS K. s Id "
Saab Kat lime l'l 10 A M Trntt. lie J line 1 8 10A M.
Haiti I no .June in lii A V Aller sat. June VJ7.10A IL
on HH lis a. to Hon ling dreen.
1 ' II III.Y HllltVU'l
lir Oil) Put M iim U'U Nin MjI K, NF.'-POnT
POINT KlillMiiSH MltulNIA PFtt 11 and WanII.
lib liiuoiid dlriti iln si Winer route) Monday
Ihrelihi onli inn I sunrls) iPasa-nzrrsaud Fre nl tl. tl
smiinc, in,,,, pi, r 1 1 -. II 1PM., hatiinlns, 4 P l 1 1
riirnunh luket n I fr Ijht rat a to all uolnls. fl
l.i.l IJ.I VI DI I Mti Prest and TraTIc Hanagert If
Panama Railroad Steamship line. R i
M.RMi-ui.v Columbian Line.
Siemnera sail rrn n p i r foot w st S7th kt M t, on.
Alllincii Iniif it t noon Adsauct' .June 8) uu
Cabin HiHan l-rnnels ti.&un, steerage .aO
JOHN SIl'Ill, Tranio Manage; zli llroadway.
Teuionlc lime 17 noon Majestic July 1 noiB.
l'l 1!"nJi."n".... "I"'!1 '.'ewnanlo. July H nnou.
NOCorTON (AllllllI) Its pASSFNHMt fiTKAMB ti
Pier 4j, North ltlv, r onioe. SO Iirnatitvaj
S MM rfiunlturt." '
isiEfiiiiiii ii t&xisitf.4, . ? tvtftjfc rffe, iiiiritfB-