sssLHaW' JL-" ..... - l .. , .f. .' fl.T -JJT' "- r 1 - -'--,fc,-l'J---1A'"1M"J " ' - J- - " A j,, JJJ , , . 1 L-JL1 , . , ..... l.. . .. .JssssbbW UmL- ' F1UDAT. JUIYS 1, 1608. BJt' BHeorltUsss bjr Mall, Poet. Tale. H 4tlT,prMotB. SO BO HHig. DAILY, per Tear., , O oo jjBFT tUNDATi pr Ttr.. a OO MJFjJPAXtT AND flONDAY, per Tear OO Hf 6D,T KD "tWOAT, per Month. o H ?estsge to foreign countries added. mt' ij T8u, .VwTirkCltjr. Baw "-Klosine Wo. IB, near Grand Hotel, and H p'1 JjfJoiqu Ko. 10, Boulevard del Capuolnea, UtM'i tfewfrUnt' "ho favor wi trfl sisamsMerijileVr KS pssMfeaifonieis fo fiutM rejected artUHe returned, BjHp Wry musf n all oaj Mint tamjn or I Hat purpose. ITho Elements Aro on Our Side. It Is worthy of notohow nature has thus tar favored ourcarapalfin In Cuba, although tho conditions of tlio climate were what its tnost feared. "Wo could deal satisfactorily With tho Spaniards, but wc dreaded the ravages that fever, heat and rain might 'snake among our men and tho check they Blight placo on military operations. j Yet thus far Aro havo had practically no Belay from thcso sources. Alllco on ship fend shoro our men have been surprisingly fcaltby, and, oa a whole, they were iUo In good health during the stay at JTampa and on tho transports. The enomy Invited us to battle on the hilly coast 6 southeastern Cuba, whero there was no deadllncss in tho air, and -where thus tax campaigning has been far safer than tt wen In many a swampy region of our Otvn land during tho civil war. As to beat, Us victims have been few, al though July's fervor Is here, and men aro dying ot it evon In Northern cities. In deed, our despatches ot yesterday from Playadol Este, recording a few cases of total sunstroke on a forced march, only emphasised our extraordinary exemption thus far from dreaded evils. That rainy season, too, which, according to gloomy prophets, wan to baffle all our efforts to ovorcome tho Spaniards, has given us no trouble at all. Our troops have inarched as they liked, and the engineers havo boen ablo to build bridges over ravines and streams and to construct a tpllltary road for miles toward Santiago. UTR. JThe ships havo had their full share of 'Bw- tuck, 2Tor weeks together thoy have been &' tiding In open anchorages, without tho KgBl faintest suggestion ot a hurricane or even &p Bwtnd strong enough to make them put jflRrj Out to sea temporarily. Tho haven at B " puantanamo Bay has not been used thus gjP,' far by the fleet as a wholo, and we havo wM," landed with ease about 20,000 men. Mjst , Of course wo cannot expect fortune of $&, tlhls sort to continuo always. Conditions & fcf health, of wind, ot woather cannot nl ajSj Ways be as if provided to order. Storms, jjjj-L fiercer heat' and the ravages of diseaso fflt mast bo looked for. In August, If not flHjr earlier, hurricanes will be almost sure to SR, rago on the southern side ot Cuba. But 12m Cone tho less is It a cause of joy I ha t thus far mW'l nature' has smiled upon ua. afik'v Sj$ The Now French Ministry. afcl"-. I HHbThe formation of a Cabinet by SI. Bms- IIIOKIl'i an Interesting incident, because it mWpA indices a dUtinct triumph for tho Itadi- HKjJ sul-Soclallsts, although. In order to secure f sufficient votes to control tho Chamber of if Deputies, it has been needful to admit cer- Ksl' tain representatives of the more progressive Hf Moderates. Among tho well-known Bad I- H? cnls, however, ex-Fromler Bourgeois Is to LWI have the portfolio of Publlo Instruction; Uk M. Cavaionao will superintend tho War H7't Office, and M. Lockbox will take charge WJi" t the Marino. M. Bbisson, it will JfL-s ? remembered, was Premier In 188B, B& and, since then, has been a candidate of K, the'Radicals for tho Presidency of thoBe- j& public, and has presided over the Chamber mL. of Deputies. On the assembling ot tho new K Chamber ho was again put forward for the W&f post of presiding officer, but was beaten by $$& JJ. Desciianel, although only by a very HK narrow majority, which on the formal vote MB'-. . ' was somewhat increased. As M.Bbisson, WpJ however, received at thai tlmo somo Moder- 193; 'ate support, and Is highly respected even by ffc bis political opponents, ho was marked out JR as the possible author of a coalition be. XXf tween the Badlcal-Sociallsts and that wing J6H of the Moderates which gravitates moat Jfe' strongly toward the Loft. Br? ' 'As Is always tho case with a coalition, a ifSE compromise has been effected between the It?' conflicting views of the parties thereto. &H Ono concession made by the Radicals to tho pS,i protectionists is tho promise to restore the ks corn duties from July 1. Another couccs- H" Blon is tho agreement to regard the Drey- W,- trvs case as res adjudicata, although 1 eoveral members of tho new Cabinet are ftjfc Jtnown to favor a revision of the trial, and SIF although M. Cavajqnao, the new Minister KfPf ' War, onco addressed an Interpellation to &' the M61Ino Government on the subject. mW Wo do not yet know whether. In return Ki! for such favors, the Moderato supporters lilt' c' BnlBS0N bavo consented to ad- flp: ocate a progressive Income tax, which jiT was the capital feature ot the Badlcal pro- 1'; gramme put forward by Premier Bonn- BK, ' OEOIS two years ago. It will be reraem- mWs Jercd tbttt' 0U March 20 1800, tue Chara- Ifls P-k0' Deputies adopted an order of tho BP' Say iporovlng the general principle In if yolved In t'lat measure, but, before a bill llrf " foua' ue P1"45041! Premier Bourqiiois re- Bfc; Signed, owing to the Senate's refusal ot the ft-i '" eredits demanded for Madagascar. In tho K$? statement of policy read by his successor, ' litfuHE, on April 30, 1800, the income tax Wlp? Was definitely abandoned, but, at the recent Hpi general eleotlon, It figured as the principal Hf Issue between the Radicals and the Mod- 1 frates. We assume, therefore, that It will i- presently reappear In some form, and It fip- will be Interesting to see whether the Mf : Senate, in which the Moderates greatly Wjr ' preponderate, will, in consequence of Its BE' belief that the Income tax ts a dangerous Bjjf' innovation, attempt once more to overthrow B it,' a Ministry by passing a vote ot want of if fconfldence. Another question of Importance H' whether M. Loosroy will now be per- Hfl'i Bitted by the Chamber to carry out the Bip, sweeping naval reforms which be began Kfk'" yrhm Minister of Marine In the Bourgeois K Cabinet " The only possible alternative to a Badlcal BEgf, Cabinet containing a few Moderate mem- IH&. ben would be a Ministry made up exclu Ifijl. lilvely of Moderates, which, In order to KEv, obtain a stable majority, would have to Ifl' )nake considerable concessions, not only to Wfflf' be so-called "Ballled" Bepublicans, but gg also to the avowed Monarchists. Such a HE?', combination would not last long, because fit the more progressive and truly democratla mWfr "wing of the Moderate party would soou BEf. become restless and secede. As, therefore, jr a homogeneous Moderato Ministry seems mWt tmpraotlcable, we Incline to think that the MS, JJaiuon Cabinet baa a bsttar ebaaea ot Ufa I n Ipict' " than It is credited with by. some ebaarat. It should ba able, at all rrenta, to avotA immediate wreck by deferring until tho autumn the agitation ot an Income tax, to which President FAuna; as well a a largo majority ot the 6nte, U known to be op poied, That the President looks upon tho BrUion experlmsnt with no very friendly eye may be Inferred from the foot that he had previously invited no fewer than four Moderates to form a Cabinet. It Is also believed that the St, Petersburg Govern ment regrets the departure of M. Uamo xaux from the French Foreign Office. This Drlsson Cabinet Is the thirty-fifth that has taken office since MaoMaiion was choion President ot the Republto In May, 1878 ; we do not count as tho formation of a new Cabinet the reappointment ot tho Dupuy Ministry on tho election of Casntin PiimsR. It appears, then, that the average duration of a Froneh Cabinet baa been about eight months and a half. The re markable brevity ot tenure is due to tho olrcumstanoothat, In France, a Cabinet, In stead ot representing a united party, haa usually to rely upon a number of groups, and the portfolios have to bo distributed so as to conciliate enough of tho groups to form a majority of tho Chamber. Under such conditions, Ministers tend to become rivals rather than comrades, and each ot them Is a little Inclined to think less ot the common interests of the Cabinet than of his own future prospects, when the com bination shall break up. The only tlmo In the history ot the present French republlo when a Cabinet has been supported by a group containing, by Itself, anything like a majority of tho Deputies was the flrat half of the term ot the last Chamber, which was elected In 1803. On the assembling of that body the Moderates, or so-called " Be publicans of Government, controlled 811 seats out of C81, and a homogeneous Cabl not of Moderates was appointed, with CASiMm-Pitiuun at Its head. Neverthe less, In May, 1804, this Ministry was upset by an unexpected crisis, after which tho Moderato majority slowly went to pieces, and, by the autumn of 1805, ceased to be n real majority at all, so that a Badl cal Cabinet under M. Bounaroia camo In and announced a truly Badloal policy. Tho majority commanded by M. Mline, who succeeded M. Bourqeois, waa never homo geneous, since he always had the support of tho avowed Monarchists, as well as of the ox-Btaottonlats, who, ab the Pope's re quest, have, nominally, " rallied" to tho Republic What wo seo at present ts a certain ten dency to the elimination of groups and the division of Bepublicans Into two great parties, the one Moderate and tho other Badlcal. Whether this tendency will gather momentum or will bo presently checked is doubtful, owing to tho fact that the French method of electing Deputies favors the perpetuation of groups. It will be remembered that. In France, an abso lute majority of all the votes cost is re quired for election. If there are more than two candidates In the field and no one of them gets such a majority, a second vote, called tho ballotage, Is taken two weeks later, and, at this, a plurality is enough to elect. It Is clear that such a proceduro encourages each political group to nominate a separata candldato for the first ballot. If, for Instance, there are Be actlonary and Moderate candidates in the field, and tho Radicals prefer the Repub lican to the Reactionary, still tho Radicals have nothing to lose by running a candi date ot their own on the first ballot, for, if the Reactionary can poll mora votes than both his rivals combined, he will be elected in any event ; if ho cannot, he will not bo elected whether the Radicals put up a can didate of their own or not. In tho latter case the first ballot will havo counted for nothing, and the Radicals will bo able to voto for tho Moderate Repub lican at tho ballotage, and elect him then. They are likely, Indeed, to gain a positive advantage by nominating a separate can didate, for, if they succeed In polling a largo voto on the first ballot, they will bo In an excellent position to wring conces sions from the Moderates as the prlco of their support. This cumbrous system ot voting dates back to the election of the States General In 1780, and, with two short breaks, has been maintained in France ever since. There Is no doubt that the system tends to prevent the formation of great consolidated parties, and that Is the evil from which Parliamentary government suffers In France to-day. Tho Attack on Spain's Coasts. American strategy thus far during the war has largely consisted In turning to account Spain's blunders. Wo have formed plans of our own.buthavo been constrained to lay them aside becauso Spain has con tinually offered us opportunities for some thing better. Wo Bhould never have besun our land campaign In the Antilles at Santi ago had not CsnvERA dodged into that port instead ot elsewhere, thereby Irresistibly tempting us to cork him up and capturo him. And now, In llko fashion, Camara's departure to Suez, by uncovering all Spain to us, has invited us to attack her coasts. It should be said, however, that at the outset of the war our naval officers had In mind Just such an attack, it being consid ered as among tho possible duties ot SoniEY's squadron. But tho project was then wisely postponed, because by waiting for Spain to send her ships to the Gulf wo had her at an enormous disadvantage, as Cervera'b plight now Bhows. Tho plan of attacking tho Spanish peninsula Is now re vived, and the crulso of Commodore Wat bon Is likely to be one ot the most absorbing and exciting features of the war. It has sometimes been Intimated that this new expedition was in the nature ot a bluff, and that the Navy Department's os tentatious avowal ot Us purpose, as soon as Camara was known to bo headed toward the Philippines, was palpably for tho pur pose of causing his recall. That our pub llo announcement was intended to bother Spain, to counteract any good moral effect produced in Madrid sentiment by Camara's movement, and to make it a source- of pop ular anxiety instead ot hope may bo true. It helps us when we make Spain uneasy at the prospect of having tho war brought to her doors. It has been said, also, that Commodoro Watson will begin by capturing a base of supplies at some Spanish port, perhaps Ceu ta on the African side ot the Straits of Gib raltar, or at a point In tho Balearic Islands. From either It would be possible to ravage the Spanish ooosts, not only at ports like Barcelona, Voloncla, Cartagena, Malaga, and Cadiz, but at minor points. The Ca naries, too, would be at our mercy, the chief ports inviting attack there being Las Palmas on Gran Canada, and Santa Cruz on Tencrllfe, both of them fine har bors. In the Balearic group, oft Spain's northeast coast, in the Mediterranean, wo should alio, prgbabjjr. at ffalma la , L MaJoxWo Mahon In Minorca, the latter for many yean a favorite resort tor oar? European squadron. Not the least Im portant objcoU ot attack would ba such dockyards aa those of Ferrol, Oaraca, and Cartagena, In which valuable Spanish war ships, llko the Oardenal Clsneros, Prlnoesa de Asturlas, and Catalufla, are fitting out. Besldea destroying these, there would bo prices In the coasting trade to capture. In Spain's present and prospective condi tion, tho more this cruise ts studied, tho more interesting and promising it becomes. That lb would be sensational Is clear; but it wonld also be fruitful. The navy will try to make It tell heavily on the final re sults ot tho war. Tha Domoorats of Threo States. The Democrats ot Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Tennessee held their State conventions on Wednesday, and all of them were con trolled by tho Bryanito element ot the party. In Pennsylvania a platform plank reaf firming the principles of tho Chicago plat form and extolling BnrAN as tho "tribune of the peoplo," offered by tho minority member of the commltteo, was rejected by a voto of 238 to 184; but Georgb A. Junks, specifically the Bryantte candidate for Governor, was nominated by 300 to 110 for GbnuoN, n Gold Domoorat. Moreover, absurdly enough, all ot tho Gor don phalanx supported tho rejected Bryan ito frco stiver plank, while the Jenks ma jority voted against it. This was because the game ot the Jenks delegates was to fight the campaign on "State issues" solely. That la, tho majority simply played tho trick of hiding away their Bryanlte princi ples with a view to temporary expediency. The Georgia Democrats nominated Allen D. Candlkr for Governor on a frco silver platform laudatory of Bryan. Tho Ten nessee Democrats nominated by acclama tion Congressman Benton MoMillin. and put him on a platform which was unre servedly Bryanlte, against Issuing bonds and in favor of an Income tax. It Is altogether unnecessary to make any comments on these demonstrations by tho Democrats of threo great States, or to draw from them their obvious moral lesson. Tho Trouble Is Casey. Every day ot the National League's effort to abolish the long-established habits ot disorder shows how deop seated they had become and how difficult of removal. In spite ot a show of groat determination to eradicate rowdyism and to replaoe tho Chuchundra-llke Individual known nom inally aa the umpire with an official clothed with power to decide questions ot play and to compel respect for his decisions, re bellion still crops out among tho players, and through them the old disgrace clings to the national game. Any day that tho nine under tho jurisdiction of Mr. Freedman of Now York plays, tho cap tain, Joyce, backed by his subordinates. Is liable to break out in disorder varying from words to actual violence. A few days ago Tebeau, tho captain ot tho Clove lands, mado such a vigorous attempt to umpire by himself that he was put out of tho game, but so gently that he was playing again the next day. On Tuesday, also in Cleveland, Anson, the new Now York manager, of whom wo had dared to expect something better than the same old bull dozing, had to be sent off tho ground, ho going sullenly and delaying the game whllo the umpire held his watch upon him. Probably tho President of tho National League, Mr. N. E. Youno, whose function It Is to appoint and direct tha umpires, Is himself incompetent for his duty, either through laok of Judgment In seloctlng men or lack of forco In seeing that the League's policy of discipline Is carried out; but there Is a lower reason for disturbance than that. For tho almost Ineradicable habit of ruffianism In baseball there Is n psychological cause which must bo recog nized and dealt with before, tho game shall again be orderly and decent. It Is not that professional players come of a de graded origin, which makes them naturally brutal or crooked In spirit and unable to understand tho first rule of sport, but bo cause for years around tho national dia mond hero worship has beon cultivated to an extent that would make the army and navy blush and shrink from Its admirers in shamefaced distrust. Under tho Influence of good naturod but exoeaslve adulation baseball favorites long ago began to think of themselves as per sonalities, and as the focus of the sport. The more conceited and ready tongued ventured to talk and to seek a reputation as publlo humorists. A group "of regular mountebanks grew up, with Latham as chief buffoon, who posed andmonkeyshlncd with their bodies and pattered with their tongues as though a ticket of admission to a ball game guaranteed a variety Bhow In addition and they did tho star turn. So with skill In play or with powers of gabble as a basis of prominence, the player, not tho umpire, came to dominate the field. The poor umpire, In his helplessness and peril, degenerated Into a national joko equal for common use to the American mother-in-law. All players being ambi tious for notoriety, saw In bulldozing the umpire tho easy road to it, and no official ever made on effeottve stand. In the famous eplo ot the ball flold, "Casey at the Bat," Is found the wholo story : Then from tbgladdDd niultllnda wint up a Jor- oui 711. It rumbled lata the mountain tope. It rattled in the dell It trunk upon the hlllilde and rebounded on the flati For CUST, mljhtj Guar, wae adranolns to tha bet I There wae eaeo In Oun'i manner aa be etepped Into aU place. There wae pride In Cuin beartnf and a emlle on OiiKY'sraoei And when retpomllDfto the obeere be tightly doffed ut bat, Noetranger In tha crowd could deubl 'twee Oitsr at the bat Ten tboueand ejrea were on blra u be rubbed hie bande wltbdlrt, FIT tbotuand tongue, applauded when he wiped tbemonbletblrtt Then erbrn the writhing pitcher ground the ball Into hie blp, Defiance gleamed In CiliT'a eye, a sneer curled Cur'a Up. And now the leatner-oorered ephere oame hurtling through the air, And Ciiby etood a-vratcbtng II In haughty grandeur there i Clou by the eturdy btUman the ball unheeded eped "Tbit ain't my style." laid Oiler. "Strike one," the umpire laid. From the benchei, blaok with people, went up a muffled ruar. Like the beating of etorm waves on the stern and dis tant shore i "Elllblml Kill Ibe umptrel" shouted some one on the standi And It's likely they'd bare killed him had not Ourr raised bis hand. With a emlle of Christian chultyrsat Gun's visage hone Be itllled tbe rising tumalt, he bads the gam go cat B elgaalUxl ta the nuchsr, sad eaos more the asktrsUftewi Sat Oust tm inert It, as (Us ataptrs saldt -SWkalwo," "Fraodr etledihe maddeaed tteutaada, saeltoke answered " Trend f nut one scornful loek from Oissr sad the andlsnet waa awed. They saw hie faoe grow stem ana cold, they saw bis mueolea strata. And they knew that Oinrr wouldn't ll tie ball go by again, Bero Is descrlbod a state Ot anarchy and mob rule on the ball field that still endures. When, the umpire having called one strike upon tho people'a Idol, "from the benches black with people there went up a muffled roar," and some one on the stand shouted, "Kill the umpire," it was tho uncrowned and uncommissioned Casey who raised his hand and saved the former's llfo. It was Oasbt, nob the umpire, who " stilled the rising tumult and bade tho game go on," and ' gave the signal to the pitcher" to play ball. After the second strike it was again CaseT who " awed the maddened thousands " into sllonco, tho umptro continuing to llvo and arbitrate by tho usurper Oaskt's grace. Becauso Oaset was reputed groat in action tho crowd had grown to look upon him as boss of all, and ho so saw himself. In. the majority of players Caskt still walks. Tho Casoy nonsonso must bo got out of those whoso heads are still puffed with it, and they must be mads to under stand that they are nob lords of the field, but the humblo members of an aggregation which, with Its oompotltor, tho othor nine, is subject to tho Indisputable author ity of the umpire, or the last stage of base ball will bo worse than tho first. If dis order Is nob suppressed under the cold Iron heel of discipline It will dlo on tho corpso of professional basoball Itself. Jones's Guerrillas. " Wo have a sufficient number ot spoakers engaged to Insure our getting on for three weeks," says tho Hon. James K. Jones, Senator In Congress from Arkansas, Chair man of tho Democratic National Commit tee, and guerrilla leader. Three weeks of speeches against tho an nexation of Hawaii, an Imperious necessity of the war. For three wooks Jones and the other guerrillas propose to oppose the successful prosecution of war. While our soldiers and sailors are tolling and fighting to bring tho war to a successful end, Jones's guerrillas are striving to de lay or prevent that end. Jones's guerrillas don't have to offer their services to tho Spaniards or furnish them with coal or supplies or arms and ammuni tion. For three weeks they will If they can glvo as effectual aid and comfort to the enemy by obstructing the passage of a war measure. Traitors in substanco if not In form. 1'coullnr Pooplo. Advocates of Philippine annexation who oppose Hawaii aro like men who advise tho use of big guns In battle, but not small bores. Mero opponents of Hawaii represent tha view that in tho great International world struggle for progress and supremacy no guns should be used at all. They would rather glvo up the contest. Antl-anncxationlsts complacently enjoy for tho present what thoy have Inherited, and murmur sleepily, " Let the future look out for Itself. There will bo nothing new in it. If there should be wo must let it alone." The sooner that this, the most progress ive and hopeful nation In tho world, Is got out ot tho grasp of the obstructive and the hopeless, tho better for all. Tho Democratic party of Pennsylvania continues to be a line mechanical toy, but from the way tbe springs rattlo we judge that It has been wound up too tight. Tho Kansas Socialist State Convention nominated for Superintendent of Public In struction Mrs. Etta SEMrLK, " a Free Thinker, who would not accept the nomination until the convention passed a resolution declaring; against repeating tha Lord's Prayer In tho publlo schools." Tbe Kansas Boolalists Insist that "occupancy and use shall constitute the only title to land," but don't want the United States to acquire title In that way In Spanish toil. They join Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bryan la "opposing the acquisition of more territory by the United States." Doubtless they fear the extension of " tho communism ot pelf." The Inspired minds that fashioned this Gov ernment or, for and by tbe peosle did not mean for our future to lie In any part beyond tbe sea it. jjouit Ripubllo. Probably most of tho "Inspired" minds didn't suspect that our future would He In any part beyond the Mississippi River. Nor did the "in spired" minds foresee railroads and telegraph! and ocean steamers, which ars unmistakably "Imperial" as well as plutocratic, and ought to be denounced on that ground by the Missouri Democrats. A really happy and non-" Im perial" country Dover grows and contents itself with ox carts. The Georgia Democratic platform " de mands that Spain be drlvon from the western hemisphere." When Spain is driven from the western hemisphere, what Is to be done with Porto Rico I Mr. Bryan will not permit it to belong to the United States. Is It to be given away or sunk f The Georgia Demoorats should be more dounlte, or they will make Mr. Bryan think that thoy don't know tho difference be tween a splendid and a happy land. Is there any such fellow as Camara any way! TVo beain to think that ho Is merely the Flying Spaniard, and that the vessels wbloh he Is said to command are only ghosts ot the great Armada, a spcolt fleot. Tho Hon. Geoiiqe Feed Williams has a fight with "Government by Banks" in tbe Arena, which esteemed contemporary Is further enlivened by a portrait of tbe illustrious Ded hatnite, a speaking, writing, and lecturing like ness. Nobody can seo It and think how much Its pictorial charms might be enhanced and set off by a uniform without wishing that fortune had smilod upon the military ambitions of Mr. Willmms and given him a silver battalion. YAOUT WAIKIKl'a TRIP, A Vejaae fro in New York te Mentrral by VTy or the Mleslsslppl lllver. Montreal, June 00, The New York yacht WalUkl, CapL H. 0. Itoome, has arrived herej Tha Walklkl loft New York on Nov. 1 last and has beon all this time reaching Montreal. But the routottaken was not tho shortest, as Caut. Itoome, baring plenty of time on his hands, went around by way of New Orleans and up the Mississippi through the centre of the American continent to tho Great Lakes. From New York he went down the Atlantlo to Key West, where he was chased for four hours by an American gunboat. Then the Walklkl ran along the Gulf of Mexico to Now Orleans and up tho Mississippi. By way ot the Illinois and Clileago rivers sho reached Chicago. Tlion Copt. Hooiuo went across the Great Lukes and through the canals to Montreal. Before returning lo New York Capt. ltootno will sail up the Atlantic to tho Labrador coast, "You tee." tie said. "I wanted to prove to the members of tha Now York Yacht Club that thev jould spend the winter cruising around America and that it was not necessary to go to the Medi terranean to get a mild olimate In winter. I havo proved that and Incidentally that the east ern half of the American oontlaant U an Island, to I bavt soiled, sji tho yraj around. w . L.J asrvsaaoir o ttatu Beat Oslstltas Itiir4last CTiasr Desalts e4 Ike Advantage r War. To th Eorroit o TnnBow-Sfrv In behalf et myself and many other readers of TnaStm, I wish to thank you for ths earnestness and sig nal ability with which the best interests ot our great country are advooated In Tna 80N'a col umns, Tna Son Is the only paper In Greater NswYork that realises fully that the United States, has, or should have, any policy but sel fishness, or any prospective ending but "dry rot." I look at ths subjoot from ths point ot view of a man who has been in active busi ness for forty years, who has lived in Ouba and has a clear Idea of what freedom means to the wretched inhabitants of that Island, and what its freedom means to ths United States something very few of our psople ars able to comprohend yet. The present "wind-mill" attitude of some members of the United States Senate reoalls the Judgment expressed by Thomas Jefferson con cerning an earlier manifestation of tha sort. On the 20th and B7th of Deoember. 1783, Con gress debated the treaty with Great Britain. Jeff erson used this language in describing tho proceedings! Our body wts little numerous, but very conten tious. Day after day was watted on the mot unim portant quesUons. A member, one of those amieted with the morbid rage of debate, of an ardent mind, prompt Imagination, a copious Dow ot words, who heard with Impatience any loglo whlob was not his own. sitting nsar me on eeme oooailon of a trifling, but wordy, debate, asked mo how I could sit In silence bearing so much false reasoning, which a word would refute? I observed to him that to refute. Indeed, wae easy, but to sllenoe Impossible! that In measures brought forward by myself, I took the laboring oar, as was Inoumbent on me i but that In general I was willing to listen i that If every sound argument or objection was used by some one or otnerof tbe numerous waa enough! It not, I thought It sumolent to suggest ths omission, without going Into a repetition ot what had been already aald by others i thit this was a waste and abuse of the time and patience of the House whloh oould not be JustlDed. And I bolioTo that If members ot deliberate bodies were lo observe thl course generally tbey would do In a day what takesihem aweeki aud tt Is really more questiona ble than may bo at first thought whother Bonaparte's dumb Legislature, whlob said nothing and did much, may not be preferable to one wbloh talks much and does nothing, I served with Den. Washington In the Legislature of Virginia bsfora tbe Revolution, and during It with Dr. FrankUn In Congress. X never beard either of them speak ten minutes at a ttme, nor to auy but the main point, which was to deolde the question. Tbey laid their shoulders to the great points, know Ins: that tha little ones would follow of thsmsclres. This letter, written by Jcfforson to John Adams July 11, 1786, affords profltnblo reading, for the Mugwumps more especially: turns, July 11, 1780. Dun Bull Our Instructions relative to the Dsrbarr States baring required us to proceed by the way of negotiation to obtain their peace, It became our duly to do this to the best of our power. Whatever might be our private opinions, they wore to be suppressed and the Una marked out for nswas to be followed. It has been so, honestly and isalously. It was, there fore, never material for us to consult together on the best plan of conduct toward these States. I acknowl edge I very early thought It would be best to effect a pence, through the medium of war. Though It Is a question with which we have nothing to do, yet as yon propose some discussion ot It, I shall trouble you with my reasons. Of tho four positions laid down In your letter of the 8d Instant, I agree to the three first, which are, in substance, that the good ofllcee of our friends cannot prooure us a peace, without paying its price i that they cannot materially lessen that price) and that paying II, we can have the peace In spite of the Intrigues of our enemies. As to the fourth, that tbe longer the nego tiation is delayed, the larger will tie the demand, this will depend on the Intermediate captures If thuy are many and rich, the price may be raised; If few and poor. It will be lessened. However, If It Is decided that we shall buy a peace, I know of no reason for delaying the operation, but ahould rather think It ought to bo hastened, but I should prefer the obtaining It by war. 1. Justice Is In favor of this opinion. 3. Tlonor fa vors It. 8. It will procuro us respect In Europe; and respect Is a safeguard to Interest. 4. It will arm the Federal head with the safest of all Instruments of ooerclon ovsr IU delinquent members, and prevent It from using what would bo less sate. I think that so far you go with me. But In the next steps wo snail differ. B. I think it the least expensive. 0. Equally effectual, I ask a fleet ot ISO guns, the one half ot which shall be In constant cruise. This fleet, built, msnned, and victualled for six months, will cost 400,000. Its annual expense will be .100 per gun. Including everything; this will be ti 8,000 a year. I take llrltlsn experience for tha basis of my calculation; though wo know, from our own experience, that we can do In this way for pounds lawful what costs thorn pounds ster ling. Were we to charge all this to the Algerlne war, It would amount to little more than we must pay if we buy peace. But it Is proper and neoessary that we should establUh a small marine force (even were we to buy a peace from the Algerlnes), and as that force, laid up lu our dockyard, would cost us half aa much annually as if kept In order for service, wo bave a right to say that only 22,000 per an num should be charged to the Algerlne war. 7. It will be as effectual. It will be admitted however, that war, on tbe fairest prospects, is still exposed to uncer tainties. I weigh against this the greateruncrrtalnty of the duration ot a peace bongbt with money from such a people, from a Dey 80 years old, and by a nation who, on the hypothesis of buying peace. Is to bave no power on the sea to enforce an observance of It. These words, uttered by tho most profound thinker of the age, bave tenfold the significance to an American citizen to-day that tbey did when spoken. All honor to tha Government who recognizes tbe principle and will enforce It. TnE Son Is doing Its full share. CoorunsTowN, June 27. J. Warren Lamb. Commas. To ths Enrron or Tns Sun sin In reply to my card in your Issue ot June 17, Mr. Sterns ssys I am making a plea for "superfluous" oommas. As super fluity Is the bone of contention, I beg leave to Inform Mr. B. that I am pleading for tbe logical and gram matloaluseof a comma In a certain rase as follows; 1, llenry George and Thomas wrote a book; that is, Hr, nenry George and Thomas wrote a book, 8, Henry, Oeorge and Thomas wrote a book. Henry Is here) Informed that Oeorge and Thomas wrote a book. 8. Henry, Oeorge, and Thomas wrote a book all tbree did so. Mr. Sterns begs the whole question by saying that case S should be pointed llko case S, because th context will show the true meaning. Not always. In some oases a whole suit at law would be decided ac cording to the uss or non-use of the comma. Thut f erra or punctuation should be adopted which gives the exact meaning without any possible ambiguity. But Mr. Sterns seems to tbluk that I alone argue thus, Aa the usage ot our best authors ou punctuation should decide this subject, I cite the following usage aa on my side or, rather, I am on thelrsi John Wilson, tbe author ot "Wilson's Punctua tion," a work ef world-wide celebrity, shows tho necessity ot the comma In this oassi Peter, James, and John, as John Is added as muoh to Peter as to James. Hut In ooupleU the comma Is not needed i as, men and boys, women and girls, lads and lassies, In the case cited, Mr. Sterns makes a couplet of Peter and John, Resides, what a help In reading to find a comma here one must be read! Mr, V, Horace Teall of your city, punctuator of tho new Utandard Dictionary, and who, In my opinion, Is the best and kreosst critic on punctuation now IlvluR. says or this polut, In the Inlunil Irinltr, "Mr. Root Is unquestionably correct." 1 have read utauy ttusllsh reviews and Joumsls, and bave Invariably found tbe contested comma present. I have just looked over a larso number of books In mr library, printed by tbe most eminent publishers in America, Including the Government Printing Office, and my pet comma appears ss brlslit aa Venus la every case It Is thus used In the niblo, I can cite enough Instanoss from the best authorities the world ever had, one tine each, to ml this whole column, all supporting my position. In fact, the testimony In my favor Is as oce-slJed as a Jug nan'llu, On tbe other band, I have no oDponents stronger than Mr. Sterns, and a Mr, Hum, who sars it would be bolter tobevf no punctuation, thereforo my comma la useless. And stuff like tbst Is put forth as argu ment! Hut those who think as Mr. Sterns does are not con sistent, for thoy atl prlut "honey, syrups, etu." in this case "etc." means "snd other things," and no printer omits the comma before It. The gist of the whole matter Is just beret The word "and "haa a twofold nature; vli.abluder end that of adding addltlou being Its prlmsry meanlug lu theflrstcase it takis no comma before it; as, John and James work together. In thu second easo it needs a comma; as, "I gave an apple to Henry, and thut made James auxry." In tbe first cane two links are made one new link i but in the latter case the two links ars bitched together. lu my former card I used the expression, "Things we love, thrive and prosper." Tbe printers made me aay the oonlanotlon stands before the verba, I said "between."' . W, IMlooj, , IflStaAsO.JUSlsV J a. OPJ! jrA.T10ttJ.H JtXPATtBlOX. It Has decerns Beeeasary Iss the Coarse ef Uu matt Events. TOTHBKDrrort orTnaBtw Strt The forth coming Independence Day celobratlon, which will be the greatest In our history, will recall these words) "When, In tha coursoof human events, it becomes necessary," which havo echoed around the world, are fraught with meaning ot ths greatest Import for tha future, and to-day are aa potent at they wrro when first uttered, oue hundred and twenty-two yoars ago. In all the years slnco thon our political princi ples have remained unchanged, though the sphere ot their application haa been enlarged vastly, Mow we are faced with the necessity of mak ing a new application of thorn hero! a now urob lom faces us. It comes nlth tho acquisition of distant territory, anil Involves the government of people of a remote race. Ilenco tho thought oppresses with alarm tho successors of tho timid souls who tromblod for tho consequences ot tho revolution, of tho war of 1812, tho Mexi can war of 180. tha dreadful civil war of 1801. and the successive oxtenslons of our territory by purchase and conquest, by which the area, of our national domain has been Increased al ready froma llttio more than tho 800.000 square miles of the thirteen orlitlnal SUtes, whoso in dependence whs acknowledged by Grorgo III,, to more than a.OOO 000 eqtinromllns. 'Iholxnils lanu purchase, which we own to tho prudent and courageous BtateHinanship of Thomas Jefferson, was bitterly denounced in thoso days by all such spirits. No abuso was too malignant, no cplthot too coarse, no Imprecation too savnuo fur them to uso against tho (treat statesman who, as James G. lllaiue. in his "I'tvonty Years In Congress," says, "laid so broad and deop the foundation ot his country's growth and grandeur." Tho coun try thus acquired forms toduy the rich and powerful Ktutes of Louisiana, Arkansas, Mis souri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, .Minnesota, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and tho Dakotas, besides tlio Indian Territory. Look at tha luaD and see if It was nofnianlftsldesllny" toward which the A ision of Jofforson looked so unerring ly, lias the timidity which trembled at his au dacity been Instilled by tho event I In the fulfilment of this destiny we havo amalgamated successfully In our womiroue clt Izenship nil nationalities, and tho peoples of all climes, all languages, nil natures -the African, the Asiatic, every nationality of Euroua haa made Its contribution with tho result that bore has been built up a solid, indivisible, un conquernblo nation, n populntlon law-abiding, endowed with a genius peculiar to llsolf, but which constitutes tho onl nation which may bo said to represent tho whole human race It is, therefore, not really a new destiny to which wo have now come, but only tho con firmation and toxical extension of tho samo principles upon which our growth has pro ceeded during tho one hundred and twenty-two yoHrs of our existence, l'orto Itlcq, the Ha waiian Islands anil the Philippine Islands aro coiiilna; to us in as Btrlct aocordanre with our lrn-BlslIhln destiny and national duly ns camo the acquisitions which have already morothnn quadrupled our original arcs. Wo are to bo broughl into political association nnd trndo re lations with twenty millions of additional people to enhance our commercial frroatncKs in time of peaco and increase our security in tlmo of war. The chain ot islands will bo a bracelet of poatls, America's reward for espousing tho cause ot tho wesk. the down-trodden nnd tlio persecuted, and their loss will bo tho punishment of Spain. This Fourth of July wo shall celebrate our great advance in the past and also rejoice In the furthor progress upon which wo are about ti) start, 'lho great civil. Industrial and com mercial victory teforo us is presaged by tho glorious conquests of oumnldlcrs and Bailors under tbe Htars and Stripes of u United America. "It has become necessary in the course of human events." Do you not think so I 1'AThUHOM, Juno 'M. John 1'. Kerb. The nrootiljn Aldermen. To Tint Editor: op Tnn Bun Sir: Whllo It la undenlublo that the margin for possible expen diture for Improvements, somo of them even rudlmental. Is much grenter In tho former city of Brooklyn than In Now York, a proposed bond lssuo wholly for tho benefit ot two boroughs docs not commend Itself to support as cither equitable or advantageous to tho wholo city. One of Brooklyn's representatives unlil on Tuesday, when the proposition to lssuo the bonds was defeated: It took the Mayor and Corporation Counsel five months to find out that the city had not exceeded Its debt limit, snd that there was a credit of t'-IO.OOD.OOO to Sao.OOU.IjtIO. ir we now vole for this resolution, every cent of our credit will b wlpM out and Brook lyn will bo left in tho lurch. In this resolution ap pears an appropriation for 8U.000.000 for a small park not three quarters of a mile distant from Cen tral Park, while $100,000 for lighting our streets was refused. We are not only In darkness, but wallowing in kusedeep mutt Wii do not oppose Manhattan, but we want something for llrooklyn. This position of tho Brooklyn representatives bears certainly the aspect ot fairness nnd thu popular support it is likely to gain will not be limited to residents of, or persons interested lu the nuterlal development of, tho borough of Brookljn. O. H. Manhattan-, 'Juno 30. Stephen Craue Ie ss Pebble To. ToTlin KuitoroicTiikSun Sir; Tha verses quoted by II. Telrp In yesterday's lssuo of Tns So!f, and taken from an English magazine, pale besldothe following product from tho pen of one Stephen Crane, he of the highly "colored " and deeply symbolical proso and verso: You tell me this Is Clod ' 1 tell you It Is a printed list, A burning candle aud an ass. I found this in tlio I'hUiuttnc, and Stephen Craneis an American. What need have we of envying French nnd English literature nf their shining llgbtsl T. Koad. New York, June 80. A Card from the rVatlonal Steel ssnd Copper Plate Printers Union. To the Editor or The Sut Vlr; In tha issue of your paper dated June S3, 160S, appears a despatch from Washington beaded "Hitch About War btamps." While reading the article, wbloh camo to my notloo to-day, I find a statement to the effect that Chief Johnson of the Bureau of Kugravlug and Prlutlng is haudloapped by his inability to find enough skilled workmen to do tho work, aud then the autaincnt Itoes oa to explain tbe numbi r of pressmen, girls and proves employed on tbe work. My object lu writing to you Is to refute the state ment that Chief Johnson is handicapped in getting skilled workmen to do tbe wcrk. Id the (hies of New York, 1'hllalelphla, Chicago, and Boston several skilled workmen, practical, com potent, and of good repute, areldleor doing very lit tle aud are eager to obtain steady etnnluyiutnt. A great many of tliom have applh d for the position of plate printer through theilvll aertlt-o, have passed euoeessfully the examination, and their names aro now oa tbe eligible list. a Why does not Mr. Johnson call these men to bis aid? Icaunot understand why the statoment you credit to Mr. Johnson should he made when tbeabovo facts can bo substantiated, unless It is thut bohasbeeu misinformed or lias not mado auy effort to secure the afurtwold skilled workmen. 1 wlllfurlherstHto that the National Plate Printers' TJnloncan aud will furnish thellureau of Pngravlug aud Printing with all the skilled plate printers It may require, either now or at any future tlmo. I trust In the sense of fair play aud in Justice to our craft vou will find it convenient to publish this letter in your vuluublo paper, thut the publlo and those most interested may know the foots as they are. T, L. Mm. He reury, Treasurer, IS Le Rot Stbekt, DoRC'illbTui, Mass., June !iv. S. P. '. A.I To tii K Ebitob or Tun Bus ilr! Permit me to briefly reiterate tha etatameut of certain facts given lu a reoeut communication to Tub riut and contra dicted by the B. P. C. A. in your lssuo of June Ul. lho "bag" referred to teas placed In a wooden pall, and rontalind not ouly "one vicious cat," but eevtral, all crowded In together. Mr. Ililues was, presutuat Ir, nut nt the pound (wo believe he e-ldom Koes there) when tbe wagon arrived, nnd It ts not to In, expected tbst the fiullty subordinate would admit his milpalillliy to the Prrsldi nt We thluk that Mr Hal ought to feel thankful for being put In pio-eftluu of facts of srbi.h ho eannot boklwsysioKUltaut. IluxAini. Help from Ilraoklysi far an Aran Chiirrh. To the Fiiitob or Tim Set Sir: I beg to a-knon . edge the receipt fcf AS from Mrs. Catherine Ilreen, 371) State street, Iirooklyn, tow ar! tlio i nmpletlou of tho new caur h lu the huuih Aritu Island,. M Kaiuuuiio, P. P. St. Emu's, Aran Isles, Ualw a), Juno Id, Four Private Holdli-rs lilne ul the Ulillei Home, yom tho IfusMnafon limes. Four private, soldiers from Camp Aleer took Sun day dinner with the PretUcnt aud Mrs, McKluley ut the White llouso, The guests v.ere Private Ilarber, nephew of Mrs McKluleyi Private McKlulcy, nepliow of the President, an 1 two of their camp lomradps, a'lenllsttd In tins r.Kltb Ohio Heglment, from Can ton, tho President s home. The soldters eame In regulation private uniform, with nothing to dlstlugulshtluni from other ordinary recruits, eicept perhaps au unusual tidiness In drebS, promptid by tho honor anl liupurtauco of taking dluuer with the President. The Century liss a long list of familiar con trlbutoia In Its July number. W lus'ou Churchill hu a story, "Uy Order of the Admlrili" Mrs Mabel Loonils Todd tells of uptrieia-is "In Alum Land. " Herbert D, Ward, Btephen Jlonsal, Jim. C'uaiuuui-y, Jsremlah Curtln, Dr. Mitchell, Pouliuey Ulgelow, James Hryoe, Edith U. Thomas and Col. John Taylor Wood, O. B. If , are soma of the othor persona who have a share la making aa Interesting oumbsx. J.XXTHINQ DOES JFOJt A OVXttO, IH Even Testerday's Itrldta Tickets rarckaswtB as flH Curio collectors and others who wanted to gelHffl Brookljn Urldgo souvenirs kept the bridge fl tlckot agents busy yosterday selling tickets. H To-day the Brooklyn Klovatcd Itallrond Com H pany, being in charge ot the brldgo railroad, will jH restamp tho old tickets. Some who bought iH brldgo tickets yesterday had special requests to) H make at the ticket boxes. They wanted the jB ticket agents to Indorse the tickets with the jH agents' autographs, and somo of the curio H seekers askod to have "a lino or two" written H on tho souvenir tickets. A pretty girl In a whllo svvlss roslumo asked ono ot tho agents if "IssH he would wrlto n fow lines of poetry across the jH back ot tho string of ticko s sho purchased. H "I'lcaso wrilo sotnotlilng," she pleaded. "If fassBs you can't wrlto poetry wrlto n line saying H Miss 11 purchasod threo tlokets on the last M day that tho bridge) cars were operated by the 4H brldgo authorities." H TooIiIIbo tho girl tho ticket ngont wrote the H following: M How dear to my heart nre the scenes ot my bridge jtH When fond recollections present them to view, essH The chew euew of engines upon the old railroad, sssH And eery loted sH,t that tho bridge copper knevri H The whlto spreading skirt and the one who stooej kkkm esH The ulrl from South Iirooklyn, tha pride ot Hoy lB Who bowed to ths copper, and all ticket chopper, liH The alilrt walsled girl who oame over the bridge. JH "There, now," said tho ticket man. "I can't H get any morn on tho back of that string. But JkkM when j on cmuo ovurtho bridge you'll llnd me jM fonc, I'o boen getting 3 a day nnd was think H ng about utnrrlnu.0. An tho elevated road Is B going to reduce salaries, 1 Intend to give up my Job and remain it bachelor," H Ihon tho Hhlrt-wnlstod girl from BayltldgO jH tripped away, jM iriK.v a. Jtto aux goes orp. " M clenllflo men Do .Vit 11 now All That Takes H Pinee-Aveldlnc the Shark. H iVom the miuileliihla limes. H Not ono man In ton thousand has n clear Idea H of Just what happens when a big cannon Is fired. jH Tho physical manifestations aro numerous. iH liven professors of chemistry and physics are jH Btumpcd when thoy want to dlffereutlato all the gnuos set looio and tho peouliar offocts they In M duce. ThopuiTof nhitlBhBmoke, the flash of Are, M the dim Imago of tho flying projoctllo, tho roar M and the recoil ure all familiar, but baok of these s)H Is a complox mass ot phenomena most bewilder j ing to lho mind of any but an artillery expert. B First, tho cubes, diska, hexagons or Irregular M lumps ot powder ore chomically transformed H into a powerful, expanding gas tho Instant firing- M takes place. Thru thuro are innumerable by H products that evon chemists do not understand. tkU Tho explosion of gunpowder is divided Into) IH three distinct Binges, called tho Ignition, In fM flnmmatlon, and combustion. The ignition la H the setting on lire of tho first grain, while the jM Inflammation is tho spreading of tho flame ovor vM the surface of tho powder from tho point of Ignl H tlon. Combustion is tho burning up ot each B grain. The vnlua of gunpowder Is due to the Hjl fact that when subjected to sutltcicnt heat it bo WM comes a gas which expands with frightful rapid lty. The Bo-called explosion that takes place) 9jf when a match Is touched to gunpowder is mororr Sjf a chemical chance, during which thcrots a sua B den evolution or gases from thu original solid. jVJ It has boen calculated that ordlnnrv gunpotr MB dcr on exploding expands about 0,000 times of njl Mils a space this much larger ns a gas than when In a solid form. When this chemical change takes place In a closed vessel the expansion mar fljB be made to do a work llko thut of forcing a pro HjVJ Jectilo along lho bore of the great gun or test PjVj tube. In tho lino of loast resistance The hardest work n gunner is called'ttpon to JB do is to stand the tremondous shock. The HJ forces oxerted by theito in expanding H seem to radiate in nil directions from the can HJ non, as rlppltn are caused by dropping a pebble fljl in a nool of still water. Aa n matter of fact. It wj has been dintoveren that those lines ot foroes H nre exceedingly complicated affairs, nnd 'play VJ very queer prnnki nbout tbo oannon. As a result tew peoplo know Just which is the safest SJ or tho most dangorouB position for n gunnortrs VJ take hesldo his gun. In tha enso nf thu great fljl H inch guns on our monltorx, n position hack . of lho gun is much easier than one nearer tho muzzle. HJ OVIt EXORMOVS VOllVHiy TltAJtV. H Ciporls. SI,3O0,nnn.fli)O Iinnmt. POl)o,. M 000,000 tei'onil to SJreiit llrllnln O-ily. B From tht AVtc York Commercial, July 1. flH Vc3torday tho fiscal year of 1807-OS closod, am Tho new fiscal year of 18US-09 begins to-day. V As far no tbo Imports nnd oxports of mcrchnn. dlso can bo compared, tho total forolgn com jmU nicrceof the United States for last year Bhows 29sVJ a remarKablo increase In fact, this yoar just 9aVJ ended has boen tho banner yoar In Amort -JsflH can foreign trade, which represents a large 'fl aggregate volume than in any previous almllar JI period of our commercial history. Figures TiM from Washington show that the exports of the products and manufactures of tho United States lopreient a total valuo of, whllo the ImportH will he but little moro than half that sum. This gives a trade balance of nearly ?b00,000,000, or 100 per cent, in our favor fof tho year. Whllo our Imports nre less in v.aluo than in any yoar since lrlt).", our oxports nre the largest ever rocoided. While lho greatest g.tln In our exports bus naturally been in tho products of our farms. It is very gratifying to know that there bus been no fulling off in the foreign de maud for American manufactures, which, for the year Just ended, coustlluted 25 per cent, of our total export trade. At the same tlmo there haa been u diminution in our purchases from 41 per cent, of all imports a yoar ago down to37ocr cent, for tho yoar that terminated yesterday. Our combined import and export trado, now agsrreirating II, Poo.000,000. places us In tho sec ond commercial position of tho world, we bavins now passed both Germany and France, nnd fol lowing very closo to the United Kingdom. Let us hopo that ft couiinuunce of prosperity' will give us within n fow years, ns we expect 10 will, tho world's commercial leadership. Ashed ror a Shirt and Cot a Wire, rvom the rhilaSelpMa Time: Tho following is given becauso of tha vain ablo suggestion It may contain for the yountf boUIit about to Btnrt for the war. It Is tbo Mory of a clean ohlrt and how it (tallied one man a good wife. During the civil war there was a certain young lady in Georgetown who found It In her power to do a great deal for the Confederate sol tiers confine.! in prison at Washington. Young, beautiful, cultured, popular, of u wealthy and . prominent family, she was frequently allowed admission to the prison, whither she always look herinnld with a well-stocked basket ot good things for lho poor hoys behind tho bars. Ono day, iih sho was passing through a group of men in tho common prison, she stopped ana Buid lo them! "If there Is anything you would llko to have that I can bring vou, won't you let mo know I I shall bo very glud." j. One man stupnod forward promptly. Bowing mot cotirltoiiBij, ho said: "If vou will be ho kind, I should like very much to have a cleim'shirt, Ilewnsu joung Lieutenant from Louisiana, ono of the handsomest and most elegant men I ef or met, and when that young lady looked up Into his brown eyes she found 11 in her heart to give him much moro than a clean shirt, for she married him as soon as tha war wus over. Or. KIu r j Mulber Asr.iln Out or Order. rm the Wuihington Eiening Star, T)r. Mnrv Walker wns jtstcr.lay Invited to) leavo the Capitol building beeauno of hor action in the 'eniiio gallery. Pr. Slurv Walker was notiied nilnynr iwongo to wave her handker chief when eoiin thing w-ns said In the Senato that p.irlloiiliirly plcneml her. Tho doctor Is stromrly ngnlnM tbo annexation of He. wall, nnd whenever nnyililiig wns said in tha rienate that ple.ihidher hv t lie uiill-nnnexutlonlsts sho waved hei liaiiUe-ephlef. The authorities t the Cnpltol being told of tills breach of the Senato rule on tho p.irtof the doctor, guru initrui lluiif, that should she make her iippeur nice In tlio gallery anil commit a like oirenio ngalu hIio bo ejected, Yrstorday she look a edit in tho gallerr, ard when Kenator itoaih bpoko wned bur hauiII.Erohlct vleorous 1 'llin doorkeeper nt once invited her to leavo Illegal i-ry, and nh the wns about going out of tho ilno-, in orilei to chow her dellnnceforHena liulnl iiih-s nnd Iter l ally to niiti-nnnexatioti-IkI ii lii li'li n. uhu made a parting wavo of her huolkun lncf, ns if to attract tho attention of the Senators cm the floor, Hhewnstukon down stain and eseotled to tho eiitrauto to tho Capi tol, and told lo sta nuaf us long as she was un ablo to comply with the law. A Itlels l'ouug Soldier shoe lag Iferses from the Citxelttnd leader, Tho fighting of thoso New York swells near . , Hautlngo brings to mind tbo raso of n prominent oiing Clochtmlnr, who, nt tho time the Href . all fur men nut iim'n, eanio homo lo Join the cavalry troopof tilts thy und go to war, Hlsparenis urewt-altht, und ho hus always held u prominent position iioclally when at home, hul win n a show of patriotism was called for ho was mil tho ixst lo ho heard from. . At school and lollcgo ho went In for manual training, and Ie ,mrd hlutlcMiilthlng, Now, ' what do ..u suppose he is doing at tho present llniul inning gloryon tha Held of battlot (Inllopincr utoi hills and through dales, boar Ing despnli !i"t from ono cumin mder tounotherl So! lie la sliming iioiis at Chlckauiauga,! And bo Ihu'i I'limplalnlng, either. "SiininlHid) must do this." hu writes, "and If I can he inori ti-,, ful turn ' oumry In tills way, why, 1 shall bo satuiloil. lieu I enlisted Itwas for the purpose of doing my best to win glory fur the i-Urs and, in any way thut might bo assigned to me. But there are many more , pteusnnt things tbau working; over aa aavllla ' i , tbUclUvate." J s