Newspaper Page Text
sPP " ',,',P',,-WIH' -Wm'rifw'l l WH, if - --rB r-.i . ' -'"----bbbbbbbbbbbbbB THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1898 ; l. BBOADWAYSTOBBSLOOTBD rpKAxr.D rorbbribb is tub BAME RUILDISG. a. rmadoyee Siipeeed-SI rotleemta, oa Who.e Hev.r.1 reels th. BnlUIng w.. ,,',. the Time U Must nre Bm Bobbed, to II Tried fr Neglect or Daly. A week ago this morning, 8. Host & Son. manufacturers of trousers, at 70 and 700 Broadway, reported to Acting Captain Oreo of the Mercer strcot elation that 111 loft which w'occnpy on tho sixth floor of tho building nd been entered tho night before, and J100 uorth of trouBers had been taken. Thoy snld that entrance to tho loft had beon effected by removing a lrgo pane- of glass In one of tho doors leading from tho hall to the loft. It needed but ll'tla Investigation on tho part of the police to convince) thom that th rob bsry had been committed by eomo ono famil iar with the premises. Two days after th police had been notified, and whllo Uiey wero still working on tho case, threoothor tenants of the building reported that they had been roobed. and Itoss & Bon reported that burg lars had visited them a second time. The second robberies wero committed tonio lime between the closing of the building on lntt Saturday afternoon and Its opening Monday morning. Tho firms robbed wero: J. M. Van Note, manufacturers of women's straw bats, who occupy part of tho loft on the fourth floor; the Northwestern Straw Works, and Albert Hlndskopf, dealer In leather goods. The lat ter firms sharo tho fourth floor with Mr. Van Note. From Van Nolo a allk dross was stolen off a model, together with eomo Alplno hats, torao desk furniture, Including a gold and a silver penholder and a few other things. In addition to these articles tho thieves itolo a new spring overcoat, a pair of pajamas, and a pair of trousers belonging to Mr. Stanley 8. Van Note. Mr. Van note's eon. An electro type of young Mr. Van Noto was also taken. From Mr. William "5. Bennett, treasurer of tho Northwestern Straw Works, tho thieves stolo 200 cigars, a briar pipe, tho ono that Mr. Bennett values most of all his eighty-seven, and two certificates of deposit, to tht order of Mrs. William S. Bennett, for $500 each. From Hlndskopf two Gladstone; bags wero taken. From Ross A "-km, 8160 worth mora of trous ers wero taken and $18 orS'-'O worth of skein silk. Entrance to the two lofta was tills time effected b breaking panes of glass in the doors leading to the halls. When Mr. Bennett entered the building on Monday morning, before he knew he had been robbed, a man cmplojed on the premises laid "lief ho! Mr. Bennett. They stole jour ci gars, didn't theyr They must havo had a good bundaj smoke. 2 .... When Mr. Bennett reached his office ho tan that bis desk had been pried open, and then ho mlSM.-d the articles mentioned. The de-ks of all the other? had also been pried open. Mr. Bennett reported what had been said to blm to the police, and tho man who epoke to him Is now under surveillance day and ntght. Ihe safo of Mr. Van Note was robbed shortly after he became a tenant of the building, lost December. Ills ofilco had been In the Manhattan Sav ings Bank building, which was destroyed by fire on election night. Ills safo was injured by the tire mid ho bought a new one to tako lta place. Among tho things ho transferred from the old eafe to tho now were three Jowel causa remaining juwclry Hint had been ghen to Mrs. Van Noto on her wedding day. shortly after Mr. Van Note moved Into tho premises ho occupies now the tame employee who spoke to Mr. Bennett ubout the recent robber, said on morning to young Mr. Van "Now safo you've got. Mr. Van Note. Doea Jt open with a key?" "No." was the enswer. "Open with a combination?" "Yes." "Anybody know tho combination but you?" "No." "And can you open It?" "Yea, ofcourso I can." "Funny, ain't It? He! he!" A few hours alter that the safe was opened and tho contents examined. Everything wn Intact, savo the Jewelry, and every piece of thAi wad gone. It has not been recovered. After tho robbery became known on Mon day morning, every one of those robbed, with out consulting tho other, suspected the sama person. Tills suspicion was strengthened when, oq" Wednesday morning, tho man said to Mr. Stanley Van Note: "I saw by the paper tills morning that you've oHered a reward for your overcoat. " As a matter of fact, no reward had been offered. Mr. Van Noto had spoken about It. ills office boy heard tho conversation and pre sumably told tho suspected emplojee what Mr. Van Noto was going to do. The man evidently look It for granted that Van Note had offered the reward. The total valuoof everything taken. Includ ing the certificates of deposit, la about J-'.OOO. As a result of tho robbery. Acting Capt. Oroo has preferred charges of neglect of duty against I every policeman who was onpoit from U:30 haturdoy afternoon until -7 o'clock Monday morning, 'Ibis Is ono of the most sweeping charges ever made by a precinct commander. Tho men will bo tried next Thursday. There are six In all. Groo has also reduced tho length of the posts from six to three blocks along Broadway. FAVORDALE CLUB RAIDED. A Member Held for "Winning SIOS at II no carat frn Another Member. Acting Captain McKIrvoy of tho East Fifth street station raided the rooms of th" Favor dale Club at 82 Pecond avenue on Wednesday night, and arrested twenty-seven mn. The club Is one of the best known social organiza tions on the east side, and Is regularly char tered. On tho representation of a member named Morris Jcllerreck that ho bad lost 3103 whllo playing tho game of baccarat in tho rooms with some fellow members recently tho raid was plan ed. Tho members of the club wero holding a business mcatlnj to nrrango for a tilcnio whon tho pollco burst open the door and placed every ono In tho room under ar rest. There was no gamo in progress at tho time, but the police broko open a bookcase nnd found toveral Ivory chips. The prisoners, among wnom were several business men, wero takou to the nation and looked up. They wero bubMt-qucntly balled out. When they were arraigned In tho Essex Market Court jesterday Henry Wilson wa held for trial on Jcllerneck's complaint for winning $1U. from him and Joseph Irvine, who Is Secretary of the clab. was held for keeping n Rambling house. The others were discharged. Lawyer II. J. Goldsmith got nut a wrlr of habeas corpus for Wilson from Justice An drews, on tho ground that the Tonal (.'ode did R not make it a crlnto to win money frum a ir- I son. At the hearing .lustlcu Andrews dl- II m I -fed the writ, and Wilson was remanded 1 to tho custody of the police. I MRS. KEYEB WANTS IIER HUSBAND. Ask the KdBwater Health Board to Jet Illm Awny from III Children. The trouble following tho secret marriage under assumed names of Thomas J, Keyes, n business man of Stapleton, S. J., nnd Julia Ilrurkhauscr of Clifton was revived yester day afternoon at a meeting of tho Edgewnter Board of Health by tho receipt of tho follow ing communication, signed by tho young wlfo: ) I believe my husband to be forcibly confined and maltreated by Ids family on I lay street, Suplcton. I respectfully petition your honorable body to In testlitat-i I ho cue and havo htm reloaded, I bo. Here lilin to be of feeble mind and unable to JuJgo for himself. I have not seen him for one week, nor am I able u obtain any Information In regard to him, A constable who visited tho Kcyet house, last evening found the old man looked In a roim. Ills sons explained to tho conetahlo that ho was luborlng under hallucinations unit they were compelled to keep him tontlned for lur thut ho would wander n way. Thuy still leclnro that ho will never be permitted to live with his wlfo. Ihe Health Board decided that they had no power to tako any action In tho matter. 1 JAPAN'S STEAMSHIP LINES. I Httauera Will II Started Across th I Paclflo to Iua-et Hound. I Vancouveh, II. C, July a. -Tho steamer Em I press nf China brings news that tho Nippon I ueen Kalsha, the largest steamship company I of Japan, recently decided to Increase Its capital from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 yon. It Is proposed I to extend existing lines and to open new ones. I Among the latter th first will probably b at ro the I'aclflo to Puget Sound. Mr. Iwanga wa delegated by tho company to close spend m lug contract with the Urvav Northern Hallway, H Nj.vttl; to be th American terminus of th new am '"! hcIMo line. Mr. Iwanga cam over on ne China, iiud after transacting bis business at HP'atile will visit New York and th voltou dU-U-lcts la tho Boulu. sSsm l T.. i ais i g'Vff SBXRIFF FIIZROT'3 OUABB. H Treat After a Bnaeo BsTaa and Baa Down th IT revs a; Man. QniMWicn, Conn., July ?.-Deputy Sheriff Fltzroyand Georgo Snitfen, n local hackman, engaged In a long chaw over the railroad track In tho broiling sun yesterday afternoon that they will not forget soon. While the deputy of blcycl" burglar-catohlngronown was sitting In his ofTJc yesterday afternoon his telephone bell rang. Tho announcement that camo through tho 'phone wai that a Belle Haven cook had been buncoed out of money, and that tho swindler was going down tho railroad track. Ofllcor Fltiroy and SnlfTen started in pursuit. Coming up with a stranger, thoy told him that ho was wanted, and at tho samn tlmo Deputy Sheriff Fitzroy showed his shield. Instead of submitting to arrest the man turned and rnn, with the two men at his hecK lie led them a good half mile, and then wus only stopped by Officer Fltzroy'a pistol being pointed at him. When ho turned nnd saw tho murxle ho fell, doubled himself up Into a ball, nnd rolled down an embankment. Pant ing and heated, tho pursuers rushed up, but, after talking with him, found that ho was not tho man they wero after. Ho said that the reason ho ran was that ho supposed the two wero tramps, and that thov Intended to rob him. Thecauso of tho exciting chase was the result or tho operations at tho .Major Cottage. Hollo Haven. Ho got Into the good graces nf tho cook, and then produced noveral small package!. boiuo of which he snld contained money, and requested the cook to pick out three. She com piled, and each ono sho selected contained bills of the denominations of Si, $i!. and S3. You'ro lucky," ho talil, "and as you are a poor working womau.I w 111 give ou a chance to mako some money. I havo nineteen of these packages, and every ono contains money. If you will give me 810 you may have tho pack ages, but i ou must not open them till 0 o'clock, when I will return. Tho credulous cook promptly compiled. As the man was taking his departure Henry Kdd), who drives a inur kot wagon for 11. B. Marshall & Co., camo Into tho kitchen, nnd tho rook told him about hor vood fortune. "Yon'ro swindled." ho snld. "Open ono of the packnges." It was with difficulty ho could persuade tho woman to do ho. Sho soon dlscov ercd that sho had been duped. Tho telephone was brought Into requisition, and, although Deputy Sheriff Fltr roy acU'.l promptly, he was not In time to catch the bunco man. MURDERER QBXXRT IT.T.. lit Una Not Recovered from III ColUnae When He Waa Convicted. Pnn.ADKM'ltiA. July !. The argument on tho motion for a new trial In tho case of James B. Gentry, who was convicted on Saturday last of tho murder of Margaret W. Drysdale, was to have been made to-day before Judge Yerkcs in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, but on Inn to the absence of Lawyer Charles Brooke of New York, senior counsel for tho defence, it was postponed until to-morrow. When tho court opened. Attorney George F. Munco of this city, who Is associated with Mr. Brooke, presented a telegram from the latter, which said that be was suffering from an affec tion of the eyes and could not represent. Mr. Brooke's eyes troubled him greatly during the trial. Judge Yerkcs then continued the hear ing nf tho argument until to-morrow. Mr. Munce went to New York to-day to consult wltn Mr. Brooke, with a view of going on with the argument without waiting for his associ ate's recovery. In case he should not feel pre pared, however. It Is probable that a further continuance will be granted. Gentry, who collapsed when the Jury returned a verdict of murder In the first degree. Is seri ously 111. Lawyer Munce said this afternoon: "Gentry looks as though he were about to die, and I donottblnk be will last over ten or llttesn days If he continues to godownasraD Idly as he baa during the past weok. Indeod, If I wero to go to the prison to-day and learn that be had died 1 would not be surprised." Or. Butcner. tho prison pbyslclnn, ascribes Gentry's condition to the strain of the trial, but be does not consider It dangerous. TUB SEIZED insllERUAX. Good Prospect that the Frederick Oeir. lac, Jr., Will Ivacan Condemnation. IIai.iiax. N. S.. July a. Tho Ktrnlno V.cho says the evidence so far taken in tho case of tho seized Gloucester flsblng schooner Frederick Jeering, Jr., Is considered to bo largely In favor of the defence, and if she escapes condemnation there Is no doubt the owners of tho vessel will present to tho Dominion Government a heavy bill for damages. The testimony of the Captain and officer of tho Ashing cruiser Vigilant la to the eitect that the Ueerlug had caught ber load or llsh outsldo the three-mile line, and the evidence of the Captain and officers of tho Aberdeen docs not show sho waa really fishing at the tlmo of tho setxure. but that she was only taking her catch on board. The e idence of tho men on board ono or 'wo other fishing vessels which ware near by Is to betaken at Gloucester lnafewdaa. 1 ho re maining witnesses are to be examined In behalf of the defence to bear out the contention that the Goerlng committed no violation of fishery regulations. CASAD I'.S TARIFF. It Will Not Tie nevUeal Vatll th Whole Subject la Carefully Studied. Torosto, July 2. In adouble-leaded editorial the Globe this morning says that It Is at liberty to announce that tho tariff will not be revlsod during the short summersesslon of Parliament, but will remain unaltered until the early part of next year, the Intervening period being oc cupied by a careful Inquiry Into the conditions of Industry in all Its branches, agriculture, man ufacturing, &c. Tho fllalie adds: "We may fiut oat of tho question the possibility of apply ng the principle of absolute free trade In Cana da. W e may also pnt out of tho question tho Idea that tho bringing of the tariff to a rovenue basis means tho destruction of every vestige of protection." The delay In rovlslng the tariff, tho paper as, does not mean that tho changes are to be trifling. The Inquiry that Is promised Is to be full, thorough, nnd Impartial, and will not be confined to protected Interests, but will Include farming, mining, lumbering. &c, as well as manufacturing Interests. TfC GUATEMALAN REVOLT. Flight of the Inauraeat When Government Troop Blnrcbed Aaalnt Them. Panama. June 24. With regard to tho revo lution In Guatemala tho Star and llerahl publishes tho following despatch from Salvador under data of June 20 : "Official advlcci from Guatemala say that a serious rovolt broke out four days ago at Chi qnlmula. headed by JosA M. Gonsalez. Juan H. Cuellar. GeronlmoPuenta, a Cuban, and several others, and 800 followers. The despatch also add that when the Government forces went to attack the Insurgents they abandoned their positions, disbanding, and (feeing to the Salva dorean and Honduranian frontiers. I'asnengers recently arrived at La Llbortad affirm that when thoyleft Guatemala the revo lutionists had taken Eeculntla. CANADIAN I'ACIFIO WILL JOIN. President Van Horn Agrees to Urine III Roail Into the Association. The conference of President Von Home and Vlco-1'resUlent Shaughnessy of the Canadian Paclflo Hallway Company with the committee of Presidents representing tho Joint Traffic As sociation resulted yesterday in an agreement by which the Canadian Paclflo will become member of the association. It la understood that Mr. Van Home's content to Joining th association was given with the understanding that he should be at liberty to withdraw If the experiment should proro unsatisfactory. Rep resentation of tho Board of Managers will to accorded to tho new member. The HI. Ijawrrnc and Adlrondnek, Ai.iianv, N, Y July 2, Tho St. Lawrenco and Adirondack Hallway Company has cousoll dated wltn tho Southeastern Hallway Company uf Canada, the agreement to do so having been filed to-day with thu Secretary of State. Tho united company Is to bo styled tho St. Lawrenco and Adirondack Hallway Company, and is to have a capital stock of 1. (11)0,000. Tho prin cipal offlco l to be In Montreal. Tho united company Is toaucceed to the lease made by the St. Lawrence Company of the line nf tho Grand Trunk Hallway Company, extending between the villages of Valleyneld and Beauharnols, In the province of Quebec, a distance of about thirteen miles. The Bant f a Member or the Wcstcra Freight Association. Chicago, July 2, All the Western roads, with the exception of the bt Louis and San Francisco Hallroad, aro now members of tho Western Freight Association. The Santa Fe gave notice several days ago that on July 1 it would rejoin the assoolation, and yeaterday CowmUsionar Mldgely was informed that the MMaourl. Kansas and Texas road had decided to boooros a number. The latter road bas never trsen a member of th association, and Its lode, pendent position caused frequent dissensions and trouble among the association Una. ntH1lrfiiiaMx r-tnrrriiv ifiAiUnilTBT 'i'T ' """ SPAIN'S LATEST TItOCHA. BTIE IB EXTENDING IT TORTT MILES ACROSS CUR A. Balldlnic Fort at Short Interval aad Plaat las: Torpedoes rtrtrreen rtpnln llnpa to Ilother Unmra.nnt the Patriot Think That They Will Crorn. the Line aollr. Havana, Jnno .'27. Although nono of tho military lines has been as yet a serlcns hinder anco to tho movomentsof tho patriot forces. Gen. Wcylor does not teem to bo discouraged by It. On thecontrnry, the works at tho central trocha, from Moron to Jucaro, aro being pushed, nnd the Captaln-Genoral expects this line to seri ously tuterfero with tho plans of Maximo Gomez. The new trocha will bo about tort -one miles long nnd Is being laid out at a distance of sev enty yards from tho mllltnrv rnllroad whlrh crosses that purl of tho Island from north to south. Tho forts will bo two-story brick structures. Intended to be Oropruof, cnoh having a natch tower, In which electric lights will bo placed, so that all tho space between tho forts may bo thoroughly Inspected at night. The dotenco of the lino against any attack from tho Insurgents will not bo confined to the forts. Moro than half the space between them will bo covered with a treble line of torpedoes, Irregularly placed, so as to mnko tho pissago nf even ono person extremely risky, for tho slight est shook or collMon will cause tho explosion of any of the torptdoo", and, according to tho en gineer In charge, their handling is so difficult Hint some accident Is llkelv to occur when theso terrible machines are placed or removed. Tho Spanish havo so much faith In this method of Impeding the enemy that no dltchts will be dug between tho forts. This fact, tho Spaniards expect, will mnke the sanitary con ditions of tho lino much moro favorablo than at tho other trochas, where tho ditches are a con stant source of sickness In the army. The patriots do not show nny alarm at the construction of this bulwark. They think that In tho hands of their feeblo enemies the trocha will be as worthless ns all tho other powerful elements which Spain has already used against them. Fifty-two men, all well armed nnd munitioned, belonging to the local guerrilla of lu Palos, Havana province, hve Joined the patriot band, commanded by Cuervo. Jose Vila, tho telegraph mnnager In tho employ or tho Matanzas and Sabanllla Hall road, has been Imprisoned on suspicion that ho sympathizes with the rebellion. Dr. S. Murntn of the.lnpanese army sanitary corps Is visiting the Mnjana trocha. Sixteen soldiers and one sergeant have disap peared from the Pico Tucrto fort. Sanctl Spirltus. Theto werollvo artillerymen In tho party. As thero boa been no fighting In tbo neighborhood. It Is supposed theso men have gone over to tho patriot ranks. The death of the well-known lawyer. Fran cisco Vsrona Murias, has been confirmed. Va mna was taken by surprlso and killed by the local guerrillas of Lajas. Ills brother Julio has received In this city the watch and Jewelry owned by Vnronn, nnd. having refused to say how he got them, has been Imprisoned. Tho news comes from Puerto Principe that Gen. Maximo Gomez has ordered tho export of cattlo from that province to Havana to be stopped. Ills forces have recently taken all the cattlo ready for shipment In the neighborhood of Puerto Principe nnd Nuovltas, and on.Iuno 2:1 a few milk, fruit, wood, and grass peddlrs were detained by a patriot patrol and taken be fore the Commander-in-Chief. Thiy wero warned not to take nirnln Into tho city anything except fruit and wood. Salvador Castroverde. a SlaJor In tho patriot forces under Gen. Agulrre, camo to this city yes terday and called on several very prominent per sons, whose names cannot be mentioned. Ho will anil lor New York to-day on board the steamer Orizaba, charged, It Is said, with an Important mleslon. MORE ITELV FOR THE CUR ASS. Z.arcfUunntltle or Ulllinrr "tore Lnnded on the Const orPlnar l)l Ilto. Hvnasa, July 2. An Important flllbn-iterlnr; expedition has Imded ou the coast of the province of Plnar Del Itlo. According to the secret advices rccel". ed hero large qunntltlo; of arms, arqmunltlon. nnd other munitions of war wero safely landed, and nro now In tho hands of the Insurgents. Advlcei from Santiago do Cuba are to tho effect that a train running to tho Jura,.-ua Iron mines was held up by Insurgents nnd looted. It is said that tho Government has prohibited tho export of bananas from the ports of Glbara nnd Barncoa. It being suspected that the vesels engaged in tho fruit trado carry contraband of war. It Is reported that !r.urgents havo again nt tnckrd the town of Mordazo, Prov Inco of Santa Clara. No details nro given. No news has been made public lntrly regard ing the movements of Antonio Maceo In tho Provlncoof Plnar del Illo. BERMUDA Jl'RT DZSAORrED. It Wa Divided n to the Gnllt or the At. Irani Filibuster. Tho Jury which deliberated until n late hour on Wednesday night over tho evidence pre sented In tho trial of John It. Hart, Emlllo Nunez. Capt. John O'Brien, rnd Mate Edward Murphy, nccuscd of hnvlng aided and abetted a military expcdltlun to Cuba on tho utinnirr Bermuda, came into the Criminal Part nf the United States Circuit Court jeiterdny morn ing and told Judge Brown thnt they could not agree. Ills Honor discharged tho Jurv T'nlted States l)ltr!ct Attorney Mncfarhme said that the defendants would nrnbnbly bo tried again at tho Octolicr term of court. An effort to securo n reduction of ball was mode by counsel for tho defence, hut, oxcept In the cafe of Mnto Murphy. Judgn Brown ill leciedtlmt the ball remain lit S-'.ftOO In e.icli raw. Murphy's ball whs reduced to $00. The eleven men w ho ha e been detained ni witnesses In Ludlow street Jail wore ordered discharged. Tbo City of Richmond Released. WASHltHTOf. July 2. Coinmlstlonerof Navi gation Chamberlain to-dav received a telegram from Key Wont, Fla announcing the rolraannf the llllbusterlug FtenmerCityof itlchmond. Tho despatch says thnt the vessel and her cargo of arms wero reltased. no violation of luvv having beon found against her. I'UO SNIVVIE DlNAVt'EAlt.S. General Police Alnrm for Pnrk Comrul- loner Woodruff1 I.lttle Pel. A gcnoral alarm was sent nut from Pollco Headquarter in Ilronkl) n lust night over tho disappearance of Snlpple, a Ilttlo bluck-faeed pug dog belonging to Park Commissioner Timothy L. Woodruff of 70 Eighth nvenuo. Tho nnmo nnd residence of tho owner aro en graved on the silver pinto on tho collar. Mr. Woodruff and his wlfo left tho houso nt ?MS o'clock jesterday morning for thu country and Snlpplo Is supposed to havo slipped oil whllo tho buggugo was being placed In tho coach. At ull events thero was no further trace of him lifter Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff hud gone. An hour or so chipped before the doj was missed, and a search through tho neigh borhood proving unavailing, tho butler re ported tho loss to thu iKiilce of tho Bergen street station. Last night, when no tidings had been received. It was decided to send out u general alarm. , .... Hnlpulo wus greatly attached to his master and iniBtrucB, who reciprocated his alfcctlnns, nnd It Is surmised that hu limy hnvo followed the coach until hn got tired out nnd dropped behind. There Is another theory which some what relieves tho niixlcw of the butler, and this Is that hnlDple may have been taken aboard the coach und is now sharing tho coun try air with his owner. The dog had a full set of harness on, nnd also a tow of blue rib bon, A lllioral reward Is assured the flndui, who will restore Snlpple to his pleascnt home on tho Park slopo. REST OS ll'irE MURDER. Rrrnard Fllineruld Cuius Nrnr Executing a Threat Blade In the Pcnllcnllart, Bernard Fltrgernld, aged (10 years, of 410 Thirteenth street, Brooklyn, was released from tho penitentiary on Wednesday, after serving a three months' term for beating his wife. Whllo In tho penitentiary hn sent a letter to his wife, threatening to kill her at the first opportunity. Early testenlaj morning, shortly after his re turn to his home, he drew a revolver nnd tried to put his thri at Into execution. Ho rushed on his wife with lbs weapon, but before be could use It he was overpow rred ami disarmed by his atepion and daughter. Ho was arrested and held for the Grand Jury by I'ollre Justice Steers. If You Feel "All Played Out" Tako Her ford' Atld Phosphate. It repairs brokau nerOforee, clears tbs brain, and sUsaitatas the ttooacb J-atfv, I TICKCTSl Tim1 Should you linppon to loso your biifjK.igo, romombor v can Bupply tho bui and tho bnpuago Iu half an hour fill tho snrao wants a tailor may uood half a month to supply. If It be serge hero are thouianda of tulta-all cuts. If for outline-flannel, white serge, brown orwhlte linen, light weight nblto Pedford cord end wool crasb. If a knlckerbocker suit medium weights for all the year round ; light weights for the hot days. And in tho snmo storo aro shoos, hats, caps, nooktios, nogligoo shirts and tho liko to go with each ono of 'om. Roacns, Peet & Co Prince and Itroadway, Warren and Itroadway. Thirty second and Droadway. JOE J'ATCllEA'S EASY VICTORY. The Rlnck Home Romp Awny from John R. Gentry at Waahlnslon Park. Chicago, July 2. Tho match race between John It. Gentry, 2:03i. and Joe Patchen, 3:04, proved to bo something of a flzzlo at Washing ton Pnrk to-day. Patchen drew the pole forthe first heat and simply romped away from Gen try. It might have been a close raco to the wire had Andrews been able to hold Gentry on his feet, but at tho eighth polo ho broke, and Patchen simply cantered In tho easiest of win ners. Gentry seemed to be greatly distressed after tho heat, and when It came to scoring with the big black follow soon afterward It was plainly Pntchen's day. The latter had a neck the better of the send-off In the second heat, and he never relinquished the lead. Gentry again broke nt the eighth polo and allowed l'atohen to romp in again. Tho crowd was plainly disappointed at the comparative walk over. Gentry was so dlstrossed at the finish thnt ho could scarcely move. The other events were uneventful and tho racing mediocre. Letell and Baroness Mar guerite collided In tho third bent of the Novelty trot, and only good luck saved a bad accident Porter won In strnlghl hents, the first easily. Pearl C. easily won the Clipper Stakes, and Pat L. made rings around the field In tho 2:11 trot. Summary: llortr tvrfcicStukes, consolation purse tSOOj trot ting; best two In tlireo benla. U.airlco.b. f ,t) inrett-Kanny K (Kelly) 1 1 HaiirCbr. f (voorbeea) II 11 Atlia,cli c. (llaloneyl 8 II T11110-2..H4. U 33V. Vorettj irott fiirso $1,000; for hortea eligible to J '20, '2 27, and V Vrt clasa a: Verier, n ic.. by llrlnnoll Wilkes (Starr) 7 1 1 t ic itKriKkl 3 9 3 3 LaGr.ttltitdc. tfr m. (tMinlt) :t 4 '2 !1 a (llurnsttl 4 ll 4 lTlnee.Murnt nil. . Van Znnt) s 7 a 5 lot.ll. tli m (N'j.-kdIM 1 a ilia. II irmirii Marguerite, li r. (Coleman) .. . 0 5 cll. l'rudenco II . b in (Miller) ll 8 dr. Time-.! 1" (. a I7t. 1 I7H.2 2314. Clipper Stakri. $2,000 fori 18 cla-a, paeera. 1'enrl C.b llo) Wllles-Llneula llelle (Whltneyl 1 1 t Nyilla Wilkes l. in. (D. Tliomaj).. .. 3 9 8 Vallmti.ti. a. (Keller) 3 A V Nellie M.. rh. III. (Palmer) 0 2 Kpronxetta.h, in. (SDerr) 0 3 5 I.a1i in. lUlIlorl ....4 4 4 Ttjerrtaa EdUon, b a. (Thompion) .7 B 7 Hall CrniM, U a. (HiCall) 6 7 8 hill! I lid. el. g. Ollllrr) 0 K 0 it,, i). in. illtcknk) rtla. wady Ilo, co. c- (war.slKro) dla. Tlm osi-j. a Wf, 2; lav. Matcli for ?3.(XjO. pacing, ou aad 40 per cent: two In time hrM Jooi'atctien. blk ,, by Pa'cben Wltkea-Joteplilne Youinc Curt ) 11 Jotiti K (lentn. b. ., by Atbland Wllkea-lianie Wood (Andrew) 8 2 TISIK. CHmr. 7'lA 77i rtrpin r. Xtlfi. First beat... . cTiaio i oj i m inv. Second hedt 0 :i."J 1 0!H 1.3J',f 2 OiW 2 IiIcUm troitlns rurso 11,000 I'at I. , u. s .by Iteimbllcan-Kolllu (Lath) 1 1 1 (Amlriwii) una (McKlnnry) 3 2 3 I male. b.m .McCarthy) .4 4 4 DoilL., h.K (HUM! . . .. ... 5 0 B Tlros-2 loH. 2 UM. 2 ll't At the Canoe Cnmp. I,axk Hoi'ATcovo, July 2. To-day In camp was quiet, and though tie n.glter showrd many new names, nothing was done or Importance during thu day. The regular events on the programme, will no, bo called until Saturday morning at 10 o clock, after which time tho programme will bo run on as quickly as posslb'r. Headquarters was formally opened to-day at 10 o'clock by the hotsllai; of the A. C. A. pennant by Cumtniidore lames K. Hand of Now York, and the camp was d-clared In commission, though tho mem bers aseeinblnd ttoray Inrurrnally. A s-rub raco was the onl) feature of the day. Th course was three miles to windward and return and twice over the course. Arlbur Shaw of the Lake Ho pateong Canoe Club finished nrst In the cane Agnes; T, A dduiVr wns Mi-iitid lu the canno lsl Upsilnn. Inno of winning bout. 1 hour 32 minutes Among the arrivals to da wero Frank. C. Moore. William Pcoblrs, mid K lorry, Knlekerl ooker Cano ( lub; Harr Murray. Wllllnm Heh-hman. IledDraaonCaooo Chili, II c Hard llarrj Mnytbe. and Frank Duniell, nnokljnCnncM-Club It K Carter, ( llllam Shaw, R llnani, William Wliltloek, ll. It. I'lsek, and u. P. Jjoiis; aid The Like (lopatoong Canon ctub'a war ronne has been plaetd At the dlspoial of tho association during camp, and li In constant us-. The list of eutrles ror Iheraeia Is cxreptlnnal. and close contosta are ex pt-ctid, though Krink 0. .Moore of the Knickerbocker CanooClub seems to beaguneral favorlto for the majority of ttio events A ramp fire was held Inat nlttht at headquarters and broke, up with the, emtiers at a wee small hour of tho nUlit, On trl'lny ntdit the camp will bn lbs suestsof thnhtikH Ho utcoiu CanooClub at lta camp, ami act Interns!!!), programme, has been arranged for this time rousistlni' of music toaua aud refreshments. Tiioc.-.inp presi nts a prett picture, rorerlng alio it one qunrler of a mile alolifi; the shore, with the. Itaita or the vnrlou clubs wavlmc aloft from tho flair poles and rblnea The 1 ako Is dotted with ranoo sails and. thouutt this Is no new sight for Hopateonff, they havo never hetin keiu In sueh profusion Mfore at this place. All the steamtHiats are making regular atops at the ratio camp, und thu cauolsts from appearances are now owning the lake. NEVADA RANK HiriSDLERS, Heaver Tiikea (be Htand nnd Tell How the ItunU lVna nobbed. Sak FitANCi-co, July s. A vast amount of evidence was introduced yesterday lu the trial of Becker and Creegan. charged with defraud. Ing the Nevada Bank of $VU',000 by means of a forged draft. After tho testimony of officials nf the various hanks concerned had been heard, Frank I. Senvcr. nllas A. II. Dean, also an ac complice of Becker nnd Creegan, was placed on the stand nnd tnado a full confession. llo told of his meeting Creegan in Baltimore county Jail, whvro the latter was held on n charge of forgory. A few s ears later ho met Creegan In Ncis ork, mid the Inner Introduced him to Decker. In Nov timber, 1HUA, the three tnetnt tho IIotM Havoy, New ork, and planned thu Nevada Bmilc swindle. Booker forged the draft. Dean passed it, and Creegan acted as middleman, UAR OS OATS ASD BOOS. Annnvera or the Water Fowl la Central l'ark to He K-clrrmloated. Blrdkoi per Peter Shannon killed two cats nnd otiu dog with a gun nt thelnko In Central Park v onl cril.ii on suspicion thnt thoy had been engaged III making away with tho ducks, pea fowl, mid other wnter birds which havo been disappearing recently. At Hist it was thought that only cats at tacked tho birds. When Keeper Shannon saw a dog nnnnjlng tho birds )rMenlay he ex painted Director Smith's order to kill all rats found near tho lake and took a shot nt the dog. Many other dogs nnd rats w ere startled by the report of shannon's gun, and (curried Hway Into the shrubbery. 'lho hunt will be kept up until all tho savage cats and dogs In the Park are exterminated. End or tbo Wlattetaelrr I.ltlKatlo. Judgment has been entered nt lust lu the long pending litigation between Christian F. Wlnke meter, the candy manufacturer, and Maud B. Wlnkemeler. Mrs. Wlnkvmeler gets an abso lute divorce and tho privilege of remarrying and also tbo custody jf ih daughter, Who re ceives Jl.UOO a year simony for her own sup port and a similar amiVint (or tbo support of tho aaughur. f Quality, not quantity, of scont is tho truo critorion of porfumos. Nono aro more dis crootly fragrant than Lundborg's CRICKET. A Draivn flame Hetsveen th llaverrordlnn and Winchester Collene, Wutcnnvriii, England, July 2. Tho Ilavor ford College cricket team concluded Its gnmn here to-day with Winchester Collegci the result being an even draw after a stubborn battle. In the second Inning ths "Wykehamists" rnn up a big score, and declared their Inning closed, with four wickets down. Thero was not tlmo left for tho Haverfordlana to mnko tho runs, and profiting by tho cxamplo set at Shrewsbury thoy plnyod for a draw, nnd succeeded lu hold ing up their wickets until call of time. , Tho game was again Interrupted by rain, and tho showery weather helped to keep the attend ance down: but there was a fair crowd present, tho Interest excited by tho good play of tho young Americans being very great. Before tho team arrived hero It was thought that tho visitors would prove to bo a second-rale combi nation, and that tho home players would have little difficulty in defeating them. The Ameri cans, however, have shown tho teams hero that thoy are foemen worthy of their steel, and each match Is played with all tho enthusiasm of an International contest. When play was resumed this morning V. II. Adams and J. II. ijenttrrgood wero quickly dls- fiosed of, the slow bowling of A. I., Gibson prov ng fatal. 1.. II. Wood and A. R Coca tnado a short stand, howover, and later. C. O. 'latnall kept company with Coca, who exhibited re markable patience in a most useful contribu tion of eighteen not out. the ninth wlckot out ting on thirty runs. A. Humes did not stay long, and the Inning was over for 110. J.T. Weatherby and F.Noel opened tho sec ond Inning nf Winchester, and the lntter's wicket quickly fell. A. L. Gibson Joined Weath erby. and beforo the latter was bowled by Mif flin forty appeared on the telegraph. It. I,. G. Irving soon retired, but on Joining Gibson a great stand was mnde. The batsmen icored rapidly from nil tho changesof bowling tried by the Uaveford captain, hud plenty or leather chasing was offered to thu visitors. Both men hit hard and vigorously, nnd boforo l.eo was bowled by Miniln for forty-nine, tho total had advnnccd to over the 100 mark. II. A. N llllams then keut Gibson company until It waa decided to declare the Inning closed with the total at 170. Gibson gave a tine exhibition of free hit ting, combined with solid defence In his Inning of seventy-four, not uut. Ills average was 114 for the match. Tho Haverford players went In for their seo ond attempt, and, as there was not sufllclent time left to gel the runs, the men were Instruct ed to play for a draw. Ilowson and Wlstar were quickly disposed of. On Adams and Lester getting together the game assumed a dllTorent aspect. Both men played steadily and well, and when Adams was caught by Hunter, oil Leo. tho gamo was safe. A. F. Coca then sta ed with Lester until tho call nf time, when the score had advanced to (15 for three wickets. Lester again proved IiIb claim to be considered a first-class batsman by a good steady Inning of :)4. 'Ihe visitors will rest to-morrow. They will spend the Fourth at Iltigby, whero the great pnbllc school associated with "Tom Brown's bchooldays" will give in the visitors their fourth match. The score of the Winchester game fol lows: W INCHESTER COIXEOE. Ftrtt Jnntno. &fcond Inning. J. T. Wealh, rtis, c. Scatter good. b. Adams 0 b. lilfflln 18 1-. Noel, c. bcatlergocKl. b. lis ter ... .... 0 r. Coca. b. Lester, 4 A. 1- Olbson, b Hinchman. 4U Not out 74 IU1I. IrvluB, run out 11 c. tester.b Ulrniu, 2 ct. It. Howe. st. Scatlrrgood. b. Ailnnis . .lt) E. C. Lee. c. lister, b Hinch man 27 b. Sllfmn 40 F. II. Ijtham. c. Beattergood. b. Hinchman 0 R. o. u llllams. b. Lester 3 Sot out 21 C. K. Aivitry, not out 7 A. Itoynolils. b. Hinchman.... 7 ILClIunter. b. Hlncbman.... 2 Dyes J Dyes, 7; leg byes. Total ...Tai Total (d'cl'rdllTa iiAvritroitn cullgo. Trs' fnrifna. Second Inning. A. KMIffln. b Leu .. 2 li 11 Adams, b Olbson . vn c. Hunter, h.Le. 11 J.A.Uster.b Lie 11 -Noloul 34 C II. HoHsoli. b. I.o . h b. Let, . ... 4 T Wlstar, run out 4 b. Williams w C. It. lllnchriun. c. 1 ee, b. Itham . 3 J II S'att-rgood.b lilbson. m I II Wood c tlltison.b. Lee 18 A. F Cocn.notout lb Not out 0 c. 11 Tatnall, c. Olbson. b. Latham 17 A. Italues. c. olbson, b. Wil liams 4 lyes. 0, lcgbrra.8 7 Il)ea 0; legbycs,2 B Total Ill) Total CO GOLF. Arraactmeals tar the, eleabrlcbt Tonma racnt nnd Minor Note. There Is a throng of golfers now out dally ou tho links of tho Seabrlght Golf Club, situated on the Rutnton road, midway botween Sea bright and Llttlo Silver, on n portion of the Nuvorro property. Wllllo Norton has tho course In flno order. In rcndlnets for tho first handicap tournament to-morrow. The first prizes are a silver oup and a gold medal, with other medals for tho second player and for the best gross score. The tournament Is open to all amateurs in tho United States Golf Achoclntlon, entries closing to-day with Francis K. Ward, tho Secretary, ltljjptid 1(17 Broadway. Tho en tries to date Include II. W. Taft. F. W. Men 7les, and 11. SjJJp Garmendla of St. Andrew's: .lames Park nnd W. Saunders. Itlchmond County: Farnum and W. M. Mct'awley, Phila delphia Country: Jasper Lynch, It. II. Kerr, and Paul T.Kimball. I.nkewoud; F. A. Walthew, Knnllwood: Devereaux Kin met. Westbrooke; .1. K. Stout. Statcn Island, and Henry 1', Toler, Baltusrol. Henry P. Toler, of tho Baltusrol Golf Club. Is now a cottager at shlnnetnck Hills, and. of course, In steady practice for the championship. On Ills first canter over lho links he plated three still rounds with It. B. Wilson, scoring HH. Bil.nnd US. to Wilson's HI, "H, and 7-1. The latter game was played In pouring rain and the detailed scores were: Henry I. Toler Out .... 5 5 .1 4 8 0 0 0 4-48 In. . . . a 6 0 5 0 0 4 4 4-JJ-80 It 1. Wilson (professional) Out ,,. . .,. ..0 4 4 4 B 8 4 8 S-31 1 4 8 8 4 8 8 8 4 a-4l)-74 The rovlsed scores of the first Lenox Golf Club handicap, on Saturday, show thnt the llrst prize was won by l Fairfax, 111 U 107: the second by 8. II. Ives. lao-Mi! -114, und the third by B. Wlnthrnp, with 1U.1-7 1 in. F. A. Walthew of the Knollivood Country Club Is practising dally for tho amateur cham pionship ou tho Seabrlght (iolf Club course. James Stewart, a jnung player from the Webea Golf Club of Duiibnrs. and also well known at Musselburgh, has arrived In this city. Walter E. llndgninn, secretary of the St. An drew's Golf Club, wishes the atinnuncemont made thnt no arrangements have hern made for a handicap tournament on Saturday. lMrk Again lleat Taylor, th Ex-Champion ol Orrnt llrltnln. Since the tiilrty-slx hole gams at Mussel burgh, Scotland, ou Juno lfl, when Wllllo Park heat . I. II. Taylor, tho late champion, by four up. In the llrst half of the soventy-two-holo match, for S2B0 a side, there has been considerable curiosity among the golfers In this city to know tho final result, as the second half was played on Taylor's home green, Budbrooko Park, lllch mond, on Juno!!?, nnd many thought the Eng ilsliiniiii would then turn the tables on Pnrk. Hubert I.ncknnrt. one of the charter members nfoiirSt. Aiidrow's Gulf I 'lub, who arrived im Saturday from nvurnllon trip abroad, was an onlooker nt tho Musstlburgh match, and c onnr qtlchtl) moro eager than most golfers to know the result of the Itlchmond gamo. On Wednes day ho cabled over for thu infoimatlon.and yia lenlay morning received mi answer stating that Park had won by ono hole. This news will calm Para's friends In this country, pending the ar rival of the newspapers containing the full re ports of the match. TYPESETTING MACHINES FOR SALE. We hnv S tlcbt.polat Thorn machines la Qrat-clnas condllloni aaed but 7 inonthai CTcryllilns to ko wills thesn except trPt old for no laulti svlll lie anld narnte It" dralreal. Price 01,000 mats ssrltcr (hy (. Address , TUB BKOCKTOM TIUEH, Brockton, alas, ft. I BOyOI-AtJ, Frta. s. stJfof imtrmt-i iiHi Yil'''irh'',TfM-ir';i k ttslHttHHHMHMn YALE HAS MORE TROUBLE. TUB MBS TRY TO PRACTISE IS A l'OORI.Y RIGGED BOAT. Measurements Left Ilehlnd at New Ilnven Four Members or the American Crew Knee with the Healer Hoist Cltih'a Fonr Over Half the Course-Tbe 1'nle Man Win <elal Cable Dttpatch fo Tux Suis. London, July s. Tho Valo crow spent lho day In trlng to get tho now boat rigged prop erly. The measurements wnro forgotton at Now Hnvcn, and this fact caused much trou ble. Capt. Trcadway to-day received lho most potent chnrm that Ya'o ovor carried on tho water. It Is tho loft hind foot of a rabbit killed In a graveyard. It wns carried by Fritz Olinstciul In tho victorious boat of 'II'", '113, and 'UL Fritz sent tho charm to Cox swain Clarke with his host wlsho., raying that It has novor failed to w In. Clnrkn w ill wear It over Ills heart In tho nice. Tho Dutch crow withdrew front tho Grand Chnllcngo Cup raco to-day. Conch Close ad vised First Trlnltv to do tho fame, hut tho men refused, thinking thoy can defeat Trin ity Hnll. Yale's garden party was crowded. It was a great success. nv the fti'iru Vms. Hr.Ni.KV, July .'. Mr. Ellington, tho row ing expert of tho Flrltl, In forms tho L'nltctl Press tho stntomoiit that Guy Nlckullf has loft tho crew of th) Leauder Kowlng Club Is absolutely untrue, Tho Yalo men woro out In their new boat this morning, and In u stretch of a minute's duration covered half a length less than lho New Col lego trow did in lho sumo time yester day, when tho latter went 1U7 feet licjond tho minute barrier. The Baliol ami Trinity Hall second crows both rowed over tho samo water In their minute doshos, nnd each did about the samo as Yalo. Capt. Ircodway says ho likes the boat, but dislikes tho rigging. Tho weights of tho crow to-day wero: Clarke, coxswain, 113; Longford, stroke, 177; Treadway, 7, 177 Longacro, 0, 1B4; Ilalley, B, 180 ltodgcrs, 4, lHJi Bcurd, 3,183; llronn, If, 10b; blinpson, bon, 134. This makes an average of 10D pounds. When tho men sailed from New York the average weight was a small fraction over 1U7 pounds. Five pounds of the addod weight has been taken on by Clarke, the coxswain. At half past ll o'clock this evening Yale's new shell. Its rigging hnvlng been oveibnulud, wns again placed in the water, and tbo crew went out to tako their usual practice, it was found that the rigging was still wrong and tho boat was pulled back to the boat house, where fur ther work In the lino of putting It In suitnblo condition was done. Later tbe crew inado six short stretches with tho Leander ctcw from tho Fanley Court boat house to the finish of the course, covering tho dlslunco in three mluutos aud a half. The Now Collego and Trinity Hall crows wero out and rowed the same distance, but thulr times were not taken. They apparently were taking their practice easily. ThoYnlo uiL-ii gavo a garden party this after noon at th Marsh Mills House, their headquar ters. In recognition of the many courtesies that have been extubded to them aiuco their arrival hero. Among the English guests wero all the crows ontered fur the Grand Challenge Cup. the trophy which tho Americans seek to take back to the United Mates with them. Mrs. Henry Clews, wife or the New tork banker, and Miss Clews and n number of Americans were also present. The Duko and the Duchess or Marl borough, formerly Miss Consuelo Vanderblltof New York, weru Invited to attend, but they found It Impossible, owing to the fact that they had a prior engagement. The guests were received by Mrs. Simmons, wlfeot tbe Mat or of Henley, who Is very pop ular with the Yale men, and Mrs. Cooper, wife of the secretary of the ltcgatta Committee. lho weather was cool. Ihero was a shower during the afternoon, but It waa a light ono and did no more thnn temporarily Interrupt the party. 1 ho ladles present sought refuge In tbo Marsh Mills House while the rain waa falling, and the gentlemen ensconced themselves in the tnnnjueos upou the lawn In which tbo refresh menls. which wero many and varied, were served. Altogether the party was a most suc cessful one, and It has added much to the poo tilartty nf tbe American vlaitors, which was al ready great. All the members of the crew are In excellent spirits. Lute this ot'enlng four of the Yale crew and four of the members or tho Henley Boat Club had a race over half the course, a dlstnnce of 1.155 yards. Tim boats got away to a splendid start. Tho Kngllshmen pulled n stronger stroke thnn the Americans at the beginning of the race, and their boat was In the lead for a quar ter of thu (llbt.uicc. Tho Yale men. however, were gtadtiully creeping up ou thum, and when the quarter wiw finished the bows of the boats weru about even, 'lho Americans were working together In fine stvle, and soon began to slowly forge ahead of their opponents. lien three-quarters of the dlstnnce hail been completed tho Yalo men wero half a length to tho good. Here tho Henley four made a spurt, and the raco was nil exciting one to (he finish, 'lho Americans met tho spurt handsomely nnd continued to forge ahead Inch by inch until ' there was open water between thu boats. Both crews were pulling their best, but the English- ' men could not decrease the advantage tl.o I Americana had gained. On thi- contrary tho latter kept gaining, though almost Imper ceptibly, and when they went over the finishing lino they were four feet In the lead. Since the crows In training nt Henley began to row "barrier" trials there have been many dllfLrencot of opinion ns to tho exact value or significance of such tests. Headers not fa miliar with the local topography of the courso arc naturally purled and so far the training bulletins have thrown little light on the point. With tho map of Henley courso printed In Thk Sun of lust .Monday as a guldo the t-olutlon Is easy. On tho Berkelilro or right bank of the Thames there is it tow path from which most of tbe coach ing Is dune. Tho path Is not a thorough fare ull the ) ear round nnd trnfflu la limited by two turnstile-, one nlnitit a hundred jnnls nbove ltegatlu Maud and tho other about one Blxth of t"e course or 400 vnrds higher up tho stream. The-e hi lien arc the barriers referred to in tho dally bulletins of the Yule nnd other crou - In training for the Grand ( hallcuge c up. An crew Hurling abreast of the llrst bar rier and reaching the other In n minute gen erally ni-eivos cretllt for hnvlng more than average apeed, whllo tho combination which succeeds In getting a few lengths further lie. .'ote the ono minute expire is upro-ed to hnvu an exceptional chance of showing winning speed over the entire course. When ciewx reach such an advanced stago of training that tfie coaches aro Mitlslled as lei the enduran.'o of their respective ohnrges the -hlef question liecomcs nnu nf relative speed. Hence the pop ularity of tho "barrier" trial ns n gauge of tho best speed and highest stroke a crow Is capable of developing. The Nla-caru Ouisnlls the Druzna nnd ths 1'cnltcnt. Ht.TF.ii's QlTAV. July !".- The ltoynl Yacht Club regattn began to-day, Tho largo raters sailed over the regular courso from off Hunter's Quay, round tlagboats ofT Skelmnrtln, Ascog, nnd Kllcregan.nnd back to thc'slnrtlng line. Yacht HacliiK Association rules, for a course of fifty miles. 'Ihn llrltaniila gave up after start ing, owing to n mishap to her tnpmnst. 'ihe Niagara nou tho race for twenty raters, beating tho Drugou nnd the Penitent. iwnr.v TESSIS. Fine "iVork bv Whitman iiud Fischer In tho Tuxedo Tourney, Tcxepo Pahs, July a. Malcolm Wlilimin, the young Harvard tennis crack, uci K, P. Hschcr or the West bldo Tennis Club will meet hero In tbo final round of the Invitation luvv it tenuis tourna ment to morrow afternoon for llrst prlre and tho right to rhalleiiKn Chare for tho Tuxedo bowl. Whitman continued bis itond work heie this morn Ing b beating J. O. IMvidson, the boullicru expert who kuockeii out K I.. Hull tsterdu), v,hlln Klscher lieat Lieut bethel of W".i Point A steal match Is looked for to inorruw, with odds sli:hil) In favor or tho New orlc i raen. tlsther and Davldkiiuwero beaten lo tiny In the doubles by lleilul un, lnvl. the et 1'olui hi my officers, who nro pU)liiiC ver) clever doubles this jcar, TIie will meet Warn and Seu bler to morrow. Buiuinar ; , Men's Blugles Send nual round M 1), vs hit man, Harvard, beat J. C. Davids in, Washington, u 4, u Ui K P. Fischer, West hi.le Tennis c lub, beat Lieut W. A. llrthel, West Point, N d. (I J Hen's Doubles Hrst round! Huvls uml Hoihel beat 1 Holier and Davidson, 2 it, 01. 0 I; Carle tnu aad Whitman boat Wrlabt and Itiubmore, U o. d-3. Consolation .Singles First round J. P. I'arei, Oraiiite Tennis Club, bent J. 1). Korbrs, llarvutd 0 :.', 7 ., It II. Carleinu Harvurd, b,at A. ). WrlKbt, New Vork, ll I, 3 n, a 1. bi ml fluid Hound It 11. (MrhMnn beat J. D, Pari!, II I, 10, ll 'li ( 1", Mirldnn, Jr. Yule, b, ut I hut. It. ) Dills, West i'l'lnt, II '.', tl t, ilniiilliMjt Sluiclet.-Prellmlitnrv round I. K, Wure, owe flftien, lcut M I) whitman, owe flf teen, by default Hrst Hound I.. I' Ware, own fifteen, lent A. 1' Metcalfe, half flrti-.ii. n 1, tt 4iC. A olglit, unit Itilrlj, beat L. I., Hall, own hulrihllt). li) de fault, it. X. Ilcuch, scraiih, lieat It L. llocKcr, own half fifteen, b- ilifjuli, I, I', Sheldon. Jr , owe half llftien, lu at It. H, itiuriiir, owe h If nr teen, 7 .1, it II, O. i. Rlinuiouili.. one half flfitin, boat t), turn-is, ovv ii hair flfti en, 7 0, (1 .' tienil dual Uound It. '. Davis, own ono uunrier, beut It. li. Palmer, own one ijunr'cr, by default. Trup Hhootlna, SynACt sc. July li. The most Important event In the ahootln. festival an I louruameiit Ut lug held lu this city during tbu week was the championship at lu) Inanimate targets. Among the well known experts wt o lined up at the traps wcrcJIarvci ,'icMurihy Kelsey. Wau-uer, l-ulforil, cllcmr. aud Arno ine race was u hoi imo from start (u (bush, sKMur.'hy dlstlniiulshliiK himsalr by breukimr li? out nt the I DO. iulturd was cuuyaiilrd beblud, barium niUstd a couple or easy oura lu succession, uioier won the K J-bird unfinished shoot of yesterday with a clean score. In ina sweepstakes, iliuvrr, KnUt-y, UeMurcuy, and Wasiier dlf Wed ths honors, u. Dor. rler. if. u Itoas. Joe Vauien, and ller-M Plaltud arrived this morning for tbe ride compcililoa. ALIZARINE BLUE SERGE SUITS J 2 There's no reason at all why , - people should buy these suits ' h isja or anything elso . ' P at this storelif Ik's $ -fWV. not better than they (k FjJiU) can 6et anywhere ;J Tufv(is7 eIse Hundreds of if jI-jX these suits are sent -. ft Illy a" over the -Jnte(-"' ' 3 J I f States by mail and T. is I by express. Becausa -J they are better. n 4 1' ; Alizarine blue and 1 I black always re- ,KM UI jU 'main true under all ,m M manner of sun, heat ' ,v and wear tests. " That's the reason these suits are , ' better than others and why we sell so many of them. Here's. - - another good thing: . Money refunded to any dissat isfied purchaser. Blue and BUck, Serge lined. ' ".'J Blue Dd Ulack, Silk Lined, $15.00. , J6J E O THOMPSON " ;? agin!?. 245 Broadway TUEUORBESUOEUARDORRBOAZTA, ' Tbr Dad a Fine Flreeae and 88 Fall "Yacht Took Fart. Tbo Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club of Larch mont, whose pretty little houso is located in 1U , cove west of tho Larchmont Yacht Club'a biff, summer homo, held a llvoly rogatta on tho ' Sound yestorday. In which twenty-fire of tho fastest small boats In tho vicinity of Hew York took part. Tho club, which Is composed of tho summor residents of Larchmont, have their course right oil their club house, and, a It was only a short triangle of five miles tho contosta wero easily w ltnessctl from the shore The rocLy clIITs at this Dolnt form a sort of marlno -rand stand, with tho wholo Sound laid open boforo It. As the hour for the start ap proached, tho rocics, summer houses, and other vantnRo points were seized by hundreds nf pretty girls, who lay around In picturesque con fusion cngerly awaiting tbe slcnal. While tber was a goodly fleet of hnlf-raters. Including th Ideal, llopo, I'aprlka, Kittle V and Microbe, only tho Asahl, Vaquoro III., Hera, und lie- S parturo turned up among the 30-footers. Some- t thing went wrong on tho Hera, and sho with- I drow early In the first round. Thi left only three boats, and, as usual, fl Dayard Thayer's Asahl carried off the honors, U boating tbe Ynquero III. nearly three minutes. H Among tbe half-raters Arthur Isolln won a, H clcvor victory with the Hope, the Paprika bolns second and tho Ideal third. Thero seemed to be) U something the matter with tbo last named, an U they could not gybo her at the outer mark, and B after making two or three attempts they had H to wear her around, and then, as It to show H what she could do. she gybed on her own hook H when her crew least expected It. Tho new H cabin cat Yolsung easily beat the Molly Bawa H among tbe lamer boats, while tbe Presto won I In tbo smaller class. Ibe Adele and Gavllan made a great racaof H It In their class all tbe wny over the course, and H while tbe former finished first, tbo Gavllan won H easily on time allowance. In the open cat class H tbo Punch bent tbe Fugitive, and tbo Caprice) won In tbe mixed class. In some respects It H was tbe best race of the year, aa there waa a, strong breere from start to finish and no shift- H Ine of the wind. H While It woe originally Intended to start the) M yachts at 1 o'clock. It was forty minntes later H when tho preparatory gun sounded. The 30- footers, UsVraters, and cabin cats were sent H nway first at 1 :50 to a beautiful one-gnn start. The Hera and Voquero III., to windward In tho order named, slipped across almost with the re- . port of the gun. Tbcn Camo n .ienfTL'Tlatr 4 length astern, a little to leeward, followed by , tbo "dolly llawn, Yolsung. Caper. Adele. Do- B parture, Presto, and Ethel In tbe order named. 1 The Ul-footerx. half-raters, and open sloops were then started at l:6o. The Kittle V. was the first away, followed by tho Urace, Vanuero, M Hourl. Hop.-, Microbe. Paprika, aud Ideal in tho 1 order named. Tbe other boots wero started at .' o'clock, their onler being: lone, Punch. 1 Susan I).. Caprice. Edna, and Fugitive. Ths M yaohts sailed from tho starting line to and ,H around the buoy north of Whortleberry Island, 1 M thence around Channel liuoy northeast of Ex- . M edition LighL and home, a distanco of flvo I H miles. 'Ibe aloooa and cabin yachts sailed tB around this triangle three limes; tbe open cats, m jib and mainsail boats, aud half-raters twloe. t M All crossed on the port tack and almost lmme H dlutely made a hitch out to starboard. Tho M Asahl waa the first to try tbe port tack and. M passed under the sterns of tho Hera and Va- M ineroIII. While thero waa little wind at tha . H start, the boats had hardly croaaect lho Has aaB w ben Uiey ran Into a fine sailing breeze from H tbosoutliwost which aontshowers of spray dan- B clngolf to leeward. The Hora surprised evory Hf one by withdrawing five minutes after tho start, M and the Asnhl quickly took the lead In the wind- wrd worst among the 30-footers. mundlng ths M first mark nt t!:ia. From here It was u reach on BJ the starboard tack with balloon Jibs to the sec- M ond mark off Execution Light, and the leaden H wero timed as they gybed round as' follows: fM Asahl. -J 20 SO, Vanuero III.. 2:'i0.3U: Departure. M V tl:ail; Vnlsunit. V.-'b 20: Hourl, a. 31 its, VaJiuera, H 2 HI 45, Kiieitlve, -.".IVOO; Punch, K:37 00: (tope, X 8:;.o raprlkaHti'HU.II: Ideal, 2:10.00; Microti, B i"48:35, Kittle i. 4.1 US. From here tho racers had a rnn with spin- H nnkrrs to port, and were timed aa they completed HI the first round aa follows: I Asabl. 2 J7 01, Vanuero III.. 2:37. 3: Departure, HJ I 2 4,1 in, Vnlsuuv, 2 41 05; clavllan, V. 44.20; Adele, WM I ii:44'"0, Mnlly llann. ii.. Vauuero, 3:4u:20; H I Hourl. '.'HU..10, 1'resto. -IMT 80: Caper, .S2:Si Bi . Ithel, -J'Af'40, rujiltlTu. 2:S:iS; Luna, II M:B0i M I I'uneh, 2 .".il :fo, tlone, 2 AH HO. lone. 2 SU:40; . B I'aprlka. V:9U :, 00 :U: Hlttla v.. 3 03:101 AT M Jlicrube, 3:0'30, Caprlce,3il7 40Hisan lla:30:33. (" M From hero tho nclitshad n, iC :ber throah tq ,W H windward to tho flrM markka id the leaden were timed as follows: -J BJ Asahl. 2 .-17 ': Vaquero III.. 1.b9:li: Volfjnc. " J BJ 3 tifl no, lii'parture. 3 uh oj; tlavllan 3 ou.lSiXdela. ' I 3-11-15. Hourl. 3 14 43. Vaquero. 3.ID 43, KnxtUv, '' M .IN 2n. I'uneh. 3 22 30, lIuDc, il.lib.-.'U; ,1'aprUti, 1 aBI 3 3ll:B0l Ideal. 3 3D SO. There was llttlo change In tho order on tbo rear 1 1 tn tbo recond mark, whexe tho leaders I oBJ wero timid us follows: 1 B5 Asalh. .1 nV3V Vaiiuern. 3 07:10: Voltung, 3:18:031 !f Wk I)eiurture, Ju, Uavllan.3,lu 80; Adele. U:ilo,03i B Hourl.33 30. M It was nnother rnn to tho finish with spin- f'f H nnVers set to port, and the yacht completed ths ' J B n-toinl round, where all but tho 30. footers and ,1, B cabin )acbls finished as follows: 3,' Asahl. 3 S4 U0i Vaiiuern III., 3:33:38: Volsun. ", H 3 3s Jo. Uearture.:l:oiin: Adele, a. 40.69: Molly B Pawn. 3'4 1 0.-1, tlavliun :i:4l,VOi Kugltlve. 3:43 3dj " Bl 1'iesto :ii4 in rthel,3-3Uo'"iti:dna,u .10:40: 1'liuro, aBI :i nl vo; Pnper :t.SJ 33: Vanuero. J:ti:l0; llourt, B :i 41 .111, Hope, 3 37:03; Paprika, :i. 38:3.1: lone, safari II mi 43, Meal, 4:110, 4U; Klttlu V. 4:0S,40; illcrob. M 4-11 BJ The larger boats, which were sent around ths BJ ooureeagnln, wero timed when they finished as B follow d: fM Asahl, 4:10 00; Voquero III., 4:111 30; Volsunj, Bl 4 37 .'0, Adele, 4.3-.tu, tlavllan, 4 .111 00, I', M 4 411 to, i'lliel, 4.4H.33; Caprice, 4 47:20; Caper, BiTJ 4:H)i) H A summary of the race follows: H 30-roQTKlio. H Ltnath. Start. ifnflb BJ Petit. Owner. Itt. L M. n 11. m. Sk M Asidil. Ha) aril Thayer tin on I no no 4 10 00 sTaTsi aiieroIII 11,11 Hurjia HO OU 1 OH on 4 IX no lienarture...,t" It. Veiny . ..'luuj 1 no ou w'dr'w arsB lltru ...,Italli N. '.Ills tttl.uu 1 3U 00) w'dr'w fM HALf-HATEUS. BJ Hope Arthur ltelln 1300 1 ns no :i n7 01 I B Paprika... u. ti. liovc . in on I.Vjio :i (,h 30 Bal Meal. II Ollavem'r.Jr 13.1111 1 33 oil 4 00 4(1 ' Bil Kittle V Iluttll Morso. ..13.01) I Bl 00 4 08 43 BiTJ Jllcrotw. . ..IL II. Beo'iy 1.1 Oil 1 S3 OU 4 It SO B Jl-KOOTItllH. B Hourl Italian. Jr., VI on 1 ns 00 a 44 is Bl aquero W, O. llrnkaw .'l.ou l 35 00 U 44 33 BJ 34-IIATt'IIM. BJ t.lapMd Corrretid Bil length. Time. Time. kk linnt. 0mer fret. 11 u a 11 M. a. M Ouvllan. . 1". II HalUy , 000 2 41)00 u 44 34 Bil Adele J, Ilhllillll 31 Oil 2 4h AD 2 48 30 t'AlllN I'ATH 30.rilOTri.AhH. B Vn'siinx. J.ll.l. lie Forest 11. in. S 47 no 2 47 00 HI Molly iuwn. V. 51 llniwn .... 11 ni. dlsablod. H I'AIIIN I ATK -',' rr.KT. jB I'.thel. . . V J iur;en VI 00 2 . in 113 2 M 115 B t'aper . fc. II. t'llllt. . VM.U7 2 611113 2 nil OS Bil I'nsln .. I- M. llaliiloll -'.'HI 2 All 40 2 30 40 B Urate J.J.suili.leii .'.'143 did not finish H (II'I'V CATU-'.'O-yiKlT CI.AhS. H lone C. M, lllrd .. 11 m. 1 30 45 1 SO 43 H OI'KN CAT". ','.. iriOT C'l.AHH. H ruKltlve. tl F. hrliabbeliur "nn 143:10 143 30 BJ I'oueh )1 11 Cliirk 2 ft", 1 SI 20 1 44 20 Bl l.UQil (icorKellUun ii"l 130 4(1 147 24 MIXKIl t'l.AKS, H FusanI).. . IC WhllliiK I40 did not finish H Caprice. .t.K l'rutlur .14.10 -147 20 2 IT 80 BJ Flint'b Fine Fubnituhe. H Dainty gifts ut factor M pricoa, ; H fete i U'i... i,tTsiiiilTia-AisJ' M