Newspaper Page Text
R, irs so." I fl' " J fy y W rs so," j. J ii - v" x ' Kf f " NEW YORK, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1806.-COPYRIGIIT, 1896, BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. 'M e ' i . . i i i , , --)Mt , sy 1 Ii llCLLli it " SooSequnUo those sold Ey any other flrst- without having to pay moro than If buying for cash. LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS, In latest .tyles, rondo of foreign ami dome.tlo broadcloth, tfnncjr Novelties. 4 4 7 Ac, upward from LAOIES SEPARATE SKIRTS. Fancy Novelties, Cheviot., DouoUi. PUlds, from 4B 0 UP- Ii i s. In satins, nrooades. Moire, Antlqnee, &o g. rnoM 9,49 - F v SILBC WAISTS '; .. AH new fall effeots I FROM 3,75 UP- Ladies' Capes JtofiL " 2.98 Wa Jackets, Jmk f For Fall and TnjflfeSjIip? f DRY GOODS. & Bilks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Housekeeping I' Goods In richest and most up- ti to-date assortment. uL. i Blankets and Comfortables. ill H ALSO LARGE fl J&f STOCK OF k MfW( RflEW'S, Tmjfi YOUTHS' & ft wMj) BOYS' JJ l HIGHEST p jfr STYLES, I tL lwest iJsLw PRICES. Payments. EASY CREDIT, payments, Open Saturday till 0-30 P. M. Entrance through Furniture Store. T. KELLY. OUn MOTTO "FAIR DEALING." 263 6th Ave. y ' JfOJ, J?0G ires 17th St. lj 4C8, 470 Tulton st , Brooklyn. 2j' 200. U02 Market nt , Newark. Clothiers. Md Co. torn Tailor, jr 775 and 777 Broadway, V" Iletnrten Ninth nd Tenth Htra.te. CLOTHING CREDIT. '54 ONE of the I.AItGEST and FINEST STOCKS IN TUE CITY. I Men's Fall Overcoats, $8 to $20 i In Clay Diagonal, Vicuna, Clietlots, &c, !elejrantly mode and trimmed. Men's Fall Suits, $10 to $20 In line All-Wool Clieiots, Tweeds and Cosslmcres in all the new designs. r Boys' Suits & Overcoats, $3 to $12. Men's Clothing to Order. i Suits and Overcoats from $16.00. j Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, Wraps, if Jackets. Capos, Waists, &c. if Weekly or Monthly Payments. Optn Saturday, nntll 10 80 P. Jt j Mondays 9. I Ladies Tailoring. fir, ' Buying cloth, at wo buy-and knowing WHAT L WIIFrtEand WnEN tobuy-i, all tho set ret there is I g,s In thl. (real I.adle.' Tailoring builnes. of our. if t b,CKt ""- ia.trr hi. brought hlgbcla.a 4 " ood,to,'l'0'holltlmeprlcM-iiowgooJ,.carc ' M good. to, wbatoter thero I. arra for Our aiylct V SMART, CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE. fy Toprln.pot jou, we will make to order. .Ilk I led throughout, I Tailor-Made Suits . . . 345 f Riding Habits $65 Jackets S30 IPElUtOT TIT IS (linitA.NTLFn OH MONE1T UFl'LMifcD. k)'' i28 W. 42d St If Poll.fmen Indicted for A..BE . p ' oner. f The Orand Jury has Indicted for a.wult n ; the .frond degree Policemen oen Hull Ivan audJohnHpnldlngof the fca.t et ton. 1 1 offl, w. . rl,nrKe,l W J ulnX lil cell Jntne. Dalton. who attemm,d " '? J Henry II. Hlldehrandt, collector fo? u,B niSob If Y-lVt'U- n, ,I,J3 1'lr, S iVn.Blnr .! uL0yMn Preferred chare'; 538: i Policemen, w ho ero relented on bill f MteiiJl i Lawyer Tolawbu. Oott.ohlk ,n Tronb. Columlius Qottsohalk. a Brooklyn lawyer' Mrretoa)eterdayand held for eiamlhll I tlon bj Police j.ce llgh. on l BhJ , the exc.ptlon of ou. ",ame" of it vJtb o " "GREATER NEW TORI'S GREATEST' STORE J ;; UaaaiaMaaMaMaaaawHaMaMaKaHaMaiaBHH.Mi . i ,, - ,, 3 Striking Siicriuls ! " v J I O - J- 4 X . . & j A Rare Opportunity, j I For Five Days Only. ZSSrJF1' j; I OVERCOATS $ ry QO I I To Order, I JafKjkJ I . A A J London Coating iiiK".'rH JaaaMs. I' the price that , O awnal Weight B,wk JFtT iBTJbBH1 ulIor woald 1 1 Oxford Mel ton-Gray. aSH?BBPS chares for an ', 0 Irish Friese-Brown HjHiSiWlt llB Orercoat made o A French Fur Beavers in K BMSilllilllllllll t0 Tonr order of X 8ATIN and WOR3- BLSBj leotlon and X bilk velvet col- i$p p-j A Perfect t 5 the Best g Guaranteed. ? 4' NOTE. As these fabrics cannot bo duplicated for TWICE THEIR ? x COST, orders will bo taken only during these flvo days. A MAIL OKDEKS CANNOT BE TIIjLiED. $ OUR flIIAPANTFP,,MONKYci,KcnFur.i.YnKroNnEniPTOD X y-"V UUrtIrniCQ) AHE NOT MOKE THAN SATISVIKD. Y SEE DISPLAY OP FABRICS, TRIMMINGS AND SAMPLE X GARMENTS. CORNER MOTH STREET. f ! Remarkable Offer, j I Only 65c. Per Volume. f I ENCYCLOPEDIA I Within the Reach of AH. I I Complete Set (of 30 volumes), $19.50 1 Latest Edition of ENCYCLOPEpiA BRITANNICA, 30 1 l Volumes, Complete with the American Supplement x ;: Bound in English Cloth and Qold, per set, $19.50. 1 Bound in one-half Russia, per set 26.75. I I Bicycles, COI OR ? It WHEELS THAT WE j j Fully Guarantee; j j FROM ONE OF THE BEST AMKERS IN AMERICA. it Women's Wheels, same price. $?1 QR I 2 I Best quality, steel tubing-, barrel-pattern hubs, turned J J ; I from solid bar of steel, alligator tread, tire fully guaranteed, ' Brandenburg pedals, weight 24 pounds. . ( ? Thousands of other bargains throughout the 200 departments of Greater I J; New York's Greatest Storo. Wo are forever catering to the public's Interest, I X therefore our store is a landmark of New York, familiarly known to every j ', man, woman and child, and every purchaser becomes a regular patron. j ' ' 4 HMKBHMi.BMiiHMMBMMMMaaaiBHMHBBaM, . ! 1 BLO0M1NQDALE BROS., 3d AvM 59th & 60th Sts. 1 1 J a a-...... ir.v, n. jtAJtXKs oxen had $iao,ooo. Klle la Tiro Iln.lne.. Vcaturo. and Now Use Notblar. An examination in the Supreme Court ye.ter day of William D. Darnel, formerly a member of the publliblnc house of A. B., Darne. & Co., In an effort of Moms Hecht, a butcher, to re cover a meat bill of 8207.05, .bowed that he ha. lo.t hi. property. When the American Hook Company was farmed in 1888, he dl.pos.d cif hi. Intere.t In A. 8. Darne. & Co. to the tru.t forim.BOO. Ho took 1.300 of the tru.t cer tificate, for hi. .hare, and .old them for $160,. 000. Then he organized the Commercial Trav eller.' Manufacturing Company, of which he became the Pre.ldent. The company nu dl.. eoleed In 1804, after he bad ennk about 100,. 000. Ile.uba.quently paid 820.000 for an In tere.t In the Oeorse Meyer. Carriage Company. The company failed, ana a. a partner he bad to i..-,1)iJaliwtiiJB.'"ali '"i "" ' ' " "ZJiW'J anume debts of JN0.000. With hit llttlo ho Jmd left he made .ome real estate .peculations vhlch were unfruitful, in that, ai hi explained je.terday, he I. nonr unable to meet the Jude. ment of hi. butcher. J.limt.t. Acala.t the 1'a.lao Theatre Co. A deelilou wag handed down ye.terday by Ju.tlca Ileekman In the Supreme Court In the ult of the State Tru.t Company again. t the Casino '1 heatre Company to forelbse a mortvagx. Heflndstbattbe tru.t company I. entitled to Jtidirment for the sale of the leasehold of tho theatre building on a mortgage for 8138.000. Klweu to .ecure tlie payment of bond., and that ltyman Maxwell has a lien of the chattels of the theatre company for 83.600 for storage. Tbo value of the ohattel. Is 840,000. The American Exchange National Hank and Franklin W.n. recelrer nf the Calno company, are also held to h,T,i.,'.e.nJ for tn mount of their claim, on the cnattela, Simpson, Crawford & Simpson. OUR announcement to-day tells of a few of the specially attractive Stocks and their specially at tractive prices which are distributed all over the store, and which will still further increase our already wide reputation for giving at all times the very best values in seasonable and desirable merchandise. Cloak, Suit and Fur Departments. ltUl.tnH,1n. i i COSTUMES with Ught-nttlnn and All tho latest idea8 for streofc, Rocfer wbbMj mlA6 of 8cKotch. house and ovening wour in mlicd tweeds and chcvlot-ftn- ished serges, lined throughout HI 7K COSTUMES, TOP COATS, with Taffeta silk, nt ZlifO OATJTa A TiftTitrwa ENGLISH WALKING COATS, CAPES and DOLMANS. tlght-flttlng. mado of Kcmey cloths. Medico collar, hand somely brnlded, collar and in "7C In FURS, new ideas in Col- fronts fur edged, nt IUi 10 LONDON TOPCOATS mode of larettos, Capes, Neck Scarfs nno Kersey clothn. lined with c QO t T rn i a i i Sntln Ilh&dame, full box front, OiuO and Ruffles, also in Seal and ,,.,,,, , ,,, ' CAPES made of English Kersey Persian Lamb Top Coats, at Cloths, cut full sweep, Satin in nn 1 Khudamo lined, nt lUiUD very low figuroa for strictly golf capes mmio with fancy first-class garments. tK.!"!..1!!? .'f!!!': 6,48 Ladies' Underwear Department." Fall Importations Of French Hand-made Frflnch Underwear Nightgowns at . . ,9B rrencn Unuerwear. With laces nnd embroideries. ChemiGe dU Nuit; French Hand-made Bridal Sets at . , (,00 Chemise de Jour; And in Cache Corsets, Jupons. Matinees. Domestic Underwear Exclusivo in design. umbkella skikts, with span- , lsh flounce of embroidery.. OSfO, Unrivalled in variety. EMWRK GOWNS n cambr)o nnd To demonstrate tho superiority TJZZZ'. 89o, in stylo and fit of our Underwear we shall sell : hubbard gowns 39c. . , tt i a UMBRELLA DRAWERS, with .n French Hand-made laca trimm!nB 49c. Chemises, Drawers and taffeta silk petticoats, n c Corset Lovers at . uQj, fancy stripe, umbrella flounce . O.0 Millinery Department. Latest Styles in Mists' and Children's Bonnets, Round Hats, wimmed Hats. : and Turbans. 4W$Lcollection of Misses' Shall exhibit to-morrClr a largo " Chil?x8 Trimmed Hats for importation of Bonne, Round droM and school oar ever dis- Hats, Toques aud Ttbans, in- P'yod by us. eluding novelties for ov "aing wear, As special values representing styles just introduced wo simii offer in Paris. 300 choice Trimmed Hats, all Also a large collection of now mado from fine materials (no stylos of Dross and Suit Hata from two alike), at $3.05 und 37 our own workrooms at very rea- 0ach. sonable prices. Ladies' Bicycle, Golf Ladles' Untrlmmed Hats and Walking Hats. in Dress Shapes. LarR(jBt colloct;ou o Lftdiea. Over 5,000 dozen Ladies' Fur Trimmed Alpines. Bicycle, Golf Felt Hata, in all the loading dross ftnfl Walking HatB we have ever shapes now popular in both Paris shown, representing over 75 dif- und New York; also shapes ex- forent stylos, elusive with us. As n 8pccnI TnIuo Tlioso Hnts are of Bilk wiro we shall ofTer blndlnc ami velvet caBes, and jqq do!!0n LudJog- Trimmed represent the largest assort- ... . . , i V mnt to be found In this coun- Alpines, m black, brown, navy try. blue and pearl, at I fie. each; rrlcea jiosltlrely the lowest. valuo '.$1.25. A Great Silk Sale. Oil Monday we shall offer our 1B0 Pieces aainch Black Satin and OroM Grain Damasse, in a nmgtiifl complete collection of both For- cit collection of patterns, nctuniQrtft . .,, value $1.00 perynrd, nt tfuG aicn and Domestic SilkB at unap- ,,, . . , eigu auu xu" j 175 Pieces 20 Inch Glaco Taffetas, In proachably low priceB. In the as- t-ompleto assortment of desirable shiule nctual value 75o. per jnn Bortment will be found many select nni, at TloC styles, also an unusually large va- oti I',ce ao-inch Binok satin nM- ' chesso, very heavy iiunllty, ac-CQrt riety of the medium qualities. tual vnluo 70o. per ynnl, nt.... Uau O.000 Vnrds Sl-inoh Black Taffeta. The Silkfl enumerated in heavy quality, actual n!uo 75c. MJn this sale represent the largest per yori1' nt C , .. ,l 7.BOO Yards 21-lncli Chniiioleon and purchases we lla.O ever niBtlO -rarfctoFnconnes. actual value nnn in Silk fabrics, consequently $ por ynnl, nt OOC wo are enabled to quote priooa B0 r,(,cC ao-moh Blnok Brocaded Oros Grain, actual value 7Bo. Bft far below anything over of- per yard, at HtUlj fered in this market No mn II orders filled for these goods. Dress Goods Department. The most varied assortment of liirrS High Grade Novelties m Blaok Brounds, with silk Jhcqutird i A and Colored Dross Goods over dis- flgure 1.111 played on our oounterB. Horotoforo $t,75. 125 Pieces 45-lnoh all-wool Bonole, One lot 42-tncli Blnok all-wool Rourrlt In Colored Rrounds, with black Orfa Homespun Suiting, worth CQfi curl forming a neat itrlps,..,.. Ollf 91.00 yard, at Ouu Good value at $1,25. . .., . . . One lot 4 7-1 ri oil Black llongh Twine 175 Pieoes 63-iuch French Broad- Canvas 8nltlnjr, with Jacqunrd oloth.ln a full range of new Ofcn K"- wt 1.28 yard, AK fallcblorlngs... OUU at UUU Were 91.UB. mi rvkNisitRD. Sixth Avenue, 19th to 20th Street. HmrmJ ittm.-rm sva, -f -g m",l T" ?,tr Til k 1 1 1 ' -t - " 3M- g . J, jT, ., . "7, , ' IHHEARIM 1 Wcsi FcurtcntaStrct ' J TALK IS CHEAP. M Quote prices if you have the goods! f Theories don't count against factsi DRESS SILKS. Questions thst will help to quick ch.lcsl Changsabl. Taff.ta Silks rich full luitr-n.K- tlln. (snto and rurpl. stiadlnit 60 Warp Printed TalT.tai street and ert nlnf shadM larr and medium dritgns 49 Brocaded tiro, da Londras scroll effects In newest colorings 70 Colored silk nehgallnea full round cord-rich lultre ,..,, 30 brocaded Satins eTenlng shades. 00 All Silk Dlsck Satin Toklns wide and narrow atrlpea CO Kxtraqualltr Dlack Brocaded Groa Oralm it Inches wide choice deigns (If teen styles .00 Bilk Velrets-noir Fall shade. 70 cents... ,i 08 oent. 1.35 Dlack Cloaklru Velreta St inch 1,36 7lneta 1.00 FLANNELS are staple Mnsllns, and ret seldom ar auortmenta found complete .., Ours Is one of the "excep tional" .took, that contain, fait line. Bleafhed Cantons 7U to .SO Unbleached Canton. 6K .18 Domets 4K to ,10 Shakers and All Wools .17 to ,75 Scarlet Twllla-all wool .19 to .46 orav anl Navjr TrrilU .10 to .46 Fancy Printed .10 to .44 Cotton and Wool Eiderdowns .15 to .66 811k EmbU .30 (0 3.08 AS SPECIAL we wilt offer this Extra quality Cantdn Flannels f nil bleached , OW cents Heary TJnbt.ached Canton. 8 et. Good quality Domete 4McU Fine White Wool Flannel. .24 cU Bearlet Medicated Twill. . 1 0 cts White Silk F.mb'd Flannel. .30 cU Stripe bomet Skirt Pattern. -a yds .1 0 cu BLANKETS. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC ere long since (enroled to flnt oood at populnr prices. Those trho irotiM Infnltice oHier inelhnd trtJl meet nd prnfrie populafian. ten qaARTEd blamkets Fine White Wool 1.69 Extra Qn.Wh.tte Wool 2.29 White California Wool-shrunk 3.20 Fine California dray Wool 2.98 StrtcUy All Wool White and Scarlet 8.98 ELEVEl QUARTER BLANKETS Fine White Fleecy .79 Extra ITeavy White, Gray and Tan ,08 Fine White Wool 1.D8 Fxtra Heary White Wool 2 98 California Whlts Wool-shrunk 3.98 Extra tine White California 4,49 Strictly All Wool-old fashioned home mad. 4.98 Finest All Wool White California 008 Gray, Scarlet and Sanltary-.trlctly all wool 3.08 Finest Australian All Wool Scarlet .08 TWELVE Q0RUTEP. BLANKETS Fine White California Wool shrunk 4.98 Extra fine Whit California Wool 6.08 Superfine White California Wool 0.98 Ftne.t Australian 411 Wool Scarlet 7 19 FOURTEEN QUARTER BLANKETS Flneft Australian All Wool Scarlet 10.49 ffuio (o do butiMW SAY you undersell Wie uortd anil fall to mtet the prices of your earthly neighbors. New yard wide French Percales 64 Extra neary Napped Flannels alto Best Dress Ginghams CV New Fancy Flannelette. copies of all Wool ai?S cents 7f Freneb Twill Sateens-Iatrst silk designs 6W New Dii: Cambrics Indigo, Claret and Oarnst 414 nustle Skirt Llnlngs-all shadea-ge Incb 64 Extra One and Heary Skirting Moreens 17 Jfotc In trrlfe dn artt'erltnemenf : Tilfce rt lot nf fjtatefilt it up tojfh trords. out diin't quote vrtert, 01 tf you inttef, as few an pot itUe, Girls' New ITeary Weight Iteefers tine mixtures and Uour.ttes S to layrs ,, 3,08 Little Children's Walking Coats plain and fany combinations- to S yrs . , 2.98 Misses' Double Ilreait Jackets shield front-high to IB yrs, 3,08 Girls' Fsncy Cloth Dresses contrasting yoke and rerers-6 to 1 4 yrs ,, 1,08 Boys' All Wool Dnnblo and niH-fer Suits-neat mixtures-ages S to IS yrs, 1,08 Boys' All Wont Double Bread and nearer Suits nary andmlxed cberlots-agvf Hto If) 2,08 Bos' All Wool Knee Pantl- nay and mixed chsrlolt-sges 4 to IS yrs.. ., ,40 Boys' Ail Wool and Corduroy Klifa,PantB- majortty with doublo seats and knees, t 60 Boys' Chinchilla Bcffers-sallor collar braid trim-ages 8 to B rrs , 2.08 Boys' Alt Wont Chinchilla Iteefers- relretand sailor roller braid binding agesStolSyrs 8,08 There't Intt nf air a'tttrrina, Rnmrfntl claim greater anil fiiperior facilUlri for litttinem mti any ami atl competitors... .Where does Crwli rome In t Complete Assortments of Merino and other Woven Underwear for Ladle?, Men and Children Better ralues than ererl LADIES' nwlia Rib Cotton Vests .nd Pints .10 to .40 fiwlsa Rib Merino .40 to 1,00 Owls, nib wool 1.00IO2 26 Swiss Ulb Merino Union Suit. 1,40 to 1 08 Swiss iilb all wool 0,00 10 2,60 Henry Merino Vests and Pants ,03 to 1.00 All Wool Vests and Pants Natural, White Camel's hair and Medicated ,00 to l.GO MEN'S rieary Merino Shirts and Drawers .30 to ,70 Natural Wool ,00 to 1,70 CamoCslislr .08 to 1,70 abdicated all wool-fast color. ,08 to 2.00 Natural and Camel's hair Shlru double breast and baok 1.2D to 1,76 All slios, Including extra large I .i,."h."ji j,.,. ' 1 .ii.ii.w, . j,is,fi,tii.ilii.ioae.iiutt, LACE CURTAINS I Becaus a great manufacturer failed 1 and wo bongbt I The Stpck at Half Vatue J partly explains 9 These Wonderful Oferlngs I At opening of season, (I Just when most In demand m At 08 oent... ..1,000 pair Curtatn. il Nottingham and Bcotoh C4 inches wlitt . ) Elegant desltns-that yon cannot And : The equal of tor le4 than 1.7fll ' Another thousand pair at CO and 70 ceats, .1 fully worth aocbla. I This Is a Cnrtsln Sal without preoedsntl , I At 1.40 and 1.08 'I Extra fine Scotch Lace Curtaias-Grectsa CM Colonial designs -nsrer mads to seU tor loss tbaxt ;'l J1.50 and 13 50. ) These Include Curtains fnll four yards Ions! At 2 40 and 2.08 We will s.ll Point D'E.prlt and Brussels ffects that will astonish those who sse qualities. W. nerer sold fins goods so low.... THIS I. a Curtata ' Sale to be remembered for many a day! ,1 llagnlflcent Valuea Irish Point and Tambeur Lace Curtains .1 Stirling at 1.76 for Irish Point. , 1.98 for Tambour1 Sash, jl 2.08 for Tambour, rail length. . Price, nerer before quoted for Real Lacesl fl Particularly Fine Lou of REAL TAMfiOUR CURTAINS I At 4.98 to 7.08 I Clegant goods, cholc.deslgn-less than fonnerwbotg. ( ' .ale cost Less than other houses bare to pay. Wonderful Valnes In f -J Irish Point Curtains 3.98 to O.OfV f M White, Irory and Cream V) H '1 Eighty styles Best and NswesM S S "j Speofal Bargains In Tlearr Curtalna. Hi No room, thU week, for quotaUoflil e flj iVeto York is a great Big Place , T( etsi to taWt not so earn to dot M Boatting to undersell the world I Is easier than g flj To Meet These Prices! ll Cream Table Damasks T9 Inch 6 designs ,89 ' Linen Napklns-M slie 8 designs dl .60 9 All Linen lunch Cloth.- Hi yard. .80 U Bsmmed IlJck Towel. 81x48 .12 flj Cheek Olas Towelling 17 Inch 6M -:l Qemstltobed bordered Lawna 40 Inch CM il Apron Checks and India Linen Plaids BU - Men's II. S. Hdkfs-emb'd Initial JcJ7sI.H Steel and Fancy Mend Buttons " t , 5 'IB Japanese Silk Lambrequins- gold rV" 1.B4 tffll oandp.tnted Toilet Set. "" 1.06 tfl Qnlre boxes fine Stationery ,12 t Taffeta Rlbbone-rel ret edge-color, ft blk .19 V flj EM Inch Satin and Silk Ribbons 0 V jfl Ladles' Lace and Ribbon Yokes ,30 HJ Taffeu Silk Ruchlngs-Velret edge 1,10 jfl Steel Spectacle, and Bye Glasses goodlsaA .30 IflJ Combination Cases and Pocketbooks .43 flj Sterling surer Button nooks. K all Files, fto VA .40 ' Roger. Triple plated Frnft Knlree Xds 108 H Qaadrnpla mated Toa Sets 4 pea 08 H Roger. Tea and Dessert Spoons Mds .-08 H Rogers Dinner and Dessert Porks Jds .00 ,H Ladles' jackets and Capes Ladles' Wraps and Gossamers Ladles' Dresses and Skirts Ladies' Waists and Wrappers 9 form one el the most Import. nt sections of sur stereo, jH and ne garment can be round that Is of pl.t H season's mskc or purchasing All Is NEW aba. H luttly, unqusllllcdly NEW I H This week's Specials Include- H 000 New Jscxeu of the late ,t fashlonsbl. flj material. Black and dark mixtures, also 'IJ plalncolors, some trlm'd with fur or flj braid, others with plain tailor flclsb- , H liglit fitting and box-with flj latest collars and latest sleerrs- flj At.. 8.98 .. 6.98 .7.08 0.08., .12.08 H Very exceptional value' flj 000 New Cloth Cape. IJ Jatinty effects In Astrakhan and other jflj fenigh cloths, also Jetted and Braided cloths H with and wnnoulfur- flj At . 8.40 .. 6.40 ...0.08 ..8.08 , 10.08 H Many of erau the lowest priced are lined with obano. flj able or plain silks. flj Very Ilandsume Plush Capes -.flj richly embroidered with braid flj and Jet-fleep collar -Thibet fur trim H silk serge llnlug all sites 0.88 flj Another style-new umbrella effect tiflfl trim d with real seole and tails 8.08 Stylish Plush Military Coats- Wt cutaway fronr-satln merrellleux lining flJJ silk fonrasltrs-fiirtrlmM gauntlets and ,JIJ eollar-rery Jaunty gariuentai met 9J counterparts of Imported ModHs that HJ sen at sraoo ..., 1.,,,, 10.88 H Reefer Costume, of new rough mixtures 'flj and tine serge-silk Mned Bklrti and fljflj jiMdreu-tbs r.ry ( stylss .,.,.....,. 8.03 fl Flna Corert and Rough fAfl Oherlot Contumes somoSlth 1 'flj Mllltaty Jackets-all with new gorelklrts-s ityhr... 10.08 And 16,08 '"Sflfl New Wool Walsts-rialda. H Stripes and plain colon and f.l Black, with and without tucks. v'flfl braid trim, or Bolero effects, with and 'l without detachablo wool or linen collars , jflflj 1,10. 140 ...1,08. 2.00 0.88 !M New Kllk Walst.-Llght and dark liVfll fanoy flowered effects and vfll handsome plaids and satin figured ' iflflj taffetal-new sleerc. and collar- .jflVJ some with rclret- IqlflflnJ 1.08....2.40 . 3.08 4.08 6,08 fl Handsome Notelty Silk Wains Ivfll rich effects In new colorings CiflflJ alio chiffon for er, nlug wear-white and colors f-Sfll 7, 70 9,08.. ..11.08 16.08 ' Silk Dress Skirts ''M Mg'd Taltetat, Satin Brocades, IJ Moires, and tiros Oraln perfect iSflJ Inshapesnd (it 4,08 0.08.. 0,08.. .IB. 08 J Fins Wool Press skirts Black and Colored rough and ifljfl Smooth materlsl. mlsturss. eheoks, flj Plata and Plain new gore -aflj 1,08.. . .2.08 ... 3.08 ...4.08 0,08 rflflj flH New Fall and Winter 'Jflj (MILLINERy one thouund M TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS 'H no two alike jflVJ Qusllty night JtTls.ltlgbl PrloaisUfMI t Ladlss' flat, and BonueU 4,08 to 20.00 H Cbllsrea'.BaU .00 to 10)0 ' i .ttiWWtft.1. WeSta&8, tiJ.JeVfervlMfJ '.A. ..-.1 . ....Atfrl- tMJ- - . .. .. flflj