Newspaper Page Text
I THE SUN. MONDAY, JUiVE 14, 1897., ' ' Jjl I GOLF NEWS AND OPINIONS, Knnr.nT HAJtlHitAN MAKES A. WOK. pEtirVI. SMOKE AT KSOLLWOOn. 1M aaee Frna the SlMk KichBe HaasMeatt Vera " tAnk e-W. II. I !! TBlasts the Amateurs Abreast Out H cn Our riayers "vent r Week. A wonderful record -as made by Herbert M. Birrmsn on last Friday at the Knollwood links. S corereil the 100-jnrd seYsnth hole In one stroke- The tee arid the putting green are on 'tent tho same elevation, ft valley with a brook !. the bottom lying between the two point. M ilatriraan Is noted aa a long driver, and In this teitsnee ho tent the ball flying In a graceful W tarre to th0 noar end of the Putt,nt Breen, and- after one short rebound. It rolled gently onward to about Ave yards and dropped safely Into the rtr The record will probably rank ahead of jJmes A. Tyne's great shot In the open handl- t tho Ukewood Golf Club, April 18. 1B95, hen be mado the 103-yard first hole on the I drKe. ... Jl Thire will bo a great reviewing of the scores Am i. the Stock Exchange handicap on Wall street ftl yritj. Undoubtedly the showing made by T VacslonaM and Tolcr was a disappointment to W onlookers who followed them in the cxpoo- utlon of a record-breaking match. Dut at no I time was A. II. Fenn's seventy-eeven In Jeopardy. I The men ihowod signs of being " over-golf od." I tht Is. a;n lo,t tnn Dne opportunities by M nUnc wretched shoU. Macdonald played , 1 brilHrtly at some of the holes, however, but TW his worst trouble was lu overpaying hlsnp- preaches, and his driving was very wild. T. W.Thorno, who tips the scales at about 200 pounds, led the brigade of non-players who had journeyed from Wall street to watch tho match. Thorne was one of the " gallery " that was being entertained by the mishaps of the unfortunates it the water hazards. Ransom II. Thomas, cleared tho pond from the eleventh tee, but tho ball (ell in the long grass at tho sldo of the green. As ho stralghtonod up after driving he iiw Thorne. "Tom," said Thomas, with much earnestness, , " I think you were my hoodoo on that tee, for It's i i the worst drive I have made to-day." Tomdidnotreplr. but ho was preparing to return good for evil, for he had espied a caddie boy pocketing Thomas's ball. When Thomas was ready tovlay the ball could not be found, naturally, and Tnorne directed Thomas to call back the light-fingered caddie. Thorno had been keener than any of the experienced golfers standing about, and for tho rest of the match no one dared to hlsper " hoodoo " In his presence. But no one knows what the detected caddie boy called him. Bands brought only two new clubs from Europe, a short-faced driver, no different from those in vogue here, and a Taylor mashio. The masbie Is unusually heavy, and In Taylor's hands Is deadly In short approach. It must bo swung with only little force, tho Idea being to 1st the heavy head pitch tho ball by Its ow n Domentum. In wooden clubs the players abroad like a willowy, but utterly condemn a whippy ihsft, according to Sands. From what he saw . otthe game abroad, the best amateurs abroad 'W are fully a stroke a hole better than tho best of our amateurs. Now that the Marine and Field Club course has been lengthened to nine holes, the caddies insist upon the same pay that the Dyker Meadow dots receive, that is, 15 cents a round of nine holes and 25 cents for the double round. The concession was granted to them on Saturday, After they bad threatened to go on strike. Two special prlxes offered by IL D. Pie on xUl be competed for at the Elisabeth Town and Country Club on next Saturday. The first will be the Experts' Cup, for the best score on nine holes of the woman's course, and tho second the Beginners' Cup, under the same conditions. In addition, the Games Committee offer a cup to be given to the maker of the best score for eight ten holes in competition on each Saturday in June. A further announcement Is made of two prizes under novel conditions, at least in this I country. One is a special cup for the player besting bogie the moat times during the season, the other a prize for the player making the neatest number of points during the season, whining a cup to count two points and beating bode to count one point. ... Women's putting matches will be held at the EsoUwood Country Club on June 19 and 20. A ess lathe prize in each. The handicap competi tions for the June cup will close on the 30th and those for the semi-m ontnly cup on next Satur !ay. Four cups have been offered to the winners Is the most mixed foursomes in the two series, beginning July 17 and ending on July 31 and between Aug. 24 and 28. Semi-monthly cups tie also up for competitions during July and August. Arcsley will lead the links in public attention during the week. To-morrow the women will begin a match play competition for cup pre sented by Mrs. W. It Granbury. The contest ants will play in nine-hole rounds, the losers dropping oti. The competitions will continue throughout Wednesday and Thursday. On Sat urday, te'Jes the weekly handicap, there will be putting contests for men and women for two cups presented by it Remington, on a green to be specially prepared for the event; then the long-deferred flnai match for the Edwin Gould cup, between the winners in tne monthly con i r tests last year, will be decided. Those eligible are W.H. Sands, N'.H. Burr. J. M. Hammond. W. F. Judson,.Wllliam Chrystle. and Daniel Bicon. The June handicap for classes B and C play. ers will be held at St. Andrew's on Wednesday. There was a good deal of golfing at Lenox dur ing the past week. Tho new greenskeeper, F. II. Nichols, has had the greens levelled, and they are in excellent order. The new clubhouse will be greatly appreciated by the visiting golfers this season, as well as by the home players. The view from the veranda is picturesque. A new I walk has been laid from the entrance of the grounds to the clubhouse. The second matches In the Philadelphia inter dub team circuit will be played on next Satur day. Games are scheduled for the first and sec ond teams on all the links near that city. M. J. Henry, Secretary of tho Myopia Hunt unb, has sent out the following notice: i. handicap competition, open to member. Invited rwu, tad all membersof the U. 8. U. A., will be held M June 17. Entries close on June IB. All entries nut be accompanied by handicap of player's homo club, signed by the Secretary. Entrance fee. $1. A prize will also be given for the best gruu score. Play for the cup offered by F. W. Jackson, at the Country Club of Westchester, will continue on every Saturday during June. Otusor, June 13. Although a large number players were out on the links of the Essex Uunty Country Club yesterday, only seven cards were turned In. So many players fall to do this that there Is some talk of imposing a penalty upon those who do not return cards. The contest yesterday was for the June Cup. E. v. Merwln. Jr., went over the course twice. Tho scores were: Frederick Dallett Orou.irp.ltel. pi in i s i i ( s eo " 3 i g i t ill g 6 oi m o in tp.H.rwin jr. P0' 6 8 8 BIO T Qi-flT b " 110 t 111 a 5 6 T 114 IB 109 ? B S 7 4 8 V 'S.......0 B18U 4 7 S B B-8 MB IS 100 Dr. 5J 5 4 6 8 8 8 8 4 B-SS u 5 8 8 4 8 S 0 8-BB 107 II OB W.J.Klagilaad- L - l?1""1? 1 T 4 8 7 4 B-68 U 8 7 11 7 7 7 8 4 8-88 118 IS 08 fg J.T.Colt- W1-....8 8 8 8 8 B 7 0 4-88 u 8 4 0 8 6 8 8 8 881 108 IS 101 CM B. Jtnklruon. second "-. 4 H B 4 411 4 O-OO 7 2 S 8 5 7 4 8-53 10S 8 00 JfJ'HDK. June 13. The regular monthly com wiuon for tho Governor's Cup, which was con- Ksted for jat the Oakland links by the members , 2 Saturday, was finally won bv Lawrence E. "acre The scores below 100 follows r , ttroas, Wrap h'tt. c.lmbre oo 2B 65 i'M..fVeoce 100 28 71 a-a.Llttl.john ....lull 2fl 7 St"-Unban, JOB SB 7l fL.-1,'."'" M3 BU frslur'1"' 100 2S Bt " . .....:..::::u4 07 f?nl"e.r, J-Travis again won new laurels by de LiiSfil ro.f;inal Harry Reddle. Both played ter of ' t"1 'on"' Travis having a trlflo the bet- 1 1 ObS.ui argument. Ho won by three up. il ) tJ? Slrath. tho greenskeeper, has resigned. that S,M?.rcr an"' ,lttrrT Iteddie will act In Jointed ty u l N1111'8 luccessor is op- vliSlSri!AP J"ne 13.-Tho team match nt "Mowbrook yesterday between the Meadow. " and Ardaley clubs resulted as follows! U 0,w?nifOH,ua. aausutr. fl '.o'Kh 8 H. rrarrtman,..,, 0 &. B J. Taylor ,'. 0 &hoh. Br.".::; 8 K-$3i S .wh.rtora.::::;:::: , S'.'am'.'.:::::::::::: S l7 TotM i brook lml'i.0,. the ma,cl between tho Meadow .W. A Itockaway clubs follows: 0.W Bi'ort 8. Frowthlngham 0 'O.'n.ii 0,0. h. 1'erklns 1 Lltiiui,- lDr. llrona.... , 0 H '"tu.'i.. 0 n. Huntlugton 0 I b UU m"a Eud" r "','- H r?M'laCtt,?.a",,.el o' Mtwark. In the Turnversln FslsUii 7iw 5" on Saturday. Ilfttd a dumbb.ll, K r"" 71K pountti, above kls Head us ttmss. sbbbbL1 lJsbbbbbk ssssssssssssssssssssssssmsssiisiaiiT .,'-'-- : -1 - -.ft-v- TACllTISO. FJenty of Raelag Slapped Ont for Tnlrty FooUrw During the Rraasn. When soveral prominent yachtsmen, less than two years ago, evolved tho idea of a special class of boats, all to bo the samo site and built under rules that apparently restricted their construction to useful and safe cruising boats, the notion was ridloulod by a number of exports Tho result of tho conference waa tho advent of tho typo now familiarly known as tho "Thir ties," which proved vorltable marvols of speod and also exhibited unlooked-for wcathcrly qualities. That tholr popularity has not waned slni-o Inst year Is shown by tho efforts of Ualph X, Ellis of the Larchmont Yacht Club and owner of the Hera to arrango sweepstnko races during the season. His scheme Is to bold two races on June 22 and 24 respectively, tho entrance feo for cnoh boat to be 810 for each race; If four boats start, tho second boat to save ber stakes; If live or more boata start, 20 psr cent, to go to tho second boat, and 10 per cent, to the third. Each yacht must enter in both racos. All necessary expenses will be deductad from the total amount of money received. The start will be made at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon of each day from the Larchmont mark, oft Glen dove, and Instructions, starting signals, and course will bo furnished an hour before the race from the judges' boat. The rules of the Long Island Union will govern the con toe ts. In addition to tho foregoing scheme Newbury I). Lnwton announces that the Atlantlo Yacht Club will give prises formers In this Interesting class every Saturday afternoon in the season It three or more boats can be Induced to sail, the racing rules of tho Atlantlo Club to govern. Katrlesi ror the Atlantlo Y. C. Regatta. All the fast yachts In tho vicinity of New York will take part In tho annual regatta of the Atlantlo Yacht Club to-morrow, which will be sailed over the courses In the lower bay, the larger vessels going out to the Ited Lightship. The start will tako place at 10:30 o'clock In tho morning, and the yachts will bo sent away with intervals of five minutes between divisions, tho last to cross the line being the special thirty foot class. An ocean tug will be used by tho llegattA Committee, while a largo steamer for tho guests will accompany the boats In tho larger classes over tho course. Tho entries are as follows: onooNKits 85-FOOT class. A'aina. Owner. Racing A'o. ZtngtK. CoUrala. O.A. Poatley U 0 08.80 Emerald Jf. n. Maxwell D 7 N. at sonoo.SEKS OS to 73 FEET. Amorita W.OouldSrokaw D 1 74.81 srxjors 51 to 00 feet. Eclipse UJ.Callanan J 10 BB.1S Wasp II. K Llppltt J 30 B4.93 BL00P8 13 TO 51 FEET. Iota. D.K.Auiun K IB N. M. Byoe F. M. Uoyt K 84 60.86 Gossoon P. T. Dodge K 13 47.83 LOOrs 30 TO 43 FEET. Eidolon J.Welr, Jr L 13 41.61 Norota D. L 36 41.64 LOOPS 30 TO 38 FEET. AkUta George till! M SO 84.7B Acoahla U. W. IUnan M 1 34.00 Volusia J.J. Allen MOO N. II. LOOri SPECIAL 30-FOOT CLASS. Hera. P. N. Kills, N 80 80.00 Muama J. SI. xtaodonoush N 61 80.00 VsqneroIII...H. a Duryea N 08 80.00 CTa-Wa. J. A. SUllroan N US 30.00 CATBOAT8 25 TO 30 FEET. LUtla V. w. P. Vrceland 8 30 19.06 Dorothy O. F. Laraelere 8 11 28.61 Squaw II.S Jewell S a 87.88 CATBOATB 20 TO 25 FEKT. SulTtre O. A. Freeth T 28 14.00 neaa. J.S.Kegus T .. K. 31. Ethel E.J.Brcea. T .. N. M. Tale Bra at tk Tiller. Saw Hath, Jan IS. The first annual races of Uie TaJa Corinthian Taebt Club were sailed ysatcr day over tu llorrla Cot courae, besualng just off th Tal clubbouse. Tb course waa seven miles lose. Th day waa clear, and tb wathr would have been Ideal nad th wtnd blown a little suffer. Tb coaUst of th half raters ror tb year wer aalibed la tb regatta, and th oups "ffered by Duncan Butler or New Tort war romixtxl for. Tbr were sitven starters, and tbe leaders at tb nnlabwr tb Lono, aalled by U. Brlgbam; tb Brsnda, C. A. Ooowin; Tne Yebl. aalled by B. Clark and It. Wlntbrop. and tb Gelaba, whose aalppar and maater wu W. O. Low. Tb ratular jacnt club reaatta cue. as well as th prlx off arad by Butler ror making tb bt tlm la tb contest, waa won by tb Lono. Tb econa Butler eup was carrlad off by tbe Brenda. In tb oonust for the greatest number of pntms galaed Ourmg tbe nttra racing aeaaon taeLooo wen. Tn balf rater tabl for th aeaaon allows the Lono abead with Oftaan polnta. th Teal second wlta seTen, Qlaba. o: Llnaloo, S. and Brenda, 4. Tb Batlar cups are valued at 8SU and ISO respec tively. Hempstead Taents Drift Biaa nxurarxAD, Jan 18. There was a large gather ing oMntnualast'.cyacbtamen on tbe souibahor yes terday to witnaa the opcnlna regatta of th aeaaoo or tb Herapstaad Bay Yaebt Clan, wnich wss bald orer a trlansular coura of Ubt mllea In tbe Oreat Seutt, Bay. At tbe beginning of tb racea tb watb r was all that eould b desired for yachting, but bfor tb finish the wlad d!d down to a ealm. Within a half mile of homo a aqaall. which kicked up quite a aa. atruck tb boau. and It wu only by tb prompt action of their Captalna that tny did not oapsli. Tb aqnall anon paaaad away, and th boata Crlftsdpaat tb staJkeboat. Snmmarxc fol lowas Sloop Class Toomaa Itartln's Brooklyn flrat. Dr. James nuteheaon'a Sybl aacond, Oeorx Lowdea'a Alsra third. Open Cau, 14 Feat Tarry Sosthard'a Beolah flrit, and Saasuet Smith's Slardle second. Open Cats, 20 Feet and Under Joseph Bollna's Qrac llrat. Dr. James nutcbeaon'a Zepbar second, and Commodore C II. Southard's Dream third. Model Yachts Racing. There waa sport galore at the American Model Yacht Club's aalt water station off Thlrty-atxlh street, SoulL Brooklyn, yesterday; abundance of sprt for all hands. The first vent was the post, ponad rsoe for tblrd-olass aloops, which waa won by O. L. Oray's Uabal. Then followed the chalieng race for tho trophy held by tb xf abl. aa the repre sentative of the Amarlcan Modal Yacht Club, and tb Nrllc, representing t Wars Crest Miniature Yacht Club. Th race was bast two In thr heata. over the regular etub coura. To Nrllo won both heata. th Brst by lh narrow margin of lght seconds and th srond baas by over Bve mlautea. The othar races resulted as follows! Henrietta, first-class loops i Townley rigott's Star, both heata of th second-class sloop contest. Yachting- Motes r latereet. Th schooner yaoht!, owned by o. L. Day of the N. T. Y. C., ta fitting out at Southamp ton, England. Work Is well advanced on th naw cutter for C D. Rose, at Kay's yards, Southampton. The plank ing It finished and ah will soon be ready for her spars. J, A. Brand, whose Sprue IV, was th first cbel. longer for tho Seawsnbaka Cup, waa defeated In a match race on May 3V. H sailed bis new la-fool rater Spruce against F. J. noblnaon's Vie. Spruce did not go tne course. Perry Belmont, during his absence In Europe, has chartered bis steam yacht Batanella to E. W. Bliss of Brooklyn. Tbe Batanella, which bat recently been equipped with a new boiler and a complete electrl Itinilag plant, will go In commission about July 1. J. Vang ban Clark, the well-known yachtsman, who waa recognised on board tne Wasp In tb At. lantlc Yacht Club'a reratta on Saturday when tb yacat defeated Ik Syce, waa not Bailing th craft, as reported, ne was there aa a guest of Owner Llppltt, whose hand guided the Wasp to victory. The thirteenth annual regatta of the Columbia Yacht Club, open to boats In tbe club fleet, will bo aalleu on Saturday, June 10, the atari being fixed for 10:80 o'clock In tbe forenoon, Tbe course will be triangular, tbe atart and flnlah being off the clubhouse at the foot of Eighty sixth street, N, R. The first turn will be around a stakeboat anohored off Fort Lee, and the otber around a boat moored near the Jersey shore opposite tbe clubtiouse. En tries hare been received In elznt classes and ex cellent sport Is anticipated. flgeea flying. Tho fourth old bird race of the Manhattan Homing Pigeon Club of New York and Brooklyn waa flown on June 0 from Rocky Mount, Va., a distance of 400 miles. Of the shipment of 108 birds from fifteen lofts only fire birds came bomo the same day, Tho birds were sent away by W, II. Akers, who wired: "Birds liberated tistlB A. M. Fair start." At homo tba u-rather waa very discouraging, the atmoephrro Iwlng damp and chilly, while the wind was fiom the east, Tbe following Is I ho result: Yardt Owner. Sttlei. Ttaie 7fom. Ptr Hin. Thomas J. Clarke..,, 4 18.66 0:04:4H ODg.tQ Joaepu Scholl 4U.4tl A:ln:ll 038.00 I,. U. Ounnlug IUU.I4 H:2'J:.V4 U'-'V.SD Charlra i'frlrnier 411.13 ;u7:IH 8U0.7V Thomas J. Clarke... ,4111.86 Bameday .,,, Tbt next race la acbeduled to lie flown on June 10 from btaleirllle, N. 0., a distance of BOO miles. I'ole, Play begins to-day In tbe annual polo tourna ment at the 1'hiladolpliia Country Club. The events are for tho Polo Association cups and the Morrell challenge cup. Ench competition Is for toauisot four, under the regular handicaps, with Individual prizes to bo won outright. The Polo Association cups havo been won three times by Muudowbrook (tlio present holders) and onco by Harvard, Itockuway, Morris County, and it rook line. Tho Morrell cup was played lor last year for the first time, when tho itockaway team won. The programme for tho neck follows; I'olo Association Cupa Monday Frtebootora of Mead.iwbruok vs. Philadelphia First. Tuesday WOODBURY'SAVv; i;H. Meadowbrook vs. Itockaway second. Wednesday Philadelphia Second vs. Devon. Friday Winners of Monday and Wednesday. Saturday Winners of Tues dav and Friday. Morrell Cup Monday Devon vs. Freebooters. Tues day Philadelphia Second vs. Rocknwar Socond. Wednesday rhlladelihla Flrat va. Meadowbrook. Friday Winners of Tuesday and Wednesday, Satur day winners of Monday and Friday, Philadelphia, June 13. Tho Philadelphia Country Club won thn Anal gamo of the sorles for tbe Alden cup In the Devon polo touriiumont, defeating tho Itockaway second team by tt scoro of lla to OV goals. A handicap of ten goals was conceded to tho Country Club. Thcro was brisk playing In the first and socond periods, and In the third the Itockaway players started in with a determination to win. When tho gong sounded, howover, they wero W goals behind. Wanted eranUK. THE SUN Harlem Branch 119 WEST 12STH STREET ARTIFICIAL FLOWEltS.-Faney feathers good ' fanoy feather makers and paster. MAX MEUF.n, 8 Bond St. BOOKBINDERS. Olrl to operate numbering and paging machine) must bo experienced. OU West 89th st. I7IRST-CLASS POOR SEWER wanted" on printed job ?work, one who also understands how to make work ready. PHILIP F. EU.NST.. 8113 East 28d at. OSTntCH FEATHERS.-Experienced curlers on os trich feathers) work given home. U03KS3HI.Nl: 1IHOS., 88 Pond St. OSTRICH FEATHERS. Wanted, good curlers; steady work) good pay. THOMAS 11. WOOD a: CO., 840 Broadway. OSTRICH FEATHERS. Experienced curlers on plumes wanted. F. LOKWKNSTKIN, 80 Pond at. OSTRICH FEATHERS. Wanted, curlers, preparers, and sewers; steady work. S. LEVY, SB Illeeckerst. I I Wfltttea paleu aUfcUnniw. &e. UMDUELLA8. Wanted an all-around man. a out tr, and flnUher, one that can make litmtolf utoful at anything, itoady place for aeoottman. Address, with references, A. P.. box 183 Bun office. WANTED A first-class proofreader on technical wort i must bare a fair knowledge of mat he mat lcs. Addrvss HEAD Ell, box 170 Sun office. Wanna gTOaltf puccllattcotttfe W"A1S"TED Ilones t person totrarel, will pay $780 H and expenses: Inclose refeivn?e and self -addressed envelope. THE DOMINION CO., Chicago, .Situation OTautefl emnlw. A LADY wishes to place an excellent frirl on July 1 as kitchen maid or chambermaid t can be seen at her present mploTer'd, 242 East 1Mb St.. Stujvo sant square, wages (14; the lady U going to tho country. C COMPANION OU TEACHKH. Dy a young lady, i teacher of French In Orst-class young ladles school; wishes position for tho summer; moderate terms; best references. Address L. F.. box 140 Bun offlce. FUST-CLASS stenographer and typewriter has erenlngs disengaged and would accept position; thoroughly experienced In law work, also commer cial; best of references. M. M., box 177 Sun uptown omce, ivno uroaaway. 1XSTION as nurse and companion to Invalid by . competent middle-aged widow, or, ai housekeeper In small family; reliable and trustworthy; good ref erence. Address M. F. 31.. 215 West HMh St.. topflat. IJRESK.NT EMPLOYER desires to find a satisfactory . place for an excellent Swedish cook. Apply 10 East S6tb st, Saturday or Monday morning. OPRANO (church singer) of social position desires position as companion or chaperon: highest ref erences; excellent vocal teacher. REFINED, box 144 Sun uptown office, 1205 U road way. Situation Wanted gttatfit.. AYOUNO MAN (2X). with good references, desires ft position as steuographer and typewriter; salary moderate. Addreas STEADY, box 115 Sun office. AM A YOUNG MAX (20) and waut a position with a good bouse as a beginner: would do clerking or anything where there would tie an opportunity of ad Tauclng; I am a fairly good stenographer and type writer, and want a moderate salary, SH; good refer enccs. Address HONEST, box 201 sun office TECUANICAL ENOLSEER or over thirty years' ex i'X perlence, with tbe best of references and can fur nish necessary tools, desires a position; offloe building or apartment house considered. Address O. C. F.. Pox 118 Sun offloe. WANTED Situation as Janitor, watchman, mes senger, oral time clerk; can furnish the beat of references as to honesty, sobriety, and character; am a reteran of the last war. Address J. M. B., box 105 Sun office. .jEtacting 3otets and gtctftauram., Cooper Union Hotel, IB. 17, and 19 Third ar. Handsomely furnlehed rooma, permanent or transient, ltatea moderate. DUXIFACE IIOTKl 103d at. and Columbus ar. B0 elegantly furnished roums; gentlemen! all con Tenlencea; near cable and L station; restaurant at tached; terra. SU per week and upward. J. J. CRYAX. liOTllT JI.snTV, ?renc"h"table d'hote." 4T Wast 3llh it. Berred In Summer Garden. CnncerteTery eTenlng. Lunch. 40c; Dlnner.OOc VTlne and coffee Included; eerrlc a la carte at all hours; moderate prices. Hooms by day or week. ""nOTKI. roLEsfilVi, "fark" arTand 123th at, American and European plan, handaomely furntshed rooms, alngle ur diuble, adjolnlug N. Y. Central sta tion; conrenlent to all cars; meals a lacarte; rery moderate prices. ptdical. TTESriosXoLvi) n.a III SrTLrTirHiADUATKu'Kr VKKS1TY OF THE CITY OF SEW YORK. MEDI CAL DEPARTMENT; 35 YEAIU1 A 8PECIALIS.T IN DISEASES OF MEN. OLD DR. OHISDLK haa been longer established and haa had more experience than any other adrertuing pnyelclan; city papers provn tbla. Under his H-lentlBo treatment blood and akin I dlaeaaea, pains In bones, red spots, sore throat aud 1 mouth, ulcers, painful swelling., kidney and bladder ; complalnta. acaldlng Inflammation, Krarel, undevel-ojx-d organs, weak back, loat Tltallty. are speedily, permanently cured. Men about to marry should conault OLD DR.URINDLE. Krery lmpellment remored. Hill ferera. do not waatn time Tltltlng less akllful physl clana. Remember. OLD DR. UIHNDI.K never falls. OF FICE OVER IS YEARS at 171 West 12th at., between nth and 7th aia. Ad loa free. Medlclno 1. Hours. Ubj9. Sundays, 9 to II. No charge unleaa cured. bi.DDh. tlhr.Y, 45 jemr u aeerlallet la diiT. raae or uteri only. (Quickest permanent cure guar anteed In all (llseaaes or money refunded. Mood pol aon. akin dlaeaaea, kidney and bladder trouble, weak neaa. nerroua debility; errors of youth, bad oreama, weak, undeveloped organa, Impedimenta tn marriage, Ac. Be wlae, consult the only old specialist In thla city. Office over UByeara at 120 Eaat 17lh at., near Union aquare. Houra 0 to U; Sundaye 0 to fl. Helen tlflo treatment and advice free. Medicine only BOc. " A A." A.t-qric'KKST Tgn7.tTi:i!iS In dlaeaaea of men; dangerous caaea solicited; relief at once; thoae deatrlng only nrstwlaaa arlentlflc treat ment ahnuld call. The leajllng .wclallat. Dr. Honaehur, 127 West 22d St.; 0 to 3, a to 0. (Sundays, lu to 2, A DIlTcONIUD'S SArlITAKIt.'M7Tl7"Wet 47th st. (formerly Stth St.). Telephone 804 S(Hh at. Consultation D to 0. eft pt SJatictjff. EW YORK SUPREME COURT, APPELI.ATP. DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT. IN THE MATTER of the Application of the Hoard of Rapid Transit Railroad Commlasloners for the City of New York for the ApioIntment of three Commissioners to determine whether a rapid transit railway or railways In the said city for the conveyauco and transportation of persons aud property as determined by said Board ought to be constructed and operated. Public notice la hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Cnapter 4 of thel.awaof iHul, and the acta amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, the underalgned Hoard of Rapid Transit Railroad Commlaaloners for the City of New York will apply to aTerm of the supreme Court, Appellate DlvUloti, First Department, to be held at the Court Honae of the Appellate Division at No. Ill Fifth avenue, lu the City of New York, on Friday, the 23th day of Juon, 1HU7, at one o'clock In the after noon of that day, or ia aoon thereafter aa uouusel can lie heaid. for the annolntment of thrco Commission ers In theabove entitled matter, todetermlno and re. port, after due hairing, whether a rapid transit rail way or railways In the ssld city for the conveyance and transportation of persons and property, as de termined by the said Hoard and set forth In the reso lutlons of tbe aald Board adopted on the 14th day of Jauuary aud 4thday of February, 1807, and also set forth In the report of the said Board mado to the Common Council of said city and bearing date the 4th day of February, 1K07, ought to be constructed anil operated. The papera upon which the aforesaid Application will be. made are, the petition of the said Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners for the city of New York, dated tbe 2nd day of June, 1H07, and presented tn this Appellate Division on procuring the order designating eight dally newspapers published In tbe city of New York, In which notice of this application shall Im fflven.and the papers annexed to and referred to In said petition, and upon such additional amdavlta aud papers lu addition as may be presented to the Court upon such application. A description of the routes aud general plan of construction of the said railway or rallwaya forms part of the aald reaolutlon end of said report of the said Board to the Common Council of the City of New York, copies of which are Included among the aald papers upon which the said application will le mado. The object of the aforesaid Application Is to obtain the appointment of Commlsalnnera who shall deter mine, after publlu hearing of the parties Interested, whether such railroad ought to lie constructed and operated, and shall report the evidence taken to said Appellate Division, together with a report of tholr de termination whether such road ought to be con struct ed and operated, which report, If lu favor or the construction and operation of such road, as this Boant will ask that It shsll be, shall, when confirmed by aald court, lie taken lu lieu of the consent of the property owners along the line of the said routes. Dated New York. June Hth. 18117. HOARD OF RAPID TRAShlT RAILROAD C0UHI3- blONKRS FOR THK CITY OF NEW YORK, By A. E. Olllt. President. LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, Secretary. PARSONS, HIIEPARD OUDEN. Ill Broadway, New York City, TRACY. BOARDMAN A 1'LATT. li' KB Wall Street, Nsw York city. ft Attorneys to th Bo4. gUcrttttois. A GRAND RALLY. A MAI. MKKTIM1 OP THK RXRINKmtA Ot Greater New York will take place at Cooper Union Wednesday, June 1H. at H I". SI. Prominent engineers will speak. All engineers will make a special effort to bo present. Knst tilde. KJD BT., 141 EAST, near Lexington ar. Nicely for- 1 OO nlshod, large, small rooma, with or without board convenience. Wrst aide, QATll ST., 87 WK8T. Itandtomety furnished, coot Otc rooms I excellent board summer rates I refer ences. cf tn jghett o"g ftffip ytmeatgitgigt ltnat Side. OQTn RT., IS EAST, between Bth and Madison ars. a0 Large and small rooma breakfast whendeslredi terms moderate references. at ID ST., 237 EAST. Large, neatly furnished room, t suitable for two gentlemen summer prices) ret erence. A OD ST., 10, Bth and Madison ave. Bachelor quar x.i terst single room, 10; suite, private bath. 05 quiet. Independent. West Site. OQD RT.. flSO WEST. Nloely furnUhad roems to it let, suitable for one or twot private house. etTH"8T 148 WEST. Neatly furshed rooma, hot rrtJ and cold water, electrto light l appointments se lect gentlemen. TfrTH ST., 0 WEST. Fnrntshsd rooms i very reason. xO abl prices for the summer! referenoes. T 1 HTH ST., 874 WEST. Rooma with or without. 110 board. FINLBY. ef Intu and gipnrtmetttia go get. 41100118 AND BATH, tl7 all Improvements. B52 West 42d St. Apply to janitor. LlanT, front basement rooms all lmprovementtt Tb quiet, nice home. t!3. 77 Barrow at. 1 7TII ST.. 2SB WEST. Second floor, Ave rooms X ( Improvements newly painted! private house tow rent. rCQTII ST.. 4112 EAST. Parlor floor and single Oat, 00 all Improvements newly decorated; line loca tluni S28. till). 1 "I 7TH ST..' B4. B0. S8, 00 EAST, near Madison ar. XX I Rent free to JuP IBtdata B large, light rooma, nicely decorated, exposed plumbing hot and cold water, halta and bathroom beatedt alt modern Im provements new house rents SUP to 83. YOTHST".(B EAST. Flats, 4 rooms and bath XtX all IraprovementSj lorrTH ST., 24S EAST ApartmenU ot three and Xn) fourmornst all light rooms oheaprent. uruiflnta Intu Sa -f tt. 17LATS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished, furnished. . In desirable locations; rent S940 to f 3.000. FOLSOM BROTHERS. SUB Broadway, cor. 18th St. a A Ttl ST.. SOS WEST. First-class single flat (first), Oti: newly furnlahed. complete. 8 open-air rooma, $73. StvtutniT. aouru va 3 mug. DESIRABLE noUSES, furnished and unfurnUhad, In desirable locations: rent SI. 200 to Stf.uOo. FOLSOM DRQTIIER.S. b85 Broadway, cor. 13th St. O I VERSIDE DRIVE. No." 38 ; One granite residence XV In perfect order; all modem lmprovomenta;su perb location; very moderate rent to responsible par ties. LOWTHER, 840 Columbus. uraishefl Dowse to Cet Countra. Spacious Colonial House, Amherst, XIaaa.. to rent, furnished, July 1 to Sept. 10. Tennla court, stable, garden, ample grounds. Plaszaa on two sides. Sauveur Summer School In eee slon at Amherst. Everything furnished except table silver. Rent for the season, ;iC0.00. Address, with referencea. P. P., box K. Amherst. Maaa. A BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED HOUSE, situated on Halsted St.. Eaat Orange, three minutes' walk from Brick Church Station, to rent to a email family (of adulta only) from June 1 to May 1 or longer; rent moderate to the right parties: beat of reference re quired. Address o. E., 45 Halsted St., Eaat Orange, N.J. rUrtMSIIBD COTTAGE TO LWTT i runiivaLi, . v. Mine rooma; runalngMreser: well dralnedtwlth part use of a horae; rent. $200; referenco to a three sea- aons' tenant. Address A. B., 1S1 Uewes St., Brooklyn, N. Y. L"ONO BRANCH VICINITY. To let, furnished cot tages; aleoAibury Park. $300, $800. WILLIAM LANE, Long Branch. So ?tt for gujEiint gurpojitjj. A STORE, BASEMENT, AND SUB-CELLAR, 88 Beekman at., near Gold; rent moderate. RULAND WHITINO, B Beekman st. BUILDINOS. stores, lofts, omces, and studios to let In desirable locations. FOLSOM BROTHERS. 83B Broadway, cor. 18th at. TSoRNKR Jackjon and Front sta., oppoalte Corleara Park; vacant lot; rent $800. ELY. 103 Gold st. ?tnt state ot a!e Srooklait. THE SUN Harlem Branch 119 west 125th street NEW BUFF BRICK HOUSES $4,000. OM.V 9HOO CASH HBQl'inRD. All Improvements: furnace In cellar; Miller av.. nearSutter; streeta paved and sewered: sidewalks flagged and curbed; two blocka from Van Slclen av. station. Kings County Elevated road. UKitnAft-AMstnicAft mrnnvEniTT co.. Van sk-len av. aud Eastern Parkway. OtKIIK OPKV Sl'.VllAVH. A OREAT IIAIUIAIN-Only one left, 188 Hawthorne at., between Rogers and Noatrand ave., Flatbushl cars on both avenues; new.bullt houses, 10 rooms, all conveniences; lot 40xinflj easy payments; beautiful, shaded atreet near schools and cburchee; twenty minutes from bridge. Premises, or 1B0 Broadway, New York, room 27. 1X)R SALE House; examine a Queen Anne hoosei new, never occupied, ou 4Sth St., near 18th ar.. In the choicest part of the 80th Ward, with all Improve ment; terms equivalent to rent. Apply to (1KOHOE A. ALUN, 49th st. and New Utrecht ar., Brooklyn. leat CiBlate'ef ot ale 3Jeiv gerxetj. AT CLIFTON PARK. Weehawken, N. J. Large house with stable; 12 minutes to New York via 48d st. and 20 minute via 14th st. ferries bouse has 12 Idrge rooma. aanltary plumbing, burglar alarm, handsome gaa fixtures and osk mantels, gas range, and all latest Improvements: 00 feet of wldeverandat UB feet of back plarsa; atable built to accommodate three (3) horses. Price Su.AOn. F. E. COLBURN. BU Little 12th st.. New York. rALiaADIU ttlMTRICT! Large lota, $7B; Urms $2.80 monthly; high ground; near houses. WEATHERHY, 271 Broadway. 1RETTIE8T HOUSE In Tenafly, N. J foraale, $n,U00; wide porch, charming vlewat H rooma, bath and all Iniprovemenu. WEATHERHY, 871 Broadway. i!"i BUYS a good lot In Nutley; $2 downT $2 0U monthly. Address W. CONDUIT, Nutley, N.J, enl jitnte or ,ale p ong gulanrl. ' "r''-F-"'B PI CE. LONO ISLAND, IS MOST I .ItX beautifully tocate.1 and near the Sound: we offer B acres of fine land near the station for $123; only $8 ilowu, $1. 2B weekly; no Interest; highly produetlvo I aollt very deidrable property and worth Investigation; title, guaranteed; deed frre. Particulars of 1UBLEY, 1 ID Chambers st. SEA CLIFF Hour out, on north shore of Long Island, with line view of the Sound. Magnificent I modern residence, built In Moorish architecture by I day'aworkln the moat substantial manner lHroomsi bard wood and all Improvements, with large plaszaa, porta oochuri, and tower: stables; carriage, cow, I iioultry houses, plgeou corral Japanese summer pa goda and conservatory; 3 j acres of finest high land, with commanding views ot this glorious rolling seo 1 tlon of oountry for miles, all laid out In landscapea, . watka, drives, flower beds, lawnai shrubs anundance I of finest friiltat choice garden. Most complete sum. I mer or winter home. House furnished and In perfect order. Will Ijo sold at a sacrifice bargain. Photo- graphs with THOMAS P. PAVNE, HB Broadway. I CUBURBAN BUILD1NO LOTS at Lakewood, New O Jersey, and Northport, Long Islaud; $18 to $30 eacht perfect tltlca; send forcln'iilnrs. LEWIS, 202 Broadway. CS1 CiCi FOR PLOTS on seashore, 80x200 rt.t'flns rSlUU bathing beaeh. Writ." In O. S, II AUERM AN, 108 Fulton St., N, Y. city. otix&7Wtt tClU. AT WOODLAWN HEIDHTS, city, choice cottage, 8 rooms, all Improvements, to let $18 per month, or sold on easy terms. 1RV1NU, 318 Madison av. efor ,9ale or Eo let JJeur gewy. DESIRABLE furnished cottages st Asbury Park, Deal Beach, aud vicinity. Lists. MILAN ROSS, Asbury Park, N. J. pt iiufiitiuf ef or nle. a' L.llli: ' KA 11.11 IK MIUTIIKHV KE1V lAaiPilllltr-.. Pleasant location large buildings, lu good order best ot water) desirable for Investment and summer horns Address , W. II ARDW1CK. aVsmpstsr, N. IL J Ileal (Stintt nt Ruction. WILLIAM EaTffioT Auctioim POSITIVE AUCTION BALE OP 81 LAROE LOTS. 8UPKRHLY LOCATKt) ON THE BANKS OF TUB HACKENSACK HIVEH, for hotitos or profltabl lnrestmcnt, at BOGOTA. BERGEN COUNTY, N, J. Finest macadam roads, high land. Positive sale of very lot offered. Sale will take place on the prem ises at 11:18 P. M. on SATURDAY NEXT, JUNE 10th. on the arrival of the ?:2U train from Cortlandt street, on the New York.Snsquohanna and Western Railroad, For all Information, maps, and free railroad tickets, address the autlnnecr, W. E. TAYLOR. 23 Main St., Hackensack.N.J. TERMS, $10 down on each lot, and $5 monthly thereafter. No taxes no Interest. lMrs-icirV.KVwt, Auctioneer, will sell at auction, on riuuAY, JU.tic in, inor. At 1$ o'olock, at tho New York Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, SUPREMR COURT PARTITION SALB, David IfcClure. Esq., Referee. THE VALUABLE PROPERTY SO. etr WATRIt rVTHKr -, Between reck Slip and Dover Street. WO. 32 KANT UtTII 8TIIKKT. Tor maps, ic, apply to Bernard J, Tlnney, Esq., plaintiffs attorney, 2H0 Broadway, and at the auc tioneer's office. 111 Broadway, gublte Sottceet. pOST OFFICE NOTICE. (8honld be read DAILY by alt Interested, aa changes may occur at any tlmo.) Foreign malls for tho week ending June IP, 1R97, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Post Offloe ss follows! TRANSATLANTIC MAILS. MONDAY. At 0 A. M. (supplementary 10:80 A. H.) for EUROPE, per steamship Teutonic, via Queens town. TUESDAY At 7 A. M. for GERMANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN. NORWAY (Chrlstlanla). and RUSSIA, per steamship Haalo,vIa Bremen (letters for other parts of Europe, via Plymouth, must bo directed "persaale")! at 4 P. M. for CAPE COLONY and NATAL, per steamship Ardandtarg (lettora must be directed per Ardandearg"). WEDNESDAY. At 7 A. M. (supplementary 0 A. M.) for EUROPE, per steamship st. Paul, via South ampton at 10 A. M. for BELGIUM direct, per BteamahlpNoordland, via Antwerp (letters must be directed per Noordland"). THURSDAY. At 4 A. SI. for EUROPE, per ste amshlp Augusta Victoria, via Plymouth, Cherbourg, and Hamburg (lettera for Great Britain. Ireland, Bel gium, Netherlands, Austria, and Norway (Hergen) must be directed "per Augusta Victoria") at A A. M. for EUROPE, per steamship Campania, via Quecnstown. SATURDAY. At 11:80 A.M. for FRANCE. SWITZER LAND. ITALY, BPAIN. PORTUUAI, TURKEY, EGYPT, and BRITISH INDIA, per steamship La Champsjrne. 'via Havre (letters ror other parts of. Europe must bedlrected "per La Champagne") at OnIO a. M. (supplementary 8:30 A. M.j for EU ROPE, per steamship Berlin, via Southampton (tetters for Prance. Swltxerland, Italy. Spain. Por tugal. Turkey, Egypt, and British India must bo directed "per Berlin")! at H A. M. for NETHERLANDS direct, per ttoamahlp Bpaara dam, via Ttnttcrdam (letters must tie directed "perSpaarndalu"); at 8 A.M. for GENOA, per steamship Ems (lettora muit h" directed "per Ems"): at 10 A. M. for SCOTLAND dlrr-ct. per steamship Fumessla, via G1agow (lettera must be directed "per Fiirnessla"): at 11 A. H. for NORWAY dlrert, per steamship Norge (letters must bo dlrecud " per Norgo"). PRINTED MATTER, c. airman steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter, Ac, for Ger many, and Specially Addressed Printed Matter. Ac. for other parts of Europe. American and Whit star steamers on Wednendara. Oerman wuiwnun i uursuays, sjiu uusanj, p reuou, sou German steamers on Saturdays take Printed Mat ter, Ac, for all countries for which they aro adver tised to carry ualL After the closing of tho Supplementary Transatlan tic Malls named above, additional supplementary malls are opened on the pters of the American. English. French, and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tbe hour of sailing of steamer. MAILS FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES, Ao. MONDAY. At tS P. M. for BELIZE, PUERTO COR TEZ. and GUATEMALA, per steamer from New Orleans; at 0 P. M. for JAMAICA, per steamer from Boston. TUESDAY At 10 A. M. for JAMAICA, per steamship Ardanrose (lettera for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala must lie directed "iier Ardanrose' ') at 1 P. M. for NORTH BRAZIL, per steamship Polr carp, via Para. Maranham and Ceara: at :t 1. M. for COSTA RICA, per steamer from New Orleans. WEDNESDAY. At 11 A. M for NEWFOUNDLAND, per steamship Ravensdale; at 1 P. M. forCUR.. per steamship Yucatan, vis Havana; at I l'.)I. (supplementary 1:30P.M.) for NASSAU, N. P., per steamship Antilla (lettera must bo directed " per Antllla"). THURSDAY. At 2:30 A. St. for PORT ANTONIO, per ateamer from Philadelphia; at 1 P. M. (supple mentary 1:30 P. M.) for BERMUDA, persteamahlp Orinoco; at 1 P. SI. (aupplementary 1:30 P. M.) for NASSAU. N. P.. and SANTIAGO DE CUBA, per ateamshlp Valencia. FRIDAY. At 10 A.M. (supplementary 10:30 A. M.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. PORT AU TRINCE. SAVANILLA and CARTHAOENA. per ateamshlp Alene (lettera for Costa lUca must bo directed "per Alene"); at 11 A. M. for PERNAM BUro. per steamship Astl (letters for other parta of llrarll must bedlrected "per Astl"). SATURDAY.-At 9:30 A.M. for BRAZIL, per steam ship Galileo, via Pcrnambui-o, llahla and Rio Janeiro (letters for North Brazil and La Plata Countries must lie dlrerted "ier Galileo"); at W:.1n A. M, (aupplomentary 10 A. M.I for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WIND. WARD ISLANDS, per steamship Pretoria: at 10 A. M. (supplementary 10:30 A. St.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JEREMIE, JACMEL and AnX CAYES. per ateamshlp Alps; nt 10 A. M. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per steamship Delramynt at 10:30 A M. fOrCAMl'ECHK. CHIAPAS. TABAS CO and YUCATAN, pernleamsUlp Vlgllanrla (let- I tere for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bedlrected "per Vlgllariela ". SUNDAY. At B A. M. Tor i'ROGRESO, per steamship Santo Domingo (letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed " per Santo Domingo "). Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to nallfax, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at ! 8:30 P.M. Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, I and theuce by steamer, close at this office dolly at I 8:30 P.M. Malls for Cuba close at thlaotlcr dally at 7 A. M., for forwarding by steameni sail Ing (Mondays and Thursdays) from Port Tampa, Fla. Malta for Mexico City, overland. Unless spe cially addressed for despatch by steamer, eloen at this omce datly at 2:30 A. M and 2:30 P. M. I Registered mall closet at 0:00 p. M- previous day, TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Stalls for China and Japan (Specially addressed only), ler ateamshlp Empress of Japan (front Vancou ver), closo here dally up to June 114 at 0:30 P. M. Stalls for Australia (except those for West Aus tralia, which are forwarded via Eurojie), New Zealand, Hawaii, Fill and Samoan lalands, per steamship Mariposa (from San Francisco), closo beru dally up to June 110 at 7:30 A. M.. II A. M., and u:30 p. SI. (or on arrival I at New York of steamship Umbrla with i British mails for Australia). Malls for China. Japan and Hawaii, ier steamship City of Rio Janeiro ifromSan Francisco), close hern dally up to June i!0 at 0:30 P. M. Malls ror tho Society lalands, per ship TroplcBIrd ifromHan Francisco), close here dally up to June 24 at fl:!lo P. M. Stalls for Chtua and Japan, per steamship Taooma (fiout Tacoinu), close here tlally up to June 127 at 0:30 P. SI. Slnlla for Australia (except West Australia), Hawaii an J FIJI Islands, per steamship Warrlmoo (from Vancouver), close hem dally after Juuo 111 and up to July 1 at 8:30 P. M. Stalls ror Hawaii, per steamship Australia (from San Francisco), close here daily up to July 7 at 0:110 P. M. Trans-P -ino mallanro forwarded to iort of sailing dally and thcacbeduln of closing Is arranged on (he presumption of their uninterrupted os erland transit. I Heglstertsl mall ctosea at 0 P. M. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Post omee. New York, N. Y.. Juno 12, 18U7. AJOTICE OF" COMMISSIONER OF JURORS IN RrT 1 HARD TO CLAIMS TOR EXEM1TION FROM JURY DUTY. Room 128. Stewart Building. No. 380 Broadway, Third Floor, New York, June S, 1SU7. Claims for exemption from Jury duty will be heard by me dally at my ofllcn, from U A. SI. until 4 P, M. Those entitled to exemption are clergymen, law yers, phyalclans, surgeons, surgeon dentists, profes aora or teachers In a college, academy or nubile school; editors, editorial writers or reporters or dally uewapapers; Hoensed pbarmaccullate or pharmacists actually engaged In their respective professions and not following any other calling: militiamen, police men ana flrement election orrloerst non-residents! and city employees and United staffs enuiluyeest officers of sesaels making regular trlpa, licensed pilots actually fullowlng that calling; superinten dents, conductors and engineers of a railroad com panyotber than astreet railroad company; telegraph operators actually doing duty us such -.Grand, Special, Sheriff's, and Civil Court Jurors; and persons physi cally Incapableof performing Jury duty hr reason of sovere sickness, deafness nr other physical disorder. Those who have uot answered aa to their liability or proved permanent exemption will receive a " Jury enrollment notice." requiring them to appear before me tuis year, nneiner uauin ur not. aucn uoucna must bo answered (In person. If possible), and at this office only, under severe penalties. If exempt, the party must bring proof of exemption; If liable, be must also answer tn person, Rlvlng full and correct name, residence, etc., etc No attention paid to let ters. All good i-ltlioiui will aid tbe course of Justice and secure reliable and respectable juries aud equallzn their duty by serving promptly wbeu aummoned, alluwlugtiHlrcIcrks or subordinates to serve, leporl lug to tne suy attempt at brilicry or evasion, and sug gesting uames for enrollment. Persons lietweert twenty-one and aeveuty years of ago. summer -b-senteei, persona temporarily HI,. and United States Jurors aru not exempt. Every man must attend to his own notice. It Is a misdemeanor to glse any Jury paper to another to answer, it la alio puutshalile by flue or Imprison. ' meut to give or receive any present or bribe, directly I orlndlreclly. In relation to a Jury service, or to with- ! hold auy paper or maku any false atutement, and every caso will be fully projix-utod. WILLIAM PLISIIXY. Commissioner of J urors. Great. .Steamers. MAIMS 8TKAMKIlH"ct." DHI.IOIITr'I'l, OCKAV Tit I PS. Only direct line for Cottage City, Slasa,, aud Port land, Mo. steamers sail every week day. except Wed nesday, from Pier No. 3, I'.. 1( ut 8 1'. SI, Tuesday, Thursday, and riuturdny steamers stop at t'ultugo 1 Cliyruroului the new b.M. JOHN KNGI.1S sails Mou. daye and Frl lays for Portland itlreci. Connections i made for Bar Harlior, Old Orchard, PoLuid Spring, ' White Sloiintalus, M John, N II., and all Eastern sum- i mer resorts. Steamers lilted with every modern liu tirueiiieul for i-cinfort aud couvtnU-U'e oftouilsts. The moil comfortable route for all poluts Eust. neces sitating no changes. Tickets may lie purchased at Stain 8. K. Compauy'a office, No. 273 Broadway, at the office No. 82. feouth st., opposite the Pier, and Tho. Cook Son, 01 aaai22S Broadway, cent jittnmtw. UVERPOOf-ADELPHf HOTEL ' I'MronltcMl by ell to of Amor Icon and Loudon society. SVECtALTlKS. IrVauUfulty n annul bathroouift and corrldof-A, Louis XV, restaurant for hlfttvclaM rook tnir PrlTato onmlhuen meet linen and convty pas scntrors and )ut?ago from InndtDK stftfo frvo of clianre. -nJ hotel spnt otears luggago throunb , customs. iIomttHlco and luxurious rest af tor Atlantic voyajra. I Chotsworth, Eaton. Iladdon Hall, Kuowiloy, Ac. . should bo vlrdtcd. Central station for picturesque Teak Houto toLon don. Is J coster, UlrmtnRliam, ltrlstol, Ac. Midland aent at yucensty-n cables for rooms, Ac, free of charrr. llansKT having ponon&llr studied American Hotels, rrqulrrmentA of AmetlOAn travellers carefully antici pated, aud tho rates aro very moderate. Hooms from tl. Elegant suites with bath from $4 Do not bo misled by agents advising rush direct to London. THOa. COOKAROS.Sfll ami lSSfittroadvray.Ne-r York, will rIvo all luforniatlon, and when necessary cabla for parlors. Ac. AMERICAN LINE. NEW YOHK-OUTItAStlTUN (London-Parts.) Balling every Wcilneailay at 10 A. M, fiT. PAUL, June 10IOII1U Bat-June SB BEBLIN Hat., June in I'AllIS June lin 8T. LOltIS Junol!3iST. PAUI July 7 REDSTAE LINE TO AN TWERP. Balling every Wednesday. Noordland..June ltT, noonlKrlesland... June 8B, noon Berlin. Bat.. June 11I.10A. !l.:Ken1n'ii. June no.sKU'.SI I.NTKBNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers U anil IB. Xnrth ltlvcr. QUI e, tlllowllngUreen. ANCHOR LINE. ni.ttuiotv via i.o.sjiio.viiKitnv. Weekly from I'ler B4, N. It., foot West 24th st. Furncssla.,,Juuc IP, noon I Kthlop!a,,.June 20, noon sjlty sflloMS, July a and Mept. 4. For new Ulustrateil tiook of tours and passage rates and further particulars apply to HENBKBbON DHOTHEBM. Agents. 7 Bowling Orcen, pUNAUULlNETOLIVKIlI'OOL.VIAQUEE.NSTOWN. Campanta.Junel7,DA.SI.Etnirta....Ju1y 10, 1 P.M. Umbrla.. ..June 36, 1 1'. SI. Campania.. July 17,8 A.SI. Lucanla.. ..Julyn. H A. SI.'Auranla July 34, noon KX.TIIA MAILINGS. Auran1a...,June w, noon I Kersla.... Jar 0, 10 A. SI. HPECIAL, NOTICE. Ths Campania will sail hence Thursday, June 17, at 0 A. SI.. Instead or Saturday, June 111, wlikh wilt enable passengers to arrive at Liverpool tn time to attend the Queen'a Jubtleo Ilevlew at Spit bead, June 20. TEimoy ll.BBOWN tCO..Oen. Ag'ts, Bowling Oreen. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. TWIN-SCKEW EXPRESS from New York to Plym-. outh (London). Cherbourg, Paris ami Hamburg. A. Victoria. June 17,7 A.M. IColumbla. July . 7 A. SI. P. Bismarck. Ju. 34,7 A. St F.BIsmarck.July 22,1 Normannla.July 1, 7 A. SI.lNormannla.July28.10A.SI IIAMBUHO BEHVICE by Twin-Screw Slall S. 8. Persia. June in, :00 A. St. Palatla....July :i. 8 A.M. First Cab.. 97B up; second class, S40t steerage, S80. Ilamburs;-Anierlcnn Lliie. ny Uroadwsty. XTORTH OKKMAN LLOY1) STKAS1S1IIP CO. J.1 SHOUT IU1UTE TO IXJNDON AND CONTINENT. FAST KXl'HKSH HTEASIER8. Raale, Tit., June! R, 111 A. 51. 1 Lahn.Tu., June 29,10A.M. Trave,Tu.,June 2'.'. 10A.M. Havel, Tu., July 0. 10A.M. OKLKIC11S A CO., li Bowling Oreen. OLD DOMINION LINE. PAIL.V HKKVICK. For Old Point Comfort, Norfolk. Newport Newa. retersburnr, Port mouth, Pinner's Point. Richmond, Virginia Reach Va,, and VV'ashlnttton, V. C, dally, es cept huuday, from Iier 211. North Klver. H-Ulng e-ery week day except Saturday at :i P. M.. and Hat urday at 4 P. if. W. . OUILLAUDKU, Vlco-Pres. and Traffic Mrt. Teutonic... June 14, noonfSIaJesttc June SO, noon Britannia... June 211, noon, Germanic July 7, noon NO COTTON CARRIED BY PASSENGER STEAMERS. Pier 4B, North River. Office U Broadway, New York. II. MAITLAND KERSEY, Agent. tfamlioatis. BOTOiNdIEVNGLAND, VIA bODND LINES. ' .lOltirit'II I.I'iF. via New London, from Pier 40, N. R.. next to Besbrossea at., week days only, at DiOO 1'. SI. FALL. ltl Ell LIVE, via Newport and Fall River. from Pier t8, N. U., foot Murray St., week days and Rundavs. at P. M. rnollliKMr I.IK. via Providence direct, from Pier I1, -V. R.. one block above Canal St. Week days onlr. fis.HO P. SI. TO.M.t;TOV LIVE, via Slonlngton. from Pier SS. N. IL. one block aliore Canal at., week days only, at B P. M. iriitii.v rtivi-n nv davmi:iit. PAUCE IKON HAT LINE STEAMERS ;- VOItK" and AI.UAWr.w Finest and fastest river steamers In the world. Dally except Sunday. n Leaves Brooklyn. Pulton St. (by Annex)....S A. M. " New York, Desbrosses St. Tier R:40 ' ' West Sd St. Pier V For AMI VVV, landing at Yonkers. West Point. New burg, Poughkcepsle, Kingston Point, Cntsklll, and nudsou. Albany Evening Line. Tho popular steamers ADIRONDACK and DEAN RH'HSIOND will leave Old Pier 41, N. It., foot Canal at., at ft P. M. dally tsundavs executed), making direct connections w Itb trains North. East, and West. -AtKII.I.; i.ivk. From foot of Chtistopber st . N. R.. every week day at A 1. St.. connecting at Catsktl! with mountain trains: bicycles free: horses ami carriages taken. Send to pier or to CalsLlll fur descriptive folder. IHIlSKlV rtlVKIt .STKAMKK MARY 1'01VRI.I Dally (exi-ept Sundays), leas In? Desbrosses st. 3:15 P. M. (Saturdays l:4.t 1. SI,). Wist 22d St. 3:30 T. M. (Saturdays '.' 1. M.l. for CRANSTON'S. WEST POINT. CORNWALL. NKWIH'RO. NEW 1IAJ1BURO, SIILTON, POtrtlHK Ei: Pi-IK, ItONDOUT, and KINOSTON. IlimOV AXIS rOXNACHIR IIOAT9 From foot of Christopher St. every week day at fl P. M., connecting unb K. A. R.R. at Hudson. KINOSTOS LINE, West 10th at. Dally 4 P. St. Sat urday at 1. Steamers BALDWIN and HOMER for Cornwall, Newburg. New Hamburg. Slarlboro. Stilton, Poughkeepsle. Hvde Park, E.opils. Kingston, connect ing with U. 11, R. It. for all points In Catskllla. XrVV HAVl'.V.-Fare. $1: EXCURSION, $1.B0. Sundays. Kxeurslon. SI. 00. Fast steamers leave Pier 25. E. It., week days. 8 1 31. and 12 midnight; Sun days. w-30 A. SI. and 12 midnight; week day steamers arrive tu time for trains to Slerlden, Hartford, Spring field, and points North. RA31SDELL I.INe! Steameni leave Pier 24. N. It., foot Franklin st.. for Cranaton'e West Point. Cold Spring. Cornwall, Fish kill Landing. Newhurg, week dsts 51'. M.; Sundays ' A. Sl.t 133.1 si.. N. R.. 11:311 A. SI. Excursion to Cranston's every week day. returning by down boat, arriving at 133,1 st.. N. 11.. 11:30 p. SI., fare SI. 0(1. Slary Powell tickets from any landing ac cepted when stumped Good on Ramadell Line. troyb"o7ats. CITYOFTROYorRARATOitA leave Pier 4fl. N. R.. foot Wrst 10th st.. dally, Saturday, fl P. M. Sunday steamer touchea at Albany. cgailroaaa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Stations foot of West 23d St. (1'enn. H. It.), Cortlandt or Destiroescs St. Indicates time from West 23d St. Other figures show time from Cortlandt or Dt sbrosaes St. Una. "ISO A. SI. dally (Sunday '(IMS, 7 A. M.) for YIAl.'CII ('HUNK and Intermediate stations. 3.. NilO A. M. dally for WII.KESBARRE, SCRANTON (week days). EI.MIRA (week days), ITHACA. GENEVA. ROCHESTER. Bt'FFAIX), N1AO ARA FALIJi, ami the and principal local polnta; dining car and chair car to Buffalo. IOiXS, iiiiiiii A. SI., Sundays only, ror BOUND BHOOK and Intermediate stations. IOiUB, iiii.iu A, SI. dally, except Sunday, for SIAUCH CIlt'NK and tntermetllate Hlnts. 11153, 1-Jioo noon dally, except Sunday, IIIjACK DIAMOND KXPKKSS" Arrives Buffalo U:5B P, SI. Pullmau Vestibule Bay Coaches anil Parlor Cara. Dliilng Car Service. Meals a la carte, Counects at Buffalo with through sleepers to Detroit and Chicago. ltti'JS, 1-Jiin P. M. dally, except Sunday, for MAUl'H CHUNK and Intermtxliste iolnU. l'Jins. inn P. St., Sundays only, for EASTON, tIAt'CII CHUNK, and the coal branches. HUH. ! 1. M. dally, except Sunday, for WIl.KKSIlAltltK, PITTSTON, SCRANTON, and prlncb pal lutoriuedliite atntlons. I'otmecta for all points In coal nvlous; ehalr car for Wllkcebarm. iltsn. Silo p. si. dally, except Sunday, for Wll.KESBAltltE, PITTSTON. SCRANTON, and princi pal Intermediate statloua. Connects for all polnta In coal reglous, Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Wllkea barre. ams, mis P. SI. dally for EASTON and Inter- uieoiaio miuvkiiis. Si.1.. titlo P. SI. dally, except Sunday. Express for M.ATlNliTON and principal Internuxllate stations. Connects for Reading aud llarrlsburg. Chair car to blatlngton. i, Tioo P. SI, dally for Bl'FFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, and all points West, Pullman sleeper vesti bule train N, Y, toChl'-ao. Sleepers to Buffalo and Toronto, Ti,.1, Ntitn p. SI. dally, except Funday. stopping only at SOUTH, EASTON. IH-mlLK.. HEM. SIAUCH CHUNK. L. II. JUNCTION. SAYRK, (IF.NKVA, ROCHESTER. BTAVIA, and IIPFFALO, Pullman slceiier for Buffalo, None but sleeplngcar paiiseugcrs carried. No baggage carried, mart. Ilitio P. M. daily for ITHACA. (H'.Nl'.VA. IIOCIIEsTKlt, BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, ami all poluts West. Pullmau sleepers to WlUesbarrc and lttiura. Additional local trains dally, except Sunday, for BOUND llltooK and Interniedlsto ilm leave ns fol lows: h 55, li:i)u A. St., 1:B5, a:30, 3:55, 4:20, and 5:55, (1:30 P. SI. llcketsutid Pullman accommodallona at 113. 2d1. 273, 355, HI I, and l.'l'ill llroadnay, 111 K. lltllfit., 15IIE. UBthHt,, t2J llowery, N. Y., still Fulton St., 4 Conn St., PM Broailwuy, and !rooM)u Anuex, llriKiklyu, N. Y. Transfer Co. will rail for and check baiigage from holelor resldetu-o todtsllnatlou, BALTIMORE tSsOHIO. I-avt New nrk, loot of Liberty St., dully, CHICAGO, '.' HO P. 31 und liill.t IllIll. )'irrslll'li(i..l...iiei. Miudu)-, 2:110 sun.. I2tn night. CINCINNATI. SV. l.OllS. Ill A. St.. 5 00 P. SI. WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE, H. 10:H( ililnlug Car). 1 1 :lli) A SI. i Dining I an. '.':nu, 11.31) t Dlulng Can. 5:110 (Dlulng Car), it P.M., 12 IB night. Sunday. lci:0u I Dining Car). 11:30 A. SI. (Dining Car), 2:0U (Dining Can, !:()( (Dining Car), n I: 31.. 12:15 night, NiiHKOI.K, A. St dally. NEW Dltl.KANS (through sleeper), B:0U l St. dally. All trains are Illuminated with i'.m.-li light. Oftlceti 113. 172. VOL 434. 1140 Broadway, 31 East 14th st. 127 llowery, NewYorki 83U, 311 Fulton St.. Brooklyn! station foot ULerty St., Ns'O. It. It, of N. J. Baggage checked from hotel or resAienoe to desti nation. 4 il Snilronaii. 'JM -isv -r- ' ' I ri im iissSssO c4e " AMKRIOA'a ORBATIBr RAIUIOAO. .f (Antral 1 ' L HUDSON RIVER R. W .MM THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE. It 1)1 It It IT I.I.K TO MAIJAIIA VM.IB. WfU Trains leave Grand Central Station, 42J Street and JkJsssI Fourth Avenue, as follows! xbBssi 8.Q A A. SL Dally, except Sunday. Ths Famous tUH I !OU EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS. IJSIITED. TSitM Fastest train In the world. Stops at Albsnr, VHslH Utlra. Svracusn, Uocliestcr. due llarialo 4:45 P. SL, ,. Nlakara Falls 8:5& 1'. 31. This train la limited to fl Itsseatlngcnpaclty. VI 9.UO A.M. FAST MAIL. Dally For roughkeepsl. -SB .OW Albany, Utlca. S racusv, llvchctter, BuOalo, ijjl Niagara Falls, and Closrluud. Vi ' IM.nn A.SI.-NORTII HIIOIIE I.IMITRD, Dally -M JLV.UU 24-hour train to Chlcaro.v In Stlchlgan Cen ttt : trat Route. Stops at Albnuy, Utlca, Ryracus. 'W M lli..h.ln. nA ltiirVnt,,. II, ,, l-hlcm. 1100 A. If. .W Vl 1 fl.-)!! A. St. DAY EXPRESS, except Sunday Jfi J 1U.OU For Mllbrook. Calsklll Mountains, and all effi M Important New York stale points. 'Aft 1 .On " M.-SOUTHWESTERN I.tMITED, Dally ?& l.UU For Columbus, Cincinnati, Indlanapotla, and gji St. Louis, Stops at Poughkeepsle, Albany, Utloa, St Syracuse. Rochester, and Buffalo. vfl I.flli '- IL C11I3AGO HVIX'IAL, Dally For D. ; AJJ trolt, Cleveland, Toledo, and Chicago, Stops oB I at Poughkeepsle, Albany, Schenectady. Utlca, JK Syracuse, ltocheater. and BuffaUi. . 3 .OO 1". St. TROY AND SARATOGA SPECIAL, . ' .017 except Sunday For Oarrlson's (West Point), IM Potlghkes'p-ile, Albany, and Troy. du 5.if ' St. LAKE SHORE LIMITED. Dally 24- !m AJyJ hour train to Chlcugo, vlt Lake Shore rout. '"Mm stops at Albany. Utlca, Syracuse, Rochester, and R Buffalo, Due Cleveland 71B, Toledo 10:08 A. M., Si W Chicago 4tuu 1. SI. jf G.fifl '' St. WESTERN EXPRESS, Dally For At .fW J .JU bany, Troy, Utlca, Adlroudack Mountains, .JK Montreal, Syracuse, Rochester, llufralo, Niagara , -Mj Falls, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Clncln ' ( natl, and St. Louis. ' ittt 6,r: P. M.-NORTIIRRN EXPRESS, Dally-For p ' mdO Troy, Platuiburgh. Burlington, Montreal, ,VK and, except Saturday nights, Ottawa. mi m 7, on 1'. M.-BUFFALO bPEClAL. Dally ror ( .Oil Rochester. Buffalo. Nlsgara Falls, Cleveland, ;Hr Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago. Stops as JrH Poughkeepsle, Albany, Utb'a and S racuae. jLsjrKtBi 9.nn p- M.-Sl'ECIAL LIMITED MAIL. Dally JDJJ W UV (sleeping car passengers only) For polnta on . l Fa.l Brook Railway. Ma Lyons, and for Buffalo, -'&? U Cleveland, Indlanspolta anil St. Louis. 9.1 h V. M. PACIFIC EXPREsa, Dally For Byra. -tB .i-tj cusc, Oswego, Watertown. Ogdcnaburg. Buf sf fain, Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Toledo, Cnlcagot except Saturtlays for Cape Vincent and ths HS , Auburn road. ,s U 1 O.-i f Night MIDNIOnT EXPRESS. Theatre ,jt . xtxJ train for Chicago and principal polnta on ,t the New York Central every night except Sunday - m nights. Sunday nights, Chicago Sleepers leave on , H:l train. ,"'' OiOU A. SI. and rims 1- M. Dally, except Sunday, -;, to l'lttstlcld. via Harlem Division. , IT Oils A. SI. .Sundays only, to Pitt. field and the Berk- j. ahlro Hills, via tin- Harlem Division. f ALL NIOI1T" TRAINS TO YONKERS. - "All night trains run lietwecn 15fth street snd j points on tho Putnam Division as far aa Yonkers, In r & connection with the elevated road. The only line run nlng "all night " trains out of New York, Wagner palace Cars on all through trains. - Trains Illuminated with Plntsch Light. ; Tlcketa und Wagn -rofllces nt Grand Central Station, aw 1111, 2RI, 413 Broadway, 31 East 14th St., U4B Broad .. way, 235 Columbus av., (II West 12."th at., and 138th ' at. station, New York; R31 and 720 Fultou at., and ii 10R Broadway, E. II.. Brooklyn. ' Baggage checked from hold or resldenoe by th '(i JOHN M. TOCCEY. GEORGE IL DANIELS, ff General Manager. General Passonger Agent. -B M Pennsylvania 1 H.3s.II-3X. STATIONS foot of West Tweutythlrd street and Dos- g tros-es und Cortlandt streeta. at, IJT The leaving time from Desbrowes and Cortlandt . streeta Is five minutes later than that given below for Twcnty-thlni street station. f li35 A. .11. FAST SI AIL. Pullman Buffet Parlor :S Car New York to Pittsburg. Sleeping Car Pittsburg; V to Cblcaco. No coaches to Pittsburg. f sti.15 A. si. FAST LLSE.-PltL.burv and Cleveland. ,& S3 A. SI. PENNSYLVANIA LIStlTED. Pullman -A Coinpaxtment Sleeping. Dining, Smoking, and Ob- 'ili eervutlou Cars. Fir Chleao. (-luveland. Toledo, Cincinnati, ItnllanaiHills, Louisville, St. Louis. . ft? 1 1.15 f. ". CIIIPAaO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS. .is For Nashville (via (.'ll-ulimatli. Chicago. St. Louis. SlliS I'. .11. WESTERN EXPRESS. For Cleveland, ;, Chicago. For Toledo except Sunday. -it 7lSO V. SI . SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS, For Cln - 'S clunatl. Indlanadls, st. Lculs. 4 Tl.lS V. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS. For Pittsburg S and Chicago. Conuecu for Cleveland and Toledo t except Saturday. ,; WASIIIMITO-H Al TIIK MrTn. 7:55. R:2J, :25. 11:85 (Dlulng Car), 10:55 A. SL, A 12:8.1. 1:55 18:1.1" Congressional Lira.." all Parlor it and Dining Cars). 4:25 (Dining Car). 4:55 (Dining ;a Car). S:55 P. SL. 12:10 night. Sunday, H:25. B:r, ". 10:35 A.M. (3:15 Concessional Llm ." all Parlor V? and Dining Cals). 4:2.1 (Dining Car), 4:55 (Dlnlnf f nal U.KH1, f I..IAlnli. .". s, I. n.u i . jih , .,l. ui, II,. .. SOUTHERN RAILWAY.-Expreas, 45 P.M.. UllO J night dally. :J ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Express, f:S5 A. St. and Z, r:51P, SI. dally. CHESAPEAKE A OHIO RULWAY 4.53 P. M. dally. .--, FOR OLD POINT COSIFllUT an 1 NORFOLK. 7:5B . A.M. week days atid 7:85 P. 31. dally. 'Jj ATLANTIC CITY Dosbrrsses and Cortlandt streatt ,4 only, 1 :50 P. SI. week days. -j Long Rranch, Asbury Park (Interlaken. 6undays). $x Ocean Grove, and Point Pleasant (from Desbrosses S and Cortlandt streets, only), 111 A. M., 12:10, 2.B0, ; 3:in, S:lo, and 11:5(1 T.M. Sundays, 9:15 A. IL, '3f 5:15 P.M. -Ill fob piiu.inKi.riiiA. MM 8:16. 7:25. 7:55. S:23. H;5;,, H:-J5. ,tl:55 Tenna. Lin .-SB -"3 (DiulUB Car). 1(1:55. 11:55 A. St., 12:50, 1:85. 2:55. 3:53. 4:25. 4 23 (Dlnlug Car). 4:58 "ft I (Dining Cjr). 5:53 (Dlnlns Cari. 7:40. 7:65, ,M S:53 P. St.. 12:10 night. Sundays, 0.15. 7-55, 8:25, ;5) I S:S5, W:'.'S, H:85 lUmllcl). 11:55. 10:35 A. St.. 1:85 , I (lilnlngCan, 3:35, 4 25 (Pining Cnri. 4-55 (Dining -r t'uri. 3:53 (Dlulng Car). 7:10. 7:55. s:33 P. St., 12:10 jl night. ij 1 Ticket unices Nos.4fll.PI4, 1 lfl. 1323. 111. and 261 ri I Broadway, 1 Astor House. West Twenty-third Street '"&, f Station, and elation foot of Deslirossea and Cort- 1 1 landt sts.: 4 Court t.. SOU Fulton si., (is Broadway, i and PrKkln Annex Station. Brooklyn; Station. - Jersey City. Tbe New Yora Transfer Company will f call for and check baggage from hotels and resi dent es tlmuigh to destination. ' ,.' J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. R WOOD. . ', General Slansger. General Paas'r Agent. '" DRI.A1VAIIK, LS.CKWVAWA A WESTEUM It. It. fltatlona In ise Yiiru, roet or Darrlar nnsl . t; S'hrlatnpber ta, b VIMTIUl'I.R TltAIMt, l-t I.I.MAV urFFirr S'iltS. l'l.TII l.lliliT. -, ' Direct route to N. wark. IlloointUld, Sloutclalr, th ,j i Oraucc, Siimuilt, lleruardsvlllc. Bilking Ridge. Madi- L J, son. Slorilstown, Pesjie. l'atcrson, Boontou, Dovtr, n MutitioH. Newton, Pudd's Lake, Lake Ilopatcong, tj H ckcttstown. SchiMiley'a Slountatn. Washington. J Phtllli'Sliurg. Easton, Water Osp, Strotidslmrg, Pocono "R Slountalu, scrntitou, Plttston, wilkrabarre, Nantl- i csike, Danville. Norlbunfoerlaud, Montriiae, Bingham- jf ton. Oxford. Norwich. WaierviR.. utlca. Rlchfletd ft springs, Cortlanil, Syrucuse, Oswego. Ittinca. Owego, -j Elmira. Corning, Bith, Dausvllle, Buffalo, aud all 11 IKilnts West, Northwest, an 1 southwest. Nino A. .'I. Blnghsmton Stall, stops at principal .- st itlons. ,1 Oilio A. M. (Cafe car.) IlufTalo. Scranton, Blng- y' humtoti. Oncgo. Ithaca, Etinlra. Syracust. and 0- '" wegoExpress. PuIIniau Luffit parlor cars. Con- rc.tlm. ut Buffalo with trains for Chicago and pilots Wost. luior, M. scranton. lllnghamton, and F.lnilra Ex press, ltllmiui burr t hirl'irears. 4i"ill'. SI Scrauion, Wllkesbarrc, und riymoutk Extiresa. Ptillman liurfet parlor crs. lilill r. SI. (Dally) Chicago Vestibule Limited Ex- Iirens for Scraulou. llltighamtuu, Eltnlrs. Buffalo. i ullman buffi't sleenliu cur, New York to Chicago, , Dining car weit of Buffalo. Siso v. SI. iDall.v, -buffalo Express, rullman aleeix-rs for Scrunton, Itlughatntoti. Klmtra. Bath, Sit Morris, an I Buffalo, urrh Ing llufralo s A. M, ,'( OHIO , si. (Dull) i -lluifalo. Scranton. Bingham 4 ton. Owego, Ithacn. Elmira, Utlca. Syracuse, and '?i Oswego Express. Pullman buffet sleeHirs. ., Tickets and Pullman accontnioilailons at Tlenr ,l Oaie A Sons', Ltd., 113 Broad ay, 14 Park plaoe, and " 42P Urnalwey. Tickets at Ferry etallons. tll'J Broad- '.IB way.lll llhav..cor. IVIIiet.l III West 123th St., 2.15 'B Columbus av New York; 3:l and 723 Fulton st., - y and 100 Broailwuy, Brookljn. Tlino tables giving 'JH full inforniallou ut alt statloni. L 11 Westcott's Express Company will call for and check '! baggage from hotel or residence to destination. as I ERIE RAILROAD. 'fl Through Iralus 'rave New York, fiKit of Cbamba v-i st. as tulluwa. und llvo minutes inrller fiom Weal ,:' 23d st : fy. 9,Of I A- SI, Vestibule Express dally for Waverly, J .JJ lilughunilou, r.lmlra, lluffulo, Bradford, ar- ' nvi. iiurraio s;oo '. ji, 1'utior tar to IlulTalii. it 9.flfi " SI--Vestibule llinllcd. Fast mall dally. i ;1J Solid train forchlcngu, vlaChuutauoua Lake, "-, arrives CIci eland at 7.IO A. SL, Chicago 5 V. St. j Sleepers to Chicago. Clcsrluud, and Cincinnati. Dlu- & 4? 7,3(i P. SI, Iltirralii ami Cloehnd Vestibule Ex- ',& t ,)W ores, dally, arrives at Buffalo 7. IS A. SI., 'A Bradford 7:15 A. 31,. Jamo-down 11:35 A SI., Clevo- . land 1 13 p 51. (Sleepers tn Runalii and r'oteltnd). .' making dlre.t connection fur Detroit, Chicago, and -ft the West. , j 8, A X V. SI.-DAILY Via CbautHiPiua Lake and j . I U Niagara Falls, solid train to I'll cago, sleep. W er lo Horuillsillle, Chicago, aud Cluvlnuntl. Dining W fi'lCKKTK. LOCAL TISin TARDS. AND PULLMAN !fi 1 MVO.MMODAriU.NSat III, 113, '.'111. 4(l, und U57 M Broadway, 127 Bower. I fill Last 12 Hi .1 , aud dl JH West 1 2Mb st.. t'hamls-rs nud West 23 I si ferries, ..SB New nrk 3.13 add 72rt Pulton st., IP'I llroadway, M Brooklyn; 2i)n Hudmust., llolo'iiii. uu I Jersey ( Ity ,,: stulliui. Weftcotl'a Expresaealls for and cltiwks bag- J Cage from hotels and reldt'iict lo iicsituatloii, Jwlj New Yorkaiid" Boston "All"" RaST f X. V . N. ll.ft I'.lt U uu .ontt -.tlons. 'el I From Gruu I c n ruisintlin, iU Iav. ilj wi , Due, 7' 0:01 A.SI., Kprtngflel land tv ier. 3:3i)P. M. h 111:0(1 A. SL.MNcw I, n lun mm Providence, .1:00 P. SI, -:iS 111 nil . 31 , New London and Pro-Id nee, 4.3U p. 31. Tt1 12:iin M. si.rln flel I 'ind , 8 10 p. SI. ,9 ;i:i.n p. St.. i ami .1. K I'.. It., ii.iiu P. M. 'M 1:U2P SI . N L 'iidonuiul Pro. I ice, :23PSI. II oo p Jl. . '.lew London und I sideline, (villi p. SI. '. I im I' M , r.irlnv)1i Id and Wnrt"ti-r. iniinp. y. 5:01) P. SL, New London ami Pro llenee, 11 Mill J1. SI, . M. Ii.iiu I- 31 . sprlimlP Id ami Win.-.t r. HI5AS1, 'm 12IUI) P Jl . .v Liindon und I'm Idenc.-. It 25 A. SI. Huns dully. Inilu.lliiK miii i i 'W Hay si. ue i im i , ai i i or ears, fnrn $7, In- ' M clfilliw parlor car ct ffl !Alrl. ne Lliid'ei, .irrivrsut and departs from Park '-J hijuure Station. Boston. Relutu rn K j same hour V and by sumo route V' 5 Through parlor and sleeping cars by each tr Sn. m O.T.UElU!aTEAD, Ue-l'an.Aeans. S