Hays "s xlnsbantl A-rese to ITer
Heennd Marrtssee ao" th Heeond Una.
band Deserted Her SUeVsinaot lie Pan
A sparkling-eyed and exceedingly good-looking
young woman In Newark, who call herself
Jilts Hattle O. King, unhesitatingly confessed
to the Chiefs of Police of Jersey Clly and New
ark yestorday that she'had twlco committed
bigamy, and said she was willing to be pan
Ishcd If any of her three husbands had the cour
age to prosecute her. Mlts King, as sho
prefers to be known, Is a dreitmakor,
and has the reputation of being one of
tho most expert whrelwomen In New Jersey,
Bhe Is 28 years old, of medium height, with a
trim figure, dark eyes, and luxuriant black
ialr. Sho Jumped off of a Newark trolley
car In front of the Pennsylvania depot In Jer
sey City yesterday In a natty bicycling gown
and a Jaunty hat, and tripped Into the baggagi
room to got her bloycle that had been left
there to bo called for. Just as she had grasped
the handlebar and was about to mount tho
wheel Detective Morris of Jersey City put his
hand on her shoulder. He had beeu waiting at
the depot for her to come.
"I have orders to arrest you," said the de
tect he.
"What for?" asked tna young woman In a
tone of displeasure
"Bigamy." he replied, exhibiting a warrant
that had been left In his charge by two detec
tives from Ken ark Police Headquarters. The
young woman fumed but showed no surprise.
Bhe was taken at once to Chief Murphy at
Police Headquarters.
"This Is my brother's doings," she exolalmed
with knitted brows. "I had a Quarrel with
him. nnd he had to tell the police In Newark
about my marriages. In 188U I married John
Milton Slpp. a Nowark business man. Wo
lived together peacoably for a while, but then
began to quarrel. I stood It for a year and &
half, and then loft him and went to Rochester
to llvo, where I engoged In business as a droee
maker. In Rochester I met Eugene Derby.
another business man. He waa joung and
rood looking, and he was very attentive to me.
I liked him. and I went back to Newark, saw
8lpp, and told him I wanted to get married
again. 'All right: go abad,' he eald, 'I want
to get another wife myself. I went back to
Rochester and married Derby.
Th marriage took plaue May 7, 1803, and
he deserted mo the next day. I didn't see htm
again for two years. Shortly after he left me
1 met William Lorschelder of Rochester. Ho
was the nleeU of the three, and on Nov. 12 In
the came ear I was married to htm. I told
him all about the other marTlagcs and ho
didn't object to our legal unln. Mr. Lor
Khelder was ery fond of women, and wo
quarrelled over this. Living together became
io unpleasant for both that I gave up my
home and came back to Newark aud resumed
dressmaking. Now you have the whole
The prisoner was taken to the First Dis
trict Criminal Court In Newark, where she
was arraigned before Justice Mott. Her first
I husband, who Is In the real estato business at
65 Garslde street, was In court with his
father and a Rochester lawyer named Keese.
The prisoner gazed scornfully at Slpp when
he made an amda it charging her with mar
rying Derby and Lorschelder.
"Yes, I married all three of them," she said
to Justice .Mott.
The Justice scratohed his hend and con
ferred with Slpp and his lawyer. Then he
turned to the prisoner again.
"Well," he said, "you have violated no law
Is this btate and therefore cannot be held."
Justice Mott told Lawyer Keese that It
would be necessary to get one of the Rochester
husbands to make a complaint against the
woman. In order that she might bo extra
dited and punished by the Rochester courts.
The woman, aftor leaving the court house,
went to Police Headquarters.
"I'm willing to take any punishment that's
meted out to me." she told Chief DMv, "but
they can't get Derby to make a complaint.
He's got a divorce from me. 1 paid the law
yer's fees to help him secure the separation."
The culprit was enraged at Lawyer Keese.
Sho sent for him, and whan he arrived at
Headquarters sbe berated him bitterly. She
charged that the law er waa not Interested In
having her punished for the three marriages,
but wanted to maxe use of her in a jait
brought for divorce In Rochester by the wlfo
of a physician, who was a nubile official of the
to a. and who had oefrlended her In a per
fectly proper way. Lawjer Keese denied
this aid told her that he would yet secure her
The Notorious Criminal 'Locked Up In
Brooklyn for Passlas Forced Cheeks.
Edward C. Rice, alias "Big Ed" Bice, 68
years old, of 1S8 East Sixty-eighth street, who
had been arrested for unlawfully boarding a
vessel, was turned over last night to the police of
Brooklyn, where he was wanted for forgery. On
Best. 13 Rice is alleged to have accosted George
limning, aged 12 years, of 710 Butler street. In
Park place and Flatbush avenue, on his way from
school, and Induced the boy to it to George
Stubbman, a butcher at 210 Flatbush avenue,
and have cashed a check for $21.00 drawn on
the Bprague liana. The check was payable to
James Chambers of 215 Lincoln place and pur
ported to be drawn by Webber St Qulnn, coal
dealers. The butcher, as an accommodation, as
he supposed, to Mr. Chambers, gave the money
to the boy. and the latter,'followlng the butcher's
Instructions, went direct to the Lincoln place
house and handed It to Mrs. Chambers.
The plans of the forger, who tiad told the boy
to come back with the money to the point where
they bad met. were thus upset. Mr. Chambers
was surprised when be heard of the transaction,
and the coal dealers pronounced the check a.
forgery. Mr. Chambers, of course, returned
the money to Mr. titubbman. The detectives
then started off on a chase for tho forger, and
decided, from the description furnished by the
boy. that ho was identical with "Big Ed"
Rice, the notorious all-around crook and confi
dence man. Hearing that Rice Mas under ar
rest In this city, young Manning camoover.wlth
the detectives and positively Identified him.
Bice baa a place In ex-superintendent Byrnes's
book, and his old friends. If any of them still sur
vive, will probably be surprised to find that he
would devote his talents to such a small trans
action as that which he Is to answer for In
Brookh n. He was once the associate of Burg
lsrs "Red" Learr. " Hilly" Porter, and John
Irving, but his favorite rOle was in the confi
dence line. He served over twenty years In
prison, and of late years Is said to have oon
fined his operations to the Western States. Mr.
Byrnes, In recording his criminal exploits, says
that he once made a clean tour from the At
lantic to the Pacific and left big unpaid hotel
bills behind in every city on the route.
rhlef Detective Reynolds said last night that
nice has been engaged In these small bogus check
tramactlons In Brooklyn for three months,
and ne expects to hold blm on at least half a
down charges. It turns out that on the very
day he failed to get Butcher Stubbmun's monev
he swindled Butcher Frank Bollinger of 883
Hatbush avenue out of a like amonntl through
lniilar bogus check and the services of an
other schoolboy. In view of the new habitual
criminal law. a conviction of this forgery offence
would probably dispose of Rice for the re
mainder of bis life, lie will be arraigned In the
Adams Street Polloe Court this morning.
foroivino sir, bcuultz.
Takes Back Ills Errlaa Wife aad Her
I.ovsr, After Pajtnc Tbelr Board.
EuzADETn. Kept. 18,-WUllam Scbultz of
Hunter's Point came here to-day searching
for his wire, who had eloped with Thomas
Pfal, Fcuultz runs a cigar factory, and Pfal
wss one of his workmen. Schultz traced his
wife and Pfal to a boarding bouse, where they
were known as Mr. and" Mrs. Pfal. The hus
band went to the boarding house only to find
that his wife and Pfal bad been summoned be
fore a J aatlce nf tho Peace to show why they
should not pay their board bill, which amounted
to 130. Schultz followed to the office of the
Juttice, There he explained to the Justice how
matters stood, and assured both Mrs. Scbultz
and Pfal thnt he would i them no harm.
After half an hour's talk with Ills wife, Schultz
flu to Pfal. who expected nnihlng less than a
raililiig. pfiU, my wlfo is sorry for what she
61 done. She does not care for you and wants
to return home. I hate forgiven her. You
Know what rim deserve, but I'm not like all
other men. You a-e a good clgarmakerand I
Always liked you. Now, I'll tell you what I'm
going to do, 1 am going home, take my wife
tack and you can return with us. Vou will go
on with your work In tho store and must never
jollier my wife again. If you do I'll shoot you
, '1 hen Schultz paid the board bill and the three
tenther with four trunks, which the runaways
'.' started for Hunter's Point.
1 fl and Mrs. Schultz had been In this city
erl tt month.
Cl. atlchsll to Withdraw from the Four
teenth Kettlment.
Col, II. A. Mlcuoll of the Fourteenth Regi
ment In Brooklyn has announced that he will
rtalgn his command on April 18 next, when lis
will have served tblrtv.slx years continuously
" a member of the National Guard. It Is said
nat Inspcetor.Oentral Fred O. MoLeweo may
IJKOmjt OoL illchell's successor,
' , ? -fefcV -f, 9 i '',- ' .v
The Wine Merchant Charared with Anna.
doaraent-IUs Income Said to Be tUSO.OOO.
Tho caso of a Swedish woman calling herself
Dorothea, Hnrttnann, who declares herself to be
the wlfoot WlneMerohant Augustus II. E. Hart
mann, whom she charges with abandonment,
came before Magistrate Flammer In Yorkvllle
Conrt for the third time jostcrday. The com
plainant says that sho first met Mr. Hartmann
on board a European steamer bound for this port.
The acquaintanceship thus began was continue!,
and she deolaret they were married nine years
ago. Six months ago, she said, she found a let
ter In his clothes from another woman. She
told Mr. Hartmann she was going to see the
writer. Ho said he would leave her If she did.
Bhe did not hoed tits threat. When ho learned
that she had called on the other woman he In
vited her to Join htm In a bottle of wine. When
tho wine was drunk he bade her ' good-by"and
went away, returning no more.
Mr. Hartmann denies that he ever made the
woman his wife, even according to common
law, and says that he made the letter episode a
pretext for breaking off his relations with her.
When examined yesterday tho complainant
said tnat Mr. Hartmann's Income was nearly
SISO.OOO a year. He had never told the amount,
but had said that he sold over 20,000 cases of
wine annually at a profit of $7 a case. She
agreed to live with htm nine years ago on his
representing that It was equivalent to a mar
riage If tbey recognized each other as man and
Sho Identified postal cards, telegrams, and
letters as having been received by her from
Hartmann wbllo he was away on business trips.
In these she waa addressed as "Tootle," which,
sbe said, meant " wlf ey." In many places In the
letters she was called ' wife." The letters were
all In Swedish and translations were attached.
They were numbered and placed Inevldonce.
Mrs. Hartmann testified to several European
trios with the defendant. In Copenhagen,
ftockolm. Berlin. Paris, and elsewhere tbey
registered as Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann.
On cross-examination she denied having had
Improper relations with a number of men men
tioned by Mr. Hartmann's counsel. Mr. Hart
mann's reason for not publicly marrying her,
she said, was because he did not want to offend
a wealthy nnole. The case will be continued on
Mr. Kastendlek's Wife, Insists thn Us
Is rnrnlthrnl.
" Commodore" Richard Kastendlek was the
defendant In a divorce suit which was tried
yesterday before Vice-Chancellor Gray In Jer
sey City. Mr. Kastendlek acquired the title of
Commodore by conducting Sunday excursions
up the Hudson to West Point and Newburgh.
He and his wife lived on Jersey City Heights.
Mrs. Kastendlek Is very handsome. When she
took the witness stand yesterday she was at
tired In a blaok tailor-made suit She testified
that she was married seven years ago. She and
her husband lived happily for five years, but
after that her husband neglected her. She
found letters In his pockets from another wo
man. When she showed tho letters to her hus
band and asked him what they meant, he said
It was a case of attempted blackmail. He of
fered to produce the writer before the plaintiff
and make her confers that the statements In the
letters wero false, but he never did so. The
witness also testified that her husband fre
quently camo home intoxicated and abused her.
William Rhode furnished evldenee of Hasten,
dlek's Infidelity.
Herman Slus, a slim and extremely nervous
young man, testified that he was watching at a
botolln this city on the night that Kastendlek
went there with a woman. Sins admitted that
Mrs. Kastendlek had employed him to watch
ber husband. Kastendlek denied his wife's
Iho VIce-Chancellor reserved decision.
Mrs. Gorman Reftiaed to at Anything: bat
Qads end Herbs Honked In Water.
Mrs. Mary Gorman, an Insane woman, was
taken by the police yesterday from the house at
21 Jefferson street. Union Hill, where she had
been living, and she will be committed to an
asylum. She Is 41 years old and a widow. Since
her husband died, several years ago, she has
always lived alone. When she first moved to
Union Hill the neighbors tried to become ac
quainted with her, but she refused to apeak to
According to the neighbors she refused to eat
anything but buds and herbs wblch she gath
ered In the woods In the vicinity. Before eating
them she soaked them In water from a pond In
the neighborhood, which sho believed had qual
ities sufficient to cure alt Ills. When the neigh
bors offered her food she fled from them, saying
that they wanted to poison her.
A few weeks ago Dr. Stollwagen, the town
physician, called at the requost of the police to
examine her as to her sanity, but on the ap
proach of the physician sbe jumped through
a window and escaped. Some ulghta she moved
her belonglnss out on the stoop of the home in
which she lived, and slept in the open air, say
ing that she was waiting for the angels to tako
her to her heavenly home.
Hard Times Cnnse Gardner, Morrow A Co.
or npllldnysbors, Fa,, to Huspend.
HotxiDATSnuno, Pa,. Sept. 18. Tho private
banking houso of Gardner, Morrow te Co., the
oldest In central Pennsjlvanla, closed Its doors
this! morning. The followingaotlce, pasted on
tholbank door, greeted the eyes of depositors
this morning:
"To the Pcdmc: Owing to the general de
pression In business, the manifest Impossi
bility of making collections, and with a view to
affording the most ample protection to all our
creditors, Iwel have deemed It proper! to close
our doors and to suspend business. We have
made an assignment to Mr. John Cree for the
benefit of our creditors, and, with the time and
opportunity thus afforded to convert our as
sets, ne liuio and expect to par our creditors
eery dollar of indebtedness. We ask tho pa
tience and Indulgence of all depositors, and
the work of liquidation will lie communced at
once, Gaiciiner. Mokkow & Co."
The closing of the banking house of Gardner,
Morrow Co. this morning proclnitated three
buslnos failures, Thomas II. (Suckling, cloth
leri Henry L. Bunker, meat market, and
Cbnrics E, Reed, grocer. The stores of theso
merchants were closed on executions In thn
Sheriffs hands. The First National Bank Is
the preforred creditor.
The firm of 3ardner, Morrow & Co. was
regarded as one of the strongest hanking In
stitutions In this part of the State. It had
many depositors. Tho bank was Incorporated,
and the three partners are the estate of ex
Judge James Gardner. Col. William Jack, and
Anthony 8. Morrow, an ex-Prothonotary pf
this country. It was rated at 8300.000. The
bank first began business in 18S0, when It was
n branch of the Farmers' Notional Bank of
Lancaster. No preferences were made In tho
Iiocal naalness Troubles.
Mary E. Manchester, manufacturer of paper
boxes at 240 Canal street, made an assignment
yesterday to Henry M. Brush, giving prefer
ences to the Mechanics' Trust Company of
Bnyonne, N. J for $000 and the New York Prod
uce Exchange Bank for $000.
The Shorllf received yesterday an execution
for $25,024 against Aaron Kohn, as surviving
partner of Dreyfus, Kohn & Co., Importers of
silks, &c at ilB Greene street. In favor of the
Berglsoh Marklech Hank at Elberfeld Ger
many, for money loaned to the firm at Lloerfeld
betweenJunollOand Aug. 3. . . .
fiolornnn Rerrtrk has been appointed receiver
in supplementary proceedings for John J. Brown,
liquor uenler of 1.604 Madison avenue, on the
application of Otto Horwltz, receiver of Mc
Malion. Bishop & Co.
Arthur Ingraham has been appointed receiver
for the George Place Machine Company of 120
Broadway by Judge Truax of tho Supreme
Court on the application nf Treasurer Henry
M. Llvor and Mary E. Fisher, a director. The
romnany dealt In second. hand machinery. 'I ho
liabilities ar 817,020. assets $10,247.
The Sheriff recelted yesterday an execution
forS'1.167 against Vines & Kuykendnll, liquor
dealers of 2,140 Eighth avenuo, In favor of
Beadletton Sc Woeri.
Receivers for Illcycle Companies,
Daniiuhy, Conn., Sept. 1H. Judge Hall In the
Superior Court to-day appointed John It, Hardy
of Nowark, N. J., receiver for the Liberty
Illcscle Company, and M. II, Casslily of New
York receiver for the Premier Ulcjclo Manu
facturlng Company.
I'oriy years a blood and nervo ipeelalltt. cures all
secret and private diftussvs of nun to a few dayi,
aUoliloo'l uomoulug ulceri. ekludUoaiPS, soru throat,
iimutn and nead. painful elllniii, kiuuv, dUcatm!
bonvt, ptmpira. blo'one; my lofalllble runifil) for
iiirTouaitruillty, vntuniiil body ami mind, weak,
undsvrloprd organs. Imin'rtiinent to marriage, lutt
vigor rentorrd. bear lu mind practice makes perfect
tkousamlt cured yearly, coneult Dr Hallett drt ha
Is tn nlilett and beat; you can save time, money, and
areat suffering! charges low, leu than any othsr ips
kUIIi. (Jo tullr. HALLETT. SlOEalt loth St.. Of ar Ud
av.. New York! no charge unless cuitd. Hours, 9 to )-,
Writs or call. Deal advise f rsa,
v! t y t
Nothing less than ff lJ
Perfection in HAT making
Keeps us in the lead.
Fashion's extreem decree
As shown by us,
Along with the popular Styles
At the minimum prices,
$2.50 & $3.00,
Makes our HATS desirable.
Comer Broadway and Canal Street,
S08o7 Broadway, below Chamber St.
Open (lis Evening.
Bin X.!ttls Girls Dressed In White Mary
Bryan's Fall Hearers.
Little Mary Bryan of 315 East Eighteenth
street, the victim of Patrlok Gogglns's cruel
blow, was burled from the Church ot the
Epiphany yesterday afternoon. The coffin,
lined with white silk, was covered with
flowers. They Included a broken column, com
bined with a cross and pillow, from her school
mates, entitled "Our Playmate."
When the hearse reached the ohurch six
girls, who were members ot the same class In
tho parochial sohool as the dead girl, carried
the coffin up the steps and down tho aisle. They
were attired In white dresses and wore white
veils and white sashes. As the procession
entered the door It was met by the rector, the
Rev. Dr. P. J. Prendergast, and his assistants.
Fathers Baeder and Lonergan, preceded by
acolytes, one of whom bore a crucifix, while the
organ played a dlrgo.
In the pews on the main alslu were seated In
two rows the boy and girl pupils of the parish
school, 500 in number. The girls wore the same
attire as the pall bearers, and In the darkly
draped church presented a picturesque appear
ance. Before the caoket was laid on a cata
falque just outside tho altar railing the school
children sang ah) inn.
The funeral service concluded with the abso
lution pronounced by the officiating priest. Dr.
Prendergast. As the coffin was being carried
out of thn crowded church by the pall bearers
there was a loud demonstration ot grief by the
hundreds of women who ooenpied the galleries.
The Interment was in Cahary Cemetery.
IXeldelbers Bays lis "Wasn't After Tynan.
The first passenger oft the American line
steamship St. Louis, which arrived yesterday
evening, was ex-Detective Sergeant Charles
Heidelberg, who. It was supposed, had been at
wnrk upon the cose of the Irish dynamiters.
When asked about this Mr. Heidelberg said:
"No: I had nothing to do with that case. I
only wish I had had a part In It. The business
that took me abroad Is of a private nature."
New Tork Stock Exekaage-Bates Sept. 10.
16 USi.r.ie3,115 I 2U84s.r,10u7.10aM
HUSBj.c 20 USU,c.l007.1O7M
Did. Allied. Bid. AiUd.
U I li r, U 8 Ss, r,
atpiofo. D2M Wot 110M 111
U a , r, US Si, o.
U07 100 106X ISO. UOX 111
Ui lie, C s e, r.
1807 107M 10BW 1897 100X
U 8 4a. r. U 8 oa, r.
IMS ....116M 116M IWb 102
V t 4f. e, IU 8 Oa, r.
IB" 1165 116H! l8 ....104
18 Atcb AdJ 4i ... 33M 7 N " Unreal 3i. 02M
C 33t lNY,HHs
10 33M debctfs 128
0 Atch rnl a... 7fj" 2 128H
5 AilkPacln.... H fiSffifto 100H
10 Au.iN Wl.t. 83M INT. O a Wen
1 B'way ft 7tn av C 10GM
en 6 114" 8 100
7CbaOcDSs...l05 1 100k
lOCMtOrnKHi 08 2 ObloSooth 1st. 83t
6 CniOfl,1011117 fi Oregon S LOs.. 105 H
4C,BftQconBs 05H 1 105M
1C.B4Q.7S. 113W 3 Or BL 8i. Til .104X
4 O, B ft Q deb 6a. DOW 1 105
5Cl.LWHt..l03H lOOBLoncn.TB. 6QT
3CanadaSoSd...l01 I 00
1 Cb ft Nor P lit. 1 PeoftEaat lit. 7 m
IB 30 1 ltock Itl x 0i.. 08M
1 3DW 1 08W
7CenPaeg'08i. 0DM 20 Readgnl ss.TR 74
6 CMc & Klit ...105n 10 Head lit pf la
4DenftR0cn.. 87 SJ x " 32W
4 E Tenn PUI Si 1 1 1 16 33M
1 !! ft 8t J en Is 112 6 33W
1 lUrlemlit.c. Ill 15 33
7 11 IK 15 Head Id pf la
4noekValBi.... 81W 8 ' 10M
6IronMt8s 70 18clValftNE4s 78
1 Iowa Cent let.. 01K 2 St P lit 6i ....103K
2 0m IStPUUIftDOs.lOlM
2KeokD'mBs.l04 lBoItnayfli. .. 83
5 Kan ft Tex 4i... 70M 1 8U40I It,Tn. 30M
6KauftTexlds 63W 2 Tex ft P litOa.. 70
1 63k 0 Tex Pao 2d In.. 10
37 63K 8 15H
8 53 1 10W
2 63T 14 10W
7 53H 1 10H
2 Kent Cent lit... 00 1 IBM
1 Laclede Has lit. 80 8TexftNOcn0i 04k
1 80M 5 04K
2LaksBh 1st, o 2 Tenn 0,1 ft R Bs,
ago'. 100W Tenndlv 70
3L,NAftCblit.l02K 1 75
6Ho. Kr. lit... 87t 2Ut8onxtit,Tn 68K
1 Man It-way 4s.. 80 2nP.DftOHt 30
6 Mo Pao en 80 1 20K
1 Nor Pao 1st, 0..114 2 Wabash 1st..... 103M
6 Nor Pao tit. r.,113 1 103K
10 Nor I'ao en Ss, 10 103W
TR.ctf 44K 10 Wabaibsd QGH
6 44H 10 07
6 44M 0 00W
16 44H 1 00M
2NYABgnl 07 2 WestTJncoiei 102
6 N JCgnl Ol.r. 112 1 Weit Shore 4s ,102T
2NVOenlst,o..ll6M 6WNYftPairal 37W
4 02M 1 Wis C lit, T P.. 30H
3 N W B P deb Bs, 1 31
tens 108 1 30M
Total sales of railway bonds (par value), 6 1 0.0 00.
fTrsn IUah- Louy , C7oifaff, ,
SxIcm tna. nf. "' f". Jihtd.
to Ad's Exp. 143 143 143 142 146
60010 Amsrtr.ll2 114 UIH 112K 113
774 Am a M.. GM 6H 5W 6H 5H
lSAmSMp. 14" 14K 14M 14M 15W
B745AmTob.. 01 02W 01 01M 62
lOAmTobp. 07 07 07 06 08
400 Am COII. 12 12N 12 12 13
lOOAmOOp 40 40 40 46 47
oonA.TASie 11M 11M UK 11M 11M
SBO At, Top ft
NFepf.. 17M 17M 17M 17M 17M
100 Alice M... .30 '30 .30
BOO Ilrwk M. .24 .24 .24
030 HU O.. 13W 13" 13M 13tt 14
lOOUBtatea.' 17 18 17 10 17W
DSIikUaas. 87 88 87 87 00
160 Can So.. 44K 44W 441 44 44K
4?BCtieiftO. 13 13W 13M 13' 1SH
lDChftEIp 00 00 00 80 04
DUNOChlcOai.. 60X 601s 60K BOH 5 OH
60s C, C. C ft
6tl. .. 25 25 26 24U 26
7S8ChftNW. 08K OBU 08W 08K 08M
ioac, n&y.. oon 07H com a an ooh
senioc.MASiP 70W 70H 70W 70H 70K
MBCBftStrpl27 127M 127 120H 127W
4UAHC,ItlftP. COM 60M COM 60 50U
200 Col fuel, 18 18 18 17K 18k
lOOC.HVftT. 13 13 13 13 14
30 Con On. 144M 146 1441 144W 140
1)00 1) 4 It Op 41N 42 41 41 4.1 H
BTrTftT 65 65 65
Blast r.en Fl.o, 27 28 27 27 27k
UUOIIIC'nt . 80 80 80 BBS SOU
4IOIIISIeel. 37 37 30M 30U 37
ItSLEftWp 06M UGU 05M 03) 061
830 Lake bh ,144 144 144 143 146
BOOLaclOai.. 22K 23 22M U2U 23U
4603 L ft Nam. 40M 41K 40H 4 OK 4 OH
lOuUNAftO aH QH 2U B ,, 2X
lMUNAftCp 01 OH OH BH S 6M
l 14718 Man Con. B6H BOX 86) 86'" 80M
6 , -
Opsn lliah- Lou- rCtoitno.
Bate. tna. IU. t$l. Bid. Atied,
too Mex Cent. 8) BH BH
40MlTrae. 02 02 02 00H 02
BOOMorac... 18M 18K IBM 18 18W
H0Mo.KT 10W 10K 10W 10 10M
1000M.KftTpf 22 22X. 22 21M 22M
eoOKJCenU.lOOK 100K 10 OX 100M 1001
ISONYCent. 02 02 02 01M 02
lOONatLead. 21M 21M 21N 21K 21H
UN Lead pf B2M 82M 82M 82!t 84
600 Nor Am.. 4tt 4H AH 4 4H
lOOMY.BftW 8 8 8 7J BH
TOONY.BftWp 21M 2 IX 21M 21 21M
SlONorl-ac. 12 12 UK UK 12
MNorPpf. 20 20 20 ID1 20
lOOntftlt.. 10W 10H 10W 10 UW
SOOntftW. 12K 12M 12H 12W 12M
SOOOreSL... 12M 12 12M
460 Pc Mall.. 18W 18W 18W 1BW 18W
7l40PftRead. 1CW 10M 16W 1GM ICH
800PulirO.143 143 142W 142 143
lOOBtLSW. 3W 3W 3W 3W 3M
400StLBWp 8 8W 8 . 8W 8K
S00 South Tao 16M 16't 15W 16W 10W
8i0 South Ry. 7W 7W 7U 7 7W
78BSouRyp. 21M 21W 21 21 21W
I7B0TennOftt BOM COM 20 20 20W
eoUBCord. 3W 3W 3W 3K 3K
gOOUBCorp. 7 7W 7W 7W 7M
SOOUSCorQI 14W 14W 14W 14W 16W
l4sUBLp.. 60W 61M 60W 60W 61
ltOWabaib.. BH BH BH BH BH
( UT 80W 81M BOW 80W 80K
Tetat sale of ttockt wer 172,200 sharsa
Bid. Alked. Bid. Jrted.
Doi4Alb..03 205 AmBellTel.200 200W
Bo ft Ms.. .167 168 Erie Tel.... 67
ChJcom... 03 04 OenEleop. 05
ChJunpf... 08 BoiftUon.. 81( 82
Pltobburgp 87W 88W Calftnecla.306
NewEngpf. 00 Oiceola . .. 24W
Mi04i... 04 QulneyH.,,107 108
writoom. 07M 07W TamMln.... 70 76
Domtn'nO. 7M 7H BayBtatsO. Q 8W
Bid. AlkvL Bid. Allttd.
LebtfhYal. 20 4 20W OOImpOo. 06 05W
LOAN Co. 30W WOLCo... 40 42
r.nnurt.. 60K 60ItE18Bcom. 27W 27M
PbllaTrao. 02 02M KlBBpt... 28W 20
Union Trao. 10W 10 PttLftPe. 13W 13W
EPTa.. 05w eewpn.LftPp. 2 oh sow
Hit Trao... 02 02W WeltCcom. 20 22
CTofNJS. 22 20 Well Com p 00 02
OTNJSBs. 80 81
AtchlionAAP 12 Norfolk ft Wpf..... 13W
Canadian PaolBe... 60M Northern Pao pf..,. 20
Cheaapeake ftO.. 18W Ontario ft West..., 13W
Erie com A AP 1 3, Panmylvanla C2M
Erie lit pf. 20W Heading lit A.P.... BH
Illinois Central OlWBtPaul 72H
Kaniaaft Tsxas.... 1 OW Boutb Railway 7W
Lake Shore 148W'8outh luilway pf.. 22
Lou ft Nash. 42WJDnlon Paetflo 6K
NY Central 06 IWebaah pf 13"i
Fridat. Bept. 18.
The advocates of higher prices, encouraged by
yesterday's sharp advance, took hold of tho
stock market this morning, or rather of tho few
shares In which speculative interest cen
tres, with a good doal of confidence and
vigor. Professional trodors attached a good
deal ot Importance to their rather tardy
dlscovorx that the demand for ocean
freight room has recently become active
at advancing rates. As noted In this review
last evening, this is a most Interesting develop
ment, because It foreshadows. In all probability,
a continuation of the present comparatUely
large outward movement of breadstuffs. In
view of the Interest takon In this mattor, an ac
curate description of the market for ocean
freights Is printed further on In this column.
The demand for stocks that was the feature
of the opening market soon became exhausted,
and brokers gsnerally came to the conclusion
that the short Interest created earlier in tho
week had in the mnln been covered. The mar
ket became dull, but prices wore well main
tained until. In tho last hour, efforts were made
to realise profits on recent purchases. Total
transactions were a little larger than yester
day, but, as heretofore, simply became there was
a little more doing In Sugar Refining. St. Paul,
and C. U. andtjulncy. which, with Manhattan
Hallway, were the only stocks In which tho
transactions exceeded 10,000 shares. In splto
of the final movement In prices the majority of
tho list closed fractionally higher than yester
day, while bngnr Refining scored an exceptional
net gain of IK V cent.
Gold to the amount of 3,050,000 was re
ceived from Kurope to-day, making the total
Imports to date $20,774,030. Deposits of gold
In the Sub-Treasury In exchange for legal
tender notes were 81,050,000. v
Final sales comparo with those of yesterday
as follows:
Sepl.17. .Vlf. IS I Sept. 17. Brpt 18.
A.Tftsrsp. 17' 17H,Northwo'ra 08W 08W
AmSRef. .111K 112V Nor Pcom 1 1 11J,
AmTob.... 01 014NYCent-... 01t 02
CanadaSo.. 43W 44W.N J Cent... 100 lOOVi
C.C.CftStL. 25 26 I Pacific Mall 18W IBM
C, BftQ... 00W 001irtockliland 60W 60W
ConOas....l43 145 (Heading .. 15W 15
CheiftOhlo 13W 13K St Paul com 70W 70
Chlcaa-oO.. 68W 60Wis' Paul pf..l20W 127U
OenElsa... 27 27W South R'y.. 7 7W
KanftTpf. 21K 22W8outh R'y p 21W 21W
LoolsftN 40W 40HT'nC.Ifta 20W 20
LacledeOa 22W 23 ,USCordpf. 7W 7W
ManCon... 85W 85W D Sl-ealhp. 40W 50M
MoPaelBc. 18W 18WiWe.tUnT 81M 80M
Nalllad 21W 21Mi WhealftLB. OH OM
Nor Amer.. 4W 4W1
Oovernmenl bonds strong. The 4s of 1007
and 10'Jft closed H V cent, higher bid each, and
the os closed y V cent, higher bid. Hallway
bonds strong. The features were Atchison Adj.
4s, Northern Pacltla consol fis, T. It., As.. Texas
Pacific "ids. Kansas and Texas, Heading, and
Wabash Issues. The more Important net ad
vances were In Atchison Adj. 4s. 3y cent., to
:iJM; Kansna and Texas 4s. H. to TIKJft. nnd i.'ds,
H. to BUM; Northern I'nclflo consol fis, T. It., As..
li, to 44H-; Heading general 4s, T. !., JS, to
74: 1st preference Incomes, 3d I. P., , to 33,
and Sd preference llicomoi, 3d I. P., U, to
10W; Texas Paolflo 2ds. M. to 10W: Waliash
lsts, H. to 103H. and 'Me. U V cent., to OHM.
In Hank stocks six shares of Western National
sold at I10a.
Commercial orlcs of bur silver In New York.
a&Mc. liar silver In London clnsedat 30 7-lOd.
Mexican silver dollars wero quoted at BOtd
02ic. Exports to Kurope to-morrow, 46H.00U
Money on call B0 $ cent., with exceptional
transactions at 3 V cent, at tho close. Tlmo
money Is quoted at t) V cent, and a commission
In many cases for all periods on first-class
Slock Exchange collateral, but few transactions
are reported. The commercial paper market
Is at a standstill and quotations are nominal at
H10 ft cent, for all grades.
Thedemand for sterllngexchange was smaller
than usual on Friday and the market was weak
for a time, but closed steadier. Continental ox
ohnngs wan dull. Potted asking rates for ster
ling, fi.R'i for long bills and H H4)4fnrdemnnd.
Actual rates are: Long bills. S4.M lHrilSl.H JiM :
sight drafts, $4.R.'li&$4.H4, and cable trans
fers. 4.N4".iOS4.H4H. 1'ranps are Quoted CsaH
QS.SIfti for long and 8 t!0MS,S0 for short;
relchsmnrks. 04)4IUJi for long and 04Jftfj.lft
for short: guilders. 3U 13-16&3o;6 for long and
40(2,40 1-10 for short,
Domsstio exchango on New York: Boston
lBfJlU cents discount. Charleston Buying, H
discount; selling, par. Savannah - Iluylng,
1-10 off; selling, par. New Orleans -Hank,
par; commercial. Si. 60 discount, ban Frnn-clco-Slght,
10 cents premium; telegraph,
13 cents premium. St, Louis -M) cents pio.
mlum: offered at30 cents premium. Chicago
J1,B discount.
The Import of dry goods for the weak ending
to-day nero 740,783. against 81,871,140 last
week and $-'.H:.'0,IUH for the corresponding week
of last year. The amount marketed nns
$1,802,00:.'. against $2,'J71,410 last week and
$2,032,088 for the corrospondlng week ot last
The Union Ferry Company of Now York nnd
Brooklyn has declared a iiuarterly dividend of
1 V cent. Oct. 1,
Tho Westlnghoue Electrlo and Manufnctur
Company has ilrclnied a quarterly dlihleml of
li V cent, on lis preferred siock, payable Oct. 1,
The St, Louis and Southwestern Hallrond
Company reports for the year ended June 30;
iay. tut. ChnnittM
Oronearnlngs. $4,U0i 4NV 13.217,170 Pee. ai2,(iK0
Operating exp, 4,182,1174 ,),t)77,m Ino lM.lOJ
Net earnings $778 110 Ii.ssa'ost Vie fjBT.hlh
Other Income . 10,077 ''i,v ,)e0- N.
Totallnco'e.. tISt.ltfi $l,ilH4 '473 Doc. (482 IW I
Fixed charges , UBU.S44 V9HUHJ Inc. 1,'SU
Deficit $177 380iur$30O,lO0 ' Ino $7k7b40
Tho Tennesi,ee Coal, Iron nnd Hnllrnad Com
pany reports net earnings for August of $'.'ll,.
71S, a decrease of S7H.U0H as coinpaied ith
the same inonlh nf last ebr. Kixt-d chniges
Here$47,SH4 ur jR&l less than last iur, leaving
adellcllof !1H,1II!I as comparvil with the sur
plus nf $.10,1 HH a j ear ago, For the
eight months ending Aug, 31 tho net earn
ings were $544,04:1, a decrease of S3H.717
as compared with the corresponding period of
last year. Fixed charges were $383,072. a de
crease of 117,773, leaving a surplus of $100,
071. a decrease of S'20,044. It Is officially
1 stated that the reduced earnings la August
t- ,,,M ' '- --'
. ,
this yenr was ctti'ed by depreciation In the
price of Iron on hand, which was charged off.
Ilie condition nf the trnmatlantle freight
mmket Is described by the New Vork News lln
nan ns follows: " Within tho last few Weeks tho
ocean frolcht market at New York has pnssed
f rnm a porlod of almost complete stagnation to
one of cxiuptlonnl activity. During thnt time
intos lint e mora than doubled. Five weeks ago
thn rate on grain to Liverpool was going beg.
glngntld. To-day It was difficult to secure
room at 4Hil.Blli(i halm' mnrkod ralenf Incronse
Is also noted toother English and Continental
points. All this Is largely the result nf recent
pronounced activity In the export demand for
American grain, duo to low supplies In Euro
pean markets, hhlppers have gobbled up all tho
available room for months ahead, somo of tho
steamship charters running Into Jannnry, At
the sumo tlmo It Is uiidtratnod that not ft llttlo
room lias bi'en eecured by speculators, who an
ticipate even a further advance In rates, .lust
how much loom has boon engaged so far la dim
cult to learn, owing to tbo secreoyof i-hlppers,
but It Is iimltmbtttlly very large. For Liver-
fiool Mono this nsok not less than 50 loads'
lave b(on worked at 4 to 44d, for Octobir
November loading, while at Antwerp at least
35 loads hnvo boen done, with overy probability
uf a much larger business that the freight mon
will not report."
liraiMrtet't reports tho number of business
failures In tho United Htntos during the week
ending to-night nt 31B. against 308 last week
nnd 218 in the corresponding weok of lavt year.
H. O. Dun Co. report tho liabilities or firms
failing for tho first two wcoRs of September at
S7.U0li,4U9, agBlnit$4.1o4.'.27 in the same pe
riod last year and S2,H07,704 the previous year.
The receipts of tho Government to-day were:
Customs, S,IOf,777; Internal revenue 8381,700,
nnd tnUcellancaus, $."l).H(!7. n total of $1,011,
314. '1 he disbursements. Including $300,000 for
pensions, wure $0111,000, nil excoss nf receipts
over expenditures of 820,344. 'I he reeolpts for
the fiscal yenr to dato hnvo been $70,313,510,
and expenditures &0. 1,010,144. an exi ess of ex
penditures over receipts of $23,305,025.
The net assets of the Treasury at the close ot
business to-day, as ofllclally computed, compare
with those of yeslorday as follows:
Snf. it.
Gold eoln and bullion $1K,A03.04A $lin,SHB.!en
Bllirr dollars and bullion . 17,8it,Mi7 I7,7a7.ri20
United Btatei notei 73.18U,73b 71.70Vl.B07
Other asiets In excess of
demand llahllltlei 07,474,880 88,389.105
Available cash balance. In
cluding gold balance $242,802,088 $248,418,832
Money In London, 1 V cent. Rate of discount
In open market, for both short and throe
months' bills, ltycont. Amount of bullion
withdrawn from the Hank of England on 1ml
ance to-day, 320,000. Paris advices quote 3 V
cents at 102 francs Bcontlmes. Exchange on
London, 95 francs 181$ centimes, Tho state
mont of tho Imperial Hank of Germany shows a
decrease lu specie of J. 765, 000 marks.
The sates nf mining stocks at the Now York
Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange
to-day were oa follows:
Ojten. Utah. Louh Clot.
Sates. Anma. ing. est. est. ino.
800 Drumwlck 25 .25 .26 .26
1000 Oft Crip C con. .13 .13 .13 .13
lOOCreedeftCrCk .07 ,07 .07 .07
BOOIronSllver 50 .65 .60 .55
200Ophlr 1 00 1.00 1 00 1.00
800 Pnarmaelst 10 .10 .10 .10
100 Victor Ex Dlv.. ,08 .03 .08 .08
Total isles, 3.1 00 shares.
Kleetrte Stock Quotations.
DosTot. Bent. 18. The closing quotations ot electric
itocks to-day were
Bid. -Hired.
General Electrlo ., 27 27W
Osneral Klectrlo pf, 05
Lampon Consolidated storeServlce . 17W 18
WeitlnRhotiiii Llecirlc pf- 60W
yort Wayne Electric 1 2
Tort Waynu Electric Truit (terles A) 2W 4
Thomson llouaton iterlei C) SH
Thoiniou liouiton (terlciO) 3W 4W
Cotton tower nt Flrat, hnt Itnllles nnd
Closes Irnctlciklly Unclinnireil--Liverpool
Declines Ilrnvy Movement to tlie 1'orts
nnd Tnterlor Towns Wheut Advances
CSood Foreltcn llllylnic Cables Firm.
Fkiko, Sept. 18. Cotto Declined 9 to 10 points,
recovered tho Ion on molt months, and advanced 1 to
B polnti liiiotne Imtances: but toward the doio the
tone became latter, and the tait prices ehoned a net
decllneof 1 toSxiilnts The closo was eteady, sltti
eal'ftof IHU0U0 bales Nen OrlPAnsdecllneil 0 polnti,
but recovered the loss wae unchanged on
the siiot, with islciof 7,u00 bales, futures tbero de
clined 4 to 4'4" points. Tbo Liverpool sales for tbo
eek rrc 43,000, Including HO 000 American, agalnlt
47,000 last week, of which Ut.000 were American,
and 01,000 last year. Including 53,000 American;
total itocks 42.1,000. Including 303,000 American,
against 434.000 lait week, of which 333,000 wero
American and 1,001 000 last year, of which fl0,00il
were American In Manchester arr,i were In buyers
favor, cloths Irregular. Tin itlgnal icrvlce prellcta
for th i next thirty ilx hours In Alabanm. Mississippi.
IjiuU ana. OWlaiioma, Indian Tirrltury, Arkansas,
Texas, and Tennossee, showers; balance of the cot
ton telt, fair v,eather. Spot cntton here de
clined We, with saUi of ISO bales, lllddllng
uplands, slc. New Orleans Mobile, nnd Augusta do
Clint d 1 lite . Savannah, Norrolk, and St I ouls c,
and Charleston and Paltlmoro "v New Orleans sold
4 000, Memphis 1.400, and Auguita U57 bales. iew
Orleans txpetls to morroiv 11,300 to 12 500. aealtist
H4W Inst w f k. an I 1 001 last yi ar, Tho n ct Ipts at
the ports erIH.J7a bile-, itirafust J.tll la.t we, k,
and I7,t2l last jeir. total for thn week 241,HnO
airmrlt 15a iwa Inst sepk, and 9 1171 lat year The
total Intirlor reci Ipl", for tho week wtrc 181013
bales arfalust lSHOjrlast seek and 77," lu last j ear
shipments U'l,,d7. against t0, last week, and
6M.!Jlastyiar "tocks 217 UOtl hgMnst 105.821 last
week nn 1 tilS.'ll last year, Tho exports from the.
ports approiliiialtd 13 O00 bales. Tho future trading
was as follows.
Cloning. fiaie"f. Lnweit. Salss
."eptemlwr .. 8 00GNOI r nil 7 U7 4(,o
October . 8 0.'it8 0'l S 04 7 nt 10.HIIH
NovtllltMT. . S01(tH.,li h Oil 7 tm 14 200
Deiemlr H.14,ih.l3 b 17 8.07 43 hOll
Jamurv H I fc e.jil s.13 uoiiiiii
telruary. s il 18 2t B JH X 20 11.400
Jlanl syiiSJJ sit H2I 14I1U0
April HS5tN3tl H J7 S iU 1 SOD
lluj b.3U,(8 40 8 40 SC1J 2,100
Cotto. CALhrnin.- Tho speculation to-day was quiet,
and after fluctuating wtthln narrow limits, trices
c os, d at about last nlir'it's tliriirei. At tint prices
decliued in s)iiipith) with a lower market In liver-
fiool, I u later ou tho loss win recover d, and In some
Dstnncei prices ndvalic -d ellphtt) siiorts covered, aud
a report curr, nt early I n the Oa via the, ffe, t that 1 an.
cashire tnllls would adopt stiort time was later deuled
by Manetusler udvlcei Hefore the close, however,
tho mnrkit btcame easier ugaln Lc-al Iooki sold,
the receipts at the ports were large, and the Intorlor
movement for the wi, k waa heavy. Spot cotton here
nnd the South wai lower Opellka, Ala , Sept. 13 -.
" The unprecedented drought has unquestionably
done Irreparable ilamaee, and there seems ahso.
lutel no ciiiinct-for a toperon lho ruins or thn
lattnr part nf ii.-ust did not benetlt tho plnnr, not
evi n ttie late plant Theroare no blooms vfslb onnr
wl ere. Vsuall all the coiton bloomtiK up to the lulu
or 10th of September, with an opi n fall and ravorablo
weather mae , otton. This aeohon houeer, an op-n
fall cnnuol beliellt or front Injure the crop nor affect
the yleht Thecrop I fu Iv ne weeka earlier than
the previous seOHOu The llelds two Witkiago wero
iierfiotty white, the cotton beiiia- open, and pleklnir
lias lnen general for over three weeks Same of our
rnrimrsUalm thnt the wlllKet llirough picklnx by
tlie'iMhor this month, whllo others will take until
Oct. I.orperhipstlio 13th. Tho unlversnl cry of all
the punters wo I avo lutervlowed Is, short crop, half
crop, two thirds crop "
Coryxi - Cloned unchanged to n points lower, with
the tnno steady and the sales 7,000 baiti Havre de
clined W HamliiirK dropped IJf pfrs. to t pfiti,
Hlo exchangn declined 1-tlSd American warehoum
dellvirlesyestirdny wero 1S.H04 lias. Hlo was list
at 200 rel licltnn. receipts. 10 000; stock, fliei OOn.
Hlo, achaiiiro sd. Rantos was quiet and unchanged:
receipts gM,0"0, stock BOH 000 Hlo on tho spot was
dull nnd stiady, No 7, 1111(0. Dales 1,400 lings
MnrnrMIn,40il bags Snvnnllls. and fOO bags Central
American un p. t. The future trading wai as follows:
hales. Highest. Lnxcett. Clnsmg
March J.MU 8.10 8 70 8 05(170
May ,i ..- X.000 8.70 KM 8 n.lfH 70
Hi ptember ftuo u 41) V 40 (Mount!
octobr 750 uin hub nooauii)
November ., BOO 8 7S 8 71 8 708 80
December. .... 3,000 8 70 8 01 8 05(48.70
CorntK CAtsrniK. The European cablei wore lower
and prices here gave way lu mpathy. The receipts
at Itloniid Santos wero heavj Toward tho cloio Fu,
ropo bought ond most of the loss was recovered. The
wnrehoiuodeliverlis were large und tho Ttilblo sup
ply Is only 4 lit 000 bags
Puim " Hrm and fairly active. Rales U300
bbU Kxpnrts .1,0117 bids and 01 sacks Hecelpts,
7,7 IB hlili and 11.303 sacks Spring wheat brands
In bbls were quoted as followb Superfine, si ova
1.81;No. 3 extra, 1 luii8. i No I xlru, tg stiw
.' 01: strnlithts. ft l'"S i 4(1, patents. 1 1 I.Vtl.l 70
(Iiiai- Wheat advumed '(e luUe. Chlcuoreeilvid
tonii) inn inn buali , airalmt 31!i7n3inr ago, To
ledo 28 5118. turalnst 7,uiJ, Dutroit ill tin 7. nunlmt
11 '117. Dlllutll Hi,48t aulnst 41.1 31111 Jllnnenpolli
lino mo. anilnit .inn ooo, Mllwaukie :m.i,o, iisHln-t
40,100, fhhniro 107 cars, aitiunst 5li Diiliiin ,102,
Bklni,l 300, Mliinianolln 41l,n?ulnit "ilj last vear.
Spot salts nt.OOil but'i for oiiinrt (if No g
northern spring 8 000 bush, .ml Jl.nnn No 1 do.
nn p, t r o b afloat an I W.tou uiiKrailed nn p. t.
ilellwred. No. 3 rid iiuoted l!tii. nier lleiemlier
r, ii li Hlloat to arrive: Diieinlier close I n'co., Nn I
hard sprlnu I "4c nvir Di'ieiiilii r f, , afloat, No t
N'orthi rn sprint'. New Vi rx. He undi r Di emtii r f.
o li, a'lonl do liululh lite, ruber prlcu do. luture
bait s ll,70u,uoo bus , us fo low m
Oiienfiiu- Ulyheat. fewest. Co.fno. Aiuflf.
reptember . . ibiiif niv
i u tolier .. inpf nilj
Iieitmber el "Hlii "7M 0hi2 jji
May 71'J 7IJ 7lH? 7Mj 71
Corn was uneliaiuid to He. hh her Spot firm. Spot
eah 00 noil liiniii liuliidlng 48,uiio No ! mlxi d on p.
t f o U nllnat fonxport No. 2 mixed fu elevator
iiuotid2i)Vtc No 2 do delivered 27c. l'litiirokalei
Juo.ou'j Luili , as follow s .
O'enlntf. Highest, lowest. Closing, .ight
September 2C.'.i iirUii
oitnitr . .SOW Sl'I W 2iH vili2
Hiveinler -J7TS 2s 27s 28 28
Mny .aoiS aiO-i 'lot; aut .m
oats ailvanud tf spot flnn. Spot tales 01. ODD
i bush., Including 20 0 ill No 2 white clipped nt
1 2.1'iu,and on n t f. o h atloit for exorl No 2
wnfle 24'iC., No. I do 2l4i No . whte clipped,
2P.C, No ,lilo.."l. , No 4 mixed fOlin-.nV I No.
M ifo ir've ri J tlid do 17 ip17'ic do whlu
ll'e.. No Viulx" I delhir d. 1'vi irnk inlxni. III
(t'VlWc 'io "hit i'0 i.liic. rutnrj ml s 411000
bu,U , os ful'oni
Openlnt. Iligheit. Lomst. Closing. Ktght.
September. . . , vou lui
October ,. . 2( xill
firceniber 214 2IU SIU 2 III 2 1 2
May .. 23W 28M aafl tfl .,,,
Uxatx Ooisir. foreign houses bought hers to day
and their purchases together with strong cable aud
i . -- - ,
covering of shorts put up prices. Tart of the advance
was foil before the close on realising for local. West
ern and foreign account and a reaction In I Iterpooi,
but last price showed n fractional Improvement ror
thedsy. The epeculatlon was less active thin yester
day, the totsl sales being about half what they were
then. The Northwest rn receipts were 1.043 cars,
against 1,1411 last week and 1,18,1 last year. ImIo
ables reported Liverpool Jd. lower. Berlin advanced
H". to lei Pars was steady for wheat and go cen
times higher tor flour. Corn wai firmer on covering
of ihorts The receipts are expected to be Hunter as
a remit of wet weather nt the weir, Chicago received
81)1 cars and expecta 581 tomorrow, oats advanced
with the rest of the Hit ChlcasO received 23 cars: the
estimate for to-morrow H uoo tars Chicago. Sept. 1 8.
"The trade went home yetterday feeling quite con
fident that thero would be a reaction In wheat after
the bulae of tw o days. A great many holders had sold
nut, expecting to replace their Ilnea around 00 cents.
It was also generally thou tin that Liverpool would
come lower this morning after our raay closing and
thus have a tendency to tauso a weak feeling here.
The reverie, however, was the case, that market being
t, hither This rather changed the sentiment on the
floor, although scalpers wero Inclined to sell around
tho opening but tho demand seemed larire, a
good deal of whoat being bought by exporters
against cash sales Shorts nnu early sellers
seeing tlist tho mirkrt was strong Imme
diately bejan busing aud beiore this ceased
prlci s had advanced to fiS tents for December. This
brought out freo offering! rrom somo nf the large
holders who had not aild nut yesterday, and supplied
thedemand, causing an easier feellnir and a reaction
of about ie, flnal ngureabelne about 140. above last
evening llullahnd a great deal of encnurauement In
thn way nf news Liverpool cloot Wd, nnd tlerlln
from IM tug marks blgler. Tho Northwest reported
a I Ig rfoiir demnn I. The Jforfern .Wffter was rather
bullish in Iti summary of the cash situation, and
clearances aggregated over 400,000 bush. There was,
however, no carjo demand, and the advancn seem to
have temponrily oheckel the cash and export de
mand, Lltcrpool bids, however, were advanced 94c. f
tiuah. Hues yesterday, or an advance of 2W0.
C buih. In three days. The sample market waa firm,
especially for low Krndos. The feeling among most of
the larcn traders Is quite bullish, ana tie belief pro
sails that prices will work to a higher level, with the
natural reactions between. Shipment! to tho other
side are nn nllbersl scale, whllo the Imports of gold,
nt the rate of Sll) 000 1111O t month. Is an encouraging
feature to the trade, having nrtt been felt lu the itnoK
market and now In grain, coarse grains wero firm
and slliriitly higher. The advauco in wheat was a
help, although the general rslm over the Wi it was a
faolur in corn, ai It U presumed receipts will bo tern
porirllj eheokrd." ....
Nasai. BroRtcs Spirits turpentine firm at 2kS2SWci
rosin iteudy at si. A3 for common to good strainou.
Prrnot kcs Crude certlfliatei here wire quoted at
II I2.l: In Oil City, gl.12. Ho lined unchanged.
Pno isioss Lard dull, but Arm Prime Western.
HI. ho. Pork lu fair demand ond firm. Hess, 7.5ur4
81 25 Uressed hoxs unchained Tallow, 8K0.
Chicago. Sept. IB" The prnvislon market opened
at about yesterday's figures, then because veryuuoy.
ant under liberal purchases of tart and pork by a
larffe packing conoun. Tho advance, however,
brought out realising bv holders, and a portion of tho
pain was lost on lard and pork, the whole on ribs.'
Putter Itecelpts to-dar. 4.80U pkci t Isat six days,
4H.44HI previous six dayi, 44,481. Creamery.
Western, thirds to extras. ll(.J15c$o.: State
and Pennsylvania do, ItaiBWc.: Bute dairy,
half-flrkln tubs, seconds to extras, ll(314Mo.
Cheese-Receipts to-day. 4,037 pkm.: last six
dayi. 81081; previous six days, 23.1JH State, full
cream, larie colored rancy. nitc, : do .white, common
to rancy, 7ii'c.: amall, colored, fancy, UVta: do,
white common to fancy, 7Altc I-Kge Reoelpta to
day, 4.813 caiei: last six da) s. 40 ,J3j prevloui six
days, 42 504 Stat) and Pennsylvania, rresh oath
ered. fair to fancy. l5Wl7a: Western do., trxaiBc.
Brno:-Haw easier; 8tf" test. 8Hc. MO test. 8
Bl-lHc. Sales 5,200 tons Java, un' teit,atS(iVI I-32C,
nnd ODD tons muscovado, 8u test, at 24c Penned
uulet and iteady.
roAcuo-8iles of 50 oaici 1803 Pennsylvania leed
at 1 OlfeC ! 100 oisui ISU5 New Fugland Havana at 1 Ofia
22c; loo cases State Havann on p. u; 850 bales Ha
vana at flOc (311.10, and 100 bales Sumatra at coca
$1.81 In bond.
CmcAuo, bept. 1 8. These were to-day's prices;
XTheat: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing, bight.
Dec OIM lU eotf AIM 60!
stay 5 00 84)1 05W US
Dec B1W 22W SIM 23 21f
Hay 101 2SW 24W 24W H
Msy 10W -DW 1W 1BW luW
Jon 8.78 8 87 &73 a80 8.72
Jan 8 37 8.S0 887 8 43 8.83
Jan 88.70 (7.07 80.73 (0.83 88.73
Wheat: Opening. Closing. bight
September 02M VSH ""M
December 05W t)Sh 85W
Corn: ,w
beptember .... 18M
September 68 B7W
December StUH CH 68W
September BOJti 60W
December 01W HI Z A0M
May 05lJ 42
Live Stock Market.
New Yobk. Friday, Sept. 18 Hecelpts of beeves
were 1,485 head, OS can direct to slaughterers and
lPcars for tho market, 25 cars on sale all tokt. Steers
low and drarKliigatadectliiii of ioci.15c. t 100 tta.
Hough butt hers' not k w as In ltabt supply and eteady.
Three tars of iteir were untold at tie close. Poor
nl to twit native stceri sold at 8XOO,84 33 V 100
!M. Colorado! and "hair breeds" at 81H3G8I. oxen
at IM l.V.tJIi.bO. bulls at 8185C.S2 4u, dry cowl at
81.45332 IU Dressed beef steady at tUfwSVto V .
for ptrar to prime native sides. Cables from Drill!
market! quote American steers at U'310'6c. V ..
dressed weutht. American refrigerated beef at 6Va
7Hc. tt : American nieep at s VtWJiiC. t .. dressed
weight. Exports ttvdas. 811) beeves, tomorrow, 1,01b
b.eves 000 ibeep. and 4 435 quarters nf beef.
Kecelpti of calves, all for the market, were 854
head, sulhead o'l laic, all told enli In fair de
mand tnd steady grassera and buttermilks steady.but
tlmicklnit lomewhst; Western caltea dull and consid
erably lower. About 130 head were unsold at tho
nmsli. Poor to prime seals sold at 84(457 50 V 100
M ejraasers nt 8 75ct8J. Western calvei at 8k4
31.50 Dressed caltri quiet; city dressed veals. 75
lit. V I.
Hecelpts of sheep nnd lambs. Including 2 cars direct,
were 2.S17 head, 27 cars on sale, all told. Prices
steady, but not much demand, and market quiet
throughout, six cars were carried ovar. Poor 10
prime sheep sola at 82tlS3 37H V 100 fts.. common
to choice lambs at SI'.ouS",, dressed mutton, 437c.
f lb dressed lambs. 7'lHc
Hecelpts of hogs were 3,525 head, Including 120
bead on sale. Firm at U.0284 10 V 100 Bs. for
State hogs.
Heal Estate Sales.
At private contract the sturgla mil Co have aold
to Leonard S. llownru. No. 213 Weit Eighty nf th
stro-t. four story American buiement dwelling, tot
1(1x1)0x1112.2. for something leas than 87.000, also
No. 253, adjoining similar house and lot, to a buyer
w hnt,o name Is withheld.
All tho parcels offered yeatenlay at the Broadway
salesroom were sold to the plalutiffa In foreclosure
1). I. Ingraham & Co sold No ISOAIexanderavenue.
fnurstort brick tenement, lot 30x89 ri to ilentamln
. Wntkins for 811.115. also No. 812 East 12(11 h
street, tlseltory brltk tenement, lot 25x88 11, to
hllra s. lllbby for 314 025.
P. r. SleyrrA. to. sold Noa. 311 and 211 Fast 1 00th
street, nse-stor brltk stores and lofla, plot 00x100,
to John T. Harn tt for 818 710.
William Keniieily sod ls4th street, northeast sldo
in t.d feet east of iialnl ndge or Marlon as enue. runs
east 75 gx south 2.1 4x west 75 2 to northeast lido
of 184th street, x northwest 23 4 to bci-lnnlng, two.
stors frame dwollln-. to t'harte It Weeks for 8.500
Harnett A Co. have sold for Henry and Herman
Cchmld Nos. 71 and 78 Last llvth street, two five
story fir, proof flats. 33 Uxvoxioo. for 8X0.000 taking
In part pi J ment the southwest corner of lnox avenue-and
110th street. U8 11 on the avenue x 70 feet In
depth, at about 860 000. This plot will bo Improved
at once.
Real Estate Tr safer.
Powery, 113 and RH. Jacob Korn to John S
Ames ... 1
Pearl it, 548, Marx Ottlnger et ol to John 11
Agnow. , .. X
Jane st, 87, Seely It Pudd and wife to Hobert
P Martin 1
Same prop; Hobert P Martin and wife to Cor
nelia J lludd 1
IP1I1 st. Hi I West: same to some 1
Same prnjierts . Sttlj It lludd ar.u wlfo to
Hobert I' Martin .. 1
Mamrlnst, ns, Mlchsel Link and wlfo to Mo
rltxAdler nnd wire, ex prop 1
B4lhst.! lino West Klid nv, 31x08 to Old
lano x.1lxii5 3: also Interior lot, eentro line
t)3d and 01th sts, into West Lud av, runs o
III 1 n 14 8 to Old lane x wHlxs 15 0, Jacob
I awsou to Frank LSnllh 1
1st av, a w cor soth st, 2h,4x75, Mary A Da
gen. Individ and ex trlx to Wm Segglo .... 88,000
math it. ss. 475 e 7tn av, 25xUW ll. Ferdi
nand torsoh ond wife to Wm J Murray . 88.000
171st st. n a, 100 w Audubon av. 7xV3;
Thomas Hrlen In Samuel Yollman and alio. 1
171st t,na 100 w Audubon av, 75x05; Chai
I) lugersoll. rof, to same 0,100
I85th st. n s. 125 w st Ann's av, 100x100;
southern Uoulevard, n s, 1U0 wBt Annsav,
100x100; Wm J Hurray and wlfetoFsr
dlnuud torseh 100
120th st, n s, 123 w Bt, Ann's av, 100x100;
the Port Morris Laud and Improvement Co
to Win J Miirniy ., 18.000 12!) 10 s ItlSih st.63il47i.10i
104 u W part. Otto ton Luck and wire to
Fl.a Von luck 100
ltrthit, necnrWhlttncksv.glxlOO; Michael
Deady toPnlkand Urldget Oeeten .. . 1
With ct ii s 77 U w Forest av, 19 4x88:
tieorso Trenibergcr and wlfo to wlnslow E
Puxliy 7,800
PrUit av, s s. 235 w Suburban st, 23x1 lu;
Irvingn. Halconi to I-rnesti' Weiiuann. . 1
l'rnspictav. 11 e cor 105th st, 21x81; Augusta
I.teliertz to Jos lilt and tdwurd Lleberts .. 1
THithwiiy from West Chester to Harlem
bridge n w a at e cor land of Chas Doty, 50
xltio (1x44x171, men part or lot 12, map
Hapi s 1 slate; Lawrence E Pernard to Sarah
KCootvuv . , 1
lots 581 to 580, map Van Nt at Park; Enhralm
lllovy toOooF. Rchnild and Henry J Hnck 8,820
7th st, s, 77 11 o 2d nv. 27.0x105. l akolleid
Fenrlon O Cnttui to Laura BHIIsnn 4.000
Wll ow lane, svi 10 s Flllotav, 50x124 OxIOx
1 14. (I; ThoinaaMcNulty and wlfo to 1'iitrlck
Ccnuolly 8,500
Adler. Morlti and Katy, to Michael Link, 88
Mauitlu t, flyrs 11,250
AUberg. Mar to the exors, &c, of Jonah
Moi-'.Jr, ss 114th at, Vgln lenox at, 0 sra 6,500
Anns, Johns, to Jaiob horn, 118 llll( Kow.
ery, 2 tuna , . 10,000
lire, 11 lohn D to Allen (1 Ha rionell, lots 17H
nnd 2UJ, mortgiige mop Arden properly, 8
yra 000
Honth, lliury F, and wife to Kinllle F 'Vol
lice, Individ and kimrdii. t at, trustees of
Wm 1, Wallace, decid.sslillitst, 413 4 w
6tll av, 8 yr! . . .... 87,000
Ilroadbelt, Win, to Herman Kcrtscher Co, n
wior MMtholassvanil I47lh t notes 8,400
llnumaiin, Th'resinnd I lldwlg. to United
Slates 1 rust Co, N Y.esUdav, SO II n 1 21th
t Irr ... 80,000
I Iltuhy, Wlii'lnw F, m CJeo Trrinhcrger, 11 a
Ifi'ithst 77Uw Fnresi a. 8yrs 1,800
Coiiwh rarth 1- nnl Join A 11 rnard to
Josephine Thompson htghwa) front West
cht-.t, r to llarleiii Hr dge at intt cor laud
or lohn Cataiiatrh. 1 11 nuport. also 11 w a
11111H hinhu.iy lot U iturti luapof Mapes
slut' t entrevl'le Jsr . 1,100
Pom I an Albert V, In the Petti, Soulnrd A
Walker Itialli 10 tv s It treat nr l,Vis
I Hii-i st if nuiid 80,100
, Fio'i Hi irdl Jos. aul 1 r Itwndn to Walter
W HnWr lot tii in ) ir trd 11 prop lyr U0II
Elll-oii I iiurt Hanii Ju n F. to Louise II Cat,
tus. 11 7111 st, 77.0 c 2d av, Wakefield,
3 1 Itiyra,.,,.. . . 1,575
Forseh, lerdlnand, to Wm J Murray, n s
188th it, 123 w ht Ann's av, 8 moi ,. 8,000
Ilyland Wm J. Io Catharine V.
cor Esitern lloulevardand Av II. 8 yrs,,... 0,000
, JJairlxoa, Anna M, to Filer A Durkhat4,8
Ifllit it, 87S wDoulevsrd, lyr , 0.009 laaH
Samo to James II Pettenglll. same prop, lyr., 4,000 w'sTsTsTsTsTsb
Hatfleld. Eben, to James Hatloy, ws West End siTH
nv, !I8 nitsth at, demand 7,000 'isTsTsTsTssl
Iloehn, Chas, and wife to the Oermnn Bavgs , Sk
Bsuk.N V, ss 88th st, 210 latav, 1 yr.i ... 0,B0v VH
Uacdonell, Allan tl, to Matilda Fraaer, lots .iTBaTBlTBl
107,181,132.102.117,182, 140. 183. 100. iffkWWWA
and 103, man of Arden property, a yrs, 10 .... QrlsTsTsTsTsi
llltga ,, , ,, 8,087 r,8alTsTsTsTsTI
McI)ernuitt,lTnnk M, and wife to otto Ktniel. . KgaTsTsTsTsal
ssavP.88.Is lAthat.8 yrs 3H months.... 1,609, flH
Meyers, Mark 1. nnd wlfo to true for (trace 1 ftasBTsTsTsI
Smldt.ns I23dst.2ln.3n Istar.yyr s 4,000 Tjl
Magen, tlernsrd. to Chas and Isidore Jackson, .... 'IbtsstbtstsbI
(im and 70 tlroome st. J yrs B,00o p'jaislTaTaTaTI
MeParron, James W, to Ilebecca D Oowelle, .... sTsTsTsTsTI
1822dat,0yrs ,... 0,000 i-aaLalsl
itaaon, Herliert U and wlfo to JosPutsel, 400 IsasaH
Uadlion av, 1 yr ,. S.000 KslMMH
Maon. Herbert L, and wife to Joseph Illtiel, ... ,sTsTsTsTsl
5JO-6S8Madlionav, 1 yr , ..... 8,000 'i-!kWWW
Reynolds, I awrrnce, to the Emigrant Indus 'itaTsTsTsTsTJ
Bavlngtliank a Horatloit,tietween8th av 4'siTbiTbiTbI
and Hudson st, lot 148, rasp John Ireland, .... , 'nsTsTsTsTsTsI
etal. lyr 9,000 t r 4tHsH
Bchmld.tieoE.and Itenry.IUnck toFphralm 'ZitTsTsTsTssl
HLevy, lots 882 to 580, mop Van Nest Park, .... .1 'I'sTsTsTsTssl
a vrs .. . . . ...' 1.110 tcUsH
Belfera. Mary, to Michael A Uorrlgan. w s aTssTsTsTsn
rtronxdaleav, lots 110 and U7, map Downing .... JqsxNsTsssP
estate, 3 yrs ,, 1,110 sTsTsTsTsV
Smith. Frank L. nnd wife to E Virginia Bat- ..... IsssMMK
terlee, ss4that, II80 West End av,6yri.. 10,000 'isTsaTBTsl
BsmetojsneLBstterlee, s s tilth st, 131 e ..... sTsTSTsTsTJ
West End av, 6 yrs 10,600 ':sWWm
Stroud. Annie J. to Cstharlne I, Parry, ws .... .. '!BsWWW
Franklin st, lot 01, map HorrUanla, 3 yrs.. 0,000 ststsTstsTI
Treu, Leopold R, to David K oppenhelmer HaTsTsTsTsTI
and Jos Hsmershlag, 141-148 woosur st, , aiTesiTel
.r , . ,, ,,,,,, 70,000 nTsTsTsTeTJ
Van Fleet, Hell A." to 'Walter i Tavlor. w s j i-isBH
2d av, 80J 8 e White Plains road or 3d st, 9 , '4bsTbiTsTI
yra.... S00 , 1 1iH
Ward. Walworth, to the Metropolitan Life 'AsiTaiTaiTai
Ins Co, s e cor Itlversldo Drive and 01st it, tsnalnH
15 12 yrs , 7.2000 -''rsWWWW
Samo to JohnO Baker, same prop, demand,.. 88,000 $Ib
RicoRntn LEASxs. h'bsiiii!
Ituhe. Frsncls al to Oro Mllgenberg, .... -SsiiH
Chambers at, 200. west H store floor. 0 yrs . (000 n.V,srsTsTsTJ
Outnian. Emma, to Joseph Welntrauh. BllO ?BTsTsTsa
Church at, 10 yrs 82.800 to 2,800 )?bMMM
llkhardsnn, Emma 11, to Ollbert Oakley, 810 . ,... 'TsTsTsTss
West VOth st, 1 yr ,W0 oal
Conrt Cnlendnrs Tbls Day, salssl
Supreme Court-Special Term Part II, Ex-part 'iWWWW
rnatters. , . jicH
surrogate's Court Chambers No day calendar, 'faaiail
For probate will nf John Matter at 10:80 A. ST. 'vasaTsiTl
City Court Special Term Motions. JBaTaiTaa
efiiiaucial. '
( 14G Broadway, N. Y. 'I'H
Offices ( 2G Court St., Brooklyn. . .VasiaB
I N. E. cor. 58th St. nnd 7th Ave, N. T. IB
CAPITAL $2, 500,000. H
SURPLUS, .... $2,000,000, -JM
Offers Its Eervioee for the eaf kocplna and laB
judicious management of trutst funds. .vfsal
The company is in a position ot great aoV
vantage for tho securing of mortgago Invert. -H
ments. 'rssisi
It can render invaluable service to those) -flH
who wish tholr funds, of whatever kind, irv J!sM
vested in good mortgages. lHaafl
Tho company acts as executor, guardian sWWW
or committee; receives deposits; executes all SH
trusts. lelaH
George fl. Williams, "" Jobn 8. Kennedy, -.ssH
Alexander F. Orr, v wllllnm M. Incratasa. 'msWWWm
Ai gustus D. Jallllam, Charles A. I'eabody, Jr., ,B
John T. Martin, James 11. Lynch, V?LW
diaries a Drown, 1-rederlcJc Jotter, Vassi
lAulsWIudmiiller, rlnll Oelbermsnn, ttJB
John Jacob Astor, aianlnJtKrt, -?aTsTssl
JuilenT. Davits, BcDjamln D. nicks, WsWWW
William If. Male, J bn I) Hicks. rsaV
John v. Murray, Kills D Williams, iilisWWi
Charles K. Hen terson, Charles Mai lack. -;i"iTsTsf '
Bamuel T. Freeman, Charles Klchardsos, - iSssB.t
CLAKB.VCK H. BXltiEY, President. , $1H
SltAHK BAliarr, Vlce-Preldent. tSsKa
LOUIs V. HKiaHT, Eecxstarss, lBsir
EDWAHD K. ETBAUUK -ollcltor. aWsSi
Special 5 Car Trust Bonds. mfi
The committee has adopted a plan for railing the J;4W- Jr
money necessary to equip the cars of your Trust with yijlh
air brakes and automatlo couplers, as required by j&& taw
United States etatutea, Copies of plan and circular iBS
for the Information of the holders may be had on ap- f 4 U '.L
pllcatlon at the State Trust Company, No. 100 Droad- ' Wi
way. New York. - vjf"$
A majorlt) of all the Bonds hsve assented to this TiS
plan, aud this public notice Is given that every JL l
holder of Donds may Join In the plan and share IU J31, (3
advantages. ., flail -
Immediate deposit of Bonds with the State Trosg jol
Company, who will Issue negotiable receipts, ts re r dlaCi '
quested. lffiL
E. BCOFIELD. Committee. ML
n. a. v. P03T. J iSBft
Jlivtilfiulji nnil interest. WssWW
TmfriiicAt'o .icnVtion itAir.xvATra ,fl'Bssl
AM) P.MIIX NTOrit VAltllS CO. JSBssl
Thn lioinl nr Directors hate this day declared a VsTJ
dividend of ONE AM) A IIAIF l'Eli CIlNT. UH per Vssl
cent.) upon tho proferred stock or the company for SaTsTsTsTI
the quarter ending Sept SO. UOfl, payable Oct. 1. BJSB.
Preferred stock transfer books close Sept. 17, reopea fsTsTsTJ
Oct. g. 'v-ssH
7'linH.lN STUriOIS, Treasurer. IT'ssH
V, N. J , Sept. 10, IBIMV. 'F'H
The Hoard ot Directors have thladav declared a dlv. eV4Tsai
dend from theearnlnss of the CITYLINE, of TWO (BjsW
PFlt CENT, on the preferred nnd common ltock. pay- SsTsl
ahlo on the FIRST DAY OF Oi'TOBFH next at this tsH
ofdee. The transfer hooks will tie cloied nt 3 o'clook sTbtbTI
P.M. Kept ldth, and reopened at in o clock A. IL, K-sTsTsi
Oct. 8d. IHOO E. V W. ROsslTER Treasurer. H
ClrdiDnjJ ntul Ucrtinnsi. ,piH
Notice Is hereby given that the annual meettnir of jTbtbtsTi
the atockhol ters of the Alabama Oreat Southern Rail HcBjbB
road Company will be held at the omeoof the com-. 1&?eei
fianv In nirmlneham, Alabama, on Wednesday, Octo- '?stbtbs1
r""th. IfOrt at 111 o'cloi k A. 51.. for the election of a'"'ssH
directors nnd the transaction of aueh business as may &bTbtbTJ
be broneht before tho met'tlmt . JOSIAH F. IIII.L, 'sTsTsTI
6l:i'TF.SlIlK.ll. lbuil. secretary. H
JFuntfil J(mnirs. ' S
A TIAND FOLDERS and stitchers wanted. $')
. tUOENF. c. I FWIs. Hookblnder. 87 Rose st. 1B
ENERUF.T10 lady canvassers on salary and com- wssl
mission. The nreat International Window Clean $
tng-coinpany. lnnad av tU
P"" "APKII ROX MAKPIls Wan'ed.-Fxperlenced hands IB
on glue work: onlv those able todoflrit rlaiassorst rjsTsTsTJ
need apply. THE WSIINFH HllOb. CO Sssi
Ptp, r Rox Department, CaTsTssi
Warren at,, Drldseport, Conn. i'tWWm
OSTniCn FFATIIERS -Wanted, good sewers oa gvaaH
boas. znCKEItft JOSEPHY. 7ia it 7l7nroadway. Xl
OSTRICH FEATIIFH8 -Curlers sewers, and par- sssH
rlera wanted; beat pay. J A. STEIN, 10 V. 4tli st. S'aal
OSTRICH REWEIIS-I'vperlenced on boss PATENT asH
FEATHER TltlMMI.SO CO. .'JO Wilt 30th St. RH
Wnnttfl plw mftlwulM. &r.
DYFR on fancy feathers and flowers: good position veH
for competent man l"&m
HERMAN iH'l.NZnUno.BlSProailway. iH
17ANTED-A first class cutter on Roblntnn scorer. WstWW
iiaIWIN44 Prince st ".H
AAT ANTED Two flril-clan plumbers, one helper, ral
VV r.'OS 7th av. lWmW
Wnmert JRUlcfl iiUscflluuraua. k
AOENTS, country, nantcd to sell Macintoshes ana "isH
Rubber treeeniuplns ractory, P O 1,'I71, N.Y. i'.IB
BOY of good address as hall boy. parents without JftsH
other i hi dren tn base four high, ltr,,lL isemcnt smH
roomi. all liuprntenienti, for boy'i sers-st tsl
to 8, 17 West lOiithsu fusH
SEND nun lieent atsmp'ln tho JAdr.HFONTEIIf val
JEWhl.HY CO nnd vra will shoiv you how to 'HTnaTSTSTsI
make money Hnx 1 lu, Providence, H. I, Xl
WANTID-Onod reliable men for exclusive terrl- aH
li tory In New orkstatn an 1 PennsilVAnla: those H4Teasfl
havlnga knowledireof the II and U bualnesaandwlttt sl
good reft reitees need npplv btsbTsTI
llranltu llulldlux, Hochesicr, N. Y. VH
J&iruntions IVanttfl iftmnUu. H
(tOMPETr NT French governess, nine yean' refer- al
eiiee:clij or country. Call or address 107 E. 83d. '.l
STENOilllAPHhlt ilteiiilngtim oner nor): experti VLWWm
experienced: literary or mercantile work: refer- (sWSm
enee front former employer. Address Mill A., box IsTsTsTsI
118, Sun up town office, I.2H5 llroalwny ')'l
Situation J Wnntea JUalw. -iH
A STEADY, Induatrlous youpg American of some JkWW
etpirlim'e aa shipping tlera seeks poaitloa i.sTsTsTI
where h isn mske himielf Kenerally useful well UHR
recoiiiint tided Address c. W , box, hun iintce, WtsmX
A hTltuNil, ai live ) oiiiik mm desires a pmltloiT in S I
S adrygoodtor furniture store: AI r.iferi'ii.ii xrtfl
J m. U. ;I7 ll,nr) it.i-ll). fSMl
IKIMT PDItrrit-A soling iii in with refer? lf
j encea tvlsiiea a altUAtlun aa lln lit purler In a li?
stationary ilure Addrns. X. Y ., box 40u, sun antes. JK
YOUNcTmaN of 88 wishes situation as second mau ffl
In gentleman's stable; good references. I JtV
It. Y. J.. UOd Weat 60th It. I ?
YOU.NO HAN. 83, wishes poaitloa at anyth-! no I
afraid or work W.,toxl8Bim8, 1