Newspaper Page Text
( NEW YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1896.-C0PYRIGHT, 1896, BY THE SUN PRINTING Afll) PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. ' !fl t On Monday, September 14. Trimmed Millinery Dept. on 3d Floor. Hats, Bonnets and Toques for AUTUMN WEAR. 18th St., 19th St, and Sixth Ave. Rug Department. (10 bales), fabaghi, S&gQj 4Jjj SSSil, 12.16, 14.10 3d Floor. WOCIDX'T CAJlltT I.l 11VSO CUASO. O'Drlen of Brooklyn Refused to Be n Sedan Chair Be.rcr. A Brooklyn coo was ahead of the Washlnc ton policemen who refused U help carry LI Hues Cbans In dlstlrKrulshlnc; himself In this war. It vu on the day that be visited Brook lyn. The pollceaan Is Michael O'Brien of the Kastern Parkway station. The Incident occurred at noon of Sept. 2 In front of the Union League club house In Bed ford avenue, Brooklyn. LI drove up there In a carriage with Mayor Frederick W. Wurster and William Berrl. who Is; President of the I'nlcn League Club. When tbey stopped It was expected that four policemen would come trotting to carry the visitor Info the club bouse In a sedan chair. The four policemen did not appear. Sergeant Gregory picked out the four biggest men he could find. One of these was O'Brien, wbo Is as big as JIavor OleaFon of Long Island City. Gregory told the men what to do. O'Jirlen stood up very straight and Inflated his chest to bursting. Ills Dig brown moustache bristled, and his gray eyes Hashed. "Am I to carry the Chinaman?" he asked. 'You arn," said the bergeant. Well, I won't do It, 1 positively refuse." 'Go and see the Inspector, then." O'Brien went over to Inspector Murphy, "Inipector," be said, "I have been ordered to help carry the Chinaman. I won't do It. I positively refuse." All right," answered the Inspector. "If It Is against your principles, I don't want to force ynu." O'Brien went back to bis place helping to ksep the crowd In order, and four other police men carried LI Into the club house. Th re olt of O'Brien was known only to half a score c: n'oplc. There was no attempt to punish O'Brien for Insubordination. Inspector Murphy eald: I don't consider that O'Brien's refusal to ctrrr LI lung Chang amounted to Insubordi nation. Helping to carry a Chinaman Is not rruular police duty, and Serjeant (Irrgory only requested the men to aCL He could not order them, O'llrlen refused the request on account of his principles. He did not dlt tn' an order. I have not reporud him und won't report him. No notice will be taken of his sction." "Why dlil you refuse to carry Earl LI!" a reporter asked O'Brien. ' Because I'm rot u rootle. I'm an Ameri can citizen. I think something of my cltl unship. 1 don't believe that carrying a U.moman Is part of a Brooklyn policeman's duty That's why I refilled," O lirlen was born In the Twelfth ward of Brooklyn forty-two years ao. His purcnta er both Irl.h. On one occasion ten jears V'i lie tone; up liters the employment because oi Principle. He win foreman of Conrad NoP's rtuneynrd. In Conway street, Brooklyn. 11." men strucK for higher wages. O'Brien siiiiputhled with theni.nnd In order to aid their cause, went nut. Ho stayed out and worked as a Journeyman till hu got on the liroi klyji notice forte, seven years ago. Ho fc len two years attached to thu station In haitern Parkway, Ills record Is good. The Lobaterrdnn nnd lb. Hermit Crab. Hi.- hermit crabs often creep Into lobster pots and eat the bait placed there forjobsters. When the Inbstcrman raises his lobster pots be takes out the hermit crabs and throws them into his boat He may get ft fly or more In a day. All tin' lobstermen around do tho same thing, and timing '.hem all they may gathor ud a mi lot of hermits. When they go ashore they throw the hermits oerbonrd ngaln. In ihore. In shoaltr water. From micro Hi ii lobstermen throw them over It oiild take the hermits, if tbey went in that n.rrctlon, a day or two to get hack to the lob ster pots; and stocking up tiie Inshore waters In tnal way draws to them more or less sharks and sstes and other voracious Allies which feed on crustaceans, and which othcrirtse might have I fowled around tte lobster grounds eating luting lobster. Thus the Inbatennan makes the hermit crab useful as far a he can. I NOW OPEN SHOE DEPARTMENT for LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. 3d Floor. Fall and Winter BLANKETSand QUILTS NOW OPEN. J 3d Floor. We touch tho keynote of popu lar favor, by giving the highest grado goods at popular prices, and by guaranteeing every garmont for one year, or money back! Suit to ordor 81(5.00 and upward. Trousers $4.00 and upward. Over coat, silk lined throughout, $18.00. Samples. Fashion Review and Measuring Guide given or msiled to any address. ARNHEIM, Broadway and 9th St. Upholstery Dept. 3d Floor. A most c.xtcnslvo assortment ot FABRICS FOR WALL AND FURNITURE COVERING, DRAPERIES. &C. Lace Curtains for Windows, Sash uiul Vestibule. WINDOW SHADES. BEDDING DEPARTMENT. Brass and Enamel Bedsteads, Hair Mattresses, iCc Estimates and Artistic designs sub mittedlor Draperies, Hangings, etc 18th St, 19th St. and Sixth Ave. New Goods FOR AUTUMN. SILKS. WE SHALT.'" OPEN TTIK COJHXCJ WEEK MANY NOVELTIES. INCLUDING: CLACK JIOIRE ANTIQUE DROCHE, COLORED MOIRE VELOURS, GOLD AND BILVER SATI.V DAHASSE, RICK SATIN 1IROCADES, EVENINO TAFFETA NOVELTIES. 4c. ALL ARE EXCLUSIVE. Splendid Novelties in Dress Goods. M i-ieces nouREm: cheviots ... one. Yd. 50 " DOUCI.E " -IS-. " 100 " ASSORTED NOVELTIES 4He. " 100 " SILK AND WOOL PLAIDS. . ttSc, - The MILLINERY Department IS FULLY UP TO ITfl ANCIENT STANDARD, IN CLUDINO EVERY POSSIBLE NOVELTY OF THE SEASON. HP EC I A I. NOTICE. -THE COLUMBUS, lUlOADWAY, AND LF.XINHTON AVENUF, CABLE CARS PASS OUR STORES EVFKY MINUTE; ALSO THE CR0.S8-TOWN LINE. EIOHTII STREET, CUIUS TOPIIER STREET FERRY CARS. BROADWAY EIGHTH-NINTH STS. JUST WHAT YOU WANT in tho way of HOUSEHOLD GOODS you can solect right hero raoro satisfactorily than at any other storo in tho city. Our stock is completo in every detail, and goods and prices do credit to our reputation : RELIABILITY and FA-UHSTESB. CARPETS SPECIAL . FURNITURE. A lotofAlTAPESTnVOAKPETS In various ,., ., Vi,nVfrirv . elecant deslsns. Our Una of PARLOR FURNITURE shows a rich assortment of com olele sets anil odd plrres, Cs iinvrl In all styles and covering', and Just loshow flOLs Ct yalUs what wh ejftu do Id prices will quote a, Unmatched anywhere else. All kinds of Carpets, Rues, Oilcloths, Mat- B"IW& hARLUR SUIT, tlntfs. In every urada and stylo. 1 Complete Ilnu of Curtains. In lace, chenille. a!T OF MBCEW. AT &c, la tasteful patterns. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Il -A'ir 0ABPKT "EMATa w The furniture for the dlntne room and the closed out at bedroom, the hall and the library. In euunl '..MJ variety and money worthiness. i3 Cm a V3rQ. Olnlnir room, parlor, and library Tallies, . Pcsks,Couohes, and L'lunt'fs of every descrlp- There are some 51.00 Carpolsamonc them, tiou; Iron nnd llruss Ilrds, Folding Ilcds, C'hlf First come, llrot choice. foolers, Ilqreaus, Dressers, .Vc. All purchases can be made on TERMS OF EASY CREDIT at CASH PRICES. No deposit required. Goods bought now will be reserved till wanted. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30. TV El I If 263 6th Ato., nCLL'Il IO4-I06 West 17th St. ssIsbW uM m US AND M fVLTON HT BROOKLYN, "OCa MOTTO KAIU HEAL1SO." f XOO.SOS U1BKIST MT NEWARK. ; Simpson, Crawford & Simpson. I Every price of every article, In cverv De- partment, at every time, guaranteed I to be the lowest. a The Store in 'Fall Attire. Teeming with everything decreed by the world's dicta tors of Fashions for the coming season, as well as with the thousand and one other lines of merchan dise that go to make up the thoroughly-equipped model department store. . . Prodigality in choice combined with frugality in prices is what an examination will reveal. Silk Department. We shall place on exhibition and sale Monday our com plete importations of Silks for tho coming season. The as sortment consists of tho most solect weaves and colorings wo have over shown. Remarkably low prices will govern all linos. In addition to our extraordinary display of Rich Silks, wo shall inaugurate tho greatost sale of moderate-priced Silks, in both black and colors, over known. They comprise many largo purchases of desirable fabrics un der tho manufacturers' cost, therefore wo aro enabled to quote prices that cannot fail to prove irresistible to tho most conservative buyers. New Fall Dress Goods. Our Dress Goods Department is now roploto with tho largest and most magnificent collection of High-class Novelties for fall and winter wear over displayed in this city, viz. : Canvas. Laineux, Zibeline Illume, Mohair Fantasie, Silk Shot Epingline, Metal Broche, Pompadour Mohair, Tufted and Rough Cheviots (plain and fancy), &c. All at our usual moderate prices. Millinery Department. FALL IMPORTATIONS OF Bonnets, Round Hats, Toques & Turbans. Millinery Novelties fancy Braids and Crowns. Cut Steel, Jet and Rhinestone Ornaments. New Styles of Buckles. Gold and Silver Embroideries. E'"nncy BValliors, Bllrds. Wiiig,. Aigrettes, D'ompoiis, Paradiflo offocta, embracing tho largest nssortmout of novelties for making and trimming huts and bonnots over Bhown by us. New shapes and styles in Felt and Fancy Braid Hats. Latest ideas in Walking and Bicycling Hats. All made expressly for us. RIBBON DEPARTMENT. Just rocoived oxclusivo novoltioa from St. Etionno. Moire An tique, plain and Glace. Rioli Tifletas, plain and Glaco. Completo assortment of Volvnt Ribbons, i a Lace Bepartritent. TVo exhibit this season all the desirablo now Lncos, including the new Arabic Laco, beautiful in design, rich in character, and tho crowning effort of needle and loom m inufucturo. (Tlu-so Knees nro placed on fuilu for the first time, nml for qunlln nnd viilmt iteril nnytlitiiK lit'rctoforo nfTcreil.) . Our lino of Fancy Lace Nets presents many new foaturos, tho designs being suitable for waist trimming and Bolero jackets. LACJi NECKWEAR. Latost novelties in Laco Neckwear, com prising Collars, Ruffs, Scarfs, Fichus, Collarettes, Rows, fcc. LACE BOLEROS. Corroct shapoa of Roid Russian Laco Boloros, Ronaissanco Lao Boloros, and Real Duchesso Laco Boloros, rnodols of those worn at the Russian coronation ceremonies at Moscow. Upholstery Department. LACE CURTAINS. "Wo opou tho Fall season with a superb stock of Mario Antoinotto Louis XIV, and XVI. Ronuis sanco and Brussels Laco Curtains Point Arabe, Vene tian and Cluny Laces tho latost offorts of tho loading European manufacturers. (Vurd uoodH to mutch above for Hiiih purposes,) DECORATIVE STUFFS in Damasks, Brocaded Silks, Tapes tries, Velours and Velvets, for drawing room, library and dining room . . . Soft Eastern fabrics, in Indiau and Porsiun effects, for cosoy cornors, dons, fcc. . . . Reproductions of famous Gobelin Tapostries for wall decorations . . . Inoxponsivo stuffs for chamber furnishing, comprising East Indian Prints, Fabriquo do Luxo, Tamatavo Cloth, Gobolin Art Drapery, ifco. RUG DEPARTMENT. Fino collection of Oriontal Rugs in all tho well-known woaves, inclnding somo rare specimens woll worth tho attention of connois seurs. Domestic Rugs in all sizos and makes. ' Sixth Avenue, 19th to 20th Street. ssKVssssssssssHssssssssssssHsssssssss 'IHIEAIRJM 1 West Fourteenth Street pi NOVELTIES FOR FALL. . 1 In Every Stock on Every Floor Ii Naught but the New will meet the Eye -ffl and 1 BARGAINS EVERy WHERE! 1 Can Why These Prices? jjj Anyone match these Offerings? Echo Answers M Will anyone dare? Why? f At Forty..!.. e.t. eH0(eE op J Fsncy n.lna Dro4.i , Q.rd wide Rlnls. M Mor. tbsn . bund"" .trios and coloring ,, U.rd wide Prult of UB. M Worth, a dollsr! Th mo,t PP" Bo muslins md KoToltles -noTer btor shownl 4J cents JH And other popular brands ' "T;; At Farty..!.. cent. XT THE LOWEST PRICES fe' Black 811k and Bstln nrooadss sold tor many.and many day I W for Skirts and Costnmes . $ Lar. and small d.stans. SHEETINGS HAVE ALL ADVANCED Bit hty cent qoallty DO styles! flcirertheless we sell R .. . . . TbaDest tboVeryDesl as follows: fSr AtThlrt,.ln..... BUiehcd Bn9m m Cbamslson Brocado Taffetas T , t6 ,BJ & Leading colors rtonld to eo w,BC,utrttr tm t3li fa . Elfht I3 I2 ig When you glToadanco don't stop to count the cost! Seven , tlW 10W 3li fi.. Bi..k 8i.iu... 7';cv."".:::: :":::;::: w . m BplendM quality High Lustr. Flvequsrter 9 0 JB 26 "n" w " Flltytwo Inch 8M ..!. 1 All Wool Fancies , ' Checks and Hizturrs latest colon There Is no mistake about the following. 27 cents Slado to sell at Fifty! , , . , . 2 Prices are just as given. Jg All Wool Tricot. ., , , , . . j . '3JJ , . , . ... . j. Va ues,c stly as stated! Xk Black, Nary, and twenty other shades ' J 5 15 cents good toIuo at double! Ladles' Cloth Jacket. jij Kew pleated back new collar new sleeres Sj BLACK DRESS GOODS Tl'T.!!XhS!S More than a hundred and rlftr Tarletles of the Floe Kersey Cloth Cape. Jw. latest productions In nne Black Ooods-all wool Doubie row tailor stitched bands new scallopeel t and .Ilk and wool. stylUh rough noreltles and lar full hip length eitrafuU ripple & Creiwns of French and Kngllsh manufacture, and . go worth H 00 '3 a large ringo of Priestley's flno fabrics plain and Ji figured- Trices rango from Sen! Plush Cape. . nn . . -t -ic 20 Inches long deep collar, with real Thibet for 29 cent, to 2.25 silk lined throughout W W. guarantee the best Talues In New YorkI 3-08 Ja" ,he th,ng ,or'," w"rl M T.adles New Tweed Costumes 3j All the latest mixture full wide skirt. "I Every Season we have ncefer lined with Colored Silk Taffeta I a special sale. 8-08 wor,n lso -v ... , . , ... ... r ... niocU Cheviot Dresses "i Th s week begins t for this lal ! , ...... . . . ... .. . . Tight fitting waist lined with satin fullaktrt ,w A thousand pair 6-08 Less than cost ot matcrlaisl Jfr New Irish Point Lace Curtains T.iSiSw c... J White and ecru best net elegant designs Just right for present wear, 'S 3tj nnd 4 yards long with and without chiffons and lace trtm'd walso 4k At 3.08 and 4.08 worth 18. 00 and R.OO 12.08 worth 20.00 'i" 6.08 and 0.08 worth I'.nOand 11.00 14.08 7.08 and 0.08 worth lx.00 and 10.00 10.08 worth 23.00 'fa Only tr Inspection can the abore extraordinary No Two Alike! JR. Talues be rightly Judged I , For all the richer .New Ulnck Hoaele Press Hklrt. Besl Itce Curtain. Stripe and check effects extra lined and raoA '. Renaissance, BruMOls, Marie Anlolnette. and Ara- 3.08 worth J7.00 M, blan.we poiltlrely nsme the lowest prices of any gtyll.h Novelty Cheviot Hklrt. ' W house seeing Is bcllevlng-come and se Latest colorings v TO """," .08 ' 25-22 ln ,h9 new ronh mixtures, plaids and chsckl , nensUsanro 0.08 to 60.00 0i08 Immense Value! J M Slarie Antomette 12.98 to 40.00 " ,4 , Arabian-Ecru and Irory 10.08 to 06.00 Klch S.tln Kklrt. I large handsomo designs beautifully !1m4 ig Fine Hcteb Curtul.. lo08 good value at 10.00 M White ami JUru combination patterns and Fish . . , . . . . . . net effects-over SO styles Novelty PlsUd Cloth W.l.t. 1,40 worth 2.00 and 2.50! Shirt waist ii-is with laundered colta Thever :test 2,08 M Kent Antique lied Hell . ... . ... - . . M ni.ek Silk Waists J, Handsome laco complete with spread i,ftt patterns, and newest designs-new sleavM 8 2'08 worth flro dollars! M&, to 44! I Kloh Cbe.llle Portiere. Indies Imported Wool Sweaters Orsen. Crimson. Gold, Dark Blue, and Brown. In ma, of pure wool, not fading cotton , exquisite combinations to blend with new cffectsln Uamtiome combinations 1.40 9 carpets large scroll border -' 4.08 Msgnlflcent value! M To Start Fall Campalgt '$ Oriental Tapestry Curtain. ,- nsTerslble-all colors-no Inches wide We will sell one hundred M 6-"8 Fr'D"1 opandbottoml FmE SMQRf,A CARPETS Tnpe.lrr CurlMo. beautiful tinted centres wide rerslan bordttt ' F.xsct copies of Imported goods at 3.1 00 OxlSfeet at 10.081 '9 7.08 All leading colors! Thlsls the lowest prlco over quoted for the else. 'yj, IssnortedtVelour. Portiere. Ile.t Wlllon Velvet nu. Finest French-plain and figured reversible com- rlch Oriental and Tcrslan colorings blnatlons-very rloh effecu tlio 30x03 Thirty styles 23.08 worth33.00! 3-08 atiout half actual valtt J . , ... Another lino of Elegant Silk finish Bugs In W An Immenso variety of coloring, and efficu rk-h be,ond description- Kew Tapestry Curtain. 2.00 upward copies of M.OO Imporled good. 6.08 3 New Chenille Curtains 1,40 upward u.w SOO Meat Htnymn Ilucs 9 t, . .,, . ., . Sfeetlong 1.00 j There Is no proHt In these prices, orectiong 2.40 but there's lots of Tun for Theso are not sccimJs." but strictly perfoctgocls! ft Somebody, All Pictures Reduced Far Below Cost aii Wool He.riet ninnLet. New Goods Mew Goods only I v; Eloven quarter Splendid quality I.ndlea' Fl.a Mglil Dresses Ttt O forl nlr.o! r.mplre and Mother Hubbard fine emb'r 'M- .. ... -. . . . 68 cents worth dtf Ilosv. Filled Comrnrtnblcs "" Fancy French Hateen 70x7S 2.20 F,DO Vanrtr l'hrll Hklrts M Faucy Silk with revorso 8lx Inch EnibrolSnry live tuoka B of flno French Sateen 7x78 6,08 08 cents worth 1.50 ig Hates- and Chl.t. CoMrortbl.. . ,J'?mh,,? ..t Cover. V.neck with two-Inch Emb'y all site. i Full slse llesi White Cotton IBcents worth ill) 1.23 ami 1.08 . ...Uiimntchablo volucl tf Ladles' Fine N.tee. Corset. Heavy I.luen Nntl. Ilnmnsk. Extra hip goro all slaaa M, Full 9 yards wide In Twenty new designs 7 ""' no"h B $ Goods that regularly sell at US cents I.Ritira' French Huteen "F.llle" Coras). fl This week 6 D cents Venus back extra longand medium waist 5f . . 1,08 worth S 00 and 4.00 .!f Fins I.lnen Towels Superior quality Iluck nnd Dams.k-hem.lltched or '...dies' Fall WelitUt Klb tJnderwe.r with knotted frlngo-4 to It Inches long Vests ami rants long and short sleevM jj 10 if nil A Big, big bargain! 10 tent" worth 3U jfc fi.. s i... t....i. Ilnliles' Iledfnrd Cord fonts ffi Fine Line. Towel. tMag ald Mon Enl).(, hkr( oli Uo TV Iluck, Damask and omlo-liniittel fringe or hemmed 2 19 hires to U years. &I and homstltched-never sold unoer ldand IN 12 cents 40 to 40 Inches Ion? Ilnliles' I.nnK nnd (short Cont. 'W BengalltivniKl V'allls Hllk tUri and polntel cap ,jfi Tin. I.lnen Napkin. eltecls- irluiM with Kinb'), rlbtwri, or braid, Si Scotch an I Irish handsome patterns 30 worth b.30 fa I'reakfast, Tea and Dinner slto I.lttle t'lilldrrn's Poke Ilonnei. l.lODoten regularly 1.30 and 1.73 Corded silk lu iream mid all new colors M; . . ... . . .. full crowns ami copes wile strings, Wl, Imported I.lnen I.uncli Net. 7Q worth , au W Vum white, with handsome rolorrd Iwrders . . ... , ., .... . . '7 3 yard Cloth ami I do.ei. Doylies- , ,,"drrn ' """"i ""l ?l,,oal Ho"! X , fin ',M Fastlllsrk slui-le and double knees -all lia M 1,0U worth U.S3 lO'.cen worth 17 , I.on.d.Ie C.mbrlc. Ilnys nnd CSIrls' Hehnol llnse fm Vardwlde ', SWcents Heavy t'or.luniy lilb fast lllsok sizes 0 lo 10 3 17cmts worth 23 W I'.aitllsh I.on. Cloth Men'. Merino Hhlrts and Drawer. ' 'Si Best quality for all kinds of underwear Fall weight all sliegv lijardpleco OBcenlt! 30 cents worth SO "it, There's lots or talk about this tlm If all do as truy say they'll do, thertM K will be some pretty cheap merchandise ...We rather like the fi'u We are htrejB m and In the swim, and no one will hove a chance to forget It. 1 m Hr(?sBttsHHHHSn'vHHHHB aBrMaaf(iaAiBBnMHH