Newspaper Page Text
H ,10 ' V" v'x THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1806. ' '. f , W p mugtmcntg. ' I . HAMMERSTEIN'S OLYMPIA, .ESS? J I MUSIC HALL, Ts-r ADM, 50c; if . MATINEE TO.PAY, J) 9 flund.y night. hpMI concert. Popular prices. i 1. THEATRE, N7rrheeVrtf I ... SANTA MARIA. !, v. I STIth CAMILI.E II'AllVILI.E. Alio James ,, I i J-rowers, Lucille bauii.lerii. Marl Hiiiloo. nnd Julius V1 ah I "Mr. ltrsrrvi d seal, four weeks m a Ivanoe. ' F MATINEE 'I().1U1 (J.',f GAREICK THEATRE aj,rrr rT?"?' J "'"."Jii V.'"..1f''! I-fe?. Diaries Frohman lgr. rt J l;Ai" Ji'liilLLi- iast night. Hj f ALBERT CHEVALIER 171 AND 1IIH OUIIAT tOUPANl. f"J Eenimt. Hino Slailnei Smurdny i.t 2 IS. II i BritMVAK?wfi,,.rjAYl,,f PfJi SECRET SERVICE. Mjlf hi ATS NOW ON hALl. HSrlflH Vfe A II VAtfTBiTsS. Theatre n'way A loih'sZ m lifll 'r:r'fiwB,aM8,,a- 7 lOttl, mnnl U 111 Wcdnoiilaynndbaturday ' H'B H ' at Ho i luck. lISSSl 'Hib most f.sclnatlng performance In town George. ,. 1UK n.-.,., , dwaide.'.)uii.inso Musical Comedy. Tho ftli'Vi fi'2ro."'-r Morton, . can n v ac n B'w JJerberi Oresi am. " fa KttTU AH LM fisiiiKiiRiiocKKi: in'. X'ar1 H AL IIAVMAN ft rn . ... Proprietor. H ,,i'owi)i:ii am. tiu: timi:, 1 AnenulneMir-ie.s." Now Yor.i World H FRANCIS WBLSON K,B In the now Comic Onrri vnvi HALF A KING. VH BVEKINOS AT H. 31 IT I.NI.E TO-DAY. B, EMPIRE THEATRE. ftM$$& H Cll Allies Hum an Manner L, 2d MONTH. t&WII: Hfe JOHN DREW I. ROSEMARY. B K . Mutlnfi Wciinisiljv and today. H - 1mIN It . , ... Proprietor and Manajrrr m I LOST, " " " LM j STRAYED ',h K STOLEN. I rAKIS H )TgiiinE h IS. Maimer il-IiaV, y. E unr.T iiaictk'n pi..i, H nn.i.Ms.8) MATire.BTo.inv. K, GARDEN THEATRE CurMa(Jl,sVku,, B CUAJU.I-VROIPIAN .. .Manicr K i ClCCn OKAMI l:(UIU'( TIU.V ur r I u.rK EVANGELINE. V, Ifc. . vtlhHrnrTl-.I)ixr)-, tiu rrri.Vuuitiin. i.wirse For. '. "ut-i,nnrle UIkuIoin, f'reabo'onion and ki uthrti m Hjp gnlm.iM Mm. Ufcl an, I but. K-4' AHl:iJIF IVHIl' HALL. 1 IAN tVJACLAREN p uu Rrv. John Wnunu, I V ). K. First appenranen in Niv orl.. under ttieauitplcFf Ha rflhoM. Andrew Nocli't nr the hlI.H Nmv York. Hf Appllcll(in for ia:s ami luxri hould to addrrtMKi K; toJ. " fond, Jltnihav. Box oUlca will opt n Tue- K day n orni i g. ix t. 6 mi AMERICAN "INSTITUTE AIRJ mffc 'Madison Square Garden, M OI'EN' 10 10 A. M TO 10 M V. H. Hf A Grand Industrial Display. BpS New York's Faoritc Exhibition. Sfl ADMISSION US CT.NTS. V r'L''&,'f, Utll t and Irvlnu plac. aaaV O. Ollnmro A tuin Tompkinii Prop'n ligra, M SEVHINO Till- END OK ITS (lUrAi IIU.M. HEK TUB I'OMR Stilt. V, Din cth.n v. A. Urad). H Mati. Today A Wed. 2. tre. 8 IS. W SEATS NOW ONSALE K li'KTMK AI'l'PAUKNCI- F llvs K GEORGIA CAYVAN K And Hi r Company at ralmrrs, Oct. am. In the Now K MARY I'ENNINGTON, 8PINSTF.n. Bt' MMTW& Continuous' Performanre. iK Ift UAUVKI.LOU8 "I.UMIHtGS CINEJ!AT&6lUl'I!E ' MrJWEIV V1KWSI. WILLIAM I'ltUEITF aSu UAKIE Vll I lnL. (acenr from "liny New York"), HILDA XI. I TUOirAH.JfciS'i.eUCTHOUI.OtUfrlidlTlllamari. Bfi' TONIGHT! TONIGHT I aPK-l' - ' - Grand opening t.' ths Sleilran National Expoxltlon HI .j fortlii"flrtttliiir lnlij 'iitltid Siairi. A llyms trip U V tiimuxh tie Mrxicau Republic. Concert by tiplcal H alnstnand orrhmtra Admlitolon US cent. Car no H Theatre buildlu;. Uroadway anl bulb nt. I &B!AlJS Iarrison; K i SAfiTDD'S ro.N'iiNi'OU"' iH. r rftOlUK O lKltKllt1IA.S'E. 1H : liTIl IT.. MEAUUD AV. iJ in U.NTiI. II 1. M. iK' ,' frirm so mi I no ccnt-IU Hour Slion. HiK f, Tlii- Kln-aptlk'i, Tim Up I'orrrale. k ,; BIU KXTBi HILL I'OIt MATl'ltUAY. H i'v IMCOCD '"'"AVMCHICIIAI.I.." iHh WEDLK ll'nra A .'Uth at Mat! Tu A Nat. MK l. OrrBEiAaUOl AKT OF MARYLAND. Mftt ? J.ntcal' llocy, Itouau i Kenton. John r h Ir, ani Sernartl. Cnabman and Holcoinli, Llrzle II. Itajmond. t'tnrikt TIIEATKE." Broaaay n-ar nth .t. O I r Ere. h IS ial. '1 O.IIA V at SllO. THE LILIPUTIANS KrK' In UKIIKY TBAfll'N. iK f BERALlicjUVA 'KTIlEATUr- Evc'ants". ijBt ', EVAN- .1- iiiii:t. iHU A I-AIILOB MATCH. Ml,; SPECIAL LADIES' MATINEE TO-DAY. K LYt'EUM TIIKATIir. iHi OflTlirriM lAtnlSibarp thnr.t2ld iBl UUIflCnill I An KN KM A to Till: KINO. Vjf wgWBWml,MMJ Matlneca Thunday and am y I BROADWAY, TO-NIGHT, 8-- i JJUFFIHtttSOft B)BiA'lt;LIS. W Alatlnee lo-day. -The Caliph." aaaK f nT.TTIVTRTTC ''" " To4ay Mat 2 1 M. K llUllUllinUOMn 1'rlcoWrd Mat. Vfi and AOc. H; THEATRE. WEBER & FIELDS' OWN CO. F NEXT WEEK-HUMAN HEARTH. Hi !!TAT?T.'RTiT i'mat.toijay tomoiit, H " FRANK DANIELS. iiiK- . IIOVMil I TIIK WIZAUD OF THE NILE. iiiK Kex Week EDWAnDIIAltlllUAX.ilAltTVMAI ONE. E - STANDAIKI. cBa,;S.uIWSR5a"- ijijijH Huprrlor ViilldrTlllr. (inat Hill. aVjaVjaVjaVjavi 'Oct. P. Cl"eland llarerly Ulnitriln Combined. R4 rEOPl.C'S TIIEATIIF.-llMlnca Saturday i-A HAPPY LITTLE HOME. lllK' NEXT WEEK-LAND OF THE I.tVI.NO. 0 JATII ctT. TIIEATIIE, nearfltli av Mat. Sat. bWaML? KMcrmn inn nrche.tra I'Ol or balrouy AOc. IjaB.'.aV THE J1KEAT DIAMOND IIOIlllEltV. iHH- WextWetk-O. W.ilonroii-A Happy Llllln lliimu IllVINO PLACF TIIEATIIE. II CONIIIFD. Manager" To-day. Mat Fe iMat. I'P- Prli-esi. H'.K , HY OffllTAL WIFE VH,1' SKANO OPI'UA lIOrnE. Matlnr Today. ijH E; TO.NIUUT-'! HE LAST HTHOKIi iHBS t Hext week HANDOW 8 OM III'IA. I EDEN MUSEE. H-.jK' TyOBLU IN WAX A ( It AN IKON CEKTH. KnK JSimofaxtts, (Ornnui, Sc. Bflj ' BHAUukJUY IIAaVMTr aaH ' Ji . U V W'a now bars lo offer KIrTY UI'ltlRHT PIANOS, iHr I h) (otna only allghtly uawi, from 8IOV.OO upward. p J , Tbnt In.lruiilflll. MU.ST Iki dUpourd uf t nncn to iB' d v make room (or extenalre alterailonf. 1'IANOS to iH f x rentl old InRfMiiunu taken In fxihange. Ill is k v. o. MMini. us nnn avicoii. htii rt. H -X THIC IIAII.ilA' S'lAO. HH j i "Iheouly Plauo which Improvra Under uiage " fl ' 8oprD anlunm suick at modcrata prlun and on H t. 7 Ay monthly payiimuti. I'laiio rtnttd. luned. I Kf ' carted, and repalrtul. hcouil hand I'lanoi of all I' I , inakra. Wrltn or call for lieautirul ne llimirattd IHBt ."' cataloruoi aent "poit paid." HAIIDMA.N, l'LCK & B? Wee co- li)HOtnlr "''" "'ll1 " Hflh HJY'U ' A J ailorlmrnt upright, niiuarH planni, taiy pay H; llunj J uienta; rent, tl.W upwnnl orgnnl.ou. wcnjN ' H VHNJ S4 Union Tuare. Ht'cUr w A. FINK upright piano 614S, (s monthly: Chloker- IK LSfi yxlns. bargain. Wla-iNfl., u MoniBomery it, aaK'Bf 3Vtt7 Y' Hh Hit A FINE Btelnwa) "171. In monthlyi upright, liar. bHsi Iw Again. Winner Hall, nil Ilruad n . .Snwark.N. 1. ILEOANT upright piano IU3, l) ninnllilj , Kli In ilway, bargain. WIHb.NEH, 01, 2d, va Fullou bB'' liB' It. UrooklyiL open atenlnn. HK' BjV "IJiASfOH. 82Siini Sindowni Initallinrnta. renti ex. HB Bu' Aobaoge. PIANO F.XCIIAM1I", IU7 UcllUI t. HC' Hi TJIANOS. flu paimenm: largeit itnok, lowiat pricca. HKtYflf.i A It. tl. WA1. fKUB. IUS Ucit SJdjt.. nrar U way. HkSa CTItlNWAY tat),A monlhlji upright II miu K.Bk O WISJINr It. OJU rulion it . Urooklyn. Opun vren Kl & jt Vi'tiaKi llPIIIOIir piano lllfl 1 nionlliiri Hnlnway, bar MeaBS U gain; rem. AJ. IbSNKll, asssfint t licur liat- HHKfnvi bain air., Urooklyn. Bjk' hoteTvictoria-london. B-IV) NORTHVMDERLAND AVKNl'i; tW TIIAKALUAlt HtJUAHE, aRXl-ffu bltuatadlu Ihvmoit convenient and fathlnnablapo!. BVBr Hoc and contaluio largo inimbir or iltllng and bed- H lHH? rotitn.. en iultanndclnglr. and doub o brdrooma. or iH&iHT ehratra plait (luring luntliron dinner and aupper, iK Kv f rrlca. uolo d'hote nr a la carte. HK? B V ProirUtor,TIILUOUUON 1IOTELW.LTD. VAbbRBb f SbbbbbL i . . . .. . . gtmUnn otelg. .' Thli lint appcam on Wedneadati and Batnrdara. HOTEL POCKET GUIDE. OICATIH. For Inlormntlon, Circular., etc., or Any Hotel Ilelow. Call nt or Addreai (Mend (Stamp) Ilia Hotel Tnria Riircau, ( 0.1 Fifth Arr., re orti, J VII Uryrnt .., f.iinilnn, (SJH Jtue do Jthuti, J'ttrtt. (A. I', menni American I'lan: K. l European ) AI.tlANY.N.Y Hotel Kcnmore, A P.,14 llAI.TIMOIIE.Md Hotel Mallord. E. 1. II.SU do The Catrollton. A. P., 3 up HOSTO.V.Stnn Hotel Vcndonie. A. P., $5 UUOOKLYN', X Y Mansion Hoino, A. I'.U do. ItotolSt. (liorgc, E.P., 11, A. P., 3 do. ....(. W. Ulako) .Clarendon Hotel. E. P., 11,80 do. Plcrrcpont Itoune, K. P., f I CINCINNATI, O , ..(Irand Hotel, K. P., Ill A. P., $J IIAItTrOHD. Conn All n Homo. A. P.. 13 up INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Tim Donlion, A. P.. $3 Jr 11SLY CITY, N. J Hold Wnihlngton, E. P., $1.60 Ll LHPOOU Kng . Corapton llotil, A. P.. J I.ONDON.I-ng .DoVuroIIotell Do Verotlardcm. do. Kroadnalk do. iKinnlngton I'nlace, W. do. Prlncuof Wales do. JSpulallj rocouimcnded NEW1IU1U1H. N. Y ..,. The Palatine. A. P., JtoH NEW OIIK.. FHth An nuo Hotel, A. 1', 13 do. ThoMaJeillc, F. P., 12 do. Hotel Nethrrland. II P., .'! A. P., 13 do. (W.r Inland) The Wliulior.E.P.. 01.10. A.P..$ da ..(lal A Foitcr) Hotol St. Andrew, li. P.,fl.S0 do. Tho(lerurd.E.P.,$I .0: A. P., U to 11 do. to. II Ubbey) Albciunilc Ilottl, K. P., fl do. (I.UTodd)Marlboroui;li,F. P.,11.50, A.P.tUO do. (UUTodd) Tlioeudonu.r. P., I.S0 do. (Il'nay and ilthat.) Tbo frt. DeiilsP P.,l SO do. IN. II. Ilirry) . Now bt. Cloud Hotel. E. P., f 1 50 do. . .. (Win. U. Lcltnd) Orand Hotel, E. P.. (1 up do. (W. Johniou Uulnn) Empire, A. P., $1: E. P., tl do. Weatuilu.tcr Hotel. X P.. 13.30 do. (East 11th St.) Albcrt-SI Stephen. E. P., 1 do. (M J.Shcai armTcnor(lutli!iLiiUthnT.),A.P. do. (Il'na) & Tth it.) Tho MclrnrSlltan, E.P., tl up do. (SVth and II na)...IIold Pomiroj, 1- P., tl up do. (C. I. Ilrlggi) The Clarendon, A. P 1 1 80 do. (Cbaa. E. Lelan I). Hotel Iialmoral. V. P , 93 up do. Hotel Lndlcott, U.P.82, A.P,3.S0up do. (0tlia.. 18th st.) Hotel Kensington, E. P., J 1.10 co (Wm. Noble) Hotrl Grcnoblo E. P., tl.80 up da AlSthst.), HotclHanorer, A P. MAOAltv FALLS. N. Y Cataract Houso. A P., tl PHILADELPHIA . ..The Aldllio Hotel, A. P.,t3.S0 do. ThBNewIrayette,E.P,tl.A.P.,t3 do. Co'onnadc.E. P., tl 80: A. P., tJ-S0 The finest cuisine In Philadelphia P1TTSUUKOH, la . , Hotel Anderson. K. p., 3 up PORTSMOUU. N. II Tho Rockingham. A P., tl POUQHKEEPSIE, N. Y.. Nelson House. A. P.. tJ.30 up fjUEIIEU, CANADA Chateau I routcnac, A. P., tJ SO RICHMOND. a The JelTerson. A P., 3up UOCHESTEIl. N. Y.. ..New Osliurn House. A. P.. 12 30 do Whltcomb House, A. P., 12 up SPRINOFIELD. Maaa.. ..Jlassuolt. E.P . A l'..3toJ 8T.LOUIS.Mo (FlreprooOSouthornll'tl.A P..3to$3 da . Llndell Hotel. E. P., tl up. A. P.t.'.SOup SYRACUSE, N. Y ..Yntca Hotel, tl P . tl.Sn, A. P.. tl TRLNTON.N.J .Trenton H'se, E.P .11 up. A.P..I2 SO up UTICA, N. Y Ilaggs Hotel. A. P.. $3 to 3 WASHINGTON', D. C Arlington Hotel. .V. P, S3 da Hotel Normandle.E. P.. S3, A.P.,$3 io Ebbltt House. A. P.. 51 do The HOTEL VHD01E imOADWAY AND 41bT ST., THE MARLBOROUGH, RHUADW.IY .IND OOT1I ST., NKW OUIt CITY. LnrKP connH.tInc rooms, with private baths; rery desirable for fitmilies American and European Plan. Flrt-cla accommodations anl an oxcelle'it table at fair price. Ikitii managed under the personal supervision of the owner, MR. LOUIS L. TODD. WINDSOR HOTEL. Cth At. 40th to 4?tli Ht., N. Y. TIIK COOI-E8T HOTEL IV NEW YORK, Army and Nmy Ilradqutirters, Unsnrpasl In location and perfect In all appoint ments. Vnsn Coach and llmtsee to and from Grand Central lie not by tclvlnic nn notice, American p'an. 64 00 perUay and upward. Ktiropar plan, $1 SO per day and upward. Music during dinner. The Travelling public will find this a de lightful, cool, and homelike hotel WA1CKEN I IjKIaA.M), Proprietor. "BREVOORT HOUSE fit It At. and Hlli Ht, Redecorated aud steatn heat throughout the hotel. few large npartmeiils to leaiu for the seasun or year, ArtUtlo concert evory evening. Hupnrlor nervlce. MiMvratf hitrt European and Amcrhnn pl ins. Tab'o d hole, $1.33, Uooms$l per dav and upward CIIAKLES JAIMfJI. i'roprletor. Westminster Hotel, lOTII HT. AND IRVING 1'I.ACa AMERICAN I'LAN. A hotel of nulet elegance and (stablUhed roputa tlon,trlctly Jlrat class in all Its appointments npn clous public rooms and corridors, thoroughly mml cruized moderate rates to permanent guests. Tran stents, 93 SO per day. GKOflOE MC II II AY. Sherman Square Hotel, UOUI.i:VAKI. CORNER WEMT71HT HT. AMERICAN l'LA.N. Rtrlctly a ramlly Hotel. Choice Suites, furnished or unfurnished, lo rent by thoseusonnr ear Culslna aud service of the highest order. Hates roasouablo. Location cnurenlrnt to all parts of the city. WALTER LAWRENCE. Mimncer. GROSYENO fiTII AV. AND lOTII HT. One of the most luxuriously rurnUhcd hotels In tho country Fnfcuiceinenu may now be mad by tho n onlh.yar, or truiimlt ntly Ketaurant oprn otho piihllc rltH for lUUHtrntfcl buoklt t. M. !. H1IEA. HOTEL BAYARD, Xlrondnrity und (4th Ht, ISeleftfarnll) hotel of qulit tlrfrtiue, conducted by owner, lU'aonablo prltes. Culslnu of uuted txutl leiice. TIIK OUNMORE. 210 Writ Wd st. Tamlly hotel, h uropeun ptin, fur. nlshetl luHetof lurUir, bid room and bath, dcslrablo Intatlon for parties peiidlu full and winter In New ort. WILLIAM II VALigULTTE. lOTELlLMRTSTr STEPHEfT lllh St.. corner Unlirrslty place. Kuropean plnni newly renltvd, rclurnl.hrd. Hptilal rati s in rmauent guest. L. FIIE.NKEU III) PEL MARTY, Dinner served 47 lVrsI Slth l. In Nuintnir Harden. Hot rrinch table d hoto In th.cltv. lunch, 40c, din ner, fin,., wine and coffee Included: la carta at all hours t moderate price, ltoonisday or week. MARTINET TAIILE 1PIIOTE. " 107 Wi st 44th st i dliiuiu AX , with itjuui puironlsad by IhuU t i lass of New Workers, superior uctommo ilutlnus fir lunch and tllnutr parties at reasonable prices, bplandldly lurnlshrd rooms to let. THE JUDSON, S3 Washington square, south, lamlly hotel) Amsrl can plain rates I i inlay. IIP per week, up. " THE HEVILLIA. 11T IV. AKTII HT. Ainu tholreaiarr.MeiiUt.uu be sec urn. I or October 1 prousobe"lln(r.D careful Imiulry as to charao Ur aud aoolul standing need not apply. CoHtprp nntt thooltf. For Yoiraic Mcsi-C-ttr and Conntry. DWBGHT SCHOOL IB WEHT 481, HT.. near Sth av. tMTentetnth y.ari now building; laboratories! gymnasium: IB in structors) limited class,,! prepares boys for college, srlentino school, and liuslne... r or catalogue, address riIN. AltTIIUR WILLIAMH (YALEl. hb Axn iroST ikstitdtk, " 103.10.1 WEST Ml HT. Thorough preparation for Irnilng lOtlrK'" Primary and Junior depart ments limited. Commercial cournra. Playground. Gymnasium six boarding pupils. Andres, N. ARCllfllAl.tiJIHAW., Jr, Prln. ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE (BROOKLYN) llotrdcrs and day scholars! reopens BcpL d) term, reasonable. Hetid rurcatalnpue. IIHOTIIEIl .tr.noME. O.B K. For Young Wonsen-C'lty "nil Country. The St. Elizabeth Academy, onxrrxT .stjtiox, x. r. Fducatlonnl facilities of the highest order: unsur passed In the hralihrulne.s or Its surroundings, sit. uali-d 21 miles from New York, within easy acitssliy trains on tho M. anil F. Dlvlilon of the D, I, and W. It. IU ror further particulars Tltlt tho Institution or appl) for circular to mKiitOTtn:it svi'tutiou. THE'RUEL SCHOOL. Uth roar Small tlMioi Insure Individual atten tion, trinch and Merman thoroughly taught, prac tical training In English, full courses In History nnd Literature. College preparatory class Address MADhMOISEI.l.i: 11LTI.. J Utl East fiuth st. PNIN0TON (N. J.) NKMINAIIY.-Coiivenleill to I New York 1'hllad a,nnlt .and Washti. lloth sexes ruth enr. Healthful: beautiful, 17 tcacmrai It, tost mo lerate for beautifully illustrated cnlalogue address TIIOM At II ANI.OK, I). V , Prsldi nt. Tor YonngTMen A Women-City .fc Country COLLF.0F. PREPAIUTOIIY and primary classes: both sexrsi combined advantages of class work and Individual Instruction. Young men and young women whose enrlj eduintlon has been neglected find here cxcollent opportunity to make up lost lime. The nork Is thnrniifrli nnd prnrtlcnl. anil the mora! tone high A spirit of earnest endtnvor and of honest pride In each iithi r s success penades the place. Tho liestevideneoof thnsoaud ninny other advantages of the school Is to be found In the rood opinion ot lis neighbor, nitrons, and piuills ARTHUR II. lOMT.INSON.Prlnelpnl, Hwnrthmnt-.- (Irnmmeir Hehol, jiWAirruiioni; PA! Iloya' rjchoola-Clty nnd Country. BEHKF1.FY SCHOOL. 20 West 44th st--Xew pu pils will report for classircatlon at any hour on Mouil.iv, Sept. iith The school will reopen on Tuesday, Kept. Smb. at 0 o clock lifllco hours or liriid ma.lrr during the current week, u to I, and of the registrar. I to 3 This Is tho last year when boys cau be received as young ns 7. In 1MI7 the age limit of admission will be raised to make room for older lioys Cai dldatea for classes In urtch there la no vaiancv tin. year may he registered lor admission In leli7. JOHN m WIrtTF, IU D. Head Master. J. CI AHK 1IFAD, A M , Registrar. BARNARD SCHOOL, ll7anillin West 12Sthst Uth year begins tept. 24. Thorough preparation for colli ge and business lor catalogue aildriss H 11,1. 1AM SM)NE ST1 ENr M. A. w llllam Livingston llaien. II A . 1 1- i , Ilendmasteri Thea Lilward Lon. K S Avoclate Iltadmasier. SACRED HEART ACADEMY. Day scholars nnd boarders- terms mo lerate. Address Ilrnther AUUL'ST, West Chestir N. Y. NEW lORK LATIN SCHOOL. Quick prrpiratinn tcr mllege. comnion 1 ngllsh a spitlalty Opens Sept 21. IIOE. UhTII ST. Ql (i A YEAR at boanllng school, scholarship. Ulv N lor deserving oung bo s 1L HINDS. Hempstead. L. L Olrla- (schoola City untl Country. Miss S. D. Doremus ROAUIIINIl AND DAY SCHOOL rolt UIRLS. RE- OPENS OCTOUER 1st. 733 Madlon av.. New Y'ork. Iloya' and Girl." behools-CKy nnd Country. FRIIUVUS1 HEMINART, lath Ht. nnd Rnltirrlbril Place, Now In session Rols nnd girls nre rixelrrd In Kin dergarten. Prlmarv. or grades qua'lflng for College or business Principal may lie beeu trom 10 to 12, or cataloguo will bt sent br mall For CblldrenCltr and Country. HOME IlOARDIVo srilOOI. for small children. Old llrldce, Neu Jer.ey. F.tahllstied 183n lerms mndrraU! Principal at 39 West .iOth st. until Won Mondays. UuslaesB Collccea. TH0R0UGHC0 MMERCIAL TRAINING FOR YOUNG MEN. Bookkeeping Shorthand, MODERATE COHT. Individual Instruction. Enter at any time. Association Business Institute 4tli Ave. noil 23d Ht,, Nrvr York. For rro.pcctus addrcM II A. IMItlOW. JR. Educational Director. EASTMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Poiivhlterpvie. N. TT, NEW YORK BUSINESS COLLEGE, HI E. 12.1th pit.. New Turk CltT. Preparatory, lionkkecplog. and bbortlianil Depart meiitH These mIiooi train for practical work, and obtain salaried f osltlons for all i nmpeti nt stiulents. Molt celebraleil In nurlca. catalngueinatled on re qmst Address! I-MI-NT C. OAIN8, President, l Fast ISithsu. Ncwork,N. Y. CIIORTHAND -Isaac Pitman's Motrcpolltan h'hool. 0 I'm ith av . principles uught In six week., all graduates plated HIIOUTIIAMI. ORAIIAM HYHTEM, Thoroughly t.iught. Al.o itpowrlllng tor circulars. terms. Ac. oddrtss A. J. tlRAII VM A CO.. 744 ll'way. Law Hehooln. University ,slIt "cona"",1,n, tt- C L. I ',89fl- Confc LL.R. also LaV oCnOOl (f0rBraluatneoursos)LL.M. DAY AND EVENI.NO CLAHHE1. LLVR1NCL D. AMII.V Y, Dean. Address for catalogue. IIEIilMTUAIt, Unlver lty. Washington Square. 1 ast. NFW YORK ( liny rielinnl. 120 rtroidwar i au counni ? Kolat Hrhool.Coopernnlnn LAW SCHOOL?" Ilvvlaht Jlethort" nf la. atruetlon. 1.1 II In two year, lirnduate cour.o one year High standards OloRQL 1.11 AhE. Dean- Mualcnl. The ONLY NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, IU EAST InTII HT . IIF.TWhlV 4TII AV. and IRVISO PLACE. NOW OPEN forthoHLCH'llONof PLPII.S. HAVJO! mandolin' guitar Instruction. DORK IIROTIIHIS. great plajers. ecu eth av., city: 1 Fialbush av Urooklyn AMO, mandolin, guitar, violin, piano taught; lea son, prlvale, circulars Lh l.RT H HI UD10, 617 81 av. Jllh h. "1 ANfiOI IN, guitar. Iianjo, teacher with ablllty"nnd il exierleui.e, clroularsinnllid. 1 i RIIF.I.L. 800 Fast 10th st, Hchoolaor Eloeiillon and Dramatic Arte. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF THF DIUMATIC ARTS (liieum school nf Ailing) Carnegie Hall, Now York ill). FRANKLIN II. HARUI.NT. Pre. Thlr tcentli year lieglns In Octobor. Wrlto for catalogue. Unnclns Academlea. KNICKEnilOCKF.K SCHOOL for dancing, li" West 42d st . Charles C. (ilrgler, lnstrucior.Uth sea son; v-altnnd all fa.hlnnabledaui.os taught; prlvato und class lessons, circulars C lifAH. il. DORISiT. KulikerbocLer hohiKil for Dnn j i,ing. Lyric Hall, 7k! I Ulh a v., iu ar 4lld .1 , circulars. gfrjjoiwl 3"lotlcc. iVUOO's Vf NEWY0RKERS Mh.h boin i tirnl lv IMt. EFUM WONDKIIFUI, DERMICURA OF ALL SKIN AND hCALP DIbEASFS. MASSAIIB TRI-ATMENT given for eirema. salt- rheum, sctrrhnilty plmrles and blotches of II' face. POSITIVE CUKE liUARANTI.EII. R. EFII.'H M EI1IC A I. IREIARA. 'HON CO., 17 EAHT 14'I II H'i.. NEW YORK. LONDON, PARIH, IILRLIN, VIENNA, &xtit$ons. r lIIOLERA IIANKS-hstelleiit fishing, lols of tri K. bass and porgles caught Irlday, ltl go to tho same place Saturday end sunnii) : nnv tivtn strew sleomer AL HiMI It dally, Last Ulst st , 7 4U, Hat lery.b sharp) tl, with I alt, WFHT POINT. NEWIIUROII, and PO'. IlllKPNIi:. Uluiul Hall) Eieilrsliill lexcept him day), by Palace Iron Day I In btcniiier. from Dus brossi st Pier at tiito A, M und Wist -!2d st. at U o'clock. .Summfr Hfoottc. " PENNSYLVANIA? Delaware AVutor Gap. C1ATARACT IIOUHF. Delaware Water llnp. Pa I, M, j TUCKER R-R-ilckelstLfurnlshnl Hinklj, t7; capacity 100, boating, fishing, hops, tenuis coainlug dally rlm oartl. ' ta,t Hlda. " ATTRACTIVE UIIOMH. SOME HIIITA. I1LE MIH OIU'LEM I IIOAUII OPTION. Al.l tUINlNi: EXf'ELLENI'i KUrU. E.N C EH. 71H LEXINO'lON AV. MADISON AV. it. ror .list sL-Haudtomely fur nished slnglo aud double rooms, with excellent board and appointm.nta. 1 "iTII HIV. J4 EAST. -Pleaiant connecting doubl,, J. U single rooms; excellent boardl .very couvan l,nc) mudrratc 1 aStteci Sonra. riri i-q'r-M it !- as-M ,i, - f , ..n.runju-Li-u-ixi ji rsjsrixvxfyn-s-ras- rx lasiMUs 1 QTH ST., 114 p.AST.-N.rr managementi hand. V.,om."r ".""nishi-d parlors and other rooms, wltn trlclly llrstcla'. boardl location unsurpassed and jajiry arraiigomeis al .oltitcly prfcct. W cat Hide. 9Tn ST., M WFST.-Handsomely furnished Inrgo W?!" 1,u ,,ri"i .unu) room,, very reasonable; good table. 1 7TIIRT.U4 WFST -Furnished roomswlth boardl Xl reference! table board. 1 MT." ST." En WI BT'- Mcelvfurnlshed roonsTwilh AtJ boardl French cultlnoi reasonable termti near otli nr, iTH ST. 2i4 W Connecting rooms, seconif floor," wW suit famll nr Rontlnmani table boarl. tl-30. Qsjl) 8T..U4. UO. AND UH WFST.-Hrst class board, JJ handsome riwuij, furnished or unfurnished) rtferemes. O'JD T 10 WI Sf-lliinilsomely furnished suite; ejtJ slngleronmigentlemeiionlyi breakfastoplloual; valet attendanco; reference. 5urulsltf A toge. iuatHldi. 9 Til 8T., 40 TAST, near llroadway-Assortment largo and small rooms, first nnd sicoud flights: permanent, tnin.lent MADISON A V., uu -llichclor apnrtments, iteslrabla rooms or floors; private baths, also parlor floor: Inodrritlc prlcos 1 OtTi ST., 41 FANl.Nially furnished single J rooms hented, t, largo front rojm, sultablo doctor, and Pulmonis. KTHHT., i4 F.AST.-LarBo "iuidtasTe7uTly fur--.CJ nlshcd, tlean appointments, In good location, near cable earn. TlJTll ST, noil FAST-Nlceiy furnished healed 'HI rooms. 1.23, tl 61), boarJ If reiiulrul. Call first floor. Weatilde MACDOPOAI, ST., BO -I nrge front room, two nulel gentlemen, sepnralo folding bids, piano, also housekeeping room. 1 QTHSr.SJS WFST. Nlcel) furnished front pr" lOliir. with closet, prlinto famll) ; rcnsomble. Ring Jaullnrs lull Onill HT.and Iiroadwny, The Manor -"Handsomely .W riirnlshed rooms, irhate baths; elevator; tlh tntlweekl. tl s flf ST.. '14 I ST. iieSr Bth a7- Rooms "new sjij thrnugliout, gentlemen; breakrost If desired. JOTH ST, Wlsi.-Furnlshed nr unfurnished room 00 for lini helor. Apply M West MlHh st QOD ST.. 40 WI.ST Newly furnished rooms Iu prf 'Jii vnlefamllt , reference. JODT. 1 17 WIST. Two medium slrtd rooms: eiJv, III accoinmndatalwngenllemcn each; mostcon vcnlent Inntlon, reasonahle. lats ami apnvtmcnw Co ?. THE FIFTH AVEOE, ion 1 uiKfith ii..corntr H-tli st. LI ciin nt ainritmnts U runl in rooms nn bath, Great Indue, ments offered. Appl 10 W li ItO'ir.UTB. Superlntindent. A SUCCESS. TIIF t I I'.TISS AND PDINIIUIKHI. 174 an 1 1711 Wisth'lhst. These npartuu nt. were built with an Idci to com fort, light and air no slo-es underneath, rc.pecta bid an I rellu.d, i In t to Central Park nndHlurslda dr ve. rriiti frmi uo tn ilnu pir annum, bee Jan Itoror POWI It, lltlCiiliimiiusav. 140, 142, 144 W. I05TH ST. A. C, nnd 7 Llclit llonms nnd nntli. HTEAH IIEVTEII. Renta. S87 to MO. FREE TO NOV. 1. i?lVV ROOMS .Wand.rt V IIHU Hlli av. COLLIN II. WOODWARD. Jl.0 West 141th St. V'-ATS AND A PA HTM I NTS. tinf urnlsni d. f urnlsho L J In desirable locations rent 1510 to 1 1 "00 rOIOM lilliiTI'hlls Wirtl.roadv.ny. cor iilthst, IEUOY ST 12 -single flat: four large light rooms; j second floor, front, all Improvements Ion reut JANITOR. 'I'llF. RICI1I 11-1 I) 8 .1 TO il WFST 4JD ST, near L Prottlun) Iliiiidsome targe, light, dt-cornted ap.rtmenls eight rou lis, steam heated, t53lo$l)3, passenger ele u lor. TJ'7rTirhTJV. WLNT -Parlor lint, six light rooms LO nn.nislh 27 OUNLR SIOUST 2ts WIST-Fl.gnntoutsldo llntsTS large I .. light rooms and bnlli. all improvemi tits, rlchls decoritel. stiatu hented, txccllrnl neigh' iirnnod, fl.1 lo fit. JANITOR. ril nt. ian. IIO, 14'. EAHT.-six room.; tils henti il i rtOTII NT.,fI4 W KHT.-lnnd I rooms- fto $ia : 1211 s r. 4XOEIMT Unillemiu Into ,14 I.KXI.MlTilN A V.. 1.47.-..1 ,477.-3 rooms and hnth hnlUln til Ale-tnti loan NT., 1)3 WEST. rooms and bath; iteam I eat 4. OLL'MltUS AV., una TO RBO.-fl rooms and tMlh .telniroM' ,J7 1 ilo,Ul 11STII T., 11.V1 17 WEST.-I rooms nnd hath: lif-nt holwut. r a'U 1U7TII Mr., U77.a73 WKST.-B rooms and stesm heel V.lti$21 134TII HT.. 1DA.107 WE.MT.-il rooms nn1 l.sih .tenni heat hot water, sillo tis, 1UOTII HT.,aiH.-fi ro. ms, till. Apply to lanllnrs on promises, or MACLAY ft PAWLS. .4 Pino st. 0 ITII ST. 'in I WF.ST-rlrstr'as sliwle, steam tu heated K open-air rooms, JuOii up. "lISTSr ailVAST.neurSI n -Nice 4 room flats 1 i sll liul rotenients, earpctetl halls, tc range, wnshtubs reut tin ind 917. half month free. J, "Tit ST. 17 WIST -Seven rooms and bull, $10 IJ to 1 13 Applj Jnullor. HUTU ST. 1J AND ,14 FAST ltrictlvn flit.. T O rooms, bath range private hall. SeejAnUor IsJTII si . .iis 1 st Apirtments ot time anl .tl four room, ill llsht room, ihtaprent 1 'JTTII ST 2H1 WTST. Nice sunny. 'llght.nn-o lOI room., tpone fllKhl, nur L elation mo ler ate. (,OI DPS 1.1 nT" ST ,") ' VST Nn,,t ""' "' "' room., all 1J Improiimiuts Applj to KELL. Janitor SirtHinii Housw Co let (Cttij. DrMllAniE HOl'SFl. furnlslieil and unfurnished. In desirable lot itlnns. n nt $1 Juo to Sn.niio rOLSOM IIROTIIFRS. f!0 I ro ulna, tor. 12lhat. J InfimusliCu 3outfc5 Eo Cft. "ivilJ. laET AT SIHT"" Two beautiful J front. 4 .torv roir. In West Sltt st , built bwla uor't for nnisiate 3 gears' rcntil, tl.OOu. POWER, curuei s'lh si. nnd Columbus av. Co jCtt for Supinrsj. gurpojJts. I.tltl.E NUMIint of hulllliu-. stores lofts anl .V nnlcv, tn U.I. ltl LANl)AWIITINli,51leLmaust, l)irIl DIMIS Horn, lofts, oflUcs, and studios to let -L In ill slrable Im nttoli. FOI.SOM liltoi lints M'JnlironilMav. cor. l'.'thst, I" ?IVI. OrFItKS show rooms nnd studios, nth av. frnntni ixcelltht lo-itlon eery eon.eiilenee, eleiator ami hall servku Apply to 1IA11DMAN, PICK too I St 3th av. VVI'-WLY DFCORATPD pirlor lloor for buslmss, fur ll nlshed or unfurnished 1 17 W eil 17th st. 3lml (ftstntt fox Snlf ffiitij. HUNTS POINT, 23D WARD." rULL-81rD LOTS ON nARRFTTO AND MANIDA RT3. NEAR MONASTHIY. Only A few left, the grentest bargains ever nffered willdoubloln snlue upon Mi Klnley's election, title guaranteed by lawyer's lltle in.urnnco Company, FRANCIS J. L?CKr!v, Slntlon Agent, Hunt' I nint. N v., or MA('LA & DAMfS 44 Pineal . New York dty. I.siir SALF-Threo-story liigK smop. nenr Ml Morris ' I'srk. Apply Will 1 r. S Fast IHIstst Wwttlifctcr Cro. Svotitvtn fot .Sale. Mckinley booms it" " The 10 ncres of Inlmjtnu Heights As.oclullon can lie bouirlil I efnro elei tlon, or If Brjull Is elected for fAOll). If Mi Klnley I. elcitcl prlio nlvauced to ttuuoo Not, 4 llnest 4(1 nin-i In Wisichesier highest point, lake of spring ater 2 miles from Millionaire s Caslnnat At Isle, oii.Ilu isnn, lid uilnntn train rnch way. Aildn.s or call J, W Dooi.ll rLE, Aceut, 171 liruadwa), Now York. facal (ffstatc fox a.r 'BtoohUin. ArOUR-STORYdonblodnt. ulthall liuproviinenls lutMxlUO, Iu Vbtliunnl for silu cheap N but 1 u, bun oDlcc. ON I.Y srffilll IIOWN will purchase new story high sloop fmc brlclc nnd stone front prl.nle house, Doiii'l ss.i ueur Nn.lrnu 1 av,, Ursula. loot r) rispiet lunnini' nn time Dr. 1IALN 4 I.lbi rl si , New York, (Afternoons only.) THE REST TWO.FAMILY IIOIINE In llronkhn, fauty brick un I slum two .nt. nf Im pnivemetit.i low prko, siiull ainuuiitdunii, balaiuo as rent, alwa) s open. AOlhst liesrr,lhnv, JAMES lll'RKE, 1H I Montagu' st. glcat f.uut oralr Xonn ILolaml. XTOHllll'ORT. llaniUninn shorn front, three aires ll ulie House, tl 000, olio ten ai res, 1 1,000: one 47 ucn, t3,ouo, out su urn s, tvu uou 1,1 Wis vat llroadway. Ural (JsUaU ox $ittw $txnt)i, 4 ILTIIKllltANaE8"-Propertyiif eiery iluscrlp. .'V Hon fur sale, rent cxilmiigo, furnished and un furiilshed, season or ytar. C. I. CO.NDIT, opposite Ilrli.k( hurdi Hl.llnn J OR tl ILK New tnistory house, goinl locitloni ' price t.uo TPIDIH mruer Kcrrlgau ar ami Charles st West Hnbuktii, N, I PALIHAIIEH 1IIHTRII Tl Large lots. t73 terms, i.60inuutlily: hih ground, nenrhoure.. WKAfllhltllY, 71 llruadwny. Iltal "e'jstntcor dale (Calif ornliT CALIFORNIA Inco-re ranches, choice city and suburban resident., properly, acre traola. large colony tracts: nolrrlgatlou required, inlulnj prop.rly Ucud lor catalogue E. E. UIJNIIK. Laud Aacnt, 1,0 ) llroadway, Oakland, CaL . . Gentlemen Wear . . W.L. Douglas .$3 Shoes (Hind-sewed procesj), because they Are just as good in otylo, fit, and woarlng qunlitlos as a $5.00 shoe. 148 styles, sizes and widths, J t J A FIT GUARANTEED. Sec them at our exclusive store, Neu YorkStoresi Ull liroiday.2JI(i Third av.. 01 Darclay st .204 West lanib nt , Jir, Hlli nv 114 fulton st Ilrooklin Mores HI nmi 11107 Ilroadna, 4.11 and USl tullonst, Jersey ill), lONcwnrgin tcamiioats. Hudson River liy DaylightT PALACF IRON D.Y LINE hTFAMl-US NEW YORK" nnd "ALII ANY." Finest and rosiest rher sttamcrsln inu world Dilh exiopt HundA). Ieare Urooklyn 1 niton si. di) Annex) s s, M. ' Nowork (Drsbros.isst Pier) 8 10 " " Wo.t'JJI St. Pli r ., u " l-or ALI1AN1, Ijndlng at onker West Point, Newburgh. 1'ougiiketp.le, l.lugstou 1 olnt, Catskltl, and IIu Ison BOSTON "AND NEW ENGLAND. MA SOI'.ND I.1N1S PROVIDENCE LINK, via Proildrme, from lleruu N It ono block uboo Canal st, vtei k dij. oulv. nt 0 'III P M NORWICH LINE, via Nov. London, from Pier 40 N. It next toliLsbrosses st , wuk tin), on'j.nt FALL RIVI'.R MM', Mi Nevtort mil 1 all ltlir. rrom Pit r 18 n. r. foot Murray st , wctk Ma s mi I Mind is nt Ti Hi p M bTOMNOTON LINE, Mi stonlnglon, from Pier tin, N It one block above Canal at., week daiaonly, al n on p si. Hudnon River Nlennirr Mnri I'owell, DAILY (E.Vt KI'Thl'MI.YlSI, l.eaic. lltsbro...-si l In I" 1 s t . I 4"iP M. I envi h W est JJd st I IU'll.KiK JIMI For CRANSTON M UIRNW M I NEWIILMlulI. NI W nAMllL'RUII. JIILION. PO'lvELI'alE. HONDOUl.and KINUSTO.N. Albany Evening: Line. steitnirs ADlRONillC nnd II) IS UK I. MONO leaie Oil Pier 41. N R . foot ( anal si., ut tl P IL nallj (8undsys eiceptedl, connecting llli trains for points North. Fast, and WV-.t TROY BOATS, CITY OF TROY ur s lit TII(1A li sus Pier 40. N R, foot We.t 10th st d-illv. exiet baturiln) . I P M. buiulay steamer touclu s at Allinti) I tATSKIl.L,Hl.DSONANDC0SCKiElOTSIeaie foot of Chrl.lopher st . N. R. ettry w.iel. diyat d P. M connecting ullb II. A A. R H. nt Hudson KINOSTON LINr.fiotof We.tlOlhst Da!l PmT Saturdisaut 1 St'ra IIAI DvMN mid Ro4r II lor Cornwnll Newburgh. New llninhurg Mirlbo-o Mbtou. Ilde Park l'mwhkt epsk. Miifstn . Co un i tlnguiih V und li R. II for All ui t. Ill fits. III Mot utnms NEW HAVEN' tare tl. IrTUNIliN l V Fast sti'aiiii rs li ive Pn r il L It dalb Mimlajaex. retted i. .IP 31. and 13 ml might urr vlng In time for trims to Vtirlden Ilartrurd hprlngrield. ni d north. KsMSDri.I LINE. Steinurs lrio Pit r 24 N l foot rrmklln st forCrnuslnn s Wist Point Cold Spring Cornwall H.hlMll Imlln? ami NcAburgb, veek days. 31 M.. Suiidas. M A. M (Orrnn trumrr.. AMERICAN LIME." NEW YORK -bOL IIIAMPION-Iloudon-Parls) balling ut in A M PARIS Utt. 7 bT. l'UL . . O.t.21 bTIOl'IS ... O-t. 14PVKIS DCL JS NI'W OIH Oil IT bT Itll IS Nov 4 RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP. balllnp Cvtry r.ltn stl-tr Noorrttantl.... Ocu " KcnslnRtoiLOi t '21 10A M. OluftMixl 0 t 14,nonn.'ri ruinml Ott i.uoou INTtRNATlONAI N VlliATION U)UVNi IMcnNanl H North Kir (JR. tfHjwllncUrn. ALLAN - STATE LINE. cw ork to (Jlfne-mv anil 1( ll iT on limderrjj Tli rou eh tick H to rpool li.l. ,tc from nlcr foot Wt Slst t,t. ulh 111 cr. 8TVTF UKSl-UltASKA . I rltli. O t, ,l 1 V M. B'HUIUS I rMnv Ot 0, .1 m l M. TTh DP Nril,ts. l-rllii Nil II 1 to M Cbln,$HHo$L)J LM fntiln ? Hi StcoriKt 9.M 50i.'."j0 AUSTIN IIVI I WIN i Willis itllr livrojr CA.NVIHAN IMt II II KVIl.UYi. lntciiilt I ifiniN ipbulliiia, tr hi i i iim-r JAPAN an,. CHINA. FMPHFSIOI INDIA . Ott U.Jan 4,Mnrili21 IMPIHSttil 1APAN No.urelil IMPI.I-SO CINV lu-e 7. Mnn.ll I to HONOLULU, FIJI, m AUSTRALIA. WARRlMOi .Me MlOWFltA Nov 8 Second cabin acconiinodnlloiis al ert low rates tor tlLWets and freight rnltsnpplv 11 I llroa It ay. Forlr tcht rileMinlj il'VWall'.l Ni-wYork pUN RD line roLivi-iipooi. i vyiii i ssfowlT. Ftrurln ocr. 3 tmnn rinbrii ... Ot I 17, noon Campania iki In HA M I ucanla ihi J4 il u A IU It un Pier 40 I nf C urksu l at. M.ltNON 11 11HOU N i(M neu I kts J llmMliulirinn. I'ltDM II LINT. COMPSlJMF 111-NHtsl r TR ANs n.ANTICJPE. UlRVLl IIN1 rollVMIl, PVI Is. 1 RAN. . LA lli't Itl.'ii.Nl leii.Hiit sat, Oct V. 1 A TuLllAINr smile II snl net I7.HA M. I.A HAM O NI . lliu li I in Sit I), t 21 1 P "I l'ur.or .cut iu I huff I, no iu nr. uit u hi 1 1 i su clul train lliiri'-l'nri. or W e er.ui m .In tl extra. A. lnllilT Hem rnl kini I li tin. (in en HAMEURGtiEMCAW TlWET TWIN SCR1W I'XPUI ssir -n ew York lo Phmout'i (I on Ion i hi rl ourg. 1 ttrl. an l II inilturj AMclorli hi s,t M N iru nnlila ''il '.'I' In V M. r Risiinrck o r It HI t.M Mi toeie Nm 1,7 AM. lli,inliiir".Aiiirrlciiti Line. It? Ilrondi. ny, nKlll i.r li u"an iTi-Mi s bC'(i. - - MIIOIIT ROI Tl UllONIlON XND CONTINJ- NT. 1 ASl P I'llli-S Sll AMI US banle. Mil., t), t I 10 s. M frive.Im. I I 1,10 AM. Iluvel.'lu.,Oil K in M Aller snt.o.1 17 in A M. 01 I KlCliS A to i Un Mlligdlien OLD" DOMINION- UNI DAILY sERVII I! lor OLD POINT (iSllo: I NOIIHI.K SI-W PORT SrW Pl.TIKMII IIu I III. PIN Nr RS PiilNr,'HMiiNIi MltniNli PI A. il ami W VMI IV. ION. II C DMI I NCI PT si N 114.1. lib hnionil illmt iiln utl imii r imilti) Mondny (fn Ight ouI i und Silnrda) :.n.."iirr-i and freight), balling from Pur .'ii N It. I P M sniurdat, I P i. riiriiu.h ticket nn 1 fri Ight rntis tunll points W I tlUILI AlDl.l'. Mi e Prist an 11 ratlin Manager. Pana,ma Railroad Steamship Line Rteamersitall fromplcr foot V t 2m st , ?.oy liork. Uuaiici Of i 10, noon al n la Ot t "0, noun i nliln to Stu I run wm, UO -tlctriKO $D. JOHN Ml 111 lruf.10 Mnimcir ? Hnnilwu), WfiBlTR': STABt EJ.Ni:. Tnitonlc Oct 7, noon Mnjcrtlc Oct 21, noon Hrltiinnln Oct. 14 iiioii Urrnninlf Ot t J mxiu hO roTTOS CMtllll l llV PlSsl-NilH: Sl AMI i.s. I'Ur 4.V North l.lwr (tnu. luoava), II MAITLKM) Kl KM.t, Ak'fiit. 3tiulrotd$. i)i:tA aici:. it u x ami w'i i s:icn h. h. istiittfiiiM In t n nik. I mil ot lint cliij ittiil hi iMlftphri t, Vr.HTIHUI.i: TWAIN. il.I.MA HIT. rKTIAKNl'lMM U J.I U (ST. (MrPtt mute to t nark. IU mtntUW Mmi clilr thn OrituiM MuiiTiiltJi iiinnUMt.. H .rlil ii- IlitUr Muli son, Mnrrlsinwti I'sith-il-, ruttr-nn I mm mi Ihwr, htfinhr.f Vrmdm ItuiH Ink l.alct. lint in nn, lIiiClsPttMtown hi tinoley h Mouittain, V n, ton, l'l.llll.KiMirrT I fctll Uut rUil) MrnUiUhlirK lVinlio Mttiiuialn, ist raiiioii 1'Jttuntn, 1U i firr- in; a ki. Iitulll .Norllium-t'rlsUHi Mtiitr Itiniui ntnti Otfnnt SorMi h, Water llle I tit t u Itiii 1 1 sariurt C'tirllaitil, hrauiM ohik Itham ihih Mmlni, rornliu', liath, linllU', liutTalo, .u.l uil j tlHU Uixt. h or Hi t it niiil houthm t M.OO A. M, Uiii4lnnitiifi Mall Hup al j.rlnrlj.a! Mint ('lit HliOO a, II.- K'.ifprir ) Jlufl ilo Nfrnnton I In liiiiiit n hracuRc ,tiiI ognri.n Kipretx. t'lilltuiu li .JYt t parlnt turn vnnintinu al UulTalt, nif, tr ilnt f if lili'uicti and , n nt f nt I too 1". 1, iCati sir i n riu to ii, 1 iiultaiiit in, an 1 it tin r' mfn liillnuu i ai lor tar 4i()U I', U. Mranlmi nLt arr anl rijniouth l rm I'll Htiiim tMifTs'l pirlnr un 7iMO 1. II. (lMlj Hun ilrill ni Limit il 1 x i ti t r htrinion Hi u elm in ton I inilru, liuitihi 1 iilltnan liutTi t -lopplnccir LtiniH i tm at Iiitrfalo . ith iruin fori iiImwh Mii'l i tl hirt w t Oi'JO V, W, (I'illi) liuiTiili t- intiill, Illtuliri n KMi.llhaia I tlfn, s)nui'. fltpl Oswiyo 1 J,,rts 1 ulltnuii liuffi t ulttpir TIckfiM ami Pullman a r tmtno latlmm at Hi nry (.rt)rcS ii ' I.t-i lit I'ruinluii) 11 I'.irk pVuiMuul 4f.t Unui.ty lUkit.ut trrry t.t itinn m, lra ! Hut.lll 4tliuT ir IVltiNl,' Wm U'.til t , . "t ('nlmnlm aT,Ne nrk, .( ti nnd t .'J rulimi l ami lil Jlroailwu), llrooklili flmu la'.lu U in mil In ,g(ilt t xiin-m iiinimii) v 111 ull foi ami cm tic I'HWMke fromhotnl or ril Iijh oU lt.tilii iilon BTIM0RE""& OHIO. !.eave Ni w Mirk, foot of I Im rl st iln ij CIIICAOO a uo P M an! 1.' 16 n gin PlTlSHUitllH.M Plei sun . on hull IVOlilgliL CI.NCINNA1I bT ,uUIK loOUA M ll UU P M W ASIIIMirOS Htl.riMOlll h ll in ilnilllius nr), II JO A M (Dining 1 nr !i ')u, ,1 in Ilium i ( ar), fl uo iDlulngtur ll no I' M W 1 n fcht bun Us, lb on Dining un I1JUA )l ilun ng t'nn..' mi tDlnlng Lari, 3 0 1 'Dining I in, u uu P M, Willi "NORFOLK. II .to A M dally NFW OHI.EA.NH flirough bleeper, 1 00 p M dally All trains are llluiulnaKd null I IiiIm.ii I ghl Ofllte.1 IU lli.Wl. 413 I 1411 llroadway. I.l Fast 14llit. lE7imwrry. Ness York, :uu, JI4 lullou.t, llronkllllinlallnii fimt of Liberty 11 It ll. nf N J liaggage cK.ckrd fruiil botil ur real Ivuco to destination. alaget. , "AMBRIOA'S ORBATIST RAILROAD. NEWTORK (entral. V & HUDSON RIVER R. R. From Grand Central Station 4Sd Street. Bs30A. m. Lxcept Sunday, Fmptre State hxpresi. i n.test train In the world. Btopa at Albany, Otlca, Ksracuse, and ltochutter.,Due Ilurfalo 4:4:1 P. M, Magnrn Falls 3-33 P. M. This train I, limited to IU seating capaolt). ..,,,, Ot'JO A, M.-Dnlly. Fat Mall for Pniighkeonsle, Al limy, Ollco, Syracuse, Rochester, lluffalo, Niagara I'nlis Chicago. . . 1(1 1. to A. M.-F.xcept SundiT. nay Express, for niilmportant New York State points. llOO P. Al, -Dally, southwestern limited forCo- lumlius, Clnolnnatl, Indianapolis, and bt. Louis. stops at Pouchkeeptle, Albany, utlca, Syracuse, Itm heater and lluffalo. llOO P. M.-Dally Chicago Special for Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, anil Clucngo. stops nt Pough- kecpsle, Albany, Schenectady. Utlcn, Syraeuao, Ho better, and lluffalo . fliDO P. M, Fxcept Sunday, wet Point, Pouch- e p.le. Albany. Troy. . , . 4 tlto P. II. Halls North Shore Limited Duo !) iruitH SO A. M Chicago 4i30P.JI. Slons at Albany, I ma andsyniciitc. ... OtOO p. H, -Dully, tor Albany. Troy, Dtlei, Syra i use, Ilullalo, Niagara lalls. Cleveland, Toledo, De troit Chicago llnclnnall, ht. lxiuls OiSfS P, M. Dall). For Alhnny. Troy. SaranncLnke, lake l'laild, lake aeorgu, I.nko Champlnln, and Ottawa. TtUO P. .-DalIy. For Albany, Troy, Ullca. Adlron nack Mountain points norm of Lskot Itnr, Thou, nnd Islands, ami Jlonlnnl. Fridays only, tlccplng i arto Vulton Chntu .. ., . 7HIOP. M. -Daily. lorDuffato. Niagara Falls. Cleve uind Indianapolis, st, Louis. Chicago. Stops at Piiiighkeetisto. Albany, and Utlca OiOO P. .11. Palls Carries sleeping car passenger, mm for points on tall Urook Hallway, via Lyons, nmi for Roc) ester ... . DlHl P. II. Iinllj. ror S)rncin, Oswego, Water inwii. Ogilcnshu'v. IliltTnlo Nlngira rnlls, C leva land. Toledo. Clilcagn. except Saturdar fur Clayton, ( apn Vincent, and tho Auburn road. Sunda)sonly nioversillli lailO Nlcnt. Theatre train for Chicago and prin cipal points on Nesv York Central every night ex. rent hiiniinj night Sunday nights Ulovursvlilo anil ( hit neu siei pi r. lens i- on li-l 3 P U train. IMOO A, M. nnd II HI." P. 31. Dally except Sun- iuv to Plusrleld, sin liar em Division . . UilS A. .11, buiid. iv only to Plttsfleld ana the llcrgslilre Hills, tla ilnrlem Dlvlslnn "ALL NIOIII " TRAIN TO YONKERS. "All night "irnlua run between 1 13th st. and point, on tho Putnam Division ns far as Y onkers. In connec linn iilih me let nted road. The only line running "nil night" trnlns nut of New York W nguer Palace Cam on all through trains. Trains llluiulnatid lth the l'ltitsch light. Tickets and Wakiicr unlets at (irand Contra! Sta tion. HI llronilway. 11 Park place, 11111. 413 llroad sa, ai la.t 14th tt.tUJ llronilway, 1133 Columbus ns , 01 Wist mill! st. nnd lUsth st. station. New York. 1.1s and 7.'(1 lullon St., nnd 100 llroadway, 1. H Urooklyn. Ilagage checked from hotel or rctldenco by the W. sii nit Expns. Company. JOHN )l Ml CI-Y. Ill OROE It DANIELS, tient rnl Manager. (ientral Passenger Agent. Pnnsylran.a STATIONS font of Dcsbrossis nnd Cortlandt Streets. In effect September 1. lO's tllOd.A. II. lASri.lNL Parlor Car to Pittsburgh. IUiUO A. t. PP.NNS1 I.Y'AMA LIMITF.D.-Pull-limn (.ouipirtinint, sii ping. Dining, hmoklng and ou.ersatlon Car. rrlve ciilcigo UA M, Cleso land 4 .10 A. M , Clucluuatl R-lli A. M , Indianapolis b 4ii A M Luul.vllie IJ 10 P M, at. Louis tl 44 P. II an I Toledo n Hi l A M 2lOO I'. M. I Illl. Alio AND bT LOUIS FXPRFNS. nheiilng and ldnlitg Car. to st Louis, Louisville, und Cntcngn Arrlse (.luilnnntl 10 43 A. M., St. I mils 7 .'4 P. II . Chicago 4 10 P M. OiOO P. II. WtHTHtN INPIltSS -Sleeping nnd iMnlng (nrs to CI lingo and (.leselnud Arrises ( 'eve un 1 11 '.'"i M Chicago tl P M next day. 7lfi 1". II. bljl Til WI-sri-llN INPIIF.SS -Sl-i ping und I'lnlugCirs loClncln-iatl nnd St. 1 ouls Arrlvi s Cincinnati il n"i P M. Indianapolis 10 IS P. M , bu 1 .oil. 7 A M secon I mor ting HiOO P. SI. PAlItlC ENPRESS -Pullman Sleeping ir tn I lll.lmrtrh Cnnnecis for ( Iilcago dally, und ( li vi Ian I an I Toledo i xe pt Sntnnlnr YY'ASIII.MiTON A.N II THE eiOUTn. 8. b iii li ,i i, iu null iiIiik i uri.l i a si . 1, J lu (a .M - Cougrt H.loual Llin . ii 1 I arlnr and Dining Cur.), 4 -il ililuliig can. f .' iiDluluclnr u P. V.. IJ 11 ulglit Suudjs.M .1.1 'i JO 11 A il ' I 20 "(.ongrcv rlonnl 11111,' nil Pnrlur and Dlnlut Cers), 4.10 (Dining C ir). 1 40 (HI ungCir) UP M . 12 Iflnght. bOl'lllHlN RS.1I.W AY -4 10 P M. dally. bleeier to Nev, Crlenns Sleiuplil. Tainpi. Aslievllle, nnd Hot bpr iigs. U' 13 nunt dalb.Siecptrstolllrmlnghaiu an I l it L.nns H't- AlLANTlt, CdtST LIN .-0 10 A M dally. Sleeper, to I orl l.impaand Mrcon. U 00 P. il daily, blcepcr to J icssuus Hie CHESll'tAKF t OIIiORilLWAY- Pxpr-ssS 20T.M. it illy. Turniic-h S et ping ai d tuning Lars. Kill ol.D IVIN1 ( OMIuRTaml Noltlol K via Capo diaries pome, s .m sstek days, and, sslth Through Sleep r. HP. St. dalls. ATLANTIC CITY". 1 oo P IL week days. Througa HtlTet Vat or Car. Him API. MAY 1 OOP SI weekdays l-or I-ong llrauch, Astmrs Park, ihyin Orosennd Point Plea.jnt II IDA M. Is! 10. L SI .'I 40, 4 20. fl 111, ni.d 7 uo P. il s.eek diss SuhdayK (stop at Intcniki n ror Annus Pnr u HA M..5V10P.1I. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 0 t!(l 7 110 m b to 10. lulvina Limited), 10:10 (Dlnlllg Cir). 11 A M.. 1.'. 1. '.' HI, 3. 4, 4 .10,4 30 (Dining Car), .1 "in inning Cii i. iiamiiug Curl 7 10, h u P.M. 1.' II night buui'ays 11.15, n 10,0 0 so 110 I Imlti-dl. 10 II A JI . i (lllnlng Car). 4,4 U0 (Dining carl 1 .mi (Dining Cir). OlDlnlngCir), 7 43, M'l 11 . U lllllg t Tlcki-IOniies Nim 4 11 044.1100,133. 11 1, nnd 201 llrnadss iy 1 Astor Iluu.i. ami foot of De.brovie, and Curil unit st. iiourist mo Fulton si , 0s Hroud lirouklu Anut x hiatlou foot of 1 ultot st lirooklsu si ition Jer.eyi.lty. The New York Tran.r r Company v. Ill cull ror nnd chi ck baggago fro n hotel, hii 1 residences through to di sllnatlon. b M PR' Y'.isT, 5, It WO. ID. '-oni ral Manager. Oencral Puss r Agent. LEHIGH VALLEYRAILRQAD. i ttlon u nt ni Lort .null anil In thro, s nt ltO a M 1 -lly iuiittaB ; A. M ) for MAl'CH Clii i. ami Intt-rnifitlati ntnilonn. H lift A. M ili.!l fnrlTIUCA.OF.VVA. nOCHFS Trlt llbl-1 LU. MVtAltA 1 1 LS. MMtNMIiV liltr(Jl-, anl tio Ao-st. anl prtncijutt lo n points, Hut im mr to sufltentslon I'riiJcu, rulltnan Ntstlbulo hi i"pt noi iilcago HiOO A l. ilillr. rxrept Stimlar, for MaUC II ( 1 i ami Int riot tliaie polnta. Conutctloui for lit ftillm ami lUrrUlmrtf ttftttO noun Iu 1 tptMinlflv "Itl.At li. lilAMO.M) i:.VlMH.SS" arrhe Hun .lo 10 1 M liinuiftii ur to iun-lienter, l'ullninn ey.tllmUa Ia CoaLlitri untl 1'arlor Lara. llnini rar f. rvicit Mi a a la carte rtl(r. M flail), except bumla), for I -ton and Int i i mm iltato point IttO 1' M ilallv. rxrept riinila, for Jb and 11 I Jl M. i lu, niojiiliirf onU at iirltn pil InturiiiLdlato Etm cnalr inrs tu W llko-ttiarr :itIor, M MitHtni out) for Maurh Chunk and Hi it and all Intenufd ati utat nii- ilO P. M ilili, i xi i t ni ii 1 1 for I and 11 Jt.M 1 1G an.t prfncl, al intfni.tili itti ft.itlonn. l'ull iiMiilitiriet J'arlor to tiki iitrrt, toniHM.tlotm for intt.Tllt I r, 1 15 l. 31 ilall , for FASTON and Intermediate flta-tlon- ( tinlri ,r in hiuttnn OilO I M il illy for 1 UFI I MAOAHA FAI I-S, an t all point Wfrtt I'ullmuti eoyt r rutltmli t train N . to ititujo biet'i r to lsuffalo aud fu runto On 1 1 in tllnnft for It adlnjr nnd Harris! urj. OiOO 1' si dii.jrrnr IIIUl a. (IiM-A. HOC I! 1 15 T! It. JttKl-Alo. MoltA I-1 I.S mil all polnu W csl Pulli'inti Mlc rr to Ctiu mn and liutTalo. Ciiilr cur in i ticca i urr llt.'.or M ililij.pxui.t undar, forlvAHTONand Intcru filluiopolnti. tltlitlomil lot ul traltirt dalh rxrept btiuday. for IloUNIi IIUOOIC anl intvriiiH lnt polnti.. leavit ni fol1oA VIDUA MfiJUril.UUl' il.uudll.3J 1 M. TlosTl an I l'ulliuan iico uinotlatlons at C 15. 'J7 I, (44. and l.U.IItnuIiva) ,tl 1- it 1-ttn L( h. l'nth n., 1 J711owtr, Sew 'nir, !.' 1 ulimi t ,4 Cuurt ut, its llrtmiiwaj and Itrikl)u unx, llroukln N i Iriniferiti "III fall for and i hfik ImfjaKe from hoitl or tisldfiiif thrntiKU to dt st I nation ERIE RAILROAD. Through trains lease Nesv York foil of Chamber. sL.ns foilosss, and ilso minuits inrllcr from West iMd st : O.nn H.-i'sllbuln express dnlls forYVnverly, sf ,J.J lllngliamtoii, 1 linlra llnlTalii, Ilradfor.1. Jiimi.towu. ill mis llle, und me West, arrlse llufralij 7.30 P M Parlor i ar tnlluliilo. .nn P. 1l.-e.tliuli. limited, Fust Hall ilnll). m.WsJHiiIu t snl n for Citia.o sta Chautnuuua I uki, arrives Clns i laud ul 7 40 A. M I hlcngo .1 P M. bleipersto Chicago,! li selnud, and Clnilnuutl. Din Ing tar 7.U P. II -lliHTnlnaiiil llevelanilYoslllilllnFx I ..lliris. dully nrrisi.ntllU'Tnlo 7 13AM .llrnd font 7 I3A M Jailii nlllltl n M . C leselaild 1 11 P, M iSiijcm to in ni.o uii I Cl.iselauil) making illroi t loiiue tlons (or H n't Chlcigo niilthiWrsl W. I , P. II, I s'l Y -Mm miiiiiiuiiiii Ial.ii nmi NI s.'. Ltl anr.i Uiiln -.on 1 ir iln in Liiiing.i. bicijierii inliiirraii thi.ago an I ( Inituiiiitl Itiilncinr 'I'ICKI rs Mi il lj. ( Sims ND I'l'l.l MAN I ACCOMMOIIUKAN AT 111 All. 401. ami 1117 Ilioailssni, I J ; Hun rs I ul lc W.'illi ,i.. und ill sse.tiviihst l li'ii b i a mid W.i .'id m r, rrlis, Nisi York, list anl ,.'il I tlilon .t , Uu) llroadsta), Prooklu aod I'lid.ou st lloboki u nnd Jirse city siHiluti Wtet.uttsl i n s. call, lornnil c'leiks bug gngu Iroiu hotels uu I r .1 1 u . s loilistliiulloti New York and Boston All RaiL N Y' N II A ll It 11 an ICouuiitions I ro u ilraiid c enimt Mallun. Lensc lis wis of Due 0 04 A 11., biulii -Itel 1 an i isorntir. 'I up U in no A 31 , s.Ni si 1 uu. ion mid I'rovidi nco, II no p. M, in nil M , Nih 1 on Ion ami 1 Mivlil iice, 4 iu P, M, II uu A M.bpr I gllll lalll ssuri mri. fl OP M 1.' hum Mi rlnvili HI nu I W. r ..ur, C 'li P M tl uu p M, Alt I lis und N 1 I' II. iluul.ii. 1 IJP S Nih tiu'iilllllld Pioildenni 7 .'1 P, II a (iii p it .Ni 1 on ton iiii I Pi ns lili ni c. ll ml P l, 4 imp M.ssir iiriiiMiluiid Wort .nr Iniul'si, .'. no P jl , 'N. sv I on Ion uu I I'nis I li in e. II (in P. it 11 no P ii ,'Sirliun.l I mm Wiirii.ur n in . M l.' nil' (l.'Sei I on Im und Pins nli nee, n .'3 A M, ililii.diill). In. li din,, b in Ins Kims Male I imilii! nil pirlur ian, fare 17, li.clud Ing inrl irint s ul rAli I inn 1 liuiii I nrrlvisnt nnd di i aria from Pirk biu.ire biuti m Hoitun P turn strvlie satnu huui ui d ii i-umii rnut Thruiigh parlor or s teptui. cirs b i.uh iriln C T. HI.MIhll m.uei I'.is. Agent, rlsitjainriX (TUanrro. CS I PIIOPI Itl.l INMbTI Hon N sv Y in. Mm k I ( i'l iliunhi or c lien, o poaiii oi I raile m iy be tuu ba.U nf ii f irl in Use uolirbilt s 'luuid's, or Ai uu in - no uuin'l s'ioi .i Iii-iiiii noi fraud liklll lliltispi llliilloit on li 1. 1 X I iiiuev .. ltd p i.tnl ss lili sour llH'ii.i uu l i. dri s. ASllltH N l.NMhlMENI AND SI CI HI I Y CV , tin HroadHa), Ness York fox (Snir. A It Mil CHAM L--al0Qn tor nib , lintel atisrh nuiis, gn.HlliK-.iMon viry low price lutiulro Mill kD ul UU l-ruukliu.l 0!5t .111(1 ef OUtltl. CTA RLW'AUD for return nf ssallct containing etJU irulfs. note, and pai'crs, lost nrar Cam iueyir's shoe .lor. Frld s ullerunou Call or address t ULLLI.'S Dvtocllvu lJutcau. b.U llroauway. ul)lle&Btttt0 , TO THE PUBLIC. j School Rooms Wanted , to Rent at Once ! i tn tho Immediate vicinity ot 0. a Ho. 9, 110 Henry i ftearO. 8. No. 7. corner Hester and Chry,U..U- ; Near O.S. No. On, llio Chvsllo st. Near 0. 8. No. 73, 8f) Norfolk at. . . . liciwoen o. h. No u, Stanton St., corner of BherlfT, and 0.8 no 88. lllvluglon and Lesrls sts. DetnrenP. 8 No 42, Mtuh tt , between Sd and 8d vs.nndl'.S. No. u, 101.1 2dnv. ,m Itetween O. S. Nn S3, 310 East 110th st, and O. B. No. so, UJ3 East IgSlh st. Hetwecn o. s. No un, Mil tt. and Amslordam at, and (J. 8. No. 84. lUlth si. and loth nv. lletss een o. B. No. 4, 20J ltlvlngton at., and 0. S. No. t !I4, lOBllroomest. lie tn ecu tl. a No. 02, Ilroome and Ridge .tic. and P. 8 No 20. lN7Hroomo.t. . . HetweetO. a No. 13, DUO East Houston St., and O. 8. N'a71). !)H 1st .t. Ncnr 11. S. Na H9. 70th .t. nnd 1st nv. lletsveen O. s. No 77, 1st ar. nnd 5lli St., andu. 81 No. ml. 81 st sL and At. a. Near o. R. No. Ul, esth st. and Amsterdam ar. Near P. D. o s No no, 001 Courtlnndt ur. I Nenr 0. H. No UO, 10 Id st. and 1 agio av. Stores or lotu amiable for school purposes, prefer abl) with paved outside yard andnruvided wltn sani tary nccommoJatlons sumclent tor the number ot children to bo placed tn the building. Ilulldlngs must bo of fireproof construction If over 03 feet In height, and divided, or sutciptlblo or division. Into room, nut less than 18 feet svldn by 12 feet high, containing about tiou square feet, anil sslth lumolent natural light to seat n scholar In nny part thereof. building must lie raado to comply wltn the bulldlnc , and health law. and bo put In order at the owners' expense. . . . Address, stating full particular, a. to location, char acter of building, and rent reii ulred, .. ' COMMITTEE ON liniLDlM.B. Hoard of Eduoatlon. 140 O rand st . Now Yorlc city. t j l)OST OrFlCE NOTICE. ' (Should bo read DAILY' by all Interested, M changes Din) occur nt any ttyie.) . rnrelgn malls for tho week ending OcL 3 will olot (I'ROMPlLY In nllcascsl at this onTccna foilosss: TRANSATLANTIO MAILS. BATURDAY'.-At 4AM for HlANCE. BWITZKR- I AND. ITALY, SPAIN. PORT LOAL. TURKLY, I HIYPT, and 1IH1TI.SII INDIA, per steamship La llritsgne' via Ilnlra; nt 7 A ll. f or GERMANY". HhNMAltir.sWLDLN, NORWAY (Chrlstlanla) and RUSSIA, per steamship Snale. via Drnmen (letter for other parts uf Europe, via Cherbourg, must tio directed "per rlanle '): at 8 A. St. for GENOA, per steamship Fins (letters must be directed per Ems'), at S A. M. for NETHERLANDS dt . ri-c t, per steamship bpaarndnm, via Rotterdam (let ters must ho directed "per Spaarndam"): ntO A. M (supplementary 10 30 A. 3D for EUROPE, per atentnslilji I trtirln. via (Juccnstown: at 10 A. 3L for SCOTLAND direct, per steamsnln Clrcas.lis, Ma Glasgow (letters must bo directed "par Cir. cassia "). PRINTFD 31ATTCR ETC German steamer, utt I Ing on Tuesdajs, Thursday., and Saturday, taktt li Printed Matter, etc , for Oermany, and Speolally , Addressed Primed Mnttir. etc , forother paru of Europe W hlto Slnr steamers on Wodneaday tako Specially Addressed Printed Matter, etc.. for Eu rope. Cun.rd steamers nn Saturday take Printed Matter, "to . for Great Ilrltaln and Ireland, and Bpeelallj Addressed Printed Matter, etc. forother pnrtsof Purope American and French llnesteam vra take l'rlnted 3Ialter. etc.. for all couutrle. foi which they nre ads ertlsed to carry malL After the closlngor theBupplementaryTransatlantla Halls named above, additional supplomectarsy malls are opened on tho piers of the American, English, rrench. and German steamers, aud re main open until within ten minutes of tho hour of sailing or steamer. MAILS 01l SOUTH AND CFN'TRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES. ETC. SATURDAY'. At 0 00 A.5L for HRA.II.nn1 LA TLAT A COU.NrlUIM, per ate mslilp Galileo, via Pernam Imco Ilahli, and Rio Janeiro (Inters for Nona Hrnzlt must be directed " per Galileo") : at 10 A. 3L for I1AHHAHOVN and DEMERaRa per steamship ' Tlomo (letters must bo directed "pcrTJomo"): a, 10 A. St (supplementary 10 .10 A. M.i for IIAR I1ADOLS and DIMIRAIU, per steamship Carlo- - -. bee. at 10 A. 31. (supplementary 10 80 A. 1L) for JAMAICA. SAY'ANILLA and CAniHAGENA, Per steamship Alene, nt 10 JO A. M for CAM-1-CIIF. CHIAPAS. TAIIASCO and YUCATAN, per steamship Seguranea (letters for other part. ' of Mexico and for Cuba must He directed "per Seguranea"!; at 11 A M. (supplementary 11 30 A. It ) for VFNEZCFLA and CUHACOA. also naVaNILI.A and CARTIIAGFNA. via Curacoa, H pr steamship Caracas, at 12 M. for GRENADA, 1 TRINID1D nnd TOUAUO. per steamship Irra- 1 waddy at S SO P. 31. for ST. PIERRL-M1QUELON, 1 per steamer from North Sydney. II Malls for Newfoundland, by rati to Ttaltfax. and I Ihrnco by steamer close at this office dall) at 8 30 1 P. 31. Stalls for Sllquelon. by rail tn Uoston. and thence lis steamer, close at this oflcc dally at H 30 P. M Alalia for Cuba close at this oftlcedally at 7 00 A 31 for forssardlne by steamer, sailing (Mnndassam! Thursdas.) rrom port Tnmpa. Fin. Stall, for Mexico nserland unttss specially ad dressed for despatch bs steamer c oe nt thlsofllce dally at 7 00 1 M. I Registered mall closes at 0.00 1. 31. previous das TRANS-PACIFIC 3IAII.S Malls for Chlni and Japan, ier steamship nraemer (rrom Tacomn) cloe lure dall up to Oct. II al tl 30 P. 31. Hills for Austrn'la (except YVe.t Aus tnl'al. llasvall and FIJI Islands(stieclallraddre.sed only) perstenmshlp Wurrlmini trroni Yancoaver), clo.e heredillv nficr Sipt.l"and up to Oct. II at rj top si. Malls for China and Japan, dt MtcAm ahlpchlnn (rrom San rrnncUcol. cioso here dally up lo Oct 2 at 0 Sii P. 31. 31alls for Chtna and Japm (.pecla'ls addresBtd onlyl. pur steamship Fmprejs of IndU (from Y'ancouver) close her ..raS. dall up to Oct. 14 at (I SO 1'. M. Mall. 'IB tnr Ausirnlli (ixcept those for West Australia. MM which aro rorwarded via Irurope), New Zealand. srj lliwall. Ull and Sainoan Islands, per steamship Marlpo.a (rrnm l-ranclsco). close here dallv up to Oct tin. nt 7 '10 A. 31. 11 A.M. and 30 P. 31. (or on arrival at Ness Y'ork of steamship Umbrla with Pr'tlsh malls for Australia). Mnlt. for Hawaii, per stcamsMlp Australia (from San I ranclscn), i lose lure dallv up to Oct. 14, at n 30 P. 31. Mills tor tho Society Islands, per ship City of Papeltl I rrom San 1 rancisco), close here dally up to Oct. 23. a, J i P. 31 Trans Paclflo malls ar. f oris ardod to port of aalltn-r dallv and the schedule or closing Is arranged on the presjmptlon nt their tiulnterruntci overland transit. (Registered malt i at it no P M pres lous day. CHARLES IV. D IY 10 v. Postmaster. Post Oft'ce. Nesv York, N. Y. Oct l.lBUtV LMNANVF DH'AIUMrNT. Ill'IlFAP MRTHFCOr, X1LlCTION GFTANfcs Nil 37 CIlASIIIERs bTRLKT (STEW ART III ILDINUi NFWYOHK Octocer I, lbUtf. NOTICI TO TA'.PIYLRS NOTICF lSIHHItiY iiIMN thai tnu Assessment Roils or Real Estate. Personal Property, and Hank btix'k In the cll and count) or Ness Yorc for the year Irvifl, nnd the warrants for Hie collection of taxes, have Ikcii dellsered to tho under-ilgliiHl nnd that all the taxes on aald nsscssment rolls are now due and pa)at'le at this office. .. lucasoof payment onorbetore tbelstdaynr No- w vi inber next, tnu person su paying stinll be entitled to tho bene Ilia mentlomd In sutlon s4j or the Nerr York City Consolidation Actor Ins vix. a reduction or Interest at the rati of 0 per cent per inuum be- tsseen the day or such pn)mcnt nnd the 1st day of December nexL DAWD P. AUSTEN. Rocelvcr ot Taxes. CALK OF UNCI AIMrD Fill IGHT AND HAOUAUE. "-' The New Y'ork, Ontario and Wej'ern Rallsvay Com pany hereby glvo notice that the) ssllt offer ror sale at public nuctlon. at their freight hous- In Oneida, N. Y" , on Monday, tho tsselrih day or October, 1 Sl'O, at 0 o'clock In tho morning, nil unclalmul freight and tusggage, a description or sslilch his been posted inall tho b'atlnm. or the company. Terms cish NewYorL.hen. 11, IblKI. J. C. ANDERSON, General Freight ind Passenger Agent, groiio-sali. TVEYY FIST RIVER PRIIn.E COS1311SSIi:lNlS ' ll OHlcl N1W Yultls. s,-i I, 1MH1 svill be ricilsid lis tue Cuintulsslniii is or tin. Nesv . . East Riser llrldguat their onttt. at No 4PChutnbers st New York cit), until i? iiiintk In tin nttirniKia or W nines 1 1), Oci 7, p-uil tulor.ul "Proio.nU tor consiri i Hi n or I oi ii.l iilon. or Niss York lots cr of . Ness Fast Rlvci llrl.lgc ' ror furnlshli g thn ma- terliil. h r and loni-iructlng tin luju .ntiuus or the i Nasv York toiser or tin New I a.t I Iser iirl tge at or k near the root of Dilini-i-y .iri-il In the city or New , Y ork, lu nctorilaiu e isltti tl u ircpo.ed fnrui or con- trai t alul Hit' p an. mil s.ieciflc-atnius tin r. fur All bids .hull Its i licln.i I 111 Ri-ilnl enselopiss, ad-ilres-u-d to A 1) llalrd, 1 reslduit of il e ll. in! nr Com mission rs or the New Ln.t Itlvir Ilr Uo, nnd pro. si ntvd lo him on that dar and at Hint hour ut .aid unice, and such I Ids svlll be opt in it at pu'illc incotlng ' by the Commissioners on thnt day at nilok. Copies or the speclllcalltinH aud Hie ci neral draw ing, of the siork. sslth thn propositi fori l nr bids nnd coutruet ma) be obtained and f urihi r Information will l-given at the nniie uf tho Lhli f luglneor, No. b4 iiroudssny I'moklyn. 1 roposals v. ill be made uponn form proslded there for, and only limit I rot ii-rs will l utnii.lilerrilishkt. aro complete In prop, r form.c.ii u li si ith thori iiulri-. , luiuit. tliereln sinlitl and lire ulernl b) arlles of ' kii.i-vii rt ntilutl.iu, t-Ap rl no , nu I re.pouslnllli), 1 .sell ti.ilder will im rniiured tuili p i. t sslth bis pro- n In tin nniie or tuu Comiuli. nm rsn certHlnl iiink for f.Ytiiio, pajal'li. in nu ordti nf Richard Deeves ii.Trcasur r uf the N si I est Ills, r Ilrldge liuuinls.louer. ns stiurlt) for th. i xecutlon by htiu of Un iniilriic ir hi. bid l.acci i (ul Tliecoiilriicior sslll I., reiiulrt I in glse n bond la the penal sum or 9123 ')o. In ih. rormnnnexeil tn the propostit rurin of tnnlrui I. sslth tsio niiproved sure He. or nn niiprnsnd eiireiy ciuupins i oiullilonn I for t tin iirinupt nu.l fnllhful iic-rroriiuiu. e of tho contract i and us cnseuaiits and tho ssork Hit reiinder I Ihe ( oinnil.s niirrs resi rse Uu right In rejeit nnr htut nil nf ,li. propositi. ofTirel and to accept nnr iitTer.-il A.NDRLW D 1HIRD, President r. H Till ItllHt. b..reiar ATTlNnON-OIIIDR IIRINDLlZoitADr Ml ' NN YLHbllY III- IIILCIT1 Oi' NFW Mill. Ml 'I- If CAL Hl.l'AlUJlt.SI), HI YFARb A .-I'll IM I-r IN ;1 DIHI.AbFb ill- HI IN ull) DR. (.I.INIH I l.u. i ei u I loinierc.tabllshed nnd lia. I ad mon exp-rl. i t Ihuu I nn) other advertising physician, tits iiei. inn. H mis. I'uiler liisscleiiiia- irtutiiieiii iit.i . i n I ikm , i dlsea es pains lu bones, red spot, e r I r nt and iB iiiouih, uliers ) annul smiling, kl.tuiy an I Huller J.JJ i ntuplaluts sialdlug. lutlammatloii .im. uniievel m opeil organs, sseak back, lost slttitit. ur .lirnlll), jM p. rinsiientl) cured Hun about In t ir s el uindcon- ff a eilltOI.MIIl GR1ND1L. 1 vr Inn I ' ' removed. .Sufferers, ilu not waste time si. inn. i hllful ihy. , alilin. Ileini liner, OLD Dll llltlNHIl never falls. oini'l.nVl HIYYFARHai 171 Wi-r I list laisvrm u nth and "th uss Adsicc In. sh h un ril. Hours i IMoii Sunday a, Jl lu u S'oihiri.' nili.siured I 111. II OIL uTtllV, 1.1 em ii lr.lullt In I tH.en.isiil men null, 1u i I riuttlu in i ur. gliarnuteeil In all diseases or u in s relululfd lllonl, skin Lionel, and bladdi r tm hi. is.ntnis. iiirvou. ilibtlll), bad ilriams rnk un li " I ! d nrguiis, Im- j peilimenls to niarrlngt , a. 1 "i- iiin.uli iheonl X!) i n'n nv r .iDiursai uo '! I a.t I7tli st., mar I nlmi - iuir. Hour. J lo Ii, Nun- P ilu) .11 10,1. frealni'iit uds . free Mull. Die I T.uo. lf A,-A.-.l,-llllM.ll IM'K1IANr.lT ruritiiiiiisrrsnr unu dam, r nn i-.-i II itel r- lief nt imco, Ihn.n desiring "Hy llr.ltli.s m lunlllla treniment shout I cull The hating spiilillst Dr. IIONSCHUlt 1J7 Weil J.M SI . l to J, Otoe), huu days, 10 to 2 - A, -DP " inn JU in I "14 Wist 4 ll st , nrar llroadisnvi (oiisult iilon mil examination fr.ei hours tltnlii fimale . it(t iiitunt Dlt CO.NKAD'n SANITAIHt 31 li. West 47lhst. Diseases of wniucii onsultnllou free. Z-Z-- ROYAL IHPMK'AI. (O 3Udlcal DiparV . Inenl, 111 West .Ml sl.uppu llft'i Iso IlntVI. bcleiitinc, sklllul triatiurnt nr nil medical aud suf- . tlcalillseusrsuf someii Address Dr. WILLIAUSui. .our. 10 to i P. M. Take elcralor.