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PI I i I 4 THE, SUN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1890. jfir l TIERNAiYS TAMELY HITS t,f' I t uelvthe .vnr to km jo svnnvn & if 8 Assays cnic''ia tea.h. ?V I jf J rtyitn, PfelTer, find I.itnsle. llnr n Hoir sf' S '2 Willi the Hrieetatnrs - ilronklin Win 1 J J Irotii rittsbtirllli-Mt. I.e. wis Heists Haiti. i ' I '9 more, and Ulsvetanil Wlm Two (lames. k a , J The Western elubf lsn tin Ir ln-t series. In r. I' 8 " '( the Kasl yesterday. Tbocvent of Uio ilny was t" i & Cincinnati's resumption of the I wil by virfie of " r " victory over Hoston. and' uncx- M fi pectctl defeat by St. I.ouls. Tlio Vein YovksUe- is H " b featcd Chicago, but illil not train on the. II rook. b 111 lynt and I'hlliulelplilas who won from Pitts- l B m burgh anrl Louisville, respoctlvol;'. TboCleve- p B t I lands captured two Barnes rrom tho V ashlne- (. tons In easy fashion, 'lherosults: if Ir B ' J New York."; Chicago, fi. $ ' Prookiyn. 10: Plttiburalh. 7. " l a Cincinnati. Bj Boston, T. I ' 8 f St- Louis, V; n sltlmore, 7. 'Ma I clsvelsniJ, 13! tVashlnittorj, 0 (llrt game: . , ? L 8 cietelsnd, 7, WasblngloruS taeetindgams). ' ig j Philadelphia,:)! Louisville, 0. r u Hi Tne nrconD. ' t t ' I I JVrl vr 4 S II ! Chilis. IPon.lVlf.renr.l CNM. H dip. If St. rent. 1 3 Cincinnati... u au ,t7 Prookltn... 4ft fill ,45 5 !E I fialtimorJ:.. hh ni . Phllart.iphla 44 f4 .n I a 5 3 Clev.l ml .01 87 ." New York .44 DB .440 t l'l A Chlcaiin OU S .078 Washington. .311 Bl .871 , , 1 ritisiiurfV i..M sti .hai'st. i.outs... so ob ,m:i ' If',' toston'....:.M 44 ,B4l,Lonlsilll. -J4 70 .155 1 j i 8 . j ' hew TonK. 8; cnrcAoo. 6. 1 a j When Uncle Anson's CblcaRos ee mo to town v t j , j ttcro Is always plenty of exc.'temfnt ror locnl r r; II j rooters. The ola man's team have boon playlnc " t j j pretty good ball this season, .tnc aro already ; jfi ' j figurine on bcatlnic theClevclandaout for third rj place; so that It can bo reaUiry appreciated 1 I that a defeat means moro to them than to thoso , jj teams that brine nn the TheChlcairos, , 3 j consequently, came to the Polo grounds yes- . ? a ., I terday In such an anxious mood that they j H ;t Si couldn't keep still. From tho very Bt'rt"Anse" ; ji 0 bcuan to kick llko a bronco and continued It fi '. II until Umpire Emslle refused to allo'r? him to i, a stand on theooachtng lines when hl eldo was a j I at bat. This so angered the old man that bo if fretted and fnmed until he was as rod In the j ' ;f face a an Anarchist's flag. His disposition I : I,'' scorned to be Infectious, for his players, too. - i all I woruklcklneat everything and Anally cot Into ! a. II what was almost free flBbtvrlth several apec- , j ( ' lators. at The .atter tronble occurred In the last hMf of II j VL tl,u tilth inning. Van Ualtren had singled and ftp gj Tlernan drovo the ball oter the right field X ' Jw runes. As Anson had refnsed to have such hits Htm called home runs. Mike tried to get all the bues I f Sl If possible before the ball could be lleldod In. V, ME it ityan raced after the ballllKe a deer, and Just yS jfi n- hi- at about lu pick It up. Pitcher Oriffltu of JjjE ffi tho Chlcagos. who was In his street clothes, WJ If tried to Blon the ball and hand It to Ityan. In- Mh' m mad nt stopping It, honever, (irtfnth made a nS M "a fumble, and a spectator quickly booted I fJK m the sphuro behind the score board. Ityan aS k thun made n rush at tho man, u-ho I liK K rnn ,or lliH llfe' 'riia (-'hlcago right tleldor I i lisr & a chased hlin In behind the score board and P I nffi'i M ttnded M'veral good thnmps, so the spectators i W M vmd. Men and boys rushed to the scene of S ' tMi'i It' 4ctto:t, and Hyan received rellnforcementa from tt r m I'felfer and big Lnnge. bomebudy tried to I ! fWi m iniasli Hyan, and vrhen Pfcffer Interfered there H ' fflB m naA a row P'cffer was surrounded by his H ' ttr K rouirailLM. and was seen to strike several blows. I ' i ?Ift fi 'U5t as tuo row began in look seriout. acouplo a ' ( if, m "' policemen arrived and chased everybody U I (W m ii" ay. A man wanted the policemen to arrest I ' aB- K- PfelTer for throwing a stone. 1 1 3li K Tho New Vorks won cbleUy because of Tier- i t "$ M nan's t-attlnc. The bit described nbove sent In 1 l 4R m y"LT Haltren. while Miko scored hlm-elf a mo- I i W S ncnt later on an error. Inthoeighth. with Van I ( s& OD flrt. Tlernan got In another tremendous I r tJB' K drive for four bags. These four runs were I ' W R " enough to put Anson In the tureen. Weak n . ni B Pitching by Friend and Terry in the early inn- 1 ' i Wi' k ings was also of considerable assistance. Dad K Hi Clarke pitched with splendid Judgment. Ho I' am fi was hit in the sixth Inning only, but under the tS H fire he showed no signs or weakening. The ' H'l B New Yorks did not begin to play what Is sailed fm I k "pennant balL" Their base running was i; I'B B stupid, and with eight men left on bases f HI In the first four Innings, It must II f be said that they did nut startle tho i l'l Ei crowd with their stick worK. The magnificent I II I' Ileldlngot Davis and Oleason, however, was a - I j S . reaeeming inaturc, and served in many In- I H I stances to keep the score of the visitors down. I rll Fred Pfeffer never plned tietter ball In his n I life. He was till over the InQeld. anfl accepted f 1 II I ten chances without an error. Ills batting was l'l1 I hard and timely. Tho c'hlcaaos plajixl fair I (' I' DaII. but they would havu uuiloubtedly dono I II I better bad their pitching been of a steadier III nature. t The Ubicacna wero sent to tho bat and made I j I two runs ns a starter. :erltt rlloped a hot I III 1 base hit to left and scooted to third on Decklry's plj 1 mutfof Clarke's throw oft Dahlen's bunt. Dahlen I til 4 promptly stole second, and (on Lange'e slow ' I'tllB' grounder to Davis, Kverlll ran home. Anson I I'M; thenbroughtlnD.ihleu withascrutuli Ingle. and ' I ills wns caught stealing second a moment later. iif l'In Itan got u basu on balls und was lurced by i ! ' ril Decker. Hud cuachiug by Mike Milllvan 0e- ! t I l-li pried the New Vnrksot a run In tbu lust balf. 1 t !? Heckle)' opened on Friend wiih u short single to ' il lull' right and Van llaltron bunged the ball over tho t vivi ropes In right .held. It was entlly a three- it 1 lit bagger hud not Sullivan held Heckler on third. Ill KdUl Ah K was. Juke didn't score, und Van was run '1 I 1 illljt down fur the first out. Tiernan siucieded in f Mll'l'i waiting for fnur bulls and Jocu's linrit single I F i j 1 III I J mer PfefTer'n head sent Ileckley In. Tlernan I t 1 I JSflJr going to tccond. Hoth runners ndvnnced a baso f Mill on Pfeffer's remarkable one-hand stnpnffilea- Jr Wm'" son'a sharp drive, tho Km helng thrown out. j ill!! .' ,mt DaU pop-filed to Kverltt and two men I Si its wero loft. . ml if ' In tho third the New Yorks scored three i ' ill'tij ' ' run", thanks to weak pitching by Terry. Joym ' nil!' got four halls and ricwl t third on lileason's '' ' ril II Si single, which Hyiin fumbled lung enough to ul- ' ' ' I iil'liv '(,w lle ia lo reach econd. Davis wus thrown ii 111 W out by PfelTer, nnd Counaughton sent a fly to ' II 17 Lunge, on which Joyce scored. Terry gao i ill St"' ' l ii-e on balls to .earfn-s, wbo stole second, and ! jll-p i ' leiison scored on D.ihlen's poor return or the t' 11 L" ' ''" l" ""' Pl'te- Dunuhue Injured Ills linger. ' tllil ' h" Ivlttrldgu hnd to catuli, but hu couldn't ' ' i II I, 'I teady the Adonis, whu gmo nuothcr base nu J fl Iff! i . balls to Clarke. Then Ilickley banged n single r -' 'ilHt ' tlirnngli I'reffcr nnd X.enrfo-s scored, but Van " ttltl lorced Juke. to morn men being left. rf t ll' i Anson's scholurs shoned good eyes In tho jB A BrH' ' sixth bj flnillriL' Dud's cuive- fur omo or tho 9- rC lll4 ileanet kind of hits. With "Uncle" n victim Qlj' iliffl '" J")''e'b superb stop and throw, Ityan and i il jlliJ Decker fuinshtd the ball ror slntles, and Fred V; illil PfelTer brought homo both men with a bHse lilt rii, JHIl toLentrc. Fred, in his nnxlety to pile on the rsW'iflll , ngony, tried to steal on Zcarfoss, and wm "K'tlt'l nailed. He could have scored hud bewailed for 1 I j 5J I Terry's slat-hlng two-bagger to left, but . . i II ly I Adonis eanio In Just the same on lill-l1 a base hit by Klttrldge. The latter was r ' Sill :' forced by EM'ritt, and the score was fi to h ' !ll!!f 4 "galust the home team when the last half 1; iftilfif began. Ilci kley louled to Anson and Van Hal- I S'lfl'fil . Hen's fly, which should liuvo been eulen up by 4. v"1 1 III 'if ! Duhleii, m iierinltled to full hnte. Then Tier i ?; jl)lj , " nan lifted the ball clean en or the ropes lu right U & lllil!i'- Held, and the row, which has been!. S ft I tit . lowed. i ' i it III- Y- Umpire Hmslle. In respnnso to n bowl from ' I II II r ' Anson, sent Tlernan, whu had crmed the plate, t. l Hf . back to third, whence he scored the next mo. r ' It I Hi ' " ment on F.u-rlit's wide throw to the rubber off 'lllflli '" Juice's grnunder. tileasou furced Joyce and ' It,1 Him Dailattlrd to Decker. ' lliiild The C'lilcairns nettled a run to tie tho score, ' lall but they couldn't make It In thu seventh, though ' JIlHU Anon had n life on an error b) Joyce. 'Iho I .' i tf New Yorks went out lu order, nnd so did tho .'" tllrii vl-llors, lu the first half o( the eighth. Hut In II li'l the lu-t half Joyce's men clincmd inelr bold on i it 113 "le Kaiuc. when, with nue out. Van scratched a A. ' ! II lq lilt t Kverltt mid Tlernan luced thu bull over fi ' ielll' i he ropis ngaln, this time for a clean home run. J 1 Fllljtll' 'I lieu Joyce was thrown out by PfefTer, nnd ?. ;: tfllltr Sleiinii.wliu gut n l.fe on Dulilen's error, was ?. j illYl iliinwii nut nt M'rund. i t lllnr KlUndgu began Uliti'ngn's ninth with n hot t P It Hit' flngle to centre an 1 le.i-hed eiond on a passed II - III 1 " bill, l.verut thou Hied lo llerklei and Dahlen '. F f I llli nmmerid one aluiokt to tho X'j-imit. seats, 'i f if 111 i 'onniiiigliinu gut under the ball ami held It. his -- h llli'- i-tih proving n big factor. Then Van Haltren ' r HHI " luilled duwn another bard drlm frnm ljinco's I ill!' lal and thu hntile uusiit uu end. The score: J? I PI In . "" YOKh. I CHlCJIlli. y f usrU i: A.t.1 k. v. v,' PUR ' neekley. lb 1 sit 1 Kntl, lb .. I l i j i ' 8 fi ill ' Viill3ii'n,cf :i I 1 Pahlen, t. 1 n 7 I a t lr SJ W 'llernsii r. f J -' n u ljinKv, i ( ,,.u u I 0 II t 9 UU' 1 1 11 .1 An. nn. 1. 1 I, .0 ll II II I J HI) iiii-ssoii, ad u i t n :i nUiun.r r t t t i 'i i, SlIL lials. . I ... ii ii 4 ii ii li,t'.t-r I. r 1 I t o ii - W- it 111 I'miuau ii. I. f.ii u t u o WiftVr. id u (i l i fi ii Is B .urrtw. o -till! u l-rli'iiil. u u n u o i . i K O.irke.p ii u '. :i uirrry p I t n ii ii ',1 9 ! ' i - "" " l,'ni.iiie. e o l u n o $ Ij Tnisli. Jiovrtu 4 Klurlilk-i-. i u a g 1 ii ST I j ' 1 Dials .".-."ilMU .-. fc fk i (; N- w York 1 .1 J il ii ii -i s Ej. K , I 1 ,t llleauo . . u it I) ,i ii ii o j hi ; U ' . turned runs N- or. 4 f il .. -i Tio Into Mil . )ill-an lUlrrn. I.n llir-PlMw I lt-1.ernu Kd ! uoine ruu-IUriisn. mhIpii Pabu u Iff. . K;i ?' Imeouirrurs-Scw York, :t l 'imu... l. Hnl IS' ' at, ' aenubiu iiir Curke, li off im. a, off Trv ' Ml ' fi? ; Mrurk .mi-li; TMrke. 1 ,,0. .-rrv. I Uft 0, ii, ''". i h M.ii 7 litiuMe plat -Ha ten I K; i Ii1 i nd Anuii I'j.-isi iall-rjr . fln-i VS. I'm ! Wj& ifi y plre-Kini lo. AiiendAiitu. 4,0iv I i ! , Jj IiUOiikMN, 10;l-lTl.slll'IUili, 7. I K "The Pro .'slin will surely win tu-day. With 1 Pi l " AbOeriuth. i.ntns Plttsliuighs will be e.ny IJiv : J , it iclliiu. j no Inner icuiuiits treru niiilo b OT ! i Manager I . ir r In tl.e game at i:.-iern i Kl I I If ' "r1, "tenlat.i 1 i.i. as rifct it Iwn lie I V ' liropliesinl tll.ll llm llr. uaiyne ttuull wm. tun J ' S I 5 iw.1. f.n.iisl in la-lieviug Hint Ai.bei would ' ,t ft I ' F3 , I ring the ti ! t in l'ie llr. nklyn. ill tl-e first ' III ! '"UK !" J'lHsbiiigln . ily (e, ur,d i.i.r ' ' if I .', ' hut tiny iiide iiiay tin-J hr i H J tuey a.-i.m mm .. the ba A I -i K I ' ' ball', four, and u lien.e .in if lettixl bte ii -, an. when tie ,u- g n . If f ' r Daub wi-nt In p, iem Ihe slaiigmrr i , i.tsira ' of ft Iuwiiik eiber Abbe) or lu It , ' -it-in the M.-co'ld inning, FnUU seleelea Payne il !," Lr!ni ln Burn.), woo was on ccoml bate. . K I o men were out. but Payne was not found if " larklng.Jof tie droi e the bail over l.tnns's head V ; ., , , ,o. With , lead of three run. there J ( 1 idicailoa mat the Httsborths wnnld win. llnctiey. hotTever. went to pieces. "I lie scores riTTSorRiin. ' caoorav. n I n.r.0. a. t. ii 1 s. r.o. . i. rvinotan, r. f n I x o oonmn.c. t. .1 I 4 o o My '. n v :i i n o stiiinlie. ,M b I 1; :i n o DilKilm. e. r.. U 1 1 0 tl Duly. Villi ..1 1 :i a 0 Kinith, i. f n ;i I n n r orcorsn. s s.5 4 18 0 I.jnni. :wi Mil iiiAniienuin, in I III o I MVrrllt. r. t I :I :i n !ci arthy.l. r.k I u 0 u PtMi. lit li t a In I ii Sliced, r. r ..Otooo llugliey, p ii o ii I 0 litirrili, e K a I 1 0 Han lei, ii . no o n n o n o D 0 1'idJin. Uit b 1 t! S 4 p linuli, p ii I in 0 - rsync 0 10 0 0 Totals . 7 1u3t7 0 i Totals. -.10)787 10 a I'atne btllrd In place or Abbey In the second Inning v Pittsburgh n s o n o 2 n ft o- 7 Uroiiklyn .... o a 0 0 0 1 0 1 -10 Parneil rum llrooklvn. 0. Plllsburali. B. Home riiu-linnman. llirre bsse hltl-lhouh. Daub. Two l'.i hlls-Hr.dilniii. Miimtle, Paly, I'orcorsn (). Anileron. I'atun. Stolen listen I'ailden. JlcCjrlhy. sjirrlllci'lili-MeCsriby. nil by pllclier-Minileii. Daly Ntr'iricoiit Ity Kauli, I. byllawiiy. 1 MM bae on lialls-nir Abbrt.l, oft llmih, I : ort Iluchf y. a tiril Inn-on ertnr-ritMbiirgli. Left ou bases lirooklyu, s. rilH.nirKh. l Iiouiili- plnti-baub, Sblmlle. and Amli-rmnt Corcoran. Daly and Anderson. Umpire Nbcridaii. Tline-U.'.'l. Atteinlance-1,800. MsimiTi, Pi iiostos, 7. lloiTov, Ac. lli.-Clnelnnsll got a l.Ig Iral In Ihs nrit InnltK to-dayt but Iletton mane a big spurt In the fifth nail took the lr-AU. ntottly ilue to loretnsli's bail pitching, iiwyer went in In pitcli In the slxtn and Ulit ntiely-, lng'a bonier In tlie slstb wattlieouly run niftile orr btni. Cincinnati won nut In the eighth on trinlrs of Ulller nnd Vaughn aud Irwin's long line Ily to centre. Attendance, u.775. Tlieicure ciscissitl. sostos. n.iar.o.A.r n.ln. r o.a.i. Purks. I. f....o I a o 0 llsmlltnn.e.f.t a n 0 lloy, c. r. ...lion o Tennvy. r f .0 0 1 0 o Miner, r. r... .a ail) n Hurry. I. r . .1 o I o 0 Mcriiee, Sd b V 1 II a 0 1llig, s.s a n B B 3 Vaughn, lb a a n o 0 Turkcr. lit b l o H u n lrrrm.:M b . o u a a n n.l n t 1 Mmitn.s.a a a i i aimnt-i.c a a 4 a u Pells, c II 3 4 0 1, Collins. adU.o l a n foreman, p. 0 1 o a 0 Yerrlck, p.. ,u 0 u 1 0 Deryer, p. ..0 1 0 0 0 . Totsll .. 7 10 24 13 4 Totals.,.. V14 97 7 1 Cincinnati. s 0 0 ft t t 0 9 . -B Boslun. . U 1 U 0 0 1 0 0 0-7 IHrned runt-ClnclnnslI, n; Ilonton, a. Home rum biiillli lmi, Three-luielilta Mllk-r, Vaughn. Two be hit llov. Nscrillee lilt lloy. blolen based Burke, lloy, Sillier, Mcl'nee Si, hnillh. Mratbale on bibs Off i orriuuh tl. off Ytrrlck. 4. Klrtt bate on errors-cinelnnstl, a. lilt by uli. hi1 ball-Py lore man. 1. by Yerrlek, 1 raised bsll-Peltr. Wild pltrh Foremsn hiruik out by Koremau, 1, bv Dwyer. I hj derrick, a Double plar Cnillnt, Lont, and Tucker. L'rapire-Lynch. riaie-a as. ST. LOCIS, Pi IULT1M0RL, 7. PtLTlMOst Aug. IV. marine errors and plenty of them lost the opening game or the si. bums terirs for ihe champions to day. Two games will be played to morrow. Attendance, 3,a37. The score liLTraoxE. i rr. inns. , . . la. r.o. a. n.1 h. le.r.o. .r. Kellcy, 1 f....l 1 I a l'powd. 2,1 b. .a I H ft 0 yulnu. r. f ...a a 1 o i txuvus-.i.r. a u u I u Jeiinlngs.s. s.t 1 4 a 1! Turner, r. f .a a a li ll Doyle, 1st b. . I ail ll 0 Connor, lit b.O 110 a n Relt.Zdb. la 4 H tl Parrntt. c. r ll a I ll n Ilrodle.c.r ..I a 4 u 1 Meyers. 3d b I I 1 3 B Donnelly, 3b. u o t a ycron. .i i u a i n Clnrke. c. 0 1111 tli-Farland. c.ll ll 1 a 0 llcllahon, p. 0 o 0 8 UiUr'ii'mt'in, p 1 a l o Totals. 7113713 l Totals U 10 27 ID H Diltlmore ...ft 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0-7 M Louis.. a 0 n s 1 3 0 I 0 u Earned runs Daltlmore, 4; m. Louis, a. First base by errors- llaltlniore, !, St. Louis. 7. left on banes-llaltltnoro. u. SI Louli. 7 llrst base ou bsllt-OIIlIcllahon. 1. off Ureltenitiln, 6. Struck out by Oreitensteltl. 1 Thrne-bse tilts Turner, liowd. Jennings. Two bate hits (,'ulnn. Turner, Doyle, SaenOee bit urtltentteln stolen bases Doyle, llelti. Double plsy Dowd nd.T.'roii. wild pitcli SlcUahon. Umpire Lally. Time a;ia CLKVSXASD, 13; WABIUSOTOS:, 0 naST OAMC Wasoisotos. Aug. 10. Woihlniton loll both games itoday through poor balling. BmllU. irho formerly played on the b'nlterslty vl Pennstlranla team, msd nit appearance ttltn tne locals ana did good uork. Tebeau waa put out or the game In the rlrat Innmg for ibjeutlng to one of Umpire Hurst's decisions. Attend. i .nee, a.QUO. Tbe acora, WASnisoTOI. CUrVEXASb. , .. Me. r.o. a. i. n.ler.a.r- '.uth.l. f l ail n nurkelt. I.f. .a I I n n Vltont. a. B..0 14 2 0 Slck'ean. a. s 1 'J a a 0 , tlii-cr. r. I....1 l a 0 llchllda.xd b 1 4 1 V I Ucl.ulre. c....l H a 0 OMcAieer, c. f..l I a o 0 I mtlin, 3d b .1 1 3 t n'Tebeaa latb.l 1 18 o 1 Ollrlen. adb.,0 0 a a 1 lyicaarr. 3d b 1 a I tl o a a o lilinnier.o....'j a 4 o o "artwhi, lb. 1 0 7 0 Oildake. r. r..,. 3 a 1 u 0 Flynn, p. .0101 c Wallace, p., . 11040 Totati. ..8 1114 7 a Totals... ,.3 lTsii f"! "5 Wotblncton ,.U 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 n Cleteland o 4 0 10 8 0 6. 13 Earned runs-WasMngton, 2; Cleveland. . First bae by errars-Wasnlnginn. 2: Cleveland, J. Left on liases W athlngtoa. B; Cle'eland. 6. Hrsl bale on balls Off Flynn. 3: off Wallace, a struck out-Ilr ttaliace. 4 Home run -Lusn. Three-base hit U'aae. Two-bate hlu-llurkett. Tebeau. Saerlnce bltt-Cari-..right. O'nrten. Double play-McKean, Childs, and Tebeau. Umplre-Uurst. Tlme-a:20. ajTIUKti, 7; WASUL1UTOX, 2 JXCO.TO QAKX. WASIllNCTOV, 1 CUrtlXASD. . . . .lB.r.aA.E. H.ih.r.o.A.i. Luth. Lf. ...0 1 4 1 0'Purkett, I t. I 2 1 00 Dumont. s.s.0 o a a 0 MrKean. S.S..1 8 3 8 1 Abbey, r. r... 1 a l o n chiiat. ab.. ..o i a 8 n l-nrr-ll.c 1 1 i n 0 McAl-rr. c. f 0 n 8 0 o Smlth.Sdb ..0 1 a S OlO'Connor. lb..o 1 7 0 n o'Urlen.2db..ll 1 0 6 uiMcllarr. Sd tt.O 0 0 0 0 IJninn. c. r.. .0 0 3 0 OiZlininer, a., .a I 4 o n i artwr'ht. lb 0 0 11 0 OBlake.r.f a 3 a 0 u Oermsn. p ll 0 o 0 niruppy. p ... 1 18 0 0 ytcoulre 0 u o 0 0 Tebeau. lstb.o o 0 o o I Totalt .....2 24lT o' Totals.. . 7ioa7"r" 1 i Halted In place of German. ' Washington 00020000 0-a , Cletaland. 0 0 a 0 2 u 3 0 7 Earned runs-Washington. 1; Clereland, 0. First I baae by error-Wathlngton. Left on bsset Wath l Ington. ; Cleveland, 4. Hrttbateon ba It Off Her- msn.a.offCuppy, 2. Struck out Ily Oernian. lj by 1 nippy, a I onin run-Farrrll. Three-bate hlu-ilur-kell. Mckean. Two bate hlt-Chlldt btolen batet Smith. HcKean. Donbl pUy-Chlldt. JfcKean. and I i Connor. Umpire Hurst Tirae-J hours. riiOACru-niA, 15; loiistillt, 0. ' 1'im.tnvirniA. Aug in -Philadelphia shut Louli vine out this afternoon through rarsey's good work ' In the box and tbe exceilenc aupport he rt-celteil. Irnzierwamllil.andlntho Orst, eighth, and ninth nuliiga was bit liarl by Ihe Quakeri. liailagher. I'lilladelplila s new short ttop. plsyert and aecepled all httctiancealngoodityle. Attendance, 1,1)00. The score: rinLASEiriru. i ocuvule. . Hls.r.o.A.r ruiu.r.aA. e. cooley. c.f ,i 4 ii ODcxter.c on ill Ihompt'n. r.f.a a o 0 0 McOreary, r.r.u 8 1 i) 1 U!r! r-f . , .X A u " "Clar.i.f. ....o 1 0 0 o Jielehanty.lf 3 3 4 0 n itoilgers. 1 b o 1 IS 1 o lla Inian. 2b. 12 3 1 oUlki-rlng.cJ.O 0 l n 0 "."I.01":'!.' b "J a oiDoian. s.i .01371 lullaghei'. as 1 a a c o cungman.Rb 0 o 4 s o rust. 1WU....0 u ll r, 0 ('ri)OEt 2d b..O 1 4 u (1 cSrftK." : "I 1 i 1 8 F-"'"'P-f o Tout,. ,aiSsl,8"5 Tou" 72TSU 8 Phllodeliihla 10 0 10 0 0 0 2 2-3 Loulttllle . .. -00O0U0OU o- u Ern,d,ru''s-IVlladelplila,8. Flrtt bane on errort -rilllailglplila, I. Le on bates-riillade ipbla. 7: Iuil.YlUe. 7. Hm base ou ballt-orr Carsey. iToli y Struck out-llv Car-y. as bylriVler 1 J omo ruu-Deiehanty. Tobti- bits-Thnmp-rm. Ilallman Cartet. Lajole, lloyle. Saerlnce lilt-croti hjolen lea-lielehanty ), Lalole, Cooley. Double plavt-Dolan and I'lingman, llodgers, lo an. and rrookt. Mild pltch-lrailer. Pasted balls-Boyle Deiter. Uniplre-Connahun. Time 1.55. ""'" Atlantic League. AT LAXCASTEa. lancastar l o o 1 0 0 0 1 0-3 Hartford o 0 0 o 1 o 0 0 o I Hits-Lancaster, Bi nartroid, h. Errors-Lancalter Jljjrlford, 3. Halterles-Yeagerand HothTeryo and at rawing. fwsrk 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 8-10 Alllleilca . .. 0 u 1 1 u a 0 O 0-4 lllia-Newark. Ui Athletlci. 7. Errors-Newark e; AIMetlcs. i. ilailerle-Lucid und luuhruti. Can! at wiunxoTut- rtnsr otac. Wilmington. . . . ,.n o n s a o i l l-io 1'aier.ou 0 o o o 1 I o o 0- a lilts -Wlluilugion. 13, ratenon, n. Errora-WII-niliigtim, Ai I'aterton, 4, llaitcrlt t-Mopt aud Oradr i.oogauaud fcltou, ' " scosn uiui-Kunrmi to wilkisotos, to 0. WHmlUklon uooaooo 3-ft 1'atertoii o 1 1 0 U 0 1 . -a Hlii-Wllralnglon. Si Patenon, ft. Errort-Wll. nilnition, 4i PatejtoB, I, iiallcrtet - Auiole and Urady.smllnandKillacky. New J3nclnd Lmcut, At Pawtucket-llangor, 2t I'awinek, I. At hetv lie.ltoril - Portlund ii; e Bedford, 8 AtBrOs-klon tUrstgainel-ltrocktou, ; Angiitis i (Second game;-iroekion, 4, AUiutta, 7, I Weeles-a Lrusue, At Detroit iFlrtt gsniei-Detrolt.5, Indlanspolls.a (Secoudgamei-Detriill, 7i lndlsnaiHillt, u Al .Mlnuespollt-trirstganiei yilaiieapollt. 0: Kan. "l LJ lscoud rAUl( Minneapolis, 3; Kauaal Ai'st' l'aul-8t. Paul. 13, Milwaukee. 3. AtOrand Kapldt-urund itapljt, v.C'ulumbus, 17 astera l.tHgue, at wiLXESBAaat-nasr oini. Wllkesbarre 0 0 2 0 2 0 10 0-s. Torouio li a u i u ti u u u-4 Hlls-Wllkesiisrre. 10. Toronto, 7, Frror-Toronto Paiierte-i-Keiuau and filggin., Ulueeu and Uoyle trcoin iitac. wilkettarrs a ll 1 1 o o 0 0 0- 4 I Joronio u 4 o o 0 0 0 4 ..-is ' I Iliia-Wllktaharre. in Turout.i, ls. Krron-Wllke.-t aire. 4. Toroniu, v. Haiti rlei-toakley and Diggin.. Puun, Casey, and Milltis. . I AT SIKMniu.p-t(T otag , Id .1 0 U 0 0 I 1 0 0-7 I llli-s;racu, 14. Sprlnglle'd, 14 Errort-Sira. sacosn mug. I ! Kyraeute 0 I i n i a n o l-i I bpr.ugneld o 0 1 a u 0 u u o-a i llns-syrseute, 0: bprlugllo d, 7. Erruit-syracuta I . Mir.wceia, . BAit,rits-iA;i,,n,J,,,;irI1,J J'uribn aad Uuniou . " T s-atsjOH, s.-waion a n n n n n o 2 ii-i I'unaio . . o o 1 ll u o u 4 u i- llili-aerartoi. II; HuiraM, Krn.rt-Iliiffalo. ft rsMeint hi It am How, riiisn.iiravHiid I'rquhan. ai li.-jtiw:v,-E-nuT oai. Pm,J.-ie.- ... 1 0 4 a 2 il il 0 0-1 i i.n . tii r . . -i i i o i o j i ti o .tie .7. l'.o,l.a.t r. j. krron-Pruv 4. lhitbtxe J 1m,iii'-.. i lultnuai,u I Uvu . anaji . lallautb anulloyu tc otn otur I'rntidfuee . . c n ii t 0 u -3 Lin-hitler " OOgouoj-si I lit IToTUtuct, 7, Rocbettsr, 3. Errort-rroti deuce, 0, llocl aaur, u tiattrict-Liria,lilzou, awl C'ooao. llrrn-liin and Hoju. The seiona game traa rorfstlail to Provldsaca b. caow the P.o;licHr r'ttaa ltf bc fltd al tbe end pf " 'l 'lllinn II ii' If l 1 Tirr- rrrnr - nan the seventh Inning. Shannon stating that he wanted to go to .New York, by boat. v Other flames. AT WATEttLT. Waterly 1 n a o 0 .1 7 . -IS t-ayre.... 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1- a HlU-Wjrerly. S, Sayre. 7. Frrors-Waterly. 4; Say re. a Ballerles-l'unoTau aud L;e: Conroy snu Booth. AT conxiso Corning o o n i f, n I o 0-T Dsntriiie. ... o u o o o I u o a-a lmnttllle. e. Errors-Iisintllle. 7 Ilatti-rlei-llahoticy snd Uarkeiey ; baunilera and Dugitatl. at coorrnsrowv Alllrllcs. , 6 1 3 n 1 2 n 0 -13 Cuban mini u u 0 0 o 1 1 o o- J Hits -Ubieties, lu. Cuban Glints. 7. F.rrors-Alh-letlis. 2. Cuban mail's, ft llatterles-l'rtuti and Viuneiix; Hint atl and Jordan. At M-iiecalailt-1 win Cities. 21 1 Oeneva. 13. AT C01TMVIIJJ-. CnstestllleV M C. A... .0 3 (I 2 1 0 0 1 8-9 Cuban X iilnntt 2 0 0 0 0 1 u I 0-4 Pallerlet- At lie. Jeffrrles. aul Johnioni Tkinkt and P. Jaikson. Ilaeebnll Uamit lo-dy. 1ATI0S1L LKAOir ASb AHtltlCAS AtSOCUTIOV. .Vew 'ork st. Chicago, at Ihe Tolo groundt. Brooklyn t. PI itburgh, st Eastern Talk, roiton vs. Cincinnati, nt Boston. Philadelphia ts. lmnMlli-. at I'bltauelphla, Haltlinoie vs. Si, Lodlt, at Baltimore. Wsihlngtoii t. clcrelund, at Watlilngtdn. KASTCK1 LCAOlt. Springfield vs Toronto, at Springfield, l'rwt'l lenee vs. Iluflato, at IVotldeocs, Serapton va. Itoohetter, at fkranton. Vllkcbarre ts. syiacuse, at Wllketbarre. Notes. A Si'i Header. On Saturday. Ladlei will be admitted free to Etileru Tark to. day. Capt. Joyce Is certainly getting good work out of the New Yorks. Tarlles In Worcester bate applied for a fran chise lu the Easttrn League. The Genuine Cuban Olsnts will plsy tbe Orange A C. team at the oval next Saturday. J. J. C A fly bsll hit nuitloe the diamond which falls In fair ground and rolls foul li a ralr ball. Accordlug to Pat Powers there are four outfield ers playing In the Eastern league who are better players than Jonei. left Ft-lder Iciu.-,M of Hie 1-ancsiter Club hsi been recumtneinted tsyCapt. Joyce. Alto a pitcher of tbe nanio ir BlackAirn, Tbe Urooklyns nnd Loultvillet will play fire garnet ai lantern Park nest week. One or tho ex tra gurnet was iiotvittied at Brooklyn and Ihe other ut Luultvilie. Tbe Mlddlctowns would like to arrange games for I Mindayt nnd bollLays with teams whose players I aterage 17 yrura. Adureat II. E. Sthmldl, 14 Ueordo ttrret. brooklyu. Il.e Murray Hills hsve all Raturdsys In Heptem liei iin and would like to bear rrom all teams or. fering tultubte guarantees. Addreta Nat U. Strong, manager, 3IS East lorty ninth ttreet. Tho rioneer II. II. C ot Hasbrouck Flelghts has Aug. aa and all Saturdays In September open and would like to bear from clubs offerlDg a auitabla guarantee. Address . W Browne, manager. on last Saturday, after the game between En glewooa and ISutiey teams at Lugicwocd, a nna gold ttatcb and fob sm picked up from tbe Held. The owner can recover umr by communicating with Oakley Wood, cre Barber t Co., Produce Kzcbabge. riiiLADEUinA, Aug. ID -President A. J. Reach or the Philadelphia llaieball Club yesterday gave $1,900 in cash and 1'ltcher llarrln to the Wll mluglon Club fur hhnrt Mop (lallagher. In addl lion and as a part of Hie deal. Hie Utinilngton team will alto bat the temporary use of Jlerlet, Ueler, and Hoyle of the I'nilaJilpuia Club. Uallagbtr Is a good nil round player. Boe-rov, Aug. IP. A special meeting of the New Englaiui;BasebatI League wt held al Hie Parker House lo-day. Pretident Murnane presiaiag Port Isnd received permission to withdraw from the league after neat Monday. The league will then flulth the season with tlx clubt Bro-ktoc and l'awiucket win tun Bangor and Augusta for two games ecb. then the ttto Maine teams will play at Brockton and rawtuoket. Tnit will bnug tne season past Lator Day. Tceu Fail Itlvcr, Paniuck et. New lledrord, and ProcKton win play the next four dsys, when tho scnedule comes to a close. CltOQ V ET. elleeea Contlnuea lo Murprlse the Experts at Norwich. Nonwicn, Aog. IP. The croquet players were favored with Ideal weather for play to day. If anything It was a trifle too cool. Tbe entire day abounded In surprises. It was con sidered a foregone conclusion when tbe tourna ment opened that Strong would again bo cham pion. Whon Strong was beaten yesterday by his clubmate. Mason of New London, great sur prise was expressed. Slseon followed up his ad vantage by winning two more games to-day, beating both Wahly and Duryee. The third division has been abolished, nnd the first has been Increased In numbers by the advancement ofApgar. Alexander, and Duryee. the " boy player." In the eecond division Adarason. Dwight, Davenport, nnd James are all doing , clever work. Thescore: rinsT division. I Frank -Sltton, New London 4' 0 W. IL Wahlt. Watrilugtou a 1 E C. Put er. Mlddlelimn -j ! C Strong, New Louiion . 3 2 K. 1. .-paldmg, Tuaustuu Harbor, yiast a a A W. lilekey. Nomura a 2 b. Duryee. Waalunglou "g u W. Alexandir. Philadelphia . 2 - W. H. Apgar, Trenton . . j -j N I Bishop. .Norwich .... 1 t L. It Baldwin. Danbury '.' blCfiNI, DIVISION. j Jo-wph Adarosoa, Philadelphia M4 1 Kit Jamea. Ni-tt I oudon 4 1 N. M Davenport, Northampton. Mast "4 1 K. Dwight. Philadelphia . 8 1 N. Kdmoniis. Philadelphia . a v I C linod.Outarlo .... 2 a W II. Wall ly. Washington- '"1 J P. W. Coleman. Hath ngton 'o 1 U S. Van Ulckle. New tiiuntitlck.. '0 1 Joseph Bllbrough, Philadelphia ..0 5 I'rlekel. The clever hitting or Horry Tyeri, who carried his bat ror forty one runt, eated ihe New Jersey Athletic Club's "tumtner eleten from a defeat by 1 tbe St. Oeorge Athletic Club's eleven In the exhl billon msteli contetied yesteMay afternoon on tho ' New Jersey Oral nt Hrrgen Point. To .their profrs. sloeal player's tally the tight other Jcrsetiie. bats men added hiIIIiImi runt to make tho total f..r ' the nrtt inning reach b7 c l Hurditch and i ' Hyert each put 011 14 The tiiitore lost their ten ! wi-kett for a score of 33 runt. . Armltage and J. Haywardt each tallying 10. Tho Jertcyinrn't sec- ' onu Inmug was merely ployed to kill time. When ' stumptwere pulle.1 thev bod gathered 138 runt 1 c. ltyert contributing 80, not out, whllo Archli 1 Ounu mat'e 7tf. not out. Daa Stuart Iter to Slake a I'lay tor the IHhurkey.Corbelt On. Sporting men hereabouts can expect tome t!r. ring righting talk for the next few trtekito come. Blddlug for the sharkey Cornell "go" hnd an at. j tempi 10 bring Pop Flitsiiumnna anj JlmCortett I together will Ik-tbe uiuin tuple of conversation I Hall htuort. the Wi'll kno.,11 S, nil. em sporting 'man, who pulled off tne roniett l-titreii Peter Maiier and riusitninvut, it in loitu i,.r the purpose of brluglng off the null letttetn Corbett ami bbsraey sud also 10 tee If be cannot Induce the champion to face "pompadour .Urn in the ring "1 taw Jim lait night,' .all siuart. 'and bo was wining 10 nght Knrsimuinni, but tats be mutt tetilo hit grlevauca with Miurkey first. I am go Ing 10 niakn a try for ihlt nght, but I tvnn'i ortrr i.ny rabulom turn ror II. I uon't think the tpons would lm eager to tee the two men tight, although the match hut occasioned eontlderable talk I baveuiiot In tlew nhere lean pull tbe mill off I within n few days' rid nom this city. Fitrslm 1110ns, so I bear. Is coming tn tnu i-liy either 011 Friday or Saturday. Well, I ttlll I. 011 baud to tee him. and If I uo I'm ture 1 will get him to agree to meet Corbeti. should he iiefesi Miarket, ttitrun I tttnmbuitis alter that bittie been' ilecnled 1 corbels, you knoa, bus already slgued to tlglii liu Ufore my club and it ntlimg to go 10 any port of tne country and mei 1 bini. He It eonf.dei.t that I ian;arrang onl pull H off without Interfer iu'e." Stuart further sal I that he would tee 11. J. Ly-nrh 1 Sharkey's nisuager, who in town, acd eontult him regarding the eoiuing eonteit lietween Cor belt aud the ex tailor. A lloat lietween Mitchell aad klaher rtpoken IIP. Charley Mill hell's contemplated lour lo tblt country teems lo be aitured, for arrangements are now under way to bring about a meeting between the Englishman aud Peier Msher. When John J ijuiuii, nue w ibe Irish boxer's msnogirt, ttat 111 u 1-rauciti'u. be retiited n tabiegraiu nom Mitch ell, whu it non in Lonlon, luiuiriiig wbeiner a four or ils-roiind bout euaid be arranged between -Matter and biiuttlf Is-furo one ot the clubs m ibit lountr). At u-a.t Hilt it tttiat Hark" Connolly f I'litsbargn, tt no it closely ideutinl with Mahrr't Inuretit toll a st-s resyrler yettcnla). Fluhtlnz Notes, Bottit, Aug 10, -The flgtii lietween DateSulll tan nudllle Albt-111 not pulled oit In a town near Boston last nlgl.t. Albertt went down repeatistly be fjiebullivan and was counted out 111 the eletenth rouuu. Mntruis, Aug. I0e-Rlchleorsi. Loult met O'Don. nell of tint uty al the Auditorium last night In a Illteeu round coliiesl. the agreement being that be should stand up for last tune or lose the gate money and ta pune of Jioo. In the thirteenth lound tbe ioIke siopeu the nght, aud Ihe refereu gate ihe nght lu n t'01 ne:l Jim Hall, lb" jr nelgM puk'llll. was called for evaniiiiatlon 11 the coney Island 1'olire Court 1 tr-it-iai . 1 i-tjarge ii tioiatu.f tin hotel latt I 'a'" ' ' Ll IrlU.'e 10M .'lltll,. Nnslrali'i ' ina: 1.1 --1 i a his 1 Ileal. I10J revetted hit I 1 toi.ev rnere I "li nl Hobo slliurl Hall 10 lo, I ttiri, a 4i.itl . ti S euirl '-lis 13 ihe I o .l,e a. 11 1 k. r 11.10 trouble 1 1 Daaflmll, i:-itern l'ark, 4 P. M. To-tlay. Brooklyn v. Pittsburgh. A linlt.lon 30e and XSe Ladles d.y i'uutijigu here totnorro.-jatr. Baatsall. Polo Orouada, 4 P, tt. Ts.tlar. Verk vs. Chlcag 9. avtmbytlon fJOee-atstr, NEWS OF THEWHKELMEN. Jill) Kll.l o.V JaO.Vtl ISLAM) irAitxro OF SIDE VATU OIWIXASCES. I'rnlesalnnnl rirenlt Men and Promoters Cniilloned an the llssnt tlueatlon A. Lsag J-tst or Haapeuslnns Anatratln Waal? laternattonnl Itnelas-ltoutss, Throughout Long Island where bicycle riders are accustomed to pedal violent opposition has developed against the use of the side paths. In the Vicinity of Jamaica arrests hato been fre quent this senson, nnd around Hempstead ami Marsapvqua Instructions have been Issued to ar rest nil riders for violating tho side path re strictions. Last week several riders wer ar rested at East Hocknway for this ofTctice, and according to wheelmen who frequent tho Long Island towns, steps are being taken to put nn effectual stop to tho practice. White the residents and town officials on tho Island protest vigorously against tho wheelmen using the pathways tho cyclists retort by de nouncing the steps taken to prohibit them from using tho roads. They allege that the town authorities suddenly adopt restrictive rules bar ring; riders from tho paths where they have boen forced to ride owing to the poor condition of tho roads, and without ercctln: signboards or anything to Indicate that new rules haro gone Into effect they llo In wait for unsuspect ing riders and then subject them to arrest nnd ft fine. An effort will shortly bo mudo to compel nil towns where bicycle ordinances are In effect relating to the use of tho side paths to erect warning ilgci. The Cyclists' l"nlon of Australia ts jinxtous to open negotiations for international races. Tho Secretary of the union lias sent the following communication to tho National Cyclists' L'nlon of Ktigland, nnd It Is reported that a similar tet ter has been nt to the Itaclng Hoard ol tho League or American Wheelmen: "I am Instructed by the Executive ol my union to approach you with the objector in ducing your anion, for the purpose of further ing amateur cy cling, to arrange. It possible, for the tislt to the colonics of one or yror best nmu teur riders on a racing tour, extending from the beginning ot October next to the end or the present year. We recognize that tn approach ing your union with this request we are allow ing your body bnt brief time tn make necessary arrangements, but through circumstances pre viously unforeseen, our body Is at tho present time In a better position to favorably arrange for the holding of race meetings than for many years past, and inasmuch as tho public are now taking a great Interest In cycle racing at two successive meetings, where Zim merman competed, their attendances were of about 30,0001, the time Is particularly opportune for benefiting by advertisement your union and glvtnr an Impetns to amateur sport. In return for the weeding by you to our request, our union would undertake to send to England on a racing tour, on any date to be named by you after Oct. o next on which date It is proposed to bold final test races -freeot expense to your union, the best at all able amateur cyclist chosen trom Nw s-ouih Wales. Victoria. Queensland. and New Zealand, In the capital cities of which colonies It would consequently be necessary for vour repreenla . lite to compete o dates to be urranged, but I roughly at Sydney iN. S.W 1 and Brisbane ilj 1 I In October, at Melbourne iVic.i in Nut ember -Ihe three cities are connected byrAilt.and at Auckland orfhrlttchurch iN. Zi In Drc-inher. your union defraying, at in our case, the ex penses of your representative." The business transacted by the Racing Itoanl or the league at Louisville last week bad a direct bearing nn tbe general Improvement of tbe racing regulations and customs, but tho de tailed results or the conference have not yet been made public. This week the Hoard has 1 decided to take notice or the practice or the 1 leading riders In extorting fees from race-meet promoters A special notice on the subject has , been Issued it follows: 1 1 "'lbe practice of paying a bonus to pro- j I fefflonal riders ror their appearance at taco I meet Is believed to be a distinct detriment to ' the sport and calculated to ruin the business I Uith ot the tnen and or the promoters. Hm o promoters, therefore, are requires! to enter into 1 nn agreement that they will pay notnlng what I ever, except In prize-, for the appearance of ury rider. Failure to live up lo tin- rule n 1,1 result In prompt withdraw ai of san. lion, and demands fomoney for appearance bv riders themselves will be treated under rule 17, iraik rules." Temporary anil permanent suspension has leen placed upon some wcll-kno'.tn rlJcrs us follow a. Suspended Pending Investigation George Ho ee, r.i paa; Kurt Olbaon. lbs kittle. II J l'sr-er Hnot wella Mills, Howard Arinttron. New lleniu Waii r Price Stain Tord. W C McCr.edt I). .ton tle.ira-,' I. Hatea. Ntrlngneld W. A Cotilm and C A Keating, Aver, Mass.. C A. Lot.dgren. yil ford. Victor Ickberg. Uor.s-tter. L. N ooweh. w est in saiuuel Tuumpson and Hoblu Hetcher. Prnd elun. Or. t-au tlout Granled-0--t 12 to 21 Psllat Cede Park Company. Dal at. Aug. 24. Fmporlo cyclers hall, ept. 11, Orwlgtbiirg Agrn u.lural ,v let) Aug. -'a, Mrauo vt t.rtlt. Lancaster Sell ft 7 Vir gltiia Wheel club. HoaaoVe spt. If, Homettead Cycler. Homesteal. Pa. lavlared Profetstoualt Ko'w-rt II Gill. Shreveporl. La. Out oneke. Ynrs, Neb Oien P. That er. ''arson City Mck Marshon. Ueor.eOens V I. -oiil franc Storey, nnil Jatnet Tbo upsnn. Phil le p'dfl Pa . Clifford Sutherland nnd L'lwln Deleon AunatHilit. Md.' Anim Csrmfn-. yilllon lo.. frred y.ryer. Dloonifleld, la.: clarence Merens., la-, Purl Poland. Milton. la , Kou.ti I. Ilei.nrtt. Helena. Mont ; Day Parker, Medford. O-e M. codlnson, Jr- Salt Lake i ny IV P. Ion ler and It. L Prood.1t. Utah, W. II. Williamson. Magara Falls. A. J. Barrett George Starke, and li F K.ihr st loult. harlet G. Wembreuu-r. Lbarlet Craig l I'fellTee. Jotep-i Burger. IMPlam tan Do-r n J sj-i j, N Barton K A. Brenner, J B tloliowa). liur 1 rb. Jerrr Cronla W p Houghton. Char rt C k"elelt.r. F kaiser. J W. Lyont. Jo.eph Lativ. oeorge Dlelt nieler. Perry Husan. It srm- rong. Ed Bother, and Wall-r Kloulwrg all or M. 1 'Ult. J I. llolli.Ur lieiiver. Sam test, oeorge i,reeti. W Jou.-s. and Oeorge Ponden all of Tueblo. an I Uetrie N. Whit tell, Coloradj Springs. suspended lor r.ilte entry. Charles Preit. Cohites, I tlxty dart from Jult 2.i aud t T llontlrld Iii-llan ' npoIla.slxtydayarrouiAug.lo. rort-oit.p ling In uu tauctloned bumlai ri,-es M. C ltvrence and I.. 1 Kornrtoeffrr, New Orleans foroueyear Ir mi Aug lo lor competing lu uusaui'lloned Sunday races while j under suspension w M iluyei. p J o.sliierrt. and M.ttoii Thus, N. w Orleant aret'iac-t usm iho t-er-manentsuspent'on list. For ro-upetlng m uunn - tloned races, Antot Carmine an I Hurt Kon land, Ml ton. la. Fred Meyert. Ploomneld, la. and Clareueo Metent. Cantral, fa., are ils pended for thirty dsvs frttm Auir. ll. I lor making a false entry, c. A A stegmuller. South orwalk,Conn . It suspended for ll Irty days front Aug. 10. I or (omp tli, In untamt'oned races alter warning. A Swells n, Ired Dlnan J so-allta, U'H Ham Noltn itohert Cahll an 1 lluek CaMII are mix ' pen, ltd for ilxly days ttmn Alls 11 lor compel. ng In un-au Honed r-un 1st rae s the- l llot iu tin 1 placid Uwtti the outlawed list o the league eu I per nialielito bnrrid from a 1 track ra-ir.g undi r I A W l,up.ieH Cll rles I. IV., liner s l g- i.t.j Prb Jerrri.roiiln,iiorge)elttii.' ler V.'id tm an i,K-ren. Perry Hueii H s An i.iron K Hr,-un r i tl lloilier J II Hollnnay Wail i Itlou erg P s II ,r uu. t A J Bariell. M J M.oiu. I Kohr i,.-or.e Mark. W P Houghton. Ctiarlis C KiUitetier, Charles crsig F Ksler W Prciffer. and J W 1 yons all of M louls. lor t'oiitpeilng In uusant on. ,1 races, Vlltpaiii I mrk- nd Frank I onzl t. orant s l'u-s. Ore.. Alrreil Clark, tilendule, lire, and Joba llurl.'i slid Mllis llr-ty ton 'regouciry. ar sutjei n-1 for thirty days from Ai'g 1 I or m. retltiglu un tancllone. races' Charltt Holmes, l'utlilo II, u iireeu, Denver J. Henry A. Jenkint ami F Kluc. Colorado Springs, ore tutpended ror ilxly days rrom Aug 4 To ths Ebrtea or The m t-str: Will you kindly Inform ne tlirou;h the c-dumut of your talT the i best route Irani Central Park to outh Norwalk T ' Eestrr Iiiiiel. I A route rrom Central l'ark to Wraiport, I'onn., via South Norwalk, was published in THE SH'.s, ou Aug. T. To the EPITost or Ths Irs ,sfr You wU rrestlv oblige a numiM-r of rea lert by publishing a good Plcv rie ruuie tu Lake llopattoiig Kind y favor u. btfoie Moudat Tub I'll rt JIllkCLlu ' New oiut, Aug 11. '1 he route to l.oko Hopatcong was published In Till. hL.s on Aug. 7. I To tur FmroH or Tin bt Ad Kindly publish be, l route to Great .N't ok from Jamaica. Nsw Yohg, Aug. Is. II. W. Iir.CE. Leaving Jamaica, turn lett to Hushing: ride I through Itrnadwny, lo Flushing, to llaysnle, I pass botel cm the right nnd then turn left direct to Ureal Neck, To tbe Eriroa or The in i'fr Pleats let me ! I now thr lug'iihecyellngcoluiun a good road ar.d the i distance in itior F. bre. N J D B. ' Nitt Yuus. Aug. 1H ( I Tnke ferry from foot or Forty-second street i to Fort Lee. Take the Hackentack and Fort I Leo turnpike to I epnlii. Ilogota. and llscken. aaik. Follow AlA'n sireet to Hnckeiissck road; direct throign halrinnutit to Cherry Hill: turn ! to lbe left atsintioii: cross the rallroHd tracks nnd turn to the right direct to itlver Edge. Thu ! distance Is about nine miles, j To mi I.piTonr.rTiiESis-vi- Will sou kindly glvn ! mo the route, If ll Is possible to go by wheel tiooi I Newburgh. ottn7i county. It V . to r ue Hush, 1 1st r I lOUtlty.N Y .a dlltanoe of al nul llllrly nl es Alo state wt ett'er one can go from Pine bust, in Walker ' al1tr a il, stance oi about six mills Nut Yum.. Aut. IP. i' itTii lictrr.i Hide from N'ewnnrgh to Mlddletntvn: at this point tnke road to Crawford .lurii-tlon ind con tinue tbruugll Cirrli lllie, Ilt.!lt llle. 'I houjbkon i lii-lce. nud It'eunns to I'm- limb. It Is ! i d that the roads to Walker VaLey ate In fair ' t lOKiiiion. T ' Tar PniTor. r r,.e s -sir Wit' ton kit Pr gc in ar i e for n wneel logo f rain a t, Y ir ty te Hnsioi i otiu all ' about h , v many inlk-tit ts - s.t.t Yuag Aug 'e Hi rut. 1 ullon route to WeitP rt published In Tur M - ou Aug. 7. From Westport cross brldgo ' und ride direct to touthj-oii; cross the railroad by station, and follow road through Falrtlrld to llrldgeporL Croat the rlter here and take the I Pike to bt rat lord. Mllford, then via Merwlu'a point od West Haven to New Uavsn. Leave h""'"S"M'aT7f-"llBagVtf TttTllaarrXflVttaTTirTrlSrlsTTi tjUmrffistl6iiViisatsait3CTIKi New Haven by the Dlxwelt avenue twutovanl; turn right Into Centres llle. pass through Wnl lingferd, Vak'sville. Mcrlden. and llerlln to New Ilriuln; lido to l'lalnsvlllo and Forest Title, then direct to Urlstol. To Tm Enrron or Tns S'.'s-.efr Would you kindly rirlnt In your cycle tolumn a route from New s ork oNortuvale N. j giving general condlllon of rosdt and itiiie.ige. casriu It. Nktv Yonx, Aug. 12. Cros tbe ferry from Forty-second street to Fort Lee; ride to L'tiglenood: take tbe'lenally road through Hlghwood tu 'Penally; turn tu tho right nt station and follow the country road to Cresklll, and through to the Alpine road. Hero turn to thu left to thet'losivrnud Simrklll road; turn to tno right and follow direct to Central avenue; turn to the left togparklll; thcu ride to Nortlnule. To TnnEntTOR orTur.H's C(r- Would you kindly publish a routo to Nutley, N. J., and also the distance. ADtlLl l'.kUUsll. Nkiv, Aug. 18. Take tho train to Ilrosd street, Newark: rtdo toAvuiidnle; ttien take direct road loNuticy. KOTra. A one-in!!e novice and a two mile handicap bicycle race will be ruu at Aini.rote park on Saturday. Aug. Ji, uuder tbe auipiret of tbe Boy llldte Ataielid Ciiib, The Yorkvllle Wheelmen will hold a ten-mile club road rave early tn Septemiier. The,rtl Wbeeim-n ul Brooklyn will hold a one-mile icratca aud a fire mile handicap open road race on the llockanay road Saturday next. A team road lace i.etueen tbo Arcanum and tbe Yorkvllle Wi.eelinen will be held on y-Aturday. The league of Amnion w heelmen was not repre sented lu either tho n-uiteur or p.-ofstt,oual world's euamplon hip races run al Copeuusgen en Tuesdsy aud we uesday latrl Kter. now racing abroad, Is the only American rider who hsatui-ccedrd in deteutlng Jacquellu and Juap Lden, the njted l.uropviu era' as. A large entry bat tie, n stcitrtd lor the one mile bandicop race to be held In conmctioa with theoui dour electru IlgLt games at tne Oiympla Part to night. Iho Clio Wheelmen of Jersey City will hold a club run to Coney on .Sunday uezt. At ihelr last nuellng John J. corley was elected captain to nil th tucaney cause I by the resignation of William Bucabee, Their rurt promised to be well attenled, owing to air. Cuney'a opular!ty with the lueuilyera or the Clio Wheelmen. Picyclo toltceinan bchuessler, ttt.o was derealed In a. one mile.blcyclc race reterliy at Bottou by l'olirenian Brett of the Boston force, niay meet Brett again shortly. The slulH Club or American V heelmcu has offered a trophy for another raco beiwem iticni at ManLaltau beach oa Sept. lv. Tbe Pohco Coinintstloners have g.ven permission to ochuestlcr to.rai c w 1th Brett If be desires. Com missioner Andrews has been asked to be one rf the judges. ltso Bask, Aug. 19 Th" Bed Ilink Wheelmen win hav a race meet al Stouterood Park on La. bor Day. MX races are scheduled ant entrlet are rapidly coming In. The club expecit the inesn to be one of the most succettful it has ever held. The ra"et will t a one mile, uoviee, half mile, open; one mile, handicap; tulle, taudem; two mile, handicap, and one mile for boyt under If yeara. lany of the New Jersey crackt have en fered. James D. Weaver It Chairman of the Ilace Comtnltte. ai.ES curi: tacutsue.y is. ace. Over Thirty Xarhla 'fake Part la the Hempstead llurbor Club's Re;ratta. The Hempstead Harbor Yacht Club of (Hen Cove held their annual regatta In Hempstead Harbor and Long Island Sound yesterday. There was a splendid sailing breeze from tho northwest, and a fleet of over thirty small boats started In the regatta. Prizes were of fered In the 3d, SO. and "3 foot classes of cabin sloops, the ao, 20, and 15 foot classes of open boats, tbe 'JO and 25 root cabin cats, tho -'5 and k'O foot open cats, and for 25-foot open j cats, ehlftable ballast class. As all of the classes i tilled well there was some good racing all along j the line, and close finishes were the rule. J Among tbe larger boats. Wllmer and Adison IIanans:i4-rater Acushta. which sailed against the ncv Cymbrea In the at3-foot class, won rather easily, while among the cabin cats ihe Dosoris II. won a close rate from the Molly Dawn In the 30. foot class, while tbe new cabin cat -Scat, owned by F. M. Hands!!, won ber third consccutlte victory In tbe 25-foot class. The 25-foot clasa of sloops, which brought out the 21-footcrs Cella and Vaquero, turnished the best sport of the day. and after an exciting con test the Cella won by Just two seconds. In the 20-foot cla-s of open sloops Hugh Duffy's Racer finished first, but was disqualified for fouling the Kiecution buoy, and the race ! was awarded to the Nereus. Among lbe half- ' raters the Paprika won easily, and In tbe 30-foot ' sbKip class the Juantnck won again, as did the , lntader in lbe IM-toot open sloou clasa. I The course for the larger boats ws from an i Imaginary line drawn between two etakeboats anebnred oil the club house, thence lo and , around the -ed spar buoy on the ea-terly end of , Execution Heel: thence to and around the spar buoy off Matinlcock buoy and home. A distance of ttveive miles The emuiier boats were tent ote- n feten-mlle course to Execution lte-f nud return The preparatory s.-nal was so inded at I I. M. and tbe yachts were ee it an av In three ditlsions to a one-gun -tsrt. Arnotic tbe larger boats the Acuthla was the first way. wh le the Quantuck led til" second dlt Ision ard the l'ulse anil Mys tery headed the third. All c-osskI tosf bauled ui the starboard tacs. a- it was a cloi reach to the Execution mnrk. On tbe way out il was noticed that 'he Acushia. under one reef, was ' rapidly drawir g awa rrom the Cymbrea. which sported two reef- In her mainsail, while the llosorls II . Scat. Cells., and Paprika headed the other bonts In their cls-sses. From here t ws another reach on the port tack to the MatlnlciH'k mark, and on tl.e way otermost or tbe larger boats shook out thetr reefs. The rai ers found quite a little sea out In the -omul, but tney made 'stt tl ne. as It was a broad reach i ow-. and the leaders were timed as I they gybed ar unit Matinlcock an follow a: Acusbla. 2 21 Su. Cyrrbres., 2 2s i-o, Quantcck, I 2' Po..rl- II- 2 37 I" Cella, 2 40 in). Molly Pawn. . 4u 20, Viquero, S 40 40 It was a run home now with booms eased off I to port, and the larger sloops set spinnakers to i I slarbourd. Summary: I CABIN eLOOPs THIItTV-SlI.roOT CLISS. I 7'apsed , Isngth. IhIss. rime ' . Name. Chrnfr. IVrr It u s. n tt s Ai'ithlj Wllmer lltnsn 'if no 231 s4 1 art 24 cymbra Thot A. Mclniyre 33.37 vj to 1 37 2d , I M.OnP-TIIIKTT-nynT CI. is.. Warerley Harry Watson . 27.40 .1 11 00 2 SI no ljuanliik ' I. Ilin M S,I3 1033 2 01 ftft Ir-ln a s. s Hrmiu e. m. 3 a7 -42 V IV 42 F.lyfe . . W H lliretacr. 3' 15 3 41 40 2 SB 4U OPEN Hils TW l: T V-1 1 IE. rooT rLIK, Vaquero. V Gould Proksw . . 3 14 12 a 04 12 tells- is lioull 22.03 3 U 10 2 Ot lo OPEN' 1I.OOPS TWENTY-TOOT CLASS. llacer ... Hugh Duffy 2 43 3y 1 33 3(1 Neraut ,...M D. M right . 17.10 2 4W .'.3 1 an 3,1 Pitch Z. Wilton. Jr . . 2. VI 11 1 4S 13 leader ..John Miller a 32 34 1 42 32 1 opr.N M.oors-rirTi:r:-rooT clash. i l'aprlra . C s. Hoyt . . .lft.00 2 40 3.1 1 rS 3(1 , W l.laJa W.O Newman . . 13.00 2 4U 27 I 34 27 Mislery i.eorge Miller 13 00 1 31 21 1 a r I'ulce Parry lalon . 13.00 dllable-t. tpiN 1 it- Tinim-ronT ci ts. Pnssr't ll. i.c-1 P Vail S.1.S0 a to jo ; ., ., twnousii v Pi rier :i i4 ,-2 2 lv a j . Mo ylatnn. tl llm-iti VS 20 H I.I -.a ! , jj Ntllle an l Mi'U-oii Vi-,03 3 13 04 2 10 ul l llllt l sT TW f.NTV-I'll P-FOOT f I.A91. WlitorloteJ kpplibt 3 111 Po 2 14 no - Hi I in Men 2'.i. a t's vs 2 23 2 yinry s IB Ha I 24 2d S 23 30 a i-o .VI Hornel C dsilort 2i.lsl a 3d 1.1 2 23 1.1 Penelope Pr. T t Ketebum 2. VI ,1 VI v I 2 17 ao Scat . I. Vm Hsndali 2.' 00 S 13 Ji 2 lo S3 OPEN- I ITS TWKNTV-FlVF-roOT CLAs. Minnie .'. I. Dlrdiall . 2.1.00 2 s? 00 1 27 ro III'l'N I ITs TWKNTl-FIHir CI. t. Pcrothy 1 I sunbor,, M 2 4'i 411 1 sw 40 ltd . S W. Ir.t s.3j .' ft.- 47 1,.',- Invader. II Wlggln 2 11 au 1 11 jd SH'KN CAT'S TWLVTi -FIVE-FOOT, SnilTAni.K IIAI LAST. I dot John Dixon So SO did not finish. Wa IV Beats Vnqnero la I.lght Tlatt. NLwPiiiit. Aug. 10, The race of the thirty footers for the oup offered by Mrs. E, I), Mor gan was postponed to-day beeauso of n lack of wind, nnd sweepstakes at $10 a boat were sailed fortntead, Ihe wind did not inako Itself felt till nearly 4 o'clock, when the starting gun was tired, A new course was sailed ovor. It was from ltrenton's Cote to and arounJ Castle Hill li'.inj', to and around Illsuop Iluoy and return, a distance ot ten miles, yet over two hours were lequired for Ils completion. Tho W.i Wa won lier lirst victory by the narrow margin of four seconds from tho Vaquero. Tho English Hose mary was badlybeaten, i-umrasry. J.7dnr.i Aamr O'inrr. fnrf, ytnii1), jim,f. V 'l e. n. in. ii, K a, i Wa Wa J Stlllman 4 On uu n uu on 2 ns j I Vnqt'.eiu 11. II Puryes . 4 00 UJ il 'ul 01 2 01 lit Dorothy II P. Wnllner 4 00 0 I fi b? ui 8 07 113 Mntme. . .1 .tlcl'ouojgu luufli ft us ,o a oa 30 i Ataii 11. Inaier. .4 01 cu 1, uh au a 09 go ' llllt .UNI lilt 4 U'J oil 11 II '0 2 1" Su I'j.-k E D Morgan 4 i"i no nil 23 2 4 13 l.of-inary o Paget 4 uu 00 did tiut finish. Lawn Tennis na I.onK Ialaad, I.tnliis.r, I.. I., Aug. 16 The second day's play In lbe I.W4 Icunlt tournament resulted as followti Second pound, Men's Handicap Singles F. W Ackeriiian. tn end class, teat Samuel Hinckley Jr , fourth far., 6i, n o. e a, j. ii. Burton llrst class, le-ni J f, Orce-uleaf, nrtt clan, 40.' i -. e J. IV Pabi-oet, third elan. t..t p H. or ' ne f u-in el. st, tt- 4, i' -i I Aoaint, nrst class I l,ea' V. .ew ton, ficotid class 0 2, 3 0, 0-3 i II w P f arc. ' lues, beu- bai.iei Lord, fourrn di'au'i .' V St ,ii, f mrih elan, beat P. Adams, Tt f last 11 1 . 0 1 I irst hi ud is-ut'et- I K Fte ens and O )Ia'y ' in e,a,s beat J Oreenlejfand II, 7 ' lie Itivrra, nrst i-iats, 3 7, e- a, 10 n lilies hlnglet- Mitt M Curlli, flrtt c'.aai, bat Miss M. Hand, third elats, 00, 00, Mitt M adamt, treord clatt, beat Km f Townseitd, fourth elan, Jo, o, Mitt M Band, third class, beat Mitt F, Lord, fourth class, try default; Miss li Duon, ifcood class, beat Udss U. Hand, third class, 0 t, 01, WtVe7J53W!ltaBJJl'tsuw'i staiiitr,Aro..ja,.jii.i,!E.-J. ' 4444tt44t44 t44s4S4 X I Keep's Shirts. Tbcro's a right wny nnd a wronu 2 way In shirt buyincr. Tho wrong; J way is to buy anything nnywhero ond toko chances. The right way J la to buy Kocp's Shirts, sot suited nnd fitted, and tako no chances. J Wo give your money back If you J nre dissatisfied. Wa tnko nil tho t chances becauso wo know our shirts are right. X Made to measure, six for $0.00, X unlaundered; six for $10.00, laun- J dcrod; Heady to wear, $1.50 each. I JKeep .Mfg. Compsny. . . s Hroadway. bet, 11th and 12th sts. DlllSlC SIIVHVMUER OULFISO. Ties the Order la ths ITaadleapa at the Ut. Andrew's Clnb. There were ties for flrtt and second place ln both the class A nnd B handicaps at St. An drew's (Jolf Club yesterday, and also a tie for third place Id tho former class. Swan bad tho groens In superb condition, far surpassing any thing ever seen at this course, nnd ths coot breeze, la bracing; as an October wind, but not strong enough to mar tho drives, was n further stimulus to good play, yet tho scores were not record breakers. "Henry," tho only scratch player, made a good ninety, but this was four strokes above bis average. He tied with Brown, who was ninety net. Urown, tn going out, drove a high ball that managed to roll Into a cup made by lifting away a stone. It was unplayable, so he lifted nnd dropped It over bis shoulder, penaltzln: blmsetr a stroke. According to the rules, bo should have toed the ball back of the cup, un der a penalty of two. This was the decision of ths Greens Committee, represented by V. It. . Innls. on the point, but for which Brown would j liavo won the third prize outright, with 83 net, On bis second round. Urown was in trouble on the Hell hole, getting Into the trench-liko ' bunker on bis third shot After three fruitless attempts to hit it out with tbe niblick, bej i played baeg and was over safely on tbe next, to I l bat live strokes were watted at the bunker. ' The hole cost him eleven, wbku marred an otherwise cleter card, for he made the eight other holes in thirty-eight- , It was a lucky day f jr Dyker Meadow golfers. for the two who tied In class A were members i or tbe new Fort Hamilton Clurj. Ten Eyck. who played so finely with Strath In tbe foursome svgalnst l'ark and W, A. I'utnam, was one. His j gross score lied tbe scratch man. Cbauncey, . who has been breaking records at Cedarburst, I was the other. They will play off the tie on sat- urday afternoon at M, A nritew's. I In ciass 11 the tie was between Hyecrolt. who owed bis prominence to a handicap or thirty, ' Hi.rl Olenn. a very promising novice. He is an i old member or the r-t. lieorge Crescent Club, and some years ago was up to championship form in tennis. Ills first appearance In golf was In the special handicap at fct. Andrew's on ' Memorial Day. wben he was at scratch to gain i a rating, scoring 115. His gross score yesterday was: I Out A4e)757! el3J I In 0 4 4 S S 3 V 8 S-50-I03 ' This beat tome of the gross scores made by the clasa A division, so Glenn will srobably go at a -jump into the higher class next month. The , scores : CLASS A- I , - .. Cross. B'p. .Vsf. J. G Tn Eyck Out . 4434AS83 4-4S j in 7 3 8 4 3 3 0 3 4-47 90 3 IW I Daniel Cbauncey Cut B 3 4434X4 4-48 In... 31400303 340 OT 4 69 Wm. fk "Flenry Out . 044437(1 447 In 3 at 3 3 .1 3 3 4 tl tW 0 py James Brown I Out- 4 3 A 0 3 a 3-32 Is .3 4 4 4 4 8 11 3-4 101 11 S3 1 J. at. Knarp i Out ... H33378S7 4 tl In 8 434330 7 ti 101 7 PI I R L, Cuthtiert out,- s a 5 a io n ei srtj -n . ..7 4 3 4 7 V 7 4-33 109 11 4 B. 8, de Gam.endla C-Jt. .. C63437T9 3-3 la 743B4S53 4-4:1 100 3 93 w. B. Innls Out 7 4 7 S 7 B 6-33 In . .. 8 3 3 4 8 S 10 0 4-J1 104 S X. E. Tsylor Out.. ... 4 4 7 8 SS2 3 8-57 la- 248B36V8 3-34 111 S 102 TK-r.r-w. Grost. 2Vindlaji. .Ve John B. Upnaca.. vu 3 Wi CLASS B. W. E. Olenn joj i, -. C. r. Ryeeroft "..ill ." H J. V. A Johaton no m ui tl. Bills ..a J- ll Harry Hnibrook .lit i! H o Tallraadge. ... i J Si J lirlerso-u pi t- J rerey Chubb qi X iw ILKMlcgley jj. j,u ,, rlv"" ll 10 , t..Krrr . lj jm) its u-MccaaL ....:...::::".::i.i lo Ivi or.srci ktel o.v ror. Xhe Loag Islaaders ITIa a Class Gatae Oosa iks Tuxedo Oolrera. An Interesting match, which resulted In favor ! of the borne team by two up. was played be- ! tween the Oyster Bay and Tuxedo Club golf teams on the Oyster Hoy links yesterday. The i Oyster Hay team Is a new aspirant for later- i clnb honors. It begni work a week ago by ta'g. '."S,11"" "oughiy golfers from tbe Hills tutu camp with tbrest boles to spare, and uow has followed up this by a defeat o the etrong Tusedo team. In the pUy Kmmott, who beat Trevor handily In the prior match, euccumbed lo E. C. Kent, who was in great torm. lownsend was again Playing finely. and won from W Kent, aahedid lat week from It. H. Koblnson. Weeks wa, "5. u.,owt f"'!!n dwn berorn the prowess or Collier, but Hoppln, who had lost in the , s-nlnnecock match, redeemed himself by beat- ' ing Smith by flte up, Thescore: I OTSTia AT. i ttxhkj. i DTr.t?.x bmmett .. ..0 E.C. Kent ' .. . o L Hoppln 3 W. Breese Srultn. ...... '. Z llotvord fownsend .3 Wtniaiu keni o J A-V.eeks.Jr ....oTtce Collier 4 Total "e total . 0 j .oi.r lornxAXEsr at xrirroitT. Arraacinealt rnr Amatmr aad Profealsea! j Comprtlllons. Newpoht. Aug. lfi.-A. M. Coats. H. Mortimer llrooks. and WInthrop Huthcrford, tbe Greens Committee or the Newport (iolf Club, hate an. I nounced the prizes and conditions for open nmatear and professional competitions. It will le the third onnnal open tournament held on the links, the two prior events having U"n national championship contests. The schedule 1 01 10 vTb I Monday. Aug. 31-Amsieur hsndlcsp. eighteen boln. mtJal play, handicap llnm. iweise airuJi? open to al. meinoers of ihn fnlt .1 states uoif IWc ciatioiL silver cups asdrst and tecourt prU.fc lueaday and Wednesday, sept 1 ali.l J-tvanamm rompetlll-m, each team to I Siade it of two ijietn ber. of lb. club. bleb ruu.l t .',c,,.lWr if '" y a. U. A., eighteen holes, maun p.ay. bllter eunl for winners aud tllver Mgarstu, c.Jet'for the coi5d T.iurtJav, Sept. 3-1'rofeulonal match, thlrtv air tlwioTv. P')r,,0r """""' Pr'W '"'" Vrm.. The professionals must be residents of th' I country. All entries close on Aug. aa. Yachtlna; .Notea. .kBo71l.5,'T:U1!"0 Au 'f.-Tbe tquadron of ! Barltarior"'0 ' 'Ub "" l"" "'"' W. K. Vonderbllt't big steam yacht Valiant. whp-h liat Jutt returne.1 rrom a then cruite lefi liaV llldg. yesterday morning and rsss" cTty l.lai bound can. thorllt afttr 1 oli,g aud al 2 o'clock dropped anchor ofr Orcenwi.-n, couu T.B 'Peclal race of the Itiveril le Yacht Club scheduled for Saturday .-Jjai bee.. tosiLone,! ii Wednela,, Sept. 2. oa a.uui of eomn'-'tm? aiit'i Iho annual regatta or the llt-iae ulioe Harbor ciuh which it to be sailed ou the former dote Tio, Hiverslos race will be open lo tuo foiiowTiw claweti BcLoorert. all In one clatlj slooua and cutters. 31 fee". 4 3 reet. 10 feet, and VwcuPaV foot cltsttsi camn-cai Iwait, 80 'footand VSTr. Commodore Alfred Itenihaw of the nreen.m. Vaahl Club hat. in behalf of C. JJ I McTiiehln o, ,, jr of the Uaitign. the crack boat or the Beti" ?ba Itnged peiin Vrreland to a seriet cf flr. VV-! e ' I00 a side. Mr. Vresiand 1 "the buildej "ami "'' the cabin eat Lizzie V . lbe tmarte.t r?afi lu the New York Bay Club. Ills boat iTi. 1.T.1.1 ',,,?;jr..,. s ,wv,"Sini; Sr." .'or'Ot''-bePar, I,.'' XBUXW r,nl,u'b"2Cay-J I jiovtjsman'jj ffioortc. lUICYCLES'l . ON INSTALLHEKTc!. 5 sr" T g Victors, W Crawfortls. JAII Now-1806 MocIqIs.'. 'I $5 CASH, Balance from $5 lo $10 Per Month. f E. G. P. CO., g 29BROADW.Y,NewYork.! jg Open Monrtn until l I M. I t g 5,000 BICYCLES MUST BE SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Ai tho round allon of ih tf"T"l'V i (v pDlnir up n xv Uoor t- tin fu l t t . , , have tOBlve up our m tv r if - , , hnr anl bTM up our r"- i .a- w , OUR BICYCLES MU T SOLD. TJIIH IS N FAKK bAl.t CAM. V.ll.i ?.1f nilt lVt-jwlilnutuuM t-Vlft". f4." i7.1 link ' in. ftT3 A Trlunul Vi.t ; 1,000 ill morc :iy it I AllIE' AXn MEN - '.. v -i v (ALL FI I-I.V fit' V IC.V.S'I I I.ll Jfolli e tint t HOO oflrj .1 sill i. ; j i J PARK ROW BICYCLE CO. tpp. PottOfliee. 23 I'srl. Kmi . 3.000 BICYCLE BARGAINS. Mil"-, lura littm Into ".ifc. Insvi a t ' J - shon :om, tvrrond hnmt urjil tiix Ki4Arn-v. U5. lUnhttr. a. ' -!- u - r 1m I 2 WntxvWK. JJ, Kudr", I i llt.Mti f r .. i v'i f o umhlft, ITaa1 2V arT. ,i -f 8racu. JUto nr. 73. r.toa. . tu Ne- .. 1 i rice Hf-uw. titih-UhM 4 yr ir HERALD CYCLE CO.. 1 U.-mrDr. Ill N'mnn !. Vi H- n.t , u AT m. With $U oolfi. complrt. n'tlr;- " xi: lamp. Ixi'il. ' c omr,f" p. -rai t- -i-r KPil vrcDc otlrr pump i i i . in atf'crc.r ar- rncAr Ai ul-n afal- . penti1 tstr.ctly lt Diodl. n1 tt- n4trt nni.tnt r'i don t co.Bprr w xl xnii) fc or dry j:olt truS. IssC.jan b oHrarco., ns 1 n o a w x BI YCZX.H r-r ne cneap tirf a t n -uk l-wi Artclrt-M l!. O., tox 1-at, stia up-ior:. o"S: . J. 385 Ero-vl wat. ATUI Erics. Hove Oaltaca and G-imti T?trdy. The Annual outlrt aa'l stars of ti. I.dw-?4 ArsocUtloa f re teH at A.orlx ?eir:sT 7 attJe.le rrt of th procr.aa rroT istti--lis if. SuixLT.ary i'B acaslr?!l jard Iab Woa by Per Flitt. 04pi IWumaa .eooaa, lOsiwarl s---- itf Tlmt. 13 2 3 -yitl-s. Two bu&Crea aad twenty jzri Its t : r Frank: Junet, Jo-pa Kin; or3i, JoLn Lzz tnlrtl. 7Hue. 24 i-5 MjndP. loir huncrrd and-forty-jstrd R:m "Won t C ry oinen. Adam Xoeller Mcoad, AiOrtw Ir-o-j I MM, Time. 9 H-cond. aUiCht hcnart-1 and e1i7-T-vrd Ron os Hr S wftri tvulnn. rre4 PitnXel i-fcosd, I-ro Stiu XLizi. Time, S mfnct?ff. t'n mile Kun Won by Frazk Jame. ohr Lu rig tvecona, Pcicr Jhrr tilri Tne, I si.:- 8 8 5 tVArcoadat, Runamr .Broad Jcjip tToa by Jo; a Z:zz with lo fee.. IWward Qaiia i--ol,J. -i:r -feet 4 inches, I-eo beiu LhtrJ, with 15 ;-: I'.unnlac Ilich Jaa.r W"on by Jn-pia tani: with rrrt 4 lochr; Fre-I Irnkei --31 -r S feet 10 IihL, Adam ilot.ttr ityd, w.;i : u- vs in?fte. Intiln5 th- ! It jyvntid fftot Wo- fcT Ali 1 Moeller. witti ut fet. Friz. Jam (-t-rc- . . rv fee: I'-j inrhe; rnr Etcher thins. n - , feet. . Three-lefje-1 Rae Wo a by Thomas Wll" n, I I-eo b?itz. Aaron !art ani Joha bliler --: iNter Kitcacr aa.1 Aadrew ICata tAHM. Tne .. " ? I sev3dj'. j &acr Rac Won by John Ladwlir, J ?i Z: z i-ecoal. ACaai iloiUtr ttlrU. Tlaie. T 2 .' -"-xzz j The sixth acacal out teg an J pane of xtt . i ( J. HarrlnaTtc; Awoclation uvofc p,-ac yet-ur: r afternoon at Oa.t Toint The eTrit or t" --.; - tih wrre run la rood Jtyle and rurcioi ' fort buazaary : 0e hur.ire4 yanl Raa. Scratefc. fr K-r. ".Von by C. a.p, T. Hea.ey cazi, 2 ha-'?t 1 , thirst. TlXr. 't srOotU. .Br tunartM j rU Rue. naaiirap, far isim Won by -Eoffrne Swt-a.j:lt.r, t-cratL, Horiwt X i MeHillia. a rirci, -coad J-jt-'j .un., thlM Tliur, 12 -i tecoi. ISevecty 0Te-yrrt Run, liaiaCtikf . for S1t Won by Jt4-pa Swwafj, ayurd C u t . heimer, 1 jard, 5eooau. Arttcr s s,aiu. f r. tfcird. Two hnndioj nd twerty yarl Ra t-rrixet VfmbfjT-Won by C. l ., T w - -4 n- ., ilorrt ItcBrUe ttirtt. Titne. .o c. ziu Z gnt- ban -l.-rvl-tva l ficti:. r-,: .s-. rf jsen Won by gianei R c C t t . : . .rtei Kenay third. Tlire. 3 cilrn'.f r-c- ' onr turKlrl and-fortT rard Rja. cn:zz 2iemlr Won by Frank L. Lcxz. .an-i JwttL' Mvond. Morris Ucliriae ttlr.1. tSac Raee. for Kiatrt V.a b C Tit l t Kfai. sH-ond( lavrorse At plebJU'1 'hItS J tJti Ilea Rare, ilrtubrrr U tc f; !-' O'Reilly. Lanel Carr-ii.tvr u?l1. 7-z.a t - third. ' Ronnie; Hlh Jurar, Or-a. -nt-f w-.- vt k 1-ert Kttuvila. wita 3 fft, lr.-nia M.Nui'i " od. wiui -i tVc s inches, itr: . C-v-q t. 1 with si tec: Caj tache. i Tt;rre lecea Re, fir 31.t!- " " t" Krlpe and Hnrace . MrMllua. lUtr : :?t-c -i. i lv-njamm Kan- teoaj, Jtr(a twex.i.. -J .-.' mi an !lL.nca?a third. Kitato K.tre. fir ienvvrtj Won .t Neiii' f MaJtwell. Roteri O'Ro-rke fecc, i it- ; .- luecn third. Oce tulle Otyele Hire. na. ap fir y-- Won by P. 'tr'ut:ia, . ii Tt. -a MocK, a:raich, f-nxmi. Lnwsi.-d t , ey, r. y. third. Time. S nilcutet. 5y ev,. id. me.ull Run, Scratch, fo- Sl-ml-er Wc Patriot Coofad, Kt-naeth J Maine, t-or 1 cji ICeily tulrd. Time 3 minute 11 e-.i . Two mile ric)el Race. r-tcfc. l- v. n e--Won by L. S. l-caneii, O. Kitlrr f ". oolasu.tth thtnt. Tm.'. 7 4 -' bootlaK C JK'ln.f, .o. T L. :. .tr (Vapors. i7, I. . lu-ni ett. 4.0 M ., er it t'si lct .xfaa. -J... T U"u. 42. - v " .ij. . - liat-sTtuu (Sam - :kc...h Nat ; n rlnftoa A-tw,-iati'n 'v v 10 v. Concord'pr'eai N. T. p . a. ' Cr-t anau.! rru..Kin sal jpor a: v t ' j 1 juttiMij, Sjni tull'ti'iOwii -iL i. fi tr l in tbe events, en th r-ituraiMtii? f Walter K. iltlroj v .i..Aii'i.rfc . a tbe ronori of ifcr -ty. uuin.-t On huadrr 1 yar l lMn, it l ,t m K. Ollroy, UUaa.flu,n A. .v Ti i . H.inid.Ue X O, cuuJ. .r- .- ' EuururiM a. C.. third. Hi... : l , lift) jarl linn. f.T i u'w-" -1 1 W, WruM. Co..i'ort tnnp ii I f Kttuedy. Htiicta laiar. ;ai r, m- . ! . Wn.teri, Diilaae I.n iinpi. mi t b seeontl. opting Ct-m; tltina, (.r ll"' 1 Teisler, 41-, Tliomsj L. Htfr, t ; . . j iritn. it I Um ti tip Comp-tUlot. .' i 1 A I'.Uhanl V Vu-riT, ttl .1 v r I m . Iioir liutuirr-st nnd fort -t . J. b, . .,u tiii-r.' ' DrUton, l-fo-ik n K .' . . lottr, i.lci.ditj .' . .,, t.'r . I Huunlui: Ilu, mm am.'i'. i J. Ciarerlf. tilfutal ' I Inchf, Walter K tiur i W . ' j uevoud, itji.tvJil fix; 11 u V I I'a.tni'e a c , thu .. with ." : ' " ' t'uttlnK 1v.W'i-mi'i m t - v 1 Joun fi. TU mpsvoi. C r i i 'J J feet 7 Inches, fivotin I i . . t f A'iinuenta iiu I, ua t , lit.m 21. Ocsui. tl.irii. vs .t '. :. hack lUce Won br J .Mi i t '. C , fbonifci A. .Vt .on( O '. .i i- Itobert Y Morrtn, 1 n i'otatn Uae- S ' bv Joi.n tl r ri.ianipment; (ieorfi' . w iv' cai:tmeut, vouii1, Rlrharl j ' ..ucaniMi.nt, rurl Tooth-ill Notf . The football team i.'Mi ii it ' o'Siulid fur i.i nv.M i . frrm all uulfor.mst tf-" AdJro R Wcllt-r, VJt ... i - ' Tlia Kulltiu oitba1l i-un u . (traftoa an-! ivuul 1 lu ti t.rAi fr tf I net I3 ptTUI.d. out Of t W AMres W. li. VXJ t. . treet. Ihn WAtblcston IMfbti --'d uo-i ana would ULt to m,ii,f rm teami aferjulu.,- loO fc'tTlnjr a aiUbIe itUsrtt.t'X- p' lUrr) RotcaUrti, 41 Li.jh iu.4 t O.lil-i mhiI i:nrf of Hpnri V. 8. SctmtfTtr. iho Ukmi col - 1 i aAxtnu to rrrarj;c i i a- . . no polt.H fur fnmi 91 lo I (Olnml plier lu AiiU'U a Arraujrn.i...u a-s 'i nual outiRK aal p-Ui w.r Jo ThumbtjH.uu' .4r t r tl. latter part of in it ii.oo'u hn Ktvr Weil Uti r v Iho widuw of W 11 MtaV4 died out We.t tonic nm- leer on tbe path. A ,-". 1 ductac tb txt la-cut avft a ranaftod, aad tht promoter. imi' un liaf1..10 oia Ume at the . u . rirty. fourth itreet. when th euru I ntordajr tafaaiai nen,