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PIPIIIIIIII I LPl II P, PBHHBI ' !) JL1L Probably showers; warmer; 9 I VOlTiAV.-NO. 197. NEW YORK, "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 18Q8.-C0F.TiIGim 1898, BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICETVO CENTS, ;fl H . . . i ilH I O'HIGGINS IS NOT SPAIN'S. I fllT. HW CHILI AS AHMOHCLAD W HAS NOT HEEN bold. H Our tcrnCi) otlfy the Saw Department That H Torre la ' Possibility That We May j i;rl Ui Mil eeotlnllens for Other War j r.f,Torn(Mln Iloala and a Ul llattto- .till. In slew I'oMllila Ambalnnce Ship, I ajiiinotos. March 15. Negotiations for E the nuri huso of furolgn warships for the United Elates ay have not ended with the acquire H mem or tlio iirnzlllnh crulson) Aa A ionas nl Admlinl llreu. An absolute H conttoilli tloti of tho report cabled from H London mill olsowlmro that tho Spanish H Goi eminent had bought the Chilian armorclad H 0 Int.. nlH rccolvod at tho Nary Depart H rncnt lo day from ono of it agents In Europe. rrobablT Lieut. Colwell. the United States I total attachd In London. Earlier In tho H it; a tolegram had been gent to this I agent by Secretary Long directing him toasoer H tain whether Spain had secured tho O'Higgtns, H and Ms answor in contradiction of that report H eame this afternoon. Kotonlr has Spain not suo H ctoded In getting tho Chilian ship, but It was H ittrncd to-night that negotiations are In prog B rets 'or her purchase by this country, and that, H altbouth the Chilian authorities are not making H anr promises and are bellorod to be unwilling H to help the United States In the current emer H freer, they nijr be Induced to part with the W O'Hhrflnslf sufficient inducements are offered. Be It will require action by the Chilian Congress. J koirsver, to add the O'lllgglns to the Amorl J ran Nary, and this may InroWa a delay B which the Nary Department does not H tIiw with patience. Tub Sen reporter was H informed to-night br an officer In a posi H tlon to know that "the United. States stood H s rtry rood chsnoe of setting her." Chill's H sjfrlendllness toward this country since Pros! H fiat Harrison mads hor pay an Indemnity of H I7S.00O and apologize for the attacs on the H Baltimore's sailors during the Balmaoeda revo lt ration is supposed to be at the bottom of the Bj hesitation of the Santiago authorities to dispose H efttelrformldablearmorclad. It Is bettered that H CMU would soil the ship It a sufficient bonus H sxtrthe contract price were given, bat there H Is a feeling In narol circles, based in H oil probability on offlclal information, that oren if the United States offered to pay the H maximum amount asked, the South American H rtpuhllo would still hesitate to release the H tyHIgglns on account of the hostile feeling H toward this country and its citizens. I It is pretty certain, howerer, that the O'Hig- I Ies will not be transferred to Spain. This Gov trnment, it was said to-day, would riewsuch an act as unfriendly on account of the paternal Interest which the United States exercise oyer the other American republics through the appli cation of the Monroe doctrine, and was prepared to male representations to Chill of that charac ter. Considerable feeling Is manifested in offlclal clroles orer the reported attitude of the Chilian authorities, and there Is a disposition shown which mar derelop Into a determination on the part of the Oorersment to call Chill sharply to acoonnt If tho O'Hlg-s-lni puses into Spanish hands. For the present, howerer, the Washington Ad ministration Is satisfied that the armor clad is safe from Spanish Importunities, and the hope is growing stronger that she may ultl ., noWy bccome.-tbe..jjroperty;of the United 6ttes.Just why this sudden change of opinion til cornels sot explained. Kara! officers' are keeping close mouths In regard to the purchase ef foreign ships. Although the naral officials knew early to-day that the cruiser Son Franolscohad left Lisbon for Newcastle on-Tyne to take charge of the aewly purchased Amazonos, the fact was not admitted officially until late in the afternoon. This Is one of the results of jbcretary Long's or der of yestorday forbidding subordinates to glre information to the preos without his permission. The Ban .Francisco will sond a crew aboard the Amazosos and both ressols will leare for the United States as soon as possible there after. Lieutenant-Commander Kazro, the ex trotlTO officer of the Son Francisco, will Command the Amazonos on the trans tilontlo TOjaae, which will probably end at Vw York, where some refitting of the new ijaotoaos will take place before she is sent to (all Admiral Slcard's fleet. A detachment of American blue jackets tinder an officer will also be placed on eird the Admiral Breu, the Stars and Itrlpes will be hoisted at the peak, and the Jolted States Gorernment will assume formal totseuion of the Brazilian. This will be done is a precautionary measure In the erent hat war should occur beforo the finish ing touches to the cruiser, which will con lame sereral months, can be mode. A declaration of war between Spain and the United States before the formal transfer of the Jl Brazilian chip to this Government would prob- K ably cause tbe British Admiralty to decline to H allow the Admiral Breu to leare Newcastle for B an American port to engage in operations Nj oratnst tho Spanish forces. I Whether the Argentine armored cruisor San h Mortlno, now under construction at Leg- horn, Italy, Is In the market has not j, been ascertained by the United States stents in Europe, Argentina has not offered !? to sell her and probably will not unless Chill dis- J Voses of the O'Ulgglns. Chili and Argentina are (Sjj watching each other closely, and neltbor Its willing to part with tho adrantage held by the possession of a modern armorclad. Both the O'lligglns and tbe San Martlno are far superior to the two Brazilian cruisers, and tho Nary Department Is willing to Py a big Drlco to cet them. There Is reason to bellero tbat some tor pedo boat destroyors will be secured for tlie American Navy in Europe, but the naval oBlcUls will not tell hore thoso are foilch they have In Wow. The naval attaches abroad are after some bljr ship believed to bo for sale. Nothing further than this about tho attempt to buy her enn be obtained. Mr. Ilerrcshotr. tlio blind torpedo boat builder, has been hero for the last two days in an effort to Impress on tbe authorities tbe neces sity of constructing at onco e large it fltet of this type of boats, and after an m Interview with the President end 8ec- relary Long this morning lie is eat- IsficU tho (internment intends awarding contracts for tho delivery of a number of thci-o boats out or the emergency fund. Mr, llirrrehofr discussed tho torpedoboatphasoof the buvs'j woaknnts at eome length with tbe Presl- dent, who. nccording to tbe famous builder, was deeply interested In tlio subject, ana although W sot committing himself to anv plan of torpedo boat bulldlug It is belloted he will agree to the R ".'eestlon of Secretary Ijne that a number of H ho.its be contracted for to be furnished in tbe short! st pratt! nble time. l Mr, Ilerrosliotfotrereto dupllcato boats of the Owjnn nnd Talbot class, whlcn he has re W rtiitly built. In ninety clays, and Is willing i, '' uiidrrtuLo the building of fast torpedo 1 ilestroers to be doltvercd in four months oi luss. The plans for tbo former typo are now I t Ms works and the uinterlal for tho work 1 coul I I o secured speedily. Other firms hnvo H lately mado offers to furnish any number of I tori.o lo boats wltbln from tiro to throe months. I Ihrllollnnd Company, which completed tbe I 'murine bont now practicing in New York J wt is, says It con complete fifty of tbo f ' llcr typo in two months. As these aro tin only boats of nny type tbat tbo navy could oa milt In this louotry wltbln a short time It Is probable that the cuiewency fund will b , 'r mii on to provide n small flotilla, M-Ji 'nvcpn-Otinoral Van Itcj pen of the nary L as vJ 0'ctotl lj0 1'lBt Hoo steautor Grand Dachcss for conversion Intoan ambulance ship nnd Isnow at Newport News, where tbe vessel is being ro palrtd examining her and making an ostlmate of tho time and money required to fit hor out. Tbe vessel was built at Newport News two y oars ago, and is n powerful leagolngstoamer of groat speed and with accommodations for a large number of passengoro. She would, if converted, make n commodious vessel for a hospi tal ship. Dr. Van Reypcn said before leav ing that in erent of trouble it would bo absolutely necessary for tho nary to have attached to each squadron a ship of this typo, when tho sick and Injured could be cared for and removed to hospitals on shore. Ambulance ships are generally of great speed. Tho fact that they fly tho lied Cross flag Im mune them from attack under tho Geneva awnrd. These vessels also carry no powder, projectile, or sholl, and are In no sense war vessels. The medical men do not antlclpato that tho ship will be purchased until the situation Is still moro acnte, but they wish to be roady when tho tlmo comes for Immediately equipping the rosseland getting her In readiness for service Tbe Morgan line steamer El Sol, or the American liner Ohio, will bo the repair ship to accompany the fleets in tbe event of war. The formor was launched at Newport News tour years ago, and has been in serrico between New York and Southern ports. She is quite fast, large, 410 feet long, and capable of n high steaming radius. Tho Ohio is a much older vessel, and sails out of Philadelphia to foreign ports. The Ohio was Impressed by Secretary Tracy and fitted out as a repair ship during the threatening period fol lowing the Chilian attack on the Baltimore's men. , Should either vessel be converted the Boston Navy Yard will beselectedforthework. There tools are la abundance, and everything necessa ry for the resssl. THE O'MOQirfB BT1M. TO It BAZB. Areata Bath r the Vnttea state aa Ostm Base te Oeenre zterw Cpttal Oasts DMyoteare rnftn. Ixnrsoir, March IB. Despite the announce ment that Spain had bought the Chilian cruiser O'BIggins, the representatives of the United States have net abandoned hope of securing that vessel. The matter has reached a point where both Spain and the United States have a serious grievanoo against tho Chilian officials on acoonnt of their sharp practice. The ship cost nearly 99,000,000. and to secure her an enormous advance on that sum will have to be paid. There Is no reason to conceal the (act that not all ormuohof the premium will go to the Chilian Treasury. The offers of ships at the American Embassy are so numerous that it Is Impossible to keep count of them. The price demanded is always vastly In sxoess of the ralue. The same ship In many eases Is offered by a dozen brokers in suc cession, each at an adrance on the last figure. One amusing ease can be cited. A small, fast merchant steamer was first offered for 80,000. Ten more brokers earns in succession within forty-elf nt hours, each Ignorant of the others' rislto, and the last agent demanded 90,000 for the same ship. JsTJC OSBOBlfB'B BBSTABBO. Oor CesMttfweeneral la zVaa en Oew sselaw ttaaa with Ssats. ffPMtol Oatu natpoioa (a Tnn Om Lowtxur, Maroh It. The Honourable ArttHery, Company gave UTelr" annual' banquet to-nlht. Among the nutate were Messrs. Hedges, Ferris, and Lewis of tho Ancient and Honorable Artil lery Company of Boston, and William M. Os borne, the American Oonsul-GeneroL A num ber of cordial kinship speeches were made. Mr. Osborne, responding to the toast, "Tho President of tbe United States," said he did not think that either country needed protection from the other, except In combination against evil. He believed that tbe strain In the relations between the United States aad Spain would soon be removed. President MoKlnley might be relied neon to deal with tbe emergency. He was never taken by surprise and was never thrown off his balance. rHOJTECTXZTSa ron bvaik. Thar Are H rat Ulch aaa Are Sapsteeea te D for a New tinn. 3.pMt! Cof Dtipatch to Tna So. IxnvDOX, March IB. The workshops of the Eynochs of Birmingham are busy with the manufacture of special nrojectiles for the Span ish Government. These projectiles are of a different type and much larger than the company has heretofore made. They area's feet high and It is supposed that they are Intended for a new and especially deadly gun. A portion of the order for these projectiles has already been despatched to Spain. Tioxcrixo or tub rnizirriXEs. Saau Haaet Ballevea the Tewa f Beliaaae Attar rive liiatsmsiU. Sptetal CabU DttjiatcK to Tna Bra. Hoiro Komq. March IB. The latest advices from the -Philippine Islands are to the effect that Qen. Monet has relieved the town of Boli anoo after five engagements with the Insur gents. The Insurgent garrisons and priests in the neighboring villages had been previously dis persed or killed, and the garrison at Bollanao vras taken by surprise, forty men being mas sacred. The European telegraph operators in the town are safe. sxonrr o.v xnn bitujltiox. The swatsh Hlaliter Sara Spain Does Mot Wish ta rroreUe War. Sptoial CabU Vttpatch to Tna Son. Madrid, Mareh 15. Soflor Moret, Minister of tbe Colonies, to-day Informed a representative of Tub BrjN tbat tho proposal that the Cuban Government treat with the insurgents had been received with displeasure in Hovana. He added that bo was convinced of President Mc Klnley's good faith and pacific intentions, and declared that Spain In nowise desired to pro voLo war. Tbe Lisbon correspondent of the Impartial says tbat twenty sailors', most of whom were Spaniards, desorted from tbe American squad ron tbat was recently at that port. ovn pjiEPAHATntMi ron XT AJi. Tbe Impartial or Madrid Think, xtn Are ltealljr Serlaua In the Matter. Sveclal Cat U Dupatth to Tur Bus. Madrid, Mnrth 15. The Impartial says: "Wo received jesterday two telegrams from Now York which no one has seen, nor will they bo published in our columns. We have sent them to tho Government, which has taken note of them. "Both cablegrams refer to talk of prepara tions for war with Spain and tbe invasion of Culm, not by gutter Jingoes, but by function arlss and persons connected with the Govern ment whoso posltlou seems to warrant tbe genuineness of the reports." Centrartare lletleae Our Kmbaear, Srtctal Cailt Detpateh to Til a fius, Lovdon, March 15. The authorities of the United States Embassy aro being postorod by contractors and agents offorlng to sell provis ions nnd other commodities in expectation of war between the United States and Spain. Tbe American Consulate here bos received soino offers of enlistment In tbe United States A'var and Navy. Worth aeeiag. Bhnneon'e new joan Office aad staff Deposit Vaults, i ltd West Zdit, noar luoadway.-de. FOR FIVE NEW DRY DOCKS. rnoriaiotf made zx xhk .vr.r, APPIIOPItXATloy DILI. Fartemeiith. Bestan, tasraa Island, Atalara, .. aaa stare I.tanrt la Clsl Thc-Ta Cost a Mllllaa Apltoo and Deck Any Ship Farmaaal nil! Nat Cantldermt ar.terdar. WaBniKnTOft, March IB. Tho House Com mltteo on Naval Affairs voted to-day 7 to 3 to recommend In the Naval Appropriation bill tho construction of flvo dry dooks. They will lie located nt Portsmouth, N. II.; Boston, League Island, Philadelphia: Maro Island, California, and Algiers, La. This bears out the exclusive forooast in Tint Sex of tho issue of the contost in tho commit teo made last Saturday. With the sub stitution of League Island for tho Brook lyn Navy Ynrd, tho action of the committee Is an approval of tho recommendations of tho Bunco board which Investigated tho dry dock question last year, and whose Undines formed the basts of tbe suggestions in the annual report of the Secretary of the Navy. Three of tho docks, thoso at Boston, League Island, and Mare Island, will bo constructed of wood, of tho most Improved pattern and of am ple dimensions toaccommodate tho largest ships that will be conM'ucted within the next quarter of a century. In Ml human probability. Tho na ture of the other two will be determined finally at a mooting of the comnilttoo to-morrow. The dock at Portsmouth will probably be ex cavated out of tho rock, and that at Algiers wilt doubtless be a floating concern. Tbe docks are estimated to cost in round numbers a million dollars apiece, and to require two years for tholr construction. Half the sum will be appropri ated In tbe bill and the other half will bo pro vided in the next annual appropriation bill. Although Chairman Boutelle was not present when this action of the committee was token, it Is understood that he will support it on tho floor ofi the House and aid tho advo cates of this liberal policy In securing favorable consideration of the proposition. It is recalled that two years ago, when Gen. Bingham moved to amend the Naval bill by In serting an appropriation for a dry dock at League Island, Mr. Hopkins of Illinois, as Chairman of the committee of the wholo, ruled the proposed amendment out on a point of order. At that time It won not the policy of Congress or of tho Administration to enter upon the construction of a dry dock sys tem. It is not anticipated nbw, under existing conditions, that any one will invoke a technical construction of tbe rules to prevent the House from acting on the proposed improvements. Should the point be mado, however, no doubt is felt that some means will be found of overcom ing 1L There was some discussion of tbe Roosevelt bill to reorganize tbe personnel of the nary, but the committee decided, without tho formality of a vote, not to include Its provisions in tbe Appropriation bill as recommended by Secretary Long In behalf of the President. Yesterday it was thought that the entire Personnel bill would be put through the Houso to-day, but Instead it was agreed. In lieu of author izing the addition of 109 Junior engi neers asked for yesterday by Chief En gineer Melville, to provide for the enlistment of 100 machinists, who shall be war rant officers at 151,200 and tJl.tOOa year. This is.cne.ct tbe provisions of the Personnel bill, and Secretary Long agreed with the member) of the committee that if tbe employment of these machinists would be a good thing at any time, It would be a particularly good thing just now. Other Inoreases of the force of tbe navy urged by the bureau ohiefs yesterday will be incorpo rated in the bill. Provision will also be made for the assignment of the members of the two older classes of the Naval Academy to positions aboard ship, as was done In 1803, In the war of the rebellion. The Personnel bill, as an independent propo sition, will bs considered by the committee after the Appropriation bill is out of tbe way, and a determination concerning It reached as speedily as possible. Nothing but an approximate calculation has yet been made of the total sum that will be oarrlod in the bill. It will be in the neighborhood of 010,000,000. Members of the committee to-night expressed the opin ion that It would be ready for present ation to the House on Thursday or Friday. If it tbe calendar by that time its considera tion will be pressed early next woek. President McKlnley's desire that tho Nava Reorganization bill or lie salient features should be passed by Congress at once was made known to the committee In a communication from Secretary Long. The Secretary suggested that tbe committee re port a bill amalgamating tbe engineer corps with tbe line, providing that Ensigns' com missions be granted immediately to naral cadets who are on their graduation cruise, and that tbo term at tho Naval Acndomy be reduced from six to four years In order to clvo more officers to the navy without delay. These recommendations will be considered by the committee to-morrow and probably presented to the House before adjournment, with a request for Immodlate consideration. At to-morrow's meeting the committee will consider propositions to provide for six torpedo boats and six torpedo-boat catchers, and that the appropriation carried by the regular annual bill Bhall be avallablo on its passage. XKTINQ THE SUItMAEIXE BOAT. be Takes Three Trips or Tna Miles Kaeh Mrarlr Babmarsad. The submarine torpedo beat Holland advanced herself yesterday a long stop in tho good opin ions of thoso Interested in bor success. Sub merged until her deck was awash and only her conning tower visible above the waves she made tbreo trips from Perth Auiboy of two miles each at good speed. John P. Holland, the inventor of tbe boat, and three of bis men went aboard at 3 o'clock, and, after running her out some distance from sboro, clamped down the top of the turrot, Tbey thon sank her slowly until the tiniest wavo could splash across her deck. The three spurts of two milos each were made at n speed of betwren eight anil ten inllos an hour. When sho was a few hundred yards from shore it was almost Impossible to follow her progress with tho nakod eye. Mr. Holland said, after he csnio ashore, that ho was perfectly satisfied with the trial. The boat had obeyed her rudder perfectly. He said he Intended to chnngo tho nrrangement of her bnllast and glvo bor an under water trial at once. SVAXIHU HALT. AT HAVANA. American llaval Olllcera Bseuse Thantaelvas from Altrndlna. fstcinl CabU Dttvalch to Tus Suit, Madrid, Marob 15. A despatch from Havana to the Iteraldo, dated March 14, says: "Last evening a ball was glvcrTSttljo Spanish Casino In honor of tbo officers of the Spanish warships Vlzcayannd Almlrnnte Oquendo. thooffloers of the United States warship Montgomery wire Invited, but excused themsolvcs on the ground that tliey were In mourning for the victims of theMulno. "To-day tbe supplies brought bytboAmori. can Mi .patch boat Fern have been distributed at Matauxas." t.ttn. tVaodfard'a ranllr Meals Ibe 4j-ii, tptcial CabU Dupateh to luz Bint Madrid, March 15. Gen. Woolford, the American Minister, to-day presented tbe mem bers of his family to tbs Queen Regent, Her Majesty received her guests in tbo mort v9Tdlal manner, r giaajit.-feL.VKJkte.ia tit) laViinewaMsyi imtt a.sttaln' Toiti'KDitKS ron TITO onvisEiis. Twenty vrhlishead Placed an fSaard the C InmblR and Mlnaeapalla. Pntt.iDKt.rniA, Pa,, Moroh 15. The Govern ment tug Leydea, with twenty Whitehead tor podocs from Newport, arrived at league Isl and to-day. Ten of them were put nbonnl the Columbia in midstream and the other tcn'wero stored In tho hold of tho Minneapolis. The Ley den brought 3,000 pounds of gttneotton. After discharging bsr cargo she will tow barges to Key West with coal and nnvnl stores. Cruis ers of tho also of the Minneapolis nnd Columbia usually carry only six torpedoes rath. The extra ones being taken on board to-day are re garded as significant. Among the arrivals nt League Island to-day were 200 sailors and marines for tho cruisers. The men came from Brooklyn, Washington, Norfolk, and Boston, They will go on board of their respective! ships to-morrow. A large forco of men was to-day put to work nt Fort Mlfllln charglnc torpedoes nnd preparing other exiJoslvcs for tho navy. Tho ram Kntahdln and tho monitor Mlnntonomoh will proceed to Fort illfllln for ammunition beforo sailing. There aro said to bo about forty tons of powder and a lot of projectiles In the fort. From orders rccolvedat League Island to day from Washington it is evident Hint tho naral authorities there do not consider that on Ilstmont for tho warships at tho Philadelphia Nary Yard aro being mado fast enough. The orders now are to onllst all landsmen who can pars tho physical and mental examinations nnd put them to work at onco on bourd the re ceiving ship Richmond. In consequence of those orders, tho number of applicants for on Hstmcnts iberensed -considerably tcAlay and more of them wero token than was the caso when only machinists and able-bodied teamen were wanted. amuuxitjox ron kbt xtkst. The Mnrhlehead Loavea Tampa with a Half Doscn Carlaada on Board. Tami-a, Fla., Maroh 15. The cruiser Marble head left Port Tampa this aftornoon with a half dozon carloads of ammunition bound for Eey West nnd Tortugas, where tho supplies will be distributed among tho other ships of tho fleet now waiting for thorn. It was the intention for the Marblohead to tako as much of the muni tions of war as it was possible for hor to carry, but imperative orders reached the commander of tbe cruiser to-day, and as a result the sailed as soon as sho could be gotten In readiness. Two sets of orders aro said toharo arrived on tho same mall, one of which was sealed and to be openod only when the cruiser was at sea. Thirty more carloads of ammunition are now on the railroad tracks of the Plant system within twenty miles of Tampa waiting to be transported. The steamer Mascotte of the Plaut steamship line arrired here to-night from Jamaica, and a prominent offlclal of that system is authority for the statement that she has been chartered by the United States Government to transport the remaining munitions to Dry Tortugas. At 7 o'clock to-night a number of the cars sealed with the Government seal havo been movod down on tbo dock In a convenient place for loading on the steamer, and the Mascotte Is expected to sail before morning. HtO SHIPMENT OP POWDEtt. Throe Bnndrod Theataafl BTaunda lent rram jfto XavrvTnr. lojt.j West. The heaviest consignment of powder that hns been shipped from a United States naval station in years was sent from tho Brooklyn Navy Yard to Key West yestorday by a special trnln over the Pennsylvania Railroad. The powder was conveyed to Jersey City early In the morning by tbe navy yard tugs Nina anaNarkceta. It was for tbo use of Admiral Slcard's fleer. In all there wero 300,000 pounds of tbo pow der, contained In cases, each holding an amount of powder equal to tbo amount carried by a gun of tbe size It was Intondod for. Tho caaes were of polished copper, with brass handles, and each case was so marked as to show the size of gun for which the powder was intended. The coses were put aboard the train by gunners from the navy yard, who also went South with It. After the powder was removed from her the Narkoeta steamed back to the navy yard and took on board thirty-three men dratted for the crew of tho Columbia, now at tbe League Island Yard. Tho men were mostly coal passers. Tbe recent requisitions for crews for the different war vessels have left only about seventy-five men on tbe receiving ship Vermont. Af AMMUNITION INTACT. aspartame latormatlan Itranrdlna the Maine Camea lo ITnshlucton. WAsniNOTON, March 15. Information which eft Havana on lasc Saturday, and which comes directly from a person thoroughly conversant wllb the prosent condition of the submerged hull of the battleship Maine, says that the divers, after three weeks' work, have discovered that tbe coal powder and shell carried by the ill-fated vessel have been nocounted for In full nnd found intact. The shells were being taken out of tbe hull and opened. All the armor-piercing shells have been found empty. With tills In formation came positive Indications tbat the Court of Inquiry has nearly finished its in vestigation. Tbey appeared to have confined themselves then to an examination of wood work near the explosion and of ths powder tanks and shells. Little more remained to be done beyond taking the final testimony of the divers. Tho evidence cited is considered as furnishing further proof that tbe Maine was wrecked by an outside ex plosion. Especially significant is the fact that the coal was without any evidences of Ignition, thus apparently establishing tho Impossibility of spontaneous combustion. It Is impossible to make publlo tho source whence tills information comes. TOOLS TO MAKE EAPID-VIHE aVN.1. garlans Situation In tbn VITart ta Turn Out Ordnance Ilapldly, lfAliTTonn, Conn., March 15. At Pratt & Whitney's shop In this city tbo machinery with which the rapid fire guns are made Is manu factured. No othor company In this country makes this particular machinery, and none can boflttoil out to do It without tho expendi ture of a great deal of time Mnohlno guns for tbo auxiliary vessels are being turned out in Bridgeport as fast as possible, and tbo Pratt & Wbltnor Company Is being urged to run day and night to furnish additional machinery with which to enlarge the Bridgeport plant. To meat tho demand for guns for tbo contin gent flcol tho making of gun machinery should have begun two j ears ago. It is dcllcat o work, and the best Unit can bo duue Is to produce the machines In sixty days. To thlsdoluy tbe Gov ernment oblecla, as It would be three months brfmo tbe machinery could be mado and tho guns dnlshed. Cnpt, C. It. Clark ta Command the Oregon. Washinotox, March 15. An unexpected change in tbo command of the battleship Oregon was made necessary today by tbe condemna tion by a board of medical survey at Ban Fran cisco ot Capt, Alexander II. McCornilck, Tho Oregon Is coaling and taking on ammuni tion nt San Francisco, In preparation for her long trip nround Cape Horn to join Admiral Sloard'a squadron at Key West. When tho Navy Department was Informed this morning of the result of Capt, McCormlok's examination. It Immediately ordorod Cnpt, Charles K. Clark to commaud tho Oregon. Capt. CI irk Is In command of tbe monitor Monterey Ths Hrooklju Coallas Up, NBwrortT News, Vo., March IB. The cruiser Brooklyn arrived here today to fl her coal bunkers after the long voyage from tbe southern seas. It Is understood that tbe Brooklyn will lakeopbJOOtousofcoal, f ' i "HBaL-. '"- SnfetnW TO MENACE SPAIN'S COAST. ovn citvisniis will uo ir ltr.n TOUVKVO JIOAT3 COME. Theilalllaa or Her latnll Dealroynra rrom the Canaries tor Havana trill Uo rtrcardrd n 1'nrrleadlr to Us, nnd the Seodlnc or Our S-n.l rml.rra la Iter Const Will lie the sleptr. Washington, March 15. Ono of tbe most Interesting propositions now under serious con sideration by tbo naval authorities relates to tho Immediate formation ot a flying squadron of fast cruisers nnd perhaps some auxiliary ships to threaten tbe coast of Spain ns an offset to the despatch ot a Spanish torpedo boat flotilla to Havana. This scheme has been brought to tho attention of the President, nnd it is understood that he is not unfavorable to Its execution under certain cir cumstances. There are grave possibilities In olvcdintlieproject,nndthe Administration In tends to go slon; but Tub Sum reporter has un-questlon-ible authority for the statement that the flying squadron undoubtedly will be formed and sent out on Its Important mission It the Spanish flotilla which left Cadis on Sunday for the Ca naries continues Its voyage from tho latter point with Havana or Porto Rico ns its destination. However warlike this plan may seem, tbero Is no doubt that the naral authorities are making preparations for putting It Into execution. Tbey think, however, tbat It will be a week, and pcrnnps two weeks, before tbe Intentions ot the Spanish Gorernment In regard to tbe flotilla will bo known. This delny Is fortunate, fortho great est difficulty ls being encountered In securing full crews for the commerce destroyers Colum bia and Minneapolis, which will form part of the flying squadron. Both these ocean grey hounds wore placed in commission at the Leaguo Island Navy Yard to-day. They are ready for active service, but require more men than the Navy Department is nble to obtain at this time without drawing on other ships. The Columbia and hor sister ship require 403 men cacti. Only 320 men hare been secured for both ships, leaving 481 vacancies In tbs crews. A number ot apprentices from the training ship Essex will assist in filling uo tho gap. and men from the rccelring ship Vermont will also help lessen tho difficulty, but there will still be short complements. Enlistments for the naral ser vice are not being mado rapidly, and the Span ish flotilla may haro started on its way from the Canaries to Havana before the Columbia and tbe Minneapolis aro ready to join tho flying squadron. The departure of tho flotilla from Cadiz with tbe announcement that it is going to Havana has excited much Interest In naval circles. Tbe naval authorities contend that there Is only ono explanation of this movement. It moans, they assert, tbat tbe little destroyers aro intended for an offonsivo move ment against vessels of the Unltod States, w hlch is to be construed as an unfriendly act on tho part of Spain. Torpodo boats and torpedo boat destroyers cannot be used In suppressing the Insurrection in Cuba. They are not available for righting tbo Insurgents. It has been concluded, therofore, that they are to bo devoted to offensive manceuvrlngagainst tbe United States naval force, a belief which Is borne out by the fact that torpodo craft cro Intended for operations against big warships. Their movement to wators near the coast of the United 8tatcs is viowed with concern, to use a diploma Uo term, and the naval authori ties are making preparations that will cor respondingly "concern" tho Government of Spain. Theso statements are thoroughly reli able and nro based on information gl en In re sponse to careful inquiry. Anybody can seo what tho result may be. Tbe proposition menlionod has been under conidderatiou during tho last twenty-four hours, but enough progress has been made to justify the assertion tbat apian for the formation of a flying squadron, and Its assignment to the Span ish coast, has been practically arranged. Presi dent McKinley will decide whether It shall bo carried out The Spanish flotilla sailed from Cadiz at 0 o'clock on Sunday evening. It consists of tbe Arute, Rayor, Pluton, Azor, Terror, and Furor, and is being escorted by tbe Transatlantic company's steamer Cludad de Cadiz, a vessel that would be used for auxiliary purposes by Spain In tbe event of war. Tlio Cludad de Cadiz is said to havo been protected and armed. No tice of the departure of tbe flotilla was sent to tbo Navy Departmont, with the additional in formation that tho boats are bound for tbe Canaries, where tbey are due on Wednesday. Every movement of Spanish warships is reported promptly to the State and Navy Departments by American representatives abroad and the office of naval intelligence keeps account of wherdthese vessels aro. Pre'ss despatches say that tbe flotilla will go to Porto Itlco or Havana, but tbe Navy De partment wants confirmation of this statement before taking the radical measures involved in the flying squadron scheme. Just as soon as it is known that the flotilla has started for the West Indlos tbe flying squadron will be fcont to tbo Spanish roast, provided President McKinley consents, probably taking tbe route that will bo travelled by tbe tor pedo craft In the hope of letting tbe Spantah officers and men soe that the United States mean business. Its purpose will be to harass Spanish commerce It hostili ties are to be declared, but Its prosonoe will also sorvo as a warning to Spain that this coun try has left nothing undone lo make the strug gle short. Information was received ut the Navy Department to-day that more torpedo boats would leave Cadiz for tbe Canaries to-morrow to accompany the first division to West Indian waters. This has made suror the probability that tho fljlng squadron will bo sent to Spain If tbe flotilla should proceed to Cuban or Porto Rlcan ports. Tbo present intentions of the naval authori ties for a quick formation of the flying squad ron contemplate that itahall becomposedof the armored cruisers Brooklyn and Now York and the commerce destroyers Columbia and Minne apolis, and perhaps tbe St, Louis and the St, Paul ot tbe International Navigation Company's but whether tho two American liners will be Impressed before hostilities occur has not besn determined. It was not until somo tlmo to-day that it was determined to let tbe St. Louis start on her regular transatlantic trip to-morrow. Tbero was much communication by telegraph and long-dlstanco telephone between tbo Navy Department nnd the oflloers of the Ameri can line and Capt, Rodgars of tbo auxiliary -floct board in New York. Tho company's ofll cors represented that the fat. lxmls had on board a great quantity of porislmblo froleht which might be ruined If the ship did not start and its trausfer wero mado to unother steamship. An indication of bow critical is the present situation 'was given by tbe hesitation of the Navy Department to let tbo St. Louis leave. To hold tbe St. Louis would have been equivalent to a determination to Impress her Into tht ser vice ot the Gorsrnmont, a matter to which much serious consideration was given for several hours boforo the final do clslon was made. President McKinley at Isst determined not to Impress tbe vossel, and Information to tbat effect was sent to tbe Inter national Natlaatlon Company, Ho thought that it would not bo necessary to attach tbo 81, Louis to tbe navy until warwaa In sight, and wus apparently sutlsfled thut tbere would bo no hostilities boforo tlio return of tho St, IMul from Southampton. '1 bo Brooklyn Is now at Hampton Roads await ing tbo arrival ot tbe other ships to compose tho flying squadron. Tbe New York is at Key West and the Columbia and Minneapolis are at League Island. Just as soon as the two com- lrco destroyers have sufficient ciswf VatMiMii'kte rfW i it iiMIri nstll BoBPi'-r .,f -1 SPL- tbey will be ordered (o Hampton Roads. Tlio detachment of the New York as the flagship nt tbo North Atlantlo squadron will depend on tho future movements ot tbe Bpanlsh flotilla and the decision of the President, No officer has been selected to command the flying squadron, Tho name ot Commodore Howell, commanding the depleted European station, hns been suggested, but he will probablr not be as signed to the duty. Commodore bchley con linues as the most likely candidate. Sptctmt CabU Deipal tktto Tns Set. Madmd, March 15. It la said that the tor pedo flotilla which sailed from Cadi, on Sunday evening will only stay at tho Canary Islands and Porto Rico long enough to embark provis ions, and will proceed with all despatch for Cuba. The other torpedo floVllln, which will start shortly, will prohibly remain at Porto Rico. no Ann op snQViitr bails. It Left llavann far Key VTpil I.aat terrains-, bnt May ftMurn In a row Oaia. Havana, March 15.- The Board of Inquiry will lea o Hex ana for Key West at 5:30 o'clock this aftornoon. According to what has been beard from some members ot tlio board and Ibe belief ot the Spanish authorities, tbo board will return to Havana In a few days to take the testimony of tho dhers who cauio her on tlie tugboats l'n dcrwrlter and Chief, tbe llrst belonging to the Boston Tugboat Company and the second to theMcrrltt-Chapmau Wrecking Company. Theso divers will make a new and thorough examination of tho hull of the Malno, and if their roport confirms the previous testimony of the other divers, it is boliood that will end the board's inquiries Into this branch ot tho Investigation. Capt. Sampson and tbs other members of the board at 4 o'clock went to say good-by to Con sul General Lee. Kbt West, March 15. It was learned this evening that tho Maine Board of Inquiry wlU return here to-morrow morning. Tho officials refuse to affirm or deny tho report, but your correspondent has entire confidence n his au thority. Tho steamer Detroit Is to sail at onco for Tampa to load ammunition for tho fleet. ItEAI)Y Ton HE A DUTT. All tnvnl onieers on tbo Active 1.1. t .tow on Shore Will Prepare for tbn Boa. Kcr West. March 15. It is said among naval officers hero tbat all the officers on the actlvo list who are now on shore duty have been or dorod to hold themselves ready for sea duty and that their plnces ashore will be filled by re tired ofUcora. Even those on duty at the Naval Academy aro said to bo undor this order. Tho vigilance and activity in tho work of keeping the fleet here ready for any emergency are unabated. Work tbat will give room at the Government piers sufficient to enable eight of the smaller ships and torpedo boats to coal at once was be gun to-day. No ship is allowed to remain with her bunkers depleted of coal to an amount greater than 100 tons. Coaling Is done almost dolly, and another schooner came here with a further supply. Tho Marbleboad Is at Tampa to-day loading war material. Sho is expected down to-morrow. OETTINO DOOTOHB HEADY. A Committor to Select anrsreono for tbo War snipe. Who Will Go nt Call. The possibility of war has made It necessary tbat tbe Navy Departmont should know at once wherolt may bo able at a moment's notice to get a sufficient number of surgeons for service on our warships whenever tbey may bo called upon to meet an enemy. For this purpose Rear Admiral Buncc, com mandant at thenny yard In Brooklyn, has ap pointed a local committee of physicians to pick out suitable men for this service from among the younger physicians nnd surgeons who may Indicate a desire to join the naval service. This committee was organized yesterday morning. Dr. David D. Toal ot 151 Avenue A. was made Chairman. BTItANOB LIOHT IN THE SKY. It Appearn Orer Habylen and lotereata Many Prraona nnd Alarms aomo. Babylon', L. I.. March 15. A strange light appeared in the sky hero about 8:45 o'clock this evening. It was entirely unlike northern lights. Those who studied It could only conjecture tbat it might be tho reflection on the clouds of a pow erful search light, but it did not move raoldly or by starts. It was plainest when It first appeared. It was then In tbe East. It moved slowly toward the south, fading out and appearing again at inter vals. It then travelled In a southwesterly course. At times It was almost directly ovr bead. It vanished entirely in leas than three quarters of an hour. The supemltlous con nected the light with the threatened war. WHO IS TIIIB MANt A New York financier Telegraphs an Caps Irlolle Moasace to the President. Washinotox. March 15. In the universal support which the President has had In his determination to make every preparation for war, there has been one discordant note. It Is contained in a telegram substantially as follows: "War must be prevented at any cost. What Is the loss of 250 men compared to a general Impairment of values I" This telegram came from New York, and 11 waa signed with the nameot a well-known man of finance. Who ho Is the reporter could not ascertain. Ever) body in official circles wbo knows of tbo message Is Indignant over the matter. CO A Br SIGNAL STATIONS. Capt. Uocdrlrh la Charge or tbe Work erCCs. tabll.hlBB Tkam. WAsnisaTOH, March 15. Capt. Goodrich, the President ot tbe Naval War College at Newport, R, I., has been placed In charge of the work of establishing oovst line signal stations lo be used In thoerontof war. He received his Instructions at the Navy De partment to day and will begin at once a tour of inspection along tbe Atlautlo coast select ing stations and making estimates of tbe cost of equipping them. Navy militiamen will bo assigned to tbeee stutlons if hostilities occur. rutting tluna on tbe Cruiser Chicago. Home ot the ft re-inch nnd six-Inch guns re cently recolvod nt tho Brooklyn Navy Yard from the Washington yard wero placed on the cruiser Chicago yesterday. Work has been rushed on this cruiser, and guns wore put in place much bonner than was expected. The Atlanta will hnvo her guns emplaced wltbln the next week. Tho six-inch breach loading rlflo taken on Monday from the re nulving ship Vermont was shipped to Mare Island Yard nt San rranolaco yesterday. When tho gun reaches Us destination It will bo mounted on tbe Philadelphia. The gun was painted white to keep It from rusting in transit. Ilea. Urn hum atipr-rird To-Ilar In Atlanta. Atlanta, Ob,, Mnr h 15. Tho commander of the recently created Department of the South, Brlg.-Gcu. William M. Graham, will arrive here early to-morrow morning and at once assume control of the territory allotted him. Ills first work will be tho selection nt suitable headquar ters, a ttio crowded condition of Fort Mcpher son, live miles distant, renders it impossible to accommoliite tbe General and his ataff there It Is probable I hat n suite of rooms will bo leased in one of tho new otllco buildings here. Nuuud Simmers ror Transporla. Nbw Haven, Conn., March 15. A representa tive of thu Government has arrangodwith the Consolidated ftallroad for tbe use of several ot the steaniors belonging to the road, novr sta tioned at Htonlnglon.ln case they are needed for transports. TheOoneollrtatedfwnslhreo large otoiiuiers, t-e Maine, tbe Nor Hampshire and the Conoectwut, ) Kfisfr r "' i.i. ,-aosiaiiii'nV i --. i. - T - -,V .a-xggllggfgjii PUSHING PREPA RATIONS. W nl DELAY IN THE MAINE- HEPOItT , 'JBB VBED TO ADVANTAGE. BB The President :ratlnd at the Progress Mad ? -lie Will (sod Ihe Malno rte-xtrt to Coo. ' H ra Tntk or nn Kartr Adjenrnmett VI Senator Prt otora Visit to Cuba not omelet. 3 Washimitoj., March 13. Prosldont McKinley ly and Secretary Long aro still uninformed as to dfl tho tlmo when tho ronnrtot tho Naval Board ot jH Inquiry In the Maine, raso will bo rooolved. Wm Thoro Is reaton to bclloc, however, .hat they ' f expect the work of Investigation to be com- , I pletod within n few days and tho roport sent tjH immediately to Washington, Karh day's delay 1 adds to the nnxloty of the Administration and "SP increases tho cngerncsii ot tho United States 'jSK generally to know w hut tho ordlct Is to bo. Smtm Tlio waiting hns 8crcd ono good purpose, 'J9 however, in glrlng tho Prosldont additional iffiS tlmo tor bringing the army and tho navy one K step nearer tho stage of complete preparation To for war. The closing of tho bargain jostordajr ftjH for tbo purchase of Ibe two Brazilian cruisers nnd tho action ot tho Xavat mU Committee to-day in embodying In tbe Naval 'JyB Appropriation bill certain features of the Per- ' i sonnel bill Hint will giro tho navy the much- ? jj needed Increaso In the onglncer forco hnve tt uH dono much toward bringing the navy up to m tho perfect stato ot efficiency that will be j l necessary It a war takes place, and tb i President nnl all of the officials ot the Jb Administration feel highly gratified nt the -W harmony of feeling existing betwren Congress ' and tho executive departments that baa mado It possible to accomplish so much In a short f pace -f$ of time. Tho work of completing tho preparsv- tiS lions for a possible conflict is carried on nctively Hug In all departments ot Ibu Government service, W and each day adds to tho myriad of important WK, details to be atlendod to. let The President has decldod to moke public at 'Jr onco upon Its receipt tbe report of tbo naral $1 court, and to do this by sending It to Congress '& with a messago explaining Its Importance and ct- ''3'' feet, as vlowcd oy tbe Administration, and stat- gB lng as briefly as possible his clan for demand- pS ing reparation from the Spanish Government. 'SflB Some of tho President's frlonds nnd adrls- era think that to do this would be to in W Tito Congress to take some action on tho sub- m Ject, but tho President, on tho contrary, bcllovcs 'M thnt by taking Congress into his confidence and jfc informing them ot what ho proposos to do W. ho will forestall nny action that the two houses might bo disposed to take, nnd, without antag- JS onlzlng aaylwdy. retain control of tho nogotlo- 3j tlons nnd keep tbe Bettlemont ot the Cuban question out of Congross altogother, at least tor JS' the present. 'jk The knowledge ot the President's decision to ' communlcato tho report of the naval Board ot -Jf Inquiry to Congress in this manner has aroused w a discussion as to tho advisability ot having tbo J session adjourn as soon as the nucossary lcglsla- 3jj tlon can be disposed of, and without waiting .M for a settlement of thogoneral Cuban Question. j9jf This discussion has grown to such proportions Igjj tbat It is now Bald to be the Intention 'M of tho especial friends of tho President in JR the Senate and House, liko Senator Hanna M' and Representative Grosvenorof Ohio, to rush !fl all measures to a rote and end the session even ffc before tbo report ot tbe Board ot Inquiry is re Jp celved at Waaningtnn. It la not a faotrhnwevtrt, . ... .i-ffi that any such movement is on foot, although) Jfj some of the moro ardent friends of Cuba art j8; prepared to believe it. Speaker Reed ' H is ono of the men whose assistance! would be necessary to carry out any such plan ap and he knows nothing of it. It has all alone k been the desire of the Speaker to keep tho House J$ at work persistently, so that when the calendar jpl of Important measures shall be disposed JfJ of the House would be ready to pro- J pose an early adjournment. He now -f thinks that so far as the House is concerned, m so well has It done the work mapped out by the) Commltteo on Rules, of which he is the Chair- ' S man, that adjournment could take placo within fjgf a month. He is not sanguine, however, that S the Senate will dispose of the bills sent there by f the House by that date, but thinks that about m May 1 tbe two houses should be ready for final S adjournment. xl Nobody has broached to the Speaker the ad j9 vlsablllty of rushing the session to a close be. 'jHj fore the report of ths Board of Inquiry la v JRI received, and tbere are very few men In ' either the Senate or House who think such W a plan has been considered seriously. The pro- Imk gramme of the friends of the Administration .jj. and other Republican leadors in the Senate and , !i Hovss Is undoubtedly to adjourn as soon as the gj'i necessary legislation can be disposed of, and, 91 In this purpose they are controlled some - -j what by tbe desires of the President, Mi wbo thinks it would bo better to allow tho 'Sji Exccuttre branch of tbe Gorernment te haro -W full control of the negotiations with regard to Jl the Spanish controversy, and to aUow tho f President to settle the Cuban question la hid '' JJ; own way. 3R There Is a general disposition In both houses & and among aU parties so to leare the question 'M In the hands ot ths President, and there) la 'Sj- rcason to bellere that whaterer plan of action ho Ml outlines to follow ths publication of the report of jg. the Board of Inquiry will be acquiesoed In by -Mj Congross. Tbat report undoubtedly will hart) sh been mode publlo long before the Senate or tht M House Is ready to adjourn. ; Every recommendation so far made br Uuff fl President for legislation to assist him In pre J$s' paring to demand prompt reparation fromSpalfl 'i. for the lots of the Maine has met with hearty M non-partisan indorsement, and it Is thought that W if be recommends to Congress that the settle J men t of the Cuban question bo left entirely to 'Wl blm, the consent will be equally prompt and ffl' unanimous. W.. Senator Prootor of Vermont, whose visit to Cuba has attractod such wide attention, and to jK which such great Importance is attached, had -ffi another talk with Secretary Alger to-day, bnt , S did not see tbe President. In riew ot the fast jT that his trip has received an official significance Sj which does not belong to it, and la ,, view ot the further fact that such ohaer W, rations as be has made since his ra &. turn hare been distorted and amplified, the Senator contemplates making publlo e -': statement setting forth some of 'the things ha ft aw and beard and what ho regards as the duty Jf1 of tbe United States toward ending the Cuban Wh war. 3S Senator Proctor did not go to Cuba as the rep. m. resentattve of President McKinley, and, in. jfe, deed, the President regrets that he went at M all. These are the facts about the tripi tK Somo weeks .before he left Washington Sen. Wt ator Proctor told tho President that bethought m of going to Florida with his friend Mr. Parker j for their annual visit, and if there was no objec- , if tlon or If his Journey would not be misunderstood jj by tbo publlo and causo the Administration , etabarrassuicnt be would like to go orer to vfc. Havana and tbe adjacent provinces and study W for himself tbo situation there. The President Wf told Mr. Prootor that he saw no reason why ha i' should not do so. M. This conversation, however, took place be. jjtf fore tbe destruction of the Maine. Attar m that event the President had very serl flh ous doubts as to the wisdom or propriety m of the visit to Havana of a Senator who 'W was on terms of personal and polltioal friend ai ship with the President. He probably fslt that Sj the object of tbe Senator's rlslt would be mist !th construed, and bis acts and ssylngs would re" celre an official significance to which they jffl were not entitled. .This has prorejj to be tbo case, and, it will be quite dlffloult If not Impossible for the Presldsnt to remove tha ffl belief apparently so firmly Axed In thevablb 4 mind that Senator Prootor did mak. hU visit to 21 Cuba at the President's augf Mtloa. hlhe fad U ij bswsvsrVthatbafdldaeU j 1 j), i, if anrp