Newspaper Page Text
L,",rJ5&T li fTTU'Bi 'jM-M. Of WEATHER PREDfCTIONll i .1 IT'S SO." K0r 'J H tcTOI-iSIW WT Vv Falr nd colder: northerly winds. iv-Va! I VOL, LX1V.-N0. 118. NEW YORK. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1806 COPYRIGHT, 189G, BY THE SUN PRIHINfl AND imLISlIINGTsSOciAl'lbiWlCNrjTnrf "iVVGKSr 1'IHCK TfVK CENTsT ?fl ? COERCION OF THE SULTAN. f jhb mooEsa iiabxt reoun, rvt xrisnxxniNo is ready, JEaroaVa TJltlmatnat to Abdul. Itmld llaa Been Detlvered-Raaela Ie Btlll Ldtr la the Flans to H,k, Europe's Will Bk apeeted Balttlnm line Itecome a Hotbed or Gambling Clnba Great ffaandnt Bi. anlta Effbrta of the Praia and Govern, neat to Root Them Onl The Fropoaed (Ilrltlab War of Conquest la the Waatera rloadan Ninr Marine Fropnlalon bjr Which a Iloat Travela 34 Mllca ua Hoar. Sptelill CabU DttfXltck to Till Bcf. London, Dec BO. Sultan AbduMIamld has managed to pat, a fairly comfortable Christmas despite tho (aot that be la In the position of n criminal nwalttng sentence. Ho ha, been told this week by hla dear friend M.Nelldoff. tho J. Russian Ambassador, that tho time has nrrtvel ; for htm to make up his mind to do wliatlhe powers tell him to do or to make war for some- 'i body muro pllnnt. But he ollnus tenaciously to S the belief that the Ambassadors ttro no more In 1 earnest now than upon scores of previous occa- f slons when the situation, to ull, ? was as serious for htm. ns now; and It U becoming dally eldent that coercion, with all Its perils, A Trill hate to bo applied. It is alleecd that It Is In reality those perils that make the powers l" even now, at the last moment, hesitate to take h thu Irravocable step. The fleets aro ready, the It Russian armies are ready In Europe and Asia. II I Europe's ultimatum has been delivered, and yet V J decisive notion Is delayed. It Is suggested to-day that the powers fear H that Abdul-IIamid has really rrsolred upon tho desperate expedient of declaring a holy war, I and perishing. If Deed be, beneath the ruin of his I empire, and that tho powers are not prepared B for scch a fearful contingency. France, In B, particular. Is said to be displaying nt this BJ critical moment unexpected Irresolution and Bf belated distrust, not only of England, but ot her BE friend and ally, Russia. Another Ill-informed BBL - reporter telegraphs to-day that Austria and Gcr BB many are again raising objections to coercion, BBJ and bare notified the other powers ot their in BBJ ability to take any share therein, BV There Is no truth in any ot these reports. BJ? Russia continues to lead Europe. There Is not BJ ons single power prepared to say her nay In any H course of action she may deem necessary to H make Europe's will resDected In Constantino. H pie; and Abdul-Hamld's mind remains a con- H t fused miss of hope, fear, fanaticism, mondaclty, H and fatalism, absolutely without the leaven of H one quality of manliness or kindliness. H Btlll, delay Is undeniable and Inquiries here In B.' , London elicit no reasonable explanation of It. B The impression seems to prevail, however, that Hv it la an Integral part of Russia's plans to hare a B Mohammedan rising In Constantinople against Bf AbduMIamld, and that thu pauso Is deltberata BJ, In order to permit the Turkish reformers to de- BJ pose the Sultan and thus obviate the armed In- B, tfrventton ot the powers. There may be some- H i valng in this explanation. H' Ileyond a doubt Prof. Anthony Salmons and Hj other refugees In London, who are In close touch H: with the Young Turkish party, exoeet a revolu- BJ Uon to occur at any moment, and at a dinner BJ of the members of the same organization in Wi Paris, the other night, everybody was excitedly Hf expecting what to the few outsiders present was B described vaguely at stirring news from Slam- Bf boul, BJ Some months ago M. Gerard Harry, editor of HI ' JrjdfpCT(tonceJWfl, !n Brntsels, which Is one of Bi 'n le,t D8wspapers published on the continent BJ ot Europe, entered upon a campaign against the If J gambling hells recently established in anum- r ber of towns in Belgium, with pleasing results. W&i He is already defendant in several big libel I j'jFJ actions. A number of gaming dens have been U closed by the police, and the Government Is Ihi pledged to deal with tho evil, which was fast It becoming a grave scandal. M. Harry's cam H patgn almost establishes a Journalistic record B , for the conspicuous vigor, courage, and ability i with which It was condncted. and the rapidity H , with wblrn results were achieved. B Within the last twoorthree years, and thanks li mainly to a very loose kind of legislation, H ; gambling hells styling themselves private clubs Hj have multiplied In Belgium. There was llttlo Hj of the club about them rave tho name, for any- HI body Mho cared to patronize them could gain HU acces, with the utmost ease. Not only had such H; health and pleasure reports as Ostend and Spa H their CerclesPrlv6s. where ronlette and trente- H et-quaranto were played upon as large a scale. Hi nlthougli less openly, as at Monte Carlo, HJ but establishments of the tamo kind HB liaveceu cropping up In much smaller places, HE inrlndlng Dluant, Rochefort, Chaud-Fontaine, H Namur, Charlerol, and Erqueltnnes. In one lit- Hi tie villago on the river Mensa there are two HB casinos, and another village Just across thu H frontier from France did a roaring trade In the HB same lino of business, thanks to Us situation HJI and vigorous advertising In the French news- I Hk papers. It was the unblushing manner of tout- I HJ ing this establishment which first attracted the HB attention of M. Gerard Harry, and there Is rea- HB sou to believe that about the same time dlpln. HB roatlc representations were made ut Brussels by HB tho Fronch Government, whose paternal heart HB was torn at the almost dally sight of train loads HH of French gamblers en route to that stratcgi- HB cally plnced hell. HB) In truth, all these Cercles Privos did well, HB and the proprietors were In a fair way to roako HHj snug fortunes, when the Independence Ililuc and HH Its Illustrated morning sheot. Lt VetlKJUeu, took i HH them in baud. The extent of their prosperity HH may be gauged by the fact that the great Monte HH Carlo Company saw Its receipts fall last season ' HH by llvo or six million francs through this Bel- HH glan competition. HH Early In the movement an attempt was made HH to bring the club nt DInant to book, but the t HB Judges ruled that the term" the publlo" did not i HB legally apply to members of the club duly , Hh elected, and thereafter eaob gambling den care- H fully modelled Itself upon the DInant pattern. HF But most of them, whllo complying with tho HJ Belgian Uw as to privacy, advertised largely In HJ France, England, Uennany, and even In coun. HJ tries as remote as Russia and Turkey, so that HJ Leopold's small kingdom awoke one day to find HJ Itself laboring undernu International reputation HJ as a handler and safer gambling centre than tho HJ' principality of Monaco. HJ But even worse than this was the discovery B that the gambllng-hell Owners. In order tofa- Hj cllttate their nofarlous operations, had engaccd B In a wholesale system of municipal corruption. B Tho Iiukpnuiance lklge Has charged many mu- 1 nlclpal ofllcers and men of high political mid J ' eoclal stauding with being In the pay ot gam- j H ,' biers. The favorite method of corruption has H i been to buy the services of these public men, B members of Parliament, lawyers, Jlurgnmas. I m ' terN A'dcriuon, Town CouncllloM, Jfcc, ns 1'resl- HE dents or Chairmen of committers of tho so- i H ' called private clubs. Ml i In some places rnuletto and trcnte-tt-iiusr- Bfl ante were actually played in buildings belong. : H Ing to the tuuniclpalltles. At others Ueiivrals H in the army hate been seen presiding at the J Inaugural banquets of such establishments with I thelnslgulaof theOraer of I.e.ipuM shining mi H their breasts, and in November lust the Inile- H )(;ulllir Ud(jc and l'ttt Uiiu began a campaign H against this publlo scandal apropos of tho hill then pending In the Senate proposing to Impose ' a tax of a half million francs a rar on all pri vate clubs where gambling Is carrlid on. Very soon It was nnnnunciil that action hod been Initiated against the owners and managers of the Chaud Fontaine Club for swindling and i robbery, in that they Issued twenty.flvc-frano ahares and sold them at extras sgant premiums uoon the strength nf most lying statements. Acts at swindling were alleged to have been 1 Mumltted In tbt club lusir, the victim being inexperienced amateur gamblers. Burgomaster Borden of Chaud Fontaine was accused of as sisting In the establishment of thjs club on the fallacious publlo plea that It would be a good speculation for the municipality, but really from motive, of self-interest. These allegations wero followed by the serving upon Ptflt IHeu of writs for libel by Berden, by M. Bansa-Htrelber, one of tho Presidents of the Chaud Fontaine Club; by Romulus de Mar colli, the managing director of tho club, and finally by the English and Chaud Fon tatuo Club and Casino Company, Limited. Berden claims 0,000 francs damages, and the others, each, (10,000 francs. There It good reason to believe that before these actions enn be commenced bofore the civil tri bunal nt Llege.whcre thoy have been set for trial, Banra-Stralber, Marcelll, and the others con nected with tho management of the club will be In prison for criminal aotlons. But M. Berden's suit will doubtless be tried In due course, and M. Harry promises plenty ot Interesting rovela ttons. As for the English company. It Is beyond doubt a bogus affair formed solely to enable the l.suo of twenty-lire f rano shares, a figure which Is not allowed either by Bolglan or French law. The company has never been registered here, and Its only local habitation Is a small room In a back street In the city of London which nobody ever seems to use. By way ot a bluff, however, the company has Issued notices to Its swindled shareholders to attend a meeting In London on next Monday, The meeting will be the first ever held by the comunny, but the meeting placn Is not announced. It enn scarcely bo heldn tho small room afore said, because that Is not large enough to swing a cat In. Despite this uncertainty, howover, a number of Fronch and Bolglnn shareholders hue arrived In London to-day, apparently pos sessed with some vague hope of getting the directors ot the company arrested on the spot, and, falling that, wreaking summnry vengeance upon them. One gentleman whom tho Infuri ated shareholders are particularly desirous to lay hands upon Is a i-elf-styled doctor, Victor Garbould, who has figured largely on prospect uses and other clubdocnmeuts as a distinguished English physician and medical advl'cr to the Prince's of Wales. This has been varied oc casionally, and Garbould has been otherwise described as the private medical adviser of Princess Louise, Queen Victoria's daughter. Garbould's name, howover, does not appear upon any medical register In this country, and It is needless to say that neither Princess knows anything ot htm. Ae likely as not he is an Imaginary person Invented by certain shady Belgians, who are tho real promoters ana own ers of the Chaud Fontaine Club. As to the position of affairs In Belgium Itself, the Government has been moved to take action. Several Cerrles Prlvis have been summarily closed, and the managers are awaiting trial on various charges. A number of foreigners of doubtful reputation have been expelled from the country, and there has been a raure qu p?ut effort among the municipal ofllcers Implicated In the scandals to rid themselves ot all connec tion with theso clubs. But a good deal more than this will have to be done if Belgium Is to be thoroughly purged. The independent traders of Liverpool have lorg been Jealous ot toe exclusive trading rights enjoyed by the Royal Niger Company on the west coast of Africa. This feeling has found vent In various forms, and the latest Is a strong protest to Lord Salisbury against the formidable expedition the Niger Comrany hoe organized and which Is now being mobilized at Bonny. This document reveals, on the author ity of Mr. James Plnnoek. former director nf the Klgor Company, the real object of the ex pedition about which so much secrecy has beon maintained. He declares that the goal ot the expedition is the Nupe country, and though the attack Is being made with the ostensible objector putting down slavery, it Is more than hinted that the real object In view is nothing short of a robber's raid, a repetition of the Jameson Invasion ot the Transvaal, only that, instead of the Boer it Is the despised negro who Is to be attacked. The Nupe country is part of the great Sokoto Empire, In which the cavalry force alone amounts to no, 000 men, while the Infantry Is more numerous. On the river, with their armed boats and Max ims, the Niger forces will be able to take care of themselves, but should they attempt to pene trate into the country and be attacked In broken ground then the complete annihilation of the expedition Is clearly prophesied by Mr. Plnnook, There are twenty English army ofllcers serving with the expedition, and what Liveroool is ask ing is, if theso men are wiped out, which soems quite probable. Is the English Government go ing to send an avenging expedition to bolster up the waning prestige of the Royal Niger Com pany ? What some other thoughtful men outside of Liverpool are asking Is, If the British Government can lend Itself to a game of spoliation nt the suggestion ot this char tered company, what amount of credence can be attached to their repudiation of complicity In the Jameson rt Id ? The expedition Is attacked as being a, unwarrantable In one case ns In the other. It Is said thnt a political agent of the Niger Company, one Wallace, was formerly second engineer on board a small river steamer on the Nljier, and It It solely on this man's rep resentations that the raid has been organized. It Is announced from NewcaslIe-on-Tyne thnt Mr. Charles Algernon Parsons, the clever brother of the well-known astronomer Earl Rosse, has Invented a new marlno motor which, us tho phraso goes, will revolutionize steam navigation. Mr. Parsons Is a member of an engineering firm and an eminently practical man, nnd ho and his firm have sufficient con fidence In the Invention to put their money Into it. The motor Is an adaptation of the turbine system, nnd It already Is beyond the stage of experiment. A torpedo boat, built and fitted with It and named Turblnla, has Just had a trial trip ouUldo tho Tyne. She is similar to a first class torpedo boat, 100 feet long over all, 0 feet broad. Her engine, weigh only four and a half tons, and are placed right at the bottom ot the vessel, ngntust the Bkln, She attained the enor mous speed of UP.Q knots, or thirty-four miles, an hour, and this was obtained from only one watcr-tubo boiler with eleven hundred square feet ot heating surface and forty. two square feet of gralo surface, with furnaces fired fore and aft from tuo closed stoke holes. Tho propeller was driven at the rata of 2,400 revolutions a minute, whloh Is more thnn three times tho highest rate heretofore attained In mniino propulsion. Turblnla's boiler pressure Is -.'5 pound, to the squaro Jnoh, and the press ure at the turbines Is lnO pounds. Sonioyoart ago Mr. Parsons applied tho steam turbine sys tem as a motor where highspeed, aro necessary, a, In electilcul machinery, but lt has taken him years to overcomo the numerous difficulties In tho way of Its application to marine propulsion. Tho Newcastle ChronUle, In an Inspired article on the subject, claims for the new system thu following ten desiderata: , Increased speed. '.'. Increased carrvlng power of vessel. :). In. created economy in steam consumption, i. In creased facilities for navigating shallow waters. C. Reduced initial cost. 0. Reduced weight of machinery, 7, Reduced cost of attendance on machinery. 8. Diminished cost of keeping up machinery. 0, Largely reduced vibration, 10. Reduced size and weight of screw propt Her and shafting. Gala la the Gold Ueaerve. Wasiiinoton, Dtc. 20. There has been a per reptlble gain in the gold reserve si nee Christ mat eve. From that time up to to-day thedepotltt ere fl,SU7A'U7 over the withdrawals. The gain win brought about principally by heavy exchangee of Australian V0ld for United States notes In San Franoltco, Mbaaley'a a la Carte Dlaaerw SHOWLES'S LOADED PISTOL CAiivr.ExsxKnH or xitn famous HARDBACK lllVRll COSTS A LIFE. The Flatol Hnd n Patented Attnehmeat to Prevent It from Oolatc OB, and, to Prove It, tfliorvlea (flapped It Dims on the Oar The Vletlm Ilia Intimate Frlead. By the acoldental discharge of a pistol In the hands of William A. Showles, Jr., known on three continents oslthe champion bareback cir cus rider ot tho world, Ansel Croft was shot In the Union Hotel, Red Bunk, N. J at 12:16 o'clock, yesterday morning, Tho bullet en tered the right side of tho abdomen, plercod tho uppper part of the left lobo of the liver, and lodged. It Is supposed, in the muscles ot the back. Twelve hours after ho was thot Croft died. Showlos was immediately arrested at his home in Long Branch, charged with man slaughter, and locked up in the Mouraouth county Jail at Freehuld. Croft, who was S3 years old, was employed ai a barkcenor In tho Union Hotel, which Is kept by his stepfathor, Henry C. liadcau. For years Croft and Showles had been the warmest frlonds. The latter never visited Red Bank that he did not drop In to see Croft- It fact It wns only to Bee his friend that Showles went to Red Bank at all. From the time tho season of the Barnum & Bailey show ceased In tho fall, and Showles returned to his Long Branch home to spend tho wlnlor, he and Croft were almost con stantly together until lt was time for Showles to Join tho show In the spring. Showles hadn't seen Croft for two or three days, and therefore on Christmas evening he concluded to drive over to Red Bank and pay a visit to tho Union Hotel. Accordingly ho ordered a pair of road horses, which he keeps expressly for his own uso during the win ter season, and of which ho Is particularly fond, hitched up, whllo ho prepared for his drive. It beluga flno night and the sleighing good, Showlos did not tako the most direct rond to Red Bank, over the flvo-mile turnpike, but took a more roundabout course, that ho might have the longer sleigh ride. It was not far from 10:30 o'clock when ho drove up to tho Union Hotel. The hotel faces the south and Is but a short dislanco from the Shrew Jury River. A hall, running from north to south, separates the barroom from the par lor aud other rooms of the hotel on the ground floor, lhe barroom Is on the cast side of the hall, and In the rear of lt Is n billiard room. When Showlos entered tho barroom there was a number of men therr. all of whom he knew. Croft v,as behind the bur. Shim los nodded a greeting to tho loungers and then, going up to the bar, he reached out his hand to Croft nnd said: , , "Ah. Anslol How's the boyr I'm end to see you. I Jut thought I'd come over to Ionic after you a bit and wish you a merry Christmas." Croft's greeting to Showles wns quite as cor dial as Hint of .showles to htm. Small talk. In which even body in the room engaged, fol lowed, and after a little everybody hail a drink on btiOHles'b Invitation. Then somebody elu treated and one round ot drinks followed another.untileierybody noa Ingood humor. No one, however, was intoxicated. Finally Showles suggested a four-handed game of pool, the platers to be Croft, himself, u man whom he culled his groom, and uuo other, Showlos Is a fair plajer and Croft wan recognized as the best billiard player and one of tho best pool players in Monmouth county. The suggestion of u pool garni) was agreeable all around und the four rcpalro! to the billiard room. In anticipation of seeing soino good playing, most of the others In the barroom found teats In the billiard room. A number ot drinks wero served during the play, which continued until a few minutes beforo midnight. Showles looked at his watch and exclaimed: " Well. boys. I've cot to quit. It's nearly mid night, and fl'o time a newly marrlrd man was at hum. Let's have another drink and then I'm off." Accordingly, all adjourned to the barroom for a parting round of drinks. While the party was standing at the bar Home "no cam') out of the billiard room with Shnnlrs's ovorcoat. " Here, Billy." said the one who hud the coat, "you don't want to gooff without this. You'll need It onfore yon gut home." " You're right there," Showles replied. " but I wouldn't mind losing tho coat mi much as I would something that's In II. Tell )ou what, bom, this Is my best friend." With that Showles pulled nnt of the pocket of the coat a :iH-calibro hmilh & Wesson revolver and loused lion the bar. behind uhlch and al mostln front of where the revolver was tossed Croft stood. "I ay there. Billy I" exclaimed Croft, "If you're going to throw guns uruund like that, go hire a circus lot. I don't want to be blown Into kingdom come. Is It loaded f" "Of course It's loaded," replied Showles. " What good would nn empty gun be to me. If I needed a gnu at all? But ll won't go oil. Ansle, you needn't worry about that. It's got, a patent attachment and, unless adjusted, ou couldn't make It go off." With that tho equestrian picked np the re volver and threw lt down on tho bar with a good deal of force, , "See " A loud report and a puff of smoke Interrupted what Showles was about to nay. At the sume time Croft staggered and fell down behind the har. All was confusion and excitement in tho room in an Instant. George Buuell, a lumber merchant of this city, with - home In Red Bunk, and ex-Mnrthal Amos Bennett rushed around behind the bar to see what had hap pened to Croft, A hole In his trousers n little to the right of the navel sliowtd where the bullet hnd entered his body. Wlnlo the two men worn bending over Croft Showles rushed around, nnd, kneeling beside the prostrate man, exclaimed : "Oh. my God! My God! What have I done? Oh, Ansle! (let upl bpoak to me! Are you much hurt, man? Speak, Ansle I 1 didn't mean to hurijnu." "I know jou didn't, old boy." said tho wonnd ed man, falnlly. "I know it was an accident. Billy, but I guess I'm done for. You shouldn't have been so careless." While tho three men wero bending over Crnft and the others were crowded about him. Mr, Badeau, Croft's stepfather, and the proprietor of the hotel, came In. " What's the matter here?" he cried, " What's happened J" The others stepped aside and what he saw was all ) tnswer he needed. "' no has done this?" he cried. "Where's the man who has murdered my bo r' There was dead silence for a moment and then Showles cried out again: , "My Uodl Mytiodl What have I done?" f ?Ab! you'ro the murderer, Billy Showles! iu. my boy's fast friend, have killed him! ml yon! yon! you!" With that, Badeau made one leap and clutched the wretched man by the throat. Badeau was almost crazed In his frenzy, and Showles'a face grew purple at the grip tightened on bis throat. Then, with one band at Show lea's neck, iladrau, with the other, picked up the revolver that wn, still lying on the bar and brought It down over Sbowles's head. Inflicting a long tcajp wound. Fearing that another homicide might occur, some nf the bystanders caught Badeau and held lilm, while others led Showles away. At the same time Bunsell and Bennett lifted Croft np, carried him Into the hotel parlor and laid him upon a couch. Badeau followed, and soon he reappeared in the barroom, where ' Showles was tlttlng like a man in a tranre. Looking up as Badeau entered, Showles asked: " How badly Is he hurt, Hsrry ?" "Don't speak to mu! Don't speak to mol" cried Badeau. " Get out of ray sight! (let out of this bouse! I never want to lay eyes on you again!" Slowly, like a man enfeebled by the weight of yenrt. Showles got up, drew on his gloves, and mined to go out. "I'll go. Harry, I'll go. I don't wonder you speak so. If you want to send the ofllcers after me, they'll And me w hen they want me, I'll be nt home waiting lor them." With that Showles went out Into the night and began adrlveoter the old turnpike to Long Hrnnrn. with such feelings as only he could de crlbc, and perhaps he couldn't. In the little two-Mory tavern nn "A harf avenue the InctoiH nero doing all they could to save Croft's life He wns perfectly conscious and suf. fereil very little pain. Iloxpoke of an odd ten sullun, something that felt ns If water were trickling through his abdomen. When tho dot tors heard this they shook their heads gravel). It was derided that It would boun wipe to search for the bullet until the morning. U daylight Croft's condition ot about the same, sate that ho was growing xteadlly weaker. A lion v 10 n'clook he called hla mother, hl stepfather, and tho other members of the fiimlly about him nnd said: "I think I'm going i.o die. lean feel that my strength Is going fast. I want to tell you all The Florida Limited, In addition to the two fn.t express trains now In operstlon Iwtivren hew York and Florida rls the Bouilier-i Hnllwat niel K v and K, learim Wew York 4:i)i)l' M and Isilfi A. J. dsby, comment-lug Jan H, will la return, de turk and finrida MnilieU lesr lug New Yors daily, escopt Sunday, UUO noon, reaching Jacssoujllfe followlnn allernoon 8 0. Ht. Augustine 4IHU. Tun Unfit train srer operated be twetn Hew York and Florida, composed of Ulnlux. Glrtplnr.Cotnparlrusnt, and Obserrattoa cart. ltw York to 81. Ausu.llntaud Pullman Drawing Boom lTlt8l5? vu- " ,or V sood-by while I may. And I want to tell you something else: Billy didn't mean to shoot. Wo hadn't any quarrel, nor et er had nnv wonts. It was all an arcldentand I don't want any harm to eonie to Billy on my account." With that the young man sank back upon hit pillow and slept until the doctors rnme to oper ate nnnn him. There wero eeven physicians In nil. Dm. Flold. Whlltoninre, Warner, hayre. Rush, and Brown of Red Ilnnk, nnd Dr. Taylor of Mlddletown. Dr. Taylor performed the operation. The patient was put under tho Influ ence of an amctilietln shortly bofore noon. When the surgeon's knife bad revealed tho fact thnt the bullet had pierced tho liver, and that there was much Internal hemorrhage. It was known that his life could not ba saved, and tho operation went no further. The patient hnd been growing rapidly weaker while the Doctors had been working. And, In spite of tho stimu lants administered. Croft died before they had finished their work. As soon as Croft's death was announced, Con stable Frank Stryker went before Justice of the Peace Henry J. Child and sworn out a war rant charging Showles with manslaughter. Stryker had no difficulty In finding Showles, and the prisoner wa, taken to the county Jail at Freehold, Ho will be arraigned be fore! County Judge J. Clarence Conover to-morrow morning and will probably ho ad mitted to ball to await tho action of tho Coroner and Grand Jury, District Attorney Charles 11. Ivens said yesterday afternoon that ho hnd carefully gone over all the clrcumslunccs lend ing up to tho shooting, nnd hnd become con vinced that It was purely the result of careless nets on Showles's part. Whether or not lt was rrlmlnul carelessness was not for him to sny. Under the circumstances. Mr. Ivens said, ho would not oppose an application to admit the prisoner to ball. Showles Is about 38 years old, and has re cently been mnrrled for the second tlmo. He Is the adopted aon of William A. Showles, the veteran bareback rider, who was the chnmplon more than a quarter of a century ago. When the old man was with a show about twentr-flre years ago he ran across a youngster about 10 or It! years old. who nttracted his fancy. The lnd'n namo was Costelln. Showles got permission to adopt him, did so, and named him William A, Sliowlc, Jr. He taught tho boy to ride and fur n number of years the two travelled about to gether with circuses, riding the same horse In the ring. When the old man concluded to retire nnd take up the livery business In Long Branch his odopti d son succeeded to hla title and soon ecllped the old man's reputation. For the past twelve or fourteen years Showles has been with the Barnum & Bailey show. Ho Is short and thick set. and has extremely dark eyes, hair, and mustache. rnitcn to Kir. i. nr court. Yoaatc Dreyfna Points a Pistol at Mre. JuTarkua la Yorkvllle SJourt. In the Yorkvllle Court yesterday a young man, who was summoned to answer a charge ot as sault preferred by a woman, drew a revolver and tried to shoot the woman whllo both wero standing on the bridge befuro Mnglstrato Went worth. Iho would-be murderer was disarmed and locked up. He Is Samuel Dreyfus, 1M years old, of 313 East Seventy-second street, lhe woman Is Mrs. Caroltno Markut. who Uvea at 210 East Forty-fifth street. Mrs. Markus doclared that two weeks ago, while she was In a butcher shop on First ave nue, between Twenty-fifth nnd Twenty-slxth streets, Dreyfus, who drives a fat wagon, entered and, without provocation, struck her In tho face. The woman was telling of this and other escapades of thu prisoner when Dreyfus suddenly drew a revolver from his pocket and aimed lt at her. Instantly the court room was In a commotion. Magistrate WentworthySprang from his seat In alarm, while two of the court ofllcers seized Dreyfus and took the weapon from him before ho could pull the trigger. Mrs. Markus tittered a scream of terror when she taw the weapon ' pointed at her. After he had been overpowered Dreyfus kept shouting at the woman : " I want your blood I" A brand new dagger in a sheath was found In his pocket. Dreyfus was arraigned again when the ex citement had "subsided. " Did you Intend to shoot that woman V asked the Magistrate. " I did," replied the prisoner. Then, turning to Mrs. Markus, who had been conducted buck to the bridge, he cried -excitedly: "If I get free again 1 will it atch for you and bare your blood." On the woman's complaint the prisoner was held in J'-'.OOO ball to answer. Mrs. Markus said that Dreyfut's father Is employed ns superintendent nf a dressed beef company In First avenue. Her husband used to be asilstant foreman there. Young Dreyfus wns also employed by the firm to collect fat. Mrs. Markus raid that Dreyfus hnd got Into a number of difficulties frutn which his father, it ho Is well-to-do. hud rescued him. The young man always maintained that oho hud made trouble for him at home, an accusation which she denied. The prisoner said that his father bad been very friendly to Mrs. Markus, nnd had procured her nuslmnd a place with the dressed beef com pany. Markus, he said, was detected In a theft and sent to prison for three months. The de tection wns made by Dreyfut's father, and the young man declared that Mrs. Markus had said that she would get even tilth Drejfus the elder through the son. Mrx. Markus told his mother all klndh of stories about him. and prejudiced his parents to such an extent that he had been ordered out of the housr. Last week she went to wnere he was at work In a butcher shop and attacked him with a butcher's cleaver. During tho struggle to gnln possession of the cleat or, Drerfus said, he struck bor In the eye. She ap plied for a warrant, but only obtained a sum mons. When It was xerred upon him Dreyfus armed himself for the purpose of taking her life. This he fiankly admitted. SID.WT l.ASCJST.I.KS PARDONED. Got, Atklnaon Ileli-nnee the Adventurer Who Poned ne "Lord Ilerearard." ,iulta. On.. Dec. 20. Gov. Atkluson has pardoned Sidney Lascelles, who was itnonn throughout the country as "Lord Buresford," and who in 1803 was sent to prison for forgery. He gave a fitlso check to Hamilton ,fc Co., bankers, in Rome, Ga., for 1,000 on a London bank. He was arrested, but fled to Canada, whore he was re-nrrcstod. YoNKEite. N. Y., Dec. SO. Sidney Lascelles, the adventurer who has been pardoned by the Governor of Georgia, was the husband of Miss Maud Lllienthal of this city. Miss Lllleotbal became acquainted with Lascelles In Algiers and became Infatuated with him. The Ltllen tbals own a flue estate on the banks ot the Hudson, on Broadway, adjoining Greyttonc, the home of the late Samuel J, Tllden. They also own a large estate in Georgia, where the family spend the winter. It was at this place that Lascelles inluced Mils Lllienthal to elope. The elopement wat preceded by a tceneonthe latin In front of tho family home, Mrs. Lllleu thnl became uware of tho proposod tlopement and set out to catch them. Lascelles drove up In a larriage, and Miss Maud left the house fol lowed by her mother, Mrs. Lllienthal tried to restrain her daughter, but the "I,ord" Inter fered and, tripping the old lady up, sunt her sprawling on the green lawn, 'lhe young couple then Jumped into the carriage and drove oft. They were married and shortly afterwards the bridegroom was at rested. Mre. Latcellet obtained a divorce last spring, Last July Mrs. Lllienthal died, leaving nearly 31,000.000, Her will was probated in the Sur rogate's Couit at White Plains. When the will was opened the family and friends were sur prised to II ud that Maud bad received an Income of 10,000 a year for life. A clause said that as she bad tnarrled a ills repu table man against the wishes of her mother ebe should not share an equal part of the estate with her brothers and sisters. Miss Lllienthal a few weeks ago was up in supplementary pro ceedings before Judge Dykman in White I'lnlns. It Is tali! that the had guaranteed several thou sand dollars' worth of debts ot her divorced husband. Bliot Out the Lights on the Christmas Trar. Abiilamd, Ky., Deo, SO. BUI Morrow entered Kavanaugh Chapel, in Lawrence county, on 'Ihursday night Just as the distribution of pres ents was In progress and amused himself by emptying two six-shooters at the tapers blaring no the tree. When members of the ciingirgn tlon sought to quiet hliu he pulled a third re vnlverand began shouting prninlscuuiisl), fn. tally wounding George Paik unaleatiug rlesli wounds on Tom Bonders and Miss Alllu Morgan. Morrow then escaped on horseback. Horse Killed In sn Unusual Mnnnrr, A One horte attached to one nf John Wnna maker's delivery wagons was killed by a cabUi car In Park row lesterday. The hone was left vinndlmr In trout of the Poller building, and Incoming ularined at u p.using car poked hi, hcud through the window. The broken glass cut toe animal's throat. Htralabt la tua Bull' JBje I Is where Ulkrr's Expeetpraot hits a couth or cold eruyitme. Mens book If U fUJtaua. ON A RUNAWAY TRAIN." WELL-icxotrx ci.unatKx iismixn AIIOVT S.IliV. XIXVI'IM,. Their I.ltttn Gnrno nf Draw oa a Ixtntr Island Mptelnl Train Rndelr Ilrotcen Up Mr. Knnpp dims to llta TSree Klnta I.Ike a Hero The Engine Iladly nattered. There was a shooting mntch a week ngo yesterday on ths grounds of tho Westminster Kennel Club at Babylon, L. L, and those mem bers who took part went therefrom Long Island City Inn special train consisting of Englno ll'.' and a tingle- prlvato car. Charles McKeoter tins tho engineer, and he Jumped tho light train along to its destination In such n manner as to mako the teolh of the shooters rattle. Tho thirty. eight miles bsttrcen Long Island City and Babylon were ouverrd lu exaotly forty three minutes, and tho brevity of tho Journey seriously interfered with a quiet little game of poker in tho prlvato car. William R. Knapp, who. It Is said, wat considerably behind the game, and who had Just opened a Jack pot with n pnt straight, protested because his compan ions wouldn't play out tho hand. "It's Just ray luck." Knapp grumbled. "The first hand I've held In n month. I'll travel on a slow freight hereaftor," McKeerer leaned out ot the cab and grinned as tho party got out of tho car. Knapp shook his flit at him. " We'll do a little better going back," said the englnoer, and turning to Fireman Shlrtollft he began to scold him for not keeping hi, steam at tho propor notch. The shoot passed oft without a httoh, and thn members ot tho party were In flno spit Its when they boarded the private car for the return Jour ney. The cards and chips were brought out, and in tho fractional part of a minute the poker gnrae was in full swing again. Seated around tho tablo. with tho full privilege nf drawing cards, wero W. A. II. Stafford, Walter W. Wat rout, C, M. Chaoln, Joseph 1'. Knapp. and Wll Hum R. Knapp. Col. Butler was n fascinated spectator. W. R. Knapp wanted the game to begin Just where it had left off, to ho could have a chance to bet on his pat straight, but the others would not hear ot any such Irreg ular proceeding in a friendly game ot draw. Tho cards were dealt and the chips were rat tllng on the board when Engineer McKeever backed No. 02 against the private car and mode ready to start. By tho time the train rolled out of tho station Mr. Watrous had considerable difficulty In looking over tho top of his chips. W. R. Knapp was a steady loser, and he urged the others to play fast, to that he might have a chance-to get even. In the mean time the train waa plunging alone at tcrrlDo speed, and the private car rocked from side to side with the swing of a Dutch cradle, but without Its smoothness. The sway ing of the train mado the chips dance about liko quicksilver, but tho players heeded neither the spcod or the motion, for tho game was at a criti cal point. When leaving Massapeaua the play ers threw up their hands, and It was a natural Jack. Hand after hand was dealt, but no one was fortunate enough to draw openers, and the process of "sweetening" went on until there was a mighty stack of oblps In the middle of the board. Snddenly W. R, Knapp'r faco became rigid, and ho drew a long breath. Holding bis cards close to bis chest, he peered at them cautiously. When he had satisfied nlmielf that he was not mistaken in the first estimate of his hand he placed his cards, faco down, carelessly In front of lilra and smiled the smilo nf a man who had struok a " good thing " for the first time. He had drawn three kings. He Is sn accustomed to drawing bobtail flushea that Invariably refused to till and straights with disconnected middles, that he could not trust hls'ctes when ho saw the;kings. Mr. Staf ford passed, Mr. Wntrous, w'ho was hug Slug two deuces, looked lung at his hand, but nally admitted that he had not the where withal to open tho pot. All this time W. R. Knapp wasltoylng impatiently with his chips. When his turn cams he grabbed up a dollar stack. "I'll open "ho snld, and Just then there was a terrllic crash, as though the engine hnd been smashed Into atoms. There wns a roar of escaping steam, which enveloped tho car, and a shower of gravel und cinders pattered on the windows. All the players except W. It. Knapp threw down their bands and fled to the rear of the car. Knapp did not etlr from his seat, and above the roar and the din hla voice could be heard pleading it lib tho players to return to the game. "It's tho second good hand I've had In a month." ho shouted. "If you fellows have one drop of sporting blood In your veins you'll come back and play out the Jack." But tho players heeded him not. Tho train was running at ter rific speed, the showers of gravel ugalnst the windows broke some of the glass, and the car was tilled wltn steam. Finally Mr. Watrous ran forward to Und out what bad happened, and n, he was about to put his hand on the door knob tho front door flow open, and the body of Fireman MitrtclllT was projected Into the cnr. His overalls and Jumper wero plastered with mud. and hi, (ace w as a sight to behold. "Wa-nhat'a tho matter?" gasped Mr. Wat rous. When Shlrtclltf got his breath he ex plained that both parallel rods on the engine had broken while the train was running sixty mile, an hour. Both rods seemed to snnp at the same Instant, and they whirled back on the cab with awful force, smashing in the. roof and de ranging the machinery to such an extent that McKeever was unable to thut off the rienm. Shtrtcllft wan stooping over to gather up a shovelful of coal from the tender when the crash came. McKeever had Just left his seat for nn Instant, and thus both men escaped the blows of the heavy rods. McKrover tried to push In the throttle, but the connecting roil of the bar was bent so badly that ho could uol budge It. Then, like llgntulng, his hand glided to the little lever of the air brake. But this, too, was Jammed down in nucha man ner that no human power could muvelu Mean while the speed of the train did not slaoken, and with each revolution of the drivers the huge parallel rodt were whirled bock on the cab and framework of the engine with violence. With every blow splinters of wood and scraps of Iron were hurled In the air, , and the engineer and his stoker feared that i they would net er live to tee tho end of 02's run. McKeever, climbing nut of the wrecked cab, made his way carefully to the sand box, to ' which he clung for life. The fireman crawled ovor the pile of coal In the tender and Jumped to the front platrorm of the car. When tho Westminster clubmen realized their danger they determined to make an effort to stop the flight of the runaway train. Sev eral of them went to the front platform with Fireman Shlrtoltff, and amid the clouds nf escaping steam and showers of cinders and fxarel they sought to dlsoonnect the rubber lose lending from the engine to the air brake. Mr, Watrous leaned over In the space between the tender nnd the engine platform, but his arm whs not long enouirh to reach the connec tion. Firemen Shlrtnllff tried his hand, and, although his lingers touched the hose, he could not reach the connection. The clubmen re tlnd again Into the car. and they were about to hold a consultation when the speed nf the train began to tlaoken. Tim ttram in the engine was running low, nnd whe'i th train wa, wtihln two miles of Wnntagli It ramn to it dead halt. When the cluhtmn scrambled from the car they were np nallednttho extent of the damage to the engine. The i ah was smashed to flinders, tho Jacket of the holler it as rent In many places, and steam win escaping from all tho Joints, The car wns plastered with mud nnd soarcely a pane of glass In ll was unbroken. McKeever. who was uninjured, walked to Wantngh and telegraphed for another engine. hlch soon arrived, and the wrecked train, with the clubmen aboard, was hauled Into Long Island City forty minutes late, "Did you eter henr of such luck?" growled W It, Knapp a, they walked toward the ferry. "Three kings nnd nerer a cliance to bet them." A Hell nay Tries la Ilurn a Hotel. Tuny, N, ., Dec. 'JO, -Because Proprietor Stiles spoke harshly to him yesterday after noon Jeirmluh hiillltan, a slxteen-year-nld bell buy at tint Troy House, went into rooms 13 and 17 of lhe lintel Inst night and started a Are In ai h apartment. Thu hotel was crowded with gtiH.iKHt the time. The. tiro was discovered by a tinman who occupied n room on the third llnnr. The Humus wrre quickly extinguished lid the loss wns slight. Sullivan wat arrested in suspicion of being the Incendiary, This morning ho was arraigned before Magistrate llonnhue und held In t'.'.OOO ball for further examination next Saturday. He confetted hit gulll. E. Je W. Wluamte. Wlntmto A now collar Ai To Boutaara Keaorta, Florida fast Line, Atlantis Coast Line, and Flani Bsteai, via Wathlnstou, Hlchuond, Charlttlon. Vtt aad XOl Broadway, Hew Yorkv-vlda, AXOTIIEII KKXTVCKY l.VXCMXII. The Hlzth Incident nl (he Kind In Thnt Mt ii to In HIk Days. OWRKBnniio, Ky.. Deo. SHI. Alfred Holt, col ored, alias Alexander, tho murderer of I'ollco Officer W, A. White, wn, taken from Jnll by a mob at U:30 o'clock this morning nnd hnnced, to a tree In Iho Court Houso yard. This Is Ken. turky's sixth lynching In six days. About ':10 o'clock two mon knocked at thn Jail door, und, In response to n question of Deputy Jailer John Ashby, Jr., said they had a prisoner they wished to lock up for snfo keeping. Young Ashby opened thn door only to faco two big rctolrora. He was overpowered nnd the kos were taken from him. At a signal from the two men thirty or fortr others poured Into tho Jnll. Proceeding up stairs, several of the mob held Jailer John Ash by captive, while two others moled on to tho cell whero Holt and the five other negroes Im plicated with him were asleep. Thoy were not aroused from their beds till tho kess rattled In tho key hole. Then they plcndod for mercy. Tho leader said Holt wa, the guilty man, nnd ho alone was wanted. Pleading for his life. Holt wa, taken out of the Jail, through the Court Houso yard to the east tide, facing tho Rudd Houe. He had time to pray, nnd then a rope wa, placed about his neck. In ten minutes Holt had been slrnngled to death. Holt hod only been brought here a few days ago from Louis! Illc, wnere ho wns taken for sato keeping. it'KIXl.EY OAVF. 'EXI A JIITCU. Small Dots Hiring Their riled to the Mnor'a Mlelgli nnd Iluve a Pine Time. Canton, O , Dec 20. Major McKlnloy found an unusually largo correspondence watting him this morning, nnd ho wns kept very busily en gaged dnrlng the greater part of the forenoon. Just before luncheon, how over, he took a long walk through the residence pnrtof tho city. Ho went out unaccompanied. During tho afternoon he took a sleigh ride. Several little boys woro on tho street with tholr sleds and the Major called to them to hitch on. They were not slow to nccopt the Invitation, and the President-elect enjoyed lt a, much a, the boys themselves. Major McKlnley had no callers of Importance to-day. Nono Is expected nntll Moudaj, when the members of Congress will begin to return to Washington, TOhsioi axd the 1 1 nunc cnuncn. The Holy Hrnod If ecldee to Excommunicate Mlm-The Czar Blur Not 1'crmlt It,, Dec. 20. Adtlces from St. Poters bnrg say thnt a sensation has been created there br the decision of tho Holy Synod to ex communicate Count Lvof Tolstoi, the cele brated Russian author, from tho orthodox church upon the ground that his works aro cal culated to and do undermine tho Church. The Synod was Incited to this action by M, Pobedonostzoff, the Procurer-General of tho Synod, who proposes to summon Count Tolstoi beforo the Synod for trial, which will Involve his being deprived of his civil rights. It Is Im probable, however, that the Czar will assent to any action of the tribunal that goes further than condemnation of somoof Count Tolstoi's tracts and essays. ilUXlClVAIj ASBKJMiLT SATjAUIES. 91,000 Tor Aldermen and 81,500 for Cans. ellmen the Flsnrea Aarerd Oa. It was learned last night that the Committee on Draft of the charter for the Greater New York.have agreed to fix the salary of Aldermen at $1,000 and of Councllmcn at Si. 600. Mem bers ot the present Board of Aldermen get $2,000. ALDBE3TAX O'ltTALLKY TXMCTED. Oae of CblcnBO'a City Fattier Cbarsed with nn Election Murder. CniCAOo. Dec. 20. As the result of Informa tion gained recently by Police Inspector Echaack from two non-resident witnesses, tho Grand Jury to-day voted an Indictment against Thomas J, O'Malley, Alderman from the Twenty-third ward, charging complicity In the murder of On, Coltlnnder. saloon keeper and Twenty-third Ward politician, on election night, November. 1HH4. Half a dozen members of the notorious " Mar ket street gang" have been suspected by tho Sollce of this crime. John Bingham and John antry ot the gang were also Indicted to-day on the same charge. Collmnder had received the nomination for North Town Collector, and entered tho (tolling place at 1 17 Oak stroet about midnight to w atch the count of votes. Soon after his arrival a band nf the Market street criminals broKe In the door and a fight followed. Colllander was shot through the body and head, dying In n few hours. Tho Indictment of O'Malley caused a gre-tt surprise In police circles and among politicians at the City Hall. He has a plumbing establish ment In his ward, was serving his first term In the Council, and has always been regarded as a good citizen. STltllCIXG 3lTElt KILLED. Another Tragedy In lradvllle Deb Golns There to Help the Hlrlkrrn. LEAtiviu.K, Col., Dec. 20. Patrick Carney, a union miner, was shot nnd killed Bhortly after 11 o'clock this morning at his own doorstep by four Mls'ouiinnp, non-union miners Carney and his wife had Just returned from n Christ mas festival when they met tho Mls-ourlans at the door. A quarrel ensued, and Carney was shot through the bead and Instant!) killed, Tho soldiers, hearing the shots, charged on the four men and arrested them. Teiime IlAt'TE. Ind Dec. 80. It is announced that Eugene Dabs will go to Colorado at onie to help tho Leadrllle strikers. Ho will speak In the Colorado cities, beginning in Leadvllln, where there is to be a big demonstration on his arrival. President Boyceof the Western Min ers' Federation, who stopped here on his way home from the convention of the American Federation of Labor, sats public sentiment is still with the 3,000 men who went on a strike last June against a reduction ot SO cents a day below the Colorado acale, and that tho men can hold out Indefinitely, as the miners In other places are contributing to their support. While here Mr. Bojce received n despatch earing that 828,000 had been sent from Butte to Leadrllle to assist the striking miners. MIOXTNED JH THE ST. LAWRENCE. Two Men and a Girl Lost In a rltorm "While Croaalna; to Grlndalone latnad. Clatton, N, Y Dec SO. Yesterday after noon Edward C. Rogers, superintendent of Calumet island, opposite Clayton, the summer residence of Charles O, Emery of New York city, accompanied by hla young son Frank and Miss Minerva Bobbins, left Calumet Island In an Ice punt for Grindstone Island, where Miss Bobbins resides. A squall and snow storm oame up while they were crossing, hiding them from view. They were not seen again, and, ns ther did not reach Grindstone Island, It Is feared that their boat was capsized and they were drowned. Tho rlrer Is full of drifting Ire. A search was begun lilts morulng and resulted In the finding of the empty punt, with the mutt of Miss Bobbins In It, There is no doubt that the three people were droit ned. Mr, Rogers lenres a widow and two daughters. Chased the Iloya oa a Hpeelal Trnln. Weston, W, Va., Dec, 20. Earl, a son of Vice-President Kuntt of the West Virginia and Pennsylvania Railroad, with Hoy Hate, Hollln Atchison, and Hale Sherrard, all under twenty, ran off from home yetterday to enlist In the Cuban army. They wrre followed by tho Kuntt boy's father with a special train and cap tured at midnight at West Mllford, Barely Htrap Broke Elevator Pelt, The safety strap of one of the elevators In the new flfteeo.itory offloo building at 320 Broad way slipped oft the wheel yetterday morning and the elevator tell two ttorlea, John Btearn, a passenger, suttalnid a fracture ot the left ankle and was removed to Hudson Street Has. pltaL Chelae Old Table Wlnea. . . ten-year-old port, ai per (alien. California Vhatate O. 1 tart pUse, s7r.-44a HERE WITH THEIR TltEATY. H l.l.lHJ Sl:.Oll AXDHADEAND MR. STOnRQVT f'3Hal RACK FHIUf VEXEZUELA. v MjjB m Everything: Rendr Now to Nesotlnte fats jBB (he Itnl 11 ittlon or the Treaty Mr. Mtor cflB row Says Venra letu la rjatlelled Friend VaVJ ly Feellnt There for the I'nlled Slates. iflB Seflor Joso Andrndo, Venezuelan Minister IjflB to the United States, and Jnraos J. Storrowof 3fl Boston, counsel for tho Venezuelan Govern viflB inent beforj tho Boundary Commission, who 9J wont to Cnrnrns a month or more ago tilth the, 'vHal protocol of the Venrrurlnn nurecmont for tho BHJ settlement of the boundary ill"! uto lictwoenEnR 'BB land and Venezuela, nnd to secure Us rntlflca- Bb lion by President Crcspo and tho Venezuelan i-H Congress, returned yesterday on tho steamer JHbI Csracas. They w;ro met on thctr arrival in iflH Brooklyn by tho Vcnezuelnn Consul-Ucnoral ' Hal nnd nn nttncho nt tho legation nt Washington. , ."HPJ They loft shortly artcr their nrrlvni for th -wB cnpltnl. jBH Both Scfior Andrndo and Mr. Stor'ow re vB fused to make n definite M.-itcmcnt.'.but It wat VBB gathered that the Mtnltr returns with tlm , HJ protocol aprroved byfPresIdouttCrospo. and $ that ho Is ready to negotiate lt, ratification "Hi with Great Britain. BB As to tho alleged disapproval by Venezuela, BH of tho clause In the agreement which falls to 'fH recognize tho sovereignty nf tho country by H giving It direct representation on tho com il mission, and the fifty-) ear occupation pro- IflB vision. It was explained that these conten. JH tlons did not arlso from tho uovcrnment, but KvJ from a few sensational and Irresponsible news- Afll papers, which wore clearly Ignorant of the true jSHI meaning of tho documoiit. When tho agrco- 'rwJ mont was fully understood lit the people ths 'iBB most ablo men of Venezuela publicly advo- -'BB catcd It. and advised Its unqualified appmvut. i'BB nnd there aasu nave of applause throughout ibH the country. It was the general sentiment 'BH that In tho United States Venezuela had A vflfl lrlend In whole hands she irould loso nothing. -Bb1 Minister Andrndo termed cry happy when 'BH ho stepped from the etenn er. iflH "I have written ind telegrnnhed." he said, - YBH "all I have to say. and it has been published In itBfl America. I cannot say anything inoro on tho "VBl question Just now." i&BB "It is said you come hern empowered br -.-BH President Crespo to slun tho treaty on behalf i-Ha of Venezuela?" snld the reporter. IBs! "That Is a matter 1 rannot with nroorlctr vHa dlscuis." jo rcnlled. "nor can I tell you TBI whether or not the treaty Is satisfactory to my Hb! (lovornncnt. These urn dlpluiuntlo affairs BB that I cannot be intertioned upon." 'BB "Do you antlctpnte'nnr oblucllon from ths -Ba! Venezuelan Congress when it meet, in Feb- liflfl runry to receive iho treaty?" BB "As to that I will answer tint I do not." lie '''HB rcD'drd. l(flfl Seflnr Andrado then handed tho reporter a ,BB clipping from a Caracas ..-hlch. be 'Bfl snld. reDresciitcd tho ideas and views ot the iBB pvoplo of ids country, lieald: -tBH "In tho matter of the boundary agreement ,BB tho unwarranted nttacks upon the Govern- i-BB meat aro based on no nlld arguments, and vie tiBB ire surprised U see such rumors set afloat after VHI eterythlnc concerning the boundary question Trflfl lira been settled satisfactorily. Thn United 4HB States hare Peon the friend and representative 'IflB ot Venezuela, or, to put lt exactly. Venezuela, "IBB through It, f.lend. tho United States, has ne- Vflfl got la led tho treaty. It I, In nil essential ''BB parts tho same treuty as Venezuela offered to L'flB Great Britain forty years ago. and which tHb Great Britain refused. Under tho fifty-year iBl clause the only territory which Great Britain BH will hate aro tho settlements lietweon the Es- -tBB sequlbn and the Pomaroom Riter. Tho fifty- BB year clause will exclude Great Britain from ''Ba the Orinoco country and the Cuyuni River. BB which is the portion of the country Venezuela VBb is especially desirous of keeping." '-'Ha Mr. Storrow was not inclined to discuss tho ',Bn treaty. hB "Two or three .inncrs," ho snld. "went oft -Ha half cockoi. nnd wrote, article, against the 'HI treaty. Public men. jurists, and diplomats VBB wrote Intelligent article; nn the agreement in iiBBl the newspapers, and after a while tho people iTHI understood It clearly, and opinion quickly -Hi changed. It was commended gonemlly Just i?Ha liefore wo left tho country, two ex-Ministers to Hb! England being among Iu advocates. The feel- Hi Ing In thecountryis very friendly to tho Untied t4flfl States, nnd onen"urs kind words for Amerl- 'BH cans on all sides.; President Crcspo Is ospeclally 'iflfl cordial toward tho United S ates. Ho Is a -Sfl man of powerful Influence In hla country, anil 'fll he Is very popular. His Influence would alono -'-Ha go n great way toward seenring tho adoption iflB of tho agreement. He readied a, very courto- out letter from President Clet eland, which mated him greatly. Ho wrotc",a rooty In tho - sarnn strain. As to tho stories nf a possible ' ',Bi revolution in the country, they aro simply non- sH sense. If any snch outbreak was likely to H occur I would certainly not hate left." HI WHICH DIED WORTH S'JO.OOOT 'n;M Goldsmith, Who Wn Tturnrd with Ilia pB Wife, Wns Insured for Her ilenrOt, ';! There I, going to he an Interesting litigation jsH over 320.000 of lnsurancoon thollfoof Aaron pB Goldsmith, taken out In favor of his wife. He, j'B his wife, and their three children were burned "rBj to death last Sunday. His brother, Louis Gold- JvBj smith, of Chatcaugay, N. Y was appointed ad- l-B mtnlstrntor of his estate by Surrogate Arnold -aB testerdny. Goldsmith left two other brothers 'iH and a niece. -Hs The question is whether Goldsmith or his wife ''ftl died first. Uclatlics of his wlfo contend that "-ABB the money comes to them, and that the admin- flBJ Istrator of her husband IU have nothing to ml- MBJ minister upon, and they say thoy will hnta nn '''Hi administrator of her estate appointed "lmrtlt to -Hi take choree of the insurance monty 4HI Counsel who hatu been consulted about ths ((Bfl case say thnt under common lit" ! is. ons tho ioH law would presumo that the husband, helm- ijBBj probably stronger thnn n w m in. would sur- jjBfl vlve the wlfu. Decisions tt hlch le pointed out -'1BBI In support of this viotv were cmi v hero a man Jfli and woman hnd gone down tutu n vessel, lt HI was said that there Is no si eh case on record ' JBB with regard toatlre and thai thu lensonliig n ,"i filicable to drowning would not pertain to a FkB Ire. Thu proximity of e.u h of the persons to "- CM theadvnuroof the flames tin- character of thn .'TH clothing they woro nnd tlulr phlcr,l riinrm- vM leri'tics. it was said, would aim play their ;L parts. Moreover, theie mat be evidence giieri rH to show that the woman did, In fact, surtitu 'ufl her husband. Itelallu-. of thn woman mi they naa belletu they can prove that the mu in an was H1 heard to scream after the husband had bevn "StHl apparently overcomu by thu llamo-d hH Horse TJelked n Enclne Approached. iiS Wiariri.n, L. L, Dec. 20.-Charlcs Miller was tjfl driving along Maurice avenue, near thu rail- H rosd crossing, this afternoon, when hu ills- 'f'iai covered tho (I recti port express npnrnaclilng In JM tho distance. Seeing thai ho had stilllcient time "jfl to cross the tracks in advance nf thu train, ho .' whipped up his horse, which started on a run. 1 Whon the nnltnnl had denied the Hacks It ft came to n Midden halt, leaving the carr.nge, with Mliltr sitting In It, standing on the irnck. ;tf Miller made eetcral Ineffectual ellorts In get 'J the liorsu In inotf, ttlthfiut elfccl. Seeing iho f jV train thundering down upon him. ho finally Ai.1. jumped to tno gro'ihd, nod tlm next instant iho "if-1 eiiginu Ntrtick thu tingoii und smashed It Into "V splinters. Miller and tho lioreo iscapeil ttltti- 'k out Injury, Jlnltlmore'e Hernnd llftilrnplinlilA Vletlm. Bai.timoiik, Dec. 20. Conrad 1.1, one of the eight boys who were bitten by a mad dogon Due. 1, and ttero treated nt Iho Pasteur 'i Institute, Now York, died of litdrophobla nt ', midnight ut bis homo lu Wood berry. Eppers '! returned from New York n week ago last Wed- i, nesday, and ll tins thought he wn, cured, as liU ) wound-, which were nn thu back of his nock, had healed nicely. Several days ngo he becaiuo , S her i on. and de.pondent, and unmistakable J symptuin. of rnhles butumiiiippnri'iit. III, phi- , slcliiiis were with him almost cou-tanlly to the last. Inn could do nothing to relieve hla sutler- ; thus, 1'i'prrs was thesecond victim of thu mad , dog it hii n ran amuck through the northern uu- ' Ilex on Dec. 1, John llrovvn'a llnuahler lu Iilstress. Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 20. Letten from w California reveal the fact that Mrs. Annie '( Brown Adams, daughter of John llrnwn and h the last survivor of tho family ut the old hero of Sf Otsawnlouilo, ll In need. Horatio N, Knit of 3 Pasadena, Cat., writes that Mrs, Adams Is living In the northern part of California, struggling a with adversity, trying to bring up her family nt 5; eight children. Recently the house look fire 'j and, with Hi contents, was burned. The family ; was struggling to pay ott a traall mortgage aud now hare nothing except what friends supply, la rtrat-claee Table d'Uota IS Csts, '-, With wist 11.00, TBe Warwlik, Uroadway aaqtOUO. . jut. i