Newspaper Page Text
Hf b' . - "' " '" ' '"-' '" HE. SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1890.' ' ' " "' Tf ' '' ' ' t r- r " - ' ' Wr ' TWO MIGHT.' BUCL-DASS. 1' s so. OXB ax itntiiT-vnvxDKii the Xt XKAlli.T AH JIO. s Token Irum the Hume rthonl In Z.nUe Matin- . , 1 piie, with the Hume Kind or Unit, nnd . ,at the Hnmn lime of lluy by Itinerant h t Men-Tho Smaller Foupcht tlie JInriter. f , (Auyonowbo supposes It nccrMary to travel l far from New York city In order to find uond Jr , i frsth. water (lslilng has only to look ot two black j bast recently caught In l.nko Mabopnc to be -.f convinced to the contrary. The MjIi nro now In B the taxidermist shop of John .Murgatroyd In J North William street, hut they vv 111 soon bo put I , on pnUlo exhibition In show windows. The y smaller of the two weighs six pound, and a half. ' Thootherjt uneven elBht-l'oundrr, anil U the t biggest black bass ever cauaht, bo far at can bo i J ascertained from any reliable records. Iloth Ml J I wcro causht within thre weeks. I Seiplte tho fact that Lake Mahopac Is not jL I Ufty miles distant from New York and that jlj I many fishermen bo there. Rood ditches of black J i I liati hare boon frequent thcro IhU year and (a ' more than n dozen flve-pounders havo been H J$l taken out slnco tho middle of bepttimbsr. Tho tlj?m4 1 raptor of tho record biiii Is Ilcubcn Miller, ho KaVfrl' I lives at l.ako Mnhopio. Near one end of tho i.liy. 1 lake Is what fishermen call n sunken Ulnnd, a"iKi I fringed with ocl grass. It Is hero that tho big f?H;?v I Allows Ho waiting for their prey In about eight fiW' I ii of water. Miller had been fishing with K-Wk 1 front for bait without any Brent success, and on . K; w j tbedayof bis big capture hn hnd chansod to yol- &K !' I low perch. His bait was seven or eight Inches a&K Vi I long and lively. It hadn't been runnlns very iCK? 'i 1 lone when Miller felt a tremendous strlko that Wm! "( almost torn his eight-ounce rod out of his grasp, ft K. , The noxt Instant the fish darted olT. Almost ? WX 'i Invariably a black bass, within a few soconds of i.K: J striking, makes to tho surface, and throws him- ' self out of I he water In the effort to tear loose f. f himself from the hook. This bass didn't. In- j, ', ir atead he "sulked," ns flshermon say. stnjlng J a down at the bottom, and tho fisherman's en- p , n- dearorto move him were about as cffcctlvo ns W if he had hooked a wharf. With a slow steady X J haul tho bass took tho lino from tho reel. By y j 1 this time Miller had about concluded that ho bad i ; L ( hooked a slant plcltorel, as he neer before had i ! , known a bis bass to act In that way. Hut thU , j f fellowcontinuudtoillsrecardthetradltlonsofhls f, ' f kind and to keep up his steady droc. Scelneno i; '" ether method ot procedure. Miller paddled nfter v t p Mm as best he could. There was Utile arlety t, j In the flcht that followed. Tho fish was sullen. "; ;-, and the flsber determined, I ; After twenty minutes of argument Miller law rncceeded Incttlnc his pilio up to thesurfnee. I.' and when he taw the size of the creature heal- il most fainted. To cet the rnptUe Intutlin boat I was a ticklish Jnn. and afttr he cot In hn de o'.- 1 t oped such a sudden ncce"i or vlpor that Miller : E was fain to lie ftnt down nn him, lest lie flop nut .WL' llitn his native clement The trip In -lime wiis ,. a trial lo the man, for ho had tn stop between ; Bf r every two or three strokes to hold tho bass tmt jf' down. Finally. honeer. he B"t him tn land (I and extricated the hook. Then came tnoweiKh- ' Jwl Inc. Proprietor Dean of the hotel was pri sent. I nnd when the scales showed eight pounds he I I promptly bought thn 11th and sent him down 1 J here to be stuired. I A Sitn reporter mensurcd the bass as he re- - posed In his class case yesterday, and here nro j hlsmalndlinunxinns, Length, xi inchoi; ilojith 1 tbroucli the middle (not Including fin"), 7Vj ' inches; spread of tnll. 7 Inches ns It stands. ' J Thotall Has contracted inch lnce1he I flth has been stuffed. lie Is a true small- I J njoutned.blck bas, npt an Osweuo or stran. Jj berry I ass, and derives his weight from general fm development and not from fat, as is uMtully the If case with any black tines more than three and a if naif pounds in welKbt. l&a The other b'e bns now In the taxidermist's yK rbop was caught by James A. I'nttesbn, Jr., a p'B broker at OT hxchango place. In the same spot, i3-' with the same kind of lull, nnd at tho same ftjS time of day. about noon. This bass put tip the 3fK. liveliest sort of a fight, "breaking" three times. iKt? with tremendous rushes out Into the air. Mr. Patteeon is lame. and. as ho was alone tn the K' boat, he had a very se ere tussle. At onetime PjK in the fight a emull sleam launch paed near Rfo him. and he signalled to tho people on board for mE- help, but they saw the bas rome up nut of the tt'f water about that time and decideil that he was mj svnrnlng them to keen clear of his tackle, so Bv tber sheered off with shouts of encourngrtneit, K which were well meant but not satisfactory to K tho weary fisherman. li'i M Jlowever, oven the biggest fish mnstsaceumh T7T In time If the honk !i rtrm tet, and the taeklc ( i-qatronK: and after nearly half an hour Mr. I'at- frtt TSon had tho Joy the keennes of which none h ,ba a dtbciple of Izauk Walton can know of j F T? landing such a fish as is seldom een. He was . I. li I nearly as' oxhanstea as the bass at the finish. i j- f 1; I The scales showed Joit a little better than GH -, ' f f I pounds nnden LU tili. He was also sent to ' J r) Mnrgatroyd to betu'ed, ' r i Eventually, theeichfponnaer will be hungup , I- 11 In Dean's Casino at Lake Mahnpnc. For a few i I 1JI days, however It will Ik exhibited In the show "il Ifl window at 7 Warren street. If Mr. Dean's per-' I'll' II mission can be secured. Mr. Pattern's big lis!) ' Ff.wr will be shown in the window at :)1U Jiroadway EiI'V at soon at It is mounted, wWw w m ' - MM 1W', SO OK $130 IIOttTJl F CLOAKS. K'-K: 'Whin Arrested tlie Two llrothere Hal.l the Hpi K? Onncr Owed Tliem Until Dlsebtirced. K mK Willie Dotccthe George W. Drown of the Mm B.f Central Ofllro was walking; along Iiroailway IHl1 Ht' yefterday a man, carrying n lnrge bundle of jjtJT) Vmtr cloaks In his arms, ran out of a building nt HBu- B,2 677. The man dashed np I! road way to Spring Wmffl Wkf- Street, and then btartcd to run through that IE WW- etreet. Brown thought that 'onwhlng was BR Sj wrong, and pnrsuul tho fellow, catching him BkK after a chaso of tn n blocks. KaH- brown brought his prisoner hack to the bulld-BKraTaS- f ingfrnm which he had seen him come, nn 1, as KF'lrr ' nrr've1 there, he heard shouts In the upper Rfcr ft Part. Ho went up stairs to the third door, lR?c?'l? where bo found a number of the employees of Mm tnfi 8 8. Frankel, n rloak manufacturer, bc.itlng n H C V; k man who bore a i loso resemblance tu his prh- c; ,t oner. K L if 'Inquiry discovered that thotuo ipen had K .' ; "4 ccme Into the Ktnre hhortlr leforn, and. while H fr - S onuof them held l'lukU4 1.imburgnr, Kliont tho K il tlroo had chargo of the room, tho ntlier hiul B l rf grubbed an armful of clonics nlurd In tho eg- S Pt ' i cregat" nt 31o0 and had run ntrwith them. K; i :' l'ho man who held I,imLeigcr was collared by MUi - tlie other emplojecs, K' i p Tho two men bald they were Jonathan Nn- mmEj, r't'' thelng. 23 years ohl, and Arthur I.. Nnthelng, mmmf, ! f -' years old, brothers, nnd Hied it l,"nl Knit Kv (' J Ninety-sixth street. They (hrlnred that thi-v mmmj'" I "V wero dealers tn cotton gnoJs, nnd that Frnultol B . 'y owed them n contl liralile sum of mnnev. K' . F Ing that they ucrrEb!ng in git nothing for B i, '1 their claim, they lull gone to tho stoiu, and, B- ; J- while Jonathan held Ijimbcrgur, Artliur ran k! ! ftuny with the cloaks. K ? Llmberger denied this story. Iln said tnnt mmm;. pV ' ho had novor seen tho men before nnd tlinl BV Yi-J ttfro was tin bill owed tneni by l-'rnnko). Ho ni ). ealrt that thr men were simply thiol eg, nnd i&l'J' that he wanted to prefer a clmrgn of grand dnk laVceny agnln'i them. On this t hurc, llrnwu 1' lie arrested the Lrotheis nnd took them to .li'fTiT- mmmw. .ky.' nCMurkei Court, where I.lluberuei uppeaied WMmwEiKt " complainant nxnlnst tliem. I" murt tho IKf'rlv:1- prisoners declared that tlioy couhl pnno kkm VaV Frankel owed them money, and whllo tlity mmmWlv'w' were making this stutement n mesiengnr kkVf' fefe li.ought f them books wnlih nroved their kkS iW: claims. Mslstrn's l 'ratio accordingly ills- kkSi' k I- charged tho prisoners, saying t! the case kkV cfc r"u' n matter for the civil coutts. mmwwp I m 1 mma SK" . paxnitAh r wai.tkh i. at..v. LHiP" mmmW'TKT'' Pljmontli Church Crowded with the Friend W ! The funeral of Walter I.. Sinn, the son of Col. I " t AV. U. Blnn, the well-known theatrical tnnunger It1 I, h I In Brooklyn, who died on tintunlay at Colorado H' '8i Borings, took place j esterday f rum Plymouth Hi" f Church. Young Mr. blnn belonged to numor It 8 ''' ous social and benevolent organizations, and Hf( ' ' they were nil represented. Not since Air, H-lift j ; Ilee':her's death has theru been such a tlnral ills. Hk L play. It Included a large pillow of white roses kmtsi it' nnd fernsXromC'ol, blnuoiidabroUrn iMiliiiuunf kkwlh' as1 lolt nnd white roes from Mrs, Sinn, (inn, t t'Sr lloratloC. King provided at the nrgnii, and the HK j ) ohnlr consisted of n iiiarlet fiom various mmmVl" ?.- rhurches. Miss Cnmllle D'Arville sang thu kkl iV : "Ate Maria." Tlie I lev. Dr. I.iiunu Abbott 'ff- I, ofilrlatud, '1 he bod "w as placed teiup'inirlly In kVif. ttf iiiniiUIn Urrennnod Cemetei), nnd will be kS ii im' Interred in the cemetery nt Iliiltliuore, 'Ihu H'iS,rlR Montauk Theatre. In the mamigeniunt of wlikh HrK thedersnsed wns us-m-lattd with Ills father, was JBjK closed last night out of ru.poct to tils memory. avEff1 ' few niclslon of I.alior In the Fire Ilonrit, LLIHT X Tid?l Commissioners esterday passed a HfflET "resolntlon that hereafter all committee work of VhKv. Uiu department bhnuld bo handled by three BIB committees to le known respectltely as Nob, 1, Mmmm;Mm$ .', und J, nnd to note churuu of thu following HtKi' details: No. 1, rulrannd aiiparntne; No. .', hu. BBS;, renunf fire ularm v-Ugr.iph. biiriau of Klro BaK'V1 Marshal, new Mies niAl ImlllllnkMiml lepalrs to U? buildings, and repnirYhnii; No, il, uniformed ByW f'irn-, bureau of chief At iUi.v:tmciiU, bureau BaB'Vi of lnieetnr of lOiuhiistitileH, alioriiey, supplies, MK and hospitals and trnlultur stnblea, BpOg-Bi The resolution provided nli-mlnit the I'red. BBEVi ilent should upimliit the ivininltltranuil should MfV, be Cliairoiuu of tomhilttee No, 1 anilexoltliio BaVMWL member of No. a and ,'!. President Miellleltl BBKIknf Appointed himself Chatrnnn nf No, 1, Cnmnils. kkHSHw tinurr Hiurgls Chairman of Nri. -', and Coin mis. BB &'- sfoyer La Uianpp pljtfutn'of 'Xo. 3. BJb BatBaiBMBhlJikruikfiJt rrXJWtfff&f-nJlitl- -J---avJw- sAXt rri xtjsd toiivta ot.ocict While r3ehe,ller Vtnn Reneh1nz,r W Men tlrnnbed is Trnr Tall or Rinse Unusually bold thieves made an attempt nt noon yesterday to rob Utorgo A. Stlieller, a Jcnellor, who has a largo store nt"8il Market street. Now nrk. Schcllcr was alono In the store, ii hen n stout, well-dressed man entered and priced soaio watcho". As soon ns ho had cone out two others etitored nnd protended to want to buy a clock ns a present for a member ot a club. Nothing but the most, expensive and ornate clock would answer their purpose, and thntono was In tho extreme outer cornrrof the west window of the store. Tlioy looked at It from the Inside of tho store and from tho side wnlk, and decided that It it null! do. Ml. ('heller lind no suspicions of the men, and prepared a ay tn reach tho clock by re. movingmhersiilid lunkili, room for his feet. As ho stepped Into thn window ho turned hi hend and saw one of the xlsltors coming from behind the counter with a tray nf rings In his hands, Schcllcr illtl not hesltato for a second, hut springing from ihu window upon tho thief, knock oil the true from his hands nnd srntttiod tho rings over tlie tloor. Schiller Is not n big man, but ho Is athletic, anil hu plucklly seized both men nnd shoutod for help. A man ran in nnd sMd "I.eavo one of them to tue," but .Scholler recognized him as tho first visitor to tin- store, and told him that he was one of the thieves. Then Fred Illu-dorpli nnd Albert 'turner catno run ning to their neighbor's assistance, nnd seeing thnt tlioinsowas getting di spirals tho larger of the two thleies nmile an effort to get unity, and Schcllcr, In his nnxlety tn detain hlin, pushed hltn through a large plnle-glnss window. The other thief broke nnay, and running through I.awrencn street to Cominorce street, ho jumped into a butcher enrt and drove avay. Before reaching tho cart lie fell, nnd when ho roo It was notice I that ho had a revolver in his right hand. When be seized tho butcher cart he drovo tho hor-o with tilt left hnnd and kept tho rovnher In his right. A crowd followed him nt a snfo distance until ho hnd irnsed the Pcnnslvnnla llallroad tracks, where two po licemen Jolnrd In the chnse In nnothir vehicle, 1 ho thief abandoned his cart In MuWhortir ttrect and disappeared over fence. That was the last seen of him, and Mr. Schcl lcr belleies that he got away with two rings vnlurd nt ik0. That Is all he misses. Seheller ki pi Ills hold on thu other min until Police man Mnorc took tho prisoner in charge nnd rang up a patrol wngon. Ho was tnki-'i to Police Hendqtnrlers. where he was booked as Charles Oraiwond. aged :I0, a Canadian bv birth and a machinist by trade. He refused tn tell where he lived. Ho had In hlspnikct n Pennsylvania Hallroad ticket between this city nnd Newark, and a pawn ticket for an overcoat pledged with Fl-ittu of P.'ll.l Third nveaue. tills rltj. Tho other thief left behind n black derby hat marked "Ilrondway Hat Store. Washington street, Boston." ' y " 1 ho rnbbory created great evrjUeaiont, not only In tho neighborhood of J,UlKo('elry store, but to a still greater extent,rlVuierbtork bounded by I.nfajette, McWhoctor, Q-.reen, and Union streets. It was beliovod lbatthe hatloss thief was hidden In some of the old buildings on this hlock, and it was know n tint ho had a revolver. The police cautiously searched a number of tho old buildings, but found no trace of him, and long atler dark last evening knots of pennlo were standing around discussing the proba bility of the diamond thief being Hidden near nt hand and ready to break away nt any mo ment, " '" ntroitcjcDt nvr nins'T icxoir jr. Mr. nnd Mr. Force I.Wed Tocether Three Month After ttis Jlrcree ITsi Granted. Nkw Bitir.NSWicK. N. J Oct. 2. In the fait of lSO.-i John Force, then a hotel proprietor in Bound BrooK, N. J.. Instituted divorce pro ceedings against his wife, after what appeared to hao been a happy married life nf throo jenrs. He placed his caso In the hands of lteed A: Coddlngtoti of Plalnllold. When Mrs. Forco learned of her husband's Intentions "ho also started a suit nnd engnged Craig A. Marsh of Plalnflcld to look after her Interests. Both suits wero based on statutory grounds, and caused a sensation because of the beauty of tbo wife and tho social standing of botli When the proceedings wcro started Mr. Force went to riorlda for a time and then returned to PUInlleld, where he ill oil with Ills mother. Mrs. Forco came to till-' cltv. and has lived here slnco wtth her pnrcuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Stroud. In the curly part of Juno Mr. Forco i amo to , this city and visited his wife. Both wero then ttred of the worry and trouble Incident to tho I legal proceedings against inch other, ami. de- elded to ctvo up the fight and llio together again. Mrs. Force nntilled her counsel. Craig I Marsh, thntsheand her husband had lvinme reconciled, and ordered her stilt withdraw n Mr. Force promised to hato bis suit dropped nUn i When Mr. and Mrs. Stroud learned that tho young couple bad como to an amicable agree ment, they were grentlv pleased, and offered to share their home with them. The young hus band accepted the offer, nnd has remained with his wife for tho past two months. On Juno.'.! Chancellor Mi Mil signed adecreo separating Mr. aud Mrs. Force, not baling been informed that Mr. Force's suit had been dropped. The husband was told then that his suit had been granted, but bis wife says that he did nut tell her. A tew days ago Howard MacSnerry. whom Mrs. Force had engnged ns associate counsel to Mr. Marsh of Plaintleld, learned that Mr. Force's suit hnd been grafted. When .Mr. MncSherrv Informed Mrs. Forco showns dunifnundrd. If there was to beadliorcesho wanted to be the one to get It. She asked Mr. Torre why he hnd not told her tho news. He replied Hint he had ordered the suit dropped and supposed that it hnd been. At first Mrs. Force thought that her husband had trlrki d her, but a letter soon came from Heed & Coddlngton. Mr, Force's roitntel. In which It was shown that he had ordered Ills suit withdrawn. Further Investigation showeil Hint In tome way the Court nf Chancery had failed to receiie nils notice. Tho divorced hus band is now living In Plalnlleld. Mrs. Force wilt continue to lis. e In this city. n viie's a rrtisAK kittex. It Uas'Plcht Tors nn One Foot and Heven it on Another. About two weeks ago a cat. belonging to Mrs. Kenney, who lives in Wllllamsburgh, gai o birth ton litter" of six kittens, flio of which wcro drowned, nnd tho sixth wassaedonl nt the tearful request of Mrs. Konnoj's young son James. Ho wanted thii'lt'on because It was bo prettily marked. Nniotllcr peculiarity was no ticed about It at the time. ' Yesterdai tlie bui'a attracted , by sounds of distress comlngf ntii tlie kitten In another room, llo hntened to'auewhat the ' troublowas, and found tint the flaw of the kittens, front feet were stuck fast In thu carpet. Tlie boy. with some dlfnciilt. released her. nnd afterward told his mother that the kitten siemed to hale an unusunl r umber of claws on inch front foot. Mrs, Kinney examined tho finut firtnf Hie bitten and discovered tliitthe nhuiidnni e nf claws was cnuid bv the fact Hint the kitten hid teicn porfictli shnpid toes on its. right font mid eight on its Wf. The super fluous toes do not seem to interfere In the least wltli the kitten's mnvi meuts, cxcmit that the i laws latch In eleri thing soft, When Die kit ten Is Ma'idlng thu front feet am about tuli'n ns wldunsthe feel or an ordlnni y rat. Mrs. Ken ney intends to enter the kitten in Ihu cat show this winter. rovjt lir.nsr.r.r j.uckri out. Mrs. I, N. Chirk rnrtln, llli lit-mimed the JJItnrce Hull bUr Itiiil Dropped, Am-oma, Conn., Oct, !'. -When .Mrs. Dntld N. Clark and daughter of hhellou atiliid homo from a day spent nt tho Newtown fair Inst uveu Ing they were mot nt thu railway station with the Information that they wire homeless. Tiny wont nt nnco to tho liouso on Hill strort, and found that snoti nflcr their depirturo In tho morning men had appeared nnd, under the ill rtrtlon of Mr. Clark, taken out nil thn furni ture, stored It In ituutlur place, til runt out a tenant and locked Hie hoiiFe, leaving a man on guard to keep bis wife out. Tills Is the culmina tion of n iloincstlu ipinrrel which llrst gained im Illicit)" iibnut a year ago, whon Mrs, t'lirk brought suit for dilutee ag-iiust tier liuhnud. This suit was dropped. This morning the suit as. rrnourd, with thai bus of Intolerable cruelty. ISnrnlo Convicted or Assuntt All III Intent lo Kill. Andrew Barnlc. tl.o colored cre ated n sensation in the Carteret Llub housn in Jersey Cityuu tho night of June M. b attempt. Ing tn kill the stew ai it, William Ti ret-, was tried In tho Special Sessions Court jesterdai, Hnrnlo liemiitidtil tils unges, nnd ulien thn bit ward re fiibed to pay him until the first of the month, the legiilnr pay dii), Hnrnlo droit reiolier und tiled point blank at him. B.irinc wn- exi ite.l and nervous. That inwlu his aim nn-iraili.aiwl T'yrm's life was spand, erveni! iiiriulirrsof tho club ran from the billiard room Into thu inli. where the shooting incurred, mil ill-n.meii Barnlc. The defendant had nothing to my In his nil il lit half rsteidny, nnd mis c mulcted of iissault, with Intent lu kill, Hu illil bo bou ttuced next week. Tun j;:yrlll tollld-. Shorll) nfler II o'clock lusl night, u Lite riding a hlcyzle on Bedford u euue, luar Hoss street. Wllllaiiisburgh, Henry Killer, aged liijears, of. ;i:i4 South Fourth Mrcut, rollldul Willi niioiliei bicyclist, and una ihrowiiheaill) tn thu ground, Tlie nung mini tins uuiousi'ious when phKed up and blood llonej from ivouiid Hi the back of bit head. He was reiuoird lu the Laslerii Dttutut Hospital, where at firs l It was thought his skull uasfniciured. Oiiexaminatlou 111) us lound lhat hUluiprle worutllghu ixa k ,"r 'WaeFfafeGnre 'Ksf SArC.1 many requests 5 ( I SJLiJELS trom lts Pat""1-. sj! gTfl Warner's Safe Gi fflj'TjMR Cure Co. linvcput j WCvl'ff on tho marlcet a 7 L J SttfOLftW 'bottle of -Safe t &! -"S5K,1 Cure which can Z ' !i "rVfiinK"' I now ho obtained 4 m SP0, t all druggists at MpMSH half the price of 7 - il IgjZgS'fj'a! 'he largo bottle, j 7 : Is notonly a scientific vegetable S j preparation and docs all that is S i i claimed for it, but It Is the only I i Kidney and Liver medicine used 7 i j by", the best people of four contl- t j nents. A medicine that bears ( ) j the stamp of the world's np- j c j pfoval, and maintains its posi- 7 7 j tion for a fifth of a century, i S : must necessarily possess pc- Z I culiar merit. 1 l.iTTi.v. nor nuitar.Aiis cauoiii. Five or Them Arrested tn Jersey City, All J'ncer to C'ouXrse, Flvo urchin's wcro arraigned beforo Police Justlco Potts In Jersey City yosterday mot nlng on a cbargo ot being full. fledged burglars. Tho prlsomrs wcro John Miller, II years old, rf 104 Sixth slrcot: Patrick Itnoney, alias Edward lijnn, 10 jears old, of .'167 Henderson street; Frank Fhnn, 10 jenrs old, of 4fi0 Henderson street; Richard Kleck, 11 years old, nnd John Furlong, 10 years old, both of 448 Henderson street, Tho police of the Seventh street station hare been nnnnjed recently by a series of small bur glaries and petty thefts. The burglaries were ci Mentis tho work ot amateurs. On Sept. 17 Henry Kubens's candy store, at 450 Henderson street, was entered through a rear window and robbed of SIS worth of candy. On Tuesday night, during the storm, W. . Herd's " snow ball" factory, at HID Sixth street, was broken open and thirteen botes of cnudy carried olT. A smnll mnchlno for mittiufiicturlng " snowballs" was also takes away. Snowballs are mndc of Ice shaved by a mnchlno from a enko of ico and flavored with tnnie kind nf extract. The pollco found il trail of -now balls leading from the fac tory lo a neighboring lumber janl, and tliev dlscoierid some of tho stolen enndy concealed lu the lumber. Detective Chirk and Policeman Ixiwerygnta clue tn Hie ang of lnuthful bmclar. nnd brougtit them In ono br one It was 1 o'clock S esterday morning when ttio last ono wis brought in. He was John Miller, the nine-year-old. lletectile Hark found li ill asleep In his crib, and waited until hedressel himsilf, with the ussl-tnuceof his mother. Thu boy was so sleepy that Hie dctectlie had to carry him part ot Hie way to Hie station. .Aftir tho urchins had nil been corralled Capt. Kelt) was summoned to the station and hu and Drtcctlie Clark interviewed them. Atllrtthev stoutly denlid Hint they had am thine to do with tho burglaries, but afterward they broke down I and made a full confeseloii. 1 hey bore them selies with the nonetinlnnccof confirmed crimi nals; in fact. Hie) did not s-em to realize th it i the) had donu anything wrong, hach one I wanted to (ell his story first, ana Capt. Kelly had iliffli nlty in kecking the oil ers quiet when one whs divulging tlin secrets of the gang. Itoo rfry. who wns telling about, the raidon Ituben'a tandy store, sa,M Hint lie got only ono nigger baby out of the plunder, "iJat's a lie. Cap." exclaimed little Johnnie Miller; "he had twins Just tie snmo as do rcbt of us" The prisoners said that the girls In the neigh borhood 6hared in tbo plunder. The paronts of tho joutlifiil burglars wero lery Indignant over the arrest nf tlielr i-ons until they learned that their had all confessed. Judgu Potts remnnded the boys tn await the aetkinof the ilrnnd .Inry. They will probably nil bo sent to the Reform School. noiti iii.vss rnecKs. Ileldenbelmer Hnld lollnve Iloualit Tbtncn nnd Clot Hie llnlniico In I'tish, III the Leo Avenue Pollco Court. Wllllams burgh, ) esterday, August Wiener, a hatter of (IPO Broadway, Brooklyn, accused Inac Held enhelmer of passing a worthless check for S'-'O US. Jobn Itlc-slngcr of tho firm of Rlcsinger & Robmau, dealers In furnishing goods, at 01,'i Broadway, charged Ileldenbelmer with having fli en him n bad check for SSS.'Jl. Hcldcn hclnur is -'H ) cars old, and Hies at 3U.1 Dliislon avenuo. For more than two months tho police of tho Clymer strict station hare remind complaints from business men that a mnn answering Held enheimei's description was pi.ssing worthless clucks. When lliMilenheliiier went Into Wien er's -loro on 1 hursday night tiu represented himself as the mauiger of n drnmntiu companv pla) Ing at llio Haiet) I'hi litre. Ileldenbelmer silected n trunk and an umbtolla worth St 1, nod Hun offired Wiener n cheek for Si'O U.". Wiener suspected that lleldeulielmer was n swindler, in d utter he gaio him the balance on the check in money lie followed him out of tho slore. lleiilenhelnier had requested Wiener to bale thu things sent lo the lluatru at once. tin Icnilug the store Hcldeuhrlmcr in nu ouposttu (Unction from the theatre and H ii hit hnd him arn sled. At the station Iioiisb Ileldetihelmer was ulctillllfd by Ule-mger, who said he had glien I Im a worthless ( heck. Ilolli rtircks torn Hie lorgetl slgunlure of Hidu iV Behuiatin. the proprietors of tho (itt)ciy The utie. When lleldeulielmer was nrrulgned es lerd.iy ho pleaded not guilty to boili i linrgrs, nod was held In Sl.lJUp ball lor a h irlng next 'lliursda). The police fit dozen moiu complaints ugalnsl Ileldoiihelmer then, ,llifRH(I.V',1 T)t:rALUJ TIOX. He Ilegnn Ills Raid nn Hie Comity Tieanurr Hie First Week He Wnt lu timer. Tno), Oct. '.. TI'O Itensselnor cnunty f-upcr-vUors, nt an ndjourutil meeting this nftcrnooii, n i eii oil thu report of tlio Finance Committee, iihlcl). In cmrpiny with expert iiconuuta'its, l.ns; bei n examining the books of County Tn as urer.?!orrinn and tho National Bank of Troy, lnwlilili Mr. Morrison mado deposits. Thu re port shows that Irregularities in Mr. Morrison's nn ounts wero commenced the llrst week huwas In ofllie.nnd Hint tlietr.iueactlonsiniulvu about S.'.Vi.uiui. The Mipervlsoisniloplcd a resolution demand in' Mr Morrison's ie-unntlou as County Treas. liter, and diclded tonsk (lov. Morton toujipolnt un exl i aordl nary term of Mipreme Court for tho trial of the Treasurer. 'I ho resolution also called upon thnIlsii let Attorney fur a speedy prose, i ur ion Mr, Morrison this nflernoou cnmulled with Hie ridunst of thu buuervlboi'd and pre sented bis resignation. 'I he actual ilefii leiicy In tlio county fundi iih icpoitut h) the expert accountants Is f -' I.'i.HUi). Only 31. hull had been depnsite I tn thoilefuml iintlnnnl lank by tho County Treasurer. It was shown Hun ho drew n'll 510,00(1 tho fecund day after betook possasslomit theolllce.nnd ('.'o.diin twodajs Inter. An cITim t will be made to finil tlie louchers, which It Is thought will iinpllrato prominent teoplo. The experts hnP not com, plrtid thejr liiiestlg.itloii and iilli continue It lo-i'iorrow. Morrison,s n, nnd was borne Into office on tho '.iJi'uof reform that swept over the i mint) of Rensselaer and the ullyof Tin) two years ago alter tho shooting of Ross by "Bat" f-heii. Mrret Cte iner lttin fiver unit Killed, Franrlsco Hperrago, an Itul n, 4'J years old, who wasrmvioyeil In tho Mreel Cleaning De piirtment'lif llrooklyn, was killeil yesterday afternoon at Union aienuu nnd Jniksnu strict hy a mineral water uiigfii liclonglng to I rrdenck hchnelder of y4 I'lilnn nienue. Sperrago Hied nt SS Withers slteei. llu was biieuplng llio "tieet iil'i'ii tho wngon run lilin down, Tlio wheel- ' i nl mer Ills neck, m hncldiT i.. en in thn Herbert street lolice siultoir, whrru hedrclnrid that ho tried all tu Ills power toarold Hie nci tdrnt. 4111. d liy u Train, An hlbold tjiiliitim, an old muuiilio peddled clay p pes, was killed nt noon esterday at Fourth street, Harrison, N. J by u train on the Morris and Essex Railroad. Qulnton was till )urs old and nut imrtlculsrl) alert, lluiraa confused by the whUHti of oio englue und aleppad in 1 rout (of another, Jj'l ,-'t"si MOKETKOUBLBFORMANE nr. xs ix i.iTXaAixox irxrit it is nilOTllKH -TAMES, The Bnner F.slnle tho tlone or Contention -McKnne Accuse, llu Hrother or He trnylnn 111 Tmat-Tlie Atntrflntment or n Iteeelver for Ills JC.ti.te Aaked For. John V, McKnne, thn Imprisoned Oravetcnd dictator, nnd his brother, James McKane, to whom ho gas c tho power of attorney to look after Ills business Interests soon nftor hit re moval to Sing Sing in March, 18(14, are now Invnhod In litigation. Their differences wcro nlied j esterday nl a hearing before Justlco Dickey In tho Supremo Court In Brooklyn, nn n motion mado by Lawyer Mayor In bohnlf of Mrs. Bauer, tho widow of Paul Bauer, for tho appointment of a receiver for tho Bauer cstnle. Soon nftcr Paul Bailor's death. McKnno got posesslon of the cslute, but slnco ho was sent to prison lbs courts havo decided that ho held It only for tho benefit of Mrs. Bauer nnd her daughter and ordered him to gtio an account ing. In his nccountlng, McKnno contended that tho eitalo was Indebted to him to tho ex tohtof S1S0.000, Lawyer Mayer said thatare celver should bo appointed becntt'O James Mc Knne, who im! been acting for his brother and had given a bond to pay tho tnxes, had failed to do so. Mrs. Bauer repudiated the agency of James McKnne. who had spent large sums of money lu putting up now buildings on the prop ert , and luid, as nlleged, dlt erted part of tho lu rome tu his own use, Fx-Corpor.iilon Counsel .Tenka opposed tho motion on behalf of James MoKane, and nsked that ho hu brought In nia party defendant lu the Bauer suit. James McKnne, ho said, had paid out for his brother over 81:10,000 since 1HH4, about Sro.OUO of which was lent boforo John . McKnne went to prison. After his con viction John V. Mi-Knuo and his wlfo conveyed tho property in dispute to James McKnno, aud subsequently tlio property wns conveyed to 1 nnnlo McKnne, John Y. McKnno's wife, sub ject, howeier, to tlio Indebtedness of John to .Inmce. James was to tetaln a lien on tho prop erty until the Indebtedness was discharged. As this now amounts toSMO.OOO, ho was naturally Interested In maintaining ids Hold on thu prop erty, utilcli was his onl) security. Heorga .V. Roderick, ns rotinsel for John Y, McKane, ngreed to the appointment of a re celier, but opposed the motion to havo his brother come In ns part defendant. John Y. McKnno had made his brother attorney In fact tonttetid to Ills tilfulrs, but he was not at all bntislled at tho manner In which .lames had acted toward him. Provlous to tills no had started James in tlio lumber business, for which JumcHngrieil to pay S'JS.OOO. Hu trusted his brother ntiMilutolv, giving him not only entire HUpcril-lon mer litsatTalrs, nut tho care of his wiro and twin liildruii. Mr. Roderick presented along affidavit, from his client, explaining his rolations Alth bis brother. In this John Y McKane denies the al leged Indebtedness to his brother, nnd even ac cuses James of falling to pay his wife the $100 n month which ho had specifically agreed to do, 'Ihaio been informed bv mv wife-," Mr. Knne deposes, "that he has not given her money cxieeillng jiloo for the support of my family out of the rents und moneys receiicd by him. nlthnugli ho has reeeiied from the rents and inntievsiltie munnd the proceeds of the sale nf rent estate belonging lo me over SUS.OOO, ns I am Informed and tiotleie." McKane ravs further that his brother has neglected to pay taxes and Interest un raort gnges. and that ho has used part nf the money collected for tits own purpo-esnnd refused to render mil account. On Aug, S .McKane re voked the power of attorney to James. Justice Dickey reserved his decision. POISO.V y.V A CHILD'S MEDICIXE. The Child Hint, nnd Srnc Clerk rlebotz. IV tio Compounded It, Huh Jleen Arrested. Tho six-weeks-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. James M. Yan Woenrt of H7 West Nineteenth street, Centreiille. became ill with stomach troubles early in the week, and on Ihursdny Its condi tion wns deemed so serious that tho parents summoned Dr. Alexander Dallas of East Twenty-second street- The ph)9lcian wrote a prcrcriotlon for a liquid mixture containing bismuth, lnctopeptln, digitalis, nitre, bromldo of sodn, nnd camphor. Tho prescription was filled at the pharmacy of Charles II. Boso of 441 Aienuu D, llayonnc, by Louis Scholz, the chief clerk. The parents say that they followed tho direc tions for administering tho prescription which tcholz wrote on tlio label affixed lo the bottle. Instead of improving, the child grew worio and died, 'I hen It was found 1 lint tho mlxturo tn ihu bottle contained a lu-ge percentage of creosote. The p irents reported thn casr to Dr. I) ellas. and the Haoune ;nltco were untltlid. The result was the arrest of Clerk t-cholr by Detectli o (.rlllln on a tecnnlcal charge nf manslaughter. A post-mortem examination of Hie child's body wns made by Dr. Charles B. Com cr-e. County Pli)silnnof Hudson count). Dr.Conierso ol den d Coroner Anthony J. Volk of Hobnken to hold un lnouest and last evening Constable Kd ward F. McAneny Impanelled a Jury. Detectlio Hi Ifiin tnoK possession of tlie bottle containing the nlleged poisonous mixture and the prescrip tion written hv Dr. D illas. Clerk ."Choi was remanded to Bnyonne Police Head. inarters toawall Ihu orders of Prosecutor hnrles II. Wlntldd. He is :iu lenrs old, mar- I rle-d. nnd liiesnt IS West Twent) -sixth street. Ho tiis had fifteen ) cars' exnerlence ns a druggist His employer says Hilt r-cliolz has worked for him about four venrs, has alwavs proied -ober and careful, and has the reputa tion of neier haling made a serious mistake in compounding prescriptions. Druggist Bo-e in sists Hun the mixture In the bottle enntnined nu creosote when It Jell his store, and sa)s Hint he believes the powerful poison was introduced in tho medicine b) some one not connected with his establishment. had his Mir.v vi. ace jtAinr.n. Flynn Didn't I.Ike Ills Colored I.odcera Oilinea nrCnips, Michiel Flynn keeps n cheap 1 dglng house In Pell street, which is patronued chiefly by colored persons. Tills class of trado docs not please Flynn, as his colored customers do not como thcro to sleep, hut merely to shoot crap. They make a noise and disturb Flynn's other guestb. K!nn wont to the I'llzibeth street station on Thursday night and asked Cant. Young tn raid too gamesters. About 10 o'clock Policemen Hi Hit.:. Mali-nry.nnd McDonough swooped down on tl.o Waldorf, as Klwiu's lodging house Is named. A dnreii negroes managed lo get lo the roof nnd seontid. Helen. Kit Carson, Kre'l Brown. Oscar Jolinon, Iko I'arrK Hunter Dirllug, and Willie Coon-, wero arre-ted. '1 hey were nrroi-rncd v-torrt-iy In the Centre Street Cnuri. where Magistrate Mott fined tlieni ?l each. Six were sent to tlie Tomb-. One. Willie I nous, was able to raise llio required J.'t and lecelved Ids liberty. VUA ,VK 1M11D O ll'.V.S Til V. TIIOCA ItEltO Mnnncer Dullnn fned In. lint Im Down tn i.W .Now. John II. Daltnn, manager of tho Trocadero, In West 'I ii only. third street, wns examined yes terday In supplementary proci'cdlngs in an ef fortof Rukohl Bros, to collect a judgment of C11I7.S'.' for cigars. He ti Milled that hu owned thu business until April 'I la-t, when he sold out to Frank J, Bird, a stock broker, for $.1,000 Ho had Inn still S'.OOO in Hie place, herald, hut Is now utily Its malinger at a of $.10 a neck. Tin- place Is part ot the Darling estate. Ills only bank account, nt Hie (ittrfiold Bank, Is dim n to Si. 4.1. Ills only Jewclr), ho ex jihtlncd, i oiisislsof ii nit kid wnlch aud a brass chain. Wbeii usked If he had any mono) ho tlsl i-d Ktl cents out of Ills pocket., and said that w ns nil he had except his bank n( count, and Im needid the KM cents or hu would have to wnlk home. The c Ignis had neen sold In the business. Itiiiiert's Drew ing Company had a moitguguou thu business nud oiTects, Him Mill lliirned. Pi cinkiki,!', N. J., Oit ".', Tho silk mill at Stuillng, six miles from this city, mined by II. Allied htreull nf New York, uns totally do Htro)cU bv fire en-ly this morning. Tho Haines werodl-coiend at 'o'elnik, but owing lu Hie limit'-d lire-lighting fail. It ns of tbo town could not he ixtlnguishei). Tlio build ng was 111)0 feel long and three stnrli-s high. The estlmntid y Is S-00.000. parily invere.l in insurance. Tho mill employed ISO bauds, lull In times of prosperity giuo employment to .100 peoplu. Htriiban Count).' Centennial, IHtii, N, Y Oct. ','. 'I he lentennlal of Stcu ben count) was relebrnted hciu to-dny in con nection with thecouuty fair. Twenty thousand people were present. Tho lti. L. M. Miller nf Ogdi lisburg delivered Hieopeniiu- address und the Hon. J, D. Kerimu of New York ihonddiefs nt llio unveiling of the monument tn Hie pio neers ot Men ben lount). An old-lnshl"lieil din ner n. is sirved in uncut) of thu oldest Inhahi tiuils, A grand pniHdii of Ihu new und old lu Hues of ncriculttiii- was given. llvr Ureas Ciiuzlit Fire From n Furnnee. Patkip-on, Oct. -'. Miss Maggie Foley of SS Jersey street wns paislng a furnace In her homo lo-day iv hen u ll.ime shot out and Ignited her dris'. The fire spieudiiulckl), und her screams i-ausid neighbors toiomu in tu herald. Ihu Humes woru extinguished, but not until tho hod ricelved a terrible burning. Sim was, removed tu St. Joiepb's Hospital, nnd her chances of re covery ore slight. gwgttWwttoiw. I jgttbllcntloitie. .lJJi I m W"Tl B I TO OUT-OF-TOWN READERS. In tills spicial J W y A Ja. H. JL ri W. -4 I sa,c time w's' not pefsT't InterhanBO of corre- x k. i -ar . j spoiiilcncj. To make sure o; one of these a I ii I H . j 5P--l3l sets the SI should nc:ompany your ? A JB. Jfi. Eft 1TW j application. Renumber you have one whole I r x- 'ur-irt week for careful examination, with privilege to I x IS 5l5i. H return if not entirely satisfactory and your 0 ? 5 M -f wVAfe-y Jh money refunded. I I You can still secure one of these special! I sets at less than one-third the regular price. X j X In making an Inventory at tho rlns,, of our recent Introductory Illstrlbutlon, wn find In stock a few sets of Tlio KnnyrliproHo. T I X Dletloii-irj Hu cloth und linlf-ltttssla bindings mil)) of which tho bindings are slightly rubbed not unoitgh to Impair their real valuo.but T X i ,i , sulllulent to prevent their shipment ns pur- T rt -j 3tl r,'cl "tock ut our rngulnr Prices or S-tUtn 2 X i,..t . . i ssssssssagfl fl Sronset. There being only a fow nf those T X f i i ' Irrj1 t ' v yr yjr w SV A'-f'Zrii a sets, weslinll not go to thotroubloof roblnd- T 1 kvfVZLir-ltrtr S. itu t,S sS ., q t.rK!SwirSr -Vl a Ing them, but liaie decided to lot them goon T 7'"$k -Sy irv) 1) S3Lj&Ji&-& ff. Av- 'WyW vJ U easy payments of SI down nnd SI a month X f,Vx'Qr (TO J7 Lgass--1- '""'J '- '"J-'-s-Jiiii- " u'JVTi))Vi&J until paid for, n little moro than half our re- T X VlsMlyS- gSJ-Jc -"---- - itMJii3'J5J?i centvery low Introductory prices. By prompt x A sk-s44! JZfr4Gif?l&& nrtliin limp, therefore, a number of nmbl- J X ry7.- .'- 'C&i2(twnKJf tlousnnd deserving renders, who havo felt y 'g3sg:g35aB5gSSTOiS5S''aT unable to pay oven the small prices horeto- X T ir-V- ' f!'rrri''l.-TjisiilSJii-'- ywtyltffl(WfilyjLt!h foro charged, tuny secure thoso special Sett T i Ltr4. IVtj. 'liXinZZ ISSj'cli "fWnW2) ' about cost or inakliiB, J ! BiiEM Whie Thev Last ifeEBllISi $1 down and I 'sP3Kjp $1 a montn-j I ''fm WE GUARANTEE I Y V' - i. CI3te JUST AS tnRt lhose volumes, except for slight robs or $ X Four MdJulrc l'oliimw. IFrlfht ohotit W Ib. SO.nio Knrfl(i)(rdlc4s- tuci i nni abrasions ion the binding, are precisely the A t n. . .n ... i.- j ., - . -.... . . .. ( 1 IHrr I IImK eamu as those sold at fuli prices. Yet we a f Topic. iSO.W) 11 orrfs flrrtnrd, t.3S7 Hmial Quartn I'aoet. v lf '"- WSK, cannot offer them as perfect stick, and our 2 Y 'mm i i MBmmammmmmmmmm loss shall bo your gain. This Is 2 I Positively the Greatest Bargain ever offered in a strictly high-class I standard publication. It can never be duplicated under any circumstances I whatsoever for those persons of limited means who are trying to "get along" I with older and inferior reference works. This is a really wonderful opportunity, f 1 WHAT THE ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY IS. WHAT THE ABLEST CRITICS SAY. It contnltisovcr B.'tn.nnn iIi-iIiumI words-ncarlr twlceas many "The EncyclopTslIc Dictionary Is a library condensed Into four ? Y nstbelargist "unabridged "-giving the Instnry. derivation, spell- volumes: a ton of diffusiveness reduced to fortr pounds of antntes. P Ing, pronunciation, and vurled meanings of each legltiinito Kngllsh tsonce." Itev. Dr. CtlAi. H. I'AIlKllciiiST. March 0 18B0 s word. It is now ni cepted as an uiiqucstiuncil authmitij wherever the .... . , ,. , ' ' s Bngllsh langungo Is spoken. . ,'t forms In itself a library for tho basv man of affairs, tho mo- S A ,..,.,.,.. , , , chanlr ambitious to advance himself in his lino or tho student or ap- X ? It ! ono or thr liest of all l.iiejcli.p.iollni, becniiso prnrli- prentlcu Just making a beginning." Scientific .imcrtcon. August Z A rilii iirrful ss well a the latest nnd most scholar!). .ill.OOl) encvcln- :i, lKtli. ' ". .uk,usi X pnsllc subjects, the Britnnnlca has nlioiit 7.000. Jul think nf V ' "eP mnnril m li husn.nn..:.. ns . . , 2 X Tho whole ranee of human know ledge condensed for your iintmit n , carmen nhrah!lan and SSJi o0fiI'rof5?',onsl,va'U8 it 4 b) audi world-famous siientlsis us Huxley, I'roctor. and a huuJred March ilKna5 Iawyer3."-Ex-Judg9 Non Davis, g A other educators of hardlv less renown! It Is aflincniicr for busy men: .,. " ,,',,., A i i nrolht;. rifiiriifloii for plodding students; a fmifii ilml'wr for am- lh" wnrK Is undoiibtedlr nn exceedingly usoful and trustworthy X X bilious met hiinies: an Inexhaustible triasnru house of Information ono. MimlnvS'iiioI Tirnw. May 11. 1805. T X for each member of every family. It easily -takes the place of nny half " It has all tho utility of a superior unnbrldgod dictionary-, and all 2 I tV doen otlier reference books that could be mimed. It is truly a tho practical usefulness of n .'j-volttmo enevclonrodla wlthnnt lt X i X (inilliiirciMitiy. dlfTuslveness " -toim't Horn. Xovomber 10. 1K05. imui in o X . It Is nn orimjiieiit to nny library: beautifully printed and "The skill and Judgment with which the dictionary nnd encyelo- J substantially bntinil: four great volumes, profusely lllustr.ited.iosllii!; nrdla liuve been blended can bo appreciated onlr by comparing The 5 s mote (mil ST50.000 to pi odurr. and never beforo offered (except dur- Bnc)clopedlc -itU other dictionaries." Public On in (on isoniimwe J Ing our recent introductory salo) for less than S-t'.'.OO to S70.00 n set. ID. 18U.-i. urn, jjusiuii, aopisniKr y s lURuU Til CCPIIRLT THIS itr.rMTIIAItn.tlV Bringor solid SI to tbo New York RE RlEftii BER X X InUVT III OCUunC Newspaper .Svndlc.-ite.U.irifth Ave.. New Vork. and the entire . X 6 Iset of four superb volumes, bnund in cloth, will le forwarded. The bslance Is to be paid at ti....... , . .. . X , I the rate of SI monthly for 1 year. T.'i. nrt pn.mriir lit ittlirr In hIiihj I milii $1. In send- inr' ts are as gooit. for all practical pur- ? 4 llnriour first najment please designate Ihostiloof binding vo-i desire, and indicate how you P,!i moso ror wnlch wo are getting JJ X I wish tliinoluiuessonUastheclmrgesfnrdellverymustOBp-vldbythepurchaser. Uemlrtnnces jf 5Ji .IL 0" . i "narantee that the In- V , - rrfi X I received after this special lot Is exhausted will be ttnmedlatclv returned. The limited stock !,rJor, 5j ?' J7 .e".nd t,, hlndlngs of V- """ 2 I at our disposal cannot last lone. To protect ourselves against bonkdealeri. etc.. we must de- ?,,,.,' cfaJ-c- Jn most serious in- f A jcllnetosend moru than y srfs to any ono party, and In everv case we must reaulre Hie full JUJ,. . ,' , . no greater than might s X I name nnd address of ench person receiving a set, Wn have onlr two styles of binding in this .. '! rf use lu your own home 5f X lot- cloth and hnlf-ltussin about nn equal quantity of each. Onlrr ut once lo mnhr sine "r"';lce As ausolute proof of this stato- V X iTheahsoluteronndenceof the syndicate Hint the work will be thoroughly appreciated, highly ?!"?l T! mav retain Hie set for careful ex- ? X I VHluid and cheerfully paid for is rlenrlv shown by sending such a v nluable set of books, tlie f.'i","Bt,0.,i ,r "no "'no'0 week. If not en- X 0 subscription price of wlilch Is from S4'-' to ST0 on an ndiance payment of only SI. We rofcr L1"1 ,v, '' ' 'factory you mar return to tho $ X ! to ativ newspaper In New York. 11... Hair-ltiissla lliiidlug w ill be supplied for S3 cents rlZrtntwZ'LP' w Promptly and X I iiihlltlolllll per lliontb. tiiecriuiiy rciunaea. SJ X isis uiu . .. ..... 2hbsnitfi'rli(rirhanceoat(ct(fne. x I New York Newspaper Syndicate, 93 F,FTHNEAwE-Y(;aKr. ,8th st-1 t sssssfsss0ss ssstisss.rtVss ssstssssscsssf i'li:aii:t yon tiu: jiotoiisiex. Trolley li.saeneersi Hurt In t'oltlelon Don't tVnnt the OpcrnllseM lllsetuiriceil. The tit. I.eonnnl Guards of Newark hnd their annual ttrget excursion onTliurdn) aflernnon. They numbered nboiit 10U. Two rpeclnl trolley enrsennvoed them mer the Consolidated '1 ruc tion Compnto's linos to tho lirernvillet-chuetron Park, Jersey City The motormen sped along Occnn nvenuo at a luely gait, nnd were pnsslug thepurk, not knowing they were at it. when ono of thu members called out to tho motorman of tho first car to stop Ho Jammed down his brake anil stopped so suddenly that tho passengers wero thrown oier on tho bucks oftheseuls. The motorman of tho second car. which was fol lowing close behind, was not aware Hint Ills lender was nboiit tn slop until hu snw Hie car slow up. He iwlsted his bri.ko n hard nn hu could, but was not able to avoid u collision Ills car crashed into Hie one In front nndthep. sengert tu both were tumbled about In n pro-tnl-i uoui fashion. Anton Biipp nnd I'harles Kuster, who wcro in the rear seal of tho for ward car, were severe!) Injured, but nfter they were intended by u pli)sicl.iu lb ey were nblu to taku purl In the festiiltles. The tnrsweru net badly ilumiged. In the eietiingo'ie if the conipnu)'s Inspectors vent to thu p.vk to get statements from ihu passenger-. In the mean time Hie members of H.e gtiatd anil their i-uests hnd slgmil a petition asking that the inotormeii be not dl-clir.igul. Tho Injured me'l lUedgril themselies not to sue theiompanv for diim igev If llu iuolorini,n wero rclnined. One of tbeotll ers of the gu ird said: "'lliu motormen ore i (impelled tn work hard for their bread nud bullet. 'I hey, no doubt, linvn fnmlilos to support. We lire nil working men, and wo know what it menus to be nut of emplo)incui. I'onseqiiently, the injured men would prefer the mention of llio motoniiHti to unv nninunt they might securo hy a suit for ilamagts." I he inspector will submit tho petition lo tho dlrlslnii superintendent. si.r.i'T too i.oxo ox ins lemurs. .lustier Uleliry Deelilrsi jtrnlnt rv Veteran J'll'enli.ll'n ICrlllHti.trnicnt In 1'liicr. .tusllce Dickey of tho Supreme Court In Brooklyn has denied the application of Isaac 11. llllV for his reinstatement tu his pinions Superlntendi nl nf Sciveis In tlio Cltv Works Department, nn the ground Hint he was proliet. ed from dlsrliargo by bi in ;a veteran fireman, lustlie )li kv mi); "He hail nervid ono )earand ten months lu thedepniliiient without making known ho was a vcteiim fireman. I thiol, he has slept too long liver Ills right'. 111- counsel mokes- Ins Ignorance of law his excu-c. Inn Ibis cxciimi will not excuse wheie the reinstatement might illsniiange publl. service," It illron.1 rilntlnn rs.ire Ot.rii. Mllilil i.TOliN. Conn., Oct. '-'. 'Ihosife In the Iliggauum depot of the Ynllev roul was blown open by rubbers at lilin o'cloi k this morning nnd 51 kill taken from the road's funds nnd fio belonging to thu .Vilnius i:pri-s I'onipniiy. '1 he iilllci) wns wiecked. tho safe door In lug li'iiivu into Ihe freight np'irlmiut. Minimi Agent Webb dlsi oveied the loss nlioiil II o'clock this morning when ho wunt tu tlienflke. Hrnulor Voorliers'H IIIiii-m. Ti 'tilt: HAITI', Iiid.. Oct. i!. Il Is said hero th it r-uniiliir Vonrhecs Is very ill ut .lliiiklnaw, bit those who know his actual condition will my nothing A ninth a-o. when It whs n. ported Hint hn would not take pari In the mm inlgn, ileiilnls from iaiiour..artiiiiilikl) up penrii'l In the new -npers, and It nils said Im would belli lilts hl.tto 1) ."epl '.'. Mine then nothing uns Ucn heard Iroin linn. CARPET" T.M.STEWART, '"-! 326 7thfAv., CLEANING T.l'??ai'?';t fi . STA1IOX K'S II ttt It ECO It I). Thre or the Kntployeen There Arnttffned 'Vexlerilily for Itobblnc tbe Mntl, Three empln) res of Stntinu II of i'io general Post Ofl'.ce in West Tlilrty-'eco'id street nnvo bien ntri'sled vilt'ilu "eventv-two hours, and nil three for robbing the iiinils. Tliis. Inspec tor Ashe s.i)s. break" the tei orl In the hl-tory of tho Tost Gillie Department. The first of tlienffcndei- mis Cnnrlcs I!. tioetr. upun whoso person a number of marked stolen one dol lar bills were found. Within twent) -four hours iiftcrwnrd John ,T. I "mi ers was nrrosted i with equally conclu-ivo Irerlminntlng evi dence ngnlnst him Tl.o third Prisoner Is 1'hlllp I'iert. who is einplmed by Trniers ,t Allwon.l. mill deliver) contractors, in carry mull Im,.'- tiom elei.ilid railroad statlnne to Million i:. lie fell under suspicion, was vvntrhoi by tho Post OlliiiCiuspeclois, and was detected in rivaling letters in Mutton K dur ing tie prn.-e-s nlso.tug. Wliea arrested six letters loiitnining mnnev we o found lu Ids pockits. .le .ic'i.ilitisl having taken the letters. I'iert oils erralned tieinie I nlteil .Mates Coinml ooei M ltd N jesterdny and held In S.'.'iUll bad for e.iuiln itiinon .Vlondn). I etur (.iiriler (met and Clerk I'mor-. wcro nKo nrr.ilJIM'il, and weie held It. S'.'.oUII e.icii to analt the n tin i "I Hu iiinnd .Inn. Station i:, iv huh is on IVest riilrtv-serond stieci, near -sixth nvtieiin, i- n-n- nt thu most ImiMirinut bin ii i i - of the I'osi Gillie, as lirgo nuialii rs of mon i letters eie r reived there, r-n miteli pi' eilug has in en dl-iniere.l there dtirln; t! o hi-t sl mouths lint tho Bust Gillie iiuthoilllcs nie in-liied In ' llove Hint theie iSMiiiu thin.-like an nranled giuignt pilferers In thu ollli i w lio assist each olbcr It, etfcct'l.i; their stealings. iiAit ft:.i.sM von srtr.r.itH. A RpTenll Cnllei's. I opinio Tlllnhs Hie Av. nice ( itlc h Attoul IIUO s.L.tMW .i rshlp, AiTOIIIA. Hr.. Get. '!. The rovenuo cut ter Cominislore IVrr) m rived in port )i ster ility nftcruuon, nil e dii) s from Ounal.iska. Capt, Smitli gaic th" fnlliiwlng particulars of his trip to northern watirs. "'llio presi nt -eallng sinsoi has been nn ex tremely dlfnsti mis one; his been ntui euuesslonof gnh which preienled the sealers from securing good inti lio,iind forwiekssuilrrs hnio been un iblo to lowi i n hunt. We made tlio biggest cnli h of tin' siiison by sellnu three les. seisin one di) lot hi ln 1.1 the piolilbitid .ono, nnd a fourth r"cipcil mill beiniiniuf nur In ability to do inuiu than iniuiigo thethrco wo nlieiul) had In low Hie average rati h of tlio sealers will noi exited .Hill skips to tlio vessel, llllllllllgll ill Isolate I i vessels have seiined lis mull) n Tun "Mil-. I lie sen-iiii uiu sufel) be put down In point nf pet iinlnri vnlue, as (uiu I nrril Willi 1 isl )eir, iih uileid fill I (ire. In fni t, Idoiiol believe that Ihu stub r will In ninny cases bu able top") their expen-is." InUgiiii-nlsi Altnlosil n ItHlionil lor 11 'Ins. I hi: In I-o- l.UPU Mile llool... CiiltMMt, N V, O.t. '.'. John I.. Holmes of this city, has Jusi secured n Judgtiioni against the Delaware, l.iiiknivnuii and Western Ball road Compan) for refu-in-' to Issue him 1,000- mill hunks on ilem ind nl ticket olllies. iintler I the in I of Ihlltl. II" applied II ten nlllres iiutl I was lefiised. llu then brought nu at tion tu tint i Mipn in. Court to leeover ten penalties. ,liitlu Braille) appointed VV illird .1 Iteeil of Hu-eity , 1 l.iijil.u it-i piuiv. Tlio ilitfeni'ci n ipeniiil. Im' did not illitiui nii'tii'i in the t'oiiip nun. .Im.g. . mini whs ttileinl b) ill limit In the siiuln i ( ouiitv i iei.' id. Ice for m I'.llil for the i.rtt I nn iiuiiitliii-i and sn7.uu for oilier pun.illiis. fleels'.oiii Mti to Dili renltnl ICnli-H. The Board of Arbitrators of thu Joint 'I rufllo Association litis neciiled that Hie illlferrlill.ils U-twccu New York and liiilfnhiiiiid Suspeiision Bridge, on tialus innstiinln less than eleven l.ouis between tliese polnis. shall, afier Nov, 1, tiu 73 tents by all linis exicpuhuNcw York Central. Other dilferenllnls nro to remain as nl present. The appeal of llio Krie was not sus tained. r , X.V JAIL roil .XO CAUSE. Oebbnrdl'a Xrlcbhors (.are Htm Good tsw, lint He Hnd to l'ny for More. They ran't put you Into Jail for that," laid tho laws ' " Hut I dm In Jail," said tho client. -r- William Gobhardt. TT years old, & retired shoemaker, who was taken to T.udlovr street Jail about two weeks ago for contempt, wasdls- ' charged yesterday by Justlco Hussell of tho Suptemo Court. He Is the stepfather of Boslno Knop, w ho had him arrested in an action which sho proposed to tiring to recover $.1,000 front , some bank.tbe nnrae of which and tho bank book, she sa) s. Knop bus been concealing from her for about seventeen jears. Sho sa)s that tho money was deposited by her mother, who died In lHTfl. and that her stcpfathor has been wait ing until twenty jenrs wero up. soastoolalm . Ihemone) as thu only representative of lilsde- ( censed w ife, I .-ho got nu order for tho examination of fieb hardt before trial without si rv Ing a summons 1 In any anion, and as lie did not attend she pro. i cured nn order to show cause wliy ho should not be punished for contempt of court. Ho gave no heed tn tills order. Go the motion to ho released from Jail tinder the commitment entered on his default, he said i that he illil unt wnnt to go in the expense of emplojingn liuvjeran 1 Hint lie had souglit tho adi Ice of his neighbors, woo told lilin inut tho I plaintiff hid no right to net against nlm until n summons had been served. He also set up that he bud tumid the bmk book of his deceased wife over to I ho Bowery "savings Bank about thiuren )eirs ago and bus un other bmk book IlnsaiHthat ho believes tlie last of thonccount witli the Bowery Bank w.isilrnnn out July 5, 1 St ( .1. Justice Hussell held Hint the advice of tho ' neighbors was gnol and that the vv hole proceed. I log mis Irregular, llo said, further, thai it I would be usi less for him to nider the man to) j prnduie ti bank book w hlch ho has not got, lii:VT THE MAItHIAOE BUCKET. . 1fr. Mainline Won Alrnld Tlinl Her I'ntber Would lllsi.ppl'l.Tr ul It, " The friends of Miss I'mlly Sliger of 17 Rnvlns avenue, Jer-ey City Heights, were surprised )t strrda) In loirn thai shu had neen married ' I slutt'ln-l J.inti iry to Heorgu .Manning, a good t looking conductor on the Court Housu line of j the Nor.h Hudson County Hallroad. Mrs. i , Manning Is n strikingly handsomo brunotto and highly accomplished, Sho Is tho duugliler of l'mll steger, a renl e tnii ngent and the olliclnl lotirl InierpieliT. He wns nt ono time diret tor of the llnird of I leelmlders. The inline wiiiiiiiii heroine in iiiilnteii with Mnlimng vvhn.i ildmg ' llo Is nboiit llo jenrn old nud Is stiadv nnd Industrious. The uiarr ige was kept rrrrel bicnii'ii the lriilouasnfi tid of her fatlii r's ilispleitHiire, Slut lias I.n.l tne nniri. ngemeiit or his household alnee n t inntlier died, n Itw leaisagii. Mr, Stegei nu- inforuieii of Hie mirrmt'o ret ently., alliiouuli some vv tint tlt-l i I bed nl llrst, bcc.iiiiu ie. one led. Tho ' couple will live In I'lllnll Hill. Ttie ('onn.-ei'ntloii or s. I. till. 's llowplcsil I'linpet, Bftensiie prcpanitlo'is aie I en'.' mnde liy lha j committee lu charge tor the lonsecriitlou ter vliesof the chapel In the in iv St. Luke's Hospi tal on Cathedral Helg'ns Git 17 Is thu date nrrniiged for thu cnn-ir u Ion. Bishop I'otter will preside. In vlc of Hih limited seating capacity of Hn, rlnw-l. I' li.tvllig iiecommoda. Hon for onl) iilmul .lo.i I nr.ou-, llivllntlous will be extended onl v lo the t lergv of this diocese, the Bishops nf tbi-t mm rv wliouia) be in New York, nt'd Hie tius'ti" of Ihu liiKpltiil. Tile committee also I o,in -ecuii the pre-eueo of gm. thu tliohupiit I dinii ir.-li. who is now lu this tnnnii). After tnu tuvuvs Hieit is to bo a llWKllUOII. DR. HALLETT, The great lilnoil nu i ner.e sp Isllst, rurrt all sseret and prlvstedoeis'S of men int. fi-tv tiu) UlilRatt ltilh iu urtr .id av. New Vorx. uo ciuro unlet cured; bours, Vtow. Write or mil, boil ad v leu (rtsV