Newspaper Page Text
""JSmg? '" 5Tfl Jkmik&Jt k Qn?AA4VtV I THE WEATHER PREDICTIoT I irS SO." fy M M SSpHSSMB5 Jf ' Pwlly cloudy; varmar. j "VOL. LX1Y.-ITO. 287. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1897. -COPYRIGHT, 1897, DY THE SUJTPRINTINQ AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS. Ill THREWABOMBATFAURE. run rnr.sinr.ST of fraxce it a it. ltoni.r escapes death. On lll WT to the Races When lbs ttuit Ua Thrown nt Ml, Carrlasa The Expto Ion Scattered Mlsallee All Around, but Me One Was Hurt Ureal Ovations to the Pres ident at the Track and Upon His Return ta the raise Escape or the Weuld-Ue Anna iln-Thr Mob Nearly KlllMI a Detective ntoa They Mistook ror tho Bomb-Thrower. Srtcinl Cable DttpatcK to Tax Sox. Pints. Juno 13. Tho race meotlng at Long tbanipa to day, nt -which the race for tho Ornnd Prtx ilr Paris nu run, furnished the occasion (or an attempt to assassinate President Faure, who, fortunntely, escaped without tho ellehtest Injury. The hot nu sweltering, but this did not pro TCDt large crowd trom assembling along the route to Longchamps to see the brilliant equi pages and their fashionable occupants as they drove to the course. Thero was also a largo crowd In the Bols de Boulogne As the landau In which President Faure rode was passing the cascade at the end of the Bols de Boulogne a man in the crowd threw a bomb st tho carriage The missile exploded, but not a person was In any war Injured. The explosion caused the greatest excitement. A nan who was supposed to have thrown the bomb was arrested after he had been noarly beaten to death by tho mob. It was then found that he was Innocent. It was at first thought that some one had fired a blank revolvor shot in the air. President Fauro paid no heed to the explosion, nor to the excitement which followed it, but pro ceeded directly to the course. There is not the slightest doubt that the bomb was aimed at M. I Faure. The nws of the attempted assassination qulcxlr spread throughout Paris, and vast crowds assembled, who gavo the President a splendid OTation as he was returning after the races to the Palace of the Elytee. It was almost 3 o'clock when M. Faure was passing the cascade and when the explosion oc curred. The detonation was loud, but It was at flnt supposed that a madman bad fired a blank shot. Immediately thereafter, however, there was a shower of nails and scraps of metal, while the air was filled with an evil odor. No damage was done to the President's car riage, which proceeded without stopping. Upon reaching the race course M. Faure Trent st once to the President's box on the grand stand and faced tho people, who acclaimed him enthusiastically. The Grand Duke Sergiusof Russia was in the paddock. When he learned of the outrage he went to the President's box and warmly con gratulated htm on his escape. Tho scene on the grand, stand was oxeeptlon ally brilliant. Among those who witnessed the nee were a large number of ladles, all the dlplo- Irasts, and many grandees who are en route trom different parts of Europe to attend the approach ing Jubilee celebrations in London. In the mean time there was tremendous ex citement at the scene of the outrage. The crowd Belted the supposed bomb thrower and be labored him with sticks, stones, kicks, and cuffs. Finally, dazed and bleeding, tbe man was taken inemtody by gendarmes, when it was found tbat he was a detective in plain clothes who had been at signed to the special duty of protect ing toe President. It lectns that the detective was near M. Paurs'a earriago when the bomb was thrown. He immediately dashed Into an adjacent wood alter the man he suspected had thrown the romb. He failed to catch him, however, and at once returned to the ncene of the explosion. While he was engaged in picking up the remains of the bomb tho crowd attacked him, mistaking I him for the criminal. The unfortunate victim of tbe crowd's fury was taken to a hospital. The police then mado a search of the place and found, almoat Intact, a cylinder seven inches long and three and a half Inches In diameter. TBey alio found an old pistol and a dagger, and and a scrap of paper on which was inscribed: "Tho execution of Felix Fauro." Many arrests were made of persons in the vi cinity, bat few of tho prisonors were detained by the police. Kobody has been arrested since. Major Meaux Halnt-Marc. one of tbe personal attaches of tho President, who was In the lan dau beside M. Faure, says that those In the car rtgo undoubtedly had a narrow escape. The wmb fell close to the carriage, and there was a loud exploaion. after which tbe air was filled ha suffocating fumes. The newspapers published special editions rl'lng all the known details of the affair. Although tho thrower of the bomb was not "rested, two youths, aged 10 and 10 years, "hoars believed to be brothers, named Gallet, wero among those arrested. They were detained 7 tbe police. It Is said that one of them was Men to drop a revolver near the scene of the "Plosion. He had previously been acting as "ougb he was demented. He U a Socialist. B U Is evident that the person who committed the crime had several accomplices, and thoy 1 ero ""doubtedly the first to attack the do- 'tlre,wboaename Is Iloustaux, and by this B"n C0T1 the escape of the culprit, Jhe political police, as Is their custom after a ph outrage, will make a search of tbe lodg- Wi of all persons known or suspected to be Aiarihliu. A It was noticed that when tho bomb exploded t-ldent Faure did not display the slightest 'We of excitement. Mme. Faure was In the , w,tu '!. nd he smilingly reassured Mile. Lucie Faure, daughter of the President, sh rt ,he 'andau follow,n" tnat of b" '" displayed bravery equal to that of M. "' aai kld her band to the cheering crowd, m M,,,Ui' havo been received by President I hJIUrl'r0m dl"crent sovereigns conveying to ,helr coirratulations upon his escape. ', fcose of tl? sfffK? "f forage off tho boat- lxK&wrL ThVifS V'M4. CrTck Club at I I L?" "nKtJii fS!in 23pi '?l ,eot overall, has a fWVwtiurljQja "a-nt green outside and auuuVl THE BULTAX'B APPEAL. He Asks the Caar and Emperor William to Sup port Him In Ilia Demand tor Thessaly. Special Cools Deepaieh to In Box. London, June 13. A despatch to the Timet from Constantinople says thnt the Sultan has appealed to the Czar and Eniporor William to support him in his domand for tho annexation of Thessaly, The representatives of the other powers were Incensed by this action, and refused to negotiate furthor tho othor points connected with the treaty of poaoo until the question of the evacua tion of Thessaly by the Turks was settled. Yesterday the diplomats hold a meeting that lasted four hours. CAZCVTTA ITAZF XfT JtVUtB. Hardly a Dulldlnc VThoae Walla Were Hot Cracked by the Bartbanake. SptHal CabU Dttpatck to Tira Butt. Calcutta, June 13. Prior to tho earthquake which did so much damago here yesterday even ing, the weather was oppressive and abnormal. An amazing sunset followed tho shock. Thesmoll of sewage permoates the city and suggests that damage has been done to the dralnape system, which may possibly result in an epldomlo of disease. If another oscillation of tho earth should occur It would bo followed by universal ruin. Already there Is scarcely a building in the city the walls of which are not cracked. PASIO IX A FltElYCir THEATRE. SO Persona Trampled I'pon ana to Artere In Jured Tao rrlgbt Caused by a fire. Special Cable LtipatcK to Tm Sex. Paris, Juno 13. A fire occurred to-night In a theatre at Neuiliy, a suburb of Paris, while a f6to was being held there The flames spread to five adjoining booths, which wcro completely destroyed. A panic followed tho outbreak of the flro, and in the rush to escape fifty of the spec tators were thrown down and tramplod upon. Twelve actors were Tory sorlously injured and it is believed tbat three of them will die. Fol lowing so close upon tho Charity Basar fire, the nowsof this affair has caused somo excitement hore. J.Y TJIESSAZT. Several Bleb RXercbanta Captured and Held for Uaaaom. Special Cable Dc$patch to Tss Sux. ATHENS, June 13. Brigandage Is rampant In Thessaly. Several rich merchants of that prov ince, who fled to the mountains to find refuge from the Turkish troops, have been captured by brigands and are being held for ransom. tough TOjrxs coxvebted. Bellslen Cbansea tho Aspoet or a nad Part or Oklahoma. Perry, Oklahoma, Juno 13. An unprece dented revival of religion has prevailed at Ingalls, Cushlng and Lawson of late. A re ligious movement began In that section six months ago, and has continued till It has grown to wonderful proportions. Six months ago the town of Ingalls which at one Urns was consid ered one of the toughest towns in tho two Ter ritories, bad six saloons. To-day it has none, ana nobody could get a license to go into the saloon business. Some of the former liqnor sell ers are now superintendents in Sunday schools; others are Sunday school teachers, while nearly all are members of the Church. An area of forty miles squaro, including In galls, Cushlng, and Lawson, for years was the home of the most noted outlaw bands that ever operated in the West. It was the rendexvous for the Daltons, Doollns, Cook, and other noted bands, whose members are cither dead, having been killed in fights, or are serving terms in the penitentiary. Twenty-odd men havo been killed in Ingalls within tbe past six years. The town graveyard contains the bodies of ten men who died with their boots on. Near Lawson fourteen people were killed In a short time. But all this Is past. Where whiskoy drink ing, murdering, gambling, and all sorts of out lawry existed, churches and churchgotng people are now In control. One of the most noted of these outlaws was Bill Uoolln. who died with his boots on near Lawson last year. A week ago one of his brothers-in-law was elected superin tendent of a union Sunday school at Lawson. This man for years was a harborer and a pro tector of Doolln and his notorious gang. During all this reign of outlawry church men were scarce and nearly the whole population In the country were apparently In sympathy with the outlaws. The change is so marked and so sudden that lthas created commentoverywhere. The change was brought about by the efforts of former United States Marshal E. D. Nix, as sisted by Sheriff Frank Lako of Pawnee county, and Deputy Marshals Frank M. Can ton, William Tlghtman, and Hank Thomas. These men routed tho outlaws and then n 1ml f dozen min isters began a series of revivals which have con tinued for months in the different localities. Running through the centre of this formerly bad country is Hell Itoarlng Creek. Preacher Johnston recently held a revival on this creek In a tent, and one hundred Joined tho church. ahtiht zoanAvst robbed. Ills Collection of Military Baulpmenla Laoled Tbs Tbler Trapped, New ItociiELLE, N. Y., Juno 13, About a week ago Ituf us 'F. Kogbaum. tbe well-known military and naval artist, who resides In the old Lockwood Homestead on Webster avenue, this village, discovered that his studio, which Is situated in the carriage bouse, was being sys tematically robbed of various equipments and models useful to him In his art work. Mr. Kogbautn found marks which Indicated that tho stable door hod been forced. Tho thieves had locked all the entrunces after their departure and left everything undisturbed ox cept tbe artlclos stolen. I to reported his dis covery to the police, and said ho believed the robbery was tbe work of boys. Policeman ICel ley concealed himself In an anteroom of the studio on Thursday and Friday nights. Last night ha again wont to tho studio. About ll o'clock the monotony was disturbed by noises at tho truusoin imir the stable dour. The door was thrown open and in tho darkness Kelley could outline a human figure. The In truder cam Inward ICcllay and passed him, Us bad picked tip a garden spado In tho stable and with It was about tn pry open the door loading to tho studio uhen Kolloy pounced upon him. The two rolled over nnd over In lliedarkiioss. ICulloy dragged his prisoner out through the studio entrance and took him to the lockup. The prisoner described himself as John Carroll, a Srintcr. JIu is about six fcut tall, and is well resscd. Ho vwis locked up and rcmandod until to-morrow mornlnir. Mr. Zogbaum said to-day be did not know now long the stealing had been golnifou. "My first suspicions were urousod last Wednesday." ho said, " when I inissod a book lllustrntod by Wen roll. I mado un investigation and found that u great many things wore gono. I hnve boon many years collecting these naval and military equipments, nnd believe I had a complete set of every uniform worn in tho United Mutes service sincu the colonial days. Some of tbe things stolen cannot be rcnlacod, Among the articles missing are about twenty uniforms, bridles, pistols, nuns, belts, words, nnd several valuable books. A number of urttsts' models are also missing, The collection was valued at soveral thousand dollurs. No Traea of a st losing Hrhoonrr, San Antonio, Tex., June 13. The tcssel which was sent out from Rockport in search of tbe missing schooner Ray Templeton has re turned to iort and reports that it found no signs bf the missing craft. The schooner and Jier ,r?'r.ffj(SWlosT " DREWUERFROMTHE RIVER PJIOF. ITESTOX'S LAVXOIl JV.HT IX TIME TO SArE A 1V03IAX. Miss Gullmette, Her nrether, and Couatn Had lipped omho Bottom of Their Overturned Float and All Hart Hunk Tbe Woman's Clothing Caught nltb a Boat Hook, Arculo K. Qullmetto, a stenographer em ployed In the uptown office of Mooro & Sohloy, bankers, and his cousin, W. Morton Smith, tho financial editor of the Mail and Krprtet, were drowned In tho Hudson off Fort Loo )ostordny afternoon by tho capsizing of a catbont in which they were sailing. Miss Alvina Qullmotte, 22 years old, a Bister of Arcule, was with her brother and cousin at tho timo tho boat capsized, but was rescued by n party on board tho naphtha launoh, Lorn a Doono, owned by Prof. Kdwnrd Weston, the cloctrlclan and Invontor, who lives in Nowark. Tho Ouilmottes nnd their cousin, Mr. Smith, lived together at Watklns Park, holt a mllo bo low Fort Lee. They loft tho bouse at 2 o'olock yesterday afternoon and walked to tho shoro at Uuona Ylsta, whoro thoy hired an olghtcen-foot catboat nt Carlock's boathouso. After an hour's sail, when about midstream, tho boat was Btruck by a squall and was capsized. Tho three occupants clung to tho upturned boat, Qullmetto helping his sister with ono arm. Smith waved his hat to attract attention and shouted for holD. Finally they managed to climb on tho bot torn of the boat. Prof. Weston's launch was 300 yards away. The party on the launch consisted of Prof. Weston. Mrs. Weston, their son Edwnrd F., who is a young man, two young women, Miss Grace Flood of Orange, N. J and Miss Nutting of Buf falo, and the sailing master, Capt. Murck. Tho Lorna Doono Is a fifty-foot boat. Tho party aboard of her wore preparing to tako din ner when Miss Flood called attention to tho up turned boat, exclaiming: "Look there! Is that a man In tho water sig nalling for help I" With the aid of glasses Prof. Weston wns able to soo Just what hiul occurred. The Doono was going up tho river at tho time. Prof. Weston gave orders to hurry to tho rescue. Before the Doono reached tho upturnod boat thoso aboard her saw tho tnrco persons slip from tho boat's bottom into the water. One of the men sank out of sight at once. The other mado a struggle to keep afloat. When within a fow seconds of being rescued he nlso sank and was not seen again. ino woman a ciouitng Kept ner attoat ror a short tlmo after tho man bad disappeared. Nevertheless she was sinking for the last tlmo when the naphtha launch reached her. Young Edward Weston plunged a boatbonk Into the water whero tho woman had disap peared. Ho managed to get hold of her skirts with It. and, with tho aid of Capt. Murck and Prof. Weston, she was drawn to the surface. The three women on board tho Doono helped to drag her n board. They rolled ber oror tho dock, administered whiskoy, and In other ways strove to resuscitate her, while tho men In tho party kept up the search for tho two men who had ulsanpoared. When Mies Qullmetto regained consciousness she became historical, colling for hor brother, and exclaiming that If ho had not been rescued, she wanted todlo. If Arcule Is drowned." she exclaimed, "throw me back into tho river. Capt. Murck quieted her by tolling her that her brother had been picked up by another boat. Than, whoa all hopes of rcorerlng tho bodies of the two men had been despaired of, the Doono made for the wharf at Buena VI jta. There a earriago was summoned, and Miss Qullmetto was taken to her home, a party from the Doono accompanying her. Neighbors wero called in, who helped care for her. The rescuing party abandoned their pleasure trip and returned to the Atlantic Yacht Club's house, whero Prof. Weston was seen last nluhu "It was a very sad affair." said he. "My guests were all fooling Jolly, and tho Doono was going up tbe river at a good Boeod when one of tho ladles called attention to the upturned boat. We wore noar tho Jersey iihore, passing Fort Lee, at the tlmo. Qetting nut my glasses I discovered tbe throe (arsons sitting on the upturned boat. Tho men were waving their hats to attract attention. I gave orders to turn about and run nt full speed. Then w o saw the wrecked boat lunge to ono side and tbe three persons on It slip Into the water. " We were 300 yards awnv, but nt tho speed wo wcro going would reach them sitlifn n couple of minutes. Tho women folks aboard our boat were in an awful state of extltemont. Whon we got within fifty feet of whero tbe ac cident had occurred we saw u person riso In tho water and then disappear. "Halt a mlnuto later at our bow wo saw another body apparcn going down for tho last tlmo. My eon caugut tho clothing with a boat book and when we hauled tho body out of the water we found It was thnt of a n oman. " To all appearances sbo was dead. Tho omen folks worked over her, as did Capt. Murck and myself until we had rovlved her. In the mean time wo were also Boarchlng for tho other two persons. " The young woman was finally ablo to tell us her name. She kept calling for her brother. We put In at lluena Vista and had tho young woman taken to her homo and carod for. "Then wo went back nnd searched for tho bodies of tho two men who had been drowned. Not finding any trace of them, wo plckod lip tho overturned catboat and towed her to tho Jersey shore. "The ladles In our party wcro so much shocked by tho nffalr that wo had to 1 ve up our pleasuro trip and return here. Thnv ni so mudi ex citement that we forgot to cot dinner." When Miss Uulluiotto wne seen nt her homo In Watklns Park last night sho had partially recovered from tho shock from which she had suffered. "Mr. Smith was sailing tho boat, she said, "and when tbesauall struckhcrwewerethrown Into the water. My brother helped mo to kuep my bead above water, but ncltnor ho nor Mr. Smith could swim, so we nil three clung to the boat. "Then they helped mo to climb on top of It, nnd tnsy also got on it, una wo sat tncre uoiaing on and shouting for help. Wc wcro watching tho launch coming to our rescue when another gust of wind came, and It seemed n if the un turned boat was blown from undor us. " My skirt kopt me afloat for a minute or two and my brother paddled clone to me and tried to ear something. I did not see Mr. Smith after ho fell into the water with us. Ho seemed to havo gone down at once. I heard my brother try to say something und It seemed as If we drifted apart. "Then I felt myself sinking, nnd I struggled. I remembered nothing more until I found throo ladles bonding over mo and talking to me. I don't know who they were, but I saw It all In a minute, and my brothor oh, my poor brother wns lost I" Hoveral of the neighbors quieted the young woman bv tolling her that her brothor might have been rescued by a passing stoauier. Sho did not know positively last night that he had been drowned. The Oullmettcs enmo to this city from Ne braska about two months ngoand wont tolivo at 1U9 Lexington avenue. They hired thehouse in Wutklns Park with tho Intention of making it tbolr summer homo. In tho mean time thoy closed up their Lexing ton avenuo house, nnd tholr cousins, two young men named Smith, wont to board with them nt their summer homo, Arcule Uullniotte wua lit yours old, Smith was 30 years old, PA SHU If OUT A BIKE TO THE COM. A Ilnrslar Arreotrd While Itobblnc a lllcicla Store. Policemen Coyle and Wlegold of tho Kllraheth, Btreet police station, wbilo out on exolso duty last night, saw a man In front of tbe o dices of the Eureka Ulcyclo Company, at 05 Franklin strcot, who ran away as they approaohed. They gave chase, but didn't catch nim, Returning to the store, they found that the window had been broken. As they were examining the break a bicycle was passed out to them. They took It without a word and then went Innlde nnd nabbed the man who hnd handed It nut. He was taken to tho station liouso, whoro ho dosurlbod himself as Joseph Duller, 17 rears "Id, a printer, of 12 Chatham square. 11" doollnod to say who his confederate was. When searched, a Jimmy, two chisels, and a cnndlo were fouud on him, Would-Uo Cadet Faints In the Street. David Slowart, 10 years old, who was on his way from Greeuwood, Wis., to West Point to be examined for a cadcUMp, fainted at Hudson and Leonard streets last night. He recovered consciousness while being taken to tho Iudson Strast Hospital, but fainted again on arriving there. Change of ulr, combined with overitudy. tog, brought about Jho trouble. ( i BEXTRX' BAXOXETEB A BICXCLIST. An Atlanta Wheelman Seriously Injured by a (Juard nt Port MrPbrrson, Atlanta, Ga,, Juno 13. Oneo moro tho garri son at Fort McPhorson has got a fight on its hands. This tlmo it is with tho blcyclo riders of Atlanta nnd neighborhood, who for many years havo podallod in unrestricted liberty through Its beautiful driveways nnd oaten lunches on Its parade grounds. Recently tho official residents nt the fort began to protest against tho army of bicyclists which dally invaded their premises, and took various ways of lotting tho wheelmen know that they were not wanted. This, how ever, did not discourage the whoelmen, although It created a good deal of bitter feeling on both sides, Lnto last night, whllo scores of bloycllsts were whirling about tho lnclosuro, ono of their num ber, Cicero Hopkins, son of a wealthy Atlanta widow, while passing in front of a guardhouse, was confronted by a sentry. Tho latter lowcrod his bayonet and ordered Hopkins to ride slower. Hopkins rcpltoil tbat ho was riding about as slow ns he could, nnd, before ho could say any thing moro, the sharp point of the bayonet had pierced him, and he was lying on the ground with blood pouring from his wound. Ho was carried to tho garrison hospital and attended by Dr. Blair Taylor, the post physician, nnd others who were called in. It was feared that ho was mortally hurt, but ho rallied sufficiently to bo ablo to be transferred this morning to his homo In an army ambulance To-night it is thought that ho will rocovor. Col. Cook placed tho sentry under arrest, but to-day released him and mnde n statement de fending his position and asserting that the affair was duo to joung Hopkins's disobedience of the fuard's orders. Hopkins denies that, and says hnt tho bayoneting was dollberatn. Col. Cook has nlso Issued orders that nomorebloycleridors Bhall bo permitted to enter tho post grounds nt any time and to-day stationed armed guards at the entrances to warn wheelmen. Theso guards norokopt pretty busy. The bicyclists of tho city Intend to tako thocaso to Washington. MRS. VSbllER GETS A DirOROE. Daughter of the Pounder or Kastman College and Sister or I4eutClnv. Woodruffs Mire. PocaiiKKi-i-sic Junol3. Mrs. Cnrlottn East man Usshcr has secured a North Dakota dlvorco from hor husband, Frederick I). Usshcr of Buf falo. Tbo decree was recently grantedat Fargo, and It gives Mrs. Ussher the care of her two children nnd alimony sufficient for her support and tho education and support of the children. Mrs. Ussher is a daughter of Harvey O. East roan, founder of Eastman College, and a sister of Mrs. Timothy L. Woodruff, wife of tho Lieutenant-Governor. She has been prominent in so ciety hero for a number of years. On March 17, 1891, she was married to Mr. Ussher, who is a stepson of Of n. Fields of Buffalo. The wedding wns a brilliant event. Tho groom presented his bride with diamonds valued ut 92,000, and sho I also received wedding gifts valued at a larva sum. Gen. and Mrs. Fields and friends of the ' groom from Buffalo came to Poughkeeptle In a special train to attend tbo wedding. After ward a reception was glron at Eastman Park to Mr. and Mrs. Ussher, which was attended by 1,600 people. Mr. ussher at the time of h'.s marriage wns a member of tbo firm of Dawson, Slmnics tc Usshcr, contractors, who were reputed to havo made $250,000 on their Pnughkeepsle bridge contract. They afterward built thoChlgnecto Bhtp railway in Nora Scotia, an enterprise which Involved tbe expenditure of $3,000,000. , For several yoar Mr. and Mrs. Usshcr mado their homo in Poughkeepsle. Four children were born to them, and two aro living East man, the eldest, 3 years, and Margaret, 3 years of age. Two years ago tho family removed to Buffalo, and last Ottober, to the great Biirprtso of their friends, they separated. Mrs. Ussher returned ' to I'oughkoepslo with hor children and msdo her home with her mother. Several months ago i sho went to Fargo. Mrs. Ussher Is noto'ct 30 i years of ogr and Mr. Usshcr Is 34. Before Vr marriage Mrs. Ussher was ono of tho nrottlsst of the younger set of socluty girls, and sho Is now a handsome woman. FITE SERIOUS TOVXG V03tEX Sail ror Europe to Study Ita and Its Politico All Ono Summer. When tho North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wllhclm IL galled for Gibraltar on Sat urday morning she carried among her first cabin passengers a party of flvo young women from Cincinnati, whoso summer in Europe is to bo rpent In sober and serious study of the sclonco of government. Tho young women are Miss Blancho Allison, Miss Genevieve Clement, Miss Blanche McGowan, Miss Ida McOowan, and Miss Mary A. Sawyer. Tho party Is In charge of Mrs. Joseph Green of Cincinnati, whoso son, G. Gordon Green, and Alexandor McDonald Brown, two boys whon ro Just completing thoir preparation for college, and Mrs. John II Mo Uownn are with the party but nut exactly of It. Tho young women were tho party, and there shouldbonomistake about this. Ther are all grod uatosof seminaries orcollogea, and MlssCJeineut nnd Mlts Allison took post-graduate courses nt New Yorlc During the past winter, for their own amusement and profit, they havo boon studying the laws of modern nations. Such heavy reading became so fascinating to tbeni that thoy decided they would Uku to see Just how those, laws worked In the nations whore they wore promulgated. Accordingly a trip to Europo was planned, tho main object of which la to study the laws and Institutions of the principal European coun tries. The young women will visit Italy. Greece, Switzerland, Germany, France. Austria, the Netherlands, nnd the British Isles. In Italy they will endeavor to get permission from the Pope to study tho nrchfi es of the Vatican, and In tn other countries they will not only study tbo laws but thoy will look Into Mm practical poli tico of tho countries they visit. If they Hvo through It they'll sail from Liverpool on Sept. i). MOB SVRROVXIiS THE .TAIL. Probability or tbe Lynching or Maximo Marli nes, Who Murdered a Pamllj. San Antonio, Tex.. Juno 13. Maximo Mnr tiner, who a fow days ago murdered I ho Corrl elo family, consisting of Corrlelo, his wife, nnd 1fl.v.nily1 (In I, Vi. n.. Iilnnlln tn K-tl..... county. Just south of hero, has boon captured and lodged In Jail at Floresvlllo. The girl was assaulted before she was killed. Martinez fled toward Mexico. He was trailed for 100 miles nnd capturod in a pasture. Tho populace of Wilson county Is aroused nnd It Is almost cer tain that Martinez will bo lynched. A despatch from Floresvlllo this ovcnlng saya that the town Is full of country peoplo and that the Jail Is surrounded by a desperato mob of cowboys and farmers, and that oil thnt Is noeded to carry out the pinna for the lynching Is loaders. The Sheriff has sworn In a forco of deputies and Is guarding tho jail to tbe beat of bis ability. No request for militia has yet been made by him. The Sheriff Is known to be ono of tho bravest men In the State nnd his deputies are of the same quality of material, and It Is thought by some that tno mob will not dnro to make an at tempt, as bloodshed will certainly follow. flEOR.HA POPULISTS SHIRK TAXES, A Total of 1,600,000 Acres or iJind !ot Iteu resented In the ITloa. Atlanta, Qa., June 13. The Populists, repre senting the country counties, havo been charg ing tho State Government with all sorts of dis crimination In tax levies against tbe farmors. To meet this charge the Legislature several J ears ago appointed boards of equalization to eoe that tbe assessments of property wore uni form In city and country. This caused such a howl among the Populists in the country that the succeeding Legislature repealed the law and restored the practice of every man giving in his own property. An Investigating committee now at work has discovered that In these Populist counties blocks of land ranging from six to twenty-two thou sand acros have been lost, and the astounding fact is developed thnt 1,500,000 acres are unac counted for. This discrepancy comes from peo ple In the country exclusively. The Investiga tion was culled for by Mr. Blulock, member of the Legislature from the rural county of Fayette. Tho first big shortage of returns he stumbled upon was In his own county, whero 7,000 acres were unaccounted for. Tbs Cruiser New York at Newport Newa. Nkwi-oht Nkwb, Va June 13, The cruiser New York, n hoso doparturo from Boston on Thursday last gao riso to tho rumor that she bad been ordered to intercept a filibustering ex pedition. Is anchored in midstream opposite the city. She arrived In Hampton Jtoads early this morning. There is nothing whatever to Indi cate that the vessel Is engaged in an unusual tulsalon. She will not go into the dry dock at ibjjplaoa. , 1,000 LIVES IMPERILLED. ATTEMPT TO "VTBECK A CROWDED SEA BEACH TRAIX. A Train or Klsht Cars Loaded with Coney Island Biciirslonlsta Crashes Into a Heavy Nter! Itall Placed Across the Traoka at tba Itxtrnnee to n Tunnel The Pasaengsra Am Shaken Up, but Escape Injury. What appeared to be a deliberate attempt to wreck an excursion train with 1,000 men, women, nnd children aboard was mado on tho New York and Soa Beach Railroad near Sixty fifth street and Fifth avenue, Brooklyn, nt 0:15 o'clock lost night From an examination made afterward It Is be lieved that at loost three mon were concerned in the nttempt, and had their plan boon successful a frightful disaster would have occurred. William Lohmann, assistant superintendent of tho company, called at tho Fourth avenue polloo station in Brooklyn last night and re ported tho case, and Polloo Captain ICenney started half a dozon mon out on a search for tho men who attempted tho wreck. Mr. Lohmann sold thnt somebody had placed a steel rati thirty fcot long and weighing 000 pounds across the track Just above the entranco to the tunnel at that point on the road. The rail was laid squarely across tho track, with the evident Intention of wrecking the train. Tho train, which consisted of eight cars crowded with passengers, loft tho Soa Beach station at Consy Island at 8:50 o'clock to catch the 0:20 u'clock boat for New York at the Bay ltldgo forry. The Brooklyn station of tho road Is nt Third avenue and Sixty-fifth street, and tho tunnel Is a short distance abovo Fifth avenue. The trains run through a culvert from tho Bay Ridge depot to Seventh avenue. This particular train was duo at tho Third avenue depot at 0:05 P. M. and to connect with tho U:20 boat at Bay nidge. It was tho heaviest train of the day. The traffic had been heavy all day. Changes had to bo mode In the running schedule. Had the train been on schedule time it would have undoubtedly beon wrecked, tho officials said. Tho train wan in charge of Condutcor Charles Petty, and tho engineer was William Mallon. Tho engineer had not begun to slow down for tho Third avo nuo station and was running at tho usual rato of speed whon entering the tunnol. The rays of the hoadllght shining oh I the track ahead rovcalcd tho rail laid across the track. It was too late for tho engineer to revorse the lever, however, and tho locomotlvo struck the rail full tilt. There was a Jar, a loud report, and tho train jolted over tho track through tho tunnel, a piece of tho roll having evidently fallen under tbo cars. Tbe train ran smoothly enough after that, and Engineer Mallon thought it best to go right ahead to the Third avenue depot, two blocks beyond. Ho reached there In two minutes and immediately roported to Mr. Lohmann. Tbe passengers were bndly frightened, but be yond a general shaking up nobody was injured. They were not told what bad occurred, and af ter some passongers disembarked at Third ave nue the train went on to Bay Ridge, whero tbe majority took tbo ferry for this city, all uncon scious of the danger they had passed through. Mr. Lohmann and Policeman Kelly, who was stationed at the Third avenuo depot, hurried back along tho track to find out what had caused the trouble. The) found the heavy rati smashed Into threo pieces, ono of which was In the shape of tbe let ter "U." Mr. Lohmann was startled at the e idont attempt to wreck tho train, and leaving the policeman at tho sceno he ran to the station house tolnform the polite. Tho embankment of the culvert at the point whero the attempt at wrecking took plaoe slopes down a dlsUncu of thirty feet, and Mr. Lohmann thinks tho rail was carried or rolled down tho embankment. Ho says that the Sea Bench company had no rails of the kind used lying beside their track. A train twund for Coney Island passed tho point nnfoly twenty minute before the inbound train struck the rail. Nothing was seen of the rail by the engineer of the outward train. On Sept. 2. 1 805 (Labor Day ), there was a big accident on the Soa Beach road near Woodlawn station, which Is noar tho scene of tho attempt at wrecking last night. A train made up of seventeen cars crowded with excursionists from Newark was run Into by a runaway engine and sixty-seven persons were hurt, boveral of theso dloa afterward and tho company had many damage suits to defend. Mr. Lohmann said Inst night he could not ad vance any reason for the attempt to w reck the train. Mr. IiOhmnnn said the rail could not hare by any chanoe fallen on the track In tbe maunor tn which It wus found. Ho declared that It would havo taken at least thrto men to have moved the rail down tbo embankment. Tho trncks of tbe Culver route of the Long Inland Railroad run parallel with thoso of tho Sea Honch at a distance of thirty feet, und It may be that tho rail was one of thoso used on the Culver trncks. Up to 1 o'clock this morning tho police had mado no arrests. STABBED JIT A PRTSOXEB. Two Keepers In tba Eastrrn Penitentiary In jured Borlously. Philadelphia, Juuo 13. The Eastern Peni tentiary In this city was tho scene this morning of a serious stabbing affray. Two keepers tn the institution were engaged In removing convict 8,210 from one cell to another, when he draw a knife whloh he had conconled and stabbed both iu tho abdomen in an effort to escape. Tho two -were weakened by tho attack and unable to do fend themselves against htm, but summoned aid of the turnkey, who, with tho assistance of others of the Jullcrs, succeeded In subduing tho assailant and effecting his recapture. Ho did nut gain egress iroiu tuo curnuor in wnicntne attack was made. Convict tVJlO wns consigned to the Eastern Penitentiary n short tlmo ago for felonious as sault, nnd Isservlugn Intigterm. Itls not known how he obtained the knife, but be has given slcni of revolt on sovoral previous occasions, ills transfer tn another ward was ordered on I Ills account. Neither of the Injured men will ills unless some unforeseen difficulty nrises. Tho prison physlalans cared fur thorn, and they are resting comfortably. MRS, MABTIX Str.iLLOJTS A P1X, The Iloctors Have Palled to Itaiaove It rrora Hor Throat, but Sho la (letting Walt, Han Francibco, Juno 13. Mrs. John Martin, who gained notoriety in this city and New York by hor sensational behavior, swallowed a pin a few days ago, and Is seriously 111, The pin pene trate&tho tissues of her throat, and the doctors utod K knife la the attempt to remove It, but failed. The pin Is still there, but tho woman Is slowly recovering. This woman Is probably Mrs. Hoffman Martin, who figured In tbe police courts of this city in January lust as prolocutor against Actor E. J, Henley, who was discharged, and afterward figured as a defendant on Henley's complaint of sending him threatening letters, and also for de clining to pnr a hoard bill to Miss Helen A. Ralph of 22 West Twenty-seventh street. Mrs. Martin produced a play called "Adolo," Just once, at thoMurray Hill Theatre, in which she uppoarcd In tho tltlo role. XOTHINO HEARD OF THE VESUVIUS. Sbo Is Supposed to lie f basing a filibuster OCT Plnrlda. Jacksonville:, Fla Juuo 13. Nothing has been heard of tho crulsor Vesuvius sinco she left Mayport so suddenly on Friday night. It is not known whero sho In, und the officers of tho Wilmington aro qultn Interested In the cbaso sho is supposod to bo having, Tbo local papers here say thnt tho mysterious steamer she is after was the City of Key West on nor way to Wilmington to be repaired. But the knowing ones any if that is so why did sho run when tho cruiser put after her, The Cubans laugh over tho Incident and say little. It Is supposed that sho may have captured the stoataor and taken her into sotno othor port. Severe Hailstorm In Raw Hampshire. ' Concord, N. U., June 18. A severe hailstorm wept over this part, of the statb Utfji j3teriieon. HORSE PRISOXED IX A OVLCH. Got Out I'nder the NuprrTlslon or Mrs. Elliott V. fllirpard, Who Owns Him. Tarrttown, N. Y Juno 13. An accident be fell one of Mrs, Elliott F. Shepnrd's most valu able horses yeatorday afternoon. Her coachman was driving nn empty coach to tho Scarborough dopot. Between tho entranco to tho Shepnrd placo and tho bhopard Memorial Church thore Is n waterfall near tho road. Tho, water from this fall runs through an archway under tho road and thence down by tho Croton Aqueduct. Tho recent rain had swollen tho brook and In creased tho noise of tbe fall. Ono of the horses becamo frlghtoncd whllo passing nnd shlod. Ho foil over the road ombankmont. Horo bo rested on tho stcop embankment, held only by tho har ness. Tho coachman sprang out of the earriago nnd cut tho harness. Then tho horso foil into the brook below. Tho forco of tho stream was so great that It carried tho. animal under a fenco nnd down Into n gulch flftocn feet dcop bcatdo tho Aqueduct. Hero ho wns imprisoned, as tho orabankment was too steep for htm to climb. Mrs. Shepard was notified and she ordered a gang of carpenters to tho sceno at once. For several hours they worked steadily under her personal supervision. At last an inclined piano was built and the horse was got out. Ho Is cut badly about tho legs and body. MEXICO'S XEIV VOIjOAXO. A Commission SonC to study the Phenomenon nnd tho Attendant Earthquake. Oaxaca, Stato of Oaxaca, Moxtco, June 13. Additional reports are being recolved hero by malt of tbo recent disastrous carthquako Bhocks In tho southeastern part of this Stato nnd on tho Isthmus of Tchuantcpoc Theso reports tell of the new volcano that has been formed near tho town of Juauelt, about 100 miles northwest of Tehuantepec No one has yet visited tho new volcano, as the Moxlcans of thnt section aro too much terrorized to go near It, but smoke and flro can bo scon Issuing from a mountain somo distance off. Tho Government has sent a commission from the City of Mexico to investigate the report and get tho facts in regard to the damago caused by tho earthquake shocks. Tho commission will go to tho Isthmus of Tohuantcpeo by way of Vera Cruz. SCUULZ FOUXD OUILTT. A Pile, saw, and Knlfa Pound Hidden tn His Clolhlns. Miuord, Pa., Juno 13, Tho Jury in tho 8chulz murder case, after being out nil night. brought In a verdict of murder in the first de gree at 9:45 o'clock this morning. Schulz will be sentenced at tho special session of tho Pike County Court on June 28. Ills counsel will mako a motion for a now trial. He was brought before tho Judge this morning to hoar the verdict, and bowed very low ana smiled. On Saturday evening a new suit of clothes was given to him and tho old ones searched. In a belt around tho waist was found a fine three-cornered flic and a one-foot belt saw. In the counter of his right shoo was a slx-bladcd knife. He was much depressed after this discovery- When the verdict that ho had been found guilty of murder was announced, ho said: " An unlucky number, the 13th of this month." KILLED IX A FROLIC. Skylarking Hall Players I'paet Albert Benson and Jlrtak His Xeck. Albert Benson, 30 years old, a dock builder of 059 Henry street, Brooklyn, visited tho park at Eighth avenue and Forty-ninth street yestorday to witness a game of baseball. He was seated on a bench when soveral of the players began skylarking, and Thomas Olscn. 20 years old, of 63 Hicks street, tipped tho bench over. Ben son fell backward to tho ground. Ho did not arise, and some men went to pick him up, be lieving ho was shamming. Benson was uncon scious and was taken to tho Norwegian Hospital, where ho died a few minutes after his arrival. His neck was brokon. Tho police arrested Olsen last night on tho charge of homicide. Ho will be arraigned before JustlcoBrlstow in the But ler Street Poll -o Court to-day. SPIRITED FROM .1 JfOB, Mllltla rrona Illrmlucbnm, Ala., rirlnz Tbrro Accused Aearrora Homo with Them. Birmingham, Ala., Juno 13. Tho Birming ham military companies which wero called out on Thursday to go to Huntsvillo to protect the Jail there agnlnst an attack at tho hands of a mob from Decatur, who wanted to lynch Walter Novllle, Louis Thompson, and Rosalind Blnford, negroes, returned home early this morning. The three prisoners were brought here bj the troops and landed In Jefferson county's Jail by order of Gov. Johnston. The soldiers took a long route from Huntsvillc, avoiding Decatur. The negroes deny thetrgullt. Sheriff Frank O'Brien of this county says ho will make it warm for a mob if his Jail Is at tacked. A mob attacked the jail here once bo fore and twelve citizens were killed. WRECKED IX BOSTOX HABBOR. Schooner Jennie Phillips strikes a Ledge and does Down trow All Saved. Boston, Juno 13. The fishing Bchooncr Jon nie l'lillllpu of Sttampscott, Edward F. Doano master, struck on Harding's Ledge, at tho en trance of Boston harbor, early this morning in tho dense fog, nnd wlthtu fifteen minutes filled and wont down. Her crew of fifteen men escaped In the seine boat, which was shortly af terword hailed by tho tug Peter Bradley of Bos ton and towed Into tho "Graves." From thoro the men rowed to Swampscott, a distance of nearly ten mllca. urrivlng at home at about v A. M Tho vessel sailed from Swampscott on Friday, nnd was on her way to Boston with mackerel when sho struck. BROKER MORRXSOX T.IKEX ILL. He Palls Unconscious vthllo Walking with His Sou Iu llarleiu. Edward Morrison, a brokor at 44 Broadway, who lives at 13 West Thirty-ninth strcot, vis ited his son, Edward Morrison, Jr., yestorday afternoon at the latter's home at 373 West 123d street. About 5 o'clock thoy went nut walking togethor. At Amsterdam and Manhattan ave nues tho elder Morrison tell to the sidewalk un conscious. Ho was removed to Manhattan Hospital, whero tho physklans said ho was sufforlng from nervous collapse. His condition is critical. Ho Is 75 years old and well to do. DBAQOED TO JUS DEATH. A Mexican Rniucslor Shot rrom Ambush and Tbsn Dragged by a Horse. San Antonio, Tex., Juuo 13, Juan Garza, a Mexican, has been arrested nt Garrlzo, Znvalla county, south of hero, ihurgod with kllllug Alfredo Cnrrlzales, a smugglor woll known to tho Federal authorities hero. Carrlzales was riding along tho road when (iarza tired on him from ambush. Carrlzales was wounded. Garza tied him to tho tall of his horso and dragged him sev eral hundred yards through cacti and prickly pear hushes. Garza then set up tho body of Car rlzales nnd fired live moro bullets into It. SPEEDY JUSTICE FOB AX 1XDIAX, Ho Will He Shot To-Uay ror a Murder Cora, tallica Three Woeba Ago. Pkiikv, Oklahoma, Juno 13. Choka Ebon, a Creek Indian, will be executed by shooting at C'oota Court House to-morrow for a murder com mitted near there about three weeks ago. He was sentenced to be shot Immediately, but sent word of his Illness, and the Governor respited him for ten days, Undor tho law, which also provides for Immediate trial, tb nearest rela tives of tho condemned man do tbo shooting. Three Hilled In a Moxlran Railroad Wreck. Toluoa, State of Mexlio, June 13. News has roached hero of u wreck on the Maul Railroad, in which three persons weru killed, Manuel Uoiu.aleH, a contractor, well known In railroad circles of Mexico, w as ono of them. Clrvsland la M hours and IS mlnutla by New York Contra). Leave Urnud hmliel a.uo V H ar- cl'wi-liJ! ,u'oaV "" ' "4 - ) HAWAII TO BE ANNEXED. M TREATY TO BESEXTTO THE SEXATB Issssi A FTER TJ1 R TA RITF FIQ HT. , H Thla Is the Oplnlou or Those In a Position to , if H Know the Pacta tllnlitrr Hatch Intimates "i fl-H That a Treaty similar to That or the liar- ' rlson Administration Will Soon He Itrady. '., jl Washington. June 13.-It Is tho opinion of I ljfl thoso qualified to speak, that after tbe Tar- i Iff bill Is disposed of by tho Senate, Presidonb lassal McKlnley will Bond to the Rennto a treaty for ffijH tho annexation of Hawaii. For the past Hires Insnsi months tho Hawaiian contingent In Washing- Plafl ton has been qulotly working to sccuro a treaty ilsxal of annexation, and their labor has not been in ''ill Tain. missal Tho remarks of Senator Fryo of Maine, In th fhlssal Republican cauous yesterday, In regard to tho 'SbbxI Hawaii question aro looked upon by Minister lfl Hatch to mean thnt tho Prosldont la In favor ISIexal of Hawaiian annexation, nnd tho Minister nnd iSH his associates havo since been In a happy frame SlH of mind. lltH Minister Hatch intimates thnt n treaty similar :'H lo that sent In during tho closing days of tho 111 Harrison Administration v. Ill bo laid before tho f'taxaa Sennto nt no distant date. Slnco March 4 M In- IU lster Hatch has been Inundated with letters and 111 messages urging htm to prcsiHawall'sclalm for ' K( annexation, but ho has refrained from taking an V.H advanced step until tho Tariff bill was woll I undor way. Now that tho chances for tho pas- 111 sago of tho Tariff bill are bright, Mr. Hatch has )j started In to prcBS Hawaii's claim. i' Wk Assisting Mr. Hatch aro Lorrln A. Thurston "i and Commissioners Armstrong and Konney of ' Honolulu. They hnve been in Washington sav- -K oral weeks and have talked with n majority of tho ,.p2 Benators, sounding them on tho question of rati- .' H fylnga treaty of annexation, should one bo send "i In by tho President. Tho result of this labor Is '4 that a majority of tho Senate Is supposed to bo i favorable to the annexation of the Islnnds. ,. Mr. Hatch and his associates discovered, thoy f, say, shortly after their work began, that a gross Y nnd powerful Influence In tho way of Hawaiian R annexation it, Ltlluokalanl. formor Queen of tho " H Islands. She has been In Washington Blnce early nsai In January with the supposed purpose of thwart- tsai lng annexation. Just how far sho has succeeded vzasl Is yet to be soen. Minister Hatch Is confident. sxai however, that n treaty of annexation onco sonti axS to tbe Senate will certainly bo ratified. Wssai A United Slates Senator to-night mado ths bbbi somewhat vogue though significant remark 1tbbi that "Bomcthlng would be heard todrop'Mn tha , Sssai Hawaiian matter within the next ten days, but ssai declined to state specifically what tho surprisa might be. Jtf.nuui TO BECOME AX EV.IXOELIST. "IfH Assistant Secretary .Yettleahlp neslcns a Hleb. 'ifaal Salaried Place In Newark. H Assistant Secretary C. Frank Nettlcshlp of tho j I Prudential Insurance Company of America has : i I given up his high-salaried post in tho homo . office of tho company at Nowark and will start for 'iCIJns England on June 23 upon an evangelistic tour. ! itlfl Several years ago Mr. Nettleshlp wns regularly J JXJJ ordained as a Methodist minister. Ho preached H'lU for n while, but gave up this work on account of j rflni his health and sought employment with tho ! Prudontlal company. Ho continued to preach 'XffB occasionally, and recently concluded to dovoto all his time to religious work. h; He then sent his resignation to tho companv I'll and planned to go abroad and preach In England and Scotland. Upon his return to this country M no will engage In evangelistic work. Mr. Net- tm tleshlp Is a son of the late Justice of the Peace, IM Nettleshlp of Nowark, who w as a Secret Service ' B officer during President Grant's administration. . ' H !cna Worth OO.OOO, Which lis Made Chiefly by 1 1 Leading to Brother Uluecoats. II Mrs. Ellen Jackson of 18C0 Boston avenua reports that her husband, David Jackson, has f I been missing since May 22. He Is a retired po- - W llcett'in about GO years old, and Mrs. Jackson Is his iond wife. Sho says he is worth bctw een I $50,000 und $00,000. nnd that he mado much of U his fortune by lending money at high Interest to 3 his less provident comrades on the force. v, According to her story she hod property when s she married him, but ho let her spend hor moner & Instead of his, nnd what remained of it is tied , . up in the house she bought and lives In. Sho 5 wants to learn his whereabouts so that ho may support hor. A Hlnro her huibnnd's disappearance, she says. ,5 sho has found papers which seem to Indicate! 2 thnt he gavo Gilbert, a son by his first wife, power to draw his pc nsion. MUBDEKED AX AMERICAX BOY. ! . An Cnbnown Mexican Strpa l'p Ilrhlnd nnd I Shoots Him Head. 1 IrtAruATO, Stato of Gunnnjunto, Mex., Juno i 13. William P. McNeel, a 17-year-old American boy, accompanied by W. It, Smith, onothor J American, was passing nlong a street hero early i last night, when an unknown Mexican Btcpped j up behind McNccl nnd fired a pistol, the bullet j passing through McNeel's body, killing him In- ' stantly. The cause of the murder Is unknown. , I McNoel had been here only a tew weeks and was '. studilngSpnnlsh. He was from San Antonio. Tex., and was a son of Capt. 1. .1. McNccl, a A well-known Texas ranger. Tho murderer os- . coped. ; HE EATS BROKEX OL.iSS. lj i f Tbe Itoy Preak saya It la .Not tbe Class but X Ilaja That la Hurtlnr lllm. Oakland, Cal., Juno 13. William Lcnrv. tho ! boy freak who ate largo quantities of broken glass and asscrtod that It was his solo food, could not stand exposuro to tho X rays. Ho will begin suit for damago against Dr. O. D. Hamlin, a physician, for Injuries alleged to havo been In- 1 dieted hy exposure to tho ravs. The laiy ate I glass for nay nt tho exposition hero Inst winter, ' ' And nt hf rnnJlt f h flru-fnru rmnlnNl hltn h tho liooiitgonllghttoscvhowhisorgunsworked. He now asserts that be wan Injured, Tho doo- . 5 tors arc Inclined to attribute bis trouble to his . diet. -. A MYSTEU10US PAT1EXT. ;' Young Man Picked Cp 1'nconarlous, without -i Klgn of Injury, on n Itallroad Track, w LaNOAATkr, Po., June 13, A healthy look- Ing young man was picked up on tho '4 Pennsylvania Railroad track, fifteen miles ' ' cast of this city, nt daybreak yesterday. 1 low-as ? unconscious, but was breathing regularly, and there was not a mark or bruise of any kind upon i him. Vigorous attempts by the Lancaster lion- , i vital attendants to bring him tocnniclousuos ; have failed. Twice In tho Inst thlrty-ilx hours he has uttered Inarticulate sounds. Ho Is woll ' dressed, and tho nnino "F. Miller" Is tattooed v on his arm, Ho had no money. Nobody knows what Is tho matter with him, ' Airship Consisted or Ploallug Colored Plrea. '( Chkuuo, Juno 13. Chicago's airship mystery ft has been cleared up. Capt. Joseph O'Douuell, an export in pyrotechnics, says that ho was ths 2 proprietor of tho floating rod and green lights It which hundreds of sober citizens wero roady to j swear were tho signal lights of an airship pass- 3 lng over tho lako lo tho north of tho city In April ffl lost, O'Donnell has a machine which sonds into ft the air small balls, which become Illuminated 3 only when nt a groat height, Tnoy Increase In S size, and float slowly and horizontally off into fi tbo darkness. !S Pursuing Uanlshed Moraion Elders. gg Pjciuix", Flo., June 13. Mormon ciders Havo jk been in this, Taylor, county for six months. A . 3 party of eighteen men, well armed, lsltod ' m their camp near Rocky Crock tho other our, ft and, after stripping tbo preachers, whipped "f them with birch rods.. They gave one of them Cffl a coat of tar and then ordered thoni out of tha ? county. It was learned lator that eight women Is have left their homes In this county and havs j, gne with them. Relatives of tho women are m pursuing tbe party, ' jj Escaped from a Uurnlus Mine, 51 Turns IIadte, Ind., June 13. Tho Torry coal m mine, near Clinton, was destroyed by fire this fi afternoon, and although fifteen men were in tbo 3j mine at the time, they escaped by various pas- ', sages. Tho loss is placed at S30,000, with t)12,- flfl! 000 Insurance. tm 1 Thore were 400 pounds of dynamite ufedn half -2: car of giant powder nearby that was rnmovvl 'j by miner. The coal company is a Chicago cor- ;-Ji powUfl. of frchl), U. iloglo U tt eiat, M . ..... aim