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PCT'lli THE SUN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1808. ., - -.---. I! f I 0N TI1(E MSEBALL FIELD rl fe r Tr Jrr,r " IKPBAT n-AHtt. vmm ' I iNaioif xx a aix.xsMMO aAME. !ft jM J fc ftraohlf na Lose Another Gains to Ik Hoi. iff HI ( V oB-HlllnsornoatitliePhtlndelphtAe m ( ft f' ald tJI,ABda Det tha Ulnslnnatla- ijffflB ' V' PltlsburbBnadlnlBllleeWlaaadALaee Im t t With Meekln In tha box theNewTorka tamed M J tho tables and eaatly defeated the Washington! fj,M ' a' n yesterday. Ragged fielding nn the part of the 9 j '' llrooklyna allowed the Doatnne uTwIn the cam B-rfB III S Etttern Park. The Ilaltlmorta again tie- &- 1V feated the Qoakert. while the Clevetsnda drew it" ill li ffV furtherAWByfromEwlnti'Bnienbydeftatlniths KJll U Vl Utter. The Loulsvlllts and Plttsbnrght played p Si tf! " twogames, each toam winning one. The results! 2 fta1" S l fwVurk.8i Washington, 4. 2 HI 8" i tsottou, 8 Brooklyn, B. ' 1).S$ f ITC Baltimore. 10i Philadelphia. 0. t SB Yt- ! Mtttbnrgh, ti Louisville, 1 (first game). JM yjL JH Lealsvllle,8 Pittsburgh, u (second game). flirt. i3 Lffi rierrland. 4 Cincinnati, 1. '' ffw ft (F tiik ncconn. I SB Hi if ;vr i iVr i'SIl '1. iM -V0'- "oi. foif. Cent Clubs. ITnn. Ijcmt.Vtnt. sfJ2 i til PIUniofe...jj 7 .704lNw York.. 82 in ,w 'vbW' ''4,E Cleveland,..?;! 48 .nn4 I'jIlad'IphlaOO 03 .460 iMI r nv. Cincinnati ,.',n nn .nini.nrooklrn .. en 70 .444 JM1 . It!; Potion 71 en ,339'vaahlngtonnj 71 .487 jM . It" U"!''-!' 7l 7 .833 St. l.ouia .8 kh . jjglj , 1ft Pittsburgh .0.1 ui .sio.Louiaviiie. an 01 .stti ifff! ! l V RRW VOIIK. 8 1 WARIllNUTO.f, 4. feffifl r ttjv WabiiInoton. Sept, !!1. Tho New Yorks won PSM a K5- JIIto-duy by better nll-Around playing. The 'ircll "'5 fielding or the hmue team was ot tho minor Taff ?' (P Ungne order. "bijrappr"'.lorre was preaented v-iiB K wl,h A filter bat Insrrfbrd! "When 'Scrappy' (f.fS S" tied the ecore. Ilv hla local admlrerii." The dm V Bme WM called at tlio end of the nlith Inning :- n !?.'. Recount of durkneee. Attendance, -I.00U. ,d Tho score: V1H , ) " . . . ikln,r.o.a.K. .)H.r.o.i.. IM j V T.uih.r.f !! 0 l 1 0 V'nll'tren.ef.v a 1 0 0 M t i J Irniout,. a..a i 11 H 1 1 If nun, r. f 1 a 0 O 0 T I f Ktlhach. l.f...o 0 1 11 u Olraton. Xil b.l WHO fai p ! Hcdulrn. 0....0 a 1 1 1 ijorrp, 3d ti 0 'J 1 1 0 H ' -- imun.3,lh...o u 1 0 0 lintli, 1. a.. .101 An MaH 1 tl If O'lirlen. Sit b .11 0 3 lluklv. iatu.1 Sll 0 O SRiW f t' Urown,v.f....O 0 1 II II MalTortl.l.f .1 I IP II (I 'iI ? - fanwht, lti.,0 0 1) 1 I arnrr. c. , 11 o J J 0 fl it 'i Ui-rrer, P 0 u 1 4 Olatkln, p ., I 1 11 0 0 SH ,i t ToUla. .. ..4 OMTIO fi Tnnla S n UI n "0 ;Vj V, , "leVtn out furscanunl'ilalirfirfncr. VflU P , 1 Wa4'ilnRiia t 11 -j n n o-l 1 kkS'SX: A NfwVnric . 11 I u I 2-H Baal ,., ti tnr.wi rum New lork, 4: WaatiliKton, a!. Klnt 1 tiB Val."- SB lieaeon rrur-l York. 4. Iiri on baara New JTU'm' ;' l.0,k- "L Uaiiilnttnn, 8 Flrit hate on balli-orr (''.'tr Hfcaln.h' Strui'l out -II) ltokln. I. ,, ft "lliivflwtie hlt-l!Mklir, Hucrlflce hli-8eliHich (2, i) Bafam ( mi f :"n He'tren, tlloaaon, Ui-rrrr Hlnlrn baica-UIasoii. "Fi.tlii t HarU. Uinplre-I.juUi Tlme-1'SO. fjB, 1; '" Whan the alitli Inning of yfaterday'e game at WmW' 11 ' eastern l'nrk bad been completed there was hvH r everf Indication that the llronklnsvnuld tvln. Xum '-' i- '1 he home players led by two runs, anil the Uos- IJltaM- 1J- tona' acUonn clenrl) allowed that ther eipectrd ' i, to loir, for they tnoimt about tho field In a (lis- v, heartened wny, but Just when vlctorv was in , j, eight the Drooklyna went to pieces, and therla- K, Itorsusre not slow to take advantage of the I stupid work, for they made mure than the rr- St qnlrtd number nf runs to turn the victory In ; iji tnelrfaxor. Jack flrlm atnrled the bnmepln (K- erson the donnward path. Collins struok out i-J In tho serenth Inning, and after striking Orlra's . i fife hand the ball fell at the catcher's feet. Orlm iV'H 1 't only hail to stnnp to make the play, but to the iBtaK f' ' nirpriae of the sperbitnrs bo made a dash for " ' f & the grand stand, and before ho got back to the iaK L" IW !luts Collins hnd pnsod first base. The blunder Wi ?- K '"l(1 "" fect upon Bhlndlo and ( orcoran, who flU L K slipped upon several easy plays. The score: W lh DOETOY. BltOOKLTS. aft h ii .a,l,ron,i K. I a. r o. a. t I 1! IF nsmtltnn.c.f.l 1 3 0 0 Jonaa, r. T.....1 18 0 0 H ?l JA Tenny.r. r. ..1 1 ti 0 0 And'ion, lb...O 11.1 1 0 Wm tk ill lmffjr.l.r. ...0 1 a 0 0 lirlRln.c, r....l 9 10 0 VI V llr lon. a. a ...0 10 0 0 Iloimcr. ii b..O 0 a 8 0 jK f- Ii Tncker, tat 0.1 0 10 -J 0 I'orcorsn.a. a.1 1 a 8 1 JK (' ), MeUann. ildb.1 10 1 u Shlndle. d b 0 1 a 9 a R b V Periieii.c 0 14 1 ljMcCaHUjr, l.f.n 0 10 1 !afa f ' Colllna.3db..l 1 3 4 lOrlln.c 0 0 S 0 0 TV V btlrttta. p.,.,0 I 1! U 0Daub, p 0 0 0 S 0 Ml f 1 Tolall B 87 14 n Totale is "5 27 18 " 7 IK ,7 noaton 0 1 0 0 0 0 n 1 0-8 ml I " Brooklyn 3 0010000 0-3 JfT ife ' Karned rnns-noiton, 1: Brooklyn. I. Home run ifl jf, , orcoran. Three-bnae hlt-Qrinii' Two-bsae hlla SI ' 1 tlrinin. Mcnaiin. Racrlflre hit St ve'ta Doubla play J" Amieraon, linunrr, and Orlm. Hrt baae on balla 'Xi . J'tr I aut, U; oRMIvatla, . hlruck out -Ur Daub, 3; ..wl 1 by silvetta. a Mm bnac on errora Iioaion, ; Hrook xftSl 'i 1 lyn. I. Iftonbset-Ilotton. H, Brooklyn. 3. Paaseal 4j A 1 taiHs-Orlni, 1: Iiren. 1. Uroplre-Uurit. Ttme- VijB I J 1:37. Atttndanre fouo. ijB, i BALTiMour, loi rniupEixmi, 0. .&?. I BALTiiionr, Sapt. 21. The naltlmore and Phlladel- ,i'faf-,l I Pllla snia put up a remarkable fait neldlnit same K'M'ili 't to-uay, bui(ortbcelcTenihtlmtlilaatMon thocbam- &Mt 9 t I'lona had the brat or the srsumrnt orr His l'lilladel- BIS1 " plilans.nnd battnl out a victory. Attendance. 1.31U. Ii y The score: eaaa &Yr ' i . -. K. IB.r o. a. r-1 aaal tR ivA tjnlnn.adb.. 3 2 13 n Cooley. c. r 2 13 0 0 Hi SVA tc-rti- l.elar.r.r.... v 4 0 OHuleu.e. 0 1 1 u 0 aaa Gain's I 0 l,nnlng. a a.l 1 3 0 (i'I)hanly,l.f.u 10 0 0 aaB jti'I "'J,,f'ey.l.f....i s 0 OiThompa' 1 1 0 0 aaaa?JJna'vflB ."Jowarnian.lbO 1 v 0 o Laiole. laibt 1 10 0 o aaaaaaJtfl'i K6 Bella. 2d b....l 3 2 3 0 Halluian, b.l 1 2 B 0 BBBBBBBaVifm: t't I ...0 0 8 (1 0 (irady. e .13 10 1 bbbbbbBoIRi Cl I I Boblnion.c.l 2 4 0 itcroei. 3d b....0 n 0 3 0 aaaaaaw'iri) ? Ilimmlug. p .1 1 0 '.' 0 Uartey, p I 1 0 1 0 aBVf)' It 1 ' Toll 10132712 i Tolall. . ,.S H 24 10 1 mmltl-1 ft ti I I'altlniore 3 0 0 0 3 0 I 4 -10 aS;tIH)7 U n Philadelphia 0 o 0 0 4 1 10 0-8 eeeVllil.'7 Si Karned riint-naltlniorr. 7: Philadelphia, 4. Left H' ImjL'f fi n baira-Iialtlmore. 7: Plilladrlplila, 0. Flrit tnia 1 Uaafv it I eulalla-Off Hemming, il. oiruary. 4. struck out Ml HWV i , Ky HrmmlllR. 2; br Carany, 1. Thra laan hill- Hall B54Jf"j . ' luaii. Ilemmlnt. 'lwobao blt-Keiley Hicnr.ce bit aaa?4aalP'"ni . r""'- . 81ln Iiaiea-Oulnn (2). Djlehanty (2), ft k3af-s J If A i:.el", 1-aJnle. Ji-unluca Double plays-Relta. Jan EtHaV'l V I finis, and Iionerman: llulen, Hsllinan, and Lsloie. IKI I I Wlldpltch-Cnraey. Prnplre-Hornunn. Tlme-1:30. Laaal U ''f i rtTtsBinutt. 2; loiwinr. I rnutT oamk. H '?1 , '"aaiaoii, Eept 21,-Pitiaburgh aud Loulaville I 9 U i . U Hoard tho League ai-aaon In city tu-daynlthn fjBJ K !!t""iv t louble game. Tho nrat jiamo wai a pllehira battlo aaB a? Rr .. setneiu Hawler anil Herman, Pltlaburgh scoring the aTaTl I I'll winning nin In tlmrlerentli lnntni,-on abaaeon balla. fH I I K ; a .u'illlcc, nnd a single, linlau a fielding waa re ffll hl mnrkslila. It waa about the hnrat game of the rear, aaal I ?:.',!" IuUllle won Hie aerond jrame lij hitting Klllru aaal I lii "erd In 1I10 be'eutli IniilnK, l)olan agnln earning off aaaat I 4 11 '.I'" l"iora Klilallo fllli-d Mental I for klrClnr- I ' J( Jlunacer alack haa aleneil with Milwaukee for nnx fJBJ) I q n araiou, and tt lnoka na tijougri Outfielder Unnavau I Ml win mansits II. e puiaburgh team next year, Attend Ill I JS ence, 3.000. Tho acore aaaal I T. ' f .., S: i) 1 Donovan, r. f.n 1 0 0 0 Dexter.c. .. o 0110 I' ii 1; -lj . a.. ...0 0 .1 0 liMccraey, r..f.l 8 11 1 o I I ii f l.,lle. lat bo 0 w 1 0 Clark. I. t... 0 1 J 0 0 1 '? Smith, I. t. .117 1 0 Itoirera. lb...U 1 13 0 0 1 H t ptenrrl.c. f .112 1 0 Pukerlng.e.f.0 0 11 11 0 H f V. Jlirrni.iv.. 0 0 4 0 0 llolan. a. a... 0 I 3 H I JH ? 1 , J'aditen, 2d b.u 1 r 4 liCllnKman.Ub 0 0 3 3 1 mVi f ' J.vona. 3d U .11 1 1 1 O.Jn.iuaon Vdbo 12 2 0 Laaaai' aaH t I llawlry. p... 0 0 2 7 0 llermon.p... 0 0 0 B 1 BaH Bnr' J Totala . 2 8 8,1821 Totali ... T 31 IB 3 J H ! I W Inning run scored with one out. LH IK.- if piitabumh 0100000000 1-3 E jHM, ' Loulacille oouoooootb 0-1 S4i I: Farned run- Loulevllle. Flrat baae by errors-Pitta- aaaaal Kl.? 1 burgh. 2i lxulaviile. 2. Plrat baaeon balla-off Itaw- bbbbbb? lH$r H . V '' "" Herman. 'I. Ktrurk out Hy Hawlay, 2. aaaaal Jaai,-tl-f Tbrei.baa hit blaniel. Tno-bate hlla Lyons. Mo- f !KJ V) rrrery. naerlBee hit-Ely. Btoienbans Sientel (2), aaaaal saa"4 f 1-' "ni Ih. McUreerj, Clark, Cllngman, Double playt- JH iljwi , Bn.l ih and iirrrltt: llawley and l.eiolla: Mccreery Hi' ' and Rogers, lilt by pltoher-Py nerman. 1. Paiied Oj ball-Dextar. Umplre-Eiualle. Tlmo-a.oo. kT iirrB'jnon. ixtvuvntjt. JlaTaW n l.r.o A.r.l h,r. .aflH. ' , lionoTan, r. r 1 3 3 11 O.MIIIrr.o t 2200 & 1 , fly. a. 11 2 4 2 1 alit'rrery.r.f.g a 1 0 0 BBAsH "; ' leiolie. latbo olo 1 0 Clark. I. r. ... u 1200 H" s Builtli l.f... 1210 0 lingers, lat b 0 1 10 0 0 B btentoll. r r .0 0 0 1 1 noTnioi.o f..,ll 13 0 0 MmWBMW- '. Hiigrlen, c 0 1 fl o n linlan, a a...,0 11 7 8 1 . Padden. Ud b.0 12 7 1 1 lineman. 8b, 1 1 1 u 0 faaBBfaaaaaff , .' Lynna, rid h. .1 1 I 8 0 inhnann, 2b. 119 4 0 mmmWM a 1 Milan, n 0 0 0 1 0 cun'lugirm p.l u 0 1 0 H Mcrrltt. 0 1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbTI r Totals .... 0 13 27 1U 1 S Totale 8 11 37 IT II Jlalt'il In Kllliu's place lu the ninth Inning. ' rittiburiti .00101100 n-3 HtKI s . LouUvllfe 9 I 0 U II II B 0 O-il BaaaaaliVfj 1 I' Karnod runa Plllaburgll.Hl LoilllHUe,.!. Mratbaas W ' liSirtiira I'ltlabiirgh, I, 1 olIHville, 2 ilritbaaiou LaaaaHS'l llls-C)tr Cunulllglieln, II. Slrllek out- Ily Mllen. 2 aTaSLaaW' ' ?. ""' " h"" 'mill". I on. Miller. Hairlhi'i till aTaTsaaaVl 1 r.1.111"- stolen liaaM-iiivmvan i.l) MrCieery. llot'ra. '''. ' , t'liluiiian Doubliiplay Pa.hlen, Leiolla.audLyonai sTsaaaaaKi' t . Ho u on.t lli.K-r. lilt I y pllcher-lly Kl.len, 1. Urn BJHHT P're rui'llr. Time - HHiPFf , CICVKI AM. 4 1 mCtHIATI. I, 'BBifiT, , OilV''Jinilnnstl aa never In the ffaWl ft' hunt In tho game wlin rienrlaml l.i-.lay. cuiiuv 'fJKj v pHiliedaeiipirb game until thealilh, hen hehad Il 1 lit. IIHIe lliu.r apiltby aiopplug Vauglin'a hard tilt. TafaVt r , Dwyer plicheil a twit game. Attendance, 1,100. The aaaaaaaaTararf ' s score. Ei r! (irtsiAiii. I nnciixATi. Hi , J.urkett.1... 5'Sra-fi Vl.urk.,1 r . VtTi L!Bs!B!BsHpi ;i. ' 3 C1 "".!. 13 0 8 1 Ijlir.c f, ,. 0 II 1 (I u f i- i'iilloa, b....ii 0 I 0 Mrphee, 2d b n 1 u a 0 ll a MoAliwr.c. r .1 I i 0 Oilliiir.r.t , 11 11 I 0 0 1 V yimmer, r. .,0 2 2 0 0 Vauuhn, 0 0 1 4 11 2 j ,: 1 Mrunrr, ail ,0 1 1 2 11 bmliu, a. 1 1 11 1 u 1 MWMMMt'l i "leheiaii. lb. ,,11 lid 11 Oliwln.hdb ,0 a 1 2 0 n K Itlaki-.r.r. 0 0 0 11 0 lloldM.litbu 2 7 0 0 1 4 tllippr, p , ,0 U ( I) lllllHyer, n , ,.0 0 0 1 u 4 ; Wliuuu ,,, 1 11 11 I 1 - HJHJ f' Crlgtr'. ., 0 0 0 u o Toiala.,. 1 uvt U 8 iV Totals ... 4102710 HijB'f llsttrd fur L'ui p) In the aerenth Inning, ffi ' ' Clereland 2 0 10 10 0 0 . 4 H9fl Llnelnuatl, ,., u I 11 0 11 0 0 0 II- I HBjl J' . turni-d runa riaielanil. I; rinclunitl 1, Hrit MWMMmSrt S I st by rrrora-C'levaluuil, It (-luuliiaaii, 2 I eft 011 KilfV I'aaea-Ciavalaiid, Ii t u. inn bao on MmmmMliflf 'M" "h t'tipoy. Ii oft laon, 1. struck out-Ily '1 1 Wllaiin. 2i by Ilwrer. 4, 1 wo bate hlt-UcKran. iii I hacrlflfH hlis-lloy, L'hllila Rinlrn biirs-nmlih, llur- J: ', kitt. I It b plii'iier-liy l)vyrr. I, Umplre-bherl MmMMWi -l osu. Time 1:05. SBBBSW rS mmWMMLii l OlUtr llaiara, BaaaaaaaaH 1 , I ! I B "aio, 7 1 nut mi xrr, A. H J ntTVAtn. ftept 21. The lUmiia raplur-cl foday'a Hl I rumen (Juinnnw ly a clii.e nurl.i. It j.a guna aTaTMi f annti.t uu bom ahlt-a, llnt rvpi. le with atar field vl Hi. T,i nitenljiuensa atiiall. imiiu 10 Ilia cn'd, Kll rawilai, loin team win lcm,.'r.v 111 the murunx BBBBTaalBfilJ J ' Pruvlaetioc, win re Urn rrinaln ler of the BBPii" ' elllbeplayrd AlteuUance, 2,i'i.O Theatoroi LaHlHM Hi. 1 il.o. rii.nn.ixtK. BaaTaaal !li ' " I'm. A s. R. IB.r.o.A r. HP ali' V riymer.p.f 2 2 11 n l' 2.1 2 1 1 s 6 mmw f ,j .. J Hah', r r . 1 1 1 i 11020 WW AiS I II"'1'. 'f11' '-' U 12 It I l.uieM. ir 1 v s u 0 Mr- V "J tMae, til 1',.. 1)17 tl I'lullln.latb 0 II h 0 0 W' M; K 1 t riming r.l.b.1 k I J I r. m,a a ,u 1 1 3 0 AM: l ' L-Hre. t.. .11 II U 0 II..IIIUS, r. f 0 2 0 0 0 S AMf'., V4 Itlu-liry. . a u 1 9 I s Murray, r. f. 0 o 4 o u I mMv, 'i It Vr'iubart, e. I u b 1 t U'nogan.e 2 9 o u i Amml f tl l.auuoll. p.,. 0 0 4 2 fljllu..rrb'm.v 0 1 b 0 U AmmW TOIala. . .7 18 21 1H Tolall. 3 ill t7 i 0 Ht I 1 A l'1'" il 0 2 0 3 0 2 II -7 ' V i? an V'0" '' ' . I u u 0 ii ii i ii i-B B' I U"- f tsr0tfrun-l'unal8 rievldenrt, . Urat base Lalrii s ilia m e'- .l&iV , r. by errors Provldene. 4. tlt on bases Buffalo, Tl rrovldencs, 7. rirat base na balla-Oft Gannon. I i off Hudderham, 3. Btrnck out Ily tlannon, 8 by Hud rterhem, 1, Two-baa hits Wise, urrmlnger. Stolen tiaaea-Ciymer 121. Hiatal, Double plav liremlnger. Pitcher, and Field, lilt by lUtcher-Nr oannnn, 1, Wild plich-Osnnon. Tlme-liUO. Umplre-Uadney. at tiAnrroBC, men, race Fence Olanla I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Unban (llama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0-8 nita-Page Fence, 8: Cabana, 8, Rrrora Page Fence, 1 Cubaus, 4. Batteries WlUon and Uraham; Storey and W.Jackson. Duasbnll aanae To-day. BATIOSALtKAOl-aAlin AMSICA AMOCUTIO. Washington va. New York, at Washington. Brooklyn vs. Ftoston, at Kaatern park, Ilalltmore vs. Philadelphia, at Baltimore, PltUbuiah vs. Louisville, at Pittsburgh. Cleveland vs. Cincinnati, at Cleveland. Baseball Note. The Boatuoi will plsy at Peterson to-morrow. The final League game of the season at Eaatrrn Park will bo pisyst thlstternoon. Ladles will be ailmltten free. The (Tiuolnnatla scored eighty eight runs and the Loutsvlllei forty-four runs In the series between the two clubs. The Gurhams have Saturday, Sept, 28, open to play any club .giving a suitable guarantee, Ail real Beujamln llronn, manager, 40 West Sixty seventh street. ; The hsaeball aeaaon st the Crsnge A. c. will ter minate on Sept. 20, To-u.oirow the strong team from the F.lKabeth A, C, will cross bats with Hie Ursnze A. C. team. Th- Murray Hllla have Snl unlay, Sept. 211, open, also Sunday, Sept. 27, and Oct. 4, ami would like to hear from anr good team, Andreas Nat O, btroug, manager, :I4U i:nt Forty ninth street, A. C, IL Tho nrooklym shut out Baltimore, A to 0; Chicago, 1 to 0, and Wsshlngtou, 8 to 0. Cin cinnati shut out Brooklyn iwIch, IS to 0 and H 10 0, I'lttsbiiKh, U to 0, Washington, 7 to 0, and Dal. Ilmorr, 4 to 0. X, W, r. 1. Yes. 2, The catcher and flrit base man ran wear gloves or ii mlt or any Hit, shajio, or Height. All other players are restricted to the use or a gloie or mlt not weighing oer ten ounces and measuring nround tho palm of the hand not o-r fourteen Inches. The basaball team nf the Xontclalr Athletic Club brought its ofason to a closo last Maturday, halng completed one of the most successful aeries of games ever arranged by the club The team has been Judiciously lianJIed by Manager C. II. Klo man, and to the oxcellenl battery work of Terry and smith itho latter la Prlncoton a Varsity catch er) ninny of the club'a victories are due. Sixteen games hare becu won, as follows! One each from Mcventh ltegluient Athletic Assorlntloil. Utter dale A. C , Mum) Hill II. II. C, Ituigers College, rresfcuts of PlaliifleM, and Mitley A. C.t two each from Kllsabefh A. C, statrn Isla d Cricket and II. li. C, Flushing A. C, Knglenood F C, and jontlue of nw York. Seven games were lost, two to Nutley A, C, inn to Cuban X (Hants, two to Orange A. C. and one to Staten Island C. and 11. 11. C. noir.vo. UpenlnE 8ama or the American Nntlonsat Preliminary Tonranraent, Twooftlto twelve teams desirous or taking part In tho American National tournament honied ut the Germanla Assembly Ilooms alleys last night. As ouly five clubs were dropped from the member ship roll It was decided at a recent meeting of the orgaulzutlon to hold a prellmlnarr tournament to last four nlghtr, so .hat the applicants could have an equal chance to play In the championship tour ney, which will begin on Oct, S. Fach fUowlll roll twe games, and the successful teams will ho decided by the total number ot pins scored. In last night's games the Trojans tallied 1,050 pins, while the Brtnkumers made 1,450. The ecores: IIBST UAUC Trojan Krlckbanni, 127; Kiihiweln, 132 ; I). Meyar, 148; Lehman, 132: J. Merer, 210. Total, 770. Brlnkumer J. Selumbohm, let; Mahnken, 133; Pfelffer, 141; Halm, 133; Botberiucl, 187. Total, 742. SCCOHU OAMF. Trojan Krlckbsu-u, 183; Kuhlweln, 189; It. Meyer, 173, Lehman. 142; J. Hcjer, 211, Total, ll'rlnkumer .T. Schlumbohm. 116 ; Mahnken, 147; rfeirrer, 120; Ilahn, 1U0; llothermel, 144. Total, 717. The American Bowling Congress held Its annual meeting last night at tha Elephant Club house, Brook lyn. The delegates were somewhat tardy putting In an appearance, and ft was It o'clock before President Curtis was able to call tho meeting to order with the following delegates responding to Secretary Karpf's roll call: American National Tournament of Now York, J. Ounstand Joxph Wiugenfeld: .Sew on Iloynl Area uum League, r. t". Juninnsmeyer and p Jlartln. Iirnokl)n Hoyal Arcanum League. Dr W. A. (JriRlth and J 1.. Martin: Carruthera .Sallonal Tournament oCllrooklyn. J.ll. Feiiulnxton: bhra a Caalno luurna luent of Brooklyn, l.'Darler Wa trrA and W. 1 Man lorf: lnlerbtatr League, Peter J. Fpnlg; Arlington league of NiwMirk. It. llcrrl.oti. llariem Bowling Lesgue, 8. Karpf: Uncle 8nn Tournament of .New York, I)r. II. Tlmm. Madlwiti roirnament of rw ork. II. Tilts: Brooklyn National Tournament, J. Aintrmann: Casino Tournament of Astoria, (I. P. Btracki Twenty sixth Ward Tournameat or ilroox lyn. John Ilailer and Jamea lawless: Bank Clerks' League, a. E. Paynter; Has Bern league of New Vork. L. T. Sthulte; United nowllng clubs of New 1 ork, lir. II. Tlmiu; Capitol Tournament of Brooklyn. i red Hchmalr. There were no out of ton delegates present, but letters from the !.oacll Assfiatlon. Ilumlitnn (.oiiuty Bonllng League, and lluffalo lhmllng Asscclatlou were rradexprrsiltig Inabllltv to Ihj represente J, but I eai thy endorsing the objects of the ( oiinrri". Pre k-Idi-ut Curtis made nn extensile speieh. whlchdelt inieflriipun thenennltlounf an ainatPitr and profes sional bonier. 1 he delegate were ovldently not lu a mood to meddle with this much ill-iissed snbject among bowlers, unit practlenllr plat d tl.e on ricord that thrmaretio profeslonnl bonters Tha Conuress fnllfil to take an) action on tho proposed (hnnges tnplnsor spots. Ilia election of umcers re al lied as follows Prrsldent. Ur II. Tiiunti Vlee-Prcsldint, P. J Fpnlg: Ketrotary. 8, Karpf: Tnnn.ror. u p Sirsck. uirei tors Dr. W. A, (Jrimih, n o nas Curtis, o. E. Pa) uler, Charles Walters John INller .1 m.nst The Bank Clerks' League, Chicego City I-asiie, Shear's (.aslno Tournament, and tne Twent) sixth Ward Tournament iere elned to membership. President Ilmm received aulliurity to call the nest meeting of the Congress, and It Is probable that II will be held lu this city the first Honda) In May. xlotvltnK ntee. The Harlem Republican Club lournament will not be orgaulzed for tho seaon until after election day. If suitable arrangements can he made, the Bank Clerks' Rowltit League will engage (he New nrlc Hotel alleys. Tho proprietors of the Ilnrlrm nllest intend to begin the Harlem League tournament Immediate ly after the United lUHliug (.tubs competition is completed. Whenever the leading bowlers are on almost equal terms it gciRrnliy happens that the high man will not boul tho last tno games, eo as to mvoM dropping back In tho uvrrages. At times the loss of a good bowler handicaps n team, and to stop such a move In the future tournaments should compel the players to roll tho final two games to be eligible for a prlro Tho Amerlian national tournament will undoubtedly be the Mm to adopt this rule. TaebtlBB Note of Interest. The clastlflcatlun nf the Sound Yacht Racine; Union and the Lnrohmont acht Club will he considerably reduced next surtson, with a view of simplifying; racing anil Increasing the num. be r of entries In each class. At the present tlmo thero are over thirty regularnnd special classes, which will bo reduced to nbout Hovunteen. Nut only this, hut when tho regular olnises do not 1111, or when there Is n. marked difference between the speed of boats In the samu clnsi, they will be nrbltrnrlly hantllrapped.whleh, it Is thought, will result In more entries and better raolns all around. Up at I.iirclmiont. although the season Is practically 'iter, the members of this ever nctltu organization nro al i eady preparing lor next ecaton's jachtlng. '1 he club In tho past has promoted the Sl-footera and .'IH-rnti rs, aud next season. It Is said, a number of members will build (10 footers. The boats will bn about 80 feet over all, ntul will lei raced without tlmo allownnro Iniinone-cun starts, Asa mailer of fact, one. gun starts will bo the rule rather than the ex ception next season on thu Sound. The new clats of tlo-footer will bu ahuut the same sire as tho Queen Man, only they will have ranro rnnvas, and it is said Hint lloircahoff wlllbulld most nf them. 'Ilteli- i-ost will be from about 8-n,ooo to t'.'s.nno vnch Herbert II. rrelry, Hlin Imported tho half, rater Mlcrnlm from Kngl.ind this spring. It talk, ing of building a -til-fiiDtor next season. Uoaalp or the lliiaitbiall Court a. J. l.i rkln and W, Brady are matched to play Idwaid Hopkins smi J. Murphy f r U'3 a sluo at the Jersey 1 II) i ourt nu r-pt 27. Manngir John Lgnu of the Jirsey Cay oourtssit tlut as anon as the mum nauh between W, Pe laney unit P. bum Is decided W jwlor of firevn lolnl, who Mlahes In ploy the winner, will be 1 rompil) aocoinmodale'l, James Fits 1ral. of Tialee, the handball chair rlJU or, hat written to pull Case), slating ttist bo xiieits to arrive in this i-ouniry on Oct, 13, He outlines ro plan of campaUn, but the baro announcement Is aerel'le I as a welcomo Indira. thin nf some rscliitig matches during the winter months. Tho younger brigade among local pin) sib are ap. piuuily anxious lo bring about a competition for I ho amateur championship nf America. Young IVan of Jersey City and Casbman of Manhattan Mils are strongly fancied br their respective ad mirers, while, at a mailer of course, Brooklyn, lies are lo)aito Jimmy Dunns, who has yet to meet hl ier. Followers of handball will be Inte-ene I to learn that John l.awlor, vino linsuecrsstully opposed l'l.ll cer fot the world's championship and sub seiiuentl) won sat oral maiches lu this couutry. Is silll an aetlre deroleu nf the game. Ho now re al. let at Dublin, where, on Kept 8, he plsjrd a Imal expert, Detry, umjedliig an exira hard In rtrry game lo l ho laner, Tho rubber was the nest or nine nanus, ntteeu aces eaib, and considerable money changed hands on the result, Dsvey won the toss ami ueier gave a chance to his opponent, winning Hie rubber in straight games. The scores wsrei IS J, 183, 141, 18-0, IB S, llaa. Hull, rosier Park, 4 1 U. To-day, llrnoklin va Boston. Adctlailea. 60v. and 29c. LsUlrs'usr today. d I A PHENOMENAL TEAM. . a. jiAreMKrsn'M iiaimihtta Af,I 31 1.1.1 J.I DA TUOX Xlf atl3U' The Performance waa Made Over tha Hlosv nnd finder Track at Cansaane Repreacntntlva Horsemen Daelaro the Time Made Better Than tha Keeard. Henry Itavemoycr It the fortunate possessor of what competent Judges declare to be the greatest pair of trotting horses In the world, hit phenomenal pair of maree, Harrietts, by Alcy one, and Miss Llda, by King Clay, having trotted A mils In SilIlM over the htary nnd dead track at Commao, Long; Island, yesterday. The record for (louble teams la StlUM, hald by Hello Hamlin and Honest George, owned by C. J. Hamlin ot lluffalo, thla pair hating trotted In that tlmo at Providence In 1803, over a specially prepared track. Mr. llavomeyerdoes not race his liorsot, but lis lotes them, and some of the happiest hours of hit life are spent behind the royally-bred trotters In his string. Ha paid a large pries for Harriotts, the winner of the Transylvania Stakes, nnd later on secured Miss Llda to match the blood-like danghler of Alcyone, Ha be. came of the opinion, after having them shaped up. that he owned n pair of trotters ot remark able capabilities, and desiring to share the pleasure of seeing them Inaction, with a num ber of friends lie Invited a select gathering of New Yorkers to sen them trot a mile to wagon at tho Commao track yesterday, t mong those who took tho train from Lone Island City at u o'clock In the morning were ex-Corporation Counsel William II. Clark, David Uonnsr, Al bert Hale, Cornelius Fellowes, Charles Elder, nnd Hamilton Husbey. About 000 persons witnessed the splendid performance. At the first attempt Carll S. Ilurr, Jr., sent the trnm to the half In HOOK through the slippery and sticky tooting, and It looked as though the world's record would be lowered in spite of the poor track nnd tho cold, windy weather. lint Miss Llda slipped Just be yond the half-mils pole, making a brenk nnd grabbing her quarter In an ngly fashton. Ilurr pulled the mnres to a Jog nnd they came home in Ui.'lut) for the mile. iiauanunur inter tney starieu again, wun the wind blowing harder than before. The blood from Miss Lldn's Injured quarter wns ooz ing out, nnd few horsemen expected to sen Hie pair trot Uilfi. They went away to tho quarter lu 0:.I4H. and to the half In 1:07, with the daughter ot King Clay pulling her sharo ot tho load. On the upper turn Ilurr called on the gal lant pair and tho pace quickened until thuy were trotting a 2:10 gait as they entered the homestretch. A long stretch of mnddy track retarded their progress coming borne, but In spite of all handicaps they finished strong and truoln -':llli.i. Mr. Haemeyer edged bis way through the crowd on the qunrterstretch and Ihiuired of David Uonner. who officiated as starter: " How fast did they trot the last quarter, Mr. Ilonner?" "The tlmo ot the mile tins not yet been an nounced," answered Mr. Uonner, "1 don't rare about the time of the mile," said tho owner of the gallant mnres, "but I would llko to know how well they trotted that last quarter through the mud." Mr. Ilnvemeyer admires courage as well as speed, nnd he wns more concerned about tho finish than he was about the record made by the daughters of Alcyone and King Clay. After the team performances Carll R Ilurr, Mr., drove Mr. Ilnvemeyor's handsome young stallion Mer rivals, by Alcantara, halt a mile to road cart in 1 :00i. Tha other events were the 2:30 and 2:37 trots. Summary follows: 2i2rt class, trotting, purse (200. Carll 8. Burr. Jr '. Almoutr I 1 1 11. UDarlB't Matilda V 2 2 2 llme-2 2fll(. 2 23(, 9:244. 2 37clsss. trotting: purse lino. Carll s Ilurr. Jr.'s. Miss Kddy 1 1 1 A.M. Walker's William h 2 2 2 Wllllsmb. Youngs Baby 8 3 3 Tlme-2 f.H. 2.311!', 2 2J(. Thojudgea were David Honncr, II, M. White head, und William II. Clarke. A.C. Hall, Ham ilton Llusboy, and Jesse Carll were the timers. JUfK A FAST YOUXGHTEll. JLowera the Kace Record for Two-year-old Trotters at Itlgby Park. I'oitTl.ANii. Me., Sept. 21. To-day saw soma great harness racing at Itlgby Park, the special event being the lowering of the world's race record fer two-year-old trotters. Jupe, owned by I). A.Snell of New Hertford. went a mile In 2il4rt. beating the record of 2:16)4 made by Hilly Uretlon nt Lexington, Ky last year. Van .omit, won tho 2:40 trot In straight heats, though shu was pushed by Straight Line. The 2:24 pace was not finished, Iteflnn and Red Bilk winning two heats each and Clifford one heat. This was a rcil-hnt race. 'I he 2:10 pace was also a fighting race. In which Hod Fox and Uutui each have one beat and till Curry two. To-morrow John ft. llentry will paco to beat 2:QUs, nnd on Wedne'dar tlierunlll be a race for $2,000 between Star Pointer and Joe Pntchen. Summaries to-day: 2 30 class, two yar olds, trotting; purse 12.000. Jupe. b. e., b) Aloe Wilkes Ann Patchen, by Mimbrlno Patct ea (I'ayne) 1 1 Mlka. h c. (Palmer) .1 -J Pre. toll, gr. a lAbell) 2dls lorna. b. f. (Tjret tells llrne-S.glM V-I4H. 2 40 1 lass, trottlnic; purse f2,000. Ht.andt, b in- b) Chime Bed Alsxlds, by Alexan Irr 11. Bliermati (Detereaux) . til Stralgnt Line. b. m. ptllltr) 3 2 aleueo en. in. (fleers) , 3 3 9 1 ore.ti r br. g. Il'rociorl 4 4 4 g, lAbellj Ha NellleB.b. m (l.lbby) tils Time 2 184. 2:18.2 !(.' 2 24clnss, pacing: purse 2 000 (unnnlshed). Henna gr. m, by lleelection-Mlnnlo nilkeh, by (lenrgx U likes illowenl 2 13 4 1 Bed Silk. b. m . b) Baron Wilkes Nannie'oiiat, by BelwooJ (T)snnl. .. 12 8 12 Cllrforil. b g . by Ormond Nana by Urn II toueOlcCrean 8 II 1 2 3 in, (Vtllsou) 4 0 8 8 8 lied Oak, h. g llleersl . II 4 4 0 4 huccess, U m (iinldeni . . .ills. Tlme-gilO, 2:luM, 2il8V(, 2-12J,. 2t2i. 2 lOclaas. pacing; purse i 000 (unnnlshed). filleurrv, gr. g.. b) Aln ont Boy Orey Jen nleiltaluhti 0 8 1 1 ar.b) Almont (iteersj 10 7 7 Humps, h.g ,l llarnn Mlkes (Wilson) .... 2 1 2 4 Crafty, br. s (Hoover) 7 a 9 Weed Wilkes, blk. m. (itaibbun) 3 2 8 3 (lazette. h s. (bliaughnekS)) 3 4 4 8 Alll, li s (lake) t 7 0 0 Miss Woodford, b. in (lone) pis. Tlme-2:ll,3 ou4,2 Oliss.,2,12. j'fir.o. Chandra In the Itntlngn Under tha New Ilundtcapa. A number of, chnnges In the ratings of the players nre shown In the September handicaps list sent nut yesterdny bv 11, L. Herbert, Chair man of the Polo Association, As a result of the championships shnrp eyes have turned on tho Mendowbronk men. C. C. Baldwin, Jr., linv Ing hU mark Incieised from six goals to nine; W. C. Kustls going from tliroo to five, while Thomns Illtcliock, Jr., has had his ponnlty In rrensod fioin eight lo nine. K. Wlllard ltoby nnd It. K. Vtngut of the Meadoworook second team aro now four goal men, each having In curred n penalty of n goal. Although the win ners of tho championship, none of the Itockn wny llrst team has beon penalized, except licorge P, I.'utls. who is now n six. Instead of a fltii gold plujor. It should be noted, though. Hint Keenc nnd Cowdln wero already At the high ratines nf ten and nlno respectively, while J. S. Hti'n. at Blx. lias been lucky to escape nn addltlo al Impost. Of the other plny oiB In tho championship Seward Cary has had Ills liat-illcnii augmented from fuiu to fh, nnd his club mnto on tho Ilulfnlo teuiu, II, T, DnUs, haslitenctil frcm tan In una goal wlitle. 1111 tho Myorln team, Onntncr and Kny liaio been induced from six tnllm and Shnw Kites from eight to nine. Among nololsln met nesiprilay Hieiu wns snins nriterse inminenls 011 the lieavj Impost allotted to Ilaldwln, hut nthiirwlso the handicaps worn generally en ilorsril. Among tins yr.unger Rockaway plniers Con. mer Is at six. Mi ers four. K. Mrrena two, and Hazard two, each an Increase of one goal, 'lhe only chAtigH among the Country Clubnf West. Chester plii)ers Is that J. C. Coolej, Jr., Is nt three, from tno goals, r C. Potter'a handi cap Is unohanged, at roven. and he m iy be aeon In the saddle anon again. In tne Morris Coun ty Country Club division Hiirjcs aid ninscb are each Inoreascd one goal, Kiirinnn nnd Holmes of Mropta each suffer none goal pen. Wllitll'ifl"!? "ot l'e-goat men. At Dodhnm L. M. Weld rut from six loflto. w hllis Klton vPr .'' Uie ranks at one-goul rating, The I)eon tesin Is again railed alt around, a goal lielug added on the ratings of Snonden, Keudrlcks, and Altemus. The now liandlcepa will got em the tourna ruents at the HufTtlo Country Club and the St. Iuls Country Club dnrlng October. '""-" Trap Mbootlar. Four members of lhe Idle Hour Oun Club tied for first prize and the badge at the regular monthly shoot at Dexter Park yesterday afternoon. A shoot 0 IT for the owurrthipof the prize was not necessary, the four nun Uiug willing to bavel! decided in next month's shoot. Bumiaarvi jlegnlar monthly club snoot at seven live birds saeh.tiandleap ,, for club medal. Henry Jteru 2H jarda, 7t Ueorge Helmsteadt. ka yards. Tl 1 John' Unmberiier, 23 yards. 7. Frederick' MiS-ket. 28 yards. 7i Henry Itorfmsnii. 21 ysrdH oTlleurv Iioeromermaiin. 26 ysrdt. 5, J. f. c. Klf.ra v? Kws!,V,C.'rd.,.,ii:,,,l,,M' " rU, 4) WlU'fS Lur. pa9fnemit0mgmmmmmmmmm GBATBSBnD'M CAM XO-DAT. Tha Eva ate laelisda tha TonthDil auad At. laustle Mtakea. Tha card for Oravttend to-day It above the average In quality nnd abnuld be productive of Interesting sport. Two Stakes, tha Youthful, a telling event for two-yenr-olds, at Ove and a halt furlongs, nnd the Atlanllo Stakes, a high weight handicap for all acts, at five furlongs, are on the crd. Among tha starters slated for tha Youthful Slakes are such good performers as George Rose, Dreak o' Day.Cleophus, Celoso, Tragedian, and others of lesser calibre, while Prealon, Farrier, llonaparte, and Tremargo will probably be among the atartera for the Atlanllo Stakes. The handicap for tbree-ytar-olde and nnward, at one mile and a furlong, should be welt con tested. Although the Held It email, it contains some good material. A flve-and-a-half-furlong dash for two-year-olds, a mile race for three-year-olds andtupward. and a six-furlong dash for the tamo class will bo tho other features. Entries follow! Hrst Itsce-Purss tnoO: for two-year-olds; handl cap; rive and a halt furlongs, Ludwlgthafen., 118ItnyslBose. Ill IUsn lt.inald Ill tfcarrpln.,,., 109 Distinction io, Mohawk Prince 102 I'assovtr VHlpye , 80 Heeond Hoce-Puras 83001 for three year olds and upward: selling allowances: one mile. (Ilenmoyn 110 Marshall 108 Cromwell 100 Ingomnr. Uu Haudspun., UU Arapahon 02 Musktlonge I'll t aptlre 117 BiUk w premier. VJ JelTcrion e4 Third lUce-The Youthlul Stsket of $1,800, for two ystroldsi HO each and tno additional furatanrrs; to the winner 81,200. to the second (sun, and to the third 8100, selling allowances! rise and a half fur longs. drone note 103 Trazedlan 08 Celoiu , U7 C.eoiilius MS Passover uo Arabian UJ Mylng Bijuadron ui in Daddy uo Break o' Day ,. no Clymena Ud Fourth Hare-Purse. H(io, for throe jear olds nnd upward; handicap) uue mils and a furlong, Deerslaysr I III Connols.ur 103 heenan IIiiiLour ileacn luo Dsmlen 107kapelo. 0.1 Hfthltace-The Atlatitlo Htakesof 82.0U0: aheav). tielht handicap for all ages, to tne winner fl.SUu, to tno second 330, nnd to the third 8130, five fur longs. Perrler l87Tremsrgo. 119 ltublron 128 Agitator Ut Bonaparte l22lFtorlnu us Preston liu Sixth ltace-Purse $B00. for three year'clds and up ward which have not won this year: six furlongs. blroion 112 Article. 101 I'eclare 1 12, Inheritance ln.l Waiitcr. lUOindo ml Milan ion lltmous.i na lialirettl 111U Laurrltan IM Predicament 103 lion Homme 118 uoodvlue IOj Mormon US Poor Prices Air Yoana; Ilisaens. The salo ot thoroughbred yoarllngs vesterdny at the paddooka opposite the Sheopshead Hay race track came very near being a Qxzle. Only a few horsemen wero present, and at a result tho bidding was tame and spiritless, prices gen erally ruling very low. The stock represented coaslgnments from tho well-known breeding establishments of James Galway of the Preak ness ritud, O. II. Cbenault ot the Spendthrift Stud.Urccklnrldgo Yllelg nf the Stonen all Stud, nnd W. U. Forbes of tho Noponsel Stud. Forty, eight head were catnlogued, n a number of which no bids were received. The highest price was paid b J, E. McDonald, who gave C1.200 for a splendld-louking chestnut colt by the im ported sire Meddler, out of Money Box. A list of youngsters bringing $100 or upward follows: llnmancer, ch. c, by Prlnoo Hoyal Basin; J, R. Walker ... gino Ba nlly.byBelvldero-MlssOllte; W.Wheeler . tut) Iii i-olt, byUslrldere Bonnie Peas; W. Wheeler. B.'.u Bay filly, by Linden Crochet, J. C Cnnn 3.-3 Chceinut tllly, by Spendthrift Mnrgery; J. O. (Jray 183 Mr alentlne, ch. f., by Teuny-Mtts Nailer: John It. Walker 200 Chestnut filly, b) Llnden-I'eniaah: W. Lakeland. 100 Chestnut go ding, by tmp. Ictory Uonnle Llzri-, W. Wheeler ...;...." . . 000 Chestnut filly, by Beividere-Adele; W. Wheeler, lou Chestuul nily, b Onondaga silken Ban, J. c. Catm too Ch.g, by Linden Vintage; W. Wheeler 30U II. c . by Imp. Meddler-Sunny Side: M. K. llwyer. 700 Ch c. or Imp Meddler-Imp Frolic (Irace; W. Karrlek .... . ... 430 Ch. r by Imp. Meddler-Money Box; J. 11 McDon ald 1,200 Sir Mlchnrl'a Reaxnlatlon Plnte. Lohdon, Sept. 21. At Kempton Park to-day tho Regulation Pints of 103 sovereigns for horses that had not won a race of the value of 150 sovereigns, or 400 sovereigns collectively, up to the tlmo of entry (selling races excepted!, six furlonps. was won bv W. W. Fulton's Sir Michael, live years. T. Cannon's Chrysomsl, three years, waa second, and E. Wlthard's Dam sel II., three ) ears, third. Seaulte at HI. Lonla. Sr. Ions, Sept. 21. Kser) favorite was bowled over to da), aeennd and third choices dividing tho winning veuly. Chilly weather kept the attend once down. Track good, Summaries: Urat Usee six furlongs. Joe Hart, 98 (Wll hltei. 3 to 1, won; Mrrcurj, 107 (T. Murphy), 8 to 1. sreond: Swir,y, tot (darner), 4 to 1, third. Time, lllTVt. Second Bace Seven furlongs. Henry ITIgglns. 01 (Wlllilte), su to ', won; Heseen, 102 (Oarneri, 2 to 1, second. Dew of June, UU (1. Bmlth, d 10 1, third Time, 1 .i0)f. Third llace- Five furlongs. Horseshoe Tobaeeo, OH (T. Lrlghii, 10 to 1. won: Jumna, 101 (Mc lluahl, (I (o 1, second. Sugar Foot, 1'3 (T. Smith), 4 10 8, third. Time, 1:0J. Fourth Bace One mile, Oarland liar, 100 (T. Murphy). 3 to I, unn, lop Ma-t. 100 (K. Jones), 8 10 n. second; Kamsln, 107 (Mcilugb), 3 10 2, third. Time, l-43t4. Fifth llace Six furlongs. India, m'l (Oarner), 3 to 2, won, Mlrs Baker, US (C. Slaughter). 2 to 1. second: Alvin W., 10J (Mcliugti), 18 to 1, third Time. 1 1.114. sixth Kace Six furlongs Tommy Butter, mil (Mcllughi, 7 lo 1, ivun, Damoclrs, 107 (T. Mur phy), to 8, second; Mamie O,, Ui (C. Combsi. 13 to I, third. Time, 1 lou. Egbert the Oaly Winntaa Favorite nt Oakler OlkLH, Sept. 21, Two long shots, J.Waller In thetnird snu Itoblnson In ih nrih, l)th t 13 10 1, won today. Igbarl, the mil) wlnnliiir faior tte, captured the nandlcnp In ensv aisle. Sum marlet: Hrst llace Five furlongs Bolsarn, ins c. r.e.ITi, 3 to 1, nou, Elglilia, 1 10 ilhompsoni, 10 to 1, second, Maday, ltu (Perkins., 7 to I, third Time, l:0.IW. Second Hooe One mile. leaflet, 100 (Fnnler) B to 1, won, Jamboree, 101) (Btuinni, 4 to 1, sec nnd, ABC, 103 (J, Gardner), 9 10 I, third. Time, Th rd Bace fclx furlong. J. Walter, 104 F, Bllssell), 13 to 1, won, Cnpt, P.crfll, 101 (O. IllclTl ri to 1, secend. Tidiness, 10:1 (Brittnn). 10 to 1 third, rime, lilBcz, ' ourtb rtace trio hnntllcsp; one mile and sei enty yards. Fgbart, lis (Scherrcr), (1 10 3, won. Toots, 117 (J. Gardner), 3 to I, second, Ben 'lolls uu), 107 (Perkins), J to 2. third. Tunc, t:4BV. Hflh ltnce One mile. Itoblnson, 102 iC. ltein") 18 to 1, woni Manchester, ill! (Perkins), rven. second: Judith, 100 (Scherrer), u to 3, third. Time 1142. ' Tha Winners at Windsor. DrTROIT. Sept 2I.-I.ady Callahan was tho only win nlugfaiorlte at Windsor toils, summaries rlrtt Usee Klvr and one-half furlongs Ausllnwon. Damask second, Ashland third rime, 1 Ki'i. Second Hace-hour and one-hair furlongs, nnrry S. on, .Scsouiltt Bc-cond, Prlnciss Maud nurd. Tlim 0 o,. Third llacn-Reven furlongs, stanzoa won, Kicuso secoiiil.Uiiiiior third, lime. 131 ' Fourth lla.e-Plre andahulf furlongs Ijidy Cal lahan won, torfsltsecond, Conroy thtrit. Time, 'H(in llace-pne mile. Charley Weber won. Da slgner second, Kapalateiile inn J Time, 1 43. Sixth Kao-FIe and a half furlongs If won.Bls marck second, Alalanu third, lime, liloc,. Klfla Hbootlag. The shooting festival of the Zettler Rifle Club at Cypress Hill Park came to an end yesterday, Fred C Rots, the untlonal "Schnetren Koenlg," took first prlre on tho target of honor by a score of 22, 24. 26, total 71, fills Zimmerman was a close second, notwithstanding tho fact that his rifle went back nn hint. The best bull's-e) e was tnndebyOoorgeSchlU'bt. The Zettler trophy, us expected, went toThomns Llotd, whoe score of "0 on Mmdaj could nut be duplicated. The Judges' prlre wore won by Charles Hor nig, llfi, and C. ,1, Fncklainm, ill. The competi tion at the ladius' target of honor brought out twenty.four women sharpshooters. Fourteen-year-old Miss Fretda Illumrnbcrg nnd Mrs. Fred C. Ross lied with three bull's-eyus eaoh. Shooting of), they tied agaln.and then lhe girl won by scoring her tilth consecutive uull'a. eye. fhe scores of Hie prize winners are appended: r,T,''"l!,,?'''' V' '". J" l" Zimmerman, 70: U Flai k, u J. Lyons. N kturr W ii,W,An and J. Booxman, OOeaoh! kr onsberg" 041 li;. ofZw' '.''ier"o"e,.e".,, J M,r""' 8,i C J- "& and C."' ..ll,fiX'arr, isi'on"s 7"' " Koljet, 78; M. Dorrler JH fl ' "." '!"' lmmermn.7t: tLUKngsl' ?0. 11. M, Tope, 70, (I. C. Boyee. Tui A. rVrkinldt? Bill Premium, best five tlcksU g-arraan.;..":-:-::.::;:.:- ? ?A K ISiffl Point Target, Btst Bulls Fyea-O. Sonlleht BK- Oeh. The OaUeatla.ABsorlta Knees. Owing to the running aground on Sstur day In the regatta of the American Yacht club the series of match races between her and the Amoriia which were to bars bi en sailed ort LsrchnioSu 51!' Plaz yesterday, have Ixen p,.iipon7d to ThniZRv rrlday. and Batuntay. Uolh Goals .r. i..iij??.r: City "land yrtterdsy'tor'cpK.'for K eontSt?1" ' NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN. MICHAEL XTIhtiATXBUVT XO LOWBI XtlK riVK-ttXhlS HKCOltn. Cooper and Johaeee to Bide a Match Bnee nt 'Waeerlr-French nidera Crttielea lohnaon Raelnat n Now Cendueled Uangerona Berne Ronlea and Qoaalp, The Quill Clob Wheelmen hay deolded to run oft the races postponed from their meeting at Manhattan Ileaeh on Saturday at the Waverly traok on Thursday, Id addition to tha regular racea a one-mils raatoh raca between Torh Cooper and John 8. Johnson wilt take plaoe, and James Michael will make nn Attempt to lower the five-mile record with pacemakers. Michael, the Welsh rldsr, expeots to return to London early In November, but before tearing this country It la his objeot to take part In time trials and racca In various parte of the country. Ills manager, In speaking with Tub Bun re porter, laid lis hat mads engagementa for Michael to rate In Philadelphia, lloalon, To ronto, and Chicago. Thero Is sums talk of his riding a match racs with Nat Rtttler at Hoiton next Saturday. On Oct.:) ho will make an ot tempt to lower tho flve-tnllo American record at the new (iarfleld track lu Chicago, He will hnvo twenty pacemakers In his trial. The French racing men tnke exceptions to the criticisms, mado by someof the American racing men who have been abroad this year. F..' C. Porcheron, on behalf of the Racing Men's Syn dlcnto In Paris, sayst " I must most energetically protest against the allegations made by John 8. Johnson In relation to the French racing men, lhe American complains that the Frcnoh riders against whom lie competes did not treat hi in in a fair or Just way. 1 appeal lo ttich men as Zimmerman. Hanker. Janp FMen, Wheeler, Murphy, nnd Klser. who. Although foreigners, have njwn) a been well received In Franueanu treated on a level with our own riders nnd who In the numerous events In which they have taken part on French soil hnve never mot with any but li al. honest, ridurs. Each defeat of Johnson showed his real Inferiority tothoe who bent him. His mulch with Morln In spite of tlin Incidents which marked the meet ing, gno n net losiilt iwlthout any pos slbl contestation, and our countryman's vlc t'lry wns not due to any dishonest manoeuvre. Johnson wu hrnten on Ids merits, and well beaten, too. In the bargain. Johnson claims that ho wns unable to obtain a match with Jncqulelln nnd Morln. If ho reallv wished to meet these riders, why did lie nut fulfil Ills en gagement In the Urand Prlxde Paris, the prlres In which weio very tempting. If he doubted th? Impartiality of the French Judges, why tlldtt t he compete In the world's championship r j lie fact of the matter Is, Johnson got left in Paris, and ho was afraid of getting left at Copenhagen. He alleges thnt pacemakers plundered him. lint his statements contradict onenuothcr. Ithoutdenying Johnson's quail flcatlous behind a triplet, anyone could see that in an open race behind, our sprinters he was not hulfAa good at our riders ot the second order." The large number of nccldents which hare re. con try befallen competitors in races Is being widely discussed by racing men. and It Ik felt that something should be done by the I.. A. W. to make racing safer. A prominent member of the L, A. W ., in discussing tho nccldents of the Keason,sa)s: ''The racing season now closing hat beon fruitful In accidents. Neierbefnis were there so many in a single season. 'lbs cause Is the Increased popularity of racing and the largo fields of dinners, usually too large 'm.8 . 'fnoks on which the men are sent n(T. Inls growing frequency of accidents has begun to tell upon the proflts of the pro moters. Many people who nre thoroughly loud of thu sport sia nwny because they do not care tnhave their nert ca upset bv tho slghtof uncon scious men carried oft to the dressing tents for restoration. The sight Is not a pleasant one, and theso continued nccldents hurt racing. The chief fault seems to rest with the promoters, who Insist upon starting too man) men In heats And finals. Next season the L. A W. Racing Hoard should embody In Its rules something de "'j ,, L rimed) the evil. At least four feet should be allowed o each contestant at tho 'jy.1!0' J1 raci' ntul evcr" ,r"-ck; should haven width of at least twenty feet In the stretch. Not more than five starters should bo allowed in an race on such a track. Trotting tracks arc utunlly from thirty to fifty feet In width. .nd . on J!!'em .not mon than ten men should start. The only way in which race promoters can tie compelled to rnn races safelv Is to hnve the. Racing Hoard adopi some regulations In re lation to the number of men to run In heats and finals." A. R. Shaw.-To rldo to New Bedford. Mass , tako tho following route: From llutli street and .'rii?x ene ride to 120th street, through Hfth avenue to 1.18th street; continue on through l:l5lh street to Madison avenue, across the bridge, and througo lUSth street to South noulerard; turn to the left up the Houlevard to estchester Avenue and direct to Watt Chester: from this point ride to New Rochslle.and follow the turnpike 10 I.nrchmont: from Larcbmnnt continue, direct one mile nnd take the left fotk, ciosslng the bridge to Mamaroneck; follow the l-ot road througli Mnmaroneck und Rye: then turn to the right and follow the turnpike to Ponchctttr; Icato Porlchtster by way nf Main street. cro Hvron River bridge, and follow tho turnpike up bill to Greenwich: from this point ride to Stamford, and llioiuo ia turnpike to linden: cross, the railroad tracks In Dnrlen and continue straight Ahead tuNorwalV.; Irani Nurnalk ride to South NorwAlk; cros ibu railroad east of etatlun and follow the shnre road tn the Saugaturk Chiirrh, l,','!nr M'? railroad : from th's point follow the Riverside aenue liorso car tracks to the sWst port drawbridge, and continue straight ahead J'1",1""" tho bridge to Soutlipurl: from this paint follow the ehore road through Fairfield to llrldgeport; cross tho railroad at the end of tho depot In llrldaerort and tako tho tnrnptko from Stratford to Mllfnnl. and thence via Merwln's Point iir.d West Hunch to New Haven, leave New 11 At en via Hradford to Guilford And go direct via .Madison and Clinton toSaybrnoke: from Snjbrooke cross tho river to Lime Ferry nnd turn to the left to I.lme: from this point ride through South I.lmo to Nlnntic, and thence ia tiraullei lllo nnd .lordanvlllo to New London: from New London take the ferry across thai haruca lotirntnn. and continue on through Peqiioiinck to M)tlc Hrlilge: from here ride direct tn stnnlngton: leave Stonlngton via.Mai'hriw street ami KO ,irect through We- "cvIrliu i.u,or",n.1,"' Ashway. Hnpklnson City. Wooilvllli.. and direct to shamrock : continue Viln JftT"'1' W.,"iVon. ,H."on. Mocumvllle, and lellvlllc. tn Ickfoni mid to Greenwich; i,,?1',1"''"ili.5r'''',n.''"lehr,,,,'''nAl''u,,,ue,ndPnw. ni iia.'"n! r,,,?,,i lei'nB ProHdence fol o f s " V " ni "J " Ol'iey street, and Fast avenuo to Pawtucket from this point mlo to Taunton. Aiid theii , smith tiiMyrlcka and Rowland: from Hnv, land rldo via Hrnley'sdlrect to New lledford. Hicycle.-To tnko n short outingnf About in miles from tho city tryn run ntsr the Hrooklru cjclo path In Coney Uland: take . the East ""fntl-Ihlrd Mreet rerry to llronklyn; ride to Jiri'Il V"."" "l follow Hedford Btentleto thnsarkrtt street Imulatanl: turn to the right l?t,k"iV,";c'l.,.',rk l""1',: rl'18 through to iniJin!.lr ' 1'" ".T ,clB Pntlintthe southern entrance, nnd continue to Coney Island: follow enme route in returning .m. iuiiow through an error rste-day n dally reader wns advised to nil,, from uehnwkrn to Furt L.11 en mute to Kejpnri H s,0n,l loam tliU c ty uj aiij fcrrv to lhe Hudson Cnunty bo 1 le Miid, then follow rumens published. Daily RiMiter.- Tn rldo to Ilcrgcn Heach from .rt ('in ""''Ji'i K"ry r"1" t0 llflford nvo.iuo" nnd lollnn th le nvrnii" tnlhe Eastern Parkway' turntn tho right and ride don 11 to Flaibu,i; ateinioi thin turn to tho left and follmv thu trolley tracks loHergen Reach. J. F, H.-To go to Patsnio Falls from lliolnwer section of tho city cross the feriy n Ttl i tloXot k,l"'.lln f ,rce! : ,rl"8 ,0 Hoinenteirt anVl Hir "ugh l!if d'.-reL't f.) Wa-ffl IO Va'"l RiicitESTKli. Sept. 21.-W. W. RurchofChl. u0J'" 'rrdeUA challenje to To in Yci. he manager of Jimmy Mlthavl. the "velsl" wheelman, (itferlng tn match ; w, llntnlfion of against the English champion ne! race for one hour, the contest to be Sought off at Chicago or Denver each man to havi as many pacemakers as doaired. " i Itniblng 1 oiliest on O. t. 17. orsn o club man 1 J1,!'111 11 A ","";'l" ,' "." dlreeii'irV " IhS NaHoS.1 rVei. Board of trade will Iw m ihlecllv on tS V T" I yV.Vib'ro'oK'miVir.i'nV' "'" ""J Mat.nVu .0 nieS'oroVxifrv.rh.vek".' course on batuntay, Oct. B. The raoea Mi7l..'.?r. ' I a one-mllu humiieap, iwom le hlndflL' "SC "i,?r n.T"8fey!lr " '" IH bold . smoker on Vbwskw 'rVao'n ifflft WurfS A wftS&T- i0"- ' Co-n'o''islsd 'o'S'neV, aXentnekr'a Cr.ek Un.ner Consl.K h":lJ,I.,;'T''''' "" ""-""oh" A'ford, the Ksnlucky hainplon sprluter. left to night, accompanr,d by h,. THE FIRE which broko ont In our buildinpr; last Thursday wnu quickly oxtln guiahod by tho Firo Dopttrtmont, but about 1,200 of our finoBt suits and overcoats mado for tho oora inR fall and wintor woro slightly damaged by sinoko. Our insuranoo hna boon adjust od, and wo now offor thoso goods to tho public at oxnotly ONE HALF former pricos : SO 8DITS AND OVatBCOATB, HO uya ,. , ssio 2j? .. . ' S 7 00 aio " 4 During this salo which bogins Wednesday at 8 A. M. no goods will bo oxchangod aud no monoy rofundod. At Dloockor stroot storo only. HAMMERSLOUGH BROS., Makers. Wholeitlsrt, rtetajlera. Bloockor Stroot. corner Qroono (Bet. Broadway and 8th ave. F.U 'alsd ft. 1C), alto Broadway, oorner I octor St. looniALr. llnnr Plneea on Itnrvnrd'n Team to Fill Candidates nt Prnetlee. CAMnmunr, Sept. 21. Football practice be gan nt Harvard thla afternoon w'th Just twonty elght men putting In en Apprarance. The practice contlstcd of an hour's brisk work ot the preliminary order, such as falling on the batl, kicking, blocking, und breaking through. Of last year's eleven, betides Capt, Wrlgbtlngton, only four players were out. These were Norton Shaw, Cabot, Ilrown. And Duulop. Frank Shaw and Heals will report In a day or two, and these are the only old 'varsity players that Har vard haa to depend on this year. The second eleven and substitutes of last sea son wero represented to-day by Mnulton. Hough ton, Cotrens. Wadawnrth, Hoacue. Donald, and llcnncn. Mills. Richardson, Davis, and Cooh rane of the 'DM eleven, Warren and Coleman, '07: Graydon And Valentine. 'UH. were among the other old players to report. Tho new men were Lee, liunten, Hamlr, Livermore, and Swain, all of the class of 1000: Davis, '08; Sul livan, '07, and Cnlburn, 'HI). This squad will grow In size each day until college opens on Oct. 1, when there will be over sixty men at work. There are many places to All and only overage material to develop. Graduate Manaser Ulnghnm has not jet completed his schedule. Copt. Wrlgbtlng ton Is nut in favor of a long one, end very few Wednesday games will be arranged. The sea son ODons on Oct. :i with Williams, at Cam bridge. The othur games arranged are: Oct. IT. Ilrown. at Cambridge; 24, Carlisle Indian School, at Cambridge; :H. Cornell, at Ithaca; Nov. 7, Princeton, at Cambridge: 21, University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. Oct, 10 and Nov. 14 will probably be given to Dartmouth and Ainherau The Onllook at Ford hum College. The Athletic Association of Fordham Col lege will hold a meeting next Thursday After noon for the purpose of making nrrange ments for the coming season. Whether there will ben football team to represent the college this teason I- nut definitely known, hut tho matter will le decided at the meeting. The Athletos at the college have always taken a prominent part In athletics, and although It Is a tittle too early to make Any predictions, it can safely be said that they will not be lack ing In nny llnenf sport when the proper time comes. Football has been nt a standstill since 1803. thnt Is, na far as a first team Is concerned. A ery strong eleven representen the college in that year, nnd they had a moet prosperous tea son, plalng some twi-nly guinea nnd coming I put with fl) Ing colors In nearly all Thcmiwt Important gome waa with the team of the Manhattan A C, and although the latter were mnch heavier nnd more experienced pln). ers, they had to acknowledge defeat. As the sport has never been looked upon w Ith Ti vor by the faculty At tho college, owing to tho many nccldents In other colleges, nu trnm was nrganlred after Hint. This rear, howeter. there seems to lie nn unurunl Amount of Interest manifested In tho eport among the students, nnd ns three or four oi .'.S81 P'yers will be back. It Is not nt all unlikely thatn first team will be organized. The prospects fornjrond hi'rhall lenm next spring is bright. George Hayes, an old Fnrd liira boy. who wns catcher lu tho nrst team thro j ears ago. Btid who ha been nt Union Col ego. will bo back this )ear. A baseball captain will bo elected and n schedule nr ron?pi. for ,next PrIngat the meeting to be brld Thursday The youngsters of the orepnrntory depart ment Imve always had a football team In the held, and the will have ono again this aoii. First AMnr-wp for Vale's Mts. New IIavrv, Sept, 21,-YaIo'b candldatea for the football eleven lined up tMs afternoon for the Hrst time of the season. Cnpt. Murphy found enough material to put two elevens In tho field. The work was light, however. The following men were kept drilling for half an hour: Ends. Hazen and Connor; tackles. Chamberlain and Alport; guards, Harvey ami Druramond; cen ''V11"11"11 inarter hack. Gerard: half backs. Chauncey and Squire: full back, ilenja SIJ A iT.n8e"8C"".a ,B""AH put Into the Held for only a fejy minutes, nnd no severe rushlnc was done Tho main aim of the afternoon's ?iV 'iRB. !n,rlH the men In tho new rulesTis! peo.Ally those affecting fair rntche-. tack ing l li'1?. lhelen,,' P, Pnnt. nnif Interfer ing. Caui. .Mnrpby wnt aided In his coaching by Fiank I utterworth. 'lift. The latter took charge of the backs and Murphy looked ofTor theirnomcn. The following old platers Iia not reported: Rodgers. Flncko. t'etton. M, Ha"', tilnkev. nnd (iivcnwny. Thev will t"n Imnd to-morrow and lunger practice will he ronlhnll Notes. Dr ler School caudl tales nre ahowtnz marked linproicmeat oier iheir work of last tear and ara rounding mm flrst-class condlilan. and ore A memlHT of tho Crescent Athletic Club star jesientay that there Is i.u ehanc" " lhe Crelceuu plailng ihe orange Athletle club this season Orinimar School Nn. 0 l pi,,.,, ,!,,,. ,i. In the Public School league tlil, srason aiol ih2 chance, are ,h ,he) will carry 'wwePn."' l,!1 "e.-".!; I'' " ," tr tho Itinillinn In.iltute foot- wlSieir-'-'-rf neorge Brchtit, who an shlv cniitnine.1 ,i,. nT limine Grammar' Vhnol iwra' ?' ? .f ' " . lie hack at tho school this .cash, Tub ,An.iMV. i und, r an acting nfatiUS, ml a few' Smidav'o, '.."dT.ouM That ihe Hamilton Institute team win , i. .Trj ,:.ny .?av7-,.,!tis: v"& " -s buudoy. rno club expecit in mfc . B'''u"'1" ,, tlei.n thl, full rhe inrn tVlll s.rfi.Irr Uou"t dsy and Thursday eVemn,.. ,'r,'c,l,8 " Tue, viVniSS-var. .tn!!,vuid;ric', , hear fiom all clubs sver'n, JK, "T-ft'8""' ' A suitable guaroute,. will bo S.,S.?irt ''. lflds. Wrnstfee'ircy'"-" """iSi and would 'like in 'hear from ". l"' Li1"""'" "I1"', frooi 120 m 128 pounds for so? ". "'""'"g town names pra'.rrVii l,i,siir. ."."'"ays, out of Jr., managerrs-rwe.;, ttlSth'.'tri'e',"'' '' C"""r. It proved veryexl"mcgTlnl;f..f.,r0i',lTr, ,V',r baa aSMlleni maiertaTln li cISV'tT1 T"8 ,l,r,, and lrtt,LW 'iy&.'Th.. of BataaBrnsa.'iii,'. r ' - - a. HMaHHBnBBBBjBjBaMaaaBBlBaaBBaami BICYCLE SNAPS, $5 AND lip, U90 select fromi all makee. Columbist, 813 to 830) Victors. 810 iot23 Spalding's, llti ( r J enda,l3 Keatlags, 23 Ormondes, I3 hlnrer III iiudge, VI Cresosot, T terllngs. W.rwi'i, Hit Tourist, 10 Wbsrty, 820: Monarch, tllii ioM7 ;2tl Elmore, 2g. b000 nesv ToledoB, .Heralds Feuis., Irita. Peerless L'ajJS'lStf W'aW i.u '!,' il'- "" Btnaranletd. KBTAHI.IBIISU YKaich, HERALD CYCLE CO., IlassmtnL 114 Nassau HU Nr. Jieekman , lens $100 Fowler Bicycles $29.50, -!. lust nought rVarn Large lire Hale, Alio best bsrgslns ever offered. . Qusnilt s& Wer- less, 878, Klmores. 8100 BoyalB, 8100 Modern Hi eels s, alto ladles' Colomblas, A SO. Call with rash J Iruv tiBgiiaranteed, no name, dep t storo cycles I Pasetunt, a Para. How. Opp. Post omesj $28 and $32. 1,800 new ryoias, ladles1 or gents' Ooropteie. Abaoiutsly everything necessary Thoroughly worth 81(10 L. C. JANDORF & CO., 881 IIBOAUVTAT, $28. $31. AOO NEW lIimi-OBAnKRN. Huslelose out: want cash: brlug expirts with von, Fulton Co . UO and 1 12 Nassau si i Touch Davit, and tha team got many good I nn,i, on which to work. Wnlbrldee, whoso arm i hurt last week, Is much Improved, but he Is r , working now, Wcldennieyer It all right sisln The spectators were delighted with the nan i work. "The Alert football Club of Torkvllle hat org n. ited for the season with an average weight of pounds and would like lo communicate si Hh I team - of their welghlhavlng suitable pla)lua. 8 rounds, the: Almas of Vorkvillo preferred. An. rets Joseph Rural, 1,008 Second avenue. The second Rugby team or Iho Bay Illdge A 0, farerage 130 pounds) still has a few open ilatrs, Thty desire a game for Oct. 4, names in l played on tha Hay Itldae grounds, No guurunua given. Address O. W. Martin. Boy Itldgo A. ( ,, Flfty.tlxtn street and Second avenue. Hronklwi Owing 'o the dithaadlng of lhe Wlllleintl.uah Field Cluo, the St, Aloytlus F. II C. nf Newark i i Oct. IS open for a game nn their grounds li j will offer a suitable gparanise to an) 143 po nl lnm guaranteeing the appearance. Addiaa i iel F. Oaven, maru' . ! Lents avenue, .Sua , N. J. The Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn has is elded lo put a too ball team In tho field this seaso . Many lleecher, the veteran quarter back of tl Crescent CI ah. has decided lo take charge or tl.a learn. Oames will bo arranged with tho lenll'uc college teams. The football Held at Hay Illdue marked out yesterday, and the candidates for the team will begin work at once. The Loyola 'A. A. football team hat begun regu Isr practice and from the interest and vim tslbh ltdlspla)ed In practice It may well lie sat.i Hint s strut g team will be developed. It baa a few ojn dates tn October and November, and would is pleased to hear from tams averaging 1 43 pound, out-of-town teams offering suitable a preferred. Address Thomas P. Carroll, captaiu, cars Loyola A. A 1,204 Lexington avenue, Ithaca, Sept, 21. The Cornell football rardi. dates lined up this afternoon la a nrst and srim I eleven, and it was surprising what rph nam u a. terial there was on the neld. The line, where ( or nell has always been weak, seems to be especially atrong, ami there are no end of candidates for )o. anion- back or Ihe line. Of Ihe candidates, Coa n Sanford said: "The materia) here this arternoon is a surprise to me, ana I do not see why Comiil should not turn out a fine eleven. The material tt Just at plenty and just as good as It was at ala the beginning of Ian season. Tho candldatea will line up twin to morrow, as an eleven must I a picked out to play the strong Colgate team Saturday. xur.LAsn's aIjI.-hovxd champiiix. T. T- Wood Repeats, After Ilelatr Fouled by at ITrother sr Ilia Chlar Blsral. The all-round trace and field champloraMn of the Gaelic A. A. of Ireland took place at Ttpperary on Sept 0 nnd resulted In a victory for the holder. T. E. Wood of Enniskcane. V. singular feature of this event Is that while Ire land has for years been tho most prolific coun try In the world In producing all-round ath letes, no regular tnurncy was held as a test nf Individual merit until America took the Initia tive. Tho Gaels then woke up nnd held their Initial tourney in 1888, when the versatile ath lete, Pat Dnvln. won by a narrow mnrcln fio:n George Gray, New York A. C a eomparntlvo notice at this style of competition. Pln:e then the etont has brought out such sterling per forracia a O'Sullhan of Klllorglln. Kicly of Carrlck-on-Satr, nnd tho present champion. The lAtcst contest developed the Orel serious nnplensantness, and If tho details to hand art) not exaggerated. Irlh athletes Imve much cause to regret that they base such an Individ- i uot In their ranks as J. .1. R)an. It appears j that this nthlete was palpably competing tn tha 9 Interests of his brother. M. Itytn, oJid n&alnei A the only other comnrtltor. Wood. He picked W np twehu points which would hnvo nti.erwl-e D gene to the champion, but this might hat V passed without comment If his running In the I bnrdleetiit had leen even r-n,winn!il fair. fl His brother's store at this stage wai tjrent)- fl lite against Wood's tncnt)-eetrn. ould I tho latter win the hurdles nnd Wood run s - ynd. th' score would tie a lie. The two lenders flj ratlin this urdcruptn the last hutdle. Then .1. J. Ityan gut in his fine work, and dashing fur fl the obstacle Just ns Wood cleared it. he shot it fo-word with his hands nnd brouirht Wood down fl like a hamstrung bullock. Wtmil llmrx-d I i flj fast, but claimed second place on the foul Tie fl) rcfereo tntnlned him. The R) ah combinntio-i m. made a his kirk and then withdrew, Wnn.l be- flj ing declnred the winner after walking over for fl tho Quarter of mill event. II X.nsvn Tcnnl. H The Orange iJiwn Tennis Club's championship H ournament was continued yesterday afli rnoou, H and the nual matches In both events were fnlshe.1 H Paret beat Miles tnree sets to oce. after hailng I ttnl with htm on Saturday at two sets all, and i fl meet I). V. Candler this afternoon for lhe c' b H ihamplonshlp end challencc bowl. In the doel es fl Paret and Ward won three straight and will cha, H lence E. Lyman and It. A, OrlfHu, the club cna-n- I plons, tnts afternoon. Summary: fl Championship Singles Final round: J. P. Tare! Mi beat O. II Miles, n s, o a, 4 u. 0 J. fl Championship Doublet Final round: J. P. Part . and nolcnmbe Ward best O. II, Miles and !' M Ut M'ler, Jr., 73. 02, o o Ifl Tne West side Tenntt Club continued Its fall t nament yesterday afternoon at Central Park HI and Klghty-ntnth street. Most of the plailng u s HI done lu the rlub c-hamplonsnlp tlnglea. onli t i HI of the eight contests being in tne handiest. HI thurTa)lor I'tmi likely t obtain Ihe empty I. - HI or thallcnglng Fischer for the club champions HI but tihr result tn the handicap Is much in -I HI owing to the oitonlshlng ituprnvement In In r H some of tii players, who si ere lucky in reel H larg handicaps. The results: H Club Champlonshei) singles Prellmlnari ri fl Charles F leunessey beat Oeorge A Flsrner t, 7-0, 8-2. First Hound-J. A. Allen Ik-bi P. V. P III r , fl 04, 3 l, il I, William B Cragln. Jr.. Iat w, fl P. Johnes, 02, !l . r 1 , Arthur Tavlor t i' J fl K Thomp-ou, u2, 241. n :i. H Second Round Artnur la) lor beat Pr 1 'I fl Myers, n 0, o 1 j a. Jone. bent Percj i ' i I Sii. ft a. ' Handicap Singles Prrlltulnar) round Char n Collins, halt thirty, beat A, Jones, scratch, - 0-2. First Hound William B. Crneln. Jr., lis f tern, beit Charles II. Collins, half thirty, 81 CiiiCAoo, spi. 21, Seel nnd Fischer will nt" B surely win first nnd second prites in the l I lion tennis tournament ot the Wyandot Ti n I Club. To day Fischer heal R.Char, an.' if he l s I (I. Wrnm to-morrow ho la sure of the pla. ii I wnnii played belter tennis today and stin i i IN matches, lhe scores follow: O. I Wrenn. Jr., hem C. Chase, 18 1", -A II J I; E. I'. Fischer heat S. Chase, 8 O, 7 ." i II wrenn, Jr.. beat K. Vfrenn. 03. 01 111 The following It the standing of the piter II . Ton. ."a 1 iron n C.,eel 8 0 8. Chase. I - IJ t.-.':t,'"',"ir. ' '- Chase t fl A , A. Lartied. . 4 2 K. Wrenn 0 II O U Wrenn, Jr 3 Ul Uroohlya gsdircrtijirmtnta. KHTAnKlHURD lsitS. " STOIIES KETllu?iflRsrW"!' I UIlOORLVSBT'l'la inii,Ml.Tv Broadiva) and lieilf.., sis. toil, msi nr. , tultou suaudHaibus s.s tTiiat as many fino words can ' o written about a worthless artimo m about a good ono. We'll uot Hay how pood r clothes are, but we'd like 'ir m judgiiieut ou itiein. I Wo'd liko a call, especially ft ta I thoso who an forcod bv tho i u i times to try " ready-tiiailo clot. s ' I lor thu tirnt time. .SititH. $VJ to $10. I OvorcnutB, $1'J to $50. I Tromuis, ?:i.50 to $10 1 tts8,l,B!!liu.,'0ll,,,l,,,o,,,w,u',, l "' I fall (.Irrrles are' ready u.'tiT.'e'ruVvri'iui'Xi.r' '- I rVs'iiVjil'dV., azizxi? JS. I jonielhlug avl " , , iSS ftiat-MS. Prompt attcailoa lo out oiiosautm. , 'Jl BaSJBntaaasiai' r - - atanta- 1 .aaaHH