Newspaper Page Text
'- - . HBP Wf THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1896.' J S brought it. Renewed cSrerfna-). And I I liopo we Know Siovv to itct rid of It. Tremen J dons clircrlm and cries of Voti hot we do. ' "If tho people shall with rlnttlni and tin pretstvo volcn duclaro four ceokK from next , Tuesday tlmt tlio public: credit Bhnll lint be " i lowered, tho national rurrcn! i linll not to f degraded, tlio penco nmt tranquillity of this I Uovcrnmont of law shall not 1k brokn. tlio t revenues of tlio Treasury shall not lo loniter E I Insufficient for tlio needs of tho Oovonimcnt, ft I ,nnd then that tlio tnrllf slinll no longer ho In If I niIc.,uato to protoct the American workshop i I and tho American market, business activity V I will return, ccmltilenco will romo buck ncnln, courano vvllltako tho place of tear, work will if ho resumed, and prosperity will eomo to blent ; I and benefit us nil. Mroat npplause nnd cries A of ""runt's so "J Rod grant to tho American ; f nooplo tho nlsdom toRUlilo thomln thorluht." v J lOrcat rheerhiK.l B To-morrow mil bo another Any of numerous . ' and largo demonstrations. About twenty-five g ' upeclal trains are scheduled, brutnulng at r v . clock in the morning nnd continuing well Into ,fl theafiernoon. Thofcntureof thodnyls thedem- Jl nnstratlon of orgnnlrcd blocllstafrom all over V the country. Jnmcs It. Dunn, who hns chnrge nf D the work among wheelmen nt Chtcano head- a nuarters. telegrsphod this evening that the ( on- 5 tlnuous rain lias seriously Interfered with (I arrangement, but that itbout 0,000 whceltnon k will bo here lletwrcn .100 nnd 400 nro on thu f way from Chicago, and parlies nro assembled Alt In Olovclnnd and Pittsburgh. Hecrultii will be fig picked up by inch en route. Other detections f for tho day will coma from Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, nnd Ohio. It Is announced tlmt on Oct. 8 about 1.000 ex Confedernte soldiers from the v alley nf Virginia aro coming with congratulations. 'Iho Grand , Arim posts or ihorlt will give theio visitors a i cordial welcome. 'Ihey will have an escort of jl ei-Unlon soldiers. Many other announcements nf coming delegations havo been received, nnit i when tho list Is made up for net week it will probably exceed any ct announced. i. It has been published here and elsowhero that ministers nf the (losnel all m or the country are j being coerced Into support of McKlulo b plu- t tncrat members. Specific chnrnes were mnileof p Bitch coercion in nlcagn and several names 3 Riven. Samuel K, Ilarr. n locnl merchant, ad- riresstd an Inquiry to I. S. Hennn. pastor of tho ij1 lrt Hsptl't (.'hiircli of t'hlcnEo. as lo the truth f of tlieclinrue. Tho He. Mr. Ilenon replied: ft "'IheneMstnpir clipiilntr iou forward mo Is p , false. Nolhini; maid letter lllutrnt the shameless miudaclt of thisiatnpnlcn than tho I; nierllon that the ministers nf tho (lospcl are - belnR whipped and bulldozed Into line In order t thatan Knullsh kohl landnnl mm tin permit- HV nently fastened upon the peoploof tho L'nlted w - Slatr. As mv nnino Is mentliineU in thlsnili- )f nertlnn. I ben lenxe tosnt that the only attempt '. nt bulldolnc me has bien made bi a so i ailed '"i "Secret Safetl Commlttte." hn. on behalf of t-t i what the tlalm Isa irj formldihle oruanlzn- ! I tlon hatedemniided that IMinuld Jnlnultlt them A totasten the Mexican slUer ttnndnrdon tho j people of tho l'nlted btnlis. J 1 "Iho ministers nf t'liicnso do not take their ;i , nrdern from Mark llauna or W llllnm .letinttiRs ;. llrnn. hut stand for the riKht as Cixl k1os j; them light. My okii church isafalr! n pre- tt eentatlro one. anil in It wo hne scarcel) n ', sinlo pliitocrtt. It l a church of the ottimon ji people. 'Ihej do not wlh to oo them ihralisl. M An U what 1'iulor Jlsiih would ha dono In J times llku thee. 1 liaeinl) to aj thntJesus I i'm toncled ifm thu mone iue"tlon and l holdlns upacn'n nskid concerning the inrnga j and uperfcrlptfon on It. nnd then said Iten- i 1 der unto Cunr the thlnes tint are l .vssr' nod " unto tlod the things that are iiod's." and that a tiHAnainiiitiinn hnnisti, whit li Is tliethin: for x .-Wtiich we plead todnt. And s In I'nul, we OS- rend thst he nasnned cf rlnMeousii(s nnd i i W JndKincnt to route, and reasoned with Mich f 1 vlcoras to I jakoone raenll politicisn tromhle I Ynur tdllor's tefercnio to l'nul Is quite as uu- I I fortunate as Mr. Uryan's refirtiiie to Itttther. II "l hv assertion flint ministers are livlnc hull II, dored into thu ndwicnn of honest ninne Is ns lA j mean an Imputation titsin u er can manhood ill . as that ruber ihnrue that wnrklnuuiii. are he Ill j Ins driven Into , hjpncritlial support of tne ' I j ( Henubilrnn ticket thmueh a couardl Hat ct I I loslnc their join. This Is thn, Ugpths I of NilStlral laluiunialion that has yot bten J J reached." (, UASX4 AM) ovir iitxn ix uaxd. 1 i They'll Give the Fonotrsti All the Flaht I They Want Iroru Now to N'ovemtitr. 1 Cha'rman Mark A. Iinnua of tho Itepubllcan ! National Committee was asked bj a M'N re iwrter yesterdaj afternoon ns to the merit! of the stories In circulation that he and Senator ijnav hid quarrelled over the conduct of the McKlnlej ' campa'gn. At the time this question was uskod Mr. llanna stood in his private room nt head quarters Just bv.neath a picture of the i'tnis) 1- 1 aula statesman. J "N.nsene." replied Mr. llanna "Stories of j that character are not worth answeritiR Senator I -) Quay Is expected here at any time. He went osKS9l hme to celebrtto his sixty-third birtbda.nnd rfSr '"ijdl hands here wished him the merriest time Hi lthu:innble. Stories of trouble between Senator t (juayand myself are too ridiculous for serious I P . notice " I t Senator Quayanr1 Mr. llanna Lave always I ' been friends, and even a month beforo Major McKinleywas nominated nt Si. Louis the two I men were in the closest communication. Chalr- i;l man llanna Is an eminently practical citizen and (Senator Quay is considered an eminently prac- J J, Ileal politician. It has always been ssld durlnc i m) the last dozen jenrs that Senator Quay has a rjlp better knowledge nf the situation In the '-outh- fK ern Stntes than nny slnele man in his party. In jfe; all national campilcns, Democratic as well as "f, Itepubllcan. tne membersnf the Kjf tutheCom- t'r mlttee Rive their lews as to the situation In tho Jf different States, and the opinions are diverse li and baed upon different uiiderstnidluKs. (. hair 3 M rnanHnnnaand Senator Ouay have thelrees 416 dlrectedou every State lnthol.'nion wherothiro it ' Is a chance of eecurlnu an electoral vote for Mc- 3 f Klnlcj. 'Iney nre awaro that tho l'ofiocra'.lc d National manauers aroverj mucn ditsntisfiefl ,5a with Candidato llryan's course In remslnlnL' In i Kfc the Eastern states andwastlm: his words on ', deaf ears Tim I'-ipncratic National eamnalRO- Mj'l erssaythat Candlilate Hrun must work day Mt and nltrht now In Illinois. Indiana. Iowa, and (, MIchlcan. and they are afraid thit his speeches, Wtx, J' 'which will be nothliiR more than warmed over KrA Kantern utterances, will not bo acceptable at Vfj, this time In tho four States mentioned. Almost iM'X aver) move marlo hj the l'opjcratlc notional jT'i. camcalicners Is known to t'halrmau Hannaand St 1 benatnr Quay. 'Iheru are so man Democrats 'klti who want Mr. Ilran ov rwhtlmlnul nefeated fal!l that It is impossible to keep the plnn of his it- carapalRn from his ndtersirles In this respect m! v- the present natlonnl campalcn is ore of the i f, most peculiar that old-ttmors have had to deal ', ;t with. Candidate lirjnn Is to bo shuiiclitrred. K;J not only by iho Republicans, but alfo by the i. Democrat. v Cnalrman Hnnna said to a Srv reporter- ; J. " I will leave New York on Tuesday next and fi Ji will stop at Cleveland on my wny to Chicago. ,4 A The battle royal durlnir the remaining davanf i f October Is to be In the States of Illinois. Indl- ' ;? ana, MIohiRan. Iowa, and jHtsalhl) .Misiourl. I tl cannot In any way dlvuiRO the plan of thobnt- , 'if tie tnbeput uplu these ntates b) the Hepubll- g ? can National Committee. Naturally I am verv n i confident of Mr. llryan's defeat: butltmustnot j beany half way defeat. It must he sweeping Ii. i. In every detail, and we must elect the soundest r 5 kind of a sound-money Congress A preat ilenl .'!. of hard work rcmaios to bo put In. Wo have, however, thousands of willing hands, and the V,(v sound-money Democrats are doing work of tho iLHU greatest value; but, as I have already said, fill tbe great fight Is to be made In the States I 9 2& have mentioned, and those who wish to see the . f..' fur fly ought to In In Chicago during the last j H two weeks In October," ' V BILVEll ItVfjBS IN GUATEMALA. & i Capt. Pratt's Experleaeo of Client Uoney, '. Dvitr Goods, suit Klnrvalloa Waicee, ' A The sufferings of wago earners In Guatemala 1 m under tho silver standard aro well described by 5 f? Capt. Joseph II. I'ratt of Ilroiklyn. who re ft IT" ' turned from that country In March Inst afti r rrJ fifteen years' service In the Government em jre ploy. Capt. Tratt was for aovoral yenrs drill J& maiterof the New York police. In 1HH1 1'ienl k dent Harrlos of Guatemala Induced him to go w to that country unit make a thorough roorgani ,, ration of the police forco thore. Capt. I'ratt 'Vf advised more pay for the men, and it was lm I 111 mediately given them, A patrolman's pay was ' ff made S40 a month, a roundsman's J4'i, and so Yi on up to the Inspector, who got S100. "Shortly after roy arrival In tho country," !jf said Capt. Pratt, "the country was put on a ''rt-y' sliver basis. The gold dollar then was worth &' S1.S0 In sliver. From mat time tho cunency Vv has steadily dipredatod until tn-du) tho gold ipl, dollar is worth S'.-'1 In silver. Tho wages paid jEi.-r- , to the policemen at the time were coimldtred tK unusually high, but they have lemalned the KmF same while thu money they wero paid In has mMtr steadily depreciated in value Of course, tho Ht' prices of nil ooramoditins hnve risen. Diigar, ? when I went to Guatemala, sold for 1,1 cents a HKh pound: now It has gonu up to -u cents. Mi" "It Is the same nt) with over) thing else. Hi Ever) thing has gone up. white wages havo re v" inalned the muiu, Sume ut tho laborers who got but A0 cents a day havo been reduced to k dcipernto straits by this rlsu In prices 'lo-day Wa It is almost Impossible to get gold. Tho Gov HK ornmont, a short time before I left, asked mo to BE'"- take command of nil expedition against some W'mk filibusters. They were to give me SoUU In gold. Sh The Secretary nf the Treasuri went to tho KE! bunks In the city In person with me, but all we w could obtain was JU' J. iho rust I had to take H1 Indrafts." Hlfr CoalrootsTliat Doo'lGotrilryaoIs Kleeted. Iv In the course nf loitlmony before the Hoard of H'tl Appraisers at this port In a recent case the agent tlpv' of the firm of Plnard & Co. of Paris, dealers In lOlFr perfume and soap, said he bad made forty con- Mr tracts foritbo sale qf goods to Chicago business I, W houses, and that cvventy-elgbt of the contracts f Bi- contained n provision that tuecontractwas void c K If &!& "" t-'lucted PrcstdtnUJ L it-'iivUjftJ.l LAHGKIt USE OF SILVER. HE SATO It JtOAIl TF.T.T.H OF HIS OIlSEllVAIIOXlt IX JiVItOl'F. Most or the FnKlUlt t'nblnet Are lllmeJat lists, nnd France la rivvornble to thn Heheme Eniztnnit, However, VTotilil I.lko Vs to l'nll t Oheatnuta from the Fire. WoitrrsTKti, Mass., Oct. S. Senator George F. Hoararrlved in this city from Kuropolast evening, and Is looking In excellent health nnd In tho best of spirits. He said In an Interview: "I havo had an opportunity of seeing a good many of tho prominent Kngllsh bimetallism and of conversing with a considerable number of persons who nro very important nnd Infiiion tint leaders In tho party now In power In Ktig. lnnd, "There Is undoubtedly a very strong opinion In Knglnnd, which Is eager for the restoration of silver to its plnco by tho aide of itold as a standard of .nlue. a legal tender, and n scrvnnt of national nnd International trndo and com merce as currency. I supp-se, indeed. 1 think I know, that this Is tho opinion of a majority of tho present Cabinet, Perhaps thoy would not think It wise that Knglnnd should open her own mints to the free coinage of silver, oven If there were an agreement of nil tho other com mercial nations to do the same. Ihey think that might result In the drninngo of their gold to tho Kast, " Hut thoy would at lent favor tho reopening of the Indian mints, but requiring tho llink'of England to kaop a largo portion of its roservo in silver, and perhnps the dlscont Inuanco of tho U80 of notes under the denomination of 10. with the result that thelrplaco in clieulntioii wouht'bi-vi ry considerably stipidled b silver. His well-known thntnlnrRe majority nf thu Knnch Assembly havo passed n resolution within a few months, expressing tho desire of Franco to coflperale In hui h n step, nnd there Is a Itrgo party in (lerninu) nf thosnmu way of thinking. M. Mellne. the present Prime Minister, diclnrcd In his speech, of which I hivon cnpv.that whenever tho other nations went willing to take that step, they would not have to wail for France. "Hut tin re Is In Knglnnd consldcrible diffi cult) In tin' matter. I cndr of tho Opposition, Sir William Vernnn-IIareoiirt especially, and Mr. Gladstone, who although out of office. Is still n great political force, take the brutal view that so long as other countries one Knglnnd nn Inilehteili is, estlmatid bv Mimn p rsous ns high n SlU.UOO 1100 000. that ever) thing tlmt increases the vnluinenf tho coin in which tho delit Is to b pnlil ir n ohvir gain to her. 1 he administration Is uiild. nrd al though n majorlt) nf tho. ACmluUtratlnn nro blmetnlllsts, tliev wouhl-encoiinter somn op position among thenistlres, nnd they do not like to incnuuter thn banking nnd investing classes in the clt) nf I.cilidon. "o It does not si i in to mi that Fiiglish hlmeliilllsts mesn hu-l-!ic 'Ihrv 'etui tube rather Willing that the I lilted Mates should take the rnk nf pulling this ihestnut out of the fire rather than I avo l'nelanddo It hetself. Tin V are not rend) to sa) to tlio Administration. 'If vou do not do wlntwiwsut In this matter wo will not sup port vour Administration ' "At the same time. In spite of this obstacle. I bellevsihnt Mr. MtKlnle) rnn. If hi adminis tration ho vvise etfect an iiitcrnntioiiHl agren ine it which will remove this vexatious ques tion from our politlr. I do not think nny larje lillinlx r of sincere bltnetnlllsts either In this routitrv ur Knglnnd. tolerate for it moment the plan nf limine the l'nlted statis estntillsh the free coinage of silver at the ntiniif 111 to 1, or nt nn) o'.lur ratio, without the cooperation of other nation " IIA.A TA r.KS TO 1IIK TltA VEhT.F.11. 1 he Ilenil or the Nutlonal Committee at the Noontla) Mniiad. money 3Ieetlac. Yesterda) 's was one of the most Important of the uoouc'a) mns meetings that tho Cnmmer dnl Trav tilers' '-ound-mono I.eaguo has hi Id so far, and the attendance was aUo one of tho largest. Mark liannn was th star attraction. Othor prninlneut nersons present vrero Gen. Powell K Clav ton. Gen. IIo-s.ce Porter. Joseph II. Mnnli n' Amine. Gen. George It. Loud, and Col. II I sswords At l'J '.' j o'clock the band In the front of the building began to plai "Marching Through Georgia." This wus tho s'gual that llanna was coming, and a moment later ho walked In. lesnlng nn the arm of Col. John It. lilack. Col. Swords Introduced Mr. llanna, who said "Iwas not expected to make n speech: I am only supposed to satlsf j myonncu-losity. I was very glad to accept the Invitation of )our President to witness she i oonday meeting of such an cn-e-getlc bod) as the Commercial Travellers, and 1 want to sa) that there Is no more efficient nor effectual work being done In this campaign than Is being done by the t ommerclil Travel lers thruuKhout the countr). In imint of Intel licence, energ). n.iil judgment their work Is cot surpassed. McKinlev cheers has f-nid thnt pulitiisi business and business Is ixiliilcs If ever this was true it is true In this campaign. It Is our business lo protect our homes and our propwri) II is our business to protect the honor nnd Integrityof our countr). 1 bat U really the Issue of tho orenenl hour I urge upon each one of you from this time until Nov. .1 to give It )our time nnd jour effort, and you will all be surprised at the result." Mr. llanna was loudly cheered at the conclu sion of his brief npeec.1. V. White raid thnt in silver countries like Mexico the vntue of a dollnr. or a peso, wns never uScnsseil among business men, but ever) person wanted to know the rate of foreign exchange Gen N. M. Curtis of t Ijiwrcnce county and (.en. George It l.oud also bpoki, nnd at thn con i lusion of the meeting cheers were girt n for the Kipuhtlctn National and Mrto candidate, and al-o for the ( ninp-vlgu ( omrulttee bended b) Mr. llanna In due svill be Jlrnuklyn da). Tho lion 'jimothyl, indraft will preside, and W. A. Prrndergit and T. II. Itnberts. also Hrouk Dn mon, wilt make p-eches. I' no fa si mi niji'9 rtiAVF.n. A Hpfflmen or t ampntcn I.lleratar Far nlnbrtl tir the Hehenectatly Ioporrst. SrtirMcTvui.Oct. S. Not content with hav ing Insulted iho pymbol or Christianity, the cros, at the ( hlcat;o Convention, the sacri legious Pnpocratlc managers, who are furnish ing campaign literature for the education of tho worklngman. have still .further violated decency by profaning the Lord's Pra)er. At a Hrran meetlig held In this town last night every seat in the Centre Street Opera House contained a copy of the following under the title "How the GoldbugPrn)s for the Work lngman." "Our father who art In England. Rothschild h thy name. Thy kingdom roimi lo America. Thy will oodonu In thu I'nltnd Stvtes as It is done In Knglnnd. Glvens this day our bonds In gold, but not in sliver. Give us plenty of labor logmen's votes tokcep monopoly In power and Its friends In office. Wo know, dear father, that wc have done many things that aro vvrong. Wo huvn robbed the honn-t poor nnd protected the illshiinut rich. We know it was wrong to re fund tho bonds and make them pn)nblo In gold. Wo know It wns wrong to water our stocks hot thou kionest we mnde mime) nt thnt. Now, our father, thou knnuest that we nro above fnlltlcs it l the same to us whether gold lomocrntsnr Kriuilillcntis rule fin thou know est wo i nn sway lde p irtli " In our inior l.eml us not intothewu) of th otnmnu people' -tho farmers and the laborer nnd, nhnvo all thinus, deliver us finm i-lxten to one. 1 lint shall wo havo tlio kingdom, bonds. Interest, power, slaves, and gold until the republio shall end. Amen," itr.i'vni.ic tx voi. i. or ki xtvckt. Flcarea Collected 'I hat GWe tfie Mlate to AlcKlnler by Ift.OOO. Loiiisvii i e, Oct, 2. From a trustworthy source It Is learned to-night that the Hi publi cans havo nenrly completed an accurate poll of tho State by oc hool districts. T he results show gains over the first poll and give the State to McKlnky by 15,000. 'll.o poll tallies very cloicly with the last two elections, except that there Is an trie rense of 7,000 Republican votes, which would bring up McKlnluy's vote almost to that of Cleveland's In 1HHH, In this poll they allow ','0,000 Populist votes to Ilryan, claim 10,000 Bound-money Democrats, and al low Palmar and Iluikner l'.'.OOO votes. The ltepuhlhau defection to free silver aro .1,000, though thu Popocruls claim 8,000. Secretary Carroll of tho National Dem ocrats gavo out an cllmato which puts tho sound-money Dimocrntla vote nt 60 000, "Hon do )ou arrive at that llturei" "lly actual count," snld .Mr. Carroll. "We know of V-'.uoo sound-money Democrats in this State w ho w 111 not v olo for Ilryan. Our reports In the last two wi eks from thu various counties hnvo bten voluminous, nnd from them we are now euro of lu',000 sound. money Demo crats who will not support the Chicago ticket. W look fur an increase of H.0QU between now and Novombt r." "From) our reports, what vote do you think Pulraer and Huckner will poll V" "I cannot answer that question with any degree of accuracy, became I do not know what per rentage will vote for MciCinley," said Mr, Carroll, To Car m Cold la On Day Take Laxatlvedlromo Quinine Tablets All drurtlits refund Us mot ' If II falU id euro. X6c.-Aitv. CHICAGO DAT i' Alt AD K. Novel Fentnrea Proposed la tha TTUdr City's IlemOBslrntlon. CittCAno, Oot. S.-Chlcago Day, Oct. 0, will be celebrated by sound-money men of both politi cal parties by tho greatest demonstration ever seen in the Wostj At a meeting of tho mnnagcrs of tho electrical division of tho parade, at tho Ore-it Northern Hotel, a resolution was passed in favor of aU'manGfncturers nnd dealers In electrical goods closing on Oct. 0 In honor of the event. It was further decided to arrange a special circuit along tho line of inarch, which will be connoctcd with long-distance telephones, for tho purpose of allowing tbe voices of Illinois nnund-mnnoy men and nil tho cnlhuslatlo nc. claim Incidental to a big parnde to speed ovor tho wires to tho various cltlos in tho Fast and middle West. 1 he plan Is In plnco transmitters nt the best vantage points with nudlphones nt the other end nf tho line, so that trovrds In other cities can distinctly hear the shouts from Chicago. Men will be placed at each transmitter In tho city to announce the namo of enoli orgnnizatlon nnd number of divisions ns tho parndo passes. Major McKlntey will listen nt his Canton home. In Now Jersey Mr. Hobart will also hav o his ear to the wire. At New York Republican hevlquarters thn committeemen nnd the stntt will henr the voice of Chicago. Iho greeting will go to Maine. Cincinnati. Philadelphia, Mil waukee, Detroit, Cleveland, llulfalu, nnd Unston, Sound-money men sav Mr, Ilryan will hear the rumbling of the mighty thousands if ho will only put his ear to tho ground. Protect ho measures havo been adoptml to guard against tiny attempt, to tamper with tho wires. Kn thuslnsllo Ilryan men, who It Is thought, will endeavor to expand tholr lungs for their favor ite In tho sound-money telcnhones, will be the Inspiration for renewed nnd louder cheorlng from the MuKinle) men in lino, who will drown tho voices of the opposition, There will be mnny other novel fentnres In tho "electric" division, Tho Third Regiment bnnd of Illoomlngton, with fort)-fottr pieces Inline, will bead this pari of tho procession. It Is prob able that there will be 100.000 men inline. TlrO JIEVUIST.ICAMI IX THE FIELD. Helden nnd Hhermnn the Candidate for Concrete la the Onnndncn Dlatrlct. Ai.nA'YY.Oct. '-'. TheMcKlnlcy League of the Onnndaga-Madlron Congress district to-day filed with tho Secretnr) of Statoa certificate of the nomination fo- Congress in thnt district by petition of James, I. Helden, Iho petition wns brought hero by Judge. Cady of Syracuse, who suld It contained k',000 Itepubllcan slcrinturcs, J.000 being required. b law. A certificate nt the nomination of Mr lleldon by the Democrats of Hint district has alrevl) been hied with the Srtn tar) nf Slate. I'tii v. Oct '.'. The delegates to the Gold Stnndard Democrnllc Congress Convention held a conference here lo day and decided to uoml nnto Jnme s. -hormnn. the present represen tative from this district. Mr. Sherman is n lti publican and alread) hits the nomination from one branch nf hi party. There being al ready two gold candidates In tho held. It was deomed unwise to nominate a third. .. IIUl.SU JIUIt.SS'S MAX 1TOX. Alfred n. -mUh Wn .NntntaiXed ror Atu etnbl) on tbn Klchth llntlot YoNkrits, Oct '.'. One of the most exciting Conventions ever held In this county took place to night, when Alfred K. Smith of Fast Chester wns nominated b) the Republicans for Assem blyman. Fight ballots were taken. Five can didates were in the Held. The) were Charles F. Hates of hast Chester. Alfred K. Smith of Fast Chester. Frank M Huck of Mount Vernon. John Schlobehm and Theodore Cox of Yonkers, On the eighth ballot '-mlth not '7 votes. Hates hrd V0. and Huci. 1. Hates thf-n moved to make the nomination unanimous Mnlth was thn candi date of state Scnntnr J. Irvine Hums. Hates was backed by ex Count) Judge Isaar N. Mills. rooiiuEi'.s ix noon health. The senntor May Not, llotrevrr. Actively lurltcltate In the I nmpnlcn. Washington. Oct. '.'.- Senator oorhees' son and prlvato stcrotar), Mr. James Paxton Voorhees. who rosldes in this city, sa)s the statements telegraphed from Terre Haute as to Ids father being very 111 at Mackinaw , Ind . are entirely unfounded He says that his father Is now at home in Terre Haute, and that he re ceived a telegram from there this morning that ho was "In excellent condition," having bene fited much by his three months' eta) at Macki naw. Mr. v oorhees added. "As lo his part in the campaign. I cannot ar. For years he has been a loyal tighter In the ranks of Deroorrac). and If he Is called upon to enter the present struggle,'! have not the least doubt bet that he will vigorously partici pate. As I view it, I believe that the conditions are such that hi serviciswill not be required. He Is getting old of course, and thn blunt nf the battle Is bring borne ns It should be. by the v ounger men. As to his health, 1 repent that he Is In good condition. FltEE-HILVEIt I'AFKH HVSl'E.SDS. Ilrrss lender Failed to Keep Their Prom isee to thn Trenton Globe. TnrNTON. Oct. '-'. The Trenton JAilp (Stnlie. which was started a month aeons tho organ of tho free-silver Democrats In Ibis part nf tho State, lias suspended publication. John Hrlrst, the cd Itor, "a) s thu f rt e-Mh er leaders f allt d to keep their promises to nld him. On Tuesdny night tho compositors struck for thiir pa) and no papor was issued Wednesday. It was pub lished ycstcriia), hut last night F.dltor Driest gave up Merchants hero rerucd to mliortlsn In the (."be for ft ar tho citizens would Ihlnk the) wero In favor nf free silver nnd bo)cn!l tin ir idoras. and although the Demt crntlc p vrtv machinery Is In the hands of the lirinn men the paper was able to secure but a few hundred subscribers Cotton llrekert to ltalas a Hound-money ISanacr. An elaborate programme has been arranged b) I.leut-fol. William V. King of the Twent). second Rtglment for tho raising tndavoflho Hag of tho Sound-money Club of tho Now ork Cotton Kxchangr, As&emhl) will bo sounded nt 1!.':30 o'clock b) Harry Wilcox, bugler of tho Twent) -second regiment, and he will nlso sound tho snlnto tnlhn rotors when the flag Is unfurled A band will pla) natlonnl air-, and thero will be songs b) tho brokers The (lag is '.'HxSII feet, and will bear tho Inscription "Hon osl Money and the Iiilegrltv of tho Govern ini nt In All It Functions " Tho clerks of member- of thu Fxi hange have formed an Inde pendent sound-mone) club Nomination CVrllllealen Filed, Al iianv. N. Y Oct. 2. The following certlfl cates of nomination wero filed to-day with thn Secretary nf State, The Itepubllcan Htato elec tors, the Populist State ticket and electorx, nnd the Prohibition State ticket nnd rln toisnllnrge, Cungrtsstnnti Frank (Hack, Itepubllian can dldntofiir Governor, fllid his nomination, in-gt-thirvrilh iv declination of his renoinliiatlou for Cougro's In the ltcnseIser-Columbln dis trict Sir. Ilanmv nines with Mr. IToliart. PATKiimiv, Oct. 5.'. Mark llanna took dinner with Garret A Hobart at his bouse hero this evening. 'Iho guests besides Hnnna wero .1. G. Foster, Jottph Manloy af Maine, Gov, Grlggi. Gen. Powell 1. 1'lnjtnn, 1-ranklln .Murphy. Hobart '1 uttle. Wlllinm McKlnley Osborne, and N. II. Scott of tho National Lxociillva C outmlltee. Tohn ICnhlrr lVtll Knit Tor Assembly Va- lead or I.. H. t'nae. rtrsiltvo, Oct, 2. I.eon S. Case of this vl lagc, who was nomlnntcd b) tho Popocrats for member of Assembl) from thu Second district of Qiuons count), has declined tho nomination. The committee nppnlntod by the nominating Convention to fill vacancies has namod John Kubkrot Collegu Point. E - J Well your health nt this season, for therolsilnn. ger from malarial germs and sudden changos iu temperature. Keep your blood puro with Hood's Sarsaparilla Tbcbet!n fct the One True IUood Purlfler. "" - iii . Hnnrl'c: Pi lie nure Liver lilt; easy to nOUU S flllb uk,eaytooprat.S,'5c, COMEDY OF THE CANVASS. "TOO JtUCH ItLT.AXD-ttLT" AIWVT nn va'h i. it a or l'nosrr.niTT. Gen. Utborne I.nsen Ills Fly l'nper-IInrd Time, inr Tnnmnnt'n ATltklnsUIe with Ills Utile a l'er Cent. -Flat liny tor lorsea-Red.liot Ilnlrpla In n nottle, Tho orators who nro advocating tho election or tho repudiation ticket make glowing prom lesof futttro prosperity and hnpplness if their ticket wins. Thoy mako no bones about admit ting that tho successor the ticket will be fol lowed by widespread panlo and disaster. Hut In thodlin future, after theso havo passed away, they say. prosperity will bo so thick that It will ha o to Tie shov oiled awav with a scoop Thoavorapo voter," said n St. Paul man at tho Fifth A v entic Hotel lastntght, "hns reached that state of mind thnt tho Chlnnmnn was In w hon he enmo back from a boom tow n whero ho had Intended to settle nnd grow up with tho countr). If joti know anything about boom towns and tho promises of success Just abend, )ott can appreciate It. This Chinaman had got tho boom fever from tlio boomers, and ho set out from St Paul Intending never to return. He had bidden good-by lo all his friends, and they had wished him luck nnd nil Hint. Woll. ho surprised th m nil by turning up In St, Paul nt tho end nf two weeks Ho wasn't In n tnlk nttvomood. "'Win, hello, John.' said his friends. 'how comes It you're bark ?' " John lust shrugged his shoulders. "'What's thu mnttor? Wasn't It a good town ?' the friends. " Yes,' snld Inhn finally. ' belly good town.' '"Well, what's tho matter, then? Weren't they good poople ?' " ' Yes,' snld John, 'belly good pcoplo.' "'Well, then, what in tho world was tho mntter? Why didn't )ou stay ?' demanded the friends "John thought a moment and then blurted out: " ' Too much dnm bly-ond-bly.' " Well, there's too much by-and-by about this prosper!!)." "Theso aro tough da)s for tho Wlsklnklo." murmured a member of Tammany's Finance Comtulttte )csterday, as ho lookrd over tho dn)'s collection", and counted up fourteen silver dollars, a plugged quarter, n had dime, and twent). two ltr)an buttons "Tough mi the W Isklnkle, I tell )ou Here tho election's onlv a month otf unit only 31 '-'00 nil told In iho etrotig box. and of this tho Wlskinkie brought in nnlj fc'.'iO" The w isklnkln'sslinrn of campaign contribu tions Is llve percent on nil he collects Next to the Chniriiiatikhiu of tho Finance I ommltten tho WIkltikio's Job when Tamilian) In power was the host going Hut It's hard limes tortlie Wlnklnklo when Tamiu ia) stnnds for rcpud'atloj dishonesty. It was the night tho Popocratlc State Com mlttee met at the lUrlholdl. The Ducting was held In a room with a door opening Into tho street mid pssscru-bv could seo tnccrowd In side. A laminnuv mun wns In rhareo at tho donr. Die man who camo along nnd stopped wns n ilerg)inau Hint wns plain lie peered through the door nnd couldn't just make out whn'WHstip "W hut Is it, in) good man i" ho said lo tl e man in charge of tho door. " It's a nn ctlug of Hie Lhristian hndeavor," said tin liimmuuv man "MV riii don't look like It," said the man as he trotted on. Blinking hli head. Again the cr of "Thief: thief!" goes up This time It Is from Republican National head quarters, and the voice Is that of Gen. William J McKlnh) Oobornc Three sticks of sealing wax, two postage stamps, hilf a qulru of writing i paper, threo spongit, and a sheet of tl) papor nre missing Now It might not strike the av erage man that tho itliiipperanco nf the articles enumerated from a great national hrnilqunrters would warrant ) ells mi loud as those that go up from fie fourth Hour of tho Metropoli tan Life building. Hut tho average man docn't know i,en. William "McKI ilej o liornn 1 ier since Iho dlsnppoirniHu nf a ! tnvtel from his room a week ngo tun (,cn rral has kept tab on everything I he thinvs enumerated were not nil taken ntonn time, hut at dllfeienl tluies 1 tin lostage Mumps went al one t,me. thn sealing wnx at another, the writing paper ntnii'il her. and llnall) the tl) pit. per. Perhans If the thief had not taken tho fly paper, sn) tho otl tir nlllilals at thn headquar ters. Iho Genera, lll.'ht have held his place Tho paper, the) ta). was purchased espccisily for his room and tolel) to keep the llles ntf him HiKkeriniKk. tlio delei live, responded to (.en Ohborno scries )eti rd i). nnd he will attempt to run down the thh f and the stolen goods, partic ular!) the tl) luiper. It Isannouncul that the war among tho col orcd brethrin of the Eleventh Congress district I" n an end, lei ipornrlly at least. The faction headed b) Prof Williams, with a claim for SI.-! 'Hi. has had " reiognltlnn" from Cornelius Van ( otl of tho Count) ( am;algn Committee, nnd the plr'.ets hnvo been withdrawn from thu N,ntlonal Republican I!cadqunrter. 1 lie rop resentallve nf thn W llliains faction called on Mr. nn (.otl )ttTdnj Olio of the minor of Ilcials there, dest rlbitig the v istr. savs "Mr. Van Colt pulled nut nS to hill and offered It to him He looked al It a moment and thun dered. 'Mr Van Colt )ou can shove Hint $"0 bill down voiiritiroat ' "What" Wl nt's thaf nsked Mr Van Colt. " W hv. sir. t thought you wire a gentleman ' '"And I 11, ought )o'i "as one. loo, ah, until von oUticd mo f-i-f t-v dollars " It It not kiionn lust how much was tlnallv inntritiiited In c impalgii eiuetises In tho 1 lev- nth district, bill ll is certain thai there will bo no bolt. Vt 4 TO o'clock )6stcnlay afternoon Na tlonnl F.xccutlve (nmmittiemnn -cott of Mr Hnnna'3 stn'f camn nut of tho lav ntory nt thn Ilftb ienue Hotel He rarr id hi collar In hi hand He tro'.tid around tht" coirldnr.v i nt pin of times, ctopplnt: now mid thin to Inlk with nioplc Occasionally ho emphui7ed w hat ho snld ti) gc store,, anil he gesticulated with the hand Hint held the collar. At4 4 "o clock Mr "-iott apiuniiil In evening c Intlie". lie stood iirnnnil a Pttlo while nnd he was Joined b) G-n WllllimMcK Oshnrm, vrhti nlso worn t veiling clntln It Hill locked ono hour of ll o'clock when the) walked out arm in arm It was at a campaign meeting In Abingdon square. George P. Phil bus was the spellbinder, nnd tl eciowd was hnvlug fun with him. There wnonn innnwhovvss innklng things pnrtlcu. lnrly pliasnht with his qmstlon He worn a bunch nf etilnacli on his chin. T he spellbinder was throwing nut cbun'.s of wisdom on the c urrei c) question nt n en st rate This man with the whiskers hid o I ccui dollars on tho brain. He nssertml n iln't n tlmos thnv tho Gov i rnmi nt stnmp would in) thing c.uod for fsi n value. Do )ou mean to lellnm "shouted spellbinder Plioibus, "that the (iiiverninent nlump on Ilfty-three ci tits' worth of silver would makefile prnple necept it for 100 touts " " 1 hnl's Justwh it," tuid tho man with tho whlei ers "Do )oii mean lo tell me. sir, that If the Gov rrntni Iho owlilskirs on jour chin 'liny.' hor-t s would rut t nun " Die meeting gnvn tlieiiinti with the whiskers the laugh, and ho went awn) to hire a hull, " A crowd of workltignirn werodlscuslng the silver iiuestlnn nt the St. Paul I'iniicn-l'ici of fire." nid the St, Paul man. "Ihero wns ono frcc-sllver man who Hiked nt a great rate about the prnspetlt) that would como under freesllvor. In thn irond thero was a locomo tive niiglneer Hi llsttncd n wlille, and then he snld: 'It' nil right, ho) Jim tun hnvo all tliut sort of stuff ) on want lull none of It for mo, I wns nn eiivlniiron n r.iliroad in Mexico, 1 rc iiiciulitr how I hnd to pnv tl'.' for a pnlr nf Inn shoes th it I could buy In tho fitnles for 5"i. S10 fur n dcrly hat Hint J could bill in tin' "stntei. for $ 1; u dollar for n meal that I lould got lirro V r fid cents, and 10 cents n drink for whl ev ' W lint dn ) on think nftlinl Fort) ceiiln fni whWvt) ' T lint's wh it I inn! to pa).' That settle I that particular f rue. slli i r man," Col, Georgo W. Dnnn, a well-known farmer from Hlngtnwn, Hroonio count), camo to town jestcrdnv. He saw man) things that wero new to him, but most Interesting nf all. n he ex. plained last night when hoentln the Republi can Slate heiulqiinrlers and to'd of hlsdii)' ex perlenie wns "this hero m iv suit of light, W hat (I've i !l 't It InnkH llkn n red-hot hnlr iiln In n bottle," Farmer Hnckt It vvnrned tho lllnglowii farmer Hint he needn't tr) to blow Rout, Charles Anderson, tho colored Demoethenoa of tho Republican campaign, was speaklngfrom iv truck, "Friends," he said, "we have buried these old Issues time and time ncnln, but they dig their way from the grave. We have burled re iiudiatlon, but it has dug out on us. Wo have burled free trade, but It has dug out nn us. We have burltd unarch), but it has dug out on us. Now, fellow oitlzens, we are going to burr them all again, this time so deep that we'll never hear nf them. Wo'ro going to change the stvle of interment. This lime we'll bury them faco down, nnd the more they dig the nearer homo the)Tl get." T he aisemblcd multitude howled its approval. Ono of the Republican campnlgu giracracks bo been a long stocking wide enough to be worn by a 400-pound woman. The top is Dn Ished Ilk a purse, and the thins has been known 111 I GRADES tho very highcot. PRICES tho very lowest. INSPECTION will prove theso claims. Fall Suits, 12 to S30. Fall Top Coats, $10 to $28. Winter Overcoats, $10 to $40. Stylish Trousers, $3 to $10. Open Saturday tttl 10 P. XI. GEORGE G. BENJAMIN, BROADWAY, COR. 20th ST. as tho "Itr)an rllver stocking," necessary for urn If silver should win. The Popocrats have now got out a purse. It Is aliout ns big kh n small finger nail. II is labrllud, "This will hold all the money you will over have If McKlnley Is elected." Tho Tammany Convention hnd Just nssem bled. Leader Plunkltt of the Twelfth Assem bl) dltrl thnd told his delegates the namrnt tho candidate that they wero to votn for. Ho had gone hlinso,f to the stage T ho Chairman was rapping for order, nnd thorn wns a gnat whispering in Lender l'lmikltt's delegation. Fiery mnn In It was talking Some of them were shaking their lists. 'I hoy nil looked scared rlnallv one man leaned over to Col. Murphy of the First ntul whispered: " W hatlnell's the unmo of the man Gcorgle told us to vole for V We forgot It." " Hausch." whispered Col. Murphy. "Hnusch" Hii'tl the delegate. "Wastbatlt? And vv hootnell's he, any w ny '" " Win," said Col, Murphy, "ho's a-a-a-a oh n-n-a-a-say. you fellows, go and voto as you're told and stop asking questions " John Coffin, who lives in the eamo block with thu Roy Orator In Lincoln, and D, K. Hnrr, Chairman of the Cass County Committee In Nebraska, were at national Republican hind quarters In Chicago )csterda). The) snld that I n poll of thu precinct In which Ihi Ho) Orator lives had Just been made with thn following rtsult: lcKlhlo).-,'ll : Hran.t)7: also rnns, l'l. Another Interesting poll Just completed Is In Usher township, In Hie heart of thu frit-silver district In Iowa, ltresulti-l ITT fur McKlnl-). I 1T4 for Hrvnu Tbe Republican candidate for President in lKUk'got 144 votes in the township. Tom Kngan. the bead of tho Ksgan family, nnd nn itntbrnachlne boss of tho slaughter house district, has chosen the emblem for his independent Asstmhl) candidate right from the si ,u ght er house It lt.ahullot k's bend. T he can didate's ctrtitlratoofiifiiiitintion with the head. . w is tlltd )esttirda). The entire Lnknn family Is t xuecttd to suppoit tho candidate, and It is n question, the lnliticinns sav, whether this will beat the Republican or the iaminnii) Hall can didate. It can't brat both. 1 .' TI.' T-t.VMA.ST'S COT ft. ISO! Mr Sheehun Fmnliilea the Communicative nnt of the 21rn stllh Our t ItleUen. t'ntll this year It was tiev er the custom of tho Chslrmnn of Hie Finance Committee of Taut- j man) Hall to lake tho ge-ieal public into his i confidence retarding the amount of none) con trlb lied to tho organization (or campaign pur Poses. In fact, sn meagre were the dnla relating I to Tnmmnn) cntup ilgn funds that leglslallva committees have failed to gain Hie least bit of Information oil 'his Interesting topic, al though they hare used all tin Ir machine r) i to thnt end. Wlsklnkle Donegan ued to hustle about among the place holders , leforo cverv election nnd make his collections, which were turned over to lender , Croitcr. That vras all that anbod) knew about i the matter, except in n general way. that thero was always money ei ough for tho campaign, that all bills weie paid, and there wan nothing , sting) attoiit tho distribution. Although no one could speak by the card bill Mr. Croker, it was the gent rnl belief among Tamman) leidersthat j Ihe organization seldom made a campaign with j less thnu SH'0,000. John C. siieelnn who sue ctitls Mr. ( roker as the dispenser of the cam paign fund of the or-riinlatfon. took pattern by the ol.t leader In 1SU4 and isil"), nnd hnd noth ing to sav about tht amount of money vv hlch ho rurcivtd Ml is chnnged this vrsr Mr Mieehnn Is now ti lliiiL-all about tin cotililbiilloiis toT,vmmii'i)'s I rnmpalgu purse. The ri nson wh) ho dot this are snld to ho that, havinc embraced Populism, herinnot help talking, or el-o that 10 cents is worth t liking al out this vt ar Mr Mirehan snld iislerdn) that tho total of contributions to the fund since the campaign o-cutdls $4, Iso Of this amount S.'.ooti vvai contributed vesturdu). Ilendded " 1 he S-'.OUO tamo from n down-town busi nessman. He gave iisS'iOO in the campalcti of 1HIII this gentleman told me thin he lias a frreat deal of business with hankers nnd oilier luslncss men nnd lets them Inter thnt he Is a gold htnifJnrd ndvncate, though ho Is really for Hrviinnnd fren silver" Iho lammaii) leader told of three other con trlhutlu is rirclved )tstutdn) One of J1.10 ho sa'd was from n Custom House olllclnl who asked thnt his name 1m- kept secret, ns Federal emp!o)ccn limit rstnod thnt the) wero not ex pei ltd to assist the iatist of Hrn'i. Another of Sn Air. Mirth.ii! snld was fiiitua man t mptocd In n down-low n importing house He told Mr, Mitchnnthnl Ills tinplovt rs aro fur Mi Klnli), and Hint he and sninu otlii r 111 inn men In the house nre keeping their political preferences to theuiKilifs Tho ln.t contributor was a wo man and the amount of her offering $!.". nnnocuATJC ci vns ix r. i.ovis. JL Parade nf Kree-allver Delesatea XleTor the Convt nllon. St. Louis, Oct. !.', It It now estimated that thero will be about 1.H0O delegates ill attend ance nt tho sreond qundratinlnl Conventlo i of thu National Association of Democratic Clubs, which begins in tho Auditorium to-morrow. To day Secretary MoKcann has arranged the detnllsnf the Convention The Convention will assemblo at 11 o'clock. After an nddrets b) Vice-President Stovciisnn, who will ho temporary Chairman, and the per fecting of permanent organization, a i cress will bo tnkon until -' P. M -U the iiflernoon si-slon ( ougressniuti McMlliinof Tennessee wlllaihlrtss Iho t opvet.tlon, nnd thnollleers lor the next foiir)cirs will bo elrctnl. fni tho present nlllccrs appeal to hnvo no opposition, nnd It U believed the) iv ill In" it elected Iho paritdnof free-sllvt r Demoer vtlo clutm Ihis evening wns in honor of iho distinguished visitors lo tlio Lumen tlon, ll. in to nvitTi.E run caxhwates. Suffolk County l'nparrnls Ituny Till n c,nto Hour JlsUInf I'm '1 heir Ticket. Ill) fitlimii, N. V., Oct. .', Tlio Democratic Count) Convention was held last night, llrjan, Sew ill, nnd iho Chicago plalfoim wero en doiscd Dllhculty wns experlincel In obtain ing a counc) ticket for want nf caudldatvs, and It was n Into liiuir whin tho work was com plued. Thu nominations mndu wero; (ounty Jutgu, Thomas ri. Mount, stuuy Hrook, Dis trict Attonif), i Union S. 11 I'edrlck, smith town; sherllf, Julius Hnuser, Count) Ireas urer, hdwurd Hawkins, Jaiutsporl; i oroners, Addison 11. Ravuor nnd John It. Cook; Super intendent of Poor, Charles lluuli, Southampton; School Commissioners, William 11, Howell, souihuniploii, and dootgo W . llnwklus, Hrook haven, Ilultlmore Uemocrutle I lubt 'Won't Attend. IUi.TiMonn, Oot, v.'. For the first time slnco the formation of the National Association or Democratic Clubs Ilaltlmoro will not be repre sented at Its Convention, which will meet In St. Louis to-morrow, Tho nbtouco of reprcsouta tlon is pointed utit as being striking becnust in,, National Ab.ociatlou was organised In this clt) eiklit ) ears ago. silver lioiuni rats and Repub licans assert that thu non-action of iho Demo cratic organisation Is another ovldenieof tho upalhy ot the Demoer illo leaders of the city, Gorman to Hluinp for llrjan, IlAt.TlMoitE, Oct. -', The itatomeut that Ben. alor Uorinan would take the stump in Mr. llryan's Interest was confirmed to-day by Chair man Horry Wellet Husk of the Popocratlc City hitcnllve Committee. He said thai the Senator wou'M mako a thorough canrast of Marlaud, WANING POPOCRATIIOPES. XO "EASTlinX EXt" TO the cam l'Aiax, asd tionM.ix icxoir it. tie Will Trr to Hnve Home of the Wreck In thn Molltti National Memoerney t.ela Aheitit nt the lNipncrntM nn the New York nlloln-A ItinrTut an Injniictlnn. Pennlnr Oormnn returned yesterday to his lion o In Maryland, II has been nt tho Fifth Avenue Hotel for tho Inst few dn)s. He came over from Mar) land nt tho solicitation of his rrltnd. Senator James K. Jones. Chairman of tho Popocratlc Nntlonnl Committee. Scnntnr Jones hns great respect for "-mntor Oormun's Judgment In political campaigns. Thero has been talic to tho effect thnt Senator (tnrninn Is lo bo In New York nioro or us during tho riontli of October for tho purrose of keeping nn cioon tho Knstcrn end of tho Popocrntlo na tional rnnipnlgn. Ann matter ot fnrt, thnro Is no i:astern end to tlio campaign, and Senator Oormnn re turned lo his home In Mar) lnnd ) ts terdny afternoon convinced or this. Thero have been a number of stories to tho effect Hint Soimtor Gorman Intended tn mako spccclies In New York Mute for Ilryan and for tho Htiffnln Stoto ticket. Senator (lormnti told his friends before ho left for Ills hotnovesterilny that all stories of thnt kind were utter noiinnsc. Ho was quite willing to liavo the management of affairs in Now York Stnto tn Senator Hill, nnd ho hnd no moro Intention (if meddling with tho political slttintloti In New York statu than senator Hill has of visiting Mnn lnnd and meddling in Scnntnr Gorman's bailiwick, Scnntor Oorman.ll wns announced, Is read) and willing lo aid his old friend Senator Jones In any wny po-slble; but it Is well known Hint -IT) rnn'a llttlo ciiclo 1 avo not solicited Senator Oonnnn's Interference In tho management of Sir. llr) an's campaign. Mr. Ilnnn still sticks to his Chicago speech that "this ia a new Issue nnd new lenders have como to tho front." Scnntor Oormnn snld ho would do nil ho could to help nliinc thn Ilr) an campaign, but ho must bo allowed to do this In his own fashion. Senator liorman from this timo on is to "watch nut." orcordlne to Scnatoe Tillman's favorttc expression, for tho hltur.tlon in Mary land. In Vlrplnln, West Virginia, Delawnre, Kentucky, nnd Tennessee. He will nlso ktennii tyonn Alnbatnannd hloridn Kver) effort Is to be made) to have ns much of tlm wreck of tho old Di mm rath pari) i s possible, Tho drift In thuse States Is agnlnst Hr)nu. In his recent speeches in some ot these Mates Hrynti tdd his hearrrs. who wero mo-tlj Dumorrut". that if the) did not llkn the Clurngo platform they could get nut of the partv. The men who heard these speechishnd 1m en reared In the old Demo crnllc faith, nnd were In no mocel to toleralo such iittiianiis from n candidate who lias declared in public speeches "I am not a Demo crat." It wns said )rstnrda) at tho Fifth Avenue. Hotel that nn) old-llne Democrat with whom Senator Imrman ha associated since Ihe fa mous campaign of 1SH4, when ho wus Chair man of tho Democratic National Committee, would give moro than $4.0. Jl. If the -etintor would allow his real -entlmciits as to the pres ent camp ilgn to b printed In thn nowspitiiers Hut sspiiator (ior'nnn, so far ns public nttei anct sari" concerned. Is still sphlnxllKc. There Is not a Democrat who can point to it slncle net on Ihe part of Senator liormiiii which in any way was intended tu help along Hrnn. Never theless s-e.iator (jormnn has pre-eried hls"reg ularlt)." There Feetns to 1 o little reason to doubt that the suurid-mone) Demncrac) of this state will haveallof Its Stale. Cnngres, and Legislative nominations and urnbnbl) nil nf its local nomi nations orbited upon the otlleial ballots under the embiem of th ship and tho nnmc. " Nn tlnnal Detune ratlc Party." "c-rntar) of Stale Palmer decided on Thtirs daj to accept the cerlltlcnto w hlch hnd been tiled with him under tho heading, "Nntlonnl Democratic p irt)." ct rtifjlng tn the nomlua liiiisof Daniel O. (irllllu for tmvernor, Fred eric W. IllurlcliB for L'ctitenani-dovernor. and r-penccr Clinton for Judge of the Court of Anpcnls. The Popocrats the Democratic Mate Commitli e tint! toni -.ecretarj o' Stnti Palmer Ihnt thev "hot id o'ljeet to his n. lowing the go'd Democrnts to ndopt tho namo " Nntlonal Dem ocratic pnrly " nnd thai Ihe) should nlso object to -tcre tnr) Pnlmer nllowlogtho cold men lo nn for their emblem the '-hip which wns the emblem of thn Miepinl fnctlonnf the Demo civile pnrty, known olllclnllv Inst year as Ihe " Demni rnllc Part) Retnrm OrganiUlloii " -tcretarv Palmer ca.'io to a conclusion unon the matter on 1 hursela), nnd his decision hat put the Popocrats and their state Committee into a cold sweat. Ju'1 nhiit the) will do about II, however, no one nt their hindquarters seems to know. Chairman Klliot Dnnforth sals that n protest agilust the rwogrltlnn of the gold Democrats ns the " Ship Democracy" tias been forwnrded to secretary Palmer, and that If he elots not heed this protest the State Committee will enrr) tho matter Into thu courts at onrn. Over nt the state head quarters of tho National Democritc). In 1 ast l'wentv-thlrd street, the) wein all ver) su-e that whatever tho Popocrats might do. their own law rommltteo whlcli hns chariro of this mvtter would Ik able to prevent all) Interference with tho nnmonnd emblem chosen. In deciding the matter secreiar) Palmer na'd "A political part) has a rlht tn e hange Its name If It sn desire, ns long ns theunmi chosen will not confnsn voters and tend lo make thnm vote for one lurtv's candidates when they in tend to vote for thne of another part)." When Iheposslhtllt) of his action belug made a subject of lecal appeal was referre 1 to secrc. lary Palmer smd ho fell sure that his decision would be sustained by the courts, nnd that at any rate no decision could bo got In tho mnttor from thn Court of App-als until some time next March bv winch fine Mi Kinlev would hnvo been elected and lnnttetirnted Mr Palmer his ulso accepted thn certificate nf tho nomination of l'airl k J. (ilea-on nf Lang Island City for Con.ree- b) the aino part) , and Mr. Iilrason's liHinn will go upon the Laiinls under the ship finblem. Secretar) Palmer sn)s ho will follow llils rulo and precedent in the case nf eve ry cer tificate which comet to him containing tho (.old lcmnrrno)'s nominations Chairman Daufnrtli said in explanation of his kick ' ll Is bad enough for Ihnsopenple to tako our voters, Isn't It. with ml taking our livery." Fiatiitixo ox aionuiA. Iopoernte Ray Tliev V. Ill lis Halltcled svltlt 1COOO SInlnrllr. Cnicuoo, Oct. 5.-Tie Democratic mnnagcrs nro quite modest In their claims as to the result of the Georgia State election, which will occur next week. Tho best-Informed Democrntlo leaders In the state sn) that a Democratic ma jorlt) next Tuesday nf Ifi.UOO will bo a great v Ictorv for Dimncrnc), and inn) beaccepiedns nc rltirlon for a Deinni r.ittc maloritv for Hrvan in November of not less than tin 000 lo "5,000. Man) of tho reports from Ooorcl.i sa) that tho Democrats will c.arrv tho stnto b ,T0 (100 to 40,000, but It must be remembered thnt Popu lists In this electlnn will vote with tho Hepubll inns, while In November the) will cast their solid vote for Hr) an, Ilnckeneack Demoernta Organize, II vrKrvnACK, rs..!., Oct. 2. T he tound-money Democrats ot Hirgen county hnvo formed a County Fiecutlvo Committee, which after the election will bo mmlen permnncntorgnnlrntlon Tn-nlght the) nominated Hardy M. Hanks nf 1 nglewond tn be their Congressional enndidate, The) will nl'o belcct candidates fur Assembly nnd Corom r. Ilrvon's I'opullst f.etter rinltberi.; Whiiiimi W", Vn , Oct. " Mr. Ilryan hns finished his letter nn i ptlnc thn Populist nomi nation. It will l robnbl) be m.ule public In St. Louis. AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE WITH BACH PACKAGE OF Sweet Caporal Cigarettes Oi . 1 MAKE A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS. 9 Every dealer Is oupphsd vlth a Q Itrfje variety, from which each pur M chaser cf a packtje of Sweet Caporal Jl Cigarettes is entitled to a choice free, s f-jj.f itcf tye iiit-.3a).L'J i m LACE GURTAINSH HH' Special Announcement. Uft AVc will ntTcr for snlo at H KKT !Ii until (iiiantltlcs H arc UAii.iustcel H tiB! 50,000 pairs of Lace Curtains K 25,000 yards of Lace, H , cinbrnclnu all periods nnd liH lit cit (IcnIriin, nt prices HjC Iiouor Tlinn AVIioIcsnlc. ( Hf w.j.slom'I- Broadway, 18th & 19th Sts. ' H 1 in 1I MOCKATS AXI XOTllIS'O MOl Hl ikkkkv- cbrnL.n Hound-money Demoernta FIIrt C Ticket tMtlioiit the "itllnanl." J (Hf I.tNreit.a, Neb. Oct. 2. - Tho Boun!;.miS, Hf, Democrats nre not wasting any time.' A j', Hif btatoatid electoral ticket wns named jestereM H! and this morninit a train from Omaha brou iH), aeleltuatlon. headed b) Major K.J. chlllln' lHji Crete, with credentials onabllnc them to file IHt nomlnntloiis vrlth tho becretnry of State. IB! des!t;natlon chuen b) this faction of the K mocracy is thnt of Democrat, plain and slmi K The claim to this nnrae Is based on the fact ti r t H' nt the lust election Its candidate, tho Demoer JB J. Maliune), polled moro than one percent fllV the total v ntc, which, under tho Australian b. H lot law.Rlvc: them a clear title to tho desic' H It Is not believed that any trouble will ens' B as Secretary Piper last year accepted bo' jH1 Demncratlo nominees for '-upremo Jadze I H. Democrnts, and put both names on the tick' Hl Mr. Piper was not in the citj to-dn. W'hl W here Mr. .schllllmr filed tno certltlcate of non K nation of It. E. Dunn'iyof fcecrard as the Cc H cress enndidate for the Fourth district. Hr Two )earsniio Serrctary of state Vllen c LWi rllned lo let thn names nf Administration Del IHl ncrats g" on the olllclnl ballot as Demoora HfT elc"M'lltiK that tho soft-shell faction was tho on l Hjp Democratic ortrnnlzalinn and that the olhei Bff were nnt entitled to nso the designation. 'lh H! sound-money men applied tn the supremlW. hk. Court for awrli of mandamus to comter ll lfcB? 1 secretar) nf state to put the word " Demoirat MKlBr after their nominations, but the court re f u se My-TI to lntsrfere. The opinion was written byJuduSr I'nder tbe ballot law the candidates' namrSH are put cm the nfilclal ballot In alphabettcalB nreler. The sound-money Democratic candidates for Governor velll lead tho state ticket. It la thounlit that If the sound-money Democratic cniiilnlntes are named on tht ballots as Demo erati timpl). they will receive several thotuand v otes tout ihey would not net otherwise. I llEMOCKAT FOIt M'KIXLET. The GreettTllle J.eticu vT Jerster Cltjr Aft k nouncea Thnt It In for SonnU Money. i Tho (Sreenyllle Democratic Leacue of Jersey j Clt) has unanimously declared for McKlnley and Hobart There a'o thirt) -two members in the least e. all active workers. Christian Hleld- ner. the Treasurer, says. "I have never voted anythlnc but a Demo cratic ticket since 1 havo been a roter. bat this time I am for McKlnley and Hobart, so are th ; other thirty-one members of our club. Wslis- n- . Here" in sounei mope), and will weirfe hard fot" " l,i1 the election or MoKlnle) and Ilnbart. I am I thoroiichly familiar wife the cold and silver H ciuetlon. and my know lolce Is tho result of ex- perlence. I have visited alt tho South American 5 countries where silver Is the standard money. lor ten vears I resided tn Hrnril, and I ha-a ' nlso lived In Mexico. Free silver hns ruined. 1 these countries The laborlne men there are tht sufferers, for they are compelled to sell their labor for next to nothing. I havo contrasted the-o countries with Iho United States and other nations w hlch maintain the told standard. The Introduction of a free-silver policy In this countr) would brine about an era of bard times t tuch at has never been experienced. , j EXnOltSEIi THE ItEOULAna. ' s Sonnd-moaey Democrat Accept Maehtast lastlceahlp dominations. Tbe Convention of the National Democratic) 1 party for the nominat'on of four candidate for I the .supreme Court in the Second Judiciary dlt- Jl trlct was held yesterday in the Court House la 'rt llrooklyn. Charles J. Patterson, the Chairman of tho bhepard oreaniratlon, presided. Tho Icade-s of the sound-money Democracy had already decided that no improvement could bo mado in the ticket nominated on Tuesdu) b) Hie recular Democrats, and the Convention unanimously nominated each of the regular candidates. These aro Justice, Charles K Drown of Oranco county. Justices Nathaniel II. Clemtntnf IClntrs count). Thomas s Mooio of Kmcs count), and Judge fctephea 11 Stephens of lttclimond count). Dnniil Mo)nuhan, a Klnus county delerato, spoko in hluh praine of each of tbe nominee, nnd conerntulnted ex-Heclster Hush McLauuh- ' 11 si on his success In forcinc the machine Denv j ocrnts topreAent such excellent candidates. xo nt inn ticket ix xxniAXA. Gold nemocrnta Finally Decide Xot to Pat TJp State Nomlaeea. iMilAVAPot is, Oct. 'J. For the third and last time the National Democratic State Commutes has decided tho question of putting up a tjtata ticket adversely. This action was taken. It ta announced, owlnc to a fear thnt many Demo cratic voters opposed to Hr) an vv 111 be alienated 1 by such opposition to the roiular State ticket, which contains some sound-money men. It la also tho result of tho promise of the candidate of the regular State ticket that thty will oppose fusion to the last unless the Populist btato ticket Is taken down, which does not seem at all likely. Tho Democratic htato Committee ha not accepted tho offer of fusion mado by th Populist epeclal committee, which at Ita.flrtt meet Inc.- put out a straight Mlddloof the Itoad set of electors, and later seltcted a set of elector cnninininir live Populists and ten Democrats. TIik situation Is complicate d. with the nroua billty that there will bo no fusion lu Indiana. urllele llrcltuoa nn Invllntton to it Jolat JjL llebute st Hli lllnckliurn. T Wasiiinoton, Oct. ',', Mr. P. P. Johnson of j Louisville, Chairman of the Kentucky Stat Den orinllc mid Executive Committee, reoent- ' i ly vv roto to seen tar) Cnrlltln reQUCBtlnn, In the I namo of tlio Democrnc) nf Kentucky, thai lie dlvlilo tlmo with scnntor Hlarkburn in any canvass ho mlfht m.iko In that Klato In favor i of I'.aliner and lluc'viur, Mr. Johnson raid ho iniiilo the roniiot nt tho instance of tenator ' lilnckhurn. sicrvtnr) Carlisle to-day replied i that " tho rerjuest Is respectfully declined.'' I rsniilh Dakota's SielloDal Democrat. Hl'lKiN.s. I)., Oct. t;. Houuil. money Demo- I cratsnf this State, at a conference hero jester- dav, proclaimed their ajleulanio to tho princi ples adopted and promulcated at the Jndlanap. oils Cunvintloii, but decided not to place rut . electoral ticket In the field. i ' I "Nntlonal Hound. Money Tlelcel." I Lopisvnir, Oct. U. Tho Vatlonal Demo- 1 cratlo htato Central Comi'iiltco mado appllca- lion )psterdny to tho .sccrotnr) of htnto to plnca 1 uiiiier mid Huckner e let tors nn the olllclnl iHillut. T'o nvolel confusion, iho lieudluit will b , "sntloiiulsiuiiel.Moiie) I Ickct." j' Isn't Have Any Principle nnd Tnonaonr't Voir. Thero has boon snmo lulk t? the effect that inmo Tnmmnn) Hull candidates for Congress ' nnd Assembl) nominations mlitlit be permitted j toinnko plitttoiiin fin llieuinlni'. LenderJohu , j C. Sheelrut said ji slcldnv on this point, . "AH out en id Id ut in will bo advocates of th 1 1 Chlcuun platform " bevv lit nt 'rninhiuuy linll, I Hefore ho left the r.ty )estcrday Arthur Povvnll, Popneratic candidato for Ice-Prtst-dent, paid a visit to Tamilian) linll and hod chat with John C. Huthaii and other leaden, I He spent most of hli. time talkliiK with Coroner I Kltxputrlck, Mr, bow nil vras nicompanled by National Commtttueuuu PltUsted of Main vo- I JUnmy Oliver. I j- -. .. ... ti jcLyii