I I "IP gOU SEE IT in I &! I rCx'MiifeiS J1 L L I TUC UfCATUCD DDcnmTinu 9
I ;'fe- I ,. 1 -4 "j6MMiilyk Pltfll' WEATHER PREDICTION .fl
I IT'S SO." WS T V "Jl'ptiS v' V Fair! southwsstsrt winds.
FM 3 Patients of tha Polyeltala Curried
IK Out rJnroly-Pollcemen Cons. Drive. nod
IH Cnrry Tenement Dweller Into the Htrees
-80 Famlltea Iloraeleis-I.oaa tJa.00.O0O.
H In a Uncle hour yesterday morning lire swept
H across tho mlitdto of His block on the north elds
H of Thirty-third street, between Second nnd
H Third avenues, destroying u largo factory build-
JB tag end gutting a tenement house, a hotel, and
the Now York Polycllnlo Hospital at 214 East
H Thirty-fourth street, all tho patients of which.
H surgical cases mostly, were carried out. Tho
H flro leaves a score of families homeless nnd
Hj throws hundreds of mm out of work tompora
HJ rlly. As nearly as can he estimated the damago
HJ Is about $400,000. There was ono accident, a do
HJ llceman.who fell down stairs white trying to get
B a man out of one of tho buildings, broke his hip.
H Opinions differ as to whore the fire began.
HJ Policeman Mott, who saw flames coming from
the windows of the factory at 211 East Thlrty
HJj third street, from his post on Second avenue,
H believes that it started In Plnnor'a snuff fnefbry
H on tho second floor there; but persons living
HH across tho street say that the flro begun on the
HH ground floor and was nil through the building
B In a Tory few minutes. It was a little after 7
HB o'clock when the alarm was sent In, and by the
H tlmo the first of the firemen were there, the
HE flames were beyond control, so far as the entire
HU factory building, stretching from Sll to 220, was
HJ concerned. The fire ran up tho seven-story brick
i iAf km
I - e.aSf.'
I U Shaded section Indicates the building, Involved.
I I! walls as the Are from a match runs up a slip of
rf M paper.and tho fllmsey bulldlngroared Into flume
If I as If It were built for no other purpose than to
M I J j furnish a Christmas spcctaclo to tho awakening
jl 11 city. Within a few minutes there was a crowd
Ml ( of spectators that choked the street up to tho
H ill point whero the heat was too great for comfort.
II I1 Capt. Martens of the East Thirty-fifth street
fl station, with Sergeant Fagan and thirty men,
was on hand, but had no time to keep back the
I crowd, becnuse there was other iuoro pressing
J . !- work to do. Itwasevldont that tho tenement
B I ' at "00 was going, and here Is whsre the danger
)t ' lay, for it was filled with tenant", many of whom
I ' were women and children. With a force of tan
J men behind hlra Sergeant Fugan led the way
( i ! Into the building.
"Go through ever) room and get out every
body," wat his orders totbo men. "Get 'em out
Just as they are. There'n no time for them to
get Into their clothes."
' . For ten minutes the halls of the flat were
I full of policemen hauling or pnsblng fright-
I r crazeil men, urging on hal'-clad women, ana
i earning children, two or three at a time, in
I their arms and oter their shoulders. A Mrs.
,1 Gottfried, who lltes on the ground floor, hud
l heard tha crackling of flames when the fire first
I, broke out and had given the alarm to those
II on her own floor and tho nrit, but tho
wt"t '( three upper stories didn't awnku to tha
slljjr, ji' danger until the policemen came In one
S .') f the rear rooms on an upper floor
, ft Sergeant Fagan found a German woman
y fast asleep, who on being wakened shrieked
,J and rerused to get up. It ended by the Ser-
jjl grant carrying her Into thrhallnay and 'urnlng
1K heroiertoa policeman, who carried her out,
fil despite her struggles. Then Fagan went back
JH Into the roam on the chance of any one elso be-
lBj lnc there, which was a wise precaution, for In a
Ui dim corner he found two children sleeping in a
(T-Bj crib, and tbeee he carried down stairs to the
Mm frantic mother, who was trying to get back into
jlBB the building. On tho top floor Policeman Mc-
IH Donnld found an tlderly man stupefied with
IH frluht. but not too stupefied to put upa vicious
ISj rn'Miince when the policeman attempted to get
(BY him In leae the room. In ,nlndld McDonuld
B try to drag him. Hn clung to tho bedstead and
BV wouldn't let tfo. Tlmo n particularly ralu-
aBB able a fart if which tho nftlcer a forcibly re-
tin, dud liy thin linos of smoke pntllng np from
n the rditrx of iho floor, lie pointed these
HBi fit ti the tenant, who was po carel that
HB1 lie rtlnxeil hin Imlil. Instantly McDonald had
HBJI liim around th shnulders and out in the hall,
whuncewlth the aid of another policeman ho
J tot the man mlely lo the btn-el. l)y tlil tlmo
Yflj " hoiii-p wa, thick with smnk, ami flames
Hj werr puhlng thrnuch the wall' admlntng the
hllng furnace that had been Mil. Cries from
BB " front room attraited Policeman Suilly, who
BB broke In tho door and found a jounc girl run-
'Bfl nlng about the room ai If da7rd. llardly had
'BBsa. he got her out of the door when she begun to
.YBflk "Myshtcrl My sister! She'll ho burned I"
SBflf At thpramo time he hoard shouts iromtho
BBB"i crowd below:
I "Don't jump. Stay where you are. Go hack!"
1 Droppliii: the girl he had Scully ran through
" the room, anil discolored another girl climbing
IBBBI over the rail of the flro e.cuue. To nelze
JBBBf Krul drag lier back Into thu hull was
Bfll tho work of a ery few second', hut It
' BBK "'ok somewhat longer to pilot It'- two bo-
1 BBBe wllderrd girls through tho Mnoke-tuled lml l.
BBBbI After all the tenants were out and safely housed
,1 In a flat near by. the pollco kept going
BflflB through the room, on the chance of somoone
BBBB having been left, until the firemen ordered them
a out, and the order was emphasized by the crash
ISBBb of a falling floor In the rear.
SBBh It was then perhaps fifteen or twenty mtnntes
BflBf after the breaking out of tha lire, and the entlro
BBBF building where tho flro started clear down to
HBK 820 uasabluze. This was all factor properly
JEBBH and no lives were endangered there, hut back of
4BBB -n standa the New Vork Polyclinic iloipliul In
HBB which were flfty-lle helidehH uatlents, mnny
9BM of them children with deformed feetnr llmhs
H encaid In plaster casta or other mechanical
f appliances.
C'apl. Martens had gone around lDtoTlilrtr
MF, fourth strict with twenty men whom ho person-
.Jaf ally stationed through tho hoipltul to alu In the
BH removal of tho patients. Dr. William C. I'D or
hud already stationed his force so as to do the
( most eflevtlve work, although he did not think
t first that It would bo ntceesary to re-
Wf Dioe the patients, and had set some
-' ? of tha attendants to making curtain, of the
blankets In order that the sight of the flames
might not cause a panic. With the falling of
the wall of I'll East Thirty-third street, which
adjoined the Polyclinic, the rear walls of the
buildings touching, a great burst of flame went
op. and the hospital was doomed. Straight
May the worK of getting nut tho patients was
begun, and was carried on with ndmlrablo
order, tho hntpltal attendants, under super
intendent l'rjor. and tho pdlco, under Capt.
Martens, worklug together swiftly and method
ically. Upon hearing that the hospital was aflfe the
proprietor iif tho Dulnwaro Hotel at tho corner
iof Ihlrd avenue and Thirty-fourth street sent
word that his rooms were at tho disposal of tho
patients, and promptly routed out nil his
guest, in mill. o mom for thuniffertrs. Aseach
patient was brought nut hour she was carried
directly to the hotel and put to lied there. As
far as could he learned none of them hud suf
fered nny marked evil rHects from the hasty re
mo, ul. Later they were trmisferrtd to
Various hospitals. The cnrpes of two
patients who died on 'Ihursday wero
hImi token out of tho hospital, n tilth gave rise
to the rumor thut somoiil the patients hod been
burned to death, So thick was the smoke In
the hnllw ays when the last of the patlenlHgot
out that .lutin Gill, an orderly, mn overcome by
nmoke und was found uuconsdoiiii on thu stair
way by ft policeman, (Jill soon rmUed and
went away. Thu roof of the hospital fell In
about H o'clock,
111- this time only the front nail of the factory
building was standing and the flro had spread
tn the East ItUer Hotel at -..Ml '.'.'13, owned by
William Schueller. Tnatik, to tho wife of the
proprietor, who had been awakened by the
rattle of lh arriving engines., and had, after
ringing the alarm gong, run through thu hotel
rousing thu client., biudImIj was nut of tho
hotel early except bchueller himself, who was
half crazed wltn grief at tho proipective loss of
Ids place. He shut himself In a buck room
up stair and refused to come out even
when Iho building was burning. Policeman
Thomas T. Crahau of the Knst Thirty-fifth
street station went In after him and
tried to bring hlni to reason, but the
German wouldn't listen, so CnUuu. hauled him
out of thu room uud they fell duwu stain to-
gether. Crahan landing underneath at the bot
tom and fracturing his right hip. He was taken
to the Flower Hospital In an nmbulauco.
Schueller wandered about like a crazy man,
telling evcrj body that he was ruined and that
the die was set by an Incondlary. lloth he and
his wife told of ft peculiar circumstance. They
said that within a minute after the Are broke
out a black dog Jumped, nr was thrown, from
the window In till, where the fire was first seen.
This may have been a watchdog, although no
body seems to know of a watohdog being kept
on the premises.
'loward the west the fire spread, too, and sev
eral persons wero taken out of the tenement at
207 unconscious from smoke. This building
was not much burned, however. Within an
hour after Us starting the lire had bepun to
hum Itself out. Hard work by tho firemen had
limited Its area, and as nearly all the floors in
the bullillng, where It had been raging had
fallen, tho flames subsided. Then began a time
of suffering for the firemen and polite. Hith
erto they had had more heat than they wanted,
but now the temperature began to assert Itself
and the water froze on them. Every fireman'
helmet was ringed with Icicles, aud tho
clothing of many of them, nnd of the
police, ton, was frozen. Sergeant Fajan, Who
was thcro from the first, was llko a sandwich
man by 10 o'clock, rattling about In clothe, as
stilt as hoards, for he had been wet through tn
his rescue work. Men with largo tin pots of hot
cuffoa kept going about among tho police and
firemen, and this did much to alleviate their
sufferings from the cold.
Soma extra excitement wns caused by a fruit
vender tinuied Antonio Mltor. who, thinking
that his stand at the southwest corner of Thlrt
thlrd street and Third avenue was about to be
looted by the crowd, pulled a revolver and
caused a general scattering. He wa arrested
and lncked up tn tho East Thirty-fifth street
Tho'lllg factory building 211 2S0 East Thirty
third street was ow ned by F. J. Kaldennerg, w ho
formerly had a mecrschaum-plpe factory there,
but failed. No. 211 wa, occupied by Plnnor'a
nnulT failory nnd tho Sebastian Somraer Piano
Company. From thcro on to tho end of the
building tho rooms wero occupied by various
manufacturing concerns. snulT factories, t ubber
factories, and warehouses. The flat house at
20 Is owned by n man named Ktnaldo. Tha
tenants lo-t everything they had, and the
women stood about crying and wringing their
hands all the morning. One woman had let her
Insurance lapse only a fortnight ago aud was
Intending every dav to liav alt renewed. Another
had gone to earl) tna.s and had returned to find
her home burned up.
The lire wm one of the fiercest, swiftest, and
most hrllliantsocn here In ) ears. Five nlarms
were rung for It. Fire Chief llnnner spoko of
the rapidity with which Itspread.andoxpressed
himself a, well satisfied with the work of tho
dromon In saving the entire block from going.
Central Office detectives were at vvurk joster
day tracing rumors of incendiarism.
rinn j.v ASoTiiEit iionriTAL.
I.lttte Patlente In rit. Joba'a Gnlld Oat
llently for Removal.
An odor of burning wood seriously alarmed
the matron and staff of St. John's Guild Free
Hospital fo- Children at 13a Weal Sixty-first
street yesterdoy afternoon. Thero weto more
than thirty patlonts In the building, and tho
more Inaccessible of them were removed tn the
lower floors, and preparations were mode to
leave the building In a hurry should It bo
About o o'clock tho seat of the fire was found
to be in tho ceiling over the hot-air furnace,
whleh stands In tho miudle of the basement- An
alarm was rung, and tho firemen, upon cutting
away tho celling, found the beams nnd Joists
next to the furnace flue in a brlgbt glow. 1 wo
palls of water put tha tiro out, and 82 o will
Luvor the damage.
roricEMA.x's hife nunsED.
Mrs. Fruak P. Ursa Killed by Fire at tier
Mrs. Frank P. Ryan, the wlfo of Policeman
P.yan of tho Mercer street station, was burned
to death yesterday afternoon at their home at
TO West 100th street. Her body was not dis
covered until after the flro In the rooms had
been extinguished, when It became apparent
that tho flames had begnn In her clothing and
had been communicated to the furnishings la
the rooms in her efforts to smother the fire In
her dress.
Mrs. I!) an was seen by some of the other
tennnts about 4W o'clock lighting the gas In the
hall. After doing this she returned to her
rooms and was not seen again. Tha Hyans
occupied the fourth flat In the building, a flve
story one. and about & o'clock Charles II. Drown,
who lives on the floor abovo theirs, went down
the stairs to gel a package of cigarettes. He
smelted smoke as he went through the hall,
und on his return to the building the odor hail
become so strong that ho went back to the aide
walk and called Policeman Ewnld of tho West
100th street station. The policeman satisfied
himself that t hero n as a fire In the building and
rang nn alarm, while Drown ran to thu apart
ment house and aroused the tenants.
After ringing the alarm, Ewald want to tha
house nnd mounted to the fifth floor. He went
luto the rpartmcnlof Mrs. Kent, who had left
her rooms early In the dny, climbed out on tho
fire ecape. and descended to tho fourth floor.
Un looking Into the Kan rooms he saw tha
smoke and llama-. Ho returned to the hall, and,
with Policeman Witnamaker, hurst tn the door
of tho Hum tint. Ilioy had hardl) got it open
before tho llrrmen arrived, and itudlugtrat tho
fire was c onlloeil to the dining room und a bed
room oioiiiug nn It, put nut the flumes b using
their iliemiinl npparutns. Tho rooms wero
filled with smoke, and nothing tould be seen in
As soon as the flro was out Capt. Darrott of
Truck 22 began an examination of tho rooms.
In the nnrthea-t corner of the dining room ho
found Mrs. Ityan's body. She had crouched
down and drawn two heavy comfortables over
tier, hut her clothing had been burned from her
body. In tho kitchen a turkry was found ready
to bo put In the oven, and on tho suive were
surae cranberries. From tbe appearance of the
rooms ('apt. Drown concludid that Mrs. Uvnn,
lifter lighting the gas in the hall, hud Bono to tho
kitchen nnd begun to pieparn her husband's
dinner, wearing only a house wrapper of light
matt rial. While bending ovir tho tiro a spark
prob-ibly snapped from the coals, and. alighting
mi her wrapper, sot It ablaze. Mrs. ityan hud
apparently run Into her bedroom and caught up
the bed clothes to wrap around her body and
extinguish the flames, but, being overcome b
fore she could do this, she fell Into the corner
w here sho was found.
Mrs. U; oti's body was taken to the West 100th
street pollco station. While it was bolng pre
pared lor removal the policeman found Mrs.
Hvun' pot dog, Daisy, a scotch terrier, nnder
thu sofa in the parlor. It had been frightened
by tho fire, but was not injured. Mrs. Ityan's
nelghborn sal that they heard no noise in the
lint, and that tho first they knew of the lire was
when Drown aroused them.
( apt. Drown of tho West 100th street station
sent word to tho Mercer street station that Mrs.
Hyan had been killed. Her husband, who was
nt onetime a member of the Droaaway squad.
was on duty at Uroadwny and Tenth street, und
n messenger was sent to him. Ho was allowed
logo to the West 100th street station atones.
Tho Coroners' olllco was notified of Mrs. Ilyun's
Finn j.v ax ojtviiA.v Asrt.vai,
Nturted lijr n Child Who Wu Fanatic m
Una Jet wllb Ilrr Apron.
A slight flro was discovered in tho Drooklyn
Orphau Asylum, at Atlantic and Kingston avo
nuos, at (I o'clock last evening, and while tho
damage was less than S3, there was for a time
considerable excltumont among the U2Q chil
dren In the Institution.
Anna steljes, 10 years old, was playing nn
the third flour, nnd seeing the gas burnlog she
tried to fan thu "ilkino with her apron. Her
apron caught flrn and she cried for assistance.
Another little girl heard the cries, and seeing
the apron In flames tore It oft. and wrapping it
up threw It Into u closet In which was a quan
tity of rags. In a second the rags wero In
names, and tho smoke soon filled tho upper ror
rldor nnd attracted the attention of John
llinmpsoii, who was In the building. He soon
traced the smoke to tbe closet and extinguished
tho flames.
Thochlldron ran about tha building In their
fright, but they were soon pacified by tho
matron aud her assistants.
Evai Jo.tl Mortally Bnracd.
Eva Jones, aged 27, who lived at 20 Essex
street, Newark, died at 4 o'clock yesterday
morning In St. Michael's Hospital In that city
nf the effect of burns received at midnight on
Thursday, Sho was raking a fire In her room
when a plcco of redhat coal fell upon her
wrapper, which blazed up Instantly. She
screamed and Haymonu Sboverilng, the super
intendent of the Standard Cab Stable across the
street, ran to her assistance and extinguished
tbe flumes. Shoverllnr was severely burned, la
his efforts to save her Ufa.
Exclusive risturaa. Anubelta Ifoora, accuser of
Slurry dinner psnj raided by Cbasuua. Sunday
Uirmini. Order to- dajr.-au, '
AVAIXST 111L' r.uwAunauH.
Ther Organise, March, and Camp In Army
Mtvle, and Announce Their PurnOMe to
Drive lite Hheei Jtnek from Icoiilt County
Into Wyoralnc-OrlBln or the Trouble.
Dr.NVEtt. Col., Dec 23.-Tho Colorado sheep
war has broken out again, und promises this
time to be extremely serious. For tho last few
days cattlemen, ranchmen, nnd others Inter
ested In maintaining tho range of lloutt county
for the benefit of cattle have been congregating
In the northwestern portion of tho county nt a
point on lower Snako Hlver.
The men came In twos and thrcos nnd In
companies numbering as many as thirty-(He.
Every man Is well mounted nnd thoroughly
armed. Mess wagons accompanied many of tha
largest outllls, and cvory preparation appears
to bat o been made for a long campaign. Every
thing connected with tho movements of tha
stockmen has been well guarded, and tbe few
disinterested ranchers were surprised and
alarmed when they observed tho armed horse
men riding by their places. Homo thought that
tho Utcs had broken out nnd wero marauding
tn Drow n'e Park. When they were Informed of
thu real situation they said: "Count us with
jou," and hastily saddled their horses and
Joined thu cowmen.
The cattlemen nro evidently detormlned to
enforco the removal of tho sheep from lloutt
county, and havo agreed among themselves
that tho boundary lino between Colorado nnd
Wyomlog shall be tho dividing point between
tho cattle and sheep ranges. To-morrow thcro
will 1m two ramps of stockmen established un
Snake III tor at a point nenr Junction .Mountain
nnd twotity-flvo miles from Mnybcll. There are
perhaps 260 well armed men in the camps.
Military rulu h.vs been udopttd and tho men aro
divided Into companies, each company having
a Captain, with a Commander-in-Chief in
charge nf tho entire fnrco. Groat caution Is ob
served, owing to a repuil which wait received to
thu effect that Grit und Jutk Edwards, thu
principal dieep owners, hnvo secured the ser
vice, of ft iarge force to meet the stockmen.
Tho presmit trouble lias been browing for
months and feeling hn, been running high, es
pecially in thu Dro'vn's Park tountr, wheiu
the greater portion of tho sheep aro now rang
ing. Tho Dro.sn'a Park men say thelt entile
range Is being utterly devastated by the sheep.
It Is estimated that there arc about 70.0011 head
of sheep In lloutt count), tho majority belong
ing to Orlf and Jack Kdwards, who have nn
played the herders to raise wire fences In urdor
that the sheep might run on tho ranches. The
western portion of Itoutt county comprises
what the stockmen claim as their winter
range, and where annually thousands of
tattle aro driven from tho higher coun
try, owing to the mlldnos, of the ctlmnln.
The stockmen therefore regard the ranging
of sheep In that section as a serious detriment
tn their Interests, and fear that the sheep own
ers will carry out their reportid threat to run
their herds wherever ther please. Last sum
mer serious trouble wa, bare'y averted between
the stockmen and J. G. Edwards. Mr. Edwards
finally agreed to remove Ms sheep from Itoutt
county. He was allowed lo retain H.OOO weth
ers in Slater Park until Oct. 1, and another
buncli of ewes and lambs In tha vicinity until
suth time as the lamb were able to travel.
The cowmen claim that ho failed to keep his
agreement nnd removed only a small portion of
bis sheep, and that at present his entire hunt is
in lloutt county.
The failure or Edwards to keep his agreement,
and the fact that his brother, Orlf Edwards,
hakabout 40,000 head of sheep on tho Itoutt
county range, have served to crowd tha lloutt
connty range to the exclusion of nil but two or
three men who own but a few thousand brad of
aherp. Scouts are now out locating Iho sheeD
camps, and If tho request of the stockmen's
committee, which bos been sent out. Is not com
piled with, aeoliiiis Ir.oblawlll follow. Publla
sentiment Is wl'.h the cattlemen, and the coun
ties of Hio Illnnca and Eagla are represented In
tho camp nf the tattleiiien. A poll of tlfty
seveu cattlemen who are In the nxpedltlou
against he sheepmen shows that tho cash
value of the land and the hor-es and c.itllo
which they repre-cnt s 81.200,000. The greater
portion of this is In lloutt county.
Among thuo In tho expeilltlou are gray-haired
men who served In the late war. and during tho
last few da have ridden over 130 miles on
horseback. Thev are cool headed and iiavu a
great Influence over the jouuger men. To them
Isdur. In aconsldirable measure, the fad III at
not a hot has been tired ml no act of violence
committed. "It Is a question of home or
nothing with ns now," remarked one old vet
eran. "The sheep have destro)ed even tho
raiKe, so that I have no plaio to turn out my
milk, cons, lot alonomy range cattle."
Hbe Hyn srllli Kraentfiil Kmpbnnla Tbnt
rjlie'a Not tiulnc lo Sleet Cleveluad.
Mrs John Domlnls, better known perhaps ns
I.lliuokalanl, tho dethroned (Jtiecn of the
Hawaiian Islands, passed through New Vork
jesterdayon her way from ban Francisco lo
lloston. Sho arrived In Jersey City on tho
Colonial exprcsn of tho Pcnnsvlvanln llallroad
soon after 1 o'clock In tho afternoon. Tho cars
of this train were transferred to the float Mary
land, which steamed around the Dattery anil up
the East Hlver to the 1 :1.1th street station of tho
New Haven road, I.lliuokalanl U accompanied
on her Eastern trip by Mrs.E.K.Nahoolcuaand a
private seoretory, Joteoh Hutelula. Her object
In going to Doston at IhN tlmo Is to vllt tho
relatives nf her husbind. Col, John Domlnls,
and tho trio while there will hn entertained by
William Deo, w hoo family aro reiki! v us of
I.Ulunkaliinr departed husband.
A. S. Thwtntt of Elizabeth. Eastern nassenger
agent nf tho Southern Hallway, anil a delega
tion of newspaper men. awaited the train ut
Jorsey City. I.lliuokalanl ret elved tlicm In hor
privnto car and spoke to them eiiiertulnlnglv in
good, plain English with hardly any percept
ible accent.
"Thl.,"she said, "Is my third visit to this
country. I was here first In 18H7, In which year
I also visited London. My last visit was In
1803. when I came to California only."
On political affairs she was reticent, and she
declined to express any opinion on the subject
of annexation. Tills unwillingness sho wished
to have attributed to n lack of knowledge of
politics, saying that she had not devoted any
tlmo to thu study nf that subject since a repub
lic hod beun established In Hawaii.
When asked It she Intended to have a confer
ence with Mr. Cleveland, she said "No," with
a decision of mnnner that was unmistakable,
and then she turned about In her chair us It to
express soma resentment at the question.
The report that she receives a pension from
the Hawaiian Government sho said wa, not
true, and with an exebangn of wishes for a
merry Christmas the tnterv low closed.
Ex-Queen Mlluokulanl Is now &H years old.
She wore a black ohevlot skirt and iaoket and a
blue and pink check shirt waist. Her hat was
of black material, trimmed with a peculiar com
bination of pale green and red. A Masonic em
blem resembling a hhriuer's pin nnd a small
sliver anchor faslenul tn thu front of
her Jacket wero thu only visible pieces
of Jewelry. She wore about hor neck a
small collar made evidently of birds of Para
dise feathers. Ihey were of Once colors, black,
yollow aud red. and tbe effect guvejustn sug-
frestlon of semi-barbarism. Her black, straight
lair Is slightly tinged with gray on either side,
where she brushes It back, and her complexion
Is very brown rather than black. Mllunkalanl'B
teeth are rather short and set fur apart. She
speaks slowly and with great precision.
irir.ii Hstt.uuti: cnuitcit nuhkko.
UU Htephen'n Eulacapul Jlsstroyed Early oa
Curlstuma Mornlnc
Wll.KFRiiAliiiK, Pa., Dec. 23. St. btephen's
Chinch, the most fashionable Episcopal church
In town, wus drstroed by tiro early this morn
ing, the fire having caught from the heating
apparatus In thu basament. It must havo smoul
dered all night, for when t list fire wnsdiscuvurtd
the w hole Interior of the. church was ablaze. A
dozen memorial windows nnd tablets were ae
sliojid, but the silver communion servile m us
sarrd. Oulv the walls aro lull standing,
'1 he church was valued at tlHI.OlKI, and four
yonrs ago was remodelled at a cost of $!0,000,
'1 lie fire skipped one bullning and then caught
tho building occupied by tho Westmorland Uub
bouse. Soma of tbe most expensive furniture
was saved, but tbe loss to building und furniture
will be S2U.000.
UlKbwarmen lilll m Farmtr,
NrwpoiiT, Ark., Deo. 25. While returning to
town from their plantations, Ave miles distant,
on Wednesday afternoon. A- F. Dateman and
IT. M. Leonard, two wealthy farmers, were
topped by three armed men In a lonely part of
iho road and ordered to hand over their money,
lateman resisted and was shot dead. Leouard
put spurs to his horse aud ecoir
aiatnsiaiaaaiaasiaisniiiiriiY "' " - ?. I
coLi.itoi; jtors xsmoxAxr.
They Complain tieennae n Policeman Tried
to Msko Them Keep Quiet I,nst Nlxbt,
Fifty or more students of the Now York Uni
versity Law and Medical schools accepted tho
Invitation of tho management of the Commer
cial Travellers' Fair to attend the show at Mad
lion Square Garden on Christmas evening.
'Iho Invitation, tho young mon said, was ex
tended to them through their fnculty. At a
little after 11 o'clock twenty of the crowd that
went to tha fair appeared at Police Headquar
ters In n ferment of righteous Indignation.
The crowd, It teems, before going to the fair,
had prepared themselves to uppreclate fully Its
hilarious possibilities. Onto Inside they trav
elled around the aisles In a body, and expressed
their greetings and admiration to the various
saleswomen, vociferously nnd unanimously
punctuating them with their college cry.
In the course of events they reached the sub
way. In tho German village, by their atnto
ment, they abandoned themselves utterly to
naughtiness, took the Gretchon, on their knees,
and drank ni much a two brers apiece. Then
they went lo thu courhee-cuuehve dance de
partment. Thev gnlhored nt the ontranco und enter
tained tho crowd that was follow log them about
by loud arguments upon the comparative value
or such a show and 23 cents In coin of tho
realm. Finally they selected ono of
their number to go In nnd too what
tho show was worth. Ills ticket was
purchased by popular subscription. While he
was gone they sang college soiilv. Tho special
commissioner came buvk nnd reported that the
dnnco wns absolutely as advrrllsod, und was
fully worth the prlco of admission.
The merry crow then called nn the ticket
sellnr to concede to them, on account of their
numbers, the privilege of entering at the rata
of two for a quarter. Ho declined, and there
was a spontaneous demonstration of disap
proval. In tho midst at thu disorder a police
nan, they snld. wltli tho number "205" on his
badge, elhoneri his way Into the crowd and
was runiaiily enough to Insist that ther beenmo
quieter or disperse. They defied him, they snld.
Number 203 then selxed Ileiil-n .Mover Cohen,
ono of the most prominent nf the festive com
pany, and nasqulta rude with him. llu snook
Cohen nnd pushid him through the crowd.
Mr. Cohen's friends, wtio were out of tho
pollremuii's reach, were very angry Indeed, and
din not hesitate to say so in loud and threaten
ing tones. In the nltnrcntlnu, lhey said, Iho
policeman expressed a desire tn shove a night
stick down Cohen's tlirout: then, they said, a
policeman with tho number 1-0 on Ins badge
came Into tho crowd, look Cohen away from
203 and said tn the latter, " You are making an
ass of yourself."
"These young gentlemen are nil right- Yon
better make a sneak." 203, they said, sneaked,
and 420 tried to persuade them not to be loo
hard nn tho other police man. saying that It was
u case of over-cousclonllnusue.
They relused lo bo pitclfled. though, they
stated, and Ihey left the fulr In a body, slighted
and enraged at the discourtesy of Mr. Cohen's
Acting Inipeotor Allaire, who was nt Head
quarters last night, had not the Outa at band by
which he could ascertnlu the names or thd
policemen vvtiose numbers wore taken. He told
ttie oung man to come back at 11 u'clock to-duy
and make their complaint.
oi.coiT'a x:ir axsixta.its.
Alfred I.nntert-aeh nad l.tienn I-. Van Allea
to tie Tsvo ol Them.
District Attorney Olcott, it wns said yester
day, will replace but four of the Democratic,
fall assistants In his office on Jan. 1. Ilohert
Townseud. Stephen J. O'Hnre. and John N.
Lewis liav o already resigned. Tho other assist
ant who Is to go, it Is said. Is James W. Os-
j borne.
Those to be retained until some of the cases
' they have now In band aro disposed of aro
Vernon M, Davis. John F. Mclntyre, Ilartow S.
Weeks, and John D. Lindsay.
Four men have been solected for tha vacan
cies to bo created amoni; the assistants. Two
(if them art L. L. Van Allen nnd Alfred Lattter
bach, the latter, at present n depu'y nsslst-
' ant in tho office, being advanced to a
$7,300 place. Another, whose pnmo lias
not ,et been made public, is tho personal
choice of Mr. Olcott and wilt be his right-hand
man. probably acting as District Attorney in
case of his chief's abence at any tlmo. Tho
other nen assistant lo bo appointed at once, it
I Is said, is an elderly lawier of good standing
nnd much experience In his profevnloo.
The changes tn ilia minor places under tho
I District Attorney will bo much more sweeping
than thosa am-ing the a-sl-ants.
i t hnrles 11. Murray. Julius M. Major, and
David Mllllken, Jr.. who have been mentioned
ns jh tslble assistants lo Mr. Olcott, it was mi 1.1
resterda), will not be numli: the tlr.t four
Col, Munelro AcrassU of llttTlne is Una
l.tmliril to Dentb.
Pas Ditoo. C'ul., Dec. 23,-Col. Antonio Ma
nelro. a Mexican ofllter, is undergoing courl
i martial on sensational charges. Ho is In com
' innnd or the Fifth Cavalry at Mler, In tho Stale
I of Tamaullpns. Tho most sorious charge Is that
made by the relatives of a dead soldier, who
allege that Col. Manelro, a, punishment for a
trilling offence, ordered one hundred lashes
given tn the man on the bare back. This was
done and tho man fainted under tho punish
ment, his back becoming raw.
Tho snidler pi) log tho whip hesitated, where,
upon Col. Manelro is aliened to havo threatened
him with similar punishment If hn did nnt lay
fii)i more lnhes on tho fainting mini's back.
This was done, tho Colonel standing by to see
tho whip applied. Tbe soldier died when 200
lashes had been laid on.
Another charg" is that Col. Manelro lashed a
fourteen-) ear-old girl for bringing liquor Into
thequartcl. Sho received 300 lashis. but lived.
Another victim, an ofllrer who rsiaped to tho
city of Mexico, charge, that Col. Manelro
oiitercd him to he shot for nil oiTthco not pun
ishable b death. Tho vlitlin wns placed
against the wall, and a squad fired at him, and
he was left for dead on tho spot, but Iho squad
was friendly and did not aim to kill. The
officer escaped with a shot through tho arm.
Other charges equally serious are now being
considered by the military court- Meantime
tha accused Is kept In prison tn solitary confinement.
Jin Hpesvka of tbe " Vactnooa KtetlluaV or
Tboss laveatlKBllnis -Jaroason'a JSuld,
Capk Town. Dec. 23. A reception w a given
yesterday at Port Elizabeth to Cocll Hhudes,
formerly Prime Minister nf Cape Colony and
manuger of the Urltlsh South Africa Company,
who Is on his way tn England to tostlfy before
tho commission that will Inquire Into tho Jame
son raid. Mr. Rhodes made a speech which has
excited copslderablo comment here. He treated
at length nf South Afrlcnn affairs, touching
somewhat fully upon affairs In lthodesla,whenta
honrrlted a few dars ago, after taking part In
the suppression of the Matabele revolt, and then
said that he wus going homo to bo examined re
gurdlng the Jameson expedition by bis fellow,
countrymen, whose unctuous rectitude he well
knew. This sarcastic refirenco to the Investi
gating commission Is taken tn indlcutu that Mr,
Uiinde-'n testimony will be far more Interesting
than was expected.
In a speech tn Port Elizabeth. Mr. Rhodes,
who some years ago contributed 130,000 to the
Irish taiise, said that In the course of his nrgo.
tiatlous with Charles Stewart Parnell the Irish
leader promised to Insert In the Homo llule
bill n ( lauso allowing permissive representation
of tho colonies In the Urltlsh Parliament.
A Hour Carrlasta Hitched to Ilia Itvair of a
Trolley Car Collide with It.
Late on Christmas eve the Columbia Hose
Company of Union Hill was culled out to a
small fire In the residence of John Glueck, at
Union place and Hudson Iloulnvard In that
town. While gnlng do-vu Ilergenllne avenue
sumo of the tlremen who were pulling the appa
ratus fastened the ropes to the rear of a trolley
car of tho North Hudson County Hallway. The
men then Jumped on tha tar. The motnrman
turned on the full current, and the host carriage
was whirled down tha avenue at a great speed.
At Morgan streot the car came to a sudden stop.
The hose ( arrluge crushed Into It, and the pnie
of tha apparatus went through tha rear dash
board of the motor, striking huill Steger, one of
Iho firemen, in the stomach, bteger was badly
Diluted. He was carried from the car uncon
scious and removed tn Christ Hospital. Jersey
City. He lives atBOB Main street. The front of
the hose oarrlage was smashed.
Annabslla Moors, who makes serious ehartsa
against Blierry ttlusrs raided by Chapman, fivrutay
Acrcury. Order lo-da.-.a
Ilia Heart Had Bern Weak Hlaee I. nnt
Hpt-lnu Practised I.nntf nt the Criminal
llnr-One or Ktftvard H. Wakes' Counacl
nnd J.nat Lnvvyer to Appear for Tsvced.
John D, Towniend, tho law) er, died suddenly
lost night at n Christmas dluner party at the
homo of Henry A. llrown. 337 West Thlrty
frrurth street, three doors nway from his own
houso at Mill. Tho day had been devoted to
pleasure. Mr. Townscnd, nccompnnled br his
wife und his daughter, Margaret, had left homo
about noon nnd gone to tho home of Mrs, Town
scud's slslor, Mrs. Henry lloeckman, nt 111!)
West Forty-ninth street, whore thev took
lunch. Thev returned on a Droadwny enr
about 4 P. M.. and on the way Mrs.
Tovvnsrnd reminded her husband nf their
engagement for dinner. "I will go If I
feel well enough," ho ntiswored. When ho got
homo ho lay down to rest, but lie was up and
preparing to go to the dinner party when Mrs.
'lownsend went to call hlni Just before Oo'clotk.
He had not been well slnco Inst spring, suffering
from wenkened act Ion of the heart.
Mrs. Towntend nnd Miss Margaret Townsend
accompanied him to thu dinner party, and thcio
with tho hostess and her family made ten per
sons who snt down nt the table. The dlnnor
was over and nil were talking when Mr. Towns
end suddonly exclaimed: "1 do not feulqulto
well." and seemed shout to faint.
ills wlfo. who fat opposlto him, ran out tn
their own homo at onco to bring the medi
cine which he ban been taking, while his daugh
ter sprang to his side. When Mrs. Townseud
gut back her husband was dead.
Mr. Townscnd was born In this cltv In 1835.
His father, John It. Townscnd. a lawyer before
him, was President of the Now York Life In
surance nnd Trust Compan) at the time nf his
death, tn 1844. nnd hail been appointed Judge
of the Superior fours, but did not llvo to accept
the office. Mr. Townsend's mother was Caro
line Drake, u desi endani of n French Huguenot
family. Tho son's early bent wus for the sea,
and be lefl Columbia College In his sophomnrx
J ear nnd shipped aboard u Havre line Vessel,
against the will of his gnnrrilaii.
On a later vnogo from this port to San Fran
cisco, he. In company with n nephew of Moses
Tailor, deserted at Valparaiso and hud many
ndventuros before they got back. His re
turn was from San Francisco, when
hn rnuia as second mate of tho fa
mous clipper ship Kl)lng Cloud on a record
n)uie of MiU)s 111 hours. He came Into a
competency from hit father's estate at the nge
of 21 and lettthesea. His money lie soon lost
In unw-e speculations. Meantime he had mar
ried Mis Elizabeth A. Delano swan of Ho-ton.
and. determining to become a lawyer, he entered
the Harvard Law School.
Alter graduation be entered the law office of
Henri A. ('mm of this city, and tio wa, ad
mitted lo the bar at Puughkecpslr In 1833. Ho
moved to Astoria, L. I., aud began his practice
at that place.
Do came to this city In 18C5. and had lived In
the house In 'Ihlrtv-fourth street nearly thirty
ears. At the advice of tho lato James T. Drady
ho took up tho procUro of criminal law, and In
fifteen years ho appeared In defence of forty
two persons accused of murder, but one of w horn
was hanged.
Ho was concerned In tho proceedings which
.drove Judge Cnrdozn from the berch. He was
ono of tho law) era who defended Edward 8.
stokes for thn killing of James Fl-k. nnd ho
wa William M. Tweed's counsel In the last year
of Tweed's life.
lib made a precedent regarding tha legal
rules In relation to removals from civil nrflce
when lie won the case of Pollco Commis
sioner Sidney Nichols, who had been re
moved by .Ma) or Cooper, and put Nichols
back In his seat, and afterward recovered
his hack salary for Mr. Nichols's widow. He
acted as connsel for nn Assembly committee
i which Investigated the Pollco Department tn
i this city lears ago. and was followed by the
retirement of many pollco officials.
In politic, ho wa a Democrat, and he was
elected to tho Assembly In 1KUI. About three
I venrs airo hn Joined thn Independent County
I Organization and made bitter attacks upon
Crnlcer, Mirny, und Tammany Hall.
llo declared that tho city Government wa,
full nf corruption, nnd onu of the works of his
Inter jears was the writing of a book which Is
now in manuscript and nearly complete, en
titled "Now York in Dondnge; or. trotnFcr-
nnndn Wood to Mnyor Strong."
I Mr. Townsend'a rami I v say that the book will
i lie published, but that so far no publisher has
been willing to accept It because of tho expos
ures it makes.
Mr. 'luwnsend leivos a widow and three
laughters One of the ilnughters i Mrs. Francis
I're-tott Fremont, w Ife of a son of the late Gen.
Fremont, who Is a l.leuteinlit In the United
States armv.now slntinneil at Fort Spelling.
Another Is .Mrs. Fruutls Darrof Mnrrlslowu.
M on IS If or TO HE OX HIE .tTAFF.
Neither n Puvntater.Oeaeral Nor la Any
Other Cii.iialts.
It wns announced In Tin: Srs on Dec. 18 that
FroUorltl; P. Morris of Long Island City Is not
to bo Pa) mnstrr-Gcnoral on Gov Black's stall.
The Information camuroni the highest author
ities that .Mr. Morris was nnt tn get his com
mission unless bo could induce the Seventeenth
Separate Company, N. G. S. N. Y , of Flushing,
to rescind the action expelling hlni for "general
neglect of duty and disobedience of orders."
Some of Mr. Mnrrls's friends have been In
cllmd tn dlspiito the correctness nf this news
concerning him. For the Information of nil
concerned It wns reiterated jrsterdav by tho
highest authorities In sucli matters that Mr.
Morns is riot to recuivo any commission what
soever on Gov. Ilhick's stuff, and thai the plate
of P. il master (louuial Is to ho tilled hv one of
thu aides until a permanent selection cun be
Mr. Morris has many friends In the Hepubll
can party who would like to gratify any reason
able ambition on his part, but In vlow of tho
action of tha Seventeenth Company against him
It would, so the authorities have decided, be In
judicious and unfortunate to elevute him to a
place of authority In the National Guard of tho
btatr. from whlcti he was expelled for " general
neglect of duty and disobedience of orders."
An Impatient llrldesEroom rJnovred la nt
RlVEIlilEAI). U I., Dec. 25. No train on tha
I,nng Island Railroad has passed east nf Matll
tuck ou thu main Hue since noon of Wednesday.
Three engines and a plow, together with a
large force of shovellers, havo been ut work
since yesterday clearing the track between
here and Matlltuck, a distance of nine miles.
All last night was consumed in getting at train
23, which, with sixty passengers, was stalled
near Jamesport on Wednesday evening. The
train was fried and pulled Into this station at 0
o'clock this morning, having been thirty-six
hours In a snow drift,
A train from Lung Island city arrived last
nlhl ul 7.43. About 76 of tbe passengers had
taken chant cs of getting to village, oast, and
weru obliged to spend Iho night In this village..
Among thu number was Frank Luptun of New
York, who was to marry Mils Edna Preston of
Giei'iipolut ut hoou to-duy, 1, union wns 22
miles nway from his bride. At daybreak Lup
ton and his party started In a sleigh druwn by
four horses, and, ullhouuh thu bridegroom wns
late, thu wedding took plate thero this after
noon. Passengers for stations east of Matlltuck
made thu test of the Journey this afternoon In
The Failure lo Cripple the Weal JtBd Hood
Itraulta In h Ituah Tof Work.
Doston, Mass., Dec. 26. The falluro of tbe
strike of tho streot railway emplojees by the
Supreme Councilor the Conductors' aud Motor
men's Union resulted this morning In a general
rush on the part of tha men for employment,
and the stations of thu different lines were bo
sieged with applicants from an earl) hour. The
superintendents of tha lines In appointing the
men were strictly governed br thu order nf
l'lesldent Llttlo of the West End Company,
Istued lust night, which directed' that all cur
service men who havn reported and faithfully
performed the work assigned them nn Dec, 24
liav r preference In rating over other employees,
and that all others bo rated In accordant vv Ith
the time of their applications, but are not to re
ceive preference over the new men already
Daerfoot Farm Sausages made from little pits.
Tbslr .reputation has brought many cheap substitutes
UtOlhmarkw Aiy,
'"i'.Vt tV-r. v-y f,;iet ...it . .-t -y , y ...
IXIHA'S 8l.lllVI.MI l'LOfl.l.
Thousand Drlns- D illy In tha Control
CAt-CUTTA, Dec. 23. Ex-Jndgo Good lid re 1ms
written a letter to the Kiiulleinuiii, a newspaper
of this city, stating thut every day thousands
of persons arc (Is Ing of starvation In thriciitrul
provinces nf India. Hedrclu-cs that tho (Joe
ernment arrangements to rnpo with tho situ
atinn nro entirely Inadequate, i.ud Hint the fam
ine Is now beyond control.
" iiaih offi nit.iiit.i) Tin: tint's f.
"It Sienna tfo," Snld the Women, nnd Off
CnmcTlielra Alao the Mnn'4 Itehlml fhem.
Just before tho evening performance In tha
Uroadwny Music Hall began jestcrdav, a short,
stout man tn the fourth row, whose view- of the
stngowa, entirely cut (iff by the huts worn by
two women in front of him, leaiud over the
backs of their stnls and asked them to remove
their hats. Tho women turned nrnnnd and
glared at him. "How d.tro jou 1" exclaimed
one. Tho othor said, " We won't."
Tha man sat still for a fovv moments, nnd then
removing a high silk hat from the rack benoith
his seat, planted It on his head and snt upas
high as hn could.
He had no sootier put his hat nn than a chorus
nf " Hat, nlT, thcro." (ntno fniin the rear of tho
hall. Tho man pild no attention to thocrlis,
nnd they grew louder and more general. The
two women who had refused tp ramnve their
hats held a whispered (onvcrsallon. Then each
look otr her hat, smoothed her hair, and tossed
hor head. The stout man Immediately remuved
his tile. Some ono choorod, and tho whole au
dience took np iho cry of approval.
Throughout the house there weru women with
their hals on, nnd, as thu cause nf the cheering
became known, tr.oy began to remove them. As
each women removed horluit throe cheers were
given for her. and tho nol-e became so groat
that thoemplovcui of tho thoatro ran In to seo
what was happening.
A. Ornnd Army Slnn'n Hknll Frnetnreri nt
nn Klevnled Jlnllvsnv Htntlnn.
Charles Callahan, a veteran of tho civ II war
nnd a Grand Army man. was assaulted Inst
night nt the Franklin street station of the Sixth
avenue elevated road by James A. Glynn, 23
jears old, a ticket chopper employed there.
The Injured man was inkrn to Hudson Street
Hospital, suffering with a fracturo of the baso
of his skull, and ns th surgeons said last night
that he might die, a Coroner was sent for to
take his ante-mortem statement.
Glynn, who lives at 820 Third avenue, wa,
arrestod by Policeman Glonnon nnd locked up
In tbe Leonard street station.
Callahan lives at 402 Newark street. Hobo
ken. Shortly after 8 o'clock ho went up the
elov-ated railway stops to take a train for up
town. He was somewhat Intoxicated and soon
got Into a row with Ticket Chopper Sl tin.
Tho first thn police know ot tho casa was when
Polhemati Glennon found tho veteran nt Frank
lin street and West Drnodwn). He was in a
dazed condition and his lure was covered with
blood w hlcli oozed from two ruts In his head.
Ticket Chopper Glynn told the police that
Callahan had been at Iho station and raised a
disturbance, so ho bad put him in tho police
station and made a chargo of dl-orderly con
duct ugalnst Culluhan. who was made a pris
oner. On Callahan being sent to the hospital the
extent nf his Injuries I'll Capt. Cross, of the
Leonard street station, in suspect foul play, and
he Invo-tlgated the tnsv further.
Then it was learned that Gljnn hnd beaten
the old man on the head with a club, fracturing
his skull. 1 he tlokct chopper was con-equrnlty
locked up after being idi-nlitled by Callahan ns
Corcncr Dobbs was on his war to the patient's
bedsldoat 1 o'clock this morning, when it wa,
sa'd at the hospital that Callahan wns still
titer Muehnnd ejnld ritie Ifnd No Oecnalon
to (Steal, but Hbe Wn. Iletil lor Trlul.
Mrs. Elizabeth Thoescn. 43 j ears old, the wlfo
of Matthew- A. Thocsen, ft furniture dealer at
1115 First avenue, wa, arraigned in Jefferson
Market Court jesterday by Deteotives Doran
and Tinker ot tho Central Ofllce. who had caught
her Thursday night stealing gloves and hosiery
to tho value of St 111 Ileum's stores In Four
teenth street.
Mrs. lhoxienfell to tho floor fainting when
the charge wan read to her. Sho wustarriedtn
an niiteroom. and when sho find been revived
, and brought back to court, her husband, who
had arrived and stood beside her beforu tho bar
nnd supported her. said.
" Your Honor, I havo been married to this
woman for tnenij-threo rirs, and our life has
been the h.ipplet ftho is the mother of nine
children, nnd lis, never before been gullutjyf
such nn at t as tills, sho hail no occasion tn Uo
It, ns I huualwa given tier all tho money sho
! wants. I hope jou will forgive her audills-
I charge her. us 1 do not believe she was in her
I right mind when sho did it."
, Maghxtrnto Kudlloh held Mrs. Thoccn In
$100 for mat, und her husband wont on her
Ccrtlllentea nf Homewnrd-Iloand Chlaeaa
Altered nnd Sold to I ntnalarunte.
6ISATTI.E, Wnsh.. Deo. 25. The United States
customs authorities havo unearthed another
glgantla Chinese certificate fraud by which
hundreds of Chinese undoubtedly hnvo gained
admission to this country. A gang nf clever
white and Chinese fnrgors are In tho plot, which
rouslsts in purchasing the certificates of I'hineso
w lio are about to return to China permanently,
then, by the uld of chemicals, erasing the de
scription of the persons to whom they were Issued
ana filling In those of Chinese tn whom tho cer
tificates aro sold. A duplicate Collector's stamp
Imprints the photograph of tho now owner, and
as he adopts tbo original holder's name It Is
most difficult to detect the fraud. Three Chtncsa
arrested yesterday had certificates altered In
tbe manner described.
Slop to Iteoranntae tho Hunk of Bllnno-
otn nad the Hlack Tnrds Bank.
St. Paui, Minn., Dec. 26,-John D. O'Hrlen.
attorney for tbe Dank of MlnneioU announced
this evening that steps will be taken to-morrow
looking to the reorganization of the bank. Doth
the stockholders and depositors ure In fuvor of
potting the Institution on Its feet again,
Tbe stockholders will bn asked to advance
$000,000. This, with tbe good loans, will con
siderably more thnn pay every depositor dollar
for dollar. As the Stock Yards Hunk Is u feeder
of the older Institution, It will be reorganized
on the same basis.
Another llnltlmora Hoy DjIuk or Hydrophobia.
Bai.timoiik, Deo. 25. Little Conrad Eppera.
another of theelght boys bitten by a St. Dernard
dog on Deo. 1, and then sent to the Patteur
. - In New York for treatment, has de
volopod unmistak-.. "ntoms of hjdro
phobia. At a lata hour to-night hla physicians
have abandoned all hope of his recovery.
Eppers will be the second one of thu bos s lo die
since their return from New York, eight-year-old
llobert J, Henry having died several days
Alsntln Loeee Iltr llontawnln Overbonrd.
Capt. Swain of the Anchor line steamer Al
satla, which arrived here esterday from the
Mediterranean, reports that while thoAlsatla
wns steaming through the Narrows up to Quar
antlno llobert MsoLachlnn, tho ship's boat
swain. In luworlng the anchor from the cathead
got entangled In thu falls and fell overboard.
Life buo)s were thrown over tbo side and n
boat was lowered, but hu was lost. He was 31
fears old aud leaves a widow and two children
n Glasgow.
Lost III I.lf oa Ilet.
Hr.n Dawk. N, J Dec. 2B.-Oot)leb Hlrner, a
baker employed by Joseph W. Child, made a
bet to-day that he would walk across the
Shrewsbury Hlver and back on the Ice, About
2:40 o'clock a cry for help was heard, and those
near the river saw Hlrner struggling Id the
water, near tbe Mlddletown shore. Several
people started out to aid him, but la about a
minute he disappeared, and ho was not seon
again alive. Tho body was recovered byJranx
It I Hnld Thnt We Ilnva Been Told W jilfl
Must Keep Within the I.trolt or Clove
Innd'k Sttustn In Onr Policy Tovrnr4 'H
I uhu- An Improbable Cnuee of Action ''innfl
London, Dec. 23.-Tho Txmr hits a despatob,
from Paris saving that the United States Oov ?H
ernment has been confidentially Informed laths) lH
most friendly term, that the European power ?$ai
could not reninln linpasslio In the oventof tha NnH
United Stales abandoning tho attitude of PresU t
dent Cleveland and his Cabinet. 'VbbI
Should the United Slates Government exer- '
else pressure nu Spain by recognizing tho 'H
Cuban Insurgents or encouraging them In their -IbbH
resistance. It lias been Informed, Europe gon- bbbI
crnlly might beenmo uneasy nt the Idea of such 4LbH
en extension of International not Ion by th lEanH
United States, Inasmuch as It might nt ft glvea "H
moment threaten nlmn-t all the minors whoso H
possessions nro in Proximity to the I'nltcd State snLn
and might tempi thu spirit of enterprise and LbI
encroachment that I, supposed tn Inspire the -Vbbbb!
Senate Committee nu Furelgu Delation,. 'UbB
" If," continues tho writer, "lam correctlf VH
Informed Ills United States had becnVoncnr- cnnl
rently Informed tliat Grrmntiy Is n'.reidy quit H
prepared tu side with Spiln In the uvent of Iho IbbbbI
United States showing that she Is disposed titQ- .&nfl
daily tu side with tho rebels. vftnanl
"Moreover, academic conversations are pro bbI
ccedlng In certain Foreign onires ntient lb
measures the powers shuuld lake tn form a syn- tljH
dlcatn against tho invasion of soc'nllsm, which HsH
Is now menacing all political organizations. 'H
"It was during these )iur purler that th tffl
friendly warning to the United States originated, $
Senator Cameron's resolutions for tho rrcognl. 111
t Ion of the Cuban Insurgents being regurded la -
somo quarters as revolutionary." ,
Rcrbr-n Tnr CnhA Depending on Prcnent Vbbb!
Xesotlnttan nltb Four Power. hH
MaiiIiiu. Dec. 03. SoCorCanovns del Castillo, fV
the Prime MlnNtcr, has affirmed again in th bH
presence of his Cabluet that he Is determined to ftafl
Introduce reforms In Cuba, dating their applt- bI
cation from the conclusion of tho negotiations bI
tarried on with other iwvcrs, which are already 4snE
tending In n direction favcr.iblo to Spain. It is iH
understood that SeQor Canovas referred to tha iJbI
attitude ot France, Germany, Austria, ahd IbbbbI
Great Britain, whose Governmcnts.lt Is stated bbbb!
here, think that tho United States may not over-
step the limits laid down In President Clev 'rBBn
laud's message to ''nngress. .Ibbbbi
Thlrty-Blx Killed bj SpnnUrde, Who Then LbI
l'roclulin a CSrcnt Victor, "veal
Havana, Dec. 23. An ofllclal announcement afl
wasmnde to-day that the Srii ish troops under clal
Cot. Habanal have had an engagement with isH
several tnsurgrnt parties under Hojaa near iobbi
Cimurrones, Province of Puerto Principe. Au H
Insurgent camp was captured, and the lntur- TCbbbI
gents wore dispersed with the loss of thirty-sir ;Lbb!
killed. The Spanish loss was one killed and fi
eight wounded. Advices from n, more trait- Sbb!
worthy source say that the so-called engaga- FbI
ment was simply a massacre of unarmed non- yaH
combatants by the troops. fl
While a train was passing along the railway vbbI
between Culburien and Cnmnjuanl, Provlnoe) bH
of Santa Clara, a dnamltu bomb exploded, ?H
wrecking the armored car containing tho train' iinfl
military escort. Two euldltrswere killed and bbb!
two were wounded. -IbbbI
An Order for 1SO.OOO Snuads or Cartridges b
lor Slnre Island. Sjbbbi
San Francisco, Dec. 25. During tbo week tH
orders were received from the Ordnance Do- iH
partment at Washington, D. C, to supply Mara IbbbI
Island with 130,000 rounds of thirty-eight .
calibre cartridges for navy revolvers. 5?!b
This order cau.b to Charles iomag cV Co., and B
that firm has been kept bun ever store filling .bbI
It. Ammunition will bo Lit. did nt the navy "M
sard, from which point it tuny be taken tn th mI
war vessels ninongw hlch it ma) be distributed refl
That 150,000 rounds of revolver nmmunltton H
should be sent to Mnro Island nt this time IS &
regarded ns rather strung by men who are ac- Ml
quaintcd Willi tho manner In which the Navy m
Department nndticts Its affairs. JM
It is generally believed thnt It is the Intention JjH
of the authorities ut Washington to put alt tha 3;H
depots of navul supplies upon au cmcrcenoy M
footing. MB
Trolley Vmr Kim Down br n Locomotive) Vbbb
nnd the Motormnn Killed. 4bb!
AM.r.stTOW , Pa., Dec. 23. A trolh-y car com- 4H
Ingto this tit) from Dethlvhem nt 1 .'0 o'clock ?gH
this afternoon was sti i. ck by a Nw Jerse) Cen- iIsbI
tralllallro.nl pasvhgor train on u grade cross- (BJ
Ing In East Allinlon n. Tin- trolle) ar iond"0- ($91
tor had gone iiheatl and Iguallnl loinomnto'- 91
mini to tros- the track-. Il l.auced the slg- r;fli
nal upon seeing an approm-lnnc train, hut It 4ffli
was loo lute Motormun l.mi i J. Waro :B
stopped tho car with the iron' plat form on ilia
truck. V, '
Tho train wns running nt the rate of 23 mil. H
an hour and when the locomotive struck the
car It broke the platform oil. tarrrlng It 1)0 Jsfl
feet. The mntorman was k lied almost Instant-'" v tiW
iy, Tho car was brokin tn splinter. Conductor Utl
George dresser hart his face slightly bruised m
and four passengers from llithlehum wero In- -
tured. John Drink, faio cut. Mrs. John Drink, JjB
ack bruised: Ed Wcrir, tli-gh and spine hirt, J.M
and P Gehman, forehead and cheek cut and 'Jj:
legs hruisid. Noneof I licit Injuries, how evi r, Jls
Is serious, Jlotorinau n'e wus 4V )e.ire old
and leaves a widow-and light children.
Wanted n Woman to CJlve 1'ti Il-r sts.it, U
Harry Montnlgne, a wcll-drossed man, 48 &
years old. who rufused to give his mi. ,
dress, vvas thargod In Jefferson Market &
Court jestcrduy by Policeman shlhles of tho f
West Thirtieth street station with Intoxication
and disorderly conduct. Moutalgnu honrded a
Sixth nveiiuu surface cur nt Thirtieth afreet "V
Thursday evening ut H o'clo'-k. llo vvas In- S
toxicated nnd the car was tlllol with women V
shoppers. Picking out an aggressivu-luuklns; Tl
woman, ho saw to her: ,
"I'm llred nf this now woman business, p'o J?
tlmo for the new man to assert himself, Either j1
you give iuii lourseal or 1 will throw )ou out of A
Iho window," '8
Tho woman srrenmed, and tho conductor
railed tho imlhcmnu and caused .Montaigne' p
arrest. Mnglstruto Kudllch fined Montalgno$3, VS
whlcti was paid. W
Old Mr. Ilonrord'tt I.onB !aurney. h
F.llzalxth Dosfo-d, 80 ears old, of Mllwia-
kec, was Intercepted last night at the Lehigh .'if
Valley Hnllroiul depot tu Jersey City. Shu Is 'I
slightly demented, mid on Thursday she started it
tn como tn this clt). When her absence was
discovered her con notllltd thu pollco, and tho tit
Chief of Pollnu of Milwaukee telegraphed to i;
Chief Murphy In Jersey ( III'.. V',
Chief Murphy sent Actlug Dolcctlve Nugent 'h
to lli.ideiu.t in meet the train which arrived at ?
H o'clock Mrs, llosford was very much sur- f
prised when she was taken Into custody, Sho M
was placed In chargo of tho matron at tho Oak- '.;
land avenue station ana the Milwaukee pullco if
Charted with Forslns Notes for BIO.OOO.
Hai.timoiib, Dec 25. George 0. Dotnuth, j.
leading piano dealer of this city, was ar- Ji
rested last night charged with forgery. Th S
warrantor arrest charges him with forging th ifj
name of Herman T, Uernlinrdt to notes amount-
lug to $10,000, but It Is said that the total i
amount Involved will reach more thnn 20.000. ji
In addition to the Gernhardt forgeries, Henry 4
Spamar and his son, George O, 11. Spatuer, say 3-
that they have been fleeced out of $11,700 up lo jj
last accounts, and promissory notes with a '?
forged slgnaturo as an endorsement aro appear-
lug almost dally, 'I
Lateel Marin Intelligence,
ArrlTtd-fitsimihlp Campania, tram Quiiaitttra.
' A