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BK " ' THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1800. ' '"' : 1 1 J MtVlInrrity .was to telegraphic, eommnntcatlon J ?Trtth Mr. Whitney, In Now York U tho morntna HJ BTtT the MTantrcmenta. 1 '- '" ' xnstoHAnr work to juc don. V Tbt great demonstration on 8aturday night V i , Is to bo preceded on Friday evening nnd alt day HJ ,v tinturday by conferences amonir tho gold men. HJ Ullii vast majority of the gold people will arrive HJ' I at tho Aodltorlum on Friday afternoon. It Is HJ there that William C. Whitney Is to open his HJ Jiendqaartcra, and lio Is to bo surrounded by ex. HJj f Oov. Rassell and ex-Congressman John C Ru . HJ ellfOf Massachusetts. Senator Vilas, Senator Hff Gray, Senator Lindsay, Don M. Dickinson, and HJ! others.,. Senator Hill and cx-Gov. Flower aro to Hi v put up at tho Palmer linuso. Ex-Oov. Flower. HJ If was ascertained to-day, Is to do soma prac HJ -J tloal missionary work while here. Ills friends HFi c who aro on tho ground declare that he Is Just Hjl t.'jho man io visit tho silver delegations and HI , talk to them Id his earnest and direct way In HJ ' be hP of brlpglng thorn down from their ex Hk.f- trone demands of a 10-to-1 mank. Mr. Flower. HJV Kwasfurthor said, will start right out on Sat Hf Jirday morning and will keep tits work up until Hjl tho Convention comes to an end. and his friends HJ hero aro convinced that his labors will not bo In HJ tipraln. They bellovo that he will bo Instrumental Hj p4n modifying the extremo tendencies of many H "pt tho silver men. It Is woll known that Mr. Hjl JBlower la very much liked by tho politicians in Hjl other Bute, and that ho Is tho Ideal man to HJlI "tanks the effort to Induce them not to tako or HJj txemo measures, oven though thoy ovldently HJ! iivo tho power to do bo. HJlj ' ( to onoamzE Tint gold mew. Hi' At Mr. Whitney's headquarters In the Audi Uf toriom tho plans for organizing tho gold men in Hl tho Convention will bo pcrfocted. It Is con Blj fended that in every Stato In the Union there taroaonnd gold men, and Mr, Whitney nnd his H friends are to gather thesa men around htm. Hi 'pnd tber are to work upon the delegates who HL 'favor free stiver nt 10 to 1. It Is alsodetor H I -intnod to get as many gold men as posslblo np H ( pointed on the Committee of Credentials, the H jCommltteo on nesolutlons, and tho Commlttco H Son Permanent Organization. H It la also tho programmo to havo snb-commlt- Wj 'tees, which will be In tho nature of steering If r committees, and these aro to attempt to turn v the silver tide In allot thoState delegations and I J. Jtotrlng about as for as posslblo a plank which I rlll represent tho bimetallic Idea. Indeed. W , 'every effort Is to bo mado to mako tho platform H v ' adopted by tho Democrats at Saratoga tho plat H -form of this Convention. Tbo gold men are ex B pocted to bo tireless In tholr energies, nnd to P slve this Convention an ovld'enco of industry Hp ""'wtilcu' shall be spoken of with admiration in HBt It future conventions of the Dcmoc ratio party, Hjl .Comptroller Eckels. Assistant Secretnry of tho H i Treasury William E. Curtis, and many other Hrf '"AVashlngton officials aro either on tho ground Hj ""already, or aro to bo here within a few days to HJ Is" carry out the orders of Mr. Whitney In this HH) V , tight of tho gold men. Bj : '' Senator Hill forms one of the most Important i v, factors In the present situation. He hasnlwa)s Hj boon known as a sound-money man, but his Hh friends who are already here declare that tho Hii ) Cleveland Administration has gono nut of Its H L tray to slap ttio faces of tho silver men, and K , that these tactics have aroused an animosity HJ '(''"which will tako the most tireless efforts to E, '' overcome. Tbey old thnt the Cleveland Ad &! ministration might have accomplished happy Hjj,. results at Washington except for Its knock Mg "down aQd drag-out policy. Hj"'n - WHAT TIIE BIbVFIt MEI SIT. HjVn , Thesllvor"aien aro fully allvo to tho efforts of tho gold men to accomplish their overthrow. B I Gov. Stono and others do not bellcvo that Hi it Is posslblo for anv thing but a 10 to 1 plank HJ Md a 10 to 1 candidate to come nut of this H f Convention. Gov. Stono said to-dny that the HJ I silver men were very partial to the selection Hj I of Senator Harris of Tennesseo to be permanent HjK' '! Ghalrman of the Convention. HJk "Wo have not. I assure you," Gov. Stone con HkUnucdJ" considered the name of any delegate to Ko temporary Chairman. There has been a good HW-n--"allc-IPdlvidoly qgalnyt tho selection HJH?' Senator Hill. Tbtro -has been noVnccrted HBBCtlon anainst the selection of Gov. Hill that HJfjT .Inmnwareof. There la a disposition to avoid K;,Berlous troublo If possible." Hll Gov. Stone's sentiments wore not echoed by HhI vGov. Altgeld. Senator Tillman, or Senator Hbl slackbutn. Senator Money of Mississippi said Hj9 ff"4' Ds believed that he. represented the sentl P) ' ments of the silver men when he said: Hj J. jyDarjnoni' 1 all right, but It must be the Hf) "tarmony which ensues when the majority Hjg. JVulei Had the gold men won by a majority of Hjl Pne tbey would rightly expect to control this HB1 -.'Convention. As it is. we have won, and we are HHJlrPHu.oJ to the full fruit of our vlctorr. We Hfcj ' mat naT0 everything, from temporary Chalr HPt man to the maktne of the platform and namlug Hlr'0'boconlltlttt- As for tbo rights of tbo Na HJ ilopi-l Committee. It was created for tho cun Hj Tenlence of the Convention, not the Convention Hj r,fQr It. Its duty ended when It brought this H 'Convention togethcr.and lttsnnwiinrttianjnc(', Hj as dead as the bulrushes In which Moses wns m found. It has no rights wo are bound to con- H That may be all very well, but it Is knovn H 'positively here that many silver men are very H , much opposed to combating the National Com HJa'tiltte6' in tho selection of tne temporary Clmlr HJ B an. These silver men say tbat they are ready HF H . nd willlna to Stand up and fight for a 10 to 1 HQ plank, ahd they will bo glad to have their votes HPCI couhted for such a plank, but they otld that EV many silver men seo no objection whatever to HJU thotelectlon of Senator Hill, and that It would Hb) bo' folly to make his selection tho test of HHf rengtb between tho gold men and tho silver Hi in the temporary organization of the Con HHkIob They say thnt Senator fllll, notwlth HfedpB the protests of Altgeld, Tillman, and HHPTbUfn. would get very many silver votes HjHroV temporary Chairman of tho Convention, HjKnbnt that tnso samo votos would, tho moment HE tho silver ptank rfna Introduced, rally to the HBcWPportof tbaVplank. HBpThe'stlver menpropose If possible to offset HBfr-iho demonstration bf tho gold men on Snturday HHfSht by n great demonstration In tho interests HBrry"vcr They have not perfected their ar HBvfn Clements, but from alt that Is known there is HHK- er' Pu'bllity that tho silvar men will gather HJHA Columbia Theatre, either on Sunday or Moil BKaf night, and whoop It up for their cause. Just H jf M tho gold men nre to mako things lively on Wf) Saturday. Tho sliver men will bo uddressed by their famous orators. Thoy will Include Hena l( tor Iilackburn, Gov. Altgeld, Senator Daniel, It 1 Qovt. rJtpne, Senator Jones, and many others. Wj ,JJn fact,tbero is every Indication thnt for tho fjj noif or.four dayi Chicago wilt be called 111 upon to hear tho orators lrom ull over tho 1 Jcountry. gold men and silver men. 1 1 ' TUB IlI-AND. HO IKS, AM) TEIXRR IIOOHS. J " Tbo Illand poomers are taking every means to ("Iboostlong their candidate. They havo several headquarters. Dhind's managers havo been criticised for their apparont lack of dlgnltr In t 4ho llterutnro thoyliand out and In tho signs ( with which they decorata tho Illand headquar- 't?rs. Only In a few Instances Is Mr. Illnnd re- 1 xerred to by his proper nnnie. The signs and ' f thtt.lllcraturo invariably speak of him as "SI). , Ver Dick," Any way tho Illand boomers figured oat to-day that ho had 082 delegates, as follows: ( Arksntaf Ill North Iiaknta 0 1 ,-jllbm V4;Mjiitli lkol B li . OalUornla In Ohio 41 'N fdstio. 0 'u'aaiiiimtnn B n)Arl""J e.Aimku i) H. 1 1 Indian Territory ti boulli Carolina In I ' Ullllnoli .,,, , 48 li-aiini-e J M "1 Kausas., -n Tnius , m illwobrl ' ltsii U lonuns 10 On von 8 fcwitexloo l' l)lilrlc.t of Columbia ... i) prl Oklahoma JGW)sbrktt I Total BHii HMU ,The friends of I'ncle Hod Holes declare that HBsV bushel of salt should be tuken with overy one Hjlni the Illand figures. HHf I Tho boom for Senator Teller seems to beget HflbtlBI along try fairly. The old Sharon estate, HEflstor Stewart and Congressman Newlands, HJiMtui to be taking a hand in tho Teller boom, HKlllt from alt that cun lw ascertained they eem HBll'U very much moro Inteiested In bringing HJniilt tli iioulutlmi ol Telltr for Vlre-Prrsl-HHHni ll " anything else. "IJuck" Ilenrlchsen, HB V toy Teller is out of the race. HHHs Wl ''" V0,t X 0!"slAY CONVENTION, HHHh''"0 fc.dd declares that the free-silver men HHHH-'ilVjlay ConvenUon. Whether Mr. Alt- Bald will havo his way about this matter Is an other question. Gov. Altgeld, In exidalnlnghls' position, says i "Wo shall have control of tho Convention, and It Is, wo think, to our best Interest to wind up the business of the Convention In ono day. T.h'o single gold standard men will, of course, fight for delay. It Is to their Interest to spar for wind, as ilia sporting men would say. Thoy have no liopo of controlling the Convon tlon, but ,lt Is tholr .desire to proarastlnate. Thoy want to divert tho platform from a straight 10 to 1 stiver basin to some sort of a muddled compromise. 'Wore wo to let the Con vention remain tn session several days they might do this." Gov. Altgeld says many harsh things. Ap parently ho does not stop to consider whom ho lilts. For In stnn co ho lias declared that tho gold men are to buy up tho silver men. One of his critics declared this afternoon thai that Is a foolish Insnlt, and ho added! "Gov. Altgeld's announcemeni ttiat big sacks of Eastern aotd nre on tho way to Chicago which will be usod to 'buy oft' silver delegates Is not very complimentary to tho delegates. Does Altgeld know any of them who nre pur chatablor Ho has gratuitously Insulted tils comrades, wno to a man donbtlcss nre as In vulnerablo to bribery as ho Is, and who aro In this fight for motives moro worthy than tils own," Just who the sliver men would like for tem porary Chairman Is not known. There Is somo talk of ex-Congressman W, J. llryan of Ne braska and Gov. Stono of Missouri, but this Is all talk and nothing moro. While It Is conceded by tho gold men that tho sliver men are In ttio majority In the Convention, the present senti ment warrants tho statement tbat unless tho situation changes tho silver leaders will not bo able to mass their delegates In opposition to Senator Hilt, It ho Is solocted to bo temporary Chairman by tho National Committee. Tho sliver leaders do not like tho programme. Tl.ey do not believe In giving the gold men a single Inch of advantage. Senator Jones and several other sliver men say that they havo the highest respect for Senator Hill, and thoy believe that he would rule fairly, but Altgeld and Iilackburn prefer to make a fight against Senator Hill It tho National Committee presents his name, and It will then be ascertained whether tho silver men are to follow their leader. AI.TOEI,D WANTS TO MAKE THE Pt.ATronM. The silver mon held another long confcrcnco thlsovenlng nt tholr headquarters In the Slier man House. It was there developed that Gov. Altgeld will undoubtedly attempt to bo made Chairman of the Commlttco on Resolu tions. Gov. Altgeld, It was ascertained, has already practically written n report for tho Committee on Resolutions, which ho believes should bo presented to tho Convention. It Is now understood exactly why ho did not wish to be either temporary or per manent Chairman of tbo Convention. Ho wishes to bo In a position to deliver, as Chair man of the Committee on Resolutions, a speech similar to tho one ho uttered when he was re nominated for Governor at l'eorla last week. In that speech ho attacked President Cleveland and gave utteranco to many sharp criticisms of tho Cleveland Administration. In tho report of the Committee on Resolutions, which Gov. Altgeld declares ho will head, ho Intends to rcitrrato his attacks on the Cleve land Administration, and ho declares that this Democratic National Convention will bo the first In the history of the party to adjourn without commending tho outgoing Democratic Administration. On tho contrary, he Insists that this Convention shall give expression to sharo criticisms on tho Cleveland Administra tion. At this gathering of the silver men to-night it was ascertained Just by Altgeld, Tillman, and Blackburn oppoo the prorjosed selection of Senator Hill to bo temporary Chairman by the National Committee. They fear that Senator Hill will take occasion to deliver a speech which may havo very marked effect on the delegates. They fear tbat Senator Hill will bring to bis support arguments and statements which may do damage to an ultra plank of 10 to 1. There were silver men nt tho gather ing who tald that they had read Senator Hill's speeches lu New York State on bimetal lism, and tbey lurther declared that Mr. Whit ney's belief that an International agreement on the stiver question Is not far distant mar be circulated among the silver delegates and di vert them from their purpose of a straight six-tcen-to-nne-plank. Hut It Is tho proposed speech of Senator Hill. It he should bo the temporary Chairman, which the sliver leaders desire par ticularly to prevent, and they will therefore uso every means to prevent his selection. JOIIH n, M'LEAX O.N THE SITUATION. John It. McLean Is around to-night with bis Presidential boom, and ho declares that tho free-silver men mako up the great majority of tho delegates in this Convention. Headded: "It would lie asinine on their part not to taki adantago of tbelr position and to tako everything within their reach. I would not ad vise arbitrary or rough measures oti their part, but, on the contrary. I would suggest that they deal out to the minority tho most courteous treatment and plenty of the bouquets. Speak ing for myself. I want the free-silver plank of 10 tn 1 put through without the slightest hesitancy, and I want a man nominated hero who will not cheat the platform. The majority will rulo here, and the majority nre tho sliver men. We have tho utmost respect for tho gold men. but they will find, what we havo knonn all along, that they aro In the minority, and that with the plank we aro to adopt here we shall corry New York and other Eastern States. New York Is full of silver sentiment. As nn cvl denco of this feeling In that State, I havo only occasion to recall to you that It required all of the efforts of ex-Gov. Koswcll I. Flower to stamp out the free-silver sentiment In Watertonn. This free-silver business Is coming up for trial nnd the Jury will give the verdict In November next. If I had my way hero there should ba no platform except tho money plnnx railing for tho Independent freecolnnge of sllxer nt into 1. This w as tho only rcnl question at St. iouls, for the reason thnt tho candidate of tho Republican. party had been practically agreed upon for months. The only fight there was when Mc Klntey's manager and McKlnley himself were overthrown, and against their wishes tho word 'gold' was put In the money plank," nOOMINO SFNATOIl TEI.I.EIU Senator Fred Dubois nt Idaho Is more than over convinced to-nliht that Senator Teller of Colorado should be tho candidate of this Con vention. It Is declared that Mr. Dubois linn re ceived from Mr.Telleralettcrdcclarlng that. In asmuch as the free-silver men aro In control here, there should lie no cavil about thocandldato and no question as to whether he Is a Democrat or a Republican. Ills easily understood that Son ator Teller would like very much to accept the nomination for President from this Democratic Convention, lie was onco a Democrat himself. This was when bo lived In Angelica, Allegany county. New York State, but ho boltid tho Democratic party In 1H30 only to iee Iiucbannn elected and John C, Fremont wofully defeatod. Nevertheless, Altgeld, Tillman, Iilackburn, and tbelr friends are not all partial to the nomina tion of Teller, but the Colorado slher statesman has a aorm advocate In the person of Scnntor Daniel of Virginia. Again has coma up the report that In his In most heart Gnv, Altgeld desires the nomination of Gov. Stone. All of Altgeld's friends refuse to talk about It. nnd Gov, Altgeld himself Is ap parently on the friendliest trrms with Grandpa Illand. Nevertheless the report that Altgeld is for Gnv, Stono will not bo smothered, and as each hour goes by It becomes almost apparent that Altgeld favors Stone moro than any cam1!- Hood's A re on much superior toothers R)? R m ns Hood's riarwipftrilliilstonll i2 other snrsaparlllas and blood I 1I10 purifiers. They are enay to tuke, enay to operate, silent but certain, bold by all druggists. S& cents. BaaaBEi-iaEaaaiiBaaMiaAasiaHiaasaHi date yet heard of, and If" Attgetd persliU )n hts adherence to Stone there Is every probability that Stone will ba ttio man. plash of run mtran mek. They Will Have is of Their Forces and nan the (;onventlon. Chicago, July 3, Last night's decision of the silver champions to tako the reins of tho coming Convention Into tholr own hands nnd to veto tho prerogatives of tho National Coramltteo'ln the event of thnt body evading or refusing the de mands of tho Harrls-Turpto commlttco. Is In line to the letter with the secret policy of the whtto metal leaders, as forecast In the de spatches of tho United Press during the past few days. The silver pcoplo are moro bristling nnd nccrcsslvo than ever this morning, ns a re sult of tho harmony thnt prevailed and the out spoken talk that was Indulged In at last night's meeting, ut which Senator Den Tillman and tho Hon. Cnoy Young of Tennesseo put In nn appearance for tho first time. It wns note worthy, moreover, thnt tho moderato coun sels of thoso who had gathered from thodn moanor of Chairman Harrlty and his associates that ttio National Commlltoont Its meeting on Monday would bo disposed to meet the silver Itcs at least half wav were ocrrulcd by tho more radical spirits, who succeeded In creating tho Impression thnt the diplomatic mood of tho National eub-rotnmUtco wan simply part of a plot to delay adcllnlto statement of Intentions until It was too late for tho sth er mon to agrco upon nny settlod plan concerning the temporary organlratlon and carry It Into effect. "Tho goldbugsnro plotters, and we must act as though no National Commlttco was In exist ence," was Senator Hen Tillman's noto of de fiance, shrieked lather than spoken, and this will bo the keynoto of tho sllvcrltcs from this morning on. They do not proposo to rest on their oars, even with tho assurance that thoy havo an over whelming majority at their beck and call. A muster roll of tho delegates Is being prepared. Each namo will be checked off as tho delegate may bo Instructed for silver, has preference for silver, or Is Instructed or favorable to tho gold standard. Each arriving silver delegate Is to be brouuht Into camp by cummlttecs desig nated for that purpose, and assurances demanded that ho Intends to bo firm to tho faith that Is In him. In this wny, so far ns concerns their own phalanx, tho silver generals will know where they stand to a man at the final round-up on the eve of tbo Convention. They havo borrowed a leaf from Chauncoy Dcpow'a manual of tactics at the Minneapolis Convention of 1811'.', and the storj of tho celebrated Homo Market confer ence. Its count of noses and tagging of delegates. Is to bo repeated Further than this, lion ever, there Is to be an advance upon tho breastworks of tho gold minority. In tho expectation and be lief thnt a uulllclunt number of conversions can be mado tn dishearten the sound-money lenders and bring them to a point where they will be willing to abandon their positions and ennredo to the sllvcrltes undisputed control of tho field. " Wo do not need converts so much as we need to rattle the enemy." Is the way one of tho silver lenders put It, "and we cannot do It more effectually than by getting some of tho men they havo on their rolls at least nn the fenro If not In our enmp. We havo friends nn more thnn one or two gold delegations that are tied up by the unit rule, and If we can get these people to come out squarely it will lie ouly a question of tho gold people giving In or of the unit rule being abrogated. In the latter event. I think our friend nn tho other side would havo less thnn the ghotot a show- of presenting even a respectable opposition than they have under present conditions." From now on. then, until Monday afternoon, "swearing In" of silver delegates and mission ary work among thewacr!ng Is the programmo nt tho Micrmnn linuso caucus. On the after noon of that dny all of those whose names aro on tho list as good men nnd truo will rnunu up. Just ns at Minneapolis, but with Senator Harris nr Gov. Altgeld. Instead of Chauncey Depew, officiating ns grand dictator of the slher legion. The Columbia Theatre has already been en gaged, and tbo rental deposited ami receipted for, to the end thnt the complications or trickery at the eleventh hour rany be avoided. Ily thn time tho caucus has organ ized the steering commltteo will have bod Its first and last Interview with the full National Commlttco, and upon Its report depends tho future action of tho sllvcrltes. It Chairman Harrlty and his colleagues are prepared to con ctdeeverj thing that Isdemanaed.chlef of which Is tho selection of silver mon for temporary officers and a reference of the contcstn to the Commltteo on Credentials, then the caucus will bo simply n ratification anda love feast. Other wise, according to tho programme, the caucus will assume tho reins, drive over the National Cfimmlttie. select tho temporary oreanlrntlnn, make no its temporary roll, and proceed to run the Convention from tho start. The only feature of thl programmo regarding which there Is a strict difference of opinion Is the matter of tho roll, tvmiu sliver mennrvof the opinion thnt It would bo carrying things with nn unneresarily hlcii hnnd to exclude the contesting gold deli cations without giving them a show before tho Committee on Credentials, and urge that. In the interest of fair play at least, both contestotils and enntestec should be seated until the claims of the rlvnl deU gallons hno been ndjudlcnted upon. Onthe other hand, It Is contended thnt the seating of the gold con testants during the preliminaries will not tie es rentlil to n fair presentation and hearing of their clnlms at ttio proper time, while, more over, their cxclunlun would reduce thu num ber at thoso that might be Inclined to figure as "obstructionists" in thu pre liminary proceedings. On this question, how ever. In the Interest of harmony nnd united ac tion, tlit-consrrvnllves will probably lie allowed tn hnto their own way. Tho rest of the pro gramme will be enrned out. If necessity de mands, without let or hlndrnrice. Senator II. I). Money of Mississippi, ho, so far hns hail ns much. If not more, tn say In tho councils of the silver men since tho silver flag was hoisted over the Mierrnnn House nn Tuesday, sums up thn progrntnineln n nutshell. This Is what he sain: "We ontcred for the sweepstakes, and no have won. We havo a clean three-quarters majority of the Convention, nnd no propose to run It from llrst to Inst. We are In favor of harmony, hut thn right kind of harmony tho hnrmnn) whereby the minority yields to the rnnlorlty." When Gov. Altgold was asked how he ex pected to prevent tho gold delegates plumping their votes for the most undesirable silver can didate and thusnnmlnntlnir him. ha replied: " I am III fnvnr nf a preliminary caucus of tho free-ller delegates for tho purposo of discover ing one candidate." A sllier leader with n national reputation, who declined to permit the asu nf his name nnd who represents In part a Southern Stnto, re venlid n little more of the purposes nnd alms of tho majority element In the Convention, ' We bnrelv huve a tnn-thlrds majority in the Convention." snld he, "and this l Ilkelv todls npnear.lcnvlngusamnjorltv oiily.beforothocnn dldnttsaro noinliiHleil. There aro stories iillnat that big boodle hns been raised 111 tho East for the purpose of buying up tho Convention, and If the platform cannot bo arranged to suit the East to nominate a candidate nlio will be ob noxious to tho freo-sllver element In the party, and thus by Indirection defeat the ticket and tho purpose fur which the delegates are Kent to Chltagn. Wo cannot afford tn loso a single ad vantage that our majority gives us, and we don't propose to lose one chance If we can help It. As far as I am concerned I am In favor of making n slate by a majority vote of tho dele gates Insi rutted hero for free silver. I would bo gin at tho temporary Chairman and reach an agrtouiciit on over) thing, Including tho finan cial plank nf thn plntform. Thon, when the Na tional Convention proper meats, tho free-silver iiiun will nnt go at It Inn blindfold man ner. They will not ouly know what to do but now to on ii, The sub-committee of the National Illmrtalllo Democratic Committee held an Informal meet ing this morning and Issued a call for n mtctlng of tho General Committee and of all the sliver delegates mi the ground to-morrow night. Tho mall of tbninmmltteo wns uniisunlly heavy this morning, nnd In It Mere the credentials of some nftteu silver State delegations. This brought about tho development, which has hitherto been kept secret, thnt months linen the National 111 metallic C'ommlttio laid plans by which It should bu furnished with signed duplicates of the credentials of even et of silver delegates elected in the Convention 'e ,n each Stnto nnd Territory. These duplicates aro In every respect a counterpart of the nrlglnals, and nie nnt even endnrsed as "duplicates," and hence may bo used ns original credentials If occasion required. When asked foran explanation of this. Secretary Towles said; "There nre somo practical politicians as well as practical statesmen nn this committee, nnd no have not been overlooking a nv thing. Some times, ou know, papers gel mislaid, and con. fusion and complications result. Nothing nf the kind will happen so far as we nre concerned, Of oterv set nf credentials Imurd to a delega tion at large nr tn a district delegation w e havo hero Its counterpart. One cannot be told from tho other. If nnynf our people lose ihelr papers we enn supply the defli lency. Moreover, we know Just how these ibilegatos are Instructed and where they are expected to stand when thoy got here." HKXAKUt MUX. IS KIIT ACCEI'TAllLK. The silver I. ruder Insist that a Friend nf Hllvrr Hlinll I'reslde Over Ilia f'onvenllon. CiiicAiio, July !, Senator David It. Hill Is not acceptable to tbo sliver forces as temporury Ch ilrinan of the Convention. This is what Senator Jones nf Arkansas, the recognized spokesman of the while metal conferees, said to-day, and his word Is as much law among; these conferees a Is (hat of Gov. Altgeld In the Illinois delegation." For .tho past threo days ' " ' I ' Como to no to-day for your clothing nnd outiup noodo. Oool Blue. Sorgo Suits, $7.50, $10.00, $12 00 nnd $1G.00. Still coolor Duck Trousors, 85a (o $1.50. Swoll Crash Suits, doublo breasted, $10.00. Single bronstod, $5, $7 nnd $10. Crash Bioyclo Suits, $5.00. Crash Long Trousers, $1.75. In fact, ovorything man needs, from hoad to foot. Opon until 9 P. M. to-night. Closed all day to-morrow. "Wo sincoroly trust that you will spend a pleasant 4th. Outfitters to Men. TimCD ( 279 Broadway.Nonr Chambers. PTnnPO Cortlartdt, NenrGreonwIoh. STORES ( 211 Sixth Ave., NoarltthStroot. Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. members of tho sub-National Commlttoo and of the commlttco Itself, who aro anxious to avoid n pronounced antagonism to tho domin ant silver clement In tho mattor of tho tempo rary organization, havo been sounding tho sliver men as to tho availability nf the Sena tor from Now York for temporary pre siding officer of the Convention. Some of thoso approached wore perfectly will ing. Tho Now York Senator, they said, was good Democrat and popular among tho parly In all parts of tho country, and, whllo ho was counted among tho head and front of the gold standard people, yet there was no question but thnt, If selected as temporary Chairman, ho would bo fair and aid In bringing the Convention up to tbat polntwhore thosltverltos assumed con trol with an Impartiality that meant harmony. Others of the silver men. however. Insisted Unit a sllvor Convention should bo officered frnm tho start by silver men only. With a view of recon ciling these dlffercnccsof opinion. Senator Jones was asked by the United l'rcss representative: "Assuming that tho Nntlonnl Committee se lects Senator Hill as temporary Chairman, would he be accentablo to the sllvor forces ?" "For Senator Hill," ho replied. "I have tho highest personal retard. L'uder any other cir cumstances I would tie glad to nee him presldo over either the preliminary or permanent pro ceedings of n Democratic National Convention. Ilutlntftls Convention the advocates of frco silver will be In an overwhelming majority. The address of the temporary I hnirman of tho Convention, as I retard it. is the principal ad dressnf the gntherlng. It should bcln harmony with tho sentiments of the Convention. It should voice Its views nnd forecast ttio policy that Is to bo established. With his present af filiations Senator Hilt could not fulfil this trust. Thcrotnre, warm!) as I regard him personally, I am compelled to ssy thai the submission to us of his name as temporary Chairman would not be acceptable and will not be conceded " It was stated nt the free-silver headquarters this afternoon that the choice of temporary Chairman had nnrrowed down to Gov. Stone of Missouri and William J. liryan of Nebraska. Tho chief objection to Uov. Stone Is that hcls the lending representative of Mr. Illnnds can didacy, and consequently not nnrtlculurly ac centablo to the gentlemen hav ing in charge tho Interests nfex-flov. Holes, linv. Matthews, and other candidates. The suggestion of Mr. Dry. an's name Is favorably received bv tho friends of all tho candidates whose headquarters are already opened. Later It was announced that the silver leaders have decided upon Senator lshain (i. Harris nf Tennessee as the permanent Chairman of tho Convention, This is regarded as a decided ad vantage for Illand. A X TE- CO .V TESTIO X XOTES. The Xnlk nnd the Dolngn or the Itoomera nnd Politicians In the Windy Clly. Chicago. July 2. A wave of popullstlo dam phoollshnesn struck this town to-day. It rollod and touted and shivered. It pormeotcd tho very air. It took possession of the corridors of the l'almer and of other hotels. It swept back and forth. It was so strong tbat It even for the time swept away the free-silver Idiocy. It was in the hands of men who wore tho whiskers of the typical Fopullst, long asparagus whiskers. Strangely enougn, the bearers of tho uavo got a hearing. The crowd In tho hotels seemed to welcome them, and they talked to their hearts' content. The burden of their talk was that free silver was Just as wrong as gold. Thcv wanted neither. They wanted Government warehouses. They wanted to fill these warehouses with wheat and corn, with ro nnd o.its, with pota toes and spinach, and then tho (foverninent was to issui) certificates to the people who did the filling. Tho certificates were to pass cur rent anywhere In the United Statos and far anything that the holders wanted to purchase with tbem. "Gold and silver." these men said, "had no rent vnluout nil. They nre simply convenient tokens. They nre of real value simply for orna mental purposes. Then why havo anything to do with them at all? Discard them and return to the things of real value, like corn and wheat and rye ond oats." Tho crowd listened to these sentiments and applauded them. Tho Popullstlc crowd did great work all the afternoon and In tho early evening. Then it disappeared. Where It went was ns big a in) stcry as was where It enmo from. The members of It said they would lie back tn tho morning and that before they get through they would sweep both silver and gold from tho face of the earth as money metals. Tho crowd at tho hotels applauded that sentiment, too. Tho hoadquartors of the New York delegation. In the parlor of the l'nlmer House, were put In shnpe this afternoon under tho direction of I.en Wager, who lias been here several days and who Is one of tho few men who has received an nppolntmcnt us Sorgennt-at-Arms nf the Con ventlnn without even mnklng an application for the place. The roam Is decorated with flags and pictures. The nork was done by the em ployees of tho hotel. There Is a picture of Sen ator Hill, a picture of Senator Murphy, another of Oov. Flow cr, and ono of President Cleveland. In addition to the popullstlc damphoollshnoss that was abroad hero to-day, the "something-ls-tbe-matlor man" was In evidence He had sewing machines and nails on thu brain. Just what free silver has to do n Ith sen Ing machines and nails It maybe hard for an ordinary mortal to nee. But these free-silver mortals. It would seem, are no ordinary mortals. The thing that bothered the snmcthliig-ls-the-matter man nns that sewing machines and nails that aro made In this country are sold on tho other sldo of tho ocean cheaper than thoy are sold here. Ho wouldn't havo It that the tarllf was responsible. " It's cold." he said, " that's all tho trouble; It's gold. Now, If we can get free silver wu will be all right, and then wo will he able to buy theso sumo machines for tho price that thu people on the other sldo of the water pay for them." He wound up every assertion with this dec laration: ... , , . " I tell yon, fellow citizens, there s some thing tho matter, that's what there Is, and It'n free sliver that wilt remedy It. We want free silver." Almost Invariably tho crowd lelled; "That's what's what." Ono of the Chicago papers tills afternoon adopted the black line si stem to show tbo rein tlve strength of the men whose names havo been mentioned for the iininlnatlnn. This Istho system adopted by tho baking powder com panies tn the East tn show the relative strength nf their powders compared with tho powders nf their rivals, The order In whh h the candidates are arranged Is thl; Illand, Holes, Matthew. Teller. Stevenson, I'nttlsou, McLean, Campbell, Iilackburn, i'illmati, Stone, ilrvnn. Whitney, Ituseell, Flower. tSiirinan, I'ennojer, anil White "Silver Dick's" boom goes nil tbenn) ocrn.g the pai;u, while Senator While's occupies li ss than it quarter nf an Inch of space. At the foot of the list Is tills: "According to the Judgment of the most prominent and discerning Dimocrat now in Chicago the above compromise all of thoemen who nre regarded as Presidential possibilities, and the length nf thu rules Indicates thec each Individual bos of being nominated." The Hon, Wash Heslng wus as mod as two sticks this innrnilig. " What U fame, uu way" he said, "ror tuears I have never failed to seize the opportunity to announce my f;old-f tandard convictions, and yet here Is nn dlot III the State of New Vork who writes me and asks me lo send bltn a dozen free-silver buttons. Ills name Is Charles Rlebel, and his address Is Weslfleld. He says be will send mo postage stamps to pay for them. I'vo cot all tfcoposugo stamps that I want, and be and his v&i4irii&' -. ,-y,nlSSa. L w- - SSSSSSSSSSiSJSBSSBnSBBnsisJBsSnkSSSSBSSMI free-silver buttons and sentiment can go to biases; that's where they can go. I wonder who he thinks Wash Heslng Is, nny way?" Illinois, said a Chicago man this afternoon. Is for sound mnncv.nnd there Is not ft bit nt doubt of It In the w orld. I am a Democrat and 1 want to seo tho Democratic party successful, but I don't want to seo It successful with a man like Altgeld, and t don't know of nny decent Democrat In the Stnto who does elthor. That man Is nn Anarchist, He occupies tho posl. tlon hn does to-dny because nf tho revolutionary methods that bo nnd his followers adopted at the tlmo the primaries were held In this city. Tho city of Now York nover taw such dirty work as I heso men stooped in to win nt those primaries, nnd It was lust through this work nnd this work nlono thnt Allccld captured tho State Conven tion. I firmly believe that John It, Tanner, the Republican cnndldnte for Governor, will enrry this State by u majority nf not less than 1.10,000. and no will run on sound money and no other Issue than sound moner. There won't bonny question where Illinois stands on tho money question after tho noxt election day." The Hon. Iluck Hlnrlchscn, who. In the ab eenco of (lov, Altgeld, Is the boss spokosmnn of thu free sllv crllcs In tbo Illinois delegation, said to-day that the silver majority will run nnd control tho organization of tho Convent Ion from start to finish there is nnt a doubt, oven If It should tako forcn to cihlaln recognition. Nt) effort to force a man not acceptable to the ma jority by means of a viva ioio voto will bo tolerated, speaking of that feature of tho caso to-dar. "Duck" said: "1 did say It might come to using force to ob tain duo recognition and observance of tbo rights of our majority, and I did say thnt If It rnmo tn thnt thu fellows In tho soft hats from the rjoutli and Wet wnnld given good account of themselves, I stand by that. 1 say tho boys from tho South nnd West would eat up tho Tammany tlrer If need be. Wo will stand no nonsense from tho minority. Thcv will get fair pin) from us, and we will take nothing less than fnlr ploy from thorn. " "Pitchfork "Tillman, who got In from South Carolina last night, strutted nrnund the corri dor nf thn Auditorium this morning looking bigger thnn Altgold himself. Tin: Sl'N reporter approached him and. bowing tow. nsked him what he was hero for. Tillman strnlghlcncd up anil looked at the reporter a moment before ho answered. Then he snld: "My sou. wo nre going to comb out tho tan- ?:led hnlr of the mosshicks of Wall street. Tney inve been running things In this country alto gether ton long, nnd now tho people nre going to take a hand, nnd a good hand, at them. You know that for some ) curs I have lieen an orphan In politics, but now thnt the Democratic party shows some signs of getting back to tho prln clnlos nf Democracy. I think that I can call my self a Democrat," and ho resumed his strutting. Two new- booms enmo to town to-dny. One was for tho Hon. Wharton I'.arker of Philadel phia. Mr. Darker was In chnrgn of his own boom. lie had it In his Inside pocket, nnd the pocket did not bulge much, either. The Hon. Mr. Barker's wbiskerx took up moro room than the boom. As a matter of cold fact, tho whis kers aro a part of tho boom Itself. Mr. darker hns been led to bellcvo thnt no boom without whiskers can win in this Convention. Mr. Darker declared thnt ho was aftor tho scalp of tho Hon. William C. Whitney, and that ho was going to get It before ho left the city. Of courso tho Darker boom Is a freo-sllvcr-llned affair. So far there hns not been anything but silver-lined lionms here. Tho Becond boom of the day was tho exclusive property of senator Turplc. It was in the hands of a crowd of free sllvcrltes from Knnsns, who dtclnred thnt there was no better man In tho Democrntlc partv to-day than the Senator The Senator, It Is understood, is the man vvtio Is going to put Gov. Claude Mnt thews In nomination. The fnct thnt he tins a little boom of his own will not binder him in this. ThoTurpIo boom took up Its headquar ters at the Palmer Houc. The first uro sign of n Convention gathering Is the congregating of llttlo crouds In the cor ridors nf the hotels and everlasting chin-chin about the Issues of tho dny, matters of which tbo spokesmen In these crnnds, as a rule, know nothing whatever. The crowds have begun to gather here, 'there were at least a hundred at one time nr another In thu corridor of the Palmer last evening One of them hnd for spokesman an undersized Hebrew, who was nwny unon the silver Issue. Ho was a friend nf tiov. Altgeld. ami be was lnglng the prnles of tho (Jovernor In a way thnt mado the averago man's head swim. " I tell von." ho said finally. "Ood never put the breath of life In auuther such man as Alt geld. and I want vou to know that first and above nil bo is In favor of freo silver " At this point another Utile man pnshed his wny Into tho crnwd. and he shook his (1st In tbo face of the little Hebrew anil shouted- "The hell ho Is, you long-enred hyena. I'll havo you know that Altgeld owns the I'ntty building and I rent nn office In thnt building. He docs not Issue a lene for a part of a room in that building that does not read 'pavable In gold.' A H no free-. liver man ho Is. Hn belongs to the same gang tlt Stewart, the long-winded silver Senator, belongs lo. Stewart's leases all read the samo way, payable in gold." It Is neidle.s to sav thnt this assanltof tho second little man broke up this party for tho evening. Ills statement wns correct. It is said. Until of these distinguished free sllvcrltes do demand gold payments for tho rent of their buildings, nnd it ma) be snld here, too, thnt nbout two-thlnls nf tho people In this city are of the opinion that If the liovernorof thestntedld not have a personal grievance ngninst the ndvo cates of the vellow metal ho would lie for It, too. 1 hat ! to sa) . If thee gentlemen f nv orcd sllv er Instend of cold for the money nr the country, (iov Altgeld would be In favor of gold Just to spite them HI- reputation is that of a man of strong and unreasoning prejudice. Ho will go lo any extent to get Mjunre." There Is a lot of difference between the Now York bicycle girl and tho Chicago bicycle girl. Michlcin avenue is tho favorite promenade of the Chlcnco blcj cliste. and there aro as many of Iheni there i veri afternoon as there are on the lioulevnrd In New York. In New York the girls who wear bloomer nil wenr leggings with them. Out here not one girl b!c)tlht in two hundred wenrs leggings. '1 bey nil go out In tin Ir stockings alone. In tho two blocks' walk from the I.ehiiid to the Auditorium, veter iiy afternoon. Till. Srs reporter counted twenty-two )ouug women who were drcscd in bloomers anil not a sluglo one of them bad an) thing nver their calves except stockings. One of them wore tight trousers that came only to her knees, and bclnw them she had on a pretty pair of silk opera stiKklne., wiih clocks nntl other things on tho shies. Ills nnt only the hicvrlo girls that are different from the New ork girls. Coming along state street last night a handsome young wemnn nnd her escort stopped In front of a store, nnd the young woman left the escort standing in the middle of tho sidewalk while she stepped ov or to the store w indow.put her foot upon theslll, rnlml) rnireit her drra, and pulled up her storking, which had clipped dow h n bit. then sho used the window as a looking glass, and by Its nld mljii-ted her hut, after which she returned to her scort, nnd they resumed their firomcunde Just nslf ii'Uhlnp out of the ordinary mil happened. In fnct. nothing out of the or dinar) had happened for Chicago. Michigan avenue, the promenade of the biccllsts. Is lined ever) noon by tho stnto-uncn from the Mige brush nnd the scrub oak districts, who stand in open-mouthed wonder and exclaim " Ueo whl7r!" as thu )oung women go by. The llter.irv bureau of the Hon. Hod lloles's boom turned out IifW pages of stuff )esterdny. It was the star record of the campaign so far. It nenrl) threw the managers nf "Silver Dick" Into a tit. They sent out for help, and In re sponse tn the call the man who wrote the song for them tho other day c.imc. The situation was explained to him. and he took his pen In hand for another snug. In Just nn hour and auuarter ho turned this nut: Av nit Intirnntlonnl agreement." Sn VVIiiinev on que! Ion of coin. Unit our ilmhlles ihotieht t'tiii wny, Whttnsy. Thej'cd never Hi kod HurKoyne. Htitcen lo one, lm)s. sixteen loone. 11 eer) true man now t',n by n gun. Ifornevi r urow wear) till victor) It won ror nlxieen to one, ho)s, slititn to one. Had tin- lm)int l.i xlugton Court House, Vnllev Form-, anil Ilunker lllll Ilei n of tn.- situe mi tat ss U hllney We'd bo llrlll.hdependl Ills still. Then nn, bo)s I,et others follow; We lend to the promised Inud. Cur emblem tho PrU'lil e)nl ilnlsy. Our h-a ler u il honest fuck lilnint The boomers started singing It right away, mid the) declare that If the bureau of the Hon, Hod works nvertlmo until after tho Convention It can't get b.ii'1; the stuflitig that the Ming hns knocked out of them. "What I like nbout lids Cnnventlnn," snld a man yesterday, "Is thu peruiinl dignity of the cninlldntes for the nomination vvIiohu names havo been mentioned so far, 'Sliver Dick' Is If you live in New York You require TH t HllflNB SUKVICE at our house or office If you visit New York You cm h.ivc time and friction In 1 tmlness and social niTalrs by using the Ti 1 1 1'llONK SI miiK from the Pum il TH.n'iioM Pav stations If you communicate with New York You can do ft best by Trt-FPIIONE t S Uilft Ti li'le-n Sun mi In New 13,3UU Ttk ci,. ,, a-,iipin with li'OH lUlttWf filiphone ,vp.vr.lllis Ka,esforNewsYorkojomtr5ayeflr i New York Telephone Co. (Successor lo the Metropolitan Tfkphens and Telegraph Company) HCortUnatSt. 113 Welt Mill St. I Crath fluffs thnt fit, $S to Sf.S IVoiner fo match, S'J to 5.7. I TFVilfr Duck Jrorisrrs or cyrUntn, $'J. llonUlr-brrnttcil Scry Coat, fS to $8, v5- I'.lHiUth J'tnnnrl Stitrtt to be tcoi'it rtth trliltr collar mill cuff, $'3. .10. w 1 ISk such a distinguished tltlo for a man who Is a candidate for tho office of President nf tho I'nltid States thnt It nlmot makes mo weep. It reminds mo of the tales of Deadwood Dick" tho hero of tho plains, thnt I used to poro over when I wns a boy. orof 'DcndC)o Dick.' the boy scout of tho Lono Star, and twenty or thirty others Just like hlin. 1 sec overeverr one of tho hcndntiarters of Illand this sign, 'Sll vcr Dick,' and I sav It's dlgtilfltd. Then It's such a thoughtful nnd dignified thing for Hod Holes tn put on old clothes nnd to go out Into a cornfield tn havo his picture taken for use tn tho hotels and other places here. Nobody but a man brimful of dignity would think of doing such n thing as that. It makes me proud ns a cltlren nf tbo I'nltcd States to think thnt tho two loading candidates of a great party for the nomination for Presldontof the country aro so running over with dlgnltya. these two men nre. They are almost ns dignified as Tillman and Altgeld." He w ns big and stout. He must have weighed at least .100 pounds, and thesweatjust rollidoff of him ns he hustled Into the room of the Sergeant-nt-Aru.sf the Convention this nftornoon. Ho wns looking for blood. He didn't enre particu larly whose bloml. Anybod)'s blood was good enough for him He hnd with htm n piece of paper. It was crunched up In h's hand, nnd ho exclaimed: "Who sent this tome';" and for a moment he was so overcome by Indignation that he wns unable to sav another word. "What's up? What's wrong?" asked the clerk, edging over fiw aril a window. " Wrong I wrong?" snorted tho big man. " Do 1 look liko an Infant ' Do I Took ns If I had wings? Am In cherub?" and lie stood off and displayed a width nf stomach that must hnvo been n aril and a half In extent. " I want to know what you mean by appointing men pagelnyour damned old Convention That's what I want to know. I'd make a fino page, wouldn't I? Why. I can't iro down the aisles without turning sideways. What do you mean. I sav?" "There must be ome mistake." faltered the clerk. " 1 dnn't understand It ail. You must have got somebody else's appointment papers." "Someliody nothing." snarled the fnt rann. "These papers are made out forltobert K.l!urk. ond that's my nnine Me a page? Well, what do you think of that'" nnd he swung bis stom ach around to the light again. It was a regular Tom Cotlgan affair. Tho big man fumed nnd sweated around for tho ' next fifteen minute-, and then it wns discovered that the papers were Intended for his llttlo nephew, who hnd applied for a Job ns a page. The big man himself lind made nn application to be appointed doorkeeper at the hall, nnd tho numeshnil cot mixed up. He went aw ay swear ing vengeance. "Silver Dick" Illand Isa tobacco enter. He Is snld to consume as much of the stutl In a day as Ma) or strong does Inn week, and his whis kers are often stained with It. The Hon. Nich olas Monteoracry Hell Is one of the boss boom ers of Sliver Dirk. He is a bit near-sighted. Ho was around the corridor of the Palmer this morning. Somebody asked him why he didn't wear a Illand button. "Oh. ny." hesiitd, "If I only hod one I'd be tickled tu death." The man who asked thequestion wns a wicked Hod Ilo'es boomer, nnd ho took a Hud Holes I badge out of his pocket without ndonndnut It i In tho buttonhole of the Hon. Nicholas Mont- ' ginnery Hell. Mr. Hell sauntered around to the Illand headquarter" ot the Auditorium. The I moment he got Inside the door there be was I Jumped on and denounced as a traitor. It wns ten minutes hviore he discovered what was the cause nf all the trouble, and then he tell In hts pocket for his shooting Iron and started hack for the Palmer with Mood in his eye and mur der In Jits heart. It was lucky thnt he did not find the Doles boomer. He laid for him all tho afternoon. Tba boom of Senator Iilackburn took a spurt this afternoon. A lot of Kentncklans cot In on one of the early afternoon trains, and tbey went right to the hotels where the crowds were and talked Iilackburn until tbelr Jaws ached and until the ears of all tbo listeners were worn out. i The arguments that thev advanced were sun- ' plementod by more or less onthuslnstfc cheers, i The cheers were the very flrt that hnveboen henrd for nnv candidate for the nomination. Tho crowd so far dnfi not seem to be a cheering I crowd, senator iilackburn ionfesed tbat he was pleased nt the devotion nf his friends but that was nil thnt he cnuld be Indued to sny. Ho wns too busy with the interests of free silver to talk, lie said. An Iowa man snld to-dny: "The Holes Innm ' of to-dny pn-entsa noticeable contrast to the one the llnwkoe (Jovernor bad here In Chicago i Just four venr ago. Then of all the candidates 1 for the Presidential nomination none had as , many nr as lnval followers on the ground. It seemed as If all eastern Inwa bad come to Chi cago, or at least all of Its young men On thn day before tbe Convention met. the Inwa con tingent gave a parade, which rivalled In sire and equalled In enthusln.m thecouiblned efforts of nil tbe other States the next evening. And tho parailers had como tierentthelrown expense and without hope nf reward, simply to show thelraff"ctlnnforthe man w horn tbey then called 'L'ncte llncnce.' Hut theso samejoung mennre I nnt here to dnv. neither will tney be during this i Convention. Thty came almost entirely from 1 the eastern part ot the State, frnm such Demo crntlc strongholds ns Davenport, Diibuqua. i Cedar Itaphl". Clinton, Ilurllngtnn, lownCity, Keokuk, and Mucatine. These Democrats urn believers In ths gold standard almost to a man. I nnd of the thousands w ho marched in the inng nltleent Holes procession four jean. ago. It is doubtful If one-third would vote for him were tie nominated on a free-silver plntform Tho Populist nnd fice-silvcr ndvocntes who nre en gineering the present Holos lioom live over In the western pnrt nf the State, where farm houses are n long wny apart, towns few nnd small, and the (-canty population never takes n Journey further than the county scat " " Hornco Holes w III poll the largest number of votes enst on the first Informal ballot In the Na tional Convention," said Charles ,. Walsh, Secretary of the Iowa delegation, lust evening, "We are not making nny boasts." he con tinued, "and we aro nnt annnunclng vvhnt our strength is in pledged States, but wo know whereof wo speak." 1 be Holes mi n claim at least two thirds nf tho Illinois votes, and sav that a word from Gov. Altgeld would swing nver the whnlo delegation. The Iowa delegation will nnt arrive in the city until to-morrow. The delegation has second the north balcony tloor of tho Palmer House for Its main reception room and headquarters. Tho Holes badge consists of a blue ribbon, crowned with two little flags, which aro caught with a silver decoration. The badge contains tho picture of Holes ond the words "silver and Prosperity, Holes for President." A silver fringe completes tho emblem, F.x-Gnv. Osborne of Wyoming, tho only Dem ocratic (iovcrnnr which thnt stnto tins had slnca Its admission In 1HI10. i.ud who vrnti elected In spite of thn fact that tho stnto went Hi publican on nntlonnl Issues In 1MIV, arrived at the Sher man House this morning. Ho is Chairman of the delegation of six chosen by tho State Con vention, To a rcimrter ho raid: "Polltlcnl issues have liccn Inst sight nf In W) (lining fnr tbe tlmo being, and the question Is simply nno of silver versus gold. The "-tnto nil, go for whoever may bo the Ml vcr candidate. Wo have nn chiller, but whoever Is uninitiated by this Convention upon a silver plntform will receive thn voto of W)omlng t'or nr) sol f, 1 would prefer a free-silver Democrat, but If wo cannot get nno we would tako senator Teller or nny one else, so long ns it isafree sllver ticket nnd a free-silver candidate." The W sinning delegntlnn will open head quarters at tho Palmer House on Monday. S. A. Itamsey, tho leader nf tho gold Btnmlnrd deleatluii from South Dakot i. arrived at thu Palmer House this morning. The othor seven members rill ionic in slugl) between now and .Monday. Mr. Itamsey mid: " A snund. money resolution was adopted by our Convention, of which 1 was the temporary and permanent Chairman. Tho silver taction, led by Dr. Y. .rcblnklii.ltossof Yankton, took pari In the proceedings, mid after tbe resolution went through he and his few ft linns went out III a corner mid pretended lo elect u coniistlnu I delegation tn Chicago, I don't think thev have any v ulld claim for recognition by the National Committee or the Committee on Credentials, The regular delegates ore not Instructed nn llio ilimnclsl question nr as to tho Presidential can dldate, but they will voto for a.'nund-moue) plank, ana If thn sliver men win. as I suppose they will, then I and tho other delegates, I think, will vote fnr the nest Silverman who Is imt np. We will krow when nnd where to limp, hut wu don't want any Itnpubllcan nrex. tepubllran silver man Wu will have nothing to do with rny bol'tug scheme," Among the recent arrivals In the city wns 1 benalor i:ilam M. Stvwnrt (if Nevada. .Much Interest was evinced lu the presence uf Senator Stewart. On being questioned tbe Senator said; "I am simply here n a tour of observation to seo what these Democrats are going to do." Tbt Scnntor added that tho silver men wcr V4 In a majority In ttio United States by threo to 44 oho, and "If thoy could bo wakned up nnd got- ' ten together thoy coutd do business," i Tbo vanguard from Ohio reached here yester- j dny and Hung out their colors at the Palmer 3 House, Tho head of tbo cohort from the Hack- ,$ ov o Stato was Dan McConvllle, who used to lm f Sixth Auditor of the Treasury under Clove- land's first Administration. Mr. McConvllle ' will have charge of the Ohio headqunrters, and f there ho will nurse with enro nnd solicitude, the S boom of Ohio's favorlto son on tho Democratla S side. John It. McLean. Tj "Wo are going to lay low nnd take things 3 quietly for tho present." said Mr. McConvllle, S hut we will mako things warm before the ? cloo of the week. Keep )our eyo on McLean. 3 Ho will get -10 votes from Ohio at tho start, and i lie will grow. Several hundred Ohio men will R sweep Into town on Saturday or Sunday. 3 rittST Itl.OOl) Of THE COXVEXTZOX. I It Win n Uotea Free-nllver Jloomer TV ho I Got II lie V Released on Itnll. 'J Out vein, July 2. The first blood ot the Con- S vcntlon was dtn,nn cstcrdny and a free-silver n man got it. It wan at Washington and Dear- S born streets. He wns a llttlo oldman and he is B known out here as "Old Democracy." Ho took is up his stand there ot tho corner the first day J that tbo boom of tho Hon. Hod Holes came to 4 town. He was a Holes boomer, and be was J armed with the literature that the Doles cam- X pnlgn bureau Is sending out In car load lots, . lie has boned every passer by and has forced jjj them nil to tako Hod Doles's literature along jj with tbem. Yesterday afternoon a real estate Q broker came along and "Old Democracy" it tackled him, sp) Ing: "Av, nilstir. are rnu for Boles?" J " by ''" demanded the real estate man. a "Iiicause tic's the best man," replied "Old Democracy." ti " 'I hat'" a matter of opinion," said the real estate man. " Uplitun is it?" said " Old Democracy," ond a ho hauled off and banged tbe real estate man In ji the Jaw. " Well, what's your opinion on cow:" ii and he hanged again. a Tho crow il rushed up to sec the man, and they ra cheered on " Old Democracy" In great shape. SB The real rotate mnti fought back as well as he K could, but " Old Democracy" was too much tor in tiim. and tbe police bad to interfere losave him $ from complete destruction. " Old Democracy" fl was arre.ied later on a warrant, and he pre- i tented Free Silver Hod Lloles's pamphlets to the a policeman who arrested him and to tbe Judge 3 before whom hew 0.1 arraigned. He got out on a ball. He is eO ) cars old. 9 GEORGE FltETt TTII.LIA31S TALKS. fie Invites Persecution Ilecanae lie Will a Kup90rt a (silver Mnn. ti Boston', July 'J. In an Interview to-day tbe S Hon. George Fred Williams, one of the delegates I at large to the National Democratic Convention, 3 said that hi- political Influence will be thrown 3 iignlnsl a bolt In the Chicago Convention If a j liver platform is adopted. He is against Hanna- Ism. which he declares represents the organized band of bloodsuckersottbecountry.andHobart- Ism, snonmous with organized capital and R Illegal combinations against labor, Mr. WU. J Hams sa)S he Is willing 10 take hts chances with ' V? tree-silver coinage. T he tariff, bo declares, will cut only n small figure In the campaign. Mr. ;3 Williams added: a "Thu lime has come for a great popular up- rising, and 1 propose to be In ii. In taking this ' step ot supporting a silver Democrat 1 realUa ) that 1 am doomed political!) in Massachusetts. -' and that 1 shall never be forgiven by men who claim to be Democrats. 1 realize also tbat i these men can punish me socially and fican- t daily, but 1 invite the persecution with a con- scicntlnus felling that I am doing right by I voicing the sentiments ot an outraged public" ? Tbe Nntlonnl Committee Ilasy. i Chicago, July 2. The members of the Nn- tlonal Committee v. ere busy at tl.e Palmer Houeto-da) attending to Convention arrange- menu, nnd an informal conference was held re- S girding the situation which the silver men ere- uted tvsterdny. The matter of the distribution M of the tickets among tbe Slate delegations and t(, ncnrpiper men also engrossed the attention of 8: the CLinmitteemen. Chairman Harritydtd not itapenr in the committee rooms until late, hnv- v ing been engaged In conferences with local and 5 visiting gold politicians elsewhere. i loorbees Will Not Attend the Convention. Ti.iuir. HAlTn,Ind.. July 2. It Is nuderstood here, Souaior Voorhces's home, that there l no j likelihood thnt ho will nttend tho Chicago Con- v cnilon, although ho was selected a delegate at large to head thu delegation. Ex-Congressman J Lamb, who heretofore has gone to National t Conventions as a delegate from this district, was elected Mr. Voorhees" alternate and will i bu.vdilegnte nt large Mr. Lamb Is not ahearty f advoc ite of free coinage, but this year Is taking v thut side of tho question. .1 Teller Iletleves Illand tVlll lie Nomlnnled. ' Denver:, July -. Senator Tellersaid privately 1 last evening that ho believed Illand would be nominated In Chicago and that all true silver men. regnrrtle-s of pirty. should Join wltn the Democrats and such a cnudldate and work for ttio success of that ticket. Concrcasmnu VTushlnKton'o Opponents. Ci.uiKsvii.t.E.Tenn., Juty 2. Wesley Gaines 'j of Nashville. )csturday nominated atnConven- tlon of free-stiver men of tho Sixth Congres- ' slonnl district, to oppose Joseph F.. Washington, the nresenl Democratic Congressman, who Is a 'i f:old man. (i. O. Hoyd, a colored Republican, ij lasitlrradybegun lilscanvass. nnd tho Populists 5 will undoubtedly have a candidate, making four J meu In tbo Held. ji ICrpulillean Cnndldnte Itoltn Oold. i I.anmmi, Mich., July 2. Jay P, Lee, the lend- S Ing candidate for tho Republican nomination i fur Congress tn the Sixth Michigan district, has ' I published a letter repudiating the St, Louie ; financial plank, nnd saying that It nominated and elected he will favor the free coinage nf sil ver at n i-Atloof ont less than HI to 1. Mr. Lee , has been long ft warm rersonal friend of Charles A. Tonne, the bolting Reuubtlran Congress, man from the Dnluih district, who resided hers ' , fnr bev eral ears. . ivL, The imagination fffiffljyS. of Bellamy ncvef lET conceived n s JJ3 greater comfort IkV Sj prP IMPROVED J fWelsbach 1 ITS light j &- A 2L The ingenuity of Eclt- I HJXnH son never created any- a gfUSNnSV thing more perfect. 8 MfSrCriX gives three times I iJvjHa(W t':c serv'cc nU(l teu I tJtwrAnffli times the satisfaction lnS55k?H'iti f m,y tllcr method 1 PBtKyju'iVJ nt hulf the cost. Twen- 1 IriiCiwMffl tieth century invent- 1 EuMevyiM ors w" Te" "u" ffl BtoifljSzfl deed if they surpass m mgJ?jk$ this great light. i mt?y,FJr3a t)31 llrundvvay. m W'ldllW& Ilrsneh 1.1 vJV.t liluBt. S BMaKTif 1 V. HJ AJJrt, oil tarrttvtnjnf t j QSDflLH CAl'TloMtn purchasers in HKTVVbJVIV New York City Allow uu lEWgfinmTliBnfJ one to repair or put op s nTnTn VABBBBnl VetibscllI.lshthohssiiet i 'iHnnH a sbltM ol uthoittr frvn - IBBaL'v tAnnB anslu enter, tQl lirosdnsy. a SSSSSjkVUJIpSSSSSJJS AU gUMlM fd b? Ufcl n. BgjPPJ surw-WsUtmh"-asssawx- lllil 1 1 1 I ' ,