Newspaper Page Text
" -- --- ''--- ---; l,B?na,aEBBBaBKaB,,,w,nM! sBMWs1i0sjs HHHflHHHBHiHIHHHHGHHM """' -- tt11 "5I4 Tfr'rr """" ': tSf '" v"w ""' "W v-w ,-, v- 12 ..,.... " THE" SON,'' Wtot. Aftlffi&g; 3SC- '. lzJL& ' .ill - . . - - , J. K " -. ' 4 ' ' I ' ' I idhhIiiijiiiii iiiiiMiMiiiiji.uinn ii i ii mi mi I. linn I ii -hi' nil . sail i - m fT"!".1" i '." I Pr2f I LOLF Bros. H Respectfully suggest that I 1 Soldier's Outfit B Hf should include B nANNFI Hcavjr and medium B iLMmitL wejghts in plain colors, SHIRTS, ;? bc wr, "f .to ? ' blouse; absolutely in- K dispensable. B IIHIlFRUfFAn Natural wool or meri- B unutlinLHIl, n0)medium and heavy- H weights, single and B double breasted. B flRDOMIflAL I" wool and merino B nuuumuiMu a reCognlzed necessity b BANDAGES, forevery so,dier- S HALF HOSE Wo01 and merin B "HLI "uiuii medium and heavy- K weights. H Thev have a very complete stock at I EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. I West 23d Street. K" B u - y& H CallforNewlllltrated Booklets. i and all Information. $ ginnottmfg, Dtgnw, &c. wfr An Aaiortment ofMwond-tmnd V STEINWAY ft, (intni. SXIVitlK All UI'ltlUflT PIAXOS, :EA some nearly netv, nil rullx wnrrantrif. ; v , A'so for llo chfao, the largest itock of second bund J-M planna or ottir maker. Unlading every prominent :$? Id America and Lurope. A HKIVAIIK IV IIIICLK IsjaTIU MKW. ttprrsented a GENUINE bTEINWAY PIAXOCL i ' iTtniVAr ioiii, I r NiMunnr Hull, Se Vorb. f BRBCCS PflAflTOSa , A fair more of these fine Instruments, that have J - been sllsjlitly used, at bargains. Also a large assort- j xurnt of secowl band planus, stnndard makes. In good I: ordcrt cain orltutEllincnu: p fines to rent. K c n. ditson & 6o &, , 81J Droadwrsy (18lh St.). .V. Y. eltf. ': il ' WHITE for tbe new Illustrated catilneiie (post if VVp.dmo,,,", HARDMAN PIAHO. '. l'rtecs rind terms to suit tun tlm- i i nARDMAW, I'EUK ft CO., Mfrs.. I8 8th T. ; I ' Z uitKAv piAiov. " ,k TanRiperABon, 7 octave.,, t8 00 monthly. S.0d ;s, Oordon, small size B.O0 monthly. (10(1.00 " Oordon. latest aire, 7"-irKt..(l.OO monthly, (173 00 'X 1U nia (d. GORDONS, 1 30 Kit tb ar.,Ut.80th i a 1st its. St "3KATJflI'0L Rlerflnp; nprlglit pMno. (7i3 Bte'n- 5? J" way, (lZSiSOhmer. acrrdmew uprlgntK.das. f WISTBIiltOTll. 105 East Uthst, " T AROK assortmenr, sllchtly useili (HO to (133t rent W -L '' I small Installments. OUTrler Pros . 1 3 E. 1 -tih it. 'v TfitrXllLfc CONNOR PUMOS; hlifh eradc, medium i'Jk Jij",T "J terms t rintlnc exchanjlnf, repairing. Kffi ' CONNOR, 4 East 48(1 St. F Winter Hfsovtis. f . V.SOn KK1ST BLKVAIIOV. It THE NW HOMESTEAD. jTv OOTTAUKO ami CAnINO constructed and furnished i" tnroaihoul In aeoordance with the liktrst designs and C..i modern Improramentt. Hcnt cnratlt. baths known V for rheumatism, t-ont. and nerrons troubles, Brery d bath from flowing spring of natural hot water. I'-i aOVt LINKS ANIJ CLUimollBU. fine llTery and IM m(slneent mountain surronndlngs. Bj7 Pullman Compartment Car New York. Fhlladel- V? thlm and Washington to Hot Springs without change, J dally, aicent Hiroday. y , Kicnriton lloket and Pullman reservation at l Cheapaka and Ohloofflees.8na and 1UJ1 Urosdway, Hew York, and ofneos Penojlsnln Railroad V" Vtta '"?' Ma"ter.HotSprlins. UathOo , Va. k THE8HEU30RRI r (X Ailantlo Cite, N, J. directly on th Beaeh Optn throflglionl the yean through buffet parlor car via ML Penna. It. R, leaves iUtt st at 1:0. DCkbrosses And K oortlahdl tta. at liM J. P 80UTHvmKfMariarfer. f' WfttrUeJ nud 3vtrtj. bL VBKI.Y PAYMENtS-FInT'dlainonds. watehe PS&- J1. nu.trMhigools gusranteeil WATCH SUPPLY 5S o., a l aulen lanei (levator wf HaHenri Branch ffe' ja' Itfiri WA'irTrSwFliS' TirteifTeiuerlencei JC l'' u'l flowers and faney feathersi also lrara jtF era taLem good liny. ffii UCKKUAJOSEPMV, 7l6-7JjrDroadway. W A BTlFlcrAtKWWEIW, Violet makers and flower SfyK mak.ri wenied, t.A VAKC, RRKTT A CO , 11 And 113 Droadwgy. - A HTIFICUfTTuiWFRK -Wanted. gd roo and Jv . Ax blosauiu makers Iteady wur an I eiid pay. jrill) AS H. WOOD CO jjltJ Uroivlir sy. A Wr'lCfA7jF&T!RCooyrovmrvfrnrt.rert ':l iraabersi also learners wanted, MAX lllZUCIl, 8 3 XWnda't. ff Ti IVTlrctXC riiOVlill.-rxnerlene.l fibwer A packer wanted. NAX MEUKH. H noni at. s" TtlKciArTIiOVj5uE-W"ant1:dTvTo1eTiiiafers f A bell prices paTd. 1. AJ.PI, 47 West id juj ' "TfBWB'rsl.cleis rritners w"iq(e3 on u'fijuo sails. f A. WIOHTKAN CO.. Hid tlreenH it. JlSTRlOH rEATlints-llrJIelats'curUrs wante3 i V on good worki also buncliera and packers. TAT- i LOftftOO) tS-IO Wsrrsfley place. B1 rrtftvo) LADY for vaudavllla aeti aUta axe. Aa J. Ae1l.n.,boxiao8anoai. J Bri'"3" - ' Sitm(tttr ttvAttttf ntttea. s .sy aaxsfcawiaiit, stm. ,jMjPsweaif ( 1THOT Call tier atuatlos to tola opportunity. This oapoa entitles wetl-reoomtmwled aer vani to one f ree len at . . nme. i- (bbi.v toouinn rcmooi I0 tn av, where an tmucbM of eoolOag ar mgtt by Mrs.H. Lemcka. -tnAUncRHAnM. to yonnreompiteat eooka. t4 Oto (S0 flroclast eooka. (SOi competent wait renssi IB young waitresses who do etjamberworkt I0lndmswDJdo eluunberwerti ts rook wko wash and Irani klMkenmllds, kouteworkera. r Frsnok lady's maids, rrench and Oerman nurses, Protestant kltrhenmaids. Swedish parlotmalas, tnt len, second and third men wanted at once. Mrs. U. XBZ.T. Wmi BSd tt.i aervanu' entrance (la (ithar. tOOO-nOi ferTonksni mntt be oomr'tent and J bar best references, lira. U tESl.T, (38 etb av. aJMPETaWT lanndren for Morrlstown, W. J. rami hue good refereneea. Mrs. I 3UELY. 38 0th av. TTHExril nurse far child 15 years old t must have the I1 best references. MM. U (KELY. (M 6th av. LADY'S 11AIO who etnent and at and make call dran's dreeeeit belt references rtqulrcd, llra.l BKELY. 5oth.av. rROTFSTAKT nurse, (0i for Iwocblldrsai-family In Xntley, N. i, I mart be well recommended. MrsI- BKU.Y. (BiBthaT; ' PROTESTArnTaundreeai (30 to(I3t must he very competent and h-ro best references. Mrs. L. BBBLY. HMOtha-. P" ROTKTANT maldtSooteh or English prsfrrredj mutt be well reeommended. Mrs. L. EESLY, SB3 01b ar. Wautefl PmUbiUw, Av BOOKBINDERS Forwarder wanfod on lob wore J. F. TAPLKV CO. 8 Pond St. WANTRD AT ONCE. In a 0n newspaper aad Job printing offloe. working foreman ie im thoroughly nndentaoda tne bustneeai ofTre haanocoinpetltorai has edf ertulncfor state and two towns, with big Una from ideal and nearby city customers! also printing for three towns, a acore of large factories and many merohan'it bulnra pt4 a profit daring the past rive yra-s: pal I at rata of 0 pnr mint, per year during past two months must enlarge plsntt a temperate, faith ful man of ability, with (1.600, oau eecure a good, steady io'j, with good pari recommendations ex changed. Address HERALD PRINTINQ CO . Pa eosg. It. f. WANTED Flrst-clasa Job pressman! muse nnder stand cylinder! position permanent. Address, stating age. exreren, references and salerv r peeled. SPRIKUFIRLD PRJNTINQ AND BITOINO CO., Bptlngfleld. Maw. WANTED A nnteleM wheelwright to do new work. Apply at t(t Washington st. i Wantffl 3HltJ -nijjcellaneow. COMPKTENT bnller, (BO, where parlormaid Is keptt must bo tall and have ytrr good refereneea, Mrs. T- SKELY, 338 6th av. fcjECONDilAN who can valet: wagea (SOimostbo ) competent and have best refereneea. I Mrs L. SBJ-LY. 889 Bth av. fTSEFCL HOY, (20, to work under butleri must J have good references. Mrs. I- 8EELY. 881 Oth av. WANTED Upright persons to travel i aalary (7'0 and expenses! refencal inclose self.ailuressed stamped envelope. THE DOMINION CO , Chicago. NEWTORiriup d nnoan st. ADYF-RTlsifiis may leave TBRIR ORDERS AT THIS ADDRESS, WHERE THE SAME CARE AND ATTENTION WILL RE SHOWN AS AT MAIN OFFICE. ASTENOORAPHER nnl typewriter, capable and caret al, desires a position ; can furnish good refer ences! moderate salary. Address ATTENTIVE, box l78hunofllce. tHAMDERMAID or parlormaid: thorouaaty com-V- petent: private family i. can famish very satlrfao torr references. M. D , box 003 Sun uptown omce, lu4 Broadway. , CIIAMHORMAID Well recommended young wo man! beat, willlnir. and oMIgtn.: prlvatoranilly: references. J. D, box 608 Sun uptown office), 1303 Broadway. pftAMBERMAID. lratrlc-si private family: good 'scamiitrestfian furnish best reference!. M. U., box 300 Sun uptown ofllo'. 1303 Broadivoy, (inAJIflEnMAIDi good teanutressi prtrsto rnmlly: caa fnrnlth best references. D, H., box 307 Sun uptown office. 1-lig Broadway. fXlOK. 'Thoronthly competent woman aa nrst-class " cook?; ttnitrmtands ull kinds soup, meats, des serts, o t private family: heal city references: wa.ea (70. 400 West iMth st . care of Qulnlah. piOOK. Thoroughly competent woman as cooki Vy private family: utKlerstanils all klutle cooking; refe'ences. A. A, box 61. SuB uptown ofTtc, laoo Broadway. "tOOK. Competent young womAn as good family "rook; oUlgmg; private family: bMt references. BI. C , box 611 Him uptown office. 1203 Broadway XOK. FJrst.eia?s owifr understands pas tries, vy meats, aoups, o : obllidug. bst references M. S . tor 614 Sun uptown offloc, 1S83 Broadway. riOMPETENT cooki understand all kinds soups, Vy pastries, meats; e liesl referenoes: private family. O. w box B1J Sun uptown office, 1205 Broadway. CiOMPETENT young woman as nrevelass chambep ' maid : prlvato family: best references: good seam stress. K. S , dot 30'-' Sun uptown offloe. 1 .'03 B'way. J7IRST CLASS eook nnderstands soups, meat, psstrles, -o: private ramlly; can furnish best ref ereneea. J. He-., "vox 610 Sun uptown offlce, 1.03 Broadway. . IMRSTCLAES chamberma d, neat, willing; and obliging, private family: best cltv referenoes, N. L.. box 304 Sun uptown office. 1283 Broadway, FIRST-CLATlsTaundreM; exceiTentsnTrtTeoirar, and rnff Intner: private fatullrt best city references. S. P., box 315 Sun uptown office. IgOS Broadway. IIRST-CLASS laundress: thoroughly competent! - prlvato rerally; best referenoes. M. M , box 633 Bun uptown offlco. 1886 Broadway. LAUNDRESS Thoroughly competent young wo man as first class laundress: private famlfyt references, j, O'N., box 633 sun uptown office. 1565 Broadway. EADY'S MAID. Well recommended" youn. woman aa maid: understands halrdresslhr, Ao.;beitres erences. I. K., box 640 bun uptown office, 12(13 Broadway. LAUN DRESS. First-lass shirt, collar1 and enft Ironeri best references: prlvato family. S. I), box 630 Sun nplown office. 1283 Broadway. LAUNDRESS: first class: prlvato family: thorough li competent; beat cltv references. M. M., box 638 sun uptown office, 1283 Broadway. f AID. First class lady'Imaldi understands tho 'A duties thoroughly; good seamstress, host refer ences. C. D , box 629 Sun uptown office, 1285 Broad way, Cf AID. Neat young woman as laly's maid anif 111. chambermaid: good seamstress", private family; can famish best references 42S 3d ar., care of Hood. MAID. Competent young woman aa lmly's mal'd; good seamstress; blably recommended. A. B box 647 Sun uptown office. 1203 Broadway. NURSE. Thoroughly romp tent Infant's nurse: un drrstauds bottle1 feeding! can take entlro charge of aa Infant; best refereneea. 3. T., box 346 Sun up town olTloe, 1886 BroaJway. NURSE -thoroughly competent French woman aa nurse to an Infsut or governess to a growing cnlld I cad furnish ben city references. 312 Bast 23d at , caro of Pray. NURSE. Well recommended young French girl as nttrse to growing children! best olty references: willing. L. 8 , box 600 Sun uptown office, 1200 Broadway. fif U1U5E. Well recommended woman sa nurse to an i-v Infant i uudrrstaoaa bottle feeding: thoroughly competent; best city references. 122 East 61tt st 'I'llOKOUOHLY competent woman as first class X laundress! private family: willing and obliging; best references. K. II , box 681 San uptown offloe, 1205 Broadway, ''UOROUaitLY compotent yonng Swedish woman X at first clsjuchamlermulilt good seamstress; ref. erences. A. J box 303 Sun uptown offloe, 1283 Broadway, I'HOriOUOIII.Y competent English woman as In. font's nurse; esn lake entire charge; best refer ences. Ki II 4 box 64 1 Sun uptown office, 1 203 Broaa -I: , rpjIOROUanLY competent women as first-class & cook; understands all kind cooking: rsfersuces. DM., box 30WSun uptown ofllce, 1VH3 llroadvvay. ri'noi'.OUOIII.T competent tnamnermald; private 1 famllyi willing and ol llglng; bet references. K. J., IxiX 6ul Son nplown oflUe, 12H3 Broadway, WFLIrRr.COMME.SDFD young woman aa aiald and seamstress; willing to do cnafflbrworkr private raiullyi references. M. O, box64fl8un uu towu office. 1203 Broadway. Tym'RfcO"JIiIENDrr young woman es first i rln Ijiunarrsl in l)'lvt6 family; brst clly ref rrenrrs. M, P.. bos 634 nun uptown ofllce, 1265 Broad na, Well-Recommended ynung mnnu a first class cbAiuberiiialdt MllLng and odtUIng; rest refer euCes A. B., Inn 300 Sun uptoern offloe, 11)03 B'way. fELIrTiFC!OMMRNDEirwonianln7sTlJss cooki W unilersfamls all kinds tuoklnsi best rrfsrences. M. C bus 6 1 6 Sun uptown office, 1 286 Broadway, Pirt-CIa5 Ilflp Pnlw, A"" " YOtJNa MECHANICAL ENOISEEIt. Cornell UnH versltygratli air, desires to maka change to r inneut position whulilsopen to alianoviuenli ref Lreuces truiit sebool and where uow employed. O. It. N 1LSON. 1U1 Montagus .1 . Brooklyn. A MAN Who was eleteu years In retail shoe (tors, part of eleven year aa mauager and buyer.would like a ihhIUoj. Address W. K. M , 2 13 Warren St., Jersey oily, NJ, A" S fNTELLIOENT married mm would like a twsl tlon a mi isenger. watchman, or to do Janitor work: can funtlth itooi reference. Address W, 8, buikti hun oftlec, (OSXcHMANr-Thorouctiiy competent young mam V siDgle: understands borras. carriages, harness, AC; will be found lionest, sober sad aeat; city or country I best refete-oes. (It) -sal 31th sk, car "POSITION -anted by young man At citfkilbava JT bad isrejAl ys are' axpefWDoa la the aawsfaper butlDoMt aleldy and rellabla and can f aroUh Al ref erenoes to anybody needing ar aervlees. Address) U. U, A- box (n BUD uptown crfloe, ltis Brokdwar. , - . . . - - ; ,, - . -T .- JARlaBS RIcCRl3E-l & CO., '; V' Brondoy anil a Bth St. 19ILK8 TUI WEtSK. 10,000 pieces of Silk, In our -Wall Peiyarment In IiIh store to-dny, J-prll 2oli. DIBACB. HDEiSi 250 varieilea or qilnUtko In plnlu blachs t over iOO In fancy blnokSy 55 ccuta to 9 -.50 per yard. IFAttCY SB LESS : over 300 dlfTcrent designs, ench In several colors, thousands of pieces In ull CJliechs I'Inlds, Figures nnd Stripes, It'alTetns, Hnilu nnd Gros Grain grqiuidvrork, rnneinsr In price, from , SO cents to 84.50 per yard. PLAIN COLB.D:Bf SILIiS: over fl.OOO difTerent shades nnd qnnlltics. In Silk, Mntiu nnd Corded neavcB, dull or lustrous flnlsu, 05 cents to 63.50 per yard. EVENING SItLKtt: 375 difTerent Whites, plain and fancy, lOO Iinks, 125 Light -tluei,, flOO Nile, 75 Lavender other shades in proportion. I, Own pieces of Faucy Grenadines, Gauzes, and Chlflbns, everything in material for Wcddlugr, Ilridesninld or Commencement wear. Ready this Morning. .JAMES McCREERY & CO., -:f-. ' It road way and Ith Mt. V "'' - x I The Best is None Too Good for This Emergency. Dr. Jaeger's Sanatory Umderwearo I The Proper Underclothing for Army and Navy. f Guards against the injurious effects ; I of dampness and climatic changes. j I Acknowledged to be the best safe- ; ; I guard against fever and contagious ; i diseases. , I Dr. Jaeger's Stomach Bandage ' is indispensable in active service. . ; jt prick, too. to $i.oo. ;; Writa far illustrated catalogue giving name of mtr agent in your e. fj 4 MAIN RETAIIi STOltl. t BRANCHES: , ( 16 West 23d Street 166 Broadway I New York 248 West 125th St. j Nights H:l Matinees Wednesday and SatuMay. Res'rvrd. Orchestra Clirln or Uaicouv. 6U ictiu. TO-VIfiHT. MONDAY. APRIL (3. IIKYimiHttli IIIH .UAItIC" A patr o lo play for patriotic Amsrlcahs. TBOSWJi2S E. SHEA In Jos. W. Haritlns's great naval plaj. THE MAN-O'-WAR'S MAN. It dcala with war between tho United States and ppaln. A feature is the ACriTAI. MV.tb 1IATT1.B Sr-KSJE. American Patriotism and Spanish villainy resJIitl- t uaily roprreenied. WAR BULLETINS ""SISIF "" fln Ti'Ti'l.' THEATRE, 97th st. aud Slad son av. fAlAl'r Evening S:J0. Matinee 2:13. ORARLF.S KROH.MAN Manager TO-NIGHTrSO, lAfSFIEB PRLSENTS A NEW TLAY, THE T,ttn,.,rom FBRST Romance .sn sna written by V I O L I Vi .Jessie Fotherglil. The dramatisation by J. I C. CLARKE AND MERRIDEN PHELPS. MATINEE 8ATURD AV ONLY. IIFAI.TII sTtPOMTIO AND Tertlnntl u iea aCdtirnilnnal Uxtilbir. Some leading feature will he: Display or Disease Oernts under tho Microscope. Mlcromotoscope, Moilel Hairy A Poultry House, W O T. U. Domestlo Bclenoa Kxhlbit. H.idel Kr.uoh Klujhen A Dining Room. Pre. Lectureaon HHiiitatlon A Household Hoonomy. open M iiinuy. April ao. tub r.M. UlllVII CKVTIIAI, PAI.ACK ADMISSION 60 CENTS 5TM Al THEATRE. B'wny A 28th St. 11. A Vsr Evening H 16. Sat. Mar. at A wrtru tie MRS. FISKE. The highly successful I LOVE FINDS THE WAY. n.w douu. Bin. f a BIT OF OLD CHELSEA. Seats on tale two weeks in advance. KNICKERBOCKER1.! EVT.VINOS AT S:1-'SAT. MAT. AT 9:16. ENOAOEMENT EXTENDED TO JUNE 4TH. SOUSA'S NEW OPERA THE BmOE ELECT "UNCHAIN THE DOQ8 OP WAR." PROCTOR'S W!,AUN0cy.s aawHT. REPINED VAUDEVILLE. ttllU-ltl nBOTHMW A mo "! TUB rulllOSl ttAlt-OUAPIII FRANK BUSH. KL ZOBEDIE, BEATRICE MORE LAND AND COMPANY. DAHri.KTT AND MAxVJ ad OTHERS. ALL IIALCONIK3. -6c.l ALL ORCIfES TRA, OOo, ORANT DAY-Doors open at V 30 A. M. MANHATTAN. ii?TVu WAY DOWN EAST KOTyjQ GOHTIHIIOUS PERFORMANCE Elin O 113). 60c, Noon to 11 P.M. 1 lie Biograph with magnlrlwmt war views, Johnstone Bennett, llmi. V Leslie. FourCohins. Hayi a A Lylton. Mark Murphy, Kred Valmore, Welliy, Pearl, Keys A Nellis, Willstl A Thorns Co, Many others. AT O A IM sT OPERA 25,1 St. A B Mat. Wed. sLlKAIMU HOU8B. qthav. P.M. ft Sat., V: IS. AUOUhTUH P1TOU Loiseo and Manager SOL SMITH RUSSELL "A&At?i)&? War Bulletins road from tlm stage to-night. OBtlOC KVEg (,,,!), MATS. wiD. A BAT. MY FRIEND FROM INDIA. TO-MORROW NIOUT tWI KailltH. VEBER&FIELDS,fflw1e3t,JaounBcd.r, POUSSE CAFE rf,g CON-CURERS. M18b BEStlE CLAYTON, the Queen of Paupers. 5 CA8IH0! TO-HIOHT! "WlT T LADY SLAVEY! "SftS&SS Magnificent Reproduction of Boenery and Costumell NA1 IuTaTT 1 7SD ANNUAL EXHIBITION Or ACAH-MV OIL PAINTINOS. Of I Open from March ittl lo URIC, May 14. tBd bt. and 4th At, I ADMIaolON 6e. J SAMUBT.UJA'S THEATRE. L BIO SHOWS KVKA7 DAY. 9 and J. r9 JBMNOC YEAMAHa and Mew Veat-rU. s-iCrsrSreSsT C'Q ar drama "Uettysbura." nH ?tttugtmtitts. EMPIRE THEATRE. B'WYnafrnfsT? CHARLB3 FROHatAN ,. . .,Tsi; TO-NICHT! Wm. H. Ri8 ffmorl Crane The Mayor-., and lila admirable ByU.H. Mtltur (ompany. presenting a aL rare cat play, entitled A.B. Loocajter. MATINTaa WBDN-BDAY AND BATTODAY. LYRFIIi iftaS'i-:.r,S -lUkUII MatlueeeThundavamlRaK :r KELCEY-SHAtSHOW "A BrllliAnt Company in "'- THEMflTlndtfiaFLflME by clyde yrrcg. WALLACIC'S. ErS!&&ir 3D Week The Bostonians. HKST ROBIN HDQO OrTglnVcaat. T-tiIIT. H.aooih perf. Hpeclal Featnrea. OrcUestraCjniluoted by tho Composer, IIRI.l tAI.U Uti KUtlK; Monday. Hay TUB BERENAHB. Palace CQHTINUOUS wI5fDOT. fALftt-, PERFORMANCE, sn AVE. CUlTtl .IIOttltlN. RDHNIirsr fTAn.UltAPII (A nnvsATio V). Dean Edtall and Frank Keenau, ltd. Latell. Jones Ora It aud Jones, Mannleirand Prerost, otners. Come any time, 1-110 to I r P. JI. ISO., unr-. Aft-. Site.. Oe. Itvgsi, ORANT DAY Doors open at noon. GARRICK THEATRE. SSTSSVSl Hoyr A Jlcltoe, Lessees I Cbsrlea Vrohman. Maaagar. MATINUE8 VEDNEftDAY AND IUTURDAY7 MISS MAUDE ADAMS, DIRECTION OF CHARLE1 FUOnMAN. lu J, a, D.rrie's ureat Comedy, THE LITTLE MINISTER. 6TTI OLORIOTJS' MONTH A ffl mnfflFPIllI KlSraOo.. 5DC, 75t4J&. May g-THE DEOOAR 8TUDEMT. HERALD SQUARE IBAIwA!sri'n1.0 tiZWBB,i MONTE CARLO , ii7? WITn Alice AthertatT. SAT. NEXT80,,VBr?.pie,, SOUVENIRS. May 2d The now comic opera, "KOREANS," BROADWAY THEATRpr?.;eB6e. .nT81iliw0.cMee... LILLIAK BUSSEU, WEDDING OELUt. FOX. DAY. JEFF OEANBEUS. lR.0 i till U Forfbrmances. I3HIO ii p, ai, -nl. 90nnd sarratt, Hugeue O'Rourkn A Alice Ilolbrook-, tttlas A Evanji Snyder A Buckley. Mulvey A Inrr-aa. CnCM Ttiv- in was. CUbll Uuugarlan Band Concerts. .,. &5i PASSIOW PLAY tVHICuH Attnrii.vjusatlUKMnlagtatU. IllUODO .few rut War Scenes at 8. 6. 8 P. it. OLYMPIA ''W.tfSSS w'ofPRlMROSE- WE3T'8 "jSSSS Prices tl. 76.. 60c.. i6o. Boxes 13. K. go. If. KOSTER a BIALS. mati.seusatuuday. 4th Week "Au Bain" A Allele Rilchlo Aud 10 New Foreign Vaudeville Acts. lltVIVU rlf'B TIIBtTHR. To-nlKht. "rixrlei" Tua, Wed-Thurs. Evgs. and Sat. Mat, 80RMA, In "The Smilien Belli Frl. and Sat. evvs , mrs. time, " KavutKkladcr,' W1U AUNs BORM ARDOC RlbTIAHH KIDtaV or mtialc. 14thst.aalrvtniiil, &2St THEWmTBHETlil Last ItJta, Wed, aad Bat Eva.atlsV HARtI.fJ?MPjU?,0U8E- -mim ihp rAPairi uov. HURTIOse Uflfll PU MUIIO I Orcb. ABsI. BEAMOM- ItnniSJn HALL. 1 B.t6o.An0o. Dolaa A Uaharr, Dell bUwart, Masker A Mack Trio, Tna Fresmeots, nrr Vctt Palm, otasra. . PsTAIsT UAJHUNSaadJUBBOUBTI Ou,lk A Business That is Always Moving J pACH week has a history all its own in our business. To-day's special. offerings Tl are different from any that have- preceded them. It is the knowledge of this fact that is so rapidly widening the circle of our daily readers. And the reading jl inspires large buying, because New York is comprehending more perfectly the Mi exceptional chances afforded by a great business. " Bargain is not a degraded word here. A Slash at the Silks . , , DOWN they go 1 They are the prettiest and best of their kinds, but if they are cheaper they'll '' 1 go quicker. That fault will be fixed in short order. 1 They are principally Foulards, as the following detail will show. Nearly all twenty-seven l inches wide. And they are all new, picked carefully owned exclusively, and were marked at fair prices. They were cheap considering quality and cost, but we'll forget what they cost us. 1 HALF PRICES, therefore, and this the very beginning of the season 1 Come 'and 4 take them. ' At 0c, were $1 Brocaded block Taflelas, in (rrctn and white, At 45c., were 95c Twilled Foulardij all printed In hilr-lln ,, cerise and green, heliotrope and gold, cardinal and white, plaids of pretty colorings. green and purple. At $oc, were t 1 willed Foulards, printed white on mignonette, At 45c, were 85c Brocaded diamond Taffetas i six pretty black on lavender. colorings. At 50c. were 95c Twilled Foulards, printed In black on pink. At 40c, were 85c Twilled Foulards, printed cardinal and black, cardinal, yellow, gray, blue, bluet, brown and beige. x bouquets on black, belceand white, and grasshopper green. At 65c, were Sl.25 TwllleiFoulards, printed black with whUa X At 65c , were i-5 Twilled Foulards; scrolls of black with on beige, brown, pink, caTUinal, cerise, old rose and green. white on cardinal, brown? rose,1 beige, pink, cerise, chartreuse At 70c. were $1.35 Twilled Foulards, all white ground, printed and green. with waves of color; In wide-spaced bayadere stripes. ju International Synthesis Summer Suggestions 1 Paris and New York are arm and arm in the Novelty Dress From tbe Upholstery Storo . 1 Goods business. That's the case with the Paris novelties just Arrivals of beautiful new arrived. Samples come. Orders are given. Presto, the goods goods for Summer furnish-' .x? are here I Paris and New York welcome them in unison. A ings have been frequent during partial list follows: recent days." We feel satis- J Silk-and-wool ribbon bayadere crepon Tamboured check crepon Grenadine, In tied nOW that We have about ,y Barege, self-colored In navy blue, gray combinations of white with colors, at 1Lj really desirable fabrics, B SI-and-woo sdf-coiored check crerion ClustBayadere stripes of silk gauze, In and know that they're moder- JM Grenadine at 0 a yard. bUck on grounds of high-colored silk- ately priced. We Can give kW All-wool two-toned crepon ripple Grena- and-wool grenadine Crepon, at $3 a t r u j. u j Air fl dine, in five different combinations, at yard. . only a hint here and there. W t M a vard. Self-colored silk pllsse Carmelite, lif gray, For instance ' Ii Baby ribbon silk bayadere stripe Grena- tan. brown, Yale blue, reseda and metal 1 dine, in self-colors of tan. gray. Yale gray, at t"3.50 a yard. hnl A dotted muslin, ruffled MS blue, reseda and navy blue, at 3-50 a Silk-and-wool crepon Barege, In all the ftuoui aj scalloped ?2 in I yird. stylish light colorings; castor, gray, cadet. Curtains. Wlrt. o-rvvf:' HSrcrt W Handsome self-colored satin plaid sllk-and- reseda, brown, navy blue", cardinal and Wluc 0 u,rcLl " , wool Grenadine at $3 a vard. cream, at Z75 a yard. 'ram St. Gall are selling at 25c to I . 40c. a yard. Soft, white, delicate, l A Triple Alliance in Gloves Ka7r,1ir i IN the A. T.Stewart days this store did the largest glove veftere0areasorne that have just been ii business in the country. We propose that history shall repeat reduced: M itself, because our efforts will deserve the encore. Rixfiltd Muslin Curtains, plain and 29 Our facilities for getting gloves are peculiarly good, and we &df " 3 t lol h patr. fl enjoy a masterful position inthat regard It is tj?e growth of &&,. J patK, gSsf and I years, and its purpose is to enable us to sell better gloves for the summer cottage portieres J money than others sell. That's the whole theory of mercantile These are lightweight curtains in A1 competition. four colors ; some of them in Bagdad ,, ', Here is the practical exemplification of the theory as applied V '' t0 c,ose at eacb--. M to gloves:- ' V were 2.50. - , F.rst, the Princess May, which we believe is the only real kid glove now English Chintzes THj;RE ,nas aIT" sold in the country at the price. Made especially for us, and a mag- flnrj Cretnrtiies; xf y Ken .? nificent quality. One Dollar a Pair. na CVr,"r" M demand for them, Second, tbe Burmont, another marked specialty, and more glove for the an? wc "!", theyj! .conslnW Pff money than you can find elsewhere. Real kid, embroidered, in all in favor- w5 ve anticipated their pop- colors and black ahd white. Ono Dollar and a Half. "-"' . Cretonnes in many colorings Third, the Dauphine, a splendid quality, standing alone in its class, as do the ?nd teigns, especially fine for hang- 1 others in theirs. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents. nS w as 30& a yard. Some in j ! beautiful Oriental patterns up to 60c. Bm j r-w f BT Chintzes, with floral designs on j, riCasBraC at Kail FriCeS white grounds ;,now being used exten- 14 7 Lt . . a lvwu stvelyfor wall hangings and coverings, iM VERY often the art-connoisseur and the bargain-hunter are are shown in excellent assortment. On rvl united in the same person, hence there will be some early these, prices begin at 55c. a yard, and cdm calls here this morning. This is a matter which appeals to the up t0 " m gatherer of pretty, things. We have cut prices squarely in two uHtv ?T,L1' anot.her arrivaI- Not J 1 or. a very excellent collection of French and gnglish Vases, Boxes. dnghere"won ScfflS! T J MtfWf nrirJS SiZei' ,inCd With Printed Sat" and &M&MrAr ' covered with dainty cretonnes or 4h Tephtz, at half and two-thirds prices. tn arker Oriental mints ornamental H That tells a good deal of the story, but not all ,-although it will probably SatdhuS S-1? to T tell quite enough for most people. & " VJ Here's the whole of it : Awnltljrs and We wish to im" H ROYAL WORCESTER VASES CERAMIC ART GOODS Clin TniPrc PSS upon Our pub- H At$.wereJ)2 At JM.50, were $9 At $12.50, were $25 At $17.50, were $35 oiiii uvcr&. ilc the advantage At $9. were SIS Atf!5. were$3q At J27, were J54 At 30, were $60 of placing their ordeis at once for ROYAL BONN VASES SEVRES VASES new awninK or for furniture silr H At ft, were $2 At $2, were 54 At t,65, were $3.25 At C3.50. were $5 SSwrilw ? 5o m to fael iffi morSS -fl At S4.50, were 9 AtJ.weretO At f2, were $4 Up to $45, were $90 coverings SO as to facilitate prompt H and up to $27.50, were $55. Manicure and Desk Sets, at $15, were $33 deliveries. A sudden change in the TEPLITZ VASES Beautiful China "Head" PUtes, open lace temperature will create a lively de- M At ff.?r. were $3.50 At $4.50, were $9 edge?, at $3. were $5 mand for them We're Derfectlv 1 H At $Z75. were $5 50 At $6, were $12 French and English Fancy PUtes, at $1 and Sned I in the matter of hanS At $3, were $6 At $7.50, were $15 $1.50 each, value $36 per dozen. equipped in 1 tne matter or hanging m Mam Auto. awnings, and know you'll be satisfied "T ' with the charges. A good assortment jH An Oracle in Carpets fcoveri bt itoe When our big 'Carpet Store speaks it pays buyers of carpets ma,de'J Jacciuards d,1"1"'?3' Enf!ish at retail to listen Our carpet store is a law unto ifself, an excep- LZnfL 5S t oh-not a freak, Our carpet store controls great quantities of pried! Z". shSg of Tne new Velvet Carpets the sorts that are fair and cheap at $1.3 J and tickings. $-l',J?ZdX we sue,ect OfX)., of them, fine patterns, nn,n beautifully covered pii, withall the tone, sheen and silkiness of high-grade Wilton. , Jows will go quickly at They are to go at Pillows. rcducc prjCCS some '' r.l 111 n VnrA with India print coverings, that were- 9 (jni.iu a laru. good values at $1.75, are now $1.25; v '? In Spring-time the housekeeper's thoughts fondly turn to witn iute tapestry, were JS2.50, now jS carpets ; and nere are the carpets. 161.75. H We sell Linoleums and Inlaid Linoleums-with colorings all Tu,r": , thh Morri, rh.w H through. Chairs for the Morra Chair J We bring Straw Mattings direct from China and Japan. Solid Comfort. Tuufyom? and that's the cause of their cheapness here four hundred fortable chair it is. We want you to patterns. know how cheaply you may buy them H here, and what a farge variety we're Ribbon N the first floor a counter- Wnm.n'a you should ex- showing. There's a brief mention of H FlarK ful of chromatic patriotism "., c" f . amine them with a just a few below, as hints of the great Na2s- in several forms. The hand- Handkerchiefs, magnifying JSs stock and little prices: M some Utile ribbon flags for buttonhole you'd like them more-but the prices At $3.75-0 frame, with wide arms and , or decorative use are prominent. These should be the medium of vision. spindled sides; cast brass rod to adjust vivid little beauties are in great de- They're better for the monev than back; denim covered cushions. M mand, and we have prepared plenty of other folks will trive vou and other Al M-s-Qmteredoak frame with spindled H them to meet the cSl We Sell tim cheap handlArni ttS mar-' SSli by thfe flag, or by the yardsf flags, AS fcet. At $3-lmitation mahogany frame, with wide T you Wish. All Silk. ' At Uic tSOdozeneood aualltv wnnw. arms and spindled sides; cast brass rod M J -lneir wide flag,, tc each 1 3c yard. A handferchiW?oK fcmcSo ? ffi? to , adjust back; corduroy cushions filled S lU-lnch wide flags, ac each, 15c yard. jome are scallooed and embroldrt with lulr. !M2CtlWKeS?,'5C-eleS:'y XUSKdmrld At $10.50 -Quarteied oak frame, with IVlnth wide flfgj, 4c each, asc yard. the newest face effects. Were nvr v.m spindled sides-, heavy arms; corduroy JK-lnch wide flags, sc each, 30c yard. under 35c ScL cmblons filled with hair. ' 4.H 2-lnch wide flags, flc each, 35- yard AtiJfAw(pnfi,i.,.w-,.ji At "3 50 Quartered oik frame; golden oak H ,wwSi,S?s - .tta4fMg-'- jttar-'-.--- a! ,, JOHN WANAMAKER A formerly A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, 4th av., $tti anrt"tO st. ' V J