Newspaper Page Text
. S THE SUN, THUBSDAY, JULY 2t iBQ7. ' " '' " I NACK-THOKN TRIAL nERE. i; jvDfrn XEwnunaEit orimnuzra f. XUE DBXVltKEIt VTTEJtPOSED. 6 Hslds That Gteldsenauppe'a Murder Was Cess tt-, saltted Partly Hera ana rartly "" S1' Cssmty Te Prtaeaers to Plena To-Day I. Mn. Mack Hakes a Friend In the Tembe. jf JndaTO Newbunrer of ths Court of Gcnoral 'v' Besslors handed down a decision yesterday jjr' orerrullDcr tho demurrer Interposed by the T lawyers for the defenco In the case of the kill- jf, tig of William aieldscnauppe. The demurrer k" ttm baaed on four epeclflo frrounds first, a h technical objection that tbo Indictment did not l conform to the requirements of sections 278 and fr 1T70 of the Criminal Codo; second, that moro jjr' than one crime Is charged In the indlctmont; ?', third, that the facta statod In the Indictment rj do not constituto a crime, and fourth, that ths crime let forth In tho Indictment was com- h' mlttedm Queens county and not In New York, fe and was not theroforo within tho jurisdiction p of; the Court of General Sessions In and for the f'J1 county of New York. k ,In bis decision Judge Newburger said that w the lndlotmont charged tho defendants with the u', arlme of murder In tho first degree, commlt- Sfc tad partly In tho county of Now York and i partly In the county of Queens, the defendants 3 baring conspired to murder Oleldscnsuppo 'In ;-.' the county of Quoons, but, having fonnod the 'p, conspiracy, deliberated upon the murder, and B- planned its execution In the county of New i York, from which county they lured the vlo r tlm Into tho town of Newtown. Queens county. .' Judge Korburgor dismissed the first cantons'- tlon In tho demurrer in a word. As to the ft other throe, he said In part: tt "As to the second objection raised by the de l' murrer, that moro than one crime Is charged In the indictment, namely, conspiracy and mur m der, the oourte of this Stato have repeatedly ' helA that ,whers an Indictment contains differ jj ent counts, each of which technically describes J; a different offenco, but it is apparent from the Nj general tenor of the indlctmont that each ; count relates to the same transaction, and that . the' Introduction of separata counts Is not far 'i the purpose of proving distinct offences, and vj where, as in this caso, tho acts of conspiracy 3 were manifestly initlotory to and wero mertrod J" Into and consummated by the crime of murder, V. such an indictment is good. It has also been it held that where ihero Is a conspiracy to com SB mlt a felony and such crime is subsequently ij. ocmrummate pursuant to the consptraoy, (tie K conspiracy merges in the felony, so as to pro s'. Tint a prosecution for the conspiracy Itself as ft an Independent crime. J "As to the quostlon of Jurisdiction, section s 134, of the Code of Criminal Procedure pro- j Tides: 'When a crime is committed, partly in fX oe oonnty and partly In another, or the acts ft or effects thereof, constituting or requisite to vL the consummation of the offence, occur in two V or more counties, the jurisdiction Is in either connty,' "It Is contended, on behalf of the defendants, S that the Indictment shows unon Its face that ' the crime was committed in Newtown, Queens '?, county. Tho elements necessary to constituto murder are premeditation, deliberation, and In- Z tent to kill. Tho premedlatlon and deliberation ln this case unquestionably occurred In the g city and county of New York, tho Intention to ?. kill was formed in the minds of theso defend- i ants. If at all. In the city and county of New if York, and the Inveigling and enticing of Glold- tl aensuppo ooenrred in the city and county of 7 Now York. Theroforo, the crtmo was partly '; committed in this city and county. if "It Is therefore clear, from tho reading of .' the Indictment, that this court has jurlsdlc- f)" tlon of the defendants, and that tho Indictment '-' was properly found. Tho demurrer must, j therefore, be overruled, with leavo to the defend- fit ants to pload." "Justice Newburger, after reading his de- :; cision, gavo notice to the lawyers for the de- si fendanta that thoy must present Mm. Nack .v and Thorn for pleading this morning. This was E; assented to. i Lawyer Friend said yesterday: "The de- '' dslon of the court Is final and cannot be ap- ; pealed from, as the court's power In such a &. ease is discretionary. Personally I should M ' much prefer to try the coso hero In New York J.1 than In Qu ens, bat I still think the case will jf iltlmately be tried In Long Island City." ,,i- When Lena Yon Eatress, the German girl li Kho tried to commit suicide recently, was $ taken to tho Tombs she eonmed to bo extremely 'J,-' frightened and Mrs. Nack asked her what the -f. y - matter was. The girl replied thut she bod VJ,.- I heard that she was to bo put in the same cell j tTlth the terrible Mrs. Nack and she was frlght- ivC aned. (Mrs. Nack comforted and soothed hor, ; and anally revealed her Identity. Now the ; girl wants to bo with the German woman all li the time. -, The police let np dredging for Gleldsecsnpne's ... head yesterday. It Is believed for good. Tney i, had clawed the bottom of every ferry slip and i) stirred the mud In the routes or the boats, work- i Ing eight hours a day with the police natrol. 'v. three launches, and rowboats. But they did not ';, get the head: only ropes aud anchors and bits of i; Iron and clothes of one sort and another. They worked rain or shine and tbey were heartily K. , tired of the Job. fX' OX" A MtEirEBS' TltUST. ".' - 'V' Alleged thecal Gamblne stay Lead to a national rf Organisation. .' Dcrsorr, Mich.. July 28. There is unusual ; aetlrity among the local brewers, and the iv-'.' belief Is growing stronger every day that the story that they are to Join In a ,t;; great national trust has a foundation. That ;-Vj' a local combine was being engineered by & . CoL August Qoebel has been well known. The ML- brewers with one exception are anxious for any gf aort of combination that will Btop the ruinous X ' competition that has oxlstod here for some time, ,'r not only in regard to the barrel prlco of beer, L bat in starting saloons and caring for them. l This saloon feature has been a drain on them all. rti Beer li selling for only 85 a barrel, and for a ; time sold for 9i- The brewers are united In de- ' clarlng that even at the former price the margin tj. of profit Is so very small that often It cannot be if foand. i The oomblne now forming was primarily the ''-' result of an effort to fix the price of beor at SB . a barrel, but this failed. Then tho brad of the ? Qoebel Ore wing Company, Col. August Goebel, V who has Ilritlsh capital Invested in his coin- ',; pony, drew up plans for a trust, and has secured Kf i the signature of overy brewer In town except u, . that or tho A. Iluoff Ilrowlnit Company. Jlr. " Buoff, the only brewer who has talked about '. the matter, freely admits the facts. lie says he :. . will never go Into the combine, but will raise ) ' his prices to meet their. No figures as to plant i, values can be obtained. Col. Goebel Is now on . the ocean bound for London, and no one doubts fi he wtll make an effort to secure British capital K to back the enterprise. With the local trust ;. formed the entry into a national body will be d , much simplified. a"1 BEOltBTXIl 1IIS ASSETS. a '.- Attacbjaenta Axcrriratlnar sno.ono Against at h. Woollen Dealer He la Arrrated. . Oustav M. Miller, dea'er In woollens at 33 , East Tenth street, was arrested yesterday as he A! iras- leaving the Centre Btreot Police Court, ji where he had been arraigned on another com- ;?'' pUlntand discharged, and taken to Jsfferson p, Slarket Court, whero ho was accused by John J. H. Boultor of 3 and 5 Waverley place of grand V larceny, conspiracy and a violation of seetlon ff 687 of tho Criminal Code relating to the secret in lng of assets. t It appears that on July 14 Goldberg Sc Loew. X Schuelerlng ti. Co., obtained a ' warrant of attachment for tOOO against Miller. n This was Issuod to the Shorill, and Miller paid if tbo bill. On July IS a number of other claims y were placed with tho same lawyers for colleu- hf tlon, aud attachments were issued. Among '' them was the claim of Iloultcr for J-flRO, It Is " alleged that when the fiheriff went to tho place ) again he found thut Miller had closed it up and l'. removed all the stock. It Is charged that ut- Ji tacbmenta aggrognting $110,(100 have been V Issued against Mller. Magistrate Poo) set the case down for a bearing on Saturday and held V the prisoner in 91,000 bail. ' UUU0I li Peaaded by Two Drunken Men on the novated :' llnllro.d. Frederick Baun of 513 East Seventy-sixth E street, and August Kluhouse of 320 East Twen- r' ty-thlrd street, rode uptown in a Third avenue ft ' elevated railroad train last evening, Both By. were Intoxicated, and while tho train was be- i j tween tho Twonty-eighth and Thirty-fourth ., street stations tbey begun to pound James Hul- W;. livan of 1762 Vanderbllt avenue! Sullivan was m.i., not able to shako Uiem off. nnd tho other per- fe sonijn the car. which was crowded, feared that fft he would be badly hurt. 25f". Detective TIerney of the Central Office was In 3K -. tho train, and after a struggle he subdued the H two men. He took them to the East Thlrtj-flfth W.1 street police station. Hulllran went home. It, If TROVMEn WITH JtllEViTATIBM, i Houralrla. Sciatica, Clout, or any .Nrrrous dUeuo 31 i.! ,h Woodbury Instliuta, 127 West a "t it M. for treatment with SUMo Electricity, tirtn br uajr. poMultsuoati., chargts modsratK , , u Bfif'r - i , - wxxAxaxAX. Aim gokxxroxax lew Yark lleek stsehansa ! Jalr BB. crxmo statu and stati noiroa Cm BLOOOs). 6VFdb8-s I ioanc,e us of 1081.... 04.H' ctosmo nuoxa or onttkd STATxa BorTpa. Hid. Jtitd. Did. Atitd. rjn Bt ts, r, t7n Bt Da, r, at pi of O. 07S 1804 HON 114. Dn Bt 4s, r, Un Bt Ba, e, 1907 HI 118a 1C04 1141, 1X0 Un Bt 4s, e, Dn Bt 6, r, "07 11BU 112N U8 10H Cn Bt 4s, r, Un Bt tt, r, 1025 ISO's 125T. 1888 104V Cn Bt 4s, o, 188B 1S0 120Ta ItAlUXOAD AXD OTrncn IIOrTDS (IK l.OOOsx 10 Atehad) 4s.... 62h fi K Faa gnl 8... BOH 30 62'4 0 60S 60 B2'a 17 60"i 200 63 32 60'. 21 63N 35 604 63 63"a 10TBnsrnI.. 801 16 6394 1 SO1 6 53? 1 80U 130 64 0 BOS 200 6ih 6NYCentlst,all7Tt 40 64s 20 118 24, . 64H lNTCdbBs...llli, 30 64". 3Kuh&Chatltl304 133 64' 60NKh:Chat cnl00a 1 B4 25NY. CStt,ilOO 43 64 IN Wen 140 11 Atchrnl ..... 804 2NWaf6s 117t 130 80" aSWifdeoO, 67 804 188S. 117 16 bOU lST,0Wrli 00 20 8GV ONY.OaWcnBsllO'i 2 Am SMoi 80'4 7 0SLenB gO'i 3 80S 28 00 10 AmTob scrip.. 70 11 OB Lino a 60 4 Ann Arbor 4s.. 704 08 6 70"10 0re Imp 8s, 4 70'4 lstlp 23 1 AtchkO lit... 30 6 231 2D0B,18S3, 78 2 reotEaat lrt. 72"4 0 Brook tt T 5a... 80S 0 73S 2 80. 10 73'a 13 80 6Ienna4Vs.....llla 3 88" 11 Pitts West 1st 73 4 884 2RockIlexAs..l06'4 1 SB's 2 105Ta 6 SB'. 20 106"a 6 DrW Jt WBi...l0014 4nocklsldeb8s.l02 10 IlrookUnOSs.l394 36Rea(lcni 4i.... 834 2Cb.JtWIndKolll014 14 834 3 Ch.JtO cn Sa.110'4 0 834 20 ChaJtOrnt44i 7894 1 Itto Q W 1st.... 784 10 70 10 784 10C.BftQ4B.Jlex 041 15 78'a 20C,DQ 7s.....117Vi 10SclVftNE4a.. 824 3 1174 1 SoPorCallrt.lOB1 0 C.BQdeb5a.l02,4 7 BoPaeof Calcn 01 0 ConOaaofChJo 6 01U os 101 11 SoPofSM ltU04'4 ICanSoSd 108 1 8t P tMacn 0il264 42T 7 St P ft Ma cn 5 CfctcftEIgnlBslOl's 44s 105 6 1014 6BtPftMa stex 2Ch, StLftNO, 4 03 MdlT 103S 2SLft8Tt5a 804 lOCenOaRycnoa 034 10 St Peon 1374 6 OSS 2 3tanRftT0s.. 004 10 03U 10 G0 20 03S 2 00ra 37 C Oa By 1st tno 374 4 70 12 37U OStasKftTlno. 18 17 374 4 184 6 37T11 10 40 374 0 104 lOCOaRy tdtno. 13 2 10S 2 Detroit O os.... 884 62 SAftAPlst 4a 60S 8 88 2 60S 6 Erie x lien S-4a -064 10 60'a 2 06S 6 61 12E41onEllrt..ll34 3 60S CFtWABOlit.. 604 lOSoIfwayBa.... 00S 6 60S 24 01 24 67 40 SUarQIS-S-la 00 12 674il3TftPlst5s 04s 5 67S22IexPaoXdln... 20 2 Hook Yal Ba.... 73 44 201 3 724 37 20S 1 724 4TolftOCen latl03 10 734 lOTaxftMOcnSa 05 1 nook Vales.... 65 5Tol.Stl.ftEO 12nftTOfnl4s. 72 771. 1 Iron Mt 5a, a ft. 70 6 78 77 06 12EanftTex 4a 80S 10 U P,D 0 1st. 404 6KaaTxSds. 634 17 40S 21 63S 1 404 40 63S 0 40 27 03 1 VaXld cat, s.,1024 1 04 15 Wat lit 104Ts 1 LonftNgaa... 83 33 106 6LX, SftNA 6 1054 ft Ba 034 6 1064 1 Long I 1st. 1044 32 1054 1 Mo. K ft E lit.. 034 18Wabtl 734 lMftStLcnSa.l04Ta 3 734 1 Morris ft Es 1st. 144 6 73Ta 6 Mo, K ft T of 3 74 TexaaBa 81 7 73S 20 82 2Wabdab,sB... 244 6 82S 5 25 6MetElSd 1054 6 24S 1 Mob to lit N.. 120 0 24S 2MoPaocn 87S 12 West TJn eolBal07Ta 5 874 1 108 4 88 10 1074 13 B7S 1 1084 2 Mo P col 1st Ba. 61 lWestBb4a 1004 2MoPao3d 1044 33 6. HP prior 4a.... 80S 6 334 10NTft81ttrBsl06 6 34 16KJCencnlSa..ll3 6 Wllkea ft Ea lat 07 Total aalsa or railway bonds (par value), 18,084,000. KAtUtOAO AXD OTIIXR SnARES. Oven- High- Low , Clotlna ttUt. inn. tit. cat. Bid. Aiktd, 04 Afa Ex. 156 166 166 162 160 4B44BamBR..130 130S 138 137M37S BAmBRpll041104 1104 8S0AmSM. 124 13'a 124 134 13S mOAmSMp 314 32S 314 32 32S ISSSOAmTob. 824 84 824 834 834 100ATobpflH4 1114 1114 1104 116 6080 Aru COI1 16 10S 16 10Ta 17 SSOAmCOp 044 004 644 66S 60 4045 Atcb.T BPe.... 13S 14 13S 13S 14 418J0 Atcb.Tft BFop.. 26S 284 26S 27Ta 28 80 0 Bait ft O. BWp.n 34 3S 34 34 4 188BayStO 12S 144 12S 134 13S BOSBUr'kRT 33S 344 334 34 344 SOOBUn O.H7S 117S 117S 117 118 770 Can Bo,. 51S 61Ta 61S 614 61S 8UCanPao. 71s 71 71S 72S 400ConIca. 30 30 384 38S 304 200C Ice pf. 80 80 884 884 00 eeaociotw os 104 os 104 10s 4B40CbrsftO 184 1B4 184 18S 184 BOflBCbtoOaa 07 OSS OOS 08 084 808 C.C. Oft BtL.... 28 . 28 28 28 284 18800kNW1174 117S 1174117 117S 11684 C.BftQ. 87S B8S 87S 884 884 8005B C.lIftStP 874 884 874 87'a 88 847C,MSt I,pr...,141S 1414 141S 1414 141S 178C.RIftP 814 82S 814 824 83S lOOColPuel. 18'a 184 184 164 10 BOO Fuel p 76 76 75 80 1638Con(lM.l70S 1704 1704 1704 171 11 OS 11841184 118S IOOD.LftW15B 168 168 1674 168 lBSOErleHR 16 154 16 16S 164 SUOErlelatp 304 364 304 364 37 400Erle2dp 20S 20S SOS 204 20S lB4EdlEI.,122 122 123 123 1224 18 Eqult 0.2624 2624 2524 1820OrnEU 34 344 34 34 344 02i!lllCfnt.lOO 1004 100 1004 100S 100 111 Steel. 36 36 35 37 30 aiOIaCen.. 74 74 74 7S 8 itJOIaCenp 31 31 304 30 314 808K&Hlcb 04 OS 04 780LEftV 164 17 164 164 17 lBOOLEtWp 60 71S 60 71S 72 400Lakesh.l704 171 1704 1704 171 HOLonglil. 42 42 42 40 42 100Laciaa 20S SOS 20S 204 30 lULaclOp. 834 834 834 824 83 481BLouftN. 634 664 634 64S 644 6835 Man Coa 03S 04S 03S 03S 04 800 Mln Iron 68 68 68 60 68 840MlchCenlOO 1014 100 101 102 700 11 ft St I, S44 S44 244 244 244 1810 M A St L litp... 84S 80 84S 8'6 80 700 M ft St L Sdpt.,, 664 60 664 66S 664 8460MoPac., 264 26'a 264 204 264 I88OU0.KAT 144 14S 144 14S 144 4714M,KATp 34S 864 34S 34Ts 36 100N Starch 6S 6S 6S 6 64 7tlB(lp 82S CCS CBS CC 85 juninctuox oxtioo4oo'ioi jJSJtlLi 'J. -. .kv'A'j',,).' Qui aissV . , OHitat faka. tat Sat, ass, MU, Jsssat 80HTOenlloa 1004 103 101S10B4 MelKstLead 84 84S 334 344 84 UONalLdplOB 108 108 101 1084 1700 hor Am. 4S 44 4S 4S AS 100 NT, Oft Btl... 14 14 14 14 144 400KT.BAW 14S 14S 144 14 144 1870 N Y, 8 ft Wpf... 06S 86S 06S 04S 36 OOJtorPae. 144 14S 144 144 14S BWONPaep.. 41S 48S 41S 414 48 80OntMla 0 0 0 4 0 HBOOntftW 104 10S 104 10 104 1480OrRftK 82 84S 28 84S 26 1480ORftMp 60 08 60 63 06 780Ore8L.. 18 IBS 18 174 18 1880PaaMall 31 81 31 SOS 81 648P. DftE 14 14 14 14 IS 100 PulP101704 1704 1704 170 171 itoor.c.c ft StL... 144 14rs 144 14S 144 800rh'clxM.O7 .07 .07 10SS0 Reading 244 24S 244 244 24S SSSOOReadtp 62S 634 624 62S 62S BISORsadSp 304 SOS 304 304 SOS lOOROWp a SO... 40S 40S 40S 604 014 100ResaftS184 184 184 180 BOOSt LftS Flat p. 474 484 474 474 484 100 Bt LftS F4 P. 174 174 174 104, 17 OOOfitLSWp 10S IIS 10S 104 11 ItSBtPftD 23 23 23 4980 St r A O. 064 004 664 06S 00 81B4BtannT 74 84 74 84 8S 400SoPao.. 10S 10S 10S 10 17 IBBOSoRwy. OS OS OS 04 OS 10608 SoRy p. 80 314 COS 314 SIS lOOOSUftOl 44 4S 44 4S 6 07StJftOI litp... 38S SO 88S 884 SOS 887StJftOI Idp... 10S 10S 10S 11 114 1055 TO ft I.. 25 264 35 26 854 100 3dATRR1404 1404 1404 140 161 IBlBTexPac. US 124 US US 12 B348UnPac- 74 84 74 7S 8 BUSEx.. 48 48 48 40 40 4788 0SBub. 18 164 124 144 14S S37I CBRnbp 664 60 664 604 68 880 U 8 L 8 8 8 8 84 1000 USLp. 02S 03S 62S 63 034 BBO Wabaik. OS 6S OS OS OS 7283 Wab p.. 16S 17 16S 104 17 SOW-FEx.106 107 108 106 110 8085 WC Tel 864 864 864 864 86S SOOWaOaa. 70 70 70 704 lOOWUnB. 84 84 84 Totalsalaa. 307.227 shares. BOSTON CXOSTNO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Attn. BU. Urted. BosftAn..212 213 Domls-nC. 11 114 Bos ft Me... 100 AmBallTal 228 CbleJcom.1034 1044 WestEtM.. 81 214 CbloJpt...l074 1084 0Eleop, 72 74 Fltchburgp 004 01 BoaftMoa-1814 132 NewEngp. 66 70 CalneclaS03 306 Max Cento 704 Osceola..... 344 36 Old Colony. 180 QalncyM.U3 1144 WEttcom. 02 024 Tarn )Un...l80 131 rntLADELFniA CXOSINQ QUOTATIONS. Bid. Atted. Bid. iitl LehlrnVal. 314 314 COImpOo 744 74S PrnnRR... 634 63SWOLCO.. 47 48 OP Ron.. 20 21 El SB com. 23S 24 PhllaTrao. 73 734E8Bpf... 20 204 Union Traa 11a, ilSPttLftPo 14 144 EftPTC. 72S 724 PH.LPp 33 334 MtTrao...lll4 112 WeUOeom 20 22 CTofNJs 284 20 WeltOpf.. 684 60S CTotNJBs 034 034 Bait Tract- 184 18S CmCAOO CXOSTNO QUOTATIONa. Bid, Jktltd. Bid. Atttd. nn-V... 40 42 Llt-Veta 13S 16 AmBtrtxl.. 284 28S NY Biscuit 404 604 Canal ft D.. - 65 NChStRy.230 236 City R'way.245 260 WCh 8tRyl04S 104S Dlam'4M..140 143 MetWB.... 64 0 LakeS-L 14S 154 LATEST lONSOK QnOTATIONS. Atchison, aap 144 Norfolk Wpf,n.. 80S Canadian Paclno... 74 Northern Pactnopr. 42S Cceaapeaka ft Ohio. IBS Ontario ft West 164 Brtecon.aap 16S Pennsylvania,... 66 Erlalstst 374 Reading, 1st a p.. 124 nilnola Central 1024 StPaul Q04 Canaas ft Texas.... 14S Soutk Railway 04 Lake Shore 174 south Railway pi., jji, LoolaTlUe Naah.. 551, rjnloa PaclBc, 7a4 Kew York Central. 1 044 Wabash pf. 1 qi, Wkdnesdat, Jury 28. In some respects the Block Exchange markets made a better showing to-day than at any time during the last few weeks. The dealings in stocks were large, though slightly smaller than those of yesterday, and they were widely dis tributed and included a larger proportion of commission transactions than has heretofore been reported. Several bouses that number among tboir clientele important and conserva tive investors say that they bought for the first time to-day considerable quantities of vari ous stocks that will be paid for and taken out of the Street In the bond markot the transactions were heavy, and a number of noteworthy advances wero leairded. Atchison Issues, particularly the adjustment 4s, were unusually active, and other faatures were Georgia Central of Georgia issues. Fort Worth and Rio Grande lsta, Missouri, Kansas, and Texas 2ds, Northern Pacific and Wabash issues. In the stock list there was a falling oft In the trading in Sugar Refining, in American Tobacco, and in the Granger stocks; but it was moro than offset by larger transactions In Atchison preferred, Louisville and Nashville, Southern Railway preferred. Western Union, and Wabash preferred. All of the stocks lost named were exceptionally strong, and scored noteworthy net advances. There were no new considerations affecting values, hence tho breadth and strength of the market must be attributed to a steadily Increas ing appreciation of the favorable developments with which every one conversant with commer cial and financial affairs Is familiar. The Irregu lar market of Monday and yesterday's reaction apparently convlncod many people of the In herent strength of the present speculative situ ation. This explains the sharp recovery at the close yesterday and the further and almost uni versal Improvement In prices to-day. Favorable trafilo returns of a number of Important rail roads for Jnne will be made publlo within the next few days, and will doubtless more than offsot possible shipments of 91,500,000 or $2,000,000 gold on Saturday. The closing was Btrong and final prices were In the main about the best recorded. Final sales compare with those of yesterday as follows: Jviv 87. Jul 18. Jul 17. JtUfti. A,T8F. 134 13'a NatLead... 36 344 A.TftSFap 20S 28 NatLeadpfl02 103 Am Cot OIL 144 16S SWcon.,.1 174 1174 Am S Het. .137 1374 NPao com. 14 141, AmTob.... 82S B34NPaopf... 414 41 AinSpH... 12S 13S NYCent...l01S 1024 AmSpMp. 31 324 ! J Cent... OOS 01 DrookRT.. 34 34 Omabacom 664 06S C.C.CftStL 274 28 OntftW... 164 IflS CBftQ.... 87S 88 Pa-Mall... 31 31 ConOaa....l704 1704 Pull PCar..l 70 1704 CbrsftO... 18 1B4 Rocklsland BIS 824 CblcOas... 074 08 Reading.... 244 244 D, LAW.. .168 168 Rsad lstpt 624 62S Delft Hud.. 1 IBS 118S StPeom... 87S 88 Erie 164 164 SoR'way., 04 04 OcnXleo... 33S 34 SoH'wayp 30 814 Illinois Canl 00 1004StL8Wp. 104 11 Kan A Tex. 144 14S Stand R 4 T 74 84 EanftTpf. 34S 36 TexasPae.. US 114 Louft.Nsth 634 64STC, IftH.. 244 26 LE ft West 164 17 Union Pm. 74 74 LEftWpf 00 71S OS Rubber 13Ts 144 I.aldeQa 20S 20S OBRubpf. 604 604 ManhCon.. 034 03SUSLeathp 624 63 Mlinft8tL 244 244 Wab com... 64 OS MMtLSMp 604 60 I Wabash pf. 16S 164 MoPacIOc, 254 20SIWUnTol.. 86 86S Government bonds strong. The 4s of 1025 closed a V cent, higher bid, and the 5s H V cent, higher bid. Railway and other bonds continue strong and active. The features woro Ann Arbor 4s, Brook lyn Rapid Transit fis, Detroit Gas 6s. Fort Worth and Rio Grande lsts, Hocking Valley os, Missouri, Kansas and Texas of Texas Os, Mis souri I'acifio consols, Norther 1 l'acltlc general 3s, New York Central lsts, c, Peoria and East ern lsts, Itlo Grande Western lsts, Ran Antonio and Aransas Pass 4s, Southern Railway Cs, Union Pacific, Donverand Gulf lsts, Wisconsin Central lsts, t. r., Atchison, Central Georgia, Kansas and Texas, Standurd Rope and Twine Texas Paclflo, and Wabash Issues. The more Important net advances were in Atchison adj. T V9 iL.0811. to 84t, and general 4s. 1 Vu to 6841 Am toUt . 4s, t 78 issffiBBgJaai& Ert Worth and Rio Grande lsts. m. to 8741 nocking Vallev 61. U r 1, to 73s Kansas and Tex2,i.' " 80. and 2ds. l, to Oil Mis sourl, Kansas and Texas of Texas Oi, 8, to Basil Missouri Paclflo consols, . to 87t Northern Paclflo general 3s. h. to 80 : Now York Central lsts. c.. 1.. to 118: Peoria and Eastern lsts, lag. to 73'8: itlo Grande Western lsts, o,to78; Btandard Rope nnd Twine Os, . to 70, and incomes, m. 10; 8an Antonio and Aransas Past 1 4s, e to 60S: Southern Railway Os.4,to01;Toxasi'aclfloBds, s, to 203! Wa bash lsU, 1. to lORifli 2ds, la, to 73V andde bentnres, series 11, m, to 24i, nnd Wisconsin Central lsts, t. r., ltj Wcent,, to 34. The note worthy declines woro In Brooklyn Rapid Transit Bs, sgjipont,, to 88! Detroit GasOs. a. to 88, and Union Pacific. Denver and Gulf lsts,iW cent, to 40. Commercial price of bar silver In New York, B7jc. Bar sliver In London closed at 20ad. Mexican silver dollars were quoted nt 484c. Kxporte to Europe to-morrow, 200,000 ounces. Money on call, 1 V cent. Time money Is quoted as follows: Sixty days. la W cent.; three and four months. 2a ji cent, and six months, 3 cent., on good mixod Stock Exchange collateral. Commercial paper quiet. Prime Indorsed bills receivable aro quoted at 34Q354 jl cent, cholco and prime single names at 3(34 V cent., and good names at 4Q4g V cent. Sterling exchange was strong on a moderate business. Commercial bills for Immediate de livery are scarce, but there Is an Increasing sup Iily of futures. Continental exchango was firm, osted asking rates for sterling. $4.87 for long tills and 94.88 for demand. Actual rates aro: lli. blll- $4.804?4.80a: sight drafts. SJ-gZi?4-87-"" ble transfers. s?4.87ja W.87S. li-rnnos are quoted at 5.10(ft5.104 for long and 5.1Bm35.1B for short; relchsmorks, 05 5-161395 7-10 for long and 95na05's for hort: guilders, 40 3-10(3404 for long and 40581840 7-10 for short Domestic exchnngo on New York: Boston 5 cents discount and par. Charleston Buying, fior; selling, premium. Savannah Buy ng, 1-10 off; selling, par. New Orleans Bank, f Prpm'u"i! commercial, 75 cents discount San Francisco Sight, IB cents premlnm; tele graph, 1 , a cents premium. St, Louis Par. Chi cago 30 cents discount Cincinnati Between banks, 25 cents premium, and over counter, 50 cents premium. The Cleveland, Canton and Southern RiHroad reports grots earnings for June of $35,078, a de crease of 93.709 as compared with the same month of last year, and net 88.097, a decrease of 5,083. For the year ending June 30 the gross earnings were $037,959. ft decreaso of 918.888 as compared with the corresponding period of last year, and net 1)112,651, a decrease of 848, 050. The Union Railway Company of this city re ports for quarter ended June 30: 1(187. 189t). Chanct: Dross sarnlnts (148,240 11311.92ft Ino. 1B.314 Oper. expenses 80,720 76,107 Ino. 10,053 Net earnings...... lOl.Slil 084,709 Dee. 12.2:19 Other Income-... 410 883 Ino. 83 Total tns.onn tos.osa Dae.12.iss Fixed chargvs....... 88,(111 81.884 Ine, 1,287 Burplus 130.325 (33,708 Dec. (3.380 Cash on hand, 848,109, and profit and loss sur plus, $328,078. The Wostchoster Electrio Railroad reports for the quarter ended June 30: 1887. 1888. Ouxnau. Orocaearnlngs.....(3,160 (35,181 Deo. (1.018 Oper. expense! . 32.880 81,080 Ine. 1,120 Net earnings (11,488 (18.081 Dec. (3.181 xed ehargea 7,278 7.071) Inc. 188 Surplus (4,318 (8,543 Dec. (2,828 Cash on hand, $1,303, and profit and loss deficit 88,321, At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Mnnugors of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company to-dayithe qestlon of refunding $10, 000,000 of 7 and 8 fl cent thirty-year bonds of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad at a lower rato of Interest was discussed, but no action was taken. It Is understood to be only a question of tlmo when tho matter will bo taken up for definite action. In addition to tho 1 V cent on Delaware and Hudson stock that would result from the saving In Interest paid on Albany nnd Susquehanna bands. Delaware and Hudson officials estimate that the company will Bavo another 1 f cent, through the modification of tho contract with the Erie Railway for haul ing the company's coal from Uonesdole to the V. est and to tidewater. Advices from operating officials of tho Fort W orth and Itlo Grande Railroad aro that the ac-eage of cotton in the territory tributary to the road Is 30 per cent greater than In 1895, when ths earnings of the company, both gross aud net, were tho largest In Its history. As the crop is in a satisfactory condition, It is beliovcd that Uio earnings of tho road this year will be fully up to those in the year mentioned. In tho last three years the av erage net earnings of the company were $141,270. and the fixed charges, including taxos, aro now, owing to the reduction in the Interest on the first mortgage bonds, ap proximately $100,000 a year, leaving a surplus of more than 40 per cent above those charges. Since the bonds were quoted exlntcrest tho first of this month, tbey have advanced nearly 5 points, and at the present price yield nearly 7 per cent on the Investment if held until ma turity, for after four and a half years the rate of Interest la 4 per cent Those securities, among others, were sold to day at tho Real Estate Exchange: BO shares Fourth National Bank 174V 100 aharra National B ink of North Amerlca.1354 100 shares Th-nlx National Dank 107 115 shares Ragle Fire Company 247 200 tharea H mllton Klre Insurance Comp'y.1 10 170 sharea Pacific Fire Insurance Company. .140 47 sharea stuyvnatit Insurance Company,. S5 IB sharea Cltlsf na' Fire Innuranct Couipanyl07 5 aharra Trow Director Company 374 (1,035 abarea PrOTldent Sarlnxs Life Aasuranoe Society (205,500 100 sham Eastern Elevator Company, Buffalo 7i, 300 shares btandard Paint Company of Welt Virginia 53 The receipts of the Government to-day were: Customs. $408,438; Internal revenue, $557,271, and miscellaneous. $44,102. a total of $1,060, 871. Tho disbursements n ere $1,207,000, an ex cess of expenditures over receipts of $140,129. The receipts of the fiscal year to date have been $30,172,714 and d!sburements $40,942,000. nn excess of expenditures over receipts of $10,709,280. The net assets of the Treasury at the close of business to-day, as offlcnilly computed, compare with those of yesterday as follows: July 37. July 38. Oold coin and bullion. ..1148.878,370 1148,485,358 Rllrer dollars snd bullion .S'i.4n.2S2 33.342,807 United Statea notes 27,883,788 28,813,530 Otber asaeta la exoraa of demand liabilities 84,338,874 82,808,480 Available cash balance. Including cold balanca.1239,071, 248 (388,480,018 Money In London, UQh V cent Rates of dis count In open market for both short and three months' bills a9T P cent. Paris advices quoted 3 V cents at 104 francs Ml centimes. Exchange on London 25 francs 10 centimes. COU3LEUCIAI. COSIPEXD. Wednesday, July 2S.-GiiaIN Wheat Spot was rather more active. Sales here were 1,000 bush. No. 2 red at 81c In elevator. 4,000 steamer red at 79c In elevator, and 4,000 No. 2 red at 70c In elevator. For export 24,000 No. 3 red winter at 814c freo on board afloat; 85,000 No. 1 Manitoba, and 8,000 No. 1 Northern spring oa private terms. At tho outporls sales of 320, 000 winter wheat and 280,000 spring wheat were reported for export on prlvato terms. At Chicago 30,000 bush, was reported. Free on board afloat: No. 1 Northern spring. New Yor!., 804804c; No. 2 hard winter, 80ac; No. 1 hard spring, 894c; No. 2 red, 814C Minneapolis received to-day 123,540 bush., against 101,170 last year; Duluth 97,408, against 107,322; Chicago 100,400, against 127, 300; Milwaukee 45,500, agnlnst 21,450; St, Louts 02,000, against 84,089; Toledo 151,524, against 35,403; Detroit 7,800, against 23,8114 last year. Futures opened 'ic to 3ec lower, but recovered and advanced sc to sc. on nil months except July, which advanced 14c. then reacted nnd closed 'c. to c. lower except on Julv. which was 4c higher. Future sales 0,030,000 bush., as follows: iMMt Opening. Uiahttt. Lovttl. doting. A'fu'.f. July 83 tj 85 RU4 84 M fceptember.704 7BS "S 78S 7U4 leceolMT..804 80S 784 784 bOS Barley Was ateady but Inactive. New feeding. 284 88Se., coat and freight to Buffaloi sua3JL,c.cot and frulxbt to New Yorki malting-, 3bii42c, as lo quality, lto Waannn and fairly active State, 4 1 fit 15c. i No. X Western, 48ft424c, coat and frela-bt to Buffalo. Salea 88,000 buih. Corn fpot waa firm. Saba 148,. 000 buab.. Including 138.0011 No. 2 mixed at 834' 03Sc., free on board afloat for export. No. 2 nilxeil. In elevator. 83438240.1 B.OOOytllow at 32c. In elevator, and 0,000 unsradrdat 314c, frre on board afloat. Futures advanced So., but reacted aud declined 4c Future salea 155,000 bush., as follows: iMtl . , Opening. Highlit, iouvlt doling. Might. July . .. 884 IW4 Auruit :u4 .12 8epteuberS34 82S 824 934 324 OaU Spot was steady. Sales 1 80 000 Imili.. Including 110,000 white clipped and OO.UOO No, 2 mixed na Srlvate tor ma for export. No 2 white, 25Uc.i Nu. do.. 284c.i No. 3 white clipped, 28c: No. U do.. 85e.iNo. 3 mixed, SISo.i No. u do ,204c, i rejected mlxet, lOe.ido. white. 834c.t No. 3 mlird, delivered, 88So. track mixed. 324830.1 track white. 20,000 at 1449180c rutures wsre easier. Future sales none, Lait Opining. Itlgheit. LovetU Clotlng. Kiaht September .,,. ,7, SIS 814 The trading In wheat to-day was rood -rstely active. The fluctuations In prices were frequent, but were con fined wltbln a comparatively narrow range, with the tendency downward. Dlaappolntlnit cable and a fall, lng off In tbe foreign demand caused a lower opening. But attar the drat prrraure tu aell bad abated prices rallied and advanced. Tbe early aellera bought. North woitern crop advlcea were unfavorable, late i-ablea were batter, tbe foreign drmand Increased, and there wai talk here of a heavy business for export Before the close, however, prloea weakened anddecllned, tbe Jenrralllat closing at a net lost for tbe day. The Iraditrtet statement waa disappointing, local scalp ers sold, and longs llqoldaud. Liverpool advanced Sd. Parts advanced 10 centimes on wheat and 8 on BeoaVAnrwsrjwu OmtuJDM Morthwwwra g aJasafceaSi fiM?Vif' i'aT'!'- T'' '"' ? ""' '"" eetpts were 810 ears, against 18 last week and 08 - last year, Bmditrttt't reported an Increase In tbe available supply In this country of 803.000 buab., but a decrease In Europe of 8,100,000 bash., makings de ereaas In the total world's available supply of 1,887,000 bush. The Minneapolis and North Dakota crop reports stated that too much rain bad done damage. Corn advanced early with wheat, but reacted. Liverpool closed 4d. lower. There waa a good demand rumored for export. The available supply In this country, according lo i7radjtrrt', increased, 1,888.000 bush. Chicago received 885 ears and expects 780 to-morrow. Oats closed lower with the rest of the Hat. Chicago received 874 cars and expects 885 to-morrow. The available snpply decreased 188,000 bush. Chicago, July 88. "Pnblle cables came easier tbta morning: the market opened off Sc Private advices from the Continent, however, were bullish and brought buying orders, on the strength of which there was an ad vance of Sc, followed by a decline of lc, when the buying ceased. Private crop estimates from Minne sota reported a decline In condition during tbe month of tbe crop In that State nt nearly 10 points. The decrease In the world's visible was nearly 8.000,000 buih. New York reported 80 loals accepted on overnight offers, ltecelpts st primary points wrre 843,000 bush., against 083.000 bush. In IKBO. Receipts here were 141 cars: Kansas City had 200, Toledo 254, It looks as If receipts at winter wheat points would bo Urge with favorable weather. Cash builness reported here waa about 30,000 busb. Th foreign situation Is undeniably strong, but the volume of speculstlve business Is light. A. majority of tbe loeal traders are bearish, feeling that with heavy arrivals of winter wheat and the new crop of spring wheat near at band a more general speculative demand Is necessary to sustain prices. The corn market was low, but fairly firm until the close, wben It weakened In sympathy with wheat. ltecelpts were 825 cars, with rstimstea of 750 for Thursday. The weekly weather bulletins were all favorable except tbesa from Kansas and Missouri. Shipments from this port were 800,000 buab. Oats There Is no new feature In oats. Indi cations are ror larger receipts." Flocr Was slightly easier In sympathy with grain. Trade quiet Sales, 8,000 bbla. Barrttt. Haell. Receipts... B.OSO 12,170 Exports 1,307 11,180 Winter In bhls : Superfine, (3.05(1(3.051 No. 3 extra. (8.1 Bal3 85: No. 1 extra, (3.45al8.85tclears. t'l.46a 13.031 straights, (40(4.20: (intents. 84.30911.55. Mill Feed Wat In fair deuiaid and steady. Bran Western, 40 Its , Y 100 Its.. noa524c; 00 as., 474a 624c: 80 ., 500524c; 100 Ba., H6(,J75c. Cottoh pot cotton here was unchanged with aalea of 1,825 bales for spinning: 6U0 bales wrre delivered on contract. Middling uplanda, 7115-100.. against 7 7-lOclast yenrt New Orleans and Oulr, 8 3-lllc, against 7 11-lno last year. The Southern spot mar kols were unchanged. New Orleaua aold 200, Nor folk B, and Augusta 3 bales. Liverpool declined l-83d. on th spot, with sales of 10,000 hales: futures there declined 24 to 34 points. Iu Manchester varns were dull but steady: clothsilull. Augustarecelved to day 1 hale, against 10 lsstweek and 4 last year: Hem phis 0.1, against 40 Isst week and 50 last year: St. Loula 20, against nono last week and 4 last year: Houston 85, Including 14 new, against 45 lsstweek and 628 last year. Augusta shlp-d to-day 2 bales, St. Loula 84, and Houaton 13 bales. The receipts at tbo porta to day wero 580 bales, against 225 last week and 883 last year: thus far this week 2,127 bales, against 1,158 thua far last week. The exports from the porta ap proximated 3,500 bales. New Orleans declined 4 points. Futures hore opened 0 to b points lower, re covered moat of the loea. but reacted and closed ateady at a net decline of 3 to 0 points on all months except Auguit, which closed 1 lvolnt higher for tbe dsy. The total sales wero 87,400 bales. The future trading was as follows: Clotlng. Blghett. LoveiU Sale: July ,7.47S7.48 7.45 7.43 BOO August 7.4b(7.4fl 7.44 7.110 18,1101) Beptrraber.7.257.S0 7.27 7.21 18.100 October 7.0n .... 7.08 7.02 1B.O00 November,. B.DUA7.00 7.01 A.U7 6,300 DecemLer.. 7.01017,03 7.04 fi.flll 1B.800 January. .7.05 .... 7.07 7.03 16,700 February.. 7.087, 10 7.10 7.10 100 March 7.I2A7.1S 7.14 7.10 1,600 April 7.16137.17 7.14 7.14 300 Rains In Texas led to selling for local and Liverpool account to-day at the opening and prices declined. Then, too. Liverpool was lower both for rutures and siKits. New Orleans declined and sent selling orders, and showers were predicted for the coast of Texas to-day. The total precipitation In Texas was 4. BO Inches, 3.30 Inches or which fell at Ilrenham. But the opening prices were tho loweat of tho day, for the offerings were not heavy and were v,elt taken care of, ao that part of the lose na recovered, tho market cloalng at a alight net decline for the day. There was a good demand here for spot cotton for home consumption at firm prlcea, and tbe Southern spot markets though qult were firm. August closed here at a net advance for tbe day on local buying. Co lurubm. Oa. July 24. "The weather here alncethe loth lnt. all that could be dealred and planta grow ing Ilnely and taking on fruit. Except that crop Is twoweeka late and moro likely to bo damaged by drought or excessive rains In the near fnture and early frost In tbe fall, wo see nothing to prevent us from making a largs crop If we have favorable weather from now on." Columbus. Miss.. July 24. "Cotton crop here la doing well and Is good." Natchez, Mlia., July 24. "Crop In this section two to three weeks late, but In very good shape exoept In overflowed sections." Coftee Rio on the spot was dull: No. 7. 7Sc. Sales 400 bags MaracallK) on private terms. The future trading waa as follows: Salet. lllohtlL Loxrett. Cloalno. March ....... 750 7.30 7.30 7.257.S0 May 230 7.40 7.40 7.407.50 August 500 B.KO fl.hO 0.80otn.5 September. .3,000 B.oo tt.h5 0 80afl 05 October 1,250 7.00 7.00 n.8VJ7.0n December.. ..1,250 7.10 7.10 7.057.10 Futures here closed stesdy, with prices 5 points lower to 6 points higher. The total sales were 7,000 bags. Havre declined Sf. Hamburg declined 4 pfg. to 4 pfg. Rio was steady at unchanged prices: rrodpta, 10.000; stock, 380,000: exchange, 74d.. a decline of l-82d. Santos was quiet and unchanged; reeelpta. 28.000; stock. 418,000. Tbe speculation was dull and almost wholly local. Trices ruled generally steady. The heavy movement at primary points checks speculation. Naval Stobes Spirits of turpentine firm at 274a 2H,-.-. rosin quiet at (l.BBatl. no for common to good stralnrd. Plirouki-m Crude certificates were unquoted here and In Oil City, lteflned unchanged. Paot nioc Lard cooler Prime, 14.32. Pork dull but tlrm Meai. (S(t.50. Tallow, H4-C nutter Creamery. Western. 1 5c. Fgg State, fresh gathered. 18c Chicago. July '."- "An easier bog market cauacd a moderate decline tu provisions, on which there was coualderatilo realizing In rllis, principally by outside long, and there was also some Invest ment demand, partly from local corn Traders. Tho buying brought about a partial reaction, closing prices ahowlng a small decline from yesterday. There waa no particular changi-In the cash end of tbo market, the demand keeping large for meats, and transactions ware rully up to the recent average." SfUAR Rawquoted 84c for 8W test, and 8Sc for 86 test. The trading to-day was ery dull, but the sales of the past two daa foot up S5.000 tons on the above baata: with 8.000 tons beet In store sold at 3 9-180, baata bH" analysis Refined dull and un changed. Domestic Wools The Wool Exchange quotes domt-stlo wools, scoured bssls, as follona: Texas Spring, nne. 12 mi 4:kuV. ; spring, fine, 0 to 8 moa 42(c43c; spring, medium, 12 mot,, .1t)437c; aprlng, medium. 0 to uiub , 85(s80c; fall, fine, 33a 34c California Spring, nonhcrn. free. 8 and 12 mos,. 42a43c; spring, northern, f ree, U to 8 moa., 40ss42o.: aoutheru. 12 moa., 40&42c ; southern. 0 to 8mos.S7&3Ho.; fall, free, 30(33c; fall, defective, Sluric Oregon Eastern No. 1, 40a41c.; eastern No. 2. 87(i38c; valley No. 1. 87ia.38c; Valley No. 2, 85a36o.i valley No. 3. 8435c Territory Staple Fine, 45a40c.i fine medium. 44(S46c; medium, 88a 40c. TerrltoryOrdlnary line, 42443c: nne medium, 4ia42c; medium. 35w.1nc Ciiicaoo, July 38. These were to-day'a prices: Jjait nVieat'; Opening, lllgheit. LoieetL Clotlng. Xlght. July... 774 7h'a 754 7S 78S Kept... 724 73S 72S 72S 734 Dee new 744 75 784 78'a 74S July..' 37 27 S SS 884 Sept... 274 274 24 27 274 Dec... 2H4 28S 28 284 24 May... 804 3US 80tJ UUS 80S Uati: Kept... 174 US 174 174 17 Dec... 184 18S 184 18S 18S May... 204 80S 204 204 20S 1-ard: July.. 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.184 Sept.- 4.15 4.174 4.134 4.15 4.20 Oct.... 4.324 4.224 4.174 4.20 4.224 Deo.... 4.374 4.274 4.20 4.25 4.80 Mil: July... 4.65 4.55 4.55 4.80 4.80 Sept... 4.80 4.80 4.65 4.80 4.H24 Oct.... 4.034 4,024 4.574 4.0.14 4.83 JVr: Sept... (7.70 (7.734 (7.80 (7.70 (7.714 Live Slock Marliet. Nxw York, Wednesday, July 2S. Receipts of beeves were 1,217 bead; II cars to lie export! d, 31 cars direct tu local slaughterers, aud 111 cra tu be aold. Mcers very brisk aud considerably higher, white oxen, bulls, and dry cows ruled slow and weak. The yards were not fully clrarrd. Native steers sold at (4a(5.15 100 s.i atags and oien at (2.50it(4.6o: bulla at 12.45313: dry cov, s at 11.55il(:i,25. Dr ssed beef steady at e48o. tt. for native sides. Cables from Urltltb markets quote American steers at 8Sa 104c V tt.. dresked weight. American rcfrlgrraied beer at 74i7'c. V tt. I'.iport today, 15il heevre and 3,580 quariera or beef: tomorrow, 40 beeea. Hecelnta ot dives were 3,027 bead: U,0i2 head on sale slf told. Opened slow aud barely st ndy nil around, closing 4e. lower for veals aud very dull. Aliom 800 head v ere carried over. Veals sold st 14a (U C 100 Its.! buttermilks at 12.H2K,(ltt3: W, stern talves at x:i.3,c83,7.V Dressed caliei generally slowstll) dressod wula, 74&l'c V tt. Receipts of abrepaud lambs. Including 4 cars direct lo butchers, were ,U22 brad: 42 cars nn sain all told, Fairly active aud steady except for under grade lambs, which showed v. ukness, hi x cars v. ere carried over. Sheep sold ut :lS4.Mi v llio Bs., lambs at 14. 124485.50. Dressed mutton, 7jj.S4c V tt.i dressed lambs, 7(joU4c Reeelpta of bugs were 5,288 head. Including 453 bead on sale. Illgbcrat (4,40d(4,75 f) 100 tta. rteni Bstate Private Bales. John H. Dye and N, Prlgbsm Hall hare sold for Wallace Stuart to Demeuclo Cslla. No. 121 Weal Thir teenth street, a three-story and ba.ement brick dwelling, on lot 20.101 loi.ii, for (21,000. 31, R. d'Atnoa &- Co, have bought a plot, 102x85 aud 105, uu ThlrJ avenue, 125 feet north of 172d street, on which to erect four lourslury brick aud stone stores and flat houses, each 25x75, tocost attout (00,000. Ural Katnte Auction Hales. At tho llrosdway Salesroom )csterday D. Phrenlx Ingrabam & Co. auld Rogers place, west aide, ulu, to feet north of Westchebtcraveuue, running west ho 5x norlh I7,llxeaat 40. 4x east 02.7 to Rogers place x south 14, two-story frame dwelling, foreclosure sale, to J. O. Patton for e2,26u. William Ketiuelly sold No. 13,1 East Forty fifth street, nisr Lexington avenue, four-etor brick dwell, lng, lot 1 4x00, foreclosure ssie, to tbe plaintiff, Julia Wunderilck, for (12.0UU; also No, all East HiKtU street, near Second aveuue, tno atory frame dwelling on rear of lot 2.'jx10U,1 I, partition aale, to Henry K. Meyer for (4.050. ' Court Calendars This Uay. Appellate Division -Supreme Court Iteceaa. buprtime Court Appellate Term No day calendar. Supreme Court bpi-ilal Term Part I Motion calen dar tailed at 10:80 A. JI. Part II Ex-purte matters. Surrogate's Court Chambers No day cateudar. For probate Wills of Ellis Williams. Minute Uerst, Charles P. Thomson, Oottllab Jetter, Solomon p, lloff. manu. Catherine ti. Herman, Uosannah Dal ton. Bilrlna V.UcUner, O. Smith, at 10:80 A. U. i City Court tlpecUlTsrm-Motions, -Cjt-i-fr-V s aKtj'HV fa.-jsy.s. 4l (stlHstulal. rii-i-i-M-i -jT.n-nr.ri rinnnrji-i. "n -- '" PROPOSALS FOR $10,053,017.27 OP 31 Bonds and Stock OP THB City of New York. Exempt from taxation by tbe City and Connty ot New York. Principal and Interest Payable in Gold EXZCtrrOBS, ADMINISTIUTORS, OrjAItDLANS. AND OTOEIIS IIOLDINO TRUST FUNDS ARE AUTHORIZED BY AN ACT OP THE LE01SLATURE PASSED MARCH 14, 18S8, TO INVEST IN TUESK BONDS AND STOCK. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by ths Comptroller of ths City of Nen York, at his offlos, No. (80 Broadway, In the City of New York, until) Thursday, tbo 291b day ot July, 1897, AT a O'CLOCK P. M., when they will be publicly opened, as provided by law, for the whole or part ot the following described Cospon or Registered Bonds and Stock of the City of New York, bearing Interest at three and one-half per cent, per annum, to wltt l.TSO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TITE CITY OF NEW YORK. KNOWN A8 "ADDITIONAL WATER STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK." Principal payable Oct O.OOS.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TITE CITY OF NEW YORK. KNOWN A8-8ANITARY IMPROVEMENT SCHOOLHOUSE BONDS." I'rtnd- Pal payable Nov. 1. luin. iaO.000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR TUB PURCIIASE OP NEW STOCK Oil PLANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF 8TREET CLEANINU. Princi pal payable Nor. 1.1010. I,O10,Oao.T CONSOLIDATED STOCK OP TnE CITY OK NEW YORK, KNOWN AS "SCnOOLHOCSE DONDb." .. E&nclD,,juirwe Nov. 1, 1B1B. 400,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR AC QUIKINQ LAND REQUIRED FOR THE BRIDUE OVER THE HAR LEM RIVER AT THIRD AVENUE. AND THE APPROACHES THERE 1018 Prtnc'Pml PVable Not. 1. OSO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED 8TOCK OF TITE CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR NEW BUILDINOS. ETC FOR Till. 1-E-PARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARI TIES. Principal payable Nor. I. OSO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR NEW BUILDINOS, ETC., FOR THE DE PARTMENT OF CORRECTION. ..w. - p.J.mcIJ?, ParableNnr. 1. 1918. 000,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR RE PAYING STREETS AND AVE NUES. Principal payable Nor 1. SOO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TOE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR LAY ING WATER MAINS. Principal payable Nor. 1. 1HIH. 00,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TITE CITY OF NEW YORK. KNOWN AS POLICE DEPARTMENT BONDS." Principal payable Nov. OSO.OOO.SO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF TnE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8TREET AND PARK OPENING FUND STOCK. Principal payable Nor. 007,010. OS CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR THE REDEMPTION OF REVENUE BOND ISSUED FOR THE PAY MENTOF AWARDS. ETC., INTIIE FORT WASHINGTON PARK PROCEEDING. Principal pay able Not. 1, 191S. '" 000,401. OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OFTITE CITY OF NEW YORK, FOR TnE REDEMPTION OF REVENUE BONDS ISSUED FOR THE PAY MENT OF JUDGMENTS FOR THE AWARDS. ETC.. IN THE MAT TER OF ACQUIRING THE SITE FOR A COURT HOUSE FOR THE APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE SUPREME COURT. Principal parable Not. 1. 1018. 0,000,000.00 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS "DOCK BONDS." Principal parable Not. l, 1827. The resolutions of tbe Commissioners or the Sinking Fund, exempting said Bonds and Stock from local taxation, were adopted pursuant to tho authority of an ordinance of the Common Council approred by the Mayor October 3, 1880, and section 137 of the New York City Consolidation Act ot 1882. THE PRINCIPAL OF AND THE INTEREST ON THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED BONDS AND STOCK ARE PAYABLE IN OOLD COIN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OF THE PRESENT STANDARD OF WEIGHT AND FINENESS, AT THE OFFICEOFTHE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CONDITIONS provided by Section 148 of the New York City Con solldstlon Act ot 1888, as amended by Chapter 103 of tho Laws of 1897: No proposal for bonda or stock will bs accepted for leaa than the par value of ths same. Each bidder must deposit with ths Comptroller In money, or by certified check drawn to tbe order of the said Comptroller upon a State or National Bank of the City of New York, TWO PER CENT, of the amount of ths proposal. Including premium. No proposal wilt be received or considered which Is not accompanied by such deposit. All such deposits will be returned by the Comptroller to the persons mak ing the same within three days after decision as to the highest bldderor bidders has bean made, except tbe deposit or deposits mads by such highest bidder or bidders. If said highest bidder or bidders shall re fuse or neglect, within are days after the service of written notice of the award to him or them, to pay to the Chamberlain of the City of New York the amount of tbe stock or bonds awarded to him or them at their par Talus, together with the pre mium thereon. If any, less the amount deposited by htm or them, the amount of snob deposit or deposits shall be forfeited to and be retained by ths city of New York as liquidated damages for such refusal or neglect. The Comptroller, with ths approval of the Com missioners of the Sinking Fund, shall determine what. If any, part of said proposals shall be ac cepted, and upon payment Into tbe City Treasury of the amounts due by the persons whoso bids are ac cepted, respectively, certlfloataa thereof shall be Issued to them as authorised by law. The propoasls, together with the security deposits, should be Inclosed tn a staled envelope. Indorsed "Proposals for Bonds of the Corporation of the City of New York." and then Inclosed In a seeond en velope, addreaaed to the Comptroller of ths City of New York. For full Information sea City Record. ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller. CTTT OF NEW YORK, FINANCE DEPARTMENT-COMPTROLLER'S OF FICE. JULY 15, 1897. To tba Four Per Cent, snd Five Per Cent. Bondhold ers of the Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway Company and Six Per Cent. Bondholders of ths Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway Company and Hocking Coal and Railroad Co. Referring to our notice of FEBRUARY S5, 1887, further notice Is nuw given to all holders of tho above-described bonds that same must be deposited with us not later than AUGUST 14, 1897, tn order to participate In any plan of reorganisation. DepoalU after that date. If received at all. will be subject to such penalties as wo may determine. J. I. MOKGAX & CO. STUART 8b PADDOCK. ' Investment Securities a Specialty. aELVnl&!rv IMsWmsL.,- OTnPira"' AMES ""-DINO. . PIIO VIRIONS, "0US' ORUN. COTTON BMnaa4forsAljWoujnsJilo. """" sfiBRttflttt. The Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo Railway Co. The Hocking Coal and R. R. Co. Ts the Holders or Joint Six I'er Cent. Tnrnti. Venrtlold nonds, benrlng date-July 1, I sit: At the request of a large number ot tbe holders nt ths said Joint Six per cent Twenty-Year Gold Ilouls ot tbe Columbus. Hocking Valley and Toledo Railway Company and the Hocking Coal and Railroad Com pany, the undersigned hare screed to act as a n nj. holders' Protective Committee nnder anagraeimnt copies of which can bo obtained from any nt ths undersigned, or at the oHlco of the KMCKI'.lt. IJOCKKIl TIU-NT COYII'AXT. No. AS Broadway, In tbo city of Now York, Holders of tho said bonds aro urged to take prompt action by tba deposit of tholr bonds with ths KXlCKItntlOCKEIt TltirsTCO.TIFAXY. THE TIME FOR DEPOSIT HAS BEEN EX TENDED TO JULY 3 1 , AFTER WHICH DATE A PENALTY WILL BE EXACTED. HliBBRT MACI.S.Y, - J I'LKS 8. II ACHE, Bondholders WILLIAM n. IltntlOUB. j- Protective CBARLIBt C. r.nrv, i Committee. GEOBtU! U. IIOl.T, J WM. B. RANDALL, Secretary, 08 Broadway, New York. DAVIE3, BTONT. A APERDACn, Counsel. NOTICE : The bonds of tbe South Brooklyn Central Railroad Company ot Brooklyn, maturing on Aug. 1, 1HU7, will be paid on presentation at the Brooklyn Truss Company i We hereby extend to the holders of said bonds io I option to take In exchange for their bonds, at par ai.s, accrued Interest, bonda of the Atlantic Avenue Rail road Company, known as tbe Consolidated llortgacs Flra Per Cent. Oold Bonds, authorised Issue f 3,000,. 000, maturing 1WB1, Interest payable April and Octo ber, tbe last quotation on which was 10H bid and 10S asked. Failure to notify the Brooklyn Trust Company on presentation of tho bonda for payment wilt be con strued as deollnlng the option. Tbe company also re tains the light to withdraw said option for any or all of said bonds not presented on Aug. 1. 1F07. TUB NASSAU BLKCTTIUC RAILnoAD CO. BY TOM L. JOHNSON. Treasurer. Government and Municipal Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. APPRAISEMENTS MADE OR QUOTATIONS FUR NISHED FOR THE PURCHASE. SALE, OR EX CHANGE OF ABOVE SECURITIES. LISTS ON APPLICATION. N. W. HARRIS & CO., DA.MtBIU, 91 NASSAU ST. (Bank ot Commerce Bonding.) CEBTinCATES OP ISmtBBBST In respect er UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Six Per Cent. Gold Collateral Trust Notes. Thirty dollars ($30). being tbe full amount ot War rant No. 1 from ths shore described Certificates. will be paid on August 1, lt)97, upon surrender of said warrant at our office, S3 Wall Street, New York, or at the offlos of Jacob C. Rogers. 8 State Street, Boston. j. r. noncAi at co.. lYepeeltarlea. rpO HOLDERS OF THE MORTGAGE BONDS JL of the boclety of Tammany or Columbian Order In the city of New York, maturing August 1, 1HQ7. These bonds will be paid, principal and Interest, at the office of tbe Union Trust Company, No. 60 Broad way. New York city, on August 2, 1HU7. Holders of bonds who desire to conrert the same Into new Hi percent. 10-year bonds of the Society, secured by a mortgage upon the same property de acrlled In the present mortgage, may deposit then bonds, ex-coupon, with the Central Trust Company of New York at any time prior to August 1, 1887, and will be entitled to recelre aucb new bonds at par of tbelr present holdings, bearing 4i per cent. Interest from August 1, 1807, as soon as tbe same are ready for delivery. PETER F. MEYZR. Treasurer. Douglas & Jones, Members New York Stock Exchange, 24 BROAD ST., N. Y. CITY. Market letter on application. giiirtrnds nnd gntertjt. - -"- BBOOKxrx stuarf Am nriBSHorjs conrASV First Mortgage Fire Per Cent. Oold Bonds. Interest due on August 1, 1S07, on the bonds of ths above mentioned company will be paid on and aftef said date at the orflec of THE UNITED STATES MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY. BP Cedar Street. New York City. THB LIKE KlllE A1VD TTKSTEBJf ntllJIOAD COYI PAXY. DIVIDEND NO. St. 80 BROADWAY. NEW YORE. July 81. 1897. A dividend of ONE AND ONE-QCARTER FEB CENT. (IU per cent.) on the preferred stock of this Company will be paid at this otnee Aug. 14. 1897. The transfer hooka of the preferred atock will dose July 31 and reopen Aug. 16, 1H87. L. 11. SCII WAN. Secretary and Treasurer. LonlaUtsm and Mlssoarl Rlrer It. B. Fir Mortgrasre Bonds. IoolaUtBat and Missouri Blser B. B. Cuamia. teed Prerrn-est Klock. ' Kansas City, KU Louis and Chiracs B. B. referred stock. Coupons and dividends on the above maturing August 1st, 1807, wtll be paid on and after August 2& at the offloe of CL'VLEB. mORCAX at CO.. 44 Pine St.. New York. TnE FORTUNA OOLD MINING AND MILLINO COMPANY HAS DFCLAREI). July SB. Its eleventh consecutive monthly dlvluend of 10 CTS. a share, Sayable st orBce of Company, 0 Broadway, Julj i. ooks close July 27, and open Julv 3d. 1HU7. B. L. HARDING, Secretary. cEcnnt Qtttittfi. SDPREME COURT OF THE STATE OKSEW YORItT First JudlUal Department. In the Matter of the Ap plication ot the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Com missioners of the City ol New York for the appoint ment of three Commissioners to determine whether Rapid Transit Railway or Railways for the convey ance and transportation of persons and propertv, aa deterndned by tbe aald Board, ought to be coustru-t-ed and operated. Application No. 1 (Upier Route, Public notice la hereby given that tbe undersigned, Arthur D. Williams, John Sabine smith, and Oeoree . Young, having, liy an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for the First Judiiial Department, entered In tbe above entitled mattrr, and b-arlng date the second day of July, l-"7. Utn appointed Commissioners under and tn pursusnee nf Chapter 4 of the Lawa of lfHil. entitled "An act to provide for rapl I transit railways Iu cities ot over one million Inhabitants." aa amended by Chapters 10'.' and AAA of the Laws or 1M)2, Chuptrra .TJti and 752 of ths l.nwsor 18U4. Chapter Mt of the Laws of IMO, and Chapter 7 a It of the Urns of leun, to ilrtir mine and report after public bearing of all parti 1 Interested wh ther the railroad determined upon hy the Hoard of Rapid Transit Railroad CorumlssMirrt of the City of New Ynrt. and mentioned In tbe 'U- , tlon of the said Il.mrd presented to the said Api"1!hi a Division on or about the "th day of June, lee: and Ul died Intheontio of tberierk of tho said Api lisle B Division on the vd day nf July, 1MI7, ousht to ! Xy etructed aud oerated, do hereby appoint l.mUv, 9 tbeulnthday of August, 1BUJ. at eleven o'clock in ill tbe forenoon, ut the omvo or the Hoard ot Kapld TI Transit Railroad Commissioners of the 'U of New York, at ho. ll llrnadwa). Iu the t'ltj of Sew York, aa the time and place of tlictr flrst alttltu. and that at such sitting, aud such adiourucd sittings ns may be thereafter held, they will hear all persons Inter ested In the said mstier. Dated New Vork, K8tb July. 1RH7 AIITIU'R D. WILLIAMS. JOHN S.MIINK MUTII, O W Mlb'NO. PARONB. fill EPA HI) A OOIIEN, 1HACY, BOARIISIA.N A I'l.ATT, Attorneys for 11 pld Transit Board, VJ-EW YORK &UP11F.MK COURT. FARMERS' LOAN ft TRI'ST COMPANY, I as Trustee, V alutlfT, I Agnlnst ! I DANIEL AllF.III.K and Others, Impleaded with ! ' VAMt'KI. W. MI1.UANK, as Receiver of the ; ! Mutual Jlcneru Lire Association of America, i j Defendant. : , To all members o'f'tbo Mutual BeneBt Life'As'.'ia tlon of America, and all persona claiming t members ami entitled to participate in tii Re serve Fund of said Assoclstlon, aud tbe repp n tulhcH o( such members who hate died lines beplemlcr xtli. 184i YOU ARE 1IKRKI1Y NOTIFIED and RFQI ll-H'-pursuant in the Interlocutory judgment entered " ''" above eutltlud action In IheoRlcc of tbel'li-ik "! ' " City and County of New Vork, bearing dale hi t'" IMthdayof Not ember, 180D. aa modified and allrn.'t by a Julsment of the Appellate IittUluiiruieird n I the UNIh day of June, 1h4t, tu appear Ix foic ine i I uudrnlglied, tho Referee sppoluted In and In ral I " I terlocutory judgment, at my orncc. No its Part I r- 1 In the Clly of New York, oa the ISth da of u. 'a, 1H07, at two o'clock In thS afternoon, In prm v r rlghtsto participate In lbs lleserte rundnf salt 4i'" 1 elation. Dated New York, July lit, 1807. f JOHN' II. r.oc.W I It, f re' ffire efuruuiuc. UBNHH Ab OffM'1'. . FURNITURE IN OREAT VARIETY HANUFACIU , BT T, a. SELLKW, 111 FULTON BT. fH-U.TJpJJhASWaa.. --lsii