OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 06, 1896, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1896-10-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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(tVJj& 33$Kie VMlX L" A I K iMlSSWKlt A9W J Generally fair , northerly winds. i
jtEAX cnoirva amtait iiisi ix the
ItAIX AT CllBllUOVllll.
A Squally Pnsseae or the Chsonel-The
Cznr's Yacht rlurronnded by tVnr Ship
President Faure Meets the Iinptrlnl
Couple Tim Start at Night for rurl.
CnEiuiouno, Oct. 6. The Czar and Czarina
arrived hero from Portsmouth. Englnnd, at ".
o'clock this afternoon and had a frantto ovation
from tho Immenso crowds that hail nsscmbltd
near tho Ilasstn ilu Commerce, the Avant Port,
anil tho quajs In that neighborhood. Tho
weather was stormy throughout tho night, and
early tlila morning tho rain was falling heavily.
This had a bad effect on tho many beautiful
j decorations, but did not dampen tho cnthusl
'( Mm of the multitude, which, armed with urn-
f brella. early sought points of vantage from
' which they could not bo drlvon by stress of
' Weather.
1 Along tho routo from tho Qual dol'Anclon
Arsenal, which fronts tho eastorn side of tho
I Avant I'ort, to tho railway station wero num.
', berlcss Venetian malts, which presented a hand-
some sight last night, but which this morning
X looked somewhat bedraggled, after having been
exposed to the storm. Manr of them wero blown
T. down by a heay squall which struck hero dur
( lng tho night, and a largo forco of workmon
il was put at work early this morning to replaco
U them as far as possible.
8 All night long thousands of persons of all
I ages and conditions tlockod Into tho town from
I all parts of tho Interior, and the trains arriving
I this morning brought thousands more Tho
S streets wero literally packed, but tho crowds
wero very ordorly and extromcly good-natured.
Every ono appeared to bo anxious to show
tit friendship for tho great ally of Franco, and as
I 1 tho hour approathod that had boen llxed for
I 1 tho Cxar's arrival, feverish expectancy could
i) bo seen written on tho faces of tho thousands
mil that wero closs to the water front. Tho eastern
liWu Vond western attics and tho glacis at the en
Hl ?tranco to tho Avant Port were black with
I humanity, Nonobut favored Individuals, how
I I over, were allowed on these places, for from
ll ' them the first and best views of tho approach
Mi lng naval procession could ba had, and the
ll yacht Polar fatar, bearing the Czar and Czarina
II and their suites, passod up to tho Quai da
MsT l'Anclcn Arsenal through tho two Jetties. Largo
- numbers of gendarmes wero every whera
ft",vuMf,nt, but they had no dllllculty in keeping
K f '"the crowds wero perfectly tractable.
0LW -"a still galo was blowing outside tho harbor
all the morning, and a very high sea was run
t nlng, which made tho crossing of tho Channel a
most unpleasant experience for those not used
to sea ''".ages. It was recalled that tho Czar
was tA:y good 6allor. ho bav lug made a voy
age almost aro'und the world while ho was
Czare witch: but much sympathy was expressed
for tho Czarina, who. In addition to being In
"" delicate health, la unused to sea voyages. A
r storm signal was flj lng on the breakwater, and
altogether the weather conditions wero most
i At 8 o'clock tho French northern squadron
left tho roadstead and headed across the Chan
nel for the purpose of meeting tho Russian
yachts and British war ships accompanying
them. Tho squadron was reCnforced by wnr
,-, ships sent from Rochefort and Brest. They all
,J jLi proceeded to about tho middle of the Channel.
Wl where they drew up la line and awaited the
fjLcomlnir ft the Czar.
axia-boA noon Blgnals on tho breakwater an
.'. xtonnccd that thj Polar Star had been sightod,
t and tho pent-up enthusiasm of the crowd broke
1 forth In a mighty cheT. Prior to this, how
ever, tho crowd know .ne yacht was approach
ing, for there bad been faintly hoard tho deep
booming of tho guns from tho French and
British war ships as they met off shore.
As the vessels aporoached the breakwater the
Polar Star was seen to bo making hea y w eather
of it, sometimes pitching almost bows under.
Despite this, as tbe yacht pasod Into the har
bor past tho breakwater the Czar was Been
standing on tho bridge, wrapped in a storm
proof cloak. ....
As tho Polar Star passed In tho forti on tho
breakwater thundered forth an imperial salute,
and the crowds ashore broke forth In wild
cheering. Tho war ships passed ahead of the
' yacht In the harbor and ranged themselves in
ln lines, through which the Polar Star steamed
alowly to tbe Qua! do l'Anclen Arsenal, followed
. by the Standart. As the Polar bear passed tho
'-' bands on tho French war ships played the Rus
sian national nnthem. Tho Russian standard
was flying at tho heads of their foremasts.
On the quay awaiting the coming of their
Majesties was President Faure, attired in
evening dress, with the ribbon of tbe Legion of
Honor. Ihere were also present M. Challemel
Lacour, President of the Senate, SI. HrlBson,
President of tho Chamber of Deputies: M.
Mellne President of tbe Council of Ministers
and Minister or Agrlcnlturo; M. Ilnnoluux.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a large number
of high naval and military offlevrs M. Mellno
wore tbe green decoration of tbe Merito Agri
cole. M. Iianotaux was attired In diplomatic
uniform, with the red decoration of the Russian
Ordsrof St. Andrew.
Baron do Mohrenhcim. Russian Ambassador
to France: Count LannesdeMontebello. French
Ambassador to Russia; Admiral Bcsnard. Min
ister of Marine, with his newly obtained star
of the Legion of Honor, and the staff appointed
to attend the Czar and Czarina whllo they are
In France, wsro also present.
Owing to the high wind and rougli water, con-
slderabTe difficulty wns experienced In Kitting
tho Polar Star alongsldo tho qua. During tho
oanccuvrlng to get her In position for tbe land
ing of her august passengers the v ast multitude
In the vicinity wan perfectly quiet, but when
the gangway waa finally In position and thu
Czarina stepped onto tho quay, followed almost
Immediately after by the Czar shouts of "Long
Llvd thoCzarl" "Long Live Ilnatlal" rent tho
air and wero repeated again and again. Hats,
handkerchiefs, and umbrellas were waved In
thjht and tho crowd shouted Itself hoarse In
tbl enthusiasm of Its welcomo to the great
It Indof l ranee.
Jbo rooms In the Arsenal, adjoining the land
' place, that had been prepared for the ro
ttlon pf their Majesties wero most hand
fc. m'r, decorated. The first salon, was fur-
dU -pished In crimson satin and decoruud with naval
A "trophies. The second, or diplomatic italon, was
b furnlKhed In yellow satin, with Dowers and
Mr magnificent mirrors leading Into two spacious
H cabinet dr tmletlr, Tho dining room was fur
mr nlshed in pale grt.cn antln, with tapestry door
r" liangtugs, artillery tropin, i and models of tor
pedoes and naval machinery. In thin romn
there wasa tablo of honor In tho Louis Ml',
' P" J".?1 or!ly' "en. together with two
othor table mating sixty more.
A the Czarina stepped ashore President
taure prcnented her with a beautiful tloral
offering, and uttertd n few cordial words of
welcome, after bowing low and kissing tho
bandof htr Majesti.
ThoCznrwas attired In tho uniform of antrnl
officer, and worn on bis tiriusltlm Orand Cross
of thoLtgioii of Honor. As bo lundidoi. tho
qua President rnuro supped forward and
Kjeeted him 'lh 7arxttndrd his hand, and
after a hearty hand nhako the I'n ulilont in a few
happily chosen words weleomed him tnl'raiun.
Tho Czar replied brlilh after which M l'auro
gave his arm to t in i irinn, and. with tb t nr
on hlu right, walkod m Hie rtrcntlon room in
the Arsenal, whero the dlstlncmilied peron
agss present wero Intruduetd to thiir .Majes-
bhortly after tho Imperial couplo had landed
tho sun broke througli tlieclumlb, und this wax
I taken as a hanti) augurs
hlle the llrst greetings wero be Inirevrliangirt
between .M, lauro and tho I inr the band on
tlie Polar Htar plaj ed tbe "M ir-eillulso 'uftei
' whith the Fnnoli naval band piajed llio Itua.
slan national anthem.
'Hie sjmpalhy the crowd had xprefsedfir
the Czarluu. thinking khu would -utlur fioin
nnl lit iiKt.wasiipiiurentlj wasted, for Winn al(l
wisnl nslioro her fato tbowed no traeo i f her
having been seatick.
At 4 o'elock tho Czar. M, Knure, and their
respective suites imbirkcd upon tliu desnmei,
bout Klan and rtluwid the (iiuadron ui ilin
harbor. '1 he crew of each vessel chruird lie art.
kelly as tbe Llan appruuchid. 'ihepari boarded
ami Inspucted thu turret ships lioehe and U.
vines, 'ihn ( zar eoiupllmctite'd tin tr eoni
mandtrs upon the bp!eiulld condition uf their
Alter tho review the Czar Joined tho Czarina
at tho Arsenal, and the-y icturiied tu thu Polar
Mar, wliete they remained until it was time fur
' them to atund the banquet,
it was the Intention tu hao tho Czar itnrf
a s mm flglit. but owing to the bad wuathei ion.
dltlonjand tlie shortness of his Majesty's Mm
hers this was abandoned.
It was noticed that tho Czar conversed In an
animated way with M. taure, und this was
I mu h commuuted upon in view of the rtports
, 1 W taciturnity whllo in aermany. JJUUaJ.
jL i.e-JL --. . ' -
csty appeared to bo dellghtel with the warmth
of his reception, and this fact added greatly to
the enthusiasm of tils welcome!!.
The fact that tho Czar did not travcrso tho
streetB earned great disappointment to tho
crowds, which were prepared to glvn further
evidence of their good will to tho Autocrat of
all tho Russian.
'Ihe ( rar and Czarina had a short rest beforo
0 o'elock, at w hlch hour n magnificent banquet
was spread In tho dining room. . , , ,
It was the original Intention that the Imperial
visitors should traverse tho streets of the city,
but tbe unplens am state of the weather forbado
tills, and at K o'clock the Czar and Czarina and
tholr suites boarded tho special train that was
awaiting them at tho Arsenal, a track having
been specially laid thereto from tho railway
station, and started for Paris President Fnure-.
the Ministers, nnd other high ofllclals started
for Pnrlson the train on which they travelled
to Cherbourg last night. , , . .
1 alien altogether tho reception to tho Imperial
visitors horn was one long to bo remembered,
and must have Impressed tho Czar with tho
great friendship entertained for him by tho
1 rench, not nlono tno oftlelal class, but by nil
tho people.
PtiHTSMOirril, Oct. G. High winds prevailed
throughout the night, kicking up a rougli sea
In tho Channel and rendering things altogether
disagreeable, but this morning the wind sub
sided und the air was cold and tho sky clearing.
Gradually tho clouds rolled away and tho sun
contributed Its share toward making It a bril
liant morning. Tho arrangements for tho dn
parturo of the Car and t zarlna for lranco
which were made sivcraldavs ago wero perfect,
and the nrogrammo was carried out to the last
detail. '1 ho Russian Imperial yachts Polar Star
and bfnndnrt, tho former having tho Czar
and Czarlua on board, wero escorted by
vessels of tho British Channel HecU each
of tho yachts being attended by threo
battlo ships which wero stationed on tho quar
ters of the Russian vessels Cruisers wore sta
tioned at tholr bows and twelve torpedo ilo
Bttoycrs followed In their wake. Tliolleut start
ed at 7 .10 o'clock nmid tho booming of tho
cunnoa tiring the roynl saluto nnd the cheering
of tbe bluejackets and tho crowds on shore.
Before leaving tho Czar and Czarina sent a
most cordial mosiago to the Gjticcn, thanking
hcrMaJcstj for her hospitality.
Tlin programmo for tho Czar's visit to Paris Is
a long and elaborato one. It Includes an appro
priation of yoo 000 francs to be devoted to pay
ing the rents of the poor. This is gtren in lieu
of the money heretofore appropriated on great
btnto occasions for freo wine, Ac, for the
masses. The Czar will stop at tho Russian
Kmbassy. where, shortly after his arrival, ho will
lunch with his suite and tho personnel of tho
Kmbnssv. There will bo a thanksgiving ser
vice at the Russtancburcb.au olllcial visit to
tho palaco of Elys6owlth anescortof cuiras
siers, a return visit from President Fnuro. an
nudienco or two., and llnally u dinner at tho
Llrsee, which w 111 be marvellously Illuminated,
and to which "00 Invitations have been Issued.
Those who will atttend the banquet nre the
Presidents of the Ch tmber of Deputies nnd
the Senate, tho Ambassadors, the Ministers, tho
lionernls commanding army corps, and tho
great state otllclals. 1 ho onatnrs and Depu
ties have begged vainly for places for them
solves and their wives at this banquet. Nor will
they be admitted to tho reception which will
follow tho dinner. JustOO additional Invita
tions havo been Issued for tho reception, and
among those bidden will bo certain of the great
names of trance
After tho reception at 10 o'clock a gala per
formance will bo given at tho opera. To this
entertainment a number of Semators and Deuu
tles have been Invited. Another lot of the par
liamentarians will bo allowed to attend a gala
performance to be given at tho Comedlo Fran
chise on tho following day. At tho opera
an act of "bamton" will probabl) bo
given, and tho great staircase scene In
"alammbo," with, nerhaDs. scones from
"Thais" and "'lbo C id " 1 be programme at
theComedie Frangalse will probabl Include a
selection from " l.e Malado Imaelnalrv," and In
nnj enso a recitation by Mounet-bully. At both
theatres the dress circle has been converted Into
a vast Imperial box. At tho opera a special
salon has been fitted up for tho Czarina extend
ing to the graud marble staircase. The Interior
decorations are tnsrvollouslv beautiful.
On tbo second day of the Czar's visit the
foundation stonu of tho great now bridge, tbo
Pont Alexandre III. will bo luid. President
Faure will attend with all tho great officers of
state, a cantata will be sung by choirs to the
accompaniment of massed orchestras, and rep
resentatives will bo present from tho various
commercial chambers and syndicates of France.
From the bridge the parti will proceed to tho
Mint, where n commemorative medal will bo
struck in honor of tho Czar's vllt. lhswork
snoos will bo decorated In sotnbro tints sm
bollo of Labor and sobriety. Only thoso work
men who are not suspected of Socialist or
Anarchist tendencies will bo allowed within tho
Mint during tho Czar's visit, 'laoestries will
drapo the walls and around the statue of An
tolnc. the architect of tho Mint, there will b a
profusion of flowers on trl-colored draper). Tho
museum nttacheel will form a magmiirent re
ception hall, tapestried with Gobelins, and cur
tHlnod with crimson velvet. M. Cochery, the
Minister of Finance, will recclvo tho Czar at
Alter tills visit tho French Academy will hold
a seance In honor of tho Czar. Ills Majesty
will also visit Notre Dume and tho Hotel do
Vllle. Tho visit to tbe latter place will be Hto
in the afternoon, when twilight will havo pet in
and the marvellous electric Illumination of tbo
municipal palaco will be in all its dazzling
glory. 1 lie windows will be draped with French
und Russian fags. In front there will be a mar
quee supporting a broad balcon. from vvhlch
the Kmperor and Empress will show themselves
to the crowd.
A Bllllloa Strangers In Town To-day Is a
ilolleliay for Kvervbuil).
Paris, Oct. .") Tho boulev irds this evening
presented a remarkablo sight. It had been
stormy carlj In the daj.and this caused the
greatest discomfort to tho thousands of v Isltors
who had beon unablo to sccuro lodgings in tbo
city or vicinity.
Tho museums and other places were thronged
with people, who went to them, not to seo whut
was to be Feci, but to escape from the falling
rnln. Toward evening, however, tho weather,
that litd given promlso of clearing In tho early
afternoon, became fine, and then tho nrincipnl
streets becamo falrls Jammed w Ith people who
were looking forward with the most pleasurable
anticipation to tho coming of the Russian im
perial part).
All tho caff son tho boulevards wero uncom
fortably crowded, and a steady stream of hu
manity llowed along tbo sidewalks nnd fre
quently overflowed Into the roadways. Tho
crowds were In holiday humor, laughing nnd
Joking, nnd It took little to plenso them. Tho
street singers were tho recipients of much at
tention, and they re up. d no small harvest from
their listeners.
1 ho9u bunds sang tho Itustian national hymn,
than which no music is inoro popular In Paris
Just at prcent. '1 heir hetrors would remove
their hats while tho singing was In progress,
nnd upon its conclusion would lndulgo in tbo
most enthusiastic applause.
(iny crowds gathered about tho places whero
workmen wero hurrlcdlv engaged In finishing
the decorations, and Jokes ami Jests wero freely
indulged in.
'throughout tha night hawkers traversed tho
streelK soiling portraits of thu ( at and ( zarlnn,
for which thero was an enormous demnnd.
either snuv enirs of thu occasion also mot w lib a
reads sile.
It is estimated Hint thnro arn full) l.OOO.OflO
Mrangcrsln thncit), 'I ho e low ds vire remark
uhlv orderly and the police have llttli work to
do be) und keeping country people out of danger.
'In. morrow will be a general lioll'ln) in honor
of the vlnlt of the IVar. All tho shops and
ollli i anil tho BourMi and hanks will bo closed
Kveuuttho Post (llllce thvro will to a partial
hoi!. In), onh two deliveries of mall beluu inuile
during thednv
ibu iiir will publish to-morrow p. despatch
from Paris sn)lng that tho whole diplomatic
tod) lutliutelt) is dlfcconltnled over lib treat
ment liy thoso having charge of tho reception
of the Czar,
As )el tbo diplomats have only received Invl
tatlons to ntti nd thu gul,v performance at thu
()era, ')) havo not been asked to at
tend tho t or's into Into the ult), the
luiithrnii at thu Russian hmbass), the
ten moil) at tbo Russian church, tho
I'lnmrnt thu Palatnnf the KljsCc, tho laiing
of the Inundation Mono if the Alexandre III.
hridLu, which is pracllrall) tlie inaugural of
thu exhibition to bu held in 11100. tho vMt'to
Vi rsallles, or the purformanco lit thu Comedlo
1 raii.uUc
ihu writer assumes that thin slighting of tho
diplomatic hod) is prompted b) unxlit)lest
ttiiv of tho Ambussudnrn should tnverc Willi
thee mi und lessen tho Impression that his
MaJet)' affection Isfolel) bestowed on France.
'I bu incident is unprecedented.
llrenltluc Kncdgeiilfiifs tit Hpeak iiud Ahlcf
lu;s Wheie l'opoerut tnu'l Me-t nt llliu,
I l mvifi r, K) Oct, S. r-onator Blackburn,
who was to begin Ills slumping tour of Ken
tiuk) last wcok, seems to havo disappeared. Ho
failed to fill tw o appointments on Saturday and
another ono to-da), and tho Popucratla Com
mini u cannot get a word fromhlin, 'Ihe eg to
taltue la q great dlitreta in coiiooquepco.
ox a irtisT siioni: nu:ia nr.
The Victims tVere In Heparato Cars, nnd
the Ilobbers I.stered Them from tbe
Hoofs lloth Alea Jleaten Into Insensl
blllty and 810J Tnteen from Them.
Kinuhtov, N, V., Oct, G.-Tho oxplolt of
Oliver Curtis Porry is recalled by a remark
ably daring train rubbery which took placo on
tho West Mioro Road, botwten Newburgh nnd
this place, on baturday night. Four men,
wearing masks mado of rod bandnnna hand
kerchiefs, hold In placo with bits of ordinary
twlno, scaled the sides of a freight train, mov
ing along nt tho ruto of forty-five miles an
hour, swung themselves Into the open doorway
of ono of tho cars and thero attacked a drover
who was riding with somo valuable, horses
of his own. Tho man was beaten Into Insonsl
blllty bv tho thieves nnd then thrown Into
a corner of thocnr, his head and face cut and
bleeding nnd his body covered with bruises
from tbo kicks administered b) his assnitants.
From his pockets tho thieves got $100 In money
nnd a gold watch and chain. Then they onco
muro scaled tho car to tho roof, doscondetl In
similar fashion to tho next car. where thoy ad
ministered about tho same sort of treatment to
tho mau thoy found there, who happened to bo
the brothor of their first victim,
Beforo tho train reached this placo tho rob
bers had all escaped, nnd although the polico
and railroad bands, nsslsted by posses of cit
izens, havo scoured tho country for miles
around, they bavo not found the slightest traeo
of them. Iho polico aro now looking for ono
Brocky Daran, former convict and crook, know n
all along the road, and three comrades, who
got Into a brawl In a saloon near here on Sun
day morning, and, after shooting a man
who Interfered with them, crossed the river
In n small boat and mado their escape All four
of tho meu bad money and revolvers, both of
which they dlspla)ed at various places of ill
repute near bore, and, as tho possession of
money is always Indicative of a fresh crime with
Brocky, tho polico aro now convinced that ho
and his companions were the four men who
assaulted and robbed the drovers.
Tho general opinion among tho railroad peo
ple and the police Is that tbo robbery was care
fully planned weeks ago, and that the drovers
who were robbed had been marKed as victims
for somo time. They are Henry and Joseph
Hilton of Now Scotland, N". Y., reputable cattle
men, and supposed to bo worth conslderablo
money. Their stook Is always very valuahlo
nnd thoy rarel) ship horses without accompany
ing tho consignment themselves.
All along tho lino of tbo road from New York
to Albany they aro well known from tho fre
quency of their trips, and It has always been
pretty well understood that they were In tho
habit of carrying a great deal of money with
them. On 1 riday last tho Hiltons went down to
New York to come up with two carloads of
horses which wero being shipped to them from
the West. Tho men got in separate cars so as
to be nblo to attend to all uf the stock. They
left Wehawken on baturday afternoon on
freight tram No Til. which is ono of the fastest
f relglit trnlns on tbe road. That they might bo
able to communicate with one nnother tho
doors of tho freight cars were left open, and up
the hide of each car wero four cleats nailed
t blocks, forming a sort of ladder up which
they could climb to the roof, rbey could then
easily walk to the next ear and make thu do
scent In tho same wa .
Just whero tho four robbers got on the train
Is not known positively, but they probably
boarded It at Newburgh, as they wore not no
ticed an) where when the train stooped thero
for water. After the train left Newburgh It had
a clear track and the speed made was forty-five
mllos an hour, so that it would havo been prac
tically Impossible for any one to bavo boarded
It after that. Tho agent at a small way station,
Just a fow mites from New hurkh. remembered
seeing -ome men riding on the bumpers of No
TO as it passed him, and they wero undoubtedly
the thieves
It was when tho train had reached a point
several miles this side of I'lster Park that tho
robbers concluded that the time for action lad
come, and. adjusting the Improvised masrs,
the) climbed tu the- top of tho freight cur,
crnwltd along on their hands and knees until
tliey got tu a point direct!) over the open door
nnd then began to let themselves down llenr)
Hilton was in thu cur entered first and lie
stared in nmazeiuent at tho first mnn who
swung himself through the door. It enned an
Impossible feat ul the speed tho train was tun
ing and ho did not know whether ho was
dreaming or not Right after tho first man,
however, came anottier, and after him still an
other, tho fourth remaining on thu roof ns a
When ho saw tho threo men Hilton realized
that the) weru n band uf robbers, and, grubbing
n stick, stood back to defend lillntlf. 1 ho iui u
did not wustu anv tlmo In spurring or sMrmtsh
lng. but It t into Hilton all at once. I he brawny
drover's arms swung around with llghtnlng.llku
rapldlt). and ut each blow ho t-cut a roblnr
reeling acryss tho cur. His stick brake ut a
critical point of the argument, und ho was then
cbllged to defend himself entlrel) with his fists.
Ho would probabl) havo wiped out the whole
b end. but for tho fact that ouo of the men, who
seemed to bo the leader, whipped out a revolver
and, sticking It under tho drover's noso, com
manded, " Hold up )our handsl" The slglit of
tho pistol rattled Hilton and before ho could
recover blmsslfho got a blow over tbe back of
the lnad thut knocked tbo senses out of Mm.
'the three men then Jumped on him together
and did not let tho unconscious mun alone until
tbev hud wreuked vengeuueo ou him for tlie
Bletlc.o-h'unmer blows bo had rained on them
w hen lie had a bit of a chance in tho light.
Aftur rilling Hilton's pocket and kottlng
S100 and bis gold watch and chain tho thieves
throw him into a corner of tlie ear and on get
ting tho signal from tho man ou tbo roof mat
nil was well, carefully ascended to tho top.
During thu tight In the car Hilton had repeated
ly veiled for help at tho tupof ills voftu. hoping
to attract the attention of his brothor. Thu
thieves, ton. had jelled at their com
panion on tho roof to enmo down und
taka a band In tbo light, and there
was a good deal of ) riling und swearing.
Hilton savs. whllo thought was going on, but
none of the train hands heard a Bound, and
Joseph Hilton declared that ho did not heir
anything nt all.aiidilld not know that anything
out of the urdlnuri hud hupponcd until tlie
threo meu swung themselves into his cur, one
after tho other. In preclsel) tho same wa that
they had entered the first car, Joseph took in
tiitiFliuatlon the moment ho saw tho iirstpair
of leg appear below the top of tho door.
Picking up a lit av) club howuut over by tho
entrance und wulted for the rest of tlio body to
appear. Ah hoop as thu man landed In tlie ear.
which bo managed to do by giving himself a
hw lng, which was bound to land film either in
the tiirorln eternity. Hilton grabbed him b) tbo
throat, and, raising his club, exclaimed:
' I'll clicjim ten set otitis to get out of this
car again tlie same wav )ou como In "
"Thu hell)ou will," said tbo robber, nnd ha
Lave his knee a sudden ralc, catching Hilton in
tint stomach a id forcing hlui to loosen Ids hold.
In nu Instant the mun hnd cracked Hilton
over tbe hi ad with tbo butt end of his rovolvt r,
Hilton hud retaliated b) lunditig n blow with
his club bt twt en tho mnn's shoulders, and they
hud grupplid und were rolling over and over cm
tbo flour Thu robber either would not or could
not UBhU pistol, und 11 1 ton was rapid!) pound
lng liU fat i Into a Jell) when thu other two
men managed to git into the car nnd take i
baud In thu fight. T he) soon had Hilton uncon
scious, nud. utter rilling ids potkets of $J, left
tho t a r and climbed In thu ro if again.
Just where the robbers luft tbo train Is not
known, but as the train did not slacken spied
until It got within a few mills of this plate it is
presumed that they either got otr lie) ontl tlie"
span which bridges ltoudniit I reuk or while
the train was uolng through the south
).ird. 'I wo pools of blond wero stream,
lng from thu ears chartered Id the Dil
lons when the trnln i-topped here und thu
station men ami freight handlers made un In
vestigation, whti h resulted In tho discover) of
thu two unnitisclouu mi n liici wero gently i
curried out and revived, and In u few wontHtold i
tbostor) of thu train rubber) Tho) could fur- I
lilnh di scrlpllot.H i f old) three or thu nun. as
mitlicr saw thu lookout on tho roof In addition
tu iho niaxkx they suw, thu men worn black
durb) hat. Two wero of medium height und '
tbi third vcr) short. Tho men wero loo wuik
to till my morn on Siturduy night and tills
rat lit r Incomplete description was si lit over tho
wires III ever) direction
At least twont) urn sis at different points
wtro reported here, hut the) wero inostl)
tramps, who proved their Innorencu without
nil) (rouble Ihn Hiltons refused to ninnln
here after havlngtheli InJurlesnttunded to, and
wtroseiil home on b passenger train III c liuri;i
of a nuri-t! Both men will recover, but will
probably be scurrud for life.
The shooting affray of Sunday morning took
ilaco at Ponckhockle.n small settlement near
icre. Michael McClnskey of (1111 and Catherine
streets resented tho familiarity of DKreu and
14s companions, and Careo shut him, r .
Put IV In the Oilier lllstrlcts-Oold Be.
inoeriicy Nominations.
Tnmmnny nominated candidates for Congress
In all tho exclusively city districts last night. It
had somo difficulty In getting men to run In
somo districts. All but McClellan aro supposed
to bu sliver men, Theynro:
H. isincsJ. Walsh il3 Thomas v. Smith,
li TnomosJ lirsdley. 14 John gulncr Aciams.
10. AmoiJ Outmnlngs. IS. William 11. burke.
11. Wllllsm suiter. I
In tho Fourteenth tho Tammany mon had
great difficulty In getting a candidate. They
wanted cx-Aldcrman Rollln M. Morgan, but ho
rofuscd at the last moment.
In the Fifteenth Ex-Judge W. H. Burko was
not nominated without a fight. Ills frlondshlp
with Ex-Mayor Ollroy was: raised against him
by tho supportors of Lyman W. ltsldlngton,
but Burko had 100 rotes and Reddlngton
MrMcDonald of tho Thirty-fourth Assembly
district llrst referred to ex-Ma) or Ollro). Ho
said that iv man Just landed from a steamer
coming from Europe hnd boen In a groat burr)
to say that ho wasn't going to vptofor Mr) an.
This mun had boen taken up by Tammany
Hall when In abject peivertv and mado what
he was. It would bo impossible In Harlem to
elect a man who had formerly beon a clove fol
lower of Mr. Ollroy. This brought out a num
ber of hisses and yells, nnd when Judge Itlako
arose and, seconding tho nomination of .Mr.
Burke, said that .Ma) or Ollroy hud brought tho
taxes down lower than thoy had ever been bo
fore, tho crowd hissed long and loud,
A little round-faced Irishman, who appeared
to bo a sailor, stood up for the cx-Maior and
)elled at tho top of bis voice that "ho was as
good a man as any mnn at the Convontlon "
Then they offerod tho nomination to Clifford
W. Iloeso, who declined it with thanks It was
11 o'clocK before tho leaders finally corralled
John Qulncy Adams of 100 West Eighty-ninth
street, a recent accession to tlie Wigwam ranks.
Tho Convention which had been called for tho
Sevonth district to be hold nt 174 Hudson streot
nt 4 o'clock yeBtorday afternoon was turned
Into a ratlllcatlon meeting. Tho necessity of
tiling a certificate of nomination with tho
beerotary of Statu on tlmo had ld
tho fifty-two Tammany delegatos to put
John II. U, Vehslags In nomination
last Saturday night without consulting thd
Thirty-eight delegates from Richmond county.
Tho Staten Islanders had a candidate In tho
person of former District Attorney Htzgerald,
nnd the) wore not at all pleased with Tam
many's action.
Thoy put in an appearance yesterday, but
when the) found that the Convention was to bo
n ratification meeting most of them left for
home In disgust, refusing to take part.
Tho National Democracy also held conven
tions last night, with tho following results:
b irtjourned to tonlaht. Expected to endorse
John Murray Mltubell Republican,
0 Nominated Timothy J Campbell
lu Nominated Calvin Tompkins.
11. Adjourned to tomorrow nlgbt. Fxpect to nomi
nate Julius Harburgcr
1& Adjourned totals sfternoon.
14 Nominated Cbarlcs l.toracs. Importer of wool
15. t mltirsed 1'htllp H. Low. Republican.
Tho Republican Convention In tho Eleventh
Congress district will bo hold to-night at S
AvcnuoA. (ien.E.A. McAlpln has refused to
run and Ferdinand Eldmau will probably be
nominated. ,
T ho Republican Conventiun in tho Twelfth
district vv HI b held to-morrow night.
The Culmination ofa tireat Trouble In a
Ilnckens'nsk Fumlljr.
nAru.rs.RVCK, Oct. 0 Jennie Stagg, aged 7.
and Mnttle Stagg. aged 0. daughters of Harry
U. stagg, w ho attend School No. .1, on btato
street, did not got home to dinner at tbu usual
hour to-day, and tholr aunt. Anna Stagg, went
to tho schoolhouse to learn the cause. Shu was
then Informed by Miss Znbriskfo and Miss
Macrra. tho teachers of tbe two little girls, that
the) had gono riding at 10 30 with a woman
who called for them for tliat purpose. This w as
a' first Intimation tho Stagg family had that
the children had been kidnapped and it w as the
culmination of a great trouble.
About four years ago Harrr Stagg. who Is a
nephew of ex-ludgo W. S. Hants, ono of tho
wealthiest men In thu town, learned that his
wife was unduly intlmnte with E. W. Urlffllhs
and assaulted tho man ono night ut his house
Mrs. btngg Induced her husband to forgive her,
and the) moved to Lyndhurst, whero 'tngg was
eniplo'ol In tho Delaware I ackawanua nnd
Western shops shortly after this tlrllllths,
who wus a confidential clerk for Brown Broth
ers. New lork, shot n mself, leaving a
letter In vvhlch he expressed his deep
devotion to Mrs Stagg. hv entiling went
well at tlie btagg home in I )iidliurst until
last fall, when tho bust and made discoveries
that again shook his faith In his wife and caused
htm to leavu ner. Ho came to liackensack.
bringing his three children. Mattlt Jennie, und
Do I'cjster with blin to bis mother's hnuso
Mr. Hugg associated the name of tbe Itev. R. II.
P. Miles, pastor of tlie 1 yudburst Presb)lorlnn
hurcli. with his troubln there, but tbo I'res
b)ter) of Jerse) t Ity passed u votoof confident o
in the preac her btagg look proceedings for a
divorco which are now pundlng, aud he ob
tained the custod) of thoi hildren.
Miss ubrlskie. cine of tho teachers, told Miss
btagg that tbu woman who called for Mattlo
gavu her name ns Mrs M darr than, a frieud uf
thu family, and suld sho wished to give tho
children a ride. Mattlo wa sent for and iho
two wetitout with tho wnuian. A grny-halred
man and another woiutn weru in thu coach,
which hnd a driver. Tint was all that could bo
learned about thu mailer. Mrs McUnrruhan Is
bald tn bo a friend of Mrs Harry btagg, living
somen hero on Jersej Cil) Hi Ights
No Proeresn IWpeeted In the tcnezuela
Dispute Until Cue ( wwralsslon JCeporls.
Wasiiim.ton. Oct. 5 Secretary OIney re
turned to tho blato Department to-day, after
severnl months' absence, and plunged Into clip,
lomutlc work. Almost ull important negotia
tions hnvo been sustrndtd during the summer
for various causes, tbu lurklsh complications
being the chief matter that required attention
from time to time Tho -ccrut iry will not leavu
his i)St again for tho r mulniug five mouths
of Ihn Administration, in which tlmo he hopes
to closo several pending uuostluns, notably that
of general arbitration with England.
ll is uudvrstuud that nu progress Is nntlcl
paled In the Venezuelan dispute until after tho
report of tho United state High Commission Is
made. If onl) tho I'uiied states and llreat
Britain vrero concerned In thu matter a com
promise euneluslun could i rbnps be reached,
but eneuelu's firm t niilldi nee In tho forth
t timing decision of time onimlsslon and tbo pro
vision uf her constitution forbidding thu sur
render of an) tnrrltor), render It altogether un
likely thill In r rulers cinld agree to any pro
visions Involving the rlco of tho troublesome
so called "settled district"." which alone nro
excepted fiuni thu arbitration which (Irrul
llrlUlu Is w llllni: in cone t de Mr. Olney is said
to bo aware that no rut ui lull ovrrntiient
luuld stand a moment with lbo people thero
after surrendering an im h lu advaiicoaf the
announcement b) tho ( ouuulssluii of its de
cision as to "a true divisional line."
Chnrlrn I'. Wulter', iluliu Mcl.uiiKliiln, und
Theo, M. I'urker I ucler Infllctuieiit,
Chnrlos F. Walters uf Richard Walters's
Sons, 10 West Thlrtj-thfrd street, and John
Mcl.niigh' n, who was onto nil auctioneer for
thesamu firm, wero nrnsted )esterda) b) de
tectives altnt bed to thu District Attormy'H of
fice, under Indictments charging a fraudulent
sale, bcviral such Indictments against auc
tioneers' wtro found last wtek. Walters and
Mtl iiughlln wero held in Sloo ball by .Itiilgo
Mt Malum In Part I Oriicral sovsln-is
Mr Wallers suld lust night that tho charge
nni'ii from tho sain of n f '0 rug b) Auctlunctr
Mel augblili several iiiulilbs ago 1 ho pur
c baser, u mnn named Morn , Mr, ulit r said,
dm not contend Hint tlie rug sold tu him win
not worth $.'0, but uvtrrtd Hi it It was nut i x
aetl) us.Mui.uuglillii lind described it In milking
tlie sale
T heodore M. Parker of HI 1 Last Forty-nlnf h
street, i lu ployed us nn auctioneer b) August
bcheuck of l.TJ Win riilrty.fourth street, wus
also urreslcd )isturc!y undur uu Indictment
mid arraigned hi fore .ludgo .Me Million,
T bu t h.irgo Is thut 1 irker uxhlblinl planus as
samples n( those that bu wus selling thut wt ro
if uqualll) lienor than lliosu aoluall) ilclivnrcd
to pureliuverr. Ilu pic ididuol guilty and vrus
committed lu the- liiinbs In dufauliul ball.
tsorlnllsu Don't I.lhe (be "Wot" Club.
Tho ( entrnl I.nbor Fedoratlon, which is cou
uosod of socialist trades unions. Is exercised
over tho proposed new "riot club" for the no
lice. It has passed a resolution ordering that
tho District Attorney bo asked to notify tho
Polico Commissioners to refrain from accepting
th riot club.
Beannell Led the Opposition and Cnlled
District Lender Murphy n I.lur-Hllver
Ilesolutlons Lost In the rlhtime-En-dorsement
by the National Meniocrncy.
Tho Tammany leaders In tho Twelfth Con
gress district bavo had several lively sessions In
tho past few da)s with I.tntler hheehan ovor
tho proposition to renominate Congressman
Uoorgo B. McClellan. Strong Influences were
brought to bear to secure his ronomlnatinn,
and thero was a Btandlng promiso thnt
tho National or Uold Democrats would
endorse htm. Thero was tho rub for
Tammany, howover. Tho organization had
demanded tho withdrawal of John Boyd
Thachor as candidate for Oovcrnor becauso ho
was a "goldbug," and Col. McClellan ivas In
tho sumo category. John J. Scannell, tho leader
In tho Twonty-llfth Assembly, declared that
Tammany Hall must not Btultify ltsolf, aud
Leader Shoehan declared that every nomlnco of
tho Wigwam must stand pquarclyon tho Chi
cago platform. Leader Charles F. Slurphy of tho
LTghlrenth or (las House district, tu which
Col. McClellan resides, insisted on his renom
Inatton, and Leader James P. Keatlnp; of tho
Twentieth Assembly district wavered.
It was agreed )esterda) afternoon that tho
organization could not nfford to nominate Mc
Clrcllan. Boforo 0 o'clock this decision was rescinded,
and it was agreed to uominato him. bcannoll
still kicked.
Tho Convontlon was nt 207 East Thirty-second
streot. William P. Moohan of tho Gas
House district, a friend of tho McClellan fac
tion, was mado Chairman.
Mr. Scannell forced tho fighting from' tho
start. Ho offered tho follow lng resolution :
Jveioltvd. That the Democrats of tho Twelfth Con
gress district heartily endorse tbu platforms of tbo
Chlcairoaiu! tlurfulo Conventions, and ll Is their tie,
sire that tbelr candlelato for Cuugrets stand stuaruly
on menu plstforms
Leader Murph) objected to tho reading of tho
resolution, but Loader Scannell persisted and
mado a speech, in which ho said:
"I am a friend of Mcllellanand of alibis
friends I nm also tho friend of ouo who is not
hero (Mr Croker), who I am sure would be with
me in this fight: who is ever tho first to reach
forth his hand to draw back n fugitive' from tho
Stephen J. O'Hare of tho Twentieth district
moved to postpone consideration of tho scannell
resolution until after tbe nomination w ns made
AtlgustusT. Dnchnrt) and others of the T went) -llfth
district protested, nnd cries went up of
"No gag law! Wewunt to know where our
candidate stands. Vote tho resolution down If
Then Mr. O'Haro moved a reference to a
commltteo on resolutions tn be appointed
Thero was great confusion, and Theodore Ham
ilton called out.
" Let's name a gold man nnd adjourn "
Chairman Mrchan declared the motion enr
ried, mid appointed, ou tbo suggestion of Mr.
O'Hare, tho Chilrmen of tbo various Assemblv
district delegations as members of the Commlt
teo on Resolutions. Leader Scannell got tho
floor here, and said .
" h) not bring thocnnt'ldato beforo the Con
vention and let htm tell us where ho stands Tbo
Vice-President of tho United Stoti s was not
afraid to declare himself. Tho leading mem
bers of the Democratic pitty havo nut been
afraid. After our experience at Buffalo
It seems to mo it 1 uur right to
know how tho mnn whom wo nro to
nominate stands He cannot w In If be doos not
declare himself. If he Is a Democrut let him
run. If lints a renegade put him where he be
longs Wb) should wo stab our Presidential
candidate tn tho back b) nominating a man
who will not supiort him In Congress?
What will the Democracy of tho countr) think
of Tuminan) Hail If wo do such n thing ( I
could not support m) brother as n candl
elato in this ulectlon If ho were for gold.
1 will give out of my own pocket S.'.fioo
to help elect unv candidato nominated
here, provided he is an advocate of silver.
I might have had til's nomination. It was
offered to me. 1 rnuhl not tuku it. I nm not
goud enough to be a Congressman. I felt thnt
in) record would be brought up ngainst me 1
appreciated krenl) ni) position I would not
take it Do nut let us name n mau who wotilei
put tbe poor wnrklngman In tbo ditch No, let
us name one of our ow u kind ' '
Michael F. Blake of tho i Ighteenth moved to
proceed to nomlrato a candidate
dcorgo (cordon Battle raised the point of order
that tho report of the tommltteeun Resolutions
must first bt acted ou Ills point was overruled
Blake's motion was declared carried, and losepli
O'llrlin mndr a speech uomlnuttn; McClellan.
Ilu pledged his candidate to support legally
' every lamman) e andlelate from Bryan down
Mr O'Hare for tbe rhirtieth district seconded
the nomination nt Mc( leibin. aud suld tbo rlvi r
front guvu more Democratic votes than the
Twintt fifth dlstritt
" Bui )uu havo tti got all tho money for ) our
campaign fund In tho T went) -fifth," sbouttd
Ttitodoro Hamilton
"I he pledge of ( banes F. Murphy that Mc
Clellan Is nil right on thu innucv question is
sutlleient guaranteo for me," salel O'Hare
Wo got a bell) full of that In Buffalo"'
"Hon about rbnehcr'"wcrothederlsIveshnuis
Willi which TwenD-IIfth district delegates re
ceived this
T bu Tw ent) -sc cond Assembly dlstric t pledged
Its twelve votes for Mel lellnn. anil then Leader
.scannell. for tbo Twent) -llfth urofo und said,
"I want to sa) to )ou gentlemen that both
Mr. Murph) anil Mr. Iveitlng ns well ns uur
leader. Sir. Sbee linn, agreed wltli mo that Mc
iTclhn wa not a proper man for us to uominato
at this time, l'o bo porfectlv plain aud frank
with you wo talked this mailer over this after
noon and tht' nomination wus offered to nie.
Mr. Murph) offered mo the vote of his delega
tion I could not accept it."
"1 vviint to sn," Interrupted Leaeler Murphy,
"that if Mr Scannell hu)s I do not support Mr.
Mel lellnn ho says that w hlch is not so
"Whatr" thuudoiftl sminiell "Do you
me an to m that) undid not offer me our del
es ititm "
' Not this nftornoor." replied Murph).
"Didn't )nu offer mo the support of )our
dele 1'iitlou 'repealed 'eauticll.
" No."
Scannell walked up to Murph). with his
clenched list extended, and sum deliberate!) :
" You'ro a liar."
Ho returned lu his sent without further host llo
dc monstraliuns, and then bobbed up and said
"I upologlo to tho gentlemen for being com
pclled to use such language,"
It was then I eadcr K'unllng's turn to explain
that Im never promised to glvo his delegation to
scauui'll, and tbo hitter declared thut all hu
had said about Keating vvss that Ktating bad
iiLrt id that Mel lollan wus not u proper man to
' luiumany Hall wants this man, ' said Mr.
"Sheehnn told mo he would not do," said
Scannell "Ho must chaugo his mind prolt)
Thu TwcnD-flfih nominated Tom Creamer.
McClellan got l4 voles tu "4 for ('reamer. 'J hu
twent) -four wore cist b) tho Twent j-tlfth ills
trlct. "1 hnpo the gentlemen fron. tho Twenty-flfth
will havo the magnanimity In make the nomi
nation unanimous.' suggested Mr. O'llnre.
" W hen Mr. Mel lellnn takes his btiind on tbo
platform I will t beerfull) do so," rrpllcl Mr.
sranuell, and ho refused to act on a commltteo
to notify thocuiidlel etc.
Amid tries for u report from tbo f ninmlttco
nn Resolutlout tho Convention adjourned with
out day.
Around In ThlrD-thlrd street tho clclegites
to the National Dtmocric) Convention Had
letn waiting for two hours to learn what tho
Tamilian) ( on vent loll would do nnd, when tbu)
le unit d. tht v, tun, nominated Mc( iellan. Ship
ping ( iimmlssluiier Maurleu J. Powers steered
the- Conventiun.
nvt.M-.K7J fan mrr .viricjn:it.
rtctlllM's Utile Hun Hiiys lies Tried to links
file Mnrtter Ippeui o Suicide,
Pour Jntvi", N V, Oct. . warrant has
hern issued b) thu Plks count) authorities nt
Milford, I'a , for lliu urnst forwlfo murder uf
Herman 1'aul schullz.who Is now in Jail in Nt w
orkcit) on a ch.irku of arson. Ho Is accused
of shooting his wife in bid ou Sept, "1 at thu
boarding hnuso of John Wolfartn, mar shn
hula. I'a Ittquiiltiiiu papers w III ho applied for
li thu Dlstritt Atlorno) of Pike toiint) Tho
hud) of Iho murdered woman will buuxliuinid
lit Sliuliulu tu uiurrnw unci all uiitnpsv luaili
Tlie c IliUI, Paul, siljath it be saw his father .'ill.
Justing the lingers of his dead mother uiuuhd
tlie barrel uf tbu ri v nil ur.w hlch nine at her sletu
w he n lit r bod) was seen In the Coroner, so as to
make It appear that she hud killud hurself.
V, It, t underbill u Nun. resident.
Among tho trial Jurors summoned In tho
General Sessions )esterdu) was William K.
Vundorbllt. Mr. Vandorbllt sent a letter to
ths court saying thut ho was noi a resident of
New York city, aud was therefore not amenable
to jury duty, Ills exctuo traa accepted.
It Is Hale! the Cinr nnd Lord rjnllsbnry
Have Asreed to Thin ritsp.
Lomios, Oct. 0. In Its Issuo to-morrow tho
Chronicle will claim to havo a high authority
for tho stntoineuu although tho paper docs not
vouch for Its correctness, thnt Lord Salisbury,
during his visit to Balmoral, arrived at an cu
fenfe. with tho Czar that will possibly lead to
tho deposition of tho Sultan of Turkoy.
Lord Salisbury, tho statement adds, found tho
Czar highly sympathetic, but ho feared that
dcclstvo action vv ould provoko a massacro of tho
Christians in Constantinople.
Lord Salisbury romoved tho Czar's fears of
this result, nnd his Majesty now concurs In tho
ilcslro to Intervene Tho deposition of tho Sul
tan woald not bo necessary Immediately, but It
would bo tho final outcomo of tho diplomatic
tVlntern Chopped Down Ills Orchard to
I'revent Mora Htenllnic.
Nlti pv, Oct, 5,-Whon Chrlstnphor Winters,
who rcsldos on Pnssalo avenuo, nroso this morn
ing ho was surprised to discover that thieves
had looted his qtilnco orchard. Mr. Winters
examined each tree and found them all stripped.
Tho moroho thought of bis loss tho angrier
ho grew, until finally ho bocamo so enraged
that ho sworo that Just for splto thieves would
never steal another quince from blm. Ho got
aiiaxonnd commenced to cut the trees down,
nnd ns each treo fell ho damned tho quince
thieves. When Winters got through wielding
the axo not a tree was loft standing out of tbo
thirty that mado up a nourishing orchard.
Cnutlon to Ornnd ,lury t oncerntnc Tollce
Itnlnes I.nvv t ases.
Judgo McMahon of tho General Sessions
charged tho October (Irand Jur) )cstcrda) to
becnrcfulln finding Intllctmonts In a partial
lar class of alleged offences understood to be al
leged violations of tho Liquor Tax law. Judgo
McMahon Intimated that former (Irand Juries
had been too quick to find Indictments on in
sufficient grounds, as was prov en whe'i tho cases
wero brought to trlul.
"It Is well forme to call ) our attention to tho
fact," the Judgo said. " that man) cases
brought boforo tho (Irand Jury had previous!)
been beforo n Polico Magistrate and been ills
missed. It might bo well for )ou to discover.
In the consideration of n case, if tbero wus an
Intent to violate tbo law. Thero havo been u
largo number of Indictments found b previous
Grnnd Juries for alleged violators of a certain
law. You will seo from tho number of acquit
tals when tbeso cases wero brought to trial,
that there bad not been sufficient grounds fur
Inellctment Tho trial Jurors dismissed 100 out
of 11'." of thoso Indictments. I think that is
sufficient for ) our guidance, gentlemen."
They 1WI1 Flcbt for Tbelr I.nnds In the
Courts nnd Not on tbo Ilnttlefleld.
KtMiHTo-.. Jnmalcn, Sept SO. -Tho Maroon
scaro is over. Tho presonco of a strong forco of
nrmed police who wero sent to occupv tho dis
puted district had tho desired effect, Tho
Maroons promptl) disbanded and sought their
-mountain recesses.
From Acompong Town, their capital and
stronghold, they sent down a commltteo, under
tho leadership of their head-chief, who la per
sonall) Interested In the territorial claims, to
consult a lawyer Under tho circumstances the
Oov ernment will not press mntters No arrests
have been made nor has nnv nttempt been
mndo to follow tbu bands and ell-arm them
Now that they hnvo resorted to law and given
up the wild idea of taking possesion of tho
lands b) force, thcru Is no doubt that tho trouble
will soon end.
THE MCAFFOI.D hook iiitoicr.
One Painter Pulls forty Feet Ilia Comrnde
dine lor I. lie.
Two painters wero ut work yestcrdu) after
noon upon tbo cornice of n three-slur) brick
house nt TtlJ High street. Newark, when tho
hook holding the rope at ouo end of their scaf
fold broke and the cnliold fell. Mlehae-1 Don
nelly of lyo Morri6 avenuo fell fort) feet to tbo
ground, breaking bis hip nnd ono arm Gustnio
ltnu was warned bv Dunnellv's shriek and
caught ut thu lintel of tho nearest window,
where ho clung while tho scaffold assumed a
perpendicular position T ho rotes wero within
his rench and liu grasped them and, uutving
tbo knots lowered himself to the ground nnd
went to his comrade's nld. Donnell) wus sent
tn M. Barnabas s Hospital, and tberelt wus said
thnt, unless hu had been injured lnternnll), ho '
had a good cluinco of recuior).
A Nt-lelllt Powder Ioka Nearly Drove
John ( olllns to Hutclde.
John Collins. CO ) ears old, of Mariners' Har
bor, attempted to commit suicide nt South
Bench, Staten Island, on Sunc'.n) night. Ho
visited schackcll's hotel, where n vaudeville
pcrformatuu Is given, nnd became attentive to
ono of thocorjphe'es. Then ho got drunk and
thu girl pretended to quurrcl witli him sbo
took a "Piel Ilu powder, saving that sho intended '
to commit suicide, (.olllns heenmo i veiled, and
vvhi'ii lie vvns told that the whole thing wus u
joke he pullt ll a revolver and pointed lint his
own hind. Be fore he could lmrm him-olf tbo
pistol was wte'tiched from his grasp Hu then
broke uwn) from b.s friends and started for the
beach to throw himself into tho water, but was
preveutid mid taken home.
Ilnve They n Pull Willi tho Appolntlue
Power In llrookljnf
At tho meoting of tbo Brooklyn Board of Fcln
catlon to-da) an attempt nm) be mado to havo
somo more stringent rules adopted lu reference
to thu appointment of married women as teach
ers. It Is alleged that tho school committees
huvo been lu favor of giving married women
tlio preference. Recent)), it Is suld oneof Iho
women ptlnelpals got married, resigning Just
before thucc remons was performed nnd getting
reappointed when It was over stipe rintendent
Wll lain II Maxwell of thu Board uf l.ducatlon
said " A single woman Is inoro llkel) to teach
with cruller purpuso und muro thought than
married women are."
'nllo t ur lllti Cross-town t'tvi,
Coblocnr !.'1S ran into cro6s.town car .11 nt
Broidwuv aud 'ovcnteontli street ) eitc rein) af
ternoon Just as tho Cross-town cor, bound east,
was about tu turn Into Seventeenth street. Tbo
rear platform of tbo horse cur was bont and
twlstid and Its ptssorigcrs wore a good ileal
shaken uu T In) arm uf Mrs. T hmnas .McK'te uf
l."i W nt I went) -Dial strut wns budl) tut. hor
elbow being Jammed through a window, (jrlp
man John Mori tins assisted Mrs Mc Kco to tbo
New Yurk Hospital, whuro her Injuries were
Pork Jlcmrd Itrinlls u- Tus. on sllsfnrf line.
At the meeting of tho 1,'irk Comiulsslonois
yestorda) a rulo was adopted that hereafter
persons who aro injured whllu riding on bio),
ch s In tlin Park w ill not bo t nmpelled tn pay $1
furthe earn of tin ir li)C)clis b) the polico, as
lias I een tlio cusu heretofore.
A resolution wus adopted prohibiting heavy
trulllo ou tbo ( uthedral Purkwa) at 110th
etirit, betweiu Suvoulh und Lighth avenues.
An i:iizi-yenr-old lloj Hhnolw n Companion,
svitvit hu Oct. 5,- I redorlck Sherman, seven
years of ago, was shot and fatally wotiuilid at '
n'cleek this nflernoon b) L T, Corp, aged 8,
The deed, which wus committed with a 1,
uiiuue shotgun, was in all probability duo to
More Doubled Civnalm on llurs.
Biistiin, Oct, fi A telegram rocolved here
from tho Lowell Obsenulor), I lagstaff, Arl,
announces that the Murtluu citnals, Phlsonund
Luphrntee, huvo been observed doubled.
Latest Marino Intelligence.
Arrlred RteamshlpsNewlork.fr mi Southampton!
rnesluud, from Aniw crp, Mohank, i 'via London, and
Adlxonaatjlc, from fort Union,
J. ,
ursTicrs itnoirx axd ci.e3iext . J iKiJi
Tho Presiding; iTnstlro of the Neeond Die. H 'il
trlct (Serves I'nrmnl Notice Thnt Ma la , ' i J
for MoKlnlrr nnd tt 111 Not Hlnnd oS) hi
llrjnn's Ticket-Ills Associate Will rots 11
low Hnlt To.dni Tlio KIiiks Count "$j
Popocrntlo ; Lenders Are Dunifbundea ''ill
Tho machlno Democrats In .Brooklyn got a ' i'l
sudden nnd most unpleasant surprise ) ester- -. IM
day when Justlco Charles F. Brown, whole J'l
placed at Ihn head of their Judlclaiy ticket, not km
onl) declined tbo nomination, but de'clnrol lib) IM
purpose to support the Republican part) Jue
ttco Brown got back from Kuropo on .Saturday,
nnd lmincdlntul) after his arrival ho wns noil fl
lied that ho had be en renominated unanimously N'l
both by tho regular organization and tho Ne- J.'fl
tlonal Democratic part). Ho was also told that ,;,
nn nttempt tn hnvo llnun nnd the Chicago tl
platform endorsed by tho regular Convention ?M
had slgnall) failed, and that neltlior ho nor any
of his associates on the ticket would bo asked to !"
glvo an) expression of view son tho dlsturblns f'l
political controversies of the day. 'M
Justlcu Brown famlllurled hlmsolf on Sunday 1
with tho cntlro situation and determined to
withdraw ns n caiidldnto nn a ticket which .
would havo lo bo pi iced on tho ballot under the, (H
snmo emblem with Hunn nt tl tho other candl- --H
dates or tho Chicago platform or repudiation. ,'
Yistunln) morning, boforo taking his sent aa "I
tbu piesldlng lustlco In the Appellate Division, :'-.fl
ho informed his nssoci ids of his decision, and !
Intlionflernoon he sent this formal lettcrnfdeo- Mm
linatlnntu Mr. Arthur C. Salmon, thuChafriuaa
of thu Judiclar) Convention: '
"bii'iiivu CoritT, Ai'i'ti i.iti Division., I ifl
Bitoohl.VN. N. .. Oct. D, 18U0. I S
"Arthurf Slnereti, As; 'fgSI
"Ml Hi ak Sin I pon mv arrival from Ka-
ropu on Saturday I lr irned that iho DemocrutIO
Judicial Convention for the '-cent d Judicial dls- ,H
trlct had unanimous!) nominated me for tho nf Mm
fici uf Justice of the supreme ( nurt, which will WW
become vacant upon the expiration of in) own s'sa!
term uf office. sBnfl
"I am clcepl) sensible of tho great honor !
which tho Convention has conferred upon me M
In nominating mo tu be m) ow n successor, but M
after vcr) careful reflection 1 Hud it Impossible M
to acce pt tbo nomination i iH
"At the approaching c lection I shall cast my j ,t
vntu for thu candidates of the Republican 'M
part), as I c mnot support thu candidates i M
nominated ut thu ( hlcago Convention or give . -
ill) ndliurcnce lo tho oliilcul principles set k
forth In tlio platform ndnpted b) that body. WW
" W Idle It Is with great regret thnt I am con- '.Mm
strained to sever in) former political aisocla- sanl
tlons, I think )ou will ogrec with mc that, under I MU
thu circumstances, it would bo manifestly lm- j ,MM
proper that 1 should become a candidate for M . MU
u'llce cm the Democratic ticket, and that it is W TrkJjB
best 1 should withdrew. V ) anal
"I shall thereforu drcllno the nomination f H
rande bv tbu Judicial Conveit'on. I ' 1
" W ith greut respect. I am ver) truly yours. I H
"ClIVItlhsP.'BltOVVN." H
Tlio Democratic managers at the Thomas H
Jefferson headquarters would not credit tho ru- H
mors of .lustlco Brown's withdrawal until they H
had seen it in culd t) pc In tbe afternoon papers, H
and then the) were fuirl) dutufouuded und felt ' H
like closing up shop altogether nnd abandoning 'H
tholr hopelcs canvass. The) had been banking s
greatly on thu manifest strength of tho Ju- H
dlciary ticket anel especiall) on tbo wido popu-
larlt) of Justlcu Brown to carry it through. H
After tho withdrawal of Justice Brown, well- ) M
di fined rumors came from various directions I M
thnt Justice Nathaniel 11. Clement, Thomas s. , 1
Moore, und Judge Stephen D Stephens, bis as- 1
soclates on tbo ticket, wilj. follow hhejample, ,rt
and that before twentv-rbarTiourvthotr letters). , ., liy., .'.H
of declination wuuld al'o bo forwarded to Air. iiVfOm isnnH
frilmnn. iSJ --isB
On leaving the Court House Justice Bfjwn H
went to tho Broukl)n Club and receive'many -t-H
congratulations over bis action. To tlio report- 'H
crs Justice Brow u said !H
" I will file m) declination of tbe nomination 7bbsb1
of tlio National Democratic part) as well as rH
that of tho regular Democratic organization I anal
will not run nn either ticket, my letter to Mr. ..asnnl
Salmon contains the onl) explanation I havo to 1
make nt present, an 1 it should, I think, bo -MM
sufficient. I would nut hare the ghost of n show ,H
nnd If 1 remained nu the ticket I should havo IH
had to vote igilnsttn) self " -'H
Justice Brown h is long been ono of tho lead . '"tl
lng Jurists of New ork -tute Ho began tho H
pi letlce'uf law In lsijsj, two ) ears after ho grad- iaH
uatril from ale, und v or) earl) in his profea- 'bbbbbI
sion il career was elected Dllric t Utorney of f Vmm
Orangucoii'it) fte r his three j ears' term as ' vmH
pro-ec'utlng nttornc) bc-ined for tlvo)earsas ll
I tuunt) Iiietge, ami In lss.' wus elected a Justice MM
i of the Supremo Court In tho -iconel district. lMm
I rom lssi to lsu," bo served upon the second IbsbbbbI
Division of the ( ourt of ppeaK and In Decern- bbbbbb1
leer 1MI I be becamo the I'resiellug Justice of mrnM
tlie" l.enerni lerm of tho Second Department, IMM
On the crtntlonof tho now vptellato Division rnM
at tlie hegl'iningof tho pre-ent )eur he was an- H
pointed 1 residing Justlcu b) Gov. M rton JbbbbbI
lliu Dem icruie leaders admitted that the oc- BbbbbI
tlon of .Ill-lice Hi ivvii hnd placid thumin a most bbbbbI
embarrassing ltuatlin Ye-tercluv morning cbbbbbI
i-ltigistir lliii; li Mclaughlin, Iho veteran hsbbbI
manager, packed up hi" trans and started for JibbbbbI
Norlhport. 1 I uu a hunting trip, and It Is said JsbbbbI
that nothing would be done lo till up that IsbbbbbI
nnd the other prospective vacancies od bbbbbb!
tho ticket until ho had been consulted. cjbbbbbsi
Ho wns untitled b) telegraph of Jus- 'Jsbbbbb!
lie o Brown's cliclination. nnd, It was thought. 4bbsbbb!
mlklit return at once to the cltv. Tho Conven- ?Jbbbbb1
tlon, before adjourning nu 1 ues lu . t ru powered ibbbbbbI
the committee, composed uf una delegate' from IbbbbbbI
eiu h of the nine counties in the district, which 3-bbbbbbI
was Instructed to uotlfv the eandidotes. tu till sbbbbb!
an) vaiaiic) which might occur ou the lionet, H
Tier mmltteemeii aro not likel) lo gel together aBBBBal
for two or three da) b nt least. MW
I ast night Justice? ( liment nlso verbally notl- 'bbbbbbI
Hull hnirnian -ulmon tiiut bo would decline .'sbbbbbbi
thu nomination ami told him that he would (-bbbbbbb!
unci him a form il letter to-day. Justice Clem- jSr Mkkm
' I do not Intend to support Bnan, and I say Ecsbbbbbb!
furthe r that I sh ill decline lbo nomination I V.bbbbbb1
have elelaveel taking this action until Jus. IHH
lie t' Brown should return and take tho H
Initiative I incepted thu nominations of IsbbbbbbI
tlio rcgiilur Dcmucrac), nnd also of the KsbbbbbbI
Nation il Deinuerucv, believing thut the bbbbbbbbI
national Issues wero not l volved In the iVbbbbbbbbI
Judiciary cnntist. But tho Issue lias now been HsbbbS
fori eel h) thu ultra-Ill) anists I have already ''isbbbbbbI
Informed Mr. 'iilmon of in) determination anil tBBBBBBi
will glvu u fuller oxplauutluii In a letter to- WbbbbbbbI
morrow eleBBBBBBl
Justlcu Cltment has been fourteen ) cars on IsbbbbbbI
the bench mill Is ono of the most popular Dem- i'sbbbbbbI
ucrnts in Broukl)ii. Ilu comes of Ruvolutlonary t SbbbbbbbI
) fnH
Mr Monro will also probabl) get oil tho ma- ,'BH
chlnu Democratic ticket now that tbe Bryanf )1bbbbbbb1
und nntl Br)nn Issue has bun raised Hu Isle ItbbbbbbbbI
known tu bouppcistd to tho Chicago platform. V v'bbbbbbbbI
llusnlel lust Illgllt: I fBBBBBBBBi
"It was my Impression that tho national l bbbbbbbbI
question was In no way luvolvi'd in tho Judlc'i- sbbbbbbbI
ary uuminatlotis. but If my feeling upon this mMkmm
p ilnt should prole erroneous or any nuihnrlta- -.vbbbbbbI
tlvo riqiiest sbuuld bo mailo of mo in iliclara- 'Jsbbbbbbbbi
tlon of mv Jiidgiiient, 1 shall bavo no hesitation MmWU
In saving what thut Judgiiiiut is, nnd I shall mkmM
retire from that brinch uf tlio party to which jkwkm
thill view may beobjtctlolinhlt'," '1
As Mr, Moore Is a sound. money mun, am! ns 'aBBBBBBBBi
tbo sllverltus aro now determined toforeutbci tH
caudldatos to show their hands, it Is assumed -H
that his iinmo will also disappear from the regu- ''
lur ticket. H
I hu action of Justices Brown nnd Clement was kmkm
the subject of gnu nil discussion nil ovor Brook- .
l)n last night, ami was strongly approved, ex- IbbbbbbbbI
copt among tbu Br) nu iartlsaiis, JH
Thu iTuilgo rorsot lo ITiteflin Innte (Ijr. j
Judge Hudspeth of tho Court of General ccs- tH
slons lu Jorst) City was surprised )esterda) on ' bbbbbbbbb!
discovering that be hud cimlttud to Impost a line IbbbbbbbbI
of $.j00 on I'rei holder l'hlllp Bliidoriiuglo, who -iH
wns touvictod of keeping a pool room una gam- ;MMuuu
tiling eslabllfhiuint. known as Little Monte 1-H
l arlii. In tbu township of I'liiou. Isaao Mans- 'bbbbbbbbI
Held, who was rimvlctcil about tbrvu months 'kwMm
Ukuuf maintaining a similar liistltntloii In Ncirtli MbbbbbbI
Birgtn, wns seniiniid loa )iar In stuto prison KvbbbbbI
and 5 iui) line. Bindeiiiaglo wus scutuiiceet ton ''sbSbbbbI
)eai lu st ue prison, hut tho Him was omtttid. ' HH
Juelgulluiisi c ih w as posltlv u that ho bud Imposed immM
the lino until ho found tli it tlie (lurk of the H
court uud tho stenographer had no record of It, 'bbbbsbbbbI
" Plltldy llle PuaC" AMHtiultod, IH
Patrick Howe, a special ollke r detailed at iH
(arr's Thiitro at Third avenuo ami Thirty- B
first street, was found uucutiscious lu thu gut- H
ter lu front of thu premises early yesterday H
with a severe, tcalp wound and perhaps a frae H
turn of th" skull When bo recovered conscious H
Hiss at Belle'vuo Hospital ho said ho hud boon H
osniuliul liy a man hu didn't Vmiw. Hu did not H
cn'o to tell w ben thu assault had taken plsco or ,mWR
what had uccaslunod It. Hows Is known tu the 'ibbbbbbbI
friquenttrs of thu theatre gallory as " Padds) taBBBBBBBBi
tho Post," presumably from bta ni;id altilluM JaBBBBBBBi
i n Ua on duly lu tho bulldlu rH
' t- -

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