' V" ; X; THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1801- v ' .'T A
TC weeks neaul-andrrs and liner.. 0 pr ,:
H ...inr on Crawley rounder Bil backer. J8 per
ePf rlor on .' '. ,t(Kk ,, ,u,d-r work
I r7r.'o iVi " tiBAUStt onill. MU.VH UAlUlElt, 10
!! jiiiiESS'yii.
-jjocfiDiN-:'-l,t-KP WT from Brooklyn.
I r.nitNlVs. and skvll-tht makers wanted. JOHN
(J g" TOlT. 78 and 80 Washington t., Brooklyn.
I rToWNIcr. MAKKItS wanted at SBlihT., Brook
rsTFI SI good metal workera and helper to
Wpiit UP steel llllna. NEW YOlllf IKON IJOOrJ
H tin a Nli ooilRl'iiATIVu CO., corner of ltt and
M Ktll,ir,.-,on sis. Jersey Clly.
I itiiHitom T1
I "iTHl'NO IADY stenographer and typewriter il-
I A stns position capshle. willing, reliable, and In-
H ioiiriniit cn furnish, If necessary, the best of refer
I ?' aVitlnner Andrea. bOMs-KTENT. bor 1U3.
I Bun olflcc
I 1 HTr..Ntl"AI,lir.nd TVPKWRITKB
I ?sirrs position, competent ami Indusirlouaiaaturao
I " "'fiiTOWlNK. .MYoshlngton .tjclt,
-5 r nUXO UOMAV wantt situation In a business
T AonVeto make herself uiefuli MM had experience)
I saisHtant clerk and typewriter! best reference.
I "" "" Mrs. IJAl.Tf.bJ Warburlon ay. Yookcr.
'ft itunHou WnnttOlRlej.
y IToUNiMI Ah. 2, st.ady and reliable, desires post
Jv A lions willing lu work at an) thing! can rurnl.h If
TJ necessarr the liesl of rrfrrrnccn; Industrious and
competent, net afral I of hard work. Address Oho.
KLl.NOM .!. rarcof 1 F r rcley. 80 Catharine, at.
TlMAll STORE. -iounginan (S3), experienced
In the cigar business, would take situation ai clerk:
tan lite good reference, at to steadiness, Ac.
" ' UUAllH, box 173, sun office.
ML! Ft TOR American, thoroughly reliable, ten
I years' eiperlence.well acquainted with clij and
suburbs, desires a position with good home; flrsk-class
references Address u Ibox 1IJ, Run ofrice.
pi'llST-CLASS MODF.LLBU; unileriUndt proper
A treatment In eterr atjlc, Addrest J. P., 245 Weat
Blit at. city.
WEjrBrUll.MHIllNO Anrflrmrequlrlnnaatendr.
capable, and Intelligent younnmanln the men'a
f umlnhlnit department can secure aame. at moderate
aalarr, br addrrtilng HONEST, box 181, Hun office.
' ANT D I'oilflon ni Janitor or porter br married
M man, la wit Ins and capable, can furnltn Al ref
rrenceaa to character. Call or address CHAltL.K.8
IlUUOn Ol.D. 1 HOT'I St.. llrooklyn.
VOl'NO IltlSHMAN, IS. etron. would like a sltua
J. Hon where he could make himself usorul: wiuinz
to work at anything at moderate wares for a begin
per. Addrens TrMITKATl. box 17S, sun ofnee.
Select lonro.
Eait Hide.
1 rtTIt ST . at FAST.-Lante, cool room, well fur
J.U nliheil ample closets, every convenience, ex
celientloard, moderate.
V ' ITeat Sldo.
OATH ST. SJ WEST Fxcellent hoard; connect
AtKjlnx rooms, larpe and email; ftOltiD; iras, hath.
' OOD1T. at AND as WEST, near'lmperlal-' hand"
O tnmely furnished rooms, board optional; tran
slents accommodated.
o'lTlI ST. 41 'WF-ST; Larsc. neatly TurrdTihod
Ori: rooms with all conveniences; excellent neigh
. liorhixKl. tuperlitr hone, splendid table: home cook
4 ' tan appointments select; summer prices; referenca
Q Til ST. VSfl WEST Larue and small neatly fur
0 nUticd rooms all Improvements, convenient to
cable and L. splendid table, home cooking, appoint
ments select: summer prices.
) ITlliT I Id WF9T -Two Targe, handsomelv fur
IOxnlshed rooms, suitable for two each; excellent
table superior house, appointments select; summer
prices reference required.
rtSTU ST. lit WEST.-Xarje rlcSTjrTurnlslied
jO rooms private baths and drrsslnit rooms, thor
owrhty modern, adjoining Tark e ovated, and all
surraiie routes, unexceptionable tsble
gtlt Hoard 3rooUitn.
nOARPINO on the Itelehts, 151 8 te su La rge and
JJ small rooms; nlcelr furnished; private neighbor
hood, terms reasonable.
flotet Ht. Oeorae, Drooklyn Ilelahta.
Iinre, cool parlor bedrooms, private Imths. tl 50
per day. also slntte rooms: summer prices.
Table d hole service Itreakfast. toe.: Lunch. 33c ;
pinner. .10c
Kirt i n minutes from City Hall. New York
HEMir ST.. UL IMal-ts. tho Bristol -Larse and
aniatl neatly furnished rooms, all Improvements,
superior house, tonvcnlcnt to bridge ana ferries: ex
ceflent table, reference
LIVINOSTOSST i nelghta. -Large and small neat
ly furnished rooms, all conveniences, excellent
neighborhood: superior hduse appointments select,
splendid table, cool cheerful, rci, rence required.
fT ,ARf?E. handsomely furnished rooms, with rxiel
ij lent board: superior house, appointments select:
satisfaction gnaranteed Brooklyn Heights Apply,
with good reference, to Mr McKFSSQN .San office
f ArAiETTF. AV., 4 neatly furnished rooms, with
J excellent table Donrd: all conveniences, summer
prices reference required.
,lTO'!TAflUE' ST.. Iti.-Larce bsck parlor, suitable
All for two, also other desirable room excellent
table board. IS. minutes from City llall. New York,
summer prlcea.
WAKIIISOTON I ARK. 17a opposite tort .
it Oreen Second story alcove room, all con
veniences, superior home, appolntmen's select, con
venient to all aurface routra. Also othtr rooms, ref
WILLOW ST. no Excellent board In private fam
J.)y. supf rfor house appointments, select, sum
mrprtcej, rtretenCe requtrrd,
-A J - . . U- -J
uruishf il Soomis&pnrtmtrtt to get
"K " " at Side,
LfSIOV SQUARE. 40. FAST SIDE-Coolest rooms In
' tow n. large and email: all Improvements, wltn
or without meals.
9TI1 8T BO EAST Flegantly furnished rootrs. eii
suite or singly; very moderate tcrma. La rtelmea
resraurant ,
1 OTII Sr 813 EAbT.-Furnlihed rooms for light ,
X O housekeeping, neat, gas, bath: Hzht rooms,
reasonab e hail rooms. j
9D'8T.2IIEA-iT.-.irandOTieTr furnished "lecmid i
floor parlor suite, also other lieatlr furnish" 1
rooms, all conveniences, near O'way: appointments
select. summer prtcrs. I
VQTI1HT, 1.1, liettieen 5th and IadTon ai s i ool
) rooms, baths, 94 weekly upward; cocvt-nlmt
clus. hotels gentlenien
IflHl W. Letwetn &tn and Madison avs. Cool
e7rootns, hath, every convenience, near hotels,
clubs, summer ratea.
gtrnl gjstatc or &nt gong 3jplatl. gtenl Cutntt g or gait g.oi.fl -glntttl,
la) now aelllait aplendld lota at
for only Sl.TO.O opleee up. I svlll par yen to Tlalt tola property nnd look Into It. W
ell oa very easy ttirma aad Insure yonr Ufa frcei utao nllow you latercat on toiif
t-lend or call for Free Piiaara, Ifaps, etc., and vlalt Tiouoan I'arfc on any day.
Lunch on Saturda y, July 4th, 1896.
aT P ?- "O & OS Branch Oroeea, 1.S03 llroudway, corner
I ifllhl-.iuiSl' Iilbcriy St.. tu t 101 K...t auu m.
i . .i Now York. IlrooUlyn II ranch, SO Court Ht Room lOO.
!il lfC -1IEAUTIFUL- cottage, near station.
Ol.l'WW. r.aln sr, (entral Park, Long Island,
no inalirla, octaa and iJties: f nil lots 41 u
1UOMA8 tlcCQRU. 319 8d av.
,cal (ffstntf Qbovt the llarUm-
L InAl'TU'lII, I10U.SK. with Improvements, West
, JJthe.ier Ilolelitb, l!4th ward, .) 300; ensy terms!
T vslimlmieaslng nOBKNIILATT. D4 Pine at.
"ileal . j,tat"pfori5aU.
tjjl A MONTHLY will buy )0U n home anvwhere
OH'ou select within l-O miles of City Hall: no
fine oture, noexi-ensescharaedlor serrites, inoney
, lin-tied niaUis 7 ter ctnt PUOMUKNT bAVINUd
L AM) LOAN, 1.0 (-( I em St.
tVeat HUk.
94.T:., JT M WFJtT.-Pleasant rooma, neatly fni
"nlshedi modem conrrnlencrs; board It desired)
location convenient; translenu accommodated.
JftTJI ST.. 4B near UroaSwayi-CooI. "clean rooms:
nOTE ' ""' 60c ntt ' d"-r- FLORENCE
J.TII8T,SIJ WK'IT.-Two large, handsomely fnr
jj-arntshed rooms, single or en suite: also desirable
back parlor, suitable for physician or dentist) all
conrcplenccij summer prlcea.
Qi-ITIJ 8T. f W F.ST, near Droadwa) -Neatly fur
tju nlshed rooms, with private bath) newly dco
ofaud i summer prlcea
OfiTlfST., 00 wfsT. near Ilroadway.-Largo and
JW small rooms Willi all conveniences; superior
house) appointments select) breakfast optional) rcf
erencei gentlemrnonly.
IQTH ST., 114 WFVT.-Lar.ro room, second Door,
Jreasonable; alto hall room) private faintly,
Q7TH 8f., 70 WEST.-Frnnt hall rbom,"with clowtT
Mnrlvatealnslo flat: referencc-t SMITH.
1 "1 QTH st , 813 WKST.-Prlvate honso near Mnrn".
AA- IngtldePark) healthiest and most acci sslbls
part of west Harlem; largo rooms, suitable for Ban.
tlemaa and wife or two gentlemeni terms moderate)
references exchanged.
cf untislurt lloomfl So let SrooMn
ClOLUltniA HFinilTS. 114 -Large nnd smallhand
. -; somely furnished rooms, oierlooklng bay) near
brldgoandjerry: reference.
Dr. KALII AV., so -Ijirgo nnd small neatly fur
nlshed rooms, wlthalllmproiementa; convenient
to bridge and ferries and Coney Island cars; superior
house reference
HEMIY ST., UNO, Helglits, betweerTjiiralemon and
Rtati sts. Handsomely furnished, coot moms,
good baths: gentlemen only: refcremo required
fAMDFIinil.T AV 121 -Large neatlr furutshed
v room, suitable for tm o: also other deslrablo rooms;
summer prices: reference.
WASHINGTON ST., 147 1411. opposlto llrldgn
Neatly furnished rooms, hotel accommodations;
all Improvements; convenient to all surface routes:
Be. to Manhattnn and nergeti Ileachi appointments
select, exclusive: summer prices
W AlllthN LK.WI8. Proprietor.
cf law anil lmrtmrntji Co jitt.
FLATS ANli APAU1HFNTS un7urnts1irtrirm7iusnea
In desirable locations: rent 9I0 to ft 000.
FOI.SOM nilOTHI.H.s.Si!iiHroadway.cor Uthst.
KIFMMCH ST, 488. cor I alght at,-One apart
mrnt all light rooms, for tlu monthly. House
keeper, one Qight up
LFROV Sl,"l2 MngTe'Hat, 8 large rooma. between
Iilecckerand lledford sts.: all Improvements; low
rent. Jaultor.
fro LLT Apartment on first floor house 803 8th
.1 av.; large, airy rooms.
,41 ST ST. am. ART. on tho Hill -Splendid 4 room
XJ. flats all Improvnments, carpetodhallsandstalrs,
washtulia rnngr, rent ln
sj'JU 8T,a4l"18T. A physician's oSr-A phvsT
O clan offers f i ur rooms for board; Protestant;
references. 10loUA.il.
1 STH ST.. JI4H EAST Apartments of three and
XisJ four rooms: nil light rooms, cheap rent,
T"OQl) ST, 3 WEST Elegant location, extremely
J wu low rent, flvo rooms and bath, all Imtirovu
ments. urnlsluil lats o ?ft.
fOR furnished flats go to headquarters; over 10? to
X select from: any location: no di lav Rcnllngdo
partment 431) Htli ar , bctwoen 81st and 3Sd sta.
cf urnljJlua Houses! Co el . .
Cottasea To Rent at Far Rnekatray,
On Urand lew av . near the Tackapu-.ha. w ith all 1m
proveinrnts. clectrlo lights, elivirlc bells. 14 rooms,
w-ell furnished: the best aanltar) sewerage: renin
reasonable. Apply toJ. EARL. furniture and carpets,
473-473 ath a , mar 34th at.
cfurniahfil Houses S"" c?ft 3T. 31.
LONO I1UANCII vldnlty.-To let furnished cot
tages t'.'00 to 1700. H to 13 rooms. Hollywood
cottage. 000. Ocean av. $73u tt M LANF Lonz
OKASQE, N J House on Park av for rent fur
nlshed. nlnn rooms bathroom nn 1 cloiet: water
an I gas six minutes from two rallrondt and from
I lewrllyn Park Address k. S., Jr . box 570, hqultable
building. New ork.
Ho 5't for guijintiStf gitrpogCiS.
ll'JTs .ND
"UILDIMIS stores, lofts offices, and studios to lot
-IJ In detlrlhle lo.ntlnn.
FOIJOM IIUOTlll IU-. SS6 Broadway, cor. Uth sL-
IOFTS TO LFT A large numt-rr, all slles all prlcctC
J KULA.SU it UIHTIMI. 3 Irkman St.
?leal Ctatf"" -urtfotif
JAMtS L. WELLS, - Auctioneer
Will sell at auction TttrsDAV. JULY 14 noon.
At 111 Liroidwnr. N . Real I state Salesrooms.
Imnn d lately mljolnlna
-54tn Ward, .Now York City.
Thews lots nre UeIrU1j nUuatnl on
Splendid loit.ons for bustnt ss auu ri-sldences. city
In provemi nts sem rs Mater, t,as, etc.
Ifiieslred llt'oguirantwd free of cost to each pur
Jlnis witn Jlerrlll a: i ozers Attorneys, 1 1 1 broad
way, C A Itecker 731 Trci lont are.
JameaL WelNund Ciurles A Uerrlin, Auctioneers,
ou I Iberty tt . N. Y
LIVKRY STARLF. Willi stage route, for sale on Long
Island, momy making business
LtWlS, U02 IIroadway.
Q OA FOR nice lots near fl ravel lleacli. at Northport)
OOU Installments monthly: ilrculir sent.
I.I.WIS, Mi Ilroadway.
'gwTjinlt 7r7 Sri 3Uw Jfewnj.
LONfJ RRANUII. N. J Kent, sell, exchange, fur
nished collages and desirable lots. ) Ibernn
w ILL1AH LANE, longllranch.
N THE DOOUSTH' 'iF NEW OllK -in land
sale Palisades District until July 7. each lotriady
for building, all high ground: prlieshalf value, terms
i to4 tiiorithl). VfA Ills- llTtV. 871 Ilroadway.
"TENAFLY. N. J,-Hnnniomi) -.Ilia plots for
sale. II. lVBATIIrlllUY CO, 871 Uroadway,
I Don't rot-set to aend for Free PasKi for tlio opeolaie aale at
I TOTTEMVILLE, Sfafen Island,
I ..,.-, .1.1, .h, .-a .Hb.r o- tUt or y bHoln day -l.ll U... o.t -"'
1 Property. Looa l.to our Fr.. Ul. Ir ... Allowance of I.t.re.t. I-n.h ..
tf-i1 S. 7 0O & 03 -5 Broad-ay, oar. 4tU HI,
1 .Ua2-It NOW York. Brooklyn Brtta.h.tJO Court St.. no. 10t.
iL -waiinmllMM i 1-in.H. m " -
curuiisbrw jHousm ia $et t-outttry.
(1 ATSKII.L TotJKTAINl5.legarTMtTato"nt t
J 14 rooms and bsndsome carriage house and gar
den) 0 minutes' walk p. o and R. lli high grounds
and elegant vtawt rent for season, furnlshedj terms
reasonable! 11 hours from city. Address UENHY a
DUNCAN. Cairo, N. Y,
COUNTIlIlt.NTALCO ,113 Last 83d St.
tages. i30 and '10O. TOWN AND COUNTRY
RENTAL TO. 118Eatt83d St.
9 -ROOM nice shvlr cottage; rent moderate Inquire
agent on steamboat landing, ltranohport, N. J.
SmrlUnji JflouflcjJ Co tt dltij.
BT.SIrtAm.E HOUSrs. furnished and unfurnUhed,
In drslrnlile Incntlnns: rent (1,8110 to tfl.noo
FOlitOH linoTHFRs. bill Ilroadway. cor Uthst,
MF.NT)) OJyrart a specialist Indlsessesof men Under
OLDDli (iftl.NliLK'.l sclrntlllo treatment blood and
akin diseases, pains In bones, rt d spots, sore throat and
mouth, ulcers, painful swellings, kidney and bladder
complaints, scalding, Innammatlou, eravel, ttndeiel
oped organs weak back, lost vitality, fto , are
speedily, thoroughly, nnd permanently cured len
about to marry should consult 01 D DR oltl.Nni.K
1 very Impediment rrmoied Sufferers, do not waste
time Islting lest skilful nhyslelsns Itemember ol l
Dll tmlMILI. never falls OH-ICh 0 LIl 10YFAR3
at l.lUest I uthst .bet men Uth and 7th at a Advun
free. Medicine, tl. Hours, l to u; Sundays, U to 3.
No charge unless cured
ULI) 1)11, (IREY, 411 years T apeclallat In
diseases al men mil). (JiilcKett p-rmauent cure
Euarantoed or money refund! d, blood, skin, kMnc),
ladder, in rvousilebllliy, bad dn ams, Impadlmonta
to marriage. orPieour II years at lt) F.ist 17111 St..
near Union square Iloura u tu u. Sundas u to
Treatment nndndt lee free Medicine, only 8 V.
cure Indlsease of nn ii dangerous casts sollciuil re
lief at once: those desiring only first class sclintlflo
treatment should call Tho leading srxclallst Dr.
1IONSCHUR, 187 Nest S8d tt : u to a. 0 to U Sun
days, 10 to 8.
A-DR AM MRS ItEIMUluT. 0 jeafs7 pvpeTT
clue, ailvlce In conttdenro In all matters or prl
vato nnture, scientific, skltiul treatment of all To
male complnlnts and Irretularltles; poslthe safety
aasurtd: can t rail 80(1 West VM at .near Uroidway
DR. COM! Ml- Sclontiric, skTHul treatment of or
ganla and functional disease! nnd Irregularities
of women Private sanitarium. 117 West 47th st :
hours p to (1.
fR-l LANDAU.only reliable expert, skilfully treats
ill ft male Irrigutnrliles nnd suppression with per
reel methods, 182 East 4lst sU, near I!xlngton av,;
fine rooms, w Ith board
rw -7.-DR.'nl.INNrspeclallst In diseases of
Ai. women, lowest tee during summer months: lady
attendant 814 W. 4 Id. Hours II toft.
cents .Steamer.
Sailing at 10 A M
PARIS July 4 SI. PUT! Ju'y 83
MW ORK ... Julyri NtW oitk July 8"
Rallinr ctorj olneil4ix.
WcRternlainl Jtilvtsno-m. Hr.lii July 2, noon
bout..irV,Jiilyia . 3J1'M .NtKirdmnil.auIr M noon
Vlcn Kami .fl Nnrih Hlvrr Ollcc. Howling Own
IrnniPi ill l: fo.it U is till t.
B. H, C 1 PY OF ROME, ,lult 4, nnil Kept. V
Ethiopia Jul ll.niitin lurnesF.ia Inly let. moil
lor rates of paisnge and pnrtlrulars applv to
Hk.Mll- HSOS HIlOTlIt RS. Agenl 7 Howling Cirrcn
lucinla Jills 4 10 4. M ICimpanln Jul) IB.tOA M
Ltruria . July II . p l I t'mtirla tuly83 J P. JL
IromPlcrJtt Nortl Ither root n' ClarUhon st.
i:.vru.v h i i.i mi,
Auranla rueMay tuli 7, IP. M.
rm Mian Slat" L tu Pli r foot of Wt st 8-sl st
VI RNONH HUiiuSco tlon lAgts .4 I owlinsllrcen.
TWIS SCHI W r Pltf ss from .. w York to
Plymouth !.ontlnn). Cherl ourg Perls and Himburtr
.Nonnannla Jul) Ii I0A M. I r nisiiian kJulyM 10A.M
AAlitorla July HI, 7 M I Normsnnln Aug n 10 M.
llninbiira;Amerleiin Line. 117 llrnudwns.
ni.-ii-: STAMSIIII ....ME,
direct to CoitA. Clt", Ma. otnl Portltin! SI til no.
Dellithtful ti oAAt ro itntoall p (amirr rnrtr. Sorn
antl M-t defiant ceiifry; low iourton nt.
htramrrs H Jrotn 1'lcr a. Fait ll.-tr.evtr.) Tus
ay,Thurntla), and SatunU at fl I M
IJOltVTlO HAT.U Agent,
The Crat or n r-terlea of nenrl)
nil water trip is 111 lie Inangnrnted
ttr ( OOK'M TOURS nn .lulr Olb.
svhen it party will l-nv. bv Foil
Rlsret Line for IIOriTON, N'OVA
LtKIH tirOICOi: nnd I'll AM.
I'LIIN. A fourteen dim tone at is
rerjr losr rnte.
Tlektn tit losreat rntea to nar
Hummer Reaort. A Rook or Tour,
for (lie uAklnp:
Threr llnj Trlpa to NIAOAltA
FALLS, -lc.
TnilH. COOK .t SON,
Sdt llrondsv jr (corner Wnrren.)
ISiea MroudtViu (corner aSd Mt.)
VollTII l.l KM AN I I l) DS s S I)
1 hllORT l.l'l TF Til 1 OSIlOS ANI1 CONTINnVT.
Lnhn.Tue. Jul) 7 10 t J! IHarel Tues JtllyU.lllA.M.
Siaalc.bat., July 11,10 M 'Traie.Tue JnlyJI KIAM.
)l Lltli IIS -t t O . s How ling (.rcen
Rlchmnuil dlrttt ia all Mltir route) Monday
(Freigtit only) and --aiuriHy (Pawenzersnnd Irelght)
Railings from I'h r Z'i N. IL. I p M i-atiirday. 4 P M.
Throut: tleket and freltrht rites to all points
W. I. OUILLAL DKU, Icc-Prrst. nnd Traltlo Manager.
Oermanlt. Jul) ft noon Hrlttanlc, TuH 82 noon.
Teutonic Inly 15 no in Adrlstlc full VII nonn
Pier 45. North Riser onlio 2U I nnd way
falITriver une.
Jor llOHTOV KWI,OHT, FMt. TlIF!l, Martha'
Tlnfranl, Nantiickft (nptod and all ra tern and
Vorthrrn Mountatn, fulnnd. and He a .1 on' 'olntn.
UOUH1 y iSh, tVRK Hicamer I'llist II LA. I'l'Bl
TAN, I'lW MOl'TII, ani Hn.UlilM In piiinmlaxlon A
fine On li-Mira on enrh I-?aio New .ork from Pier
in h It ffotof Murray nt , at
ISi'lO 1. M. wrtk da) k nnd Runf'aM. for Fall niver
direct, (oriiiot-tlnff oxirrM train dii Hoston 7 00
and JO A M Thin mc imrr tAucli1 at Newport Mon
dav nt'-rnliif" nnlr at i
fli:i( P. M. Meek ilyi only for rCowtwirt and
Fnli tiltr.dtii' NrwtMirt 4 O'i A M, leavo .Nt-wport
f 41 M , dut-Fi! Ktvpr 7 11U A M . com.o-.Unrj .
preKfl tratn duo HottnnH .0 A M
AddrpM with r pnntaRO l O, hot ATti N Y. city,
for foidfn ontatnlng full tlmo tablu and list of nim
mrr llti ruturf
Albany Evening Line.
Steamer ADIHONOACK fSrwi and PI-AN nini.
MOSD puo old I'll r 41. N It . root Canal Rt , at d
1 M. dally (Sunitat oiroptil), conn-xtlmi with
p-pnM trains f r fiiratova lJnkcO"firr Klrhtleld
HprliiK'i Hiifiron hprlncn Thotitant IiUnd-t. Adlron
dacki ami all points North. Fast and West. Sntur
day nlffht strarnrr (oiiiktih with Mindo) tnornlmr
train fur Karatoita, Caiwoll, and fteamtr on Lafeo
providence Line
Thol outii client nod Massachusetts Itnve .NKU" PIFR
tin, N It , one bloeg ulioro Cnusl st.nt 11( P. sLt
tiaily esci pt hunda, Miortcst rail ride, rh OR
CII1HTRA on eiic'i slennier
HTtiN'IMJ ION I.I.M", for Narrngansett Pier,
Watch lllll all points hast Hteamers MAINF and
NLU'llAMI'sillliI'.leavoPlcrOO.N It .dally, at OP. M.
CITY OF THO or BARATOfl A leaves Pier 411 N R,
font Wiat Ilith at oallv eicept hntunlsy.ll P M Ei
press trains for Hiratoa,IVofleorge. tdlrondaeks,
hiinday steamer touehi s at Alliaur HAUATOdA FY
Mcnmer I.ITTI F, MIAT.R leaves dally and Rundata
foot or W llllh t ,H 4. A. M Also llatlery Pier. UllO
A. SI forlllghlands Highland Reach, senbrlght. Pleas
oroIUr RtH'M) THIP, 8ii("l NTrt Connecllng with
trnllty forAsbur Pa.k, Refrcstuneiitsi music i
WATfll llltL MMK.K ISLAM) all liistorn Resorts.
Bteamors ( 1 1 V OK LoWr I L A ( II V OF OHLI STFR
Iavn Pier 40 (old N'o ), N II . next
Peshrosses st 0 no P Jl eacept Ri -lay,
fitenmerslcaieiootof Christopher st N II. every
week day at n p M , anil H est I I id st II in. connect
Inn at Latsklllivlthmiiuntnln trains, good acrniumo
tlatlou for horses ami carrlagis hlc)rlts free, send
to pier or to Catsklll for di st rlptlve folder,
I'DRON AND'r'oxs L Kff. TiOA r.s from foot or
U rlstopher st . N. R . oiery week day at H P a .
and West IJJil st. 0 8U. connection v. Ith II. 4 A II. 11.
at Hudson
KINOSTON'l INF, foot of West lOthst Dallv4 P. JI
Saturdays at I Bt'rsllAI.DWIN and ROllhlt fnr
ornwal 1 Newhurgh, New Hamburg, Marlboro, Milton,
Hyde Park, Poughktepslo. Kingston f onnectlnu with
U audi) It R. for all points In tutsklll Mountains
NEW UA.VEN.-r'ara ?1 FXCURSIOV. 1 60.
ast steamers leave I'ler it. K. R . week Uois. a P M.
and 12 midnight. Huudars. 0 UO A. U and 12 mid
night, arriving In lime tor trains toHerlden, Hart
ford, hprlugfleld, and north.
llAMMPFIL I INE -Steamers Have Pier 24, N R,
IV font Frauklln si, for Cranston s. West point.
Cold Spring, l'orn all, Hihklll Landing and .Sen
orgti, week days, & p. XI bunday, U A. M i IHUdst.,
IL1V,J(23A M
Iludaou Ulvei- Hteamsr Itlarjr I'osralL
Leaves Dc-sliros.es st UtiaP.Ut Sata. litaP.U.
Leaves West Vid tL H HO p. JLt Bat's IKU
RUItnil NF.W HAfrl.lL'Kdll. MILTON. PO'KEKPtllK.
11VI.L PARK, aom-tpT, and KIKUBITJH. ,
N. Ys and Long Branch Steamboat Co.
In connection with
Steamers "M AtlV PATTFN." ' ELIir.ROf." "PLEAS
URB(IA." I avo pier foot Jane St., N. It, week days
Ii OOA.M.ISM. (SAtnrtlsyl P. M), audi! 40 P M.tl!at
tery, near liar leortlci, 11 !0 A.M. IClltlP. M (Hatnr
day ltlfl), and 3tOQ P M, 8undna leave Jnno sr.
H SO, It. and M 4 A SLt liattery HB1 0 mi and
ioi 10 Fnr nifsni.ANii nr.vcu. hha.
nttimiT, ri.PAHuiti: tiat. ami i.o.no
RIIAM'11, These are positively tho only Long
llranch boats that land at Highland Deach and con
nect Mlrectlvat Plcasurn Hay with el's irlorallwsr for
wfht Mn. r.r. ii.no s, amiittrv
rAKK.niitom.AN OROVK liaggaiiorhcckotl
free of 1 1 a rge
"Hudson River by Daylight.
Flncnt and fastest river steamers In tnu world.
Dally except Sunday
Leave Drooklm Fulton Si, iby Annex) RA.M.
Mew lork, DeshrossesHt Pier ... H 40
" " West VIM SI. Pier , I) "
For AMIANY, Intidlug at innkrra. West Point.
Nrwliurgli, Pougiikeopste, Kingston Point, Cntsklll,
and Iludsnn
Direct connection on the Kingston Point Dock with
trains for points lu the Cntsklll Mountains nnd fi r
lakesMohonk and Mlnnevtaskn The usual railroad
connections at I'nughbeei sle, Catsklll. Hudson nnd
Albany, hpeclnl earatnga trains Through tickets
sold nt DesuroisHt. Pier. Hest 2?d rt. I'ler. New
York Transfer Comprint s oITlees, and other principal
ticket onices In ow Y ork and llrooklyn.
Steamers Bhlnnecock ft Mon
For tank leaie New ork dally (ex
Orient. evpt Sundays) at 0 P. J! , 8-tur
Hh.it. - i.i..d dais at 1 P. M . from Pier VII Jl It,
Oreenporl, port with sir "Ti ildla for Niw
Hotithnlil, S'tf'dk. lamosport. 4 It verhead.
n .. .. ' .Ralttnlny boat does not connect
Bn-r Ilorbor, iwUh Hlr-. ietldle"orgo to Illock
nod Is nn I. an Tuesday, Thursdai ft
Block lalnnd. gjulhi'i ,,0at dM n' lU '
Thero will ho NO boat frim New York Saturday
July 4th, for Orient. Shelter Island, (Irconport, South
old or Sag Harlior
n r. d5a nk line
Learn Iter il. foot Fianklln st , at u A It. and 3 P.
M for Highlands Highland Reach. Oceanic. Red
Dank, nnd Intermediate landings I cavo Hut Hank at
7 A M.and.l SO p. M.
From rtrand Ctulral btitlon. 4d Streot.
?i.0 A, M.-l-xcrpt Similar Kor Adirondack
ilnuntams Thounand iKUnds and Montreal
.Hi JO A. M. I xrupt Htm .lay I mnlr-t? Sta to Pxprcts.
nitmt train In tho world Stop nt Albany. Utlc;-.
hyrnouc, uud Ho httor I)u LtufTnlo 4 J.'V I1. M ,
MnttAru Fil a B0 I. M. ThU train la llmttod to Its
ft Mine capacity.
OiOO A. M. UAlly. Fat Mall for rotidhkccpde.
ltf,!,. t'lico, Sjrcuftc. Hochentor, nulTalo, MoKart
I'nliri. Cldingo -.....
Oi-O A. M. Fipfpt Sunday For Cntsklll Moun
inlns isnratojft LukoUeorge, Green Motintnln an 1
Vnntr al
lOttlO A. M. n.ccjd Sunildv Diy Exphms. For
(.ai Kill Mountains, HictinHd Spring, und all 1m
n.runt New V nrk htatu point.
1 rO! . M. Ial1 Houthw.f-trrn Mndto-l for Co-
lambuf i 3 in innatl. Indlanapnll. und bt. I.outt
stops at Poiuhkerpile. Albany. Utka. sjracuiic,
ltn-tutcr and Hutralo
lrOO 1. M, Dally. Chtcano Spco'at for lX'trolt,
i ltr)rlni.iJ. Toledo, an l L hie. no istopt at 1'oujth
kipfil Altnri . Soh.ntM.iad, Utlca, rracu-o.
Hi. nivttr iu I huITalo
1 liO 1. M. Sartosa Like ffforRo nnl Calskltl
lnunt Uns Limited This train vrllt run trlday.
July t nturdw.-July II, and then after S.ittird
nn' U itTtft draw Inu room can
CtriO t t, I-suopl hiinday Went Tolnt, I'ongh
M"u.. ( atAklll Mountains. Alhhuj, Tror.irntoxa.
iiSO I. M. Hallv. North U tore I 1ml..-! I 10 Ua
tmlt h n A. V Chicago 4 U0 1. il biopnat Albam,
IJtUa nn 1 S)raetite
OtOO 1". M. Dally tor Albatij, Troy I'llcn Syra-
cn. HulTalo, .Mmrisrn FnUs -Licvrlii, 1, Toledo, Do-
ir-itt f hleio Cincinnati. Ht Louli
Cri,, p. M. Dally Saranac I-ako. lAfce IMicId nn t
4ilirndaclc rcsortH itouth or Lak' Clear Sirntoa,
I'-ntt-Uiur-h, HurthiejtOd. St. Albans an ! Otlawi
7iOO P, M. Dalli. or Ailinmlnck rcftDri-i north
or ljkiCi-ar .Saratoga St Albnus and Montreal
It' U.-.OU1'. Fulton l'n dn
7i30 . 1,-Dnlly For TlufTalo, Mnsara Fnth,
i-lt'Yi'lan I. Indianapolis SI. I oil.. CMca;o Mop
a I'oncnketplo, AlUatn.flmt L'tva,
DiOO I, it, Dally. CarrliMipi.i(rcnrp'Uct.Ker
oni-tor tiolnra on Fall nrook llatmaivvlal.yont.
and rnr Hochoter.
Oili P. V. Dally. I-or Srracuc. CH-riro Water
umn,UMe Vincent Oplnlurff, HulTalo Nl -.tiara
Killn Clervlaud. Toledo ( iikatto cxtvjin SaturJiy
fnr fht Auburn ron i Sunday onl) (lorrrTllln.
IStlO .NlKbt, Thcatr trnln for cnkai an 1 prln
til al point a nn Nev. ork i i ntral Tt-r iiIk.ii ex
ct 1 1 nday nlKht. Siimlny nlrfht tToversrillu and
draco k1 tter !- nn v liP M. tratn
OiOU A. M. anda.l.1P. M.-DMly except Sunday
Lt Pitt-tlel... ia H..rltm.LMvUlon
Oilo A. M. sun la) nn'r to I'ltt-itlcld and the Herk-
mnlro 1 1 111 TUH-ir.emIriTit.lon
"AtlnlKiit trilni. run1reteen ISVhut nnd point
on the rutnain Dlrllon n fnr nn miki rn lucnnneo
tlon with the tlente1 roil The on!) linu running
' all night ' train out of Sew ) ork
UnKnerPalacCaruon all thr-iunh tralnt.
Tniltn lllu ninaied with IMntM? Mcht
Ttrkets and Uiiftner ofilcwn nt t.rand Ontrnl Ela
tion. 113 I roadway. 14 1'nrk place, rtl. 41 1 Broad
way. Ill Fnt UthM., H4 Hroadar, ii Cnlumhui
av . iu Wett l.'.lli t-t an I UMti t.1 nation Now
ork, HIm and 7.(1 Milton st, and K llruadwiy,
I D.nrooklyn
Hmrsace cheeked from hotel or residence by tho
Wentcott rxt res l oinoan)
General Man icrr (lent ml rnsener A Kent,
Htatlnns foot of Cortlnn It -ind Iestirii.ses Sts
OitUA M daily (Sniulijs; Ou V M) for M-.UCK
CM if n k snd Intermediate stnttons
HilSA M itallrfnr l1IIAt.', IJCSF.VA, ItOTIIES
Till. HVFrlU) MVOAltA r'll.S HOSI'fcNsloV
lllllliril ,nnd theUrst,nnd prlnolial local pnliila,
dlnlnscar to tutenslon IlrhUfl. l'ullman islllulo
bleet, r to l lilcano
llrOO A 1 dally, eicept Sun lay. for MM on
Clil'Sk. and intemn dljto points. Conurctluns for
llenillittranil Ilarr stitirtr.
ISlOO noon tltsi pt eept -inndav
arrives liutTalo in on I' 31 lli-nuiin tar m Ito-hcster.
l'lillnian istiiinltd Kiy Coacnea and l'arlor tars
Dlnlne fnr scrvlc Meofan la carte
1-tilO r M dall, except Sunday, for L and D.
Jniit itun and intermediate txilnts
1 CIO I'. l. dally, t xrept Huntley, for I., and n.
Jl M riON nnl all Intermediate stntlons, chair cars
to Pkesliarre.
n-IO P. M Mtndays only for Mauch Chunk ana
Ilnrie in and nil Intermediate ststlons
illo I' M dnllr, exit-nt smiay, for I and n.
JU.t'flt) and prlnclptl Intermediate stations I'ull.
mnn IluiTct 1 arlor Car to Wllkestiarro, connection,
for Poiisiiue
SilSI' M d illy for KASION and Intermediate sta
tions iMinlrcar to laslon
OllOP M. dnllr for IUIH-ALO MMUItA FAI I.M.
an I a I tvilnts U'eiit Pulltnnn Sit opt r Nestlliuled
Trnln .N loChlinto sineti r to HulTalo and lo
rnnto ( onnecllons for Hi adlnir nnd llarrlstinrir
DKIOP.M dally for 1 1 Hit' I. tlb.NKVA lli.UIFS.
Tilt. HUH All) MADAKA 1-Al tj-t. and all inlnta
est 1'ul'nian Slteper to Cliktmo anil HulTalo
Chair cr to Wllkesliarre.
lll'.Ol' II dallv, oxctpt Sun lay, fnr EASTOV nnd
Inn r in dlate pi Hits.
in lltli nal local trains dally, r-trept Sunday, for
riOUMl IlltoOIJ and Intt rmedlnte points, leave nn fol
lows H nil A M , tl Ul) A. JU Ii U.I 1'. .M , 4 ii) V U
and 0 tn 1' M.
Tkktts and I'lillmnn accommoilatlonsnt 1! in 271,
044 and I.IIJt llronday..ll T.ast Mlliht t fill H 173th
st. 1.7 Unwary, Neu lories Mill Fulton st. 4 Court st,
01 llroa lwn . and llrooklyn Annul. Hrooklyn
N . Transfer Co will .all for nnd clieca bafrno
from hotel or residence- throuirh to distillation.
Trains lra'e foot or West 4M st. us lolltm. (13
niliiutes earlier from rrankllu si I
Ttftfl A. M. for Went ( ornuall Orr s Mills, Lakes
Mniiouk and Mlniiewnska, Mlddlelown, Hloomlnar-bur-tli.
Flluivllle, Fallsliurith. Ilurleyvllle. Lako
Klninesliii, I luert). ficruulnn Walton Delhi, Sidney,
.nrvrlcli lllpa iJnclda, ! ullon Osweiin.
Oil.". A. M.i for L'amplx-ll Hall Mlddlelown,
Dlimiiiiiieliuritli Wurtslioru, Llloullle. Mountain
linlr, Lentrevllle, I nllshurcli. I ako Klamesha, llur
let vine I Uteris Fulls I Iberty. W title Lake
1.4S 1". I. (Saturdays nnlyl, for Mlddlelown,
niooiulnitliura-h, W nrtstioro rllenvllle. Mountain
Dale, I eiitrevllle, lallstiurttli Iake Klauirshn, Hurley
llln, I lli.rty rolls L biriy. While Ijku, l'arksvllle,
I Mna-tinu Jlnnnr, rtocklnnd
tlild I. Vt,, fort'ninpliell Hall, lakes Mohonk nnd
Mlunewasko. Mlitdltt tnu. lllnoinlntibiirKli, tt urn.
boro, Fllinvllle. Mountain Italo, Ct utrcvllle, tails.
Iiumli. 1-ake Klamesha Hurlryvlllt, I tbert) 1 alls
I II. to. White Lako. 1'arksvllle, I tvlnirston Manor
Itocklan 1
IK 1. M. (Dally), for Campbell Hall, Mid lie
tow ii, I ilinrtv, 1 Ivluitstou Manor. Uullnn, Delhi, Kid
ney, Norwich, Handallsvllle, onelda, Fulton, Oswego,
Nli'iiara Falls and points West, Vullraau Sleeping
Car, H'Clliilrethalr Car, scats free to Niagara tails
titl. 1. M..forWestt!ornwall.OrrsMIII Mtatmv
Ilrook, Iiuriisliic. Campbell Hall, btony I'ord, Crtstal
Hull, Mlildletown, Wluierton, llloomlusbuigh, N una
boro Mlenvllle . .,
Throuau trains leave New lork, foot of Chamber,
tt.as follows, and five minutes eorlli r from West
O.DA A. M. Vestibule Fipri)s dally, for Waver
7.UUlr. llinghamtou. Finilra llurfalo. Uradford,
Jamistnwn Mendvllle. and the West, arrive, llurfalo
7:30 I'.M l'arlor car to llurfalo. .....,
2 .Wt I. SI -Vestibule limited. Fast Mall dally.
.yjyJ holld train for t hlcaito. via Chautanqua
lake, arrive. Cleveland 740 A. M .Chicago 0 M.
filrepera to Chicago, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Din
ey'fsj'n 1. M.-llultalo and Cleveland Vestibule Fx
I ioUtrfta. dally, arrives HulTalo 7:10 A. M . Ilrad
ford7 IfiA M . Janiestowntl 63 A.M , levelaud Iil3
1'. U. (bleopers to Iturfalo and Cleveland!, making di
rect ronnrcili ns for Detroit. Chicago and tho est
8. 4 r P. SI. Dally la Chautauqua Lake and M
,'ti) ugara lalla Solid train toLhlcago. Hleepert
to lluffalo Chicago and ( Inelnnatl Dining car
1 ACCOMMODATIONS at 111. Ml, 401, and 1117
Uroadway, l68F.st liloili st. and Ul West With st.
Chamtiers and West aid tt ferries. New York. 3a8
and 7,f Fulton at. 100 llrond" or. llronklvni i 00 Hurt
son sU Jloboken. and Jers.y City station. Westcotl's
El press calls for and check, baggage from hotels snd
retldcnrea to detllnttloa.
cvrt BAT M.
Ten Dollar, to ClOxo. (iold or Silver, CAQHIST
Bl.0-1 , 801 UfoadwI I
-i I
n s njii t aaxiHf ' ) "Tim-iiar i -"-,-
STATIONS foot of Desbrntses and Cortlandt streets.
In orfect June . Iritid
OrOO . M, FAtvT I.INE.-l'srlor Car to Pittsburgh
lUtOOA. M, l-nN.V8ll.VAM A LIMITED -1'nllrnan
Compartment, Bleeping, Dining, Hmoklnir, and Ob
servation Cars Arrive Chicago u A M , Cleveland
4 30 A, il . Cincinnati (1 so A. M , Indianapolis H ua
A M, Louisville 11 00A. H., M Loultl our Jl.and
Tii'etln k 'to A, Mi
BlOOV.M. ClIIOAriOAND T. IA1UH F.XI'ttKfH.--Mceptnc-and
Dining Cart to St. Louis, I.oulsvlllc.and
Unlcago Arrive Cincinnati 10 43 A H , St Louis 7
1'. M.LChleagoOJriP M.
OrOO P. M. WJtsTEUS KXPIIF-S Sleeping and
lilulng Car. to Chicago and Cleveland Arrive.
Cleveraml ildis A M . Chicago H 1- M nexttlay
. P. M. 8ollTllVi F.STritS FXI'IIFSS- -Sleeping
and dining ears tot inelnnatl and Hi I.ouls Arrive
Cincinnati tl I. M, Indiatitpolls 10:1S V. M, HU
I oi 7 A. M. S"condliiornliig
fliOO P. l, 1'ACIHO t MllKSS.-rnllmnn Bleep.
IngCaeto l'lUsbnrgli Connects fnr Chicago dally,
nnd Cleveland and Totdn except saturdni
8, M ail, ti hii. HMlii (Dining Car II A Ji . I. ilito
(11.20 "Consressloaal Um ," all Parlor and Dining
Cam. 4 Mil (Dlnlnn can, 8iift (Dining Can, UP M.
l-.il3ii.ghi Biindaj.K nil. KiO), II A M. U ."Con
gressional Llm " all Parlor and Dlnlnr Cnrsl, 4 10
iDlnlngfari, 4 jn (Dining Car) II 1' M. Ii 13 night
BUUTHFHN ItAIHVW-4 mi p. M tlally Sleeper.
In hew Orleans, Memphis. Tampa, Ashevllle, and
HntBinngs ID-IS night dally bletpers to hewOr
leans and Jacksonville
ATI.AMIC "OAST I1VF. -0 3D A M. dallr. Sleepers
to Port 1 anitia and Macon. 0 Ou P M. dally. Hlecper
to Jacksonville.
CIII-SAPI'AKh A OHIO ItAlLWAV.-Fipress 0-80 P.
M dally. Through Sleeping and Dining t ars
1-nrOLD POINT coMFOltT nnd No (IOLK via Cape
Chirlesltnttte, HA M. week days, and, with Through
Sleep r.bP M. dallr.
ATLANTIC cm. H51 P. M. week daia. Through
ItiitT-t Parlor Car and Day coach
ForCAPK MAY, 11-U0A.M.1 (m, IiSO, andSi-10 P. M.
For 1 on llranch, Astmry Park. Oi can Grove, and
Point Pleasant,.! 10 7i40 l10 in (hi A M , l-ili).
luti, Brio, :n lit. tito, 4:20,1 in (does not -tonal
long Iiraiiihl.nml 7i0( P. M tctk ilass Sunday,
iston nt Inttrlaken for Aaluin Park), tt lb, U.I3
A M.6 2" P M.
0 VII.7 in.n H 10. tl HU (HI Pinna Limited). 10 10
(l)lnlng Car), II A SI . 1. 1. i in I 4 4 30 4 til
(Dining Car). 0 :0 (Dining Cari.ll iDlntngCar). 7 Ml,
B.BI'. X. 11 isnlitht, bundats II. I) 3d ii intii,
(Id Limited), 111 II A M, I! (Dining Carl 4 4-10
(Dining Carl, 3 0 (Dining Car), n (Dining ( an, 7 43.
rl.HP M. IJllAlllnht.
Tleket onices- Noa. H. 1)44. 1, ltlfl LIS 1. 1 11, nnd 2(11
Uroidway. 1 Astor Hout nn I foot of Dtshrosses
nini Cortlnndt sis t 4 Court st.rtnu l-uUnn st , tin
Ilroadway. nnl llrooklyn .Anne1 Biatlin. foot of
1-ulton st . Droiikhm Station. Jtrsev ( Itv. The New
York Transfer Company vr HI call for nn 1 cht-ck
baggage from bpu.ts and rusldtnces through to des
tination H M PltEVOST. J. 11 WOOD,
(ten ral Manager. ficnernl Pass r AgenL
m:r..vxvAifi:, "i.mTTaw anna an ii
rjtittlona In lesv a oris. Fottt or Itnrcltsy itnd
Chrli-tnntier st.
IKT l-Alirs. PIN'l'lst II I.KillT.
Direct route to Newark. Iiloomtlelil, Monti inlr. Iha
Orangi s. suminlt. Uernardsvllle. Husking Ithlge, ttaill
son, Morrlstown. Passalt, Palerson. Iloontiin, Dnvtr.
Stanhope Newton Iltldo a Lake. Ijvke lloiiatrong,
Ilackt ttsiovtn, sehoole s Mouniain. Was'ilnttnii
Plitlllpsnurg, Faston Water tlap s-iroiidshurg. Po
kono Mountain scrnnton, Pittstuti. Wllkesliarre,
Nantlctkc. Dlnvlllo. Norfhuuiberland. Vlontrose,
Iilnghamton Oxford, Vorwleh W-iterllle, Cilia.
Itunheld Spring ,Lorllanil.Syrat.tle,tswiKo Itliact.
Owio Llnilra ( ornlng. Ilath. Dsnstllle HulTalo, and
all iioluu West, Norlhwrflt. and Southwest.
HtOO .V.3I ulugbaniton Mall stops at prlnclpnl
nil ins
lOlOQ A. W.-ICarocar ) HulTalo, Scranton Ding
hittutoii Ulloa. ltlahlleld Springs, Syracuse, and
O-nteoKxprcss Pullman buffel ptrl ir cars Con
mcts atDuifalo tvltu tralus foe Llikago untl points
llOO P. M. (Cafecar.) Bcranton Iilnghamton, and
l ntilrn Fxprcss Pullman ImlTet p trior cars
lOO I, l.-ficnnton Wllkesbirre.nnd Plymouth
r spress Pullman bulTet parlor i art
Ttao P. M.-(Dailj) -UuHaloVesiltuile Ilmlteil Fx-
Iirets fnr scranton. llluglianitoti, Ltmlra Huffalo
'nllmnn biitTet slet ping car Lonnetts ut HufTalo
ttltli train far L hit ago and pnlnls West
Oi:io P. M,-(Hally)-lluitnlo Scrauton. Illngham
ton Ithntn Hit r.lle.d Srrlncs, S racuse, and Os
wego Exir-ss. IMIImnn iHifft t sleeprt
Tickets nnd Pullmsn acco nniodat tins at 14 Park
ptac- nnd 4.-1) llroadnat. Tit kits atferr) stations.
1144 llrnadwnj. Ill 4th a,.cnrntr wth t ftl W est
With su.S'i Columtinsav Nrtvnrk, :it and T.'il
rilltiui st. an 1 Kill llron It. a, Hrooklyn Tlmo tables
RMiti.fntl Inrormatlon at nil stations
csttntt s xpres Company will cull for and check
baggage from hotel or residence to di situation
Newlofklnd Boston All Rail.
S V.N II ill. It K iiikI Liililicttlons
From ttrand Crlitrat Station
Leave. Ity wav of Due
0 04 M , Sprlneftcld anil ft orcesti r 3 Jo P. M.
lu on A. M ,tSi v londrnnnl ProM lencc.J 00 P. M
in 0 I A M , New London nnd Protldence. 4 nil P. M
11 no A. M. sprlngnildand UnrLcst. r 3 top M
l.'OUM htirlngllellaninortister, 1 Jt P. M.
1 1 Oil P .! . Air Line and S r lt. lt . tl on p. V.
1 iU P M .Net- London and l-rovldenee. 7 i$ P. l
U 01 P. M. "New lindon and I'roldi net-. It nil P M.
4 no P M . Sprlngf-rld nnd nrcesli r. 10 oil P M.
3 00 P. M . . 1 on Ion nnd I rot I tencc.l 1 (in P M,
11. nop M.'Sj rlngtleld and Worct stir. II A si.
12 00 P M . "Ni w I-nndon and Protldt nco. (I ,'i A. M.
l'.uus tlnll , Incltitllng sumlat .
rtla state limited, a 1 parlorcars. faro $7. Includ
Ins parlor car st at.
tAIr llnellmlfeil. arrlvexatand departa from Park
eViuarestatlon, Iloston. Hcturnservtco same hour and
by hanie mule
Through parlor orleepjntr cars by each train.
C T. HFMPSTLD, Otn Pass gent.
I et e .New ork, fnot nf I llw-rt) M , dally.
CH!i'Oo J liO 1 M nmt UM'-yfiltihl.
I'lTTMirUdH,.! aiiM Mm i ii i Ann , 12 l night.
'MMMSNVTI.nT i oris, iu A M i. onl L
WasIIINQToS IlAL.TiM.um- s in iLilnin Car),
II Ii K M. (Dining Cnr. 2 (10 1 i) ilunlint Carl.
& 00 ..'inn., lari, H 0 I' M , 1. 1.. nlnht. huniln.
in ou (lnnli.ff rar) II H A. M MhIiir Cnr, I ou
(Dining Car), 1 mi (DlnltiRCar)..) 00 l M . 1. lSnlglit.
NOHt-Oi.K II SO A M ilull)
Sv nut KASS.Tlir-.iwl. Slt-rper. 5 TO P M dftlly.
All trttn art lllutnlnfttpil with 1'Intiti h light
OHImm 1 1 t, 17-. VHI. -il. 1.141) llroit-lvsai Jl m
14th st 17 Howtry. Now ork !1 (V U4 rullnn t ,
lirookOn Matlnn rout of Liberty. -N C It H of N J
I'ltfRngochtHketl rrotuliottl or rolltnce tu lUittna-lUn
Sublic Soticre,
(Should borcai!DML b oil InterMtml, R?ichans:M
may oct ur nt nil) t iul-
rnrslsn mails for the imU null titf Jul) 4 ulllcloto
(I'HOMl'H.. inaluam-i) at thin oflli o a follonA
FH1D.V At SI" U tort V1, COIOW ftli 1 NATAL.
per teamhlp( It) of IVrth Mn( i lowu (lit
i r nut lie tilriititl i,rClt nf lVrlli' i
8A1VHDV-At .1 A M for I flAlSCI . S IT7J.t
LM,ITAIY KN. l'ittiLitU iritl.i-Y,
-ul'T. nini imillMl INDIA. I'tr Ntrama.tip Ia
Dmirnno, via I la m ntiljuA 3t. laupphMiient
nr t 'tu A M ) for I 1 110 Pr jrr u iinitnip I 'aria,
lu StHiilminpti-tn (Utter for IroUn I must be...
rfcttd 'IMF PirN'j. ntH30A.M for HtrlAND
(lutter inula onlyi. per rip unship Lucanla
la juonitun n (letters fur other parts
if turuptt nium bo illr-LvMril per lucnnu'),
nt 7 V. M. fur NrTIIHlLANDS ilirret,
ppr freatnshlp Aotmlam, la H .ttpnUm (Irt
ltr mut l -liree ttil "p.r n iidnm l at rt A M
lor OI-NOA illreet. pi r sieaiuIiili I-uMa .letter-
inmt lc niretletl 'ptrl-ulln) nt 10 A M fur
SCOTLAND illreet. per uti ntnl)1p Ut of Hoimv
Ii tthti-tjim (Irtt r mint biMtlr. nil it rt'lt of
limn."), at II A M fur .NOKU A tliriH I wt
sitnm.hlp .Norc (letttrs must m a nttnl per
PKINT1 D MATTFK, An -Oerman ateimirs milllnir
on TtiowtH!, Tlairln) ittul SitunlaH ti.ko
1 rlnteil Mnttrr. t for Oi ruinii), hi t spei .All.
Aihlrt oeil Printed llntter, Jtc , for other part of
hit rope. lots Star Rteiamer on i dm il iy tnkt.
Sptilally Adilr teevl Printed Mutttr. tc , for I n
ropi Cuunnl Unmers ou Mitun) t. lakt Printed
MntKr, itv. for tirrat Jirltnin nnd Inliuit nnl
Spe.tfll.yA-Mret.ned Printed Mnti. r, &t forothtr
parts of hurope Anmrlenn nnd hn niM line M(Ain
i rs take Printed Mittt r, Ae , for n I rotimrlet for
which tluy nronthertUed to carry mall
Affr ttuc'onlnttof (I o Supplementary TrnnAtlnntlo
Malts named atme nldlthmal supplt mentur)
malls are o in nod oi tho tier of tu nurlmti,
1 iuIIi, Frenrli, and iieriii'in stinmers. and re
main open until nltliln T(tt Mlnuttnof Him hour of
RallluBuf sti ami r
FUIDA -trt 10A 1.forHltl!L nnd l- I'LVTA
COr.NTHIFS ter tt .iinthlp . nhrldpi. Mil l'tr
tiamtnieo. Pallia nnd ltio di Janeiro (Kttiri for
North Ilrnrll must lu'dlrn ted "peri ol-rldKo '). nt
10 A M (hupplimentfin 10 10 A M) for u()
TIIA. pir nteaiishlp utnurl nt 10 3o A.M for
llA.Tl.C l'MNniHl CAUl'DANO per steamship
I'rlna William J (li tn rmr oihti purl or eno
EiiAla Liir.iioa Trinidad Hrltlnh nml Dutoh Oulnnn
must IrCdlntfd "per I rins Ullilnn I ' ).at II A
M (supplimentar. 1130 A Ml for FNr
ITrLA and ('(MlAfOA, nUo SWAM! 1 A
and OXflTIIAOFNA. via urAcon nr sttnmliln
( nr(uiii;at IV M. forOUI NADV, THIMDAD and
TOllA'H). per rtlintiishlu Ca-tle rdn nt I P SI
(supplemininry I 30 P M.i for hAN DOMINdO
nnd TlUllv'SlMAND prr strnma'up sairlnaw , nt
1 V M for CAM .Frill mill is r MASCO,
TUXl'VM, and UCATAS, p. r stiamshlp Sara
t fin (Mien, for other parti of Meido nnd for
Cubt must Pn dtriHteil "per SirntoKn"i. nt 1 1'
M (stipplementnr 4 10 1' M fnr FollTUNK
ISIAND JAMMCA.aml OliK. TOWN, per ttain
" ship Adlrondui k
STUKDAV-t 2 10 A M for Nh Wt-OUNDLAlSD,
Ic r htenmahlp t'r-rean, rrom rhltadt Iplila,
Malls fnr Vowfmindlatid, t.y rail to IIultfAT, and
thenct )y stttHiiur cIuha at this oflloedall at 8 10
P M Mnlls fur Mhiuilon h rail to Ho ton, and
tin nee l) steamer, tlosont this iiMee dull) ai n ,10
1 M MAlUfor una tlost ni this onUvdall at
7 ou A M , 'or (orwnr.UnK lij slcami rs sill In
(Mondasnud Thursdays) from Port rniupn, Ha
Malls for Mnxlw, overland unless -p-clnll. nd
drenaeil fordeit at-h bystfutner, eloso at thlsoflleA
clalU at 7 oo A M I UeKli-tercd mall closet at (1 00
, Jl, previous ily
limits for Australia (except Witt Australia). Hawaii
and hljl islands (spetially addressod only), prr
stinmnidp Mlowera (from Vancouver), do hern
dallv afiir lime SO and up to July II ut 0 UO P. M
Malls for China and Japan per steamship Hr,n
nirr (Train TAC-oniat. cloe lure dally up to July 14
at d So 1 M Malls for Hauall per steamship
Australia (from Ban rr-nmlacoi closu here
daily un to July n nt tl .10 I1 M Mulls fnr
China. Japan an I Hawaii p-r sKatnahlp City
of l'lklitK (from Hjiu hrnnt Isio), closo hern
dally up to Jul) Tt at il 10 P M Malls fnr
China nnd Jut mn specially nildrcss-d only), per
steamship rmprosi of Clilni from aucouwr.,
close hero ilall) up to Iul (H at (I to V Al Malls
for Australia (escipt those fur West Australia,
which or, forwarded la hurope) i w eilaud
Hawaii, .IJI. and Samoin Inlniidi. tcr stiamhtp
Mariposa tfrom Son Kram 1st ol, close hero dull)
up to Jol IIH nt 7 so M II A M .and 0 Jo
1 M lor on nrrlvat at Vt-w .nrk cf steamship
I'ml rla nlih Hrltlsh mails lor Aiistrallai 3lalu
jnr tio Society Islotuls per ship City or fa Mi I
(from inn FruclKoj.clote hero aully up to July
Trauivl'arinc malls are forwarded to port of sailing
dally, ftnd the -schedule of closing Is nrranK-rUon
the presumption of their uninterrupted on-rUnd
llteluur-d mall close at fl OOP L previous day.
"w CIIAIILF8 w. DAVTON, Postmaster.
, Pott OCOcc, Nf w Yvrk. W. V., Juuo SO, ItfVO,
Public notice It hereby a! en that lt Is the Intention
of tne tounset to the Corporation of tho (Ity of New
York taini.koaiplic.tlon to tho Supremo court for
tho nppo uttiicm of CommlRSloncrn of Appraisal
under Chapter UO of the Iaws o' im3
Such application n ill Pomadftnt a special Term of
Md Court M behold in tlin ftccond Judicial District,
at the court IIousj in Whlto Plains. Weitcnester
County, nn the Yothdny of July, Ifluo. at ten o clock In
the forenoon or as soon thereafter a counsel can he
heard Tho ohjei t of this application is to obtain nn
order of tho Court appointing three disinterested and
competent frcfholdi rs onoofwhom shall reside in
the County of Nha ork and the other two of w hnm
shall reside in tho County In wl lu i the real estate
hereinafter described Is situated, or In an adjoining
Count), n commissioner.-, of appraisal to nscrrtntn
andnporahc the compensation to t made to the
owners ot and all tx rsons Interesloit In tho real estate
hereinafter de serf. nil as propose I to be taken or
affected for th' purpose of prorldlns; for the sanitary
protection of the sotirteA or the water supph of tho
Clt) of New lork
The real est te sought to be ncqiitrel or affected b
these pro-'Oi'dtiiKs Is situate In the Town of Southeast
and Canoe I. Putnam Count), New ork. nnd Is laid
out and indknted nn two certain niAps s gned and
certified tn Commissioner of tut11c Works of Now
ork city and Chief hn-tlneeror theCroton Aqueduct,
one of tv. nc h said maps Is entitled:
"Depnrtmmt of I'uhllo Works City of New orkt
"map or linds In tho towns or Southeast and Carmel,
"County of Putnam, and state of New York, the uso
"or coiidllton of whlih does or may Injuriously
"ntTeet the souncs of tne water supply of No txk.
" city proposed to be tnken or effected b tint Mayor,
' Muermen. nnd (ommonnlt) of Now York t Itv
"In prorhLna rur the sultar protection of tho
"water supply of said city, utular tho rorlslons of
Chapter ISH of the Ijiws of 1h 1." whim said map
Is dated Ma V7, lii and mas riled In Putnam Coun
ty Clerk's Oflkn Maruh 19. IMT. and a copy thrreof la
now on tile at tho tnic of theComiu'SStonurof Pub
1U Worits In the LIl of New York.
The foilnnimr is a description of the real citato
aniiKait tobt inkf n as shown on aild Map Justly horc
lutit ror 'tnentlonid'
All those erialu lota ileors or parcels of real estate
In said towns which taken tojtothirconrtltuto a trn t.
of which tie foltowlnz are t io external bounJary
Alt those snvernl nnl various lots, pieces and par
cels or laud and real estate, ns tl e term ' r al estate"
lailntlni d In um d act, sltunti d lu the towns afon said,
and wnh.li taken toKcther rorti n tr.it included
within thofojlniiu ottern I loiindnr lines.
llealuulnir at u point where the west lino of Parcel
No I Is lntor-HH t d by the Una I ret ween thotountles
of Western ster and Putnam, and ruuntnfr thcuto
alone tho ii& d ".st "' north in dfor-es 84 mln
n eHiastOTI fi2 feet and north HI drkreis uQ mln
lite east 4."0 04 leet to tlm nort'i line of Pan-el No 2.
thenco along the north and west lints of said Pr-1
the foiiowltiK tourses ami distances North 11 d
lines 41 minutes .lu wt ond east ItiOO trit north 4
deitreesu nilnutts M0 s,.,. it ids west ll.vn? fiet and
north ? deKruesv i minutes eat J?H0 ftet to tho
westerh Kites or Parcel No 4 t'lenc. nlotii! the sumo
the follow Inftimirf ct and dlstauccs in rtli rteureos
ffOmluuUstust ilHl4 tiet north 40 drces If 4 mln
ut-aMOstconds weu H0 leet nort'i n degrees V)
minute, west 7VM" feet south 74 degrees fl minutes
wist 400 s4 feet nnd north 7 iletrs 14 minutes to
second west 1U7.78 feet to t o centre nf n roan tnd
Ins to Lake lHhopat thenci nlomr the sime nnd tho
w -t linen of Pari els Sua. it nnd 6 nurtti tfit dovtnes
44 mlmius 10 s eon 1 west 14n 07 feet nnd u rth 70
Oeftrees inmlnuPa wist VVtl 5 t fiet to the north lines
of said Parcel Ntt. a tin ute hlong tlm same north 'ii)
decree ft) minute '10 seconds east tin 44 feet and
north 40 degree- lumlnuusio seconds east 4.h. in
Tiet to th' mirth Due of Parts l No Hon J the t mire, of
a road thence nlonR the same north tod( t,rees ,id
mluutiseaii 1 If OH feet to the east line of said P tr
et I thence islon t ic sme and the enl lines of Par
cels Nn 7 H nnd o the following tournes nnd ills
tsnes south 11 derees04 mliiutei cnl IfinO U5 feet
south 4S decrees 21 minutes losecon Is east 71 1 40
fret north 8 ncRris0 inlmitrs west mih 0. feet uul
north IKdefireea I 1 minutes nest W41.1U feet to tho
north Hue of sal I Parcel No 0 thence Alou-r the aame
thefo lowluscourses nnd illstojicts south 8fl iljrrees
HU minutes .10 seconds east -07 07 feel north h5
decrees is inlnuttn ast Al .0 feet nnl outh
7 deitros 3o minims 10 seconds cut Io 14
fe t to the nortn ilnet t f Parcel No. .1 thence
along tho same tue following courses and dlstanes
south mi decrees ,0 minutes IU) rtonds eatU0 70
teet south t7 decree. 0 i minutes mo seconds east
US 4 fe t south ho oe (trees oh minutes eat 104 73
fett north 3T degrees 54 minutes east I0J 40 feet to
the cast line of wtld Parcel No .1 thence aloiu tho
ma nn the follow int; tnures and distances south 43
dt creep. I I minutes eafst 100.04 feet soath 40 (itgreot
Oi mtnutestast 01 rtsfeet south Udeprees 37 minutes
.10 seconds east 14 ST feet ind south Mile rees 00
minims east W4 02 feet to tnu north 1 ne of Parocl
No o, thence nlona the same north 40 degree 00
mtnutestast ftr 4 7 feet and north O-JdrurefS 4 J inln
utes east 400 10 feet ti the north linn or Parcel No 11
thee atom; tho tmrth and vest llixsnf said parcel
the fidiowlntf courses und dlstauc sout i GO
dcftTcis Ut minutes east 041 hi ttel north i;0
decrees li minutes cast 74S..S fett north iH
detfrees 1 I ininiHti east Ifit no fett north 40
dearie it minutes SO seconds east 140.1 feet
north H degrees 7 minutes taut li ' il feet nt nu
10 dcfcn es 41 mluutos ast4dl 40 feet and north as
di fin-eft O'.mluutt'srn-t r7- II fei t to the west line of
Panel Nn l,i tl ince alou: the same north id threes
lu minutes to sec on Is west 641 0 feet and north 1
den es 41 minutes 10 seconds est 501 97 feet to tho
centre of a n nd h adlng t t arnii I tl ence oloucthe
i-hiiio nnd th. west line of Pa ml No. 10 ncrlh 14 ile
pres 'il mlnut-s so Mconds west 4 40 feet and
i orth 4 dtgrt a 12 minute, to seconds west 1H7 M
tent to tt em ti.fh lino or Parcel No 10 thenc alon
thiaine Miutu nsdi gn t 4t tOlnutes i(t seconds wist
2i V ih-i t the wtst tine or nnl I par el and the west
He of the brforu mentioned roid lea Hue io Carmel
theii.oalonf- tin simethe fo lnwln? cours' s and ills
tin,. s nortu -i drttno-. 42 minutes west VU J l. ftet
north 34 gvtf 44 mlnuies 30 monu-i west .113 03
fit and north dtgrce OS mlnutet JO seconds west
442 0 ftet to the n rth line of said Panel No
10 thence aton the sin south b7 derei s 17
minutes )0 tetonOn east 803 h 4 fett to the tast
Hot of sld Panel thence a onit the same the follow .
Ins court.- and d' stance south 44 oeg.ees Get minutes
eist lav obfict so i tti 2i flrgref 40 minutes east 04 7
feet south 41 degrees Sti mtuutts cast 40 l 0- feet and
south.il decrees .IJ minutes at.t r dl feet totheeirt
line of pjrc I No. 1.1, tt enc aloof the same south 13
d nrt-es 37 minutes .to a-eon Is eist Sol o'i feet to tho
north line of Par I No 17 thence nlnn the north
and west lines of sat t parcel south h I tlezrcei ." mln
ute,Ho set oiu Is east .tss 0s fi et anO north .O d-sres
AOmtnutis eat 37 ftet to the west line of Parc-I
No V0, thence alontr the ibiuu nort i t3dereei( 30
minutes enat 70. 70 ft ei atitt north lildegrets 17 mln
utes to seconds east WS ' ttet to the north tines i f
snlo tared and the soMh able of a road leadlutt to
Carmei tluncea'ontc the s une the fol otn iture
ant dlstames outh hH oesrees 7 minute Jo aeo
ondn i tut l"-.4 leet south 11 detrtt 00 minutes
jo ms triil. east l 1 in feet muiIi SI decrees 10
n Inutet 3u stionds eas: 23 ol r-et a uth 00
dtjrrees In minutes 10 seconds can 104 2 1 feet
s nun 4kdires li minutes east I 1 fet south IJ
d trees So minutes .0 se, onds east 1K07 ftet couth
odeatrei's )4 minute? west til t ftet south Hldegret s
17 minutes 40 s t onds east 741 feet to the north line
of Parcel N'o Is tin tne alontr the same the following
courst sand dUtancis sout i eJ decrees 17 minutes 40
second' east lLoiet north fiS decrees on minutes
eat 7 is ftet nort'i nod gree .ilmlnutts4 )sec
o idsiist .'lO 3 feLt north 4 ibftnes VI mlutc west
il iS feet north 14 deirees 3o mlnutts 0 set onds
cat Hi 4 fit north i dejrrei s in minutes 13 st c
onds cast iH IB teet nrth fviterei 44 mlnutts 40
second, i ast 41 4H feci north J4 iteizreos o7 intnules
:0 se. on is eist lino feet ant south 33 degrees tfit
tntnutis lOseiotK'sea-t iOS.01 feet to the east side ot
s il I ptrcel tiienci n ontr the sttme south I di greo 11
inlnuies.to sttonds wet till 3 fici nnd boutli 1 1 de
grets .1. tnlnii es jo second wet 13S7V ftet to tho
louth line of Pirtel No I7tnence atone the same
soutn 4 di trees 10 mluoti s So n.M'.tuits mat 1377 Jl
fet t an 1 south tut degrees Intimitis nuecTiids west
71tsuifi t to the taut line ot 1'arctl No 11 the. ee
along tho s imc the following courses and tils
t nu es mi h i 1 ib grt e 00 minute (0 m oud
wcm too H fei t south 1 diree 20 minutes JO seconds
west 3h.l 4 teet and south SI de-mtsu- mlnutts J
sect nds west i0vi .3 feet to the east llnuf Panel No
IV thriuc alone the simo the fo i )vftng courses and
dltancts south Jil degrees ii mlojtes tto seconds
wcstSIJ H feet south 40 tiecrj sOo minutes It sec
on Is i 3U 17 f. et siiiih .Vt degrees 30 minutes 30
rtonds wist 07 13 fet aouth m degrees JS minutes Jo
onds west 7r0 I feet nouth Ml degrees lhtuluiites
o seconds wist Ivish feet and aouih 31 degrees 18
minutes 3o seconds wist 7so 4 t feet to the south lino
of Pant I No 1 1 tin nee along tlu south end eat lines
of said Pnrjnl the fidbwiioc courses an 1 distances
aoutu 31 dOstms IJ minutes SO seconds west till I 37
fret south 77 degrees 3B minutes to setotils west
70n h i f. et north 70 digrees olmlnutis 10 seconds
west itCO ,! fei t and south 10 di aree 10 minuter west
701 ot leet to th ea-t line of PatM I No. t thence along
thf nst and aiuth lliusnf stld panel the following
ioiiresnud itlstamtMsnutli degrees 10 minueswtst
It J- lOftetsoulh ,n degrees i minutes west 4M3 07
fut south JOdigt-ces sdintnubs west 1013 3.1 feet
south -'; dii in i" mlnutis mi m on Is en. t 1400 0u
ft! couth Osdegn is 10 minutes yo a corn's west
&tt 10 tei t w uith ti degnes 30 minutes west t4N- 1h
feet snu.h 47 dignes 17 mluutiH wist M 4 3 feet
south .HilegreeK tih mliiutfa wrat 180hSfeet south
0 il grccs 3D mlnutts west 3n14irietto the Hue he
twin the Counties of Putnam nnd entcnester,
thentt along the same the fobov-vinztotirse and ills
tnmrs north h7d-greM31 mlnutts SO secon Is west
24 .fe t north hOdegrtes 04 mlnnti s west 4l ulfeet
north 77 degrees ou minutes UO set onds west 10H20
fiet south h3 degrees 47 minutes Witt IJSOreetaoJ
nort'i on degrei s ol minutes SO seconds west 107 07
foi't to the pittnt of tieglnnlng
All the rial est tti shown on lastly mentioned map
Is tn he a ipitn I in fee
Iheoiht rof - ihl maps Is entitled Department of
Public Uor.is City of New ".or-, Map of lauds lu tho
tow n of t nriiiel, L ounty of I'utiiam nnd Ktate of New
lork theiwi-r (niidllfon of which does or nini lu
lunousl) aff rt the simrica of the wat'r supply of
New orki tt pn'poseii to bo tnken or affected by
the Miyor, Ai I'Tintn nnd Coinmr tulti of Ne-s ork
lit) uml pr Hiding lor tlu sinlt ry t rolet tlon of the
wuttr uptl of sld t Itv tinier the provisions of
Chuplir 1 i of t to lawn or IM I which raid mnp Is
dwtid April i 1MI and wa tllul In nld Putnam
t ouut ' lork'noftbt Jul , 1(.1 and n copy thereof
Is now on Illo In tho cuilo'nf u commtsHlnncr of
PubllcUorksor Ntw orkCII
Iho follow rg Is a desirlitlou of the external
botiiidar) line of the limls shown on said last men
tloned map
Jifgtnnlngata tolnt In tho south P undarrltneof
Ittertolr D" nnd runulnst theme tloiu theaamu
tho fo lowing eourr.r a i1 dlstaiuts Niirth 3 I do
grecs II minute-, m-t .! to 10 fut north d digrit s 31
minutes cast (411) ft et north 10 ib grees 17 mlnutis
en-t -.lu 41 ftet.utid north 30 di grt i i7 mlouti senst
HO o fci t to the wist pronert) line of the Nt w ork
ami Potuam It. U tfnrm rl) the Now t rk nnd .North
i rn Itallroudi thimo alont too a.inw thofollcming
coorsi and dim a huh houlli fil digit s 11 inlnutts
JOs-cou Is wi st M Jl ftet stMi'h l.t degrees J3 mln
uies w. ft U-.7 ft it -oiith lilegrots JO minutes wist
04 14 fut south o degnes II minutes we I4hd
feet south 7 dtjtrns 11 mluotes JO seconds t u.t
13704 feet south 3 tit grt es Jl minutes east .flO 71
fiet south o digrtts 14 minutes iast .10 ho fiet
south 4 degrees 47 minutes JO fet onds east 14104
fpit and south 4 d -green 7 minutes Mo si-eonds
cast J .so fitt theuco acrois tho Mldrnllmad prop.
trly south 70 ib unii Jll inluutis Cast 107 1 J
feet to tho tast line of same, theme along tlm
add taut line tlu following i nurses ami dls
tances: South U degrees J7 minutes 30 seconds west
SOU ul fut south J ifsmts n minutes west 1H.U
f oi t south IS degrees 4. mlnutia west loj U7 ftet.
south VI i egn es ti.1 mlnutts to P ciuids in st 00 Hi
fut ainUouih J3digrccs 30m!nutoswet 21h H fed.
theme south 1 1 de-cn es to ni nute to ic. onds tast
un7.14 foi t, thence s uth tlibgnes lb tnluulos eai
0.5,07 fri t, tin nee south SI degrei I mluuto west
7VU07 ftt In the Doilh biutndar) llu of pjnel N'o
0, thence along th'i same smith 7 degrees 1 1 minutes
east 404 us fitt t the east line of said pnrri I themu
aouv thehauiu the following rourt-esanl dMihccs
South IJ lUgrot ii tnlnuti s lo rtconds west 444 17
fiet. aoutu 4 dejrtoi 4 mlnutts ci-it 104 I t fi-et und
south It digreesttl mluutt .ol set on Is mat i Mi 04 fret,
tnrnco aoutli I I tlegn es Jl mlnuus westiluuo feer,
thence -outlt Udeirets n minutes east V0.40 feet o
tho so ithcist corner of Pun el No , tin me
south I- degrees 13 minutes .10 set omit csst 7h3 7U
feLt, tin moo south -V digreeu 1h mluutis 30
seconds wi st 7H5 Hrt ftet. theme south 10 decrees
40imnutes westfiHO 10 feil, th-tiei i.outh ITilctnis
lOmlnules lOsetouds west 7SU 13 fitt, south 40 de
greta !" minutes east All tlfeit thence south 3d de
grees 3U intuuios an ..rennds east intli ftet to tho
a uth side of the rimd lvndlu t rrom I, ike Jlahopao to
Drt wttlto and Crnion 1 nils thouce along the same
the following courses und dlttantt south 8rt degrees
41 minutes east 77 ni feet north HJ degrees 3 mln
utes 3o seconds east I7h.h0 futt and north HO de
greea II niluuteseast 1ft.. J leet. thenro north 60 de
grees B0 minutes ttOaotonds cast V1U40 feet, thenco
north -U degreea n minutes Ro seconds east 18H ua
feet, thenco north 8Udegreea 87 tnlnutea east I40H
feet thence north 47 degreos 30 minutes east 370,8a
f et to (tio outa Hdt of me ro4 leading from Ctruel
t-TnrewTllIt and Croton KalU. tltrnce north -
arsci 33 tnlnutea weal I0S8 feeu thenoa nortft l
degreea lo minutes HO ireomlt westTHanl leet to;
point lu the before mentioned road, thoneo notih
04 degrees 8 minute west o.Tft fi at. thenc nortli
a tlcgrtea 4 minutes HO aocondi oat &lAf
thence north 40 tlesnoa 2a iiluui wmi UI1.V9
feet, thence north 4 dcareea 1 mloutn hi seconds weat
3I hO feet to tho cenlro of the beloro inrntlon-M
road, thence alona the sumo the following ooursea nnd
dlstancoitKorthifo deercca 40 tnlnutea west 8T.26 feet,
north 14 degreea AS minutes wont mi, 14 feet and north
lit degrees .SJ minutes west nil 72 fcel thence north
12 degreea 44 minutes east J7o 78 feet, thence north
4M degrees 0 minutes HO scionds east 773.1.1 feet, k
thence north V degrees 14 minutes tast 710 o fort to 1
the east line of Parcel N'o 91, thence north 73 deurees (
41 minutes 3o seconds insl 400 U3 feet, thnctnprtM
114 degreea 04 minutes 30 ictondi coat uhu S3fet.
thence north i degrees U3 tnlnutea do seconds east
4 73 0 feet tu tho east line or Panel No. 84. theho
north JS degrees niliitttosS0secondsrast43H 43 feet-
thence north 40 degrees V0 mtnutca.lOaecoudaeaal f
Uul 3 feet to the west lino ot Punol No, 01, thenc
nlong the samo north H degrees 3A niliiutes 30 secon da
west tf 10 4 feet to tho north line of said parcel, thenc
along tho sftnn north 4M degrees ill minutes coat
V 1 u fcot. thence south 4? degree 4H tnlnutea enst
430 3 fert, thenoe south 30 degrees 4,1 minutes so
seconds east 310 0 feet, theiuu smith 87 ileftrcri
SO mlnutet -HO seconds east roc 0 feet, thenc
south 0 degrees sh minutes west 183S.90 feet,
thence south ih degrora X I minutes HO secon da 1
west 70S. 8 feet, thenco south 01 digrees 4J mln- N
utes went AitlU feet tn the west line of th ,
before-mentioned Parcel No. V4. thence along the J
same north 3 d-vrces 35 minutes .10 seconds east I
Illo 08 feet to the south shnro lino uf Lakn Ullcbd. 1
thenco ntong the aame In n xresierl direction aboatj f
Sooo fett to the east line of Paretl NtK V0 thehce" "
along the same south IU degrees 47 minute 30 if-s
ouds west ml tH feet, thenco north 7t4 de
cms 47 minutes west 487 H7 feet to tho weal
linn of said parcel, thenco along the same north
& decrees 22 tnlnuti s mat -im.lii feet to the before
mehtlnmd south shorn . lino of uiknillleaf, thence
along the same in a northwesterly nrd southwesterly
dim tlon about 373 0 feet to tho east linn nf Parcel
No t-0 thenco along tho same south 0 degreea ?U
mtnntis west 4S4 01ft rt. thtmosoutri til degrceaxi
ml nut os 30 seconds west 18.01 feet thence south 47
degrees 37 minutes .10 sei onds west 3tH o feet, therte
south 13degrves8t mlnotes SO setouda west 433.03
fett, thence south 1 decree 0 minutes 30 secon df
eat SOS feet to the south line of the before fnetv
tloned Panel No 80. theme along tho aame the
following courses nnl distances north 14 degreea
1 mlnuies wtst 4031 feet, north 1 7 degreea 49
minutcH wtst pt 12 feet, north 47 degreea 81
minulta wett 07.1H feet, north IU degree 8A
minutes 30 ivcondi wcstlHi f e 1 north 73 degrees
35 minutes 3f seiuuds west 20. oi feet nortn uo n
dc trees 07 minutes JO seconds west 71.10 ftst,
south 77 degrees 0 minutes to seconds west 178.89
feet thence south 7.1 degrota 47 rnlnutea JO
seconds west 17 01 feet to tue east tine of Parcel
No is. thituealong tre same the following courses
and dlsuncca Soutn 7degrt ia0 minutes east 187.48
fett, south 3 degreea 4 minutes Hi) se onda east 111.38
feet, snuth 11 degrees 18 niliiutes west 114.40 feet,
north 71 decrees 47 minutes JO seconds west 87.08
feet, south So degrees 30 minutes west 0-1.23 feet,
south nl tt'greeso minutes no seconds east 73,1 J feet,
south 0U degrees 14 minute east 0173 feet, s,outhO
degree JO mlnuies loae.oudi west IH7.01 feet, south
6 degrees 0 mlnutis .-0 a-conds weat I00l7feet,
south degrees 30 minutes west 181 18 feet to tho
soutn line of said Parted No IH, thenoo alonrf tko
same and the centre of a road leading from k
Mahopao to Drewtllle atid Croton Kulls north oO
degrees 48 minutcH west loo 77 ftet ro tho cast line of
l'arcel No 11, thence along the same south 17 decree
11 minutes 30 seconds wist 10.33 feet and aoutu IB
degrees 30 minutes Jo aocondi'. west H7.ety fert to
the north Hue of Parcel No 14 and the centre or
tho West llranch of the Croton Illver. thenc
ulong tho same the following courses and dta
tances South 4t degrees 83 minutes JO second
east 70 Oi feet, south 4o degreea 10 minutes .SO sec
onds entt 00 14 ftet, south 33 degrees 10 minutes 3d
sciondseast 143 47 feci, south 43 degrees 30 miaule
east 1 11.01 feet south 00 degrees 33 minutes eaatJ
1SJ8 ftet, south 77 degrees -1 tnlnutea tast 8.74
ftxt and north 47 degret m 13 mlnutts tast 87 0 ieet to
the west ilti of Parcel No 13 thence along the aftmo
the follow Ing 1 ourses and distances: Norui 47-degrr3
03 mlnutts east 43.00 feet north 33 degrees 21 min
utes 30 seconds west 04 00 feet north 07 degrees 31
minutes 30 seconds west "nli feet ani north fl dtv
frees 83 minutes east luii 71 feet to the west line of
'and No 10 tneme alon tli aame the following 1
courses and distances North 10 degree no mtnnte I
80 swouds east IH J feet, north u de-trees 37 minutes
30 seconds cast 2 J 10 feet, and north 3 degreea 48 min
utes east 101 38 feet to the centre of a road leading
from Ijike Muhopac to Croton rails thence along tn
saino south 77 degrees 0 minutes east 3- 01 feet to Par
cel No. 17, theme along the tines of said parcel north
J I degrees if J minutes east 1 127 feet and south IB
degrees 10 minutes east 124 44 reet to the centre of
the before mentioned road, tticme along the same th
following courses and distances South 8 degree
38 minutes .10 seconds cast 14 UO reet. south 25
degret a 37 minutes east 204 J7 feet south da decreet
31 minutes Jo seconds east 131 7- feet, south 37 de
grees 17 minutes 3i seconds east 10 J h feet, south 00
degrees 4c minutes 10 seconds east 88 43 feet, oth
73 degroes 43 minutes east -0 3 feet and outh 78 de
gress 10 minutes 10 seconds east 1 tin 07 feet, thenco
south 34 degrees 48 minutes east 47 vj reet, theno
south 3 degrees JO minutes 10 seeonds east 00$ yj
feet, theme south 1 degrees 30 mlnuies eu 371.117
feet, thence south 22 degree. 10 minutes west 303.08
feet, thence south 0 degreea 13 minutes east 1073.30
fett. theme south 17 degreea 40 minutes :o secoada
east 004 70 feet to the centre ot Stonelelgit avenue,
thence along the same south 30 decrees 14 minutes
west 13 01 feet, thenco south 38 degreea 4 mlnatee
80 seconds east 37 47 feet, thenco south 20 degrees
U-inlnutos .10 secon Is west 701 OJ teet. thenc- south
7 di frees 20 minutes 3u seconds east 0 14 73 feet,
thence south S4 degrees 31 minutes JO seconds west
O112 S4 feet, theme south i digress 41 minutes "SO
seconds east 074 77 feet to the. south line of Parcel No.
34 thence along the same north oo degreea 30 min
utes iu seconds weu JS0 70 feet to the centre of
the Weat Hramh of the Croton Utter, thence a. onf
the aame north 7 degreea su rnlnutea 30 seconds weal
10 14 feet to the south Une of Parcel No J3. thenc
at on if the same aouth 81 decrees it rnlnutea 7vrat
31 30 feet and north 06 degret a lo minutes )0 seconds
wist 407 07 feet, thence north 17 degreea 43 minutes
30 seconds west Hi 134 feet, thenco north S4 t.ertes
10 minutes 30 seconds east 355.24 fet thenc north
7 degrees 4 minutes 30 seconds eat SJo 3 ftwc
thence north 8 dc-tre-is o minutes Bo seconds wea
031.40 feat, thence nonh 13 degrees 14 rnlnutea 30
seconds east 74s. 01 feet thence north 13 degreea 15
rnlnutea tto seconds west 22 10 14 feit. th net north
3 degret a Sh minutes 30 seconds west HS7U7 feet,
thitue north 17 dcareea 14 mlnuios JO seconds
west I04O.4S fett thenco north 77 degrees 24 min
utes 30 set on la west 4101" feet to tto tast line of
Parcel No. I i thence south 01 degrees V minutes
wtst 043. "H feet, thence north 30 degrees 17 min
utes west 8 ... feet, thence north 0J degrees 4
minutes west 3H4 4 1 feet to the wist lino of Parcel
No 13, thi nco north t7 degreea 4M minutes 30
seconds wet .147.40 feet thence norti 2 decrees 38
minutes SO seconds tast 1407.71 teet. thence north 10) i
degrees 41 minutes cast 1 171 34 feet, themt north flis (
de.rees JO mlnul-s east 324 40 feet, thence north
10 degrees 21 minutes weit 1487 47 feet, thtmce north
lu degreea 43 minutes oast 38S 3 feet to the aouth tin
of Parcel Jrto. 3 thenco norti 20dek-ees30 minutes
SO seconds wc-t 1 140 74 feet to the east property Una
of the New orfc and Putnam It. It. (formerly the) &
New York and Northern It. It 1. thence along tho same
the follow lug courses and distances North 8 degrees
30 minutes SO aeconds east 20177 feet, north 0 da
pree- 47 rnlnutea JO second) cast HI 03 feer. north f
ilegrecsOt minute JO seconds east 14H.4 feet, nortn t .
degne 31 minutes to My on is east 00.70 feet and
north 4 degrees 43 mlnuios SO seconds west 820 74
feet, thence nc rosa thn su d railroad property north B
degnes 20 minutes 30 seconds west 4on.ul feet to th
north line nf said railroad property, thence north 5
degrees 4 -i minutes west M0 rt leet. thence north 21
degnes J3 mlnuttsoast S71 20 feet thence north 83
degreea 4 minute. JO iMKonds west 774 8J feet to the
point of beginning
Intendtmr n include ail tho nal estate ahown on
Fold man all of which Is to be acquired in fee except
the parcel designated as number 4 on said last men
tioned map .uclosed within tho green llneaonaald
mnp in which the interest or estate aet forth In th
statement attached to the map la to be acquired.
The following Interest or estato will be acquired In
the pan tl shown ou thu map enclosed within th
green lines vlt.-
Said parcel shall Ik subjoctoil to and made tn com
plr with the rules and re.ulattonsof the State Board t
of Health of the State of New ork ns hood ted March
13 1HH0 nnd amended August 23th. IH.lS.n copy of
which raid rules and regulations Is attached to said
1 ho compliance w Ith such rules and rettulat Ions will
be made a condition running with the title to tho said
property, ami such rules and regulations ah all be
carried out and maintained under tho direction. In
anectlon, nnd supervision, and ro tV satisfaction of
the Commissioner of Public Works orttie City ot Now y
"- ork Af
In all cases where street or high way a are atutredjP ,
the III be left oen for public travt l forever. andflH )
change be made In length width, or grade of aainor
Heferenee Is hen by made to tin said maps fllsM as '
aforesaid. In the olllce of the Clerk or said county, for.
a more detailed description nf the real csUta bt
taken or affected f l
Dated Juno 3, 1800. J -,'
Counsel to tho Corporation.
Offlco nnd P.O. Addreaj, 8 Tjron How, New T-Ofjfe
City. i-T
AT A Sl'FCIAI. TF.IIJI of the Suprcm. Court of --.
Mir ork hclilat thaCount-r Court llousala tha
city of sa York on thr 17th dar of April, 1880. IL
IHrSrNTl IIOV FI1KDKH1CK BMYTII, Jliallco. Its r '
The Jlaltorof till 1.luntnr7 blssohltlnn of thoOullll il
lanM HlR-rlng ami Truoklna Comnany On r.adlna; f
ai. niliiv tin' petition of Harris II Uullllland, John A.
Miuuir.cn, Waltrr r- Chave. Morris H. Kim. and-.
Charles I Newton as dlrroior. of the Oullllland Klg
Rlnit and Truoklnc ( oniiatir. a ilomrstlc corporation, I
created under the laws of this Btste. having Ita prto j
clpal ofllee located at NumbervJI Lldtidire street, la
the City, Countr, and Mtate or New ork. and tha
achetliih tht r'to annexed, duly verified by ilia pall t
tioni rs on the MUi day of April, lHnfl, and on motion '
of Ariiuir II 1 1) of Counsel fur the petitioners.
OllIiHII'li, that all persons Interested In said eoiv
r'oratlmi s. ,u "ause. Lefore this tourt. before I Ulam
I AndrontlVf , who Is hereby apnolntod refer,
for that 1'iiri-f, athlsorflee No lit I'ark row, Intha
city of Nen ork. on the Hub dav ot July, IHBo. al
Inn n clock In the fn rnonn of that day, why tha
said corporation ahould not ho dissolved And It I,
furthir iinlered that a copy of this order bo pub
lished it lesst once In each week of ih. three weeka
Immediately procedlnit the said i7th day of Joly,
Him in the New York Ij Journal and In 7h. Bun,
in nspaprrs published In Iho Clt v nnd ( ounty of New
York. vm re this order Is onterr-t
Iblnnod) KNTKIt
' 'J.,q
Henry I Irxenhelinrr plalntllT, againsi Kmanual
liiirlamlii and ari C Dirlando, his wirei Pit luben
and Mary llniien hlsnllo (the name llary being fic
titious di feiulaut'K real name leinir unknown to tba
plalniirri.ant hurrtlal. L'looke, defendanta
In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment or decrea
or foreclosure and sale, made an I entered In tha
aiioweniltlctl action bv the Supreme Court of tha
state of New Yor-t. at a Special Term thereof, held at
tlir Court lloute In Hie ,111am of White Plains, In tha
count) of Westchester on the 11th day of Juuo, 1898,
accrnncdiotiy or .Wilch said Judgment or decree waa
ilult jllcdanlrnterol In the omceof tho Clerk ot tha
city and count) nt Sew tork nuthe loth day of June.
Ihiiii I, the undersigned the rererreln audbrsald
Jutvmeiit ilul) aprwiintid ror that purur-u. will Mil
at sitit.ll an tl'm upon tn- premises hereinafter de
srrllKd.ou Monday, the 7thna of July, lMUfl. at tt
oilo-k nonn the Ian Is and premises mentioned auil
di strllH il In said Judgmrnt. as rollnws
"All ihairrrlalnlol piece or parcel or land, slluata.
lying an I belnir In Ih town of West Chester. West
ilumtir uiiinlt New Ynrkinnwof the city, county
and Slate or New nrm being lot known and desig
nated lir the number I If ty sli (Ml ou a map entitled
'Map of thu mw Ullage nt Jerome (fi-rnierly Wll
llnin.hrldge .to 11 or Wist Ctin.Kr county ofWest
Chester. N ' ma le Id llurrnwpa n MrCormlek, sur
vevors. Ac .datid Sovemliero. IH7! an I Hied In tha
otlccot iheltiglsternf thv county of W estchcsier at
W.ille I'lulns. said premises u ing bounded and do
scribed 011 sail map as follows Northerly br the
soiitlii rlv line of lot numhi r 1 Ift) seven (S7i on. huu
drill II ill fett. easterly by the -sesterl) line of lot
number Hfty two (3il tenlv nvo li'il feeti south'
trlyb) ihi'iiorlherl) llneof lot iiumber I'lfly nve (88
ono liunlrml loll) riel, and westerly by the aasterl
llneof Maple street tweni). rive Ul feet"
Dated June Mil,. .-,,.. ANK M. IIUCK.
Attorneys tor Vlatntllt. I
OfJIoo and Post Offlca adddrou, faoplVi VtOM V
mg, tlouot Vernon, H.Y. F
I , 1 ... .- ,. '