Newspaper Page Text
KraiP ' I THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 139B. , I IT AND PALAUM. iroxKs avnrr.t) vr .! tVji' HAY XVSTI.ltUAl as, find riMntitirch refill WIv -leottlali' Clilcftnla nail I'grtiMl Htnko len-A Hist Hvres miicnl for Three. xnr.old. I form pjnvi-il havoc with tho it tho la'lrni At Slieepslicatl liny reel In tlnrccond race and I'ala th upsetting all calculation! by , M tlioy did uot flRuro on pre bo lmrllculnrljVlanKcrous In the y wcro meeting yesterday. Tho 'aladln Is under Investigation by )f tlio Coney IstamWockcy Club, rtoln IricRulnrlllfi In connection li must be rtplnliKtl. The Juno car-old'van nn hy-Mjircus Daly's rtnln In hollow style This colt wondorfully within tlio pant ten mo of the talent ropmllilm as st likely candidates for tho Orcat whtcli will bo run to-tnorrow. who tralnnd Scottish Chieftain, i George Kcsslcr. asked Taral yes colt ho would rather uldo in the tnd ho was Astoutshodjwhen tho . "Soottlih Chieftain.' This colt bo Tarnl'n mount, an the Dutch contract with Marciai Daly. Tho es wu mm by tho Vorrlscandl fter a routine fTnttUu Ith William ild Crest, tor Chanlor'n black f colt Caldron the list of etartera tfor tho Juno 0 last minute. Tho Morrls Ally not appear la an' of fcliu printed y morning, but this win through . Crlckmnro. as that otUdal wired : before 8 o'clock that ellie would J ait what becatno ot lbodospa.tch company alono know, for lucor reaxlwd any of tho vat-tout, ud 1 wora placed upou it. It 'was first appearanco slnro sho die titakes at Morris 1'ark, and foot that sho has been nlllnc alio ost an ein&l favorite with Scot . Ilodermond and Arbuoklo were 1, while as Rood as 10 to 1 could 1 Caldron. Tho raco calls forllttlo I Ilodermond and Casscopla-Ando intll Taral sot ready to toko tho ittlsh Chieftain. When asked to i colt flew away from his Hold, and mmon gallop by tlireo length, teat Casseopla quite as easily for r. Aibnckls is stale and needs ancled Successful in tho flrst race, -year-old allies at flTe furlongs, Islng odds at H to 1 against her. romp for the smart daughter of it her flold, as sho look tho track id was never approached, winniuc4 .us. Nana U.and Nina Louisa, well y. won second and third rrsprc smla I. Amiable, and all tho ret I. with tho steadying Impost of 128 back, was tho chulco (or tho sec ah of one mOc, with Tinge, Deer si, ana Connoisseur next In do es ranging from 5 tu 8 to l. Itlley s large sum of money nn Forget, a I Ally by ExOe, out of Forever, 0 LaurmtA btnble, and whllo ho art quaklugn boron; the Iro was nnlly got hlnlnioney and gave his tho ring a oqueo7u they will r somo time. When the gate rlth Charade, a well-backed nt the post. Forget flew to Mttlo Tommy Power, who is than any boy of ni weight in this hu mount on tho 11 Uy. und as blio ly-clclit pounds in the saddle, his ere lo mots overyPost a winner. ekstreteh the fllly'tlew. a length n front of her Hold, with Tinge, id IVerrsIayir in hot pursuit, und 1 novtr suen her race before ex i comet kaok every moment, bho of the sort, und had all Tinge secndly beaten nt the There Tarolsriui riding Ulccmoyne $ spnc -3 Offer, handled tho turan. and did not liecome rattled when Tinge Tanged alongside nt mg pole. IIifjMiL right down and lo major, and bidding the four to tho end won oy half a length, lenmoyne. anil Kimnel llnlshrd four lengths wimr In the order time. 1:40 8-, shows tho lly Forget is. She ran n ro-ycar-old last fall at Morris HHH. and dnrltig the recant w Orleans carried: the fast sprinter lth to the nalf-iillepolo In 4TM .hen went on to vhellve furlongs i. Htr owners sai that she Is not icavy track and Uas never run to n the footing wen not good. Sho spsboad Bay the uricond day of tho ng, when Oracle And Amanda V. eat. The track was bad and the x furlongs l:10-i-."i. at ran the first Utrecquartcrs of Tidal Makes lnl;14a few days pounds In the saddle, good judges tn their books as a cbrce-ytar-old average ability. He showud the ds judgment yesterday when he hot favorite Uold droit for the ;es at ono mile nnd. a furlong In punishing finish all through the Cassette was third. Defender, brother of Tea Tray, was a con- l ifjre were a number of verjf fast sprinters Hl bed. Intho fifth race, at six. furlungsoa tho i , r track, but ot the lot Agitator, the ugly Hk ' isred son of Exile, was fsn'orlte, at 0 to !j. ii J)t u running start from behind the ma 1 t. and was well placed In the run up the Hil Mtretcli by Taral. Miss Lynch, owned by H a' nPlcCoy of Charleston. dlsiilayed a world of 3 J In the flrst half mile, and looked llko a KrJ Jr At tho head of thoslretth. Sho stopped Lr a, however, In the run home and was f hi by Paladin, Zanono, Ah tat or, and Unck L J Tod Sloane, who Is doing amazing work A.(K aaddlo for a light weight, fairly lifted UBtro.over the line half a length in front of fe-vtl Ipith Agitator only it length away. K5 , lhU won very heavily over the race. HKIoD.pPalAdln started Doggett rodo him, mtPirty said he was badly cut oil and HKcrt- just after the stanc There were TV; ( outlawed trainers and either irregu-por-aller the race, and the stewardsof the HFlbatg decided to investigate the vhole affair, ss''. last race of the day was owir the grass Eland, as csnslMt was aseoraber. There Put three starters, the Blemuon Stable's rrrlnoca strong favorite; ttJ. Dwycr's yeach. At -H to t, and W. Donohue's Jlnr Howe, the outsider. Lang Dearh lltry Prince made the running for a mllo, spe Dwyer horse had enough, and Lamle . Jp with Counseller Howe. Merry l'rlnce niiy again, but In the stretch Counsellor riodo another of his bulldog rushes, and Co ho was successful, wearing down the iTlnce Itoyal and winning cleverly by flcngth. This makes three successful lea out of; as manybturts for'tho Coun Coney.Island Jockey Club yesterday on ed that they wonld offer a special raco tn during the last week of tli autumn lftv entries for which will close July 10. It three-year-olds, and Is a sweep takes of acb, half forfeit, with $7,000 willed: tho 1 horse to receive 00 por cent, and tho 10 per cent, of the stakes; coltK'lo carry ounds. geldings and fillies 111 pound. or more horses, the property of dlf gwners, must start, and thu iIIsubico Is to illeand n quarter. The .Monrs. 'Thouiji. iwnrrs ot Hequltnl; llyrnti McClollaud, of l'rlnce Lief: M. V. Dwyer. owner pf rush and Hon Kcler: the Mesrs. Jflclsch. owners of tihnkrspraroll.: P..I. iVwjor. of Handspring; August Ilelmnnt, owner Ktlngs, and other owners of great throe Ids have been consulted with re ird to ce. which was flrst suggested by Til r Sus Ih nga as the only manner In which to Ihebest nf the three-year-olds togither. Irush. fhakespearo 11.. Itcqultal, neu and Hastings had so few engagements was tho only way In which lo glvuthe a conclusive test of their merits, ttnry Fe)loes nnnouncel yesterday that tnmn meeting of tho Coney Island Jockey rill begin nn Aug. IS and end on Snpt. fi. Poithasbeen selected us a starting juilgo Coney Island Jockey Club for the halanco uretlnr- Mr. Post hn.b-en in lliojudges' at Jlrlghton lleach and Toronto, murle follow: m,frln sweepitskrsfor two-year-old nllles of 41.1 KlHo4'lt0 0JOU added, urnlcli t00 tu Ibetucoud.und tJ,nlrd: nve rurln'igs. aU, Ki MaW b. f. tiucct'Mf ul, by Octopus-l'ros- H i. WT (T. Monl 1 &J Xiy Ktrl'i b. I Nsnall., USiUrlfUnl -J H IT. lib's ch. t. NlnsLoulM. ux (J. ilsrdnrri. , u JUt'ko' Day, Klorlsa, Amiable. t.uptiemU l, Orsy m rl I'Aerflls. Pleureux, The Swallow, Aunt hj, H ( J Jacket sitn ru. HAlDM Time. 1:08. ILbA Against Duocsoiut K to 1, Naoa II. and BlF f l each d lo l,l'loreuu7o I, AinUlilonud Kneilal. rsea tol.Ursr bird IV to I, nresx ' 1,1.. I.Horlsnsndtlltrdle cacti Sutol.Auni telly Hfl 9nt Busltow 40 to 1, 1'urple Jaekrt 100 1 j I, Klil skcunii UArr. joU&M-ycir-lda and upsrd, non-wlnnrrt of mirUJor Iswil, ahanii.i.ap ivrptukeot 115 M & IJuoaJ.le.l or which $100 to second, aud mM I'ble's CJU. f.rorget, 3. by;Gxll Koreier48 HH.(m Co-V br h Tinge, , 104 lHrr) i HUffl. ' (i.tHortlayi-r. t.'lim iD ik-U' a HrifjLfsniilL Usiirbsster CoonoUMur.Crom fHujLu Ao ru, Ciiaru was ,st ul IMiHBfl rf'tV'"n"n II to S, DrerslayerO WRnHLr r, ajid Csand each t H 1, fcf. SSsfHHttsiks get and Chsrsd ench 10 Jo t, Cromwell 20 to 1, Us a et.Mler U0 to 1, Tornoka liiO Wl. tkke of $2,000 for two-resroU1,$7.1 est h. The wluner to ncelr $1JM)0. tSe second $100, a Id thi-third $1,i0. Fulnrlly mane. tsreu Iisly'K lr. v. HeottlihChleflaln, by Imp. In, rrneis-Otlu liartbln, Ul CTsrsI) - I J. W. Itngcrs's h e. Hodemonn, ll (DocwttV. ...... . U , A. II ft I). U. Morris's ill. f, Caueopla. lUP(Ltltl m field) , - V3 Arbucklt aud Caldrna also rsii Time. Iiia s-fl. . . . Iwitlng-AaalnitftoottlfhlcmirrMUi 0 to S, CkssM Ala 11 1)A Ilodomoiid and Arbulklo ch7 to l.CU jon llol roUHTH HACK. f.t'lDrtrltSStaki . tor tbrcoyeorMiiahaolUcD of fioo racb, tbn winner to rocelre SUtOO. tl second (SSo, smiths thlrt (U'Oioiro mile and s fui nof, A. II. AD. II, JIorrK's eh. c. 1'or.nsl, by l kytifS 1'rudiro. ItiA lUtllefleld) e M llllam I nkrtMid'i cb, e. ioideriit. 104 (lis Hilton). U Auz.cinvb'4 lr..r. Comette, Vb IT. bltuuej. U jiunulninn and Defender sltoraiL Time. 1 rid. Ilpttlng-Acslnst Oyt-nsi.7tori: rnrmsl ISWtol: CaMCtte, 4 n I . MuMiufaxnacd tU 7 to Finl! IlAi'C Pelllnn swcepNtakcs (orllirec-yinr-oUssn tupwanl ot $1.'. eacli, wIUi I.Vki ndilnl, ot nldcli $100 to eecond an.1 $50 tn third; tU flirMn. Oisk. I.ohmann ft Cn.'seh.ii. PaUdln. 4, bj rllswk- rlone rrinrcssralatlne. U'7 rl. Moinei 1 Samu'd lxtj'sbr.i. .snone, 8, HO tJ. ilsrdn tr) li J. II. McL'ormaek's eh. li AclUYur. 4,114 (T irsli... a i&llleo, Itnrkrnue, llurllncbsm, kenneli ank, fat ten, l'atrol, Mlia I.yueli, nnd III try Shaunoi I alto ran. Time, Iil4. nelttnc Analnm Agitator, nto lit Harry hannon, A to I: Huekrene, l'sladlu.Oalllee. l'atrol. at lannne, rcb7t 1; Kennebunk ami list vn, each 1 10 to 1; MltsJ.yncbaud Ifurllnghahi, each U to 1. Bl.tTII liAcr. for three. yearolds and upward: a .hand1 cap sween (taken ot $1.1 rneh. with $00o addi u, of wlili'liSlbd iitneaecond nnd $.0to tlioiblrd; o nera Jnaudtbrse rurl'iis.'a. onthoturf, v. Dminhue' b r. Couniollor Howe. S. by Imp, HUldauil Chtef-Kllore. u: (Limle r. 1 liieintnn htablo'Kch.e. Merry Vrlnce. V o illewltt). a I'. J, Uwycr a b. K. Imux llraeh, tel, I Ot ibluiinti... J Time. K3. . l'ettln-Two to 1 nn Merry Prlnc Si against Long Beacii.U to 1; Counsellor ltovte. 5 to t. st. rirvsQurjfs vjt.xrc. lopod tie HothsehlliPe Colt AVIbb the Princess or tVulra'a Htal ice. London, .luly 2.--Tho raccfor thetPrlncoss of Wales's Stakes of 10,000 sovereigns was runnt Nowtnarkct to-day und won by Mr. ioojpold do ltothuhlld's HU Frnsqittn. 'llie condlCions of tho raco were: The ITlncessof Walos'a Stakes of 10,000 sovereigns; tho second horst to re ceive 000 sovereigns, the third 1200 sovurehtns, tho nntnlnator of tho winner -VM) hovanagus, and the nominator uf the second ?00 so"ervlgns .out of the stakes: for three and lloar yvarolds; I ono mile. Summary: I Mr, I eotwld le ltoihaohlld's l. a 8L Fri lKutu 3 yrs, livht, Slinon-lailxl 1 111. It 11. lhe.1rlnro of Walea's b. e. li Tstminon, 3 . yr. liy M. Simon -Perlda II ... . 3 I The Duke t Weatmluaicr's b. e. Itegreu d yra, by ' sbeen-FarenelL i 3 The other star-tors wero tho Dukn of Port land's Troon, Mr. H. McCalmont's .'incontcur. Mr. II. .McCalmont's Tho Lombard. Mr. J. II. Houldaworth's U-veno, Lord Hoiebery's Mr Vistu. Mr. L. llroksoj's nuttcrfly. auc'.Mr. Wil liam Cooper's Klrkconnel. It wvasn grand race, St. Frusquln winning by ItAlf n, lengtli from Persimmon, who, finished half iklength In front of ItegroU Tim betting wae 5 to a against St. Frusquln, 4 to l.I'orelm mon, 7 to 4 Ilcgret. 11 to 1 Troon. HO to 1 Ito contour. So to 1 llie Lombard, SO to, 1 each. Lavenonnd Sir Vlste, and 00 to 1 each.Uatter-f fly and Klrkconnel. Favorrtea la Front nt HhefTkeW. CtrcAOo. July 2.Favodtea won tho first nrerrscea 1 at 8beft)eld to-day ,'and ajMillof;them went4o thje tost altliacked the. booka lost heavily. Tlia laatevent was easily the tettln rocoot the lay. asacbanco waioiici ded to a half-dolen starters. Hoy IxKhlel &rrV "d the bulk or the money, but waa bealea-out by CanA sbl In a tierce drive, humuiarlea. Hrst itace-Tbree-nuartrii or a mile. Uncas,.07 (P. Clay), even, won: Terrs Archer, 17 (V, Jone)in to 1, M-ciini; (ieurae 1). Swlit, Ul) (tvarreni, 40 to 1, tnlrd. Time, 1 1.1. beeonc' Usee Klvp-elirhth of a mile. Zamar. 1011 (darneri, lo 3. won. Woodland Pelle, P2 (p. Clay), 7 to. leeond: Yours Truly, 112 (IL Shields), 8 to 1. third. Time. 1 01" , Tlilrd It ch One mile. Serena, 85 (Dorsey). even, won: Fred K.,o INewcom), as to 1, second; 8r Lee, 103 tdarnei I, 10 to 1. tnlrd. Time, 1:4H Fourth 11a e Seven eighths of a mile, Simmons, 97 IP. ('lay), en n. won: Tho Kitten, ftu tl. Maanuson), 0 in V. oerondr Ida Pickwick, 10U (J. Marpby, 3 tol, third. Tline,.l 27S- . . . Fifth Itac-1 Three-quarters of a mile. .Mlu Younir, M (P. Clay). ' to 2U, on: lllenold. 7SIS. Uarnerl, r. to 1. (ecowk, lioinor, U'J (Wood), 10 to 1, third. Time. 1:14. . . Sixth luce TUree-qunrter of a mile. Canfleld. 07 (I), llavla), 7 to l.on: ltoy Iichlel, 110 (M.Costello). 7 to a. aeeond: JotOlanclaa, 100 (Magauson), 13 to 1, third. Time, 1.14V Masbarst FlasVies Ahead orTJnckwsv. MnwacKEK. July 2. The racea to-day were well con tented. Four favorites von. In the third race Sun. burjl bent liuckwa In KT.'nd style, passing under tna wire n head In from os the favorite, buinmarlea: Hrst lice-hlx furloiiB Nlenolaa, 10U (a Coombs). 2too.von: Ioraln, (M tVJones). lOto 1. second; Tomrola Hutter. 10'J (A. Haarctt). u lo 2, third. Time, Second Ilace Five furlcnai Fervor, ins (A. Dar ren, i! to l.won: Milwaukee. a (T. Burns), 7 to 2, second: Harry Uwjun, 105 (Preemaa), 8 to 2, third. Time, 1 02W. Tlilrd Kaee-Ona mile. Simbwrst. 107 (Freeman). 3 to 2. won: Iluxkwa, 10(1 CShs-edy), I to . second, lloullnd. III., oU (A. liarrerx). 1C to 1. third. Time. Fourth IUc-One mile. PInkey rotter. 94 (F. Jonesl,3to3, won, David, 111 (Vorgsnl. even, sec end : Campania. 1(2 (illckal, 30 to f, tnlrd. Tims. 1 :1L Fifth hace -Seven furlongs. Mnldinr, ll (Ilnuu). 4 to 3. on: Hultiert. uw (Corner;, 13 to 1. second; II, r. Fly, Jr., 103 (r reeman), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1 .2b. How tbo llorsca Finished nt rit, 1-onla. Br. Loan, July 2. The following ore Us) rssults of the races here UMlay: First ltace-One ndle. Illctock. SO to Land 8 to 1, won, Milnlns IKlle, 3 to 1 place, second, lien Wad dell third Time. 1 4iWf. ... , Secondllaco-Six and one-hair furlongs.JIay Thomp son. 2 tol olid 4 to 0. won, In-aw Scot. 2 to 5 place, seiond. St, Augusllno thirl. Time. 1:2I4. Third Hace-One mile. Haroldlne, 10 inland 3 to l.nnii; ltbett (ioode, 1 lo 2 piste, second; Hawthorne third. Time. 1 44. , Fourth Hace-Flve-elKbtbs of a mile. Jack n. II, R tn 3 und 3 to 3. won. Hare, 4 to 3 puce, second; Omah Wood third. Time, 1 na4. .... Fifth liaco-one Mile and Twenty ards. Jack I!radley.7 to 1 and 2 to l.won: Favorlne, 7 to 3 place, second; Tradition third. Time, 1:47. Sixth Hate Three-quarters of a mile. Neutral. 7 to 2 and 7 to in, won; borah Wood, out place, second: . Johnny JlcIIale third, lime. l:15Ji. The Iteaulta nt a,atotiSa Latoiia, July 2. Tho resultsot the races hero to-day ' Flrst'llace Three-quarters of a mile. Hoodwink, 7 to 2 and 7 to 3. won; !) .tnioa,3to 1 place, aecoud; l.lslcU. third. Time, 1 ISVtf. , Sncond llace live, and ono half furlongs. Irby It, 0 to 3 and :i to 3, won; F. F. V 3 to 3 place, second) OrayllnK third. Time, 1:10. ...... Third Hate One mile aud a sixteenth. Sir Dllko, 0 to 1 audn to3, won, I.eoustse,3 to 1 place, aocond; Orannan third. Time. 1 -4VW Fourth Itace-Ono mile. Catlchue, 3 to 1 and 4 ton, won; John llavlln. 7 to .1 place, socond; llyron JIc Clellandlthlrd. Time. 1:44. Fifth llaer Five eighths of a mile. Minnie Hurpby, 7 to 2 and 7 to A. won. Thanot. 7 to 3 place, second; Iranrra trsler third. Time, I :oi. Sixth rtaee Three quarters of a mile. Mobalaska, 2 to 1 and H to A, noli; Cyclone, 3 to 3 place, secoud; , Itoblnson tlilrd. Time, 1:13H- Gulnette In Pacing; Mood nt Portland. 1'oiiTLAsn, Me., July 2. To day brought out the largest croivd of the week at the Itlgby harness racea Cephas sai confident! to be the good thing lu the 2:rl trot and won without a struggle, riulnette sur prlrt!! the talent bi winning the freefor all imco in three straight Inula. Had the day been faoratlu llltby records would have tumbled. Asltwasthu time made was excellent BuinmarleM: 2:12 class, trotting; purse $S0U. Cephas, b. c. b) Cyril lOlblis) 1 1 1 III 2 2 'J Falkland. . 4 u 3 New York Central, br, g u 3 n Melmsn. Ii. , a 8 l'rluco l.nta'and, gr. s 0 4 4 V ilmo-2.H,2:i: 2:15. Free-for-all cls. paring; purse. $30u. nulnetio, K g., by Outnbetu iS'llkcs (McOlory) ,11 1 Hcrkshlre Courier, u g li 2 :i Salaulu, br, s .3 3 2 Tlllie-2:I3I. 2 IU?(. 2ilOX 2:37 class, trotting: purse $J0u. m, iKImie) 8 10 11 M)siioHr!.lir.m t 2 u 3 :i Oueen in 3 3 12 2 Zarhlno.b.g 4 4 3 4 4 Ml., br. k' 3 J I Sili iTim 2:2tf, 2.1MW. t'.ZI.Sf.-vuit.t'-S. 'Winners ut the lllnshamfon IlrlvlastC'lab'a .Merllnu;. HivniuuTOi, July 2.' Good weather favored tho aecond ilayof the spring race meet of the luurfiainton Drlvin; Club, Tlio events were sharply contested, and every favorite won, huuuusrk'S; 2:20 class, Irotllnf; purse, .'tu. Antecedent , 1,1 1 Splhceloug 3 2 2 Kubtier 4 U 3 Daisy West 3 4 4 Lady Carlisle 3 0 3 Tlino-2iSSM i2H 2 21. Two-year olds, trotting; half mile heals; purse $200, ' Lurretla 1 1 1 KIllloKluz 2 dr Tlins-l:Stj, 1 33, 1-3.1. Si.15 class, pacing; purto $230. INeiilell .7. 3 1 1 1 Kathte Hun 1 12 2 Mary shawbati 4 3 3 3 i:.IIOll , 3 4 4 4 Tlme-3.3IM.,, s.34). 2.31V New from the Iforee World. Mll.w'il Krr, July 2. The odds on Muscslonze and Kmg's Uuuniel lo yesterday's racea wert Incorrectly I reported as ou to I aud 0 to I. respect! ely. The cor recibeirjngwsi. Uuscslohie,3lo I, and King's Coun sel, 2 to 1, Taur, July 2 -At tlio harness races st Itensse loer Purk jeitrrdav Kamuel Porter, driver ofl Franklin M., was fatally lujured In tbs my-owl or thu paring racn. The rein snapped In two, aud while tritug to recover the broken part the horse stumbled, throwing: Porter out and falling on him. Ho was Internally lujured and lilt akull tract ared. He was rcmoisj to the hospital, where ha illci to-day from concjulon of tho brain. Baseball, Polo Urouads, 4 P. U, To-day. Now Vork va Ualtioiorr. Admission, 30c.-Ait. Hassbistl, aalert r-rk,4l P. M. To-elar. Ofooxiyu vs. Dostoa, AUm. toe. and t-xit, GAMES ON LEAGUE FIELDS. JinOOKT.YStt VT.AT FAST jialz asd lit: AT Tltn QVAKKIIS. A Ctoae Oarae tlettveen the noatone nnd Wnablnatona Won by the Hob Playera Clnelnnntt llnrely Defeats HI. l.onls CJIevclnnct J40eanns1 llropa Itnek Asnln, Yesterday was nn oft day for tho National League clnt,ns but two.gamos wero scheduled, the other games that were played having been postponed earlier In tho season, At Eastern I'ark nn interesting game was played, which won by tbo llrooklyns. Iloslon and Wash ington lindnhard tussle at tho homo of tho Senator, the Deaneatcrs winning. Tobeau's aggregation let thu chance slip by to pass the Orioles, lly losing to Chicago tho Spiders drop back to second place, and they now only lead tlio Clnclnnatls, who beat St. Louli, by four points. The rssults: llrooklyn. 4; rhlladelphta,3. lioiton, 4: Washington, 2. Cincinnati, 7; br. I.ouls. 3. Chicago, 8; Cleveland. 7. Tilt'. HLCOItt). Vrl Vr r'fuU, H7i..oif. cenf. riufcs. iron. 7iif. ctnt. Ilaltllnnre,,..3H 1U .087 Phl!ndelphla.3l 30 .SOU Cleveland. ...3d lu ,u33 Chicago. . :3 H2 ,6vn Unelnuall...41 v .(V.l.Ilrocikljn HO 3') ,3ou lioiton 33 2.1 .(103 New York,. 21 31 .414 I'liisburgh. .31 27 ,8J4 SI.Iuls.... 13 40 ,2411 Washington. 2 27 .SOUJLoulsMlle.. 11 44 .200 IllinOKI.Y.V. 4; PHILADELPHIA, 3. No fault could bo found with the article of ball furnished by tho Urooklyn and Philadel phia playora at Eastern I'ark yesterday, lloth l'nyno and Carney were touched up at lntor als, but tho homo team were more fortunatoand scored one morn run than tho (junkers. Al though Nash's men plucked threo singles and n triple in tho fifth Inning, only ono man scored. Kmalle was rather sevure on the visitors in tho seventh Inning when ho called llrouthers oat at third bam. With Dan nt third, Mailman on second, ami Clements at tho bat It may have been tho turning point of tho game. Clemonts's acrobat lo feat In tho third inning oroked loud applause. After catching a foul fly near tho grand stand tho catcher lost his balance, and with his ear on the ground ana feet In the air, raked up the grass for several foot. The scorn; rillLAIiritlllA. ( BIlOOkLYV. it. ln.i-.o.A,r. iLln. ro.s.r. 3Iertes.r. f .0 I no 0 Jones, r. f ,. .0 4 4 0 0 litlehaut,lf,l 2 1 2 1 McCarthy, I f.o 0 0 0 u Cross, s a .0104 0 Anderson, e.f.ll 0010 Thomps'n.r.f.l 1 0 0 o.Milndle. Jd b.u o 1 B u Hroutliers. lbo 112 1 'Corcoran, s s.2 3 4 2 0 Mailman, 2b .0 2 2 3 0 1 17 0 0 Clements, c.O 1 3 1 bISIloch, 2d b. 0 0 U 3 II Nash, 3d b. toli nlilrlm.c ...I 3 1 0 Carsey, p.,,.,0 1,0 2 uiPayue.p I 2 0 3 0 Totals.. ..3 10 2117 l Totals. .7 13 2717 "3 Philadelphia. 0 n l o 1 o 1 0 o a llrooklyn 0 3 u 0 u 1 O 0 ..4 Earned runs- Philadelphia. 2; llrooklyn. 4. Three rome Ml- Uelobanty. Twobate Ml-Urlm. Stolen base Merles, sacrifice hits-Clements, Carsey. I-a-chance 12), Shc-'h. Struck out lly l'ayna, 2. First baa on I alls -urr Parnc, 4. I.ett on lses PMladcl phla. u. llrooklyu, 0. Double plays Corcoran nnd Lachanee; nrouthera (unasMsledl: Delehanly and cross. Umptre Emslle. Tims 1:43. Allendance ! riosTov, 4; WASiuvoTov, 2, Wamiivutox, July 2. -Today's game was the great est pitchers' battle of the season, each team making two hltn. McJamea should receive credit for doing the belter work, at the four runs wero made oil him through nilssrablo errors. Altendanco 3,000, The score: WAstU.VOTOS. , boaro. n.lB.r.o. A.r. n. ln.r.o. .r- Ilrown. c. f.,.o 0 3 0 0 Hamilton, cf.ti o 3 o o Jotce, 3d b ,(i 0 1 I o lenny, c ... 0 0 n 0 o helbatb. I. r...l 13 0 OitUuuou.r.r.. n 0 1OO Luih, r, f 0 0 u 1 2i!.ong. s. a.... 113 2 1 l iirtw'ght, 1 bu 1 12 0 O.Tucker, lit b.Q 0 12 II II Magulru.c ...0 o 4 u 1 Dufly. I. f....i u 1 0 u Crooks 2d b.,0 0 0 1 (ilstlvettf. 3d b 1 I u 1 3 D'm'vllle, s. s.1 0 0 (1 2'f.owc. xd b.. I 0 1 4 o McJumei, p...J 0 0 1 diNlcliols, p tl u 0 3 0 Totals 2 2 24 U "aj Totsla. .7 "J ST li" 7 Washington onoonni l o 2 lioiton. 0OU4000U. 4 t Earned run-Washington, 1 First base by errors Tt ashlnglon, 4 ; llostou. 2. Left on bases-Washington. 1; lloston. 3. First base ou balls-Orr StcJamea, 3: off Nichols. 3. Struck nul-Ily McJamea, 3. by Nich ols, ft. Two base hltSelbach Kacrince hits-Joyce, Crooks, Duffy, Nichols, stolen bases-Drown, Long. Wild pitches McJamea 12. lassed ball-Tcnny. Umpire Hurst. Time Two hours. cixcixisTi, 7: st. borii, 3. CitcitvATi. July S. -To-day waa"lrwln Day." and a crowd of u.uoo saw tno lleds win their tigbth euc cesslvs game from st, Louis. Charley irwiu was pre sented with a purta containing $1hh.25 as a wedding present, and each, ot the local players received a basket ot flowers as they came to bat. Peliz'a home run hit waa the longest ever made on tne home grounds. Durkc and Hoy's fielding were tno features. The sco ro: CJJC1XXATL ST. LOOS. r- n. lK,r.o.A. r Ilnrke, 1. f 1 3 4 0 O Dowd. 2db...u 13 4 2 llor.c f... . si 2 3 0 o Klssenter, l.f.l u a 0 0 Miller, r. f.,.,0 o 2 0 u I'arrott, c. f...l a at l u Mcrnee, 2db.l 2 2 4 0 Connor. Ib .1 1 10 0 o Vaughn, lstb.0 1 lu 1 0 Meyers. 3b.... n 2 3 I u Hmltn. as.. 0 0 4 4 1 Douglas. r.r..l 0011 Irwin, 3d b...l 1 2 0 11 Croia. a. a .,,.1 2 13 1 Pelts, c 2 3 0 1 6 McFarland. c.O 2 2 1 u Fisher, p 0 u 0 4 0 Hart, p 0 0 u 2 0 Totals 7122714 1 Totals ,7io2413 7 Cincinnati . 10 0 112O o 7 bt. Louis.. 0 0 O U 2 1 0 2 M-3 Earned rani-Cincinnati, 4: St. Ixiuli, 4. First base ou errors Cincinnati. 2: at. Louis. 1. Left on haus. Cincinnati, 7: si. u.uli. 2. First base oa balU-on Hart, 4. btruck out-Ilr Hart. 1. Twobau hlu 1'eltz.McPhee. Three-tusae hit Connor. Homo run I'elti. Sacrlllce lilt-Klaalncer. Stolen nasea Durke, Vaughn, Mcl'bee, Irwtn. Douglas. Time 1.42. Um pireLynch. ciiicaoo, 8;cu:vtASD, 7. Chicago, July 2. Chicago won one game In four from Cleveland by bard work In a close and exciting game. Everltt, Tnornton. and H) an won the game by tlmelt batting, while a wild throw by Tebeau in the third, letting in two runs and helping on another, cut considerable figure in tho result. Attendance, l,5uu. The score: CUICAOO. I cut cum n. lu.r-.o. A.E- F.verltt. 3d b.2 4 1 2 o'nurkctt. Lf..l 1 1 u 0 M'Corm k,s.a.o 117 1 McAleer.o. f .2 2 1 i) 0 Thornton, c.r.s 3 2 0 0 McKe&n, a. s.,0 1 4 3 11 Anion, lit b. 2 o r) O 0IChllds,2d b.,.1 3 0 3 1 Itvan. r. f 1 3 2 0 oioconuor.c.u 11 4 u 1 Decker, I. f.. 11 020 1 Tebeau. 1st b 0 2 u 0 1 l'fefrer, 2d b.,0 2 3 0 0,Mc()arr.3d b.l 0 0 11 u Ilrlggs. p. 0 0 u 0 0 Wallace, r. fl 13 10 Donahue, c. . .11 out ll: Young, p. 1 2 u 1 0 Totals "5 1387 fo 7 Totals ... 712 27 S 3 Chicago 3 0 3 0 0 9 010 .. 8 Cleveland. 2 U000f21 07 Earned runs-chlcsgo. 1; Cleveland, 3, First base oa errors Cleveland. 1. Left ou bases Chicago, 8; Cleveland, 12. Hrst base on balls Oft Ilrlggs. 7: oft Young. 3. struck out lly Ilrlggs. 3; by Young. 3. Tbretibaso hlta-Chllds, Wallace. Two-base hlls-Mc-Kean, Tebeau. Stolen basvs Everllt 12). Thornton. K) an, l'fefrer. McAleer, Chllds, Double playa-IX'na-hue, pfeffer. VcCormlckJ and Anson; JlcKean and TeUsu. Chllds, MfKean, and Tebeau. Hit by pitcher lly Prists, 1. Jmplrtsa-Keefe and HUerldsn. Time 2:40. astcra 1-encae, AT SlBACrsC Syracuse 2 0 0 0 8 3 7 0 113 Uochester 4 10 0 3 0 2 4 0-14 lilts Syracuse, 20: Rochester, 11. Errors-Syracuse, 4; llot-hesur. 1 Uatterles-Diilaney, Willis. Masoo, aud Hyati; McDennott, McFarland, and Jloyd. AT SCUAllTOV. Bcranton 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 3 221 Wllkcsbsrre 3 U0U00U2U 3 lilts Seranton, 13; Wllkchbarro. 3. Errors Scran. Ion, 3; Wllkrsbnrru. 4. llttterlea Colion an tout call, derrick, Lucku), and Weutu, at briuxi.rieui. Pprlngfleld I) 0 2 0 13 0 0 0-3 Providence a u o 3 0 2 1 1 ,.-7 Hits Springfield, 11; Providence, 11. Errors Springfield, 2: Providence, I, Batteries Mllllgan uiiittlunsou; llodsou uud Dixon. AT TORONTO. Ilurtalc. 1 1 i) (I 0 0 rt 0 0 8 Toronto 1 II II 9 II II 7 II .,-10 Hlls-IlutTalo, 10; Toronto. 3. Errors-Iluflalo. fl; Toronto, 3. Batteries Wadsworlh, Oorman.aa4 btullli; Dunn and Casey. Atlantic League. at lUKTrorui. Patersnn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Uurtlord 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0-0 litis Puterson, 4; Hartford. 4. Krrnrs Patersoa. 2, Hartford, U. Itatterles-UcMacklu aud Ulllockcy; lioneuaiidbmllh. Netr aKlnnd Lencue, At Paiuror II.Migor. 14, l'orllaud, 4. At Augusta Iiwiiton, 10. Augusta, 2, Alllrockton-New Iledford. U; lirocktun.2. Al I'awiuckst-Fall ill vor.Bl; Paw tucket, 3. Other Garuca. r.w Yonk, 20; atuntic city, 10, Atmktio Citv. July 2. Tho New York League team dereuted thu loial leaui this afternoou. lheruwero no parileular features. Van Haltrcn roverrd his ihisi Hon In faultless style, while George Dsvu made some cleter stops and throws, Harclsj caught aflneEanis ror Atlantic city, beside batting heat lly, SuillUalso ploj ed well. Tue score; SILASTIC I'lTl, ' MuWtOKK. n. 1 s, r.o. 1. r. n. 1 n. r.o.s.r. Stanley, a. a.. 1 2 if 4 1 Vanllal'n.p 2 1 o 3 11 i'eirlken,2.1b.l 13 11 O.Datls, 3dU3 2 2 3 1 Walb'ge,lstb.2 2 V tl l llernan, r. f. 2 1 o u o liarclai.c..,,,! a t) 1 1 uleasou, 2d b 3 3 4 11 smith, 3d b,..l ago b II. Dsls.c.r. 1 1 1 0 o lleese.r. f. ...4 110 li Ksrrell.l. f... I 1 1 (1 0 uwlns.l.f. ,,13 0 1 0 . Clark, I b.2 ill 0 0 I tmtrt. a. I..0 1 2 0 I V I lion. c. .3231 11 Kevins, p... .10 0 0 1 'nn'ghl'n.s.s.2 2 2 3 1 'ompneld.c.M 1 1 u o Totals 10 14 27 7 i Totals, IS 97 1U 3 Atlantic City 41000041 0-10 New York 0 2 2 2 0 0 13 223i famed runs-Atlauilc City, 8s New York, 10 Two basohlla Van Haltreu, O.Datls (iti.illeason.Tleruan. Ihree base lilt Barclay. Home runs Heese. Uwlua, Uleasou. lutes stolen-Stsuler, Smith 121, O. Dsvls (2; uieoson ftruck out Hy .Set Ins. 0 by Van Hal tren. a. lirtt bate on errors-Atlantic City, 1: Mew lork,2. llltby pitched bslls Nevlui, llfeie, ilwins, Walbrldge. (I, Davis. Wild plicb-Nevins. Passed ball-Hsrclay, Time Two hours. Umpire Campbell, liaowx I'sirgasirr. 0; ciiicaoo I'sirxasiTT. fl. CmcAoo, July f, Brown University defeated Chi cago to-dsy lu una of the holiest games ever seen hare. Although out-bit and practically out-Oald&d. Drown Lad alline luck, and the championship must goto bar by virtue of winning two out ot three game. Nichols pitched magaincani ball, and with a good support Would bare woo tho (amo easily, toe feature pf Uia eaMTSMarasna iim t '- )lS$))t t .1 " lb . i: Keep's i; Underwear :: t 1 1 is rondo according to our own itiens 1 J nml thoso of our customers. Wo i know more nbotit It than the maker ) ' tlocs, becauso wo are closer to tho J ' demand. Wo know what you want, ; J nnd wo get It. When the. maker J J pets through wo tako n hand at It. J ; If It Isn't riRlit, back It goes. Wo J J resew every button. It Isn't much T to do, but cither people don't do It. J J 2 Wo don't sell tho kind that Is too J cheap to bo Rood, but some num- J J licrs run down as low as C0c, nnd 1 arc backed by " Your money back J 1 ifjouwnntlt." Z Y J Keep Mfg. Company, 2 Y Uroadwny, bet. 11th fc 12th Sts. 4444aVt4s4tt4t game was a phenomenal stop by tlc-Jmnn of a wild throw at rtrst that siopixM two runs. The score: Chtrsgo . ... 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0--, brown. 0 0 0 4 1 1 u 0 0-0 Hlta-Chlcago. 8, Ilrown, 4. F-rrora-Chloago 4 aidLo'ng' "a,"'rl0-J,l':''ols and Jones, T.uniio AT OlUVdc OVAL. Orange A. 0' 1 0 0 0 1 n 1 n 2- 3 .MIUnior 1 14 0 10 0 1 .T-8 Illts-Uranca A. C, 8: Ilaltlmore. 12. Frrora-casondClark.!,!rle,-'U',,",t'U ""1 Zt"'ou AT coajtivo. J'orntng 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 C-lt Palmyra u 0 u 1 u 0 0 3 (1-4 . HltA-Cnrnlng. 13: I'atmvra. 10. Errors-Corulug. ii.te-?',?' 'ft'"les-I'rlest. Maboney. ami Aa?: clay, tkarsell aud Bahetn. AT HOILNCLLaVIlJJt. Hornelllirllte 10407032 017 Clippers uf Buffalo 0 10 0 0 0 10 0-2 Illis-inrnrllsviile. 10; Clippers. 3. Errors-llor- 1 "pI'.Th '".'."'"0- "St'erles-Jortsn. Murphy, and 1'atcbi'n, Mo.Srruy and Klnscy. AT ASSIST PABK. NutleyA, C,. 1 1 n 1 a 1 0 0 0 s Aiburyl'ark. ... 3 0 10 0 3 0 0 3-lu Hlts-NutleT.ll: Asbury Park. U Krrors-Nntley. giokAe".baUidnvV.r.Sam3;. ' ." d Wood; at BruborroRT. Bridgeport . .-.. ... 10 10 3 0 0 0 0 1-0 Ansonla. 1 1 u U 0 0 0 1 2 0-3 .'r,0,"Dr,dn.,20r, 8: Ansonla. 4. lilts-Ansonla, IS. Bridgeport. 13. Hatterles-Clsus Miller and Core; Foaicx and Ormhirke. -i. Daaebatll Qansaa To-dar. SAHOSAb UtAOCk ASD aaiUUCAS AAAOCIATI0.V. New York va. Ilaltlmore, at the Polo grounds. Brooklyn vs. Boitou. at Eastern Park. Philadelphia s. Washington, at Philadelphia. Cleveland vs. St. Louis, at aet eland, llttsburgh vs. Cincinnati, st mttburgh. EAtTras Linn r. Syracuse vs. rtochester. at Kochrster. Springfield vs. Providence, at Springfield, bcranton w. Wllkeslutrre. at Wllkesbaire. ATLAxnc uuai-E. No games scheduled. OIlltR OAXU. Hrldgeton vi. Camden, at Brldgcton. Salem vs. Mlllvllle, at Salem. Newport vs. l'swmckel, al Newport. naseball Notes. Ileader. You lose. T. F. C 1 About 43 minutes. 2. No. James Counaughton. With New York. Cooley wUl join the Quakers at Philadelphia to. - day. Tom Smith, recently with Loulstllle, will pitch for the Buffalo Club. W J. I.. The New Yorks have not won three con secutive games this season. II. c The final Atlantic I-cague game Is sched uled to be plated on Sept. 13. With to morrows games the National League schedulo will bo about half completed. Ad. fiumtwrt reeelted his ten day notice of releaso yestenlat. He will sign with the Phlladelphlaa. The Orltant Field Club and Cuban X Giants teama arlli cross tiats at Uackensack to morrow afternoon. As the Brooklyns play at Buffalo on Sunday, tho afternoon game at Eastern I'ark to morrow will bo called at 3 o'clock. The Orsngo Athletic Club laseball team will play two games of basebtl at Orange Oral to morrow with the All Collegiate team of America, com posed of college undergraduates plaji r. Polo. Hempstead. July 2. With the expectation of witnessing another exciting and very interest ing polo game a large number of the members and friends of tbo Hockaway Hunt Club of Cedarhurst assembled to-dny on the grounds and upon tbo club house piazza to witness tho third of tho-sorics of polo games which the as sociation lias arranged to take place upon the grounds of the Itookaway Hunt Club. The hopes of tho spectators were not disappointed, as the game to-day was ono of tho most Inter esting that has been played iat Cedarhurst for some time The game scheduled for to-day was between the extra team uf the Rockauuy llunl Club and Its four polo team. This was called olf and a gamo arranged between the polo team of thu Philadelphia Country Club and tho polo team of thu Devon, l'ennsylvanla. Tho game through out was replete with somo of the tlnoei riding and coaching ever witnessed on tho Hockaway Hunt Club's polo Held. Tho handicap difference between the two teams was two goals, which were allowed the Devon team. The J'hltadelpbla team lost by fienaltloa one-fourth of a goal for a safety mode n the first period, which mado their total ecoro l?i goals to 04 goals lu favorot tho Devon team. .VirS OF TUE WUBEL31ES. Folata TVhera Club Kldcra Will So on tho Foorth. The members of tho'blcyclo clubs in this vi cinity are arranging toehold a two-days' outing, starting to-morrow and continuing over Sunday, Trips will bo taken as far as Philadelphia, tho Delaware Water Gap. and points up the State ana along the Jersey coast. Tho runs scheduled for tho two dnys aro: New York Clubs LInwood Wheelmen, Patchogue; Centurv Wheelmen, Asbury Park; Triumph Wheel men, rhlladolphla; Manhattan, Bicycle Club, Ureen wood Lake, lllvsrsldo Wheelmen, Asbury Park; Abingdon Cycle Club, l'lalafleld; Excelsior Cycle Club, Whllu Plains; Metropolis Wbtclnieu, Hock laud Lake; Greenwich Wheelmen, Long Branch; (Jramercy Wheehucu, Sag Harlior, St. ticorge Blcyclo Club, Delaware Water Uap, Ctclouc Cyclo Club, l'atchoguo, llrookln Clubs Nassau Wheelmen, Philadelphia; Gilbert Wheelmen, Oscawauna Lake; Olympic Wheel men. South Beach; Llllsonlan Wheelmen, Philadel phia; lierco Cyclo Club, l'reeport; l'lxiuod Wheel men, Lakotlopatcongi Aurora Grata Wheihneii, like county, Pa.; Washington Park Wheelmen, Dobbt Ferry, New Jersey Clubs-Castlo l'otnt Cyclers, Albany; East Orange Cjcleri, Lako llopatcong; Hudson County Wheelmen, Albany, Lomjo.n. July 2. At Catford yesterday the American bloyolist Johnson lowered tho Eu ropean flying start records for one-nunrter and ono-tblrd of a mllo, covering those distances lu 24 1-3 seconds and 33 3.3 seconds respectively. The ltaco Committee of tho Metropolitan As sociation of Cyclo Clubs who bad clinrgo of tho Irvington-Mlllburn road raco on Decoration Day, held u meeting at tbo Astor House lost night and awarded something like forty tirlros to tho successful wheelmen, Keforco Will I'ltmon, whoso disqualification of John C. HadUcld aroused so much criticism, was on hand, but neither the Newark rider or hit friends wero In ovldence. Tho winner of the race. It, M. Alexander, was very much In tvldonce, as wcro W. fl. Nevlllo and Joseph Thompson, who finished second nnd third. Tho two Bret-named each received blcyileu In addition to thu usual medal which went to all the contestants. The other prizes ranged from bicycle bells aud lamps up to wheels, tefereo I'ltman was armed with numerous affidavits in casothn Vim Club or Hadtleld should try to make any trouble; but as neither were in evldouce tbo llace Commit tee, consisting of Scudder. IletU. and Drable, made the awards on the wins as announced in '1 he Bus of Mar 31. A number of well-known racing men will compete In the bicycle races tu bo held at the New Jersey A. C. grounds to-morrow. The en tries. Including the handicaps, are aa follows: One Mile. Handicap-W. J. Ilonnie, N. J. A. C scratch; Charles Brsdy, Van Cortlandi w lVekUlll, scralib; Henry Waller. Arcanum W Jerset City, SO yards; Frrd Ulller. Favorna II. c. Blsten Itlaud. ou yards: L, Anderson, 130 yards Front fcteck, vo yards, and James ll. lliley, loo yards. New York city; Fred VV. .Much. South llrooklyn W fto yards; Albert I. Haven, Yonkers II. C no ysrds: Osorge M. HoeOir. Arch 1.'. C. Naw York city, 1 10; John Jasper, 100 yards, aud George Mel addsn, 110 yards. Arcanum W.i Win. L. ilrosdley, Larayette W 100 J arts: J. II, Uviugston, Arcanum w ISO yards; George Baits, vknauuni W 110 yards: luun Lelbgold, l'asllma A. C., 00 yards; K.J.Mcyly. icsiltuis, A. 0.. V0 yari; m-e. W. muehy.UBO-gWTlaO yards: Arthur i.C. Lyon. OrMawlchW. 100 yards! Edward V. Gill Hew V-ork cliy, S8yajdiUenryl(rBts,Bayonne,lNAyartls; W. groohllltt gutftrtigtrtttns EVEN IN TOWN, if it is otio's fato-io'bo kont thoro wlion tho mountains or tlio 8oa- shoro invito hiui, ouo may accom- modato liiniBolf to tho conditions' by drsasiiiK comfortably. Tlio present fashion of nogiipoo attiro commonrlB itsolf to tho goo.l senso of BwoltoriuR mankind. And tho boauty of it is tho iuoxpensivonosa of this class of summer wearables. A man's Sergo Suit xc'xM cost you $10, S12, $lo or S20 ; an imported homespun, tvjth pongoo silk trim niiugs, S15; n crash, $8; uefiligoo aud outing sliHrts at any prico to pleaso tho pocktXfc ; and straw hats woll, just seo w.iat we can do for you for $1.00. By '"iho way, wo aro soiling boys' straw'' hats for 15 cents nnd upwards, to closothcm out former prices, 3oc. to 75c. CALEB V. SMITH, anvger, Fulton St., cor, Da KaIbA, BROOKLYN. P. S. .tore will be 0en until 10 P.X" Fridny nnd cIom. all day SAturday, July 4. II, Mlnto. Stal?n Uland.OO Jird.; Coror B. HUU Jlayuune. 70 nli; (iorgf SanJeri, ut lVroeo W., WytrtijW. L. Uarmer.N. J. A- C, 'JO yardt; T. J. Hunter. N. J. A. c , Mi yard; Fml Khafto. X. J. A. C. lUjarUi; tharlrs Neidhardt, Arch Cjcirf CluU 90 Tknlf.LouiKKunk. Whiu CC, HX jard'; Llnt'tar M HlliDian..J. A.O.. 70n1i.B IX. fubrr.'Uo w., 1V0 ynrdi. William H. frrrH. unatuehod, Vcn ey CH, C0yanl,J. u Ilallonn, ou jardi With ft few exceptions thu aame na Uau' enured for the iwo-mUe race, handicap. HIdcra who Intend to tnkerunsof onehan dred ml If to-morrow and etajr over Sunday Vfc ill nnd that the road to Philadelphia are mostly in excellent condition, affording a good tlay'flrlde. A route which It popular with old riders and will bo usod to-morrow is as follows: Take f trrr to bL Oeorae. Staten Iitand. lurntotto ItU from tue ferry ana tk road to left, whlcbla biujTear.t arruue: turn to the rlgt.t at Ihe thlra Mreet turn to tbe left after tfulatc on block Into Cen tral Hvcnue, whel one Mock and turn to ttie rlbt to Tompkini arruut. then turn lo the left Into Day strtet, tra one and a hair mile toCIUton.paMlntf ToD...k.naT,ile and MAiion, at Clifton turfl to Ui rUht to andrLltt avenue. tbeDce to HVthU'mJ roaJ.alongio.NVwI orp.i.a!DeUram'r,(JarrUJT ana (treat Cliy. at ire ilgnof tn Ultuk. HoreTaTeru at NewlMtrf. turn to tne left on AmUoj rol. then i through (aWvr.od to OlrTorj. two tullet; then to ttlORvllIe. Anadate. Huruonot, 1'rlnce'a lUy, Plaa ani 111 a. Uirhmomt altej, to the lr.e brick church on the Uft, turn to th right Into Main atreet and tfo to Toitennlle; the rodi are good macit-aam. but wry hilly, take tne ierr to 1'artb Amboy, and on arriving In mat city ko strnljht through It. then bear totherUht and olrlke the Metucben road, four mll 1 from tht ft rry turn to the left at Woodvllle and io to New llruruwtck road, then go direct to Uonhamtown and lltcataa to .New Urunawlck, at thla point croas bridge; goitralghtout Albany ttreet,tben tarn to left, torranklla I'ark, and Kodlrectly downhill to Ktnc i-tou, then cr bridge, turn to the left, and go direct to .'rtnecton. after paaaing l'rlnce ton Unl leralty tak ilm npht fork of the road direct to Larf lie-. tlio, ana go to the Trenton Uke; turn to the rttrtit and go illrrct to Warren street, Trenton: cttntlnue on arrcn atreet to Ilridgr, crotalnr to Morrlt.fllt, turn to the left to Kr It tol ptko; then turn to tne right au 1 go direct tnllrUtol Pa, by tne way of Tullytown. rurn to the rirfht at the hotel, and at cemetery take the laft fork of the road direct to I'raukfonl, thn follow the pike to Philadelphia, by the way of Kingston avenu to Lehigh arenu to JlroaJ ktret, aud then lo Market street. DAvr.NponT, July , Woodllef of Kansas won the one mile, open. In a runaway, and Marbuck, tho vote ran of last year's professional tanks, won tho run over of the half a mile, open, at the National Circuit meet In this city to-day. None of the men of tho first class wer present, many being on the shelf for some days a-, a result of tne falls at lalesbur. The fastest last quarter of the day was in the finish of tlio Hrst run of the half a mllo, w hen the .rood time of 'JT 4-o seconds was made. Allen of lSyracaso w as a competitor in the races, but pained poor poMUons in the fprlnt and was crowded Uick in the stretch. Minunary follous; One Mile. Open. Professional Won by Wood lie f of Kanuu, Allen. racuM. ecmd. Ciark. lianver. third. Time, J 2u. Mncly paced, the last quarter wa done mi!.( il," accouda. Half aJltle, Oi en, Proftslonal-Wnn brStarbuck; Cox. ew York, necond: Allen, ihlnl. Time, l -oa. Miuly piued, the lat (juarler wa coered)n 30 JJ-5 aeronda. Otio Ulle, llauillcap. Professional Won by II offer, St Paul. "Jo yards, Wor.lllef. M ards. aecond, Ik-ckcr, Mluneapoli. 4u jardt, UilnU Time, 2. U'J 5 Litti E Kama July 2. -The meet of the Stato L. A. W. was held hero to-day in the presence of a small number of jscraons. nummary: Half a Mile, Open. Amateur Won by O. O, Tut lie. Home. J. Y 1 1 rry, byracute, isecona; U, K. Tunnl cllfff, Hlchtlcld bprlncs, third. Time 1:1ft. (ueMlle. Proreacloat-Wan by E. C Iteld. Buffaloj W. J. Helfert, Utlca, secoud: A.K, Scnn, Utlca, third. Tlme.v lltii.. One Mile, Open. Amateur Won by F. W. Palmer, Homo. O. H. TuunicllnV, socond; J. P. Horry, third. Time, 2 h Two Miles, Handicap, Amateur Won by L. W. Saweu. L'tlca, o T, Tomllnaou. )racuse. second: J. V. lleh. Home, third. Time not given. Half a Mile, Paced--W. J. Hrlf ert, I 03. ISOTKS. Somo member of llie Unwklyn CrlcVet and Clover II til Tenuis Club will ride to Patchogue to morrow, H. Iiiruhauiii. The too mile road record Is 4 hours 4( minutes IH kocoLds held by A. R He Dor ell or lluffalo. Otto Kelrn. Walter Sanger has never taken part In the Mltiiuni roast raotis, flu lirrl lifi-lnu'ii of this city hao arrange! the following runs for this month. 4, Pater Mm; . Tarry, town. 11. Matihiiuett, 12, larntovn; Jh. 1-ort &chu ler Hi, HclleWlI, t!5, t'oney Island. 2n. I slip. Th wheelmen rnntrinptaio holdtDK another coasting- con test iit'it fall The Casualty Hlcycln Club U tho nnme of the newest Ci'le organlf utlou lu th upir action of iheclt). tmly (kt wins who lmo had mclddnls to theniselrea or th'lr t'li-lea are elltble riu'ofllcer elfcteil at a meeting hold m Wrdneaday etwilng ure. President, Attert Kux Treasurer. J X. Kmmet; Sotreiary, Oeortte K. .vliofller. Hoard of Directors. (1. Hlrkey, ciinrlrs Nwl. iKu kwlth Kuiiflili and Charles Harker Hr.idford. lu.nuN, July 2,-The blcjcle dealers' twenty-flTo mllo ro.. I raci,hlih una run IhUmorutnif under the nuspli.HS(rtheIa)lon H.ocIh riuh.aa won by JetAa Keplar of thl city, who had u liHtnllcnp of li:30. K I- I.fie.rf, also of Iutiu, uou first lime prlrc. his time Ik'Iiic I On 03 v''." There woro ulDtt) five star tt'Di. Including prominent riders from uil parti of tba country. riiu century Wheelmen will hold a run to Asbury Park ou Jul) 4 and A. It Is c sllmaird that aliout lOOOd bicycles are trans ported on thu elvtatcd railroad in Hrookluon bun u.irs and holidays. Th Mantle Wheelmen of Jersey City have de cldid to bold their Urat annual road racoocr tbo hprtngflcld course on July IV, Hurltikf ihi month of June Irtl new members were tinted tu membership by the Ccuiury Whcslmen or thlsclt). A party of members of the Manhattan Hi cycle ciub will ride toUneiivtoiHl lnk tomorrow Thi Plerco Cele t lull of llrooklyn will hold a run to Frifport to-morrow. There ( some talk of tho blejcle clubs in Hudson county coiiMtlldatlug for the object of holding a tweuij-flimlU' haudU'op road raco on the Hudson count boulevard Ial or Hay. It is tho Intention to make the raco au annual affair, Ba. W, porter, the profesvloti il riclng man. will mako uil uttempt on haturdar at Huston to lower Ids one mile rtiord of 1 mtnuie Si 4 ft seconds. The foru i in ruling men uso ery high gears. MI chnel rhUit with n tu Inch gear. Jnton, it rv Inch: Hurct, h4 Inch Htocks. Pi Inch. Chute, PtVlnch, and Harden. HSlneli, The iStur Wheelmen of Hauwny will hold some handicap road races on July 11, on the Itabway avt i'nuerourxe The Vim Hlcsflo ttubof Newark expects to give a raco meet t the Warerl) track in the fall, lbo evellns division of tbo Harlem branch of the Y, M v A eleeiel ho following ofttceri recently: Pro'ldcnt, H, McKenn Secreury-Treasurer, J. A, Mmous, Capialu. II M Stripptc, Lieutenants, II. M. PaborandA Prltrfelder The Associated Ccllnrf clubs of Ixmg Island have secured elghi nine entries for their iwcnty-tlvM-mllo handicap road race, which will be held on the Valley iMream.liOng Island, course to-morrow morning. C, W Hadneld of .Newark entered, but the race commit tee refused to accept bis entry on the grounds that he has been not tiled by the Hsctng Hoard of the Loaguo that pending an I in estimation into his amateur status he is suspended from all track and road racing. Ihe Haonuo Cclo Club has been organized with forty members. The oflWtrs follow President, Hli'btrd Fljnn, Vie.- pri sident. A Stevenson. Trea surer. Miss A Muller Kin an rial Secretary. Mlaab. t-lim Hetordlng Mrrciin, Maurice Klynn. Captain. K. lux Dm I teuteiisnt Charles Cat heart, heeond I.leutoiianf, CharlrsAlialre, Color Hearer, Mrs, Hodge, The wheeling dlvjuon of ih Fourth Heglmenl. Jer sey Hy Helghis, will rida to Sea Oirl on thalr whsels for rifle practice this summer, flans are now be In a made for On trip. They will wear Ucjcla Instead or military unltorms. BA&KHAIX CLAJifl may obtain HerluUy Oval dur. Ins July arut August at very reasooaJt rales; 4lh of July open dte. Addruss T. WalX, Ujcrlnteudsnt lleracUr Oval, Morris UeiriU(cUjr, Tk . jjjBI FOURTH OF JULY SALE, Aro 3ouproparcd to onjoy your fnvorita sport? How is your out- m fit? Ploutyof bargnins to-day in all departments. j. m 4-40 5 ',e PericCMon oi Alcchanical Skill. jb IpWWK Price, $100. 1 jrt'ryQ JjS" ...SAiME PRICO TO ALL... fl Other Bicycles,$101$25t$35,$40,$45,?50 1 ($12 Linen Crash Bicycle nnd Tour- $12 English Flannel Tennis v and M ing Suits, Outing Suits, jf 7.60 5.00 (l ; $7.50 Bicycle Suits, $20 Golf-Bicycle Suits. M 3.98 I 1 .25 I $15 Blcyclc-Qoif Suits, $29 English Serge Suits, f? 8.75 7.00 I lllcjclo and Vocation Knlckbockers. ?1.50. 82.00. 83.00. UoU. flc 10c. 4bc. 00c. Holf rj, Uf 4Sc.i!lHc, Si'.OO Oullnc Khlrts, 00c. ToarlDE hweators, $1.30. Blcyclo nnU Oatlue Head Wtar. Ri S5c..i ODc, UOc. . Sw I A H TTk.1 T'aT'lVTiVTI & FmcUI Holiday Line of Tennis sowls at creallv ra- H I A W 1 I tllll Uuced prlccr. "AiLCnmers" Kacku fonn.r nr!cs Si -' T y i i a aUMi'las $0.00. now S.TRU. "i)ecckmanKtx!Clal.' line racket. mi tcilil for S7.00. now 94.48. Olber Rackets. 08c. 1.0R. ta.4. lh05Tennl Hulls. Si.ftO rtoi . S5c p?j each. Tennis Poles. $1.00. 81. iO. SU.00 up. Tennis Nets. SI. 00. f 1.50, S'.'.OO up. 1803 Tennis, p9 fiiilda. io cents. h3 1T;.J sC?--- JI - To enjoy rltllnir on the Fourth tco that you liavesi. FS tSlCVCle lUndrieS. HrlstyS.l.ll ! to Tourblcrclr. Prevent lfi lsiwjviv truiiui tvui stldntss, soreuts". and chaUnc. aud makes ruling a feffl jileasnra. Recommended hy physicians. Prtco S.oo. kS GllideiLampsfnie'.,,)t:d1"-5o cents J Spalding Luigaje Carrier, SI.2S to SJ.50 ...... I Mi.uo.UMsy, y , ,. I Douftle Tube Tire Kepair Outilta. f nt I $a.03 Globe Vapor Lamps, lo-day, $2.25 i u.iis, 12c; ixcks. iiic; Tw Clips, lao. h Ltipgapu Carriers, 44c. Tiro Tnpe, 5c. I Rubber Cement, He; fetick Grnphite. 5c f CQIDP XTlQBir)l2 9 r.rrythInforihi,nsliertcsn. WakBi Xnls. COt.t 100 yard. K ODIUU TlOnlUU llne.OOci Mckel luns, IMjards, 1JM HoAs. best X-ly ,H gui, 3Jc. i icalcn. 3 Dlr. lStk. X (ot HA. B5'j A.G. SPALDING4& BROS., 126-130 Nassau St. 1 Will close out this week , aV (vhat we have left of '95 model Wheels equipped with Lamp and Bell. HlMiRT EROS. & GO. Hen and TVt "n"s SponlnjiOutats and Costumes. 26 WEST 23D ST. M N'EWfrr'ORK. JP CQK 00 HIGH I 00o. GRADE BICYCLES, $3IF J J With double guarantee one by, the 2 maker, also by ourselves Same ji-ice Y 0 for one or 100. Any defective parUre-X J placed by us. X I BIGGEST. GENUINE CUT YET.I : : Sold the U. S. over for SS5.00. Ielmwdod cycle co,,i 1 57 PARK PLACE. 1 BARNES WHITE' FLYER AND WARWIUKS. f ffUT HJENT A. DICYt'LK VIIEVTOV Remington'96 on onri Easy Payment Plao ? Nine Months' Credit Full tsurtlcutar on fappllcatloBi. REMINGTON ARMS CO., lUIANdl, 59th Street and Grand Circle. "FOlTjX nii'Vl'I.EM fur sale eheao, make lHaf AUdrss C. 1. 1 lex ItfU, Sun up-toiro omoa, ,K UrcsJwar. EUe Curf. CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. HIir.KI'MlfR.lU MAY. l.rerjr,Vilnenlajr, Inursusi.auil SaturUsr iraluursbmri, fi ami Uicfu4lDf Julrtl, llrclrai-a V .III I'M - -TCi-JliimiOW. JIILV 1 -1. " tiii:)Ki:at hiaugn, sm.coo, "Tl (Irsal In.l'pcDilcuc. btsrplcbksv luodicau " will. Kl. ottwrHaca. "MU"K. COSfFRT nv lUlt'EU. Trains Usi. loot East : atlh at. L. L R.lL.atlZilO and balf bounj lo ; :D P. A, (Parlor Car train I r.u.), Doaisfrom foot Wbheltall st. (1 lu Bl0ss)Dalf I liourlr altrr 1 1 1 10. AlTllrookJjBi farrieV Daamtwiih faUeclria roads direct to track. DmcIU aKottmoda. UvMitlttrnlmtromuaek. wBou4y cycle Values sio '"r9 eoool i I'atUrns 3 oatf 4 Hartioi-a 9 h'9 ses '"sir bettebI 1 r.tlern 1 Hartford B g sioo sSu- best! I The 1,'aeciasUled, ITnpproclkc4 H ill COLUMBIA) I Standard of the World 1 St ConrincJni Catalogue fres It joa calL Bmail H ."S for two 2-ceat stamps. POPE MANlTACTCniNO OO. 'flj Nw Vft Dranrh ft IF IS WABREN BTBEET. Htjj BOrl.EVAHD AND COTD BTBEET 13 j ColmcDLa Rldt&e Aradusr. Renting. Siorau. fl i 9 ' baleirjoal SOS Fifth Ansnt. 0 igi oA.3t'ASA.lL.LiiUi. Use Spalding's Baseball Supplies. THE SPALDING Orr'ICIAL LEAGUE BALL, A ! Standard ThroHThout the World. jS fe 9 2 dot Mitts tbot sold for. W.00 and $7.00. BS.50 acd S3 30. iSfc lK) I A Udox. Peck Smder Bali '.reduced o 50 cents. fa&JL gsStb I IsPJ Also cheaper Milts of erer kind reduced for this week onlr. tKasKV Urol H Bats. 2SCm wero 81.00. &oa We s Baseball Guide. IOC. c3n :& M PI FKEE to each xy making a pua iase. a Tbrowlne OIotc or not. frjb- JT W S A. G. Spalding & Bros. na&6a'u30st. " 1 Trouble In tbo Urooklyn Cbe.s C'lnts. I'rcsMent Warren has resigned from tho Brooklyn ChessClub becauso of an artlclo which appeared In a mornlnc pAper on June St). A mtetltiK nf tlio meinhers of the club bss len cajloil for Tuesday evpnlnu. July 7. at R o'clock, at tho club looms, S01 Montague street. Cb.ekers. llosros, July i. The checker match for 1J00 a side and the championship of New England between Samuel Ororer and S. Lawson, at tho rooms of tho lloston Checker Club, endeu last night wlih a score of 8 to 0 and nine drawn games tn faror of drover Twenty gsmeawere to tiavo been played, but as twson rould not even tie, h. resigned. CUT PRICES I THE Hl:NSATION OF THE KE.IHIM 9 HUb grade, well known IsrfiJ Bicycles, tu! t ;uar- M auteet. m rniurs itt in t-o : 9 s44iso s44,so. I Call or wrltf for rataloctm und flnU ouU vf SpccUl prlcr to J(-rbbr aoJ iltir In lor of 1 ' to i.l'OO. Aud hi other $ $100 I89S MODERN SPECIALS $100 OTsrrloAdM on Slnch frarnr, Must tnot tanv K pio nuke tLe rldlealouMr lo-r prl.v or g ? s39. s39. fi , STEPHEN T. tVlOEN, f I 33 BARCUY, 135-137 WEST I25TH STREET 1 1 '" BJCYCLES " -i OK liSTALL.Ui:rS. $5.00 Cash. 1 BAU.NCE FROM $5 TO $10 PER UONTiL M i VICTORS, I ! WAVERLEYS, fj CRAW FORDS. v S! llirnMHv. New Yorli. w. oik: ato-NDAVri I'xru. o r. v. JaB BICYCLES SLAUGHTERED. 1 Sratyi.OiHl. This is no fake tab hil 8IOO Maaoer,i. illi' flyl hs Trluinii'ia. st3. Ifth rjr. Duaos . Eai ecAKmpiru , ,-,-... ,a.-.,iK Kt HlX IAI. NOTIt K. Wl 1,000 Dry foods Store Qicycles, I V f 9S PARK ROW BICYCLE CO.. i Oppoallu Post Olllce. S3 f.HIK ItOVf, 7ff NEW llIfWClsKS. 82i. .". St! I.AIIII'K'1rnKVTK. Kin COO UIIUEUN nU'Pt'lAl.h.lCIU Et l.OllO V Illcjel w. ."dles'.SVI.-.OO. W 1,000 N.w llier.ira, ni'. Has !. BR, .1UO S.fonil.luinSA'Vhrrli, sll hu, ' CoIuiih la, .'.! Mcior, IU. iV inondf I l.u u-i' 101 Mr Liberty. 2;', Hummer. 38 Itii lgh. 30 inseein il Hi Criwford, in Carrier Trk-ycl. "V N.PAKI.Il A YClsK CO. in lUumonl, near Ilroadway. XA HA Itt lti T. M.ltSTi:itK HAS3 WoltMs. Hand Mnrnia, I'.v ilos. Iilimdorsstiii. wiiniis.SS.- dot ,A iw. bau btxiks, 4 nl) gut, lie dim. ' ' '0',.l'r,n'' 1 Ilann line. 1J... blx-incVtt n1 ' -K'' .ni aueeuiKvt Hank rods, wlih extrn i''P w t " unogs. sxira long shank, llie halt diU ., , . ,h Send alainn for Illustrated tlililng v, !' M'a '" t" J. F, UAlUiTKIt. B5 Court st , fl. -" '' OI'K.S KVKNlSllh . 3,000 BICYCLES, S17.50l"ACH. : 1,000 ..' ; .... ,,1,4,0 er Abov. have maker's ntniH on and uarns.V ' to B'HisiconJ band, all niak.s, (an,l up I. ik BEry oiii-irri Hon r Ne.rB.H,l.gD CYCLE CO., xm CRAWFORDS, LYNDHURSTS. j lilcxct. UaaalrUk t Uunl l"rlctOV I W WJRANT McLEAH & CO., I L -rr S8D BroMtway, fl