Newspaper Page Text
If - - mJ y II M , i$N?Wi tCMKStomKmtefti wWfc 1 I 1 I ' Cloudy and possibly showirs; ' S I H fc-'l SBtSfmm (yr ,' north wind! m Wk VOL LXV.-N0, 238; ' NEW YORK. TUESDAY, APRIL 2G, 18Q8.-COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY TJ1E SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICE TWO CENTS. , fl IKR ' . . ..rr-rf. . - ' ' i i iii i i i ii mi i mn i I HIW fnmnnainnaan naaaannan namnns anrannn. i naanpmnaaanni lr CHANGE IN NAVAL PUN. fe is I fflw' PMoroBKD withdrawal ovARttoR. mt ozadm vEoit cvran water. MfktJ if htm th Spanish OejaadrM Ball frem Cap B ,V Tarda lalaaa, Admiral U Ar- Hji 2 mart Yt Will Cast KorthJ Had .yln II Staadroaa Wltl B Seat Oat siuadreda or H M Mllae aa Scant ta Ascertain ana hrtport the MSH YTheroaboat of tha Bnin;-Tho First B7 . , SavAl Battle May Da Psuaut in palllp- Rjjpj pin Water Barare the Bad af tha Woek. I fl'l WAinnftrfON, April 28. A chance In tha yip V strategical plan arranged for Hear Admiral km a Bampson's squadron, now engaged In blockading 1 f 'Onban porta, haa bean decided on, It exocu- mgf Uonwlll depend on tha rnovemcnUof thoSpan- BT " 'Uh squadron now eoneentrated In th waters of m) Capo Verdo Islands. The purpose of thla Spanlih force li n mystery to tho naval administration, and white the strategists of the naval service haTe their opinion os to the Intent of the enomy, thoy do not Intond to take nr chances, and accordingly Admiral 8mpsnn f, will proceed to carrr out tho new progininmo If fWf tha flest leaves St Vincent and Is not reported yfc within treasonable period. The Cabinet to-day jt ,gavo aomo consideration to this matter, and. fr. While It cannot be said definitely that tho chango If " (. referred to la the remit of the dlscusilon In the Cabinet room, It la probable that this Is so. tb A explained to a Bun reporter to-dar, tha Sk" -f saw arrangement provides for the withdrawal I'M trom tha blockading squadron of the six armor- '" jL Clods and their concentration at some central j point on the Atlantlo coast, from which they : would be enabled to make a quick moroment p for tha protection of Northern cities or rejoin i$ , , the other Tcisela In the West Indies. Tho I&k plan of the Spanish fleet Is not unlikely fjli to proceed to New York, Boston, or someothor ! ' (important place for the purpose of Doinbard- rnentln the hope that this Government will not be able to send a sufllclent force to moot It before great damaao has boon Inflicted. Aa matters now stand It would not greatly Injure ' tha efflctenoy of the blockade to withdraw tho 'armorclads. Within a Tory short tlmo a host of auxiliary eunboats. especially se lected for their fitness to ewrase In blockading trork, will be at Admiral Sampson's disposal. After these have been placed whore they would do tho most good and tho American force in Cuban waters has been further aug mented by some of tho auxiliary cruisers now In courao of conversion at New York and olse where, It would be safo for Admiral Sampson to leave the enforcement of tbeblockado to these and the other ships of his command and tako station with themoro formldabto crafts at tho point tsolected on the coast of the United States. The regular naval crutrs, gunboats, and torpedo boats now off Cubnn ports are suf ficiently formidable to cope with nny vessel of Spain In Cuban or Porto Rlcan waters. Most of the Spanish naval force sent to Cuba aince the Insurrection began Is composed of llttlo gunboats, having practically no pro tection and hardly capablo of putting up good fight against tho fast light-draught tugs and yachts now belnir fitted, out for guarding the Indentations on tho northern coast of the Island. The vessels which would be Withdrawn to carry this plan Into effect are tho armored cruiser New York, Admiral Sampson's flagship; tho battleships Iowa and Indiana and the coast defence monitors Puritan, Terror, and Amphltrlto. Whether any torpedo boats will acco&p&hy theln In their change of pose Is riot, ,& but-lt. la probable that soke. of. these" fzUtUvorafetwiU'-be detallod to act in conjunc tion with tho tig ships. ,In Order that Admiral Sarnpson maybe relia bly Informed M to the probablo destination of the Bp&nlih fleet, nnd can make his plans ac cordingly after taking station In homo waters, he will be assisted by a number of swift cruisers, which will scour tho eoa for hundreds of m!!es beyond the American const lino on the lookout for tho enemy. Thcie scouts (lwtll be tho regular navnl cruisers Coin in-bW-. and Minneapolis, lio four American Uncrs recently purchased ked now known as tho ITarrard, the Yale, tho St. Paul and the SL Lou la, and six vessels designated as tho patrol squadron, under tho command of Commodore Howell. Tlio cruiser New Orleans, formerly the Amazonas, has been ridded to Coin mo il oro Howell's formation, which, In addition f to that icsel, now consists of the flag. ship Ban Kranclsco nnd the four Morgan liners converted Into tho auxiliary crulsors Ynnkrc, Dixlo, Pralrlo and Yoseralte. Tlio patrol squadron will probably ho ready for service within a week. It III not proceod so far out to sea as the other scouts. It will t move up and down tho roast, returning to New gl York occasionally for orders and supplies. The Columbia and Minneapolis nnd the four former ' American llnors nro too fust to be orer- & taken by any of tho Spanish warships big '-' enough to rapturo them. They are not ? , to awltt as somo of tho torpedo-boat dostroyers f nttscbed to tho forco now at St. Vincent, ' but these small craft aro not capablo of oper- , atlngfaroutataoa, and, besides, the raotd-flre l?,' guns on the vessels montloned would mako short 'i ' work of Uem before they coula get near enough to discharge a torpedo. If tho Columbia or any ' Of the other vessels should slsbt a Spanish If , fleet she would show a clean pair of heels and !; mako for tho nearest American port to send in formation to Admiral Sampson at his new eta- A tlon of tha approach of the enemy. In thla way g it is proposed to keep this Government Informed ' of the coming of the Spanish fleet. f.' Tho purpose of the Navy Department in send- ft' log the Colombia to Newport and the Mlnne- f!l apolta to Eastport was based on the decision that It was ncoessary to tako extreme prccau , tlonary measures to secure Information In re- iv gard to the movements of hostile ships which H may approach the ahorea of the United States. i Spain's reservation of what she claims to be her right to grant letters of marque is said ..; to bo the real reason for the orders to 'i' the two commerce destroyers. This Govern. Si, ment may have received information that Span- 'X lsh prlvateero have been already fitted out; at (J any rato there is a suspicion that Spain Bihf baa consented, despite British disapproval, H to comply with tho petitions of a number PIP , of Spanish, .French, and even English fortune f J seekers, to give them legal permission to prey J ' on tho commeroa of the United States. This i V Qovernment has information that these petl- i r Uons have been filed, and tha Indications are that tha Madrid Ministry is not averse to allow- C lng foreign outlaws to engage in the practice SB whlob boa been condemned by every one of tbo 8 '. aaritlaa powers. Tha Columbia and Minneapolis will probably make occasional spuria out to sea, but it la not likely that these will begin until information haa been received of the departure of '.; tha Spanish squadron from St. Vln- I "" cent. Tha naval experts think thla plan Li yrin be effective, and that no Spanish - " squadron can appear within a day's run of any g American city, or of Cuba and Porto Rico, with put the knowledge belog brought to the Gov- i erDsteDtbyoneottheoceangreyboundsdotalled r'N. for ocout duty. Two of the former American I ' liners will be probably detailed to do the work Kf j in Southern waters that the Columbia and Jlln- If neapolli will perform oft tbo New England coast E? Naval officers are looking forward with keen K' anticipation for news from the Orient within H" the next few days. Admiral Dewey's squadron B' wui concentrate at some point not far distant fjk. from Manila, tbo capital of the Pblllppino !HL Islands, and then proceed to carry out the Upb plan of offence arranged for it. Three of vSM tha ships left Hong Kong yesterday and three llHf others to-day. tn accordance with tha notice HaHL '.iryed upon Admiral Dowey that he must lcavo B that EofilUb port within fort-lght bounfrom . . . the time notice was given. No mention is made tn tho press despatch of the pres ence with Admiral Dewey'a command of tha United States revenue cutter McOnl loch. Tha cutter's arrival at Hong Kong was duly roported to Washington, and she undoubt edly has gone to sea with the rest of the vends of the squadron. It Is said that the squadron will make somo Chinese pdrt, end thence move Immediately on Manila. Thera Is every reason to believe that the first natal battle of the war will be fought In Philippine water bsfore the end of the weak. . DAT Tit SUCCEED fitKTtirAX. rref. Jnn n. Meer nf Celumal University te Da first Asalitant aeretar or State. WASrtlKBTOtf, April 20,-Whon AillltAnt Secretary of Btate Day returns from Canton, whero he went yesterday, his nemo Will be sont to the Senate as Secretary of State to tuc cocd John Shorman, whose wrjtien resignation was placed In the hands of the President to day, Mr. Day's successor ns First Assistant Secretary of State will bo nominated at tho somo tlmo. Ho Is John B. Moore, Professor of International Law at Columbia University, New York. Mr. Moore was Third Assistant Secre tary of Stato under Secretafy Barard In Mr. Cleveland's first Cabinet. Ho has slncobecn employed by the State Department tn preparing a new edition of Wharton's International Di gest. Mr. Moore is a Domocrat. Prof. Mooro held over as Third Assistant Secretary for about two years undor Harrison. Since loavlng tho Stato Department, Mr. Moore has accepted several calls from the Government when It was in need of his knowledge of Inter national law. Two days ago be was catted to Washington, and when ho telegraphed to Presi dent Low, telling of tho post which had been offerod him, Prottdent Low telegraphed him to accept It, and granted a year's leavo of absence. Canton. O., April 28. Judgo Day reached Canton this morning at 10:30 o'clock and was Immediately driven to his home. It Is pre sumed that Judgo Day'a visit hero Is for the purpose of conferring with his family and busi ness associates on the matter of bccomlnct Secre tary of Slate In tho MoKtntey Cabinet If nominated by tho President Judge Day wilt ac cept. This Information was secured here forty five minutes after be arrived In thd city, from a source that cannot bo questioned. It Is believed by thoso closest to the Judge that there is now no doubt about bis becoming tho premier. It Is understood tho matter rested wholly with him when ho left Washington last night and tho source of the abovo announcement Is BUch as to justify an unqualified announcement of his ac ceptance. Jndge Day was seen at his homo at 11 o'clock, halt an hour after ho had joined his family. He authorized tho announcement that he would re main In Canton sevcrnl days to attend (p some Important rant tors of personal business. Ho preferred not to be quotod on tho Cabinet ques tion, but bis conversation gave no reason to be lieve that he will not accept tho place if it is tendorcd to him. JUDOJS DAS MAKES A SPEECH. Uli neaponts te a Serenade br tha Cttlsena r Canton. Canton, O., April 25. Judge Day was ser enaded to-night by tho Grand Army Band and nearly tho whole population of the city. The band started for his homo just after tho big city firo gong had sounded the long o-rpectod "Thirty," which was the prear ranged signal that Canton's contingent of the National Guard bod toen palled to service, and pjracttcally thowhol; popalntloti ottha cltyjaaa-. on the streets. ' . "" The Day lawn nnd nil near-by streets were crowded. The band played several selections and Judgo Day appeared on the porch. There .wcro vociferous calls for a speech, and, mount ing a chair, tho Judgo said: " Mr Friends and Fellow Citizens: This Is vcrymuch In tho nature of a surprise party to me, I bid you welcome to my homo nnd am thrlco glad to bo with you In tho homo of our bolovcd President, In the city dear to us nil. It Is possible that I owo this call to the fact that you havo been roadlng somo things personal to myself In the newspapers of to-day. My fellow citizens. It Is best to go a little slow as to reports. A voles: Oh I Judge, It Is a dead sure thing.) " Remember that official proferment rests with the Presldont and the approvnl and consent of the United States Sen ate. I don't tako this call so much as a pergonal matter to rao as an cxpreislon of your approval of the courao of the President In endeavoring by all fair means to preserve peace with honor for our beloved country. "Now that the marching of our own clttson. soldier betokens the presence of war, we are de termined that It Is our first duty as Americans to uphold our country In a determined and vig orous prosecution of tho war to a successful Issue. There Is no division In our ranks. We aro united In the common cause, and In that Is our strength. But I only Intended to speak a word of acknowledgment and gratitude for this friendly call. I thank you and bid you good nlsht" , nianop dasdt jieadt to tioiit. ratiietle Speeches by Preaehtra at tha African XAatbadlst Caararenea. Richmond, Va., April 25. The Twenty third annual conferenco of the African Meth odist Churoh Is In session at Smlthfleld, Bishop James A. Handy of Baltimore presiding. At yesterday's services there wero 2,000 neoroes in and around the church. Bishop Wesley J. Gaines of Atlanta, Ga., who is visiting the con ference, made some remarks concerning the war with Spain, and said that it would bring the North andBouth together oncetfor all. This brought Bishop Handy to his feet He discussed the war, and urgod the men of his race to take part in it and die for the protec tion of the American flag and their country's honor. It need be. He said that the negro formed a part of this (treat country, and any. thing that was for the good of the country should Interest every man of his race. "In the last war," ha said, "we went In as slaves and csme out as freemen, and to-day we enter the conflict slde'.br sldo with the white men of the North and South, and we will alike be benefited." Tho Blrhop," although 70 years of sgc, de clared that be stood ready to shoulder a gun and march to the battlefield side by side with the young men. "I am not too old to fight for my country's honor," be said. He was roundly applauded ly the ministers, one of whom declared that with the word of God In their mouths and the Bible on ono shoul der and a musket on the other thoy could run the whole army of Spain Into the sea. When a call is made for volunteers many of the ministers of the African Methodist Church will enlist. Seven young men were ordained to the dlaconate by the Bishop, but will be held In reserve,to lake the places of the men who will go to the front. The Two Captured Hrbuoaera at Iter Vu. Key West, April 25. Tho gunboat Algon quin arrived last night with the two prize schooners In tow. They wero both from Sagua le Grande, bound to Havana, Tho Sofia hue a large cargo of sugar and tho Candlta n cargo of charcoal. Tbo sailors report large fires all nlong the coist of Cuba. The Wilmington cap. tured tho former and the Dupont the Utter vessol. .uardlnc nrooblxn Torpada racterles. With a view to provide against posslblo Intru sion of Spanish spies double guards have been placed at tho t u hlor factories of the E. W, Bliss Company in Brooklyn, lhe company has soo I men at work nlgbt and day turnlug out White head torpfdota and oUuutvay supplies for the UarentBuat, AN EXPEDITION TO CUBA. rim TnoVBAXD jtBovzAtta xtat na zand ed trrrntir a week. It Ostensible 6kjaet la te Establish a Has U tain d raod and sjuppllee rar the ttreoneen tragaa, bat Ita nal Okjeet Mar II taOpea ramaiaaleatlen with Hemes den. starter Har nePat In COmmnnd of iheXspedlllan. Wabiunoton, April 25, Montha may elapse bsfore an extonslva campaign with regular or volunteer troops Is begun in Cuba, but It Is ex pected that a small force of regulars will bo landed in the Island within a week. Tbo greatest secrecy is being preserved by the army adminis tration In regard to this projsct It is said by leading army ofUcers stationed in Washington, howover, that the f oroo will consist of about 5,000 men, composed of infantry, cavalry and artillery, and that the purpose of tho movsmsnt Is to establish a base at somo soaport perhaps Ma tanzaa. Having established this base and se cured protection for It from vessels of tho American fleet the Government will attempt to carry food and supplies to tho roconcentrados, whose condition since the hostilities between Spain and tho United Statos actually began Is auppoied to have grown even more distress ing. It this Is not the pnrposo of tho project aa several porcons connected with tba army administration pVofoss to bellero that It Is. the movement Is being used to cover tbo real intention of the Government to send an ex pedition with arms and ammunition to tho armies of Gomez and Garcia, It Is balleved, however, that the expedition with war muni tions is to bo conducted as au Independent projeot, and Its inception, its point of departure, andltsplacoof landing will, of course, bo kept absolutely secret It posslblo. There Is a strong renson to bellove that Brig. Gen. William It Shatter will command tha expedition which la Intended to establish a base of supplies, with 6,000 regulars. His roputatlon na a fighter and as a General entitles him to the Important command, and color Is giron to the suggestion that ho will bo seleotod by tho fact that ha has been ordered to report to tho War Department In Washington at onco. Ho is now on the way bore from the South and Is expected to reach the department to-morrow evening or Wodnosday. The Secretary of War transmitted to Conirress to-day a request for tho suspension or modifica tion of tho prohibitory and limiting provisions of tho laws applicable to tbe Quartormastor's Department This Is absolutely noccssaiy, he said, to enable tho department to conduct its business under existing emergencies. The re quest was based upon tha following letter from Quurtermaster-Gonoral Ludlngton: ''In view of the Immediate requirements of the army, and In order to supply it promptly during active hostilities. It Is rospectfully roc ommended that legislation bo provided by Con gress to suspend, until such time os hostilities shall cease, the provisions of law applicable to the Quartermaster's Department, requiring ad vertisement before purchaslngsuppllc3. animals, &c. ; limiting tho amount to be paid for tho hire of civilian employees to $1,000,000 nnnually, and that no employee of tho Quartermaster's De partment shall receive moro than $150 per month; forbidding that tho number of cavalry and artillery horses shall exceed the number of enlisted men and Indian scouts In tho mounted service: that no part of tho appropriation shall be paid for hortos not purchased by contract after competition duly invited and Inspected py JhUMteiwwter'a Department; also limiting. Tneuftr'onTaWmals'to.OoS? ' ' "reasonable reserve supply of cavalry nnd artillery horses should be kept on hand to sup ply lasses as they occur, to keep up tho efficiency of the cavalry and artillery arms of tho service. To do this efficiently and promptly the require ments of the law now in forco should bo sus pended, or so modified as to permit purchase In open market and an Inspection by officers other than of tbe Quartermaster's Department prop erly designated by the Secretary of War." No official statement has been made In refer ence to the number of Major-Generals, Brigadier-Generals, and staff officers to bo ap pointed by the President It Is the present belief, however, that there will be In the consolidated army of regulars and volun teers, numbering about 180,000 men, flvo Major Generals In command of rmy corps, ten Major Generals in command of divisions, and about forty-Dvo brigade commanders, or Brlgadlor Generals. These numbers lncludo, of course, the officers of the regular army. There are three Major-Generals In the regular army, and to theio will doubtlessly be given the highest place of corps commanders. A member of Congress, who talked on the subject with Secretary Algor to-day, is author ity for the statement tbat four men have been selected already for appointment as Major Generals. These aro Fitzhugh Lee, Gen. Joseph Wheeler of Confederate cavalry fame, Gon. Joseph C. Brecklnrldgo, tho present Inspector. General of the Army, who has a splendid war. record, and who was slated for Gen. Mlles's. chief of staff In tho present hostilities, and James n. Wilson of Delaware commander of tbe "Wilson's Raiders" during the late war. Another authority says that Gen. Lee will re ceive a commission as Brigadier-General In stead of Major-General. FEEKCn PEOPLE! ARE FOK TTS. As for tb Parts newspapers. Thar Dan't Ha flaet Papular eeatlment. There were only a few American passengers on the French line steamship La Normandio, which arrived yesterday from Havre after a stormy passage of eight days. They received word from tbo pilot wbo boarded the ship off Sandy Hook tbat war existed between Spain and the United States. Some of them were sur prised and others had expected It L. V. Perry, a Canadian, who has spent much time recently In Paris, saldjthat the French people as a class ore strongly in sympathy with America. Ho said that tho French newspapers reflect tho sentiment of nobody except tbelr owners. All the Frenchmen and tho British subjects on tho Normandle. Mr. Perry doclared, expressed ihomselres In favor of America when hey heard tbat the war was on. Othon Guerlso. wbo Is bound for tbe Klondike as correspondent of the Paris Matin and the Silcte, was a passenger on the Normandle. Saw tha Cruliar Columbia Pljr Rr, Tbe British steamship Nawstead, which ar. rived yesterday from Genoa, passed at 10 o'clock on Saturday night, off tbe Virginia oapes, the cruiser Columbia, steamtug very fast la a northeasterly direction. The British schooner Sarah K. Douglass, In yesterday from Tarpon Bay with a cargo of lumber, was over taken by the Columbia off tho Delaware Capss at 11:80 o'clock on Bundny morning. Tbe big cruiser steamod close by tbe schooner, and, after apparently making sure tbat sbo was not a Spaniard, headed out to sea again, and bounded north-northeast at great spaed. The Norwegian steamship Simon Dumols, which arrived yosterdsy from West Indian ports, passed oft the Virginia Capes on Sunday a Unit id ttatrs munltoi bound south, It Is probable that tho monitor was the Mlantono moh, bound from Philadelphia fur Ker West Over BOO) Spanlarda Oava stsxloa Tor Cuba. TAunco, Mexico, April 25, Tbe war news has caused tbe American and Spanish colonies here to be wrought up to the hhrhest pitch of excitement. Over 200 Spaniards have left here for Cuba where tlioy will Aoluntoer their ser vlcrs In behalf of Spain. Nearly all the Ameri cans hero aro preparing to leave for tbe Unlud Htntea, wberu they will volunteer for the war. American shipping interests hero are paralyzed. Htsd Bator Uason's llmiy article on Cuba ta th vty number of Alntitfi Mtoatl, oat a-dy.for Hi by U namdtaler. friea 0 ocau. Tb Vm HOI taagazue ta tb wertd. ., COLVXIllA AT NEWPOItT. The Crnlsar Drp ta There ana Evidently I Awaiting Order. NwTorrr, R. L, April B5.-Early thla morn ing word waa raeelved from tho naval reserve signal station at Bldbk Island that the cruiser Colombia had passed there bound for Newport and at 11 o'clock she slowly steamed Into the harbor and dropped anchor back of tha torpedo station, Nothing could be learned of tbe object of her visit Bho was not after supplies and noth ing has gon on board all day. One of the watch officers was seen ashore and said no one on the vesssl but the Captain knew tho objeot of tbelr visit Tbay had corao here for orders. He did did not even know whero sho would go from hero. They left Hampton Roads at midnight on Saturday an hour later than th Minneapo lis, which they passed at sea Sunday morning at o'clock, not having seen her since or know ing her destination. It Was not until the officers of tho Columbia and Minneapolis had gathered on tho pier at Fort Monroe in response to tha hurried sum. mons that they found out that only those vessels wero ordered away. Then tho question of destination arose at once. Nobody aboard the Colombia knew but Capt Bonds and hu kept his own counsel. The officers got around tn tho ward room and guessed, and the "strategy board" devised all sort Of plans to fit tho situ ation, but nobody guessed Newport and after It became known that the Rhode Island summer resort waa tho ship's destination tha guessing as to the reason became as active as It had been ns to the other question. If the Captain knows or has formed a reason bo keeps It to blmsslf. Tha trip up from Fort Monroe was under the war regulations. Battlo porta wero fitted so that no light showed from the shlp,except her running lights. All tho guns were shotted and the crews slept at their guns. Tho ship was roody, as she always is, for any emergency, but tho emergency did not appear. On Sunday morning seroral schoonsrs and steamers were sighted, but the only time the cruiser changed her courso was not to Investigate ono of them, but to avoid tho chanco of running her down. As soon as tho ship was anchored eleven guns were fired as a saluto to Commodore Kauts, commandant of tho naval station here. The salute was answered from the old Constellation, and, then Capt Sands made his official call on the Commodore. It Is sup posed that Capt Sands haa received his orders, for It Is understood that tbe Columbia will sail In tho morning. Nothing is known, however, as to her destination. No effort has been mode to replace the coal used up on the trip from Fort Monroo. It was only about 150 tons-avery economical run. spAifisn irAnsnip boabb. A CraUsr tUportad t Ba Sknlklns About Off tha Blalaa Camat. ElsTPonT.Me.. April 25. Capt Pratt of tho Do minion Fishery cruiser Curlew arrived hero to day from outside and reported seeing a Spanish warship oft Machlas. He saluted har but sbo paid no attention. It is suppoiod tbat she Is waiting to capture two steamers which are due here to-morrow, the Stato of Maino from Port land, end the St Croix from St John, N. B. Halifax, April 25. When the flag of Austria Hungary was run up on the signal staff of tho Citadel there were many who mistook It for tho Spanish colors, and crowds betook thamsslres to the harbor front in the hops of soelng some thing sensational. It wo hard to convince people that It was only the Austrian training ship Donau. Immediately after coming to anchor at 0 o'clock v'-alute. of twenty-ono guns was cxchangd.wllh'iSo 'itadol, and Act ing Captain Ludwlg Rltter von HOhnel came ashore and called 'on Consul H. L. Chlpman. Off this harbor tho weather was thick to-day and Capt von HSbnel had difficulty in getting a pilot and to attract attention he fired a number of guns. This led the master of tho steamer Brldgewater, wblch overtook tho warship, to conclude that tbe Austrian was In dlstross. Capt Oakes hailed her and lay to, but received no reply. For somo miles the Austrian followed the Incoming steamer, but finally a pilot was secured and ho was Independent of this leader ship. Ofitclal calls will be made to-morrow, Tho Donau will bo In port for some weeks. OUtt PACIFIC FLEET. It Hasn't don to tb Philippine Vat. bat I In Cblarse Watara. tftelaX Cthlt IHtpattku to Tn Sen. Hono Kono, April 2512:10' P. M. The United States cruisers Olympla, Baltimore, and Raleigh have Just left this port for MIrs Bay to Join tho American fleet which sailed from here yesterday. Commodore Dewey, the Commander of tho American squadron, and Mr. Wlldman, tbo American Consul here, havo protested against the notification to tbe American warships to de part on the ground tbat tho Untod States bad not given notice that war bad been doclared. SnAXoriAi, April 25. It Is said that tho Span ish Minister at Pekin, Is urging China to declare herneutraltty owing to tbe United States using MIrs Bsy as a base of operations. Bangkok, Slam, April 25. Mr. John Bar rett tha Ainorican Minister to Slam, conversing unofficially, said that It was of tho greatest Im portance that the United Statos should take tbe Phtllpplno Islands, which aro richer than Cuba. Thoy would be tbe key to the far East and the Astatlo Paclflo If tbsy ware in strong bands, and would be valuable commercially and strategically. After seizing tbe islands the United States might negotiate with Great Britain to exchange them for the British West Indies or with other powers for reciprocal advantages. x According to this Information our fleet has not yet started for the Philippines. It has sim ply gone from British waters at Hong Kong to Chinese waters at MIrs Bay, whtoh is about twenty miles northeast of Hong Kong. When It is ready to start for Manila It will not take lonir to reach that port Tho average tlmo of tbe passage bet eon Hong Kong and Manila Is two days. TUB OEEOON AT SUA. h Una Sot Called at .Montevideo and Mar Have Done on to Itlo. tptelal Cablt r$ipato to Tns ami. London, April 25. A despatch from Buenos Ayres to tbe Vatlv Mail says that nothing has botn beard there of the American battleship Oregon since she left Callao, and It seems that she has olther gone to Hong Kong or Itlo Janeiro, avoiding Montovldeo. The Spanish torpedo gunboat Temerarlo Is still at Buenos Ayres awaiting orders. IT 1TAS TUB 1'AItJS HUEK. Th lookout! Knew ITban lbs Big I.laar Passed I ho Lizard. Brttfal Cablt Dttpatch to Tns On. London. April 25. In rospouso to an Inquiry wbothor they were tolerably certain that tho steamer reported from tbe LUard on Friday nlgbt as "Paris presumably" was really the Paris, the offlters at that station return this answor: "The steamer burned the American lino nlgbt signal and the Paris was then futly due." OUK lOnl'EIIU JIOAT SOUEBB. f h Had N Trauble Ualtlua a Crw and I Heady 1 Sail. Sptctal Cablt Df patch to Taa Bra. London, April 25. It Is untrue that th American torpedo boat Somera Is having dif ficulty in getting a erf w. The fact is tbat there is a good crew on board of ber and she is ready to sail at any tim. ENGLAND'S NEUTRALITY. TUB TEXT OF IB R DXCT.AH ATIOK IB EXPECTED Tb-DAT. Until It na Den necalved Perineal Will Hot D Atlteit t nd th Spanish Plet at Cap Trde I lea-Matte to Ba CI van (pan It h Vetaala la American Port t Iave. WAMtrKOTON, April 25. Officials of the Stat and Navy Departments and of tho Admlulstra tlon generally are looking forward with interest to tho publication of Great Britain's declara tion of neutrality, of which Tns Bon told this morning. The information which came to tha Navy Department yesterday from Ad miral Dewey at Hong Kong and all other officer In command of American warship at British ports, that la advance of tha Issue of the neutrality decree they had bean directed to leave those ports, has been supplemented by notice that tho text of the declaration will probably appear In the Official Qattttt to morrow. Press despatches say that th com mander of the Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Audax hss received notice similar to that served on Amorlcan eiaval commanders, and will bo obliged to leave Queenstown without delay. Until the neutrality of Great Britain is formally announced It Is not likely that tha United States will make any representation to Portugal over tho contlnuod presence at St. Vincent Cape Verde Islands, of tho principal Spanish squadron. At the present time there la no disposition to havo tha Spanish fleet leave It rendezvous. When all the aux iliary vessels recently acquired by the United States have been fitted for service and the blockading souadron off tho Cuban coast augmented by a number of converted gunboats there will be time enough, naval officers Say, to force Portugal's hand. Tho present strategical situation of Spain's naval forces Is not displeasing to this Government and wero It not for the uncertainty Involving tho purpose of the ships at St Vin cent thero would bo practically no concern, as there Is every confldenco In the minds of those connected with tho naval administration that the Unltod States will be victorious in tha first bis naval engagement. Tho situation of affairs between Spain and tho United States has been cleared by the prompt adoption by Congress to-day of tha rec ommendation, transmitted to both houses early In the afternoon by the President tbat a decla ration be mado of the existence of a stato of war between tho two countries, and its equally prompt approval at the White House. It Is understood that the British Government In Ita neutrality decree, will take the stand that war has existed from the moment Minister Woodford was informed by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that ho would banolonger recognised officially at Madrid. This will emphasize and support tho declaration made by Congress to-day, and with the principal marine nation In full accord with the contention of this Government thero appears to bo little llkoll hood that the prizes taken by the Ameri can ships oft Havana will be considered as Illegal seizures. At the Cabinet meeting to-day the President road to bis advisers the message which he transmitted latter to Con gress recommending recognttlonof tbe existence of a state of war. Incidental to this, considera tion was given at tbe session to tho ques tion of allowing Spanish vessels now In Ameri can port to leave without molestation, ana It was decided that another proclamation should bo made giving these craft notice that they must depart "within a specified tlmo. How long a period will bo allowed tho Spanish merchant men to clear out of American water cannot be definitely ascertained. It is suppoiod, howover, that a period equal to that allowed by Spain for American mer chantmen to leave Spanish porta will be named. The Spanish decree Is said to allow thirty daya within which American ships must comply with Its directions or be subject to seizure. Tho proclamation will probably bo Issued by tbo State Department to morrow. PEOCEASTATIOX TO BE POSTED. TV Will nave oa near Hellre When Onr Von! Muat Iavr. Mfrtml Cmllt Dttpatc to Tan In. London, April 25. In the House of Commons to-day, in reply to a question as to American warships quitting British porta, Mr. Balfour said that within a tow hours a proclamation would be mado laying down principles In regard to both belligerents. The proclamation announcing the neutrality of Great Britain In the hostilities between Spain nnd tho United States will be posted at the Mansion House. Tbe report tbat American warships must leave British ports within forty-eight hour is Incorrect Tbe truth Is that Great Britain has notified tbe United States authorities that when the time comes sbo will give the American Government twenty-four hours' notice. CANADIAN CBEERB TOE VS. Enthusiasm at at. Gaonre Bantuet Cenanl, Genarat Tnrnera apaaca. Ottawa, Ont, April 25. The banquet given by St. Georeo's Society of Ottawa was attended by tbe loading dignitaries and distinguished persons now at the Canadian capital. Prom inent among tbo guests was Col. C. E. Turner, Consul-General for tho United States at Ottawa. The enthusiasm wblch prevailed during Col. Turner's speech was very marked and the utter ances of the American Consul were most favor ably commented upon by the city papers to-day. Conspicuous among the decorations of the ban quet ball wero the American flag and tho Union Jack closely Intertwined. Lord Aberdeen spoke In most kindly term of the American people and paid a glowing tribute to the Red Cross Society, with Miss Clara Bar ton at Its head. It would do much to relieve tbe wounded and suffering during the war in which that country is now Involved. At the conclusion of tho Governor-General's speech the health of tbe President of tbo United States was proposed and the band struck up "Yankee Doodle," after which there was a tre mendous outburst of cheorlng from the English men and Canadians present as Col Turner rose to respond to the toast In the course of an eloquent and loyal speech ho used the following language: "I rise with hesitation and sadness to reply to this toast, I rise to speak for a nation tbat Is now plunged In a war which will mean tha loss of husbands, fathers and brothers and an Incal culable amount of suffering. The reasons for this war are well known. The people of a neighboring country have been perseeuted and oppressed for generation. Dlplomatlo negotia tions have failed, and nothing remains but war, "I am proud to bo ablo to say tbat our cause is right It is in the interest of suffering hu manlty, "If this war which is now upon us will result In bringing tho United States and Great Britain nearer togothor, to a better understanding and n better feoling, surh a condition of affairs will go far to compensate for the great suffering and loss which must result God grant that tbo time Is near at hand when the red coat of Tommy Atkln and tbo blue coats of the boy of Uncle Ssm will be side by side. If the occasion arises when, In tbe best judgment of tbe execu tives of tbe nations, tbsy should Intervene. An alliance of till kind would make pace by arbi tration an atwoluto necessity, and the genera Uons to come would havo no personal knowledge of the meaning of war," Tha American Consul's spaech 1 regarded In this city as a masterpiece of good taste and ap PTVprUtoacnUaenU j,,, ffiaSlinfffiff BPAIK'M BVIWARIttB TXSBBL, ha trill Catd it TTarahlp Thrsagh Mined Water Tf III Ska Da Test Iter 1 Smttial Caltt tttpnteh to Ta So. London, April 25. According to th Daily Mail Bpaln ha acquired the lease of a vessel called a submarine worker, which was Invented by Count Pozzo and constructed In Franc. A desortption of the vesssl appeared In 1S07 in the French engineering journals. Bh was orig inally Intended for salvage operations on sub merged wrecks. The. vessel I a steel sphere, with an external diameter of 0 fast 0 inches, Sh Is pro pelled by electrlolty, and hu a speed of eight or nine knot an hour. Sho carries a supply of compressed air that will last three men for forty-eight hour. From th front of tho vessel protrudes a strong cutting and grappling arm, which Is capable of severing anchor cables and connection of submarine mines. Bha can lay mines aud discharge them electrically after retiring to a safe distance. She can be connected with tho deck of a vesssl andsoguld a warsnlp aaftly through mined waters. Mr. Ackerman, the London agent of the own ers, says that the boat Is on board a Bpaolsh vessel tbat is now Ave days out for tbe United States. OASIEZAE IB BOBltT FOIt UB. Ba Witt Blah a Ipaach DepUrlna th Paot That Vf Bar Betroaraded to Barbarism. SvKtal Cablt Dfipalch to Tux Sex. Madrid, April 25. There 1 much Impatlanee here over the new that Is being received, especially regarding tho movement of the fleets. Capt,-Gen. Blanco' published despatches briefly roport tbat the American fleet Is In sight of Havana and tbe setzuro of blockade runners. The Republicans havo presented an address to Sefior Castelar, ostensibly congratulating him upon his recovery from his Indisposition, but in reality offering to support him If he will come boldly forward and restore the republic Tho address bears 20,000 signatures. Sefior Castelar has not replied to the address. There is reason to believo that he will re-enter Parliament where he has not been sesn for twonty years, although ho has been constantly elected a member. It Is virtually certain, how ever, that he will not oppose the Government or monarchy. It Is understood that he Intends to make a speech deploring that th United States, of which ho haa hitherto been ono of tho warmest admirers ns tho harbinger of universal peace, has retrograded to barbarism by provoking an unjust and noodless war. J1ZAHCO ZOOK8 TO SPAIN. II Bpct liar to Rand Iter Hov J to tho Belief or Havana. Havana. April 21. In caso of an attack on Havana by the American fleet Gen. Blanco is .resolved to stand it to tho last tn the hope that Bpaln. WLlflabd her naval forces to tho relief of tho dtr. 'Spain will not, abandon us," are the word with which Gen. Blanco inspires confl" dence In the Spaniards. The fortifications of Matanzas havo been re inforced with 2,000 men and some now guns. A cable has been laid across tbo bay of Clen fucgos between tbe city and FortelUacho in order to maintain constant communication be tween tho commander of tbe fort and tho city authorities. Tho mines placed in tbe bay of Cienf uogos are seven In number. Thoy extend In two lines from tho entrance Tho first line is connected by wire with the fort and the second with the city. Tbe Spanish volunteers at Clenfuegos are' riotous and they have compelled tha Autono mist residents to enlist and tako up arms to prove their loalty to Spain by acts rather tnan by words. According to advice from Santiago do Cuba the volunteer there ar also maintaining a threatening attltudo toward the native popula lation on account of the reports from tho Inte rior that the insurgents repelled all offers of an' armistice and are ready to cooperate with the American Army. TO BUILD 100 TORPRDO ROAT8T Tha Material Bala to nave neetnphlpped br tbe Cnrnril Steel Company. PiTTSnono, April 25. It ws reported to-day that tho Carnegie Steel Company had completed Its shipment of material for 100 torpodo boats to be built by tha Government In Eastern ship yards. Tho report that the Carnegie company had a contingent order for the material for 100 boats to be got out in caso of war was printed two weeks ago. Business firms In need of material find that the f roquent emergency ordors from the Govern ment havo caused an advance In tho prices of various steel products for private dellvory. Mill men say, however, that tbe cost to tbo Govern ment has not been Increased, as they do not wish to profit unduly by the country's noeds. As the Government's demands aro apt to bo sudden and large, they charge private customers an advanced price for booking orders. PRIVATE IT. J. BRYAN, Tbe Nebraska Patriot Talks or Servlnc ni Country la th Itank. Wichita, Kan., April 25. The other day W. J, Bryan wrote to his old-time friend here. Col. U. Holer, expressing his disapproval of the un seemly scramble for commands In th army to be called into existence, and further saying that ho would, wer he not fearful that his action would be misconstrued and capital made of It by partisan newspapers, offer bis services a a private soldier. To-day Col. Boler received a telegram asking his counsel upon the question of offering him self aa a private soldier When hero last fall Mr. Bryan waa th Colonel's gusst It Is prob able tbat he will advise Mr. Bryan to enlist WAR CZOSE.1 PIANO SHOPS. Many Plan Maker nnd Rhlppln- Clerk Thrown Out of Employment. Tho International Piano Maker' Union re ported yesterday that a large number of shops have been closed on account of the war. In this city many members of the union are without permanent employment A large number of shipping clerks have also been notified by tho companies that they are to bo discharged on socount of the war. Some of them have been In the employment of tbe com. panles for many years. PATRIOTISM IN THE SCHOOLS. 0r. Black Six th Csctoaball BUI far th Olaslay or tb American Plaa. A LB IN v, April 25. Gov, Black to-day signed Senator Coggeshall' bill providing for patrtotlo exercises in tbe public schools and tho display of toe United Stites flag on scboojhouses. This law was recommended by the Stato G, A. It Haw sad hstvy stoat rails oa main Una Long Island naUread, itoadwar olld. Me dut-uSd. JTnnSilnT SPAIN'S FLEET FIUES UP- ' . nmMnanmMmmm M XT IB EXPECTED TO BAIT. FROU 0t , j . TINOBNT TO.DAT. M All ttaTrsrl Well lipplled with Cat and 'x, Taking Oa Writer and Store N Tlsltarfe "fir Allawrd on Beard and it Share Lev4 'H Oranled th Man There Ita Dhs Ma flf Targes Praetlr Rar Manas vrta.Tbrs' JU Wear new Caata er Ittaeb and Are utrippMI JH far Aclloa-The Partngnaa Think th PI j I m Vary atraua On Th Tarped Itaata. -1 Spttiat Cabtt DftaMtt to Tni Stm. d( London, April 23, A despatch to the Daitf Mail from Bt Vincent says 'that the Spanish -a fleet remains at anchor at that port. No visitor j are allowed on board! the vessels. The crullsra 1 ' have been coaling all day from the transport "jifi Cludad de Cadiz. They are alio busily engaged, m. In embarking water and stores. The 8paMarflg Kl have bought all th (tores of medicine ane 1J other supplies at BtVlnoent and have even U laid passing vessels under contribution. 1 1( I Al the cruisers appear to bo powerful, high ' u class vossels. The torpedo boats are In good If condition, and altogether It Is a very formidable) U flotilla. The transport Ban Francisco hah 'i brought 2,000 tons of coal for tho fleet, and all Vh the vossels aro well suppllod with fuel. '31 Thero ha been no manaravring-of th squad- "j,g ron, nor has thero been any targepraetlce. Tha - j'w ships have all boen painted falaok since their ik, arrival at St Vincent They aro stripped for SI, action, and their accessories havo beentran. , '.f ferrod to transports. ' f, The torpedo boat destroyer have the most ' W. workmanliko appoarance, Thoy are very low -aj In tbe water, and are scarcely dlscernable as tli night at a very small distance. No shore leave is given to the crews. AU tha 'fV fires aro llgbtod under the boiler of tho war ,i ships, and It is reported that tho flaet will call to-morrow. .',-j ' 'fP According to Mttugnese local opinion tho Jlj fleet 1 a very strong one. , St. Vincent, Cape de Verde, April 25. Tho '111 Spanish squadron is s'.HI here, but It Is rumored 11 that It will sail to-morrow. 'Ill BPAIN'S PROCLAMATION. View Expressed In the liouaa or Ceaanwu ai f i to tbo Meaning or Part of It. ,j j Sptttal Cobtt Etttatth to Tux Boa. ' ij London, April 25. In tho House of Oon 'M, mons to-day, Mr. Balfour, acting Foreign MIn- M lstcr, replying to q uestlons as to tho attitudo of Bpaln, quoted from the proclamation of tho I Spanish Government pubhshod In the Official rj : Gazette at Madrid yesterday, and referred to ';J , tbo clause In which Spain maintain her rights 'i , to grant lotters of marque and declares that for the present she will confine herself to the vessels ,1 ' of tho mercantllo marine and a forco of auxU- i iary cruisers to be entirely under naval control. Asked whether Lb Government waa of tho J! j opinion that the vessels would be publlo or ' V ' private warships, Mr. Balfour aald that h per sonally Interpreted the clause aa meaning tha 4 llj Spain, whllo reserving tha right to issue letters . . r of marrjuej if tho circumstances should mako Is d erpadleatila Ibo MSAniiajtj U4 nol JaUsAtp , ' S f oxert that right, , " j- " -" J Sir William Ilaroourt the leader of th Oppo- h sttfon, asked Mr. Balfour if In consideration of 'irt the Importanco of tho matter ho would not ask for a moro explicit declaration as to tbe truo character of such vessels, whether they would I be entirely under national control, or how they fiJ would differ from nny vessol hired by belllg- 3hj ercnts. fjl'jl Mr. Balfour thought that Spain's Intention !J was clear to put steamers used for peaceful our- tjayj poses In tlmo of peace under naval control, with gi naval officers, for ourposo of warfare. Accord- ,jmi Ing to his Interpretation, these vessels must flf -VS) the Spanish navnl flag. J j. OERtlANX'B INTERESTS IIXUB, fjjj Tbay Are Tn areat far Crnnnny to Banetlew i,j Even Moral Preaaaro Upon tJa. Wl; Sptttal Cabtt Dtisatoh to Tot Box. SSI Berlin, April 25. Th Berlin Pott, th Gov- fl ernment's Inspired organ, doclarea that Germany . ij will not make any declaration of noutrallty. By j preservIngherlibtrtyofactlonlathoCbincMand j' J Greek wars, th i'ost lays, Germany obtained S ii great advantages, wblch fact demonstrates tho i lnad vlsabtllty of now tying her own hand in ad f, ; vanco in a war in which tho Interests of Gennaa ft commerce are at stake. , H I Tbo inspired Hamburger Korretvondcnt and 1 ; tbo Munich .lllocmetnt Zeitung declare thao : Gorman Interests In America are too great for , i , Germany to contomplato even a moral pressur 1 upon America. f The consensus of opinion of tho Government l !,; organs Is that Herr von Bnlow, Foreign Mini. I) k ter. will adhere to tho principle of tho Bis fg' marcklan policy, In which sentiment finds no 52 place. Wl A rumor is In circulation In Stettin that tho ') United States Government telegraphically corn- rf pleted tbo purchase on Saturday of throe iron- wli clad built for China. Other report say tha S China has refused to sanction the sale. , EXCITEUENI AI PORTO RIOO. Wt - A Prior r Pood nialnK Itaragea Prevented M front' Loavlua-. M Sptctal Callt Dttjiatoh to Toa Sun. m' ST.TnoMAB, W. L, April 25.-Advlces frosa V Porto Rico say that tbe agitation on tha island is Increasing, Prices of food ar riling rapidly. The authorities are preventing tbe dopartur of j refugees. Some refugees, howover, arrived hero iE'l yesterday, and all rsport that tbe situation on K the island is critical. Martial law has been pro- - i claimed. GREECE'S WARSHIPS. A depart Tbat We OBrd Grooe 00,000,004) 1 1 far tba PleeC j . Sptttal Cablt Detpateh le TBS 80. f I London, April 25. A despatch to the Central i New from Athens says that tbe United SUUs t ' -. offered Oreece tbe sum of 45,000,000 franc for r 1 her entire fleet of warships. y The despatch adds that hundreds of Cretan , ; are off erlng to enlist in tho serrloe of the United States. ITALY'S ATTITUDE. , J Offlelally Annennoed That Sh Will Halatata I tbo Strictest neutrality. Bptetat Cablt VtipaUh to Ta Bra. Home. April 25. The Marquis Vltcontl Va- j noita. Minister of Foreign Affairs, aunounced ( in the Chamber of Deputies to-day tht Italy ; would observe the strictest neutrality In tb -' Spanish-American conflict .j JU Th Anda Ball far Cadis. ( , !i tpfial Cablt DitpattH to Tn tn. ! ,' QuENT0ww, April 25. Th Spsnlsh torpedo , i boat Audaz, which has been In dry dock her for the past three weeks, bs sailed for Cadiz, ;; , Wo May CM a Prlsn on Vlralata. j, I NwroT Nkwb, V.. April 25,-Th Spanish V' t steamship Benlta, which 1 expected to arrive l here to-morrow from Oalvet'ton for coal, will no , f doubt be tho prist of one of tho flying aatdm ill U!!aiii;,;.r.rit'h-Vr awJM