OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 18, 1896, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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;.. s - - t" ZiiaimixirzxiiBf immmMm'm-'"' mitimm g" ? - - - ! :
1 which the rflrer siartdard pTsrvtLfJa. and wher
thrwardof arrieuitar and labor arts lower
tnan r ywher ! In the world.
"With what seem tobeadeltberaU attempt
to rot!'l the people. It aan tbat by th
roi'xr act of 1873 the United Bute abas
iloned the us of sllr a moaey. and that cold
hat arrrrciated and totnmodHias bar fail a
ib pre solely by rea.oa of tbtt ItcUlatloa. It
Ignores th fact teat tba pnee of commodltie
have fallen because of tba enlarged ns
nf labor-saring machinery, toereaaad produe
t or,, and molting competition. It aupprett
tnr tact that a rot rot reason for tb decline In
the price of silver baa ba tb discovery of new
ar,d cheaply worked mine. r-faltlo In an
encmese increase In IU production.
"Instead of recognizing the facta. It ap
peals to the mjodic of tha people. It d-mi-di
tie free coinage of silvsr at th arbitrary
an! fictitious ratio of IS to I. although
i.e ratio e.Ublt.hed In the world 'e mar
Set It about 33 to 1. and although
!S li 3f J ne.ther eiperlenc ncr reason warraau tba
JV i belief that the commercial ratio between tba
If, I meult can be reduced, by the action of tbla
Til Government, to any ratio. vn approximating
Sit that t reposed.
31 1 -It threatens. In certain contlsreadea. to In-
a'lt cress to aa unlimited extent tea rolnmeof
,Vt) -cl tenders Usued by the Federal Government,
nflj he u -.Imate effect of wbtcb wonld be to force
UmJ Le withdrawal or all coin from circulation and
'If! -n coratel pabltc and prlvau basin to be
': transacted In depreciated paper currency, con-
It I stantly fluctuating In value, and to inviu tba
3i ruin ao.1 confusion that hav always followed
j- the adoption of inch a pulley-
plati-obx tjititx paxic
f "Hi declarations Invite. and hav alio prc-
tH ( daced. a financial paste, and many of IU pro-
,jti f jionenu announce that to accomplish their pur-
llij poses tier are prepared to larolv their country
1(7; In a disaster comparable to nothing in lu history
i L; my save tbe calamity of civil war.
jp y f.r "It asalls tba Independence of tha Judiciary
" Ijri 07 a corart threat to reorganize the courts
i; )' ' whenever their decision contravene the de-
J v i trees of the partr caucus.
It : ill "It seeks to alloreofUe-seeken and soollitnea
X r. Jli, to Ita sapport by attacking the exlatlnc citII
J,' ' aerrlce laws, which cood mm ol all parttra hare
f f H labored so locc to esubllsb. and to extend to all
i' 111 departments of the pa blic service.
'' t' j " The CMeseo Convention haTloclbas depart-
i ( ed from the recosalzed tifmocrailc faith acd
t (: fj, promalrated doctrines new and straoRe to
-' ;' X the IJemocracr. all Democrats are abeoleed
, & S from obllcatlon to support Ita pru.
St J cramme. More than thi;. aj tha doctrines
i & , i annonticed are detractlee of national
f f fl Honor and private obllcatlon and tend
'- II to create sectional and clasa distinctions
K 1) and enc'adFr dltcord and strife amonj
f. ', It the people, all cood citizens of the republic are
i- Wx bonnd to repudiate them and aiert ewrr lawful
fif 1! ' means to Insure the defeat of U(v ctn414ataa
li i H'l tbatrepresent the false doctrines.
; r. II 1 "Iieciocrats are tnid that ther must accept
" E. m the platform enunciated and the ticket noml. I
, K Bi nalud nt Chlc&go. becaasa sabmlsslon to U".o )
IK j M nlil of lie mJrltr Is lcdamentl
J S It ; principle of Demccracr. It li trne that
' K" when a majority of the people haee
I ; h W, exprested tleir will at a legal election,
j.' i !', the will of such majorIt7 most be resprcted
i p ,' and oteed. 7 his Is essential to the peace and
'.. t- ' rxlrtenre of the nation. Hat it Is a monstrous
; j (fl, perversion of this doctrine to apol It to a oolili-
t !9 ral partr which exi-t o ilr br virtue of scorn-
; M mnn. olunlarr assent to Its prlntlplee.
. ti !.' " When a Uemocratic Conveatlon departs
V f from the prmclpieaof tha parly no Democrat
' S, remains under any moral obllcatior. to support
' fj Its action, nor Is thero any tradition of the party
', '. S- that requ r him to to do. On the contrary. It Is
f ' evidence of moral weakness for nny freeman to
?. L m vote to enforce polltlen which In his opinion are
i T II . Inimical to the welf.ire of the people or to the
f ffl. Integrity of the nation.
Sail i l ALL TO THE rtTnrCT
' ; "Thedutyof the hoar Is to stand steadfastln
rW, ' tha defence of our ancient faltb. In this crisis
m there i at fetake morf than the possibility of
8k ' temporary vtctorv The honor and perietulty
Vi of the Democratic party are at stake. A politl-
i. t III cal organization that Is untrue to Itself, its
s 'W' principles. Its Ms'ory and traditions, is dis
, (jtt gracen and dishonored. The existence of our
' I II ' Krrat historical party tbat lias wlthstooa the aa-
f ijl'' faults nr ever) foe. Is threatened by reason of the
J, p li t recreancy of many of Its members. That this
E j ,', party, as we have known it. may not die. let the
, f j: I' faithful of rars rally round IU hltorlc banner,
r I ) I1 reform lis bmken lines, and wltii abiding faith
Itt 55' In the final triumph of its principles unite to re.
i r. if" store tue name Democrat to Its former uieanfni;
r. 5 '$ and proud distinction.
b SB ' '"'" "", euJ no rt-oaestnll Democrats who
tl are oiido-wI to tho platform adopted and th
r jj filt. candidates nominated at thinugo to organize
I s 'li In their re-peotlvu -tatrs uud to send repre-
" f tl1 i sentanes to the L'or.teiitlon of the National
f !l, ' Democratic party to be I clj nt Indlatiau-ille on
ii f'l r Wednesday, .ept. IS, lVf'l. In accordance lth
M t i tte call henluforo isul-1 bv the National Com.
'J. '" if, ' mltlee. V. D. lirscu. Chairman.
. 'i-' 'John R. Wilson, secretary.
it, ifc " Chahi.tui Tbacev, "' s. II. Holdino,
I "J. Jl. KM.Kvnt. " K. W. I,f.iima:s.
.1' " K. W. M. ClTI IIEO.V. " W. 15. II 4LUEMAN.
J. . Kt.l.l-. II. Usiieh. "John l Hopki.ns.
J " Executive Committee of the National Demo-
! , i," cralii. party."
Hi'' Chairman liynum vnid to a reporter for the
- i fjy United A-oclatel rre5ts to-day:
Ki- " New York la the bt city for the na
fJ, tional campalsti hendriuarters, and 1 shall
jij. - work and oie for it. Ours will be a
gl ' campaign of education, and New Vork
jl- . ' la the producing point (or most nf the liter
it KIT' ature. Thrlcommlltee could command more as
j r ('It ! slslance in New ) ork than In Chicago. There
( j! fill - are to be so mtny headquarters hero that we
; b Jl; -' will get mixed up.
! U III'1 ; "The sound-nioner Convention at Indlnnapo-
k I'ft'' lis will proe a surprite to those who have de-
f til ; rided our action. 1 he movement has grown to
' i i Hi" - such proportions that the first calculations have
1 Hi1 been entirely upset. I am, as Chairman of tba
'i (U "I Executive Cuminlttee.ln a position to learn of the
i t 181 t Increasing sentiment of the people In favor of
' '- 1 ar sound money, and when 1 state that the West
' I J j qI ' and South are gradually changing their
t' 'i VV iews I am not baslnjr my statement
.C ,, 91 on current rumor or newspaper reports,
"i ' Kll . howeier accurate. When the Conventlun
' V ' jij. Is called to order at Indianapolis forty or
; 3 - 8) ' forty-two States will l represented, and as
' ! II ccrtalu aa the sun rises and sets will a sound-
lj ' ijv . money Democratic ticliot be p. need la the field.
Ti" ' ! Sbt y Vke 'nlenc' making an aggressive campaign
i I , ; J?) In nil parts of the country, and nothing will
: I (Si f he lett undone to educate tho people
' r rffi ' on the currency Question. The ttDlest men
,' i Vii of the Democratic party have volunteered to
J Si' stump the .-outh and West, and I am certain
1 "!t is that when the day of election arrives our ranks
M ' w 11 contain all good Deroocruts In the land.
li F I I ' 1 am In receipt of encouraging nes every
fl L J !,') day. Thi-Maryland Sound-money League has
IB ' jl' reconsidered Us action in refusing to support a
fj V Kj- third ticket, nnd is notv solidly In line. The
fg I , j ; newly elected (ioernor of Alabamahas also ds-
I? , i 3 ciareil himself in lavor of sound money, and
tf ' j ft Florida Democrats are nmons the most actlv
jl f fi workers In the cause."
K . );,; l.MHANAroi.is Aug. IT. Chairman Pickens
vh ."i ' ft completed the list of sound-money commlt-
fv -?; 1; teemen for this Mate, and has received letters
5 l C i from all of the members appointed saying that
f, Vt ft;' tbey will serve.
FJ nt', Mr. Pickens notified the members to meet In
i BB i; this city at:) o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and
2 S t 3 " t,le situation throughout the state will be con
s' I ,3 ' sldered and a deflnlto policy decldtd upon at
Qi A that time.
K 'tl 8 i Letters and telegrams from membera of Stata
' fi h delegations, and from individuals In Ptate-s
1 J 3 j where the UeKgates have not yet been chosen.
-' , ! H ' to the hotel keepers of this city Ind.cate that-
i B S the crowd at the coming National Convention
f, !.P will be large. All told, nineteen Statu baver
i ' engaged headouarters. the number ol rooms for
; jr g ( each ranging from three to twenty.
5 9 I
f i li Uatae Oold Oemoerata Wast tha
li fj ;' Prealdent to Rds Atali,
y &1 Battc Me, Ang. 17. At tho Sute Conveo-
";' i; ? tlon of the Odd Democracy of Maine, to b
'; 8 t held next Thursday at Portland, the city of
' ?!'' liath, Arthur Sewall'a home city, will be repre-
J ft , 'J seated by a delegation made up of prominent
Ijl j ,' Democrats.
If 1 Among those who have announced their In-
W P' S untlon of attending are Capt. John It. Kelley
ft 1J j, of the shipbuilding firm of Kelley, Spear i Co.,
ffi S, fi Fred W, Hlanchard, member from tist-adahoc
Fi' I county uf the ProvIslonalCommlttee of the Main I
ft, '. H ! tiold Democracy: Dr. Charles A. Packard. Scott
Li 9 , t. Frje. Charles IL Jlcl.ellan. aad Amory
n li , H.iughton.
1" W H 'tl,W. Illanchard. tie recognized leader o
j? (jl the ttold Democrats of s'agadahoo county, ts enq-
l W f ftdent that tnere Is a strong sentiment through-
I" it" BiJ not the btaie In favor of Cleveland astfiechoiea
'v 1 IS , I of the Indianapolis Contention. He said to-dar
t, fe K l!',,l'",1 twel,e. dei.'",M t0 L "elected at
J' a j Portland lil be for Cleveland.
1 third xicxr.T nxsrocBAzs. I
Tbey Will Meet To.alKhs to Ism at Call
for a tstnl. L'e.vtalloa.
The Falrcblld.rfbepard Democrau who be
lieve in the nomination of a Presidential ticket !
at Indianapolis on iept. S, and in nominating,
candidates for statSofacer. ah- bo will stand I
on an honest money platform, are to meet In the
Kcform Club to-night and Issue a call for a State ;
Convention at which seventy-two delegates fa- !
Turing honest money are to be selected to repre- i
sent the bocest-moaey Democrats at Indlaaap- i
It Is poulble that the assemblage will idjoura
for the purpose of attending the hoceit-mosty
demonstration in Madlsoa fijoare Garden. I
where the Hon. Bourke Cockran It to deliver
bis great speech. Immediately after Mr. Cock-ran-s
speech Is finished, however, the Falrchlld- !
8hepard Dsmccrau win return to the Reform I
Cinb and take steps to issue the call for their
btate Convention. This Convention will be held i
lii..raot;a,syra-nse.or Rochester. ",D"Be,a '
Itwun.,1 Ui.eveJ yersetday that candidates '
foruujerr.or. Lintei.n.-Oovernor. atd l io
i? a.',-c,1''r V'' Coarl "' Apia. w,,"S
named at the I onvrntion. It has been Mr
bb.ia-dj. idea that the.. State officer!. hould
basamedatihasaQa time that the delegates
lo the Indlasapnii. Convention are .eltert
Mnaaepapl outlined lhlpraim. fo" thi j
- . .
WU.-faefla u-.. tv H.;i.4iSlSrfii,i.. WMll.liSiil1Bliliyll
rvstaoa tbat be doe et betlere tbat tba Buffalo
Convention of the recnlar Democrau to be held
on Sept. 18 will adjeara without endorsing
Bryan and making a mess of tha moaey plat
form. The Falrcblld Democrats, however, and a
namberof conerratlvecoonellori believe that
every opportunity should be given tot be recalar
DemocraU of the Stat to do the right tbtng,
and then. If the Buffalo Convention falls to Ig
nore Bryan an1 his Popalistle-Anarcblstl: plat
form, tba honeet-mosey Democrats of the state
ahoald name tbelr candidate for Sute officer?.
It was tha opinion last night tbat the con
servative coarse advised by ex-Secretary Charles
8. Falrchlld and his friends will be adopted.
One thing H certain, however, and that Is that
If the regular Democrats at Buffalo have any
thing to do with Bryan and his Anarcblsllc
Popullttlc platform, l&e honeat-money Demo
craU will start a war on the regular Democrau
of the Sute that In the end mast dlsintecraU
the recnlar organization.
jmnaBY a old nritocaAia xbbt.
JL. TrTta!oeal (state t'otasaltte Naasest
fltata Caaveattaa at Traslsa Aac .
Tha sound-money DemocraU of New Jersey
held a raeetlag yesterday In Taylor's Hotel.
Jersey City. Ex-Senator Henry D. Wlnton of
Bergen county presided and Francis I). Pollock
of Summit acted as SecreUry. Kx-Jndge John
B. Green of Union ceanty. Chairman of the Ex
ecutive Committee, reported that a Provisional
Bute Committee bad been selected. Some of
the counties were not represented, as the Execu
tive Committee bad been careful not to appoint
anybody without first obulnlng his consent to
serve and bis asjaranc-e that he was In sym
pathy with the movement. The Provisional
Committeemen, so far as they have been se
lected, are; Bergen county. A. De Roads. H.
D. Wlnton: Burlington county, J. s. Adams,
W. D. Alloway: Essex county. Col. James E.
Fleming. Hamilton Wallts. Hud-oa couaty. Dr.
L. J. Gordon. Olio Croote; Hunterdon county,
W. H. Ap-ar: Jlereer county. (Jen. G. D. W.
Vroom. John F. Biaekwell; .Middlesex county.
George Nellson. James Parxer: Monmouth
county, John Hone. Henry S. Little: Morris
county. George It. Veamans. Paul Revere:
Passaic county. William B. Oourley: somerset
county. James F.Bergen: Sussex county. John
.Morford. Famuel E sim th, Cr'on county. A.
II Carlston. s. M. WlLiams. Warren county.
DbarleeK. Hlttennnnse. At larie E. P. Meaner,
'Krex; W. B. Wills. Burlington: Dr. John A.
Mrttlll. Hudson: ,T. Howard Carrow, Cam-Jen.
The C mmlttee was empowered t' fill vacan
cies, nd to Increase Its number If deemed expe
dient. The report suggev'-l that the Provi
afooal Conimitlee be umtowrred to call a cssn
ventlon. t' bo he'd In Veaark on Thursday,
Aur -J, lo elect deiega e. to he National Con
vention to be held in indtaapolls on sept. li.
Alderman Itighter of Newark thought there
would be ome denser of the silver men captur
ing the Slate Convention If It was held in New.
ark, and be suggested that the Provisional Com
mlttee be empowered to name the deleeiles to
the National Convention. He made a motion tu
that effect, but it waa voted down.
Tbe I Provisional Committee organized by elect
ing ex-senator Wlnton Chairman, and A. B.
Carleton SecreUry. The Committee named
Aug. St) and Trenton a the time and place for
noldlng the State Convention to elect delegates
to the National Convention. The Committee
will meet again In Taylor's Hotel oa Saturday
Tbe New National Party la Ksiui Ukely
to Kadarae Brjr.a aad Hew-all.
sTopeka, Kan.. Aug. 17. -The State Conven
tion of the new National party will be held In
Topeka to-morrow and a State :!cXt nomi
nated. There Is a strong likelihood that the
Br) an and fewall electors nominated at
Hutchinson Aug. will be made the nominees
of the nw party.
Most of thp old Prohibition party leaders
have followed ex. Gov. St. John Into the new
narty. and the Convention will he much larger
than that held several weeks ago by the Pro
hibitionists, and It will probably absorb the
bulk of the old party, which two cars ago
polled over i.OOO votes In Kansas.
Sewalt Goea lions by BHgnt.
Boston, Aug. IT. The Hon. Arthur Sewall of
Bath, Me., the Democratic candidate for Vice
President, was In the city to-day. He arrived
from New Vork at 3 o'clock and went direct to
Young's Hotel. He did not register, bat asked
for a room and retired to It. requesting tbat no
cards be sent up to blm. because he ur-ired to
rest. He was called by reoue-t at 5:30. and took
a carriage u the Colon station, and was a pa
senger on the T o'clock train to Bath. Me.
Cabinet Officer at Cray Oaklea.
Buzzard's Bat. Mass.. Anc. IT. Attorney
General Harmon was at Gray Gables yesterday
for a few hours, accompanied by Secretary Lsi
mont. Mr. Harmon generally calls every year :
on the President and family here, and It merely '
happened tbat ho was here at the same time as
Secretary Lamont. There was no official bust- '
ness that called him here. It 1. said. Secretary
Carlisle was also at Gray Gables yesterday, bat
only remained a short time.
Roan-ell D. Hatch Leaves Taaaeaaay.
The Hon. Charles F. Allen. Chalrmaa of the
Tammany Hall General Committee of the Twenty-seventh
Assembly district, ha received the
, following letter:
tiuKSiR 1 an not In farcr of Chicago ticket and
i platform Tbe rule In Tammany Hall, as I understand I
It t. mat raembraor ttieorjanixaiion must surpart tne i
nomlnres of ihi lonventtoD. 1 dec.Ine, tu ibis in
stance, to comply with the rule and teader my reug
nation, to take effect forthwith i
Aro. i rtoswuxO. Hatch, j
Col, Fellows to ?Spek. to Mala Sonnd '
rnoner leaioerate. I
Roce.la.vd. Me.. Aug. IT -Col. John R. Fel- j
lows of New York has accepted an Invitation of '
the Malno sound-money DemocraU to address
their Convention at Portland on Thursday next. '
IneUaaa Democrat to Stum for MeKlaley. ,
Chicaoo, Aug. IT -B. F. Havens. ex-Mayor '
of Terra Haute. Ind., a lifelong Democrat, will
take tbe slump in ladlana lor McKlnley. He
was a visitor at Republican headquarters to-day.
Haa H Com Iter to Weleoasa Bis ter
aaal Friend, 1.1 ITnac Cbaac'
Ex-Seeretary of State John W, Foster cam
to this city from Washlr.jtnn yesterday, and
la taylng at the Fifth Avenue HoteL As Mr.
Foster nas had official relations with China
and Is a personal friend of LI Hang Chang.
It was believed that his presence la. this city
had intimate connection with the coming visit
of the distinguished Chinaman. Thi belief ,
w strengthened when It was learned that ha
had spent the day in the company of a repre
sentative of tte Chinese Embassy. When
seen at the rltth Avenue Hotel. Mr. I
Foster, however, diplomatically evaded any
questions tending to show tbat bo had anything I
to do with LI Hung Chang's reception.
"Tho Government of the I'r.lted ?utsi,"
he said, "receives the Viceroy. I am not aa
offi'ilal of the Government."
Mr. Foster then bowed courteously and
started for the elevator
"But are )au not engaged, as a friend of
the Iceroy. in preparing for his vlsltl"
Mr. Foster was asked.
"As n friend of the Viceroy," said the ex
PeoreUry. "I am nntnrallj personally Inter- I
ested In his visit here. I shall be very giad
to see him."
Here tho diplomat took two steps more to- '
ward the evator
"Haveanj arrangemenU been made for 1.1 '
nung Chang's teceptionr"
'lien Hugerhas the-e matters In charge for i
the Government. He wilt be very glad to
give ou such InfortaAtSpa as the Government
Is ready to dlspenH!."
"Will you remain la this city nntil the
Iceroy arrives-"
"I understand that President Cleveland
1; coming to New York to welcome him. Surely
If the iceroy Is to be the nstlon's guest, we I
oi I sure that his reception will be in even
war fitting. I am In the city," he added, as
he disappeared Into the elevator, "at the lnv
sucgestlon of friends and on business or a pri
vate nature."
Tbe Herbert Taller Oct Away.
Haui-ax, N. a. Aug. IT. Tle American
barkentme Herb-rt Fuller, which pot In her
July 31. after tbe triple murder bad been com- !
mitte.1 on board, atd which has been detained
la this port ever since, weighed anchor at day. '
i'ght this morning and was towed to sea bound
for Rosario. South America. i
Her departure was none too soon for the '
oaner of the vessel. Before the vessel bad
reached Lbebucto Head an order had been re
ceived to libel the harxectlne oa behalf of tn
colored steward bpeacer and his shipmate of ,
the late crew.
Probata Judge Foster received lbs order from
th lawyers la boston who are acting for '
spencer, but It was too late. Tre amount for
which tbe barxentlne would tav been libelled
I understood to be a considerable sum.
Tell with Uer Babes HI HI. nil Fractar. i
Rebecca KripifeM of 61 Bayard street, whll
descending a sulrway at her bonne, with ber
10 months old child. Sam, n Ler arm., last
night lost her balance and fell to tte landing ,
The baby' skull was fractured and b may
' 1
1 4 e .
i.l..is-,aj.iltiit'',"tn liay'Plliw-s"atf' atstea
jrr rrjxr; rr a tins trrnyKSDAT
to stat jl rr.vr dats.
BattAe4 wtth Talac Here, He'll Da Moat
ar nt Harsl War. I tke TTeeS
rerakrr Mar Ofcl Will Otv MeKlaley
1S0.004 Malarttr-FollUe la Tate (state.
The llepcbllraa national ramtalgnsr at
headquarters received word yesterday tbat Mr.
Hanna clgh. defer his visit to New York until
Wednesday. It was said that be would remain
In New York only a short time, a the work of
the campaign Is going en well, and the sosad
money canto Is gaining croand every day In th
pots that had been tainted with the free-. liver
erat. It Is becoming more apparent every day
that Hi. Hanna will put tn most of his heavy
work In the States of Illinois. Indiana, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Michigan. Already
oand-tnocey literature by tbe ton Is being
sent out from the Chicago branch of Re
publican National Headquarters.
The Hon. Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio
was at National Headquarter for a few mo
menu. He will sail oa the St. Paul to-morrow
morning to meet h'.. daughters In London, and
will return with them on the New York, arriv
ing here about Sept. 8. Senator Foraker said
tbat there was not the slightest doubt In th
world as to Ohio on election day, and he Pre
dicted a majority In that State for McKlnley of
150.000. He added
"Ihave not visited Indiana or Illinois, but I
have friends In those Sutes who give me th
situation, and Indiana will ctve. In my estima
tion, a strong majority fcr McKlnley. I believe
also that Iillno's Is to go solidly Republican.
Certainly one term of Gov. Altgeld ought
to b enough tor th citizens of the Prairie
SUte. It la altogether too early In
th campaign to make anything like de
cisive predictions. Everybody should work hard
and wrIL We had a great meeting at Columbus
on Saturday. Were I In the habit of making
predictions, I wonld say that so power on earth
could bring about Bryan's election. His utter
and absolute failure at the Madlioa Square
Garden meeting has cone all over the country.
Thelssos that he reprceau cannot star.d tbe
strata of the campaign."
The Hon. Garret A. Hobart, the Vlce-Presl-
deatlal candidate, ar.d other national cam-
, paigaers said that they were pleased with
I.Mr. lianas', dectelon tbat there ia to te no
ninth member of the Executive Committee. If
j Mr. Hanaa change his mind and decides upon
i a ninth member he will came. It was announced.
J Mr. Hobart himself. But this Is not llkelv. aad
j Is not neres.ry. for the reason that Mr. Hobart
Is at headquarters dally, and Is doing the hard.
I est kind of work for tbe ttckat or which he Is so
j distinguished a part.
. The Republicans of New York county are to
I hold their prlmarle to-day to elect delegates to
an Atsemoly district Convention which wul
select delrgates to the Slate Convent.oa to be
held In Saratoga on Aug. 25. to the county Con.
ventlon and to the Congress Convention.
The local district Conventions will be
held on Ace. 21. It Is already pre
dicted that the Piatt men wl.I have all
but about 35 of th 135 delegates to tbeState
Convention to be sent from New York countr.
There is friction la half a dozen of the dlstrfu.
the arre which has been going on ror several
years. It comes from the old factional adversa
ries of Mr. Piatt and Is Irreconcilable. After
the closest scrutiny the estitiate Is tbat the
, Piatt men will certainly havn 000 of the TSO '
i delegates In tbe Saratoga Convent:- -
I Naturally, a the day approaches for tbe Con
vention the gossip over the candidate tor Gov
ernor Increases. Every effort by Mr. Plait's
friends has been made to av.ertain the came of
the candidate he most favors. All tbat he will
say Is tbat alt of tbe candidates ar eood Re
I nubllcais and worths of the highest office In the
Sute. He will not declare in favor of any candi
dal uattl he has looked over the ground after he
reaches Saratoga. After he makes a decision It
is a dollar to a cruller that the man he favors
will get the nomination.
There has been m red-headed talk about a '
I colt If a Piatt man 1. nominated for Governor.
, There Is little danger that thu will happen. To
boll a Gubernatorial candidate Just b-cause he
happens to be an organization Republican would
1 merely leave the boilers ouuide the breast- !
works forever. As the situation now It, i
It would be atwoisu destruction to them:
to bolt In a Presidential year would onlr end tn
i their complete discomfiture. But the talk about t
a bolt doe. not come from re.ponsble sources. I
Nobody pays any attention to Mllholland now.
adays. Even the ancient enemies of Mr. Piatt I
In tbe I nlon League Club will have nothing to .
do with him. He is not considered of enough
conseae.nce In Republican circles to waste half i
a dozen lines over. He has demonstrated that !
he bas been actuated by personal motive.
The anti-Plait Republicans In the Sute have
said openly that the only way to defeat Mr. Piatt
Is lo defeat him within the party. There are '
exceptions. of course, and yet the Republicans,
who are ready to co all lengths, do no; propose
lo take extreme steps In a Preeldentlal rear.
It looks every day as If tbe contest "for Gov- ,
ernor had narrowed cowa between Aldrldge of
Monroe. WadsworTh of Livingston, and Fish of
Putnam counties. Eve-y now and then you
bear something to the erfect that possibly the
old ticket of Morton aad saxton wllj l.. re
nominated at Saratoga. Gov Morton, however, '
has repeatedly declared that he cannot beacaa- i
eld ale for renomlnatlon. i
It was poln'ed out vesterday by the friends of '
the candidates who have been hustling for dele- '
gates that Gov. Morton could not change his
views at ibis late day. for the reason that the I
delegates e.ectcd in mxny instances ar sledged '
to their respective favorite.
In view of tnls sl'uatioa It was said that it I
would be necessary for Gov. Morton to come
out with a flat declaration that he desired a re
nomlnatton. and in tbai case there is little
doubt that all nf the candidates would with
draw in bis favor, for the reaon that inasmuch i
as the -tate t cket of 1&W3 was renominated
last sear, a renomlnatlon could not be refused !
to Gov. Morion.
Hut. as already said, he has refused point
blank, a number of times aad said that he was
u t a cad date, and w.th this clearly e.lab- '
lished Wadsworth. Aldr rtge. Fish, and a,t the
others have gone on their way corralling dele-gates.
Tba sr1ee that Prevailed When Cell Waa
at a Pr-easlaau
Fn.Awa-i.rv. N. J.. Aug. IT. John Rcsby. a
former grocer In this town and an ardent Re
I publican, is trying to convert the few sllrerites
here, and to tbat end has had printed and Is
distributing a c'rcularto show the cost of pro
i visions at a time when money was cheap. It Is
I as follows
To tht Cttunu ayVoal JbenisIMp;
I " Mr. Jonn Rusby offers his old day books for
I Inspection by those who have forgotten the cost
. of living while gold was at a premium. W
' give a few samples and compare price:
i , "October IT. 1868 Patrick Coffee booght 4
lbs. butter. $2 SO, one Ib. green tea, 11.35: one
I lb, black tee, $1; 31 lbs. orown sugar. 53.42: 1
lb. washlncsoda. ti cl.: 2 lo. candles. 40 els.:
1 lb. starch. 14 cu.: 10J lbs. pork. $2.10; 4
tba. currants, 42cts.; H lb. mu.:a-d, 30cts.;
one broom. 55 ct.. 4 gallon kerosene. 55 cts.
ToUl. S12.39. At ISo prices, the abov would
rest S5.P6.
"Novembers ISeS-Suphea Balls bought a
lbs. lard. 4Sct.. 60 lbs. flour, $.1,50. Total.
$3.98. Present price. $1.41.
"John Corb lojght T lbs. brown sugar for
i SI. 10 Present price. 35 cs.
"Jacob Klerstrad bought ote barrel of fiour,
$10. one gallon molasses. U5 cu.: T lbs. granu
lated sugar. $1.20. TouL $18.16. Present
price, $5.d3.
ixgai.ls o.v tjic pnoarxcia.
II I CanBdratTaat UcKlaltr Will Carry
Kaasa aast the Country.
Holtox. Kan.. Aug.lT.-Ex.Unlted Sute Sen
ator John J. Ingallt. who Is campaigning in
Kansas, In aa Interview said:
"It Is no; undue eulogy to say tbat by hi
Madison Square Garden speech Mr. Bryaa has
pat himself on a higher plane tbaa he has yet
occupied Intellectually, 1
" From the audiences I have met so far I con- i
cluds that the people are much less Interested tn 1
the silver question than tbe other aspects of the 1
campaign. I loot for an entlr change of front '
In our line of battle beloi tl,; ruiapslgn ends. 1
I feel entirely confidant that McKlnley will
carry this tate and the country There will be '
much independent votlnr. and 1 anticipate many I
surprise., but I hav never felt more faith that
the appeal to the con.cler.ee and courage of tbe '
Amertcaa people will not be mad in vain."
For Wadawarta for Ooverar,
Warsaw, N. Y.. Aug. IT. Wyoming county
Republicans elected five delegates to Saratoga i
this afternoon, headed by Senator I. H. Humph- I
rey, a Platllte. and Instructed them to support
Congressman Wadsworth of Geneseo for Gov. :
ernor. Tbe Judicial delegation. G, S. Van- '
gorder and District Attsrner Charles, will sup- 1
port Judgs John Woodard of tbsuuuqoa I
county fnr Justice of tbe .-supreme Court for the I
Eighth district-
Cattaraaxn Tale lr Snalon ar Roberta,
Olias. N. V. Aur. lT.-At the Republican '
Convention of the First district of Cattaraugus
county C. E. Mil.er was renominated to-day for
th Assembly, taxton or rtoberu Is the choice
of tbe five delegate, to the State Conveatlon for
the head of the tlcxet.
- . ? J' S e
we. a .! i 7 t'T JT '..'v.JJTlE -rex;. . w
Ta MJr la Xaerttrat Balrtta After Hia
Tl.lt ta Hanaa.
CATrosf, 0- Aor. lT.-If th appearaae of
Major McKlnley Indicated anything aa he
I stepped from the train which brought him from
Cleveland to-day It was that he had spent a
1 pleasant day with Mark Hanna. He was la ex
cellent spirits. The visit to Mr. Hanna did not
tn any way serve to change the decision of
Major McKlnley not to Uke an active speaking
part tn the campaUn. He had given to th
public the information that he does not Intend
to leave Canton to speak anywhere, and to-day
that statement has been reiterated.
Ills learned from the close friends of Major
McK'aley that he does not think tt necessary
tor him to lane the stump, as his opponent ha
not yet shown any finalities which will cause
the least anxiety on the pari of th Republican
standard bearer. I; is xnowa, however, that
Major McKlnley naturally Is desirous of being
in tt.e thick or the fict.t. and he would hav par.
tictpMed in person in the csmtaiga bad soma
wen-known man beea pitted arsi.Tt him.
When he reached home to-day Major McKln
ley dil no: lo much l.me in getting to work.
He was soon absorb-d In tbe letters which bad
eoraedurln his absence. lhlswex he el peels
to dev.'te more attention to h s letter nf accept
ai.ee. which lie h-s announced is til appear the
latter part of this month.
only two delegations are booked to call oa
Major McKlnley this week. Tie first Is to
come from New Caet-e, Paaid will arrive here
In to trains. Aug. 22 is the day set, fhe
other ! to be composed of A fro-American rest.
Ce-iu of ( isveUno. They are to cine to-morrow.
Ti.e cegn vote Is said to b- a. mo.: solid
for Major McKlnley
Wont comes f"itn Capt- A. T Wlmberley, the
Reput.li.an leader la Louisiana, that the Creole
-ute wi.i be- ta Its' f'.r our.d m?ney and t&
pria'lples of the Republican platform. Th
sugar planters and the ngroes have combined.
aad he tha- Louisiana will be found ta the
Republican colcma.
Gen Voodfo-d of New York Is here to-night,
the rcest of Major McKinley. He says that
the Republicans are sure of carrying New York
Sute by at least 1Q0.WXJ.
M'ttlXLET iro.v'T o arujirixo.
Chalr-maa Uaaaa Make aa Aataoritatlv
Ankanaetaeat-Canslaa Oatlooa-
CLrvrj.A?iL, O.. Aug. I- Major McKlnley
aad Chalrmaa Hanna were Ir. conference at
Mr. Hanna. home all of Sunday. Mr. Han&a
sa.d this morning:
"The o-itl&ok throughout the Wtrstern Sute
Is more promising than two weeks ago. and I
construe It a. an evidence that the campaign of
education is be:tnr.lng lo tCii. We have th
Chicago headquarters thoroughly organized,
aad up lo Saturday night had scattered
15,000.000 campaign documents in every part
of the country. This Is a tsete haadfel corn
tared to what wl.I be ent oat. There is
htsilby and gtowmg demand for Repubncaa
literature, which tn my opiLica drmoastrales
thai the people want reliable sformat 01 aa2
' arecomiiig to Republican leadquarteri to get It.
I "Wubiu a weex or lea dais we wi, bs:.n to
I shoot off our oraiorira. artl.'ery. lli:'coas
I In g-od --eason, as the people w:L have then r.a-i
time 10 digest same of the campaign literature.
"It baa been g.sen oat that ilcKm.ej- will
I not uke the stutzp. and nothing has curre-J
I torause b-.m to deviate from tbeorlgluat de
I ciswn. To set:e the matter one for at . Mc
Kin.ey wi.l not laze tbe stump. Neither wi. I
heaoureas the G.A. H. gathering at M..wauke.
"At present I rasnot 3 jstly size up ite rut
I ern siluatl n. I will br on the ground on Ties
day. Ail tbat I will say of Bryan s .precb I.
1 that It was a skimmer. The last member of
the Executive Committee has not yet been ap
I pointed, asd the matter is stlil ta ahevaare. It
is ail iwaddie about me gslng to New port for
the summer. 1 want the L'c.tel Asscated
Pressts 10 . emphatically that 1 aa not is.se
r. Newport. It win iaxe all my lime to loot
after the campalga."
Th fleaatar Maya Iowa Wltl Derlare tor
-tfcbUaler ta November.
Chicago. Aug. lT.-Amosg the visitors to the
Natlaaal Rspablicaa headquarters at the Au
ditorium to-day was seaai'-r A.l.eoa cf Iowa.
The Senator has teen enjoying a five weeks' rest
at the seaside preparatory to the hard work of
the campaign, which he will begla as soon as he
returns home. Th example of Jonf. Sherman
bas stirred the old war horses of the G. O. P. to
a pitch of activity they have not known fcr
year. Senator Allison does not propose to b
counted a laggard. He recoga.xe thai there Is
a heap or hard work to be d-ne 'n Iowa, where 1
the ire-. liver weeds have overran the prairie
farms to aa extent tbat will require consider- I
ab.e uprooting t-efore Carves'-
" There la no need of alarm." said the Senator ,
to-day. "nor yet should we fall into the opposite
error of over confidence. This is a camp, gr. of
bard work, aad w must ail exp-ci to do our
share. A. to fusion la Iowa. I do zn- a-iti. Irate
moch difficulty oa that accouat. r ,-i.on :. so
novelty with us; tbat 1. to say. '1 oa t-etweea
Drmocnu aad Populists. These parties have
already fused In previous campaigns, ba; their
united strength has not been ab.e ;o wrest the
Sute from Repub.lcan s-n. So.- do I expect
mat ft wlii this year. There a-e many Demo
crats who will vote the Repuo Iran ticket as
against th fusion, but aesertr.e.ess there are
some P.erubl'esss who have been partla.lv led
astry by the free .iiver fa.se prophets. Three
nacksitders we must scourer, to tne true faith.
1 his means hard work, ard I prop" s,. to do my
share toward 11. losra Is stl 1 a R-pch..caa
SUte beyond doubt, notwlihsuading at. this."
Aees.td HI, ar Ssendlnc lata Gne
Coaaty Money Co Bribe Vatera.
Batavia. N". Y Aug. IT At the Gee
1 County Republican Convention to-day D. A.
. Sanders of Stafford. R. I. Page of Beliaajr,
I Fred B. Parker of Alabama, George M. liti.etl
of Bergen, and Cortland Oro.traaaof Alexander
were eiected delegates to the sute Convention.
A. D. Sanders, whom the maciae rata attempt
ed to turn dowa, was renominated to the As
sembly. Charge, were mad ta the Convention
by County Jodge North that moaey furni.hed
by Congressman Y adsworth was used to bribe
voters. He said la part
"I openly declare that the town eauccse of
Saturday, Aog. n. as carried or sought to be
carried by the ne of monei and by Indiscrimi
nate "treating." weredisg-aceful aad scandal.
. loas to the last der-ee. Whose monev was it
' Has Mr. Sanders himself furnished it all? I
I make no accusation he-e to-day, but It is
j hi?h t me that Mr Wai-wor'h knew :hat It s
I talked of a. freely as the weather is discussed.
I that he bas again been ser..lir. money into
Genesee county to heip Mr. sandrrs, Ther t.
not a man here who has cot heard It repeatedly.
, If it ia 'intra. It is due to htm. a. one who bears
aa honored name and who 1. now a candidate,
both for Coagre.s and Governor, that he kaow !
what is being said and deny it. If It Is true tt Is
time w peonle In Genesee county knew t and 1
found out whether w shall corern our affairs
or merely ' creep under the huge lags' of oar
hot oxbida cor.vrr roiiTics.
The Aats-amcaalrattaa Men llrrak T; th
District Convention.
CriCA. N". Y iug. IT. -The Republican
Conventions 3n the Third Orelda district to
elect delegates to the Sute and Congress Con
ventions were held at Tbere to-day. Four
Contentions were held, two each by the or
ganization and aati-organizatton men. The
antl-orcar-lzation men oroke up the District
Conventions by ejecting the Chairmen and
ScrUries frim the platform and then held
a rump Conveaticn. They "snapped" a mo
tion to allow Joseph I styles of Rome to nom
inate the Congress delegation and a motion
jo adjourn on the Congress convention. Thirty
seven of the sixty delrgates remained In the
Congress Convention and signed the creden
tials of tbe delegates instructed to vote for '
the recomlaation of Corgressman James S.
Sherman. The organization delesa'es to the
state Convention are Fred G. Weaver. Dr. 1
Nichols. H. II. Jone, T. J Lewis. l)r S. '
Mllllnstiin. Edgar Hughes, altercates, John
Donnaf.rld, Andrew Dora, George A. Gay
rnond. Robert H. Priiehard. William T Blaks.
George stucer.
Rrpanllcaa Delea-nte front rlnOToIk.
Bay Shore. N. Y., Aug. 1T.-Th Republicaa
Convention of the Second Assembly district of 1
Suffolk county was held at Bay Shore "his af.
Urnoon. Assemblyman Caril S. Burr, Jr., pre
sided. The following delegates to tbe SUU I
Convention were elected; Carll M. Burr, Jr,
William T. Lowden, C. Melville Smith, and Jo
slab Robblns. Alternates, John P Dole, Jre-
mlah Bobbins, Theron L. Smith, and Henry C, I
Hsff. Taefollowlng delegates to tho Judiciary I
' onver.tlon were elected N. S Ackerley. Ar
thur Mevlile. Livingston Sm.th, and Dr. G. A.
llob'nson. Alternates, Allison E. Lonndss, W.
G. Nieotl. c. M. hra'tb ar.d Harry G. Clerk.
Neither delegation was Instructed In favor of
any candidate.
T la.troet Celere Tater.
CniCACO. Aug. IT Tbe National Republican
Committee has ettabl.sbed a bureau of infor
mation ai.d education for the colored rc at ,
headquarters, with F I- Karnelt, a blcagoat
tori,v. m charge. Special literature and speak- .
ar nf th raca will form part of the campaign I
work J
Altheazb Cklraaa Will Ba tk Nanstnat
Oatre arrseasaeratle Activity, tba Werk.
af tk Bryaa saasaatKa Will Ba Xae
at Ska Capital Bryaa'e Pracraasasa.
Wasiiisoiox. Aug. IT. An erroneous Id.
preeslon ba been general In several part of th
country tbat th Populist committee meeting.
called for to-morrow. Is one of the National
Commltt: ta fact. It Is .Imply a meeting of
th Executiv Committee, consisting of nine
members: Marlon Batler of North Carolina,
Chalrmaa: M. C Raskin of Indiana. Treasurer:
J. A. Edgerton of Nebraska, Secreury:
Oeorg F. Washburn. MaasachnsetU; H.
W. Reed. Oeorgta; Dr. C. F. Taylor.
Pennsylvania; J. R. Sovereign. Arkansas;
John W. Breldsnthal. Kansas, and John 3.
Dora, California. Ed xenon. Reed, and Wash
burs ar already her. Th principal busia
bfor the committee will be th selection of
national headquarters and th mapping out of
a plan of camsalgn. It may be decided to call
ameetiagot the full Na'.teaal Committee for
some future day to consider matters over which
the Executiv Committee has no JcrLMIcUoa.
Tbe Executive Committee ea uk no step
looking lo th removal of Mr. Watson as a Vlce
Presld.nllal candidate ahd the sabslitution of
Mr. Sewall. having no authority In th prsmlsas.
The National Committee alone ccsld io any
thing definite In that matter. havtn received
the same powers as th. Convention which nom
inated htm.
No prediction can b mad as to the selection
of headquarter. Th Eastern aad Southern
members of th Executiv Commute ar said
to favor Washington, while the Wtstera mem
ber are favorably disposed toward Chicago.
the ostntcn in each Instance being based on tbe
accessibility of th point. Flv of tbe nla
me-nbers live nearer Chicago teas Washington.
1 For three hoar this afternoon Seator Juses.
J Chairman of the Naucaa. Committee, was
I closeted ta aa cpter room with several d'.sllr.-
!' galshed Democrats discussing the subject of
way. aad means and the best method, of conduct
ing the campaign. The present were: Mr. Joha
son of Kansas, the newly appointed member of
the Campalga Committee from thai Stale. Sena
tor Bacon of Georgia, Chairman Faulkner of
' the Congress Committee. Daa McCoarfil of
Ohio, Major T. O. Tow., of Missouri. Secreury
' of tbe Bimetallic League: R. P Bland of Mis
souri. RepreseaUtlv R!char.so of Teaaesse.
Representative Livingston of Georgia. ad
secretary Gardner of th Leags of Democratic
1 If any plant vers agreed upon th coraoltta
discreetly kept them to themselves, for when
tbe meeting was adjoarced every man present
referred aii Inquirers to Chairxnat Jones who
, skilfully parried all questions. San at or Bacon
ha Just returned froxa a trip to th Pacific
' ocas'- He reported to the cotamltte-s that h
was ear. Bryaa weald carry everything out
j West
Mr. Bland cav the comraltu oa of his
characteristic talis. The Deax.nUs ticket, h j
I said, was good for a majority of at least 50.000
to 60.000 la Missouri. After the eocfereco
Mr. Blaad was asked If he coaid sar aaythlr, !
about th rumors that th headquarters were '
1 Uzen to Chicago against th protest of th 1
Chairman aad other members cf the committee
because of th persitlesry of Mrs. Bryan. Mr. I
Blaad raited his hands desrecatiagly at th '
qcestioa. sad stated that h had acthlag to
: .ay oa the sub.'ect. col va denying that he j
knew anything acoat it. 1
l halrman Jones will start for Chicago to-mo-row
a gat or Wedaesday moraine to ar-rar-g
f-r the headquarter. Just waat bc.ldiag
vl.' i rir-cuple'i he does act new know. He '
said before that he had offered Gov. Stone cf '
Mlssour a place 03 the Capa!;a Committee.
but that the Giveraor had declined St. b-ccs
of the fact thai he could not do the work and
re'a - tne ofilce of Governor of bis suie. H
won ti be cocipeei to give up one cr tl e other.
and tor lhat reasoa he preferred cot to go ca
the Camiaiea Coram. iter.
"This enmraittre will cot fiad !u work child' '
play," said senator Jer.cs " The members are
expected to be about hea.de van era aad actively 1
enraged. Measr. McLean of Ohio, smalley of
Vermont, aad Howell of Georgia will be eta
tlor.ed ia Washington and the otcr members at
Ch cago. They have fail csarse, and will uke
ao.d at an at.t dar.'
TheExecause 1 omtnlttee has act yet ba
agreed upec oy tte Cairmaa He probabty
n . ".ci aacoucce it call! after he reaches 1
hlcs.ro. It Is not 1 s!y tiat Gov store w .1
be placed on this committee, as it has been the
custom to appo.-1 men to that comm.ttee f r m
states wtsre the fightia 's cose It has ieen
sett ed lhat there will p no headcaartere cf
any kind :a New Y r. If Treasurer -t- John I
firds It lnp)!5 e to go to Ch'ragn. r.e wl re
mata la New York but hi. office ihrr w , t
the oaly thing approachtag a headquarters la
the ae:ro;.'.t.
While the nominal headquarters cf the Na
tion al fomralt'e a-e to be ia t'h'cago. it Is the
general !mressioa lhat the resj h-aiqaarters
wi., & ic th's .-tv The rsmi-eci Chicaro
was. as one met.tr- of the ocram ttee rat it to
day, nere.r oalen-.c to feaumeal- The main
I work wll b doce from tb'e c tv
, A.thocf h co cffic:a, programme has been ar
ranged. :t Is announced un-Sciallr that after
Mr Bryaa speaks at B-nffa.? and Erie oa th
I C6th :.d 2&ta he will go directly 10 Ltirolaaad
rmam there until after the first week 'a Sep
tember. H wi.; go rrotwr.y to ? Louis be
tween sept. - and 10 ard will speak there.
Ther.c he will go to Louisv.iie Frrm that
po.m his .tlnerary will Include Atlanta and
jvrllor.. cf North Carolina. R'chmoad. aad
Ba t mo-e He w.ll arrive .a Ba nmcre some
t me ts-tween sept 15 aad 0. Therehewu.be
coufied fr-ma..y of his nomination by the Na
tional -'iver partr.
Betweea els vis'u to Richmond aad Balti
more tt la expected that Mr Bryaa wtil .peiak
la a ratification meeting -o t he,c ia this citv.
After Oct- 1 he will coafia himself to th Mtd
dl Weitera States of Ohio. Indian a, Illinois,
Michigan. Iowa, Wisconsin, aad Minnesota. I
Sva Tkeasaao' Pe.sU T.r. On wltk sk
Manbattaa Repabllean Oats,
About T.OOO peopie. about cce-qaarter of the
cumber being women, atteaded aa outdoor
mass meeting aad fiag raising under tbe aus
pice of the Maahattaa Republicaa Ciab. at
; Seventh avenne aad 134th street, last evening.
It was said by th membe-s of the club tbat
1 the demonstration was one of the largest
of the kind ever held tn th Twenty. third As
sembly district. Civil Justice James P. Dav.n
port. Chairman of th Campaign Commute of
tte club, called the meeting to order aad mad
the opening ad drees- Mr. M 3. Near. aoember
of tbe Banner Committee, presented th fiag,
which was then suspended over the areaue am'd
the cheers of tha large atsemblag. Mr. M.
M. McKee, the President of the clab.
accepted tae fiag. Coi. J D s'oecm of New
Jersey made a sieerh expres-ing his confidence
I that Major Mehimey would be elected the next
President of the 1't.lted State. Cuccrexcuan
Lemt-el E. Qulcc s;x)V for "sound money" and
a protective tariff The other epeaker. wr
1 Col. Wil'lam G. Plummer of New York aad
Charles R. Pop of Su Louis.
Big Keaakllcaa Leacat C'lak yinar.
Ctncaoo. Aug. IT. An elaborate dinner Is to
b on of th features of th. Convention of Na
tional Republican League cubs at Milwaukee
next week. It will be held at tbe Hotel P.'lster.
, and seau will be arranged for 400 persona Th
chief speaker will be Senator Sherman, aad tbe
others will be John J Ingallt of Kansas. na-
I tor Cusbman K. Paris of Minnesota, Co u cress
man Smith of Mich ran. D D. Woodrcaasee of
Cincinnati, National Committeeman A. B.
Cummins of Iuwa, aad Execurse Committee
man Charles G. Dawes of Illinois.
7aane W. Xtltfttway for Ooveraar,
The friends of James W, Rldf way of Brook-
' lyn hav suggested bis nam for th Demo-
I cratlc comlnatlon for Governor, aad a meeting
I of th Jacksoa Club of th Seveath ward,
Brooklyn, whl b held to-morrow night, at
which resolution, will be offeret commendleg
his same to th Democracy of th sute aa th
choice of Kings county for the nomination.
Mr. Rldgway wa for maar years th District
Attorney of Kings coaaty He Is a member of
the state Committee and a friend and admirer
of Senator HIIL
Care tick headache, bad taMe a- n
in the mouth, coated u.-igae. jOnjlnlllPa
gas in the atornach, distress lllISS
and indigettloD. Do not weak- U !
en, but have tonic effect. Sli cents. TTi
I only PUU to take with Uood'a Sanaiiariiia.
rrrT"nBWKxnm "" msusi jszh.
.Vre ts4 Cierlel Ksstt SI0
Were 115 and l-
Onr rinttt sl S20
Were Hi. tM. aad fSS.
rroportlonat red eelloas la mta's f urntshSags.
nor shot roR tovrstox.
0l-elaa Nttwart Bay He Haa Uke lied
t'a.SIOI. Bryaa.
WasmsoTOw, Aur. IT. -Senator W. M. Stew
art gave oat Oils afternoon a reply to Secator
Thurston's letter to him published this morn
ing regarding the charge that Mr. Bryan had
been a paid levturer In the employ of the silver
mine owner. Th letter ijuote Senator Tfaurs
toa's statement that he had not assailed Bryaa'
character la any lntunce or by any word.
Senator Stewart ask s him how he can reconcile
that tuumect with th followlnr language
need by him In th spe-ech which gave ne to
th controversy: "The proprietors of th big
bonanzas hav found It profitable to keep a
large comber of lecturers and ether tpokeamea
on the road preaching to the people. Among
th. nicy who have thus bees employed and
carried oa the pay rolls of tbe big bonanza for
a number of year Is William J. Bryan of Ne
braska, a paid ageat asd spokesman of the fre
s'.lver combine." Th letter then continue:
" Yoar disclaimer In connection with th for
tolng lUMmeat requires eiplatation. provided
you. consider jour reputation for truth aad
veracity valuahs. But yoar disclaimer tbat
I you wccld ' be the last raaa to assail th
! character of Mr.Bryaa'refiecueithercpoayour
i veracity or upon yoar kcowledg of lb U nf
j llbeL If you ar a lawyer, asd th fact that yoa
j Lav been retained by th felon Paclfie Rati
I road for so many year Indicates tbat you ar ,
I csefsi ia acme way to lhat Icstllsiloa, yoa
ought to kcow tbat repeating a slander or libel
Is equally aa tiasderrms or ilbUsas a th orig
inal matter.
" Yoa assume that yoa ar sot aatallfsg Mr.
Bryaa when yoa ar quoting what t--rs:oalt'. 1
re spacers My of htm aad ctviag to .sen lutt- j
menu at: u. credit your high oC:i rxaitloa
can confer. Yoa twiitt.e yoar understanding I
when joa say that it Is tbdty of Mr. Bryaa
to eater lata pertoaai controversy with every
hireling rewtpaper ecribsier who Is employed
I to tiasderor defazc him. Th people csder
ruad the aa.ma. of partisan new spa per. aid
make proper allowances for the r aasertoaa,
I butwaen yoa CAlL their slander, with yotir
offidai nbes tl :s a lame aad coward-y defenc
ea your part to protect yoarse-f by tka-x-lcg
behlad miserable cwparer scribblers.
I called your attention to the icjastio of your
caarge. cot th caarge of newspaper, wc-ea I
1 have again quoted far tbe purpoe af ea.l:c
your atteatisa to ih charge you mane, tupp-e-
tag thai you wer aa hoaorab.e aa aad wonld
retract the charg at cae if yos wer csab: ,
to prove them. Iattead of doing . yoa re
peated oth-r stal slaaders agaisst Mr. Bryaa.
myself, se-aator Sharca.Gov. -Uiford. and oth
ers, winch, if tree, do cot pros yoar chare 1
agaisst Mr. Bryaa. )
" I shai- sot reiterate ta kind aid qcot what
venal aewtpaper or vtc reputable zcea say of
you necausc it Is sot ptrtJatat tothisa. Ti
tssae Is wheiher yoa hav ca;astiy aad withoat
proof aasadird the character of Mr. Bryaa. Yea
cancel avoid thai Issue by pretending that yoa
ca.y repeated a fa-sehood wh.ch somebody e
crigl ated. Dajouaot fear the rpeaitcg if a
falsehood, aad aur-bating tl to Irreapoasible
part. ws-i impair your icfiaesc la favor cf
th sue yoa ar advocating' Yen zz art re
member, my dear savor- iAt ihee, a , seas
of ach.:e .uCc which :s outraged by alaa-cer
aad . bei vli.-l you caacotja.ufy by eias-cg
yots hav a right to repeat 11 tstcaat yoa haa sot
th 7urat-e erlgiaau it. If joa hav ca
eas a;a.s.i Mr. Bryaa, which yoa car .
ready v-trtaa.ty admlura by cuag irreleraat.
laeo;stct hearsay to prove yoar charge, yoar
elaadert wul b harrnlrss so far a te ts coa
ceraed. tr.t can yoa afford v bepubusnad loth
world a ps-ddler of alaaier wh:eh yos caa
a prove If yoa hav aay friesds who u-p-pased
vfcaj ro3 wr botii hocast aad brav.
they will be sorely disappointed If yoa fall to
frankly avow your error aad retract year slan
ders, or prove the truth of yoar eiarxas which
I aav quoted above.
" Your very raspeetfally.
-Wll.-Tln- M. Bimwaxz.-
II trill Prtsaaklr B Ckalraat r tha
Ds-taaev-mtte Exeeattve CamaUttaa.
I Cbicaoc Aag. IT. Thomas Gahaa. raeraber
of th Bryaa National Coairaitte aad racrctly
appointed oeaaber of th Execatlv Ooaaraltte.
returned to Chicago yesterday mcrclcg. Mr.
Gahaa w-t East wiih Mr. Bryaa. ard did cot
leave Nw York cat'l th Maticaal Commits
had concluded :u work.
"Chairman Joce asd other tserabsirt cf th
Executive Co-araltr." said Mr. Gahaa. - will
: bs her early la the wrk aad w-u establish
Umporary headquarter la th Sherraaa Eoca.
where they will hold daily sasaioa cstil rsnra-
lar caarters can be secured."
' Will Chair-caa Joce re als ta Wash's-.
toe as ha bea soggealed l" Ur. Gahaa wis
No. t.r. He will remain la Chicago. It s
h's Icteatioa to uk fail ehrgcf th eara
pa.ga - ho wltl be Chairr-at of th Executiv-
Committee'- .
- It is my --plcioa thai Gov. Short of Muscart
7'J? :"lfat.? -?- s'r Joaa ar eloa
frleads. aa beaidea. the otter member of th
cramitt lAv, th h:gbt respect for Gov.
clone s asiilty.
Speaking of th mtlag of th coramitta fa
N w V ork. M r. Gahaa said lhat th oecjbir tad
beea ha-rsoalast, and that so far as his ebaerva
tloas went there was.no frietic Th Gonaaa
iceideci. he said, had bea exagtrratd.
I am confident." the lllinou comra.tUsrxaaa
coattcaed. "that senator Gorman had ao datr
10 be a mrraber of the Execauve Cora:tle. al
least coae of the member of the committee ao
uaderstood the matter Th. Senator will have
tl ,he ,c? t.t,"i? .' oot oot '" own
state of Maryland, aad I gaeat h tiniersuad
tba: better thaa aybody., -u4.iatt
br tax axd tub TorxrLiars,
Mrs Rutrawsl. ar Kta-eky bttaslst
tfcat Ttea-Il B TrwaaSa Bo a.
LayriiTiLU. Aog. IT. FraaeU Raeuawald.
Chainaaa of ti Popcllru la this district,
give It as hit opinion that Bryaa will not ac
cept th Ptepulttt nomination for Prasidant. and
that If h does not acoect he will earulnly lot
half th Populist vote ia this Sute.
Mr. RaetaawaJd U a Middle of th Road Pop
ulist, aad h tays th Stat Coaveatioa at
iv,S5,1;.Fn- tS' snajortty of the party
ia Kentucky ar a.aintt Lndoaisg their or.
gaaita.ien and voung for Bryaa it h w.ii o:
accept tceir uom.asilon. H- added
I do not see how Mr. Bryaa can aecent.
afur what be said in his New York .perch I
; to me that he made h.s Ictentloas plain
glatSn'-wllh'si" thin' fc "VPted thVcoml"
n ft "' Sew.-1 as a running mate. The
plo,u'Uto'SSa,;a0ln-CU'!:,1)r f0 UWlr oo!
posit. fn to saa all. One of the ast mot'osa
Ie?SiH,.,ts,K? -''?l Cocven "a was "
S?!,r",t:sao:lmI tx-oilve Committee to
-i.ailTry:7ncr on !te national ticket fait
waa adopted expreasly to provide for such an
emergency as t. atvom to confront cv BrytS
kssi'S..';,"" UckL ,0 ran Klh Watson. "
K.?,7n!5;t," TT aonaads of Pupu tsu In
. ntV.-v-T bo ,roaM n""'r eoaseot to aLaadoS
iS.nUeCAck oor O'oltallon and our prlnciplea! I
vn for Bryan, whom w all tue." i"'a"et 1
JBrrKBsox co ex it azirBRiTBa.
Tae- Carry Zverrtbla- la Twa B..Hr.u. i
Dl.trlil Caavcalloaa. I
WariRTOw:., N. Y., Aug. IT. -The .llv.r men I
w.r unopposed In the two Jeffer.on county
Aasembly dlttrlct Democrats ConsenUon. here I
lVl. " P"'d ,trone '"olnlions endorse ,
..Is. -"S". K" Dd P'a'form and eho
State delegates who are pronounced iJhliiiT;
P.',0-. vTb de.egates are W.ISur F Ported I
Patrick Redmond, and Fidredri nVeei e. r
th. First dl.irlci.-uaQJohnN f?i,l7 S
LSrtf1"0" SU W' '-"re'frVhfth.
Oratory I the Bryaa and Sewall Clnk.'
Tb third of the ..,. of mestlngs of the
tviri? " . i.4" C-U1s1'e' Club of the Ninth '
V. ard wa. h.ld ,asi sign, ., h. jd.uli ,Ueel
and er.thut.asin that rhara.te- rrl 1,,- 1.
former meetings. Jam F ".JrV ui .J ."
g.ntkm.a .utoglzed the rm watte PreJuI
tlal nominee aad pok ataoln utfv.s.'"'"'?'
. amtiBij-tiuaaUoa. V " s,6ssioo tha
. ,
EVERT SVA1 IX Iltr t)Jt.
will itn rir.Lr.it 11, xoj,"
PresMsratlaa Caainlete tn Tvks c--
Ibe Great Crow tknt I. r,,,,,,. J
la Hear lb Haa. lionets M,
Reply la Paaoeratle t aBlu,,, h'
Evervthlng Is now In read ess ?."
demonstratloa to-a!cht ! M vl -. .',".,
dea of the honest-moa.y rs- -i.i" p.-v""
for every lech of space in lis ; : stblU
demanded, asd President . ,. t tSJi
asS'xUtes had to expla.a .' ;.j( i
thousands their Inab'Uty tos.;- . .1 ,:5
Uckets. " "
AeUng Deputy Chef r cr'.r ; ,1, ., u
commander of the poj.-., f-,.- . - , . ,
Conlln's absence, laid yesterdav -i -.t,J
mad what polle arrangemen-.s . , -4-,m.
ered necessary for the mtet.-.g ;. , u "i'
after consultation with the ocs iiris.
Tbtt Is the programaas dec.-ixj .- -
"Madison avease eitraac a .. t '.-sai.
mlsslon of ;-ersons holdlag tickets ', v j-no
reserved seats tn tbe arena.
"Twenty-sevectb street entrs-s -s-;. .
block, will be for the adrsiit-.es :s-t;;, .
grand stand, and re?re-ehti: res ' .. j.,
j asd reserved seau oa fiocr aronnd p ..:.--
I"Tweaty-eveath aire: sear !'.-i; itsin.
will b for admtuioa of Brock ya de s-t: n
"Twehty.!xtt street ea'.raa - -.-. f,,
I block, will be for admisiits to at- 1st tK
' sol reserved.
I -Twecty-tlxth street eatras: ; . b, ... tAt
j mission to the gallery. At. dto-s w , te ;-s
P. M except la Twtaiy.M-renih s-rt. lt,
served fcr Brooklyn Ce.egatlii. wa -s j.j
j be cn.-.ed aatli they arr.ve .. t; lit
I extra oa mala fiocr. cot rrvei w.M ;.. t ttJ
J op to the public at T ! f M. whe'is- 1,..,
ticket, or co-- Ah of the se.-j rii n -r"-f
csreupted. w'.ether reserved er trt-at s .if-'y
.wl.I be open Vj th p:u watther - -.-.
tickets cr tot-" " "
Iaspector Conr"gbt said tiatiswj-'i j, -
I charg of tbe police at the Garcec He ail
have about 40v pollercnec th:e, aai 1
aided la directing them by Art.tr lii;-".-
' Harley. Erooks. McCcIlags, CTSe-ff. IJ
Thomptoa. Nose of th s:rets leading ts tls
i Gardes will be blocked by t.::aiei as e.- .
! oocsAios of the Eryaa zse-et-ig. aii ct r'Scl
I Use will l ei-atliehed caiess ex gvirJes s-n
which require such acticc. .Vrc ti is in !ca
pa., aaich wer ao radeiv izz--v'. at !
Bryan meeting, tare bees lirat-d ty :a.s;-ij
Cortright. Ti Icapector doe cvt airie paia
I th least troab!e. as h tsars tie arrair.
meats made will prov xsost satisfacttcr.
Prt-sliea: Bvrce sail '
"All dco- are ba b oyeseji j o'cltrk. u
crevest a crash. Th learn hrpe tia: si
friends who applied for ticxels. asd wi.; hat,
sot rece:vr.i then. wJU ai-prectat tit fart tlu
tbe demaxtd for reerved seau has hers -.-t
tiat greater thasth cpac ty of lie bs'"-e.
Tifotlis aidiacsai Vi--Prtiieau wsr
'.' OT-oaoa-oa, rraak 3 Jsiasa. rua.
hitisra-oismi, ce.rcu. "
Ktca&i s p.a.'loliil. tr. Sussj.
gvacTaejcaa. : E-Onctwse Pras.
Meraaa Ket. -acves T titwtwari Ja
fjeC. Dessar, Bartrar
7Xoaa U. WaTiav. ww rw tarvr ys,c.
Joa-ps I. ZttJay. ralroti . iai. has
Csrge E. ZrarKA Itla: ctr
A. 7 Zcstazt. Etivs. Z Es..
J at. ya-axer Atari i -cxs y-.Ti'ai-fai.e-oeia.g.nsr
.'.als .: a. o ft-a-su. Isntu.
r a E-tavg. a aa a. ixxr; w ;ai;
a. H. Peg t. Aitzarra. Tiiisj s ."si-s. i
AJ.Tar.fter T Ix-ascra. Ada- taria.
;;! tjeci. . W - I- re- A-at'ua.i. I1
f ". V.i Trcaua. rl. .-.n;. y t- -.. A .-, I
cj-h.I vr a- s..., Ai-s. .
tVaccxv tsihlass ttrtn. Ex. i X. .w.rT. .tia.. r.
- t- h r-e--.e-l A- w- j rnuz x.
rrnn H. r5rts. rtea.-;r it--t
wrr s 6. 0-rres. -oia K f-eii. t
yiaipAS-ij-i. 'ssu: .".-y-e
T-r.s Kynra Par. h.vs-r
Ef'il Busier. ItrSTrt v rt.
ortoactaii. Z ?- Xea.-.tt.
mziXL Kaaana. At4-t;s: Ex--ia.!.
y 1- Sk. ri-t i-ere-.
Crar. Ln. r -
kuC Vjerriehaar. r-; -; T, - -.
CnariHtrrriS. 3nrr -.;.
Kl-Sac i Airahc Ta-. -e ; sief- ---i
C If. Taa cr y.r-i rarer
IVSfsj-sC &nsaefer C3-s--j-s -
otsr: Z- lns-e r-.rrv-'r
Ams Etae- Ei '.aj-e tTt.j-. - :rsa,
1.71. ketreCy. XT
&aoT K. ZVarae.-r. rrr.a- !fa.--r X. : St -ax P
c.e t-xia- E-i-.trs T '"- f
A-W.'te-c a. t 2.ai-re I
y a. c-.ii.-t. . xii-ijrf i
stslaa-tr SIaltllrta tn tke VT'n-
City aa Mar ta Can.
CejcaCO. Asg. IT. F-ciihalieaiqaa-.s- s-s
' xaclticiyisg here. 7he Naticra. E-;.t -z
ieadqearters ia at tie Ai!:arts :-,jitu
of icsimtsr activity. eccaSed caj- :y
State Repsbvlaas Eeadqcarters al u.e J--U
Ncrtir. At both pre a ecrr rf ts a
worxlst cp to fs preasar ta lie -a--, r-
Over .: ti Ssrrsaa Ecus tie rrt.-'--s.rt
, ieadqaarter. show ilgsx cf acUv-.ty tnti as
have sot &es rsasifes: tisce tie r t -f
raid- io-med Is lie wesier-. sky rtsr.'ts
asi Fxporrau. hansg lircn-s arsie tat ast
. teaahiasc of tsdtrticaitlv cosfe- vc rr-st.au
r-'rt fcr lit evrtirow of tie c?ta-a t enea:'.
1 AttiePa-mer Hens lie Naucca. Ltf :..s
I Ccnaaitte cf tie ao-isi-avjaey Iwsrc-ais j
busy a cas b-s caafe-rag asi cost- r -g e'i
aai saaas 10 prt-serv their lizae-h;c...-; ;a.-:r
se. Acag wii the. ieadq-arurs are
jr-raisod to re epeae-i :n :-e sear f;l--e ty
Proilbitioaistv frce-.i.vr rare, .atcr af a'-rrs,
col to 7ak cf the raerr-la rack, cf tt -f
all kinds, which tarralea to rsaxe Ci ra-; ite 3
aucaptsg croasi fraaa this t-sts act k--o
1 imT-
Posted at crcveaient distaare betweea lis
varioss headqxarter ar tie star:, g f-;ini
1 cf ti aewes: amvai :a pc-.tJC- li .n-.e-r;
1 eratorv A znas la eearci f . git lie .art
zaav ta lie coarse of a .:;t.s irses- f z nt-t
lights aai .hadows ia lie dewn--r s; - i
ti city liaa he coiri isk d s -'rri ary
I other Pres-deatial year, esea w in ias ic-ii-ligtt
proccaatoss liroers a.
a. TaaUstn ."apaesatt rv-ajees Talll
Baasaa a Ba Bl4 Aaaralax.
LOLiatiiTw. Kj Asg. I". 60. eHki afa,
th Crtttc. ti osly Laalart.! ssvs;,-.- 'itt
advocated free silver, died. Ed::rr re raa
declared iat hs wpsii ttart a ia; y st-eii.
Chalrtaan Soraaser of the Pcpc-rra; act- r
Ccmeittee asd Natioaa: C asrs.lteastst :
too also declared tney o-.,J 1u.1t t e-i. y,
and they asd O'sal.ivaa ixei vpea A .z at
thedaufor the appaarAsc. aai tie L- e
Dt-vaocm: as the u.s of f.er sheet V prr
has yet appeared, and O'Si.-.vas ix;-a s iy
th scheme ha beea abas joaed
"The fact thai hcia Mesfrs. S-s asl
Woodsoa had asaoaaced the-r -tent ca '--es-Ubllsh
a paper, led to some c-:f-t -n - -es-ard
to the matter. Several perwrs a'.-es.at:
sad subcrlbd fr stock :: ray ent-;r. lis
drew en th grousd that trey did a-t : erf
Hbr of two sew pspers con d sacc- i.y
baabl to start a daily at some tier t me
It Is sU that Editors -oaice-s ini v !.-
bav also abasdoaed fcr tae pre.ent - ,
posed FUbticauoa.
Th Caantr Delecate 10 a uu OC-'al
Ueellac Mo Ileelar.
LAWBjwo,Mlea., Aag. 1 -Almrst ire -s-ty
ta theSute ts represeated at tne -- . '
the sute Board of JV-a..:a: vs. wh -- .sa
here to-alght. The de.rgates reit- '
ahade cf political cp.otoa. aad a ? a-i f
thsm shows that tbe..4v.r seat a-e s '. s
waae tarojgnojt tbe -tale i.eet -a
most of the couot.es testify tf at j. r ." f.s-t
fortnight the chaae msec:. me-: e e"f
marked, aad It is rare that a s w . .
enrossterra who say. the seat a
tncrve. ni.ist cf them be.Lg 1. n e -
sert-ug thai it tt bo.J.ig .Is . -It
lai.-ent triat ta ca 1 ; i ; e- s i
I is having IU effect Ma Ol' r '.s "
of the opinion tt at ft..eitie- 1 s ..-
I tree .liver a It has set f .v e e
In Michigan for sojed ranev
I Ing. The reports fn.m al-ve -..-.
the effect ttiot there rfct -v - ' '-'
ticunt in th upp r pvn sc a a: -. . - u
I ftar lhat ther w be ay.
I Xba Erie Coaaty Ureaorral. las.ie ''
I Wken Tory Can's (set INI hi I
Bcrrvho, Auj. '." For tie - ' ' "
leg the Democrat. organ:i : '
outof ltsan'.ajonitm U any rai ' "
hatlcOAl ticket until after tl e .- . - ',3
Ediur Norman V- Mui, if t:e s -'
nvnt to New York at the l.s.r "
tloi meeting and annojr.cei -
agretsj tospoak lu lli.rla n t . '"
turning home he ser.t a n -:
Ger.era. Commiitee ajd ,i.v te '":
of Urarrtugi-ineiiL I .r tne ""
tliecoiumlltre li.,lsti-.
im-tee .at three hours - s
l.ruiK'.itiua. It tivnur . ,
kubmiibi a i' win, 1 ta riu. .
tionai lou,mlttee. ucrriA ' :,',.
tissar beta on Aug. h7, and ' '"'
welcojne for bun if b shau.o . ",3,rf
Tb language of the reo.- '"rIO
dnnbt whether Bryan realty u iv- " 1
fafeUaaUpatiij. JXack. '

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