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11. j ON LEAGUE .BALL FIELDS. r$ ii!r ft - '- H' lit HBXr TQHKU UK AT TBB MX. l )im, nvaaua v clbpbh axiTiso. L ' III Jayee W Bala oaf'tha .rhlUaalBbla. .' 1 II 'Jl Who l.o.a to Chicago Baltlmorea Wla S If j J jjB Ttrb Mora tJasiea from tlia LoalSTlllta. W n" j ! I? "ad " Washtija-taaa ATU TwiOmh, if- ill 6 Ur d,'"l'n UritUbanthl yesjerday the, Jl S W '? N,w Yor" Basnet, Trl point oi) tjba Pblla- irll tMiibla, who ware batt hy ths" Chief go, Th if 211 i! Baltimore won two , more -gomes from tba , S j' ' Lonlsvlll, and now bare tba remarkably j if f (trong lail p( eljthty-tU polntk, Tba WmHIdb- l M l; torn captured "two garmes from 8t. Louis and J jSj : cut Brooklyn's advantage orcr tbetn down to I US forty-four point. Tbeao games ended thef Us,t i j t' West va. East ere of .the aealon. Ther.inltt 3 m f NewYork.ljj I'lttaburgh.o. V S. f Chicago. 7i I'lilladslphls. 8. v jl Baltimore. 10( LoulavllU.n inrstg&ms). ft Hi if. Ualtlmore, SfLoulssllle.'i (second fame), fi fjj; M Waiulnston, 8; 8L I.oula.B (first tarn.),. U j tt'atlilngtoa.OjBt. Louis, 1 (second gam). I J tub ntoouu. B oW ' i' ftr 8 HI , ; r'"6'' """".nst. Cent. .Chios, 'ftm. TUMI. CV. W( nlllmore....Hil at .707 Phllad'lphla.87 00 ,H7 Hi f Cincinnati., .7 41 .8I Now Tor.. .17 OS .4J9, at ' Cleveland. ..71 S .(ilv Brooklyn. ...A ni ,40A A 'l lloston 07 M .003 U'ablnton.4V T Mt Sf ( hicano.. .... oa .Ma St. Louis.. ...tin aa ,taS , (jy ruuLurii,.oa Oil .can Louisville... uu 'tit ,Q 9 J. a,3 nw tonic, 8: rirrsiiunoii, 0. j ; ! Ss fl .Tint when tbefaltliful follower of tho New 'Pitt Vork tliouitlit that Joyce's mcu wot coins to E y b loso yesterday, thero camon sudden brace with IR 1.' I tba stick, and boforo tbesmoko of DaUUolsared y; j, B away the locals had scored flvo rnnsnjid pulled e lJ i tlio L-nmo out of the lire. MaHtlDB wa quits P: jw f eflcctlve up to the seventh toning, When, tba mi n 8 above catastrophe took place. Th PltUburgb IjJ Ml ft hlt 5,'ko aulllvon rather freely at flrst, but ;!3l S later on his flno support helped hlra out lm- ill jaiffl measurably. The Inlleldlng of fllessonr Jorpe, u ai S Kly. mid Ueorgo Davis was a feature. Denny j? Wj J Lyons considered at out period (bat na knew If. y'i more about umplrlrte than llohKnjlUev and was Elt jr H quickly thrust upon tho bench, where he raged I j i j3 llkoa tiger. ' ' A. ; pj After Sullivan had bowled the pttburgb I . ii over In tho first InuingTIernan mad a hit with i M one nut In tho last half 4n,d wa,s forced by (Ilea. j 8 ,t l son. Tho Kid ran to eocond on a wild ptou, It's I'll wheru he was loft, as CapL ,1oyce atrupk out. HI i c J In the second Klmer Sioltb took four balls and jjl'- jj was forced by Lyons. Merrltt filed to Van and i I I' ! M Harry Davis eoratcbed a hit to Joyce. Uait- B j! ings put a single nsar the tl(iht field foullln j I (J m nd Lyons scored. Padden filed to Tternan. J I fi H S WIth two ' In "? York's half, Blafford If MB drove a two-bggor tq left and ran In on V(I. fi Ml on iciatch. .the latter balog foroed bjBul. 1 1 P livan' J J 3 ml Pnlty Donovan opened the third with a dean 8 t o-bagger to left, took third on Kly' out, and Kil Wt scored on Stcnzel'e scratch. Th latter Stole ft ii second on a poor throw by Wilson. Smith IS Ml struck out and Lyons was hli by a pitched ball. Jl? III! but .Merrltt forced gteniel. The New York,s In I S llH e,r.,bllf cored two run and took the lead, hi Wm an Haltren got a llf on Ely'a f umbla and ran if I Sia to third on Oleason'a single. fThU Cabt'jovce, J I Hj whanged a hot two-nagger to right wldlnt In I a Ml both men. Joyce was declared oat for Interfere I I SsS np w"h Lyons on Davls'a grounder, and Hten- I h Si i ie) got in the way of Beckley' tremendous j 4 drive tor the third out, I I (I , The visitors again forged ahead In the fourth. j '. I J1"1 one out, Hastings singled, and scored on I 1 : I Paddcn's two-bagger to lefu Paddeu waltzed I j JS j to third on a paxred ball, nnd hustled In on I I ! S r ' Donovan's single. Ely struck onl. and Uleasnn I I B, J rnado a superb stop of Stenzal's bid for a hit. I P Jacob golni; out ac flrst. In the last half Wilson I M'iK made a hit, with one put. and stole second. j P. U Where he was left. flaP Pittsburgh was quickly blanked In the fifth. J i H B Oleason then hit for two bases after Tiernan f jf B was nut lu New York's half, and was caught otr it BjH tnlrd when Joyce was thrown oat at first. In - I i SiM' ,w 8'JtV! a,'8r lwo wero ou' I'adden got a lire I 858, 11 a wild throw bv Gleason, aud was nalled'on I f ' "teal. Tho New Yorks, went out In rapid suc I Sm' lesslon. the .feature being Elv's phenumenal I IjK 'Ach of an apparent base lilt from Davis's stick. "I $ , lwo more runs were made by Mack's players 1 -IS' m tho seventh. Donovan got a base on ballC I WM; r-ly nll to Joyce, and Sleniel. who forced Don- 18 'aaaaf ivan. Iandel at third on n wild pitch. Smith's .9. R'.lfBB..Tw By fell nut of Ht&fTord'a frach, Mrn',sl com'.re ifliHI!!" In. and Denny Lyons drove a corking two-bag. HI' VI lt'!r lo le't' on which Smith counted. Then Mer- 1 5B fflS - r'tt grounded to Dayis, nnd tho s.core was q to 3 SllSef&t against New Vork. Then Joyce's men tooK a ISf. braceamldaroarof enthusiasm. Wilson took f'H: f,ouf , ball, Sullivan slnglad. Van Haltren i llVllS' doubled, Wilson scoring, ani Tiernan filed to ; 'faVv fatenzel. Uleasoq'soot let bnlllyao In. Y, jSaBIt' . Joyce's b.isa hit put Van on the plate with the - iaHf Jyln run. and Davis Unded rTurBtiAun third ' '9-ni ?i' .f. Wk ,0 .rlieht- ''l,8t a QwrCB stole, H.I if Merrltt with a quick throw cam near catching -1 i" Joi ce off third. )en the umpire ifd "SafalP t fl'l W i)e",ny ''y,nn" ,ma,,, ,ach. "Wo Ibat he was rli 1? finally ordered out uf the game, and Wright ;f too.k,,u. n,, "6cllc? then brought In Joyce I f 1 1 ami Davis with a lilt, and Stafford bupted. only 111' t'?Abui f0Ir.eA b' w)''i,on-, ''ve run had beep ib!. scftrBd. and the ocali hail a leml of 8 to B. MM Unsllngs made hi. third safe hit In Pitts- ' burgh s eighth, but It amunnled to nothing, as mm h1?; .Wwy. "'' l,l aPe" wim eond result. 'SB After thijthere were no mora runs. The score: 'f. 48W T0,"K. 1 niTSECiwu. ISl. n.1nr.o.i.r. a. a. M y;nllalfn,c.f.s I 1 0 olDonoTan.r. f.l a 1 0 6 ,Wm- Trnsn.r.t..n 1 4 u OiKly. a, ...... 0 041 'S, Gleason. M h.1 it I stenellcr...! 1 5 5 0 Wi ' 3Ze-W b. tl 4 a o'smlth. L 1....1 1 u 0 M ij. Iials...a.t 2 I 4 O.Lyon.3ilb. .1 1 I 0 0 Hi S.,.7,,IorJ' '! Merrltt 0....-.0 b t o 0 -iSl ' Wlnun.c I til lilt. Daitt lb 11 t 5 1 n aj' BulUvn.p..-f 2 0 0 4' lk.tlnl,V.pb'.'.i a t a 0 I 7 Totals.... if is 1 "l'M J 2 2 iHi I Totals ,'uIO'JS t I -;.' 'Joyce out for Interference. IK' Kf.7,Yorl5 1 a 0 0 0 s 0 ..-a am. iTtubiirgn u 1 1 3 a 0 I 0 65 ami . E"lfd rnni-Sow York, 0: Pltubumh. 4. Two. i ' ''iu-yit Haltren (itrason. JfojceVsfafford.lioS W pran. Bmlth. t-pn. Pa.Mto. stolen basrs-ri imtIs S Mj:?".'eS,ct, "'beonerr"rs8;wor5!lt , fm Plttjburun, 1 .lrat base on balls-Oft Hllivang;oif )Wt f; ""'chir-Ily Suflhan. I? Doubfe play-t-ll! : IS & I2,").,UJ"' I- ' Iwlls-iviisoD. li Urrtit. 1. ffl Wia oltches-Hulllfan. I; ItilsMnes. . TlHe-g'Oo Ujj. Uniplre-Etnslle. attemlsaeei-v.soo. ! if 1 l,jiiLrH.riilA. bant a The pitchers were nboul I ffi 'MUrectletoday,lmtth,..iJrport,whfchCay i! TO reeeUiiit was miserable. Comeiiinntly Chicago icorea It Si S,?f'.,?p;f.rtiVfB.S.raTy'c'or'- Tbrae'doable pla..lS I? ,WU !" "' "h".'h Pbieii wan the eeulral tlgure, wore thi ill Mi features of tho game. Attendance 4,114. The sear: JiB St! ' rgUAStPHi. 1 cuicioa Silt OT' . . n.lB.P.O,A.E. B.1B...O,, , 'Ml Sal rooy.c.f... 1 0 0 Everett, .f.8 S a I 0T1 i! B fm'V- : " .-vJi V '? i I'alsleo.i.s.. I 0400 M? H' iljlfbaniy.l.r.o I V a 0 Lame, c. I....1 0 3 0 0 b S. TSomp.'n.rXO 1 4 t B Anson. lifb.O 1 10 0 0 Ail isTal ' lalol.ltb.,u 1 u 0 0 Ityan. r.t. . I 11 u n ff'Il Hi 0 i i ni'ferrcr. iflii I 0300 feU ' H0'!'-0- 5 1 V 9 MeCiir'ick,u 1 Sato VO tM- Jlrady. q ...0 I 1 0 S iirimth, C . 8 J I 0 i lit Ms gSJe,-;."? J 0 S 0 Dono,,uV' c-1 Mv li K' Tout S 0 37 B "3 TU ' 8atll! l SfVVJIi' Phllailelibla ,,1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-.1 flWi- thlcago;, !,a 3 o 0 0 0 0 07 tsMill Famed run-I'hltadcphla. Klrst base by arrori- fn Pmiadalbbia.ljCtilcagiU. Left on base.iFlilliael. till MS ?bUJi,F,,'Jif5'J '."' itu "I ball.-Ofrc.riey. It II It o" Or mm, v. Struck out -By (irlfflth a To' IJ 8 S base hlts-ijlulon, Thompson. Baorine" hTtsi'HuleS Ri fyerett. Dablen. 8to en bases-Brerctt, lah on I j) A S I.snge, Anson. CnnoMie. Double plsyV-bihli)" "ina ' n, ! llenderoo and Caoipbsll. Tlme-t:40. "'"X"" A j III U4LTIMORI!, JO; WUISVIU., B-ruUI OAJOi F if H 1 nl.TiOBt Sept. B.-Jly wlqnln both ismes to-day ' . I'll the champions uoeded In roakfog tl'e unusual ft J ' S i not unprecedented, record or nee victorias In two f! f fi dayt Joe corbettptched hi. flrst full game m the fl V. S 1 l-esgue, and did w.lL Attendance, 4,17(7 The acoresi r SI BALTOIOBB, lOflWiujE. f M Hen raw, 8,1 bl 0 J a 4 Dexter, n ra 0 ' ft' bB Keeler, r. r...t 1 a 0 o UuOreery.r.f.l 5 1 0 , a JB Jennings, s. s.I 0 4 1 0 Clarke. T.V.I u 0 0 o II IS teliey,l.f...,o 2 3 n 0 itoVcn Istb I 1 S a 0 I? .' Dutlu. lb 1 OHO 0 i'kVrlnKYaXl B 0 0 0 R;fi Oulnn, Xdb,..a a a 1 lDolanVa.. 0 1 11 n 11 g IjfV 0rodle.c.f.:;.a 4 8 0 SRogmaatrlKo Olio ' it II 1 Bobinson. o..l 1 0 B Johuson.adb.1 111 g 11 HcliabOB, p..l a 0 0 0 Frasler, p..l a a " 0 - p Jl Totals tTllllf fioy.7lan4V::o 0 0 0 0 '' U iu; Totals. .B"ltiT3Bi i. K 9 t'!"i.'r)''I,'for Johnson In the ninth Inning. - X II cX"nd batted Tor trailer In the ntnfli Inning. t JM tllrfirswoutforruuuluguutoriiue. . & Isi pitlinore 1 0 0 a 1 0 0 S .,-10 ?1I toulsvllle 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 i-'S! Iff if Jfll famed rims-Iialtlmore. 7i Louisville, 4. rirstbaie ta? S- M by errprs-llsltliuore. II Loulsvdle, RJUft'onbasJs II 5, "i','0;'' TL i'"1""! ' Ifltit Usi'on balls- g 13 t)tr McMaboii. Bioft Frailer, JJ. Dtruck out-pyilo-tW m 18 J.u,lo.n' ! . V Cf"'ri Tbree-base blt-K?ller. M Sl Two-base .b ts-Plekerlng, Fr.ileV iV), RMcMaboJ 1'! bV. Kelley liener. 8toleii bases-PioaarlnV luwll S&. fc graw. Jennings. Double plays-nolsn andBogers' LVjC ffi fat " &:j..r"rfr Jtogera. apd Frailer Dolsn (una.lrtedV. Brfflflaal'1 Pit by pflcher-Uy Frailer. T. Wild nl&n-Oal'oii. P. B ' S!iJS,!tniil'i,Wi&Ta' u "-iia 'ii 9' BibTiMoiu!, 3j jjjcjsviuj, t-agoosn om. nrWlS'i LTIgOag. I LODISVIUg. I X ' ff"0","' BbV'l'T a-'olui.l.r.e, o" 'f 1' BfKB Uemiulng.r.f.o 0 I 0 0 llcCreerr. r.t.O 0 1 u 0 B.isTsai. K".''J'.L f."'i 0 lloifers. 1L....0 hi 1 0 i f K I3ole.lilb...0 b U 1 0 FiokerluB, e 1 0 1 11 A 1 sal' 'K'SS tloblnioo:c.,.0 800 0 Johm.inVdbO 0 u 1 0 BtS'lH' Corbett,p... " U Ulll, p.. ..;.,. u 0 0 1 0 BS'l'IBl'' ToUU 1 t HI Touis,,.."T "iiiii 1 ' jifaHt Iialtlmnre 1000011 a Ml iflf.' LoulsvllU ......-.. ,.i 0 0 0 " Q 0 01 f Kasaaf. . Left en baies-IIaltlnioie, S; Loulsrllle, . First f SbsbsI' ( faa.!1' "J l'" OrT 4: off Ulll, I. Struck out B; BBbT J,Ur ,rb 4fUylJIL"'Two.iase nl"VeOriw. Kr raaaH' f,'0,'fn ,',,"',-??.,r'- Kelley (). Minerollnaman' K ( F.Vl'r.,,l"',ri-luin,b n'1 Rorrs: lc(7raw. (Tulnn. P 111 - ,?"'"' -rio-hoi,;j.r' i"S"!Sr B') SIBw wiiiiKirnx, n s.'. in-is. H-smroiita. j' nBEg "iihiJ, inpt. B.-lbe WMhlmton pitcher BBB'BjiirrV - ifai " .a- " r.,r .ja-.lit,., .fLj llu a.'i , " "! ;, . i ;, i.. ;, ..'.'i, i . ... s wer ta better feera than the St. Loals twhrUrs, and consequently the bnme learn seored two TKitorlsa. Atundanee, 0,000. TM scores! wistgsaToit. st. loob. . .- ,?i. J10t,! tusb.Lf,,.,., n o 0 Powd. Sd b,..l I 0 g flelbach, 1. 1,0 0 0 0 0 aulllrnn.1. r..O I I M Demont', .., a 4 4 f Turner. r. f...o 1110 Abbey, r.r.r.. ISO 0 Connor, 1st b.0 MM FarrrUo I 9 11 0 Purrott, e. f.,0 18 0 0 R'lilth. Hdb.,,1 0 5 a o Meyers, Odb,.o 1 a H 0 O'Brien, d b.O 8 8 0 OCrdis.s. s 0 0 a 1 t Brown.-e.r. .01 0 T) irurphy; o 0 tall cari'righMb.l 111 0 6 Ktwloger.p.. ,8 0 o 4 o King, p 1 8010 "I... Totals 881413 Total..,..r.ISS718 8 Batted for Lush ta th eighth Inning. Washington 0 0 9 0 0 14 1 ,.8 BbLouU 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 8-3 . Karaediruns-WaahlnKton, 3 St. Louts, 1. First base by errora-Watblntfon. 1: at. Louts. 1. Left on bases Washington, Hi M. LouK a First base on balls-Oft Klng.'l i off Kissinger. 4.' ' Struck out-lly King, Is by Kissinger, a. Tbree-base hits-Turner. O'llrlen. Two-b-ie. blts-tlrown. King 18), Sacrifice blts-Smltb. Prmoulrerllle. BtoL"Q bavs-Peniontre-llb'. Abbey. Ksrrell' Hmltb. Brown. C.rlwrlglit. IfPl. ptsy-Bniltb an.d cartwrlgBi. VwPlre-Lyncn. wisimraroj, 0 st. lock, 1 sicoxd oxmb. WAsntsaTax. 4 st. iicis. .. . -'R.lar.o.A. a. . n. . it. 8elbaoh,l.r...O 0 a 1 0 DowtL'Sd b...o 14 9 1 DinWlMAl so 5 sulliran;l.t,.o a i n o Ablxr. r.l...,0 l a 1 5 Turoifr, r. f. ..0 1 V 0 0 No(ltttre,e..8 0 i 0 u Connor, Istb. 0 010 0 I tiiim. aab... i ill o Parrots, e. r..o q a o o O'UrlnTMb..0 i 4 A 0 lIeycrs.Sdb..U 0 18 1 prawn,o.f....u Too lCrOM.a n t 5 l crtw'Bt,ib..Q ill ii WeVartau, c..l n 5 5 o Norton, p..., .6 0 8 I 0 tlrt, pT. .....0 0 0 4 0 Total. "a" e t? lii T TotaU ,.T "54 10 1 Washtngtoa , q l o o o n I a .. s tvLouli , ,..o ouo-iooo o-l earned run Washington. First bts on error Si. Louts. Left on bases-Washington, 0; St. Louis. S. Ftrn hate on baUi-UO. Norton. 4 : olt Itart, X Struck out-UrKorion. l)ib IlsrL, 1. Twobsta hlts-Bnilth, U'l'rl'n. Sanrtlka hits-Abbey. Smith, llrown. vr rott. Bars. Htolen lia-tiepionlrellle. Double plays Xbiay and Carlwrliihts O'Brien soil Curtwrlaht. 111! by P tchej iNorltn. 1. l"aueJ ball-lf cKarlau. Umplr Lynch. Tline-1:43. v' ' Eastern aaaipe. at rnovipuca. Profld.nee..... I 0 0 a 0 S 4 0 4-18 sprlugfleld. a o i u l o i u o- Illta-Pio-Vtence. 4i BprlnentM. 17, Error-Pro. Idenco. a; SprlnaHcld. 7. Daiterlea-Iolu and Uoo gani Kllleen and Duncan. at sriuccst Sjraouse 1 7 0 0 811 ..-1 Toronto ,..,,.9 soiOUQ8Dra Ults-ayraeus. IS: Toronto, 18. Errors Sj recuse, Oi Toronto, 8. natterlet-LK'Unar, Whlteblll, and Jlyani Ulneen, Stalay. Koran, and Cesejr. AT wiLKxaUditv-riBaT nut. Wllkeebarr i u p 0 I 1 0 0 9-10 Ucranton.,.v ,,...0 110 0 0000 8-0 . nita-wtlkeabarr, lTt ScrantOn; 10. Errort Wllketbtrrp. Oi Bcranton. 1. iiatterl-Luckex and Wenlej Ullicn pd Qunton. StCOSP 04MB. Wlikesbarra., o ooisaoo4 o Scr.utou ' 0 0 0 1 a 1 0 Q ..10 . Ittts-Wllkesbarra. 1S Scranton, 10. Errors Wllkesharrr. Hi rVrnnion, S, tlattcrles-lllnesb and Wentot Lovctt and Merger. Atlantle I.eagae. AT LASCASTgB. Ijincaster o o i 8 o o o (i 8 18 Newark 0 0 0 a 0 0 u S 0-0 . nita-Laneaster, 10: Newark, 7, Errors- Lancas i, It'Mwark. if hatterles-Sprogal ana Kotos Bctley and A. Rothf usa. AT UABTFOBO. JUrtford... 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 O 8,8 Pateraan ,.,o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o-u Ults-nartford, 9: Paterson, 8. itrrorj-U.ttfonl. 1: Paterson. a. Battarles-Fry and ticttenuie: Hmltb andsmlnk. New Sanlaad Sesnlla. At Fall hirer-Boston. 13; Fall Hirer, 8. At Erockton-Banaor, Bi lirpcktoh.a At Pantncket-PawiucKet. ffli Augusu, V- Other GarncB. at sxnroaT. Kenport. 4 11 0 0 0 4 3 0 8-88 Cuban Ulants 0 8001000 9-0 Hits-Newport. 19: Cuban Giants, 0. Krrort-Nen. Bort. S: Cuban Ulants. IS. Itatierles-McPartland and Crisbani; Uowardand Smith: lllller and Jordan. " AT WATKBXT. Waerty 4 0 0 8 a 0 i 4-18 Towanda , 1 0 0 0 0 0 II o 1 9 Ults-Waverlr. IS: Towanda. 0 lUtteries-Dunkl and Lee; sigman, llendieman, and UoAnley. AT ELIZABETH. i"..wV'.iCW l 8 0 4 0 10 0 ..-8 Elisabeth A. C. 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0-m Home Labor llay Unit Camts, AT IMIUIAtlO.SAl. t-AKg, JKB3EV CtTT-f. V. ArllnKtopt. a 8 0 1 0 0 8 3 ..-IB U.S.Lxpms. ,... 0 0 0 t 0 5 0 0 0- H IIlU-Ati;ustuli. IB, 0. 6, Kapreu. 4. hrrurs-Ar-llnainns. Mi O. ft, Exnrers, 8. Batteries-IIollana. Slcholl, and Drtscoll; Hayes, and Dove.' "0"no, AT TABBTTOWJl' A.'lL tPT.Ola-, .l'O 000000 0-1 V.lLCL. 8 9 0 0 U a O ..98 r. H. !?'; ? 00000000-8 V.jj.c.l. 1 a 3 3 3 0 0 a 1 tp AT UOL'XT VKB!iON-A. M. "n"'?" 10 0 0 8 0 0 0-18 V. it. C. A ...; 2 0 0 0 3 10 0-U Y. H. Ontario.. 0 00000010-1 -'-C.A 0 0 8 2 1 (I 8 0-23 Baseball UaraeB To-duy. ATIOHALIEAOUgAJIU AkrJllCAS AMOl,-tAT101. Sew York ys. Boston, at the' Polo grounds. Etltlmore vs. Brooklyn, at Baltimore.' Waanlngtun vs. Pntiadrl.ha, at Washington. Cleveland vs. 8t. Loun, at Cleveland. Pittsburgh vs. Chicago, at Pittsburgh. Louisville vs. .Cincinnati, at Louisville. CASILB),' LEAOl'K. Buffalo vs. Toronto, ai BufTnlo. Uochester vs. Syracuse, at ltoobe-ter Scraninn rs. Prnridence, at acranton. Wllkesparre vs. SpnngMeld,, at Wlktsbarre. Baseball Note. U. U. P. 1. In 1881. 9. So. O. H, The KewYorks won four strslht games. The Empire A. A. has next Sunday open to (111 WltUany nrtt-chu team offerlpg suitable Induce ments. John McVey, manager. 33Sf East 117th street. n ' The Arlons have a few dates open for Saturday aud Sunday, aqd would like to play any team with P.'1"'" JHeltslDg l7 "'"' Address' Charles Orlmin, 808 Sumpter street, Prooslyn, St. Louis College baa Sept. 18, 13, SO. and SB ltll open and would like to hear from all flrstcluts clubs offering 'ultabla Inrfuoements. Address Eu. ward J. Walsh. 080 West Thlrty-sixih street" - Boston. (Kpt. fl.-It was doolded to-day that the Maine clubs in tho New England Loagu vlll llnl& today. Tno ilqsaacbusetts clubs will play against eacu other until the season terminates, ncit Satur day. The Clinton club of Tenafly. x. J. (uniformed), through rearrangement of schedule lias Sept. A 1U, and go open for clubs ollerlnir a aultabte guart snteo 10 play away from borne. Address Th. Vir. tue, iaa Franklin street. Totiie EntTon oy Tug bus Sir: In going to the Polo grounda to see the Netv Yorks ploy ball my jdeaaure has always been very much decreased by the appearance of the New York players' I have never seen a visiting trani appear at tho Polo 6 round In such a Job lot of uniforms. Qn Labor ay, for Instance, oun half of the players had their last year's black-trimiiied nniforms'nnd the otnor half pad maroon itlmmlugs. Not one of H10 nl.v era appeared upon th grounds with a bslr.war clcau suit on. A yoiinss lady who accompanied mi to tne game, was so disgusted that It will be very ham to induce ber tj am) another game In which the New Vorks participate. Your truly. New Yoiik, Sept. f. F. Oabrqij. t,AYX TK.VAZ. Heeoaal llay'a Vut In ttso tjlaepy Uolloir Tourney Tauuytown, Kpt. 8. Tho second tlay'a play In the Sleepy Hollow Tenuis Club's, open tourna ment began tbq weeding nut process, and many of tho poor players entered fell by the wayside. Only th singles were played, a tho counts wer kept In oonstant uso with these matches and U playars for the other events had not all arrived. The doubles will begin to-morrow, and tho men' slnglos will probably reach the seutU final rpund, Summary: Oenllemeu's 8lnglea-Prelmlnary round: H. Halo tb R,"e' G0- ,Ml b.-0; lioicoiiibe Ward bsat J. ThayeJ IJ'-T.'tt'a' ' a,Nc"'nboat First koun'd-J.'a Csshman bsat If. V. Ityder, by default: J. I.. Koberuon beat S. Male. 11-0. 0-0; jl wVKw.&iU;Sfc6-,'s-i "" iii SrcoBd Hound J. S. Oushman beat W. A. Warnnek-. End f the Toronto Teaals Tourney. Tokosto, Sept. e, The lawn tennis tournament Was conoudsd yesterday with tho finals In the hand), cap and noiloo doubles. Foulkes, the British Oolurablan champion, beat bis partner, Avery of Detroit, in both the double and the handicap and met Ware of Harvard In tne flual. The latter owed quarter fifteen, and as Foulkes so nearly defeated aim In th open tingles, 11 wa exoiwttd he would win on the allowance. Ware; however, played a faultlesa ganieand wou the match In atralght set. In the final doubles Ware and Sheldon beat Poulkea and Avery, 01, 01, 04. Una Tcaala at Newport. NEWfOijT, 6pt, 8.-The eleventh annual Jpnlur lawn tennhj tournament was continued at the Casino to-day with the following resqltsi Slugles-Fltst rouadi Arthur Speacer Uat J. W. Lee, 13 II, 8-0. 8 , 7-0, 0-4, hjcond liound-ll. I). Cleveland Uat F. 1L Kane. T""5' ?.T.?,i I1vUo'P.beat J. F. Urlpe, 8-2. 0-a,o-0; J. K. WllllDir beajo. If Hatch, 4-8. d-0. 8-4, 0-3, nUoublcs-rirat round 1 J. K, Willing and llereriey RohinjonJearj. W. Us snd F. N. Ksne-i;V- asTtl!o,no-,.,'', "' ,"""n" "" Hl',',',,, '5 Oa-auiidB. 8i3Ct V. U.To-gay. asw York vs. bfitpu. ACiulssum, 0u.-du niunAifc. ,,aif,w 1 .1,., Mg jva.tWan'e!Awrf. .. .1. OFF DAY AT THE FAIR. rcirrit rnnaoya at xrjrsRhT tbb. TBIWAX XtldN OJV MOHDAT. The Trottera Xoopolle tba Intereat nn Furnish Hum Kseltlnfc Bport BlvldeA Meat In Uoth CnntestB-Frank Mediant and Stranger Capture the JPrUe Honey. The holiday crowd which thronged Wayerlf Park on Mondaf was not In evldjnc at the New Jersey Slat fair yesterday, only about 8,000 persons turning out to see the prlte pnmpklns, tho fakir, and tho agricultural horse trot". The managers were not at all dls. couraged by what they termed the light at tendance, Tuesday being always nn off day at the fair. To-day should bring a big Increase In the gat receltfts, nrid with the Hon. Garret A, H'obnrt n tho guest of honor to-morrow, tho officials are looking forward to the largest, crowd that has passed through the gates slncq Gen. Grant visited tho fair awny back in tliq seventies and saw J. V. N. Willis's crack trotter Sensation, fresh from his victory In the $1:0,000 race at lluffalo, pull down the money on tha half-mile track. At on Monday, the horses monopolized tho attention of the visitors nearly nit day, tuuoh tq the disgust of tho fakirs, grafters, nnd venders of all sorts, whq reaped a light harvest lleforq the commencement of the racing programme In, the aftornooti, several classes In tho show do partraent wore exhibited nnd passed upon by th judges In tho ring. The standard bred trotter sem to bo the popular animal at tho fair,' three-quarter of all the horses on tho grounds betptr of this distinctively American breed', Onoof the notable class .shown yesterday was that for sires with two of their get. F. O, Bmth, tho sol Judgo In tho trotting depart ment, awarded tha prire to Dr. A. Trimmer's inyear;Old black stallion Wllmar, 2:20)& by Rhode Island, B;S3K, out of lielle Ilrandon. by Ryadyk's Hamblctonlan. The horse Is a full brother to the notcd stallion Gov. Sprague, a ;ilO. Wllmar U tho sire of two trotter hav. Ing reoords'of 2:20?L The only horso shown ' against, him yesterday was Moses Hand's blaok stalljon Kernwood. the son of Wedgewood. 2:10, and ludlanola, by Uayard, He Is IT years old, and Is credited with ono 2:30 trotter. Abetter collection of trotters was shown In the class for stallions kept tor service, J. A. Shveley's four-year-old colt Legeno, 2:1 DJi, by Mountain Prince, out of Maggie S and J. II. I.oiler's Alcyrene, 3tS8M by Alcyone, out of Bersno, by Nutwood, being tho best, Alcyron surpassed In point of breeding, but the four-year-old' faster record enabled him to securo the blue ribbon. Mr. Shceley won another bluo rosette In tho class for three-year-olds with hi black colt M'dway Prince, a full brother to Legene. The colt hod no record wbon he en tered the show ring, but he gained a mark of 2:27M later In the day, being one of th contend ing horses and a heat winner In tho stake race for three-year-olds. J. N. Krone's brown colt Mllman, Jr., was placed second and W. H. Williams's Panels was third. J. V. N. Willis won first prize In the olass tor two-year-old colts with Savant, a bay, by Hablo' Wilkes. 2:18. out of Annie G by Lo Grande, and therefore a full brother to Iluf flngton, 2120K. and Chrl Lang, Guy Signal, a black colt by Guy Wilkes, 2:lf.W. owned by W. C. Hendrlckaun. was eecond nnd Dr. A. .Trimmer' Farlba Wilkes was third. Willis also won first prlste In tho class for j ear lings with Reaper, a handsome bay colt hy Potential, out of Patll. the dam of Edith II.. 2:104. Doth youngster are owned by W. It. Janvier of New York. Lady Kerner.atwenty-fonr-year-old chcstnnt mare by Prescott, out uf .Midnight, tho dam of Jay-Eye-See. 2:10. received flrst prize as a brood mare. She Is owned by John Jackson of New ark. Garland, a ten-ybar-Old daughter of Hay onno Prince. 2:21M. was second. W. C. Hen drlckson's chestnut filly Hqrnelia Wilkes, a winner In ber class in the Orange County Cir cuit, was adjudged to be the beat of the two-year-old fillies. Nearly everybody on the grounds gathered about the half-mile track In (ho afternoon when the trotters were called up for tho races. Uoth of the ovents on the programme developed exciting sport, and the heats were so divided that It wns too late tu start the third race of the day by tho tlmo the first ono was euded. In the stake race' fur three-year-olds five youngsters started, with E. II, ilarriman's haudeume filly Cletiega, by Alcantara, looked upon as the prob able winner. She outclassed nil tho others In point of speed, but she behaved' like a spoiled child, and the steady-going Baltimore trotter, Stranger.ftually beat herout. Marti ca,tbebpe ly gray t)lly. by Island Wilkes, 2:iaS, that won the opening heat In 2:28W. I a Long Island Eroduct, being owned by Walter Wlllets. who red her. Sue look a record of 2:20 at the Fleet wood Grand Circuit meeting last week. Mid way Prince, the brother to Legene, 2:104, landed the second beat In clever fashion, gain ing n maiden record of 2:27)1. and then th speedy but erratic little settled down apd trotted ivwtnnlng mile In 2::lo. It was now Strnnger'a turn to win, and the level-headed tin ee-y ear-old went to the front in straight heats, taking a record of 2:20. Ho Is owned by William Hopps of tinltimore, and hi record before tbo raoo was 2:S0. Hnrrlman's three-year-old filly Rival, a daughter of the former champion stallion Kremlin, 2:U7. was thought to be tbe best of the starters In the stake race for U:29 trotters, but she shared the fata of herstublu companlou after trotting a good race of five heats against aged campaigner. The first two she won clev erly In 2:2t) and 2:2i)Hi. Eddie Lockwood'a star gazer Frank Medium being the contending horae In tha second round. Starter Smith sent the tllly away on a tangled break In the third heat, and this mishap probably cost her tbe race. Lockwood ehot to the front with th fast horso Frank Medium, nnd he was not afterward headed. Ills mlfo in 2:2H4 ovor the wavy half mile course was a fine performance. Indicating ability to beat his record of sjilOM oq a mil track. Summaries: 8:28 claae. trotting; atake 7u0. Frank liedlum. p. f. by Pilot Medium. dambyOlmedo Wilkes (Lockwood), ...4 Sill ltlval.b.r. Ityersonl 1 10 4 4 Hln gold, ch.g. I'rthur) ....,, 8 7 8 8 8 (lovtrnor, br.g. (Matthews and bargenl). 8 8 8 8 a (Juani.b.m. (Emery).... .", U 8 3 0 8 hage P.. ch. g. (Cailool ,...6 4 4 7 6 Spinslong. U in. (Ifarveri ,......,7 6 7 0 7 Katu Jfc(.rrackun, b.m. (QulBtln).... 0 8 H 8 8 nappy Ltnme. Jr., tkg. flirynam) 5 0 6 dr Tinic-a:8O,g:83,;al.8:W;a:20. ' r iSi40 claw, three year-olda: trotting; beats two In hree: stake SJUO. irincer, U. g, by ..Eaaton Wilkes, dam Mohawk Kate, by ilnhawkaifKIIewei). 8 3 3 11 slldwuy Prince, bin,, 1. (Hbeeley.) ,...8 10 8 8 Hartioa, itr.f- (urowni..,.,., , 1 844a Clenega. br. I. Ulyeraoa),.., ., 4 .13 4 Arbitration, b. g. (Topic). ..J..."""! 0 a 8dr llmo-2:2ti, 2;a7), 2:30. 8:2aa, n:ao. TrofllBB and 1'itclnic at aankln Park. Ssinvs, Kept. 8,-At Prapklin Park Ibis afternoon tho first event was the 2)84 trot ef over-from yes terday, In which Phantom bad taken one heat. She had little or no trouble in wlnnlugthe raoo today In atralght beau. Thu second heat to day she won In a walk, but the judges decided It no heat and changed Harris Wilkes's driver, putting Wiry up. This, how ever, madp no difference In the resuf. Mlraco cosily won the nve-elghlb-mll running race, leading all the way. The 8:20 pace was well split up. Ncllu 8., tbe favorite, won tbe first heat. Then Landlord, by a fine effort, took be aepond, and Bluo won the third n a walk, areeuhqrn secured tha fourth afty a OBhtlpg flnlsh with Bla Jfopoa, and won the fifth, this into hill) eee. io rSce was then potioned. Hummsrlce: ' . 2:21 class, trotting; pure SIOO. PhuntuiS. br. m., tiy .ticorar, dam by Sir Walklll (l.noounty) ; ; ...,,,,1 n 1 Ambpi-.b.. ill.aiichnrd) s 803 Jiorrls Wilkes, b.m. tliurlandand Itllcy),...a 8 0 4 No hrt.T"f","'''il!01 H'mi' 'Di00, 1",,'W Running flTe-eUbtha-ofanillo boats: purl 1100. br.?n?',nXV, Miss Itona (Qitfnlau) I. ."a a ..,,, .,.. ,.-m,ij,. ,,,,, ,,,,,.,,, 4 a Monmouth (Henry) - , o a Columbia (Iluskct).. ,...;. ..,;,,,,".", """' "7 S lludradit (llrldgcsi....,, ,,. I..,!!!!!!.; .6 7 1lme-l,U5W, liou. 2:80 class, paclngi purse S400 (unflnlibed). Louillord, b.g.,by AlbrluolWnodwardS.V 1 18 8 Oreenhorn, b, s., by Mutlerborn (Skin ner)....,,. .,,..,,, , a soil Nellie s, gr. in., by Bayonue Prlpce . (Hum ; i s 4 8 4 M.-rryilfli..b.m. (Clark)! .-...,:. 0 4 8 4 8 Big Hopes, ob. g.lfiurUud) a 5 11 a 0 m, (Nav) g 0 3 Odr. Sugar I.oafTb.s! istonel . V.DI. Tlme-3iis(, ailojf, t,-,i(. 8H9.ll. 3:vOJf. 81I8 class. p,ictng purso (100 (unflnlshed), Mailellne Pollard, by Ned V. (Paige) I t Paul Clifford, b. k. (Coakley) .,.,.,..,. J 8 l)enipey. br. g. jAlel.aughlln),, ,, ,.a 6 Mlgiioii.b.m. (Myrrsl ,...,,,." 8 8 lied Lady, b.m. IJohuaon) ,,,,......... .0 4 BanfordU, b.g. iliaimey) .-., ,..!;.... 0 0 flme-ailSLf.jiiigij, Uaraesa Raclnst af Hrlla. Biruk, Sept. 8. At lbs West End trotting course today tin Copenhagen Handicap of 1,800 marks, 9,000 teres, was won by Mirth. Laksalde was second aud Prince Klrba llifro. The Trial Handicap of 1,800 marks, f,800 m.tres. wa. won by Lufttcua. Btrlnge wae "second and Farsang third. ' j The Pfarrklrcben prise ofl.SOO marks. 8.000 me tres, was won by Uettelrln. Kronprlns was second and Lohengrin third. The llansa prlie 0.S.OOO marks, 3.S00 m.tres. was won by Bermuda Qlrl. Bsllwood was second and Bnlpnuse tblfd. News frara (ha Horse World, Tbe ownership of the aenaatlonal trotting gelding Page, :t)H. aeema to be as muclt a myateo the ownership of Ueuselta waa about a yearagu Frank Tllfurd. whoan name was frequently mentioned last week at tbe Urnd Clrcu I Hireling as tbe reputed owner of thn great horso (rpm Oraug county, writes to Tux Si's that Page doss net pilou to littu. ' "' "" ,.i4,-, .e.i, .-- -a,...., h.ui,.m.Aa, 111 1 1 1 11 1 ,i, AMEIIICAX lions E8 AT DONCASTim, rierra X.orlllard'a Bnndla Win tha Clnta. ber rial. I Lo.tpoK, Sept. 8. Tbe DoncatUr September mtetlng was opened to-day with tho race for tlio fltxwllllsm Stakes of 6 sovereigns usoh, with. 800 Sovereigns added for all ages; tho winner to be told at aootlon for 1,000 sqvsrlgn; weight allowanoa for horses entered to ba sold for 800, 000,. and S00 sovereigns! tbroe-qunrlers of a nil. Tho race was won by J. Rlbby's Chin Chin, 0 years, entered to b (old for 000 sov rlgns CapL Moolisil's Encounter, a years, entered for 800 sovereigns, was second, and L. Drassey's Pardalo. 4 years, entered for 300 sov ereigns, third. Enoch Wlsharrt's American filly Damsel II., 3 years, entered for 300 sovereigns, was not planed. In th race for the Champagna Stakes of 30 sovereign each, with GOO sovereigns added, for two-year-olds, the owner of the recond horso to recelvo 100 sovereigns out of the stakes, flvo furlongs and jae yards. Lord Itoaebary' b.o. JelasQucr, by Donovan Vlato, beat P. Lorll lard's eh. c. llsrzak, by Sensstlon-llolplinrbe. The Great Yorkshire Handicap Plate of 1,1100 sovereigns, for threryear-olds nnd upward, the second horse to recelvo 200 sovereigns and the thlM 100 sovereigns ont of tho plate, old St. Lcger course, unu tulle, six furlong, und 132 yards, was won by Lord Durham's b. f. Drip. 3 years, by Darcaldlno-DHMlej W. M. G. Sing cr'scb. 0. Telescope, 4 years, by Tyrant Astrol ogy, was second, aud A. F. Calvert' Chit Chat, 8 yar. was third. Th Clumber Plat of BOO sovereigns, for horses of all ago that had nevor won a rnoo of the value of 200 sovereign at tho tlmo of clos ing entries, flvo f urlong-s and 102 yards, wits won by P. Ltirlllard' br, c. Sandla, $ years, by Tha Sailor Prlnco Saluda; I.ord Wolvorton's b. c. ugly. 4 years, hy Minting Weo Agnes, was eecond, and K. Wlshanl'a Dr. g. Mack Urlggs, 3 years, by Stratbmor-Ortawn, third. HAoxsa, Tha Card for To. day at tha Oraveaend Track. Tha following aro tho entries for to-day at Gravesend: First Uc-iUden two-year-olds; nv furlongs. Euthanas.... Ill KIDeleoade Hi Purw Proud.., ill Araidan in ft?110;..:;' lll Tnanon, 108 Mlsa Lillian 1118 tied Spider 108 The Stockbroker. 10f Clattorfoet 108 Hewitt id a Beoond ltaee llalden wo-yearoldsi flvo furlongs. J;och pirn,, m Mr. Waverly Ill ltpckr.ller Ill air Frederick Ill Chum ni liluaOevll m Tea Caddy in Roseban lu Blaek Velvet JOS Llueage 108 Third Baoe Selllog; one mile. BenEder loriHalvabl 10B Volley.... 105 brisk 10-4 Amanda V uu Dorothy 84 iouith ltace Two-year-olds: Hve and a bait fur tongs. J he Manxman 121, Draught 118 lying Snuadron. .liolllannook , lis Swamp Angel -oi Iroquois 107 KuphemlaL., ,,. 107 Znrnlda..... 107 qyinrna ;..107 Hen Konald 1117 Allopwpod too Billed., 100 Fifth Itace-Uandlcao! one mile. fcrrler 124Keenan 123 jtublcon in Lake Shore Ibo pauilen .job Ilsltllng lo Declare ..,. u7lUoldCrcu 87 Sixth Race-Selling; six furlongs. Harry Reed 114 Meglan 114 Th swain 1, .107 sun Up 10a Pnay (03 Jackorspadea 103 Lady Diamond 'uu Brisk.. 'ou Zauono uj Seventh Ilace-qurdl handicap; one mil and six furlongs, over soven hurdles. RedO.oud lOliMarcus lot McK.e. 148 Wlnahlo Un ' Luke 144 MaraCuan 141 St-Jacobs., lsslMarble lao . Semite at Ml. l.oula. St. Loch. Sept. 8 The bookmakers weut home mpty.haijded to-day as five ot the six favorites wou. summaries: .Klrst Race seven furlongr nigh Teat. 104 (Howe), 3 to a. aoul Hush. 100 (T. Murphy), 11 to 0,; King Miohael, 1UU (Pcnc), 10 to 1, tblrd. Time, l'.VU. Second Race Seven furlonga. Pollens, 09 (T. Murphy), U to 8, won: Fern, llartman, MO (C. Slaughter), 4 tn 1. second; JooHrl, UU iK. Jonea), 0 to I, third. Ttme. Ii2. Tblrd Race six furlongs. Remember Me. 87 (O. Combs), 13 to 1, w, n; lienemela. IIS (Mcltugh), 11 to 1. second; Milford, 87 (C. Slaughter), u to 3. tblrd. Time, 1:1S. ' ..K'!.u,'i,l Race Fivo furlongs. Sweet Faverdale, 08 (E. Jnnea), 13 lo 10, won: Amelia May. 00 ,T. Murphy). 3 to 1, second; Lender Ban, 103 (Oar uen. 12 10 1, third. Time. 1:U4. Firth Race Flvo furlongs. Mg Loaf, 103 (E. Jones). 4 to 0, won: milieu's sister, 108 (K. Mur- ?hy), 7 to 1, second; Juaulu, 10V (Petit.), U to 3. him. Time, 1 ina'f. ,., Sixth Race One mile. Kamcln. JOB (MellUBh). 3 to 0. won; Oouroune d'Or, 1UI (E. Jones), 7 to 1. eecond: Mamie O., 84 (C Combsj, 4 to 1, third. Ttme, 1 :43ti". Iteaqlta ut Newport. NuwroBT, gept. S.-Flexlble. In the second race, was the good thing to-day. being baiked down from 10 to 52 to', she wou easily. Huiumarles: . ."rtt Race-Seven furlonga. Old centre. 107 (Per. kins), 1 to 2, won: Constance, 101 (K. Williams), 13 to secoiid; Cbatierbos, 1U4 (Van Keuren), 40 lo 1, .,!Lec,o.0B-a""foup nd. a half furlongs. Flexible, ,0?. ( qara,ner). 2 to l?wou: Quln Wing. 10S tcun' f.tb.S3Tnne1'o?5T: 0""''", 105 (W""k). J Third Race Nino furlongs. Ilamona. too (Ilrltton). Pi 0. won: Argentina II.. DO (C. Itstffj.s to I. second! oe Clarke. VU (Fowler). 8 to 6. third. Time. ll&tW. enuttllltace-SIx and a half furlonga. Nanco.7o8 JPerjIiiS), 4 to 5. won: The Merchant, lull (Walker). .S XS'"'i Pflnce Henry, 105 (Brltton). lOtol, mini, lime, 1:23. 1'irtb Raoe-Kive furlongs. Connie Lee, 107 (F. Rue. sell). 10 to 1, won: Cherry Leaf, lilSiVan Keuroni.O thl .IetTiUf ! inil'lf,q"tl""' lu5 IThomiMon), i to 2, Oa the Windsor Truck. Uetboit. Sept. 8.-Lady Callahan was the onlv v. In. nlng favorite at Windsor to day. 8uminarlesi Flrstltace Three-ijuarters of a mile. Sky Blue. 2 to land 7 to 10. won: ctil'iulta. 3 to 1 place, eecond: Charley Weber third. Time, 1:10!! ' Second Itace-Flve eighths of a mile. I.aay Calla han. 3 to 0 and out, won: Johncouroy, a to 1 place, second; Brown OlrMhlrd. Time, 1 :iiaVi' ' Third Race-One mile. The Uueheas. 4 to 1 and felISra! 'MS.tfr l l "pUtt'- ,B9W ilu' Fourth Haoe-Flve and one-half furlongs. John 83!i'TS&-JS.1 f.",'1 ? HL.' woo: Alterncra. even, sec ond: John Car, third. Time. 1:0014. Fifth Kecu-Plve and one-bale furlonga. Bona Bcbocnfeid, 8 to 1 and 3 to 1. won: Bill Ellison, even, lecond; Rapalauiha, third. Time. ijoajiT Awards at tha Illehmond County llorae ribow. The cool weather of yesterday had rather a depressing effect upon tho attendance at the Richmond County Fair and Horse Show. It was colled " Children', Day," and a programme had been arranued for their boneflt, but I lie at tendance waa less than 1.0U0, The following awards worn made: Class 4-Harness horses shown to a two-wheeled bualueoacarti bono to count 00 per cent, and ai po.lniBieuts 40 per cent. Blue ribbon to iieure Buinimeuis so per cent, u ue ribbon to lieury chvfenck. No other awards. 4 "' Class 22 -Ponies shown tn carriage: pony. 40 per cent.: appointments, eupercent. Blue ribbon to lira, fcva Becbtrl'iifcli. g. Hanker. No other award. .c''f. M-Bonkeys anil goats shown In harness. Blue ribbons to Hiss Virginia Alexandre', doutcy and Albertllarfs team of goats. The prlio of 810 us Class 30 Special for ponlen shown foiirlnhand to an appropriate trap. Blue ribbon tn llroivu . Oulu. u5." a'abl in ponies Charlie, lien. Prince, nud Kate. Class O-Dellveri men', hora.a shown to'a four wheeled wagon, lllue ribbon iiiidSliitiiii.l.oescher'a wh l.o ge dliig Mentor ami roun Keldiiig Max. Class 31 Ponies shown baforb an appropriate car riage and In hand! noiiles 1111 nnd aiipoiiitu,i nt 41) Percent. B no ribbon and (tutu Jtoiii'rt Macomble's "l- ".SPank- rd .ribbon to Mlsi llniel II .singer', ch. g. lillir. and yellow ribbon 10 Daniel Demnst-y's gr, a. Jerico. Class 8U?-Pony pairs ahotvn before an approprleto carrlagu, ponies only to be considered. Blue rib' on ndSlUto Drown & Oiiinlan'a Arabian geldings Don and Charley: red ribbon to same owiieraArabfan no nies Jlpand Fan, and yellow ribbon to tbosame own ers'AtabiBB ponies Prince and Kate ..CiH". u'rf&vlltu foil. shown In bond.wlth foal at foot. Blue ribbon lotileudonn stock Fiirm's u in. yaultyi red ribbon 10 ch. ni. Wild Ruse, and yellow ribbon to blk. m. Black Beauty. ' ' ' V"B . o-tiollvorymen' horses abown to four wheeled hualnesa wagons; horses to count no nnd WSgonstO. per cent. Blue ribbon and Slo tn C.J. tarr'seh.g. Harry; red rlbion "lo Charles (loessel's Jlkg. itoppo, and yellow ribbon to c. J. Farr's br, g. Ifuratbourne Hcta tVlne the Free-for-all bituke at Kennedy. Kenneiiy, Minn., Sept. K. Owing to tho few starters to-day In the Continental Club's Derby, the Free-for-all Stakes, with seven starter, was drawn at noon.and two braces were tried In the afternoon on grounds east of town. Thero wero not chickens enough to thoroughly test tho dogs. Zln and Tony Work were first down, and wcrovery tired at the end of their trial. Zip did far the better work. Glenn nnd Chrlstena found game and ran a closo competition in the third s-erlos. After Zip nnd Chrlstonu had ran. tho following awards were mado: 1 irst prlzo to llorstbourne Suls, owned byS. P. Jones of Louisville; second to Chrlstena, and third to Glenn, botbowurd by Hobart Ames of Ijprth Eaaton, Mass.; fourth prize 10 Tony "or.0wnd'ly the DeimontVKennele. Wa. verly, Miss. vrTI'?, A,,,'AJte8tm.k "" then '"ken np and Von Gull atiif Noble' Lro tried. The former was better In every respect. The latter is out of the stake entirely. Oleums Ruth and Dom ino wore excellent In pace, und ronge. but fnuud no game. Sister Sue und Greonway followed. Both went well, but Sue behaved poorly on the onlv game found. Sam T. went alone. After a dashing run for a few minutes he seemed to hav had enough, and at tho end of thirty minutes had about .quit work. He will hardly receive another trial. Chickens are bard to Und Odd and (Kads orHportn. Loan BuacH. Sept. s. In a flfiy.blrd match this aftsroooii at tlkwood Part between A. Lueulngor New ork and w ur It. Patten of this place, the former w-n with st birds to spare. Loeiitng led Patten six birds In the first hair, the fcore being .T,V..ii1S,r' VJ' U "" ""'-S lIoiSiSu?d!gi4''1 - .-SJ.aA. NEWS OF TUE WIIEEIMENV JfJ-V-4 0i7.UfT.Vr OnXTJOtHED AT TBS MAXUAXTAN IttCACU MEET. It Is Clntosed That There tVera Too Matuy Ofliclata, aad Cnreleas Sselkloas the Re. anll-Blcyele Repair Mia llavsa ClrleT. ance Mora Members tor tha Ij. A, f. The management of the bloycl meeting held at Manhattan Reach on last Monday was char actnrliod by racing men as extremely poor. The meeting; wa li.ld presumably under the auspices of tha Booth Brooklyn Wheelmen, but fewoflUoAlcera took an active Interest In the affair. The traok In front of th finishing Una was crowded during tho afternoon by official who had seemingly no duties to perform, but who constantly prevented the finishes from being seen from tbe, 'grand stand. There were thtrty-nlno officials present. Including eleven Judges, seven moro than wero an actual neces sity. A well-known racing man, in commenting yesterday upon tho meeting, criticised the de cision of Iloforeo I. R. Potter In debarring the riders In tho first nnd second trial ot tho one mile scratch raco from taking part In tha final hent, duo. to (heir failure to cone Inside of tho time limit, as unjust. It Is claimed that Pot ter's action would have beon justifiable. It bo hud nut tho third heat of the race a final ono and then put In a pacemaker. Such action gayo a decided ndvantago to the riders, In tho heat. Pntrons ot racing are becoming tired of tho independent action of racing men n trial bents In disregarding time limits, and it is felt that for tho best Interests ot racing and the proper conduct of meets a referee houldvunder no clrcumstancoa, when tho condition pre favorable for fast time, allow a trial heat to bo run ovor. Tho opening of new roads In the ontsklrt of tho city has been taken ndvantago of by bicycle dealers and repairers of wheels. They havo eottled In places convenient to these new thoroughfares with tho object of securing trade from tourists while out riding. Singular as It may seem, tho proprietors ot the bicycle repair ebons located along the Coney Island cyclo path, and at points on Long Island and In New Jersey, complain that riders seem to look upon them as enemies rather than Irlends. The pro prietor of u repair shop Id the vicinity of the Brooklyn cycle path. In a talk with TUB Sun reporter on Labor Day, discussed the feeling ot distrust manifested by wheelmen as follows: Whllo bicycle riders are apt to meot with such accidents as a deflated tiro, a bent pedal crank or handle bar. or some broken spokes while out for nrldoln tho country, these same men como to us for repairs with reluctance. We can only attrlbulo this feeling to the fre quent allegations that the distribution of tacks and broken glass along the roads la the work of some repairers In the vicinity. Such chnrge aro childish. Why only last week a young woman entered my repair shop with tbe front and rear tires of nor bicycle punctured. Sho had extracted two sharp-pointed taoks from the front tiro, und, holding them up for my Inspection, said: 'Well. 1 supposo that this Is tho work of eoino of your clover repair men, but as 1 must get to llath Beach to keep au ap pointment, I will let yuu repair ray wheel. Otliorwlt.0 I would trundle It hack through tho park to the city.' These remarks Indicate what n feeling Is entertained ngulust us. Instead of aiding tack throwers wo really exerolseas much caro us possible tu delect them." The mileage record a of tho member of tho Kings County Wheelmen computing for medals areas follows: , "'- V-.?.1 u d 9 " . 0,002: W. U. Ross, S.318: T.J. nail, Jr., 3,'.15n: U W. lieaslev. 8.104: C. W. Yminrf. v.ixk', J). II. Van Vleek.'a.SSI 1 W. li. IlutcMiiann. 3.3707'L. rl l'eriiam.2jas: v. n. Wltbstauley 2 IW: I. W.Wood. 3,117: J. M. Harned.a.oue! L. W.Soiithwlck-.2.1i44i 11. It.Loscntnp.l.tius. K..A. Laws, l.viiu; a T. Earl. I.utitf: . M. Hemirlckson. 1,608, F. li. Wadsworth, l,t)8 Vt K Morehouse I, una; 11. 11. Bralton. l.bOJ: W. H. kidd: , I.f03; E. Palmer. 1.820 It Hardlnj, l.slT: W. o. K f1-""' '.V A- ," Eclm. I.O.O: J. II. Davis 1.573: 11. a Jiuedbam. i.SSO; A. E. Tung. 1.SIU: P-L. Taylor. l.:M; L C. llulucs. 1 as; P. Li Chase. '.aTJi i': .!;-.c,.7P''' v3""! lhil Murrjy. 1.SXS; W. II Vc1,'jl.3i;M. -James. l.aia: B, a Soxion 1.272: A It, Uodgo. 1,320: 8. .1. lirahnm. 1.221, i; j. ltrati. I.Kb.l; Kt'. George. 1.170: C, ir. fhorne. 1.170; wVo Nellls. 1,101: C. O'Uanlun. I.KH; T. 1). Smith. 1.120; f A.PIei'ard. 1.12U; F. 11. Prvtt. l.lOJi K. E. I Smith 1.10d; i. A. NeodUam. 1,040: F, EL liiauvelt, 1,041: ill F. Rockwell, 1,003. Bicyclo riders in tlio metro poll I an district wiio havu urgod the cuuairuuliuii of an asuhalt pavement from the Jersey City lerry lo thu Hudeon county boulevard, are quite elated over tho decision ot the Board of Street nnd Water Ciimmlsjlouer of Jersey City to lay such a pavement. It will bo placed on Vork street and extend from Hudson to Hcuderbon street. Then it will bo placed on' Mercer street, from Hen tlereon (o Meserles street. A circuit of asphalt pavement as outlined will furnish to cyclers ami horsemen excellent rid Ing to the boulevurd. K. S. Edunrils of the Century Wheelmen of this city Is anxious to establibh a new recotd fioiu this city 10 Philadelphia and return. He will start uu aundny, Oct, -I. from the City Hall at 2 o'clock In tho morning aud will follow tne regular cuurso. Ho will bo paced throughout the trip hy well-known local rider?. Regularly appointed men wll be Htutlpned along tlio route to witness his arrival and dvoartureat all tbe big towns. The record over this course Is now held by Charles Staubuch. Vienna, Sept. 8.-In tha International bicycle toumaiuont hero to-day Huct and Buecnner coven-d oOU metres on a tandem in 30 U-o sec onds, healing the record furtl.odlstanoe. Thu ruce for tba championship of Europe was won easily hy Jacquelln, the present holder. Buffalo. Sept. 8. Last night's races, held by elertrlo light, were largely attended and re sulted us follows: Ilalf-mlle Handicap. Amatelir-W. I). Clelaud won. . ..i-.'i" Tl;"iple second, F, W. Jull.r third. Time! i:.u 1.3. Ml hi open. l'rofesslomil-John 8. Johnson. Minneap olis, wou: E. c. Johnson, Cleveland, second: J. W. Parsous. Australia, third. Time, 2:uu. Milu tipeii. Aiuateur-C. J. Miller won, Ray Duer serond. Hurry hhort tmrd. Time. 2:28 20. ..J.1!1.' !,l"'"c,aP. Wores.lonnl-A. O. Jlertens, Mlniie. ajiolls. 00 ard. on ; F. A. MuFarland. Ban Joso, Cal.. 80 yards, second; 1. A. Callahan. K-ratcb. Buffalo third, lime, 2:10 4-0. Puraons. tho Australian champion, rodo a quarter mile In 20 seconds, establishing a new track record. Rl.MiiiA. Sept. 8.-Yesterday was a model day for racing, and tho meet of the Kunawcola Cycle, was a big sucs. The truck record for ft milo of 2:00 3-rt was hrnkun by Troupo of Syracuse, whu made it, in 2:04 2-6, nnd then Ziinbriuk of Uochester lowered It to y;02. Both rldurs wero puced by tundoms. Summary: The one-mile nolce won by Budctt llnidy of Wood, m. ,rd"V.';o'i'i'V?'t"oni" ' " uilra, third, lliiiu. 8:23 lii. OniMulle. ripen- Won by Frank aTrappe.Syraousoi FredN. Fulton. Elmlra. second: J. B. Uomer. Allen town, third. Tliiie.2110!. llaif.iullu. for Boys -Won by ciamie 11. smith. Whltesborot :.'.irg.i 1). IltHloy. Jr.. Winlimivoruvt. second: F. P. McCurmlck. Blngliaiuiou. third, flmc! ..'"'itnillo.Opeu-WonbyJ. II. Corsser. Alleutnwn: l04C:i's '"'ra' t'C'","i A' K"lerer, third'. Ilal'r.iiilh;'. Ilnndjcap-Wou by F. 11. Fulton, Elinlra; A. M. .Iiobrlck. Uochester, u-condi U. W. Thorn BliiKhamioii, third, "' .llair Mile, city Chaniploiislilp-Frcd II. l'ulton won. Jl. N. lorbes seeonil. K11111 Politl third. Time, 1:03 1-3 Uiiemllc. Iliiiidlcaii-Won by u. W. Tlioriie, UjuS baiiilon, F. P. ,'i rapne. Syracuse, sccondi II, N. Fotbes, Elinlra. third. Tunc. 3-14 2 &. Two niilia, llaiidleap- Won by II. O Holll.ter. fort-'.""i1- l'."-. Tucker. Corlland. second; A. F. Ueffeu derfer, Blughuiiiton, third. Tlmo, 4:03. PltoviDENr'E, Sept. H. The Labor Day rncos at Cresrent Park wero attended by a big croud Harry Aladilox and ITddlo MuDullIu put up it great light iu both tho professional races. Mud do started tho pi Int In tlio Imndlrapand Mv l'.ul,,,lu..,ettt biUi al tbp tape, in tlio milo open McDulllo ran out nnd wns ridden down by Madilpx. I'red Devlin, tho State champion, scored a clean win in the mile open amateur riding the other men off their feet. Summarv: Oiie-mllDNoilce-c, I,. Woodward. Pawtnoket. nrt : O, Munrt lioltlng, Providence, .Nond! Walter inl bells, Providence, third. Iloie!a:02, "",M,r J"" oueiiillo Open. Anmteur-F E. Devllu, Providence nrstl II. II. Hills. Providence, second; joe 1 Jlowilen Providence, third, lime. 2:2:1 1-0. "ownen, Uiii.inile Hnndlcap, Amateur Joe Bowden. Provi dence. 10 yards, tiraf: II. 1). Hills. Pros Idence. sersieh. t7'"l!.i,i 'i.'b"1" Bl"lan I'rovldeuce, scratch, third! One mile, open. Professional -Harry Maddox. as binyPark. Ilrsti E. Meliunie, Everett, second! ii. A Adams, Woni-sier. third. Time. 2:IS80. ' (Ino-inlle llnudleap. Professlonul-E. McDuBle. 10 jards. first: 11. Maddox. 10 yurda, a:ond: 11. a Adaiua,40yurds, tnlrd. Time, 2:18.' ' ' "' A" MANCllEiTElt. N. H t-'ept. S.-Manchesterse-cured a natlona circuit meut, nud many of the crnckajaoka took part In tho meet to-day. Tho city wusllili-d with visitors at tlio seml-Centen-nlal celebration, ilnd 3.000 attended the races, 'lummy lint er was the star, hut met with uri acclduutto hlswheol iu tlio mlloopon, throwing him out of his heut. He took tho holf-rallo open, riding In the third position back of pace, maker. aiioT coming grandly t the front to n win bra few Inches only from Kimble, who de feated Zlrglcr for tho third plat-, Gardiner Whs sixths In the mile open final Coleman back.podalled in his position, third from the rear, Kicr struck him and went over him, und Gnrdluer went over Riser. Riser was stunned, and was rescued from under the wheels. Loughead, the Cana dian, gave excellent Indications of a return to form.jumplug und winning a heat, and In tho filial won out by tlireo lengths. Fre4 Hoytde. feated Zlecler by a foot for the second place. The win of Harry Clark In the two-mile handl 1 Wi ll. flr" ri" lnce hie fall ut Merlden. and Wells, thosecoud roan, took his second win of Money In this race with second position that ho has gained alnce leaving the Pacific coast In May. Summaries; ' jte!L. .l1'JTr..'! -"as4-A - OUR WHOLESALE 5T0CK OF WELL UA.DB FASHIONABUS TALL AND WINTER CLOTnlNO IS NOW ON SALE AT RE TAIL. OWINtJ TO TUB SILVER AtUTATlON VfV HAVE BEEN AIJLE UURINO TIIK TAST TWO MONTHS TO DUV WOOLLENS FAR UNDElt USUAL PniOEB, AND AS A RESULT OUIl PRICES AllB LOWER THAN KVEK BEFORE. WE RETAIL. AS HERETOFORE. ON QUR WU0LE8ALK rilEMIBES, BLEECKBR STREET, CORNER OF aREENE; ALSO AT JJKOADWAV, COItNSR REOIOll STREET. HAHMGHSLflUGH BROS., Bloookor Street, corner Qroono (Bet-BroBdway and em ave. Elertd RR.), also Broadway, oorner Rootor Street. 1 T -- .1 .1 I. 11 1. I... .1., LI I .... g Ketne, won! P. A. (lately. Boston, second! L. II. Mun- gor. Mlddletown, third. Tluie, (l:l)t !. " .. Mllo. Open. Ainsteur-E. -M. Blake won. II. 11 DahP berg aeoond, V. l.FlaU third. 1. line, 2:20. u-w .mvmii . lain. ,iii,u. a,, up, .i-. . . Mile Handicap. Amateur -E, II. Blukc, scratch, wou; J. P. Clarke. Doaton. au yards, second; C. A. Keating, Ayer, 00 yards, tilrd. lime, 3:23 4-8. . Two-mlla Handicap. J'rofusaloual-llarry. Clarke, 160 ranis, won: (Vs. Wells. 100 yards, second: F. n. Bowler, ISO yards, third; Burns Fiofce, 180 yards, fourth. liiuu.4:4a IhV Tom Butler, In a hairnillo exhibition, paced by tan dem. Time, 0:aU. aiOTES. Secretary Basaett of the U A. W. announces that 010 new men bera were enrolled during thu past week. The returns tram thu leading dl Ijloiu are us follows: New'Yuik fob,' total IKJsi Pennsylvania I8u. 'total 0.090; Massachusetts 78. total ti.201: New Jersey 22, total 4,200i Ohio 8, total 2.25T; Illinois 30. total ll.Ooo; 1, lotaHtill! Iowa A. total 1.420: Missouri 17. total 2,081; WlKonsIn IU. total 1,018. The total membership of thu league la uo.UKO. Arrangement have iieeu made for n hour match raco between Charles 11. Murphy of lirookln and James Michael, the Wclsn rJcer, to take place at Man hattan Beach on Sept. lit. Theannuabmeetliig and election of officers or tbe Buthwick Wheelmen 01 Brooklyn will be held to morrow nhrht. . James 0. Bennett of the Liberty Wheelmen of Brooklyn Is rapidly developing Into one of the fastest riders in the amaieur class. Tno Yorkvlile Wheelmen will hold tho following rlub runs this month; 18, Vonkers; 20. Amltyvlile; 37. Coney Island. The 83-iiille road race, open lo members of the Klmta County Whueltnen, for tha Wilson trophy, will take place on Oct, 3- The Harlem Wnculmen will hold a club century run to East Isilp on ucxVSlinday. The Chelsea Wheoimen of tills city will hold a run to lotteiirllle on next buuday. T Tho General Post oniee Wheelmen will hold a cen tury run tn Patchogue on next Sunday. IBe llarleni V. 11. c A cyclers will hold runs on every Tuosday and Friday night.. Club runs hnve been arranged b v the Gotham Wheel menasrol ows: Sept. 18. Bergen Point: 20, Patchogue; 27, Fori cnesler: Oct. . Stamfords iu, Cold Spring; 17, Tuxedo Park: 34, Orange: 81. Slug sing. The twenty-nie-inllo latum road race will bo held on tho alley stroant cnuree oa election day. Tho Lenox cycle Club will hold Its urst road run from Newburgb to this city on Sept, is. The Twin Citr Wheelmen ot South Norwalk will ho d a flfteen-mflB road raco on Bept. IS. Tho Aroanunt Wheelmen ot Jersey City will hold a series or races on Sept. 10. Tho prango Cycler, have elected the following ofn corn: President, Horace E. Olll: 'treasurer and secre tary, (leorne Travis: Captain, Ira i. Metcalf; Lieu tenant. Robert Iialewi: Bugler. W. F. Lord, Jr.: r.o.l.oru0.r,r'Uf0reK Brenner; Baring Committee, vitllam Denuy, l.ruest French, and Wbllam Ogle. Tbe Columbus Wheelmen of West Harlem will take a run to Coney Inland uext Suuday. Non-members wishing to participate can notify tbe Secretary at the dull hntin A OICEAT CAMS CAT It ACS, The Scut "Wins tho I.vncU Cup After the llorolhy Is Ulsqualllled. Onoof tho best yacht races for cabin cats ecn for some time on the upper bay took place yesierday afternoon off Bay Ridge, when five of the fastest boats of this typo recalled their post poned raco for tho Lynch Cup offered by Robert B. Lynch, the owner of the cutter Lynx. Tho race, which was sailed under the auspices of tho Atlantic Yacht Club, would havo been decided on Monday but for tbe calm which prevented any of the boats finishing, so the owners of tho racers decided to sail tin. race off vesterday. and It was uIko agreed that no prize should bo awarded unless the raco was finished Inside of three hours. Tho cutrlcs included the Crosbycats. Dorothy, scat, and Estello: tho (iielow-deslgncd Streak, add tho Squaw, a weighted centreboard boat designed by Gilbert Smith of Patchogue. L. L These aro the fastest boats of their type afloat, and (he result or their meeting was watched with interim by yachtsmen all over the coun try. There was a flno northeasterly breeze yes terday, and all carried single reefs during tho earlv pun of the race. The Dorothy, bettor known as tho Step Lively, evidently lound the conditions to her liking yev terdny. und beat tho entire licet. Unfortunately hersklnper fouled uneot tlie buoys on tho flrst round and was dlsqualilieil, which gavo tho raco and cup to the Scat. The Streak won second prlzo nnd the Squaw was third. Tho Scat, which was the smallest boat of the lot. Soiled a great race, though, and thoroughly desorved her victory, and us a matter of fact sho has won ovcry race she has started In this season. Tho yachts sailed over' tho usual club course 11 tlio upper liny, and the starting signal was Ilrert at 2:20 o'clock. The Squaw wns tho first away, being timed at 2:20:U8; then came iho Kstelle. 2:20ioU; Dorothy, 2:21:11: Scot, 2:21:','U; Streak. 2:2:1:11. It was ft run to the bell buoy In tho ship channel, then a beat to buoy 14 and u reach home on the port tack. The Dorothy soon took the lead, and the yachts were timed at the completion of tho first round as follow.: Dorothy, 3:22:00; Squaw, 3:24 '02. ??.S".f.i WW' Streak. 3:30:48; Scat," On tho second round reefs werp shaken out, and the Scut mado' a big gain ou the leaderr. their tlmuaat thu completion of the ronud be 'ngporothy. 4:17:61: Squaw. 4:23:2(1: Estelle. 4:2(1:14; Scat, 4:20:67; Streak. 4:28:61, .Thero was little change In the order of tho fieotto the flnlsh, whim the yachts were timed as they crossed tho line as follows: Dorothy. 6:00:32 Squaw. 6:10:32: Scot.5;20:08; Kstelle. 6:21 21: Streak, 6:21:35. Summary: ' """""1-. Elameif Corrected Boat. Unqlh. Oimitr. u. ".". Ji'S"'. liorothy.... 87.10 Ocorg.. Ulll 8 48 31 3 4831 beat.. 23.00 F. M. Randall..." a as U 8 60 48 giroak 24.05 c.H.i.ary a ih 44 2 Si in giuaw 87.00 Herbert K. Jewcll.2 a3 04 3 83 40 Estelle 20.UO Mauley Crosby..3 00 23 8 88 84 In the raco for the Callunan Cup on Monday tho Awu finally drifted ucro.s the lino a winner. Jbortlj after 0 P. M.. whllo tho Moccasin took Thu Allontlo Yacht Club's programme of events for Smturduy has been changed some what, and now Includes races lor the following tjT&Cb Cunsolatlon Races-nroup 1. all sloops which havo not won a race dur 11c the season. First prUo tfts secoiid prlzu S4U. 'ilt-imp 2, nil cats wiiicii iiava not won a i-noe. Uril nrie ,o. second prrz!.$0u ' n.''i-o'.'ifA-.' loops not In con.olailon racs: pr!eeji3nd?2D: A" ""'""'" cn""atIon race! Uempstead lluy Yncbte ltaee. IlKairsTEAP, Sept. 8. The annual open regatta of the Hempstead Bay V.,cht Club was held yesterday over a iHelve-inlluvnursuopposlte the clubhouso on Elder Ielaml In the Oreat touth liny. The races were all ?." fTS?.,.&i01n i '"Wchts In f tho ;i rent bout .Hay. 'Tne .loop Agiala, owned bi 1). Julncs llutehu. son. was badiy haudlojpped by carriini awkv i!,S ceutrobourd 011 the llrst reach ainl u "wigii to till sh llioracu without It 'I lie race u , inaiiSu. sreoursj which, wa.iled four times around "it WS onT'd,elr0(f,u,.t,,, ,0Ul"' " " ??" The Iniiers In their reapi-ctl ro classes were- Slnon. -Kltanor rtrst, Fleelnliig'.econd: J milter flrst llrooK If 11 second Cati-lluulan llrst. llardl second-' ii?a tirat. Ita ler second. The last regatta 1 of r ilia cfnS tor the si-asps will be sailed ou Sept, "a "10 tlub roouiAi.i,, The l'ro.pect. amuse th. iK Athletic, Clubs lu Tills Vicinity. Tho football prospects among tho'blg athletlo organizations In this vicinity this full s very brlghU Tho Crcscunt A. C. has docidod to play all its home games at tho Bay Ridge grounds. W lillo no captain bus been selocttd It Is tnld that .Uher Phil Kug. tho ex-Prlnceton leader P P"!?,,1',"1'1' tlie "Id Amheret player will likely fill the position. The latter is in oxcLlle it quarter back and has also played ut f uU bai k creditably. King may coacli uiio of tl U'u.t em college Icuui. ln'whlch uvout he will ho" linab o to play with the Crescents. Am 011 J tha members of lu.t year's team who will 1 av th ? ir,a!a&IiulllJv",''."a.8k"1'. -"V. Cilrry. JIuo! Konzie. Weir, Suiltli, Pratt. Relief iin,li Ihero will boa large collection it' iiow c"S5i'- Homeof tie veteran Player on tlieUranro A C.teara, nc udlngliuell. (liver ) i.,f ffi.A' foter,feague0nt'oU ttdV 8$ Falafnl Accident to" Princeton's JTootbaii Cawtulu. tatVIm VXn' B'Pt- 8'-w'" Practising the blfthsvtnuo ground thi mornlug darlr. Cochran of th, p,tuctlon lMff Columbia I Bicycles 9 Standard of the World wM Avoid that doubtful feeling: aH that uncertain sensation and IIS worrimtnt that takes away H half the pleasure of bicycling-. W Join the glad army of Colum- ImH bia riders and know the keen i delight of bicycling content. Wmml Second-hand GltimbUs are better ISaaB than most other bicycles. We have &PH them at all prices. WO. POPE MFG. CO. 'fl liariiord, Conn. ' 12 Warren (Jtreet, NEW YORK. WM METROPOLITAN BICYCUNQ CO. Wisl Boulevard and 60th St. m FIFTH AVENUE SALESROOM fiW 306 Fifth Ave, (near 31. 1 3t.) fJH BICYGLES f p ON INSTAIiIiMENTS. g B H Victors, i -8 g Pierces, il 8 li Crawfords. i n All New-1896 Models. 'H M $5 CASH, 1 J IE Balance from $5 fo $10 Per Month. !x l g E- G. P. CO., 1 SZ 29 BROADWAY. New York. 3 I " , $m Open Mondays until O P. M. "ZZZ 'm wttt rreno u.nrras for. SHI On '3. SU 4afs Prcma Cameras for in'on i3 IsO'OO Model Pocket ifodaks "...... 4 "R M SUSWi, " (loaded) for B'. M 60 SslS Ilabjr nawbeye ( oaded) V113 SI ALL'.NEW ASli '(IB MODELS. Sg 5rli'i.x.5p.r?ix!n0i7fi!;7!6l31' f '96 BICYCLES. '96 f SlODNo.Sl or 23 Uendrons for KS'toO J" .! A. or II Rellaaees Tor 4 ao P aioo .? or It Dianas ror cVso 13 KlOO Mold Crown, tor ...." 7ioi -3 SOtn Century Lsmpa Tor 8.os send 2c stamp for Catalogue and Hat-gain List. , THE rol.MEIt Ai ISCIIWINQ UFO. CtX, fl 8T1 CANAL, MT. 13 aoors east of Broadwajl. M HIGH - 1 GRADE SOS A WHEELS, OO. I Well-known make, with rara Bnaraataa JK DURANT McLEAW a CO., 1 gOO n road war, x. 1. S 5,000 BICYCLE BARGAINS. ' i ir??ltJi2c,klA 'S? IT. ..Columbia, tlu; Victor. ffl DICTClea, 33 fulij ruaractsrd; lnspctlon ioiltod. m euu uov-s' nioYciES.' iSbo each. m J3.sment. 11 Maaaao BtT Kr. beetanan et, M S28 and S32. I nn,i '500 """ celes.lais' or Rents'. 19 Complete. b.olntly eTerjthlna secsttarr. SB Tnoroughlr worth J100. 38 L. CJANDORF&QOn i HIGH-GRADE BfCYCLES$19 EACH. 11 All maks. aopo to Mleet frJrn ' Cho'r-e t"i SI 828. S31. I ,,., OOO NEW IIIQn.OBAIJESB. M uustcloseout: want casta: bring eiucrts with to. M sultonOa.iioandllOassaBat, m Twn ,h- l-TNDnUltST Blorel. '-M won tbe Eag i hock hill-ciiinblng conteat M and HEJIT THE RECORD. ,M TVFJL?l'KfAT "!? eneant three Spaldlnittnaka ot M M05 firbaotwar" ""' 8 "p"l0H'0 offl0 I with an accident that will lay him np for 1 several vfooks. The team was doing Iu pre- 9 lluilnarr work In Asbury Park, tho candidates S practlslntr dally. The men had lined up. when Lochrau mado a rush for the halt. Ha ran against the kneo of one of tho 5 players and fractured two of hi. ribs, Not 4 nowlncpf thooxtentof his Injuries. Cochran t tried to keep in the came, but soon fell ei. liauatcd, He was taken In a carriage to hi 5 hotel and there attended by Doctors Marred S and urvan. tjorhran can breathe only with $ considerable dimrulty. Tliq tloclors say that ( careful nursing will bring him arouud all right. J Football Notes. $j Tlie Drednausht lyoiil't lie i,lcsi.l to hesr S rrom ont-af-town teaiua avcraglnc 1 1,1 pounds. jTt Addrots H.nnuel a. Jlullcn, 1,051 1'jrlt avenue. .-Mil WiTCRSiBT. sept: 8 It. It. niir.iui, Vale '08, " will : leave tommrow for .Taeksnn. Tinn.. to raoo JSK the football ulcvcn of tho Southwestern 1'iilvertlty. WjjS Tlio henox football team la opeu for all eliallcngs Mm from tMuiia averaging las pouuds or tlier.-nhoiit. f HI,1'':i'.?i"."""la:'':,"ll'' Addrns T O'Doud. fflS 7U west l0h street. Vj IIaktfoiio, Sept. 8. The fall term of Trinity M College will open Bept. 17. Tho f.uiiball team ba 'id been uiumoned by Cmt, Ututford ami will as. - scmble for prautlc on 8tuMay. m Tho Norwich A. O. football team would Ilk W. to hear from teams within 100 miles of New York ifi city offering aultaulo guaramee lor .Saturday, Suu. wfi day. and holiday gauios. Address Kred A. Slu. JMl nions, on IJecoud street, Ilrooklyn. b! Ilob Cook Will Not Coaeh lb Pennsylvania fMi Crew. i 3m PiiiijADklpiiu, Sept. H, -Thomas Itiath, a jffl member of tho Itowlng t'oinmitteeof the I'nl- H vorslty of Pennsylvania, to-day denied that liob : Sfi' Cook would coaoh the Pennsylvania crew, aa Kg wa. stateil yestorday In a New Haven despatch. : Sffi, Iluatheald: "Ido not knnwwlint reliiilmmexlst Wxk' beliveen Capt. Oook and Vale, anil dn not know ?3m' that ha Intends leaving there: but 1 am nnaitlv 3B that he Is not coming to the University of Pcna mm syirsuita,.' M Whlttakcr lleat K.uiiv'k Herord, S Milwaukee, Sept. B.-nonrgo .1. Whlttaker, tH Mllwaukeo'a champion euliinner, who wear "Sm the color of the Ohlcagn Athletlo (lull, jester- WS oay lowered the American record fur 10(1 jards Ws from I:?1.:'-.0. ""'' by A. T. Kenny, to 1:011 $& '"blttaker made this rocord In cotnp- Wm tltloii. Kj iatatsi, (Cjurianw, ftr. m STUDEBAkEflTBROS.,' I S0SS07 CANAL HTHKi:T. -sM 800 fest Past of Jlroadwaj', Wx CARRIAGES 1 of every drserlptloa for city and eounlrr use. JM MORRIS WOODHULLT I WOO ANAI. HT.. WKDI OK II' WAV,' M Manufacturers of - CARRBAGKS I lilUMrU.Uai it ImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmMmmmiimm,