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FORWARD FROM THE CAMP. PREPARATIONS X'OR DEPARTURE hit UM C1IICKAM4VOA 1'AllK. grains lletag Made Up to Tubs taw Firtoen Iteatment Bitutta Hneclal ('amis for Fay mnatera In the Park The Intflanap.lls Light Artillery ?iew Vsrk Tro..a raid. CnaTTAKOociA, Tcnn., Juno 27. Actl vo prepa rations for tho ordered movoment of lB.OOO troops from Chlckamnuga wero in progress at . Camp Thomas to-day. Tho orders to niovo wore , ' recolved with tho greatest enthusiasm In camp. Cries of "Now we'll remember the Malnet" and "Wo'll noon bo off for Cubal" rnng In the nlr, and the boys scorned glnd to know that they would soon bo on tho way to Cuba. The trans portation Is all arranged over tho Hotithorn and .Western and Atlantic railroads, and ilfty-two trains are bolng made til) at different places and Bill bo snitched onto tho Ilossvlllosldo tracks as fast as tho regiments are ready to go. Ther will march from the camp to tho placos where thoy are to be loaded on the ran. Of tho regiments which hare twen ordered to more tho following are now fully equipped! Eighth Massachusetts, Fourth Ohio, Twelfth L New York. 163th Indiana, Thlrty-drat Mlchl- an. Third and Fifth Illinois. The others are being fitted out as fast as possible. Tho Ulglith Massachusetts Is the best equipped of any regiment In tho camp nnd la splendidly drilled. Tho regiments will tnko thirty days' rations with them, and the big bakory ovens are being taxed to their utmost capacity In supplying the extra nmount of bread needed. wagon trains reaching from the Hrotherton House to the commissary wnrobouses are awaiting their trn to be loaded up with provisions. Intense excitoment prernlls ntnong tho regiments In cluded In the order. Those left behind are also enthusiastic, for they know it will not be long before thoy will receive orders to tuoro. This morning the lirlgndlcr-Ooncrnls Inspected the regiments under their command Included In tho order to move, and It Is likely everything will be In roadlness to go within throe days, but there Is plenty of work to bo done yet. Three r carloads of horses arrived this morning and a will be issued to tho First Georgia Artillery at once. Hot li corrals are full of mules and I .horses, ami they nro being furnished to tho re- 1 orults as fast as thoy arrive. It Is reported that I more reglmcnU will soon arrlvo to tnko tho I place of those ordered away. Company M of M the First Vermont was sent this nftcmoon to f prepare for tho permanent establishment of a f camp near (Sen. llrooke's headquarters for twenty-live paymasters. Camp Thomas will then be a pay station, and tho thousands of dol lars coming to the soldiers hero will be paid 'out through this station. This morning thirty-one recruits arrived for Company I) of tho Fifth Pennsylvania and forty-two for the Twelfth Now York. "We're nil oil tho Iiowery!" one of the boys yelled as , they passod from the train to the yark. Tho 'First Division court-martial to-day had before It ( aome thirty mon. chargod with various offences. " 'The sentence of John I,utz, correspondent of the W Lima Oaztlte, who Bcorcd Col. Kuert, has been .published, and now ho is Bpendlng many weary v 'hours In tho guardhouse. Ho was fined f 10 a j , 'mouth for six months and ordered to spend tho K Fame time at hard la'ioror solitary confinement. He iBoneof the enlisted men who hare been , Writing articles for newspapers, and Is the first among the number to come to grief. ' Tho light artillery brlgsdo did some hard drlll- '1ng to-day. One of the batteries was the Indian apolis Light Artillery. It has been organized "i 'seventeen j oars, nnd hnswon eighteon drill con- ' testa in different parts of tho country. The i battery began winning first prizes at New Or leans In 1&B5, when it defeated the Louisiana 1'ield Artillery of New Orleans and the VTash- ' lngton (I). C) artlllory. These last two had be- ' fore this timo been winning all the first prizes. " They were rather taken btck by a defeat from tho Hoosier battalion. Tho last Important con test of this battery was at St. Louis, where the team won the biggest prlr.o evor won by such an 'organization, $2,000. It has hold the interstate .championship longer than any other battery. In ' all these contests the judgos were officers from thcjcgularnrmy. f The battery, like all others, has Its guidon with It, but tho one guidon that it lavs store by .was left at home. The battery's numerous medals wcro also left at home. Hut there Is one memento It did not leave at homo. That Is the beautiful silk United Statos flng presontod to It by the ladles of Indianapolis, It is not the custom for battories to carry flags, but thi .battery could do nothing elso than bring this 'one with it. Tho flag was formally pre 'cented to tho battery by ex-l'resldent Harrison .in a spoccli that was telegraphed all over the country, because It was tho first time ho bad given any public utterance to bis sentiments regarding the war. Each otllcer of tho battary was presented by the citizens of Indianapolis with n Babro. on both the blade and scabbard of p -'-, .. which is thonime of thoofllcer. A committee of Dvo, hoaded by Hugh JlcVey, was beat to tho i Park to present them. ' The poreonnol of tho battery is of the highest 'order. Tho privates aro professional and busi ness men, thero being lawyers, doctors, mer 'chants, dentists, civil engineers, capitalists, and one preacher among them. All of tho ofllcera entered tho battery as privates, nnd have passed through all tho grades up to their present places, being promoted solely on their merits. 'The battery has four guns and four caissons. It will receive two more guns and five more caissons. It Is tho only battery that has six borscs to each gun. Cnpt. Avery, who has been Acting Quarter master nt division headquarters. Gen. Grant's division, returned yeBterday from Now York, "lie will probably reussum command of his company in tho Fourteenth New York. The resignation of Lieut. Walsh, who was Acting Adjutant on the staff of Gen. Grnnt whllo the latter was in command of tho brigade, has been 'ncceptod. Tho Army and Navy Relief Committee of the U Alumni Association of the Girls' High and 1 Normal Schools of Philadelphia have sent clr- cnlar lotters to a large number of women of this city requesting " that all housekeepers will loy aside a portion of their summer preserves, jellies, and other delicacies for the use of those I who aro now far awny from home In the service of their country," Tho letter goes on to say that tho articles "particularly desirable are canned goods, currant Jelly, grnps Juice, black berry cordial, blackberry Jam, literature, old magazines, war maps, new common pipes and mnklng tobacco," and "any articles suitable for use in the army and navy during the pres ent crisos," Up to tho presont writing the export of bl nek berry Jum" nnd "old magazines" to Philadelphia has not taxed tho capacity of the railroads, and it Ih likely that the women of this city will ond such contributions direct to the army at Chlckamuuga Instead of by way of Philadelphia, rllxtydlvo recruits for the First New Hamp shire are on their way to the camp, which, when ' they arrive, will mako a total addition of uhout 810. ThoQunrtnrmaster Is now dranlug cloth ing for tho recruits, so that It will bo ready for them upon their arrival. Company I) of this reg iment received a check for SHOO, which was the proceeds of a baseball rrnino at Concord given .for the benefit of tho soldiers. Col. Mimms of the First Vermont said to day tbatCol. Colby probably will assumo command of the Third llrlgade. First Division, Third Corps, to day or to morrow. Col. Colbr reported for duty n few ilnya ago. Tho First Kc'iinont received 1U1 fcpringllold rillts and bnjoucttto A shooting Bcrapo occurred this morning be- twecu throo policemen und u negro of the Tenth United .States Cuvnlrv. Policeman Carlton told one of four ncgioes who wus drunk to behave blmtolf or ho would arrci-t linn, 'lliu negro, llufus ('. Cobl), baiked by three otb( rs, told the pollcemun that he could not arrest tlirni nnd made u display of three pistols. Tlie policeman was compelled to let them go, hut only fur n time. He immediately reported tho mutter to Chief of l'oluo Hall, who sent Policeman Woy to help Carlton arrest the negroes, Tho police man fo'.J them In the Central station M " waiting for a train. Meantime the po- Q llama bad bam joined by Policeman feljlin iitVlT M it i mil iTniiM in i -- ' .i1 Bennett. Carlton placed the man Cobb under arrest, bat in doing so Cobb struck Carlton a terrible blow to the face. Bennett Immediately went to Carlton's assistance and then the se rious troublo began. Dennett rtcelved a very bad blow over the rlebt eye. Tho pollcemon drow their pistols and began to flro. There were about six shots fired before Cobb surren dered. On arriving at Police Headquarters It was found that Cobb bad been shot In the right leg Just below the knee. It Is not known who hot Cobb, as all three policemen were flrlnr. nkw toiik moors rit. flen. William Hcaly returned to-day from a firing trip to Now York, where ho had tho pay rolls of the Eighth, Ninth and Thirteenth regi ments corroded. He nrrlvod at the camp of the Kl&hth and immediately began to ray off the men. The news that the General was In camp quickly spread among th troops, who expressed their approbation by a series of war whoops. Gen. Heal? made quick work of giving Col. Chauncoy's men their long delayed and much needed money, und before night had also paid tho men of the Ninth and Fourteenth. The aggrcgato amount paid out to the New York troops to-day was?lo,000, about $10,000 for each regiment. Profiting by the experience of tho ofilccrs of the Tu olftti with tholr hilarious soldiers last week, tho commanders of the regi ments that wore paid to-day warned the men that the expression of their Jubilation over the receipt of their money must bo within proper bounds. Offenders will be severely dealt with. It is reported that Major-Clcn. Wilson nnd Oen. Poland will command the two divisions that will leave here In a few days for Cuba. It cannot bo learned definitely Just who will com mand the expeditionary force, but the impres sion is general that Gen. Wilson will go to the front at once. The distinguished veteran has done magnificent work at Camp Thomas In as sisting Gen. Itrooke In making ronl soldiers out of tho volunteers, nnd Is recognized ns one of the most efficient ofllcersln the service. Gen. Wilson Is enjoying splendid health and looks as though he could stand tho rigors of a hard campaign as well now ns when he lead tho famous "Wilson Cavalry" in tho days of tho rebolllon. Gen. Wilson has been designated to the command of the Sixth Corps, bolng in the meantime provisionally In command of the First Division of the First Corps. It will be soino time boforo tne Sixth Corps is organized, and it is not believed that such an otllcer as Gen. Wilson will bo held In camp Indefinitely while oxpcrlenced command ers are needed at tho front. Inspection of tho Twelfth New York continued to-day. The men were supplied with nbout 100 new guns, leggings, clothing and other equip ment. Hy to-morrow night tho Twolfth will be fully equipped for service. Gen. Grant to-day examined the reports of the Inspection of this division and ordered requisitions made out for guns, tentage, and other things needed. The members of the Fourteenth are keenly disap pointed that tbelr regiment was not Included among those ordered to the front. COVltT-UJLItTXAT. AT CAUP ATM Kit. Tm omeers aad a Private an Trial Flab ItaUlnB at en. Itutler's Headquarter., Va June 27. Oen. Garretson's brigade, the Sixth Illinois, Eighth Ohio and Sixth Massacliusoitu, started this morning on a practice march. Precautions to resist any at tack upon their wagon trains wero taken. The cavalry will probably make the attack on their return to-morrow. The Seventh Illinois Is engaged In an all-day sham battle. The first battalion started out at 0 o'clock, and an hour later the two remaining battalions, under Col, Cavanaugh, followed. Tho men have provisions and shelter tents along and the expcrlctico gained will boino&t Instructive and valuable. Col. Sanger, State Paymaster of New York, left last night for New York city. He worked night and day until ho had every New York sol dier in the camp paid. Every soldier in Gen. Garretson's brigade has been furnisbed with the "first aid package" by Col. Glrard, the chief surgeon of the corps. These packages contain lint, bandages, salves, splints and everything necessary to attend to wounds until the injured are picked up by the hospital corps. The hospital supplies of tho Hecond Brigade wore forwarded this morning to Santiago, and the men expect to follow them by Wednesday night. Tho first court-martial organized in this corps assembled to-day at the corps head quarters. Tho detail of the court is as follows: Licut.-Col. W. P. Burnham, Fourth Missouri, President; Liout. II. O. Itynos, Third New York. Judgo Advocate General; Major J. F. Lee, 15Uth Indiana; Major Brazier, Sixth Penn sylvania; Major Kelsoy, Third New York; Major Strlngfellow, Fourth Missouri; Major William Wilson, Third New York; Major C. A. Dastrr, Twenty-second Kansas; Major F. R. Duffey, Second Tennessee; Major U 51, Ennls, Soventh Illinois; Copt. V. E. Schuyler, Sixth Pennsylvanla;Capt. F. A. Lamb, Third Sllssourl; Cnpt. II. Bliss, First Ilhodo Island, and Copt. W. Henkin, Second Tennessee Two officers and one private wero tried by the court. They wore Lieut. C. O. Ames, Ordnance officer, and Private Hedges, both of the Seventh Illinois, and Adjutant D. It. Gebhart of tho l&'Jth Indiana. The charges against Lieut. Ames are absence without leave, disobedience of orders, and conduct unbecoming uu officer. He asked for lcavs of absence to go to Colum bus, Ohio, to bo married. It was refused. He then asked for twenty-four hours' loive to visit Washington, which was granted. When ho reached the city, bo continued on to Columbus and was married. He went to Washington while bis regiment was out on a practice march and when he was left in charge of the regi mental supplies. He returned to camp before the regiment completod its march and imme diately resumed his duties. Adjutant Uebhard Is charged with attempting to kill a sentry while on duty. Several duys ago he was entering camp on horseback when or dered to halt by a sentinel, and. instead of halt ing, he made an effort to ride the sentinel down. Ho succeeded in getting past, but in the sculllo lost his hat. When he returned for his hat be made n vIcIoub cut at the sentlnsl, who, having been reinforced, promptly put blm under arrest. Prlvato Hedges Is charged with being a de serter. Ho left camp without leave, was ar rested in Philadelphia, where he had dlsposod of Ills uniform, and returned under guard to his regiment. There was a flag raising at the First Division headquarters this evening at sunsot. Gen. Butler nnd his Btnff, with bared beads, stood grouped around the base of the staff, whllo Capt, John Brooks, U, S. A., the Division Quar termaster, raised aloft the flag. In the mean while tho Soventh Ohio Band played; tho "Star Spangled Bunner," Twenty-tbreo ambulances wero to-day shipped to Tampa to bo transported to Santiago for tho benefit of troops of this corps who have been nnd ho will ho ordered there. The Depot Quarter master at Dunn Loriug, Capt, John Little, U, H. A., has been ordered to ship immediately 30,000 travelling rations to Newport News. Vn, These ratlous aro for U.000 men for ten days, and will bo at the disposal of Gen. Garretson's brigade. Private Warren, Company 11, Sixth Massa chusetts, died In the Post Hospital at Fort 5ly-r this morning. Ho had a severe case of typhoid fever. His remains will be Bent to his homo in Stoneham, Mass. Pra-totrd Prametlons In tbn Arntr Par Carps. Wakiiinotov, June 117. Paymaster-General Htantun Iiiib advised the Secretary of War to promote 5IaJor Charles McClure of tho pay corps to be Assihlant Paymaster-Genera), with tho rnnk of Colonel of Volunteers, and Majors A. S.Towur. C. C. Hnlffen, Charles JI. Whipple, J, C. Muhlenberg, and Charles K, Kllbourne to lieDcpul Puj m.iNlcrs-Geiieral, with tho rank of Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers. To do tills tho law must bo amended audi Secretary Al ger bus IrniifinitU'd In Congress Gen. bunion's letter of advuo recommending that the neces bary chaiiKii bo made. The draft of u bill to that etlert accompanies the letter, but It authorizes the appointment by promotion of two Assistant Fa) musters General, with the rank of Colonel, nnd of nil Deput) Paymasters-General, with Die rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. This makes way for two promotions In addition to tfeoso recom tnendod by Un. Btantoa. STATE RECRUITING PLANS. OOF". ntAOK'B OltDEItH TO!t ItAXBISO TUJtEK ITJBir Jt EO lit KNTS. lUernlllaa Italians to De Opened la New Yark. Ungate, and rrarnta sjatlonal Uuardiraea Urged to Itemala Wllhln the State The neernlllag CoUnela Nat Yet Appelated. Ai.iunt, June 27. Got. Black's plan for re cruiting the three Infantry regiments to fill the bnlanco of this State's quota under the second call was announced to-day in an order Issued by AdJU-Oen. Tllllnghast. The 201st llcgtment and one battalion of the S03d will be recruited at the Twelfth llcglment's armory In New York ; the 202d Iteglmcnt will be recruited at tho armory of the Sixty-fifth llcgtment in Buffalo, and the remaining two battalions of the S03d Iteglment will be recruited at the armory in Syracuse. The Colonels to be commissioned by Gov. Black to recruit theso regiments will be announced later. The order says: "The first preference will bo given Individual members of the National Guard, although It is the strong wish and doslro of the Comiuandor-In-Chief that National Guardsmen ahall not leave tho State, but romaln here to keep Intact their respective organizations for tho very honorable task of home defonco. The remainder required to complete tho quota will be recruited from civil lire. "Enlisted men, as volunteers from National Guard organizations, before leaving their home stations, must be thoroughly examined by a medical otllcer of their respective organiza tions, nnd commanding officers will permit none to start except such as In the Judgment of'the surgeon will pass the physical examination of the United States volunteer Burgeons, Under those conditions the commanding officers of their respective organizations are authorized to issue to theso man orders for transportation from thtlr home stations to tho nearest re cruiting station only, of which orders three copies must bo forwarded to theso headquarters. "After acceptance by the United States sur geons the men will bo quartered and subsisted by the State until mustered into tho service of the United States, and will bo droppod from tho records of their respecttvo organizations by rea son of removal, &c. Tho State will not furnish arras, equipments or uniforms. All of the above will be furnished accepted men bv the United States Govornmont. This by direction of tho Socretary of War." A chance is to be given to some of the ofllcera of the three regiments and ten separate com panies which wore not solected for volunteer ervice under the first call to be commissioned with similar rank in the threo new regiments. The following telegram was sent to-day by Adjt.-Gen. Tilltnghast to Col. Daniel Appleton of tho Seventh Ilegiment, New York; Col. Alexis C. Smith of tho Twenty-third Heglmont, Brook lyn, and Col. George C. Fox of the Seventy fourth Iteglment. Buffalo: " You ore invited to nominato to the Com-mander-ln-Chtof officers or men as you decide from your command to receive the following commissions In one of tbo threo new regiments to be organized on the second call: One for a Major, three for Captains, three for First Lieu tenants in the line, three for Second Lieutenants in the lino. If practicable all of the above will be assigned to tho same regiment. It Is expected that the nominations by you will bo a guaran tee of fitness. Ansncr promptly by wire." Tho commanding officer of each Boparate com pany was similarly Invited to nominate one Captain, one First Lieutenant, and one Second Lieutenant. Tho following Quartermasters havo beon appointed and assigned for duty to tho throo new regiments: Major Francis T. Underbill of Now York, who waa on tho staff of Brig.-Onn. Butt, to the 201st; Major William T. ParsoiiBOf the Sixty-fifth Iteglment to the 202(1, and Mnjor Norton Chase of Albany to the 203d. The board appointed to examine candidates for surgeons of the three new regiments mot at the Adjutant-General's office to-day. Those ex amined wero Drs. E. H. Bullock of Syracuse. B. S. Booth of Troy. William A. Burgess of Uticn, and William E. Spencer of Brooklyn. To-morrow these candidates will bo examined: Drs. D. S. nurr of Bingbamton, James Wood of Now burg, J. W. Poucher of Pnughkeopjle, and A. W. Warden nnd 51 . J. Clinton of Buffalo. Tho surgeons will he appointed as Boon as possible and sent at once to the recrultlnir stations. The three regiments will probably be ren dezvoused by tho War Department at Camp Black. It is likely that the men will be mus tered Into tho United States service at the re cruiting stations and sent to the first point of rendezvous in civilian clothes. Col. Luscomb and Capts. Dressel, Grant, and Cowon of the Thirteenth Regiment of Brooklyn, which Is undergoing reorganization, conforred with Gov. Black to-day regarding tujlr work. Ex-Sheriff Buttling of Brooklyn come down from Saratoga to-day and met State Superintendent of Insurance Payn. Afterward ho visited Adjt.-Gen. Tllllnghast. Lieut. Opdycke, U. S. V has opened an office lnthenrmory in this city, whoro he Is recruit ing for tho Signal Corps of the army. Ho wants four or II vo first-class linemen, all tho telegraph operators ho can get, two good cooks, and gen eral electricians. JIOTKTO BTAliT SOUTH OXSATUJWA T One Itattallon aflae Volunteer Fnttneera Will He Mastered In bj That Time. Camp Townbf.nd, Pkekskim, N. Y., June 27. Company B of the First Hegluient, United States Volunteer Englneors, was mustered In this afternoon. Capt. Allan D, Itaymond will command tho company and Walter Abott will be his Second Lieutenant. No First Lieutenant bss been named. Tho non-commlssloned of ficers mustered In were: Sergeants, Frank Port lands James II. Lenten, John J. Cloary, Martin J, Vnrley, Benjamin Peat. Chauncey Eldrldgo, George L. Taylor, Omar J. Ange; Corporals, Charles Lohenheimor, Walter A, Gardener, John J. Flemmlng, George B, Montgomery, Walter S. Chick, William It. Knox. George W. Let, Edward W. 5Iuzzy; musicians. Charles It. Tuite and George S. Tuite. There are ninety one men aud two officers In tho company. Lieut. W. L. Crulkshank mustered them in. To-morrow he will muster In Company C It la reported to-night that by Saturday one battalion will bo countered In nndsent to Florida, whence It will be sent to Porto Itlco. It seems settled that, na fast as the battalions are organ ized and sworn In. they will leave Camp Town- send, The first case of Illness was reported this after noon. Private C, C. Moore of Norfolk, Va., was found to be suffering from pneumonia in a very mild form. He waB sent to PeekskllL Sixty-seven recruits arrlvod to-night, nineteen from Baltimore, 5Id., forty-one from New York and seven from Washington, D, C onTTixa cAitf m.Aaii. itr.AitT. lien. Pfianlngton (lets .lotlce Tbat tbe New Itealaieafa Will Un Nent Tliere. IIksiphtuad. I I., Juno 27. It was reported at Camp Black to-day that the throe new regi ments of voluntoers to be raised In this State will he sent here for Instruction, mustering In and equipment. Gen. Pennington is still nt the camp und bus received notice of the coming of tho troops. Work upon the water supply for the camp was startod this morning, and just as soon as the pipes aro ready bathhouses will be erected. It Is expected that tho now troops will remain at tho ramp all summer. Besides tbe three regiments there nro to Ikj several batterlos of light artlllory at the camp. Pint lUilmeut Men Tiprot to Blurt Hoiitti Tills VV.eU, Tho iuoii of tho Fiist Iteglmcnt, Now York Volunteers, nt Fort Hamilton, wero in good bpiriW jeitterday oer a report that they would boon bo ordered to Tampa, Flo. Llout.-Col, htuckpolo has received no official communica tion In regard to tho movement, but tho orders aro expected not later than Saturday. The 114th iteglment, which Is being recruited by Col. Britton, will probably be ordorod to Fort Hamilton, A largo excursion from Utica, King ston, Pougbkeepsle, Jllddlotorm and Newburg U duo at the camp on Thursday, xx JAOKBOirriiiXtTPa CAttp. nines and Ammulllan Arrive ! Men Iieek rr TTark . Jacksonville, Fla,, June U7. Two carload of rifles and ammunition for the Seventh Corps ordnance officer arrived hero to-day. They are of the Improved Springfield pattern, and are In prime condition, Thoy are sufficient to equip tho Socond Virginia and all tho other rcglmonla of the Socond Division, Tho ordnance officers of several of the regiments today recelvod or dors to ship baok to tho Bock Island Arsenal all tholr condemned weapons. This news pleased them Immensely, ns it was the first sign, as one Colonel said, "that they had tbat tbe depart ment at Washington knew of any troops being ttntloned at Jacksonville." Tho Second Illinois ordnance officer made a requisition to-day for 10,000 rounds of blank cartridges. That regiment will tako up skir mish drill nt once. The Second New Jersey had a hard drill this morning, being a reglmontal battle formation drill. They founed their lines to attack n supposed fort, advanced skirmish ers with supports aod retorves, picked their way through tho palmettos and ditches, and at last, with a grand rush under cover of tbelr rapid flro, chargod forward with filed bayonets and captured tho " Spanish fort." The msvemont waa repeated much to the edi fication of the officers, though doubtless not to tho men. Capt. Ruthers, U. S, A., on Gen. Burt's staff, was In charge of the movements, with Col. Pines in command of the regiment. Inspector-General Col. Curtis Guild of Lee's staff witnessed the bnttlo and commended the Jcrssy boys quite highly for their good work. Only two men fell out, though the day was very hot, hardly a broath of air stirring. Tbo two men were all right by noon. In the afternoon a good breeze sprang up and tbe rest of tbo day was cool nnd pleasant. The flrat indication of any early move was made to-day at Gen. Leo's headquarters, nnd the staff Is qulto jolly over It. A big division mess "kit," to cost $100, has been ordered, and will be here the last of the week. Gen. Leo and staff will oamp " In tho saddle." so to speak, hereafter. A fine, shady spot has been selected in Springfield, near the camps and on tbo car line, which will bocorp" headquarters. A gang of men will begin work In the morning clear ing It out. It Is In a fine grove of big oaks, tir ing ample shado and plonty of fresh air. Two bouses near by will be used for offices. The stnff wants to get a Uttlo experience In camping out beforo going to Cuba. The division field hospital was moved to-day from back of the Forty-ninth Iowa to a beauti ful pine grove In the rear of Gen. Burt's brigade headquarters. This change Is beneficial in many ways. It places the hospital nearer tho centre of the camp sites and closer to the regi ment, so that Bick men will not ha e to be car ried so far. SA1ZOXS FOIi THE PUXIADEXtPItXA. Tne Movement to Present tbe Cruller with a Taken from tbe Quaker 4'lty. Philadelphia, June 27. Twenty-eight sailors on tho receiving ship Richmond at the Leaguo Island Navy Yard will be went at once to San Francisco to join tbe cruiser Philadelphia, fitting out at Maro Island for her voyage to the Philippines. The announcement was received with dollght by the mon selected to go. They arc expected to etartto-niorrow or Wejnoaday. The naval reserves at tho Island will be assigned to the city lco boat and the monitor Manhattan for harbor defence work. The committee of citizens called together by the Mayor to devise a gift for presentation to tho cruiser Philadelphia before her departure for Manila has beon advised by Admiral Kirk land, commandant of the Maro Island Navy Ynnl, that a silver service, if sent to tho vessel, would be left in storage at tho yard Instead of being taken away on her trip. Admiral Klrk land suggests that any token In silver should be In one large piece, Btich as a punch bowL Tho Nnvy Department at Washington ad vises tho Citizens' Commtttcco to place them selves In communication with Capt. Georgo II. Wadlelgb, who will command tbo Philadelphia. Capt. Wadlcigh has left Charleston for San Francisco. The local commlttse, composed of twenty dr thirty of the wealthiest cltlzcusof Philadelphia, Is enthusiastic In Its purpnso to send tho vissol bearing tho clty'o name an ap propriate memento. NoitKOLic, Va., Juno 27. Lieutenant-Commander Stevens, U. S. N left to-night for Phil adelphia with a draft of men forming part of the forco he will take overland to San Frantlsco, where they will tako ship for Manila. XtET.n AS SPANISH SPIES. Tnrea Sutpvcta from Tsbee Island Sent to Fort MrPnenon. Savannah, Ga., Juno 27. The three Spanish suspects who were arrested at Tybce a week ago on suspicion of being spies wero brought to tho city this morning and sent to 51cPbereon Barracks, Atlanta, where they will bo hold as prisoners of war. They wero guarded by a corporal and to privatosof the artillery sta tioned at Tybee. One of the prisoners is known as Spanish John, but the names of the other two have novar been obtained, as they refused to glvo the Information. The auspicious conduct of the Spaniards on tho Island in hiding and trying to gain informa tion as to tho location of the formications and plans of tbe entrance to tho harbor was suffi cient provocation to causa their detention. The men wero unablo to give a satisfactory ac count of themselves or explain tbelr presence on tho lslund. THE POWER TU PT.AX AND EXEOVTE, Cbancellar 17psoni nererenee to tba Merrlrano at the rteaenta I'unveeatlnn. Alhavy. June 27. Chancellor Anson Judd Upson dnllverod tbe annual address at the open ing session of tho Begems' convocation held In theSenate chamber to-nlgbt. In referring to the aid which education gives to those in command In time of war be said: "An educated man will understand which way duty calls. He will sco clearly a great op portunity and will seize it and know Don to make the most of It. He will see what is de manded, not only by pity for those In distress, but also by enlightened patriotism for the best interests of his country. These are the men who can lead others to splendid achievement. Tbeso, too, uro the men who havo mastered tho hard lokBon of obedience and can bo dopendod on to follow as well as to lead. It Is such a man who could plan and work with scientific accu racy as well as with splendid bravery when It waa needful to Blnk a Merrlmao to imprison an army," Llout.-Gov. Timothy L. Woodruff addressed the convocation on tho value of technical busi ness education. Among other things ho mild: "It Is ns importunt that a man should be trained for the duties of a commercial, or, for Instance, a military life, as for what we are prone o term a professional career. Do you reallzo that in the civil war scarcoly amnn on cither side robe to tho command of a division who hud nut graduated from tho Military Academy nt West Point; and how many are thereof our groat naval commanders of to-day who wore not trained at the Naval Academy of Annapolis for the work they have bo success fully accomplished In outllghtlng the Spanish ships ut Manila snd nutmauinuvrlng tho Span ish BQtiadron at.Santlngof The young man or young woman who hau learned bookkeeping, stenography, or the use of the typewriting ma chine has received a training in accuracy of de tail that mar be kh valuuble In cultivating the faculties of the mind as the mastery of the In flection of a, dead language." To nrlinburan Ike Hlatea far (Tar Ripeniet, Wahiunoiov, June S27. Socretary Alger has Bent to the House, with a recommendutlun that it pass, tbo druft of a bill to indemnify tbe Gov ernors of States for expenses incurred by them inaldiug tho united States to rulso, organize, supply nnd equip the volunteer army In tho ox isting war with Spain. Pu)incnt Is to bo made by the Secretary of the Treasury, upon proper vouchers filed, for subsistence, clothing, sup. plies, equipment, puy und transportation of the men accepted Into tho volunteer army, Tho Secretary says the legislation is needed, In view of tho many claims that have been and will bo hereafter made by the several States. The proposed bill Is similar to tho art of July 27, 1801, and has the approval ot the Treasury DspartmsuS. MISS- BARTON HEARD FROM EED OltOMS TESTS AEltKADT UP AT OVATtlAHAMO. ) Iba Alba far PliipsUas, ant Sara Nalhlng Abont Nnrara SnppIlM Nat Rent en tbe B Cross Will do by Soverameat Transport Judge Sheldon to (Jo ta tea Pranelsea. Newt ot Clara Barton's arrival In Cuba, which has been expected for several days, and for which the work ot relief here has been watting, was received yesterday afternoon. Miss Bar ton's dospatch came through the Stnto Depart ment at Washington by tho Government tele graph lino. It was short, and announced her arrival ut Gnantnnamo, where some of the party had landed and tents bad already been erected. Sho statod that assistance was badly needod, and asked that tents, lanterns, pajamas, and all other supplies ordered recently bo sent forward without delay. She did not mention the subject ot nurses. A number ot nurses bavo been held In readiness at tho Rod Cross Hospital hero, ns It was expected that Miss Barton would indlcato In her first message ho w many should be sent. As no refer ence was mado to them Stephen K. Barton, who Is in charge of the Itod Cross headquartors horo, cabled ber at once, asking If any nurses were needod, and if so, bow many. Nothing furthor will be done In regard to the matter until a reply Is received. A large sum hat been subscribed for tho support of nurses and at least twenty live could start at a moment's notice. The supplies that Miss Barton asked for In her despatoh will bo sent Immediately, the first lot going on the Belief Committee's boat Red Cross, whloh sails on Wednesday. Representa tives of tho various women's auxiliaries were at work yesterday getting supplies atowedon the Red Cross, and tbo work will bo continued to day. About five tons ot supplies were loaded yesterday", most ot them being medicinal articles. One load of boxes of shoets and clothing was from the supply depot at 6S2 Broartwny. Supplies such as tho am bulances, stretchers, and some of tho cots, which would occupy too much space to be carried on tho Red Cross, will go on a Govornmont trans port. Negotiations to this end havo been going on for some timo, and yesterday the Government notified Mr. Barton tbat all the remaining Red CrosB supplies and all the supplies collected by tho Central Cuban Relief Committee would be taken on a traniport somo time this weok. Tney will bo put In tho storehouse at Koy West and taken from there to Cuba by the Red Cross boats as they are nocded. Tho Red Croat authorities here received yes terday n full report from the San Francisco branch of all the relief work done In connec tion with the expeditions for Manila. The San Francisco branch has been In constant com munication with headquarters here slnoe the expedition was planned, but tho work has grown to such proportions that those in charge have requested that some person with pre vious experience be tent to counsel with them. It has beon arranged that Judge Joseph Sheldon of New Haven, a mombsr of tho National Bed Cross for many years and a delegate several times to the inter national conferences, shall start within r. week for San Francisco. Judge Sheldon has beon in structed to report as soon as possible upon the advisability ot sending a Bed Cross relief ship to the Philippines. This hns been under con sideration for some time, but nothing definite will be decided upon beforo Judge Sheldon's arrival. Two Red Cross nurses wero sont by the San Francisco branch In tho second expedition to Manila. About 200 sick soldiers have been carol for, somo In tho Red Cross tont at tho en campment and others at the various hospitals In tho city. On Juno 1 tho society had $31,- 10.20 In the treasury, which had been raised In less than a month. Much of this has since been expended for surgical appliances and medical Buppllas. Secretary F&ure ot tho Relief Committee re ceived the following subscriptions yesterday: Mm. JulUS.Wlntern.olT. Mllford. Pike oounty. Pa 1 00 CollictloiiA from public schooli, through El- infrE. Carr. rrlndpal. Two lllreri, l.... 7 IS Collections from putillr schools, through E.H. Landgraf. prlnetptl, W'atcrlo . wis 2 no Mrs Frederick O Lee, Coopentonn, N. v.... BOO lrs.cyXl.uue, SB 00 Mrs UeoriTH II Orsnuls l!fi no 31 n. Alfrnl fell. Highland Falls, N. V 25 no Hanillel Hiker. beabrlKht, N.J 23 00 Collection from High hebuol, through E. U. I'lillllps, Algonia, Wis 2 00 "A.r. It." u no Huberts. Webb, Coopsrstown, N. Y r 00 Mrs Henry Oothout 10(10 Albert Tltt 80 00 Mrs. Kllse M. llnurralllo B 00 Miss Cornelia Prime, fluntlnston, Surfollc county. N.Y SB 00 Miss Catharine S. Lnvcrlch. for Ice Plant Auxiliary Mo 00 Total fSUS 03 PIIOQRESSIYE XEITS. Uerald Get It Sunday by Cable, tbe Basle Ten llaya llefore. The Sun a Month llefore. From lae Sew York ITeraltl, June 27. nr.AMco. rutADiNO, bpvrned nr oomkz. Kinostov, Jamaica, Sunday. El Cubano Libre publishes a correspondence between Gen. Blanco und Gen. Gomez. Blnucowrltes: "1 propose a union of both armies In the city ot Sunta Clara. '1 he Cubans will re ceive arms from tho Spaniards and with the cry 'Viva Esunftal Viva Cuba I' drive tho ln vador Into tbo sea." Gen. Gomez replies: "Your audncltv In again offering terms of pcaco as tonishes me, know Ing as you do that Cuban and Spaniard can never again live peaceably on Cuban soil," tYom the Dronllvn Kaole, June 27, ONLV ThN DAY8 UEIIISD THE HAOLK. T.aale of June 17. llernid of June 27, Blanco wrltos: Blanco writes: "I proposotoyou. Gen- "I proposo nunionof eral, to form on alii- both armies," &c. Gen. anco," &c, Gomez re- Gomez replies: "Your piles: "I am r.hton- audacity In agnln of ished at your audacity fering terms of peace In proposing to inn astonishes me," &c, again terms of pcaic." IVem the Sun. Vay 2B. COMET, BrUMNS THK OrFItrt. Tampa, 5lay 27, Two important documents were brought yesterday to the Junta by 5InJor Do Limn. Thoy area letter from Geu. Blanco to Ucn. Gomez and Gen. Gomez's answer. Blanco writes: "Havana, Jlny ft. I proposo to effect an alll anco of both armies in the city ot Sunta Clara. The Cubans will rerelvo arms of tho Spanish Army, and with the cry of 'Viva KspuAnl' and ' Viva Cubal' expel tho Invaders." Gen. Gomez's answer wsbi "I wonder that you should wrllo to me again about terms of peace, when you know that Cubans and Spaniards can never be at peace on the Boll of Cuba," &C. raurlmntb Still short 109 Men, Fifty recruits passed tho examination for en listment in tho Fourteenth Regiment yesterday afternoon and will bo Bent to the encampment at Cblckamauga to-day. Over 70 per cent, of tho mon who bare applied forenllstment within the last fow days have been rejected. The Four teenth still needs 102 men. A call for twenty eight mon for tho hospital corps has been made. GreatValues. A number of lots of Men's Summer Suits (not compute in sizes,) - $ 1 2.00, marked downfrom$J8,$J6,$J5. HACKETT, ( Broadway, CARHART U-rr&, CL CU Near Obambera 4 Extraordinary i m Tailoring Values. m Kxtcnslvo preparations for our nrtual Spring trado harry owtnp; to 91 unncasonnblo wcntlior and other condition loft u w lth a quantity of goods 'JenH that should long ago havn taken tholr leave Some of tho finest vroollena Maaaafl this mnrkct allows, liicliidlnit tho hlRlicst qualities ot Canadian homespuns. lLH Husslnii wool crashes, black and bluo Herges, fancy tweeds, nnd a number ot .aaaafl worsU'ilfl, aro nmoiip; them, Thcro isn't nptcco In tho entire stock that anr -iaaaafl other tailor would mako up for less than $U0, nnd some are worth as much' V-H as $40. What vre proposo is to glvo you your cholco ot any one in our stock, jB tor suit to order, lit and finish guaranteed, for Sanaa! i ill NO MORE $f$o00 ! NO LESS. ffl Drlng n snmplo of the goods that, other tailors charge) $30 to 940 to Vn mako up, and test tho truth of what wo say. Over COO patterns to soloctj JaaH from. WH W. C. LOFTUS & CO., 1 tS-TIIIS SALE IS COXFINED TO THESE STORES ONLY; ?Jk aaaaaaaaaal 1191 Broadway, near 28th St, Sun Building, near Brooklyn Bridgo, ! . m CLOVS TO REPORT TO MILES. Maybe He Will Itn First Amerlean Imrr Giver In Porta Itlcn, Lleut.-Col, John V. Clous, Deputy Judgo Ad vocate Ocneral, hns been relieved ns Judgo Advocato ot the Department of the Kast and ordered to report within live dnys to Gen. lilies. ThlB order means that LlouU-Col. Clous will be attached to Gen. Mllcs's ftnfT. Gen. MUcn is now In Washington, Po long ns ho stnys thero he will have no noed of a Judgo Advocato. As the head of an army invading foroign territory be would have plenty ot work for n Judgo Ad vocate. Tne order is interpreted as meaning that Gen. Miles will eoon take tho field. That field. It Is supposed, on which Col, Clous will ho needed, Is Porto Itlco. As soon ns that Island Is occupied a military government must bo set up. Laws regulating tbo collection of taxes nnd customs duties, the protection of tho lives and property of non-combatants, tho protection of public buildings and the llko must be promulgated. Lieut-Col. Clous Is the ranking Deputy Judge Advocate General of tho army. Ho was born in Germany and enlisted ns a prlvato in Company K, Ninth Infantry, Feb. 2. 1857. Ho had beon educated in one of the military schools of Gor many. Ho roso rapidly from the rnnks nnd on Nov. 21), 1802, ho was mado a Second Lieuten ant of tho Sixth Infantry. On Jan. 22, 1 SOT, ho was made Captain ot tho Thirty-eighth Infantry, nnd on April 1, 1850, ho was rondo a Judge Ad vocate, with tho rank of Major. On Feb. 12, 1802, ho was mado a Deputy Judge Advocate General, with the rank ho now holds. It was shortly after tbo civil war that Col. Clous began the study of lnw ns a pastlmo. After a time he took his examination and was admitted to tbo bur of the Htato and afterward to the United States bar. He was attached to the ofllro of the Judge Advocate General for some time, unci In 18U2 ho was nppolnted pro fessor of International and constitutional law at Went Point. He remained thcro throo years, when he became tho Judgo Advocate of tho De partment of the East. Ho is a brother-in-law of Adjt--Gen. Corbln, both having mnrrlcd daugh ters of tho late Abram Strickle of Wilmington, Ohio. REC1I UITISO VOL UXTXERS. IVot as Irian lias I,elt the Seventh Kieapt ta Serve wtln a Cotnmlaslan, Plnco tho beginning of tho war. Col. Appleton of tho Soventh Iteglment said Inst night, not a man has left the Seventh eveept to talco n com mission in some other regiment. Battalion Adjutant Townseud added to tho Colonel's stutoment tho information that lfiO mon of the Seventh had boen commissioned In other rogi ments since tbe beginning of the wnr. Twenty men wero recruited for the Twonty second Iteglment at Its armory yesterday and were sent to Join tho regimont at Fort Schuyler. The Twelfth Heglmont will bo gainer In a day or two by fifty recruits, which wero sent from Its armory In this city to Cblckamauga yester day. Capt Charlos Stoddard of tho Seventy-first Regiment, now In Cuba, stated last night that ho hnd mustered In 170 of tho 300 recruits nec essary to nil up tho regimont. Ho has buen or dered to tako tho recruits to Camp lllnck at Hempstead and thcro glvo them a course ot drilling. Tho recruits will go into camp to-morrow. They will bo supplied with uniforms, arms and equipments In camp. Twenty-live moro recruits wcro sont to tho Ninth Iteglmcnt at Chicknmaugn yesterday. A batch of 100 recruits fur tbo Sixty-ninth Ilegimont will be started for Tampa to-day. WANT HAWAII AN1 PHILIPPINES. President Illll nr the Great Start hern mi tho ne mnnds or Our Future In thn I'nelflr. President James J. Hill of tho Great Northern Railroad Compnny Is now In this city, and Bald yesterday regarding tho I'hlllppiuo and Ha waiian questions: "These questions can only affect us nsa na tion so far as we care to develop our foroign trade. We aro now producing u grent deal more than we can consume Wo mustelthor find n market for our manufactures or lessen tlia amount ot our production. Wo enn't com pote successfully In Kuropo with Kuropean nations themselvos, and if wo did they would soon nrrango tbelr tariffs to pre vent It- Consequently wo must look for development of commerce on tho Pacific Ocean us a future market for our productions. If we aro to take a part In the commercial doelop inentof the l'aclllo Ocean, vo must havo naval stations and hurbors of refuge, where wo can coal and repair our ships or take rare of n largo naval force to protect our merchant ships. We must follow tbe sumo lines that other commer cial nations have found it to their udvantngo to pursue If we aro to tnki) any part In tho inter national commerce of tho world; and It wo nro going tohavo a merchant marine wo must havo a navy to protect It and command the rospect of other nations. Tho retention of the Philippines would be itmcntial to tho inulntenuuco of our trudowltli trunsparillo nations. Wo want tho Philippine!, but we want fnrmorotho liauullau Islands. That great mid-1'aclllu group noulil be Incalculably valuable to tho I'uiled Stnten tlrateglcally nnd from a commercial standpoint. We have men In Cougreas who, from pcMounl, crrliilnly not patriot ic, motles, aro opposing tho annexation of the Hawaiian Islands. No mnn can give n reason why it would not tin to the advantage of tho Unlleil States to have tho Islands. I havo heard many, but no in telligent argument against tho annexation ot Hawaii. Thn Prairie Pnla ta Sea. Tho auxiliary cruiser Prairie, which has been at anchor off Tompklnsvlllo, Staten Island, for a week, put to Boa yettorday nt ternoon. The crew worked all Sunday night to get the ship stored with food and freth wator, The vessel has about 700 tons ot coal on board. It was said the would go to Koy West, but no definite in formation on the subjoct could be had, A large quantity ot ioe was takon aboard yesterday morning. Gwln ana Talbst at Annaaalla. Annapolis, Md June 27, The torpedo boats Gwln and Talbot, from Newport, tied up at the Naval Academy to-night. Thoy will proceed to morrow to Key West, Two er thn tiaveratnsnl'a Kara Transports ar rive, The Atlantlo Transport line steamships Mo hawk and -Mississippi, which were liougbt re cently by the Government, arrived yesterday from Loudon. New vessels of thu Mohawk type, now under construction, will take their places on tbe London routes a FIVE OP XORRES'S it EN JCIXjZEDi laH Thn Seeonil nraintent r flench nielara In a) xltaaal nnllrnna Wreck 17 Injured. Karlauaty. fiaaaal Washington, Juno 27, Secretary Alger re tjnaaai colved n long telegram this afternoon from) tH KdwardS. Wushburn, President of tho Kansas VLaal Citv, Memphis and llirmlngham Railroad ah. -'''aaai Kansas City, In relation to tho ncoldent on that i'aaaai road yostcrday at Tupelo, Miss., In which omo flLal of Col, Torroy's regiment of rough riders were 4Laal killed, Mr, Washburn Buys: 'aaaai "Thoro will probably bo a total of six deaths lanaa! and sovontoen Injured. Col. Torrcy Is injured. 'iaaaal but I understand was ablo to proceed with tho, jaaal regiment. Ho askod that tho dead bo glverA 'aaaal ChrUtlan burial at Tupelo, which will be done. 'sH unless you Instruct differently. A surgeon and detntl of soldiers woro loft at Tupelo tojootr, WU after the Injured. Thore are no facilities to9 'Jaaal curing for tho Injured properly at Tupelo, and aj aaaal will bo obliged If )ou will Instruct as to then HLaai disposition. Can thoy bo admitted to thq anai Murine Hospital nt Memphis t I cannot begin! "Hani to express our regret and sorrow for this tor k'H rlblc calamity, and assure you it is onr destro, Isfl to glvo the wounded all necessary attention 'aaal and to do everything posslhlo for their comfort. '"nH "Later Sluoo dictating foregoing, haro telasj I'sal gram advising that tho total number ot dtadV Am will probably bo 11 vo, that four are to Birlouiljp 'IH injured that it will bo from throo weeks to threo ''JH months beforo thoy will recover, and It It tug? naaal ccstod t hat they bo sont to our hospital in Kan JM sas City. All others will be able to travel .H within threo or four days to Join the army an aaai Jncksonvlllo. Pleuso answor quickly, giving H instructions as to disposition ot doaa ana UnH wounded.' aaan! Secretary Alger telegraphed immediately tat .H Mr. Washburn to givo every nttentlon to the? aai wounded and to provide for the burial ot tat) -' aaal dead. H Tho accident occurred at 3:40 P. M. Tester IH day. Tho first section of tho train had reaohedV ;j)M Tupelo. Miss., nnd stopped to take water. Just 'aaal ns it had whistled to start the socond seotloaT v.jaH rounded a Bharp curve In tho track and daiheo) -M Into it. In tho rear of tho first section waa tba .H sleouerSorillo, containing Col. Torrayand hie iaaal stair. This cur was completely demolished, yed .H every occupant escaped unscathed except Ihd 'M Colonel, who Is Injured, though not seriously. 'M The chief fatalities oscurred in a coaob in the ,WfM centre ot the tlrst section, wblch carried Troon IsJBi C from La ramie, Wy. This coach was com? U iiletely telescoped, and the soldiers within wera ! ammed and bruiseil beneath tbo masses ot.tlnM 'jEanml tors, broken car seats and other wreckage. la iifl too second section one baggage onr was throws AsjaJH into tho ditch, but In this train few were hurli ' H and none dangerously. ,1H The fault of tho accident probably lies with! tlH the engineer of tho second section, who waft !H running too fast and noar the first section. Tho Iaaal naino of thn engineer is llawls, and he die -iH apponrod. Tho soldiers threatened to lynch hltny ;H If found. Not a horse was Injured, though' ,H somo of the stock cars were badly smashed. Sfl . anvJ RRITONS UISU US QOOIi X.VCK. 9 ' IVe-itHy pS Pleased with Dewrr nnil nebeOBV vk n lou Are," YTtites an Knallah Ofllaer. ikS The following extract from the letter ot an tf Kngllsh Army ofllcer, high In rank, to an offloe LI of our regular army oxpressos strongly the feels! jM lng of the bolter class ot Englishmen toward vm this country. This expression of good will was) Jul voluntarily given and was not called out byj -; anything which had been said by tho otllcer to fm whom the letter was nddressed: rfl " Wo nro all deeply lntercbtod in tho war, and,- M wish you every possible good luck. Do stick to .'H tbo Philippines nnd Cuba nnd give the pooO jll devils thero a chanco of becoming men under iW good government. Your sailors are showing 'H they nro chips of tho Nelson block, and now ol v our Bobtiursseom likely to have their Innings, -n ami will Doubtless show splendid results. When jM lam ouio ovur hero nnvt. prepare yourself for n Sfl lusiglh ami searching iro-w-exnmlnnUon front Jim inquiring und deeply Bympathetlo blood rela ; tlous. . "Nowthnt you nro nt length muzzllngyond Ml press, we know very lllllo of wlmt la going on iM but ihaL little sreiiis true. MM "Von miiytiuio II from mo thnt the nation ffl Jl withjou, and that they aro nearly as pleattd i with Dewey aud Uobson as you ore. ,' Jtnvj Yard Notes. Tho cruiser Topeka will havo a dock trial 0$ 8 her engines to-day, nnd If everything Issatht 7, factory she may leavo tho yard this week. Ycsterdny tho tug Nina took a quantity o i store j to the cruiser Prairie, lying off Tompkins i villo. fj A now piston rod la being put In tho torpedo r boat Morris nt tho cob dock. ' Work is being rapidly puBhed on tho orulttt . Chicago, Her throo top masts have boen fltteoT ( and housed, and now platforms are bolng pre' pared for her gun mounts. Two largo portholes have been cnt in each? y aldo of the main deck ot tho cruder Atlanta lt '. order to mount four 4-Inch rifles. About thirty marines arrived at the navy yar from Massachusetts yesterday. f The Pivot Clip 1 FOIl KYEGIjASSKS OIvo your nose a rnst. Tho Pivot '.' Clip makes tlio easiest fitting glasses. ' $Lfa TWO m BAST 23D ST- 8 ftu I itu One door east of ith AvtW i.1 MfcJl STORES. 125 WEST 42D ST. I V""""1 'f list. D'nay and 8lu Ayty SI Jfo 6.00 Shoes at 2.97J vHkto Countermands from one ot the) I, tfiaK$L best makers. 4-- K Ws.Vlcl Kld nnd W11,ow c,af S, vV "tatty with tops ot sllW fcSvsfiSjV vest Inn;, mado ta i 0 xy -00 nl 7.00. ji " PHYSICIANS BECOWEBT I WINCHESTER'S fd IIVPOI-lIOSl'lllrtH OK 1.1ME AMD SODA jffl tot weak luags, uerrous dyspepsia, aud to strsof thattf ft iM tha whole nervous aud gfuiral sjttooi. Is a bratafi $m nerve, and Muo4 food. 1LM All UrUitlsU. H AVINOllKbl'EH & CO., N.Y. vlf nimillliiTlTTnnaariiniTTmffi ll lllllMflsnaaai