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I GOSSIP OF THE RUNNERS. I. . I '? ttHT Or PROBAOT.B HTAttTltlta A.SD I f wbio org run tub a vn cnitA n. Clifford I Now Favorite IVtr be BIk Etui I : Bt t Id 1 flrsvesenrt Meettn-t to Clone Till Week Msnjr FrliM to De Deelded . Cardofthe Brooklyn IockejpC'lobTo.dr ! The Brooklyn Jockey Club's meottne, whloh it now under way. It ono of the most prosper- on arer held at Graveaenfl. The attendance : ban been Urge, and the raclnt unusually spirited. ' White the llrooklyn TTanillcap, Great American i Slakes, and other blc drawing cards have been decided, other prizes of ralno remain to be contested this week, amour, them the ' llrooklrn Derby of 11 0.000. which will be run to-morrow, and the $10,000 Tremont Stakes, which will bring out the crack two-year-olds on Saturday next. Then comet the 8uburban at f Bheopsliead Bay on the Tuesday following, nnd f allot Groator New York will bo there to see Uenry of Navarre, CHITord, Sir Walter, and all the other hltth.clasi handicap horses try con- " elusions for the third of the blcr handicaps of the year. The Suburban has Invariably produced a rood T contest, and there Is no reason apparent why i 1800 should proro the oxceptlon to the trenerai rule. All of the candidates now In training aro receiving a special preparation, and If the weather Is flno and tho track Is fast there should come pretty near being a new rocord, both at regards attendanco and time. Tho revised list of ellglblct, with the weights, follows: Dtmton (table's Henry of Navarre, 8 U9 11 U Hose's Clinord.O (Inc. 1 lb. penalty) U'l uueck Mable'a Mr Walter. 5 (Inc. la Ibe. pnlly) US Itlcin ton Stable's hei-nau. 4 ta Erie Mable'a LAttaroue,) Via J. lluppcrt, Jr.' Counter Tenor, 4 (Inc. 4 lb, pen alty). no C, rielM-hmann& Sous' Ilatma, 4 11? PleratOn tltable'a Dorian, 5 110 W. 11. Walker'a lhe Commoner, 4 (luc 4 tba. pen- . nlty) 118 I'. J. Dwyer'-i llaiidsnrine.U line Hlbs. penalty).. Ill , Erlotdahies vaukt pooii. 4 m w. l-akeiruid's Hornpipe, G .. HI rrc-aknesSHtahle's llcimar. 4 nit Marcus lialv's teiiator urady, S lu I Klm-nond Farm's Tinner. 1 1U7 J. E. tveagrave'-i ?aragosva. u nil i B. W. Parker hake M ore. ft 104 J. E, seagrav e's counol.seur. 4 102 -. W. Lakeland's Emma C, 4 100 r Cfiauncey lacolut a btepnen J.. 0 wri i U. V. Connolly's Kn-itna Thornton, 3 VA r Of tho above, the pencil nmy be drawn through tho names of llalma. Dor an, Emma C, Vlnctir. and Stop hen J. If Honryof Na ' varre. Clifford, Sir Walter, Hornpipe. Counter Tenor, Nnnkl Pooh. Tho Coinmontr, and Bel mar go to th o post, tho race should be a good our. Clifford Is faorlte already atC to 1. 'iho ivvo-year-olilsof 181)11 havoaet tl.o lalent by the ears, ami the mooted question of su periority ii aiyot uudocltlttl, Don do Uro was bailed na a rcul chitnplon after his brace of vie ttirlas at Morri i'ark, but ho spoiled everything by hi sorry snowing in the tlrent American Stako-ton Saturday. Taking form and the num. ocr oi races no nai run into consideration, Joan Mi'alferty's Arburklo comes very near being at the top of tho ladder. He is ono it tho im proving kind, nnd hows a marked fondness for a distance. When the two-year-olds ore asked ' tornnslxfnrlongs ArbucMo will bo therewith toe best nr them. 'Don ile Urn's race on Satur day was too bad to be true, and ho may be looked for to do much better the next time out. He was outpaced from tho nnrt, and was never dangerous. Tho Friar was another colt that ,; tailed to run up to his private reputation. His fnrm entitUd him to bo well played on Satur- ,' day. and bis poor showing was a bitter disap pointment tu the Messrs. Morris and their trainer. Wynham Walden. It is known that the colt was held at $'J000. It may bo that both The friar and Don do Oro were Im peded by tho turn, and tbnt they will show to much better advantace over tho straight at bheepsltcad Hay. Both oro giants, are long stridurs. nnd consequently cannot get around a curve with as much facility as a handy-goltg, short strider of the George Kessler type. ' George Kersler. by thu way, ran In the namo of Matthew Byrne, who for somo years trained the hotes on ned by J. B. Haggin. the Cali fornia millionaire turfman and mine owner. Ho ran in the llaggln colors borne to victory so often by talvator and Klrenze. and Mr. Haggln took a very lively interest In the race, his faco being Dnuulnent on the club tiouso balcony. The Coney Island Jockey Club has dono a graceful thing In perpetuating the name of the late President.). G. K. Lawrence. It hasopenrd a stake at one mile and Hi e furlongs for thret-year-old, foals of 10(J, to bo known as tho Lawrence Heallzatlon, entries for which will close July ljnext. Too Coney Island Jockey Club will add $5,000 and there are several de- IS portures trom the general terms laid down In nixt stake events. For instance. It is stipu lated that in the case of the death of a sub scriber or transferee the entry shall not be void. grovided it Is assumed by the then owner of the orse. notice In writing to that effect, accom panied by the payment of all accrued liabilities lor such horses in the stake, being given within threo months after such demite. "The Heallzatlon recalls tne fact that Re- I qoltal is geltine a nice preparation for the big event which 111 be run On Saturday. July 11, the closinc day of tho Coney Island Jockey Club's sprlnc meeting. Mr. Ilowo said a few jB. days ugo at (Jravei-enil that he would start th H roltoncu before tho Realization. hlch thould be a duel between Itenultal and Hating. It - ; will iflve the public a chanco to i-ce whether the H Ilrookdnlo hrrs e is a stayer. None of the two K yrar-olds core Dared with him as far as speed H viab concerned last season, and if ho has that H great lequnlie bottom-he shonld be one of H- the best raco hones of tbe.decole. It does not t seem natural that a colt cap-vble nr carrying V US pounds and runnlncamile in better than K- 1:40 when two jears old should lack staying K qualities vvlirn strengthened by a year's growtli. H Thu residents of Cincinnati are having some K (.rent ructig this year. The strugglo for the H Uuckeie Makes it Oakley on Saturday be H tween lien lirush and I'rince Lief shows that H theUakley track lv one of tho fastest in the country, and that Uvrnn McClelland has a raro m good raiehorso in the son or King Kric. When K a three-year-old carries 1L'5 pounds and Is only B beaten half a length at ono mile and a furlong m In l:5:iU he U moving romarkably well. When H Hrush. Prince Lief, rien Edcr and Ramlro m come Eoat in tho autumn and run up against H Kennltal. Handiprlng. and Hastings tho public will have a race worth going to see. m Tho Gravesend programme for this week Is a H good one. To-day tho lletlford Stakes for twn- m yenr-oMs, at four and a half furlongs, and tho H Montauk Highvi eight Handicap, at six fur- H, longs, will be decided. Llthos is tho top weight m for tho former, with Ferrler the head of the H list in the Montauk. Handspring should H gather In the 310.000 Brooklyn Derby on Tues- B day. his chief comnetllors being Hamilton II.. ' Iton.ip.irte. Hefugee, Formal. Intermission, and B l'almurstnn. It Mr. McDonald cares to run In- H terrolsslon, she should makejsomo of the colts K race Ui beat her. Hanclsprlne's lines have cer- H tolnly fallen In exceedingly soft places at H Gravesend, and while ho Is not In the Iteallra- K Hon. he should come pretty near winning more H money than any other three-year-old out. He H Is far from his best at present, and a real good H colt would beat him to-morrow, taking his race , for the C'arlcton Stakes us a criterion. H The Ilaysldo Stakes for three-year-olds at a I mile nnd tho Ilrookdale Handicap at one tnllo H and a furlong will u ran on Wednesday. The m former Is a selling event, wbilo the Ilrookdale H will ulro CHITord, HL Maxim, Helmer, nnd otter B good handicap horses a chanoo for an airing. M The Seaside Stakes for two-yosr olds at five fur- longs, and tho Hempstead Handicap for tbree- year-olds at six furlongs will be tho features of 'lhursday'scard. On Friday the Falcon Stakes for three-year-olds at ono mile and n slxeenth and tho Hoslyn stakes for two. v car-old fillies at Hve furlongs will be run. As has already Iwen M stated, the meeting will close nn Saturday with theSlO.OOOTretnont Stakes for tvvu-yoar-olds at six furlongs and tho Montague Handicap at one mile and a furlong for three-year olds tho etako feature. H Tho following are the conditions of the n Lawrcnco Heallzatlon: R For three-year olds, foals of 1R00. X sweepstakes by the following respectlro subscriptions: For horses V i?'"ed t' ''y '"'y 'j 5U each, ami only K (10 If struck out by July IS. IW;, or .! It struck out by July 1A. Itius. tor horses outered as yearllnps by M July ID, 107, when tho siak shall lm closed, (101) eacu.orK0lf struck out by July 10, ItiuH. All start- B ers to psy t.Jt.0 uditlilnnal, all of whirli shall so H lotlio sscodU ami t.'ilM ImrsnA. m further pro. H vidod. The Coney Itu.ud Jockey Club to add n $3 00(1. 'rim second to receive S1.O00 or thu added monsy ami tno-thlnls or tlip, atirtlnr K money: the third ISU0 of the added money and one. K. third of the starling money. Colts in carry 12J k pounds: miles and toldlncs 110 pounds. Non win- K tiers at any Unto of t'l.ouo allowed four pounds: of w b'J.oou, seren pounds; of SHOO, tan pound: liandlcaus n aud aelllnir racei. nut rtcknned as raees. The produce Ml ot stallions or mares whli-li hate not produced a MS nlnnerprlortoJan. 1, Ihtio, allowed three panmli: Ki of both, nns pounds, lly Hlliniton or before July Cj IS, 1HU7, with ths Coney l.lnnd Jockey Club au Jn aoceptetl transfer of the roais' entry, the oriel SI nal subscriber will be released from any liability in KI to tho entageuient of said entry, eicept as to I the first forfeit of (10, leaving tc purchaser liable for It same unless duly struck out, hhoulda subvcrlber or SI transferee tile before tne race the entry shall not be ml void. proTldrd It Uassumed'by the then owner of tho SI torso: notice In writing to that effect, accompanied CI by the payment of all accrued liabilities for such Mf I horses lu lhe stake being Hveu within three months Ml alter such demise, one mile and five furlongs, HI Tiir. Bus regrets that an Irresponsible corre. epoii.'lcnt caused the printing of tho paragraph ( referring to the Iielwood Stable's Charade, t Charade's name was withdrawn from to-day's B card simply because the tare for which he was H entered was for non-winners at the meeting, Hf and as Charado had Jntt won the last race he m was not eligible to start. The programme In K full for to-day follows: B?T First tlace-I'urse (000, for two-year-olds; bandl- V cap; uyo rurloogs. B rtoralltose ISOiSuehslberg Ill m Tripping 10V Karlta 100 mj Hint lou'lilld , 8s f Kecond Usee Purse (300. for maiden three-year- - olds, to carry 110 pounds: one mllsand a slxtsanth. r Counsellor Howe, ., .ll0Ventanna..., ,..,.110 K benalorJlurpby 110 Ilarpsliord 110 M The Druid ' 110 Nick Johnson 110 H. Iirllllancr..- uol V B Third Kare-Tb Oedford Stakes of (1.000: for two. K Isaroldti( additional for startertito the winner (1.600, to the second horse (noo, and to the third boras (ioo: selling allowance, halt of sellln-r aurplnato fro to the owner of second horse, and the other half to lbs Race Fundi the winner of anr slake race at the meeting not to bo entered for less than highest selling prloe; fonrand a half furlongs. Llthos Hfiinrey nird 105 halvado ..Ill, ill Daddy 107 J'aMorcr lODiI'etrol lot )r. Jim ioa Ijvdy Louise Va tllstral II no Fourth Itaee Purse (.100, for three yctr-oldi and upward which have not won at this meeting) selling allowances; one mile and a furlong. rickpoeket. lOTICopyrlght 104 Kd Kearney , InllLonit lieach 104 Charade 11)4 Jilt VU TheDraroon Vl7 Fifth Itace-The Montauk High woleht Handicap of ('.noo. for all aies, (So each, or $ii If declared by April It (I0u additional for starters: In tho winner (1,6(10, to the second (000, nnd to tho third horso (too; six fur.ongs. Ferrler 140IIhman 137 Ootham 182IHiiwill 1.10 lluckreno li7lllnwurilcn IVr Uwlftfoot , UO.Kmotlon.iI B0 3T. JILAKC'S OltAXn V1UX. Ill Colt Arrenu lleivta n Illc Field at longchanips, PAnitt. Juno 14. Tho groat event In tho French turf world, the ruco for tho Grand Prix do Paris, took placo to-day, and was won by half a length byM. Edmond Diane's bny coltArrcau. M. A. Abellle's bay colt Chnmpnubert was second, half a length In front of M. H. Dclo inarro's bay colt Montreal), third. Tho weatbor was brilliant, and a large crowd was present on the course at Lnngchamps, In cluding all the fashionable world. President Faure, his wife and bis daughter, surrounded by tho President's military household, the Min isters, nnd tho diplomats rosldcnt In Paris, occupied tho oflftelnl stand. Tho raco was a good one, and tho victor was greeted with much npplauBo. Fifteen horses ran. Tho last bolting was 14 tol against Arrcau, fi to 1 agalnstChnm paubert, nnd 14 to 1 against Mnntreull. Sum mary: Orand Prlv dn Parlx of 200,000 francs. IBO.OOO franca itl'en by the city of Paris and 00,000 francs by ths nve treat railway eonipantes. for entire colts anil miles, foaled in 180:1. of every description and coun. try, added to n sweepstakes of l.ouO'lrancs each; noo francs forfeit and Sou francs only ir declared on the Wednesday preeedlnr the race, 100 francs only If de clared on the 1st ot My, Iiuo, the second to receive francs and tho third 10 noo franca out of tho stakes: welRhls, colta 31 kilos., miles S4' kilos.; about o.ouo metrev. drnnd course (about ono mllo and aercn furlongs) 100 sub-wrltiers. U. dmond Diane's K c. Arreau, by Clorer, out of Asta 1 M. A. Alielllc's b. e. Champaubert (lato Titus), by Little Duck, out of Tuntrlp. .. 3 Id. H. Delnmarre'a h. c. Mnntreull, by tlaffaelloor Sansonnet, out ofcrsallles , 3 Count de tiana'e b. c. Kerym, by Kambyse, out of Kate II., ran rourth. Among tho starters was tho chestnut colt Shannon, by Atlantic, nut of Severn, the prop erty of Mr. Henry ltldgwny. an American. Shannon ran splendidly nnd led during n part nt the raco. but ho could tint stand tho mice and finished flfth. Mr. ltldgvvny's lirln d'Or won the final event of the meeting, and his chestnut colt Questlonnuur ran second In tho first raco. Among thoto procntwns the Hon. James I). Etistls. tho American Ambassador. The mutual betting transactions In the Qraqd Prix raco amounted to S:H",H1-1. News from the Horse World. 8. T. Ten Broeck and Miss Woodford norer met In a match race. Miss Woodford has been off the turf for nine years. CuETOt. Juno 14. Tho race meeting at Darks dae wtn end to morrow and the horsemen had prepared to emlftfato to Western tracks when tho announcement was made to day that twen ty five acres of ground had been bought at Irou Hill station, three miles from here, and a track would be constructed and finished by July 4. Ous Miller of Philadelphia will bo Presi dent of h- new association, which la In opposi tion to the one at Darksdale. Lkxiioto. Juue 13. Second pavmenta for tho eleven stakea of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders' Association, to be raced for here next fall, show a total of 4:10 horses eligible to start. Tho (33,000 Kentucky Futurity, for three year-olds. comes first with seventy seven. The two year old dlvlslou of this race, worth (3,000, Is next with nfty-clftht: the West. 240 class. (2,000, has forty six; the Wilson, 2:120 class, pacing, has forty four; the Kentucky, ror three year olds, has thirty seven: the. Johnson, 2:24 class, has thirty two; the Lex lngron, for two year olds, has thirty-one: the Dlue arass. 2:10 class, has thirty: the Transylvania, 2-14 class. (3,000. has thirty; the Ashland, 2:11 class. (4,000. has twenty: the Tennessee, pacing, 2:00 claas, (4,000, has twenty four. GOLF. Inereaf-ed Interest Shown Its the Comlnts Champion ships. A meeting of the Executive Committee of tho United States Golf Association will be held dur ing the week, when the full schedule of events to bo played during the week beginning July 13, at the Shlnnecock Hills Golf Club, will be ar ranged. A number ot clubs on tho waiting list will be elected to membership. With the approaoh ot the amateur champion ship tho result ot the different competitions are studied with Increased Interost by the golfers. Saturday's results at Shlnnecock Hills showed that II. G. Trevor Is keeping up to his post good form on the seoshorellnks. ThePhlladclphlans, after winning by nineteen holes from the Long Islanders, may be pardoned If they -.all the course an easy one and promptly begin to build championship hotxid on tho strength of the victory. James A. Tyng, in tho Morris county-Tuxedo match, again showed that ho Is a factor to bo reckoned with at Shln necock Hills. Like A. H. Tcnn. .Mr. Tyng Is steadily Improving In his game. The most Interesting of Saturday's reports. In relation to the championship, was the account of the Inter club match atCmcnso, whenH. J. Whygan took C. II. MacDonald Into camp, although by tho narrow margin of ono up. Tho old seven-hole course at Hollywood Is being extended and improved. That golf will be as popular this season nt Long Branch. If tho links are well laid, as nt tho other watering places, goes without saying. At Seabrlgiit tilay for the season on tho new links of theCmlf nub, on the Itumsen road, which were laid nut by Willie Norton, is well under way. Dr. Paul '1. Kimball of the Lako-.vood Golf Club and I A. Walthew of the Knollwood Country Club aro located at Seabright far the summer. It Is expected that an open amateur tourna ment will bo held on July 4. Jasper Lynch of tho Lnkowood Club was one ot the Seabrlght players on Saturday. Mr. Lynch will pass tho summer at Narracansctt I'lcr and will play reg ularly at tho Point Judith Country Club and tho Newport Golf Club. A bogey competition was started at the Knoll wood Country Club on Saturday. The prl7e Is a handsome cup presented by Nnthonlul ( Hoy nal. P. Oibcrt Thebaud of this club was one of the players at the Morris County Golf Club on Saturday, It Is expected that the New York group of clubs will he represented In tho handicap medal play competition at the Essex Country Club, Manchester, Mass., on Wednesday. The players will bo divided Into three classes, with a pria for each division. All entiles from outside i lulis must be accompanied by theolllclal handlcupof tbo player on his own links. George Gardiner Fry, Secretary of tho Oak hurst (inlf Club ul live, has ent out notices to the members that a handicap competition for prizes will bis held In August, In which tiio players k 111 be rated on tho avnrnge of thu aovcu best cards turned lu prior to Iho event, Tho tlrstof tbo members' monthly hnndlcnps nt tho Shlnnecock Hills Golf Club will tnko place on Saturday. Juno U7. On the samo tiny tho first game for tho Edwin Gould Cnp will bo held on tho Ardsley Casino links. The events will be monthly handicaps, open to the mem bers and tuhcribers. tho Ardsloy links aro attracting much nttnntloi), Thu record pln)er against the bogey scorn of thlrty-nlno Just now Is the llcv. Roderick Terry. A. M. Coats of Providence, vv lints hnndlrnpped at slxJitSt. Andrew's, In Scotlnnd. and one of thu best plavers now In this country, lias been elected to illl tho vacancy on the Grocns Com mittee of tho Newport Golf Club, caused by tho resignation nf 0. 11. P. Belmont. On Wednesday the third clas II handicap of tho season, will ho decided nt St. Andrew's. Next Saturday's games will Intitule n medal play, handicap, nt tlio Morris County Golf Club; the match nt Tuxedo between tho Pnlersoti Golf Club and the homo men; tho team inntch at I'atorxon between tho home players anil tho Montclnlr Golf Club, and the continuation of tho Thobnud Cup series at tho Knollwood Coun try Club. Tho bogey score at tho Dyker Meadow Golf Club, Fort Hamilton, has been made up as fed lows; Out-S,4, 6, fi.ft. ,1,11, .1,4 44. Thu com petition will not rloso until tho end nf October, when the maker of the best performance against " Brgny " will win thu prize. .1, C. Ten Eyck. vvllh rounds In fifty and llfty-oiie, Is now In the lead. W Ii. Crlttendon Is next, with llfty-two and fifty-live. Tho professional record is forty, made by Gnnrgo Strath, the greenskeupur. '1 hero Is talk of a foursomo match between G. Anderson nnd I. Anson against Grorgu Strath and Tom Onurle-y, on two Kroens, for n stake. Othernlso the professional aro very nulet, although a match or two may bo pulled off bo fore tho open championship. I IThe tvvo-sreen nialrh bolwcen J. H.Taylor and Wllllo Park, Jr.. the professionals, for 8''60 a sldo, has been ratified', nnd the first half will be played over tho links nt Musselburgh, Scot land, to-morrow. The second game will be played In England, at Richmond, Surrey. Park expects to be In this country by July 0, and he will play In the opon chnuipionshlp at Shlnne cock Hills. There Is a poKSlblllty that J. II. Taylor or Harry Vnrdon, 'tbo new champion, may also come over for tho event. There has been an agitation In Great Britain for several years for the establishment of a na tional golfing union, similar to the United Stales Golf Association in this country. In England the amateurs aro almost a unit for such an organization, but the Scotch players aro more conservative and prefer the old order of things. The friends of the union, however, aro steadily gaining ground. I NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN. smciAL rmriTjCana roit 'aujhi- IC.i.S' ItlVntS I. CANADA. A. '-llonble Cestury" Bun Arrnnntd far the Miinliattna Hlcrele Club-To Hlop llaelna bj Women- of the Garden Car. nlvnl-Karl Wins it Ten-mile Jload Race. President Sterling Elliott of tho L. A. W. lins had some correspondence with the ofll ocrs of tho Canadian Wheelmen's Association In relation to member-i of tho L. A. W. tour ing In Cnnndn. Tho rosuli Is that apodal prlvllcgos liavo lxcn obtntood Tho aotlng Commissioner of Customs in Canada has Is sued tho following circular! Tourists, bona fldo members of lhe L. A, V,, who coma Into Canada with their bicycles (not new), may lie entitled to delivery thereof without making the deposit referred to In Memo. Ho. HI a H, If they will produce and leavo with tho Collector or other ufllcsr of customs at the place and time of entrance tho certlfloato or ticket of membership for the pres ent year In said leaguo, and shall nil op and sign, In triplicate, a Collector's Permission (Form C. 0) on tho faco of which shall bo written a full descrip tion of tho bicycle, stating tho maker's namei the namo, or style, and number of the bicycle, and whethor It Is a mail's, womnt-'s, or boy's, the retail value of the btcyclo, tho full name and addross of tourist, with the number of the certlfloato or ticket of membership, ths dtto within which, and tho port whoro, tho bicycle will bo rcUxportod. Ono copy of tho Collector's Permission stiajlbegtvcn to tho tourist, ao that in case the bicycle la exported at a port other than tho port of entry.such copy shall be delivered up to tho Collector or other oRl. -er of customs at tho port of exit, who shall endorse thereon a errttnento that such blcyole has been de llvered to htm to bo remantfested out of Canada, or that tho samo has been actually exported there from, and thou forward said permission and oertlfl cato to tho Collector of Customs at tho port where tho samo was Issued. In caso said bicycle Is exported within the speci fied tlmo and the ovldcnce thereof Is furnished In manner nroresald to the Collector ot Customs at the port or entrance, he shall transmit to the tourist's address, by mall, tho certificate or ticket of mem. bershlp so lodged with htm: but In caso such btey. clo Is not exported within iho specified time or the vldenen of such exportation Is not furnished to the Collector of Customs at tho port of entranco with In nfteen days thereafter, tho Collector shall for ward without delay, to this department, ono copy of tho Collector's Permission (Form C, fl), together with the certincato or ticket or membership of the tourist, lodged with him. President Elliott aavs: "This concession, which Is made only to members of the L. A. W., was obtained through tho kind offices of tho Canadian Wheelmen's Association acting on assurances which 1 gnvo, that tho L. A. V. will bo rcnonslhlo for tho proper conduot of Its members. In other words, should n mem tier of the L. A. W. fall to keep his agreement with the Canadian customs authorities, this organization will bo held for tho amount of thu tinnaid duty. Fearing that unworthy persons might Join tho league for tho sake of evading the paymet t of duties, nnd tnat wo might thus lie tailed upon financially, I made a condition that tho L. A. W. may terminate ltn resiMinsllllty nt nny tlmo after giving proo cr notice." One-hundrod-mllo rides, "century runs," hnvo boon co common during tho last two years that nowailnj s they exclto tltllo or no comment. Where It was ouco considered a feat to compltte such a rldo within the spool lied fourteen or sixteen hours. It Is now consid ered to bo a mcro Incident. Something of a change, nnd which may be coin Id ore1 a font to nccomullsh, will bo Innuimrated by tho Man hattan Iilcyclo Club on Saturday next In the form of a "double century," or .'0u-mlle rldo, which must bo comnlctcd within twenty-four hours. While It Is not exactly u long run for "tenucrfjet," several of the Mnnhatton Club's men, In laying out tho course, covered the dis tance without d istress, although they had had no previous experience In all-night rides. Tho start vi ill be mndo from the West Forty-second Struct Ferry nt i:;i0 o'clock In tho afternoon. After twenty-two miles on tho Hudson County Boulevard, tho routo will to across the "Mead ows" to Carlatndt and Rutherford, thenoe to Belleville, to Bloumtleld, Orange, Springdeld. Plalnfield, and New Brunswick. Tho routo Is retraced as far as Cttrlstadt, a turn and run to Plaintlold. back again to tho Hudson County Boulevard, on which tho wind-up will be. As nrrnnged the schedulo provides for a pace of ten mllos an hour, day and night. Only three long stops, for meals, will be made. The entries will clone on Friday morning noxt with It. G. flotts, captain of tho Manhattan U. C. 88 West Broadway. Tho feo ot f :i will Include a gold souvenir to nil who complete tho entire dis tance within the twonty-four hours. Tho Kaclng Board of tho L. A. W. Is de termined ui put a stop to rnclrg by women. Henry W. ltoblnson, a member of the Board, lias Issued the following notice: Thero Is a troupe of femaie racers now travelling about New Em-laud with Albert hchocb and several trick rldera. They are at present In Connecticut, and, of course, according to tne rules, all tracks are llaolo to permanent blacklist on which they are allowed to race. I wish to call attcmlon to this fact, as it will no doubt nerve to remind many In time to save their track- from blacklisting. The bicycle runs scheduled for yesterday were postponed on account of the rain. The certury run of tho Hudson County Wheel men w 111 take place later la tho season. A fair-sized crowd was present on Saturday night to witness the wind-up of tbo bicycle car nival ut Madison Square Harden. Tho record trluls that havo been modu during tho week. It Issuld, will no, stand, as tho track Is 100 feet Bhoitof one mllo on ten laps. Tho amateurs last night furnished a uumlier of exciting rnces. A one-mile indoor chnintdniialiip of tne metro politan district brouitht out nearly all tho best racing men in thu local club. The event was won by F. F. Ooodmnn. It. W.; second, L. V. MocUrldgo, G. W.. third: A. S. Jung, kind. It. W. Time. 2-.UU 4.3. W. II. twens of tho Greenwich heelmcn rode a half mile in 1:14, and L. V. Mockrldgo of tho G. W. rude a mllo In ti:'M 4-0. Teddy Ooodmnn of the It. W. covered two miles In 4:40 2-5. In acluncompetltlon drill first prlzo was award ed to the Grconvvfch Wheelmen, socond prlzo going to the Century Wheelmen. No records wero broken In tho South Brook lyn ton-mill) road raco on Saturday, owing io the numeious turns In tho rourio. B. T. Alton, who started from the thrce-mlnuto mark, cap tured tho first prize, whllo Charles T. Earl of the Kings County Wheelmen won tho tlmo prize. 'I hlrty-eight men entered for theovent, und thirty started. Allen. It It is thought, could hnvo won lrom tho one-minute mark had ho been pushed. Summary: Ais. .Voifieon-i Clut Handicap. Timt. M. s. M. s 1 D T. Allen. Now Utrecht w a :io 20 1.1 t A D Const int. seila-wies- V. c : lto :ni is U i I'llllger, New Utrecht W U SO 01 18 4 Churiei. Wr ht. Paramount W. 'J 10 :io 2U 0 leorZH Chick. Xruoklyn :i oi) :u v3 h II. romklnson I'urumount W... 1 43 ot 21 7 II. Hale. Itldxo W 1 43 IU 111 N Charles Miller, llrookl) ii u no III 27 0 Arthur Mllleat llrooklyu It an a:l 07 10 K-Kdwards. Hay Hldf-if V . 4 00 U 20 11 V. J. Lnckhrad .New Utrecht W. J 20 !l2,ia 12 K. II (iariuli. I'araintmni W ... 1 43 ul 00 13 I-. J. Rehultl, Hay Itld.u W II 43 Ut 411 14 C. T fan. Kings County W Scratch 2u til) 13 unarli-e Had. Piriinount W .... 2 10 III 20 Hi J Knorr. Itldge 2 20 III M2 If J. Derpy. liny Kldje W 0 1,0 U4 43 15 II. M StofTn-Kan, V. M. C. A 0 20 U.l 00 Tho third annual flvc-mtlo road race of the ralcoti Wliti-lniui took placo on the Bayslde Couree mi r-aturdav and was a decided success, Wllilum D, slonne, friuu tho M:lfi mark, won llrst prize, with Edmund Sowdcn, 1:4.1, a close second, and Henry W. Brown, 'J:00, third, l'li-her nnd Smith, scratch, rndo a fast raco, their tlmo lirliit- 1 :.'::!.'., Smith wlnnlnu the time prlzo by oiie-llftn of a second. There woro twenty-two starters. Nr.w Oitf.nANS. Juno 14. Tho cycling meot tosimduy afternoon eclipsed anything of thu mil oroi neld ut Now Orleans. The llrst throu events were fin profcssloualH. Summaries: l'lrst Itnoe Half mile, open, two heats and a final, Won bj, nilo ..-ikIit, CCoultir, second; tt, Htevms, sceond ltace One mile, open, two heats and a final. Mon by Arthur uurdluer; William Coburn, second; oito Zulu er, third, tlinil, 2110 4 3, 'I bird Its' Iwo miles, hmidlcnn. Won by l M. Mcrnrlati, 31 yards; Henry Clurke. no yards, socond; o. ntuveiis, 0 yards, third, lime, 4i3f 2 0. Onu .dlic. Nov! e, Aiiiutours Wou by U.K. Tall, ciuittc, U', 1. HobbliH, Jr. sucoud, H. L. Hulbort third lime. Vilu 4 S. Due third ofa Mhu, Open. Pace!, Amateurs Won by Olndi-r Abt ott. P dim r Abbott second. K. 1). Oonrale-s third, Ilne.u 4i:i 0 one Mile, i-ih-u, recoil. Amateurs Wi n by Palmer Abbott, (Under Abbott aicoud, ham Voiiuk thlid. 1 lino, J II) 'J 3, Piiii,aiiki.ihia, Juno 14. Tho annual Inter city century bicycle run from Newark to I'hllii delphlu look plate yesterday. Tho riders woro almost exclusively from this city. The Cen tury Wheelmen of Philadelphia brought throiich 11)7 members, the best p-cord over made by any organization. Tho best previous record was 110, which was hold by the Mercer County Wheelmen of Trenton, l'lvo hundred and thirty wheelmen started at 0:30 o'clock this morning on Hie long journey. At the llrst stopping placo the head of the line was half an hour ahead of tho schedule time, and this pace was kept np all day. U was an ideal day for the run. Cnrl von Longesko had churge of affairs from Newark to Plalnfield: William Martin took the run to Princeton: ex-Cnptoln Obert of tho Mercer County iVheelmeii piloted the riders to Bristol, and from there to this city Capt. Hclnsof tho Quaker city Wheelmen was In oharge. There were tight women in the run on single blcyoles and two women occupied the front plaoes on tandems. Allot the clubs made a good show ing. 11. L. Cumin of New York performed tbo dllllcult feat of rldlni the entire dlstancooua uiucblno lucktnu baudlo bars. .!. i "--f -.-- -t- i - -s-... -. - .j ' ! ! Keep's Ii Colored Shirts, i ; 't Business men need shirts tbnt won't show dust anil ', dirt. That will look neat i and clean nt the eloso of tho 3 J day. Keep's colored shirts i meet tbo need. They havo J J elthor detnehod or attnehod link cuffs, nnd aro worn J Z with a whlto collar. Thoy look businesslike, hut thoy ',1 look " swoll " too. Thoy aro 91. CO each, Including tbo 4 J J culls. Another kind has col- S orod collars, too satne J 3 J prlco. Nosllgo Shirts, with A or without collars, dlfforont J 3 ' sleeve lengths, $1.C0 to $10.60. $ ' i v i t 3 Keep Mfg. Company, J 3 ; llroadway, bet- I lth and tilth nts. X $ V 4 A 4 444S44444V4444V44Vs4 sMYsVsXXVsts. JtAStSltd I.I., The neeords of the New York and Ilrook. Ira Flayers. The records of the New York and Brooklyn players during tho season are as follows: kkw youk nATTIICO. .Vaitvra. Oamra.A.11. ft. ID. ID. IB. S.B. A 17. rrnf. Flrnn UU.vlnOOloo .t)i)7 Tlrrnan 47 10V 40 70 tt 0 1 IS U .0311 Van IIaltren47 V09 48 70 7 0 1 13 1 ,utl lloweu It 3 I I 0 0 O 0 II ,H3I W.Clark.. ..S3 81 17 SO U 0 0 8 1 .Sll Oleason ....47200 1)7 Oil 0 4 !) 14 1 .ulll 11. Paris 47100 44 04 4 0 1! 10 1 .VU9 II. Davis 48 ISO OS 40 7 T a 11 4 .Cmi tsiarrord xi ti2 to as o a o ii i .aiu bevmour.... 4110SOOO0O .U7:) Furred 3H lvu 11 81 0 9 II 1 1 .im t'on'aught'n S3 B4 IS SO II 0 0 s a .SKs Wilson SS 74 1U 10 0 U 0 1 4 .2111 Clarke 1 St u 13 o 1 Q 0 0 .SIS tleekln 13 OS lu II U 8 0 x o .sis Zearfosa.... SISOSOOOOO .107 Honeny IS 8JSS10Q80 .133 Canipueld ., 471100000 .143 Foster 1 10000000 .000 Uannon...,. 100000000 .000 rilLIUNO. A'ames. Oaswa. fulouf. Aultt: IVrora JVref. CampOeld 4 0 0 0 1.000 W. Llark Si 8S a I .nut) 11. Davis 48 S3 13 14 .VSI Tiernan 47 Si a 0 ,vJ Wilson v SS .'03 tO 0 ,V46 O. Davis 47 107 00 10 .vaS Meakln IS x lu s ,vai Vanllaltren 47 07 II v ,vsa Oleason 47 104 14S SS .DIN Karrell as 108 - 3d 17 .VUB Clarke lit 4 03 4 .DOS Biarrord. ...:..... ..ih so 'i u .mi". Conuaughton. S3 8 OS lu .HV4 Doheny u 4 It 4 .H4.1 beymour...... 4 0 0 1 .H3H Zearfosa .'.-.... S It 4 0 -7SS Dowen S 0 0 a .714 Kljnn Oils .sue Ilannon. 110 1 .300 Foster 10 0 0 .uuo TBAM BiTTlKO. Club At bat. Hunt. Bom httt. tr cr. New York.... 1.037 800 471 .SNt Opponents ...i,40 am 460 ,st4 TKAU nsLDirro. . PsiloKf. AuUU. "tri-ora, Irct. Kew Tork 1.914 o7 140 ,VS3 Opponents l.siv Obd 130 .VJ3 BnOOKLTH DATT1NO. Kama. Oawuu. A.B. B. -B. tB. )B, Jones SS es go SS 4 0 1 3 4 .370 Abbey U 18 7 W 0 1 00U .340 orimo 43 ihu is 04 ii e l u a .asu llurrlll S3 711 II 80 0 0 0 U 1 .3S0 Corcoran.. ..48 ISO S3 as s a u 18 6 ,axo Anderson,. .S3 IIS 4 8S 11 4 0 u 0 ,3-lt Daly ...IS 04 10 10 4 I 0 3 0 .30 Bhlndie 43 17U 87 04 7 a 1 4 O .3U2 Stein 6 iO 2810000 .800 Lachanos...4B 1H4 84 OS O a 4 tt 4 .'JsS Harper 3U38OUOO0 .273 Sboob S3 b 17 84 at 1 0 8 0 .270 routs 230910000 .830 McCarthy... 40 17 so 43 o a a 11 4 .240 Daub 8 88 4000000 .227 Urlm 3 )t U 80 4 1 0 8 4 .213 Kennedy.... 18 34 0 11 0 0 0 0 8 .01 Payne. 10 90 1 4 2 0 0 0 3 .200 aumtxrt.... 070100000 .143 FiELnisra. A'aM. Oasws. IStt out. Atttttl. Error. JVr r. Daub 0 8 IS 0 1.000 (lumbers 0 0 8 0 1.000 Laohance.. ...... 43 404 Si 7 .688 Shocb - ...83 47 04 0 ,V3U IlurrlU ..S Hi X0 R .933 brlffln 43 187 0 7 .Ww Kennedy IS 4 83 83 .v-47 McCarthy....... .48 78 13 1) .033 Bteln. O I 18 I .02U Abbey. a 8 10 1 .Vll youu t 7 8 1 .U0O Corcoran -48 110 182 81 .8J1) Daly .....18 4 4lt 11 .ti9J Shlndle 43 47 VI) lt .fjHI Jonea S3 87 8 0 .B-0 Urlm 23 81 81 14 .H7U Payne 10 a it a .1137 Anderson 83 40 a 8 .H0 Harper 0 8 S 1 .300 TEAM 1IATTIHO. On. .41 tat fruna. BotthUt. fVrcf. DrcHiklyn 1.831 874 473 .203 Opponents 1.3S0 203 433 .271 TEAM rll-LDISO. Pur ouf. AnsUtl. -norts, JVr ef. Drooklyn l.ltei 074 142 .02.; upponenta. 1,130 033 111 .oil National I.eatrne lleeotrd. l-S'S. 1,5-Si 5" -5-1 ! ?fll:,?h jji 51. i if, j i j: - : t Paltlmora ,"i "ofs ii'1 1 i 4 J M Cleveland ' J 1 1 1 1 im I a l'hlladelpbls. u i . . 1 3 i 1, 31 3 0 2 is Cincinnati I J 31. .1 9, t I 11 1 I l1 3M llostnn. ,. II' I SI..I U1 3 0 :' S t 6 Wa:hln8ion l! I u, 1 0 .. 3 ;' i .1 fa PlttaliurKll II 31. 3 2 3 3 .. 3l 01 4 (I 5-.1 llrooklyu , 1 t 1 1 u, 21 : .. 31 0 t li.'l Clilcoi-o 3 01 II I 3 Ul 3 .. 21 t 3 Jl New Vork , oil V 1 I V s . 1 I SIM M. I.ouls. OI I o U, I 3 0. 3 2; 2 3 1.1 Ixnilsvlile ' 0. 5 Oi I, u 0 I I o lu Oamea lost. nllt'to ii'ii'n ii I22427 Ti v Atlantic Lsaear, Nkwaric June 14. The Newark-Metropolitan tame, scheduled for to-day, was postponed ou account of rain. At Hartford (Saturday) New Haven. 0; Hartford, 0. rus nEcoito. i!s I fi f I'aterson 4 0 4 4 7 SI) Newark s . 7 4 0 a St Metropolitan 8 4 .. 0 2 7 23 Hartford 0 (I 3 .. 4 01 23 Wllmlnntou 4 a 11 It ... e 21 .Sewllavsn I, S II 0 a .. 13 Oamea lost iVlyl SlliiJlSslsii'lSS Eastern Lenstne. raoTTOixca. Juna 14. Ths Provldonce-UufTalo gams scheduled for to-lsy at Itocky Point waa post pound on account of rain. TH nrcoBD. 1 Ilit 1,-1,1 1 8 . 1 ' ' " ? Providence ' J 3 s, t J 4 :i ltocllesler I .. 3 8 3 t 3 4 3(1 Toronto u J .. 4 I t 3 (I vo lluitalo 3 13 I1 J 9 3, i'l Oyraeiise 1 S 4 I .. 3 2 17 blirllKlleld 13 2 13. S 2 14 Reianton 3,. 3.. 13,. 3113 Wllkrsbarre , 3 .. .. 2 2 2 ..' 13 Oamea lost 13 H io 19 172323 '7llt9 Games Yesterday, at tsoniunin. Itochester 0 01010000 1-3 Cliiclunatl...., , s 00000000 0 s Pnsa hlts-llochester, 14) Cincinnati, a. Errors Itochester, 3: Cincinnati, a. Uatterles Weyhlng- and lloyd; yisber and ttray. Jersey I), tt. C, 10; Puritan A. 0 14. Baseball Notes, The Dloomneld D.B.O, of iiloomfield, K. J., has dis banded, Bblndl hat mads only three errors In tbs last eleven games. Dill Olarfc played fifteen games before be made his Drat error. Tba Cleveland! o only nine runs In ths three Orooklyn games. It Is rumored thai Drlsooll, ths MsnbsUaa Ool lege pitcher, may play with lbs Newport Club. Ths champion Baltimore players will make their first appearance of the season at Eastern Park to. day. Sixteen shut-out games havo been rlaysd in the Na tional League this aasaon. Mew York, Washington, and Cincinnati are the only oluba that nave escaped the whitewash brush. Louisville bos Ua "vu. " .' ' ... f. The Christy Saddle, j Physicians Unqualifiedly Endorse If. . tho bony prnnilncnces of thu iiolvls. This adin7.Vl.ia-hf nf ,i'uZV!? r;,' Jl'-t," sntltllo overcomes nil objections Io tho use of BhowsthepelyiaaaltrrstsontheChrlstyBadsTlis, .Jn.iH.-.J..ffJ.tJ f .".. " r.he'nc supported by the tl.n 1, level., liv u-nmen rhlera It U n l,nnn BiiDiorte.l viholy upon the iHhlal tuboros,t.e.Oio K?JLo'.I,1..i'imm1i"",i "!'"?' "- ""- Pnoioarch. Tho tnooicjcie uy women ritlLrs. It is a boon .nl'itTH 0fi parts In tor puhiosro'i am entirely fre rcsultscunnot but I Injurious. to tho BOX- rro n pressure, injury Is Impossible. Health is All-Important -Insure It by Using a Christy Saddle. HumlroilB of phvsiciana tliroup-hout tho Unitod StatnB havo critically otarainod tho Christy Saddle nnd endorso it in unqualified torms. Wo give botow tho uamoa of sonn of tboso, and we have several , 1 thoiiHaiid in uddillon: H OEOItOIA. Fenl C. Valentine, N. T. City J. IT. Proth, Auburn PENNSYLVANIA. tncrtlOAN. 'fSH r. I. Ilenrr. NewVnrkCitr .1. M. Whiteside. Oxford n n jr.... 11...1. --,. ll P. P, Prasolton. Oalnesvllle J;-,M-,.l';,l",r"r" V.",0.rc,,Jr W. " Hell, Oxford J. O. Stewatt, Pltoalrn w P 'rWii nathJiSa A' J.A. liryan.tnlaviie J n; Jonea. N. V. City Thos. Turnbiill. Jr., Aileheny cn-it ii iikr? IiaTcit i I. I. M. Ciirrr. liar -Tell ','"' S',70,1,,,V Sew York Cit rLOIttDA. Thomas W. Monro, Everett V I LaVl.llih ,C.Vm,'t K. II. Phillips Itnrlem J.,N-' VLlrt' ' r',0,-;lj"V, t . a -.. . , Jos. W Leadenham. Franklin i 1). Mnnry.rioitt' . "l-inta 1ms. I hhepar.l. llrooklyn I-M. Anderson, White Rnrlnir .T. o Knlne. Slorrlslown no Walker' Ktrntt t' N. vviUon. Jt."l!ia V "o'SV'-ie-i-VOrkWl, Anderson. Carrabellc A. II. MleUs. Philadelphia "onvkesVeeVneTrolt i J M. Moore. 3Iicon j. 11. uoou, .-tew voravity Ira J. Ilunn. F.rle . tv p tiuii--. r n..., ' T It oorllnai.. liotia s'?"-NC.V Yo.rl-CU,V TENNF.8SEE. I). N. Dennis. Erie w. c uunleas. 8t Cialx , w. T. llo-t-r.. Co eiimn Dr. Foote. New ork City , . ., ,.., James Mnntiomery.r.rlo JU8SOURI. J .T.c?o.,,',A,!'-!r,A,",",' hahylaxd. 5:!V.ood feft.ftViSaVnirtv.rt J-TltTKds,',u.s,JoKS,, ' M.A.flarkVnnritesTlile .. o, . . 11. HoRiirt. -'Imttnnoo-ra M.vln Rosinthal. Philadelphia . ?, 11 JhM ki tlut. f.$pB,w$r -isiana. eoxviu. zg&ssMssr' WliB - J.J.Miafor.Atlania Thomas Itaaan. Jackson .. sin,isn. MARSArrrnRFTT-L Jabet 1. Jackson. Kansas City 1. A-Ellegood, Sois-Orliians NnitTll CAltoLlfA. Jia-wAi-iiuoe.t 10. c. Walnv-Tl-tht KonsasOIly "MXOIX. ,,,,,.. n. ...... Itn-Coddln-cRomervllle John 1-unton. Kansas City .... ,, MIIOIMA. C. P. Ambler. Ashevllle J. C. J Flamo. Somervlllo UEXICO Janett Ounn. rhlrano , , ,..,,., ,,.. . Y. E Kaan. As hevll a j v pollock.East Wermouth attituu A. I. Johnson, ridi-nun t;AJWi-''tfiihlJS.0-ni-- K. M. KurBuson. Cameron lYacli CI Jlirtln. Boston Be-rundo!rtnehe.OndelaOos-il R I. Plnekant, f'hlraifo J'r w .h1" -lch"iond J. r. Walton. Ildsvlllo j raneis v-aiarun. iioston jmnc. Fernandez. MonclOTS) W. o IHrlincr. fhicam Uiaa. tl. Latinaday. Roanoke o. 11. Sadelson. Boulbern Pines INDIANA. Jnande Dioa. Monterey F.rne T Biraub. Chleniro mi-nir-nmn-, "--. Blba. BalUllo Coah ivP,Tr."",T:" f"iJeano sooni CAItOI.UA. CONNF.CTICUX. L. a Cllne. Indlananolls m,rnmI F..V. II. Morris nnlesburg H T Jnurdun Ilranchvllle . . .. . P- Ilotierts. Indlanaootts wlTCOIfBIW. C. II. Rvarle ChlenTo "hai V. Kouvek. rharleslon 7,t'0 UV.W1- psnbury A. W. Iirayton. Indlanawilu T.VT. nhlry. New ntchmona it '.' 'inT,'I."r A':r"ra a II Vraneby. (laftney V "-S WMIe. lanbnry F-C. Uever. Indianapolis J. V. R. Lyman. Ean Claire J!' J!.' nJSckh'!r." ,,0T-,r 1. It. Jlll'er. tlamiev 7 1, "av. Herhv J A. Dniran. Indianapolis W. L. Abaly. Madlaon S-Jho!ffi-ilT!j?ie,0 J:w.yu,,.r,n. Westminster lmi,I'i1,,;lr10;o',o0nr0,0n WSSSWiSSS?" KBD1UBKA. Clark llapen. Kankakee n. IL Martin. Ashland llr. Hejer. Sw London ,u LfftaOnsis W. K. Seelye. streator Samuel F. Woody. I.pulsvllle ;. n.lierres. Sew London F. R 8mtth. Toledo wina fleor-r I. Fmter Itock Island Thos. 1 1 tint ,tucky. Ixinfsvllle N. R. Hotchklss. New Haven y. w. lll Ottumwm MINNESOTA. E?:i??t,iK-5..,S,,,.w. m&SPZiiSSiyE! RnoDF. ISLAND. A. t. Wright. Carrol? PL-c.W., z. iiamaway. uttawa j,mes IL Letcher. Henderson . , . ,, ,. onto. Wm. C. Branch. Jllnneapotta vpw vnnvr A. I. Price. Ilnrrodsbur pardner T. Swarts. I'rovldenos 0UI0- VERMONT. ,Ui.-,lSSaS& JofnV,:r,y ASey. Cleveland ,, Hartf Cheoler Harnmee. Schenectady .,,,, DlbTRICT OF COLDMBIA. O. M. Marquarl Osborn JIISSISSIPPL Il.C. Hutten. Home ai.auvjia. ,..,,. ... . . F. M. Pon-eas. Washln-fton n. S. Toombs. Oreenvllls John n. Itoe Rochester F. 11. Wanl. Selma Ralph Walsh. Washlnirton A. F. nous- Cleveland u. a. loomos. ureenviiis IL VI. Iluchanin Clayton II. T lletllll, lloanoko Chaa Collins. Waahliutton (I. R. Fell, Cleveland TEXAS. F.W. Illirulns. Cortland W. It Cunningham. Corona Morris Murray. VVashlnston J. V (lallaa-her. Cleveland , .,, vx- J. MacDonald. Jr. N Y City A. n. SedMtter. Illrmlutrtiam t has Cnttrill. Washlmton W. E. Bhaw. Clnclnnatt J. W. Hunter. Waco F T S-dlv. Sow York (MIT J. U I.uckle. lllrnllnsham Amtiro-s Illeree. WashlnRton W. D Haloes, Cincinnati wpct VIROIVfA. John W Cov. Sew York City Jos T Coulbowen Illrmlngham l;r. Mcleod. Washlni-ton A. R Walker. Canton !,.,.., ac File. Sew YorkClty Wyatt Ileflln. lllrmlncham W.J. Dilleuback. Washington A. & a brant. Canton R-McBlllin. Klngwool f When purchasing a bicycle insist on having it fitted with the Christy Saddle. No dealer will loss a sale on account ol '' it and you're sure to have the perfect saddle. Fitted to the Spalding Bicycle free of charge. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 1 126, 128, 130 NASSAU STREET. I HP.TnWM RPPflT- SPALDINC-BIDWELL CO.. Or I U W IM U LIU I i 29. 31. 33 West 42d Street. 1 BICYCLES m INSTALLMENTS. S5.00 Cash. BALANCE FROM $5 TO $10 PER MONTH. VICTORS, WAVERLEYS, GRAWFORDS. "T.. tl. P. -.." 2! Rronilway. Xew York. UI-1'..N -1IOM)AS I'STIL O 1. M. "CRAWFOROS, LYNDHURSTS. Easy Payments, So Tatt-is I'hnrKe. lllciele Mundrles -st Lowest 1'rleos. DURANT MoLEAN & CO., znn Hrontiway. canoed" four times nndlirookhn three. Itnston ami llaltlmoro met a rlmllar defeat twice, and Chi cago, Clet eland, rinladelplila, l'lttsbnrith. and SI. 1-uls once each. The rittalmo-ha inalo foityoim hlla In ths thrco Now Vork Kan, ts while the local pl-ijera MCtircxl thlrtl ono. Now York had nlnu errora and 1'ltts burgns four. In tho last two games Otlnl has mndo only two hits, hut they wen1 of intieh Importance to tho llrooklyn Club I'uli lnitlo broiuht tho wlnulng run across thu plaii-, Tho Now Vork players who havo not missel a gamo this season aro Hi man, Van llallr'n, tlleuson, ai.d (leorgo Iiuls. Of th Brooklyn, McCarthy and Corcoran aro the onu men Kasto-i. Juno 11 The Hasten Ktnto league learn, which started out no well at the opening of tho season, nnd whlv'h Kr.iditally dropped from second to sixth plr.te, has dlidmlldtM. llelne, heeolul base; Klnselle, llr-1 base, l.awlor, ft litre Meld, tire), pltoher, and Manager llami.n, have koih to the lloa noko, Va., Club. I'leve, rl-ht Held, hus signed with Norfolk. Itiiarlmll Oamea To.dny. HATIO-ll IFAIIVK AMI AMItllll'AS ASSOC1 ITIO-I. Boston vs New Vork, at llostou. llriMiklyn vs. llaltltnere. at K.ilern I'ark, Washington vs. J'liliuli Iphla, at Wastilui,ton. Cliiclunatl ss. St. IiiiU, ut Cincinnati, l'lttsliiirgh va. Cllleagu, ut l'lttsliiirgn, LoillsVillo vs. Clevid-inl, at l.otllsl llle. I astfun 1 1 Adl'tt, Rprlngfleld is. To'onto, at Sprltuilold, l'rovldenco vs. lilldaln, at l'rm ideiiec. ucranlon va. Itoehe.ur. ut .siruiiiou, Wllkesbarro va, Syracuse, nt Wllkeabarro. ATI Will" I TAOfn. llotropolltaus vs. raternon, at tho Polo grounds, New Haven vs. Hartford, at New ttavcll. oriiait lion: Newport vs. Cubau (Hants, at Newport, Harvard vs. llrown, ut Cutubrtd'-o, Wostniinster Colletf-i vs. Allcitluu C,llo;ct ai. New Wilmington, l'u. More Onmcs on HntiirdNy, At Harlem Monitor A. C, l'J; HerLlnier A. C, 0. At Ambrose I'ark llay IlldKO A, C' 17; (lamer vlllo II. II. C, tl, AVnnf to 1'hiy (lontes, Tho Finplro A. A. has secured uroiiiids to play on Riiiida. All llrst class teams nf iiiurored playora v, Linux dales on that day siioulu nddnss John Sic-Vi-j, iiiauai-iT, 44u Kast '. 14th strut, Tim Kulton Held Club would like to iirrnnxo names for any Huiidujs In July mid Atuust withelubaor. ferlnn a auitaule KUaraiiteo. Address M.iuuKer W. J, stepiieii.ini, 140 JUt Twenty olKhih .treet. Tho Jefferson A, (J, of Newark would like to ar. ramie hiiiidny -rninca awa) irnui home with all nrst class toaius gllim a suitable iruarantt-e. Ad dress I'red tierstiicr, 8UU Jerfersou strvet, New ark, N. J. The Norwich team would Ilk j to book games with all toan.s whoso platers average fnmi eleven to thirteen years, lhe team claims the ihuinpiunsiiin of tho Seventh ward. Address William Jiulllgau captain, HU tlouvcrueur street, " The mrltan A. C. of New ark has these dales opent uno UU and all Saturdays In July uud August. Tho Puritans will pluj any nrsl-elass cluu giving a suit able guarantee, Audruss Lharlos Klnoy manager. 114 Kleventh oscuue, Newark, N, J. The Adouls Juniors huio tho following dates opon for teams of uniformed players averaging io yearii July 111. in. Auk, v. v. 10. n. and ao, out. of town clubs offering to puy half tho expenses pre. erred. Address K. Cuddy, captain, llift Cast lunth street. The Bt. Bridget'. I). H. C. would like to hear from all clubs giving a suitable guarantee for Hatur. day and Sunday games, the llohoteiis, Jefferaona of Newark, Ironsides, llrooklyn Held club, and all other clubs within 100 miles of New Vork city. Address Thomas I'. SlclUiiui, secretory, fsi.Hrldget'a Lyceum, U67 Monlomery street, Jersey City, Baseball. Eastern l'srk, A V. M. To-Day, llrooklyn vs. Baltimore. Adui., DUo. ana Hie Adv. I From S20 to $51 Saved. If jou buy for coct of manufacture at our BICYCLE SLAUGHTER SALE. 1800 11410 Amer Scorcher, choloo Urea. STO SO I -mil SOA Toledo Spetlala. " " O-VOo istios-iaKiupirH ua.oo I isnoisir.jn'inson " " " 00.00 ' lsuosjs Triumph " " 47.SO 1 89rt (tloo Century BpeclaU " o oo 1900 Miuores. " " 4VO.OO Why buy of dry roods atore. or fake auctions ; PARK ROW CYCLE CO., Opp. P. O. S3 Park How. BANKRUPT STOCK BICYCLES. ao mrrrrent Makes. All Tully Ouaranteed. a.OOO to Helect from. All New. $17.50.23,27.50.31,35.39549, All. MHTKD KIIOM I0 TO f 10O, S00 fteconti haiul nuoh a Columbia, vlctort. C.ere land. Cven-cnti. LlbriB. SnldinK IIarifurd,IIam- btr. CrMruJAJi. Johntnn. $i up to $?&. Hprlft.l I'rlcra to Dpitler. IIKE&ALU CYCLB-: CO.. (Near lleekman) 114 Nassatitft. BICVC1.E8.-Mnnarch and Deflauce bicycle, hlgnesl Kradet nil prices; sundries; repairs. 431 Lexing ton av., near 44th st. fiaiCTixa. Want Corbett tsad Flfsalmmons to aleet ut Houth Africa. The arrival In town of Charles llllJebrandt, a well-known sportsman of .lohnnnesburtt, .South Africa, has caused a renewal of the tall: of a match between Corbett anil Fltzslmruons. Ilililebratidt, who has been at London for some tlmo aald yestenlay that he came to this coun try expressly to nrranco a "so" between Corbett nnd Kitzslmmons, to lake place nt Johannesburg-, lie Is rend)' to offer a purso of $10,000. nnd Is wllllne to post $5,000 as a eunrantcc that ho will carry out tils proRrammc. Should Cor bett or Fltzslmtnons fall to come together, llllilebrnnilt snb ho Is prepared to match Cor bett iiKitlnst mi "unknown," who Is said to bo "Denver" VA Smith. lu speaking of tho South African's visit to London, tho ,iiii((ho Life says: J. II. Illldebrandt of Joonnnrsburg had an Inter view with I'eter Jackson, and offered to match him acalnst corbett for a side, and lu tne rvtnt of Jackson loslug guaranteed him '10,000 tlm-cun-lest to take place at the National Snorting Club, or In America ur south Africa. Mr. lliudy (Cornell's niauat.rl liAd previous)), on lhe part of Corbett, promised Mr. Illldebrandt a mniih on the condition sperincd. and bad Jsokson'a con.ent leen obtained s. l.uoo n shin would hnve hi en postod with lhe .Viirf. Itu Lift to bind the business. Jackson, however, so weiirolnronut'd. would not give his consent in thu maich. und lurther nhjei-tid toglve nny reason for lUreltihal. As Jackson will not meet Corbett, It la Mr. lllldoitratult's Intention to proceed at once to America, with a viewer ratirln u niatx'ii bitweiu Kd smith and Corbel i. Mr. Ilildeoraudt Is oulie willing to put up tn.uuo ou behalf or the Iienver pugilist, the contest to take placo either lu fcng.aud or Amer,ca. Jnck Downey Detents l'ddle Plrrrr. Tho Olymplo Itluk, llrooklyu, uas crowded ou Saturday night, tho attraction h-lng the iHixlng rliow of tho llrooklyn Bridge A, t The feature of tho night vvos tho ten round "go" between I'ddlo Ilereo of New Vork nnd Jnok Downey of Ilrookl) u. Ullly l'a)no of llaltlmnrn and Tom Frailer of Brook lyn opened proceedings with an right round bout, at 14U iHiuuds, Both men were rather cautious In the first round, but In tho t-orom! round, being en couraged by his friends, Warier cut Ihomi and allowed somo fast lighting. l'a)lie, however, gLl the declhton, lhe next tight was Io bine bel ll U iweell Charley Kelt) of New Vork and llaii-y Hul-Kli of lirookl)ii for ten rounds, ut 113 po'tud. llaiMh was ut least ten pounl, over the limit eel fur the "K"," ami Kill) llatly refiiaed in nieei him. While the handlers of the two la Is were trjlng to f effoct a compromise, the mauiigeineiit prumpilv nut on the s.ellar event of lhe HUM. s ten round , Lout between Juck Downey of Brooklyn uud l.ddle , 1'ierio of New Vork. As usual. Downey got right to work lu the llrst round He iiuuled left and right on 1'lerce's face uud ribs, the latter lighting ick slnvvlv In the Kfeiiml rinill 1 l'jerce fOllgllt en tlrely on thu uefeiisivo. Dow in) binding four hot fucersulid two liod) blows. I'ler.-e upemd the third round with a ru.h, laudlug ou Jai k's face, Downe) countering on tho che.t. It wa. give und lake null jiilll tho gone, soundo.1. In the fourth round Dow i ej got home several goon two handed punches, ""'"' plerco returned with Interest Downe) showed the punishment he received when he vveul Ic. ' I'll cor ner. It waa u loss up In the ilfili round Tim fix in round was clearly Downey's, hut Herri- look lilt punlihmeut nianlully and c.wi)ed Io nop tne "urn caue hlowa which wero belnu sent b) the BrooKDii boy. Downey was again In the lead miring "'"' enth round, In widen Piene fought entire ) on tne clefeuslvo. The latter give a Hue two handed ri In the eighth lound. Dowue) drew- the j l'lo"' ' " 1'lerco'a moutJ in the ninth round, and, Ihougn weal. Pierce 'waa "rljlil I here h.i ''''"';?. sounded. In the tenth and I el round 'le-ve rue bed Downey a aeon a. the) drop! ''i'us'TVe eral and Jack rotullat.-.l with vim It ,", f,h mix-up froni.thal out and seemlngl) e J '",,'" i'i? referes nave the declslou to Dow ne) In "',?" Ye to dlaap"polnt iH0 crowd Maxey llaugh and Lhariey liallf box4 Lx rouuds to a draw. i . t, --iMii lsr'-MiBiMBBMI 1,000 NEW BICYCLES, $35. ' liUARAKirvi OOODR. SOO Mew Bsis (Vlieel.. HO Up. T5U 8HflMHAVD MACHINES 7 UP. ' LTBEHTV. SC8 FALCON. SSQ, e-triNOKST. SSI I VlCTUlt, SIOi COI.UM1IIA. 10t KAI-EIQIl. asSSs ,' TOURIST. 8IO IVIPF.HHU KI; ORMOVtlK. lt 1 CVKKIEIl IKICYCLK. Sl KoOT PUMPS. SSO. 1 ALSO NOItWOOn IIElll.l-i. 1-, HTOCKTOK-, F.nir.M. 'KN1K1.V--, Itr.I.IAJVClS. i AT RKIIV-r.l HATE-. WE yCMAtlE VOUR OLD BICVCLE. I .NONPAREIL CO.. 10 Barclay St, M.VHSTEKS IIAS'AVORMS. Sand wormn 12c ii", V Wood or l-rhlte woims, BSt. ilnr. ig twbM-t)osn.i, 4 eu' i.tadoz. 150 fet bratded ' Bank It ne. K-o. mx Inch Voor r-wl. H3c. Aibftnd laocwool Han roi. with cxtr.i tip, MSc. Fluk book xtra Ioik bank. lit-. H doc Send stamp (or tUnvirited iUing tarkt ratal ocu. J. K M.VHSTFKs. Court t.. nrooklyn. OVES KVhSI0 Gigantic Bicycle 'uc'ion. MONDAY. tlVNE l&TII, 11 A. U. i 150 AND 152 DUANE ST. I 1. MVER, Auctioneer Order J. DROWN E CX I'Ol'It nit'TCl.ES for tale cheao. make IKvIl P Address t'.hp, boa too. Sun iip-tovrn omoe, 1.S4I -l liroadwar. rl no ir.v7. No Work Performed by (be C'ollece Cresm YeslerUnr. Pouonicr.t-psiE. June 14. Tho college crows J that will contoft for fuprc-racy on tho I'ough keop!o couro noxt week are now' all hero ' except Cornell. The Ithncana are cxpctcil to ' iirrivo on Ttiotilny cvcnluK. They will inako their hondijuarlcrs nt the lll.-k nlacc, nml nso Dr. MlllcrV laiat houi-i". turtncj will lo hero to trnln iho crow?, nml Ivcitor thlngt aro lookcil for tlimi lat )cnr. For uno thing, tho Cornell elrnlm will not he mi high, coming iltvvvn frntn fnrty-twn ntnl forty-fn'-'r to thirty- - four or tliorcu'iiiiutr-. , The rutins) lviinlnrrcirii. with two vvcckH' prac tice on tho liuilann, lire nlunvlnc up well. It U r remarked In nllnlieiTvort-lhnt litirvnnl, 1'iiliim- i lila, nml l'ennsjlvniila ahovv In their prnetico n lennlni tow.inl n tiiilfonn arMomot slide r.nd hliulc work, with trlMini: illirnreii' e In recov. cry nml in.lHKtnl work. Kach crow lowsfrora s thirt) two to lliirtv-foiir hlrukea minute, ex. ,, copt when Murtlm-. the nvernsn then Koine up perhaps to lhlrt-M. The IViin.ylvnnlnn i iluiiareat ileal of row Inn In lonch wnter. Couch I ViirilHHa tliul ho iloes mil pro; iwo that the S mlstako of last your shall Ih' rereateil. ni il he I wjiiiIs Imth the 'viirtll) nml fiv-hmen crews f where the while cm nre tlili'ke-t. j Tlila was Iho mint iltvmiri ealilc duy tho oars- j men hnvo Inul i-lnc lhe r nrrival here, anil ' t nnlhliiu nan ilnne. (ienrue lliirtwcll, the f hiilliler of llnnuril's !... I, w.i in i- vvn lui-t 1 night, nml mis the crlin-iii cicw will mirey j villi. lit flirt ier nml tout no "mill lei -MOO 1 ni:alii'.t the Held nil Ilurvaril. Anew paper fhell -oi the tnltimlli varsity $, crow wa l,iiiiiilit ilown trnln Irov liv the tl?Jl iiiei-n City .nil.i). iiii- crew will try It to. W inurinw. The Yiilr-Wlscoiisln rrrsliniisii Itiice. ' I, Ni wllvi v, June 14. -Thegreaiet Inler stlsmjnl- ;. rested hero In lhe cumin nice between the Vale T, Jj freshman crew and the fill r:t) of U'lconsla H eight. set fur Thursla), June l- at lake Kaltouslall. To morrow will Ilnd belli i rows ou iho water at the , lake doing their Itrsl Joint pnicllie worn. Die fresiim ill rnc this )ear is illt-eiiMiil probably more than uu il beiausn of lis being Vale'a onl Ainericlll -".lle.t on Me water and because It wf , Y.nti .lhe i in " lhe Wi mi rn oarsiueii n ths Eaat. T Th" Idsus ot IIih V l.eonstn liny, srmia lollunai ) ANIvIlK at :" Hn'eli on JIiuiiI-it. they will bs taken In llM'Irpnii.le e rloni.1 Haven. They will ( lie In their lar diinu- Hit Ir visit r.u.t. It la to e Mde inn keii. m d ev. rj thing l !:ist:,-iously ar- ' ' rnngert fur Hieiu. "Itiey hive their own took with , I IIiiiiii. The Vnle men Have idae.;u one of lhe boat 1 ' Iioiim nt their I ollovvlng tne match, ths j sl.'toM "Id I'1' biilellieled by lhe tale eight. Ilia t said the v Im'oiisIii imrsiiieh ureln spluiiiDiluondltlon. i jfioifirjJ, (, dc. lvOHRVir A duiker. aullaM for eiilldren'a use, at 3 J' lea.unJble price. WEIMaN. Mi James L " Zt Surf. 7" Brooklyn Jockey Club. i hi'Hi.vo -uEun.-io. Jun4 d.b,U. 10 II. IH.1.1. 16. Id. IT, IH. ' Ml.V KA Kn TO.UJk.lC HI KiUO o'tloek 1 H eimi iraina, via i. I. it. it., ons.i n uraml Mand, M Pri'in IHtli sl, r. -, N. 1 . Icav at liisil u0 .1 (Parlor Can, I -JO P.M. Kromfiait WliUcball su. Am J, V ii..u hourly from II ioa, I. tol lo."iu. ' ' Kroui IlrooUlvn llrldice, via Mn Av. Elevate. (V wlihnut mange, naif hourly nom 11.68 A, M. I ft, 1-roin OlU av, und It O lb s., llrooklrn. half hoarw M from U. DO to g too p u. 4,1, . . odlls it ill Urootlyu. half hourly from lKilO to Knot, u, lf '" i