Newspaper Page Text
t. itexKZT iojr jvt,t,xrxrr. K3 i"reatrir Wr Farruer tr th ras-treat, Bjjjh bnt Drought or Too Mueh ftstist KlseVtbare, K' ' VjUmxcrroN, JuJr B7.-"Tha crop bulletin P ; Issued by the V with or lluroau snrs the last p,1' trset: lias bssri vrr favorablo to agricultural ?& loteretts on Iho Paclllo const and generally In K-F tho States of tho Central valleys. East, (lulf, f fiouth and Mlddlo Atlantto coasts. In New Ifi; England, New Yorlc, tho ltod IUver of tho si' North Vallff, and over portions of tho Ohio ', Valley thoro has been too much rain, while) ' fc ' drouitht prevails over tho irrcater part of Texas ' and la portions of Arknnsns, Missouri, nnd if' Kansas. In tho Inst named Btnto hot winds 'f1- havo proved Injurious. Excessive rains bavo K causoti damago to grnln In shock In portions of it? tho Ohio Volley, Tenncssoo, and the Middle Atlantic BtattB. and severo and damaging local Jjj storms occurred In portions of New England, El" Now York, and Now Jersey. II' Corn has continued to make rapid growth In SS, tho States of the Central valleys. Lake region, W Now England, and Middle Atlantto coast. In A central and southern Kansas corn has been Js seriously Injured by hot winds and drought, but '& over tbo remainder of the State it la In good 4, condition. Drought Is also causing serious in- K Jury to late corn In Texas a'nd portions of re' Louisiana. 'fi Cotton generally has niado favorable progress ffi and is fruiting well, although somo complaints A of nut and shedding oro recelvad from portions r of the Eastern section. In southorn Texas . drought Is causing bolls to open rapidly, somo t prematurely, and the Plant has stopped grow- V' Ing, bnt over northern Texas, oxcept some shod- dlntr, the crop l growing and fruiting well. V The week has not been favorable for complot a lng tho,wtnter wheat harvest, wharo unfinished, ;', in some of the more northorly sections. Spring & wheat has been Injured by excessive rains In V North Dakota, but in Minnesota, oxcept on low J. lands, and in South Dakota tho ontlook is prom S lslng. In Washington and Oregon the crop is K-. nearlng maturity in oxoellent condition. Except i in Kentucky and portions of Tennosnee, whero E the omp continues in poor condition, the general 8. outlook for tobacco is encouraging. The crop A has sustained damage by local storms In Ohio. ft, Special telegruphlo reports: g New England Generally unfavorable week, V owing to frequent rains, with severe local '-' storms; praotiuully no harvesting. Oats, ryo t and potatoes damaged; hay crop seriously In j Jured. A New York Showery weather greatly delayed 4 harvesting grains and hay, but growing crops much benefited. Housing grains and hay very t' dlfllcuh and many fields out and still out ft greatly damaged by moisture. Somowbsat and - ire sprouting in shock. ITojm improving; con es; slderabls damage from local hutlstorms. New Jersey Abnormally heavy rains In all -'' sections have done serious damage Wheat, tf both in shock and Btack, discolored and sprout- ing. Oats overripe, but cannot be cut. Potatoes St in low fields rotting. Pennsylvania Frequent and nbundant rains ; during tbo week wcro injurious to cut grain and hny In fields, but bencllclnl to growing v crops. Oats ripening and will be a fair yield. Com, truckers' produce, tobacco, and postures ft. much improved. Jt Maryland and Delaware Frequent and heavy showers, doing somo damago to grain in shook; if crowing crops rapidly advanced, especially corn, a tomatoes, tobacco, melons, and garden truck. ;5 Yield of wheat I lis best in years; oata yielding ,fy fair; tobacco in lino condition. 5f TO OTEItir.iVZ XtOROUG-n ACOOUSTS. U Thirteen Eaperta at 003 Day Appelated by Comptroller Fltrli. -' Comptroller Fitch has appointed the following 'tt accountants under the act of the Legislature S authorizing htm to examine Into tho financial j? condition of the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens ', andlttchmond: C. W. Hasklns, 30 Broad street; James Yal- if den, 32 Nassau street; Thomas P. Ilyan, 725 ir Broadway; Arthur Wellington Teole, 11 Wall ' street; Arnold Davidson, 42 Exchange place; Jj John P. Madden, 15 Cortlondt street; Walter H. Uolt, 105 Broadway; Edward J. Conncll, il Bedford Park: Din lei C. Tate. 06 Broadway; k- Duncin Mielnnos. 720 Lafayette avenue, g Brooklyn; John McNamura. 31 Lawrence street. a Brooklyn: John II. Moon or, 259 Broadway, and "V Orlando E. Shipman, 101 Prospect place, Brodk- '1 All tho men appointed are qualified export ao X counUnU, and their salary will bo $25 a day each. It Is expected that tho work will bo fln- ? Ishcd In three months. ;" Tho accountants havo been assigned as fol- if; lows: $ For examination of the borough of Brooklyni !S nmn. Tatr, Conncll. Iluklm. TeeK'. ami Holt. $ For tbp boroUKh of Queenii Ueun. Mooney, Mao lanes, Sulpman. Davidson, and Yalden. '$ For the (wmuxli of lUcbmund: Ueurs. lloKamara, - ' Madden, and Iiyao. S The Comptroller has authority to appoint Of- f,J teen accountants in nil, making a board of five for each of tho thrcn boroughs to bo examined, ' but he Bald bo wouldn't appoint tho other two -J; accountants for tho borough of Richmond unless Bi the necessity for their services arises. lie also J;; has authority to appoint a number of assistants at S10 a day, and clerks at $5 a day. Mr. Fitch i; Bald there was no politics in the appointments. U mitx: issvifAxcr. JtATEs too man. ,,;:' Btattstlea fltiow That Thej slave fnereassa as ;,; loascs by pirn Uave Decreased. If President Sbefileld of the Board of Fire Com- & mlssioners thinks the flro Insurance rates in ;V this city are too high, when the efficiency of the 8 Flxo Department is taken Into account. The p rates, he said yesterday, havo been advancing :,- during the past ten years, whereas the Fire Do- ';! partment during that tlmo has been steadily ;v advancing and the losses by Ores decreasing, vy Tho insurance rates were last advanced three i years ago, he stated. f, Ho has instructed Flro Marshal Mltchel .v. when making a report of a Oro In future to givo K an estimate of tho insured property In the build- ';- lng saved by the flrumen. ,1 President Sheffield has compiled some stalls- tics to back up his opinion. lie drew attention f to tho fact that whoroas the number of fires lias K Increased year by year with the growth of tho city tbo ayerago loss per fire has steadily de- . creased. ! The statistics cover tbe first six months of each year from 1888 to 1807. They show that f In the first half of tho years 1802. 1803, and t 1804 thera wore 0.020 fires, with a total loss of 7,84:i,777. nnd an average loss per flro of 81,801. In the first half of 1805, 1800, and 1807 there were 0,100 fires, with a total loss of 1- 04,003.110. and an average loss per flro of th 742.72. The last set of fires Includes tbe big ft, tiro at Ellis Island on June 15, in which the loss ' was $270.500. J viriDnirva and tjietr oovitcn. I' Hay They Be Paid TThen Thero Is K Snrplas V Tor the Purpose I ' Albint, July 27. A notice of appeal has been m filed with Clerk Parks of the Court of Appeals & In a case Involving the liability of bankdlrectora - and their right to declare dividends when then fc is no surplus fund for such purpose. The an. &, poal is from an nfllrniwl Jtidirmcnt of the lower !? courts in favor of tbo defendant In the suit J brought by William N. Dykman as receiver of ViV tbe Commercial Bank of Brooklyn against Seth V; I. Keonoy nnd othors, as dlrectopsof the bank. We.., to recover tbs amount of a dividend declared by mi them fire years ago, which the receiver alleges K' twos not made from the surplus profits arising WJ fiom tho business of the corporation. Hf I az, Axn aoaiamnciAT Ufe ffawrorlc Slock Kxebanao aaleo Jnly OT, WP" fntlTBD STATrS AND STATE BOXBS (n 81.000s), Kf 4BOS41ie,l007ll2U 1 Tonaset Si... 80 Wf 7rJB4s,,tBl20' Wpi cxosincj ricM or unwed states boxds. mZ Om St e, r, , Dn St s, r, Mp atplofO. 079 . jooi 113S 114 m.1 Cnflt,r. UbBtot,o, A " 1B0T lll'i 1112 100 114' llfj" K CnSttJ, o, . UnSti!s,r, K 10 HSV 112N, 1P9B 10H Kif Unfit r. flnflta.r, k 1853, ..,,180 ISO 1899 104.V Ki TJnlt4i,r, K' S023 ice 127 nAJiitoAn Awaoinn BOKiin nmi.oooai HA lOOAtch adj 4s.. 62'4 2 lit VS ex 6..l 10 5A 106 68 SNorPw, o.,ii8 K'V 8" 02'j ONPprioJts..,, qo KiV 40 6E', 3 BD4 K 16 62'. 5 ;,., oo ' 00 624 SSNraotBlBs.t. COS K, OAtchrnlii B3'4 16 .' flOj Hi SB H0 10 04 jV a , , ao'i ao 60', 6 bti 4 f, f 3AmBlli si 6 C6S HU 1 80 20 60' HJ 14 ra Tub scrip,. 77 80 60 " Wei', 1 70 36 604 "' lAtlftClisrAL 4HTBltr5lQ4i4- K' 7 H7 C6VSusrid.. 87 WM IS Acs It KW III. 884 40 SO Bf laBroskUTds... 80a 6 , 864 'f 7 80J4 U 86V K.I 84 80 6 80i y' xi SB's 20 .,.., eoKi H,t 0 ....,.... BO'S I M JCesialOs,rlll BKf m III 1 1111111 ll II ' hrWWD..kifOU 10T,OWs 08 HBfElUVr... 7.7. 4 BOH 8... 77s 8 00"s lOnrookCnOOt.114 SOBLcnBs 80's 6Chlnd01.100 37 BO 10CbOfnUa 70 10 80S fiO,OQenvBi.l0ClJ 8 BO's 10 108S 33OrsBL0f 180S C0C.DQ7 117 130 Ore Imp B, fi 117 lstlp 22S 25 117 6 82S lC!,BJtQdbO.103 28 23 1 c.o.oa6IL4, lor. oaotd.otioo 8tl,1 :,, 05 B Rock IsWxOs.. 100 3 CoaOasof Chla 8 106S Bt 101 1 nans Bar lst,1484 3 Cm 80 lit. HI 20Itesd(nl 4s.,,, 83S 0 1114 3 83S 3 Chic Html B 101 8 B3 6 lOl'i 3 83S 1 0 Col Mid fi 4 83S 1 o.i,si,ch4.ioi14 li ntoovrist.... 73 18 OnOaRycnSs 03o 28d V KB 4s., 82s 6 03 8 8tPAMInnlrtl31 0 03 OBoPof Arlslit 07 18 039 10 07's OCOanylttlno 374 4 08 6 37S 7 D8s 4 d no m.... ii 04 BstrB0in..i3l4 10 DfnnOcm... 88 1 Bt t, ft B F 2d, 2 88'. clO 1164 13 Detroit OBs.... 80 10 Bt I,SF ( .113S 3 BOS SBtl.ftSFgSs.. OBS C BOS SOStl-gnl 4i 102S 3 BOS lOSPDftOIB BsllOS fi 00 1 Strllt. Hit rt.l 10 10 88S 1 St P ft Nor P Cil80 1 BBS 10 Bt I.BWHt... 00S 3 Dol.SBAAMBllOlS fi BI LBWSd.... 88 0 Erleprlorbds.. 80 4 Stan lift T Ci.. 08S 1 BOS 7 00 fi Erie g lien 9-4s COS 6 OOS 10 OOS ISStan RftTlno. 174 SVPlllit.PnBs 74S 1 18 1 Ft Worth lit... 004 7 174 4 07 lOBAftAPlltO QOS 130Ftwatno tl so 44 004 13 fifiS 0 OOS 16 60S 26 OOS 10O. n'fftB A 11 OOS MPBi OOS 10 OOS 2 0 Ala 1M...102S 1 SolfwayBs.... OOS 8noakTalBs,tr 73 20 OOS 6 724 18 004 lOIIftTO ittMs. 78 10 OOS 8111Cea4i.WL.106S 11 OOS 13KaaPeoD,tr 77S 00 3 77S lTftPlitBs 04 20 77S 20 Tex Pao Sain... 20S 81 78 SO 28S 84 774 20 28S 16KinTex 4s.. 804 22 284 1 80S 1 28S 11 80S 20 28S 20KanTxMi. 03S 66 20 0 03S 8 Third Av Bs.... 1234 0 03S 8TolftOOnlstl024 6 OSS 18CP.DftOUt. 41S 14 034 80 41 3LacldsO lit.. 1014 1 414 1 I.EAWlrt....H6S 10 40S 4LonftNg4... 88S 6 404 6 B3 10 40S 0 83S 6 40S BLftlf. SANA 3 VaMla gnl.,.,102 gt Bi S3 lWiblil 104S 30 2 104S Bs.lOS 2 1044 30HsnIVy4 004 1 Wab Sd 72'. 10HetE12d 100 34 73 31IobftOgnl.... OOS 6 734 8 OOS 7 West Un colBil07S 61IePaocn 87 8 107S 6 87S lVfeitBh4 100S 6 874 26WIUiiAEilit 07 10 874,13 074 2 87 1 10 08 Total isles of rallwar bonds (par vala, S8,SB3,000. RAILROAD AND OTHER BriARXS. Open- Htgh- Low- , Clottno. Salf4. ing. tit. fit. Did. AMkei. esiBsmSR..140S140S 1364 137 137S 1108 Am SBpll 24 11 24 11 04 1104 111 35AmOoal.HO 110 110 ISOOAmSM. 12S 12S 12S 12S 12S 820AmSMp 31 31 31 31 31S HOAmCabl 00 00 00 03 lOOAmDT. 27 27 87 4S6S2AmTob. 844 86 81S 824 82S SOOATobpfUl 112 HI HO 112 SAmEx.,1164 1154 1154 114 110 800 Am COll 14S 14S 144 144 16 485AmOOp 04S 044 04S 04 06 180S Atcb.T SFr.... 13S 13S 13 13S 13S 11740 Atcn.TA BFap.. 20S 20S 80S SOS 26S 470 Bait ft O 10S 10S 104 OS 10 l!82ByStO 124 12S 124 184 12S 4273Br'kRT 34S 34S 334 33S 34 5nUnO.H8 118 118 117 118 I85CanPa. 72 73 72 7 IS 72 800 Con loo. 40S 40S 304 304 40 lOOOIcepr. 80 80 80 884 804 SSOOCAOtW 10 10 04 04 OS USOChrsftO IBS IBS 18 18 IBS lCSlOChlcQu 08 OSS DOS 07S 07S JOOChft Altl5S4 167 162 165 eooc.c. o 8tL.... 28 28 27S 27 27S S814CANWH7S 1174 1164 117 117S B18BC,DAQ. 87S 88 864 874 87S 85112 C.llftStP 87S 88 80S 87S B7S SO C.M A St Ppf.,..141S 141S 1414 140S 1414 88183 CRIftP 88 824 BOS 814 81S 100 Col Fuel. IBS 18S 18S 18 18S 42BC.HVAT. 3 3 SS 8S 3 100 C, nv Tpf.... IS 16 16 10 30 173Conaai.l70S 170S 170 170 171 B94DAHud.HO 118S116 118S110 eooD.Lftvnea less i67s 167S 168 1200 Det Gas. 30 30S 284 204DAROP 444 444 44S 44S 46 100 Erie IIR 16S 164 164 16 154 lot) Erin 304 304 364 304 30S 70ErleTAT 05 06 06 06 200EdlE1..181S 1814 ISIS 121 1284 BERGIM. 004 004 004 88 00 748 Oi-nEleo 344 34S 334 33S 33S lOOIllCent.100 100 100 004 100 CBIaCenp 304 304 304 20 31 800LEAW 16S 16 164 164 164 BOOLKftWp 00 60 00 OBS 004 800LiclOas 20S 20S SOS 204 30 BOLaclOp. 83S 834 834 824 834 11180 LouftN. 63S 544 634 634 63S 70BUnCon 044 04S 02S 034 034 X00MetTraoll2 118 112 1114 112 220 M ft Bt L 24S 244 844 24 244 17SHA8II. Ltp... B4S 84S 84S 834 84S 1800 11 A Bt I, 2dpf... 66 60S 60 66S 60S 19718 Mo Pao., 264 SOS 24S 264 C6S WOOUo.KAT 14S 144 14S 14S 144 4170H.1T.ATP 35 864 34S 34S 36 lOOMobftO 21 21 21 20 22 lOOJJLOll,, 134 154 164 16 10 BOtONJC.nt 88S 01 BBS OOS 01 2SlBNYCntl02S 102S 101S 101S 108 889B .fttLead 36S 36S 33S 34 844 78B!alLdpl02 102 101 101 102 88 Nor Am. 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 900NTtL 14 14 14 13S 144 1007KT.SAW 144 144 144 144 144 B720 N T, S ft Wpf... 84S 36S 344 36 364 478NorPo. 144 144 14 14 14S 4D82NPop.. 48 424 41 414 41S 4470OntftW 16S 164 164 104 10S SOOrRftH 814 814 81S 814 23 HBORANp 684 684 684 OBS 60 lOOOraST. 184 18S IBS 174 18 170BPwMall 304 314 304 304 30S 800P.DA3 IS IS IS 14 IS 810PulPsl0170 170 170 170 171 800 P. C, 0 ft BtL... 14S 14S 14S 14 14S HB90Resdlng 844 24S 23S 244 844 24003 It.Kllp 61S 62S 61S 624 62S 7117 Read 2p 80 SOS 20S 20S 30 BIBfct L B Flit p. 47S 474 46S 47 474 lOOBtl.SW 44 44 44 44 4S BOOBtl.SWpylOS 10S 104104 10S lOOBtPftD 214 214 214 81 83 8885 kt PAO. 664 064 04S 064 66S 1480tnKAT 74 74 74 71, 7. 400 80 Pao.. 10S 104 10S 10 17 lOftSSoRwy, OS OS 04 OS OS 8780 Bo Ry p. 304 304 SOS 30 304 BEtJAOI lttp... 30S 30S SOS 38S 304 7BtJAOI dp. US US IIS 11 114 772 TO ft I.. 24S 84S 84S 244 24S 280TPac. 1SS 124 114 US 12 eotot'nPac. 0 8 74 7S 74 49B0P.DAO 3 3 2S 8S 3 10 Op Ex.. 48 48 48 40 40 IBtBUBllub. U4 13S US 13 13S 49BUSUabp 67 67 664 66 67 8400 U 8 1, V. 08 63 01S 62S 63 BSOWabulu OS OS 04 OS OS ev7abp..'l6T, 10t, lfii jCa, la i w JSRM- f.-Cfaitar- Aslsa aas. ssi 'afs, JNsV MaasT, 1777WDT.1 864 80S B4S B6S 8S 4WftUp 74 7S 74 , -r 8BWTJnB. 8 8 B 6" 0 Total salts. 406,103 shsrsa. BOSTON CLOSINO QUOTATIOlfB. IMd. AlM. BM. AtUt. BosftAlb. .8184 8184 Domla'aO. 114 18 tlosftl..,160 AmDUTel820 B27 ChlcJ com. 108S 1044 West Xiao.. 21 28 ChlcJpf.. .1074 108S OfBEleop- 70 Fltchburzp OOS 01 no. AM0D..128S 1204 New Ens p. 00 70 CalftHeclaaOO SOB ll.xCentt. Q8S 00 OKeola..... 34 34S OldColeny.180 gulocy M...1 13 1144 WE 11 com. OIS. Tarn Mln...l274 120 rniLADEi.rntA oixisimo qdotatioxs. JIM. Atbtt. BI AtUt. thlhTl. 30S 31SCTotNJBi OBS 03 PrnnRR... 63S 63SOOtmpCo 73S 74 oritofl.. 80S 214W0L00.. 40 48 PhllaTrso. 78 73S ElSDcom. BBS 83 Onion Traj US U4ElBBpf... 244 864 EftPTO.. 7ES 72SPn,IiPo 144 144 MetTrao...l U4 U24 Pn,I.Pp 334 33S CTofNJl 284 SO DsltTraot.. 18 IBS C7IICA00 OIXtStKO QUOTATIONS. TIM. AtXed. Bid AHctd. SS"L"... 41 414LakoB-l." 13S 13S AmBtr-bd.. 87 28S K Y Blicult 40S 60 C.n.lAD.. 06 KChStRy.820 B30 CltyR'way.846 8404 WCh BtRy 104 1044 0lam'dtf..l44 llotws.... 64 6S LATEST LOKPOI OtIOTATIOXa Atohlion, sap 1 SS Norfolk Wpf, n.. 80S Canadlsn PaclBo... 73S Northern r.-lflopf. 43 ChMapcako ft Ohio. 18S OnUrloft West 164 Kris ron, a a p 164 l'njujrnla. C4S Ertslitpf 374 ttaadlng, litap.... 124 Illinois Central 1084 Bt Pant 80S Ksmu ft Texas.... 144 South Railway 04 l,ko Shore 174 South Railway pt.. 314 LouliTltlsft Nuh.. 664 Onion Pacific 84 New York Central, 1044 Wabuhpf 164 TDR8DAV, July 27. The opening of tho stock markot was strong, owing to an Improvement in the prices for American securities In London and purchases of about 16,000 shares of various stocks, prin cipally Reading first preferred, 8U Paul and Louisville and Nashville, by foreign arbi trage houses. Tho first prices rocorded, however, proved to bo, as a rule, the best of tho day, for as soon as the foreign orders wero filled the market began to feel tho effects of realizing Bales and of e (Torts to de press prices. Both wero most pronounced In tiugnr Refining, In which there was a maximum decllno of 6 points, making a total of nearly 10 points slnco tho hit-host point was reached, a woek ago to-day. A part of the ground lost was recovered in the lato trading, so that; the net loss was reduced to 2"g V cent. Thero was no nows regarding tbo sugar refining Industry, henco tho reaction, like the rocent advance, may fairly bo regarded as largely speculative. Tbe remainder of the Hat was not seriously af fected by the movement just described, though it inducod realising sales and encouraged fresh attacks upon values by oporators who favor n more decided reaction than has yet taken place. As Is usually the case after a decided advanco in prices, a good many stop orders were uncovered on the way down, a circumstance that always helps to unsottlo tho markot. At the extreme decline commission houses appeared as buyers, and tho chances are that somo of the specula tive holdings of the more active stocks recontly disposed of by operators who have been active in stimulating tho upward movement were re covered. Tbe setback was worth a good deal to commission houses, for many of their clients have apparently become convinced that tho character of tbo market has undergone a change, and they aro thcroforo seeking opportunities to buy stocks. The lncrcnso In the volume of com mission business was greater than on any day since tbo nrcsent bull markot bcgRn. Tbo shares of the Granger trunk lines continued well In the foro of the market In every respect; but thcro was corns shifting of Interest to-iay to tho anthraclto coal stocks, nil of which were exceptionally strong and more extensively doalt in than for some time past. Delaware and Hud son wns tho lender In tho rise In this group, with Jersey Central a good socond. The groatcst activity, however, was in Reading first preforrod, which also scored a noteworthy net gain. The advance in Delawaro and Hudson was generally attributed to prospects that the company will effect a reduc tion in its Axed ohnrges by refunding, at a low rato of interest, tho bonded debt of its leased lino, tbo Albany and Susquehanna Railroad. With tbo other anthracite stocks, it was alio affectod by the belief that developments aro im pending that will Improve tho condition of nil of tho coal-carrying roads. The transactions on the Stock Exchange to day, viowed in tho aggregate, show a broaden ing tendency, and also that tho markut Is de veloping a swing that Is indicative of activity on the part of Important interests, as well as on tbe part of tho public It Is also plnln that tho markot is no longer a one-sided one, and it Is manifestly safer becauso of that fact. Tbe dealings In bonds, like those- In stocks, wero somewhat smnllor than yester day, but tho bond market was strong throughout, and a number of noteworthy not advances look place. The issues of Southorn and Southwestern railroads are receiving in creasing attention after being neglected for a long time. This is became Interest lias here tofore been dlrectod chiefly to the grain-carrying roads by orop prospects, that have already begun to affect earnings. In the South tho prin cipal staple crop, namely, cotton, Is about two weeks bohlnd time, and In any event it does not begin to move to market as soon as tbo cereals grown In tbo Northern and Northwest ern States. For this reason the earnings of Sontunrn roads may not show decldod improve ment in tho near future, but tho certainty of hoavy traffic during tho last half of the year is already beginning to attract Investors to tbe securities of railroads traversing the Southern States, In the last hour tho mnrket rallied sharply, so that tho only noteworthy net de cline other than that in Sugar Refining was In American Tobacco. Final sales compare with those of ycstOTday as follows; July 28, Jul nil. July 29. Julp 27. A.TftSFf. 134 134 MASILUdp 60 604 A.TAHFep 80S 20S Mo PaolBo.. 85 S64 Am Cot Oil. 144 144 NatLead... 36 36 AinSRef ..130S 137 K Weom.,,1 174 1174 AmSRcf pU34 1104 MPao com. 144 14 AmTob,,.. 84 88S NPno pf... 414 414 AmRpK... 13 12S NVCcnt...l02 101S AmSpMp. 31S 31 S J Cent... B8S OOS 11 rook HT.. 344 34 Omabacom G6S 664 CaaPao.... 70S 72 Out W, 104 104 CCOAStL 28 274 Pa.i Mall... 31 31 C.llftQ.,.. 87S 87S ttocklslnnd sjt, 81S ConOM....170 1704 llraillux..., 24 24S Unto ,. 184 18 H--ad I.tpt 614 624 ClilcOes... 0B4 074 HtPcom.,, 874 87S D,Z,W,16BS 16B Bi.R'way.. 04 04 DtlAllud.. U04 UBS Kolfway p 304 30 DROpf. 444 444 8tI.SW... 44 44 Erlo lflS 154BtLBWp. U X04 OtuEleo... 33S 33S SundRAT 7 74 IlllDOK CcnlOO 100 TexnsPao.. 184 U E.nATrr. 144 14Src,IAU.. 84S 24S KAnATpf. 36 34S Union Pao. 7 710 r.ouftNain 634 634 0SRubber U 134 LEA Wet 10 164UBLeathp 634 684 LEA Wpf 00 60 Wabcom... 04 64 LacledeOM 3 OS SOS Wabutipf. 164 16S Man'.iCon,, 03S 034 ' Un Tel,. 854 86 UlanAStL 244 244 Government bonds strong. Tho 4s of 1020 closed h V cent, hluher bid. Railway and othor bonds strong. '1 lie features uero llroolclyn lti.pld Transit Bs, Ilrooklyn Union Clns lis, Kort Worth nnd itlo Grande lets, Kansas Pacific consols, 1. r., Metropolitan Kluvntud "dn, Mis souri 1'arlllo consols. New York, Susquehanna nnd Western generals, Oregon Improvement &s, 1st I. p., Itlo (Iranda Western Ists, Southern Pc clilcof Arlzonn ists, Stundard Rope nnd Twlno fis, San Antonio and Aransna Pass 4s, Wabash 2ds, Wltltrstutrre and Eastern Ists, Atchison, Kansas .111 1 Texas. Northern Pacillc nnd Texas l'aclde issues. Tho more Important net nil values were In Atthison ndj, 4s, Si cont., to 02 U; llrooklrn Union Gas Os, , to 114: I'ort U orth and itlo Grande Ists, 4, to 504; Kansas Paclllo consols, t. r M. t 77a; Metropolitan Elevated 2ds, 3j, to 10(1; Jllsfourl Paclllo consols, 1. 10 87; New York, Susque hiinna and Western generals, IS. to 80ai Orogon Improvement Os, 1st I. p.. s, to 234 ; Spulhcrn Paclllo of Arizona Ists, 14. to 8a; Btaudard Hope and Twine Be. 1. to 00a! Texas 1 ' Kd,v-1 20: Wabash 2ds, 4, to 734. SS ",'lto"b.urro anil Eastern Ists, 1 W cent,, to . 1 .m noteworthy declines wero in Ilrooklyn Kopld Transit . H V cent, to oS'aS Detroit Oa " i '""" - '- ' 1 KSVto8ttKansasan4Ta.8d,StoOT,lI Iflo Grando Western lata, H, to 78. and 8an An(on)o and Aranioa Pom 4j, H f cent., to GO. In bank slocks 00 shares of Chatham sold at 00. , Commercial price of bar silver In New York, oeUc liar silver in London closed at 20Sd. Mexican sliver dollars wcro nuoted at 45'ec .Expofts to Europe to-morrow, 712,000 ounces. Moiiey on call, 1 V cent. Tlmo monoy is quoted as follows! Sixty days, la V cent.; three and four months, "o V cent., nnd six months. 3 cent., on gopd inlxod Stock Exchnnge collateral. Commercial paper quiet. Prlmo Indorsed bills recelvnbls .aro quoted at 31418ns M cent., cholco and.prlmo single names atas34 cent., and good namos at 4344 V cent. Sterling exchango wns firm bnt quiet. Conti nental exchango was strong for rclchsmurks. Posted asking rates for sterling. $4.87 for long bins and 84,83 for douinnd. Aotual rates are: lxnr bills, 4.804rJ$4;.S04; sight drafts, 8.87"4ffl4.87a, and cable transfers, g4.87a 4.87. jTnnca are quoted at O.lO'stSO.lUS for long and G.inasflO.lo for short: relohsmarks, 00 0-10(305 7-10 for long and 05ffln0'9 for short; guilders, 40 3-18M04 for long and 40040 7-10 for BborL Domestic exchange on New York: rioiton 0310 oonts discount. Cbarleston Buying par; selllfig, premium. Savannah Buy ing, 1-10 oil; selling, par. New Orleans Bank, PI premium; commercial, 70 conta discount. San Francisco Sight, 10 cents premium; tele graph, 174 cents premium. 81. Louis Par. Chi cago 20 cents discount. Cincinnati Botween banks, par, and over counter, 00 conta premium. The exports of goneral merchandise from tho port of New York for thowook ending tn-dav worovuluedat 7,307,020, against $0,024,745 last week nnd 95,tl8:t,70(J for tho corresponding wrck of last year. Tho exports slnco Jan. 1 were 8227.007.721), ngnlnst $213,1109.488 during tho corresponding period of last yoar. Tho Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Rail way Company h.iBdrclaroda quarterly dividend of 14 ' cent., payable Aug. 10. The Southern Hallway roports gross earnings for Juno of $1,432,0:14, an Incre.iso of $70,024 ascompnrod with the satno month nf last year, nnd not $300,078, an lncrcnso of $78,0113. For tho year ending June 30 tho gross earnings wero $10.070,4911, a decrease of $1117.002 us compared with tho corresponding period of Inst yoar, and act $0,840,843, an Increase of $188,223. Tho Alabama Gnat Southern ltnllrord reports groHs earnings for Juno of $120,022, an Increase of 813,10(1 a computed with tho samo month of last year, and not $al,228, an Increase of $17. 028. For tho yoar ending Juno 30 the gross earnings v ere $1,600,040, a decroaso of $28,040 asiomparcd with tho corresponding period of Inst 3 car, and net $302,000, an lncreaso of $1,024. Tho N'orthcrn Central Railroad reports gross earnings for Juno of $472,270, a decrease of $22,297 as compared with tbo same month of lsstear, and net $93,111), a decrensoof $4,043. For tho six months ending Juno 30 the gross earnings were $3.0.10,301, an increase of $70,703 us compared with the corresponding porlod of last year, and not $812,200, an Increase of $140,737. The receipts of the Govornment to-day were: Customs, $190,080; Internal rovenuo, $010,421, anl miscellaneous, $12,178, a total nf $727, 283. The disbursements wero $1,000,000, an ox cos of expenditures over receipts of $337,715. The receipts of the llscnl year to dnto havo been $30.105,8 12 anil disbursements $40,730,000. an evenss of expenditures over receipts of $10,029,108. Tbo not assets of tho Treasury at the closo of business to-day, as oRlciully computed, compare with thoso of yostcrday as follows: July 2. July 27. CI old coin and bullion.... tl4B.7Urt.91 V tl4t,U7R,S70 Sllrer dollars Slid bullion e.f10,014 8B.40H.282 United States note 27,942,000 27,802,700 Othtr .-isiots In excels of demand liabilities 31,084,1)40 34,228,874 Avallahlo cash balance. Including ROld balunea.(233,273.S4S (280,371,212 Money In London, 41319 cent. Rates of dis count in open market for both Bhort and threo months' bills Ctl3-1B V cent. Amount of bul lion gone Into tbe Bank of England on balanco to-dav 10,000. Paris advices quoted 3 V cents nt 104 frnncs 80 centimes. Kxchango on Lon don 25 francs 10 centimes. The Reorganization Commlttooof tho Colorado Midland Hallway Company announces that 1)8 V cent, of tho first mortgage bonds and 90 V cent, of the consolidated mortgage bonds of tbo company have been deposited under tho plan w hlch has been approved and ratified by tho hold ers of amnjorlty of the outstanding cortlflcntcs. Further deposits of theso securities will not be received after Aug. 31 oxcept upon a ponalty of $00 per bond. Holders of certlflciitos repre senting tbo consolidated bonds aro roqulred to pay to the Central Trust Company $00 per bond, being one-third of tho cash assessment lovied under tbo plan, before Aug, 10. The Fortuna Gold Mining and Milling Com pony has declared Its eleventh consocutlve monthly dividend of 10 cents a share, payablo July 20. Tho sales of mining stocks at tho New York Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Kxchango to day wcro as follows: Ojien- Htgh' Lovy Clot StxUt. Same. trip. est. ff. ing. 000 Mount rtosi 10 .10 .10 .10 2000 Pharmacist 10 .11 .10 .11 300 Plymouth 80 .80 .80 .20 000 sierra Nevada.. 1,60 1.50 1.60 1.60 Broutab 10 .10 .10 .10 COO Union Corn 60 .60 .60 .60 300 Yellow Jacket.. .60 .55 .65 .66 Total sales, 4,000 sharea COSISIERCTAT, CO.VPJJ.YJ. Tcf-hpat, July 27. OitAlN Wheat Spotwas more active nnd stronger. Sales 208,000 bush, for export. Including 24,000 No. 1 hard Mani toba, 80,000 ungradod red nnd spring, 80,000 No. 2 red, nnd 21,000 No. 1 hard spring on pri vate terms. At thcoutporis 100.000 No. 2 red reported sold on prUnto terras for export. Free on board No. 1 Northern spring. New York. 80"U380c; No. 2 hard winter, 81Uc; No. 2 red, 81Sui82e.; No. 1 hard spring, 90c Minneapolis received to-dny 130,100 bush., against 104,370 last year; Duluth 110,105, against 08,472; Chicago 81,700, against 102, 0.10; Mliwaukoo 25,250, npnlnst 20,900; St. Ijuis 70,000, against 01,097; Toledo 107,001, against 63,177; Detroit 0,411, against 14,3.13 last year. Futures advanced lc. tolOjc. on nil months except July, which wan only Vc. higher. Fuluro sales 3,320,000 bush., ns follows: Xnit Opening, fllgl at. Lowst. Clming. Sight. July H4'j H1'4 mi ("34 83", Sept 7'J 7w' 7h - 704 734 Decemlr.H04 bl) Ml B04 71)4 UarlyV'M Arm but dull, Kim feeding, 2D4ftS0Sc. i-ost and freight 10 niiffal()illa:n.'4e.ooatan'lfrelsht to ew Y ir't. ctaUlnf:. OSiJ '4c , a- to quality. Hye Firm and In fair ilnmaud. bint 40155 t'ic: So.M nt trn, 41e., cotr and freight to lluTaln, No. 1 du , 811,0110 b .11 , at 4t)404ilSc.. free n buanl alloat. Corn Spot was dull but Sain 2.30o biub., tu.'lud. In? 24,000 yellow onprlTite tor in for export, N'o. 2 mixed. In elevator, 3J4''.t O.OoO ungraded at 3lto. delivered. Futures de irned c ,but recovered this and advanced ag. Future lalaa 05,000 busli., m followii Lott Opening. Utghut. Loveit. Cloitng. Sight. July 324 Sl't Auuit .... . . .12 .114 Sort SIS B2S S 824 8IS Oats .Snot wm steady, galea lol.OOObuiih., Including 120,000 clipped white on private teriri for export. No. 2 white, 2S4o.j .1o. 8 do., 21140.1 So. 2 while clipped, Ulle.; ho. 3 do., 230.1 No. 2 mixed, 21Sct 11,000 at 22422Sc. afloat;No. S do., 21c. 1 rejected mliei. aoc.tdo. while, 28""C.iNo 2 mixed, delivered, 22'n.i tinck mixed. 2St. '.'Mo.i track while. 20,000 at 'JJOOOo. Fnturea advanced 4e, Future salei 20,- 000 uuib., as followa: Z.l OjJrnlna. IHuhut. Itnrrtt, Cloitng. Sight Fept 2P 2l'a 21S 21S BIS Tho speculation In wheat todiywu feverlih, anj Hit nuituatlonv In priori were frequent. At the oiienlnx prloN advaueed iharply in refpome 10 higher eahloa nnd foreign buying. f.nenl ojeriton, hon ever, lold freely on therlie, and prlcea reset d and loat molt of the Improvement r'rep news waa favorable, tho Northwestern reeelpti ivere large, t a nrrlvali of new wlu-ut were lilieral, unl LUerpcnd reaettd. nut beforo the close the market rallied and udvaneeil, the laat pricts ahunlnKii iharp rlie fqr tho day on all mouthi eierptug July, which closed at illght net Improvemont, Foreign orop advKoi wero uufaorahle, ahorta eovere4 freely, foreign houiea bought, and there was a lar-re tiuilneis rumored for export, though It could he only partUlly confirmed. Liverpool cloned VI. lower. Psrla advanced 24c out reacted. Flour there advanced 05 centimes. The Northwestern rt relptivtere 050 can, against 4110 lait week and 370 lait year. Chlcngo received 2HI earn. Ineludlng 220 lien, agaluit 11U laat week and 221 lat year, of wl.loli 183 uere new. The world'a ihlpnienti lost week were B,8in,Binbuu., sjalnit 3,S74,UH2 In the previous wrck unil 6,700,00(1 last year The Prod rtrcit atalement waa poaiiHiued, brim at Ir, Duiwe ft Co. recelveil a cable from Paris slating: "The condi tion of winter ni welt as spring y, heat crop In France could hardly be wune. Latest Information from lioumanla nayi that the crop there la an inttre fail ure, Ituiilan crop miniates are being reduced." Corn and oala advancrd In irmpathv vtltb wheal. 1 tveriiool deiilned H.d. on corn. The world's ilil mruti of oorn lut week were 8,81fl,S7U uuiti., agatuit 3.030,010 In the prevlaui week, Chlnngo re'elvi'd 004 cars of com and 248 of oati; the rerelpt there to-morrow are estimated at Hon and 2nSearaiepee- lively, Clilcago. July 27 "Wheat advanced 1 4e. thli morning from yeaterdav'a close, maintaining all but the Improvement, the exlrt mo range belnu from 78y. to 74e. for Septenilwr. July ruled at alxiut 4S premium. X cable from one of our French correipondenta atnted tint both winter and spring wheat In Frauo could hardly be wursei Isteit advlcea from JUiumanla elalmed that the crop wai slmont a total failure, and Iluiilsn crop eatlniatei ate alio being redueed. The I'arlimarkiitadvaneedequallo 8c. s buih. Liverpool waa itruug on spot wheat, but eloaed a ahado olTomle erred option, spring wheat cropnena from the horthwMi wsi hardly ai favorable Information from South Dakota, received from partlen who have boen over the crop, claim that It ho gone back vary materia ly In many portloni of tho Mate. New York reiorted freight room for a hundnd boatloads en raged anhn seaboard, nearly all for future ihlpment. There was hat little done in caib tales here. Tho crop report! from abroad are received with a great deal of Incredulity by a majority of Iho apeou'attve element, the reeling being that the damage clalmod li likely to bs oxaggerated, sad that a large movement of the new crop on this lids will exert a beartih Infill cnoe. Hpsculatlva trade to-day, while moder- . .I ;j jwiaiaj n t-,t ....I n 'i ttt t( 'i atety aettv. Was M tsft. a faostl,tor loeai ao eouifc Cent vtarted weak at MSev fori Septem-, btr, advaaeadto 7Nc.. eloaed at 874'TSe. The buy Ing was bath for long and short aoconat. Several leavy llata that were put oat yeiterday Were cov ered. Thar was soma reports later In th day of damage In Kanias and Nebraska, but they received Utile credence. Heeelpts wen 014 cars, with BOO estimated for io-morrow. Bhlpmenta here were over a million buihels. Cables were ewler. Oata were kept Heady by the other grains. The country seems Inclined to sll." Flovo Was quiet but Orm. Bales, 8,600 bbls. BarrfU. Saekt. ltecelpls 12,Hl) 18,100 Exports 14S 4,103 Bprlnglnbbti.i No. 3 extra, t.t.loain.Snt No. 1 ex tra. 8.4raC3.a.ti. stralghu, !.-0(i!.iOi patents, 4. 31111 Feed Wai In fair demand and steady. Aran IV'satern, 41) a, S) 100 &s., 004924e. pn as., 474824e.i 80 as., 00B24c.i 100 Bs., os "Bo. Cotton Spot cotton hers waa unchanged, with ales of 006 bales for export and 221 fnraplnnlngi 100 balei were delivered on contract. Middling up lands, 7 IB-10c., against 7 fMOo. last yean New Orltaniand Oillf, 8 J-lOc, agalnit 7 u-lOc. laat year. Tho Southern snot markets were firm and unchanged. Charleston sold 1,200, Augusta 4 IV, New Orleans 200, Oalveston IV, Norfolk 17, and aavannah 8 bales. Liv erpool advanced 1-S2d. on the ipot, with sales of 10,000 bales; future there advanced 1 to 14 points, but reacted, closing barely steady with prices un changed to 4 point higher for tbe day. In Man chester yarns were In moderate demand! cloths move slowly. Augusta received to-aay 70 bales, agalnit ft last week and 8 laat yean Memphis 10 against 7 lost week and 248 lut year; St. Louis 11, arnlnit7 lut week and 1 last yean Houston 107, Including 4 now, agalnit 00 lul week and 804 last j ear. Augusta shipped to-day 410 balei, Memphis Sd, St. Lonls OB. and Itouiton 182 bales. Tho re ceipts at tho port! wer 483 bales, agalnit 180 lut week and 1,701 lost yean thus far this week 1.DV7, against 831 bales thui far lut wesk. The exports from the ports approximated 1,000 bsles. Now Or leans declined 8 to 10 points. Futures here declined 7 to 8 points, cloving quiet hut ateudy after sales of 122,uoubales. The future trading was u follows: dating. Uighett. Loittt. Sattl. July 7.477.4!) 7.B0 7. 50 400 Allglllt 7.4407.46 7.D0 7.42 23,200 September. 7.2i7.2t) 7.33 7.27 1B.700 October 7.10(J7.I1 7.17 7.U9 28,200 November..7.l)47.0B 7.10 7.118 11.U00 DrcouiLor..7.nm7.07 7.13 7.11.1 In, 100 January. ...7.01117.10 7.10 7.011 10,800 March 7.1U(7.1 7.28 7.17 7,b00 April 7.1V($7.21 7.24 7.311 1,1)00 The trading In cotton icmIst was quiet and In th main of a local character. Tho fluctuation" In prices wereconflnod within a narrow range with the ten dency downward, a reaction In Liverpool artera Drinrr opening, predictions of rains In Texan to-day and a bearish weekly Government report ted to local selling, depressing prices. There was not much pres sure to sell, however, and after tho opening transac tions tho markot rulod generally steady. The spot markets In this country were linn and more active and the receipts were light, while tho strength of the etatletlcal position and I lie continued dry weather In Texai checked sell ing on anything Ilk a largn scale. Tho hUnil Bervlre predicted ehowers this afternoon In tne southern portion of eastern Texas. North nnd South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The weekly Government roportetates thai cotton has geuerdly made favorable progress and Is fritting well over the northern, central, and eastern portions of the cotton belt, although same complaint of rust and shedding are received from portlona of the eutern sections! that In southorn Texas drought Is causing bolls to open rapidly, some prematurely end the plant has stopped growing, hut over northern Texas, except iome ihed Ins. tbe crop Is growing and fruiting well. Cower Itlo on the spot was dull but steady: No. 7. 7374e. Sales, H00 bags llaracalbo and 100 bags Coutral American on private terms. Tho future trading was u follows: Sales, lllghttt, Lovcttt, Cloilna. March 1,000 7.80 7.25 7.80(7.8B April BOO 7.40 7.40 7.8397.40 May 1,761) 7.B0 7.4U 7 40U7.4B June BOO 7.B0 7.30 7.4B7.30 Sepfmber... 2S) .... . ,. e uo.JH.03 December... .2,230 7.10 7.03 7.03aT,10 Future! hero declined 0 to 10 points, cloi'ng iiendy with sales of 0.230 bos. Havre declined f. Ham burg was unchanged to 4 pfg. lower. American ware house deliveries yesterday 4,07(1 bats, ltlnwassteady at 100 rels advance; receipts In two days, 30,000i stock, 2B2,000j exehengo. 7 17-32cL, an advance of l32d. santoa was quiet and unchanged! receipts la two dsys, SO.uou; stock, 360,000. The continued heavy movement at primary points and light ware house deliveries caused lower marketa hore and In Enrope to-day. American visible supply of Bratll Is now 710. 7H bars, against 481.300 a year ago. Nav al STonm Steady. Spirit of turpentine, S7i 27V.; common to good strained rosin. SI.0r.OH.00 PKTlioLlt'H Crude certificates were unquoted her and lu Oil city. Keflned unchanged. Pnoviatos Lard nrine.-. Prime. 84.40. Fork strong. Moss, 88t(.B0. Tallow, U4c. Butter Creamery. Western. lBc. F.ggs-Mot freah gathered, 18c. Chi-ea-jo, July 27. "The trade In provlrlons was moder ate, and prices ruled somewhat lower on selling by local trnders. The legitimate rondltlona of this ma -ket coutlnus buliui , Th cub demand for meats keep very good, and Is Improving for lard. Hog re ceipts hem were moderale, an 1 sold at higher prices." .St'UAK Raw nrm hut quiet; hU- tet, 34c; 90' test, 34C. Sales 8,000 bags centrifugals. 80 te.t, at 334c, and 400 Lags muscovado, 88' lot, at 34c. Refined quiet but nrm. ToBAccc-Saies of )00 cue 1B93 Zlnimersat loo, 100 cases 18113 New England navana at IR(J21., 100 cues I'ennavlvanla Havana nt 12c, 60 bale Ha vana nt70o& 81 .03 In bond, and 123 bales Sumatra in bond at UDc.StS.lO. Domestic Wool Ta Wool Exchang quotei dmnestla wools In the ureases followa: Texa. Spring, 12 mo., choice, lliavlllc. spring, averag. l,llc.i spring, 0-8 mos, 11912c: fall, choice. Sa 10c 1 fall, averse. 8Co California-Northern spring, free. 1 U1li.-.-. ml litis co. spring. 1 SKI 80.1 southern spring lo&llc tburry and defective. 038c. free fall northern, I la inc.; fop southern, 6a7o.t defeerlvo fall, 3O0c. Oregon Ewleru Oregon choloa. 11 Q 18c.; Eattoru Oregon, average 1 1 0 12o,; hastoni Oregon, heavr. 0 c 10c: Valley Ore goo, No 1, loiil (V.: Velley Oregon. No. i. 1BJ l,c; Valley Oregon. No. 3. 18317c.: Valley Oregon, lambs. 1415c. Territory Idaho, nne, 10 ( lie; Idaho, fine medium, la 14 12c: Idaho mciium, lSieUe.; Kaniu flno and nne me dium. iiK413c.:Kauas medium. 1.KS1 lei Wvomlng fine. lOrtlic i Wyoming; line medium, 13Q14c; Wy oming medium. 14(4Kc: Utah flne. lllit 12c; Utah fine medium, 13(jUc. Utah medium, 14eiBc: na kotaflne. lOiillc. ; Dakota nne medium, 12314c: Dakota medium, 1-I1.V. Montana Fine choice, t3i lBo.;Hneverage. lllSe.; nne medium choice. 14U inc.: flne medium average, llMlBc; medium choice. 1 (1 7o.: medium averaae. 1 litlilo., low Montana, 14 (II 3c; Wuh'ngtnn fine, HijDc: Washington line me dium, lOotllu.; Wuhtngton medium, 121418c Ciiicaoo, July 27. These were to-daya prices: ITAeaf ; Opening, nighett. Ixtreit. Cloitng. Slur t. July... 774 7S34 774 7b"e 7tl'4 Sept... 724 74 72', 734 724 Deo.... 74 734 744 74". 734 Corn.- July.. SB', 27 JOOs 2v, gflu Kcnt... 283 27 284 274 28V Dec... 274 28-V, 274 284 274 May... 80-4 3U4 304 804 804 P'Pt..." 17S 17S 17S 17, 17, Deo. .. 18 lo. 18 184 184 JIay... 204 '.'US 204 20 20S luird: Sepl... 4.234 4.224 4.174 4.20 4.224 Oct .. 4.23 4.23 4S24 4 224 4.274 Dec... 4.324 1.324 4.30 4 30 4.33 IWt: Sept... 4.874 4.874 4 824 4.824 4.n3 Oct.... 4.70 4.70 4flB 4.83 4.70 Pork: Bepl... 67.70 87.724 7.63 7.74 17.724 I.lvo Htock Mnrket. New Yoar, Tuesday, July 27 ltecelpta of beeves were 248 head, all direct co slaughterers. No trad ing; reeling steaily. Dressed leef steady at 849 He. V &. for native aide, entries from Urltlsn marketa quoto American at-ere at !)3i(.-lI04c. T tb dr-ssed weight, American refrigerated beet at 744 "'.,. v . F.xportn todav, 73i beevea and 8,1 no uuartersof beef; to-morrow, 100 beeves and 8,880 quarters Recelpta of calves, all for tho mnrket, wore 124 bead: 830 head on Bale all told. Veals qulit and Heady; other colrosvrere dull, About 400 head wer carrledorer. Vealaaoldat 6-S3 1 100 &.; nobtit. termllk-i or Weatarui olmued owners. Dr.od calve penerally weak: city dressed veals, HV)o. , a. Receipt of sheep and lnmt, Including 2 cars direct to butchers, war 0,003 hoadi 27 ears on sale all told, Sheep steady; good 1- rat t a trifle firm: others rtend). Atout 8 oar of stock wep unsold at the finish, hheep sold att3.Buot4.lB 9 luO Ca , lambs at 4.23Clgs.B0. Dressed mutton. 7(S 4". V n.: dressed lambs. 7jV4o. Receipt of hogs ware H,vfB 26 head on lalo. lllgherat (4.130(4 50 f loo rti. nenl Estate Auction Rale. At th Bro-idwnv salosroom yesterday Ilrvan I,. Kennelty sold No. 008 Rut Fourteenth street, near Avenue A. a five-story brick tenement house lu front and five story brlek teuement houso In n ar, lot ?x 10.1.8, foreclosure sale, to tho plaintiff, Solomon Jacobs, for (12.000. William Krnnclly sold No. 207 Avenue D, near Thirteenth street, a four story brick tenement house In front and four story brick teuement houso In rear, lot 24 IS4XH8 8, ex, color's eal of tho 1 state of the lato Frederick buliiump, to on of th heirs for (18, "23. Iteal Batstte Private Sale. Duff ft Hushor have told for the ratat of Joseph M. Valentine to a Mr. Livingston two lot on thennrib aide d lUlh'itreol, 130 feet eut of Amsterdam avenu. NlcholuC, Eerdorf ha sold to Oscar T. O'Neill No. 11130 Fifth avenue, flve-storv double flat house, with tore. 011 lot 23.3x1)8. fur (27,800. John Casey has sold to an Investor tbe flat houses oa plot 100x123 at theso ithwest corner of Columbus avenue and 103th street. Cue ft Farley have sold to Edward Magner No. 1010 Kut 188th street, a two-story brljk and frame dwelling. Thnmu ft Bon have sold for James T, Fltipatrlck No. BUHWest 148th street, a three story and bits ment bouse, on lot 18.8xVV.ll, for (12,000, Court Calendar This Day. Appellate Division Supreme Court Reces. Supreme Court Appellate Term Appeals from or derof City Cojrt No. B. Appeals fiom judgments of City Court No. 0. 8. Appeals from District Court No. SO. 81.4. 8, 34, 33. 37, 34,30,40. 41, 42. ttupii'ina Court Special Term Part I. Motion crileudar callod at 10:80 A, M, Part JI.-Kx-purte matte rs. Surrogate's Court Cbaroben Nodayralendar. For probate Will of Jacob Erygeer. Michael Clark, Katharlna Miller, Uabrlrl Kreutcer, Nicholas W, S. Cutleu, Mary A, Oordan, John Itutlngs, Marcus ludew, Hosalle Bullrr, Andiow F, Uunner, Louis Hthnabe), at ln:3u A. M City Court Social Term Motions. jflimiirUU. BAlMKERS-BlloatEIlS Investment Securities a Specialty. NEW YOUKi DO110N. Moss.: 8mtOADWAT. AMES UUII.D1N0. HTOCKH, BONDS, PROVISIONS, GIIAIN. COXXON Bought and iold for sub or on marila. J ,a t 4y fin. fl-'t 's sn ,7 ' " i''' Proposals for $10,053,017.27 OF 3!?o Bonds and Slock OP HIE City of New York. Exempt from taxation by the City and County of New York. Principal and Interest Payable in Gold EXECUTOR!". ABMINISTMATOns. OUAtlMANS, AND OTflKllB HOI.UINO TIIUBT TUNDS ARE AUTHORIZED nY AN AOT 01" T1IB LG0I8LATURG PASSED MARCH 14, 1889. TO INVEST IN THESE BONDS AND STOCK. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by th Comptroller of th City of New York, at hta offloe. No. 280 Broadway, In the City of New York, until Thursday, tbo 29th day of July, 1897, AT a O'CLOCK P. St., when they will b publicly opened, u provided by law, for th whole or part of tbo followlnc dorlbd Coupon or Registered Bonds and Stock of th City of New York, bearlna. Interest at ttart and one-half per cent, per annnm, to wltt 91,160,000.00 CONSOI.IDATF.D KTOCK Oa THE CITY Or NEW YORK. KNOWN A8 "ADDITIONAL BTOCK OF THF, CITY OF NEW YORK." Principal payabl Oct. 1,1018. O.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OFTUR CITY OF NF.W YORK. KNOWN AS "SANITARY IMPROVEMENT BC1IOOI.IIOURK BONDS " Princi pal parable Nov, 1, loin. 100,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TIM CITY OF t-EW YORK, FOR THE PUR0I1A8E OF NEW STOCK OR Tl.ANT FOR THE DKrARTMENT OF bTREET CLEANINO Prlacl pnl payable Nov. 1, I ill a. l,0ia,09D.4T CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TT1E CITY OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS "bCHOOLlIOUSK BONDS." Prlnclpi.l payanie Nov. I, luia. 4100,000,00 CONSOLIDATED 8T0CK OFTITE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOB AC UUIRINO LAND REQUIRED FOR THE imilHJE OVER THE HAR LEM RIVER AT THIRD AVFNUE, AND THE APPROACHES THERE TO. Principal payabl Nov. I. 000,000.00 CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OJ1 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR NEW BUILDINOH, ETC.. FOR THE DE PARTMENT OF PUBUO CHARI TIES. Principal payable Nov. I, OSO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TOE CITY Or NEW YORK. FOR NEW BUILDINOH. ETC., FOR THE DE PARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Principal pavable Nov. 1. 18 IS. BOO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK. OF TOB CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR RE PAYING STREETS AND AVE NUES. Principal payabl Nov. 1. J814 " 400.000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FOB LAY INO WATER MAINS. Principal parable Nov. 1. 181s. 00,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK. KNOWN AS POLICE DEPARTMENT BONDS." Principal payable No. 1. 1818 oo,oao.aa consolidated stock of the CITY OF NEW YORK, STREET AND PARK OPENING FUND STOCK. Principal Aayabla Nov. 1. 101. " T 007, 3 lO. OS CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THB CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR THE REDEMPTION OF REVENUE BOND ISSUED FOR THE PAY MENTOFAWARD3,ETC., IN TOE FORT WA8HINOTON PARK PROCEEDINO. Principal pay able Nor. I. IBIS. aao,si.oo consolidated stock of the CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR THE KKDKMITION OF REVENUE BONDS ISSUED FOR THB PAY MENT OF JUDGMENTS FOR THE AWARDS. ETC.. IN THE MAT TER OF ACQUIRING THE B1TB FOR A COURT HOUSE FOR THE APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE SUPREME COURT. Principal parable Nov. 1, 101. 0,000,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NF.W YORK, KNOWN AS "DOCK BONDS." Principal parable Nov. 1. 18117. The resolutions of the Commissioners of th Btnklnf Fand, ezemptlnf said Bonds and Stock from local taxatto. wcro adopted pursuant to the authority of an ordinance of the Common Council approved by the Mayor October X, 181-0, and section 137 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1688. THE PRINCIPAL OF AND THF. INTEREST ON THE ABOVE'DESCRIBED BONDS AND STOCK ARE PAYABLE IN GOLD COIN OF TOE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. OF THE PRESENT STANDARD OF WF.IOIIT AND FINENESS, AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CONDITIONS provided by Section 14S of the New York City Oon olldatlon Act of 18b2, at amended by Chapter 103 of the Laws of 1887l No proposal for bond! or stock will be ocptd for less than the par ralue of the same. Each bidder must deposit with tho Comptroller In money, or by certified check drawn to the order of the said Comptroller upon a State or National Bank of tho City of New York, TWO TER CENT, of th amount of the proposal, Includlnc premium. No proposal yv 111 bo recelred or considered which Is not accompanied by such deposit. All such deposits will be returned by the Comptroller to the persons mak ing tho samo vrltuln three day after decision a to tho highest bidder or bidders su been made, except the drposlt or deposits made by ucn highest bidder or bidders. If said highest blddnr or bidders shall re fill or ueg lect, wlthtn fir days after th lerrlc of written notice of the award to him or thm, to pay to the Chamberlain of the City of Nvr York (he amount of the stock or bonds uwarded to hint or them al their parratn. togthr with tha pre mium thereon. If any, less tho ivmount deposited h him or them, th amount of uoh doposlt or deposit ball be forfeited to and be retained by In city of Nw York u liquidated daman for such rafiual or neglect. The Comptroller, itlfv iii a; proral of tneOotn mlssloner of th Sinking Fund, ahU determtn what. It any, part of said propoli sball be ac cepted, and opon payment Into th City Tnuury of the amonnta due bj th penons who bid are ac cepted, rtipoctlrely, eertlBcates thereof shall b Issued to thera as authorise.! by law. The proposal, together with tho leonrtty deposit, should bo Inclosed In a sealed nreIope, Indorsed " Proposals for Bends of the Corporation of the City of New York," and then Inclosed In a second en relop. addressed to the Comptroller of th City of New York. For full Information see City Record. ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller. CITY OF NEW YORK. FINANCE DEPARTMENT-COMPTROLLERS OF FICE. JULY IS. 1607. The Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo Railway Co. The Hocking Coal and R. R, Co. To Iho Holder or Joint Nl I'rr Oenu Tvrcnty Year Hold llond, lirnrln dole July 1, lnajai At tho requett or a largo number of th holders of tho said Joint blx per cent. Twenty. Year Oold Bonds of the Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo Halw7 Company and the Hocking Coal and Railroad Com pany, the underlined hare osroed to act as a Bond holders' Protective Committee under an agreement, coplei of which can be obtained from any of th undersigned, or at lb oflloa of lh KXICUim- DliriiKIl TIll'NT I'OMHAXY, No. 00 Broadway, lu tho city of New York, Holder of the said txuids ar urged to tak prompt action by the deposit of thtlr bondi with the UICK KltlUH'KKH T1IU4T COMPACT. THE TIME FOR DEPOSIT HAS BEEN EX TENDED TO JULY 3 1 , AFTER WHICH DATE A PENALTY WILL BE EXACTED. ItoriKItT CTtri.AY, JI'I.K n. iiai-iik. Bondholder' WILLIAM II. llAIUIOUIt, . Protectlr CIIAHLMC. KDK1, Commltte. vUBOrtUB II, UOI.T, J 1 WM. B. RANDALL, Secretary, 0(1 Broadwaj, Nw York. DAYIE3, BTONB Jt AUKRDACU, CounssL ALASKA! KIONDYXE! f ACME DEVELOPMENT CO. J Colorado charter. Capital, $180,000. P l Tnlue.fl.00 per share. President, Capt, Jntnea $, We, cx-Socretary or State, Colorado. Mm mrir TortK orricie. awiTK no. no broad. KE WAV AMP 4 XV A 1,1. MTIIKRT. H onJRCTi Sal of limited omonntof stock to bulla WtW steamer and aupply employees. Mb- rtKI'ltlMI'.NT HoXl tKO nXPRntENCED Ml. INO ENOINF.RRS, NOW ON THE "ROOND MW, CATINU CLAIMS IN TUB KAMK 01' THE COM- PANY. These men aro reputable, able, and ener- WYh etl.i, belnvs personal friends of Mr. Rice, who ha tmw implicit oonlldenc In their loyalty and Judgment. m' ritoarilCTl'll Nothing written and roiy. bit t only mi the koja deslro by mutual co-oporatton or brainy . i! men who understand mlnlns to seouro tbo greatesl m. food for all conoerned. . . H icCRITVi Oood money from Rood men and sin. H. cor tnvtors will be placed with the Oompanrancl H H expanded o!cly for the mutual benefit of each and H very stockholder. No larvta oapltalttatlon, no II V Stock-Jobbing scheme. Your money buys reaulu If any aro realised. We ar all In It oj an equal basil. M The full paid stock noVv offered at 1 one dollar per share will provide a fund for the construction of a steamer to I carry the company supplies up tho W. ., il Yukon River. Send in your orders tf'r early before the price of the shares is advanced. JAMES RICE', I' KX-SECRKTARY OF STATE OF COLORADO, l'RESI- ? ' DENT. I TO THE HOLDERS OF CERTIFICATES - OF THE ; CENTRAL TRUST CO. of New York, Representing First Mortgage Bonds and 'M Consolidated Mortgage Bonds W OF 'TUB j' Colorado Midland Railway Co.: Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of certifi cate holders, duly called aad held, th plan and agree- t ment of reorganization prepared by the undersigned ' a eommltteo was duly approved and ratified by reso lution adopted by tha vote of holdora of a majority In amount of all the outstanding certificates, and that pursuant to the terms of the agreement dated Jnnu- e ary SR, 1805. th earn has become binding on all tha holders of certificates. 08 er cent, of all tha First Mortgage Ponds, and 96 p r cent, of Consols have al ready been depoltodnd bound by the plan. H First Mortgatra and Consolidated bond not hereto- H fore deposited under the agreement of January SS, a 1MUB. will bo received by the Central TTJSt Company f New York under said plan and agreement at any time prior to tbe 31st day of Anguir, lb87, after , ' which data no bonds will be received except upon th . payment of a penalty of 9a0 per bond. r Holder of certMcates representing Four Per Cent. R. Consolidated bonds are required to pay totbOea- g ' tral Trust Company of New York, for account of tha i. oommlttee, 5u upon each certificate, being one-third k of the cash avaessmenl larled under the plan, on or j. before the loth day of August, 1H07. Notice will bo 5 given of th calling of the remainder of ald asses- . ment. $ NEW YOP.K, July87th. 1807. ni aVRBOURIO P. OWOTT. H. Chalnnami m i r. AVEB. i JIAIfln K. JARltlt, CEonun mosi.k. wiLuin a. nATnBO.YB. WaXLIAIf D. IUIMC Committee. OSCAR BtTNKlS, Secretary, 41 Wall street. ' Tho Kootcnny-Carlboo Mining nnd Inrestment Co., Ltd. Incorporated under th Companies Act. 1661. PBOVTNCS OF BRITISH COLUafBIA. AUTHORIZED CAP ITAIi,$2,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 2,600,000 SHARES OF (1 EACH. PrMldent THE HON. JOHN COST10 AN. Privy Coun cillor, M. P. Secretary OEO. MACDETH, ESQ., Andltor Toronto Oen. Trust Co. Oonsnltlnc Mining Engineer W. HAMILTON METt- rUTT, ESQ.. M. E, A. P.. S. M. V Bankers UNION BANE OF CANADA and THB NA- I TIONAL PARK BANK of Hew York. This company has hitherto operated In th Koo- I teny, B. Cn and Rainy Lake. Ontario, districts, and now, acting under Its extraordinary charter B powers, ha arramred to Immediately extend Ita m operations to the Upper Yukon (Including tl'e Klon- H dike) region, where It wtll locate and aequlra B mining claims, deal In town site, construct, roads, etc, and conduct a reneral trading buslnei. Sererai propertle In the Klondike dttrlct hr already been offered to the company, and will bo accepted U re- t ported favorably bjr tho company' engineer. In order to tenure addition! working capital, a llmlt4 number of non-aaseaaable shares 1 offered for publlo subscription In amounts of not less than twenty-fir dollars. Subscriptions will b recelred and f nil particular glrea at the Nw York office of the Company, 60 Liberty St. Telephon 818 Cortlandt. CBBTiriCATBS OP IXTEnBST tat reapeot or UIIIOH PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Six Per Cent. Gold Collateral Trust Notpa. Thirty dollar (30), being the full amount of War rant No. 1 from the abore described Certificate, will b paid on August 1, 1807, upon surrender of said warrant al our otnoe, 23 Wall Street, New York, or at the ottloe of Jacob C. Rogers, 43 8tata Street, Boston. J. r.--jiono..N a co.. Do pual carle. NOTICE : Th bond of the South Brootl.) n Outrol Railroad Company or Brooklyn. mMurliag on Aug. 1, 18. 7. will b paid on preMntatlon at the Drootlyn Trust H. Company. H We ntrehr extend to the holdtrs of gad bonds oa H Of tloa to take 1n exebaap forthelr hondki, at purwul EH accrue 1 liitrtu boniU uf the .;Uniio Avenue Ball H road Oumptuiy, known a- thf Con-il(i1nt A Mortuato H Fire Percent. Oold Bonds, authorized Imiih 3.00(,- H 000, xnaturtng IU31, interrtt payable April ami Oct H l?r. the Ian qnotaticn on which waa luj bid und 103 I MaM. H Failure to notify tbo Brooklyn Trut Comptor on H presentation of tho bondi for payment wilt be con el! ued as clecllnlnp the option. The cotnpaty alio re tains the rUht towlthdrawtald option for any or all of said bond not rr- rented on Aur. 1, 18V?. tiik avsau uisCrrmr un.non ro. BY TOU L. JOnXSON'.Trrasurer. i ' -- - i ... i Xm MAKB A fTPECIAaVrr ov BANK & TRUST CO. STOCKS. P. J. GOODHART & CO., HRnmina ar. v. stuck kxc nt u. 38 WALL STREET. W. CnADNCBYF0YD.j"0NES."T ytmU.n WII.LtXM nODISON. SM' E"hangw r FLOYD-JONES & 18 WALL ST. Stocks Bonds and Jnvsstments LEHIGH VALLEY and Philadelphia Securities t IIKl.l IN II Y ?i E. &. C. RANDOLPH, 7 NANhU SI. X HAVEN & STOUT Member ew York Stock Exchange. 1 NaaBau Stroot, Cor. Wall. Starslii Account.. Iiivc.tiiirnt Neciirltle. ''i Teleuhone. No., 3137 and matt Cortlandt, rQividriulif ami antrwst. I NANIIVII.I.F, CIIATTAMMII.'l A.I1 HTTTovVli U IIAIl.ttAV. n Tno Hoard of Director of tho Nashville, Chatta- U nooga and Ht. Louis lulhvay this day declared a ?" dividend of O.NK (1) I'KK I I'.NT. on Us canltal K stock, parahle on nnd after the I'd ro:. The stock m transfer books will cioa t IV) Jl. on the Vlth In.t. fe and reopon at 1U A. 11. on the 3d of Anirust, f JU8IIVI....K. Ten.,.. JntvVieSj' 1 OKI'ICn OK TIIKhOUTlIF.HNPACIKIOCOMPA.NY. 1 No. U8 llroad street (Mills llulldlngl.-CoutKmi fi due Ang, 1, 1007, from tho following Iwuds will 19 be paid atr that data at thla nraoei 1EXAS I G AND hHW OKI.KANS R. 11 ft). 1st Mortgag. 7 per cent.. Main Line) (IAI.VESTON, HAllHInlll'IKJ I 1 ANl) HAN A.STOMU HY CO. 1st cortgago 0 "er 1 por cent., Eastern Ulrlilon. ' I N T. BUITil. Treuaurer. 'rJnTW!a OOtD MIN1NO AND IIILLINO I XCOIIPANY HAH DKOLAUF.D, JUr 2fl, It l.vcuth 1 ooaseeutlr nionthlv dlrldeud of 10 crt. a share. i gaahl July K, Booki clos Jul 87, und ooeu July 8 B.L.lUBDlNO,Bitar. t