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B I 8 fHK SUIT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 189& I ' I !i BIDS FOR TORPEDO BOATS. . L xJ jmi-jst xaojr irojurx jras xoir- 1 xmt rom xnx so.kxot boatb, . j? fo tslele HmiIk Imrt Area Cmt Ball. W er-Herreeb Atraroltr the LowHt C J" aiMirrtrlkiMLkitlBMU-Ai Ukm jj, CO iMk for the M-J-Keet Boats. a Warat-'iiTOS.Isept 18. The recaption of pro. ft Doeals for th torpedo boats authorised by lha '" m Isst session of Congress attracted aa unusual t P crowd of boat tralldsrt from both coast of tha " Kg United States, Including many who had not K hitherto takta an Interest In Oovsrnmrat work. . W Th fact that tha tare 30-knot boat war to ba K. upon builders' owa elans, aad that tha (mallar K boat wars to ba of two classes, roe of 574knc4 R speed and tha othar of SO knots, for both of t which original designs were permitted, added ta i f tha uucertalntles of tha bidding. Amoni those ; ft present, la addition to thnvalofl5erattaehad If to the department bureaus, wara George Lawler jj? of ISoton. builder of tb.Q,uen'Capdefndert St Wolff A Zwtekar of Portland. Or.: UarmhoS W of Bristol. R, L: Lewi fflxon of EHxebsth, N. K J.; Gen. T. W. HyJe of Bath. Ma.: W. T. Mat. " f Kir of Baltimore; Watarmaa of Provtdaae. R. P I.: John Dialogue of Camdaa, if. J, aad Haorr tk T. Scott of Sao Franelaco. Jtfe representative K of tha Mltaiaelopt and Mtaaoarl rivr and t&a ft Ooif of Mexico, which Congress provided might f tars a boat each, wara la atteadane. The bid were opened by Aaalstant Jades Ad. i Tocata-Geaeral Lanchhelmer. In tha praaaoca of K Aetlnc Secretary McAdoo. Eaglneer-ln-Chlef 'm Mdvllle. Chief Conetrucior Hlohborn. and Si- Jod ca Advocate-General Lemly. aad wara aa , B follow. E For tha 30-knot brat, tha Uoloa Iron Work. V Ean Francisco, bid for one at $527,400: tfca ' i' Bath Iron Works. Bath. Ma., far two at f 1M.- k 000 each, anit far three at $1R3.000 each, and ft ubmlttd another proposition for two at $3Jo.- ft 000 each: the Urreha Company for oae at m $-'18,000 and for three at taofl.000 eaob, aad f" John H. Dialogue A Sob of Camden. X J.. lor , Jl. ona at S280.000 or two at S233.000 each. !i .' The Columbian Iron Work ot Baltimore ft offered to bnlld an, two. or three 20-knot boat rL for (40.000 each an t&e department' plana, aod i. , on thlr own design for the wna apeed at 34o.- m 000 each. The same company bid (79,100 for fe. Sfc.W-knot Trwela. t mtk Moran Brothen fc Co. of Seattle. Wuh, bid I SS 150.340 for one SO-knot boat and JSfl.9.28 aach i-vij for three of them. ThereSered to take three of 1 fljfc the 3JH-rater at $34.'JoS aih. !J?ffi The batit Lompaar bid ISO. 000 each for three t& of theSJH-knot boat aad 1120.300 eaoh for ,'W three apecial J.l-kaot raiael. All the Bath bids VfVs, were accnmcanled by a propneltlia to ale bronze t jfyt" In tho coaatroctlon of the resaeb for a slight i Bjir. lncreaae. ; HP The HerraaholT Corasany offered three of the t'SSs. SO-knot boat for 3J7.3C0 eaah. ur one fir hmf S4O.0OO. and they alao had bld for the 55t- I ItC. knot TMtela aa low a Jad.000 eacn. Their ' !' SK IJH-ct deaicn, the exact duplicate of the !-iP Cuiblnc. waa oifered for 101.30 each, and with KUfff certain mrtllflcaUona ter I 8,50u each. ?K, WolCAZwlcker of Portland. Or. offered to ;IC bnild SO-knot boat at J4VU00 each for three. 'Set and :W-knot boat for $72,100 eaoh. ! 1 The rmrMence Steam Engine Company of itif' Rhode latanrt bid SSl.tfOO eacn for two of the igl department' SO-knot plana, and 348.830 eaeh P for three of them 'fllF Lawt Nixon of Elizabeth. '. J, had hi owa Jfif delzn for the little boat aad bid J3,000 for iii. one. or Ja.COO eaeh for two. 4S The Charlea Btllmaa Ship and Earlne Com uSL cany of Philadelphia bid $4.1.000 each for two IKE on tne department plana, ajul for the aaxna &F John Dialogue bid S'J'l.iOO each. !;? George Law'.ey i Son of South Boeton- nb- lidl. znltted their owa design for tho SO-kaot boats. ''&r blddiac (otl.aru for eacn. If three war- awarded t-W them, or Srtl.000 for ore. They offered 224 JitE knots a low aa 57S.S00 each for three, or " l $.n.S00 for one. Sr There waa an Irreirolar bid from Alexandria, ,t Va.. for an electee i-at to run 33 knots, for Ml! which IJ.IO.OOO waa bid. ' $r Many of tha cnmsaales made combination rMift propoaals far two of one claae and one of an- '' other, and aome bidders farniahed earloa de- i" fi signs which will bare to be carefally examined lHv by the bur-tea engineers before any award is If, made. It was remarkable that no bids were re. Zi- ceiTetl except from ecaat ballders. and that ao J tew compaolet competed. It la. howerer. tated "j 15s that the bids are In tha mala rery reasonable. J K and while not more than two of the 30-knot iifj Tesaela can be tratll nnder tha approprlatloa. tha iftSL reanlt aires coasul arable sattsf actloa. S8 xrjrrr. irjno.TEr xo bb trxzb. V Ckarse wltat twtuec Bmk Tam He. l tallnl aa Jalc Aarauti. K J A apeclai coort martial haa been detailed to '1 t tIT XJeat. James E. Mahoaer of the United Un& States Marine Corp, stationed at Brooklyn, on j (jig. charges of drankeaaesa. absence from the Nary 'Slhi" Yard without laare. aad seaadaloaa coadact. ;$; The coort la ordered to meet at tha Brooklyn &ft' Nary Yard on Monday, Sept. SI. Eaalgn 1 5 Thomas Washington la detailed aa Jadga Adro- IJif f,Te JK Lieat. Mahoaey. It Is said, was ordered to re- r S.1 Prt oa Wednesday, fact. 8. aa Jadge Advocate r '' of ttla general coart martial, which had been la '! aesstoa for a week naaer anothar odear. Ma- i M honey did oot report. It la aatd ta be the first vl ' time that Lleab Mahoaey haa erer been drank, i) ,&. The eeaadalone coadact charged refers to 14 ' drnakeaaesa alone. fi ;f Ckaace ta the 9tattesis at Kaclaaata, 14E WaainwroT. Sept. 10. Fecretary Lamont 'M to-day laenea the long expected order ehangiag 'C the stations of some of the moet Important ragi fr ments of the army. la tha Infantry, the Flf tW teeath will relievo the Tweaty-foarth. the rSW' Twenty-fourth elleea the Sixteenth, the Six : & teenth rallaTes the Fourth, aad the Fourth re ft Here the FIfUeath. The Third Artillery ax jg changes with the Fifth Artillery. The atutloaa W of theee regiments are a follow. Infantry-Fifteenth, at Fort dherldan. nut SE the Twenty-fourth. at Foru Bayard, S II.. and . Hoachoea, Ant; the Slxteeoth. at Fort Do jg 1 K If Ct: th" Foorlh. at Fort Sherman. Idaho, B Boise Barracks and Fort Sookaae. Wash. W Artlllery-Oae battary of the Fifth Artillery Is at Fort Monroe, Vi, and the others at San - Francisco harbor, while the Third Artillery s a batteries are dlatrlbatad at atatlons In Florida, flit jLoalalana, aad oae at Fort Moaroo. K agaaeas eeta af Wavr waai jtf WagHUtOToa. Sept. 18. The arrival of the ' 1 ' Thetis at Saa Francisco, the Monterey at tho if W Mare Island Nary Yard aad tha Michigan at 3 K Pnt-Ia-bay were reaerted to the Jfaey Depart- !f A ment to-day. The Thetis will sail for lower H fify California In a few days to eoatlnue Che surrey a! ot, tn1 to1- The Monterey will undergo & minor retjalrs at tha Naey Yard. The cruiser Cincinnati sailed from Tompktna- M sdlla for Gibraltar this moraine. She will re. ,$ Ilave the Maralehead. which will return to tae . M United States with tne men ef the veeaela et the i (ft Earopeaa saaadroa whose term of enlistment A af 1 about to expire. ;' rosTjiL noxnr otidkb hcxeac. Ife. Werktaaw Talaat tbats II IkMU Re Ke Ipffi Oswaa ra tha Keeatac : K Worxlngmen waoee hoars af labor begin be. JK fore the money order bureau in the gaoeral K, Poet Office and It braaahes opea and last until R after they close, think that somewhere la town j Post Office money order bursaa ahoald be ' v& Bt opa ,n "" iiat' They say that no- ' they cannot sead a money order without losing JV' time aad wages. Tha time la eftea eoaaiaerahle, IS tcr often many applicants at once for , lit money orders and but oae clerk to isrre these. . fit The ostsobs who make this complaint eostsad I ll tll'5 ?f ,0JHc money orar bureaus srs In- I y tended ebiedy for the benefit of eomparatlTalr I Elf; poor people, who should ant be that nut at the )t only time they are llksly ta be at lrUars A - I.ii' mechanic, who releed tats aemplalnt. while ' ; MK watUng la a long lfae for opportunity to xst a I gW money order at tha general Post Offlee the other ' ' ?' tfy 1,5?.V la "Plhg the eonrea. l9Pt l? T' W be for ethers ef hie emsloymeat Irfi " baraaa ket opea In Ue srsalng. I Ceasvtaaleaer Vere-a rwaerat. Tho late Fire Ooamlasloaer, Aaatla E. Ford, srho died on Thursday, will be ousted In St, Ray. saoad's Cemetery, Wsst Cheater, oa Moaday at j boob. At 10-30 o'clock a aolema high mass of I Tr rotjulem for the repose of his soul wtll be aaag la tha Roman Cathollo Church of Oar Lady of 12 Merer, at lSlat street aad Websur araaue. A, If detachraeat of 100 llremea under Chief Bonaer ' .1 wl.1.1 Brb "d aTiard of honor aad elaaa i ll. w,u J tt bod tnm ehirch to tne & .5fJ!?.rlrJn?TBi2 y Cblefa aad the Dea- Tfi ? C.biil,li-l n" tnmm held i nteet ttP Jf Headaaarurs aad paaaed a raaola- F S2. or Jfm.fL.14 a,ul " Commlaaloaer W f "rdl W tagrouad aad aeatU Jlraf V aTtetwaaai Btaa m Katla Core AaesalaM . 3 A Knslpp ear aaseciatloa haa beea organised ' ' la Flatboah, srlth Edward Fraakel Preatdant I isd Usury Moore, Jr. Secretary. Application i !i baa been made to Park Coo misalonar Weedrn It I forpenaUalon law the wM common In the I ES6- mi HT Wodraf has been tartied to , f wltn-raathe first wa.k there some I S2?'.J.Ut Vn J hm" f 7 o dock. tf I Pw"mf.kJtbatthea.oelatioawi. I coatiaae 1U barefoot wa ks In tae park all I SSKrt!1" WlSU, "w" " ao"slet: . I ' J I r I . iJ m1' i'inUi1rT.HWtriht,l.til."lrl Vu , J asT. .fl). ' v AaA e. , rail i-AjoAti jirs xxvjc. SeaM Tfclage Tka rnaUnt BaaTassa) AaaVeae Beea Not taeir. President Hoffman of the Seaboard Air Line) has leaned an addreea ta the stockholders ef thai Seaboard aad Roanoke Railroad Company, In which he says that the Seaboard Air Llae la a meat valuable property aad that the stock holders should not permit themjelre to become alarmed at tha present attaattoa. II tell them that It ta Important to itand shoulder to boulder la common defence and before giving credence to atatements effecting theatataaof tha property or the character of It ssanaxt mat to Inquire at the oSce of the company la Baltimore. Before going Into a dlscasslon of the state ments mads by Mr. Hoffmaa la this circular. It Is laterestlag to recall the disasters that over took two of the most promlaeat railroad cor porations of t&e country and the events Imme diately pracedlag their appeals to the coort. Whea the manipulation of ratal 00 tha Atchi son, Topekaand rianta ft began, tome years ago, Tnm See, upon lu knowledge of the facta, foreshadowed the bankruptcy ef the concern and tha downfall of the management responsi ble for soch methoda ot operation. Both ot these events occurred, but almost up to the hoar at which the receivers were appointed for the company Its President waa asaertlog Its sot-Tsacy. Mootcs before the Baltimore Ohio, formerly another rate destroyer, wa placed la the hands of receivers. Tnx Sex adrUcd an examination of lu books by aa expert accouataatoobehalt of Its security holders, la thts case also the execu tive officers declared that there was ao cause for alarm on the port of Investors u the securi ties ot the company only a snort time before a confession of Insolvency in the courts. In bis address to the Seaboard and Roanoke stockholder President Hoffmaa aays that "tne physical condition of the Seaboard Air Llae, Its track aad equipment. Is first class la every re spect, and haa been stsadlly Improved by the preeent administration, aad Is to-d7 ta a hlghsr state of eZcl'acy than ever In tbe nlstury of the line." He taya that every expense, laclud lag building of cev cart and rebuilding ot en gines, baa been Included In the year's expense, aad that there U ao boating debt. The annual report tor t&e companies com posing tue seaboard Air Line for t&e fiscal year ending Jnae JO last haa aot yet beea Issued, at l&oaga t&e reports for the same period for some 1 of t&e iargast raliroad corporation 1 1 the coan- I try were teal to their alnhotdera long ago. U Ithout this report aad tha sworn statecMut required of tae official of every railroad corporation la the country by the In-ter-mtl Commerce Commlsalon. an accurate knowledge of the ooeratlooa of the ays tem for the year named is not to be obtained. Praa.dent Hoffmau'e own mures, la hla address Just published, will therefore hare to be used as a oaai for cuctmeot. The atatemaat for the last fiscal year given by Pruideat Hoffman snow. "Receipts from all sources." $J.i4.3.'9. operating expeaes. !. HM.H.0: all other dedactloos, $774.0-50. aad surpius far the year. JloS.07d. Accepting t&e Item "receipts from all aources" a corract. and cot lacladlcgaay Items not properly Income, la this surplus uf $133.07 sufficient to extricate the Seaboard Air Line from the embarrasaiug situation dlactoeed la the detailed atate maat for the previous year? A. combi nation of the reports of the Seaboard and l.uaaoke. ha.eigh aad Qaaton, Raleigh and Augusta, Carolina Central, (Jenrvta, Caro lina and Northern, and Durham and Northern companies (which form sub stantially all of the system) showed a net excess of current over current aaaeu ot $111,000 Among t&eae liabilities were loans and b.ll payable by the seaboard and Rnanoae reported at SJ00.0OO. It appears thea that tne aurplaa a reported by Mr. Hoff man for the past cecal y-ar waa cot uffiaieot to pay the net current ItabUltle axUtlug at the eloo of the prevlou fiscal year. Is It aot clear that a considerable part of the proceeds of the sale of $43(1.000 treasury bond a daring the year was ased to meet current obl'gatlena. aad that It such sale had aot beea mads Mr. Hoffman's claim that the system has no floating debt could not be sustained? Mr. HoSinaa'e etatament ahows that the grosa earnings of the system have Increased J37J.0QO over thoae of the prev.oas year, and the operating expenses have larrsesed only $44,000. As the increase la operating expenses would not ordi narily pay theacma! transnortatloa expenses Incident to tne Increased earnlags tha conclu sion teem inevitable that the expenditures lor maintenance were even lower tbao thoae of the Erevloua fiscal year, aad there are abuadaat idlcatloaa that the maintenance expenses were kept below normal la l.i64-&3. la considering expendltaree for maiateaanca of way It mast be remomDered that the procor tioa ot mala line to lu total road Is greater on the (Seaboard ayatem than that ef most other roads la the South. Tne Inter-State Commerce Commlsa nn's resort for 1H03 is cat at hand, but from these of 1803 and 1904 It aspears that the avenge expenditures for maintenance of way and structures per mile of road operated by all railroads In Virginia and the Caroltnas la those year waa f 590 aad $379 respectively, and for 13115 It Is fa'r to assume that the average was aot below $33. In these three years the average expenditure per mile for theae pur poses 00 the Seaboard Air Llae avsteni were oniy $437. $4S9. and $4rl4 respectively. The Seaboard Air Llae charged practically nothing "o operating expenses for rails In ll 05. aad only about $30,000 la the tour ysa-s orior to Juae 30. la The reaewal ot tls la 1183 avsrsared only 300 ties to the mile, which Is at least 23 per vent, below the normal renew als oven U tlie South, where the life of a te la longer than In tone other parts of the country. On this estimate t&a shortage la th.a Item aloae I tor the y-ar named would be abnut i 10,000 Stockholders w no go to the office of t&e Presi dent are rarely expert accountant or acquainted with the importance of auon details ss thoae ) glvea abave. They are notoriously Inclined to rely too ranch on t&e honestr and Judgment of 1 thoae whom they Bare put In charge of their ) property, aad dlseoter tftat they have been de- celved oaly after an expert employed by a re organization committee dlacloaes the rotten ness that haa beea concealed. rnx sovrrtBKX ratb ttab. Tka Seakoard Will Reetore Rates Aa. otaer lajnaetloa an-svated. AsrroDOir. Seat. 13. Judge Robert W. Haghes haa granted an injunction ordering the Seaboard Air Llae and the lines of the Southern States Freight Aasodatloo wlthia tls Jurisdic tion to restore rates ca Oct. 1. The hearlag oa the orior la set for Oct. 30. WasriltfiTov. Sept. IS.-The Seaboard Air Line has filed with the Inter State Commerce Commlaalou a antics of withdrawal ot lu re cently announced reduced rates. The notice applies to the whole seatoard Air Llae system, acdreads. "By order of United States District Jadge Speer tariffs will to withdrawa at 12 01 o'clock A. M. Monday, Sept. .'1 saxt. when the rates la force prior to bept 3 will be restored." (!M. HORACE roftTEK UKSIOXS. Ha JLeaee the Pnllaaaa Company After Ttveatr Teavre of riervtea, (Jen. Horace Porter, who has been a Ylee Presldsnt of Pullman's Pa.ace Car Company for about twenty years, hsa resigned that office la order Ui accept the rha rri.iasa!p of the St. Louis and ."an FrsnrJaco P.a il-oad Company to which ha ha recently bean elected. THE COMBACTOK yftT LIABLE. Emvlereee Xajsally Reepeeelble far lejary by F.tlln-r Wails. A suit of Clans Dttmer!ag to recover 33,000 I from Cootrsctor Richard E-gUsh was railed for I trial yesterday la the supreme Court, Jersey 1 City. English did the mason work of the new City II ail. la August. ISIS, ona of the walla ! fell, killing three men aad lajur'ng several others Dttmrtnga lag was crushed sad had to be amputated. Jaatice Lippincott granted a noasait en the ground that a nigh win i caused the wall to fall, and for the reason that acderthelaw tha employer aad empLiytei. euraeeouai rsipenib..ily for accidents la aueh eass Tteiircta na affects salts wtlch I are pendina against Enz.itc I Eaitlaaer KI1U4 la a Collleaa. BrxouaxTOv. K Y bept. 18 -A wreck oc curred at 4 43 th.a 03 the Delaware, ' Lackawanna and Yest Ra.iroa.1 near 1 on Ha. eight sllas east of tu s cltr. resultlnz la tha death of Arth-ir Cbldmg'oa of Great Bead. Pa aa engtaeer Train No 231. Eaglneer Cal Scover In charge, ta.1 ceea delated by tbs breaking ot a esup'.mg sla, aad ta the frg Coddlagton. who wa engineer 00 coal trala Vo. S. dirt aot perceive No. i31 ahead. Ha 33 ' cnabed Into the rcxr of So. 2.11, aad la tha I colllilna Coddicgton, aot having time la escape. was killed. Tne engine was badly szaaabed.iad tks rear ear of o. 231 waa bruken. flaaitac ferealta Revokeal la Breeklym. City Works Commufr Willi of Brooklyn haa revoked tha permit for fishlag and boating oa t&e pond a and streams of the water aopply. The crder was tssued as a step toward protect ing the sapply. seeaeylvaala Ratlrea aaaoeaces tnax, euoimeotag Sept. 3i. wtstfar trains leaving w Yora u;M o4 It OO Jl. U. tor fuel HaesaaL sal leavtag Torn Blwr al 3 Jl K. vhi oara sai ro4st Kvaaaat 11 t J r S. raaaiaaaaa.4r.JCiaXjawiUbewttaarwa. 1 H-afct- va.. it. in try 1 ftL , .ii , . . " i. UNCLE SAM TAXES CLUBS sis ai riMCJS zr xjtmr Ann Ditixx- I.IO FT. AC Bit, 'XMtAMO" Olt XOT. f aterwal Kavtaaa BesMttee Keklat k7r tka net eg Baiaea las Clefce aad isetlry. last Tkeaa ta Beitle sr Take tka Caaaa, of Tkeaa Bare JTaU 7b The Incorporation of o many "elaba" for Du ctal purposes, with the concomitant ef alcohollo drink, untaxed under the Raines law. gave the Internal Revenue Collector a hint. For many yrare all the large club of the city have paid the Internal rsreaue tax of (S3 a year, and many have also taksn oat a license from the city. Recent decision la the State court hare held that there la bo selling or giving of liquor bya einb to lu members, and. therefore, that the State cannot Impoae a tax against club under the Ralaee law. Bat the Federal revenue law Is another thing. For several days past the Internal Ravenna Collectors ot this city have been huatlng up theee new social clabe" with the Idea of en forcing the Federal tax of (S3 a year. It haa been a difficult Job, because the place of meeting I not stated tn the article of Incorporation of the dabs except tn the general war that the place of meeting 1 "lathe city of New York." but the deputies of the collectors hare beea able I to loeate many of tha clubs on the east side I because a large part It not moit of the saloons which hare a meeting room In the rear have Incorporated olaba, made up ot patron of tha saloon, who occupy the meeting rooms on San days. These agents have secured data oa whlcn It ti proposed to take actloa to collect these taxes, for the clubs, for the most part, don't voluateer to pay. Soma uasaslnet waa caused among clubs by the lending out of about forty notice on Wad. ne-day by Edward Groese. Internal Revenue Collector for the Third district of Jfew tork. cnmraaadlnc the clubs to call at the Captain's office and pay up or lake the conseunences. la this way tne stand of the Federal authorities became generally known yesterday. It la ex pected that a teat ease will shortly be made by a proceeding brouaht by tha Internal Revenue Collector. Section 3,24-1 of the United State Reviled statute ays: " Retail dealers In liquor shall pay (23. Every person w&o sells or offers for sale foreign or domestic distilled spirit or wines la lee quantities thaa live gallons at the same time shall be regarded as a retail dealer tn liquors " Retail dealers In malt Ilaaors shall pay (20. Every person who sells or offe-s for sale malt liquors tn quantities of five gallons or less at one time, hut w&o ahall not deal la sptrltuou liquor, shall be regarded aa a retail dealer la malt liquors." Tbe pualsomeat for violation of tha law Is: " Every person who carrlee on the business of a brewer or wholesale or retail dealer In malt liquor, without having paid a special tax there for, aa required by law. shall, beside being liable to the payraeatof the tax, be fined not leva than $10 or more thaa $300. The questtoa Is wbetber. when the State pro. nouacea that a club la aot a retail dealer, the Called states will proaouace that It Is. Collsc tor Orntso aatd yesterday "The Federal stacutea provide that any place where liquor La sold must pay the tax. It makes I ao difference whether it la in a club or a saloon, or whether the elub is tocorporsted or not. Nor ! dre It matter whetcer a State license Is paid for I the place or not. Any club that has ao Federal 1 license aad refases to pay the tax will, after belar once notified, be reported ta the Called btatas District Attorney, who will cause the er- rt of the officers, if it Is Incorporated, or of the members If It Is not incorporated. I wtll not be guided by decisions ot State or mun'elpal courts. . Wa shall give ao information of aay klad to the stale officers as to whether license I have been obtained or not by liquor dealers. I My deputies are cot sole, detectives, or Inform ers. Tnrouzh the action of my deputies about lOOolubs have taken out Internal revenue 11-e.n-ea recently. Yesterday notices were seat to about forty clubs to pay the license or they woald be reported to the United States District j Attorney. L'p to date about 300 licenses have j been taken out by duns In this district." ' The number of clu&s so licensed Is small com pared to the number Incorporated. x.tacoxB xnovanx xo he xxsaxjb. HI Vr-tearfe Tbae Exalmla Bis ChalaeaVlsv. a-IIr eatery. There la ao doubt among the Meads of Alfred A. Liacocib, t&e expressman who waa fouad chained oa Wednesday la the cellar of Ly 1 decker's sxprea alabl at Washington and Slag treats, aad who told the police that three days before he had beea attacked by highwaymen in the street, c&lorofarmed. robbed of moaey of the Exempt Firemen's fund, and left chained ap In tha cellar, that ha la suffsrlag from temporary aberration of mma. This belief la aow shared by Llaeomb' aoa-ln-law. Dr. Sweaixel, who ha known him far tha past fifteen years. A aunbor of Lls comb's old friend called at Dr. SwsnUei's office yesterday to Inquire about his condition. Dr. sweatzel told them all that Llaeomb was ' still confined It bed at his daughter's home In 1 Westneld. N. J., with nervous prostration. II 1 can two doctors in attendance on Thursday night. Llaeomb has aatd but vary little about hi adventure to any of his family. althouh he heretofore made his daughter a confidant. Dr. Sweauel i puxxled aa to why his fataer-la-law nawned hi diamond aad his wife Jewelry for $"40 and a to waat he did with the moaey. He said that Ltecomb hada't aay ased ot the money, apparently. He waa aot la embar reiand etrcumtrees. always lived very quietly, aad was aot at all extravaa-sat la hi habit. ! Llaeomb wa a conspicuous member of the Fire D.partmeat of the old days, whea Tweed B'g air "waa the leading fire company of the town. He waa a well-known member of Tam- I many Hall, and al two brothers wara for years la public office. For over a decade he wa I aupertnteadent of the W(ador apartzneat I hone at Broadway aad Flfty-foarth atreet. the , owner of which committed aulcld became he thooght be had become a pauper, but who left an eatate valued at several millions. Llaeomb lohertted money from his mother, so Dr. Sweat zel aal yesterday, aad. besides that, wa always la a pcsilioa where ha eajoyed a lucrative iaeome. Dr. Swentzel expects that Llaeomb will be well enough to be In court on Moaday to ex plain more satisfactorily than he has Heretofore I dose how he came to be chained up in the cellar. Dr. Swentxel believes now that hta father-In-la-r'a exettlax adv-ntare wa-s the dream of a wandertcg ratnd temporarily unbalanced by tho miration la whlcn ha became Involved with t&e Lydecker brothers. ! JltrtUAl. I.VICRKKS A31ESMKD. I 1 Oernaad aa Meaebare ef the V. 8. Jgataal I Aeeldeat Association for la pursuance of an order of Justice Lawrence of the Supreme Court Henry Wlnthrop Gray. receiver of the United states Mutual Accident Association of this etty. has seat out under date of Sept. IS notifications to members of the aeacciaiioa requlr'ng them to pay him withla thirty days the amcuats foaart da on account of ifaoilitie a til! remaining unpa.d which were lacar-ed by the asaoclatloa while their certifi cates of meraberahlp were in force. The total i.ibiuties as stated tn the Judge's order ire $4tt.ad0.31. and the Individual assessments range from 10 cents to $4.40 oa each certificate for ach three moaths named ta the schedule, which covers tte period eertincaua wr ia ' force, from Feb. IS, 130. to My 13. leili. , As hmi membera held two or three certificate which had been la rrree for aeveral yeara the amount required front these rtae laalagiecaae to aa much aa til each. V hen the aaeoelatloa collapsed, la May. 1804. It namtersd 3M, GOO members, but during tae period covered by the call the membership at times was ss large as 30.000. TLe Judge's order upon which this aaaaaament Is cased seta forth that t.1e members are indl viduay for the debts Incurred on ec. count ot death losses while msmber' eertia. cat's were In force, and it aathortie the re. ce.vcr to lcatitate aaea pracredtog aa he may deem advisable In the courts to enforce the per meat of the asesameat. Proaealtloa te Leva I Oat Street 17 a. The proposition to change the grade of Elm street from Worth to Duane street, advocated by the Rapid Transit Commission, waa laid be fore the Beard of street Opening yesterday. The eagiceer of the Rapid Transit commlaalou wails the grade ri-.vtl to a level ao that Eta ai kerne of tanae,.iag Elra street for a four-trii-a road may be poaa tie. Tie street has a eh-p dec.lrtty north from Iiuane atreet to Peart aad south from Vi orLh tre-t to Pearl of aevea feet to the b.ock. A public wl, tx given next Friday to property owner luterested. Aa Ka.Caavlefs Reveage. years old. was released from the Kings eoaaty pnliauary oa Thursday afier aerviag a year for shooting William Cor atsh of 1.U33 Allaotla areoue, Brooklya. The ex.coavlct. three nours af ur his release, called at the Allaatie avaaue house, and, a aooa a he rat Coralah hurled a cobblestone at hta head, eaaaiag slight acalp wosad. He wa arrested aad tewl for examiatloa. Crmae Aarj te Oet al rxclee CaaMTa-lr, The Grand Jury win hold aa extra aaailiiu to day to eoas der a large number of axdae cam. plaints icder the Raines law which haveaeou isaiaud walle that body waa aagagsd la eon. a-darin prUoa casta, a-e, - " -' , fs t- 77 z. jUEsescrssiscrx: ts The high-class tailor claims character and stylo bocaase his cloths are of patterns belonging exclusively to him; only enonrh cloth for a few suits not to be duplicated. This Fall wo can claim that very character and style. "What's more," onr cloths are test-proof not always so, exen at the high-class tailor's. -Test-proof woolens -are fabric that have beea disserved ta alkali aad show ao trace of eottoa. That ta the only klad af etoth w eat late garments men's or boys. roan cLoas at six O'clock. Boqebs, Peet A Ca Pi'iice sad Broadway. Warren aad Broadway. Thirty second aad Broadway. Jl SISGLK TOLICE UJBAn. Cat. Oraat Telia War He lavara It. aad Kaeawrelt aad Aadrevra Ascree with Hie. Police Commissioner Grant talked yeeterday about the deadlock In the Police Board over the appointment of Inapectora. The delay In ap pointing Inspectorslhas necessarily delayed pro motion In other ranks. At present there are lira Inspectors, a Deputy Chief, half a doxen Captains, and a number of Sergeants to be ap pointed. When the controversy between the Commlasloaer ta going to end no oae can UQ. Commissioner Gnat said : - From the preeent status of affairs I do not think that anything wtll or ean be dene until the Legislature meets, and then I believe eome thlng will be don whereby the tangle will be atralghtened out. My candid belief Is that the present ayitem of having four Commlsaloners In the Police Department Is about a bad a It possibly can be, and I shall certainly ante a rad ical change as soon aa the Legislature meets. No four men can possibly agree aa a Board on anything, and 1 1st my opinion that a tingle headed commission should be established, and the sooner the better. A person hoaId be ap pointed who should bo responsible to t&e Mayor for his actions, and a person whom tha Maror could remove at any time he so desires. What the Secretary of War Is to the President of the United State the Commissioner of Police should be to the Mayor, and he should be responsible for the policy and actions of the police. "The Chief should be the chief executive la the department, but he should be responsible to the Commissioner exactly like a General la the army. T&are Is certainly no way out of the present tangle except by legislation. At this time I am aot prepared to say what line of leg islation will be adopted, but that there will be aome kind there Is no doubt. - As I said before, no four men can agree on anything as a commission. There la always a disagreement aad a disposition to shift trouble from one to the other. hat Is needed la the Po lice Department more than in any other munici pal department la quick action. Four men cannot act quickly. One maa can. A matter reqairiag quick action Is brought to the attention of one of the Commsssioaere under the present sys tem, and. If It requires aay troaale. eacn Com missioner tries to shift the trouble on to some one of the others, aad. thereby, a tangle occurs, and the matter at Issue is delayed indefinitely. This could all be obviated under a single-head commtaaloa. It could be fouad whether a man aa Commlasloaer 1 qualified to hold the position aad to act with quick Judgment, and It he waa found wanting the Mayor could remove htm a: 1 a moment's notice. Under the preheat system there is obliged to be continual friction, end It Is unavoidable." Police Commissioner Roosevelt, when asked his views aa to a single-headed police commis sion, aald: I am most earnestly tn favor of a single headed commlestoa. I can eoacetve of no pos sible argument against it that can compare la weight with the argument for It." Commissioner Andrews said : "I waa In favor of a single-headed police commission before I became a Commissioner. but sine my appointment 1 have become em phatic la the opinion that the Police Depart ment can oaly ba well managed by a tingle Commissioner Tal fact has become mora aad more apparent to me daring the peat few znoatba A 8TOTjKX HOKtB BOVOHX It EltK, Bmry Beeoeralsea Whea Tartovr Reaeked Ovaaa raraa-Thlavaa Arreateat. A white horse, whose loag lease ot life had so demonstrated Itself oa his frame that ke wa known aa "Boney" In the Iowa of Greea Fanaa. Coan., was tolea from hi owner. Arthur Sherwood, several day ago, Al- 1 moat simultaneously with the disappear. I ance of Boney, Jabes Tarlow. oae of the I few farmer of Green Farms who did not i know the horse, oarae to New York to purchase a horse that would be suitable for farm work. Ia his waaderlags around town he reached tha (table of Louis Waller. "Here 1 a rig that will Justmlt you," said the salssmaa. as he led a white horse oot of the stall. - aad we have a alee wagon that goee with him. Just the thlse; for a farmer." The wagoa was rather antiquated In style aad much the worse for wear, but Tarlow boucht tha outfit for a small amount aad started baex for freea Farms with ', When he reached the viLage the firet man wno met bint was the Postmaster. - Where d.d yiu get thetho-ae. JabexT" Ibonrai him In New York." replied Jabes. That's a likely alory." answered the Post saster. who had recognized Boney, but h aald no more at the time. Tbe news of Boaey's return Hashed around the town, and people woadered how Jabex got the horse. Mr Sherwood notified Chief of Police Volmer pt Jlorwalt of the case, aad both weat to Tar low s stable. lion ay began to whine and kick I ' ap bis heals whsn he caaghi sight of his former I 1 ?wo"C- Tarlow mads an eip'anatlon. and the ' 1 Sew. Torl1. lic rerlfied his .torr at Waller' I table, which I located at 42 rlheriff itreet. Yeeterday afternoon tho two men who had I I tolea Boney again netted the ataale with an- , 1 other horse attached to a waoo without brings. Thy reeogn ed by Welter, and h notified Patrolmaa Paaaat of the DeUscey atret station, who paced taem under arreaf. They refused to say where they obtained the '01,5,1 "hlc'e and ware tarned over to f ea tral Offlee Detectives O'Nell aad Deevy. wbo , have been looking tor them Thev gave their names as Mai Muller aad Hanry Kraaaa. The I forme- says he lives at 33 Greenwich atreet. , and crania give his raaldeace aa 42 Albany street. Ia the Eex Market t ourt thsy ware ld tv"?" 'V:rd,ii0? VV trnm Coanecti eut. The detectives believe that they have pr petratsd a anmberof similar robberies through out Connecticut. " I AtTOi (Sr I M V7Vl I ?- v - For Pipe and Ggssreite $; gtagarette paper with S !ea$h2oz.sack, WHERE ISTHEO.C. GROSS? cnxDixoaa xttixx he UAan'x vk Fabtbd rE.rxiz.B3s. Chattel Mertcaicee aad Bill of rial Caver What Re l-eft BaUlaal Ceeaeeteel ta Real Xetate Traaeaetlnaa selth Talew. tie, the (leaker Caaaaaaalty Treetae. Deputy Sheriff Llpaky received an attachment against Theodore C Gross, aa importer of wines, Ac, at 73 West Houston street, for 83,000 la favor of the Union Brew lax Company ot Rochester, $4,000 ot which la for beer and $1,000 for a check Gross gar on the Union Square Bank, dated Sept. IS, which check was presented cu the 17th and waa not paid. Air. Gross, It is said, haa not beea at his place of business since tbe morning of the 13th. The Sheriff could not levy upon anything at the store, aa everything war cov ered by bills ot sale or chattel mortgages glvea to tho Tradesmen's Bank for $12,000, to the Columbia Bank for $1.230, to Alice Qmsa for $3,000. and to Hantaan t Koch for II. Blumenstlel A Ulrech, representing tha Tradesman' Bank, aatd yesterday that Mr. Gross had executed to the bank a bill of sale ot wlaen and liquors tn bond subject to a mort gage of $3,000 ia favor of Mrs. Gross. He also gave a mortgage on the Florence apart ment house at Second avenue and First street to a trustee to secure tho bank and to secure also the Union Square Bank, tho Bowery Bank, and the Standard National Bank. The mort gage la subject to prir encumbrances of $140,. 000. Blumenstlel & lilr-ch believe the bank) are substantially covered by the securities. It Is currently reported that Mr. Gross re cently received $30,000 cash. It Is stated that he borrowed S1S.00O on warehouse receipts for malt which he had purchased, giving notes in payment; that he received $0,000 of Septem ber rents for the Otis Ralf y Company.of which he was Treasurer, aad that In the past sixty days he has received $17,300 as a building loan on 342 and 344 West Fifty-sixth atreet, and haa paid out oaly $7,000 on that account. On the 14th Inst.. It Is said, he had a certi fied check for $7,000 on the Standard Bank which he was trying to get cashed, and It la presumed .hat he cashed It. He bought some diamonds from Haaana Ji Koch. Maiden lane jewellers, for $040. and the only way they could get paid waa by taking a bill of sale of the fixtures at 7J Vet Houston street. He 1 alio reported to have sold the saloon at 7J vV eat Houston street. In the same building with his wine business, for $400 cash. Mr. Gross is also renorted ta Ilitr utln,! .. counts $3,000 and wines $7,000. to a friend. Sradrtrrct's took away his rating ten weeks ago. and lnce then inquiries hare poured in from persons In this and other cities about his affaire. He has beea In tho wine and beer business since May. 1895. aad described him self as sole agent for the Union Brewing Com pany of Rochester aad the Taylor Brewing and Malting company of Albany, and Treas urer of the Worcester Brewing Company of u orcester, Mass. Four car loads of malt ar- I lived from tne West In this city on Thursday assigned to Mr. Gross, and It Is said were 1 Immediately removed to an uld canal boat at the foot of Weat Thirty-third street aad towed away. Blumenstlel i HIrrch obtained an attach ment yesterday against Mr. iroes for 4.fI4 In favor ot the Tradesmen s National Bank, on the allegation that he had departed from the btate or had diepoed of his propertv. Mr. Gross was connected la real estate oper ations with Rober: Valentine, a trustee of the New Lebanon Shaker commualtT Yesterday Kurxman is Frankenhelmer obtained an at tachment against Mr. Va.entlne for S1.31P. for meat sold to htm by P. Gomprecht's Sons dace Jan. 1. Deputy Sheriff Lfub haa had several small executions against Mr. Valen tine, bat the latter declared that he had trans ferred leases of property In this city which he held. The leases were assigned to the Otis Realty Company.of which Gross waa Treasurer. O'BSXJtr.T WAXX3 A TAOABOXXt Z.AW. Ia kfaassMhaaetta Aor Crook Cam Be Pat Awar fer Prowllac Cape. 0"Briea of the Detective Bureau t going to request the Police Board to use lu In fluence to have a law pasted by the next Legis lature similar to the Vagabond law la force in the State ot Maasacausetts. Under this statute a person known to be a pickpocket, thief, or burglar, having ao visible or lawful means of support, when found prowllag around any steamboat landing, railroad station, banking Institution, broker's oEce, place of publlo amusement, auction room, store, shop, crowd-d thoroughfare, car. or omnibus, or at any public gathering or assembly, shall be deemed a vaga bond, and shall be punished by Imprisonment In the House of Correction for not less thaa four, aor more thaa IweUe. months. Capt. O'Brien -aid yesterday that wits such a law ia force It would be aa easy matter to keep the city free from crooks As it is cow. whea a wdl-kaowa croot is arrested 00 suspicion he is discharged for lack of evidence nf any jpeclfio crime against him. speaking of this the Cap tain said If c vagabond law such aa Is la force ta Mas achnsetis was in vogue in tins city crooks could be driven out for goed. Now. whea wo arrest mea we kaow to te professional thieves they are discharged in court because we caa prov aothing specl-lc against taem. Take the ca of ' Bill the Brute ' He was loitering around the t lyde llae pier certainly for no good ourpose. Yet be la discharged, although we know he is a th ef. The oaly way to stop crooks from around Is to have powr uader the law to sead them away for a time." CAXAT. IitrRnTEXBXX. Plaae Fer TTerk UnT the da.OOO.OOO A a. aroprlatloa Approved. AtBairr. Sept. IS. Plana and specification for eaaal work uoder the $9,000,000 improve ment scheme, to cost 8232.134. were approved by the Canal Board to-day. This work is di vided as follows. Eastern division. Erie Canal. $120,000. to include S-sd.000 for deepening the canal from Rexford Hsu aqueduct to Schenec tady. Middle d.visioa. $113,260. to laclnde aa Item for lengthening and Improving lock 18 on tte Oswego t anal, the last lock before entering Lake Ontario, and Western division. S10.2S7. Thla work wM be advertised by the state Su perintendent of Public Works probably next The Canal Board also et aside $1,000 add!- I tlonal. making $1000 in all. for repalrlnx the thirteen ra.les of -tale road leading from Whiia Lage to Kouth Late via Wood hull and North , Laxe a Herkimer and 0oeda eoaatles. South ' Laa Is wi.hln two miles aad on the direct road to llnnnadaga Lake, the headquarters of the ' Adirondack Leagne Club A number of plana prprtd l.y Sute Engineer Adams were adopted . for repairs to ihe dsma and controlling works I connected th-ravitk of the Adlroalxe reier. votrs nted foranpp yiag water to ta eana.s. ' These rrs-rrolrs hwe e.a neglected for many i years, owlar to alack of fania. and they are la bail cor.dltloa Th.. wor e.d other mino- re pairs to the canals provided fer under general aad spec!, caitl ippnpristiort acta pastel by the last Legit aiure for wti h plass were ap proved to-day, wli. coat Jdu.SOO. BKItKATiBD RT AX Bl.BTAXOB. freeeriek It(riaa Kilt. tm Baawaaa Xli-othera Carpet Nlore. Frederick noffmaa. 3S years old. ef 300 South Fourth street. B-oorlya. was hired by Baa. maaa Ero.. carpet dealers In Sixth avenue, a month ago. to run their freight elevator The shipping el-rk toll hla yesterday morning to Use a case of goods up to the top fioor of the bulldtag. Shortly before 11 o'clock Hoffmaa started ap oa the elevator with the case of good which he had beea ordered to take to the top fioor He had a'so a case to deliver oa the eeo.-.d fioor. He wa aot ten alir agala. A few mlaute after tha elevator started up. ward a grlidlng none was heard a: the second fionr and the next Instant the deeacltatrf hvt, of Hoffmen Ml to the bottom of?he.7 The eaae of good a destlaed for the second Coor had bean put off ttere. It Is though? That whil, ta was dragging the case off th- elevator Hoffmaa accideaiatly toached tee rorwtrat 5?.nry?i !t5 J""1 ""d U M ,iioa opwerd Un! m'edfot of danger, he very lu air raada a inrlr", either to jnmp on ihe elevator, or t7e thj r5S5 and tan bit head caught between the fio.?- tae eievatr, ana th. ceilia of tha second 5? The cutting off of 0 . head ma" h. Sen oo.y the work of a aecosd 1 he elevator th paed onward allowing the raaa'a body u fall dowa through th opeotng Th nolt Th ..iJz. that the man's deaTh w ail SnVi"'r Sah. own neglect or carele-snes. and that Tm nl &- ta HT way re.a,lbTe for" riowaee Crwlalp. Coee to II, r Father. In th. supreme Court la Brooklyn ye-terday there was a contention betw.ea Emu Crara a acd bU w,fe, .ho separated a ye.r ao. ror 1' geaeaaion of daughter Florente, who for acta time has Ih,, ,k todlan for th child, and liJe u ?nPro??r cn" Wn,fha,V:HlS 1 surrender hx wjJuSg.8 eu"ua- .etft" I B ' i"mH S 1 in 1 mt WJJr A Welsbach Ught In the feffi fe hallway adds to the cheer of tho 8&. MSST home. A Welsbach Ught in the par- 3m f &0ilP lor adds to its beauty. A Welsbach light ftpiS, W$ in the dining room adds to its attractirenesa. HK fflfil A Welsbach Light in the library adds to its g V comfort. A Welsbach Light in the boudoir adds M ff to its coziness. Welsbach Lights everywhere Wffi KNl Trill save five times thdr cost the very first year. f wS Tne Improved SKj U WeltsbacHi lAght M 3 Bnms half the gas gives three times the light. 2g gS " alo at Main Offlee, Ko. 9J, BBOUm.T. VVl). Bnajrcn.-mw.lSthSt. JV ViTlB. 'ssogeorreapoaaeTieetoJtettoaoa SW lSt ",Zpare,1MtawTorkCl7s-Alow Jjf ;v a thictd of aatborttj- from -!i of3o jy ( JtZTAZ. BAXK BBCEXTER3. Jaafee XMekey's Two nave Oot the kCnrrar Hlir. Aeeets The Othere Waat Them. In the fight between two set of receivers for control of the assets of the defanct Murray Hill Bank, a motion was made before Justice Truax of tho Supreme Court yesterday to compel su perlntendeat Frederick D. Kilburn of the Bank lag Department to turn over the assets of the . bank to Spencer Traak and Miles M. O'Erien. j appointed receivers by Justice Pryor la pro ceedings brought by the bonk for a voluntary dissolution. The motion was made oa behalf of these receivers by Guggeaheiaer. Uatermyer 4 MarehalL The metion before Jostlee Prycr was opposed by Superintendent Kilburn. through the Attorney-General, on the ground that under the Banking law It was the duty of the Attorney-General to make such a motion whea the condition of a bank required It. Justice Pryor dedded In favor of the application which was made under the general provisions of the code and not under the apeclai banking laws. Superintendent Kilburn denied the right of Justice Pryor to take tho assets from him by the appointment of receiver In uch a proceed ing, and under the advice of the Attorney-Gen- 1 era! he haa aot turned over the assets to Jastice I Pryor's receivers. The Attorney-General ap pealed from Justice Pryor' decision aad began proceedings before Justice Dickey under the I special banking law for tha appointment of re ceivers. Jastice Dickey appointed Benjamin B. ' Odell. Jr.. of Newburga aad Edward H. Hobbs of Brooklya receivers of the bank. The action I of Justice Pryor wa tha Ignored. Messrs. ' Odell aad Hobbs immediately gave bonds In $100,000. aad had got tae assets from Superin tendent Kllbura before yesterday' proceedings Intervened. The receivers appotnted by Justice Pryor are understood to be Democrat and ' thoej appointed by Justice Dickey are under tood to be Republicans. I Lawyer L'ntermyer, in argulag for the mo tloo yesterday, said that, as Justice Pryor had ' taken Jurisdiction of tie matter. It was sheer trtfilag with the Court to have other receivers named by another Judge. The Attorney-Gen-J "a Ignoring, he a.d. the order from which he had appealed. V Li.e tha bank waa m Th.-ri avenue and tu 1.70O depositor were la the nelghboraood of the bank, it wae proposed to manage it with a receiver from Brooklya and another fro-n Newborsh, the counsel for whom was la VV atertown. The mea appelated by Jaj tlo Pryor are resldeats of this city. Thy had oeea dancing attendance on the Bank .Superin tendent for two wait j to get possession, wnile if WrV Tdlg them oa oae pretext or another. 1 Mr. Lntermyer said farther: "Although one of the new receivers lived la Brooklyn, he was on hand to qualify whea the ' receiver were appointed by Justice Dickey, and I "K'i?4 i "weed for from Watertown. I ifn.'Iv"' Co'nsar of Maryland gave tha , boad for these men the same day. aad the Bank I Bopenatendent 'happened to be on hand to I torn over the aaaeu to Msrs- Odell and Hoob, 1 wall the other receivers had beea a.nly trying for two weeks to get htm to hand over." Deputy Atioraey.General . E. Kiselbargh. I tendent had already turned over tne ass-ts of , tne bank to the receivers appolnv-d by Jastice Dickey, it would be usele-s to order him to tara , AT.7? "r " lho 'eers appolated by JatUee fryor. as ae could not comply. The ap peal from the order of Justice Pryor bad stared ail proceerlmga by Justice Pryor's receivers until the appeal wa decided, and the Court coala not ' "SVi .L' cl " against tuch a iut. As thla Court has decided. said Justice J.1??. A.'" f1 Juri41'"00 0 tls pro cn.lng for a voluntary liqu datioo. and. acung upon teat determlaatioa. appuiated rrcetvarsT I shslj not with that actloa Tht I'S". cipal polat Is whether the appeal ooerates as a I ?!"7 J' J?u'f.V!or " tne right to rnaxe ' right to interfere with that order thaa I bar. to interfere with thai order." ' tlool'''7"1 UeU-oa oa J" Polt he men- ' Jeetlee Dicker Craata Throe Btvareea. Juatiee Dickey, la the Supreme Court in I Brooklyn yesterday, granted to Duane a Coon an absolute divorce frcm Ida A. Coon, who ran mflSir"riile,C?,,r Ja tw0 week :tt- ""tr ' iu-U o- Cha;ir!.drCrrV "" a-"""" In fa -I au.u o. (.narlotte E. eatle against Alfred P ' Rose: " Jo"-lae O. Rose Igaluat i Zed a! Daaapae Raf.aa la the Harbor. ' United Suits Commxasloaer Alexander yea- ! terday held Thomas Wilton, a tugboat Captata. Jni"-.?1'000 ?'l f"' xaminatlon nextTues.lay I VjoriaU XVBBBOVZ.OBIB IX COWS. Health Boore Ioepoetorsi Kltlod S Owt S4 JZjuaaslaea. '. President Charles G. Wilson of th Health Department sent to Mayor Strong yesterday , a copy of tho report of Edsrard W. Martin. ' chief Inspector of the division of food laspeo- ';. tloa. the reanlt of his Investigations Into the condition of all th cows witnin tbe city limits that furnish milk or other commodities to tha community. Mr. Wilson. In a resume of to) ' report, aay: i " This Inspection waa commenced on Jaly 31. f aad Its special object Is to aseenaia whether tho cows are afSIoted with any disease, especially whether they are tuberculous, together with, the condition of the premises where they are) kept aad the quality of their food and water apply. It has been ascertained that In the dty be low the Harlem River there are US plaosa wnere cows are kept, and that tha number o af cows is 343. and tnat in the annexed district below the dronx River there are 1.310 cow. kept la 370 different places. Thecomas of cow la the lately annexed district beyoad th Bronx River is not entirely complete, but the number Is estimated at 2.200. "lathis inspection the tuberclln"' test has been used ia each case. The number of cows examined Is 133. in twentv different locali ties. Tweaty-elght tuberculous cows have been found aad killed with the consent of tha owners. " In every ease the autopsy confirmed tha diagnosis. The twenty-eight afflicted antm.i, w.-e found in a herd of thirty-five that far. nlshed milk to 178 families, thereby endanger, lng the health ot a large a am bar of persons. "It la the Intention of the Board of Health ta examine all the cows within the city limits aa soon as possible, as more than 20.000 persons set their regular milk supply from this source. The examination will extend to the stables where the cow are kept, for the purpose of securing proper sanitary conditions, and where) tuberculous animals are found and destroyed the cleaning and disinfecting of the premies will be reqabed- " To every cow examined U attached a brass . tag which 1 numbered, and a record of the ' same Is kept for future ne and reference. Tbe importance to the public health of this work cannot be questioned, and tu progress win be reported to you from time to time until It ta completed. j aiKWARD ItXTtB BI3CHA IiO Bit. Caesserwted or tho Clarg or Bobbery est tho Mteaaeer Xaer Tork. Fireman Patrick Moran and Bedroom Steward William Hyde of the American line steamship New Tork. who were arrested upon a charge of I having robbed the baggage of passengers, wera j before Commissioner Alexander again yeeier- I day. Their eases had been adjourned at the re- I ?orr0fWIIUtVvVa'trft8UJ District At- I vwfl.-Y ,J' Nobler, who desire to mat. farther tncatry tnto the circumstances of the 1 robtery. When the men were arraigned yesterday Mr. , Kohler asked that Hyde be discharged, as there was not adequate evidence to connect htm wlta tbe robbery. Aralnst Moran. however there's a strong caa. Moran refused to make any ata:e meni and was hId la $,500 ball for the Grand Hyde eras discharged. He declared that he na4 no knowledge of Moraa's stealage, aad M5rA.nwbeo questioned, remarked significant, v 1 rtgThfT mlcht as well let Hyde g5. Hiii jvstick rr clbartb. Two or Hie Ceaipanlaaa Flaed for Caaelea H TitaSaya Row. H The trial of Justice of tho Peace Past Week. H muller. John, George, and Je-enh Dene&am, H and John Blumsteln. all of Newark wsj hld I ?na.fMtT. 6rfor'vJ,s1Eggers. and '1 r.. stousibtllty for the small riot which c nr-.' T?l l' ,npoD ,for,. "ad Jl Ir.ehaat3. V;ii,.v5r,n'r w?1 fl".1 J25 od tnd s ehrerw.'re"dliceUf Jr ,lS T- 1 aeatt or rtlphalet dtrmitae. H Eltphalet Strattoa. the rich reared bul'.der of Brooklyn, died on Monday In a private aay a H at Whitestone. I L. in hi eighty-sixth year. Ufl'vv?'KlVn"'b,n'r "Idow-r ' r v-r '"?'?? wlh several grown-up ec 1 r-i a 1 H r.2 J T0Qtaf ul housekeeper. Mx montr a t'-r- IZSth!:ir?Iot'Tr'ar ho became --. c,omiH.m"i?n Tra4t Company wa ma-n a committee on his estate. ACCI D ENTS wiLMIAPEN I POSITS EXTBACT-TK. Btcder-. NccMty. W JSSL 0N'TRiDEWlTH0UTlm I tf a Repair Kit. m I POND'S EXTRACT is unequaled I RDi1QCiSy .h5&r5!ic.kinds of WOUNDS, I M?wiEii HASor S0RENE55 of I MUSCLES, ABRASIONS, RHEUMATISM. I Bub thoroughly with POSDS EXTRACT att- AVO,D VSS3EXSm- I e - "V t , . o lftM BMMMwfcajIjLt-t--Lfl,r'' . i.... iisslatt