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$ 3KAUTIF0), ST. MICHAELS IBmw cottattonATxos or tub n'naotXTED Mni cnvnan iir iraur nonoKBX. fBef-rleas) Ceanaett y ttUbe Trimrsr, Dele. Ct Martlaelll Kara Kui anil CatHlaal . Ota Preaches DMerlalloe. el the BdlBcs Hji 3 Thera wars service of threo hoar' duration $ fat tha consecration of the renorated fiu Mich- g Jr aVa Passlonlst Monastery OhoVch in tVnit Ilo- HWi, boktm yesterday morning. The church has been ?- "T closed for about fifteen month, daring which tine 1U Interior baa been deoorated at a cost of $80,000. Tho services began at? A.M. The war conducted privately, In compliance with a ttsla bf the Catholla Church, by Xllshop Wig-irer of Newark. Bishop WUfier yran atitited by WiV the following: tha Very Hot. Father Charles. WmK " P" deacon8 Th9 T,T Father Albert, a tfti& ' P" of Cincinnati, sub-deacon; the Iter. Q. I). tin' O'Nell. Chancellor of tha Diocese; tho Very Iter. Ilwl either Joseph, C. P., and the Her. Father Haiti, I&J3 1' Mtera ot Coromoniea; tho Iter, Father I'lrv eo' p" Biaconue Custos; the Very Iter. UaY. Father Stephen. C. P., of Dunkirk. N. Y.j the full 'I Ver RoT Fntber Peter - ' "t Br, Panl. the HA 1 i Bov. Fathor Fellr, O. P., of Baltimore, and tho SB !TK Ker 'Bther Andrew, O. P., of Cincinnati, rello JE Ji bearers; the Iter. Father Jerome, C, P., thurlfer Bj ff of altar; the Iter. Father Alexis, C. P., croii LyT bearer; the Iteri Father Alexander. O. P., book Iff bearer; the Rev. Father John Francis, C. P., l candle bearer; the Iter. Father Cyprian, C. P., M iivOroxier: bearer; tho Iter. Father Hilary, C. P., rl it?ltro bearer and tho llev. fathers Uenedlct. 3 '., Clement, Jerome, Hubert and JOyrll. C P., t m chanters. UP i The sepulchro containing the relics was ' I aealoil by Brother llonavcmuro. An altar boy 111 . acted as censer bearer and another carried holy il i Water. r.l . i After the consecration the church was opened f St' I to those v,ho had tickets. On the dome Moat- I iS I " lar?i American Hair, Almost overy seat VvLi I " lll1 cdltlco caa occupied at 10:30 o'clock, ftTXa l when Papal Delcirato MartlncllilbeKun the l'on- Miv tlncal niaes. Cardinal i lbboni prcuoheu on tho ;'Hk, text "There; shall bo ono told and ono fclhop- 4 ' I herd." Ho told how many of the temples of old Jts-KB were built. Ono king, hu said, noJfU prepare (Uj'Uxl tho Plani another would elaborate lipou them, InlimK. nc" nnother nould carry thorn Into effcot. bo m-Msf (ICwas, ho said, witii at. .MIchaol'M, which has WiWb been twice nlterod anil Iinprored slnco its foun- nf datlon. Ho ended by bleselnir tho pcoplo of 'II an West Hohoken and commending them for their mwm ) afforta in constructing such a maunltlcent edl- MM I lice. atSH Archbishops Corrltrnn of New York nnd Ryan Uk i of I'hlladolphln and u large number of priests I V- ' from other cltlos wero present. At tho close of 111) . " tDP "lornlnt sorrico thenrlcsts repaired to a Itll'' banquet at Lyceum Hall in High street. U' In tho evening, at 7:30, Pontlllcal vespers R5 wero conducted by UUhop wlgger. The must- ,r ' cal programmo Included porformsnees by eight ill i , soloists and the Monastery Choir and grand or- Hi chestra. 1(1 ; Tho interior decorations of St. Mlchool's J Church equal. It is ealrt, if I hey do not surpass, I those of any other church in this country. Tho M palntincs on tho walls and ceiling ar.t the work UK of the artists Ituby aud ltamhush. The prorall- M ing colors are Ivory and gold. On either sldo jfr are two rows of massive marblo pillars. In the niches are large; statues representing the A AtHisLles. ri The main nltar Is ot Carrara marble. On tha mtjf front, is sculpturedllxonnrdo Da Vinci's "Lost V Kuppor." Over this altar and supported by four t columnsof Sienna marble is a glass canopy 21 by g : Vi feet, on tbe apex of .which is a gilded cross 40 L. feet in height. The cross is studded vlth bril RT i, Hants. On the nail behind the altar is a repro- j aentatlon of the rising sun. There aro two sldo 1 allurs, also constructed of Carrara marblo, Wk over one of which is a representation In alto g relievo of tbe Sacred Heart and over tho other Wb a renrosentatlon ot the founder of tho PasMonlst Ht order, SU'Paul of the Cross, ascending to lieaq- Vt en. Kach group Is inclosed in n fraco of Wk , cat ved marble. Two other sldo altars are yet to i bo erected. They will be or wblto marble. HI The church was founded by the llev. Father Cauvlu in 1840. Services wero;flrst held in a aCT coach hotiso on the cstato of Jnmes Ifcrrlsnn. mm Tho flrst church was erected at. Clinton nvcnuo Hi ami Korrigan's lano, now High street, In B 1851. and wnVknown as Our Lady of Mercy, or H) Bt. Mary's. In 18(11 tho church was assigned H to tho Passlon:ets by Uishop.Bayley. A few years in tor twentv. acres wero; purchased from tliu Cerr! for tho erection of tho present Hj adidce.'the corner stone ot which was laid on MM jtrne 18, 1800. by Bishop Uayley. The dodlca- HT tlon ot the new monastery occurred 'on Sept. B 29, 1804, and the 1'asalonlsts took formal mm charge of"thelr now home, changing Its name J to that of St- Mlchaol. A new wing has been m? addnd to the atructuro, and three new bells have IV. a been placed In tho south tower. wi' ' While tho. church was boing renorated ser--i-fi rices were bald in the basement. $ "'tmSUrisicAX, ixaiDEXTB. wt An Enterlalnraent far the Itlalae Sailers' Moan- , laent-ltuatlons In Dramas. tf The benefit for the Maine Memorial Monu fif , tnent at Roster It Dial's last night brought out (I1 tnoro Enthusiasm than any that has preceded i v ' It. It was the first to occur since hostilities !t ' commenced, and every Incident that made It . :. , possiblo brought such demonstrations as no frt t previous performances have seen. Tho sum of Juf " (2.500 was added to tho fund. A. II Hummel IL, ; read from tho stngo with entertaining inter- K" polationsof his own tho latest bulletins. In fT... ; one box sat a party of sailors from the Now Iir V York, who had bought tholr places -as a con- lj ; tributlon to the fund for their comrades' monu- 2-c'' rnent. It was they who led tho demonstration, IHL. Vr' ant tholr interest kept tho audience in a P-Vi: continuous condition of excitement, Tho vnudo- PHSv. rlllo progrnmhie, which 'was of good quality, '1& seemed fiko an interruption to tho spirit il.;' which tho partiotlo music inspired. Victor if I llerbtirtund his Twenty-second Kcgiment Bnnd .1 brought tho audience to Its feet with "The Wf Btar-Spanglcd Banner." That song had been on the programme once before, when Adelo f Ritchie ssng It ut thoooeningof tho programme. i Jennlo Venmans, York and Adams, Msry Nor- illi xaan. the Rogers Brothers, and Ucorgo Monroo Mr wero some of tho performers who added to their iih . customary appearances the necessary elemont Wi- to mako them additionally popular on such un ftf oocaslon. Tho audlenco was anxious to share $', as actively in the evening's work as tho actors, ESS; ftnd it tried to sing with tho samo zest all of tho SK ' patrlotio airs which wore beard during the Pf beuent. With "Tho Star-Spanzird Banner" it .'iliV luicecded better than any other btncflt which V &' hns been given In the causa of tho Maine heroes. 'S .' But that was the result of the goneral enthusl- Z.W' asm of tho occasion, which reuchod tho highest Vat'i tnnrk that any thcatro audience has as yet ItJL attained. Tf E, Tho ability to build up an absorbing dramatic !W', situation In Itself completely, efrortlvo is not R,4 the Invariable accompaniment of the capacity S", to wrlto a drama which shall be Interesting M- throughout. There never was a play that suo- iM oeeded through Its separate incidents unless they . ' T stll bore some essential relation to the progress I ft ' of tbo general idea. If every ono helps the ML sjtory on and besides la engrossing In it- ftp aelf. , tho author Jiaa dono his work in tfv almost ideal fashion, and the success do- iWi? pends only on the theme. If that bo popular. 1 ; tbo fate of tho piece should be assured. Whan h ' there Is a failure with separately good mate- A ' rials, an analrsls.usually shows that'tho author 5 i bas sacrificed tho main Interest to that of Inci- : ' gents whtoh really bear no vital connection with ' the subject or Indeed ars opposed to it. The iji tsmptatlon to go astray thus is hard to resist. In tho closely built melodrama of the day, de- ti&'rfu Bibndlng tha accumulation of attention. It is K' difficult to tsll always Just where tho essential SV leaves oft andlunessentlal begins. But it is'tba sVS accurate perception of that iolnt that dlstln- mmw BUlshcs tbs play that Interests aa it progresses BT from thu first grip ot Interest, makes tha heart 7rIY beat faster, and ultimately solves the problem h 1 Of tbo plot us tbo spectators' emotion responds ! to the suthusiastiu applause. Such ore tho I..'- plays that have the vital clement, nnd it Is W thoio that dorlvo their clfoct, not from particn- ; ,: Jar incidents in themstlves. but from tbo on- ,. '1 ward rush of tbe story. Henry A. Du Bouchct has the faeulty.of building up separate scenes 1 expertly. Thero was one of them In "Hands ' Down, acted at the Garden tho other after- ? r noon. Tbo fortunes of a family depend on tho Jii event of horso race. The head of thu T' house is blind, and when, tbe Jockey ''' shows his sprained arm and tells of the acci- dent that will prevent him from riding, the old 'w ' man cannot see htm. The boy Is badly Wound- f 3. Tho old man thluks that ho is about to eK start for the paddock, and expresses his de- fcj)' .ir(l to sbaku bis bund beroro he leuvos, Tbe A ' boy hesitates aa the other's hand is outstretched II' i toblm. But it is Important that tbe old man If'-- should bo deceived. A look from his daughter ifiKr determines the Jockey, aud ho writhes with "& ' rain as his employur ilrinly grasps his bund and a&UJ shakes it. Tha situation had positive effect, mjut and liUtstwl obviously on ono simple rule of m ' dramatic construction the rule of equivoke. i'X n'he spectators knew that tbe boy was sulferlng Dv and so did all thn characters on the stage, ex- WE- cent the leading flguro In tbe action. ipt lonnr S' ago Martlia Mortou on tho samo stage exhibited aW? . her ability t contrhft Just such interesting Wft situations. In "A Bachelor's llomanio" iv B young girl was helped down u ladder by a tipsy WW Hebaucheo, who was In.lovo with her. Thu girl smwt ad gone up to the roof for no conceivable bL:' tmrpose axocpt to bo assisted down by the slag- mWL. Jrerlng follow, who made 11 soom as Uiougli she mWf would fall. The audlenco know that tho man il was drunk, but slio did, not.: and thu siisrcusu mWM'- for her safety u not reilvwi until sho ullglitcd. mmm Tbft thing. lad no vaiuo In tho story whatover, saH bofM cm incident It was charniliiu. Morocs- P )UatUl -nas tha climax of an act In ono of Paul If l' saw! aHBaawiteu iiiiByYirli jfcisiin ffHii as aT1fliTiirlsJt1it3'' 1 ' i. i , , ' I I I j y Llndau'a plays Ult winter at tha Irving Plaoe. On, the Oerrasn stag of to-day It was surprising to see such a tneatrlcal situation. An actress engaged to n young man of proud family re ceived a note ftom her ionnor lover, atklng for rv meeting before he left the country. It usd leen arranged that sho should return a blank sheet ot paper If sho granted hit rcouost, Bhe put the. paper into the envelope aud de spatched It by her friend, who believed that the man had been rejected, but tbe audience knew that sho had accepted his Invitation and would go to his rooms. Thero was not enough ot o-jii-Uly good matter to make tho play sue ccssfnl, Kleonora Duse nlll play in Paris "Tbe Prln coss of Bagdad," "Nora," "I Passe," by Porto Rlcho, nnd potsib'y "Itedda Gabler," as well as Bhakespeare's ; "'Antony and Cleopatra." The play by Porto-ltlche was written for Barah Bernhardt, who rejected It aft or tho dramatist bad occupied a year tn writing it. Later It was accepted at tho Od6on, anil failed utterly. D'Annuntlo's "Gioconda" is another new work In whlrh fihn will nnn anurftr. TThA Hlinlr-'- spearean play was nt one time popular In her rdoertolro. The unprecedented popularity of "Cyrano do Bergerao" has led to an unusual en terprise in Franco. A company has been or ganized to net Rostand's poetic drama during tho next tvo years In the French provinces, Tunis, Bclzlum. Holland. Switzerland, and Italy. Tho lending woman s rfilo will be acted by a young woman who bad never been heard of until hIio applied for tbo tlaco and made her claim good by reciting the author's versos so beautifully tnat she was Immediately engaged, 'the company Mill carry scenery, as well as UOO costume, '.'00 pairs of shoes, nnd 1230 wigs. A second company which has rehearsed tho play will bo in Paris to Join the other actors In naso of accident, and in addition to that precaution every actor has been compelled to learn ono of tbe other rftlcs than his own, to be prepared In coso of sickness. Such organizations as tbls aro common enough in this country, but in Eu rope, whero they are practically unknown, tho present cntcrprlso bus created n great ileal of comment. Daniel Hnluvy. tho son of Ludovlo Ilaluvy. was recently married in Pari?, and so was Jacques HI-eU son of Ooorgo BItct. tbe composer of "Carmen." Sarah Bernhardt se lected forherrcitppcaranco "Lyslane," a comedy by Romnln Coolus. "Tho Uclsba" mot Its Waterloo In Paris after hnvlng proved tho most successful light niusi cnl production written In years. It was with- I dr.iwn after n few performance-!, Snrdou's "Pamela" will gu down to posterity nlong with "The Crocodllo, ' "Thermldor" and his other failures. It failed completely in l'aris and will protinblv never bo acted outside of Prance. Coquolln will roturn to tho Combdlo Frsn:nlso uftur two years. It is not lmprobnb'e that Sarah Bernhardt will ultimately follow his ox nniplo and return to thn sceno of first IrluniDlis. vetto Uullbert has lately returned to Varis after a tour in Ucruinny, which was proof of tho fact that her great popularity had not declined. Plncro'a "Tho Magistrate" will soon bo pro duced nt the Thcntro Cluny. Tbls fnrco is more closely modelled on French methods than nny that tho same dramatist over wrote. Germany !presscd groat admiration for tho acting of I-orbes Robortson and Mrs. Patrick Campbell, although the audiences which witnessed them were not largo, in splto of this Becrbehm Tree is to be seen in Germany fcr a brief season next year. Ho has decided not to produce tho ro vlbtd version of "Tho Victoria Cross" written by Paul Potter. Forbes Robertson says that bo may noxt year aproor In Mosoow and St. Peters burg. Tbe effects or Charlotte Wolter. tho Viennese actress who died a year ago, wero ro conlly sold in Vienna. It was found that 2,010 valuable nblects. Inelndlni? fttitiArh 1awa1h and pictures, wero owned by her. The auction lasted for six days. One of the most interest ing oblccts In thn collodion was a ticket for tbo King Theatre on the day that It was destroyed by tho catastrophe whlcn resulted in the loss of so many lives. F'au Wolter was detained and started lato for tho theatre, nrrlving thero after Uie tragedy hud happened. The collection left by Frau Wolter Is said to bo unprocedentodly rich. Bernard Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple," whloti, has not yet been scon In London, will shortly bo acted by Herbert Waring, a popular London actor, who will thus make his com mencement as a -star. Who Is tho young Amer can dramatist that submitted a play with its leading figure n physician to Sir Henry Irving when he was last In this country! That drama Is said to have suggested to him "The Medicine Man," which ho is soon to act in London. Sir Henry Is said to hnvo asked tho American to writo tho play for him. 61r Henry Irving bas not played a contemporaneous character In n long play for many years. The dramatic "sketch" has reached tbo London muslo halls, and will soon bo tried tn elaborato form at tbo Alhambra, which bos abandoned Its famous ballets. Charles Frohmau has bought for this country "A Brace of Partridges." which has recently made a farcical success. "The Con querors" has'not met with success-in 1ondon. where- George Alexander and Julia Ncllson un dertook tho leading roles. Louis L. Parker has written both tho words and muslo of a comic opora- to be allied "The Magic Picture." Mr. Parser la also writing with Murray Carson a new clay of Spanish life for Olga Ncthcrsolo. Mr. Parker has also written a comedy for E. 3. Wlllard. Mr. Parker has also made. an adap tation of "Tbe Three Guardsmen." Mr. Park er is. to Judge from tho accounts of his works, more in doniand than any other English drama tist. Yet he has so far made in "Rosemary" bis solitary success. "The Mayflower." "Tho Happy Life," 'The King of Peru," and "Chango Alley aro some of his plays, and tbo fate of them is well known. Thoso were all notablo failures, yet Mr- Parker's achievements, to Judge from tho records of his plans, might hnvo been mora successful than thoso ot any other Kngllsh dramatist. Tho particular1 feuturc of It. C. Carton's now drams, "Ixrd ond Lady Algy" is a spectacular episode showing a cos tume ball in the fashion ot tbo last century. Tbe English playwrights respect the value of millinery more and more. The production of Conan Doyle's comedy has been postponed in definitely. It Is railed "Brothers." and is now two years old. Nellio Farrcn will draw an In como of $1150 a month from tho proceeds of the benefit recently given for her at Drury Lane. The "supers" employed n tbo London melo dramas have recently uttered a protest against tbe soldiers who take pa-t in similar perform ances. The authorities have permitted this for fourteen vears, and tho "supers" my that it is Impossible for them to compete w ith tho regu lar soldiers in military plays. They threaten to go on strike unless the coldlcrs are ds-enarged. jENitiEO'xriLroTTEn iKor.zz.zrvB The Blaenttonlst Refuse to Sea Visiters tti Call at tbe Hospital. The young woman who, under the name of Anna B, Porter, was taken from tho St. Cloud Hotel to Bcllevue Hospital early Saturday morn ing to be treated for tbe morphine habit, Is Jennie O'Nell Potter, an elocutionist. Sho bad been at tbe hotel for about two weeks, and was under tbo coro of Dr. Warren Adams of S2S2 Madison avenue. Three days ago ber brother returned to Chicago after making bcr a short On Friday night she was overcome by mor phine in a cab at tbo Grand Central station, and would have been arrested as Intoxicated bad not a fellow guest at the hotel recognized her. She refutes to see all visitors at the hos pital, although a large number bare called on her. Mrs. Tfhltner Continues to Improve. Mrs. William C. Whitney continues to im prove, and her condition was reported last night as affording much hops for her ultimate recov ery. She Is in the euro of Dr. McGahan, who is with her constantly at her homo. 24 West Fifty seventh street. Court Calendar 1 his Day, Appellate Dlililon Suprtmn Court Itecean. Kupreme Court Appellate Tt-rm Motions. Appeals from orders ot City Court Nos. I , It. Appeals from judgments of City Court Nm. , a. 3, i. Appeals from District Courts No, t lo 07, lucluslve. Supreme Court Special Tfroi. Part I. Motion calendar called at lOiSO A. M. Part ll.-Cnurt opens at 10:31) A.M. Ex-psrte inatttri. Tart III. Clear. Motions. Demurrers No. 70, 7t, USD, 007. Prcfarrmt cames-Noi. 4B74, 0878, 07:15. Part IV. Clear. Lair and fart Noa. 0U13. shh, 0M1W, 01(81,41177. OtSt.lltna, 0141. 80i2. 0260,11010, UIWO, lli)3. 1,11411, Ut)l4, 011119, "075, OtlBU, U70U. 021, (UVrt, 5041), SSS7, 074(1, OUlrt, B4U, 0010, 01)10. tUIIO, flnSO, 607H, 0730, 07JI, 0770, 0131, 0177, OHM, 0444, IIOOI, 0S2U. U:m, 1)317. 0043, 0010, 06J5. 00J0, 11711.', 0711. 871 H, 04UK, 0II2, llilul, 43SU. 0246. part v. Clear. Caaea fnirn fart IV. for trial. Part VI Motions to b tent Irm ilpi'Clal Term. Part I. Part VII, Cases unfinished. Elevated railroad caes. Trial Term Inrt II. Cl-ar. Preferred causes-Sou. tOlHO, 143D7, 10001. IMiOl). 15000, lOSUa, 1B0BU, IO047. lSHtt), 121411, 141)41, 19780, 10113, ISOHO, 13081, 1300V, 1402, 188110, 1071)2.14141, 10709, 10547. 10001!. 13111. 19000. Part 111 Cm unfinished. Kos, 01.10, 0207, Otitis, 0441, 10037. OtriH, IIIUH, OWfO, bJflO, 781V, 0011. 10007, 11003, 04.13. U37 7.11047, 10007, 8017, OJ20. VtUH, 0446, 10000. 11140, 30CIO, ODIN. Htittl, I'arl IV. Cane unfinished. Casta from rart III. foj trial. Part V, L'aw ueOnlahed, Ouiea from Part III, for trial, Part VI AUJournad fur tha term. Part VII. Clear. Not. 7862, U0U3, 04H. 10032, 101HU. 77 1. 1000 1, 774S, 10031, 10317. 117UH. 10UIO. 10007, 1070. 1008, IIOIO, I002S, 83H. 7800 0014. 0180, H-41, 8070, 4001, B008. Inquutt-No. I ODDS. Parla VIII. and IS. Adjourned for tbs terra. Part X. Ooaa unflnlthed, Casea from Part VII, for trial. Part XI. Clear. Costs from Part VII. for trial. Part XII, Case unfinished. Csssa from Part II. for trial. Surrogate's Court Chambers Xn. 1500. will of Marls . Cleveland, at lUitlO A, M. 'or Probata Wills of John Uarker, at 10 A. M.I Charles K. llur.b, Miriam Abraham. Frederick Schmidt, Peter llldeu baeh, Milton If, Hobartaon. Simon Lambert, at 10;30 A. M.i AUKtiit Etenolf, William llell, at p. 51. Trial Term-No. 1802, will. f lloia Itaab, at 10:30 A, M. City Court Hpeclsl Term Couit ouena at III A. M. Motions at 10:30 A.M. Clly Court Orueral Term Appeals from ordeit Xos. I. S. 3. 4. 3, 11, 7. Appeals front Judinielit-yo. 1. 8, a, 4, 0, 0, 7 Trial Term Part I, Caae uuflulltled. No. 1412,302070, lrB. 30IH, 3H1S. 23 J. S4I, StOOIs, 0W, 8J07. 03m3 11300 4201 4013, 404N, 000. 4HOO. 200, 4t3. 4 74 B0OI .JffAtlial'MBj. 4140. l7M.ll.0.'02l,0U.'.arts a,UUaudtV,-Ad4ournaf((rtut.iiu. , ' - GOLF DATES Mlhim- UI. Atrx'ovxcjsuBtfTa nr tub oovxmtr VCVB Or. WXST OUBBTBIt. t, ' natebM far Tvensn rronlasat tn the ehs) nU-Trara Canteabs r ths alarbsr Dill slBy. 'era Plana at Tfa Din anal sVattanaea Anaalcnrs Tf ba Ara lrcrnslngat tkedam. Golf has no, mora nthutlastlo followers than tbe 'women' nod men of ths Country Club ot Wast Chester. Tbo women, who Include Mis Beatrix Hoyt, the chitmplon, form fully a third of ths regular players, a fact that the Greens Committee has' taken Into account In preparing tho schedule ot games for the season. The pro gramme is ready and provides for one or mors) competitions each week ftom May to December. The extended nlno-hol course Is about 3,000 yards In playing length and Is well arranged to bring out good golf. The putting groent ars largo and true, while tho general lies aro very fine. Tbs fact that the courso has bean a park for some ten years, with the grass regularly cut and rolled, aided greatly In preparing tha way for tho golfers. Tbs following Is tbo pro gramme: May 7 yirst moathly handicap for President's Cup. May 17 First monthly handicap for the Ladles' Cup. May BO Mixed foursome handicap for enp pre sented by Jndgs OtldenleeTS. Ho entranoe feet. June 11 Second monthly handicap for President's Cnp, Jans 14 flenond monthly handloap fer Ladles' On p. Jans 18 The aildersleera Cup Handicap, madalj roanfl in morning, ths best scores to play off match play la ths afternoon. Pott entries, no fas. Cup pre sented by Jndge Olldsrslesv. , June 83 -Choose-up " mixed f otuseme team match, open to members and gueats, July Independence Say Cup, open to men and women members and their tntsts. Handicap, over lonsooursa. July 0 Third monthly handicap for President's Cup. July IS Third monthly handicap for Ladles' Cnp. Aug, 8 Fourth monthly handicap for President's Cnp. Aug. 18 Fourth monthly handicap far Women's Cup. Sept. o Labor Day Cop. Usndloap epaa to mem bers and guests. Sept. 10 Fifth monthly bandleap for President's 'Cup. Sept 24 Mixed foursome handloap, opaa to num bers and guests. Sept. S7 Fifth monthly handicap for Ladles' Onp. Oot. 8 Sixth monthly bandleap for President's Onp. Oct. 11 Sixth monthly handicap for Ladies' Cup. Oot. 18, 14 and IB Open tournament. Oct. S "Choose-up" mixed foursome team match. Oct. 88 Women's championship of ths club, eighteen holes, medal play. Oold medal to winner. Oct. 3D Championship ot tho clnb, thirty-six holes, medal play, Oold medal to winner. Nov. 0 Pinal handicap tor Prettdent'a Cup, open to winners and ruunera-up In monthly handicaps. Nov. H Handicap, open to membera and guests, Not. 9 Flual handicap for the Ladles' Cup. open to winners and runntrs-up In monthly handtcapa. ThankiclTlna- Day Cut a Mixed foursome handi cap, open to membera and guests. The number of events opon to guests of tbe members is an innovation that should increase the attractiveness ot the competitions. In addi tion to the events listed there will also be play for special cups In May and June, for which members mny start ns many times aa they de sire by paying a starting feo and taking out a new card. The lowest card In each month will win, irrespective of tho number turned in. A suitable prize will be given to each winner of n handicap In tho President's Cup series. In tho "choose-up" tenm matches n powtermug will be given to each member of tho winning team. Tbe play of tho competitors In tbe Lakewood open tournament was noted carefully by those who aro already striving to solvo the problem of tbe amateur championship. In the stylo of tho men the opinion was tliut. Travis, II. Ilarrl man. Taller, and Hobblns sbowod a distinct Im provement in tholr methods of piny, and they may be looked on as still in Iho advancing class. Enchstrltcs to play in tho Scotch stylo, devot ing care to the snlng and following through on every stroke. It is evident that they bclievo that no permanent honors will be gained in golf by tho players who are wedded to tho "get thero" stylo of gnmo. Klchard son. after defeating llnrrimnn and Travis in succeeding matches on Friday, was naturally rather unsettled In his play on Satur day, yet he attimes clearly outplayed Douglas, notablyon the first four holcsof tbeserondulno bole round, llichnrdson has an oasy stance nnd n graceful swing, but he stands behind the ball In driving, to counteract. It is said, a tondener to slice. lie will be a Harvard freshman licit year and ho has seemingly a brilliant golfing future. Ho Is probably n stroke a holo better at Luketvood than on any other course, for be is an adept with the wooden putter and knows as much about tho hollows and llltlo eleva tions In the grounds as tbo earthworms under tbe turf. Frequently lost week Illcbardson used tbe wooden putter after tbe drive to run tho ball up to the bunker and so Jnlnachanco to play a raashlo to tho green. ie also used the club on the short, puts. In situa tions whero either Whlgham or Douglas would hnvo changed lo a metal putter, Richardson's weakest point is on the iron shots, which is probably why ho favors tho runnlng-up shots bo much, Douglas had not played since the autumn, with the exception of a match on Washington's Birthday, and his success showed again ne is in a class by himself. Tho Wee Burn Golf Club of Noroton, Conn., of wb'lch John D. Crlmmlns is President, will open its new course of 2,715 yards on next Sat urday with the first of a series of handicap matches nt eighteen holes, modal piny, to con tinue weekly until Saturday, June So. Tbero will be two sliver trophies, ono for women and ono for men. The will bo awarded to the players scoring the largest number ot points, under tho allotment of 3 for a win, 2 for a sec ond, and 1 for a third place in any match. Tho Harbor Hill Golf Club hat arranged tbe following team matches; May 7, Powslton Club, at Kewburgi 11, Montclalr, at Montclalri June 11, Nntley, at Mutleyi 86, Englo wood. atEoglewoodi July 2, Hillside, at Plalnfleld. Return matcnee at home Powelton, July Ut Xutley, July lOt Mootelalr, Sept. 10; Englewood, July 20; Hillside, Oct. 1, While tbe course is closed the work on tbe links is proceeding nicely, and when tho full eighteen holes nre opened up the lies through tlio fair green will not lie second to any In tho country. On tho old nine holes the troes bavo beon removed, bunkers lengthened, nnd drains laid down. The courso nnd new clubhouse will be reopened In Mny, a few days before tbe semi annual club championships. St. Louts, April 24. A largo crowd was pres ent at tbe oponlng of the golf links at tbe Fair Grounds yesterday afternoon. Tbe weather was unfavorablo and tbe links In poor condition. Despite tbls the Foulls brothers. Dire and Jim, Clayed an exceptionally strong game. Dave eat the bogie score by 1 stroke on the second round and James tied it on tbo third. Tbo match was closely contested. It was for trrcnty-sevoif boles and James Foulls, tbe open champion of 1690, won by 1 up. Summary follows: FIRST POUND. JsmesFonlls 8 4 74 B 4 4 4 441 Save Foulls 8 4 8 8 0 4 8 4 444 BEOOKD TtODIfD, Jamas Foulls 8 4 7 8 0 8 8 4 4 18 Dare FjuIIs 4 0 8 8 4 4 8 8 4-88 rami) round. James Fonlts 0 0 8 8 8 4 4 4 488 Dare Fouds 8 4 8 4 0 8 B'8 448 Total strokes James Foulls, 123: Davo Foulls, 125. Tbe accessibility of the links at tbo Fair Grounds gives promise ot marked success for the sport here, and the deep Interest manifested in to-day's contest is a source of unusual gratifi cation to local golf enthusiasts. NOTK3. The open championship ot the IT. S. O. A. will bo played on the Myopia Hunt Club links near Boston June 17 and 18, not on Juno 10 and 10, as Ills t announced. G. P. Morosinl is tbo donor ot tho cup to be filaycd for soon on tho publlo llnkB at Van Cort unlit Park. Tbo Oakland Golf Club season will open on next Saturday afternoon with a team match bo tnoeu tbe married and single membors, at eighteen holes, match play, beginning at 2:10 o'clock. Golf will continue to be tho chlof occupation at Lakewood this week, with open mixed four some contests for turco days at tho Ocean County Hunt nnd Country Club, and on next Saturday an algbtern-holo medal-play handicap, alidwalicrs limited to 11I110 strokes, under tbe auspices of tbo Golf Club nf Lakewood, open to lads attending any college preparatt,ry school. At least thlity schoolboys, it is thought, will start In this competition. N. T, V. Athletics. r This will be a busy week among the athletes at tho New .York University. This afternoon tho annual spring class games for the bowl offered by Commodore Banks will be held at Ohio Field. The events will be as follows) 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard run, 080-yard run, onc mllo run, half-mile walk, high Jump, broad Jump, 100-yard hurdles, 220-yard hurdles, shot put, polo vault nnd hammer throw, Tbe classes have singled out tbe best men they can find for each ovent, and close finishes will probably be the rule. The 'varsity baseball team has three hard games scheduled on Wednesday with Mannat tan Softtgr. on, Friday with Maryland Cnirtr sltv, aud qo Haturday with Uutgers at Ntw " I H ' I ' ' ' I '' Brunswick As two of the game will be played thorns tho team will probably came out ahead, Daring (lis first week In. Mny ths team will inko ittrlp tip tho State, playing at Albany on Mar 4 with tbe Sttto Normal School ; with Union at Schenectady on theSth, and with 8yra "cuts nt Syracuse on tho.Oth. The to.tfti has, trio good Wtonors in-Brocket 1001. and Valentino, '00. 'Tho former is a "southpaw," and, unlike 'most left-handed pitchers, has excellent control of tho ball. Valentino has considerable speed and la a good, Steady player. The schedule ot the team after. May 0 Is as follows: May 11, Manhattan Collego, at Jasper Field; 1H, Wes loynn. at Ohio field. The freshman team will begin the season on .Thnrsdsy with the Trinity School team at Ohio Field. Capt fitockell has been Imrd getting thotnen In trim. On Tuesday tbe team will probably meet tho 'varsity in, a practice frame. Manager McKIIUp announces tho fol owing seJisdulo: April Stf. Trinity School at Ohio Field 1 May , Brook lyn fllghSthoolat Ohio Field Id, Berkeley School it Berkeley OralilC. Montclalr High Hohoul at Mont clalr: in. N, V. Mllltarv Academy at Cornwall: SO, "rolyPrfp,"t llrooslyn. Want, lo Flay Games. The Oak dale Athletic Club has several Bnnd ays and holidays for ont-nf-lown teams. Address Kd Powers, lD7Kast ISrHhstreot. The Commuter 1' P. II. Club wish to arrange games for Saturdays and hnllnaye. Address Elliott Under wood, msnagcr, llldgeneld Park, N. J. TheComstJI. D. (t. would like to hear from teams within 100 miles of New Turk, Address William 8. Hunt, 03 Eighth street. Long Iiland City, TheBnghtonshaveafew Saturday datas opes for liberal guarantees! alto July 4 ftwo garnet). Address N. Brickfield, 407 Clereland street, Brooklyn. Ths St. George's Athl'tlo Clab would like to hear from all strong teatna offering a reasonable guaran tee. Address Samuel J, Rodgers, 807 .ast Sixteenth street. Ths Lenox Baseball Club would like to arrange ftunday games on tbelr own grounds with flrst-olats teams. Address w". Merit, 1031 Ds Kalb avenue, Brooklyn. The Monoroh Baseball Club would tike to play with teams with platers averaging 17 years. Address Frank Rrnnle, In care Dr. Osorgo P. Jessup, Nsw Dorp. 8. 1, The Clifton A. C. has erganlred for thsaeaaonand would life to hear from elubawlthlug to plar Sunday games. Address Jsmet L. Vail, Rosobanfc Post Office. Staten Island. , The TToward A. C. has reorganised for the aeaaon, and would be pleated to hear from flrt-elaaa teams to play 011 their ground. J. Lyon, 801 llanooek street, Brooklyn. The Sagamore Bissball Club would Ilk to hear fmm all teams with rlayera atrraglng 10 to 1ft years for Hundays end holidays. Address P.dwtrd Jester, 330 Brook avenue. Th- Owl Pareball Club would like to arrange names with tcorris whose pMyera ateragn IS vears. Out-of-town elubs preferred, Addrets Dodo Mcintosh, 833 West Forty-nflh street. The Star Athletln Baseball Club of Newark hat April 30 nnd Saturdays In June open for first class clubs at Newark. Address Charles Smith, lit Jeffer son street, Newark, N. J. Tho Extra B. B.C. haa reorganised for tha season and would I pleased to hear from teams with play ers averaging 10 to 81 years. Address Wtlljam J. O'Leary, 85 Ureat Junes street. The Union Baseball Club of Rldkeflcld Park. N. J . would like to arrancre a few gams with teams with players averaging 17 years ror Saturdays. Address Arthur Moore, llldgeneld Park, N.J, The Eekfords bate Saturdara In Hay. Jnna. and July open, which they would like to nil with out-of-town clnbs offering a sultsble guarantee. Address Joseph Moore. 331 Eait 110th street. Ths Osone Baseball Club of Ozons Park haa open . dates for uniformed teams with players averaging 17 or IS years, for Saturday afternoons and holidays. Address J. E. noward, Ozone Park, L. T. Tho Fred K. Manch League would like to arrange games with all tiutformod teams, those offering guar antees nr expenses preferred. Andreas Fred S. Mauoh, manager. 74 Sumner avenue. Brooklyn. The Lo)0'sA. A has Sundays In Mar and Decora tion Day open, and would be glad to flit with goo teams nITerlnv a reasonable aiiarantee. Address R, F. McMahon, 173 Kast F.lghty-ntth street. Tho Elk Field Club or WoodiMe, L, T Is arranging Its schedule for the enmtng season and would like to hear from drst-class amateur teams. Address now ard E. Toit, P. O. box 48, Woodslde, L. I. The Lafayette Itnschalt Cl-ib haa organised and would like to hear from all teams with players aver aging 17 yetrt. Teams offering expenses preferred. Address It. n. Nolan. 320 West 14f street. Tho Electric Baseball Club It ready to book games with all nrt-elas amntur clubs for Saturdays. Bun. days ami holidays. Address D. J. Cooklry. assistant manager. ,10 PatUadn avenue, Englewood, N, J. The Arlington A, C. of Brooklyn would like to hear from all out-of-town clubs guaranteeing expenses for Saturdays and holldavs. Addr-ss E. Otto Sa?kmann, Jr., Secretary, 1 10 Arltugton avenue, Brooklyn. T. C. Wlnnett's Bronkljn Field Club has a few more open dates for any nrst-elass semi-professional club In nrout of town offering a sultaVe entrant o. Ad dress F. C. Wlnnett, 101 Deroe street, Brooklyn. The Dreadnaugbt Athletic Club la anxious to ar range games for Saturdays and holldavs with semi. professional teams offering a r-nsonae guarantee. Address Thomas F. Lyons, (132 East 130th street. The Wlnfleld Ba-ebsll Club has reorganised for tha coining -i-nson and books are open for dates from elubt giving a suitable guarantee. Sundays and holt days only. Addrcsa James W. Perry, Wlnneld. L. I. St. PeterV Lyceum has orgintred s. basebstt team for the season and woull like to hear from all teams offering a snttnbl- Tiiarant'e. Address R'ehard M. Cooley, St, Peter's Lyceum, Grand, nsar VanVorst atreet. Jeriey City. The Marions of Brooklyn have organized a strong team for tho comln z season, and are anxious to ar range gamea with out-of-town teams offering n suita ble guarantee. Address Charles Clark, manager, 144 North Trnth atreet, Brooklyn. The Greater New Vorks team, with playors averag lntr 17 years, would like to arrange games with all uniformed teams having rhnlr own grounds, out-of-town t-nms preferred. Address William J. McCann, 213 East Fortyserenlli street, TheAmerrfort Field Club has reorganized for tha season, and la anxious to arrang- out-of-town games with good amateur or semi-professional teams offer ing suitable guarantees. Addresa C. C. Remsen, man ater, Flathush stntlon, Brooklyn. The Washington Heights Field Club second tam, with players averaging 1(1 years, would like to hear from tha Defenders, E'nas, ut. Bartholomew, Jrs., and the Greater New York Field Club. Address L. If. Lennon, 0(10 St. Nicholas avenue. The Laurel Btsehall Club would like to arrange gamea with th- following teams: Emeralds of Cath olio Protectory. Bed Stars, Fourth Street Baaebsll Clnb, and all teams with players under 17 years. Addrets E. Bradley, HO Lewis street. The semi-professional Mrrltt Baseball Club bas April 30. May 1, 7. and H open, and would like to hear from good, Strom out-of-town cluhs who are willing to glv a suitable guarsntee. Address 11. n. Burroughs, 003 Park place, Brooklyn. St. Joseph's Jnntor Uuton basoball team have or ganized for tho coming seaxon, and would be glad to hear from all teams with ptsyers averaging 10 years for Saturday and Sunday games. Address Alfred C. rtuebea. S01 rotary. 1 1 Pine street, room 40. The Otk A. C. would like to hear from the C. IT. C. Baseball Club. Suburbans. Watsesslng, Pacific A. C. Jamaica. owtown Grays, and 'other Rrst-clasa out of town e)ubs offering a reasonable guarantee. Ad dress J, Belnhart. 141 Noll street. Brooklyn. Brldlnc Bros, ft Co. spool silk, employees have or ganized themselves Into a bsseball club, and have oien dates from June 1 for all arco! silk houses for Saturday afternoons nnd holidays. Address William O'Nell, osre of B.'ldlng Bros. & Co.. 405 Brosdway. TheOarfildClnbof Newara. N. J would like to arrange Saturday ga-ties away from homo with all first-class amsteur or semi professional nines within 100 miles of this cttv offTlng a suitable guarantee,. Address W. F. Steele, 43 Crawford street, Newark, N.J. The Toung American Baseball Club nt the New Tork Catholic Protectory would llkn to hear from all teams with players areragng 18 years, to play any Saturday or Sunday on tho Emerald diamond at West Chester. Address Charles J. Ollday, West Chester, N. T. Tha Riverside Field Clnb bas a few Sundays In May and June open, also May DO (A.M., P.M.), Jnne IS and 25 and July 10 and S3, and would like to hear from out-of-town aeml-profeslonsl teams offering snltable guarantee. Addresa T.J. Nolan, P. O. box 102, Manhattan. The Alerte ot East New Tork have reorganized for James with semi-professional and amateur teams In un. July, and August for out of town, n-nson-burst F, 0 Suburbans, and Jeff raons of Newark pre ferred. Address Timothy B. Hatpin, manager, 237 Broadway, Manhattan. Tho Seneca Baseball Club of Harlem would b pleated to hear from all nrst-elass out-or-townelnba offering suitable guarantors for the following open datesi May 7, 14. an. 30 fA. M. aud P. M.), June 4, IS, 25. July 9, 4 (A. M and P. M.), o, and 18, Ad dress It. J, Martin, 212H Lexington avenue. The Kahwaya have reorganized for the sesson of lBURwllba first-' lass team, and would like to hear from all cluli' gtrlmr suitable uuarante-s. fur Satur days, Sundays and holidays Orange A. 0 llacken ssok A. O. and Hontrlslr A, O. preferred, Address William II. I'aaach. 07.1 DeXalb avenue, Brooklyn. Mount Vernon will be reoretented tbls srasoo on the bssebsll field with a strong team called tha "Vrrnons," consisting nrinclptlly of last season's V, M, C. A. players. Th" V M.C. A. grounds have been secured and are to be fenoed In and a track built. All nrst-elas aeml-profsliinsl teams desiring games address J, M. Mclntyrr, Mount Vernon, N, Y. C'roker Baa (lone. Although tho main parlor of the Democratlo Club. In which la hung Ibo nowportrsitof Mr. Crokor, and the large room In tho rear were brilliantly lighted as usual, there wasn't a soul in eltborof them last night at 0 o'clock, Tho dining room was also deserted. Out in tho ball, opposlto tho clerk's desk.Mayor Van Wyck was tailing ft story to President Feltncr of tho Tax Depnrtmont, nnd t o men snt near by listening to the tale. In n small reception room to tbe left of tbe main entrance four membors lounged about, looking very much bored. Dlshep Hanscll Prraehra Xlsra. J. O. Hartiell, Methodist Episcopal Bishop to Africa, has recently roturned after a two years' nbsonce, during which time ho travelled In Africa. Ilo will spend a few months hero report ing tbo results of his observations to the Bish ops ond missionary authorities, toaterday, nt tit. Andrew's Methodist Episcopal Church, Beventy-slxth street, west of Columbus avenue, bo preacbod on tbe missionary outlook In Africa, One Has and nrtcen esersea Durn-d. Boston, April 24, Ono man and fifteen horses were burned to death in a fire this morn ing which destroyed the stablos of thp Walker Express Company, on Tudor street, South Dos ton, lion about tJi.000, A '" 1 ' '' 1 - ' PniLADKLrniA, Pa. To-dny tlio battlo slilp Koarsartro and Kentucky nro finally Inspected by Nary Department ofllclals at Philadelphia. If tho vcssols aro found sat isfactory thoy will bo given their trial trips and turned over to tho Government. Tholr speedy construction is unprecedented. Men's clothes to order or ready made. Quality sensibly good. Prices in between the high and the low. E O Thompson's Sons rtmtong 245 Broadway Clerical Clothing above Park Plaos y ale's siANAnnns us east. Hasty of thn Alhletlo Undergraanataa Are Anxious to tight Tor Vnoln Rant. Nkw Haven, April 24. Yale's athletlo cap tains aro having a llvolytugot war to prevent the members of their teams from enlisting. Tho collcgo captains aio patriotic, but if they should allow all thn athletes to go to the front, who havo requested to bo excused from fnrtber training, they would bo without enough men to make a respcctablo showing In the Intercol legiate contents on sea and land. The case at BanBon Hooker Olllett of Washington is tho most complicated with which they have had to deal. Olllett rowed all winter In tbo frcshmnn crew, and Is rogardod as ono of tho sturdiest oarsmen in tho boat. When ho arrived hero he dcslrod to join the naval militia. Ho was en rolled, und now faces tho certainty of going to tho fiont. The crew managers havo sug gested sending a substitute In his place, and this will probnply bs dono. Frank v. Chappcll of New London, tho sprinter, is also eager to go. Chsnpoll has beon nt tho head of tho movement for ttui formation of an artillery company in tho scientific department. He went to Washington to present the sohumo to tho War Department. Chappcll Is bo enthusiastic that Trainer Fltz Patrick of the track team is not sangulno of being nblo to pcrsuado him to send a substitute. Other athletes aro also enthusiastic, but aro be ing dissuaded from enlisting until it Ib assured that tho country's neod for their services is im perative. Not, a change In the 'varsity crew was made during tho pxst week by Coach Bob Cook, and tho oarsmon arc getting nccustomed to tho now places in which tbreo members of the boat found themselves a few days ago. Thetuun agemont is pleasod with tho result of the chvtiges at bow nnd 12. Until recently Capt. WbJtnoy rowed 2 and Williams bow. Tho 1st tor was Injured and has been takon out of tbo boat, perm.inontly, it is feared. A reduction of tho 'varsity oarsmen to Blxtcon men, just two vrewB, has been mndo. Thcso eights villi bo kept toircthcr until after tbo spring regatta, which will bo hold in the middle of May. Iho race will take place at Lake Whltnoy with tho other class contosts. over tho one lullo and a quarter courso. It is believed that Coach Lehmanu ot the Harvard crew will bo hero to witness tbo work ot tho crew. Yale will Inaugurate n novel feature in her spring regattas. Thero will be o long scries of scrub rates after tho Kngllsh universi ty system. Beside tho trouble over the expected lo' of Gillctt In tho freshman boat, tbo manage ment has hnil lo contend with tbe scholarship complication1) ot Leonard M. Thomas of Phila delphia, who has been rowing nt 2. Tho faculty has notified him that ho must givo up rowing or bo disqualified in his studies. Ills place in tho boat will bo filled, for tbo present at IcaBt, by liormnnn Parser Olcott of New York city. . Yalo undergraduates are enthusiastic over Iho showing of their baseball nine. Thoy feared that they were weak In battery material. Sul livan has been doing somo superb backstop work, although weak in throwing, and Foaroy Is cry effcctivo In tho box. He shut out tho crack University of Virginia nlnoanct pltchod out tho .Springfield team of tbe Eastern Lenguu recently. Tho weak spot on tho nine is third b.isc. Jlnzen fields Indifferently and throws feebly. His baso running Is slow. Itobson, tbo freshman who is his only rival for tbe position, Is still more uncortaln, nnd tho coacbors realise that they must mako a rugged attempt to strengthen tho placo. Tlio team has Its first hard game scheduled hero for next Wednesday, meeting Brown University. On next Saturday Yale will go to Mlddlctown to meet the Wcs loyun University nine. jSrlftt SaarfS. OrCTH ST., lit KA8T (near Madison Square). tO Handsome targe and small roomst delightful table board t reasonable. iet 4ltle. 1701 ST.. SB WEST. Booms, with board t refer X 4 enccs given and required 'l fMiTSf.. T Wj."ST7-CIean. tidy rooms 1 good Xts table; central location! Southerners; transients latent references exchanged. i"OQD hf;.TuTWEsf.--dtooiiis with board t tabls X-uO board; summer prlorst references. &tt JBuart. BrooMBB. HF.NtlY AT., OP, Heights. Brooklyn, Ovo minutes to brlCge. Pleasant roomi excellent board) 9 weakly. FATREn 'AND BON (10 years old) want board on Jomey City Heights. Address, with terms and, WILLIAM JOHNSON, box 20. Post Office, Sew York city. durn.slurtglnDma&pnvtmentstoJet r, ,. CinEE.N'WIcn ST.. .118, STAltll HOTEL. Booms 1 00c. night; weekly, (2 upward; gu; reading room. HTfl ST., 244 WE3T.-l.arge and small pleasant rooma; fid floorf private honss; every cou veutrnee 1 references. "OTHST., 1 S3 WEST. rirst-olass furnished roomst .Li modern Improvements! locality and bouse besti terms moderate. ' 1 QTII ST., 40 WEST. In nrst-elass boussi pleasant XM room 1 private batbt gentlemen 1 breakfast served; references. 1 Q " ST.', 14 WEST. rhrilclen'i omoei, two larra UsJ rooms; also floor and suite, with private batai references. -flntfl nnrl mutmrntiJ Ho ?et. At 114 Parry St Apartments, 5 rooms; expose.! plumbing; porco liuu bath; hot witter furnished; $19 to $21. Apply on promises. AT" 639 3d AV.p FJoors for Housekeeping. Apply onjiremises; f PO I.KT, spartiuent,six rooms; light and airy; In X tha threu-story house, RU.I Sth av., Otth at. i can tral location refereueei required QQI) ST., 71 WEST, Elrrantsulta of eight rooms In Oi) slnglo apartment route; steam heat, hot water, exposed plumbing hall s'rvlce; overy room has ill reel light. Apply Janitor. TfinT" HT" na'WFAT Apartments, 8-4 roomsT Ivu till to 14 Inducements; seleot. Janitor on preiii sea, "1 07T-1 ST., HID UfSl A seVan-rnom and lam X.A I single fiat; all Improvements, reojanltreas, not wriiT pin? "St. Light apartments of four extra large rooms, newly paint d and pipered, with washlubs, carpeted halls, so. See janitor, or J. EltbAll I.KATI'ltAKT, 1S1T llroadwav. StMlltttn ?iouiiri Co 5 t ettyi. AT 74 WEST 36TH ST. IIAMIiaOMK tUl'lt.kTIIIIV, Isltiil.nifiiil i vt 1:1.1. ISJIJ, PKitfuiT rnvniTinv THOMAS & EOKERSON, US WEST 00T1I ST. efor ,3nle or Ho gtt gew gewfl, THE SUN Harlem Branch up vf:sT ibbtii iiTUBarr WEST 10 UK ftl'M QVVIVK, MtlvAIIH, X J, advkbti'hebV may leave their oudkiu at 704 UliOAO ST., AKWAHK. WIIEllI! THIS SAME OAIUC AND AJgNTIOtf WlLl, X2 SUOWM AS AT )r S0 J$t4 tor gurtntM Surpotuj. ee-ie'ss'eVSJ-siiesn tsuwaV-i 'J . sKr al 1 '1 J- .n.riil Ai.40-5S.ft!, West 29.h St. Vory Dosirablo STORES AND OFFI0E& Janitor' on Promiaea. BASEMENTONBEOADWAY, NMAit nan mitKitr, asjiTiiii.R rort FLonisT on iionKSRlAtrn. ADDRESS O. U M.. BOX 10 SUI UFTOWX OF- pick, man nnoAtiWAV. rpo LKT. Rldgrflrld, Conn., about one rails north -a. or depot, a furnished house; O bedrooms, parlor, dining-room, bathroom, kitchen, and laundryi full water supply; remarkably healthy region 1 ample grounds and orchard. Apply to 8. BCMEFFEMN 5TBUm,i8. 83 Murray St.. New York. efet rSnlc. I BUY OLD METAL. Have you any OLD LEAD. DTI ASS. COPrEP- WlfO. ftiWTEIt, TEA LEAD, OLD TT1K. TINFOIL. BRITAN NIA, OLD BOOKS. ETC.? SEND A TOSTAL CAIID and I will call any part city or Brooklyn and allow you the highest cash prlea. DOlUiatKlN. lag William St., nsar Frankfort at. Swpfotw ChnActg. r' BOLD QUICK best restaurant In city, good lsass, for little ilshl grand opportunity; chanoa of a lifetime. Meat market, flos stn av. 1)KIN11NU atafrn-hours' notice; 10,000 circulars, III oarda and billheads. 40a per 1.000. BDOAn l'lUNriNO AND BTAT10.NK11Y CO.. GU West 86lh SU 0)ttan tenmero. From Pier 40, N. 11., foot ot Clarkaon st. rjmbrla. April 80, 10 A.M. I Hervla. .May 10, 10 A. M. Luoanta...May 7, 2 P. M. Etrutla..May 14, 10 A.M. VKltNONIl.DllOWNe;CO..pen.Ag'ts.41lnwllngOraen. COHPAGNlf GeIeRALE THANSAtLANTIQUE. DIRECT LINE TO HAVllE-I'AniS (FRANCE). Sailing aa follows at 10 A. SI. From Pier No. 48, North niver, foot Morton at. La Normandle,,,, April flniT.a Oascognc May 21 Lallaurgogne May 7 La Ilretagne May lis LaTouralne May 14La Iiouigogne Juno 4 Oen'i Ag'cy for U. S. and Can,, a llowIlngOreen. N, Y. DinciT 10 i-sitix. Miin, ssAntiuitu. F. Clsmarclc,Apr.ll8.UA.M. A.VI-torla, JuneM. 0 A.M. A. Vleturia May 10, 11 A.M.IF.nismarckJune 30,UA.M. V. Bismarck. June 'J, 0 A.M. IF Uimarck,Juty 88, 0A.M. First eablu, 100 up; ttil cabin 4B up; steerage, 130. TWIN-Nl'ltltVV l,.NKt4lttt HRrttlLB. .rttV TOnii lISMIIt'llll lllltKt.T. Phoenicia.. .My 7. 4. P. M.Pretorla.,May Su. 10 A.M. Fennsylv'la-.May 14. noonll'atrla June 4, 4 P. M. Falatla....May 111, 4 I. M.ll'hinilcla.Juno 1bV4,P.M. Also stramshlp Iluasla. April 80, 2 P. M. First cab., S75 up; second class. S4U; steerage, $16. nambura-Aiaerlenn a.lne, ny nmndwaj, Hf. V. MAINE STiEAMSftiilF CO., cheap nxcsjitsto.v. 00. 00 tn Portland. We. , anit Itetarn. Btaamshlps John Englls and Manhattan leave Tier 88, East Blyer, foot of Market St., Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 0 I'. M, Steamers fitted with very moaern Improvement for comfort and con venience of tourists. Offlces, 873 Broadway and 828 South st. IT irir r n.n...i Am... NORTH QEItMAN LLOYD STKAHblllP CO. SHORT KOU1R TO LONDOV AND OONTTNEIfT. FAMT EXPllESSN 8TEAMKRS. Trava. Tu..Apl. i'O.lU A.M. I K.W,D.O.,Uay 10,10A.M. Uavsl. Tu.,May 0. 10 A.M. Lahn.Tu.,ltur 17, 10 A.M. OKLUICns & CO , 2 Howling (Ircen. Ol.ll tllsillO I.IVU DAII.V T4) For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk, Stewport News. Petersburg, Portsnioutn, Pinner's Point, Richmond, Virginia Beach. Vs.. and Washington, D. C. Freight and Passenger steamers sail from Pier 20, North IMvcr, every week ilvv. except Saturday, at 8 P. M., and Saturday at 4 P. M. W. L. QUiLLAUDKU. Vlce-Pres't and Traffic Mgr. RED STAR LiE. NEW YORK bOU rilAMPTON-A.mVEKP. Sailing Unrtcr ihn llrltl.h or lielglan Vine Every Wednesday at noou. WE8TEttNLAND..Aprll 87 NOOllDIlND May 11 EEHLIN May 4 I FKIF.HLAND Jlay 18 INTCRNATIONAL NAV10AHON COMPANY, Piers 14 and IB, North Itlvrr OiTlce, 0 Bowling Green. WH8TE STAR LINE. NEW YORK JOF.i:SSTOtVN LIVERPOOL. Oerznanla.. April 27, noon I Itrltannlc.May 11, noon Teutonic May 4, noon Majestic. ...May IH, noon The new WHITE STAR LINE cargo ana livo stock twin-screw steamer "CYMRIC," 12,bo2iona, baring very superior accommodations for a limited number of saloon passenger, will sail rrom New York, Tues day, Msj 17. Juuh SI. and Wednesday. July 87, ac cording to tide, from Pier 88, X. I:. No Second Cabin or Steerage. Rates' st!0 and upward. for passage, freight, and geuerai Information apply to lVIIITi: HTAIl LIAIC. Pier 4B, North River. Offlce, 11 Broadway, New York. Strain tunus. Albany Evening Line. The popular steamera ADIRONDACK and DEAN RICHMOND irlll leave Old I'ler 41, N. R foot Canal at., at 6 P. M. dally (Sundays excepted), making dlrLct connections with trains North, Hast, and West. Freight received until nour ut departuie. BOST ON AND N eWENGLAND VIA SOUNDL1NES. siTOl:rov 1.1 I!, via stonlngton. Leave Pier SOt), N. R., one block aboveCanalst..weekdaSonly, at rt p. M. steamers Maine nud New Uampshlro. !IUIttlCII l.lK. via New London. Leave Pier 40 (old No ), N. It., next Deshrosses st.. week days only, at " P. M. .Steamers Clly or Worcester and City of Lowell. fat UIVi:it 1,1 K. via Newport and Fall River. Leave Pier ID. N. R . foot ot Warren st.. weok days only, at 5:30 p. M. htcamera PHIbCILLA and PURITAN, Orchestra on each, CATSKILL, IIIJIIMOX A.VO I'OXftaCKID BOATS leave every week day at 0 P. M., from foot e Christopher st, N. R. K TnusTOnTiNE. West loth St. Dally 4 P. M., tlaturdays at 1. Meamers BALDWIN and ROMER, for Cranston's. Cornwall. Newburg, New Hamburg, Marlboro, Milton. Pougtikeepsle. Hyde Park, E.opus, Kingston, connecting with Ul A D. It. H. for all points In Catsklll Mountain. ' SUIV II.W KSf. Fare el; Excursion. Fast steamers leavo Phr 2B, E. R dally (Sundaya excepted), a P. M. and 12 midnight, arriving In time for trains North and East. T1AMSDRLL I,rKF..-Htesmers leave Pier 24, N. R., XV root Franklin st., tor West Point, Cold Spring, Cornwall. FlAhklll Landing aud Newburg. week days. 6P. M. jiundsys, V A. M. TIMlV BO.TII.-ClTY OF TROY or SARATOOA leavei West 10th St.. dally, except natuidar, OT. II.. connecting with Delaware nnd Hudson siulFltchburs trains, hunday steamer touches at Albany, aa.lroixfliL Lehigh Valley System. Buttons foot of West 23d bt. (l'enn. IL It.), Cortland t or Desbrosses 8t. Indicates time from West Slid St. Other figures show time from Cortlandt or Deibrosses St. Olio, fiitto A. M. dally (Sunday o:4o, 7 A. M.) for EAUTON and Iiitenneulate stations. 7iBO. HUB A. M. dally for WILCESBARRE, SCRAN ION (week days'. lrilAOA. UKNKVA, ROCH ESTER, BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, and the West, und principal local points; dining oar and chair car to Buffalo, 11 tSO. toioo noon dally, except Sunday. 'BIjACIi. DIAMOND EXPRESS." Arrlvra Buffalo Uifir, P. M. Pullman Vestibule Day Coaches and 1'ai lor Cars. Dining Car Service. .Meals a la Carte, Connects at BufTalo with Ihroiishsleep-ts to Detrutt and ChUairo, lUl'.'O, into P.M. dally tor EASTON. MAUCn CHUNh-. WILKEbliAltltE, SCRA.VTON (eek days). PITISTON, uud loal branches. Chair Cur to Mauch Chunk. Misd, -I ilo P. M, dally, except Sunday, for WrLKENBARRE, PITISTON, SCRA.TON, and prin cipal Intermediate station,. Couurcts for all puluts In coal regions. I'ulliuan Buffet l'-rlor Car for Wllkrabarru, ili.-so, SiUO P, M, dally, except Sunday, for MAL'CH CHUNK and Intcrmedlato slailuus. Chair car to Easton, mi P. M.. Sundais only, for MAUCII CHUNK and Intermediate stations., mill 1'. M. dally, except Sunday, for KASTON and principal luterlitollate stations. Uiao, 7 Hill P.M. daily fur BUFFALO, NIAOARA FALL& und all points Nott. Pullman sleeo.r vstl bule train N. Y. to CUleato. Sleepers tu Buffalo and Toronto. Tlio, moo P. M. dally, except F,unJay, stopping only at K'JUTH i'LAINTlBLO. L'MiTO, HElllLl.. HEM. MAUCII CHUNK, SAYRfc, UrisFA'A, ROClltS TEH, 1IATAV1A, BUFFALO, nud TOUO.NTO, 1'ul.llian alecpor for BtiOiilu. None but sk-tplLg car passeugeis earr.ed. No baggage carried. hi 30, (li()i p. M. dallv for WILKE8BARRE. ITIIAf'A. lil.NIA'A, ItOOnbhTllll, IIUl'FALO, N1AU AHA FALLM. aud all points V, est, Pullman sleeper to Ithaca. Additional loeul trains dally, txeepl Sunday, for SOUTH I'l.AlNHKI.P, HOUND illllKih, an I liit.rrm.. dlatu polntH, leave jv follows; H;ifO, K;0, 1UW), lUilo, l 11-20, 10i30 tniiudays only; A JI.; '.'ti'O, 11:30, -Jiio, Bi.'D, u.-.MVaiid Utliu P. M T.clreti and Piitliti in atx-oiuiuodallous at 1 ID. 241, 273. 3.13, U44, and lllVUIIruudwa), Ul I'.. Wtlist., Ifii) K. 12.1th st., I'.'I Bowery. N. Y., Mill Fulton st., 4 Court st , U U'n ay, and Brooklyn Aunex, Urooklyn, N V. 1 raniri r Co will rail lor an. I check tmggago from hotel ur rrildenco through to destination. BALTIMORE & OHia Leave Nuw York, Wliltehall Terminal, bouth Ferry andliMit or Liberty ttieet. Dally tKn'i-i t Sunday ISuudays. ClIlOAflll. 4i.'.li A I.,-2:(mP M . and 'ISlIB night. l'!irDUlt(l, 4-80 A. M 1.3, P.M., 18. UU P. M 12 l.l lllght (4lU(l A :i I lU-rty et. only I flNCInNATI. MP. I.OUI-. 10:00 A M , B 58 P. M. WA81HM1TON. UALnMOllR, t7tli,li) Du (Dlnsr), 11-JII A. M. (Dluer), Mil (Dlneij. 8-83 (Diner), 4 iS. (Diner), at&B P M , and 'ISilB nlgbt. NOIIIOI.I,. .lli.Kl A, JI. NMV OltLbANa (thr.otghaleep!), t3:2A, 12:00P.M. All train, arj lllumlnatrd with Plntscfi light. omcesi 118, 17s, 2111,484, 1140 Ilroadwar, 81 East 14th St., 127 Uowery, Now YorkiSSO, an Fulton si. Brooklyni Whltehiu Tarmlnal. Bajrsge cbaakad Cteas hotsl or rssldsno Ssjaftisttoa. Ty trrMfii i 11T1 Siii - aur.!att, - - .a. - . --i-nrrnn Tans mi imjuuiJu ''ftj "AMKRtOA'SQRaTATsnTRAIUIOMwf "?, NE-WYORE 'i (ettral I y & HUD80H niVEn R. R. f-- THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE 1 0a MOtinS TO RlaOAttA rAtXat. All through trains stop at Albany, Ctlea, Syroctsl jk Itoehestsr, and Duftalo. . D Trains leave Oraud Central station. Fourth Avaama .XI and Forty-seeond Street, as follown "A 8,qr,A.M. Dally, except Bunday. Famons 1 UiV bMPIRK STATE BSFRMIS, UM1TXS. ij Fastest train in ths werld. Do rratralo Silt, Niagara Falls B:3B, Toronto 8:2B P.M. Thutrah Is limited to Its seating capacity. 8,,lfr .!. FASTMAIL,Dally-Forloughksensl. 3 .JtJ Albany. Utlea, Sytaonse, Rochester, BaiTaloJ Nltgsra Falls ond Clavelsnd. 1 1 (.CC M.-KonTII BIIOIIE LIMITED. Dally H XU.UU 24-hourtralntoChlcagovtaMtehlganOe 9 tral. Due Buffalo 8140, Niagara Falls 080 P. tL, V Chicago v:00 A. M. Bleeping and drawing room - ears only. it 1 n.Of 1 A. M.-DAY EXPRESS, except Sunday & J.OJ For Buffalo aud all Important New YotB 4i i state points. it 1 .fif I ' u OUTfl WESTERN LIMITED sad COT. 1 X.UUOAOOSPECIAK Dally For Columbus, Cla-' I innatl, Indianapolis, St Louis and Chicago. - f, 3.0( P. M.-TROY AND ALBANY BPEOIAL, Sleep. a sj J Snuday For Oarrlson'a (West Point), rough- B aeepsle, Albany and Troy. ' T , C,nn ' M.-LaKF, SHOllE UMITED, Daily 14 sJ-UV hour train to Chicago, via Lake Shore. Du 1 Cleveland 7HB, Toledo 10:03 A. M.. Chicago 4 P. at M. Connects nt Cleveland for Clnolnnatl, due U 4iBB P. M.. Toledo tor St. Louts, due lOilfl p. M. X Rleep'ng and drawing room ears only. 6 .flfl ' M. WESTERN EXPRESS. Dally For K1- k W agara Falls. Closeland, Toledo, Detroit, CM- 5 cagn. Clnelnnntl, and Montreal, y. 6.0& P. M. NORTHERN EXfnESR. DallT-Fo 4' wu Troy, Platuburr, Burllugtnn. Montreal, and, 5 except Saturday nights, for Ottawa. . 7. 7'sl p- M.-UUFFAI.O SPECIAL, " Dally Tot .tfU Montreal. la Adirondack DItiiIoo, aad,io. f Koehosti r, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Toronto. ,1 9.nfi '' M. SPECIAL LIMITED MAIL. Dally M .sjvr (sleeping car psssengors onlj ) For points oa J5 Fall nrook, via Lyons, and for Rochestor, Buffalo, f Cleyoland, liidlananoils, and St, Louis. U 9,- FZ V. M.-PACIFIO EXPRESS, Dally-For O- U XsJwego, Ogilenaburg, nuflalo, Niagara Falls, -, Cleveland, Toledo. Cnl"ago, (Aid, except Natur J dais tor Auburn ro.d and Capo Vincent. . h 19lfl NlOHT-MIDNlnHT EXPRESS FOB. OrD J.U.A.VS CAOO. Every night except Sunday nights. hunday night Chicago aleepera leave on Wild , fi tralu. B iiAitt.KxiDitiaio.'r. , h' OHO A.M. and Otis P. M. Dally, except Sunday. - V toPltuneld., ' Wagner Palore Can on all through trains, -2 Trains Illuminated with Plnt'ch light. i Ticket offices at 113. 2B1. 413, and 042 Broadway. V SI 14th st.. 2.1B Columbus av., 01 West lOOIhsf.. Oraud Cenlral station. 12Bth at. station. annlosiS S. at. st -tlon. New Yorkt H3H and 728 Fulton St., and ' 10H Broadway, E. D , Brooklyn. f Telephone "2700 Thirty eighth street" for Now York Central Cab service. & Baggage checked from hotel or resldenos by tha 5fF Westeott Express Company, 51 JOHN M. TOUC F.Y, OEOROE H. DANIELS, . 3i Oeneral Man ace r. General Passenger Agent. Pnnsw8asi.a STATIONS foot of We.t Twenty-third street and '7 Desbrosses and Cortlandt streets. i, IB Ihe leaving time rrom Deshrosses and Cortland! if Streets Is ten mluutu later than that given below for V Twont -third street Biatlnn. 9t Jiso A. .11 FAST MAIL. Pullman Buffet Parlor ij Car New York to Pittsburg, bleeping Car Pittsburg; Tj toCnleago. No coaches to Pittsburg. IS ' A. .. FAST LINE l'ltishurg and Cleveland. S. OlSO A. SI. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED. Pullman Compartment bleeping. Dining. Smoking and Ob- '- ' servat on Cars. For Chicago. Cleveland, Tolodo. H , Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Loulsyllle, nt. IaiuIs. K Jl.lOI-. M. CHICAl.O AND ST LOUIS EXPRESS. . & ' ForNsshvlllH (via Cincinnati). Chlutgo, bt Ixiuls. W. I l. St. WESTERN EXI'RESS.-For Cleveland, $M Chicago. For Toledo, except Satunlay. 40 V. M. SOUTIIWKbTERV UXPREbS. For Pitts- iim burg, Clnulnuatl, ludlsnspolls. St. Louis. . iim 7tso I", ot. PACIFIC EXIIE88 For Pittsburg and ;. cniCAOO. t'ntin ctaforCli'velandexreptf aturday. iim SllIO l. .si. 3IAIL AND EXPRESS. PU'mjM lluSet 2M Hleejilng Car New York to Altoor.a, East Uberty, m Pittsburg, aud points West, dally except Sunday, ?M No coaches. 'ftW WAaillVCTO.f AXIJ TtlK ISOI.'TII. AM 7:511, 8:20, 11:20, 0:30 (Dining Car), 10:Bn (Dining M Car) A. M.. 12:50. 1:BU (J:20 "ConeresstonsI SM Llm.,"a1l Parlor and Dining Cars), 4:?n (Din ns bal Car). 4:t0 (D.nlng Car), Situ P. M 12:0S nlkht, .rM Sunday, tt:2u, 0:2U, ln:BI) (DnilngCar) A. M. 18:20 - " Congressional Llm.," all Parlor nnitDlnlng Cars), & 4:20 (Dlulng Car), 4:30 (Dining CatO. S:B0 P, JU., ; 12:0S night. - .) SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Express. 4:201. M., 12:08 I ;!M night dally. 1 J M ATLANTIC COAST LINE.-Express, 0:20 A. M. and hM 8:30 P. M. dally. , $ CHESAPEAKE AND OniO RAILWAY itSO P. M. LJZM daily. "TfSB FOR OLD POINT COMFORT nnd NORFOLK. 7:80 A. V.M M. week davs and 7:10 1'. M. dally. .' ATLANTIC CITY". 1 :20 P. M. wier days (Desbrosses :? ami Cortlandt si... 1:11) P.M.). Through Buffet '! l'arlor Car and Conilelied Coach. nf CAIT. MAY. 1:20 P.M. weekdays (Desbrosses And 74m Cortland t sts., 1 :40 p. M.). iW Long Bianch, Aibury Park (Interlaken, Sucdsys), & Ocnn Grove, aud Point Pleasant (from west iM Twenty-thtnlst. station), .S:o, 11:00 A.M., 3t20, '; 4:3U, ll:lo p. ji Sundays. U:20 A.M., 4:00 P M, , (from Desbrosses and Corttandt sts.), 0:10 A. M., I'JH l:10. !l:10, 3:10, 11:30 P.M Sundays, U:4S A. iL, ',m 0:13 P.M. FUU PIIII.ttlRI.PIIIA, 'IM 8:10, 7:20. 7:30. S:2U, H:Bi). U:20 (U:30 Penns. Llm- imt Red). 11:30 (Dining Car). lll:C0 (Dining Car). 11:00 .iMt A. M., 13:50. 1:00, 2:30, H:00, 4:20, 4:20 (Dining ,' Can, 4:30 (Dining Car), fi:0l) (Dining Car), 7K0, .( S-M) P. M., 12:03 night. Sundays Hiln, 7-80. :f0. '--w b:3ll, U:20, 11:30 (Limited), U.Si). 10:30 (Dlulng ( Car) A. M., 1:30 (OlnlDg Car), 8:50,4:20 (Dlnlua H Can, 4:30 (Dining Car). 0:00 (Dining Car). 7:40, ; 8:31) P. 51., 12:03 night. XWt Ticket oflleea, No. 401, 044. 119", 1,128, 111, and ) 2X1 Ilroudway; 1 Astor House; West Twenty-third fl Street Utatlout anil stations foot of desbrosses aud val Cortlandt streets: 4 Court street, S00 Fulton street, ftiM 08 Broadway, and Brooklyn Annex station, nrook smM lin; station, Jersey Clly. Th New York Transfer sW Company wlil call for and check bagguge from ho- (Varna tels and residences through to destination. sbbbbI Telephone ' 1274 I, Igbteenth Street" for Penusyt ?aH vanla Railroad fab Service. laasl J. 11. IIPTCHINhON, J. R. WOOD, jlfl Ouaoral Managor, Oeneral Pass'r Agenl. aval UBLAIVARK, I.A'KAVAWA WmTBIlB ill II. It. jffl tatlons In .etv lerh. root or rtarclav anst 1S Chrlslopber oireela. 1'isBsl VESTlnUI.K IIIAl.tN. PDI.l.MA.t DCKFEt fW cms. pi.tTxcu i.ii.ut. fiWM Direct route to Newark, Bloomnrld, Montclalr. ths) JWm Orungrs, summit, Hernardsyllle, Uaaklng Ridge. Mad 'iSml Ison. Morrlstowu, I'assalc, Patersun, Boonton. Dover, rasml Stanhoie, Newton, Hudd's Lake, Luke Hopatcong, asal ilackettstown bchooiey'a Mountain, Wasblngton. ''WM Phllllpidmrg. Easton. Waterriep, stroudsburg,Pocona sasal Mountain, reranton. IMtUtuii, Wilkesiiarre. Nantl- WM coke, Ijanvtlle. Northumberland, Montrose. BlDgham- sflsal ton, Oxford, Norwich, Watervllle. Utlea, Rlcblleld 'WMt i-prlngs, i.'ortland, Syracuse Oswogo, Ithaca, Owego, ' Elmira. Coming, Math, Dansrllle, Buffalo, and all fW pidnti West. Northwest and houthwest. Zw NiOll A. .11. Ulnghamton Mall. Stops at principal ':?'' stations. ,g lttino . M. (Cafe car) Buffalo, Rcranlon, Ding- &1W bainton, Onogo, Ithaca, Elmlra. Utlea, Syracuse, MfaS and Oiwegu Express, Pullman buffet psrior cars. isfl Couuectlng at Buffalo with trains for Chicago ana J . M ixilnta West ' W lino I', M. Scranton. Ulnghamton and Elmlra Ex- j Mt press. Pullman buffet parlor cars. r W amor, m, tcranton, Wllkesbarrs and Plymouth j m 1.x press, Pdllman buff.'t parlor cars. ' w TiOii I'. lf. (Dsily) Chicago Vestibule Limited i M Express for Scranton, BInghamton. Elulra, Buffalo. M 'fl Pullman buffet sleeping car New York to Ohlosgo, j Wi Dioliucar west of Buffalo. J asl aiuu P. SI. (Dallyi Buffalo Exprtss. Pullmaa , Mt sleepers for Scranton, Blughamton, Elmlra, Bath, ' M Ml. Morris and Buffalo, arriving Buffalo b A. M. f tm Oilto V. .11, (I) illy) buffalo, bcranton, Plnghaus. ' W ton. Owet.o. Illiaea, Lluilra, Syraciisa. Utloa, and J "W Oswego Express. Pullman buffet sleepers. I W Ticket aud Pullman accommodations at Henry Qaxf . m A So'ia. Ltd.. 133 Brosdway, 14 Park place, and 44 ' ;H Broadway aud 042 Broadn ay. Tickets at ferry stay if H tt..n. Ill 4ihnv, ror. 12lh st.. HI West 125th BU .( 283 Columbus nv.. New iorki 838 and 733 Fulton t :-M at., and ion Broadway, llmoklyn. Time tables glrlaa L m full Information at all stnltons, m Westoott's Express Coiunany will call for andebaok niaal baggage from hotel or residence to destination. j ERIE RAILROAD. 11 Through trains leave New York, foot of Chamber) imw at., as follows, and flvo minutes earlier from West & W 2ldstt JKsal 9.rifl s. St. Vestlbuled Express dally forPlDg- 2fl .UU hsmlon. Waverlr. Elmlra. Uuffalu. Bradford, fitssai arrives Buffalo !' JI. Parlor csr to buffalo. Wmm 2it V. M.-Vestlhuled limited-Fast mall dally. 'aU'nW ,JyJ Solid train for Chbago, srrliea Cleveland sal 7:10 A M., Clileogn B P. 51 bleepers to Chicago, mimm Cleveland, and Cincinnati, Dining Car, SiMu 7.QA ' .11. Buffalo and clenland Vestlbuled ', iOJ Express dnlly, arrives at Buffalo 7:03 A. IL, '. r I ml fur d 7.17 A. M Jamestovrn 7 00 A. M Clevs Mt laud 12:80 P JI. (Sleepers to Buffalo und Clevclaud). 4fw making direct connection for Detroit. Chicago, and iH the e,t Cafe Library Car. hMm 8,1 ,-r v. si bolld train to Chicago. Sleepers t ItH VlO llornellsvllle, Chicago, und Cincinnati. Din w MUCKKTH. LOCAL TIME CARDS, AND FULLMAlt ifl X AL'CIIMMODATIONS at HI, 118, KM. 401, and 037 llrr.alway, 127 Bowery, ISA East 12Stb st., and XfS Ul West lS!Mn st..L'hamlwrs and West 23d st. ferries, , W New Yorki ,I'I8 and 72d Fulton st , los Broadway, J (H Brooklyn i '.'Oil Hudson st , Ilobofcrn, and Jersey City M Matlou. Westoott's Express calls for anil checks bac tll gago from liotela au lesldences p-destlnattoa jH fawloiFanFBoston All Rail. I N. V., N. il i. II, It It. and connections. f'M rrom Oraud Central Station. SIM Leave By v av of Due. lfWi li:0O A. t.. Springfield ond Worcester, 8:30 p. M. ilMt 10:00 A.M., tt.S'ew LnndonandProvlrteni-e.iisOO P. M, iWM luioj A. M., New liudon and Providence, 4:25 P, M, !fWm 12 M, bprlngtlrld and Worcester, 3:40 P. L 31:00 1- M, Air Linn aud. N.E. II It. (l:uu p, M. Mm ltu2P Jl , New London and Pruvldenee, 7;00P M. mm 8;M0 I'. M., New London nnd Providence, u.uO I'. M, ; Mm siOOP M.'Uprliuilild and Worcester, 10:00 1' M, i WM 0:00 1-, il., New lndou and Providence, II too P.M. MM lliiio P, M., .-Jiiluj.-llld and 'Aorcesler, OilBA, M. jH 12:00 P, M. New Loudon jn I Providence, OuJ A. M, H Runs dally. Including Huudjy. . , mm, 11Bar State Limited: all parlor cars; fare (7, In- WW rludimr parlor (r seat . WW Ulrl.ln.I.lxlfHlt arrives aud departs from Park H Square Station, Boston. Jul urn ssrvloe same hois 'UaaB and by same rouia. 5 mwm h -km .atria; ,,... .-...u3&li ui fit-l i jw 1LH