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ir ' ' ' ' t?ra SUN; ,MO.NpAY, Afrftjb 2g, 1508; ' ;'f 7 f :'1 . ran srjrxcr or xnp irJoi vr6.t i ' xnxnts. Tha coiirw of price's cm ths Stock Exchansa ('. oxhlblte the perplexity o( operator In reiard to ' . ' the probable duration dad outcome ot tho war ' thfipaln, aud their Inability to form a deflnlta . ;V' opinion ori the subject, One day, a telling more- (" dent preponderates; the next, buying It In the ,' ascendant; and the nest, both alternate from Sf hour to hour. On the -whole, the tondemey, iat now. It downward, and It Ii llkalj- to continue o until the future clears up. We hare been to Ions at peace with foreign nation that rro hare no experience of a foreign war to guide us, and f our civil war waiao peculiar la lie conditions that It doe not aid the judgment even ot the minority of our citizens who hare survived It. We hare a new lesson to learn, which only new events can teach us. As wo said In this column, last Monday, if the present war should terminate in a few weeks, either through diplomatic agrnclcs, or by one or two decisive naval engagements, tho provnll Ingdopresslon in prices would speedily come to an end and be followed fay a rise. Should the 'war, on the other hand, bo protracted, tho Gov eminent will bo obliged, not only to Increase taxation but to borrow money, and Its borrow ing will Inevitably rnlso tho rates ot lutercst for monoy and correspondingly depress tho Tirlccs of securities. Capitalists having capital to Invest will, to some extent, at least, glvo tho preference to Government bonds, and to somo extent, also, thoy will sell tholr present Invest ments lu order to tnke Government bonds In ex change. In such a esse, there can be no great upward movemont In prices, and if tho amount naked for by tho Government runs into the nun ' drrds ot millions, prices must inevitably toll. Tho assumption Is mado lu certain quarters. In vihtch tho warts deplored as a blunder nnd oven condomned as n crime, on our part, that wli6thct it Is to bo short or long, nnd whatever 'liria been or may bo Its effect on the stock mnrkct. It has already caused serious Injury to trade and H destinod to causo still more before It Is ended. Glories are told ot a diminished volume of sales nf goods, ot countermanded orders to factories, nf o foiling otT In thonumberot passengers go- IM I Ing (o Europe, nnd of a widespread hesitation to M I litre summer residences on the sencosst, throngh foarof bombardments by Spanish war vessels. pMf.X for as theso stories have been Investigates Iff ' I' they have proved to be largely exaggerations, fF nd even if they were entirely true, they would I I xrove, rntoertho Influence of nlarmed Imagina- J ttlons, than ono directly duo to the war. 1 It ought alwnys to be homo In mind that nil n trade, whether domestlo or International, Is an V- exchnngo of commodities which nro tho fruits of Alt' labor. It is, therefore, in reality, an exchange of IiS I labor or services of one kind for labor or ser- K J -fleet ot other kinds. As civilisation has ad- IK Tnneed the occupations of the human raco have ml I more and more multiplied, until, from the sav- iff ftco atat0 ln 1thlcl1 every family provided for fK ( itself all the commodities It consumed, it has fcjvjri arrived at a condition In which each Individual ISrrjt! has his special vocation, and for tho satisfaction I rjjjfc of n,s wants beyond tho results of exercising 'MB that vocation hodopondB upon other Individuals, .. ffiX who, like him, have each their part to perform in U-lM tbo T,0rld'8 industry. The agriculturist raises i Jig food and materials for clothing; the miner I Isl mines fuel and ore; and the artisan takes the p. (fljf products of bath and converts them into fabrics I' lju of utility and beauty. '; lm In what are called prosperous times, this ln- IU terchangoot the fruits of labor goes on briskly. j. B Bvory producer finds a purchaser for his prod- 81 uct, and In turn becomes a ourchasor for his frac- f HI tlonal sharo ot tho products of his fellow 6 laborors. There is neither dearth on the ono '' 1 bund nor scarcity on tho other. Supply equals ! Ij demand and demand equals supply. Such an I' H equilibrium is, however, nccessnrily unstable, V and liable to disturbance. Particular branches i ii of industry Bnrceed, by tho improvements of C B) xnacbinsry, or by attracting to themselves an yS.ft undue number of participants, In supplying the tjvsjg- world with more of a particular commodity f s tban tho world desires. Changes ofVcustotn and Mk freaks of fashions render commodities ot a cer- jjf7B tain kind less marketable than they were before, l K bo that, tho production ot them remaining tho t j fi same, the consumption of them is lessened, and i t their producers. In turn, are less able to consume ft tho commodities of others. Then those branches v of trade are sold to be bad. S It has been a frequent subjsct of comment, 3 usually accompanied by admiration, among thoughtful observers, that, notwithstanding fi ' the multiplicity ot men engaged in industrial j jit pursuits, and their want of knowledge of on jft2. another's operations, the adjustment of produo- JH J tton to consumption should, on tho whole, be as Kli perfeotas it is. Ordinarily, no greater a quan ! tlty of any commodity Is produced than can jia readily he consumed. A surplus is avoided Rk'J either by limiting production in advance, or ir through a reduction in price increasing con- A sumption to moot it. When the market is fully supplied with cotton cloth, or with pig Iron, or with shoes, or with any other 1; -, ortlole, the makers ot them stop making them, mT and U they And they have made them in oxcess 1 of the demand for them they try to dispose of -' them by offering them to purchasers at lower prices. Retailers, too, cease adding to their stocks when they have more goods on hand than they can soil, and thus prevent loss. ) ' This process of adjustment, however, goes on, always, at the expense ot tholndlviduals affect i ed, and, frequently, at one of a great Industrial X y calamity to whole communities. The agrlcul- I '' turiat. stimulated by a large crop and high I prices one year, prepares to get a larger crop the year following, and oxpecta to obtain as high a 1 prioe for it, if not a higher one. Ills neighbors do the same, and so, besides bit nolghbors, do 'j' thousands of other agriculturists. The result, I if the elements favor him, which is uncertain, 1 maybe the larger crop which ho expected, but l, the prioe may be so low that ho receives less money for it than be did for that of the year yi before. A particular manufacture, proving to be very profitable, entices other manufacturers i to engage in it, and the competition thus started ruins all ot them. Eo, the struggle for exlstcnio , which goes on continually in tbo animal and -.' the vegotablo worlds, oxtends also to that ot human Industry. The same means by which '.' the mats is benefited is destructive to ports of ,. . It Seeing this perpetual struggle and tho loss ",1 which It on tails, tho Socialists contend that all t industry should be regulated by the Govern ment, and that the production of no more ot any commodity should be permitted than Is ds- imanded by consumers. Precisely how the of ficers ot a government could ascertain In ad V vance the demand for each commodity, and how ,' they would enable the. producers of It to earn "' their living when the demand for their services , was not sufflolentto keep them busy at their m trudes, has never been satisfactorily explained, Urn Nor, has It been explained bow, under such mm govemmont regulation, Industrial occupations tT would Increaso In productivity. Progress In In- i Vdfr vontlon would have to stop, lost workmen I If should bo I hro wn out of work. Ln In times of poace, therefore. It Is plain that V trade is subject to fluctuations which are, at present, beyond humn control, and, as we '- know, these fluctuations aro occasionally wide- ,f' i, spread and violent. The Inequality between i'' supply and demand, which every year occurs in ?, ; special departments of industry, and Is due to pedal causes, sometimes manifests itself in all i, departments at ones, and constitutes a commer- dto, clal crisis. Klrst comes an enormous general 7 activity in production, with which consumption Is unable to keep pace, and, then, a revulsion, in , which both production and consumption are J curtailed, and trado is partially paralysed. After the crisis, consumption slowly overtakes the reduced production, and the ordinary course of affairs is resumed. To bring on such a crisis 1 war evidently lias no direct power. It can do It ' '' only ly suddonly reducing consumption and ' thus diminishing the volume of exchanges be tween traders. This it may effect by diminish I ,'. ng the number of consumers, or, their vowsr to consume, or, rooro likely, thelrdesire to do so. 1 -' The present war will' not, probably, diminish the number of consumers nor their power to oon- sum, beoaute it will ead to no great mortality among either our soldiers or our sailors, and I these, whsrevcr they may be sent, will have to ' i be ulotlis'l an.! ttA and suppllsd with munltloos of war. What II can do. however,. 1f to diminish r9 stpfnajtUNM of noiwwnbatanui nd thus itsuJct is liOttSUtuptlw i!4hs p.-pdncUol ijjtaAyslpjuJgyteJuMyaj r n --- i i rrjiiTrmi . rn 7 industry. This wU bo lb wotk of Imagination and not that of necessity. It wilt be like the panto ot frncality which fallowed the financial panto ot 1803, ana from which the country has only recently begun to recover. Evi dently, if every man sets to work; to see how little fa can spend ot hi own labor In employing the labor ot ht fellow men, all business must cease, except that which sup plies the barest necessities ot lit, ir, for the next twMvo months, nobody buy new clothes, or new furniture. It everybody, refrain from consuming wine, beer, and tobacco, from enter talnlng hi friends, and from supplying bht family with other food than bread and potatoes, the purveyors ot clothing furniture, butchers' meat; wine, beer, tobaoco, fruit, and similar luxuries; will have, thtmtslves to coma down to an equally frugal style Ot living, and our present edldce of Industrial activity will go to Pisces. 8uch a calamity cannot b attributed to war. It would proceed from pore fright, to Which, It is ssfo to say, American citlxena have too much good sense to succumb. Even conceding, therefore, that the tint effect of the war has been. In a measuro, to check the volumo of ordinary trade, this effect cannot be otherwls than temporary, and will speedily be followed by renewed activity, Tho Industries set In motion to create war material do not. In deed, add to the permanent wealth ot the coun try, but they supply employment to hundred of thousands ofpcopleand furnish them with the means ot indirectly employing hundreds of thousands of other people. Nor nro these In dustries any loss profltablo to the community than many of those of psaco. Powder and shot, when they aro consumed, leave be hind them nothing of value, but the earn thing te true of whlsxey and tobacco. Ship of war aro useless for commerce, but so ar pleasure yachts. Th uniforms and equip ment of soldiers and sailors, also, are ot more immediate valu than the holiday clothe of civilians. In fact, nine tenths ot the dally ex penditure ot the majority of us might, in an emergency, be dispensed with, and It one of those nine tenths should be diverted to wax purposes, It will not ruin us. M.iTrnEw Matishill. flKAXCIAZ A Kit COMtlRHCXAl (few Terli Stock Bxcbange Sales and liana ef Prlree en All Bacnrltlaa Dealt In Darlaathe Week Hading April 9a, ISO. UNITED STATK8 AND STATE POND (IN 01,000). Ctpm- JTtgh Low CTns SaJ. tfame, no- f. c-f. io. iaooonS4a.r.iao7.100s 109 108 108V IBOOOOUBH.r. 1BJ5.H8 118 110 1171- lorooooso.e.iim.iiB". lies 117S lis 20000 VaVdS-3-or IBM OS's 00 06 00 KAIUIOAD AMD OTIIKR BOND OK $l,OOOs). OiHff nto- Low Cla$- Sa1e$. tan. ing r. ttt. fn. 780AtenlonadJ U.. 6 7 "a 07'e GOH 6T 4,00 AtcDI-on rat a.. 8f)T. S7 86- 801 2 AU&Oanv 1st... 07 07 07 07 SAmerSUO. 00 00 00 00 6C AmorTob scrip.. 86 80 81a 874 20 Ann Arbor 4s.'... 831 83V 83 83 E AlbBa-cnn...110 110 110 110 20 AustlnfcNWHt 82 821 82 82 17DaltftO.Pbr....l01 101 100 100 1 D,CR&N.et8a,100 100 100 100 8 nrooilrnnTO... Ol't Ol7. 01 01 1 Brook W Vf Bs. 02 02 02 00 1 0 Brook UnOaaoa. 112 112 110 110 lCh Wind ml.. HE'S lia-a 118s US'. 13ChsAOcnDe....ll3a 113 1134 113a 86ChsOgas... 76'a 70s 76ht 704 12 Chs O. R ft A lttrn4s 102 102 1011 1014 lChsftOOs, 181t.ll6s 110s 116s 1164 10ChlftAttoasf...ll3s 1134 1134 1134 20C.BAQ4s.Nex. OS's 004 064 Q& 8C,Dg7s 114 114, 1134 1134 lC,B4s,Idiv. 08 08 08 08 10C,D;Q deb..106 106 106. 106 1 C, C. C A St L 4S, BtLdlT. 04 04 04 04 BCosOssofChDS.101 101 101 101 ICaaSolst 100 109 109 100 20 Ch Term 4s 81 81 80 81 3Colft8thAvlit..lie 110 110 110 2 C R It ft B Co or OagOs 87 87 87 87 3ClvePltts.sM00 100 100 100 ICh&KIllcn 122 122 128 122 ohee ninBBainn ins ion ini 2Ch.BLftNO0ill04 1104 1164 1104 4C0lH!d4s,alp.. 104 104 104 104 OCOLftCCo l.t.1004 1084 103 103 16CbleKrlttst...llOa 1104 1004 110 7 0, Indft L0. ..100 100 100 100 lDeaftBOIfii... 87 87 87 874 1 Detroit Ou 6... 02 02 02 02 lDulBSftAUes..l02 102 102 102 4 Ells, Lft Bo lit.. 08 084 08 984 46 Krleprlorbda.... 804 804 86 864 1 ErtenlllntH. 08 08 08 08 7EManftL8 tit.,100 100 100 100 lOBTeans 100 109 108 108 2 Ft Worth 1st..... 074 074 074 074 2 rw fttl O 1st 8-4s 66 66 66 66 20 0,0 ft SAUPOs OB 00 00 90 7 0Paolit 0-8...118 118 118 118 11 UockFB,85p. 7Sj 784 704 71 34UTCentEnl4i 78 784 ,774 784 20 rurtem lit. e.,.,109 100 109 100 34 Iron lit H 804 874 80 80 7IllCcn4i, 1932..101 1014 1014 1014 1 111 Cn4, 1030.. 004 004 094 004 2 tat ft at N 2d.... 7B4 784 784 784 1 KoDUdj.....103 JOS 103 103 126 Kan ft Tex 4i.... 804 604 B44 844 -18 Kan ft Tex Still... 60 69 SB 684 6 Knox ft Ohio lit.l 144 U4 1144 1144 lSKsaC, PAOlst 744 744 73 73 2 Laclede das 1st. .100 100 100 100 8 Lex At py 1.IH7 117 117 117 18 LWBcnu....lOO 100 100 100 OLaxesb!at,o....l07 107 107 107 6 Lake Sh 2d. e....H04 1104 1104 1104 80LouftNn 4s. 86 86 884 834 4LoaftNcnI 1104 1104 1104 1104 HLftW.P AIM. 00 90 00 00 OLftKato 1014 1014 1014 1014 3 LftN.SftNArtS 044 0414 044 044 1 Long II 4.i 88 88 88 88 aLehVsJTW 1074 1074 107 107 7xtetBRny Cs... .1004 100S 100 100 1 Mo, KE lit.,.. 034 934 934 034 137 31exlntcn 734 734 724 73 12MlnnftStLcn8sl044 1044 102 1084 lMqrft K con.. ..180 180 130 180 2MorftE7sof'7I.107 107 107 107 1 Mo, KftTofT Bs 80 80 80 80 8 Man Hway 4.... 00 00 00 00 6 Met El lit 1164 1164 1164 1164 OMstElxd 103 108 103 108 7 Mob ft Ohio ml.. 74 744 724 724 lMlchOU, 190S..1084 1084 1084 1084 BUoPseen 04 944 04 04 1 Mil LB lit 1384 1834 1884 1334 6MiILBln 118 118 118 118 9Norraolst,o,...118 114 118 118 1 08 Hot F prior 4s... 024 024 9U4 004 104NorPaognl3. 684 684 67 674 37NovfWcn4s... 70 70 744 764 6 NJ Midland It..l 10 110 110 110 EOrtTftSiml 86 86 88 88 5 NT ft Lack 1st.. 183 188 138 133 10NJCtngnl6t,r.llO 110 1004 1004 4NJCen gnl Bs... 1114 1114 110 1104 HNT0entlit,c...llS4 114 1134 114 6NTCenltt,r...,1134 1134 1134 1134 8NYCentd4b6s..l00 100 100 100 lKy.ChftStL4i.rl04 104 104 104 66NT,0atL4i....lOB 108 100 100 BO Nor BnofCal Bs.1004 1004 1004 1004 10 North Ul lit 106 106 106 106 7NWiold, 113 113 113 113 10 NW fold, r 113 118 113 118 40 N W s f d.b Ba, . Its 110 110 114 114 ON WdBi,l5yr.. 1084 1084 108 108 10NV,OftWr4i.. 074 074 07 07 lONV.Ok Wca8.lO04 1004 1064 1004 llOrBftNlst Ill 1124 111 1184 40 0rRftN4s 024 OSS 804 804 6 Orison 8 Le,... 1184 1184 118 118 OCOBLcnBi 074 074 004 00 C40SLlnoa 024 084 694 00 6 Ore Imp 106 106 106 106 87 0rImp64,alp A3 68 60 604 6PeoPUalt...l20 120 120 180 grnftKaal 1st... 76 76 78 78 101'eona44. 110 110 108 108 6 Pitts Wa lit... 77 77 77 77 3 1', O, 0 ft St L 44.ser0 100 109 109 100 41tocklilande4,183 138 182 182 71 Hock I.lexBi.... 1004 1004 1004 1004 6noekIaUn4i.103 103 108 103 1 ltock til dibC4... 1064 1064 1064 1064 lOOIUaaaaUt,,,,,. 704 80 78 784 llWoOWUt 80 60 70 70 JiSdYalftMKU.. 624 88 BB'OSfe r-...... . - -- 0 lldhr Vain Chw taltt. Kant. nj. tit, rii. (. SlSreofCsiea. 00 00 00 SO 30SoraoofNUli1074 1074 107 1074 a0eorseotAMslstl084 1034 103 103 3Pft8CUt....l20 187 ISO 187 BtrftBa.KOesllB4 1184 1164 1104 0Pt4l.... go 05 96 06 18lLftPJd,elA114 114 lid 1X4. 148tLft8rsle..116 116 114 114 16SILlgalB..101 101 100 100 10StfcMkr4i 7.14 714 004 70 Bsir,oftLdif.ii8 11a lis lia SBtPeoir 140 140 140 140 10 81 Pterin 113 113 113 1.13 04 Bt Plat. Oft P. Wd 114 114 1134 1134 2StPtit,ltd...U44 116 1144 116 26 Bt LB Wist 78 78 71 71 OBUAftAP IH4I... 00 604 60 604 eaCftOa lrt.,... 03 03 03 03 07 Booth Hallway Ba, 884 884 874 874 1 8tJftOIs-4.. 00 00 09 00 0 Stand It AT OS... 67 67 664 664 441exr0Utdi. 094 100 004 994 1 TexPaoBdtn..,. 80 30 30 30 6 Tol ft O Cent lit. 104 104 104 104 OOTaxftNOcnSs.. 984 084 08 98 4 T C.t ftP, es, Bird 80 BO 80 80 00irnPM4s '004 004 884 804 1 UnPet 44 44 44 44 lOlitftDsIlitBs.lOO 100 100 100 184Tjr.D0 1it,ir.. 03 63 404 614 43 Wabash lit 1004 1004 100 1004 OSWabasbM 704 704 76 764 10 Wabash, BO.... 284 23 284 S3 4Wab.DftOx-.. 07 07 07 07 4WtUncolBi...l06 106 106 106 6HWestBhora....l004 100's 104 104 1 8 T7et Shore 4s.r.. 106 106 1034 034 37 37 304 304 8 WlUetftEslit.. 05 004 08 004 1 WnNCarmea..ll04 1104 1104 1104 Total sales ot railway boads Cparvalss), 14,783.000. nAiLWAY and crnxn BnArtEfl. Qpra- XTffira Xair- CIos 3alt$. Kan$. ing, tit, tit. ing, IBSAdamsEx 102 108 074 074 lBBlOlAmBngllat.... 1104 118 1164 110 I m Am Bag Itef pf.l 074 1074 1044 1044 Bt47AmkpMrg 84 104 84 104 tOSAmBpMtcpf.. 88 84 28 834 AmCabl 00 01 00 01 7B Amir Tob 100 106 064 108 448AmTobpt..,110 1104 113 118 14BAmerBxpreia..l81 121 1204 1204 BSOAmerCotOI!.. 104 10S 104 104 4JOAmerCot011pf 084 084 07 07 S8HAtch,TftSKe.. 114 114 104 104 18584 Atch.TftSFpf 264 261 234 244 100 Ann Arbor 11 11 11 11 too Ana Arbor pf.. 344' 344 34 34 100 Brunswick 34 34 34 34 1101 Bait ft Ohio.... 164 104 164 164 BBSS Bay State On.. 3 3 24 24 184W8 Brook It T. 374 374 364 304 TOO Brook UnOas.. 113 113 110 1104 070 Can Southern.. 47 47 40 40 4980 Can Paclde 78 78 72 764 SOOCoaioile 284 20 284 284 tSContot Icepr.. 854 864 854 864 eaiocn at writ.... 104 11 04 10 100 Chat West pB 20 20 20 20 420 Central Pao.... 12 12 II 11 BsaoCbtaftOhlo.... 1B4 184 174 184 SOOCh&Ent 494 494 49 40 1470C,C,CftStL.. 274 274 264 204 05O.C,C8tLp 80 80 80 80 esBOChloftNW.. ..1174 118 115 1104 ISOStSCBftQ 01S 024 88 004 lBSBISC.MftBt P.... 88 884 834 864 eS7C.lt8tPpf..l414 1414 1404 1404 SCS7SC. KIAP 864 864 82 834 lOSCotruel 17 174 17 174 80 Chi Tor 74 7H 74 74 400ChlTerpfd,. 274 274 274 274 SOOCol.H VT.. 64 64 64 64 llBCol.rjVftTp.. 17 17 17 17 teoociiTe.Lft W... 12 124 114 114 lsaConaolOasCa..l70 170 1704 1714 lSBCIndftLp.... 23 28 214 214 83B4 Bel Hudson.. 1004 107 104 106 S20DeI.LackftW.146 146 1444 1444 BOO Detroit Oas.... 404 404 46 45 S00 Denier A BO,. 104 104 104 104 1777 Den ARO pr.. 43 43 40 414 sOODesHft FtD.. 04 04 84 84 flBOErUnn. 124 124 11 114 4710 Erie It n lit pf. Slia 324 294 324 boo Erie an sd pr. 164 io 1S4 10 lOOEdlionEI 120 120 116 115 4700 Of n Electric... 304 314 304 314 1310 Hawaii CSngw 204 804 164 104 SHOO IlllnoU Cent.... 084 084 00 074 100 IlllnoU Steal... 464 464 464 464 400 Iowa Central.. 74. 7 74 71. 800 Kan C. P ft O.. 10 104 17 174 lOOKanawhaftU. .19 .10 .19 .19 108 LEft West pf- 094 094 094 004 110Lak8hetfs...lBl 181 1804 1804 8Lake Shore. ...183 183 183 183 10 Long Island.... 41 41 41 41 noLacledeOas.... 404 414 40 414 SSMSLouftNaih.... 484 484 44 404 1261 Manh'attaaCoa 964 004 914 04 UMJnnlrou 60 60 CO 60 lS470HelBtRy 138 1304 1334 130 ST81Uleh04ntral...l02 102 1004 1004 17MftStL.litpf 80 80 80 80 7040 Mo Pacific 204 204 244 254 00 Mo, K ft Tex... 10 10 10 10 tilO Ho, K ft Tex pf 81 31 80 31 (00 Mobile ft Ohio.. 244 26 244 26 SB60N 3 Central.... 014 014 884 004 8480 NT Central.... 11 0s 1104 1004 1074 IC80 Nat Lead 28 294 28 9 1001 Nit Lead pf.... 102 102 90 100 o7 North Amer.... 64 64 64 64 BOO N V Air Brake. 10 10 14 14 MONY.OftBtL.. 12 12 114 114 10NV. LftW....120 120 120 120 416 Nort West... 124 124 114 114 l?7BNorfft W pf... 464 464 43 44 tOSUl Nor Pacific..... 224 23 21 224 4BS71 Nor Paclflo pf.. 01 014 674 6B4 6705 Ontario ft W... 144 144 134 134 BOO Ore Imp 87 27 204 264 lBOOreRftNpf... 07 07 07 07 8B0 Oregon 8 L..... 28 88 274 274 4187 Piclflo Mall.... 834 234 81 214 BBPeo.D&E 1111 101ZPullPalCarOol7O 171 170 171 100P.C, OftStL.. 43 43 43 43 g?BP.C,Cft8tLp. 00 00 00 00 60 Pinna It It..... 11 34 1134 111 1114 18704 PeopO ft C... 004 004 804 884 SOOQtllckillTer,... 2 2 2 2 ISSSBcaillos 10 104 164 104 8020 Reading lit pf. 384 384 804 38 BBOReadlngtdpf.. 194 20 104 20 lOBtLSW 4 4 4 4 lsBILS Wpt.... 8 8 B 8 lOOBtPftDulpf.. 78 78 78 78 800 BtP ft Omaha.. 08 08 OB 08 140 St P, U ft M.... 130 130 130 130 800 standard It... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1810 South Paolflo.. 184 134 12 134 8007 Booth ltway... 74 74 7 74 BUB South B'waypf 264 264 24 264 tOOStJftOI 0 0 64 64 BBasUoftQIlitp 40 40 40 40 lSBUoftOISdp 134 184 134 134 7B0StLsy 04 04 0 04 SOSBtLftsriitp 60 604 664 664 SOIUStLABP ddp 264 20 24 24 BSOBtandTtftT.... 4 4 84 84 48U0T4anaI 104 104 184 194 740 Third At tin.. 100 100 165 1084 1710 Taxu Paclflo.. 04 04 0 04 etasUnPae 20 20 18 184 lOBStBUnPaop 624 624 484 604 SIBtBUnPac, DftO, 64 04 64 64 BBUSExprus. ,. 38 40 38 40 416 UB Rubber.... 10 10 164 164 887 UB Rubber pf. 074 074 074 074 1480 OB Leather.... 64 64 64 64 1444 US Leather pf. 604 604 66 604 180 Wabash 04 04 04 04 BTIBWabaibpf 164 164 144 144 88Wslls.rarExp.116 116 116 115 TlOBWeitUaTel... 864 80 844 864 10WhftLE,tr.. 14 14 14 14 lOWhftLEp.,.. 84 84 84 84 100 WoUnBMf..,. 8 B 8 8 Total salts, 1,861.015 laarta. BANK STOCKS. Optn- ntgK. Zoia. Cloe taUi. Kami. ing. til, ul, a, 40W4ternNatlonal,,,160 160 160 160 BONDAT, April 24. The Treasury balance at the close or business on Saturday was 8JU0,304,371, ot which 180, 437,878 waa gold. The Imports ot general merchandise, includ ing dry gooas, nt the port ot New York last week were 0,778,243, against 88.734,101 the previous week and 14,033,280 for the cor responding week of last year. Tho Imports of specie for the week were $10,083,100, of which 010.086,912 wasgpld, making total sped im ported tine Jab. 1. 91,26'l,23tJ. Kxports of speolewvro: Oold, 910,000, and silver, 9007,105, total of f710,008, fttjaiast 81,888,000 the pr M I . ' I ' " , II I I. viousweek. Tbxpbrta ot sped tlfto Jan. 1 have beent OoM. U,43.8aii and silver. $13. 400.820. a total ot 17.013,107. The weekly statement of avoraget ot the Clear ing House bant shows: April la. Artrtl 99. CAnngri. Iib...0io.oiiB,400 t8tt,4a,soo Dee. g7.43t.too Denoeiu en.Bl,oo eni.9t7.too Deo. MoiMoo Clr'rtln 18,8119,100 14,07a,00 IM. U0.H00 L'g'lfrs. BB.flV4.800 B,41.tOO Dae. S.m.800 peels,, 147.Btl.400 lBB,4t7.0O las. D.7a,B0O Rea're.t'a.6,ooio.ssso.40o tnu. Ra'rar'd 18.878.88 85.804,800 Dee. 873.8D3 Barplns 37,S4,07B (48.6(6,100 Ino. IM7U,080 The surplus a year ago wa $40,867,000. and two years ago $20.078,076. RICHARD V. HARNETT & CO. AUCTION 8ALE STOCKS AND BONDS, Tuesday, April 26, at 12:30 P. M At tk Kew Tork Ileal KataU Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, (Tor account ot whom It may concern.) 110 iharri Phenlx Rational Bank. $10 rich. 38,000 Centralis and Chester re. IE. Oa lit mort- 8 par cant. Bonds, dna July , lot, July. 184", eonpoas unpaid (hrpothseated). 48 shares ayraona Itapld Tranitt Railway Co. pra- fernd atoek, (100 each (hypothecatrdl. 4B sharas Syracuse liacld Tranill Italiway do. pre- fernd stook, 100 each (hypothecated). BO shares Byracuia IUrld Tranilt Railway Oo. pre- fernd Hock, S10O each (Uypntbeeatecl). Bsbaraisyracuie Rapid Tranilt ItiUway Co. prs- famd atoek, $100 each (hypothecated). 4 Honda of lb Wist Morsantown Bridge Company iltorgastowD, West Virginia), par Taint. BOO each l gold bonds. 7 per cant. Interest. payabUJaanary 1st and July lit, dna 1018. part of an entire laias of :o ooodi, covsrlng nndn. eta., over rlvsr at llorcantown, West Vlrjtnla (kypothecatad). (Dy order of Bxeeators.) TBO shares Saratoga Aiaoclitloo. I no aliares Pnsnmatle Preia Co. 60 shares Osniaroort Bank, (90 each. Demand net ot Pant O.drealng for 110,000, dated Bapt, . 1888. Note ot Loula Qols. (Sua Jan. 94, 1 804, f or 800. Demand note or O. ILC. WUllaau for 100. dated JnlySB, 1808. Note of Henry Orifflth. dated Jan. 10. 18U8,due 80 daya after date, for ISO. Lilts at Anotlonce n', 71 and 73 Llbsrty it. 60 OEDAIt 8TEEET. KEW Y01UC. CAPITA I, 02,000,000. SUUPLUS 1.J30.000. Transacts a (7eneml Trust Iluslness, Act BTrHstee Tteglstrar, and Transfer Agent i Executor, Guardian, Admlslatrator, Ac. Takes entire chargo of Ileal nnd Personal Estates, Acts as Fiscal Agent for States. Municipalities, and Corporations. Legal Depositary far Court and Trast Funds. Interest allowed onDepoelts. Chech pnsa through the "New Vorlc Clearlng-IIonse. Money loaned oa bond nnd mortgagei. Issnea First Mortgago Trust C.old Honda. OFFICERS. Seorgo JV. oang .......President liiithrr lionnisc Vtre-Prrslitenr Jnmee Tlmrapn.. ila Vlce-Preldent Artliiir Tnrnliill Trcn.urer Wllharn P. Vliloit iecretary rlark Hllllams... A am. Trraeurcr Illcuard M. Iturd Asst. becretnry DIRKCTOnS. Baraael D. Babcoek, Frederick O. Harton, Ouitnr K. Kliiel. n. Ledyant nialr. Luther Konntie. Dnmont Clirke. Chirlton T. Iwli. Oarlea P. Dickey, Richard A. MrCnnly. William P. Dixon, Theodora Mnrford, narld Potra. Jr.. Robert Olrrhint. Robert A. Orannlss. Charlea M. Pratt, G. O. riaven. Jr., Jam?8 Ttmpaon, Cbarlea R. Henderson, Eben B. Tbomai. Jamei J. mil. George W. Young. THESTATE TRUST CO. lOO BROAD W-VY. Capital and Surplus, $1,800,000. Acta Truatee, Reatatrnr, Tnutareraad Fla eal Asent of Corporation, and ma Kxeeutor, Admlnlatratar. Truater, CSnardlan, and Com. mlltre or Eitatea. Legal Uopoaltorr ror Court and Trait Fundi. Take Full Cbaraa or Real and Fcrsoual SCstatca. Intereat alloirrd on depoelta. FIUNC18 a DANQ8. President. W. A. NASU, Tlce-PresIdcnU .MAURICE S. DECKER, Secretary. H. M. FRANCIS. Tronsurer. IL O. UEllRY, Trust Officer. TRUSTEES. Willis B. Paine, Charlea Serttmer, Tffenry IL Oook. Charles L. Tlltany, Walter 8. Johnston, Ororeo W. White. Joiepb N. Rallock, Parclral Kaautb, Ertwin A. McAlpln, Francli S. Binra, Andrew Mills, Francli Lynda Stetson. William A.Xaih. Tboniaa A. Mclntyre, Gottrge roster Peabody, Edward K. Poor, J. D. Probst. Anion O. McCook, Henry Steer, R. A. O. Smith, Otorge W. Qnlntard, Thos. T. Ryan. Forrcit II. Parker. THE ST, LOUIS, ALTOH & TERRB HADTB RAILROAD COMPAHY First Mortgage and Terminal Twenty-Yoar Gold Bonds. REDEMPTION NOTICE. Notlte Ii hereby Siren that The St, Loots, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Company desires to re deem snd pay before maturity each and all of Ite First Mortises and Terminal Twenty-Tear dold Bonds, dated July 2d, 18CH, and lnued under and secured by mortgage of the in me date to Tbi State Truit Company as Truitee, snd thst it In tends to make such redemption and peyment on the Brit day of Jane, 1898, at Its Bnanclal agency In the City of Kew York, namely, S14 Oroadwiy, dt payment to the holder or holdera ot said bonds of .'.1 nccrned Interest thereon and of the som of )ne hundred snd flio dollars for crery one hundred '"liars of principal rrpreiested thereby. Ditcd Chicago. IlllDoli, May 28tb, 1891. Dy order ot the Uonrd ot Director) W. G. bKUE.M. mSUUISTAn. 6RB0Ak 4F TRUST'CO OAJFlTAli-... .81.000,000.00 LHOAIi DEPOSITORY For Siato, City, and Court Moneys, tniereal Allowed on Time Deposits. Checks paued throush N. y. CleariDg-boni. Acta as Kxeeutor, auirdlin, or Admlntitrator ot EatstFR, and as Rccelrer, Reglitrsr, Transfer snd Financial Agent for States, Railroads and Corpo ration!. Separate Ih pertinent with Bpeclol Parllltlrs for Ladles. ROBERT MACLAV. PreilaeDt. CIIAHLKH T. RARNF.Y, Vlce-rresMent. .JOSEPH T. lltlOWN, !d Vlce-Prealdint. -tt,fD'K L. ELDItlDOi:. Sec and Treas. J.llENKY TOWNBENll.AastBecreUry. ALFnal) P. MACLAYl AastTreaaurer Manhattan Trvst Company. WALL. STREET, Corner NA88AU, NEW YORK. Capital & Surplus, - $1,500,000 onricicns. JOffir I. VATEBBUBT, PrsiIJent. AMOraBHOD.f710-1"'"'' OHABLES E. BUTTS, Becrstarr anl Trsssursr. W. XOUTE DUAHE, N. thateb eodb, Aut. Becrttsrj. Atit, TreuiTSt Qovernment and Municipal Bonds bouoht and sold. Alse.PIRbT MORTjJAOlt bnada it estak- llstied rtteam and btreet Half ways. AFPRAISEUKKTS klADB OK QUOTATIONS PURNI8IIBD FOR TUB PURCHAB1C 8ALB, OR EXCIIANQU OV ABOVB IECORITIES. 1.1BTB ON APPLICATION. N. W. HARRIS & CO., 91 NASSAU HT. (Daak of dsmmesee Bldg.l. Douglas & Jones, Members N. T. Stcck Exohaago, S4 UBOAO ST., N. Y. 01TV. Willy- Kartiet Letter s appUcalt.tas, fvi i i rflttRBtfB .GuarantyTrustCo. of New York. 1U83A0, CORNER CEDAU BTDECT. eXWPX1- - - ---3,000,000 SPRFLCS, .... 82,000.000 ACTa AS TTtrSTEB FOB C0rtP0RATI0N8. FirUIS, AND INDIVIDUALR. AS GUARDIAN, rcxEcuTon. and administrator, takes KNTIItn CnARQE OP HEAL AND PRR. BONAL nSTATEB. INTGnCST ALLOWED OK DEPOSITS subject to cheque or on certificate. ' BTEIILINO DRAFTS ON ALL TARTS OP GREAT DRITAIN SOUOlTr AND SOLD. COLLECTIONS MADE. SBAVELLErtS' LBTTEIta OP CtlEDIT AVAIL AP.LB IN ALL PARTS OP TDK WORLD. AND COUUBRCIAL LETTBtta OP CREDIT ISSUED. ffALTKIt a OARMAK, President. ADRIAN 18ELLV, Jn., Vice-President. OEOROK It. TUnNBULL, Sd Vlwrresldsnt. BENRYA. MURRAY. Treas. and Bee. J. K1XSON BORLAND, Ant. Treas. and Bee, JOHN OAULT. Minactr Porslga Dtpt. DinCTOR3. Oamnel D. Babcoek, Charles IL Ilnidersca, Oeorge T. lister, Adrian Iielln. Jr., Osorre B. Boirdoln, Anguttus IX Jnllllard, Augast Belmont, James N. Jarrle, Frederic Cromwell, XUchsrd A. llcCordy, trailer IU Ollletto. Alsiander n Orr. Pobert Ooelet, Salter O. Oatman, a a nsren. Henry D. Itogcri, OUrer narrlman. IL McK. Twoably, XL Baaers Zlsyts, rmlcrlct pr. Vanderbttt Ilarry Payne Whitney. LONDON BRANCH, S3 LOMBARD STREET, B. a r.NtTILL JACKSOX, MA AQKIl AND SECnRART, Duys snd sells eichangs on the principal cities of the world, collects dividends snd cou pon! without charge, Issues travellers' snd com mercial litters ct credit, recelres asd pais Interest oa deposits subject to cheque at itcht or en notice, lends money on collaterals, deals la American and other Investment securities, snd offers Its services as correspondent and financial stent to corporations, bankers and merchants. Bankers. BANK OP ENGLAND, CLTDESDtLB BANK, Limited, RATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OP ENGLAND, Limited, rARR'S BANC, Limited. Solicitors. STtESHFIELDS AND WILLIAMS. London Committee AHTHUE JOHN 7IIASER, CnaiBiusr. rONALD C. DALDEMAN. nroncn TO nOLDERS OP SHARES Or The Michigan Central Railroad Company. GOAItAltTY TltlST COJII'AXV OP MltTf YortK la prepared to receive deposits of iharea of THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY at Its onco, No. 09 Cedar Street. New York, ON OR BEFORE JUNE 16TH, 1833, snd to Issue receipts therefor In accordance wltn the circular of Tne New York Central and Hudion River Railroad Company dated April lflth. 1898. Oertlflcatu ot ito:t must be asilgncd to '1 HE NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON MYER 11A1LROAD COMl'ANY, and signatures acknowledged before a notary public, or attested by iome party latlatactory to thli Company. OUARANTY TRUST COMPANV OP NEW YORK, Dy Walter a, Oakman, President. Mew York. April loth. 1808. High Grade Investment Securities, BIIIT.IIILK SOB TRUSTEES, INSTITUTIONS, AND PRIVATE INVESTORS. ron gjiLR by BiOMOHO.KEglR&OO,, HANKItn.S A.D UO.VI1 DESXKIU. nembera Xeir Vork Stock Exchange. Llit of current offerings sent upon application. 41 Wall St., IMew York, Till! tl ESTERS L1VKHTOCU All) I,A.UCOM PARTY. No. 83 Wall Btreet, New York, March in, 1898. Kotlrels hereby stven that the namo of the corpo ration heretofore, known as THE WESTKRN UNION BEEPCOllPANY has been changed to THE WEST ERN LIVE STOCK OD LAND COSIPANY, and Ita outstanding capital stock reduced front S13,C00,000 (authorised tlB.UOO.UOfl). to t Tha new capital itook will be Issued on May 8. to itockholden of record on tho eloao of the transfer booki. ai hereinafter provided. In connection with the surrenderor the old certifi cate! of itock, there t lit be paid to each stockholder of record on closing of the tramfer books the mm la caih of 85 per sharo of the old capital stock so aor rendered. For the purposes aforesaid the stock transfer books of this company will bo closed on the lHtu day ot April. 1898, at 8 o'clock P. II., and remain aimed until tbo lBth day of Mar. 1H0S. at 10 o'clock A. M. CHARLES T. LEONHAHDT. Secretary. Zr Available rd cttcKstftecait:: Blair &Co!7WoriiJ LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY First Mortgago 1 Bonds, Ul'K MAY 1ST, latlN. ITolders of the above bondi are hcr'by notified that the prlnclnsl of their bnndi, and the eotipom dne May lit. 1HDS, will ba paid In ci.h un and after that date, upon presentation at the of the Hniltli jStatts ?Horlannt & rnst r 59 CKDAH ST., NEW YORK CITT. uvu isL.i.n nAii.noin cojipaw. Dy A. O, DEDFORD. Treasurer; HENRY CLEWS & CO., UANKER8, II, in, IS. unit 17 Drond hi. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange. Orders executed for Investment or on margin. In terest allowed on deposits, subject to check at ilsht. Act as Financial Acenta for Corporation! and Invelt orl. ( 20 FIFTH AVE., cor SMh Bt. office. J 87 RROADWAY, 811k Ex'ge Dldr. liranou omcei-( 87 nU)80N HTii jie-roantlltj Ease. . ( 1 tt COURT ST.. Brooklyn. HAVEN & STOsiT 1 Nassau Street, Cor. Wall St. New York Stock IIxcuanRc, New York Cotton Itxchange, Chlcnco Hoard ofTrudc. Orders executed on above Exchanges In BONDS.STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN LOCOMOTIVES. Richmond Locomotive and Machine Works, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. BIUrLE OR COHl'OUND LOCOMOTIVES TO THEIR OWN DESIQ.NS OK TO SI'EClylCATIO.NS. Btodernlr aIPied iliape, Anauat capacity aoo lacomollves. Tarau made sailiraefnrr. Correipandence eellclted. iiakuivu HDi.xr. or HAIGHT&FREESE. as iiitotutTAV, jvrw roiiM, ' Boston, 86 Slats it. I'hlla., SOD Walnut fit. Execute orders In 8TOOK8, 110ND8, UUAIN, COTrON, PROVISIONS. If arslni 8 to & per cent, CuminUilon, 1 I S. IiMermlnlns the financial reipontlbiluv of the firm nit evhlob you deal la ai Important aiailecltus the rlsM alock. Writs or call for too pate Manual, limed free. Branch onlce, 118 i Iimidway, Now Vork. DAILY alAHKET LE1TE It trie on requnt, Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Accountants, fgmwwmmimmmwmwmmmmmmMmmi efltUHUtala nKTYTOItttl Z.OKDONI lOODUOADWAV. v 03GRE811AMBT. Capital paid up.... $1,000,000 Surplus $800,000 TrattMcts a general trnst Iraatnesa. Allows liberal ratos ot Interest oa deposits and trust funds. Issnea Letters ot Credtt and Trarolera' Clrcslar Note payable ln dollars or la tha money ot any f ore hm country. Acts as Trustee under mortgages for railway and other companies, and as Agent for the Registration of the stock, and for the transfer of the shares of incorporated companies. Undertakes tho examination of properties offered sa security for bond tituea. and. tho oblalnlsi ot expert Information concerning lbs actual facts and prospects ot reorganization proposal. Qualified and empowered to act as executor, administrator, trnstce Ruardlan, and assignee, and as receiver and custodian of funds under orders at Court. OPFIOEBSl TV. Im TItlTNnOL,M President BAMUEIiM.JARYIB, (,.. . ROLAND R. CONKI.IN.I,cec,,,ell, JAMES DVAKD LI VIKOBTOJf... Troll Offlcer B. I. OONKLIN Hecretnry F. C. PREHV Jlsslstant Secretary B. R. HARDER? London fiecreiiary X. J. OUATPBLIi London Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Con. JOIW O. CARLISLE. Former Secretary ot tho Treasury of ths C 8. ROLAND R. CONRLIK. Vlca-Prealdent of tho North American Trnst Co. B.L.CONKLIN, Bscrstary ot ths North American Trust Co. aTT.DRAEE, Tresaarsrof tho Rio a rands Western Rlrsy Co. 8AM0ELU.JABVIS. Ylce-Hrostdent of ths North American Trnst Co. Bon.ADLAI E. BTEVENbON. Ex-Vlco-Presldent of tho United States. VrA'OEBSWAYNE, Ol Messrs. Bvrayno A 8rrayne,Cotmiel!ors-et.Levr. Con. W. L-TnENnOLM. Former Comptroller of ths Currency of ths U. s. SHORT STORIES ABOUT REAL ESTATE TITLES Certain property in Brooklyn was foreclosed in 1857, but the children DEFENDANT of the original WAS DEAD mortgagor proved WN SUIT that their father COMMENCED. . , ,. . had died some time before the foreclosure suit began. - The foreclosure was a nul lity, therefore, and the Court of Appeals awarded the property to the children. It was taken away from people who had bought it years after the foreclosure. They suffered a total loss, as did the executors of an estate who had loaned $15,000 upon it. INSURE IN TflJt? TiTivE GUARANTEE and TRUST COMPANY. 140 Broadway, Now York. 175 Rcmscn St, Brooklyn. Capital and surplus, $4,500,000 HK rintl OF WILLARD 4 DLOUNT Baa this day been dlsiolved by mutual cousent. Either partner will ilirn ln liquidation. E. K. WILLARD. A. II. BLOUNT. OROERSlilcWii National Biscuit Co. Stocks. P,J.Goodhart&Co., OH WALL BTItCBT. KOUNTZE BROTHERS, BANKERS, Broadway and Cedar Street, New York. Deposit accounts received. Advances mado upon railroad, municipal and other approved securities. Letters of Credit Issued., DBTItOIT CITY OAt COSIPASV. DETROIT. Mlob.. April 8th, 1S0S. Notice la h'rehy given that the Annual Meeting ot the Stockholder! ot the Detroit City II ai Company will be held at the ofBo. of the Company In Detroit. Wohlzau, on Turiday, the 3d day or May, Ihiph. at I a o'nloca noon, local time, for tho purpose of eleetlos thirteen (13) Director! for tho cniulne year, and for the transaction of iueh other bmlneii as mar prop erly com. before such meetlns. The stock trimfer booki will ba closed st the eloes or buitneu on April ISth. 189S, and reopened on Slay 4 th. IM 08; JOHN C. DONNKLLY. Secretary. DELAWARE AND HUDSON OA.VAL COMPANY. NEW YORK. April 11th, 18DH. Tho annual mrrt tnc of the stockholders of thli company will be held at the office of the company. 1 Corllandt Street, In this olty. on Tueiday, tho 10th day of May next, for the election of llaaageri and for other builnew. The polli will opin at in o'olock noon, and remain open for one hour. The tramfer booki will lui cloicd f rum the eloio nr hmlneii Saturday, April 30th, until the mnrnlnr ot Wedneadiy. May 1 1th. Dy order of the Board ot Uiucn. V. M. OLYPHANT. Secretary. THE ANNUAL UEETINO of the itockhoMrn of ths Oroihon Illgb Dutr Pumping; Engine Company will be held ai Its office, foot of East 138th tc, New York city, on Holiday. May t, 180H, at II A. It., for the purpoee of elejilnjr directors for the rniulngyear, and traniactlas inch other builneai as msy come be fore the tneetins. ALEX. OAMEHON. Jr.. Secretary. riMIK SUN PHINTINO AND PDDLSIIINO A8SOCIA. A TtO.N. The annuil election of truitrei of this aa aoclatlon will lie held at Itl office, 170 Nauau itrret, New York, on Monday, Jtiy ta, lbOH, from noon till I2:Uao'clookl'. M. TflOMAS HITCHCOCK, Secretary. gropotfaic. Pnopos a us wtMiurAliVDpi'LiE3f of the Quartermailer. V. 3. Military Academy, Weil IMInt, N. Y., April SI. lDrl. Sealed propoiaii la duplicate, lubject to the uiual condition!, will be received st IbU oM-'e until 13 o'clock M. on the flit day of Uty. lKPi), for llullillog Materia'!, FiumUInz Material!, Stationery, Waterand Oas I'lpe, Hardware. Tooli, Palota, Olua and other inlieellaneoui lUires spfclfled ou ichedulei tobe had on sprllcatlon bar. statins claii of itorei. Incl04e propoiala la euvelope marked " I'ropoiali for Military Huppllel," and ad drened to the umtenlsnrd. J, U. OELLINUEIl, Oast.. A. Q. II., U. S. A. KOPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Of POCIC.-Of. flee of the Quartermaster, Win Point. N. V., April 8, 1HU8. Healed propoali In triplicate will be re ceived hers until IS )!.. Apr.l UK, IMiN, and then opt ued for tho con.tructlnu of a dock, l'lani, ipri'lll catlotn and form! oan bt obtained at thli offlcr. The rlshl Ii reaerved to reject any and all proposals or any part thereof. J. D. UF.LMNUEH, Capt. A Q. M. I i , . , i (Exrurstcnu. ClOPriHIIINO (AL roE.TEIt).--Sare Iron iteamir ANOLEit, every Sun., Tuel., Wed., and Tburi. 1 1 lit t E. It., :i!Sj llillory, 8.05i fare, 7lii).. with bait. I EXCELLENT FUblngl-Ulack and codnih. iteimir -i rosTtll. Sundaji. Tneidayi, Weiluewliyi, TliursdaiKaat CUd. 7iV0 yrauallu, 7:S3i llaitery, UiVO. 1'ere-tl, with ball tnilittg otrls mid Scstnurttutja. lioTBL l AilfiT" " tri ncU table iThote. T Wait SSI -I. Olvo lit, trial today, LUNCH. SOo DINNER, DCnC1 WUisaaoorrss InolaOsdi seryjes a Ihearts at all I tioursffcodsraWprlcw.' ttootas bydsydt Wsst.'' "" " ri" ' --J"t MBMtmsii JuMic Sotltw. 91 ssSw---t--W-VW-y--''''SS-sJNs-s-SsW JBJ irt posT orncx Nonca. 4 !m ou-onld bs read DAILTbyall tatsrested, ss obanst M ii mar occur at any Utnc) . 'J1 rorrlsn rnalui for ths week endlnf April no, 189R, ,n y willcloie ipnoMPTLT In iIUmmi ailhaaeneral ff f Poat Offlcaaa tollowst PA11CCLS J-OSTMAILrtcloia 'aj V oas hoar ssrller than rloains time saown below. ' -sR TRANSATLAItna HAILS. i T TUKSDAT. At 7 A.M. for EUUOl-K, r-ritamthi8 KHI , f Trava.vlariymoutbandnr.inen (iMIerifqrlre- t V landmutbelln)Cted"perTraTa")iatlPAi.far lAH '; ITALY, per sleamehlp Wsrra, via Naples (ISMer 11 '.; tnml he directed "prVerra"J. UB! J WXDNK8DAT. AI 0 A. M. (inppl.mentary 10.30 Xj t i i' M. for KunoPB, per steamihip nermanln, via Sm S gneemtownt at 10 A. M. tor DELOItIM direct, SIS M pet itearaintpWesteraland. via Antwerp (lettera Iff qj nial bs directed "tier Wwtsraland"). . fm 1 for Elinors, psr itSSBUhld Ml fi r. Dlimsrek, via Chirtourg, Southampton, aaA JH , BATDRDAY.-AtDiSOA. M. forFRAltCS, swITZEn. B I. LANK. ITALY. 8IMIN. rOKTUOAL, TOIUtEY. M fL EOYrT. and UHITI1H INDIA, per stesamhlp L W Vt Normandle, via Havre (lilton, for other parts of C Enropa mnit lie directed "p?r La Normandll")! jK" K at 0:80 AM, fori:UKOI'H, pTlteam.hlpUrohtla, '. 1! via Queanilown (letters for rranes. Sniteertanil, H fH Italy, Spain. Ponusal, Turkey. Etypt. snd Driuia JM 1-Jj ladlamuat badlieeted "KrUnterU")iat rt AM. H 'Ji torNETIIERI.ANDadliel.perstaiuihlpCiiiarn- U dam. via Rotterdam (Intern mml be dtreetsi iH -(11 "per Spaarndam')! at x A. M. for ITALY, pes mt jfc teanuhlp Kalier Wllhe'.m 11-. vlalfipteetlettsra M M muit ba dlreote.l "pir ICalor Wllheun II,")!, at H jfl 10 A. M. for SCOTLAND direct, per iteamihlp J 3 Anchona.vla 01 avow (lettera muit bi directed J1C .1 "per Anchorta"ltatlia,M.rorNORWATitireet. OIK ( per iteainihin Thlnrralla (tetters must bo U- 'M J rcted"psrThlngrai:a"). ! W After ths dollar of ths Supplementary Tranittlantla V m Malli named above, additional enpplemtntary m i main are opened oa iba piers of ths American. aS k English, Pretieb and Oi-rman iteamera. asdrx U ,UJ main open until wltbm Tin Ulnottiottha hour W ,ij of islllns of steamer. at I MAIL3 TOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMXRIOA, 1S S WEST I.tDItS. 40. fB lb MONDAY. At 8 A. U. tor RIO JANEinO and LA M If PLATA UOUNTRILS, pes itssmihlp Uslecarlia, M ' from Philadelphia (letters for other parti of lira? Wj ; stl mmtbsdlrtd"pr Daleearlla1' atl P. M B for CAUrEOHB. CIUAPAS. TABASCO and TU , ,, CATAN, per iteamshlp Salamanoa (ttttars Ur. other parts of Mexico must ba directed" per Sala- , manea"0 at 18 P. M. for BELIZE. PUERTO CO IV. 4 TEZ and GUATEMALA, per steamer from New 'J Orlisni. . I i: TUESDAY. At 10 A. it. for DKMERARA direct, pet , Ji, stesnuhlp Ulleri at 13 P. M. for COSTA fUOA, 7& per ittamer from New Orleaan at 880 r. It. for ; 5 -t NEWFOUNDLAND, per itiamir from North j B 41, Sydney. ,; B 3' WKtiNE8DAY.-At 1 A.M. for JAMAICA, psr uteamsr ig ft from Phlladrlphlat at 10 A, SI. for BRAZIL, pas j8 fs steimihlp Tsormlna, via Peruamhuoo asd Ban- 19 j!, tos (Iftters for Nortb IlraslI muit bs directed AS ,7 "per Taormlna")! at 13 M. for GRENADA, TniNI ftg ''; DAD, and TOBAOO, per iteamihlp Orsnada. ' Ii ,5j THUUSDAY. At 8 A.M. for BERMUDA, per iteanv f, -i ship Trlnldadi at 3 P. K. for JAMAICA, per jj ,& iteamihlp Ardanroas (lettera for Uellse. Puerto M St Cortna. and Ouatemala must bedlreotsd "per Ar r 'if danroie"). m f SATURDAY. At 9130 A.M. (ioplamsntary 10 AM.) M 11 for LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, par 1 S ateamihlpCarlbbeei at 10 A. M. (luppleranbtary M M 10:30 A.M.) for HAITI and CAnTfLtaENA. per R Ol iteamihlp Athoat at 10 A. II. (lupplamrntary jfl itl 10l30 A. M.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, li ; and SAVANILLA. per iteamihlp Altai (lev M ten for Costa Itlea muit bs dlrsoted "per M jfl Altai")) at IS M. (supplementary 1 P. M.) for m .1 CBVTRAL AMERICA (except Coata Rica) and fi VF BOUTU PAriFIorOKTS. per iteamihlp Advanoe. S fri' via Colon (letters for Guatemala mmt na dlrfioted m i&li "per Advanco")i at 8t30 l. H. for NEWFOUND- V ijM LAND, pe' eteamrr from North Sydneyi at 8:30 P, 3' (m M.fnr8t.PIERRE-UiqUELON, per steamsrfrom 30 (M Halifax. IB ,-M Malls for Newfoundland, by rati to Itallfax. and W SM thence by steamer, close at thli offioe dally at 8130 W ;B P. U. Malli far Mlquelon, by rati to Boaton, m V 4 andthrnoeby ateamer.i'loso at this offlco dally as a: '," I 8i30 F. M. Mails for Mexloo city, overtind. un- ': ; I leu iperlatly addreued for deepatch by itaamer, j& I close at thli offioa dally at 2:30 A. M. and 2:1)1) p. M (! 1 M. Itteglatered mall cloiea at S P. M. previous JK 'I day. mi 0 TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. TO g ,f II all i for China. Japan and Hawaii, per iteamihlp (Kt .-!;! y City of Rio Janeiro (from San Franclico), eloea nil H ,r hero dally up to April 34 at fKiO P.M. Main for sjW i J the Society Iilandi, per iblp City of I'apeltl (from Wk '3f ' bin Franclicn). close here aallr up to April 84 at sfc w CiSOP.M. Mailaror HawalLper tUamihlpEob Ml '? lanularfromSanFranclicol.cloMberedally up to 4Kr .'.'. AprllSHat 0:30I. H. Malie for A uitralla (except w , Welt Anitralla), New Zealand, nawalt and Fiji VM Ij - Iilandi. per iteamihlp Warrlmoo (from Van 9jlp Vm oouver). cloee here dally after April 11 S and up 2 r to April 2rt at 0:30 P. M. Malli for China and jjU Jspau (rpedally addrsiad only), per steamihip to!. vU Empreia of China (from Vancouver) cloie hers K "-S dally up to May 13 at 8:30 KM. Malls for China ' -M and Japan, per atcamihlp Columbia (from T ) V coma), cloie here daily np to May IS at 0:80 P. M. JK , IS Malli for Auitralla (exoept thoie for Weet Auitra $1. H lla, which are forwarded via Europe). New Zea- tS 3H land. Hawaii. Flit and Samoan Iilandi, per steam T H ahlp Mariposa (from San Franclico), cloae here M ,','fl dally np to II ay 110 at 7 A. M., 11 A. M.. and mi 'iJM OtSO Y. IL (or on arrtral at New York of steam- SB fhlp Campania with Brltlih ma'li for Auitralla). !T7i?n'B Tranipacldo mails are forwarded to pore of sailing t&irjfl dally, and lbs schedule of closing li arranged qntbs ffi preiumptlon of their uninterrupted overland tranilt 3qg ift IReglitered mall oloaes at 0 P. 11. prevloua day. , 'Mi !?, CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Foitmaiter. ' !m Poit Offioe. New York. N. Y.. April 33, 1888. 'M 3 ? pgtcal. f li TTEOJtLD "i)IL ORINDLE, ORADCATll 1h.wB UNIVER8ITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4i&lm MEDIOAL DEPARTMENTl 8" YEARS A SPECIALIST '&& " IN DISEA8ES OF MEN. OLD DR. ORINDLE bas been . VjS MM longer eitabllihed and haa had more experience than 111 , any other advertising phyilolani olty papers pniva if iliM this. Undir bis sclentuTo treatment blood and akin IS SjfJ diseases, pstns la bonea, red ipoti, sore throat snd !m ffl'W month, ulcers, painful iwelllngi. kidney and bladder M p))M fiflmnlklnlj. m.l llntr ffp.v.l. undevel. la J?iH opedorgaoa,weakback,loitvltallty,areipeedlly, per 7 fV manently oured. Men about to marry ihould coniull t Jk ilH OLD DR. ORINDLE. Every 'Impediment removed. M Suffereri. do not null time vliltlng liu ikllful phr $ 4l9 ilclini. Remember. OLD DR. ORINDLE never falls. s E V,m OFFICE OVER IS YEARS at 171 Wf.1 13th St., bs- S jfl tween Oth and 7th an. Advice freei Medicine, (I. , R ijm Hours. U to U; Sundnyi. 9 to 8. No oharge unless cured. 3 ofl OLD DR. Oni!'. aeTjeara a perlnllit la dlM ' ;S '' aire of men only. Quickest permanent curs guar Tfi $fl anteed In all dUeaiei. Blood nolion, ikla dUeaiea, -fj jjfl kidney and bladder trouble, weakneu, nervoua debit- Am OVH Ity. erroriof youth, baddreama, undeveloped organs. to! JiM Impedlmenti to marriage, ftc Be wlie. consult tba flM i Vll only old ipeclallit In thli city. Offlce over SB rears st ''3)1 ' tfmw 180 Eait 17tb it . near Union aquare. Hours, V to 8 1 W' 'MMU Sundays. 9 to 8. Sclentldc treatment and advlea free. ipl I rJB Medicine only 00 centi. No charge unleis cured. fJJ H A A. Dr. and Mrs. Slrnpion, the leading ipeclal- " f am At lm In New York, luccvsafullr treat all Jamais I -! romplalnta and lrroKUlarltleii 25 years' experlencel t . asB private lanltarlum; trained nuneii treatment ftuar ,1 mUm antaedt free confidential advice, 0 to 9. 03 West I 'M 8Sth it., near Broadway. i rH A. A. A (IIIICHKST 1'RnStAXI.VT Ctinit '9 lndlieaiee of mem danseroue cases loltcltedt relief ariH at onrei those rteilrlng only nrst clauaclenlltlo trrai tI'H mrntahnuldcall The leading specialist, Dr. Rooschnr, i fjfl J27 Weit 2d it . 9 to 3, 7 to 9, hundays. 10 to 1. . g "IjH xl A. LADIESnerdlng'conflirenllal treatment 'Jafl . consul t Dr. and Mnie, helden Crowe, profruors 's iWu of midwifery since lH55i rrmedy for Irrrgularlllrtl Wu safe, healthy, and never lam. 211 West 4U:b it, . . pear Broadway .SnB -DR. CONRAD'S SANITARIUM.-SclentlflO. Ikll Mm . ful treatment of all diseases of women; prlvacs 1 tfWm roomi: every convenience and appllancei conanlra- -I ' ll tlom. 1 1 A.M.to71'.M 117W.17tht. Tel.3::a0 88th. , lS OCTOR )n. Iteinbsrd treats female Irregulantlrai f . 'JfM safety guaranleedi 30 yean' experlencoi ilngle, !;! v married. S02 WtitjIUUi at j fgM D 11. BLINK, 177Weit 47tb at., noar Broadway. 1 rgMm hpeolaltlri: 'Oliatetrlca and dtieaanof women. 1 MiMm ?cnal (gottaa. I 'IB SUPREME COURT. City andCounty of New York. S ';i Tim Brooklyn Savlsgi Rank, plainilir, nitalmt Wll- r ;lmm llam Noble, Kllzabrlh Noble, Nellie F. T Noble, llenry V Gtsl A. Rogers, truiteei Kulckerboi-ker Truit Company, ,' fi'MM truneei Slmou Arenilt, CirarCaioer and Frances K. t Mm Llpinin, ai executors of Jullui Llpman. deceasedi ' A mm JemeiNealls,J. Wraley Itosenqurst, Kmi-llnaCnlvllle, J 1 jH Mark l'osner, Louli I'oinir. A. Ilarpir Lynda. Oeorgs t ,- jM lA Iloutllllnr, William II. btrrefr. Samuel II, Levy, ; i, iH Louli A. Von Piaag, l'.ilflia Melville, John Uiult, ! ! H Emily B. Orlgiby, David S. Broderlck. Jacob Nunns ') ' H machrr. Ida Wilton, Chauncey R. Illln. Willises IJ i H Kaucbhaun. ItobertUaylord, Nora Scott, Maria Con- i, ,Q;H nolly, Martin A. Blumlrx. tbe name Martin being f, aH nctltlous, defeudant'i flist name being unknown to , mmm plaintiff; Jamt'iDnw, the name Jamesbelngrlotltloui. II &mm defendaut'a drit name bring unknown to plaintiff rA Smm Miry Funuan, the name Mary bclugllctlllous, defend it 'J.Um ant's llrit naiui b'lng unknuwn to plalntirfi Richard !f,i mmm V. Oreonalch and Itacbel Ureenafcb. bis wire, ths t-l &mU name Rachel bi int flelltloua, defendant', drat name hj &mm being unknown to plalntlnd-fii(lanti.-Sumraoni. W Smmi Trlaldeilred lu the counlv of New York. I' StH To the above named difendinUanl eaoh of them: M SiH You aro hereby lummoned to answer the com- T) mmm plaint In this action and to serve a copy or your an , I'gH swer on the p!.-,lutiri attorneys wllhln twenty days ,4 "tH artrr the service if Ibla summons, excluilve of ths ,) tmm day of service; and lu csio of your failure to appear, ;, )Umj (Sranswrr. Judsmrnt wilt be taken ayalnityou by da- .1 mmi fault ror the relief demanJed 111 the complaint. I i:B Dated Marcb ZKtb. IHU-i. i Umu SC1IENCK A PUNNETT, f I JiimMt I'laintiiT'i Atiorneys. aMmm Offlce and poit office addnis. It) Liberty slre.'l, Nevr ' rfH York. H 1 To the defendant! Rlrhird U. Oreenalch and Rachel ' jt mmt Oreenalch, hli wire, the name Rachel being nctltlous, ,1 l) gfl her tint name bring unknown to plaintiff! A.'mwm Tho foregoing summons Is ervd upon ynu by pub- ( lH llratlun, punuaut lo an order or Hon. William N. ' BH Cohen, one of tho Justices or tho Supreme Court ot Sll the stale of New York, dated tbe ."-'ml day or April, M 1HU8, and riled null tin complaint lier-ln In ths 'H office of tl.e clerk of the County nf New York, at the : mM oouuly 'oiirt In laid county, on ths 38th day of ; mmM March, 18U-). mmt BCIIENCK PCNtETT, ImWrn Plaintiff's Atiorneys. mmm Office snd post onire addrrii, IV Ltheriy itrelt, i'H Borough or Mauhattan, City of New York. mm i ,i M Gollegw nl cSrhools. M Dancing Aradeinlea. H MBSS mcCABE'S Dancing School. SI Kail I7lnil, . mm Prlrateand class lencni dally i beginners any Urns, " llMmm i - .'M fPntems. , , fH IJATENTK for Inventions pioiurcd iromptlyi lew 11 L 1 rates ROEDEK 4 UltlhSKN, ei .Vaisau it., N. Y. (.1 ,-Mmmi rslsbllsht't! IhSt. tlffil IJatnils Hints -Bonk and a'lvloo free, Fdgarfats l CH 4Co Paieiitbiillcilors, ajjiriJwuy(.Ncw iiirk, J' '. jH . - - -..---a ii m grwoiai 'floutts. f '.'Lm LTERNATKLY, one letter front, one f reft last ' wordinpajpphlilibadypurplaaimucarried my J H UncHmnlbsTtTliabTraiIyou.FIewtllsJ.sV ' jB