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KIb BROOKLYN'S EASY TASK. K ?K Lmt .? mm zouiariLzxs oo to fixoes JH 'Hk refore rarnie'b flayers. 'IK V,'B? Mmln rrsvaata the !ew Yorks Mm IMaylag at LaaaR '"Mf C'lerslasi, bat th BmIoii ana Cincinnati ' B TaVir Jbraillaeaacl and Iafevensl Valuable tK 1K rolaU-Otbcr Baseball News ana Usurp. ', jK, S'.LK Although tho rnln provontcd tha Now Yorks K' J Hp- from playing their scheduled Kama nt Cleveland HH ;. K'? f osUrday, It did not pravoni thorn from gaining 'B JBJV' pr too leaders. Tho Motion were for tho second vB aLv l'mo outplayed by tho reorganised St. Louis ;9B ijR tallonders and lost 0 points. Tho Cincinnati saaHl ?"!?' drooped a cloto contest to tho Chlcagos and BssaV- ' bbV Cam bock to a tlo with tho Daltlnioros for soo- K J B. ond place. Consequently the llostons load tho " B ' Bl New Yorks by 88 points, which ta not an Injur- "BS1 f B4 rnountablo advantage, and oro only 30 points ' Bnt S E- ahead of tho Iteds and champions. Tho Brook- BBIari W$ lyns won In hollow stylo at Louisville, which il W enabled tho Chlcagos to clinch alghtb place. S fc la,n Prarentod tha l'hlladelphlas from tackling jr K' pie Plttsburgs at tho Smoky City. Tho results: J,K Brooklyn. Ut Louisville.. Wf Chicago, 4 1 Cincinnati, 8. ' bK b'- Louis, 8 Boston, 8. , BsVsi K Cleveland-Rota. vjBK jK At Plttsburg-Rsln. r SSSSoV isWi "' Per i mWMk i mfi Club. tton.Liut.Ctnt. Claes. Won.Lott.Cmt. ' aTsnTsK B Boston. 03 84 .etM Pittsburg.... ,8S 40 .497 ijYgassV '.!.' 6oltlmor....4B SO .848 Cblosgo BR 44 .400 flmmW '. mW Ctnclanotl....4l 88 .040 LoulavlU....BB 40 ,488 'ILTgasK ,')& MwTork....40 SO .800 Brooklyn.. ..83 44 .488 ilgasK :K,: Cleveland.. ..4 4 .338 Washington. .88 4 .887 ;K IflF Falleaslnhlo.SS 43 .478 St. Louis 10 BO .141 rBB S-Hj BROOSXTjr, 14; LOUIOV1IXB, 3. Bsw liBE LoutsmLLH, July 87. Matrea lost control In tH EgKT toe nltb Inning arid yielded lfl runs of! ten hits VK cH I? two Innings. Kennedy pitched flna bail all jB ',WK'i too way through. Tha score: rfgB S ?'.' sxoosxvx. losbtills. JsassaK ftKV a.ia.r.o.A.s. Jg? :'f,WX 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 .K lfiBp Jboes. rf.... 1 II 0 6 Stafford, si.. 0 a 8 8 0 V sTssssW l K Anderson. IM 1 8 0 1 UoOreery, rt.l 1 0 0 0 aaosK' ' s iauala. 8..l 13 1 0 0 111 - mTB i sK Lacnaaoa,lb.S S 0 0 0 ATsnlsn, lb..O 0 110 'YaT-VaTB ? BhooH. VU...1 0 0 3 0 Duller, c 0 0 1 0 0 ;, iB vf.- Sitra. e a voo o WUMU.0....0 o a o o -lK -'bTK KnnidT.p..O a 0 1 0 Dolui. b....O 0 4 4 8 r nTsB 3-rafi? O.Smltb4a..l 8 5 a 1 Ollnnm'n.8b.l 1 1 a 0 : aTsB t. K, Mane, j.....0 10 11 BBj ,'!" TotaU....1418 27 9 Hlllar, p 0 0 0 0 0 'BBj fj Totals ."a Tamil's I'BltE BraolOrn 0 0 0 0 7 8 0 0 814 'ASftfly,, LwSriue o oooiosoi8 KiailK BaaMdroas Brooklyn, 3. Flnt basa on errors ' 'STssBVi ,vk' Brooklyn, BiLaaUTllle, 1. Lslton bases Orooklrn. -.:"" im aiLoufarilU, 4. Two-baa bit Laobanoe, UnmUo- '. asHp ? "? Oreanr. noma run Sblndls. Baertdce bit Jones. !, jK' n A Double plays Dolan (unuslstel)i Dolan, 8Ufford . K ) nt sad Warden. Stolen bases Bbtndle, andenon. V sssssl'' f Btruck out By lUle, 1 ; by llUler, 1 1 by Kennedy, s. faTaTsS' 1 i-' Bit by pltcber-Andenan. rint bus on balls OS K V & McGaa. Staff Killer, lioa Kennedy, . Passed baU eTsTsB; 1 Ortm. It Wilson, 8. Tims hours and VI minutes. 1, BK ': Utaplrs nuat. Attandanoa 1,000. 'BBI s" Oi CanoAOO.Julja7. BUI STeriUknooked the baU lata ' bV J J be Held seats (or a home run In the tenth Inning, wm- y s ik nmgtaagame. tbssoon: immf, v? cmoxoo. caomMTt. "t' ? .la.r.o.A.a. ,K' ?' Urartts, Sb..S 8 8 3 0 1 0 8 0 0 rkBBKC fe Dablen, SS...1 0 8 4 0 Iloy. ct 1 8 8 0 0 : LmrnWi S Lange.ct....l 8 4 0 0 Corcoran. 8b. 1 118 0 -, ssssH Anson. lb...O 0 10 1 0 Irwin. 8b.... 0 8 18 1 'asssK fe Ryan.i 0 8 8 1 0 nolllday, rf ..0 o 0 0 0 JsssssV i. !' 0 10 1 Miller, rt....O 18 0 0 -i H p Connor, tb..0 O 4 S 0 Vaurbn, lb..O 1 18 0 1 i BasV Uv Csllahan. p..O 0 0 8 0 nitoble, ss.,.0 a 0 1 rssssK i '4 Kltwage. a.O 0 8 1 0 Pelts, a 0 Olio (HI ?, Rhine. P....0 10 8 1 LbbssWbS ("' Totals.... 4 6 30 18 1 BKK 'j Totals S10713 a J' HH p ewtnnlngrunmadawltbnooneoui. BMvK il Bblcaca 3 00000000 14 :tKH ?i fclaa... 0 00100080 03 VIBE'S? Cu Earned run Cbleaeo. First base by errors Chi- lKK''.K S (SCO. 4. Lett on t CbJoago. S; Olnolnnatl. n. BXsB hrst base en ball-oa CUlaban. 8 off Bnl nee. 8. fs;slT' i' Itmckoat By Callahan, si byBhlnes, 1. Home run IfafBSi :; A .-Brerltt. Two-bua mu Ilyan, MlUsr. Lanse. Stolen t-BKG -rt kss Brerltt. Lang. Uyan. Double plsjs Oor- faVlK ! ;' raxan. Bitchle. and Vaughn; ZrerlU. Connor, and THH 1 Una. Paeeed ball Pelts. Umpire sherMan. Tims lWK k X "1 ho ' sad 83 minutes. Attendance 8,000. KBfl & S ST. LODO. 0; B03TOS, 8. K '; "," Dr. Loots, July 87. The Brawns wan their sceond K$ V lonseeutlTO nctory rrom the Bostons this afternoon, ','Jalalalalalalm t ntplarlng the leaders In the League race both at the tK? " P sal In tha Held. The score: LBsK- 'l' ST.IOCIS. BOSTOS. BK ii BBaK ; ft Doturlas, rf..O 110 0 Hamilton, cf.o 13 0 0 BK i -.' narley, ...l 14 0 0 Tesaey, lb..O 0 7 10 'bmk' ' i Hartmaa.Sb.1 18 8 0 Alien, as 0 0 s s 0 BBBm ( U I 1 11 1 0 Duffy, If 1 8 8 0 0 BC i ' 3 11 8 Bta hi, rf 0 18 0 0 .'TsTsBF .. IlaUan. 2-0 13 4 0 Oolllns. 8b...0 18 8 0 -'BBli' 'Wk Croaa, 0 8 8 3 0 Lowe. 8b.... O 0 8 8 1 ,si tWl llurphy, O...0 0 8 10 Bergen. O....0 0 0 0 0 BH ill" umn, p 0 10 4 0 Lrwls. D.....1 10 8 1 BBflK- PK Lake 0 0 111 BBBf'F. Totals-.... S 12 7 HI 8 BBti-7 Totals. 8 0 84 111 3 g K.' g ( attod for Lewis In the ninth Inning. fro fiBT Boston 0 0 n 1 1 0 0 0 08 BBK'MB2:'' at. Louis 0 0081100 ,.0 BKl K." Earned ran 3t- Louis. Two-base hit Lally. Tbree- gfaVlL ? base bit Ilartman. Btolen bases Lally, Uart, Lewis. Bb jTrfl Double plays Colltna and Tenney; Lally. nallman. E" sMn" ana Oraayitlnrt, Oroes, and Orady. Flnt base on Bf ?-; ball OB art, Oipff Lewis, 1. Btruck out Dr Hart, flVlVlVaaBVA t if 8. Time X hour and B0 minutes. Umpire jfoFar BBK' 3 us IHUP, , 1 Atlantte lagme. BEk . it " soaroix. HK iy ' n. Bc'B. i Horfoik. 0 ooooioao o a s a BflPlc Patarson 0 00000008 03 1 BK ' K Batteries BTewton and Snyder; Jones and Toubey. sLK K' " rroao m t oiks. HHsr Br? sV1 a. n. x. BBV ' Reading 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 BBr-B' : J' llartford 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 04 0 4 !.? I ' Batteries nerndon and Beydoa; Fry and Beach. HrKi F ?' axcoxD ai lsP m. naitford 0 0 0 10 0 18 04 "a i Kc -S adlng 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 11 1 BMhBM 'Wt Bat terlea aastnght and Eoaon; Amele and HbM !: 'Is eJU- BLBav Kc m AT luanl0,n m st amx. KCIK S Blolunond 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 07 11 8 E'' IK' Bf Lanetor. 0 0 0 10 0 18 04 11 1 TiP neons or r Kr Hv a. B. K. v-B?Bi P bmond. 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 01 8 8 B'E'w I tar 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 01 8 3 Bl Me Kf Saetern Lmisb. aE Er MLv. ax KOKTU BE ; Bi, Bf s. KsK' KontrsaL. 4 0 0 0 1 0 B 0 818 13 8 B F '' 8 aaton. 0 41080011 8 18 4 Kv Ur B Batterlea Becker and O'.Vell 1 Wtlner and Boyd. bbH'' aP B !Vew Rngland League. BSsV mW mvl At r'd Hirer-Fall nirer, 8; Pawtucket, 8. BmIK P'. BC At Brockton Brockton, 4; Taunton, 3. BK m? bV'h ' A i"'ew B,d'0rd Newport, IB; Now Bedford, 0. ssK KilV otber Games. B'K''B iT "UIl0! sraraas. H';sVvtK Genuine Cuban Qlanu.8 0 8 0 0 4 10 010 H&i Vt- Hr Sharon Springs 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 1 10 '' V Ik. Uaaeball tJauiea TeDay. l Wi SK- UT10X. IJL1U0S aIi A1UKIC I -1OCI1TI0X. B sVl Kew Tork at Cl'Teland; Brooklyn at Loulsrlllei ssE) Er Boston at 8t. Louis; Philadelphia at PltUburgi Cln' Bff K, etnnatl at Utilcaoj Baltimore at Was ngton. sr '; "'' KTzaii uuauE. BsP1 i t Beranton at Montreal: WiUesbarre at Byracusei MJ-j 1 r aprtagflald at Toronto; Prorldenoe at Buf Talo. BKfi 9, ' ATUjrria lkaous. B n ' Newsrk at ruiadelphlat Peterson at Horfoik 1 BBP:' Us 1 Beading at llartford ; Lancaster at lUobmond. E". Uit K oiuxn aiau. Br'';B' ' II array nUTs.Domttcj at Far Boakaway. HhpX $ A Decision by President Teung. BhK'BJ & Many persons haTa written letters to TncBcN BBiBI' ' asklug which la tho regularly BchoduUd and j Which Is the postponod gamo when two games ? n0 plsyod on tho same afternoon. President N. ss7 K-'W .Young of tho National Lesguo decides tho Bi' W question dollnltoly us follows: LLE- bk ft "Tho first garuo of two played lnonoafter- B Bh ! noon Is tho regular schrdulod gamo for that mmmv( mV ' onto. Tlio roauon Is that It Is poaslble, and has Bt& BK "' happened, that thli contest Is prolonged so late ? B- A Pa " ' Imposslblo to piny tho second game, or mmmf-ffm''- i It uiny be preventod from other onuses. In nnr swUtt 'M event. It Is not pocslmo for it jiostponcd guino lo UKDihmVt p tnko tho plaoo of u rogulnr gniue on a schodulod BfK' - date; therefore It Is ruled that the Ilrsl gamo la BK S the onoschoUulrd for tlmt date, mid. If Ills pos- BraJKr k Bible to play unolher, It Is tho postponed one." K" 'gt, 1.-, B6W Verba llaie ritellm Heslnn and al(t- K Bfj more on tbe Wrstern Trip, m W The last Western trip of the National League's Bk V ', Eastern tcums will end to-day, Even should tha ' sftt W Now Yorks Ioho at Clevoland thlB afternoon Vr I?' B'-J' thoy will como homo with a hotter record than mW', Hi either lloston nr Dultimoro, To date they havo K ; 3 played elgnluou games, of which cloven have B; . M becn victories. 'Ihoy started oir by winning K VB thrco straight in PltUburg and then went to B;,' Bt Cincinnati, where they lost two out 0? three. BsW K' Intholr series with tho Loiilsvllles they won KV -B ' tM0 out ot "vo an,) then captured threo strslght BsT' mW- I from BU Louis. In Chicago Joyce's men dropped Mm'-'i mX h Jwo ?ut ot. throe, and thoy have already cap- B; mp r turpi ona of the games from the Clevelands. BsF Hk j 'ho Ilaltlmores have nlrendy completed their mWf;-' Mi ', trip. They played eighteen games In nil and sB B !," ,t0" i tlieni. They lost three stralabt to WK'l B- " Llnilnimll, broke oveu on two games in Louis BC Bf '' IHo, capturrdlhrco straight In rit, Louie, on B m 1 two and lost two Id Chicago, took two out of '4 s r three from tho Clevelands, and broke even on MM'- K I four games In I'ltUbuw. UWk ?' ' The Doston's trip has been anything but euc- mml K i cessiul according to tbe expectations of their Bf- M folbb-fsrs. They have ono gamo yet to play In B m i r " ' l " IHbIbI " BBftK, BB l bS. ., ?'J','lfJlJL?yyl Tytouyvia. VU? rt ? ' Bt Lonls to-day. bat tip to date ther hare Wik TlotoTlouslnonlr eight out of eighteen games. They opened with three ooneecnuvo defeats In Chicago, won one out of three In Clovalnnd, took two out of three lu Pittsburg, then went to Olnolnnatl and scored three Tlotorlos In four games, captured two out of threo In Louis ville, and havo already lost two straight in tit. Louis. Tho Washington! havo ondod their trip with 7 victories and II! doleats; the Phll&delphlas, with two games to piny In Pittsburg to-day, havo won 0 nnd lost 8, wbllo tho Drooklyns. with ono moro game In Louisville, havo won a and lost 1 naaeball Ifeteo. L. B. r..-No. 1 1 Tine street, this city. llanlon has returned Pitcher Blackburn to the Tsiaa League. Manager Joyss of tha Hew Tork Club has released "Vale" Murphy. Pitcher Cuppy of the Clevelands says that his arm goes wrong erery third year. Shortetop Bhugari, formerly of several League teams, has beep secured by tbe Philadelphia Club, President Young has been trying to sooure the Now England League's star umpire, Connolly, without success. Duheny uf the N ew Yorks Is at his borne In North Held, Vt.. where he Is keeping In shape by pitching for country teams thereabouts. Hoffmelster, Pittsburg's new third baseman. Is a "Ond," from all aooounts. Us uses a bat so hoary that his fellow players cannot swing It. Fred Pfeffer recently asked President Young for a position on the umpire staff. It received tbe Infor mation that he would bare to serve in a minor league 0rt. The present good work ot the St. Louis team U chiefly doe to the excellent management of Billy Hall, man, wbo was released by the Philadelphia Club as "no good." Umpire Linen will resume his old position on the Leaguo staff lu a week or so. lie says the heavy chest firote'tor which bo has worn for years under his ackit has afTt jleJ bis health. A ben. fit game will be played on the Philadelphia tall grounds on Aug. V, the entire proceeds to 10 to tho veteran pitcher, Bobby Uatthewa, who Ilea criti cally 111 In a Baltimore asylum. Pitcher Nichols ot the Bostons complains of rheu matism In his arm, and Xanager Selee will allow him tores taMt. If be should be disabled. Boston's pen nant chances would quickly vanish. Pittsburg- people are beginning to realise that nan ion sol the long end of tha Btenael-Brodle-DcnneUy deal. Brodls's arm has given out and Donnelly baa been guilty of violating tbe Pltburg Club's rule. Btensel meanwhile Is playing wonderful ball for lbs cbsmplons. The defeats recently administered hy the Bostons to the CtnolnnatU killed Ewlng'e pennant hopes, so they say In the West, for Buck's men do not ezpeot to make a hard finish during their coming Eastern trip. If this turns cut to bo so tbe Dint tor the pennant will narrow down 'to Boston, Baltimore, and New York. If Joyce's men do not land flnt they will at least have a chance, for second and Temple Csp money. Want ta Play Uamos. The Young Blver sides averaging 18 years, would like to arrange games with teams or players of tbe same age. Address Henry Elmmer, Captain, 78 East 103th street. The Diamond Baseball Club would like to arrango games with slubs whose players average from 18 to 10 years; Bunday and holiday games only. Address n. -cOonlgle, 370 Broadway. Tbe Elisabeth Volunteers have Jnly 31, Aug. 7, and Aug. 14 open, and would like to book games with first class dubs offering suitable Inducements. Ad dress F. Bennett, manager, 108 Broad street, KlUa beth. N. J. The Marlon A. a ot Jersey City would like to ar range Sunday came with out-of-town teams, uni formed, whose players average 17 or 18 years. Ad. drees T.J. bnrder. 403 summit avenue, or Joseph 1L Brown, 81 Olles avenue, Jersey City. The St. John's College team wants to fill tbe follow ing dates with first-class teams offering a suitable Juarantes: July 81, Aug. 1, 7. 8. 10, 8J, Sis, at. Sept. , 8 and s (two games). Oot-oMown teams preferred. Address Harry B, Meyers, 100 Lewis avenue, Brooklyn. The Monitor Baseball Club's reorganised team would be plesaed to book games with teams wbose players average from 18 to 80 years for Saturdays and Sun days. The open dates are Acs. 1, 7, 14, SI, 88. 28 and 80. Tbe Monitors will play all Saturday games on their own (rounds. Address Oeorge A. Devoe. 874 Broadway, Brooklyn. TAG UTS AX CITY ISLAND. I such of the Koetrcl Stepped by ss Oals and Heavy Beau J. B. Mills's cutter yacht Kestrel was not launched yesterday from Wood's yard at City Island, as was expected, owing to tho southeast erly galo and heavy sea that broko on the beach with a noise like thundor. Sho will, however, go Into tha water before next Monday, as her owner has signified his Intention of cruising lo the eastward with tho New York Yacht Club. As she rests on her cradle within a few feet of the high-water mark sho certainly looks like a powerful craft. Her lines forward of tho mid ship section are noticeably fuller than thoso of tboSrco; as a matter ot fact she has no defined forefoot, but rounds up at the wator lino similar toQeorga Hill's Akista. The similarity bctfVcen these two boats, howevor, ends with the linos of entrance, the lino of her bow being similar to the Defender, and rising with a graceful sweep to the knlghthesds. Her midship soctlon Is also similar to tho champion DO-footer, and her run Is clean and easy.the lines being carried out straight to the end of her long counter that ends in a small transom stern, on which her namoand balling port is affixed In gold letters. She is flush-decked, with companion" ay and two skylights, and stoers with a tiller. Tho Kestrel looks smaller than tho Syce, In fact will measure somewhat less than Fred Iloyt s speedy craft. The sail area ot both boats however, will be about equal. All her standing rigging is in place, and i rank Wood said that within twenty-four hours after she Is launched and sails bent tha yacht can sail an ay. Her g"as Is ready, and was out by Ratsey. tho English sallm aker. At Plepgras's yards, at the foot of Pilot ave nue, thero Is a new croft, whose construction has been kept more or less of a secret. She Is in the shed back of the machine shop, her short bowsprit being all that la visible to the outside world. She Is very shallow and beamy, In fact a regular skimming dish. U or principal meas urements are approximately as follows: Lengtn over all, 45 feet: lol water lino, 32 feet beam, 14 fset; draught, t! feet 0 Inches. Her koel Is of lead, and extends from throo feet aft of her forward point of msasure- opt .to within a few Inches of her eternpost, which Is almost perpendicular. Her lines are full forward, floor almost flat, and bilges low nod powerful. Her rim Is good, and although she will hardly bo as fast as The Acushla or Sur prise, In which class the will sail, there Is little doubt that aha will develop considerable speed. Commodore n. M. Ollllg's Venoodor arrived off Piepgras s yard earlyeaterday rooming, and work was begun at once to strip the Western crack-a-Jack. She will recolve a new mast at onto, tho oldone having sprung during her last race off Larchmont when her starboard spreader tarried away. Tho work will be pushed rapidly forward, and the Vencodor will probably cruise to tho eastward with tho New York Yacht Club. Tho moat Important of the repair work going on at Piepgras sis hanging a now powor wheel and putting a new stem on Rear-Commodore Archibald Watts's big steam yacht Golden Hod. which occupies tho big marine railway. , I). Burubsm's Norote, Is on the ways having her underbody cleaned and put In condition for the wind-Jamming matches next week between Glen Covo and Vineyard Haven. $ IV, 000 If OH TUB ALQA. 41 oorge la-i'i Old Yacht naught for Clareooe M. Uuaob, Owner or tbe Mad a. "Going at 813,900. Is thoro no otbor bid I Gentlemen, this magnificent yacht cost $30,000 soven short years ago, $10,000 additional was spent for alterations and improvements last year, and she is to-day one of tho most complete achls afloat. An absolute palace, gentlemen. Is there no other bid I" These were the words that closed a chapter in tho history of tho magnificent steam yacht Alga, and the speaker was Anotloneer Adrian 11. Mul len It vtas an unusual ciowd that filled the dingy old real sstalo salesroom at 111 11 road a ay at noon yesterday, tho sale that nttractod bolng the handsome steura yacht Alga, better known toynchtemon as iho Veto, which wss built In 1800 for Jacob I,orIMard, and afterward becumo the property of (leorgo Law, whose private slir nul she flew until his death. 'lbo Alcuwas purchased by Charlrs L. Bea bury for Clarence M. llusch, Siatn printer, of Ponnsyhnnla. Tho yacht U now lfiig In the tore at Now London, mid will proceed to tho Morris Heights Murks, where sho will bo thor oughly overhauled und put lu commission, Who will be used along Long Island Sound hotweon this city nnd Newport during the suimuor sea son, and will cruise among tho West Indies and Jlniiumas during tho winter. Tho sale josicrduywns madoby the order of tho administrators of Law's estate. Only a few pf tho old-time ynchtsnien were present, Jacob Lorlllard, her fuiiner owner, being one of tho few wlio did not send u rapresentutiie, Tho first hid was sja.500, but tho prlto nulikly m. vunied under Ihu uersuusUo eloouonco of Iho auctioneer. In $500 bids, until wi.lMK) mis ro dilveil. 'I hen VAIO hkl nere acieniol uu to SI'.OOO. after which, in bids of UtHi, nJin nnoi" rusiuiiul $250, the amount at which tho yacht was told was reached. The Alga, wiilih name the yacht bus borne !F? 9eorgS fw mrried Miss Alga Smith In 1HU1, Is well known to devotous of yachting aloug tho Sound, Hho U l'JO feet over nil, 100 feet U lnthes water line, 17 feet U Inches beam, und U feet B inches draught, faho was rebuilt and lengthened lust year, and at preunt has four sUlerooms. a richly deiuuited saloon, and tho usual conveniences to bo fuuud on board ft modern Ho Ulngpulaco, She is uUu egiilpnud villi ntouiplctti cTectrio plant, searchlight, s:c. Clarenco M, llusch is well known In tho indit ing fruternliy as lbo oh nor of the stouui yucht Nads, which he purchased last fall from Charles II. Flint. The Mada will go out of commission within a wsek and will be laid up at Morris Heights. i ' 1 I 1 11 1 f8 LARNED'S GREAT '.fihMS. HE DEFEAT JtABOlfET, XX-OXTAtt-PXOX OF XKQLAND, AT ZOKOVTOOI. The English Crook Wins Only Ona Bet, anal Is Itenten ta I,ava In the I st Set American's Exhibition Has Never Been Bsualled In This Conatry -sad Play All Around. D08TON, July 27, Larnrd won tho match of his Ufo this afternoon in the second round of tho Longwood tonnla tournaraont, when ho defeated Mahoncy, the best ot the throo English cracks and a formor champion ot England. Tho match was tho most important ono of the tournament, with tho posslblo exception of the champion ship, as upon It depended whethoror not Amer ica was to have tho runner up. Tho gamo played by Lam ml has novor boon equalled In this country. After the first set, which ho lost on account ot nervousness, he settled down and completely outplayod tho Englishman, defeating him In the hollowest fnsblon and earning every point ho made. Whether at tho not or the base line, either in serving or receiving, tbo Amorican was equally at home, nnd nt no time did ho show any ten dency to rolapso into his pcoullarly emtio stylo ot play. Ills cross court drives and side line E asses wcro gems and won point after point for 1m. As gamo after pnmo was marked up to tho credit of America, tho muoh-vuuntod superi ority of tho English game, as expounded by an ex-chainplou of Kngland, became Iras ond less apparent. Mahoncy visibly woakened and lninlylost his nerve after tha flrat set, while arned grow better in proportion as his op ponent fell off. Thero was a large attendance when the princi pal match was called at 3 o'clock In the after noon. Tbe sympathies of those prssont were en tirely with tbe American player, though Maboney received plenty of applause whenever bo made any particularly brilliant play. Both men wore palpably nervous when play began, although Lamed appeared to bo tha worst affected. Tho first gamo went ta Lamed on his opponent s drives out of court and Into tho net, together with a pair or brilliant passes down tho side lines. Tho American s old weakness, drives Into tho net, overcame him in tbe second, third, and fourth gamos, Maboney allowing mm to beat himself. Tho Englishman also won the fifth and sixth games tor the samo reason, aided by some clover passes on his own part to the back ot tho court. With the score 61 against him Lurnod rallied, and won tho seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth gunes, making tho score 5 all. Mahoney hore rocovered his form, and cap tured tbe next two games and tbo sat by tbe icoro ot 70. Score by points: Maboney 1 4844411S84 844 Lamed 4 3481044081 480 La rood started In to even up matters in the sooond sot, and won the first gome before Mahoney had begun to realise that he was up against one of tbe best player In America. Larnod was too anxious in the second, however, and lost It through drives into and under tho pet. lie oapturod the third and Mahoney tha fourth. Then tho American struck his gait, winning in succession tha next threo games. Ho lost the eighth, bat won the ninth and the set, Tho points: Lamed. 4 8 B 0 4 8 4 8 738 ahoaey 1 4 3 4 0 0 0 4 6-37 After this the ex-English champion was never dangerous, and the next two sets were taken by Larned with comparative easo. Mahoney won only two games and scored only Ui points to I rned's 48. The scoro of the third sot was: Larned 4 4 4 4 0 4 0 4 34 Uahonry 8 13 14 0 4 014 The fourth and last was a love set for Larned. Tho score: Larned 4 4 4 4 4 434 Mahoney 3 0 0 3 1 E 7 Tha O. , Wrenn-Whltman and Itadlonc Hookor matches were stubbornly contestod, Wrenn and Uudlong winning out after five lull sets In each Instance Magnltlcent tennis was the rule in these matches as woll as in all tbe others of the day. Mahonoy's compatriots fated better than himself. Nlsbet polishing off young Heals Wright and Eaves disposing of Edwards In straight sets. As the result of to-day's playing the two Eng lish cracks. Nlsbet and Eaves, And themselves pitted against ouch other to-morrow, the winner to meet tho conqueror In tho Larned-U. L. Wrenn match on Thursday. The second round in the championship doubles will bo played to morrow morning. Wrenn (tha champion) and Lnrned meeting llruco and Wright, and George Wrenn and Whitman playing Word and Davis. Summary ot to-day's matches: SJnKlesSecond Bound n. A. Nlsbet defeated Bea! a Wright, 83, 03, 78: W. V. Earrs defeated T. M. Edwards. 0-0. 2, 63, J. D. Forties defeated K. Fiticke. 73. 8 4, 00; J. P. Parct defeated N. T. Wilson. 6 2, 6 3, 60; C. R, Budlong detested R. tlooker, 4 B, 75, 6 8. 48. 7 3 O. P. Dodg de feated T. P. Ooodbody. 81, 03. 03: VV. A. Larn-d defeated H. 8. Mioney, 67, 83, 83, 8 0 O. L. Wrenn. Jr., defeated . V. Whitman, 0 1, 0 2, 9 11. fl 10. 8 4. Doubles Preliminary Round O. Wrenn and . D. Whitman defeated Hitchcock and Bishop, 83, 8 1, 00; Ward and Davla defeated Hooker and Dodge, f 4, 0 4, 76l Budlong and WlllUton de feated Forbes and cKettrlck, 02, 88, 48, 8 1, 6-4. First Round Mahoney and Nlsbet defeated Beckett and Beach, 01, 0-0, 40, 03. The Western Lawn Trnnla Cbamplonehlpe. Chicago, July 27. A series of walk-aways marked tho third round In singles of the West ern Championship tennis tournament to-day. With two exceptions tbo eight matches of the round n ore very easy for the winners, Fischer, Ware, S. H. Keel. Collins. Bond and Myers dis posing of their men In straight sets. The match between Fischer and John Nrcley was expected to bo stubborn, but Keeley never hod a chance, and succeeded In winning only one game in Iho two sets. Fischer's playing was far the best of the tournament, and if he does not drop la form he will probably bo in the finals. G. P.Sheldon mot H. McQuIston, nnd only won after a bard fight. He took tbo first set easily. 0 1, lost the next, 0 B, and won tbe third and llnol, 01. Tho scoro does not show tho even ness of the match, as nearly all tho games of tho last sot went to deuce soveral times. Sheldon's strokes were wild, hut his smashing wasery good. The doubles tournament has advanced to the second round after a series of defaults and very tame matches. To-morrow Fischer and Neeley play Collins and Wrenn, and Ware and Sheldon meet the winner of tbe McQuIston Dros. vs. Johnston and Ityerson came. Summaries: Nerl beat Hi-rrlok. 60, 8 li Fischer beat Keeley, 60. 8 1 1 Collins best P.McQuliton, 6 1,8 48bel don beat II. McQuIston, 01, 6 8. ft lj Myers beat Johnston, 00, 0 3i Bond beat Carter, 60, 64. Stamford yacht Club Regatta To-Day, Tbo special mtdsumraer regatta of tho Stam ford Yacht Club will be Bailed to-day off Ship pan Point, Tho races are open to all recognised clubs nnd will bo conducted under tbe racing rules of tbe Long Island Union. Yachts are di vided Into threo classes, namely: 01-foot class of nlooua. 30-foot class of sloops, special, and the newest class of 20-footrs. A silver cup will be owurded to the winning yacht In each class when two or more start. Also if five or moro yachts start in ono class, a second prize of a stlvor cup will bo given to tha second boat at the llnlsb. 'Iho starting and finishing Una will bo an imaginary one between the Regatta Commit tee s strnmcr Halcyon nnd Cow lluoy, ofT Ship pun Point. Tbe nrsoaratory signal to start will be at 11:30 o'clock. The courses will be tri angular, us follows: For fll.foot CUs From starting Una to white buoy, with letter L In black thureon, B W, '4 W, S mllea: tbusce to bell buoy off Lloyd's Neck. E. i 8. Bij miles, and return to starting Uae, N. N. W, Oh miles, leaving committee steamer on port band. Twice arouuil, leaving all turning points on port UMul. Total distance, 3(9 nautical mllss. For 3U foot and 90 foot Cla.nn-Same course, once around, leaving all turulng points on port band, Tolil distance, 14 nautloal miles. The ontries recolved up to last night were: BLOora 01-FOOT CLASS. . Bacfno Length. Ham and Oumir. Ilacing A'o, rr. Syee, ITred M. Hoyt K 84 80.S SLOOPS 30-FOOT OZ SS. Carolina, Pembroke Junes N 18 80.00 Mm me, J. if. M Donougb .V 61 go 00 Raoooon, N. D. Lawtun 67 ' 80,00 BLOOTO 20-FOOT CLASS. Keneu, H. Clark 20 00 bhark. House A Hoyt Q 34 yu'nn Asthore. P. T. Doilun o 00 tloutauk, O, Oluistead wxi The TblrCy. footer Iluce nt Newport, Newpoiit, July 27, Tho race of tho 30-footers to-day was closo and exciting exoept for the Veda, which made a very poor showing and did not llnUb, Tho winner was Vaquero HL, sailed by Herman II. Iluryen, Tho Ilrlg Ledgo course was sailed, tbe wind being strong from the eust. The start was inarto at 3:10 o'clock, the Vaquero being the first to cross, and held first placo until the end, although at ono point tbo Kspomnsa nonrly took tha race from her. Mrs. Cornulliis Vaui'orhllt, Jr., sailed in tho Veda, Tho official tliuo wus as follows: Klnpud Hnilh. Time. HoiU and Suited Uu. If. u. s. n. u. s Vaijiurolll ,11. H Duryea ...6 2S 30 3 12 80 1 sin rams, A. H Vanwlnkle 0 22 67 a 12 07 Dorothy 11,11 1 Whitney,,. ft an 06 a 16 00 Hera, It. N. kills 6 27 20 2 17 80 Wa Wa, J A. Btlllinan.... 8 27 42 3 17 48 Veda, C. Vauderbllt, Jr.,,, Did not finish. Heuwareu ind nnd Unlrr Club to Mold st Itaee nr nnphtba Iuuebea. The Seawaren Land suit Water Club, whose hand some home It at Heawrrn, N J., has arranged a ten intln Invlutlou race for uaphtbi launches over tho club ocurse uu Btali-n Island bound, Tbe race win be held ou Saturday, July ill. the start being nxed st 4 olook lu tbe afternoon, and the prise la an artlstlo yOD,r.,J"?,"',wl by John M. Raymond. American YaohtCfub rules will govern the time allowances. In I tbesvenlng a smoker will be held la tha clubhouse, far Which soras txoellent talent has Usn sagasc J r i------ff pfn-flWWs-sePss-SnyMny Keep's Neglige Shirt Sale. $1.50 Shirts for $1. Tbo man who wants to savo monoy on his colored Blurts can do it Lore now. Oar inventory timo is approaching. We'd rathor havo cost than tako tho sliirtH in Btook. No philanthropy about it just businoss. Wo'ro doing it for our bonolltnot for yours. But your benefit is biggost, just tho samo. Shirts mule of Madras, Cuffs on or on. three sleeve lengths. Every one msde in our own faetory. Beg ar prloe tbU seuon 81. BO now tl. Bathing suits, $1 to $3. Golf Btookings, $1 25 to $3. Dross shirts, $1 and $1.50. KEEP MFG. COMPANY, B'way, bet 11th and 18th Stc honors xtrmr at aqvxdvot. Favorites and Melder Divided the Spoils yes terday. Probably three thousand persons saw somo fair sport at Aqueduct? yesterday afternoon. The track was again In good shape, considering tho weather, and fairly good timo was made In the different events. It was a day ot surprises, Divide, Juda and Lucid, threo heavily played favorites, being defentod. Discount, Marshall and Attainment wero tbe successful favorite Discount was an ovon-money choice for the opening dash at about seven furlongs, and ho won, hard ridden by Scherrer, wbo had his bonds full to shake oil Langdon In the stretch. Yankee Doodlo and Nay Nay, both of which wero some lengths behind on the baokstretcb, wore right with the leaders nt tha wire. Tenderness pulled up quite lame, and Michael Clancy, her owuor, fears that hor racing days are nearly over. It was Yankeo Doodle's first appearance In the East since he was a two-yoar-oid, and he has developed Into a grand-looking, big horse. Old Marshall, fresh from his triumphs at Buffalo, whero be was a Hindoo, was seleoted as favorlto for the mile and a sixteenth selling race. There were but four starters, nnd tbe talent figured that Bapelo would be the only dangerous one in the field. Flames, n rank out sider, set a warm pace, followed by Bapelo, with Marshall third, and running under a pull until tho stretch was reached. At that point Penn called on the big son of Voltlgeur. and he oame homo, hard held, tho easiest or winners. Flames lasted long enough to beat Bapelo for second money. Counsellor Howe ran into the fence after tho finish, and threw Wap shire so heatily that tbe lad was stunned for somo minutes. Hut, like all of Falbor Bill's boys, 'VYapshlro is not easily knocked oat, and he was up again in tbe very next race. The pretty filly Attainment from the stable of .8. V. P. Thompson was favorlto for the dash at five f urlorgs for maiden two-roar-olds, which oamo next on the card, going to the post at odds of 0 to 4 on. It was 6 to 1 Tommy O, Ile Ude. Toril and Sanger, and long odds tho rest. Tommy O displayed all of the speed character istic of the Tremonts at the start and bad things all his own way until well Into tho stretch, where he was challenged by Attainment and Torii. Little Corbloy was as cool as lee on tho favorite, and riding out with bands and heels got home first by a good neck and shoulders from Torll. Tommy Oaua fair third. Calculation, as usual, behaved like a crazy thing at tbo post. Divide and Arabian were equal favorites for the dash at one mile, long odds being quoted agnlnst Storm 1 ng and Thomas Cat, tbe only other starters. Thomas Cat destroyed his chances by bolting at the first turn, and when Divide and Arabian made play for the leader, Btorm King hnvlng taken tho track at the start, they could not overhaul tbe speody colt. He was ridden by a young colored loll namod Porter, wbo was unknown to the talent, and the layers figured his jockeyshlp as poor whon they laid IS to 1 against Btorm III ng. Porter fooled them all. however, for bo rode much as Sims, Clayton, or any other good rider of his race would, and landed Storm King a very handy winner by six lengths. Divide beat Arabian In a bard drive for second money. jnda was conaldorod a particularly good thing In tha five-furlong dash for two year-olds, with allowances, but John E. Madden had a sleeper in Oxnard, and whon the race seemed a cer tainty for Juda at the furlong pole. Wtlhlte cut loose, and Oxnard ran past ner with the ut most esse and won snugly. La Gltana was third. Lucid was the choice for the final racoottho day. Third was his position nt the finish. Father Bill Daly's Qrtoland. hnlf brother to Octagon, winning with a fancy price against him. Jno. E. Madden's Chrlatabel, by Strath moro, second favorite, was beaten a length and a half. Summaries follow: riiisr iuce. Pone $000, for three year olds and upward t (70 to second and S80 to thlrdt about seven furlongs: J, oaale's b. b. Discount, e, by Deceiver Hattle H , low (Scherrer) l J. U.Kelly s eh g. Laniilon, 8, 108 (O'Leary) 2 . W Purser's b. b Yankev Doodle, 4, 109 (Penn),. S Tenderness and Nay Nay al.o ran. Time, 127 2 8. Dettlng Against Dl ount. even moneyi Tankee Doodle, m to Bi Nay Nay, o toll Langdon and Ten derness, each 15 to 1. SECOND HACK. For three-year-olds and upward i selling! by sub scription of S3 each, with (too added, of which 70 to second and SOD to third i one mile and aslitesnthi J. 1". Qulgley's b h. Marshall, aged, by Voltlteur Herd lo-Tell. 108 (ivnn; I P. 8 P. Randolph's or. g names. 4. S4 (Matin) a Kenalco etable's b. b. Sapelo, 4, 10s(Wllhlte) a Counsellor Hows also ran Time, 1:58. Petting Two to 1 on Marshall i against Sapelo, 0 to 0 Counsellor Ilowe, 8 to 1, Flames, 2D to 1. T1IIHI) IIACE. For maiden two-yesr-oldn; by subscription of SS each, with 1100 added) 70 to second and SUO to third) five furlongs: US. W. P. Thompson's b. f. Attainment, byFaver- dale EsssyesII., U4(Curfaly 1 Ed Kelly's ch. o. Tortl, SO iblanhope) a J. Kneale'sblk. . Tommy O. US (McDonald) 8 MayFranoU, May Hoeelle, Refute, ganger, Calcula tion, Peggy IU, nundy, and ltcclo May also ran. , Time, 1.03. Betting Five to 4 on Altalorosnti ualnit Tommy 0 Ileflde, Hanger, and Torll, each 0 to 1 1 Calculation, H to 1 1 May Francis. May HomIIs. Peggy H., and Regis May, each 16 to 1 Bundy, VO lo 1. FODIVTII RACE. For three-year-olds i by Subscription of $5 each, wltb 600 added, of which (100 lo second and (60 to third) one mile: W. Lansberi's blk. o. Storm King, by Imp. Whistle Jacket Orenadlne, ll W. Porter) 1 Keuloo Stsble's oh. f. Dl!de. 1'Jl (Siherrar). ....... a WjO. Daly's b. o. Arabian, 116 (Perkins) U Thomas cat also ran. Time, li44Si. Batting isslmt Arabian and Divide, each 11 to 10) Thomas Cat, 10 to it Storm King, 10 to 1. FIFTH RACK. For two-yrar-oldsi selling) by subscription of SB .b'wl" 00 added, of which s,0 tu second sad 80 to Ihlrdi nee furlongs: J, E. Madden's b.e. Oxnard, by Slratbraore Blolss, 100(Wlib!t( ' i Keusloo "ttblsYb. f. Juda. 106 (Boherrar) "..?- ft w- Thompson's oh. f. La Oltans, Bv (Oerbley)., ....... TTTiT. Abundant, Olmolne, and St. Ives alio ran. Betting Five to 8 on Siidei' against Oxnard, 8 to 1 1 Abundant, 0 toll Qlenouie, 0 to DLaOltanaand 31. Ives, each B to 1. SIXTH RAOX. For msldsn two-year-old si by subscription of IB eaoh, wltb 1800 sdded, of which 7U to second and WO to third) Ore furlongs: w. p. Daly's b. o. Ortoland, byMagnetlsor Ortega), , 91 (Waptblre) . ... 1 & JLJa,ll' b. f. Ctirlatabrl, 01 (Thompson)., a "v.' WWden a Bon's b. a Luold, 97 (Stunliope),.. a Checkers, Eunouils, Mabel D., Beekman, and Con grave also ran. Time, liOOli, Betting Against Lucid, 8 to 8: Chrlstabel, 8 to 1 gunomlia, 6 to 1: Mabel D 10 to 1 1 Ileekman, IS to 1 Ortoland, SO to 1, and Oongrere XO to 1. favorite Win at Harlem. CincAoo. July I7.-U was favorltes'dsy at Harlem and tbe talent lauded quite a bunch of money at tho expense of the bookmakers. Iloiti r II , st 110 lo I, was tbo only long abut thul misril ahead lu the six races, and lie eu not beally I ncLe.1, even at tho odds. Summaries! First Hare Seven furloius. Dlxnu. 101 (Pay wood), 11 to 6, wont Faustunlo, 6 (bonalilsou). o to Tl ,,c1?-,a'.DlTUI U8 (Msgnuson), 16 to 1, third. Hec'ond luceFive furlongi. Hardly, l (Clay). 1 tos, wunillruln, 100 (L. Scott). 18 to I, second) The Chea'. 101 (Doseman). 4 to I. third. Time, 1 04, Third Uace-Slx furlongs. The licuc-, 1011 (Ilarrott), 'co-woni Amy Wade, 07 (Oiai), 11 lo , seoondi Ubttoomb, 107(1,. Soott). blol, third Time, liUSi. Fourth Race One inllu. sunburst, IU (Oaywood), 8 to a, won: Oracle c . 107 (Robenann). lo I, sec ond! Overllla, 100 (llariett), to 1, third, Tluio, 1:4113. Fifth Racr-Four furlonits Domosetta, 117 (Bar rett), 8 to 6, won: Ophelia Copeland, 107 (C Cla,), 8 Tl ,,,!,in7'JlChlnk')"1' ,0T l0' mo"). 1 ' third. Sixth Racel-SIx furlongs. Roger a, 100 (Morgan), 80lal,wuaiTherealL, lOHlOouln), 6 tot, second) Knchinter, no (O. Moan), 4 to 6. third. Time, Ul7a. 1,1) i ivi'.,, M7 't"S, sA-.ftei MS'0ivT&Et WHEEEMEIi AIT ASSOCIATION or OTOZJB OT.UB3 XtT WILZXAMSBVRO. Xddle Raid Decline t lUee agnlnst Klnrand Casper Tbe Membarehlp or tha asrue ef Amerlma TVheelBien Has neaehr-d BO.OOO. A meeting was hold at the Indian Cyole Club In Brooklyn lsst night for tho purpose of form Ing an association of cycling clubs In the East ern Distrlot of Brooklyn. Fire clubs wero rep resented, including tho Buehwlck, Defender, Creator Now York, Indian, and Em plro State Wheelman. Tha idea, of the bonoflts that will accrue to the clubs from an as sociation embracing; all tho blcyole organisations in Williamsburg was discussed, and the plan re ceived tho unanimous approval ot tho dele gates present, It was finally agreed to bold a moetlng next week and Invito all the clubs in tha Eastern District of Brooklyn to send representatives to tho moetlng, so that a permanent organisation may bo formed. The following commutes was appolntod to draft a constitution and by-laws: B. Anchell, Bushwlok Wheelmen; J. E. Cllne, Indian Cycle Club; B. Foster, Dofender Wheel men; C Wolven, Greater New York Wheelmen, and W. Barker, Falcon Wheelmen. Bay: Citt, Mich., July 37. Bald, Cooper, and KIser will bo seen In no more three-cornered mutch rscos after tho contest of to-morrow, which was scheduled for to-day, but postponed owing to rain. Bald said to-day that he was through riding against Cooper and Kisar, as ha considered that tbe pair worked against Urn la every race. Tho matches arranged for Manhat tan Beach next month and for the Charles Blver Park National Circuit meat at Boston on Aug. 23 will have to be called OH alto gether, unlets a fourth man is placed In the contest. Bald and Oardlner to-day Issued a challsngo to Cooper and Klssr for a two-mile pursuit race, tha riders to start from opposite sides ot the track. Cooper will accept, providing ho may have Walter Sanger and not Klaer as his psrtner, and to this both Bald and Gardiner assent, with tbe proviso that tho side bet be large. Such a contest, It is be lieved, would be tho -gres tost ot the year. Both Sanger and Gardiner are vary strong unpoced riders, and Bald and Cooper ore as evenly matched as men could possibly be. At tho closo of the races to-morrow night Bald, Cooper, KIser, and Oardlner leave here to join the Na tional Circuit at New York Saturday. They will remain on tho circuit hereafter. Tbo membership ot the L. A. W. has reached 00,000. Tho Pennsylvania division continuos to grow at a rapid rate, and bids fair In a few weeks to attain the largest membership In tho organisation. The returns from this State are small In comparison to the rapid increase last year. The returns from the leading divisions are as follows: Mew York, 288, total, S3,B10 Pennsylvania, 01B, total 10,687) Massachusetts, 1S8, total. 11,386) New Jersey, 74, total, 6,818: Illinois, 4, total, 3,086) Ohio, 839, total, a,888) Wisconsin, 18, total, i,30Si Con necticut, 18, total, 1,880) Missouri, 8, total, 1,708) Michigan, 64, total, l,8B0i Maryland, 47. total. 1,816) Rhode Island, 14, total, 1,484. Total membership, 80,061. Frank Gately af Boston has been suspended by tho L. A. W, Ilacing Board from participating in any track or road races until Aug. 4. Oately, who Is one ot the leading Boston professionals. Is charged with riding In ft handicap race at Provldonce last Saturday and making no offort to win. Tha Racing Board Is opposed to such methods. It is the Intention to suspend oil riders from the track whoso conduct In this re spect is at all susplolous. Gately Is the first victim to suffer from the new racing regulation, but other riders will likely be similarly sus pended. A meeting was held in Boston on Monday night to arrange a circuit of race meets for tho National Cycle Tract: Association. Tbe schedule was not mado public. It is the Intention to pro vide distance match raoes and Intercity team contests. Hpoclal Inducements will be offered to Messrs. Mlchaol, Leans, McDufjle, and Star buck. Short dlstanco races wQl also bo pro moted to enable tbe local amateur and profes sional riders to compete. Largo purses will bo offered In all tha races. ROUTES. H. Dlttmar. To ride to Comae, Long Island, go to tbe East Twenty-third street ferry and cross to Brook lyn) follow Bedford avenue to the Eastern Parkway, to stone avenue, to OJenmora avenue, to Broadway, to Jamaica: take tbe mala road to Flushing, and go $I?.U"5 'l""1111' Heights, Uayslde, Doutlaaion. and Little Neck to Roelyni then ride to Wbeatly, Locust drove. Woodbury, Elwood, and Comae. Tbedlstano U about forty miles. R, J. Utnsaiore To ride to AtUntlo City, N. J pool ing through Trenton, N. J., and Philadelphia, cross ore? to Jersey City ond go through Exchange place to Hudson street, to Yon street, to nsndrnoa street, to Mercer street, to tbe Hudson County Boulevard, to tbe bewark plank road, to Newark: rrom Newark take tbe route to Trenton published In The Scs on July K8t leaving Trenton. lake Warren street and cross bridge to the turnpike, to Tullr. town, to Bristol, to Frenkford, to Philadelphia! leaving Pblladtlphls, follow (Market street to Front street, to South street, to tbe ferry) cross to Glouces ter and ride througb Woodbury, to Mantua, to Mul Ilea , Hill, to Woodstowni continue to Deerfleld, Brldgeton, lllllviUe. North Dennlsvllle, Seavllls Sta tion, and Beasley'a Point) then go through bomer'e Point to AtUntlo City. T. O. V. 1. To ride from Pier S5, East River, to West bampton, L. I., follow Beekman street to Nassau street, to the Brooklyn Bridie, cross the bridge to Brooklyn, and lake Liberty atreet to Fulton street, to Clinton strvet, to Sobermrrborn street, to Flatbusb avenue, to tbe Eastern Parkway) then follow the rout to Rlverhead publlaned In Tux Sen on July m. as far as Weethampton. a. The distance to West haupsoa U about eighty miles. A. W. P. To ride to Lake Mohonk. X. T, take the route to Lenox, Mass , pubiubod In Tax Sex this morning, as far as Tarrytowni then rids to tbe ferry and cross tbe river to Nyack) continue through Weal tyock. Spring Valley, ltarnapo. Tuxedo, Central Val ey. Highland Mills. Woodbury, Mountolnvllle and Cornwall to bewburg: follow Liberty street to Balm vine. Middle Hope. Marlborough. Milton and High land) then ride through New Plata to Mohonk Lake, L. A. W. To ride through New Jersey to Butters and thenoe to WurtsboroN. Y., go to lSBth street, to the Fort Lee ferry and cross to Fort Lee I follow the Uaokenaaek turnpike to Leonla, to Bogota) cross to Ilaokemack and ride through Dundee to Petersen) take tbe old Peterson road to Rldgswood, UnderoUrr, ltohokua, Waldwtek, Allendale. Ramsey's. Motawoh! ond Sufterni ooutlnue through Rauiapo. aloataburg. Tuxedo, Eoutbbeid, Turner's, and Ureycourt to Qoeheu. and follow the Erie Railroad through fine aoenery to Mlddletown j then go to Rockvllle, Purdr's Bloomlcgtiurg, and Wuruboro. Tbe dlstanos la about eighty miles. R. Newman. In riding from Peterson. N. J, to BetbsL N. y take tbe route to Wuruboro, printed lu Tux Scs this murnlug, ss far as Bloomlogbunri then go to Rook Hill, Urtagevllle, Montlcello. While Lake, and Bethel, Betb F, To ride from Tlndson, N. Y., to Great Bar ring ton, Mass., follow Warren street to the trolley cars and around tbe park, to Oreene street, to the Columbia turnpike, to Olaverocki continue to Hollow Marilndole, CroryvUIe, Hillsdale, South Kgreuaont and Ureal Harrington. Tbe distance la about twenty, eight miles and the roads are billy, but good riding. , .'A'.Jr M- To ride to Lenox. Mass., starting fiom 110th street and seventh avenue, go to liotb street, to at. Nicholas avenue, to Tenth avenue, to Ktnue brldge rood, to 181st streot, to Washington Urtdgei arcs bridge to Featherbed lane, to Maoomb'a Dam road, to the Fordham Lauding rood, to Bolley avanue, to Klugsbrldgei continue to Yonkers ond follow tbe turntilke to Ulenwood) then go through Hastings. Dobbs Ferry, and Irvluatou to Tarritown: follow Broadway past the Andre Monument to St. Paul's ju. a. uuroa, to iue turnpixe, to suur smci thengo i? ."Mr""' i ,no '"rnplke. to Qarrtson's. io NeUonvllle. ond over tbe Highlands to FUhklll vil lage) oontlnue to Wapplnger't Foils, and cross the oreok to Houth avenue, to Poughkeopslei tok the I 'uroplke topleosout Valley, Wssbtngton Hollow, and Mlllbrooki ride past Halcyon Hall to UabbltevUle. Ltlbgow, uind Amsnlat follow the turnpike to Sharon, Conn, paatthv Soldiers' Monument ta Lokevllle, to Salisbury, to Main street, to South Kgramonti leave tbe old mountsln rood ond ride to ataokbrtdge. ond over Field's Hill, post Stockbrldga pool, to Lenox. W. P. Staunton. To ride lo Worcester, Mass., store :?!nir,r,''.alnU' tret ond Eighth avenue, go through Central Pork to 110th street and Leaox svenuei continue to 180th street, to Fifth ovenue, to 186tb street, to the Madison avenue bridge i cross bridge to Ublh street, to Willis avenue, to West ebestor avenue, to Westchester) follow tbe Pelbora road past City Island and Trovers Island to New Rocbulli-s tako tho turnplku to Larchmont ond cross the bridge to Monioroiieck) follow the post rood to the Huston road house, to tbe lurnulko, to Port ohester: ride out Main street, across the Ryrom rlvor bridge, to the turnpike, to tbe Poet rood, to Oreenwlohi continue to Siomfori, to the Post rood to Darlen, Norwalk, and Mouth Norwalk) follow the shore road to raugotuck Church, near tha railroad) then lake Riverside avenue to the Weetport draw bridge) cross brldre to Bouthpdrt, Fairfield, ond Bridgeport: proes the river oud take the turnpike to Stratford, Hllford, Mcrwln'a Point, West Haven, and Now Haven: leave bew Haven by way of Slots street, to the cycle path, to Hartford) cross the rtvi-r to East llartfurd, aud follow Main etrret to Warehouse Point, Jo Springfield i coutlnuo through Athul Junction. Indian Orchard, bortb Wllbrahain, palmer, oud Wost , llrlmlleld, to Weit Warren iibeu go to Warniu, East Ilruokfirld, Auburn. Jamest Hie, oud Worcester. The ilUiauce la about Inn miles. ""iT Hder To ride from Bergen Point to Given wood Lake, follow the Hudson County Boulevard to thu I'atersou plank road, to Ilutberfonli uontlnue ti 1'Assalo, to the lauk roo I, to Pstersnui go to lleledon. in the Preaknrss road, to Pomptonitben ride through Wnnacjue, Mldvale, Ersktne, ond Hewitt tu Uroeu wood Lake. L. A. W., Brooklyn. To ride to Beaton. Pa., take tbe route to Atlantic City, N J through Trenton and 1'hlludelpbs, published lu Tushes this morning, as far an Newark i theu follow Houth Orange avenue to houth Oiouge, to Aflou. tu the Oclunibla I urn pike, to Morrlstcwiii ooutlnue on the Washington turnpike lo Chester, Oernisn Valley, (Urn Oanlner, Asbury, stew, artsburg, Phllllpsburir a id 1 OJton, J.S. K. In riding from MIldlriown.N Y. to North Held. Moss., follow the turnpike to Mechonlestnwn, Pbllllpsburg, btony Ford. Muuignmery, ami U'oUcui oonttuue to Orange Lake, oud follow the Oardner towurowl toNewburgi then take tbe boot to Pouxb koepele, ond from there toke tbe routo to Lenox. Hois, pubushsd In Tus Bex this morning) leaving ),,y -,,,,,,, 1f'ytrnisr iMir)- tTtytSSfneHtSl W -s -jSUakMki.. f-XOtmP WHEEL, $150, I Selling at Present for $110, I '' WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICE. ' ZIMMERMAN, xho World'. Champion, 1 DNSOLICITFJ), WRtTKSi "It Is undoubtedly tha flnrstwhesl thot bos aver been placed ontht market a glance shows II to be superior to snytblagws have yet tesn.' H AUSTIN llEBaSEN, 100 Nsiwu St., THE UIDE" WHEEL 14 PRICE I U8T atOO. i. OUARANTKED 19 MONTHS. H JMJkJWtt'Er77'li BROS., I jmai sTonn ion nwt iobth btbkkt. powwtowrw nam BHOAiiway. ' "liE UEtD" !:THE BEST THREE BICYCLESf 0 ox 5 ; ; THE NEW YOItK MARKET. ;;Tho victor, $ioo ;; " " oo ;; " Pierce, 00 S " " 'o ! ' ' oo v " " BO 1 Crawford. no J I VTIS ASK OKZ.T i!SS 0.sLsS3:J ) ' 27k Balance May He Divided Into S , t MOXTIILY PAT3IEKTH OT I : $8.34 on the $100. :: 6.25 " " 75. I :: 5.oo " " 60. I :; 4.17 " " so, J LIST PRICES. ? i ,AllStv lTTitelt and Fully Guaranteed, z CAZZ on WRITE. X A 4 Non. 00 and 07 Columbia Buildlnfr, X J ', 20 BROADWAY, N. Y. ? ;; UPTOWN: f A No. OOO TOWNSENB BUILDING, 3 jN.W.Oop.Broadway&25tU8t,,N.Y. X ;; BROOKLYN: No. 54 Franklin Trunt Co. Dnlldlne a Cor. Clinton and Montajruo Sts. O OPE1T 3IOXDAY ETEXIXaH UNTIX. Z 9 F. M. J The Equitable General PrortiliDg Co J 0 "E. O. F. Co." a P 20 BROADWAY, N. Y. (Ettahlithed 1801.) Lenox go to Pltuneld, Farnum's. Cbesblre, staple Orov. Zoar, Cborlemont, Dacklond, Oreenneld, Riverside, ond Northueld. J. Fred Wright. To rids from Btockbrldge, Mass to Wotsrbury. Conn, go to Oreat Darrlngton, fcouth Igremont, 8 he me Id and asbelyi continue through Canaan, South Canaan. Summit, Colsbrook. Wlntted. Burrvllle, Torrlngton, Litchfield, Caropvllle. Thomas ton and Reynold's bridge to Waterbury. The roods ore good to fair. 6. U. Qlllesple. 1 , If you are a member of tba L. . W. apply to them for map and road book of Con- Sectlcut. t. The distance from tbU city to East ortbHeU, Conn, la about ninety seven miles. Use. To ride from Troy, N. v.. to Cos tie ton. Vt.. go to Uechonlesville, Bemla Heights, Bohurlervllle, and Northumberland: cross tbe Hudson to Thomp son's Hills, to Fort Edward: continue through Dun ham. Smith Basin, Comsteok, Whitehall, and Falr Uaven to Costlston. WOTE3. The Rutherford Cycler have postponed their cen tury run to Aug. 1. A time limit of twelve hours has beau placed on tbe run. Tbe rainy weather durlagtbe post two weeks has Induced tbe Bayoone Rowing Association Wheelmen to postpone their midsummer century ran until Aug. S0. Hood runs hovs been arranged by tbe Long Island Wheelmen for August as follows) 1, Asbury Park) X. Long beach l 11, WlUets Point! ID. Bye Beocb) Ss, Far Itoekaway) SO, College Point, Tbe Williamsburg Wheelmt a have elected tbe fol lowing omoers: President, William Ohlj Vice-President, a. J. bmlib) Corresponding bevretsry, L. llur rows, Ibeoordlng Secretary. F.llerai Financial Secre tary. F. Uollscber) Treasurer, E. Campbsll) Captain. C. Uadley. Arrangements bov been mod by tbe Road Com mitter or the Woverly Dlerol Club during tbe month of August as follows: 1. liuguenoti a. Valley Stream) 0. Coney Island) K Long lleacb) 10, Sprmgfleld) 18, Ulmer Pork) 16, fiockaway Beocb: IT, Valley Stream) VO, Bath Beocb) 14, Springfield: 37, Coney blond) kil. Wills u Point) dl, Volley Stream. The annual excursion of the Williamsburg Wheel men will be held on Aug. 14. A bicycle club bos been formed at Lake Hopotoong, with tbe following officers: Pnsldent, C. W, straubb: Vice-President, F. Wunster, Jr.) Secretary. Walter Kremeuut Treasurer. David Kremeuts. The elub will be known a tbe Lake Hopatcong Bicycle Club. Joseph Llsnebumer boo beaa eleoted Vloe President of tbe Logon Wheelmen of Brooklyn, and B. Wil liams oolor Deorer, to fill vacancies. W. W. lismllton, who holds tbs one-mile world's record ot 1 minute 30 1-3 seoonds. Jack Parsons, and Tom Butler will ride In tbe race at Manhattan Beach on Sept. and 0. Tbe leaders In tbe mlleoga contest of tba Logon Wheelmen of Brooklyn are as follows: W, U. Blume, D.7bUi It II. chambers, l.ToSi . It. Oarnler, U.0H1; F. O. Uo&per. 1 0U1), W. E. Bonders. 1,008: W. SohllT. l.BSSi n. It Tan Dine, l.vaS: F. W. Walker, 1.81B: C.Wlmpobl. 11.3711: U.Wortmon, l!,H30i W. A. llor rla,l,Sull J. Keegon, Jr., U.760; 8. McKeax. 1,41U)T. R. Qoodwln. 3.003) H. Bierllng, Jr., 1,040) B. At kinson, 1.V93; W. A. Force, Jr.. 1,840. The Pork Wheelmen ot Brooklyn hove decided to sward mileage medals to tbe Ave rtdert with the best reoord ot tbe end of tbe season. Th leaders' records are aefollowi: A. M. Bobbins, 1,01)5) J, 11. Illgsins. bS4i J. A. Beekman, 870) a It. Lewis, 03b R. T. Itelit, 7A4. Club rum bsv been arranged by th Greater New Tork Wheelmen a follows: Aug. 1, Oyster Hit; t. Rockowoy Bescni 10. Coney Island: Si, Long Branch: Ittf, Valley Btreami Sept. 0. Patchogue) Is, Both Beachi 18, Babylon) 0, Hoelyn. Tba Red Hook Wheelmen of Brooklyn hove elected the following ora-ers: President, O.E. Foster: Vloe Presldent, IL J, Flood) Treaiurer. F. W. Flnkeldsv: Financial Secretory, Thomas N, OJobyei Correspond ing Secretary, E. Navarroi Captain. S. Llebgold) Lieu tenants. W, 11. Anderson and W T. Nelson i Bugler. E. E. Emery Color Bearer, A. It. Man me, Jr. T. B, Crump, President of tbe Union CyeUstt ot Mexloo, will attend tbs L. A. W. meet at Philadel phia next week and ooaf r with tb officials of tbe association wltb the object of entering into an olll onoe with tbe L. A. W. Tbe Cyclists' Touring Club of England has a mam. ship ot 40,000. A raoe meet will be held under the auspices ot th Centra Moriches Albletla Assoolailcn on July SI, On Saturday, Aug. 14. th Orleut Wheelmen of Brooklyn will hold a five-mile handicap road race at Springfield, L. I. A 100 mile professional raoe will be run at the Willow Orove track, Philadelphia, on Aug, 14. for a $500 purse. Tbe North Hudson County Cyclers will bold a series ot races at tbe Quttenburg track next Saturday. Crlobeu Maidstone, Kng.. July 87.-Tbo orloket match between the Gentlemen of Philadelphia and Kent was resumed hore to-day. It rained In the morning but cleared up before play started. Th visitors gavo a poor oxhlbltlon In tho Held and many dropped catches wero charged up against them. Welgsll, who scored 138, was missed by Oregar at 08 and by P. II, Clark at 100. Mllles gave chances to both Bally and Sonttergood, ana Wright, who scored 21, was let off by Thayer on the first bull. Tho Americans bad to faco a total of 484, and thoy lost Wood and King for 10 runs. The con sistent Lester, bowover, oaino to tho rosotio and scored 00. Boblon, too, plnyod au excellent lu nlng for 40. The total bad advanced to 167 for six wickets vtben play ceased for tbe day. The Muyor of Maidstone gavo adlnner'to the visitors after stumps were drawn. Tho guino will bo concluded to-morrow. Tho scoro- J.MwonXLester.. 02!a"T"""rir ""1-""' J. M Tonge, retired A, M.Wood, b. Wright 8 hurt ,, . . ., 0 J, B, King, b VVrlilit n The Hon. J II. Tufton, J A . UtSir.t , i1 '. c. Clark, b. King. .. SO b. Wright ' ar F. Jln.huit, 0. Wood, If 11. iiobjeL. b". Eaahv' .2 b. Lester 4U1K. II. CrcTar a AtkiV O.J.V.Welgoll.notour,lHH b Shine :"""' ,0 Mortln. run out L. Diddle, b Sblne 11 "bgrrrf.'.?.1: ,JiJ:feB" S Auc?0Bu,udi.:b:7cd kl? Lester 8 J. U. Boaturgood I Mlllee. c. boottergood, Extras.:, , ' n b King .. . ., u 8 Wright, a Thayer, I.. Total 7-7 King , si .....mi E. II stilne, 0, Cregor, b. Lester 0 Extras 1 Total .,,,,.401 RONS AT TII8 FALL OF KAOH WICKET. ?bfiidWhii70 "10 is, is as "8 s7 " ; DO YOU WANT A 97 RAMBLER? I I Bring In your old wheel and wa wiu make you I liberal allowance to trade. 1897 RAMBLERS $80 I 1897 IDEALS S35 tO $75 1 GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO. I 98-01o ElallTn A V.. NEAR, BOTH ST.. N. Y. Lsxlugton Cyole Co. downtown sgents, 8 Vetey BICYCLES AND TANDEMS AT AUCTION, I 8. BtMKIX, BOS CO.. AUCTIOSItltrtS, I IS UniUUT ST. AND IS PARK PLACE,. Friday, Jnly 30, at 12:30 o'clock. Bpsclal Peremptory Bale jH ' LADIla' ADD OEKTVTHIilUUB.tIIB DICTCI.ES Oankla Dtaosnd ana tTavablnatloo Tnndeme n Comprbdng a large assortmsnt of new high grsds H taudard wbeele, finished In assorted colors, fitted H with first quolltr tins. B10VCLE8 NOW ON EXHIBITION. Buyers ran pnrohaee wlih confidence. GUARANTEED 1897 WHEELS. About one dosen H I.ADIEIIt AJto UEITK HOPRM at $40.00 cash. Not "Day tons," but best vslne aver offered under 100.00. DATTOH BICTCLK CO., i TO Beesao at. H 1HIIES. (5 pair, best 'B7si roll warranty : freer- H -pairs. MINERALIZED RDBBBIl CO.. 1 SOU ft st, H ENTRIES FOR SARATOGA. H asll trield, bat st sVot or QnaUty la Thro H xtvents. H Tho fields are small for the opening at 8ora- H toja to-day, but nobody can Ond nny fault with H tho quality In nt least throo events. Hamburg, H Handball. Xiauderaann, Briar Sweet, Loiterer, and Woodford Ally are named for tbe Flash nt half 0 mile, wbllo Rensselaor. Don do Oro. On Deck, and Tragedian are the starters for tba his- toric Travers Stakes at one mile and a quarter, Clifford, Hugh Penny, Cleophus, Ilublcon, Liber- tlno, nnd other llghtnlng-liko sprinters nre to try conclusions In the opening; dash at five fur- longs. H I The programmo In full follows: First Raoe-Purse: five furlongs: H Clifford 18U Sunny Slope 117 H Rubicon 188 Klnniklnnlo lit 1 Hugh Penny Its Kodermond lis H Libertine USTentlln h-i Cleophus 117LaOoIeta 61 H Becond Rooo Selling; for three-year-olds and up- H wardt ona mils. H 'BenKder 110 Campania fit H , 8cume loaciiasleD SS Aco..... 101 Banquet II fj Joe Miller 101 Domltor 69 aW Klngstone US W Third Raoe Th Flashi two-year-olds 1 half mile: 9 Hamburg lSO.Laudrmann 121 'dm Handball. 118 Woodford nily uu Loiterer IsslBrtar Sweet no Fourth Bos Tb Travers Stakes, for three-year- 9! olds: on mils and a quarter; w Don de Oro. lStiRensselser 186 3 On Deck lSOjTrogedlon lit Fifth Race Purse for three-year-oldsi six furlongs: 3 Draw Lad llSiRossO IP O Domltor no Zaralda 109 MS Orion llllTrlppIng- 10 P Batrlre) tor Aeinedaet. i', Tbe following Is tbo programme for Aqueduol "H to-day: figa First Rocs Purse 300; for two-year-olds: penolttos jfA and allowances; nve furlongs: Salabor no Hpunwell 103 S3 Mlse Tennv 107 KTlng llox 10J 4fS lloney Spinner 107 Hearsay lua eW False Prld 108 Oenaro ioj 5aJ The Dipper 102 Ileflde yi j.ftl Beoond Race Purs 400 for three-year-olds: sell- 'M Ing allowanoes: one mile: p3. Burlesque lOS.Rey DelTlerra PS W&, rassover 102 Loch Ulyn 01 M Savarln U8 Manassas 88 M III Daddy 90l Slffi Third Race. Purs tSOO; for three-year-olds and M Upirard; selling allowances: six furlongs: 3W; HsnwalL llOIRefugee 104 SSS Decide. 110 Lambent 104 Srffi golllea llolPrompt 07 iKE Bsldemer 113 Suocessful 07 ffi Jankee Doodle 110 Raiser Ludwlg V3 Wf Discount 1071Mantle ". so gJ Fourth Raoe Purs gtOO; for three-year-olds and &? upward; selling allowances! one mile and a sixteenth! CBJ, Premier...... llliBarslan SS EtI Double Quick 104 Savarln S3 SK Burlesque VDJManstsa. 88 W Fifth Raoe Purs S300; for three-year-old si selling allowanoes: Ave furlongs: xS Btoln 107iTommyO V3 If Juda 104 The Dipper n H Parry F 101 Fixed Star t3 SR Mspetlte 101 Indian Summer SO SB Tinkler OS Lerste, SO 99 Tovranda 88 1 Wt Sixth Ra-e Purs t300i for three-year-olds and up- Nt ward which bar not won in 1890 or 1887; selling al- SW lowanoes; one mile J ftfc V- B llSIRodmaa B 101 Kg Alarum 100 Botonella (ij SR Fellche.. I07Klnmar Pt WX Leonwsll 104 Templestow 67 M Bsndown 101 Hi Pierre) lorllbard OtaJsUa Socsnd ir the Stew W ard Cop. Ijfl LorTDOK, July 27. The Qoo,lwood meeting, comprising four days' racing, began to-day. The a Btevrard's Cup, value S0O sovereigns, part In ffif speelp (given from tho race fund), added to u BS handicap sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, for 3 throo-yoar-olda and upward, the second to re- El celve 1 BO sovereigns out of the stakes, ihne- quarters of a mUe, waa won by H. MtCalmonfs i vi. J, -imPhora, 4 years. Pierre LorilUrJ's f DIakka, 5 years, waa second, and Sir 8. Scott's Ardrourlle, 4, years, third. Twenty-three horses ran. i ,,h. Mf'W wag 100 to 8 against Amphora, 100 toO DIakka, and 33 to 1 Ardvourlle. Tha Winners at Oakley, CwoiiWATt, July 87. Abe Furst, the fovortte, irnn the Press stakes at Oakley to-day with comp.nil e J"' JjJP.B, whose rroeut races bod put him out 'f f ovor with the public, won tbe second race at SS lu 1 Humans Society officers wer at the track to liiir. got; as to alleged cruelty in the use of the spi r 1 f J 00k vs. Xxsmlnatlon of tbe sldss of home, ftter rao failed to convince the officers that there "e grounds for complaint. Summaries: First Raoe Flv furlongs. Fan Foronade, 104 (Bsauchomp), S to 1, worn Monk Waynion 1 VSP' B-i ' wcndi Incidental, 08 (Everett 10 1, third. Timo, l:0ni. ,fl?&&Oaa mile and 70 yards J 1" M-, ' 107 (Morsison). 80 to 1, wont L. w', 84 illustou 9 Tl UoS?' rron,man. 't0 (Dllts), 60 to 1, thirl Third Raoe Flv furlongs.-MIUstresm. lOtnllllli. i S,0VlKOl Wilson, 10 (Murphy), g to I, m-. -ill I Turn Collins, ion (burns), W tot. third. Tim 'oorth Raoe-The Press sukeai six furl. nigs Furst, 10S (Relfl). 7 to 10, woui Imm 10 1 Piggoti J I to 1, second! Eugenia Wlekes, 103 (Morrbou , 1 10 1, third. Time. Ills'. Fifth Raoe One mile and seventy ysnls What Next. 101 (Matthews), S bi g, wont Pete Kitchen, 10J (Thornton), S to 1, second: Nannie D , 8.H (Morrison), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:30V Winners at Rt, Ixinls, St. Louis, July 87. Tb raoes at tho Fair Oroundt this afternoon resultod asiullows: ..F.,r!.""-E,vnll'ull'of aiiille. Del Mart, 10D (loucon), 7 to 8, wool Chhiulia, 1II6 (June. C !?. ';,Bond King's Uuaid, ion (llroken, Uu 10 I, third Time, Ills, .,"?ai " Threo-quorters of a mile llolsni' US (Petennan), 10 to I, won: Polly Hattuu, 8i ll 1, B to 8, sewiudl Rote d'Or, 87 (C0OU.U), S to 1, Hi 1 I Time, Ijl7, Third RaceOne mile. High Noon. 107 (Mocji r i. to ,,..W9J;' Virginia M, 1U7 (Joues), IStol.n " ll Basqull, 7 (SlanghUri. 8 to 1, third Time. 1 1' Fourth Rate-one mile and 70 yar.U.-IUiy.U In I s, 108 (Uorner), n to 8. worn Schiller, 110 (hUuglinr), f'.'-H' ' ""dl Naunla L.'s Sister, 80 (Coombsi, 1 u I, third. Tim:, li, ' Fifth Race-Seven eighths of a mile Silver K-i "' (Prestiiu), H to I, won; Can Oalloii, 811 (llalii, it', j. M a, 88 (blaughter), 0 to 6, Ihlni 1 ". Ilttrlt 10B (Mitchell), 41) to 1, woui Dunitle, ion ((III ". 5l?.,,,0.ul"1, '" "- 108 l"remn), him I iirl lime, tin, Xews rrom tba Horse YVrld. h SV,":n-S- Y-Ju')r T.-Tbe races at the Up I bead Driving Park were postponed until to nmrn on account or rain. . '"TO'.'ulysl7. E,J,'r,l Courage, the 1 ' , eopllalbt, who holds a biavy inortgiiKi- on I '" ' 1 1 sella Horse Esrhange oil Boulb Urooilin n 1 1 city, bos been awar led possession of Ibmir p 1" ' B a Judgment, Owing to the rain yesterday tbe C'haril A trattlug races aud speed exhibitions al H ci - V I ark were postponed uulll next Tuesday i I but did not attempt to drlvo over tbo ni'iait, 1 ' IiokeU. lor iM'rdoy will be reoelved at the 1 en nest Tuesday. J