Newspaper Page Text
i ,, THE SUN, "TUESDAY, JTTN 28, 1808. 1 ON THE BASEBALL FIELD. cnxoAoos irr.v anotiiek uame I JTilVJT 7JUR ItltUOKIjTIfS. I Balttraere Dtreate M. Latebi Twit ars Tie 'cies-elanst fr Thirst l-laea-Clsu-lnaall asvd siesta Dtk Oat-slayest Halst Uhm the Maw YrUa Off lh ruta-other tlasaea. i Rain prarented the New Yorlcs from playing' At ClareUnd yesterday and Incidentally helped the Baltimore to tie Tebt&u'i men for third place, two one-aided victories being; tuo lot of Hanlon'a team at St. Louis. The Chicago! won anotbor game from tha Brooklyn, while the Waebtoslon again turned the Cincinnati! J Sown, 1 he ltedi still hold lint place, how-over, ' tor the i'lltaburg-s whitewashed tho Hostoni. The teams In tho flrst division are now beautl fully bunched, and any of thorn oan reach the top by a reasonably long winning streak. The results: Oklcago, 0 Brooklyn, 4. Wulilnftoa.B Cincinnati, 8. fUUburg, 81 Boston, 0. llslllmore, 10 St. Iouli, 1 (Brit game). Baltimore, HiiSt. Louis, 1 (seoond gra ) At Cleveland Halo. At LouIitIIIi Wet irouada. - in IlKCOItD. ,' run tor ' Chsus. Iton. lalt.emt Clubl. Won. olt. cn(. Cincinnati .8? 28 .61!; New York. 8 Its .600 Boston as 88 ,081 rhllallp'aJO 88 .T Baltimore. .el S3 .(107 Hrooklyu . 21 38 .411 CUveland. B 88 .007 Washlnit'nlsl US .BV0 Chicago. . 84 80 .607 HI I.ntlU.. 80 811 .930 FllUburi. 88 20 .5Dv!L.uu1svi1I.,1.- 41 .817 t CHICAGO. 0; IlltDOKI YN, 4. j CniCAno, June i!7. -The Onibans defeated the ' Trolley Dodgers In a onesided gnme to tiny. Bloln was bit hard and often; on the other band Woods pitched beautiful ball until after tbe horde team bad the gnme won, when he let flown, tho visitors mnklng a number of bits. Neither side did anything that was startling, AtUndnnec 1,800. Tho score: CIUCaOO I gaOOKLTH. ' r. ls.r o i.E. a in ro.i r. Byan. If. I u i 0 18 10 0 rverltt. lb. 117 0 0 Jones rf . 0 14 11 Lanee. cf.,..l ISO Oll.sebance.M 0 0 4 4 I) Harden, ss ..1 1 a 4 0 l o 0 0 McCorm k UDJ 3 0 8 Olucker. lb. 0 0 7 1 (I Utiles, rf 8 2 4 0 li.Ullniau, 2b 0 13 0 1 Connur. 8b 0 8 II 3 0 hhludlu, Ub .1 a 1 0 0 Donahue, o. 0 1 U 0 1 Iljan o 1 0 A 8 0 Uuixls. p... U 110 0 MOll, p 1 3 0 0 1 Totals ...3 IS 27 10 "i Totals ....7i U 24 IS 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 I) 0 0 ft 0 14 Cllttago 11401080.-0 first base by errors Brooklyn, 8i Chicago, 2. Lett on bases Brooklyn, 7i Chicago, 6 Mm base on balls OS Stain, 8i off Woods, 2. (struck out Uy Stem, 4i by Woods, I Two base hits Shlndlt, Rteln, Lanee. Connor, MuUurmlck, J, llyan (CMcaeo) Haul See Tilt Merles. Double plays Lacnauco and Tucker: Connor and Eierltt umpires Faulle and Curry, rime 1 hour and 5 minutes WASBWOTOK, 8 1 CIXCIKXATI. 8 CiscTxxATi, June 27 The smallest crowd of tha season, about 300 persons, witnessed the third de feat or Ewlngs Keds at tbe hands of tbe Washington lo-day. The Cincinnati round Swalm for but four tingles, while llawley was bit bard and at the lima A catch by Anderson wsa the only feature. fbescorei cikcwxati. I WAsarxoTox a. i.liro.i.1 llrtlride.ef .1 0 2 1 0 Sslbach, If .18 0 0 0 K Smith. If .0 110 OlOettman, rf .8 12 0 1 Vcl'hf-.ib .0008 OiAndersoncf 8 s n u 0 Ueeklay. lb.t 0 11 0 OlMcQulre. lb.l 1 10 1 1 Mlllar.rf... .0 8 10 0 Hrrell. 0....1 9 0 10 18 8 0 Belts, 8b ...1 II 3 4 0 Irwin. b....t) 0 S 0 0 Ueyars, 8b .0 13 8 0 fells. 0. 0 I a 1 Wrliley. IS..0 140 Ha-vlay, p ..0 0 0 0 0 Swalm, p., ..1 1 0 0 0 Totals... .la 4 84 18 "l Totals. IB 27 13 "a Cincinnati 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 03 Wiehllilua 8 0001 141. 0 i btoten baaea HoBrlde. Oorcoraa. Oettman, Smith Two-base hits Anderson, Oettman. Helta Three iaie hit SelbscU Double plays Belts. Wrteleyand llctlulre, HoBrlde and Beckley. Struck out By Haw. 1 ley, 1 1 by Swalm, 8 First basoon balls OS llawley, Si off Bwaleu, 4. Left on bases Cincinnati. 6 Wash- I Ins ton. B, First base on error Cincinnati Wild ' pitch llawley, lilt by pitcher Anderson. Um pires Swartwood and wood. Time B hours. rrmtsTjao, 3i boston, 0. ITrrotrao, June 27. Pittsburg abut ont Boston to lay In a fast and well pitched tame. A baae on balls ind singles by Oray and McCarthy scored the flrat Kin In the third Inning Uonoran slntled. went to bird on O'Brien's saorlue and scored en Qray's hit. looviore: rrmstrsa. soston. K.1B.PO.A.E Uneran, rf.l 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 t) , k Brian. cf..l 1 4 1 1 Tenney, lb..0 3 8 0 0 Oray, 8b... 0 8 3 9 1 Bully. If ....0 14 0 0 McCarthy, If 0 1 a 0 C Collins, 8b. .0 18 2 0 PaTla, lb ..0 0 fl 0 0 Utah), rf ....0 0 3 0 0 faddta, 8b 0 0 8 3 0 Lung, as ....0 113 0 AoTverman.oO 0 8 3 0 Lone. 2b... 0 14 0 0 Uy, ss 0 0 4 0 0 Yeagar, o ..02000 rsnsehllLp.o l I o 0 Lewla. P.....0 0 0 8 0 StlretU 0 0 0 0 0 Totals. 3 7 87 8 2 Totals ....0 8 84 0 0 r . B arted for Lewis In the ninth Inning. Pittsburg 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 02 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two base lilt Oray Sacrifice hits O'Brien, SIo Carthy. Struck out Br Tanneblll, Hi by Lewis, 1 ilrst base on balls Off Tannehtll, It off Lewis 4 assed.ball Teaicsr Umpires Lynch and Andrews, tmo.l hour and 40 minutes. ALTatOOK, IS, ST. LOUIS. 4 UttST OAKS. BT Louts, Juno 27. Tracked lea and towels are In demand amonv the St. Louis fans to-night Balti more played two games bore to-dsy, and the Drst wsa nly less heartbreaking than the second. In ths tint Taylor startiduut to pltoh, but lu the aecond Inning lie "saaaed" Umpire O Day and nai put out or the game, rsperwas put In In his place. Tho Browns played like amateurs. The scores ST. LOUIS 1 BALTIMORE urn. ro.A. a n. is ro. a.s --- Dowd. rr ..0 0 0 0 olMcQraw. 8b 4 1 0 a 0 Menret, cf. 3 2 10 0 Kesler,rf....3 2 U n 0 Hurler, If.... 0 0 2 U 1 Jennings, ss. 3 1 3 3 0 Crou, lb .12 2 3 1 McOann. lb.,2 1 H 0 0 Deckir. lb..O 1 14 0 2 Holmes, It.. H J 'I d 0 Clements. 0..1 1 U 0 O.BriKlle. cf ..I 0 J 0 0 Hugden, o, . 0 0 t 1 1 Deuont. 2b 0 2 3 0 0 Oulnn, ss ...0 0 2 7 1 Hublnsou, c 0 0 4 0 0 Crooks. 2b.. 0 14 2 0 Mops, p.... 1 0 0 0 0 Taylor, p... 0 0 0 0 0 rsper. p 0 1 O 0 ll Totals ..10 9 27 O 0 Ullpalrlck. pO 1 0 2 II Totals 4 0 27 10 SI St. Louts 1100O002 0-4 Baltimore .. . 4343000 010 Twu-1 sue kit Cross. Three bann bit Demontre Tllle. Double plays Crooks anil Decker, Deuiontrtj vllle and McOann Passed ball Hoblnsou, Ktolen bases stnurel. Holmes ( i), DeraontreTllle Hit by pltiher Ji nnlngs, Holmss Urst ba-e oa balls Off Taylor, 3l off Esper, II off (IllpatrUk, 4i off Mops, 8. Struck out Ily allpatrtck. ll by Hops, 2 Wild I Itch Nops Umulrrs O Day and McDonald Time i hours and 23 minutes 11. 1 TISIOUC, 12t ST. LOtU, 1. SttOSD UAHS hT. UlttS. t tSALTIMOKK h in i n. a. r nlimii Dnwd. rf tl 3 1 1 0 .lu-Oraw, Mb 4 3 1 4 0 1 0 It 0 0 Keeler. rf '1 5 ll 0 0 Harley, If. 0 1 tl 0 1 JennlUKS. ss 2 13 2 0 Cross 1li .0 l a J 1 M-tlanu, lb 2 a 0 0 0 Decker, lb. 0 0 111 o lilt lines, If 0 u 0 0 0 fcugilen o . u 1 Sao lircxlir. or .01400 Wutnn, sk 0 12 4 2 Deniont, 2b 1 1 7 ft 0 Croiks, it 0 0 4 0 0 Clarke o 0 2 111 Taylor, p 0 o 0 0 1 Iluithes, p.. 0 ll o 0 0 Carsey, p. u I 0 1 0. Totals 12 17 27 17 1 Totals, .. 1 b 27 28 Ul Kt. Louis . .10 0 0 0 tl it 0 0- 1 Baltimore 8002204 ll 1-12 i Homo run McOann Three basH littn Mcflraw, Dowd Doubln plays Mrilraw, Deruontrevllle aud MoOann, Dowd ami Hukden Wild pitch Tarlur i btolrn bases Keclor, Ji nnliiKs Urudle lilt by pitcher liroille, Deinnntrrvllle. Htentel First base uu balls Off Tailor 2i off Hughes, 1 Mlruck out By Taylor, 2: by Hughe '2 Attendance? l,M(io Umpires O Day and ilcDunald Time 8 hours aud 25 minutes. Atlantic l.eagu. AT KIWAIlg Ifewark 100002R2 3-11 14 7 Norfolk. .0 o 1 1 o o l ,i o a j Batterlei Jordan and llercrr l'fanmlller and Fox AT LAMASTEH. n. It. j Lsncuter .... oooflooni 0-3 0 u Allentown ... 0 u 0 1 (I o 0 0 1-a 7 1 Batteries Clausen and Kotlu Kssner and Ma. key j AT ItCAIIIS'l it 11. r Itsadlnir . ft 2 0 1 11 II 1 0 0-18 12 11 Hartford 0000 tl 000 u 11 47 Batteries rettsch, Belts, and Ilsydon, Ames and Keah at rATmso. B H t ratersnn 0 0 320000 04 11 J lllebmondl . 001000101-3 44 Ealterle;-.)la(lnuts sndBemls, Schmidt and Uesi Vastera League. AT sirfsi) Bjffsio .. 0 0 900000 n-.' a i fruTlJrme 4 0 11 u u u 0 1 0 li 11 1 Btlterlis Ataole and I'lgiilm, Bran I and Nobllt AT T01.OMO 11 u r Toronto , n ti 11 11 a 0 0 1 0-4 10 11 llkeiburre . I 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 Batteries Oaston aud Casey, Dutltti'jy and fiuillli, at RocxrjiTkR u 11 r Bochestar . 30010200000 0-" 18 J tprlsiDrld. 0 0 10 10 0 2 10 0 0-: 11 2 Jallcrlts-lllc kniaj aud Qunion, kurwanand Dun can ' AT X0STHI1L, li a 11 c. Uortrral '10 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 n l b)rsiuae.. 00010120 n-4 11 a , I tliries M Karlan an I lnitlir, litaikburu an I r. I a,i of I lugt su)v fork Hiiiio lengui. 1101 its tindalgua Canon lalicua, 2) Auburn, 0 hibt at 1'aimyra Puliiiyr. 4 u.wiko, 0 prOTSA. At -Itta-ltua .j cortluud, 4. At Ljons-ujuns, j, ltuiuc, J, ililsMiiiiftiiilitiiliiBrf I1I11I11 rmiin ifimn mi im Hew England sgne. At Taunton Brockton, 4: Taunton, t. Other Games at srw nATuy, a. n. a. Howtxindoc ..OOllllono 4 SO New Haven 81201003 ..10 12 4 . Batteries ding, Lear, and Lamar: Johnston and Lucula. at DAsecar. . it. n . Danbury 1 0 0 R 0 2 0 8 110 17 I New Britain . OOOUOOatil 3 74 Batteries Brit and Phelpsi VI au and bummers. at Maainui. b. n b Meriaen 0 0 0 tl 4 8 0 0 . 7 7 3 Wnterburr , .10000004 0 0 7 a Batteries-Clements and Thlesem Prentiss and J. Connor. Baseball Cames Ta.Dar. HATtOIAL LSAOrE AID AMIMCAt ASSOCIATION New York at Cterelandi Bostoa at IMtttburgi Balti more at St. Louis 1 Philadelphia at Loulsillle. lASTtaif LKA0Vs Providence at Buffalo! Sprlngneld at Ilochettert Wllketbarre at Toroutoi Syracuse at Montreal. ATLAIITIO LEAUVE Norfolk at Newark 1 illchmon! at ratersont Hart ford at Reading! Allentown at Lancaster. OTIIIII OAMKS. Yale vs. Uarrard, at Nsw Hares. Baseball Motes. Shields No II. E. 11 -Yes. Fred Sbeerln It was an error. T J M 1. Ilusle Joined the Vew Yorks In 1820. 8. Ed Crane was released In 1822 Tho Beading team lost the Atlantlo League gaino at Faterson on Sunday by a score ot 4 to 2. Cl.ivsLisn. June 27 Tho New Yorks hare en counter) d all sorts of unpleasaut propositions In the Forest City, Dry policemen prerented the playing ot buudsy'e fames and wot grounds caused a postpone ment of to day s game A deluge of rain swept orer tho Dunham arenue ground at 2 o'clock, aud atter an hour downfall the gasso w aa declared off Two games will tie played to morrow, which was orlgl 11 all t en open data for I oth teams, thus aroldlng the postponement In ths series of games. haw IUvim June27.-Yale's baseball practlcofor the Harvard game herL to morrow uas IluUhed this arternoon The team was put under guard to-ntght t keep It quiet Cspt tlrernwny will pitch to-mor run aud a .'eternal ul last Thursday sacore at Harvard larxprctcd Eidy will play left Held If Yale wins the Yale and Harvard management win decide to morrow ntsht whether tu play off the tie next batnr lay at New York or Sprlngtleld Tho Harvard nine Iff t Cambridge at 4 o clock and will spend to night at the Alyn House. Hartford. To morrows gamo will begin at 3 0 clock. Hast to Play (.antes. The Alpine Baseball Club baa July 2, 4 (afternoon), and 0 oreu for uniformed teama avereitlng IN years Address II c. 7luiuer, 013 Chestnut street. Brooklyn The Bensonhunit Field Club has July 2, Aug S and 27 opea. and would llko to bear from any uni formed team Address Howard Tallmadge, Benson hurat, Brooklyn The Crescents would like to book gameswlth teama whose plsrars average between lOand 17cars Ad dress A Bauman, 111 bouth Tenth avenue. Mount Vernon, N Y. The Rtseralde baseball tram of Avon Isle. N, J . has dates open during Jul, August, aud September with any uniformed team not exceeding wo years No Euarantec given. Address Charlea Landells, captalu, Ingslaud, N. J Tbe Jlod'ls ot Newark would like to meet all teams between 10 and 17 years uld In hew York anu Brook lyn. Open dates are Saturdays and bundays lu Au gust aud September Address A. L. uennlng, 371 a-lm street, htwutk, N. J. Owing tu a cancellation the manager of the new ilarleius has July 4, A M and P. M , open to a first class out of towu team Klvinir a suitable guarantee Wrlteorwlre to It K Hrdford, 10 North Mnth avo nue. Mount Vtruon, N. Y. Tbe Black Diamond Baseball Club of Harlem would llko to at range gauies with teaun within 1U0 miles of hew York, and offer a suitable guarauteei Lyceum, Mount ernou Y M C A. 1 llgltwood aud l'aclllo preferrud Addre.s Ben Scllc, Captain, 108 Last llllth street The 'varsity team of fit John's College, Brooklyn, wlshea to nil tbe following dans with all first class aeuil prufeaslonal teams In New uik hew Jersty, long Island, and Connecticut. July 4 (S. M ), u, 10. 80. Aug. 13 27, and LAbor way (two gatiicsj Ad dress Harry K. Meyers, tiii Many avsnus, Brooklu. R. r. Dsherty Again tllu Ike English Tsnnls Clinmplunabtp. London, June 27. At Wimbledon to-day It, F. Dohertj again won the championship In the all England tennis tournament. His opponent was U. L. Doberty of Cambridge University. linwai Tsnala. The final day's play in tbe ost Side Testis Club's tournament for the championships of the Metropoll tan district produced a new champion atephcnC. Mlllett, last year a champion, waa beaten yesterday by Edwin P Fischer, the winner of the tournament In straight sets, who, besides winning the chami Ion ship, becomes ths possessor of the Metropolitan, championship bowl for the coming year The handi cap singles proved an easy win for M. Clark or tho Lenox Tennis Club, who, with his hsndkap uf thirty, did not have to exert himself to win In straight sets. The consolation singles, after the default uf II F Avery, were easy for Arthur P, Hawes of Boston, who utclsssed all bis opponents The scores follow: Men's Singles Championship round Kdwlu p. Flsiher. West Bide r. C , beat Stephen C. Mlllett, hew York. 0-8, 04, 02. Handicap Singles semi dual round A P. ITawcs, LougwoodT C , owe half flttieu II Hey wood, Lenox T. C . owe half tlfteeu, tl -2, 8 81 M, Clark, Leuox T.C, thirty, beat T Stephens Pitts burg T r , aoratib, fl 1 , 11 1 Hnal Hound M Clark, I euox T. O , thirty, beat A, r. Hawes Longwood 1 (-' , owe half fifteen, 8 4, e-ti, e-2 Consolation Singles Prellmlnarv round Ralph nickox beat E N Thayer. 8-0, 0-3, Dean F.niery beat A L Marsh, d 3, nJ llrst UnuudU. F Fcnnessy beat R D Little. 02, 6-8; II E Avery beat Ralph HUkox, 03, 0 S; K T Duiklneham beat Dean Fmery, 02,6 4, A 1' llawes heat v. B Hyward 00,6-3 Beml Final Round A P Hawes beat K. T. Bucking ham, 87, 0-8, 6-2. C L. leunetsy beat II. C Avery by default. Hnal ltuuud A 1' Hawes beat C. L. Fenuetsy, 6-8, 61 J A Becker Shellao Is sometimes used, but there suit Is only temporary ater lightens the string ing but ruins the gut. 1 hero Is no general proevss aaihtlng ote or Interest. Tliellderlm, owned by Cornelius underbill, Jr , will not be placed In commission this season ufeldt Is bulldlug a 10 foot vupor lauuph, for Dr. Marshall, one uf Bruoklvns yachting devotees lhe steam yachts Aveuel aud Meluslna are on tho ways at Lawloy'a and will bu tnoiougbly overhauled Ihi 1'uek owned by 1 D Morgau, will be sent overboard tu day uud will nroceed at ouco tu N?ew port J llerre King erulslug schooner Elsoniarlc, tt t. . C , Is being overhauled at HerreshotTs yards, Brlstul It Is said that tbe new Cursalr which ll b Ing built for Commodore J. Plerponl Morgau uf the h 1 ( will eost fully 87ft, UUU tu run her fur a semoti I he steam lutht tllesui the pro) 1 rty of 11 H Say av, tilts well Luuwu ltustou vkehlaloau U being e lull ped with a new bullrr and steering peer at Bay itidgt rheatram vscht Fugsnla met with a mishap dur ing the hew London rowing races She was fouled I j aiiutt t-r craft aud was compelled lu gu tu lirtstol for repairs The twlu si rew motor yacht auvus BaeL that was reeently lauut lied from ofeldt'e )ardat tho foot of Twenty fifth street, llruoklyu, Is at lebos, being overhauled and painted C'ollU P lliiBtlngtou hss purchased a 42 foot c nils lug naphtha luuu u. Ihui raft hasu pariiiaiiDUteablii, cuutalulug up to date eoiivenleneea, uud Uoqutpted with a twelve horse-power mutor Iheateam yacht Ava, owned by alter Ferguson, S Y V O , Is bellik fitted uut at Davidson's yard, hew London Cspt hash will command the yaebt wheu she Is placed lu eominlklou M A de oltr Huwo la having au up tudate racing ratboat built by Henry Slocum of Il-Klul I he new craft, whl h Is uenrly lompletrd, has long uver hauglng bow aud sieru and li built of selected Moxl Laueeusr Ibeatiuual regatta of the Seawsnhaks Corluthlan ) C , fur all elontus, 00 f out un 1 under. Is si heduli d for toiuortow ut i)sier Bay In addition tu tlm regular eveuts theie wnl be u special raeftr the club a une design knockabouts J Ilohrs Maxwell has decided tu plare bis noted scruooer Liuerald In tomriilseloii should the ban or regulallons along the eostt j enull un spurt 1 ie yaeht has bieu tuwed from Tebo's baaln iuO)stur Bay where alio wilt be fitted out lUlph h Llllva to footer Hera was hauled out 011 the juarluu rullnai ut UalLers luo Bristol e 11 Saturday Hhe will be learn d, 11 palute I and rai iiuhoil preparatory to th suiiuner s rtlug capt until-, who was un the ua last year, will aall the Hera Certain members of the I arehmout Yacht ( lull h ivtug expressed a desire to race un July 4, tho trustees have decided that, while the usual sunual regatta u III be ouiltltd the llecatta t uluiallte 1 will munuKO ra ea hrtvtceu at.r jv his that may ilsilie to eoui e to un that da, and will olfer suilshln ,0111 liieinoratlte prises I ntrles rbuuld ihi Dinsnlslli the Itrgatl tiuiumll'ee on or belore licit saturda) Iran Is llorrushoff, who.e huiiiii Is lu this elty, is having a 21 foot knockabout built it the llrlst ! v arils I ne craft Is all pUiikul up aud the nu aii 1 lead built uro boiuw formed Another kuoekebout, 13 tool watt r lino length Is a u belngcoustruited lu tho same ahop, whti o Is alsu .xpeeled to be raeed along the S01111 1 mis bo. l mil be similar In I ut ti riceKli 01 d constiuctlnu to tl e 1) phoun, ulilcll was lauiiehod 1 arly In the season llio a hoonor ai Ut Igll, tho Ul t uf tho new class ilrslcue 1 I y ary nniltb, was launLln d 011 Mil r'rlduy at high water frum the shipyard f bronuA .Sons, Tolleuvlllc The tlgll, v.hlcn Is on 11. i by Alfred N Chandler uf Phils lei: his Is ill feet ovi r all, 4J feet cm ih 1 water Hue lu fret beam, and w il draw about 4 feet uf water hhe ha tho mo li rn fi nu 1 f spuou bnv,ai.ra etui afterl oly, and a Inug overbani. aft Shi is of ihi len.retuaril tpe, and nerealnn, whlih Is lari a le oiifnriatili f r u Uiai of her Ue bus full lieie 1 rotiiu 1 111 V lull was iai lieu wi mi letely risgsd Mis ntrphetis of I' ehrlsiriiod the jaeht Clmndl r Is it member of the Cor uthtsti lacht Club uf rhiladilphla fho Mall will gu Into cummUslon uu lies t hsluuluy Thougu built cspeelally fur ct ats In, pit , 1 six nip. 1 led to bo a fast boat. ISXUDSATIOSAT. CttlSkS. rillskory Leafs sit the Kna T tba Flrat Part rtbe Vlenast Teurstameat. Virnna, June 27, Tha nineteenth round of the International chess tournament, which Is at the same time the last in tho flrst part of ths contest, wsi played to day, and at tha tlmo of tbe flrst adjournment, at 3 o'clock, Ja.nowsk.1 had beaten Trenchard, while Alapln had lost to Tichlgorln. During the afternoon and evening the following; additional results were arrived ati WAlbrodt and Tarratch and Hum and Fchlffers drew, Balrd lost to PUlsbury, OaroboAt Iltaokburne.SliowaHerloit to Llpke, as did Hnlprln to Marco, and Btolnits beat Maroczy, The game left unfinished in tho sev enteenth round between Tarratoh and Tscht. corln has not been decided as et. Tho rocord up to ditto: ll'on Lett I TTiin. Lett Alapln 104 74 Plllibury 14 4 Balrd 4 14 Itohtner 64 114 Itlackburne . 9 10 kchlechter V4 84 Burn ... , 04 64'Buowaller 7 11 Caro 0 12 Stelnlts 114 "4 Ilalprln 74 104 Tarrasch . 18 4 Janowakl I24 64 Trenchard 8 18 t.lpke ...... 10 8 Tsehlgorln .... 11 a Marco 84 U4Ualbrodt 84 24 Marocay 84 84 Tho twentieth round will be played to morrow In tbo following; order: Marooiy vs Marco, Halprtn va Rehlechter, Llpks vs Itlackburne, earn va Ptllsbury, Balrd vs Janow ski, Trenchard vs Bcblffers, Burn vs Tarrasch, Wat lirodt vs Alapln, Stelnlts vs Tsehlgorln, and Bho walter a bye. Following Is a selection of games from the Vienna tournament: FRENCH DKritOE. CTKltlTr. SIIOWALTIB. STXtttTZ. SnOWALTZB. BTltfe Blue. WMIf nine. 1 l'-lC 1 l'-K 3 81 R K R 3 It-B 2 2 P O 4 P Q 4 22 K-R K-Kt 8 8 P-K 8 P-tJ B 4 83 Kt-II S P-K R 9 4PiP Kt-4B3 24 11 KKt P-114 Mil-KBS Ull' 20t)-KtH O-R 0 B-Q I K kl-K 8 20 Ut-K 3 K R-B 7 Castles Kt-Kt3 27 O-R 4 Kt Kt fi Il-K 11-0 2 2NP-B4 PxP 0 p-b it p-o u 4 su in q 11 r k r k 10P-OR4 U Kt 80 O Q II It R 2 II Q-K 2 B-kt 8 81H-QU R-Kt 2 l&Kt-H1 Castles 82 O R Q B-B III Kt-lJ Kt B Kt-R 2 88KtxPch HxKt 14 11-K I Bxll 114 II X B Q-na IBQxB htxKt BR-Q7chR-K2 inpxkt P-Kt3 HORxRch KlxR 17 Kt-Q 4 P B 4 37 Q-B (I ch k-R II 1H P-K B 4 Kt-K 2 BU R-J 8 R-B 2 1BIJ-B2 g-Q 09 P 113 Resigns. 20 H-K 3 I'-l't 8 OIUOCO PIANO. BAtRO SCRirrKRS BAIRD SCStrVERS. II htle. llUnlt. While Block 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 08Q-QB3 RKt 0 2 kt K B 8 kt-Q B 3 80 P-U 0 K-Kt 4 UH B4 B-B 4 40 K-K 4 It X P oh 4P-IIU Kt-B 3 41 K-Kt O B3 B P-U 4 PxP it g I Q Pxg 0 Castles kt X P 48 Il-O U B-B 0 7 PxP P-Q4 44 B-B 4 R-Kt 7 oh 8 P I 11 Pxll 4B K-B H-O R 7 PU-K3 J-t6 140 P-B 0 PxP 10 R-K P-B 4 47 II x P R-R 7 1 1 Q Kt-Q 8 Castles 48 It X P K-R 2 12 let X Kt P X Kt 4U B-B 8 P-K B 4 13UXP B-B 4 60 R-R 4 K-Kt 3 14 Q-B 4 U R-B 61B-K7 k-R 4 l&SI-ktd B-Kt 3 ,.12 11-Kt5 B-k 4 16 B-B 4 U-U4 BJ K-K P B 4 17BXP llxKt BtRxP P-UB6 ISPxR Kt g5 61R-(2B7 B O B in R-K 3 kt- U 4 BB-H0 B-K 7 Ch 80 J K f Ktxll 1 67 K-Q RxP 211'xkt Q-I18 'MK-UI! R K 3 22 B-g 6 R-K BO B-Kt 5 It U It 3 22 Q-B 4 Q-Q 4 60 B-K 7 P 8 8 '24 K-K B-B 2 81H-Q7 K-K II 21 k B 2 R k 3 62 11-11 B H-K 4 LOQ-Q4 O-B 4 68 B-Kt 0 Kxp 27 It ll 4 P-K It 8 01 P It 4 R K 7 ch 28 P-U 11 3 K-R 2 03 K Q It-U 11 7 '211 R-U B Il-K B 3 06 ll-Q 4 K kt 4 110 P-K R 4 Q-R 0 07 U-U B ch k 11 4 ill B Kt B-K 4 IIH B II 7 P K 11 6 82 Q-K 4 ch K-R R9 ll-II 4 ch k kt 4 H8 P-ll 4 CJ-Kt B 70 K K 11 k 7 ch 31 R-K K-kt a 71 k Q P 11 fl 85 Q kt 2 Q-B 4 72 It x 1" P II 7 ch Hit k Kt QxQBP illi-U ll-KCh 87 k It 2 H kt 3 74 Resigns. QCKKVS rAth OPtNINO. THEICllAIlD TARRASCH. I TUKNCIIARO TARItASCIL II hue Jllicl. II life Mack IP Ul P Ul JJUl'xli R-R7 2 T ll 3 kt-K B 3 23 R-k 2 kt-Q 4 3 11-0 3 B-ktB 124 B K It R tl 4 kt-K 3 P k 8 2B Q-B Q-R 1 B P k B 8 B-R 4 26 It Q II 3 ll ll 1 6Kt-Kt3 B-ht3 27 Q-Q 2 k-Q 2 7 P kill I QB4 2SB-kt3 R-R 8 P 11 8 II Q 1 211 ll x ll Q x It ch U Ciuttes Q B 2 ISO It K Q kt 8 1UK1-R8 1 Q K3 81 K-B Q-Q 0 Ukl 118 I' HI I82QXQ IiPxQ 12 It X 11 lll'll) . 13 U Q 2 II It 7 IS Q-B J Q B8 34 R u kt-K 1 3 14 ll-Q 2 Q Kt-Q, 3 35 U-K Kt-U6 15 P Ktl 1-Qkt4 lllli-112 Kt-kt7 1111 Ukt 4 kt ktJ '87 110 2 It-It K oh 17 Q R-k kt-K 6 28 B-K Kt-B 5 lSKtxkt 1'xKt IIHk 112 KIXH 10 Qe) P It 1 40 B x Kt R-Qb U P QR3 PxP 41 Resigns. 21 KtxP BxKt HlKSCn DIPOCE. anoweiTxn nsrtotTtT. suowaltxr. maiiott. trittf mack It .He. MicJt 1 1' K 4 P K 3 Id Castles Kt Kt 'I 2P-Q4 l'-Q 4 17 Q R-K P-Q 114 3 kt-Q HI kt kBS IN PxP PxP 4B-KKtBB-k2 19B-Q Q-Q I B P -K B k Kt-Q 2 20 kt-K 3 11-112 IlllxB QxB J1 B-B 2 P-KtO 7kt-KtB Q-Q 22 B-Kt P-U S bl'-QBJ P-Q 113 l8kt-IIS B-kt 0 Ukt QRJP-QB4 24 PxP HI'xP 10 l'-K 114 kt-Q B 'I 29 kt-K 3 Kt B B 11 kt-B 2 t astles ia Kt X kt Pxkt 12kt-Blt P-113 27 Q-k 2 Kt-llt 1SQ Q2 P-QK14 2SKI-Q2 Q-B I ItB-QII 1' BS 2BP-B0 11-KKia li B-k J Q-k 2 20 PxP Resigns RUY i-oriv. TAI1RASCII UA1ILU TAIUtAHelt. HAIKU II i Iff. Black. IIAIte I'huk 1 P-k 4 P-k 4 21 Q-B 2 Q-k kt ft 2 Kt k B 3 kt-Q B3 ,22 P-k It 3 Q-kli J B-kt 0 P-QR8 22 R-ktiJ Q- It 4 4 B-ll 4 kt 11 'I 24 Q- B 0 A-Q 8 ch b Castles B-k 2 ,2b K 112 P-kktl OKI B3 P-Q 3 ISUltxR Qxlt 7BxKtch ktl XB 27 ll-Q 8 QxP B pQ 1 PxP I2M11-Q2 BxKHP U kt x P B-Q 2 29 ll-Q 8 BxP 10 P KB 4 ( ssttei SO k x U P K It 4 11 P-K B PxP '81 k ktJ KxR 12 PxP II-kktB 32Qxltih K R 2 111 u ei J ll -Q 11 t 38 P K It Q-U 4 14 B-K II llxht 84 P-K 7 V-R B eh IB Bxll Kt Q4 8S k X P Q-B7ch 1HQ-KI3 Ktxkl 116 K K14 P II 4 ch 17 II x Kt B-k .1 37 k kt B U-Kt 6 cU II b-P. Q-Q 4 11HK UO Q-RBch III -K 4 Q ll Q ill B-ktB lUblgus 20 &M 2 Q 11 B ntn loii- JAI.OHl.kl lirkK JAMlHkl I II 1.1 Whilt black mte Bluet 1 P-k 4 P-K 4 21P-M4 B-KB 2 kt-K II 'I kt-Q 118 22 K-U 4 P-K t Jll-ktB P-Q 11 3 22 B-K K 4 kt x B 4 11-114 kt BO 21Qxkt I -Q B 4 B Castles kt x P 21 R x P Ball UPOS P UKt4 20 11X11 QR-Q 7 11-Ktt I'-Ql 27 B-ll 11 P-BBdlsth MPxP 11 K2 28 k II It-KB U P U I Il-K 2 29 Q-B 2 QxQib 10 It k Csstlrs 30 It x Q ll-Q II 11 ukt Q'2 kt X Kt III P-k 114 k R-Q l.MJIhl Q-Q 2 82 P-ll '. k-B 1 t Q-Q 2 K K-Q .1 1 P-kt B R-R It St Kt5 11 X Kt It It-k 4 P. (J7ch ID II I 11 kt-k '2 IB K k't Hi kt P 111 P-k II 4 U It 4 111 P-K U PxKP 17 Q-kt 1 P-Q 11 I !l7RxlCP PxP IN P-k ltd It k J1 P x 1" Itllll' lUQlt Q kt-Ktt .19 lloiljus 20 Q-B 2 Q-U S KU IOPIV. st ill r ill ait nMMfi MiuteiiriK. ivriMTr Hlnlr llhuk i Hull! Ilnnk 1 P-k i P-K 4 ' II P-Q It 3 R-Q II 2 kt-k US M-QB2 IU ll-kt B-B 2 II B-kl 0 P-Q 2 87 Kt-k 4 B-Q 4 4 P-Q 4 B-Q 2 IHICt KtD ll-II B Kt-B 8 Kt B 8 80 ll-kt 0 B-B J 0 1 astles B-k 2 10 Kt -K 0 II X It P 7 R-K PxP 41 It-K B Il-K B 8 kt x P astles 42 BxP B x B 1' MBxkt I'll 4 1U-K17 ll-II 10 P Qktd P-Q 4 MIKtxB Kxkt 11 P-K h kt-K 43R-QK7 ll-II 9 12 11-1U2 P-Q B 4 4U B-ll H B-KB 12 U Ut-K il P-Q 11 8 47P-Kt4 B-B 3 14M-K13 Kt-B 2 48 P-R I P.-II 7 15 Q-Q J Q B 4IIP-IU5 It-kt 7 ch lOUM-KSH-k nil K-B R-K It 7 17 P-k II 4 ll-II 01 H-K 11 7 B-Q 4 1 P-lt 5 P-Q B t S ll-II 7 H Kt 6 IU Kt-II 4 Kt-Q 4 riK-K RXP 8')ktxkt Pxkt B4K-Q2 ll-lt 5 91 Q-ll I P kt I fill k-B I ll-II 2 22 P x P ll I' J P 'rt H-K 7th k-k . 1 o x 1 II It I 17 II- II ll ll-Q 4 Vlll-lll Q-It I 1H lt-k 7ch It-it C' P-k 6 ll-Q I "i9 II Q 11 7 B-ll 3 .6 PxP ih QP tin It-It 7 R-Rtfch 27 Q-ll B-kt 2 II1K-Q4 B-K WHQxQeh kXQ K-Q II 7 rt-R fi 211 It X ll 11 X It I K 0 2 11 -Q 8 20 It- II oh k-kt t!4 ll-kt 7 ch K-kt SI ll-Q 1-114 115 B-Q 4 R-KK8 82 B-lt P It B 66 B-B 6 J3 li-ll 4 P-B B Draws 34 Px IIP BxP I Ql tl-S'S PAW.S' 01 ISISO. II II mil HIIOHAITIK I HSiraiV SIIOWAtTtC lllllr. Illack II hilt Waul 1 I -Q 4 P-Q 4 20 K-Kt 3 P-Q 11 I 2 Kt U.U3..I UB3 '1UP-KI4 K-Kt 8 I P-U J P-k 2 8 1 P-Q 114 K-HU 4 ll-Q 11 ll-Q. I II2MI K 4 K-R 7 B Q kt -Q 8 P-Q Kt 3 H H-tl 2 II z II II I'mtlr. I astles 34 B X K K-K 4 7 1 -K 4 PxP 1111 B-K 4 P-B 4 Hl.txP Q Kt-Q 2 '.HI B-B ll K-U1 II R-k 11 Kt 2 I 17 ll-K S K-K 8 lUktxB P X Kt UU B-ll 6 K-Q I 11 B-K 114 Q-ll 2 'ill Il-K H K-K.8 12 II K B-B 1 I B-B li U-Q J 1 I P-ll t k I P X P 4 1 Il-K H P-B 8 14 PxP QXP 12 P-Kt S P QUA II BxP Q ktl IIP kt 0 B-ll I III B-ll I Kt-II 4 41K-K9 B-Kt 3 17 11-112 ll-Q 41K-lCti P-K 4 18 Q-k 2 kid 4)-U 8 411 P-K 4 K-K 2 111 QH-Q ll-II T 47 B-Kt I P-R 2 20 11 I It oh I. Alt d K-Il I ll-II ch 21 Q-k I Q X Q 10 K kt 2 K-Q II ..' 11 I Q ivl-Q 7 111 il-Q I K-ll I 2 I ll-II 5 litxKtch I fl P B-Q 2 24 P X kt ll-Q 1 2 k-B k X P 2111 ktl Kt-Q 2 r,J 11-112 K-U 4 SUB 111 kl X 11 III K-K 2 K-1US 27Rxkt P M8 OB Heiljue. 28 K-U 7 B -k 1 I NEWS OF Tim WHEELMEN. nwr.nn rrovhn like a no adit at iron BPHsniNa rvnposics. West VTsiss Iload aa tbe toner Island Boute. vara relnted Out as is Suitable rlnee Ad. venture r is Cigarette Smaller Rldlsis Hewn Head Man's IIIIP 4.saasnerLosars llaerul Some of the cycle clubridcra In Greater New York who like to lot out a few, links In speed and take the kinks out at their muicnlar sys tem are tnlklnn between themselves In favor ot a cycling suocJvrnj. When they want to ' hit it up a bit," these riders iisus.ll seek the level of the Coney lsliind cycle path, wliero there is more immunity from arrest at a three minuto cIId thnn an) where elio. Tbo discussion of ono man's opinion fttorlng n tycllng speedviay that was published In Tub Bun recently bos. it tettns.stirred up considerable enthusiasm that borders on tbo mutinous, nlthouch that wits not tho Intent of the tulvtititto who was re ported. The point of fact which lias prlrLcd a number of oycllsU is that tho drhers of light harness hones hato everything their own wity without danger of question on certain rond stretches, while the wheel riders, in whom the desire Is stronger and the nullity creator, hate no place In whlob they can cut loouo. Ibe es tablishment of the new ltarlom speedway created by a special net of the Legislature bus dono much to engender doilre In tbe brsuito of cyclists. The speedway bus been detlncd as not being; u highway, but a spot lal road for a specific purpose. Not ot en coaches ma) go over It. The Ij. A. V. consulate went before tho Park Commission nnd watted all claims, ex pressly statin- that there would bo no opposi tion to tho exclusion of nhoolracn from the spoodwsy. It was one of the most sensible nnd judicious nets ever per 'or inert by tbe consulate. Tbe speed way Is a pluco for men who lime fast trotllntfhorsei ami like to speed them. In llronklyn ono of (ho finest uouleuirtln In the world renohss between tbe cltv and Hio sea, and a little more than half of It Is a trotttnc horse speedway, 1 ho Derail l'nrkvwi) Is Ave miles and A half lonirZTwcnty-second avenue is two miles below l'rospoct Park, snd lliertforu throo miles and a half from Cone) Island, llelow '1 wenty second avenuo there is no tipced limit on the drlv liip, and tho central drivevt ay Is kept soft, llko u trotting track, for tbe bencllt of the horse men. On each sldo tbcro is a cycle pttli nbcre tbero is a limit uf twelve miles an l'nur. 'Ibe drltown) Is 100 loet wide. One uf the cc!o paths Is fourteon feet wide and tho other Be on teen feel, u totul of thirty one feet. Allowing tor safu clearance and uMkIH Yiulbllnn, three wbeolmcn require ns much room ns n btiftry. In this i lew it perhaps is prober that tho horse dtawn tobleleB should tret thrco times the epaco that the bicvrles hate, if there wcro the muni) number of cutb 'Hie trouble Is Unit llio Part llepsrluient uf Ilrookltn hat slalioned men at the end ut tho park to keen tally of borao drawn vehicles nnd eyelet, with tbe re sult of showing: that tba cyclists outnumber the horccmen ten tu one. On Mi nil ays, according to an ottlclsJ count made recentlv with tbo aid of strcolear reclaters anaternceof '2,000 bor u uicn und trom .,000 to 30.UUU i ycllets bo iIum n thn boulovurd. It Is this count, In conjunction with the other points noted, that has set some of the riders talking;, including the members ot the (loud itouds Association and of tba Asso ciated Cycllntr t'lubs "This Is a country wbcro tho nin'ority rulo is supposed tu bo supreme, ahl ono uf tho Lb k em n couple of davs una vehen siverul iverodn, cussiua iiuttturs, 'nnd, ns we uulnumbcr tbo horhcmsn ten to one, 1 do not vco wli) we ni nut usk for half as inueh ,t tlity net without being contlnuall) net utttd o' vtuntino: the earth K cry thine wbsrlmeii do net comes us n kind uf coneesxloii Instead of tomiiiir as an overdue rittbt. I think we ought to iilr matters up in favor of n upeedvia), and that ths several or- Sanlzatlons tliut aic stroui; ebould bate Intro need simultaneously bomo rusulutions to this effoi t. I nut not it scnuher, but wheelmen oiiK'ht to have some t banco in tome place to rldo tbo wiij they w mil to ride, just us the light hurness men have specisl privlleuea. b) nntl Thire Is tbe went wukuii road on the Coney Isl and Uoulc..rd that Is hurdl) used by any one. bj eould not be given to Hheolmen uo ltg botlt ways, with no spued limit set! ' The west uuroii road referred to is on tho riuht hand side of the down going cycle tuth. It bus been receutl) llnlshuil w lib in tcailum all the wny bstwten I'rnsiicit i'ltrt anil t'onev Isl and ll it tvventy-livo feet wide, and llttlo until, oxecpt bv u few delivery wugnns that eteep at a snails paeo bslvieen tin-elt) und tbe ocean. Iho sentiment in fnvor of wheel men ben g tllovvcd to use it a n speedway that was uttered br tbo cluhmun quoted met with Immediate indorsement bv hlr umi anions and it wasifiolied to ngltate the mallei ind en tit at or to fun a a movement in fa Mir of the Clan The argument iimjiloyud was that unly n few of the icoriher fraternity wunld care to ti'e It. tho paths would bo left pltnsnnt for the leisurely riders, and (bat the scon hers were all i lever enotish to dodge un) of the igoni that might be met with on the twenty-live foot-wide uiaeadum roadway. What to do with tbo gossamer cover used on tbe lump in daytime. U a tiuottiuii that has bothered moro than one rldi r. A until wlio was nut in tho ufturnonn yestirdit) and rem illicit until after' dark 'told it wofui; talo tu 'a friend when be arrived at home He removed the tuvcr from his lamp, rolled It up and put It In bis pui krt. bun he took a pli.i.o uf fresh chewing gum from the sanio pocket be found that il tasted of kerosene. When he put n ntnt clgurettelti his mouth he again taslid loaloll, and wlirn ho lighted thu combination uf papei nnd tobacco It blutil ULo apineh tifluosopow der and nearly rieitro)ed bin mustache. His handkerchief smelted uf kcroeeiio ami nut only the tonlcnlH.uf bis poeksts' but his entire tout was eeentud. lu rlnlshiiig his recount of details he said. "That settles tuo vvi'b lami covers of all kinds, I r-alil tu myself, llieu 1 tiled to think uf some vvuy out of it, bemuse 1 null) like to keep the lump proteetc 1 from tho dust In day time I bad the thing rolled up and thu diaw strings Hod around ll, but them was enough of tbe string ends It ft nnd I tied it to in) lump brutket Iisrrylii 'ninp, on the fork, and Hie bundle swung and baiiKfi! about until 1 began to hat c ncrvoua;trcmeiis, wntchinsr It. I thought of putting It lu ll tool liiir, but I did not went ull the tools kciosilied thu uiy in tout had been 'I lien 'he real blight Idea strut k ui. I tuok the gossamer und lied il tightly with a locked bowlviiot to thu stool frame uu tho undei side of my saihlle,' I hitl'H the Irltk mid I'm so hitpuy at being the dlsrov erer that 1 want et cry one to know ll." "Dead Man's Hill" N the nsmi that huh been f:lve!i to tho sleep doellnu on the 1 on I ee mad eadiug to l.euiila Hevoral days ugo a jounr man rodo up tlm apptnai h while others wulkt tl, und he foil su I loud that lie' kept using his handkerchief uud ' shotting orf In various veuys in order tu slguifv to uhseivers thsl lie was making light ut ll. He hid in his mouth u tigarelie that wus three fourths luiriied I Id lent lied the crest of the hill uud startf fl down l'luliil) he was a stranger and sururlsed bj the sharpness of the declivity As His wheel galh ered beadwuy litt eiasud his ehutv) tut ths abruptly und tltiUliud null grip iieivouslt, He was nut much of u ridi r rnuii the point uf tleittinrss atud eoil ht'idtdncss 'Hint bei ann plain at once Iln tried tu blow Iheeigurt lt mil uf his uioulh, hutil clung lu his lips, aftei tho fashion known lu titer' elgnrette Fiuoker who hits pulltd uwuy u piece ul sklutr)Iinratu remut o one of tho pesky things, lie illel nut ilurn tuko u baud from the grip, und the tlgiirrtiu cuu tinned to burn, while he kept going down bill uud trying to blow thuetuiupavMit llmllttlu thing burned closer, until It hecumo sn Instrti ment nf turtnre, nnd, whllo ho wns pnlo Willi fright bocnusu huwus losing control of his vtlir-ol, be fairly bowled with pain astho i Icarellu burned his lips, I'tiuiM) be did lbs wisest thing under ths tireiimslaiirfs He steered lu thu side, threw himself off the bltytle, and, nidi the npusmodlr niovciuent uf a dog after a flea, he reached for that t Igurstte Htiunp uud tors It from hi. lips without pausing to sen how much his wheel was hurt or wbul Uud uf bruises bo Uud acquired Vito Consul l'ramli 'i.Owyer of Northern C'allliirula has boiu tuuilnr thrnugli tbe Kust eru "lutes evur tdniu the 1, '.. , Natluiiul Ah joinbl) ul Kt Louis lust i-ehruiii) He hub lieen ill New surg for several wtcka with ths extop liun ut trips to l'hlludrlplila und lloston. lln Is an enlhtislistlo wbreliuan, nnd wheu ho went to tee Hie boat race at New London last vvsek he rodo frosu thtiiu to llotlon On huuilav. with h, J'. I'tltiliei u( ihu I entuiy Wheelmen fur au escort, llwjer made his met trip over the cvt In path to t ouey Hlurol hpriiking lu a reporter ot 1 III. Ht N veslerdu). llwjer said that Iho path wns the grandest tliluk ho bud ev or sueu. 1 ulil nol think )Oii t'litivv how luilu thui suit of thing hero, ho rciuuikctl, 'I ban an hira hat ) uu w ero all too bus) In Nuw oiL to spend un lluie milking siuti line roads i urcl) for pleasure I think that is the general inipres slon of N'ew ork that is lu ('all fornia. 1 was greatly surprised, alio, to find such clean streets in tuo cut. Of tource Ihero Is ruoiu fur Improvement In them, but tuey am vastly bi tter tbAii I ov.pi. led tu ilml uicm l ur bleytlo r'ding Iho sirens hrn are bolter than in lloston, and thai is some hing elso 1 did nut anticipate. Thu blc)rlo polite system hero seems to work splendidly Of your ivtlo paths thero is not a criticism to be made I hey seem wide enough to aeeomniotlntu all oyilrrs, und the Idea ol having two paths with the travel going in unly one illrttllou uu each is fine, t do nut think thopMim nliuulil be uny wider. If ibe) wiro Hit) would.,lusi ilo Iisiri terl uf I pit lis and be more like ilurts I lake il fut granted Hull tV5 ondllloii of uieourfaioiu bel ter nt times than it la now. At raeruiiiento ne havo a cycle path twenty allies long, running to i'ultuiu. 'Ihu width oflt tunes from 'Jh, to D feet and the travel runs in both directions at i ' i once. It is a wonderfully fast tsth. though, and many of ths local scorchers claim that they rids lbs twenty miles in au hour. H Is sur faoeit with deootnpostd granite, whloh is a granulated rook, somewhat roarier than sand. It la found between the bedrock and the surface tf Hie earth. It is put on wbeasllghtl) wetpnd it packs firmly. It does not get slushy like other substances and makes a road that is very smooth and fast." There Is a prospsct that the new asphalt on Eighth avenuo, or Central l'ark Acst, from Fifty -ninth street to HOlh street, will not long remain in the miserably soft condition it shows at present. The city has not nciepted tbo Job vet, and tbo tontractor has not been pnld A few da)i ago a truck loaded with n nuw trol ley ear went over the avenue, and the wheels of tho truck sank into tho nsplinll nearly three Inches The damage was Immcdlatolr rspalred. nnd while tho work' was going on a city ofllclal inrried nvvuy tmmples of tho material In ordrr to have it nnnl)eou and Judgment passed upon it. It is bcllotnd hythOFo lu touch with the l'ubllc Improvement Department that tho ron tractor will bo compelled to do tbo work over or forfeit his money. An odd caUstropho that should be a warn ing to nil occurred a few dart nuo to a scorcher nt Iho Iloulerard exit of Proaprct l'nrk. lie admits that be waa going at tbo rate of about a mile In thire minutes. Ho had Just cintrgod frum the park and was about to cross the trol ley tracks to reach the down eyrie path, when a ear came in front of hi in Vs he swerved to avoid It another app-arod from tbo opposlto direction. He wns going ton fait to slop, nnd there was no ebauen of getting pnst, so he swung tip on the side walk nloiigslde tho park fence. Intending tu run it fow yards on tbe walk and then, b) riding over tbe curb, get around one of tho ears Iho tracks lie very t lose to the curb stone at this place, Tho ncorehcr miscalculated lilt speed and Unit of the trolley, with tbe re milt that when be started to go over thn ntirb ho plunged headlong nt tho car. The curb wns higher thnn the car step, and ths bicyclo, under full tuetd, len ed ovet tho lloor of the trolley and landed with its rider falrl) between tho seats Iho wheelman droned into tbo lap nf n passenger, and unotber inuglit his whuel nnd held It. or rather, whal wns left of It. Ibe head tubo of the cycle nnd the fork stem wcro ripped Ablo npen, while the framo was buckled in several places. It cost thu rctklcsn rider a prett) penny to havo tho muclune rei aired, but ho declared that bo was thankful ihut bo plunged In between tho stats instead of strik ing ono of tbe posts. A pocullar accident happened yesterday to Lawyer T, JloCunto fatovtarl. He was riding along a t ainuderute pace w hen one of his pedals flow oil tbo crank. Ho stopped immediately to pick It up, but It was nowhero lu sight, Il wns da) light, and thu street was clear, )otthe pedal had disappeared as If through the ground. Tno dlBComfltetl owner got on his nhcol again after a live mluuto search, Intending lu ride to the nearost rcpa r shop Ho then discuverttl Ihit the front wheel would not Pudge .Seek ing thu cauhu, he found thn lust pedal with Its toe ellpjumined tightly In thospukienf the front wheel between tho forks Ono lork-sldo was roverelr dentuil. but no spokes were broken When ho reached tho repair shop and showed tho pedal. It was unanimously voted to bo a peculiar accident, and without precedent in the experience of the oldest rider present. omo well contested event son tho piograimno of tho Atetlo vVhcclmon vvero decided at Queens County Driving Park, Xlaspeth, yestor ilay. bliuiniury follows Half Mile Han Moan, Open Won by Oenrtte II. Benn rmann, Peeonle scrateli, John 11 J kent wtirtbv. Brooklyn A O V , .0) ards.srrond, Thomas 1 Kloyel Willmmsmirr Vt ,76 yards third Time, 1 inliiute u l1 s-comls One Mile lis e Tor Members on by John (1 Lu 1 rll, st rnleh lsaae (J Baietsky 125 ysrdi, sfcondt '1 nomas ll Murrlssry, BO yards, third lime, 8 min utes tee, seconds ont Milt Oicn. Tandem Won bj Harry a Itelmers and (teorne II Bennermann, reeonki V , John (I. 1 appnll ami Daniel O Hullli-na Arctic , s londl 1 Uwmd T Oregon and Wllllsin h Benulsmi, Brook lyu A C third Tlmt,8 mlii lies 25c, , uonds Tnie-llle Hub Ilundt sp-Wou by Jtihli O lap loll derated, riionuestl VI irl-iser lBOyants.iecoud, tlrorse J Mnxulre LOO j arils, thlld. Time, 8 mill UtlS SSCj 8( units V lee Mile Op ii Won It V, llllam K Dennlson scratch, (leorse II llelitierinaun, scratch seeonl lluiiilaj fl Morrlisey, 250 vard), third, rime, 14 mluutesgV's seconds SOTFrt. The directors of the Brooklyn Invtltute or Arts and H-liucrsoa tbe east side lauds, llrooktyn, have Just eonipletid Hi- coustruetton of a cvelr lath Anlch leads tu the Institute I ull Huge on the hill li' k of the roservt Ir nd enables the many w heeling patrons to reach tl i p sec from Eastern purkiray I klelnberg of the I ml Ire M te lieeltu' n starte I yesterdsv in irnlns to rl Ie 8011 miles In thlrtvbourB tntlieCtnty Isluudtycle pnth He went away at a gait rf Hsvi-uleen or etkhteen miles an bonr.but at trailed uo particular attention us a r. r her Hols trying Hie rile on account of a )ersonal wsK'r t-oinetlmolu Ausunt oi emit lu Se lember the CrnJ tury vMiertineu prn use to In id k inkliana tporla at one or lie cyele tracks It Islnltnded to have the affair Iait during su aflcruoou and evi nlui. There vvlll be various freak races and a lntsceltany of sports, with dancing and Uretvorks as eoueludlug features. noT.r, omen's Slnteh nt Larchsaent nad Itesnlls Elsevvhere, Jn the women's handicap, at eighteen holes, tucdnl pla), at the harehinunt aeht Club yes tenia) for tbe second cup presented by Alfred Marshall, tho seoret wore. (7roi 11 cap .Vf lUsellle ICevene) 1UJ it 10 1 Mm llel.auelillu . 112 7 101 Sirs t A . llrt H ids UNs yiorrl-. n . ... lit) 7 Kill Mrs II r Slirlvir . 181 U 1 15 lll.i Baker , . 121 tl 111 lltssk kevru y . .137 u 1112 IhoMIesci lowle withdrew. llritNAltDbvim., June .'7 A. W. Hlack won two Mlver cups on the ionise uf the Somerset Inn dolf Club on Saturday, making both the luurn guiss and lit t scores lu a huudleap tour iiamint. lht eaids uiuda tvuie- OruMt Jip Srt A W IllACk , AT 2 hi Herbert 1 lo)j . (II 7 tfn 1 1 rlos . UK 4 ss 1 ei hi ll. ice HV --' lu I. It inch I's ti ,i2 Mr lie Lsn Mars iuo 111) IS Ul )lr 1 latt 111 2ti 1UU )tr Mom 1 M ". 1 HO I Welsli.Jr 12 2U 113 ULeouardbr. .Ul 10 124 'Hie Aditms and Kdd) Cup competition, which vvasstarlel on March J( it the II) ker Meadow tlolf Club, was wuund up )etertla) 'Ihefuur caids loturned were thait Ifniji el . It kelloxK US 17 HI J (. leu tyik lM 11 Nt. (' 1' SotniAii Ve to hi lir Clark llurnliat i 11" IU uu 'Ihev.innn In enehof the competitions scored U points tho sceond man ''. anil the thlld 1 point I ho counting up ot the points nhowed .e tie fur the liniiil-ome t up hitween Dr Uurn bum anil 1 11 Kclluc.K, e u h having tstuiu of S Iheywlll luve it) play oil In a hpeelal match A 1. Norrla was thlld with U points '1 hers were leu entries Luoked fui Hie upen liiiiidleup totiriiament (in utiiidu) ut ml ( url landt l'ark, hut as the isilngs had not hi en He II ultf'lr tisid Hiti playt rs ihuuirbl It best tu post pone thu unciiiug uf the woekl) liuiidliupn lu licit "-uluril i) - Dgmliiltk, whn is al Iho licititul Ihu euiiiiultleuuf guilt i, si lies that it hits horn ileeldeti lu div idt the pluvuis Into two s, all hiving an allow tnte uf twelve ui undei ula) mg In eluss -i.inilull ralrtl it titci tvvi Ive hel.ig in t hiss 11 I hut pla)erA who uit ntit members uf nuv legul u gulf i luh whti wish lu pluv In lilt haliilliHp li r-.tiluiilii) rthniihi foiiiiiiunleatu Willi - i;iu m lu i no uf thu (lulf lluuso, Vmi (iiiliiuitt lin k 'I he liarhui 11:11 Hi If ( lull It am was beaten b) tho home teum ul tin woo i tmlf t lub on --aturilay h) 11 h ile- in I Ihi monthly hmitlii up for class A mill II imivtie ut (lie Hat bur Hill llnku nu --ttiiiday had nu uus itn-fae tors teriiiln illun. Only ivtumeii iliushttl out of sumo thirl) stutters, all the nthrrs stopping pla) on account, uf a vlolenl thuiuli isluiiu 'l he twu lcotes rrlillued were Hunt nf 1 I (rotvcll. In class A 11,1. o 107 and ( V. Wemplc, In (Uss II of III. li bs. Nutiually, Hit ) uiitilitiiliii 1 thai as lh,in arc nu lules tu lustuv ti p i).l wtthdr tvtlng from n itunpetllinn in u mint of slrcer. uf wouthci, that liny hid "Mi Ihu prlt -, 'Ihu (teens Cuiiiiiilllee bonivti tuol nu uj puslu view, and mild ill il Ihi Iiau Heap would he played again at it fuluiu itale ( u till and Is said, villi aiqw il iruui t.n dri Is lun tu llio Uuternursuf the Ilurbui Hill l.olf Club. ; niUTJ.'td, vlmcls Slut lie Arraug d ro.Duj UelvTreii Corbelt Hud sit I uy, Joe( boyuski lui no Itlcs of retrat ling his ile flilon not tu bux Kid Mel uy any ahciuolsu'ov tept al Ihu l.oiiux A ( I his ninth wus lisrneil )uolinbiy by tho promoters uf thu Iluwihuiue A, C of llutlalo, where JleL'o) and (liu)uski were tuhave met on Aug. J 7, 'Ibe'Uub limn ugcrd ea) thoy uru uut worry luu, lor lb') hat ss another mutt li in view Th.s will In u twrni) the round lout lieivvtuii Kid Mity uud .lint Corbctt. icsturda) .Mil iiv, U II lira) vtho is one of tho it iiIIul ln.hts In the liuvvilinriie Club, find George t iinsldlne uf Detroit, irpru ecntliig Hill) lintil), talLnl uvcr ihu piopusid nicetliu: between McC'o) nnd Curbed, with tho result that another li iifrrinr-t wi'l be held lu day ami a mutt h prnial v u: n.t.l V ( n) liild II i u 11 I ii J in M - Dial he would wager any .tiuuuii hat he would whin (oibctl as quit kl) iloli t itsimuiuiiB did, I J ho club will lu ad piubahlluv us thu men to I pust it nubilunllul fui fell tu iiisum i Ueli pic, I trine in tbe nue;, thu urjuiiuratltni will also ffportgmanVi Sooil. ifflpiTrcYCLEs; With Automatio Ccaster and Brake. FEET STILL ON PEDALS. WHEEL COASTS. BACK PRESSURE ON PEDALS. WHEEL CONTROLLED. A Illil.KlllTPIII. AllVAM-slllS IM I1II.IU1, MODELS FROM S3S UP. TUP AITII-1ITK lOtSTItlt AVI) ItlltUKIS ll. FITTltll l TIIR Rl llrsK lllCsCI.K. 1IOVT Ftll, TO sl'lt .MSllt'i IT. OUH rKKDtT BI PAIlTStl NT OKFrilS AIV I1ICY CLE, WITllOt 1 bU I UU , UN TFIIMS OP SOL HEYMAW COMPANY (1FNFHAI, AdkNTS lOlt l.ltFMHIl VKII tllltli. 993, 995 Third Ave., near 59th St. Open Monday, Wedu'ttlar, sal Saturdsy bvenlugs l.OI I AtlHSTS II till I.1 ("il 1 It I II , V llnrrlaj Nt.. V V. Ills, sit ri uut. tint Nlh tie., V a, ltAII VltIM VI I.I' I ,."IH I rvlnulon tte.,V. 1. A. J KHtrV, II) llnf-riliii 11 , llraohlsn, A. 1. CAIII. II, I. Itlls. VI , l'J'Jt tTnsliliiutnn HI., lobalti n, . J oTHhit noon AorsTs wntfii OrP IOIjK OU.NS. IIIH.FS AND ItEVOIATIW ON TI1E 4T1I We csn supplr vour wonts ut minimum prices Itevohcrs, IJealllire . . Il no Self nctlug Ui-v elvers nlltttPbrcs 1 fiO Autoinulle I Jt i ling Kuvolvers . II no Colt aud --lillth A W t ssull s ut bottom lirlees Tlepers 6 UU Kltles r duced to BOO Flobert llllbi . . . . 1 to Kterrns I'avorll'llllflrs BOO Marlln Rt enters all eatllire. 10 IU Wlntbc-tirs nnd Colts at Iwltom nrleet Iiewev suliitliui euituuns, 1 tiich odd Illauk CartrldKes s kf s iltoxtsfor -!o blanks for all Kltles, uuns. Yacht Cannons Sterling & Gales Bicycles. SCHOVERLINO, DALY & GALES, 325 Broadway. NTv PNEUMATIC (SADDLE POST S v is the most important I I improvement on the ? bicycle since the adoption ) 5 of the pneumatic tire, S ) and so far as the comfort ? of the i idei is concerned, -j the Monty makes the ( j bicycle a perfect machine. ) We rrMrtrnntee tlin Slants. IT von floatt j llki It artar is viaeb,a trial, lirlnar It barb 1 Hiid vre sv III reriiuU vuur iiiiiut-s. p A.G. Spalding & Bros. Spalding-BldwellGo.s 12d 1.10 Nuhsuii ht. ".It, HI. IPI W. 4'Jd tiu ) ALL OUTDOORS is now so beautiful that you lou( to jet off on a wheel. lie wise and order it now bo that you may have tho use of it for a full senson. Tlie Eauitalilc General Providiug Co. si:i:outAi).os 1 111s r..u. ; SoijJfjsi, CAmiiqrs, c. ToilNMuOItK A CO BU AltUi N ST tJ I llulCX AttIl.T'i 111 IttN tllnl T- blrrejs heiieliau I Slallou WsBOlm llilBre.-lis. Phae tons btaubopes, V as-oiii tls lloitors' V ai-ous. Pony tebloles Ttvoanltuur asitriuei Nuvi Itles ritAl'S tery bsnd.oine designs -THAI'S CA11TS rierclslim, I renkluii speeillnr CAHT8 Also a uiiluber seeun i band brougham, hurres, lloekunsv. Trups l'haetous carts UukkIs-i. Meturls, btstlou Wasuus,&ii ll st prlies temarkab1 low "" Zt tTuif. CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY "CLUB. sirpshriitl llll. June VIeelli.L.-. 1HH. JlllielH liu SI ti, JJ, K& T t, VM HO, Jlllj , 4 Italll ul stdue l-trat, JitKi I. si, t oiut rl bj Lauder ilttiss iiihi-i r Tu riiACi; 1 eaief lot I ust tlthsl S Ull I Mill at 111 60, U III U III 1 urlor iar llala 1 uilntkl I III I Ml .III) IU l lals leat font VMllteliall SI lb 'Ul II SI IllU'Ohl S 1 I HHV II 1 l" I- ' I" If I 1 Ai, I in, I - I rrnlui leave H itbusli uv Ilrool. Iu In j' W I lu I il, -' I.' IU lliook.ln l.le valeil 1 mill. bait. Ilruo.lvu llll'i r IVIia l"i)ll I 11-. tr iii i inn ii in i iii r l II5IK nviis tills Ml Nss-au He Irln ros l- tiuul idlrutlo tract Kit lit list ntlnet. .nit I, I olt llll'lllltl til III Ilhl! IHI---. -Ill 1UT1 1 JIIH-tlllN TuHUll tu ei sr 1M11A Ai clDIMUHAntiNs i t u mil , fro u tiai If ,iost a tidr siiiu that thu utliilr will be held with mil tiiolcituliun from the aiithuilllu iru na hi that tllu a litis would pitihulil film .1 purse nf tfl'i (1(1(1, tu elie i-U Ihi lllii Ipals lu tiuv uu the ri'ert enlutri plan Miltiv sulu ) ti-li iilay 1 nuvi belli e Ihdl (Imnekl .tfiuitl to llulit (iibttl ir. tha uevt In st line, und If 1 hint him I will i-o aflet Hob ritrsliiiliions 'lulu (lltuiirhe liiul lieiliintit inlrifeie wilt this iiiiiOIi Im lie 1 1 it mil) vvl I itrt ihu worst of it. if he Uui-i lull id ii I Hill have miiiii thlu.' to en) wlilili will him hint. iuliUtv ilieup Cov l wllliner to lleht I'tiriiiti u i ,Mitr .'7, the ilate set for hl nftiili with t liti.tnl.l llti tliinlss It will bo ampin tliuu tin ibr e I'niii ' luu tn irt Into piopr lumlllioii l.essln el Ibe III". lull- tn re of Heraeiiia s n l lj ti i ll,hi 1VI Igul 111 Hit b Isllle-H li I I UV Itn-ls'flll ll - IIMl I I lilt II 111 Of III I f 11 WO t i I ox lite t a 11 I f I I i. it I 1 I I I I tls 1' it r liai ten Ihuoll '. . tin i m ' bii J tali li. uu Ma) .'. Itn'i in 1 'l.ttv.n. ivon m I Itfeil iitlll4a Fi iii 1 ntifliin in iii I ratals o Is la ti tvu lu seeit li ut m nethlui' to d i I aukliii- lljbt. lu lb" i 1 1 11 w dlilsiou lil Larry or II utou hi d luiinui Sluuti II ol llio . Itlihavi f eiili iiistehvit ti I ut I fore the eluli nllir hiK the br.t i iir-ii la spile thef.ul that Jno iiuldurl lis u i a 1 1 eter Mui i r ttvl i, na spirts ute m Ie tin li sti boxer ti e lavoriio lu lb u i in ii.t nti.t AtidWolsh nf iiruik u . ills atuilul vrltli tno result ol hi. i tiniest wllb Misiertia. Inltv Huiiih aal oITers tu box thv hitter a in Su Ith svalieis wlllllii; lu weeei t but wuuts alih lu mi islet a fcoo 1 sldt lei Sim t.WluUlik la. 1 1 .et. iillr siraai, id a instill batmen 1 uut taitltl tl -u.i li li inn nl lis lieriisitln 1 t psli wilt i limn lit uiu 11 i o next in tuth for tbtul 1 i.i.t leftr uu ctr the lutul u ubi hamuli hellv esterdiy dei o.llt 1 alvil vtlih JiliuiO y -e v 1 i urriitiM u in it h twin lute Sulll tan Urllrwllll t -uiiilvu i uiv a wirli In nhlrli tu Iliuareplv If no It a. not i uter the iiiiiiti In lual lime Ktllt ulil bit mo mi i r fenthi rwil.iil s ixo sullliaii u He. i ei. i lak a i a trip to Ire laud talis iiinn r in ti ui ii it t ul ii i tit i ail in tin i at want, i i n i us, . I ii i n t tr ri ii 1 i i nk t ji v.. i 1 1 i I 11 f i,oes -ilki vvhl i.oi it main on thooiii r dt uu.o Itliku two mouths Subs rlher Sew Mirk Tlm uu-t for tbe fliitlliue at Matpttb, 1. I , on llare i ti, lout) XeCpj nou in partjsmnnV (HaoRt. f s. - J ""' J Great Sale of 4 Tennis Rackets..;. f We have bought the entlro 1 stock of Tennis Rackets mada by the Overman Wheel Com- f, pany, known as the Victor Line, " and offer them for sale at greatly I i educed prices. Compare their e prices with ouis. uun rmen 1, $7.00 Victor Racket, $2.25 ' $5.00 Victor Racket, $2.00 $3.00 Victor Rcicket, $1.50 f Ii tow u tor op-n WrMneidny and bturd .-j f YeiilUki until U u clock -f' A. G, Spalding &Bros.,Spaldlng-Dldwell Co., f IlJo 1110 Vassal! Rt. j 2H. nl.88 West gd Bt. f -sss4sOsssssti4 I I DOM'T I I I BUY A BflCYCLE i i UNTIL YOU GET OUR TERMS. J T IV I J ItUAT TltUM AIiIj. X 'l I NEW DEPARTURE, f 3 i $1 Down. and $1 imt Avnuic ? Pierces, Crawfords, Victors, t Wolff-Americans. The Epitalile General ProvifiiiiE Co. f i J (!. I. I-. CO ") & J 29 BROADWAY, N. Y. I Y IIOOSIS ( AM) 7. X . ) X (Third J'loor, Cnlumhlu Jlulti(lua) S f X OH I 123 B'way, cor. 25th St., ? Mt -.llllK. BROOKLVNBRANCH: I j 164 MONTAGUE ST., X Cor. Clinton OPEN EVENINC8 i X (ICXI KrT HATUItUAV) t f UNTIIs 0.110. y -----sVt-' ' While they Last. I MODEL 40 I, This is the greatest bargain we have ever t offered. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. New York Store. 12 Warren St. I BICYCLES J C HOI 11 lit i . I EASY PAYMENTS ; W ilh out Extra Charge. IV Lsrsslus Kir i lu seuuud liaud whssls,la- C J r eludius-miuui lb in rawfurds, TTjr llttl UMd. C Durant McLean & Co., S SHU lluiariwar " V IHISlUMlfordav , Ilrnokl-rn. j ? I thn III IT 1I10VCI.KS AN. OS I. lElt Mt-DK The Price, fjS-OOa Tin- lilfi'i in mlr I'rlcc tlml't fair." A 1898 ideals, $40 eilllKH-- I'lll.Al'Flt. Gormully &t Jeffory Wlfg. Co., , iiiuuiJ lliilliH a , near Biunst 1 1 ilntlon ( )ll " . uiciil., luxlUKtou sv, it 31st St. lifiimi ruiiiids. VK ..j . urluitakiiuckout Thsys-SiSsi f lu.iiili.i skslu at 5ra ui before Ibr Ktuplre A. O. j i ii sr i s fin Ibi result v as a draw alter rlTS) j reiillids lis 1 I rill fouulil J Js ik lluuiir, tbe 1'lilladeli Ida nilddlswslght, li h sfli-ru uuiteli "Uu I'su i rerduD lllllr Huche, who j Is lluum r . 1 re-iiit msiiss-.r, i orralled Lrasdon tba IU tlicr ulslil -iud aski I liliu l( lui would box Donnor. j'l UrrrUuu ull I u eeuul I, UK nauis lu wait until ajt IM bis iii"i Unit wlili Tiiiuiiij 1'jau ) lliorni Ursrii, kuunii iiri.rissliiiiallr as "Voub, i)B leiiltlt liliitivvn iliein airlvrd tiers, from Vaa wM niwr ll i mi nulurda) He sas tbai ba wants to am luniliiv llisll usslu, Slid that bo will comts-l rM ihu luu r in fui him uneii and " Mysterlf" V mil. - iii nu 1 a talk je.lm lo ahuut krranglng st ifl ti si li -in i i said in. vremtl box (Irrrn Kons of tksj .!jjl Ml . i l i ilr.e wis u ith -.1 - i i mil i iIhst who went down to S& i nirrialiui m '. lu-n JiirUau on Sunday, prattles Al ti ui in. I ii,il. liuisii will 'li fl (leiirn liuou next Urn t-rlds) iiliiiii 1 iluii i hsiiI tu drlrai t Iruui Ulzou's iiuid sat i iui io Till ti v ri-iH'rler yesterday, Jt (i Ir ia,r IW iter Ilui I think Jurdaa will a nlui hni til. un lersi ind tliut If Juruaa batta Ja liisuiili nlll a i-'H Uaia --ullliau's dell and meet '.J. him ut I ( ' 1 uuds (ij. 4m llriirunl t. si I, , ti utiles. jn 1m li fene I flild aud Irsrk t oris of Ik UsdfoM ,jj(l U.iuelie. h Ilr ii If lu " '1 (.' A wbieb wsra post ff?i I ui i hi un idij uu u "inn of tho slorm, werede- ifm i lu 1 11 ii r lu) hiiiiiiiar tulluwsi rSk K inn li. Ur sd Juiii-iiii by V W. chrUtle, ,-if iratih nltu f fi-ei ife. lubes A 1, ) ill Hi in- su i I ulth uu a lujl h up uf 1(1 fact 10-a ,4 1m Ms 1 ii li mill " li i hfs, third, with an actual 1 lissii if 17 f -t I lu i il I:. in, ill s ui: iiimp-Vin lij I W, Christie, ' si ran li niihCi ul jlutues, u I" (Isnt, 0 Inches, 1 sroiuil wliliiiuj tillesnuCS fut HIS lucheni t. in o li iiiii i in hi- ihlrii nlttian actual leap of 4 ji leet r. j it tin VMb Hull v,i i l, ii 11 .ii,!l'j)i Wrin ny A I. I.UTBter, J1H Bunls W Ns.ii -lu aii-,sei ml J II l.avrtou, '111 st villi III r I line t In itrs III soi UlldS YW liii it I uf i ill is tnil L lirUtlr, I u. I.ujlter, b, I'ucnetl, 4 (laii,-l Na.h l.i.twtm 1 JQ lldd. ami I'lids er Mpurts, i listles A miIm raiislu of Hi" hew Jersey fl Athlflli ill . tra I. I. o lias sin i rssfully passed rvsli hi. i mi risiiUimi h I'riui etuu Unlvsrsltj , .MB ' hu i UA- it ie i i .tn t n his siuiirs there tbla 'SH full PefauvM of his us tin uno on ine Krldlron aud, Jfd ids riii t r 1 us a sprinter, Aimer Is eu eclcd tv tuaka sv MM ainiiigcsuiiiUtefur the fooltsll and traok teaat ! im 1'rlucetuu Uulrtnlt. k 3MM wmm im ,,, iiiiniiH