Newspaper Page Text
Mr, v "' ' ' mi 7 wf gxcurton. W, IRON STEAMTOAflOMPiSffi PJj''' THE OXLV ALIoWATKn llOUTK TO CONEY ISLAND, & LANDING AT THE IRON PIERS. !.' TUIK TABLE (SUBJECT TO CHANOKJI iMw Tram d it, N. It, every 43 minutes (rum 9 A. M. ' mm P.M. jEl From Pier (New) No. 1, N. rt, half an hour later. M From Coney Island every 43 minutes from lOitO & A. M. until 10140 P. M. W-. Tickets on sals at til downtown track station! of V (he Elevated Railroads East Side pwrait r trans.. IMF firred freo to Battery Ilua. Returning Eut Side pas. l-p i.ncera deposit ticket! at Battery Place and an trant- tarred free to the. Eut side. f Long Branch Anbury Park. VA't1 Through Tlokett to Asbury park via Allantlo Coat Electric. Railroad, good during exourslon seaaon 18W7, Iff for lale at ticket office. HI Leave foot S2d it.. N. It., 0:80 A. M 9:30 P. M. ELI' Leave Pier (New) No. 1. N. It., 10 A. M 4 P. M. 3)5 Leave Long Branch. lBilS P. M., HslS P. M. S'f Riruralon Tlcueta to Ixing llrnnrh, S Cla. , Kxcaralon Tickets to Asbury Purls. t.OO. J Manhattan Beach. sJkk Train! learn FOOT EAST U4TH ST., week day, Kj& . 0:30,0:40.7:40. :.). 11:00 A.M., 10:10. and bait rjlpf hourly from HIO to S;40, OiOO, and halt hourly from iwA 8:40 to 10:40 P. M. l;!! nxrtJinioT Ticicmi. 40 rraw. AW Trains laare WHITEHALL ST.. week days, hourly SHx fromUHOA. M.tottlO. ard lialf hourly from 1:10 ft to 0:10. 10:101. M. Additional train Hat. 12:40 P.M. j KXCUllSlOX TICKKTS, 41 CICkTS. nnrite.wAV 111: ten. Train leave E. B4TII ST., . Y., week daya, 8t40, tOO,u:10. joi.lo A. M 12:20. Ii20,8:0. 8:30, 4U0. ., b:so, AtBO, 7:110, tt:lo, Oilup. M. Additional train i? , Stturdavs only. 1:30, 21SO. OHO v. M. M. Kxctnsio. TicKK-rt), o cr.rra. m cohev irlaxd. X' f.'Ua.vrn. nntrrrc i Train! leave font WHITEHALL ST.. via Bay Ridge, !' week daya and Sundays. 0:10, ami halt hourly from ;-.-, 10:10 A.M. to 10:10 P.M. Lait train learea Coney , t liland 11:031' II. ! BXCI'USIO TICKETS, 35 CE.TT. J t LOtfi ilRtClf. ! Tratna leave foot Kait mth at , N. Y., week days. v r :00, 7:30. 10:00, 10:30 A. M.. 1:30, 1:00, 2:30, 3:50, 1:30,3:10, 6:00, 0:30, 10:00 P.M. I CHAUTAUQUA LAKE I EXCURSION b ; Via Now York Central, I- MONDAY, August 2d, 1897. I $10.00 ROUND TRIP $10.00 pf. Ticket good rtturnlac from Auguat fltb to Sep- 'W, , Umber lat. p,y For full particular apply to any New York Central '$f flakat Agent In New York or Brooklyn. W 5gHE WOnLD-FAUOUS PLEASURE GROUNDS," W:j 1 oasBBi9 A dellabUul sail on fait &. da8HiaVBKk. BOlna ateamers. Two -T, SBiWHr3PHa Tnd concert! dally, K f n ac9jl . YfpQBk Matnilflcent foliage. .. nKffln Hb! bhH a 1 Han rEre Planti, and hortl- i'ft ilBI tni Hinl Bi 1 Wft """' tiitr. An -,'t, ' ifHyJSiisBBatt' uneiinaled menacerle, UHaillllllllHiliraBn niagnlfleent atlary, H man,moth SlBtBnnraiH irrar.d muaeitm, all lLLaal mW i V 11 I St W i'HEE. Ueuulne Olea MeaVH aW W R I HI 1 I'land CUtu Bake. wj'al "Tf at 1 In I aJf lllnnera a la carta. StmmmmggtadtUlmsff " lUdn DenUchland." "rS "Tba Dairy." Boat TJf9r Inc. balbine. fisblag, PJaPawy bon linn and billiard.. Tim TAILC-TlllElt3 LUTI nrtUa4tlt. pU.ia.ll, ,, 1. , 11 a. VL, 11.11 M 1.11, 1 H, .,B.ur. H. rw.tu8t..aioeki)n.t.ii,ti,ti'ti,ii.n ?'". L. tL,lt-,l.i ,,, UM-lir M. bi it MSI ,.., la.ll, 4 !. 1141 . IL.ltli, 1 1,1.11, 111, 1.11,3.19 r. M. LElTi I : i IUK BLAND 'i.u A.U. for IM Bi. .I CilUndl H.,11.11 A.U. f -' ilk m. i. s r m r cti:.i,ii ai okk, ., i i.ii, i,t, i,r. U. .- fwallludiii.. axtai noiTlkUDATl. fi irXCUItSION 4U VENTS. Ki Inolndlne AdiiiUilon to all Attractions f, .. ffl", y EVERT SUMD4V. $L S In tba Blue Mountain!, one nuudred and i- , . eeren mllei from New York, on tba bank! of tba ' fciauUnU Delawir IUreri 1,000 feat aboTO tba ;$ Tint ezpreu train learei Weit S3d at. B:33 A. '. ' U and Cbambcra at. 0:00 A. M.: Jeraey City, 0:18 V-r A.M. '?... Beoocd expreu train learei West SSd it. 0:23 Vkt A. M.. and Cbambera at. 0:30 A. M.l Jenejr City, 8:43 ''S- A. M. 3;!, Beturnlns tear Shohola 8:18 P. M. and S P. M. ;, laagUiaiftllJBUlUl I i Wf HVP1 tMffaEHB fjL'''5 . Special expreaa trains leave Welt (3d at. 0:40 A. S,- M.,1 Cbamben at.. 0:43 A. St.s Jeney City, 10:00 A. SV,' M. Choice of two axpreu train returning. Learo ' Plant 3:20 P. M., 7:28 P. M. mS- PATTEN LINE. 'JjK ' tAtxu nntcn aiu hack, soc. Sm.' Aumav paiik aid back, hoc. -jW: "MAUY PATTEN, ELBEUON, PLEASURE BAY." ISC'. for Highland Beach. Seahrlitht, l'leaiuro Bay Park, J.'f M Lent Branch. Aabury Park and Ocean Orore. mj Lr.Weat ISthRL 0:00 A.M. 2:t0P.M. f-'S- . BattaryPler 0:30 11:20 A. M. 8:05 " pfe" ONLY BOATS CONNFCTINO WITH TUOLLEY. i,f'v BAQQAQB FBEE. RECEIVED W. 13TU ST. ONLY. Cr.' AN OCEAN TRIP TOR 30e. ROCKAWAY BEACH. SI, ' STRS. OENX BLOOUM AND ORAND REPUBLIC. 'if,-'.:: We.) SSd II.. H:40 A. M., 10.00 A. M., Vtii:U ,VfJ' 1:83 P. M. Writ lOtb at., H:80 A. M., n.v SsV 10:18 A. M. 14B P. M. Battery Landing, ""' W&i 18 A.M., 10:40 A.M., 2:03 P.M.; BrlJje nound sC poiik, Brooklyn, 0:30 A.M.. 11:00 A.M., Trip, nnti (;y . iitOP. M. Return at 11:30 A.M., Band aun., soo 3, 8:80 P. M. WMle. W STEAMER AURORA, W- AROUND S.TATEN ISLASD. i, LEAVFB TV. D BT. 1:110 P. M.: BATTERY LAND- I'ii't PCO. 1:48 P. M.I BRIDOE DOCK, BROOKLYN, li P. M. AW' MUSIO AND REFRESIUIKNTB. Ef ,, Fare, adulta, B0c. children, 23a, exoept on Mem- '.f-'t day! and Tueidaya, apeclal axcuralou dayt, adulu, gkk tOc.i children. 13o. A.' nsniNQ DAILY. Far lOe. eaob way; buy bait on Vf:: X boat: ateamer SCHUYLER: Eut Slat it., 7:lti ripL'x Bridge dock, Brooklyn. 7:80: Battery, 8: Franklin, SK , . tl0 HANCOX. 'S? CBA BASS FIBHINO. New twin-acrew iteamer AL ;,ii O FOSTER, built In 1802 for lately, ipeed. and com- ,"-! forti dally from Eut 23d it., 7:40 Battery, 8:1:0 (jS abarpt fare tl, with bait; ladlei BOo. 'M'K' WBTPOIT, NKU'lIITItliU, and I'Ollnll. Vs - KBUrnlB dally EXClinilOX (except Rutidayi) ' 'j br Palaoe Iron Day Line Steamers New York and ri- Albany from Deioroiiet it. pier tt 8:40 A. M. and !' - Wett S2d it. at 9 A. M. $ I ?2& A PARTY wanted with $18,000 In a profitable pay- S& la' builnfii where 120,000 yearly can be made. SKA Partloulari of McUONALD A WIOOINa. UOKnuu, ,.'"''' O ALOON oppoalte ono of the principal depota In a '.. O city of 200,000, doing a builneia of about 30 !af.v dally: owner baring other builnnt will tell for 'Ji-i, 83.0001 atook and flxturri will corer tbli amounti 1 f the plao It now free from debt. ;fc MCDONALD & W1QQINB. 140 Naiian. X A LIVERY and boarding liable In Brooklyn now BK' J, oleartng, abort all expenut, (300 to 1400 month- JrlAf Jl Prtoo ifO.OOO. jc:, U0D0NALD WIOOINS. 140 'ana i iifi T AKIRY 33 mllei from tbl. city, with nnt-clau ?" JO builneu, running two wagoni and One oounter l?C trade: prto (2.600. ' McDONALD A WIOOINa. 1 40 Natiau. jf- A HANDSOMELY furnlihed billiard parlor on Q. Jx. Broadway, rlclnlty 34tb it., for itlei raib re- ' . quired only tl.OOOt thliplao will arrragetBu dully, 2 rV ', McDONALb A WI11QIN8. 140 Naaaau. VV pOALYARD-Cloao to rlrer front, $3,000 1 tblt In- rX J oludci building, 40. Applr Wtc Mcdonald a wiooinb. 140 Nanau. i,SV ,' GROCERY Location at Long liland City I (400i Jtfi VT rent $1B owner learlng the oltyi large Hand- t&f Ing lea box. McDONALD A W1UOINB, 140 JF, A N ESTABLISHED, paying builneu: ataple article twM," X In dally demand i state of New York for lalet 'jv,j big money Inlhlit Inreitlgate It; price $2,000t par C'f tloulara of McDONALD k WIOOINa, 140 Naiiau. V' T1UTCHER SIIOP-Long Iilandi 8 hone, and VIA - wagonii oil or take partner! llltl money re- Sn Qulredi tbli la a chance. j McDONALD A WIQOINS, 140 Naatau. j (STATIONERY, toy, and confectionery ttore located lVIw, J on the builetl part of Lenox ay, price, $2,0001 li IS I came telling, orerwork. , ' X' S- - UcD0:,'f SJ fWIoaiKS, 140 Nawau. ffijp "RESTAURANT. Old eitablUhed p!acTnear"prlncF t ? , 1 Av pal ferryi price, $800 rent. $20. ffflgj-" . McDONALD WIOOINS, atW , TJ0OTn,Il,M''tM!Lull,lnr,n1'l,l'yo'nrol",ayi jlSf -A itatlontrr, toilet article., and typewriter!' tup- XJBB- PU., Prt. Mot rent, (00 yearlyi tnli 1. an excep- raf-,i tlonal chance for aome one. Sife McDONALD WIOOINS, 140 Nawau. (' lUtvaYdg. 5B- 5S1 0f)0 REW'AKpi-By rlrtue of "tbe'TuinVriti- MBfi S? . '. " re'J !0. 0 the itatute law of thli Mfif State, al.uuu reward li hereby offered and promlted iffllJr totbaperaon who .ball glre moh Information that ;Si the penon or pertont guilty of the murder of Q org. 'MW KVUPWt':1?. ' ,own of Trumbull. In the county SKI of Falrfllld, In tbla State, during the night of J ill" 20 PX or the mornlngof July 21 ISO?' may be "ipp"b"uoei & ?; iraion r LtaaaattaitOilLiiL itjai.;''yT..-e. a " XT Jlumwrt Jffiiflrtd. NEW YORK. MIZZEN-TOP HOTEL, QUAKER HILT. DUTCnESS CO.. N. T rTOW OPEN. A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY IIOTELt two hourt from New York by Harlem R.R.1 1,200 feel eleratlon, Poit Offloa addreia and railroad atatloa Pawling, N. Y. N. R. HOWE. Manager. Clroufara and Information of F. IL Scoflild, 1 Madl ion ar., New York. liONQ ISTjAND. Summer Homes on Long Island. 8WEPT BY OCEAN BREEZES. "Long liland," an tlluitrated dewrlptlre book, and " Summer Uomea," a book deicrlblng botela and boarding houie. on Long liland, free upon applica tion, at 113, 080, 1318 Broadway! ticket omen foot of Kaat84thit and Jamei illp. foot New Chamber! it., New York) 888 Fulton at.. Eagle Summer Bureau, and Flatbuib ar. nation. L. I. R. It , Brooklyn, or lend (3) centa In itaropt for Long liland," oi ) ecnta for "Summer llomei," to ft. M. SMITH, Trafno Manager L. 1. R. R Long liland City. New York, Manhattan fieaoh Hotel Oriental Hotel Now Opon. T. F. SILLKCK. MANAGER. Gee Time Table Excursion Column, Blcrclliti tin now rldo direct to and bare their wheeli checked at Manhattan Beaoh Hotel. Brighton Beach Hotel. BOW OPItV. Half hour from Now York, Tla Brooklyn Bridge and King! County Elci ated Roid, direct to the hotel. 200 flritelaiirooma. European plan $1.00 vt day and upward. American plan $3 perday endupwardttwo persona In ono room $33 per week and upward. Under management ut F. TllltO. JVAI.TO,T. FA II ItnCKtsYAV. UNBTED STATES HOTEL HEASON NOW OPEN. Modern and flnt-olos. appolmraentii parlllon on Ibe beaob with restaurant, special low rates to BI oycUitt. Apply to the hotel, or to JOHN J. ROOERS. Proprietor, 8 PARK PLACE. NEW YORK. THE EDCEMERE. Edgemere, L I. (Near Far Rockaway). 40 minute! from N. Y. Elegantly furnlihed and equipped with ell modem Improremenu. Fifty room, with prlrnto baths. Fine turf and itlll-water bathing. Boating and fliblng. J. If. BRERL1N, C. W. SHEPIIFRD. Mgr. Ollsoy Home. IT. Y SIIEEPSIIEAD HAY. L. I. Howell Villa, a comforta ble country home cloa to Manhattan Beacb. Send fur termii trolley fare to 2l)d it. or &outh Ferry. Bo. Saratoga Springs. SARATOGA SPRINGS, W. Y. UNSTED STATES HOTEL Open rrom June) la I. October 1. ONE OF THE FINEST GOLF U.SK31N THE COUNTRY. For rates and other particulars, apply to gaub rnnrvr. Or F. n. Scofleld. 1 Madison ar N. Y. city. SARATOGA SPRINGS. Congress Hall. Season oT1887 open! June 2IA Popular Prices. Three Dollars per day. 000 lloomi, accommodating 1.000 gueita. CLEMENT a. COX, Proprler. Saratoga be (5ranb "Slnfon Special Terms per Week or Secson. WOOLLUY d: QERRANS, Propllrtor. Barotoga, Springs. Haw York. CATSKlLLi MOUNTAINS. CATHKILl. iriOCXTAIXS, Klslmtom netrent lluuse. $S to $3 per week: free boating and ftiblngt high eleratlon; plenty of shade and amusement. O. W. USHER. Klskatom. Qreene county. . Y. ULSE'S JIOUNTAIN RE1 REATPopular resortt superior location! farmhouse Ilka. $8: Oataklll to Carlo, rla railroad, thencatrlage: telegraph addreaa Cairo. HULSE. box 147 Bun offloa. Sullivan County. BUMltlTT noi'SH, Washington Bros , proprietors. Liberty, Sullivan county. N. Y. First-class acoommo datlona; large farm and dairy, plenty of fresh milk, good llrery; gunning and nahlngi Cathollo family. NEW JERSEY. imiKM.r. N. J.i ATLANTIOCOaST! family hotelt surrounded by beautiful lawns! acrommodataa 100 comoaqnltoess boating, bathing: splendid bicycling. Address O. D. RUSSELL, I'lORemsensL. Brooklyn. or UltlCIJ-E, N.J. TUB AI.I.4lltE, Spring Lake, N.J. Directly on the beacbj remodeled and tniprurcd. E. M. RICH AIIDSON. IiOdb Branch. LOPIG BRANCH. U.ITCn HTATEB IIUTBI. OCEAN FRONT. Select family and transient hotel. Reasonable rates. Illustrated Booklet. Address J. C. VAN CLEAT. Prop. Aabury Part. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ASUUnV PARK. X. J. SOW OPES. Directly on Ibe Beach. The leading hotel in erery respect. El.rator. MOROAN A PARSOKB. PENNSYLVANIA. Delaware Water Gap. SUNSETHOUSE, Up In tho mountains, four mile, from Delaware Water Oap; dry and iDTlioratlnf alri excellent water ( food tablet large, airy roomit mallidallytterma moderate! Addreaa Mr. W. A. KENNKDY. MarihaU'a Creefc. Pa, MASSACHUSETTS. THE GREYLOCK BH Williamstown, Mass. """"a0- DELIGHTFUL IN SUMMER AND AUTUMN. 'Oamea, good music, excellent roads. Illustrated otroulart mailed VININO A BE1SER. Managers. CONNECTICUT. PEQUOT HOUSE AND COHAGES, nun svoxno.i, coxrt. "A delightful combination of sesshore and country Ufa at the Fequotl" DL ASCII AMD at nACKR. gtUdicai. TTETnoNltimuHusnjLETaTiAu VEHSI1 V OF THE CUY OF NEW VOllK. MEDI CAL DEPARTMENT! 38 YEARS A SPECIALIST IN DIbEASbs OF MEN, OLD DR. GRINDLE baa been longer established and bat bad more experience than any other sdrmitlng phyilclsn: city papers pror this. Under his sclenting treatment blood and skin diseases, pains In bones, red spots, sore throat and mouth, ulcers, painful swelllugs, kidney and bladder oomplalnls, scalding Inflammation, grarel, underel oped oriaui.weak back, lost vitality, are speedily, per manently cured. Men about to marry should consult OLD DR. URINDI.E. Every Impediment removed, burrerera, do not waste time vl.itbig leas skilful physl ctana Renirmber, OLD DR. OR1NDLE nartr falls. OFFICE OVER IB YEARS at 171 West 12tb St.. be tween Bib and 7tli avs. Advice free. Medicine $1, Houri.BtoB. HundayiM to 8. Noohargetinleaicured. OI.II Ult. lillKV, 43 years aperlallst In ls eases or men onli. qulckrit permanent cure guar anteed In all dlicase or money refunded. Blood pol son. skin diseases, kidney or bladder trouble, weak nets, nervous debility, errors of youth, bad dreamt, weak, undeveloped organa, Impediments to marriage, Ac. Be wl.e, consult the only old speolall.t In tbla city, Ortlce over 88 yeara at ISO East 17th st, near Union square. Hours 0 toll! Sundays u to 8. Scten tino treatment and advice free. Medicine only 80c. A.-A,-A.-uriciitT pkumvVext curb Indlieaiesof men: dangerous cases solicited! relief at oncei those deilrlng only nnt'Clasi sclentlflo treat mentshould call, Theleadlngspeclallst, Dr. Bonscbur. 127 West 2id st.t t) to 3, 7 to 0. Bundaya. 10 to 1. A DR. CONRAD'S UAN1TARIUM, 117 West 47th it. (formerly 34tb it.) Telepboua 004 88th tt. Oonmllttloa Ho 0. fc LADIBHI Chlcheiter'i Eng'Jth Pennyroyal PWi n(.n.4 BrsaJJ, ra th. lleat. klf.JuiuKZ fw Lvb... 'I. urajir t.aturn Mqll. Ai Zn,ruii; Chlcheater ChcmlcaTco., I'Luaaa., KJ Watrli eg und gtivtiri). ' On " I DIAMONDS, WATCHES. Call or ad. iTeekly orut WATCH SUPPLY CO., a Maiden rnj intuit, )iu , room 6i. All soolt guaraotud. a T3.lJt. 1 . ,,i. fn, fit f. r.-L..y-r: A GREAT WASTE OF MONEY Failure to use chances for money-saving by cheap buying is wilful waste. The never-weary ram (twenty-one days of it) fails to disperse our big audience of wise buyers. But there are more foolish that don't come than wise that do. If all should suddenly get wisdom we'd need a bigger store. We believe that our good news of good goods, is the best news in the daily papers. -.,., These are ordered to move MUSLIN Everything that Is nonce quickly. The following prices .ivnnpwPAo "cat, dainty and service- fipHiS will doubtless prove to be UNUEwt;AR abe in this Underwear siut-i-b magnetic attractions on the Store. All styles, all prices, but noth- Linen Dress Goods counter to-morrow: Ihg too dear. 25c Silk stripe and Bourttte Linens, 12ac CORSET COVERS 30c Irish Linen Grass Cloth, 20c A lot of cambric Corset Covers, V-shaped 37Hic Imported figured Linen Batiste, 18c necks, neatly tricked off with embroidery, 35c Scotch striped Linen Homespun, 18c are Roln? rapidly at 8c. 3c Imported fancy Plaid Linen Batiste. 18c At 30c. Instead of so $1.25 Embroidered Linen Batiste, 37sc Of fine cambric; high, V-shape and square $1.50 Embroidered striped Linen Batiste, 75c necks'; neatly trimmed with embroidery. $1.50 Bright colored silk bordered Linen GOWNS Grenadine, 75c At 38c, Instead of 50c $1.50 Imported Silk nd Linen two-colored Of muslin, empire style; larire collari Grenadine, 50c trimmed with cambric ruffle; embroidery $1.75 Fancy silk striped Linen Batiste, 75c front. 12 Silk Plaid Linen Batiste, 75c At 50c. Instead of 75c and $1 $3 French Novelty Linen Grenadine, 75c Of muslin and cambric, neatly trimmed with The same power prevails in the . . .embr"id,ery1 rrt beautifully printed Cotton Dress Mfr jfi Mr?!, cambric. hiRh and low Goods. necks. Finished with embroidery or rib- 25c Printed Fine Lawns, 6c drawers Pretty designs on tinted and white grounds. A.t 25c, instead of 35c 25c Printed Dimities, 7C Of cambric, finished with cambric ruffle and AK SnortV C'0lh " flnt Wd At Sot instead of 75c to $1 i'xJe,!: j. o Of cambric and muslin, eight styles; neatly 25c Printed Striped Organdies, 8c trimmed with embroidery. Among the designs are some of the strong- rona floor, fourth arenne. est favorites of the season. CARPETS While all grades of 25c Printed Striped Organdies, 10c ANJj Floor Coverings are Handsome designs on imported cloth. STRAW MATS avanc'nP 'n cost it IS 25c Printed Irish Dimities, 12jc . a satisfaction to adver- lndudedareanumberofour own specially tisc reductions in Carpet prices. Two selected designs, that have been selling at are mentioned to-day that should ap- double. peal strongly to purchasers. 45c French Printed Plumetis, 25C 60 Smyrna Carpets, best quality, 9x12 ft, "nrff5 ' Ur 0W" iPKM """ 83SScbof$3lvnetWCa$?pets, regularly ; ponations. now 7Sc 50c Pineapple Grenadine stRAW mats Made firm and will not slip the learn. 27x36,15c. 43x54, 25c. 54x72,50c. 50c Embroidered Swiss Lawns, 16c T,,lr,, n,or- Readjustment of tock in colors on linen colored grounds. cHANCF brings out many broken WOMEN'S 4 We ve told in part the CHANCE positJve ins SHOES ilory .O00 just bought About 150 Suits materials and cut are Shoes for women. It was an bt and latest were $15 to $22.50; exploit. Some thousands have already reduced to $l0 Also 100 Suits in gone into the happy possession of wise cheviots and Cassimeres, stylish and ""Xi"", a t. 1 1 u a u well made, were $13.50 to $16.50; go The last chapter is now to be told- on cg this morning at $8.50. and the best The Shoes come from pqr THE BOYS one of the best makers. Lots of the 200 pairs Washable Knee Trousers same as we now advertise are selling goat20c; worth double, all over New York and Brooklyn by 375 pairs of the 75c kfnd now 40c very reputable dealers, at Three Dollars ,.. n..r, intb .troet, a pair. Our price is MEN,s Qf fine woven Madras $L0 NF.QLKiEE Cotton Cloth, in new and or less than half. Uppers are Foer- shirts st'lisn patterns. To be erer's black vici kidskin; soles of flex- worn with white collars ible oak tanned leather. This offering and cuffs. 1 , SCO go on sale to-day at is unmatched. 50c. Easily worth double. Second door. Tenth street. Iklntb street. women's A trade chance to your ad- MEN'S Veryneat,28 in. Union COTTON vantaS'- They have been UMBRELLAS eta-. Close-rolling HOSIERY 35c a pair, and are worth it; . M steel rod na ural wood HObltKY qw v piirs fQr 5()c As- handl6t $us here Would be good sorted tans and fast blacks; double soles value a dollar more, and high spliced heels; summer weight. S?, You should add a WOMEN'S Just a hundred of PROOF COATS Mackintosh to your cloth T CAPES them, tip-top stvles . name 1 ; you would LLuin i-At-ca anddownrigntbargains conjure St. Swithin. The warfare of Duplicates sold earlier at $12 to $18; re- the weather man continues. A Mack cent bargain prices were $7.50. These '"tosh is a coat of mail that sheds his are priced missiles. $4.50 to S25. Forty sorts. AT cfr uroadrray and ninth street. Colors navy blue, green, gray and INFANTS' Costs ,but .? trifle in tan. Some are tailor-made with COATS money to add a Cloth strapped seams; others are handsomely lr riL Reefer to a tot s outfit. A braided. A variety of popular styles. Iot of tnem here to sell Second floor. Oroadnay. AT $2, S, AND $5, notion.; -J"st g,a over these little ,n?ef,ar1 ,ucble ife fA Phin NOTIONS th. j. , ; f and fancy Sues 2 to 4 years. which are neeled every clay. . Also, a few white Coats for infants, J J 6 mos. to 2 yrs, old, Corset Clasps, 4c pair -j- t 50 TO $10 $ti3&M yalues$4to$i8.' Fabrics are Silk Cas- Safety Pins, N0S.2U and 3,3c dor. simeres and Wool Novelties. Coats Spring Hooks and Eyes, Nos.2,3,4,5, 5ccard are tastefully trimmed with embroidery, Pattern tracers, 4c each hraid ind lire Tomato Pin Cushions, 5c and 10c each . ra,U a la.ce- .. Featherstitch Braid, 6 yd. piece, 5c second n,r, t-ourti. ..vennr. White. Black, Drab Tape, 24 yd. pc., 7c m thc 1 lie abode of all sorts of HalrPins, Nos. 2tf,2'5',2i dor. papers, 4c isp.i;B artistic things most of pK'cnff oncard,4c storp them at very little prices. Plr.s, 1C.3C and 5c paper blOKE ii,.,r is nHdcH L White Silk Prussia Binding, 9 yd. pc, 12c L . , interest is aauea Dy re Carpet Binding, assorted colors, 8c piece cent arrivals. Among them, the popu Silk stripe Bone Casing, 9 yd. pc, 7c lar and scarce blue-and-white Umbrella Velveteen Skirt Binding, 4 yds , i in., 9c Stands Price S I 75. Stockinet, Rubber Lined, and Summer , "; ,". :'xr,,' , J,mMM ,Hte. Weight Dress shields, 5c 8c and 10c pair man Vases, hand decorated, at 15c; Broadway. Baking Dishes, at 8c ; Cream Pitchers, .,. Summer comfort and econ- at 5c ; Tea-pot, Sugar Bowl, and Cream RNnP: my in the use of Gas and Pitcher, at )Sc the set. And not one PTC oil Stoves. This luxury of these articles that isn't worth a half pays for itself very quickly more many double. in fuel saving. Shuts off heat when ,,'u,,m," . , ,. . , cooking is done. TURKISH x An excellent line and at Gas Ranges, $9.75 to S28 BATH a tra?tlv? P'ces-. Just a Gas Cookers, J450 to J8.50 TOWELS '"ll m the following : Gas Stoves, Si to $4.75 . At lSc, hemstitched, full Oil Stoves, M.50 to f 7.50. bleached, 21x42. A Hi ,! .i A 25C extra heavy, full bleached, 22x52 QREEN CORN . j? laDr-saving device, Bath Mats, 22x40 in., of line cotton yarn, at GRATERS, '"dispensable at this sea- 35c; 26x42 in., 75c son. 12c and 1 5C Large Bath Sheets at 2 and 53. Basement. ronrlli Avenue. JOHN WANAMAKER Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, 4th ave., 9th and 10th sts. Sianofortrjs, Orgaiw, &r. fisclwlOianos We hhff on hand limt Msortment of ODD itylei, new aad -lightly used piano, lu unique deslroa uicl olio 1 00 wooJs, whk'L) will b otTrred at GREAT REDUCTION from thtlr regular prices. This cbauoo to atoura a first-class Piano should nut bo overlooked. Casb or easy payments. WAREROOUS: 88 UNION HgUARE. WEST, between loin and 17th its . New Tors:. A FINE UPRIGHT, 1148, 5 monthly! Chlckerlng, bargain. WlSSNtR, 89 Montgomery at.. Jersey City. A FINS STUNWAY, tl7S. (S monthly uptight, bar gain. WI3SNBR HALL. 611 Broad at.. Newark, M J. ELEOAHT UPRIGHT PIANO. (100, 9 monthly Stalnway, bargain. WW3NER, 2ft East 14th at. Open avenlngt. CTSINWAY, tloOt monthly) upright, rent ta. J W I83NER. 689 Pulton St., Brooklyn! open evenings. 'inilllTY fulUlis square pianos, beat makes, 178 A. each, 8 monthly. WlttSNEB, sfl fulton It., Brookln. cSmiiofortr?. Orpn., &c. PIANO-SUMMER BARGAINS. Prices snd terms reduced! 7 monthly up. . NKW UPRIOIIT. 71, OCTAVK. 8180, TUE "OrERA" PIANO. S8IM up. Organs, 840. Catalogue, bargain circular free, any address. PEEK A SON, corner Broadway sua U est 47th si UFniCIIT AT BAIIUAIR. 7 oct, medium site, Slfiv , 88 monthly. 7aoot., large alie.fXOO Id monthly. Others at from tli'5 , 83 monthly up, OOUDON'S. 18W Fifth ave., bet. SOtrj A 21. t sts. UPRIOHT PIANO, (118, IS monthlyi itelnway. bargain) rent 13. W1SSNBR, 60U State it., near natbusq av, Brooklyn. gAUUt. PATENTS for Inventions procured promptly; low ratea. ROKUER UUlEbEN, 88 Nassau it, N. Y. eitabllthed 1BS4. fiat nlrh noioklr. Bend forttook,"InvenUons Wsnt UBl IllkU (ld."Ed.arTateCo.18Drodwy..'. ntmttM. ssrasastjtja.ajaaShsa,sasaaMSjssitiaas,, stmasi MANHATTAN BEACH. wept by Oesaa Breetea. Sousa's Concerts, l?oTf. Pain's Fireworks, iri'S:.! Parry Opera Company, "VERY LITTLE FAUST," tf A. with a selected east Including Dorothy Morton, Traly Shattuek, Delia lllaoey, Alleaei Crater, Barry Lncksteae, Air Whelan, and Blrharfl r. carmll. Metropolitan Chcrns and Corral da Ballet. OLD HOtfRTTRAD 41ABUBK, B Ar,, BOth and olat ata. I9RAKD COXCKKT, Friday evening, July 80, at M o'clock. VICTOR fpBIRT ANU US fAJUOUS MD REOT. UANIX AdmUaton, as cents. Departure for Nsshrllla (Aug. a to Sept 7), St Louis Exposition. Sept 8 to Oct. D8. On tour. PtlADHO IHVAnn BOOF SJABUrW fQ Every eve'g at 8, Inoludtng Sunday. T m. CONTINUED SUCCESS OP TnE m. O roniLAn cohcrrts Q T Dy the METROPOLITAN PERMANENT Z2T D ORCHESTRA. D BO 1NSTRUMKNTAUSTH SO. S SPECIAL Mr. THOMAS MCQUEEN cS Will appear Saturday and Sunday Er'gs. 9 AnwiMiuai. sob. FLOATING ROOF 0ARDEN. STEAMER ORAND REPUBLIC. FARE. 60c Every evening. Including Sunday. Band of 80. Lew Hawklna, Harry Crandall, Bd. Leslie, others. Leares Wr.tSZd at. NilA) Battery landing, 8S8) Bridge Dock, Brooklyn, Si4B. Reluming. 11 IKO. DACTnb'C roTfjrois 1 8:110 to 1 1 P. M. Beau 80 and 80 rrnta. 4 EMPERORS Of MUSIC COOK A SONORA. ELINORE SISTERS, BEN HARNEY, OEO. E. AUSTIN, CUltTIS A GORDON. KPDTH'S Continuous Performance. Baal D II O zso., noc NoontollP.M. JOK OAH THORNE, FAVOR AND SINUIJtllt, ORE AT BIOORAPH (new lews), W. P. 8WEATNAU, JKS BIB COUTHOUI. ADF.I.1N A ROATTlNAl 88 others. KOSTER & BIAL'S S28. Ad7lS.,on AVDKIIil.B AMI FROIIKMOg COWCICDTS from 7:110 P. M. until nildulgnt. TUB COO!. ITIIK WUint, OP TUB TOV.I CARIXOt I Wheelmen's Annual Mght, Aug. 18. Only Tbeatre Open! Only Thing to Seel Boot Vaudeville lu-nlghl I Newniltleaquaneitweekl oitiAilA stooll.rAntaEBT. KARA, 110 VAUDEVILLE RILL. Ehe Eurf. Pens go. jockey club, AQUEDUCT, L. L flaring Rvery Day Tbla fteek at tliOO. Admission to grsnd stand and Inclosure, (t.SO. Raoe trains leave foot East 34th st. at 12:80, 1, 1:20, 1H0, end 2:201'. M. Also, from FlatMuh ar. at 1, 1:80. and 8 P. M. stagea ronntot with Kings Co. "L." CoUrncs nml Schools. rorVlrlanud loungH omen Clt and Country. Nazareth Industrial School, BRONXVILLE, N. Y. Voder the chargo or Ibe sister or St Jeseph or Nasaretli (Evlaeopnl). Industrial training for girls of good character, to render them self supporting. Terms. stlOO a year. io vncatlone. far Ho), and taunt; tiro 4,'lty and Country. SACRED HEART ACADEMY. Select Cathollo Boarding School! educational ad vantarea unsurpassed) open all Tears fall term bealna Sept. 7. Addreis Uro. AUGUST, West Chester. N. Y. Berkeley School. 18-24 West 44th SL Autumn half 18th year .begmi Sept. 87. Three va cancles for boarders. New arrangementa for Junior Department, ages H to 18 yeara. For register addreaa JOHN S. WHITE. LL.D. Head Master. Uuslaeaa Colleges. ALL summer, day, evening! Metropolitan Short hand school; rooms cooli elaratort) ail graduates placed. IBB 8th ar. SHacelinneotia, PENNINGTON fN. J.) SEMINART.-ConTenlent to New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washing ton: both sexes! 6-th year: healthful! beautiful: 18 teachers! 18 ruursea: 8d0 a year. For beautifully Illustrated cstaloieue. address TnOMAS HANLON. D. D President OttatJfunrntto. Gaze's Tours. Fltr IVnonttllj Conducted 1'arlle lo EUROPE. MOROCCO, ALGIERSJUNIS, Elc. Aug. 7th. Uth. 2-tli: Sept. 4th and Oct ICth. 46 Days, All Necessary Expenns 8270 up VUltlnn Principal Art Centres and Capitals. . Two Nprrint Tours to Morocco. Spain, Al- I clrrs, Tunis, rartunice, Sicily, and Italy (with or without Egypt and Jerusalem IS9U up). Including Island of Malta. ANNUAL 'ROUND THE WORLD PARTY, aoVEMUKIt Tth. Programmes Free. Independent tickets everywhere. Choice BertLu. All Strau rhlp Llnca. t Henry 0aze& Sods, Ltd., H3Croadway,N.Y AMERICAINJ LIME" NEW YOl.K hdUl HAUITOV Irfudun Paris), falling every Wedni-nisy at 10 A. M. ST.PAUI, Aug. 4 1-T PAUL .Aug. X0 ST. I.OUI.N. Aug 11 ST UU1S Sept I l'ARlh AUk i PAItlh Sept BED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP Sailing every Wedweday Frlealand ....Aug. 4, no.m We.tvrnland.Aug.lrl.noon Kens'eton. Aug. 11, 3 p.Ji SimtUMark..Aug8S. SP.U INTERNATIONAL NAVIUA1IOV COMPANY. Piers 14 and I a, North Uuer Om, . 0 Howling O reen. ANCHOR' LINE. ui tNuovv .a i.)Mnnitiir. Wekly from Her St, N R , foot West thst Ethtopls....July St, noon Anchorla...Aug, 14. noon t'lts or Home Kept. II and Oct. o For new illustrsted tKxik of tours and paaaage ratea aud further paxtlcuUrs appl to HENDERSON BltUTHERN Agents. 7 Bowling Oreen. CAAADIA.V HAflFIC Utl' Intended .tpamihlp calling front V ncouver to JAPAN and CHINA. EMPRESS OF JAPAN Aug. ail. Nov H.Jsn. 81 EIIPHEHS OF CHINA Evert. 18. Dec. . ttt. i8 EMPRESS UK ISIHA Oct. 11. Jan 3. March 8S , to HONOLULU, FIJI, and AUSTRALIA. MIOWERA Allif. HI AORANOI . , ygt. t Second cabin accommodations at very low rates. Fortlckcts snd rn-lght j-sU'rf apply 85:1 Itroadway. For freight ran, mil), 03 Wall it.. New York. riUNA itIi.l.NKToDVLllPOOL.V!AO.UEhNSTOVN. V- From Pier 40, S It. fnot of Clarkann st. Umlirla .July ill, a r. M. I Ktmrla. Aug, 14.3 P.M. I.ucaula ....auk. 7, noon Canip.Wa, A.M. VERNON ll.BHO WN CO..Oen.AB'is,4 Howling Orson. riiEt-i. i,i R. -VOMPAONIE nH.SKUAI.K TRANSATLANTIQUC J DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE 1'ARIS, FRANCE. LA TOI'HAINE. Santelll bat., July 81. 10A.M. LA CHAMI'AUNE, Polrot Sat, Aug 7.10 A.M. Rates of pausge, oratclsxs, N.V. to Paris, (10S snd up. by all steamers except l.a Tonralna. Including railway fare to Parte nnd landing chargea. Parlor oar sest Is rstra during summer season. Second class, to Parli, 134.71). A. Fount T. tleneral Agent. 3 Cowling Oreen. bamburg-American line: TWIN-SCREW EXPRESS from New York to Plym outh (I-oud to. CbrrlHiurg, Hurt., and llanibutg. Norinaiinla,July2tf.l0A.M.iNomisnnta.Au.80, 10 A.M. Columbia, Aug, 3, A. U, Columl la. Sept . V A. M. F.Ill.niarck, AU.IB.IOA M.'A. VlctorlmSrpt. II, 8 A.M. HAMHURO r-EltVICE, by Twin Screw Mall 8. B. PboBuUla. July III, 7:30 A. M 1 1', Aug. 7, 18 M. Flrrl oab., 76 up: second class, 840i sterrsge, IJO. Ilnmbura-Anierlcaii Line. HI llroadwny. MAIM: NTIUA.nSBllI CO. DEI.IUIITPI1I. ItrKASl TIIIPH. Only direct line for Cottage City, 5Ias., and Port land, Me. steamera aall erery week day. except Vt from l'ler No. I1H, i R., at r. p. M Tues day, Thursday, and haturday steamers .ton at Cottage City en route: the uew H, S JOHN I'NULIS sails Mon days and Frldaja for I'nrtlsud direct. Connrctlont made for Bar llarlxir. Old Orchard, Poland Spring, Vt bite Houutalns, HI, John, N. II., an i all Eastern Bum mer resorts, steamera lilted with eery modern lm movement fortomfort and comenl-nro of tourists. The most comfortable route for all iwilnts East, neres sltstlng no rhangea Tickets may I purchssed at Maine s. 8 Company's iitllce, No, 273 Broadway, at Ih orn"e No. ligf Smith st., onponlte the Pier, and Thos, Cook A Son, 'Jill nud lUlia Droalway, NORTH GERMAN I LOVD STEAMSHIP CO? SHORT ROUTE TO LONDOV AND CONTINENT. FAST EXPRESS STEAMERS. Mavel.Tu., Aug II, ltiA M.jTrave.Tu., Aug, 17, 10 A.M. Saale,Tu..Aug. 10.10 A.M.lLahn.Tu., Aug, 34, 10 A.M. OEI.iUCIIB A CO., ii Uor. ling Green. OLD DOMINION LINE. DAILV TU llltrill.l(. Kbnrtrai Hea Trips Out or Urn sorU. Delightful tours to Old Po nt Comfort, Norfolk, Newport News, Petersburg, Portsmouth. Pinner's Point. Richmond, Virginia Beach, Va , and Washing ton, D. C. Freight and Paaseuger steamers ssll from rler 88, North River, erery week dav except batur day. at 3 P. M , and Saturday at 4 P. II W. L. OUIIXAUDKU. Vlcc-Pres't sndTrsfnoMgr. WHITE STAR LINE. Majest'o Aug. 4, noon I Teutonic Aug, 18, noon Oerraanlo .Auc. 11, noonl Ilrltsiiiilc. Aug. rs, noon NOCOTTON CARRIED UY PABlEMIEIt bfEAIIERS. Pier 45, North Klier. Offlre u Hniadwur. New York. II. MA1TI.AXD KERREY, Agent trijmilioate. TROY BOATS. Fare to all rr.orta north and east lower than any other route. CITY OF TROY or HARATOOA leave foot Wtat 10th st. dally, except Saturday, 1 ? -M Ex press tralni for Saratoga, Lake Oeirge, Adirondack!, fee kuudsjr ateamer touclica at Albany, TT i, II Mtnmumxt. NORWICH LINE Tor Ktw London. Wateh niU, k Wand, tad. Battj m Resorts, alto Woreetttr and North of Boston and East Steamer City of Lowell or City U Woreeiter leiVet Plar 40 (Old Na). K. It. nx8DMbrostM st. weeiTdaya only at 8 P.M. Orchestra on aaoh. Ratea to 6LOCK ISLAND rtductd. oonnactloii mada Week Dayt and Sunday!. FALL RIVER LINE For Newport. FaU Wrar. Boaton, Martha.'. ' Vineyard, Nantnckat. Cape Ood.and all Eutern and Northern Mountain. In tnd. and Baashoro POlntt. Btaamjra PrUclllaand Puritan in commltilon. Wnaorcheitra on each. Leave Pier 18, N. It. fop of Murray it, wealt daya and Sundays, at Bt80 P. M. PROVIDENCE LINE ror Providence direct. Boston and all Inland and seashore Resorts East and North thereof. Bteamers Rhode Island and Plymouth. Orchestra on each. Leave Pier 88, N. It., oua block above Canal it, week dayt only, at 8:80 P. M. 8TONINCTON LINE For Btonlngton. Narragantett Tier, Watch mil. Dot ton, and all points East flttamert Main and Nlw Hampshire. Leave Pier 88. N. R., ona block above Canal it. week dayt only, at C P. M. HODSOB HIVBB BY DAVMCIIT. PALACE IRON DAT LINE BTEAMERS "XKWYOIIH" and 'ALBAir. Flneat and tatteit river itesmers in the world. Dally exoept Sunday. Leaves Brooklyn. Fulton St (by Annex),.., S X. U. " New York, Deibrossea Bt Pier 8t40 ' " West 88d Bt. Pier 9 " Tor AlBAK V, landing at Yonkera. Weit Point, New burg, Poughkeepile, Kingston Point Catskllt, and Iludson. Direct connection on the Kingston Point dook with U. and D. trains for Ca'sklll Mountain points and for Lakes Mnhonk and Mlnnewaaka. At Oauklll with the Cataklll Mountain and Otis El. Railway for Cairo and mountain resorts. Railroad connections at Newbnrg, Pougbkeepste, Iludson, and Albany for points North, East, and Wett. Special Saratoga trains. Through tlcketi cold at Drsbrosset st pier. West Szd st. pier, New York Transfer, and otber principal ticket oBlees. LONG ISLAND AND BLOCK ISLAND. War Orient. Steamers Shlnnecook and Montauk Shelter Island, lsave New York dally (except Bun- ursenuH. daya) at B P. M., 6aturdaya at 1 aoatbold, uaturday'a boat doea not go to ar Uarbor, Block Island, and Tuesday'a, Thurs- and day's, and Saturday's boat doea not Block Island, go to Southold. Albany Evening Line. Steamera ADIRONDACK and DEAN RICHMOND leate Old Pier 41, N. R., foot Canal at. at B P. M. dally (Sundays excepted), connecting with trains for Saratoga, Lake George, AdlrondaoLa, Sharon springs, Richfield Springs, Thousand Islands, Niagara Falls, and the West, Saturday night ateamer oonnecte with Sunday morning train for Saratoga, North Creek. Caldwell, and iteamer on Lake George. CAT8KIU. BVB.1I.VO I.I.VIK. Steamera KAATERSKILL and OATSKILL leave every week day at e P. M. from foot of Christopher t, N. It, connecting at Cataklll wltb mountain tralna. Staterooma lighted by electricity. Bicycles carried free. Horses and carriages taken. Bend to pier or to Cataklll for descriptive folder. HARTFORD LINE from Pier 84, Ksit Rlvar, dally except Bunder at 8 P. M for Connecticut River landings, connecting for Springfield, Worcester, Boston, and all New England points. Saturday excursions at reduced ratea. ux'dsos rtivim rtcamcu mart poiiili. Dally (except Sundays), leaving ft. 3:13 P. M. (Saturdays 1:45 P. 11.), West gsd st. 8.:i0 P. M. (Saturdays a P. M.) for CRANSTON'S. WEST POINT, CORNWALL. NEWDURO. NEW UAMBURO, MILTON, POUOHKEEPSIE. RONDOUT. and KINGSTON. KINGSTON LINE. Wett 10th st Dally 4 P. M. Sat urdays at I. Steamera BALDWIN and HOMER for Cornwall, Newhurg, New Hamburg, Marlboro, Milton, Poughkeepile. Hyde Park, Eaopua. Kingston, connect, Ing with U, A P. It. R. for all points In Catskllls. iew IIAVRV. Fare. (I: EXCURSION. 81.80. Sundays, Excursion, (1.O0. Fast tteamra leave Pier KB, E. It, week daya, 8 P. M. and 18 midnight! Sun days, 0:30 A. M. and 12 midnight) week day steamera connect on wharf with trains for Mcrldsn, Hartford, Springfield, and points north. n iidhosTa -in coxsackie noATtt From foot of Chrlitopher st, ererv week dav at S P. M.. connecting with the B. A A. It It at H udson. RAMSDELL LINE Steamers leave Pfer 84, N. R, root Franklin at, for Cranston's, West Point Cold Spring. Cornwall, FlshklU Lsnding. and Newburg week days (except 8aturdav) b P. M, : Saturday 8 P. M. t Sundays 0 A. M.ilandlng at 133d at, N. It, 8:30 A. M. Sailroaflj. Lehigh Valley System. Bistlons foot of West 2Sd St (Penn. B. K.) Cortland! or Desbrosses St Indicates tlrro from West 23d Ft Other figures show time from Cortlandt or Desbrosaea St tins, ono A.M. dally (Sunday a:4B. Tilt for MAUCU CHUNK and Intermediate atatlona. 7l5S. H.1S A. M. dally for WILKESBARRE, BCRANTON (week daya). ELMIRA (week days), ITHACA. OENEV A. ROCHESTER. BUFFALO. NIAG ARA FALLS, and the West and principal local points; dining oar and cbstr car to Buffalo. lOiua. lomo A. M Sundaya only, for BOUND BROOK and intermediate atatlona. iotas. loiao a. m. dally, except Sunday, for MAUCll CHU.NK and Intermediate i-ulnta. Ittsa, IttiOOuoon dally, except Sunday, "HliACK DIAMOND EXl'ItliSS." Arrives Butfalo 8:3S P. M. Pullman Vestibule Dsy Coaches and Parlor Cars, Dining Car Sen loe. Meals a la carte. Connects at Buffalo with through sleepers to Detroit and Chicago. isms, inito p. M. dally, except Sunday, for MAUCH CHUNK and Intermediate points. IUiBS. Ills P. M.. Sundays only, for EASTON. MAUCU CHUNK, and the coal brauunrs. lias, lito p. ii. dally, except Sunday, for WILKESBARRE, PITTSTON fcCRANTON, and lirlncl I pal luterrnrdlato stations. Connecu f or all poluts In coal regions j cbslr car for Wllkeshsrre. Il!.1S. tilo p. M. dally, except Sunday, for WILKESBARRE, PITTSTON. SCRANTON, and princi pal intermediate stations. Connects for all point. In coslreglonc. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Wllkrs barre. lias, sits P.M dally for EASTON aud interme diate atatlona. SiSS, ono p, M. dally, except Sunday, Expreaa for SLATINOfON and principal Intermediate stations. Connects ror Reading and llarrlsburg. Chair car to blatlngton. i35. TiOO P.M. dally for BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALLS, and all poluil West Pullmau sleeer reti liule train N. Y. to Chicago. Sleepers to BuHalo and Toronto. Tisn. p. ii, dally, except Sunday, stopping only at SOUTH PLMNFiELD, EASTON. BETH1.V? HEM. MAUCH CHUNK, L. A B. JUNCTION. SAYRE. GENEVA, ROCHESTElt BtTAVIA. and BUFFALO! Pullman sleeper for Buffalo. None but sleeplug car passengers carried. No baggage carried. ia. Oioo P. M. dally for ITHACA, GENEVA. ROCHEH1ER, BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, and all points West. Pullman sleepers lo Wllkesbarre and ltbaoa. Additional local trains dally, exoept Sunday, for BOUND BROOK and Intermediate points, leave as fol lows: ri:AS, 8 00 A. M-, 1:55, 8:80, '8:85, 4:110. and 5i50. 8:80 P. M. ' TIckeUand Pullman accommodations at 118, 881, 87J, 8SS, V44, and 1383 Broadway, 31 E. 11th Bt, 188 E. 1'JSth St. U7 Bowery, N T.t 880 Fullon St, 4 Court St., 88 Broadway, and Brooklyn Annsx, Brook lyn N. Y. Tranif t Co, will call for and check baggage from hotel or residence to de.tlnatlon. ERIE railroad. Through train, leare New York, foot of Chambers tt, as (olloni, aud nvo mlnutea earlier from Weat 148,1 st : OJlfl A. M. Vntlbule Expreu dally for Bingham Oi.lJ ton, Waverly. Elmlra, Buffalo, DradforU, ar rlvri. Kuiralo 8:00 P. 11. Parlor oar to Buffalo. 9, t; A. M. Ve.tlbuled Exprt si dally, except Bun- lo day, for Port Jerrls, Montlcello, Lackawazen, Unnt'sdate, and Important local points to corning. Dally to Port Jervla. Pullman Parlor Cars for Moo tlie 1 and Cornlug. 2 .fifs M Vestibule limited. Fast mall dally, JJ Solid train for Chicago, viaChautauqua I.ale, arritrs Olet eland at 7:10 A. 11. Chicago b P. M, Sleepers to Chicago, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Din Ing ar, i 7 Qfl l". Buffalo and Cleveland Vestibule Ex I I .Ot press dally, arrives at Bnfralo 7:0ft A. M I Bradford 7:17 A. M., Jatnestnwn 7:00 A.M., Cleva I land r.':8)P,H. (Sleepers to Buffalo and Cleveland), I making direct connection for Detroit, Chicago, and 1 the We.t. Cafe Library Car. ' 8,tp: P. M, DAIl.Y-Vla Chautauqua Lake and ltO Nlarara Falls. Solid train to Chicago, Bleep. era to llornellsvllle, Culcsgo and Cincinnati. Dlnlna , oar. I rlMCKETR. LOCAL TIME CARDS, AND PULLMAN , X ACCOMMODATIONS at 1 1 1 , 1 13. 2H1, 4U1, and 987 Broadwav. 127 Bowery, 188 East IWSth at, and m West l'.'Sib St., Cl,auibers and West 28d st, ferries New York! 3H3 aud "88 Fulton st, 108 Broadway Brooklyn: 200 Hudson at, Hoboken. and Jersey Clfr station, Wrstrott's Express t alls for aud che, ks bag gage rrom hotels and residences to deitlnatlon. NlwYuTkand Boston All Rail. N. V., .V II. A II It R. and connectlona. From Orud Central Station. Leave. By way of nu. 0.04 A M Sprlugfleld and Worcester, 3-30 P M 10:00 A. M., ttNewLoodonsndProvldenoe. B'OO p' m' 10:03 A. M , New Loudon and Providence. 4:30 p' m' 12:00 M. Sprlngnrld aud Wurce.ter. woe S' JlsOOP M,AlrUueandN.E.ItB.. Sou Pit 1 0'J P II New ton lou and Providence. 7:00 I" M S.un p. M., New Ixndon and l'roi Idencs. u oo p u' I'M ' S ' ,,rln,rtei'1 an" Woiwlie?. 'lo oo P M. 6:00 P, M., 'New Imdnn and Providence. II '00 p M 11:00 p, M , Springfield and Worcester, 8:IB A M '"J?.0 P- V;,N:w,Li1.",on " Providence, 3 88 i.U. Runs dally. Including Sunday, tt Bay (Mate Llinltel) all parlor carat fare (7, In cluding parlor car aeat - f A r Line Limited; arrives at end departa from Park 22X1'f Sute0""1- R"'ra ""''? hour BALTIMORE & OHIO. Leave New York. Whitehall Terminal dallv CHICAGO. 1 SS P. M. and ISHO nllht ' CI NCIS vi'?iasT I onVl? W ""?" ' ' 8 ' 1 IM.IN.NATI. ST. LOUIS, 0:55 A. M,. s."ia l M WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE. 7:6ft i.61 (Dl'nln Csr), lllVS A M. (Dining Parj.iiSo.BiM D n n! Car), 4:85 (Dining Car), n;o8P.M.. 12:10 niiht un day, 9.63 (Dining Car). 1 1 125 A. M, iDlnlng Can 1 Eft nViht" C"h 'M tto, CV" 4:55 1? M'igJlO NORFOLK, 11:20 A.M. dally. NEW ORLEANS (thruugb ileeper), 4iSS P. M. dally. Tralna leave foot Liberty it. 5 minutes later All tralna are lllumlnatid wltb Putsch llrht . OfTloeS! 118. 178. 881, 484. 1 40 Broadwav SI Eut 14th at, 187Ilowary. New York, ". B4"Vultor ' Brooklyw WhlUhsil Terminal Ilaiglia ekil , XromhotelorrvjldeiutodMUjuUeii? w1""4 SniiMnai. I NE.WYORK j Antral V- & HUDSON RIVER R. R. THEFOUR-TRACKTRUNKLINE. DIIIKCT I.I18E TO NIAUABA VAI.UH. All through tralna stop at Albany, Utlca, Syracnta Rochester, and Burial o. Tralni leave Grand Central Station, 4Cd Street an W Fourth Avrntie, aa follows: 7.r;n a. h Adirondack mountains, thou. I !OU HAND ISLANDS, AND MONTREAL SPECIAL. ?, Dally, except Sunday For Adirondack Mountains, ' Thousand Islands, and Montreal. ( 8 .'lf A It Dally, exoept Sunday. The famonl ,,' lou EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS. LIMITED Fait- i- est train In the world. Due Buffalo at 4H.1 P. M !, Niagara Falls RtAS P. M., Toronto 8:0(1 P. H, This , train la limited to Ita aeatlng capacity. 9, OC A. M.-FAST MAIL. DaUy-For Poughkeeprta, ;OU Albany. Utlca. Hyracuir. Rochester, Uilfelo, Niagara Falls, and t'levaland, 9,A( A, M.-SARATOGA AND MONTREAL KFB. TlVJ CIAL, Dally, except Sunday For Cat.klll Mountains, Troy, Saratoga, Lake George, Ureea Mountains, and Montreal. 1 M.fifi A. M.-NORTH SHORE LIMITED, Dslly iU.UU 24-hour tralu to Chicago via Michigan Cen tral route. Duo Buffalo S:40 P.M., Niagara Kails 0:80 P. H., CblstKo u 00 A. M. Carrie, sleeping ami drawing room csrs only. 1 fi.Qfi A. M. DAY EXPRESS, except Sunday lUIOU For lllllbrook, cstsklll Mountain!, and all important New ink state points. P. M. SOCTHWF.S1ERN LIMITED. Dally ,UU For Columbus, Cluclnnatl, Indlanapollt, and Jit Louis. Stops at PoiicliWoepsle. 1 ,nn V. M.-CHICAGO nl'l.i IAL, Dally-For Da l.UU trolt, Cleveland,, and Chicago. Btopa a Pougbkeepste and rclun unrt) 3, Q( P. M. TROY AND SARATOGA SPECIAL, ex ,DJ ce pt Sunday For llarrlnnn'e (West Point), ' irhkeepsie, Albany, and Trn rT.fif i P. It'-LAKl. silORE LIMITED, Dally-ti-OAJyJ hour tra'n to Chicago, rla Lake Shore route, D.o Cloelsn1 7H5, Toledo 10-05 A M Chicago 4:U0P. M. This train oonnects at t'li-velan.l fur Cincinnati, due 4:40 P.M., and at Toledo ror st Louls.due 10)16 P. M die Uaneua t Ity next morning. Carrlee sleeping and drav, ing.iooni cart only. 6,nn P. M. WESTEPN EXPRESS, Dally-For Nl .UU ugtra Falls, Cleveland, Toledo. Detroit, Chi .-.iim. Cincinnati, and St. Louis Ci.OK P- II. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS, TnOU )!siO bAND ISLANDS, AND MONTREAL EXPRESS Dally For Adirondack Mountains. Thousand I.I uti'ls, and Montreal. 7 .flfi p- M. NORTHERN EXPEEI-R. DallyFn UU Troy, I attsburg. Burllvgtou. Montreal, an 1, except Saturtay nights, Ottawa. 7 .Of, P. M.-BUFFALO .SPECIAL. Dally-For OU Rochester, Buftsln, Niagara Fall., Toronto, Cl-'veland. Indlanariolls, St. Louis, and Chicago. 9 .flfi ' M. SPECIAL LIMITED MAIL. Iillly ,JJ (sleeping car passengers only) For point, on J-all Brook Railway, via Lyons, and for Buffalo, Cleveland, Ind anapolls. and St. Louis 9,1 C P. M.-PACIFIC EXPRESS, Dally-For Srra. , 1J cuse, Oswego. Watertoivn, Ogdenslurg liuf ralo, Niagara Fails. Cletelsnd, Toledo, Cbii aso, and except Saturdays for Capo Vlnoent and tba Auburn road. 19.1fi Night MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. Theitre J.SW.AV train for Chicago and principal point, on the New York Central every night except Sunday nights. Sunday nlghta, Chicago sleepers leave oa 8:16 train. Oioo A. If. and nmo p, M. Dally, except Sunday, ta Plttanrtd. via Ilarlim Division. Oils A. M Sundaya only, to JMtlaneld and thoBerk ahlre Hill., rlsthe Harlem Division. ALL NIGHT" TRAINS TO VONKERS. "All night" trains run between 165tbst and polntg on the Putnam Division aa far as Yonkers. In coune lion with the el-vated road. The oniy line running "all night" tralna out of New York. Wagner Palace Can on all through trains. Tralni Illuminated with Plntacb light. m Tickets and Wagner offlcea at Grand Central station, 118. 281, 413 Broadway, 31 Eaal Mth st, 842 Broad- way, 28B Columbus av., BI West 1 SStb at. and 1 3th at. station, New Yorkt 13S and 788 Fulton st., and 106 Broadway. E. D Brooklyn. Baggage checked from hotel or residence by the We.toott Express Company. aasi JOHN M. TOCCKY, GEORGE H. DANIELS. General Manager. General Patienger Agent Pennsylvania I 3Ea.B.XXjXS.40X. STATIONS foot of Weat Twenty-third street and Dae IH brossea and Cortlandt atreeta. C8fThe learlng time from Desbroaae and Cortlandt HJ atreeu la fire minutes later than that giren below ror tB Twenty-third Street Ststlou. fiStt A. 9. FAST MAIL. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car New York to Pittsburg. Sleeping Car Pittsburg B to Chicago. No ooacbee to Plttabnrg. lias A. n. FAST LINE. Pltubunr and Clereland. OlSS A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMIT! D. Pullman Compartment Sleeping. Dining, smoking, and Ob- aerratlon Cars. For Chicago. Cleveland, Toledo. H Cincinnati, Indlanapolla, Ltiul.rllle. st Louis. llBBI'. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS- For Naahvllle fria (inclnnat1). Chicago, St. Louis. H BlSS P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS. For Clevsland, CMcago. For Toledo, exoept Saturday. M lltOP.JI. SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS. For CUV , clnnstl. Indianapolis, St. Louis. bM, IBS r. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS. For Pittsburg an ! Chicago. Connecu for Cleveland and Toledo except H I haturday. bbbbH WASIIIXCTOX ATD TUB MOUTH. MJ ' 7:58.8:25, 0:25. U.SS (Dlnlrg Car). 10:58 A.M., 18:86, MJ 1:55 (8:15 "Congressional Llm.." all Parlor ana H Dining Cars), 4:x5 (Dlnlug Car). 4-.5S (Dlnluf Carl. H S:56P. It. 12110 night Sunday, 8:25. M:2B. 10:BS H A.M. (J:15 "Congreastooal Llm.." all Parlor and ) Dining Cars). 4:25 (Dlnlag Car). 4:55 (Dining Car), ( S-55P. M, 12:10 night SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Expreu, 4:25 P.M., 18:10 nlgbt dally. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Express, 8:25 A. M. and 8-3S P. M dally. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. 4:53 P. M. FOR OLD rOINT COMFORT and NORFOLK. 7:38 B A. M. week dare and 7:55 1. M. dallr. H ATLANTIC CITY West Tweuty-thtrJ. Street Sts- tlou. 1:25 P. M., and Desbrosses aud Cortland. H Street., 1:50 1'. M. week dais. sTfl CAPE MAY West Twenty-third Street Ststlou. H 12:5.1 (through Parlor Can nnd 1:25 P. M. ueek ffl dav.. Desbrosses and Cortlandt btreita, 1.00 anl 1 1 30 P. M. nerk days. ) Long Branch, Asbury Park (Interlakt-n. Sunday.), H Ocean firovr.aiid Point Pleasant (from WeatTw entv- H third Street St. tlou). 725. 0:55. P.3S, 1155 AM. H 118:55 Saturtlais only). 1:53. 2:55. 3:15. 3 IS, 1.55, :35 P. M. SunHavs,7:S5, :25 A. 11 , 4:63 P M. (rrom M Desbrosses and Cortlaudt Street!), 3:30, 7:40, li., H 10:00 A.M., 12:10(1:20 ssturdays only),2:30. 3 10, H 8-40, 1:20. 5:10, 7:00 p. M. Sundays, 8:1S, 8.15 A. M., 6:15 P.M. ton PIIILADBI.PIII. 8:15, 7:00. 7:3S, 8:25,8. 55.V.25Utr,5IVEna. I.tlr.ltldl. H 0;55(DlnlngCar),10:55, U:55A M..12:55,l 55.-55, H 3:53. 4:25, 4-23 (DlnlngCar). 4:55(DlnlngCar ! :A (Dining Car). 7:10, 7-55, H:3B P. M . 12:10 nlcbt H Sundays. 0:15. 7!53.S:2i. S:35, 0:25. V.55 (Limited), B U.55. 10:35 A. M., 1.55 (Dining Can, 'I S3. 1 ii M (Dining Car), 4 5.1 (Dining Car), 3:55 (Dlnluglar), 7' 10. 1.55, S:55 P.M., IVjlO night Ticket offices Nos. 101. Oil, liso, 132.1, 111, and 261 Broadway: 1 Aitor House; West Twrnt third Street Station, and stations foot or De.brosr. snd Cortlandt streets: 4 Court street, 810 Fulton Street 88 Broadway, and Brooklyn Annex Station llr. t lyui Station, Jersey City. Thc New York Transfer Company will call for and check I a;ga,e from hotels and reildrncet through to de.tlnati.-u J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. It WOOD, General Manager Pas. r Ages. orunAUE, ucK.m.m,t a uk'Tihi it it Stations In New York, root or Uari-lay an I' ata. VITllll'I.R Tlt.l. I'l'I.IJit- in liar L-Ba. ri.TCll 1.11.111. Direct route t.i Newark, Uloomtleld. Mont lair the Oranges, summit, Keruantsvlllc, D.isVliu- Li !. M.i lsou.Morrlitowu. I'aisalc. patrrson H , n t -n I "' Btauhoiw, Nentoo. Budd's Lake, Lakt Huit,,, Ix-htxilei's Mountain Wu.lilnstoo, Pbllitpiburx.Easton.WaterGap.strmiil.b :r , 1'iaono Mountain. Scrantou. Pltutou, llkel arre, .Vantl roke, Danville. Northumlierlaud M miro." Hlusharn ton. Oxford, Noraloh. Watervllle. I it a llli-hOeld Springs, Cortland, Syracuse, Osnigu, Hu ' a, nwgj. Elmlra, Corning, Balb, Danville Buffalo, and sll eolnta West, Northwest, aud souths e.t OO A. 81 BJughauitoa Mail. btoj at principal tla (una. BUiOO A. M. (Cafe car) Buffalo, sersnlon. Bins hainton, Oivigo, Ilhk-u, El'iilro, s ,n ie aniOs w. go Express. Pullman liuftrl i ' "' "' ": nectlng at Buffula with train fm i ul. a.-o a polnia West Pullmau parlor car New ork to llfc-h-Jlelct springs 8ao l. M. Scranlou, lllnghamlou. and Elmlra l. press. Pulluisn buffet paiJori-ar.. lW j 4iOO V. M.-scrautou. Wllkesbarre. aul Pjincuth 4V. Expreaa. Pullman buffet j arlor cars. , III .6 P. M.-(Dall)-Culoago Viallbnle 1 united BI" Hl prras for Scrautou. Blughamtoii. l'l irj i , Pullman buffet sleeping car, New Vv k to hUajo. yir Dining car west of Buffalo. Sino p. 31. (Pally) tluiraln E "-., Put man leepers for Deranton, Illughaliilou I linlra. I'"D. lit. Morris, aud Buffalo, arm lug lii.ff.ilo l DlllO p, M, (Daily) Buffalo, Situui.k B'u hanf ton, Owego. Ithaca, Elmlra, Hirarusr. ouj i'k Ei,ie.. Pullman buffet sleepers sle l i York to Rlchlleld bprlugs . Tickets and Pullman scoonitiindatl n- at lie ry Oare v. bona', Ltd., 118 Broadway, Hi a l; and 420 Broadway aud U4V! Broadway I, k (; ai Ferry atatlons, lll4iuat cor l'.'tti ,t I . 125th It, V3S Columbus u New YorklK '," Fulton at. and 10(1 Broad w ay, Htookljn !'" !''c gltlugfiilllnforiiiatloii at all stations. Westcott's ExiHo.Cniipany wlllcill for i i -teoa baggage from hot I or re.lUruce to deatttial HEW YORK, ONTARIO & WESTERN R'V. Trains leave foot of Wist 48(1 st, at r '" minutes earlier from Franklin s( )t Tins A. M,, for Montana. Orr'a Mills, I "' '"" honk and Miuueivaika, MlJdletuwn. Hioou . " Klleuvllle, Fall.burgh, llurlr villc. Lake "e.lis. Liberty, scrnnlon, Walton, fflrAl, Sidnej N--"I-3. Utlcu, onrlds. Fulioti, Osw, pt, mlft A M., for Campbell Hall, in id" l",a' ! lilotiinlnglnirgli. WiirtsUiro, rllrnilllr, M ' '' ' Ccntrcvllle, FnlUburgb Lake, ,,1,lf Lit erlv Falls. Liberty, White Uke. I IB P. M. isaturdeje onli, for V -,,.,IJ llliuiiiluthurgh. Wurtelxm,rlleiifllle. )' " ",' t'onlri-iille, lallsbi rgli,, i. ","rJ ' IVriiilalr,l.lMity, White Lake, Parks In- 'l Manor, Rocklund. v UilS P, !., for Campiiell Hall. I.n. "l,11 L anilMlnnawuka,Middltown,niooiniiK - t , Imro, Elieuville. Mountslmlale, ( n ' ," ' burh. Lake Klame.lui, llurieyvlll, I ' erty, White Ijike, Parkivllle. l.Uli " ' I Rockland. , I 4iH( P. M., for Montana, Orr's M "' I Bnwk, llurnslde, Caiuiilxdl Hull. st i ,", IV Run Mlddleiown, Wluurlou, uiooiuIiik' '1u I born. Klleuvllle. ,, 1 til in p, .If. (Franklin it. Si 1.1 p 'I ,,.' fori auilibrll Hall, MldlletlKli, l.lU-r ";..,. B Hauor, W.ltoti. Sidnej, Norlih, lutei ,'Vi lllon, Oneida, Fulton, Cwrgu, Ms. r , 'v i,:, B- points West) Pullman bleeping Car H ",.,i B' Carseatsfree through to cuicigo it i saiien arrives Chicago MiBO!', II I Tickets snd Pulluisn seals st 371 llr-'i'" 'r' : y 9 i. 0. ANDEUsON, O. V, A., 60 Ba- -. jBt-MriiTl4rtUt.f,, -saax8aaMaaal