jl 10 THE SUN, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1896. ' i lT v m ' ..-.. -. --.- 1 1 gnntrrt--tmnilt. j S "ITOOKniNliF.HS Fipcrlrneeil stlrl In Job bindery t m J) who undcrtlatds tak ng mnul npirt Mil an ranging NH'31 ANN PROS 7Fatlmilt. j Wt 1IK)K lOLliVlts AND sfliufi- It8. aim a sesver on i S .' ' Sniythu twin, machine. Auply nl a North j S WJIHauisl. IS IJOOK loLDLRS.-Wnnfil smart nan I foldersi very M JL busy VI ATI Kit rt SON, 10 It ul Ion HI. X 7 STltll'll VEATIII Its-Wantod, good cuTleri, f J sttaly work ami kmiI lit) jjjfe Thomas II wood A CO BT3 liroadtvay. 3t TSsniirH II ATIUIls.-tlomi hiincher and curler Uwantol. J Lnr.WrNNTI'IN,3HUondt. I "VRTltlCIl FEATIIHls Wontel curlers and pr J yirctti steal) worlc II LINHIIEIM. (I3J II way. 'antrrt 3Unles 2Rltchnulr. Sc. ' WANT! I) Wheelwrights and blftoUmllhsi truck work BHADUOL1 M I-a CO, 03 Flushing nv, Iirooklyn aUntfrt 3llul(jj -HlisrcUaiuoufl. I AN ACT1VF MAX, ntiout 10, who linn hat export JV cnoe ns canvas ng salesman ntso nnn who can I - learn iiulckly Apt ly ii rsnuali) .'01 last inth at. I T ANTHi-lu emits for Hie t hT Murium nrps ft atilt I mlteil. unmarried men Itlwitn the nge, tnf 2 1 and ID years. Aily U H. VHINt. HLIHUIT. ISO Oil c h, loJVVisisl Now Vork ells. ANTM for city litMlnrM n man atiotit so, who It I ns hn I somooxperleho. a anlpnti an or city col lector Ai plv personally -.'01 last Hlth tit. "VOUTII that understands barkret Ing niso alloys t lerman.sld" opener llUKM-rt III Ilbcri) it. 1ft "" situation? Il'nnttrt 3Ualc. IE A Ol'N.i MAS ulsht n munition of any klml, I - J witting nn I ob Iglng cm furnish first cl is refer- III ence Alliir. SsA COblULO, 104 West lOtbsU. N. Y. I I HIS. I R "IAHKLF1 I- It, H 3 ear In Hrnalsvay rate. good refer- I Si ence, clni mlxir want imsltlon city or mutitrv. t JOHNli.loxlill, sunup tiiwuiifilii, 1 Mlllroadwny. 1 VOl'Sil MAN (ill thoroughly experienced In gen" m I t ral nfllie work, a uuol corn spoiulent nn 1 quick E and accurate nt llgtire desire pusitlnn liestofreif ft J rroncc. Address COMPETENT, box IHJ, Sun ofllce. ICxcursioin. MANHATTAN BJEACIL Loavo Foot 34th St., E. R., Tally i xreplSunilaj. A i) tl M T 40 II ill 11 00 A. M. I 10. I 10 lilo, 4il0, OilO, I) 00. o 10. 7.10. t):10. i) in in lor. i WliniMM.I. ST.ria Day Ul.titc, ilnllj except Sun day hourly from 7 10 A M to lilU 1' Jl , auU halt hourly from I 10 too 10 1". M. COVEY int. NI T II II U V ) II I'HAINS 1 HUM 1IUOOKIA S UUIlKli. Via tlrooklwi IMoxutiJanJ l'. r. and C I. It. R. from Dth ar an.l tlOth it. 1 1 are llrooklyn llrldge ilally S 13 i IS n 43 lOllS, an.l halt Hourly rrnni lu SI A M to in SI 1'. M (xcrtlon ftckita V0 cent Including hlcrated aru, on tale at all II. L. it. It. itatlon. CULVERROUTE TO CONEY ISLAND. Ia u root or U 1IITI II AM. it,rl ork. to-day at 7:10. s lu. u IOA.il.aud halt hourlj rroui 10 lu A. Jl to 0 to P. M. ROCKAWAY BEACH. MA .N. t. AND KOCKAWAt III IL1I It It. Train leave I oiik Inliuit i Ity dally eci pi Minlay. a 10, on u to 10 so . 31 I .no. I ss i oo 4 in. 6 J 7 oo a I01 it Oi 10 I" 31 Saturday only . "THE PEOPLE'S PLAYCROUND. K, I MBt"?to A dellchtful rail on fast- 1 taHBiMiwKbk going Btamer Two H K jGP$TiKM BHn tftkrP,Lnd concerts dall & affatt HI wM , J MLMirninrnt f o I I a t e, IT. SI BUI H BqH 11 h rare plart" and hortl- ?i JH AasaJLn' Kncultuial wonder An B B?WdE&9ffSflBW9R 1iul'd menarerle. K $ 9HBKHHttC3'iiaenlflCFnt aviarj. B f? Brri'WmtPv'vii nA nuuth aquarium. B;P I&Ih vb if rAV fffand mueum all Bi W rShU Bf m L I H W ''--'' Unuinc Olen B t LSj'''jr1 7 m In I V land Clam Hake iWnjalfTMfin in iV .Jla. hit Unnera a la carte kyuft'K7 ' Klein Deutichland ' JfTyligBgiSy "The Palo." "t iMHy Inn hathlnK flshlnc, "'"" bowling, and billiards TltlS TlBLI-5TiVES LZAVE. CllaadtSI riri,. it II 1 UilIK I II 1 11 I II MS r U SO. Sib 4t n-nkllB 3. la.l, IM9A u is u, I . I S S lift r SI ,KI XA 41. 4 It i I A Mi trS, III. X.1I 4 11 . r M LBAM OLK ISI IMI 11A U fnr 11481 .MdConlandl 31 II U mm tr CoilUndlRI nt? s,s , T. I r M , fur ll Usdlsci Xr& OlT3 tCNOAT ExrrnsiON 40 cexts Incluilx. Admlsloa to all Attractions mm STEAMBOAT cS Tli cunnot barn' Th"r cnnnt tlnk' THE OV1.Y Al.L.lVA'TE.a JtOUTE TO GOMEY ISLAND Uinilinjf nt th rnn Tier TO-r-VfS TIME TVHU SllUFCI TO CnANOE. From 2JJ it . N H HourU iromOA L untl tip M. J-roic Ftcr (new j So. 1, N It Hnlf no hour latrr rom Cont?y Uani hnurl from 10 40 a 31 until 7 0 P. 31 M 30, 4 JO. 5 JO boat from I ler 1 nop at Cre -nr r tut EXCURSION TICKETH S. t'F.NTS, llcni t on aip at a lilown iumu track siaitons of the flevattftl raH'oa-ls. Fast tM pasm ner trantv forred fre to 1 Litter) place. Kcturnlnr eatt il la p.fnser(lTO-it: t'ckei at Pattery placo and are traiure rrM free to lhs rant 1 te Sea Beach Route II TO CONEY ISLAND. B ( Boats learn root Whlteha'l st term mis FloTated B S Roada hourly from S 10 A. M uot 1 7 lu P.M Sun t dayau 10 6 10 II 10 11 40 and half hourly until j F.' II nil' II l-xxurtlon 2Sccnta. I H0RTH BEAOH S MAC.MUCKMn.riTRK VI. I.ICJ11TH. HH. ' Ma rAUmith St Frry. half an hi ur s ilellKhtful sail. LarRedoutili .l.cked hoatA. Fare lO cent. I! ROCKAWAY BEACH. " m Iron btcamioit AM.LH.. Two trip, dally rrom g ltt MttSI HA ' i 1' SI t South Oth L llllmHirh 0 "3 2 13 C Ilntter) lanllns in M 1 ml A. B lleturnlnir. leave Krkawai H I1 M M. fare n unrt trip I"k. Miu.lay sue. rXCFLI FST H-.II1VH -AI.I-OSTFIl ilally Fan! lilt 3 -Liu u. Batury." gi 81 with throe liuueheslnlt. HI "TT " Flahlne Dally -Rn amir bf IIU l.l Itfrare t " 7V elkls 70e, with lall laille 4ile Fjt fi ' S"Mt, 7 IS, Ikckman. 7 M, .ut 10th. b, Franklin, f 1 1 - ?J t ' i vrrsT I'diM, m:uiiiii()ii, and ii. t MlPSlIi Dally hii urrl in ie.int Sun lay) by If. Alliinyliiy line St. amen fmin Ileilioiscn .t. I'lor H ttl lili M mulUi.Uilit.atDocli.k ksS " - (Collcflrs nrnl Schools. BJ ' For Young Men-City and Country. H TTXlVEnSITV OF I'FS'NSLVAVIA. The Tolleife - m ' - fximlnallonslnallubjectsnriulreitforentranco B . tnThH College coursos In Arts an.l helence hi Ihiico : and Technology, rluance aud Unnoiny. ( ht-uilMr), B ; Jlechanlcal ruklneerlna, 1 liclrlial nitlneerlnii. Civil S 1 iiclut-i'rmtf. Chrmlcul KikIii. erlnx. Htnlony. and H v Aroiilucluri' will be In Id lu Nhw Vork nn Tiles lay B u and Vtdneda. lune 111 anll7 nt Is West ".oth t . B , vnder lliechciririf of Jliltu HjI . I'u I) Utcaltxam Iner. 1K enuihn For luf rmatmn undiopy of I S caialoiiUH ad.lresa that x-imlucr, or ill OR lb S. KLTI Bi r I FUTON, Dean of Tin Colli,., Uulvir.lty of l'enn J b )Uanln, Wist I'hlla lelplila I'a i 8T. FRANCIS' C0LLEGE"(BR00KLYN). BJ Bummer noirillne Schcol fur Fojs opens Jul lt, B - at Centrepnrt K I , studies optional, orchards, nar- 'it dens, ult watir 1 athlnK, boulln(t, nihlni Hi Ad I r 8ACRED HEART ACADEMY. I - M l.l-C I CA1II l.ll. lll)UIIIN htllllill. - location uniiirpiisie I speilal studies durlui, vaca- tlon, tirui moderate Aii.lress J llrother KlUhT. West Chesler. V Y. Bl lsualue.a C'ollesoa. Bf CH0ltTIIVI)-!raic Tltnian's ento- now for fall ' J posltloils vi ri lira Plnln place I, J ; JILTUOfoill VN -jUIutif, IS8 Sth ar. H - .Muslcil. H T "OAJiJO, man I i'ln, Jlit cloi nei wlnir. and buck; J K dani.lnt tuiiKht. clrculnrs J. lion .N 3S J I av. Mi ' goi.t.i.ii7 H CAM. Kill AN A.!'.!! III. 1 DISIHICT B t rOVIITII Arsrsl'Mlll.i 'lilsTItltT. ? Tim lieinaratk Hi lor in In. 1 nun M niiuhly lilsirli t an niiuertiii to niiei lu an Aa-I Mlll, Ills. ' TKIl I tOllON Tor III frninu Assimlil) I7 t Irlet or I) o( Itj end ( mililj or Si w ct i to l.u hi 1 1 i nt lot 1 nst proa la on the ihitt il of June, mud, kt Hi in n i a l M lonli mrriisf of siw tlnidhren I l Umti a an I llinn Alteruntis to tl eHiateC'onn u W tlou hi Id mi li r an I lu pursuance of tin mil of tho Iirmocriili lieiibll.au sun. (entrnl Conimltiee, v which lonteniion lll met t at hAltriiuA on inu Stlhdu) of June, lfuo, at Uoi'iHk iinmi I IJIU Mill 1 HI l KIFV. C ... Clialrmun Hl.lrkt Cumuilitio. IIICHAI I. MeCOIIMlUK. B sicrnnr Dlstrut Comintttce. B noil ItT I III IIHAIID i hniriiii.nnr the Klslrlct Cnnii mlun, los B Iirnil J LllltlsTIt, ( ,., ...... j fllUMAH WAIMI, t '"Unties. H i 'fiulinn hotels. j".; Cooper Union Motel, BK I 1& n An 1 todlar Ilandsoinely furuisliLdroouis, K I pennant ut or transient. ItatisiuoKraii. j rfortini. 2otcl5. Mj y HOTEL VICTORIA- LONDON. M , 'IKAKAIsOAIl HQIAUK, B BHuatr! In (lit inobt .unvi nitntaul fathlonablepoil tton auditiiitalniH Urtiuiiiifiiittr nr tltiinic mid trtu B rooiiiki n ulti flii'l tlntf t aitlilonllo triro hui or B cbntra j la) tJurtru ItiUslioti illiiUi-r. biiU tupitr. H fcrvlci. tattle 4 liotn or u ( uri IVroprUtorarUEGOUDO-MlOTELy.CTll. ji. i-r.r.i i- - i- nn.fiin-.ris-w-.-.-i-.-s--i------ .. .... Manhattan Beach. Swopt by Ocoan Broozos. sousa's cohcerFband. ffiT" RICE'S EVANGELINE ISZ&F&P i f. S: RICE'S CIRCUS CARNIVAL SoVS u iv a. PAIN'S FinEWORKS nxrB"l3?l'!aT- Special trains ntter all performance without rezard iom hodulo Seat for rtlce'a r.Tni,ollna on sals at L I. n. R. of flco, 1 31 J limn Iwny. MADISON SQUARE ROOF GARDErX I'ress Lldrldie, Maud Raymond, Waltertislo Corn Routt, Rojrrs Uro. lleaumontdhtors. lluulta nnd aleska, W luterton nhters. 8 nlth oud Cook, Alburtls and Ilartram, Ainerl and Rertlnl. FjI l. tell KTGMMIH flll.t TO IS. Intnoerentof rain perfnrinnnca In Concert IlalU Admission 50o . llesers-od. tl . Hose All IlltAMI CONCKK rMt'N ItAYlKVr.MNU. EIDOLOSCOPE. Hull FlEht. Frenlne Telegram's Ulcjclo Parade, Y Inurette s Hklrt Dsncs In Colors Mnmtuvn s of Kiiuadron A, N. u. S. 5. V, Ieslcan Knalneer Corps Drill, Whlrlpoo liaplds, Niagara. Ilroadnay and stiith sL. ADS11SSUW 83 CFNTS I ,JTH NTIII.ET TltRATRU, NF.AIt flTU AV. X X To nlKhl only llli At Dh II l.h SHOW . t oltle nl son. 1H iinlo Thornton, Harney nnd UagRlo Ftrntisnn IhiiiIs Wesley, Harney lleyito ds Mabel Rililtuan Duly carter, I'earl Andrewa,lieruardlylin, cinresso Auow, It J Jose, Marin Heath Chas, H, Ward, rortiunti an 1 West. John W leyer. lloan and Spent er. Thoinai Lellack, Wills and llalpln and others, lncludlns; oran I Concert by nAVSR1 nOTII HFOniKNTRAND. casino! casiimo!mk;.;;, Sd1TurJ,!a.l.e,'.,!';wrlN GAY NEW YORK SOthXIght-JULY 10-Uay Souvenir.! CASISU Rain or Clear. HUllF UAUII1K CL1.NE. tIAltDI-V Allt Wilson LcwIUnom. Tl) SIllllTI Ham J. ltyali and olhera fin inilTrlll IsthoOsrdenorPalmsatPror. I I HI llinlrlll ' I'len.urei Palace, SMh UUUIUII 1 1 UU c Double huge Orand Ilallet. "Baaquavola Cue Mees. arli tics. Novelties Con certs, lloor ilsrden Adm Jle.i Ore , SOo 12 to IK. 2B;. rittu toh'h :au nt. h to n. nP e c . I Sc. , ( irch Chairs and flalc , IV, U"l Fostolli-Orlnell Major DoJe Jll others. BhtUPWAY TI1FATRK jfer Mr. A McCormtCC. Han Isomest an 1 Coolest 4 hi aire In Inn City. Lvenlngs at H 13 sjHtine Saturday nt2. an month. BB tVDI.r I bousa I Ureat Comic Opera, HOPPER .ndKiem-s EL CAPITA!!. 1'rlci ftoc , 91.00, and 1 fiO AMRKICAN THEATRE. Matlnen Salurdaj. Histrvr 1 Ss?at, On,htra circle and Ualcony. 30c. Cnnflnnrtl Ennrmmtn Hticcen. uoowuk PINAFORE. AMERICAN THEVTKE HOOT. Jarbeau Janus Ihornton. Iw Dlooui, Mchroda Bros . and othi rs. Admission 60c. Mw lUll U 'lT.UFlillUAM'ES. X4:ttX 14th Ht between ad untl th Ave.. nuNMh imiltMuM. T1IK DONOAN3, DAh COI I YElt. I OUISK MONTIIOSE. TONY F-ASTOR SINUS KW.ln NIQHT. nfllllp EVERY FENINO ATS: 13. UMLT Ol MAT1SEF. ST. t 13. KELLAR, LAST WEEK. Wt Jo, doz faced man Howe, rat boy. 71 se in., iIBm Mmea. Johnton Bralth. fat women boilnft rU contest Atlaa, itron man. Other. Theatre ( hlcafio oTelty Co. HUULH'a Uth at. Muifum, TERRACE GARDEN. "T&YlVIJ ?P?!,ACft ' ssjWALMEliTER. KOSTER & BIAL S or mc(9-ic;ha'i.(u VITAMCOPE. TSkigrm &'" HaMMEHSTEW'S0LIMPIaJr4"X ROOF GARDEN QPENS TO-NIGHT. EDEfM MU8EE. "World In Uax naa Ornud oncert. HASEn i.i.. Voi.o nnouNDs, r. m. To-day. MetrotMditausss. Faterson dm 31ft SOc, (Sumtntr csortjs. N EWYO R K. Summer in the Country. Ar you look in 7 for tome place which combine! Health I leaaure, Kconomy If in. end A cents for pontage, or call and get free at oftlce be lowr tl e lllimtrated book. ' hummer llomei." It i(l Tei Hit of hotels farm and boarding noutos, wltn HOHD AT $5 PEK IVKIHt and upward In Sullivan Ulftrr and Delaware conn ties, on the main line and branch of the New ork. Ontario nnd Wenttrn Hallway I OflO feet above the ta location prUei fare tic. all In it. In New Virfc. at No i iiaitery p'ace, In3 171, ST 1.04, and 1 Hi llrnalwny, 737 titti a v.. 1J4 E.it 123th aL 273 .'-t wsth t . Jul olumbui a ,Ui J-at 14th t.. an 1 13 tor place Ticket oQlcet foot of Franklin and Wen 41 t in Iiruoklyn 4 Court tt Hna Ful tmist.. t Uroadwar I-ago omr 4(1 "nhntian nv Uneiipolnt ILLUSritATFl) HOMES, I cnntalnln- half ton reproduction rroin Dhotouraphi of 5 1iof inn hotels farm and boarding houses ad vertlifil In Sutnmr Homes 'can b purt.haael of ei ticket nceut price Sc. J C Anderson, ueneral Paaenstr Asent 36 Beaver at , N "i, HOTEL" CHAMPIATN- OPEN JULY I TO OCT. I The superb dlrondack and I-ake Cnamplaln resort, on Uluff Point, Lake Champlaln. Delawaro and Hudson TL TL station in grounds all rain and boat mop Through drawing room and leeptnff cars from tvv York A first class summer resort, O. I). HEAVKT, ainnncer, I. O., Hotel Cbntuplaln, N. Y. N Y Office Lincoln National Dank, 4.M L, U to 13 A. M . 4 to S P. M TLHE ELMER, Cornssull.An.ISud.on. Relect family hotel. All molern Improvements Under on management twenty years. W M. H. EI.MER. IiiiriK IhIuihL A NATURAL 8UMMER RFSORT. COUNTRY AND BEAMIORE COMHISED. PROSPECT HOUSE ANJJ COTTAGES. BV HliOHK LOaMi Imi.aND Tie antlful location on the (Ireat fiouih liar opposite Flrt Island an 1 inlet to ocean one hour front ttt vr York, hoatlntr bathlnir, flshlnjr salilnu fine roads and Inter, silnjrdrlvei Select family hotel, Trelre 400 KiifStH full orchtrstra, hluhnst rlafa appointments, rateH reasonable, for pamphlet or aenrai luforma tlon.atpl ioNhw ork offlie, The Uerlach, or for rooms ut bay Shore NOW OPEN IUANK il. KtrQUlS Proprietor. THE ARVERNE; Arvcrnc by the Sea, Long Island, WH L OPEN FOR THE 8KARON JO.NE 87. CALL OR ADDRESS ARTHUR R. tVOOIl, Krerett Ilojise, N. Y. Manhattan Beach. MANHATTAN HOTEL How Open. Ceo Time Table Eiourslon Column. Oriental Hotel opens Juno 20. Address Manhattan Reach flotel and !.and Company. lUSIIroailway. H Y. Swept byOGean Breezes VMAFFUbS HOXIrJE. PATCHOOUP, L I. AN IDhAli SPOT H)K IireitrATlOV. This popular Houso Is now open. Vtcr ocean, en Urge 1 un 1 m wl furnished, a artlect Kamll Hotelj surf aud still watwr I allting btailnir flshltu innnloj VQO rooms, lor pirHculara 31 JtNKI.NM Prop. M A W H A 8S SET House and Cottages Shelter Island, L. I , , Y , will opt ii luna3 The Newlorlc ofilco laopen dallv.a to fi P M , nt ?J Union stpiiro roo n 7, wnt-re npnib cations will be receheil TeUphone. lhth at l,)77, iSfiid for Illustrated pamphlet II I) Y, LAW BON. formerly of ilurruy lltil Hotel. Manager. Summer Homes on Long Island. ' Summer Homes " n I took describing hotels and boardnm houses ou Iritis Island free tion ni plica lion at 11 1 IV4 U3U and i. II J Droadway, .New York, ai Hi I niton st , Drooklyn Fault bunttmr Hiireau, uud Hathiish av. utatlon U I K II, Brooklyn, or send mn i3) cents In stamps to II. JI. SMITH TrafTla llaiiftr.rUI l it . long Island City, New York, " Far Rockaway, L. I. OCEAN HOTEL Now open Accommodations for Jno guests, ele. ttnt location, adjoining Wao Crest I'ark fine sta lliuficilltlrs. CailoruddrcMl'KTFR W UAQb'IRL, lb hint 47tlist or hotel "PLAZA" PARK HOTECT HI A CI 1JF. Ui.MI ISLAND. Capacity VOOi conrenlent tnlieailii hauaMm, shad Ml lawn, broad plana, wend for circular. SU.Iter I.Uad. THE UAV VIEW IIOVHP. Nbclt.r lalnnd U.lnrjt, N. Y. For circular, tddrau W, U. UA10UX. t j$ummt 1&mttfi. NEW YORK. Lake lUnhopac THE DEAN HOUSE occnp'et Ideal llle westerly sldn LAKE MAlIOPACl beautiful lawn, filled wlthshadetreeii lawn ha slop to lake arrordlns; atcommndatlons for croquet, tin Ms, hammocks and Play grounds for cblllrent stabla for homes and carrlaitesi bowling; alley, billiard room, bathing house) best boat. Table supplied with bst market afTordsi frein euRs. milk, cream, butter, and vegetal. li s from farm tor terms apply A. II. DDtNi Prop'r.. MiiUnpne. N. T. Hnrntugn HprliiK- AVIIITE SULPHUR HPRI.Vn iioti:i Hitrntiiitn I.nke. Thirteenth season llosllnir. hunlnm and tlshln.Hend for new llluslratiHlclr. ular. T. ULUTUhli. I'rop.l'. O Baratoga Spring. S. ; Sharon Spring's. SHARON SPRINGS, N.Y. PAVILION HOTEL Open Juno 16. Cnroprnn Aiiptlciitlona nrHulnltnr Water. lahnlntton. Uulhn, mid lloiieliers For IHieiiinntlsmt Catarrh. Hkln IHneaaeB, l'araphltts. ilit of housea. un I prlceaurutls. John a QAVuNru a son. AdlroiulAck Mountains. STEVENS HOUSE LAKE PLACID, N. V. IJeart of tho Adirondack Mountains V 0(11 feet shore tide The largest and finest hotel lu this psrt of the region surrounded hy mountains tonorlntf five thousand three hundred feet high. J. A. A O A. 8TL h N3. Owners and Proprietors. ROCKY POINT INN. Head of I-otirth Lake, Fulton Chain, Adirondack. Open June 13. tor Illustrated folder, Ac, address "Hooky Point Inn Compaii), Old 1-ortte, N. Y, Haranne Ike. IIOTEI. PEI- MONTK AN11 H'OTTAOE. Adirondack Mountains MmerSaranao LnKL, N. t; l.Hiioreet nboe sea ltt1, stiprrlorculsliie nnd sr vice, rates moderate Kor dem rlptlve clrculir burins, Ac, address HUMP11KKS A W II 1 ALU, Proprs CntskiU Mountains. Tim ACKnitTii:v. This favorUo CATSICILI. MOUNTAIN' n sort, under new mniiatTement tiewlr fitted, fifteen minutes front Arkville station, (.harming sceuer. biautlful drlvi a, coo 1 trout Mreams J. II. JONES, Prop'r. Mftrgnretvllle, N. Y. CHURCHILL HALL N'owopen Apply to F. R. JFNKINt at Fifth Arenuo llotel. N. V. Juna 1 to 7, tl to 0 1'. M.. B. E. CUUIlcniLL. M. D Htomford. M Y. nt. wi'rii'B':DB:Bt; house Now open monern Improvements trout ponl on premises M K WHlTShV.PhiPnlcIa UlsterCa. S Y. West End Hotel, Hunter, N. Y. Open alt year, modern Improvements hot and cold water on evr floor. llUUU II. UAX1A. EUROPA HOUSE. Accommodations for 100 guests, all Improxemcnta. Bend for circular. J r.OSN Plmrulcta N . "THE CLARENDON HOTEL. Now open, accommodate 71 quests fine trout flshluir CPT. J. W U IT. Shandakcn N. "V, (ATHKII.L OlT.TalINM, EIIIEKTV COrTAOK.-Uool board pleasant rooms, healthy locality tine scenery dally mail telfgrtph, Ac terms 93 p-r week. Mrs. L. II. bLTFOHD Cornwall vllle Oreene touuty, N. Y. Cairo. THE STTELfWO. Eltuatel In a pine grove h.gh elevation leautlful urroundlnns hots ntuhtly. pleasant aU anl drives one half mile from det ol, telejrrapli and Post Unicc. Address F. Y1 BJB Cairo N. Y. hulllran Count. SUSIMIT HOUSE. WA3ITINOTON nnOS. proprletora. - Liberty Kuilltan county N. FlMt cla" accom modations large farm and dairy, pit nty rresh milk, food livery, Running and fUhtnit, Catholic family Lake George THE HILLSIDE, nagne, N" Y , now open, rates is to flo superb livia Hon on high ground JOI1N JIlCI an THAS. TJFFORt AIIKAM1INO M'R Ot'TIMl rlte for JJ "PHTCKESqilK IIULETT." which tells or the most eharmlna sp.it on Lake George . Y HLNRY W. IIUCKLLU Frop. Ilulett s landing J Y. KATTSKIIX ROCHE, Lake George, N.V.". OPI-J.H JUSl- 13 ADDISON VSCO II LEOwner and Proprietor PIItKVIX HOTEL, 1IAUUF. N on Ik. Oeore opi-ns June 1 terms $M to 910 pi r week. Write for circular. i F. MAI1SI1AI I. I n prlifor NEW JERSEY. THE BRJELLE. A family hotel, arcornmodires -u truest on th At lantic coast 4 miles south of I otitf llraiuh $ to 919 weekly special rates for season For further panic l Iar addrt-ss Major u 1 HUbaLLL. 17u lie in sou aL, Hrooklyn. or llrlelle. N J LAKE HOPATCONC. HOTEL BRESLIN, 0F AVD ONE-HALF HOURS FROM M.W ORK. Ol EN JCNK StTH Fleclrlc lights thr iiighnut e. ator. bathing bolting fishing or lllu.tiated elr cular, address W. I. WAI DhV proprietor llotel St. Hare Sth ar and SOth st, N Rooms sho.n at tho lake Wednesdays anl Haturda). Train Tla 11 I. and W. It. It. leaves li (l A II MACAIlAMItl)CiCllN( KOADS NORMANDIE-BY-THE-SEA, Normandle.near Seabrltrht N j ,(r nton tin ocean and Shrewsbury Illver Opens atur li June an. un der the management of Perdlntnd P 1-arie Trains by boat and rail Mop at Norninndlo station Tran sient. 8130 per diy and upward (Special rati s for theseaitou Lions now open for Inspection In julm for Mr ouj OTTUP. ITIIAM:r.f, lIOl'Hi;, I.itkelloprtteoiiic.N, J, Attraitbe lo. Htlon within 71 fe t of thu lalto, boat I ok bnthlnfT, and llshliiki rates $s tot 10 r week JOHLPH k UCKb, Proprietor. P. t Westlake N J (lOOD ItOAHI). pleasant aurroundlnift terma rea JT son able. Sirs A 51 DKMAltl-vr, Cherry Farm, box 1 4 Newton. Stisaex county, N, J, Ahbury 1'arlir. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ASnCRY PARK. N. J. Directly on the lleacb. fhe leading hotel In every respect. Hcsalor. MOIttlAN ft IHRhOSS THE FENIMORE. One and a half blocks from ocean capacity J00 Forcln iilarsnddress flips. Nul.. Asliury I'ark N.J. Hprint; Ijako. tuc bid anno- onrss IPSr HTII lilt fI B nlKsV DIRfcCTIiYtlN Tllh HrACIL HtVsltsHBBlsV. r-ti uiciiAiiiisos. i-rop VERMONT." MOUNTAIN SPRING HOTEL AND COTTAIllS, LAKE DUNMORE. VT. In tho hesrt of the Oreei Mountains, mien June SI. Caiailiy 300 Flesitors iienrlo lights lor Illustrated bonk call or address HttMi J yUIN'V. Proprietor, At Ollsey llousi , New ork, niter May 24. ARCADIA RFIItrAT. Ileautlful scenerj i "ideal recreation, perfctt rest and quleti imro air; puro water. J. R. PA Ilk. HI. Wtst llurke. Vt. CONNECTICUT." FEiyWSCK HALL, HAYIIRDOIC I'OINT. CONN. Attract I vii rati, to families hot and iol I snlt water I athsln hurt I tioatlnm good uheciinm ilrculnrsand Informal on ut 10 W.Jdst.R 40. X, I. IIAltllM. NEW 1IOTPL MA.Il'STIf, .ni IIAs EN. CtlNN. Nesr Yale 1 1 l.ege Campus, iiiaguincently fur Misled: Con rooms, SO private bnthst roof gariteuj couc.rlsi (J up weekly, 1. up, boating bathing, flshlutf In thelukesand 1 arbor, fine drives on 1 parks, W1 Jt JOHN PAY, 1'ropr's MASSACHUSETTS. TICrtKNIIIlli; HILLS, PEOK'B ITS'" 1ST. VANDF.USFNMI LF STATION'. N Y.N II . II. 11. It., HERKHHIRE HIVIHION. hFMsiiN J I Nt. I, III ,Su. I Addreiltor terms to PLCK'H INN. Great liarrlngton. Mass. BERKSHIRE fownWw'.sn.ntfor . & Tgleit. healthful cool Hprlng water Hood nocoin. modatlons for US. Sirs. L. Melius, Alaudar, llcrkshlra co, Masa Counttu Jonttl. MANABQUAN 111 VI-It. Hoarding, special low raw for June. Address lloi JH, UrTelle, N, J. ?nttnw. CtET RICn nulcklyi send for MOO Inventions I Wanled." EDUAUTATK4C0.3I5 Udiva N . IJATtNTb foe Invenllens proiured prompt) t low rate. ROEDER a UltllVSEN, Hi Nu.aU tl, S. Y.l MUUuUicd J6J4. ... j- . .j j t pOBT OFFICE KOTI0& (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, At chattft-ei may occur at any lime.) Foreign malls for the week emilnir June 80 will dose (PnOMPTLY Id all easel) at this offlco at fol low n TRANSATLANTIC MAILE TUFBDAY.-At 7 A. M. for KUKOPL.rr steamship Havel, via Southampton and nremen (letters for Ireland must be directed "per Havel"). WFnNtHDAY.-At 7 A. el. (supplementary 0 A. H ) fnrKUHOPK, per steamship. New York, via ftouih ampton (letters for Ireland must be directed "per New York"): at V A M. (supplementary lu 80 A. M.) for BUROriw per sleamshtn Ten tonlo. via Queenstowui nt 10 A. M. for DFLOIUM direct, per steamship Noordland, Tla Antwerp (letters must be directed "per Noordland')! at l IML for CAPK COLONY nd NATAL, per ttam ship American Uetttrt must be directed "per American"). TIIU1.NDA1.-At 4 A. M. for KUIlOPn, per itenmthlp Autoiita Victoria, via Plymouth Coerbourt? aud Hamburjri at7A.M for NBTHKHLANDt dlnot, per steamship Uerkennam, via Kotterdam (letters must be directed per Urrkendam"!. mm.mmk SATUIIDAY.-At 4 A M for FHANCFi, BWIT7Kn LANI) ITALY, KPAIN. POH1UOVU TUIIKE. LOYPT.and HltlTIblt IND A, per steamatiln I a (iarcogne, via Haro t letters forotner pnrts of Kurnpu must ! directed "per Lallascogno") at 7 A Jl for NEfllKIlLANI)3 dlro t pir atiamthlp Hpaarndatn, via Itottenlam (btteri mutt be dl rented ftrBpaarndatflMii At HA M, for ULNOA. per atenmshlp Kaiser Willi elm II. (letters must lo directed i er Kaiser Wllhelm II ")i at U A M (supplementary 1U 30 A. M ) for KUllOPU per steamship t'ampanla. via Queens town at 10 A. M. for HCori,ANl direct, iert am ship Kuniissla. vl, (llssow (letters must bdl rectid"per re urnesila"t at 11 A. M. forNOHWAY dtrictspir slenmshlpThluitvalla (letters must ha dlrtviei "perTiilmtaila ), at 1 P. M for CAPE CotONYnud NVTAU per stenmnhlp Wllcanula (letters must bu dlreated " per Jtcannla"). ritlN'THD MATTER Ac Herman steamers sail Inn on Tiuadaa Ihilrsdays, ami Saturday s take Printed Matter. &c. fur Uermany, and npeciolly Addrtased Irtnted Matter, Ac, for other paria of Mirnpo. A hltuHtar atiameraou W'rdnusdiiv taku SDicially Addrcsvd Printed Matter, At .forturope. cunard steamers on isalurday t.tke Printtd Matter, Ac , ror OreaL Hrltain und Ireland, and npi dally Ad lnssid Printed Matltr c , tor oti er ) arts of r urope, American and rntich line steamers take. Printed Matter. Ac ror all countries for which tbeyaro advenised to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic! malls named above, additional supplementiry mulls are opened on the ploraof the A erlcan, Lutfllsh, trench and(lermaust'am(rs and remain np ii until within ten mlnutetor the hour of sail Itig of steamer UAlLa FUR UuUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INUIFH Ac MONDAY.-At 13 P M for UhLIlE. PUntTO COR lh and OUATr MALA. ier steamer from Nuw OrleaiiH, at u KM. for JAMAICA, per steamer from liostou. TUrIA1.-At !! 30 A M for PORT ANTONIO per steamer irom Ualtltnore, at IS P. M. for COS 1 A RICA, per atcamer from Sew Orleans WEI'M-sDAY.-Al 1 A M.furllRAII.nndI A PLATA COuNlltltS vlalVrnambuco, Mcturla and LH.it. tus, tn-r tt amshlpCatatda from Ral tin ore I letters must be directed pr Catania ') at 10 A M for COhTARICA per steamship Albert Dumo a tla II mouj at lo A. M tsupp emciitary IU 10 A. M) for FORI ONE 1HLANU HAYTI and SaNTA MARTHA, per steamship An des. at U M. for URENAIM. TRIN1DAI) and TOJJAuO per steamship Irrawaddy at 1PM. (uppleiiieutir 1 t0 P. 51.) for .NASSAU, N P per tteamslilp Antllla (letters must be directed "per A HUH'); at 1 P. M ror CURA.per steamsnlp City or Uaahlmtton Tla Havaua, at 1 P M. ror PORTO RICO direct, per steamship Arkadla at U P. M for PORT ANTONIO, per suamer ftom lioiton THt'ltSUAY.-tt fi 30 A. M for PORT ANTONIO, per steamer from liatttmore, Ht 1 P.M. (supplement ary 1 JO P. M ) for UVIIML'DA. per tvamthlp urlnoco.at 1 P. M (supplementary 1 30 P M ) for NAAU. S P.. and SAN Tl ADO UE CUUA, per steamship Nlasaro. FRIDAY.-AlB JO A. M for NEWFOUNDLAND, per atfamshlp Carthaginian, from Philadelphia. BATURDAY.-At7 au A M for I1RAZIL. per steam snip Hevellus, via Pernatnbuco Uahlo, and Rto Jauelro (letters ror North Urazll nnd Ia Plata countries mutt be directed per Heve lus ),at 7 JO A M for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per Fteau ship Rellaura at 10 A. M, tsuppli-mentary 111 U A ill for 1-ORIUNL ISLAND, JAMAICA, and OHhYTOUN per steamship Athos (let ters for Costa Rica must be directed per AtloO, at 10 a M for MEXICO per steam ship c. Con lal via Pro re so and ra Crui (leitersmust bedlncted "per ( .Condal") at to A M (suipleuif-ntary 11 A. M.) for CENTRAL AMI-Hit A (except Custn Ilnai and SOUTH PA C1MC PORTS prr steamship Allianco. via colon (letters ror Guatemala must bedtrsn ted "per At llaiua at lu 30 a 31 for CAMPFCHE, CUIA Ias TADASCO. TUXPAM aud UCTAN, per atesuuhlp MKlIancla (letters for other paru of Mexico and ror Cuba must bedlrectel 'lerMftl lancla'r at 3 P.SLforULULFlkLD per steamer from Sew Orleans BUNDAl.-At rt A M for nARnADOFS direct also NORTH lUttIU via 1'ar.i and Mautos (er steam ship Mumlnente (letter ror other parts of Uratll must be directed per Flumlnen&e ) Halls for Newfoundland, by rail to Halifax, and thence bv steamer close at this olTJcedslly at H HO P M Malls for Mlquelon, b rail to Hoinuu and thence by ntiamer c.ose at this oftlcii dally nt H au P M Malls rorCubi close at this onici- dally at 7 A 31 . for forwarding by steamers nailing (Stun davatind Thursdays) from Port Taint a. Ha Halls for Mexico oerland, unless specially addressed for dei atch by steamer close at (hlsolTtce dilly at 7 A 31 IHeUstered mall closes at 0 P. M pre vious dav TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Molls for China and Japan per steamsMp Coptlo (from Sun Fraucisooi.cios nere dally up to June Uatft Jil p M Malls for China and Japan per steamship OlytuDia (from Taroma , close hero dally up toJune lloat tl 30 P M Malls for China and Japan (specially atldresred oul p. r steam ship Eiriprist of Japan (from Vamouvrr) cloo rere dally up to June IIS at 1 30 P 31 Malls ror Australia texcept those for West Australia which ar forwarded via Furope) Nw 7 train. 1. Hawaii. FIJI and Ham nun Islands per steamship Alameda (from San FrancU'ot, Bins here dallv up to Tun iu at 7 Tl A l . 1 1 K M an 1 tl (D P M (or on arrival at New 1 ork or steamship Uni trla with Hrlttsh malls for Australia) Malts for Australia (extept et Austrillal Hawaii, anl 1-1)1 Is'ands (spic ally a t 'resed onl) i, per sti mi st 'p 3Ilowera r m ancou.er close hert iiiv after June 0 anl up to July 1 at 0 in P 31 Malls for the So lety Islands pr shin Trnpu llrl (from San l-ran lo c o here d illy up to Jum) ktatd 30 P M 3Ialls for Ilawac pr steamship Australia (from but l-rauclcor, closo herd dally up to J my at rt io P M Traita-PaclDe malls are forwarded to jnrt of a Un datl, and the s heilule of rlo'ln? Is arranetl on tlo ( rt sumt tlon f their unluterru; til oi rland transit, t lUglsterel mat) c lo. sat o ni) p M r viousday OHAltl tH rATN pistmaaUr Pott Officii Nwork N Y.June 11 IhMd TVTOTILI- OP'COMMIKSIONFR OI-'jURORs" IN RF, il (lAltti TO CLAIMS FOR LXLMPTION UtOM JURY ULT. Room 127 Stewart njtldlnx. So 280nralwav lhlrdlloor. New ork Junei IHifl Claims frexempt!on from Jury dutv will be heard by me dally at my olll e from t k M until 4 1 . 31 Those entitled to rumptton are rlerimnen law. yers physicians, surgeons surgeon dentists prnff. aora or teachers In a collet. n ademy or i uhllo mhool. editor- editorial writers or r ptirleri of datlv n-wspapTs licensed pharmareutlsts or pharmaclsis actual!) engaged lu their rrsiecluo profetxlous an 1 not following any other ratlins! militiamen police mn an 1 n return elerth n oftlrer non rest let ts and city emplo)ees anl LtiltM States cmploiei onicrs of vrairls mnLlnif rt(;ular trips license 1 SI lot actually following that railing sttperlnten "nt. i onductors and emilmer of a rallronlcom psuy other than a street railroad compan tele- Sraph operators actually doing dut as suih rand Sheriff and Civil Court jurors anl persons physically Inojpahb of performing Jury dut bv n asan or severe sickness, deafness or ottur physical disorder Tliost who have not answered as to their liability or proed permanent exnnptlon will receht a Jury enrolment nothe " requlrun them to uppvar before me this year Whether Halle or not sue1, noil es must! answered un person If posslb c), and at this omen onl tinker severe trnalllei If i xi nipt the party must bring proof of exemption If liable he must also answer In (ertun giving roll and correct name, resldeuci1, etc, etc. No attention paid to let ers. AH goal cltlxenswlll all thocotirsoof Justlceand secure reliable and respe table juries anl equalize their duty by serving prompt) when suinmoned allowlnc their clerks or sui ordinate to nerve, ro porting to me any attempt at bribery ore inlon and suggeftttng names for eurotlment. Persons hetw. en twenlv one and seventy years of agi sumoier ab sent e persons tempnrarll 111 and United States Jurors are not exemi t. Every man rnuit alien 1 to his own nnth e. It Is n misdemeanor to give any Jury paper to Another to answer It Is also punishable by One or Imprison merit rodlvoor rerohe any present or hr.bt dlrwliy or Indirectij, In relation to a Jury sin let. or to withhold any paver or mnko an) false stnleim nt, und every case will be fully pros uted WIIIIAM PMMIFY. Comiulsdoner of Jurors ' Z. aUrairnl. ATTfNTIONI-OUIr7it. OIIINDIF. nitAlll'ATF. UNIVFRHlTYOFTIIFCITs Of NtW'MIIIK ll I 10 l DH'AHTMFNTil II KAIIH A RPI CIAI INT IN-D1MFA81-S OF S1FN. Oil) lilt URINDI F has been longer i stabllshed and has had more ejtp. rlem e than auyothir advertising physlilau. clly pnpirs prove this. Uuderhls silentino treatment I loo I and skin diseases pains In bones red spots, soro throat and mouth, uh.fr. pulnful swellings kl liny and Mail I, r complaints acaldiug Innaiuiuallnn gratil nn I. v. I opeil organs, weak back, lost vitality, are speedily, permanently cured Men almut In innrr) should con. Kiilt OI DlllltlRINDI F. hverylmpc.il II removul KufTurers ilo not waste tlmn tfsltlng li ss skilful ply slilans llemember OI D Dlt IlltlSlll h mmr tails CUFIt I10 Fit 13 s PARS at 171 West Wlhal .bilwitll Mill und llhnts Adtlcofree lledlcluo l Hours, U too, Hun lays II In I Nochargntiuli Jscuri I. AIIII.ITY.-OIUHRHMITH,lll4ral Intll t pear. id av station, oulv snecUllst ol 4ft sears lu this paptr therol.noothi tof irijeirs pruithn Uilh sues lihioit, skin, ulcers sore thro it, nose, i ninth legs pslns back hiud hones chisl heart lungs klduejs ula I li r, stone t-riiTrl, li rltatlnii patuful iirlnuiloti swelling., stm lures gl-et. My iiieiho.1 i un s nervous delilllt. weakne.s. I addreams lost niaiihoo I shsnuss tn m bllng, Irnb.itliniiits lomarrluge v. oak tuidevi lo(nd or gnl.i lloitlsa Kca OLD Dlt hMlTII first Ho slops ills tharires Imniidlatels, no charge uulissciirid tVrlte or tall, II lo Hi Irenlinenl alvhefree Mi Heine ;v. II. IS file. OlVLiTis jeura is aneiliillat III illaemsr. ni men onl. CJuhkist perinainiil i ure uuarauree I or monev refuutedi blunt, sklu I ldne. bladder, nervous debllllv bad dreams Imp. dliuint tomarrlnge Oftlro over 35 i nrs nt W0 I in I7lh st , near Union s pinre Hours o In II, hun.laisu to J. Treatment and a Ivke trie Medlilni'.ouls 'i. A.-A, A.-QUIflCrsT I'ER ll A N HNT i ureln diseases of in li ilan.erous cases sotlcllid ro llrf nt once thorn desiring only first class n. h ntlila treatment ,iould call Ihe leading speilallit r, liONhCMUR. W7 Wist im t i u lo J tltoU. Sun day in lo J DR. ONKAD-rklrnlinc skilful treatment of or ganlo and fuuoilonal dismiss and Irngularlile or women 1'rlvstu lanltarlum 117 West 471b sl.i hours u to H. 1 ADIHt. married" or single" consult l)r and MrsT ij HFINIlAIIll, expert In femal i Irregiilarllles, prl vato sanitarium, cuiindenllaL .'OU woi 43d t , near llroadway. M "its. LANDAU, only reliable est ert kllfull) treat femaln Irr.gularltle and suppression with per fret methods, ut East lst t , near Leilngion av,, fin, room with board Z-.l-dle' physician, ultWcst 4Sd st , near . llroadway. In Specialty .'u sear, hour Vtou, . Wsjrhjaml Joveltii; ONE UMAMiiNUil" W Ti IIFS. rltli or ad. IIOI L1K dr. WATCH nl PPI V CO . 4 al Ku w,ri,ieoii. au o eiuiMtwo. . FOR THE SUMMER LUNCHEON, what conlcl bo raoro plonsinp than ono of our Obippondnlo or yhora toncliuing tabloB? Used without ft tablo cloth (ns tho summer lunch fnnoy is), thoir richly colorod, highly polishod tops conlrnst do liphthilly with any dainty schomo ol docoration. Hound or square, with slim tiipcrir.fi Icrs, having tho edges in somo casos bordcrod by linos of inlay. Even such bonuty is at faotory prices if you "duyofthg maker" Geo. C.Flint Co. 43 45 amd 47WEST2VST NEAR DROADWAY. rACTORY: 154 AND 156 WEST I97STREET gjcrjitl iotlri IN PURSUANCK OFvT'tmDEIl MARIS HY TUB HON HIKD1 Illtlt KMM'il, one of the Jus tlces of tho hupraino Court or tho btato of New nrk, on Ihu Ilrat day of May, 18 id, notice Is berciy glvi n to nil million and persou having claims against John , Talmage nnd Daniel Tnlmageas toparitii is under tho iinme of Dan Tal mace Sons or i gainst elthir of them In lhldually' tl atthej arc renulrul lo prcii nt their claims with sou her then for dulv verlilid lo the mibscrll er th assignee, for lh benent nfcrulltors or tho said Jo in F. Tal i ag. and Danl. I Talmsgi. both Individually and also as lopirtuors latnis doing bustiitst In the city andiounty of New ork under the namnof Dan Tal magii s Sons at said assignee's unite. No Hawaii strei t In Ihe city of .Now York, on or beforo tho UOUi day of Jul). iMUll DatodNework. May llth 110U JOSLPII OH I FT. Assignee. STRONll 1IARMOV MATREWSOV, Attorue R for Assignee, 43 William street, Nuw ork city. tciimliontuf. I.OMl nRANCII AND HACK, flOe. AMIUIIY I'ARK ANO HACK, FlOc N. Y, uud I.onsc Ilrunolt Btentnbiiut Co. In connection sltn Atl.ntle ( nis.t I lectrle Ralltvnr. Steamers Mry I'tsttess," I.lberon," llen.tire lliiy." Iave pier foot Jane st N It. wees datsUHOAM 1 nnd 2 40 P. M , llalten , near Barge ortlce. 0 20 A. 31 1 HI nnd H 0'i I. M. Sundays l-sve Jan. st. t) 30 slid U A 31 Hatter) h 3 aud U 10. For lllctslnnU R"iicli, Heislirlscht, I'leaaure Ilnjr, and l,nsg llrisneh. ronneciloii at 1 leasuro llav with electric rallnay for 1A eat J nil, Klberon, A. bury 1'isrU, and Oceun Uruvc, llaggage ouecked free of charge. Hudson River by Daylight. rVY LINE STEA3IERS NEWTOIIK" and AI.nANTM lially except Sundiy. Leave Prookljn ruliont .by Annex) HA M. " Newborn, Ii b rouses bt. Pier . . 8 4l West V.JM Pier 0 For AlitlAN. landing at Vmkf r West Point, Newourh 1 oughkcepslu, Kingston 1 olnt, Catsklll, and Hudson LONG BRANCH, Ocean Grove, and Asbury Park. Steamboat THOMAS L. UORTHLFY leaves New . ork dallv, Fast tlsisL. tf A M Hrooklyn south -th f Y V0 A.M Dcn k st V bt) V3I. HiindaS InelU le 1), fnr HlgUIan 1 II. uh, senhrlght Pleasure Haj Lon Ilranch 1 xcurmou faro i0 cents single trip 13 cents Connecting with elrclrlc roa 1 lor Asbury I'ark Ocean Urme and Deal Reach Through t ckets excursion b0 cents single trip. A0teul BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND POINTS. MS SOIND I INI1 NORWICH MM', Ma New I ondon from Pier 4n N 11 next Dtsbrosscs st , wee da)s onl). at A till P t FALL llirr.lt LIM', via Newport and Fell ltiv.r from Pi. r li- N u foot of Murray u, wees. itass an I fttin la snlAitlOP y rSTONINJTSN 1.1 M-. Ma hlnnlngton leave lierdO.N It ono block utoie Caual sc. week da)s only at O P SI ALBANY BOATS. ITUPLPM LINK Tho Popular S eauiirsliKm and III-AN ItIi"H3!OND will leate Old Pier 41, N U, foot cnual sc at (I P 31 dall) ibundas excepted) mnklng direct connections with trains North Fast, and est LWG BRANCH AND ASBURY PARK. Meamerl ITTI Ebll'snt leaie dally and sundass , foot of l im it. H 4i A M Also battery I'u r n lo A. St for lllkhlanls Illghlnn I lu ach beabrlchl llta lire Hay Itiil'sii TltlP. So 1 NTs ( onmctlng itn trolles for Asnury I ark Helri shments muilc The Uontauk Steamboat Company, "'r,",d' for Orient Shelter Island, tireenport Soutnotd and Sag Harlmr Imtrk New .rk Tuea lay Thurla)s anl .MilurdH) at 3 1 M from Pier 20, I- 1L ion of IN k Mtp c nuectlui; at Drcnp rt ulth stt-amer ' Teddle for Sew Suffolk Jumetp rt an l Rli rhi n t PROVIDENCE LliME. FOR HO.TuN WOHClJtlrlt the Milt TH n I ANT The (ONNHTICIT till 3USSSC llfbl TIN leaie Mff PUR 98 N IC one bl L abovn lanslst. nt oai P M dally, except Nundis 1-utl night s rest shortest rail rule H.NL olalHNTIt Vim en hsliamer llud.on Rlv.r Nteitmer Mnrv Pnssrll. Illl. IIAI'KPrHI.MItlM. Ilives Desbro sL I IM' 31 . 1 it is 1 4'i P 31 I eaves est .'.' 1 C 1 111' M Sill iV M FortitsNsroN sl ini t oiin m.i niw III Itilll NI HA3IIII llllll J1II.ION POKIH'Nll. IIONHOLT. and K1NI1S7 JN TROY B OATS. Steamers S4.RATOOA and CITs of TRO. have Pk r 411 fo.tVi.lt icitli tC dall), except bjturi'a),0 P M su i lay steanit r toiiilu s nt All.an) KINIINTONI IN K,fo.t of West I nth at. Halls 4 7r)TT Nsturday at 1 ht V II V I IN an ! 1.. MI II tor (orhnall NuMbur.h, New llamblirg Mar born Sll.ton lI)i1ol'nrk l'oughkeep.le l.ln.st n t nnun Hug with V an 1 D lull for all to til. In talskl lountalns NK II.VVKN.-l-are l I M I ItiloN, $1 in. a.l steamers 1 avu pier J3 1- IC wnkilavs 1 p. si and U midnight sundnts u li A 31 anl l- mil nlkhl arrlstng In tlim fir train, to ).crldetl. llart fonl. rlngllel.l au I north KOIMIHI, 1 INI- -sieamirs huso l'ler 21 N lt foit trankltu st for t ran. ion s Wiit Point. Cold Nj,rn. i nriiwalt, 1 lhklll l-nnlln,, mil Ni w burgh yieekdii). 31' 31. Sunday, 0 A 3L, 1 1 Id SU. NJl.0i1A 31 it i:i llMC 1.1 M'. Isve I'lor 31 toot rmukliusi nt u s 31 and IP. M fi r HlKhlniils Ilklilnlid Ilia. II Hiinnli. Red Hank, and Intermc llste Inu lluh I case He I lljuk ut 7 A. M and .1 :0 P 31 "ITl'llNON AND CONSACMF. 1HHTH f rmn TooTof 11 Chrlstnphi rst . N (,.mr) st.L das nt u I'M, au I est 1 Ulsi. 0 no, conutcilug wllh 11 A. IC lu ut Hu Ison rtATSMI I, MOUNTAINS -CATSMII, lrNIV V LINK fr nn foot of t hrlsti.pher st N It eviry week dnv at ll P 31 . ami West 1 1 1 1 st il ill. counei t In at i nlsslll nllh m itinialu trims, goo l mioiumo ilntl in lor liorse. nn 1 1 srrlakis b en i s frte, send lo plrror tnCitsklll ior.li-irl live folder. rrnu eStrnmrrjt. AMERICAN LINE. MW Voltl. tiOCTIUSII'TuN- l.ondon-1 arts). hailing ut III A 31 MWOllK Juno 17 NT I'SL'L . . lull I HTIOl'lN IlineS I'Alllh Jlllvi llllll Jlllin.; MUIOHI, t'llyn EED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP. Hilling ovi r WVilneji lay, Noordland, luno 17 1101 n Kensington July 1, I P. 31, 1 rleslnnd, Juno 2 noon Vit.u rnlan I. Jul) H noon 1MMINAIIONVL SAIllAlON il)MPN Piers 14 and IV North KlieronUo. 0 Rowllni, Oreii ANCHOR LINE. nl.AM.IIU 1 IA I.OMIO.MII.ItKV. I iom I'll r II N It foot nt .4lht. llrulssla I iiuii JO in... ii stu m rla Junu.'7noon. H, H III'. OF IttlSU. .lull 4 mill Kept, fi, I or rati s of pnssagi i ml partn uiari appi) to III NDMtNON llltnllll Its Agents 7 Howling lirecn ilNAHDI INh IOI 11 Kl'oUL.MvgLLl NSIOW.V Cniiipnnla Juue'JO no in Lucanti July 4 10A l Unibrlu June .'7 li M Itrrii Jui)li'.'PM, CVIHA rs VI 1. 1. Nil;. Aurnula lu. slny, Inly 7 4 P. M. ri rsm Pit r 4ii North Riser, foot nl t larkson si. M.ll.NONH lilto.N&co.(lin'ls.is 411 nllngllnen HAMBURG-AIYIERICAN LINE". TWIN n( I1FW l-XPIilhS from New York to I ImuouiImI on Ion) t hi rbourg Par and Hamburg Asiciorla Iiiiii. Ik 7AM lolumliia lulr J f. M. I 1 1,111111 Itinera IIA 31 Niiriuaiiiila luhp III M. lliiiiibliriE.Aiiiei leun l.lne, 417 llrnisilvius iflAI.N'i: STI.AHSIIIP ijm:, dim I ti t otlnge t II) Mas anl Portland Malm Dolliihlfiil si an last route to all plia.ore resorts North mil rnst eleguil si i in ry Ion oxiurslon rales Minimrs sail fruits Pier im, Fast Illvtr.esiry lues das. lburs lu) aiidbaturdss nt ft p 31 '' lflRAIIO II VI L Agint N'ORTII '.HlMAN IIOtliSH. H CO bill 111 Rot TF in I ONDON ANf) CO.NTINI NT. lASrlMRlSS TFAMl'RS IlavrlTtie.Juui.il tOA M Vller.rtat.Jun. 87.I0A 31. Tr.,.,.ue JuusOWOl, s, fjT 0UT,KJ5"M,,.SaV?1 HKKVICF. For OIDI'lllNr lllMMiln MlltHiLK, NR PORT MWS. IrTHtslll HO, PIIRTiMOl'III. IINNHtd POINT III! HM.lND VIIHIINIA RrAI'll and WASH I.NIIIUN l " DAin raCFI'T BL.NDA) ' lllchiiionl llrect via all wan r rniiiei, Monday iFrelghtonlr and Miur I ly j.1 assengers an Is renin I Railings ifriiin Hi r i n ll'll' M halurday 4P M T,'TT,l'!irv'DFVl.l:Vrr.?a'urrVar..niger Minn: st tit i.ixi:. Teutonic. Juno 17 noon lajilh July 1. noon, llrliaur.lc. June 4 nnon llerinanlii July m mum NO iiirrbs t'ARIIlFD UY l-bsLMiMI isTfAMKHa, 4 6th Ave., 20J LADIES' SUITS. THREE BIG BARGA6E.S. LAWN and DIMITY SUITS, Choice Stylos and Materials, Laco and ltibbon Trimmed, 1.98 and 2.98 Formerly 8.00 nnd lO.OO. LINEN CRASH BLAZER SUITS, rc-onforcod Jackets, Extra Wido Skirts, 2.98 Formerly 5 oo. CLEARING OUT THE BAL ANCE OE OUR LIGHT-WEIGHT JACKETS AT 1-3 REGULAR PRICES. Special Attention is Directed to our FIVE-PIECE LADIES' BICYCLE SUIT. Ask to See it ; it's the Biggest Bargain In Town. glnilronu'?. "AMERlOA'0 CR-AT-BT RAILROAD." rJE.WYORK (ettral ' & HUDSON RIVER R. B. From Orand Central btatl in 4J1 street ,.o A. M- Lxci pt Sunda) I- inpire State I xnres. -U, t train lu the world stops at Albans, lib ; a, Siracue, and Rm lit iter Due HutTalo 4 43 P 3J. Niagara fall. '. j3 P. 31 This train Is limited to It 0.30 A.'-wW Fast Mall for Po.ighkeep.le. Allans Ltlca :-)racuse, Rocbester.BufTalo.NIa.ara 10 1 lis a'm8.0 I xceot Sunday Da) Express tor all iimrtant New org Male points. ..... 1 ltOOl' M.-Dalls. bouthwistern limited for f o iuu bui Cincinnati Indianapolis an I st IjsuIs. stops at Po ignki epsie. Albany. Ltius, S)rncuse, I ncnester anl HutTalo ... . ,. liOO I. M.-Dally. 1 Mcmo 'peclal for Ditrolt. ., eland Toledo and t l.kago. Slot, at Polish keep-t . Alln hchinccud). Ltlca. racu.o. II s.ue.ier an 1 1 ufTalo ...... L I II ii I1. II. ncept Sunday West Point Pough- k n-le Alball). lro, Saratoga. I Au-to M.-Dally Norm snore I Imlud. Due De i troll Vw A. M C I. ago 4 JO P M stops at A I I any Ctlca and Syracuse 8,00 1'. SI -Dally tor Alban). Trm.lt. a All nitidis; Mountains Slomreal )rcjse Huffalo. I Niagara Falls Cli-eland lolido nctrolt, C Imago, 0,iiCi"U.,.-DalVsU'' lor Troy Saratoga Hurllugton. , 1 alls uren St Allans. . id MuntriaC 1 7i.1t) "v. M. Dab) lor II iITaio Niagara Falls cioelanl ind anapolU hC louis ClucakO Slops I nt 1 ougnkci psle, Albanv anl ltlca. ISitSO V M.-Ilally tarries sleeping car passenger .mi) for points on Fall llrook Hallway, Ma L)ous, en 1 fnr It 1 heslfr rt , . OitS I, tl. -Dally. For svra"use. Osneco Water , i.mn uienslurg Hulliiln Nujars lall. I'liso- 1 Und To edu 1 hliago 1 xieitsitiirdavforCaiin untan 1 tho Auburn road ban Is) s only oioieis IZilO Nlcht. Theatre trlln for Chicago an 1 j rln I upai lunis on Ne ork central eury iiigni ex I crt t sunda) night bun la) nlkht. t.losi-rsvillo and . l 1 Icao slieiitrs 1 nv. onp 13 P. 31 train OiOtl A. M.nndaia 1". M. Daliyexcipt Sunday 1 in I'll .I'll 1 via iinr.eoi Division ..,,,. Oilfs A, M. Sunday only m 1'jtisflell and tho Perk .Hire Hills vlallarleni j Isljlou i "VII. NIl.HT' 1 RAINS TO lOSkFRS "All li ght ' trains run iHtween 133th st and point on the Puliiam lllsl.li n afnr a onktr. luionnn' ton with tie ebvated road Theonlyllne running all nl.nf trim out of New 'S ork s ai.ner Falsi e Tars on ail through train Trains lllu nlrnie.l with I'lnt.ch lighc Tlckits and Wagner onlst. at oran I Central Sta lion IU l.roalway 14 lark plno HOI 4 1 1 llroad wis HI 1 u.t llth st.lil.' Ilriiutni) .'JMolumbus as . HI ih' l.'th st. aud I teth sc stallou New Vork ttsan I 7J0 1 ullon st nuJ loollrosdrta), L.D , IlriHiklyn ,, .. Hn.i-e checked froi i hotel or re.ldmce ly the W l nt rsnns. Ciiii any .,,.,. JOHN VI loll Is lUoRliE II IUNIFI S Hem ral )lliager in neral I assenger Agi nt "LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Smtlons foot of t ortiaudt and I esbro-si s Ms Ci.'.ov. 31 dall) i8unlass7o0A SlllorMVLCH CHI NIC and Interme Hale stations ntlS A M dally for ITII CCA UINF.VV. IIOCIIFt Tsi" 1ILHAI.O. NIAOAHV IAIl,s, M'NPF NSIl S HRlDUh and the West and prim Ral Imal piluls dining inr to 8 ispeuslon llrl I.e. Pullman vestibule Sleeper to Chh ago .,.,, IllUO A M dall) except suudi). for MAUCTI ClllSh. and lutermedlnie point contieillons for j Rea.ting anl llnrrlsburg ISiOO noon dally, except Bunday "iiiiAcu nivMoMi i:ximii:ss" arrives HutTalo 10 OOP M Through car to Rochester Pullman VitUbuled Hay (naihes aud 1 arlor cars. Ditiliu or sersln. Measalaiarte IrOO P 31 dsl.y, cxicpt Sunday, for Laston and Inn rineillate points. liao P M ilally, except Sunday, for U an 1 R. Jl sc 1 IOM aud all Interiuedlalo staUons, chair tars I to VV llkesl arre. tlstlU P. 31 Sunda) s only for Slouch Chunk and Hn ton au 1 all lulerinedlate stations. alio P M dull), esceit Mml.i). for I mil It JU .cllON sn I prlu Ipaliiiternu-dlitv station Pull man liutTi I Parlor Car to VWIkesbarro, conneitlons for PottsMlle , .'ill's P.3I daily for FABTON and Inli rmedlamia tlon Chair car to laston . .. OlIO P. JLi'allvfor III 1FALO. NIvnVRA FAI I-t nnd all rolnu nt I'nlliiinn Wee er Vcatlliuli 1 rraln N S lo Chicago Mi in r In iiufTalu an I To ronto couiucilons for Re ninu und Iliirrltbiirg OiOO I M ilally for HHAi V III NIA. ROCIirs Tl It. IIIH-ALO NIAOAItA F Vl IJi and all p .lilt ' West I'ullmaii Me. per to Chicago and Huffalo CnalrC.r to VV llkesbarre, UifsOP si, ilally, t xct ptsu ula), for RVSTON and Inn riiui.tlnti points. Sii.iulonnl local iralns dnl , except Sunday for Rol ND HHOOK and Int. rmidlatii lnliits, liasi as fol lows H 'III V 11 . 0100 A. 31 , U.iO P. 31 , 4 .'0 I' 31 , an Id JU P.M ,. .. Tlckits and Pullman accommodations at 2 13 2,1, 044 an.l I.l.'lllrosdwa) Jl Last 14th st , l.MII IJ.tll si 17 II nv. n. New Vork i Hi 0 111 ton st , 4 1 nun al , on llrnailna),iind lrnoklyu Annex I rooklsu N, V Translir Cu will call for and check baggage from hotel or resldonro through to di stlnatlon ERSE RAILROAD. Through trains lease Niv, irk, fiot of Chainher it . as follow, aud llso lulnutes earlier froi i West Vllst (Ulfl A, M.-Vetlhulc Fxpress dally forWaver iiiUU i). lbiighamlou Flmira. lhirrulo llrs Ifor.l. Jamesioiin Slialvillo oud th. West, arrises HutTalo 7 30 P 31 Parlor cur lu Huffalo O.hn ' '' sestlbnle lluili.l Fast Mall ilally JJ Hnlid trilll fur f hit ago slu Cliiiulaoiila Laki , arrives Cleveland 7 40 V. M llli agu ft P M. sleepers tochlcago.ciesot md, and Clucluuull Dlu T.'-Ji'. . M. UuffaloanlClciflnn.l Vestlbuln li. 1 ,i)J press dall), arrlvi a HufTaln 7 II A.M. lira I ford 7 IS A. M,.lauieslOHII Illli3 A M , t Icsehind I 13 P M (Slieperslo Huffaloand Clevi landi making di rect ionn--i Hod. for Detroit Oilman and the West 8, I fT l M. Dall) VU cliautaiiqusLaks and Nl . I1J agsru Sails. Foil 1 I nil 11 1. 1 Chicago Sleipen to HutTnlo chh ign nndt In liniafl Dining car. 'HKhrn I.OOU, TIME CARDS AMI I ill I MAK J At lOMMODvrlOSs nt 111 Vnl 401, nil I P37 llroa.lwny llHFuit U'dh t an I ill West IM 1 st ( hnml en nliil West VI Id t litres Neiv Vork Milt an.l "i Hilton st , inoHrnndwnv Hrookl)ll .''llllul son st . II ki u an 1 Jersi y ( liy statin 1 W esicoit. xi less c ills for ni I chrcss bugi,agu from I otels an t ri sldriices 1 1 di sllnat on. New York and Boston All llaiL N ,N II All II II audi onuiitlous. From tlraiut Central Siailou. Iase Hy way of Due uniA )f ftprlngfiild and Vsnrceslrr II 111 f 31 10 00 a M Neis Uiiidounud Prosidenee, .1 00 p. 31, loot A si Ni w Uindon and Pros Hence, 4 do p 31, 11 oil a 3L bprlngnell au I Wore ester, 3 ,10 1 M, U On VI MrllKlleldauit Worcisler, A 17 PM 1 1 1 0 I' st sir 1 111. ami s K It. It . on p SI I 04 1 M New Loudon un 1 I r isldenoe 7 o P. 31 J 00 1 . 31 (.v u.ndoii and Pr n I li me, n no p. 11 4 00 P 1 sprloglli id and Worn siir looup.si ft 00 1' M Neivliuloiian I Pri.v li ni v, 1 1 n 0 P. 31 11I10P31 Hpr n meld and Worcester UISA.SL Hoar M 'Ni w linlonaiil Prosideuc, iiiti x.U Hun dally luclu Hug Sun Isy tsliar Mat. limited all parlor car, far. 17. lacltsd- Inr parlor ar si st tAlrlln. Ilmlled (topping nnlyal Mlddletown. ar. rive, at an I departs from I'ark ttjuaro station, boa ton Ri turn .arviee same hour and by same rout 1" Itrsugn parlor r sk.nlug 1 ar. by . h train. X T. Uiatt-ai-ai;, dtu. f til Altai, I ... 1 .j. ..- - rt ,1 1 .- all s, ( h to 21st St. 11 I Clearing Sale f SHIRT WAISTS : The balance of our great MB YER R JONASSON & CO. purchase at 1 these prices prices that will cro vd the department with eager buyers. t LAWN and PERC A r. I WAISTS, v ' doublo yokes, crtni full h'ovcs, f variety of colors, size, ',1 to 12, fc 45C. EACH. I v r Usual Price Elsewlicro 03rj. r EXTRA FINE WAISTS, of Pot- f v calo or Lawn, extreme sleoveo, ' dainty colorings, sizes .12 to 42, it 79C. EACH. i Usual Price Klspuiiero l.CO. I BATISTE DIMITY LAWN and LINEN WAISTS, all Im- I ported Muteria's, Dainty Colors, I and oxtremo sleeves, sizes 32 to 42, jl 98C. EACH. 1 Usual Price KIsewliere 2.S. tV glailroaag. J Pennsylvania STATIONS foot of D.sbrotsc and Cort'.ndtitnMUt. InetTect May Jl ltivs. OiOO A.M. TA8TI INE.-ParlorCar to Pittsburgh. IOiOO A. M. PtNSsV LVANIA LIMITLD -Pullrnao compartment, sieeplug Dining Smoking, and Ob servation car. Arrises CI Icauon a. M Cleveland 4 to A. 31 C no'nnatl 6 40 A. II Indianapolis 8 00 A.M. Loul'vllle tl 30 A. 31.. ht. Louis 3 P. M.. and Toledo ts JO A M , SlOO I. VI. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS Ftl'RESS. bleeping and DlulnCarsuiSt IxiuIs.Loulsvllle.auct chl.ago ArrKcsClniiunatl 10 43 A-31 . SU Louis 7 . P JI calcsgoft ISP 31. OrOO P. Jjf. WF STIRS EXPRF-SS.-R!eepIng and , liming Cars to Chicago and Cl-veland Arrive. Cl-v.. and 1 1 J3 A M fnlcago P M nxt day ?! I. M. SOITHWESTLKN FM llS-el log and Dining Cars to Cincinnati and St. I out. Ar- , rive Cincinnati el P M.. Indlanapo I 10 13 P. H- I st Loul 7 A 3L cecond morning eiOO I. I. PACIFIC I prfss -Pullman Slecptn car to Pittsbnrgi ( onnecu for cnlcago dally, and Clvl,n 1 and lnlrio ese-pt Hatur la VMII.NOTUN' AMI TIIK SOCTII. 6 S J'J. V lu Hi i0 Dining Can li A.3L.I i. 10 (S 0 Congreaslonsl Llm 'all Parlor and Dlnlnff Carsl 4 10 Dining Can. 3 M I Dining Can. Op M, 1J li nlcl t f-undav 8 io w n) 1 1 A. H 18 ga I Congress onal llm ."ail I artor and Dining Carsl, I 30 (Dining Car . 3 XO iDlning Car), U P. . U 13 I night I EOL'THERN RVILWAY 4 SOP 31 dallv PleepertO I New Orlran. 31empSt. lampa. Ashevlilec and Uot Springs l? IS nuut dally bleepers to Now orlean. andJa ksonvllle ATLANTIC COAST LINE. V SO A. VL dally S'eeper. to Port Tamna and Macon, u OJ P. 3L dally. Sleeper to Jacksonville ? CHE-SAPEAlch AND OHIO RAU.WVY. rxpreSM I I" I. dally. Through M"eplug an I Dlnlnir &ir ' FOIt OLD POINT CO .IFORT and NOl.FOLk via Cap. s e harle Route 8 v vi weekday, aud. with Through. ; "leeper I" M dal y ' ATI.sTlC cm. 1 10 r M. week day. Throug- ! ' RuSet Parlor Car and Day Coauh. Full e APF MAI. I OOP I weigday. For Long !3ran"h, Asbury lark Ocean Grove, and . ; Point Pie.-ant, ti lu A. M , IS 10 i JO a .0 3 10, . i and 11 3..P M weekdays, bun lays (stop at Inter laken for cl ury I'ark . u 43 A 31 'i .0 P Jl. i ' roic i. iii.Aiii:i. im . 6 10 7 30 B s ju v. V HO 110 I eun'a 1 In llert . 10 10 (Dm ng Carl. II A !, 1-'. I, 2 10 J 4 4 JO 4 SO ' (IllnlngCarl 1 JO iDlnlngCar ,0,Dlntn;Car , 7 30. i f "I' 31 W.13 nlgic s.mdass 13. s SO s v SO j HO Llmlb-di Id lu M J Dinlrn. war) 4 4 30 ! (DlulngCarl 3 JO Dining Can, O(DlulngCar) 7,43, j h HI'M. Wil3 night. ' Tlcketomies .sos 4J1 044 1 lOil 1.3SJ lll.andJl j llroadwav, 1 Aitor llou- an.l foil of Iiesbros... and Cortlnndt streets 4 court street. MS0 Fulton . street utsll-oadna) au I Priiok vn Annex station, . r.iot of Fulton stn-et HrwkDn slatlou Jersey Clly. 5 'I The New .org Trausti r l ornpsuy w III call ror ana ' check lugcago froai hotels aud residences througli l 1 todestlnat on. .H S.M. PHIVOST J R. WOOD ' Oeneral Mjuiu-t Oenersl Pas r Agent nn. iiVARn, T.vcka'vvan.va a.vb " vv i STI ItN it. ic. H Htnclon. In Ness l oris. Toot nrllarsilnrnnd thrlsliiiiher sCn. vcsTini'Li. ritii, pi i.tvi in uvr- --4H FET lAlt-i. IIN ltsCII 1.1UIIT. T Direct route ti Ne ark lllooinll.ld 3loutclalr th. AV Orauces summit, Urrnurdsllle ItasklngRllgi-.Madl- J h son Morrlsloisn. Passslc. Paterson lloontou Dover, 1 EJ. Maul ope Nisvion lludd a Ijske. lake llopatcong, J 2 Haiketlstown bcl ooiev's Slouulain VVashinston, , 5 Phllllpsliurg, lastnii Watcrtusp stroj Ishurg Pokone) i i 31 luuialn, SKraiiinu. Plttston Wlinesbarre Nantl 1 i coke, Danville Nortliumur and 31ontrose. lllngham- I 5 ten Oifnnl. Norwich Walirstlle, I Ilea. lUrlltleld ? bprlngs, Cortland b)racuse, Oiwc.o Ilhaio, Owego, 1 t 1 iniira cornllis llsln. llansvllle. 11 ufTalo. and all n ills West Northwest nuJ Soutbsrest h MOO A. M.-Il.uhamtoii 31 all. stop at principal i .1 .i ilia ft IOiOO A. I.-(Cafecar ) Ruffalo. Scranton. Ring- fi hn uton utlia Ri ndell bprlngs Syracuse and a i an ego Express. 1 oilman buffi t parlor iar (on- . c n.s?tsat Hunalo wltu trulns for Chhago anJ polnu J w , st. i . I itso !. M.-(Cafe car I Bcranton Rlngiamton, i an l I Imlr i Express. Pullman buff.t parlor tars ' n 4itso l, M.-Meramon Wilkesbarm and Plymouth r epre.a Pullman bu'et parlor csra. rs 7ilO 1. M.-(Dall)i-nuffaloVitlbule I linlleil Fx- i V I ress for bcranlini, Hinghamton 1 linlra HutTalo. s l'lillioati biirret sieeplug car eonuecis at UuITalo i J wiiii train for chk ago and jmlnts vvn J '3 0i3O I'. M. iDallyi-uutfalo sranlon lllngham. J "5" inu Ithaci Rlcarielis irlug Si rai use. and Oswego W litre. Pullman buricl sleepers. A. Tickets and Pultninn accommml itlons at 14 Park Hb BUi e and 4J0 Ilroadnay Tl. kei at lerr) stations. B si llroadway 1 1 1 4ti nv . corner l.'lh.L 3wst H l.'Mh st.SISI olunibusav., New Vors, I W and 7Ud kfflH riutnnst .and ion Ilroadnay llnxixhn Timetable -nl gis ng full Infonnallonnt all station '( Vsrstcotl's ExpressCoinpaii) HI evil for and check IH bawgusu frouill ilelor reslden e to destination 'H BALTIMORE & OHIOT .1 I cave New Vork. fo.it of 1 Ihrrt) t .dally HI CHH Alio U OOP ' anl 1.' 13 night iH PlITSHURtlll 3. 1,1 ix Sun. J 00 bull, IS ISnUhL tl.NCINNATI T IOI Is III A. 31, H UUP 31 ! W AblllMITON. HAI.TIM.I1U n 13 lu DlulngCarl. Ili II JO A M IDlning Car), v 00 ,1 Su (Diuiin. cart, . B oo (Pining ( ur) ti nn p. II igii. night sundv, i lo 00 iHHilug car). 1 1 so A .M (Hlnitw i an. . iH AB (DinlngCar ,S on I lnlngCar),d Oo P 31, 1J 13ualit. ' NOItFOiIC II'IOA.M ilaiH. M-U OKI FANS Konnoke.S OOP 31. ilally H AH trains am lllumiiiairilwiili l'lnlnh I ighl Offlres 111 I7J Sill 4I 1.140 Rmailssiis 31 East liW lllhst. IJ7 lionery. New ork,oin 144 Suilnu t- 4Ji llrookijiii hUllou foot of I.ibiri). N, t It. R of N. J. V ' lliggn3ichecked frou hotelnr rtelleuio to dtstln. ' jr lluu " pianofortes:, (Oirjano, s-r. Pianos to Rent for the Couitry. Igirgest and lust assorlmiiit lu the city. Alo a " iiumbir of pianos of standard makes siuntly uet mil all In good order, nt rrsliiie.i prices casts est lubtalluicut. itiuiug nut ripilnug C II HITSiiN a i ii, M7 HIlllAIIWAV IhTIl BT.I MATHUSHEK & SON. Planus din ct from tin fai tory al factory price! w. ruaranteoloivrrprlcis better torui than any other liotifrc, or don I want your trade Fvi IOiiV ;i ' West Diih st .near 1 Ills av. AVrl UPllliilir Piano nils, 3moniliiv"i.liic (ring, largalu WISbNLR, 60 Monicumrry st., JireeyMt) A I'IM. HTriNwTv 171 rt mouihly uprlgl t, VVbargaiu w Issm r Hall till Hros 1st ..Nowarlt J J. 1,-sLHlANT I PltluIlT PiANi)7 1U3 fit inniiihlyi AjKtelnway.bars.alii Wlsstiblt, kut gua, sin fill. f oil l Hrooglyn oen rveultigs 13IVNOS, ft-, .iin. llOiIown. Insiillminls r nt ex , - ahaugi PIANO 1 VX'IIANUr U3 107 West .1 IJ t ' 1!AN0S, tlujiayment. larceststiKk Ion -st price I K.3L VsAITiiRHJIils-IOj svo.l 1 1 1 st iiiariljy. Sa',J!iJ! A1 '.'2 ." nonthl uprl.ht i reuu SW1HSNF.R fi.lJFultonl llro.iklsi! Ois n ovenlng. fl'HF tloltDON PIANO " " J Niw7Hnciave 7 monthly eiftO A liirgenssurtni.litiif si-iondliniiil plan ufrnniUJ up, a inuuitils unpaid, reulsU , I HOXll ' S QVIhav 'PRIHHT 11ASO tlir.glni infill) Melli.aslar. 9 I galu remJ VVlbNrR, 33 Hlatu t nearFIa. A busliav , llreikl)u am 1 !i,1,"??''"uJ!' to 18 4 uioutuli si.sn. B AO Hall. agi, guoultoa i., Drojklya. Cipsu.rcus. '. H L1j i...j ,. . risMiM