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ssH I "IP BOU SEE IT If! fsJwl I FeJ$. .sMl lw J$ JF (v TUC UiCatucd nacmn-rinki I tsisiH V -0m 1-l4 iQwWk tf' the weather prediction in I I IPS" SO." - -, ojr TT? trj2?r;ir'fc'-; r SmWW'V V Generally fair j warmer; southerly winds. ffi jH "m. Lxiv-yoTm new york, Saturday, august u, 1897.-copyrigiit, isoTby the sun printing and publishing association, piuce two cents. " 1H H OUR OWN NEW GOLD FIELD H OAi.zron.yiA has a Klondike roit Bl ALU WHO CAN'T OO XORIH. H Trinity County lUonl Series or Rich Strikes H and Miner Are llurrylns to th CelTee Hjf Creek Illatiiet Olid la rooliU nnd ! te ret mb a Every other Mile oo In at Pan, III SaxFuancihco, Aug. 13. Reports from ned- MV fling. In Bhnsta county, sny Hint for thirty BV years tho placo ting seen no mining excitement BE equal to Hint which has stirred tho town sines IB U8 Graves brothers drove In ou their buckbonrd on lnsl Tncsdny with their $12,000 nugget. Btorios uf rich llnds In pockets had conio In for I H sorornl days from Woavcrvlllo and other parts " w of Trinity county, but they wcro regarded as exaggerated until tho two brothers brought in gold to proi o tho truth of their words. It was h repetition of tho Klondike No one putanyfulth In the stories of tnormous finds brought to Juneau by Mull Carrier Carr last winter. It was only when minors returned on tho llxcolslor with lliolr treasure that Cali fornia went wild with the Bold fever. In this city there nro hundreds of disappointed persons who worounablotogct passago to the Yukon, and ninny of theso aro winking arrangements to D try their luck at projecting in tho now Trinity I county bonanza. Snow does not fly In Trinity 1 before the end of October, so thoy have two fl months nnd a half yet for work before cold 1 woathcr will cotuo. It docs not require much I money for outfit, nnd faro to tho now district I from this city Is only $18. Inquiry to-day U showed that many prospectors havo departed already for tho now camp and that others will follow them coon. All the mining districts along tho foothills have furnished tholr quota, so Redding is already 01 crrun w 1th strangers, and Its stores aro doing r rushing business in supplying outfits and toots. From oil parts of Shasta county old miners havo flocked in nnd taken tho road for the north. Eicry day brings stories of fresh finds, which add to the excitement. Tho San 3 Francisco mint reports Trinity gold ns worth I $18.07 an ounce, which Is about $3 mora an ounce than Klondike gold. Tho new mining district is on tho divide between Trinity and the Slskijou Mountains and near tho bead of the Salmon Klvcr. It is 303 miles from this city. Pcrhnps tho best description of tho country nd of the methods of worklngmlnos is given by Itlchnrd Graves, who Is now hero. Ho said their claim covered nlncty-stx acres, and he would not exchange it for anything on the Klondike. Ho added: "Thero is a ledge of quartz on tho surface ex tending U20 feet, which runs northeasterly and southwesterly nil within our land. The pockets already reported aro tho only ones yet found on the lodge, but we expect to strike It still richer. We have tunnollod on sldo hills on the lord, but bad run in not more than twenty feet when wo came on nuggota. The pockets aro on tho wall between groon and yellow porphyry. In tervening is good milling oro, which we shall pile in dumps and when tho time arrives we shall put up n mill and work it. For tho present our attention will bo confined to nug gets that wo may find In pockets. Our find was a good deal of a surprise. It is truo we had como across nuggets ranging from a few dollars to $1,000 last season, but when we went to work ou tho ledge It soon pinched, and wo felt discouraged. Then we picked around in the gulch without much result. Finally it was de cided to go up and run a tunnel on tholcdge. Wo had no idea of what was coming, but It opened wf de at once, and soon after the pocket was en countered. "At that ootnt are two seams that dip toward each other. A pockot minor, who has worked all over tho United States, tells us that where those seams miot we shall get monoy. Thut is forty or fifty feet away yot from whero w o are at present. Our gold ledge, where it disappears at the surface 020 foet away, runs up against a ledge of Iron eighty foet wido, and thero wo ex pect to find another big pocket," r Since tho brothers left their claim Henry Car- ter, their partner, has taken out $22,000 from another rich pockot This makes a total output of the mine in little over one week of $100,000. Oilers for their mine have been made to the Graves brothers, but have been refused, as they Bay the mine is worth as much toihcmasto any ono else. There Is plenty of land in tho neighborhood of Coffee Creek which has not been tnken up, for, though many prospectors have been in that part of Trinity county, thoy generally have kept in tho trails on tho Salmon River, and few have explored tho side gulches 1 like that In which tho recent rich discoveries , havo boon made. I Byron Blackburn, who owns the sawmill at the I boad of Coffee Creek, brought to Redding the first full detalhi of u rlchstriko mado by Burgess and Murphy, two poor prospectors, on Hickory I Creek, fifteen miles from tho Graves brothers' bonanza. Ho said: "Tho entire population of the Coffee Creek dis trict have gone mad over tho recent rich dis coveries. Immediately following the dlscovory of the pocket In the Blue Jay mine or Morrison Gulch by the Graves brothors camo a rich strike on Hickory Creek. Henry Carroll was taking out some rich quartz from u vein on Hickory Creok, when two prospectors, Murphy and Burgess, camo along and mado Inquiries as to the digging. Carroll advised them to go up ono of tho forks of the creek and prospect on a sldo hill. Following his advice, thoy stripped a ploce of ground about three hundred feet up tho hill and founl that in the bed rock thero appoared to be a earn or diks of quartz between the formations of porphyry. Taking a panful of decomposed quartz and dirt, they woro surprised at the prospocts, and going along tho ledge they were pleased to find every pan showed gold from p." to $20 a pan. The richest pan yielded $400 In puro gold. The two men bad taken out over $20,000 at last accounts. The discovery created the great est excitement In the district. The Nash Mining ' Company, of which William Maltland Is super- IntenJent, had In operation at tho time of the strike a mill on Coffee Creek below the mouth of Hardscrahble Gulch. When the news of the strike reached tbo Nash mill forty men cm ployed there looked upon tho report with sus picion. Among tho most Incredulous was Mo Manus, the foreman. He steadfastly refused to believe tho reports, but when tbo news camo that Murphy and Burgess had taken out $400 in one pan of dirt, MoMnnus wont to the superin tendent, drew his wages, resigned his place, anl put off across countty on foot, bound for the new diggings. The forty men in the employ of the company followed the fore man, and Maltland was left along with the cook as bis only loyal subject. Prospectors from every psrt of tho country aro going Into tba new dlstriot in droves and aro locating claims along Hickory Creek and Its tributaries. There are stories of other rich finds made In this district, but thoy havo not been verified. Wires are down to-day nnd nothing can be learned from Wesvervllle, which Is the tele graphic point nearest the mines. It has long been said by geologists who have visited Trinity county that the vast riches lu gold taken in the early days from tbo gravel bed and old channels of Trinity River and Its tributaries cumo from the real fountain head of mineral wealth located , at the head of Coffee Creek and along the natu ral divide of the Trinity and Siskiyou moun , k tains, and alio near tho head of Salmon River, ft The field assistant of the State Mineralogy 1 ' Board and other minim; men have said that the ledgo and quartz dlscoi urles which would be made some day in tho vicinity now being oponed would startle the world with their rlonnosa. Tholr prediction Is being realized. Coilee Creek, on which tho big strike wis i made, hardly forms Itself Into a stream before It enters n rich gruvel bed, through which It flows Its entire course of thirty miles to its confluence with Trinity River. Thero is not n great fall to these wator courses. For miles along Coffee Creek tho fall Is not over five or six inches to tho rod. The gold In the gravel beds Is found noar bed rock, and as tho richest gravel Uos deoper than the bed of tho creek, tho miners find It oasy to elovato gravel from bed rock to their sluice boxes in order to secure a dump for tailings. Tho small miners are all men whoso original capital consisted only of strong bodies and rugged constitutions. Primi tive elovatlng machinery of all descriptions, op erated by hnnd power and also by water wheels, lino the banks of the stroam. Tho first gulch flowing into Coffeo Cresk Is Packor's Gulch, and It Is producing much coarso gold from some diggings and gravel dopostts. Two mllos bolow Adams Crock Is tho next tributary to Coffee Creek. This has not been prospocted to any extent, although producing some gold noar Its oonfluenco with the main creek. Next comes Hickory Creok, on the fork of which the rich strlko was mado by Murphy and Burgess. Throo-quarters of a mile bolow Pack er's Gulch and on Hardscrabblo Gulch a miner named Keating not long since mado n rich strlko, nnd still lower down on the north fork of Coffeo Croek Pat Holland has plaoedaclaim and frequently turns up nnggoU worth $40 or $30 each. Prof. Thomas Price of this city, ono of the best mining experts on tho coast, recently examlnod tho Coll eo Creek district for n foreign syndicate and reported that all the mines along tho creek would pay woll.. WAS SUE MURDERED BT CROOKBT Mysterious Drath or Woman lu Mramse nho Had Threatened to KipoM Tbem. 8TTUCUBI, Aug. 13. Thoro have boen many burglariei in this city during tho last mouth and the police have been unablo to catch tho crooks, who have boen working lu almost every pirt of the town. In one of tho most disreputa ble streets of tho city stands tho Dclovan House, and a mysterious death has just occurred there, which may havo somo connoctlon with tho burglaries. The Dclovan is kept by James Hayes, and tho house has been frequented for a long tlmo by people whom tho police have been watching. It Is said that Mrs. Nellto Hayes, wife of the pro prietor, has been for somo tlmo in possession of somo facts concerning recent burglaries which she has threatened to disclose to the police Two of the guests, who aro now in jail, nro thought to havo had something to do with Mrs. Hayes's death, which occurred last night under mysterious circumstances. Hayes was in a Etnto of Intoxication that night, but bo was sober enough to bear cries of pain Issuing from his wife's room at 10:30 o'clock. He heard a woman's volco within and demanded admit tance. Tho door was locked and tho woman w ould not let him In. Then ho started to butter dow n the door. As It gavo way two women, scantily clad, rushed out, eluded 111" grasp, nnd ran Into a neighboring house. Hayes called the police, w ho discovered that lira. Hayes had been dead only a short tlmo. Hayes made nn examination of tho room and told the police that $750, which was In his wife's trunk, was missing. The women who had been in tho room were charged with tho theft and tbo police arrested them. Hayes sitys that the women not only stole tho money but poisoned his wife. Tho women, who iravo their names aaLona . Parker and Clara Willis of Osw ego. were womon , of tho town In the city, and they havo boen con torting with men hero who aro bellercd to be Implicated In the recent burglaries. The police i have a theory thai tbo crooks got the women to I commit tho mnrder so tbnt Mrs. Hayes would not givo away their Beorets to the police, and that the robbery of the trunk was an afterthought- " An undertaker who embalmed the body before tho Coroner was notified, and had issued e, 1 burial permit, has complicated the case by mak : ing an accurate analysis of tho dead woman's , stomach for traces of poison an Impossibility. Hayes nnd tho two w omen are held at police ' headquarters, i SEA ZlOy AT 11 ELL GATE. It Amnn Crowds Along the flnore wltn lu Queer Antics nnd Rlude Pursuit. A seven-foot sea lion gavo on exhibition of aquatic high leaping In Hell Gate, opposite East River Park, between 5 and 0 o'clock last even ing, before nn audience that crowded the park sea wall. The lion, which Is probably one of three that escaped from Glen Island a few days ago. was first seen by a small boy who was in bathing off Eighty-fourth street. Tho boy thought that n sea serpent was after him, and when he had scrambled ashore be screamed so loud that every one In the park ran to the river sldo to see what was going on. The boy pointed at tho sea lion and the crowd soon discovered the animal. Many of them jumped to tho conclusion tbatn sea serpent had run up to the city from somo resort on tho Jersey coast, nnd the park rapidly filled up with persons anxious to got a glimpse of Uie monitor. The sea Hon seemed to be In excellent beulth and spirits. It alternately dived Into the water and snrang into the air. When the Sound boats passed up the lion frisked about thom and icnied to enjoy rolling in the wakes thoy left behind. The lion played around the tugs that passed up and down the river, and showed Itself once to a party of men who were standing In the bow of on excursion steamer. Sam McGlnglo and Pop Farrell put out from Eighty-fourth street In a yawl to catch tho Hon, as Mr. Btari n has ottered $500 reward for Its re turn. Tho creature cw am away before thoy could Eetout to it. and about 0 o' lock it disappear! d. nst night Cnpt. Sellg of tho Hell Gate life savers and a pirty or men anxious to get the reward searched along tho uhoro for tho Hon, thinking that It might havo como out of the water to sleep. Ono of tho lions that usoancd from Glen Island with It was shot, and tbo other was netted at Larchmont. C II IK A TO 3Ii:ET OVIt HEXAXDS. Hereafter Amrrlran Mlulonurlea Will (lave Assurance or Protection. WABlHNOTOU.Aug. 13. Advices received lato lyfrora Mr. Denby.tho UnltcdStatesMlnldtcrto China, announce that recont demunds of tho United States upon tho Chinese Oovornmont are about to bo compiled with, and that hnroafter American missionnrlcblcanonterin to China with ns9urnccs of protection. Mr. Denby, acting under Instructions from his Government, has communlcnto'l to tho Tannic-Ll-Yumeii n demand that this decree to Issued, and that Chinese officials horoafter be pui!lhod when they fall to protect the Americans. Tho Minister demands that missionaries have tho privilege of going as far Into China as they wish; that they may be privileged to pur chase lands, which privilege has been here tofore refused them, ami that tho Governors of provinces bo not only removed, but adequately punlshod for any disturbance against tho mis sionaries In their territory. China has answered previous demunds of tho United States for pun ishment to tho olllculs when missionary prop erty has been dnmagod by simply removing them and sometimes paying a money Indemnity. Assistant Secretary Adoe of the department believes the decree will soon bo Issiiod, and that in future all missionaries will be com- Baratlvoly safe even in the remote regions of ie Chinese empire. ELEOTItIO CAIt JTJ31V& THE Tit AC K And Then Plunse Down Ten-fost Entiaab rornt Into n tlltcn. MrDDLKTOWK, N. Y., Aug, 13. When the Mid-dlotown-Goshen Traction Company's 3 o'clock open trolley car, containing twonty-two persons, wub bowling along at nfteon miles an hour speed across a flat four miles from this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon tho forward trucks left the rails, and after ploughing up the ground for a hun dred feet the car wont down a ten-foot embank ment Into the ditch. The occupants w ere thrown in all directions, fully one-half of them being in jured, two seriously, Mrs. Joseph Coquolln of Goshen and Oeorgo Slnsabaugb of this city. When the car landed Motorman Mold pitched head foremost Into a ditch containing several feat of mud and water, and was taken out in an exhausted condition. What, no appetlts this morning T You matt bsvs neglcoted to ioks your Tarrant's SsltMrAlxritut. Miv. nMUs HnvAaos am una as FOUGHT IN A LIGHTHOUSE. KEEPEIt AXD JlELPEIt XX A LIFE AXD DEATH STItUQOLE. Cnur Assistant Tries to Murder Copt. Allen on Whale Rock, Near Karragansett Pier Allen Finally Escapes la m Rowboat l'ui sued by the Other Man, Who Shoots nt Him. Narraoanbett Piku, It. L. Aug. 13. Whale Rock lighthouse, throe miles northeast of here, Is in chargo of a drunken maniac, tho assistant keeper, Henry KygrlfTc, This evening, after drinking heavily all day, he worked himself Into a murderous frenzy, attacked Cspt. J. S. Allen, the lighthouso keeper, with a carving knife, drove him from tho Island, pursued him to tho mainland In a boat, and only re turned wbon his intended victim suocoedod In getting a horse and so making his escape. CapL Allen reached hero to-night terribly bruised nnd exhausted and told tho story of his fight nnd flight. Tho light on Whalo Rock Is burn ing low, but peoplo hero aro watching it anx iously, for nobody know s at what moment tho man In chargo may soe fit to turn it out and put moving vessels In peril. Nygriffo is a mlddlo-nged, strongly built Swodo, who has been employed at Whalo Roclc for several years. Ordinarily ho is of a peaceful disposition, but when In drink he Is dangerous. Lost night Capt. Allen suspoctod that bis as sistant had boon drinking, and this morning tho man started in with the obstinate intention of gotting drunk. By evening ho was furious and making threatB against Capt. Allen, who had nttemptod to restrain htm from further in dulgence. Finally tho Captain w ent up In tho tower, telling Nygriffo to go to bed, nnd busied hlmsolf with tho lamp, preparing to light it. Whllo he was thus ongogod tho assistant climbed the stairs qulotly and stepped into tho tower. Ho had a carvlng-knlfo in bis hand. " What are you doing hero 1" said Capt. Allen. "I told you to go to bed and stay there." f "That's what you told me," returned the as sistant, "but I didn't havo to stay thero. 1'vo had enough of you, and I've come up hero to kill you." Ho flourished tho carving knlfo and started forward. Instantly Capt. Allen decided upon his course. "Wait until I fix tho light." bo said. "You wouldn't want to have tho light left unlit." "What do I care," roplicd tho Swede. "Let the ship go to hell. I've como up hero to kill you and I'm going to do It now." As ho spoko Allen bad been edging around to ward the man and now ho jumped for him. A qulcK downward sweep of tho knife so narrow ly mlssod him that It silt the back of his coat almost the entire length, but that ono stroke was tho only ono Nygrlffe had timo to glvo before his opponent was clinchod with him. Strive nnd strain as be would, the Swede could not get his right arm freo to strike again. Whirling bis superior nround, ho thrust him violently against the wall, but Allen so turned that his weight was thrown upon Nygrlffe's right arm with crushing Impact, and tho knife fell to tho ground. Then begun a breast to breast wrestling match, with Ufe or death as the result, and no human being within threo miles to help or binder. The powerful Swede tried to wear his enemy down by superior strength, but the Captain is wiry end agile and played a defensive game, exerting his own strength only to meet the attacks of the other. Nypritle's best efforts could not get the Captain off his feet, and he was beginning to weary. By this time they had wrestled across to the 8 ther sldo of tho tower. Both men were breath lg bard, and tho Swede, still at close grips, was content to wait and get his wind. Once Allen tried to trip mm. bat failed, and was nearly thrown himself. Then both waited, neither daring to release tho other. About that knife lying far out of reach at tho other sldo of the room Allen's thoughts centred. He knew that he could not get It: knew, too, that sooner or later his op ponent wonld wear him down, and facing tbo prospect of death if he failed he mado his plan. This was to get the knife out of the way. His opportunity soon came. Presently the Swede renowed his wrestling tactics. Allen, seeming to be worn out, but still keeping his feet, kept edging over toward the knile and dragging his subordinate with him. "You won't get It," panted Nygrlffe. thinking that he had fathomed the schemo. "Let me get in reach of It and I'll finish you." Both men were almost stepping on it, when Allen's bold suddenly relaxed, with a cry of triumph tho Swodo stooped swiftly, stretching forth his hand. His fingers were almost on tho handle, when a foot shot out and the knifo went spinning and sliding across the floor nnd. with a groit rattling, down the steps. Both men slopped and listened. From step to step It fell, clanging; then, by the silence, they knew that It hod stopped hnlf way down. With a common Impulse they sprang npart. The Swede ran for the weapon. Allen, bis ono Idea being escape, was nt tho window in three steps. A rope bung Inside. To throw It out, climb out the window, nnd swing himself outside took but a second. Hnlf way to the ground be heard KygrifTo'sroursof rnge, then saw his form in tho window, and felt him hacking at tho rope. There was but one thing to do. and Allen did It, Loosening bis hold, bo slid down so swiftly that his bands were torn badly, but be was safely on the ground, and within a few rods was moored his rowboat. Into this he Jumped and headed tor the nearest point of tho shore, some two miles away, but huralj had he started when bo bothought himself of the other boat which he had left nnd hod neglected to oast adrift. It w as too late now, for NygrilTe had hurried dowiiBtalrs. nnd was already run ning across to tho mooring place. The battle was to lie followed by a pursuit To the Captain's astonishment Nygritfe, lnsieud of starting out at onco, ran back nnd disap peared Inside the door. A moment later this action was explnlnt-d. Ho reappeared w Kb a gun In his hands, levelled it, took curof ul aim at tho fugitive, and fired. Where tho bul let went the Captain doesn't know, but It was followed by another that ricochet ted past him on the wator. Then Njgrilfo threw his gun Into the boat, jumped in himself, and pushed off. Under ordinary conditions Allen, who Is an expert oarsman, could easily outrow tho Swede, but bis torn hands marie every stroko pain ful, and the handkerchlofs with which ho hound tho ruw places to stuunch tho blood im- eded his stroke. 81111, ho scorned to be toldlng even with his pursuer, who was rowing with a short, hurried btroke. Half way over N)grltfo spurted and caught up n little, but tho Captain's steady stroko kopt him at n safe dis tance, and bo lnnded nearly a good 200 yards In front. As he Jumped out of his boat thu Swrdo sprang to bis foet and llred two more shots, then fell to his nam again. Allen ran straight for the nourcst road, plung ing through n ornfW Id, where ho fell soteral times. As he climbed the fence into the road way he heard a shout from behind, which he took to moan that his pursuor had lnnded. Down the rood soma two miles and n half lay Narrngansett I'ier. He set out on a trot In this direction, but soon realized that his ex haustion was such that he would never get there. A few rods ahead was a farmhouse, and hitched to a iiost was n horse. The oxhaustrd man ran into the yurd, where ho was met by the farmer. "Lend me your horse, he cried. "There's n man Just behind to ing to murder me," " How do I know w ho you nre I" demanded tho farmer. " I'm Capt. Allon of the lighthouse. My as sistant has gono crazy and tried to kill me. Look." lie held up his torn hands. Anotbcrman camo out of the house and recognized the Captain. "Tnko tbo horse." ho said. "Ilo'll getjou out of harm's way. They helped him upon the animal's back, nnd ha galloped away, barehai k and clinging for his life. As be turned out from tho gate, Nygritfe, still carrying his gun, came running down the rond, fired at hlui, and ran on ng.iln, The two farmers saw pursuer nnd pursued disappear around a turn, Ciipt. Allen reached this placo terribly ex hausted. Ills clothing was torn half off, nnd he was bruised and bleeding. On hearing his story the pollco sot out after Njgrlffe, but hobad glvon up the chase and returned, for at 10 o'clock to-night the red light appeared In the lighthouse. "Thank God for that," said Capt. Allen when ho learned of It. "That takes the greatest burden off my mind. I'll go out tomorrow." It Is doubtful If Capt, Allen will be sufficiently recovered to-morrow. Probably a revenue cut ter will be sent to arrest Kygrliie. About a year ngo be got drunk and attucked Capt. Allen, but was subdued with the aid of visitors to the lighthouse. Kastly Accessible to All Central ParUsoa or tho lt. This it the Pennsylvania Kallroad's 884 tt, station. Itt location it central to tba great hotels and lbs rati dences, and the splendidly equipped cab and carrlago servloa of tbe Finntylvanla ltallroad It efllctant and prompt. Fifteen to twenty-flvo inlnotet by cab sul- Oco In tbo majority of dstUnsUoot, udu. .sM4.iiV-lmC' iv .-, w. itti. .JryW!g t SNAKE AEOVXlt HEn LEO. Miss Henpla Sat Down In tho Tennis Court and Her Mother Pried It Off. BruDOEronT, Conn., Aug. 13. MlssClarallop pln of Now Haven, who Is stopping at a eottago at Pine Grove Camp Ground nt Canaan In Litch field county, wna playing tennis on ono of tbo courts near the grove yesterday. The bail bounded Into some high graas noar tho court. Sho went after It. and when sho emerged ono of her girl companions noticed something like a vino trailing along behind her skirt. Bho called Miss Uoppln's attention to It. Miss Uop pln looked around, but it seemed to havo fallen off. Nothing more was thought of It and tho gamo was continued. After playing for about fifteen minutes Miss Hoppln felt a peculiar sensation In ono of hor legs. Sho seomed to bo losing control of It Sho raised her skirt and was astonished to boo tho head of a snako, with Us tongue darting out and in, just above the top of tho boots sho wore. Bhe called to tho girls to como. They gathered about hor. How to got tho snnko off was tho question. There woro no men In tho neighbor hood to call for. Ono of tbo girls started for tho grovo for help. Before sho returned Mrs. Hoppln, tho mother, arrlvod, Sho did not hesltato to attack tho snake. Sbo told her daughter to sit down and draw her Bkirts closo about her abovo the knees. Then sho secured a stout stick and went to work to pry tho snako off. At first It was not suc cessful, tho snnko clinging tenaciously. Ab tho work of removing tho snake progrtssed Miss Honpln boenmo nervous, "If that horrid thing isn't off therein a mlnuto Bl certainly dlo," sho said. Her girl companions s ood around nrmed with etoul sticks nnd with their aklrts hold up to their knees and closo around them. When Mrs. Hoppln was about to uivoup tho job tbo snake let up on bis hold a little and sho managed to get tho stick In such n. position that sho loosoned tho coll. Tbo snnko gave up nnd slipped off to tho ground and darted awny Into the woods and escapod. Justnflor the snake ran awny a young min ister, wholsBtopplngat thcgroio. nrrlvcdwith tho girl who had gono for help. Howasarmod with n revolver nnd shotgun. Mrs. Hoppln says the snnko wns fully three foot long. There nro deep ridges on Miss Hoppln's leg whero tbo snnko wound Itself around, nnd for hours ll was badly swollen. Farmers living near the grovo say It wns a garter snake. Tho tennis courts at Pino Grovo aro deserted now. TIltE IX A GVX AXD POWDER STORE Bxplnlona Followed by the Whlnln or Dulleto, toman Candles, nnd Rockets. PonT Jehvis, Aug. 13. A fire nt noon to-day consumed tbo gun and bicyclo store of John Orben, and Cunniff's laundry, on Jersey avenue, directly opposite the railway depot in this place, causing a loss of $7,000. Tho building adjoin ing, owned by Jacob Bauer, and occupied as a dwelling and news depot by Mrs. Hughes and tho harbor shop of David Ellis, was badly dam aged. Tho Bounding of tho II ro alarm was fol lowed by a pyrotechnic display ut Orbcn's store, which caused the spectators to flee in all di rections. Explosion after explosion was beard, and bullets from Orbcn's stock of cartridges went whizzing through the ulr, whllo on ex plosion of gunpowder blow out the largo window front, and roman candles and rockets mado their exit through the opening, making a display tho llko of which was never before wit nessed in this town. Ono of the bullets went through tho window of the smoking room of the Erie depot, two hundred feet dlstnnt, and was flattened against tho wall. Many others struck the sides of the adjacent buildings. Fireman Thorn is Harris Wns hit In Uie head by n bullet, which pierced his hoavy lire helmet, cnuslnga aUght wound, and bo wns also struck by a rocket and buriiQao.frank Cnnnlff of the laundry had a narrow escape, a bulb t whizzing past his ear nnd crajdng It. Fred Gilbert wns standing in the doom ay of his barber shop, on the opposite side of tho street from tbo rear of Orben s store, unit bullets Mid rockets came fly ing past him nnd entered the shop. He quickly locked his doors and Med to less exposed quarters. Fireman H. U Divls was injured In the wrist and back by falling In tbe cellar of tho burning Cunnlff building, nnd John Eagen, a morchiint. In trying to ni-cue Mr. Ciinnltf. who wan "up poseil to K-siifTo'Mtrd with mnnko In lihiellar. was severely Injured. This is Mr. Orbcn's third fire. 3IVRDER IX ItACPTMAXX'S r A STILT. Tho Son Xow Inanne and luapertrd or Raving Hilled Ilia Mother. 8t. Louis, Aug. 13. Troubles come thick and fast to tho household of Peter Hnupttnann, the wholesnlo cigar manufacturer. Ilu wns called from his place of business to his bomeonOrccr avenuo ten dnys ngo to find bis wlfo dend. her throat having been cut by ono of his children. The crime wns charged to his daughter liulsa, 25 yonrs old, who for Himo time had been de mented. It wn said t hat tho daughter crept up to the parlor sofa, on which her mother was sleeping, and struck the mortal blow with a long knlfo. Tho first ono to look upon tho sccno was Wil liam Hauptman, tho 2a year-old son. Tho mother was gasping her last breath and could not speak. William Iliiuptmnnn was i ommitlid to the Insane asylum today. Tho pitlnblo plight of his mind has raised a doubt ns to who wns tho real author of Mrs. Hnuptmann's death. Members of tho fumllj hud lecn nw-vro for somo tlmo that the young man's mind wns unbal anced. The father com luded to doal pentlj nnd carefully with him, In the ho that the inulady would wear nwaj. On ono occasion a week or two before his mothers -nth. It is said, ho Ihc enmo fretful nbout soniothlng, Into a vio lent rnge. nnd tnl ' Ms mother that he lntindod to kill her If shoo r interfered with him again. Louis tllmiptin'iiin is still nt hor homo under thoenroof an nllindant. Hhcwlllbo sent to n prhntn sanitarium. PInco tho death of their iiiothcr, she niMi tVllllain Hnuptm.inn tnnn not exilLiiigeda word, nnd seldom hao been per mitted in each other's presence. oxe or nn.v sisters deowxed. lloth Jumped from n Iloat nnd Tried to Hwtm Aabore, but On' Went Itown, Q00017E,N. Y Aug. 13. Miss Grace lllllcr, 14 years of ngc, of Springfield. MnBs,, wns drowned whllo bathing with her twin sister Mary yeBtordiiy. Tlio rflrls took arowbont and wentout into deep water where bathing wns good, tho water near tho shoro being ory shal low. They loth jumped from tbe boat, and eoon discovered that tbo boat had drifted out of reach. Then thoy started to Bwlm Ashore. Grace to tho enst shoro and Mary to tho west, n cllstcime of 300 )ards. Mary uion reaching tho shore discovered that her slslor was not In sight. Sho ran up and down the shore, cullln s loudly for her sister. Sho then ran to tho boarding houso of Oeorgo V Stone, where sho and two other sisters were stopplnt, nnd bonreh wns Immediately mado for the drowned girl. Tho biy in the vicinity of tho incident wns dragged Willi nets by tho life saving crows of Tiinna nnd Quogue until Intu thlBafttrnoon, when tbo body was re ovored n shoit distance fiom where tbo accident oc curred. Coroner Nugent nnd Jury hold nn In. quest this exenlng, returning a verdict of accidental drowning. OOVLnX'T SAVE MISS LOWENRVRO. Dr. Kaplan Hal Her Out or tho Surf, but Bhe Ulrd from Shock. ATLANTIC ClTV, N. J., Aug. 13. Whllo Miss Rachel Lowcnburg of Now York city was bathing in tho surf opposite tho Surf House nt Sea Islo City this morning with a party of friends, Including Dr. Paul Kaplan of Now York, Pblllp Hoozo of Trenton, and William Keunedy of Philadelphia, she suddenly threw up her hands and screamed for help, Bho had got beyond her depth. Dr. Kaplan was the first to hear her cries and Immediately set out to rcscuo her. As soon as he reached her sbo throw hor arms around his neck and fainted. Kennedy and Boozo quickly launched a fishing boat which tbey found near Kund went out to tholr exhausted companions, ithwere taken In the boat after a desperate struggle and brought ashore. Br, Davis was Immediately summoned and applied restoratives. Capt, Cole of tbe Ufa sav ing station and his crew worked hard to restore Miss Iiwenburg. Their efforts were without avail. The young woman died from tie shock, , fit t -wfvfH.t,rt,-l vH-ti-M frftf fr-trs.-" NOW THE AMEER IS HOUSED EXQLAXD'S TROUBLES IX XXDIA TUICKEX PAST. The Staler or AfkbanUInn Rocalts Ilia Aa-enta from Iter Aslalle Kinplre and the Indian Dally Kens Rays that lie Has Rlten to Aid the Fnlthrul Consternation In Rombay SjitcM CabU Dettxileh to Tnc Sox. London, Aug. 13. Tho Impression which has long existed among English residents of India and has boen discussed In tho Anglo-Indian press that tho Amoor of Afghanistan is abetting or conniving at the risings of tho frontier tribes men has boen deepened ton startling extent by a report circulated in Bombay to-day to the ef fect that tho Ameer had recalled all his agents In India. A despatch from Bombay announces that an Inquiry into tho reports proves that tho agents at Bombay and Calcutta went from tholr posts days ago. and tt affirms that thoso nt Simla, the summer soit of .tbo Indian Government, und at Kurrachco also havo gone. It Is reported that tho Alfrodl tribesmen in tho northwest hnvo risen. Tho Hindoos In Pcsha wur, In tho Punjab, and on tbo Afghan frontier express fears that tho Mohammedans will loot their houses. Tho Government Is concentrating two reserve brigades at Rawul Plndl, in the Punjnb. Ono report Is that tho Ameer Is fomenting Mohamcdan disaffection in India, and that ho has Bent thousands of copies of a pamphlet on a Jehad, or holy war, to tho native Indian regi ments. An effusion which nppcarod on July 27 In tho Indian Dally A'ctr dwelt enthusiastically upon thu victories that had been achieved by the Sul tan of Turkoy. It declared that the lethargy of tho Mohammedans had ended. They had awakened from their sleep, nnd would recover tho former glories and grandeur of Islam. Tho artlclo, in conclusion. Bald: "Our Kabull co-religionists nssure us that his Majesty of Kabul (the Ameer of Afghanis tan) is ready to como gloriously to rid us of the thralldora of tho Christian yoke," HU.VRERT'S XEPIIEir TO TIQHT. The Count or Turin aeeonds rrnnslg m Dnel with Ilenrl of Orlraita. Special Cable Dttpatch to Tnz Sir. London, Aug. 13. A despatch from Paris confirms the statement already made from Rome, that tbe Count of Turin has challenged Princo Henri of Orleans to n duel. The particu lars of tho challenge aro conflicting in soma respects, but tho following details seem to be well authenticated: King Humbert, as head of the Italian army, has assumed his ofilcerV quarrel with Princo Henri, and has authorized tho Count of Turin, who Is his nephew, to fight the Prince. Tho challengo was sent by telegraph and the accept nnco was received by tbe same means. The Beconds of tho Count of Turin are tho Marquis dl Ginori and Gen. dl Quln to. They arrived In Paris this morning and had a conference with Col. Lconticff and M. Raoul Mncrichon, the Prince's seconds, at which severe conditions for tho meeting wcro arranged. Nobody will bo present when tho duel Is fought except the principals, their sec onds, and physicians. Tho place of meeting will he on tho cslato of the Due de Chartres at fet. I'lrmlii. It was Btnied that the Connt of Turin had nr rlvod In Paris this evening, but this Is not con firmed. The duel Is not likely to bo fought be fore Monday, despite soma assertions that it w ill take placo to-morrow. The challengo of thu Count of Turin rccehed precedence over thnt of ficn. Albcrtonc. Tho General has not abandoned his Intention to meet tho Princo on tho field of honor to wipe out the Insult ho oftcr"d to the Italians who were captured by King Mcnelck of Abyssinia during tho lito disastrous Italian campaign In thnt country. Tho rhillengo that wns sent by Lieut. Plnl of the Italian army, who wns selected by bis companions to meet the Prince, will prob ably bo abandoned. It is snid that the fount of Turin Is nctlng out of kindness to the Duchess of Aostn (Princess Helcne of Orlcins), whoso position in Italy might lonindo disigreeable by Prince Henri's attacks upon the Italian army. caoet pope ix tut: avARnuousE. lie Went to Mleep an I'osl White lie 11m tup. piHied to Da Liioktns; Out rr HittliiK. West Point, Aug. 13. Cadet F. A. Pope, a member of the third class, who halls from Kan sas, Is a prisoner In tho guard tent at Camp Wnrren. On Wednesday evouing nftcr supper Popo was ono of five cxtrn guards plnicd in company streets. TIiIa detail Is outside tho regular guard. Lately tho hazing has been tierce and tbo command int decided to hnvo extr gunrds In compiny streets. Popo wns as signed to R Company street nnd told to look out forhnzlng. Wednosday is bop night, and Pone currcd his luck; be could not bo nt the hop, tho music of which he could hear in the distnnce. All was quiet ns ho plodded up and down, wish i Ing It were tattoo, to bo relieved. Passing nn open tent ho entered, nnd, plnring his musket between his knee', fell asleep. In nfhnrl tlmo 11 Comtitiiy wn very much nlhn with nnlao and toiifiialnn. 1 lie 'Hi or In rhar,'c lienritit? the racket M'nt hit, order. y to llnd out the mut. Thnonlirlr returned to any t.iere n- no sentinel in U Company Mroet. Altera long sunrih the; found Pope nnd cur ried I 'in off to th" giinriihnusp. W'.C. rilarcy of Ohio, who Is in tbo hospital suffering f nun a cane of ba7ing, stilt refu aid ti rcenl the trill.' , uf his tormentors. V. M, ('only nf Mb hlgnn nil 1 K 11 Hum . of Ohio nro In conunciiieiit for refualug to toll tho iinmcu of their tormenterx. nam so rr title licked. I'.lshts-l'ounder rrnui Numb tmbay Too 9lurb Tor the Cniieieiiiter. Not content with hnliig fought nnd won a battlo on Wednesday with Its fellow from (JrnvcBcuil 11a), the fifty-pound loggerhead turtle at tho Aquarium must needs tiicklenn eight) pounder from South Atu'xiv, which wns put In tho tank after tbo vanquished one had been taken away with its head torn open. For some tlmo tho flftj-pounder kept out of tho nay of thoMg fellow, but yestcrda) nftrrnonn it decided upon a different course. Swimming un to tho big one. It laid hold of a hind flqipcr. The next Instant there was a terrific mlx-up. In utile M the human speitators were vnMl) Interested, After Iho minutes of this the smaller turtlo hroko nwny, somewhat the worsn for wear, and paddled swiftly about tho walls seeking forn pliioo to get out. Kcry time tho big ono mado n rush for It It dodged and lied, nnd Ih superior succesafiill) kept It from coming to grips with Its antagonist. When the Aquarium dosed the big one wiib eildcntly wer)lng of tho mil-suit, and thom was it prospect of n trme If not of peace. It Is prolmbli thut tho llftj-pouniler will liavede eloped a chastened spirit before ho has been long In his present quarters. Nbot Ilia llnrelbeiirt'a Inlbrr Mortally, Floiiknoe, AIi Aug. i3.-i:il llurnoy, for bidden to visit lilssweothciirt.shotundwounded tnoi tally the gill's father, V B, Green, nt Whitehead, Ala., to-day. '1 ho shooting occurri d at Green's home, in tho iirnxenec of tho girl, who attempted to anwi her father, liurnoi made his escape. Green, who Is 70 years oh', ordered thu jniim: mini jo keipiiwuy from bis homo. Huniu) nniicd hliiisult, and going to Guam's houto una met by Green and his daugh ter nt tbo door. Adnilttniico was denied, and ho shot tho father down. A Pnniiriiiiiu or New York, Between tho foot of el VUd tt. and Jtrtsy Cltr much or the itilppluu irado of New York o ntralttri lbs river md wharwa aro tilled with animated scenes Tiny unfold U" picture to the pattenier on the decks of tbe I'euuivlvama llailroad'i Sad " ferrylieata. The il'le l lull of Intorsat and atlta end are tus aplendld tiamt of tbe PcaaajlVAUla iUuroad I l.AdUig onry wbsre. J" I sitHMWttiHMIHll HER THO DIVORCES IX OXE TERST. Mm, tlutale Campbell Dpeneer Wlnatsw Wastes 1 bo Time In Cnhnppr Wedlock. . ST. Lodib, Aug. 13, Mrs. GubsIo Onmpboll Bpc&cer Wluslow yesterday secured her socond dlvorco within tho present term of tho St, Louis county court nt Clayton. Both divorces woro granted within llvo minutes on tho presentation of hor petition nnd hIIIiIm It und tho defendant's answer and wahcr of summons. In her petition Mrs. VVinslow charged her socond husband, Dr. Henry, or "Jack" Window, with having aban doned her in Chicago on June 17. Tholr mar riage took placo In that city on Juno 11, a fort night after her dlvorco from Will Spencer, an insuranco man of this city. Tho dlvorco from Spcncor was secured on chnrgos of habitual drunkcuness and indigni ties. Mrs. Wlnslow's mnrrlngo with tho doc tor was of tho nature of nn olopemont, tho brldo having outwitted hor irato father in Chicago. C II I O AGO ROBBED OE $300,000. Frauds Durlnr the Rwlfl Admlniatratlon Die. covered by n Commlaalon. Chicago, Aug. 13. Tho Civil Sen Ice Commis sion Investigating affairs lu tho city water office discovered to-day Irregularities which impllcato former employees of tho department In a con Bplracy to defraud tho city during tho Swift nd minlstrntlon. Largo sums nre invohed, nnd itlsbclloiod thnt tho city is loser to tho extent of fully 200,000. Tho alleged s) stom by which tho city was de frauded wub a manipulation of rebates on wnter taxes. Largo sums duo tho city wcro Bcttlod "outside," receipts being given in fulL Approval of reductions was mado by using a duplicate stamp, Indicating that a high official had sanctioned them. Several arrests will bo mado to-morrow. MARCH Or PROBPERITT. More Than 900.000,000 Increase In Cor pornto Invrotmenta In Pennaylvaula. HAimisncuo. Pa., Aug. 13. During March, April, May, June, nnd July of 1890 tho manu facturing and miscellaneous corporations char tered at tbo Stato Department represented a capital of $17,821,000. tho building nnd loan associations, $10,150,000; railroads and Btrect rollwnys, $1,410,000; increases of capital stock and indebtedness, for the purposo of extensions and Improvements, $30,751,000, making nn ag gregate amount of capital represented by tho transactions for tho period $82,720,000. For tho corresponding period of 1807 tho nggrcgato amount of capital represented in tho somo way Is $103,424,000, showing nn Increase since the MclCInley Administration camo in of $00,703. 000, or moro than 125 per cent. SAXO HIS COXEESSIOX. rubr, nho Stammers, Couldn't Make Bis fJullt Known In Any Other Way. Two men broke into the tailor shop of Louis Rottmanon tho top floor of tho building nt 03 Orchard street yosterdar morning, and after so curing clothing valued at $350 they lowered It to tho yard In tbo rear and woro proceodlng to carry It away when they were Interrupted by Policeman Hnslinger of tho Eldridgo street station, who succeeded In arresting ono of tho mm. When taken to tho pollco station, tbo prisoner evinced a desire to mako a clean breast of the affair, but stammered bo badly that ho was un able to do so. All sorts of devices were nscd without avail until Sergeant Colton asked the prisoner If he could sing. Ho noddod his head In ncqulescnco. 'Then sing tho story to ns," said the sergeant. To tho tune of "Annlo Lnurio" tho prisoner said his namo was Philip Fuhr and thnt ho lived nt 70 Allon street. He g-ivo tho name of his companion, who eouid not bo found after ward, and confessed his guilt. Fuhr was arraigned In tho Essex Market Court later and was held for trial. SHOT INTO THE CELL. A Lynching Party Trlro to Kill Four Men In Jail, but Falla. Centiul City, Col., Aug. 13. At 2 o'clock this morning n mob from Russell Gulch, armed and masked, broko into tho Central City Jail through a door In tho rear, ami demanded tho keys of tho steel i ell f.-om the Jailer. In tills cell were confined four men held on suspicion of the murder of Alexander Goddard, nn Amerlc-in miner, who wns stnbbed during a saloon row with Austrians on last Monday night. Tho mob was after Domiek Eck, bclicied to bo guilt) or tho murilir. Tho Jailer i el UBed to give up tho keys, where upon the mob flrel through the bars into iho cage. Tho four prisoners escaped rioith b) hiding huhlnd tho mattresses nnd bedding in the c 11. Thu iiiemtiers of the mob. supposing they hnd killed all four, left tho jull. Four lenders he v been errested and a strong guard placed about tho Jull, but further trouble is Ie ired. A MV TIBER II ITXESS KILLED. Wllllnni Miller. Who Had Reen shot fre quentls. rlulsbed nt laeat. KJ.OXVIM.K. Tenn.. Aug. 13. At the closo of tho night performance of Clark's circus at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Inst night William Miller was shot by nn employee of the show, from tho elicits of which ho died. It is not knoAn who fired tho shot. Miller was the only witness of tho killing of John Colaon, n In other of Congressman Colson, by John Dugnn, for whli h the latter Is now-ontrial nt Ilarhourville. Miller has hnd n remniknbla inreer, having been bhot nnd cut In ten other difficulties. When Mn or of llorrognto ho was shot soien times by Iho Town .Marshal, und lingered be twetn life und death for mom hi. Ho was n il interim man and tho peoplo are not sorry that be If gone. Thu mry hi been out all day In tho Dugnn case. There may ho troublo when tho verdict Is announce;!. HAMS TO SAVE II Lit HfSBAXD. Appeal to (ior, A!blnuii to Npnre a Mnn Who Killed Ills Wllt' taaillllillt. Atlanta, Ga Aup. 13. fioi. tkinann was culled upon to-da) by Mrs Perry, tho wlfo of n man who Is to lio l.nngcd on noxt lutirsdny for haling killed the ltov. 111 la Lnnlur who hnd as saulted her. Lanier bad been W'frlonded whllo a theological student hy .Mr. Pern, who took him to his homo and provided for him. Scleral month ngo Lanier was hunted down by Pcrr and shot to death whllo In the hands of otllccrt. tu whom he had appealed for pintcc lion. At Uie tllal little attempt una inn to inlor Into thu eniikea hehl'id tho Irngud). Con riiiinn wiihii sin .rlaii tiil'e'ii). Mis. I'a .) told tho tluviriior tho full story to il i) , mid uked tbo Gove rnor to savo her hus band from death. ! Arm Mlccil orr Into Tl I'lrrra. 1'orniMM, N. Y., Aug. 13. Illinm Pun Is of this vi'lngo win tho lictlui of n rcmiirkuhlo accident this morning. While he na oiling tbo machinery in M, II, Brown's butter factory his arm was drawno'i ton i-illti l r I'd ullli seieu-ty-ono llnebawH. It was but thunmk u! mi in stant for theui In si lie olf his arm Into fount), iinu pieces hefou tho inue him r) (ould ho btoiipiil, 'Die iiiiii Hiiriiidl tho muillntfiin, und Iho suruoii who n iiiiiputiitcd his aim near the shoulder thinks hu will Ihe. Illrd .srier iter rlmt lllejcle Lrn, Booth Bi:tiiifiii:m, Pa., Aug, 13. Miss Mabel Lambert look her first lesson on tbo blcvclelnst evening, nnd this iiirirninir alio was found dead In W'd. Sbo mis u plump, robust girl of 18. With her rniwiu, Ml Applegiiti', she retired nt lllo'ilock, lirnl ail ll ppy At ll o ilock this mo'iilng, w lion Mi-- M'l'lcgiito tried toiirouso MiiIh I, sho found In r dead, Heath Is attributed to heart fall urn inured by tho blcjclo riding, Mttlo lllnie lu Ihe IViultnble liulldlus. A wooden crate, full of straw, caught lire In Iho Equitable Building last night nl tl o'clock. A passing polloeuiun, who law tba Ore, extln 1 sulshed ft, f MISS FAIRBANKS WEDDED. 1 :fl THE SEXATOR'S DAUGHTER DBFUB $. fjH PAHT.XTAL AUTUORITT. I al ? fiiH bho Heroines Ihe Wife or Dr. Allen of Indlaa jj & npolla nt the Ilouae or a Friend When aha ;; H Inrn That Her Father la About to Takt) ) tlil Her Out of Town The Ceremony Ilurrie4. Jj Sfl Indianapolis, Aug. 13. Miss Adelaide Fair- M Ijial banks, daughtor of Senator Fairbanks, and Dr. I TjH Horace It, Allon, Jr., woro married at thereat- 'it IvB dence of a mutual frlond to-day. Theyhnv (i ljH been ongnged for scleral years, but Senator ft ff Fnlrbanks has persistently refused to glvehui jf consent to their marriage. It in said that Mro. rrJanH Fairbanks w ob also opposod to her daughter 'TJanl marriage, but would havo given way bad tho )S iVal Senator relented. A Fiaafl At noon to-day tho Rev. Mr. Ballard, of Me- 'j jft'H mortal Presbytcrlnn Church, was called ttpoa l!t toanl by Mr. Augustln Dolce and asked to offlclats afi !i .. P"JaM tho marrlago of Dr. Allen and Miss Fairbanks. HKH Dr. Ballard know thnt tbe parents of tho couple j'j 4H woro members of the First Church, and he askaol il &H why their pastor was not called. HewaatoU ', that the couple ha J long boen lovers, that thero J 9 was no legil obstaclo in their union, and Mr. v j Hananl Dolce askod as a porsonnl favor that he wonld - j tH accompany lilm and perform the ceremony. t Inl When Mr. Ballard reached the Bolce residence -j i jH ho found tho couple waiting, and tho ceremony !,' ' iH was performed quickly. Tho only persons pros- i 'ioafl ent wcro Mr. and Mrs. Bolco and another mar- ? jH ried couple ns witnesses. ,i f jH Senator nnd Mrs. Fairbanks returned from ' i jl Washington last night and informed Miss Ada- 1 H laide that thoy had arranged for her to make aa t jH extended trip East, Sho immediately notified ' ' I 1 Dr. Allen and upon consultation thoy decided 1 I eH thnt tho Eistorn trip was deslgnod to sep- ' ' I H arato them nnd they determined to marry it? i onl at once. Mrs. Fairbanks went downtown it :t aH to buy some little things for her daughter's ab- t "rajajj senco and tbe Senator went to his office to meet V. ifl somo business engagements. Dr. Allon hastened s; 'aanfl to the clerk's office with a friend to secure n i ',ki marriage license, and a few moments later tho -, fH Senator's daughter wns Mrs. Allon. v- t Dr. Allen Is 29 yonrs old, a graduate of Yale H and of a New York medical college, and owns -; ToH the National Surgical Institute of this city, hav- i litOnTal ing succeeded his father In its management a ' il'fl few years ago. Miss Fnlrbanks is an only ftLanTJ daughter and Is 20 years old. M paH Dr. nnd Mrs. Allen were at the residence of a , laTSan! friend lata this evening. It Is not known what ., Hoanl tho Senator will do, but It Is thought that the ! PH daughtor will be forgiven. it, ftH GOOD XEira FOR FIFTH ATEXUB. M f Commissioner Colllo tais It Will Sot Be Bis. ,'jl j turbed Again for Ten Years. ilj-alV vltSFTaTarJ A number of Fifth avenuo storekeepers wrote S SLnfl to Mayor Strong recently complaining of tho djfillBnfl tearing up of tho street and the dolay In putting 'WH it In order. Tho Mayor turned tho complaints ill nH over to Commissioner Collls, who replied yester- ill lH day, saying that the work of laying two largo ill' sLfl wator mains from Eightieth street to Fourth fl'LH streot was being pushed as rapidly as possible, jwiiaH "When we commenced work," he says, "thero Hiiliaanl was no mD or any data in existence showing 2 CnLnl the location of gas mains nnd other conduits In iKjoH the street nnd tho cross streets, nor nny evidence H'iaoal on fllo nnywhero advising us whero we would wl'Lnl find rock. This cnlpiblc negligence of previous X 'ftH administrations has compelled us to grope in jjj ' the dark, and gave us no opportunity to prepare Jj j In advance for obstacles which were met. Tho W IgH rock excavation has to bo handled with tho ;V iH greatest care, lest explosions should disturb Uio V-JsH network of pipes which arc In closo proximity lrVanani to tho blasting. In addition to this, I J:l(Bal found tho extraordinary condition existing --'""W'lBoaO that there wcro thirty Mocks between ;J JanM Wavcrlcy placo and Fifty-fifth street ; cLIH where there were no sowers, and that in fact ifleaol large hotels with a capacity of "-MKI0 guests n assB were solely di pendent upon twelir-lnch term :1 itTaj eotta pipe upon flcio streets for drainage. I ; IrH hao determined thnt when this fli.o avenuo Is 'l gajajj repnved with n smooth and noiseless pavement 'J H from tho Washington Arch to tho Harlem (J j 1th cr it shnll not bo opened within the noxt if H decade for tho repair of leakB." hi jl A SPLIXTER IX THE BREAD. I 'M It Cauaea the Ilenth or Mr. Peter II. Hough ft jH or ewnrk, ft. J. J ftH Mrs. Peter H. Hough died on Monday and was ,A H buried on Thursday, but the cause of her death 4 HLfl was not mule public until yesterday, bhe was ;S jp suddenly Bcizcd with severe intestinal pains j Jj-T1 nbout two weeks ngo, nndjn week ngo yesterday ;)J jM Dr. Coit decided to perform nn operation, nt (U gia which other physicians assisted. They found a fwl shnrp splinter of wood as thick ns n match and 4 Elm nbout an Inch and a hnlf In length. It was fjlfl shnrpat oneendnndhnd pierced thowallsnf tho J3 p'Q Intestines and was Imbedded In tho flosh. Blood '"& fii'fl polsuiilng had ensued to such an extent thnt tho ,' doctors hnd no hot oof saiingher llfoand Mrs, n Hough wns told that she muat die. Sho received n j tho news calmly and said that she hnd but Httls S ''H hope of surviiing. X i !H Mn. Hough wns nn nctlvo worker in the Hal- ;; sey Street Methodist Church nnd Iho fune-ral . H wns held there, on Thursday afternoon, hut tho M mm Interior nt will liem nle In Newton when her son yf PJB nrrii cr from Denier. Mrs. Hough said that sho '41 lielieiel thnt she snallnwed the splinter In a f H mouthful of baker's broad nearly a month ago. -xji STARTED TO 11VRX AX ISCEXDIABT. jS S A Mob Wanted to Throw n Man Who Set O ik EjH IlulldliiK nn Fire Into the Flames. -Ji H InOMWonp. Mich., Aug. 13, Four buildings ffi tfl were burned this morning, In one of which John '"3 rl Itoniota nnd fainil) escaped narrowly with their ,,2 H Hies. Heniy I.ensol. who owned a candy store &j lH In ono of tbo buildings and confessed to setting '?l-'Ml It on lire, camo very near being thrown into tho 'SIAsbbI hiirulngtmllilliigsbyaninfuriatcdmob. Marshal ;v5LftB JctTncs arrested Lcnsol. The mob rushed 'YS IrajJ nround shouting, "L)iich html" A dozen men '-' fm picked Iunsol up laxllly and started for tho il burning buildings, yelling: ,' " Throw him in tho fire." ' Jeffries app-nled to the firemen for aid. By . ft 3 use of n htroam of water from tho hose, tbo mob (M '! wns tl inll driven back and Ionsol landed In hit Jill. He ld that ho bad set tho lire because i 11 t'h irles Ross had offered him $-200 to burn the fal hulldltii., k that Ross could got the insurauos. ) I Rons is also In jail. ; J t'onvlrt Herbert Wlllla met. .'H Boston. Aug. 13.-ConvIct llirhert Willis, 8 ; who mado tho attempt to esuipe from Stato fi I Briton Tuesday last, died of his Mounds this 'S (' nfti moon at. that Institution, Ills brother j I'M l'.icri tt continues to Impnne ami to-dnymnde ' ,(M n innfesHliin in whli h ho Mild th it tliei planned W togiin possession of the ke h lucre!) bhow Jt IKK Ing their n volicis. 'Ihe piosem oof ihu third Sr L olllier eauceil them tn resolve in kill. If ncces- 3f a snr), toeurr) out their iilan of iieapc. !j i llnaon l'ole ItuocUeU Oiil Sir. llremser'a Teeth. I Oustnvo llreniser, a cl.fiir manuf icturer of k (; 421 Kaslhoient) eijith street, wns In tbo renr f Beat of a Slith nieiiue nnrfai r going east j; along I'ifty ninth strut )eli idnj when n brow- ' I ry witgoii ililiep h Frank llu-' holt ran into ' 3 tliecnr nt Aiimteidam incline. Ihe po'ooftuo ;, wagon I nil red the re ir nf tho eai and struck ' Hi Mr. llrini-'T. It kuo kcvl nut Inn teeth nnd V l hurt his rijht kneeauil hs th si. He u H taken 'J tn Itoos.'ieli Hospital, and thu drlier was ar- It '- rested. I!nU nr I urrlime I'ule Holered lilt 11 je. y J, GUI I Miiion Lu,r, .V J Aug. 13. Albert ? I Itjcrmn, an cuiphi)i'o nt tbo Brandon House, wuh niieeplng about tho outside ul Iho stable ';' j toilai. mrriiii.'c polo hub aileking nut of ono , ) of t Im window, and lt)erHina head camo In i riuiliiit iMlh It. Iho end of Ihe polo entered "l V jiialiiteie. H)ciHuii foil un on ion, llu was 5, n limn' I to the Manhattan l.)o and Ear Hos- , pitul, Now York city. , i I.nils tberdreu nn Ihe larla. " n Tho stenmalilp Paris w is sighted nt Fire f Island nt 11 :15o'eIuk last night, Among her -' V pissciitors are Lady Alicrdrrn, wlfo of tho Gov ?,' L e iior-ilenc r.U nf ('.inula; tlio Hon, Dudley IS dor Ion, thu Hon Archer Gordon, ami Ludy ,, jl Murjuriu Uuiduti, and Mr, il, d. Marquuud, ,v J I'rrnilum on Cold In leslec . E Citt ok Mvmiii, im. H Tho premium oa ? j; gold to-dui .a iJ,H! 10 i'i-i percent. (, Sj Latest Murine Intelligence. il El Axr.icl bi I'srlt, fro-n Suutmmpioa July , l n fi-tf- . - .ssJbs1 mmmmtmammmmmmm