Newspaper Page Text
i - Ml SSSSBSlSsW i iMk Jl I Showers and thunder Jtorms; cooloij 1 ! . ' . i . .., . i .. , , ... , - - - .. I ft ' . ' M " K HV.-N0.301. NEW YORK TUESDAY, JUNE 28,' 1898.-COPYRIGHT. 1898. BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. ' MCE TWO CENTO ? I 1 PR TO SANTIAGO Op Advance Only 4 Miles . f Away on Sunday. HURRYIMQ OH THE BIG GUNS. i 1 ' imnllaneous Attack by Our 1 I 'Army 'and Pled Expected. Reheat Soeats Are a Mile Akead or tho Army Within) a M I nod a Hair f the Cllr'e Do ItmM Soma Artillery Already at the Front -Wldeatns tht Bead te in Feet ttr the Foe. ; an ar Cannon 0,000 Cabana Ce-epOratlnar ' with 17s A Part er enrol' Foroea Guard In Boada Bath Kaes aad West ar tke City I te Bead Off Spanish Relnrerermeate ' I I SO.OOO Soaalsb Treses In Santiago They Ara Worldae Bard an lha FarllOoatlaaa, I hat Antmaaltloa la abort aad Feed I. nan- I alar Lorn Oar Army la la Oo.d Health. J Sptctal CabTt Dttpatefi to Tna 8tn. If Sibonky, near Santiago de Cuba, June 20. It in very probable that by the tlmo tho readers of Tun Son boo this de spatch tho entire American army of In vasion In Cuba will bo marching upon tho doomed city of Santiago, and It Ik expected that by 8 or 0 o'clock on Tuesday morning . the troops will be almost within hailing I distance of their objective point. This is F likely to bo tho caso If there Is no sudden change In tho plan of campaign, of which there Is now no evidence. ., As told In tho despatches to The Sun, 8,000 troops, American and Cuban, occu pied Scvllla on Saturday. Gen. "Wheeler was In command there and with him wore Gens'. Chaffee, Young and Lawton. At 0 o'clock on Sunday morning the advance guard of the Americans was pushed for i word about thrcp miles, halting and camp- ' lDg near San Juan, on the Guamo, about four miles from Snntlngo. Tho ndvauce was led by the Seventh Kegular Infantry, commanded by Col. llenhnm. Later tho entire First Brigade, under Gens. Whcelor and Strong, moved for ward and camped within two tulles of the place occupied by I ho Sercnth Infpntry. Included In this brigade In the Second 'Massachusetts Volunteers. Tho Seveuty-flrst Now York Volunteers (are still at Slbonoy, not yet having re ceived orders to advance. They insisted Ih tho lauding of a part of tho heavy artillery there. Hoosevelt's rough riders are still In the en in p that they pitched after their skirmish with the enemy on Friday, when Cspt. Capron, Capt, Luna, and Sergeant Hamilton Fish and others ivero killed. The Cuban troops, whose knowledge of the country Js not equalled by tho Spaniards n - llietrmelves, are fully a mile ahead of tho most advanced Americans. They are in . cntnp only a mile and ahalf from a Spanish outpost in tho Sun Luis hills, a short, dis tance east of Santiago. The Cubans occa sionally exchange shots with tho enemy, hntthls Is more In the way of diversion than In tho hope of doing any damage, as the range Is too great for either side to do . any harm. .Heavy nrtlllery Is being landed to day at i , Baiqulrl. The task of landing theso guns I is very great with tho meagre facilities at ; hand. The work, however, Is progressing ' an rapidly as possible. The guns will be 1 ' forwarded quickly to-morrow. The -whole movement depends upon the arrival of the I heavy artillery at the front, as the army IV V will not be allowed to attack tho city and lif Its outer defences until the guns arrive. The delay thus far has been due entirely to the time Involved In getting tho artillery ashore. Soma of the guns are already well on their way to the front, and four bat terles and a Galling gunhavearrived there. Gen. Wheeler and Gen. Strong and their officers are chafing at the delay. Were It not that Gen. Shatter had Issued an emphatic or der Instructing them not to do so they would probably hare attempted tocarry tho city by assault before this. Gen. Shatter, how ever, insisted that no useless risks should i be taken. Ho evidently intends that what work he bos to do shall bo done most thor oughly, and he Is not taking any chances of giving the enemy even a semblance of a ' victory. The suggestions of the hotheads who desire to quickly attack the city, big guns or not, hare no weight with blm. The understanding is that the guns will be ready for use to-morrow. All the army, with the exception of the First Brigade, is camped In the hills be tween Baiqulrl and Slboney. All the men ar anxious for the fighting to begin. Their spirit Is excellent, despite the hard ship and drudgery of campaigning In such a country as this, and this argues well for tb success of the attack when It is made. It cannot be definitely learned whether Gen. Shatter intends to take Santiago by assault or compel the capitulation of the plaoe by besieging it. It Is likely, how ever, that a simultaneous attack will be msdeby tho army nd Admiral Sampson's -, fleet. The correspond ent of Tin: Sun to-day took a look orer the field of tho coming i efmnMaWIfr?f!Vii?f'll .'iftt if. i'. I f- ' operations. He climbed a bill from which a fine view could bo had of the entire olty and all the Inner harbor. From the Span ish hospital In the town was flying tho flag of the Red Cross Society, to prevent the building being fired upon by the Ameri cans, This Is tho first time this flag has ever been used by the Spaniards. It goes without saying that it will bo respected by the Americans, though there aro many of the latter who bellevo It would receive scant respect from tho Spaniards were tho conditions reversed. Tho enemy were busily engaged In strengthening the defences of the town, though It was evident that somo of their work bad been commenced too late, they apparently having waited until they knew from which side tho attack would come. There is no doubt that tho enemy sadly miscalculated tho time tho Americans would require to reach tho city. They have found that their manana policy Is not followed by the Yankees, with the re sult that the Americans ore now almost at their city before all the defences are completed. From the position taken by Tnn Sun correspondent n number of soldiers could be seen working upon the fortifications, and new Intrenchments were being built. At one point the garrison of an outpost, numbering probably 300 men, were trying to erect a battery of good-sited guns. The work had not progressed Tory far. Men from a blockhouse thero were also being employed In Intrenching the road. Tl."i negroes who escaped frdm Santiago uud were caught by Gen. Wheeler's men, as told of lil yesterday's despatches to The Sun, said that, In addition to the great scar city of food In Santiago, the Spaniards are badly scared by the rapid approach of tho Americans. Almost a reign of terror pre vails In the town, where It Ib believed that 40,000 American troops have landed and are marching on the city. All sorts of tales are told of how the Americans are ucting. Ouu story has it that they are picking up Cubans as they go and are forc ing them to carry guns and to fight In the front. The women of the city are abso lutely terror stricken because of the tales that are told regarding the cruelties and outrages perpetrated by tho hated Yan kees, The Spaniards tell the Cubans that all who leave the city will bo killed by the Americans. They add that tho Cubans who left tho city to Join the American army were nil shot as soon as they got In range of the Yankee guns. They also de clare that the Americans are killing pacifl cos, men, women, and children. Tho bet ter class of Cubans know that all these stories are false and are doing their best to counteract them. They are not very suc cessful, however, as the Spaniards claim to have absolute proof of the stories they tell. The negroes, four of whom were captured, Instead of two, as reported in yesterday's despatches, also said that the Spaniards were working bard to strengthen the forti fications, especially tho San Luis battery, which commands the inland entrance to tho city. Tho negroes added that tho soldiers who fought the rough riders on Friday were not in ambush, as the Americans thought, but were retreating and were overtaken by Col. Wood's men. When they beard the Americans approaching, they thought that they were being pursued, and turned and tired upon the Americans. They then re treated again toward the city, stIU firing as they went. When asked how many of the Spaniards bad been killed, the only answer the ne groes gave was "Many, many," with a sweep olUhelr hands, over a company of American soldiers standing near, Indicat ing that that number had met their death in the combat with the rough riders. "How many were wounded!" was next asked, to which the negroes responded with the same " Many, many," sweeping their hands over half regiment. They could not or would not give any figures. "Were any officers killed or wounded r was then asked. "The commander was wounded," the negroes said, adding: "He was a Brest officer, for the Spaniards took him to San tiago In a carriage." The Cuban soldiers say that, it -the i 7 wounded offlcor was taken back to tho olty In a carriage, he must have been of very high rank. The negroes confirm tho report that thero are 12,000 soldiers In Santiago, and that 4,000 others are noar by. They declare that ammunition in tiro city is running low, and that this Is causing so much anxiety that the matter is discussed by military men in the cafes and othor publlo places. Tho possibility was suggested to Gon. Garcia to-day, In the presence of Tins Suit correspondent, of the Spaniards making a detour with the object of coming up behind the Americans and attacking them In tho rear when the Americans at tack the city, Gon. Garcia said that tho outside limit of tho Spanish force in and near Santiago was 14,000 men. Of these, 4,000 are sick, and of the rest not more than 3,000 could bo spared for such a manoeuvre as the ono suggested. Tho others were absolutely necessary to man the forti fications and trenches. Thoreforo thero was no danger of the enemy attempting an attack from tho rear. ! Milts. V V $" OUR ADVANCE TO SANTIAGO. On Siturday last our advance force occupied Bavilla. On 8undar afternoon the advance force was at San Juan, on the Outma River, only four atlas from Santiago. The entire First Brlcads was within two miles to the east, and the raet of the army Was tn route, creulnsr toward the front A shows tha Dosttlon of a cogMdernble force of our Cuban allies, a mils nearer Santiago. 11 Is tha position of tho Spanish San LulS battery, a mile and a bait from Santiago. This bnttery In particular threatens tha road along vthloh onr army is advaaotng. C C shavra tho approximate position of Spanish intranebments on the north, est, and sooth east of tho city. Our he-ivy artillery was being landed both at Baiqulrl aad Slboney. , When questioned regarding the possibil ity of the Spaniards receiving reinforce ments, Gen. Garcia said that there was no chanoe of their doing bo. Every road lead ing to thoclty is held by the Cubans, who were put there for the particular purpose of preventing any accession to the Spanish strength in tho town. In the face of tho iunumerablo details which have claimed his attention since the flotilla of transports came to anchor off tho Cuban coast, Gon. 8haf ter has not for an Instant lost sight of the paramount im portance of our Cuban allies In the opera tions against Santiago. With a view of avalllnc himself to the utmost of the pecu liar services for which they are especially fitted, he has had frequent conferences with Gon. Garcia and tho other insurgent loaders. A programme has been mapped out with their complete concurrence, In compliance with which several changes of base have been made, all tending to bring the Cubans into closer touch with the at tacking army and Shatter's headquarters. The main portion of Garcia's men have been threatening Santiago on tho west. To-doy they are being landed at Juragua slto, a little .west of Slboney. They num ber about 2,000 men, and four of the Amer ican troopships were detailed to make the transfer. As fast as they are put ashore they are marched to Juragua, where there Is already an Insurgent force of about the same strength. Thus there will be concentrated within Immediate reach of headquarters, counting In tho scouts and skirmishers at tho head of the column, a Cuban force of fully 4,000 men. practically all the fighting Insurgents near the city of Santiago de Cuba. In addition to the thorough system of American outposts with whloh Gen. Shatter Is protecting the lino of march and all the important positions which he designs to occupy, It is his plan to reinforce these out posts In overy quarter with strong detach ments of Cubans, thus taking advantage of their knowledge of the country and the skill acquired in long months of bush whacking warfare against the Spaniards. It Is known that the Spaniards under Gen. Fareja at Calmanera, near Guantana mo, will make desperate efforts to retreat to SantlBKO. This force numbers 3,000 njen, A forco of Cubans equally as largo holds tho roads leading from Guantanamo, and it Is believed that it will be Impossible for Gen. Paroja to cut his way through, Meanwhllo the marines and tho warships in Guantanamo Bay are constantly ha rassing Gen. Poreja's force and threaten ing them with annihilation. The strateglo importance of Guantanamo Baysnd of the base established at Camp McCalla by the landing of our marines be comes apparent when the situation at Bai qulrl and Juraguaalto to the west If, con sidered. Both of these places are merely open roadsteads affording good anchorage In fair weather, but a storm would cut off communication between the fleet and the shore. Moreover it would b dangerous work for the transports to at tempt to ride out a gale In such an exposed position, while at the best bad westher would cut off communications only tem porarily with the army. It is atfmlnsfc Just such a contlngenoy that ? - . ij .1 - iii1" ,M i-3 the importance of Guantanamo Bay has recommended itsolf to tho American au thorities. Tho bay affords perfect shelter and abundant anchorage room for all the ships, with the additional advantage that the warships can coal there at their lclaurd In all sorts of weather. With this In mind steps are being taken to strengthen our position at Camp McCalla and effectually forestall tho possibility of a successful movement against It on the part of the Spanish. Tho report of tho negroes that the Span iards in Santiago aro short of ammunition Is confirmed from two othor sources. There Is little doubt that tho Spaniards ore In a desperate condition. To-duy Gen, Garcia recolved a cable de spatch from Gen. Miles saying: " Wo aro enthuslastlo over your conduct. Warmest congratulations." Gen. Garcia also recolved another de spatch from Gen, Miles, as follows : "Pleoso answer officially your acceptance of plans and promise of co-operation," Gen. Garcia replied- " Tho Cuban army under me can always be depended upon to cooperate under your direction." Tho force commanded by Gen. Garcia Is increasing In strength dally. Becrults aro constantly coming in, and as soon as they are armed they nre sent to the field. Most of the recruits are despatched In tho direc tion of Guantanamo to help hold back Gen. Pareja's troops If they attempt to relnforco Gen. Linares In Santiago. Gen. Garcia's headquarters are now at Slboney, but he will move to-morrow to San Juan, four miles from Santiago. Gen. Shatter still maintains his head quarters on the steamer Seguranca, but he will move with the army. Gen, Garcia la enthuslastlo In his support of the Americans. It seems that there Is nothing In bis power that he Is unwilling to do to show his appreciation of the aid tho United States is giving to achieve Cuban independence. Ho has issued orders that any Cuban who charges any American for any service, or who accepts any money from tho Americans, shall bo shot. Tho Spanish residents pf towns whero tho American and 'Cuban armies are tn camp will be permitted to remain without being harmed, but they must work to aid In widening tho roads to Santiago. The roads are now only four feet wide. The carriages of the heavy guns aro six feet wide, and the roads must be widened to allow their passage. This Is tho main rea son for the delay li. the operations. So far the health of the army has bean good. To day the engineers and doctors docided to burn the hospitals and all build ings suspected of being centres of con tagion. To-night many buildings here and at Baiqulrl are blazing, lighting up the surrounding country. The railroad round house here has been converted Into a gen eral hospital. Most of the wounded rough riders are doing well, but several of them will die of the effects of their injuries. The chief complaint of all the soldlors la tho scarcity of supplies. This scarcity is caused by the slow work of unloading the transports. A high sea is running, which makes it difficult tohandlethesmall boats, many of which have been smashed. Two Spanish soldiers walked Into camp here to-day and gave themselves up. They said that they were tired of tho Spanish Army, where they received no money and no food. The Cubans believed they were spies and wanted to shoot them, but the Americans would not permit It. Precau tions have been taken, however, to prevent the men, it they aro spies, from taking In formation to the enemy. They are kept under a close guard, and no opportunity will bu afforded them to escape. oonnicsPUXDJiNTa zit ha noun. Mr. Marahalla Critical Coadltlaa riava Two Reerttra nana Captured t gaalal Call D.ualcA It Taa Sra. Sibomet near Santiago de Cuba, June 20. Edward Marshall, the correspondent, who was severely wounded during the fighting on Friday near Sevlllo, Is still on the hospital ship Olivette. His condition is about tho same. The physicians hold out little hope of his recovery. Two -correspondents, one representing a Boston paper and the other a Cincinnati journal, aro reported to bavo been cap tured by the Spaniards, They have been missing now for two days. The corre spondent of The Sun thinks it better, In order to save their friends from anxiety, not to give their names until it is learned definitely whether they aro In the hands of the enemy. TUIB nVSBIAN XUJIKATXHa VS. We will Not Ba Permitted te Bemkard IpauUu Ceaat Tewai. (' Catila D4uatoh It Tarn Bos. PAnis, June 27, A Itunlan correspondent of the Figaro, referring to the uneasiness felt in St. Petersburg over the Spanish outlook, repre sents Hulila as not being pleased with the pros peat of the United States taking the Pnllip pines, wbllo, the corretpondent says, ahe will hardly, if at all, brook an American inourslon Into Spanish waters. , The sendlnR of a squadron to bombard Span isu ooast cities might lead to the most serious contequonoes. The threat of sending a squad ron to Spain has already resulted In an ax change of vlevrs by tbe powers. If it Is repeated it will lead to a declaration analogous to th Monroe doctrine. ' Sllvela Ceaftora villa Ike Qaeaa Besaat. aMfal call D.f.)i it Taa sv Uadiud, June 27. Benor Bllvela, the leader of th? Conservatives, had a conference with tha Quels Regent to-day. WATCHING F0U CEKVEUA. all oun bio antra Attn olxts. xttnitD orr Santiago. Tka Texaa. lawa and Oreaea Ara leaa Than rear Slllae freaa (ha Kaeaty eaaa-Twa Oaabeala Saard Baeta Araar aVaadlas aad tka St. Kala ta an Daly at llkeaey Rarly aa Sunday Moraine- tha Vreutlue TVekn I'p ( Saatlasn with Three Mere Oaaoottoa Sheila Tha Barthaaaka Thrower" BleW Another Chank Oat or tha tTni.rt Battery. Sixcial Carle Dtittlch to Tns Bus. 8moNBT, neah Santiago dk Cuba, June 20. Extraordinary precautions have been taken to prevent tho cscapo of Admiral Corvera's squadron slnco it was learned that tho wreck of tbo Morrlmao docs not completely block tho Santiago channoh Admiral Sampson's fleet now oft Santiago comprises tho New York, Iowa, Oregon, Massachusetts, Texas, New Orleans, De troit, Brooklyn, Helena, Machlas, Scorpion, Gloucester, Suwanco, Hornet, Dupont, Porter, Ericsson, and Vesuvius. Two gun boats are guarding each army landing, and the auxiliary cruiser St. Louis is at Slbo noy. Tho health of tho men of the fleet Is perfect. All tho big ships of the fleet arokopton duty far off shore. Some of them are standing off six miles from tho entrance of the harbor. The Texas, Iowa and Oregon aro less than four miles off. The small Teasels aro muoh closer In shore. Tho Suwnnoe, Capt. .Dolahanty, to-day ran In within a mllo and a halt of tbe en trance and paraded up and down In front of Morro Castle and In front of all the land batteries for hours, but could not draw the enemy's fire. Tho Spaniards, however, could be seen standing at their guns. At 1 o'clock this morning tho dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, which the Spaniards, since theyhavo learned her awful destruc tive powor, call the "carthquako thrower," was ordered to creep up close to the en trance to Santiago harbor and throw three more .f her shells, each of which weighs COO pounds. Tho moon was shining brightly, but the high hills along tho coast threw a long shadow seaward, and Into this tho Vesuvius crept unseen by tho enemy. Sho steamed along until sho was within COO yards of Morro Castle. Then she stood boldly out Into the open sea and swung around bo that her guns boro on the shore. In a little while was heard the "cough" of ono of her pneumatic guns, and the first shell went sailing over tho crest of the hill on tho east or city nide of tho entrance. A moment after tho shell had left the gun there was a mighty crash, as of thunder, and a flash of light lit the heavens for miles. It seemed to those who watched tho shot as If the whole south side of Cuba bad been, blown up. The shot caused great excite ment ashore. LIghta were seen immedi ately flashing In and around Morro Castle, and in the moonlight men were visible run ning about in a most excited manner. It was thought that tho enemy would open Are on the Vesuvius, but there was no answering gun. Tho Vesuvius moved swiftly along and two other shells wore thrown qulokly, one at tho western battery and tho other over the battery. The nolso and flash of tho ex plosions wero terror-Inducing. Then tho Vesuvius, moving at a highrate of speed, ran out of range of the enemy's guns. At daylight it was seen that the second shell had blasted another chunk out of the western battery, pait of which was In ruins. Plenty of guns remain there, however. Tbe effect of the third shell could not be seen 'from tho Bea. After the Vesuvius bad reached a place of safety tbe other ships moved up and continued their monotonous task of watch ing for Admiral Cervera's fleet. The rest of the night was quiet. To-day some of the smaller ships shelled the coast near the army camps. TIiIb was merely precautionary work to make the neighborhood unsafe for stray Spaniards. OUJt HABIXJSa AT CAMP U'OALLA. They Ara Aaitoua for Ordora ta Captare the Spaattk OarrlaoB at Calmanera. f.o(a! Call Dtt paleH to Til Suit. SinoNET, near Santiago do Cuba, June 20. The First Battalion of marines at Camp McCalla, Guantanamo Bay, are dis playing the greatest anxiety to march upon and capture tho Spanish garrison at OaW nianera. They say that, with tbe help ot tho Cubans, they can easily do It In half a day, but as yet the army and navy officers refuse to give their consent, Tho men are anxious to wreak vengeance on tho Span lards for the death of their comrades, and thoy will receive orders to move against Calmanera with enthusiasm. There Is no sickness among the marines. Those ot the battalion who were wounded are now nearly well, and will be in condi tion to fight again soon. Verelaa ITareklaa to Meet Bower. Srtttal Coble Juatoai te Taa Sea. Berlin, Juno 87. Tbo German cruiser Prin cess Wllbelm arrived at Manila on Monday last. Vienna. Juno 27. The Austrian corvette Fruudsber? arrived at Singapore on Juno 24. Sbe will proceed to Manila. oar Traniperte Ret Yet at Manila. Spttial Cablt iuali (a Tns Sua. Mamiiu, Juno 23, via Uong Kong, Juno 27, As 7t none of tha transports conveying re inforcement to AUmlraJ Dewey has arrived hero. " Thousand at tow rates, July td to Bth. 'lib In aud boatlaf. special relet at botela. Sea New fork Central Tiotet Ageat (er panioulara-4a'it v , CAMAtl.t lit TUB OASAl.T no ttno tteea Ordered tn On to Sari-tVhere Will He Cot Coal l Spteial CH fttwateh to Tns Bun Madrid. June 27. Orders havo been sent to Admiral Camnra to go through the canal to Suet. It Is supposed that his squadron is now In tbe canal. Seflorjkunon, Minister of Marine, gives em phatlo denial toVtho statement that the war ships of Admiral Cnmara's fleet wero lightered by tbo removal ot their iruna.&c In order that they might pass through tbo Sues Canal. Qreat Britain Is regarded as being responsible .for Egypt's opposition to Admiral Camara coal ing the vessels of bis squadron at Suez Canal porta. Tho Government and nnvnl and military ofllcers aro greatly dlspleasod, but Soflar Aunon, Minister ot Marino, professes to bopo that the coaling ot tho vessels w ill be nrranirod. becauso tho Spanish Transatlantic Steamship Company has depots at Aden. Colombo, and Singapore, and Qreat Britain, to whom theso throe ports belong, has not declared coal contraband.' Elsowhere It Is declared that Egypt's attitudo will be mado a protoxt for recalling tho squadron with the ideaot chocking American aggression. London, June 27. It is believed that tho conference on Saturday between Lord Salisbury and Ambassador Hay related to the coaling of Admiral Camera's squad ron, but nothing positive has boen learned regarding tho matter. Tho subject will bo brought beforo tho House ot Commons to-morrow, when Mr. James II. Ualzlal will ask whether arrangemebts. wore made with tho agents ot an English firm at Port Said to supplr tho Spanish warships with coal, and whether In viovv of Great Britain's neutrality proclamation pre cautions had been taken to Insure their only receiving enough coal to onablo them to roach the nearest Spanish port. Pout Said, June 27. Unon the application of the United States Consul tho Egyptian Govern ment will not pormlt Admiral Camara's fleet to coal at Suez Canal ports until further orders. Itous. Juno 27. The Aoenzia Liberal asserts that Italy has privately informed Spain that Admiral Camera's squadron will on no account be allowed to coal at any of tho Italian ports on the Ited Sea. A It ACE TO HT.tlTtLA, MAIBB. Can. BXerrltt TTateuInc Caaara'i Fleet Tbe Third Biprdltloa Salle. San FitANCtsco, June 27. Tho third Manila expedition sailed this afternoon, tho Indiana leading and the Morgan City Ohio, and City of Para following. Thousand! on tboplerscheerod when the anchors were weighed and the steam whistles announced tho departareof the vessels. Qcn. Merritt will leave on the Nowport on Wednesday, as ho Is convinced that it will be a race to Manila between tbo transports and Camara's fleet. The transports which sallod to day had Instructions to remain at Honolulu no longer than was absolutely necessary. They will proceed to Manila as If den. Merritt wero not to aocompany them. Tho Newport will get away early on Wednesday. It is possible that tho Valencia will sail to-morrow, but tho pres ent plan Is to have ber leavo with the Newport. It they go together thoy will arrivo in Honolulu only a few hours after the first ships of tho ex pedition, and will hurry their doparture for Manila. Although there are rcosous for believing that the Spantah fleet now at the Snoz Canal will be reo&lled, the Government does not doslro to take any chances. Gon. Merritt and his officers hold a long consultation on this snbjcct to-day and did somo telegraphing to Washington, from whore thoy received information to convince them that. If Manila is really the destination of tho Spanish fleet, tho latter can beat the Ameri can transports by at least two days, and might make It Interesting to the troops aboard tbe American ships, tien. Merritt Is determined to rush this expedition nnd avoid danger. Washington. Juno 27. The Government has closed a contract with tho Paclflo Mail 'Steam ship Company tor tho uso of the transpacific linor Peru as a transport. This, with the City of Puebla. chartered several daya ago, forms a good nucleus of a fleet ot transports to bo ob tained for tho next expedition to the Philippine Islands. Capt. Uecker. who has charge of all negotiations for transports, is considering other vcasels on the Pacific coast which may be char tered to sail with the Puobla and Peru. SPAIN'S Tlllttn SQVADltON. Workmen Are Patchlnc I'D the VeaaMa aa Fast aa Pea.lblr. Srtctal Cablt Dapatchti to Tub stix Madrid, Juno 27. A despatch from Cadiz says the Spanish Ironclad Vltorla and tho cruiser Alfonso XII. havo left Caraca Arsenal, Tbo now cruiser Isla de Cuba la having hor guns mounted and a hundred additional workmen are hastening tbo work on the Princess de Asturlas. The Duke of Najara, Military Govornor of Cadis, reports that tbe batteries at Puerto Santa Maria and Rota, respectively to tho northeast and northwest of Cadiz, are in a very satisfactory condition with the exception of three guns at Ilota, which aro defective. It has been docided to mount four additional guns be tween Rota and Candelaria as a precaution against American Invasion, of which the au thorities aro apprehensive. OidhaLtar, June 27. The third Spanish squadron, consisting of tho Vltorla, Alfonso XIL, Numanclo, Lepanto, Cardonal Clsneros and the former North German Lloyd steamer Havel, has been orderod to assemble at Cadiz with the least possible delay. Admiral Harrosa will command tbe squadron. PEACE MOVEMENT IN CATALONIA, The Barcelona Chamber or De elarea That It la Favor ar Peaer. Butial Cablt Detputolut to Tat Suit. Madrid, Juno 37. Tho peace movement in Catalonia coatlnuea to gain strength, Tbe Chambor of Commerce o Barcelona, which haa hitherto held aloof from tbe agita tion In favor of peace, has now rssolved to inform the Government that it is in favor of peace. The step was doubtless prompted by a realization that order and secur ity are threatened by tbe Impending enforced ldleneas ot many worklngmen through tbe economlo crisis. Industry Is throttled, and fac tories contlnuo to close. A commission composed of tbe Alcalde of Barcelona, the provincial members ot tho Chamber of Deputies, and several manu facturers have arrived in Madrid. I'rirao Minister Sagasta will accord them an interview, Tbo commission will propose that certain puhllo worke which can be paid for out of tbe local resources be undertaken forth with without tbe ordinary official clrcumloeu-tlon. NO PEACE JUST TET, Spata Sara lha Will Ask far Mediation Only Arter a Ueolalvo Dereat. Sjj.clal Cabla Dupalckit to Tin Bus. London, Juno 27 Tbe latest peace talk Is contributed by the Vienna correspondent of the Chronictt, who says he has learned from an au thoritative source that Spain was unofficially sounded as to whether she was prepared to ask for peace. Tho reply was that sho w ould only re quest mediation after a decisive defeat. Hith erto sho bad seen no reason to ask fur tbo good offices of the powers. Madrid, June 27. Duke Almodovar de Rio, Minister of Foreign Affairs, rclterutes that tho rsportu of peace negotiations are unfounded. Ueavy Shipments from Palnad. Carload of Poland water arrive dally at the hew Ketai depot, S Parai zdaoo, user Broadway. A4u. TO ATTACK SPAIN'S PORTS - orPJCIAI. ANNOVNOBUBNT UABXt - jfl BT TUB tfArr-DBPAItTXBltr. " ' J 1 1 A Fly tns tnaren Which Will Include ttM , jlfl nattlrebtpe Oreeaa aad lawa Ilaa Boob Ota , M dared to the Soaalah Coast ladtr Oeaamaaa t M er Commodore Wataon, Who trill Use to ' L cruiser ftenark aa Ilia Flacthlp-th AnaW I t ?ij lllary Cruiser Tan her, Manaed by th ffetf J York Naval Hllltla, andtho koseralta aaA j , Dlale MnveiAlso Bor-n Selected Aaelnei f and Squally stronc Soadroa May Fellow. if. WASHiKaTON, Juno 27. When tho Navy Ds ft pertinent announced to-day that a squadron '' ' under Commodore J. C. Wntionrould bo aoal I J to Spain, a Brest many people regarded It as ft ? bluff. Thoy said that If tho department really' contemplated such an offensive programme V the fact would not be spread broadcast through ij the press. Thoso poople were mistaken. Com- " ( modoro Watson's squadron will go, toJ A Spain to do buslnoss, and will go soon. Iff l Is th intention "ot the Navy Department -, S to send It to tho Mediterranean without regard " a to whether Admiral Camara's reserve fleet con J; tlnues its course toward the Philippine oris. ' turns to home waters. That the department hasB other plans of a charaoter more radical is atws , ; parent from disclosures made to-day. The IndW t. cations are that a second squadron, strong i than Watson's, will go to augment him In M f very short time. t Tnc Sun has told from tlmo to time about the consideration given by tbe Naval Wat" J Board to the question of despatching a strong? ; squadron to Spanish waters. When It was rV 1 ported to this Government that Camara's flotW was bound for the Philippines th Navy Das' 1 partment decided that a formidable naval f forco should bo organlzod tor carrying tho i, war Into the homo waters of the ea! 'I emy. Evorythinu; has been arranged for i1 perfecting the plan. Commodore Watson was V chosen to bo commander-in-chief of the now formation, and the vessels composing It wero v selected with spoctal reference to their speed '' and steaming radius. It was the Intention to postpono tbe actual formation or tho squadron 1 until the Spanish ships under Camara had passed into tho Suez Canal. Many ofllcers bo- S lleved that Camara would not go furtbor than f' Port Said, the canal's western entrance, and i looked on the flying squadron scheme as some- 3 thing that would never bo brought to 1 a head. A sudden change in tho depart- meat's determination oame to-day, whon official news was received that Camara was preparing to take his vessel through tbe canal. It was decided not to wait for a contlnuod eastern I movement Ot Camara beforo organizing the '& squadron, but to direct tbo formation lmme- I dlately and ssnd tt to Spain without regard to -i whothor Camara remained at Fort Bald or r ( turned to Carthagena or Cadiz. In other f word, tho fijlug squadron-da- &'?$$?;& t ms enemy's country to carry out an often- a Slve programme; Camara's return will not ''' -"1 chango the determination to inflict punish- ment on the Spanish at homo. Beforo the "f manoeuvres contemplated by the Government f are concluded It 1b the hope ot tbo Admlnistra- tion that several Spanish ports will be badly ! ' f damaged and Camara's floet destroyod. That la the work cut out for Commodore Watson and i another flag officer who will command a second squadron. Whon President McKinley had ap- ' i proved tho recommendation of tbe War Board ' j that tbe flying equadron be formed Immediately " j and sent to Spain without delay tho department 'i , announced the fact In an official bulletin a fol -' ) lows: 4 J "Oommodors Watson sails to-day tn tha ? cruiser Newark to Join Admiral Sampson at Ban- tlago, where ho will take under his command Si an armored squadron, with cruisers, and pre- t ceed at once to the Spanish coast." j I Shortly thereafter this statement was given to 1 1 The Son by the Bureau of Navigation : 1 1 "Commodore J, A. Howell le assigned te the f ; command of the first squadron of th North ; . Atlantic fleet. ,j "Commodore W. S. Fjohloyls assigned te the ' 1 command of the second squadron ot the North ' -i Atlantlo fleet. V ' "Commodore John C. Watson 1 assigned to v j tbe 'command ot tbe Eaatorn squadroo. Tb Eastern squadron will bo composed ot th fol- ' I lowing Ivesssls: Flagship Nowark, battleship J Iowa, battleship Oregon, cruiser Yosetnlte, cruiser Yankee, cruiser Dixie, and tho colliers j Sclndla, Abarenda and Alexander. This squad-" ron will sail for the coast of Spain shortly." Subsequent to this another official bulletin ' was posted In which it was said that "this j squadron will sail for tbe ooast ot Spain Imias- dlately." Although very frank In its announce- '?. mente, the department did not take the publlo i (' into its confidence fully. Its plan Is muoh broader than generally understood. While 11 cannot be said definitely that a second squadroa j will follow Watson's, that appears to be the j presont lntontlon, and the Indications are that it will be much stronger than that offioiuUy I designated a the Eastern. Tho name of Rear Admiral Sampson is belngconsldered In conneo ' tlon with tbe command of the combined fleet. It appears probable that after the Porto Rico campaign, and porhaps directly after Santiago haa fallen, bo will take to tho Mediterranean a strong force of naval vessels, Including armr- ' elads, protected cruisers, and auxiliaries. Un- wjL dor tho plan in contemplation he will have w'a tho cooperation of Commodore Watson In '11 bombarding Spanish forts and in running 91 down Camara's floet. The probabilities ar l that after both squadrons havo inflloted dan- fl age to Spaalsb interests in tho Mediterranean, W one squadron will take up Camara's trail, Ju whether or not he has gone into tbe Paclflo, , while tho other will guard agulnet the chanc of v bis esoape back to Spain. Tbe scheme is to catch Camera between the two divisions and $ destroy his ehlps, ss Donor destroyod tbe Span- .. Ish fleet in Manila Bay, It is to teach Spain by radical moans that ber struggle with th United ' States Ishopelesi that Watson's Eastern squad- $ ron Is to be formed. ' f Ihe Madrid Ministry's failure to appreciate ' that n prolongation of tbe struggls will only ) bring nioro misery and the lose ot additional ' territory has somowhat nettled tbo Admlnistra- 3 tion. Nobody in authority hero believes that 1' Camera is going all tb way to the Philippines. f ! although tbe pretence of 4,000 soldiers on thev II,'. transports under his command has caused a few f,& ofrtolalstn have somo doubt on tbe subject. Bu Ajf Ihe Administration does not propoto to stanbV ', i ii. more such, threats aa that contained la. 1 S Ilium, louncement that Camara would at tempi ul to retake Mou.Ij Plainly th Administratis M