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I P "if goa see it w I " r I I m I "IP gou see it in I liH I JT's so." mr v i A' fy it's so." I .iH I NEW YORK, SUNDAY. JUNK 14, 1806. COPYRIGHT, 189C, BY. THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. H rounTHAVK. soATSfTaTCo. x roiwnuvE. Our Flower Selling JSg friTtotf. W7j utf,? Acre's fe very finest artificial work at about half prices. At 25c Bunches of velvet Roses (6 In a At 88c Full blown American Beauty bunch), Daisies. Bud Foliage. Narcissus. Roses, large, full silk Popples, silk Or- bunches of silk Violets (3 doz. In bunch). chlds and Bluets. Never before- retailed Never under 50 to 75c. under $1.25 to $1 75. At 38c Bunches of Pansles, silk Popples, At 98c Bunches of heavy satin Roses large Roses. Dahlias. Lilacs. Never be- with buds attached (6 In a bunch), satin II fore retailed under 75c. Roses In Sprays, snowball effect In y At 48c Bunches of beautiful Roses, Or- Lilacs on silk stems, silk Popples In M chlds, Violets. Bud Foliage, silk Popples nacrl effects (1 doz. In a bunch). Never In sprays. Never before retailed under retailed under $1,50 to $2.50. 7Scto$1.25. TRIMMED MILLINERY m At 78c Bunches of velvet Morning 50 beautiful Hats, somo original models, V i j Glories. Or )tds, silk velvet Narcissus, some copies, were $10, $12 and $15; J silk Rosebuds on moss covered stems. Monday $4.50. MM satin Bluets. Rustic Foliage, full blown Sailor Hats, split straw, tf pie brims, were V Roses. Never before retailed under $1 $3 and $3.50. now $2.25. WA ' $1,5' Panama Sailors, $1.75 and $2.50. & Silk Remnants XZ S? EM mP for the last month. Of course, such sharp cutting makes a showk'r of short pieces. We have taken them all, lengths of from 1 to 16 yards, and from Silks selling at 50c. to $2.50, w and made the prices I ioc, 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1. Nearly every sort and shade of Silk included. To give all a chance, on sale at 10 A. M. 1 Muslin Underwear lQ$niral ly. Here are some of the reasons : 01 Gowns of good, strong muslin. 24 spaced I Fine cambric Corset Covers, low square m , pleats In yoke, pleated back, full sleeves. neck, trimmed with embroidery, 40c. 1 cambric ruffleon neck. yoke and sleeves. Ftne cambrlc Corset Covers. V front. Uk ' ln- lonE- SOc' trimmed with Hamburg insertion and I In 'l ' camDr' mother hubbard Gowns, 40 edge between pleats. 35c. llRpv spaced pleats in yoke, lawn ruffle on DRAWERS IM collar and cuffs,, trimmed with Point de Drawers of very fine muslin, wide hem. m Paris Lace. $1. and 3 pieat3i yoke bandi )8c Three t0 Mother Hubbard Gowns of good cambric a buyer. pleated yoke, embroidered ruffle over Drawers of fine cambric, wide hem. 3 shoulders, neck and sleeves trimmed pleats, yoke band. Z5c. with embroidery, $1.15. Drawers of strong." heavy muslin, wide I Gowns of fine cambric, ruffle over shoul- hem. neat ruffle of embroidery, yoke I ders, square effect at neck, elaborately band. 28c. " trimmed with Point de Paris lace and Drawers of fine muslin, neat embroidered I H ribbon, $2. ruffle, pleats above, 50c. MM Empire Gowns of very fine cambric, col- SKIRTS AM lar of all-over embroidery, ruffle, yoke Umbrella Skirts of good muslin, lawn iU and sleeves beautifully trimmed with ruffle trimmed with Hamburg embrcid- Ul embroidery, $2.50. ery, $1 each. jRaw' r-nnec-r rn,,cDe 'ne cambnc Umbrella Skirts, fine lawn 2f CORSET COVERS ruffle trimmed with insertion and edge, mr Fine cambric Corset Covers, low. square $2 each. " neck, trimmed front and back with em- Umbrella Skirts of good muslin, fine lawn 1, broidery, feather beading and pleats. ruffle trimmed with wide embroidery, $2. B trimmed armholes, 60c. Same in cambric, $2. 1 ' t 1L. 2 -A. 1f S-.i.. Not a manufacturer's entire output including I SttirL W O.ISTS aU ,he mistakes he made-but the choice from m w .u aim v s -'-' tne ggjjs 0 the best manufacturers, and at jj prices that are very low. 1 Black lawn Shirt Waists, laundered collar collar, collar and cuffs laundered, black- and cuffs, for mourning, $1.75. and-white stripes cnly. $1.25. Shirt Valsts. good quality percale, yoke Shirt Waists, fine percale, pointed yoke back, full front, laundered collar and back, full front, large sleeves, detachable cuffs, 35c collar, collar and cuffs laundered, pretty Shirt Waists, very fine quality percale. colorings, $1.25. ' "laundered collar and cuffs, 69c; the 85c Shirt Waists, sheer lawn, double pointed and $1 kinds. yoke tn back, full front large sleeves. Shirt Waists, fine quality percale, double laundered collar and cuffs, detachable pointed ycke in back, full front, detach- collar, $1. able collar, col'ar and cuffs laundered. Shirt Waists, dotted Swiss and grass linen, extra large sleeves, pretty stripes, $1. double pointed yoke In back, white linen Shirt Waists, fine quality percale, pointed collar and cuffs, laundered, detachable yoke, full front, large sleeves, detachable collar, $2.50. Furniture and Carpets Grand values. Mahogany inlaid Desks, $12, from $18. $1.25 Axminsters at 85c yd. Oak Chiffoniers, 5 drawers, $5, from $7 SO; New Moquettes a' 75c yd with glass. $8, from $1 1.50; Birch, $12.50, $1.25 Wilton Velvets at 75c yd. from $18. 65c. all-wool Ingiains at 45c yd. Solid mahogany Dining Chairs, upholstered Heavy China Mattings. 40 yd rolls, $3.45. in leather, $6. from $10. Extra heavy seamless Matting, $4.95. Odd Dining Chars, oak and mahogany, Linen warp Matting. 40yd roll. $5.95. I cane and leather seats, at half prlfe. Scotch Oilcloths, 4 yds. wide, regular 85c. Reed and Piazza Furniture, $1 ard up. qual ty, at 50c yd. flfnirfiftf. Of course we warrant everything we sell. UrUiVlftVa lfe deliver groceries free within 30 miles, and pay transportation charges up to 100 miles on quantities of $5 or more. Pure Fruit Flavoring Extracts, Lemon, Corn on tht. cob, 9 ears In can, 25c. Almond. Orange. Pineapple, Banana, Fancy Maine Corn, 10c can. Peach, Strawberry, Raspberry, 2 oz. Jersey Tomatoes, 7c 3 lb. can. bots., 13c; 4 oz., 25c; 8 oz., 47c; 16 California White Cherries, extra heavy or., 82c. Vanilla and Rose, 2 oz., syrup, 3 lb. can, 29c. 19c; 4 oz., 37c; 8 oz., 70c; 16 oz,. California Bartlett Pears, extra heavy $1.25. Celery and Onion. 2 oz.. 13c; syrup, 3 lb. can, 27c. Essence Jamaica Ginger, 2 oz., 15c. French Prunes, 5 lb. tins, 60c. Genuine YanVs Beans. 5 lb. bags, 17c. Italian Lucca Oil, gal. cans, $1.95; 1-2 Pineapple Cheese, picnic size. 38c. gal., $1. Olives, gal. palls, 95c; small boL, 10c. Congress Water, qts., $4.50; pts., $6 French Sardines, in olive oil, 13c can, case. " $1.50 doz. Apollinaris Vater, 50 qts., $7.50; 100 Lion Table Jellies, all fruit flavors, 7c; pts., $11; 100 splits, $8.50. wine flavors, lie. Ross Lime Juice, 25c bottle. Dates, lb. packages. 7c. Ross Raspberry Vinegar, 38c bottle German Pretzels. 10c. Fruit Syrups and Phosphates, all flavors, California Prunes, 2 lb. package, 19c. pts., 32c; qts . 5c bottle. Shredded Oats, 2 lb. package, 7c. Anker's Bouillon Capsules, 24c box; Pettljohn Gem, 9c package. $2.85 doz. Drew floods ?low everywhereJh?y 8ay- See v B-si. && vn'u"U'ji3 these prices wont liven them, 3,876 yds. All-Wool Mixed Suitings, just $7.00 Drezs Lengths at $4.75. right for now , light In weight, but firm $8.00 Dress Lengths at $5.00. and strong, Always 50c, now 25c. $12.50 Dress Lengths at $7.00. 54-ln. Black Mohair Sicilians, 68c the $23.00 Dress Lengths at $10.59. tmm yard, the $1.25 kind, a similar lot went $26 50 Dress Lengths at $II.S0. RlLW with a whiz last Monday. $24,00 Dress Lengths at $12.25. FWW DRESS LEN0THS AT HALF $31.50 Dress Lengths at $13.65. U Good assortment of colors and styles. 528-00 Dress Lengths at $14.00. HosieryUnderwear a big storefui Hi Women's French pure silk Hose, $1.50; Women's light weight "Ypsllantl" lisle BH were $2.50, thread Union Suits, pink and sky, $1,75; H Women's Richelieu ribbed black silk from $2.75. H plated Hose. 48c; good value at 75c. Women's black lisle thread Tights, ankle H Women's stainless black cotton Stock- length, "Ypsllantl" make, $1.25, from H Ings, unbleached soles and solid black $1,75. ( feet, 35c pair, 3 for $1; good value af Vomen's black pure silk plain Bathing iM 50c pair. Tights, $2.50; were $6 50. H Women's light weight stainless black cot- Women's stainless black lisle thread H ton StocHngs, unbleached soles, 2c; Vests, Swiss rlbted, low neck, no H good value at 35c, sleeves, 35c, 3 for $1; were 75c and $1. Children's plain and ribbed stainless black Women's Swiss ribbed lisle thread Vests, cotton Stockings, fine gauge, light extra fine and elastic, white and ecru. ill weight, 25c; regularly 35c. low neck, no sleeves, 25c. H I Traf-lffcl GAprx7 Anything Whether to beautify the H liiViLC;i y room, shut out the sun or protect H the furniture. Very little prices. R Men's Bicycle Suits. ffl Tweeds, Cheviots, etc.. latest styles, fine feet, 50c and up. material, well made. $4.75 to $15. Men's imported washable De Jolnvllle H Russia Crash suits, datk brown and Scarfs, silk stripes and figures, 35c; 3 Bf natural color, $6.50 and $7.50. for $1. String Ties and Shield Bows, 2 H Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits, Men's for 25c. Madras and Cheviot String K cotton Jersey, two pieces, $1.25; all Ties, plain and fancy $C each, 50c doz, fH wool jersey, two pieces, $2, $2.50. Men's Straw Hats, 50c to $3. jku Full regular made, all wool two pieces. Travelling, bicycle, golf, and yachting yku $3.75 and $5. Boys' from $1 up Caps, duck, crash, and cloth. 50c up. IB Men's Bicycle Hote, with and without Men's and boys' Belts, 25c to $1.50, .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWm SIMPSON, CRAWFORD & SIMPSON, Siiiiiiint Attractions of Special Interest to every one contemplating leaving the city for seashore or mountains. Every item mentioned will be found the very best of its kind procurable at the price asked, and many are offered at merest fraction of original cost. Values that must com mand response from all who desire to save money on their Summer purchases. Ladies' Suits, Dress Skirts, Capes, &c. JHauy lots marked less thnn One Half Former 1'riccs. SUITS innde of Knncy Floured Lawns, wnlst nml skirt trim med with nnrrow rnflliM nml t OQ lnccs; formerly $4,8l, now.... 'Ou Sl'lTS inado of Serges Mohnlrs, Chuvlots nml Fancy Tweeds Hlaer, Keefer nnd tlj;lit-tU-titiK waists (some of these suits nre silk Until); formerly SH " "7 O to $Ut.75, now $l."r. mid... "0 SUITS made of very Unlit-weight Scotch Mixed Tweeds, Hlner Jacket (cntlro suit lined with changeable silk); formerly If) QO $20.75. now i&.OO SUITS made of Changeable Hril llantlnes. Hlnzer waist bilk lined, skirt cut extra full 1 I7C sweep; formerly $21.70, now I J DUESS SKIRTS made of Grass linen and crash, cut full sweep nnd with deep hems; formerly t OQ $a.08,now U.UU DltKSS SKIRTS made of fancy Mixed CheUots and Tweeds, plain aud figured Mohairs and Brill ian tines and Storm Serges, cut extra full sweep and I'ercnllnu lined; formerly Q OQ $5.1IHto Jlttt.OH, now U.OtJ DRKSS SKIRTS m.ido of Fancy Brocade riilks (vcrj choice, pat terns), full apron front, I'ercn lino lined and velvet faced; for- D Q merly $15.75, now u,,u TOP COATS made of Tan English Kersey cloths, lined with Dres den Silk nnd Satin Rhadanio; Q Him formerly $ lO. 7o, now u,lu STEAMER CAI'ES made of Fan cy Back ChrMots, vitli liouds; Q QO formerly SJ10.75. now UuU Hyde Park Bicycle Costumes In Granitu Covert Cloths, in cluding hat, bag aud leg- QQ gius; formerly $H.23, now .. Oi30 In Fancy Tweeds, Cheviots, Brilliantines, Storm Serges, and Coert Cloths; for merly SH.75 to $:tO DO, in -jc now $0.73 and ..J Men's Summer Clothing At Great Reductions. Men's Alpaca Coats, grey and black, liO) regular price $2.18. Men's Serge Coats, biuo and binck, O. O , rc-Ki'lnr price $5,00. With Vest, 4.98. Grass Linen Tennis Suits, D.98 ', rcgulnr prlco $8.75. White Duck Pants, 1.25! regular price $2.00. TWO SI'KCl.U.S IN Men's Bicyclo Suits. Grass Iiiiicn Itlcyclc Sulis, 3.98 J regular prlco $5.75, All-Wool Ilicyclc Knits, 4.98 ', roBiilur price $0.75, Our assortment of Men's White and Fancy Vests is unusually largo and at tractive, In both foreign and domestic makes. Hot-Weather Shirts. Fo ath e r-veif,'ht Unlnumloietl Dross Shirts at (tttc. ouch ; six for $4.00. Tb bodlM or llie Miln rt nmite of fine long cloths boionn uml nrlnlioiida r nun quality llncni liulioiilinlra All Imml nnlihuil; Pirni-h yoltrt anil full ft'llcl .inini, liimnmt opeQ orcloseilnntl rv enrurrel,equal tnrusttnu niftde, Gnrnor'n Prrcnlo uulaundorotl Fancy Dress ShirtB at Hc. each; six for $5.05. Thtte KMrUar. nude of fins quality 1'erralr, S ply boBOma. full r.lloil teams, with two tie Inched collar! and one pair cufTi. Negligee Shirts. Negligee. Shirts In uiilnundercd Madras, Cheviot, and Flannel, nt OHc, each, Laundered Percale Negligee, blilrts (collar and cuffs attached), at OOc, each. Laundered Madras and Percale. Negligee Shirts (collar and cuffs attached), nt 08c, IILmmdered Madras Negligee Shirts, with attached high, medium, aud low collar, at $l,;j5eacli. Ladies Underwear, Shirt Waists, Silk Waist3 and Wrappers. The prices quoted for this sale barely cover cost of materials. UNDERWEAR. Lot I at 98c. French linnd-inado Gowns, Chem ises, nnl Drawers, In Nainsook and French Percale, trimmlncs of Laces, hand and Nainsook embroideries. (Sires being broken, we cannot fill mall orders.) Lot 2 at 95c. Cinlirella Skirts In Lawn and Cambric: Km jilre nml Sailor Gowns ; also Colored Lauu iowns with square, necks; all elab orately trimmed with fine embroideries and laces. Lot 3 at 69c. Gowns in Cambric and Muslin, Empire and surplice necks, with solid yokes of em broidery, also Umbrella Skirts with Spanish flounce of embroidery. Lot 4 at 39c. Gowns, Kmplre and Hubbards, trim mings of embroideries and ruffles. Lot 5 at 49c. I.nwii CImmiiIm'K, skirt lengths, with yokes of Vul and Torchon laco; also Cin lirella Driuiers with Spanish flounce of embroidery and lace. Lot 6 at 1 9c. Drawers, cmb'd ruflles,, hem and tucks. Corset Covers. High nnd low neck IzC Corset Covers specially for shirt -q waists with pull sleeves. .. . v5"C Corset Covers with full blotiu waist-, nnd elaborate yokes of lutes and embroideries, high - and low necks 'tyC Silk Petticoats . . 4.98 Iu Colored and Hlack Taffeta. Line.i Petticoats . . 59c Lawn Matinees . . 98c With sailor collars, trimmed with Val luces or embroidery. WRAPPERS. Dimity Wrappers, with largo sailor . Q collar of embroidery l.OV? Dimity and Lawn Wrappers Watteau and Kmplre "oC Cambric Wrappers (fast colors) 03C China Silk Negligees - 4.98 India Silk Tea Gowns - 12.50 CORSET DEPARTMENT. S., C. & S. Ventilatiug Corset 49c The Irma Corset ... 1 .00 In Linen, While, Illue, l'luk, uml Itlauk Sateen. Shirt Waists. Imported Linen Waists with a va riety of now embroidered vU feets In self and fancy com binations, detached collars nnd Q I7C cuffs U. IU Shirt Waists in Imported Persian Lappets with detached collar 1 QQ anil cuffs, choice- colorings liUO Shirt WalstH in imported Organ dies and Dimities, with du- QOr, Inched collars UUu Also Closing Out A collection of styles, with Inun doroil collars ami enflftf, and lare full Hleoves, at following reduced prices : Percale Shirt Waists . . . 29c Lawn Shirt Waists .... 490 Misses' Waists, h to 10 -rs. . . 25c Silk Waists. India Silk waists, with crush collar . nnd Hishop sleeiei 1.98 ' Persian nnd Dresden Silk Waists, light and dark grounds 0.5 GREAT SILK SALE At Positively Lowest Prices on Record. In this offoring wo includo tho balanco of many of tho most dosir ablo silk fabrics shown this soason. All tho stylos aro controllod oxclu. sivoly by us, and represent tho most reliable goods mado. Tho ontira lot is, wo boliovo, the largest and presonta tho greatest intrinsic values over oflbrod at ono sale. 250 Pieces Ilrocuilo Iliibulnl Wash Silks, in n complete, assortment of light shndes, including Pink, Dlue, Miilre, Iaeudernnd Nile; sold all season at COo. per yard; QPZn now Ub 1HO Pieces 27 Inch tllnck Tuffota Silks, magnificent (Hinlity, value 91.00 per yard, CQn 250 Pieces 21 inch ninck IJro- JjJJn cade. India Taffetas at lib. 85 Pieces 21 inch China Silks, printed warp effects, excellent quality, formerly 70c. yard, QQn now OOo. 45 Pieces Printed Surahs, Qp reduced from $I.OO yard to.. WUi ISO Pieces Printed Warp Taf feta Silks, formerly $1.75 QCfi ard. now OJu. 10O Pieces Taney Taffeta Silks, in light shades only, QQn value H!c. J ard, at UUU. Dress Goods. Tho following "specials" in Dross Goods at prices unapproach able aud without precedent Pieces .T null 1'igured Mo hair, assorted colors, suitable QQn for separatu skirts, at Oou. 150 Pieces 41 inch Storm Serge, in nny and black (the most durable fabric for cycling, boat- fin lug, &c, nt TtllG. 175 pieces Irish Dimities, I'reueh Organdies nml Mnussclincs (this season's snles anil lie ICn blgns;, at Wb One lot Silk-nml-Liuoii Itatiste, self grounds, with colored silk stripes, chocks, plaids and embroidered, formerly $1.50 to $2.50 per QPg jnrd, now MUu. Sweeping Reductions in Men's and Women's Summer Underwear and Hosiery. II cases Men's Gaii7u Shirts aud Drawers, Die. each, weio fiOc. S eases (iemiine 1'ieiich Ilalbriggan Shirts and Drawers, !JOc each; wurafillc. H cases Men's Summer Merino Shirts nnd Drawers, IIOc. each; were t)8c. 2 cases Men's Jean Drawers, 18c. each; were t!.'c. One taso Men's sample Shirts and Draw ers, OHc, each , value 51 7f to ?ii BO. l." do7cn Men's Puro Silk hhlrts and Drawers, $2.25 each; weie $!l 50. (II) doen Men's extra fine Kanry Stripe Ilalbriggan Shirts and Drawers, $2 OH per stilt; were 81,00, 700 dozen Men's Colored nnd Illnck Cot ton Half Ilose.slv pairs 50c. ; worth f 1,00, 500 doen Men's solid Past Hlack Cotton Half Hose, six pairs for 72e. ; worth Sl.SB. 400 doen Men's Colored and Fast Illack Cotton Hose, si piirs for HHc; worth $1 50 !I00 dozen Men's extra fine Knst Itlack Lisle Thread nnd embroidered Half Hose, also tan shades, six palis$1.42jworth f!i t!5. Fancy Checked Cjeling Hose, with and without feet, OOc; wortli $1.00, Plain colored Oolf Hose, fancy turn-over top, H7c; worth $1 25. Women's Ribbed Vests. (,-iohI in lots of it only,) 8 cases Women's Hilihed Cotton Vests, threo for 25c ; were 50c, 4 cases Women's Whita Cotton Vests, threo for i0o; wero (I'.'c n eases Women's White nnd Fancy Cot ton Vests, threo for 50c. ; wero 75e. 5 cases Women's Wliito Cotton Vests, silk ribbon, three for 02o ; were HOe. 11 cases Women's lino White Lisle Vests, three for 75c. ; wero SI. 25, Women's Lisle Hosiery. 700 doeu Women's black, tan nnd fast black boot fancy top, assorted shades, plain and rlhU'd, impoiter's piico -loc pair; for this snle 25c. 500 doeu Women's extra fine medium weight plain black, ribbed black, fancy black boots, Persian effects, nnd correct shades of tan nnd leather, regular selling price 50c pair; fur this bale, 20o, 300 dnen Women's Silk Stripe top, black boot, plain aud ribbed black nnd fancy, as sorted shades, made to sell nt 50 to 75c pair. For this sale ;t5u,; three pairs $1,00, Sixth Avenue, 19th to 20th Street. V West Fourteenth Street. H Thick as Daisies in a Field M are . M BARGAINS NOW WITHIN OUR STORESI ' Mew goods, fashionable goods, goods Tor present use and H wear, at prices lower, far lower than ever were known in the jH first month of Summer! . . . H Bargains in every sense of the word I Jhls Is the time when THE GREAT COTTON MILLS doirout ol closing out their iurtlu bctort Inventory Initruct their (cntt TO 8KI.I, AT ALMOST ANY PIUCB THE HOODS WILL DBINOI OP COtJIlSB THIS AI'FLIES ONLY TO LARGE QUANTITIES FOR CASH I WE ARE ALWAYS OS HAND, nd now offtr more than two hundred cote ORGANDIES, DIMITIES, LftWflS, and OTHER NOVELTIES l Wash Dress Fabrics AT LESS THAN PREVIOUS WHOLESALE COST. SO cases Organdies and Batistes 8K cents; worth tstnd ta Choicest colors and deslgnsl SO cases Fancy Dimities 74 cents; worth 12,'and 15 Best combed yarn 300 styles 70 cases Dimities and Jaconets 5( cents; worth 2H All colors - wonderful variety! 36 cases Various Fabrics Fancy Ducks, 6alattas Fancy Lawns, Batistes and Pllssc Novelties 6 cents and 7? cents: worth 125-6 to 19 cents! Finest Linen Novelties Pure Linen, with silk cross stripes and plaids Identical goods elsewhere sold at 65 and 75 Now 24 cents! In iplte ot poDularlty of sheer fabrics Ginghams Hold Their Own because there Is nothing to replace them for wear and general service We are selllne; thousands of yards daily for Dresses, WaUts. and Shirt, anil are giving values without precodent In Qlngham hlstorj . Finest Zephyrs 32 Inch 1 1 S cents Lace and Corded Novelties 84 cents Best American 100 styles S4 cents Hospital Seersuckers, worth 18 12.'. cents Dress Goods Is there anything surpasses Serge for general all round wear? What I better for travelling or home, mountain or seanlile. than dress or skirt of all wool Storm Serge, the Ne Plus I'ltra of Woollens? This Week 100 pieces ALL WOOL STORM SERGES Blick. Navy, and Colors 29 cents worth nearly doublet Upholstery Specials live Hundred pair IMPORTED MADRAS CURTAINS ' Cream, White and Tinted full length 98 cents were 1.75 I 49 were 2 50 1 98 were 3 00 1.000 pair EXTRA QUALITU SCOTCH LACE CURTAINS White anil Kent neat and showy designs 3 and 3 yards long 57 cents and 90 cents Kxceptlonal value ! BOBINET CURTAINS 3 UARDS LONS with wide hem and deep lace edge t 49 very dalntyl LACE BED SETS Full sIm Real Antique worth 3.0D 2 93 Full site Irish Point worth SO 08 Full sire Itrnalssnnce worth 10 00 11.08 Wc h e closed out from one of the largest mills their aurplus stock of French Curtain Muslins 90,000 yards, enough to make 3,000 pairs uf Curtains, Fleur He Lta, Crescent nnd other figures. Stripes In laco effects, and spots from pin head to dollar sites. We will soil 36 Inch at 8'.' cents 40 Inch at 1 1 V ccnta 40 Inch fluted rullllng to match at 5 cents Qualities superior to those In curtains that sell at WOO pair Any one can figure what the saving Is to buy by the yard ' Toilet Articles and Perfumes None of these specials sent C 0. D Penrs Vnscented Soap 7 4711 niycrrlne ,11 French Lettuce .10 Rrrnted Toilet fioips-bni of 3 cakes . 1 2 Mottled Castile 3 IU bar .10 WhltoCeetllo 3 IU. bar ,30 Calder'sTiKHh Powder .11 Wrlght'a Slyrrli Tooth Powder 7M Tetlow's Hwansdnwn Face Powder 0 Tellow's Oouimer Face Powder . 1 2 hauuder's race Powder .17 Talcum Powder 7 W oollaurt Violet Talc Powder . 1 2 CearlnaHuchet Ponder ,16 tioz. Florida Wutcr .12 Murray'a llorlda Waler ,30 Day Rum II oz bottle T,i Superior Hay Hum- 4 01, bottle ,23 Vanity Perfumes-ollodora i ot. ,25 BtAtulttr 1 Perfumes ono ounce 7W Japanese rooth llrushes 4 runs 6 Extra fine Hrlstle Tooth Crushes .12)' holld Hack Nail Hcrubs-pure bristle OH Done handle Null llrushes .1214 Rubber Dressing and tine Tooth Combs 4 Hi Unbreakable Dressing Combs ,10 Build Hack 11a r Hruhes-7 anil 9 row ,21 Kitra fine Hrlstle llrushes 1 styles ,30 Long handle Hath llrus'ios ,25 II th and Velvet Sponges fi ' targe slie Hath Sponges ,15 Kxtra also Hath Bpnngea ,2Q Rubber bpone Hags ,15 Two sewed Whisk Hrooms 514 Ueial Top Whisk Brooms ,10 Ladles' Summer Dresses j Read This Llstl nassal Each short line represents treat vilucl tfl This It should Interest fiH who have purchases to make! sssssssssssal Fancy Linen Batiste Dressea S.08 lassssssssssssl Fancy Dlmlty-Lacetrlm'd Sailor collar 3.08 Linen Color Lawn narrow loie trim 3,08 H Grass Linen Dutton and Val lace trim 4.08 ! Hlack and White Dlmltr-blscklacn edging 5.40 H White Dotted Swiss-pun yoke Val lace 5.08 Fancy Organdy over col'd lining 7.08 and 0.08 B Fancy Duck Htazer Dresseslatent cut 1.60 H Derby check Linen Hlaaer Dresses-were 7.00 2.08 Crash and Orass Linen-Small button trim 3. GO B Bavy B.ue linen with bands of white 4.76 flBHj White Pique Fmb'd colored collar and cuffs 8.98 flBVH Belfast Llnen-wlth Insertlngs to match 0.08 Fancy SuromorSUk Dresses were 20and2S, 10.08 'aSBhJ Hlack SIclllcnneBlarerCoatumaa-bsir silk aaHlVJ lined 0.90 aHlwJ Blaaer Dresaea of Black English bbbvisbbi Blclllennea : also Brown, Blue and Black flB awJ Combination Check Costumes 7.08 HLawJ Blazer Dresses of stylish Light Mixtures 9BhJ Jacketa lined with fancy silks- $ sssssssssssal equal to any earlier sold at 2S.0O 12.08 flBVJ Waists and Skirts jH Bargains Indeed' jf Black Flg'd Brllltantlne Sklrts-futl width 1.00 Check Wool Skirts Bl'k and Colored 1.60 flBBj White Duck Dress Sklrta-full width 1.3S J Flue all wool Serge Hl'k and Colors 2.08 Brocade Silk Skirts large designs-new flara 8.03 HBHJ Satin Rhadnme and Oro Oraln new flare 8.08 jHBVJ Fancy Silk Waists Stripes and figures HHhJ noma with velvet collars and cuffs 1.70 bSBhJ Hlack India Rllk-stde pleated back 2.08 H Persian and Satin ng'd Taffetas 20 styles 3.08 HBhJ Bathing Suits Flannel. Serge and HHBl Brllllantlne 1.08 to 0.00 jflHpJ Bathing Hau and Caps 10 to .08 HHBl India Silk Teac-owns 9Afl Plain and fancy, choicest colortnga and patterns HBhJ with deep fancy cottars HBhJ some with lace trlm'd sxlrts BhJ 12 98 were 22 00 8 98 were 17.00 flBVJ 10 98 were 20 00 5 98 were 9.09 jf All good things must come to an end and HHhJ The Manufacturer's Stock of BH Corsets HH will not last much longer Don't prccrastlmM HBVJ when loss of values like these are the penalty. HBVJ Ladles' Coutllle Hip Core-were 7S 40 tVaaVasal Extra fine Dress Form-usually 1.S3 40 Hasssssai Ladles' l.i3 Sateen Dress Form Waists 40 IH Ladles' Summer Net-broad bone 40 Not In HBVJ were such values known In H FIiNE KID GLOVES H as we shall lve this week I BBVJ D00 dozen Parts Ruedo HHhJ sInusquetalrrs-8 button length Tan. Hlue, HBVJ Gray. Steel, Cerise, Ureen and Heliotrope QQ BBhJ Imported to sell at l.SS 0(1 flBVJ Fine Whlti Kid Olnves BBVJ 4 button Hlack Embroidery Imported to CQ BHBI sell at 1.25 lOa MBVJ SO Button Evening Suedes 9HBl Mle, Paris Red, Ecru, Tan, Pink, Blue-Im--I QQ flHBl ported to sell at 2.S0 JLsOv7 Nevermind the "why or wherefore ' & Tba Gloves are here at prices ment'oned BHhJ they'll not lack purchasers' HBVJ Dress Shields H It Is not often that standard qualities are sold flHBJ below market prices, but here Is a manufacturer jasssssssai stock of odds and ends and undelivered orders, which HBVJ we can sell Just as stated BBVJ I'suat 0 cent qualities 3l; S5c dosea BHH Usual H cent qualities f)W. C5c. dnien SBbJ Usual 10 cent qualities 7H 75c rtoren H Usual 12( cent qualities Ok, 05c dozen HBhJ Usual IN rentquallllea 12W; 1.36 dozen Usual 24 rent qualities 16: 1.65losea BmBI Usual 96 centqualltles 17': 1,00 down VJ Among them aro HHB Silk and Cambric Double Lined HBVJ Perfumed, Perforated and Stockinet - swJNLal Hlack and White all sizes to N amTx Towels Do you knoola stock anywhere to cornpartV JHBV Turkish Towels 20 styles and sires Huck Towels 60 styles and sires jHHV Damask Towels 65 styles and si lta H 1,000 dozen Turkish Towe H at remarkably low Prices! Sl Cream and White ard long 0 jefH F.itra Heavy 8d Inch 7M ii Still Better 3tl nnd 44 Inch ,11M $'k3 Heavy White-fancy raised border ,QH I aaH Linen finish 4S Incli A31 iaIC Extra Soft and Hoavy 4Hlnch ,10 rMassssal Puro wblln-bath size Damask IlJrder ,21 BH0 fioo dozen LlfT Pure Linen Towels Wy Iluckand Damask-Knotted fringe or hemmed an4 OK 1 Uemstllcheil-40 to 40 Inches long W ., Ten styles .. ,12CEKTAI Jtonu sout (' O. D. H M All Linen Napkins H subject to slight muglineis In weave, but uturrwtsa (asaHal IH'rfci't, fully a third below regular prleesl MH BOO du7eu Tluet Quarter Site aP"afl lly tbetlozeu v ttafl 08 cis 1,43 ..1.08.. 2.48 hH 600 dozen Five Eighth Size JasVW Ity the do en IPIhI 78(tt OOct. 100.. .1,37 1.70 ffil There are bargains all through department jJ If )0ii wantTuble ets or Table Linen by the yard, H ct- Tovrtlllngs or Floor Crashes, now Is the tlino to twyl tB1