OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, February 20, 1897, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1897-02-20/ed-1/seq-9/

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P .' . JTf,:l ; ,P-. t, 'THEfibN, SATURDAY,, FEBRUARY 20, -18P7 -; ,9 ,, !
,frc" KVtinit' ixTrnvnETA
ltSJ jio.v (y it uritKUt.
...elluls lllllo Hl I'aaal
" sTsir ,l1 "eei.io-s " " t'" "r "
-"...sled rtrosskly-s Alsrolatsaesile-
.Vr ''"" 'It""r ,"'""n nud-
rt 'pctt"le Division of the Supreme Court
erooilfa lias susUlDul UPanlmoaslr the
fJilor t JntUre Keoen. which Tlrtnally heU
vat sit mnr.Iucol employees, with th excep-
Sa of tie Mtyor. head of ilccartmenti. and
mbe'l -f ,te Uj'lnl of EJactlon' 'hould be
Meet' to clu' ''r' rule"- Th"e """ much
l!utrc:Wi around the publlo bull-llnus
ttrda" afternoon when the action of the
MUte Im 'on "" announce I. The suit
ifTtro'-1 "tlrfln.il.y by oui of th"leadlnc
!t Mrv!c r-formers to restrain the city utt
f,rltt, from ml In the salaries of eleven
Irtlfalar eniDloyies whose places, as con-
ntte.!. h'l n tr.i"frrrcd Illegally to sched
!L a' oo ,h" non-cotnnelltIellst. Justice
rwYs iles-slnn. however, was far more.
.teplai Id is p. Affect In.? scores of other
'aolr. s well as the eleven specified do-!-.--p.
Ite r.ecislon caused to be held up
,ct only the salaries of the eleven, but also
L ; n n!io lift been a-volntriltn n slml-iintr-ner.
Tee opinion of.tlie AppelUte Dt
ea "s written hy Justice William V. Gnrst.
rth. and ail Ms associates concur. Justl:e
j'lHch motes he civil service section of the
ftytlMUOJ nd reviews pr lows civil service
IkIiIqi: He tio'ds that these two points we
-ublbied en the trial
-JTrst Tti.t the irat testimony and do;u-re-tan
evident.'.! in this c proved very
tuT-lr tha " l practicable to ascertain ty
tsaretltlve "nations tN,e merit ani flt
cm of i ps.'scn to be apoolnted to each of the
Mltloas SHvI by th several defendants.
"Second That the action of the Mayor of
sroailrn In p u'lnc such positions in the non
Smrt'lri ..v. anl reiliilrlns thetn to be
s'tJ theref-uni without eiimt-etl'lve examl
uJjii Is We'll ana as such is - Ject to re
rt, b tLi fit' '
Hiciat.n ..
iSotwiHistauJmi t-i-U the several Mayors
tol'mel trie -is 'ion In question to .M'tie-luls
i taeD.vB-forarei.tlie lass.tne ev Men :e snows
oat II was cr.u-'ii-.ibl-to. n.l thee places jv
w-t5: live ej. uunatlon and mat rluilUr
mltloni In 'he retler.il Ouvernment and In
tVclts of N'e York, is well as In thscltrof
S5ilra. have tn Bllei after competitive
Miala itions. This apiwars by the evidence
tf Thf l'ire Kooievelt. i'resldent of the New
Turk IVil.ee 1'ep.irtmect. Kmmnns I'lam. 5-ec-win
"f the ( Yoik Hourd of Health: Kr
ii! P. Wheeler. Ctairman of the Civil erlce I
Ccaiiumloa f 'he tltvof New YarV.;llat W.
Bart, memter of th -t.it Civil ervlce Com
ilsion. formerly Chlif Nival OStcer of tne
rt of New Yori. ami Alfre.1 T Wnl e. tor.
wrly ComniUloner of City Work In llrook.
Ira. sail no evidence was even otfernl to con
jl:tltor ra.no it doubtful. It appears by
til frtiNnce of tees.) witnesses that appoint
uats to of2ce "tjiilar to thoe tn ouestlon,
rtica'weri- ai.ule upon competitive eiamlna
tn. wen uCl'en'lv and itlfai'toriiy ailed.
ind that cnta.-ett.lve xamtnatlon ot c.im'.l
(ilri fur vi n ofllces has resulte.1 bencSclally
tie cuhllc ifare. Ihe theorv of
tenvtl service is that ill appointments tball
Si c-Je ar'e- ejauilntlon. competitive or
irvle. u'lenever It Is practicable, and we
te coaclninl that examination ii practka
bi in all the tases itat-M In tre Judraient."
co-puratinn Cousrl llurr. on learning of the
ijjrt.ia. ald that he wonM nrlns thecaie be
tas 'h Co'l-t of Appeals at theeirlles' P"ssl- I
b.imnont. Mayr Wurster ald that of the I
171 cI t pla -ei In schedule A only half a doiea ,
bid tees slle.1 by him. all the other appoint- t
sells tavlns been made by his preileveiwors.
SSnld ihe Court of Appeals follow the course j
if tits other courts all these plaree. he taM,
vcsM tave to he filled by competitive exam!
uaoas. Mr. Edward M. i-heoard. the leadlnu lawyer '
&r tie reformers, said that th decision was
bfaro.-ot ordtrly and clvtllzl covernmeut
nl nie him the greatest satisfaction.
rtnr BtJMrtyjxK.vr ncricir.
Instalment l'at OTI View orOae Dec
lera -Slrlf -UnutUe Matter.
Itths reeular meetlnsof the Board of Fire
Cisalsiloners, held yesterday. It waa de
eisd to dismiss Roeer Morrison, the fireman
via Is cbarzei with assattltlne hie superior
(fi.-tr. and who put in a plea of not eallty. The
lirtment doctors ald that his condition waa
I lit w overuse of alcohoh
I CooailMlonrLGranie moved for a recon
sMeratloaof the board's action on tne petition
i&lch the department doctors wanted to send
toAIba-rto have the'r salarls raised from
tiOOO to JJ 000 a year, lie said that the Fire
Department doctors have to work harrier than
lpolic dLtors aail eet less pay Commls
ilottr ?aeCld voted atalnst the motion U-.
cum he il d nut th.nk that the beard shouM
iUtaeil'Wto io iroovi-rlM heail to Albany
aordertiwi the Lezislature to com eel it to do
raethlnz Ibat it had a rlitht to do II It wanted
s. Cnmmtcionor siurtflu voted airamst It and
a bill wi not rtconvlilered.
Tne bonl lieevlnl. in view of the fact that
.here wm lutle tn be a detlclt of S'.'i.OOU at the
O'lof tLe yeir not to appoint anymore lire,
wait ortnt. and to retire sumeof the cap
n.n. Tbsboarr roram'nded to tne Charities Do
!inneat ihitar auvllivry Are department be
iaU:ute! nRaidail's Island. TliN w in re.
W to inter -eat tn the i'lre Department
uiltn'M hantin Ijepartment requeltni;an In
Jtsilrttlnn .if tne alitrnce of a fireman from
tlspoitof dutt at tne laic Randall's Island are.
Proplc' Truetlaa Eajalaeit.
Jisllce Trsax In the Supreme Court has
isodrlilowaadeculon In the Ions legal flsut
V.mi t.ie 504tarn BauUvard Railroad Com
Wirandth, North New York City Traction
Ccnr&nr ait.alatiffs aad the People's Tractlnn
Cuopaay v iWcndint In wh ch the Conrt
f?i".a.m-ln'tlon O'ndente lien io restrain
usacfendantu 'rum prweedlni with the enn
n.cinor iroaj from the Brunx in the Har
a .v.Hlirecompanlei werrorlilnal Uuiters
ttsoroCu beia.- o(T'r-.l for It. It wai tlnally
SSSTi.,h,u,n? I 'notes Traction Company
JnuUhviethef.-iachl.eonits bid of luu tier
S:.J,",.ln', 0,hr companies rontented with
S-T.-"''.".3- u" Pfent Injunction. J.i
i,h h,0"1' l""'" Plaintiff companies
UOM m tf n osdertakloj on Injunction of
rnj.vci ,1.j cojivrnciAr..
Jew Trk loU EiiIimk.-n.Im Feb. In.
lCH.r tMT 112 153CSi e.lM.
S3CSileMMTll3 122H.122)t
t f h r "" ",l"' v s 3. . '
M 9.4 1;Ji.li3W U4
C?ia..lIl, ll2 HVV1134 U4
' 113 1134 J89v...r'l031
iim .- C e, r.
,.' 1224 123 jB. 10G,,
H.J.. 122V, iqt,
10i'iUD A" Ttttn Boxn, ""' 'LOOOsv.
io ; ", i ii7n
J ,, . IIU 12 i 17i.
J ! is S2 aDNorrac,nl3i. 65!l
;0 ?jnio. ..::::::.. r.tr
i ,, 70., .l.ssurehmI,l t'
5inu, I'f' l?"WdS..sslr.l07
h.T.e 4., ?-.:.:::.-:gf
2 SOU l: Or !'..., i. c3w
jj ?U1 32 83
iDrnnk'u-,. Sl 3 Ohio Sooth lit Sfii,
i?"'- ".:.:: .:!l?:t
Uct, ' " 110 , IS 117
ji .,,,,, 7(1 )0rbUU lt JJ;1
UtHUl 7ti'1 J3 110
!,,. nn ;6 110'
Set, i j.ii j2 llUH
wcVr.KV.u 00 so oat.;';;:. ,.1''
n'U . w 2 It'.
SC.Iri?,''". . l" G 1M fill llt.K ill OU
ioch",I."lrViH ' WW.
I "if 11 8liKkM,t. 103(
CkR,Uo,ir -n,-lf1 103H
7 "" oi 1 riocki d.i.:i osn
8Chifi .. l01' 8Bh.DnvUt. 121
11 IX 1 1 Head gal is.,.,, m
alDenftROesu. 68)i 6 SIM
fiDnlftlftlii... 004117. 81K
6 IIH.LaDSIH.102W' 2 tlesdlllpfla.. 44W
3 trie prior bda. 04Ti 2 44
2 Irleanlleoa-la 054 10 437
20 05U 65 434
4 "en Elec deb 5 pels' C Uead Zdpf li 32
4HstJennri204 1 Kind Win.. 72
t7 Uoek Val 8.. 06 10 imF of N II lit. 103
fi G4M RIPltaCS103
17 04 3 81 P Maid. ... 120
0 034 lS!L4.FdclB 114
17 03H l stLasrmiSt 074
0 03 10SbASF4 . 06
1 07 2 OSK
2 00 1 064
30 flock Val . 60 7 l Pent 4s. . .. 08V
10 InJ.n AD1 lltplOVl lsUDdlttTOl. 72
2 Iron Mtli 764 4 724
1 towaCent lit 004' 2 73
10KI'CTOO.tr-. 74 3 sin a A A risl
4 . ... 73H s f,84
10 Kn Tex . 84 , 2 6R4
8KantTexd. 604 1 684
6 6PU11 684
0 6P4J CSollwayJs. . 804
2 604i 2 80H
4 Cy Cent tit... . 80 2 80's
4 KinC'y flit 70 loYubaV 101
1 Kaawha4: 77 ' 1 Tet 1 1' 1st 3. 88H
3 LaclfJeila. lit. U3'i 2 804
1 04 8 Tea t'ae 3d la . 20i '
lOlxlvft rriitll7 6 20Js 1
6 LAN els oo 24 21
H.iM..S'UX 2 2U
dlvJ 103 10 214 ,
1 0 Leh V T 3. s 20 1084, 1 Union Par, lis.l05
fi 110 10Cl,c.,CT.v.l01
OMorAEaTsof 23 .... 1014
"1 1144. 7fnlonraest 02W
3 llio r.Vij 11 04 I ll'nlonEllit . 70
6 044 lttaWMst. .107
1 Norl'ac lit. c 115l; 0 Vbah Kd .. GO
8sS) 1164 1 We.tL'n colts. 107
103 S I'actrlorti ga 6 West Miore II..100V.
16 .... . b7's 12 VestShs.r .1054
13 .. ... 884, 6 105'i
6N Y..V II II 14WCarlils 1124
ls.debelfi 1304 lWuClw.lt. 30
Total tales of rslloay bons (par value). (t,7ot,000.
Oreh- UigW f.nir CtaelMp
'rW in. tit. tt. FM Af&.
I3SJS ImsnifdMli 1144 1134 113U 114
SJ3mSltp.lC24 1024 1024 1024 1024
UO-arnHM . 14 14 13H 134 14
sort Am SM p. 33 33 32 324 33
18sAiiToh 71H 724 71 71H 71H
nsw. . . nt 12 im 114 124
tlOA.rasy 144 144 144 144 144
tc;o at Top a
slepf.. 2274 !?34 224 224 23
70OCXIallT 2iv 214 214 2m 214
KSLkCdai. 00 00 00 80 02
3mChe. AO 104 17 104 17 174
memo Of 701s 704 704 704 77
JCaAltl02 102 102 102
etjciAv.l044 1044 1 034 104 1044
IMJOC. n. 74 75 734 744 744
eSuOC.MAStP 754 764 754 75H 754
IUIOC.KIAP. OtlH 0b4 00 004 004
lug Col foe L. 204 204 204 204 21
HO CCA ID. S 4 4 4 14
1ai)C.UtT 44 6 45s 44 44
lOClLAWp 33 38 33 40 60
ICOConuas 140 149 140 148 140
TM Del A II. 107 1074 107 1074 1074
HOOD.LAW 1524 1534 1524 163 1634
100 Dill. S8 A
Ail pf . 8 8 8
Mlrl. ... 144 144 144 144 144
lOOrrtelitp 334 334 334 34 35
.LrleSdp. 1SH 184 184 19 20
JOt.Norpf.ls3 123 123 120 123
1330. lea Elec 344 344 34 344 344
C'Jf.lCrnt . 03 03 03 92 03
144 III steel 34 34 34 34 314
J3 Uk.su.. 1654 158 1654 150 1504
tetOI.A.Sui 49 40H 40 484 40
waaaaaCoa. 87 83 804 87Vs 874
104 Mia Iron. 42 42 4 J 42 44
TSSiastLIp 78 78 79 77 80
SOoMAstl.'.'p 404 404 404 40 48
?t!4J Bo I'm 104 204 104 104 204
U00U.KATpf 294 304 204 304 304
S073NJC.-JI.. 074 974 954 PO 0t34
4t3SVCnt 02i 1)24 024024 034
10 Nat 1 e&! 22 22 22 224 23
330NLa!pf 01 014 01 01 92
Too .Nor Am 4'4 44 44 414 44
ST3.NYA.VU.174 174 174 I
101). V.t-Abi I
Lid p. 24 24 24 23 27
lOOSJAtT 0 0 U 9 P4
304 Nor Pac.. 144 144 144 144 144 1
33.1 7. Nor Ppr 374 38 374 374 377. f
TOOCniAW 144 144 141, i4v, 14c,,
S4 0H.tNtf 424" 4241 424 42 434 1
ihi Pac XalL. 254 254 244 244 26 I
iaePARea.l. 244 244 24 244 244'
100 P A Kead. '
Klp.wi 4S4 494 404 484 494
1700 P A Head.
:dp.wL. 20. 304 29. 294 304
IDOStLAsy 54 54 64 54 54
KOat Ltl
mipf. 144 144 144 144 15
lC4bLSWp. 104 104 104 104 104
JO'iSiP-tOm 467, 49 48', 4a 49
H0St.nl! AT 04 DV. 94 94 97s !
144 South Pao 164 15H 164 154 154 '
lesu south Hy. 0 0 0 64 0 I
HJO Sou Ity p. 27i 2S4 274 28 2(24 '
ISOOIennCAl 20' 274 2C4 2e4 2)"s I
4i0t.'aPae 7 74 7 04 7 I
eooUaRuij. 204 20S 204 204 21
41.0 CSL 8 8 o 74 b 1 ,
j3lI.p .. 504 664 504 67 674
'.lOWatKua tJ4 04 t4 04 04
iCOVVAbp I5t 154 ist, 15T, lo '
SiODWeitCT 82 624 fa 14 14 by 1
STdltvriiALK 14 14 1 1 n,
COUWhALKp 74 7V, 0 64 04 I
Total itles. 100202 aar 1
LoeTO'v clomnij yt "TtTIONS.
riJ. .4llJ !. I AiM.
rostAlh. 2094 UlO Weitriec 244 254
He ; .101 102 0nEl:p 73H 75
ChJco-n 102 1034 Bos tlloo 11041104
ChJpf. 1064 rais.Hecii.35 2 357
Tllpf. 00 o-o'a . 324 33
ttfcluoin. CO 004 ''Hney. 1164 1104
Domla'nC- 84 64 Tain Jlla. 117 Ho
riiiLAprirnts riosivo ql'otvtW'ss.
Cul AMI I. TH.I. Alrl
Milihfil 24 14t"OImprn. 7314 73,
I.CAN.10 30 305Vir.rn. 404 434
rennlirt 24 .'2' I h II 001 254 20
l-lilla Tr4s- 72 724HStlp. 274 294
tn.onTric. 94 04 Pit. I.. Pe. 14It 16
HAPTC. 754 7' 'H. I. iPp 274 28
Mel True. 107 108 IVeiiCcma. 20
LTof.NJs 23 294 l.'el" '"" 06 07
CI.NJi:. 80! 8L4
ciiicano cLOstvo ql-otaT70ss.
CU. A-lrit PUl. A'IM.
Amltr'b.1. 28 20 3tllBrpf . 38 40
Canal AD 01 02 N V D iult. 424 43
Cltylly. 210 214 Vlicat 117.210 211
DlanrdJI 120 130 WtC&tKy. 044 964
IjkeS 'X.'. 104 104
tjvTrsr (onikin QroTvrrovi
Ali-h!.on 1 A P .... 1 44 Nnr.'olk t TV f.f.. .. 174
CiEt.llai I'acle 664 vrii ern I'oe pr. . 384
Cb-iip-ako to 174 n ar'o A West 144
l'r.rcon V 11' .. 4 I'inni7.vanl.i .. .34
Iri'litpf. f4"( mlir.i lit A P.... 124
7lllanltenlra!. . j 44 r Paul . .. 774
kii,ni7eni 1 3n jn..in rtallw7 iii,
l.akrMiort. 160 vltll.l l..iwijr p( 284
l.ou A. .Nath. ., 604 (.n.on Pieinc .. .. ij!
,n teulrai 1.64 ttnLavh pf m j
Fltllivr. Teb. If).
Thi trade reports this weel. are of more than
usual Interest, for ttiry agree that Hitc Is a
basis for more hojieful vles !1 an have L.rn
entertained for a loni: time nit. llecauoxof
tlielr Importance an extract 'r mii mch i Klvrii
herewith. I un' llrritir ajs. "A Isrsn In
crease in the Iron and stei.1 burlnesi, on account
of sales covering elcht 10 twelve months'
production of the lar.'ejt works, n better
demand for woollen coori, and sllzhtlv Letter
for cottons, a gain which may prove lavtini: In
boots nnri shoos, llebtly better 1 rices for lie.it.
cotton, wool and Iron, and a money market 11
adapted to encourage liberal pun hoses ak"vinst
future Improvcmen. In builiieis have rendered
the past week more ncpaful than any other
slnterarlylr Nivemlier. The heavy excess of
tn-rcbandlie inorts over Imp rts In Janu.ir,
Ihrcoiumu u.ceof eirhance rates stiotnir thnt
Eurupe Is stlu larcely imiebieit to this country
on current account, aril the prorect that Con
gress will adjourn without any disturbing ac.
lion, a'l have their favor.ibls. Inllat-nce upon the
monej market nod upon future undertakines."
The followlnif. In the fame mraut. It from
Ilrjdi'reit' "(ier.eral trade khoivs more im
provement, features of which are Ihe advances
for Uesnemer pi iron, cUel billets, Meel rnil,
eomo crudes of wool, raw sucar, Indian com,
pork, and lard, and for print cloths w ltli an ui
ward tendency far Iruiher, together with a
number of metal and textile Industrial tabllah-
men t which have reopened within th week, and
an Improvement In recent rallwa7 earnln."
Additional evidence of Improvement Is found In
the fact that railway groea earnings for the
second week In Februarr were 0.7 V cent,
larger than for the correspondlns week of last
) ear, and for the first half of the moatli 7.P. V
cent, lareer than durlnc the correspondlns
period ot last year. Aa compared with 180'.',
the last year ot normal business, the decrease
for the first half ot the month Is a tittle less
than U V cent. These Dcuree, together with the
report printed above, confirm the statements
made In this column this morntnr, that slrns of
a cradual Increasing business activity are
plainly discernible.
Miould the Improvement that Is noted prove
permanent Wall street wilt find that for o-vce it
has not lived up to Its traditional record ot an.
tlcipatlni: events that Influence the value of
lecuritle. There was not the slightest sue
cestlon In to-day's market, nor has there been
In the dealings In stocks for many weeks past,
of an appreciation of the probability that the
business ot the country Is upon rock bottom,
and that any change Is likely to be for
the better. The last three or four years
have been so lull of disaster and dis
appointment that the speculative community,
which has become reduced to a handful of
professional operators wlthoat leaders, has be.
istiie despondent, and hence Incapable of clear
perceptions. Fur that reason to-day's lifeless
market and, tn the main, narrow fluctuations
are without significance. It Is significant, how.
erer. that on llcut transactions Lake Shore
advanced 2i V cent, to 138, the highest price
ever recorded for It. and that New Haven ad.
sauced bhi points because, aa described In de
tall on another page, tne company has been
able to borrow all the money It requires to fund
Its Hotting debt and fund maturing obligations
on a 4 V cent, basis.
The only other noteworthy net fluctuation
was a decline of 1 V cent. In Jersey Central,
due almost entirely to operations for short ac
count. These were apparently based upon
mUleadlne statements that the production of
anthracite coil for January and for this month
to date Indicate an excess ot L',000.000 tons
above the estimated requirements of the trade
for the two months, namely, 3,000,000 tons. The
official figures fur January show an output of
3,31.0 tons, and as mining has been conducted
only nine full data during the present month,
ll Is believed by those familiar with the trade
that the estimated requirements for the two
months will not be exceeded. Speculative In
terest centred In C, II. and (Julncyon accouut
of the declaration of a dividend. In a number
of quarters It had apparently been expected
that the dividend would be reduced. The an
nouncement that the usual 1 I cent, pad been
declared caused some cov erlng of shorts, which
left the price fractionally higher than yesterday.
This movement started similar operat.ous
throughout the list, and on a very small volume
ot trading prices moved up rither sharply. In
the tlnal dealings, however, they yielded again,
owing to the circulation of a rumor from
Chicago that the KusIan fleet had begun ag
gressive tactics against Turkey. The closing
was dull and heavy, yet with a majority of the
list fractionally higher or unchanged aa com
pared with yesterday.
Final tales compare with those of yesterday
as follows
rt 11, Ttb. I ; is. frb. in
A TAsr. 144 144 Vor Peo-v. 144 141,
v.Ttsrsp. 224 23 nr Pe pf ;; 3714
AinJKf. 1134 113?i N VCnt. . 024 024
AniSu(llpl024 102-v N J rent. . 07V, 00
ImTob. 72 714 Jmahaco-n 48 1 49
AtnRplrJJ.. 13i 14 PaUSe Mall 254 244
AmSpMp. 334 32 Pock Iilaal 00 004
t, Ucj 73t 7-14 Leading 244 244
Cm O11 150 140 stPiuleom 754 754 I
Che s A Ohio 17 17 South ll'y .04 0
ChlcOas.. 704 704 Miuth ll'y 0 274 28 I
D.LAW 153 1634 ilLI VVpf. 10 104 .
DelAUud 1074 1074 fi. C.I Alt, 204 207s I
OenEinL 344 344 "'ion Par. 7 7
KanATpt 294 304 V 'Kufcber. 204 204
Louis N 49 40 L fcUsth f-4 8 !
Man Con . 87 874 . l-sthp 504 574 I
Moroctle 19IS 204 Writ 1,'a I 814 e 14 I
.NortiAm 44 4'1 '.VoeelALK 14 1
.Norlhwc'ml04 1044WAt.Epf 74 cl
lioverumenl bonds steady at ttnenanzl quo,
tallnns Railway and other bonus rjrm. This
featurr nere American spirits il. Itrookltn
llnpld rranntt .'. Kne general .'Ms. Kansas I'-v-elite
ionol, t, r.. New Jersey Central genrn' Is,
-unriard lloue and Twin ij. -an Antonlnand 1
Aransas I'am 4. Texas I'aeiMc '.Ms. Atchison. I
Kansas anil Texas. Northern t'acirlc. and (Ire, I
icon horl Line ixnes. The mors- untinrtant net
advancr were In American p rit.is. I4 jJ c-nt I
to s I, Itroo i) n Uaidit lrnlt is. 4, to"l;Hoc- '
In: allrr. 3. 1 to nil: Kan-asanif Texas .'ds.i) 1
to ulH: ire'n Miort Line o. t. r.. t, to lliiJ4,
-tandard Rnpe and Iwine iJs. l. to 73; -an
Antonio ami Aran-.vs I'a-s Js, 1, to .SU. nd
Texas I'acirtc iMe. i4 V cnt . to JlCj. The'nole.
wurtby declines nen- 3 AtchloT ad 4s. '4 V I
rent . to 4i;4. Kr e general iii-u 1 I. I4, mil it4, ,
Kansas I'crltlc consols, t r . , to 7;l't: Kansas I
and Txa 4. a, to I. and New Jersey t. antral
genernl 3s. l; If cent., to 1 174.
In ban'., stocxs 10 snares pf Tradesmen's sold
at CO
Commercial price of bar silver in New Vnrk,
f.4,c. Uar silver In iVmdnn tor I at S9 tl-liH.
.Vlriumn "liver dollars were quoted at ,V4t..
Kx ports to Kurope tomorrow tjsu.ooo ounces.
Money on call, mail 1) rent Time money,
V cenu for ixt itay. ','4j V cent, fur ninety
lays. .1 )' cent for tuiir to six months, and
14 v cent, for eight months on good mixed
Mock Kxchanjecouaieral. fherels a morierat
demand tor onimerclal paper, i'rlme Indorsed
bills receivable are quoted t .'I "r crn' . choion
and prime single names at X ft-t f cent., and
gocd liamrs Hi44V cent.
Sterling exchange was Arm, but the market
wis quiet. 1 ontinental was quiet and steady.
I'osted asking rales for sterling, Ss.N.li..,
for long bills and t-i.BI for demand
Actual rates are: I.ng bills. $4..S.VrcU.si;
sliht drafts. Jl.H7'.'4.S7' and cable trans
fers. S4.H7'jTtS4.isTtt. Francs are quoted
at .") lliHr'1.3, 14.1 for long and S l7l,itA InN
for short, reii'lismarks !V3l)iVs for tomr and
HVvtUSt, for short: guilders. 40 l.lry,v404) for
long tnd 40H13 40 S-ltl for short.
Domestic exchangeun New Vork : Roston Par
and 1 cents discount. Charlestou-Bnying. l-lil
discount: selling, l-l'l premium. avannah
llnvin?. l-lil off. selling, par New Orleans -Hank.
SI premium: commercial. ','3 cents dis.
count. ?an Frnclro- "-Ighl, '.'3 cents pre.
m cm, teletruDb. 'J74i cents premium. Si.
Ixiuts S.'i cents ill-count. ( hlcaco 70 rents
iliscnnnt. Clnclnnat Itetwem hsnk. ','5 cents
dlsiount; over counter, 50 cents premium.
The Imports of dry goods for th week ending
to.d.iy were SJ.7as.H04. against Sl.lMS.DIO laet
week ami J.'.Mll.l.ll fortherorrespondlng wrek
nf last esr. The amount marketed was S.'.h'.'.l..
077, against $.1.1H7.3ia last week and S3.U4U.
.n.'i for the corresponding w eek ot last rear.
The Chicago. Burllogtoa andQnlney Railroad
Company ha-dei,s.rel a quarterly dividend of
I l cent., payable M irch 13.
The Memphis and Charleston Railroad re.
ports gros earnlrgs for December of J I43.il 11,
II drcreaso of 3'.',7'i3 as compared with the s tme
month ot the previous year, and net $.'0,104 an
InereisH of S.'.'ilX Kor the six months ending
Iei .;i the gross earnings were ST'.'d.SlO. a
ilecrea-enf $',M.14'l n- mpnred a th the cor
responding period of the previous year, and net
(."."J.iili. an Increase of I D.734.
Ihe Chicago and West Michigan llallr.vrul re
ports grnss earnings for Decrmberof 514, 0'2.
adeprruse of 3J. .o"i as 1 ompared wlili the ame
iniiiith of the previous ear. and nerfl.l.lin. an
iiirriase of STfto lor Ihe )earenillnc Dec. ,11
thetrrnss enrnlngs were $1,H4,'.HI7. a decrease
of S"sli4'l" as nmpsred will the nirresjiondlog
teri'd of the preeiniis year, and net $1,J1,I41
art 'nrrease or ti.tiii rixej rntrges were
S40s,",iH. Urtv nc 11 delict of Si3,7'J7, an In
1 rea.e of f 314.
The New Hnlanil 1,'allroad Coiupanr reports
for quarter endeil Det ill-
s If. f'V(v ,
OriHisesriilnis II ll "Oil JI.UVt.KS neo Ji 'i3
Op rxts'llsis I.U3I dT7 I.Ui.'IIO Ii.l 's i.t t
n p.vn n: ll'e.JI WJ.ii DecHSOTls
Oder ncoine aai'J Uc. tWI'J
7 tstlnsnnie f IM ' t J1l'tv riec,tlnil
I'lveili turves .I'.'lJH 3illl,IJi J lie. 10,105
Ile'elt 'ill 3?l su7T!sj7I3 In-. t.'17'J.I)
flrusl esrn Zl f 711 71". 11.300 1 37 Dec .33l,.1Ji
op espns-i ,'.11 171 J'iin 101) 11,., uij;
VVteninlnei f".-1'.'3't $ini'l37 Dee. 4VJ TnTi
Mi nnir;i.. 77"ni -Ui44 ler 4Vstl
r.eflcit jr.' :iTir i.m 11 1 in; iriiTTi
lirTnisits of colli In the Clearing House vaults
to.iliv ere C 1,000,000. bring. ng the tola! nolo
47 silO.UHO.
Uni'i'lrrit'M reiiorts tho numner of business
failures III the I'mteil -tales tnr tl.e wuek It
M7 as cimiMrnl with .'lull last week inl'J7'ln
tl.e 1 iirresiiiitntlngMiek or last vear Ii I. Ilun
iV, Co culnpute. the lie.Mii t If- of rotn ith. fr,ip ;
luring the first two weeks l'i Keliriiivrj at
S i''.l .'.13. ns Hgain-t S7.tlN0,:ili.t In the Lorre.
sii ilii.g periixt of lust jrar.
the receip's of t'ie internment to-diynere
Ciistums. Jl','4.47 is Internal revenue $411 HI'.',
and tiil-iullaiienua. $.!'! H:13, a tnialof ol.llll,.
7. I us- d shursi'iiiiT.ts. H'l.i din.' j 7110 100
fur lenslons, were SI.lunl.oou. an excess nf r
jenipiuresj oier reielpts of J'4.73H llu re.
leijte for the fiscal vear I" dete l-vvctieen
SlOtMiO,.!"','. and expenditures J '4 j.v, i-sii,
an exressof expenditures over receipts of 517,
aoi.uuo. Tho net asset of the Treasury at tho close ot
business today, aa officially computed, compare
with those of yesterday na follows:
ith.it rw. I-.
noldeotnanlba'Han ,.$14rt,0u.ln l7.3ai,tl1
Sllser d.il ars and bullion, 20.0 je. 7ml Kii.iiOT.8a7
United States notes. VJviOSJM v.tjv.ltrt
uther assets In extrsa ot
demand llabllttt.11 . 3s.as3.333 39.t3v.174
Avallab'e cash balance. In
vludlna gold balance. MI3.330.SI4 t2t.lS37.t6l
Money tn London, 1H V cent. Hate of dis,
count I ii oiieu market, for tioth short and three
months' hills, u i cent. Amount of bullion
gone Into the II ink of Kngtand on balance to
day 7.000. Paris advices quote 71 V tents at
1UJ franca .13H centime., txchangu on Lon
dou, L'5 francs 1.1H centimes.
Iteelrte Ml ML. siuolallone.
rrwTOs. leb. to. The closlag quotatloai of e'ectrte
stocks today werei
Edlsoa y.l-elrlc lllumlsatlnf, 160 166
Osnrrsl Electro .. , 3)H 344
Ceneral Lleetrlc pt 734 76
lJimion Consolidated StoreServlce.. 224 P64
Westing house IJeetrlc pf 60 61
rcrt Ws joe r.lec trie 4 1
Fort Wayne Zlectrla Trust furies Al 2 34
Ttiomsoa Houston tserleaC) 3
Thoa.soa.tiousteo IserlesD) 3H 4
Fridat. Feb. ID.-CIrain Wheat-Spot Tas
quiet but steadier. Sales 8,000 bush, ungraded
spring and 10,000 No. 1 Northern spring on pri.
vale terms for export. Free on board, afloat: No
2 red, IlSc: No. 1 hard New Vork. noa,c: No 1
Northern spring New York, NlUc.: No. 1 North
ern optlnc Duluth, 834c. Dnlutli recelvesl ti
day 47, isi bush., agsiust lod.l'.'o last year:
Minneapolis, l)4.17i. against 1SJ.H30; Cnletwn,
lrV.'OO. atfalnst 'Ji,:i70; Mllnaukee, 14.0.0,
against 1I,0.'0; Tnleilo. 4.','0'. agUnst 3..H'.':
Detroit. .I.Hia. agivlnsi U,0."J. Future advanced
ir. m 114c. Future sales 4,370,000 hush., as
Optnint. Jiff'fif. LoveiL. CVso. ,Muf.
Fsbruar'. . . n.iu ,ju
Msrch ,m h-hi ea rii mi
liar hi km ml, m
July ... ,7iH "H 7i '.vv 7s4
September. .734 77 TSVj 77 73M
lUrler-Wasoulet. New feedln. 'JiV4?il4c.. cost and
freixnt lt Purfalo, malttn. 3i.atae, as tn qualllr
P.ye-VVas Headier. Msle. Jsailci No t VVrsieru.
avJ "e.'.. cost ani trrUnt lo UuTalu. furn-sii )t
was rati er more arttve nd hubtr Sales sao-ju
bo. 1. iuciu.r.n 4uimi I uin .Nn. mlieii at IK'.,
rree on Ixant aAoat for eisrL No t mixed, '1VU-.
In elevator si-an er, l."'iu at 1'k, in eirsator
futures amative.! 4c. Pulnrv sa.es I'O.O'X) bum,
aito.tows: tjit
Optntnv. tUotf. Levtit. C's'sg Asiar.
Februsry oi, isi.
Mar . tvr,t svi vvv, ju4 wij
Juiy ui jh, ju!, .114' j;
Cats-apot was stp)ngr. Sales H.'.uoohusii None tor
eip.)r'. Nn, 'iwnite. l.oo-i aiaiv .No Sdo, Js-e..
Nil. white, cupped Vic. No. .1 iiu, 4c. .Nu J
lilltid. tllje.iNu .l.lo Jlie rejected mixed. IVc.
rejrctrd white, aiuu at .n', a-tuiv , ,Nn t mixed
lrilsered. SJ'i... itack mlxe 1. llioi.i..- iroek white.
711.UCU at uaAw. Nuntlxe.teitptH-l. 3uHat xlCc
la store. inures advanced 40. rulure sales lo.ow
Lush., as follows ti.i
I'pen.n. lltgtlt. tetMt. CWng. Wor.
February J14 nu
)lar . . 314 214 214 -.114 Jlfj
July itli xi
The speculatloo lo-dar wai feverish and lhsductui
tloas .ii pricrs were treiaent t the upening pr.ves
wsresiitbtlr easier tbsre was srry lltlr ir sure
to sjli. bosret er aud on ciserlag of shorts, rnreigu
biislnc ftrnier esbies. and libi r.velpts prices rallied
anil advanced Then ranie a resctlon im reailnug
sales, but before tne clusv prices rallied ataiu
oncorsrlncnf shorts lndjcetlbjrttieunu.ite.lpi.lt
cslsltuat'onln Furrp. tne marxet closing at a suie
stanilsi net mis iiiee riw toeds llTsrtiiailvaLLetl
4 1. Paris adrauce.1 4e. nn vsbest aut locsntiiuei
on fluur I'erliu a-lsaucsd S. n Ni)rtitsr,trrn
receipts re V3J iars. aitainit 3il .an
yesr. Last week tsss a hnlt.Wy. Chirsgu re
esivel totta) U ears, sgali.s: 7rt In- yesr.
The learanres from Newr Vyr yesterlay were ill
ST'-busu Corn andosts a Iraneed In svnirath) Mitt
the rise in wiirau I tseruoni advanced 4d nn rum,
h!cao rreelsei! 217 ctrsuf eirn and wvo of oats
The receipts there to-morrow are e.iimated at 1 1.3
an I J7'l cars reslieetivelv Chicago reh III, leo; -"Ihe
prM- f wbeat alvjnceii asln tivdss In re
spoiiieto the itrong s tuatlen hereioiorenMsd Kur
e rfn laarkris Mere ste iy Lirrp.Hf nos-ue 4.1.
Iilgber fur spoi ,tnl fatures, vsble berlls. l'ans.
snl Vniwirp sser. sa h about 4c. up. open
lug iru'es were atout the same as yeiter
days ilose, out the market gmlualy a
vsuce.1 on xood nuyln by for-ivu hou-es,
Mth here snd la N nr i 70c there was
free-ellng by hoMsrs. There was also iiuite a lare
llnetMitun at mat rgure tmt tee supply ss-rnit-l to
ovtrLalAoe tje iirinatiili. and tne msriet s ipte.l
face anou 40 rbuo tuen bvamn nrm sml dur,n
1 the .,r roar adin'ed nulcaly to 70V Toe lure 1
I tire tl at vauett t'ie tsst bu re sevipeq tn beon eees
I ftnm s.s -nrk thai there wcrj reports of rurtrer
nghtiusln tre is' ml or Cret snorts ar ner.ous
1 user theunsetileiicoiidnlnn oratralisln toe Eas snl
iny news ot an unfaioraoe character his tne rtTe. t
1 nt.'atl.ln buy nramnnt IMS Interest. It was t,ottrel
however that Nsiv Inrt pjrtles wsrre s.llrrs aNlis
7oo. but ta- mar-t too th- .rfermifs
wsil aul closes firm Tne fsrt that 3Ionday Is -v
I101 day n.ay csti.e further buying tn.ntorroiv to even
tipeioiiraois i.rovMincthe soort Inure.t has not at
! rea'iy le-sn pretiv well 1 nvere.1. There wa. very II
I t.e itoiu ma rash was Com c earnnc-s wert se-vln
unm-n'e am mnilng tit o er l.tOu 'triti tus. rbls
aud the strvr.gtli In wheal w vre tne chief elements (l;
sirenetu In corn Oats were Qrm and ilo.ed a trine
uuhtr "
1-Lot.a Wasquletbut flru-er. Sales o.;oo bMs.
Cirr.Js. fnriM.
Uecelcls. . . , ..0,301 14 Old
rxports . j.ijj j ju
etrlni In bLIs Sup,-rnne ij3, .No, 2 evin.
I 13.4t.'3J No extra. 3 1 visits 1.1. itralxhls.
3l-(-Uin pitrnts S4 al4 4 1 Mill feed tsns
du 1 i.ut strsdt Inn 41 as. r ioi ai. ei4
ir , s'l.irts n.-ti ni4,iW mlddllugl tiu to luo
Is -,aTcjr sharis iflnti 7S.sic
or is-M-ur foitoT her- wai onchangst with
sal-s or Tn.. tiales r iplnalog Middling up'an.'i
"Kc Mains' 7'u. sityear .New Orleans am u'jl.
7K,t 4,aluit st, ,istvrar New Cir ears an 1 .a
tsititas a Ivan ! 1 ic, tr.er- was a it.in,ij n
tutssroti New 1 rleam so'd 3 Oou vugusta le
t.irlo s. 41. Modi e j 111 aad ssvannil. )1 hat-s
I nerp.Hd tss mi. t)and Oil the s;ot e.th sales of
to 111 1,1 futures Here ijran.'e.l4 tt14 points
In vtaneh-sti rctoih, were qui-t 111 yarns ot;. rs tsrro
-' Th- llserpoo sales for the s--k wr
..' iKitl liuluiling 4- 10 iberl.-au. against "3 oiiti !
Isst wees or wnlch l Oihi were l-rrrun and
-s ,ki) lu.t jcat in lulng r,,oio .vmeri uti
s'ut-ss 1 3-1 to. inuiidiiif 1 vt; i).w vnier.esn. j
a'llnst I l7o is. i Isstvtr-K of ivnlt-it I VO lite, wrre
Am-rlevii I t'looo im yar 'nrlii.tin- n ieit !
Amerli-au an I I ;.Osi in l-.il. of widen I 1 joo
were smsrican llou.t n exacts to morrow .mid 10
MM sl.in-t l y. I i.l ., rvid I 7nt Lis )-r
New 1 rtesnsest-i fs 1 - si t . 4 .W a-sili.t lu;i u.t
wreg and .1 - I last tear 1 e r. riots at inep.. ti
w-re 1 1 ivtlta' s sraiu.t ITlut last we.k and 1
-71 last yesr lotal rnr tl-e sten m -yy, i,-iti.t
111 71V la.t we-k and lululu u.t )rr Tim
everts from in- isirts tidiy apsrovimate I
ii ii'l bales Ire tost mirror rei-lpt- h r
thn swi, were .-oil 7 ba'es a,aint 31 ,st la.t
w kNiid li.ti-lut jt-ar ,'t pmeiits l1.04o araoisi
77 4t7 ast wrlt and s rt'.la.t yrar. stt k. J 11 .1 11 .
against 4' 7 3-1 last week an I 11 1 17-last )e.ir Nw !
or'esn-sdvsnee.i -10 ns but os' pars of the rl.e
luturvs nere advance 1 in 1 1 i-nnts lost 1 11s a-i I
dec IQe 1 1 to T loslll- raiy Willi siles of J03 300
bales, lue rutre trutinz wasa- roiiows
il ilnj. I iiV'.f. lotrttt. s.ies
Mirr.l U.-la'1-J 1101 ll -1 51 .too
April I'.se,,,!,; o.i, nvt suo-l
jiar iiHjieyi Tin i.ui hv.vo
June il vtin.7 Tin r 'i l 1 , o
Juy 70I4MJJ 7.11 Tut v. ion
Misnst 7orct7 0i 7 11 704 v-.o.)
seiieuiber n.nisan 7u 1177 n.Tt iino
istoier a ni feint A 71 11 1.- 1 no
.Noteriher 1 1'd "4 ll ! I II 7 -I.W10
I n-enil-er O.Wsr'.e. IS 7a II 1 VI U -.-Hi)
Jsuuary is o.sl 1 -I ijqi
prites alsanced for a tl.ne to-dav on coverlnx of
shorts in I m eit tir hl-er I vrpt-ii 11 les and 1 g it
ret-wipi, At me forts while N ri-uns alo bojunt
7err, The tiiitrovsoieiii howev.r. ea. only trniLo
rary 7be imdii g t-iw-r wa. m 11 evh iiistl 1 ist-r
tool sold here o. ai opeinu rs took prohts tt.- 01 re
isn I move-T'en' lor ihe w. k vtai lartrr tlan ha I
been expei-r-d th-s 1 jth s 1 d md in tne absence of
support 1 nrrs .10- re-deila d t ii- '1 ir.l r i-f I
essy ar sboul th lowest firi re, ,q tiie di Tlen-ar
inoutns siowfil the most 1 ritiness. The tusntoy to
i-nfiii' Into i; Ifotn. wp.l se.iaiei itt ItiiO if
to II 0.000 aasli. if ear.r 1 stlmates of 113 1100 bil.s, Mr.
Hester of New 1 cleans osi , I ,j inntltr hroutnt
into si. lit as lul.Tov tiales neain-t la .;- last yrar.
lle.Tmiu I-.O .1 1 7n.i"l In 1-11
1 11IIIK Hlo en ll stint w i.risi No 7 t'e. Sa'es
70o hag No 7 at eVr I on bses I aina Nns tantw
at 7Vie . eo-t and fr inc. alio 1 oo bu altracalteion
private terras r ie future iridic; sssstfulns,
ihUm ltjs.r. -.oi..sr t'lrinc.
January.... .Mm 23 11 2 11 Su 'j 4.
hebruvry ,. 3oo 11 10 t 0.1 1 iit.u m
May J oho u o hi -. t 1 1 w i v
July . .10011 11.31 two '1 i-su vo
heti'eiuber v " 1 1 t a n I -at ti
.Novrml-er S'.'l II4U 'I t I IH'i.tl' ;i
llrl-enit.r I. Ul) U J j VW I H ts1WIJ
fu ores I ere al.e tarelv itealy with tr'cis un
eliin e 1 to I 1 flu's nisr, Havre alvuiued I .
Ilaniiiiirgedv in. eti !4 t 1 1 of-, .vmer can arehoust.
ile.lverles lo lli hug p. nvsits .lea iv nt uni nmui-d
Itrlees reeeipt., 00 sio.k je,7i.in s-ai-iian.-e.
n w-ld Santos was imentnel rtcelpt. I ; I 1,0,
srnek, 430 olio. The huhf r r.i.ro.1 sli eh s toother
witu imy 1 i ..r in- irtu , rop n.outns fur Kuropean
a i-ount i-viis.d ihM a itan ere tntivy
N-siai sr-i'iirs ( nt banireti
Peru isis-iri' e, rml res 1 ere were quote I at
0140 In tiili ity r.o u arsot ..el'.n-d uiKh ing-l
I' 1. 1.1 ... ttrd ni.it and hrut at 4 13.all.ic
Pork strouuer i.ul ouiei Mr.i t- saiiii la. ow
Ikv fhicao. reb lu Prutlitons w,rf firm witl
n ar;e ii , n.oitin sited wii n. how t.r s-in ,
to ie mostly between u sers an I lotal traders
lri-esnfn gai tne iris ttrer to tin- li.hir
Putter 1 renni-rj Ve,lrn thirds lo extras ll sliv.
do Mate Utie. "-tale ds'ry h-vlf rri'n 111 .s
third to rtrst. iisst4c I h- se -1st- in 1 rrra-u
larjle w 11... rotrn o 1 'o faney i.all'te do -o 4I
u-al-e I irg. I'enosyiiania irrsh gal. vreti,ibo.i.e(
lltu. V r--trii x. let
M nn Kltr I nil but pilet K0' teit 2te On test
ni.. -ales iiooobajst etitrlfuira s.iot" test, at je..
-vnd 7 10 i.ag, mo. jtses su.-ar. s'J test, at ,'V-. lie
nned llDrhiluetl.
I" iHsttti-ttals of "0 ca.e. , New rnitnnl
Havana at Uiiis- lOiits.-. INI.IVV'lro msln Hitruia
at e'4iii' f I'oi v.e 1,1 1. "ff.w toons - 3
Peunsrlvsii a tlav m 1 at I i-cl 1 I .o tasrs li do
seed at It4t 4 0 -a Jo- tas s l-J do. st UVilll.
I'D cases t-tlt. io riouni at ItslJc 30 Im 1..
IIkui.1 in 1 on I at -o; 41.111. aud 2)'i baleibiimuiru
at e,Jov-.7- la bond.
i.'Hicioo, Kb 1 1 Thrso wre t day's prices
B"Ailf- Or'nifl, ll'l'lfll. !"!'. rtnla tfiit.
Vlay .. 7'.4 7iH, TI', 7C4 73 t
Juiy . 7lVj 73 714 71 714
t-'ora : t
Slut .. .. VII. Vl'i '.'I VHi V
July a.-.vi 234 234 3V4 Volt
)U) 171, 171, 174 17 I7w,
July . .. Ii imj l I- , 17?s
Miy ... .4 no 4 10 4 no 4 CJ 1 11?
Juy. . 4. HI l.'.u 4 10 114 4 u7
Jl.r 4 12 117 4 HI 4 10 I 13
July 4 20 I VI 4..'u I..U 4 17
Mjv 1o i-ij (s.nn ".ro !io
July 8 ..' 2 1 - I! P. I J - 14
Uvi MloeU JliirUel,
Ngw Toxi. Frday. l.b. 'J -Id'-e'Dts or beeves
wrre I xui Inn ..ars ( he exported dears llrer,
lotovsl slaughterers, sml 1 1 cars to be sold. On lialit
SupDl.es Ilia iraillug ru vd ectlse ron strt to tliiult.
with steers selling airouger, while ruugh uuoen'
u q .txV. . ,
stoek of alt dsserlpttnns showed nrmiesa. The yards
were eleared aariy, poor sal brwit native steers sold
at is r-s-.40 F too As, stan and men at lT-
43 bubs st r.73sSJ2it dry rows al 6l.via-l.
Dressed rsist steady at UU(',,4-. V . for poor to
prime native sldea. Cables from flrlt'sh markets
quots Am rlean steers at lu)4llkc. I si. dresses!
wenht American relrleerated lieef at rt'4H4t I a-i
Anirr can sheep al n.ue. f rs dr-ss-d wlht. F.x
ports tisdav. 200 twevest tomurroir. ,od ueves,
7.l17qnanersor heef
tletelpts oralvea. only M head i.ulet, but fully
Heady for all so-ts. All sold prompily Poor to
prime seals, 3t(7 21 f too -1..1 barnyard calves.
st-RivaH Hre-a-d calves it-ajy, city dresied teas,
"y-llie. B.
Het-eiti-sor sheep and limbs. Inc'ud ni 'Jcarsdlreel
to butchets. wire 2.102 headi J 1 ars nn sale, all
told Marie! quiet, I ut a trine 1 rm due, hnwessr,
entirely to lltt inpp'les. Two ears were unso d st
iheHnlsh poor lo prime snep .ol I al t-'l 73. Ill 0.4
"linn's aiarof 1 hnicw to nn exporter at l.7u,
Inferior to cnoli e lambs si IV 4VJ$3n44 Hrrsie.1
mutton, 3a-e. s ., dr'v-rd lambs. 7--j-
lleeeipts of hos were nonhead all cousljneil dl
reel to sl-ughterers. .Nosnlnally stsady at J 1J'4
34.10 V luu as. for -Hate tojs.
Kent F.atat nt Prlrnte M,.
The Chllliani P.eillv Co-efany his 10'd to Charles
fleuts No. 7sCliar.es street, o.d frame buildings, lot
lrs. l. I . Harrison an I Miss A L. t hln-stnne Lavs
oil loo II. Kusseii .No. 414 lesinkton avt-nue. a -.rl-va'edwsl
lug, ii'x3Siuu. jnr tJ'.uOo
Jennie" Conxlln of "Santa riaru N v.. has sold to
Mary Mart for a.l-'.UbO an Irregular plot of Ian lot
alout Ms iota, wltn a front in- nt 10 feet ou tne
rorln sulenf 1 27th street. 4sret west of Convent av.
eutie. ruuuln tnruutu to 14-th sireet, where Ihe
frontage Is In tret.
Maiidslttsuin and Lewlne have rough! Nos 3Jt, 3J4.
and 3javst Tliirty e (bib street, oia bulldlnics. 01 1
P'ot 73x200. running through to Thirty seirnth
Harnett Co have sold roe a Sir Mcltlfer No till
1Vei P.'ot'i -treet, a ltree.slsry browniton- dwsll
Inr. niiiOtlDi.
No Tu.Natsm strret hat been Iradetl for Nos 118
ail tvu r.a.t Masly thlrJ strict, tjtlor 3; Her.ngsr
were the broaers.
T X tlarason a Co navs- sold for Henry Corn to the
McCready estate, lit end 14J stftn even ie a new te 1
story .tone an I brk'k nrrproof dwriilna' plot, iaieo
The estate gives n art pavment the uvr storv brick
storage warrbo'lse, not 10)xl.f,al the northeast
corner of West ant lieach streets an I also 20 West
ThlrJ street, a six story brlcx but ding (lot 40x73.
Tin Heal Kalalw Anetlon Halea Teaterdar.
Thsre was not a single auction sale al 111 Hrovi.
way yesterday afternoon, me announcement was
made that ap ot lathe illiateof 'lull llavu was to
bvso.d, but tne sale vval adjourned lor a wtrfc.
Ileal Estnte Trnaefere.
is.'d st. aJlolntajlan.l of John A Haven anl
no. Siixiea iuiSiijai, Ururlstia K huck
rt al 10 nenrr U Aut'hineiusi and sun $1
I S.iio- prop, cnas u. Huca ID Henry ll Au nm
clo.s . 1
Lots 4J. 44 an 1 43. man prop of A It an Nest
etliiMoo-1 12th ward! aisossiiaih st.nooo
I'llh sr 3oxVU.tl, s s OI 210111 st, J30 e
lithavs, 3'JiVW.Ui Arnold Lustlg to Mrs
Irsnk Leslie ... ..1
1.14th st. iViv r.a.t; John T Nolan et al 10
MI1.1 Nolan 1
134th si, n a 104 sr Lincoln av, 23xt03. Tueda
It K Lolly 10 a ll Viuey ... t
llial llrldse st, nwwr )tareier av. 11 1. Ox
Ulxloo7a, m Austin aud wife to Cbas
Utulr , .. t
Satt.e rup.' Waller A achlrmes and wife 10
same . . 3 330
Summit av, w s. iJ n e of b line nt tre Item
w a property. otiiiT.exSO 1-iJ. L'snlcl
Cuniiluguain ant witt-i.ijoin I levins 2.333
Icr.slav wa 4 u. ! 1 s I0SU1 11, '.'3x100. Jo
hiuua Pleper to Adam Kaik.leschrl 3.000
lard st. ns. 1411 r Trinity av. nutllu Kath
arine PKttclen 10 baa at tledrl-a 100
Fuxst.es. xiu n IftTth .t. i3xliio klsrgar-t
A -brrl.lsn 10 Prtdset )lusenfhlii 10
St Nicholas at. w s. 19. U 1 4-tb st, I-.U1I1O
ssmnel J Ashley audwtfa and an 10 Albert
VI Howell . ., 1
Lroidway or Klogsbrldge road. es. lots tot
aud 120, map fiycsmaii enaie 12th ward.
Win II Hamilton, referee. In James K Hill 2,230
Vltnit ns.g-23 w luin av, 23xvnu Virginia
L'ruinellt to klnlly Nnble 1
27lh si, u s. 230 w iOul ar, 23XVK.U. same 10
sane I
agleav. w s lot lb. map prop Urstilin- Con
vrnt Lhas UFarwelluad wifatoJohn wit.
rel und wif. . 2.000
Henry si, 7v Harry Mack to Jacob Kllnken
sie.n ... 21,330
Vltnst. lOEait Allcs Miller lo 1-e-llZ Uach. liAl
lilt I st-ss. 140 e Istav. :3IIU1 II Trresa
Cu-usn lo rnomas u Meara 1
Mammon st 104, Csibtr Lebowiti to Mo-rls
I an 1 Naie-y Levine 1
I'sisiMiemrsUiii, 32VXI00. I-eWij
1 line 1 to Alice Killer 100
11111 st, K0anJV4 Kait Alice 'lli.er to 1 wis
l'a-11 ... 1C0
ht Mtbolasav.s wcor 130ih st 3llx73.lux
Irreg anuleC Doleio Mary A Mc orimcx. 1
117th st 11 s. 73 v Iuot av Ui0IUU,ll.
vv inlfrrd Condon to Vireinla ttrugnelll.. I
Pllavia si 12 and 14. Mararet I) Moore
to Kite u Moore 2 J pari lu
1 West liroajway. e a lvnOranlst 23x100.
I'has Seau.i and wi to lieu n Nurbrldg-. 1
I 27tn it, u 1. (30 w Ultti av.V3vJ-.li lleo F
VVIe rrs tut wlfr lo Vlrllils I ruguelll 1
27th It. n s. ir-3 w 1011 ar, 23XV1 J AbdlsV
1 hlert Stefano toaame .,, ,
I 21th st s s. 404 s e loth ar. 14 -x-0. James
' J urady ref rve, lu J C oakes 4.33U
tlsrrow st. s w cor III st, 4-ut20.Jx3i 4
un Htn av u-cor .Ul st runs s tox73
tanuel J Asileyel al to H rt Mir. ill 1
37t st. HI VV'csl, Jamra t Caldne.l an I wlM
to Henry Mo'lisr . , 33.000
. proipet,! blue, 4), John Heyman to Leopol 1
leca .... . 9.500
I Vd av, 14a- V in Norrls el al to Max urbacn 1
West lu I av, 1- 34th st, 31 and il toej
Meat 13-1 SU u s. I0i W l.tlntt.11 st Ms.
ell fsresa Uarricx to Martha VV Hor-au
and nil . 100
2 lav tsfls: IS m Horns et alio Mas, urbseb 1
41st. I n- l.lje M av 23x71 'JX2-UX-7.V.
LllxKnorrloFre-lerlck A Woll I
ith av. s loe j n 7stn si, 3'xloO Henry II
t'ook ai 1 wife in Louise l Pol ocx 128,000
771b st. ns. It-o w 2d av 23x101 Lllraheth
11 Iveker el al, rxrt, lo llnurcl H a
I ail' aim 10 000
2dsv.H3u Ira lowe to fs-uu le 1 VjtMrt. 1
M-. I -. n ar s ins 127th st. t'jiTi! Mary
I 11 Itaf ban and a no I . I- I'utlrr 3 000
lllvrrsile llrlve, ssenr 104th it. 04 lOtli'U.
John 1 aey and wife lu Henry llirsh an 1
i ul" 100
loitn r. s s. -I He West Fni av ln.1ls.-1J 11,
VV 11 11 !i-tsart ant wife to John Metsart 1
I'lTt'l sv h s, 2(10 w Amsierdalu as llOx
I 10 1. x Irre Ihe Nr Vork Invest
pieiit nt linprovsnieut t o to J. tarlyle
Havn on t .1
I'ollevart risfi-nrllll'i st U Iv kl4v7.
I Tuonias hi ujnor and wife to 1 harles 11
( udd-bick ... 21 'i03
ISrtt st ns 1JS.D is lloulevarl .'UilJll
Jam, A fbotnas anil wtft to 31araret V
Tbonias 1
I n'lh st. ns KO a vinstrrdaiii av. l.loiua 11.
Henri K llu'sialld and wl.' to the Maiur.
tc 30 130
U7tn st A 1 West, lliry II s tiranun to VVI11I
fretl 1 ondon . 1
ti7tti st e,7 West Fiank ' ouxl an aud wife
to VV inltred 1 on Inn
14 .1 i si. 11 e ror st Nit ho as a 07 Ivll'l.
enre llalkvr and wife to rdrrUk A
llel-s , J
l-.d st tentr On adjoining Ian I John A
lUvenaiid juu, .VJx 'tiil.l0x".ii4e4 -tuar.
M Hit- k st al t Hrury P Auchln -loss an I
Seine fiop iiatil'ta a rmck ft al lo Henry U
1 siii-biw ossanl ar-o
Ajileilui I av w s ..ul V sw Ifo b it I3C 5k
lrr'- Muses lievo aud wlf.. lu tho Mayor.
a 1
Pnifo'd av s s -s e huburom lilace. Hex
I i- lkJ 4X1 ' O also s s Ptufo it as, ll 0
v. Nub irlun p 7'xl.l'i. Norman r M Mel
lis, referee io vv in : seaman 12.000
Anitony av w ,. vi-n 11 liurns'de av, 3ox
lot Anthony lavelle nu 1 wi e to VV in j
Mars'ia laud ami Jo
Ftlen-ovl av. w . -7,s n M James st, 50x
tort Henri s toiler 10 Marv V 11. 1r i
St James st. ueeur Fdenwntsl av 50 1x1 II I 4
x Irreg also s 0 tor k.deutvoo.1 av 1111.1 turu
si iix4i10i Flro.r 4 Al.en anlwtfo to the
Mayor Ar. 1
Lym.n p im-h, a s, 1AO s Kteeman st J".3x
UMlt Man Coyne to Joseph Ptrenbefk 1 400
1 ym Hi p'c e s 121s r reoman st. 23 x I. t I",
Jam-. 11 V ay lo same 1,401
Wal-r st v 1"" nof an unnamed street 40
xi27 i I'sd J 11 lanisen na sh-r ff. 10 vnn
Htlhenrv 65
3lapl-av ws I ,1 'to o..-1'i villaie of VV illlams
l.rt.la . -WI' u A brrt N Tuiistall anl wif
totiiorjo auitr v k 3 503
an"t nm tiouTtu irs,
Vmrs rarrle K. 10 Ju tetf I'u.htnf. s s 551h
if t'7 I et.th ar I iehntd J yrs 15 000
rtau-arn HelsruhO v. toll ll flecker et
ai eaors ac. 11 s 77t-i st. 1-0 w ,d av Ivr 7,000
Cav tiaio 'tiulitta toiler iai vmer can ftesl
Kslate Ilil'Uirl " ns ll-lll st UUaud 113
w I'trkav, ivrs 2 mtgs Sfl.COO
Same toN ini'iur Hopkins, n s. tlsthst. Oil
w I AH as I jr .... J.-01
1 urn., i.e irgianu an I alaarlti- 1 to tr- 1
J v.i Miei.r.o. I Hand 1.1.1 v'l-n i .1 yrs ,1,301
Clark MitM an I bi.sb to Isabella -pri.nl es
I. 'tier P'. 3-4 3 n We-li neater sv .Ivr- 1.7C0
Cu I le us t-rnsl! lo Thomas Hi'ionior,
n w 101 tilth st an! floillevard or I'uboc
ilrle J trs . 21,000
I 01. Ii it VV luifreti, to Wm K Vau.e it West
lift 1 ! ileoian.l I ,-00
s-nme toainie rt7 West U7I1 - lltrij,i 3 U'10
Itooile. VVtn l, it al 10 llenr ' f'rakir,
Ir' st-e a-, for 1 onra I M llraker sstl-tn
sr .liw -ihav Isrs 1S.O00
rauirola" l-abell- I. to Tt e rml.'rant In-
it ..trial -avi igs Pane, 41 an I 4 14 Idsis on
-t l j r 3.0C0
Filler. Ah Ie It lutein V 'Milken, n 1 fj n
st lo vr I n.'-lnnr 7 in nt'is fl COO
rinl'e ami liei r J Iredk. nlid eo, to
f rvdk torril. s s 7-lt 1 st 7s e Istav 01 1,001
Herill 112. tr-'ls I' H and wlf- t" lonn 1 All
dru-s, ns 4'dh -t .7"eUina lyr, I4.0n
HnlJen Kitrarlne V K .0 ine-iusr.t Trust
I'll I 0 West ttlsl st .1 yrs 10. 10 rt
II no- k Utoil el 11 I., rast Hlser sas.ngs
'n t . 'v c r -'-1 as at I ih st I yr n 000
If 1 s to Vlsrtne W and Fahtlle I o.ilter ttt
)Utriqrft Itm l.lft-Im Co. s - A-th t v.i 1-
1 1 it, 1 yrs in.tnl s 2J0 00
Same to Jaun s I r ul i. tras, time prop, de.
man I D 1,000
1'tte en KatrarlneP 10 Is i-ellall-C. r-twiek.
II s I Kd si 140: a so I VI. IT 1. in. I I si it e
of Trinity nr 4 lot demon I, 4 rugs 5.C31
!m ,n I e. t o 1 to juiin J 1 in s, trusof Isiao
I'iUIllll -.l.llst .1 171 all 1 20 1 e 7lll ar,
iyr. t iittis . .. If, 1C0
san.r 10 I lu II 1 nit l.s s l.tlsl st. I All v 7lll
iv ivr . . 21,0)3
faille lo Jllltus II er as 13 ISC st, U5 e lh ar,
I yrs 21,000
fia iim It New Virk Vs-ts st 11 1 for improv
in 1 e 1 mi I t . 11 u. : 1.. t' or s s I u.t st,
Im o 7l'i ir !rs . . ! 000
Lniwhiin 1'rilg 1 n fiu-as nCiiiinir ns
II Im .1 3(i w vl ir t irt . 500
LoeHti h lirleltIN to v 1 er: I Wei., lies
ITuth s' ,'ij 11 vv V111I r It nvWeii.u
III mtiis , 373
Len.oii, Tho i.as . ainl wife tuMirtinM-tz
gi r, vv s -ta u. 1 1 1 11 1 1 it's t .ten .md 2.500
bam loJoonJiin s.astrn.te. iti.trisao'
PMartln dts.1'1 w -th av VI 1 1 .d 1 0 t-o
iiUHtist jrt j nit,. 75 o0)
Li-sin. Morns tint Naccr to l.sth r i.et
will, lit , H. 1 ilto 1 st Ill-lit, Is 2 0011
Morns hobt f ui.il wife 10 Corv Fl'vrnes,
I il'., '. rau. 1st. 1 sr. I'.') i0
Hour. Win 1.1 al to Wm M KintUnt 'Cot
l.-n"ill ar aul lint,. I Virs 40 000
Mcatr'V. 'atfitiin r to f'br'silan VVoess
nr. S l.tls- si .IIKw3t.iV I'ltlVVs l.ooo
31.triiaii W in J aud.tioW ,a4;to vn.bony
Live e ws.Vil uuirtt 21 -.4 ll e llurniitlti
ar I jr 2.103
Moe iii! n Drld.-i.to Mar-rei s irridan o .
loa t. 24 1 -i K7ih at .yrs cm
Mot! v iiortiion N. 1 vir fJuivFHJfn
lev let easel to, 11,W Id lilts . lis-dlo .
st sJ 1 w I'olu 11 'Uiav 1rs 20 OCO
ll tier vice to Lowis t rucli. u vv cor Par I
avand -nt st, dand 7 mo., 'nitgs 13,003 1
Oaxes josrpnlne C, to James I. Itobertson, I
st-llms., lUlelutuav, least gyre ... 2,000
Ojden. James W. and wife, to narrlitn Wlt-
eox, e Prnapeet nr, 13 n 138th tl orLs-g-
grlar. :lyrs.4mles ," 18.000
Same to tame, na ISnttvit. 80 a Prospect ar,
. srrs ,.,..7....... 4.400
rinchb-ek. Joss pi. to James Haley or Italy
and JI irr Coyne, c 1 Llpman pi. 13 1 Trte
. mans-, ( rr ...... t.OOO
Pollock, loulst st to Carlos videllere.lla.es
, 3th ar, loi.vn 7th st .Iyr i . . 8,000
"imelnJ Fred-rlck Kemocbaltucommllteeof
Marie Marshall IsJ Madison ar. yr 30.000
lluekdesooel Ada-n, To Johanna Pleper. w t
loreit at, 4-0 it s Iri.-.tn St.. I yrs . . .. 1,00
floienb-rs- Joseph, anl Ja-oi rnnberg to
Herman llaahe.r s I'niili tirlvo, or Louie.
rant nn.lt n IUMst.1 yr ... 3,000
Kai mond. J Car yle to tt.e .New York Invest-
menl and Improvement Co, n a I07fb st,
203 w Amsterdam av, 1 yr 1J10)
Svine to same, a s 10Mnst.200w tnisterdam
av, tyr , 0,030
l.othwell, Katie 1, in mw Itnhlnsou 'rus
forCtis. t" Ho .las-m s 4 lllu st, IHj w
1 Inox av )rs 13,000
Kothwell. Katie l 10 Wm W Van Vallab, 1 1
llHthst 1-3 w llth ar. 44 vrs 0.003
S.rlsoid Augbsta to itiyer tloldsteln a t
loitnst, 2'iiw j.av.2yrs , 1.330
RlewsrL John, to Kml'le II llolh, s s 104tu tl,
srte West End ar.Jyrs .... U.OOO
Sor-nsvn. Ml-, to Sophia I. Caullvvell, n t
XUth It. IMeUth as. 2,110s . , 700
vanderVek. iie.1 11, to A bert N Tunstatl w t
Maple r, lot i"i map vv F Huncan. VMI
llamibndge 2)ri ... 700
I.LCotiDro Lrisxs.
Clark, N F, to Dle-lr'cl Miller, sto-e nnd
rooms, w s '.tn av.Vis .t3tn st, - x-, .1 yrs $030
Oreene, iieoA. toMarim tleetrnian 2'j2( -ti
ar store Sirs. il.400bl 1.440
IlofTii.asu. in os. to Lonls lirtiiiim. store,
4t... I7 ast lootti st, 2yrs . ... a-lo
Kellar, Caroline to 'o-iu I K'rr Co Ul Vlll
ar. stcr-nn! has.rtient. I yr . 720
he. to. Jane, extrlt 4tc, to Iv-rnsrd itel'h,
store. c. HI Weil Ith it. 1 wrof Jlrner it,
1 .lyn 3,000
Mnrrenibsii, Henry, to Sophie Ottrrmann 3S
I Westtsth st a vrv 3 300
Sehridlni Hermatu! K. toOeo F Pusch store,
1 Ac 731 Star s vrs .... 000
I 8 Ivallle t Son to.S-aiilTh-ls Mar.leCo.Vl
an I lid llo irs. s s ,Tltn st 30 s e LikuiI ar
uudipaco InyarJs. 3 jn .... . ., 1.300
.1tp-llale lllvlsloa Ileelslons.
supreeie to tr. lirsf Der-irfmeni1.
Louis forrn, bdp-IuuI vs Katserlne H-hultx as et.
eeutrix respon Inn KdinteiH artlrnietl wtthoo-ili
otunious by u irl n J Vaj Ilruni P J , an 1 lugra
liattl. a tl'lsrahani and Wllllatlis.JJ dlsseutllgi
KdwinC Ja ueson e, si resp-indetits. vs. Hertford
Mrs insurance Coinpanv, appellant sirdr reversed
with Slu oils an! ttlsu iri-utsnts au t apuUcJtion
denied will -lo costs. Oulniuns bv Williams Par
reft, lluniiey, aid Patterson. JJ (Patterson J., uls
selitingi John 1' Jackson, appellant, vi, tleorge c D-cker,
r-t-omletit liitrnieut molldtd asdiritted Inopin
lon with cos's of it- action In tbesourt below only
John L urii.i, atpellatil. vs lltllaru L. Jlo-ire. as
a Imlnlstrator. rrsponnent jLdirmenl modlred as
dirtcletl in opinion, and, as uto titled, affirmed vrlth
out costs to eitnerpirtv.
James suitb apo'tunt. vs. Harry Halley. respond
ent -Jud4ineni revers-d, new trial ordrretl. costs to
apslinl to abide event.
Jo'iu 3lurphy resp.vtidrnt va Itoberl McVMIHam
and auotbvr. appellaata-Judxuteut and ui-drr u
nrmeti wltn oust,,
Mlnn'e Hulis-illd et al, arpellanti, vt Herman
Fruik anJ llorilx Ui'sckntsu. rt-ivoiiieuts Ju tgtm-111
re vers. l new trial ordered, coda to appellant to
abide event.
Mluna Mush, api-.llanl.rs I me. tins Uernhelni.
et st, respou.irnis Itiukiu-ut rerrrsetj, nsw trial
ordt red costs to appellaut to -b de errnt
lilen An lerson r st-vn!enr vs ThomasU McCann,
as executor. u( pellant Judxmeni rrvrrsed new
irialor ler-ti. cos s to appellant tost Ideerrnt unlesa
plaintlfTstlputite that Hie Judgment be r du-.ito
I.''V wiih im rr-i from Marcs 11. l-s3. with the
reteree's fees an I disbursements, antl If she so stlpu
1st s Judgmental so modified anirmed without cons
to vitlier lartv.
Charles!.. Walln-i avasslgne-. plaintiff, ri. P.ob-ri
Miiflord it al, defrudants-Juitg nent illret-trd for
t'laiiiHtl for the sum of -ll.l7. wltn H.trrrsi from
Jan 27 1-vt with costs Oplnto.i by ltarrctt J
Thomas J Meitiorne. resr-iutieiit. rs Itoval Uenellt
StsMsty appellant Judgment alTir ne.1 with otts
John 3tt dale. resfKindrnl v Fldelltr ftlitl Caiualtr
Compniiy atp-1 int Judgment and order reversed,
Ilevr trial order.!, 1 otts loap!ellant lo anide event
the Proplc ft resion leius, vs Max lf Kaufman,
appellant Ju1gi.ent revrrs d and 11-w trial ordere-t
Anton tsuhrade. at.p tlsiit. vs Third Avenue Ita'l
road company respuodrnt-atrdrr anirmrd wltn
isvstslo reii-ondent to anide ihe eseut opinion by
llu n.ey J., Williams and I atteriun d ssentin
I'.lctiard Cousins. resDondeul. va Idward ttwordt.
appellant Judgment reversed am! ludg'iit-nt ordered
for the defendant on tlied-innrrer witn costs wltn
leave to the plalat IT to amend his complaint In
twsntr daisoti tnrinvnt of the eosts In this court an!
of Ine ditinurrer in tne cm 1 I elow
Maurice J Jossarrs, rrst-ontleut. vs Alra S Walker,
nptK-lliui J. dgmetit and order rerers-sl, nevr trial
tirdrrtd. toils 10 appellant to abld-. the event-
In res 1 o'ig'illti et al. o alntllTs. vs James Fay ai
exttutor ttefrntaai-Jud-; 1 ent onlered for pialu
tiffs without costs
Camp Manufacturing Company appellant, va Job
M Iteamer. Inipd Ac, respondeat Judgment re
serseii. and Judgment directed oserruiint Hie de
inurrer wth tststs. with l-ave to deri-ndsnt to with
draw demurrer au 1 answer over within twenlv days
tnra)iniitof tusia in tne court below acd In this
llta Forgotiton. appellant, vs. Mattl err J McKeon,
reiiMiU'lrnt-Judcmeut revened with costs wttn
leare todefeh I int to withdraw bisenitse anlserro
a nw anis.rtin payment of costs In this court and
In the court be ns
Ju'lus F Lu.l len. respondent rs Fre-lerlck I- tiege.
ner, app-Pant -order so tar as it drult-l niotlon to 1
vacate order 'or putd cation aTrmetl an! so farss '
It dented motion Inv-t aside ..rviit of sumninas an-t
complaint reer-e-lan t mot.on to set aside granted,
without cosuor ttilsapp-al sir In the court below
people ex rel flrnv-lvvar Imprtivemeiil Company, 1
arp-llaDt, vs IdwirdP Parker et al respondents
Order reverse's, wltn costs and proceedings remitted
In special Teri" to be heard upon ihe merits
Oliver ll Arkeubureh, re.pondenr, vs. i.ort 11. '
Arttenhurith appeiiam-Urdrr alSrnied. with Slu 1
10-ts and dlsstirsvmeiits.
Itosa lelueet al. respon tents, vs N Y, Central and
If IL IL i'o appellant Judgment and orJer afTlrnietl I
vslihrostf ;
John 31 laymin vs. John Anderson a. Co Cas-re-niliied
to )Ir Justice An trees, in or ler that ha may '
cail.i to tie inserted In the cue rrit lettle t t'ie ea I
cepltons as thee appear In the case subsequently set I
tl .J upon the app-al from tl 1 Ju Igment Kxprnsei '
of printing to I oorne by rcitondents. I
Jeremiah T smith r. Joiepn rielirlman t al
PiFrrs sent l.nrk lofler of hupremei.oi.rt In order
that motion may I- made to vacate certincate
In tho matter ! mted stairs Plpa Unr-Motlon
Hilland Trust t'-tnipany vs. Thoxson Houston
Kleftru' Company Motlou for certificate erante-t
TteColwed lead 1 omt'anv rs I eander .s sirs.
ItnpM V ottonerinte I with 310 costs
1 nariotte w ilro.-an rs harles J. Ruchxnan et al.
Motion crinted with sin to.ts.
lnnard lirnnuer vs. VV llilam Mlrlck-Mollon denied
with flu costs
I'nurt I a1es4srs 'I'bla liar.
upreme Court Special Term Tart II. Ex parte
hurrottste's Court Chambers Vo darcalentar.
For probite Wills of Gror.-e 0. Fgler, Anna A.
Itoxers. it lotto A. M.
City Court -pedal Term Motions.
FIRST SIOUTG.lfll: FIVI7 rrtt I r.VT,
RAILROAD COMPANY (of Chicago). '
At ths reauts.t n? lb !.-iMr or t. lar amount of j
tl. tlioTe eur.tl t.iv uni3vrinsl haTpronientv!
mart ai a t oinml'tet foe ,l. jr-itcction o ((.rlrin
(rriti and 10 tTfpai a p an of rrjftnlratl .n. t
llo 'it not H nilaitl Mo-rk an- fi-iur: I o i1-ottt
llivlf hnlilltiff. illi tr,. ri.N I'K ll, Tltl'ST
II1IIM.M' OK m:V .OKU, 5t Waiutrret,
imlrr an arrrmprit ilatr t Juauar .10, 1-j7 rzn
tlali e crrtlrt .. of the Tr itt Cumtacy Lo Uuel
for theilrptnltM s.teurUlr
tonli-w of ih- Aire-rntt-nt fn n hi at !!, olc? of
the T.TIt U TllVsr rOMlMNV oa ami
aft"f Tue4ay lehrutry J. !"'J7.
DatM New York, January J5. ujt
rnr.i.tv.nir p. olcott, j
. hnlrrana, '
lTAI.TF.rt O. O IK M.V.N, ' Committee.
h.imci:i. tiioic.ni:,
J N. VA1LCE. Siertarr
11 alfttrL
to tiii: hoi, urns or
or m:v vhkk
'i'i:Tirir.Ti:s4-or nni'iis-ir 01 rr.n.
riricvi b-s nr Tin: ri nri.iiv
i.n-i ham i: 'iin-r ami -ri:
lU'l'll-sIT IIIUI'tM IS-.II1I1
i'imin tiii: --I i(iii:mi:ii ip
i i:itiiiTi.tir.s nr Tin:
Chicago Cas Company.
"I.e Is lerly K veri Ihsl a ' lenil f Iv-ipeF (
i en nuts, slwwis ..t ivll I.N I'll I.TItl-T ,
i itstiMN i i r.ii ri tit a i r-tir iii.pnt-i i
wit i,tpsiinn .i s nta a .. s tin- at ti .tRUe nf I
irelehtra I r tSt nipiliv f 't-tv I rt ll Wall I
Slre-t, Netr nr III) .. t a't.r I lr sri ,'ll
l.tl" T-. Irs'f'-. -s f t"e lI'VrllAI,
TIII'sT IIHI'A.N V OP ,M. illltIC r. II
I ill I e e il e I lint I ... el. in , ' ' te llv rril.l
I mi .ens rn iltl'il J'.N I'll VI, Tlll'-T I
IIMIt'ANi em -ar... it u ...-.ri. 1-cl L. uvreii
trvr iar. .' ni. a ii.tirnr J"i'i
11! ' 1 1" ' n TT flialrman
I uin! i I. r 1'l.tiVVFIL
VV VI Tu F it..! tN
( I. i. I'll ' 'MM.
t mmltle-.
J X WW 1 M I', irre'srv,
' t 'V a 1 -Iret-T Nevr ttt.
OuH u (1. lar;i t it v tr.Vait u.r-j itim hi
ft- wnf .1 all.'l I lulli t U lUI ft. t) ft 111 v A' Mlllt
of (.niaCr r At. 1 Iii Ml tuat Klmi tin (roup .t .,i,,
mot! lttn-r.ti ir-"4t i r our rr It ut k: r jI I .
AK (Utliii oun r iat t" i ni ii: i tftti.n if
rri'lltstj an tfurii ti-y-'t a ph r for print iflfrui i
In,; Hf lour iat y tvt.i-r iii Murumv Vlv rnir
Main in-. I i imi'i sm ..vKt.'F
a'. 'r.s.i , rru.J, 1 Ibtjrinf Inlr
l-T-'WN taf Lt fi I ! t j l nil Ml C ,
! . ii tw i r .1 i a . I I'm'l aiuir- I
1T II l.l '!,. r. m! UN 'r I t (
C'iirty .r haml. r ni r i Srttt.K, I
LX'K NlLt Urtotl nuti i 003 I year nt ir r-nt j
I inuriMt A?vurl(7.sluojii sflr-.tr,c ilrret railna) I
tvusli, matt ;-troQl la.ejticailoa,
financial. fM
Protects Against H
a. Invalid wills. fH
;. Dowor claims. 5 .ssssH
T, m ''axslsxsl
c. I'orRory, p'-H
(I. Dofcctivo foroclo3ure3. liH
c. Deeds osocutod by infants. i
. Coprists' errors. , vl
g. Dooils exocatod by lunatics. : L'11H
. Fiilso nilidnTits. : H
. Claims to old road-bods. H
. Lions omittod from soarobos. Bl
l'i. Fulso porsonntions. a CH
. Dofcctivo partitions. foM
in. Uudisclosod heirs. I ivfl
. Unmnrkotability. j Ji
;. lilistuhcs of Ian. J UM
p. Invalid powers of s.ilo. n e.Mfl
q. Mistnkos in Riirveys. J ''IffB
r. Undiscovered wilts. WjM
5. Law suits. 1 19
C. Claims to old lanos. fgefl
(. Mistakes of facts j WW
, l..i UroAilirny. N. Y. v (tU
nm- eJ'-''1 Court St.. Hnwklvn. ; IfiS
i I5'J West 1125th St., X. Y. 1 SDH
CAPITAL $2,500,000. - O
SURPLUS $2,000,000. ffl
iiviuetu.;" sml ntfrnt. ififl
Office nf IftylH
HErKKR.tioNr.N.'Kvvri.L mim-imsji sktU
4 0M1-A.N1. H 9H
20? 1'n-liK-e 1 iilmuie, lib. 10th. 1837. C, iH
lUVlllK.M) Ml IK. F H
The rinaril nf l Ires-tors hare, this dar deelarrtl . J- JB
rtuartrrlvilivl.lrn I of two 1'erCent mi the preferred ' en
stuck of the ll.eker-Jnnrs Jewell Mlllliu: Conipaar. PI ijm
t'srable vtsrrh 1st tn itis-khoMers of record, at the t. b. ",T
rliislut of the transfer louxs. .Transfer bouts will tet I k 'Jtm
r'osed at ISM., leliruary '-filth, and upenesl at A.U. ' :
Ur n V.I. , i t2J
The eouivtsns of Ihe first inortx ate r) per eenLbonai 'a t?Rj
of theeiirnpanv, nu. March 1st. IsiiT. will be paid hr I v. rnBtsl
ihalranklln Trust Com panx corner o( Clinton and I' l-laMB
Montaiue streets. Urooalvn. ...... 2fV
THUS. A. alilNTYKE. Tressorer. I 7KsM
Sinnofortrs, rnattj., v'sC Bwtifl
""Fischer pianos.' $M
The larjeit anl Hneit asssrfiient of (Irindi and '. uSmM
rprlchts in unl'iniilesiEns and choice wc-rns lliel H iiti'm
erate ttnvraand eaiv turinetits. l'lanoi for rent, ex- I. Sf,'lH
chanifetl serrral srenud haitd Tlanosof ourownand u Jt lli!xsl
other celebrated insse-s at lore price-. j tfljaxl
33fnlonsiiiare-VVest.ietween mtliand Htfi its...s.T. H h1"jim
4 t.AIlOK ASSOftTMKST UK PIANOS, which wa B jiXlJ
a will sell at a ereat sscrlOc, either for cash or on Jj lvfli'B
ease raiments. Trese rlanoe are aaeoolaenesr.onlT fi sprjM
a Utile shop worn. IM1T second liandl Wehara ( i.X7M
others sllfhtly used We have about 11 of tbess) jj 'Ji7?JU
pianos and must dlipose of them by March I to make fj T;!jM
rtHuii for our senna: stock These Instruments art) "j j. iilB
reryexi-epiinnaltiarealns. Do not ml.i ih-m. ij fftSjaxi
3 Eait 14ih it , "lew York. t PT'fjjl
rltlCKKIUMI PIANOS tllxhtly uie.l"at Iiarealn. MV-ss3
New j, lanos, Uin easy payments vnll exchanea K '.'tjlajl
tnr of the... within year at Juil what you pay for '1 t C'-tsJ
ttem for NKIV I- i&l'sjSI
rtented, sold on installments, r-nt at p led on pur- p tM?7
ehaie I it CIS J Jl'SCKI VX. 1 last tgtb si. ij lll?yB
1 v vnU.-ew uprunt r'no,Iuehl'eld Jt Co, ) Heir's!
I) iino on installments Hi reduction for cash: irj
ItKNT (3, Ktetory, .VKSKK llhOS. H4VV4Jdst. I 'iJ-Vis-fl
tiik iinitsiiN vi'BiunrT ,! t,T'vr'4B
.New plsnoi i rum Ji'u upwarl. ii.sVi.fl
thti-e sears' pavments without Interest, t VY'Vxwl
also larae. .Ml; sll-htly used from I23 up. Afs&i
Itenu la r.ultDON". 13. Hflh ar .near .?mn si. ' frMrjS
R.M.Walters Pianos ' mM
Ilt.NTfcK VsY TF.ltVl p NCIIINQFIl j3 UP. ffWll
lOJ. 1QT "pVIT 03P UT. 'sfifirtl
4 UNF. t PHIOIlTplsnorl45,3 monthly! Cblofr j rLs.'.'ji
i JY erln- barxsin ttvtn-'il
I VVl".Ni:it, f0 Montfomf ry St.. Jersey City. i S; .Vji
"KINF. STEISWAY, .ITS. e monthly: uprUhS, fsVavJ!!
,' btraaln . .. . i" CAT-JB
! VV IVSNT.K H ALU HI I rirosds-. Xewark. S.J. t e-JfT't-J?M
HAlinvl.N'S-ChlckerlnepTano sWO,Mefnar mVi I &1)tM
newuprlshls.JIU'l. Insivllnienls. MI.NTEllnoTU. P J-'tJl.'ai
103 Kan HID si. adjoinlm Meinway's. iljoljril
l.si.HiA.NT VPIltilllT T'!AM3ilS, " monihlyi $j M
IjStelnw.r tar.-alll VT1M.VFR. , ifji.-'fjea
.H4. llu. VtisMilioii it,, tlrooktyn. open .renlues. H fi'flf'J
"" 4lllJA.t-4 II J.n llperweek. "" U CpVl ftsM
PIA.M1-, IJmonthlv. -lAC'llIl nilOllIERM, f ViLa 1
103 halt Uthst New Yore K S,TuM
111" IlroaJwar lirookisn . r.h.'.sMsl
lull liroadway nrooklyn. f ivJaavW
a ith ar..llrooklym ,4 i?.'i'T
CTElSwAY f iivoTie "monthly tiprleht. reriis J. I" MfflM
531 Fulton st .Prooklrn open evenlnti. p Jvvl'B
1 PP.iTl'IT PI4NM ll3 ?3 "tnonlhlr, steinway. f JlWiM
L bar.-aln rents 1 1 VVISsNEIl. f IJ's-flH
'.'.stat"st near Flalbuih ar . Uruotlyn j jji-fpjM
C! t IW I -STTISW VY PIA.NO cost aM'.liO." L'prlMs h svti!sB
fe i uu. i m.ni. . i-... v$ff.F f sfija
- km'M
Colltflfs .inil Schools. , -i-Jli-al
lllie'.nrs. I'nllrcea. iV' j Taxi
1 1. cradmtes placed Metropolitan School: Is-isa !aV.''tfB
P ui.au shorthand private lessons at class rales. vU'.Aai
IMS,h" 61 wim
lluaclns Araderalu V Le-yS
M8SS McCABE'S $ffl
v nt rmi J m4lssnt1'ttl) briinnpr aoj Itnt, 7W(9
CMI" ' CiU!Ni Knlciteroo'iter ivhioi fir lunc Vv i V rS
In; Lrrli lUu T.'miuiui. n-ir 4Vid it c.rcular. itfillM
a?aten.s: flfM
FT P.lCIt nul.-ltb 'end for 100 Inventions i FJiH
llVsanted" I llli VK T4.TF&CO S41 11'r.ay. .N , 'fM?l
4l lt . SIK lll'l. .1 fll.-P.vTE.NTrf K'Uaxsi
l'UIIMI I'l.l I'ltUCl'KllO, Pelliphlrl aud foot ,j .'(-
ruieirte jj t. World buildup, sew iork. U "i'TjB
1)Tl".ls fur mveiitinns procure I promptlr Iiw SijB
ia:i Itnl.lifclt Jt UHItJf.N. Sasiau st . N, Y,; ,1 MidiM
eitaiuishnl isil H ' ffffU
VV ft 1 ti. Patent Vltorueis, Washln'.oa. U. C . fur b -!
tuelr 11 sou 1 ru.- !J''V(B
IVantrtl alUUrs JHtchniur5, &t. , vffejiil
I1LASTI-H1-I VV VNTri) a( 11 pence per hour, no ' -rvj'ipax.
1 irile dispute vddfp.s t.llll.Vt.. 17 Mllrllux 11., , sv' fB
(owraddriis niii(nts p-enilantl. ' siy.sIH
W'ANTFK- An ldra Who ...in Hunk of somea'ssp a J .;Li'irxsl
VS 1 1 Hi; M pstent Proletlyoir Idtess. they nisr V, ' 'Mi'H
Irlll.' V..U nelllh Wr.le JO I.N YP.!)D-.RHt'tlN 4t - ' .'(;
CO Pet 111 Allorners Willi 11 I for inelr tl SO) 4 i "iiM
ptlienTerand new Hit nf I 000 Inrentlons wanted. , iff vl
ANIhU-A slcvly lob auar.llTeed to acompsv . .'sf'iaxi
leut tdsntv inner aetl tone roiilatttr Inaulro by ; T. l:M
l.t.rr of IIA'.I -N : I.l'l- H'.H. Peterboroujh- S. II. f a-'H'fl
1 f''.'l
Jtniuril 2HnlM itlisetllanfou. 4.
I TnINFIl WvNTF.tl on a farm In Connecticut to )f 'fm
. ban lie tri.ttitiit horses 1 do not want a high- ii. -LlTfl
iriieiii.su ii ynuiix uiiniarrle.1 ntan w.ts a tittle ex. ' lixsl
tri ii -e i t answer VTriie to PKol'ltll roK.eara 'tf- r'tM
..f P.i.t n't ce le.x HVI N clu. irlvint references V JsJ' ,?
and stsiliu vra,e inciudln' board, that will bs -i"sai
W ' - Vstfi
i ..iiie.vi vv vNTr.Ii on a nock firm near N.sr "J" "
,' Vnrs.ii) vs it.---. $33 a monih aud tw-inl. those . ii t fl
vs ho at p v iiiitst sen 1 iteil reference ai to sobrirrv r ir-'j sxsl
ail iilssirr Wrltj too.v'NFl(,btix uts .New York ' Ji."...-.!!
"'""'" . V&l
l)'t V vTt M.TKTIVF anl ex railroad mas wishes i ",
I . i P i.n ena as vrairmnsu r Ilk. rapai.it), rvfrr- 'tV SiV
in esrflsrti s tltll 1st Sull tilTlCe I 7
v.. ..SH
S'bi s. VVanleil an eiperlentetl shf-e salesman! fc fl
i i.si un (entail I lit businssa J VV KlUti, 147 a. '';
N vaikar .ersey i Ity N J g (
itustttons iVauuu Jfemaltn. '.'Am
I a f"7
I IP.HVN tilt hWEDISII t.IIll. vrvnted totluwasn- 'iM
v I in an I Ironing aad tlowmuiri work (or a private r -
faniiiy si on dtstsu e from ew iurk sit) must . a
im-er ferejees if.HNt nome AdtressJ. A. vox 17J si elfl
San iptutvn otli e l."l' Proa la sy ll Vfl
C7FNtii.ltvPlir:ir"a'ni-Type'w"rlier -A youne lady ,tlK!im
' witu itso years experieuvo accurate hbrnly reo- f'."2,H
t.tiiinellJeil tUsirts p.illll ''n an assist lu office ad. Jr rVtjf
it sS !. r I COX JU sn office ,1 '"
wTS'N 'HUIMIH -VVantel a permanent position, 'vH
.i- a reas.tnai.'e sitarr rspl I nnd accurate. seve .!'?
v ears' exn.rleni-- mercau lie or dterarr work. HEM - '
Lnikls but ll i sun upiovsn oltlie :.IV Ilros.lwar. , ', ,m
1 1" -!.
jsmt.ttiouo .'antftl .lalfg. J j'1
A Itl.I.I.VHI.I. MAN ' ,l if'fil
ai ilrrk or .i-r. . n, a .. a..er or lonz expert Vy 1'4B
Li'-, .special ) III li.espap-r l.ll.loets. seeks posl- ( h
linn t, .--.,, - -L,j nm -n cJ islary C I., box tl '''
l'"m' ' , Veil
i ' I n M vltll'Klt MiN with icreral years' ex- I 7 vM
,' p r . u e i.i . isrtt-ai wore Irilres o np'oy- f vsj
n.etit Al rvftreinst sa ary in sierale. Addren , iii
fH un 1.4 sunjitnce e-'XB
Y -I v. unint umiiereti i up e rei ently lauded'de 4 e 9
sir niiitii 11 tintiti or trtvat. bouse; man 4s ,, ,p ,.lils
carat, r ,t and t.ti.in 10 lo a y tsurk, cily or vauu " ', 'V
Ir) II bttl 1 T-"UU oftlt r 'fl
u.MI'tis.T 'Iv vs slies .tally iltuailon sleatfy anl . 1 . ffl
I reliald-- I . -tic or liets time or let. wass mtel- " t sH
eraie - I ir s. IN111 srtiiors l. 4nuoniijs ,' r'H
vlfv si-It lreiu.li ihoro'ignly underitamls hit 'i x'.ljfl
I hin'n.ss married has one little niri. 1-srs.ioat i J e,H
rrfrrriur, 1' M . .'01 V.' -lUltlsl. - sAM
V'iV'Sii MAS ulernian, J)." waiter-from lierilnl" ' ,
1 wants a; silusl.ua in a private family, Utt0tVa , i'
bfL'lllv,careof baltbir, J49 kaal lOlasU !' (t,l
SiJ!,'i-'"' ' s.ss.1 is. --s.s-sls.a; i "tt'U'g-Wv3'xsXxsx4axi

xml | txt