OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 09, 1896, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1896-09-09/ed-1/seq-9/

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,t l !
'it '-i
f hl 5Us V:jbfti-SlA.Y, StPTAlBKft rl, i&x " H
3Frotta taaHtS.
1 0OC SSUJIK Wanted. Smyta. mm: ! Chum
It br point rwtar.
tpwiy m - soaa. m hwim w.
1 'PIU5CD feather im mt learner waste-,
4 Apply til LIU5 KH13. HuatAae.
r'AJCT VCATRERX-WanMil. prUrilcit Band.
JC a Bane. fetir4: tteadr work.
ztrcKia JosspBT. 7ia--m Bm-i-.y.
i'AXCT rZAfknu. Ptqatt mer and blri
moantar.: wore ttvva one
mtmtA omyzncBa mnttmjwmr.
FA5CT rATTIKlU.-Exprllu-.l hand wanMO.
Apply ti DAVID afiaa tan xrcr c
OSTRICH riLATREaa, rirat-claae enrlen wuudi
luxlr araplny tent; m alTeti out.
. J. rxtLOR cia. H3 Waanmarton place.
i .3TRICH rZATBXB3.-Cartn uit Mwin oa Mu
v aadcoUaratt; wnrt rl.ea hom.
nuaiinam Bnoa.3aBon.irt.
I)APER BOXXS. A raw .trlppera, also .mail giJia
tor turlnc la call ready fir work.
c M-MEB. 143 Daann l
PAPZR BOX3. Eprteced hand on ala. work
aad sua oa (las tabl. L. BACE&, Men it. and
to .
LMR-. Olrta wanted to hlp on caae. mw tn
tBa, AIXMOS LAJQOS. 313 Broaaway.
gattustit ctranti 'Wasted.
i ilERSLA-or SwMiahatrt for cmuw-l hooMwork:
iV family of tnpw. t3 Wnt t30th it.
-ffante: Palta Pesair, e.
BOY wantl i.lmaricma) for shop work: cood tr lt
aim Or wtta ptnno, Addnm
P D. C Box in aim ogle-.
PAPER BOX. rirttclaaa man on Inma papor
tllttar. Addr C box 172. Sun offlc
C UOffaiAKXHa wanted, ateady workrorffoo4baa!a:
0 call, wtt umgli, artar lu.
dejc rta. nactiaiwiit
WAITED Two nrttxla. horaraaoors. floor men:
. f ttamdy;. no other need apply.
it g. aaRI.. 1 1 - it., yawar. 5. J.
l-ATD Two tu roofer, out am tt.
5ffawta pI5 JBUcellaaeaiw.
4 iJETTS. country, wanted, to ml itaclnroane. asit
A K-aOer. rraatajnplaa. Ifaetory. P.q L.37I. 3.T
W A5TSD A newpapar man to taJta cbarta of aj
T art:alnit tepartmant of a maaofactarlng com
pany. .dilria JLA5C7ACTUBXH. box 11. Sun
unu. wttn axpcrtuiico. trfarancaa. aalary, aail tpaci
aiana of wora.
WATTSD An actira man about 3 who xaowa
v Bow to 4ail and collact; aaeuxlty ratjulrait. Ap-
pty personally, iiii Xat Itltn at.
WAXTED Xn axpnancHi in bouaa-fchoaacan
TaaaUu. AJdnaa SO DOOSa. 3 J Court ic, orooa
lyo. 5itnatiott3 fSsatti Jftmalt.
WA5TED By a ailtlilaaMuttl Arawtinui wUJow. tlta
ftCloa aa trnttaWKaraprr In amftll ftumly. or a aur
and com pan ton Ut lnmUtl ialy. Call or adOrna Sra
3L. cars if Mr. A. Bow iter. 1 33 Saas 30 La ir,
STEADY, tadaitrlooa Tiumr Amtrtcma of am
xpTtrinncfl n nipplna civrst kY s)iUua
wnr an iaa ma nltnatttf rvaarally asvfiil wu
nwinmfttilnl AtidranH C W Doc LU Sun ptnow.
VSW TORIC HOT. at IT, wtQe Ci learn a
trvU; prtntincgr-farreiX. waulit accvpc a ttta&
nan uC any Kintl iwct paamon and antamaOclaa,
Adtimw 11-kIU.lUIlTa. ttox I7q 3un office.
PORTtaJC-Ainan 33 1 wat ticuatloa aa portar,
or c aaytaiin wnra m pic oC a naru. wiiUnu
T'irnaa an rx,mrml. Atdrwa J, VL, tt Z. Iflfltn tt.
Y' i:J UaRIUSD 3LVTT. 24 yvora old, wouTiTllka'a
tatty plactt aa drlv-r. nr anvxntnjt: nndrmuuda
rf car of Sonel t. H. iTointR, .a aitlwood
ar 3rootlyn.
last am w
1 ATH ST 34 A3T. PlraanC coot a nub I o. ttaiiia
J.U pwmi, xeeUesc buard. aratr concnlnca,
n to term a-.
7T3 ST J4 W33T -Hlntf'n and doubla Jd-4tory
frnat J CoD 3oor witft boart rvfenmct.
T TU ST. .14 EA.lT LanjT" and small rooma, a
t J stilta or itiLtfY xtwttitat taoie; rtfrrntr.
TV es latj,
T" laniTOX PLACK. UA-Larx9 nmay front
" pror. nratly furniaaed, 'lulas aous. iaoil
tohlw raffpsnjf3i.
omiT, li'J Witar or iVaar io neajtjriata wtl
O drr lt gwioh "nr winter irawa 'oiy cnuaa
B)D ST. 34 "SST. near tmparal. Parlor ntt. !
wica prlvata bath, xlau nail room, rrferenc
jULa.NO PLACE, t.1, 3nr Vultnn AKxcnlWnt
nnzrt xmX front room 4a, lniprommantx piaau.
L3;viT'JN' AT. 41.. nnar 434 tt ?TjraIhM
rimt. lorn and uual. cuuenletic us Grand Can '
ra. J-pit.
LZIXmT')-? i"7 r"J73T"eiJr 4tat ft,-Lorz and
tiniil xii7i iur renclmin.
M-iflUHiH v7. 142. cnrnT list it. BandAnmir
nirni-htM tn!H iml 2oubItf rooma, -arttn exci
!rnt wiart tad -Appointment.
-;OTn IT. :- ZATt Iwiwn am and Ma-Hnm a.
7 ixiRt!i. naciifr 'lunrtrrs. unto, nmjlc. withar '
tunjit anratj r,iu::.
OfVT! r. ;;o ja3T Han'lwionjT-rf'imiin-! ha fc
O-" pr'r arr ni mail roomi. nry innTonl-
"ai- prtviiu -nuoniintit.
1 -TH ST. H.1 WZ3T -'Ctly farnlibi froac 1
I y panor alio im&it mt low rnt Jan.oir '
irII T4.U W2T-Wlthiwair n-aUy fir
"X atitiM room: Uiacat runatnft" wacar flfat. jaa.
ib tnfi! oprlnnal i
) I 7U lT.. 4.17 'VZST -Lantrt rini, i-very cuown
t ifnrtf prlTdtd ttoiutt: $J. small room rvanan
anip urni-r
OOO )T. '0 XEHTSamlanini-l'f aopoinr-tt bsw'b
00 nr iinorter n lt ir tJnffl Taint artend
anci" urfiAirwt optional rt-ffrwnc
H'TTT ST. "m XETT -wlyf4rnioI mn ma ati
rrfini Soor - uir or -icui-; other rooma.
1 arjn -ir malt table twwrl. i
urnislutl aams ta let rcaltlga. '
ClT CJBTa aSirilTTS. 4 two minute t 7nIton
1 ?rrr and Bmlittt Larso room, L30, amuller,
l 2.T vi-f-Kiy viuwof bay
law ami 3.rjartmat5 Ea 2rt.
-T19 Jt.0 .11 S 17. S. E. CORMEIl DUD 1T.
Elegant Steam-heated Apartments
iI Hunt room. Hall anil lrat4ir rtr.
Flmproif iauntiii anl .xrr wf-aufV rooinA
loquln 1UDeriu(nlfat. on pmnUoi.
t PAftTMS.NTS lu thn lnipro"l uwliTnx Sn Eaat
T rvil t. of two. tbn.. ani four nvnnia. til UgTt.
vtth oatn. Ut initry not and coli watr. ami ball,
bratail font n.ir, o41.
tuXjMV BlUJl 'i.'h Bronlway mravr I2ta .
i.tiwu KUhia i. . ufm I44tn t.
l-LUS H T ,ODWAaO lilil Wa.t I .'.th tt.
fM.Afs t.tD PRTaESTi."unfurnlnnl.rurnlanedI
a tm.rahl Iiaftoon r.nr S.14U tt Vl.tJOU.
y'lLSOMBBOTUIiKH. 1311 BrnoJway nirl ith tr.
TiXlTCB. 3fl Zatlltt it.nnrlu a . will nnw I
' alio 4 romii 1n-4 wiru atl Imorov.mutJ ranc.
wuntu'M. 'Mrpntcit itlrt anil ball, tcrinr$lo i
t iWNEH of rftnoitnlltfil prtar ttouiw. on rtlt f . I
J ni'or XaiUmiii it, nt fltt'l up 4 fw inofrn 1
mooi for hm-hiMnn t.ry jimlei conrn!noi'
a wtriij uar, e loTitur anil lntr style it hHrhrooma,
Ajiinm ' ' P 0 b" J.", t. y "
T4Ui ic. ZWi 3u Eat. iflvn 'ara-. limit rjoma ami '
batb hanbtii nev "L'slAtlnn. Janlfor .
PEna? 4T. 117 -Kourlljbt rooma nifbatnroom
111 tnihlurn luiorovdutfaui. wluct. 3M SiU. iu
Jni ri-t.
v- iV T(iH.ip4rtmnti of two ainl taro roonn, !
u prft 'iinulcnn iiulot liuuku low r nt.
XtH iV . I 04. onrn-r rtrh it -Elirtnt aoortlimnfa.
') vinif Pirx. mm J- Jim. rijSE. lVai .
1 "7il it. ill WZHT -Pirlor'rtat .lx Utf.1t rornnH
1 Aiut oatb IJ7
1 T JT IM ViSV tvcnnil Hiir wreaill Unite
i riMiiita tnit ham 4teaut neat rait if
IsTII "T 134.112 EAT. 1lx ronnw. hail
Hhitvu" ti t- i
nivrn t.. .-m w e.st. -ttmi i r turn ia
llltT isnflfr i(llr"in aurotu
;.rXl.M.T IV.. M7.tl,i:7-3ram. m.l
Hit OllUMtlUf.l $lUti'-i.
IO:ln IT., a WRIT.-1 roonn au.t batb twam
-ir 41
lOLCHliri.kV..itii3TU4i3.- rooma aat
11'h 4Uiiii laimr 'J7 .di m t.ij
JliTH T.. 11.1 WiaT.-( rorma and batb.
iiir not wnt r i"
IT7TH ST.. SrlT.TTW WEST. 3 rooma anil
ft tlnam Hfiir iilt' H
lrwril T. ltt7 WfT.-l nom and
11 n rii'on'tr 11-11 f iir fj-l in I-'.
l.lrtni mt.51 KA-T,-.Jro..m 11. taply to
...ittnrt inpnunifiiir jlAi-'LAV t PvVIES.ji Pina . j
0 'T'f HT ijh WEdT - 4ttruia. flat, .lx roonn
ami Imrb alt tut inipruvanifntjt v.ry Inw mnt.
"-nr ir 13 PAvr -hv-:' im 3at. t.x tail
1 I Mivun rootua. lotprnniinta. tM fit 30,
wTTI IT iti EAtT -Slnjla flat, t'ffn 'Icllt and
-trry rooma til iinpruvantttnu. tpolr t.i lunnor
Jlrt HMtirK.
wstT st. 3JJi kst -ttrai-ttn 3 in rmini,
tatb, roair xnd pr'raM n ilia, rami low tn
I 1 lTU ir. 107 W&I -Lar. 4 rimmn ami h-tth
liJtJtt'amiiifli ououlf bioulc from ttaclou rut
1 til on Janitor
I 1 ttTtl tr . 101" ISL l WEST -Larp. tl roooia
1 Liinnitbatlt 4UaJi a4C ou-a locatiou. rant iX
t. t.i on Jaaihir
I 1 ST IT . 73 KUT Tial alx rooma. baU all
L..I intpronrmntj, tmail family 4JI
T orTIl IT, l K 4SI 4prtnuinta of utraa and
i 1 fourroocii all llnltt moma; tnaaprant.
1;.J7 CDLCUBCS AV, coruar Illicit t.--37axj.
1 rooma; tlw.
raw VwaaarMaa-Clxjr Cvntry.
"RP'ITC PraparatorySohoolforbon
AJJU HO land youns man. tllnntratad
a 1 a TPfV icatatowuwon application.
atAUb.U 1,1 PanaJ faw,loit
... - . . ' prwarrMl On. Hour front 1
Htmaafaww. Uaa. ',w ora. w3t j. DETTS, '
3BTU TEAB. iW. A. lYalol. Principal. ,
Doardtra and day Mhotari: reopau Snr.S,tcnna
naaonafitak and foreatxi-wu..
nmTrnEit jtrome. o. s. r.
ftmr Taaax laaaa lltjr Cautry.
TAo St. Elizabeth Academy,
CttxrKXT art Tiny, x. J.
Educational farllltln of tno blthmt nrler nnsur
PamoiI in tbit b.altbfulbiHa of tta urnmnitluin. tt
natail 31 mllaa front Xaw York, within auty ait'eaa by
rralnaon tb JLandE. ClTlalonoftb U. L. and w
KB. For rnrtnar Dartlcalara Tialt in Inatltuuonor
Apply forelrcuiorto
ttta yaar. Smalt rtniam lntur lndlHdn.il attrn
Bon. rnneb and G.rtuan tboniintnly tatirbt. prac
ttral training In Enjllab. full courn-a in History and
Utaratur. Coilraw pr-naratory data. Addrt,
gADEJlOtHEmi RCKU ill taat Jotll It.
lr Ttouc Item .C Tlaaaas-Clty J6 Coaatrr
Dar etaaam w u buln work Sept. 31. aranlnz
Claarca. Vpt. 3a.
Hbfb Scbool. Dapnrtm.nta of Fin. Arta. Doma.tto
Art. oom.atic 8ehne. vi.nf, and Tmbnolocy Kin
darxartana. Libraries, and luaenma,
For fartber Inrorm.tton or for application blanks
audraaa titagtnaral onlra of the UiMtuut..
COLUIOE PBXPA3AT0RT and primary olawtM.
both toxea. rombtnwi ailvanuirtfa of ciam work
and Imllvtdual tnarructlon. Younx mn and younit
women wioaa eitrly lncariuit bait b.n nittN.tfM
Ond here oxcaltrnt opDortuu'ty tt make up lont ttm
Tba work la tborouali and practical, and tn moral
ton burn. A tplrlt of aarneit andoaror and of noniMt
prtda In aaob otbera tULra pervade, tb. plaer. Tbi9
beat tTutenca of tnr4 and many otber ad-nncir-tof
tfte acuool la to be found In do good opinion of Ita
neighbor, natron, ami poolla.
AXTOIB II.TaVU.X90.N. rntal.
&riartataiH KrikiaH.r .tkol.
Boys' Scbiaols City aa4 Coamtry.
Berkeley School,
13-20-22 and 24 Wi Uih Si.
Classical. Scientific Commercial.
AsSmn half. ITtii year, beslm Sept. S3.
Taa headmaater will bo AC tha acbool
bolldlne from 3 to VI X. JL S5t. 9. 10.
aail 11 to meet caroau.
J. CCJLRK REJ.D. Rnjijfror.
IITand ll'J Tin I33tbt llth year beirtniSept. 3c
Tburijittfb pnpAntlon for nl!ex and botlne For
i-taioan. adilreia WtLLLlS SYD3EY 1 tEVE.NS. SL A.
William U'tnirttoii Baien. B. A.. U 3. Bi-admaaur
Tbwi. Edward Ion. B. S. Ajao.lale Headntaaatr
Cay scnnlan ntt Kr!trw ffnH moderate. '
AAlrtfaa Hrutflfr LL'ST xv . CbRitur. !T. T.
OOrVi"i yearly far jonjinboy 3rith yr I
CUU E. mJDS. gampitaa.1. L. Z. j
Boy al Glria School-City an4 Country, i
trtth nt. and Huthrtuni plac mi amyvaancanan
For Do and ilrla. lt!nor;nrta M rU Oa'tatlfr
tnx for Barvart. Columbia. Jta. Gradnarea arw ad
mlttrNi to William or " arthniin Coilfirtn without ,
gxamlnatlun. Open 1 3th uui- Principal ac tbn vnotil
from .tuUoa and aTSer tha 4ui inac catuioffau oy
mall. j
for Chlldrvs City and Cooatry.
H051E BO.lRZMXrt si'IIffL fnr wnafl chlldrwn. CM
BrdijB, 5i Jry. Ejtoiil!3a IsSo. Torm
moilttraic. Principal at Jil Wi Wch c antU U on
BnalJBi Callecvaw '
stno4ripuy and Eajjtln rirajebtn pi-cticll" tatuitit,
iay ftatt "nlnif. by Tour iptrTj rH ilP'V
3iiln4a iilnie -0 Fourth jt, ippoit "opkr Inati
tuta tnirtT-lrst rear tm lower tmin ta IotwiC
Call or init 'ur ornnrtu-. I
A--JV. W-a.DIiM.. .U 31.. PCIM XJaL.
i For stennirracnla oflli:t-'irj ind "rr3atlni rvportln j.
at 114 W-t 4ia .. by Daui Woifa Briwn, qfficlal
i.'oriiiT'lona Hapur:er. S-lr t Qau. T5imv B.
Ht, p-8r "" 3. House of aprijnta:lM Ron.
Joan.'? '-nine, a.nd Xatu t.haa. F. t"ro. ex-tfpxtsrs.
THE KIsBaIX mthqol. ' i
1JOO BrtM.wir. 31 Door itluw 04th St.
RcnMj ih-pr. Thonocn tra.nms a daorthanii,
Typwwritlntf. and nfflfi vnnc
P'.4tr'tuati ourt- airal. Law and Sepnrtlns.
Send far Mnulr nd ifn-ncr
F- IMA-N-J-ETT- Prlaell.
Long Island Business College, '
U:l t. 147 South 4ta t.. nriiyn.
! Day and ren!tw 4mtlim and tor 'araotgu
aa.Naf - wi'jt.ax frm-isii.
MEW YORK ' " "hi. i3aBroiwir
1 SiZ cpunni K.la:,ehnnl.i-o.iorf"nlon.
LAW SCHOOL - ItwUai Method " of la.
atrwetSoa. LI. B. In two f"4n lrit'tat. iour.
on. y.ar rfli4t 4tandanl '.Si'iRItE "if.i..sE. L.n
PB.TTlSsTlTl Tt-B-r.rtfa f fnia."
mere. ! aowr 1Ii.0It "tflltiwlor I nram.r...
Booaaeeplnir peuittannjo teuoitrachr trowrlt.
In. tauitu.tjfa. tt day ni 'nintf. iiui i.irr tlnti
3UU Byenon 4t Brooal.n al;otninx Prt. 'n-tlrut.
VOlD fal. rutl entr now Mrtrouolitan S.-lool
of laoai Plrnian 4 4borbaait. Uo Zux .. day
eY.ttnx i.etrM j
Lu. cb,ola.
University UZT "rnn,, "ar t,;n rt
Law benool ror iu,, eour4 lx. m.
: Taltlon. 100. to mrldental f-e. .tiir"4 Cori-nta-
I liixne. RIGI1TEAB, rmnlty taahlntaa I
&itar.. Eaut, or PrnUtaor I. T. RrSIELU
'.3tl Broadway f V Hty. I
Wtuted Ynuiw men to iur'i oarn.r tral. oniy two
moitUta to en nptet tumdy ion uarant d 'n aoot
abop Ttn tbroiurt '.turlar wair4 wbi o iraritnj
iroTiplrt. ( of ronmiT.n rri Ui each 4tuil-nt any
one iran Inra 'm eaay tpeclal tndjeeutenta til
out i-tiiwn fudint .
IllaaCrated Utatalmrno Mailed Tree.
flats aai nxrtmrs Braoslgrt. (
r HOuMS IND BvTH. all lmprnment all In 3rsr
O maun i-omlltlon 3 1 t.t let- t,4rtitr. Illu ,
M owl to ol7 hranxl'n a fUtuJlO U4totl i
v.n In-.n tr . tin toll' tnn'ilreon proml4or 'f
THOU. XulABA.1 -iA. nwu Franallo if B'lyn
nrelliast "Soxut So Xet City.
DESfBABLK !Tt"TtE. funttabt and unfuralabeil. '
In denlrtnle looatlona rnt Fl.JilO to in.ilil'l. .
J-OLSOM BUOTUEB,. 3n Broadway cor. lJtatt
HCSv3and lOa.-menta. wt n1e llprtr. JTvAt
Tirlety 1TEVE.-0 BZAL E.1TAT2 C'J . J.ld it..
t.olunll)Ui a'
utuisaeii 3iai3ti- Xu 3et (City. I
1 "" dJ iT ''" wza " ?,u' raralatiett aouae renc '
I O rwaaoannl. ,
eo 2et far JSJiijuiteSd 5uo5. j
4 LllUT bnitemonr 4tort ninr l'it umo. to lit, t
.V itr.LAD t KITINi 1 Beotflltan 4t.
BI'ILIICJOI tnmc 'tif'a. office, an 1 annum to lac I
In l.itlraol. oi'irlotta . I
I FOL.4DM Hi4'THBSW. -31 Brtd-ray. "Or J!L5
BBO VOW AT i4.1. n-ar Pot IBIre.-rito fn offli-M,
311.30 and inward per inoutb. Apuly OWMa, I
Hoir-.t 1 1. ;
' i VSPE." rsr. SUOP ta iJt. W Ann n.
I ' . -
, ft , ?r for iititau loinryor tforiiii hrn x miiv nt.
L i3j Uroiiil tt Slw( NC Jt Iti'UlCitriu i .-41110111
j niakert. 7 1 New it. ,
I?lj Tu Ml w 'NTH -ouli-ealn l and M Denina '
n't" t one wlo 4yisht. 4111UUI0 for nnr.itii.r. .
ilriwinit. or piioMeriotty !
, " " 111 L.VNu t WHTTIM'.. VlVeknii.-l tt.
.ib:ciI (ar ?uiBfs ?rpa5f5.
DESK lu.oU TASTSD nj Bntailwiv n'trUlwrty
Ti. w a. a.. r,7 tv-.c nub tt
ittillincry autl arja'SnUttiuij.
EAL 'AltMFVT1 riilrt. repnlriHl. or alrrrllrtn
t faction tbio on--4. Mm BttXKK. lit) iv jata tt,
' V late ltn C ' filutour' lont. Mn ar j
I Ileal St3 ar 5au Stuafelua. i
F'OllStLP, Hili:SES.-rile I10U rhi lofatlim md I
tbo pr e. wl.l c iltrlnre you. KtMoilnit my iadd
I J.biry i.ntttma trtltllo ' tint itweilm tifuii.i.i
hanl'vooil 'r in otiiai'ttiMte. tt fw..--miuutri irum 1
I Uridtf' Opnu .veuini. itniti I'lo'i 'oiie I
Ptrx pl.t and Cutlritiil e twt u m 144 frum Fl.ti
1 uu.lt a' and Pro.urccl'ark. Urootltn.
Seal (2ate Jai salt 3Uur jfcrsig.
HWXT0N It HXAjtltt 3oi:a Unt, tra'U !
Ial4ea, for a e or reuc '
EDWAltri , AIILL Eountan, N J ,
PtLIIBElt UI.1TRII T! Lirjx I0U4, 373
tero;, att uiua.biy u.u .round a ar aour...
yygAlTtXivliV 471 Broadway 1
I- fr ACBE1 for 4al.i or Ti-iinjr". nearmirua- 1
,UUUa!J. 11. IV AlfkttS, ill L44av . j
25ral (Estate fat .Sale (Sitn.
fob M.n.r, citotfi: sites rox r.vc-
trte., t'aN4rl. n.ttaert... Cll.wleit
Vaiett. I.naa'i.r tare. Ac. 441I Dwell.
lea Itt N.tw Ttirm Ctly.
4'JI Uit with buUdeiul water front, on Newtown
Cr,.k. aceiuilbla to teatrolnx etieli, anil AltHS front.
Inx L004- Iilaad Ka lrnml. Very low prtciH.
. O. SOHIEFFSLIS, At Mdlon a X. Y.
ClR.ttK HDtrE. one of tne linens, In'perfect order.
oaWettftnd t . . for 4nle he
I" Liberty t
HAX0SOXE prlrtte boot, . roont4. moitern lm
proT.ment. 4treet4rwfr.l uji ceUbburbito.!.
near lerateil, Hftlil yirr eneap.
CAitL E RAJtOHCf. 3.1 at and tl.th ir.
R:al estate ot salt (TalKoraia.
rrelilenc. property, ace tricu, liriro colony tract,
no Irrutatlon renalred. niinlciz property. u.l for
cataioirue E. E. 31'NCK.
Land AxenC. 1.008 Broadway .Jnuland. Cat.
Seal estate ot jSale auttg.
N-EB.VSA. LANDS' for 4al Jil.Olll) acre la U-
coin ccuaty. eo.. cneap tor can only
HVt-H BAL-T') HW tilaml. 111.
Hudson River by Daylight.
".EW TORK" and "J.LUA.XT,-
kinest -uid uU(t rlvr s:imrs ta tho world.
Daily txcept sundav
Lihtq Brooklyn. Km tun i. by Annex) 4 , -It.
-w Tors, W4pruiu4 M. Pier . .:'
vu.ilSf Hr 'I -
For ALCiNY, landing at VvnSan. Vt Fnint.
(eburrn. PouliItechi, -UnKstou Pumt, Catsxtli,
and Buuiihjn.
Albany Evening Line.
V--'.nn ADIRi NDV .. n- tad D"VS tUOT
MOD litartii Pi-e4t tc. fLot cina! sr.nsa .J
3t tally i3tutuy ,t-nttl 'onnectinc tt l trim
for Saratov t, L.tft. fon. Julirou.u'fcs. 3a intn
SfDrtntjs, HlcndeJd prlnx rbous-uid Nland-i. V Atari
Falla. and tn VVu SatunUy nitbB Teanir m-ni-t-ts
with !.indAy morninit train ror Santo,; u orth
Cr c I'aulwf . in-1 steamer )n La-ta jori
oi-r Sti-atiers tunn o'lt and T'in-
. VV a tank lea j ,w oric .lui t
Sbcltrr I.loait,, Cv.ut sandiy at j P M . smr
Grevttport, dtysi ' . 1L. rrom i tirnl. k 1...
.44Hkau Pe.o.ir Tiei2.iy Tbarvlay tud
zM-ntRoiu. Mimniav bi.it a. e aot stop at
S-! IIoroor soiitnnlit tr I. wtt UIojuI
al rref-wc rn.ele.t for Xew iuf
Bitch, lalatl. foit. J uiir. portrait H4V.rl!il.
FOP. Bt.srt . tTOlll..'rE.t. tlio VBIH an I r AST.
THK HHDOE tSt..u 4ltd 1 l.ACH 1 r I -4 l-a
MEW P'.Ett JO, X K- o bloca IM" i anal ., at I
3 In P. ;i -I uly. efept -ii.tility. Inortcst rati ride.
MX Wt'HESTK.V on u'0tiier i
WTOXI.Mi'ruV LINE tor ill poln" Ex't.
Steanien .ALB ind l-W iapsa!ll l-- Pier
3o. N h. t A P t dallT eaceot 5UI1. ly
CITTOF rK'Vor-.Alt.vr'M; v tea- fler i) V, It,
fooeW t L'lin -r tiiv ix ep. SaturJay i 1 M. Et
ar-i ?ntn for -oarattftiu Lao -r.' i t.piml uric,
sunday steamer ttitiff.e at 4,4 nir MttAT A fe-X
,f lv5i. .N, t4.1t! I.AhS ttwit L;' 1 HSI' N. T 10.
3uatner Hm.E II.VC1& Jntvi.. (Ai.y ju 1
Suntt.iy Went 4tn t tl., Bn-e O itO. t &.
.andM, Euland tifacD. .r.nt piei-vri b Ex
ursum tiefctfis loo v .imtin ca 'n if y orJut
burr Far! and nturn eseu-ton itj- s tV
eTSt Ti"TttpsrKti ij e vsr
Stpamert from p t 4.1 H. sia tit I
jsrioM t-. tt l jilp H la y 't-fpi unii.sys. 1
Mr PtMton an 1 ris Fait, Mcamrr PKI5'11 L.S. and
PIT HIT s ui omaiiiw.01 tla inne-trk -jn ai'ti.
Leai Pier l-. N R.. fot tt M-irri st rt t la and
Sunday, st j JU P tt. Douiio terv.co bx 0:a dl
From Pier i. Hajtt rtl - Jly ivet - .nilir. at 5
PM. fort onnet'Uirut Rnor luadla, -nunilnrf for
! ,4prmcileJd. V. )reeitr Boston and a1 Nh tntjlana
points Saturda? Ivit urs on at Reduced R-sies
la.Mii R1t- fmi.r'p tfrT Iiwetl.
L UI Y CXI IPT ?l .N D.11 i.
I,4yae4 DHiirf l 1 1 1 ji s.ti - . n P t.
Li--i Wteiit i-M . 1 io P f. "an . P M.
?orilis-sT N3.i.srNri"ll.ViLf.lET
BCRi-H NEW EIvMET-'t r'f. HIL.ru. p .P12,
HO.MM.r-. and Kl - N.
tam rs s- 'mi if iii"-wtmotjr -l n H. rT
la it 1 P L. j 1 1 sr .HMr . JO '.inni-ci-:
r at n::.'t lt 1 nioiintaii 'rain- "o! vromo'o
laton r ittew r,e rt ' ltd t-'-i-s r,ti settit
to oier ir to it.. I. 'or o.e-HTtpt.V' tiler
KIN .hTiJS LINE foor , .V-i it Otb r -DhIItIPH.
-tt.:rU4Ts a: I m r BkD IN sn I RO .1VK. r
1 oru'v.i, iiinur.fl, ew Htmaar .trlnortOf ltm.
ITy le Pjrc. P'.uiil,- psi" 5C tse.?n nne-r-j: .ta
I. and t R. R. f.,e aa pom' in t'aUitUI H nun tain.
M. W ll.a XV - ITirf I XrfcUO. $ 30.
Vaat iteanier eiv, pvr r.1. fc.. R-. w. lays. 1r M.
and '. mM.iUh. 3oaila. A. M and ii mid
nUnr. ir-ilnt 'i ri"i f )r trains u ilerden, Harv
fonL inrin:eul and north.
KKD B.Ifv l.I.N H.
LanT P'.t ! fj" f-iiiiil n ! "or H!rilands,
H!r ndBeu". wiaif Pet Ban, an l ntrn--iia.i
Miidin-tt r j 1 31. irttt J Y XL. ia.ly Lears Rl
Bii . 4t 7 i H a.it 1 4 51
RauDriL. I 1 -,--tea(ii. r ir-" (vr ji n :: .
Mi t 'ntittim s. r r-.ii;u i-st Po.nt, out
tprinrf. uirn-ii. Mmrfl 1 Landing, ji.ti Sr. -ctir.rl.
v-i ir IP L auaUys. J . 1. IJJ1 t N IL.
'J JI A. M.
Hnts.,N vD "' C4' wis-IiisT rnm foot of
rtsr lon" t .. -mfv-( !iTt-i P t.
ano 'X".r 1.11 sr. Ji onnUn wii li, t 1. , K,
t ll Mson.
XE" 'ijlta-jit 1 ill.'. 1 N uociu -rtrt .
ii it t H
ST PtMl. -4- ur 1 ' L. . 'S eor- il
PiaLS "ept it .""Iv L SDt III
Niitv V.jRK- i-i ' I CAR 1 't 7
"aula.: -ry V n'lH7
Frtea sail. ir-or. nwn vsr u aail epr 1 1. noon
Knntn!on nn so..rii 'art ene t' 'UI
lr-R.N" il. Mu siVltfiT'oV c , jhi ijiY
Pleriltaao: i tirui vWr (.! i Bow llnor 'rn-
CU-0V I ft Mi.M)OM).KItT.
crom PVr " ' ' "t . t .it i i
.iihorlii i-pr . n on uru -. 'P ii nonn
Iittimni.i - t. U nnon .r m-u r I aoa
Hiir r' - 01 pas-ini i nl p'rc.i-'tUrs pplv ti
n2NLlir -,S URi TtIKR-4 v;n'- Hw ina: '.ren.
pes ip.i.LiE rouvanp . vrA'-;rKE-rjTC,N
"ampaita ept. 'i T Lu-in;a Stpt M J I ii
i.jiin "pt i .p H Eirirti ti I noon
-fonj 'er i'i -rt hi.hi1 f o- of t isr ts .n .
cxriti -s VILINU.
SERVTi. riiHsitjy vet l . M M.
Fritn siina ni id un pvr f0tof wu i'tt
VKRN' nnl.i)ivSt o t-rtn 1 ijt. 4 U.jji..;reen
TWry ti RV FTPRrH from Vw TnrH to
IMTmouth I ondon 'iertmirj iJart- in t hanihorr.
A V I'toria epf 10 7 4 It ..Ml ntjit pt V. . A M.
F filmiir "pr I T 1 i 'I Sohm'-im -rf, in . 1L
ISaliurc Imrrlran I.lne, ',V7 Itpontltvisy.
isAIii-: .STKiSISISIP I.I.'VI-:,
d'r-T ro otUife ' fly M in. and Portland Maine
iJ.'Uui-r ll 4ecoit4t n tee -o Ad o WUM rorta N..rtb
ud ("ant elifinc 4.eu'rv i.iw enoirdon ratev
tea lert tall rrom Ptr IM F-iHt River eeery f'io.
djy rtittn iday andittiir!' tf P M
HdR.iTi. jiaLL. AnjL
'.urn 7kkV li.i.vi. . . .
Sll'Ji".7 Ki ' TK T li t.i. 4 ISD TCNTXEST
iir ffi-p? 4rE.tHEB.-4.
Tr-le.Tite...Seo 'i ' 1. H 4pr..Tle. 4-pr.'i3,lfl4 II
Allur Sat , ?ept 1 . 1 M .-arn Tilf te. t J. . i l M.
.jP.l.r.Ii lie t".J ko tl.ntfi.rei n
n in. y p.ttvii r.
For uLiT T'.'M' i t.i. ul T, KFnIS. XlI'WTOaT
N W. ! rPMtirm. Pi 'TirrH. PI4NEP.3
puiNi Rii.mii'NT' vt a n ma u mi wa.iu
I.Ni,rijS I . " l Y 1. .1 'PT II' VllY
Hli'niiintiil lir-'t vi i j i u uer rouM Monday
. frttflir ovy tn.l -ofur lay puvntert ind trlf(ht
't.nlinif troi'i Per In N it I I M iiitiinljr 1 P. 1L
Tbroiub tli'ei't in. I frel; t nt.i to ill pnln&i
W I. iril.l 'jfT" Vlce-Preut .tiul TrilTlc 3unr
tviiiTia'sTAii i.a.vs:.
Teuton '. s-pt J noon ...tii'ir,. "fpi, i.i, nron j
llrtranni- '.pf i( noon frrunh spr p nina '
.NO ' OFT jS ClHRiEU L.V l'VSI,'. P H - TF HKPJa. ,
P or 1 , ltl. .ti jtr n ji Hroiwa?
if tvrrr4 n hasp i;n
Sailraads. i
Rev Ycfk and Boston All Hail.
. V it t t rt '- s.id ' in".- .on.
Frmi ' ri in tntri station.
lot IlV WIT )' Pile. J
il Hi u ! 4-riU.H.. 4niI Yor-M-s.r io p :i. 1
10 do i M 'Sevv r..,Ui it iml P-o ilwni'n .1 no p ll i
I i tU . il Nhw :4.u.t mi a i'i Proviitwiior. t 10 P u i
If 00 4 II nr'iuntMi. Ill i .Viri'tHt.fr . in p M.
li HO M Hurtn.ilHl.l an A . reisivr, J .17 P. SL
; I Hi) P H . Air Uiit and F. H. ft. i on p
I oj P M . ttw i.ond n ind Pmtilnia. 7 21 P M. i
j in P ii "View l o iii.m iii.l Pr .vtueufrt. n P ;i.
4 on P :t 'rrtnjrti'tii -u.. Won ftfr In uo P 3i.
1 no P ll. :.- L.iodm tn I Pr idi ui tt. n on p k.
Xi "Ml P DrlnifiViil in . V in 'str n !,. v.
1J On .' it -w Lomfon intl Provident1. rt JI V II.
iieisii.ii Kifi tiling , i i
BiyraiH i.iiultl i4. parlor car, fare 7. in
eluii 'i,r rarwir fJir tnt
ztr 1-niH I.nitid irrive ,it and dernru from
P. ic soils rt t.uioti Gn-tititi. Rettiru servu'n 41:114 '
lioiii- J lid Oy din rniUe t
rtirmttc'i par'oi- 1 s ioii.!rin iiy '! trtli.
' i.R tSTc.V jen Pi- t-rmt
et - rt t ii4 1. 1 .1" ' l el ty 41.. uailv. ,
1" lit' 1 1.1 3 HI P SI 1 I 1 i ".it 4llt
l-tft". it .H . int -un i .11 mn I! Maiiiht. ,
1 ill 'N IT -T tut 1 1 mi 1 11 .1 on p ji 1
tV iiiIXii..N Utl T ni.it - 11 to rinuiji'ar i
tl in V. )I t ..1I ' jr . ml i .0 l .mu . .r
3 on -lame ir 1 1 P II .3 ! j i 41 r Jiin.uv
io io iD'iiiuj !'' I in 1. H ilnlrnc t'lr j on
Diuiui ar '1 mi '- am ur. i tut p JL, I. ,3
mjii? LC 11 l" A w la y
NKW LCANi Until, t '..itper 1 Oil p 31. d uly
Ait tram art mun 111.11 a it 1 H nrtt 'l4ht.
irflre 113. I "J. .Hi .11, Ho ll oiulwiy JI Exit
I4UI4. , l7Lilw.rj New 1 .irk .1.11. 114 yulloo it.
Frmxlya aiatioa fiwc of Llbi'ny c it, w. of v. j
D.i(a4a ahagttj frjia Uoutor rua.d. aco lu dttliu. I
, B. I
From '.rand Contral Stulotu 411 Strrwt
j54 a. tl Eiept undsy for Jiroalact
nmiirtjni iniiaud Ulaitd. and Montreal
MiSO A, 31. Excep- Sunday Imp rn Ut Etpr,sa.
as4ac train io ine wnrnl stop t.Uai Cflvu,
a raou. and RocOestcr. Dut Pnffaui 4$ P M.,
.Mofarn Fsli3 J3 P H. This t.a..i u Limited tu U
OiO A. M.-DaUy Fat Ma.l for Pttnir.l'wfK
Albany ItiC. Sji-wus. Ro:ueter, Ouffaio. NUfara
i OttO. M.-Except Sunday. For rutsttlll Stoun
1 aius'aaratoiia, uateiori(v Grven Mountains, and
lt.tO A, M.-Eifept SuntUr Dny E-ipr-M. for
t,nA.l..i JOuotAins. KtubDHit Springs, and all Uu
nnrtaiitw York 3ute joint .
li o r, M. UaliT s.)utnefm r.imlt-'l for Cv
itiiut.ua. cincinu--!, Indians fro la. and St. Lou la.
&ttprt at Pou,naeepu. Aihuny. Ctiua. svrai-ua,
Ko natter nd buff--!".
liCO 1". M. -Dally ChUair Spiflal for Dfitroit,
i leve'aad lolla. and Ch'caao, Mops at .'uuti
keepsid. albany, cneuita:y, tiKa. sjri-U-w.
Knijstr and Btiltal .
3i-U 1. M..xcept Sumtar West Po.nt. Po'iiih
nf-p-aie. Catiklll ilouniuu. vlbaav, Troy Mraioas,
-Ai-tO P. M.-UaJly urth short Lint ted. Dm-Dw
tiuU s-tOa, 31..-ti;eogu, 4 u I jf. stop it Albany,
tit't. Aiid syracusa.
OiOO 4. ti.-Dilly. For Albany. Triy. Ctiea, Syra-cu4-.
buralu. rjtiaf ar rail. i.ieTeL.nd, lotedo.U--trot
itiiiajo. ClnointiaU. "St. LouM.
' CiS. l if. t?Hiiy. Fur AlMuiy Troy idlrtindack
ionn-atn reports south of Lake t leur. Sarun.u:
I Laae. LaHi Flacld, Lake ucry. Laau Lua-nplain,
. Jttawi.
TiOO t. 11 Qal-Y For AlDany. Troy, ftlr. id iron
nuiv Mount-un points uorli f Laltf Clear Itiod
-aid tmnds. and -tnacraL Frldav only. s.e-pin
1 e-sr to Fu toil n Un.
Il-a P. It. -Dtulv. ForPu.TsIo. Ma4raVali.rivr
..il 'ud .inaDoltit. St. Louis. -a,cait;0 aiopa a;
I m he. piti. Altaov, ir.d ttoi.
0:00 I. 3l. LaDy ' arr-s sleei.Inr car paieoufrs
um. mr joints oo Fait bruiox Railwav. tLl Ljon. I
sni for rvtnriiHster
9it. n. 11. -L'ally For Syrioi-e. Cswi-ijo. Water
.-w.i 'np.t V n-ttnt. t ii)en,U'trt. UaiTi.o, Nlaiura
halls, le-eimil, TolediK Un ajo except Saturday
I ur r it Autiurn rooi). sunojivs only .invert viiif.
' lSilo Ntjbt. - ipeatrt tra.n or i iilrux0 and prtn
t-ipa. poiacj on w -'rk Cntrai. err-- snent x
1 pf tuiay u.-tn t, Sunday nncnto 'jloTersvilltf and
i 't ua-t . p rs leart. unit i p M. train.
OOd A. U. M-A-i 3i-M I. 3f.-liii except San-
I I u PiBr-.r.t ti, i n.ir'in In "ion
ttiKS A. M.-Sundn; ouiy to Puuflull and th-;
u'un re lilllfA. vnt harl-ni pivin.iin
-V L.Mi'.Hr't.tVDSTu Ve-MC-....
i 11 ui-rt ' tralad run botweeu i V. . and joints
I on tn Putntm LM virion aa t.ir ss ontrs. in eonnei.
, mm -s-lth 'ueefesatr-t rurt I Tc only Una tu-innj
i all un.nf ir tm 4 out of Nw or
1 jrfm-- pjlair- Jr on a i fnnu. trains.
i Tra nl um nated wi t llut a - -rat.
T'iiies aud Waiier ortlcs at '.rand Tentrsl Sla-.tii-LlU
br-.ttdw-iy. 14 Park p..i.' -Ul -ULp.-i- i
wy JL .ait t 4th it. li trwilwjv O ( unimtui j
sr M n it i;th st.. and IJta at. .L.tJno. N
Y rt 31" .ml IH .mt.Hi il and lOn i!ru!way.
fc. D nno.iyn
P.ait- hedtrt from Iiate or resdenc be tt
.v-su;nrt ExpresA t-uuipanv i
t 1 KY. wl'r.OEPL.M2IA
'funeral Manager. wuenl ro-ijer A-nc. J
Psnnsylvaoia i
-Et ATT1T-.OAT).
&TATI.Of3 f.we f C-snmitiiet and t,"irtlaidt Strret
In effect "Vptetnher . '
0rOO .. M. FiV UE.-PrlorCar o Pltriburvl-
10 too a. u. PEiYLvu. L.3in-u-puii-
man tnpartm-ot, 5Itf-oiur tnlntf. '-moititt. an 1
bd-rea'lt-ii ars 4rnvs hico v. t 'teT- 1
1ad iu A. iL. 'lcclna-i-1'1 4'l v M tn'tUr.ipol's '
-IO i.3l Lnttia villi U 3U JL Si Si. Louks 1 Oo P 1
W ta.IT' into - 111 A M ,
S.riK !. M. Hit A.-u AXDST. It-iCt'E-Pa--.-Me-'p
ir and Dlnnitt Cars to t 4 r.,, lmi svlli-, j
and ihifit.0 Arrt- (.lacinnsti lv IS a. I.. at. .
01s T SIP n . -nlt-fii-. 1 I- T '
t- P. IS. .l--.n EXPIRE-!. - deepin iml
1 n n:''ars to Ca'caf and i.if naatt .- v .lev - '
jnd 1 I - V. K. i i f-ui-e P II hf.. Iiy .
1 TU P. 31. SOI TnV,-E.vrElt K-lPI-tuv -d-plnc '
anil Lin a, ar -o .in-.nnati and r T ontA Arr'v..
'mMnnici l p M. ndianaoiiaL) UP L t. .uu
" 4 M setNiad ninrniH-T.
iOO P. 31, Pal Ir If arXPP-E.-Pii'li--an t-p.
m-i Car Ui p ttdtborxi. t naevtt f jr m 10411 dA.iy
nt l-,'in' in I r l!i -nrv 'ri.ni"
1 HAif(;o,N ll riic Horxn.
1 ?,"- 1 Lu 'iii.nir ir 1! 1 i lij J 10
v.tuir-s .in il LiJU.. ' at Pa.-or nd Omittf '"ars 1
I M Ltunt'ar 3 ju Dmin ir P 'it
! ni.hL undar J ' " ii 11 A. It 1 Jt Ouir-- '
.ion.ii.im il1 Par ran! Dinm.; ar-- t tit Cta
1 lnr- r 5 r mn Car j p ji li tlauir 1
, awr tli-CHN R-11LvaV'4 :o P M. d.l-v rl epers
I to ijrl-ans. Hemp i.rmc.u unevii s. in I lint
1 'prtnj-t. li il ntrh dolj siepfrs to .Vow r j
I-a- nd Jji-KtH-m'
i t.Nnr iir LINE -J 10 "il tillv sif-'.v'i-s
c.t port Tames jad fjrp.. 'i ')" P U. :a.i? i-t.'pwr '
to Jsooni s.
CH-'MprAX.-. tt.flI0R.vrLVav rxnrf4 3 2J P H. .
lauy TUrouan -ti--in: and Dlntnf ar. !
I FifULD P- lr iw-fFtjI-r Ui! NulfFOLrtT v i?po :
CIarIs Hourt- is. 31". ei -Ujs.and.nith Tara '
S..pr p U dallv
I ATLiW tTt 1 i P M we-t days. Tirnt-i '
I uT.trirMri aran I -My I'nsrn.
Fir t.MPZ ItA 1 i I no . X and t JO P X --: diys.
I Fr i.oif Ura-.cn. ...sbur Parle. wis or-, ami
1 point P'ei-ai. T 4-t u I l I 1 1,11 a. 51 . t J in. 3 JO
1 j 40 4 ju. '. 10 an. 1 00 P 31 .- 'a--t ao
dxs stop at IniefU-KU for AiLury Para . J 4J
I A. SL. 3 ji. P n
rtR pim.ADri.rHii.
fj 2 t 7 IO - 1 Hi . t.,; I 1 p-tia Lim te-1 0 11
rtn.myi ir 'I . H.. li t. i . 1 ) 4 1 . 4 t
. an; .- ' -jo -Dining ' Ar , ) r u nn if
in iPH.IIH at-rnc. "Mindiys. n I . t
v in t L im-i M It 1 1 .n :a -..- .
) Cimntf 1 jrs J ' --aj t ar L uia-: 1 or
' T 4.1 - p SI u ii--nt-
, TV,.- 3 -4 No-. ,3.t. 141 1 . ! 1 -I-.1 III in.l
it) I jr'td ty. 1 lttjr Pou i..ti f if pe. r-n-mhi
nr .sndt st i i.n t. - 0 r niton . j
ur itlvr ant Er-j-nc yn lunii -ati. a tir if
Knt in r"iocI; a silon '-rt.'y ( tr The i
Ynri lm4i .'(. D.1.17 .. th ,.r and n r j
itfj "rom vOif an.. riden -h t rf. n fo c-tt.na-
1 tit-n J. R. W't-L r--nHr, Paj r l u.
' 3 M. rilFV'-sr 'r-ner. l 1 tier
'wf . a '" . o ct t.r; it ini i'".iir'--f s t
0:40 1 .. i m .jf 7 a IL for ia : a
i -v ind uvroe-'i.- t-r n-
-.X. t M dsily f r .Ti I. 4 ir . ROi nps.
T M' c' L N V ltt. I r uU SrSP. N -"I
b 'ir'. ml t a 'A -r .nil prini ina' Uifal r'nrs
i.n ..- -r ') --upen4i4U acUlv . . .uia; V-niDa.n
llri r ' tin arf.e
I I too 4. u lii.r t'epp undt fir jlir H
fH -ntl in em iiatti p4a.a. Lunn rt.on for
&4-!,di--r 111 1 Hirruotir.-
1 12.00 Moon la ep -itndsv
. -IS.I-.&.I-IV DIA11U.V1 KXPKF-Ht"
I ar- e tmn ui l p L riruuir ''r to inn.rt-r.
I pnliman y etrihiiiett t'ay .ttini- tnit Parlt r art
n n" .rset-M r Steam a 'a far'rt.
, X-ilO Y M Uj.t exept lnIay for X. and B.
J iU''kii ant' a er'i. Miiai" u nut.
1ilO P "1. daily ex epf.alundiy for L. anil T.
J' '''V ind Jul inrirndla-o atat.ona iualr car
to A 1 .i-snarr-
j Sino P M. untfiivs only for Hanoh rnan and
Kt n ind 111 inftr-i.i"!i it uat .ms,
4tIO P 11. l.u- -xcept imi.I.sy fcr L and D
J' mi r:t.N and prnri pit tn tr-tid..st-si t ons. Pul-
1 10 . u.T t Par..- t.a t., Wi.Xff .a.r -uaaetuion-
" ,r CM' 4 1 ..'
.'ilP M da.ly for ttlSTuN and IstarrniMitte ta-
t.i 1 htr ir to Easiou
ftilOi' n ilti.- f..ri.l KPkLO VI40VP.I fLM
a.11 t.i tin at u-nr pullni.io .fp-r tJiiuid
irtin n Y to ( a'rari r-ivrw nuTa.oiii.l r .ra-
t "i ti t.on-4 r r 1. ad Utf a id Harr i u.,.
0IOO P tt dIW ' r .rii . -,: . -t pi ifs
Ti-n.. tt "KVl-tJ N.Ai'4-.t MX.1, tut ill pom 4
We.-, p'l.tmiui -l(vpr(u t.hlca.oantl Buffalo f hair
csr "o V- ill4arre
ItiTrOP it -UMy oxi'itpc Sunday for EA3TOy and
iuier nt.nr coinu.
tiiulfiii n iO"-at rilns da.lv. etr3t Sundiy. for
BOf M UP.' ). an 1 infermii nt po'ntd. I.tv4 as
, folio ii '.u .V. -I.. 1 JO T St. l ! P H . and 4 m
P W . ;
1 i Kio?a n t Pullmnn ai'rnmnodati.niii it 53.".. 21,
dti. ami l. W.1 Br tt..var II Kant 1 (thst t'dlUiJ'tn '
r-. I J7 H very ew ..r t,o Ftiltun st. I Court tu,
jm r saJi anil Err a ,n v.inT, Pr j ttivn.
Y rrnrr t.n 1 1 ail for and ''i.e.K r-jji !
rrom aotei r rendmifn h-nunt ' le-tmaGna.
44 r. I CBs. it J(,
!itttns Is N Uf4, hiiuf fl-.r-l.sr and
i h rltrnr- it '
VCMTiniX.K. THAIS-, PI 1. 1. 114 V IVF
t'F'l i All-, PI.NTM 11 l.lf.ll T I
1 fji-'ia r mm Nfi u d um C.'nt Si n . jr ibo
Orruiiirs -tinniiu Vrmrdtviir ..ait ,.i. j U.drf -t.tui- j
son Jltirrisi twrii : iaa Pnermi Pnoui o l.r.
sunhurit Net'vttiu itudd s l--te Luai J' .pit. or.j
h t. UMitJiotvu - no Vv SlouiiMiii 4-nuwwm,
. Plnillutoi.rjf aHiin Vsrr'iap Mrntnii.ira. P .titini.
Monittam. nutnii P'trs.-n Hiu i trre n ntiii.e
1 p-tnvulit Nor'umiter .tml Mon-rosi ll nnamton. it
, f nt N trevii'ii. Wafervt wt t ici it. hneiil ,inrtur
i .tit and. yriit t w.jii tn..ta, i;i.-o Eimira,
t ortniu. Bain Dansvuli- Buffalo and a.l pn'm .Vc
r no-st ind -tiiith'-fesr.
Mt'io . 51, Uaua.ntoa Stall. Srps at prlai'lpil
- I I s.
KJtOO . II. fnf-sfir Cu Tiln. irm- n rm
a. 1 L-.n !n Un irttdd tor'uc. vro .,,, .ud '
1 'mwu i Ktprtt-ia. Puiimtn huTt nur'or eir. on
if" aatl.uiT.ia vttii tranafor itilfj-oa.it point
I i'.o 1. if,- fi.'.'fir "rtnrmi r .n- -m'.m.and
on n cprit. Pu. 11' 111 u,r m fnrior u.tr i
filP If. - iiiiiin tViiUrsLarrw ,,jd Plymouth
v ni . p 1. ii 4. in M,iTi-t pur tir ai
tiSO P. .t.-imiiy itiuTsio vtni Llmttpd Z7
ui'.w tor vr tu 'a ii'ii-'i iniron roniri. EuiTvi.
P'li in in iiuiirti i 1 pi i ir otmei"s it huff t.o with
'ft n- or- lm .- 1 , til m V ir
9t.lO . U.- 1 uiif nil t.n -t rinton. Ciwliar-i
ion Itii.tfa K.'ilitil'ijonit tr-MMNet, acl ')s Vtfo
"prn-. piiHniill a ti eey r I
Tlfkeis ini fnilmin nciiniu odailom it 14 Park 1
piaftt a to l in Prtdwiy T fleets it ferry station.
uu ImuUi 11 itn tv ei.r litli ,r Ui v.st
UKliir m,i liini'i;. t" . N-m Yort ft ind ?-,
Fulton -t in t 1 H T,r ...dita" nr to yu TIir tables
Klvln ra 1 in'- njmi n 1 4t ah 1; fluin
Wenfi'oif t t tress in i nan 1 'vi'l r1 'r in 1 .'Ctck
bnifauu i.'oiti tioil or r iH.dttiifit i '. s.inaan.
T.iro-' irtnt it't.. .tw r( ..ot f.ini.ers
it a jvs iit'i rt t n.uuus ea. . r rrj.i We.t
i'ld -r
t l.i ki . V. " '1 f turns 1 W fjr av-rl.-.
7.11 a.na .ti"on. Elmir. HuTalo Hratfnrd.
J tn.etOit .. if idv 1 e ind ib" West, trrw tu.T.lu,
; . o P I Pa 1 e .f f 1 1 UiT 110.
I, tii P. tl. v it'..ia.t d.nitvtt ffut tall Mr
.Wl f ..i f 'ft .I fir cnii t it via i ii,i)mh ui, J
.a.ti r-i- - etvBi.md at 7 10 11 hi. un T , Jt
..fp.'r. 11 i. u tnvaiij, nd 'ic Jaat.. Um
inif t nr '
, j P. 32. niTt.o an.J rivjnd .'i-stPnii si .
,i.l' Lr-f- . 1 y irnw CiuTto . I . ,. SI . br,t ,
r.riT . 1 l tiiie-tiinitt :.. 4. si ifw'Ami 1 1.
f II -l"ept rs 1 Huifn'o a.itt tcv- ,mii nuiuuj J
ir., 'iinijr inu. i.r D"r mi ".'"i i 1 aa , t.n .s e,i.
. " P. l .4.'-. 1 a .Miif-jU(i.i 1 .!) ti..t y 1
. J O i,a-a . 'Id -ra.ii ' btfa.o Sm npe 1
ti ii '4i 1. jhi 1 ini'tmi it r i,tI 1 1,
'P.. ' 4. t il t ASDri, 4N1 P ILMAV
1 rt . J liM Njil ,1 .1.1 m. JUd -if
Il.-.nua ' iowery 1 ",n 2aitf tjjm .t and 11
Vr' t -..ra t, -i-vntr.ers-iut West 3.M si NTirs. I
Nov- lor Ml and fin rulfon L iud broad -ra I
limoiciyn l0 Hnditon r Uouuk-u and Jera-ty CUy
tatittn esi-ott'a -.xpresa calls for and 11 -. biw
1 g-, fruiu aocsU sad rtaitUacca w -UuuuaUuii. j
Segal 3"rt!cts.
ftts or rnrealaaora Bait.
aTA.trui-. tub iAarz-- xitanut-i kjJ
t5 iticirr.
April Snatcma. t iO-v-o. 9.
ACa of Uvi3 Aj iAsTii. AV
AVir-CW , ,
KUli) CUftPAr llt-C P-K-kU.LPtltV A.NJ
OIia-3. m .
Wbarrft-, Ey a decr of the Clrruit Co'trt of
Ce CniDt"! fcUtrs tor sns t-itru Outrtt;t of
l-eiinayivanLa. ntad(aadentenM.l u .it ic dty
Jtj 15, in th arnnnii. eil .'aus. it wo,
anion oct-r colns-s, prtjv:dei -iau i. -eiaalt oC
44.1. pay meat by 1- euef ndant i..e rbladeipn.a
and rfaU-, t-aliroau Comcnny . iy iaj us
ciAi-uitu ucuivr ikorby any ouefur lu aooujut,
OTOC payntellliy tC deiea.Mnl TUe trUl Ai-t-(,a-aari.i
lUadmf ... and Iron com Puny ov ty
any oao ai&.ttkiU4 umier it, or by any onu for ta
account, ot tit amount by ald decrett iju.ltfei.
wita.n treaty days n.vr ice entry of a.d di
re. tae properm, .miiIvi and triccaints by
ad d-nr adjuUed to havv cecome suSjf-i. to a
mortgm or deed or trust oirnir uare ta a
day of aaauary , li-s, made to tie cooipLtiuiiu
laoJdaus by th sa-d Tus PalladelpCla and
l4adlntK lroMlCompuiv and Tbe Pallattelpul
and tUodica Coat an t Iron 4.umpan aao ,ao- n
aa tatttten-T-UStorw v, be ui-i u n said decre
dirsK'tt-t au aday and at an tour to be aiM by
aa d romplainanc tn lruatee under M Uecertl
Hortgai-e nd
Wuereas. -lore taa t-veaty days ttav- eUpsfd
alace tn entry or au. deer and Jeul: das
bvenmadetn, !. tayta-us by said deirve d.
l-osv. tMtfrai!nrt. Ti P-'na. sil. I'ompaay
for tnatrine s oa 'Iv-n aitl 'riTu.r Anno ties.
tivt- Irntt name 1 in .td nctseriii -dort-te u.
The t-miadelii aad Ha lief ftallrood .n ny
ant The Ponatielpbi and iieu.tf Cui ant
Iron Company, dated -Jsmury 3d. tN-, under
il tn punuiiatt of said dereo aud la 1 1 exc
cijm of tn power aid dat e efinrerrel and tni-jjtii-M
uptjatt by wutl 'lea rai -iortua-tr. wm wd
at tb- Otd atat.on. ou Ca 10 a 1 .lret, btitwan
Tairtatntu Etrwrtt aad tma-i Urec in tne ' ity
of PblladKlphi-k. in the tfrato rnnsv in'
(that oelnioa tne prmias to he tnid. ot. Ad
nettay. .he 4t day of Svptemher. l-t't). at
tw-iTwo'ciooit noon r mat day 10 tne -t.sSest
an t best bidder or bdl iers,
Al ard s.a-J- tne mortised ami pl'dje-t
pewL,--rtv jy iaid tt rf adjnd-reti to be .uuvc
t4 a!d eueral Storts-te. aud tnerem dlrvcted c
b Ue, :, bri!ij de-,4lbei as EtJllo.
The ;io wiiii, y-upert" of Tte PhiLulelpbla and
B-r-uhn to.ruad Lvfcapaa.
Ti fodowin Uneiof rallr-jalsandothar prop
erty Of said Xi. road CoTptay to wis
tan -ttlit t-lii toe Lt anoa Va.tey trr-incb. tie
X-nb-taou anl Trenton trwon. tnt -ta.ian'iy ad
fLnaoiOtn tra.iu.i. r Ht C.irHn lriav."i, tn-
T.uy:iil .m1 jsiue-uui a.t irs,ncn to- P"rt
Kn-d Crania. tb West cadla; ..ranch, tbo
.XLi'seiem nr ocft.
The Uaj?olti tit rarest tn the ru.TadelfcU. Jer
tuantovnaad N'orrlaSown .al'r-ja.t
Tbcf teaaehola lncere-t ta tao Cbetnat 3!U I-all-roeui.
Tbe la-ue-totd Interest tn the Plymouth Ua't
roiJ. T&e leaseb-rM latartal tn the Coli brook U!e
Rail roatL
Tbn lejieio'd Interval tn the Eaat Peanaytvan a
Tit le-tsiLld Interest ta t.e lse 5-itbanoy
Railroad tvispany and the Little ScuayUtiU
artEaJoa RaJtroad sail Cat! Comp.inr-
The leasehold ln:er-st la tae -aajiilH YaIey
9-v'ca-lqa and P-.lro.a Coaipaav.
Tb leasetdotd interest In the im Credit and
-ill- nil. Mi'KatMn and ra.lrnad Company.
Tae leiat-h-h't Interest '.a the i. Caruou anl
PortCtrtxia Railroad.
The lo.iL-noM 11 m rest ta the -line nili and
Sciiyikid f-tv-o tt-dlroa.-.
Thu .eiieuM interest .3 the e-inal aid an;v
t.on rortof;the Pimdea. rnacw-n and coui
pan uC i ie cbij 4il 5avik.im '.oovany
TUe l--eitOHi (avf-it 3 lue ina. and aavtra
tlon rriri.Ctlie,4:.iuehjnna'"ana. orrpaav
Tat eaasoM inter-st i tae ra.iroad af the
Cm taw fat a IaUruad Company
T'ae leatebod iatr-t in tfte rillroa! of the
iciterla; Vanl' tMllrcal oir.pany
Pe iaf bo d .ateresi n the a..rd known aa
the Pnilaletpftia ana Chr flranc :.
rh. -r"ii.td mterdsc in ta main Uae of the
raitr...! of toe urth PentuviviaU r ailma 1
. on id any and tie bram nes 'jer-tir tiou aa
tne ttiaware JUrer lira nob and tae L.yeoa
The leaaehoM la:ers-.t li the rallroat f the
DeLtware and fcoar. 1 Br--o ra.1rral Lomanr,
. c-ar wita the araacb xaon a tho T.-satou
Tn- itfboU la;rr-jt :a the SobayUi:! xad
nlrt aivinad.
The Ln?u j ti me s; la the 5aamoka, eua
fcury aad e vtsu irs rtalixvo-U
4.al ill rst ert of vtM itAlTroad cvrncny
t sae-eiier titua e-t. o-nen 1- L m-t . t4
irr irnn of tai.t eneral frtjrae r by it the--aitr
in ny manner a..,'..re.t. or n-i.l t,r tu
Nae at or 14 trust tor it. ail otaer rai.n'ads tha
1 'tied or rhareafier roasitrujted or ai;-irii by
pi rzn iae. ner7er. or In aay inaar.-r -ni:-r by
I ta. n-tllro-wt Company ail o-.-r lessenota es
tates la aay other rattr-sad at anv Or. after tb
I X'-.-nti n of said Gena n.irta.e A-r;a.ivil ry
UiJMi. .iUnmin. or In aay rar.rr waato-eer
bj -a.il i-Ai rol Company l frsnete eien
lons. s'd.ns and turagti a of ai. tnn JS1 rill
ro.tt i..d4en 0 Ui a lt lvan-nuleoy j 1
"aiirmucinps- la tbe up- -vi a oy it f tae
irad ra 'roala or-nit.jr Dtr- ( ih. m- rto;ed
prifurfT so 'sr s tie ssm ar-r-psysoJe .ndalt
ret mit c.lm tc '-.e -ep.jn-nt t.ier" f. ad
laott ru'iy if v ra. s. rir-.r- si.U fmes,
-rirtsvp. m tchn"-? tat. n- rt J-'.-ot.
flt.ni it mn la. p jina 1i"s-. -ui 'lia. .mro'e-
, rients. t.-3- nut-t and .rul air en s a '.ito
nioc -s. teuder. Csar -srs b; c c-n,
rr .-- csrv coal 'in, 11 1 ti! . ,- n,- ne-.. -irs,
I raruii4 sal r"! a sbK. t k li.Dleriei.4
f sn 1 r. ..t'rtttn aital tt-sm oi(lers. 4ii-.. vs
Mt iM !.4 'nits orntl ty -a.d P.ai roa 1
t'c ncaiv st .ie :, .jf tie tMiton of kl
'ec3 51rfi4e te bv ' fer tf frr at n7 .m
a.du.r! ailao-1 'ai tar tre . ( , rctn re.
I nne. uh4 ro4ls 1 I in.- -n t - Sa -td
1 1 ..r-Taiv il'itii I frir s. ., r i.ln at is, earn s
( 3'i O-b "? toprv, il i?t ru a-1 itier
r ;ita pr.siio.-i cpcrt-fnar' Tincuies
1 if t.t HaHrn .f sa- . 1 -.-d 1 a r
r -iiia? tit ia d ni.irxe' pirM s :rn 2ei
w t r t ep-"tt:'r i'.tl'"r.. 1 . e - ..;
ail. pa.-irs. wilir t-.itetiv.--. er-
nients nt. i'bert'e.rr' ieic s .-TV-Man- .fs
an'l s-'surtenance Trra.ft"e-r mt r.f --aid
ni".-te-I prt-r..it-s an i erstt '.-"i r.j'nt n a
peraimn; and j I h estate r -- i i i-. lotr-
est proflt, -Ltim and centtid of eerT -urnre
1 aa 1 alnd svharaiVe-'cr of 1 i pai "tnd Oxnpeiny.
as -u r itev m . p, i! of 'a sad io th laaui.
anl ? pert ind pr t :brw.'
j Zxtfep ..-;. ')"r th-refrtim any property
I bertrfore oI.f nr :onve-M ny suitl Juiiirod
j Co-nptar nirt-r rhe power rsserved .a saud
eaeral -Tarssie.
"n hun-!rd ird nt thousard I iSl 0004
liars o tie car ra.n of '".0 eirn in ti rapttal
to.k of The Pat-adeiptiU aad P-eaiXin -,0 and
l"n Company
ill 1ar's n 1 bondi of llres leaoet o- yr.
: w ' led it T1- Prf'sd-iip.t a n 1 P-&tin;Iui!:riait
Compsc ttepoMt-1 'vtri fn nnde .irr.e.t as
Tr ui:etf uad. r thttald ren-i t Mirtweof Ts
Fniia ! pbta nd rs.1ln; 'ts riaii ' impany ind
1 TI- PU U.t-tDi.la ind l.esd at I'.iai .a.) .-. n
t OTipti ii. () i.ar I i--". for eni.-h . -i
I em liorai 1 unu iiae ,'i r - . ht-i f
! a.il t,e-jri 3,ortfe, ben iwncd. tueludis
' in- foifo'e;n
( tli.U-vt" nt the Sfirta-are tans.if tn
'eiiitt4lii Na-lifstiun ' ompiny. commonly
kii'.'vu 1 Li.n of tTi-lNii?
1 I tout 17 n tie Sf ft,ir-t loans of t1
i. niT'i, 1 vT.;s,f( n ' mnpan, comiTiouly
, unirtea a Lausnf l-Z Ivor
1 .1. 14 000 r the -oar.t if ne arinylltUt Sae-
! .ln Comptiny. cona.outy knowi. as tae Loaaa
.r .a
! 4 fit WW) of rh loan of th Vnny'UlII Vi t
s'.ou i nmo-t.jr, cmnmoa.y lio. t as the Im-
1 prttve-nent L)sn.
1. ST... oi of tho Boat aid ar L.iaaa of th
j ffnuviitKi lavtition t imp.ny.
1) in4 iM In th- Pn-Vrr-l ro of the
1 -M-buyiUiil titr-catltiu f otiipa-ir
7 9 '0 fli. in t".e 1 orimoaati-itof the Schnyt
kld Navijit.on Lumomf
1 '1 r.ie ntinv rnr t-i'in.tvi ana t-nrkanf tha
iuimtni.nn t ana Company
Flr-t rioi,t.r4i' p rrnl . .. 1317.0no (IO
?1 .c nn.r'4Wft prior. y . . id.-'i) M
Tn.'I 3Ui)fl-l-ttl oer rsne . .. 1.3 1 .1 71 ii
foiifb nuirtgaf ven percent t1".ooo ih)
t I. . I -t;i,-n s
3 4:tt) Inu n m First Mortffacs Liaaof the
PVji'f-n; Vmey Railroad '"ompau
'() .04..tUU il the V1.rttS4Tl &tttdS Of th
- ehri a ;aV iMnr un Company
;i 7'i- fodowtnjr aecuntfrao: theCauwlata
Ba.'lroad ompnny
lrt perei.nr.Cbatu-i HirrijajanoTids. lii
S per cenr battel .! rwi;n Hon la 1 i l) J.,..iid
7 pir ci nt. DeEwatare Ton is is." . . (JJ.-Od
A? THI. VPO PAr" Tt-.
Tfi foibuvtn prtipery of TiePuiutd3!'aiii
Pi-adln-Co4i tad Ircn Ci.r.poaj:
Tha .llOiviaeoal lanlJ, ros.i lses Irrn er
lands, f iraacu sronerne jad nt. cr rt1 ?staU.
roil. Las an
To. t Trevuron entaiv 3. Ainiclatt Linrfs.
3. -.lir.mermai id Hel jr trtft'i 1. .'oil a Uoytj
trie. , shi.iii4.a and Bir 'i - trsew. S,
J. ".Lev rnon t 1 r " U i, 1 . ; .T-
I iiu . t.h; is on a tin 1 a 1 t '. 1 Btfiii,
'ray Clenfer nd Bra.lv r.-n. Id Prenr-n
JTi.Ur S'trree It Illlt-'n eude iili 1 4.
"irif srti.ih ri,'t. I jt'ir.-e lurid. 14.
vsi;i n .weil tract, li. !!rtnswm lardi.
1 t. I.r-f ut Mountain "iumit.it 'oarovemenc
4oni-:any 'mis. If Nam Jet V.orsan tri.-t.
1 4, Stounr cr.iiel oal and i'ia ii aa ants
ti -toun. Car nei iad J r t Sti'.utun ohI
Compail lind .'! In U- D t.e -t t e J I Alh
land 'state ; rj'.nu a t,m,n4 trn.-r J,
.-ho a lea 'rti't. JI Isifmi ttimnfta'ti trt. 1.
i V II l.i in lonen --a-'t ji' Pi Hd"lpi.a imt
Mihaitoy Ltn.lv 17. f imes j;-Neti tract, 4.
Iitfart trt4.t itt '.-ifrt ir-u-i JO Muftr
trsi-t .It. Keitr tai Pitter,. t 1 Is i'i. V in t
Rienle iriu't. J I V idre v L.vm imiM ll iun
mlt.ait'U .iA fsnit.ius lands ,M. 1 oal ;..l es
ue. IT 'iTtuM .in 1 AUmc r t. I . iiterman
or ruttrora .rt-ff 'lit 1101:1 ,rtn tra L 41,
n.itM rj.il t.4ir 41 Vary Pa.iert.ta tr.r. ii.
Va ley rtiii" uud- 11 I - j- fraefs, 14.
.'a vn j.t am rra't. 4.1, U. au,p t w-L !., Leo
in.i : 4?. ll.rpi etntl K"eo 1 fr.tt 1 v3p's
iieirt' trjttt 4 i.of U rr.. t in -sr. t tr
fi''t. A . El .r. ir r i".niery eie I
tra. f 5.1 tt et.. w 'iry l 'd tr . , Al-.-int
Laffse r,a.t a. uu- Hi.l r 1 . Jil Dunvsu in !.
".r. Houston tr -L.d t 1 - tu rtit
Z .1 nd I fe 'aer tiaor. ',j T ie.ei t?, t.
1. d u- tivllln nti liri v'ar.y au.t H irt
rrvu et Jnnny L-Unt 1 -c 4. L ukaiuI
t t-'t tl . -.it... mrt Ti 1 1 r ..mils ,t. 1in.
nittt-'i 4iid k, . ariarliie rou tratT ij
'aiunte t.id llo ri.t, m Pb ea 4 'sr trsi-t,
7' Hughes and '-iii4t)n r i lsteifyn
.0.1 la J. ieMeru trai tt I J u i. eer '.'.it.
71 fl"i r f. 71 l,n'i 4iid M-v iraiir.
Td L.i Ie ntni1 troi .? ."iM f. 1. 1 '.! 7
uunkd and t-rtnaani n 1 T. ia. 4 0 .. anda.
sd ireen in is. 1 Its ir. .1 .,t. to, - nu,.
kT 1 tad ''tnjnla .iifj oi- r nil 1 .11 nad
',impanr uond. s. r.t Mt er al.
land it tuns icn'or 1 i. t t ttento
of 1 isepd 4 -.11 r trjtrL d Ie rv Hon r.a t
7 Ai" ..-ude aiir er tra t. e Y". Kimn--tua.i
.r4't. Fore4 au 1 TViitCo tn.ia, ),
LtMinart iiti tracr. u p-. e wnj-l ir ct
ti. rtnn'0 and W'l.il.iim lamb it rfeTer -rwc.
Ul rUUm Creet tract inortu tj, t. sunx
Cte-Jt. -fact. awaOj Ud ttic-ufctrl iuiitax uaci
.,.V. ..j-.f .
IT VinyntniadSu,-ieh-.nnAlnd. ,a,PeUr '
kaar tract.
C04L tFA9Xt.
9. Lesjte from trie reton CoeJ ndI--nros--b
rpe.'.t t'onrny t'X Lrsse from the riA.rri
Coal, ooipeny. nit Lea fr.ni the Jitmntotn
Vela i,al ami tmn to'iip.iny lit. Leae fro.n
tbtfTreii'tsacCoalComronv lfla. LtnofHreen
trsrt. 10-4. Le-san nf Knr m 'rT nl Art i
toom trsrts. I0J. I eee of Coorvi lrra tptfi.
IM. lea.-tt of TTepburu trk.c 1". feaas
nr onthfourtrt or rernnnt t"tib'y tn. t.
Is.. Leaeof pnrt of Anif- fytle frt. I0t,
I.eij- of nneeielth or tae A e xindor K In-er
traft tin Leuwi of one half of .Kinnear Jleyrf
anl -"b-teticr tra.rs. ttl. Lea" of 5n.T Klu
re.ir tr-ti-t, It'i. Lea nf Flowery S.etit. 4s
31'l'a aid SlituKer -rsrts ant I.- lan.ls. till.
leasn if West Pea- Hltiti Cui'l-ty IH.Lease-of
Fast Fe.r h.Ue Codltry 111 ! of Henrr
Ctar 1 niter Hi,, Leaae of r'e twi Cnl-t rr.
117, Le&i-enf DncK Bldore Colliery If loasene
..Irani. ltammoti. and Otl-r Coitte.Me.
tense .f Tn'on orort1 ahltn' t"lbery. !i
I ftio of ITamiit inl snd Conuer Coil'crle. 121
teaaeof Ulrard t-ol'Vry
nti3.f iRS t-ISBe.
la?. Pufnim ". a ley N. T. 'e-da. 11. Pritism
Count . N. It .ore ends IM. Nesn Count? Vt.
Iron ore Lands. 1 1.1 Nel on ond Amiierit fount ,
Iron ere land, li AiLemar Conoiy Ta.
Irt n ore Und. 1ST iesurio tistlie. Pa. it ad.
ti1 r4T Pon.l. Pa-, (s.ii, I2'. fotllr-trspr.!-.;
lete. Pa. IJt). Helm and VanaJln lands.
jtfE.ACi r-u.tiR7i:s.
I1t. eVetitelsrm-t. 13.. w-.!-. tJX Kuta-t-sn.
114. E-'st I'n I U, Emu. I3i. .
'"lair. 17. Hlmr'id. Hi. .ron.cwy ian.
P ir.0r.on Fun-a e vl -tol-lnj -trill llu.Po'a-
bataa Jura act. Va.
0T2n tt.tL rsTAT--
141, ifflr-e, bulldl" aid tit, Pot-artMe. W
Afre lot. Dmai'i ro-s-nsnlp. l ri Towrer 'tty
Mit. 144. lttof rxind Cnestnnt 9trn. IWd
tn. lie. Aim itr t Depot. Brooklyn. V. Y.
14", Twentj nititb Street tHtt ot lashoM,
.few Torn Itv. I BetlfoH Tep-
tas. 4-i. N'ewnnryrort r-ptit, 3(a"-. I '
Sft'em Depot eaebOid , Mass. Hi Potts
vita ihops l Vi. Fei.r.nre lots 13J. Sar.'oce
T"W1 nt Lfiist Pel I4. -Jnr'are hiand.
I'V Her.nTorrish n 'or. t ", port Ca rhon .ota.
t"f Per 1 nipt ianis. V Loe at Pres'oa.
tS- Vhi-itis .'iuy kll ot.a7 lands. t'b. Cam
eron Toet dp Unds.
M"lsiiu-ner rt al -.e of a' i al ml rra
oncone wiu-eer Mmnre nwc'l or It st the
Ure . f th-eteeit ,n of shuI tlenerot Mnrysv,
or tv tt tre'-after a aa manner iutrfl r
let I r Its eneit or in trist for 0.1 rallnds
and tli brainn", ett-nlon, hline. and r urn
outs. aiy rillroad then be'onc a-r to ssld Cos'
and Iron Lr-mpaav or triera'ter eonstrce.i "r
la in msniT a. julr.j by It aP lands roat
aief iron ore .ernes ni!nt,. colPee, Lrakfri.
rajln . -oeichop. m.ovhlaery, olT. . butldinc.
tri'pro--ent. reneinents. smi here.tttan'enti
th'-firtwiclhsltor hs it ther-a"er In ory man
ner aotjnlr-l byli rrifceneVrln tnt or
It . I Trs .t-po's and wharee-. a l ' t-tr
1 tt'e fn!r c i t.ar i"irre,e .sr t ll oih-r
Mii'iei, oars, roi'iiix vc tcJs Iniplementn.
I lioese's nu'v sad tnatfrtti-. ani all corpnrits
t ard other rt-ri's. pril?eirs sr;pnrtenaii4s and
j frsr (its o said Con and Irun C.nrpscy or
; ronnerted witl jr r-lstlnc to the snd land-. ft
or iron ralre rttlrmiJ or other or ml. cr aay
I of them ow3 by nald r,4nl .snd Ir n '""ora
r e-any 0" 'He ,! reof tie eTeatfnn of said rt-n.
I ernl Wr'ir-'". or ry 't a" anv tin1 . -re-1
afer.totriirtetj o- ic;nipe 1 a' nnd ausr
. tne oils, renrs reTraues. unites, pmnts. aid li-
romeof tbe rfii an.t fro, t"oiiu.iiy derivp.1
I from old rslirnjbd I'a.iils. cooi r Iron rrlnes
and other prperty. an I ill s'rts. ways, alt-rs,
patv--ff' ra.r-. wat- ei .rv--, ei.iT.e3t.
rtth Itteti-. prlt er, fcerrd tm-nt. and
appirrenonc. wi.itr unto anr ( -"re r:d
morf-nTd rmlsi-s ap't estates belonTtn
oe appertaining and ail t. etste, rt -Ht.
title. atere prndt. eialm arl ilertani
, vt eve y narn-e and k!n t whir.?" of
I tie t oil aad Iron Com nary aa wu at law
1 Astn!i!tv of tn and to the same and vrry part
and par-e the-eof
Fi ect mt therefro-n any property h'-ett'orsj
eonT-te-.: an, fi-iefre.t aider the powers re
served la -.old -ica?nl ortra;a.
I Thf followinr sha-ts of the capita' trecY: nf
1 other inrp ration o;i by Me '"oal sn 1 'ron
Coraaav.btic snble.. t a iitr ptedsr- tle-'e-of
1 'eft to The PM-ad-'rh' 1 and P. a tin n.slrr.jt
Crt-npaay under a aionzae dated July 1, t74,
, iz:
Atlee ?e ipir?t. i?ltte.
Fr-strn Coo' ontt Improveaient Company. mn A'J
Pulton- oal Company 1.117
I It.n.s. .n Imni-ffe-nea: 'ocipany 50 J3 J
l T-rr.nt 1 on Compaaj IT 1.11
j Mmm.irft r-.a C al aa t Iron Cocopaav. ii 717
i Delaware Coal Company 4,713
1 ill property, real and personal, of erery
I rharseter a 1 d. r-rion wnieb or sn bene-
1 Pcai Interns, n lnei his ue-n sconl-d bv cc
1 '.iTn r t'i ? 'fidelr a ird Rea.jinaP.ad-
r-il Co bc it v ,nd of t-"e pbil'elnnta t".l .snd
j Ir n '"4npaa 11 tie "tjupi of z ie npra'lon aad
, nara-re-fear ifeiii- r n' tw 1 p .reels or cr-
' li oia f.-'cu r : 1 wt.i-1 ,r o i; beperial
interne lo w-i" Hey in or rray v,eom- en-
ntl-t ei 1 1- oid in itan-et:on 'tb tii'i pr-
1 f.fw-ie-t ?lj ncladia sll ,nirre prn-ets
of income n; s iai icsttontsrH'elv4h;. rah and
I other o-r.rv r-i vwi far aid r eivr la tee
, raif:i-,-nt or opcrim -f reli pst el or or-
ta'nlati-:'--' or"1 ay an-1 a property acpor-
tetusnt to i"1 narei .,e teetaintn.- trertond
i K-q ; rM f.ir u- a e( - t.. n wrh or fort-
1 pn-Tro4e, or -at-n o-1. cr tt-e hii-ir-es of a'.t
1 htJmi.i otr. itt ve if whl CjjI ir.d Ircn Com
paav n . Riifot nn ,eef'1t. ird tf 1 1a nr
I sfaadm,r n he r.arr- of tie .jaid Re -iver or to
I wii-ti -a 1 Pe.--!Te-s in anr nain-r sla.i hav
ariuir.l t tie. at the tin n d-tverv iotb-enr
rnaser of nc: rarei all ,n pnient and all coat
ta Dosroa .d -sld Pee-ieers nt te trm of tb
OeiWfry of teT parcel ;n be dellve.tij aa part of
esdln o"neton witn trie rtt?e! tn reipeftof
w ni it hail hav been act;jred or received by
aid Receiver,
I The fo'lo -vino s-en-'t'e-s and st.ws pledjM aa
1 a-enmy 'or a .I G-ieral M'rtve bT rertala lv
rontrractlon Tr jte-4 ..f the Phl-adelphI anil
j f-tadiag ?-a Iroa I onp iay
1 ''renera! rrort?o- breds rf The Phll-uSetpIl.
1 ant pj-i.i:a; i i !"ii ( o-rpany aea--l r v a
r,.i t'S f sa o rsl .oid .'smpsnr ate-t !1T
t. I T 4 --. ;i t l,.ii-snte Truit aad a!t
1 Lwp st: ro-raan- rnste, l4,4-7 1 n
t ln-ritt m. .-'. ae tonds o Tlie pi :ae(phta
ar 1 ReadiCiT J-oliroatl inpaa. e ir,d 1 a
, m.'rtij of ld rs'lroad coo cay. dtd
j rtceia-r 1. tT". to Edwin !. Leia traatce,
-.tel -;..
1 lr.t -er es ?!? rer rent, encsolliiated rrorl-
, mw- l od o The Phi .tdeipv and R-ad nx
1 P-. hu. omrinv s-.urfd wy mcrcnrfof said
1 rii"tni ci.f"pun dJ'ei iirnt tf-. 1"2 tfT-s
P-nn!v .11 a .ir fny lor In-nronc-s un Li rs
' and ro..,,;-iT -nan.t'es.of te City jf Th'iate-
pAt trr-ree 3,-4,ftiti.
I vc"fl.'.',-ft' rerent. -rnol!da.t norv
ra 0' no f The PM ade-lp'.lAanl Koodtaf ftal'-
?: 1. 'jiriT. i"-d rty said ta.irtacr, dated
ACil;--. il3. S..L31.UI4.
(1 St 131 4 14 73 of tho r-ort-rire loans of tt
5yrtmyu.li Ix Motion 'n:aar. coiamca'y
kconete .unsoflSTj InT
1-1 ;.. trf '-' r.T of tre mortja-te loans of th
wer.u ii N gallon Jitaj', -ouimoaiy
known a tt loons .f iii-liij;
J.. 5' 1M2 n.il 1.0 of the loan of the -cluy '.ill
Navifjiin t jir.cacy. commor. y kaown as toe
loan of 4i..
I -' 4 .'no, of the Man o th- Vbuylklll
No halloo t ocupany (.omcioniy known -ui the
Icir i--n -nt .-..c
J(.jI - '.Oof the boa: aad ror on nf tb
&.r i .1 i N ,4at.na ompiny .!n- ia I'i I "V
i-s I ' ii 1 no of rh c;t ad er Ion of the
Sn if 1 ..u .'.'. .n ' oat- suj tije n lX
14 ' -.1 e- . :r.e r r-t-Tf 1 s.: o tli
1 . 1 .4 ii a ratuiit t oci.aa
j i44 t re. . u.nirn t'occ of Me
P n .1 1 1.1 .t iit o i.m, n"
Mder t-j 1 tOff U w -tint ter-e. n pi'r
c.1j4t .f t- i.trtft ' a ,U'if' s r isn-,
n . osynt.nr of i pure ha' tr'rt b d iherttor
or uv'Ot 1 11 n; a pri- o i - ' i..rt
ill.' tltree- fie ne p,,. r ent there.' It all tel
a . poe-ii .1 i,f t'ie i rorty en urn t-ti in Hie
fn erani ur tf In''j.ii3r al property real
n l reru.ii f 't "j c t.rnct'T tad d s. ri;t .-a
.n rn ir any Leiedr-n r. ?r u I. ii.'ti. las
lten t.'lUi-"! bv Iff Kit,' -. u m r.lirte of
ire ipTi'im and ' ixnnf r enf t.f i rnortaa'-d
property en-'.ro. .o '11 -n.o -ivtt;C' or per.
U..i urf he ero .if to s iii'a nr 1 all nepe'V
inter sc 10 n n. trey irn or nay ,. .tt -ni.
t.-l Iifin I n 4,1 acoine. -riefd of 'mom
II l aad 4rnaa4 rUanr . jt, ant o her
f d-Ty. rrftttvrd ty the p-i etvri ntoerran
aainen.or tpi'ra'lea o ,je morn.;d rvemi-s
eiuhra-.rd ia w 1 i'imf 1 or..-- 01 p rtalme
rhereut. 1 no or.v an ! 1.1 prnperty appu-tnant t.i
tn CfniisK rnora eii n nr.i ci.nvev ince or p r
tai un; '-ere , ai . so ,u en . r u-e i. ot a
tlou wit- 1,1 .ir tn pijr-e f . tea pri w or
I for 6 h b'.jon if - ...t p.ai roa-i f o npan, nr of
std ' ! and rn t ' mvponv 1 1 1 n"' 1 in t. ertv
w..h an . v-na-i m or sia.idu-. . .a i-ame ... t.i
laid IUm t(Viri. rr t -hJ.'h iid P-trrlfen ,j aay
manner iiii! "tvn ar ) i fed lite, a' fie time
r( teuery t u, h p'ir riser of 'he property em
Lrtiedia ia di n..i.,.n e ai eqii.pr.ient. and
al' "-ii. M -tfs on or r.ie Keee.vrv at the tim
f ti dder ..f tae ionte"ai o: any -ui-n oir
e e .e ere :ai (.ait f un' n on t ti
w ; rri psn'eti in rep ..to w ji'i, it -bj. ,.ivs
t'n ai j i.ro : r r-re, tt t.v tn P.eetver.
'or i t ..t r und ni r d-ruied l-'tcripi.cn nf
the property s.i j-ct to .i... -nera' Storfrie
7-(er-nee 14 nmai to 10-1 cret nad to said
(.earai Stortia.
Tet e-icr norri;'' an" pirdjei -rnpee-e of
e y e-.ilnfIon if said Ibe Pdiadeiutia ind
Held ii Ml -.id Cit.n.iuny, 1d I'.lu -i l c,(P
eri tno 'filu a.'iiirfd r io . i-iv.irs j- n
tie (wrti.lon tbervof ind the ntlre T.irtaal
an 1 1 a .4"- 1 property of erery d 'vrt.t.nr of hs
td I'M- n iidfisnia ind Keti c oai 0110 In n
t 1. ptnv (ei-in (104- a.l prop tr' nni ffipta..
n t l t.y th- .'ieiTers rr-n tre pTilloo
ii - ird' .' -'1 .' pi-ert- pvd ": 1. -1 t
Itei tti.etrit ti tn irie."s ifl 1 ;. n. , e er.l
4.1 ip t 1.1 enn ctt At 1 r. I- an 1
the "T'-it t-r - t e s.'i on Par e anl the Til" t
pire-i ste'tUv-'7 ts atHi a et '1 rtii
sun i-i ntjwe' r. ro tlie rcht 5 ft 1 ivrtyin
lier-o f in 'Jenerol M ortr ase ncn t outtr mrt.
iu v 't .! r 'i n 7t nn ne lei v. r d m
i' ia!--...! If'ittf a any rnr -ef ne s 11 a
-tie (- li.ei'. ni;un f aaee 10 sell .ud pr'ert.ei
1 1 em f u i-itda a t1tv 11 ty !-"n . st
o iitd 1 be r. e;e h in resoi'et nf r e ninrt.
5ed prfourty r ny poreei nerttf ep
arate y .fferet. rni jn ie . T.tr, fi Md.
. ' (! 1. liO ilrtt -leposls in Sledge 'hjc hit v 1
c.aa jk.mI i.s 1 11 ;it se of f s ire D'ani'e rh
tin 0 f.iKi.Mih ' money o- n 'ertided niei-or
Citefk on t nation 41 b ink - r ba.ws ui t.te ''17 if
l'lin ititpi'i t .e 1 ity .' iw ' n-4 t.r
t.n 1 mi oir fiUrf 'f f.i. huii'H .red-.od
f.enero. Mtrtic -a "d unpiid -ur,ua at
Sifh -I T e depi t ., re. v. f .in aot nisuo.
t!tas.u '..il.. r wi'j in rt'. net 1 1. -i h n Cti
nroperty -un.l e tr 1 ln in ie 'euoslt
rn. wiv .it rr mi jni ififi l "r vu r t nel 1
iiy rn. un e.jHiid rr-ettft- un,eet o :. h ,r'n?
t-rir"f snd iii.r to i.e noi 1 41 'ouri ot
th- purclMst pr.ee of ibe v- rty for t o.'fft tUili
Lid 'o miv
i 1 -.. -ptni'e ' a-v t. d tie per-hiser
ntn-t 1 tftr. w 1.1 ii.rocit nitn tn m "(, iel
Vr ,-.t tn s tin if .0' n ,n n-ajey rt "
tirt.. 1 "irui or -ht. . '.in i" t ii ' n -
I it n ru f I'nnpiflf r t i-r mi.e 1 e 1,1
t 'itC '1 t I li.-de T" ..l ifle'l f -e r
01 4. tin 10 "1- a i- ' . " ' ir't ny
mI nt-rU ii. rj e t an as r i-ni,e
win tv n.t vr be i itiMiiiv dfCti-ir 1 uv
the sii'etfi bnl ler a - u -"' tnet te v .1, d
iitia.teii umi. "li e . v .,a tm 01:11 tf
lh l . ur ! r 1 u.re. ' T 1 11 1 ... L p'.iiii
tl ll K.
,n 1 an rul.t'r e r ir Mee sna. ft ')
n a nd 4 . -i ipon rs a ptar-.".- (.
Tr i sua . 1 - ' . a" rait... tt
tromi)', -t - an tr.it f ia 1 irt re t nr
to 1 1 pa mem '1 e r.f ' tJi ontun -
na U d l ie uur,''t4'M Uen ie sua lit
euh ir rn n s 1 (etitlte.l i-- -uli pir
cirr r yuri aa-rs iUmc .irfetteo o a
fieiui-jr tJt .U4.U U-liorm tad Mill U a.-yu-i
HTfnal 3l8ticf .
fieaMet'ie payment of theeTpenof a rsaa.4 ,M
end towards niti'tir "1 nT deU.eiev or loe s
In eas. s ion property mad 1 e told at a pcaie le4i 'SaTH
th n mat bto tt the prim- ale s!m
tt tne i.ipr s i 1 not c o jfrn the sol for whiehj 1f
ad pM'tsiii has rtf-m made, such dpoa,wt-l W
be retufifti to tie ui t-r Ja
r pon nmarmetl tn f inv sale ?slteoll.t, Jn
purvnaer ni 1st make fntnep pay 1 ent ot pet? SJ
t'K'nfa in fon, on a-ioont d his t ... as rnm timet fcj
t.itime'ie ourftniay l r-ei Thepitronaserofans' m
piro-i mar satisfy and tralte irn.I aay part oC
his r J uot ro' rtt r . rep ud hi caal by tuntlnar a"
la to rteeoa-Hi-d "r rretiite., onyof tie b.oib &
a.il nit red ml uapajit nuert see3rett b? aatdl afJ
tnera! Mor'-rse ml ni t by S'.trb punuawr mn
eittiiisi5i boa Ls aad tbtfret for tnat par ,
b.is at to sum whit u ahn.l be payable to thai m
LOlde? tlen-ofoat of til. I n-t pfivee-ts Of aUCl- Sj
aile o ftirh nMret as hi jusr wni of aneft n a
pr r'Mtt - er ai.O'vjn rjr th proportion of th h
p.i?rt'nt win'ti cult' be -eti amti tn cah, an. tT jSu
t:ti s lar of trb net f puf fda shall fc lea f-h-ua M
tne a noun tiea due upon, imrD tona. sneh pit- mJ
ci.oe" in tv rn m iitlt t eieent n 1 ecelptlmf
on ,a5 1 bnr Is tie ainou t ' ce re.titei ihereotw
Inciaetne nt:' 1 e t,Vre.f shajI om-t to matat A
any piynienuon iret u it if any n npe hi blaorai K
of tie pauu-f l r i tvtthiu th rtf days after th JBn
rntrv of an order r-dUir n sach pnvment, tie K
Court mov rwsetl aay par el upon suci not to aa W$
It may direct. m Wti
Th-pur.hsjer t pi.ieh,seri of tit propert?oC SOfti
said Tl e PhtladuiMnut snd 'tend nth troedLotn 5SJJ
ptny sub'tft o .o tl iia rat 11orMre must, a 01
tartoonsiderst on sal in addition to tn- ia- TOwn
fl I for suoi prttpo-r'v ta. t' s.imend rettt ey
ti- leert -tr dffls tn re rr on the eaprea con tr
ditloofijaf tn tae men: tut tue aet4 or tie TftY
frt e.sof os-e't m ta hands of tt:i t.feelsr
u tie itixtvfentiL'ed cine sl.all bt Insu.Tlcl-n-, a
anfft puTiiater or nt iereor or aasuns ball MS
pay. tt afy aa 1 d t mf- any unrtt d onipena Mxp.
t'oa snic 1 slan N al 0 se. ov the court to saM 'Bft'
eceters, and say indebtedness. oolU oat w5
or lUiuli'ies wivij h-.li hsv b-n con- Sjn;
traded or inf-urrd by silt Uec(vrs i lf
fitre t icy 14,1 h iTn tie lvtred it)-toni ftil
of the i,rorr sld -."h r or not r-p- Jfsj
rened by rrtlileates and nso any intlnte 3J
r 01 lutitlivv t'ontractetl or ...Oiirre-l by 'tl &m
Tie llllolelplla and Peadtac a Ircad C001- jfif,i
pin an 1 Tie PiHidip1.a snd Reodtiu: Coal airl mil
iron Coooaav. or either o' the-n. in the opera ton mm
of the mort-ije-t propertv tno. to the appoint- sfcel
n nt of -a:d Rec-l-rs. woicn Is prior ia tiett afiQl
or nrr or 11 e initv to afd t,nntl Mnrtjra-te. Mh
si 1 wiifh Ma'l pot He; i 1 nr'aturtcd out of cne 9$M
tnitune 01 t p" i -rrv lle iinds nf ssl-t K- " tC3
cee-j. o tut of tae -4tgr ojt o, the proeeeita jZLXQ.
of tl- assets in tne r hand, uoort the Conn ypjt,
a.t iiitln-! the it- tobrr r lu lien or snperiof At1;
in iduty to a d '.eieral Mortaa-rw aoul dlrvsztta-f 5
pay 'lift, inereof Jffie
iM novmen s foe anTsr.ch narp- made sy iw
theoanhis r in advio of the ami account .V
laff anddl.'hartf tne Recelveri will t-etreatet t
as idron es ind b.e-. to 3nat adjuatlac oct V
U"It afcoinr-n , 71'
For tn purpje of enf T'T,; such payment ia &V
a.coriaae vir -aid decre tne Court retain J:
ju vt -t.on of sn t rvie. Jill rfeives tbrlcnt
tnreti-teand resell aid railroad property laca S"
the pti-'ai.r ir ciiri-nuers. Ik or their succtrs- M
oroatunf hilif ill toeomple witbai? order Js;
f the t'ttirt for tie pavmeatof auch prior la- Srv
d-bt-lnes or nib Ilty w tnin tnlrty dayi after y-
the Te of the iiJv of in;n onler. 3i
m- par-ni- r or pu-ffasers of aay parcel con Jfi.
tlttttlu.- pirt of the mortiaxr-l property nasi ifi?
tafc- tne aTi- subject to tn p-rformauc 1 hlnj !.
or them, or rds or tneir s tcrs aad aja'yns. of jg
uit Den.lln; onriit eno:cfore lowfally made &
bv th Heceiversta respm't thereof.
Fir fnrtner porl.uiors reference la nereb
tra I- to th- i'--ve--rter.fioniM decree. 3s,
Lift 1'lllsdslD IV June l-4 ..- SI
Tut PF.sn. 4rv company rnr. xnsciv SF
7 n?r.Y f. P4.tt. SS
ir-s:deafc off.
onvc jonvsn-c j iti
UEOUGE L. PlY-a. . B
. '!
Notice of Ueccleer. S.le. "C
!-.VbVt..-A.Nr. W
Tno rcnn.ylran'ACncirAnT 1 'M
Ifo iBAurincea oa I l."i 9:
an.I ..ritin.: A-au-tita. -R
t,uatDlalt:at. Jfl
tj. . April Coi,158& jjt:
Th" PilLvlelpiila act TJil- Ifo" C
n Ka Ir.M i omcany.t.ie a
l.w4deipUlA ta 1 e.UlLtf VW
t.ei An 4 Iroa i ororaay 0&
a-J otatrt. efjo.cii. J . Sf
tToer-ia. He a dfcr.a of toe Clrr31t Cosrt et M
tl-.e UiiMttoi ror tt ta.t.rn Dutnct of 4
lnn.rlTalama.leaa.I enl-rnlou tearttcar I
of -lar. 1-vrt, In tt.e a" o.eeatuleit caD2e.lt t.aa 3
aoi4 ota r talnja pr.l-j teat 12 oefanlt of T
tne ptymnt tn rein a,t,ui.ml to Le rratle. taa -2
I ai-..i. run. ul coroplalniat, tae Pecntyl.ao 1 1
. co.'iitiT lor In. ir-in:. Li.rs aail ijranllnc i
; Anaulti-4, tr.- eriiat naie.l la 1 rrertg-se or I
..o -? r.-: nil!? ty t: j r'.:ifiT;. c5
lu.t.:lr- Rai ria.l Company ai a Hie rmlade4- 1
frilaant Keail.nf O al ani Iron ion cny. dated -f
atiitry It. I. j. xaowa at trie ncceral Moruaxe.l
t.toald j.l all tee procertT. trrtnUi, aad Iran. 4p
vol.. of eeery da-.pt on detcrlhe.1 :n au! '
,cearal tnortre rr aju.tir! lu 11M de.'i-ta jf
l,o r-H:onie no.'e.'t thereto, ricepr to. prep- .
1 ;ery ll i:a.o tht dite cf iu:d reneral iortaf.
1 tJtrtx.ert there .a r. .er.ei 4
I Aad '"a.r.A.. r'efoit ia. terc Taie la local ,:
paytr.i-at aa.I 11M trjitro tai gieen crtlr-tbat It J
! w.ll, la oitr.uan.-e of i.d decree aad In Iheeier- ,
t clae of lha poorer, aad daMe. troaf.rred ad lm- t
P'""! id ceneril mortraite .e. ...d xaort- 4
I rw-i property .t tn. o ,1 tlatloo rn Caim.hlll !
I Jtt-ec lj.twe.-a TlHrte-ita strt-t rnd Brot I
j ftr-t In tae city of miiillpi ia. In it. Stateo- 4
I Henn4tra.-.la tnat belaj 'ipon tte prem'..acldl. I
I i-sol V. ine..Uy. the JJd Cay tf bepteBiler. '1
, it."!, at iwi... o'dixk toon cf ttat cr. npoo .4
, te ;-ria. .tto. ia .aid dere e aad In laid soUca i
1 Of ! J
1 lat "ir'j. Br ail d-erse It -a. fortheror-
d4rl.aljud4! aud'teiTee d tr.at tee Krcel.rriol A
1 a P'.P'rty of 'li .aite-naaiel drf.ad.icta. th. j
I'&l.aNIPi'a i.! h.- dia fci rotia Cro-rany s
aal tie Pailtdelph aad Seelri Coal aao Iron fl
iC.Knr.vir, .ell on tne day and at r-e place ap- -if
' pointed hy ,ai,i truitee tor r-e . e 0 ...Id rnor& 4
gaLd premue4. and In.oieil'efiy rrlrr tr ncc
.i a.l t te ai it. nf e.er r .ure or .le-rlptloc
Intae tindl of .a. I erei-er . od lot adwtf ed 4
I l.y nil de-ree t.t Xa tub.v t ti int. Ilea of tald
1 c-.rn m.irta;-. m
si. tn-re'.r- th. iInd. r.t.-a.d. the Pocelrera Jl
I ol..t-,ipr perty of :Be iloiMian "! .'f rrr.lonta, "3
tit Pallii-lplta a 1 f-dltif S-a.irrad troi-
1 tny inl tn- Plliie'ul ,1 aid n.ii!i rl ?
I S?1.rno '. !?"'? -Ui. ti.der toe clrntionof
t... Soe-Mal M.iter In laid rnu.e .e'l attttUlo
I a tcl.oa ti fte h rbee; bl.I.i-r rr Mdden. fcr-ti. !
at tieoll stt:l..a . a Ca . 'em Mr.et. l-t
T1!--,'en:a i:r-et and Brn.d tr-t. la tl eclty o '
ral.il.ipi'a. m the state of Punirlvania oa
ta-44d ..elr.e Iiy. the i3.. day of Septen r. ,
1" H. it 'ti n ft. -c tn the lorttrrn. larrediat'ly
rri.ir to tie .: or the ,n 1 mt.run.rd tren lv. '
tr 41M I-.T.1 d'reeted to IVrrade :,Mii. '
letiofe.-ryifir- aid d. vrtr''..n la tl - tindl 1
of .11 1 P. .:-. (eri not hy .aid .:rcr-e 10 . djr.ij 11 'l
be 1-lhJeet tie ivn or ...l r-ncral 1.1 irTr.ar.
In- tl'ar t-,. .bar-, ar 1 tent. . vtiel by !!. N
Pii.M-j.'a aei Iteta.- pj.t nad ar.i Pnia-
da pin tat Reil!n O..I oadMron rr.Dir-aie.
no.- n rj-.t t.aa t. of tre 'eiri.eti Kr th. 1
rwT, tife. and tat.-n' in in1 to .rh.t in J
00Je- I VI the p'e.'rei r-.e 3e-t In th-It.lVracl 1
ni- -a 1! -vlt.1 the c j of t e .at. rn rt ;nd "
ti'.r rt f'H. an t l-ter - of the nit, , urfj f
r.lPitriKs..,,! ..r.rvm; ,..Vsli f
l.tl Ui 4 tj ai lm - , f i ' r. r rr .ieral 4
tr..: Mtti, of -ii et I. n.i. T II" 'Kii-.-ie.iel 1
an 1 ...ill 14 .M-u.-lte rr eer-ln oMjaiiin 1
pa-'i-r.irleil..-rihe! li the ..ii nar-a-enr 3
No nil ., o re-ee.i: fr 11 nay one cfTrrla a
to 'ii 1 erosia I n.it firir d-pr-.r a pl.dre tra. . 1
he w linn. i,i ni. H1 or LI . In tl.eetentef 5
-ent.a--. the vi i if KI li 1 1 in r... nee oris I
r lei eie,-ic ir eleej, on 1 e. ,r'or: hen nt 2
nan4 or tr.u eoeiDaif or fri'.- r r-rtttlr. la t
t1 -itrif Ptili p. a or e rl--of eeri ''
allftl ptym-nt of He jir-rr. prlrn tl e Prrelr.
e-i wfi deUe.r 1 1 ft- Dar.hie- rr pi.n t... rith. I
a.e:i.ol 1. fr fro-i r rth-r ..i.m or llablllfe i
o. nt Mr.-wr m p.p rt n( inr. ri r'ha.e In i
a'., itii-r rxcevti ,u,j ,,. T , te utcn t.rrn t
I alilliirrith.,.. B-er.e.l he .:,! dr. t-r la rZ
;: jr ta ul tn oe mule hy .id trn.'rr 11a.
der t .. .irril nr.rtw. rt the prenM'e.anil
r-.t)-f ( MM d-rree Xli-Ide.l tr.nih.rttn
lilt f.l ri! rri.rvaj" r f-il and d. tilled
.'iiMit if 1 r.'.renre i-h.reliyrr.ace ta i
f a. I leere 4 0-1 f i l .1 p t . of V. ' -1
In tir-orli.i. .1 ti ra. t-r- of the rieeree ra. u
qirntie . -e..-i - i n !,,. .prV.rtn
tne tint f the f,v j n- v'e to f. w:i. tt, JI
tier of tot tal! fry. ! , ,iyt, r,n ih. wicir .a 1
'f I'"' preen i Me tl - ...... t. he'rt- f
Brv-1 In the .He of . ,-i rrtie. ' herein;, ot. j
?!ren,!l-t r. -intent ha. l.e-. e ,. i- t'-eo'r. " I
.-ft eM : e-, lad frrfurr r pr".-ii atir-frr- a
" 'I.',' 2. '.." " n. 't """ I"'' ' I-" "ai- 1
n at .hi . e -!..., ,-miv. n.; not. 'T.tr th rein M
enntt,n-ij w 11 -e t tmtti .r i r. n. ire r. rrhrwret S
pare -wen ar it.d iie nor win .ner. it. ten-en. jt
eonitit 't. ir .i.n.'i f. r r.'et.e from igr ltd he. Iff
rtii.enf 1 1. r r.i r'i : r-vr.ut;. z 'ierr r. .-rcia'. m
i on the" -f roi 9
..r.",'.i'' " "" '"' ,f erfe.lle-,. ar.lreeord. X
In 'tiie.ji eo. f. r it-ni..i re rr.entione.1 M
?-' I? ".'l 3'"'""- H' je,.., ,,, ,.,1 1
S.io4. 7" w.p"' '"" '" '' """i f
I'I. rlM-t. tlf'e. aid ir-e-e.t o' tl-e p,c,.,
irv-.V-V'.'-Vi."" '" " -'.r-ri-.of I
51 ..V. .il. p eilced to .e- ere t-e roi'.i'i.r t ' tru. l
loin, ar.l eon- t r.n- ; -.-e. t. .. ., . r0,Mi it.
ti. d trar - -is. -r . .. ; . r..r... ?, r .,,
i.i.-i r,-. r--... e, , - (.- ..-t.i , ret.
Ulell.-MII. ml Ie-45 Jld r'f irl iwre'or
f '.T '.'" n''" .'s" ,"1- " ' pera'-'.r-incrnr
it i.p. ai itr- pie.'.- :.. in . ,,,Z
nteilt t-.Ul4.e. . 1 v.,r.X r,l ? . 'JV,1
jline. -t' I,.,' I d - ee e.i .' "'
,,.':T.'V!',."", . r" frr '- e5.1t. '
Pr;i.jVlV, tire - 1,7,.,,.,, e B-n"
rnttlfitisei y rt - I ., fwo r ..11 l,.r,,t. ii
th. ilinf impair and i.. -.;.r4 i
'..-!. ',,?,"l", ."' ' '',40.l'iiri,,PlnVh
I.'.lr ?..,.",ir'inr.M' 'Krt U S'-'4- "'' - !
T ie ei a'l, If rrjnr,1'e.t in to M he tny hlit, '
Cir-.i j ea.l iUn ojer ti - rm.-.jnmir itn-i 1
r,-&rV,Mr&e,,M tha 3Ub"'t " tp"b A? 1
i ey ie :.irl OITer fertile ii a gl .11, w.
It lie rn h 11 -irce4 V , ir !il !
aUml. -4 41 .1 . (...) r eo--r.nr.ie
!f ri.ii..t i.M r. r a I rers .t'.et. ln.i ., crte i
I ,V-.VtJ ..r.tfr'.vu, v: ;;i''.ir.H !
nl.M ..,,rrr.r,V,1.r:r-"-,r . . .?.! ?, T. "'' ,5" '
.S'ot? - , on' !
rV " ' -l ". '
I - J ' r i t ii i a
1 i m".,,I"",P8,,.T n ' ' t'ti f hiUtf ., 1
. rT..w,irt'i7,i,f7?,r4Ua4:fo-Co'a?--' - I
' act, , fi

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