Newspaper Page Text
JfJJ u- , iff; .... I j I TUESDAY, BEPTKMDKH 31, 1807. Iji inbsicrlatlans by Mall resn-rl1. V j ', rJAtLT, per Month BO ill! DAILY, psr Year jn ! I BDNIIAT, per Ye ar B 00 fl DAILY AND SUNDAY, per Year jB , DAILY AND SUNDAY, per Month l foetal to foreign countries added. SI The Sbi, New York City. If Fajus Klosqua Ho. IS. near Grand Hotet, and fil BisaqosNs. 10. Boulsvard des Capuctnes. I IK if our friend teho favor us sella maiHuertpte for fr I publication with to have rtjetttd articles returned. If j they assist lee ail oaf tend ttampt for tA-at purpoee. Remember John Boyd Thnchor ! To what melancholy fate are the leaders j ' 0f tij6 Democratic State organization steer- V Ing Justice Alton 13. Parker, when they :. j push that gentleman along the path trav el, oiled last year by the inventor and flrnt i, Ylctlmof the political expedient now gen nfl' orally known as Thacherism I wJ Mr. Tiiachku gave hisnnmo to the deadly H thing which he devised Just twelve months Af's ago. In this respect he resembled Dr. ffl Joseph Ionace Guh.lotin. There Is a Ii widely accepted belief, baaed rather on a ',l sense of dramatic propriety than on actual 'IB. historical facts, that Dr. Goxllotin per t'l Ished at last by the guillotine. That Is not 1 . to ; but It is true that TliAonER perished ! by Thacherism. Thacherism in 1800 consisted in smother Ing your principles and swallowing your ? former avowals, mcanwhllo keeping your ! heart and soul true to the right, and v going to the polls and proudly and loyally voting for the wrong. It was ,i an ingenious Idea, conceived In tho hopo of I ' carrying honest men over a troublesome po- , ', littcal emergency, but It didn't work as expected. Thacherism lasted, as far as , ' TilAcnER was concerned, for Just nine days. .? Then It ended TrtACHEn politically. ' ' Thacherism in 1807 Is thus defined by Mr. Elliot Danfortii, the Chairman of the J ' Democratic State Committed . "Precedent prevents us from reaffirming any plat- form. Slats or national, while It la still In full fore '. and effect, but our failure to do to enablra avery ; county. dUtrlot, and municipal convention In the r Btata to reaffirm Its allegiance, became It li always ! ; . customary, and for this same reason the 8tate Com ' : ' mlttae did nut Indoraa the party platform." j J . That is to say, as far as concerns the State i r ' ticket, tho still binding creed of Bryanizcd : Democracy is to be covered up, Mr. Justice ' 1 , Alton B.Pahkeii consenting, in order that ' the local and minor organizations may be i ' free to reaffirm that creed squarely and ' boldly perhaps 1 f. This is as clear as mud ; but the logic J ' and ethics of Thacherism always are of tho t crystalline clearness of mud. Hr , Bemcmber Joun Boyd TnAcnxn 1 HE .' British Ships In American Waters. U i "We observe that the London Times H1 ' speaks of the departure of the Renown 1 from Portsmouth for Halifax as " an occa- Hit. lion of exceptional interest in the modern Hfj. history of the navy." She is tho flagship HWi of YIce-Admlral Sir John Fisher, who re- :- lleves Sir James Erskink in command of H,-f1 tho North American and West Indies sta- ;J; tlon. The Times praises the abilities of 3!? the new Commander, who was recently lji. Controller of the British Navy, and says HVt that the late Spithead review " was in HLffljr large measure a witness of the energy and K? ' i fidelity with which he had discharged his Hi! I stupendous task." Hh I But the statement of special Interest is HH t that the Renown is "the first modern bat- m i tlesblp of the first class" that has ever been Ht 1 I lent to American waters. The Renown, Hj . lays tho Times, Is " the fastest battleship LaB-Jlt In the navy, the Immediate successor of II the Royal Sovereign class and the Im- .,, mt mediate predecessor of the Majestic class, HJi ii combining many of the most valuable char- Hj; i acterlstica of both." It contrasts her with B; the Bellcrophon, a battleship once on this K -;' itation, and says that the Renown " is not Hw 'J only strong herself, but tho representation B: ;' of immense strength In reserve." HJ,' ' We also observe in the despatches from HJ; l Bermuda an account of the arrival there HJ' from England of the Charybdls, the Colum- HJ, t bine, the Rocket, and the Quail. The last Hj two are recent types of fast torpedo boat Ht; destroyers, a class of vessels never till now, HJ , If we are not mistaken, employed on the Hli j: American station. Altogether the increase Hfl' of British naval strength on this side of Ht i the Atlantic Is noteworthy. h Violation of a Great Party Rule. Hi !-'' If Tammany, at its forthcoming conven- H- c Hon, shall fail to gtvo its Indorsement to H' the national platform of the Democratic Ha,' ' party, us laid down at Chicago, it will be, Hb k lo far as we can recall, tho first tlmo In Its H ? history that the Columbian Ordor has aban- HJji floned tho Jeffcrsonlan practlco of combln- Hk Ing national. State, and local Issues In HaW, ivory contest at tho polls. That Is the his- HVJr toric policy on which the Democratic party H.fh wu ,mllt "P. ani1 it was tho rigid adher- Hlj inu) to it that gave tho purty those long HIKi, leases of national power which are almost Hv without parallel even in Great Britain, HSV where party government, in the modern HBk acceptation of the term, had its birth. Hlj In formulating the creed of tho party H when he became President, Jefferson Hfl ij distinctly laid down the State and inunicl- HB pal as well as the national principles and HS' policies for which It should contend In HS every appeal to the people. They are HB all comprehended in his terse and HB tloquent characterization of the scope, HB , objects, ami functions of government on a HB" itrlct republican basis under the restricted BBP luthorltles of tho Federal and State Con- HB . ttitutioiiN, They form out) system, not two Hf , lystemH, ench buttressing thu other and not HB ' dependiug on itHulf alone for support. Tlie R" andcrlyliiB wisdom of this masterpiece of creative political skill has been cogently -sP demormtrutcd in our history from thut day BBM I to tnlB; not In tho Democratic purty alone, BH f, but In all the other parties thut hurubeeu HH formnd In antagonism to it. It was forcibly HJ j Illustrated In this city a year ago, ulieu HBj the Repul)llean party, flying its national HH J colors, uud under superb leadership, HBJ j achieved the greatest victory It ever won HBJ I on Manhattan IhIuikI. State and local Hi J, issues wcro then conjoined by the Ilepub. HH '- llcana with the all-absorbing national HJ ., issues which It represented. !HH ' In fact, from the 'earliest days down, questlous of high Federal Import have beou it always combined with purely municipal ones, Hnd the evasion of them by Tammany ' " yi'nr would mark the eradication of ) slmo-it the only llbrc uf Jeirersonlun prln. UJ clplc it Is aujipowd to pohHi-hH, In the lust Br" raiupnlgn Ti.inmauy declared (hat the Hlj Chirugo platform was tho embodiment of BHV 1 t gpiiulno Jcrrri-rionlaii fulth, Jf Itbe- H f llrvcd ku then, It mut believe no now, and its bounden duty Is to renew Its profession of It and do battle to inako It triumphant In Greater Now York. How Jefferson rejoiced over every victory won under cir cumstances of this character may bo seen by tho subjoined oxtract from a letter to Gen. Deauiiornb, In which ho Bent his con gratulations to ELiminoE Gerry on his rescue of Massachusetts from tho control of the Federalists: "Tell my old friend, Oorernor Onutr, that t (It him Klory for the roasting n lib which he nibbed down his herd of traitors. Let them hare justice and protec tion ag-alnit personal rlolence, but no faror. Towers and prominence conferred on them are daggers put Into the hands of assarslns to be planted In our bosoms In the momsnt the thrust can go home to the heart. Moderation can nerer retain them. They derm It tlmM, and despise without fearlnt th lame ness from which tt flows." Again, writing to Levi Lincoln In the first year of his administration aa Presi dent, Jefferson said: "Our gradual reforms seem to prodne good ef teU (Terywhera ezoept In Connecticut. Their lata session of the Legislature has been more Intolerant than all others. We must meet thim there with equal Intolerance. When they have glten us ashare In the State oflloes they shall b replaced In a share of the general offices. Until then, we must follow their example." The great Jeffersonlan rule was never to glvo up prlnolples for any consideration whatsoever. Beyond all question, tho great majority of the Democrats of New York and Brooklyn still adhere to the principles of the Chicago platform. They are honest and sincere In their convictions and resolute In the support of them. It remains to be seen whether Tammany can whistle them off on a blind chase this fall. The English Language in Connect icut. The voters of Connecticut at their town elections next month are to pass upon a proposed amendment to tho organic law of tho Nutmeg State. Tho present Constitu tion provides that every person shall be able to read any article of the Constitution, or any section of tho statutes of the State, beforo being admitted to tho rights of an elector. This provision was adopted In October, 1855. The other qualifications of an elector In Connecticut are thus described in tho Constitution: "X male citizen, twenty-one, who shall haTe resided In the state for one year, and In the town for six months, next preceding the.electlon and shall sustain a good moral character." There has been, as it appears, no differ ence of opinion as to what constitutes and what falls short of the requirements of a good moral character in Connecticut, but tho provision which relates to the ability to read " any article of the Constitution or any section of the statutes of tho State" has been thought to be ambiguoUB. Some of tho election officers declare that such reading should be, and by law must be, In English, "while others have, with equal vigor, contended that the ability to read In any language tho Constitution or statutes was all tho law required. By the Federal census of 1800 the foreign- horn population of Connecticut was 183, 000, and the number of foreign-born male persons over tho age of 21 was 78,415. At that tlmo 05 per cent, of the male voters in Connecticut were native born and IJ5 per cent, were foreign born. The ambiguity of the Constitutional provision has led to the acceptance in some counties of the votes of citizens having no intimate knowledge of English, and to the rejection In other coun ties of similar applicants. In order to bring about uniformity in tho matter there was submitted to the Legislature In 1805 a proposed amendment, which was ratified by both houses; and this year this amend ment is to bo voted on by the people of the State. It Is as follows: "Every person shall bo able to read n tho EnolUh language any article of the Constitution or any sec tion of the statutes of the State before being admlttad as an elector." In other words, It will no longer be suffi cient for an applicant for the rights of citi zenship In Connecticut, if the proposed amendment is adopted, to demonstrate his educational proficiency by reading the Con stitution In the language with which he is familiar; he must be able to read it In English. The voters of the Stato are asked to give their sanction to this change, the practical effect of which will be to render uniform henceforth tho conditions of suf frage in Connecticut. The rejection of the amendment would do away with the re quirement that English shall be spoken and understood. There is now a large Canadian French population In Connecticut. It is Increas ing at a lively rate, and perhaps It Is on account of this that tho proposed amend ment bus found favor; perhaps it is prompted by the desire of Connecticut electors gen erally to restrict the suffrage by excluding from It other newcomers. However that may be, tho question will bo voted upon next month and determined, so that In tho future this Constitutional provision muy be no longer Indefinite or ambiguous. In New York State there Is no Constitu tional requirement that English should be understood, cither by citizens or Sheriffs. lly Ilail to Hudson Hay. The project of building a railroad from Winnipeg to Hudson Bay, with a view to connecting the road with n lino of steam ers, the whole forming a now gruln routo to Europe by way of Hudson's Straits, has long been familiar. Hut while thutscheme Is still under consideration, a rival enter prise has lately appeared in tho proposed extension of the Quebec and Luke St. John Railway from its present terminus to. lames Buy, which forms the southernmost purt of Hudson Bay, This project, of course, has no new grain routo In view, hut a plea of Hpeciul Interest Just now is made for it as a possible route from eastern Canada to tho Yukon gold fields. For this purpose there would bo water travel by Chestcrlleld Inlet and Eng lish Riveras well as by Hudson Bay. In addition, It is hoped that tho fisheries, tho timber, and the minerals of the Hudson Hay region muy furnish support for the prooosetl nuw road. The existing railway, It appears, is 100 miles long, extending to Hoberval, on Luke St. John, whilo tho dlstanco thence to James Hay would bo nearly twice as great, a considerable part of it through a hilly io glon, but the beginning and nearly or quite all of tho northern half lying In compara tively level territory. To the cost of con struction would bo added that of uldlng people to Bettlo on the line of tho road, and also of shipping outfits for carrying on the fisheries In Hudson Hay. But these expen ditures would bring returns In traffic, and if the great Inland sea could be reached In a couple of days and nlnhts from Quebec, thero might be some tourist travel, prompt ed by tho facilities for going without dis. comfort so far north, On tho other hand, a glance at tho map suggests that tho routo to the Yukon by way of Hudson Hay must bu tedious anil precarious. "When, by rail across the con- HHBBBHHBBBlBHHHii tlnent and by steamer thence to Dyea, peo plo from Eastern Canada can arrive so near tho Klondike, region, tho effort to cross the enormous, uutruvcllcd area between Hud son Bay and the Klondike could hardly bo tempting. Yet thero Is no saying how much of tho continent to tho north of us may yet be redeemed, and this Hudson Bay project, llko tho one which seeks a new highway for tho wheat of the Saskatche wan region, may some day bo carried out. The Clialnless Dioyclos. Slnco tho announcement last spring that the bicycle of 1808 would bo chalnless, wheelmen and wheolwomen havo beon Im patient to know all about the new machine. But wheel manufacturers have been very reticent on the subject, and llttlo Informa tion was forthcoming. A representative of the Pravidtnct Journal, however, appears to have learned somo Interesting facts about tho coming wheel and tho Ideas of Its makers. It seems that tho chalnless modola of 1808 will bo llttlo different from the wheels of that sort which have been on exhibition during tho present year. Practical teats have resulted In minor changes In the orig inal design, but tho shaft and bevel gear remain. Thero are, however, two distinct ways of employing the gear. One Is to have the main driving cogwheel on the end of tho crank axle close to tho bearing, and another is to have the cogwheel midway be tween tho two bearings, or in tho centre of tho axle. By tho latter arrangement an equal amount of pressure is supposed to bo borne by each bearing. To add to the wheel's rigidity, Its lower forks and rear stays have been reinforced. These modifi cations may help to overcomo the fear of mechanics that In chalnless wheels the framo Is too frail to withstand tho strain Imposed upon It. In the chalnless bicycle of 1808 tho ques tion of friction is important. A rider of the ordinary bicycle must frequently tighten his chain because of the wear upon tt, whereas tt Is asserted that tho chalnless wheel may be run from 10,000 to 20,000 miles without any attention whatever being given to Its adjustment. Llttlo oil is required, and, as tho gear Is wholly In cased, no dust nor dirt can interfere with its movement. The weight of the new wheel for road use will be about twenty-nine pounds, or several pounds heavier than this year's chain variety. It Is intimated that the new chalnless wheels will be sold for considerably more than $100, perhaps $125. It will be neces sary for the public to give the machines a good test before being able to say what they are worth, but It must bo admitted that tho day of high-priced bicycles has gone by, and wheelmen are firm In their demand for lower prices. Is There a Santa Claus? "We take pleasure In answering at once and thus prominently the communication below, expressing nt the same, time our great gratification that Its faithful author is numbered among tho friends of TheSun: "DEan Editor! I am 8 years old. " Borne of my little friends say there la no Santa Claus. ' Tapa says If you see It In Tnt Br1 It's so.' " Please tell me the truth; Is there a Santa Claus r ' ViRoiaia OTiasLOX. "118 West NixXTrnrrn street." Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which Is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, In his intellect, as compared with tho boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capa ble of grasping tho whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Viroinia, there Is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainlv as love and generos ity and devotion exlbt, and you know that they abound and give to your life its high est beauty and joy. Alas 1 how dreary would be the world If there were no Santa Claus, It would be as dreary as If there were no VmoiNlAs. There would bo no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The ctornal light with which childhood fills the world would be ex tinguished. Not believe In Santa ClausI You might as well not believe In fairies i You might get your papa to hire men to watch In all tho chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Sunta Claus, but even If they did not seo Sautu Cluus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Sunta Claus, but that Is no sign that there Is no Santa Claus. The most real things In tho world are thoso that neither children nor men can sec. Did you ever see fulries duueingon the lawn? Of course not, but thut's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable In tho world. You may tear apurt the baby's rattle and see what makes tho noise Inside, but there Is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor ecn the united strength of all the strongest men that ever livjid, could tear apart. Ouly fulth, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view antl plcturo tho supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is It all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Suutu Cluus I Thank Gout hu lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand yeurs from now, ho will continue to make glad tho heart of childhood. Tho tull; of the Low adulators about his running "tfiuipclllue Tamm.iiiv to nominate tlio beat until il can net" amuses everybody ho really understand the political Munition. Low's persistence In his Independent r.uiill tlaiy, us all politicians kuon, voitlcl Ib limbic lml to Tntuuinii)' to make a (unrn and out-and-out oruanliatlon tlikct. Taintniny hui no fear of Low. It regards him us a friend. Tho Initiative nnd referendum can bo heard clatterinu over tho Chicago pavements, Cook county hits an association of philosophers ot creat name, the Sovereign Clllrouv, Tho Sovereign Citizens uro not so called In honor ot the Hon, Jamks Hodomont b'ovuitutiK, hut bn causo, like him, they are full of sovereignty nnd langttago, Tlteyineuntolutroilucotlieinltlutlvo and referendum Into national, State, and munici pal government. At a session ot tho Sovereign Cltlens the other night, Sovorolgn Citizen Hess, who said that ho was not an An irchlat, "made sweeping sluteincntu ugalnst Hebrews, business uien and city-bred folks, and predicted tho downfall of tho country." Why should tho country lull down when tho initiative nnd refer endum Is or nre ready to save itt Sovorclgn Citizens should stick to the lultlatho nnd reiurenduiii, and let Hebrews, Ijuslncsx men and city-bred folks alone. Sovereign Citizen Hess "Admonished his honrcrs to ribe up and wlpooutof existence all corporations, syn dicate?, and trusts." Why rise up and wipe out when the Inltlatlro and referendum are or Is readr to rlsa up and wipe out everything that gives Sovereign Citizens pain I They havo a beautiful remedy for all dtsoasos ot the Stato, and should use and advertise no other. Tho initiative and referendum will euro everything, including tho Chicago sidewalks. The Hon. William Jknninos Bryan was Introduced to an audience the other day "by Mr. A. K, Orchard, a Christian nilnlstor who made a reputation last yoar as a sllvor ox hortor." Mr. OitcilAlin produced some compli ments which " brought a rosy blush to the cheek of the Hoy Orator," who was described as " tho living herald of tho common ceoplo," nnd "tho living exponent ot JolTcrsonlnn Democracy and Llncolnlan Republicanism." Tho living horald and living exponent of Brynnlsm, after having illuminated his cheek with the rosy blush horc inbetoro mentioned, "modestly disclaimed the pinnacle erected for btm by tho Chairman." To what purposo was this excessive show of pu dency I A living herald nnd exponent ought not to bo mado to stagger by a salvo of compli ments, ltesldcs, did not the proud conscious ness of this orator tell him that tho Chairman had erred, If at all, by understatement I Chapman says he will yet be heard In this campaign. Cltt (land Leader. This Is tho Hon, IIorack Leonidab Chai-man, plutocrat nnd Domocratlo candidate for Gov ernor of Ohio on an antl-plutocratto platform. If his voles wero a park of thunderbolts ho couldn't speak loud enough to make the Hon. Jontt R. McLean hear htm. The Hon. Patrick Jerome Gleabon In formed his petitioners Saturday night that their actlou indicates that "there is In our people a determination to secure In the result of this election tho freedom of the now city from party control." "For this purposo," he continued, "you will havo the support of every patriotic clttzon." Mr. Gleabon and Mr. Low agree In their determination to secure tho freedom ot tho city from party control. Which of tho two shall every patrtotlo citizen sup port! It will be hard to choose between them, but the cholco must be mado. Shall Pat rick or Setii bo solected as tho final representa tive of non-partisanship f Tho Long Island City man's petitions may not contain as many names as thoso of th i Mornlngsldo man, but they are believed to conttin tho names of genuine sup porters only, and not to bo transections from tho directory. As a unl'ylng force Mr. Oleason has been remarkably forcible In his kingdom. Tho mortar board should yield to tho battleaxe. Thomas Watson Is one of the fellows that the shotgun Democracy would like to suppress, but oan't. St. iUul Xttsjxilcft. What doublc-oxtra Gothic Ignorance is this I Tho South wish to put out one of tho brightest lights of Its literature, a very candle and cresset of tho lltoraturo of the world f The South seek to suppress the playful historian of Franoel Why, if Tom Watson's poll should set Itself on tiro there's not a hand In Georgia but would turn a hoso or douse a bucket at that bronia temple ot intellect and historical humor. Tho Hon. Fred E. White, the Domo cratlo candldato ' for Governor of Iowa, was frank enough at tho beginning of his campaign to admit that the silver dollar might come to be worth ton cents, and his frankness has won for him a certain sympathy, which he needs as his canvass goes on. Ho was nomi nated three months ago, and tho platform of the comcntlon which nominated htm asserts that tho Iowa farmers are marketing their products "nt less prices than ever before." Tho Iowa farmers are tho best judges of tho truth and value ot that assertion. The Iowa Demo crats bet on calamity and they havo lost. They are not likely to indulge In an early convention again. The Hon. James K. Jones of Arkansas is a well-meaning soul enough, and as a political manager be Is exceedod In skill by only a few babes In arms, but ho neods Judicious editing. Somebodv should trr to reconcile Jones with Jones and not permit tbo Fall Jones to contra dict tho Jones of Spring. If Jones tried to have tho Arkansas Democracy do what ho ad vised tho New York Democracy to do, the Arkansas Democracy would drive Jones into tho woods or a recantation. Hut Junes is not to be blamed too much for his llttlo contradictions. Jones has been mightily muddled as t'i his intellectuals ever since tbo election, and be was fairly woll muddled during tho campaign. Tho people In sisted upon electing McKinlev, whereas Jones bad elected Diivan, and over since Jones has been figuring and asa.illlng the Money Power. Yet, In udvlslng tho Now York Democrats to forget tho Chicago platform, what was Jones doing but advising them to truckle to tbo Money Power I Jones is inexplicable, or elso tt is not worth whllu to exnlaln him. Hero Is a plcturo from real life In Pratt cocnty. Kan , a teroual from a local paper! Mr. gklkh last .Saturday Ijh a aoo diamond In his wheat flfl.1 A'unsus City Journal. Another Instanco of tho wicked work of Pros perity. If wheat had not been bribed by tho money kings to Btop going hand In hand with her ulster silver. Mr. Git hum would have been In no hurry to visit his wheat Held. He could have gone to n Populist convention and enjoyed the resolutions. The price of wheat Is boosted by tho plutocrats and straightway Mr. GitEEN Is working hard In his wheat field and Is punished for his weak yielding to Pros perity by losing one of his diamonds. Tho Indi rect results of tho ravages of Prosperity must ho awful to number and look at. Mnny a Kan ens farmer must havo lost valtiablo diamonds which he might have kept If tho country could havo been blest with continuing bid times. lKrd Salisbury's Kind Urart (Sires War. From tho Spectator. It Is no 'use to conoral the fact thtt the stntgsl over the peace negotiations liu ended In a vl-tory for German diplomacy. At first It iua said that this bail been agrred to, but Friday's telegrams 'how that tho negotiations art still dragon;, and It Is alleged that tttu rest of the powers now ar'Uo that a tgln nlng must bii made with the p.i)montof tho warln dpmtilty ti.'oro th" Turks move. Of course, ir this Is Insisted on, the dels) may lemtleM, for evacuation ltfroiiie ilepi-ndritt upon the powt r of Greece to get a loan. Hut the neci'uMty for getting tho money qutrkly will probably oblige Iter to make worse U-rms than she uri-d. Though, aa no havo said ahore, Ger many lias triumphed, ivo mlnilt that Lord Salisbury had no choice hut lu glveuny. The prnlotigatlcn of the negotiations meant the pro'ongatlon of the Tutk Ish ovcii) allon. Hut slnco Uurmar.y l..i,t no objivtlun to Hint occupation and Lord MilUhitry bad, I.ordSnlli bury was nt tho mercy of the Ucruiati ucgotlitors. They could play tho waiting gamo. Ho could not without brluglngevtnmora miseries on Theasaly, Knew .Morn Tlinn Ilia Eiamlsan, Troni rie .iltAnmlrta Oazettc. WAsttisaTO. hopt. If. A yourg dear-mutn oamnl Sli-i. Ill, n Bttulrut of thocollcoof deuf-iuutcsotitat Kci.diil! (In en, sor. e time a took a civil sen lea ex amination for a position In tho Weather Ilurcau. When It came to r.ohlug an example In aphorl tilgoiinmrtry, he atonhhid' thnnxomlner by naklug for a tahlri of Irgsrlthma Tho examiner finally wrote that II. o rules forbade tho hrlrgluof nny pupcraor Uiuks Into the loom, ami touhl hunlly be convinced that the solutlonof cxamplraof this kind was lm pOAlhlo without what tho mute ouug man called for. After a confab the examiner went around the room and struck nrf the question from tho pars, noting that a great many had attempted a solution anyhow. The mutt Ister naked the examiner to tako orr another question which went lyond thu required or stated hounds. This, too, was douo. The young man got a place. lEnglaud's Srliftmrs to Keep tbe Nile. Jroin the London Dally Hall. King Mwanga eamo to grler lu Uganda by abetting the Congo soldiers who bad revolted and slain their Htlglnu ofllcrrs. As the cosmopolitan scramble for the Lppir Mle territories Is attracting so much at tention just now, It Is Inrtstiug to note tuut tho largo Hrltlab district north of the Victoria Nyaurala competent to hotd Us own. Sir Herbert Kltchener'a objective Is to Join hands with tho lirlllih authorities In Uganda us speedily as possible having to walk over the dead body of the Khalifa ea rout. a" i - cokd TttvTtt FnonrxnE aorrrn sivjz A Ixikc latan Itdlter'a Spirited reply t at seth Low .Muawiima. from Ins lloekvillt Centre South Side Observer. An esteemed correspondent nnd long-tlmo reader of tho Observer writes ub alettorstrnngly criticising our remarks in la t Ifsuo concerning Seth Low. He says: "How any rcspoctnblo newspaper can uphold Tom Plntl, as tho Obser ver does. Is a mystory to mo." This paper has not been nn upholder of Piatt except as ho has been nn exponent of Republi canism nnd sound money. Wo bellcvo that Mr. Piatt In true llopubltcanlsm nnd sound states manship Is far ahead of Seth Ixm. Can our cor respondent tell us what Soth Low was doing a year ago, when Piatt nns nt St. Louis battling for honest money t Did Low do anything to back him up I Is Low now In fnvor of the gold standard! Does ho mention It In hla letter of acceptance I Is ho not to-dny giving more aid and comfort to tho silver forces of Tammany Hall than nny other man In New York city or Stato I Can our correspondent tell us to-day what nro Seth Low's views on protection or frootradot Does ho favor tho D.nglcy tnrllT, which has already brought much prosperlt j to this country, or Is he still n believer In the Wilson bill, which dirt so much to Injure tho I'nltcd States! Ho who has no pinions on theso Important subjects enn scarcely ho railed a fully developed man, Tho Ilopuhllcans hnv mnny able men til to be Mayor of New York. Why does not Mr. Low try to form a union with them to down Tammany! Our correspondent thinks Piatt Is "notono whit bettor than Croker." This Is the same view expressed by other Low oomors. How can thoy oxpeo Piatt to fall In lovo with people who continually rovilo him ! Mr. Low consented to run only If bo should become "a unliving force" nmong Tammany's opponents. Now that ho finds ho Is not a unifying force. Is It honest for him to stay in th raco, in order to help In the election of the Tammany ticket! Tho groat question of honest money versus repudiation has not yet heen settled in this coun try. A Democratic victory in New York city would groatly strengthen tho silver forces. Is Mr. Low doing all he can to prevent this victory for silver I Tho writer Is personallv acquainted with Mr. Piatt and Mr. Low. In honesty ami morality wo believe Mr. Pint Is the equal of Mr. Low. In mental ability. In statesmanship, In capacity for the leadership of his fellow men. Low does not bear comparison with Mr. Piatt, Tho only hopo of defeating Tammany is through tho agency of Mr. Plat' and tho party which ho leads; If the Low boomers cannot unlto with them In this grand purpose thoy must not wonder that honest men doubt their sincerity. VlhT Osie nasi Will Vote far Setb Low. To Tint Editor or Tin Sc SO: Are you willing to print the letter of a Low-minded man? Pardon the pun. Our candidate's name never did Inspire any thing bnt puna In my mind: puns and a vague aense of dlaagreeable duty. I am going to vote for him for the aatne reasona that will influence hundreds of others. These reasons may Interest you. PoeelMy you can answer them. If so you wilt relieve me of a great burden, th burden that conaclenoo sometimes Imposes on our Intellectual tastes. Low Is the perfect typo of the vlrtuoua common place. He Is as Innocent of wrongaaallttlep.perman cut out of a Sundsy school leaflet. Ue la tbe most average person I have ever known. Ue Is a copy book aphorism stereotyped on ruled lines. He Is tho apotheosis of the humdrum. Virtue safeguarded by stupidity, sanctity well ballasted with phlegm. These are his qualities. And what better would you ask for a public- ser vant? Thlnkof tbe safety of such a man. Think of his moral example. Ilia auc-eaa would be the tri umph of abeer moral apotlessneis, unaided by In tellect. Duluess may hopo for anything If he suc ceeds. Only be good and let who will be clever. Can you find a better leason for the masses ? Has he done anything? Not much; but think how he has baffl-d Satanl Political wisdom? God forbid! It Is the knowledge of evil. Ills ttltude Is that of the monk, ctenter nejefrna, sa.pinfrr ndocfu. A city la a business concern, and the Mayor should have the qualltlea of a Lank cashier, no more. Low has no more. We admire him for tbe qualities he lacka, and respect htm for what he lant. Ho la ao negative that we find nothing in him to oppose; so tasteless that he must be nutritious, like gruel. Thence comes It that I shall vote for him. This bread and butter ststesman. how I but I shall feel better afterward, I know. Sneer at thls If you will, but there are 12,,1-BO other signers who feel this way. Pardon me If for a moment I burst Into song: Were ho less stupid, he might be leas moral: W, ro he leaa prosy, he'd be less benign; For In the lack of Intellectual bril.laura It la presumed his virtues brighter shine. Eo. with a sense of all his moral beauty, I shall endeavor rlghteoustj to pump Vigor enough to vota. as Is my duty, reeling tbe whUo I'm voting for a chump. Raw Yoek. Sept. SO. err. Hospitals far family Use. To rns Editok or Tbe Svv Sir: In Sunday's Be, luan article on life In hospitals, I saw a statement to the effect that the prejudice among people against going to hospitals was slowly but surely disappearing, and I write this to ask why something shouldn't be systematically done to remove the prejudice com pletely and quickly ? I havo lieen sick seriously flvo times In my life (I am now 00), and the first three times my wire and family would not listen to my go ing to the hospital. Really t e way they talked about II you would have thought that a hospital was some kind of a dangerous and disreputable place. In each of these Illnesses the expense In money was between tiSO and 300, not to mention the upsetting of all our domestlo arrangements and the wear and t ar on wife and daughters, my wife being sl.-k In bed for three weeks a'terl got well. Thefourth Illness neees sllsted an operation which had to be performed at the hospital, aai when I had once fixed myself there I got the dootors to aay that It would be dangerous to move me. Th- result wastnat n lllnesaof six weeks wsa pjssed in the hospital at a cost of $1Q0, tin upset ting of the home life, careful attention, th right kind of food served at the right time, cal'ers only when I should see them. and. genera ly speaking, auch an lm. provemeut over the old v, av that mad,, an entire change In the opinion of my family. Last i ojir 1 had afourweeka attack, and thn very first day toy wife onrrled n e away to tbe hoa,lal, end after four weeks I was out again In fine stiape. and I I ellee a: leat tvwi weeks, arller than If Iliad tried to turn mv home Into a hoftpttal. where all Ihe family had to It,, more or less sunVreri becau.e I was. That'll why Into so a'lxloustosreshk pcoplo go In Ihe hospitals, w hen, thoi art, expected to go and every provision la msdo for them. j,, z. O. Jnlin nrsiia'a I'lefol, To mr. P.PiTonorTiiK M-v Sir: At the risk of of fending tho gullrlea Third avenue curiosity shop keeper who thlnka he nwus " the pistol which John Drown used at Harpers Kerry." Ihe story of which Is so Inter.-alliinry told lu Tins Sc of to-dny. I should llketosai that shells were not used lu revolving pis tols In John Ilrowu's time. Cartridges wcr th-n made of a thick and greaey paper cippod Ith a bill ies, which was rammed homo with a rniinn r I ml lever, which formed a pint or tho mechanism of the weapon, ho you see that ir the pistol ho r-euu nj tho cartridges am nogm. as also Is tho ixplwieil shell frumwhh-h It Is alleged John Urown rir.'d his last shot, nyall niraus the eurlo4lty shot, k 'i,ier bhould sail f- himself that ho lus not loin deceived Tho late liry A. Wise of Mrglnln rci t Ived from almtrers ii.orethaii two doon dijionn pistols and Colt's retohi is, seld to have been taken fr mi John Urown In the enjtlue house, whl'e tin re are few Iwnieslu Wist Virirluiu that do not lontslu a rifle, pistol, and dnigcr taken from the man wh,,s "1 rdy Is inoul Irrlm: in the ground wl.lln his soul goes marching on " 'I hern Is a dealer hi this i Its- ho has built a block of iou.e. islih tnoir niiido hv selling pistols and pikes takpn from I'.mnii, in.' Wuimly Is still ample for the demjud, u. Wii.iiu.ii l'r siu-g, Wamiimjtu., Sept. 1U. Tlie True I'ltiee for l,ow. TOTtir.FpiToiior TiiBKt's '(r.' As Sir. Low. from his on u writings unt! ileilsrations, Is not a r.eiiubli can, having tcslgned from tho pirty beeauso he did not lielleir In prediction liiAniei lean Imlmli Irs, why doeahecallfor ltepuhhejii biipport? Ho should it' to Tammany, uud as their natural friend sUhrin forllaup,i,i. Of course, by siiuplj stiiyin.. U tho field le would help Taniiiiauy, but li would bo suuarerfor him loraom to It openly. UUOOKLYN, hopt. il), ALWAIB IH.ITU ICil, I'oelry Arter I'olsoii, trom the Japan (Jaiette, One of the most putliells epitaphs ever erected Is that placed over tho spot w hero Mr. Crn-w lies burled at Yokohama, u ,aa preanil by his wife, who Is now In prison, convicted of having poisoned l.ti-i: In loving mommy of my husband, who died Oct , Irititl, Agsd 111 years. Twilight and evening mar And one clear call forme; And may there h3 no itioaulni at the bar When 1 put out to i-h, A little trust that when we die. We reap our sowing, aud so flood by." No name, simply a veiled tragedy, homo sorrow, regret, yearning, resignation, penitence, let us hope, are ail lulugled in I his last distich. t I IIS, ly 1 il. . ' l.i J 4 ,,. ., . Wvt,, xnn diotczh itr tub ajiut. I.leut, Mesa Says It Una Advnntnges Oser the Horse mr Scouting Itnty, Ac. WAsniNriTtw. Sept. 20. Tho War Depart ment hns recolvod from Second Lleul. James A. Moss, Twenty-fifth Infantry. U. H. Ann Inter esting detailed report on tho mlllHry blcjclo expedition from Port Missoula, Mont., to St. liouls, lset June, n. distance of 1,1)00 miles. Lieut. Moss commando I tho cvcllng forco, which consisted of Asilstnnt Surgeon J. M, Kennedy nndtwonly enlisted men, lllsprcllmlnnry report has been puhllshod In TllRSl'N, but there nro sovernl Interesting Incldonts of tho journey nnd somo comments of present Interest In tho detailed report. Ho nys: "Tho bicycle will, I think, do moro to solve thogood roads question In this country than all otbor fnctors combined. Indoed, tho I A. W. colors that flew from my handlebar wcro tho niessengorof dcllvernnco from bad ro.rts. "Thecarrjlng of the sick would a very serious question but for tho railroads. Several times soldiers who wore too sick to con tinue were put on the train and sent as far as 100 tulles nhond. Itt tltnos of actunl warfare, this question, bowurcr, would hoof minor Im portance, when It Is considered: "1. The pmhihlllty of sickness could ho grettly diminished l,y (selecting men of flno phvslqun and excellent health. "tt. l'he tiau of the hlcyclo would bo confined to courier work, npld reconnolBstncc, icoiitliii: duty, &i., and movements whom speed rather than nuuibus Is required; nnd it bfcyilo corpi would hardly c or get more than two or three hundred miles from tbo main body over fnst roads only three or fourda' ride." In oncliisluii, Lieut. Moss a ys : "Military cj cling in our army Is In Its very Infancy, and nonnrbut a nerson who has had actunl experience In this lino can fully appreci ate the possibilities of the wheel as a machine for military work. Tho bluyclo hns a number of advantages over the borso -it does not rcqulro as much care. It nco la no forngo. It moves much faster over fair roads, it is not as conspicuous nnd can bo hidden from viow more easily. It Is noiseless and raises but Utile dust, and tt Is lm Iiosslhlotodctermlno direction from Its track, ''urthormorc, tho lighting strength of a bicycle corps is not diminished by "horse holders. Under favorable conditions the bicycle Is Invalu able for courier work, scouting duty, road na trolllntr. rapid rcconnoissanco, &c "A bicycle corns, as an adjunct to Infantry or cavalry, could rondor excellent servlco where speed rather than numbers Is required, such as taking possession of passes, bridges, nnd strong places nhond of the command, and holding them until reinforcements could bo gotten from tho main road. On tbo other hand, in rainy weather over bad roads, &c the horse Is superior. Iho very thought of tho blcyclo doing awny with tho cavalry altogether is ludicrous. Each has peculiar functions of Its own a particular fl Id in which, under certain conditions, the ono Is superior to the other. Tbo question, therefore, which confronts us Is: Should not a modern, up-to-date array havo both, that It might avail itself of tbe advantages of tho one or tho other, as tbo proper conditions present themselves I" AMEItlCAN ISBTITUTE TAIU. Tae nisr Ibsw Opeaa with si Bewildering Dis play ar Rxhlblts. Pretty much everything that a man would require in an outfit for a lifetime was on exhi bition nt tho American Institute Pair, which opened last night at Madison Squars Garden. This is the sixty-sixth exposition given by the institute and it will last for six weeks. It is a sort of object lesson In tho progress of lnven tlvo genius, and tho various exhibits show the very latest of wbat Yankee ingenuity is doing, from tho ncwost improvements in bicycles to the fancy innovations ot tho up-to-date cooking schools. Many of tbe exhibits were not ready for tbe opening, and the sccno at the Garden last night was made doubly busy by the hurry ot men putting up booths and of women decorating and arranging them. It usually takes two or three days to get the fair into running order. Meantime there was plenty to sec, tlie most complete exhibit of anv one Kind being the food show. The various booths wero furnishing samples to whomsoever cboe to ask, and a man could get more to eat and drink there In a short walk than he could In the palmy days of tho free lunch on any block In New York. Tho flower show, which will be one of tho features of the fair, had not vet started, but the art exhibition, which took up tho entire nsbembly room, attracted a crowd throughout tho evening. Tho bicycle exhibits, of course, wcro surrounded by spectators. A very re markable exhibit wns a machine which saws wood Into sheets 1-'J30 of an inch thick. The New York Trade school ehowed specimens of Its pupils' handiwork In plumbing, stone masonry, nnd blacki-mlttiing. When tho fair is in full swing tho machinery and the electrical exhibits will be particularly strong features. Gov. Illack has written to tho management baying that lie will attend tho fair somo tlmo before its clost. VRVOUAT'S ISSVllRECTIOX E.VBZO, Covernment aad Insurgents nave Itatlfled Terras ef Peace. According to a cablegram received by Thom as A. Kddy of Flint, Eddy & Co., G9 Broad street. Consul for Uruguay In this city, pence has been declared between tho Government ot Uruguay and tho Insurgents, and has been rati fied by Congress. A spocdy termination' to the troubles in Uru guay was to have been expected after "he as sassination of President Idlarte Uordu on Aug. 20 last. The Insurrection began about eighteen months ngo.soon after President Borda's election and was duo to arbitrary acts of misgov eminent on his part, according to tho leaders of tho insurgents. When overtures toward rcconLlllntiou wcro mado by a Government commission shortly before President Ilordu's death, they fell through, as tlie tlrsl demand ot tbo insurgents was that tbo President should resign. Ho felt strong enough then to refuse, and to try to suppress his opponent by torce. Ills disappearance mado it possible to renew the nckUiiatloiis. Tho Into President, though elected as a "Colorado," was a compromise candidate, unpopular In his own party, as well ns disliked by tho "bhtneos," his npronents. The opposition to his government wna In great part peiMinal matter, to that tho commissions which hau been Hying to nrrango a settle ment slnco his death have found It possible to smooth over party dinerenccs for a time at least. Thu terms uf tho pacification have not yet been cabled. 31AYOU SrUOSG AS AX AllT CltZTIO. Kiamlnes Models rur tbe Noldlera and Sailors' Monument. Tho Soldiers and S,.ilors' Memorial Commit tre.of which Mayor Strong is tho Chairman, met in thu Arsenal yesterday afternoon and lm modlat ly adjourned to the third floor to inspoit the models for the monument which havo been submitted by tho competing architects. These mo leisure closely guarded by a park policeman and several emplojees of tho department, nnd no one Is allowed to seo Iheni oxcopt the mem bers of the committee, Thoso of tho committee ! who view d the ninili Is vestenlnv wero M )or Strung, itei order (ItilT, Comptroller l'ltcli, lien. CdIHs. Pre"-'drill McMillan ur tho Park Depart. uii'til, an 1 .losi pli A. (iiiii'den. Tliec MnMit iicrlynn hour inspecting the Idas fercants, and when the icttirnnl to iho meet liigiooin of the l'.uk llmril Miijuirr-tioug an umiio i-il the coiiiinlttri' li Mil in.nli- no soli c t.on. The commit ten then went Into om-ciiiIvo session uud adopted n ineolution that the gen eral liiihlio hhoiild nut lm allowrd to see thu models until a selection has been made. Tlio committee will meet again ill the Arsenal on Irid.ij. l'ho .i-gylaturo has appinprintrd tyttrjo.iHKi for I lie memorial, nnd It will he erected near the i-iui.iii'-n to iliu Park nt Pifty-uliith siicul nnu 1'ifth ..venue. a ri,vsin.a l'Asioit'ti ti it j t:r.t. wr ite Will lleslgu llecimse Mi'lulicr or Iliu liurrli ulliri Ilia Iniliiriire. ri.rsuiNii, L. I,, Sept. 'JO. The J.ev. James BcinnioM, pa.lur of tho Itcformcd Church cf till) place, surprhed his congregation jeslur daj by iinnmineltur that he would tender his leslgnatlon at a mcotiiig uf tlio consinlory whlch ho had i ailed for Thursday evening. Ho tald hi. reason for resljiilnc- was the dllll "dty which hu has round In ulleinptliiir to do his un.k llhnut tun i u-opurntluu ami moral Minion of all tin iucmhur of tho church, espe cially thootllclal members. "Heslilos," said lie, "II i.i useless fur inn In try tn bull.' up whlln oihi'i's mo trying In pull down my wink and utill.fy mv tniluciicc. A ini'oilii't of t his ion. gn gallon has been c died for Wednesday night, when, It la midt-iMo'iil, nn eifnil will lo in.iil.i In Induce Hie p.istui in with Iraw Ins rusi.tnatlo i, 1r. Diuunro-t henum flic pu.tnr of the Iti formed Chun h in 1m:ih. The cliuri li Is fico from debt nnd nppoits to liu In u ptii.pcrnas ciiinll-tlu'.i. Kings f'iln!ia Share of Ihe istnlo Tax. Thu Hoard of Equalization of HtaluT.txnahni (Uod tho v.iluo of tho t.ixnhlo properl) In Kings County at tKi.lS. lti.VMI. The iitntn tax on tho county is $1, 1.(17, or tt.07 mills on Iho Hollar. Thu money will ho nppruiuiatvd as pillows: lor schools, .'0.r, 47 t.Ol ; lor Mute cure ot the Insane, Hill ,01'j.o 1 for general purports uud canals, ifUUU,UU7.&'A Trips' a Asnzs xtr a tj.y oak, Qnrer Tain or a Cranks Wanted ta Scallii Tliem fruits Isaahtngtois Mniitunriit, lYom the IHttaburu Ftsimteh Gen, John M. Wilson, Ch!?f of Knglreen United Slides Army, was silting lu lu idltoln tho War Department tho other dnv when a person of very dubloui nt i c .ipe.i- il in tn, doorway. It was n man, with Inthiiig ,(, tered nnd torn, n two weeks' beard, n tarry, lm; un ordinary tomato can in h - i ,, y tramp, obviously! tho tomato tail j,,eij as the emblem of Weary WT'y In n, ,!ri(4 paters, seemed to settle It. Hut t'rt. neralli aecusslblo to pcoplo of nil ranks ami condl. tlons, nnd ho bado tho Btrnngcr v a'l, in an4 toll his huslnofs. "I'm in hard luck," snld the man sittu. down on tho edgo of a chnlr. As ho il, 1 su hi placed tho toninto can on a corni r of Oex Wilson's HoaV. Tho Gonernl assented, ns much is to say that tho confession was no surprs-o to htn. "l'o benn carrying this here cin iirounl for two weeks," added Hie strans-er, nilleau ing the receplaclo Willi his thiim1 "Indeed," said thu (iencral, r-u-i u Ins , brows hllghtly. It contains the remains of n c ,,-, cisM wife," tho tiintt continued, vi; . u ,,i , ,. nllc the frayed toll of Ills coat. "Shown'- , nniel a fortnight hack," '" "You don't say so!" snld tho t,i nn it im, tltnn rcnlly surprised, am! looking u .t ' niisT nt the tomato can, as If hu wisH-d n -"ncwheri elso than nn his desk, "Fact, sir," replied tho stinngei "0d her last request was that the letnains shoull bo dlsposod of In somo i-eiitcl ni er I couldn't ntlord nn urn. You know, ? c4i hlto nn urn nt tho crematory, but It's wfully expensive So I brought 'cm away IntmscaiL and I've been carrying 'em around for twi weoks for want of knowin' what lo do with 'em. Now, I've docldcd, and I'vo cmnt to ask for a permit," "A permit for whatt" naked tho Ocner d "To ehtick 'om from tho top of ihe Waia. Ington Monument," said thn man, "nnd scatter 'cm to tho four winds of heaven. That wouli bo rather genteel, don't you think 1" "I supposo It would," assented the rieneral with a gasp. "They told mo I'd have to come to you for permit, explained tho stranger. "No, sir," rosponded Gen. Wilson, decidedly "You can got no such permit here. Thu Wash ington Monument Is not Intended for burial pur poses. Good-day, sir." Tho General snld afterward- "Why, then) was nothing in the world to prevent the rasa from scattering a bucketful of ashes from ths monument If ho wanted to do so. Hut It I granted a permit for such n thing, crania from all over tho country would be lominr hero to distribute the remains of their relative! from tho ton of the mnrblo tliaft. It wool never do. Indeed." Forelga Xotea or Real Interest. Paris Is admiring a 800-pound Canadian nerrsa who Is on exhibition there. Grace Darling's only surviving brother Is a psspa la a North Sunderland parish. As Havana tobacco Is scarce In London, dealers art trying to Introduce Jamaica cigars. Seagoing barges of large capacity are oomlnr lata use at Hamburg alnee the opening of the Baltlc-Norta Bea Canal. atoekholm'a new opera houso will be opened st ths beginning of October with a gala perf orntatiee, wuaa Hallen'a opera " Waldemar's Treasure " will be gives, A German Army Lieutenant, Baron Max vos Bohrader, poisoned himself at Ostende after losing two million francs at the gambUng tables there tali summer. New South Wales Is to be put to the exp-nseef another long Tlcbborne trial, a lunatlo named Cre well, now In an Insane hospital near Sydney, tiavicg been Identified aa the missing Sir Roger by pertou who have Influence enough to set the law's ma-ULery In motion. An English steamship engineer has recently ac quired tjo distinction of belnc probably the only mia ever bitten by a West African double-horned viper who has lived to tell of it. The doctor kept him f'Jl of brandy and Injected Iodine Into the wound nil temperature rose to 107.3. Prussla'a chief executioner, nerr Relndl of Maede burg, recently celebrated his golden wedding, h's soa celerratlng hla silver wedding at the same time Ex ecutioners from all parts of Germany were present, and Kaiser WUhelm not only telegTsphrd his con gratulations but sent a "Marriage Jubilee Medal" to the elder ecuple. After many efforts the thickly Inhabited quarter of Athens known as Anaphlottka, lying lmuiellstely under the Acropotla, haa been condemned Ly tha Government and turned over to tbe Greek Archaeo logical Society for the purpose of excavation Tta Inhabitants will receive compensation and will ts settled In the suburbs. Since the French transportation law of l$S5wii passed 12.053 persons have been subjected to U penalty, the number sent out In 180ft being -3 Ths age of criminals sentenced to trst,so-tatlon Is ateadlly decreasing. The Increase of crlmttia'ltyla France coincides with the enforcement of the law for oomputsory education. Sir Everett Mlllals, son of the late President or ths Royal Academy, held the baronetcy ouly a y ar hav ing Just died, at the age of 41 years, ef neutncnla, brought on by neglecting to change his wet clothes. He was an authority on dogs, and Introduced r Bas set hound Into England, lie Is succeeded by bi ales' yosr-old son, John Rverctt Mlllals. Dohemlan sportsmen during the yesr 1 PUS stiot sal killed BO men, women, and children an 1 wounded. 8,104 persons, chiefly gamekeepers. Tb y also M led, among other game, over 13,000 dogs. h.Td- nts, S horses, la cows, IDScalves, 270 goats, and KM sh-ep. Forthls they had to pay colle.tlvely ocerj' .00) for doctors, fines, and Indemnities, aid to spcnlTi, 383 days In jail. The Austrian Ooterumcut rodecu the statistics. A strange procedure for the Church ef England was gone through In receiving back at Wittram a trtca who, afterleavlngthecommunlontohecoiiisa 1, sa Catholic, wished to return. The vicar li !'e t'sl he should be solemnly shrls en as a pen tent fier the lesson for tbe day had been read, the p, Iti-til walked up to the communion rail and t-m ' ' sfs A novel form of service then comminc, d, the 'tear putting questions and the fcnltrnt, lu l'Je. I fiti, answering them, to thernect that he nuoun i I ths I Church of Rome and meant to endeavor to I, il a better life and to embrace the Church ot n. l the true and only church. The minuter then at'- lve him, pronounclug the formula "In the nun f ths Father, and of the Bon, and of the Holy (ih ,t "hh upraised hands at tne clcse. The cereiiions emste have becli Incomplete, as nothing Is ssnl f tea Itent standing In his shirt with a lighted tap r .u US hand. Servants' Discipline Three Centuries Ago. From the London Daily Vns Domestic servants did not h..e -u h an cisf tlmo of it three htindroil jcrs -" '" from tho follow ing or ere fur Ihe ho - ' - r vi.iitioi tint wilt epigr iinmali, con 'N Sir John Harington. The) were in- in loilli: That no servant I on absent front prah r i " Df or evi'Dltn:. without a lawful i i u . i '-'j within onedi) after, upon pulno 1 1 fi r ' r tj li. e Vd Ti.ut none swinr iiuy ollu . i.pou pali f r ,r ' J othn III. ,k I hat 'in 111 n leave any docre open I! ' ' ' shut, w ithout thiMio heocause. upon p in "r" t.Mn Id. 'I I at none of the men be In bed from e ' -if to Mlctin Inias utter S'X of tin r'oi's n ' ' -' nor oat of his hd after t'-u of tin i to k ii ' ' r Ironi Michaelmas till our l.ud Hat 'u H" ,a In tlie liiornli g nor out i ftei n u .it i, ,. . reasonable e.ilisc. on pal e of CI lb it un man's Is'd Iko liniiiHih'. nor the r ui1 1hi un. Iijn' utter eight uf the disk nil on pslneor Id. 'Mint no man trreh any of theehlllr i v ' , ei,t sp eche, nr hnu'lle word, c r otli'. "" i " ' That no nun isnlle u the lulle win, t 'J In his he'll except It bo upon toniei, i , - psllie of Id. , I hat mi inuti appoint, ,1 in wcltc at tin i ' sent that luaulo without ri'aonal,li' .t i or Id. Ifanymr.n hreako a glace hen shall a ei i is piljn llierof ell of l,ls w.ii'i at. I Hi'' known who breako It, the buttler simii p . i ' " ploe of l'Jd, 'Ihe tabic, must Ik-o cocerid haifo un h r r II at dinner and six at aup er. ur l'f' ' " of Vll That Pirate bee readlo nt II or I ef e a' ' '" and six or tWnnuit supper u piitir of i"i That none bo utisrut without lenccir, " on a ne of id. , In I no man strike his fellow ou pm,, ' ' sirt"i'i it ir rotlli'.or threaten, i r pro ,. r to str We, ot) pains of 1 Cd. , no iiiju cum, tn tin ktli In ii wltii i ' hie tau-u on pains of Id., nnd tlie took l. ' fi rfe.t Id. Ilia iio-i" toy wltii tli maids iiei.. ti 'I hat mi nun wiate funic hlrt ,01 ' '' hnilou hose ornhouos, or dublcti without i t 8 palueof Id, I hat when rn stratnser ,-" h In't ' I, dreat up aalno w 'thin four houi hu ' s.r in , Thut tho hsll b'e mnde clc ut I r '. III tin' is later and si veil lu th s, uilni'l ' lit in that should do it to forfeit 1 l. Iliutthoi nirl-rf ite bwi- jiniit i ai'h ii ' op-ue t ilur ng dinner and mi.'Ptw 'li oil pulll till' porter to folf'll f,,l WIS'' rhst all ktsvrs It, thu hoes an lion ueel' shsll re ill n. Im.ii iiihiI chain . ' t dt hut mi 1'uliie of forfeiture "f i-V' rv es shall heloiiit unto, '1.1 All svhl ,1 somines slial boduly paid" e i i ' ' day nut uf their w ages, aud beilon cd ou tue poors, sw other godley uses, I SSnBSHBSSSaSaatASMMS-MBa.HMM,HHi.-iBMMBBaBBaSBBBBXSX4BX4Bl