5?F "ilM
-IP goa seb it in BtJ 4 L M,p goa sfee it in ,H
Ik- ' J is u L i
Sun, Crip & Simpson
A Phenomenal
the recent Geneva Exposition inaugurated by us last ',
Monday has been the sensation of the week.
It attracted buyers from far and near, and has, we :
firmly believe, resulted in a larger volume of sell- ;
ing than ever achieved by any one house during
the same time.
Gratifying as is this result, we have decided to excel
it by offering the remainder of these Rich Silks at the
uniform J por
price of Mi V yard.
While none of the Silks are worth under Fivo
Dollars per yard, many are worth three and four
times that price.
In view of the high quality of these fabrics, the ex
clusiveness of the designs, and the very nominal price
at which the goods are now offered, it is scarcely nec
essary to say that such an opportunity to purchase the
finest Novelty Silks manufactured is not likely to occur
again in a lifetime.
We shall also place on sale to-morrow
27 Inch BLACK SATIN DUCHE83E, absolutely perfect gQp
in weave, at wO
CADES, excellent quality, at .......... JV
CHANGEABLE TAFFETA SILKS, In a now collection of RQp
colorings, at ........ w
PEKIN MOIRE ANTIQUES, magnificont quality, In a QQfx
complete assortment of evening shades, at ... . vlWV
Sixth Avenue, 19th to 30th Street. ---
Simpson, Crawford
1 Simpson
Outer Garments
and Dresses.
Final Reductions
Before Stock Taking.
To-morrow wo ontor upon the
last week prior to inyontory.
Final prico redactions have in
consequence been made on oar
cntiro stock of Far Garments,
1 Top Coats, Capes and Suits an
announcement which carries its
own significance.
Tho following examples are
representative of handreds of
TOP COATS of Ane Kersey and Persian
clotlis, fancy Pompadour silk linings,
formerly $18.00 and 1 81.00, reduced to
$0.70 and 811.75.
CAPES of Camel's hair. Kersey and Persian
cloths, fur trimmed, formerly $27.60,
reduced to $12.75.
CAPES of elour du Nord, nppllqued or
. embroidered, also of Llsrelne with
Alaska Sable trimming, formerly
145 00, reduced to $22.75.
DRESSKS of Mixed Chovlots. Blazer and
tlKlit-flttliiB Waists, formerly $16.00,
reduied to $1.08.
liner), formerly $10.76, reduced to
88. -10.
Collarettes of Electrlo Seal, ed(red with
Grecian Chinchilla, formerly $12.00,
reduced to 85. 75.
""Mttes of Krlmmcr. fancy linings, for-
merly $17 CO, reduced to $10.75.
I CoH'ircttes of Alaska Sable, Mink and Per.
lau I.nmb, formerly $27.60, reduced to
Cpes of Electric Seal and Astrakhan, full
I IV.'1'1 fQrmcrly 28.75, reduced to
H vH.7C,
I &PJI of r.Uctrlc Seal, Paw Persian yoke,
m lulUwiep, formerly $24.76, reduced to
C.pesof Alaska Sable and Block Marten,
wnmrly d6 00, reduced to $40.50.
I Avenue, 19th to 20th St.
bw-l ' ";0"""1"lon" of Accounts, who have
WoM.'vrK:0 ""orm,,, " thr
Simpson, Crawford
& Simpson
Ladies' Underwear.
29c 69c 89c
15c 39c 59c
Night Gowns
29c 49c 89c
49c 69c 98c
Corset Covers
19c 39c 69c
Silk Petticoats . . 4.98
With corded flounces.
Also, to closo,
Silk Waists
(Drokon lots and slice) i
1.75 2.75
Hero $3.75 tvero $5.50
Tea Gowns
(Broken lota and sires):
In Oashmoro , . 2.98
In Jap Silk . . . 3.75
In Fancy Jap Silk 5.98
6th Avenue, 19th to 20th St.
iiih a an us sold r.v xnn uutr.
Tbe Remains t Banker Arona nought at
Public Auction far tPI.TO,
The ashes of a human being were sold In the
nrn at an auction In Rromberg, Germany, two
weeks ago. They wcro sold without reiervs
and were obtained by the highest bidder for
$3.76. The highest bidder was not of the dead
man's kin, but he carted away tbe mortuary
urn and Its contents to his boms with appropri
ate cars and tolemnlty.
The atbea, which were told without rcterrs,
were those of Albert Arone. He founded a bank
Ing builneis In Ilrorabrrg flfty years ago, and
about ten years ago, baying acoumalated all
ttat money he oared for, be moved to Berlin.
He left a man named Muller in charge of tbe
bank and when he died four yean ago the busl-
iiess, In accordance with the will, went Into
liuller'a band.. III. last request was that hit
o1y b. burned and that tbe urn containing hit
ashes be set on a shelf In the offleo 01 the
JJromberg bank. Ills last request was beededt
his asbes retted In the place whs re be had been
active for forty years.
Una year ago Mailer died. The bank became
Involved In dimcultlei. Tb business was
wound up and tb office furniture was adver.
tlscd to be sold at auction. Jn obfdlenoe to aa
order from the courts. With the furniture the
atbtt o Axons came under the. hammer.
llMlBMIIlil MfiatWI ItSsMMIJ '.- v-,--r' ' - '
Ajcnls for Bulterick's Patterns. ;
ieoel(ddper I
, - K-- f HE BIG STORE
The Shoe Clearance
Becomes a Landslide.
Wo told you lfiat Sunday why our proBont groat olioo Btock ; J
must go. Wo began then, wo boliovo, what will provo to bo tho ;
groatoat ahoo salo that was ovor attemptod itNow York's retail- !
ing ; groatoBt bocauso stock is largor than that which any other ;
; store has oTor attomptod to boII in oue salo, and bocauso the pricos
aro lower than any rotail merchant ovor had a grit to make. Hero ;
aro 8 things Monday whoro tho prioos spoak for thoniBelvos : ;
1,500 pairs of Ladles' Shoot. 000 pslrt of Men's Shoes. In 000 pairs of Iloys' Shots ! '
I In lac. and button kid or dull lac. and congress, ..vera! rtyyh.lowriljWw.11 ;
ltatber; not a pair In the lot styles of toe, all tlzet ana shoe for school nr street use:
1 that would tell for widths; shoes would If ynu boorht tnem In the
leasthan 12.00; Mon- J nn have retailed for ft Jfl regular way you would l nr '
day tbey go for Just 1 II I 14.00 and IS.OOtMon- 7 All ,,,!fr.wVe wel1 1 ft '
half " I.UU day LtlVI worth $i.60 Monday, Is tU ,
Dress Goods Again
Break All Records.
' ! Last Monday's dross goods soiling raarkod a now ora in Now ;
; York for January salos. This htoro is progroaaivo. It wants to bo ' ;
! bettor onch wok than tho wook boforo. To-morrow wo will ngain ;
' ', try tcmako this tho only busy dross goods storo by colipsiug tho ;
; I valuoB any othor storo can offer. Hero aro 3 pricos that tell tho ;
; , Btory of the sacrifico : ;
' Scotoh and English Suit. Black alUwnol German All-wool wide wale Eerget,
i lags and Canvas Cloth. In fanoy Dresi Goods, black. n handsome shsdet of blue. .
' i brown, bine, heliotrope. Ac, English, brocaded black, . ,. .,, w..v. ,y' ,
", Ac-also black novelty dress ttipr, both plain and bro. brown, gray and black; they
' goods and black brocaded caded, black brilltantlnrs; are such qualities an wonld
' dreee goods, would regularly there Is not a yard In the hit rtgnji. Mtall In an exclu- .
' tell for il.es and $1.60 a but what can be truthfully """'! " " t,u
yslrdi s cioie soroi i 7C. call.d 05c and 73c Q-j ' slvedrets goodt ttore -,.
10 llnet Monday, per IhO qualltlet; Monday ,-( stSOcandCOcayard; VhO i
yard lUU our price per yard... VHU Monday bere tUU
; Some Events of Interest in the
China Emporium.
We hare received a new shipment of Royal nine Sugar and Crsam.Seta, large
', ;sMelTaBerBeU of 118 pteeee, bn whtoh size, with heavy paste gold decora-
' we had suoh a big sate recently. It Is one of tlon. Coalport style, regnlarly told at RP
' England's beat prodncts. Newstyle, II. 8, this sal I UU
I lnndI"nb'nle.e0ra- R 75 AspecWInC.rl.bad Plate, from the Im. ;
;, Uons, price forth, complete set U.IU perlu polrrf utltMj. decorate(1 wlth ;
' Dresden Bisque Candelabra, delicately a series of crowned bead, of court
' tinted, with raited dowers and gold beauties of fame, special price 4 ftp
! tracing, 3-llght, yonr choice of two DVp of lUU .
; designs and sites, price - UDU BmM uonbonnlerei of Hohemlan glass. ',
BO dozen this ttason's Condensed Milk decorated In gold rococo denlgn and cameo
' ', Jars, enUrely novel In decoration and figures on cover, never sold even at '
' design, imported to retail at 11.00; h(n special tale for lets than 25c; while JCn
'. for tnU sale.. UUb this lot lasU IUU .
rnsABMonxD onviar.it teuuiblb.
Mat Attatae it !! of S.1 Kssls, wlla
&JL1 Ileree Power.
WasnnOTO. Jan. 33. A report received
by tbe Navy Department of the recent trial of
the British armor i cruiser Terrible, the most
formidable ship of her clau In tbe world,
shows that this vessel has made a lemarkable
record and placed herself In the lead of all the
vessels of hearr armor and great displacement
constrnoted for any navy. The Terrible is
regarded aa the greatest ship, both for tpeod
and fighting combined, that hat been launched,
and, with her sister ehtu. tht Powerful, will
make a pair unequalled by any of the great
naval powers abroad. These ships are each
over BOO feet long and have engine powtr !
mott equal to that of the Campania. They
carry a powerful armament, and are protected
to a degree that practically makes tbem first.
clau battle ships. Their construction was be
gun soon after tbe completion of the Kew
York, when the British Admlraltr saw that
the American ship was br all odds tbe superior
of any of her type yet built. The cost of the
two vessels has been about $4,000,000 each,
and they have been constructed in a remark
ably short time. ....
On tbe first day's trial the report shows that
with 18,000 horse power no attempt was
made to tecum very high speed, yet the thlp
ran along easily and came on to what wss
expected of her. She drew twenty-six feet
forward and twenty-eight feet aft. nr a little
more than the New York and llrooklrn.
With 102 revolutions starboard and 10H
fort the mean Indicated horse powtr was
H.40L for tbe thirty hours, ana tho speed of
the vessel, as taken during three hours' run on
the measured distance, was slightly nndrr SI
knots. In spile of tbe ship being 500 feet long
she was turned In a very narrow space and was
brought on ber course with a rapidity vhloh
would have been Impossible with u single
screw, and which wss. the officers thought, ac- I
oelerated by the screws turning Inward, a I
method that has been adopted for tbe first
time In the Terrible and Powerful. With 113
revolutions per minute starboard and 111
port, and a total horse power of 25,57-'. a
speed of 22.41 knots wm obtained. No rec
ord of tbe coal consumption was taken.
In speed both ships have surpasxed the ex
pectations of the British natal authorities.
They gae Identically the same mean of speod,
30.00 knots, over the measured court,
but while the Powerful worked at 18,077 horse
power at this period of her trial, the Terrible
attained the same end with 18,600,
baloos KKXcvrxa' irianoit.
Don't 'try to Itulld TJp m Placo lou've Let
Bus Dowal Trr Another,
"There's one thing I havo always noticed
about the saloon business," said a saloon keeper
who has bad much experience. "That Is, that
when a place runs down under a man's manago
insnt that man can never build It up apaln, He
can go right next door or across the street nud
get Just as good a trade as he ever had, but tbe
plaoehe was in and that ho let run down Is hoo
dooed far him. I don't care If he clvts his stuff
away and puts up a lunch that uould tempt a
klcg; he cannot gtt back hla trade. Hut put a
now man In the place, and If he knows nnyihlng
about the business nnd It ever has paid he will
get back all the old custom and will get a lot of
new trade, too.
" I don't know why this is so, but It Is. There
It a man across the street. He had this place
I'm In and belet ItrundoMn. Hedldn't see that
the business wss going until It was too late.
Then he started In to build It np. He put In
moro money. He made big alterations, and he
did everything a man can do to build up a busi
ness In a plaoe like this. Hut it was his hoodoo.
lie had to sell out. lie bought that place across
the street. Itwatruudown. I bought, this one.
We both started to build up a trade, and to-day
there are not two better paying corners In this
Sart of the city. I toll you that when a saloon
eeper sees hit business beginning to go he had
better sell out quick. Us can get some m'noy
out of It then. If he waits he'Uget nothlngr If
he sells oat quick he can buy tome other fellow's
broken down place and have money to burn
iiit'friii .i i Hi.tiHii hii.hw.i.hmJ1hI:....'-i ' ' ''
irtir ajEAu fives xiiuup,
Aa latereetlac EspUaatloa ot aa Everyttay
To TniFDrrosor Tm Sin-Sir-Will jou kindly hT
explained In TfiKbcuDivBcf whit Is tfio philosophy
ef the thumping and pounding In steam ptprs used
for hratlns when steam Is first let Into cold pipes. If
II la caused by the air, how does the air act 1 What
makes the noise ? Why Is It Intermittent lite a trip
hammer t NO. 1.
Wishiiotos, Jan. SI.
In all cases the pounding In steam pipes is
caused by water, not air. Water formed by the
condensation of some of the steam, settles Into
parts of the pipes or In other parts of the steam
beating apparatus where opportunity for the
formation ot traps offers, and when enough of
it gathers it shuts off the flow of tbe steam.
Then the steam gathers brad against It, until
able to push the water along partly out of Us
way, and a great bubble ot steam rushes past
Into tbe pipe beyond making the pipe vibrato as
if struck on the outside with a hammer.
Tbe moment the bubble ot .team passes, tbe
pressure behind tbe water It reduced and the
water runs back, again closing the passageway.
Another bubble of steam is soon forced past and
then another, and this process continues until
the steam brats the pipes enough to stop tho
rapid condensation which first formed the ob
structing pool and alio to evapornte and dlstl
pate tht pool Itself. In particular cases a sec
ond and perhaps a third pool will form In tbe
tame place before the pipes gethotenongh to
etopsuohaotlon. In these cases tbe pounding
continues for a time, then stops, then begins,
stops, and then pouuds agalu before the final
There are many causes of these colleottnns of
water, but the most prollflo ono Is an linpropur
alignment of tho steam plres, by which there Is
left betwetn the holler and tbe radiators a sag
in a pipe. In order to get heat from the st-nm,
the strain must olroulate through the pipe to
the radiators aud then return to the boiler in
the form either of wet steam or water. Any
spot In the whole system where this water can
lodge will obstruct this circulation and causa a
Where pipes are carried along laterally they
should by preference have a slight rise along
their whole course from the boiler and should
never be allowed to get Into a reverse position.
They are often set wrong at first, hut even If
this were not done the settling ot a building
frequently causes u trap In them.
Other traps are found at times In globe valves
where the steam has to dive down under a
diaphragm to get through the valve. 1 his can
be remedied by changing the potltlon of the
valve to that It standi at an angle nf about 43
degrees from tho vertical Instead of straight up.
In other cases the radiators are not level and
water gathers In them and makes a trap,
In a tlngle-plpo system, where tho steam Is
fed In and the water returns by one pipe nud
valve, this has been found to bo earned In a
number of cases bynlnck of provision for tho
elongation of the pipes when they cro heated.
This expansion of tho pipes will lift Ihennduf
tho radiator where the pipe Is attaohed, and
niaken trap at the other end.
In double-pipe S) stems a radiator may bo tut
to thumping by having the eteam partly turned
on while the return valve Is olosed, or by it
leaky valve letting a little slrsm Into the
radiator while It Is supposed to be nut of use.
Kveu In well set-up systems, where there Is not
a decided drop lack to the pipes tonsrd the
holler all through their course, a great lhumi
Inn nm)- result from suddenly turning n full
bead of steam Into cold pipes snd radiators.
Under these circumstances so much water will
be turned In the co d pipes that It will block tt
part of the level portions of the pipe and make
a great rumpus before It can gel back to the
boiler and leave tbe pipes clear again. The
remedy for this Is simple: don't turn on the
steam to rapidly.
SS.SOO Htolea from m Hall Back,
CniTRNNC,Wy., Jan. 2X A paokage contain
ing $3,600 was missing from a tack of reglttered
mall, from Ban Francisco for Denver, when tbe
trantfer was made here on Thursday, Inspector
Mo.Meohau Is investigating the robbery, which
mutt hay taken placo between here and Ban
.ii."iiiiritti,Y, .frr.,1.1,,.,1, if m.,.,.,.i'
i " Stamped on iSboc"
TbEs BIQQEST Sboe Uonse in the World.
January Reduction Sale.
To m n Uo room for lines of Spring
and Summer Utiaict Shoes havo
mnrheil down otitis ami ends of black
Shoes, button ami lace, In various
styles, shaves and materials,
Former y "ara
Prices, I J1
These lots consist of genuine lm
ported patent leather loxcd Shoes,
with Utd and cloth topi Kntftsh
Enamel, cult skin,
Trade Soolmn" Kid Msrk
In fact there are some ot almost
every kind ot leather.
This salo is started with
every size and width in SOME
STYLE, but not every size in
each style. We ate anxious to
make this point clear, so as to
a void a uy disappointment. Any
ono who can bo fitted is getting
value far gtvatcr than has ever
been offered in shoes.
It 1 well to caution all intending
purchasers that tho earlier the re
sponse the better tho chance ot get
ting the size. The value Is us ud cr
tlsed In every pair.
CA I'TI ON.-IlaTni no agencies or branch stores,
my shoes can be purchased only st my estahllahmsnt.
6th Ave.. Cor. 20th St.
ItBOKl'TZOS AT 31 It. JlEl'ElT'a.
A Large Ealertnlameat Yesterday for Ills
Nleeni, Miss ranldlDK sat alias llrstnso,
Chaunrcy M. Dnoewgae one of tbe most
largely attended receptions of tbe season yes
tcrday afternoon at his residence, 43 West
Fifty-fourth street. It was for his nieces,
Mls Anne Renew Paulding and Miss liege
man. The hours fixed were from 4 until 7
o'clock. A Hungarian band was stationed In
the niche in the central stairway and screened
by exotics. There were quantities of Ameri
can Beauty roses and other choice flowers and
palms in tbe spacious rooms, but no set floral
decorations, Mr. Depew and bit nieces stood
at the doorway of the front drawing room to
welcome their guests.
Miss Paulding wore a Doticet gown of crim
son molro vclour. The waist was arranged
with coffee-colored guipure lace and fur.
There was a flounce ot the lace, banded with
sable on the skirt, and a diagonal trimming
across th front. She held n bouquet of
Americas Beauty rotes. Mitt liegeman's was
a white satin gown wltb plaited tulle. On
tbe waist wcr clusters ot white hyaclntht and
u golden pointed girdle.
the suite of five roorai was thrown open.
Tho second drawing room lain while and gold.
An elaborate buffet was served In tbe third
large room, which It the dining room.
Tboro Moro over 2.000 Invitations Issued.
Among those Invited ta the crush tea wernt
Mr. and Mrs. James W. (Irrard. James W.
Gerard, Jr., Mrs. Astor, Mr. and Mrs. Abram
J. Hewitt, tho Mlstet Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs.
Jamet P. Kernochan, Mr. and Mrs. John
Jacob Astor, Mr. aud Mrs. Henry I Barber,
tho Misses Turntss, Alfonso do Navarro, Mrt.
Hermann Oelrlrhs, Mrs James W. Ptnchol,
Mrs. William Klilnelander. Mr. aud Mrs. T.
j. Uakley Ithlnelander, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Horihan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul (1. Thebnud,
Mullcr Vry. Mrs. tleortre Aduo. Mr. and Mrs.
(li-orce Bird, Sir. and Mrs. Luther Knuntse,
Mr, nnd Mrs. I.'Towniend Burden, Ilntnllton
W. Cary, Mrs. Kisb. Mr. and Mn J..PIerpont
Morgan, the Mlsves Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry ). Trevor, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, J, Wysong,
Copt, and Mrs, Warrv.) C. Bench. Mr. and
Mrs. M. O. D. Borden. Miss Brewster. Mr.
nud Mrs. Tom il llondoln, Mr. nnd Mrs. r'nnl.
i-rlo It. Condert, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ire
land, tho Ml.'cs Ireland, Mn, Oenrge W.
K Idd. MUsdeorgotte Kldd, Miss McAllister.
Mr. aud Mrs. I.eon Mario, Miss Krellnghuy
son, Perry Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
(Jumnork. Airs Henry A. Cosier. Mr. and
Mrs. KUnha ihcr, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Heglnsld
df Kovon, Mr. and Mrs. William A, IJuer,
Miss Kntherlnn Burr. Mr. and Mrs. (leorge II.
Illsnchnrd, Aleinniler M. Hsddt-n. Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver llsrrinmn, Jr., Mrs. Morris K.
Jesup. Maltlsnd Kersey, Philip 1,dlg, Dr.
snd Mrs. Lusk, Mr. and Mrs..Wnlter Qurnce,
Jr., the Misses (luriuu, Mrs. Joseph Choato,
Miss Chnale. Mr. and Mrs. Erlo Dahlgren,
Mrs. Lenls L. Delafleld. Mlis Peladeld. Mrs.
(). T. Barney, Mr. and Mrs. Froderlo llronton.
Mist BrotiKon, Mrs, Henry Clows, Miss Clews,
I Mr. and Mrs. August Montant, Jamet Oils.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdmund U UjiIIos. Dr. and
I Mrs.'Polk, Frank Polk. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hitchcock. Miss l.ar. Col. snd Mrs. Frederick
Hunt Ornnt. Mlsi drant. Miss Virginia Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 icderloLdey, Mrs. Ut-orgo A.
Crocker. Mr. nnd .Mrs. John It. Ilrexel, Mrs.
Oeorge B. He Forest, Mr, and Mrs. A. Cast
C'anneld. Kllot tlrrgorr. Mr. and Mrt. W.
Ktnrr Miller, Mr. and Mrt, Jienry Hloane,
Mi. and Mrs. Bradley Martin, Bradley Martin,
Jr., I.anvdon Irving, Mr. nnd Mrs. (.Moment C.
Moore. 'Ihomaa F. I'ushlng, Miss Cushlng,
Mr. and Mrs. Frrderlck Sholdon.yamet J. .Van
Alen, Miss Josephine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
William Edgar, hbeppard. Sir Hoderlck Cam
ernn, tbe Minus Cameron, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Haomoier, Col. and Mrs. ti. Van
Benssolarr Cruyer, Mr. and Mrs Benjamtn
U. l'orter.;MlsiDalty Pott, tht Mlstet Do Pia
ster, Mr. and Mrs. Frederlo J. p Ptytter,
Mr. and Mrs. Motet Taylor, MU Blthop, and
iM'r.,.Is' - . r 'A- r-:,
West Fourteenth Street. lH
These Offerings j M
'! -HI
Are a Bid For A $M
tjou Never Got Better Return For Money J s9
Than gou Will Get This Week , 13
1 m
At 39 cents we win tell At 29 cents w.wtntt) t JXJB
All ,Uk Hint and dark worth 70 etalt Extra long and wtde besdlng, lucks and ruffle ", (MmB
At 29 cents we win sett At 74 cents "11 , aM
Colors and Dlaok-whlte all ov er figures-worth Fifty A doten different stylet flntemb'y all tiles V alH
At 59 cents ws will till At 19 cents wswilltsO ', rjsBt!
Brllllsnt lustre soft finish until now. BJ looks snd ruffle of close or open Kmbroldtry I fjjH
At 69 cents ws win tell At 48 cents wtwiilsltj ' iB
All wool 44 Ipchet wide worth 11.00 ekapsi, trimmings and workmanship the very best "ftaM
f Si
At 2', cents wtwtiistii At 12J cents wc will sen i WmW
doable fold Bstl eolortsgt worth ,ts square and T Inch Emb"y all sites. . ImM
At 27 cents wtwiilttii At 59 cents wcwillsta I ul
gtyllsh mixtures sad checks medium oolortagt Extra long Tel lace joke trlra'd skirl ' cWf
January's last week In Corsets ws win sett jffill
shell be memorable I frsm sur irtat eurthtss ef j jjfli
. stt ,.. ... ,, D1 WARNER'S "SECONDS- UwD
At 5 cents wtwiiistii ; iJWH
flEW Pine CORDED 0R6A-DIBS v.r'All'.,'..'. n'.oalX ! 2 5 V&3
U,..,omhr.:.ffKU-l. color. slut ICetnU LTg'".'." ST.S ? H if S
At 9K cent, w. wills... SJcST asuall, !3S l l M
wavT.aobsllaandniaok-whluogures-valusKetatt . . liiH
At 1.98 wc will sell ji PUB
lanusry's last week LADIES' black cloth JACKETS j! SSmB
.... ... Hsilstyln Half satin lined . worth IS.Ot Y ?iiSpl
shall be memoroblel i YijfWm
W l MMB,,.n n.r-oa Vi" "" l3"1"' "-ACK AND COLORED 3JkMBTs"" I Wffl
IMPORTED HANDPAINTED OPERA rANS tTala nd Rough Cloths lined snd Half lined fSII
oauae and Silk plain sad spangled war 11.19 worth more than doublet f- fiaRRJI
At 1 7 cents w will sell At 4.49 w, wm n f. ? jSH
Blsek. Ollvs snd Tau fancy booties worth .t Mil length-Mr trtm'd eollsr and froat-sllk Use ) kSI
At 15 cents w will sell At 4-98 , wm , t UJjjl
IpUoedhMlt and dble soles n.rmsdorf dye New thspe-f all llntd-large, rleh dMlgnt f YfflM
At 49 cents w. will sell f ttl
MEN'S PANCD PERCALE DRESS SHIRTS m 2'59 we will sett (A 'JvPfW
gtrtpes and Fields collars and caffs with each WOOL SER6E AND ALPACA DRESS SKIRTS ' Wllf
double llned-platn or tailor Htmi; worth 14.09 r'l'sVut
At 59 cents we will .ell ffltV?
LADIES' HEAVD KID CLOVES At 98 Cerits we will .. Sjfffr
.trsndEmby four large button. worth 1.BS LADIES' EMPRESS CORD WRAPPERS V$JP
At 10 cents w, will ..II DlftB'" wlU' 'urf.neybrsld, worth t ' ft
laches wide worth t3 cents January's last week t H
At5cenls ' w, win ..it shal1 bc memorable I v M
1 to 4 Inch Butter and white worth double At 2.98 wt will stfl H Kjjjjjr
At 19 cents we will sell 4 to 14 years U Ojl
PINE CREAM AND TINTED STATIOHERU Positively worth $3 00 lo ta.00 A SmC
Linen snd Satin finish 80 sheets and Envelopes I jjcia!
7U 4 cents w win tcti " " " '" "" ; 'ifJRKt-
14 sheets snd 84 Fnvelopee worth 10 cent. Ub,1 throuthoul with fsney sllk-14 to II j,ul ff,Xvl
PosltlTsly worth 00 and II 1.00 t ."idaf '
January's last week RM98 wi .
shall be memorable! BODS' all wool soits . VpW
In the following styles and slass t tlri.sti
At 79 cents w.wlllssll R.fr and Junior a to 7 years tjUk
FULL SIZE COMFORTABLES n' to 7 year htftivj
Des, wh, cotton oo, tufud phyredg. IO,'WBr''RUrpr.cW.00..d4 007,, " W
M U9Q PBwr,E WOOL BLANKETS "' "'" ,,M 3 98 w. w.l, .. I M
Ellraslis extra weight good valus at S 00 BOOTHS' L0NS PANT SQITS , fjjylji'-
of all wool Blsek Chtvlot-14 to 10 yrs-worth 7.M i '??"
At 75 cents w.wiiis.ii h Vifffl
HEAVB WHITE BED SPREADS At 29 cents we will sill J W&H
Marseilles designs pesrl htm worth l.t3 BODS' KNEE PANTS y WW'i
nt 37 eents w.w.iit.ii """ " "" "u.i.y 75 cts. , M$
rULL SIZE CROCHET QQILTS At 49 cents w. will ..It ' $
btmmta re.dy for us. worth M BODS' ALL WOOL KN CE PANTS K1(
At 9 cents w.wiiit.ii N'T7 "a M,1,ur" sit i. 4 tots M
AH lbs fancy sbsdes worth J5 At 39 cents wewllls.ll j 'p'y.'r
7Lft5,.n wtwllla.lt LADIES' NEW SHIRT WAISTS ! A&l
At 22 cents w . . rere, ,na LaWn-sll color. all .1... worth II W'jtf)
DlacltnaOr.y worth 39 Al 24 cenl, w. will. ,11 , MM
lanuarv' last week DOUBLE FACE SATIN RIBBONS ',fffl
January s last weeK cordad.dg. twinoh worthtoc.at. N iffiM
shall be memorable! nHtftf
At 15 cents we win .n i fei.'
At 1.39 ws will sell FOUR INCH TAFFETA RIDB0NS , "?$$'
NEW SMURNA R06S PlalnandOlsoe worthBceati WM&V
DOxoO Inoh knotted fringe worth It 00 tYp"-!!)'
, , At 17 cents w. win.i . .V.iU!
At 98 cents w. wl. CHILDREN'S LAWN CAPS 1 thM',
NEW JAPANESE R06S Corded. Tucked and Emb'd sites 9 months to 4 jrs 'I KSfttVji
ysrds long Iiest Oriental designs Wtv'iv!
At 5.98 we w II At 49 cents " -I" " " .ib&ft
Sxlt feet Turkish and Oriental desttnt olora ""1 wnlt8 ! ' 'see trial '&
T22cts w win t.n At 1.74 . II J ffi?
...r-LiiiSacksonly J" B"FD " " ,
" Ixingand Bhorl lUbhou and llrald trlaa i f Tie'l
At 4 cts a pair w. win .n ,.,, fvwfe
stockinet AND ROBBER dress shields January s last week l f,UiM'
sl.es I snd a 48 cents per dossa sha, be memorable I 'U'lV
At 1.24 w. will .ill , ' Vi,i
HAND COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS Rt 98 Cents Palr wewl" "'l ('-''Itl
in dslnty, narrow gilt frsmes. with howknot. JT' tLBErli;aJS-I"wT,OBln,?."wlr ' flW
elsh Net and Irish Tolnt effects-regular 11,78 goodt ivil
At 3.69 We will ttll "VVtl
COLORED PHOTO MEDALLIONS At 198 pslr we will s.B ''fj H
Large else hearr brass corner ornament. EXTRA PINE SCOTCH LACE CURTAINS rWlf't
Ilegular prlc, Klve Dollars I I1 and 4 ysrds long jjft- ,jffl!
Arabian. Cluny, Brussds and Point d'Esorll destgat ''& W
At 49 CtS hall dozen w. will sill Three and your dollar ijualltlesl ,ai T t-l
Engraved handle. w.ro8ct. At ,98 pair w. will sdt C"4
At 98 cts half dozen w. win ..n REAL IRISH polnT caRTAiN3 ' WM
ROGERS TRIPLE PLATE KNIVES AND PORKS Tery handsome large scroll and Flower designs . ,l?i,j
To relstl customers only not to the Irstls "'" ""'''ed Loth sldss- ft ,i
gualltlsithal a month from now you will sot Baal p iffi
At 2.98 hair dozen w. vlll .ll und.r 8 and 7, Pitt
BS5-1000 flnt weight from 8 ot I8W dwl to 4 os ,n , . tk, ( V3fI
At 98 cts hair dozen wt will ttb 1b"t wl" k 'l!i
riarttattilblsd.t worth 13.80 per ds . ..rfti&l
l- tsawsesaeasssiesi eesenasawat aaask(iataHaWantasw4a aa aafeaaM Ffmmbomm&lL&mamHmmmiBmm&mabmt&m&m'i& li JTafaaal
mmmmMmmMiammiu ilii 11 "" - ,,-.., ..... , jJLLm