OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 20, 1896, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1896-08-20/ed-1/seq-9/

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I Ter niamcrer rmptantlcnll-r aa to the
H Atrtf"""' --,ni-t l-oura or tubers but
H jitr l ailed n1 Vary llnrmonlim la
H Their Inrtlttaatloa AkImI a Nevrapaper.
I "Cloudv, threatening weftthcr, approachlm
I storms." would bo the correct prognostication
I orlocsi conditions In tha social nd economic-
,tmosplire In r.nd about Baxter street and
I Tark row at the present time. Tbero la trouble,
I U'w"" 'be clotblnit dealer and their Kale.
I me'a. and. while tbelr differences, as set forth
vr the opponents, do not reallr seem verr
I fratcbeth sides are taking them io seriously
that a' lock-out or ttrlko Is by no meant Im.
I probable.
I An Incorrect and offensive statement con.
I ternlng ll e situation In a sensational news-
taper has impartially Insulted and enraged
I all interested that It Is nulte possible their com-
non Indignation may conduce to harmony and
tlwvl composition of present misunderstand.
I Ir.gitnay ensue when they come together for
discussion. Hut at present the opponent post-
tjon, Mt thus -.Clrmci. by those havlnij most
I anttiorlty to define thetn:
I Mr. Jacob Uarrls stars! " We hare an organl
I latlon. under tbe title of 'The United Clothing
Balnmen.' which Is affiliated rrtth the Amerl-
tan Federation of Labor and has 21)0 members.
Ettry salesman In this district, whether Indoors
I or outdoors, belongs to It. I do not see why
I that disreputable newspaper stigmatizes us as
'barkers' and 'pullers-ln,' or seeks to bo funny
I by misrepresenting and ridiculing us. So such
I methods of doing business obtain as those It
I sllesss. and what we deem our causes of com
plaint bae been falselr stated. The facts slm
plr are that we desire our employers to renew
on the 1ft of September, when onr present
agreement with them terminate, the Just and
amicable arrangement now In vogue. In old
times, before e bad any agreement, we were
eipected to work fourteen hours a day. from S
A.M.tolO P.M. Now our hoursaro from R A.
M.taSP-M. In the slack season of the year the
months of January. February. March. July,
August, and September and from 8 A. M. to 0
P M. the ret of the year. The employers, wo
HDderstind.de not purpose renewing the aeree
ment leeau-e they contemplate forcing a return
to the old hours of labor. Kurtnerniora, they
propose that. Instead of our celling- oil at 1
V M. one day in the week, we shall only gooff
duty at 0 P. M. on that day. which would irlre
ts but two hours instead of half a day. The
difference rniM not seem great to persons nncon
Joed to such long hours and really arduous
work as ours, but to us It is Important, and as
ire only nave, or expect, this little relaxation
daring the slack season, we deem that the at
tempt to deprlrc us of it is moro from a purpose
of tyrannising over us than from any real con.
liJeralion o' baslneos interest. It seems tons
Indicative of hostility to our union, of a pur.
cose to force an Issce with the organization.
"There Is not any question of wages involved.
It is reported that some men have been dls
charged from stores up on Baxter street be
escse of their membership in our union, but I
do cot at present affirm anything of that from
my own knowledge. As we understand, the
employers hare formed among themselves an
association- the members In willed are subject
to a forfeit of $30 for violation of any of their
ru!es-the purpose of which is breaking down
cur Dolon. through supporting each other in a
I general refusal to renew our agreement and in
refusing employment to any man n ho may have
left his place with, an employer who has refused
to sign the agreement. A lock-out Is threat
lied if w Insist upon having an agreement
igned. Wo do not purpose asking anything
unreasonable or unfair, aud do not believe they
will be able. If they inaugurate a lock-out or
fores a strike, to fill our places with competent
"Unless they can find black sheep In our
rl. which we do nut believe they can get
so eirerlenced salesmen to tako our place
should we go out- It would take a good Brood
way man a month or six weeks to adapt himself
to the requirements of this business, while we,
ontneuther hand, could go right over tn Broad
way a id work with the best uf them. Only ex
perienced men can work successfully here. An
ether thing, most if us command, by personal
acquaintance, a pretty considerable custom.
which new men could not get."
Mr. Paul S-alvin. Pres'dent of the Down-Town
Clothing Merchants' Association the em
ployers' organization -said:
"liisashacietbat men who are doing moro
ttufDessasnsally than mauy firms on Broad
T ty should be maltgned and their i-mploTeoa
I ridiculed and branded with anprobrions slang
H cases, such as 'barkers' and puller-ln.' slm
fl sly because they happen to be located in a part
H ot the city which to the feeble minds of the
wrnM-be humorl-ts whnwrltesuch stuff makes
tied fair game. I have salesmen tn my employ
M who have been with mo six or seven years.
worthy and competent men. to whom I pay 18
orS.Ma week as good wages as are paid on
Broadway-and on their behalf and for the gen
eralbodyof -alesmen. of whom they are repre-
lectatlre. I protest against the Indecent slurs
east upon them b that newspaper. And
I also protest against the false rep
"Mentations made concerning our asso-
elation. It la an error to supoose that
wa are hostile to the Salesmen's l'nlon or that
we purpose any injustice toward them. But we
H do wish to be tae bosses of our own business, in
K stead ot having that authority delegated by
M contract to others. Instead of signing an agree
ment dictated by the sale-men, we propose to
H establish our own rules and let the salesmen
Kbscrlbe to them If they will, or go out If they
"rtll not. Hut they are perfectly welcome to
their union, and member hip In It will be no
car to onr empioymen of them. Perhaps the
H real differences between us are not so great as
usymay, upon the surface, seem. We do not
H snt them to work nntll 10 o'clock at night,
H ana hare no thought of such exactions as some
H tfthem fear.
"Ws will probably have formulated by to
H Borrow what we think will be a fair, unex
H eepUocable basis of agreement, and the whole
m matter may be settled without either a strike or
am-out. neither ot which have we yet deemed
H itworta while to contemplate."
I BIO SAT.K OF pjizsxa.
fin Tkoasand Cases Dlapoaed of at 1m.
H tloa at Pair Price.
Anetloneers Wllmerdlng, Morris A Mitchell
"Id at auction yesterday over 5,000 cases of
Washington prints. It was the first sale of
tola khd In moro than twenty years. Only
WOO cases were catalogued, but th bid
4!nr was so brisk that n additional 1,000
ere put up and quietly sold.
"Most of the goods went to the South,"
"id Mr. Slorrls, "although soma went to
I lWe,t- " B' C1-"1- C- o' -hi city.
iw.T-f. weretthe largest Individual buyers."
Ll .!?? -"k" were ajnost as good as If the
rn 7iero disposed of at prlvato sale, and
I ft t,0ree1? Co- - RlTer I'o-nt- ft. I..
nil ..?. ihe ,da wer" . consigned, were
I tv. .. Md wlthi th, result. The cause of
I iTnr. M1'. T "i"1 t0 bo -b general depres-
SS.lnktnrade' T,be rapid disposition of the
I SenM'-in .i?"!' 'ndicates a return of confl
I tvi,:iiithB business of the future. Among
i frS "TdT'i?1 burer", .were: IJ- Claflln
I SsiS," iPhMj! "ockley Co.. James A.
fij4iar CJ- C. B. P.ouss, and Tofft. Well
.?&? of tTht?,tl'J'. Marshal. Field & Co.
KolCa?-' J' Bacr,n & Co- ot Iulsvllle.
I Phla. if Vlwx.cr' 01a" & Co- ot Pihladel-
to. ' nl'i S,?.V,,n J- E- "ears &
t&n.Di?.,fl 3Illle" & Co. of Baltimore:
Sfief il"- , 'j-'-Hke. Warner & Hher
I RlJrt.t' - aV,VMur'1---' Gran- & Co- "' an
liie citj Auerbach & Bro. ot Salt
Rtaiioa Potter IXetnraa.
Elihop Honry C Potter got home from Eu-
J"1 n " steamship Majestic yesterday morn-
,' '" remained in this city about two hours
j ind then left for Newport, He was at his r.sl-
H found T l.'S, ,"nu"e- 1 Lafayette place. Ha
lbeoI,Vm,''umUr n,f let-e''. awaiting him.
H risf'tel V " '" ?-"" " .Newport for pe
H " ored i . 1,0:' ,.al-,. a tTi'aa bat he had
H loiS; ii ,-nurn"1 Knrope and nU voyaga
H "me. He ism excellent health. '"
j Th, Chlot.. foneiil Calls oa tha Uayor.
all Jlf hn"' c'on""'- S. T. Sie. accompanied
L,M" r"Ar,r' '" Wine- -"" a ocM call
H Mr k ntro'" at thB CAx Ha" TMterday.
H oerly'an1".?. "lc:nl aRP'Jment aDt- wa tor.
Wshirttinf;IMM1'jf lhe C'lnes Legation at
Shome ." .Mr-,seV- dad In the robes of
H llk ll , '""."""c '"Ing nf pale blue figured
BlM,, u.,'i ft""""--. "" of pearl gray
quuu- ' ' tho UkUal fez surmounted his
Hj Inrra.e or Capital Ntaek.
H thtV3 '.' "' """""" " -bo stockholders of
Lall tier,' KT "Uo "allrod Company yesterday
H tha ' '""' '" "crea -be capital steel: of
H 7. """" rom lu.000,000 to $1.'.000,000
tobe'u,.!;.'';'. Twom-llions of the Increase la
'r,M ,f.rhi1'IerXhl""!Ul,lj.m,fIU of debt
ih f . ",lh'i,,,fch"-,.e. nncl Improvement of
H Ci . ,.,ni,. rV.'t1'"' '"", H' other mil.
H '-ti.in,,f , ' f'!.1" t"i". '"iprofiment and ex.
Win ?o g ' ""-rldBt. road, which Is nine
Fuht'b Fine Furnitubb.
H W 'll-iimdp, durable, nnd ty.
TB iili, ut factory prlcca.
mm r.uisAar jrjtox ciiicaqo.
Oa a Car'a Ttnmpra to Albany, an la a
, Baa Cur tha Beat or the War.
On the charge that they wcro snsplclous per
sons Policeman I.cnnhnn of the West Thirty
seventh street station nrrnlgncd In Jefferson
Market Court yestordny William Klrkland. 21
yonra old, and John Jennlck, 54 years old,
both penniless. Lcnalmn tnld .Mnglstrnte
Ilrann tlmt tlio two men had been found In n
box car loaded with starch when the car wits
oponed In the yards of the New York Central
and Hudson Iltver Railroad by Watchman
Burke. Lonalmn laid that ho did not know
whnt the mon wero suspected of doing, but he
bad been ordered by the watchman to arrest
them nnd he had dono so.
Klrkland told tho Mnglstrato thot he was a
glass etcher by occupation nnd that he came
from Chicago, ahllo Jennlck said that he was a
salesman anil came from Nebraska. They de
clared that they chanced to meet each other In
Chicago, and, being out of work, determined to
come East nnd try to get employment. They
said that tlioy beat their way on tho bumpers of
a freight car from C'hlca 'o to Allinny, and thnt
at Albany, when the staruh car was opened,
they sneaked Inside and thus had a safer ride
to this city after the car was locked. Their
presence was not known nntlt tho ear was
opened this morning.
When Watchman Burke arrived In court
later he preferred a charge against the two
prisoners of riding on n train without a ticket.
Tho prisoners pleaded guilty to this charge,
but said they only came hero to look for work
and that they wero hone-t wcrklngmen anil
not tramps or thieves. Magistrate Brann held
them In J500 hall each for trial in Special Sessions.
New York Karatas: a Renntatloa for rJlow
The East River Bridge Commission met yes.
terday and considered the plans submitted by
Engineer Buck for the New York tower of the
bridge. As Mr. Buck wanted to make changes
tn the original plan, however, the matter was
referred to Commissioners Balrd and Beeves
for Investigation and report.
ThoCommltslon Is In a muddle In consequence
of the rejection of recent bids for city bonds, as
It finds Itself unable to pay Its bills. The .New
York and--New Jersey Boring Company wants
the Commission to pay the $5,000 due for the
work thus far accomplished on the East Hlver
borings. Their bill was approved several weeks
ago, but the company held off In view of tha
bond sale. Now, however. It wants its account
paid and there are no funds In sight. Brooklyn
has paid for the borings made on the other side
ot the riser.
Maw Xork tttacb; Sxehasss-Balea Anc. lo.
4CS4s.r.tW)7.10S , 3 US1S.O, 1045.113
1 US4a.o.tMT.100a 6US3a.r. 109
1 US U. -.1033,1131 ITennSetSi,. 7(j
ct-osiMC) piucbs or nmo states bo-ids.
Bt .IsreoM Did. A, ltd.
USttr, 'U Oa. r.
atplofO. 014 W 108k 100-
V 8 4a. r. Q V S St, c.
1U07. . 106 105-lo .. 108K 1O0M
C 8 4a. o, Usr,
1S07 100 100H l"7 100
V 8 4a. r. 0 8 . r.
IMS... 113 1134 110..... 103
C 8 4i. c, U 3 St. r.
10.3 U3 J134 lav. .. 10-1
lAtcnAdjia. 314; 1 NJCgnl oa. r..H04
6 32.4 IS Wen 132
10 32 5 1324
5 314 6!WSFdeb3s.
1 0 Atch gnl 4a.. . 7-1 ! 1033 100
1 0 Ana ft N W lat. 82 1 Ores L 6a. T R 10-1
2 UrookUnO Sa.101 3 103K
lCba-tOcnna. 102 1 Penn44a... 107
6 Chi 4 0. II A IP.OtC litcnoi om
lstcon4a. .. 02H 2 Book lal . ..121
5C.BQ7a. 1124 -lRea4gnl4a,TH 71
10 112M 10 Read lat pf la
2 C. DA Q 4a, I 4. 024, 2d I P. 26H
2C, DQ4.Dd. 88 fi Read 2d pt la
6 Ch ft Nor P 1st. I SdlP...... . 1 li
TR 38 10 104
6 377110 10H
2 OnPaoSJbr.,10-1 '60 104
1 Del. L ft W 7a. 130 36 104
6 Dan ft RO on.. 85 26 Raad 3d pf la
14.Erl4inU.aS-u SOH tit P. 104
6 67 SBIobwiit..., 0-14
1 East Tann Os... 1024 3 64,
1 EqOftFlst.... 86 10 60
lFtWlat.TR... 40 1 St P. D ft Ot Bo
7 48 8s 108
lOO.H'gftSAX 2 SIP 1-t.C ft P.
P8s 004 Wdlr 109
1 San ft Tex a. . 804 7 Ran A ft A P lit
17SanftTazSds -194 4a 4,9
16 49 lSoRwayBa. .. 814
3 60 D 81
23 604 2 eiM
5 51 2 81
2 LacledaOaslit. 87 9 Tex ft r lat Sa. 70
6Lft WBcnaa..l02 1 77
3LEWla ..113 6TxPao dln.. 10
3UftNg4a... 70 16 164
7 694 6 154
2LMD.at.ll0 10 154
SL.SAftChcn- 80 1 154
8 76 4UnlonP. '88a.. 100
12MexInllat4s.. 76 1 Ctrton Pac'8a 100
2 kiln ft St L, Pa 22 Co P. D ft O lat 27
x 116 lWabaiblsi. 1024
2 MorEacon,..133 1 ..103
2 Ho PK en 82 8 Wabaah 2d 71
3 MtlftLBMdlT.llO 20Wabdeb8B . 20
3 Mil ft L Sex Sa.104 1 0 Weat Shore 4a. 1014
6 or Pao lat, r. Ill 7 101M
2 1 Wor Pao en 6a, ' 3 1014
TRu 41 i 4Wwt8b4a.r...l014
1 XYftLacklit .128 lWlsCltt.TR. 29
6 KJCcn. 1800. 1034'
Total aalaa of rallwar bonds (par value), 10 24.000.
Open- j7.oa- Lov- . Clottna
Salei. in0. fit. ear. Hid. jlilr.i,
82873 Am 8 Ref. 1044 1064 103 1054 1054
100 Am SR p. 98 08 98 974 98
1040 Am S M.. 54 6H 54 64 54
SAmSMp. 19 20 19 194 21
e Am Cable 80 80 80
lOSOOAm Tob.. 504 69M 654 68 684
3 Am Exp 108 108 108 105 109
100 Am CO p. 41 41 41 414 424
383A.Tsr. 104 11 104 104 11
78S At. Top ft
Sfapf.. 16M 174 164 164 17
BOOBrwkM... .20 .20 .20
1 Can Bo. . 444 444 444 43 444
OOSCb.aftO. 13 134 13 134 134
8043 Cblc Oas.. 624 634 614 624 634
SCO O, O, C ft
BtL.. . 244 244 234 23 234
M0CbNW. 934 044 03 944 044
19705O. DtQ., 604 614 60 01 014
47803 C.MftBlP 644 064 034 064 654
28CUft8tPpl234 1234 1234 122 123
28BC,RIftP. 64K 564 634 64s( 654
laoCHVftT. 144 14-j 144 144 154
2S4ConOaa. 1424 143 14.2'. 143 144
67D.In.118 1184 118 1184 1104
lOOD.LftW 147 147 147 146 149
144DftKOp 394 394 304 40 404
1783 Q-n F.lec. 234 244 234 24 244
240 III bteal... 43 43 43 40 43
lOOLEftW.. 144 144 144 14 144
BOOX-MlOaa.. 184 184 ie4
14tOBI.ftNam. 404 404 30 304 40
100I..NAftCp 84 84 84 74 84
7808 Man Con. 764 704 744 704 704
150 Mln Iron. 47 47 47 46 60
S03 Mel Trie. 014 91V 014 91 924
100 M ft mi- 134 134 134 124 134
lBOHftStLlp 60 60 00 60 06
SBSlloPae... 17 17 104 17 174
lOOMo.KftT 104 104 104 104 104
18l7M.KftTpf 204 214 204 21 214
5 K J Cut.. 034 034 934 03 034
488 NT Cant. 914 924 014 924 93
400SatI.ead. 174 174 174 174 18
BiSKUadpf 784 784 704 784 79
100 Nor Am.. 44 44 44 44 44
1KV.8W 74 74 74 04 74
30NV,84Wp 174 174 174 IB 184
lOCNorfftW 8 8 8 8 10
880 NP, MAP 84 04 84 0 04
lStOHPp.SAP 104 164 104 104 104
a&OntftM. 13 13 13 114 13
BlOOntftW. 124 124 124 12H 124
633 Pc Hall.. 184 184 184 184 luH
17350 P& Read. 84 64 7". i 84
100 P, C, C ft
Bi I. 134 134 134 12't 14
800 81 1. HW. 34 34 34 34 34
HOOBtLSWp 8 84 8 84 84
13iStI'AOpl20 120 120 UO 122
tOOeouthRy. 74 74 74 74 74
8180 sou Hyp. 20 20 104 194 20
SOlSTennl-ftl 164 174 16fc 17 174
233Taxl'ao 6 0 0 64 Ola
220UnI'ao 64 64 64 64 54
lOoUP.Dftu 14 14 14 14 14
vOUBRub 17 17 17 10 17
100 UUCord. 34 34 34 34 34
tOOUSConn 14 14 134 134 14
8000 UBLp.. 444 464 444 464 464
eooWabaan 64 64 64 54 64
1830 Wabp 134 134 134 134 134
tOWslu-rE 00 00 UO 80 00
OJxn- IJInK- lm- CJorlivp -i i
BaUt. Ina. ml. ''. Bid. Aiktd.
11181 Wast UT 77 7BM 70M 7B4 784
2.8SWh4..F. 04 64 5M 04 04
BOWhftLKp 244 244 244
Total aalea of atooka were 262.973 aharea
Hid. Atkr,l. Hid. Att'd.
Roa ft Alb. 204 200 ,WF. Itcom. 170
PosftMc.164 160 'Domln-nC. 74 7K
ChJcom... S34 AmtlellTel.1004 200
Now En j pf. - 00 llrle lei.... 664 67
OIdColony.176 178 OenElcop. 66
ttiil. A'k'J.i Hid. Atinl.,
LehlithVal. e74 27MUOtmpCa 044 044
LCftXCo. 38 iWOLOo... 30 40
PennRR.. 604 604 r.l S Rcom. 23 234
rblla Trao. 04 044, F.I 8 n pf. .. 244 264
UnlonTrae. 124 124l....r. 114 114
Eftl'TC... 07 00.4 lMI.L&Pp. 13 134
lift Trao... 014 03 WelsCcom. 14H 164
CTofNJS. 20 21 WelsComp 00 00
CTNJBBs. 704 774
AtchllonAAP 11 Worfolk ft W pf.. . 12?
Canadian PaclBo .. 584 Northern Pacpf.... 104
Chcaapeake ftO.. . 134 Ontario ft Weat .... 124
Erie com A At' 12'$ Tonnijltanla 514
Brlelstpf. 28 Reading 1st A P.... 44
Illinois Central 804 3t Paul 00
Ransaaft Teaaa.... 1 04 South Hallway 74
LaknShore 1464 South Railway pf.. 204
Lou ft Nash 404 l'nlon Paelflc 64
Mr Central 044 Wabash pt 134
Wednesday-, Aug. 10.
The prospects of a relief from the prevailing
conditions of stringency In (he money market,
as foreshadowed In tho nevrs of the day, wrrn
at once reflected In stock prices. With the an
nouncement that a banking house had engaged
$-'.000,000 gold for Import this week, the market
at once rallied from a condition of Irregularity
nnd depression to onoof buojancy, nnrt It closed
firm, with a majority 6f the active hnres show
lng fractional gains on the day. There was an
appreciable Increase in activity, though the
concentration of Interest In relatively few
stocks reflected the still professional char
acter of the trading. Foreign houses were
fairly active In the market, generally on
the selling side, and the bearish disposition of
the room traders disposed them to niako the
most of these operations. Tho statements of
earnings made by a number of railway compa.
nles presented a generally unfavorable showing,
and until the announcement of tho Importation
of gold was made the news of the dav generally
favored the bear clique, particularly as last
evening's sound-money meeting had been quite
freely discounted in tho week's trading.
In addition to the announcement of an actual
engagement of gold for Import, the Street
learned early In the afternoon of the prelimi
nary conferences between several bank Presi
dents In regard to tho feasibility of stimulating
Importations of the metal somewhat along the
lines adopted In the currency famine of 1H0I1.
This Information, natural), still further In
duced buying for both accounts, ns such action
would unquestionably put an end to the present
most Immediate disturbing factor In the situa
tion, namely, the condition nf the money market.
Tho discussion seems as yet to be In a prelimi
nary stage only, but It Is probable that
a decision to act will bo reached before the close
of the week. The local demand for gold, to
gether with the statu of the foreign exchanges
and tba condition of the money market, makes
the present a particularly favorable time for
such operations. It would bo difficult to over
estimate the practical and sentimental impor
tance of a transaction of the kind at this time.
The actual engagement for importation, an
nounced, seems to have been a normal result of
prevailing conditions in the money and ex
change markets.
The most notable exceptions among the active
stocks to the general tendency toward recovery
were furnished by Louisville and Nashville and
Heading. In the case of the first named, de
creasing earnings and the disturbed condition
of traffic rates in the South were accounted re
sponsible for the special pressure, while the
selling of Beading was of tho nature genernlly
observed prior to the payments of asess
meats under reorganization. Nearly one
half of the total tranoactlons was furnished
by tba dealings In Sugar Hefining and St. Paul,
and In only three other instances did the deal
ings exceed 10.000 shares. Asomeuhat more
liberal snpply of time money appeared In the
afternoon, probably reflecting the developments
in the foreign exchange market, and tbero was
a sharp decline in money on call.
Final sales compare with those of yesterday as
Aug. 18 Aug IV Aug 18. Aug 18.
A.TftSFe. 11 11 Northwc'm 04 044
A.TASFep. 104 174 Nor P com.. 94 94
AmSHer. 1 044 1 054 S V Cent . 024 024
AmSugRp 074 08 NJCent.. . 03 034
AmTob.. . SOU 58 OntftWest, 124 124
CBftQ. .. 004 014 l'aeine Mall 184 184
Coo On. 142 143 Roc!: Island 644 56
ChftOhlo 134 13 Reading 84 84
Chicago O . 63 63 stpmlcom 644 064
V, I. ftW 147 147 8uuth ll'y . 74 74
Pen ft It Op 404 304 uth R'y p 204 20
GenKlic . 244 244 Texas I'ac 0 0
KanftTpf 204 21 T'u c. I ft R. 17 174
Louis N 404 40 l'nlon I'sc.r 54 64
LK ft West. 144 144 I' S Cord. . 34 34
Laclede O . 18 1 84 B 8 L-athp. 45 454
ManCon 704 704Wi'cox. 64 54
MlnftStI.,3. 134 134 Want I' pf. 13.4 13(
Jllisou-1? 104 1 fjaj w.at Un r 774 784
Nat Lead.. . 174 174WheelftLB flu flit
Nat Lead pf 804 704
Government bond; steady at unchanged quotation-..
Kiillunr bonds Irregular. The features
were Rurlliictoti and Quincv 7s, Krle general
lien. :i4s. Kansas aid Texas ".'ds. Northern
Pacific consul ."is, T. It.. Southern Hallway (Is
Texas Pacific lsts. Union Pacific, Denver and
(iulf lsts, -l atinre -Is, Atchison anil Head
ing Issues, lhe more Important net advances
wore in Atchison Adj. 4s, IjWcenl.. to :ili.
and general 4s. H-. to 4: Burlington
and Qulncy 7s, H4. to ll'-'W; Krle general
lien, 0-4, H. to AT; Kansas and Texas
fids, H. to 31; Heading 1st preference
Incomes, 2da, I. P., 1 to UfiU. and Texas
Pacific lsts, 1 p cent., to 77. Tim nnteworthv
declines were in Northern Purlfli.' ronol (is,
T. It., As., i V cent., to 41: Heading 2d pref.
crence Incomes, Sils. I. P., .')'.. to 104;
and 3d preference Incomes. 3rta, I. Y..ti, to lOKl;
Southern Hallway 6s. Jj, to HI; Union Pacific.
Denver and (Iulf lsts. 1, to 27. and West Shore
4s, H V cent., to 101M-
In bank stocks 00 shares of Western National
sold at 110.
Sales nf silver bullion certificates for 0,000
ounces were made on the Stock Exchange at
(lllc. Commercial prlre of bar silver In
New York. Hf4c. liar silver In London rinsed
at :i()a. Exports to Europe to-morrow 200,000
Stoney on call 3Q,& W rent. Time money la
quoted atOK cent., and a rommlaalon In many
cases, for ail periods on first-class Stock Kl
change collateral, but no transactions are re
ported. The commercial paper market la nom
Innl, Hates are M V per cent, and upward even
for endorsed bills receivable.
talerling exchange suffered another heavy
derlliii" through continuous liberal offerings nf
hills, both bankers ami co'nmercial. Continental
exchange was weak and lower. Posted asking
rates fur sterling. $4.H;'i fur lung bills and
S4.H0t for demand. Actual rules are: Long
hills, J4.84ft ? I.S I'.j; slghtilraft. ?4.HSiJt4.H.',!-J.
ami cable tramfcis, f4.HfiHftS4.l6$.. Francs
aro quoted A 20U.o.l!i-n for long and R.IIHU&
B.17M for khort: rclrh-marks, HKUHi tot
long and 06 H-l O'S.U.'i ii-Hl for short; guilders,
4040 1-10 for loncand 40 .T-1&K4UV4 forshort.
Domestic exchange on Now Voik: Iloston
S cents discount. Charleston--Huyliig, par:
telling, premium. Savannah Iluylng. 1-1(1
off: selling, par. New Orleans-Hank, SI. 60
nremlum; commercial, 80 cents discount. San
Francisco-Sight, nominal; telegraph, nominal.
St. Louis fin cents premium; offered oi30 cents
premium. Chicago H,1 cents discount.
The receipts or the Government to-day were:
Customs, Silil',;i4U; I lernul revenue, S'JI)8,S00,
and miscellaneous. St,05,4M:i. a total of f 1.101. -:12a,
Theillsl)ureinenta, Including J425.00H fur
pension, wero $802,000, an xces nf receipts
over expenditures of t'.M't.'M'.i, The receipts
of tho Uoverniiient for the month to date oru
Sin14:i.7.'7. ami expenditures I'-'T.K'.M.OOO. an
excess of expenditures over receipts of $11,2711,
2i,.l, The receipts for this llti a! -ear to Onto
hivobeen f41.n7i.-,filH. anil ti.en: tures. Son..
Ill 1.4(18. nu exiess of expenditures over re
ceipts of $-1,:i:;u.o20.
The Memphis and Charleston Hallroad re
ports gross rnrmtik's fur.liim of SIU.NIi.T, an In
creaao of Jl,h' k ' 11 1 re 1 ltli tie tnmo
month uf 1 hh 1 jeur. .1. ,t il'.'. 044, an Increase
nf SI, 270. rorthoearernili.gJnni 110 the gross
earning" were $1..I4 S",l, nn increase of $140,.
2'i.i as cniupiirtd with the correapnrellng pe.
nnd of last year, and net S'.'HM, 2.1:1, an Increase
uf & tin,; 35
ITh Ohm Hiver Knllrnad reports gross earn,
ings fur .lune nf $xj.71 w, an Increase of SH.4U0
as compared vvtili the autne month iif lat year,
and net t-'rt.lio a decrease ol S.VItl. For the '
all months end us JuuellO t' gross earnings I
were 3472.730, an increase 11 1 $122.IIU.T as com
pared ulih the corresponding period of last I
year, and net S14,l,3n:t, an Increase of t24.t41.
Tna net assets at the Treasury at lbs close ot I
business to-day, as officially computed, compare
with those of yesterday as follows:
Awr. 'I. Amo. is.
Hold coin an.1 hnlllon 810'n47,7(l IOt.rrH3.4a
Bllver dollars and bullion. J..Mi.3nM Hx,t4.4l,1
United states notes .. .. 0-.734,0l 70.434.0S8
Uihsr nsists In excess of ,,, .....
demand llaollltles OH.yj.'I.IOl no,Ml,KI0
Available caa'i balance, ....-. ..
Including gold balance t2lfl.l8.S03 84(I,(9I.077
The withdrawals or gold from the Treasury to
day wore- (107,200.
Tho statement of the Comptroller of the Cur
rency, showing the condition of tho ,1.1180 na.
tlonal hanks at tho close of bu-lnesson Tuesday.
July 14, as compared with May 7, the dale nf
thr last nrovious examination, shows that on
July 14 the total resources nf the banks were
S.l.-'l8:i.7n;,0?.i, ns against S.I177,I)'1H.S'!2 nn
May 7. The changes In tho principal Hems nro
shown ns follows: Loans and DNcnunts July,
Sl.OMUOU.tlOll; May. $l.ll70,0nn.H;l3. Checks
and Other Cash Itema-July. 1.1.001, 4 nil;
May, S12,2().i,4U5. Lawful Money In Hi
sorro .Inly, t.l44,2i:i.7.'lli: Mny. S34n.nHO.008.
Hold coin-July. $ May. $HlS,li:iH,.
77i. Oold Treasury Certificates July, S'.'OloU,
400; May. 121,383.020. Oold C'enrlne-house
Certillcales-Julr. S31. 384.000: May. S'10.440..
000. Total Specie-July. 1 203.836,440; May,
$202,373,440. Cnplliil Stock -July. 51)61,144,
8.13: May, 8052.080,781, Surplus Fund- July,
S248,:ii!8,423: .May, S247.34ll.007. National
Hank Notes OutsUntllng-Juli'. Sll)ll.214.041);
May. S107.:i12.34 Individual Ieioslls July,
$1,00R,413,i-i07; May, S 1.087,020.8 IB.
Money In London, H V cent. Hateof discount
In open market, for both short and three months'
bills. 13-10 V rent. Paris advices quote 3 i
cents at 102 francs 77W centimes. Kxchangoon
London. 26 francs 17 centimes.
The sales nf mining stocks at the New York
Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange
to-day were as follows:
Orwn. IToV Zow- C7i.
Sniff. .Varna. in?. tit. rf. tng.
300nnlwer 28 .28 .28 .28
lOOConOalftVa.. 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.76
tOOCreeileftCCk. .11 .11 11 .11
lOOMeslcan 05 .05 .05 06
lOOOphtr 05 .05 .00 .05
1000 1'nartnaclst 08 ,03 .03 .08
600 Sierra Nevada. .40 .40 .40 .40
Total sales. 2,000 aharss.
Kleetrle BtoeU Qnotatlaaa.
rtorroi. Aug. IB. The cloalng quotations or eleetrlo
stocks to-day werei
Bid. Aiktd.
Oeneral y.lectrle 234 244
aeneral Electric pf 6b
Lamion Consolidated Rtoro Service.. 16
W-it!n?hoiu-Hectrlc pf- 48 49
Xort Wayne y.lectrlo 1 2
lort Wayne Eleetrlo Trust (serlea A) 24 4
Thomson-Houston (series D) 34 44
ctMMi:iiciAr. aosri'Esn.
Cotton Becllnee lleavv neitltalns: nalna la
lllp Soatbtveat-Texaa Still tlrr-Whnl
Itnllleadood ltuytnc for Forelicn Ac.
s-ount Nlmrte Cover.
WtDSKsDiT, Au?. 19. Cottoh Declined 17 to 21
points, but reemered part of the losa. closing steady
at a net decline of into 18 points: August lost SIS
ixilnts. The total sales were 'JI8.S0O bale New Or
leans declined 10 to 21 points. Liverpool advanced
H-3'.iL on the spat, with nalesof 7,000 lAle; futures
th-re opened 6 points hl-hir, but lost part t the s.l
vance, clo-lng 14 to 14 lolnts higher for the day,
with the lone bare'y steady In Manchester yarns
andelolhs wrro ijulet and firm. The signal a-rvlee
predicted for tho next thlrtalx hours generally fair
- tattler, excepting local al.uers In the Atlantic
8tateiand the Mlslslppl Va'ley The Weather Hu.
reau r-ported 11 light precipitation In Arkansas.
Louisiana, and Mt-slislppl, but In Texas 110 rain was
reported Memphis received to-ilny 104 liatei, agalntt
24 last week nnd 100 last -ear, Houston 3,213. agalnit
2.317 tat wrelc and 210 lartyear. llouilon expects
to-morrow 4.000 to 5,000. against 1,262 lait week and
M1 lait jear. Spot cotton here declined H,c ;
800 bale were delivered on contract. Middling
uplands. 8 Mile. Mobile. Savannah. St. Loul.
Charleiton. Norfolk, and rtcltlmore advanced
He. New Orleana sold Ou. Savannah 472,
St. Loula 470, Augusta 454, and Memphla 400 bal-a.
The port re eclpts were 6.3.12 balea, against 2,037
last week, 125 lait jfar, and 2 517 In 1K04. thus far
thla week 20.0-0. agalnl v.'Jl'N thus tar lait week.
The dry gnml- market mi rrore active tivdar.
l'rlnt clotliscontinuedulland unetiangeti at 2 7.it
In London all"er decline,! td anil ajd here. Tl.e
vlaltnr. at the New York Cotmn Exrliaue were C.
. Wolfenler ot Llverponl. It 11, Ilnoper ef Houalun,
V A Ureene of Montlcello. l-ugene Ilurtonor (,-,)rgia
David Lorrlmer of Oeorgla. It. L. trledle and Jn,epi
KrUle of Loulsiaea. I N Kowle of l'oton, O W
1'otli, A. K Oarnesof Corileana. Tex ; 11. Canal,- and
J Prooks of Memphis. A St. Oreene of Alabama. K.
l. Oraham of New Jersey. The future tradlu was
as follows.
CtnUng. IHghrtt. TtnrrtU Unlit.
August WVi-lil7 e.23 r. Ort s.ltoo
8epiombr . .7vli7u2 r-iin 711 a inn
tvetober 7.nj.7K-) huj 7.V2 S1.4UH
oemtr .vtti.v$ oi 7.htt 1:1 sou 1
Xcemtr 7uT7eS .h to 7.01 77 :no !
Januirr 8lil.sn-j h.tl 7 its 111700 1
February. K01b07 M3 e 08 4 'Km
March H.1MM1 8 it K OS 4.W10
April M4itt.is K.iV Hit I.81O
Cottov PACSiair Ileporta were received from all
si llonv of the cotton l.elt tht- morutng vtntlng ti.-it
rains lad fallen In the past twentjr-rour honrs and
tint In ome ipcilons thncropl looking niueli tii. -. 1
These reports had a depressing eff'ct la an entlr .v
weather market and prleei declined sharplv at tnr
opunliig. There was a ral at one lime In , lilch part
of the loss was reeovi red. vrhen tlteoniclnl weather
report wm received showing thai In lexavno rain
had fall-n. It waa a day of reallzlug. aud .rlcei soon
weakened again and drcllned. IKal oi-ernturs sold
hcavlljr, and Liverpool an I the South al.o aoM. One
large ex carter here ht--en a koikI bnjer of lat,
taking In two dav 70.i;0'i I ales som.-(tmntrhei
take the ground ttiat the tlam-ge Iv Irreparable and
that the rain has ro-ne 100 lat to . of tinotlt.
Atlsnta, 11 ,u 14 "Am astonuhed at markid de-t-Tloratlon
In crop within ten days. Ilav Kied both
qusr-s and voting holli. lacking vellow and wlltrd
Bandi lauds binned up I) illy renorts nro crop ro
better than lo-t rear, and It depends on hou soon vv
get gootl rain whether or not the yield is as good. No
let up' In thw hsat so far " Home. fla. Aug 14 "Fn
terlng four! 1 werlc of eicepllonallv hot weather
S.lght change for butter on scattered rain throughout
ihlsKviiun but Insumelent Iladly In rerd now or
good soaking rsln Plant has stood the hot. dry
weather Twlrly well until III past we. k Past few
days' shedd n has a.sumid ularruln prnitrrtlnn
and looks now as If lhe top , rot, would le 11 total
failure Shedding has bi-en eonnned to hlooms, foims.
and very )ouug fruit, which iiMiiprlses top ,-rop Plant
still holds exct llent 1-ottom and middle trt p, and it Is
conservative to place deterioration on ru client
prospects at rrnin 2j to ,13tv V cent liood raltis
now would rrohatdy not iieiivflt topcrop, hut dovclop
half crown bolis and ward off dangrof premaliiru
opening. It.'elvi-I nrst bale on 12th. thre,, we-l.s
inrller than last year I'otton opening raplilv.
Since writing havo hail a uiagnim-ent rain,
bit uutto oi-al Ham would give a rather forlorn
hope of second growth and 'tup prop'' tiguvla.
n.i . Aug 15-" since 1st Inst, crop conlltlon has
deteriorated serlouvly Upper anl western Norl'i
L'arullua. r-.tlinuted onmage I.Vtul Voint., middle,
utiper. and nortl.eastrn Ueorgla. 2040 V lent.;
eastern Alabama. IntnllS V cent and this Immedlaln
icitlon wo estimate 10 bo 'off 2.Vvto p cent., all
owing to iwrmy-one days of most eitremn
feniiHrature-tll to 100 . A small percentage Is
tale, anil has not been -o serious!) hurl While the
damage done is beyond repair, can yet make 15
cent more cotton than last year If aeasons ars gen
ersllv gool hereafter and frost is Ute. With usual
on Mtlon vve look for but little more than laat yenr.
Picking general In section In low Augusta this week,
and will begin actlvily in onr territory next week'1
t'olilinb'n. S ( , Aug l!l-"1hcr have been rains
nround forpustday or two, an 1 had tine rain to-dai.
Cotton flamuiteil by recent hot weather on high sindy
laud, but n il lands will enmcout, nnd If August and
h-ptember are seasonible a good crop will io gath
ered" llalelgn, N. C. Aug, 13-"llave had
several showers this week, nnd crop on clny
lands Itioklng better, and believe will niako
food average crop on stiff lauds. On thin
ands. espe, tally on sandy lands, crop badly
damaged. Farmers loud In their complaints. A good
rarner statrd to-day that on Hi acres that usually
produced a bale to an acre he would makn less tnau
40 balra Early In July he eipeefed 10 make 100
bales. Ills iiulte usual In heir Hum ssy that Wake
countv would not make more than Instyear.although
acreage Is 2D V cent, more anil largely Inarmed ina
of fertilisers, and that last year's 1 rop was poor."
Ita'etgh. N I'.. Aug. 15 -"!nour Immediate neighbor
hoo.1 had auftlrl-nt rain. On bottom and red lands
plant In fine condition, well frnltM "
CorrrK- D. ilined i rnlnts, do. Ing quirt, ulih silei
offi.500ba. Ilavra fb-rllned '.tir. Hamburg was
unihanvtd loUpfg, lower. American waruhoit.e do.
liveries 1 1.257 oars. American vlslhla supph of lira
rll 485,01)0 baga Itlu was nrmal 2ililreladvniKe. le.
celpts, 8.000 stock. 241) Oun. Hlo exchange, xjid.
(antos was firm at 20O rsls advance; raeolp's 30,i'Vn;
atocL', llfll.DOa Itloon thespot vvasquletand steadj
No. 7, IOJo Tsa'es .i.iioii bags Santos No n at lilt.e,
cost and freight. I.ooil tiavs No. 5 et lye. cost and
freight 2,000 bags Nos. .1 to 7 at 12'. rot and Irelgiit,
and 400 bags Marncalho nn p. I. 'Ihefuturotradi! g
w as as follows
itfM, ItigUtm. ltntt, C'ilg
March. .. 2.500 u.:io 0.2a 0 20i u 3D
August '.'S till. Ill l.'l 111. IlkSl'I.VO
8sptembsr. -Vou ! 75 P.711 l.7t. t. I -i)
-Jecsmber. 250 aa U2V I121), I) 25
Cnrrxi.nTini-Thei.llKlit decllno tml.-ij waiduo
to the lower cables from Europe Tim loss wus only
slight, for there was a moderate demand to covir
short sales. The receipts at euitlus vver, heuvv
fl)"n Was (inlet and steady Sales 0.2u0 bl Is.
Exports 1,712 bh'a. ami 111 0-5 sacks Itecelis 2UI
bbls. and 11'. Ml. I saias Winter wheat brands In
bbls. wera quote 1 ns follows -iiipcrf.ne, si.hO'iV. loj
Na 2 extra, SI 'J.Vlt.'.JO, No. I extra (V .lrg2 0.1,
clears fl.Tial'i 1.1 slralchts, . P0iff3 .15. paunts,
(3 20((3.76, city inlllsfcr;v est Indies, C3 i-6.
OasiN-wiieat advanced 4c f'lilcagu received to
day 17e,ln7 buih .oanlnit 7 1. too last year, Tolelo
2.i.ti. against KI.2MI t I.nul- lbX.liOu against 7?-..
OOOi Iiulntli I5,8h0. against il.Mil; litiluth 141.1 15,
against ajllD: Minneapolis III ton. niri'nt ii.
320 Jlllwailkev 4 4.2511. giilnsl 2 ill) 1 C dengo I Id
enra. against 43, Dululh 21fl agalb-t ', and
Mluneapolls l.'lo, against 150 List " Spot s.l.s
Iil.iiuo hush No 3 naid Mvn'm a on p 1. r. o. .
afloat for export. No. 1 reduuoied 0,411.1 over sete I
tember fob alloni 10 nrrtu- '-'o 1 1 nril spring.
44c over FeptemlMr f ti h. oflost No I Norlli I
eiu spring New lork v. over e-t ptc ub r r o 1., .
al'.oai do j uluto 2i- ovrr do. Kuturu sales
3,8U0,V0u butli as follows
Gicninu. Moaesf. Jsirtit. Clottna ,wt.t.
August HP, i,fi,
neptemher 0K4I 34 0'-v lllVj II.MJ
ilbur litis IUV i3J, nvl M.l
Ueceinbvr tAi nn 11 iU nil na.J 1
Kay i.tfaj ilu's MX f,i, ni'4
f-oro advanced 4e. to ate .rot firm Stot sales I
61.000 butt) Ineludln: ."liii'iu No 2 mixed on p. t .
fob nO'iat for export No ..' mixed In inevator
iiuuted -'h'sc , and 2iH' delivered Future aau-s
1V5.00) bush at follows
Dinning. IHghtH. Ijmnt. Clntixg. ,Vio)if.
August 2-( 2-1,
tiipblilber '., 28S1 284 281 g-l,
Iktui.sr V1V4 24 'ivVt 2ujs 2HU
I", camber anvi a(4 Su't au4 Hoi J
May 3J(J 324 1124 824 324 I
Oats advanced 4c. Boot firmer Spot sales 33.0011
bush. None for export- Na 2 u.lis-4 vlUia 'ICc. u
; slsvalor; ho. t do, 20c, No. 2 while, ss54c.
No. H do., 234ct ungraded do., lfdSOo. Future salea
45,000 bush., as follows. Msf
(Iptnlng. lllghnt. Lvicrtt. Ctoftng. Xlnht.
August 22V4 214
September .. S14 22 214 22 2U
October 22 22 22 22 214
Onus OoiKtr Wheat rallied to-day. Influenced by
free buy ng for foreign a count, higher calves, cover
ing or shorts, and light offerings. It was reported
that large amounts or gold were to be Imported, and
this coatrUiuted to strengthen tho tone. Tne llmd
ttrftt't st vt'-ment was a dts-tpl ointment, showing a de.
crensetn available stocks In tliiacoiintry east of thu
Itocky Mountains for the week of nnlv SiD.UOO bush.t
Fiirotio.iti stocks Iticreastrl 01 nuo bush., and tho
world's alii!- decreased MD.ntM) bush. Thollnaranees
from New- York yesterday were 24,052 bum. The
Northwestern receipts were smaller, living 3lrt cars,
n-alust 2011 last wick ami 218 last year. Liverpool
advaieed 4 '; Paris was Orm for wheat and 20
tent mes, higher lor August flour, llerlln advarccil
f$ikc f orn was firmer with wheat The receipts
wir sr.iiber, Clilcagu rrellng 007 carsi 1110
estimate for livmorrovv Is 440 car. t)ats were also
higher The qualify nf they eld is poor Chicago got
2uo tars and nxpcts 150 to-morrow, inirfsfiert's
retwrted an Increase In corn atieks or 1,427,000 hush.,
mid an lucreavu Iti nitso 4110 oju bush. Chicago,
Aug 111. "The market today has le-u exceedingly
firm Early l.lvi rpool cable-i wore 40. higher, and
New York reported foreigners 1,00,1 buyers there,
with tho probahplty of 1 good export business dui Ing
theitav AlMiut the nnlv hrtrlsti news received wnsn
small decrease of r(iu.iUH bush. In the world's visi
ble stiiplv. Ibis temporarllv caused nn iavy feeling,
but a great manv orders to buy September
wire In the market nil day und besrs found
It linposslolo to break prlcus, a. though It vvas
attempted several tlieei miring tho ear y session
seaboard elrnrances were again larki', 40u.nnii bush t
reports from the Northwest indiceted dlsvpfoltuliu
tlirishing returns nnd closing nbles showed tonsldur
atite strength In rerun, which was about 2 marks
hlgrt r, said to It- on ox l-sdve rillis The p )tent fnc
tor. however, senilis fu be that liquidation Is almost
entire!, over, the ret, nt tilk about light money aud
heavy deliveries having dlstouraeed hotders. vvhn
have liquidated much esrlier tlmn Is usual. Itnow
seetns apt arent thni elevator peop'e will not deliver
a very mrg quantity of wheat out as they have leen
frco buyers of s-pumtvcr tho past too or thren
davs nnd lmvn been s,lllng lieeembrr, the dif
ference between the two months enabling
them to get good cnrrylng charges. The for
elgn sltuvilon ismiiir strong, as well ns that
at horn , nn 1 the on'y thing now tnat prt vents nu nd
vnnco 's tti" tight traih. Condition. Itow.-vtr, ar si
strong that the mnrl.it ma go up in ths face uf this,
especially should there t auv eliaiigo in fie On inclal
situation l'o-r-'gr ,1ns ar. firm 1111 1 lilhcr Shorts
have te, n oil tdljirs nudllru siems tobosomo
lnvestiniit u. maud fini.nd t re "lit prices, and tho
cool w inther gives. 1 f 1-it S'lei 5t'oti tl at tin re might
beanearl tro.t." lhe vullirs et thoNi vv Vork I'rixl
uce l.xc niig- were 1. curve l'-iricror New Yor'-t T.
T. t'oiilpclooof llnlllmore -I. 51. Mleliof I iiU'ituo M.
II. Harris or Prookivn. 1' V. oelh r .rlr.rhoro N f: :
T II. fsl.eror Isle of Man. I' W. M.vnord o. lluljth.
Willi, 111 llamlltouuf Cn'viloula, N. V.; C i. lljjlrluf
N'WAt STon"s-I)iill nn-l steidy
I'ntRotn v Cri. dei ertinciti-Hnerenuoie lat $1,044
lure. In oil 1 it) Sl.iU ltenm-d niielij.ik'Ml
1'Rovisiosf Lird lis nctive and ensl r Prime
Western, :jic. Pork In mora itesiaii-l an 1 lowir.
Meas. (J TM-" 1. Hre'scd hogs, 4Jt.l'4i'. Tallow-,
8 Mrte. Cnlungo Aug. lB.-'Mltsr iro'uets wero
loweron selling of t-cptci.iber liar or I eavy liqui
dation Is lesst tilng the ileinnud In .1 specittntUe -n.
7he Indlcatlous nre that re dp a of hogs will bs
lomewhnt larger" liutti r I. c 'M)ts to dav, 0,270
pkas ; Inst six davs, 41. il previous six
Uuys. 50 Un Lre-liier) Wi -tern Hdrds to st
tras, tlijlliv htale and Iinnslvnuln lr , 1 11
(41"' , Sl.-ili dulrv hnlr flr'tlli tubs se
onds in extras. lbtloc. Cheese -Iteci Ipts to
da.410 pt . last six days 3.110. tr viittsslx
days. 21.510 fctnte full i rosm, large, 1 olortd. rsney,
8S4"M-c . do white, fair to fancv it.S'y . small,
colored, fancy s1; .j do . while, common to fancy.
IUV. Eccs-r. reipts tndny. 7.144 ciis Issl six
days. Ou.l'os previous six da)S. 4.1 1170 Mate and
IVnnsvlvaula, fresu gathered, fane. 14U4c: Welt
vrn.goo'l to best l.tc.
htoie-Knvv dull and steady: 80' test, 8j , 0(1 teal.
3Hc Iteflned nulat and steady
Trs At auction prices w era steady for l'tng Suey,
but weak nud lower for other gradea Sites 6.8')7
t iiicaoo. Aug. in. These were to-day's prlcest
ICfteaf: Orrnlng. lhgirtt. Zxctnt, C'oslng. .lloaf.
Stpt 55it COJs 51 054 .Ws
liec.... .. 514 8l'4 54 5'J4 654
ScDt . .. 2274 2f 22SI 2314 12J,
Dec... 244 21)J 'gt -.! 24
Sep. ' .. . 174 174 17 174 174
May .. 1','tt 20 UH 20 1U4
f-cpt 3.15 337 883 137 3.42
Jan 3.75 3 77 3 72 3 73 3.80
Sept 327 327 3.25 3.27 3 30
Jan 8.45 347 3 42 3.47 3.5')
Sept 8.10 trt 15 JrtOO 00 $V20
Jan 0.V3 7.00 UVO 7. DO 7 cm
WTiaf? Opening. Cltng. .Vipif.
August r.114 111
September 57t; 571s f.7t 1
Detember u! l- r)0 '
Corn .'
September -l'i 214 214
August 521 51(4
September 5H .MT, 614
Dvcember 55 554 f5
Beptembar 554 664 854
liicember 5--!-, PMi
Live Htock 3lnrket.
Tew Yohk. Wetln-sday. Aug lu llecelpts ofbeeves
742 head lu cars direct to local slnughterera and Vl
cars for lhe market; 2s ears oil sale ad told. Uoo.1
grades of steers in dtmandaud slight I) firmer In price:
other aurra slow nnd weak. Itougli butchers atock
s-arce and bulls sl!,htl higher tnau Mondav Two
rnrso' steers were unsold at the 1 lose. Poorest to
liest native St," rs sold at 21.h5(44 ag-s loo rs :
Teinii.and Colorsdos at ST 4h.gJs.ii. oxen at Sv) 75
ft$( 7.1. bulls at (2,l'sS3 23, dry cows a tl.!M
ft.'-'l Iires.ed beer ateadv at flK'7lic S . for poor
to prime n lite sides Cables from llrlttsh markets
quote irerlcsn steers at lo-llc. V - . dressod
w.lghl. Amerl an ro'rlgerated b.ef ai s.ue. ;
Atnerlcnli sheep nt lojtxc V ts.dnss d weight.
hMwrls toda). 8 uvO quarters of beer. No snlo
tni tits to morrow
Hect ipte of valves all for the market, were 2.1SS
h,nl on light suiplles. trade wns vtry ttrlsk at a
gelfral advance from Mondsj of tve V i Tlie pens
w, rec cared i-irly Poor to prime veals sold at S4(.s
(7 5HV loops., trlei irsl I'Uml.esat 27 0211(7 75, I
mixed and fid calves at ( ) Sivy tl ,lo. grnssers an.i
buttermilks at 3g.25.if '25 hressed calris active
and higher.
I'.ic Ipts or sheep nnd lambs. Including It cars to be
exported, were .,r2U .tea 1 '-'4 cars on sale Market
active with selling valurs on bot site, fi and lambs
4'ttHc ft. liiglur T'm pins were cleared earl.
Poor to prime -,! ep ,.old at 2.7.'-l?l Vl00is. a
few choice at 14. .5 common toe olee lamos at (5 1
(1.50, with State do ill sma.l bunches riallrlllg as j
hikh as (7. Dressed mutton, .Vs'V. V- Tt., dressed t
lambs, sietil24'. '
ltecelpls of hogs were 5,325 load. Including .177
lield on sale. Market higher at (1.70 .jd. 20 V 100
as. for State hogs.
Ileal Estate Traasfsrs,
Spring and Fllrabctli sis s ecor. 25.4x57 Rx
i exi;n. 10. Jolin It Mi-Keen to Meyer LSirn (48,000
De am ) t. tu and 12, 1'arned lleller aud
wife toMni. luster 28,150
Kith st, ss W.i vv 2d av. 21x1 oil .1, John II
ltog-in. reft re-, to Arabella Scr.t'ni r 6,000
2r,tn st, ss. ion e ,".tu av. 25xt2, Alfred n
Puilli to Mltrbell AC Levy ... 1
Llvlug-ton place. 8: Ueorgo c lteferia to
' l.rll) ', Uf . . 100
20tn s s. lud e flin nv '.MxH2. Laura d o
Ito.evi it to Alfrtd II Du-in. 4 pt . . . . 1
tnmu trop. W Etiili ii Ito i-e-velt, exor, Ac, lo
same h part , 1
--nine I rop. Kale S lloosevelt to same. Li plrt. .
Same prop. I ailrail'o ltooevelt, trustee and
t xtrlv. to same, i, p irt .... 1
Itroidwnj. VU. il-nrj II I.IMnIoii to
trances Livingston, ti part . .... 1
O'lth st, V45 m Amsterdam av, .(-x inn .1;
Thomas Fnrrelland vvbu tollermau 1) l.ltl
man Vjs'iere 4.500
1311th it, 71toil7M ilUltolUlu. 711 lo 7111,
7!lltn7..U nud 7.11 to 7.1o Flit, nlso HOth
st U.'2toil7". i'.f2 to bill). 702 to 710. 72-' to
730. and 74. to 750 Favt. Herman Sttlrsl erg
to U m O (lormao 1
141st st. U77 lo tlll.ilu'l lu 701.71.1 lu 721,
J. II lo 741. 7111 lo711. 1 I2d SI llili to ni.
list lo I'll'.' 71)1 to 710. Tit to7.'4.and 75(1
to 750 hist, same to same 1
nlhl 1171 to 1175 Lat. nnd 13nth st. IMW to
tlilit last. Ilermsu stuisberg to Wm o'Gor.
mnli . . . . 1
141st st, "71 to 074 East; H-,'1 lo 0111 East
141st st, 703 to 711 I n.t I41s at, 72) to
731 I'a.l 1111, IU to 747 East 141stst
Clio last 1121 ft 1)70 to 0711.0111 10 701.
712 to 7tll. 7.12, 731.. 74o. and 742to741
l.a.l l"i'd st all title. Wm u Gorman and
wife to liirmaii stursrerg 1
Ilro .k iiv.n w cor 13'Jtli st, 20u 10 to 140th
st x , . mi. losatne. 25,000
IV lllls av, 342 lo ,t.i. I) part; same to same . 20.500
llrook av, ti w cr I list st, 215 3 to 142(1 st,
x x Irng, same to same 25,000
131'lhst, ss, 150 w Alexander ar, 250x100,
same lo sal))" 02,300
13hiIi st i) a, 4bu w Alexander av, 50x100,
same to same 8,600
13-lh st, lino lobrtl E ist, same tosime 0,775
lilith St. 001 hu Irllllaiid IU17 ra I also 1168
to 1171 lafct Until st, sail", to ssme ... t
Willis nv. 5'l to 2l'g, oho hatf part: same to
sai.il 02,000
1.1'Jlll t. mil loOltl'. I'Sl In fly, 7u to 7()i,
;i to 72H. iiii'I 711 tn Isli nsl. also 072 lo
o l.'J.' to 7U0, 71'.' to 7V l. 7 12 lo 740, und
7.1. o 7t0 Fa.i 14 -lb st; same to same i
SOIIl t. II I, 014 w- Wer i-nd av. 3'KlOOh;
1 rnncls M J' nets and vvlfo Ii) rr.-vnk .
snilili 1
8itt i si. ti s, .'50 v ( oluml'Us av .lxl"tii,
Fran s Mokossl to Jne il) .Ipim. rmanu
nud nuo 1
S7IH.I 112 last Mar, A Murrn.v to Suun 1,
Kaulbii'l i
l.'lsl -t lis --'(in Ith av, 17x1110 II Mor)
-oilll) lo Tli' o .mull . . oxen i rop 1
yd st n '.'.' w ronlli'tm nvo, 2.1J.2 i'ij
Ldvvil llriuv lo I uwd Urennin 100
rrnspeil nv.e "Ml n ttswsnii . 2,'nl' 3 .
Irr g slinii ' lan'fe t nl to Hi o Heller and
wir- 8.000
1114th st u s 421 " St Ann's nv. 2.-.glliil:
i arm- .Vliitert' oier P I diar htioemnker 8,000
IUt'igateuv, e s. 210 ll lilllli st. Ihx7ll. I lint
I. Kii.-sinl m I "If. lu Jo'ui K I.rskinc.Jr 1
I74th st, s nior Park as. 18 4x100. Mary A
Kirkhuin to Esther (I o lirlin
Welisti r nv, es. 5) s Inlld st,25xS3H: tl,
Northern Improv t Co tol, A lb. 'gwi 1 . 10
Jansounv. ti s. J.ll w Tfrruce Vuw av.oix
lull. Carl II Wilssi nnd vvli'o lo Alois I,
i-.rnst ... 1
Lu-b :lr. 63.54.1110 I"l. III. 117. 131. 132,
lal. 111. H5. 14.1 H2 It'll 117. I'll', I .'..
!.( nl d lu7 tnupof t le Ardeu I rop, Kobl
I. Ir.r. i f, I" 1 aur.i Vinlj . . 260
Ore mi lain i r v i- . '.t I re av, 10.4
I'l.lili uti'iuiliin I'M -. will, Morris
H lluiiiinil et al loSin liel l-rau': .
Lot'-'i. i ni'l'Hin 'Mr.. "tn word C. as
I shlrn .-r i Jo n T i 't ill 'i too
la In -". " .n '- '! "'' ' I" 'I -I.
. il'.. 111'. ."61. ntV. .le.i to 37 17.1 Hi '17.1.
41 I.'. ..'7 in. 1-7 I U I i 4 w ind 4...
ninpuf trdi n prop hrank h I. nn i I'ecil
1. 1 urren . . . 10,000
ei iinrii vi 1 1 iiiir
A i Ireivs, Wo.iaci" ind f to'iio II pird.
1. 1,10 ",t l'n.i nv. 2 yrs (lis roo
Ihaiik i br',e t tr inM'hnvni.il and wife,
, .1.1(1. si .lu h 2d uv. 2 j rs i.ojo
be l r ic" and wi to Minon lianrig and
cm. e s t'ri .j ii. av no n liiwson si li'inu 1.700
n ir Uo. Hi), le i'ry I'o-k ha'gs Instil
1 ' . .M av I yr 0.500
lie lore. I Auim and tieo ll. tnt'nited sutes
Trim i o S Y.i" All! nv 60 s Bl'lh st 5 yrs 80,000
ten IhosJ iu 1 Josep'i Si if rd, ii Jefferson
av part ol lot ion map S llyer llouieslead
also lot 2i)l. aud another pari of lot von,
ssdio mi.p. u jrs, 2 mtgs. 0,000
Oraefe. Hans J. and wife! i Henrietta Slex
fried 78th at. 1 flue t av, 3rs 5,000
llslns. .tktlil. todcol. tns. trus. v. a a
121110 sla-SjSwJDOXk tin, B.C00
Horfman. lied wig, to Agmta ttadonlsky, w f
Fhetwoodav, ojb lo2dat, lOmos 1,000
Jlillrr. Max, lo Harned (Idler, 10 and 12 De-
lanroyst. Installs 3,614
Johannes ti. t resl'k o, to E N" and A II Dyent,
n s I I2th st. 100 e 7th av, secures contract. 7,000
Kali. Ilelthold. und wife in John W llaaren,
ws8tnavz.inl47that.2yrs 8,000
l.von, Paulino E, lo toward llrown, trus,
157 West nod at, 2 yrs 750
Levy Mitchell AC. to N V Life Ins Co, as 20lh ,
at. hiiieSthav, n, vrs 70,000
Msnslng, Hernnrd, and wirn to Wm J Foun
tnln.ealutiiiv, 40.4 n 4(uh at, Hyrs. 2,000
Mclveen. John ll, to I, l.lmlsey Fountains, a o
cor Spring ind l.lltnbeihsts o tnos 800
O'Neill, Mb haei, and wlfo to tho Produce Ex
change Hulilg an I Loan Asm, N Y, 82 Fast
SUth st. Installs 100
Olsen, Ole II and Anton I., to Itobt W Stuart.
i a southern Honlevnrd.SOn Freeman st, 4-4;
nios . . 8,000
O'lirlen, Father U. to Milton A Straw, aecer
l'aJkavnml 1 74lli rt. .1 .... 1.000
Same to Mar) A ICtrkhiim antne prop, 2 yrs.. 760
l'lllslfer. David T. and wife, to the fqlllfablo
Life Asicc hoc or the V H, 124 West 7Dlh it.
V'ors 10.000
Pcttlt. John, and wire tn Jami sCamplell,BW
cor iv.irl and 1 cekinnn sts. 2 yrs 0,000
Same tn James Campbell, exor of Louisa A,
same prop. 2 yrs ... fl.000
Same to Jane I, lhrtde. a-imeprnp. 2yra 6.000
Bnmr to trus Louis C Ilmnersley, dectd, same
prop, 5 rs 140,000
Kelly Michael, nnd wife tn Martin J F.arlc)
n vv cor M"lrosp nv nud l.llth st, ll tnos 9,600
ltockwcii Lucius a, to the Northern Impo't
Co.e j Webster nv.Oils 188d st. S)rs 1,160
Hoe h-r. Mary and Thus, lo t,clptiton Williams
and uno. trus .' IU I'nst I llllb st, 5) rs ... 14.6C0
ltoeber, Mnr.v an I Thotias, lo exors of David
Jones 2SU Lest I Mill st, A yrs . . ... 4,600
Same to Ai cust H Hut k, same prop. Installs,
)rs 4,500
Same to same, same prop. Installs..,. .... 4.050
Shoemaker, Edgar. io the Moilel llldg and
Loan Aasn of Mntt Haven, n s I34th sl, 425
e et Ann's av, Installs . , 7.900
Bpecut. Henry I', and wife to Veronica Mullcr,
l,f,l vdav.O )rs 10.000
Smith. Frank 1., to the Mutual Life Ins Co, N
Y.ns.-lltb sl. 304 w West Kml av. I yr .... 46,000
Von ilanther.Theo. and wlfe.to John II Smith,
sill and tw hnsl 1U7I8 st, 2 yrs (2 mtgsi 6,00
Welch. H-nr) J, and wife to The llvwery
Hunk. N 1. s a 155th it. 300 c Mil av, s-
uires contract.... 1,821
Wee I, Hobon M. nnd wlfo to the Fqnltahle
Lire Aasce Soelet) of tin U S. a a 1st St. lot
t). map I!urriil.!irown, '-'4.vrs 0.000
O'tiormsn, Wm, and wife to Herman Stiirs-
berg. 07.1 tn 07". HOt tomll.7ll to 7111 7.11
to 730. 751 to 750 last H.tith st. also 00.' to
070 012 to Hill). 7112 to 710. 722 to 730. 742
to 7.1 l:.nt 140th et (CO intgi). Jjrsnnd
3812yrs . 181,580
nnronLxn tacAses.
nincksman, Morris, to l'aul Arnold, 4S4 8th
av, store, ftc, I yr , (1,200
Kllntser.Jnhii, to Phlllpp Schnttrr, 1)33 Boat
lll.ltlist. Hyrs 1,800
Low, Nathan, to Patrick J Kenned), 2,825 Bth
av.avrs 1,600
ltvan, m io Charles M Pricks, a e cor 147th
st nndnntticrn Houlevnrd. 4t vrs . . . 000
llavles. Jiillcu T.et a!, trustee, to Oeorffe It
Wcdeine)er, 847 otli av, hotel, Ac. 64
yrs 81.200 to 8.000
Coarl Cnlendare Tble IJaj.
Appellate Division Supreme Court Itecess.
Supremo Court flpecial Term Tart I. Motion
calendar called at 1 1 A. M. part IL Ex parte mat.
crs. -
Surrogate's Court Chambers For probate Wills
of John Quaaman, Amonla C. de Sancho, Roger F.
Donegan, Frederic'. L. Lehman, William J. Bmlth.
Louis A. Urass'at 10i30 A M.
Clt Court Special Term Motions.
Oregon Railway & Navigation Go,
To lite hnldera orcertlflcrsfea or depoalt of
the New Ynrk Heenrllv nad Trust Compaay
lor Conisolldoted MorCcttce lloada or tba
Orrr.on Itxllrvny nnd Nssvlsatlon Co. aad
llie holdern ol cerllflentea or deposit or tha
I'nlled rilulea Trust t'ompaay or Xevv I'ork
for I'ollit-rial Trust Mortsaca Bonds or
aald Company.
NOTICE IS HiHF.nr OIVEN that In aceonJance
with t:.e Plan ana Agreeineut for the fleorsanlzatton
of tho Oregon Kallwa nnd Navlgailon Company's
TION COMPANY has been formed and has acquired
the property of the Orson '.il'icay and Kavtgallon
Co., the orraon Uailicav KsUnaionm Co.. and the ITaja
ington nnd Idaho Itttilrond Co.
PANY will, after the date of this notice, upon pre
sentation at its orOce. NO. 40 WALL STREET, NEW
YOltK CITY, of Its certlOcst-s of deposit for CONSOLI
WAY AND NAVIGATION CO.. pay upon each (1.000
of such bonds ri presented by said certificates (40.73
In payment of Interest due under said Plan and Agree
ment for Reorganization at the rate ot four per cent,
per annum, payable aeml-annuatly, from June 1,
1SS5. toJune 1, 1898, on 01. (100 ot tne Conso'ldaled
Mortgage Ponds ot the Orooti Railroad and Naviga
tion Co. which tne holder of each (1,000 ot Donda
represented by aald certificates will be entitled tore
celva under aald Plan aud Agreement for Reorganiza
tion. At the same time the said NEW YORK SKCUBITT
ASD TRUST COMPANY will also pay. In accordance
with aald Plan an I Agreement for Reorganization,
upon each (1,000 of Consolidated Mortgage Donda of
the Oregon Railway nnd Navigation Co. represented
by said certincatcs. (25, being the Installment of In
tcrtst oa such bonds wblcb became due on December
1. 1803.
NF.'.V YORK will, after the date of this notice, upon
presentation at Its office. NO. 45 WALL STREET, NEW
YORK CITY of IU certiorates of deposit for COle
caih (I.Ooi) of such bonds represented Dy said eertlfl.
cates (20.31, in payment of Interest due underlaid
Plan and Agreement for Reorganization at the rate ot
tour per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually
from June 1, 1805, to June 1, 1890, on (500 of tba
Consolidated Mortgase Itondsof the Oregon Railroad
and Navigation Co. which Iheholderof each (1,000
of bouds represented by said certificates will be enti
tled to reccli e under said Plan and Agreement for
It Is expected that the bonds of the Oregon Rail
road and Navigation Co., with llrst coupon maturing
on December 1. lfl.'ii. and the stock trust certificates
representing the stock of said Company, will be
ready for delivery on or about October 1, 1890.
Dated New Yoi'.k, August 17, 1890.
WVI... IH'I.I,,
AK.NUI.il MAnt'tlH,
IIi:.MtT It. KEI'.II,
Ueaeral KrorKaalaatlon Committee.
HOWARD C. TRACY, Secretary,
1 0 Wall at. Hew Yort City.
. Reorfinliallon Certificates (or
First, Second, and Third Preference Income
Bonds. Deforrod Income Bonds,
August 15. 1899.1
Tha sale of lha Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
under decree of foreclosure of the Circuit Court of
the United Statea having been ordered lo take place
Septemle'r 2 Id, 189.1, all holders uf the above,
described reorgantz-itlon certincatcs are nollOed that
the third tiistnlmrnt, vlz.i
(SO.i.O pr (1.000 bond on First, Second, and Third
Preference. Income Ponds,
(7.50 per share on stock.
(1000 per C.,000 lond on Pcf-rre I Income Ponds,
being one quarter of the entire assessment on such
bonds nud stock deposited under the Plan, Js hereby
o-illed for and Is payable nl either of our offices on
tslll'TI'.M III'.ll 4, IHOII, and all holders of such
bonds and slot ks an rtxjulred tn pay aald Instalment
on or Im fore that date. Their reorganization certin
catcs must be prrant-d at the time ot making such
payment, so thai same tnar bo endorse! thereon.
.1. T. MOllflAN CO.,
28 Wall Street, New York.
Flflh and Chestnut Streets,
Philadelphia, Pa.
J. B. MOIIO AN & oo,
22 Old Mroad street, London.
Successor to
tst.lbll-.heil Itul.
Transacts a general bsuklng business. Including
the purotiase and sa'e on i ominis.iou of all securities
dealt In nt the New orv Moi k I xecauge
fl'IIE 11TY OK NEW CA8TLK. IVuliiy.sisnla, olT.rl
1 fur sale Forty Thousand Dollars 4 pen-enl ln.'o
8tret Irnprorroieut Uouda Also Ten Thousand Dol
lars4 p. r cent. 11 IS. surface vwerin la trr-oti.ll
taxes. Interest pavable saml anuually Dsnomtna
Hon of bonds Five Hundred Dollars sealed I miKisali
will Im received until 7 oclock I". M.. Monday Sep
tember 14, IbHtJ. Cerlined eheek of One Hunilrcl
Dollars must au-rompany bid aa guarantee Addrrss
bids and all Inquiries to ritANI. TIDI1AI.L, city I
Clerk. NswCaslI. Lawrence Couuty, Fa. j
BSaBBBaaBaaas sav-sasas--g l i - mm i .m
Dealers in U. 5. Government Dondas
nd other Investment Securities. m
Deposits received and Interest .
allowed on DalanceB.
sSoam. 1
WT ANTED to burrow of lender dlreot (110,000 to '1
(IVOOOunti flue hotel properly, cor. 1'ennsylva- .,
nlaav, and lSllllt. (ltd feet on I'enus) lvanls av. and iM.
ISO feet on 15th St., N. W.l.ln the City of Washington, ja
worth threo times the amount, tnr five yeara at 0 per t9
cent. Interest, payable semi annually. Title perfect. Jl
No cotoralsslnti. Apply to m
1UNDALL HAONtn, Attorney. 3
400 6th St.. N. w Washington. P. C. w m
Siilrtfiulji nnrl 3nterejJt. f
Amrrleaa riplrlta Momifnrturlnr Company. J
September, 1000. coupons or the Donda of this com- 'f1
pany wilt be paid nn and nfter Heptembar 1st Inst., on Pfi
presentation at Mauhattan Trust Compsnv, 10 Wall sl
at.. New York city. J. a. IIACUE. .reus. 'I
prlrrt Soarfl. M
Vaat--iT.fi." M
1 IDt MADISON AY., corner Slat stti handsomely m
t furntsheil single and doumo rooms with exoellsnl rV
board. B
1 IXTll 8T.rBtKABf.-PIasant, cool, doubts, sin. '
1.1 gle rooms; excellent board, every convenience! SA
moderate. 3
2 (ID stT. lOfTT.AhT Large room, with running k
mi ter, sullablu for threo gentlement excellent V"f
board. -,
fT'JIi RT.. 14? HAsfiTtiear Uxlngton av.- nand-
tJO somely furnished large, small, cool rooms, with !
board; all conveniences. ,?
West ellda. VI
W'ASIIINOTON PLACE. I15.-Larse rooms, clean .
and comfortably furnished; quiet houset good .
table; references.
1 rTIIST.. 24 WESi7--rLarg and single rooms, en
XI suite or separate, with board, reference.
"S OT1I T.. 41 WLbT. Dooms and board first olaast
X t7 new. clean, accessible, quiet; references ,
0"JD ST., 417 Ve"stT Moderate priced front ball :
suO rooms, also large; delightful location; bountl- i
ful table: references '
3 ill) ST , 4 Wtsf. near Imperlal.-Ons suit, wltn 1
w private bath, on second floor; also hall rooms.
tgurni-slsta SoomSvigkiiartmentiS to gJtt 1
Eaat Hlds. '"
AT B tnciVEBBITY PLACE. Waablnxton Koars. 1
Handsomely furnished rooms, permanent or
transient! gentlemen only, s
TVcat Hla. "
MACDODOAL ST.. (17. With hooselreepln aoootn- f
modatlons; single or double; papered and paint- 4A
ad; no bedbugs; no drunkards. J
-flats Kml aparlmtntiS Co Zet. j
teTen-room and buth In a resp-ctabls- nelgb l
borh(V1; honielltte.rpflDtd. t omforl&ble; do ktorta v
underneath; prl ... from $75 io 633. t-a mny time; t
clnie to Central I'ark and Hlv-rlde "Orle. Tbtf V
CL'HTI&S and KDINDUROH. 17-i and 170 V?t 87th 4
t. Auk. fur janitor, or roWEB, C10 Columbua av ;d
cor. Hpthst. Jj
I?LATSANI APAnTMET.unfurniahid.furnitafta,
. tn desirable location: rent $340 to $3,000. i
FOLSOM BROTHERS, 2 Broanwfty.cor. 12th at. S
IEROY BTM 82.-RlnnIe nat, 3 larae rooma; aJllnv
a provrmeutt; between Uleectcer and Redrord; Low 1
rent: Janitor. .
V ILL 9 PEAK for lta!f : aHaon a Taeancy: 7 rooma
and liathj only one le't in Bcarboro, 17fl Weil i
HOth t : $35. Janitor or I'UWER. CIS Columbua ar., '
cor. nathar. (-
3D A V.. 417.--EIeffant flats, -t rooma and bath; all "
conveniences, b.ilf month free. Janitor.
3D AV., 425 Elegant (lata, 4 roomi and bath; all J
lmprifverneritn. Janitor.
5TII AV. 34K Handiome apartment; fourroomai V
aennd ftmr, front, prfate Itath; rentmoderatw.
tTTHSTT. 33 TVrSTT near Mh ar.-Fnur all lltiht
Li rinii and bathi ever ImproTement; $ltJto$18 i
aure to please. t
3QU ST.. 5.7 r.AST.-Stpirle flat. 7 lar(r(Trooma, ball il
O bedroom a, aUo bath and pan try .$33. jj
OOTH ST. Us EAST.-Two handaome Mata Innc 31
Uv butldlne. cheap to nice p-ople, together or aop-
arate, references. i
8QI ST.. 113 AND irrCAST. N'ew'houaea: alx l
O rom and lath; decorated; In perfect order;. PA
light rooma. Janitor. (
QOnrST.. SlollAT. Flata. newlv renovated, coa
OO Hating Ore light rooma; rent. $lf.
MILLER. Janitor. ,
QQTH BT , fla AND 34 EAST.-AttracttTe flats; 4
OC rooms, tuith, ran.ro, and private halls; rents
f TH 3T . 107 WEST. Lanre four rooms and
VM)ath tramhat. one-half bloclcfromstatlon; ,'
rent $17. Cull on Janitor
llfjlll'sT anw A?ih3UWFST Xarae fix rooma i
JL J-O and bath, steam heat; nice location; rent
23. Call on Janitor.
IOKTH ST, V4H EAST Apartments ot tnre and
a-t four rooms; all llfht rooms: cheap rent. J
IQOn RT. 101 WJ-9T-LarasK rooroa and bath, f
OO $n and $30. nice w-lHliborhood. See Janitor
eflatia nnrt pnrtmcntd Wnntrd. ;
7ANTED Two or three moms, unfurnished, for I
lUht hourekotpln mcft b In respectable nelffh f
borhnosl and convenient to 14th at. west. AddrvM
P.. toi 100, sun tip-to-An oOlce. 1,265 n road way. t
fftmiitfUfd -f Intu Za tt.
irfn ST.. im WEST Handsomely furnTs'hid
XO apartment, alt conveniences low rent. Janitor.
gii'tUinn Houses E iet Cits. ' f
DESIK.LP.I.I! l!Ol'sr.s. furnlihed and unfurnished. f
In desirable Ineatlnni. rent tl.VOO to 10,000. 1.
10LSOI1 UltOTHKIPv. 6!8IlroadVTy.cor. l.thst. fli
So .rt for J.tipiuf'JjJ Jutpouw.
BUILDINOS. stores Ion s. otrleea, and studios to IM
In desirable toeatlnns . 1
FOLSOM IllloTliritS. ean nroadvray. oor. Utn sL
BUIUlIS'llH. stores, lofts and otrioes tn let: a larca
numtwr Itl'I.AND ft wnillrfu. B Heesman st tj
TvlK HOOM to let, with privilege of telophona. ,
J-Aj.ly LEIIUU'SKI. 3 William st .' ,
PAHT or omi'K onpnrttiiilty" for Custom nouts
broter, Apnlj 80 htclnnpe plaee, room IS.
STOItE nud basement, 1.1A lid av.. near Ifith St.. nevr.
r fitted, a-iiod loratlrm for delicatessen business.
Cil l AM)l'l'WAItl)-Omees,"li Chambers st. and ,
T) 1 i M and K.l Centre st lnuulre JANITOR, M '
Cliaii.tersst.. or JOHN viU.SIto.2U Vandewater au
gleal (fstntr or alf.
t. hour s ride fr.itn l'hlladolphla on main lino ratl-
r"ad, :inii(s rl-ii truck land, S100 pss able 9.1 down ,
nnd Sl weekly, sclinnl, church. Post ortlce. and rati.
ra1 statliui haml itood markets near; healthy I
tiiitfihlNirlinod, pun vvuti r derdsiroe, tltlnlnsurtd,
no tuortirises notes or Inclnental expeuse.; Immo-
dlato tiossesslnu lor t niter details call on or address ,'
HIM UV. 211 H tilth sl I'hllailelphla or rnoiil S.nill. .
160 Nassau sl. New York Hu solJ 1,71'J tanna las!
year. f
(."OHSAI.E-laetorynnil Lumber Bites New York I I
aceessltile tn sennntnir vessels 4MT iota fronting ;
Newtown Creek and Intt Island Hallroad; prices
very low. b. II. bCIIIKl Itl.IM, WM Sladlson ar., New ,.
JRcnl (SaUtt -for alr JSrooMyn.
ST rCf ''ASH and tt.tHiil mortgage will bur 'i
I JJt four aiory double flat, all linproTe- f
ments. lot Voaloo In firooklyn, 23 minutes from N. '
Y i yearly rental II.IHs. 1) l,oi llw, bun oftlcs. ';
glm. ffi.ottr or iJalc 3flttv -flrrj-tg. ,
T-tESIKADLE PHOPHHTY for sale or rnt at Fn- 2
J itlevvo.,! s J tsrxe and lovely srounda, rtna i
mansion, curuer of tw . avenues neardepi t Wrltenr
oull It. 3. LECOMfK, liiBlesvood, N. J. 1
fox rU or Zo rt Qtw ajfr-Jnj, ?
Ti:. AI'I.V, N. .). Ilardioma lll pints tor
sale. 11 WI.A f III. ItllV .t (')., Hi Proadway.
Itrat Cjitatf -for 8U ajtwry City. .
a Komi FLA1S. i totio. 6 room sliil flaiifili 1
J and (IS, all llaht. and H mlputas of ferry. NIC
pleasant homes. Il.ou pi ni.uin).
LAHhV A (HD-HS. ODD Newark a.
Ural GSfJtatt Sox valt ouo, 3frJlaud. !
f OVELY DCILDINO LOTH, near Or aval Baach. (33
I 1 J .aeb, $2 SOdowo, aatu. montblri Orst-clasa tlti.si
I snd for clroulart. J. M. IXWlit, Hort bpttrt, L. J.
-,.,. ,, ,m , .. - tj

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