Newspaper Page Text
WL, ' "j "" """"' "" 'Hri "" ' '-l,'!WlSSs5s'saHJJ.? IF ' 1THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1890. ; ' " ! 9 xl J T A SCAFFOLD'S FALL. I Two M " Their I.lTt. Inatin(tr ! I Annthrr Is H.rlously Wonmd.d. I fly tl)i lirenktnir of a scaffold At fil West flilrd Mrot-l. yesterday aftornoon, two men tt llilcd "iiirlnht nml another wns seriously hjar'i'i Tbe dead men are Stephen Ilreon, a jr-nrs nlil, of Clifton place, Brooklyn, and o V T) lor, BO years old, of 17 West Eighty fogrtli (true!, this cltr, nnd thrlr wounded (oorniti) la Jn Shea, :iH of .10 Varfck street, it iiu- iiliico whoro Iho ncclittn occurred Hnn I'lirn A Co. of 100 Klfth avenue are put tin "P R six-story hulldlnit for Imnness pur poMS, lirrcn. Taj lor, nnd Shea wero settlna lie fnm j stono front. As tholr work pro mtw 'li'V hnllt scaffolds out from each sue ,,(,,. lonr. The ornamental front work (a miiipletcd !to the top of the fourth floor Itcstrr'n) morning, nnd In the afternoon the f, ...pi Wttnn the work of building n new Klllil on tho fifth floor. Just what hap word t'nil'ftlily no ono knows, for no one irems l' hne brti wntchlnn the men at the Tuft m ment of the Hcclilent. What soems to Iinw .iiiiweiird Is thnt the beam on the xtit !' vipiortln(t the scalTolri broke short sf? ami Vt M.KlTold, men, nnd planks sllilo oft ttwotl er mid lall fltty feet to th stdownlk. The nun reached the nlde-AnlK llrst In a uic tn"-thr' order. Ilrcen and Taylor each mill, lit ml downward on the llHKglntt and were tilled lnslantlj. Mica Tell noon them and stmed to hao escaped with only n dislocated houMer ''"- brnlfes. Ho was bent to the Skew Wk Hospital. With the men mmo an nrnlanche of planks, fvmo nf these planks struck tho hnlMnch Suck 1'ln"' class window of Ockendon's ea inon ami shattered It. (lending tho Jaaued trasmen" lljliur, Into the n.are. Oikendon's n'ktn'ii rs tied from tho tables to the back of the "n'.onn In time to escape harm, but he was ot ( lucky. He was nnonlns oysters at a rennter aliout four feet back of the window. One piece nf the broken class struck him be tlJe i be head nnd cut him severely. Ilounlsmnn llourko of the Mercer street lUtlon, who was the first policeman on the cone, had the wounded man sent to the hos tltsl and the bodies of the dead taken to the house. Ho then arrested Pamuol Tostrrln. the foreman. Tosterln Is SO jears (J, ami lives at 1,141 I-nfnyettr arenne, Bruokltn He Is a brother of the contractor for the bulldlDC. I'eter Sosterln. Ihe arrest stems to lm u been merely ono of routine, for tic deal man Breen was In chants of the BrooUlin Hchool. to Iteopcn To-morrow. The public schools In Brooklyn are to be re cpecsd to-morrow. It Is expected that with the ildltlon nf the new schools and the extensions to jeme of the old ones, there will be ample ac tomodnttun for all applicants. Two New I'lere for the Wnllaboat Market. Cltr Works Commissioner Willis of Drooklrn lu decided to ereit two new piers on the north Us of the Wnllabout Basin for the further ac tommodatlon of the marketmen. FlXA.yCIAL AXI COXiTBBCIAt,. Ktw YorV Stock Exelmace Balea tSept. 10. ClITF.n STATES AND STATr. PONDS (IS Sl.OOOs). 6sJebf.'3. ' 6nS4i.e.t'!S.116 ot Hiwil 6B rmcEs or united states bond. Bid. JWI Bid. Alktd. rtji r, US S. r. .tplofO OO1 104 ..110H 110H t ill, r. D 8 Ss. c. H07 100 106W 1804.. 110M 110M t 6 li. a C s, r, IHO? .107 108 j, 107 .100 r j u, r, IU 8 e, r, mi... 115is 110 lisc... 102H 1WJ... 115W 110 I to. . 104 RIIUIOID AND OTIIEIt BONDS (IX Sl.OOOs). 2AtcbA3J4f . 33H; 8 N JCgnlSt. r..l 13 6 -. 33l 2 1121 lAmSMffSi.... 014 10 NKRofCalos. 02H lOUitMriit, 83, 2NY.Cb4StI, 4.102H lRCRiNUt 1034 3 Oregon 8 I. St.. 100 3 Brook Un a it 1 04 10 OSL uncn.TR. 50W 6 Cti i O en It 104H 1 Peo East 1st.. 74 1. ... 104'i, 7P'nna4i 108 ICBiQiiNrb 1 1 2 Beailgnl UTR 74 ei- . 85 , 15 Red 2d pt lu 2C4HliSoad...l00 3:tP 20 IDntHUcn. 87 1 1 0 R-d 3d pf In lMnEIll. 108 3U1P lO" jnwiHTK... 50 3 16H 10O.H4BAM 1 niorfWUt. .. Q8M P6 0014 3 08 5...; OCs 7StPMln en .123 etronStM ..100 1 StPSCJM...128 2IowCnllJ 02 , ISoHnijJi.. .. 84) 6KUccon.TP. 62 2Tex&P lstss.. 80 I0KntTci2Ji 61 I ll'nP.D&OUt 30 10 5ml 3 Wabash 1st. 103 2 .. . 51 1 Wbmh2d 67H 7L.SA4Chlit.102H lWe.tUncolSt.101K lOMorAUcon 138 1 West Sn i. r... 1 03 llletFll.t. . .117 1 2 102 3XobOh!ognl. OOH 8 Wis C 1st, T R.. 30H fcul itletor rut I way bonds (par vslae), 1221.000- KA1LROAD AND OTHER SnARES. Opei High. Xrfno- . Clotino. . ittn ina. til e$t. Bid. Atitd. UAdsFxo 143K 143K 143H 143H 147 tO-SAinSRff 114ti 110 114H114W114W l50AmSltp.lOl 101U 101k 101 102 lOOAmSM 5H 6M 5K SK 5W S0AmCble 87 87 87 85 88 IKOAmTob C41 04t 04M 64M 64M UAmTobp. 05Mi 05M 9 Da 00 BAmExp 108 108 108' 107 111 MOAmCOII 12 12 12' 11W 12 fMA.Ttsre HM 12 11 UK' UK em At Top ft 17M 17M 17M 17M 1TH iWPlia. 14 l"4 14, 13 ' 14 lOOCsnSo 444 44H 444 44 44K 3S3CbeitO 131. 13K 13 13 14 HMCblcOu 60M 60 50J4 50H 6GK J c, c. c a ML. 20 20W '20 25M 2014 utc. c. c 8tl. pf 80 80 80 75 80 M2Ch4.NW. 0 7M 08 07' 07 08 U0C.U4Q 07M OBK 07M 07 074 l!S3e.lt8tP 70N 71H 70V 70J4- 70H CMstrpl204 128W 126 127 128X IKOCKttl- 50H 00H BOX 60 60W SOColFaeL 10 10 10 18 10 JOODAROp 41 41M 41 41W 41M MKMRUtp 30 30 28K 27 204 IWEKIUdu 17K 17 17 10H 18 580 0m Flee 27H 27M 27W 27M 27N IO0III steel. 38H 38K 3BK 374 384 soioiracpf 25 20 26 24 264 W01.E4Vp 06T4 00 G5K 65 00 JMUtefch 1444 1444 1444 143 145 IMlwIOse.. 22 22 22 22 224 jMM 4Nib 40H 414 40M 404 40M rSOM.nCon. 834 B44 83 83 83M tlllchCen. 87 87 87 87 00 (SOHoPic 10 10 18M 184 18K MU.K4Tpf 22' 22'i 22 21K 224 lONJCent. 101 101 1004 101 102 IMSTCenl 01 01 01H 01 024 0O.orAm 4M 4M 4M 4M 44 1u.NVm:. 35 36 35 JW.VtA.StI. 114 UK 1W !! n WOW ' 4k( LMpf 28 28 28 274 20 tOONV.SiW 0 OH 0 0 04 MNVSWp 234 234 234 22 23 IMN-orl'ae, 12 12 12 12 124 CANorl'pf 104 104 104 104 194 JMOntaw I2i iqh 12H 124 12M .OOPKuil. 18 184 18 ie 10 W0 Pt itrad idp 15 i0W is iCM i5M 100 Pall po 142 142 148 142 144 1'iHWtuliO no HO 107 1104 WORouthPao 10 10 10 16M 104 J-OKouih ny. 74 74 74 7M v "lp. 21H 214 21M 21M 214 "IOlenni'41 214 214 21 20 214 WTeiPao AM OH 04 04 OX JWfHHuh 18H 184 18 10 10 JWI mrd 3, a5 ;W 3( 3W 100 1 si 7, 7H 7ii 7W 8 W'O'SIp . 404 60 404 404 40M I0owi,.h zH 6H 6H 6U a "'"""P 1344 13M 13M 134 13M MtinetifT 804 81!4 804 804 804 WWi-I.K 0 04 04 64 OU l"UI lu of ttocki were 70,706 shares. 1' iji'otations rtm hank htuckh. Iiul ted, I Bid. Aikrd. fM' 300 'Mechanlo 186 106 'erFi iflft ijtrchAT . 140 f"l 250 Merc'tlle. 180 b lay ,JIerch 130 136 M.Sv mo 136 Metrop.. 400 m.n.l000 4600 MtM'rrls 100 S'' 600 760 New Am. 100 "tlienk' o0 136 NevrV'k. 216 236 "Inilu l7r, KYCo 010 J""111"-" 105 200 UtliNst. 112 J""" 120 -- NstUNa 126 S 2700 Psrk.. .. 261 200 'fo(M 100 !.,!, ioo 106 2 HJO 170 llepubllo 136 ICO JJJsNh- nun 310 3,.lb N,t 170 J"m 106 110 MMat . 426 JJ""" 110 he'thN. 100 ? - 660 SHAUs. 01 07 "f 140 stofSV 106 Sti 760 r USNs. 176 ?'! J00 WstSWu 276 wHi 200 Weithat UOH 114. i OTtlEtl INACTIVE tTOCKR. BU. Altld. Bid. Ait. AlbBus,.170 t,NAOp 0 04 Alton AT It 66 68 Msnhat tin.. C 12 AmSMpf., 16 17 Maryl'dCpt 40 00 Ann Arbor. O 0 Hlnnlron.. 46 60 AtnOoal...,'lU 185 MexCen.... 8 0 AtlAPse... 4 h HetTrae.... 024 03 DoeALpt 100 106 MlnnAStt, 144 104 Buff.nAP. 17 22 liAStl. tp 08 714 It. HAPpf. 00 AStLdpf 38 41 ILCItAN. 08 Mo.KAT... 10 10W Sr'ntw'kCo H UobAO.,,, 1() 20 U A O 3 W .National B.. 3M 44 Pf, N 3 8 NatSJdpf. 10 20 tPlrnllT... 21 22 NatLOtl.... 14 164 IirookUoO 86 87HNwCna. 4 8 Caii Pacific. 67 60 NatUad.... 204 21 OedarFAM 3 Nat Lead pf 82 83 CbAOW... 4M 0 NorfASo... 68 70 CsntPac.... 134i 16 NTANII..107 170 CbloAEI 38 42 NY.OABth CblcAEIpf 00 06 IstDf.. .. 70 80 ChloAAIt 162 166 KorfAW. . 84 04 CotPuelpf, 00 NorfAWpf. 12K 134 C. LAWp. 36 37 OntAHIn. U 114 ClereAriltieO 106 Orejonlmp 4 CoLCAlD. H U Ore HAN.. 12 20 Col, II VAT 144 16 Peo.DAEr. IK 8 C.nVATp 60 64 PnnCoal.276 ComCable.126 PAKastern 4 0 Con.Coat... 31 30 P.HWAC145 150 Con Qas. ..140 1474 P.CCAFtU 11 18M Del AUud.,121 1224 I'.CCAStLp 44 60 D.LAW..161 166 PlIMAWpf 16 Den Alio.. 104 114 Qulckller. 14 3 DesMAFID 0 8 (lulckslfrp. 16 DMAFtDp 45 00 Stt. SW.... 34 3M n.BBAAU. 34 44EtI,sWpC 8 84 D.BBAAp 74 StPADul. 16 17 EdlsonKI.. 02 05 RtPADulp 76 86 Erie nil.... 124 13 Stl'AOpf.H6 121 EraneATn 26 28 BtP,MAM.103 111 OreenDAW . 4 St J A (J I.. H OtNorthpf.HS 120 Tol.OAC. 20 36 Home.UkJte. 344 I'otAUOpt 50 76 IllCen 87.4 804 U P. 114 o. 14 8 IowaCen... 7 741USRubpf. 70 76 KanaAM... 6 8 UBCordpr. 74 7.4 KeokftDH m 3 'us Cor. Ot. 14 16 KADMpf.. 0 12 lUSExpreas 36 40 LEAW.... 16 10 Well-rrE 80 00 LongliUnd 05 70 WAt.F. pf. 24 26 Laclede Op. 76 80 Wis Cent .. 2 UN A AC. 24 3 wCnDsf. 04 8 POSTON CtX3SI.NO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Atked.l Bid. AiUt, Doe 4 Alb.. 2044 206 Erie Tel.... 60 67 Hoe A Me. ..166 160 WeitRleo.. 20 ChJcom... 02 lOcn Eleo p 05 054 ChJuopt... 100 DosAMon.. 70 704 Fltcbburgp 87 C14111a.303 306 tlexCSi... 064 00 Otoeola.. .. 24 Old Colony 172 173 Qulncy 1L..105 108 WKUcom. 004 074 Tarn Mln. .. 72 76 Domln'nC 74 8 DayButeO. 744 8 AmDellTet.204 206 I rniLADELPHIA CLOSING QUOTATIONS. J1U. AtUd.1 Bid. AtUd. LthtghTat. 204 COk'uoImpCo. 064 00 LOAN Co. 40 IwtJLCo... 43 444 PennRR. 604 604 El 8 Doom. 274 284 rtlla Tro 024 024E1S Dpf.. . 284 20 UnlonTrac. 10H 11 .PH.I.APc. 13 13U EAPTC... 05M 0(1 PII.LAPp 10H 10K MetTrac... 02 03 WelsOcom. 10 20 CTof.VJS. 20 22 WeliComp 60 01 CTNJSSs. 78 784' 'KxkIIt. LATEST LONDON QUOTATIONS. AtcMsonAAP .... 124 Norfolk AW pf. .. 134 Canadian Pacino... 604 Northern Pacpf.... 204 Chesapeake AO . . 14 Ontario & West .. 134 Erie com A A 1" 1 34 Prnnjlanla 624 Erie I it pt. 29lt Heading 1st AP.... 794 Illinois Central 01 St Paul . ... 72H Kansas A Texas .. 1 04 South Railway ... 74 Lake Shore 1484 South Hallway pf . 21 LouAXaih 415 Union Pacific 6?4 NY Central 04 abah pf 144 BATCHDAV, Pept. 12. To-dav's stock market was somewbat unex pectedly Influenced by European political dorel opments. The London market was naturally disturbed by Indications that the leading European powers aro about to Intervene In Turkish affairs. This caused some selling ot stocks by foreign arbitrate houses, whose lead was promptly followed by professional traders. In consequence the moderate dealings during the two hours tho Stock Exchange was open for business resulted In fractionally lower prices than were recorded at the close yesterday. The weekly statement of averages of the As sociated Bsnks also affected speculative senti ment unfavorably because the fact was Ignored that the statement was made upon rising avcr bks so far as specie Is concerned. The banks have lost legal tenders during the week because of the demand for money from the In terior, particularly from New Orleans: but this loss has been more than offset by the Imports of specie from abroad not deposited In tne bub-Treasury. Tho small derreaso In loans has unquestionably been voluntary. The statement Is obviously not consistent, the do crease In deposits being larger than called for by the chanees In other items. The Imports of gold to-day were $300,000, maKtne the total for the week $11,137,800. and since the present movement began $23,474,050. As compared with the final prices of last Sat urday, the majority of stocks are lower. The more Important net declines are In Denver and Rio Grande preferred, lfi cent.; Northwest, lh: Illinois Street, 1W; Atchison preferred, 1 ; Pacific .Mall and United -States Leather pre ferred, each: Sew Jersey Central and Mis souri Pacific, each; Northern Pacific preferred,- . and Wabash preferred H V- com. The noteworthy advances am In American Cotton Oil. 2M cent.; Lake Erie and Western preferred, JM: Burlington and Qntncy, H: Pt. Paul and United States Rubber. each; Chi cago Qas and Western Union, H y cent. each. Final sales compare with those of yesterday as follows: .Sept. II. Sept. it. Sept. 18. A.TAHFe.. 124 1 Us North Am . 4M 44 A.TABFop. 18 17MNorthwc,m 084 08 AmCoiOIL 124 12 .Nor Pacpf. 10M 104 Am 8 Ilef. 1164 1144 NY Cent.. . 02'4 Ol's AtnTob. . 04M 044 N J Cent.. IOIMIOO'4 BaltAOhlo. 14 14 OntWett. 13 124 Canada Bo,. 46 444 Pacific )III 184 184 C. II 4 Q .. 074 07M Rockliland 004 604 CbesAOhlo 14 1374 Heading . 1694 164 Chicago O.. 604 5 04 Ht Paul com 714 704 IlenAROp 41 414 South R'yp 21M 21M OenElec..,. 2714 27!T'nC.IAR. 214 21 KanATpf. 2214 22 UHCord.... 344 34 LouliAN. 414 4041U8Ie!h 714 74 Lake Shore. 144 1444 UBUath p. 40M 404 LEAWpr. HOH 60 WAPcom. 6 6H LscledeOai 22H 22 WabAPpr. 134 134 ManCon.... 834 834WetUnT. 81 804 UoPaclflc. 104 IBM Wheel ALB 04 OH Government bonds steady at unchanged quo tations. Railway bond dull. The features wero Atchison Adj. 4s, New Jersey Central gen eral 6s, It., and Oregon Short Line "Union con sols, T. R. The more Important net declines were In Atchison Adj. 4s, 4 V cent., to II.'IH: New Jersey Central general' 5s, R 1, to JISW, and Oregon Bhort Lino Union consols, T. II., W V cent., to fiOH- In bank stocks 6 shares of National Park bold at r.'.ll. Commercial price of bar silver In Now York. il5c. Bar sliver In London closed nt :I0 :i-l(ld. Mexican silver dollars were quoted at 004a6'.'W. Money on call 4 V cent. Time money Is quoted at 0 V cent., and a commission In many cases for all periods un flrst-clnS Mock Kx chunge collateral, but few truns.icllous nro reported. '1 he commercial panrr market Is 11 little more active at HfftU V rent, for all irradcs. Knreluti exchange dull nt unchangrd quo tations. Posted asking ruled for merllne, 34.H214 for long bills anil S4.N4H fur demand. Actual rates are: Ixing bills. S4.Hl4vnS4.HlS4; sight draft". $t.H.,IMiiS4.H4, iinrt cable tTan fers. $4.H4ka$4.H4&. Francs are. quoted b.r-iVA.-MS for long and o.20Mf,s.uo for short: rclchsiuarks. !l4liftl!4K fur long and Il4?tll5 for short: guilders. .11) ll.lltfiao l.'l-lll for long and 4(Kit.40 l-lll for short. Domestic exchange on New York: Hostnn Sfift:i.l! cents discount. Charlebtnn lluilng, U discount; selling, pur. Savannah llul"K. 1-ltl off; selling, par. New Orleans -Hunk, nominal; commercial, 8.1 dlsuount. ban trail cisco rlgbt, par; telegraph, ft cents premium. Kt. Louis no cents premium: olfered at 110 cents premium. Chicago -$!,'.'& discount. The weekly statement of averages of the Clearing House banks shows: sent.i, Sept. It. CKnngti, Loans . .. 4S.07U,tOnt4Slt.ilUS.InO Dee, (HI I BUI) I)euolt . . 47,07I,H0 404.ll84.3IMI Dec, l,417ftin rlrt-uUII'n 17,u7u.oO IH.711.100 Itio 7U vuu trfg'l fil'rt . 7U.7U9.IHI0 An.DIUflUM Dec 3,Aho,iiUi) Bpecle ... 4J.lU,UUil Ol.VlUl.hllO lnu V TtM.UUU lllte'e IllUliVS.SllO tlSO IHI.40II Ine f IN4.IHIU n's'ter'il II1,7I17,U30 Ul,4in.&73 l'u. :IAI.U7S Slirp'us. S V8H.350 S.7fl7.n!iO IDC SiU,'4Ifi Tho surplus a jear ago was $','l),t)M5,:.30, and two years ago $50,033,700. The Imports of general merchandise, lnclui). tnc dry goods, at (be port of New York last " ... x;.'-- t 1 , Week, were $8,040,307, against $7,0.10,SA3 tho previous week, and $10,?ll).Rl'-t for tho corre sponding weok of last year. The Imports of specie for the week were J14.M6.N87, of which S 14.0 1 7, 0.)!! was gbld, making total specie Im ported since Jan. 1, $4'J.NVIi,ai)7. Expnr's nt specie weret Gmd, sS.ROO, and silver. $1,112, CfiO, a total of $1,1 16.OC0, ngalnsl S0IIH.830 tho previous week, Tho exports of specie since Jan, ,1 have been: Gold, S3!,40:!,4HO, nnd sliver, $IIU,n.10,8().'l, a (ntal of $H8..TI4,:I4I). The Imports of silver bullion from Mexico last Week were 148.000 ounces, and $:i',',300 gold. Tho JUtutnrldl ChrifMr computes tho gross earnings Of VJH railroads for August at $4(1, ;iill, "IIU, n decrease of Sl,0RS,444as compared llli tliu same month of last year. For eight months ending Aug. .11 l'-M railroads report gross earnings of $.'I00.78S.C1A r.n Incrcaso of $10.1!.:i,:il)!; as compared with tho correspond ing period of last year. Hallway gross earnings for August compare with those of tho same month of last year ns follows: Atlantic and Dsnvllls 4Q.n7A Dec. $1,1111 tin., Jack, and Mackinaw A4.0H2 Dee. 4117 (leorslo. lutf.ntit luo IS DUO Lonir Itlaml BI!i,4!M 1h'. hhi.1 St. Jim. and tirand Island 70,4110 Inc. liynit Ht Paul noil Duluih I8u.4nn Dee. lB.wna Toledo, Peoria and Western 70,K0 Dec. 80,004 The Pittsburgh and Western Railroad reports gross earnings for July of $2H5,BH(l. a decrease of $0,781 as compared with the same month of Inst year, nnd net, $IIS,74II. an Increase of $1)01, For the seven months ending July a the gross earnings wero $l,ui)4,t!4o. an Increase of $2.1, 117 as compared with tho corresponding period of last year, and net S5 IH,":i0, an Increase of $47,S80. The Ixmlsvllle, New Albany and Chicago Railway Company reports for the year ended JunoHO: MM. , CAnnorji arose earnings.. ,,3,3rt,77a ail.MSnu InetiitT.IBR Op. es.and tsxes. K.lHU.UMri S.OSU.UIO Inc. li)U,4J Net eirnlnirs Jl.t8,asi T,fi4,TI)4 IncTin7,iiN( Fixed charges ... l,uiu,4MA l,0(H,HMil lnc I4.ti0ii Rslsnce. ... 1IV,',BS 48H.H1S Inc. SUI.iwri Improremenis. , '.'Ii.'.m43 .... , luo. IIIU.S43 Dedolt . , . 17,V4Ssur.tS0,H17 lnc iTiTTiw Tho net earnings oxeceded the usual fixed charges by SKl'.'.NOT. In the absence ot auv capital available, for the payment of outlays for addlllnus nnd Improvements, all sums so ex pendtd, SS10.H4.I, have liecn charged against unlnnca of revenue with a resulting deficit. Tho property ot the company Is In belter condition phyelcnlly limn at any previous time. Freight earnings increased 7.08 ?' cent.; passenger earnings Increased 10.55 f) cent. The com. ? any purchased during the year 11,087 tons of B-pound steel rails nt n cost ot $141,'J50. Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad Company reports for, tho year ended June 30: MM. MM. CTinnoe Ornes earning!,, I1.044.SH!) II.BOnoflO Inc. tto.SlB Dper. expeusea.. l.tU 0.17 1,UH,40S Ine. VM.K.IJ Net earnlnzi.. 0I7.H4ii iaOS.ttO Ine. (is.Sill Other Income . 0.SS3 9,4111 Inc. Ui Total Income. IS87.370 (DIS 00,1 Inc. II V 873 Fixed charges.... 11.14 y 04 nou.AAS Ino. 4S,Suu Deficit 27,SHS sur. I.8ll Ino.a32.02n St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Com pany reports for the year coded June .10: MM. nits. ChanQtt. Grots earnings. .IA ms.nss fDnsi,4S4 Ine. ssimi.'U Oper. expenses.. 8 743.348 :I34'4,133 Inc. 103,411) Net earnings J,4ltl.B07 t.B3P.iiti'J Deo.llilJ.7sS Taxes X1S.7UJ X02.A04 luc lD.axj Balance I2.00.714 2,3Jt),7eiS Pc.9IID,074 National bank note circulation outstanding, $.I1,515,3UJ, nn Incrcaso for the week of $7110. 187: reieived during the week for reilemptlon. $117:1. ,":14: amount reissued. Sl,171.:i7,"i. and de stroyed. $i:iB,NtO. Ilalanco nt deposits In the Treasury to redeem national bank notes. SlO. 054,748. a decrease for tho eek of S-8,SO0. The receipts of the Got ernment to-davHere: Customs. $500,013: Internal revenue. S0.18.M40. and miscellaneous. $.18.1131). a total of SI. -Ml.. 1114. Iho disbursements. Including $105,000 for pensions, were 31,415.000, an excess of ex pendltares over receipts of S170.8C0. The re Lelou for the fiscal year to date have been $04,-OSa.VO'-'. and expenditures 88,002,144. an excess of expenditurts over receipts of SS.I, 048,883. The net assets of the Treasury nt the close of business to-dny. asofllctally computed, compare nlth those of last Saturday as follows: Setit s. Sept. it Oold coin and bullion .SK1a.41i1i.n35 llou.lit7.4H MlTcnlollarsanl bullion illiilH.UTI III 411.751 tnlte.1 Statre notes. 7tt.27J.ilJl 7tl.4U.M17 Uther assets In excess of demand liabilities Ss.ihu.SOS 37.S47.5U7 Available cash balance. In eluding gold bilanco I2M 014.232 t24S.834,713 Money In London. 1 V cent. Rate of dls. count in open market, for both short and three months' bill. 13J f rent. Amount of bullion withdraw n from tho Hank nf England on balance to-day. 100.000. Paris ad Ices iinnte :i f cunts at 10'J francs 05 cenllmta. Kxchange on London. 33 francs 17 centimes. The sales nf mining stocks at the New York Consolidated block and Petroleum Exchange to-day were as follosvn: Open. nioK. Ijr- Cloe- Sate. fkame. tng. eft. ent. tnc lOOConCalAVa 2 05 2 05 2 05 2.05 lSOOnCreedcACCx 00 00 00 01) S00 Comitock 08 08 .08 08 200 Mt. ttmv . . 15 .15 .16 15 2000phlr 1 20 1.20 1 20 1 20 300 Pharmacist . 00 00 00 .00 100 Sierra Nevada. 80 80 80 80 Total sales. 10.400 hares. Flectrle Stock Quotations. ITosToi. Sept. 12 The closing quotations of electric stocks to-ilsy were Jll.f. AiieJ. General Kleetrlc 274 27H Uenertl yiectrlc pf. .. 05 604 Latnson Consolidated Store Service 17H 164 Westlnxhouse Llectrlc 20 Westlngbouse Kleetrlc pf . ..1 .... 49 61 Ton Wayne Flectrle . . . . 1 2 cosrirmtciAf. cttsivBsn. Cotton Ileellnea Liverpool Lower New Orleiiaa Helltnc-'WIieat Aitvaoe Kx porta tVir the Vek Lsrge-t'ublea lllecb erNo Xrccntlne Hblpmente. RtTCRDAT, Bept. 12.-COTTOK Declined 13 to 21 points., recovered 10 to 17 points of the loss, but later 'rractedsnd closed easy atanet decline of 10 to 10 points, sslth sales of lf7,noo bates. Liverpool ilc rllned ,'-32d. on the spot, with sales or 0,000 bales futures there declined 114 to 7 points. New Orleans declined 12 pnlnu Bpot cotton here declined 4c v,lth sales of 44A bales for spinning. Middling up lands, HV. Savannah and Norfolk declined Xjc. and Memphis l'ttlc. 3Iemphls sold I,H."0 nnd Kuvnnnah 752 Ijj'ei. The port reci tpts were estimated at 31,000, against 18,003 last week and 11,310 last year. Mem phis received today 1.471 bales, against H35 last week and 30 lastear: Houston 12 Dull, azalnst n,0 I last week and o)s.t last year Houston expects on Mon day 11,0011 to 12,000, against 3.U57 last neek and 4,ttS4 last 3 ear. New Orleans expei Is U.000 toll ,0011, against fiSOO last week and fi VS5 lat ear. The eg. farts from the ports approximated 7,000 bales Tno signal service pred'ets for tho nest thirty six hours In Louisiana and eastern Texas fair weather, precedid by showers. In tho bal anco of the cotton belt fair weather. The CAronfrle states that the weather during the week has favoriil Hie rapid gathering of the crop; thai rain has fallen In a number or localities, but gen erally theprerlpltallon has been light, that Ina large part of Texas, however, tho drought continues. Northern spinners have takin thus far this season 21.S02 bales, against 10,400 thus mr last season. Came Into sight during tlm week 317,700 bales, against 73.0H4 In thesama week last sensen, making the total In sight 304,173, aitalnst 103.37 at this time latteiason. Tho tulul world s Mhie. supply Is now 1,404.503 bales against I,2I3,.I0S Amirleaii. agmnst 2,5l.vlltnt this time last )eur of which 1.UMI.7HI wirj American lh ostorts from the ports ihus far this season nre 7J. 1 57, nuniest itu.iud thus tar last season. Ihe slstlors at the .Now ork Cotton Kx ehmue weru.1. V, Mdntlrenr Hariunah am) William M. Iirlvht of Phlladclp Un. riiu future trading was as rollons: Writing. liighett. Jiieent. Snlen. Oitnber , bllKHll h in Hon 14, 1011 Novrmber KIlOaMll H 17 H 07 A 100 Deielllher ,,H.I7'4NlN H VH H.I I 4M 11(10 .lamiury . H25fo hail 8 l ri7.Hi)n hebruory . K hoi 80 8 3', H 2ft H.hoo March . ...H 311(133 r41 H37 h.4110 April 8:i7i8.J8 8 11 M3D :ion Mill N40fi 8 48 Ml 3.000 C'ittiis CAi'sriUr Thu Liverpool news lorlaj was ileildeilly ami prices here iieclned lu svm palli). it wasreHirled that Nell llrns,Mnuld Issue a large crop entlmute. uml this lenori, ingtMhir with some loiu stlMnir against Southern tmrelmses tie prerl Liverpniii prices. New Orlians sold freel),nnd the iinseiiliil Kiiriipenii po lilcal situation aim roil trlbulel 10 tuu weakness Tin re was a rallv lit one time In whlili nio.t of Iho loss was ru'ovt red on some (OverlfiK or shorts an absence of sillers, nnd more favorable mltlies from Niw t'rbans regaidlng the llnuhclat sltllutlon In that city, but the Improve, iiimit wasnnly tempurar. Abirdrin. Miss., hept. n -"(niton shonn further doieriorailun. Have slslird North Carolina. 8011th Carolina, Oi orgia, ami Aln bnma ilitrlhi; psi week Crop very poor lujvurtu ( arnllna, somewhat belter Inhoiith Carolina, iteorgla, uml eastirn Aliibntnn. Cropln North Carolina, west, iru Alabama, ami Mississippi as poor as we have ever seen In llio,e tst-ius Plant was green and showni soiito signs of vitality In Ueorala and ejn rn Ala Imnis. In alio her sections pUnt shovved exhaustion, and 73 V tent, of trnp appeared to he open. In niaiiv cases lit M- p eked clean, est ept small perfentagu of tiunpeneil bolls. In this vicinity 73 V tent at least Is open and pit king pushed vigorously Planters In most cases report that picking llehtsonce overUeans liieni of nil 1 xeept small remnant or crop not wt open Know a few Isolated ess where p eking Is already finished Inubsenenor unfnvoruble weatii r, picking will be nenrii tlnliiieil by Ott I Persons from lexas, Lou I Arkansas report, without exception, poorer irnprnudli,ou than we navu lu oureftlon Irademiisiiieiieiid on Inert ash m acreage alone for any Incrrue-iniropnver IMifttifl West Point Miss, hepl H -" Weilher slltl ilr Plekliu progressing fusp r than eier known Wltn usual heptrrnber sifrttlur v, ill finish lij Ott I home are tliroiuh now, and hfttehod ml, I roptiliut same as last viar Uth Inereas" In acrrain os,liil) III V tent less VI, hi about 05to70 s cent per ui re of last crop tolum bus, Miss. wpt. a 'Our rcttlpts not w tf as si Dieted, farmers under the convieiionof shuri crop and ability to hold aro not se.llnir, sate lu very llm Iteilgnanlltles." COKrrK V as steady nnd unchangeil tn 5 points nlf br, wllb salts vf 5,730 bags. Uavre advanced J to IWf. ItarnbnrgroseMtol pf. Warehouse deliveries yesterday wer 1 1,23 bass, lllo was steady ul no rels advance! receipts ll.ouoi suwk, 80o.niM. lllo ex. change. 8 tO-IOtl. Katitoa wat weak i Ino rels de s line: rrtelpts, US.OOiu stoeK, 54 OOP. lllo nn tho spot was unchanged; No 7, llil(c. The future trading was ns follows Tint . liwhett. 1Hfl. Climtnp March 1,100 n 50 8 50 860sr, hrptcmhor I.21U VU M 15 W.IBKIISO (Htober .60 881 i-.h.i hjomsvS NovemVier, ...l.HOll 8 ,W 8.5 8B1,rl53 December,,. . 2.230 8.35 150 8 50(i8 35 Covrrrt'AP'vniK -The Kuropean cabins were higher, but tho largo Prailllsn reel lots nml sahtoi cables re porting favorably nn the flowerlntr and prnspct for tho next ciop prevented any Imtmrtsnt cliniuo In orlres. one firm satdi Aitvli regsMIng tho weather In Hrasll are contllctlnc, but tho mnjorlty of Ilia reports are fasora'dii for r'.e grow Ing cni. Mhould the flowrrlnit lia lavnrable during the next nlrety days and Justify tsllmatsi ;ir another larjo crop lower prices aro probab.e unless something un expeoted turns up to stimulate bujers ' fmu'r Was quiet but steady. Sales n 300 hbls Fx porta 4.0HU bbls. and 4,831 sacks. Ueeclpts, 111,218 bbls and 18,421 sacks. (MAI-Wheat advanced Mc to .c., but lost part or the Improvement cnlcoio recelvml today 141,1113 bush .asalnst 20,24Blast sear. Iolsilo.1.1 411, Dunlnit 10,J25:s,uul its Pirn, against 57,000 Detroit 14 041, against 21.7l7i Duluth 878.185, against .130 17ni Min neapolis 88I.2U0, ngalust 404.0jO; Milwaukee 27.300. airalnstvo.lSoi Chliaitn 181 ear-", against tftt Iiu uth 0m. against BOD' Minneapolis 305. attains! 023. ipot sales. SO, 000 bash, umtraded on p. 1.. delivered for export. No. 2 red quoted P4c iner December f. o. b. alloat, to arrive: No 1 hard spring, lie oier Decem ber f. o u, afloat; No. 1 Nortnern spring New York, )e. tinder December t. o. !. afloat! do Duluth, !. under December. Future) sales, 1,070,000 bush., as follows' Isitt Opening. Utuheit. Iweit. Cloning. AiiiAf. Kenlsmber. .04 '4 04S4 OSU (14K 11 1(4 October. . ,4l t)3M otU 1141? m Deoember imtif 87 iiiHis mrtj m.S May . . , 0014 70V 004 7o li)i Corn advanced He flnot steady. Spot sales U2,ni)i busn. No 2 mixed at 27'v. end on 6. t ror extsirt. No mixed m elevator quoted HOo. Kutiiro sales 103,000 bush , as rollows: fnsf Opening. Ulohett. IjCixreMt. Cloning. Xtoht September . .... 20 23H October ..n SMt 2'l 2rtW 2llS2 December.,.. 27W 27lJ 27lJ 275? 27J May loft liolj 30)2 'Ml 80 Oats ndvanred He. Spot firmer Ppot sales 44 noo bush. None for t'Tport. No 2 white, Jixc, No. ado., lie: No. 2 white cllpp'il, 25c. i No llilo, 24e.. No. a ml sed, 21114c.: Noll do. 1H)e : rejected do, 17c: do white, 1Nie.; Nn.2mlicd, delivered, Vltte.l track inlicd, liOdVlV--.: do while, O((30c. riuuro sabs 20.000 bujn., as follows! 7,ut Opening. Illghe$t. Ixncett. Cloning. 5(oif. Peptember ... .. 2lit 81 tkiober . . SOW 211 December ..21 31 21 11)2 21 Orais Oosstr Tho detrlnpments In wheat today were In the main of n bullish 1 haratter un 1 prices advanced. The exports for the wick wire large, ih cahlta wero nrmer. shorts covered freen. ami the statu nf affairs ul Constantinople contributed to strengthen tho tone. Ptrt or the advauee was lost ha foro the closo on realliiig salts. Too receipts at Chi cago, Minneapolis, an I Duluth were I. jig tars, against l,3r,5 last woek, and 1.213 lei wnr. Liter pool nd.anced Hd Iterlln rose He. In Paris wheat wasllrm: Hour adtsnetd 23 to 3i)cenllmes. Thoox. port ror the week, nreordlng tn flnnl-frvet's, wrro .1704,141 bush. nitHlo.l :umlhHJ In tho pre slous week, und 1.H10.030 lor the samu week last year. There were nn shipments nf wheat from Argentine last week, against 1U4 000 in the previous week, Corn and uat advanced with wheal. The exports nf com last week were 2, 830.448 bush, against ..'?. 310 In the previous week and M40.502 last - car. The Argentine shipments ufeornwere l,H7fl.lilsl hush , ngnlhst 1,80,000 In tho Brevtous woek. Chicago, S nt. 12. -' fhe heav orlliwest receipts and the stlil unsatbfat tory condi tlounf finances made very ninnv traders skeptical as to any adtaneo lo wheat und create I considerable short Helling, thrspbearlth Innuenes however, hasn been set aside during the past two days, and the mar ket developed a 1 cry strong undertone. Tne short In terest, which wastlouitht to Ik-small, proved to bo very large, and the bujliitc b this cla of traders wuauneof the chief factors In causing the sharp up turn. Hut the real Influence, the one that has t.tused free buying during tho past week by some of our most sue essf ul professlonsls. has been the excep tional!) gon.1 casu anil export demand. Iluycrs nf the ;an article have tn eu numerous In this, Ht. s and Northwestern marstts. This has catir-el n nar rowing of the fpte!nbor Dei ember spread, there having been ver) little wheat so tar delivered by the elevators on hepteniti-T cotitrects. In fa-1, thev have been nuers loaconst It-rahle ,-xlenl. Tne demand for export seems tn be the best formontha weekly clearances from both eoaststhe past week amounting to .1,-00 uoo bush . against 8.3 Ouo last witk and I Hill nun last sear. If thev continue at this rate, the large outflow irom the Norlhwesl wl I be full) onset, and lha effect upon prltes will be fnvoruble to hnldrrs The large tlrllvrries at present stem to be due tn a measure to the Inability of holders to borrow mnncv with which lu carry the whtat. and Ihe probabilities are that the latter pirt of the season will tlud iltllverles turt much lighter, yorelitn markets hav-- hern linn, with a tendency tow nrl better price- The trading here lodaj was spirited Prices advnnted le t' bush from the open lug. Dicetliber s II1U4 as high as llotfeC AlKtvelllle, however, there wa- free realising b holders and sell Ing by the nlt-rator Interest. Toe insrki-tnf late has bet n -n narrow that tra lers feel dlsH)-ed tnedneli prodts tspeclHlly whi-it ttiev snow up tin the long side. Ihls cau-ed a reaction of stc . the close In-Iiu steady, about 1c ovi r e!erday The situation In corn, notwithstan tliu the , rop outhMik and Ihe Ktnernlly bearish feeling, seems very strong The cah demand Is esielhnl. an 1 esports s,e.m limited tn mil) vt-hs I room. Willi a short crop In the South wastage, amount that will be used for fuel anil fe.l and the hnl Doits nf speculator the surplus will he grestly reducul tiefore next season After ''Change" lle,mber wheit on curb w ts naiyftili)ie eiislng nolc lie ceiibereorn ii7H'n7 l.l-iis- eln-lng i!7?te Nsvst HtoKr -ilrlts turptutlne easy at 23-i. 24t;e . rosin unehanse I PiLllioi t is-i. rude cerllllt atos were unchangeil here amllnOitCll) Pnijvieioss ijird dull, but firm Prime Western. 8 iK Pork sternly tint nub! Mess S7 50-ts3 Praised hogs. 4lvcC.V Tallow 3 I in.H-c Colc.tto. Sel t. 12.' The easltitematid for tiro visions ws never lamer, about 3 eno.l 0 1 pounds or minis tw lu,; shipped Isll) and at the rate rllis are golnix out stinks w ill be absorbed In 11 short time The speculative market, however does not rescind to this ilemsn 1 the 1m. mtn-e com crop an I the probability of heavy receipts of box the coming winter letng the lnllueuces Ilulter Croimery. U 1 stt-rn. thirds to oxtras. 1 1 ttl (,Ulle-. state and Pi lill)lvdlila do , II Vcli).-c. Male, itstr) half nrklu tulis, seconds to t xtra, llitle Cheehe-siate, full tream, large, e'tlored, faucv. -w.i' lo . whlto. cniiunun to fancy. nrts.e-. small, colored, famy. eV do, while, goo.1 to fancy. 7lv4slL'C t'4:s -State and l'enn)lva nla. fresh uat hi red. Tilr to fancy. l3-rvl7c.. Western do.. lws.1lc btiiAh Haw- unchanged; 80' lest, 2 13 lot , 0V test, 3Vtc HeOnetl unchamred ClllCAfio, Sept. li These were today's prices Ln sf tr7ienf' OpeiWna Uighett. lAixrttt. Cloning, AitiSf Pee . . 34 nm 3. now fn May . blij t)4i t3S 0414 11 it. Corn : Dee 2144 22 SIM, tl( 2t. May .... 2IM tlti, 2( 24i 241; Halt May 10 10f 10 1014 10K lAirtl Jan . ..8 00 BOO 8.00 8 80 8 00 Hint: Jan 8.27 3 32 3 27 8 30 8 30 fork: Jan toeo ans ia.57 to.ei inno sr. IAL!S. lAllt Wheat Opening. Clotlng. Slant. September not December 3 oaj tiJ'i ceen September .... 10 mtNEsroij-i. Ifnfif September . B44 Dectmber MH IIU M'i Pt LLTll. "7ienf Septemlxr 57W .... 574 Deeemlier 50V4 8OJ4 bvH May 03tJ .... eJ)t Itenl Eatate Hales. The William S. Anderson t'umpsny have sold No. Sill West Seventieth street, tliu last or a row of American baseim ul houses built ! James O'ltrlen. The consideration cij ressed Is jil 000. Iteal I.atale Trisasrer. Allen st, 41 and 45, Murcella P Free to John Hnnpp 91 l'wlsst ws, IbilsDelaree) si. 23x75; Pali Milne Drclsin rnarall Hneeliliauiu 1 limit st. 247 West: John A Deralsmes and wlfetnJameaP tarred . .... 1 Lexltlritou av. e s.&l 4! a 7 Id St. 17x70, Jos It hleln an I wire to lillts ecli 21,000 1'I3iUc,iis, IHO w 3th av. 25x00 It: LydlaM Kenny tn Ihoinas J Carlitou .. ... 1 lj xlngton av.o s. 73 1 1 11 10'ld st,25x05; Louis l.t'onwn) tnKdwd Vlluniileyilal ,. 17.600 Lexington nv, vv s. .14 3 11 lllilth st, lAhx75, Thomas J t'nrlbton to Lydla M Keiiti) 1 Ijirs 87, OS. 77 to hit map uf Inwood. .vnd lot Itnudsignf lot 12. map of Mount ilnpo, ('has A Clark and wife to JnhuJKnlll) 1 Prnseet av. 11 w tor .turnings st, 210 lis t ) llxlrreg; Jane illrrellnud anoto Win llli'rnll 8,000 Jennings si. s s ioi 003, map sietlon c V)so esinte. 281 Ward 1 and Impmvi tui'iit Co to John K Vlll 100 Av A, s a, lot -i, inuli new village of Jirnmt, 21IIIIU, I Iiu PltllulnlltnAlilnulo IIUBKleni 025 I.0I 440, insp Van Nisi Park, r phi aim lll-evy tnjolm Harms . . 025 IBtliav, neeor 4th st 1113x114 Wakefield, I'redk'llll to Amelia l.lthtl . . 1 Illlll av, 11 s, lot A4n, limn WaUi lie il. 1U0X 114 lvl II Muceaud wire to I lira .stouten- burgh . 1,800 llhlllKPEP I kAMKn. Ilultenvvelser. Joseph 1.. to Sehastlana Lanra un 1 aim, llo nuillvaiist, 1117 Uyrs , 13,050 Jordan, Joseph, in Lou sallaktlnerg, lino u:h nv, 5rs (ioIesphluli .. . AOO itrcnitpKii MouriiAOrK lllrrell. Win II, and wire in Jane Illrrell and Jane 1. Thompson, n w cor Prospect av and Jennings st, Byrs . . ... 97,000 t'nrv, Alahson and wife lo Thus I, Wult, i3 2.1S WcsfJUlhsl. 1 yr 12,000 hnme to same, same prop. 1 yr , 4,1100 ritrrell, James P.nnd wife to Juliii A Derate lues, 217 West lllllll st, 8 yrs 10,000 OIII0011, Danhl M, to Henry Hchnulm. s s Arthur st. lots H7J and biU luaplconltt Park, IHiirs . . 200 Oaliaglur. Iiernard. to Cnas J Warren and Amos II Hirullnu. ws Lalhnrlneai, 111IJ land oft hasOsborn, I )r ... 1,400 Clarr'sou, Krcilk.aiul wire to Martin Waller, w s 1 respect at, 2il n Joati st I vr , 700 Harms. John, In tpiiritlm II !"), lot 440, mapor Van Nest 1-ark. II I r 812 Haas, I r.'itk,aiid wire 111 Joseph liumershlag, n vv tor Oltt si und West I ml av. 7 days 10,000 llasse), August, to Vllgustt wtMim roe av, 75 11 1 oiumbiiiti st, .1 rs 2,500 Marnier. Arthur r, and wlfj to Inhu Dattnn, ns 170th st, 125 vv lloiilerard or 11th uv, demand . 7,200 Nash, Michael, 10 Joseph J lileason, Poplar si, ne cor Forest el, .1 rs 400 lit 1 1, Ida (1, 10 Han y o W nllT, u a M av. 7n. 1 1 11 loili st.slmru.. .. ... , .. 80 bwany Arthur A, ami wife to tho Metropoll laiiliinldlngCn Main si.lois J2110 .1 M and 07s and tliO, alvu .Mliiulironl av,w s lots 217 10 251. mup esiste of Mlxabeth II 11 Mnral t'lit Island,2)rs 2fS3 Sargiiit, Joseph l. and wile to Otorge W HiiMoii, 11 s 13th st, 410 e 7th at, sal II til at mo w 7th nt, l pari Ijr 1,000 hchmuck, Herman, and wifi HiidMieh it I Mou til' and wile in tue Ilradie) ftCmrlel tn 14IIIII kt, llillellio ikuv I jr.. ... 1,000 baine 10 same, ss 1 HUh st, ih u llmok m, I r . 1,000 Vill.Joun K 1023d Watd Ijtlid impruvunt lit I'n. s s Jennings st, lot 805, map section 1, Vysaestale, 1 inoiilh 1,078 fisiueand wife In Mary A Mckeutia and bus baud, same prop, 3) rs,,,,, tfiOQ IBnallBlillHHHHH 1 efinwucinl. llrnrKmilzntlon or Northern Pacific Railroad Co., t Under TUu ftndiAereom-Mit dalcd March in. IKOA. A3 Wall hlrrot New York. An Mt21, JH.m, Notice li hereby Blrrn IIiai nil lioUiori of crtlfl cairit of rtrpoMl of dock, cither common or breferrM, of tho Northern l'aclflc Itnllroul t'omptnr. nn1nr thn ftnttl Plan And AnromriU, who lino fntled to make jinyment ot ftny tnstfellmentof vnnh parnblo as lirrrtofura called under Mtd IMnn, nnd nho nhnll not before 3eptimbT 13. IM1, makft piytucnt of all kunis due thercundnr (toaother, with x per cent. Interest thereon from tho noverA. dated when tuch urns mtl duo and payable) and Also a further atim equal to one-iiitnrter percent, tipon tho pir vnlitA of tho atock Uepoilted. will, upon Bcptembrr t&, lH.tll, without farther not loo or Action, vetmo tohae Any rlfthtu or to bo entitled to tiny benntlti under tho ltd rian And Aurocuient tn respect of nny such fttock orcs'rtlflcnto. Inererysuch caso the stoek deposit cd and tho caaIi heretofore paid In reipect thereof will est In and belon? to the H-orffanliatlon Man ARcrs, And rnwf by them be used for nny of the re qulrementftuf carrltiffoiit thn said Plan And Agree ment, apd no ocrtttlcate holder then In default at aforesaid will bo in titled to tho reilemptlon of such certificate, or to the return of any tock thereby represent! d, or to haro any further Interest or rights In respect thereof. Pajtnents hereunder may be mAdo at ouroftlce, as a1hc, or nt th'o otllco nt Drexel A Co. Fifth And ChcUuut tSircsts, Philadelphia, or of the Deutsche Hank, Ikrltn. j. nv siionccv x coM Reorftanlratlcn Managers Northern lacirto Hallroad Com pan j, under Sal"d Plau and Agreement. UfALUES RISING" flood crops Tho tmsls of real prospertj The situation continues bullish, tilth fatnraoln crop neus from every part of the country The recent mlvanee In Ihe security market Is the re sult of restoration nf confidence ut uonio siut utroact lu the financial sltu.itluii. xiir. ri'iiuc APpnr.riATi:s the ItAltll'AI, I'llAMIE IN Till: MITUA TION, AMI IN ) H.l ll.4TI.N4J THAT Tin: PENWOi.uaf iir i-itn-ns tvn.i, HHIMI MtlOlI rUHTIUlIt I'i'lVAlUI, Write or call for onr lon-PAOK MANUAL " lllns. tratel nlth railroad mapa. gltiu eotuplito Informa. Honor all UAILKOAl) nml INIHSTI IAI, propertlis, Including highest nnd lowest prices for natrlisor til loHU years of Mocks, ltonds. ilraln nnd Cotton and also the metholsot lun'tiurand si lilnon tnar-tln. IbaUfcD OIIATIS AMI MAlLrll Klll.f. HTIirKM. 1IONUN. DIIAIN, 4 4TTO.V, 1'HOVIHm.N-s, IloURht and sold for cash or on a marirlnot 3 to 5 percent Commission 1 lit IlETrUMININOTIir. FINANCIAL XIK. HI'IINnlllll.lTV (IP 'I'lli: FIICSI 1VIIII Wlllt'll IOI' IIHAhllAS IMIMIHTA.NT Aft HBI.ECIINtl THE UltlUT VI'OCKH, Nets York National Hank references furnished. Twenty years' experience, largest clientele, most oommodlnus unices, best brokeruije mtiW HAIGsfr&RIEESE BANKERS COMMISSION STOCK RROKERS. S3 IlltO-lllWA'r. NIllV "SOUK CITT. UP.'IIIHN' IIIIA.Vllll 1.132 nroadwu. next n li-lfiinun-'i s near 80th st, iiur-i'io.N ocricr. I tfi tl Air st i)iiti:t r ntr. MAINE. All eyes are rurnet In that illrcctlon Republicans sar the expect twrntr tlnuinnd majnrltv lwv reiillyuxpe t forty ur tlfiy. Looklmr at (oIUIcsaaa Npi-cutat r. wi' mouII mi vine nflim tn nny IhiIch .nf t nn iiu l n I nu election, and not to tn? too sure of tlm Inline et)mltiit T.E.WARD&G0 IIA.NKEIIS ANU URURi:RM, STOCKS, GRAIN. COTTON. main ori'ici:. 31 AXD '13 nill)nw v, .SKW YORK. Cr.NTJtAI. II1CAVCII, 8B0 nitUAUWAY XI Alt HIANK1.IS ST. I'lVKIU.V HKA.Nt'll. 1.S70 IlItOUiWAY M Mt J'll) ST. Call or sen 1 for our dall letter und circular. ODD LOTS. IUA( TIONVl. I.ors.if illth a tle -torlm txiiulu Ainl -old fur iuj.Ii Atld in marsltl at ttio .Sew ork t.Kk Kxclinniccat tho "iriarktt prci"i-f one l)Utidrs'1tiarH lot; win 1:10 m aoo. irin on 1 t'rniatnn bun tit n rttt-i DOUGLAS & JONES, Alenibrrn Nt? York t(ocU Karhuncp, 24 Bread Street. "Speoulatton ai a J Iiu Vrl nmllfd on application. ItrtHnltjj received on Inttrest subject to check at sUht. mrtnuls anil interest, M t.MI 1TTAN KAIIiUAV OUlVINX No 7i UmiiiisisV. Niw Yur-, plnmlii r cti, llri, HKIIKTll gi'! HIVIIlfrM A quarterly dititlfutt of Uneajiil nf hnlf percent on the capital sio.Ic or thU 1 on pain hat in en tie rlared tnjable at thin ofllru nu an 1 afti r Thuridn) iK'ioti r Ut. lisOo. Ill'1 trin'ffr lio. ksiil be eifn.l on ltieidayhept mlr I Qui, at toohn k 1. M an I will l reopened on l-rJdaj.Oclobfr Jnd,at lOoMock A. M Tliotranifer IkjoIis will bo aaaln closed on Frldaj, OrtnlH r Vth at H u r lock V Jt ipreparatnr lo th ' annual nicetliif: of th nhnn holdiTH to lt. htil on Wt ttn-ntiila. fov ftuiK r llth. Itutit.iind will lie re-op-ne4 on Thurdi, KmcnilHr tytii. nt 10 o clock A M. lt, McttlLMAMN Trrisurer GMcctionts ami jnrrtingo. rOTICK--inK"AI.AnAA bllCVT hOUTJILRN Nothe ts hernh) alveii that tho annual meetlna of tin nt H'khol ters or the AUIjaIi-a flrt'tt Southern Halt toiid t'onipany will bn h'hl nt the ofllce of the rom pauy In lllr'nlnsthsini, Aladanu. on Wrdiiendat, Octo (kt . til, IM'i nt in o'tloK A. M., fur the election or tl Inw mr. and the tramacilou of .nch lain nn an may hi hn.-iclit Iwforo tho tnoet.n,! JOS! VI LI- HII.U M PIKMllhUtt, liUt'. ,sertnry. Orcau tfamrrs AMERICAN LINE. KF.W OKK-hOUrilAMI'UlS U.ouitoii -Paris), bnlllium in v M PA1UB Upt. II) !. I'MI, . ... Scot HI NEW 1 OKU.. . - il. Ill I'AUIs . ., Oct. 7 I HI. I OBIS Sfjit. 21 ST I III IS (Vt 14 RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP. Sailing t'verv Wodnc-ilay. Ki'nslnston I-ont in. noon snutlnvarK ."I'lit.SO.lOA.SI Wrsl'nianii sont 81 noon Noonllatul iVL 7 noon INTMlNtTlllNAI. NAVIl.ATlO.t t'OMI'A.NV rirrs4 snd in, Nnrtli IlittT (init'o il lionllui: Orson. ANCHOR LINE. Ol.ASUtlW VIA l.llMIII.MII.illtY, I rom l'lrf4, .S 11 foot Wrsl S4tlit. Ftlilopla Srit lu, noon I'lnnssln , ()oi n. noon iitrnesslu. .ist'pt 20, noon Cll of Itonip.Oct 10, noon I or rail's of pass izonim ptrtlrtllars iipplt to III'MIKHMIN miorill.KS AkoiiIs, i llotvllnu Orren f UINAltl)MK1OUVEHlM0I..IA(JUKK.ShT0V.N" iJmlirla spt. in. i r. il I t.trurla ,. ivi :i. noon 1. uraula .si-pt ail, u v,l. I Cnuianla .Oct It), HA. 11, rroni i'ltr 4U, .Sortii itltt'r. root of t larkson su I.XritA HM1.INII. r!KHSIA.TU(Sli.j.hvpt 1.1 II A l. From Allan Mum 1 ino I'ltr. foot of W'nnx eistst VKHNdMI llltiitNAL'n den 1 Ants ,4 llollii(lrfn HAWBnRG-AWIERICAN LINE. 1 IN hl'HKW I'XI'Kr SB from Vow York to IMvuioutliil omlonl. Cnt-rlHiur, 1'arls nnd Uamlinr?. r' lllsiunrt''pt IT-IPA.X. i Norm inula (it 1. 1. In A.M. L'ntiimlill hopl Ml 7 A M, I A Milnrla .Oil M, 7 A M. llitnilturu;-m.rlrnu J.lnt', 117 llromlss us. HAIMK STB'M.llSllIB List, rllrcL't In (.'uuaa-fl City, Mass. ami I'vrtlaud Maine. lieliKhiful spst'o ist routn 10 all ptt'usur" resorts .Nnrtli and Inst, cltitaiit s'oiur)t lotv t xvurtion rates. hleitloiTA sail f r nl 1'ler UH, Fust lllver ovtr) furs (la),Tliursdn),iiliilhliturdat at : !' s IlOIUTlO HAM.. Anent. Vl'HTlf IlKHMAK l.l.OMl s h en 1 fcllOKl llliriB in lOMIDV ISli I'ONTSF.NT I AMI KXI'IlliSSMTI-AMIIII1). Trate.Tlils Sepi IA IDA 1 hpri' s H pl.VS.lOA M Allt'r.hat., hetii lu. In A M 1 iilni.luis.M'nt uu IUA.M til Mill lis ,v I'd. i I onliiiiiiircu. OUI DOMINION I IM ii iii.t si:kvk'i: ror OLD I'OIM I lOIIUI 1, m ItHil K. M'WI'OltT Nl h, PMr.HSVI'ltil, I'llitrMIUl Til I'lNNI'ltS I'tllNl IIKIIMCN1) Vll'OlN't 111-Al li. and WASH 1M5ION, II t'.IIAII.V 1 M" IT hi MIAY Kloliuioud illnt-t (via all tuner riiuloi. Monday ifr"Klilonl)i nii'l atllrdily iasseuBers nnd frelvliti, Kalllin; iroiii 1'ier B. N II. Hi' M Haturda), 4 I', M 'Jlirmiih ilcket an I frolt-ht rates to nil points 1-ill'll.l.Alir.l'. Vlifl're.t and 1 runio llanaRer. VDIB'B'I-: S'B'ABC I.H.X1C. rirltannl.. .Sept. in, noon tisriunnlc. .Sipi 'i i. noon Majesilo im-jiI 'j'l noon reiiiou c (irt 7, noon ISO COTTON CAltimi) 1IY I'ArSllMH It hn AMI'.IIS. I'.er 40, Nurtli Itlvrr nni e .' I liroadna) II MAUI.ANI) hrl'Sfci Aitetlt. triuiiUoius. HARTFORD LINE From Tier K4, last llivrr dalr, nrvpt isundaj, at I) I'M fnrroiinn'Hcui lllirr landlnes. conm-cllHK lor blirinKllsld. Woict'si.r. lloslo.i und all hets r.uuland tavluts. tialurday Kxturilous at Ucdut, J luus. ' -. j, trnmtiontic.. Hsoi Daylight. M.s.rV IIIOK I)AV USE STF.AMFP.H "NnWTOUK" and A Y." ttnest und fastest river sit amers In tli. wurld. Hall) ovt-eiiHunday. leave llrotisUti, ruilnu st. th) Annsx). 'A.M. New tors.Hesi.ross.'s St. flrr .. ,Hin Wet KKdSt. I'ler ... 0 " For AI.11ANY, tandliiK al onkers, West Point, Newliurxli, l'uiulikrepslo, Klncstou Point, CatiUIII, and Hudson Albany Evening Line. Rtramen AtIHOtlArK (new. nnd DEAN IUCII 5HN) leavn Old lMer41.N K , foot Canal si., at n T, M dally (MmidaTi excentidl.mnnecllnif with train for Haratnita. Lake Oeorne, Adlronieki. Shanm Sl'flnirs. ItlchneM Spring. Thounand I lands Nlnsara Falls, nnd tho West Saturday nlwht steamer inn iHCls utthHttndAtj mornlntc truln for Haratono, North Crek, Calduell, and steamer on LaWo Urnrti ' PROVIDENCE LINE FOll 11 ihTON t OHCK'-TI'.lt. Hie KOKril nnd t.AIT. Till', HIIOI1K ISLAND nnd .MASSVflll'SlTIH leavo NF.W IMI.K 'in nml ono liloek ahote fanal st at r .In P. M,, tlailt.exeept hiinday, shortest rail ride. UNI-. olTIIFSTltv im-neh strainer KTONINOTON 1,1 Nil for all points Fast. RteaiuersMAI.Ni: nnd Nhtt IIAMI'SIIIIlK leavs i'lcr 8, N lu. at HI1. M. dally, astopt Bunday. LONG BRANCH m ASBURY PARK. Bteamer I.ITTI.E p-.II.Vnit. leaves dally and Suiidas, West mtli st , H4.1, lltttery Oilo.rnr I!Ih lands, llliililand Heiich, "-ii mrlKht, Pleasure llsy. Kx curslon ilekeis line I'liiiuecilnii vtltli Irolley for As bury Psrk ahd return nxeurslon tlekeisboc. "UOSTON'WOIll'I'ITFIt AHH P.4HT. - NORWICH lbne.d Bteamer from 1'lrr 40. ,N H. (old Nn.i, next Det hrospesst., at J30 P. M dally, ph ept Mondays. FALL RIVER LINE. For Iloston and nv Fast Bti amers 1'llIbCII.I.A and PUUIT4N In eonuulssloti. A tine orchestra nn each. Leave Pier Is, Murra) st , weckdas and Bundays. at 3 u V. II. t'ATHlill.l. RVKNINtI LINK, Stratni rs leave fiHitot Clirlstuplier St.. N. It. every week ilav at n P. M . and West IH'Idst. di30,connect InRnt t'ntsklll v.lth mountain trains, irool neconinio datlona for horses and tarrlairis, lilevi les free, send loplei or to Cat. kill for descriptive folder. KINIISTOS I.tNF. foot nf West mill si. Dally 4 P.M.. Katiiniaisnt 1 .st'rs 1IAI.DW1N and ltoU It. for Cormvall, Newluirirli, Netv llaniuur.Marllioro.Mllton, Hide Park. Pouulikeepstc. Klnnslon t'onnectluit tvltti U, and I) It. It. for all points In Catsklll Mountains. KI.IV IIA VV.S. KareTjl: KXCUltsToN. tl 50 tast steamers leate Pier '-'ft. P.. TL. week days, a P. M. nnd It! ml.lnUhl; riundns. u sn A M and lli uild nleht. arris Init In time ror trains to Merlden, Hart ford, SprtiiKfltld. and north Kl.ll HANK LINRr Mavo Pier .11, foot rranklln st.. for Iluthlands. Illniilind Ileach,ti eanlc.lten Hank, and Intermedial landlnus. at u A 31. and I) P M. dall). I-avo Hid Pink at 7 A M and II P 3I UAMsDH.L I.INl:.-Me-1inerV Itate Pier 114 N. It., foot Franklin st . for Cranston's Went Point. Cold Hprlnir. Cornwall Mshklll I.anillntr. and Newlmritli: neekdass. S P. M.i buUdavsUA 31. l.Udst.N.U. U 2.1 A. SI. TROY BOATS. " CITVOrTHO oriVKAlollA lntes I'ler 4S N It. foot West ltllH si dallt, except Saturday, fl P. SI. Sunday steanur touches at AlUaii) nl'DSOK AMD COXMOKIK IltiATSfrom foot" n"f C rlstoplicrst, N 11 everv week daiatrt P. M. and Wist 1331st 0 JU, connecting sslth 0. 4 A. It, it. at Hudson. 8aUroitt,s. Pennsyivania 3R VXTiRO-AP. STATION'S foot of lvnroii4 and (."nrtlandi Streets. IrnfTM i h. ptt iniKrH. i mmi. thOO A. M. FAS1 MM I'.irtnr Car to HttMrnrcli. IOiOO A. M. l'K.Ssl,A.M IIVM1 l -1'Utl limit Coinparttm tit, Mn-linf t'li.ttiK. SnioiMrisf, nnd (Jtiirvat!on fnri AirM" ihlctRo . A M. Clew land 4 tuA M.. Cincinnati () 4i A M. Indl uiopolli H 00 A M .lotitMlle 11 .U A. .M . Kt, I outs J II P. M inilTiflu IDA 51 CtOO 1. 31. CHICMIO AND ST. I.OlTIS EXPHFSv MupJtiH .1111 It 111! UK Cora to M I oulu I-oulav lllr, and Chleiirn Arrtw?t Cincinnati IU 45 A. M St. 1 uls 7 Mi P M t- htcn o,1 1ft P M OtOO 1. M. WfSTt-UN KPUI-SS.-mcpplnR and iMii)tmCars to Chic ipwtnd Clew innd. rrlv itCIere land U 'j. M . mow P 31 nextdij 71.1 I. M. sni TI1WKSTKH.N KPIirSH Sli eptnj n 1 lMn ns r nr. toCliiLlnnatl and st IjjuI, Arrlw Clnclnnn. u P M indianupill9 101&1. M..M Louis 7 V l uti ond iii'jrniiw. HtOO P. M. 1'At 1HC F.XVIU.SS -Pullman Steep in.. Car tn P tt-iniruh. ( (iniiv-Lt forfhlctgo dallj, atnt t I inlnnl nnd T e lii i xtttt iturda MAMi.N,nox vm nn: mouth. j, h to, .i .i (. l io lm.ii.KLar il a i. i .' 10 A Z0 Cotiirn s'unsl I tin ' all Par'or and Dining Cum . 4 iUt Dlnlnir Can. i JO iDltiltu Car . op M W 15 nUht suinln) ,PJ l 11 A. M 3 2 "Coiisn -i..ntll..n . .tit Par'or ,ir..l lJim.i Pri.. 4 .m iMn Iiik' ir.fl'JO Dtnlnit.r) HP U 15nlht SiLnTHEllN KMI.WAY I '-0 P M. dalu Mrepers to N w -Urlan Menip d. Trtinpa lirvllte.imd Hut hprlncs M I'i ntktta dullj sleepers to Now r-lr-aaii nn 1 Jiukftilli AT1.XNTIC COAST I INK -U HO A M dith. Bleeperi to 1 ttrt InuiOAntid Mucon U 0d p. M datli blietur TO Ul k-sftUTlllf ClUsAPl-AKKAOmOIUILWvN FxpreM .1.20 P. M. dalh Ihrnun-ti Mfv-'i1!".: nnd Dlnlnu ar. Forol.P ptilNT CtiMtOltr and MiltFOI.Kta Cap CliJirk' Ito Hi, s k M. Aeek, daji.nn l.with Ttiruun hMwr sp M dalt. All ANTIC t'IT 1 Id P r week data. Through ItunVt P.trlor (. nr an i IityCoa li FnrCAPF.MW 11 on M. and 1 00 P. M weekda). For IsOiir Hrnncli lmr 1'nrk (Vcati (sro.t, nn I P.. !nt Plfaiant. 7 40, W 10. 10 oka M. U 10, S 30. .1 4U, 4 V'o. 1 lo tnd 7 0J P M wivk ttrtjd i-u dart ivtop ut luurlaktn fur At,ur Parkt, U 4J A. M .o -'ii P M fuk rim viirj.riii.v. fl 20. 7 So. ;i i .l.J. ; O lO lu Pi tin t Ltiiillusl). 1010 inintiiktcart II V 31 12. i. 2 to. s 4.4 an. 4 M ililiiinir Cur' o 20 U'lnltiK Cnr. o (Kiiiinrr Can. I 7 All is II P M.I' II nUht. SuiidA. li n l SO. u ' V :to an I Piilii'd , in, U A. M i ildulini-Car.. 4. 4 .l)(tJlnnirCnr)..'j i ililtiluc Cnr), tf iDlnhiK Curt. ' 7 4." s, o p it . U t;nk-lit Ticket oltl I .Suss. 41. U44 1.110 1.321. 111. nnd stril HniudH. 1 Afctor Hojse, and foot nf Iipsbro ninan 1 Cort Intuit t 4 Court m , mio l-ultoti it-,ps ltroadua. ant Prookl)!! Atinx M fit I on loot of 1-ultoit t , Itririxhn Muilnn Ji re Cit TheNi or. Transfer Com pun j III c iI for and clue ba catff from liotel and rldt mer. t hnniscti to ilfitlnn lion .1. It. WO01. (oneral PaAs'rAu.nt. S M. PltrVOsr Uenir! Mnnarfi r. I)i:ilWAUr. l.t KAWA.NNA A.M Vt I'KRN II. II. Mat Inn In N orK, Pout ui llnrvlnr and i liri-.ilirr -t. vr.sTiiiriai: thainnim i.miin iivf- IL I' I Alt.. PIMM II I. Kill P. llreci ri.tiii' to NtHik. II iKtmil,ii. .Montclilr tlio dmiiiie Suininll Hi mar Ut. IUsUIhk HlilTe Mnil htn Murrl-iimn Paha i . P.iterion nooutnn, Imvi r. Stanhojre, Snton, Iti.dd lki. Iike Hnimu one Mai ktiltovn v ho !. N Mountain. HAtiltniton, Phllllp'stiurt; 1-1 ton. Wnf4-r (lap, -it road -sliurif Pocono Jlount tin, vrantnn. Plttnon U tiki s-lmrrr. Nnntdotte. It!ill(- Nortunilti rland Montro!, ll iiKlininton x ford Numlch, Watirvllie. I He. Kliliui-M sprlntr. Cort'aiid. rllCllH wsMtico Ithaca. Owpuo. Kl intra. Cumin:, Hath, DauivlMe HufTalo.and all point a West, SnrMivvist nnd Sonlhivest. HiOO A. 3I.-Illngbatutuu Mall. Stopt at principal 01 I I'llls, IOiOO A.M. cnf. ear.) IhirTito, .scrntiton. Itlmr h.sinton Vtca lilchitdd irhu. Nracino, and OmtKO Kk.ri"i. Pullman hiiftet imrlor cat. ( on iiecinut HuiTalo with train for ihlcatfoatil points 1 iOO 1. M, (Cafe ear 1 Seranton Hltifthamton, an 1 i Im.ra H xpri i Pultmau tttiffet (tnrlur cum. 4UOO I M. si ranton. Wilk nharrc und Plmouth j i n Pulli'iin hurTi'f partur car 7iCO 1. II. di.iilji luifTito fktlhiile IlmtteilFx i.rffs tt-r "mi .in fun lllnkhmtnii I linira HuiTalo PiillniiintiurTet Atei pliirfi urioniitft'tsat Buffalo ultli ir .ii tori lilt no and tHiiiiu S t st OiUO 1. M. U)allv- iluilalii. M'ranton. Uliikthnni tun Itliiica lttnhtti Kf-prliiRi SjrHCiuo, and Oinetco 1- tri'ii IMilliiiau tiuiiet sli-eptTi rkkttaand Piillinnii ntroruiitodutlousnt 14 Park il n' iumI 42.i Hroiidvwiy TliktU at ferry statioun. 12 JlrondHu, 111 4tn av., cor 12th st , '. i Went U'iih st.. VMColuuilau n , Ne ork, MihanttTJd riiltnn tt .and lull Urimduny Itronkiu. Timetables KIvIuk rutl Information nt all ntitlon Ui ntcott's rxpretti Compaii) will all for and check bOKKnKo from hotel or rertidMic to deittlnatlon ERIE RAILROAD. Throiiuh trains lene Simv ork, font or i h ambers sr., as follow ii, and tle mlnuU'd ctrller from West J id t. IkfMn A W.-P'-tlbuleF.ipreBsdallTforWaverl). tr.MVJ Pincnaiuton, Minlni, HuiTufo. Itradrord, Jaiutsion NUnd-llte. and tin Wist, arrive Huffalo. 7 V) p i. Parlor car to HtitT iilo, ),nn I" M. Vtstluule limited. Fait Mall dally. .UV Soli inJn for Chlnwo. u Chautaunui I aKi- nrrhenClewtnnd at 7 40 A M , Chicago V M bifMpers to cnioitfo. Clowjlund, and Cliiclntmtl. lln 1mk( nr. 7.'-tM M. Buffalo and Clevrland Vestibule Kx. t iOV prM, dally, arrUeri HuiTalo 7 l-'VA M , Hrad ford 7 iriA M, Jann-lmMHl -Vi v. M , levftaud 1 1.". 1. .M (.leeprTH to IturTalo and Cleveland). mnkliiK iltnct eonni'ctloin fur liiMrolt.Chtcniio, and the Wmi U. t , V. M. IAII, la rimutuuiiiia Lnki-ai.d Nl O, 1 1) nKora Kalis. Solid train to Lhh nun. Sleepers to ItulT'ilo, ChliajaO. and ciuclnnutl hluiutrcar. 'IMCKLTn IOIAI. TIMi; I'AUDS. ANU Pl'MsMAN I Aci'uMMWiAIIONS nt 111 Vill 4U1. and US'.? Uroid.wi., l-'7 IUjwi ry. 1M last 12-(h st., and 01 Wrsl I -.'Mli st, linmtrfirHand Ust Td nt. firrps, Nmv Vnrk. JIH.i and 74t rninm st., iml Ilroadwny, Jirookljn 2oo Hudhon tt , Hotioken, nnd Jersey city station Wistioti'it Kxpresn culls for and cliivkshai' K'ie from hotels und resldenceii to destination. New York and Boston All Rail, N V . II II It ll sihi roniH'ctloni. f roiiiiiran I IVniral station. I rave My ttut ot llu. 0 114 Ai M , Snrlnnlldil uml W nrrrslrr. II SO I', M. Ill (in A M , s4Ni l.on,on ami I'rotlilrnce, 11. nil 1". M 111 U1A. II , .Si vrlailliloiiaml I'rut'lice, 4 Jl ', M II un A M , Sirliiitllilil aii I Uorcrsirr, ft :w I'. M. Uiiiim ISiirliisrllol I aiiHVi'rifitr, B 117 1". JL tl no I' M.. Air I Ino ami N t.ll II, fl ml 1' . 1 nj 1','M , Now l.oniliiii ami rrosliloiiro, 7 '4 i 3.11 1 1' M ,Nrv las 11I1111 anil l-rnvlilrnre, n oil ! M lunl M , Mirlimlli'iil uimI Worn stir. In 00 l, j; fi 1111 1' 11., rw Ignition ainl I'rovlilt'iiee, 11 mil' M, 11 1111 1" M., "urlimlVliloii 1 U onvsii-r, 11 is a. M 12 nil ! L, 'Sriv London ami 1'roHiltnce. o.M A. M. Iliinsilalh Inclii'lin Munilni HUay htiitu I, I111II1 .1 all pirlor cars; faro 7, In rlinliiu I'arlor 1 arscat tAIr I.I110 l.linlli'il arrives nt ami tlruarls from 1'ark hiinarn hiailnii Iloston Hutnrii servlca anna tionr anil ny sanii roiiiu Tlirouiili parlor or .'rotilnir cars tiy t a li Ir tin. (' I. llr.MrtsTt.AI (ii'ii 1'iss. Anont. BALTIMORE & OHIOT l'utt, Nrtt ork, tool of I Hit rty lu, ilalll. (Mlu villi. '.' nil' M, nml I'J l.uiikiii I'll 4 mil m H I. iiiiiik sun s iniMin . 1 1 s night. UM'INVATI M I lIl'IN, In oil A M , ll 00 l l. UASIIIMlldS ilvlllMOIli: 11II. In ililnliiKi'arl, 11 Ju A. M ilHnlng t'ar i on i 'in minimi 1 uri, li IHI 1 1 Mil IIU' I'sri.lllH I' M 12 l.'i III. Ill hull III) liiiin il'iium,' Can 11 IDA M ilHiiliik' Car .' 1 lIliiiUu Can, Alio (IIiiiIiik tan, 1 oil I' )l , l. is ulslil voilloLtv II .in A M ilally M'VV 4Jt(I.l i lliroumi sieriM-r B ni I' JI dally All trains arc iiu inliiil'-l nii ViniM'li IUH ortlcs III. 17.' Vl lin I IJullrutilwa) all nil llllist. 127llorr s n Vnrk. .'IIU III Hilton si, Urtmklyni Mailnn fool of I.Uirrly (' 11 II. or s J lUsriiage cbtckcil (rum hotel or rclilfuco 10 duilus Uoa. f 5.niln..itl5. JB "AK1ERI0A8 cnCATEOT RAILROAD. fW NEW YORK' M Central ' 1 - &. HUDSON RIVER R. B. , 1 rom iiraml Central Mallon. I'.'.l Mrn t. AV TtO A, M.-Kii'il riiiinlay lor Villromlnrst MH .Mount.iins inotisaiiil Islsiiits, iimt vionlrinl. fas1 Hi'.iu A. M.-l.xi'i'il Numla I nip niMini l.itirrss. iB rasltsl Iiam In llif Hiirlil Mopi at Alhaiiv (Hlos, VjJBS Strut'iis.' ami llot'liisii r. nno liiirrnlo 4 1.1 1 M. ?tai MsRiiral allsO .. P M. This train Is llnittml lu lt affl s- atircc inn It). !1H Illlll) A, M. Iiallv Inst Mall lor 1'oiiKhl.ForisK . MH ai any l'i ca, Utracnsi. Itoclit'slrr, llurraio, Nlaxara -llliifl l-a'U. Cliloano. SiBl lorJU A. II, kxcipl Minilat Hay Ispr'ss, (or t nt. till Moiuialns illolillt'iil HprlriRS. null nit Ho- 3S port nit Nl'tt V ink Matt' point'. , islPJS liao I. It. Halls Siiutiini'siirn l.lniltnl for IVv M iiiiulius iimliinatl Imlliiiuipo Is. ami Ht, Louis. ,T"JB Mops at I'omilikiipsli', Aitmtiy, btita, Myraousn,. KB It'H in'ster itml HutTiilii jrsH liO( l. It. -Dalit Chli-aKii .Sprdnl for lilr.IV MH ii'tflaiui, loli'ilo, nml t'liit'tw!'. stops at roiun- JH kii'pslo. aIImuls. vt'lii'iit'ttail)l I'llca, Htracnsa,' Sr9 llooiii'sii'r. nml Iniflaln. -ifnH OHIO I. M. 1 xiopi Numlav. Host Point, Potiitlf wtsiM ii,, Catsklll Moiiiitnlns, 111. mil. Trny.KarutoTis.' SRgH 4HJO 1". VI, lialli. .Vortli shorn l.lmlicit. Duv Do- liSBS unit N UOA. M .(.hlcnsii. 4 MOP. .! ttuis at Albaiir, 'QnH I'llfa anil ,racnse 0aH CiOO 1 l. Dull), lor Alliany. Trnj . Utlca Syra-, W fil. i'. liunHlo, Mauara falls. tlcttlaml. Toii'ilo.Iio- 4S troll I lili-aKii, Clni'lliliatl, Mt. Louis MiM OitS P, M, Hall), lor. li an' Irov, Aillrotnlaclt W Mountain ri'.nrts south nf l.akn Clear. Hnranao JftH I.skf, i.aki' Placid, l.uku llfornc. I.ako t'lioniplalo.'. K4B Hint (Htnu.1 u;Jjl 7iOO I. M. Iall, Vor Mliany, Troy. Ullca, Aillron.1 VM nai k Mountain points nnrtli nr Lakt Clfar, Ihou 4Srfl satnl Isiamls, ami Motitrual. rrhlays onl. sloeplns; JiM csr to Fulton Llialn avsi "HOP. SI, DiUh. For IltifTalo. Majnra I'alls.Clova-. W'Hw mini. Imilaliapolls. St I ouls, LlitcaKn Stops at, 'J&TB Poiithki'i pslf, Alliall), nml 1 ltd. iH OiOO I. 31. Dull) i arrlt'sslirplnir car passenstsrt, vjltrS mil), for points on Fall llrook Italhva), via l.)0lis IfiS ami for Itnchvsiir fisfl Bills I". l.-lall). tnr H)nruso. Osvvcko. Water- JUm town. OHrtPiislmrif Murrain. Ma-rira Vails. ClovpiantL itfisiH Tnliilo. ( hlrauo, oxi'L'pi Mittiinin) forCatit Vincent Snaal nii'l Hie viiiitirn nml sun I ttsntil) illovorsvitif, 3r$U ISitO .N'lclit, -Tin ntro train lor Ciilcano ami prln- v'iM tlpai points uu .New Vork C, mrat, ntery nlkht ea V17S ii'pt sun Ih nlcht sumla) nlKlitsiilottrtvlIlo and &&H ( hii'ii'oN'o.iii-rsi'as''on ii i.-, si train "arsa1 OrOU A. VI. iiiiil m.1.1 1". 41,-Hilty cxrept Butt- 'Tsial Hat lo Pltl.llelit, la llarlom Invl.loil ifl Oil's A. M.-sumlay only to rill.fli'M snd th ?. lierkstnre Hills, slit Harp in Iiltlsum lH " ALL MI1IIT' 1KVI.NS III VONK1.K3. T5S4B "Allnlirht" trains run liflHirn lA.Vth st. anil point, ifM nnttiH Putnam lilt Islou as far aaVnnktr lntonmi 'ffl tlon vtlth ilii-fittnitil roai. Too only lluo runniim NXW " all iitkhP'tralnsnut nt ew Vor 'iWH VV asi er Palace Cars on all tlirouiili trains. (aH Trains Hiuminatpit v.i'n cinist'ii Hunt. ,SS Tick, t, ami Wauntr onic nt (Iraml Central 8fa- &M tlon. lUIiroadtviiy, 14 Pari, plice. mil. 4l.lllroal- SiU way, Ul Past 14th st . IIU I roiKl.r.iv. 2 ift Coliiinnua ( av. 111 VVtsl I'-'.'.lh st, nml I3it!l at stitlnn. .Net- .SB Vnrk, 3 1s nml tin Kuitvn st , ami Km liroailtvay, "icH K. D . llrook Dii 3f-W Ilairnair' thrckel from hotel or residence by lha &S W esleoit Kxpri ss Coiuliany. 3irS1 JU1I.SM lOil'KV. (UoUriKII IIANIP.Ls. WM General Manager. (.m.ral PassiMiT Acrak, Tehigh valley railroad. " 11 station foot or Cortlati It and Dfnt.m'o.-rt nt -Sfbl Oi-tO A M dull) isunda 7 A. M for MAUCtl Clit Nu und Intermedial" .ntloti j&ll HalS A il. dail furlTIiAf. ENK"A IIOCtIFS- 4FfM Tl.ti. 1111-tAUl, MAtiAUA fAl.US. bC.Sl'r NSIOf B UHIlnJL. und tfio Wfs.1. nni prtiiclpil IimmI po'nts; "iSB dttilUK cur to snip nslon UrldKe, Pullman Vcallhut KiB Rlicii r toChlfn.o bfl 11 tOO A M dallt oxeept tin lav, for MAUCH KS CHt xK und lntsruoilate p-iln.H Conn ctlons for Ttr-al ltidP and H-irrlsimr- sWB IStOO noon da- i-sTi-pr Mmdiv "liii.K k mm arrhes Kudnlo lo P M liirotirTli i ir to Ko h ester. 9LI Pullmnn cMltiitUd U (otchtH nnd Parlor Cars. In I Id n tin r strvlcf U nl n la caite nE llSilO P ! sundj), for Faton and 3Lw In r (llite iHiluth Ml 1 llo P M itnli, except Sunliy. for L and n. vfl JtM itON fto pine unlj nt pr nopal lnttrmdlat Jmm stHtmui Lhulr cntft to llLfstmrrr Mtm UtMO I'. SiiiidiDi oulr for Mnuch Chunk anl WM Un Mmi nnd all liiit'tin--d lite Mat ion &&- 4ilO P .M. dad). x . p' sundj fori, and II. Wm Jt M 1 US nh-l print Itml ln:irtn dian tjt on. P ilj ijfcB nm llu IT-1 Parlor ( ar to llkebnrre. tonnrctiona Jill fl for Potnv ti ftfl iil.'P..M dall) for rSTON nnd Intermediate stv wl tPtio' nilrenr to l-kotou , flllOP M dall f..rli t-rVU). MOAltA FALLS. n i Hil rout 4 Went Pntlniiiii sslxfisHr etlhulrd Sfl tram N tothiei-fo .I-mitiii lliifTalonnd ToroiH 'W-m to Cnnnt. tlouti tor lttul n an 1 Harriott. irn' 9 fl OiOU P M dill, fir illlvrv (11 sbA HOCUESs v3fl Tn, iill-FMO, MAUAltV 1AILS ni d alt pointa MM 'vt Pullmin Mt?i pi no Chicago and ItufTalo Chair afl car to U'ltt, Kijirri Tfl llLkOP 31 dill) except Sunday, for I.ASTON'ana ,fl Intrmifdiate tiolntn. yfjfl ii llttoiitit local trains datli, except Sunday, for ifl IlUl ND DUODK, anl ItitTincd ntt po nts. It-Hieai nm ffilUitaa P UU i. M.. i. Ui) P M 4 id p m.. and 0 JO , Tli kets and Pullmnn accommoditlons .it 531. 271, m P4I nn 1 I Hi,t Hr ixlnaj- UfA'tMthiX. l.'rt 1 Stti ffl : M"! iU v, Ni'rt ur t5i 1 ulton i , 4 Uuavi w s- It" ltroudun) nnd .inu'X. HronKljn J? N V Trmistrr Ci will i nil for mid I'tie. k 1 a;gag from liotel or riMdcucu liruulit todestlnitloj JL public Notices. ' T)OST OFFICE NOTICE. " j iSioiill b' rond PAILV all Interested, as chanffoa ji na oci'trnt am llm fttrelcn mnlU or the uek ending Sept 10 will 9t do, ii'ltilPHY tn all luv at tcls office r lolloua JS 1ItNATLAN1IC MMIA TlSDAV-it 7 A M for LUK PI., per stearmntR Trnvi . in Ssiuthnini ton ntid 1 return Uett rs fo w lifltnd imit he dirnlMl " jer Iravt") nt y SS (snppl "it ntftrr v (o A M fr ItthL4.Ni'. peT 9l Mifitiiuh.p .vnni' wa Quim ntovii .titt rs tor 3E olln r parts of l.urooe inut Uv dlrectcJ "pee W ls.rlM ff WHiNhMUV t 7 i M (.itt)pl meniary 0 M em f or Ll LtJPh, p r steimoidp Pirl- itx sout iami ;. ton t ' 1 .tipit(nu nil r. in 10 A JI i fur --at HlHd1, p r Mteatn-hlp Lritftnuic i gueen ift to4.n nt lo i. M titr Itr LitlL M dlnct tor team 1 s Ip Keiuiiutou, ln Auter(i (letttri, limit Ik' dl- T r ittd kt K uiltiKtnu t. JK TliritMMV It 7 A M fori I'llnI'F, per ateamshlp m V HUnurck. via PIinouth, ( horliouri?. and Ham- jk liiiri?, at K M. for M-llIFHI iNls dtrt-et, j r W Ntenmsntp hdam. Ma Vmsterdani (letters must i - dlrrLtd )m r lAtim 'I Si SATLltliW Al 4 A M. for h RAVCi , SU 1TZEH- I AM) 11AM. SIMIV. POltnUAl, TLltK, ft Fi.IT ami ItitiriMI IMM. l-er ttamshlp U ' lotiralne ialli-re. at 0 .10 a Si ror'iEK & JIN pir teims ilp iller. la Hremen tetttra rur uthrr pirtsof rtno;r Tla Cor tour and Hr. lutn. nut I'dlreci4.l ier ilier i. at 0 to JI. (suip fimiiLirj l A 31 for l-.l ItOI'K, pr $ hi uiiiiip e ork. Ma soutiiampton lottvra for lr'l Hid nnd tliriuaii niiit t f dlrectva I "jier New York" , nt M for NETHFli' 5 I iNDdtnct, rer steamhlp OtKlam, via Hotter- 1 dam letti-r' inusi Pf dlnited ir Ohdim"i at H a A 1 fr iil-M'A jht neannhlp V rra ilfttcr inii.t h dirw ti'd "per Wirra 1 atiu.i. t for ' S(Oll vND dlnct. ptr Kteuniriiilo Lthlopla. rln M (laitow (Ir'tterAinuot t edirtn ttl "pi r Ftlilopla'), 1 at lo A Jl (Ktippleiuentar) 11 .lu . for hL'HOPL. pir ttsiii'!thlp L'mLrJa, la (jueenstonu. la PRINTH. MATTKH. ETC -Oermin Rtoimers sailing ' A on Tutdns Iliurndayo, and Saturdays tako m Prlnjed MutliT. i-tc . for ntii Specially 3- Addr Mtml 1 rluted Mattt r etc tor other t-urts of I uroiH U idte Mar bteamen on Widnestliy take) m Hpeeliilly AtMrt'iXHil Printed Matter et-c., for r urotH Cunard sieaoo-rs on Aaturda) take ffl Prime t Mntur. etc., for urcat UrUitn aud Ireland. J und pectatl Addrh'd Print d Matter, t tc, for 'I otiier parts of 1 uroi'e. AmcrUmi and French Una bttunoTS t iKe Pnut?t Jlattir. tc , for nil roun- I trUs for whlili tin nrt'.idiertUetl toctrrj mall. -M After Iho cIo1iir of tho upnlenientary Tranat- UutU JIuIIk named attve ad lllioiul Mippit nn n- tnr) iiinlliiire opened on tho pltrortht itnerl JI can, I-Uttllfh, 1-renrh, and (l nuan steamers, and J remain ttpfii until lthln Ten Jlluuie of tho hour 'j or tj-aiUntfor rti umer 3 MAILS 10K hOl TH AD CFATUAL AMEK1CA, J hvr iNDirs i u 5 MONDiY.-At (I P M for IlFMn. PPEKTO COP Tr.nnd (H TLM iLi pt steamer from Nw DrUaim lit W P JJ., for JAMAICi, per steamer ' from Him ton TVa-Mii-. -Al V 3d A.M., for POItT ANTONIO, per & Minmer from ll-illlmure, nt U P Jl for COaTA A Kit , iter steamer from New Orleans WllMsl)A At ItfM for illlrNADA.TIUNinn. 4 niidTOHAOO per Meamidilp lirenada, at IP M. ft for Cuba itersteamistilpMrtilanelti. ia llaraua. '4 T!IUIlsiii -ity-..uA JI for Poltl ANTONIO per " ateaiiiKidti from HaltlmorH at U P JI for PvtltT '$& AN rt)NH, ptrjaHamer from Hoitoii. '15 SAT PUD AY -At .IU M iiopntementar 10 A. A Jl forsl. THOMAS WT Clttut. 1 FhUAKDantl 3 UIMlWAHh 1SI NI)S MAUIINigr,and HAH- HAlots, pirhtfiuiiihlp Mndhinn, at 10 M n.tip tH pleimritiiri 10 ,1oa M 1 turM- Mt.ttt'ATf MALA. ' Mid Pi'rllTot OltrK. per straumhlp ihos del- fl tet h inusl be directed 'per Attioi") at lu A 51. 'M UuipleiiuliKiry 10 lo A M) for JAMAICA, i. AK- M, 111 Aiil NA, mid H AMI.l.A. per steamhlp Mr AlleliiiU), nt in .lo M, for lilt VIU p r stani & ship Wordsuorih. via Pernanilnico IIuuim and Klo fl? .Tatietro (li tiers for North Hrazll and la Plata, jl t ountrien mut tn directed ir Wordnorth "i, a at Id .10 A Jl for t AJIPKCME OltlAl'AS, TA W II Asm. and M'CATAN, p r steamship lumurl w (tettirs for oilier pirts of .Mexko mnl forCu'-a 3 nuiHt hedlriH ted "pirumurr). nt 11 A. 51 for St NbWror.NNI.AM) per Rieimshlp Portia at H .10 -5R P M (or hi PIUIIIL JllgUH.ON, per steamer fTf M from North Mil m If fe 6U.MA AC rt M lor PHOiitll-Mi, ner steamship fl .. Condul letters for other pirt of Jlcxlco inustr sfl lm directed wrC CouJal' fl Malls for Newfoundland, Id rail tn Halifax, a m thenco ti) ttteituer. plosi nt Ihls office dall) at n J jfl 1', M Mulls for Mi, in Ion. la rail to )...r..n af I ;5B th new h) steamer, elot t this, office dall) at n ,10 W P Jl Mads for Cuii. rh-te at thU offiie daih u( "ft- 7 on a. Jl for for.wtiditiif h .Iiiaimi rs Hallina; m- iMimda) s nnd lhui 'aw Iroin Port Fainpa, Ma. Y Malls for Mexko uvrrutnd inile hh Inll ad & dresed fur duimti h ti le)tmer,cloiont thlsoftU JC datl nt 7 oil M. llU'rihlyryd mall clonus al h u0 fl P. Jl prtvloufldu) M TKA.SrvPU UIC MAILS - Mails for China. Juptu. nnd ll.ivt.itl 'per staamihlp ft City of Prktiu; froni ban rrnu Ueo , ci hern Jt dni up to m pt 1.") ut ll Id P M, Jlalln fr Ht IIaail per steamship Australia (from Nan Iran rV cImo. cloMt hen dntl) up to Kept III at H 110 ' 1 M. JI ills for t hlua mid liipmi, prr Attain 'Sr isliliK Hraeinir (from lacoma o ish tier' dally fl up to hepl IU at U So p. M .Mall- tor tlio 'M NHlit Islands, pi r itilp Tropic Hlrd ifroni m Salt rraut leo, tio-e lure dall up to in pt. al 1 nt tt hi P M JIaHs for Australia loxiept vIK Wekt Anistrnlla (Install ami I iji t.uiU spf 4ff dalW iiildn-ttd out pr tiamhlp arrlinoo ,m (from Viiucouvir . cln- lore dully aft r Sept. flt ut o Ul p JI Ma Hi fort tilim E and Japm tipi'inll U'ldrrt.ed mil)), persteam ffl sliip lmprt!s- of India ifi on aiicoineri, closi rV. hen dalij op to 'Mt i.. nt ll top M. Malls for f Australia ex -pi ihow for Wi t Auutrallu whhh i nre forsardtd U h urip New eatmid lliall. m Hit mtd "miii. nn .standi per vtteauuhlp Mttm.."., J i, from i'iii rrmii'ii.nn Uu hire da! y up to i ci Tfr Hunt 10 A M ll A M mil d to P l r -m urm tl ut NeM ork of oteuiiismp I mhru.wdii -a- llritl-h mallHfor Auirillai 2- Tr in PacIIIc mans art iorw.,rded to port of salHntf Si ilnd) ami tho nthed of i loiliit; Is arrautte'l on tins Ml pretumpllou of tn r nuloterrup n t oierlan 1 iratuiL (U'KtHt' rl iiiall lotsenai o oo f M it- loudai Mpy CIIAdl.M W. 1'A roVPo.i.iiMUf. 2'! 1'ost Omce, Nsw fork, Ny.( BrpU Wt ltJUrt. JK